the memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tn) 1867-11-17 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 16. · fash (v'phil mw...

ANNOUNCEMENT. eeodldatefor la tbe office ofcty TaxiisllectBr. althe elsetloB V be nolsse In issastAaen- - 1 LE ISK announce my uameasa fiSjSS Mcmphla Jnlv SI 1W7. FOR RENT. bok KBNT Hr mlduee onTbotuton avenua, between O' i M .rkcl nod Alabama atresia, when 1 now res if V. acre of land, house eleven rooms. .Lsnle.ei ; all the convenience of a couatry home t the earns tlene convenient to the bus- iness 'part of 'lie Possession given In trMolxru,kW. orUiT novl M Main airsat. F OK K fci N T - rh ulttul sew tiulldlni No. 7 Howard'! ow. storm high, with good cellar Aiptyte M. LMBaCB AM oaxa tf No. Union street. L' OK KENT Hi. ire Hoaxes Noa SSS and 18 Shelby street. Also, a large office IB the block. Apply to THOS. B. COCKE, ocas tf FffN Msln street upjtAjre. r RENT wlrt to Tent W rwj2!L,rlShr5!,si,lS . ... i.vr, NotUlera portion .mall tracts ASUATNK JON KB, BSL, aHi CWorwaslsy, Joy Co. yoU BENT A centrally loca'ed business bones on Front possession given Immediately. T-t- f J.W. PAQK.J-- V TO KENT wo large and splendid Hal's at Nou HI See- - r. J street, in Adam. Blrck.roltabie ror literal aieocialione, bail., private parties, clubs, ase-rir- fain. etc. Will be leutnd reuaonably. . .. no iii.uib oak : inquire u' Hie, - - the piemises, from . tow or Mdtn. Lease, on FOR RENT FOR THE TEAR 1868. A oland-noT- h, am ... from lb 'lepol.coaalnlnxeome eereniy-nT..- c ab,.th.irVwblcUcmtlT.t. ik, lance tn grove and Otnber, wit!, a good end Ivomforlsbie dwelling bonee. ennlsiB ng IB wUSeml h uses, etc . a good sprlsg of i everTalllng water, and other append., PtBtMsHlOD a7'Vc:. CD kOJ IW - ssia iabsi j aass- - ndlaathAsUatof lertT,ler lollowiof Apply n ... nrrs r tilt niMflfl lo Henri I. J OQ .ca-i- a ltaNRY JOf4Erl. TO LEASE FOR TERM OF FIVE rpHAT meet desirable end centra y located I Hotel, led " ".TKL Pi El RuiE. Tb- - Kurnlturs. of every kind, now need In tbc Hotel. wUl b sold w.iu the Lea For terms of apply l aba ofnoSOl KFNNT POKT-.- Baal antate Agent-JC- u 'ism Bio-- k uel Cf mer sssal Ma tart Sta OK RENT larrts and OFTICES In Bethetll Haw BiUdlna, on tne corn.; 01 -- A" Apply !n the buildiaa wr.u WrTHBlT VALUER. Ja .ln room. o and Z ANTED- - T- - A ra It H or myJ5 "7 . . . . rabaatl In the manlyayoung man lorn and aommouty. JaatofreferaBOealTB. Mllrae " ' 'ap a tf -- yf ANTED-T- HE HATEN1 AURORA OIL. whore to study their owb We wavnt mac eeary The right to manufacture and eej Ihl AurorX Oil in a e.ngl. county will m'ke money lo Llie purchaser E.three "nths than the largeet farm 'n jour JM e O.l The will mace In a wboie year actual eoaU lose than one-hal- f the prloe or Aurora U la ae much an pertor te the Ooal Oil as the Coa: OU Is to a tallow candle, and h Km?, ""wiii TonVi c" I a Kl '.ow will candle. burn the Any rora Oil ft does not .nott the ebtmBey It smell -- it will not grease oraln tna aSewtllaen-iioteT- en white eloth. The Inexhanatiole. One barreie per day. bm can make eeventy-- e Nu machinery reuuirrd. W. will pay your andfiU far. and from city or Memphis while nere. If we cannot prove all, and even more than we Have stated A smgie eonnty Is a small fortune to the man of enterprise, ana he rmnt to a ftate it nctoid worth. Forrurtber information, call on or address sc. c. lies Ht aw. S4 Mad son street norner Main. , , Memphl-- . Tcnn. fOR SAXE. ?iLDABLE RIVER PLAKTATIOH FOR SALE or RET n,n, knowvj as taw IBchardson place, in WltillfZ Snueea V CovlBgton. Tennessee. J. R PALMER. B1 Ha FOR SAXE. Fof ian-lr- f A A,cre or Fine Und, T Mtr acres cleared, balance heavily OKImber-- d; moat of It abave overflow. slHI-ate- d on Loose Hatehte river, three miles north o' Raleigh. Term, of purchase aier YtT aodIt to r EbTIw 1.. i . iron., OrloLO. strVKS. Attorney at Lea r x jnm Battanaa. MswiphU Teon late I?r W H. Raine. In te Town of HeraaoJo, IVaSato coun.y, Ml. Tbcrc lson the sremlsee a lalge and eommodloos Frame Bel d'ng, with six rooms. Out hon-e- Htables. ol.a- lE.e.. and altnated near the Mia. aippmnd Tenncasee railroad depot. Fot intormatiest address 1 - nn, -- rslcned .1 Herna.ldo.Mlas. W. Al. Adailhlstralor. nelS n' yuK SALE A rood 8aoond-hau- BCOOT aad HAE-VE- I riafJe used; will be sold cheap. Apply to Tay- - r M.y Rutland JM etreet, or atrattf w gwur: x . at oo roe street I jaud Jbor t9ale. undivided ona-lia- lf Interest In sb.000 acres Aw Red river bottom land, la Iafayette and Barter coo sues. Art a nee. Tuielnteresi. tbeOUe to wbleh IspwraBrt. will aw sold at alow flgars. lor one-thir- d cash and Che remainder at one and two years, wlttout '"yUaJaiC acres of msgalneaot Arkanea. ooUom land, above all overBow, and the uest body of land In tba Male, la Oraarford coubtt, Arbanaa. Tb-w- s lands WiU ie sold togetbor or m par- - h- - Apply to PIK! A ADAMS, Attornevsat Law. raul-t- f " Main street. Memphis PLANTATION AND 8KVV 8T1AM HAW MIlXJOll 8ALX. CHANCK FOP A PAYINO ARARK. Is known as the KlBff."on tow7, rail- road the Memphis crossing. contaJnlugbete e--r. four ar.o five buBxlred acres, alwol one band red cleared (1 feet above the late overflow' Uu remainder heavily Umbered, tcarether wtt h t be w nole o, half luteieet In a XL fiTJAM MJLL, Engine, Klakamlt4. sslt,cp. farw!.tcr'ir,u,'wairons snd all naeeaaary appor.enancea lor running the same There la a flae Maateion anth nine roams. a Cistern, iy aww galione. tbroaOablBa,a Wareboaaa, .good o.. Yard., and ibe beat landing, on the river. The abovewill be sold al low e and on easy lamia. For furtbar Particu- lars sit lirsa Mrs M L n s,T4l Aaawal Office : O T I C E NOTICES. apply for I -- tie re ' of Jalitel Jua, aeosnead. Mcn emb , MC. next, .Ion tbeeata'e JOXKK. do7 lawtw- - jt TJi A LIFIt LNSI -- AXtKiJUiPANf, or hartfort. oohh. Aeawta. eve' bla aavd Half Hill Ion Wa- ller KS M Paltreea a'. Hie dlent p'sns, lies Agaau itS Madiaon KIT, .en tbjTe.roartra of lie froaii Klir4 la (kr Ho Urn la Ibe Georgia Komo Insurance Oo., oF C()f.llMBl'8. OA. iioujLPOKAiAU mm-- i fash (V'pHil Mw bmrla. ,'MI.OOO (fl)ITlO-l-- - EmJITABLR Parti nd Prompt reu lesasa " XJ "tseompaay will their P"- - at par reliews'a i e member on J H a I on rt A Poll. y is. , . - , u va V A la on I I pro- - iii uikiKK A WErlT, ArenU Z1S Ma'ilaoa street. SOUTHERN TSIMMINQ EMPORIUM JAMES G. MOFPATT, Ml IUIb 8t., 8vth -- f ChIod, 1MTOKTKR OF Ladleg Dreg and Cloak Trim mings, French and German BHttoni' Fancy Good, Notiona, Zephyr Worittyd, Worsted Patterns, Beal Laces, English Hosiery, Toys, French Corsets. Agent for the i elsbiabsd Boulevard Hoop Skirt ! H E A PPEAL MEBPHIS ASS0CUTI0S mm Otlicr-- Xo. 13 Madison Mreet BITKDAY. NOVEMBER 17. ll CITY JISlTTERS. Venph's and fhtrleiton Bllrod. Id, " ABBA VS. DBFABT Throogh Fnare.raliy lipm Mm Through Mall Oallv p.m. AID p m Somervllls AcoonimodaUon iiaily (Mundays excepted) Tilts ! Ticket otBce, corner of South Court .t. Memptilt and Ohio Railroad. ABKIVk. m p.m. DIPABT. llilG p.m. rtn p.m a M' b"J ON K, Ban 'I Su'p'u latlMlppl Sw4 Teaacuer ' Railroad, avavaaawawsiii ABBfTB . DBPABT. NswOrlaaasEiprasa.da:.j. .a.n,. 6p.m.'jy except Bun-da- P am, Tj SaturdsT, lath. lo7. A. 8. LIVBRMORK. Uan'l Bnp't-- C r. A K ' .K Y, uen. Tlcxel Alt. ocld I l.imlMI III J1AILS. mtll further noUoTthe Malls will cloae as FwOai, Chicago. Bt. Lonl.. Nasbyllle, Loals-vlll-.. Phlla-deip- h l3lBOtnaat.tavaland Pltubun.. a, Buffalo, Albany, o rk. Ba 1.1- - more. and all dues north and wast, at PW&attaoorAayA. FJcbmond, hlngt rolambna, Os.. Montgomer; Ala:. New York, Nash villa, and all clue, sooth and east, at 6:i pm For New Ortaaoa. Baton Konge, Jackaoo JBaB, vickabura. Nalchox. and all eltle. eonth, at ":.... sua...! and T a.v,.-.- . NewOrlaaas. Jackson and Oreat Narthern railroads al ABJ p,m. All tatlous on Btaaapbis and LoolevUls and branch railroads at J p.m. All Station oa Memphis and Charleston. OaBUat, Mobile and Ohio, NaebvlUe and Deoator. Naabvlile and CbaitAnooga and Blast Tennessee railroads al 5 a. it: ForLAtUe Rock. Pine Bluff and all Landing. on Arkanaasand Wl.iterlvare.ise . ,,i II laill j iaiuiij- - Mlsslsslppi river-sou- th, . .y). Bad oaiunuajn. Ippl river north, y i. aim 1 rnuaye. K CTUIBT. Postmaster Memphis. FIWE CENTN. w, reqnast lhal oar patrons will not pay the newsboys more than Ave rente a copy for tba ArrmAL. It la soli over the counter at (bat prioa, and wa allow the newsboys a event margin to mek. a handsome profit by sailing tba papers at Ave cents per copy. To thi Patrons of the Appeal. Subscribers are requeeted to report any irreirularitieg in (be delivery of the Appkal at the pour-tin- roorr. CBrriers will be furnished weekly with certificate uUioriziDK them to collect subscriptions. f Ell MANKF- - HI. Sapt. of ClicnlKtlon, Central M. E. Church, Union Street. PreAchisg y at 11 a.m. First Baptist Church. There will be preachine this morning and thi evening in 'his church by the pastor. Her vice commence at night at 7 o'clock. The ordnauce of baptism will be after the night service. Christian Church Elder T. W. Caakey will preach ait Lis church, corner of Linden and Mulberry streets, this morning at 11 o'clock, and at 7 pm Sunday School at am , at which time the Young Men's Prayer Meeting will be reorganized. The public are cordially invited. Chelsea Baptist church. Usual services at this place to-d- at 11 a.m. So service at niitiit. There being a num- ber of applicants awaiting bapiifin, the pastor and congregation will worship with the Flrt Baptist church, when the ordnance will be administered. Reliuiols Elders Meaders and Mor- ris, Old School Bsptist, of MissOasippi, will preach this (Sunday) morning al 10$ o'clock, at the Pres'oyteriau church on Echols street, near the corner of El- liott, in South Memphis. The public are cordially iovlled. Seats free. W. H. Andrews, 278 Front ntreei, weroawomrd is iu the Appeal, is among our most reliable and obliging rner-cbant- He keeps fresh supplies of groceries for plantation and family use, and does a general commission business. Our country frtecii cannot call upon a merchant who will meet their wants more satisfactorily. Hlbrkw Belief Association Meet-in- Tbe r.i' - "f this Association and all of Memphis are re- spectfully iBVHed to attend an annual meeting luta avy at 2 ., at Memphis Club R jomf, for the purport., of receiving reports and taking .Upe for relief of the poor this winter. By order of . A. . FBANLAND.Prct. A I' LosB.Bwc'y. J IxKTtE has Just received the Uew York Clipper, MetrrpoHt"Ti Becord, Lilerauy Albuir. t biinney turner, Boe-to- n PiM. tbe Irish Ciltigeu, New York Freemr.b's Joiin al, Belletriehi'hee Jour- nal. Banner of Light, Turf, Field and Farm, WaveSy, (Jodey Maga- zine for December, the Irish Republic, the Irish People, all tbe late dailies, i.ooks, stationery, etc., .tc, for your Sunday reading. Give him a call. Uaclepb Hotel. When any of our citiaens visit St. Loul, w hope that ibey will stop at this hotei, ss It ih flrst-cla- in every particular, and the prices are as low at any hotel in the city. The pro- prietors, Makers. BrolasUi A Maline, are true CoDawnfattvea, and as clever gentle- men as can be f uod In nay clime. We know thrm and their house, and there- for speak underetsndlngly. OffrndED. A negm woman with her buaiMtnd got ai a Hernamio sire- -i car vesterdaf yenin, coming Iroui the races. The wu ;:.Jlor requeated them to go on the platfo.-ui- , whau she replied, If weomnuot ride with wbtte (oiks we will walk." HnwarayouetjualitylH AN AX!iDBNi - An esteem "i friend who was accompaiiiid by ope of the fairest of the fail, met with a mishap in going to the races yesterday. His buggy was upset, aud the young lacy slightly ..u-.- l. PorluDatelv a obveiciau hap pened to ls near bv, who attended to tba young .awj aoI fared ror ner. iter injuries were not of aero;i nature, and abe proceeded In the raco. Ben Bctle in Iovyr A lasiy re- siding in the Brtnkley Rli ck. on Poplar atreet. found, on entering her kitchen yesterday mom: nr. that a great many articles 't?lnngine to that department had sud'lenly and mysteriously dissp-pa- ri ' from the cupt-oard- . She began an iauutii!- - investigation of tbe mat- ter, but wHiiau obtaining any Informa- tion aa ( wfco was (fee thief Ttbt window was brtAi iijrint apd many articles loo heavy to be conveys vY without a drsy were scattered pr.imiao) otialy on the (Vor of tbe kitchen. Tub ioiiojeliijr teieeram remain fw in Mu; oJlce John Nayjor, care of Ir. Chauitjere. ov. Doaovaa, Gen. J B Chalmers. Jsmes JJ. aWahi. Tboe. HUmt A Hons, J H lwenatein 4 Bros , Fenm r. BeonettoV Bowman. Lery 4 Bnrg. Jam Browo, Jr., Oayoap staving- - Insliiuta, i.f". Stewart. Siaaan A Co , s Irv a Miller, Benj Bahh, Col. J. P Balrd. K C Kirk, i. H, SbeppArd, Jno. GholaeH, Murphy ('saj. Rm itXEP Mr J. ti. Menker, of ttaf fir. i of Menken Brothers, In- - jut rav Ujrned from Europe, and brought a large and ffl'Wt mairutftcenl stock ol French Qloaks, awatsj Rortls. trimmings and every article kept by a f! rst class dry goods baoae. Their stock ta aire sly large and rarled, and this addition of trenrh dry goods makes their clock one of the largest attet most eacellently assorted in this city or eeu (be Hnoth west . The ladlea who keep on toe oui n't e for the fashions will receive tiiisauin'bij. .Tiieiii with unmixed eatlsfactrtm T left vor HE jAUaTiiso Car A gay parly I , , r, I a lie i.-- v - - e, springy vebiele. which has attracted iriVranle notH for some time. Be fore they left the fleid one ir.di vldnal lost his IteiAlioe, aud was splHei ouf. Hs re- covered hs f.vitiiig and bis seat, but had not proceeded batf 4 mile from tbe gate when tbe boras came to aaaeild slill, and ieclined drawing any such load. j tbe shades of evening were gathering fast, and as wa were on another r aad and making lor oho torse ears, we slid not learn bow long they ac- - detained on the i.avl. or what iuduei-mefc- a,ersuaded the relisctaiit animal to " propeU. ' Contiiilation or the Grsat Ten Years Sale of FibiRsiar Land. t RoywTeb, Teexevant Co.. AucrioiJtaM. Those who could not attend, or did not tar at the will have another ale on Thursday last, nod final opportunity on Toesday neit, wbeo ttie remainder of the loU wUl be sold. Almost eif purchaser at tbe first sale has beet) oefere4 large bonus, and all present wore dellgtitwa wiUi the beauty of the sltoattaoa and the SAtUIaa-tor- manner in wblrh tbaaale Has con- ducted, every lot put op being sold with- - otflerve. We iranaiy say mat we think a better opportunity was never offered to iovjat in a Memphis home. r- - Fmvons Hon No. 10 Jefferson street, I and 393 Main street, have recetyed Po- - ! itea News. Nev i ork Weekly, Piew ork Independent, ?suk Leslie, Home Journal, Boys arefl Girls Weekly, Coun- try trentleman. Pen and Pencil Weekly, "UtteU's Livu.g "f Ago, Irish People, Irish Citizen, John M;tchall' new Irish Americai:, Criminal 7,ellung, Metropolitan Record. Sew York Clip-oe- r Turf, P'eld and Farm, Freeman's i ouraal, American ArtUeji, New York - - - rfeimoev Corner. L;terarv Al- - Knm ilannar of Light, Boston Pilot, London News, Iinano Punch, New York Mercury, Sclentlflo American, la Crosae Democrat, Bound Table, Yan- kee Wanderer, Peterson's MafaainA, pieasaut Hours, Ballou's Monthly. Yan- kee Nation, Bodtet of Fdn, Comio Monthly, lor P!avivi?r, nd dallies from every HSvaTS. THE. MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 18H7. PHIS FALL MLETI.YG. ISS7. filxtb and Lail Day. If anything, yesterday was the most delicious day of tbe season. Tbe soft naze of Indian summer subdued every- thing, and gave it those voluptuous tints which make the distant hills, robed in their asore hue, "Mors Basest than all tba landscape willing near." Through the mists, tbe bare branches of trws that early shed their leaves, were discernible, bat then tbe russet-cla- d and crimson-dye- d oak, and the tall spiral gum. with its blood-re- d garniture, beau tifully set off by tbe evergreens. Invited the eye to dwell upon the ooaetsnUy shifting picture, sod making it wish for an extension of tbe season. There was oo wail in Lbs wind, November as it is, and tneauil was genial, although shorn of his daggling effulgence: first race. The first race was ror the saloon purse of $600. Entrance $35, mile heats, best three in five. There was sense mistake In an i. 