the memphis daily appeal,.agtsier'n office of shelby oour m, pages anu i j fur nuss therein...

e BY JOH3SJ" S. C. HOGAN & CO. UEtiPMS APPEAL PUBLISHED DAILY 4 ST JOHN 8. C. HOGAN CO. PgtlCE or HI Hi KIPTIOI , ( annum : : ! : .. - " wMk : a, per copy : ! : : : : ffytIT pi annum (In mNo subscription entered on oar books Tor a lew time than one month. Bim or ADVEKTISINO. One o.nar one insertion :::::: eaeu aaamonai one : two : three week " one month : n n on r All edvertlaemetiU oousideral due after t - Aral insertion. Mr Eight '.lacs of aolld nonpareil oonsUtut a square. M- - All advertisements In th Special noun eolunm will he charged Si cents per Una. ar Marriage and death notioea published a other adverUaenienis V All advertisement for the noK h handed in at the Herk' desk. mer Tnrutm advrrUtrmemu mtut t paid for T Advertisement the Weekly paper will be cbsrr.1 si aan re lee, per week or month, as in the lily, an.ssss by special eon tract. ner Our friend; art- - requested to usstnetr beet lTvirU to seud us bu libera, and AH np oar Hat, and alto to forward any ltoms of news that may be of sufficient laoal Importance to warrant their pubhoaUoo. TSRXH Or WIKKLT. A an Inducement to cet np cluba, we hare .l : Ue following scale of price, which are a io w as oar current offloe expenses will ad ml f: One Copy, one year : : $8 oo To c'ubfcOf ten or more, each : 4W MASONIC DIRECTORY. BLLEKIT 15B XUrOXIC C1LK5B1K. A.'. M.'. XT. 1 Tl 1 K 1 V.ada 1 Nin 1 TLarn 1 Ab. 1 1 Rial. 1 A V. Hai.n'. week week ember,. October.. vem ner,. Kjenaoer... .unary,.... irch iber -- lar 6th arch oi SfaM Que Anlrew'a Daj , aaa rati .. mail November In eaea jaiamni tf MAbONIO DIRECTORY. isir. LODGES. Metis Moadar In Vllow' Hall l oart IT. street. Mor-- MaarH!-- . UK. Meet 3d Prfday of m'.utn Kail, aw M.l.son and Second, j T.nellar.; BenJ. K. Fallen, flee, Lai ua acorr. No. 2sm Meet 1st Friday of each rnnntn -- Hall. cor Madison and Second. John w. V.; H. P. Woodward, ftae, Baai-- s. No Meets Ml Friday of each m HmU. P. M. Stanley, U" M W H. Bu'f. ISec avil.wla.MSu, No. M l' l.i Meet 4th Friday ..f .. momh Front street. John J. WoraLam, Its. W. M : H K fallen. Sid, Sec. AOTAL arch. Hvs- - 4. VeeUtlrl Monday of each monih Jaws-Pa- ls as Hall. JkIi-- i Zeal. M. K. B P.; B. M. Levy. M, K. AND S. V. ECK vtuclL No. Meets 3d Monday of each maul w.' hall, .'otn item, yflR Tf.. Hi.: N.J. W.mriu. Rec. TEH FLA BS. CVKKSK Ccirnandery, Nn. Meets 4th Mon- - Jay of each moaih. John Zent, Com,; N. J. Hoc Cssip e P"t th- - De per To for nee rusty, Ar.u c. JSi No -- Jm Si AMD A.-- . Si OTTISII KITK. Mrs Lodge ef jerfec!ton, 14th ; No. 1. 'ixl oaimLD.osuocj Wednesday night e.-r- i month. Henry P. WnodaxdTiAl, Q.: .; Chartea M. Carroll, 14th. Sec.-- ::- - Laiit nf Per'eotion. 14th.; No. 2. t i 'Vi , n' narh n nnlh George ilersh, 310, U. M ; A. f Frankland. SJd, r on nci! ofPnncesof Jerusalem, 16th.; j lent. K. Pollen, til.. Tana.-- . . T OR- H. HttKT. ptitr of Rose Croi: ilarua, Od, M. W. Sa p.. Mil S.j i..rr. II. e M & 1 4. f H lith.. So. al. Ton :s of K Jth-- , Woooard. XM ; ild. Best . t Tv n K.ssra. XSd. John EV. in chief; Dodce C. TAILORING, SCOURING iA STIT U D TIME SAVKs BML" j DTEIHG, SCOUBINO, sj -- V: -- A.tD- 1 REPAIRING, IHme ax short not lea by ISAAC ISAACS,!;;. 54 2 Jefferson Street. r. i with neatness and sfaction guaranteed when aasrt i. r. BASSOS Tito. II. Hunt ct Co., P It E If IU M SILK AND WOOLEN DiERS -- it Mr- -t. Id store WHITEMAN BROS., MAr.uIuoiser of Avud 1sUis lo PRINTING PAPER, to Si.rlli--as- l er. nlil h. die Ispft t (isrl Bensnhli-- , i a i i : av o o s . s I'ophir Nltrel, AtWAW ON B AM) ACOMPLKTE KKKP all of FHin lilnmES SIPPL1ES. ALL ORDERS Fromptlj Killed autl Dellvere aJ pajl ol lh City WITHOUT EXTRA l HAHUK. mm KatlstM'tliNO Komi.or will lie back as u WITHOl'TCBAKGE. ftlVK ITS A CALL Card. tits, mud !. .f s ,ii t j .!. K t HWT1A UO. ' M GOOD&A K, J. R. fa, LA J b. Lsvte of bratisforfi, a wilb Goodbar Cu worth, aaos 4k Co. COODBAR & It LIL AND. Kxc!ii! Wltmttttt Drataiera In BOOlS and SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, XOl Main St.. M Block Between Adams and Washington, anJ MEMHHIn. EUREKA AND PRATT'S hovthkus si Aim C'i'l'r3T Cwl. rVVfl K.VKKlv A(iIS vparaVe la, bells and Ouiu aud Lb: nei, iurulsbeu at sollcueU and proupUy a x: i"KrEike;A.BT, Care ol r -- rriugiot k Howel'. huS Agent DsvuteJ LYONS, FIES CO., Wholesale and Retail DEALERS DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Street, MM PJaA, H. .. Fias, j aaaTuHi ca. 4 Front Council Comm.. M.on.i i.k,iJs ottir. tSn."7 Bsiulb Hlre--l- . iicntol kinds ukiods . uoDth we (ilLLI aTtouUi- - .Vo. roser TEW. Baud-- , artcsM Orders Pratt & amain TEB Ltoss, i X C for IN nan uui Mat M. ni Iteved PLAMTATIOM the Memphis daily appeal,. PROFESSIONAL CARDS MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. Ji. A. t. DR. PHYSICIANS. IIt. KA resume his Memphis, where he rlosrember. i im e twili- -l Bioca. corner South Court Main streets. Office hours from 9 2 o'cloev e?l lin WM. EVERETT fonnd Roomn , PotHta- - "1A V VV ern t. ! K K will tn id aud to at 8 find Hdw, corner of Main and Ketti stttt. ffwrc lie h rrtsri to treat u l ud is w;l!t U iadies UAVliif diseases peculiar to .heir mx. Atie and long fprrlenc convinces him tnat aii can h relieved, uo matter how Nrare the U, V HUH H aWUUIU AUI1 m Ml ow other be desires Qwh cases which have bean i Till teu PROMO UN CEO INCURABLE. mm- - DUaaaaa of children will also receive attention. DENTISTS. POPE S. HINSON, DENTIST, No. 339 Main Street. CLAY BUILDING, erst darwly HarriH V Hlair, DENTISTS, t. S17 I iirn-- r Second and llUUU HI . Liiimt ED. PICKETT. J a. JIIIIMH'KLUI'K. LAWYERS. MESSICK & PICKETT, Attorneys at Law O F F I C K : No. 817 Second Street, near corner of sen lsa a w. wun a. . a i. Lais of UaUaua, Teen, of Slisaoun. WlNrUESTEB & HATCH EK, AT LAW and Ueneral ATTOBTrys 3S7 Beoond HLreet. Mem- phis, Tennessee. A. W aran. L. D. McK mirk. WRIGHT & McKISICK, Attorneys at Law removed theU oce to the Kit HAVK Block. No. S and 4, Mnd- - ALBrHT PIEK AaOBT, Lii? KocJt. Ark. PIKE MS it., Memphia. L. H. PIKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW AJtD Solicitor in Ctancery, Little Rock. - - Arkansas. practice :n the Federal and state Conru. Ooiec.kus prompll v &i tended to. mM tf a. L. DUO.t. W. A DIXON a PERCY, a TTOBNKVS 1 Coahoma, Botlva Jf!f:rMl LAW, Conrt Washington and Uaquenua decl.l SELF-FASTE- N INC WROldHT IK0 BICRLK TIE CBAe. jornsicv Sole Proptr, No. 14 I'nion street. New Orleans. 1 Insert the hoop the lot, and draw it tight the bale. AU other Tl Inmnetioetotj, asaucD. u.m. will No. AT the or COTTON BALES. 1c oy this metliod are ad will prosecuted iaw When the lever of the pre is raised the tie fasten itself the pieseure of the hale. W'e are sole aent. and are prepared to fill orders tor he arrjve MHMBii wJatf Iroi Bacilc Tie, on Tbe uost favornble MsW We svn? havlug Uiem in ad 's! of lue ruuf; supnur lrou nud thoroukii y tsjteJ. U H. UAVir CO.. rr'inuii.s'tion Lonim llle. Jun? T, lHt7. sul tvt t. Q H P 135 o will o cS ? o of Hii m n ei as --e-J o of u Trust Sale. B aTflsVIIUDN.l;l)l ChuriH Mrl:iph.h out- ward O o D iv i A i e o c o u fa s O a LAIK. Lale Will by t u o - I-- . 3C - I -S a - vlrtu of m i i t. made by SKtl rt40 1 tlj 111 Ul KeftV- - VT m UjTJtf ol book p i ilU C.tT H M itlttli 03 O c o o u Is rr tbe C A 7. r ion. tii lateiseciaOu of liuoeeaittwarIIy oi u wilb trtft ntli the wt Kidc of mo ioKy-els;- aod half line fpstjh fMtl the wst or nor or said CioiWI!'s ioiMht-ito- noritiwurajT with tb esuiL to n.daiy luiu o; aaui rromwlj's ioi oo b u .Al r3ti sussi ud a uai icel to be-- .Ul Tbe title to Krti.t lheejul' ledcBiptiou waivtjd, UDDCH Our latesr Improve' NEW SCALE PUNO-FOHT- GROVESTVjEN CO., lin BKHtv lustruiAjeii: lerMt.inoulais oui lu pronouaoed rorac SVPPUnB nITRUICON, 1st Monroe. wiscaasru, Main Greenville, In rye I'niiai eb, irtel; Jetferwou Tbird Third twelve 4HJ peorssjrtv rwiia-Te- to be tuU v u: is bUL I o.IV SA tlUMft i; tu . nnis Id TH M Art Trustee. & m klat f- -l on couutry". wbo. al tbtin the real THK m i "K APS a! el t htrett ; a the i ; SMI flUlt' l! has ajways heeit our Miicy doriD Lb th. ytara that e have loanulati-- . ured ft an os. 'wWk thoux'iiKi. mt which are now In use In the Uults-- d UiUla aud. Jtuioji.-- . to kiv the finest instrument at tbs li)Sfsl .l. ur upe-ri- iiies eutble us t. ofll'i th-- from one to thjee hundred dollars ja thaUi ttny other flnt ' laes Houa. The t neof LbeaeintruiAAeiib.ara rntarkabiH for their peculiar aud (treat never loal!- tht-l- quality when fofoed to their at moat capacity The lower register ietainnf poaitiTeuesh do noi detroy the middle and upper renters by mJng lug witii tbem In dlsatreeab; otjnfasjon, the reflntni beauty of te being equa ly alghtrul U the auprae-tiee- and to Ue looal culiivaied ear. Thfv aiean enttrely new vt of tne, tn the most superb manner. wifA four futt nmnti --or- frvrd and ttfik, car. ad lega eid Lvie vtxpeutiue Hae rlchiy nicohied, .irnJ each Lualruxbent Is folly warranted for tve ytaaxa. aaps dAwly Co rtiier ship Notice. phK undersigned ha this da' a.ocl:ited 1 with b in in the Cotton Brokerage aud (.uiumlaalo... Business. AD...LPH KaIi-BHK- under Uieflrni name aud style of N. ORONA A CO., and wbl continue aa herelofora to any Use Biricteat aslentloii lo ail bUKlaeaa in laat ue n i U sl lo osir caie. allsr N. OOROMiN A. Trustee' Sale. Y virtue or a dearni of t rust rosd to f Kanui J Uuui Mix John t 1st day of August, isUi, and n agtsier'n office of Shelby oour M, pages anu i J f ur nuss therein named. will, I I - Z Ssi M.'faJ a Hunt on orded la Uis r, In book No. Uuli IndeUled- - Oq Saturday, Sttth October, 1867, Between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock in ftont of the Law Court roonis, lu the city ol Memphis, sett to lb- highest bidder for cash the following laud lying io aheiby uouuty, Teuneaes eglnnlug al a slake in the nortn-eaa- t ooraex of Or- - W. A. Booth's loft acre tract with elm. rnapi and red oak pointers ; ihenae ir.nin with lr. Booth a :1ns Is chains 124s-O- 0 of a chain io a stake; thence cast Ik ; ....j chain 011 tllU, R" eigh be tu sLKeinjaaf ssui wniies said ; .,. :;;" u is izj, lou chains with r.swlso a stake blinks east of a black gOV : III II i I 1W CSSiDn Ul Ul De- - gluniug o a:res ol an acre. iCuuITv of iedmi.non waived. Title te- - u be good, hut convevauos on v a tius- - aud Ibe the U F. VANCE, Trustee. FROM A I.Bfll KK OP THE PM o I TIHH BITE. Thus it in that throagb tbe long yearn and even age, the silent Influence work among the people, and prepare for the great crUis that, coming unexpectedly. RhangeK the fate of an Empire in an in- stant. A single battle frees iombard; a small Italian Kingdom become a great Power in a day ; and Italian (liamt Dukes, expunged bj their people, sink at once out of sight, tbe world looking on without care or commiseration. It is useless to clamour against Iono-ranc- 8rPKRflTrnoN and Tyranny, : n our Lodges, and repeat the cry of ' Li berty. KyCALiTY and Fraternity !' and no more. To widen too much the circle of our exertions, is to invite our Initiates to do nothing ; because we urge them to what they feel to be impractica- ble. The object of Masonry is, on tbe contrary, to effect some practical good, within the limits of that circle, however narrow, in which its influences may be felt. It neither conceals an assault upon religion under its enmity to superstition, uor a hostility to order and good govern- ment under it opposition to Tyranny. We must take care not to make our objects either odious and un- welcome, or unreal and chimerical. The problem whether this or the other form of government be preferable, is not yet solved. It is by no means certain that a republican government can be permanent; the experiment of selecting rulers, legislators and magistrates by popular vote, is not as yet successful j and it is not sure that to commit the va- ried powers of government habitually to the most incompetent and unfit hands, the best mode to perpetuate the na- tional existence. It may be that it is as much a law of God for nations of men to be governed by a single will as it is for the bees to have one Queen. Masonry in Europe has been the propagator of republicanism : yet Solomon, the fir-f- Grand Master, was a King. Men and nations will not or free, until they are Jif ii to be so ; and the form of of each must be the expres-fio- n of its fixed habits of thought and A great of time of seed, Freedom, in silent dignity early lime strength wDr.v. and tae tne of entire by means of its best and wisest, will be, !7ienet'rT sue an one erisf$, tbe mighti- est antagonist of Despotism and arbitrary Power : and their best ally is a Republic, ifoverning or uu'sgoverning itself by its smallest intellects, and at last plunged into dissension and civil war by inca- pacity and folly. Where it is needed, Masonry labors to set limits to arbitrary Power elsewhere, :. ....... u mi . it. ,li, fir tn maintain 11 U1.J ito " 1 i ...j ... ' - order in .nstitutions and ideas, and to set limits to excesses in another direction, furTHEPEOPi.Ktoomay play the Tyrant, and crash out individual independence of thought and opinion, aa ruthlessly as ever, an Kmperor did: and a republic may so conduct itself, as to disgust other nations with liberty itself, and make them proud of their own fetters. There is a Iespotism even in republics : and it is even where men have been most free, and have least felt the weight of Govern- ment, where universal suffrage prevails, and that bastard equality brings all men down to one common level, and the people, in dangeroui emergencies, are most ready to submit to military despot- ism, and tamely allow the sword to de- throne tbe ' is-- , and the minions of ille- gitimate Power to usurp the function of the law-mak- and the judiciary. a great danger impends, such a people ever hastens to become the slave of a single will. History is ever repeating itself; and human nature remains the same through all tbe ages. Taut. The buried wheat inusl seam to die, Luna, rotting, in tbe earth must He, Before the new shool seeks the air. The new stalk can the new grain bear. Wllhin itsclossnd silent cell The dead worm must in darkness dwell. Before the moth, can be The type of Immortality. So poor body, formed from dust. To earih's cold busnni we entrust. Nor idly grieve, and weep in vain. Since nil the dead shall live again. Ashe- - to ashes. esrh to earth. And dust to dust; bnt death is birth. Birth to a better, hicber life Than Kailh's poor hour of care and strife. Veatlsre af Jlaaoji Among dlana - No. 2 tbe I Amoog tbe Cherokee, Choc taws, Cbickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles, and other Southern Indian tribe, there has existed from time a secret fraternity of sworn friends, having signs, token and word known only to them- selves, aud confined to the male popula- tion. Their form of initiation is said to be simple, but their obligations to each other are held to be of the most solemn and binding nature through life. If one f the fraternity is in danger or trouble, his claim for the protection or aid of his Lrethren is not to be disregarded ; and if at any time flight from enemies become necessary, he i at liberty to mount the horse of a Brother and flee from bis per- secutors. I am iuformed by many intel- ligent ludian Kreemaswu that there is enough iu the ceremouie aud obligations if tins fraternity to justify tbe conclu- sion that it had a genuine Masonic ori- gin, though at what period it ia impos- sible to determine : perhaps centuries before this continent was known to tbe Angio Saxon race. An instance is related to me by Judge Field, of tbe Cherokee nation, wherein a party of Cuiled State commissioners, neut to treat with tbe Seminole, In Flor- ida, early in the present when, -- c.rrounded by enraged savage and silsout to be put to death, were saved by a hlf breed attached to the com mission, who gave the mystic sign of the frater- nity, which in a moment turned the fury of the uavages into the warmest demon- strations of friendship. "The grand hailing sign" of thi fraternity, if not derived originally from genuine Ma- son rv, answered every purpose in saving tbe lives of this band of white mn, and who can say that it had not a true Ma- sonic origin. Auother peculiar and striking feature iu this Indian fraternity is found in the fact that, in starting out upon the hunt or tbe war tbe Indians form in group of time. Jive, and cren,who, on such occasions, adbere one to another even to tbe death. These mystic num- bers, three, five, and seven, are signifi- cant to Masons, and their existence among this ludian fraternity cannot be suupoeed to be the reault of mere acci- dent, for they are traditional numbers, and are adhered to with the most sorupulous fidelity. If tbls Custom is not a vestige of Freemasonry the coin- cidence is at least somewhat remarkable, and it reminds us of tbe sworn friend- ship between Jonathan and David, an- terior to tbe time Freemasonry assumed form under tbe Jewish fathers. Pertinent to this point, though I do uot propose to discuss the subject at length, is the fact, that among our Amer- ican Indian geuerally there exists strong evideuce of their Hebrew origin, which, if true, furnisbee almost inoontestible their ancestors who first pop- ulated this continent brought with them ancieut Freemasonry, and is another proof of tbe great antiquity of our valua- ble institution. ThiB point has received a larger share of the attention ef Adair aud others who have written on the sub- ject, aud the evidence of thi origin may be briefly summed up as follows: 1. Their division of time. I Their worship ef our t treat Spirit. .1. Their belief iu ministering angel. 