the nov get j pja e lvents rid llr ·...

10 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL TUESDAY MORNING DECEMBER 21 1909 Phone 38 and Phone 38 PJA Lvents From e From 2toi3Am By BONNIE BURNHAM 73otolOpm 0 449160 tiV 9 + DA i o4v o THE WEEKS EVENTSTUE- SDAY 0- O < 0 0 DEC 21 d Reception for Miss Nellie Keyser hostess Mrs E C Smith O- O Meeting of the Tuesday Bridge club hostess Mrs John O 4 Avery on Gadsden street es Euchre club hostess Mrs 4 Meeting of the Married Ladl O < > Francis Blumer on Government street 4 4 Meeting of the SixHanded Euchre club hostess Mrs Morris 4 4 Bear on East Hill 4 v WEDNESDAY DEC 22 4 Debutante tea for Miss Cora Louise Simpson hostess Mrs 4- O Horace Simpson 4- O Meeting of the W C T U at the First Presbyterian church 0- O 3pm 0 0 Progressive euchre at the Progress club 8 p m O 4 Meeting of the Pastime Euchre club hostess Mrs J G Yni 0 estra on North Sixth avenue O KeelingCresap wedding on East Strong street S30 p m O > THURSDAY DEC 23 4 Meeting of the Thursday club hostess Mrs M D Merritt on 4 4 on Romana street <> e A NN006oi40 0910444000006 4Q 10004 t00OOa o600940o00m0 O THE SCEPTER OF WOMAN- An American poets reply to the English poets aspersion- The woman with pure lips to kiss Knows nothing of the serpents- hiss Nor Is she as has Ibeen sung Knows nothing of the serpents tongue She is as peaceful as a dove Her life is given to deeds of love As mother thru enduring years She wipes from childhoods face Us tears- In illness on the fevered brow She he handl feel it now And pointing to healths upward slope Reveals the power of faith and hope She does not rudely ask the state To be made manat any rate She finds within the walls of home Her larger Greece her nobler Rome Lovely she is in every spot She will not be what she is not And him she takes who comes to woo Will find her faithful fond and true She knows that natures precious- line Goes on from herdear and divine- Is hers without a words dispute With none to be her substitute- Tis she who quickens mind and soul For years she has them in control 4 n It our restless sisters quote GIve her no wish to brawl or vote She is the worlds true genesis The center and the fount of bliss The pattern as the years grow ripe Of that which makes the angel type Divinely fair nutured on high And flawless as the azure sky She shuns loud fame dismisses strife And reigns as mother sister wife Joel Benton in New York Christian World CHOIR PRACTICE AT THE SACRED HEART RECTORY TONIGHT There will be choir practice tonight- at the Sacred Heart rectory and all members are expected to be present Both the men and the boys choir are to practice music for the Christmas- tide NEILSONDELMAR WEDDING PROVES A SURPRISE- The pretty home wedding of Miss Emma Neilson and Mr John H C Delmar which took place on Sunday evening at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs X A Neilson proved a surprise to the many friends of the couple when the news became known yesterday The ceremony was performed by the Rev Mr Julian S Slbley of the First Presbyterian church only relatives and immediate friends of the family having been witnesses- The bride who is an exceptionally attractive young Indy was married- in a handsome green coat costume with hat and accessories matching- She was attended by Miss Daisy Per- kins and the groom by Mr Lawrence Neilson a brother of the bride Mr and Mrs Delmar went immediately- to their new home which was al ¬ ready handsomely furnished await- ing ¬ their arrival They will be at home to their friends at the corner of Thirteenth street and Fifteenth ave ¬ nue THE MARRIED LADIES EUCHRE CLUB POSTPONES REGULAR MEETING- The Married Ladies Euchre club will not meet as usual today but will postpone its meetings until one week from today on account of Christ ¬ mas week The meeting was to hay taken place at the home of Mrs Fran ¬ cis Blumer on Government street MISS KATE MDONALD LEAVES Miss Kate McDonald who has been visiting the family of W F McDon- ald ¬ of Lillian Ala and also Mr and Mrs W A Beal of West Gonzalez street left last night for her home in Maxten N C She was accompanied- by her brother Manton who will spend tho holidays with his mother and other relatives Mr and Mrs Beal leave in a few days for Lillian Ala to spend the holidays with the parents of the latter who are Mr and Mrs J W Kinsey S LITTLE MILDRED HENRY ARRINGTON WAS CHRISTENED- A pretty christening took place on Sunday evening at the home of the grandmother of the little lady Mrs N A Nelson when Mildred Henry Arrington was christened the Rev Mr Sibley officiating The baby who is a dainty little girl is eleven months old and the daughter of Mr and Mrs H T Arrington- THE NOMADS MET YESTERDAY- The Nomads held their regular meeting