the national boarding school paolo diacono (c.n.p.d.) and the secondary education institute the...


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Page 1: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary
Page 2: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary
Page 3: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary
Page 4: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary
Page 5: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

The National Boarding School “Paolo Diacono” (C.N.P.D.)and the Secondary Education Institute

The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL “PAOLO DIACONO” runs Elementary and Middle Schools and since 1987-1988 it has also been running the annexed state secondary school LICEO SCIENTIFICO specialising in science studies.

In the school year 1999-2000, following the new school size regulations, other secondary schools were opened in addition to the LICEO SCIENTIFICO, namely the LICEO CLASSICO (secondary school in classical studies) and the teacher-training secondary school formerly known as ISTITUTO MAGISTRALE in S. Pietro al Natisone with its two specialisations: one in social sciences, psychology and pedagogy (known as LICEO SOCIO-PSICO-PEDAGOGICO) and the other in language studies (known as the LICEO LINGUISTICO) (Brocca). The three secondary schools (LICEO SCIENTIFICO, LICEO CLASSICO and LICEO SOCI0-PSICO-PEDAGOGICO and LICEO LINGUISTICO) are an integral part of a new and single Institute based within the NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL and are run on the basis of the State’s school system.Pupils can attend the schools as boarders or half-boarders, benefiting from the services C.N.P.D can offer including: teachers’ advice on study methods, the canteen, transport, extra-curriculum activities and any initiative included in the curriculum plan.

Page 6: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

The logisticstructure

The C.N.P.D.’s Secondary Education Institute has THREE buildings that are located and organised as follows:

• The C.N.P.D. building in piazza Chiarottini no. 8 in Cividale, hosts the first two years of the LICEO SCIENTIFICO.This school building has a multimedia laboratory, a science laboratory, a computer room, a library, a main hall, a large park with football pitch, basket court, volleyball court and other sports facilities.

• The building in FORO GIULIO CESARE in Cividale, is where the LICEO CLASSICO and the last three years of the LICEO SCIENTIFICO are located. The premises have a rich library,science and language laboratories, computer room and a main hall.

• The CENTRO STUDI in S. Pietro al Natisone is the seat of the teacher-training secondary school formerly known as Istituto Magistrale, with its two specialisations: in social sciences and foreign languages. There are a library, a language laboratory and computer room, science and music laboratories, a main hall. The building is located in a marvellous setting.

All the school buildings can be easily reached with public transport which run both in the mornings and afternoons.

The group of pupils who took part in SPIMUN (UN’s simulation in St Petersburg) under the statue of Puskin

Page 7: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary


Curricular activities are flanked by extra-curricular activities (timetables provided below), which in line with the education and training autonomy law, pupils plan in cooperation with the students and parents elected in the schools’ representation boards. Such activities offer pupils opportunities of cultural enrichment and personal growth.

CNPD group visiting Yangzhou, China (April 2007).

Page 8: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary


They include optional courses in Foreign languages, Multimedia, Music (music project), the Institute’s newspaper, On-line yearbook, Theatre laboratory, Outdoor excursions, Twinnings and cultural Exchanges with foreign schools, introduction to Archaeological research, visits and trips in Italy and abroad.Various topical issues are also discussed in relation to the pupils’ educational needs: peace, world global awareness, inter-cultural life, health education, advice on higher education and on ways to enter the employment market.

The curriculum plan offered focuses on 4 main topics:

1) Strengthening and improving language knowledge,

2) Strengthening and improving multimedia knowledge,

3) Knowledge of the local area and its culture,

4) Education both in a European and World context.

Page 9: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

Integration: during the first school month, new pupils are gradually integrated in the school through activities and games aimed at socialisation and lessons on study methods.

Advice: on many occasions, last-year pupils are given advice on post-secondary school opportunities through meetings with representatives from universities, the labour market and former pupils.

Booster lessons and support: during the year, pupils are given the opportunity to improve their weak subjects (Ministerial Decree n. 80 of 3.10.2007).

