the memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tn) 1867-03-22 [p ]. · r i hi i f i i j) t business directory...

r I Hi I f I I J) t BUSINESS DIRECTORY 8 s AW HERSON. ARMACK, Jull N IS Court street. ' lUHMUKW, O. C, street. ZS aUAUBKB RV AN H UL.1XK.K AnSTTwTH. 4 N-- a I ttonal Bank. necoud airnet Second Second Madison street. DIaMC AI'AatM, Uerman plVK, L. M., Utile Rock, Arkansas. S M I A li R A V KM, XrJ Hecoud street. liatO. K., 270 secoud JaV Na- - MATVHKR, tC. Second I A KK AT atoN 1 Uul klrwt. Ayr mucin. uUKKrON. A 8., oil' Main, lkt.KVM A CO . Klork. rvcnnn AM t r'., J 1AMPBKLI- - G.J. 4 CO.. Main, oecoml TITH, Irving Block. (Second slreeu BASKS AN iirlZENS' Union Bank, Madison street. Bank of Tennessee, corner Malu streets. lRANKUN r pany. F and and Front sireela. IB8T Banc, 14 Madi-o- n I Bank, 23 -- I AY OHO UoMK and loiupauy, u j t street. . 1 KKr KR.-O- S lnauranee and Trust Company. el a Madison meet. S w UITI sireei. iDmraorr r National tru KKMAN National Main street. savings Trust street BatPAU ion at rMH. Madison liwiraiK- - Madison Company, alreeu lEi'PLKS Bank oi Tennessee, I XVlMis Bank of Memphis. 2 Main tree! lEN.NK-iHK- Natloual Bank, corner Jeffer and Main etreeta bootX titit... iivTs on At'. I EVE I r, Jiu, v- - Ma street. 1 . M AR1N C"K1 M::: street. I.E. KMI1H 1L lEIL.LV. Front I'tKKi BtMJkSKLLEKS AMI bTATIOKBBS. AMbEKLlN.C. IMMCNS SON, Jeflereon lAUE. H. AOO., M K TH ON Co . eoo r K A - f II J. 19 A Mam A Main street. A CO., atrtet. I A sueel. strict. WW BllLUib bATKKIALo. rVTCC AMB A CuT41 Second Tyj (IhAHo iSi TOBAUO. MARMI'Hl ET. a con MAYER. and HcnTid (vMISSlltS MKKCHANTS. , IMIEU. UITDL.EY a CO Sin 1H m 2S. IX) AVfliENcK A CARTER, 32 Front street. J tliTTOK rUTOKS A SB rWHIMM. SHE, 8HEP. V Front street. m nsijNNA, I Baitullne. Jefferson lOODYKAR. WABJ Jefferson RAULAND. MITCHELL, ., IM IS6V, K.ichaDge WILLIAMS m I a r iuu. a I'.B r K.i w A ali.W Pront street. VY. TIST8. It over JOS IMBoN. s.. iSi Main street. Front street. ArtSON, J. B., SI" Main street. street. LSiWOOtl A CO ., JNO. K 1 i I u 340 304 i.o Mi- - J UKl V! IM. f I. K It 111 H X F. V u.. .10 f ENKFRT, ANHRKW, 1 Malu street R l. A ITS Malu street street. HKMTI ICKINS" iS. A.. 2nS fecond street. h FLAHERTY, JAMES, Ageiit, SM nil I NEERMaNN. J. K.. M stleet. M J..3W K1NN1 A .., 2 Maui street. al k raraouK. VAtJs. 1 C. Mrs.. Hotel. QLASBICK.atOI silMCCBIKS PLASTAT10S HCPrUKS. BfiCKHAM, SSO AI.DEN MfCEAE, HANNAl'KB, 206 HABUWAKK AbKKtlTI IDI'lTS. oCOMBS su IHOA1 1 ' m Prr:ilent. HOILL slrteT F.KKISs. T Ms.i.- and IKK VaTT, Howard's OHKli lLM:rn A..1A Second Adams BKV elleel. street. Cnlon mid oH ASH Kill- - street. CO., and KK JOHN street. HKi son km KM. ASD Tjsl NNIK Main st?eu DT, Frout street. Front l5 iireet KAL tX)., cBJi and Main street. Main J., M Front street. IRON M. ,VI Wl.-ks- . 21 Man. lreel BRcS. Co., and a.2 Front iNiisT' Ma W K.w. A M I r I I 1. A A A A A C M J A : 5 HOI' IE, Adums anil lhl K WkTe, M'HiRE A VrT, norttiwest corner MAdlsou and Main I VaIXKT , xt Man son ETNA INSl'RAM l " - Ma.llsou street M K M Overton JUB PKI TKKS. J' S. .. . Coort Vans, 1 H.. H Monroe street. Second OFFHEIMER. N. 4 J.. M Frout ttreeL f.oIBBEN A HRO., M Main street. ATHAN BROS CO Bln-el- . iIl-JK.- nont slreel ALX CO .JJl PToul street. LIYKKT ASB SALE hTlBLK. C H. I'HRAi Madison street. t f.UNAKii street. JEKNH AKI'I 1 11.AKK, joo INCHWSTKR ABilKAcrOrrltt. BAkKKS. r.MMERCIAL yJUKM.Tobey 16 Main lu Main Trei. ClOLK.MAN. DKUKKS. CMtXlLl'-IELl- l AStFAT"K1 BOTKLi. MlllliSllrl street. , DQTOK DStLKRS. jKACKETrAOO.. .'1 street corner corner Main Main . i a I'- . rirner A a -- ' AB0 Serona XKBt HAST TULOKv 4 R11XJI.EY. 31 SirSit STOBiK. (oEJ-a- L LEoPoLH. Monroe streota. A MU'LI'llE, 2W and : Second , M M OUILISTK. - 111 , Overton Hotel. VOKTKiir PAISTKRi ' . ... Block, room Jl. xy E il AMI bTKt.BUiT TICakT AtitNta. (SJiriRK. JOnN. H Court iKKY,273 street. WATi HH A K K It- tSB JKWKLKKb LEY. BARN I'M a Co., a.'. Main street. uss. UEILLKY.,1. IW..W"'. Mam l.eet KK. T I V I 1: ISO UHK IllhALKKs. BUCaOU, DAN, 3 BraslieT Bloeau bTKA BUAT U-- l MS IVY a MILLER n'i Madison street. bADBLIKI ASD Pltllll.. LV'KI). MXON AlX).,l:A Malu street. tKAlo, at n , R v.. 3T Malu street. EW MEMPHIS. Institution, rTn STOBICS. T0BAK0 F'T0B8. CO., Ureealaw ISUAKTlkKKS. JAMES, aaj and SM H M' Banking OLAtX)., J.C..2A' Secoud Second bKlB OSTEH under Ajenl, stieeu AFKltEY A CORMaXI'JS, 7 PB0DI I K DIALKBS. i i;lER A Mt J6l Eli "T tStK. CO l AKIN, 2bj Malu an 11 Madison N 4 a M J , a IMC LEY J4JJNEB, 34 Mourue suieL 4 m ' ' - . - m m. m. IW a w 1 MEMPHIS APPEAL Office So. 13 Madison Street. KRIl'AY. MARCH 22. IttfT CITY MATTEES. XlsMwIppi and Tennessee Railroad. ARBIVk: UBTAKT New Or'eaas Express : p.m. p.m. Batmvllle Aooomo'n 10:45 2:15 " feWl U 1. OAXldiV, lien. Ticket Ag't. Node. The public are hereby notified not to pay to any one any bills due The A i prai., for advertialng since January 31st, unless they have written authority from me. John Ainslte, Caableraad Managsr. To the Patrons or tbe Appeal. You are requested not to pay any ca- rrier without a certificate from me, and to report at the counting desk any ir- regularity in carriers. L. Da vies. Removed. Ily reference to the card of Cox A Humphreys, the produce deal- ers who were burned out on Saturday night, it will be seeu that they have re- moved to No. 1 Howard's row, where they will attend to business in their usual prompt manner. Frhihtenko Away. Some thief attempted to enter the residence of Mr. Jas. Flaherty, at 188 I'nion street yes- terday morning, by the favorite method of cutting the blinds. But one of the inmates being disturbed by the noise, made some demonstrations inside, which frightened the burglars away. Stop Him. Mr. G. W. Carroll, an auctioneer, gave information at the police office yesterday, that one Chaa. Hall, who had lately been in his employ, had obtained goods under false pretenaes, and had been guilty of embezzlement. A full description of the party ia in the hands of the police, but Hall is still at large. Ye call attention to the card of Dr. J. H. .southali The doctor is an elegant gentleman, finished scholar, and thor- - j oughly comprehends the science of his profession. His friends aud atrous will find him iu his elegant quarters, 190 Maiu street, in the Webster block. A report was JZsther, forth ori on the streets yesterday a gin the feast atTair had taken place at the Gay-oa- o the night before, in which one man had been killed and another serloiudy wouuded. On inquiry we find that there was no grounds for the rumor, and that it was false in every particular. The residence of Capt. Larry Ham- - stad. on I'nion street, was visited by thieves on night before last, but after cutting awaj some Blats they left with- out effecting an entrance. The residence of Mr. .1...- -. j.!- Bruce was entered and several articles were stolen. Powder and ball are needed very Iwully In our city at present. Octraoe. Two meu named Chas. Meehan and John Burns were arrested yesterday on a warrant issued by 'Squire .... with IM t, iut.,r i ,i rlriim wllii young Ann Mea- - ,.,, m.y ban, aged about fifteen years, r!be third wards her month, tbatis. themontnorstraii. bond- - for their justice appearance before the Thb Greenlaw. The opera house was filled last night with large, fash ionable and enthusiastic audience to witness Latta in A-- A Diamond, and JtVm, the g. The plays were well put on the stage, and capitally acted. To-nig- for Lotta's benefit, will be produced Deck- er' Oliont afterpiece, Family Jars. Bi'Rular Pi 0, prowler who attempted to enter a house on Third street Madison ou Wednesday night, was discovered and pursued by Capt Ha.lett. He (ailed, however, to capture him, although he once had him by the foot and one shot, which, it is said, must have taken effect in the back. The wouid-b- e burglar escaped. Rklieveo. A respectaMe looking man, rather advanced in years, niv,M in town ou Wednesday night to act some business. He had ou his per son about three hundred In gold aud about five hundred in currency. Falling into bad company he was rob lied of all his money, and was obliged to take refuge iu the stationhouse for the night. An Oll- - and Remakle Hoi'ke. On our fourth page apiiears tnu card Messrs. Orgill & Bros., the largest hardware establishments iu tbe south- west, composed of gentlemen of su- perior business talent and unswerving probity, with whom a pleasure to have dealings. This bouse is well and favorably known as to render any fur- ther notice unnecessary. Read their card. Happy Valley. The dwellers in this pi.-- , met are uot happy as the name would imply. Mrs. Sherry used abusive language to one Fred. Fritz. He the police to arrest her. They sought her and found that she hail taken refuge in the bayou, from which she was dragged with some difficulty. She tore the coat of one of the metrepolitans, hut was eventually imprisoned on Ad street. Rotten Row. The portion the city as Itotteu row abounds in thieves, aud what equally as bail, the receivers of stolen goods. Yesterday lot goods valued at $100 was found there, which were identified. They were in possession of negro girl named Belle Thomas, who had recently been employed in tbe house from which tbe goods were stolen. A valuable diamond ring, supposed to have been stolen at tbe same time, has not yet been recovered. Stealino by a Wipe. Martha, the wife of Charles Iteamer, who reeides on Poplar street, was arreated some days since, charged witn stealing some silver coin and a pistol from her husband. She was brought before Esquire Creighton yesterday for examination, when was proven that a portion of the to a third person, who had to Reamer for The money claimed was returned the owner, and tne balance given to tne lady she being discharged. What be came of the pistol did uot transpire. Nkw Memphis Theater. A very fair audience was present at tbe New Memphis theater last night. The Ticket of Ijcave Man was put on the stage in tbe usual New Memphis style, t'hanfrau's Bob Brierly is excellent, careful o'clock were well sustained. To-nig- for tbe benent Mr. win tie p eeented Our American Voutbn at Home, which Mr. Chaufrau will up- - pear as Lord Dundreary." Grand Opknino after many months preparation, will open Crystal Palaie Saloon, on the day at 10;30 a.m. He will have grand and choir- - lunch spread, invites all his old friends to give bim call. There are few, if any, saloons iu the south which have been gotteu up at aud feel satisfied that Osbai keep mtescelled for the quality its liquors. the Boi'nty. A negro named Riley Blair was brought Mr. Justice Black Wednesday, charged obtamirV' money under false pretenses that is, coming the old dodge of agreeing to go to the country to work, obtaining an advance, and giving the planter tbe slip. Tbejustioe hue of fifteen dollars, and iu default of payment committed bim to jail. he received commuui-catio- n from Cnited States lieutenant, ordering the negro's release, as he had promised to join army, but his st was not complied Xotiee. The owners of three blocks consigned to A. Oldham, Sanite, per steamer Baltic from New Orleans, please oall, pay freight charges on same, and remove said freight, it beiug it their risk, HARMSTAD CO.. Memphis (Ily Wharf boat. C CTM.Mia.Utt, flecretary, iira;a PUEIM. Grand Hebrew Festival Honor of Queen Esther. Anniversary of the Salvation of the Jewish Nation from the Machinations of Ha man. Magnificent Masquerade Ball and Sumptuous Supper by the Memphis Hub. The Most Picturesque and Pleasant Affair of the Season. What Fourth of July is to the American people, and what the aiini-- i vemary of the Siguing tie Magna 'harta ought to be to the people of Eng- land, such is the Fourteenth Day tbe month Adar (which answers to our Twenty-ftrs- t of March to the descend- ants of the people of Israel all over the world. On this day, wherever dozen Hebrews may be congregated, thre rest and fasting," according to In- structions of Mordecal and the letters of King Ahasuerus, commanding that "should be remembered and kept throughout every generation, every family, every province, and every city as memorial of the deliverance of their forefathers from the enemies of their nation. ORIOIN OF THE FEAST. Kvery student has read the book Ksther, and is acquainted the call- ing of Pur In tha twelfth year of the reign ef Ahasuerus, who ruled over the land of the east from Judea even unto Ethiopia," and also of the villainous use made of the "lot" Haman, who endeavored thereby to destroy the Jew- ish race, offering to ten thousand taleats silver" for the accomplish meut of bis evil purpose; but as all newspaper readers are not students in the strict sense of the word, wc furnish the following from the eighth Faijse Alarm. current chapter of setting the that shootiug of : And Estuer spske yet again before the king, aad frit down at bis feet, and beuulit Mm with uars to put away the mlarhtef lbe AHagi?e, and Ills device he bad devise" agaiust the Jews. Then the king l.eld oit the golden towards Esther. So Esther arose and stood before the king and said, If it please tbnkiug, and have fourd 'uvour in ills Bride, Mrs. M. Jvraus; n. i.,dn in his a.iet be written "er; to reverse the letters by Hainan tbe son of Hammedatha tbe Agagite, which be wrote to destroy the Jews which are in the king's prov.nccs; for how can endure to see the evil that shall come unto my people? or how can endure to see the destruction of my kindred" Then the kiug Ahasuerus said unto I'.sther Uie ami to Mordecal the Jes, ttehuld, have given Kclher the bouseof llamau, aud bim tiicy l;aye hanged upon the because lie laid bis band upan the Jews. Write ye tin, for the Jews, as II iikelb you, in the king's name, aud seal with tbe king's kiasKI for lbe writing which is written in tu king's name, and altd (he king to girl named Mary no reverse. Then were the and after- - king's s. called at that time in the violating person. They gave on the three a the ; near fired trans dollars ol one of and it is so so desired ams of known is a of a it money given it to " " oi " and will it with the of will and LARRY the of ( of is " it " of with " " " by pay " of extract " of : J I I uueen 1 gallows, s ana wi i: uhy wiervii sua n waswr lieu. to all that Mordecal commanded. unto tbe Jews, and to the lieutenants, and (he deputies and rulers of the provinces whicli are from India unto Ethiopia, an hundred and Girl, H Gronaur i iweu' auu seven bwbsbbj SBBBwasessj prt luce according to the writing iliereo', aud unto every peop'p after their language, and to the Jews according to their writing, anil according to their language. And lie wrote in the king vhasuenis name, and staled it witli the king's ring, a.i.t sept letters oy oots ou horseback, aud ilders on mules, camel.:, acu young dromc- - Carles : wherein tbe king granted tbe Jews which were In every city to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy, to slay, and to caure to perisii. all the power of of the"people and province that would assault them, both little ones nud women, and to take tbe spoil of them for a prey : upon oneday In all the provinces of king Ahasuerus, name'y, upon the ,i :. ui. day or thstwelfth month, which the month Adar. The copy ol tre writing for a commandment to l.c gHeu in evers prov- ince was published unto all people, and that tbe Jews should he ready against thatdar to avenge themselves on their enemies. So the posla Uiat rode apon mules and camels went oat, being hastened and pressed on by the ' king's commandment. And lbe decree was ' given busoau tlie since. And Mordecal went out from the preaeaica .,f thekis in royal apparel of blue and white, andwi'h a great croo; u of gold, and wilh a garment of flnc linen and ptirpie: and the city of Mluishan re- joiced and was glad : the Jews had light, and gladness, and Joy, and honour. Aud in every ciiy, wbitheraoever tlie king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews had joy am: gladueas, a feast and a good day." HOW KEIT IN MEMPHIS. This " Declaration of Independence," promulgated upwards of five centuries before the Christian era by the "chosen people " of Israel, was observed last evening at tbe Rooms of the Memphis Club by the Hebrews of this city in magnificent manner. There could no! have been less than Jive hundred present, and tbe convivial style in which they enjoyed themselves was exceedingly de- lightful, uot the smallest fan! pas oc- curring to mar the pleasure of the occa- sion. Every arrangement that nava been devised for comfort and ele-gan- was carried out to perfection by the various Committees previously