yesterday Mrs W B Fer riss was hostess and Dante was the subject under discussion After va ¬ rious quotations from the poet had been given Mrs Thos Hannah read- a fine paper on Dante Mrs F S Mel len subject having been Dantes In- fluence ¬ on the New Era ss Hilda Blount also gave a reading4 RECEPTION TODAY FOR MISS NELLIE KEYSER One of the delightful events of the week will occur today when Mrs E C Smith will be hostess at an elabor ¬ ate reception which is to be given in honor of Miss Nellie Keyser Miss Keyser who made her debut last year- is one of the leaders In the young so- ciety ¬ set THE TUESDAY BRIDGE TO MEET WITH MRS JOHN AVERY Mrs John Avery will be hostess to- day at a pleasant meeting of the Tues- day Bridge at her home on Gadsden street This is to be one of the pleas- ant ¬ j evpiits of today in fact THE SIXHANDED EUCHRE CLUB WITH MRS BEAR The SixHanded Euchre club will meet this afternoon Mrs Morris Bear is to be hostess at her home on East Hill AT CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY- In the rendition of Dudley Bucks two beautiful songs Fear Ye Not 0 Israel and My Redeemer and My =I THE PURE FOOD STORE THE HOLIDAY TABLEInv- ariably contains some confection something for the afterdinner palate We have numerous delic ¬ ious and palatable sweets that are pleasing to good tastes among those just received are heartshaped Colonial Mints in all colors and Nunnallys Christ ¬ mas confections None too good for our customer- sNOTEOur customers should realize that dur ¬ I ing Christmas week we are rushed as is everybody- else so the earlier this week your orders are in the I more we will appreciate your foresight and the better service you will of course get ORDER EARLY Sol Cahn Co0 Agents Nunnallys Candies I Phones 1720 and 1721 PENSACOLA FLA 11 Nov lo Get Rid of Wrinkles Wonderful Difference In the Face Pro duced by Dr Hebras Viola Cream- A Wonder Worker for the Complexion A remarkable skin Ututitirr and a skin nmoilv all in one i found in U- rHhra s Viola Cream It ihs leeome Immensely popular t iaue no other treatment or fnot preparation Is iKres sary while using it Along it so iiuiirllt s tlio skin that- It mak > tL skin outi ul > plump thus making w ui Us daT ir it glues tin skin a r1 u i a a l gln ttnT and purity that t cv 1 8te it IU s an r I- to hlaklc I af rg tc ot r piros of Impurc an I It imkcs trt trS r y x I fft- > t Fr > n The Results of Viola Cream Will Be a Revelation to You pimples blotches and red spots sunburn tan and chap disappear Try Dr Hrbras Viola Cream on your face tonlRjH and see the difference after a few applications If is abso- lutely ¬ safe and never grows hair on tho race Viola Cream Is sold at all reliable drug- stores for M cents a jar or will be sent charges prepaid on receipt of price provided you mention the name of the druggist who could not supply you A trial package or Viola Cream and Guides to BMUitv will he inalied by the G C Ittttner Co Toledo Ohio for 10 cents to cover postage parking etc Because of the great amount of alkali- in cheap poapp they do enormous damage to the skin Wash your face with Viola Skin Soap every night and morning be- fore ¬ and after using Viola Cream This strap together with the Viola Cream is a combination which has produced aston- ishing ¬ results Viola Skin Soap is sold nt 25c a cake by all druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price by The G C I Bittner Co Toledo Ohio For sale in Pensacola by W A I DAlemberte druggist and apothecary 121 S Palafox S- tLadies AttentionF- or 10 days only beginning Monday ecember in your Ir ss dyed any color for X100 to SI50 or French dry or steam cleaned for 100 Skirts rO cents only Jackets relined and refitted at big cut rates Gentlemen I For 10 days only your snit dyed any color for 100 to i0 or French dry or I steam cleaned for 75 cents Coats and Overcoats relined at his reduction Pensacola Steam Dye Works 12 W Romana VV K BISHOP PROP Phone 125 I I The only firstclass steam dye works in the city and all work guaranteed I I Lord on Sunday evening at Christ church Mrs Forcheimer excelled herself She sang with fine tone and adequate expression The climax in Fear Ye Not was superb The miserable weather prevented many from participating in the en- joyment ¬ of the vocal and organ music THE ENGAGEMENT OF MISS ANNA ROSASCO AND MR HENRY GOLDSMITH WELLES Announcement to the society world was yesterday made through tho At ¬ lanta Journal of the approaching mar- riage ¬ of Miss Anna Kosasco of this city and Mr Henry Goldsmith Welles of Atlanta the happy event- to occur on the evening of Wednes- day ¬ January 26th at the First Pres hvterian church The bridetobe is the lovely daughter of Mr and Mrs I IThis Store is a- I I Haven fo- rI I i Gift Seekers