the pacific pilciric subcilistr r 'mmrmsmm a...the magician, liolls l'..r:h aii.l...

t I salami I ftl'ftSlAVJJSjafiftsBftJUUftJUt iiftrtwwvj fr" -- arsis. v.TxMj THE PACIFIC I TH12 PilCiriC ft .... - -- T-- A." (Commercial SUbcilistr Commercial gUbtrfiscr l.5 ICBLISHKO i;vory itti relay .Morning. rtnton or AdvortisliiB. j Spai-- in. hsu re. I in Non-- i . ' ' ' l mmI IslassaJ Snlrrilina. Mi.OO n Vrnr. i pn ,l i p,.. j 1 ' ! I m. 2 ni. a m. e ni. ) li rT 'r'iM isUsM-ri- a. Soisv. "!S.Oi m Vrnr. !! rl 5 Lines I 1 i0 2 10 3 v 4 iHi e no. iu oo f ,.. 41i't:i '.: 'i p.ievf.r pi; ra for ird-- ? 1 '. any p trtof p-r 10 Lines . j 1 :l S (Hi 4 0.1 & n oo, t i to which th- - h'.-- II - if ; rl 'mmrmsmm A 1 1 IS I fi PI 15 I in- - ...... . J 4 eo 6 iKi 7 irt 10 On! 15 00 in f '' 7,1 ' ' European which t v.ri-- s ;:! l -- bar;:- .1 r : - I .'0 I. in ........ . 2 5 0(1 7 Ml 10 m 14 00! IS W ,,!. -- l i- - l""t-"t- n -, front to oil Lin.-- s . 3 iki t ihi io to 16 no 15 OOl .'5 00 ..o .i h i!--- r. 1 Column. ... M UU - CO 16 Oil ?5 en! Ml t.O ( -. ii ;r ri Pavabis Ai.wtn in (ittve. i l Yltiili". . . . . j :o mi 15 i o ."o tHi l-- s pj 40 00 tit 00 I i roc tiious Ic oil ail p.rts of i,e Pai-.u.- ; will Iay. A Coiunin . 15 tXl JO oOi.o 00 40 wi HI WJ lllO WI &,- ace- - p..t--i--- . Whole Column. .0 ,0 IK' M 00 SO Wl Ut) 00 200 00 i JT Business Cards, hen prepaid for t yrar, are allowed PLUS AMi FANCY i a discount trom tlu r rt.s, which an? for t'sn.ieut advertise-- j ments when paid or c!:arr d quarterly. COOK AND JOD PfUNTINC. I J " Advertisers residm; in the K..tcrn I'tiiUrJ States, ran -J riN-S- . KOINKy XI AIltlK-- S CAKI..- - print.-.- ! ly 'or th.-i- r cards by enrlosiutr tfrernfcict, f- r surh wnouiit -- Ym'e-; Ca-- I Press," in Ihr highest stle of the art. as th.-- y wish to 1 ). and the r cards i:i be lust lb d as xr ! atiova Ldbie, lor tl.e lime paid . Commercial Advertiser, i"l KMsr;i) WKKKhV ti MX 1)111. 1. A IIS I'KK A WI'.M. IIKMti .M. Will I .NKV. VOL. XI. o.4l. WIIDI.K . jliS. 3vfrt.5fc.cnls. 4- - JL S.iii I'rancico CNriU'pnii.Ic3icc PKR It. . ML" BRAT. Svn Fra.n M irdi 2-t- , Sin-- ' lie .f the hark It'Tnict, we have btl n- - arrival.-- , fir.m Honolulu, although hourly ' f.r t!i Lark Elhnn Allen, which is -- ur to, ! over The .Murray !ial a fine run ovt-r- , ' ... i ; '- - l.. r,.t .. .. . ... it ... i... . ii t 1 a ('""I. Th- - clijK-- r l.ark Camden has arrive.!, only thirtjr-- t ao .1 ts fn.iu Honolulu to l'uint Ltd., aiul aUtUt two .livs fi:a the Lint narntsl l:u-e t rt. This) n a tine run, roiiii.h-riiij- r her iu.i-I.-- I n if I sviiim.-trira- l j roK.rt'.oii-- . II.t lniiMi-n- i uia.I.- - a ml-ta- ke in tln-i- r - il. ion.- -, vcht'ii they nt her rreatt-st Lri-.l.I- tli in h. r Uw, thiM linking her all forwanl if the f The fhip liicul, "aj.t. IKtne, clean-'- l yete-.I.