the maritimes winter 2014

Issue 46 • Winter 2014 Magazine of the Maritime Union of New Zealand ISSN 1176-3418 The Maritimes War on the wharves – all for a good cause

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The official magazine of the Maritime Union of New Zealand


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Issue 46 • Winter 2014 Magazine of the Maritime Union of New Zealand ISSN 1176-3418

The Maritimes

War on the wharves – all for a good cause

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National Secretary’s ReportBy Joe FleetwoodNational Secretary

National CouncilThe National Council of the Maritime Union met on 20–21 May at the national office at Waterside House, Wellington.The meeting discussed progress on our national strategy and sectors – offshore, coastal shipping, bulk and general stevedoring and container terminals.Our international guest was Maritime Union of Australia Assistant National Secretary, Ian Bray. As always, Ian gave a well received and thorough update on events across the Tasman and contributed to the discussion on the progress of the Regional Maritime Federation (RMF).The RMF is now taking shape and the main point made at the National Council was that the structure and rules will be open for full discussion to all founding member unions. In other words, if it doesn’t work for us, then we don’t have to be part. Under the proposed structure, MUNZ and other founding members will continue to operate as democratic, national unions under their own present rules, but we all get to benefit from being part of an organized international structure.Given the positive response of most branches at the national council, my view is that the Federation is on track and needs to happen. We now live in a globalized corporate dominated economy and there is no future in retreating to our fortresses and hoping it will all go away. We need to get out there and take back the initiative from multinational capital.We look forward to having draft rules and structures hammered out by the end of the year and put up for approval by the National Council.A further report on the national council is later in this magazine.

Election yearAlso on the agenda at National Council was a focus on election year and getting in a Government that will work for the interests of the working class majority.Secure jobs, better wages and conditions, stronger employment law, and control of our assets for the benefit of the people of New Zealand are all priorities for the Maritime Union.The leader of the Labour Party, David Cunliffe MP was welcomed to our National Council meeting to give a presentation on the priorities of a Labour-led Government. He acknowledged the importance of the key issues that we have been keeping him informed about, including casualization, employment opportunities for New Zealand workers on big offshore projects including oil and gas, ironsand and Chatham Rise phosphate, putting on an industry funded fast response vessel, FPSO manning, and consideration to a national fund based along the Norwegian model to lock gains in from offshore development for the entire nation.David had a good grasp of the issues of concern to working people and the maritime industry and we look forward to his election as the next Prime Minister of a pro-working class Government.The national council endorsed a donation of $10 000 to the Labour Party and we have encouraged branches to contribute to the national campaign.The other focus of the Union is to promote the Get out the vote campaign from the Council of Trade Unions.The major challenge for this election is to ensure that people enrol to vote and then actually cast their vote. If this group – up to a million people – can be activated, then we will see a new Government and new policies that will benefit working people.

Health and safetyOne of the issues taking a high priority is health and safety on the job.A death of an MUA member on the Melbourne waterfront on the week of our national council meeting brought this message home hard.Too many workers are being killed or injured in the maritime industry.Part of the solution is for the Union to be able to get good information from around our workplaces when incidents and accidents occur, whether major or minor.Our website has a form for reporting health and safety incidents which any member can use. This form also works on smartphones. Whether you use this form or get in touch with the national office another way, we want to hear what is happening if there is a health and safety incident in your workplace.MUNZ recently made a submission on the new Health and Safety Bill currently before Parliament. This change in legislation could have positive benefits if it ensures worker involvement in the job and the Government does not try to water it down to please employers.Talking of whom, Seafood New Zealand, representing fishing industry employers, basically tried to deny there was any problem in their industry that needed fixing in their submission.

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In this issueNational Secretary’s Report page 2Election information page 5News page 8ITF news page 11Unions a force for good page 12Health and safety page 14War on the wharves boxing page 16Maritime Labour Convention page 18Port Roundups page 20Branch contacts page 23Book review page 30


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How they have the nerve to claim this after the history of catastrophes with foreign charter vessels in recent years is a good question. But, after all, there is a lot of money to be made, and that for these employers must come first.

MUNZ Policy One of the documents tabled at our national council meeting was a MUNZ policy and principles document.We already have a set of Rules of the Union. This is the legal document that defines the governance and management of the Union.The Policy Manual of the Union provides a concise guide to the decisions of the Union’s governing bodies on issues of interest to the Union when relevant to the general membership and branches.These issues come under categories including health and safety policy, communications policy, international policy and political policy.The Policy of the Union can be set and changed by the National Conference and National Council and is a work in progress. Any policy decisions must comply with the Rules of the Union.A draft copy has been circulated to branches for consideration and feedback with a goal of endorsing the Union policy document at the next 2014 national council meeting.

War on the wharvesI attended the third War on the Wharves charity boxing event on 9 April at the South Sydney Juniors Club. This was the first time the event has featured a Trans Tasman lineup with MUA and MUNZ contestants.$40 000 was raised towards the Sydney Children’s Hospital.The night went off successfully and was live streamed on video. Footage is now available on YouTube and via our website.Congratulations are due to MUNZ National Vice President Carl Findlay and the MUA team of rank and file members including Angelo Dymock, Brad Dunn, Kane Hay and the rest of the team, who brought the night together. Thanks also to the contestants who put themselves on the line and all those members who came over in support.The event was even mentioned in the Australian Parliament when Matt Thistlewaite, the Labor MP for Kingsford Smith, congratulated both MUA and MUNZ for their initiative and the contribution to a worthy cause.

The Maritimes MagazinePublished quarterly by the Maritime Union of New Zealand. Authorized by Joe Fleetwood, 220 Willis Street, Wellington.ISSN 1176-3418Editorial Board: Joe Fleetwood, Garry Parsloe, Ray Fife, Carl Findlay Editor: Victor BillotMobile: 021 482219 Email: [email protected]

Deadline for Spring 2014 edition: 1 August 2014

Maritime Union online


The Maritime Union of New Zealand is affiliated to the International Transport Workers’ Federation

Front cover photosTop: MUNZ and MUA representatives with a cheque for $37,500 raised at the War on the Wharves 3 trans Tasman boxing charity fundraiser, for the Sydney Children’s Hospital. Bottom left: Mick Carrion (MUA) versus Emani Epati (MUNZ)Bottom right: The draw of the night between Andrew Roberts (MUA) and Sam Ioane (MUNZ)

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Labour stands for working Kiwis.We’ve got a positive plan to create jobs and boost wages.We believe that every Kiwi who can work should be able to find work.

Right now too many families are struggling with wages that don’t keep up with the cost of living, a lack of job security and fewer and fewer rights at work.

Labour believes in putting people first. In our first 100 days we’ll lift the minimum wage to $15 an hour, abolish the 90 day fire at will law and overturn National’s anti-union laws.

On September 20, vote positive. Give your Party vote to Labour for secure jobs, decent pay, and an economy that works for everyone.

Authorised by Tim Barnett, 160 Willis St, Wellington

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Working for a worker-friendly GovernmentBy National Secretary Joe Fleetwood

Labour Party has pro-worker policiesThe Maritime Union of New Zealand is affiliated to the Labour Party and is working for the election of a Labour led Government in the 2014 general election with the support of other pro-worker parties.Some key policies for Labour Party are:• The Labour Party says it will repeal the National Government’s unfair laws where workers can be fired without cause in their first 90 days of employment.• The Labour Party says it will reinstate collective bargaining rights for workers and will not allow for arbitrary termination of bargaining. • The Labour Party will raise the minimum wage to $15/hour in the first 100 days of Government with a further adjustment in first year, and commit to working towards a living wage for all New Zealand families.• Labour says that New Zealand firms should get a better chance at procurement of government contracts. Firms which receive contracts will be required to provide apprenticeships.• The Labour Party will bring unemployment back down to pre-National levels and set a target of 4% unemployment by the end of its first term.These policies will benefit working people and have the support of the Maritime Union of New Zealand.

Labour focussed on educationLabour policies will give children from working class backgrounds better opportunities. Labour will provide an annual grant of $100 per student to schools that stop asking parents for “voluntary” donations to help fund their day-to-day spending.This policy gets our public school system back on track, where core spending is government funded. A Labour Government will modernise New Zealand’s schools and ensure all students in Years 5-13 have access to a portable computer in the classroom and their home. To ensure no Kiwi kid is disadvantaged, Labour will provide an affordable way to purchase a portable computer, with a hardship fund in place to ensure no child misses out.Labour is committed to a modern, affordable and quality public education system.

Political goals of the Maritime UnionThe Maritime Union is working to promote other ideas that we want the future New Zealand Government to take on board.The Maritime Union supports the development of a planned and integrated transport system based on environmentally sustainable modes (shipping and rail).

The Maritime Union advocates stronger laws to ensure that registered unions operate at arms length from employers, and supports the “right to strike”.

Offshore maritime industryThe offshore oil and gas industry has the potential for massive economic benefit for New Zealand. It also presents health and safety issues, and the environmental effect of drilling and climate change needs to be addressed.Under current regulations FPSOs do not require trained maritime crew (seafarers) as they are deemed decommissioned vessels. Given the extremes of climate, priority must be given to the mandatory presence of qualified New Zealand seafarers aboard FPSOs in New Zealand waters.The Maritime Union advocates the need for a fast response vessel on the New Zealand coast to deal with potential accidents.Improvements are required in the regulation of the industry including health and safety resources.The development of maritime mineral resources such as ironsands and phosphate is a priority for securing jobs for New Zealand maritime workers and workers in general. Consideration given to a state owned industry entity such as operates in Norway and Venezuela and establishment of a sovereign fund so offshore income from benefits all.

KiwiPortBring all ports in New Zealand under joint community and public ownership, with a national ports strategy.