I i stork of Jewelry Glassware Crock cry and Silverware is not allowed to bt me less attractive as the rush of the holidays is felt On the other hand we- ar receiving additional shipments daily we are ke ping up our stock so that vcrl >ody can have ample opportunity for careful selections Things that are suggestive as gifts ar- rive dally and make a visit to this hand ono store a pleasant part of your down ¬ town tours I In J ntally we can attention to the finest Writing Paper in America whi- hi nrr > awl which we ran have mono Si ai ol in beautiful designs at your ordei What could bo more appreciable than a bx of Eaton Crane eve Pikes fine Lr n VrTini = Paper With a tasteful nnC am for Cfcrisfnas for your friends Think and see if yon know any I tl rs tilt would like b- CttlrGERSONS 40 S Palafox Thiesen Building Uni S Hosasfo of North Hill and much interest U being evinced among her numerous friends relative to the important announcement The Atlan- ta ¬ I Journal has the following Mr and Mrs William S llosnsco I of Pensacola Fla annouice the en- gagement of their daughter Anna Isi I bel to Mr Henry Goldsmith Wells 01 Atlanta the wedding to take price oil January 2C at the First Presbyterian church in Pensacola Mr Wells is the Atlanta repre- sentative of the Mutual Iife Insur- ance company and one of the mos prominent young business men of A- tlanta lie is a graduate of the Uni- versity of Georgia and will introdur I his bride to a charniiii circle ot j friends in the social life of plant MR JOHN CHOATE- IS IN TALLAHASSEE- Mr John CHoate is in Tallahassee where he is spending the holidays a the guest of his family there Mr fhnnte is very itoptilar in local circles and will be missed among the many gay events of the Yuletide TO SPEND THE HOLIDAYS HOME Following is a partial list of the I young people who will leave their studies to spend the holidays in Pen sacola Miss Dorothy Reeves from olum ilia Tenn Miss Blizalnth Fisher from Baltimore Miss Mary Wilson from Brenau College Mist Josie Lof tin from Bessie Tifts in Georgia Miss Mildred Blount from Notre DAme Miss Grace Keilly Miss Kath ¬ leen Gonzalez Miss Marguerite Finch and Miss Mary Bale from the Con- vent ¬ of the Sacred Heart Miss Tan Knowles from New York Miss Eve- lyn Maxwell from North Carolina I Miss Mary Keyser from Baltimore I NO DANCE AT THE OSCEOLA- ON XMAS EVE There will be no dane at the Osceo ow er affairs will crowd the last three days of the present week The vari- ous j sets of the city in fact are all planning some sort of holiday diver- Sion and Xmas time is to be unusual rty crowded as a result i ERNEST LITTLE ALVIN PFEIFFER WAS CHRISTENED Little Alvin Ernest Pfeiffer was christened at the close of the Sunday I morning services at the Evangelical Luthern church Miss Blanch White Viand Mr A Pohlman having been > He is the charming little son of Mrs Ernest Pfeiffer I DR HERMAN HERING WAS i FOLLOWED WITH- i MUCH INTEREST Dr Herman S Hering M A of I Boston spoke to a large and apprecia- tive ¬ audience at the Christian Science I church on Sunday evening bains been introduced by Mr Scott M Lof tin His ideas were well put and of I exceptional interest the evening hay ling been one of extreme interest among those who attended THE SHAKESPEARE- CLUB The Shakespeare club members who always lend brightness to Satur ¬ day when their literary feast furnish- ed ¬ all the sunshine yesterday morn ¬ ing when they met with Mrs C J Torrey As nature was in the dumps but inclement weather and the Christmas season in no way in ¬ I terfered with the attendance which I was large and which was graced with the presence of one visitor Mrs Feth ers of Janesville Wis I In the absence of the president I Mrs E S Colston who has gone to j New Orleans the first vicepresident- Mrs John G Mann presided and felt t I thoroughly at home having filled be- fore I the office of president so ca- pably ¬ I The literary program consisted of a I review of the play Much Ado About Nothing Mrs T W Sims who had the assigning of the nets showed her usual hood judgment as they were splendidly handled by the following ladies Analysis of Act LMiss Batre Analysis of Act ITIrs Elmo Da vison Analysis of Act IIIMiss Rosa Ly ¬ ons Analysis of Act IYIrs Erwin Craighead Analysis of Act YIrs A W Goldsby After this the treasurers report- was given which proved a credit to the club for after paying all obliga- tions ¬ it now has 1005 in bank I Another feature of the meeting was introduced by Mrs Mann who brought a clipping from a paper which was I A Quiz of Shakespeares Comedies a I Romance The questions which were answered with the name of one of Shakespeares comedies were read by Mrs Davison and found ready an- swers ¬ among these splendid Shakes ¬ pearean scholars Mrs