4. 'I he, - prophets and priests. A Their festivals, fasts and religious rite. i. Their ablutions and anointings. 7. Their law upon uncleanlinesa. H. Their marriage, divorces, and pun- ishment for adultery. u. Their cities of refuge. in. Their purifications before going to war. 1 1 . Their methods of curing the sick. IS Their mode of bury lug the dead. IX Their custom of raising a family to a decesaeai brother. 14. Their nionunienta for tbe dead. 15. 1 heir choice of names from etc. These, and many other customs of tbe Iodian which might be mentioned, though, perhaps, not all of them prac- ticed by any single tribe, are very strong if not absolute proofs of their Hebrew origiu, and I am informed that these evidences exist in a still higher degree among the Comanche, tbe Kiowas, and other southwestern tribes. I cannot learn, however, that circumcision has ever been practiced among tbe American Indians. If that religious rite ever was practiced by tbem, all tradition of It seem to have been lost. L'lsm the stones found In tbe ruin of temple built agsa before tbe conquest of .Mexico bv tbe Spaniards, found MEMPHIS, TE2STN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1867. sculptured skulls and cross-bone- altars, silent but conclusive proofs that the people in whose day those emblems of Freemasonry were cut upon tbe rock, possessed and cultl- - vated an order akin to our order, if not, the veritable order itself. Grand Master Bromwell, of Illinois, states that he has seen a square, level, trestle-boar- an. other lodge furniture ' made from stone, and taken from an an- - j cient mound in the state of Indiana. Whence came these emblems of Free- masonry ; by whom were they wrought, and by whom used ? In pursuing these investigations the writer will probably have occasion to re-- fer to this subject again, as it Is very in- - timately connected with the main sub-Je-ct under consideration, and it may, perhaps, be the key which will unlock the mystery snrrounding the vestiges of Freemasonry which exist among oar American Indians. The Point RY THE within Hie Circle and allel Lines. RANO HIOH PKIKUT OP far- - NKOTICTT. The account of this emblem given in tbe Monitors is wholly unsatisfactory, aud inconsistent with the general teach- ing of Masonry. It is suggestive of many perplexing question, not tbe least of which are : Did it as essential element of the vigilance of the constabulary every reiruiar wen governeu seizure. Lodge " prior to the time cf the Holy Saints Join:, aud, if so, what was the explanation given by our ancient Brethren ? If introduced subsequent to their time, how can it be said to be au emential or rfquititr. of every regular Lodge ? Were not the Lodges before their day regular ? Did not they possess all the necessary elements of a regular Lodge ? If so, was not any addition to those ancient essential elements an innovation upon the body of Masonry ? Again, how could Jewisb Masons have dedicated Lodges tn tne Holy Saints John t as now explained, does it cot give a Christian interpretation to Masocrv, and thereby destroy Its boast and pride, univeraality f In my judgment this symbol alway exinted In Masonry, and it was thus ex- plained by our ancient Brethren : "The circle is the astrouomical sign of the sun, the source of physical light ; the point is tbe focus of light, tbe central in- telligence of the universe; the object of the Mason's pearcb.'' As man was made in the image of God, the point also represents tbe " individual Brother." The two parallel lines represent the summer aud winter solstices, where, as the word indicates, the sun stops or stands still. The first occurs June 21st ; tbe second December 21st. They symbolically represent the tme line of moral rectitude. It will be observed that the period be twpen June tilth anil I inhem her 1lth em- - opinion. living example braces the tbe implanted the calm, of manhood, the seed of Ma lts peace, governing prisoners ; " that that When this immemorial century, proof that times, are ana A- m, i r i . , ...a u.i 111 'i iiu. cat t 1 i n - 111 J x Ul 1UK v c v , tl 1 11 . old age. there- - j fever. fore, us while a .Savannah mention youth will be as shipments of new regular conduct as is in his to York. This course, on neitnerside transifressimr tne true bue9 of moral rectitude, it is impos- sible that he should materially err. Tbe ApolhgemN or Odin. Amontr those " wise saws " contained in the "Havamal," or "Sublime Dis- course of Odin, the King Solomon of northern Europe, we quote tbe following from translations by Mallet and Whea-to- n : " Riches pass away in the twinkling of an the most inconstant of friends ' ' are they. "Flocks and herds perish, friends and relations die; but one ibiug I know u naval iht til thtt good man." took " M not tli stranger for thou .ii.ixsl tons knowest not whom he may " It is better to live JS than long. When a man lights a tire, death is with him hpfore it is extinguished." "There is no so cruel as contrnt with your fate." th in siKJiritr i stiiit iif i. in- - J4CAPF.. The Pall Mall Gazette draws this charming picture of the Thames river scenery: "And yet there isnot wanting a certain grace, and a very delicate grace, about this domestic river. Mr. Tennyson ha given the eisence of it in a verse of the ' Palace of Art.' Amongst the various pictures, 'fit for every mood of mind,: with which the palace was stored, one was .an home-E-- nv nour .i arms munitions sinned bis have SnS.r Ih.n nieen nil t !l 111 us ill .rl.r alon.ii haunt or ancient Peace." picture might certainly have been painteil on a hundred reaches of j the Thame. The gently fin wing river between rounded hills, covered with soft banks of foliage, and through rich green meadows, breathes the quiet iufiuence irdicated by the words, 'softer than sleep,' aud speaks audibly of tbe uudis- - oisj turbed tears of peace. It (rives tbe verv essence of iiuiet English scenery, where it Is free from the look nf meanness which is sometimes produced by the small enclosures, diminutive proportions and gentle slopes of common place English country. To appreciate its power one bhould stand, on a evening, somewhere under the woods of ("lieveden, or near Hurley lock or the Henley meadows. It is as that there should be a lasher near, that the rnsh of tbe may suggest tbe deli- cious coolness ' a header into the bubbles below, yet without tbe noise and fury of a genuine water- fall ; there should be a great bed of glori- ous water iillies, with Mat comfortable leaves lying lazily on tbe Mirface, aud tbe big Dowers ' pillowing their chins,' as the does, according to Milton, upon the smooth deep water, and the roots an- chored safely iu the ooze several feet below ; an old rusty lock or canipstead-ln- g, and a mellow, collage half covered with trees should be reflected in the water ; and there should certainly be one of our punt walchiugan indo- lent float. If a boat comes by it should not be manned by young gentlemen training a race, though they, too, are suitable in some of the livelier reaches; but, If possible, a good, steady family tub. with a fat gentleman steering and his daughters making believe tn row anil watching tbe drip of the water from tbe oars. Then, if you would visit fair Thames aright, light your pipe and lie down on the grass think about nothing, and home returning soothly swear, or rather mildly affirm, that you have enjoyed yourself calmly but thoroughly. To restless minds, who must have some- thing to with, a fishing rod, or even an oar, may be recommended ; but tbey must remember, to parody the oriental proverb, that it ia a scene in which it is better to steer than to row, better t lie in tbe bottom of the boat than to steer, and better to float Idly than to be pro- pelled by any meant known to science.'' Music la the faintly. I once stopped at a Ger- man settlement of no great size, where I was invited to hear some music at the house of a mechanic. Here a small company performed, vocally and iostrumeutally, almost the whole of Haydn's creation. Tbe master of the bouse, a blacksmith, more than sixty years of age, took tbe first violin ; his aged wife, lu spectacles, gave us a vocal tmrt: the eldest son, a Joiner, from a neighboring village, sat down at a Leip-si-c piano-forte- , on which, after tuning it, he executed with great, skill the whole accompaniment ; .several young meu and women filled the remainder of the A boy, five of age, was pointed out to me as beginning to play on tbe violin. L'pon inquiry I found that there not a bouse in towD without a piano-fort- or some keyed instrument. evening's enter- tainment has often occurred to me as illustrating tbe happy inilueuceof music upon domestic life and social habits. If you would bave young people love home, induce tbem to cultivate music. It will beguile many a winter night, which migbt otherwise be worse wasted. Few pleasures are cheaper or more inno- cent, or within the borne circle. Almost all foreigners are proRcieuta. A few years ago, a party of emigrants en- camped for the night on a small emi- nence, about half a mile from my resi- dence. About sunset we were surprised the mirst delightful sounus, waited across the valley by these sojourners. It appeared to be evening hymn, ac- - companied with horns. The erTeot was j indescribable. Rev . Mr. Todd. " This eer Mtraeh He." We recently heard the following touch-S- Incident ; A little boy bad died. His body was laid out in a darkened, room, waiting to lie laid in the cold, lone grave. His afflicted mother aod bereaved little sister in to look at the sweet face of the precious lea per. for his face was beautiful even iu death. As they stood gazing on the face of one so beloved and cherished, the little girl asked la shake his band. Tbe mother at first not think It best, but the child repeated tbe request, and seemed very anxious about it ; she took j tbe Ould, bloodless hand of her sleeping boy arid plaoed it in the hand of bin weeping sister. The dear child looked at it a moment, caressed it fondly, and then looked up to tion love, : hand never strucs me'" What could have been touching and lovely ( Va.) Index. (iaribaidi has issued an address de- claring that the time now come for overthrowing the tyranny of tlie pope. King Victor Emanuel has issued a proc- lamation forbidding any Italians to en-ga- in ths mavi msnt. SJEWH AP THE DAT. Harps are usee in London churches. The Fort Smith, Arkansas, Era is enlarged and Improved. A man swam across Niagara river abave the suspension bridge, on Hun-da- South Carolina malcontents still em- igrate to Honduras. An island la forming in the reach of the Mississippi river above Natchez. Brazil anticipate this year the largest harvest of coffee ever gathered. Trousers this fall are to be as tight as possible, and with a very broad stripe. A neat thing. Troops have been dispatched from France to Rome. Erlessonha bnllt for tbe Swedish government a "man-monitor- ," to be worked by man power. the finding of dean bodies of infants in Brooklyn, kork, is becoming of plete retnrns show the 'otal vote of tbe almost daily occurrence. state be 92,1)H. Haight's majority A raft panned Winona, Minnesota, on over Gorham, ieW. the 19th, which contained 1,100,000 feet Richmond, 27. lumber, contained in 130 cribs. ' Brown has issued an order directing the The cranberry crop of Jackson conn- - officers of the freedmen's bureau this ty, which has begun come ' district turn over the civil authori-in- , is estimated at 3000 bushels. ties all negro paupers who have been re- - cotton crop in West Tennessee, here since January 1, 1st! Arkansas and is reported to in the cane of Kebler, the or-b- e an average yield. dered he brought before the state Packing ale in flour barrels is the latest unsuccessful stodge at Boston to exist an elude Some one has given currency to the startling statement that Havana cigars are made of potato leaves. The New railroad leads ofT in the very important reform ex- cluding peddlers from the cars. Tbe Cuban cable company received two thousand dollars the first day the cable was open to the public. Tbe Rock Island and St. Louis rail- road has been put under contract for its whole length. The streets of Dm Moines, Iowa, are black with grasshoppers. The Harpers are soon to publish a weekly fashion paper on a very exten- sive scale. The cotton worm has made its ap- pearance in the eastern part of North Carolina. The South German states are now free to join the North German confed- eration, and thus make Germany one natien. Tbe Prussian diet, which was dis- solved yesterday, will meet again in November, when the Dew states will be The total amount of tea exported from China this season to the 2DUi of August is 60,000,000 pounds. Rates of freight from St. Louis to Natchez and New Orleans have advanced. Senator Wade aad Representative Spalding, of Ohio, announce themselves in favor of a continuous session of con- gress from the day of its meeting until the fourth of March, 1869. It is estimated tiiat one-tent- of the and itself time of ripening number of soldiers and path, . aniri ' u. uim n of The whole symbol, is to teach that Brother, Tbe papers the from early to old age, of four crates slieaf in his the sun rice from that port New eye; be." malady A "That summer well water fishers The than their Hand weut did New is tbe first export north of the uew rice crop. John B. (rough has on his estate West Bowlston, Mass., 20011 of the feathered tribe, consisting ef turkeys, hens, ducks, pigeons and geese. Those sections of North Carolina noted for unionism d mug the war are utterly opposed to negro supremacy as tbe radicals will discover at the next election. Tom P. Ochiltree writes a from the Langbam hotel, Loudon, in which he poetically refers to Texas aa the " hus- bandman's paradise, and shepherd's ely- - sian field." place ick irnef, years away letter rbe monthly sale of Scrantnu coal at rew York yesterday: at $3 'sat .n4 75 per tou. Stone coal S4 5o4 75. Steamboat coal a 7.Vrtjsl 71. Under the amnesty, and according to the census of ItJtK), the vote in Texas would be a follows: Whites, 100,405 : blacks, SUSS ; giving a total white ma- jority of 71,473. Westerly, R. L, baa furnished sixty-fiv- e sea captains, of whom twenty-eight- , were Peudietone, and other prevailing names are Barber, Barnes, Babcock, Kiirdick. Bliven, Duubar, Hazard, Hall, Nasb, Suunders, etc. Congratulations have been exchanged between the governor-gener- al of Cuba and the governor elect of California on tbe establishment of commu- nication between California auil Cuba. Garibaldi, wheu arrested, was con- veyed to the fortress of Alexander. The EnsMlsh twiiiaiit and other On dewy pust an... dewy trees. for troops sun for ami play score by has over of war de- - seized Tbe Italian govern me tit is determined to prevent an invasion of ths Papal ter ritory. Postaire stamps are a comparatively recent iuventioo, but they bave irone int.) universal use in most enormous quantities. England uses 850,00t).0iMl postaKe stamps annually ; France, and tbe United States, 3o0,00),- - Some miscreant attempted to wreck a train on tbe Beilfontaine road, near Kortville, Indiana, last Friday night, by loosening tbe rails. The eastern bound express passed over tbe gapsn safety, but tbe engineer, having discovered some- thing wrong, stopped tbe train and caused the mischief to be repaired. A wretch iu Philadelphia, tbe other day, employed several girls who owned sewing machines, to come to bis estab- lishment on Chestnut street, the next day work. Early the next morning he sent a team around for the machines, and when, tbe girls went to tbe place indicated, they could hear of no such man and get no trace of their machinaa. Tbe late Abraham Lincoln's coach is offered for sale In New York. (iaribaidi was arrested by the Italian government while crossing the frontier of Rome. The remains of Sir Frederick Bruce were sent home iu tbe steamship China. Fernando Wood will be a candidate for the mayoralty of New York and will probably be elected. Dr. O. Porter, of Cornwall, Vt., late senator, died on the 17tb, aged sixty years. Brig. Get. Dan. McCoy bss established himself at