ap- pointed by the Club ; and the great crowd of " masquers " who danced in the Ball Room and sat down in tbe Supper Room bad not single jot of complaiut to enter against the management of the waltzes or the setting of the tables, for the one was admirable and the other excellent. The scene in the Ball Riom was picturesque and imposing. Many of thecostume. were elegant, some iadies having paid as high as five hundred dollars each for suits; and we observed few gentlemen with more gold on their backs than possessed by all our banks put together. Humor- ous costumes however prevailed, and we noticed some that were so happy their " burlesque uniforms " as to create tbe utmost merriment. Both young and old enjoyed themselves in betwitching way, doing great credit to the Feast Purim. ROITINK OF ENTRANCE. The Masks on arriving in carriages at the Entrance Hall of the Club were re- -' ceived by the Reception Committee Messrs. M. A. Cohen, Chas. Strauss, Herman Gronauer and L. Iglauer who j conducted them to the Reading Boom, where the Examining Commmittee Messrs. A. Loeb, Moses Seelig, H. Sees-ee- l, Sr., aud Jacob Fiea-al- ter satisfac-tor- y scrutiny provided them with cards naming tbe characters they represented and a check stating that they had been examined. Tbe Parlor Committee-Mes- srs. A. Pollock, S. Feucht and L. Leubrie then took charge o: the Masks, seatiug tbem aud providiug for theit mirn'ort in the Ladies' Parlor. At nine and was acted in his usual man- - j the cornet was sounded, wheu ner. Mrs. Lanagau, as " Mary Middle- - j the Procession was formed in the Hall, ton," was excellent. Tbe other oharae- - j the Herald-Sa- m. Hirsch announced to lers uaanrrau, in his imposed Yesterday that the audience the character Mask represented, the coronet souuding in- tervals. As the Procession moved on- ward the Masks succession deposited their "tickets examination" the stair Committee Messrs. Julius Na- than and Charles Schloas and stepping the Room were received by the Floor Committee Messrs. Li. L set one, corner Bank alley and the alley be-- u . - Villl(.llt ... . ... , - "j "!i""". . J . Chw. a a more we before then a a a with. 8. L a a Haniau if devised it a could a a in a each at in of with into Ball of of of Hirsh and L. Iglauer who called upon the Chairman of tbe Amusement Committee Sol. Hesse to strike up the music, aud the Masquerade com- menced. This whole routine was In- spected by N. HotTbeimer, Esq., Presi- dent of tbe Club, and curried out accord- ing to instructions. THE HALL ROOM was very tastoly arranged, the Dramatic for masque scene. Above tbe foot- lights " was banner of blue, stretching from the picture of Schiller to that of Goethe, on which were the words, iu white and red, " Welcome to tbe Purim Festival." Other banners deco- rated the Room ; but the most prominent feature was smoothness of the lloor, prepared for " skating dauoe," which eclied auytblng "on ice" ever wit- nessed in the Central Park, New York. When all were on the floor, and set iu motion on the " light fantastic toe," the glitter and splendor was en- chanting. The Room was illumined ,M chandeliers, auu tneir urn THE SCPPER TABLES, which were five in number, spread through the Billiard and Assembly ID Rooms, were the most tastefully "set " we ever saw. Col. Prager and his capital clerk, Win. Yanakay, indeed showed taste in this particular that would have astonished the world-renowne- d Hoyer. The most observable decorations were series of "mock cakes," manufac- tured by the celebrated confec- tioners, Rubel & Nathan. One on the Officers' table, which was extremely tempting, created huge laugh when the President of the Club cut iato it with vim, and vu disappointed in finding it " saw-dust- ." Another was on a center table, bearing the inscription in red candv. "To the Honor of Uie President and Directors of the Meru- - thls Club." with pair of white hands clasped in token of friendship, frincred with silver flowers. Another bore the word "Purim " within single star formed of pink sqgsr on white grouud ; another was Leautlfully sur- mounted wilh palm leaves tipped with gold, rimmed with white and red sugar ; and still another bore on its top shep- herd's crook, with gold staff aud grean leaves, presenting beautiful object. But, alas! magnificent as all these were on tbe outside, within they werenething but common "cheese boxes," an admi- rable moral indicative of the empti- ness of " outward show." But apartfrom these " mock dishes," the tables grouned with all the delicacies of the season ; and we can safely assert that no man ever prepared such a sumptuous repast in such a magnificent st3le as that set by Col. Prager for the Feast of Purim, in the year !(? IJe is indeed the Prince of Caterers, and deserves the highest praise of the Club, uur want of space forbids us at present doing him full justice; but we cannot leave the table without expressing our conviction that the viands, as we learned from the labels had faeon furnished by Nathan Prothers & Co., were most supero. in 5ed, such pure juice of the grape never nourished our lips before. MASKS. Streets of, Joseph Jtehr ; School Girl, Mis Myler; Indian Girl, Miss Caro; Queen of Love, Miss F Harris; Opera on the Brain, ( has. Al- bright ; Original Pollak, Joe Doerenberg ; James Stephen?, Lou. Wechsler; Green butch Girl, Mrs. Jllaus; Neapolitan Peasant Girl, Miss Julia Kaufman ; ter Maker, Mrs. Kraus, Sr.: Fili- buster, Dave Mack; Gypsey Fortune Teller, Miss Betti Seligman ; Spanish Peasant, Miss Caroline Seligman ; Swiss Peasant, Mrs. Jas. I'llman ; Fallstaff, Mr. Mook ; Negro School Girl, Mrs. Off- - Devil's i ii a a. Masks Daughter of the Regiment, Mrs. Ca ronna ; Fancy Negro, L. Winter; Daughter of tbe-- Regiment. Mrs. Isaacs ; Domino, Mr. Roecher ; Swedish Girl, Miss Matilda Marks; Swedish Girl, Miss Amanda Keen ; Shaving Girl, Miss Sarah Geisman ; Shaving Girl, Miss Jenny Kaufman Queen of Night, LenaFolIz; Quakeress, Mrs. Lowenstine; Mercutlo, Jacob Seessel; Tamborine Girl, Miss Hannah Loubrie; Spanish Cavalier, Joe Altshule; Isaac, Albert SeesSvd ; Rebecca, Miss Bertha I.opold ; Domino, Mrs. Adolph Loeb ; Snow Flake, Miss Hart ; Skating Girl, Miss Annie Vogel ; Queen of Night, Mrs. N. Hoffheimer ; Pocahontas, Mrs. H. Nathan; Peasant Girl, Mrs. Kiug; i f;erInau Mrs. ; Gipsey, Mrs. Dedisheimer; Dutch Mir-hal- , H. Uronaur; Eveniug Star, Miss Hart; Spanish Girl, Miss Sampter; Schwab's Restaurant, Mrs. S. Feuclit ; La Belle au Quielle, Miss. Lizzie Stein-dle- r; Miss Ijinak, Mi Sam. Hess; Knight of the Lost Cause, L- - R- - Hesser ; Who am I, Mrs. Schwarceuberg ; Daugh- ter of the Regiment, Mrs. A. Pollock ; Itag Picker, Mrs. M. Linduuer; Milk Man, Joe Wolf ; Iudian Girl, Mrs. Caro- line Prager; Indian Girl, Miss New; Marriage Candidate, M. Skaller ; Setters i 'arlo, Mrs. Chas. Scliloss ; Tyrolian, Asa Sartorius; Domino, Mrs. and Mr. Sol. Kaufman ; Shepherd and Shepberdea?, Mr. Henry Baker and Miss Altsbul ; Farmer's Girl, Miss Emily Hart : Mar-kipno- D. Waterman ; His Valet, U Lee ; Flower Loyal Morning Sf lish Huur'' Uirl, Cv's. Idilor, J. Goodman: Girl, Mis Emma Jones; Militia .'ake Leopold; ar, Miss J4arati llart ; I'.ug- - Mrs. Julia Fuld : Servant Herz ig Liberty aud Free dom, 'Morris Keen; Chinaman, M. Leveck ; Organ Grinders, Isaac Leopold, Betty Burn and Ester Burn ; Domino, Bertha Cohen ; Page, Mrs. Sam. Maus ; Russian Prince, Mrs. Sam. Sbloss : Turk- ish Girl, Miss Julia Levi; Yankee, Isaac Levi; Sammy Smash, Sam. Roseniield; Mr. Smash, Mrs. Sam. Marks; Mud Brigade, Sam. Maua, Gus. Bloom. Julius Bison, Fred. Wolf, Dan. Shless, Morris Hauf, L. Stenberger, Eugene Leh- man, M. Holland, L. Frank, Gus. t Iffuer, Louis Frauk, S. Berlin, Miss Bettie Swarzenberg, David Swarzen-lierg- , and Sauford Swerzenberg. PRESENTATION TO THE PRESIDENT OK THE CLUB. The most interesting feature of tbe occasion was the presentation of mag- nificent silver pitcher to Nathan Hoff- lieimer, Bu., Pre-ide- of the Club. The presentation was made by A. E. Frank-land- , Esq., in neat speech. He said it was presented to him not so much for the manner iu whicli he conducted the proceedings of the Club, but rather for their appreciation of him as friend and gentleman, and that he should be- queath it to his boy Sammy. The pitcher is a splendid piece of workmanship, and bears the inscription : " Presented to Nathan Hoffheimer by a few of his friends as a token of their esteem and friendship, March 21, 1S67." Mr. Hoff- heimer, iu returning his thanks, said he was taken by surprise, and, like a defeated general, he could only thank his friends for the compliment paid him, aud felt that the only way of getting out of the dilemma was to accept the "situation." UNM ASKING commenced at twelve o'clock, when the party proceeded to the Supper Room and did full justice to the "good things" prepared for tbem by Prager. After the sumptuous repast, ladies and gentlemen again marched to the Ball Boom, and contiuued tlie dance until near day- light. Never did we witness such hilarity, enjoyment and festiv- ity ; and we wish that the Feast of Purim, if possible, could occur almost every week. The Memphis Club has set a glorious example to all our citizens as to how they should enjoy themselves. Warning to the Public Who Ute Burn- ing Oil. Tlie states of Penusylvania aud Ohio forbid the sale of burning oils that will ignite at under one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Missouri specifies one hundred and ten degrees, and these tests must be branded on barrels. All reputable dealers in illuminating oils understand this. "To preveut the pub- lic from being imposed upon " by irre- sponsible men, and to avoid accidents, we respectfully give notice that benzine, benzole or naptba will uot stand the above tests. All of these new patent burning oils now being advertised are made from one of these ar- ticles, and In absence of any spe- cific law in this state, may be sold with impunity. The public can best judge whether it Is safe to use any burning oil which is forbidden ...u account of its dangerous qualities) to be id in the above named statee, and others. The terrible accident on Adams street last winter, by which three lives were lost, resulted from the careless use of benziue. We will also state that we obtained from original inventor and discoverer, more than two years ago, the exclusive right to make oiks and iluids nnn rxplo-si- 'i " and vend the same, in West Ten nessee, ratuts woo iniringe on our Corji of the Club taking especial pains right will take due notice, under pen- - to have their stage "set " appropriately any oi p'" c a a the a tbe a a a a a a a a i, ; a a a the the tbe O. K. I'RRSCOTTACO.. (ami oil Dealers, 40Jn"eison Street. March 22, 18(7. marXtlw nr. Bernhardt .No part of the hu- - man organization has received more careful study than tlie delicately con- - strutted opitfeal apparatus on which de- - pends all tlie delight of the vision. In spite, however, of minute dissections, and the unut painful research, but little bad been accomplished in supplying tbe defects of nature in tbe visual organ until very recently. Fine spectacles have been in use for many years, but in most instances they were but poor sub-s- t it ties for real eyes. It was reserved for Dr. Bernhardt, the renowned oculist optician, to discover an 1 introduce Into common use tbe Australian crystal, which enables the near sighted and aged witU the ld oIe' 1ulck pereep- - on the hrilliatitanil reflecting liaut lights Uqu of tue eje of V(,ulh burlesque costumes, " -- "J"""; can las consmiea uany at his, the most picturesque poet ever conceived, j Overton Hotel. tnch21 2t. IM'XTY MAGISTRATES. They Meet in Convention. The Constitutionality of the Bill to Abolish tbe County Court Questioned. Senator J. W. Smith Explains How the Measure Was Lobbyed Through. The County Court will Meet in April, as Usual. A meeting of the magistrates of Shelby county was held yesterday iu the county court room, when there were present : Justices Creighton, Walker, Moore, Jones, Miller, Blakely, Gleason, Walton, Brewer, J. C. Campbell, Pulliain aud Hall. On motion, John C. Creighton, Bsm., was called to the chair, and Ksquire Walker appointed secretary. The chairman stated that the object of calling the justices together was for the purpose of consultation in reference to the bill passed by the legislature at its recent session abolishing county court. On suggestion, Menator J. W. Smith, of Shelby, was heard upon .the subject, who stated that he bad persigtently op- posed the bill. In his opinion tbe bill never had become a law. As a lawyer or senator be had no hesitation iu ex- pressing this opinion. He stated that the two first sections passed regularly ; six other sections were introduced by a house bill as amondments to the senate bill. Col. beauuiout, .eu. baton and others were there to engineer tbe bill t.'irougli tti? legislature, ue was thd be passed at any "lo To defeat the bl, he left tbe senate chamtier, as his absence would break the quorum, and irregularities iu passing the bill existed, and bis object was to make the law as passed illegal, aud he now took the grounds that tue bill, according to the rules of tbe senate, never passed according to the constitution. The ayes and naes were Laker) but once in senate, when, R was vjihdfawn. metropolitan police bill and the county court hill were then offered, uot as an amendmeut to the senate bill nor as an amendment to the house bill, but as an amendment to an amendment of a house bill. The constitution forbid the abol'jshraeriv a' lbe county eourt which was proposed in in this bill, as as tbe power to tax county of Shelby four times asnucb as the county of Davidson. The bill provided for the appointment of a xdge for five yeais by me executive, white the constitution distinctly said tlie judges iaU be elected by the people lbe men who were lobbying this tiiil of on of to of at to of at to in in in to On nf of or of of in an of a in of as : 00 of of of to of to of of is be or so be to be u .- - . to of in of of to of If to to of j if so it to and at : ,.f It - . U VIIO of me ; or ' la on of at to of city to to it. of to so : s. Ca" be''' tock Tbe well that nqw : 7. ' A , j an ; ; ; as of as ta B. D. D. J. in tiuc in all in th to at A ore ij) In OTI1 uI v m . . .' i . e . , . -- . . ..... tins a l ij on & : A it. It of ' ' to T ' ,. . of ' and as $1 on i through he. ,, odti. rail to 1 as i CORN IU. .. n-- i enmfietent auihnritv iniar- - I levee at torted to oarrv bills l W to ; could get elected to the lading. Our blast as mot,t by people ai faster, any otber was denied in ,.,,.,., . , ..J..c'',?''!r'LFf Nashville expressing his opinion the bill by the movement tbe previous question, but yet intended to let the people know what his opinions were, and would take occasion express those opinions fearlessly when the question constitutionality came up before the su- preme COUlt. Justice Goodlett moved that the jus- tices meet next regular transact business. Mr. justice Miller discussed the ques- tion constitutionality some length, averring that the magistrates were only actuated by the motive do justice to the greatest number. The motion pre- vailed. Senator Smith disclaimed any person, ality his remarks, out still reiterated bis opinion that tbe biil was conceived sin and brought forth in Iniquity by a few perscms Memphis who were afraid to trust the people elect their own officers. motion Justice Hall Ihe Apwa beiug to tbe proceedings meet- ing. motion, the Evening Ledger was also requested to publish the same. The convention thereupon adjourned. Board Mayor and Aldermen. Tbe board mayor and aldermen night pursuant to adjournment. Present Mayor Lofiand, Chairman Hul-ber- t, Aldermen Powers, Glancy, Coch- ran, Johnsou, Wickershani, Amis, Lynn, Boling, Hoist, O'Donnell, Shaw, Town-sen- Lemon, Smith, Passmore. chairman sUted that the board was calltd for tbe of receiv- ing the report the committee, ref- erence to making appropriation the support he metropolitan police. Alderman .mhsou suLmitted re- port, which they suggested tbat the board pay the support the metropolitan police, follows $10,416 per month for the months December 1800, January, February and March, 1807, from a to commence the first April, a sum not to exceed per month the annual estimate $100,000, subject, however, tbe following conditions: The finan- cial agent the metropolitau poliee commissioners shall, previous to tbe payment any monthly appropriation, render tbe boatdof mayor alder- men a s. 