'ucing tbe races fur this day, and especially thla race, aa Ibe pro- gramme was entirely reticent on the sub-jec- L It would have drawn more people to tbe field had it not been understood as simply mile beats and restricted to tbs best two in three. There Is another thing we should mention In this connec- tion, and which confused even many of the experienced turfites we allude to the learning of tbe colors worn by tbe rider-- , which were rarely, If ever, oor-rec- t. Malcolm was decidedly the favo- rite at tbe pool selling, and opinion hesi- tating between Yiola and Pat, Cleburne. Malcolm had the call, but after a false start, they were called back, and once more their mces set to the task before them, when Cleburne dashed forward af- ter Malcolm, but was passed by Viola on tbe turn, and the mile was run In tbe same position in 1:50. Stcoayf iJ'at was still the favorite, but opinion was divided be- tween Violaand Cleburne. Tbe ball mile was made in 0:49. On the third quarter Viola fell back and many thought she would be left out, but she gallantly un- wound a few kinks and oame well up. making a good third, if there bad been another in tbe race. This beat was Mai- - eolm's,in 1:60. Third Meat. After several false starts, they set orf together, Malooim In the Kad. On tbe first quarter Viola passed Cleburne, aud pressed on Malcolm. Tbe half mile was made In 0:53f. For some time on tbe back stretch it seemed doubt- ful who was in tbe lead, Malcolm or Viola, and as they cams down the home stretch, it waa still doubtful, but tpe tre- mendous stride of tbe Boxole Scotland colt passed bim under tbe string in tbe lead, while Viola and Cleburne had a moot magnificent struggle for tbe second place, which the former won in 1:49. SUMMARY. 1K. A. Smith's b. c Malcolm, four years old, by Bonnie Scotland, dam iady Lancaster .. 1 1 1 J A. C. Franklin', cb. f. Viola, three years old, by Jack Mrlone, dam by second v agonsr 3 t 3 j p. . lieheU'e (no color) Pal Cleburue, fosr years old, by Hiawatha, dam by top Rmeu 3 2 8 Time, .j". : SECOND HK a . This was a contest between beaten horses, and ter.. great interest was man- ifested in the result. Chlckamauga was rather the favorite, although Ooltawa and Nell Uwyuus had their friends who expressed confidence against any named competitor. Jack Gamble bad some hackers, but to no great extent, and Bill Forrest waa regarded as a" dead beat " before they staxied. Firtt Heat tontei nail tne start, after a trial or two, Chicksmauga being restive anQ I ebaving badly, refusing to take bis place as handicapped. Many could not understand the change of dr which called for blue and white, when his rider bad scarlet jacket and cap and white trowsers. When such alterations were made In the programme, it was Impossible to keep tbe score of the horses as they passed around, and it ould only be ascertained at the close of the heat, which waa won in 1:47 Cbickamauga winning the best, Jsck Gsmbie second, Ooltawa third, Nell Gwynne fourth, and Bill Forrest distanced. Second Heat. The start might have been better. Nell Gwynae'a rider seemed to trust to her heels, and set out at tbe lop of ber speed. She ran down before reaching the third quarter, and dropped far behind. Sbe rallied again and made well np on the last turn, but tbe speed was too great for her, and she barely- - saved ber distance. Cbickamauga made some splendid running in this heat, and OoUwa and Jack Gamble showed them- selves to be no mean competitors. Time, 1:40, being the fastest mile that was made during the meeting. SUMMARY. Turner A Johnsons eh e Cbickamauga, four year, old, by Jack Maioue, dam Alboni, bv Imp Albion 1 1 BI l ring's b b Oolawa, eight year, old, by Albion, dam by Sovereign t t 3 Wm Brady's br c Jsck Gamble, four ears old. sire Jsck liamble, dans Me dora 3 4 EA smith's gr f Nell Uwyune, Bvsyears old, by Bonnie Scotland, dam Grey Al ee, by Chorister 44 L Smith A Hobsou'ssc Bill Forrest, four years old. by Hiawatha, dam Prairie Flower 4Ms Time: 1:47V-1:- 4. THIRD RACE. The sun was now passing out of sight, bis crimson disc wheeling behind the trees, when tbe track was cleared, and tbe horses brought out for tbe third race, a single dash of a mile, with three en- tries. There was several false start, and the judges had a hard lime In drawing the hoi e- - up in a line. The Maid of Memnhis was a great sufferer, because sbe would not go,but shied at tbe palings and her rider could not urge ner along. After being drawn from ibe fence, she resolutely refused to lodge, and it waa with repeated efforts sbe would be headed in the right direction. Once) away, the ottis da j Hey who rods her, without cap, iet ber out irom the jump, and she made many a foot of gain as her fleet jumps : rough, her never ber coippetitors, who bail obtained a full quarter tbe start. l was unfortunate that she should have behaved so badly tbe result might have been dlllerent. As it was, tbe President in response to repeated calls for a new trial, decided that the race was at an i ud, as a horse shying after a start, or refusing to rue, was no cause for either r&lbog tne omers oacs, or naviug au- - other SUMMARY. 1 Wm.tlamlson'e K m Sanle Thomas, I I Wm. Uark sgb Frank - 2 Maid of Mempnts dia. Tims 2iu-- Tbe President, Mr. Donovan, addressed tbe crowd briefly, congratulating tbs people of Memphis on ths auspicious In- auguration ef the Association races. There had been no difficulty, no objurga- tion no noise, except tbe Jubilation en- tirety yenlal in the moment of excite- ment. He hep., they would do nothing to mar tbe succssr, vrialohi rom first to last, was triumphant, but quietly retire, and peacefully seek their homes. We li aye never witnessed so little intoxica- tion or gaming on a race-fiel- or the ob- servance of fuch strict order and deco- rum. To Cant. Driver, of Nashville, Col. Bogert, M L. t'nsteilo and Joe O'Dsll, Eeqs., of this city, timers, we are In- debted for numerous favors. We hope to see tbem oo tbe turf again before .be ad- vent of the sere and yellow leaf. rer U.. WaKSr'' M Riddle, 26 years, female, white, con- sumption ; MC Woodard, el years, fe- male, white, consumption; child of W. Buney, , female, white, premature birth. T. 0. Smith, Undertaker. E Marley, 14 months, female, white, congestion. FLAHERTY A WESCHE, Undertakers. S E Lopes, 41 years, male, white, ohronic diarrhea ; infant of CLonginotto, female v Hif. still born ; J Packer re years, inaie, hlte, old age ; C Nolan, .j years, mala, whfte, yellow fever ; A LeLoupe, 80 years, male, white, iireinls, (.' Lago-aarairr- $7 years, male, white, congestion; A GKropp, Jr, 17 years, male, wbite, yellow fever; M E Morton, 17 years, female, white, consumption ; G W Williams, 26 years, male, white, yellow fever ; William Jackson, 40 years, male, White iniury ; B Shloss, 27 years, female, white', ywi ow tyvar ; Eugene Megivany. 22 years, i .al. wh.Ls, heart disease ; J Lacey, is years, female, white, oonsump-tiot- i P J Edwbolm, 28 years, male, whfte, yellow fever; F G Bingham, 21 years, auale, white, congestion lungs; Y Clark, 25 years, male, white, yellowfever. J. c Ho Lbl A OO , fJndertakera. M Morthaore, 17 years, female, white, C S mining itisj Culbert, 37 years, sale, while, yellow fcyey; Richmond, 2 years, male, black, diarrhea ; J Ford. 36 years, mala, wbite, yellow fever, J Mude, 46 years, black, typhoid fever , Infant of 8 Hall, 1 day, ; W Han-lan- 49 years, male, wuite, yellow fever ; C Taylor, 17 years, female, black, brain MotV.i .- -l Y A COstNELIU. Cndarlsken. Mrs. Donovan, 45 years, femeie, wtute yellow fever M Sheridan, 40 years, male, white, bullous fever ; F H Trudor 87 years, male, white, yellow fewer ; J Dil- lon, 27 years, male, white, yellow fever ; T Cjsvlgar H yrs, mala, white, yellow fever; r SOnao.j, 80 years, male, white, yellowfever; P tlurran, So years, male, white, yellow fever ; ' R Gallgher. 9 veers, female, white, yellow fever; J briac-ol- l Wi veers, male, wtiite, yellow leuer ; M Pop, 16 years, female, black, ognsumption. OWftl MBiTH, Usileriaasr. Recapitulation aRajjjnptlon, 6 ; pre mature Lurtn, l ; congestions; uiarruea, 2 ; stillborn, 1 ; old safe, 1 i uremia, 1 ; injury, 1 ; disease of tbe heart, 1 ; c. s. niiningitls, 1; typhoid fever, 1; brain fevaw. 1 ; yellow fever, 16 ; bilious fever, 1 ; unknown. . Total, 38; females, IS; males, 25 ; negroes 6 ; whites, 33. KOGEH8, M. IV, ware Vary Board ot K salts. New Memphis gH eater As Is usual on Satnrday night, the New Memphis was not crowded. Tins may be owing In some degree to the repetition of the pieces played or. Friday night. Miss Lotta played with her usual spirit, disrmiug the audience with her splendid acting. Mie was well supported by tbe company. Her banjo playing and alnging called I forth repeated applause. On Monti .f night I.UUe Nell and the MarcMenef will be presented. Grbenlaw Opera House Injunc- tion. The house was closed last even- - ( log by an Injunction sworn out by John fE McDonougfa by his agent, J. H. Mo- - vicaer. or C hicago, restraining air. treo. J. Deagle from further representing the Taie of I'.nrhanimrnt in tin- - ni; y it was serious disappointment u a larganum- - ' berof citizens who had intended to visit tbc Opera House laitevarilB Mr. Dea-gl- e himself furnishes the following ex- planation : Mxai'Mis, November 16. lttJ. Oa account of tbe misrepresentations of John E. McDonougb and J. H. Mo--. injunction was granted against ' tbe presentment of my spectacular drama on last night, because, forsooth, I choose . to one scenery bought and paid for by myself. The whole matter Is now i thrown into tbe courts, where, I sm j confident justice will be done, snd a speedy decision be rendered. Due notice I will be given of tbe reopening and tbe next performance. uEgauE j. dkaole. VariETIES. This place of amusement was well filled last nlgbt, snd tbe varied performance met with hearty applause. The locality is much more quiet than ' formerly. Manager Brown keeps tbe best of order in his house. St. Georoe's Benevolent Assocta-TTO- A special meeting will be bald in the Mnnlcipal Court room, corner Union I and Second streets, on Monday evening, 18th, at half past 7. All members are desired to be present. Dumps. At the regular meeting of the moasban of Memphis Grove No. 8, U. A. O. D . held on the 14th instant, tbe following officers were du'v installed for tbe ensuing term : J. W Wbolegard, N. A : P. H. Cavanangh, V. A : P. H. Lashly, Secretary ; C. W. Turner, Treavs-- ' urer ; W. M. Loeb, I. G.; Wm. Bath, Conductor. FRIER DMBir. TO ADA W Y. When forms of beauty 'round Ibe press Thy senses all beguiling, Yoar sparkling eyes and rnby lips G alii or around thorn smiling. Oh, not In such an hoar ss that. Wheu pleasure. all beset thee. Wooidyoa bostowa ftom one, Who never oan for-- el ibee? S. K. E. Trihutr of Respect At a called meeting of Division No. 60 Sons of Tem- perance, held. Thursday, 14th inst., we, your commit lee appointed to draft reso- lutions on the death of Brother C. H. Norris, beg leave to submit the follow- ing: Whereas, It has pleased God in his supreme wisdom to remove from our midst our beloved brother C. H. Norris, the sad announcement of whose death has been made, therefore be It Retained, Tbat we bow with humility and reverence and trusting faith to the divine will of Him who doeth all things well; that In the death of our beloved brother, society has lost a true man, his parents a dutiful son, his sisters an af- - fectionate brother, and our order one of its most faithful and efficient members ; that we hereby tender to his bereaved family our earnest sympathy and most sincere condolence; that a copy of these resolutions be published in the city pa- - pere, and the Becorblng Scribe be di- rected to furnish a copy of tbe same to the family of our deceased brother ; and that the members of tbe Division wear tbe usual badge of mourning for thirty days. O. F. kohr, B. K. e. HULLIS, LJIAS. HO ' A r D, Com mlt'.M THE CSl'KT. Law Court. All jurors sre required to be present on Monday morning, tbe 18tb insf. Tbe calender for tbe week Is as follows, commencing on Tuesday, No- vember ID, 1867 : 1 alorman v. Rodatlond. - Merrlwettier va Brown. 3 Ashe viMAUK UCo. 4 It AN RR Co . vs Davie, k Howard v. Wliibwna 5 sloval et al Ve HiSS. 7 BtUlman A Co , vs Kubnboliz etnx. s Clcaill vs Brown et al. 10 Pitman, aduir'x, vs MA R K. 11 Moore et al vs Longlsas, DuvaiiA Co. lirasauiui vs Armour. 4j Oil I, Bilm'r, v. Forrest et aL 14 Heirs of Lockbard vs Gibson. 15 Caldwell vs i arson A Co. le Cook v. S'liDpln. 17 M oli r vs rtrannan et aL 18 Prick v. Flnlay el al. 3S t ...!.. vs HofTinan. 21 Levy vs Bio. ui et al. 21 Cuius A Knapp vsBauklicad. 24 Coffin A CO., vs M Mrs Co o. T. US Rloe, a nil r. vs MeGrnth. Js tie' vs Bums A Boyle. . suj awl ii vn .u,u, biiui : H Clara, ese, etc.. vs ..u. St) Oager v. Danuerl. 31 Bradley vs Austin. Thompson vs Mynall. 33 M A A ol M, use, etc , vs Aust.u. Criminal ConiT Wm. Hunter Judge. In the case of the State vs. Cunningham et. al., the jury found the defendant, John Henry, guilty of burglary, etc., and fixed the l eoalty at ten prisoument- - The other defendants, P. Cunningham, John jlAaxus and Lewis Wright not guilty. In the case of the State vs. Henry Pehles, grand larceny, tbe jury found the defendant Pohlt-guilt- y as charged, and fixed the penalty at seven years imprisonment. The Jury in tbe case of the Htate vs. W. C. Patter- son, (col.,) attempt to oremmit burglary, had not been able to agrew up to a late hour on yesterday. Court adjonrneii over to Monday . the Wh instant. Tbe jail cases will continue to Le taken up on tbat day. MuMIcrpAJ-CovR- T Geo. II'. Waldran, Judge. Court stands adjourned to Mon- day, the 18th inst., owing to tbe illness of Judge Waldran. Ail jurors und wit- nesses must be in attendance promptly on Moudty morniug. Chancers- - Cot rt Ifuii. C. Smith, Chancellor, d-- Yesterday being motion day, the following orders and de- crees were entered : Harris n vs. Black- burn, order of reference : Davidson vs. Davidson, report confirmed : Elliott vs. Tspp, decree (or complainant, Ac. : Greenlaw vs. Hopkins, rale confirmed ; Mitchell vs. Miller et al , decree for de- fendants; Martin vs. Churchill, sale confirmed ; Hewett vs. Looney aaleeon-fime- d j James vs. JSppe. order of refer- ence ; Alexander vs. Alexander divorce decree ; Price vs. Parker, decree for peti- tioner. Tbe Court adjourned over to Monday morning, 'he lsib inst, Chancellor Smith issued an order on J. B. Bingham, Deputy V. S. Marshal, returnable oo Tuesday, Nov. lath, lStt7, to appear and show cause why he forci- bly took piswrssioii of property levied on by tbe Sheriff and in his bands. It seems that Marshal Bingham ejected the Sher- iff's watchman irotu the premises and took possession of property by virtue of a writ from the U. S. Codrt, by what authority, however, except force, Mr. Bingham i'l be called upon to show on Tuesday next ip answer to tbe above rule of the Chancello.. Moat F. I r giant Mock of .! ill iter j Goods of our own tmportHlion, U My price aluiosi. ett L. HKESf KB".. S'toi't entire stock must be sold re ran! leas of sost or value. Go and secure fan II Goods. Ise--i. Bnueas and Crew na at L. Kit KM tB'S. On Obnmovtynew!'. 