Coastal ShippingThe Maritime Union supports the introduction of cabotage, or the first preference given to New Zealand owned and crewed vessels, to carry domestic cargo on the New Zealand coast, backed by the training of a new generation of New Zealand seafarers.

Fishing industryNew Zealand workers must have the priority to be employed in their own fisheries at reasonable rates of pay and in safe conditions. Overseas workers employed in New Zealand waters must have the full protections of New Zealand law.

Maritime EnvironmentThe Maritime Union would like consideration of a Transition Fund where income from the offshore is invested in renewable energy including solar, hydro, wave and wind power.This would be complemented by the promotion of shipping as the most environmentally friendly transport mode.The Maritime Union advocate the immediate phase out of methyl bromide, and the banning of trans-shipment of harmful materials through New Zealand ports, such as yellowcake uranium.The Maritime Union also supports the ban of asbestos.

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National Council May 2014The Maritime Union of New Zealand National Council met on 30–31 May 2014 at Waterside House in Wellington.The meeting was opened by the chairman, National President Garry Parsloe, and apologies received from Papua New Guinea Maritime and Transport Workers Union secretary, Reg McAllister, and MUNZ national youth rep, Byron Cumming. Obituaries were noted for Terry Tindale, Warren Ritchie and UK and international union leader, Bob Crow of the RMT – UK.Following correspondence and previous minutes, the unopposed re-election of Grant Williams of Local 13 as CTU Runanga Representative and his excellent work in the role was noted. The National Secretary, Joe Fleetwood, said he would be calling for nominations for the position of National Youth and National Women’s Rep on the National Council.A national strategy report was then presented to the Council by the National Secretary that focussed around the aim of “a great, nationally organised Union that is a powerful industrial and political force in New Zealand and internationally.”The national strategy brings together our activities under the work areas of Health and safety, Organizing, Bargaining, Financial, Growth, International, Legal and regulatory and Political.Health and safety was a key focus as there had been deaths and serious injuries occurring to members and in the wider industry since the last National Council.The rules review had been completed and all branches had endorsed the final draft. The union lawyers were now finalising the document and the plan was to have it endorsed at the November 2014 National Council.An international report was presented by international guest, Maritime Union of Australia assistant national secretary, Ian Bray. Ian spoke on the situation in Australia where unions and maritime workers in particular, were fighting against the Abbott Liberal Government and their anti working class agenda.

Ian joined with the Maritime Union national officials in a presentation on the Regional Maritime Federation. Good progress was being made on a working plan for the Federation including rules and structures and it was aimed to have the details sorted out by the end of the year for consideration by the membership.The Finance Committee report was presented by Bill Connelly and endorsed by the National Council.There was then an update and discussion of progress of the Ports of Auckland dispute.The National officials presented three sector reports (Offshore – Joe Fleetwood, Terminals – Carl Findlay, and Coastal Shipping – Garry Parsloe) before the meeting closed for the day.The following morning started with the final sector report for Bulk and General stevedoring by Ray Fife. Standing orders were then suspended and Labour Party leader, David Cunliffe, was welcomed.David spoke on the Labour Party programme and their campaign for election in 2014. Following his presentation, the National Council resumed.Political report including get out the vote campaign was presented by Communications Officer, Victor Billot, followed by a report on Waterside House by the National Secretary.Grahame McLaren presented a report for the New Zealand ITF inspectorate.A veterans’ report was given by Veterans’ Association Secretary, Terry Ryan, National Vice President, Carl Findlay, reported back on the successful war on the wharves charity boxing event and there was a health and safety report by the National Secretary.Ashley Goss provided the National Council with an update on the SRF and WISF superannuation funds.Final reports received included the draft policy manual, communications and campaigns, seafarers’ scholarships, and Interport sports tournament rules, before the meeting concluded.

MUA Assistant National Secretary Ian Bray contributes to the May 2014 National Council of the Maritime Union of New Zealand

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Safeguarding workers in hostile political territory:MUA Special National Council Meeting 7–8 May 2014, Sydney, AustraliaBy Garry ParsloeNational President

The National Secretary, Joe Fleetwood and I attended the MUA May National Council which was held under the theme of “Safeguarding Workers in Hostile Political Territory”.The opening address was delivered by the Chairman, Chris Cain. MUA National Secretary, Paddy Crumlin, then gave an overview of positioning the MUA in the current conservative political landscape.After morning smoko we had a panel discussion which included both Paddy Crumlin and Mick Doleman under the heading of “MUA Governance”.MUA Deputy National Secretary, Mick Doleman, spoke on risk management, governance process, risk register, exposure to union funds and rules and the drafting of new rules.After lunch there was another panel discussion under the headings:1. Fighting Abbott’s Anti-Union Strategy.2. The ACTU strategy to fight the Abbott Government.Paddy Crumlin started the discussion by stating that the cost to the MUA in fighting the attacks on the union under the government’s current legislation was huge.Australian Council of Trade Unions’ Secretary, Dave Oliver, spoke on some of the good things that Labor delivered under the ACTU campaign to get support for workers’ rights.Dave went on to say that the current government wants to lower the minimum wage every year for the next ten years. The Minimum wage is at 67% of average wage and the Abbott government want it down to 44% of the average wage.Day One concluded with a presentation from Western Australian Branch Assistant Secretary, Will Tracey, headed “Job Security and Employment Rights in the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry – the Chevron Campaign”.Will Tracey then gave an in-depth report on this dispute and expanded on all the actions being taken in an effort to resolve this dispute with Chevron.

Day Two, Thursday 8 May, opened with a presentation from Anthony Albanese MP and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure & Transport.Anthony spoke on the importance of Cabotage, and how Cabotage would stop Australian Seafarers from being disadvantaged on their own coast. He went on to say that sea transport is the most sustainable transport and that form of transport should be supported and promoted going forward. Every island nation must have a sustainable shipping policy.Following Anthony’s presentation, there was a panel discussion which included Anthony Albanese, Paddy Crumlin and MUA Consultant Policy Officer Rod Pickette. Rod presented a paper on “Trends in Australian Shipping”. This included issues around options e.g. closing the coast, opening the coast or regulating access.The next session was also a panel discussion on “Workers’ Money Working for Workers – The Superannuation and Workers’ Capital Agenda”.One of the speakers on the panel was Paul Goulter from the NZEI. Paul addressed a range of issues around workers’ capital and workers’ power.In the afternoon of Day Two we had an International Update which included the setting up of the Regional Maritime federation. This follows from the earlier meetings at PNG and Auckland.Before the meeting closed on Day Two, we had a report on workforce development, skills, training and METL.On the last day, Friday 9 May, we had a video presentation of the Rail strike in Korea. The video expanded on the strike, the sackings and the lockout.The Rail video was followed by a presentation headed “Communicating with Members in the Digital Age”. This presentation explained how best to communicate with the membership.The next session was a panel discussion headed “ALP renewal and Union Engagement”. The first speaker was ALP National President, Jenny McAllister. Jenny spoke at length on Party reform and how they need to have an open door policy with Unions and the Trade Union Movement.TWU National Secretary, Tony Sheldon, talked about taking responsibility and listening to working people.CFMEU President, Tony Maher, stated that all the decisions within the ALP are made by a few at the top and that now needs to be changed to where the membership gets more say in the decisions that are being made.The last agenda item was a wrap up of the National Council meeting by Paddy Crumlin, National Secretary, MUA. The whole three days were very positive and productive.

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Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary, Joe Fleetwood, hands a cheque for $10,000 to Labour Party President, Moira Coatsworth. The Maritime Union National Council voted in May 2014 for the donation towards the election of a Labour-led Government in the 2014 general election.

Labour Party leader, David Cunliffe, shares a light hearted moment after his address to the May 2014 National Council of the Maritime Union of New Zealand

Progress of FCV “slave ships” Bill is good news – but much work remains to be doneThe Maritime Union of New Zealand says the progress of the “slave ships” Bill in the New Zealand Parliament is good news – but much work remains to be done.The Fisheries (Foreign Charter Vessels and Other Matters) Amendment Bill completed its second reading on a voice vote in the New Zealand Parliament on Tuesday 15 April 2014 with support from all sides of the house.Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary, Joe Fleetwood, says it was good that Foreign Charter Vessels (FCVs) operating within New Zealand’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) would have to be reflagged under new laws but the timescale was still too long.He says the removal of proposed exemptions from the Bill was the right decision, but the focus now had to go on jobs for New Zealand workers in the industry.A shocking number of deaths, injuries, abuse and exploitation of foreign crews have occurred on FCV’s in New Zealand waters.Mr Fleetwood says the problem was picked up by global media, then started causing concern amongst overseas consumers and companies, and even featured in US State Department reports on modern day slavery.“It was only when the truth started coming out and began damaging the so-called clean, green image of New Zealand in our export markets, that the wheels began to turn.”“This is a sad reflection of a profit-driven country where basic human rights and worker protections can no longer be taken for granted.”Mr Fleetwood says that an important issue that had not yet been addressed was a career path to secure jobs for New Zealand workers in their own national industry.He says there is a pressing need to create employment in high quality value added processing, on the water and on land, given the serious unemployment levels amongst young New Zealand workers, especially young Maori workers who were missing out on benefiting from iwi profits from involvement in the industry.He says New Zealand could learn from overseas examples, such as Iceland.The Maritime Union would continue to offer support to foreign crews including fishing workers who are being exploited and victimised, says Mr Fleetwood.