Thomson, Carroll county, III., as one of the editors of the Thomson Courier. The salary of J. W. SImonton, New York agent of the associated press, has been raised from $25011 to I50U0 a year. Tbe wife of Mr. Lee, the gentleman who drew the Chicogo opera house, died last Friday, at Prairie de Rocber, 111. George Welling, late colonel of tbe fourth Kentucky cavalry, died in New i )rleans, of yellow fever, Tuesday, the 17th inst. Thomas H. Ford, gover- nor of Ohio, is said to have ths inside track for the Ecuador mission, vice Coggeshall, deceased. Win. H. Bartlett, associate justice of the supreme court of New Hampshire, died yesterday, at Concord, of 'aged forty. Brougham makes speeches in Boston when the scene shifters are delsyed, and keeps the audience happy. Maurice Strakosch writes that America will go wild over the beauties of " Romeo and Juliet," in which Patti has won in- creased distinction. Gen. Beauregard bag written a letter in which he says the country i drifting into a military despotism. C. F. Huntsman, for several years connected with the Milwaukee Hew, has gone to La Crosse, to take a position on the editorial staff of Brick Pomeroy's Democrat. Gen. Grant's father spoke at a demo-crati- c meeting, on the 2ttb. favoring the election of Gen. Cary for congress. Arrangements are being made in To- - ronlo to provide a residence in tbst city for Davis. Charles Fairfax, Jr., a native of Ohio, and for some months past of the edlto- - rial corps of the New Orleans Timet, died in that city on Friday last of yellow fever. Tbe Journal says Napoleon wants an eleven-yea- r old Salzburg princess for his sen's bride. She must be a drowsy little belle to take a Nap ! Saxe says he saw more pretty girls iu Dubliu than in London, and more iu London than in Paris. The sweetest voice he ever heard iu conversation oame from a German who sold beer and biscuits. Gen. Sheridan in an interview with President Johnson, on Tuesday, dis- - .'laiined any intention of insult In his Nsw Orleans letter. uigui wished to show by that letter the president was making very serious mis- takes. Catherine Beecher, a Beecber who, be- sides being a Beecher, bsa written soook book and some other things, has come out an Episcopalian. In an letter she oharges all her brothers with having abandoned the fine old orthodox tenet of infant damnation. Gen. Sheridan was lionised upon his arrival in Cincinnati. At night be went to the theater. At lbs close of the plsy. the audience called for Sheridan. both nanus.'' Kitz John Porter has filed another pa- per with the president favor of reopen- ing bis case, oites tbe action of President Tyler in Oen. osse, and tbeaotionof President Johnson in Gen. Sweeney 's ease. Both tried aud sentence executed, and both bad their disability removed by the LA.TJ5ST TELEGRAPH I oon TMspatclies. W1CBTSH AASOCXATSD FKrss BSPOBTS.I ArousTA, September 27. Judges Warner, Walker and Harris, of the su- preme conrt of Georgia, are out in letters favoring reconstruction under the mili- tary bills, on the grounds of its necessity and expediency. Hon. BenJ. Hill left yesterday for New York. Han FRANrisro, September 27. Com to General of of Wisconsin, to to to The siding Mississippi, soldier to of represented. Vickaburg, at telegraphic to Marcus consump- tion, woman, Crittenden's BY September court, on the ground of being a minor and not legally held in tbe army, tbe military authorities have refused to obey tbe writ. Nsw Yosbt, September 27. A special from Richmond to the Herald says Jef- ferson Davis' trial will take place at tbe November term beyond doubt. The Timet' Washington dispatch says that the case of tbe government against Fra-ze- r, Trenholm A Co. has been settled. Tbe terms have not been made public. A number of clerks in tbe quartermas- ter's department have been notified that their services will not be wanted after the 30th. Florence, September 28. Attempts have since been made to renew the dis- turbances which occurred in this city on the receipt of the news of Garibaldi's ar- rest, but they all proved abortive. The government, without resorting to regular troops, called out the national guards, and, their assistance, checked all outbreaks before they oeeame formida- ble. Several men have been arrested by the police for participating in the recent scenes of violence and disorder. The city is now quiet. Rnports from all parts of Italy show that the country is tran- quil. Brussels. September 2f A dispute is arising between King Leopold, of Bel- gium, and the king of Austria, in regard to the settlement of the estate of Maxi- milian. Madrid, September 2i. The report that tbe Spanish government had re- called its fleet from the Pacific, ia posi- tively denied. LsONDON, September 2b. Another trial of the Rodman gun was made yester- day, being charged with 100 pounds American service powder. The projec- tile passed entirely through an eight inch iron plated target, placed at a dis- tance of seventy yards. The target is is one that ha been used a long time for these experiments, and ha withstood some of the severest testa. Sparrows la Hew York. J. T. Shaw, the I 'nion park policeman at New York, writes this account of the sparrows there : " In April, lsfiii, two pairs of sparrows came to I'nion park and claimed posses- sion of the only bird bouse there, (in- deed, it was tbe only one in Ave parks, which was occupied by two wrens. Af- ter a desperate light of several hours the wrens had to yield to the heavier bird, and left the park. The sparrows took prrasesgioQ, and within Ave weeks bail nine added to their numbers, and out in the park. In June, the same year, one hundred bird houses were erected there. The sparrows at once took to them autl produced several broods before the leaves fell from the trees, and seventy-fiv- e to eighty of these birds wintered there, to tbe delight aud amusement of many lovers of birds. About three hundred bird bouses were also erected in four other parks near, and many sparrows came in from Central park and occupied them all tbe winter, and bave continued to occupy and breed them, as has also tbe blue bird and wren, until now there are believed to be twelve to fifteen hundred sparrows in these rive parks. They are very happy and tame, and are seldom molested by the children, and have mads a clean sweep nf the worms and millers, and saved the fnilage of all the trees, so that, for the flrst time in years, at this season, we have a perfect foliage in said parks. There i9 nothing like tbe sparrow fhr tbe destruction of the worms and in- sects generally. P!ank9 have been an- chored iu the fountains, from which the birds drink and bathe. Last Thursday morning I counted seventy five of them on the plank at I'nion park, bathing, in thirteen minutes. If the people will put up bird houses on the trees our streets and yards, tbe city will be well supplied with tbe sparrows in a few yearn, and the vile tree worm will disappear. Tbe presiding officer of the gold room. New York, Rev. Mr. Hoyt, was formerly pastor of tbe First Presbyte- rian church. I. inigville, Ky asd has lately Oeen " dropped " by the presby- tery, who give notice to the world that they are no longer responsible for his conduct as a minister. RAILROADS. BT THE NEW ROUTE TO NASHVILLE, Meuinhis and Obi. and Niush- - lllr aud orf linesicrii Kailrouds via Comnienriog Monday. Sept. 23. rflRAlNS for Naabville will laave Depot head X of .Vialn street a follow.! evening Kapre leaves Memphis at 4ias aud 1UB at Nashville at 7ilHi h.ub. next day. Tulstraln arrive at Nashville S fen Honrs and Five Minute In atlranre of Kvenlug Train from Memphis hv anv other rout. .Main Kapreaa leave Meroplll at lliSS p.m., anil arrives at Naanville at liUS p.m. neit This route is . Seienty-Eig- ht Mile Shorter To Naanville than via Decatur. FARE REOrCKD TO SI2 OO. Through Tickets via Naatavllle loC'HATTA-NUlXi- KNOX VI LLE, ATLANTA, aud all PrlnclpsI Point ill tihOKtilA, ALABAMA and the CAlCOI.INAfJ. Fare as Low as by any Other Route. rhmneh Tickets and all inforrnaliun can be obtained at 2o. 231 Main street, and at t he Depot. Head of Main street. M. filtfULEY, OAM. B Jt'NKB, l icket Agent, Gen'l Hupt. OMNIBL'HES of Memphis City 7 iwsfer Com- pany call at all tbe principal Hotels the ieosn ore of TrHtn, and check Baggage to all Points. By leavingorders at Ticket Office, J37S Mam street, will cll at any part of the city or steamboat landing. JOHN H. JONES, Sup't m. a T. ce September 2H, ll7. sera Memphis & Little Hock B. K. AND AFTER Tl'WDAY, JULY IS, 1SS7, OH will loave HOPaKlKLIJai 7 a in ,ar-- ! riving at Ten Mile Bayou at:15a.m. Heiurn-- : ins; Leave Teu Mllu Bayou al Si pm anS srrtveut Hntleld at M p.m. On TUESUAVrt and aATURDAYS a train will leave Ten Mile Bayou at saw a.m.. arrivinij. at Hopefleld at 9:15 a.m. Returnins-Lea- ve Hopeneld al i p.m.. aud arrive at Ten Mile Uayou at .hid p.m. Tbe Ruund Trip From Memphis, ,1 SO. The Kerryboat NBV.UlA connection wltn all train. jyul will make close J. L. MKKiS, (thief Euulneer. PHIS AND OBIOnUILROAD. CHANCE OF SCHEDULE. iir.vr.aAi. mjeasiKTannaMT's Orrtoa. I Hum is, , July 7. 1M7. 'PRA1 NS will leave theDepol of thi Company, L at bead, of Main street, until further uuilce, as follows : Louisville and Nashville Express Leave every day at 4 p.m., making close al Louisville with fast Express train on Jetlernonviils Railroad tor all Eaatern cltlea, and with Culled Htate Mali Steamer for Cin- cinnati and all cities North aud Kal, and 1 ma shortest aod Quickest Route to .lasn vllle. NIGHT EXl'REaS-Eve- ry nlalit except rjat- - He saiil be oolv antay at 11 p.m.. making close - tion with Mobllo aud Ohio Railroad at Hum. that The with seven before Ooliit. and with lliluols I eutral Railroad tor 41. Lorn t hirago, St. Paul, and all point North, West and Kast, aad at Louisville with Jellersouvllie Railroad for all Northern and Eastern eilie. Cars sio Through Without Change. Mamlttcent sleeping Car on all Night Tralus Baggage Checked throush to ah Impoilant plaoes. Persons holding Through Ticket can stop over at any point and rasam Journey at pleasure. srTrirough Ticket and all Information oan be obtained st Ticket Office, S7', Main street, aud at IXpot. SAM a. Ju.v'ts, jy7 tf general Saparmtsottaai. aar mother through the tears of afHie- - curtain rose again, and Miss Provost en- - Eirlirsinn tfl .VaDlDlOtll GSVC. aDd and said " Mother, this tered, "dragging the abashed hero by more ".Pettrtlmrg sold subsequently, explanatory in He were in in day. Tbbn DAILY l'KAINo leave tuauapot ol tbe Iiwo and Louisville railroad, bead ol Main treet, aa follows : 1 p.m. and 11 p.m., run-nln- g through to Cave City without change of car. ar Excursion Ticket from Memphis to Mammoth Cave aod Return at Reduced Rate. Pare round trip, to Cave and return. USD 75 each Parti ol tilt ten or more 23 75eaou Partlo of twenly-.'lv- e or mor. 1 70 each For through ticket and ail information, call at Ticket Office, No. jsr'. Main tiec jyj; n SAM. tt JOSEa. ttsn'i snp't. INSURANCE AGENCIES NEW YORK CARDS Three-fourth- s or the Front Retained to the Policy Holders la the Georgia Home Insurance Co., OF COLUMBC'S, OA. MCORPORATKD UMl Cash Cssiui sad Sarplss, . . IRKRAL CONDITIONS KOTJITABLR !UIm, ami Prouiui MflsssjassK Pn.rTiw usuries In tata oompsmy will cat thtr pn- - poulon of profjm in Hoiip, which will b taksn at par vaueon mnawais. ssausson PLANTERS' INSURANCE COMPANY OF TEXXES9EE. Capital. $i)0,000. Southwest Corner lata aad Sadlioa, Co Stair. MEMPHIS, TKNNFSSSEE, N. & PORRKHT P. P. DOUUHRTY W. H. DBDRICK T.P. KENTON my2 daw President Treasurer -- ....Secretary. Ami taut Secretary. NQrtn American Life, Accident Ids. Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. LL policies iasand an tbe endowment plan. All its policies art o restriction on raetrienoe or travel. f H- - JOHNSON, Agent Tanufuwne. Kentucky and Arkansas, an i 16 Madison street. Memphis. Tenn. TO MY OLD FRIENDS 1ST West Tennessee, MlmUsippi and Arkansas. TTAVINU aoeepted a permanent Agency of II the 1ST. inns MTTTtJAI. LIFE COMPANY. I would respect tnlly sk the attanUoa of my old ,rlud to that Institu- tion aa a safe, cartalu and reliable medium through which they may assure their families against a ant la the event of 1lh. or them- selves from an Impoyerlahed old age In oaa of la life. Mr. S. s. OTIS aasoelated with me and i hereby recommended to public confidence. Our office at No. 43 MadlMin street, (rear room', DeHoto Block, where we will he happy to Impart any needed Information to Ihoae Life Insurance. jig J H. McMAHOI. THE 8T. LOUIS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets April IsL over : SL500,000. D. 4. JlM tKV, : President. f AS. H. LUCAS, VicfPrelieat WM. T. fiELBY, : : H.rtarj. WM. 11. BEATOX, feivju'I AkuL DIRECTORS: Jaznea U. Lacaa, Hsmry Oraratola. Sauael Willi. Nick. tVliaefor, Robi.M.FaDaalioaaer. William r. .y. 'has. li. Peek.. Rout-- K Wooaa, Jala Valla, Ufa R- Robinson. Cuas, W MoCord, John F. Thornton. Bn. M. Runyan, David Keith, R. P. Haueukamp, laaac Mitchell li. A. January, Wm. Lsjwta, K. Rosier, Jr., Jacob Taunm, Hon. John llogtan. Company Is nes Pnalalea on lira on all THIB plana and at aa favorable rates aa any other while It has no restrictions in re avrd to nrldeuce or travel, and all Its profits ar divided annually amona; its pollry holders It Is prompt In th payment of lose, navltiK paid gS3,0O In this city in 'Mm Last eight mouths. INS U BANC . Fire and Marine Home NW YORK. Assets I ATKJSm OF NEW .Ottlf. Assets Jl,0fja,70 831 Cm OK Assets Putnam InMiu-atic- Iimnrance Company Security Iniamt Company Enterprise Insnranee CINCINNATI. InMurauee OP HARTFORD, CONN Cash Capital - mpany ...11,000.000 Company well established reputation nf these CompaiAlas for prompt and honorable deal- ing, ana their large (ash Asset", comtueud them to the favor of Business, Meu aud Prop- erty Holrlers who desire reliable Insurance, lor either Fire or Marine. We represent no com- panies but those duly authorieed by ntate and local laws. All losses adj usted aud paid at this agsncy. IiindBoy b Vradenburg, General Insnrunoe Agents, No. U Ma son street (up stairs). Memphis, Tenn. ap28 MILLS. LUMBER. ETC. GAYOSO PLANING MILL LUMBER YARD, Uo. 212 Adams Street, East of Bayon Uuyoao. Memphis, Tenn , Russell, Grove t Co , Proprietors, slways on hand and for snte, at tlie HAVE Market Prices, lor CA.H, every Variety of Builder Haierial, oonststing in Flooring, Ceiling and Weatbor-boanliuR- , Dressed and nndresaed, .aah. Doors. Blinds, Moulding, Lattica and Suir MssVaWlsj and Framing Lumber mt ail kluds, Hhlniui, Lathes, etc,, etc. Orders solicited and proiupliy atteuded to. . Planters and Merchants Ulentijiu. Toltacro, Toll set a, Tultttero. vv E will ceir.1 tin- liMst nr.n W. rorwsrd tu yon, address, iipun your onier em lo)lrg the cash, iJr Leaf Tohaco (he toiiow- - lug prn-o- i Best llrlitlil (.old Leal Chewing Tobacco. uonnd ... 18 1X1 Be--1 B.ighl lioid Lear smoklDg Tobacco, pounds 5 tt) Any one wishing engage in tbe sale of our Tobacco, will leceive per cent, upon all amounts of 100 pounds and above Address. PLKArlANTS SCO., au; :'.m lsl Wat Chestnuts . Louisville. Ky. A. H. IBAACoK. ro--f of at 25 Ho tu 15 SaiXAH ISAACSON, SEIXAS & CO., Wholesale Grocers I3IPOBTER8, Wo. titi Common Street, NEW ORLEANS- - attention given to th PARTICTJLAR Sngar and Molnfss. REFERENCES: Commercial Bank of Tuueaee. Memphis ; pike. Larjevre at Brother. New Orleans: R. vt. Ruuyan. Ranker. HL Lonta feicfl tf p. ta. stas Lay. J. a. c H. H. Stanley, King Smith, Cotton Factors COMMISSIOS MBHCHANTS, .So. 272 Front Street. Up-tstuir- s, Memphis.Tenn. an. "7 daw ELLIOTT CO., afeoeivinsj. Forwarding AND C01MIB8I0S' MKKCHA5T8, TSo. 2 Promsnads Street, fcot of JeflVraon. Steamboat Landing, MKMPtUH, TKNN. Dealer in Hay, OatM, Corn. AND l'1' COUNTRY PBODl.'CE, No. SI Bcal Stret, Bajoa Brldee. September, 1SH7. sei LUMBER! LUMBER ! . D. ATHEET0N S CO., No. 304 Poplai- - StreetJ NEAR THE MARKET SMITH. & Opp. Office near 1 BE OFFERING A LARGE AND WELlS V selected lot of Nesutoned Poplar, W hite Pine and Q. J. FrstmlriK l.tiuioer AT REDUCED PRICES A Im Bhln. I nil, .. I. VS n. m. White' Pine r ioorinit. broased White Pinel cedar rosta anu eenomg, aiaeing, ii, eat l'i inch Yellow PlnerKeD Lumber, and uav verytmug oeionaing vo tne uioim imsri aua Executor' Notice. hereby given to the heirs of Til- - NOTICE Set Us. Jecaed, and all partle con- - oerned, that we, a surviving execnlOTB of said estate, have thi day Sled our aeootuat aa such. ' with John Loague, oi ui coenty court of - bel by conn ly, w here pa rttea cotneerued can i MAM UML MOSBY. ANBaaWON C. MaTTIS, Surviving lazeeutor. Memphis, Septtmber 11, 187. sell tw. VOLUME XVIL-NTJMBEE3- 5M EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO., Prtaelpal Offlre. 