-i- I' .r llikor' in.l, an will'Iv sail in foiiip iny with the .Murray, the Ltlter vtj-- el Inking i Ue limit-- . It i unrrtun:tfe that our l.:ir1iirfs for your j .rt hollM he nearly t.jr-t!ie- a they often are. St. Patrick's Day in the Morning erM.r:itel iii ne htylc. All the Irih Milit.try an ! I'ivii: turtle. .ut in pre:t iniTn1Tii, !i-- .irIel titn.nti the city, while all the fi'le--w ilkt :ie tlm njr.-- l with the ilauhter f Iin, c i.'. r : the cvlehnition t in honor .f the liirf!: 1 y t f tli.-i- r j.ntron "tint. Aiuon theu were rtir.i! (win it I .iy reverul, I mean more titan you noiil l c ue t cnufneiate) Fenian Uvlht., iliec'l Tip t.t kill in grttn tirt.11, triiimie I witlt ix- - n triiu-iui- n. In Tt-t- , evt-rythi- n alx.nt th-- was rctn, a- th-- Hiu.-- r i! ! if- - !f". Some of the 'r were wore . itrioti; th in otIien, " jrreen all over," even in their wli'.Ie aliuont eery ;ne a r, t i ?!i nunvk. Sjiie of the nmhj t rock in their , whi-.-!- i were n thun. These hitter h't iikt rel I, are always re:nly f--r a skriiuniae, fi irri.'ul iriy itli rhiii.imen. In the cenin everal IiiIU were riven, the most attractive of which was the Frni.iii hall, at Union II. ill. It was a gran!, all of which couM I seen for two dollars in h ir l ea.--h. I hein n .strong iklinirer of Krin mi l her .n- -, .f atfenleI nii'I ulfice to iy I ha-- l time, nil' I f..uii'l my way Imiue, without tou"h-i-n at the Station Hou.tO. I can't ly as inu.jli for the re?t of the jKirty. Ihe Colorado. I This " iii.inllie iit tlo.itin jmlaee," (as someof the j Jao.tu eoni.-.o- ii leiit whu were the recij.ieitts of a i I'rve ja.-'.- e call her,) arrive-- l here Wt We lnelay, the Itth int., CI I.iys from Hoiij;koiis via Kami- - J jrnwa ill .1 ay. She liroii-rh- t a much larirer freiiit than ! was cijK-t.-i- , aii 1 al irje list of anions ' th'in a J:iji.ui-- e .'oiuii)ifion, who Ixin h!njwn e vti-- j ::tteutiuii here, au-- will jinxa-v- l t. WiLsiiintoii j by O.e iSolJen dly, t sail in a few tlnys. They in- - ten.l remaining in tiiis jCouutry some tiuie, taking s of all that may s of use to thern, nml tl.oir nation. Their time un l..uMeliy will lc j.retty well ' t ifceii tip, ami their eyes mrvle to ns.sume the .rojsr- - ; t!ins t.f a w hite man's when they ;ee all that Ls to Ik? been. 1'ix.u tiieir liturn home they will viil tiie Sin Iwicli ls to see the Wt of the Wolicleis:, that ! tu.-r- e are imtwle of the Japanese .lom iiiis. They j may lie csjwx-te.- l in Honolulu .luring the next fail or wintT. This, the first trip of the I'hina Mail Steam- - ers, was more of an fxjKriinient than nnythin: else, ari l it has 1 a one iu every way, an. I j ail are coiiti lent that the tra.le with the Celestial j J".iiiirc will le exten.-iv- e, ami in time tiK-uui- e j:iaiitic proportion.. Sme iloiihts are entertainetl as tn I w helher tlte i hin Steamers will be able to carry oil en.. iijrli t.t l ist the entire pxss:ij:e, as the Colo- - r tin only hal a J ty's snj-jt.'