Wellbeing at school: our Institutes promote activities that are aimed at improving the pupils’ wellbeing, which may be carried out with the support of external staff.

Sports: integrated sports activities are regularly organised in the framework of Physical Education. Pupils take part in national championships in various sports.

Additional servicesto pupils

Page 10: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

School trips and guided tours: every year school trips and guided tours are organised to complete and deepen curriculum studies.

Conferences: prominent scientists, representatives of the world of culture and experts in topical issues are often invited to the school.

Other activities:• Theatre• Music• Cultural exchanges and study periods abroad• Specific study-related projects (Liceo Socio-Psico-Pedagogico, Liceo Linguistico)• Internships in schools or care homes in the region (Liceo Socio-Psico- Pedagogico)• Integrated Training Courses funded by the Regional Council of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.• Preparation Courses for Foreign Language exams: Goethe Institute for German, Trinity for English.

Additional servicesto pupils

Page 11: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

The teaching and learning methods of all the courses make use of the most innovative techniques and facilities, such as:

• science laboratories

• language laboratories

• multimedia laboratories

• lessons with mother-tongue teaching assistants (English, German, Russian).


Page 12: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary


• The Italian welfare institute for civil servants I.N.P.D.A.P. grants scholarships to pupils of civil servants who wish to attend schools as half-boarders and boarders.

• Some scholarships are also granted every year by local Associations.

• The Provincial Council of Udine organises calls for grant applications for the purchase of books and for school transport.

• Local municipalities also grant funds every year for the purchase of school books for pupils of compulsory education.

Two students that have taken part in the project "Visiti", who were hosted in the Fogolar Furlan of Santa Maria (Brasil) with the manager Josè Zanella

For further information, please contact the Boarding School’s Secretariat.

Page 13: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

The Secondary Schools and the National Boarding School “Paolo Diacono” for many years have fostered as much as possible their contacts with schools and other institutions abroad. Since 2001-2002 the project “Studying in Friuli” has been operational: this year 25 students - children of emigrants of Friulan origin coming from Argentina, Brazil, Australia and Germany - attend our Secondary Schools, benefiting from a scholarship which allows them to live one school year with their peers, tackling together mutual problems related to their age.

Visit in China in 2007. Yangzhou Vocational School.

Page 14: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

The organisation of this complex initiative has paved the way for the development of a network of relations which has led to the promotion of further exchange projects enhancing opportunities of knowledge-sharing and education both for pupils and school staff.

The most important current international projects and agreements include:

• National/regional Italy-China project called “Il Milione”, which included a visit last April to the Jangsu province by a group of pupils from our Secondary Schools and the pupils of other schools in the region (I.T.A.S. “P. D’Aquileia” in Cividale del Friuli,I.T.I. “A. Malignani” in Udine and I.S.I.S. “R. D’Aronco” in Gemona del Friuli). This experience has given our pupils the opportunity to get to know the Chinese society and environment, which is completely different from our own.

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

Page 15: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

The graffiti drawn by the young Argentinians who have shared the experiece of the projects “Studying in Friuli” and “Visiti” at the Boarding School in Cividale

• Project “Visiti”. It is an exchange project which gives foreign pupils with Friulan origins the opportunity to experience life in this region and discover their own roots. Many CNPD pupils have been able over the years to spend a few weeks in South-America and Australia attending schools in partner schools and living interesting experiences in new areas. This year the project will regard the exchange of pupils with Australia.

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• Project “Kangaroo” with the Mount Gambier High School (South Australia). In the framework of this project, in the past three years 15 pupils have attended the Australian school for six weeks in summer, enjoying an experience that has been highly educational not only from the learning point of view. The project also envisages mutual exchange. Relations between the two schools have increasingly strengthened: the presence of Australian pupils and teachers in our schools has been a further opportunity of knowledge sharing and improvement of relations.

