the middle ages you know…like a crisis

The Middle Ages You know…like a crisis zhZg

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Page 1: The Middle Ages You know…like a crisis

The Middle Ages

You know…like a crisis

Page 2: The Middle Ages You know…like a crisis

The Middle AgesWhat is it?

The name given to the period in Europe from the fall of Rome in CE 476 to approx. 1450

What Defines the time? (i.e. what was important)

Wealth/Power (for few in society)ReligionSurvival

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Fall of RomeMiddle Ages begin with the fall of Rome in AD 476. After Rome falls, the importance placed on the following wanes...

Culture & Love of LearningSophisticated system of roads & TradeSecurity

Those in charge in Christendom (The Franks, the Goths, etc.) weren’t interested in trade or intellectual development, rather: Power & Religion

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ChristendomAfter Rome falls, the new empire in Europe would be known as Christendom --the Christian Kingdom. It is Christianity that unites Europe after the fall of Rome. One thing all of these different people in Europe can relate to is Christianity, so it is under the “Christian Flag” that people in Europe unite during the Middle Ages

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Intellectualism? Middle Ages an era of little intellectual development

Period often referred to as the Dark AgesAfter Romans and Greeks had produced so much, there was little advancement in art and literature during the Middle Ages (Most art/culture Religious in theme)Catholic Church only group besides Nobility to continue literacy

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Middle Ages Power Structure

Feudalism- Power structure & government of the Middle Ages; A government/society in which you owe protection to those “below” you on the hierarchal chain, and loyalty/taxes to those “above” you.3 groups make up Middle Ages Society

Nobility: Royalty, Lords, Knights, Land ownersClergy: Christian Church leadersPeasants: Workers, laborers (95% of Europe’s population)

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Life in MA Europe: Role of the Nobility

B/C there is little law: People are not afraid of their actions, and Europe becomes a dangerous place to live from AD 476-1400So, people begin to look for protection, where are they going to look? Answer: The Nobility

Lord-Vassal Relationship…B/C of the dangers of society, Nobility would tell the peasants: Come live on my plot of land (Manor), and I will protect you. In exchange for this protection, you will provide me a service: A Percentage of what you grow, and loyalty.

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Nobility cont.

How did Nobility keep people in place?

Through fear, as well as keeping the peasants uneducated. Nobility had...weapons, training, and an abundance of food. The peasants did not.Wealth measured by land ownership: Only a Noble could truly own land.

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Life in MA Europe: Role of the ChurchThe Church works hand in hand with the Nobility in keeping the peasant class in “their place” during the Middle Ages. How do the Clergy/Catholic Church keep people in place you ask?

Taught against questioning the status quo, taught suppression of free thought, told peasants... “You’ll have a spot in heaven if you do your duties”

Role of Catholic Church1. Europe (Christendom) unified under

Christianity2. Peasants could seek protection

through the Catholic Church3. Most powerful, land-holding,

institution in Europe 4. Popes -the head of the Catholic

Church- would be both Political and Religious leaders

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Significance of the Middle AgesSo what’s the big deal?! The Middle Ages lasted 1000 years, and then the lasting implications another 300+… that’s 1300 years, or over five times longer than the United States has been a country.

Vital Issue: Why was the peasant class willing to go along with this way of life for so long?

They didn’t know any better; believed it was god’s will and their purpose was to go about their lives not questioning their placeThey had to (Fear of the unknown)

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Islamic Empire(s)Achievements of the Umayyad and Abbasid CaliphatesScientific discoveries

al-Razi’s classification of minerals into three categories, animal , vegetable and mineral. al-Bruni calculated the weight of 18 major minerals

Mathematical discoveries – Corrections to algebric and geometric theories. Best hospitals in the world at the time that involved a specific course of study for doctors and pharmacists. Machines and techniques – Papermaking, silk-weaving and ceramic firing brought from China. World’s best maps

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Chinese Golden Age

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Chinese Golden AgeThe Sui dynasty would unite China in 9th century; they would be followed by the Tang and Song Dynasties, the most successful in Chinese History.Dynasties would rule the North and the South, unheard of in ancient Chinese civilizations.

Monetary system developedTrade continues, Chinese possessed Silk and Porcelain, two commodities heavily desired by people in Africa, India, and the Middle EastChina also led the way in technology:

Building of the Great Canal, dikes, damsBridges with arches, segments and suspension. Most of the basic bridge types were engineered in this time period. Explosive powder improved and put into weapons (grenades and bombs) Weapons flamethrowers, poisonous gases and rocket launchersCompass in sea navigationabacus

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Mongol EmpireReached from the Pacific Ocean to central Europe

Would have spread more into Europe but a leader died and the army was called homeJerusalem never conquered, but the rest of the Middle East was. Genghis Khan took soldiers on horseback over the Great Wall; Conquered Jin Chinese (northern China)All the lands of the Song and Abbasid empires Even tried to conquer Japan, but storms sunk the ships

Never stable – fracturing while expanding, and began shrinking as soon as it stopped growing

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Great Silk Road What is it? A trade route (actually, a set of routes) that stretched from Tibet to the Mediterranean Sea (4000 miles) held together under the Mongols

Fell apart with Mongol instability and when long-distance shipping became better in the 1300s.Marco Polo traveled it, though most traders only traders with their neighbors

Significance: Well, Question with a question… Why is it so important than humans trade ideas?This route would for the first time allow East and West to synthesize their culturesThe trade on this road would keep culture alive for Europe after many considered culture to be a dead entity in Europe during the time known as the Middle Ages

Brings together our Regions of Study from this year: Middle East, India, China and Europe

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How Disease and War End the Time of Stagnation

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Event I- The Crusades

What were they?Series of battles between the Muslims and Christians over the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from 1099-1291: Formally began in November 1095 when Pope Urban II urged Christians to retake the Holy land. Those who fought in the name of the Christian church were promised a place in heaven.