'ement the expenses said department, together with all fines and forfeitures for each mouth, for which raouey to drawn from paid by tbe all lines aud reported shall deducted from tbe amounts paid monthly by city. cents was aiso st.pi.iaieii mat tue ponce commissioners unless extravagant. which "the occasionally, before, aecu city members against infamous was held their This was quiet community, recognized Brownlow's man- age their stand to go forth villify was as- sume the responsibility their was doubt present should their As was record to their action Alderman the citizens which beeu pre- sented only sf matter expediency that appropriation should com missioners say they law supreme tional. thought better greenbacks await O'Donnell was single dollar they unboru Alderman Amis police commissioners tbat per- sonally they hoped make appropriation. second former stand matter, compromise should gentlemen bad proposed starve out the police. Ale thought vote agaiust report the committee woultl give the .power assess tax 1600,000 they He thought better make tbe appropriation meet them the court April. shipments, Alderman Smith disclaimed ally riec.tion nwinl. Nashville ignored metropolitan ordinary "T" l,...!,! Middling Middling prints length MWdiiag.'! leaders metro- politan police thieves drels. Eutertainments been given hotels which thieves present oujeoieii giving money such entertainments. Alderman Townsend object system police, controied prepared reasonable amount support police, thought (200,000 year much, prepared vote large The motion carried following vote Yeas Johnson, (nchran, Wickeraham, Amis, iMiiiug, rtoist, iemon J.vnn, O'Don- - Kasteru, Western, uell, Townsend, Umltband Paasmore The Davenport Democrat makes Billing, from statement bookn princi-committe- reported grain dealer! city, Messrs. Taylor, year l"dtj, aggregate 33,444,-Ing- , been examined, found bushels. amount, were, satisfactory. wheat, ,408,532 bushels barley, honor, mayor, 1,009, corn, tats, .TfyUtiO wing gentlemen commissioners 21,430. city water works: Hunt, Revenue Oeeuiotvs spirits Greenlaw. Pantv. Painrb Jno. Overton, Chas. Jones Murphy. Confirmed. adjourned. Oxhei'i Oysfaf Palace opeus Saturday morning 10:30 a.m., corner Bank alley Center alley, between Court Jefferson streets. inch Brandy and Tbyee articles very beneficial certain cases, best sometimes very cult, assur;:. friepdj tbtt Messrs. Hofflieimer mat street, furnish them told with that the market that would affords Advocate 23d, manner liable seizure forfeit- - office Kinir. Prnmnt sluran.l THEM, Above Overflow. Any body wanting bottom plantation, which sven entirely overflow, call Messrs. strain Goodman. their advertisement. Jfelvington Story 1863. Every should book day. sale Geo. Patt'son Co., ."'ortl. Court Shippers Cotton from JtemphU. order give shippers choice routes New York annninlaH Jay Johnson, Star wharrhoatj both India agent phis, give bills CORN current freight, advancing rsal, LuisvUle, Holders asked aoienuid packet-- , 'vvee day. Receipts, York. Scent MEAL Iteceipts, light aonointed firm. wnnihlora autee store, who time fast, petty orflcej line. County, fie privilege term publish The together purpose period city, forfeitures board IaUeraal PMafs. n.m., read othor isvii.le, March 11, marttl !ra More Precious than Uold Petit, French physician, makes chronic diseases speciality guiran-tee- e after eaiiuuktluu. afyer cHre. Maiu street. maiodawly Cod Iligley, M.ilersh A Co., No. 52 Jefferson street, have Pittsburg coal. Iave your orders. felst-t- f - FINANCIAL. OKFIC,.; (.' UAll.V APPEAL.) March ill. banks resort sufficiency of legitimate purposes. ( wiug uneasy feeling, however, which exists in money circles, jtoa-- ' names find it to obtain Gold .. to ?.'.'. bt buvir.?. one instance Avalanche liuVUi x requested oflred. Silver is very scarce, is offered only in small amounts. Brokers buy at 25 to City scrip Is active. brokers geuerallyiave as much on hand as they need, offer from to Selling at to County rants dull to buying. Selling at to Exchange scarce, with good demand sight. Buying at to selling ' preplan). liaeurrest money dull lifeless. Bank of Tennessee continues nomiuai at 25 to ; Bank of Chatta- nooga, 15 ; Bank of West Tennessee, Union Bank, Planters' Bank, ; Bank of ; Bank of Middle Tennessee, 90 ; City Bank of Nashville, Merchants' Ran'-- . Osioee, 0 ; Lank Sbelhyvilie, 80 ; Traders' Bank, Southern, A meeting of prominent bank offi- cers took place yesterday, to action upon question of much importance, no definite policy arrived at at liberty to object. hundred forty is amount of interest which govern- ment to on bonded debts, portion goesdirect from treas- ury pockets eastern vists. Thp west, which pays most tax, gets least interest, leaving south or question. The appropriations current wants of on federal governs; ment present fiscal year, amno supply deficiencies of year's esti- mates, up $144,793,037 1 provi- - meut of interest on city should come public debt, most which interest to an as to constitution- - isUisyable gold. The current y of creating metropoli- - peies at police, submit to ",B wu cj e.e. proper tribunals their decision. j before irr time of peace, Alderman Johnson, in interest on public debt is than uexiou, presented petRion from citizens that of any natiop of ancient qr modern nrauintr i ha IwtHnl i.inbA - tiaslt, il f II i mi il if noVioe. The position Franco-Mexica- n Alderman Johnoon moved to a.lnnt attracts some report. era of Mexican bonds advanced so Alderman Townsend would be keavily to assist empire, appear to liged to against report, as have little hope relief they thought amount back on imperial treasury of found tbat force never r ranee. The Ooumer paper annum; thought that it l'hed in trench language in would be better to give city Mexican capital, urges that Mexico is eminent altogether than submit to such under sligbest obligation on account an imposition. With hospitals, of these loans, because money detriment otber city to pay been ejpeuded benefit of little would be keeping MSipo. Jfrsnoe, l0??' of streets, bridges, ac- - The losses in States eused police inefficient during January, partial in discharge of their duty, counting ; only ' those fires involved no hesitation in saying that a oi $20,000 upward amounted city ordinances been carried to $4,043,000 : in February $4O2.,tJ0 greater. Vlderman Lynn reviewed history A Philadelphia broker throws of metropolitan police and their following suggestions, which thinks organization at length. The su- - would effectual y check many of periulendeut police, S. Beau- - losses sustained banks : mont been friend, Divide board directors into at time confidence in committees. integrity, recent actions 3- - these committees, altered opinions, no month, at least, go bank at confidence in him. believed that 3 o'clock, without notice to president, Beaumont using, if permitted to cashier or else, count power, would cash. place 3. Twice year at least, whole position purpose board entire assets thor-ses- s power to those who should examine it. condemned, iu no measured oughly, make detailed report from terms, action Richards their minutes. discounted notes Hardemau Smith reference to vile also praised deposited collection examined iu suitable worthy terms action part notice, say, of Representatives Able Coleman. take day or week of days, and, Judge Smith, of Shelby, made noble with "Tickler" In hand, require fight .gainst bill, it of ao prodijction of paper presenbed. hoard however, r iected luc w..u iation ,,, of 6 lor " . i. i voting against appropriation aeepe. ...o.,, "- '- at instance of who there be no other way of changing purposes desired to have general ledger include :,;f,i- a man in whnm in rotation individual ledgers. looker contideuce. " Don't stay so long in . i antt conanientioiialv positiou as to become imbedded in in matter, and of tracks or unfit other positions iu whole cautioneu stultifvinir themselves, liecause a villainous and measure heads. a and of militia. They could affairs, willing to or issue. objected paying money to who would to slander people. putting on duty a police of It no wishes of people tbat police be abolished put a matter or ne cautioned members as matter. Shaw said that peti- tion worthy conside- ration, if in a financial point view. Alderman Boling thought as a of be made that police withdraw if court (I das unconstUu it give them a a decision. Alderman opposed to giving a payment these didfso. children would curse tbem it said that had him would Alderman Lynn made a peach in which reiterated in produced some argu- ments why no be made. Alderman Johnson a little a of commissioners a desired. supreme in for bales. any con- - tha hill That had the nlto l.l twwn .if. w Low ........ UV.WUVU IU I'UO- - lie the and breadth strict iani mat tne the sooun- - our popular He tne for any not to the of but men who was to pay a for the the a was too was for a being put, was by Aldermen auu not over are ays the 36. up finance the Me Co for had 'too Of 1 the the Mb the R. W. R. j. On motion, the board of and 2 2t are to Is we reel safe a No. 2,0 can the bill the the the of an),! the are and Slirtia lib! .iTI nroti ,aw Vve tntj lw of one is the bv 4 niabSllw 7b of In to of W. tbs for mr the line none. for toc via or, ner to the and bv out $4 el S5 men not is if not tlie he tbe for for of Ky. Loi 1867. Health .' cures payable apeudid Tna Mkaphis, 1ST. j cur- rency for all still r at In we and at 34c thij Ou met last and ami aud over with were pay did sum. and and get Tlie !!ut were CAR See anil not and 75 76c. 77 78e. wat are at 85 00c 92 is for at 30c 50; 82; 82 V5; of par a but as was we do not feel its aud the has pay and of it iu of this tbe into of capital- - of the the nf the the out the the for the some his does uot any pay the s'vn and the trdl case the In tbe law the of tan and tne same the ""cs, ""ra for were and the the same con- - more fhiat nnnr, the of the loan ine honi- - tbe ob- - the the he of can He fall the Uie had cost he the the up the gov- - the the lire and expenses for the but for up the He by fire the United of and the of 186, and and he had the bad not the was out the out bill he some of the B. by our had his 1 the of one he had two his his alternately and now he once to the He was and and the the still use his of a let the for the and not pes- - He of and in this Let and and He for without and and any the he but was the ..;i Th bad and he. favor cue, Ui. any ..-.- us if the the the man for his own this the of the hi had anv He let any mau .,i one this for the the be such none own lie was fall by the He men and our He ready own. the the tbe one of own on. this this the had was tbe aad the will the the He were few and for the men. yet for the the not any he his tlie was not the were rM,.M Uoo1 and had were the the He but and not tbe cMiaw the for and the diffi kJf. best risk fine the For this the even off, 50; 25. our the its tbe for last foot for vote per not the never for the the tbe but and be the the for aud told and and and tbe back. 8. Once year at least insist on every man's holiday, while ab- sent put new man in bis place. 9. Pay employes liberally. 10. When you are suagaAy one is liv- ing beyond his means, advance bis salary or discharge him. COMMERCIAL. orrice or the daily M ElleHIS. March 31, 1867, 8 p.m. t.eneral Ku.- -. Business was little' more active to- day than usual, but still is not what it would be were tbe to clear up. upper rivers are rapidly, but there beeu no abatement of the flood at this or below, and it will, we be some weeks before they will fall sufficiently to permit those now over- flowed to secure. In meantime tbe suffering is very terrible and wide- spread. The regular monthly meeting of chamber of takes place on Monday, March 25th, and presents good opportunity for some among its briug forward of organization to obtain subscriptions, and to whatever may be subscribed and received for relief of tboae have heretolore coutriuuiwu w me iraue aud growth of Memphis. Not that we would limit our benificenoe, or the work f aud love to thaw alone helped our advancement, we i. ...... now to impress upon our between tbe views of buyer Belter. A few bak of middling sold at from 28 to 282c, bat factors generally were disposed to at less than 39c ; in fact, we de think that round lot j of any size could be nought at that fig-- ! are. Iteceipt day, 1st bales (jjod We quote nonun a ;i as B Tbe law by tbe legislature of Mississippi relative to liens upon erops for supplies furnished, will be found in full in this issue. It is matter of much interest to our merchants generally. The product of wool in Australia is large, allof it exported has been sent to England. Anstra- - Hi unquestionable, and he lian merchants, however, intend to try an experiment, and about to a shipload of wool to New York, to see if a market for their staple can be opened iu the ! nit. it State. The principal French railroads have declared dividends as follows : Tbe Northern ra 'road, T2 per cent ; that of Lvons. 0.) that of Orleans, 55 : powers, Glancy, 3J a Alderman the from of that bonds of pal of that footing up, Bain pav- - the of and were this there of ; His nominated oG7,035 rye, at sh'euld mb21 Louisville, Our very been millions most had bad appkaii weather The charity passed TsjSASCBY DlPASTatBJIT, ) Wami.-IOTO- . March . lDbl. J iSr : Tbe recent act of congress pro- vides whenever distilled spirits shall be sold or offered for sale at less price than the tax imposed by law thereon. sucn or onering saie oe inch per hour. Since It taken and deemed prima facie evidence were not removed from bonded warehouse according to law, and that the tax has not been paid, auu the same shall without further evidence be ou,- , Ian; name to seizure and forfeiture. In- - ioi mauou uwu received at mis omce that, notwithstanding this law, spirits are freely olR-re- d in the New York mar- ket at the tax lees 30 to 35 per cent, dis- count is o!v iniwl v sn .i. nf Society will hold a the law. aud the sol-it- s call meeting on Saturday, at 3 tlie of Caruthers ,11 PS SB t.L.n euioiec .ion oi me fcean. a have Dr. and Our rules par and has par Tbe the and the the the the the left the lose loss the the any bim and has feel tbe the numbers project the but and were sell and tbe tlie W. snail that said Tliia K A. ItfloLIMS, Commissioner, APPLES There i Ro much of stock ou jii.. footi winter are In de- mand, ana sell at $5 to JO per Receipts, 103 barrels. BRAN There is light stock on band, with fair hsjal demand, selling on the levee at $30 to ton. Re- ceipts, norii, BL'TTER Receipts are very fair, and prices not firm. Choice roll aud tub 25 to 30 ; common uot in demand. Selling at 20 to Mo, Receipts, 43 tubs, 'Z Tbyje, Wa bur stock, but the deuiahd has, .eased. Prices are weak f at to UOc and Kentucky. my Diamond at Mem- - to contract There is a fair ait nand, lading at via all Dd prices are here well if shippers prefer, above. t 10 to 15 river to Cincinnati the ,5at sacks. iaastalatnM !,.! New dulv and prices Sales on to fr.,m and ami , shippers to his -- a from at than the i a OBiee, J a to difficult heard 26c. 93. a Memphis, take One specie. greater carrying include or agreed government this time a '.r attention, who a has very etc. being month personal every Let his a anybody retain giving a the Frank corrupt measure. in a a. urill r. book-keepe- r, was his a taking a a j a falling point fear, commerce a to a disburse who who it not a the a very hitherto Tbe send that a a half spirits a from barret a 4- - BAGGING- - rates a state $5 50 ; fresh ground and kilndried are held at about the same figures. Receipts, 43 barrels. COFFEE A very good stock is now in store. Prices are firm for allqiialities. Rio, IS to ; .aguayrm, 3o to 38c ; Java, 43 to 45c. Receipts, nonf CHEESE Thera u a ood ueuiand ' aud fair &iock. Prices are steady. English dairy, 20 to ; western re- serve, 19 to i9c j factoay, there is but little in tbe market. Receipts, 40 boxes. EGGS There is a large supply. Freeh sell at from in to 20c. Receipts, 101 pkgs. FLOUR Tbe market is well supplied with every grade. The demand is good and prices steady. We quota common at $7 to $9 ; supr-rna- , $50 to $11 ; X, Ml 50 to Si ; XX, XXX, and all fancy brands from $13 50 to $ls per barrel. Receipts, 805 barrels. HAY There is a fair local demand for prime, which sells on levee at to ; ( institutions. common. :Mioa. itecetpu, tin naies. HIDES There ;s a good demand at 7 to oc for green ; green salted, 8 to 9c ; flint, 11 to 12c; salt dint, 14 to Rki. Receipts, 17. LARH There is a large stock on baud, prices are firm at 12 to 12jc iu tierces; and 111 to 15c in kegs. Receipts, 1 tierce. IRON TIES -- The demand has ceased. Held at 11 to 12e per lb. MOLASSES There is fair stock on hand prices firm. Fair to good, 78 to 95c ; choice, $1 to $1 05 ; syrups, $1 10 to $1 50. Receipts, 2 barrels, 25 half barrels. MACKEREL There jr. :, 'iht stock on baud. Ppvi, ar6 steady at $24 to 2n for No. 1 ; $23 to $24 for No. 2 ; $20 for No. 3. Half barrels aud kits in pro- portion. Receipts, none. OATS The receipts are fair, and prices steady. We quote on levee at 70 to 75c. Receipts, 434 sacks. ONIONS Market nyt weii supplied. We ;uote at $r per barrel. OILS There is a light stock of all kinds on baud, with groJ demand. Coal oil, 59 to 6fc ; lard oil, $1 10 to 1 30 ; linseed oil, $1 65 to $1 75 ; train oil, $1 to $1 25. PROVISIONS - There is a good supply on bend, and prices are firm. Mess porK isseilingat $23 to $23 50; prime mess, $20 to $22 clear sides, 13 to 14c ; plain sugar cured hams, 17 to 18c ; break- fast bacon, lb to 18c; bulk meats are iu de- mand: ribbedsides, lot to Ho ; sboudlers, 8 to 9c. Receipts, (a barrels, 33 casks, 3U boxes pork ; t:l kegs, 31 casks, J. tierces bacon. POULTRY The market is firm. We quote chickens at $7 to $8, and tur-ki- at from $20 to $30 per dozea, ''1 s and geese from $ to $10 per dozen. POTATOES There is a good local and planting demand, and light stock. Prices Iiul atM ' to i i 1 latiting, $4 50 to $. RecelpOtriV-barrel- s. ROPE A light stock with no de- mand. Prices are steady. We quote for machine made 12 to 13c ; hand made 10 to He. Receipts, none. SUGAR The receipts jre very fair, and prices are firm. The stock on band is good. Crushed and powdered, 19 to 2tic ; A coffee, 18c B, 17c ; C, lOfe 8ALT There is a good stock on hand and demand active. Sacks, $2 50 to $2 75 ; barrels, $3 75 to $4. TOBACCO There is a good demand for all grades aud prices are unchanged. A fine stock Is on band and new sup- plies are received daily. We quote natural leaf at $1 20 to $1 30 ; fancy Virginia, new work, $'. 