Mann wished all a merry Christmas and then the meeting ad ¬ journed the next not to be held until Saturday January ltobiIe Regis- ter tpr THERE- A Missouri woman who thought the sex slandered by Kipplings descrip- tion ¬ as a rag a bone and a hank of I hair has declared that man is a I brag a drone and a tank of air Exchange REMEMBER BLUE RIBBON When ordering your flavoring ex- tracts ¬ Lemon or vanilla either is de liphtfully different from the ordinary brands 1st Christian Church j To Give Bazaar i The ladies of the First Christian church will hold a bazaar Tuesday and Wednesday Dec Sand and 23rd i at he Sinner Sewing Machine ofiia j Homemade mince meat rrd cake a ill he on sale FLOWERS- Fine j fresh carnations for Christmas Red White Pink Pretty assortment of ferns i for dishes Also fine speci men palrrs and ferns Bayou Floral Garden Phone 875 252 East Chase St J J C > Llr Grt Ts Mid Season Millinery Sale The One Trimmed Hat Event of the Season S at the Millinery Department r i > The Ready to sa Wear Store I This lf9 eek Only An event that will interest every woman Entire stock- of Trimmed Hats will be sold at absolute cost Nothing reserved in this great sacrifice sale fIats for every occasion- all to be closed out at absolute cost tat JUST NOTE PRICES I 400 Trimmed Hats at 298 1000 Trimmed Hats at 698 500 Trimmed Hats at 398 1200 Trimmed Hats at 898 V 600 Trimmed Hats at 449 1400 Trimmed Hats at 998 k 800 Trimmed Hats at 598 1800 Trimmed Hats at 109- 8f Safe 0 Untrimmed Shapes lt Genuine Beaver Hats no imitations long soft fr furry nap at D a price which will stand for a record for some 84 9 8 time to come 10 and 12 values a All 25 and 35 Trimmed Hats 1 handsomely trimmed with willow plumes on Beaver shapes and silk velvet to close at l i9B90- Mo Hats Charged at These Prices See Our Line of Willow Plumes at Special Prices MILLINERY DEPARTMENT The Ready A to El < Wear Store Brent Building R2FFWE NEllER ALLOW ANYONE TO UifRESELL US r f 4 q sv v F MISSION NOTES Long looked for Christmas week has arrived and the children are on the qui vive for things to happen and things to make the heart glad so the Mission is preparing so as to be on time for Mr Santa Claus and by special arrangement he will visit the Mission on Government and Reus streets Christmas evening about a oclock and will commence to dis ¬ tribute all kinds of things Prepara- tory to this there will be an enter ¬ tainment given by the children in SOPS choruses pieces etc About 730 there will be another en- tertainment given by grown folks the best in the city the best without exception as the performers are sac- rificing ¬ their own happiness and com ¬ fort to bestow it upon those that re ¬ ceive very little of such goodness dI The Mission thanks those who have generously donated to this Christmas treat or who are purposing to do so by their gifts in toys candies fruit etc Sunday at 315 a fine program was rendered If it were only to hear the Mission chorus it was worth while to pay a visitvisitors were welcom- ed to this service and we are as ¬ sured of a second visit if a first i 3 made- In the evening at 730 Rev R W Simpson the Mission director preach- ed ¬ To this also a cordial invitation was extended to cvone During Christmas week and until the new year there will be no night school drilling or swine class But the services on Tuesday and Thurs- day ¬ evenings will he carried on as usual commencing at 73fl Preparations for the Bazaar destin ¬ u f ed to be the best ever held in Pr sacola are b ing rapidly pushed f ward Tin rooms at the Old Ha Kitchen No S North Palafox sire are being decorated with eremre and the Christmas tree is waiting Santa Clans to fill it up with all K r of presents to delight both little 1 big folks During the week there wil flit luncheon served the menu be specially inviting as there can be Ig 1 some of that celebrated fish choud turkey and ham sandwiches cal confections and tea coffee etc oJ be served all day On Tuesday evening about < I Miss Missouri Cawthon will gtv t delightful entertainment Wedmi evening there will be the lira r for the grandest dressed doll t t Continued on Page Twelve I We Are Closing Out y X m as about five hundred Ladies Misses and Childrens Fats including a large number of Pattern Hats A Sal e Heres Your Opportunity 1r right in midseason to buy an uptodate O I at a greatly reduced price Hat We Have Moved I Vintcri- l and are now located in a more generally accessible store which is well lighted 1i and convenient12 and 14 East Gar- den ¬ 11 I11 a ts A trip of inspection here is all we ask Ii- IIi = = I OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL CHRISTMAS = = c = = =C = = = = = c = Peerless Millinery Company ILl 12 and 14 East Garden Phone 6674 d u I