618 Broad wsr, HEW YORK. Uoa. ilahlt Msvci pTv aul Wild COIil as a liber UniSrUi; Patusi Is c adMH.on to r itewenl lu Hsswlnj Matinees Motlou Hewing Liins rerwlered aoXmirm in j a. i' i sC positive, it not ordt--r It rathe beat Family cm .a twllatJ lo new and Machine, for Tailors 10 wanted, M will ta MarniwnCtx I Yfllsw Fe?cr and small Pox. Xaw Ydhk, Jan, W. th amlrlgned Shipping Vercnanl of the city of Mew Yurk, from the oft repeated usuini.iny of many dtSSrant San Captains ,u lwm we Una implicit aouadsiv. and feeling it adnrr wbien we owe rellow-rua- heraliy iMar srliu.s of Ul great eonfl-.len- c we feel in h truly marvellous curative powers of Malor J. T. 1WDI AW RK.M F.UY the care and ureveauon ot Suia.l Pol Yellow Kver, te.. nd we enmrtnlly du oar signature. Ooplng IU wonderful merits and great bieaalnga may he made known to th world Bru Hons A ( o.. i Sontli street i Cur- tis A Ward, lit south street ; it. R. II Wolf Si Broad street Heney as foenries Slip : Slinnaon A Shaw, 27 i .Htl aalip ; Wui. Moore, kui South street ; Jaa T. Tneou, M Sooth st mat i tieo. u Tapeou. of Taanoott rim Sti South street ; Robert Hawk, s .treat, and ii. any others. This Remedy ha never iieeu knoirn lo rail. Price par package, Porwarded tree 10 any pom: In the United Stat. Address J. T. CO., e sr Broadway. New York. KiTAMA6H DKCIEtti BILLIARD TABLES TVSSt r1'' - "" SELECT SCHOOL. CAT-OU- T (ISIIIfiV. Manufactured and American, ViL It the only quaiitlsi easen i lue most elaiu otrprwl ta) tba ubuiiaan'Jy pn. since lUlntr di at-- which rubler and ru Cusliion, whleb into the rubber Tbe inurb the eli P- - piled to over un use. It can be i for M per et. eiigan,p We utile, Crank el la Ao-n- T MPiitK lu suulu KAVANAliH A KER, m. vma. 8e sViottnc mil mi 61 ill sn tnat iisbian. It let ever pnbr.f, far ane the tue lull of Lha its ball from bMMtns; iupuis tbr cat-gu- t also Cushion. iiAK already ap-- i, fonstaut tablaa any make. Ravausgh Decker's Factory, the mrnmr ' of Centre and Caual streets, N. Y.. tbe complete of Its kind In tbe world. The ebiiiery of the moat improvtt chars. the Inmberdryingroom the largest tn tbe Cnltad material the bast can be hawed, and tbe workmen tnorougniy akllied. Bliiiaid Cloth. Balls, aud make, constantly hand. Kavanagh Decker are only agen s this ooantry slay's One reman t. adjudged by competent authorities be the Ueat Cement aver used stse Tables cnl down forlllii.t Price v DECKER. Corner of Centre aud Canuistreris, setfe) York t.lty. THK BQARDMAN1, GRAY & CO. PIANO-FORTE- S. WHOLESALE AGENCY. TBI M:RS RiHKH, late a member of this j krmwu firm, ha established a aala Agency, "S3 BrftaMfwar, Sew Yort fltr. Opposite A. T. Stewart's Dry (roods Palace, cor- - Tenth sUsel, W uere be wl his friends hear from h public who lowtd their patrciuu. will .npply these the tradH, W holesalH Luweat Pi lsa a, male Rim and rmne ' cast excel ail others in d tone, and of All tosse Pianos Ua' tngin connection will frame. Full, Round. ac- - all of uor tntlern, im" given. No Stiwiya onr LAE for o. a' 1A.1E lra ioustK. rhe i DEt u la LishlsMi aa ta Hi of io until ?ta from table cord adds of tu beau wnltm in tu ol A at la moat is r. .States, tne used that purr Cues all be--t on tne in to Full for 11U0. aend atMl List. A vew uer Of piaM-- in receive ibe order nd He iuw asett id, au.1 are ma- - of he for and especially to have jo Itbe. ally be-- oa lie drm heretofore, perlor losiriimeata to id Retati at vary tli the Insulated Iron one sol; pint They :u..;iy, superiority of vtruug Scales, glv- - atent iron rim and snd wet in aimear- - ana r"i'iy ami saieiv iianuieo. mw Waxrauted lo prove saiiaiactory, or ths money retur SSL Address all orders to Siberia Ott( at 5 daw 10m TkW Broadway, New Turk HENRY. MOORE I GENUNG. MautifaA'tnrers aud Jobuers of ci.iriii No. 22 Broadway, opp. st. Nlcliola Holal. NEW YORK. PHILIP HENRY, J lonnexly of Henrys, ismltb A T- wnsend. JUHN T. HK.n :i formerly ol Haulabnri-- Henry ALKX. T. MOORE, ISAAC P. (JKSCNG. for- merly with Henrys, ismith. A Towusend. rnannrncture! nv us xc nsiveiy mm Ti"ade, which we are pit nan DTLA r i . the l I auce nme and well CLOTHING, 'or the Soutli- - d to sell at Low Price aud ou LiDerat Terms. Our Slock is adaptdd in material, style, lengths and M'zea, excinstvely totheiootb, snd comprlws gooiis nun the aasSSSst Priced to the KlneMt Maoe. includlnit a lare assortment of gojdsfor KUKKDMK.N'.s WK.VR. The recent decline in woolen and cotton fab- rics will enable us to otTer tXothtugat Mnch Lower Pi ices than it lias bu sold lor at any time lnce lHftL i aali and t 'Imse Buver from fhr yrtoth are In- vited toexumlno our ".k psircbaalng, as wc isslieve we can olloi uumi gieat induce-ineut- We will be happy to recclvr irders, and onr long experience li tlie tsoi,tl. rn bnsinetsien-aule- s us to make lectiom u uicb will he osr-lis- U give sutira ssstisfai-tioa- . Descriptive Catalogues with iriccs jent by moil if (Wired. HfcsNKY, MOORE x OENT N, Niw Yokk. July, lft7. Broaitway. ms dAwtoel TERWILLIGEK CO.. Manitfacturrrs of the Improved Tn pie Flange Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES, With Combination and Powder-Troo-f Looks, Warranted ''re- trom Dampness, MsuufaWory M to Iftl West Hou.-to- n St , Depot, IIHJ Maluen lane, uear Pearl Hi., iwUwl.o NEW YoRK. WATCHE -J- EWELRY. MERR1MAN, BtRD & CO., LER9 WATCHES, DIAMONDS, T o vv olry, Silver and Plated- - Ware ; Watchma- kers and Manufacturing Jewelers, 2T& MAIS STREET, Opp. Honth t?ourt BL MKMPUirl. TENN. PAINTING. JL. s7. DAVIS, PRACTICAL HOUSE and SIGN PAINTER, Gilding, Braining, Glazing, Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, Etc. Whop as In low Stret. The Great Soathern Remedy. OR. C. W.LLIAMS' Pulmonic Balsam or Wild Cherry Aim WOOD NAPTHA, Recommended by ilistlnguisbed members of tawjgeaical rroression. rpHIfl Medicine will be fonnd on a fair trial L to be the BBSSB prompt and effect uai rein-ej- y fur all diseases nf iheCHKJirand tHHOAf. the greatest care havinn been laki n in us preparation, being compounded on the mon sclMnLflc principle, in us composition a combination ol the most valuable aod enclive Ekpecuiranu. Anodyne and sedatives, which are known to posse the iiigbest leput with all lnteil'svni member of th Medical ProoeMdori. Wood Naplha, as well a the Wild Cbanv, enters largeiv Into it cotnpoailtoa, being the ultSlAT REMEDY so sucoeearullr used In Con- sumption hy the oelehrated Dr. Hastings, of Lonaon. ar The following evidence ia from the Rev. JT. D. F. Sawri. Presldlim Killer of the Melbo-ili- Eplaeopal Charch, ior the District of Nonb Alahama; Da Chakl WiaiAM -- Imt air: I tag tieaure In giving my i.siimouy m tbe virtue of yonr excellent "Pulmonic Balaam of Wild Cbrry." Having used reveral bottle tn my family with decided advantage in every caae, I can recommend It as the best and moat plea, ant meuicine I have ever seen. W. D. F. HAWRLE. Sold by all respectable Druggist in the city of Memphis, and throughout 'fia .Southern and Wtern Htata. Meptember '. 187. aala Sheriff's Sale. M. C Moylan vs. J. Levy Si Oo. and by virtue of an interlocutory L'NDKB of the Cbaucery Caurt of Memphi., indered July 18 7, m the above entltle-- i , lUiae. I will on tbe 1th day of October, A. D. 1HJ7, at the front door of the eouTihoue la Metupbl ', between tue nours ot iu o clock a m aud o'clock p.m.. proceed to sell to the high et and oast bMdar, for caae, tbe Storerooms o 2jsnd Sineeond street, in Memphia aad county r rhelby and stale of Tennessee, in being sold toauisty aecre m the said court in tutor ol -- aid M. C. Moylan and aga isat aald J lvy a co. r. " r i, ijutn, By James H. Swas, D. & st id EDUCATIONAL I s.1a.W SCHOOI MEMPHIS COLLEGE. Law Department of thn Memph.. THE will open on th KIRnT HOVDAY X -- TS )ttK. A Tn following ItDUaM com- prise in P acuity ; ilonsUttiLionnl IK (Jen. i P- - II Real Property A Pleading. Hon. R. ASuiM lTsnal Property a Pleading.. A. M-- Lkwis ssiuity A ComnMeaal Law Hon. P. r. Snsss rim. Law A Admiral ly .usaa. J. S. ISaUglt cotraas or sttjdt. ST SRBJMOII. JUMIOR I. l.ArtM , monl.. Walkar Amawkaaat Law. atantsj Coasm. rlea, Bisnop on i rimlnai issar, cratber- - of s Law Salt. Sten hens' Ptsadm.a r.ES IJISU MtSWilUT) P JI U'OR CI Person on Contracts, aasoa aa Not aad Bills, tmsnUmf on Evfitence. nRHT sPW.oy, HEUIOB CLASS. Adam's Kqalty Tnrtspni.lenee. Adam s Equity Pleading. RadSMd on Wllla, HllliaM on Moit-gag- Parsons on Partnarsnipa. SECOND S?MHIUN, HEMIOR CLAHrl. Wssanorn on as Fro party. Taylor on Laasf- - ord and Tenant, Angll A Ames on Daaaajpa-Uoa- a. Story's I on Hint of Law. Parson on Mantuo Law. limailn s V H. Treat las. ocioca-- Moot Cioart oa aoS wsMsk. ud Ap- pellate Court one each month, presided over nt ne ill togetner. ntudeau permitted to enter any Cjssa. bat no Diploma given aaonia tja going Bsaasai . whole '.,ur. Terms r per Session, payable In advance. Kauaaco pee. tb per SnaSan. A.1 studenuof las, ran attend tra of aassaar tn Lecture, of the College, .Deluding I sggkil on Elocution and explanation of Latin an.l Pranch faSatailHtaa by the President Arrangement will am made to bnsa and lodge students at 126 per month. AnlllcaUooa should oe made sarty. mltt MiH VitTTtJaUA D. B v Rs. iwceotiw in lat?asjaUos; with Prol.J. it. its waul, will her School, asNh.Ld oy her ilsic ' MiasSrV. BOW-ICR- on .jr, tshe 2d of NepteiMbe-- , At No. 10H Monroe itrait,:atwwa Third and Fourth sueets. The eervicee of tbe following gont.emen are enraged Prof. Augusta Vliiehetx In. French aod npaniao ; Prot George F. sleFeeiy, n; . Pr-t- t Is'-o- Miiinr Music. anil tf FitshioQahle Dandn leaden?. MA DA Mi--; Lfc LBK, of New Or leans, wou respoctru ii j son ounce to the citizens of Memphis that he will open her classes for tba above sisinlul assenmpllafament on the THIRD TCfissDAY tn Smpxanw, si ttie Jef- ferson Block. .Hscoud -- Weei, where she tu'.i. oy mrii attention to ilia advancerne pnpi h wan mar 3e '.wrtisted to her I merit a share of the public Lur-nage- Mad U, havin: uauaht m most or the piinetpa cities ibe Hoath and fthweet, hones ro :ueet u w t me same uaooumled which t.s hitherto marked her cours. traction elsewhere. Days aud hours or .Off children, Tuesdays and Saturdaya half past VIr tt till dark ; lor Ladle 1" a.m. tin 12: iter Gentlemen, from h p.m.. all the same day. Relrrencea ar tionable, for which, and other parti p" I p circulars, which will be ftun-- ! pffln lpal book snd music stores. Term erate Calisthenics and 1'ancitig tsvughi vata families aud scixou s. If given twice a month LaSallette Academy. T'HS LaHa .ett Academy, on Third tit- - by the Stater ol St. Agnewiit lie opened U rtSa reception of extern, on MiiN-1- lUt: nPHRPTKMRKH. lll iw MASONIC COLLEGE, Isroo lajeite Cotwij, Teaa C nT ATTCD thirty mile from Memphia, sni O mUas aorta of Lafayette Depot, m a a. R. FACULTY l U. w JoniraTaJf.A.B..Prali:enland of Ancient Langnagea UTWav a. iocaa, A.S., Professor ot mattes : Coux Mi Kirns nr. A.M . flits i mt Uarge, anu xorai Science and English Literature. Thi, Institution was reopened October. lSVi, and ba reached a state ef permanent effi- ciency. Next Annnai session will he opeaed July IS, 187. and will ooo-- st of Two Term at week each. C'n ARi-EV- t English and Mall ernatlca, rM and Wo per Term. Baen Lang'i-a- e. 5nia per Term, c'oulli gant fee. K Ut Term. Excellent UoarS. inrlndlrg mom, fuel, wash- ing and ilrjht. 1S per month. All neresnary apparatns wm he snpplled. i oaveyancefram Lalaye;' StatAon to Wetlntwua; sand Sat unlays. "".the Traatee. have determined o mak tins a first class Arrademle Inaiiintloa. lat. The - ttoiarahlp. experience and sneers, of our faculty. '2d. Tlie elevated, tone of onr eommnnlfy. M. Tlie health fbl oral re removeil from "be so r ipling mtliience and vtcea of dty US. 4th. Kavorabl price will . naate a u achieve this snceesa. President Board Ir o. T. RONTR -- Joa w xi av . .. anl, Law Soliool UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI AT OXFORD. FACULTY : JOHlff K WADDEL, D IX, tisnreilor L. C LAMAR. Professor. THE ooorss of study cvyroph-U- d in two alue moDtas ssssss The method uf iasUTictiou is that of orml mx uTitDstloDK. tnlly upon ths text, scram pn:ei by ssach ns sad lector si -- trnte Is. ulsuon snd local ssodacsUun usve mad.; Moot Oonrts will be heM weekly, In wblcb the pinu tn-- will coolnT:i lu evs rv i u tbe rules, rasxlesof rrorednrv anu bj Kumeoistlon ado,. tad in the lullowingcowrt L Dtstrtct Court of tbs United Htalss. X Circuit Court ol tbe UniUd lataifi. 3. HHipreme Court of re Tnfted Htaies. 4. Court mi Mlasispivpi. Chancery Court of Mississippi. 6. Prolisss Court. 7. rilfth Court of sTrrprsand Appaa s. The Law Library numbers not less than one thousand voiumes. Tbe Law students havo tbe piivilese .if KRKh OK I HAltJiK, tlie Lsirrnressml HecitaiUius lu sny of the departusenza ui Scenesnd Literature in rbe University. fbe sessions of Ibe Kedera Osssi snd of ibe Hlftht Court of Errers and Appeal, held st tx ford, id ve to tba stttdents oi m hosjl nes-- liar sdvanisvKtd. TEXT BOOKS: " K Ularkstone's CVai meutarries, Kent a Cutuaen- - tarles, rttnry on Aatenry. story u ITiilTsjissii JSU.ry on pHrtnerehip, Mm )U Bills, nu.ifa .,n Contracts, btepben on Plt'JAltn. Hjuooa Tsua. Moot Couita, Ureenleaf on Evidence Adani. Bqully, AutreU A Ames u ( Corporations, boosi in cxiiAnsetloa uti m'( Mississippi , Revised Code or A Olploma noiu tbtsischool is equivalent,. a for iirartlre in .M Tultlou fw, ffij par Isriu, iu wlvant r, term oiumih ibe 'Ah of Hpt-mbe- r, l?t fxian on nn 'tn ol June, lhris. Select School Tba . Slid auu MRS. LKTIT1A MAY will opea a fur Young Ladle on MONDAY September 2, 187, ia the basement of the Christum Chnreli, oa the earner of Linden and Mulberry slreet. The K reach Department of this school wtn be undar the care of Major LAMBliHT MAY late of the Confederate Army, assisted hy hfa daughter, Mlas H. B. MAY, who ha Seen twa years In Prance. French will be spoken exclu- sively In this ilerartmeat. A liberal pair, maze on tbe jsan of the public i respectively ao llclted. The tetvicekoi tbe (o. owing asauemeu save been seen red : Music, Prof. Iseyfert aud Wil. raaa i lastiun. Wiuaaan : Am-ien- t Lan-iuu- Prof. Mcfeely. jvj uxl SPECIAL NOTICE. B tdvlce of tries da I have concluded lo a.t,i to my division of classes a Prooaratorv part meet at Hut Lollars per month. 1 also" take this occaaton to remark in order to correct ens. neons Impression in regard to my prfees, mat the Academic Department of my school take yoone ladle throrajh the ss.ks naualiy taugb in feuiai. aehoolt with a hum nondiug rt,Tvaonint In other branches of Kdu.alion. the Colbajtai Department twine designed to offer to pupils an opponuulty tea h lgher asd more thorough letree of Hrfiolar- - hip. l; aiuiAV Augrut 38. 187. ,u KDCCATB T01S CH1LDR8S ! THKOTTOH Train nit d ! W. for Youuk Lattlea, Msb- - viii, ienn , the iissiiiig wnoui in inet)utli : Prencb sposten al rbe Kreuch Tsbie pen on and alter MONDAY. Septem bei jd. ssjjj ,m W K. WARD. Prlrv-,n- i MEMPHIS OOLLEOE, ( Formerly St. Lazarus. Rev. S. H. FORD, LL.D., President. J. DL'PREE, Professor ol Languages. .Professor Mathematics. JACKMMt P. CRKWa. English . Siskloa Opea Sandar, Sesteaser last. Tt. rnox raa asasioH or fits souths : rieni'.r Claa. Including Latin, Unek and Mstaematlca. - $, rr Juulor.kngllah Branclica.Latln and ireek 'rain mar SJ oo I'rltnary DeourtmenL .. ,. hi oa in 4vancw aaiv MBS. EMILY E. PERKINS laT ILL CONTINUE her School in the Vestry Tf Raom of calvary Church, the FailHewaao commenrmg the first Monday in September. No pupils received for lea than ibe session of Ave month. REFERENCES. Hon. Emerson Ktoerldge Ralfe "aundera, Memphis; CoL J. li. McMahon, .Uefnplila; Pltser Millar, En : Hon. T. It. Smith. Mem- phis ; Her. Dr. White, Memphis au4 Trust Sale. hereby given that In accordance NOTICE provision and dlrectinnaof a Seest in trtut executed and delivered in me eu the llth day of July, 1SW, by Richard B Hawley (Wblcn deed 1 of record in he Recorder's office oi Crittenden county. Arknss,; and for the payment ol the note therein desrnbed, 1 will on Friday, September 27, 1867, at tbe door of tbe Clerk's office, in the town of Marion. Crittenden county, Arkansas, sell to the higheet bidder, fur cah in band, the follow- ing described real estate, situated It, i nttenden county. Arkansas. nd known aa that part of ths HpauMUi tiraut, originally owned by the liruoiise Ktat. conveyed by Willi. ni o. D. Spain to George W. Underbill and Isaac Bnr-get- t- The south pan of the southwest onarter of section twenty-fou- r l4) conveyed in same deed the east nail 01 section toiny-al- g 3 nd the uutSW 8 I n of section thkr-fiv- e ISO), all in townhlp sarea l7i, north ol ua base line of rang ssgfct (8), east of the Itii nrra. Mnml meridian the title to thi property Is believed to be perfectly good, baa 1 anail convey only aa Part of this land comprise eaaof the aueat plantation on tha Military Road, wun e. '"ab u. etc., being .hu plantation aa the Brawn Place, aaar Marion, Ark. auil 4 S sKOwj, Trt.aiea, at K S sf IK I I IO ' I OS t IS f"' Hit. est the ey Vca tho Will 67, n oi i to not th kn r rt5r BUTita t tw I'sTl-- e...