25 to $1 40 ; fine bright, pounds, $1 to $1 10 ; medium de., pounds, 75 to 85c ; common nrigut, pounds, nu to ioc ; nne anu iancy smoking, 75 to $1 50. WHISKY There is a good demand for fine brands, with fair shipping trade in common at $1 85 to $3 i imitation Bourin,$2 25 to $3 ; Bourbon, $3 25 to $5 Receipt.-- , 20 barrels. Waits and Carriage Material. Corrected by Woodbnrn, fmlth A Co., No. iireen atxeet, St. Loots. Binary wheels Ml OOytflo ou Bu?i;y wheels. !arven's pate t 25 no Wagon wheels ca 16 IX) Bnsgy bubs, per 1 si I 36 Waeou bans, do I sa.t s ! BusTO spokes, do WjM-.i- rs. , do Bent felloes. ds Sawed felloes, do Buggy shafts, per pair. BBSJBJJ poles. WKU.. IfssBrv sn.l wsEon nows, pr Wagon stncioeessiui N.Yo Plow handles, per doiten. Buiigy beds, each set kua,do i or. s II a 35 1 74 3 - ... I 1 i mm 1 2) u- -, : ' 12 Je. 14 30 RIVER MATTERS. Weather and Boslnesa. The weatber pleasanter yesterday, with some indications of clearing up. In the past three weeks the sun has made its appearance only one day. Kasiness remains very dull on tbe rities and investments of tbe bank. landing. Rotate the individval ledger book- - i he river at this point continued to " swell very slowly last night, came to a stand to day. The Ohio la falling all the way down at the rate of about two inches Tbe Mississippi at St. Louis is also slowly falling. St Francis river is rising. Arrivals. Steamer M. HamWeton, St. Fr. river. " Paragon, St. Louis. Baltic. Louis. " Commonwealth, New Orleans. ' Indiana, Louisville. " Mary Swan, Evausville. isetmrtorea. Slearaer Baltic, New Orleans. " Paragon, Vicksburg. ' Belle St. Louie, St Louis. " Commonwealth, Louis. " Indiana, New Orleans. Uaala in Pais. Minneola. Des Arc, Harry Dean, M. Hambleton, Mary Swan. 1 I e lull il s Tlie fast packet Pbil. Sheridan, Capt. Judd West, leaves for St Louis this nay at 12 m. Larry Harmstad Co., Des Arc, with Capt. John Elliott in command, is now at the landing receiving freight for White river. She leaves ou Saturday. Levy A Miller, The ' Miuneola, Capt Miller, leaves all points u the Ohio y as far as Cincinnati. Jas. T. Bourne Co., The U S. mail packet, Gleaner, Capt John Myers, leaves for Arkansas river on Saturday next Larry Harmstad A and Jas. T. Bourne A Co., agents. Tbe Harry Dean, Capt Blaisdell, leaves for Arkansas river at 5 o'clock to- morrow evening. mau kuows better how to " keep a hotel " than our friend B. Mr. G. A. Ditton and Tom. r . ... i, people "that the relief we suggest is not Halliburton are clerks one of gratuitous charity but rather aa A Co. and Lvy Aimer, SOqs OS j was but St. St. Tb for Co No JK9. 1 - JL.ou.uc are her clever honest obligation we are uuder to reeip- - agents. . who have aided us iu the past. We leaves for St Louts ou Saturday axt member of the chamber will Dill A 1'etern pa-nc- aen u ?7tZZZ, i.riior the matter ui in a The Bertha, Capt. erkes, will be in o.. ""-- -' - " - oVj ac-- ' nort to leave at noon on Saturday lor JWTS$ CvWIS I W and Creo: O. His. is clerk agents. Larry Harms tad A Co. are her The Mary Swan, Capt. Archer, leave for Cairo and Evannvill. H.i. 5 P-- Larry Harmstad A Co. will are ner agent. The Great Republic left Pittsburg one day in advance of her advertised time owing to tbe rapid fail of tbe river. Capt. Carter, of St. Louis aud late of tbe W. R. Arthur, bought for $10,000 Fitzgerald's one-eight- h interest in the Virginia, and assumed the command. A dispatch from Washington to the Cincinnati Commcn-ia- i ay: "Shield is removed from tbe office of supervising inspector in your district and trevenny, or Hteti'jenvllle, unto, re- appointed. The alleged reason is diso- bedience to orders of the secretary of the treasury, i a union republican capacity is win oe con nr mea. ' Some parties at Louiaville are negotia ting tor tbe construction of another mammoin pacxef. The bu 1 Is to be 300 feet in length, with 52 feet beam and 8 teei ueptli or hold. Tbe engines are to oe cylinders, with 10 feet stroke and tbe water wheels to have a bucket 10 feet in length. The new craft is in- - o a cupper, we would sug- gest the necessity of applying low-pre- s sure machinery. Capt. W. R Holleraft and others in that city are also about t close contracts for a clipper passenger packet, with machinery, for the Louisville and New Orleans trade. She is to vie with the Richmend, now nearly ready to stan south on her first trip. Capt. John Smoker baa not yet closed bis contract for a new boat for the Red river trade. The Louisville fbuner of Tuesday says: Tbe river was falling fast yester day, tbe average decline beiug about an selling lor and com uan menced tailing t has receded about teet the Head or the rails up to Boon yesterrhty. Although falling pretty fast, it still cotittwies out or its natural boun- daries at all point below the fails. We expect it to be falling quite fast to-- d iy, u u less checked by the i ncleme n t weather! which is the worst of winter, with a snow storm prevailing ail day. The month of March, thus far, has been the most per- verse and untoward we have ever expe- rienced. What was It Tbe boatmen at our levee and a few others whose business ompthed il.eui i on front sfraot about midnight last night, were aston- ished at the appearance of a dark l.witi inis object which shot down about midway the river and vanished around the point oeiow, ;n .eening;y but a moment of tltue. It bad somewhat the appearance of a monitor, but was darktr and less formidable looking. No liule trepida tion was relt by tbe superstitious part of our river meo, iqd u "living dutch man with its Ueree captaiu, was thought !, nave lost its reckoning, and mistakes our swollen river for a of its legiti- mate cruising grouud. Cp. Sam. Shock, however, whg ia set-e- in such matters, disoeUjJ ai) uneasiness by assuring tbem that tbe strange apparaition wa that of the Great Republic, which bad got a good start aftsr passing the Cincinnati bridge and was not able to check her headway at this port. Tbe Mollie Ham Piston came in from St. Francis river with 130 bales of cotton. She returns on her regular day, Tuesday next. The eirrurious boat Helena disap- peared ingloriously from our lauding night liefore last. The traps of the St. Louis circus, which wars on hord, were attached by tbe owners of tbe mat for $3tfcXl due as charter money. We could not learn bow the matter was arranged : we only know that the company don't play here, and left for above en another steamer yesterday. The business mana- ger of this office has an intereet, we think, in tbe whereabouts of that circus. We have no sign-paint- er In our eitv ; at least, w are led to think so from the faet that the Tennessee mutual fire in au ranee company imported a new sign from St. Louis, per steamer Belle St. l. .tiis. on her last trip. We wonder if this company will solvit policies in this city, or will only insure iu Missouri. They a. evidently in favor of patrunU $30 $32 ing borne STEAMBOATS FOR KSAS M KM MIS 4c A R KA IS R VKR PA C KKT umrAN r. Far Pine BluSTaud Little lark. . ..KAN Kit. attnjj matter This elegant psasemjer packet win leave SATt'RDAY, 334 la., at S p.m. : '. '.;?.'. HAHMHr.vIl A CO., Amenta, Corner Main and Madison sla., or nn..'" City Wharf boat, foot Mori rue St. mWBBLAM MFMPli is .4.V RIVMR PACKET, For Helena, Napoleon. Pine Little Mora. HARRY lUaisdell master This elestnt sAasenger steamer ,a now coming st me root or court, street ana win leave HATURDAY, 23d Inst., at 5 pjn. A Mil.I.KR. mh2i M No. 5s Madison street. RSUULAR MEMPHIS A.Vi ARkAXSAk JUVRR PAVKET- .- U. a. For Helena, Napoleon, Pine Bln and (i LEANER This an nerb will leave as on SATURDAY. tX last., al mh ARKAXSAIS p.m. T. BOUJtNE A CO., 24 No. 1:.' Jefferson street. FOR ST. LOUIS. Blair LEVY ajrenu Korh. King master above JvS, RKUUl.AR MEMPHIS ASD ST. LOUIE PACKET. Far Cairo and St. Lanto. ADAM JACOBS Rowland master This swift running sttarnur will leave as above on BATVHDAY, 23d Inst., at " p.m. FLE it. CALVERT PETERSON A DILL, Paas. agents day part DEAN MAIL. Little REtiULAR ST. LOUIS PACKET. Far lair., aad BL Laala. PHIL. SHERIDAN Wert master This exceUeut steamer leaves Memphis as above, r'fl'DAY, 22d Inst , at 12 LARRY HA RUST AI Corner Maiu a Li mhJl 2t City Wharf b. 4- - 3 .ii . Monroe FOR CIKCINNATI. DEAN LISL MEMPHIS AND CINCINNATI PACKET Far alro. Louisville and t'laelnjsaali. MINNEOLA W. B. Miller master This splendid packet will leave ' a aa above every ewasesBtawaaV THIS DAY, 22d Inst., S p JAB. BOURNE 4 CO., mtuS 2t Agents. MEMPHIS AND CINCINNATI PACKET Far alro. Lanlsi oie and Claeianati. BERTHA Yerkes master This Dae passenger packet leaves ror the above SATURDAY, rah -- 2 :.t sis 23-- Inst., 5 p.m. LEVY MILLER. Agents. Madison street. FOR LOUISVILLE. RMIiULAR MEMPHIS ASD LOUISVILLE PACKE.". For Cairo and Loalsville. MARY SWAN ... Sam. Archer master Tina nea and elegant passe utjer steam, - leaves on and Agents, THIS DAY, 2d last, 5 P.m. LARKY HARMISTAD CO.. Agents, Owner Main and Madison tts., mb22 aad City Wharf boat foot Monroe FOR NEW ORLEANS. KEVULAK NEW oKLKAN.1 AND LOUIS- VILLE PACKET. Far Napoleon, Vlettaharar. Natchez and . Orleans. ST. CHARLES - .. Campbell master This supers passenger steamer win leave as aoove I., Is. or st at m. T. at A B. at A It at. THIS DAY, 23d lnst.. at 8 am. LARRY HARMSTAli A CO., Agents, Corner Main and Madison ata., mbff It Wharf lasa loot Monroe at. MEMPHIS AND Nk II" ORLEANS LISE For lestabnrg;. Batches aad Hew Or- - BtB'. The aaagnidceni steameis k. mi six. qcrms, Will leave Memphis as above on every alternate KPN i.sia i. KVt.i INw on arriv al OI me iraioa. BAM. H. SHOCK. mh2I Par eager Areut. FOR WHITE RIVER. REOULAR MEMPHIS AND WHITE Rl VER PACKET. Far Helena, Seltn. Frtar's Point. Sun- flower, laconla, Carson's, Conetuslia, .aoulh White River. Indian Bay. St. Charles, Da van's Blurr aad Augusta, DWS ARC JtUlatt master This elegant passenger ilisur WUI leave SATURDAY. 23d lost, 5 p.m. LEVY A MILLER, Agents, mhlll tt 6MadjiMmjtreet FOR CAIRO. RKUCI.AR MEMPHIS CAIRO PACKET. Far Oseeela. Hale's Paint. Mew Madrid. Hickman, tbe Bends, Columbus and Cairo. LADY B. Want master, B-- P. Ward clerk Leaves Memphis far the above JJt and Intermediate points every sasnssaTanm. MONDAY, at 6 p.ra ieb24 Im Receiver's Sale OF a. Real Estate and lily Brewery, eiN Thursday, April 4, 1867. William Handbauseii vs. Frederick Ruaser. virtue OI luterioeuiory ueeree uiitce in BY this cause in the Chancery Court of Mem phis, 1 will aatll a. HLuuu t, vo. 111411r.11 bidder, tbe premises Hill a'reel. the city Mem phis, bet, the 11 and 1 p.m . cn iat rusiiA i , itn uay or a pro. -, ihe tonowing oeacnoan naai Estate, wit: certain LOT of LAND, lying and being la tbe city of Memphis, county Shelby and Stale oT Tennessee, aeventy-tlire- e reel rroni Hill street, by a depth one .insured an-- j aaaw eight, together with all and singular the im- provements Ihareon. Stock and rtnres. Tne aid nroperty is known the " City Brewery PTs5SsBOKSALli oae-foor-th ctsm . and the l2aSain equal iDstallm-nl- s. six, twelve and tsrarlng Interest; purchaser botSlih : s !ln retained proenrtTUllp.7m.iit of the purcbaa. money ; .ottv of reoempuo i mhl4 ut. ot or lik w tr at au on on in or hours or A of at of as ou JUAB. A. DAMMANN MW ADVERTISEMJE'TS SOUTHERN PALACE! J. H. HOWELL. MM Howell, Wood&Co., 33- - : : Main Street : : 332 ONE PRICE ON'LY! SPRING GOODS ! SPRINC COODS ! SPRING COODS! SPRINC COODS f Just Received. HOWELL, WOOD CO. HOWELL, WOOD & CO , 3.T! : Main Street : .?:,'.' SOUTHERN PALACE. OCR NOTION DEPARTMENT It now complete ami enoanally large coaa st- ing In part of Ladies' & Childrens' Hosiery. rial. Hej-illttht- d aa Knbroldered HANDKERCHIEFS! TrimminK.-- , Ribbons, Cloak and Dress Trlmmlnss Etc. ONE PRICE ONLY! SOUTHERN PALACE ! 332 : : Main Street : : 332 HOWELL, WOOD & CO., Would lovite special attention to their WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT, Km bracing, in part. Plain, Striata aed Checkett Jacoov , Nainsooks, Plaii, Gbeciei and Stnpfd India W S w e s , Pique and Marneiiet, etc., ete. OKI! PRICE ONLY! Howell, Wood&Co., 3-'5- Main Street, SOUTHERN PALACE! SOUTHERN PALACE I Are sow In receipt of a large and well selecte.1 stock of MILES' CUSTOM-MAD- E LADIES' & CHILDRENS SHOES Also, a good stock or Plantation Boots, Shoes, Haft Bis ONE PRICE ONLY ! mh!7 ISO. A UH1K. H. A. XOIVVGOJlgBT ii: 1 1 : ac co., SBSUBAS IX Hay, Com, Oats, Flour, Lime, Cement, Plaster, and Western Produce, So. 41 South Side Coart Square. WORSHAM HOUSE. Price of Board Reduced. ON and after tbe lHh lost., Ike pri.-eo- r Dav at this House will be (S3 per mobtii and for TianaMnt Board S3 per aw niblii lin J. J 8. B. 1 ta A V. 0, H. BEACKETT & CO.. Crescent Livery, Auction AND SALE STABLES T 'HK OsM Usrne hire. RSH BnglrS and Carnages fnr lacttoB Sales Kvery Daj at 10 0'CIocK Special attention paid to the unloading or 3tock rrom HUeam boats and tars. YARD BOOH rornUhed with or wiUaoot gsaA . ... ur.B i'AVCR. Anstiaasar MUiR, STEBBINS & PULLER, Importer! of EARTHENWARE, No. 373 Main Street, Opposite Court Square, Mem phis. Tennenoec, JJAV Ks large and wail srkacted assortment EARTHENWARE, CHINA AND CLASS, which thy will Sarll at redneea pricct m orar iu rwnce men mock oy m or jniy. Wholesale Pure haters will bm offered nupertor mduremeatu, Glre tu asslL Ml' I A, STKBBINS PlLLt.V, mhlT Ira US M;n strMt. SPECHTS CONFECTIONARY REOPENED ! Conreetlonsry In Every Variety, And all of the heat quality, constantly on hand aud tor sale at prices to salt the times. A LARGE LOT OF TOYS. WISES AJD CHAMPAGAES OT superior vintage. WEODINCS AND PARTIES HiippUea with eTery rqa.te, on sHort notice. aw ucnvnwi. uii m Important to Fruit-t- i rowers nave on hand a mixture maaleeipresaty WK destroy all lasecu that m ost the trunks rr FKt'IT TlCfcKW. rne arpncaiam is very simple. At a tridlag oost ibey can be pra- - rved from the depredsttoos ol u live vermin, r or sale ooiv jr o. r. pRBioorr a co. Uoal mhlTwlmaw o sue W. HSIIBT wiLBt-s- , J. a. aasHAN, Xempbla. formerly taaaler Appeal WILBUR & GREHAN, Wholesale and Bntall Dealers in Hay, Corn, Oats, Iran, Ete., Ete. Produce and Commission Merchants, So. 135 Main Street, and Market, 1' an TaOnf. DIRECT IMPORTATION Gisars, Wines sv.anoj-ou-r- . .. In MaWaasni streei. Agent Meut phis, or by So. 2 Hanover fejoa e,Jew ork. "rSjgT' AN K H KA D MAURtnER. Italian Maccaroni Very Pine. ..rriv Uunuani in a lb. kx-.-s: I VermacilM : Ciuava Jelly ; Tumbler and Jar J.liies - assorted; French Pans: Moshrocn C.teuP: Walnut CAhp. rgiljh gUfa mhistr sag Mara street. ld Gtnrmeat Java " Tea warranted nice: tErtm ktgslvo l RmCollVt;pvr-ai- i kinds; Soap and d"" . , RrcKHAat.