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Page 1: THE Nov Get J PJA e Lvents Rid Llr · 2009. 5. 15. · Nov lo Get Rid of Wrinkles Wonderful Difference In the Face Pro duced


Phone 38and

Phone 38PJA LventsFrom e From2toi3Am By BONNIE BURNHAM 73otolOpm

0 449160 tiV 9 +DA i o4v o





00 DEC 21

d Reception for Miss Nellie Keyser hostess Mrs E C Smith O-

O Meeting of the Tuesday Bridge club hostess Mrs John O

4 Avery on Gadsden street es Euchre club hostess Mrs4 Meeting of the Married Ladl O< > Francis Blumer on Government street 44 Meeting of the SixHanded Euchre club hostess Mrs Morris 44 Bear on East Hill 4v WEDNESDAY DEC 224 Debutante tea for Miss Cora Louise Simpson hostess Mrs 4-

O Horace Simpson 4-O Meeting of the W C T U at the First Presbyterian church 0-

O 3pm 00 Progressive euchre at the Progress club 8 p m O

4 Meeting of the Pastime Euchre club hostess Mrs J G Yni 0estra on North Sixth avenue O

KeelingCresap wedding on East Strong street S30 p m O> THURSDAY DEC 234 Meeting of the Thursday club hostess Mrs M D Merritt on 44 on Romana street <>

eA NN006oi40 0910444000006 4Q 10004 t00OOa o600940o00m0O


An American poets reply to theEnglish poets aspersion-

The woman with pure lips to kissKnows nothing of the serpents-

hissNor Is she as has Ibeen sungKnows nothing of the serpents


She is as peaceful as a doveHer life is given to deeds of loveAs mother thru enduring yearsShe wipes from childhoods face Us


In illness on the fevered browShe he handl feel it nowAnd pointing to healths upward

slopeReveals the power of faith and hope

She does not rudely ask the stateTo be made manat any rateShe finds within the walls of homeHer larger Greece her nobler Rome

Lovely she is in every spotShe will not be what she is notAnd him she takes who comes to

wooWill find her faithful fond and true

She knows that natures precious-line

Goes on from herdear and divine-Is hers without a words disputeWith none to be her substitute-

Tis she who quickens mind and soulFor years she has them in control

4 n It our restless sisters quoteGIve her no wish to brawl or vote

She is the worlds true genesisThe center and the fount of blissThe pattern as the years grow ripeOf that which makes the angel type

Divinely fair nutured on highAnd flawless as the azure skyShe shuns loud fame dismisses

strifeAnd reigns as mother sister wife

Joel Benton in New York ChristianWorld


There will be choir practice tonight-at the Sacred Heart rectory and allmembers are expected to be presentBoth the men and the boys choir areto practice music for the Christmas-tideNEILSONDELMAR WEDDINGPROVES A SURPRISE-

The pretty home wedding of MissEmma Neilson and Mr John H CDelmar which took place on Sundayevening at the home of the bridesparents Mr and Mrs X A Neilsonproved a surprise to the many friendsof the couple when the news becameknown yesterday The ceremony wasperformed by the Rev Mr Julian SSlbley of the First Presbyterianchurch only relatives and immediatefriends of the family having beenwitnesses-

The bride who is an exceptionallyattractive young Indy was married-in a handsome green coat costumewith hat and accessories matching-She was attended by Miss Daisy Per-kins and the groom by Mr Lawrence

Neilson a brother of the bride Mrand Mrs Delmar went immediately-to their new home which was al ¬

ready handsomely furnished await-ing


their arrival They will be athome to their friends at the corner ofThirteenth street and Fifteenth ave ¬



The Married Ladies Euchre clubwill not meet as usual today butwill postpone its meetings until oneweek from today on account of Christ ¬

mas week The meeting was to haytaken place at the home of Mrs Fran ¬

cis Blumer on Government streetMISS KATE MDONALDLEAVES

Miss Kate McDonald who has beenvisiting the family of W F McDon-ald


of Lillian Ala and also Mr andMrs W A Beal of West Gonzalezstreet left last night for her home inMaxten N C She was accompanied-by her brother Manton who willspend tho holidays with his motherand other relatives Mr and MrsBeal leave in a few days for LillianAla to spend the holidays with theparents of the latter who are Mrand Mrs J W Kinsey