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Contact the Maritime UnionNational OfficeTelephone: 04 3850 792 Fax: 04 3848 766Address: PO Box 27004, Wellington 6141Office administrator: Ramesh PathmanathanEmail: [email protected]

National Secretary: Joe FleetwoodDirect dial: 04 8017614 Mobile: 021 364649Email: [email protected]

National President: Garry ParsloeDirect dial: 09 3034652 Mobile: 021 326261Email: [email protected]

National Vice President: Carl FindlayDirect dial: 09 3034652 Mobile: 021 760887Email: [email protected]

Assistant General Secretary: Ray Fife Direct dial: 03 2128189 Mobile: 0274 475317Email: [email protected]

ITF Inspector: Grahame McLarenDirect dial: 04 8017613 Mobile: 021 2921782Email: [email protected]

Communications Officer: Victor BillotMobile: 021 482219 Email: [email protected]

Voting in the 2014 general electionEnrolment information Getting on the electoral roll is essential to have a say in this year’s general election. In 1981 turnout was 89%. In 2011 it was 69%. Although 94 percent of eligible voters were enrolled in 2011, 840,000 of them did not vote. Some of these people (around 300,000) had however voted in 2005 and/or 2008. Unions are encouraging all people to vote in 2014. Being on the roll is essential to vote.

Who can enrol to vote? You qualified to enrol if: • you are 18 years or older • you are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident (see what this means below) • you have lived in New Zealand for one year or more without leaving the country. (A permanent resident is someone who is entitled by law to live permanently in New Zealand. If you have to leave the country by a set date you are not a permanent resident for electoral purposes. This includes people who have student or visitor permits.)The sooner people enrol the better.

Voting starts Voting starts on Wednesday 3 September.This period is known as “advanced voting” but is open to everyone, you don’t need to meet specific criteria to vote on this day. During this period you can enrol and vote on the same day. Workers who are rostered or likely to be working on September 20 should consider voting during this period. The last day to vote is Saturday 20 September.

Election Day 20 September It is very important that people know that they can not enrol and vote on Election Day. Many people do this and assume their vote is counted. Their vote will not be counted.

Information for getting time off work on election day to voteIf you are working on election day you are legally entitled to have time away from work to go and vote on election day.Section 162 of the Electoral Act 1993 sets out the responsibilities of employers in respect of allowing any employees working on election day time off to vote.

General EmployeesAny employee who has not had a reasonable opportunity to vote on election day before starting work, must be allowed to leave her or his work for the purpose of voting no later than 3pm for the remainder of the day. An employer cannot make deductions from the employee’s remuneration for the time taken off.

Employees Carrying Out Any Essential Work or ServiceAny employee who is required to work after 3pm for the purpose of carrying on any essential work or service must be allowed to leave her or his work for a reasonable time earlier in the day for the purpose of voting. An employer cannot make deductions from the employee’s remuneration in respect of the time taken off, provided it does not exceed 2 hours.

Crew of ShipsA master of a ship in port in New Zealand shall, at their request, allow any crew members who are registered or qualified electors of the electoral district the ship is located within, to go ashore to vote. 22

Useful resources • Main website • 24 hour Freephone 0800 36 76 56 • Text enrol name and address to 3676 • Electoral commission enrolment campaign runs 23 June – 31 July. Enrolment update packs sent out. “Check your details, sign and return” is the message.• Electoral commission on Facebook www.

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Fallout from Rena continuesControversy continues to rage around the wreck of the Rena, nearly three years after the grounding on Tauranga’s Astrolabe Reef in October 2011.Owners and insurers of the vessel have come to a settlement with a group of local business owners ‚– but are also seeking to leave remaining parts of the wreck on the reef.A group of 53 Tauranga business owners negatively affected by the grounding came to a settlement in June with the owners, Daina Shipping Company, and insurers, The Swedish Club, after court ordered mediation.Group spokesman, Nevan Lancaster, told the Bay of Plenty Times the resolution was “satisfactory” but details remained confidential.However, days earlier the owners and insurers lodged an application to leave the remaining wreck of the Rena on Astrolabe Reef. It is likely that matters will end up in the Environment Court.A large chunk of the hull sits against the reef, remnants of the bow remain in shallow water, and the ship’s engine room and what is left of the accommodation block rests on its side in deep water, alongside hatch covers and other debris.The mayor of Tauranga, Stuart Crosby, said he was not surprised by the proposal to leave the accommodation block on the reef and saw it as a way for the insurers of Rena to cut their costs.“The Rena is going to continue to break up and create a wider debris field and a bigger mess.We now have to go through the process of the resource consent which will be the biggest consent in New Zealand in regards of a wreck being left.”Mr Crosby said he wanted to encourage everybody in the Bay of Plenty to understand what was going on with the Rena as “it’s definitely going to be a shambles well into the future”.“The insurers just want to walk away from it.”Tauranga Moana Iwi Leaders Forum chairman, Carlton Bidois, also said the “overwhelming majority” of iwi and hapu in the region still wanted the Rena gone.Rena’s owners and insurers spokesman, Hugo Shanahan, said the position of the wreck had moved and the removal of the remainder of the ship’s accommodation block would not be pursued.He said the remaining section would form part of the resource consent application proposal which was lodged with Bay of Plenty Regional Council on Friday.Roger King, of TMC Marine Consultants, said movement of the remaining wreck presented an even greater safety risk and technical challenge for ongoing salvage operations.However, he said the movements had helped expose container and cargo debris which were previously difficult to access within holds four and five of the wreck.

We welcome your contributions to the Maritimes magazine. Articles, letters, photos and suggestions are welcome. Contact the Editor mobile 021482219email [email protected] PO Box 27004, Wellington 6141

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Literacy Aotearoa Wellington Level 2, Waterside House

220 Willis St, Wellington Ph: 385 2336

www. [email protected]

Time to Learn 1 in 4 New Zealanders struggle with some part of reading or writing or numeracy. For many people school was a bad experience or school happened at a bad time in their lives. If you or someone you know missed out on schooling you may not have all the skills needed for day-to-day life and work.

Literacy and numeracy skills are useful in the workplace for:

Numeracy for timesheets, logbooks, etc. Writing job sheets or accident reports Working with computers Reading training or safety manuals Writing reports Calculating distances or weights Communication skills especially talking through conflict situations Understanding your employment rights and responsibilities

Literacy Aotearoa Wellington supports adult learning for the Wellington region. If you would like support in another part of NZ contact us and we can refer you to one of our sister organisations in your town.

All our courses are delivered at NO COST to the learner. If you have always wanted to do more learning or perhaps your job has changed and you need new skills—now is the time to learn.

“It sounded like it was going to be just like school, but actually

it’s about changing and improving our lives.”

“I was seen as a person, treated like any adult, and not made to feel stupid.”

“It’s like a family and the learning just happened.”

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Securing the future: Seafarers’ Scholarship TrustBy Alan WindsorWellington Branch President Trustee, Seafarers’ Scholarship Trust

At the October 2013 National Council meeting, a plan was presented to open up the Seafarers’ Scholarship Trust to all past and present members of the Maritime Union. At the present time, only seafarers and their descendants are eligible for applications to the trust. Every year we have members’ children make applications, and the majority are from the waterfront side of the Maritime Union and are thus sadly ineligible. It is my hope that the branches will redress this situation with donations to enable all members and their children to take advantage of the education trust. Investment in our children’s education is a positive step to securing the future of our union, what is given out always comes back as a benefit to all.The story of workers supporting education for their own has a long and proud history. The tales of struggle and battling against the odds is one that fits well with our kids. Who says the bosses have all the brains?After the discussion at the October 2013 National Council, it was agreed by the National Council that all Branches would readdress supporting the recommendation put to Council by the National Secretary and take the recommendation back to their stop work meetings for discussion and debate.Attend your local stop work meetings and have your say. Support for the MUNZ scholarship trust is essential to give our kids the kick start in life they deserve.Check with your local branch executive to see if your branch is participating in this movement.

Ironsand project rejected by EPA Trans-Tasman Resources Limited (TTRL) has been turned down by the Environmental Protection Authority for their proposed ironsand mining project. The EPA said concerns about unknown environmental effects were the reason for the decision announced on 18 June 2014. The company had asked to mine for iron ore off the coast of Taranaki in New Zealand’s first proposed seabed mining project.A mining permit from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment was granted to TTRL in May 2014, but consent was still required from the EPA, as the mining occurs within the Exclusive Economic Zone. TTRL said it was disappointed, and New Zealand was missing out on major economic benefits from the project.The mining was planned to take place in a 66-square kilometre area of seabed 22 kilometres off the coast of Patea. It would have extracted about five million tonnes of iron ore concentrate each year, worth about $440 million. The proposal was highly contentious, with 99 percent of the 4800 submissions opposing it.Opponents included environmental group KASM (Kiwis against seabed mining), local iwi and Talleys Fisheries.It is not known at the time of writing whether the company would appeal the decision.

90 Day Bill leads to more dismissalsA government report, which revealed that 27 per cent of employers dismissed at least one employee under the new 90-day trial period, drew scathing criticism from union and Labour Party leaders. The rate is up from 19 per cent a year ago. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment report on the new employment law, which includes the 90-day trial period and limited union access rights, clearly shows the changes “are failing New Zealanders,” says CTU President, Helen Kelly. She says the 90-day trial period “is a flop” because there is no evidence that it has created a single job as predicted by the bill’s supporters. The employment law changes “have failed to increase employment and failed to help disadvantaged workers.” Labour Party spokesperson on Labour issues, Andrew Little, added that employers are using the 90-day trial term “as a standard employment term rather than to genuinely try out a new staff member.” Under a Labour government, the bill “will go,” he pledged.