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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1867-03-22 [p ]. · r I Hi I f I I J) t BUSINESS DIRECTORY 8 s AW HERSON. ARMACK, Jull N IS Court street. ' lUHMUKW, O. C, street. ZS aUAUBKB












ARMACK, Jull N IS Court street.

' lUHMUKW, O. C, street.




AnSTTwTH. 4 N--

aI ttonal Bank.

necoud airnet



Madison street.

DIaMC AI'AatM, Uerman

plVK, L. M., Utile Rock, Arkansas.S

M I A li R A V KM, XrJ Hecoud street.

liatO. K., 270 secoud


Na- -

MATVHKR, tC. Second

I A KK AT atoN 1 Uulklrwt. Ayr mucin.

uUKKrON. A 8., oil' Main, lkt.KVM A CO .

Klork. rvcnnn

AM t


J 1AMPBKLI- - G.J. 4 CO..



TITH, Irving Block. (Second slreeu


iirlZENS' Union Bank, Madison street.

Bank of Tennessee, cornerMalu streets.

lRANKUNr pany.


andand Front sireela.

IB8T Banc, 14 Madi-o- n

I Bank, 23


UoMK and loiupauy, uj t street. .

1 KKr KR.-O-S lnauranee and Trust Company.el a Madison






iDmraorr r

National truKKMAN National Main street.




ion at rMH.


liwiraiK- -




lEi'PLKS Bank oi Tennessee,I

XVlMis Bank of Memphis. 2 Main tree!

lEN.NK-iHK- Natloual Bank, corner Jefferand Main etreeta

bootX titit... iivTs on At'.I EVE I r, Jiu, v- - Ma street.1 .

M AR1N C"K1 M::: street.

I.E. KMI1H1LlEIL.LV. Front




IMMCNS SON, Jeflereon

lAUE. H. AOO.,





Co .


r K A -

f II



A Mam

A Main street.

A CO., atrtet.

I A sueel.



rVTCC AMB A CuT41 SecondTyj


MARMI'Hl ET. a conMAYER. and HcnTid




1H m



AVfliENcK A CARTER, 32 Front street.J

tliTTOK rUTOKS A SB rWHIMM.SHE, 8HEP. V Front street.

m nsijNNA,I Baitullne.







., IM IS6V, K.ichaDge

WILLIAMS m I a r iuu.

a I'.B r K.i w A ali.W Pront street.





IMBoN. s.. iSi Main street.

Front street.

ArtSON, J. B., SI" Main street.



1 i I u



i.o Mi- -


UKl V! IM.

f I. K









f ENKFRT, ANHRKW, 1 Malu street

R l. A ITS Malu street


HKMTIICKINS" iS. A.. 2nS fecond street.

hFLAHERTY, JAMES, Ageiit, SM nil

I NEERMaNN. J. K.. M stleet.



K1NN1 A .., 2 Maui street.

al k raraouK.VAtJs. 1 C. Mrs.. Hotel.




HANNAl'KB, 206


IHOA1 1 'm







VaTT, Howard's



A..1A Second





Cnlon mid

oH ASH Kill- -







HKi son




Tjsl NNIK Main st?eu

DT, Frout street.

Frontl5 iireet


tX)., cBJi and Main street.


J., M Front street.

IRON M.,VI Wl.-ks- . 21 Man. lreel

BRcS. Co., and a.2 Front

iNiisT' Ma

W K.w.


I r











A :


HOI' IE, Adums anil

lhl K

WkTe, M'HiRE A VrT, norttiwest cornerMAdlsou and Main

I VaIXKT , xt Man son

ETNA INSl'RAM l " - Ma.llsou street






J' S. .. . Coort

Vans, 1 H.. H Monroe street.


OFFHEIMER. N. 4 J.. M Frout ttreeL

f.oIBBEN A HRO., M Main street.


iIl-JK.- nont slreel

ALX CO .JJl PToul street.


C H.

I'HRAi Madison street.



1 11.AKK,













CMtXlLl'-IELl- l








.'1 street


corner Main




a I'-




a --'




4 R11XJI.EY. 31

SirSit STOBiK.

(oEJ-a-L LEoPoLH.



A MU'LI'llE, 2W and : Second

, M



111 , Overton Hotel.

VOKTKiir PAISTKRi' . ... Block, room Jl.


E il AMI bTKt.BUiT TICakT AtitNta.

(SJiriRK. JOnN. H Court




LEY. BARN I'M a Co., a.'. Main street.

uss.UEILLKY.,1. IW..W"'. Mam l.eet


BUCaOU, DAN, 3 BraslieT Bloeau


IVY a MILLER n'i Madison street.

bADBLIKI ASD Pltllll..LV'KI). MXON AlX).,l:A Malu street.

tKAlo, at n , R v.. 3T Malu street.





T0BAK0 F'T0B8.CO., Ureealaw




OLAtX)., J.C..2A'




OSTEH under





i i;lER A Mt






l AKIN, 2bj Malu


11 Madison





J ,

a IMC LEY J4JJNEB, 34 Mourue suieL

4 m ' ' -. - m m. m. IW a w 1

MEMPHIS APPEALOffice So. 13 Madison Street.KRIl'AY. MARCH 22. IttfT

CITY MATTEES.XlsMwIppi and Tennessee Railroad.


New Or'eaas Express : p.m. p.m.Batmvllle Aooomo'n 10:45 2:15 "

feWl U 1. OAXldiV, lien. Ticket Ag't.

Node.The public are hereby notified not to

pay to any one any bills due The A i

prai., for advertialng since January 31st,unless they have written authority fromme. John Ainslte,

Caableraad Managsr.

To the Patrons or tbe Appeal.You are requested not to pay any ca-

rrier without a certificate from me, andto report at the counting desk any ir-

regularity in carriers. L. Da vies.Removed. Ily reference to the card

of Cox A Humphreys, the produce deal-

ers who were burned out on Saturdaynight, it will be seeu that they have re-

moved to No. 1 Howard's row, wherethey will attend to business in their usualprompt manner.

Frhihtenko Away. Some thiefattempted to enter the residence of Mr.Jas. Flaherty, at 188 I'nion street yes-

terday morning, by the favorite methodof cutting the blinds. But one of theinmates being disturbed by the noise,made some demonstrations inside, whichfrightened the burglars away.

Stop Him. Mr. G. W. Carroll, anauctioneer, gave information at the policeoffice yesterday, that one Chaa. Hall,who had lately been in his employ, hadobtained goods under false pretenaes, andhad been guilty of embezzlement. Afull description of the party ia in thehands of the police, but Hall is still atlarge.

Ye call attention to the card of Dr.J. H. .southali The doctor is an elegantgentleman, finished scholar, and thor- -


oughly comprehends the science of hisprofession. His friends aud atrous willfind him iu his elegant quarters, 190

Maiu street, in the Webster block.

A report was JZsther, forth orion the streets yesterday a gin the feastatTair had taken place at the Gay-oa- o

the night before, in which one manhad been killed and another serloiudywouuded. On inquiry we find that therewas no grounds for the rumor, and thatit was false in every particular.

The residence of Capt. Larry Ham- -

stad. on I'nion street, was visited bythieves on night before last, but aftercutting awaj some Blats they left with-out effecting an entrance. The residenceof Mr. .1...- -. j.!- Bruce was entered andseveral articles were stolen. Powderand ball are needed very Iwully In our cityat present.

Octraoe. Two meu named Chas.Meehan and John Burns were arrestedyesterday on a warrant issued by 'Squire

.... with IM t, iut.,r i ,i rlriimwllii

young Ann Mea- - ,.,, m.yban, aged about fifteen years, r!be thirdwards her month, tbatis. - for theirjustice

appearance before the

Thb Greenlaw. The opera housewas filled last night with large, fashionable and enthusiastic audience to

witness Latta in A-- A Diamond,and JtVm, the g. Theplays were well put on the stage,and capitally acted. To-nig- forLotta's benefit, will be produced Deck-er' Oliont afterpiece, Family Jars.

Bi'Rular Pi 0, prowler whoattempted to enter a house on Thirdstreet Madison ou Wednesday night,was discovered and pursued by CaptHa.lett. He (ailed, however, to capturehim, although he once had him by thefoot and one shot, which, it is said,must have taken effect in the back. Thewouid-b- e burglar escaped.

Rklieveo. A respectaMe lookingman, rather advanced in years, niv,Min town ou Wednesday night toact some business. He had ou his person about three hundred In goldaud about five hundred in currency.Falling into bad company he was roblied of all his money, and was obliged totake refuge iu the stationhouse for thenight.

An Oll-- and Remakle Hoi'ke. Onour fourth page apiiears tnu cardMessrs. Orgill & Bros., the largesthardware establishments iu tbe south-west, composed of gentlemen of su-

perior business talent and unswervingprobity, with whom a pleasure tohave dealings. This bouse is well andfavorably known as to render any fur-

ther notice unnecessary. Read theircard.

Happy Valley. The dwellers in thispi.-- , met are uot happy as the namewould imply. Mrs. Sherry used abusivelanguage to one Fred. Fritz. Hethe police to arrest her. They soughther and found that she hail taken refugein the bayou, from which she wasdragged with some difficulty. She torethe coat of one of the metrepolitans,hut was eventually imprisoned on Ad


Rotten Row. The portion the cityas Itotteu row abounds in thieves,

aud what equally as bail, the receiversof stolen goods. Yesterday lot goodsvalued at $100 was found there, whichwere identified. They were in possessionof negro girl named Belle Thomas,who had recently been employed in tbehouse from which tbe goods were stolen.A valuable diamond ring, supposed to

have been stolen at tbe same time, hasnot yet been recovered.

Stealino by a Wipe. Martha, thewife of Charles Iteamer, who reeides onPoplar street, was arreated some dayssince, charged witn stealing some silvercoin and a pistol from her husband. Shewas brought before Esquire Creightonyesterday for examination, when wasproven that a portion of the

to a third person, who hadto Reamer for The

money claimed was returned theowner, and tne balance given to tnelady she being discharged. What became of the pistol did uot transpire.

Nkw Memphis Theater. A veryfair audience was present at tbe NewMemphis theater last night. The Ticketof Ijcave Man was put on the stagein tbe usual New Memphis style,t'hanfrau's Bob Brierly is excellent,

careful o'clock

were well sustained. To-nig- fortbe benent Mr. win tie

p eeented Our American Voutbn atHome, which Mr. Chaufrau will up- -

pear as Lord Dundreary."

Grand Opknino after manymonths preparation, will openCrystal Palaie Saloon, on the

day at 10;30 a.m. He will have grandand choir- - lunch spread, invites allhis old friends to give bim call. Thereare few, if any, saloons iu the southwhich have been gotteu up at

aud feel satisfied that Osbaikeep mtescelled for the quality

its liquors.

the Boi'nty. A negronamed Riley Blair was broughtMr. Justice Black Wednesday,charged obtamirV' money underfalse pretenses that is, coming the olddodge of agreeing to go to the country towork, obtaining an advance, andgiving the planter tbe slip. Tbejustioe

hue of fifteen dollars, and iudefault of payment committed bim tojail. he received commuui-catio- n

from Cnited States lieutenant,ordering the negro's release, as he hadpromised to join army, but his st

was not complied

Xotiee. The owners of three blocksconsigned to A. Oldham,Sanite, per steamer Baltic from New

Orleans, please oall, pay freightcharges on same, and remove saidfreight, it beiug it their risk,

HARMSTAD CO..Memphis (Ily Wharf boat.

C CTM.Mia.Utt, flecretary, iira;a

PUEIM.Grand Hebrew Festival

Honor of Queen Esther.

Anniversary of the Salvation of

the Jewish Nation fromthe Machinations of

Ha man.

Magnificent Masquerade Ball

and Sumptuous Supper by

the Memphis Hub.

The Most Picturesque andPleasant Affair of the


What Fourth of July is to theAmerican people, and what the aiini-- i

vemary of the Siguing tie Magna

'harta ought to be to the people of Eng-

land, such is the Fourteenth Day tbemonth Adar (which answers to ourTwenty-ftrs- t of March to the descend-

ants of the people of Israel all over theworld. On this day, wherever dozenHebrews may be congregated, thre

rest and fasting," according to In-

structions of Mordecal and the letters of

King Ahasuerus, commanding that"should be remembered and keptthroughout every generation, everyfamily, every province, and everycity as memorial of the deliveranceof their forefathers from the enemies oftheir nation.

ORIOIN OF THE FEAST.Kvery student has read the book

Ksther, and is acquainted the call-

ing of Pur In tha twelfth year of thereign ef Ahasuerus, who ruled over theland of the east from Judea even untoEthiopia," and also of the villainous usemade of the "lot" Haman, whoendeavored thereby to destroy the Jew-

ish race, offering to ten thousandtaleats silver" for the accomplishmeut of bis evil purpose; but as allnewspaper readers are not students inthe strict sense of the word, wc furnishthe following from the eighth

Faijse Alarm. current chapter of setting thethat shootiug of :

And Estuer spske yet again before the king,aad frit down at bis feet, and beuulit Mmwith uars to put away the mlarhteflbe AHagi?e, and Ills device he bad devise"agaiust the Jews. Then the king l.eld oit thegolden towards Esther. So Esther aroseand stood before the king and said, If it pleasetbnkiug, and have fourd 'uvour in ills

Bride, Mrs. M. Jvraus;n. i.,dn in his a.iet be written "er;to reverse the letters by Hainan tbeson of Hammedatha tbe Agagite, which bewrote to destroy the Jews which are in theking's prov.nccs; for how can endure to seethe evil that shall come unto my people? orhow can endure to see the destruction of mykindred" Then the kiug Ahasuerus said untoI'.sther Uie ami to Mordecal theJes, ttehuld, have given Kclher the bouseofllamau, aud bim tiicy l;aye hanged uponthe because lie laid bis band upan theJews. Write ye tin, for the Jews, as II iikelbyou, in the king's name, aud seal with tbeking's kiasKI for lbe writing which is written intu king's name, and altd (he king

to girl named Mary no reverse. Then were theand after- - king's s. called at that time in the

violating person. They gave on the three








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ana wi i: uhy wiervii sua n waswr all that Mordecal commanded.

unto tbe Jews, and to the lieutenants, and (hedeputies and rulers of the provinces whicli arefrom India unto Ethiopia, an hundred and Girl, H Gronaur

i iweu' auu seven bwbsbbj SBBBwasessj prtluce according to the writing iliereo', aud untoevery peop'p after their language, and to theJews according to their writing, anil accordingto their language. And lie wrote in the kingvhasuenis name, and staled it witli the king'sring, a.i.t sept letters oy oots ou horseback,aud ilders on mules, camel.:, acu young dromc- -Carles : wherein tbe king granted tbe Jewswhich were In every city to gather themselvestogether, and to stand for their life, to destroy,to slay, and to caure to perisii. all the power ofof the"people and province that would assaultthem, both little ones nud women, and to taketbe spoil of them for a prey : upon oneday In allthe provinces of king Ahasuerus, name'y, uponthe ,i :. ui. day or thstwelfth month, which

the month Adar. The copy ol tre writingfor a commandment to l.c gHeu in evers prov-

ince was published unto all people, and thattbe Jews should he ready against thatdar toavenge themselves on their enemies. So theposla Uiat rode apon mules and camels wentoat, being hastened and pressed on by the

' king's commandment. And lbe decree was' given busoau tlie since. And Mordecal

went out from the preaeaica .,f thekis in royalapparel of blue and white, andwi'h a greatcroo; u of gold, and wilh a garment of flnclinen and ptirpie: and the city of Mluishan re-

joiced and was glad : the Jews had light, andgladness, and Joy, and honour. Aud in everyciiy, wbitheraoever tlie king's commandmentand his decree came, the Jews had joy am:gladueas, a feast and a good day."


