the magickal parchment

Spring Equinox 2013 What is the Spring Equinox? It is a time of balance. One of the two times a year when night and day are at equal lengths. The actual date varies each year, in the southern hemisphere it is between 21 & 23 of September and in the northern hemisphere between 21 & 23 of March. The Spring Equinox is also known as Ostara. It is a time for renewal. The promise of new beginnings. It is a time to bring balance into your life, to rejoice in the rebirth of the land after the winter months. It celebrates the magickal energy and power that encourages and stimulates new growth and beginnings. I love the feeling leading up to spring. The air is warmer, the sun seems to shine brighter and I feel the energy move through me. The excitement of the Spring coming, knowing that the flowers will be in bloom, the days will continue to lengthen and it will soon be more comfortable to spend more time outside in the beautiful warm weather. This is a great time to plan. The weeks leading up to the Spring Equinox aim to do a mental 'Spring Clean'. I review all things in my life and figure out what is working for me and what isn't to determine what changes need to be made, what I can plan to let go of and what I need to manifest. Calypso's Apothecary The Magickal Parchment Welcome to the first edition of the Calypso’s Apothecary Newsletter. Each edition will be filled with fabulous information on the coming Sabbat Celebration, everyday magick with bits & bobs and things to do to bring that positive change into your life. Information on new products available, workshops coming up etc…. So grab a cuppa, find a comfortable spot and read away… I also work with my home. What needs to be rearranged. I tend to rearrange my home according to the seasons. This past winter I placed a lounge chair in the back room of my home next to sliding door where it gets full sun so I can sit here midwinter when its cold and windy outside and absorb the warmth from the sunlight. However, now that the weather is warming I will move it to another spot near the window which does not get as much sun, but a beautiful spring breeze. I will also be cleansing my home, moving through each room and infusing it with energy. (Check out this link to my blog on how I cleanse my home ) cont

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Page 1: The Magickal Parchment

Spring Equinox 2013

What is the Spring Equinox? It is a time of balance. One of the two times a year when night and day are at equal lengths. The actual date varies each year, in the southern hemisphere it is between 21 & 23 of September and in the northern hemisphere between 21 & 23 of March. The Spring Equinox is also known as Ostara. It is a time for renewal. The promise of new beginnings. It is a time to bring balance into your life, to rejoice in the rebirth of the land after the winter months. It celebrates the magickal energy and power that encourages and stimulates new growth and beginnings. I love the feeling leading up to spring. The air is warmer, the sun seems to shine brighter and I feel the energy move through me. The excitement of the Spring coming, knowing that the flowers will be in bloom, the days will continue to lengthen and it will soon be more comfortable to spend more time outside in the beautiful warm weather. This is a great time to plan. The weeks leading up to the Spring Equinox aim to do a mental 'Spring Clean'. I review all things in my life and figure out what is working for me and what isn't to determine what changes need to be made, what I can plan to let go of and what I need to manifest.

Calypso's Apothecary

The Magickal Parchment Welcome to the first edition of the Calypso’s Apothecary Newsletter.

Each edition will be filled with fabulous information on the coming Sabbat Celebration, everyday magick with

bits & bobs and things to do to bring that positive change into your life.

Information on new products available, workshops coming up etc….

So grab a cuppa, find a comfortable spot and read away…

I also work with my home. What needs to be rearranged. I tend to rearrange my home according to the seasons. This past winter I placed a lounge chair in the back room of my home next to sliding door where it gets full sun so I can sit here midwinter when its cold and windy outside and absorb the warmth from the sunlight. However, now that the weather is warming I will move it to another spot near the window which does not get as much sun, but a beautiful spring breeze.

I will also be cleansing my home, moving through each room and infusing it with energy. (Check out this link to my blog on how I cleanse my home)


Page 2: The Magickal Parchment

As the Spring Equinox is a celebration of fertility, rebirth and renewal here are some other ways to celebrate that you can include the whole family in on.

Plan and prepare the soil for the sowing of seeds

for a vegetable garden wether it is elaborate or in

small pots.

Paint Eggs in all beautiful bright colours to honour

and celebrate fertility

Experience the spring. Go for a walk in the bush,

park, beach, somewhere out in nature. Notice the

change in the environment. See the budding

flowers, hear the birds singing from the branches

welcoming in the warmer weather.

Light a candle in honour of the Goddess. Eostra.

You can also say this little invocation “Goddess

Eostra, I welcome you. Bring forth the springtime

to our lands, to encourage growth and to keep the

earth warm as the winter fades away.

You may want to use this time to cleanse yourself of the energetic cobwebs that have collected over the winter months. There are many ways in which you can do this. You can smudge yourself with incense, be it a few stick incenses or incense on a charcoal disc. You can bathe to wash the energy off you, you can sit beneath the moon light for the goddess to bathe you with her energy. You can also, which is my favourite, swim in the ocean and ask that the waters cleanse you. I suppose it depends where you live to whether that is an option, you many not live close to the ocean, or if you do it could still be wayyy too cold to do that. Luckily, I live a 5 minute walk from the beach, but I'm not crazy and a bit of a wuss, so unless it's a lovely warm day, you won't get me in there. You may click on the links below the picture to visit my Spring Equinox Products in my Etsy Shop.