100 barrels choice apples, at JJickaon Cuntughsm A Co.'s, 336 Second street, between Union and Monroe. Jtaoff atijft The newest styles ! groistest variety syf Dress and Cloak Trimmings, at L. K RKMEB's'. gavt, money and buv yrmr dry goods at Eisou's .t.v. Velvet aad Ciotn Cloaks, tbe largest and finest aeieetlon tn the city, at priM;s le salt Ibe times. L. KKEMLR. Thousand rush to get the bargains of- fered at Eicon's great clearing sale. JrA. mince pies and delicious oyster patties every day at Berton's confection- ery, corner of FoQrtb and Poplar streets. novlS tw . Stock complete, dlreet Impor- tation, finest goods in the city al most rrasoBsbii' rates. ' L. KBEVEB Huney oan be saved bv buying your dry goods at E'aon's gyeat clearing sale. At Bison's mammoth cheap store still greater reductions, tsee advertisement. Faney Goods, Conrounes. Bonrdeaax and Chignons lor arnamSBL sal L. KRESER'8. Jjo not neglect going to the great lng sale at E loon's. Bio Clearing stales! hat good and fashionable goods at the lowest prtees. L. HBEREB. To Live comfortable, cheap and in style, secure rooms at the Sou: hern Ho--' tel. on European plan. Rooms in suits or single for families and gentlemen at j very low rates. Tbe best reference re- quired before rooms are occupied. Mrs. T. W. Mead has tbe control of tbe Res- taurant Department, where tbe best the market affords will be furnished at all hours. Ladles snd families may rest s-- l sured of every Attention that can be be- -I stowed on them. Persons csn live as comfortable as If In the most costly dwellings or bouses, and fifty per cent, 'cheaper. Accommodations for 200 per- sons. BIT 21. Oo Tmtt4ay morning tbe largest asd most Important Auction sale of lots will cotnmeuce at 10 o'clock. These lots are on Broadway, Jeokaon and Alabama streets, and near the depot of tbe Missis slppi and Tennessee railroad, and witbln a suoare of the terminus of ths Street railwsy, and In a healthy aud rapidly i,nnB,d.. lot will he ' down co raoacarj, wun ins usn rorty sold regardless of price bid ; and lucbe on ibe bars towards the ., sasaasataeawks liberal Parltea moUlD. Without a Change occurs in the who would secure a good location for a residence, or who Would make a paying Investment will do well to attend tins sale. The title to the property is perfect. As the sale Is likely to consume several hours, refreshments will be provided for all who may attend. Do not neglect going to Elson's. Goods! Prices to salt the time, for their entire importation of giMHls, SU Aa KHEHEK fi. iVortce Members of the late Mllltis of Memphis are hereby Invited tn attend a mulln. a, Clmln.l fAnwt IJ ... law Opera Block, Monday eve, Novem- ber 18tn, 1867, at seven o'clock, on Busi- ness of Importance. Officers of all grades, and privates without regard to color, will please attend. A. C KETCHL'M, Chairman. Ma vi Htdb. Secretary. Memphis, November 16, IBS?. Recklett the way In which goods sre slaughtered at Elson's great clearing sale. L, kreraer wishes it distinctly understood that this is no clear-lo- g sale, as be intends te con- tinue us he bits done lor the last seventeen years i te do bus- iness in this city, bat will sell bis elegniti stock of line goods at prices that will Insure sjutek sales aud the reduction ef his sleek. Look at our new prices of Fancy Drees Goods, Knit Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Hosiery, Balmorals ; they are all greatly reduced, at Rloe, Btix A Co. Hice, Stix A Oo. have reduced prices of Prints, Brown snd Bleached Muslins, Sheetings, to almost anti-wa- r figures. Haid IAntey; Jeans, Gray Blankets. White Klankets. Flannels, all colors. Uents' ooderwt twenty-fiv- river for Tuesday. per from last mouth's prices, Bics, only boat leaving for tbat Stix A Co. The Ladiet sre Invited to call ex- amine our stock. Lindauer, Arnold A Co., 311 Main street. nov!3 lm Bead the New Advertisement of Bice, btix It Their prices have been again reduced in accordance with tne latest decline, they mean to oiler such inducements as will guarantee au early sale. We are sailing Goods at panic prices. Call early. Lindauer, Arnold A Co., 311 Main street. nov!3 lm The Public Is now aware tbat Rice, Stix A Co.'s closing Dry Goods sale is no deception. The inducements offered are such as will convince any one tbat tbe stock will be closed out as soon as Jiead the advertisement of Lindauer, Aruoid A Co., 311 Monroe. Main street, corner nevl3 lm Oreat Clearing Sale at Lindauer, Ar- nold A Co.'s., 311 Main street, novlS lm Dry Good cheap, cheaper, cheapest, at Lindauer, Arnold A Co.'s. nol3 1 m NOTICE! Steiner Bros. & Baum are deter-rnine- o. to give up Business by the 1st of January, and. therefore, offer tbeir entire Wholesale and Betail Hock of Clothing, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods, at lees than Mew York cost. This being no Humbug, the Public will do weU to oall on them and secure Bargains. Remem- ber the place. tVI'El.V h H BROS, it Bint 3SS Main, tor. Mad is on m. novl5 lm. SPECIAL NOTICES. MBS. WIN8LOWS SOOTHING HYRUP, For Children Teething, Oreatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing alllnaammatlor wlll allay all pain and spa.modlc action, aud Is Sure la Kegel ate tbe Bowels. Depend upou 11, mothers. It will give rest lo yourselves, asd Relief Health to yaqr Infanta We have put up and sold this article for years and can say In confidence and truth of It what we never can be able to aay of any other med- icine : Never has It failed In a single lustanoa to effect a cure when timely used. Never did w.known.tanoofdltl.factlonl,y.ny was it. On h . his operation, and speak in boat. The of commendation of it. medical effect, and medical virtues. We speak In this matter what we do know." years ot experience, and pledge oar reputation for the fulfilment of what we here declare. In almost ovary whsre the Infant Is suffering from pain and be In permanently, twenty lite Syrup 1. tered. Ku.i direction, for (Jtaoooe n luisaany bott:. Be sura and oall for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," Having the facsimile at " Curtis A Perkins ' on the outside wrapper. All others are Sold by Druggists throughout loo world. only as Coats per Bottle. OmcKs 21.1 Pulton street, Nw Tork ; a5 High Holborn, Londnn, England; 441 Ht. Panl street, Montreal , Canada w-- s eod A Cough, a Cold or a Sore Throat, Houains Immediate allettUon, and should be cheesed. I f al lowe 1 to continue. Irritation or the Usst, a Permanent In tilten tUs resulL BB0m BROWBIU TROCHES Having a dlreet Influence to the parts, give Im- mediate relief. Pwr Bronchitis, Asthma Catarrh, Conaaasptlve Thrwat Dis- eases. Troches aie d with always good success. Singers Speakers us. them to clear and strengthen the voice. Obtaiw only "Batnul Bboisckiat. and not taks any of the W.-f- InuuuiQTu that may he ottered.; soi.p r . sbt- - WHXKk. - a. OC7aodtm aael Celibacy. -- An assay for men on the of solitude, and the diseases and ahuieswhleh crests Impediments to marriage, with enre means of relief. sent in sealed an velopesfreeof Address 1'H. J. SKILLIN BOUOHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia. oc24 dAwibi ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY Of Cuba, conducted by tbs Spanish ; BstaBA la Gold every seven lean days, pr zei cashed 'and Information furnished. hlghteat rates paid poubleon all kluds ot (sold aad tiUyes, . - cjj . - j a fg T 1 V LOR A CO., Bab baas, No. u Wall St., nog 3m JtswTork. La Hlraadea' Preach Have saved thousands all over Europe, hav- ing been for many years the assist- ant al Professor La Mirandas' Private Hospital In Paris, and having been to eataoluh a branch is this country, I am now' prepared to furnish celebrated remedies for ConmmoUoo, Rheu- matism, Scrofula etc.; also, the genuine VitaU- a- Health's Grand Restorer the only irtala ettps fat constitution shattered toy tba excesses and abases of youth. sot be tampered with by Address yoar com- munications ta Dr. O. W. Fernler, 236 West 47th St., Mew YorS. Advice grails, bat If job give as the fall history of yoar case, the consultation fee of three doUars should oe -- oeloatd. Ladles may atldrsss as in fall conftdshd. flo7 Norta Aemi Life I Actiieit Ins. Co., PHILADELPHIA. PA. ALL policies issued oa the endowment plan. its policies are Mo restriction on residence or travel. W. J. LITTLICJOHN, Local Agent, noS 1( Madison street. Memphis. Tenn. Son -- Resident Notice. side of the Common and Chancery Court of tbe crty of Memnhis, Tennessee: Wilson John JuCers vs. Laura BgUe Jeflers. appear! sa from affidavit In this cause that XT Ibe defendant, Lanra BaMe Jeflers Is a non- resident the Stale oi Teas east is 1 is therefore ordered thai she make her herein at the Ooartaooae In the city of Mooiphls, Tennessee, os or belo.'s ibe second Monday in esoraary next, lsss, and plead, answer or tfesntir to plaintiff's bill, or the will bk taken con tiff. to her and set for hearing that aOpy order published and a of this be Kerr, Weateotl A four successive weegs, in JOBJi DONuVAN, Uerk. By B. B. Car Baa, D c. ahl, Attorneys for Plain- - novli lawt. ok 1REIHOLM, SBippluf aai Commlslon HerchaoU. Charlaaton, M. C. special aUsnUcB to the dispatch of GIVE and Foreign by steam direct to Baltimore and Nsw York and via Hal ttniore to rnUadelpbta. Insuranceand frelgbt rates as low via' ihar eatos as by anyotberlln. north. Tlrst class packet ship. wUl always be on the for Liverpool during ths present cotton season. Sblpp ri ran economise la sa well as f retgh t sad men anos to by consigning cottons to Charleston in pre'er' i.oe loguirpuns, Uaoia1 tons lor freights. Insurance, etc. lo all points, rurnlshsd w kly t regular cortespondenls novlS atawim A Large envelops containing some legal pa- pers. Tne finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving same citaer al ibe Appeal or at mi office, a30 Pront How. io7 WADDT THOMPSON. JO A- - CO., esaablUned then office In Titus' HAVK in rear of No. 11 Jefferson street wear, may laasthsaitiiinil toy partis, mwrosted. O03K WEATHER AND R1VRBS. The rain promised last nlgbt did nst come. It is olesr, with no indica- tion of rain. The Ohio is at a stand at Pittsburg, and Is falling all the way tbe tbe eboalset Co. anjd each Freights: weather that stream will again become precarious. Hence to Louis full six is found, except st Hat island which is now tbe worst point to tbat port. White Is three and a half feet to Devsll's Bluff, and tbree feet to Augusta. The Arkansas Is uncnangeu Arrivals. Steamer Emperor, Cincinnati. Plsuu City , E vans vlils. " Ozark, White river. " ljoonrdas, Ctaetnnati. " City of Cairo, Loeia. " Ezra Cincinnati. " Lady, Cairo. Steamer Lotawanna, New Orleans. " Countess, Hale's Point. " Plain City, Vioksnurg. ' Louidss, New Orleaoa. " City of Cairo, St. Louis. 11 Goldfinch, Hale's Point, " Darling, Cincinnati. " Minneola, Cincinnati. " Dan Able, Yicksburg. " Guidon, White river. Boats ta port. Emperor, Ozark, Porter. Lady. MISCKIXA m ROSS. The Nick Longworth, Capt, Alsx Irwin, will be bere to leave on Wednesday for Nsw Orleans. By letters to her agents ws learn tbat sbe is hand- somer than ever. She goes into the trade to stay. The Mississippi, Capt. Thompson, be in pott to leave for New Orleans on Monday at noon. Tbe Slary E. Forsyth will be here to leave for the same port at the same hour. By a dispatch to Messrs. Vinsou A Djuobue we learn that the Wild Irish- man will be bere to leave for Vioksburg and tbe bends on Tuesday next, her old day. Sbe is finer than ever. Capt. Huls eommands tbe St. Patrick, and J. Lee Finney Is chief clerk. The old Commercial Is tbe r r?duced reirular Wbite packet cent at She is the and ana after stream master early in the week. Asbfora Is Morton, Smithers and Robinson are cieras. The fine light draft steamer Emperor, Capt, Byers, came iu from Louisville yesterday, with a gool trip. She leaves on Monday for Cairo and Louis- ville, and being mostly owned bere sbe should receive a libersl patronage. Sbe will get away at 6 precisely. Tbe Mary McDonald will pass down for Yicksburg y. CapL Gunsollis is her master. The Ezra Porter did not get in to leave for New Orleans last evening. Sbe will doubtless be found at tbe landing this morning, and will leave for below at 10 a.m. Tbe Starlight will be in port to leave for Cincinnati at 6 p.m. on Monday. The gay little Pilgrim, Capt. Tom. Berry, will be In port and will leave again on Tuesday for Piue Bluff. Jimmy Thompson is clerk of the Pil- grim. The dashing Des Arc, Capt. John D. Elliott is tbe United Mates mail packet ror Yicksburg and the bends. Cad. Hanks is chief clerk of tbe Des Arc, and Malt Uaea is his, assistant. The Dan Able departed for Vicksburg last evening with a good Tbe Minneola departed for Cincinnati with 1100 bales of cotton; and tbe Darl- ing left for tbe same port with 960 bales. The Adkins aud her barges were still aground at Hat Island when the City of Cairo passed down. The Oxsrk oame in from White with 460 uales ot cotton. She goes out of commission. The Salvor No. 2, Capt, Williams, left yesterday for tbe wreck of the Boena. ejbe will remove her furniture, engines and machinery. The splendid Adam Jacobs will be tn port this morning, abd will depart at 6 p m. for Cairo and SL Louie. Capt. is in command, and our eie-ga- friend Mon. tbe honors of the in Parisian style. The Jacobs leaves at sharp 5. The Belie Memphis, Capt. Dan. Mus-selnia-n, will leave on Monday for Cairo and St. Louis. She connects with trains bound East Nortb, and has superior nassenger accommodations. George Deane is her chief secretary. The City of arrived yesterday from St. Louis. Sbe was delayed at Hat Inland several hours, but brought iu a very fair trip, aud received bere several bales of colton, shipped per Dismoud lipe, for the East. The shipment of cotton for tbe twenty-fou- r hours ending at o p. ra. yesterday amounted to nearly 4000 bales the heaviest shipment T the season. Charles Wood, of Grand Lake, Miss., overboard Irom the Ezra Porter at Thursday, snd drowned, one who used connrery, all do- - gj deposited money with tbe lighted with lis terms body imitations. 6m do charge. for Remedies his im- ported Do Law for time reliable clerk of the was recov ered aud will be taken to Grand Lake for intermeot. The Bart Able left New Orleans last night for this port. By a letter to her agents, Jas. T. Bourne A Co., we learn ,1 .... aHa c-l- entpr the Afpmnhi SinH exh.uaUoa relief will ..tbasd New 0rle,C8 trade leaving or minute, after adinlula thjg on .,fern.te (Saturdays. The base Price, aad aad Pnblle Marriage young crime Rent Govern- ment drawn The and first in- duced physicians. Law ol same COURTaUt AT brrth, BAXKII. now St. feet river St. Porter, Ezra splendid will evening trip. river lleuainway Massondoes office and Cairo hundred fell flrteeu Southerner will leave on opposite Satur days. This will give us several tine steuiuers from this port to New Orleans. They are tbe Great Republic, Henry Ames, Nick Longworth, Southerner, B L Hodge, Bart Able and Olive Braneh. There is a fair prospect for raising tbe Amelia Poe, recently sunk in tbe Mis- souri. Boating is again played oat at Pitts- burg. The Champion is reported aground at French Island. The Frank Pargoord, Capt. Tobin's new Ouachita nver packet, was launched yesterday at Jefferson ville. We learn tbat a race is on tbe tapit between Capt. Larry Harr.istesd's new purchase, known as Big Ugly," acd Maj. Mart Walt's paring horse "Gray Eagle " We also learn that Billy Ditt has become imbued with the spirit oj ratling, and wants to trot bis horse "Cream" against time. He alnt par- ticular bow much so It aint less than twentv minutes. VENDKi tfc BHO., 22 Main Street. weald sail tbs attention of the WE the fact thaf. haying cut! rely altered and ImprovsU our, we are desirous of selling out the Bhs of DRi GOl!B at price, u blch we do not publf.h for a PTTPP and BtaiW, but wooid simply ask ofadiscr'.m Inatlng public lo come ana Look at the Goods, And then ludg. fur yourselves. Adopting lor oar motto, "HONESTY IS THE POL- ICY, " we snail adhere strlcUy to It la all the detail, ot our business, and endeavor to give every satisfaction to those who favor us with their patronage. We do not intend to "give np buamees" or dissolve partnership," but shall soil good. t price, which are an advertisement of them-se- l feeih g confident that an Intelligent public will soon see ibe e between WORDS, and ACTION. Remember, Everv thing is Beducea la Pplces, and havtnf one of the LARGEST sivij In tbe city, we are certain of being able toSL'lT VOTJ vyiTft WHAT YOC WANT- - Ws a so hnv. a Vvry ceavy stock of BOOTS AND SHOW, CLOTHING ANP O EN T FURNISHING GOODS, which w. offer "gRjbATLY rbduced pbices. The attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS is directed to toe fact that our three .lory Ware- house Is roll from roof to cellar, and we shall he m.ait hanov to show oar goods to all parties novlS lm yInD'OS SS6 Mam '.rest BOOKS, School Books, Novels, And a Fine lock ef Stationery, C. C. CLEAVES & CO.'S, Ho. 313 Second street, nov!4 Ida Corner of Monroe. Trust Sale. vlrtas of a trail deed executed to me on BY nth day of May, UVC, by R F. Looney and wife, Louisa M. Looney, and duly regis tered In the Register's office of bhelby county, Tennessee, for the purpose of paying the debt therein mentioned. 1 wUl, On Tuesday, December 3d, 1M7, In front of the Law Court. room In ths city of Memphis. Ten aeseee, sell to tbe hlgh-s- l bidder tor cash, the following property, tl ; A cer- tain lot of land situate tying and being in Hie county of Shelby, Mate of Tennessee anil city ol Mempni". ana iiuuavsi w-.- follows io wit! Retrlniilns si the northwest earner of an alley on Has aoath side of roplar street, betwe. n Mam ana bwcouu streets, city of Mempb s,runu!ag wsst Willi Poplar Ueel iiSfeet: thence sooth 74 lest; ir.eaoe ea 2t feet thenne npilh Willi said all-- y 14 leet lo the beginning together with ail of the Improve- ments thereon. The title to said property Is bed.ved to be but 1 will sell and convey onlyaTfUftte. Faulty of redempilon waived. sale between 1" o'clock m. and 2 o'clock p.m. nov!2tds HIRAM A. PARTKE. Trustee. Hcmpliis, (teceola & Hale's Point Regular Side wheel Passenger Packet STEAMER COUNTESS, W1 make regular trips for ths above and ait way piinta. every wtu. SATURDAY at 3 o'clock p m. Bates r rrelgbl freight, per I'O f Cotton ptT0slS,..-- . - . -- . rorti Dexaaek ..... .. .... Flour and Pork. stock haad Hogs' - - bneep ... To Island 4. Tocharlls Morris' To pon. is above, below Rani: to Randolph To Osceola BRO, good, itnrbl. Pound t f i at tier oaniraci. 1st 1 90 T i w ifO te 3 OS fo Hale's Point --w.