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Page 1: the Memphis daily appeal,.agtsier'n office of Shelby oour M, pages anu i J fur nuss therein named. will, I I-Z Ssi M.'faJ a Hunt on orded la Uis r, In book No. Uuli IndeUled--Oq Saturday,






PgtlCE or HI Hi KIPTIOI, ( annum : : ! :

.. - " wMk :a, per copy : ! : : : :

ffytIT pi annum (In

mNo subscription entered on oarbooks Tor a lew time than one month.

Bim or ADVEKTISINO.One o.nar one insertion ::::::eaeu aaamonai

one :

two :three week

" one month :

n non

r All edvertlaemetiU oousideral due aftert - Aral insertion.

Mr Eight '.lacs of aolld nonpareil oonsUtuta square.

M- - All advertisements In th Special nouneolunm will he charged Si cents per Una.

ar Marriage and death notioea published aother adverUaenienis

V All advertisement for the noKh handed in at the Herk' desk.

mer Tnrutm advrrUtrmemu mtut t paid for

T Advertisement the Weekly paperwill be cbsrr.1 si aan re lee, per week ormonth, as in the lily, an.ssss by specialeon tract.

ner Our friend; art- - requested to usstnetr beetlTvirU to seud us bu libera, and AH np oar

Hat, and alto to forward any ltoms of newsthat may be of sufficient laoal Importance towarrant their pubhoaUoo.

TSRXH Or WIKKLT.A an Inducement to cet np cluba, we hare

.l : U e following scale of price, which area io w as oar current offloe expenses will ad ml

f:One Copy, one year : : $8 oo

To c'ubfcOf ten or more, each : 4W



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1 V.ada1 Nin1 TLarn1 Ab. 11 Rial. 1

A V.



ember,.October..vem ner,.




-- lar 6th arch

oi SfaM QueAnlrew'a Daj ,


rati ..


November In eaeajaiamni tf


Metis Moadar InVllow' Hall l oart


Mor-- MaarH!-- . UK. Meet 3d Prfday ofm'.utn Kail, aw M.l.son and Second,

j T.nellar.; BenJ. K. Fallen, flee,Lai ua acorr. No. 2sm Meet 1st Friday of each

rnnntn -- Hall. cor Madison and Second. Johnw. V.; H. P. Woodward, ftae,

Baai-- s. No Meets Ml Friday of eachm HmU. P. M. Stanley,U" M W H. Bu'f. ISec

avil.wla.MSu, No. M l' l.i Meet 4th Friday..f .. momh Front street. John J.WoraLam, Its. W. M : H K fallen. Sid, Sec.

AOTAL arch.Hvs-- 4. VeeUtlrl Monday of each

monih Jaws-Pa-ls as Hall. JkIi-- i Zeal. M. K.B P.; B. M. Levy. M,

K. AND S. V.ECK vtuclL No. Meets 3d Monday of

each maul w.' hall, .'otn item, yflRTf.. Hi.: N.J. W.mriu. Rec.


CVKKSK Ccirnandery, Nn. Meets 4th Mon- -Jay of each moaih. John Zent, Com,; N. J.



P"tth- -

De perTo







-- Jm



Mrs Lodge ef jerfec!ton, 14th ; No. 1.

'ixl oaimLD.osuocj Wednesday nighte.-r- i month. Henry P. WnodaxdTiAl, Q.:.; Chartea M. Carroll, 14th. Sec.--

::- - Laiit nf Per'eotion. 14th.; No. 2.t i 'Vi , n' narh n nnlh George

ilersh, 310, U. M ; A. f Frankland. SJd,

r on nci! ofPnncesof Jerusalem, 16th.; j

lent. K. Pollen, til.. Tana.-- . .

T OR- H. HttKT.

ptitr of Rose Croi:ilarua, Od, M. W.

Sap.. Mil S.j i..rr.II. e







lith.. Ton

:s of K Jth-- ,Woooard. XM ;

ild. Best .

t Tv n K.ssra. XSd. JohnEV. in chief; Dodce C.



j DTEIHG, SCOUBINO, sj-- V:-- A.tD-

1 REPAIRING,IHme ax short not lea by

ISAAC ISAACS,!;;.54 2 Jefferson Street.


i with neatness andsfaction guaranteed when


i. r. BASSOS

Tito. II. Hunt ct Co.,P It E If I U M


Id store

WHITEMAN BROS.,MAr.uIuoiser of Avud 1sUis lo

PRINTING PAPER,to Si.rlli--as- l er.





t (isrlBensnhli-- ,

i a i i : av o o s

. s I'ophir Nltrel,


FHin lilnmES SIPPL1ES.


Fromptlj Killed autl Dellvere

aJ pajl ol lh City WITHOUT EXTRAl HAHUK.

mm KatlstM'tliNO Komi.or will lieback as u WITHOl'TCBAKGE.


tits, mud!. .f

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j .!. K t HWT1A UO.

' M GOOD&A K, J. R. fa, LA J b.Lsvte of bratisforfi, a wilb

Goodbar Cu worth, aaos 4k Co.

COODBAR & It LIL AND.Kxc!ii! Wltmttttt Drataiera In


XOl Main St.. M BlockBetween Adams and Washington,


EUREKA AND PRATT'Shovthkus si Aim

C'i'l'r3T Cwl.rVVfl K.VKKlv A(iIS vparaVe la, bells and

Ouiu aud Lb: nei, iurulsbeu atsollcueU and proupUy

a x: i"KrEike;A.BT,Care ol r -- rriugiot k Howel'.

huS Agent DsvuteJ


Wholesale and RetailDEALERS



Street, MM PJaA,H... Fias,j aaaTuHi ca.






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IIt.KA resume his

Memphis, where herlosrember.

i im e twili- -l Bioca. corner South CourtMain streets. Office hours from 9 2

o'cloev e?l lin

WM. EVERETTfonnd Roomn , PotHta- -"1A V

VV ern




K willtn

idaud to

at 8 findHdw, corner of Main and Ketti stttt.

ffwrc lie h rrtsri to treat u l ud is w;l!tU iadies UAVliif diseases peculiar to .heir mx.

Atie and long fprrlenc convinces him tnataii can h relieved, uo matter how Nrare the

U, V HUH H aWUUIU AUI1 m Mlow other be desires Qwh cases which have bean

i Till


PROMO UN CEO - DUaaaaa of children will also receive





No. 339 Main Street.CLAY BUILDING,

erst darwly

HarriH V Hlair,DENTISTS,

t. S17 I iirn-- r Second and llUUU HI .






Attorneys at LawO F F I C K :

No. 817 Second Street, near cornerof

sen lsaa w. wun a. . a i.

Lais of UaUaua, Teen, of Slisaoun.


AT LAW and UeneralATTOBTrys 3S7 Beoond HLreet. Mem-phis, Tennessee.A. W aran. L. D. McK mirk.

WRIGHT & McKISICK,Attorneys at Law

removed theU oce to the KitHAVK Block. No. S and 4, Mnd- -

ALBrHT PIEK AaOBT,Lii? KocJt. Ark.


it., Memphia.



Solicitor in Ctancery,Little Rock. - - Arkansas.

practice :n the Federal and stateConru. Ooiec.kus prompll v &i tended to.

mM tfa. L. DUO.t. W. A


Coahoma, Botlva



Washington and Uaquenuadecl.l


CBAe. jornsicv Sole Proptr,No. 14 I'nion street. New Orleans.


Insert the hoop thelot, and draw it tight

the bale.

AU other TlInmnetioetotj,asaucD.




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When the lever of thepre is raised the tiefasten itself the

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W'e are sole aent. and are prepared to fillorders tor he arrjve

MHMBii wJatf Iroi Bacilc Tie,on Tbe uost favornble MsW We svn? havlugUiem in ad 's! of lue ruuf; supnur lrounud thoroukii y tsjteJ.

U H. UAVir CO..rr'inuii.s'tion

Lonim llle. Jun? T, lHt7. sul










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Trust Sale.B aTflsVIIUDN.l;l)l








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.UlTbe title to Krti.t

lheejul' ledcBiptiou waivtjd,


Our latesr Improve'NEW SCALE PUNO-FOHT-


BKHtv lustruiAjeii:lerMt.inoulais

















peorssjrtv rwiia-Te- to betuU v u: is

bUL I o.IV SA tlUMft i; tu .

nnis Id TH M Art Trustee.




oncouutry". wbo. altbtin the real

THKm i "K









SMI flUlt'

l! has ajways heeit our Miicy doriD Lbth. ytara that e have loanulati-- . uredft an os. 'wWk thoux'iiKi. mt which are now In useIn the Uults-- d UiUla aud. Jtuioji.-- . to kiv thefinest instrument at tbs li)Sfsl .l. ur upe-ri-

iiies eutble us t. ofll'i th-- from oneto thjee hundred dollars ja thaUi ttny otherflnt ' laes Houa.

The t neof LbeaeintruiAAeiib.ara rntarkabiHfor their peculiar aud (treat

never loal!- tht-l- quality when fofoedto their atmoat capacity The lower registerietainnf poaitiTeuesh do noi detroy themiddle and upper renters by mJng lug witiitbem In dlsatreeab; otjnfasjon, the reflntnibeauty of te being equa ly alghtrul U theauprae-tiee- and to Ue looal culiivaied ear.

Thfv aiean enttrely new vt of tne,tn the most superb manner. wifA four futt

nmnti --or- frvrd and ttfik, car. ad legaeid Lvie vtxpeutiue Hae rlchiy nicohied, .irnJeach Lualruxbent Is folly warranted for tveytaaxa. aaps dAwly

Co rtiier ship Notice.phK undersigned ha this da' a.ocl:ited1 with b in in the Cotton Brokerage aud

(.uiumlaalo... Business. AD...LPH KaIi-BHK-

under Uieflrni name aud style of N. ORONAA CO., and wbl continue aa herelofora to anyUse Biricteat aslentloii lo ail bUKlaeaa in laat

ue n i U sl lo osir caie.allsr N. OOROMiN A.

Trustee' Sale.Y virtue or a dearni of t rust rosd to

f Kanui J Uuui Mix John t1st day of August, isUi, and nagtsier'n office of Shelby oourM, pages anu i J furnuss therein named. will,






aHunt on

orded la Uisr, In book No.Uuli IndeUled- -

Oq Saturday, Sttth October, 1867,Between the hours of 10 and 11 o'clock inftont of the Law Court roonis, lu the city olMemphis, sett to lb- highest bidder for cashthe following laud lying io aheiby uouuty,Teuneaes eglnnlug al a slake in the nortn-eaa- t

ooraex of Or- - W. A. Booth's loft acre tractwith elm. rnapi and red oak pointers ; ihenaeir.nin with lr. Booth a :1ns Is chains 124s-O- 0 ofa chain io a stake; thence cast Ik ; ....j chain

011 tllU, R" eigh



sLKeinjaaf ssui wniies said; .,. :;;" u is izj, lou chains with

r.swlso a stake blinks east of a blackgOV : III II i I 1W CSSiDn Ul Ul De--gluniug o a:res ol an acre.

iCuuITv of iedmi.non waived. Title te- -

u be good, hut convevauos on v a tius- -




U F. VANCE, Trustee.


Thus it in that throagb tbe long yearnand even age, the silent Influence workamong the people, and prepare for thegreat crUis that, coming unexpectedly.RhangeK the fate of an Empire in an in-

stant. A single battle frees iombard;a small Italian Kingdom become a greatPower in a day ; and Italian (liamtDukes, expunged bj their people, sink atonce out of sight, tbe world looking onwithout care or commiseration.

It is useless to clamour against Iono-ranc-

8rPKRflTrnoN and Tyranny,: n our Lodges, and repeat the cry of' Li berty. KyCALiTY and Fraternity !'

and no more. To widen too much thecircle of our exertions, is to invite ourInitiates to do nothing ; because we urgethem to what they feel to be impractica-ble. The object of Masonry is, on tbecontrary, to effect some practical good,

within the limits of that circle, howevernarrow, in which its influences may be

felt. It neither conceals an assault uponreligion under its enmity to superstition,uor a hostility to order and good govern-

ment under it opposition to Tyranny.We must take care not to makeour objects either odious and un-

welcome, or unreal and chimerical.The problem whether this or the otherform of government be preferable, is notyet solved. It is by no means certainthat a republican government can bepermanent; the experiment of selectingrulers, legislators and magistrates by

popular vote, is not as yet successful j

and it is not sure that to commit the va-

ried powers of government habitually tothe most incompetent and unfit hands,

the best mode to perpetuate the na-

tional existence. It may be that it is asmuch a law of God for nations of men tobe governed by a single will as it is forthe bees to have one Queen. Masonryin Europe has been the propagator ofrepublicanism : yet Solomon, the fir-f-

Grand Master, was a King.Men and nations will not or free, until

they are Jif ii to be so ; and the form ofof each must be the expres-fio- n

of its fixed habits of thought andA great of time of seed,

Freedom, in silent dignity early limestrength wDr.v. and tae tne of entire

by means of its best and wisest, will be,!7ienet'rT sue an one erisf$, tbe mighti-

est antagonist of Despotism and arbitraryPower : and their best ally is a Republic,ifoverning or uu'sgoverning itself by itssmallest intellects, and at last plungedinto dissension and civil war by inca-

pacity and folly.Where it is needed, Masonry labors to

set limits to arbitrary Power elsewhere,:. ....... u mi . it. ,li, fir tn maintain11 U1.J ito " 1 i ...j ... ' -

order in .nstitutions and ideas, and to setlimits to excesses in another direction,furTHEPEOPi.Ktoomay play the Tyrant,and crash out individual independenceof thought and opinion, aa ruthlessly asever, an Kmperor did: and a republicmay so conduct itself, as to disgust othernations with liberty itself, and makethem proud of their own fetters. Thereis a Iespotism even in republics : and itis even where men have been most free,and have least felt the weight of Govern-ment, where universal suffrage prevails,and that bastard equality brings allmen down to one common level, andthe people, in dangeroui emergencies, aremost ready to submit to military despot-

ism, and tamely allow the sword to de-

throne tbe 'is-- , and the minions of ille-

gitimate Power to usurp the function ofthe law-mak- and the judiciary.a great danger impends, such a peopleever hastens to become the slave of asingle will. History is ever repeatingitself; and human nature remains thesame through all tbe ages.

Taut.The buried wheat inusl seam to die,Luna, rotting, in tbe earth must He,Before the new shool seeks the air.The new stalk can the new grain bear.

Wllhin itsclossnd silent cellThe dead worm must in darkness dwell.Before the moth, can beThe type of Immortality.

So poor body, formed from dust.To earih's cold busnni we entrust.Nor idly grieve, and weep in vain.Since nil the dead shall live again.

Ashe-- to ashes. esrh to earth.And dust to dust; bnt death is birth.Birth to a better, hicber lifeThan Kailh's poor hour of care and strife.

Veatlsre af Jlaaoji Amongdlana - No. 2

tbe I

Amoog tbe Cherokee, Choc taws,Cbickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles, andother Southern Indian tribe, there hasexisted from time a secretfraternity of sworn friends, having signs,token and word known only to them-selves, aud confined to the male popula-tion. Their form of initiation is said tobe simple, but their obligations to eachother are held to be of the most solemnand binding nature through life. If one

f the fraternity is in danger or trouble,his claim for the protection or aid of hisLrethren is not to be disregarded ; and ifat any time flight from enemies becomenecessary, he i at liberty to mount thehorse of a Brother and flee from bis per-

secutors. I am iuformed by many intel-ligent ludian Kreemaswu that there isenough iu the ceremouie aud obligationsif tins fraternity to justify tbe conclu-

sion that it had a genuine Masonic ori-

gin, though at what period it ia impos-

sible to determine : perhaps centuriesbefore this continent was known to tbeAngio Saxon race.