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WhangareiSecretary: Ben Hathaway Home: (09) 4343152President: John Farrow Mobile: 021 855121Address: PO Box 397, Whangarei 0140 Email: [email protected] Auckland Local 13Phone: (09) 3034 652 Fax: (09) 3096 851President: Garry Parsloe Mobile: 021 326 261 Email: [email protected]: Russell Mayn Mobile: 021 760 886 Email: [email protected] President: Carl Findlay Mobile: 021 760 887Email: [email protected] President: Patrick Honan Mobile: 021 293 9156Address: PO Box 1840, Shortland Street, Auckland 1140 Mount MaunganuiPhone: (07) 5755 668 Fax: (07) 5759 043President: Peter Harvey Mobile: 027 5501 566 Secretary: Selwyn Russell Mobile: 0274 782308Email: [email protected]: PO Box 5121, Mt. Maunganui 3150

Gisborne Local 38 Secretary: James Harvey Mobile: 027 508 4470Address: 21 Titoki Place, Elgin, Gisborne 4010Email: [email protected]

New PlymouthSecretary: Terry Whitehead Mobile: 027 468 0050 Phone/Fax: (06) 751 5514 Address: PO Box 6084, New PlymouthEmail: [email protected]

NapierSecretary: Bill Connelly Mobile: 027 6175441 Phone/Fax: (06) 8358 622 Address: PO Box 70, NapierEmail: [email protected]

WellingtonSecretary: Mike Clark Mobile: 0274 538222Email: [email protected]: (04) 3859 288 Fax: (04) 3848 766Asst. Secretary: John Whiting Mobile: 021 606379Email: [email protected]: (04) 8017 619Address: PO Box 27004, Wellington 6141President: Alan Windsor Mobile: 021 148 3771Vice President: Jimmy King Mobile: 027 363 0194

NelsonSecretary: Ken Knox Mobile: 027 6222691Phone/Fax: (03) 547 2102 Address: PO Box 5016, NelsonEmail: [email protected]

Lyttelton Local 43President: Brad Fletcher Mobile: 027 662 3233Secretary: Les Wells Mobile: 027 432 9620Phone/Fax: (03) 3288 306 Address: PO Box 29, LytteltonEmail: [email protected] TimaruSecretary: Tony Townshend Mobile: 027 4324134Address: PO Box 813, Timaru Email: [email protected] Port Chalmers Dunedin Local 10Phone: (03)4728 052 Fax: (03) 4727 492Secretary: Phil Adams Mobile: 0274 377601Email: [email protected]: Ben George Mobile: 021 472 021Email: [email protected]: PO Box 44, Port Chalmers

BluffPhone/Fax: (03) 2128 189 Address: PO Box 5, BluffPresident: Harry Holland Mobile: 027 228 4315Email: [email protected]: Ray Fife Mobile: 027 447 5317Email: [email protected]

Branch and local contactsAssisting seafarers in New Zealand portsBy Grahame McLarenNew Zealand ITF inspector

Over the last year the New Zealand ITF Inspectorate regularly aided foreign crew members with all manner of issues, as well as conducting routine inspections on Flag of Convenience vessels.A number of these issues relate to repatriations. Requests for help with repatriations are typically due to crew being kept on board over and above their contractual periods, or have been instigated in relation to urgent family or other personal matters. The other big complaint we deal with is wages.Seafarers are often not paid at the correct scale, they are owed overtime or have just not been paid at all. We have managed to claim back a total of US$97,000 in owed wages over this period, and over US$1 million in total over the last six years. We have also successfully responded to calls for assistance with many other matters, such as bullying and harassment. We often respond to requests from overseas Inspectorates for follow up visits and actions, and have over the period witnessed several backpays mostly initiated by the Australian Inspectorate at ports all over the country. There are still a large number of vessels out there with no ITF approved agreements and 19 such vessels were visited over the period.Attempts are always made to have ITF agreements installed on these vessels through negotiation with the companies involved, unfortunately without much success. I would like to take this opportunity to again thank our volunteer ITF contacts, MUNZ officials and rank and file members from all ports around the country who have given their time and energy to help with inspections, witness back pays and deal with calls for help. Without this help, the New Zealand inspectorate could not function.

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51 workers killed on the jobWorkers and families around New Zealand remembered 51 New Zealanders who lost their lives at work in the previous year on Workers Memorial Day, 28 April 2014.28 April is Workers Memorial Day, an international day of remembrance and action for workers killed at work. Council of Trade Unions President Helen Kelly says it’s all too easy to think of these tragic deaths as just another number.These workers were “fathers, sons, mothers, daughters, loved members of family” and part of their community, she says.She noted that 11 of the 51 workers who died at work were forestry workers, making forestry the most dangerous industry to work in. The NZCTU had helped organise a memorial service for 100 family members of forestry workers killed at work.“We need safer workplaces with workers, employers, and politicians working together to ensure that the right regulations and practices are in place. We need a Minister of Labour who is committed to safety at work. The current Minister, Simon Bridges, has too often shown that he cares more about helping companies increase profit margins than he does about saving lives.” Ms Kelly says as a society we believe that no worker should die doing their job. In no industry should the risks be so great and the safeguards so lacking, that workers are regularly harmed.”

Maritime Union Wellington Branch Assistant Secretary, John Whiting, speaks at Workers Memorial Day in the grounds of Parliament Building, 28 April 2014

Sign the CTU petition to ban asbestos

Asbestos: workplace killerUnions are speaking out about the exposure to deadly asbestos Christchurch rebuild workers are experiencing. Fletchers, the major contractor responsible for a significant part of the rebuild project, has recently been in Court facing possible charges for not complying with the law and keeping workers safe.CTU Policy Director, Bill Rosenberg says “Asbestos causes cancer.”“No exposure is safe. We have known this fact since at least 1986 when the World Health Organisation declared just that. Demolition workers, tradespeople, carpenters and householders may have been needlessly exposed to asbestos fibres in Christchurch.”The Government should have been proactive in its approach to the presence of this known workplace carcinogen, he says. “The Government has a moral obligation to take urgent action. This should include monitoring the people who have been exposed, and compensating them if needed.”

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Health and Safety NewsLiquid pitch hazardThe Bluff Branch of the Maritime Union has issued a hazard notice to employers over concerns about the discharge of liquid pitch on the Rakiura Maru at Tiwai Point. The branch is concerned with incidents during the simultaneous loading of aluminium from the vessel with the discharge of liquid pitch.The branch has met with New Zealand Aluminium Smelters and Southland Stevedoring Services in June on the issue.The solution proposed by the branch is to return to the previous successful system of not loading aluminium at the same time as discharging liquid pitch. Members have suffered nausea, vomiting, dizziness and have been hospitalised after contact with fumes, and there are concerns about links to cancer with this toxic substance.

Gangway net saves Auckland stevedoreA MUNZ member from Auckland Local 13 was fortunate to escape with minor injuries after an incident on the early hours of 12 June 2014.The Port of Auckland stevedore was leaving a vessel by way of the gangway when he slipped and fell from the gangway, but was saved by the gangway net. He received minor injuries but these would have been significantly more serious if the gangway net had not been in place.Local 13 Secretary, Russell Mayn, says the incident highlights the importance of gangway nets. He says the ongoing work by Napier Branch Secretary, Bill Connelly, and others to promote the issue of correctly slung gangway nets has been vindicated and all branches and members should take note.

Crane failure on Tiara MoanaThe number one crane on the Tiara Moana dropped its load in an incident at the Ports of Auckland on the evening of 27 May 2014.The vessel was operating on temporary power supply which only allowed for one of the two ships cranes to be operated at any one time.MUNZ members from Wallace Investments were working on the vessel at the time.All crane operations were ceased until both cranes were surveyed and passed given the possible problems with a temporary power supply.Local 13 advise other branches and members to be aware of this issue with this vessel.

Gas alert at Northport An ammonia leak caused an evacuation on the evening of 28 April 2014 at Northport, Whangarei.The Fire Service was called just after 5pm after the coolstore’s ammonia alarms went off. The gas could also be smelt strongly.The port was evacuated for almost two hours while firefighters used a ventilation fan to disperse the gas. The Fire Service says the ammonia levels were not dangerously high, which made the dispersal easier.

Chemical burns in Port of TaurangaA foreign crew member was taken to hospital after receiving chemical burns to his face during cargo discharge at the Port of Tauranga on the early morning of 9 May 2014.The 46-year-old Asian man is believed to be off the tanker Chembulk Sydney.Mount Maunganui St John Ambulance report the man was taken to Tauranga Hospital with chemical burns to his face and eyes.

Four hospitalised after chlorine incidentFour workers were hospitalised after inhaling chlorine gas aboard the Sealord fishing vessel, Aukaha, at Port of Nelson on 23 June 2014. They were later discharged.A chemical reaction had caused a buildup of chlorine gas in the ship’s hold this morning, according to the company. Four workers who inhaled the gas were taken to hospital and put on nebulisers to help their respiratory systems. The rest of the boat was cleared as a precaution.

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War on the Wharves 3By Carl FindlayNational Vice President

Charity boxing events are nothing new. What is new is a Union versus Union international boxing event to raise money for charity. The idea for War of the Wharves 3 was conceived over a couple of beers at dinner during the MUA Automation Conference in Sydney in April 2013.As you will see from the timeline, 12 months of team work, organizing and training finally brought this event to fruition.War on the Wharves 3 was held on Wednesday 9 April 2014 at South Juniors’ Rugby League Club, Sydney, Australia. In another first, this historical event was live streamed back across the Tasman and worldwide for those family members, work mates and friends who could not make the journey to enjoy the occasion. The boxing teams were made up from the Sydney branch of Maritime Union of Australia and, for the Kiwi team, we advertised within the membership of the Maritime Union of New Zealand for expressions of interest in participating in this event. We had a very good response with 20 plus members putting their hands up from as far away as Bluff in the South Island up to Whangarei in the North Island and including interest from Wellington, Timaru, Christchurch and Auckland.In the end, based on age, weight, height and experience, we were able to find nine members to evenly match up and who were keen to represent MUNZ in this historical event. They were Greg Duffy (Auckland), Emani Epati (Auckland), Samuel Brunton (Christchurch), Tamati Davie (Auckland), Lisiata Manuao (Auckland), Sam Ioane (Auckland), Joe Gallagher (Christchurch), Justin Dimond (Bluff) and Sione Veamatahau (Auckland).Unfortunately, Justin had to withdraw on the night with the doctors advice due to injury and Joe had to withdraw due to illness (bad luck guys these things happen – I am sure you will be up for the next one.)Before I move onto the fight night, I would like to thank a few people. Firstly, a big thank you must go to the Sydney branch boxing committee: Angelo Dymock, Brad Dunn, Kane Hay, Jayson Laing and Jules Parry. It goes without saying without these guys’ hard work this event would never have happened.Next I would like to thank our New Zealand major sponsors: MUNZ national council, Local 13 Auckland, Local 43 Lyttelton, Bluff Branch, Simon Mitchell of Unity Chambers and Stephen Pasco, Trainer.