Importance/Lasting Impact: What happens when two cultures come together?

We see synthesis of Eastern and Western cultures, as well as Christian and Muslim idealsBy being in Jerusalem, Crusaders come in contact with a more sophisticated culture in terms of Mathematics and science. Europe comes back in contact with the classics of the past in terms of Literature, art, and the works of the Romans and Greeks.

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Event II- The Black PlagueBacterial Disease: Yersinia Pestis Bacillus

Some rats can carry this disease in their systems without any noticeable ill effects; The bacilli breed, eventually taking over the rat’s nervous system; Fleas feast on the rats… alive and dead; Flea jumps from host to host, eventually finding…humansHumans will then most commonly spread it to others through coughing; pnuemonic form of the disease

Days 1-3: Aches, chills, rapid pulse, Headache, general feeling of weaknessDays 4-5: Lymph nodes begin to swell, Uncontrolled coughing (how disease was most commonly spread), Purplish blotches on skinDays 6-7: Nervous system begins to collapse and neurological disorders: Horrible pain, slurred speech; Anxiety and terror take over shortly before death as Skin blackensAfter a week: Death (yay!)

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Panic in EuropeBegins in Messina, Italy, 1347. Townspeople realize the plague must have come from the sick and dying crews of the ships and force them out-causing ships to go to other ports: Citizens of Messina spread to other towns, taking the disease with themPeople not allowed to leave towns and visit where the plague had broken out; Entire families boarded up in houses; Victims objects of disgust rather than pity, “Everything about them gave off terrible stench”; Only family members allowed to attend funerals of the deadJews and other minority groups face persecutionVenice, Genoa, Pisa, London, Paris all hit by the PlagueMedieval medicine at a loss as to why the Plague came at all; and what to do about it once people were affectedEarly theories

Earthquakes had released poisonous gassesSevere temp. changes causes southerly winds that brought the plagueConjunction of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn

Ultimately, Middle Ages society determined the Plague had been caused by the Wrath of god

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Changes in PhilosophyMedicine

Old Doctors ran away; Gave way to new people, new idesMedical Books in common language instead of Latin. What would this do?

Is the church to blame: Did the Church itself fail?

“As the Black Death waned in Europe, the power of religion waned with it”

EconomicallySee structure of feudal society undermined by plagueWork Force killed off; Workers therefore could demand higher wages and had to be treated betterPrices drop so people could afford more

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Event III- Hundred Years WarBetween England and France; Lasts from 1337-1453 C.E.The War

England won many battles in the early part of the war. But… In 1429 the French luck changed; they defeated the English at Orleans with a relief force led by Joan of ArcNew technologies such as the cannon eventually swung the tide France’s wayIn 1453 the Battle of Castillon ended the Hundred Years War

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Hundred Years WarEffects…

New technologies (Cannon, Longbow) for war make old technologies (armor, castles) obsolete. These ideas for warfare lead to new way of thinking throughout societyCommoners used for war…more power to the “little” people = Continued questioning of motives of nobility and monarchsNationalism in France; in England power shifts more towards Parliament (representative of the people) than ever before

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IV- Challenges to the Church

Avignon Papacy- See birth of indulgences and heavy corruption setting in from the churchGreat Schism- French Royalty urges Papacy to move back to Avignon with the threat of an eventual split (meaning new church)Wycliffe & Huss- Intellectual scholars who challenged merits of Papal law over the law of Royalty

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Significance of the Middle AgesSo what’s the big deal?! The Middle Ages lasted 1000 years, and then the lasting implications another 300+… that’s 1300 years, or over five times longer than the United States has been a country.

Vital Issue: Why was the peasant class willing to go along with this way of life for so long?

They didn’t know any better; believed it was god’s will and their purpose was to go about their lives not questioning their placeThey had to (Fear of the unknown)

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YOUR ASSIGNMENTCreate two stories (1-page in length each; illustrated). Each story should come from the perspective of a person from each event/time period we have discussed this class:

Middle Ages: What’s it like? (You may use any class of citizen) (Must)Crusades: Christian soldier introduced to new ways of thinking (Op)Black Plague: Peasant in Europe (Op)Hundred Years War: English or French soldier (Op)Challenges to Church: Anything goes here (Op)

You may treat this as a ‘day in the life’ type of entry; or it can be a series of events (multiple small entries); a short story; or it may take the form of a skit or narrative (if so 1-page); or, show me your drawing skillzThese stories should be creative, yes, but also show historical accuracy. Meaning, you understand both the event and how society interpreted the event or felt about what was ‘going on’ in their lives during this time.Due: Beginning of next class