A pretty christening took place onSunday evening at the home of thegrandmother of the little lady MrsN A Nelson when Mildred HenryArrington was christened the RevMr Sibley officiating The baby whois a dainty little girl is elevenmonths old and the daughter of Mrand Mrs H T Arrington-


The Nomads held their regularmeeting yesterday Mrs W B Ferriss was hostess and Dante was thesubject under discussion After va ¬

rious quotations from the poet hadbeen given Mrs Thos Hannah read-a fine paper on Dante Mrs F S Mellen subject having been Dantes In-fluence


on the New Era ss HildaBlount also gave a reading4RECEPTION TODAY FORMISS NELLIE KEYSER

One of the delightful events of theweek will occur today when Mrs EC Smith will be hostess at an elabor ¬

ate reception which is to be given inhonor of Miss Nellie Keyser MissKeyser who made her debut last year-is one of the leaders In the young so-ciety



Mrs John Avery will be hostess to-day at a pleasant meeting of the Tues-day Bridge at her home on Gadsdenstreet This is to be one of the pleas-ant

¬ j


The SixHanded Euchre club willmeet this afternoon Mrs MorrisBear is to be hostess at her home onEast Hill


In the rendition of Dudley Buckstwo beautiful songs Fear Ye Not 0Israel and My Redeemer and My




ariably contains some confection somethingfor the afterdinner palate We have numerous delic ¬

ious and palatable sweets that are pleasing to goodtastes among those just received are heartshapedColonial Mints in all colors and Nunnallys Christ ¬

mas confections None too good for our customer-sNOTEOur customers should realize that dur¬ I

ing Christmas week we are rushed as is everybody-else so the earlier this week your orders are in the Imore we will appreciate your foresight and the betterservice you will of course get ORDER EARLY

Sol Cahn Co0Agents Nunnallys Candies I

Phones 1720 and 1721 PENSACOLA FLA


Nov lo GetRid of Wrinkles

Wonderful Difference In the Face Produced by Dr Hebras Viola Cream-

A Wonder Worker for the ComplexionA remarkable skin Ututitirr and a

skin nmoilv all in one i found in U-rHhra s Viola Cream It ihs leeomeImmensely popular t iaue no othertreatment or fnot preparation Is iKressary while using it

Along it so iiuiirllt s tlio skin that-It mak > tL skin outi ul > plump thusmaking w ui Us daT ir it glues tinskin a r1 u i a a l gln ttnT andpurity that t cv 1 8te it IU s an r I-

to hlaklc I af rg tc ot r pirosof Impurc an I It imkcs trt trS





t Fr >n

The Results of Viola Cream Will Be aRevelation to You

pimples blotches and red spots sunburntan and chap disappear

Try Dr Hrbras Viola Cream on yourface tonlRjH and see the differenceafter a few applications If is abso-lutely


safe and never grows hair ontho race

Viola Cream Is sold at all reliable drug-stores for M cents a jar or will besent charges prepaid on receipt ofprice provided you mention the name ofthe druggist who could not supply you

A trial package or Viola Cream andGuides to BMUitv will he inalied by the

G C Ittttner Co Toledo Ohio for 10cents to cover postage parking etc

Because of the great amount of alkali-in cheap poapp they do enormous damageto the skin Wash your face with ViolaSkin Soap every night and morning be-


and after using Viola Cream Thisstrap together with the Viola Cream is acombination which has produced aston-ishing


results Viola Skin Soap is soldnt 25c a cake by all druggists or sentprepaid on receipt of price by The G C

I Bittner Co Toledo OhioFor sale in Pensacola by W A

I DAlemberte druggist and apothecary121 S Palafox S-

tLadies AttentionF-or 10 days only beginning Monday

ecember in your Ir ss dyed any colorfor X100 to SI50 or French dry or steamcleaned for 100 Skirts rO cents onlyJackets relined and refitted at big cutrates

GentlemenI For 10 days only your snit dyed anycolor for 100 to i0 or French dry or

I steam cleaned for 75 cents Coats andOvercoats relined at his reduction

Pensacola Steam DyeWorks


Phone 125I

I The only firstclass steam dye worksin the city and all work guaranteed


I Lord on Sunday evening at Christchurch Mrs Forcheimer excelledherself She sang with fine tone andadequate expression The climax inFear Ye Not was superbThe miserable weather prevented

many from participating in the en-joyment


of the vocal and organ music


Announcement to the society worldwas yesterday made through tho At ¬

lanta Journal of the approaching mar-riage


of Miss Anna Kosasco of thiscity and Mr Henry GoldsmithWelles of Atlanta the happy event-to occur on the evening of Wednes-day