This " Declaration of Independence,"promulgated upwards of five centuriesbefore the Christian era by the "chosenpeople " of Israel, was observed lastevening at tbe Rooms of the MemphisClub by the Hebrews of this city inmagnificent manner. There could no!have been less than Jive hundred present,and tbe convivial style in which theyenjoyed themselves was exceedingly de-

lightful, uot the smallest fan! pas oc-

curring to mar the pleasure of the occa-

sion. Every arrangement thatnava been devised for comfort and ele-gan-

was carried out to perfection by

the various Committees previously ap-

pointed by the Club ; and the great crowdof " masquers " who danced in the Ball

Room and sat down in tbe Supper Roombad not single jot of complaiut to enteragainst the management of the waltzesor the setting of the tables, for the one wasadmirable and the other excellent. Thescene in the Ball Riom was picturesqueand imposing. Many of thecostume. wereelegant, some iadies having paid as highas five hundred dollars each for suits;and we observed few gentlemen withmore gold on their backs than possessedby all our banks put together. Humor-ous costumes however prevailed, and we

noticed some that were so happy their" burlesque uniforms " as to create tbeutmost merriment. Both young and old

enjoyed themselves in betwitchingway, doing great credit to the Feast


The Masks on arriving in carriages at

the Entrance Hall of the Club were re- -'

ceived by the Reception CommitteeMessrs. M. A. Cohen, Chas. Strauss,

Herman Gronauer and L. Iglauer whoj conducted them to the Reading Boom,

where the Examining CommmitteeMessrs. A. Loeb, Moses Seelig, H. Sees-ee- l,

Sr., aud Jacob Fiea-al- ter satisfac-tor- y

scrutiny provided them with cardsnaming tbe characters they represented

and a check stating that they had beenexamined. Tbe Parlor Committee-Mes- srs.

A. Pollock, S. Feucht and L.

Leubrie then took charge o: the Masks,seatiug tbem aud providiug for theitmirn'ort in the Ladies' Parlor. At nine

and was acted in his usual man- - j the cornet was sounded, wheuner. Mrs. Lanagau, as " Mary Middle- - j the Procession was formed in the Hall,ton," was excellent. Tbe other oharae-- j the Herald-Sa- m. Hirsch announced to







the audience the character Maskrepresented, the coronet souuding in-

tervals. As the Procession moved on-

ward the Masks succession deposited

their "tickets examination"the stair Committee Messrs. Julius Na-

than and Charles Schloas and steppingthe Room were received by the

Floor Committee Messrs. Li. Lset one,corner Bank alley and the alley be-- u . - Villl(.llt .... ... , -"j "!i""".. J . Chw.
























inof with

into Ball




Hirsh and L. Iglauer who called upon

the Chairman of tbe AmusementCommittee Sol. Hesse to strike up

the music, aud the Masquerade com-

menced. This whole routine was In-

spected by N. HotTbeimer, Esq., Presi-

dent of tbe Club, and curried out accord-

ing to instructions.THE HALL ROOM

was very tastoly arranged, the Dramatic

for masque scene. Above tbe foot-

lights " was banner of blue, stretchingfrom the picture of Schiller to that of

Goethe, on which were the words, iu

white and red, " Welcome to tbePurim Festival." Other banners deco-

rated the Room ; but the most prominentfeature was smoothness of the lloor,

prepared for " skating dauoe," which

eclied auytblng "on ice" ever wit-

nessed in the Central Park, New York.

When all were on the floor,

and set iu motion on the " light fantastic

toe," the glitter and splendor was en-

chanting. The Room was illumined

,M chandeliers, auu tneir urn


which were five in number, spreadthrough the Billiard and Assembly

ID Rooms, were the most tastefully "set "

we ever saw. Col. Prager and his capitalclerk, Win. Yanakay, indeed showedtaste in this particular that would haveastonished the world-renowne- d Hoyer.

The most observable decorations were

series of "mock cakes," manufac-tured by the celebrated confec-

tioners, Rubel & Nathan. One onthe Officers' table, which was extremelytempting, created huge laugh whenthe President of the Club cut iato itwith vim, and vu disappointed in

finding it " saw-dust- ." Another was ona center table, bearing the inscription inred candv. "To the Honor of Uie

President and Directors of the Meru- -

thls Club." with pair of whitehands clasped in token of friendship,frincred with silver flowers. Anotherbore the word "Purim " within singlestar formed of pink sqgsr on whitegrouud ; another was Leautlfully sur-

mounted wilh palm leaves tipped withgold, rimmed with white and red sugar ;

and still another bore on its top shep-

herd's crook, with gold staff aud greanleaves, presenting beautiful object.But, alas! magnificent as all these wereon tbe outside, within they werenethingbut common "cheese boxes," an admi-

rable moral indicative of the empti-

ness of " outward show." But apartfromthese " mock dishes," the tables grounedwith all the delicacies of the season ;

and we can safely assert that no manever prepared such a sumptuous repastin such a magnificent st3le as that setby Col. Prager for the Feast of Purim,in the year !(? IJe is indeed thePrince of Caterers, and deserves thehighest praise of the Club, uur want ofspace forbids us at present doing himfull justice; but we cannot leave thetable without expressing our convictionthat the viands, as we learned from thelabels had faeon furnished by NathanProthers & Co., were most supero. in5ed, such pure juice of the grape nevernourished our lips before.

MASKS.Streets of, Joseph Jtehr ;

School Girl, Mis Myler; Indian Girl,Miss Caro; Queen of Love, Miss FHarris; Opera on the Brain, ( has. Al-

bright ; Original Pollak, Joe Doerenberg ;

James Stephen?, Lou. Wechsler; Greenbutch Girl, Mrs. Jllaus; NeapolitanPeasant Girl, Miss Julia Kaufman ; ter

Maker, Mrs. Kraus, Sr.: Fili-buster, Dave Mack; Gypsey FortuneTeller, Miss Betti Seligman ; SpanishPeasant, Miss Caroline Seligman ; SwissPeasant, Mrs. Jas. I'llman ; Fallstaff,Mr. Mook ; Negro School Girl, Mrs. Off--

Devil'si ii




Daughter of the Regiment, Mrs. Caronna ; Fancy Negro, L. Winter;Daughter of tbe-- Regiment. Mrs.Isaacs ; Domino, Mr. Roecher ;

Swedish Girl, Miss Matilda Marks;Swedish Girl, Miss Amanda Keen ;

Shaving Girl, Miss Sarah Geisman ;

Shaving Girl, Miss Jenny KaufmanQueen of Night, LenaFolIz; Quakeress,Mrs. Lowenstine; Mercutlo, JacobSeessel; Tamborine Girl, Miss HannahLoubrie; Spanish Cavalier, Joe Altshule;Isaac, Albert SeesSvd ; Rebecca, MissBertha I.opold ; Domino, Mrs. AdolphLoeb ; Snow Flake, Miss Hart ; SkatingGirl, Miss Annie Vogel ; Queen of Night,Mrs. N. Hoffheimer ; Pocahontas, Mrs.

H. Nathan; Peasant Girl, Mrs. Kiug;i f;erInau Mrs.


Gipsey,Mrs. Dedisheimer; Dutch Mir-hal- , H.Uronaur; Eveniug Star, Miss Hart;Spanish Girl, Miss Sampter; Schwab'sRestaurant, Mrs. S. Feuclit ;

La Belle au Quielle, Miss. Lizzie Stein-dle- r;

Miss Ijinak, Mi Sam. Hess;Knight of the Lost Cause, L- - R- - Hesser ;

Who am I, Mrs. Schwarceuberg ; Daugh-

ter of the Regiment, Mrs. A. Pollock ;

Itag Picker, Mrs. M. Linduuer; MilkMan, Joe Wolf ; Iudian Girl, Mrs. Caro-

line Prager; Indian Girl, Miss New;Marriage Candidate, M. Skaller ; Settersi 'arlo, Mrs. Chas. Scliloss ; Tyrolian, AsaSartorius; Domino, Mrs. and Mr. Sol.Kaufman ; Shepherd and Shepberdea?,Mr. Henry Baker and Miss Altsbul ;

Farmer's Girl, Miss Emily Hart : Mar-kipno-

D. Waterman ; His Valet,U Lee ;

FlowerLoyalMorning Sflish Huur''Uirl, Cv's.

Idilor, J. Goodman:Girl, Mis Emma Jones;Militia .'ake Leopold;

ar, Miss J4arati llart ; I'.ug- -

Mrs. Julia Fuld : ServantHerz ig Liberty aud Free

dom, 'Morris Keen; Chinaman, M.Leveck ; Organ Grinders, Isaac Leopold,Betty Burn and Ester Burn ; Domino,Bertha Cohen ; Page, Mrs. Sam. Maus ;

Russian Prince, Mrs. Sam. Sbloss : Turk-ish Girl, Miss Julia Levi; Yankee, IsaacLevi; Sammy Smash, Sam. Roseniield;Mr. Smash, Mrs. Sam. Marks; MudBrigade, Sam. Maua, Gus. Bloom. JuliusBison, Fred. Wolf, Dan. Shless, MorrisHauf, L. Stenberger, Eugene Leh-man, M. Holland, L. Frank, Gus.t Iffuer, Louis Frauk, S. Berlin, Miss

Bettie Swarzenberg, David Swarzen-lierg- ,



The most interesting feature of tbeoccasion was the presentation of mag-

nificent silver pitcher to Nathan Hoff-

lieimer, Bu., Pre-ide- of the Club. Thepresentation was made by A. E. Frank-land- ,

Esq., in neat speech. He said itwas presented to him not so much for

the manner iu whicli he conducted theproceedings of the Club, but rather fortheir appreciation of him as friendand gentleman, and that he should be-

queath it to his boy Sammy. The pitcheris a splendid piece of workmanship, andbears the inscription : " Presented toNathan Hoffheimer by a few of hisfriends as a token of their esteem andfriendship, March 21, 1S67." Mr. Hoff-

heimer, iu returning his thanks, said hewas taken by surprise, and, like a defeatedgeneral, he could only thank his friendsfor the compliment paid him, aud feltthat the only way of getting out of thedilemma was to accept the "situation."

UNM ASKINGcommenced at twelve o'clock, whenthe party proceeded to the SupperRoom and did full justice to the"good things" prepared for tbemby Prager. After the sumptuousrepast, ladies and gentlemen againmarched to the Ball Boom, andcontiuued tlie dance until near day-light. Never did we witness suchhilarity, enjoyment and festiv-

ity ; and we wish that the Feastof Purim, if possible, could occur almostevery week. The Memphis Club has seta glorious example to all our citizens asto how they should enjoy themselves.

Warning to the Public Who Ute Burn-ing Oil. Tlie states of Penusylvaniaaud Ohio forbid the sale of burning oilsthat will ignite at under one hundreddegrees Fahrenheit. Missouri specifiesone hundred and ten degrees, and thesetests must be branded on barrels.All reputable dealers in illuminating oilsunderstand this. "To preveut the pub-lic from being imposed upon " by irre-sponsible men, and to avoid accidents,we respectfully give notice that benzine,benzole or naptba will uot stand theabove tests. All of these new patentburning oils now being advertisedare made from one of these ar-ticles, and In absence of any spe-cific law in this state, may be sold withimpunity. The public can best judgewhether it Is safe to use any burning oilwhich is forbidden ...u account of itsdangerous qualities) to be id in theabove named statee, and others. Theterrible accident on Adams street lastwinter, by which three lives were lost,resulted from the careless use of benziue.We will also state that we obtained from

original inventor and discoverer,more than two years ago, the exclusiveright to make oiks and iluids nnn rxplo-si- 'i

" and vend the same, in West Tennessee, ratuts woo iniringe on our

Corji of the Club taking especial pains right will take due notice, under pen- -

to have their stage "set " appropriately any oi p'" c



















O. K. I'RRSCOTTACO..(ami oil Dealers, 40Jn"eison Street.

March 22, 18(7. marXtlw

nr. Bernhardt .No part of the hu- -man organization has received morecareful study than tlie delicately con- -

strutted opitfeal apparatus on which de--pends all tlie delight of the vision. Inspite, however, of minute dissections,and the unut painful research, but littlebad been accomplished in supplying tbedefects of nature in tbe visual organuntil very recently. Fine spectacleshave been in use for many years, but inmost instances they were but poor sub-s- t

it ties for real eyes. It was reserved forDr. Bernhardt, the renowned oculistoptician, to discover an 1 introduce Intocommon use tbe Australian crystal,which enables the near sighted and aged

witU the ld oIe'1ulck pereep- -on the hrilliatitanilreflectingliaut lights Uqu of tue eje of V(,ulh

burlesque costumes, " --"J"""; can las consmiea uany at his,the most picturesque poet ever conceived, j Overton Hotel. tnch21 2t.


They Meet in Convention.

The Constitutionality of theBill to Abolish tbe County

Court Questioned.

Senator J. W. Smith ExplainsHow the Measure Was

Lobbyed Through.

The County Court will Meet inApril, as Usual.

A meeting of the magistrates of Shelbycounty was held yesterday iu the countycourt room, when there were present :

Justices Creighton, Walker, Moore,Jones, Miller, Blakely, Gleason,Walton, Brewer, J. C. Campbell,Pulliain aud Hall. On motion,John C. Creighton, Bsm., was called to

the chair, and Ksquire Walker appointedsecretary.

The chairman stated that the object of

calling the justices together was for thepurpose of consultation in reference tothe bill passed by the legislature at itsrecent session abolishing countycourt.

On suggestion, Menator J. W. Smith,of Shelby, was heard upon .the subject,who stated that he bad persigtently op-posed the bill. In his opinion tbe billnever had become a law. As a lawyeror senator be had no hesitation iu ex-

pressing this opinion. He stated thatthe two first sections passed regularly ;

six other sections were introduced by ahouse bill as amondments to the senatebill. Col. beauuiout, .eu. baton andothers were there to engineer tbe billt.'irougli tti? legislature, ue was

thd be passed at any "loTo defeat the bl, he left tbe senatechamtier, as his absence would break thequorum, and irregularities iu passing thebill existed, and bis object was to makethe law as passed illegal, aud he nowtook the grounds that tue bill, accordingto the rules of tbe senate, never passedaccording to the constitution. The ayesand naes were Laker) but once insenate, when, R was vjihdfawn.metropolitan police bill and the countycourt hill were then offered, uot as anamendmeut to the senate bill nor as anamendment to the house bill, but as anamendment to an amendment ofa house bill. The constitutionforbid the abol'jshraeriv a' lbecounty eourt which was proposed inin this bill, as as tbe power to tax

county of Shelby four times asnucbas the county of Davidson. The billprovided for the appointment of a xdgefor five yeais by me executive, white theconstitution distinctly said tliejudges iaU be elected by the peoplelbe men who were lobbying this tiiil

of onof


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IU. .. n-- i enmfietent auihnritv iniar-- I levee attorted to oarrv bills l W to ;;

could get elected to the lading. Our blast asmot,t by people ai faster, any otber

was denied in ,.,,.,., . , ..J..c'',?''!r'LFfNashville expressing his opinionthe bill by the movement tbe previousquestion, but yet intended to let thepeople know what his opinions were, andwould take occasion express thoseopinions fearlessly when the questionconstitutionality came up before the su-preme COUlt.

Justice Goodlett moved that the jus-tices meet next regulartransact business.

Mr. justice Miller discussed the ques-tion constitutionality some length,averring that the magistrates were onlyactuated by the motive do justice tothe greatest number. The motion pre-vailed.