In this day and age you cannot achieve anything without funding, so thanks for the support.Special thank you to our trainers/corner men Joe Fleetwood, Stephen Pasco, Ken Ziegler, and Alan Drew for the hard yards preparing our team before the event and the all the stress and work on fight night.A big shout out to Ray Cook, thanks for the great meals. Also a huge thank you to all our travelling supporters, there are too many to name, but it meant a lot to the guys to know you were there. It takes a lot of courage to get into the ring. My belief is you will either love it or hate it but one thing is for sure once you have done it, no one can take it away from you. The seven members who boxed on the night for their families, our union and more importantly for themselves, I would like to tell you how extremely proud your MUNZ family is of you all, thanks and well done. The night went off successfully and was live streamed on video. Footage is now available on YouTube and via our website the end of the night the score card read 4 wins MUA, 2 wins MUNZ, with 1 draw. I reckon it was more like 3 wins MUA 4 wins MUNZ but you be the judge and have a look for yourself.Win, lose or draw, once again, MUNZ members are standing up to be counted and fighting from the front, only this time we are not lobbying governments, protesting over social injustice or standing up for terms and conditions, we were raising money for charity. War on the Wharves 3 was a huge success with $40 000 raised for Sydney Children’s Hospital on the night. This event has really highlighted what international solidarity can achieve. With the work currently being done on the proposed Regional Maritime Federation, that must also be a big winner from the night with the MUA and MUNZ proving once again what strong bonds can do for the region.Final note: it’s hard enough in this day and age to get the younger generation to engage in this tough political environment we live and work in today. If sport is the catalyst to helping them get a better understanding of what it is all about, then maybe that’s the true winner at the end of the day.Proud to be Kiwi and Union.

Jared Byron (MUA) versus Greg Duffy (MUNZ)

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Representing their unions: Tamati Davie (MUNZ) with Sulemi Kelemete (MUA)

MUNZ supporters at the event

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Timely move to protect seafarers’ basic rightsBy Dave MacIntyre

One of the murkier parts of the shipping industry is the occasional situation in which a financial mess, be it a bankruptcy or a contractual dispute between parties, leaves a crew without food, water, fuel or wages.It may come as a surprise to some readers to find out how prevalent this is. Indeed, an infamous case has been playing out in the UK, and there are recent similar cases here in New Zealand.Fortunately, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) is currently trying to bring tougher standards into play with updates to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).I’ll return to what is happening in the legal sense – including in New Zealand – later, but let me focus

first on a case which has been grabbing my attention because it has been playing out in my home town of South Shields, at the mouth of the River Tyne, in England.Back in November, a local port state control officer went on board the Panama-flagged Donald Duckling and found that the crew hadn’t been paid, the fridges didn’t work, there was no food on board, and neither was there money to buy food. The vessel had a history of problems, having been previously detained in Gibraltar for 120 days. There were reports of it breaking down mid-voyage and the crew fishing over the side for food. It had been detained again in Las Palmas for non-payment of wages, lack of food on board and problems with safety equipment.Behind this was a complicated financial web. The vessel was owned by the TMT Group of Taiwan, chartered by European Metal Recycling, flagged in Panama, classed in Japan, and had a crew of 18 from Romania, India and the Philippines.TMT had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, reportedly owing US$800 million, and there was little response from Panama in terms of its flag state responsibilities.

Singapore Ship Docks (PSA) photo by Used under

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ITF instrumental in assisting crewThe Donald Duckling was detained by the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency and was also put under arrest by its charterer, EMR.A temporary solution was provided by Port of Tyne providing a lay-by berth and power supplies and working with the Mission to Seafarers and other local charities to provide food and clean drinking water for the crew.Eventually, some of the crew’s wages arrived and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) was instrumental in getting the crew repatriated, paying out of its own funds. The last I heard, the vessel was still on the Tyne.It is not long since the ITF was involved in a similar case in New Zealand. The vessel was the Southern Pasifika, which was arrested in Auckland in 2011 over non-payment of monies owing for a dry-docking. A back pay claim was lodged with the German owner (Hansel Schiffahrts/Werse Schiffahrts) for the US$65,076.98 that was owed up to May 6, 2011. Despite the claim being submitted several times, no reply came from the shipowner.The men on board had no money for incidentals, or anything else for that matter. Things looked unlikely to improve without legal representation able to approach the courts on the crew’s behalf, and also to lodge a back pay claim in court.With the intervention of the ITF and maritime lawyers, the crew managed to get an advance of wages. Eventually, the vessel was sold, all wages owing were paid and the crew was repatriated. On the legal front, things have been moving to clarify what should happen in cases like this.The ILO has tightened up procedures that will protect seafarers caught in these financial webs. The main change is that now there is an actual statutory certificate issued for MLC compliance – previously no ILO certification was issued – and there are more areas for detention of a ship for non-compliance, notably non-payment of wages, employment agreements and crew accommodation.Also, the definition of when a vessel is deemed ‘abandoned’ is being changed. The changes are occurring under the MLC, which came into force on August 20 last year. It lays out who is responsible for what, with the shipowner being responsible for paying crew wages, meeting contractual obligations, and providing adequate accommodation, light, heating, food and water. As of last month, the convention had been ratified by 57 states representing 80% of global shipping. New Zealand, however, isn’t among them.

Next steps for New Zealand to sign MLCI asked the Ministry of Transport why not, and the answer was that New Zealand takes the approach of amending legislation and regulations to align domestic law with the obligations of international conventions, before becoming a party to a convention.Officials have undertaken assessment of the compatibility of New Zealand’s law, policy, and practice with the provisions of the MLC. They found that our law is largely consistent with the convention, but some amendments to legislation and maritime rules are likely to be required before we can become a party to it.Consultation has been going on since December with Business New Zealand and the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (as the most representative bodies of employers and employees) as required by the ILO, to review the necessary legislative changes and identify the costs and implications of those changes. Officials have recently briefed the relevant ministers on the outcome of these discussions.The next steps will be to consult with the ILO on our proposed approach to implementation; to draft a ‘national interest analysis’ to be considered by government, and then a parliamentary select committee, and a final decision be made on whether we should become a party.There may be scope for public consultation but it is hoped the analysis will be completed and presented to ministers by the end of 2014.If we do decide to join the fold, New Zealand law will be amended to meet the convention’s obligations before we officially become part of it.So that’s how we stand, and my guess is that we will adopt the MLC. Internationally, the ITF is constantly monitoring how the MLC is working and so far it is living up to expectations in safeguarding seafarers’ general rights, conditions and the right to be paid. Flag states in particular are now being more responsive to complaints, and port states are showing more readiness to detain vessels.Those are positive moves forward, in addressing an issue which, quite frankly, has brought the shipping industry into disrepute.

This article first appeared in the New Zealand Shipping Gazette 10 May 2014. Thank you to the Shipping Gazette and the author for their kind permission to reprint it.

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Mount Maunganui TaurangaBy Selwyn Russell

Kia oraWell things at the Mount seem to be relatively quiet, but the reality is the powers that be are at work trying to leave the wreck of the Rena where it is. The Bay of Plenty Times is reporting on this, with increasing editorials and front page stories about the impact that this issue has had on businesses. The company have applied to the Bay of Plenty Regional Council to leave the wreck where it is. The remaining stern section is where the majority of the left over oil will leak from. There are still many containers down there, of which the cargo was not identified on the manifest. The way the Council has been excluded from the discussions is an insult to all. We all know that there has been vast amounts of money put into removing the wreck but the truth is it is still there.It will leak and have a major effect on the seabed. New Zealanders should be put in the loop and reports should be publicly available. Independent assessments should be done with underwater cameras, and marine biologists’ reports should all be used.The worst scenario will be to send the message that New Zealand is a soft touch. The cause of this accident was they cut corners because they were late and broke the rules. They are insured, so pay up and reimburse those affected. Just for an afterthought, the Captain and navigational officer were sentenced to 7 months jail (and served 4 months). Where’s the justice for affected businesses? Local iwi? Bay of Plenty residents? New Zealanders?Finally, spare a thought to the volunteers who since day one after every storm are going down the beach to pick up numerous globules of oil.Local heroes, I reckon.

NZCSLAll signed off and back pay done, we have also got a few more members here as the company grows.

C3Have been hiring again here at the moment, with some of our casual members about to be offered GWE jobs. They are still working out of port with regularity as with guys coming in as well. NZMAs per usual here with irregular work for many of the casuals.

Wilson’s Parking In bargaining, we hope to get a redundancy agreement in place with pending automation within the next two years.

ComvitaSigned off.

Te Manu Toroa We are not far off initiating bargaining.

Ballance AgrinutrientsAll signed off, also we have been notified of the pending drug and alcohol policy.We have had a meeting over this and have been told that it will be done with saliva for random tests. This works within our national policy. Also we are about to go to mediation for one of our members here.

Seafarers Not too many unemployed at the moment, there is quite a lot happening as there could be new opportunities with regard to deep sea mining and tenders.

Former Tauranga watersider, Apotoro Reg Tahau, is presented with a MUNZ shirt on his 79th birthday, in appreciation of his services to the Union, by his daughter, local MUNZ member, Melissa Tahau.