January 26th at the First Preshvterian church The bridetobe isthe lovely daughter of Mr and Mrs


IThis Store is a-I

I Haven fo-



i Gift SeekersI

i stork of Jewelry Glassware Crockcry and Silverware is not allowed to bt

me less attractive as the rush of theholidays is felt On the other hand we-ar receiving additional shipments dailywe are ke ping up our stock so thatvcrl >ody can have ample opportunity

for careful selectionsThings that are suggestive as gifts ar-

rive dally and make a visit to this handono store a pleasant part of your down ¬

town tours I

In J ntally we can attention to thefinest Writing Paper in America whi-hi nrr > awl which we ran have monoSi ai ol in beautiful designs at yourordei What could bo more appreciablethan a bx of Eaton Crane eve Pikes fineLr n VrTini = Paper With a tastefulnnC am for Cfcrisfnas for yourfriends Think and see if yon know any I

tl rs tilt would like b-

CttlrGERSONS40 S Palafox

Thiesen Building

Uni S Hosasfo of North Hill andmuch interest U being evinced amongher numerous friends relative to theimportant announcement The Atlan-ta


I Journal has the followingMr and Mrs William S llosnsco

I of Pensacola Fla annouice the en-gagement of their daughter Anna Isi

I bel to Mr Henry Goldsmith Wells 01

Atlanta the wedding to take price oilJanuary 2C at the First Presbyterianchurch in Pensacola

Mr Wells is the Atlanta repre-sentative of the Mutual Iife Insur-ance company and one of the mosprominent young business men of A-tlanta lie is a graduate of the Uni-versity of Georgia and will introdur

I his bride to a charniiii circle otj friends in the social life of plant


Mr John CHoate is in Tallahasseewhere he is spending the holidays athe guest of his family there Mrfhnnte is very itoptilar in local circlesand will be missed among the manygay events of the Yuletide


Following is a partial list of theI young people who will leave theirstudies to spend the holidays in Pensacola

Miss Dorothy Reeves from olumilia Tenn Miss Blizalnth Fisherfrom Baltimore Miss Mary Wilsonfrom Brenau College Mist Josie Loftin from Bessie Tifts in GeorgiaMiss Mildred Blount from NotreDAme Miss Grace Keilly Miss Kath ¬

leen Gonzalez Miss Marguerite Finchand Miss Mary Bale from the Con-vent


of the Sacred Heart Miss TanKnowles from New York Miss Eve-lyn Maxwell from North Carolina

I Miss Mary Keyser from Baltimore


There will be no dane at the Osceoower affairs will crowd the last threedays of the present week The vari-ousj sets of the city in fact are allplanning some sort of holiday diver-Sion and Xmas time is to be unusual


Little Alvin Ernest Pfeiffer waschristened at the close of the Sunday

I morning services at the EvangelicalLuthern church Miss Blanch White

Viand Mr A Pohlman having been> He is the charming little


Dr Herman S Hering M A ofI Boston spoke to a large and apprecia-tive


audience at the Christian ScienceI church on Sunday evening bainsbeen introduced by Mr Scott M Loftin His ideas were well put and of

Iexceptional interest the evening hay

ling been one of extreme interestamong those who attended


The Shakespeare club memberswho always lend brightness to Satur ¬

day when their literary feast furnish-ed


all the sunshine yesterday morn ¬

ing when they met with Mrs C JTorrey As nature was in the dumpsbut inclement weather and the

Christmas season in no way in ¬ I

terfered with the attendance whichI was large and which was graced withthe presence of one visitor Mrs Fethers of Janesville Wis

I In the absence of the presidentI Mrs E S Colston who has gone toj New Orleans the first vicepresident-Mrs John G Mann presided and felt t


thoroughly at home having filled be-


the office of president so ca-



The literary program consisted of aI review of the play Much Ado AboutNothing Mrs T W Sims who hadthe assigning of the nets showed herusual hood judgment as they weresplendidly handled by the followingladies

Analysis of Act LMiss BatreAnalysis of Act ITIrs Elmo Da

visonAnalysis of Act IIIMiss Rosa Ly ¬

onsAnalysis of Act IYIrs Erwin

CraigheadAnalysis of Act YIrs A W

GoldsbyAfter this the treasurers report-

was given which proved a credit tothe club for after paying all obliga-tions


it now has 1005 in bankI Another feature of the meeting wasintroduced by Mrs Mann who broughta clipping from a paper which was