An instance is related to me by JudgeField, of tbe Cherokee nation, whereina party of Cuiled State commissioners,neut to treat with tbe Seminole, In Flor-ida, early in the present when,-- c.rrounded by enraged savage andsilsout to be put to death, were saved by a

hlf breed attached to the com mission,who gave the mystic sign of the frater-nity, which in a moment turned the furyof the uavages into the warmest demon-

strations of friendship. "The grandhailing sign" of thi fraternity, if notderived originally from genuine Ma-

son rv, answered every purpose in savingtbe lives of this band of white mn, andwho can say that it had not a true Ma-

sonic origin.Auother peculiar and striking feature

iu this Indian fraternity is found in thefact that, in starting out upon the huntor tbe war tbe Indians form ingroup of time. Jive, and cren,who, onsuch occasions, adbere one to anothereven to tbe death. These mystic num-bers, three, five, and seven, are signifi-

cant to Masons, and their existenceamong this ludian fraternity cannot besuupoeed to be the reault of mere acci-

dent, for they are traditional numbers,and are adhered to with the mostsorupulous fidelity. If tbls Custom isnot a vestige of Freemasonry the coin-cidence is at least somewhat remarkable,and it reminds us of tbe sworn friend-ship between Jonathan and David, an-

terior to tbe time Freemasonry assumedform under tbe Jewish fathers.

Pertinent to this point, though I douot propose to discuss the subject atlength, is the fact, that among our Amer-ican Indian geuerally there exists strongevideuce of their Hebrew origin, which,if true, furnisbee almost inoontestible

their ancestors who first pop-ulated this continent brought with themancieut Freemasonry, and is anotherproof of tbe great antiquity of our valua-ble institution. ThiB point has receiveda larger share of the attention ef Adairaud others who have written on the sub-

ject, aud the evidence of thi origin maybe briefly summed up as follows:

1. Their division of time.I Their worship ef our t treat Spirit..1. Their belief iu ministering angel.4. 'I he, - prophets and priests.A Their festivals, fasts and religious

rite.i. Their ablutions and anointings.

7. Their law upon uncleanlinesa.H. Their marriage, divorces, and pun-

ishment for adultery.u. Their cities of refuge.

in. Their purifications before going towar.

1 1 . Their methods of curing the sick.IS Their mode of bury lug the dead.IX Their custom of raising a family to

a decesaeai brother.14. Their nionunienta for tbe dead.15. 1 heir choice of names from

etc.These, and many other customs of tbe

Iodian which might be mentioned,though, perhaps, not all of them prac-ticed by any single tribe, are very strongif not absolute proofs of their Hebreworigiu, and I am informed that theseevidences exist in a still higher degreeamong the Comanche, tbe Kiowas, andother southwestern tribes. I cannotlearn, however, that circumcision hasever been practiced among tbe AmericanIndians. If that religious rite ever waspracticed by tbem, all tradition of Itseem to have been lost.

L'lsm the stones found In tbe ruin oftemple built agsa before tbe conquest of.Mexico bv tbe Spaniards, found

MEMPHIS, TE2STN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1867.sculptured skulls and cross-bone- altars,

silent but conclusive proofsthat the people in whose day those

emblems of Freemasonry werecut upon tbe rock, possessed and cultl- -

vated an order akin to our order, if not,the veritable order itself.

Grand Master Bromwell, of Illinois,states that he has seen a square, level,trestle-boar- an. other lodge furniture '

made from stone, and taken from an an- - j

cient mound in the state of Indiana.Whence came these emblems of Free-masonry ; by whom were they wrought,and by whom used ?

In pursuing these investigations thewriter will probably have occasion to re--fer to this subject again, as it Is very in- -timately connected with the main sub-Je-ct

under consideration, and it may,perhaps, be the key which will unlockthe mystery snrrounding the vestiges ofFreemasonry which exist among oarAmerican Indians.

The Point


within Hie Circle andallel Lines.


far- -


The account of this emblem given intbe Monitors is wholly unsatisfactory,aud inconsistent with the general teach-ing of Masonry.

It is suggestive of many perplexingquestion, not tbe least of which are :

Did it as essential element of the vigilance of the constabularyevery reiruiar wen governeu seizure.Lodge " prior to the time cf the HolySaints Join:, aud, if so, what was theexplanation given by our ancientBrethren ?

If introduced subsequent to their time,how can it be said to be au emential orrfquititr. of every regular Lodge ? Werenot the Lodges before their day regular ?Did not they possess all the necessaryelements of a regular Lodge ?

If so, was not any addition to thoseancient essential elements an innovationupon the body of Masonry ? Again, howcould Jewisb Masons have dedicatedLodges tn tne Holy Saints John t as nowexplained, does it cot give a Christianinterpretation to Masocrv, and therebydestroy Its boast and pride, univeraality f

In my judgment this symbol alwayexinted In Masonry, and it was thus ex-plained by our ancient Brethren :

"The circle is the astrouomical sign ofthe sun, the source of physical light ; thepoint is tbe focus of light, tbe central in-

telligence of the universe; the object ofthe Mason's pearcb.''

As man was made in the image of God,the point also represents tbe " individualBrother."

The two parallel lines represent thesummer aud winter solstices, where, asthe word indicates, the sun stops orstands still. The first occurs June 21st ;

tbe second December 21st.They symbolically represent the tme

line of moral rectitude.It will be observed that the period be

twpen June tilth anil I inhem her 1lth em- -opinion. living example braces the tbe implanted

the calm, of manhood, the seed of Ma

lts peace, governing prisoners








proof that





m, i r i . , ...a u.i 111 ' i iiu. cat t 1 i n - 111 J x Ul 1UK v c v , tl 1 11 .old age. there- - j fever.

fore, us while a .Savannah mentionyouth will be as shipments of new

regular conduct as is in his to York. Thiscourse, on neitnerside transifressimr tnetrue bue9 of moral rectitude, it is impos-sible that he should materially err.

Tbe ApolhgemN or Odin.Amontr those " wise saws " contained

in the "Havamal," or "Sublime Dis-course of Odin, the King Solomon ofnorthern Europe, we quote tbe followingfrom translations by Mallet and Whea-to- n

:" Riches pass away in the twinkling of

an the most inconstant of friends' 'are they.

"Flocks and herds perish, friends andrelations die; but one ibiug I knowu naval iht til thttgood man." took

" M not tli stranger for thou .ii.ixsl tonsknowest not whom he may

" It is better to live JS than long.When a man lights a tire, death is withhim hpfore it is extinguished."

"There is no so cruel ascontrnt with your fate."

th in siKJiritr i stiiit iif i. in- -


The Pall Mall Gazette draws thischarming picture of the Thames riverscenery:

"And yet there isnot wanting a certaingrace, and a very delicate grace, aboutthis domestic river. Mr. Tennyson hagiven the eisence of it in a verse of the' Palace of Art.' Amongst the variouspictures, 'fit for every mood of mind,:with which the palace was stored, onewas

.an home-E-- nv nour .i arms munitionssinned bis have

SnS.r Ih.n nieen nil t !l 111 us ill .rl.r alon.iihaunt or ancient Peace."

picture might certainly havebeen painteil on a hundred reaches of j

the Thame. The gently fin wing riverbetween rounded hills, covered with softbanks of foliage, and through rich greenmeadows, breathes the quiet iufiuenceirdicated by the words, 'softer thansleep,' aud speaks audibly of tbe uudis- - oisjturbed tears of peace. It (rives tbe vervessence of iiuiet English scenery, whereit Is free from the look nf meannesswhich is sometimes produced by thesmall enclosures, diminutive proportionsand gentle slopes of common placeEnglish country. To appreciate itspower one bhould stand, on aevening, somewhere under the woods of("lieveden, or near Hurley lock or theHenley meadows. It is as thatthere should be a lasher near, that thernsh of tbe may suggest tbe deli-

cious coolness ' a header into thebubbles below, yet without

tbe noise and fury of a genuine water-fall ; there should be a great bed of glori-ous water iillies, with Mat comfortableleaves lying lazily on tbe Mirface, aud tbebig Dowers ' pillowing their chins,' as the

does, according to Milton, upon thesmooth deep water, and the roots an-

chored safely iu the ooze several feetbelow ; an old rusty lock or canipstead-ln- g,

and a mellow, collage halfcovered with trees should be reflected inthe water ; and there should certainly beone of our punt walchiugan indo-

lent float. If a boat comes by it shouldnot be manned by young gentlementraining a race, though they, too, aresuitable in some of the livelier reaches;but, If possible, a good, steady familytub. with a fat gentleman steering andhis daughters making believe tn row anilwatching tbe drip of the water from tbeoars. Then, if you would visit fair Thamesaright, light your pipe and lie down onthe grass think about nothing, andhome returning soothly swear, or rathermildly affirm, that you have enjoyedyourself calmly but thoroughly. Torestless minds, who must have some-thing to with, a fishing rod, or evenan oar, may be recommended ; but tbeymust remember, to parody the orientalproverb, that it ia a scene in which it isbetter to steer than to row, better t liein tbe bottom of the boat than to steer,and better to float Idly than to be pro-pelled by any meant known to science.''

Music la the faintly.I once stopped at a Ger-

man settlement of no great size,where I was invited to hear somemusic at the house of a mechanic. Herea small company performed, vocally andiostrumeutally, almost the whole ofHaydn's creation. Tbe master of thebouse, a blacksmith, more than sixtyyears of age, took tbe first violin ; hisaged wife, lu spectacles, gave us a vocaltmrt: the eldest son, a Joiner, from aneighboring village, sat down at a Leip-si-c

piano-forte- , on which, after tuning it,he executed with great, skill the wholeaccompaniment ; .several young meu andwomen filled the remainder of theA boy, five of age, waspointed out to me as beginningto play on tbe violin. L'pon inquiryI found that there not a bouse intowD without a piano-fort- or somekeyed instrument. evening's enter-tainment has often occurred to me asillustrating tbe happy inilueuceof musicupon domestic life and social habits. Ifyou would bave young people love home,induce tbem to cultivate music. It willbeguile many a winter night, whichmigbt otherwise be worse wasted.Few pleasures are cheaper or more inno-cent, or within the borne circle. Almostall foreigners are proRcieuta. A fewyears ago, a party of emigrants en-

camped for the night on a small emi-

nence, about half a mile from my resi-

dence. About sunset we were surprisedthe mirst delightful sounus, waited

across the valley by these sojourners. Itappeared to be evening hymn, ac- -

companied with horns. The erTeot was j

indescribable. Rev . Mr. Todd.

" This eer Mtraeh He."We recently heard the following touch-S-

Incident ; A little boy bad died.His body was laid out in a darkened,

room, waiting to lie laid inthe cold, lone grave. His afflictedmother aod bereaved little sister into look at the sweet face of the preciousleaper. for his face was beautiful even

iu death. As they stood gazing on theface of one so beloved and cherished, thelittle girl asked la shake his band. Tbemother at first not think It best, butthe child repeated tbe request, andseemed very anxious about it ; she took j

tbe Ould, bloodless hand of her sleepingboy arid plaoed it in the hand of binweeping sister.

The dear child looked at it a moment,caressed it fondly, and then looked up to

tion love, :

hand never strucs me'"What could have been touching

and lovely ( Va.) Index.

(iaribaidi has issued an address de-claring that the time now come foroverthrowing the tyranny of tlie pope.King Victor Emanuel has issued a proc-lamation forbidding any Italians to en-ga-

in ths mavi msnt.

SJEWH AP THE DAT.Harps are usee in London churches.The Fort Smith, Arkansas,

Era is enlarged and Improved.A man swam across Niagara river

abave the suspension bridge, on Hun-da-

South Carolina malcontents still em-igrate to Honduras.

An island la forming in the reach ofthe Mississippi river above Natchez.

Brazil anticipate this year thelargest harvest of coffee ever gathered.

Trousers this fall are to be as tight aspossible, and with a very broad stripe.A neat thing.

Troops have been dispatched fromFrance to Rome.

Erlessonha bnllt for tbe Swedishgovernment a "man-monitor- ," to beworked by man power.

the finding of dean bodies of infantsin Brooklyn, kork, is becoming of plete retnrns show the 'otal vote of tbealmost daily occurrence. state be 92,1)H. Haight's majority

A raft panned Winona, Minnesota, on over Gorham, ieW.the 19th, which contained 1,100,000 feet Richmond, 27.

lumber, contained in 130 cribs. ' Brown has issued an order directing theThe cranberry crop of Jackson conn- - officers of the freedmen's bureau this

ty, which has begun come ' district turn over the civil authori-in- ,

is estimated at 3000 bushels. ties all negro paupers who have been re- -cotton crop in West Tennessee, here since January 1, 1st!

Arkansas and is reported to in the cane of Kebler, the or-b- e

an average yield. dered he brought before the statePacking ale in flour barrels is the

latest unsuccessful stodge at Boston toexist an elude

Some one has given currency to thestartling statement that Havana cigarsare made of potato leaves.

The New railroad leadsofT in the very important reform ex-cluding peddlers from the cars.

Tbe Cuban cable company receivedtwo thousand dollars the first day thecable was open to the public.

Tbe Rock Island and St. Louis rail-road has been put under contract for itswhole length.

The streets of Dm Moines, Iowa, areblack with grasshoppers.

The Harpers are soon to publish aweekly fashion paper on a very exten-sive scale.

The cotton worm has made its ap-pearance in the eastern part of NorthCarolina.

The South German states are nowfree to join the North German confed-eration, and thus make Germany onenatien.

Tbe Prussian diet, which was dis-solved yesterday, will meet again inNovember, when the Dew states will be

The total amount of tea exportedfrom China this season to the 2DUi ofAugust is 60,000,000 pounds.

Rates of freight from St. Louis toNatchez and New Orleans

have advanced.Senator Wade aad Representative

Spalding, of Ohio, announce themselvesin favor of a continuous session of con-gress from the day of its meeting untilthe fourth of March, 1869.

It is estimated tiiat one-tent- of theand itself time of ripening number of soldiers and


. aniri ' u. uim nof The whole symbol,

is to teach that Brother, Tbe papers thefrom early to old age, of four crates slieaf

in his the sun rice from that port New

















is tbe first export north of the uew ricecrop.

John B. (rough has on his estateWest Bowlston, Mass., 20011 of thefeathered tribe, consisting ef turkeys,hens, ducks, pigeons and geese.

Those sections of North Carolinanoted for unionism d mug the war areutterly opposed to negro supremacy astbe radicals will discover at the nextelection.

Tom P. Ochiltree writes a fromthe Langbam hotel, Loudon, in whichhe poetically refers to Texas aa the " hus-bandman's paradise, and shepherd's ely- -

sian field."

placeick irnef,




rbe monthly sale of Scrantnu coalat rew York yesterday:

at $3 'sat .n4 75 per tou.Stone coal S4 5o4 75. Steamboat coala 7.Vrtjsl 71.

Under the amnesty, and accordingto the census of ItJtK), the vote in Texaswould be a follows: Whites, 100,405 :

blacks, SUSS ; giving a total white ma-jority of 71,473.

Westerly, R. L, baa furnished sixty-fiv- e

sea captains, of whom twenty-eight- ,

were Peudietone, and other prevailingnames are Barber, Barnes, Babcock,Kiirdick. Bliven, Duubar, Hazard, Hall,Nasb, Suunders, etc.

Congratulations have been exchangedbetween the governor-gener- al of Cubaand the governor elect of California ontbe establishment of commu-nication between California auil Cuba.

Garibaldi, wheu arrested, was con-veyed to the fortress of Alexander. The

EnsMlsh twiiiaiit and otherOn dewy pust an... dewy trees. for troops









of war de- -

seizedTbe Italian govern me tit is determinedto prevent an invasion of ths Papal territory.

Postaire stamps are a comparativelyrecent iuventioo, but they bave ironeint.) universal use in most enormousquantities. England uses 850,00t).0iMlpostaKe stamps annually ; France,

and tbe United States, 3o0,00),- -

Some miscreant attempted to wrecka train on tbe Beilfontaine road, nearKortville, Indiana, last Friday night, byloosening tbe rails. The eastern boundexpress passed over tbe gapsn safety, buttbe engineer, having discovered some-thing wrong, stopped tbe train and causedthe mischief to be repaired.

A wretch iu Philadelphia, tbe otherday, employed several girls who ownedsewing machines, to come to bis estab-lishment on Chestnut street, the nextday work. Early the next morninghe sent a team around for the machines,and when, tbe girls wentto tbe place indicated, they could hearof no such man and get no trace of theirmachinaa.

Tbe late Abraham Lincoln's coach isoffered for sale In New York.

(iaribaidi was arrested by the Italiangovernment while crossing the frontierof Rome.

The remains of Sir Frederick Brucewere sent home iu tbe steamship China.

Fernando Wood will be a candidatefor the mayoralty of New York andwill probably be elected.

Dr. O. Porter, of Cornwall,Vt., late senator, died on the 17tb, agedsixty years.

Brig. Get. Dan. McCoy bss establishedhimself at Thomson, Carroll county, III.,as one of the editors of the ThomsonCourier.

The salary of J. W. SImonton, NewYork agent of the associated press, hasbeen raised from $25011 to I50U0 a year.

Tbe wife of Mr. Lee, the gentlemanwho drew the Chicogo opera house, diedlast Friday, at Prairie de Rocber, 111.

George Welling, late colonel of tbefourth Kentucky cavalry, died in Newi )rleans, of yellow fever, Tuesday, the17th inst.

Thomas H. Ford, gover-nor of Ohio, is said to have ths insidetrack for the Ecuador mission, viceCoggeshall, deceased.

Win. H. Bartlett, associate justice ofthe supreme court of New Hampshire,died yesterday, at Concord, of

'aged forty.Brougham makes speeches in Boston

when the scene shifters are delsyed, andkeeps the audience happy.

Maurice Strakosch writes that Americawill go wild over the beauties of " Romeoand Juliet," in which Patti has won in-

creased distinction.Gen. Beauregard bag written a letter in

which he says the country i driftinginto a military despotism.

C. F. Huntsman, for several yearsconnected with the Milwaukee Hew, hasgone to La Crosse, to take a position onthe editorial staff of Brick Pomeroy'sDemocrat.

Gen. Grant's father spoke at a demo-crati- c

meeting, on the 2ttb. favoring theelection of Gen. Cary for congress.

Arrangements are being made in To- -

ronlo to provide a residence in tbst cityfor Davis.