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BluffBy Harry Holland

Health and safetyThings have been a little trying in this department in the Bluff of late. We have an issue over the safety with our hoppers for the fertiliser vessels. We believe they are too dangerous to go into for cleaning and we are working on this.The company has been insisting to the casuals that they climb ladders to clean logs. We have told the company that this is not something we will be doing, but they have a habit of picking their marks and it’s getting very close to us issuing a Health and safety notice to our company.There are some problems at the smelter. They are still trying to get us to load metal while they discharge liquid pitch. This has not been fully resolved yet.

Southport Agreement It is with much pleasure we can say that we have agreement with the company.At the time of writing, we are just waiting for the draft copy to read and sign.This has been ongoing for the last six months back and forward, but now hopefully has come to a very good outcome for the members. Southport has announced that it is purchasing another mobile crane and also a top lifter to accommodate MSC. This will be good for business, we hope.

The Gillan Family Members will recall the story in the last Maritimes about two young children of a local member who are both undergoing treatment for a rare medical condition.The two wee ones have both gone through their treatment and both operations were successful.Sam has responded well and is doing very well, Charlotte may be needing some more operations to fix a spinal problem which has been caused by the condition.Thank you to the ports and members who contributed to this great cause. A special mention to the members aboard the Noble Bob Douglas. What a great effort guys, you can feel proud of yourselves.Thanks again to all who contributed from the Bluff Branch as well.

Labour PartyI attended the selection meeting for the Labour Party candidate for Invercargill. In the end common sense prevailed and we now can move forward and support the candidate, which we are sure will benefit all.

CTU The Invercargill branch of the CTU worked hard to get a Workers’ Memorial erected for Workers’ Memorial Day (28 April) so workers and families can have a place to pay their respects on this day.This is a great thing for the far south as we have had no place to mark this occasion until now.The Invercargill branch of the CTU is under new leadership and is going ahead well.

Southland Stevedores Our company has just employed six more staff and may be looking at some more in the very near future. This will help out a great deal, but, as we all know it takes time to get the new ones up to speed.At least we have them on board now.It is also a pleasure to mention the new Marshalling men who came to Bluff and helped us out on the occasions when we were short.Apart from them taking our oysters and the good weather with them, it was a real pleasure having these guys in Bluff. The cargo is still moving at good rate down in the south with the log trade on the increase.Fertiliser is still moving along with palm kernel.Tiwai is moving its fair share of metal, so from the Bluff we are looking forward to a busy and safe time for the rest of the year.

GisborneBy Dein Ferris

From 4 May 2014 the following changes to the Gisborne Branch will be effected.Those remaining as permanent employees of the Company are Vaun Ferris, James Harvey, James Cassidy and Noel White.They have had discussion re their CEC.Those who have accepted voluntary severance are Dein Ferris, Peter Jackson, Jim McMillan, Rubin Anderson, Wilson Spark and Gary Taylor. They have been offered casual preference.Unless something appears out of the blue, there is no shipping expected until early next year. Those remaining in employment will transferoutport as required. (You know the view I have always held that, when you leave, you leave.)

Editors note:Thanks to Dein Ferris who has contributed the Gisborne port roundup since the first edition of the Maritimes in 2003. This is Dein’s last report, best wishes for your retirement Dein from the Maritimes magazine. James Harvey will be keeping us informed of any new developments at the Gisborne branch.

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Anzac Day Merchant Navy wreath from the Rangiora RSA Merchant Navy Group. From left Gordon Mossack who arrived in New Zealand with the ill-fated ferry Wahine, Peter O’Sullivan (Lyttelton) and Brian Smith (Dunedin)

LytteltonBy Les Wells There is a lot of activity in the port at the moment.As you will be aware from previous reports, there is a reclamation programme going on in the port. It was reported in the Lyttelton Port Company newsletter that they are processing over 1000 trucks a week – it makes you wonder how much of Christchurch is left. Elsewhere, things are moving along with C3 taking on new employees at the moment, and we have a steady flow of transfers in and out of the port. Lyttelton Stevedoring Services has taken on a permanent member, Clinton Williams, who was previously made redundant when Pacifica changed hands, so welcome back Clinton.Lyttelton Port Company has just taken delivery of a new container crane plus four new straddles that are being assembled.The branch has had five of our members put though a Health and Safety course. We have confirmed a date to sit down with Transfield to start negotiations.We are not far away from entering talks with our pipeline operators, SGS.

Napier By Bill Connelly

Around and about: The port is extremely busy at the moment with members working long hours and being stretched to the limit. The Napier Port Limited has just handled a record number of containers last month (March 2014) prompting the port company to look at speeding up plans for a $150 million expansion programme. The CEO of Napier Port, Garth Cowie, made the following comments in the “Hawke’s Bay Today”. He stated the port had been stretched by the massive increase in container volume, which was the equivalent of 31,922 TEU’s for the month. This level of growth has caused congestion at the port, resulting in reductions of service to transport operators, exporters and shipping lines. This is despite the addition two new container cranes, which cost $13 million and a further $2 million on other container handling equipment. Export volumes are up 19.4% to more than 1.7 million tonnes.

C3 formerly Toll Logistics New Zealand LtdTheir Collective Agreement expired on 30 June 2013. A rescue package was implemented in September last year for the company at Napier. I am glad to report that this has now changed for the better with 2 new permanent employees being engaged and 6 members, who are employed on a casual basis, being employed as GHE’s on 96 hours over a 4 week period. As I write this report, further members are being offered work as GHE’s, which bodes well for C3 in Napier. I should point out that the reason for this change is directly related to C3 securing a logging contract, long held by ISO. Of an estimated 1.2 million JAS going through the port in the next 12 months, that C3 will be doing 750,000, which is a significant amount and a further inroad into ISO’s work in the port.

Hawke’s Bay Stevedoring Services LimitedTheir “Local Port Schedule” (Schedule “F”), which is attached to the Multi Employer Collective Agreement (MECA) expired on 30 April 2014 and we are currently in negotiations. Two members recently resigned from the Company, they are Dave McKenna and Alex Watson. Both members have been with the company for many years, Dave since 14 August 2004, although he had worked as a casual for many years prior to his date of entry as a permanent employee. Dave resigned on the 22 April 2014. Alex’s entry date on the Napier register was 24 February 1969 and had seen many years of service with the Waterfront Industry Commission. With the introduction of “Port Reform” in 1987, Alex accepted a position with the company and has been there until his resignation date on17 April 2014.

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It was 91 years ago: the Wellington Watersiders’ Band photographed in Dunedin in 1923. The above photograph was donated to the Maritime Union of New Zealand by its owner, Michael Hart, whose father worked for many years on the Wellington waterfront. The photograph was returned to the Lyttelton Branch and then handed on to the Wellington Branch where it will be displayed at the National Office of the Union at Waterside House.

MUNZ Lyttelton Branch President, Brad Fletcher, receives the photo from Michael Hart, whose father was a Wellington watersider for many years.

The photo returns home to Wellington, at the May 2014 National Council. From left Wellington Branch executive member and watersider, Bradley Clifford, Lyttelton Branch President, Brad Fletcher, Wellington Branch Assistant Secretary and former watersider, John Whiting, and Lyttelton Branch Secretary, Les Wells.

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Auckland Local 13By Russell Mayn

It was with great interest that I read an article by Harry Leslie Smith, forwarded by Maritimes editor Victor Billot. This article entitled “Eulogy to the NHS – what happened to the world my generation built” was penned by Harry Leslie Smith, who is aged in his early nineties.The article criticises the rundown of the National Health Service (public health system) in Britain. It is a great read and recommended (the article can be found at online at website or simply by searching for “eulogy to the NHS” on Google).The questions raised in the article expose a change by stealth, where successive Governments have dismantled the social welfare organisations, and replaced them with a privatised and inferior health system.The points made rang true for not only the health system, but in general terms for the advances that had been made since the Second World War in industrial legislation and the Welfare State and how these have been dismantled in recent years.Harry makes the point that “the creation of the NHS made us understand that we were our brother’s keeper.” This point has been lost on many of today’s generation where self-interest and individualism has been instilled.The ongoing attacks by right wing Governments on industrial legislation is a carbon copy of the attacks on state housing, education and the health system.The goal is to remove Collective Bargaining from the workplace and replace this with individual agreements or company based compliant Yellow Unions. The result is the same: a workforce that will no longer have the ability to bargain for fairness.The reality at the moment is that in many worksites across New Zealand, non-union employees are coat tailing off union members and the terms and conditions contained in the Collective Agreements.Depending on which side of the fence you sit on will influence your outlook on this issue. This is not about today but about what happens over the years to come if right wing radicals get their way. The question for non-unionists and fence sitters to contemplate is what happens when the legislation becomes so watered down that unions can no longer be effective in the workplace.Years of experience have taught me one thing: when the balance between organised labour and employers tips too far in favour of employers, they have no hesitation in acting swiftly and mercilessly. Remember the Employment Contracts Act.For many workers on MUNZ sites the benefits of the Collective Agreements are passed on automatically by employers. This is a deliberate ploy to discourage union membership.