Senator Smith disclaimed any person,ality his remarks, out still reiteratedbis opinion that tbe biil was conceived

sin and brought forth in Iniquity by afew perscms Memphis who were afraidto trust the people elect their ownofficers.

motion Justice Hall Ihe Apwabeiug

to tbe proceedings meet-ing. motion, the Evening Ledgerwas also requested to publish the same.The convention thereupon adjourned.

Board Mayor and Aldermen.Tbe board mayor and aldermen

night pursuant to adjournment.Present Mayor Lofiand, Chairman Hul-ber- t,

Aldermen Powers, Glancy, Coch-ran, Johnsou, Wickershani, Amis, Lynn,Boling, Hoist, O'Donnell, Shaw, Town-sen-

Lemon, Smith, Passmore.chairman sUted that the board wascalltd for tbe of receiv-ing the report the committee, ref-erence to making appropriationthe support he metropolitan police.

Alderman .mhsou suLmitted re-port, which they suggestedtbat the board pay thesupport the metropolitan police,

follows $10,416 per month forthe months December 1800, January,February and March, 1807, from a

to commence the first April, asum not to exceed per month the annualestimate $100,000, subject, however,

tbe following conditions: The finan-cial agent the metropolitau polieecommissioners shall, previous to tbepayment any monthly appropriation,render tbe boatdof mayor alder-men a s. 'ement the expenses saiddepartment, together with all fines andforfeitures for each mouth, for whichraouey to drawn from paid bytbe all lines audreported shall deducted from tbeamounts paid monthly by city. cents

was aiso st.pi.iaieii mat tue poncecommissioners





before, aecu

city members against

infamous washeld their This was quietcommunity, recognizedBrownlow's man-age their

standtogo forth villify

was as-

sume the responsibilitytheir was

doubtpresent should

their Aswas record

to their action

Aldermanthe citizens which beeu pre-

sentedonly sf

matterexpediency that appropriation

should commissioners say they

lawsupremetional. thought better

greenbacks await

O'Donnell wassingle dollar


Alderman Amis policecommissioners tbat per-

sonally they hopedmake appropriation.

secondformer stand

matter,compromise should

gentlemen bad proposed starve out thepolice. Ale thought vote agaiustreport the committee woultl give the

.power assess tax1600,000 they He thought

better make tbe appropriationmeet them the court

April. shipments,Alderman Smith disclaimed ally

riec.tion nwinl.Nashville ignored metropolitan ordinary "T"

l,...!,! MiddlingMiddlingprints length MWdiiag.'!

leaders metro-politan police thievesdrels. Eutertainments been given

hotelswhich thieves present

oujeoieii giving moneysuch entertainments.

Alderman Townsend objectsystem police,controied prepared

reasonable amount supportpolice, thought (200,000 year

much, preparedvote large

The motion carriedfollowing vote Yeas

Johnson, (nchran, Wickeraham, Amis,iMiiiug, rtoist, iemon

J.vnn, O'Don- - Kasteru, Western,uell, Townsend, Umltband Paasmore The Davenport Democrat makes

Billing, from statement bookn princi-committe-

reported grain dealer! city,Messrs. Taylor, year l"dtj, aggregate 33,444,-Ing- ,

been examined, found bushels. amount, were,satisfactory. wheat, ,408,532 bushels barley,

honor, mayor, 1,009, corn, tats, .TfyUtiOwing gentlemen commissioners 21,430.

city water works: Hunt, Revenue Oeeuiotvs spiritsGreenlaw. Pantv. Painrb

Jno. Overton, Chas. JonesMurphy. Confirmed.


Oxhei'i Oysfaf Palace opeus Saturdaymorning 10:30 a.m., corner Bankalley Center alley, between Court

Jefferson streets. inch

Brandy and Tbyee articlesvery beneficial certain cases,

best sometimes verycult, assur;:.friepdj tbtt Messrs. Hofflieimer

mat street, furnish themtold with that the market

that wouldaffords

Advocate23d, manner liable seizure forfeit- -

office Kinir. Prnmntsluran.l


Above Overflow. Any body wantingbottom plantation, which sven

entirely overflow,call Messrs. strain Goodman.their advertisement.

Jfelvington Story 1863. Everyshould book

day. sale Geo. Patt'son Co.,."'ortl. Court

Shippers Cotton from JtemphU.order give shippers choice routesNew York annninlaHJay Johnson, Star wharrhoatj both Indiaagent

phis, give bills CORNcurrent freight, advancing

rsal, LuisvUle, Holders askedaoienuid packet--, 'vvee day. Receipts,

York. Scent MEAL Iteceipts, lightaonointed firm.

wnnihlora autee store,who time fast,petty orflcej line.

County, fie privilege




together purpose


city, forfeitures







isvii.le, March 11, marttl !ra

More Precious than UoldPetit, French physician, makes

chronic diseases speciality guiran-tee- e

after eaiiuuktluu.afyer cHre. Maiu street.

maiodawlyCod Iligley, M.ilersh A Co., No. 52

Jefferson street, have Pittsburgcoal. Iave your orders. felst-t- f


OKFIC,.; (.' UAll.V APPEAL.)March ill.

banks resort sufficiency oflegitimate purposes. ( wiug

uneasy feeling, however, whichexists in money circles, jtoa-- '

names find it to obtainGold .. to

?.'.'. bt buvir.?. one instanceAvalanche liuVUi x requested oflred.

Silver is very scarce, is offered onlyin small amounts. Brokers buy at 25to

City scrip Is active. brokersgeuerallyiave as much on hand as theyneed, offer from to Sellingat to

County rants dull tobuying. Selling at to

Exchange scarce, with gooddemand sight. Buying at to

selling ' preplan).liaeurrest money dull

lifeless. Bank of Tennessee continuesnomiuai at 25 to ; Bank of Chatta-nooga, 15 ; Bank of West Tennessee,

Union Bank, Planters' Bank, ;

Bank of ; Bank of MiddleTennessee, 90 ; City Bank of Nashville,

Merchants' Ran'-- . Osioee, 0 ;

Lank Sbelhyvilie, 80 ; Traders' Bank,Southern,

A meeting of prominent bank offi-

cers took place yesterday, to actionupon question of much importance,

no definite policy arrived atat liberty to object.

hundred forty isamount of interest which govern-ment to on bonded debts,

portion goesdirect from treas-ury pockets eastern

vists. Thp west, which pays mosttax, gets least interest, leaving

south or question.The appropriations current

wants of on federal governs;ment present fiscal year, amnosupply deficiencies of year's esti-mates, up $144,793,037

1 provi- -

meut of interest oncity should come public debt, most which interest

to an as to constitution- - isUisyable gold. The current y

of creating metropoli- - peies atpolice, submit to ",B wu cj e.e.

proper tribunals their decision. j before irr time of peace,Alderman Johnson, in interest on public debt is than

uexiou, presented petRion from citizens that of any natiop of ancient qr modernnrauintr i ha IwtHnl i.inbA - tiaslt,il f II i mi il if noVioe. The position Franco-Mexica- n

Alderman Johnoon moved to a.lnnt attracts somereport. era of Mexican bonds advanced so

Alderman Townsend would be keavily to assist empire, appear toliged to against report, as have little hope relief theythought amount back on imperial treasury offound tbat force never r ranee. The Ooumer paper

annum; thought that it l'hed in trench language in

would be better to give city Mexican capital, urges that Mexico is

eminent altogether than submit to such under sligbest obligation on accountan imposition. With hospitals, of these loans, because money

detriment otber city to pay been ejpeuded benefit of

little would be keeping MSipo. Jfrsnoe, l0??'of streets, bridges, ac- - The losses in States

eused police inefficient during January,partial in discharge of their duty, counting ; only ' those fires involved

no hesitation in saying that a oi $20,000 upward amountedcity ordinances been carried to $4,043,000 : in February

$4O2.,tJ0 greater.Vlderman Lynn reviewed history A Philadelphia broker throws

of metropolitan police and their following suggestions, which thinksorganization at length. The su- - would effectual y check many of

periulendeut police, S. Beau- - losses sustained banks :

mont been friend, Divide board directors intoat time confidence in committees.

integrity, recent actions 3-- these committees,altered opinions, no month, at least, go bank atconfidence in him. believed that 3 o'clock, without notice to president,Beaumont using, if permitted to cashier or else, count

power, would 3. Twice year at least, wholeposition purpose

board entire assets thor-ses- spower to those who should examineit. condemned, iu no measured oughly, make detailed report from

terms, action Richards their minutes.discounted notesHardemau Smith reference to vile

also praised deposited collection examined iusuitable worthy terms action part notice, say,

of Representatives Able Coleman. take day or week of days, and,

Judge Smith, of Shelby, made noble with "Tickler" In hand, requirefight .gainst bill, it of ao prodijction of paper presenbed.

hoard however, r iected luc w..uiation

,,, of 6lor " . i. ivoting against appropriation aeepe. ...o.,, "- '-at instance of who there be no other way of changing

purposes desired to have general ledger include:,;f,i- a man in whnm in rotation individual ledgers.

looker contideuce. " Don't stay so long in. i antt conanientioiialv positiou as to become imbedded in

in matter, and of tracks or unfit other positions iu

whole cautioneustultifvinir themselves, liecause avillainous and measure

heads. aand of

militia. They couldaffairs, willing

to or issue. objectedpaying money to who would

to slanderpeople.

puttingon duty a police of Itno wishes of people tbat

police be abolishedput

a matter or ne cautionedmembers asmatter.

Shaw said that peti-

tion worthy conside-ration, if in a financial pointview.

Alderman Boling thought as aof

be made that policewithdraw if

court (I das unconstUuit

give them a adecision.

Alderman opposed togiving a paymentthese didfso. children

would curse tbem itsaid that

had himwould

Alderman Lynn made a peachin which reiteratedin produced some argu-ments why no bemade.

Alderman Johnson a little


commissioners adesired.

supreme in forbales.

any con- -tha hill That

had thenlto l.l twwn .if. w Low........ UV.WUVU IU I'UO- -

lie the and breadth strictiani mat tne the

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Ky.Loi 1867.

Health .'

cures payable


TnaMkaphis, 1ST. j

cur-rency for all


atIn we

and at 34cthij


met last


















and 75 76c.77 78e.

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tbe back.8. Once year at least insist on every

man's holiday, while ab-sent put new man in bis place.

9. Pay employes liberally.10. When you are suagaAy one is liv-

ing beyond his means, advance bissalary or discharge him.

COMMERCIAL.orrice or the daily

M ElleHIS. March 31, 1867, 8 p.m.t.eneral Ku.- -.

Business was little' more active to-

day than usual, but still is not what itwould be were tbe to clear up.

upper rivers are rapidly, butthere beeu no abatement of the floodat this or below, and it will, we

be some weeks before they will fallsufficiently to permit those now over-flowed to secure. In meantimetbe suffering is very terrible and wide-spread. The regular monthly meetingof chamber of takes placeon Monday, March 25th, and presentsgood opportunity for some among its

briug forward oforganization to obtain subscriptions, andto whatever may be subscribedand received for relief of tboaehave heretolore coutriuuiwu w me iraueaud growth of Memphis. Not that wewould limit our benificenoe, or the workf aud love to thaw alone

helped our advancement, wei. ...... now to impress upon our

between tbe views of buyer Belter.A few bak of middling sold atfrom 28 to 282c, bat factors generallywere disposed to at less than 39c ;

in fact, we de think that round lot j

of any size could be nought at that fig-- !are. Iteceipt day, 1st bales


We quote nonun



Tbe law by tbe legislature ofMississippi relative to liens upon eropsfor supplies furnished, will be found infull in this issue. It is matter of muchinterest to our merchants generally.

The product of wool in Australia islarge, allof it exported

has been sent to England. Anstra-- Hi unquestionable, and helian merchants, however, intend to tryan experiment, and about to ashipload of wool to New York, to see ifa market for their staple can be openediu the ! nit. it State.

The principal French railroads havedeclared dividends as follows : TbeNorthern ra 'road, T2 per cent ; that ofLvons. 0.) that of Orleans, 55 :

powers, Glancy, 3Ja

Alderman the from ofthat bonds of pal of that footing up,

Bain pav- - the ofand were this there

of ;

His nominated oG7,035rye,
















Wami.-IOTO- . March . lDbl. JiSr : Tbe recent act of congress pro-

vides whenever distilled spirits shallbe sold or offered for sale at less pricethan the tax imposed by law thereon.sucn or onering saie oe inch per hour. Since Ittaken and deemed prima facie evidence

were not removed frombonded warehouse according to law, andthat the tax has not been paid, auu thesame shall without further evidence be

ou,- , Ian; name to seizure and forfeiture. In- -

ioi mauou uwu received at mis omcethat, notwithstanding this law, spiritsare freely olR-re- d in the New York mar-ket at the tax lees 30 to 35 per cent, dis-count is o!v iniwl v sn .i. nf

Society will hold a the law. aud the sol-it- s

call meeting on Saturday, at 3tlie of Caruthers ,11 PS SB t.L.n

euioiec .ion oi mefcean.

























feel tbe


numbers project










that said


K A. ItfloLIMS, Commissioner,APPLES There i Ro much of

stock ou jii.. footi winter are In de-mand, ana sell at $5 to JO perReceipts, 103 barrels.

BRAN There is light stock onband, with fair hsjal demand, sellingon the levee at $30 to ton. Re-ceipts, norii,

BL'TTER Receipts are very fair, andprices not firm. Choice roll aud tub 25to 30 ; common uot in demand. Sellingat 20 to Mo, Receipts, 43 tubs, 'Z

Tbyje, Wa bur stock, butthe deuiahd has, .eased. Prices are weak

f at to UOc and Diamond at Mem- -

to contract There is a fair ait nand,lading at via all Dd prices are here well

if shippers prefer, above. t 10 to 15

river to Cincinnati the ,5at sacks.iaastalatnM !,.! New dulv and

prices Sales ontofr.,m and ami , shippers to his -- a from at















specie. greater




government this time






being month


Lethis a



athe Frank





book-keepe- r,



ataking a







to a






very hithertoTbe



a halfspirits


from barret




rates a


$5 50 ; fresh ground and kilndried areheld at about the same figures. Receipts,43 barrels.

COFFEE A very good stock is nowin store. Prices are firm for allqiialities.Rio, IS to ; .aguayrm, 3o to 38c ;

Java, 43 to 45c. Receipts, nonfCHEESE Thera u a ood ueuiand'aud fair &iock. Prices are steady.

English dairy, 20 to ; western re-

serve, 19 to i9c j factoay, there is butlittle in tbe market. Receipts, 40 boxes.

EGGS There is a large supply. Freehsell at from in to 20c. Receipts, 101 pkgs.

FLOUR Tbe market is well suppliedwith every grade. The demand is goodand prices steady. We quota common at$7 to $9 ; supr-rna-, $50 to $11 ; X, Ml 50to Si ; XX, XXX, and all fancy brandsfrom $13 50 to $ls per barrel. Receipts,805 barrels.

HAY There is a fair local demand forprime, which sells on levee at to ;

( institutions.common. :Mioa. itecetpu, tin naies.

HIDES There ;s a good demand at7 to oc for green ; green salted, 8 to 9c ;

flint, 11 to 12c; salt dint, 14 to Rki.Receipts, 17.

LARH There is a large stock onbaud, prices are firm at 12 to 12jc iutierces; and 111 to 15c in kegs. Receipts,1 tierce.

IRON TIES --The demand has ceased.Held at 11 to 12e per lb.

MOLASSES There is fair stock onhand prices firm. Fair to good, 78 to 95c ;

choice, $1 to $1 05 ; syrups, $1 10 to $1 50.Receipts, 2 barrels, 25 half barrels.

MACKEREL There jr. :, 'iht stockon baud. Ppvi, ar6 steady at $24to 2n for No. 1 ; $23 to $24 for No. 2 ; $20for No. 3. Half barrels aud kits in pro-portion. Receipts, none.

OATS The receipts are fair, andprices steady. We quote on levee at70 to 75c. Receipts, 434 sacks.

ONIONS Market nyt weii supplied.We ;uote at $r per barrel.

OILS There is a light stock of allkinds on baud, with groJ demand.Coal oil, 59 to 6fc ; lard oil, $1 10 to 1 30 ;

linseed oil, $1 65 to $1 75 ; train oil, $1to $1 25.

PROVISIONS - There is a goodsupply on bend, and prices are firm.Mess porK isseilingat $23 to $23 50; primemess, $20 to $22 clear sides, 13 to 14c ;

plain sugar cured hams, 17 to 18c ; break-fast bacon, lb to 18c; bulk meats are iu de-

mand: ribbedsides, lot to Ho ; sboudlers,8 to 9c. Receipts, (a barrels, 33 casks,3U boxes pork ; t:l kegs, 31 casks, J.tierces bacon.

POULTRY The market is firm.We quote chickens at $7 to $8, and tur-ki-

at from $20 to $30 per dozea,''1 s and geese from $ to $10 per dozen.

POTATOES There is a good local andplanting demand, and light stock. PricesIiul atM ' to i i 1 latiting,$4 50 to $. RecelpOtriV-barrel- s.