• “StudItalia Prize”: part of the agreement with the Education Department of the Australian state of Queensland. Relations with the state of Queensland have increased following the update of the agreement envisaging the exchange not only between pupils but also between teachers and headmasters/directors.

• Network of exchanges with secondary schools in Moscow and St.Petersburg. In recent years, pupils specialising in language studies at the Liceo Linguistico have visited Moscow and schools in the Federal Republic of Russia with a view to foster the mutual exchange of experiences and hospitality.

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

Page 17: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

Dance evening with Russian guests at the

summer camp in 2007: a great occasion for

pupils of the liceo linguistico to improve

their language skills

The foreign language secondary school Liceo Linguistico has, for many years, organised exchanges with schools in Austria (Wolfsberg) and Germany (Ansbach): through these exchanges entire classes of the schools concerned improve their language skills and experience life in the hosting schools and families, which are also excellent opportunities of personal growth.

Group of pupils of the Boarding School with

their friends in Argentina (summer


• Panama: the agreement with the School “Enrico Fermi” of Panama has also led to an exchange between pupils. Over the past two years, sixteen of our pupils have experienced the excitement of living close to the Canal and in the social environment of one State of Central America

Page 18: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

The group of the Visiti Project III edition at

the Iguazù falls (Brazil).

• Ecuador: the agreement with the “Colegio Britanico” of Quito has given four of our pupils the opportunity to go to Ecuador in April 2007 as the representatives of a praiseworthy humanitarian initiative of our pupils to raise funds for a school in a deprived area in the tropical forest.

The group of the school “Enrico Fermi” in

Panama visiting our Boarding School.

Page 19: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

• In the framework of international relations, it is worth remembering our pupils’ participation in MUN (Model United Nations, simulations of the UN’s General Assembly works). In the past two years, seventeen pupils have been involved in the works of GeMUN held in Genoa and SPIMUN held in St. Petersburg. These have been extraordinary experiences that have allowed our pupils to meet students from around the world, discuss issues of global politics and approach the world of international diplomatic relations. English has been used as the language of communication during all the works.

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

Page 20: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

• The secondary schools Liceo Scientifico and Liceo Classico are involved in the three-year project Comenius which is twinned with two secondary schools in Maribor (SLO) and Prague (CZ) and fosters activities in the arts, culture and the environment. The project offers the opportunity to get to know foreign pupils and at the end of each school year one of the partner schools is visited. In 2007/2008 the meeting will take place in May in Prague.

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Therefore, pupils in their second, third and fourth year are given the chance to visit Europe at low costs, meet pupils and families of foreign countries, benefit from opportunities of cultural and language growth (activities are carried out in English) and enjoy themselves too.

CNPD is a Reference School for the ‘Europe of Education’ and is actively involved in national and regional projects on European citizenship and on partnerships like e-Twinning.

CNPD and its pupils are partners in European projects such as: In-depth study of the 1900s history in a European dimension Pedagogy of the cultural legacy, in collaboration with Schools in Hungary.

The Boarding School and its annexed Secondary Schools have assumed the role of Reference Schools for International Relations in the Region because of their capacity to develop and implement these projects.

International exchanges and study opportunities abroad

Page 22: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

• Because they are reliable and welcoming schools where work is done with commitment and pleasure.

• Because they are “small ” schools, where everyone knows each other and where you will never be a number.

• Because the schools constantly provide information on class work, programmes, extracurricular activities, and pupils and parents tale part in work assessment.

• Because experiences can be exchanged with pupils and teachers of the other study courses.

• Because after obtaining the final diploma and thanks to the education received many pupils have taken on university studies with no difficulty and have entered some of the most prestigious Universities.

• Because the environment favours and enhances individual creativity - some of our pupils have indeed been admitted to the United World College.

Why attend the Secondary Schoolsannexed to the National Boarding School “Paolo Diacono”.

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• Because it is easier to move from one study course to another in case of difficulties or if pupils realize they prefer another course of studies after a period of time.