Spring Equinox Charcoal Incense

Spring Equinox Bath Dust

Wishing you a blessed Spring Equinox

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Who Is Calypso??? A bit about me… So, with the creation of this newsletter, I thought it appropriate to introduce myself. My name is Niki and I am 35 years young and have a beautiful teenage son. I have been practicing what I call my 'craft' for many years. It all started when I was in high school. I lived across to road from a witch. Her son and I were best friends (actually born same day, same year, only hours apart) we were very close so I was there a lot. I would hear the conversations about her craft, she would tell me when my guide was present and showing themselves and what they wanted me to hear. She shared a lot with me, really on what 'not' to do when it came to delving into the depths of what we cannot see. I wasn’t a teenager who dressed in black, and practiced the arts, I was normal I suppose (well, what is normal anyway) and I studied the 'craft' for a very long time before I practiced anything. There are many moments in those early years that did scare me. I started to 'see' things, and to be honest that scared the crap out of me. I can also 'feel' things. Like the gut feeling we all have, I just chose to work on it to determine what the difference senses meant. So for over 15 years I have been practicing my magick, my 'craft'. I have worked solitary, I have been a part of a coven. I have written for Spellcraft Magazine and also had a magazine of my own for a while and also a small business selling witchcraft supplies, holding party plans and also reading tarot. With obstacles along the way I had to let that all go, return to myself to regroup and strengthen to concentrate on building a stable foundation for myself and my son. I am now in a space in time again where I can share my craft through products for sale. I am also looking to relocate to a more appropriate and spacious home so I can also share with energy work including Reiki & Chakra Cleansings. To hold meditation groups, workshops, classes etc, this I am very excited about.

I am very excited about being able to again delve into sharing my craft and hopefully encouraging and inspiring others to reconnect with the earth, our goddess mother and bring forth a positive and beautiful future. Blessed Be.

Niki aka Calypso


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I am big on moving toward self sufficiency. It is something I am inspired to do and I feel that it deepens my connection to the earth. I would love to be able to do more to provide for myself, treading as lightly on the earth as I possibly can by putting less strain on our beautiful mother earth's resources. I am not able to have a full vegetable garden at my current home, and I am limited in what I can do as I am a 'renter' but I do choose carefully on what I purchase, to try and make the right decision to purchase the product that will have a lesser impact on our earth, and also healthier choices for my son and I. I am starting out bit by bit each month adding more to my 'I can do/make this myself' self sufficiency list. I feel that in itself it is magick. I am putting time and energy into creating these items to care and provide for my son and I, while also caring for our earth mother all I need it to add the intention and wala, magick. Making your own bread. I love to make my own bread. I'm not at the stage where I am kneading it myself etc, I do use a bread maker for that, however I choose the ingredients. Flour, yeast, water & a sprinkle of sugar. That’s it. No preservatives or 'palm oil' (don’t get me started on Palm Oil, most brands use it and disguise it with the name vegetable oil in the list of ingredients, what this does to the Orangutans habitat breaks my heart). I mix the ingredients together and place it in my machine to mix & knead. When it is done, I bring it out, place it in a warm space and leave it to rise. While it is there, I stand with my hands over the dough and send it energy. I ask that it nourish and heal us. As it rises, I know that the magick growing. That’s it. Simply and effective. And of course the added bonus of the freshly baked bread smell taking over the home is simply divine.

Within each newsletter I will share with you my everyday magick. Little magickal things that I do throughout the day that bring about fabulousness. Every day I use my craft, bringing a little magick into my world. It is a part of my life and I don’t know how I would live without it. It is not separate from me, it is within me, and moves with me. I could not possibly separate the two.

The magick that I do each day enhances my life.

For example, when I am at home ready to work on a newsletter, article, writing a meditation etc, I light a candle on my altar for inspiration. I take a moment and ask that my words will flow onto the page, that I will be inspired in what I choose to share and write.

Everyday Magick

So beautifully simple Love Everyday magick

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Events on Central Coast NSW

Wise Womens Circle This circle holds the space for women to gather in perfect love & perfect trust, raising one another up with respect and appreciation for all that we are. It is a safe space where you can hand over any challenge that is distracting you from being present. We will 'hold' it in circle, offering you an opportunity and the support to gain clarity, resolution and wisdom. When you enter the circle you agree that speaking or listening to anything that diminishes someone else will not be tolerated. What is shared within the circle is sacred and remains ever respectful of all the wisdomkeepers that attend. Wise Women's Circle is facilitated by two Women who are inspired to encourage, support and empower your journey to self. Each offers a unique approach to this inner quest for wisdom which they weave to become one voice for unity and community. Wise Women Circle is held on the 3rd Sunday of the month, 1:30pm to 3:30pm. (Arrival at 1:15pm) The next few will be held at the home of Niki from Calypso's Apothecary at Shelly Beach where we will be working our magick to bring about the positive change we have been working towards. Visit the Wise Womens Circle Facebook Page for further details and monthly theme….

Calypso's Apothecary Monthly Magickal Meditations I will soon be opening my home for a monthly meditation group. The details are yet to be confirmed be it will a weekday evening from 7pm-8pm. Same each month, (eg, first Tuesday of the month) The meditations will be centered around the moon phase that the meditation night is in. Sounds exciting, I know… So make sure you like my facebook page and subscribe to my mailing list for confirmed details.

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Calypso's Apothecary Using Natural Magick with Natures Gifts

to bring about positive change

Click on these links to visit the Calypso's Apothecary Etsy Shop Calypso's Apothecary Website

Calypso's Apothecary Facebook Page

What does Calypso's Apothecary offer you…. Intention Products including Herbal Bath Bags Bath Dust Intention Soaps Incense Services Chakra Cleansings Reiki Sessions Personal Consults for Spell Work Meditation Groups Workshops Courses Other items available for purchase Guided Meditations Spell / Dream Catchers Currently Working on Guided Meditations E-Courses E-Books Art Spell Paper Keep an eye out on my website and facebook page for details on new products and when courses, workshops & meditations dates are confirmed.