Charles Fairfax, Jr., a native of Ohio,and for some months past of the edlto- -

rial corps of the New Orleans Timet,died in that city on Friday last of yellowfever.

Tbe Journal says Napoleon wants aneleven-yea- r old Salzburg princess for hissen's bride. She must be a drowsy littlebelle to take a Nap !

Saxe says he saw more pretty girls iuDubliu than in London, and more iuLondon than in Paris. The sweetestvoice he ever heard iu conversation oamefrom a German who sold beerand biscuits.

Gen. Sheridan in an interview withPresident Johnson, on Tuesday, dis- -

.'laiined any intention of insult In hisNsw Orleans letter. uiguiwished to show by that letter thepresident was making very serious mis-takes.

Catherine Beecher, a Beecber who, be-

sides being a Beecher, bsa written soookbook and some other things, has comeout an Episcopalian. In anletter she oharges all her brothers withhaving abandoned the fine old orthodoxtenet of infant damnation.

Gen. Sheridan was lionised upon hisarrival in Cincinnati. At night be wentto the theater. At lbs close of the plsy.the audience called for Sheridan.

both nanus.''Kitz John Porter has filed another pa-

per with the president favor of reopen-ing bis case, oites tbe action ofPresident Tyler in Oen.osse, and tbeaotionof President Johnsonin Gen. Sweeney 's ease. Both triedaud sentence executed, and both badtheir disability removed by the



ArousTA, September 27. JudgesWarner, Walker and Harris, of the su-

preme conrt of Georgia, are out in lettersfavoring reconstruction under the mili-tary bills, on the grounds of its necessityand expediency.

Hon. BenJ. Hill left yesterday for NewYork.

Han FRANrisro, September 27. Com



ofWisconsin, to to to

The sidingMississippi, soldier














court, on the ground of being a minorand not legally held in tbe army, tbemilitary authorities have refused to obeytbe writ.

Nsw Yosbt, September 27. A specialfrom Richmond to the Herald says Jef-ferson Davis' trial will take place at tbeNovember term beyond doubt. TheTimet' Washington dispatch says thatthe case of tbe government against Fra-ze- r,

Trenholm A Co. has been settled.Tbe terms have not been made public.

A number of clerks in tbe quartermas-ter's department have been notified thattheir services will not be wanted afterthe 30th.

Florence, September 28. Attemptshave since been made to renew the dis-turbances which occurred in this city onthe receipt of the news of Garibaldi's ar-rest, but they all proved abortive. Thegovernment, without resorting to regulartroops, called out the national guards,and, their assistance, checked alloutbreaks before they oeeame formida-ble.

Several men have been arrested by thepolice for participating in the recentscenes of violence and disorder. Thecity is now quiet. Rnports from all partsof Italy show that the country is tran-quil.

Brussels. September 2f A disputeis arising between King Leopold, of Bel-gium, and the king of Austria, in regardto the settlement of the estate of Maxi-milian.

Madrid, September 2i. The reportthat tbe Spanish government had re-

called its fleet from the Pacific, ia posi-tively denied.

LsONDON, September 2b. Another trialof the Rodman gun was made yester-day, being charged with 100 poundsAmerican service powder. The projec-tile passed entirely through an eightinch iron plated target, placed at a dis-tance of seventy yards. The target isis one that ha been used a long time forthese experiments, and ha withstoodsome of the severest testa.

Sparrows la Hew York.J. T. Shaw, the I 'nion park policeman

at New York, writes this account of thesparrows there :

" In April, lsfiii, two pairs of sparrowscame to I'nion park and claimed posses-sion of the only bird bouse there, (in-deed, it was tbe only one in Ave parks,which was occupied by two wrens. Af-ter a desperate light of several hours thewrens had to yield to the heavier bird,and left the park. The sparrows tookprrasesgioQ, and within Ave weeks bailnine added to their numbers, and outin the park. In June, the sameyear, one hundred bird houses wereerected there. The sparrows at oncetook to them autl produced several broodsbefore the leaves fell from the trees, andseventy-fiv- e to eighty of these birdswintered there, to tbe delight audamusement of many lovers of birds.About three hundred bird bouses werealso erected in four other parks near, andmany sparrows came in from Centralpark and occupied them all tbe winter,and bave continued to occupy and breed

them, as has also tbe blue bird andwren, until now there are believed to betwelve to fifteen hundred sparrows inthese rive parks. They are very happyand tame, and are seldom molested bythe children, and have mads a cleansweep nf the worms and millers, andsaved the fnilage of all the trees, so that,for the flrst time in years, at thisseason, we have a perfect foliage in saidparks. There i9 nothing like tbe sparrowfhr tbe destruction of the worms and in-

sects generally. P!ank9 have been an-chored iu the fountains, from which thebirds drink and bathe. Last Thursdaymorning I counted seventy five of themon the plank at I'nion park, bathing, inthirteen minutes. If the people will putup bird houses on the trees our streetsand yards, tbe city will be well suppliedwith tbe sparrows in a few yearn, andthe vile tree worm will disappear.

Tbe presiding officer of the goldroom. New York, Rev. Mr. Hoyt, wasformerly pastor of tbe First Presbyte-rian church. I. inigville, Ky asd haslately Oeen " dropped " by the presby-tery, who give notice to the world thatthey are no longer responsible for hisconduct as a minister.




Meuinhis and Obi. and Niush- -

lllr aud orf linesicriiKailrouds via

Comnienriog Monday. Sept. 23.

rflRAlNS for Naabville will laave Depot headX of .Vialn street a follow.!evening Kapre leaves Memphis at 4ias aud 1UB at Nashville at 7ilHi day. Tulstraln arrive at Nashville

S fen Honrs and Five MinuteIn atlranre of Kvenlug Train from Memphishv anv other rout.

.Main Kapreaa leave Meroplll at lliSSp.m., anil arrives at Naanville at liUS p.m.neit This route is .

Seienty-Eig- ht Mile ShorterTo Naanville than via Decatur.


Through Tickets via Naatavllle loC'HATTA-NUlXi-

KNOX VI LLE, ATLANTA, aud allPrlnclpsI Point ill tihOKtilA, ALABAMA andthe CAlCOI.INAfJ.

Fare as Low as by any OtherRoute.

rhmneh Tickets and all inforrnaliun can beobtained at 2o. 231 Main street, and at t heDepot. Head of Main street.

M. filtfULEY, OAM. B Jt'NKB,l icket Agent, Gen'l Hupt.

OMNIBL'HES of Memphis City 7 iwsfer Com-pany call at all tbe principal Hotels theieosn ore of TrHtn, and check Baggage to allPoints. By leavingorders at Ticket Office, J37SMam street, will cll at any part of the city orsteamboat landing.

JOHN H. JONES,Sup't m. a T. ce

September 2H, ll7. sera

Memphis & Little Hock B. K.


OH will loave HOPaKlKLIJai 7 a in ,ar--!riving at Ten Mile Bayou at:15a.m. Heiurn-- :

ins; Leave Teu Mllu Bayou al Si p m anSsrrtveut Hntleld at M p.m.

On TUESUAVrt and aATURDAYS a trainwill leave Ten Mile Bayou at saw a.m.. Hopefleld at 9:15 a.m. Returnins-Lea- ve

Hopeneld al i p.m.. aud arrive at Ten MileUayou at .hid p.m.

Tbe Ruund Trip From Memphis, ,1 SO.

The Kerryboat NBV.UlAconnection wltn all train.


will make close

J. L. MKKiS,(thief Euulneer.



iir.vr.aAi. mjeasiKTannaMT's Orrtoa. I

Hum is, , July 7. 1M7.

'PRA1 NS will leave theDepol of thi Company,L at bead, of Main street, until further uuilce,

as follows :

Louisville and Nashville ExpressLeave every day at 4 p.m., making close

al Louisville with fast Express trainon Jetlernonviils Railroad tor all Eaatern cltlea,and with Culled Htate Mali Steamer for Cin-cinnati and all cities North aud Kal, and 1 ma

shortest aod Quickest Route to .lasn vllle.

NIGHT EXl'REaS-Eve- ry nlalit except rjat- -

He saiil be oolv antay at 11 p.m.. making close- tion with Mobllo aud Ohio Railroad at Hum.that





Ooliit. and with lliluols I eutral Railroad tor41. Lorn t hirago, St. Paul, and all pointNorth, West and Kast, aad at Louisville withJellersouvllie Railroad for all Northern andEastern eilie.

Cars sio Through Without Change.

Mamlttcent sleeping Car on all Night TralusBaggage Checked throush to ah Impoilantplaoes. Persons holding Through Ticket canstop over at any point and rasam Journey atpleasure.

srTrirough Ticket and all Information oanbe obtained st Ticket Office, S7', Main street,aud at IXpot. SAM a. Ju.v'ts,

jy7 tf general Saparmtsottaai.

aar mother through the tears of afHie- - curtain rose again, and Miss Provost en- - Eirlirsinn tfl .VaDlDlOtll GSVC.aDd and said " Mother, this tered, "dragging the abashed hero by











DAILY l'KAINo leave tuauapot ol tbeIiwo and Louisville railroad, bead olMain treet, aa follows : 1 p.m. and 11 p.m., run-nln- g

through to Cave City without change Excursion Ticket from Memphis toMammoth Cave aod Return at Reduced Rate.Pare round trip, to Cave and return. USD 75 eachParti ol tilt ten or more 23 75eaouPartlo of twenly-.'lv- e or mor. 1 70 each

For through ticket and ail information, callat Ticket Office, No. jsr'. Main tiec

jyj; n SAM. tt JOSEa. ttsn'i snp't.


Three-fourth- s or the Front Retained to

the Policy Holders la the

Georgia Home Insurance Co.,OF COLUMBC'S, OA.


Cash Cssiui sad Sarplss, . .


usuries In tata oompsmy will cat thtr pn- -poulon of profjm in Hoiip, which will btaksn at par vaueon mnawais.




Capital. $i)0,000.

Southwest Corner lata aad Sadlioa,Co Stair.




my2 daw


-- ....Secretary.Ami taut Secretary.

NQrtn American Life, Accident Ids. Co.,

PHILADELPHIA, PA.LL policies iasand an tbe endowment plan.All its policies art

o restriction on raetrienoe or travel.f H- - JOHNSON, Agent

Tanufuwne. Kentucky and Arkansas,an i 16 Madison street. Memphis. Tenn.


West Tennessee, MlmUsippiand Arkansas.

TTAVINU aoeepted a permanent Agency ofII the 1ST. inns MTTTtJAI. LIFE

COMPANY. I would respect tnlly skthe attanUoa of my old ,rlud to that Institu-tion aa a safe, cartalu and reliable mediumthrough which they may assure their familiesagainst a ant la the event of 1lh. or them-selves from an Impoyerlahed old age In oaaof la life.

Mr. S. s. OTIS aasoelated with me and ihereby recommended to public confidence.Our office at No. 43 MadlMin street, (rearroom', DeHoto Block, where we will he happyto Impart any needed Information to Ihoae

Life Insurance.jig J H. McMAHOI.


Assets April IsL over : SL500,000.

D. 4. JlM tKV, : President.fAS. H. LUCAS, VicfPrelieatWM. T. fiELBY, : : H.rtarj.WM. 11. BEATOX, feivju'I AkuL

DIRECTORS:Jaznea U. Lacaa, Hsmry Oraratola.Sauael Willi. Nick. tVliaefor,Robi.M.FaDaalioaaer. William r. .y.'has. li. Peek..

Rout-- K Wooaa,Jala Valla,Ufa R- Robinson.Cuas, W MoCord,John F. Thornton.Bn. M. Runyan,

David Keith,R. P. Haueukamp,laaac Mitchellli. A. January,Wm. Lsjwta,K. Rosier, Jr.,Jacob Taunm,

Hon. John llogtan.

Company Is nes Pnalalea on lira on allTHIB plana and at aa favorable ratesaa any other while It has no restrictions in reavrd to nrldeuce or travel, and all Its profitsar divided annually amona; its pollry holdersIt Is prompt In th payment of lose, navltiKpaid gS3,0O In this city in 'Mm Last eightmouths.

INS U BANC .Fire and MarineHome


OF NEW .Ottlf.Assets Jl,0fja,70 831





Iimnrance Company

Security Iniamt Company

Enterprise InsnraneeCINCINNATI.


Cash Capital -



well established reputation nf theseCompaiAlas for prompt and honorable deal-

ing, ana their large (ash Asset", comtueudthem to the favor of Business, Meu aud Prop-erty Holrlers who desire reliable Insurance, loreither Fire or Marine. We represent no com-panies but those duly authorieed by ntate andlocal laws. All losses adj usted aud paid at thisagsncy.

IiindBoy b Vradenburg,General Insnrunoe Agents, No. U Ma son

street (up stairs). Memphis, Tenn. ap28



LUMBER YARD,Uo. 212 Adams Street,

East of Bayon Uuyoao. Memphis, Tenn ,

Russell, Grove t Co , Proprietors,slways on hand and for snte, at tlieHAVE Market Prices, lor CA.H, every

Variety of Builder Haierial,oonststing in Flooring, Ceiling and Weatbor-boanliuR- ,

Dressed and nndresaed, .aah. Doors.Blinds, Moulding, Lattica and Suir MssVaWlsj

and Framing Lumber mt ail kluds, Hhlniui,Lathes, etc,, etc.

Orders solicited and proiupliy atteuded to.

.Planters and Merchants Ulentijiu.Toltacro, Toll set a, Tultttero.vv E will

ceir.1tin- liMst nr.n


rorwsrd tu yon, address, iipunyour onier em lo)lrg the cash,

iJr Leaf Tohaco (he toiiow- -

lug prn-o- i

Best llrlitlil (.old Leal Chewing Tobacco.uonnd ... 18 1X1

Be--1 B.ighl lioid Lear smoklDg Tobacco,pounds 5 tt)

Any one wishing engage in tbe sale of ourTobacco, will leceive per cent, upon allamounts of 100 pounds and above

Address. PLKArlANTS SCO.,au; :'.m lsl Wat Chestnuts . Louisville. Ky.


ro- -f

of at






Wholesale Grocers

I3IPOBTER8,Wo. titi Common Street,


attention given to thPARTICTJLAR Sngar and Molnfss.

REFERENCES:Commercial Bank of Tuueaee. Memphis ;

pike. Larjevre at Brother. New Orleans:R. vt. Ruuyan. Ranker. HL Lonta feicfl tf

p. ta. stas Lay.


a. c



Stanley, King Smith,


.So. 272 Front Street.Up-tstuir- s, Memphis.Tenn.

an."7 daw

ELLIOTT CO.,afeoeivinsj. Forwarding


TSo. 2 Promsnads Street,fcot of JeflVraon. Steamboat Landing,


Dealer in

Hay, OatM, Corn.AND l'1' COUNTRY PBODl.'CE,

No. SI Bcal Stret, Bajoa Brldee.September, 1SH7. sei



No. 304 Poplai- - StreetJNEAR THE MARKET






1 BE OFFERING A LARGE AND WELlSV selected lot of

Nesutoned Poplar,W hite Pine and



FrstmlriK l.tiuioerAT REDUCED PRICES

A Im Bhln. I nil, . . I. VS n. m.White' Pine r ioorinit. broased White Pinelcedar rosta anu eenomg, aiaeing, ii, eatl'i inch Yellow PlnerKeD Lumber, and uavverytmug oeionaing vo tne uioim imsriaua

Executor' Notice.hereby given to the heirs of Til- -

NOTICESet Us. Jecaed, and all partle con- -

oerned, that we, a surviving execnlOTB of saidestate, have thi day Sled our aeootuat aa such. '

with John Loague, oi ui coenty courtof - bel by conn ly, w here pa rttea cotneerued can


Surviving lazeeutor.Memphis, Septtmber 11, 187. sell tw.


EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE CO.,Prtaelpal Offlre. 618 Broad wsr,



as a liberUniSrUi;





itewenl lu Hsswlnj MatineesMotlou Hewing

Liins rerwlered aoXmirm in ja. i' i sC positive, it not

ordt--r It rathe beat Familycm .a twllatJ lo new and

Machine, for Tailors10 wanted, M

will taMarniwnCtx I

Yfllsw Fe?cr and small Pox.Xaw Ydhk, Jan,

W. th amlrlgned Shipping Vercnanl ofthe city of Mew Yurk, from the oft repeatedusuini.iny of many dtSSrant San Captains,u lwm we Una implicit aouadsiv.and feeling it adnrr wbien we owe rellow-rua-

heraliy iMar srliu.s of Ul great eonfl-.len- cwe feel in h truly marvellous curativepowers of Malor J. T. 1WDI AW RK.M

F.UY the care and ureveauon ot Suia.l PolYellow Kver, te.. nd we enmrtnlly du oarsignature. Ooplng IU wonderful merits andgreat bieaalnga may he made known to thworld Bru Hons A ( o.. i Sontli street i Cur-tis A Ward, lit south street ; it. R. II Wolf Si

Broad street Heney as foenries Slip :

Slinnaon A Shaw, 27 i .Htl aalip ; Wui.Moore, kui South street ; Jaa T. Tneou, MSooth st mat i tieo. u Tapeou. of Taanoott rimSti South street ; Robert Hawk, s .treat,and ii. any others.

This Remedy ha never iieeu knoirn lo rail.Price par package, Porwarded tree 10 anypom: In the United Stat. Address

J. T. CO.,e sr Broadway. New York.




ManufacturedandAmerican, ViL

It the onlyquaiitlsi easen i

lue most elaiuotrprwl ta) tbaubuiiaan'Jy pn.since lUlntr di

at-- whichrubler and ruCusliion, whlebinto the rubberTbeinurb the eli

P- -piled to over unuse. It can be i

for M per et.



utile, Crank

el la

Ao-n- T




KAVANAliH A KER,m. vma. 8e sViottnc

mil mi61 ill sn

tnatiisbian. Itlet ever


far ane thetue lull of Lha

its ball from bMMtns;iupuis tbrcat-gu- t also

Cushion.iiAK already ap-- i,

fonstauttablaa any make.