- 4 Of This Boat having been purchase, by Alan Able and myaelf expressly lor this trade, wtisre we expect to weir her oat, you are ri eotfuliy ln-- vl ted to caU on ox. SILAS HLAiGtif, T sovU u Coiamandsr. L1UKV UiBHNTAD sfc O., BteamboBt Agent and Proprietor? Memphis City Wharf-Bea- t. OFFirK 37 Main street, corner of Madison. BStT FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Regular Me toI7 St aphis aad Arkansas River Weeal j u. a saau raeaaa. For Plate ai.SssS Little Back PILGRIM Waltaksr, master This sAewaat Bsawasseaw masse. srtlllsavV " TUSBDAY. 1Mb last., at S p.m. JAS. T BOURN KA CO.. Agents, No. 13 Jefssraon sfeet. rom WHITE RIVER. For White River. COMMERCIAL Astiiord master This exes 11 est steamer lea' Memphis as abave, TUBaDA T , ltth lost., at S p.m. LEVY Agsnta, UOV17 xi l rout sireel. FOR VICKSBTJRQ. For Vlcksbajg-- U. . MaiL 3BB ABO ElUotl I This sgslsnilhl pasaengar steamer fin ,mmyw m .'. TL'IGbDA Y, ltth lost., at S p.m. LEVY A MILLER. Agents. nol7 2t Ml root st reel. For Vlckebarg and las bends. ST. PATRICK G. F. Huls, master litis splendid passenger packet wur bbbvs lor tne aoove IL'aktDAY, lstb lust., at t pja. VINSON LsJNAHUK, Agrnls. novl7 2t 354 Front street. For vIcksbarg and Way Landings. MARY MCDONALD OanasUls master This elegant passenger steamer win leave as aoove os. THIS DAT, 17th Inst , at 10 am. LARRY HARMMTAD A CO.. Agents, Corner Main and Madiaon sta., or nol7 It City w barfboat. fast Monroe st. FOR HE W ORLEANS. Regular New Or, sans Packet. E7.RA PORTER Porter, master This splendid paaseogsr steamer will leave tor taa aoove oa THIS DAY, 170a InsL, at 13 a m. LABRY HARMSTAD CO., Agents, Corner Main asd Media n .ta., or novIT It W harl boat, foot Monro L Atlantic and Mississippi Bteamahlp Company. Par Napoleoa. Vlehabnrg. Natebea aad New urleaas. MARY K F'.lRSYTH MILLER, This now and elegant passenger atsmnr leave, on MO.vDAY, ltth Inst., at 12 m. LARRY HAB MSTAD A CO., Agents, Corner Main and Madison street., novIT it Wharfnost, foot Monroe .treet. AtlanUe and Mississippi steamship Company U. 8 Mall. For Vlehabnrg aad New Orleans. MISSISSIPPI Thompson master This fine passenger packet will lea v a aa aoov. , on MON DAY, 1Kb Inst ,U Urn. LARRY 11ARMSTAD CO., Agents, Corner Malu and Madison sta., uovl7 City Whanboat, lool Monroe KeiBlar Nsw Orleaa. Packet. NICK LONGWORTH Irwin master This new and splendid steamer will leave above WEDNESDAY. Ata Inst, p.m. LARRY HARMSTAD CO., Agents, Corner Main and Madison sta., novIT City Whsrf boat, foot Monroe For Nsw Orleaoa NICK LON WORTH Irwin master Anis superb passenger steamer sin leave sours A A or A or it st. ... as on at 5 A or 3t t-- . as est WEDNESDAY. last, at Spm. JAR. T. BOURNE A CO., Agents, novl? 3t No. 1: Jefferson street. FOR ST. laOOM. Msmphls and Bt. Louis Packet Company. For Cairo aad St l.uuis ADAM jACOBS . Usm.nway master This elegant passenger steamer will tears THIS DAY, 17th last., at 4 p.av novlT It FLEM. CALVERT.Bnp't. Memphis and St. Loot. Packet Company For 4 alro aad St. Lonls. BELLE MEMPHIS MBsaslman master Thla splendid passenger packet lsavss on MONDAY, ltth inst., at 6 p m. nolT It FLEM. CALVERT, Sapt. FOR CIEClHRATs. Regnlar L lncinuati PackeL STARLIGHT Uorton master This splendid passenger packet will leave as above MuN HAY. 1Mb Inst., al i p.m. LARRY H ARMnTAO A CO., Agents, corner Main and Madiaon sta, or anvl7 It City Wharrbosl. fool Monroe st. For Cairo, Louisville and ClBclanatl. EM PERU I'. Byers master This flae passenger packet leaves aji a for the above sAaaasaaVsWA. MONDAY, lath Inst , at & For freight or passage, apply on board, or to JAMES T. BOURNE A CO., Agents, nov!7 It No. li Jefferson -- ;reeL Notice to la c Paper. order of Board of County Commissioners, BT will proceed to Issue DISIRltSn w au- ra. NT to alt owners of PERSONAL PROP- ERTY' In nhelb county, whose taxes shall re- main due and unpaid after tbe i'tb diiy of 1S7. PHILIP . ,.r. an. Talx Coileclni tai.glajr c mtily, Tenn. Leaser, Post kad Itermap paper copy one week aoslft FOR BT. FRANCIS RIVER. Regular Tuesday an 1 Friday . For Helena aael ft, Francis Wives. MOLL1E HAMBLET'lN ... Uuwuvtu Master Tills elsaant aad . r stsusmt-- will Itaive f svery, TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 o'clock p.iu., dunug low water Maeon. For ftelihf or passage, apply on board or to LARRY HARMSTAD A CO , Agents, Coruer Main and Madlsoti sta., noil If and City Wharf boat fnot Monroe t Regular Hcmpbis aud .New Or- leans Weekly Line. Regular 4m4b.l, aad hw Orleans Packet, KSKT A Vaii . . J. f. Kicks Hatter TBOS. L. CRAWFORO, clerk. ' This new and splendid passenger fJL m' s. sleaaier will leave Men. o his lor JjBjesBMnas New Orleaoa, October letn, ,iud ITKKY ti TERN ATE WEDNaSDAY throughout t!. i season. Reffular Vautptits and New Qrlsan. Packet. LITE BRiHl U . Isaac Jones matter This raw .nd splendid passeuger .IT ' a stestner will leave Uempr-- . a f .r eaaswaMtaWa New Orleans, lapiber Jtrd. and r.VERY A ATE W tDNESDAY tliroughooi the MA Hi IN WALT A CO.. and JAMES T. BOURNE A L O.. Agents. 8. H. SHOCK, fjen'l Pass-ng- A gsnt. selO Meiciii, aMHewGTkaiL. FOR NEW ORLL, MS. Ths lendid Side wheal Pasai.ger Steamer KICHOIA8 LOIjfOWOBTH. I A Ci ,.N A. ,s. .C.eVIU. Having sntrd ths sb-r- r trade . nK a permanently, will leave MemphlsejESBBBBni WEUNESl'AY. HovemDer JUth, at 1 o oiock p. ro.. and alteruste Wednealsys thereafter. For rreighi or pssssige, apply on board, or te LARRY HA RS8TA ' A CO., JAMBS T. BoORNK A CO . B. H. Passengwr Agsnt Agsnta. novli lm Memphis ud Wkite Elver Packet Conipanv. Ths Steamer. OZARK, RO WI A. COMMERCIAL Wit. I. form a line between mrA tVSIt. va. '...I. . SfamnhtS sve-- v TUESUAY. TaUa&6AY and SATT'R- - DA Y at o s eiock p.m. JOBN B. DAVTS.Snp'L LEVY A MILLER, Agents, 'Jti Front Bt oel REORGANIZATION St. Lenis, Meiuphfs & Vk kslmrg n PACKET LINE. NE ht the fou Swli.a flmt , CURSa Bluer W ii,""'" U" iasafw IaarrtTSBiHt nriirnrktlv on KRIDaYS stnd Mtts A i o p m lor vicsuDaru anu mil wy imwanti :mT RCB1 ojj, W. H. Msveter, rKJlA.; H. M. SHREVE. U Cuiwr. MeiSJ-M-f. KBIOAV8: CXiLlj MBtAN. B7ne-a- . Matr, MONDAYS; PKOillA CATE.IA U.miTvr, MaVr,wr-- i a MRkttjkf o!qs oonnvn.oa with Uerttlin aad B4waxR Rtviliosd, tul Vaxoo Rter fucKvU. By proinpiness MM rwpuiariiT na wnw v to all bnaiuv a on rutd to hm, tbtne Packet LruRt to merit .nd recr Ire the pauruo- - a(e of ah pper. rreicn - Msni v avt u"rs bvh tt iimri boat, fcotof Sionr- e iret- - LAKAY HARMS1 AiACO., AcentS, oclS tf 97 Main etreet, corner Mad lson. Regular Tussdsy Packet. For Vteksburg and the Beutts. ST. riTKKK : fcsrres V, Isjs, master CLAY R1CR Clerk. This splendid steamer will con tlbue in the trade dnitng ths son. leaving Memphis t. VERY TUBS DA a p.m. Ftelght for New Orleans will be re- shaped at VIcksbarg on tbs mslt line front that port, nates as lew as oy any ottier ua. Valuable jptatttatian to Lease. WILL Lean, ss sUmlnlstrator of Christ- - tpher I J Field, aePd. bis Home the place or tDay A Field, and the Plantation known as the Content Place. These Plantations a e La tks roaory of Bolivar. Miss , and In tne rsuidltlon ar cal'.ivatlon, having baea cultivated for fir- - past There Is a uew and fine Clrcalar Saw -- Mill on the Home Place, for Sal. For further Information apply to meat Parts, Boarboo ssasiy, Ky., or to Dr. S. J. Field, on the premises, u. J.CLAT, AomT & J. FliifJ , flasU M. L. Msachab, A. C, TaaABwaxt, Formerly of Meacham Formerly of f. Laos . A Gal breath. A to. MEACHAM I TREAD WELL Wholesale and Retail Gro- cer, Cotton Factor, Com-mlseo- on Merchant and Dealer in Planta- tion Bupplle, 3: 0 CXIOS STRFFT Memphis : : : : Tennessee. THANKFUL fir lb. very liberal patronage to mem. they hope hv unremitting attention to business to still merit a continuance oi puhUc favor. Thau- - facilities for storing and selling Cotton are unsurpassed by any bosses in tba city. A commodious Brick Sued stanched to their store house elves tbem immediate and eoastsn! oversight of all Cattoa la Mors. All Cotton consigned to us will be Insarsd, usless Instruc- tions U Ihs contrary rsvggin., Rope snd Iran Ties furnished al lawsst market floss. swlS AmseZu n H U 1 I e cl . m .5 3 13 5 aiswS as & i - J 3 S s 9 ( a 9 9 U - I r 7 ' Ba I 5 at O fl J a a." 5 B. W. PEKE, A. B. TREAD WELL. Late ol Kasipof. Miss. Memphis. Tenn PRICE & TREADWELL, Wholesale Grocers, xo. la rsfor street, Lee Blaveh. Bet. Maln aael Front Streets. MEMPHIS. TENN. BOt lm & M. Asaa, of Msmphla. J" MyLswBA.v. late of Ttptoc ecmntv, Tenn. P. M Mono as, is-- so to county, Miss. W. F. Bagga, Marshall county, Mia. ASHE, Mc LH'SAS & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, So. 8al EroatJNireet, MEMPHIS. i TENNESSEE. ttLflCK SALES-PR- OM IT RETURNS' BAGGING. Rope and Plantation Supplies at the lowest market rates. Liberal advancements made on lonalgn-sasat- n Im Mr VILLAS, RASH A CO., COTTOsf AND O ERERAX COMMISSION MERCHANTS M4 front Street, kooa i, Memphis. WE 'offsr oar services to oar aameroas fneads aad acqualnLancea, returning thanks for former patronage. SalUf action guaranteed iQ m cases. Oar In'et-eat- s are out. Rope, BaeglDg . etc . 1; rnishsd. - ws have experience In Samoltng Classing and lng Cotton or Prodncs, and 'ear no comneUtloo. All eonslaomeuu covered by our Open Policy of insurance, unless other- - wise insrToaiasi, novl lm ROBERT A. MOON. Cotton Factor AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Mo. 276 Pront Street, MEMPHIS, TFNN. LIBERAL ADVINCES-Bappi- tas at Com in as' on or sailing' attoa. 'ms Dol'ar per Bale. ncJ 7, a f is Set'" M Q 5 LaJ rj . a ss Js j St. CxPM, a l r al n S MARTIN WALT & CO., Wholesale Grocers, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -- ANCy- Ootton Factor, tgeata foe the Betrnlar trkstaaaa tUver Paehata). No. 272 Front Street, .Mot..; !., Tennessee. SflO Bbls Mews Perk, 79 Casks Bacon Nitivje. 4'ttsats Ntlenlclrrw. S35 eitst ks Cbwice Coffee. B.tO Kb is Hngr, aaaened, NOO RblN Hour, all Kradee, 2UO RblsMeal, no HbN uii is i.y, loo ttbls W. . Molassea. ISO Half Bbls V O. Molasses SOU Kits Mat krrel, 50 Bbls So. 1,2 and S Mackerel asm Ple-e- s Keotucky Bagiog. ao Bales ludit Bagglag, IQ0 1 oils Rope, ado Half Cells Rape, SOO Kegs Lard. 30 Tierces Lard, lOO Bxs Tobacco, assrt'd brands OO Bbls o. 1 Cider Vinegar. SO Bbls Breakfast Baeon, rierces pngarcnred H arse which will ba seal low for cash, or on osua. time to pr' mpt, paying csatomere- A Ivan will made on shipments of isaas. sale hare, ox to oar rrsswas at MARTIN WALT AICO.. se28 272 Front Street. viboil V. a ocas. 9 t- -. cos he rot N.w t WIS VBTfTlKLD. MOORE. WHITFIELD A CO. (Successor. Moore. Whitfield B Rayaar,! COTTOiT r AC TOMS ABB Crenenl Commission MertABt, a 1 Howard's Bow, MKMPHIH. rKSSRSBKK. WE are prepared to make liberal cash on all coclgantebis : also.lo far ntsh Rope or Ties, so parties who will ship os UielrOoCto. We are agents for LEBANON WOOI EN MI LLS. Lebanon. Tsnn. PREMIUM C'iTT N UIN. manalactured by W. G. Clemmons, Brown A Co. ROROHUM OR CA SK MILLS (cast Iran), man- ufactured at Zanesville, Ohio. The Celebrated UN ON WAnHINO MACHINE AND WRINGER. B. ft RAY'S STAB CAPE LIME. oeiW daw r. aL ST AS USt- - M. C. KAHO. 1. H. UtlTI. Stanley, King - Smith, Cotton Factors COMMISSION MBECHAHT8, No. 37 Front Ntreet. an27 daw S. KAITBIOB WBBB. J. T. SBLLZBS S. M. WEBB A CO.. COTTON FACTORS -A- JTaV- Oommission Merchants, Lee Hock, Catoa St(Cp-ttain- l Bsc Front SL, and Mala St.. Memphis. Tenn no7 dawtks TITTJS) ctto OO., Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS o. 10 Jeatersen ettreet, ( Mi.v PHIS, ; : TKXNEUr-KK- . lirE respeetfutty solicit a share of tba host. TV sees of tbe planter, of tbe SseMlk W thank our Ic.rni.r customer, far their jatron-aee- . aad woold be psm, ii to have thtra e oaataess wito aa Oar charges a', the wlU oetu ira Ail Coiton consigned to us Balsas othsrwlse iDAUaatsd. m COTTON - COMMISSION. J. H. CASH, COTTON AND PRODUCE FACTOR, CwmIflon asd Foraar.lng MERCHANT, Ba. BBS Front Street. WensnLK. Tenn aslt U XT. AKOkBSOS. ktUlIlrU.. aNOERSON I GRIFFIN, COTTON FACTORS aAJTD- - fsVASTAl Osmmiseioi MeretealB, Mo. 17 jfront Street, "assm No. 4. MEMPHIS. MAMILTUR8, KANKs BRANsfUHb, COTTON FACTORS General Commission Mercbants 48 ITases St., Nevi (Means. BASKS, HAJOLTOHS A HAH WOOD Commission Merchan';-- , Csraer Ttae aa4 Csawt retal rests, lf h r. Louis. ma BBIOG8 A NORTON, Whb.lepSale Grocers, AND OOTTOsN FACTORS, 399 Front Row, MEMPHIS. JJ AVE A CHOICE STOCK GROCERIES, vis : 49 Bags Cages. ii Hoetkcsds rigar, 1M Barrelt Kogar, 3t starre lt and legs ;'rjp 150 Harreis Ifts sad Basip park. IH Pieces Ftai asd Heap Banipw IM rolls Rope, mi roas ires Ties Tar loss Bakes, as Barrels flour st Barrels Wblskf. Ratson lard anH o, ., w r, all of which they will sell at lowest market rates. Examine car stock a 3n WAS. S TATXOB. m A. VXSLa TAYLOR, COLE tV CO., COTTON FACTORS ASD tteneral Commission MerPbaEt, No. II Moaroa at, bat. Main and Front, Cooper Block. MKMPHI1. TENN. fcgjrlcg. Rope. Iron Tie. and other Sbb-aik- w farrtished st Lowest Market Rates. J. C BBSXT H M. .IE. 1 J. C. NEELY ft CO., ( Successors ta Per x an A salt, COTTON FACTORS ABB Cornmission Merchants, Xo. See Front rs treet, Over Brooks. Neelr Ca.. MEM PH IS, TsTNN. LIBERAL rash advances made on. store. All shlpm nu by rivar . . 7 Mr UM oo. of . n - BBSSaSa. unless otherwise Insnueti-- L .aaea n. rucaett win rema n with us, arid glvs, aa heretofore, his oini.videxl altemlon to the sale of Cotton. sei3 3aa a W. BBOOBW. j. c. nxxT. s. H. BROOg?. BBCOKS, NEELY & CO., Wholesale Grocers COMMISSIOF MERCHAN f 3, AND DKAI.BBA IN PLANTATION SUPPLIES, BOAT ASD BAR STORKS, No. 38G Front Sti-oet- , i Between Court snd Madlssn.) M KM PHIS. : : TKNN) SrlK! . ael3tn F. W. IRVINE tSc CO., Cotton Faotors AND GENERAL Commission Merchant?, tS Front StraL tp-SUI- r. IN entering anon SSSBbs commercial year, tse experience of tbs past, fravi-f- it lib tbe many vkaas tnden Incident tn a changed system cf agriculture, and fwr which most of our plasters were little prepared, ns- - ulllugtn heavy loss to planter and toerchsrt. ss sQ' tried, weshail adopt a rSId eaaa system la nor tjnahaaaa tatktn. no rat, end n.ak ng our sale- - prompt npoti receipt ot consign nienis. remitting priteaaaiawltli saTst h delay as pjlble ; bat la all eases cbevlr s- : strucu-ns of shippers, and using oar "best en- deavors to promote I be lu tere-- t of oa r peansssSL Oar amagsBsaBts for fumUbiag Honnl: s. Bagging, Hope. Ounmes, Uroeeiies snd Provt-s- i .us are Mich, that ws promise to ft. mien tbem st oar lowsst market price, and make H as much, c more, ta yoar inter to order through as, Ulan to pa. cease In person. Hoping to receive yoar patronage aad la 2 li- en ee, we are, respectfully. os"l F. W. IRVINE O CO A. H. ISAACaOB. O. SAIXAS) ISsiACSON, SEIXAS & 00., Wholesale Grocers IMPORTERS, JTe. 6 Common Street, NEW ORLEANS. attantloa given to ths PARTICULAR aagar and Molaassa. REFERENCES : Commarclal Rank of Tsnnaas.s. Memphis Pike, Lapeyne A Brother. New Orleaui.- - R M. Rnnvan. Banker Txmls eehU t' a. A raBTBB. is r, wtas-f;is- , Haywood Co .Tenn. Par., a, K. D. riKTir, Panola Co., a lea PARTEE, M'(xEHEEtCO COTTON FACTORS, AND fieneral Commission Merchants COIEB BLO H. Bsstss Street. LiDeral Airaces Mi n IK to or cmni as aU-vo- , we woaltl tbat in the future, vm th ptvix. wiJ jIta oor bast RttenUon to the tDtrrju ot or psstronsonan consign m en ta maJe raj, lb ml while oar 'acUlUeaavra svl Usa--t etiual to auy, THE tHVAL CHaBGEA WILL RE MA It. nd pjtKlge ouraeive-- i thstth lo th plantaron all bcaineaa lt-rn- iJ lo niktullW aa favorable aa from any oibr hoOMe of x;iim1 tttnaaJDg. or froi partieti who tuaT proprtMi to tmnaaet basin for Irm than wa leal wacAti jostlj and sAvTWy aiTbrd to do. SHANE. BELL & CO., Cotton and Tobacco Factors, QBHXRAX, COMMISSI QH and Forwarding Merchant, We. 964 Front sTtreet. MEMPHIS, : : : : TENNESSEE. Liberal adVsaces mads on Produce In Stora. Strict attsntUa paid to Filling Order.. U.s. T. H. Ball, R. F. Hsmrn, J. A abane. Dr. A Basra. Harris, Miller & Co., Sa, les sr. Saenasl street. esBTaa Cincinnati, oaio. KENXEDT, WILLIAMS A KISELL, COTTON FAOTORS AND Commission Merchants, We. 3A8, Front Street, M. F. Kunrgnv.i H. O. Williams. V J. P. RCSSXLL. I H a w w BirSIg, TS.15. ' ssD tra DICKMANN, HILL ft, CO , COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, WO. SS CXI OX STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. ear Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on Cot- ton no Deigned to ths above house by W. K. HttL. g- - A Co- - Maai pass asHX r J. ATTWOOO, Lata of Elliott A Co. W. r. ASUBJtm Late of Ifer rt te.. Al o. ATT WOOD ; AVOtKNOv, General Commission ASUS I T . 7 t Forwarding Merchant. And dealers la Bay. Corn, Oats. Bran, raw. , Lard, whisky, etc. Consignments Solicited. Be. 2 rTtBUBtalt Btrset, Mot ef Jrtcraoa awsVlat MEMH1I1S, TKNN,