ROPE A light stock with no de-mand. Prices are steady. We quote formachine made 12 to 13c ; handmade 10 to He. Receipts, none.

SUGAR The receipts jre very fair,and prices are firm. The stockon band is good. Crushed and powdered,19 to 2tic ; A coffee, 18c B, 17c ; C, lOfe

8ALT There is a good stock on handand demand active. Sacks, $2 50 to$2 75 ; barrels, $3 75 to $4.

TOBACCO There is a good demandfor all grades aud prices are unchanged.A fine stock Is on band and new sup-

plies are received daily. We quotenatural leaf at $1 20 to $1 30 ;

fancy Virginia, new work, $'. 25to $1 40 ; fine bright, pounds, $1 to $1 10 ;

medium de., pounds, 75 to 85c ; commonnrigut, pounds, nu to ioc ; nne anu iancysmoking, 75 to $1 50.

WHISKY There is a good demandfor fine brands, with fair shipping tradein common at $1 85 to $3 i imitationBourin,$2 25 to $3 ; Bourbon, $3 25 to $5Receipt.-- , 20 barrels.

Waits and Carriage Material.Corrected by Woodbnrn, fmlth A Co., No.

iireen atxeet, St. Loots.Binary wheels Ml OOytflo ouBu?i;y wheels. !arven's pate t 25 noWagon wheels ca 16 IX)

Bnsgy bubs, per 1 si I 36Waeou bans, do I sa.t s !

BusTO spokes, doWjM-.i- rs. , doBent felloes. dsSawed felloes, doBuggy shafts, per pair.BBSJBJJ poles. WKU..IfssBrv sn.l wsEon nows, prWagon stncioeessiui N.YoPlow handles, per doiten.Buiigy beds, each


i or. sI I

a 351 743- ... I 1

i mm 1 2)u- -, : '

12 Je. 14 30


Weather and Boslnesa.The weatber pleasanter yesterday,

with some indications of clearing up. Inthe past three weeks the sun has madeits appearance only one day.

Kasiness remains very dull on tberities and investments of tbe bank. landing.Rotate the individval ledger book- - i he river at this point continued to

" swell very slowly last night, came toa stand to day. The Ohio la falling allthe way down at the rate of about twoinches Tbe Mississippi at St.Louis is also slowly falling. St Francisriver is rising.

Arrivals.Steamer M. HamWeton, St. Fr. river.

" Paragon, St. Louis.Baltic. Louis.

" Commonwealth, New Orleans.' Indiana, Louisville." Mary Swan, Evausville.

isetmrtorea.Slearaer Baltic, New Orleans.

" Paragon, Vicksburg.' Belle St. Louie, St Louis." Commonwealth, Louis." Indiana, New Orleans.

Uaala in Pais.Minneola. Des Arc, Harry Dean, M.

Hambleton, Mary Swan.1 I e lull il s

Tlie fast packet Pbil. Sheridan, Capt.Judd West, leaves for St Louis thisnay at 12 m. Larry Harmstad Co.,

Des Arc, with Capt. John Elliottin command, is now at the landingreceiving freight for White river. Sheleaves ou Saturday. Levy A Miller,


Miuneola, Capt Miller, leavesall points u the Ohio y as far

as Cincinnati. Jas. T. Bourne Co.,

The U S. mail packet, Gleaner, CaptJohn Myers, leaves for Arkansas riveron Saturday next Larry Harmstad A

and Jas. T. Bourne A Co., agents.Tbe Harry Dean, Capt Blaisdell,

leaves for Arkansas river at 5 o'clock to-

morrow evening. mau kuows betterhow to " keep a hotel " than our friend

B. Mr. G. A. Ditton and Tom.r . ... i,people "that the relief we suggest is not Halliburton are clerksone of gratuitous charity but rather aa A Co. and Lvy Aimer,












JK9. 1 - JL.ou.ucare her clever

honest obligation we are uuder to reeip- - agents. .

who have aided us iu the past. We leaves for St Louts ou Saturday axtmember of the chamber will Dill A 1'etern pa-nc- aen u

?7tZZZ, i.riior the matter ui in a The Bertha, Capt. erkes, will be ino.. ""-- -' - " - oVj ac-- ' nort to leave at noon on Saturday lor

JWTS$ CvWIS I W and Creo: O. His.

is clerkagents.

Larry Harms tad A Co. are herThe Mary Swan, Capt. Archer,

leave for Cairo and Evannvill. H.i.5 P-- Larry Harmstad A Co.


arener agent.

The Great Republic left Pittsburg oneday in advance of her advertised timeowing to tbe rapid fail of tbe river.Capt. Carter, of St. Louis aud late of

tbe W. R. Arthur, bought for $10,000Fitzgerald's one-eight- h interest in theVirginia, and assumed the command.

A dispatch from Washington to theCincinnati Commcn-ia- i ay:

"Shield is removed from tbe office ofsupervising inspector in your district andtrevenny, or Hteti'jenvllle, unto, re-appointed. The alleged reason is diso-bedience to orders of the secretary of thetreasury, i a union republican

capacity iswin oe con n r mea. '

Some parties at Louiaville are negotiating tor tbe construction of anothermammoin pacxef. The bu 1 Is to be 300feet in length, with 52 feet beam and 8teei ueptli or hold. Tbe engines are tooe cylinders, with 10 feet strokeand tbe water wheels to have a bucket10 feet in length. The new craft is in- -

o a cupper, w e would sug-gest the necessity of applying low-pre- s

sure machinery.Capt. W. R Holleraft and others in

that city are also about t close contractsfor a clipper passenger packet, with

machinery, for the Louisvilleand New Orleans trade. She is to viewith the Richmend, nownearly ready to stan south on her firsttrip.

Capt. John Smoker baa not yet closedbis contract for a new boat for the Redriver trade.

The Louisville fbuner of Tuesdaysays: Tbe river was falling fast yesterday, tbe average decline beiug about an

selling lor and com


menced tailing t has receded aboutteet the Head or the rails up to Boonyesterrhty. Although falling pretty fast,it still cotittwies out or its natural boun-daries at all point below the fails. Weexpect it to be falling quite fast to-- d iy,u u less checked by the i ncleme n t weather!which is the worst of winter, with a snowstorm prevailing ail day. The month ofMarch, thus far, has been the most per-verse and untoward we have ever expe-rienced.

What was It Tbe boatmen at ourlevee and a few others whose businessompthed il.eui i on front sfraot

about midnight last night, were aston-ished at the appearance of a dark l.witi inisobject which shot down about midwaythe river and vanished around the pointoeiow, ;n .eening;y but a moment oftltue. It bad somewhat the appearanceof a monitor, but was darktr and lessformidable looking. No liule trepidation was relt by tbe superstitious part ofour river meo, iqd u "living dutchman with its Ueree captaiu, was thought!, nave lost its reckoning, and mistakesour swollen river for a of its legiti-mate cruising grouud. Cp. Sam. Shock,however, whg ia set-e- in such matters,disoeUjJ ai) uneasiness by assuring tbemthat tbe strange apparaition wa that ofthe Great Republic, which bad got agood start aftsr passing the Cincinnatibridge and was not able to check herheadway at this port.

Tbe Mollie Ham Piston came in fromSt. Francis river with 130 bales of cotton.She returns on her regular day, Tuesdaynext.

The eirrurious boat Helena disap-peared ingloriously from our laudingnight liefore last. The traps of the St.Louis circus, which wars on hord, wereattached by tbe owners of tbe mat for$3tfcXl due as charter money. We couldnot learn bow the matter was arranged :

we only know that the company don'tplay here, and left for above en anothersteamer yesterday. The business mana-ger of this office has an intereet, wethink, in tbe whereabouts of that circus.

We have no sign-paint- er In our eitv ;

at least, w are led to think so from thefaet that the Tennessee mutual fire inau ranee company imported a new signfrom St. Louis, per steamer Belle St.l. .tiis. on her last trip. We wonder ifthis company will solvit policies in thiscity, or will only insure iu Missouri.They a. evidently in favor of patrunU

$30 $32 ing borne




Far Pine BluSTaud Little lark.. ..KAN Kit. attnjj matterThis elegant psasemjer packet

win leaveSATt'RDAY, 334 la., at S p.m.

: '. '.;?.'. HAHMHr.vIl A CO., Amenta,Corner Main and Madison sla., or

nn..'" City Wharf boat, foot Mori rue St.


For Helena, Napoleon. PineLittle Mora.

HARRY lUaisdell masterThis elestnt sAasenger steamer

,a now coming st me root or court,street ana win leave

HATURDAY, 23d Inst., at 5 pjn.A Mil.I.KR.

mh2i M No. 5s Madison street.RSUULAR MEMPHIS A.Vi ARkAXSAk

JUVRR PAVKET- .- U. a.For Helena, Napoleon, Pine Bln and

(i LEANERThis an nerb

will leave as onSATURDAY. tX last., al



p.m.T. BOUJtNE A CO.,

24 No. 1:.' Jefferson street.



LEVY ajrenu

Korh.King master




Far Cairo and St. Lanto.ADAM JACOBS Rowland master

This swift running sttarnur willleave as above on

BATVHDAY, 23d Inst., at " p.m.FLE it. CALVERT

PETERSON A DILL, Paas. agents






REtiULAR ST. LOUIS PACKET.Far lair., aad BL Laala.

PHIL. SHERIDAN Wert masterThis exceUeut steamer leaves

Memphis as above,r'fl'DAY, 22d Inst , at 12

LARRY HA RUST A ICorner Maiu a Li

mhJl 2t City Wharf b.

4- -


.ii .




Far alro. Louisville and t'laelnjsaali.MINNEOLA W. B. Miller master

This splendid packet will leave ' aaa above every ewasesBtawaaV

THIS DAY, 22d Inst., S pJAB. BOURNE 4 CO.,

mtuS 2t Agents.

MEMPHIS AND CINCINNATI PACKETFar alro. Lanlsi oie and Claeianati.

BERTHA Yerkes masterThis Dae passenger packet leaves

ror the aboveSATURDAY,

rah --2 :.t


23-- Inst., 5 p.m.LEVY MILLER. Agents.

Madison street.



For Cairo and Loalsville.MARY SWAN ... Sam. Archer master

Tina nea and elegant passe utjersteam, - leaves on



THIS DAY, 2d last, 5 P.m.LARKY HARMISTAD CO.. Agents,

Owner Main and Madison tts.,mb22 aad City Wharf boat foot Monroe



Far Napoleon, Vlettaharar. Natchez and. Orleans.

ST. CHARLES - .. Campbell masterThis supers passenger steamer

win leave as aoove

I.,Is. or


at m.T.




It at.

THIS DAY, 23d lnst.. at 8 am.LARRY HARMSTAli A CO., Agents,

Corner Main and Madison ata.,mbff It Wharf lasa loot Monroe at.

MEMPHIS AND Nk II" ORLEANS LISEFor lestabnrg;. Batches aad Hew Or- -

BtB'.The aaagnidceni steameis

k. mi six. qcrms,Will leave Memphis as above on

every alternate KPN i.sia i.KVt.i INw on arriv al OI me iraioa.BAM. H. SHOCK.

mh2I Par eager Areut.



Far Helena, Seltn. Frtar's Point. Sun-flower, laconla, Carson's, Conetuslia, .aoulh

White River. Indian Bay. St. Charles,Da van's Blurr aad Augusta,

DWS ARC JtUlatt masterThis elegant passenger ilisur

WUI leaveSATURDAY. 23d lost, 5 p.m.

LEVY A MILLER, Agents,mhlll tt 6MadjiMmjtreet

FOR CAIRO.RKUCI.AR MEMPHIS CAIRO PACKET.Far Oseeela. Hale's Paint. Mew Madrid.

Hickman, tbe Bends, Columbus and Cairo.LADY B. Want master, B-- P. Ward clerk

Leaves Memphis far the above JJtand Intermediate points every sasnssaTanm.MONDAY, at 6 p.ra ieb24 Im

Receiver's SaleOF a.

Real Estate and lily Brewery,eiN

Thursday, April 4, 1867.

William Handbauseii vs. Frederick Ruaser.virtue OI luterioeuiory ueeree uiitce inBY this cause in the Chancery Court of Mem

phis, 1 will aatll a. HLuuu t, vo. 111411r.11bidder, tbe premises Hill a'reel. thecity Mem phis, bet, the 11

and 1 p.m . cn iat rusiiA i , itn uay or a pro.-, ihe tonowing oeacnoan naai Estate,wit: certain LOT of LAND, lying and beingla tbe city of Memphis, county Shelby andStale oT Tennessee, aeventy-tlire- e reel rroniHill street, by a depth one .insured an-- j aaaweight, together with all and singular the im-

provements Ihareon. Stock and rtnres. Tneaid nroperty is known the " City Brewery

PTs5SsBOKSALli oae-foor-th ctsm . and thel2aSain equal iDstallm-nl- s. six, twelve and

tsrarlng Interest; purchaserbotSlih : s !ln retained

proenrtTUllp.7m.iit of the purcbaa. money ;

.ottv of reoempuo i

mhl4 ut.







on on inor hours or

Aof at








Howell, Wood&Co.,33- - : : Main Street : : 332






Just Received.HOWELL, WOOD CO.


3.T! : Main Street : .?:,'.'



It now complete ami enoanally large coaa st-ing In part of

Ladies' & Childrens' Hosiery.rial. Hej-illttht- d aa Knbroldered

HANDKERCHIEFS!TrimminK.-- , Ribbons,

Cloak and Dress Trlmmlnss Etc.


332 : : Main Street : : 332

HOWELL, WOOD & CO.,Would lovite special attention to their


Km bracing, in part.

Plain, Striata aed Checkett Jacoov ,

Nainsooks,Plaii, Gbeciei and Stnpfd India W

S w e s ,Pique and Marneiiet, etc., ete.

OKI! PRICE ONLY!Howell, Wood&Co.,

3-'5- Main Street,SOUTHERN PALACE!


Are sow In receipt of a large and well selecte.1stock of



Also, a good stock or

Plantation Boots, Shoes, Haft Bis



ii: 1 1 : ac co.,SBSUBAS IX

Hay, Com, Oats, Flour,Lime, Cement, Plaster,

and Western Produce,So. 41 South Side Coart Square.

WORSHAM HOUSE.Price of Board Reduced.

ON and after tbe lHh lost., Ike pri.-eo- r Davat this House will be (S3 per mobtii

and for TianaMnt Board S3 per awniblii lin J. J

8. B.



A V.


Crescent Livery, AuctionAND




BnglrS and Carnages fnr

lacttoB Sales Kvery Daj at 10 0'CIocK

Special attention paid to the unloading or3tock rrom HUeam boats and tars.

YARD BOOH rornUhed with or wiUaoot gsaA. ... ur.B i'AVCR. Anstiaasar

MUiR, STEBBINS & PULLER,Importer! of

EARTHENWARE,No. 373 Main Street,

Opposite Court Square,

Mem phis. Tennenoec,

JJAV Ks large and wail srkacted assortment


which thy will Sarll at redneea pricct morar iu rwnce men mock oy m or jniy.

Wholesale Pure haterswill bm offered nupertor mduremeatu, Glre tuasslL Ml' I A, STKBBINS PlLLt.V,

mhlT Ira US M;n strMt.



Conreetlonsry In Every Variety,

And all of the heat quality, constantly on handaud tor sale at prices to salt the times.



OT superior vintage.

WEODINCS AND PARTIESHiippUea with eTery rqa.te, on sHort notice.

aw ucnvnwi. uii m

Important to Fruit-t-i rowers

nave on hand a mixture maaleeipresatyWK destroy all lasecu that m ost the trunksrr FKt'IT TlCfcKW. rne arpncaiam is verysimple. At a tridlag oost ibey can be pra- -

rved from the depredsttoos ol ulive vermin, r or sale ooiv jr

o. r. pRBioorr a co.Uoal

mhlTwlmaw o sueW. HSIIBT wiLBt-s-

, J. a. aasHAN,Xempbla. formerly taaaler Appeal

WILBUR & GREHAN,Wholesale and Bntall Dealers in

Hay, Corn, Oats, Iran, Ete., Ete.

Produce andCommission Merchants,

So. 135 Main Street,and Market,

1' an



Gisars, Wines

sv.anoj-ou-r- . ..

In MaWaasni streei. Agent Meut phis, or bySo. 2 Hanover fejoa e,Jew ork."rSjgT' AN K H K A D MAURtnER.

Italian Maccaroni Very Pine...rriv Uunuani in a lb. kx-.-s:

I VermacilM : Ciuava Jelly ; Tumbler and JarJ.liies - assorted; French Pans: MoshrocnC.teuP: Walnut CAhp. rgiljh gUfa

mhistr sag Mara street.

ld Gtnrmeat Java "Tea warranted nice:

tErtm ktgslvo l RmCollVt;pvr-ai- ikinds; Soap and d"" . , RrcKHAat.