the man (second draft)

The Man by Michael Olliffe 1

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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The Man, Michael Olliffe


The ManbyMichael Olliffe (c) Michael Olliffe 201520 Carson Crescent, Bexley NorthNSW, !stralia, 220"# 1B$%&N C'$(&TS 1# $)T# N(* %O&N% TO S+$NSON,S# MO'N&N%# 1# The son- is .Weir/o. by the Charlatans# The t!ne 0ic0s in as 1e see n/y o2en his front /oor, a 3assi4e s3ile on hisface# &t,s a bea!tif!l /ay# n/y -ets on a train at$/-ecliff Station to so5o!rn to Martin 6lace# 7e 3a0es his 1ay thro!-h Martin 6lace an/ -oes in to S4enson 6!blishin-# 2# &NT# T S+$NSON,S# MO'N&N%# 2# n/y is in a lift# &t,s is f!ll of 2eo2le# &t,s Mon/ay# N(* $xc!se 3e, co!l/ yo! 2lease tell 3eon 1hich le4el the C$O of S4enson,sis locate/8 (N&$9 7e,s on 2:# N(* &,3 n/y# Stic0s o!t his han/# (N&$9 Ma0es a face, an/ li32ly sha0es his han/#(aniel# (N&$9 (o yo! 1or0 here8 N(* (S3iles)# Not yet, &,3 -oin- for a 5ob inter4ie1# (N&$9 (Wearily)#*o! 2oor bastar/, 1hy 1o!l/ yo!1ant to 1or0 here8 N(* & en5oy a challen-e# What,s theC$O,s na3e82 (N&$9 9oo0s at hi3 o//ly#7is na3e8 (on,t yo! 0no1 his na3e8 &t,s Barry %ears# *o! ha4e aninter4ie1 1ith hi38 7e loo0s n/y !2 an/ /o1n an/ is 1i/e eye/#Sho!l/ be a short inter4ie1# &,lllet yo! in on so3ethin-, trea/ caref!lly, he,s not a 1ar3 3an# (6a!se)#*o! ha4e been 1arne/# The lift o2ens an/ (aniel 1al0s o!t# N(* n/y reaches his floor# s the /oor o2ens he says ###Sho1 ti3e# ;# &NT# N(* M$$TS B''*# MO'N&N%# ;# 7e 1al0s o!t of the lift# Seate/ behin/ the /es0 is a-or-eo!s, blon/e -o//ess# n/y 1al0s !2 to her# N(* 7i, 3y na3e,s n/y 4an 9e1en &,3 here to see Mr# %ears# &t,s a 5obinter4ie1# Barry 1al0s in# CN(* Barry ### N(*Barry# n/y a22roaches hi3 to sha0e his han/# n/y, n/y 4an 9e1en# 9oo0 this is a bit !nex2ecte/, & /i/n,t arran-e an inter4ie1, b!t & 1o!l/ really li0e to s2ea0 1ith yo!# B''* (br!2t)# 3Who are yo!8 7o1 /i/ yo! -et inhere8 N(* n/y 4an 9e1en, Sir# & -ot in by co3in- !2 in the lift# 6!ts his han/ o!t for hi3 to sha0e it# B''*S3art arse eh# Can/y, & /on,t 0no1 hi3 fro3 /a3, -et it o!t of here# (To n/y)#What /o yo! thin0 this is 3ate,b!sh 1ee08 What street /i/ yo! -et scra2e/ off before yo! -ot in here8 N(* (S3ilin-)#& a3 the f!t!re of S4enson,s Mr# %ears# B''*&s that a fact# N(* fe1 3in!tes Sir, that,s all &as0# & ha4e a b!siness 2ro2osition for yo!# B''* (&ntri-!e/# Cal3er)#&s that so8 :# &NT# B''*,S O