Treatment is often substantially different. Union members are singled out for disciplinary action when the same offences are swept under the carpet for non-union or Yellow Union members. Favouritism is alive and well in some worksites, not based on the old prejudices of colour or creed but on the right of association.Take a minute and stop and think what would happen if no union presence existed.I suggest that a number of non-unionists would experience a different workplace very quickly. A number of long term conditions would disappear overnight: subsidised superannuation, health insurance, allowances, shift patterns and minimum time off rosters. As they say everything will be gone in the first hundred days. What’s next after that?The spectre of contracting out arrives. Why directly employ workers when you can create shelf-companies that manage labour. No permanent work, but everyone on call. Sound familiar?The old timers in our industry will remember the stories of when the chopping block operated, conditions were poor, the job was dangerous and kickbacks were necessary to secure work (and that was on a good day.)In many of the individual agreements, companies are removing the superannuation subsidies, health insurance and specific allowances from the agreements. This is not scaremongering, this is the truth of what is happening.When the experts are saying workers are not saving enough for their retirements, why would companies remove or water down superannuation agreements? The cynic would say to increase profits and make workers dependent on what if offered for the rest of their lives.The rows of terraced housing for the working class we have often seen on television depicted a substandard existence for workers early in the 20th century. Living conditions were poor, health problems were common, and good education opportunities few and far between.Workers in my generation viewed this as a thing of the past. Yet in New Zealand today, the number of overcrowded rental accommodations and poor health reports are rising.The income base of workers has been eroded to such an extent that the dream of owning a home for many will simply remain that – a dream. New Zealand families are looking at renting for the rest of their lives, and with that comes the need to work past retirement merely to survive.The first State House was opened in 1937 at 12 Fife Lane, Miramar, Wellington by Prime Minister, Michael Joseph Savage, leader of the Labour Government. Interestingly enough the first tenant paid a third of his income in rent, and after sixty years tenants in the same house paid nearly three quarters of their income in rent.

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It would seem that we have come a long way backwards since the forethought of Michael Joseph Savage and the First Labour Government. It’s a similar story in many of the English speaking democracies around the world.Hence the question put by Harry Leslie Smith in his article “what happened to the world my generation built?” The immediate answer is get out and vote in September, and rest the clock in the right (or should that be the left) direction.Unless workers defend and use their full industrial and political rights, those rights will quickly be corroded by the rust never sleeps approach of the wealthy and powerful 1% at the top of the table.

BranchIn Auckland, we are busy with a number of Collective Agreements that are due for renegotiation. Holcim, Fullers Maintenance, Pacifica, Silver Fern Shipping, Sanford’s, Discovery 360, C3 Limited and last but not least the Ports of Auckland Collective.Recent Collective Agreements that have been settled include Golden Bay, Sanford’s, NZL Container Services and First Security.We have also been involved in a number of drug and alcohol policies.It seems that every company we deal with wants to either introduce a new drug and alcohol policy or update their current ones. The drug testing agencies must have been out in the market drumming up business. The amount of time and money that is spent on these policies is ludicrous, in my opinion.The focus being placed on historical evidence versus impairment is frustrating.The sooner we have a joint Australian/ New Zealand standard for oral testing the better.The absence of a current New Zealand standard should not be a barrier to agreeing Saliva testing as the single test for drugs in the workplace.All we are asking for is a fair and reasonable testing regime that does not impose on what an individual does in his or her own time. The Maritime Union of New Zealand fully supports the “Not at Work Mate” policy and is always keen to work with employers on this policy.I have gone into the pros and cons of various drug testing options in previous articles so I will not cover old ground.However, if anyone is interested in getting hold of the information we have on previous case law and recent decisions, give the office a ring and we will assist in any way possible.The focus of the Local over the next two months will be to finalise all outstanding Collective Agreements and the upcoming General Election.“An Injury to One is an Injury to All.”

NelsonBy Ken Knox

Southern Cross StevedoresBrian Callaghan retired recently after many years’ service on the wharf and as a union delegate. Southern Cross Stevedores have also hired two more full time employees.

SeafarersAll seafarers have had plenty of work in the offshore industry over the past eight months. This work is slowly coming to an end, which will result in some members being out of work till the next upsurge.

SGS After two years of discussions between Nelson branch and SGS employees, we have finally signed up all SGS workers in Nelson. John Whiting, together with Bill Lewis and Peter Whittle from SGS, met with management in early March securing a document to cover these workers. Although they did not get everything in the Wellington SGS agreement, it’s a vast improvement on the conditions they had before and is something to build on in the future.

WhangareiBy Ben Hathaway

Marsden Point is very busy, so much so that a fourth berth is being planned.Along with Wellington and Gisborne, we have lost the lucrative JNL contract that we had for 23 years.We have been assured by Southern Cross management that it is “ business as usual” as we still have cement, butter, kiwifruit and heavy lifts coming regularly, and we hope for more contracts in the future.

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Maritime Union of New Zealand Wellington Branch represented at Workers Memorial Day commemorations, Wellington, 28 April 2014 (photo by Grahame McLaren)

Wellington By Mike Clark, Branch Secretary

Transport in New Zealand is now, and has been for a number of years, reliant on several main forms of conveyance — rail, road and sea, and in the modern era, air transport. However, bulk freight still continues to be transmitted by shipping and rail. Under the current Government, New Zealand is still heavily dominated by money for road projects.For example this Government proposes spending $21 Billion on roading infrastructure and yet only $0.7 Billion on other transport projects such as public transport, walking and cycling.The Maritime Union, along with other Unions, have been critical of this strategy in light of increasing fuel prices and major congestion on our roads.

Railways In 1931 the Transport Licensing Act was passed protecting the railways from competition for fifty years. Not long after that expiry date the transport industry became fully deregulated in 1983. Between 1982 and 1993, the rail industry underwent major changes involving corporatization, restructuring,

downsizing, line and station closures, and of course a human toll in the number of redundancies.In 1993, the network was privatised and until 2003 was owned by Tranz Rail, previously New Zealand Rail Limited. The Government took control of the national rail network when Toll Holdings purchased Tranz Rail in 2003 and in May 2008 the Government agreed to buy Toll New Zealand’s Rail and Ferry operation for $665 million, renaming the company Kiwirail.

Ferries Regular roll on roll off ferry services operate between Wellington and Picton and have done so since 1962. Interisland Line, a division of Kiwirail, owns the main interisland ferries.Two of them, the “Arahura” and “Aratere” were purpose built for carrying rail. The largest vessel, the “Kaitaki”, came into service in 2005 but does not have the capacity to carry rail. The Aratere lost a propeller in November 2012 and since being built has been hindered by problems and has been in Singapore being repaired while a chartered replacement vessel “Stena Allegra” stands in. A competitor service on Cook Strait is operated by Strait Shipping Limited, using roll on roll off vessels “Santa Regina” and “Straitsman” under the “Bluebridge” brand name.

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I am sure that, if cabotage was reintroduced on the New Zealand coast, both companies, along with a third company, “Pacifica”, which operates two container vessels between various ports, have the capacity to expand into a humming service.

Wellington WaterfrontBy John Whiting, Assistant Branch Secretary

We have welcomed two groups of new members to MUNZ in the last few months.The first group are employees of SGS (N.Z) Ltd. in the Port of Nelson whose work is discharging tankers and bunkering ships. We initiated bargaining on their behalf and, following two days of negotiations in Wellington and Nelson, our team of Nelson Branch President Bill Lewis, SGS Nelson site delegate Mike Whittall, and John Whiting were able to conclude with a comprehensive Collective Agreement running for a two year term. The document was recommended to and was ratified by the new members.This agreement gives them immediate improvements in their pay and conditions and importantly, the protection of a collective, rather that the individual employment agreements they were on previously.The other group of new members are employed by Transport Systems (TSL) in the Port of Wellington on empty container depot work. TSL has recently become a wholly owned subsidiary of Wellington Port Company, CentrePort. The new members work as loader drivers, container surveyors and in other support roles. We are now in the final stages of negotiating a greenfields Collective Agreement that contains all our normal protections and gives immediate and ongoing income improvements to these members.It also looks to the future to provide for eventual entry as a Schedule within the Combined Unions Collective Agreement with CentrePort.Both of these efforts illustrate again the value of unity and membership in the Maritime Union and of being inside a Collective Agreement.

Blast from the past: Mike Clark with President of the New Zealand Seafarers’ Union, Dave Morgan

Port Chalmers DunedinBy Phil Adams

Terminal and WarehouseMUNZ and RMTU have called for remits from the members covered by the CEA with the Port Company, as the term for the agreement is to expire early in July. With the cost of living, house prices and interest rates all on the rise, we will be seeking a percentage increase that reflects the growing economic demand on our members’ families.

C3 and PCCSWe now have a collective agreement in the Branch for our growing number of C3 members. Thanks to the National Secretary for his time and efforts in the branch to help make this a reality. This has been a valuable learning exercise for many of our new members as to the benefits of being a Union member, without which all would undoubtedly still be languishing on inferior terms and conditions of individual agreements. The branch must now strive to achieve a cross hire agreement between the two stevedore companies to accommodate the casuals who work in the Port.

Interport Sport tournamentCongratulations to the Auckland branch for hosting another successful tournament. All who attended from our branch spoke very highly of the event and enjoyed the competition and companionship.

RetirementIt is with mixed emotions that I report the retirement of a long standing member of the branch, Alan Middleditch. Alan has for 35 years attended meetings with regularity and never shied away from speaking to the membership. His commitment to the branch could not be questioned and served to keep the officials and the membership of the branch honest. Alan often asked the tough questions of National Officials over the years and although, not always well received, Alan’s interests have always been to the benefit of the organization. We wish Alan the best in his retirement.

Election yearAt the June stopwork meeting of the branch we had two guests, Clare Curran Labour MP for Dunedin South, and Greens candidate for Dunedin South and list Shane Gallagher. Both candidates presented their party policies and are pro-union candidates.Unfortunately, our Dunedin North MP, Dave Clark and locally based Green Party co-leader and MP, Metiria Turei gave apologies as they had prior engagements but we hope to get them out to Port Chalmers before the election if possible.

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Interport Golf 2014: Kerekere Canoe winners, from left, Cyril McWilliam, Graham Waugh, Robert Hawkins, Alan Williamson, Bob Johns and Fraser Adams

Recently retired: Long standing Port Chalmers branch member, Alan Middleditch, pictured here in 2006

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Review Deep Sea and Foreign Going: Inside Shipping, the Invisible Industry That Brings You Ninety Percent of EverythingBy Rose George(Portobello Books)

A personal and insightful account of modern globalized shipping, “Deep Sea and Foreign Going” is an essential book on the maritime industry.Journalist and author, Rose George uses her five week journey from Felixstowe to Singapore aboard the container vessel Maersk Kendal as a springboard to consider the past and present of seafaring.The strength of the book lies in its parallel structure.Rose George writes about the experience of life aboard the vessel she travels on, the personal experiences and outlook of the officers and crew, while exploring the invisibility of modern shipping.