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Page 1: The Memphis Daily Appeal. (Memphis, TN) 1867-11-17 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 16. · fash (V'pHil Mw bmrla.,'MI.OOO (fl)ITlO-l---EmJITABLR " nd Prompt reulesasa Parti XJ "tseompaay will


eeodldatefor la tbe office ofctyTaxiisllectBr. althe elsetloB V be nolsse InissastAaen--

1 LE ISK announce my uameasa fiSjSS

Mcmphla Jnlv SI 1W7.


Hr mlduee onTbotuton avenua, betweenO' i M .rkcl nod Alabama atresia, when 1 nowres if V. acre of land, house eleven rooms..Lsnle.ei ; all the convenience of a couatryhome t the earns tlene convenient to the bus-iness 'part of 'lie Possession given IntrMolxru,kW. orUiT

novl M Main airsat.

F O K K fci N T -rh ulttul sew tiulldlni No. 7 Howard'!ow. storm high, with good cellarAiptyte M. LMBaCB AM

oaxa tf No. Union street.

L' O K KENTHi. ire Hoaxes Noa SSS and 18 Shelby street.

Also, a large office IB the block.Apply to THOS. B. COCKE,

ocas tf FffN Msln street upjtAjre.

r RENTwlrt to Tent W rwj2!L,rlShr5!,si,lS

. ...i.vr, NotUlera portion

.mall tracts ASUATNK JON KB, BSL,

aHi CWorwaslsy, Joy Co.

yoU BENTA centrally loca'ed business bones on Front

possession given Immediately.T-t-

f J.W. PAQK.J-- V

TO KENTwo large and splendid Hal's at Nou HI See- -

r. J street, in Adam. Blrck.roltabie ror literalaieocialione, bail., private parties, clubs, ase-rir-

fain. etc. Will be leutnd reuaonably.. .. no iii.uib oak :

inquire u' Hie, - -

the piemises, from . towor Mdtn. Lease, on


A oland-noT- h,

am ... from lb 'lepol.coaalnlnxeome eereniy-nT..- c

ab,.th.irVwblcUcmtlT.t.ik, lance tn grove and Otnber, wit!, a goodend Ivomforlsbie dwelling bonee. ennlsiB ng

IB wUSeml h uses, etc . a good sprlsgof i everTalllng water, and other append.,PtBtMsHlOD a7'Vc:. CD kOJ IW - ssia iabsi j aass--

ndlaathAsUatof lertT,ler lollowiof Applyn ... nrrs r tilt niMflfllo Henri I. J OQ

.ca-i- a ltaNRY JOf4Erl.


FIVErpHAT meet desirable end centra y located

I Hotel, led " ".TKL Pi El RuiE.Tb- - Kurnlturs. of every kind, now need In

tbc Hotel. wUl b sold w.iu the LeaFor terms of apply l aba ofnoSOl


Baal antate Agent-JC- u 'ism Bio-- k

uel Cfmer sssal Ma tart Sta

OK RENTlarrts and OFTICES In Bethetll Haw

BiUdlna, on tne corn.; 01 --A"Apply !n the buildiaa wr.u

WrTHBlT VALUER. Ja .ln room.o and Z


T- -




or myJ5

"7 . . . .rabaatl In themanlyayoung man lorn and

aommouty. JaatofreferaBOealTB. Mllrae" ' 'ap a



AURORA OIL.whore to study their owbWe wavnt mac eeary

The right to manufacture and eejIhl AurorX Oil in a e.ngl. county willm'ke money lo Llie purchaser E.three"nths than the largeet farm 'n jour JM e

O.lThewill mace In a wboie yearactual eoaU lose than one-hal- f the prloe or

Aurora U la ae much an pertor te the Ooal Oil

as the Coa: OU Is to a tallow candle, and hKm?, ""wiiiTonVi c" I



candle.burn the


rora Oil ft does not .nott the ebtmBey It

smell --it will not grease oraln tnaaSewtllaen-iioteT- en white eloth. The

Inexhanatiole. Onebarreie per can make eeventy-- e

Nu machinery reuuirrd. W. will pay yourandfiUfar. and from city or Memphis

while nere. If we cannot prove all, and evenmore than we Have stated A smgie eonnty Is

a small fortune to the man of enterprise, anahe rmnt to a ftate it nctoid worth.Forrurtber information, call on or address

sc. c. lies Ht aw.

S4 Mad son street norner Main., , Memphl-- . Tcnn.




SALE or RETn,n, knowvj as taw IBchardson place, in

WltillfZ Snueea V CovlBgton.Tennessee. J. R PALMER.

B1 Ha


Fof ian-lr- f A A,cre or Fine Und,T Mtr acres cleared, balance heavily

OKImber-- d; moat of It abave overflow. slHI-ate- d

on Loose Hatehte river, three miles northo' Raleigh.

Term, of purchase aier YtTaodIt to r EbTIw1.. i . iron.,

OrloLO. strVKS. Attorney at Lea r x jnmBattanaa. MswiphU Teon

late I?r W H. Raine. In te Town ofHeraaoJo, IVaSato coun.y, Ml. Tbcrc lsonthe sremlsee a lalge and eommodloos FrameBel d'ng, with six rooms. Out hon-e- Htables.

ol.a- lE.e.. and altnated near the Mia.aippmnd Tenncasee railroad depot. Fot

intormatiest address 1 - nn, --rslcned .1Herna.ldo.Mlas. W. Al.Adailhlstralor.nelS n'yuK SALE

A rood 8aoond-hau- BCOOT aad HAE-VE- IriafJe used; will be sold cheap. Apply to Tay- -

r M.y Rutland JM etreet, oratrattf w gwur: x . at oo roe street

I jaud Jbor t9ale.undivided ona-lia- lf Interest In sb.000 acres

Aw Red river bottom land, la Iafayetteand Barter coo sues. Art anee.

Tuielnteresi. tbeOUe to wbleh IspwraBrt. willaw sold at alow flgars. lor one-thir- d cash andChe remainder at one and two years, wlttout'"yUaJaiC acres of msgalneaot Arkanea.

ooUom land, above all overBow, and theuest body of land In tba Male, la Oraarford

coubtt, Arbanaa.Tb-w- s lands WiU ie sold togetbor or m par- -

h- -Apply to PIK! A ADAMS,

Attornevsat Law.raul-t- f

" Main street. Memphis



KlBff."ontow7, rail-

roadthe Memphis

crossing. contaJnlugbete e--r. four ar.o fivebuBxlred acres, alwol one band red cleared(1 feet above the late overflow' Uu remainderheavily Umbered, tcarether wtth t be w nole o,half luteieet In a XL fiTJAM MJLL,

Engine, Klakamlt4. sslt,cp.farw!.tcr'ir,u,'wairons snd all naeeaaaryappor.enancea lor running the same There laa flae Maateion anth nine roams. a Cistern, iy

aww galione. tbroaOablBa,a Wareboaaa,.good o.. Yard., and ibe beat landing,

on the river. The abovewill be sold al low e

and on easy lamia. For furtbar Particu-lars sit lirsa Mrs M L n

s,T4l Aaawal Office

: O T I C E


apply for I --tie re '

of Jalitel Jua, aeosnead.

Mcn emb , MC.

next,.Ion tbeeata'e

JOXKK.do7 lawtw- -


or hartfort. oohh.Aeawta. eve' bla aavd Half Hill Ion Wa-

llerKS M Paltreea a'. Hie dlent p'sns,

lies Agaau itS Madiaon

KIT, .en

tbjTe.roartra of lie froaii Klir4 la(kr Ho Urn la Ibe

Georgia Komo Insurance Oo.,

oF C()f.llMBl'8. OA.iioujLPOKAiAU mm-- i

fash (V'pHil Mw bmrla. ,'MI.OOO

(fl)ITlO-l-- - EmJITABLRPartind Prompt reu lesasa" XJ "tseompaay will their

P"- -

at par reliews'a

i e memberon



I on


Poll. y

is., .- ,

u va

V A la



Ipro- -


uikiKK A WErlT, ArenUZ1S Ma'ilaoa street.



Ml IUIb 8t., 8vth --f ChIod,


Ladleg Dreg and Cloak Trimmings,

French and German BHttoni'

Fancy Good, Notiona,

Zephyr Worittyd,

Worsted Patterns,

Beal Laces, English Hosiery,

Toys, French Corsets.Agent for the i elsbiabsd

Boulevard Hoop Skirt !

H E A PPEAL MEBPHIS ASS0CUTI0S mmOtlicr--Xo. 13 Madison MreetBITKDAY. NOVEMBER 17. ll

CITY JISlTTERS.Venph's and fhtrleiton Bllrod.

Id, " ABBA VS. DBFABTThroogh Fnare.raliy lipm MmThrough Mall Oallv p.m. AID p mSomervllls AcoonimodaUon

iiaily (Mundays excepted) Tilts !tAip.inTicket otBce, corner of South Court .t.

Memptilt and Ohio Railroad.ABKIVk.m p.m.

DIPABT.llilG p.m.

rtn M' b"J ON K, Ban 'I Su'p'u

latlMlppl Sw4 Teaacuer'

Railroad,avavaaawawsiii ABBfTB . DBPABT.

NswOrlaaasEiprasa.da:.j. .a.n,.'jy except Bun-da-

P am,Tj SaturdsT, lath. lo7.

A. 8. LIVBRMORK. Uan'l Bnp't-- C

r. A K ' .K Y, uen. Tlcxel Alt. ocld


mtll further noUoTthe Malls will cloae as

FwOai, Chicago. Bt. Lonl.. Nasbyllle, Loals-vlll-..

Phlla-deip- hl3lBOtnaat.tavaland Pltubun..a, Buffalo, Albany, o rk. Ba 1.1- -

more. and all dues north and wast, atPW&attaoorAayA. FJcbmond, hlngt rolambna, Os.. Montgomer;Ala:. New York, Nash villa, and all clue,

sooth and east, at 6:i p mFor New Ortaaoa. Baton Konge, Jackaoo JBaB,

vickabura. Nalchox. and all eltle. eonth, at

":.... sua...! and Ta.v,.-.- . NewOrlaaas. Jackson and OreatNarthern railroads al ABJ p,m.

All tatlous on Btaaapbis and LoolevUls andbranch railroads at J p.m.

All Station oa Memphis and Charleston.OaBUat, Mobile and Ohio, NaebvlUe

and Deoator. Naabvlile and CbaitAnooga andBlast Tennessee railroads al 5 a. it:

ForLAtUe Rock. Pine Bluff and all Landing.on Arkanaasand Wl.iterlvare.ise

. ,,iII laill j iaiuiij- -Mlsslsslppi river-sou- th, . .y).

Bad oaiunuajn.Ippl river north, y i. aim

1 rnuaye.K CTUIBT. Postmaster Memphis.

FIWE CENTN.w, reqnast lhal oar patrons will not pay

the newsboys more than Ave rente a copy for

tba ArrmAL. It la soli over the counter at(bat prioa, and wa allow the newsboys aevent margin to mek. a handsome profit bysailing tba papers at Ave cents per copy.

To thi Patrons of the Appeal.Subscribers are requeeted to report anyirreirularitieg in (be delivery of theAppkal at the pour-tin- roorr. CBrrierswill be furnished weekly with certificate

uUioriziDK them to collect subscriptions.f Ell MANKF- - HI.

Sapt. of ClicnlKtlon,

Central M. E. Church, UnionStreet. PreAchisg y at 11 a.m.

First Baptist Church. There willbe preachine this morning and thievening in 'his church by the pastor.Her vice commence at night at 7 o'clock.The ordnauce of baptism will be

after the night service.

Christian Church Elder T. W.Caakey will preach ait Lis church, cornerof Linden and Mulberry streets, thismorning at 11 o'clock, and at 7 p mSunday School at a m , at which timethe Young Men's Prayer Meeting will bereorganized. The public are cordiallyinvited.

Chelsea Baptist church. Usualservices at this place to-d- at 11 a.m.So service at niitiit. There being a num-ber of applicants awaiting bapiifin, thepastor and congregation will worshipwith the Flrt Baptist church, when theordnance will be administered.

Reliuiols Elders Meaders and Mor-

ris, Old School Bsptist, of MissOasippi,will preach this (Sunday) morning al10$ o'clock, at the Pres'oyteriau churchon Echols street, near the corner of El-

liott, in South Memphis. The public arecordially iovlled. Seats free.

W. H. Andrews, 278 Front ntreei,weroawomrd is iu the Appeal, is amongour most reliable and obliging rner-cbant-

He keeps fresh supplies ofgroceries for plantation and family use,and does a general commission business.Our country frtecii cannot call upon amerchant who will meet their wantsmore satisfactorily.

Hlbrkw Belief Association Meet-in-

Tbe r.i' - "f this Associationand all of Memphis are re-

spectfully iBVHed to attend an annualmeeting luta avy at 2 ., at MemphisClub R jomf, for the purport., of receivingreports and taking .Upe for relief of thepoor this winter.

By order of .A. . FBANLAND.Prct.

A I' LosB.Bwc'y.

J IxKTtE has Just received the UewYork Clipper, MetrrpoHt"Ti Becord,Lilerauy Albuir. t biinney turner, Boe-to- n

PiM. tbe Irish Ciltigeu, New YorkFreemr.b's Joiin al, Belletriehi'hee Jour-nal. Banner of Light, Turf, Field andFarm, WaveSy, (Jodey Maga-zine for December, the Irish Republic,the Irish People, all tbe late dailies,i.ooks, stationery, etc., .tc, for yourSunday reading. Give him a call.

Uaclepb Hotel. When any of ourcitiaens visit St. Loul, w hope that ibeywill stop at this hotei, ss It ih flrst-cla-

in every particular, and the prices are aslow at any hotel in the city. The pro-

prietors, Makers. BrolasUi A Maline, aretrue CoDawnfattvea, and as clever gentle-men as can be f uod In nay clime. Weknow thrm and their house, and there-for speak underetsndlngly.

OffrndED. A negm woman with herbuaiMtnd got ai a Hernamio sire--i carvesterdaf yenin, coming Iroui theraces. The wu ;:.Jlor requeated them togo on the platfo.-ui-

, whau she replied,If weomnuot ride with wbtte (oiks we

will walk." HnwarayouetjualitylH

AN AX!iDBNi - An esteem "i friendwho was accompaiiiid by ope of thefairest of the fail, met with a mishap ingoing to the races yesterday. His buggywas upset, aud the young lacy slightly

..u-.- l. PorluDatelv a obveiciau happened to ls near bv, who attended totba young .awj aoI fared ror ner. iterinjuries were not of aero;i nature, andabe proceeded In the raco.

Ben Bctle in Iovyr A lasiy re-

siding in the Brtnkley Rli ck. on Poplaratreet. found, on entering her kitchenyesterday mom: nr. that a great manyarticles 't?lnngine to that departmenthad sud'lenly and mysteriously dissp-pa-

ri ' from the cupt-oard- . She beganan iauutii!- - investigation of tbe mat-

ter, but wHiiau obtaining any Informa-tion aa ( wfco was (fee thief Ttbtwindow was brtAi iijrint apd manyarticles loo heavy to be conveys vYwithout a drsy were scattered pr.imiao)otialy on the (Vor of tbe kitchen.

Tub ioiiojeliijr teieeram remainfw in Mu; oJlce John Nayjor,

care of Ir. Chauitjere. ov. Doaovaa,Gen. J B Chalmers. Jsmes JJ. aWahi.Tboe. HUmt A Hons, J H lwenatein 4Bros , Fenm r. BeonettoV Bowman. Lery4 Bnrg. Jam Browo, Jr., Oayoapstaving- - Insliiuta, i.f". Stewart.

Siaaan A Co , s

Irv a Miller, Benj Bahh, Col. J.P Balrd. K C Kirk, i. H, SbeppArd,Jno. GholaeH, Murphy ('saj.

Rm itXEP Mr J. ti. Menker, of ttaffir. i of Menken Brothers, In- - jut ravUjrned from Europe, and brought a largeand ffl'Wt mairutftcenl stock ol FrenchQloaks, awatsj Rortls. trimmings and everyarticle kept by a f! rst class dry goodsbaoae. Their stock ta aire sly large andrarled, and this addition of trenrh drygoods makes their clock one of the largestattet most eacellently assorted in this cityor eeu (be Hnoth west . The ladlea whokeep on toe oui n't e for the fashions willreceive tiiisauin'bij. .Tiieiii with unmixedeatlsfactrtm


HE jAUaTiiso Car A gay parlyI , , r, I alie i.-- v - - e,

springy vebiele. which has attractediriVranle notH for some time. Be

fore they left the fleid one ir.di vldnal losthis IteiAlioe, aud was splHei ouf. Hs re-

covered hs f.vitiiig and bis seat, but hadnot proceeded batf 4 mile from tbe gatewhen tbe boras came to aaaeild slill, andieclined drawing any such load. j tbe

shades of evening were gathering fast,and as wa were on another r aad andmaking lor oho torse ears, we slid notlearn bow long they ac-- detained on

the i.avl. or what iuduei-mefc- a,ersuadedthe relisctaiit animal to " propeU. '

Contiiilation or the Grsat TenYears Sale of FibiRsiar Land.t RoywTeb, Teexevant Co..

AucrioiJtaM. Those who could notattend, or did not tar at the

will have anotherale on Thursday last,nod final opportunity on Toesday neit,wbeo ttie remainder of the loU wUl be

sold. Almost eif purchaser at tbefirst sale has beet) oefere4 large bonus,and all present wore dellgtitwa wiUi thebeauty of the sltoattaoa and the SAtUIaa-tor-

manner in wblrh tbaaale Has con-

ducted, every lot put op being sold with- -

otflerve. We iranaiy say mat wethink a better opportunity was neveroffered to iovjat in a Memphis home.

r--Fmvons Hon No. 10 Jefferson street,

I and 393 Main street, have recetyed Po- -

! itea News. Nev i ork Weekly, Piework Independent, ?suk Leslie, Home

Journal, Boys arefl Girls Weekly, Coun-try trentleman. Pen and Pencil Weekly,"UtteU's Livu.g "f Ago, Irish People,Irish Citizen, John M;tchall' new

Irish Americai:, Criminal 7,ellung,Metropolitan Record. Sew York Clip-oe- r

Turf, P'eld and Farm, Freeman'si ouraal, American ArtUeji, New York- - - rfeimoev Corner. L;terarv Al- -

Knm ilannar of Light, Boston Pilot,London News, Iinano Punch, NewYork Mercury, Sclentlflo American,

la Crosae Democrat, Bound Table, Yan-

kee Wanderer, Peterson's MafaainA,pieasaut Hours, Ballou's Monthly. Yan-

kee Nation, Bodtet of Fdn, ComioMonthly, lor P!avivi?r, nd dalliesfrom every HSvaTS.



filxtb and Lail Day.