• Because the schools promote many initiatives to improve your knowledge of foreign languages: from mother-tongue assistants during foreign language lessons, to preparation courses to sit exams for European language certifications. Moreover, exchanges and twinnings are organised.

• Because new multimedia and IT technologies are used to teach various subjects and because you will learn to use them correctly by attending courses that are organised alongside school classes, which will give you amongst other things the opportunity to obtain the European Computer Driving Licence ECDL.

• Because highly motivated pupils are offered in-depth study courses (maths, science, Latin, ancient Greek, etc.) and pupils with weak subjects are offered booster lessons and individual meetings in the form of “education centres”.

Why attend the Secondary Schoolsannexed to the National Boarding School “Paolo Diacono”.

Page 24: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

• Because the schools organise many activities in the arts (theatre group, newspaper, etc) which you can do in the afternoon. The schools are indeed open for extra-curricular activities every day until 5.00 pm, and you can also meet your friends to study, work, and do creative activities together.

• Because the schools can be easily reached by train and bus.

Why attend the Secondary Schoolsannexed to the National Boarding School “Paolo Diacono”.

Page 25: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary


THE HISTORYThe Liceo Scientifico (secondary school in science studies) in Cividale del Friuli is a relatively recent school because it was opened in 1987-1988 as a secondary school within the National Boarding School “Paolo Diacono”.

Page 26: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary


EDUCATION CURRICULUMThe school, which was instituted to deepen science studies by merging them with the study of mankind and its historical and cultural roots,provides a well-balanced education including the following three components:


• foreign languages including two languages - ENGLISH and GERMAN

• science studies including SCIENCE, PHYSICS and MATHS

Modern and equipped LABORATORIES for chemistry, physics and computers and the help of qualified technicians allow pupils to put theoretical analyses into practical experimentation, also with the use of multimedia tools.

In 2003/2004 an experimental short week timetable was introduced for first and second year pupils. For those pupils, half-boarding is compulsory.

* Pursuant to the law: art. 9.2 of Agreement of 18.02.1984, ratified with Law of 23.03.1985.

Page 27: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

WHY• Because I am particularly interested in scientific subject matters.• Because I want to receive a secondary school education that deals with all the

essential issues of culture and humanities.• Because I want to have the opportunity to choose to study one or two foreign

languages .• Because I want to attend a traditional liceo scientifico, where a limited number

of subject matters are taught and studied, on which I can better deepen my knowledge.

• Because I want to receive a good education that will allow me to carry on with my studies and attend any university faculty or any post-diploma course.

Title conferred:DIPLOMA SCIENTIFICO (DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE STUDIES) – granting access to any university faculty.


Page 28: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary


THE HISTORYThe ginnasio, that is the first two years of the secondary school in classical studies, is divided into lower and upper ginnasio (respectively known as 4th year and 5th year). It was established in Cividale in 1889, while the last three years of the Liceo Classico were introduced in 1929. Until 1928 the school was situated in the building where today the National Boarding School “PAOLO DIACONO” is located in piazza Chiarottini no. 8. It was then moved to its current building - palazzo De Clericini In Foro Giulio Cesare – after it had been modernised. Since 1999-2000, the secondary school has been annexed to the National Boarding School “Paolo Diacono” where the Management and administration offices are located.

Page 29: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary


EDUCATION CURRICULUMThe school in classical studies is focused on humanistic studies and widens pupils’ knowledge thanks to the introduction of three experimental subjects, namely:

* Pursuant to the law: art. 9.2 of Agreement of 18.02.1984, ratified with Law of 23.03.1985.

• English language throughout the five years

• History of art for five years

• Strengthening of maths skills (in line with the P.N.I. – National Plan for IT Knowledge)

Page 30: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

WHY• Because I want to understand the world and myself. • Because I know that only by learning about the past can I face the future with

success.• Because I can hear in the language I speak the accents of Latin and ancient

Greek and I want to understand them. • Because I want to be in a friendly environment, where studying is a joyful

growth.• Because I want to receive a comprehensive humanistic, scientific and linguistic

education, which can help me be a protagonist in life.