A Quiz of Shakespeares Comedies aI

Romance The questions which wereanswered with the name of one ofShakespeares comedies were read byMrs Davison and found ready an-swers


among these splendid Shakes ¬

pearean scholarsMrs Mann wished all a merry

Christmas and then the meeting ad ¬

journed the next not to be held untilSaturday January ltobiIe Regis-



THERE-A Missouri woman who thought the

sex slandered by Kipplings descrip-tion


as a rag a bone and a hank ofI hair has declared that man is a I

brag a drone and a tank of airExchange

REMEMBER BLUE RIBBONWhen ordering your flavoring ex-tracts


Lemon or vanilla either is deliphtfully different from the ordinarybrands

1st Christian Church j

To Give Bazaari The ladies of the First Christianchurch will hold a bazaar Tuesdayand Wednesday Dec Sand and 23rd i

at he Sinner Sewing Machine ofiia j

Homemade mince meat rrd cake a illhe on sale



fresh carnations forChristmas Red White PinkPretty assortment of ferns i

for dishes Also fine specimen palrrs and ferns BayouFloral Garden Phone 875252 East Chase St


JC>LlrGrt Ts

Mid Season Millinery SaleThe One Trimmed Hat Event of the Season


at the Millinery Department ri >

The Ready to sa Wear Store I

This lf9 eek OnlyAn event that will interest every woman Entire stock-

of Trimmed Hats will be sold at absolute cost Nothingreserved in this great sacrifice sale fIats for every occasion-all to be closed out at absolute cost tat

JUST NOTE PRICES I400 Trimmed Hats at 298 1000 Trimmed Hats at 698500 Trimmed Hats at 398 1200 Trimmed Hats at 898 V600 Trimmed Hats at 449 1400 Trimmed Hats at 998 k

800 Trimmed Hats at 598 1800 Trimmed Hats at 109-

8fSafe 0 Untrimmed Shapes lt

Genuine Beaver Hats no imitations long softfr

furry nap atD a price which will stand for a record for some 84 9 8time to come 10 and 12 values a

All 25 and 35 Trimmed Hats 1 handsomely trimmed withwillow plumes on Beaver shapes and silkvelvet to close at l i9B90-

Mo Hats Charged at These PricesSee Our Line of Willow Plumes at Special Prices


The Ready A to El< Wear StoreBrent Building


f 4

q sv v FMISSIONNOTESLong looked for Christmas week hasarrived and the children are on thequi vive for things to happen andthings to make the heart glad sothe Mission is preparing so as to beon time for Mr Santa Claus and byspecial arrangement he will visit theMission on Government and Reusstreets Christmas evening about aoclock and will commence to dis¬

tribute all kinds of things Prepara-tory to this there will be an enter¬

tainment given by the children inSOPS choruses pieces etc

About 730 there will be another en-

tertainment given by grown folks thebest in the city the best withoutexception as the performers are sac-rificing


their own happiness and com ¬

fort to bestow it upon those that re¬

ceive very little of such goodness


The Mission thanks those who havegenerously donated to this Christmastreat or who are purposing to do soby their gifts in toys candies fruitetc

Sunday at 315 a fine program wasrendered If it were only to hear theMission chorus it was worth whileto pay a visitvisitors were welcom-ed to this service and we are as ¬

sured of a second visit if a first i3made-

In the evening at 730 Rev R WSimpson the Mission director preach-ed


To this also a cordial invitationwas extended to cvone

During Christmas week and untilthe new year there will be no nightschool drilling or swine class Butthe services on Tuesday and Thurs-day


evenings will he carried on asusual commencing at 73fl

Preparations for the Bazaar destin ¬



ed to be the best ever held in Prsacola are b ing rapidly pushed fward Tin rooms at the Old HaKitchen No S North Palafox sireare being decorated with eremreand the Christmas tree is waitingSanta Clans to fill it up with all K rof presents to delight both little 1

big folksDuring the week there wil flit

luncheon served the menu bespecially inviting as there can be Ig 1

some of that celebrated fish choudturkey and ham sandwiches calconfections and tea coffee etc oJ

be served all dayOn Tuesday evening about < I

Miss Missouri Cawthon will gtv tdelightful entertainment Wedmievening there will be the lira rfor the grandest dressed doll t t

Continued on Page TwelveI

We Are Closing Out yXmas about five hundred Ladies Misses

and Childrens Fats including a large

number of Pattern Hats ASale Heres Your Opportunity

1r right in midseason to buy an uptodate

OI at a greatly reduced priceHat

We Have MovedI


and are now located in a more generally

accessible store which is well lighted1i

and convenient12 and 14 East Gar-



11 I11ats A trip of inspection here is all we


IIi ==I

OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL CHRISTMAS= = c == =C = = = == c =

Peerless Millinery CompanyILl 12 and 14 East Garden Phone 6674