If anything, yesterday was the mostdelicious day of tbe season. Tbe softnaze of Indian summer subdued every-thing, and gave it those voluptuous tintswhich make the distant hills, robed intheir asore hue,"Mors Basest than all tba landscape willing

near."Through the mists, tbe bare branches oftrws that early shed their leaves, werediscernible, bat then tbe russet-cla- d andcrimson-dye- d oak, and the tall spiralgum. with its blood-re- d garniture, beautifully set off by tbe evergreens. Invitedthe eye to dwell upon the ooaetsnUyshifting picture, sod making it wish foran extension of tbe season. There wasoo wail in Lbs wind, November as it is,and tneauil was genial, although shornof his daggling effulgence:

first race.The first race was ror the saloon purse

of $600. Entrance $35, mile heats, bestthree in five. There was sense mistakeIn an i. 'ucing tbe races fur this day,and especially thla race, aa Ibe pro-gramme was entirely reticent on the sub-jec- L

It would have drawn more peopleto tbe field had it not been understood assimply mile beats and restricted to tbsbest two in three. There Is anotherthing we should mention In this connec-tion, and which confused even many ofthe experienced turfites we allude tothe learning of tbe colors worn by tberider-- , which were rarely, If ever, oor-rec- t.

Malcolm was decidedly the favo-rite at tbe pool selling, and opinion hesi-

tating between Yiola and Pat, Cleburne.Malcolm had the call, but after a falsestart, they were called back, and oncemore their mces set to the task beforethem, when Cleburne dashed forward af-

ter Malcolm, but was passed by Viola ontbe turn, and the mile was run In tbesame position in 1:50.

Stcoayf iJ'at was stillthe favorite, but opinion was divided be-

tween Violaand Cleburne. Tbe ball milewas made in 0:49. On the third quarterViola fell back and many thought shewould be left out, but she gallantly un-

wound a few kinks and oame well up.making a good third, if there bad beenanother in tbe race. This beat was Mai- -

eolm's,in 1:60.Third Meat. After several false starts,

they set orf together, Malooim In theKad. On tbe first quarter Viola passedCleburne, aud pressed on Malcolm. Tbehalf mile was made In 0:53f. For sometime on tbe back stretch it seemed doubt-ful who was in tbe lead, Malcolm orViola, and as they cams down the homestretch, it waa still doubtful, but tpe tre-

mendous stride of tbe Boxole Scotlandcolt passed bim under tbe string in tbelead, while Viola and Cleburne had amoot magnificent struggle for tbe secondplace, which the former won in 1:49.

SUMMARY.1K. A. Smith's b. c Malcolm, four

years old, by Bonnie Scotland, damiady Lancaster .. 1 1 1

J A. C. Franklin', cb. f. Viola, threeyears old, by Jack Mrlone, dam bysecond v agonsr 3 t 3

j p. . lieheU'e (no color) Pal Cleburue,fosr years old, by Hiawatha, damby top Rmeu 3 2 8

Time, .j". :


This was a contest between beatenhorses, and ter.. great interest was man-ifested in the result. Chlckamauga wasrather the favorite, although Ooltawaand Nell Uwyuus had their friends whoexpressed confidence against any namedcompetitor. Jack Gamble bad somehackers, but to no great extent, and BillForrest waa regarded as a " dead beat "before they staxied.

Firtt Heat tontei nail tne start,after a trial or two, Chicksmauga beingrestive anQ I ebaving badly, refusing totake bis place as handicapped. Manycould not understand the change of drwhich called for blue and white, whenhis rider bad scarlet jacket and cap andwhite trowsers. When such alterationswere made In the programme, it wasImpossible to keep tbe score of the horsesas they passed around, and it ould onlybe ascertained at the close of the heat,which waa won in 1:47 Cbickamaugawinning the best, Jsck Gsmbie second,Ooltawa third, Nell Gwynne fourth, andBill Forrest distanced.

Second Heat. The start might havebeen better. Nell Gwynae'a rider seemedto trust to her heels, and set out at tbelop of ber speed. She ran down beforereaching the third quarter, and droppedfar behind. Sbe rallied again and madewell np on the last turn, but tbe speedwas too great for her, and she barely--

saved ber distance. Cbickamauga madesome splendid running in this heat, andOoUwa and Jack Gamble showed them-selves to be no mean competitors. Time,1:40, being the fastest mile that was madeduring the meeting.

SUMMARY.Turner A Johnsons eh e Cbickamauga,four year, old, by Jack Maioue, damAlboni, bv Imp Albion 1 1

BI l ring's b b Oolawa, eight year, old,by Albion, dam by Sovereign t t

3 Wm Brady's br c Jsck Gamble, fourears old. sire Jsck liamble, dans Me

dora 34 E A smith's gr f Nell Uwyune, Bvsyears

old, by Bonnie Scotland, dam GreyAl ee, by Chorister 4 4

L Smith A Hobsou'ssc Bill Forrest, fouryears old. by Hiawatha, dam PrairieFlower 4Ms

Time: 1:47V-1:- 4.

THIRD RACE.The sun was now passing out of sight,

bis crimson disc wheeling behind thetrees, when tbe track was cleared, andtbe horses brought out for tbe third race,a single dash of a mile, with three en-

tries. There was several false start, andthe judges had a hard lime In drawingthe hoi e- - up in a line. The Maid ofMemnhis was a great sufferer, becausesbe would not go,but shied at tbe palingsand her rider could not urge ner along.After being drawn from ibe fence, sheresolutely refused to lodge, and it waawith repeated efforts sbe would be headedin the right direction. Once) away, theottis da j Hey who rods her, without cap,iet ber out irom the jump, and she mademany a foot of gain as her fleet jumps: rough, her never ber coippetitors, whobail obtained a full quarter tbe start. l

was unfortunate that she should havebehaved so badly tbe result might havebeen dlllerent. As it was, tbe Presidentin response to repeated calls for a newtrial, decided that the race was at ani ud, as a horse shying after a start, orrefusing to rue, was no cause for eitherr&lbog tne omers oacs, or naviug au- -


1 Wm.tlamlson'e K m Sanle Thomas, I

I Wm. Uark sgb Frank - 2Maid of Mempnts dia.

Tims 2iu--

Tbe President, Mr. Donovan, addressedtbe crowd briefly, congratulating tbspeople of Memphis on ths auspicious In-

auguration ef the Association races.There had been no difficulty, no objurga-tion no noise, except tbe Jubilation en-

tirety yenlal in the moment of excite-ment. He hep., they would do nothingto mar tbe succssr, vrialohi rom first tolast, was triumphant, but quietly retire,and peacefully seek their homes. Weli aye never witnessed so little intoxica-tion or gaming on a race-fiel- or the ob-

servance of fuch strict order and deco-

rum. To Cant. Driver, of Nashville, Col.Bogert, M L. t'nsteilo and Joe O'Dsll,Eeqs., of this city, timers, we are In-

debted for numerous favors. We hope tosee tbem oo tbe turf again before .be ad-

vent of the sere and yellow leaf.

rer U.. WaKSr''M Riddle, 26 years, female, white, con-

sumption ; M C Woodard, el years, fe-

male, white, consumption; child of W.Buney, , female, white, prematurebirth. T. 0. Smith, Undertaker.

E Marley, 14 months, female, white,congestion.


S E Lopes, 41 years, male, white,ohronic diarrhea ; infant of CLonginotto,female v Hif. still born ; J Packer reyears, inaie, hlte, old age ; C Nolan,. j years, mala, whfte, yellow fever ; ALeLoupe, 80 years, male, white, iireinls,(.' Lago-aarairr- $7 years, male, white,congestion; A GKropp, Jr, 17 years, male,wbite, yellow fever; M E Morton, 17

years, female, white, consumption ; G WWilliams, 26 years, male, white, yellowfever ; William Jackson, 40 years, male,White iniury ; B Shloss, 27 years, female,white', ywi ow tyvar ; Eugene Megivany.22 years, i .al. wh.Ls, heart disease ; JLacey, is years, female, white, oonsump-tiot- i

P J Edwbolm, 28 years, male,whfte, yellow fever; F G Bingham, 21

years, auale, white, congestion lungs; YClark, 25 years, male, white, yellowfever.

J. c Ho Lbl A OO , fJndertakera.

M Morthaore, 17 years, female, white,C S mining itisj Culbert, 37 years,sale, while, yellow fcyey; Richmond,2 years, male, black, diarrhea ; J Ford.36 years, mala, wbite, yellow fever, JMude, 46 years, black, typhoid fever ,

Infant of 8 Hall, 1 day, ; W Han-lan-

49 years, male, wuite, yellow fever ;

C Taylor, 17 years, female, black, brain

MotV.i .- -l Y A COstNELIU.Cndarlsken.

Mrs. Donovan, 45 years, femeie, wtuteyellow fever M Sheridan, 40 years, male,white, bullous fever ; F H Trudor 87

years, male, white, yellow fewer ; J Dil-

lon, 27 years, male, white, yellow fever ;

T Cjsvlgar H yrs, mala, white, yellowfever; r SOnao.j, 80 years, male, white,yellowfever; P tlurran, So years, male,white, yellow fever ; ' R Gallgher. 9veers, female, white, yellow fever; Jbriac-ol-l Wi veers, male, wtiite, yellowleuer ; M Pop, 16 years, female, black,ognsumption.

OWftl MBiTH, Usileriaasr.

Recapitulation aRajjjnptlon, 6 ; premature Lurtn, l ; congestions; uiarruea,2 ; stillborn, 1 ; old safe, 1 i uremia, 1 ;

injury, 1 ; disease of tbe heart, 1 ; c. s.niiningitls, 1; typhoid fever, 1; brainfevaw. 1 ; yellow fever, 16 ; bilious fever,1 ; unknown. . Total, 38; females, IS;males, 25 ; negroes 6 ; whites, 33.

KOGEH8, M. IV,ware Vary Board ot Ksalts.

New Memphis gH eater As Is usualon Satnrday night, the New Memphiswas not crowded. Tins may be owing Insome degree to the repetition of the piecesplayed or. Friday night. Miss Lottaplayed with her usual spirit, disrmiugthe audience with her splendid acting.Mie was well supported by tbe company.Her banjo playing and alnging called

I forth repeated applause. On Monti .fnight I.UUe Nell and the MarcMenefwill be presented.

Grbenlaw Opera House Injunc-tion. The house was closed last even- -

( log by an Injunction sworn out by JohnfE McDonougfa by his agent, J. H. Mo- -

vicaer. or C hicago, restraining air. treo.J. Deagle from further representing theTaie of I'.nrhanimrnt in tin- - ni;y it was

serious disappointment u a larganum- -' berof citizens who had intended to visittbc Opera House laitevarilB Mr. Dea-gl- e

himself furnishes the following ex-

planation :

Mxai'Mis, November 16. lttJ.Oa account of tbe misrepresentations

of John E. McDonougb and J. H. Mo--. injunction was granted against' tbe presentment of my spectacular dramaon last night, because, forsooth, I choose

. to one scenery bought and paid for bymyself. The whole matter Is now

i thrown into tbe courts, where, I smj confident justice will be done, snd aspeedy decision be rendered. Due notice

I will be given of tbe reopening and tbenext performance.

uEgauE j. dkaole.VariETIES. This place of amusement

was well filled last nlgbt, snd tbe variedperformance met with hearty applause.The locality is much more quiet than

' formerly. Manager Brown keeps tbe bestof order in his house.

St. Georoe's Benevolent Assocta-TTO-

A special meeting will be bald inthe Mnnlcipal Court room, corner Union

I and Second streets, on Monday evening,18th, at half past 7. All members aredesired to be present.

Dumps. At the regular meeting ofthe moasban of Memphis Grove No. 8,U. A. O. D . held on the 14th instant, tbefollowing officers were du'v installed fortbe ensuing term : J. W Wbolegard,N. A : P. H. Cavanangh, V. A : P. H.Lashly, Secretary ; C. W. Turner, Treavs-- 'urer ; W. M. Loeb, I. G.; Wm. Bath,Conductor.


When forms of beauty 'round Ibe pressThy senses all beguiling,

Yoar sparkling eyes and rnby lipsG alii or around thorn smiling.

Oh, not In such an hoar ss that.Wheu pleasure. all beset thee.

Wooidyoa bostowa ftom one,Who never oan for-- el ibee?

S. K. E.

Trihutr of Respect At a calledmeeting of Division No. 60 Sons of Tem-perance, held. Thursday, 14th inst., we,your commit lee appointed to draft reso-lutions on the death of Brother C. H.Norris, beg leave to submit the follow-

ing:Whereas, It has pleased God in his

supreme wisdom to remove from ourmidst our beloved brother C. H. Norris,the sad announcement of whose deathhas been made, therefore be It

Retained, Tbat we bow with humilityand reverence and trusting faith to thedivine will of Him who doeth all thingswell; that In the death of our belovedbrother, society has lost a true man, hisparents a dutiful son, his sisters an af- -

fectionate brother, and our order one ofits most faithful and efficient members ;

that we hereby tender to his bereavedfamily our earnest sympathy and mostsincere condolence; that a copy of theseresolutions be published in the city pa--pere, and the Becorblng Scribe be di-

rected to furnish a copy of tbe same tothe family of our deceased brother ; andthat the members of tbe Division weartbe usual badge of mourning for thirtydays.

O. F. kohr,B. K. e. HULLIS,LJIAS. HO ' A r D,

Com mlt'.M


Law Court. All jurors sre requiredto be present on Monday morning, tbe18tb insf. Tbe calender for tbe week Isas follows, commencing on Tuesday, No-vember ID, 1867 :

1 alorman v. Rodatlond.- Merrlwettier va Brown.3 Ashe viMAUK UCo.4 It A N R R Co . vs Davie,k Howard v. Wliibwna5 sloval et al Ve HiSS.7 BtUlman A Co , vs Kubnboliz etnx.s Clcaill vs Brown et al.

10 Pitman, aduir'x, vs M A R K.11 Moore et al vs Longlsas, DuvaiiA Co.lirasauiui vs Armour.4j Oil I, Bilm'r, v. Forrest et aL14 Heirs of Lockbard vs Gibson.15 Caldwell vs i arson A Co.le Cook v. S'liDpln.17 M oli r vs rtrannan et aL18 Prick v. Flnlay el al.3S t ...!.. vs HofTinan.21 Levy vs Bio. ui et al.21 Cuius A Knapp vsBauklicad.24 Coffin A CO., vs M Mrs Co o. T.

US Rloe, a nil r. vs MeGrnth.Js tie' vs Bums A Boyle.

. suj awl ii vn .u,u, biiui :

H Clara, ese, etc.. vs ..u.St) Oager v. Danuerl.31 Bradley vs Austin.

Thompson vs Mynall.33 M A A ol M, use, etc , vs Aust.u.Criminal ConiT Wm. Hunter Judge.

In the case of the State vs. Cunninghamet. al., the jury found the defendant,John Henry, guilty of burglary, etc.,and fixed the l eoalty at tenprisoument- - The other defendants, P.Cunningham, John jlAaxus and LewisWright not guilty. In the case of theState vs. Henry Pehles, grand larceny,tbe jury found the defendant Pohlt-guilt- y

as charged, and fixed the penaltyat seven years imprisonment. The Juryin tbe case of the Htate vs. W. C. Patter-son, (col.,) attempt to oremmit burglary,had not been able to agrew up to a latehour on yesterday. Court adjonrneiiover to Monday . the Wh instant. Tbejail cases will continue to Le taken up ontbat day.

MuMIcrpAJ-CovR- T Geo. II'. Waldran,Judge. Court stands adjourned to Mon-day, the 18th inst., owing to tbe illnessof Judge Waldran. Ail jurors und wit-nesses must be in attendance promptlyon Moudty morniug.

Chancers- - Cot rt Ifuii. C.Smith, Chancellor, d-- Yesterday beingmotion day, the following orders and de-crees were entered : Harris n vs. Black-burn, order of reference : Davidson vs.Davidson, report confirmed : Elliott vs.Tspp, decree (or complainant, Ac. :

Greenlaw vs. Hopkins, rale confirmed ;

Mitchell vs. Miller et al , decree for de-fendants; Martin vs. Churchill, saleconfirmed ; Hewett vs. Looney aaleeon-fime- d

j James vs. JSppe. order of refer-ence ; Alexander vs. Alexander divorcedecree ; Price vs. Parker, decree for peti-tioner. Tbe Court adjourned over toMonday morning, 'he lsib inst,

Chancellor Smith issued an order onJ. B. Bingham, Deputy V. S. Marshal,returnable oo Tuesday, Nov. lath, lStt7,to appear and show cause why he forci-bly took piswrssioii of property levied onby tbe Sheriff and in his bands. It seemsthat Marshal Bingham ejected the Sher-iff's watchman irotu the premises andtook possession of property by virtue ofa writ from the U. S. Codrt, by whatauthority, however, except force, Mr.Bingham i'l be called upon to show onTuesday next ip answer to tbe aboverule of the Chancello..

Moat F. Irgiant Mock of .! ill iter jGoods of our own tmportHlion,U My price aluiosi. ett

L. HKESf KB"..

S'toi't entire stock must be sold reran! leas of sost or value. Go and secure

fan II Goods. Ise--i. Bnueas andCrew na at L. Kit KM tB'S.

On Obnmovtynew!'. 100 barrels choiceapples, at JJickaon Cuntughsm A Co.'s,336 Second street, between Union andMonroe. Jtaoff atijft

The newest styles ! groistestvariety syf Dress and CloakTrimmings, at

L. K RKMEB's'.gavt, money and buv yrmr dry goods at

Eisou's .t.v.

Velvet aad Ciotn Cloaks, tbelargest and finest aeieetlon tnthe city, at priM;s le salt Ibetimes. L. KKEMLR.

Thousand rush to get the bargains of-

fered at Eicon's great clearing sale.

JrA. mince pies and delicious oysterpatties every day at Berton's confection-ery, corner of FoQrtb and Poplar streets.

novlS tw .

Stock complete, dlreet Impor-tation, finest goods in the city almost rrasoBsbii' rates.' L. KBEVEB

Huney oan be saved bv buying your drygoods at E'aon's gyeat clearing sale.

At Bison's mammoth cheap store stillgreater reductions, tsee advertisement.

Faney Goods, Conrounes.Bonrdeaax and Chignons lor

arnamSBL salL. KRESER'8.

Jjo not neglect going to the greatlng sale at E loon's.

Bio Clearing stales! hat goodand fashionable goods at thelowest prtees. L. HBEREB.

To Live comfortable, cheap and instyle, secure rooms at the Sou: hern Ho--'tel. on European plan. Rooms in suitsor single for families and gentlemen at

j very low rates. Tbe best reference re-

quired before rooms are occupied. Mrs.T. W. Mead has tbe control of tbe Res-

taurant Department, where tbe best themarket affords will be furnished at allhours. Ladles snd families may rest s-- l

sured of every Attention that can be be- -I

stowed on them. Persons csn live ascomfortable as If In the most costlydwellings or bouses, and fifty per cent,

'cheaper. Accommodations for 200 per-

sons. BIT 21.