Notes.: Some innovations have been introduced without altering the basic features of the Liceo Classico. (FOREIGN LANGUAGE and HISTORY OF ART are studied throughout the five years, MATHS teaching has been strengthened in compliance with the National plan for IT Knowledge)

Title conferred:DIPLOMA CLASSICO (DIPLOMA IN CLASSICAL STUDIES) – granting access to any university faculty

Page 31: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

LiceoSocio – psico - pedagogico

THE HISTORYThe LICEO SOCIO-PSICO-PEDAGOGICO (secondary school in social sciences) stems from the transformation (known as the Brocca maxi-experimentation) of the Istituto magistrale (teacher-training school) set up in 1878.The Istituto Magistrale has existed for over 120 years and has represented a fundamental school in the whole of Friuli. However, in 1991-1992 the school had to adjust to the needs of a modern school and launched a five-year experimentation in pedagogy which in 1993-1994 led to the opening of the Liceo Socio-Psico-Pedagogico in line with the National Brocca project.

Page 32: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

LiceoSocio – psico - pedagogico

EDUCATION CURRICULUMThis school is addressed to pupils who wish to become either a social worker or a cultural animator.The curriculum offers sound general cultural background that is merged with specific subject matters concerning human and social sciences, a foreign language that is studied for five years, experimental sciences and maths- IT that is applied to analyses of the social, economic, welfare, educational and cultural situation in the region.

* Pursuant to the law: art. 9.2 of Agreement of 18.02.1984, ratified with Law of 23.03.1985.

Page 33: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

WHY• Because I want a humanistic education with specialisation in sociology, psychology and pedagogy, which can grant me access to any university faculty.

• Because I want a basic education that is suitable for all social-educational professions, welfare assistance and animation.

• Because I want to gain full formation of my personality.

• Because I want to acquire an in-depth knowledge of life environments and of ays to offer an active presence in that environment.

• Because I want to open up my horizons on current society and its multiple educational needs.

• Because I want to learn to interact with others in a positive way.

LiceoSocio – psico - pedagogico

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HOW• With the help teachers who are experts in the specific curricular subject.

• With extra teaching hours.

• With visits and internships in nurseries, elementary schools, institutes providing social and health care.

• By using modern and well-equipped language and multimedia laboratories.

• With multi-inter-subject work in one’s own project area during the last three years of specialisation.

LiceoSocio – psico - pedagogico

Title conferred: DIPLOMA MAGISTRALE ad indirizzo Socio-Psico-Pedagogico “BROCCA” (DIPLOMA MAGISTRALE with specialisation in social sciences) – granting access to all university faculty.

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THE HISTORYThe Liceo Linguistico (foreign language secondary school) stems from the transformation (known as the Brocca maxi-experimentation) of the Istituto Magistrale which was established in 1878.The Istituto Magistrale has existed for over 120 years and has represented a fundamental school in the whole of Friuli. However, in 1991-1992 the school had to adjust to the needs of a modern school and launched a five-year experimentation in pedagogy which in 1993-1994 led to the opening of the Liceo Socio-Psico-Pedagogico, in line with the National Brocca project.In 1996-1997 a five-year experimentation on FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES was started – in line with the National Brocca project - to meet the new cultural needs.

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EDUCATION CURRICULUM The foreign language school in S. Pietro al Natisone is not only the only State Secondary School of the kind in the Province, but it is also one of the few schools in Italy, where in addition to English and German, RUSSIAN is studied.By studying three foreign languages pupils acquire foreign language skills and learn about different legacies of history, literature and civilisation. Languages are taught with the support of modern laboratories (language and computer rooms) and with the precious help of mother-tongue assistants. Language knowledge is deepened through cultural exchanges and twinnings with foreign schools.