Hidden over the horizon, or contained within the security perimeter of the modern port, this industry has been transformed over a couple of generations for people in the developed world, where seafaring was a common occupation and ports were public places in the heart of great cities. Now few people consider how the goods they purchase arrive from distant places of manufacture, as vast and increasingly automated ports, and over sized ships with their tiny crews, have become the basis of world trade. Ironically, in the age of digital communication, the isolation of crews has become even more intense and this aspect is dealt with sympathetically.Small international crews, with cultural and language differences, strict rules around alcohol, and the heavy workload and stresses of shipboard life undermine the social elements of seafarers’ lives: their friendships, families and homes.The constant unpredictability and even anarchy of the seas contrasts with the myth of corporate globalisation as the smoothly running engine of free market, free trade capitalism. The international logistics chain is the foundation of the explosion of international trade over the last forty years, but, within its domain, exists the most profound and remarkable contradictions.Despite post-9/11 security paranoia, we have what is in many ways an unregulated trade of millions of containers pouring across the oceans and national borders.Few are fully checked, many are not accurately recorded on manifests, and all are escorted by ship crews who are as ignorant as anyone about what is transported within the anonymous boxes.One of the major shipping lanes of the world, off the coast of Somalia, where ships traverse on their way across the Indian Ocean to and from the Suez Canal, is plagued by modern day piracy, with seafarers held hostage in horrifying conditions.The role of Flag of Convenience registries, and the murky structures by which owners and operators insulate themselves from responsibility when things go wrong, are all part of an industry that functions inside a legal and financial grey zone.This book shines a light on an industry that is out of sight and out of mind for most people, but which our entire economy and even civilisation is dependent on.At the heart of the maritime industry are seafarers, and it is their struggle and story which the book documents so well.

Review by Victor Billot

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The VillageBy Hector Thorpe MUNZ

Sailing into one’s home port can be a special feeling for many seafarers. For me, it’s sailing into my place of birth the Port of Lyttelton. Whaka-raupo, Lyttelton Harbour is one of two major inlets in Banks Peninsula on the coast of Canterbury, the other being Akaroa Harbour. The harbour was formed from a series of ancient volcanic eruptions that created a caldera, the steep sides of which form the Port Hills on its northern shore which can only be described as awesome. At the mouth of the harbour, you have the towering headland of Godley Head to starboard and Adderley Head to port where the maritime pilots wait to guide safe passage for vessels.Glimpses of beautiful isolated inlets can be enjoyed as you sail up the channel, including Port Levy near the heads, Fort Jervois on the island of Rīpapa, Pauru Bay, Diamond Harbour and Quail Island, all on the port side of the channel.The starboard side of the channel features huge volcanic hills. The harbour channel is not required to extend beyond the port however smaller recreational vessels can enjoy many more beautiful bays beyond including Corsair Bay, Cass Bay, the Māori pa of Rāpaki, Governors Bay and Teddington before going full circle behind Quail Island to Church Bay and back out to Adderley Head. The working class maritime community of the ‘Village’, as the Port is affectionately known, enjoys million dollar views as they overlook the harbour from the surrounding hills.Home port arrivals aside, it’s not all dreaming about home or smelling the roses for seafarers. Another common idiosyncrasy is their interest in the many dockside watering holes scattered around the world. Lyttelton enjoyed an international reputation as a destination that could accommodate a cold beer and a good time, particularly at the British Hotel.Sadly, the 2010/11 Canterbury earthquakes caused death and injury throughout the Canterbury region – and destroyed many historic landmarks, including all the pubs at Lyttelton.

The Mitre TavernThe Mitre Tavern was located on ‘the bottom street’ Norwich Quay. Therefore it was the closest pub to number seven wharf where the Pacifica ships and local fishing vessels berthed. Kiwi seamen, local fishermen, wharfies and harbour board workers could be found there. It was one of those warm friendly welcoming local pubs where ladies and wives were welcomed, felt safe and were treated with respect. It enjoyed a bookie, a juke box, a pool table and a hot fire on a cold winter’s day or night. The Mitre was managed by Charlie, but indirectly organised from the punters’ side of the bar, by one of Lytteltons most famous sons, seafarer and MUNZ member, Brian Prisk.

One of their kind gestures was to fund raise for me while I was away on the Maritime Union and Corso sponsored Operation Hope voyage, where a volunteer crew sailed the Ngahere, fully laden with food and medical aid for the famine stricken people of the Sudan and Ethiopia. Upon my return, I gifted my only purchase to them, a homemade Sudanese sword which Charlie displayed on the bulkhead behind the bar.

The Royal TavernDirectly opposite the Mitre Tavern, the Royal Hotel was a favourite of the rugby crowd and others not necessarily associated with the maritime industry. Another friendly pub, a local my brother David enjoyed. At one stage, they opened the small rear bar which with dimmed lighting and good music, was a favourite for the younger crowd.

The Lyttelton HotelThe third Hotel on Norwich Quay was the Lyttelton Hotel. It was patronized mostly by the soccer crowd, local fishermen and the Russian fishermen who were often in port for lengthy periods on their huge factory and fishing vessels. At one stage, management opened the rear bar and introduced some great pub rock bands which attracted many punters from Christchurch. It was a strange mix of fishermen happily drinking in the well-lit front bar while loud rock music pounded away from the rear bar.

The Canterbury HotelThe Canterbury Hotel was the preferred drinking hole for the older 7oz glass drinking wharfies and as such was often busy. In the late 1980’s it underwent new management when an out of town young Maori guy took over and made some huge changes. The wharfies’ bar remained but, unknown to the locals, there was a back bar which he opened and thus introduced the Village to a semi night club era, an alien concept to the pub dominated scene. He went further, converting another unknown cosy space upstairs into an intimate bar. I’m not sure why the new venture did not succeed but the wharfies’ bar continued successfully.

The British HotelThe fifth pub along Norwich Quay was the British Hotel, which was the domain of the seafarer, predominantly British seafarers from conventional ‘home boats’ that could spend weeks in port working cargo. It was also the preferred bar for Japanese, South Korean and Taiwanese fishermen. Throw in a few regular locals, Kiwi seamen, the Epitaph Riders who arrived every Friday night, plus add a mixture of ladies which all helped make the British Hotel quite lively.The British was run by the respected Mr and Mrs McKenna and at times all three bars were in operation.

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The top bar was used most often, the back bar was utilised for live music and the dive bar was unique in the fact that it had the feeling of entering a bunker shelter, as it was built below road level it had no real natural lighting. Also it was small in size with a very low ceiling and often operated with dim lighting and loud music. In other words it was cool!

The Empire TavernThe Empire Tavern had the misfortune of being located in London Street, the main street of Lyttelton, a steep walk up from the other pubs, hence further away from the waterfront. It had a couple of bars and was patronized mostly by the older crowd. My grandfather William Henry Thorpe, veteran seaman and wharfie, would pop in for a 7oz beer after work before tackling the steep climb up the hill home.

The Irish BarThe Irish Bar, also on London Street, was converted from a shop and, through good management and a friendly atmosphere, attracted many of the younger non seafaring community both from Lyttelton and Christchurch.

Lyttelton Panorama: View to the west from the Timeball Station main tower, overlooking the inner harbour and township of Lyttelton, New Zealand, February 2010. Most of the multi-storey masonry-based buildings visible in the town centre have since been lost in the earthquakes. Photo by Mick Stephenson. CC License BY-SA 3.0

The WunderbarThe newest bar on the scene was the Wunderbar. It was a funky designed, Euro inspired creation completely out of left of centre. It attracted the chic and alternative type crowd, mostly from Christchurch. It enjoyed great elevated views over the harbour as it was attached to the back of the supermarket. Another advantage it enjoyed was sharing a rear entry access stairwell directly to and from the Irish bar. Although the supermarket was condemned after the earthquake, I understand the Wunderbar was the only pub/hotel that remained undamaged and open (besides the Top Club and Loons Club).

Strong communityAlthough there was a strong local community atmosphere, based around the maritime industry, the rugby club and pubs including competing darts and pool competitions and main street wheel barrow races between pubs on late night shopping evenings, the reality was, long before the earthquakes struck, the pub culture at Lyttelton – and throughout the rest of the Kiwi coast – was already waning, due to the economic downturn in the fishing and maritime industry. There was the trend towards containerisation and quick turnaround of ships manned with fewer crew members, plus the introduction of sky sports on telly at home and cheap supermarket beer to drink in front of it, all added to the decline.The earthquakes unfortunately destroyed all the pubs.I understand Lyttelton remains strong and there is a new emphasis towards rebuilding in other areas including restaurants, a music recording studio Lyttelton Records, tourism, engineering and rebuilding the Port Company and maritime industry. Internationally, there is also a huge trend towards development and investment in surrounding docklands which may also help.

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You’ll decide who the next Government is. The General Election is just around the corner and the most important thing you can do is vote. Last time lots of people didn’t vote, and this time we want to make sure that people know when they’re going to vote.Let’s Get Out and Vote is a NZ union movement campaign to make sure Kiwi workers, their families and neighbourhoods have their say in Election 2014. Sign our Voter Pledge on today. Do a bit more and volunteer to spread the Voting word on-line, at work and in your community.Voting in this election will start on 3 September and finish on

20 September. We’ll make sure that all our Pledged Voters know where and when their local polling booths are open and we’ll answer any questions Voters have.

Let’s get out and vote!