Oo Tmtt4ay morning tbe largest asdmost Important Auction sale of lots willcotnmeuce at 10 o'clock. These lots areon Broadway, Jeokaon and Alabamastreets, and near the depot of tbe Mississlppi and Tennessee railroad, and witblna suoare of the terminus of ths Streetrailwsy, and In a healthy aud rapidlyi,nnB,d.. lot will he ' down co raoacarj, wun ins usn rortysold regardless of price bid ; and lucbe on ibe bars towards the., sasaasataeawks liberal Parltea moUlD. Without a Change occurs in thewho would secure a good location for aresidence, or who Would make a payingInvestment will do well to attend tinssale. The title to the property is perfect.As the sale Is likely to consume severalhours, refreshments will be provided forall who may attend.

Do not neglect going to Elson's.

Goods! Prices to salt the time,for their entire importation ofgiMHls, SU Aa KHEHEK fi.

iVortce Members of the late Mllltis ofMemphis are hereby Invited tn attend amulln. a, Clmln.l fAnwt IJ ...

law Opera Block, Monday eve, Novem-ber 18tn, 1867, at seven o'clock, on Busi-ness of Importance. Officers of allgrades, and privates without regard tocolor, will please attend.

A. C KETCHL'M, Chairman.Ma vi Htdb. Secretary.Memphis, November 16, IBS?.

Recklett the way In which goods sreslaughtered at Elson's great clearing sale.

L, kreraer wishes it distinctlyunderstood that this is no clear-lo- g

sale, as be intends te con-tinue us he bits done lor thelast seventeen years i te do bus-iness in this city, bat will sellbis elegniti stock of line goodsat prices that will Insure sjuteksales aud the reduction ef hissleek.

Look at our new prices of Fancy DreesGoods, Knit Goods, Shawls, Cloaks,Hosiery, Balmorals ; they are all greatlyreduced, at Rloe, Btix A Co.

Hice, Stix A Oo. have reduced pricesof Prints, Brown snd Bleached Muslins,Sheetings, to almost anti-wa- r figures.

Haid IAntey; Jeans, Gray Blankets.White Klankets. Flannels, all colors.Uents' ooderwt twenty-fiv- river for Tuesday.per from last mouth's prices, Bics, only boat leaving for tbatStix A Co.

The Ladiet sre Invited to call ex-

amine our stock. Lindauer, Arnold ACo., 311 Main street. nov!3 lm

Bead the New Advertisement ofBice, btix It Their prices havebeen again reduced in accordancewith tne latest decline, theymean to oiler such inducements aswill guarantee au early sale.

We are sailing Goods at panic prices.Call early. Lindauer, Arnold A Co., 311Main street. nov!3 lm

The Public Is now aware tbat Rice,Stix A Co.'s closing Dry Goods sale is nodeception. The inducements offered aresuch as will convince any one tbat tbestock will be closed out as soon as

Jiead the advertisement of Lindauer,Aruoid A Co., 311

Monroe.Main street, corner

nevl3 lm

Oreat Clearing Sale at Lindauer, Ar-nold A Co.'s., 311 Main street,

novlS lm

Dry Good cheap, cheaper, cheapest,at Lindauer, Arnold A Co.'s. nol3 1 m

NOTICE!Steiner Bros. & Baum are deter-rnine- o.

to give up Business by the 1stof January, and. therefore, offertbeir entire Wholesale and BetailHock of Clothing, Hats and Gents'Furnishing Goods, at lees than MewYork cost. This being no Humbug,the Public will do weU to oall onthem and secure Bargains. Remem-ber the place.

tVI'El.V h H BROS, it Bint3SS Main, tor. Mad ison m.novl5 lm.


SOOTHING HYRUP,For Children Teething,

Oreatly facilitates the process of teething, bysoftening the gums, reducing alllnaammatlorwlll allay all pain and spa.modlc action, aud Is

Sure la Kegel ate tbe Bowels.Depend upou 11, mothers. It will give rest lo

yourselves, asdRelief Health to yaqr Infanta

We have put up and sold this article for yearsand can say In confidence and truth of It whatwe never can be able to aay of any other med-icine : Never has It failed In a single lustanoato effect a cure when timely used. Never didw.known.tanoofdltl.factlonl,y.ny was

it. On h . hisoperation, and speak in boat. Theof commendation of it. medical effect, andmedical virtues. We speak In this matter

what we do know." years ot experience,and pledge oar reputation for the fulfilment ofwhat we here declare. In almost ovary

whsre the Infant Is suffering from painand be In permanently,

twenty lite Syrup 1.tered.

Ku.i direction, for (Jtaoooe n luisaanybott:.

Be sura and oall for

"Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,"Having the facsimile at " Curtis A Perkins '

on the outside wrapper. All others are

Sold by Druggists throughout loo world.only as Coats per Bottle.

OmcKs 21.1 Pulton street, Nw Tork ; a5High Holborn, Londnn, England; 441 Ht. Panlstreet, Montreal , Canada w-- s eod

A Cough, a Cold or a Sore Throat,Houains Immediate allettUon, and should be

cheesed. I f al lowe 1 to continue.Irritation or the Usst, a Permanent

In tilten tUs resulL


Having a dlreet Influence to the parts, give Im-

mediate relief. Pwr Bronchitis, AsthmaCatarrh, Conaaasptlve Thrwat Dis-eases. Troches aie d with always goodsuccess.

Singers Speakers us. themto clear and strengthen the voice.

Obtaiw only "Batnul Bboisckiat.and not taks any of the W.-f-

InuuuiQTu that may he ottered.; soi.p r . sbt- -

WHXKk. - a. OC7aodtm

aael Celibacy. -- An assay formen on the of solitude, and the

diseases and ahuieswhleh crests Impedimentsto marriage, with enre means of relief.sent in sealed an velopesfreeof Address

1'H. J. SKILLIN BOUOHTON,Howard Association, Philadelphia.

oc24 dAwibi

ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERYOf Cuba, conducted by tbs Spanish

; BstaBA la Gold every seven leandays, pr zei cashed 'and Information furnished.

hlghteat rates paid poubleon allkluds ot (sold aad tiUyes, . - cjj . - j a fg

T 1 V LOR A CO.,Bab baas, No. u Wall St.,

nog 3m JtswTork.

La Hlraadea' Preach Havesaved thousands all over Europe, hav-ing been for many years the assist-ant al Professor La Mirandas' PrivateHospital In Paris, and having been

to eataoluh a branch is thiscountry, I am now' prepared to furnishcelebrated remedies for ConmmoUoo, Rheu-matism, Scrofula etc.; also, the genuine

VitaU- a- Health's Grand Restorerthe only irtala ettps fat constitutionshattered toy tba excesses and abases ofyouth. sot be tampered with by

Address yoar com-

munications ta Dr. O. W. Fernler, 236 West47th St., Mew YorS. Advice grails, bat Ifjob give as the fall history of yoar case,

the consultation fee of three doUars shouldoe -- oeloatd. Ladles may atldrsss as in fallconftdshd. flo7

Norta Aemi Life I Actiieit Ins. Co.,PHILADELPHIA. PA.

ALL policies issued oa the endowment plan.its policies are

Mo restriction on residence or travel.W. J. LITTLICJOHN, Local Agent,

noS 1( Madison street. Memphis. Tenn.

Son -- Resident Notice.side of the Common and Chancery

Court of tbe crty of Memnhis, Tennessee:Wilson John JuCers vs. Laura BgUe Jeflers.

appear! sa from affidavit In this cause thatXTIbe defendant, Lanra BaMe Jeflers Is a non-resident the Stale oi Teas east is

1 is therefore ordered thai she make herherein at the Ooartaooae In the city

of Mooiphls, Tennessee, os or belo.'s ibesecond Monday in esoraary next, lsss,and plead, answer or tfesntir to plaintiff'sbill, or the will bk taken con


to her and set for hearingthat aOpy order publishedand a of this be

Kerr, Weateotl A

four successive weegs, in

JOBJi DONuVAN, Uerk.By B. B. Car Baa, D c.ahl, Attorneys for Plain- -

novli lawt.ok 1REIHOLM,

SBippluf aai Commlslon HerchaoU.Charlaaton, M. C.

special aUsnUcB to the dispatch ofGIVE and Foreign by steamdirect to Baltimore and Nsw York and via Halttniore to rnUadelpbta. Insuranceand frelgbtrates as low via' ihar eatos as by anyotberlln.north. Tlrst class packet ship. wUl always beon the for Liverpool during ths presentcotton season. Sblpp ri ran economise la

sa well as fretgh t sad men anos toby consigning cottons to Charleston in

pre'er' i.oe loguirpuns, Uaoia1 tons lor freights.Insurance, etc. lo all points, rurnlshsd w klyt regular cortespondenls novlS atawim

A Large envelops containing some legal pa-pers. Tne finder will be liberally rewarded byleaving same citaer al ibe Appeal or atmi office, a30 Pront How.


JO A-- CO.,esaablUned then office In Titus'HAVK in rear of No. 11 Jefferson street

wear, may laasthsaitiiinil toy partis, mwrosted.O03K

WEATHER AND R1VRBS.The rain promised last nlgbt did nst

come. It is olesr, with no indica-tion of rain. The Ohio is at a stand atPittsburg, and Is falling all the way

tbe tbe eboalset





weather that stream will again becomeprecarious. Hence to Louis full six

is found, except st Hat islandwhich is now tbe worst point to tbatport. White Is three and a halffeet to Devsll's Bluff, and tbree feet toAugusta. The Arkansas Is uncnangeu

Arrivals.Steamer Emperor, Cincinnati.

Plsuu City , E vans vlils." Ozark, White river." ljoonrdas, Ctaetnnati." City of Cairo, Loeia." Ezra Cincinnati." Lady, Cairo.

Steamer Lotawanna, New Orleans." Countess, Hale's Point." Plain City, Vioksnurg.' Louidss, New Orleaoa." City of Cairo, St. Louis.11 Goldfinch, Hale's Point," Darling, Cincinnati." Minneola, Cincinnati." Dan Able, Yicksburg." Guidon, White river.

Boats ta port.Emperor, Ozark, Porter. Lady.

MISCKIXA m ROSS.The Nick Longworth, Capt,

Alsx Irwin, will be bere to leave onWednesday for Nsw Orleans. By lettersto her agents ws learn tbat sbe is hand-somer than ever. She goes into thetrade to stay.

The Mississippi, Capt. Thompson,be in pott to leave for New Orleans onMonday at noon.

Tbe Slary E. Forsyth will be here to

leave for the same port at the same hour.By a dispatch to Messrs. Vinsou A

Djuobue we learn that the Wild Irish-man will be bere to leave for Vioksburgand tbe bends on Tuesday next, her oldday. Sbe is finer than ever. Capt.Huls eommands tbe St. Patrick, and J.Lee Finney Is chief clerk.

The old Commercial Is tber r?duced reirular Wbite packet

cent at She is the





early in the week. Asbfora IsMorton, Smithers and Robinson

are cieras.The fine light draft steamer Emperor,

Capt, Byers, came iu from Louisvilleyesterday, with a gool trip. She leaveson Monday for Cairo and Louis-ville, and being mostly owned bere sbeshould receive a libersl patronage. Sbewill get away at 6 precisely.

Tbe Mary McDonald will pass downfor Yicksburg y. CapL Gunsollis isher master.

The Ezra Porter did not get in to leavefor New Orleans last evening. Sbe willdoubtless be found at tbe landing thismorning, and will leave for below at 10

a.m.Tbe Starlight will be in port to leave

for Cincinnati at 6 p.m. on Monday.The gay little Pilgrim, Capt. Tom.

Berry, will be In port and willleave again on Tuesday for Piue Bluff.Jimmy Thompson is clerk of the Pil-

grim.The dashing Des Arc, Capt. John D.

Elliott is tbe United Mates mail packetror Yicksburg and the bends. Cad.Hanks is chief clerk of tbe Des Arc, andMalt Uaea is his, assistant.

The Dan Able departed for Vicksburglast evening with a good

Tbe Minneola departed for Cincinnatiwith 1100 bales of cotton; and tbe Darl-ing left for tbe same port with 960 bales.

The Adkins aud her barges were stillaground at Hat Island when the City ofCairo passed down.

The Oxsrk oame in from Whitewith 460 uales ot cotton. She goes outof commission.

The Salvor No. 2, Capt, Williams, leftyesterday for tbe wreck of the Boena.ejbe will remove her furniture, enginesand machinery.

The splendid Adam Jacobs will be tnport this morning, abd will depart at 6

p m. for Cairo and SL Louie. in command, and our eie-ga-

friend Mon. tbe honorsof the in Parisian style. TheJacobs leaves at sharp 5.

The Belie Memphis, Capt. Dan. Mus-selnia-n,

will leave on Monday for Cairoand St. Louis. She connects with trainsbound East Nortb, and has superiornassenger accommodations. GeorgeDeane is her chief secretary.

The City of arrived yesterdayfrom St. Louis. Sbe was delayed at HatInland several hours, but brought iu avery fair trip, aud received bere several

bales of colton, shipped perDismoud lipe, for the East.

The shipment of cotton for tbe twenty-fou- r

hours ending at o p. ra. yesterdayamounted to nearly 4000 bales theheaviest shipment T the season.

Charles Wood, of Grand Lake, Miss.,overboard Irom the Ezra Porter at

Thursday, snd drowned,one who used connrery, all do- - gj deposited money with tbelighted with lis terms body















clerk of the was recovered aud will be taken to Grand Lakefor intermeot.

The Bart Able left New Orleans lastnight for this port. By a letter to heragents, Jas. T. Bourne A Co., we learn,1 .... aHa c-l- entpr the Afpmnhi SinH

exh.uaUoa relief will ..tbasd New 0rle,C8 trade leavingor minute, after adinlula thjg on .,fern.te (Saturdays. The




aad Pnblle

Marriageyoung crime


Govern-ment drawn

The and




























Southerner will leave on opposite Saturdays. This will give us several tinesteuiuers from this port to New Orleans.They are tbe Great Republic, HenryAmes, Nick Longworth, Southerner, BL Hodge, Bart Able and Olive Braneh.

There is a fair prospect for raising tbeAmelia Poe, recently sunk in tbe Mis-

souri.Boating is again played oat at Pitts-

burg.The Champion is reported aground at

French Island.The Frank Pargoord, Capt. Tobin's

new Ouachita nver packet, was launchedyesterday at Jefferson ville.

We learn tbat a race is on tbe tapitbetween Capt. Larry Harr.istesd's newpurchase, known as Big Ugly," acdMaj. Mart Walt's paring horse "GrayEagle " We also learn that Billy Ditthas become imbued with the spirit ojratling, and wants to trot bis horse"Cream" against time. He alnt par-

ticular bow much so It aint less thantwentv minutes.

VENDKi tfc BHO.,22 Main Street.

weald sail tbs attention of theWE the fact thaf. haying cut! rely alteredand ImprovsU our, we are desirous ofselling out the Bhs of DRi GOl!Bat price, u blch we do not publf.h for a PTTPPand BtaiW, but wooid simply ask ofadiscr'.mInatlng public lo come ana

Look at the Goods,And then ludg. fur yourselves. Adopting loroar motto, "HONESTY IS THE POL-ICY, " we snail adhere strlcUy to It la all thedetail, ot our business, and endeavor to giveevery satisfaction to those who favor us withtheir patronage.

We do not intend to "give np buamees" ordissolve partnership," but shall soil good. t

price, which are an advertisement of them-se- lfeeih g confident that an Intelligent

public will soon see ibe e betweenWORDS, and ACTION. Remember,

Everv thing is Beducea la Pplces,and havtnf one of the LARGEST sivij In tbecity, we are certain of being able toSL'lT VOTJvyiTft WHAT YOC WANT- -

Ws a so hnv. a Vvry ceavy stock of BOOTSAND SHOW, CLOTHING ANP O EN T

FURNISHING GOODS, which w. offer

"gRjbATLY rbduced pbices.The attention of WHOLESALE BUYERS is

directed to toe fact that our three .lory Ware-house Is roll from roof to cellar, and we shallhe m.ait hanov to show oar goods to all parties

novlS lmyInD'OS

SS6 Mam '.rest

BOOKS,School Books,

Novels,And a Fine lock ef Stationery,

C. C. CLEAVES & CO.'S,Ho. 313 Second street,

nov!4 Ida Corner of Monroe.

Trust Sale.vlrtas of a trail deed executed to me onBY nth day of May, UVC, by R F. Looney

and wife, Louisa M. Looney, and duly registered In the Register's office of bhelby county,Tennessee, for the purpose of paying the debttherein mentioned. 1 wUl,

On Tuesday, December 3d, 1M7,In front of the Law Court. room In ths city ofMemphis. Ten aeseee, sell to tbe hlgh-s- l biddertor cash, the following property, tl ; A cer-

tain lot of land situate tying and being in Hiecounty of Shelby, Mate of Tennessee anil cityol Mempni". ana iiuuavsi w-.-

follows io wit! Retrlniilns si the northwestearner of an alley on Has aoath side of roplarstreet, betwe. n Mam ana bwcouu streets, cityof Mempb s,runu!ag wsst Willi Poplar UeeliiSfeet: thence sooth 74 lest; ir.eaoe ea 2tfeet thenne npilh Willi said all-- y 14 leet lo thebeginning together with ail of the Improve-ments thereon. The title to said property Isbed.ved to be but 1 will sell and conveyonlyaTfUftte. Faulty of redempilon between 1" o'clock m. and 2 o'clock p.m.

nov!2tds HIRAM A. PARTKE. Trustee.

Hcmpliis, (teceola & Hale's PointRegular Sidewheel Passenger Packet

STEAMER COUNTESS,W1 make regular trips for ths

above and ait way piinta.every wtu.

SATURDAY at 3 o'clock p m.Bates r rrelgbl

freight, per I'O f

Cotton ptT0slS,..-- . - . -- .

rorti Dexaaek ..... .. ....Flour and Pork.stock haadHogs' - -bneep ...

To Island 4.Tocharlls Morris'To pon. is above, below Rani:to RandolphTo Osceola




Pound t fi at

tier oaniraci.1st1 90


i wifOte3 OS

fo Hale's Point --w.- 4 Of

This Boat having been purchase, by Alan Ableand myaelf expressly lor this trade, wtisre weexpect to weir her oat, you are ri eotfuliy ln--vl

ted to caU on ox. SILAS HLAiGtif,TsovU u Coiamandsr.


BteamboBt Agent and Proprietor?Memphis City Wharf-Bea- t.

OFFirK 37 Main street, corner of Madison.BStT


Regular Me

toI7 St

aphis aad Arkansas River Weeal ju. a saau raeaaa.

For Plate ai.SssS Little BackPILGRIM Waltaksr, master

This sAewaat Bsawasseaw masse.srtlllsavV "

TUSBDAY. 1Mb last., at S p.m.JAS. T BOURN K A CO.. Agents,

No. 13 Jefssraon sfeet.

rom WHITE RIVER.For White River.

COMMERCIAL Astiiord masterThis exes 11 est steamer lea'

Memphis as abave,TUBaDA T , ltth lost., at S p.m.

LEVY Agsnta,UOV17 xi l rout sireel.