* Pursuant to the law: art. 9.2 of Agreement of 18.02.1984, ratified with Law of 23.03.1985.

Page 37: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

WHY• Because I want a comprehensive education, including ENGLISH, GERMAN

and RUSSIAN, which can grant me access to any university faculty.

• Because I want that my knowledge of more than one foreign language can help me access the employment market.

• Because I want to widen my cultural horizons and be able to interact with people of other cultures, to feel I am citizen of the world.

• Because I want to enrich my cultural heritage by learning three great European literatures.

• Because I want to study in a pleasant and stimulating environment where I can best express my potential.


Page 38: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

HOW• With highly experienced teachers who are experts in the use of modern foreign language teaching methods.• With mother-tongue assistants who will help me develop my communication skills and will also put me in direct contact with their culture. • With extra teaching hours to learn foreign languages and the English language

in particular.• Through cultural exchanges with Austria and Germania: a unique opportunity to practice the language “live”, be in contact with my peers and live with their families.• Through language placements abroad, thus living a full-immersion experience.• With the use of modern and well equipped language and multimedia laboratories.• By taking part in theatre plays in English.


Title conferred: DIPLOMA LINGUISTICO (FOREIGN LANGUAGE DIPLOMA) – granting access to any university faculty.

Page 39: The National Boarding School Paolo Diacono (C.N.P.D.) and the Secondary Education Institute The NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL PAOLO DIACONO runs Elementary

The boarding school

HALF-BOARDING PUPILSPupils who attend the secondary schools Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Classico, Liceo Socio-Psico-Pedagogico, and Liceo Linguistico can enrol as HALF-BOARDING students in their own schools. They are assisted by state teachers and education staff in the schools until 5.00 pm. Attendance is compulsory until 4.00 pm.Half-boarding is not provided on Saturdays or on days preceding to long holidays or when lessons are suspended.

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The annual fee is set by the C.N.P.D.’s Board of Directors and for the current year it amounts to € 1,050.00 which equals € 350.00 every quarter. Pupils daily attend the curricular lessons set by the law, and complete their education and sports activities later in the day until the end of the half-boarding timetable. In National Boarding schools, lessons and education activities are held in the mornings or afternoons according to the plan agreed by the schools’ boards. In any case, services to pupils include advice on study methods, the canteen, internal transport and many extracurricular activities.

BOARDING PUPILSBoarding pupils who attend internal schools are assisted throughout their stay in the institute by state education staff. The Boarding school is closed from mid-July until the end of August, on public holidays and when school lessons are suspended. The annual fee is set by the Board of Directors and for the current year it is € 2,304.00 that is € 768.00 quarterly.

The boarding school

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SCHOLARSHIPS• The Italian welfare institute for civil servants I.N.P.D.A.P. grants scholarships

to pupils of civil servants who wish to attend schools as half-boarders and boarders.

• Some scholarships are also granted every year by local Associations.

• The Provincial Council of Udine organises calls for grant applications for the purchase of books and for school transport.

The boarding school

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CONVITTO NAZIONALE33043 Cividale del Friulip.tta Chiarottini, 8tel. ++39 0432 731116fax ++39 0432 731683e-mail: [email protected]

LICEO SCIENTIFICO33043 Cividale del Friulic/o Convitto Nazionale “P. Diacono”tel. ++39 0432 731116fax ++39 0432 731683e-mail: [email protected]

LICEO CLASSICO33043 Cividale del FriuliForo Giulio Cesaretel. ++39 0432 731038fax ++39 0432 734253e-mail: [email protected]

LICEO SOCIO-PSICO-PEDAGOGICO33049 San Pietro al Natisonevia Centro Studi, 2tel. ++39 0432 727006fax ++39 0432 727006e-mail: [email protected]

LICEO LINGUISTICO33049 San Pietro al Natisonevia Centro Studi, 2tel. ++39 0432 727006fax ++39 0432 727006e-mail: [email protected]