Ravausgh Decker's Factory, the mrnmr' of Centre and Caual streets, N. Y.. tbe

complete of Its kind In tbe world. Theebiiiery of the moat improvtt chars. theInmberdryingroom the largest tn tbe Cnltad

material the bast can behawed, and tbe workmen tnorougniy

akllied.Bliiiaid Cloth. Balls, aud

make, constantly hand.Kavanagh Decker are only agen s

this ooantry slay's One reman t. adjudgedby competent authorities be the Ueat Cementaver used

stse Tables cnl downforlllii.t Price

v DECKER.Corner of Centre aud Canuistreris,setfe) York t.lty.



WHOLESALE AGENCY.TBI M:RS RiHKH, late a member of this j

krmwu firm, ha established aaala Agency,

"S3 BrftaMfwar, Sew Yort fltr.Opposite A. T. Stewart's Dry (roods Palace, cor- -

Tenth sUsel,W uere be wl

his friendshear from h


lowtd their patrciuu.will .npply these

the tradH, W holesalHLuweat Pi lsa a, maleRim and rmne ' castexcel ail others in dtone, and of

All tosse Pianos Ua'tngin connection willframe. Full, Round.

ac- -



tntlern,im" given. No




o. a'


ioustK. rhe i



aa ta

Hi ofiountil


from tablecord adds

of tubeau

wnltm intu ol

A atla moat

is r..States, tne used thatpurr

Cues allbe--t on

tne in


Full for 11U0.

aend atMl List.A



OfpiaM-- in receive ibe order



iuw asett




ma- -

of he


and especially tohave jo Itbe. ally be--oa lie drm heretofore,perlor losiriimeata toid Retati at varytli the Insulated Ironone sol; pint They

:u..;iy, superiority of

vtruug Scales, glv- -atent iron rim and

snd wetin aimear- -

ana r"i'iy ami saieiv Waxrauted lo prove saiiaiactory, or ths

money retur SSL

Address all orders toSiberia Ott(

at 5 daw 10m TkW Broadway, New Turk

HENRY. MOORE I GENUNG.MautifaA'tnrers aud Jobuers of

ci.iriiiNo. 22 Broadway, opp. st. Nlcliola Holal.

NEW YORK.PHILIP HENRY, J lonnexly of Henrys,

ismltb A T- wnsend.JUHN T. HK.n :i formerly ol Haulabnri--


merly with Henrys, ismith. A Towusend.

rnannrncture! nv us xc nsiveiymm Ti"ade, which we are pit nan




. thel



nme and wellCLOTHING,

'or the Soutli- -

d to sell atLow Price aud ou LiDerat Terms.

Our Slock is adaptdd in material, style,lengths and M'zea, excinstvely totheiootb, sndcomprlws gooiis nun the aasSSSst Priced to theKlneMt Maoe. includlnit a lare assortment ofgojdsfor KUKKDMK.N'.s WK.VR.

The recent decline in woolen and cotton fab-rics will enable us to otTer tXothtugat MnchLower Pi ices than it lias bu sold lor at anytime lnce lHftL

i aali and t 'Imse Buver from fhr yrtoth are In-

vited toexumlno our ".k psircbaalng,as wc isslieve we can olloi uumi gieat induce-ineut-

We will be happy to recclvr irders, and onrlong experience li tlie tsoi,tl. rn bnsinetsien-aule- s

us to make lectiom u uicb will he osr-lis-

U give sutira ssstisfai-tioa- .

Descriptive Catalogues with iriccs jent bymoil if (Wired.

HfcsNKY, MOORE x OENT N,Niw Yokk. July, lft7. dAwtoel

TERWILLIGEK CO..Manitfacturrrs of the Improved Tn pie Flange

Fire and Burglar ProofSAFES,

With Combination and Powder-Troo-f Looks,Warranted ''re- trom Dampness,

MsuufaWory M to Iftl West Hou.-to-n St ,Depot, IIHJ Maluen lane, uear Pearl Hi.,iwUwl.o NEW YoRK.




Silver and Plated- - Ware ; Watchma-kers and Manufacturing Jewelers,

2T& MAIS STREET,Opp. Honth t?ourt BL MKMPUirl. TENN.



HOUSE and SIGN PAINTER,Gilding, Braining, Glazing,

Paper Hanging, Kalsomining, Etc.

Whop as I n low Stret.The Great Soathern Remedy.

OR. C. W.LLIAMS'Pulmonic Balsam or Wild Cherry


WOOD NAPTHA,Recommended by ilistlnguisbed members of

tawjgeaical rroression.

rpHIfl Medicine will be fonnd on a fair trialL to be the BBSSB prompt and effect uai rein-ej- y

fur all diseases nf iheCHKJirand tHHOAf.the greatest care havinn been laki n in uspreparation, being compounded on the monsclMnLflc principle, in us composition

a combination ol the most valuableaod enclive Ekpecuiranu. Anodyne andsedatives, which are known to posse theiiigbest leput with all lnteil'svni member ofth Medical ProoeMdori.

Wood Naplha, as well a the Wild Cbanv,enters largeiv Into it cotnpoailtoa, being theultSlAT REMEDY so sucoeearullr used In Con-

sumption hy the oelehrated Dr. Hastings, The following evidence ia from the Rev.

JT. D. F. Sawri. Presldlim Killer of the Melbo-ili-

Eplaeopal Charch, ior the District of NonbAlahama;

Da Chakl WiaiAM -- Imt air: I tagtieaure In giving my i.siimouy m tbe virtueof yonr excellent "Pulmonic Balaam of WildCbrry." Having used reveral bottle tn myfamily with decided advantage in every caae, Ican recommend It as the best and moat plea,ant meuicine I have ever seen.

W. D. F. HAWRLE.Sold by all respectable Druggist in the city

of Memphis, and throughout 'fia .Southern andWtern Htata.

Meptember '. 187. aala

Sheriff's Sale.M. C Moylan vs. J. Levy Si Oo.

and by virtue of an interlocutoryL'NDKB of the Cbaucery Caurt of Memphi.,indered July 18 7, m the above entltle-- i, lUiae. I will on tbe 1th day of October, A. D.1HJ7, at the front door of the eouTihoue laMetupbl ', between tue nours ot iu o clock a maud o'clock p.m.. proceed to sell to the highet and oast bMdar, for caae, tbe Storerooms

o 2jsnd Sineeond street, in Memphia aadcounty r rhelby and stale of Tennessee, in

being sold toauisty aecre m the saidcourt in tutor ol -- aid M. C. Moylan and agaisataald J lvy a co. r. " r i, ijutn,

By James H. Swas, D. & st id


I s.1a.W SCHOOIMEMPHIS COLLEGE.Law Department of thn Memph..THE will open on th KIRnT HOVDAY

X --TS )ttK. A Tn following ItDUaM com-prise in P acuity ;

ilonsUttiLionnl IK (Jen. i P-- IIReal Property A Pleading. Hon. R. ASuiMlTsnal Property a Pleading.. A. M-- Lkwisssiuity A ComnMeaal Law Hon. P. r. Snsssrim. Law A Admiral ly .usaa. J. S. ISaUglt

cotraas or sttjdt.ST SRBJMOII. JUMIOR I. l.ArtM , monl..

Walkar Amawkaaat Law. atantsj Coasm.rlea, Bisnop on i rimlnai issar, cratber- -of s Law Salt. Sten hens' Ptsadm.a


Person on Contracts, aasoa aa Not aadBills, tmsnUmf on Evfitence.

nRHT sPW.oy, HEUIOB CLASS.Adam's Kqalty Tnrtspni.lenee. Adam s Equity

Pleading. RadSMd on Wllla, HllliaM on Moit-gag-

Parsons on Partnarsnipa.SECOND S?MHIUN, HEMIOR CLAHrl.

Wssanorn on as Fro party. Taylor on Laasf--ord and Tenant, Angll A Ames on Daaaajpa-Uoa- a.

Story's I on Hint of Law. Parson onMantuo Law. limailn s V H. Treat las.

ocioca-- Moot Cioart oa aoS wsMsk. ud Ap-pellate Court one each month, presided overnt ne ill togetner.

ntudeau permitted to enter any Cjssa. bat noDiploma given aaonia tja going Bsaasai .whole '.,ur.

Terms r per Session, payable In advance.Kauaaco pee. tb per SnaSan.A.1 studenuof las, ran attend tra of aassaartn Lecture, of the College, .Deluding I sggkil

on Elocution and explanation of Latin an.lPranch faSatailHtaa by the PresidentArrangement will am made to bnsa andlodge students at 126 per month. AnlllcaUooashould oe made sarty. mltt

MiH VitTTtJaUA D. B v Rs. iwceotiwin lat?asjaUos; with Prol.J. it. its waul,will her School, asNh.Ld oy her ilsic 'MiasSrV. BOW-ICR- on

.jr, tshe 2d of NepteiMbe-- ,At No. 10H Monroe itrait,:atwwa Third andFourth sueets.

The eervicee of tbe following gont.emen areenraged Prof. Augusta Vliiehetx In. Frenchaod npaniao ; Prot George F. sleFeeiy, n; .Pr-t- t Is'-o- Miiinr Music. anil tf

FitshioQahle Dandn leaden?.MA DA Mi--; Lfc LBK, of New Or leans, wou

respoctru iij son ounce to the citizensof Memphis that he will open her classes fortba above sisinlul assenmpllafament on theTHIRD TCfissDAY tn Smpxanw, si ttie Jef-ferson Block. .Hscoud -- Weei, where she tu'.i.oy mrii attention to ilia advancernepnpi h wan mar 3e '.wrtisted to her Imerit a share of the public Lur-nage- MadU, havin: uauaht m most or the piinetpacities ibe Hoath and fthweet, hones ro:ueet u w t me same uaooumledwhich t.s hitherto marked her cours.traction elsewhere. Days aud hours or

.Off children, Tuesdays and Saturdayahalf past VIr tt till dark ; lor Ladle1" a.m. tin 12: iter Gentlemen, from hp.m.. all the same day. Relrrencea artionable, for which, and other partip " I p circulars, which will be ftun-- !

pffln lpal book snd music stores. Termerate Calisthenics and 1'ancitig tsvughivata families aud scixou s. Ifgiven twice a month

LaSallette Academy.T'HS LaHa .ett Academy, on Third tit--

by the Stater ol St. Agnewiitlie opened U rtSa reception of extern, on MiiN-1-

lUt: nPHRPTKMRKH. lll iw

MASONIC COLLEGE,Isroo lajeite Cotwij, Teaa

C nT ATTCD thirty mile from Memphia, sniO mUas aorta of Lafayette Depot, m a a. R.FACULTY l

U. w JoniraTaJf.A.B..Prali:enland Profes.irof Ancient LangnageaUTWav a. iocaa, A.S., Professor otmattes :

Coux Mi Kirns nr. A.M . flits i mt


anu xorai Science and English Literature.Thi, Institution was reopened October. lSVi,

and ba reached a state ef permanent effi-ciency. Next Annnai session will he opeaedJuly IS, 187. and will ooo-- st of Two Term atweek each.

C'n ARi-EV- t English and Mall ernatlca, rMand Wo per Term. Baen Lang'i-a- e. 5niaper Term, c'oulli gant fee. K Ut Term.

Excellent UoarS. inrlndlrg mom, fuel, wash-ing and ilrjht. 1S per month.All neresnary apparatns wm he snpplled.i oaveyancefram Lalaye;' StatAon to

Wetlntwua; sand Sat unlays."".the Traatee. have determined o maktins a first class Arrademle The - ttoiarahlp. experience and sneers,

of our faculty.'2d. Tlie elevated, tone of onr eommnnlfy.M. Tlie health fbl oral re removeil from "be

so r ipling mtliience and vtcea of dty US.4th. Kavorabl price will . naate a uachieve this snceesa.President Board Ir o. T. RONTR-- Joa w xi av . ..anl,



FACULTY :JOHlff K WADDEL, D IX, tisnreilorL. C LAMAR. Professor.

THE ooorss of study cvyroph-U- d in twoalue moDtas ssssss

The method uf iasUTictiou is that of orml mxuTitDstloDK. tnlly upon ths text, scram pn:eiby ssach ns sad lector si -- trnte Is.ulsuon snd local ssodacsUun usve mad.;

Moot Oonrts will be heM weekly, In wblcbthe pinu tn-- will coolnT:i lu evs rvi u tbe rules, rasxlesof rrorednrv anu bj

Kumeoistlon ado,. tad in the lullowingcowrtL Dtstrtct Court of tbs United Htalss.X Circuit Court ol tbe UniUd lataifi.3. HHipreme Court of re Tnfted Htaies.4. Court mi Mlasispivpi.

Chancery Court of Mississippi.6. Prolisss Court.7. rilfth Court of sTrrprsand Appaa s.

The Law Library numbers not less than onethousand voiumes.

Tbe Law students havo tbe piivilese .ifKRKh OK I HAltJiK, tlie LsirrnressmlHecitaiUius lu sny of the departusenza uiScenesnd Literature in rbe University.

fbe sessions of Ibe Kedera Osssi snd of ibeHlftht Court of Errers and Appeal, held st txford, id ve to tba stttdents oi m hosjl nes--

liar sdvanisvKtd.


Ularkstone's CVai meutarries, Kent a Cutuaen- -tarles, rttnry on Aatenry. story u ITiilTsjissiiJSU.ry on pHrtnerehip, Mm )U Bills, nu.ifa .,nContracts, btepben on Plt'JAltn.

Hjuooa Tsua.Moot Couita, Ureenleaf on Evidence Adani.Bqully, AutreU A Ames u ( Corporations,

boosi in cxiiAnsetloa uti m'(Mississippi , Revised Code or

A Olploma noiu tbtsischool is equivalent,.a for iirartlre in .M

Tultlou fw, ffij par Isriu, iu wlvant r,term oiumih ibe 'Ah of Hpt-mbe- r, l?tfxian on nn 'tn ol June, lhris.

Select School

Tba. Slidauu

MRS. LKTIT1A MAY will opea afur Young Ladle on MONDAYSeptember 2, 187, ia the basement of theChristum Chnreli, oa the earner of Linden andMulberry slreet.

The K reach Department of this school wtnbe undar the care of Major LAMBliHT MAYlate of the Confederate Army, assisted hy hfadaughter, Mlas H. B. MAY, who ha Seen twayears In Prance. French will be spoken exclu-sively In this ilerartmeat. A liberal pair, mazeon tbe jsan of the public i respectively aollclted.

The tetvicekoi tbe (o. owing asauemeu savebeen seen red : Music, Prof. Iseyfert aud Wil.raaa i lastiun. Wiuaaan : Am-ien- t Lan-iuu-

Prof. Mcfeely. jvj uxl


B tdvlce of tries da I have concluded lo a.t,ito my division of classes a Prooaratorv

part meet at Hut Lollars per month. 1 also" takethis occaaton to remark in order to correct ens.neons Impression in regard to my prfees, matthe Academic Department of my school takeyoone ladle throrajh the ss.ksnaualiy taugb in feuiai. aehoolt with a humnondiug rt,Tvaonint In other branches ofKdu.alion. the Colbajtai Department twinedesigned to offer to pupils an opponuulty teah lgher asd more thorough letree of Hrfiolar- -hip. l; aiuiAVAugrut 38. 187. ,u


THKOTTOH Train nit d ! W.for Youuk Lattlea, Msb- -

viii, ienn , the iissiiiig wnoui in inet)utli :

Prencb sposten al rbe Kreuch Tsbie pen onand alter MONDAY. Septem bei jd.

ssjjj ,m W K. WARD. Prlrv-,n- i

MEMPHIS OOLLEOE,( Formerly St. Lazarus.

Rev. S. H. FORD, LL.D., President.

J. DL'PREE, Professor ol Languages..Professor Mathematics.

JACKMMt P. CRKWa. English .

Siskloa Opea Sandar, Sesteaser last.

Tt. rnox raa asasioH or fits souths :

rieni'.r Claa. Including Latin, Unek andMstaematlca. - $, rr

Juulor.kngllah Branclica.Latln and ireek'rain mar SJ oo

I'rltnary DeourtmenL .. ,. hi oain 4vancw aaiv

MBS. EMILY E. PERKINSlaT ILL CONTINUE her School in the VestryTf Raom of calvary Church, the FailHewaao

commenrmg the first Monday in September.No pupils received for lea than ibe session ofAve month.

REFERENCES.Hon. Emerson Ktoerldge Ralfe "aundera,

Memphis; CoL J. li. McMahon, .Uefnplila;Pltser Millar, En : Hon. T. It. Smith. Mem-phis ; Her. Dr. White, Memphis


Trust Sale.hereby given that In accordanceNOTICE provision and dlrectinnaof a Seest

in trtut executed and delivered in me eu thellth day of July, 1SW, by Richard B Hawley(Wblcn deed 1 of record in he Recorder's officeoi Crittenden county. Arknss,; and for thepayment ol the note therein desrnbed, 1 willonFriday, September 27, 1867,at tbe door of tbe Clerk's office, in the town ofMarion. Crittenden county, Arkansas, sell tothe higheet bidder, fur cah in band, the follow-ing described real estate, situated It, i nttendencounty. Arkansas. nd known aa that part ofths HpauMUi tiraut, originally owned by theliruoiise Ktat. conveyed by Willi. ni o. D.Spain to George W. Underbill and Isaac Bnr-get- t-

The south pan of the southwest onarterof section twenty-fou- r l4) conveyed in samedeed the east nail 01 section toiny-al- g 3nd the uutSW 8 I n of section thkr-fiv- e

ISO), all in townhlp sarea l7i, north ol uabase line of rang ssgfct (8), east of the Itii nrra.Mnml meridian

the title to thi property Is believed to beperfectly good, baa 1 anail convey only aa

Part of this land comprise eaaof the aueatplantation on tha Military Road, wun e.

'"ab u. etc., being .hu plantationaa the Brawn Place, aaar Marion, Ark.

auil 4 S sKOwj, Trt.aiea,












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