For Vlcksbajg-- U. . MaiL3BB ABO ElUotl IThis sgslsnilhl pasaengar steamer

fin ,mmyw m .'.TL'IGbDA Y, ltth lost., at S p.m.LEVY A MILLER. Agents.

nol7 2t Ml root st reel.For Vlckebarg and las bends.

ST. PATRICK G. F. Huls, masterlitis splendid passenger packet

wur bbbvs lor tne aooveIL'aktDAY, lstb lust., at t pja.

VINSON LsJNAHUK, Agrnls.novl7 2t 354 Front street.

For vIcksbarg and Way Landings.MARY MCDONALD OanasUls master

This elegant passenger steamerwin leave as aoove os.

THIS DAT, 17th Inst , at 10 am.LARRY HARMMTAD A CO.. Agents,

Corner Main and Madiaon sta., ornol7 It City w barfboat. fast Monroe st.

FOR HE W ORLEANS.Regular New Or, sans Packet.

E7.RA PORTER Porter, masterThis splendid paaseogsr steamer

will leave tor taa aoove oaTHIS DAY, 170a InsL, at 13 a m.

LABRY HARMSTAD CO., Agents,Corner Main asd Media n .ta., or

novIT It W harl boat, foot Monro L

Atlantic and Mississippi Bteamahlp Company.Par Napoleoa. Vlehabnrg. Natebea aad

New urleaas.MARY K F'.lRSYTH


This now and elegant passengeratsmnr leave, on

MO.vDAY, ltth Inst., at 12 m.LARRY HAB MSTAD A CO., Agents,

Corner Main and Madison street.,novIT it Wharfnost, foot Monroe .treet.

AtlanUe and Mississippi steamship CompanyU. 8 Mall.

For Vlehabnrg aad New Orleans.MISSISSIPPI Thompson master

This fine passenger packet willlea v a aa aoov. , on

MON DAY, 1Kb Inst ,U Urn.LARRY 11ARMSTAD CO., Agents,

Corner Malu and Madison sta.,uovl7 City Whanboat, lool Monroe

KeiBlar Nsw Orleaa. Packet.NICK LONGWORTH Irwin master

This new and splendidsteamer will leave above


Corner Main and Madison sta.,novIT City Whsrf boat, foot Monroe

For Nsw OrleaoaNICK LON WORTH Irwin master

Anis superb passenger steamersin leave sours





it st.


as onat 5


3t t--


as estWEDNESDAY. last, at Spm.

JAR. T. BOURNE A CO., Agents,novl? 3t No. 1: Jefferson street.


Msmphls and Bt. Louis Packet Company.For Cairo aad St l.uuis

ADAM jACOBS . Usm.nway masterThis elegant passenger steamer

will tearsTHIS DAY, 17th last., at 4 p.avnovlT It FLEM. CALVERT.Bnp't.

Memphis and St. Loot. Packet CompanyFor 4 alro aad St. Lonls.

BELLE MEMPHIS MBsaslman masterThla splendid passenger packet

lsavss onMONDAY, ltth inst., at 6 p m.nolT It FLEM. CALVERT, Sapt.

FOR CIEClHRATs.Regnlar L lncinuati PackeL

STARLIGHT Uorton masterThis splendid passenger packet

will leave as aboveMuN HAY. 1Mb Inst., al i p.m.

LARRY H ARMnTAO A CO., Agents,corner Main and Madiaon sta, or

anvl7 It City Wharrbosl. fool Monroe st.

For Cairo, Louisville and ClBclanatl.EM PERU I'. Byers master

This flae passenger packet leaves aji afor the above sAaaasaaVsWA.

MONDAY, lath Inst , at &

For freight or passage, apply on board, or toJAMES T. BOURNE A CO., Agents,

nov!7 It No. li Jefferson -- ;reeL

Notice to la c Paper.order of Board of County Commissioners,BT will proceed to Issue DISIRltSn w au-

ra. NT to alt owners of PERSONAL PROP-ERTY' In nhelb county, whose taxes shall re-

main due and unpaid after tbe i'tb diiy of1S7. PHILIP . ,.r. an.Talx Coileclni tai.glajr c mtily, Tenn.

Leaser, Post kad Itermap paper copy oneweek aoslft

FOR BT. FRANCIS RIVER.Regular Tuesday an 1 Friday .

For Helena aael ft, Francis Wives.MOLL1E HAMBLET'lN ... Uuwuvtu Master

Tills elsaant aad . r stsusmt--will Itaive f svery,

TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 o'clock p.iu.,dunug low water Maeon.

For ftelihf or passage, apply on board or toLARRY HARMSTAD A CO , Agents,

Coruer Main and Madlsoti sta.,noil If and City Wharf boat fnot Monroe t

Regular Hcmpbis aud .New Or-

leans Weekly Line.

Regular 4m4b.l, aad hw Orleans Packet,

KSKT A Vaii . . J. f. Kicks HatterTBOS. L. CRAWFORO, clerk.

'This new and splendid passenger fJL m ' s.

sleaaier will leave Men. o his lor JjBjesBMnasNew Orleaoa, October letn, ,iud ITKKY tiTERN ATE WEDNaSDAY throughout t!. iseason.

Reffular Vautptits and New Qrlsan. Packet.

LITE BRiHl U . Isaac Jones matterThis raw .nd splendid passeuger .IT ' a

stestner will leave Uempr-- . a f .r eaaswaMtaWaNew Orleans, lapiber Jtrd. and r.VERY A

ATE W tDNESDAY tliroughooi the


8. H. SHOCK, fjen'l Pass-ng- A gsnt. selO

Meiciii, aMHewGTkaiL.

FOR NEW ORLL, MS.Ths lendid Side wheal Pasai.ger Steamer


Having sntrd ths sb-r- r trade . nK apermanently, will leave MemphlsejESBBBBniWEUNESl'AY. HovemDer JUth, at 1 o oiock and alteruste Wednealsys thereafter.

For rreighi or pssssige, apply on board, or teLARRY H A RS8TA ' A CO.,JAMBS T. BoORNK A CO .

B. H. Passengwr Agsnt Agsnta.novli lm

Memphis ud Wkite ElverPacket Conipanv.

Ths Steamer.


Wit. I. form a line betweenmrA tVSIt. va. '...I. . SfamnhtS

sve-- v TUESUAY. TaUa&6AY and SATT'R- -DA Y at o s eiock p.m.

JOBN B. DAVTS.Snp'LLEVY A MILLER, Agents, 'Jti Front Btoel


St. Lenis, Meiuphfs & Vk kslmrg



NE ht the fou Swli.a flmt ,CURSa Bluer W ii,""'" U"

iasafw IaarrtTSBiHt nriirnrktlv on KRIDaYS stndMtts A i o p m lor vicsuDaru anumil wy imwanti :mTRCB1 ojj, W. H. Msveter, rKJlA.;H. M. SHREVE. U Cuiwr. MeiSJ-M-f. KBIOAV8:CXiLlj MBtAN. B7ne-a- . Matr, MONDAYS;PKOillA CATE.IA U.miTvr, MaVr,wr-- i aMRkttjkf o!qs oonnvn.oa with Uerttlin aadB4waxR Rtviliosd, tul Vaxoo Rter fucKvU.

By proinpiness MM rwpuiariiT na wnw vto all bnaiuv a on rutd to hm, tbtne

Packet LruRt to merit .nd recr Ire the pauruo- -

a(e of ah pper.rreicn - Msni v avt u"rs bvh tt iimri

boat, fcotof Sionr- e iret- -LAKAY HARMS1 AiACO., AcentS,

oclS tf 97 Main etreet, corner Mad lson.

Regular Tussdsy Packet.For Vteksburg and the Beutts.

ST. riTKKK : fcsrres V, Isjs, masterCLAY R1CR Clerk.

This splendid steamer will contlbue in the trade dnitng thsson. leaving Memphis t. VERY TUBS DAa p.m. Ftelght for New Orleans will be re-shaped at VIcksbarg on tbs mslt line frontthat port, nates as lew as oy any ottier ua.

Valuable jptatttatian to Lease.WILL Lean, ss sUmlnlstrator of Christ- - tpherI J Field, aePd. bis Home the place or

tDay A Field, and the Plantation known as theContent Place. These Plantations a e La tksroaory of Bolivar. Miss , and In tne rsuidltlonar cal'.ivatlon, having baea cultivated forfir- - past There Is a uew and fine Clrcalar

Saw --Mill on the Home Place, for Sal.For further Information apply to meat Parts,

Boarboo ssasiy, Ky., or to Dr. S. J. Field, onthe premises, u. J.CLAT,

AomT & J. FliifJ , flasU

M. L. Msachab, A. C, TaaABwaxt,Formerly of Meacham Formerly of f. Laos

. A Gal breath. A to.


Wholesale and Retail Gro-cer, Cotton Factor, Com-mlseo- on

Merchant andDealer in Planta-

tion Bupplle,


Memphis : : : : Tennessee.THANKFUL fir lb. very liberal patronage

to mem. they hope hvunremitting attention to business to still merita continuance oi puhUc favor.

Thau-- facilities for storing and selling Cottonare unsurpassed by any bosses in tba city. Acommodious Brick Sued stanched to their storehouse elves tbem immediate and eoastsn!oversight of all Cattoa la Mors. All Cottonconsigned to us will be Insarsd, usless Instruc-tions U Ihs contrary

rsvggin., Rope snd Iran Ties furnished allawsst market floss. swlS AmseZu


HU 1

I ecl

. m

.5 3

13 5

aiswSas &










O flJ a


B. W. PEKE, A. B. TREAD WELL.Late ol Kasipof. Miss. Memphis. Tenn


Wholesale Grocers,xo. la rsfor street,

Lee Blaveh. Bet. Maln aael Front Streets.


& M. Asaa, of Msmphla.J" MyLswBA.v. late of Ttptoc ecmntv, Tenn.P. M Mono as, is-- so to county, Miss.W. F. Bagga, Marshall county, Mia.



Commission Merchants,So. 8al EroatJNireet,


BAGGING. Rope and Plantation Suppliesat the lowest market rates.

Liberal advancements made on lonalgn-sasat-n Im


COMMISSION MERCHANTSM4 front Street, kooa i, Memphis.

WE 'offsr oar services to oar aameroasfneads aad acqualnLancea, returningthanks for former patronage. SalUf actionguaranteed iQ m cases. Oar In'et-eat- sare out. Rope, BaeglDg . etc . 1; rnishsd.- ws have experience In Samoltng Classing

and lng Cotton or Prodncs, and 'ear nocomneUtloo. All eonslaomeuu covered byour Open Policy of insurance, unless other- -wise insrToaiasi, novl lm


Cotton FactorAND



Com in as' on or sailing' attoa.'ms Dol'ar per Bale. ncJ

7, a f is

Set'" M Q 5

LaJ rj . a ss J s j

St. CxPM,

a l r al nS



-- ANCy-

Ootton Factor,tgeata foe the Betrnlar trkstaaaa tUver


No. 272 Front Street,

.Mot..; !., Tennessee.

SflO Bbls Mews Perk,79 Casks Bacon Nitivje.

4'ttsats Ntlenlclrrw.S35 eitst ks Cbwice Coffee.B.tO Kb is Hngr, aaaened,NOO RblN Hour, all Kradee,2UO RblsMeal,no HbN uii is i.y,

loo ttbls W. . Molassea.ISO Half Bbls V O. MolassesSOU Kits Mat krrel,50 Bbls So. 1,2 and S Mackerel

asm Ple-e- s Keotucky Bales ludit Bagglag,IQ0 1 oils Rope,ado Half Cells Rape,SOO Kegs Lard.

30 Tierces Lard,lOO Bxs Tobacco, assrt'd brands

OO Bbls o. 1 Cider Vinegar.SO Bbls Breakfast Baeon,

rierces pngarcnred H

arsewhich will ba seal low for cash, or on osua.time to pr' mpt, paying csatomere-

A Ivan will made on shipments of hare, ox to oar rrsswas at

MARTIN WALT AICO..se28 272 Front Street.

viboil V. aocas.


t- -.

cos herot N.w


MOORE. WHITFIELD A CO.(Successor. Moore. Whitfield B Rayaar,!


Crenenl Commission MertABt,a 1 Howard's Bow,


WE are prepared to make liberal cashon all coclgantebis : also.lo far

ntsh Rope or Ties, so parties who willship os UielrOoCto. We are agents forLEBANON WOOI EN MI LLS. Lebanon. Tsnn.PREMIUM C'iTT N UIN. manalactured by

W. G. Clemmons, Brown A Co.ROROHUM OR CA SK MILLS (cast Iran), man-

ufactured at Zanesville, Ohio.The Celebrated UN ON WAnHINO MACHINE

AND WRINGER.B. ft RAY'S STAB CAPE LIME. oeiW dawr. aL ST AS USt- - M. C. KAHO. 1. H. UtlTI.

Stanley, King - Smith,


No. 37 Front Ntreet.



-A- JTaV-

Oommission Merchants,Lee Hock, Catoa St(Cp-ttain- l

Bsc Front SL, and Mala St.. Memphis. Tennno7 dawtks

TITTJS) ctto OO.,Cotton Factors


COMMISSION MERCHANTSo. 10 Jeatersen ettreet,

( Mi.v PHIS, ; : TKXNEUr-KK- .

lirE respeetfutty solicit a share of tba host.TV sees of tbe planter, of tbe SseMlk W

thank our Ic.rni.r customer, far their jatron-aee- .

aad woold be psm, ii to have thtra e

oaataess wito aa Oar charges a', thewlU oetu ira Ail Coiton consigned to us

Balsas othsrwlse iDAUaatsd. m



FACTOR,CwmIflon asd Foraar.lng

MERCHANT,Ba. BBS Front Street. WensnLK. Tennaslt U

XT. AKOkBSOS. ktUlIlrU..



fsVASTAl Osmmiseioi MeretealB,Mo. 17 jfront Street,

"assm No. 4. MEMPHIS.



General Commission Mercbants48 ITases St., Nevi (Means.


Commission Merchan';-- ,

Csraer Ttae aa4 Csawt retal rests,lf h r. Louis. ma


Whb.lepSale Grocers,AND

OOTTOsN FACTORS,399 Front Row,


49 Bags Cages.ii Hoetkcsds rigar,

1M Barrelt Kogar,3t starre lt and legs ;'rjp

150 Harreis Ifts sad Basip park.IH Pieces Ftai asd Heap BanipwIM rolls Rope,

mi roas ires Ties Tar loss Bakes,as Barrels flourst Barrels Wblskf.Ratson lard anH o, ., w r,

all of which they will sell at lowest marketrates. Examine car stock a 3n




tteneral Commission MerPbaEt,No. II Moaroa at, bat. Main and Front,

Cooper Block. MKMPHI1. TENN.fcgjrlcg. Rope. Iron Tie. and other Sbb-aik- w

farrtished st Lowest Market Rates.

J. C BBSXT H M. .IE. 1

J. C. NEELY ft CO.,( Successors ta Per x an A salt,


Cornmission Merchants,Xo. See Front rs treet,

Over Brooks. Neelr Ca.. MEM PH IS, TsTNN.

LIBERAL rash advances made All shlpm nu by rivar. . 7 Mr UM oo. of . n -

BBSSaSa. unless otherwise Insnueti--L

.aaea n. rucaett win rema n with us, aridglvs, aa heretofore, his oini.videxl altemlon tothe sale of Cotton. sei3 3aa

a W. BBOOBW. j. c. nxxT. s. H. BROOg?.


Wholesale GrocersCOMMISSIOF MERCHAN f3,



No. 38G Front Sti-oet- ,

i Between Court snd Madlssn.)

M KM PHIS. : : TKNN) SrlK! .



Cotton FaotorsAND GENERAL

Commission Merchant?,tS Front StraL tp-SUI- r.

IN entering anon SSSBbs commercial year,tse experience of tbs past, fravi-f- it

lib tbe many vkaas tnden Incident tn achanged system cf agriculture, and fwr whichmost of our plasters were little prepared, ns- -ulllugtn heavy loss to planter and sQ' tried, weshail adopt a rSIdeaaa system la nor tjnahaaaa tatktn. no rat,end n.ak ng our sale- - prompt npoti receipt otconsign nienis. remitting priteaaaiawltli saTst hdelay as pjlble ; bat la all eases cbevlr s- :

strucu-ns of shippers, and using oar "best en-deavors to promote I be lu tere-- t of oa r peansssSL

Oar amagsBsaBts for fumUbiag Honnl: s.Bagging, Hope. Ounmes, Uroeeiies snd Provt-s- are Mich, that ws promise to ft. mientbem st oar lowsst market price, and make Has much, c more, ta yoar inter to orderthrough as, Ulan to pa. cease In person.

Hoping to receive yoar patronage aad la 2 li-

en ee, we are, respectfully.os"l F. W. IRVINE O CO



Wholesale Grocers

IMPORTERS,JTe. 6 Common Street,

NEW ORLEANS.attantloa given to thsPARTICULAR aagar and Molaassa.

REFERENCES :Commarclal Rank of Tsnnaas.s. MemphisPike, Lapeyne A Brother. New Orleaui.- -

R M. Rnnvan. Banker Txmls eehU t'a. A raBTBB. is r, wtas-f;is-


Haywood Co .Tenn. Par., a,K. D. riKTir, Panola Co., a lea



fieneral Commission MerchantsCOIEB BLO H. Bsstss Street.

LiDeral Airaces Mi n

IK to or cmni as aU-vo- , we woaltltbat in the future, vm th ptvix. wiJjIta oor bast RttenUon to the tDtrrju ot orpsstronsonan consign m en ta maJe raj, lb ml

while oar 'acUlUeaavra svl Usa--t etiual to auy,THE tHVAL CHaBGEA WILL RE MA It.nd pjtKlge ouraeive-- i thstth lo thplantaron all bcaineaa lt-rn- iJ lo niktullWaa favorable aa from any oibr hoOMe of x;iim1tttnaaJDg. or froi partieti who tuaT proprtMi totmnaaet basin for Irm than wa leal wacAtijostlj and sAvTWy aiTbrd to do.


Cotton and Tobacco Factors,QBHXRAX, COMMISSI QH

and Forwarding Merchant,We. 964 Front sTtreet.

MEMPHIS, : : : : TENNESSEE.Liberal adVsaces mads on Produce In Stora.

Strict attsntUa paid to Filling Order..

U.s. T. H. Ball, R. F. Hsmrn, J. A abane.Dr. A Basra.

Harris, Miller & Co.,Sa, les sr. Saenasl street.

esBTaa Cincinnati, oaio.KENXEDT, WILLIAMS A KISELL,


Commission Merchants,We. 3A8, Front Street,

M. F. Kunrgnv.iH. O. Williams. V






BirSIg, TS.15.' ssD tra



Commission Merchants,WO. SS CXI OX STREET,


ear Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on Cot-

ton no Deigned to ths above house by W. K.HttL. g-- A Co-- Maai pass asHX

r J. ATTWOOO,Lata of Elliott

A Co.

W. r. ASUBJtmLate of Ifer rt

te.. Al o.


General CommissionASUS I T . 7 t

Forwarding Merchant.And dealers la Bay. Corn, Oats. Bran, raw.

, Lard, whisky, etc.

Consignments Solicited.

Be. 2 rTtBUBtalt Btrset, Mot ef JrtcraoaawsVlat MEMH1I1S, TKNN,