- left when she got into an I if their freights inci-e:ie- , as they umh.ubt-e-II- y will. Honolulu mutt ntctaarily become a eiml- - J 'a .h"l"t- - i Amusements. j place cf liinu-eine- nt in the city is now iu fu'.l bla-- t, in coiisiijuence of whioh my finances i hive Uvrome H.j!el. Hie Metronitan, however, j oG' rs the tliief attraction, a it is here that Heller, j the magician, liolls l'..r:h aii.l coutinues to ilehght aii'l my-ti- fy tlie uu liem ; with his new nml mysteri- - j o:ts i?iv;.?;..!i. Tlx mvoii-- I of which I wrote iu j my lat, is tlm. evpla'nel. Whether you will ' til'ie tit sc into it or ut j for me to say, ns I j kr..m t,.,t the xope f your min I in tlii. jarticular tlinvtion. You lnust first lnMr in miml that the: ':n cor' U in ivility the telegraphic wire of the; hitman y!e:u, whieh et nveys an I ijif..r- - j uiilioii to the brain. l!y retnov ing a finr.ll rtion, o e.u-c- iii, .Mr. lJ.!er dexterously att.iche to hi lull a u''ui?.r.:, or spinal conl, a sen-sla- ve wire, wti'eh jiss.- - tlown his un h-- r the j r r to the where it is atlixe.1 to tiie spinal ' f r I of the cnflertt. A jierfeet i:.j..itiiy un 1 ; ' is now I Ile'ler in the .. s ari 1 his cntV lent Wiilie on the stae, ; haviii.'. as it were, but one nervous eeiitif, mi l the j ii.ipiv. ion nvoit-- l l y one ai-- e immediately commit- - ( i.icat.-- l to the other. When this explanation is j nrel'ally re id, the mystery will explained, and; the trick I eco: lie. simple to every reader. Mark Twain, I In :i privare letter t the .., he ha. rotiil'ili'.l a volume of his and i roiny; to let some of j his liteiary f.ien ! l.s.k over it Ufore giving it to j Carlton, the puMi-he- r. The Islan-l- will uiid..uhtel- - j ly occupy a eonspi.-uo- j.rtion of it. HI lettei-- s Tiow apj-a- r in the j Thanks. The thank of r re:iders are due to (apt. IJcn- - nett, of the .M-irra- for his Liiidues.? in detaining hi haik o;:e d ay for the sake of your ci detit, j in t.rder to rive him a chance to write up his letters. I Through your column I thank him in behalf of the Atcertier an I mv-e'- f, :tu l wi--h him aspeely pa.- - ii.-- p an I pro-jro- ii voyaas no one i. more deserv- - ; i.f luck. I'.y del ay i ii he will aL-- I e able to take the l S. mail.-- ! of M irc'a 1st, as t!ie steamer is ju-- t in. JVT iscellaneou-s-Ther- is an intere-tin- z breach of promise ci0 in Court of Mis. Clark r. Michael Kecse the wealthy Sin Fr.iii-i.-.-a- n. The plaintiff sues for flm,., (!) F.r bre.ieli of Hivi.iise in alle 'el ofler of marriage. This suit is c ui-i- ii ' a great d?al of talk, and taking "p a large sp n-- e in our daily ipcrs. The damages j rwiuii-- e l by the fair pi aintill seem to lie ijilite mode- - i rare. I iie mos: sinking feature in sun oi nof n irure i.- -. that the wealthier the otlender in these iir.trin.onial enterprises, the more terrible lia? the f.t-Iin- of tli f tir one le;i lacerate-1- . If this suit is gained, there L another one to come on against j the same defend atit. The feelings of some f the; iihe in this city are very easily Imit, aiel the rich.-- r their a liuirers are, the more tender and seii- - siti .e are t!.e young ladies. The jury on the c;tse of Schnioler-ticke- r r. a fimous suit on trlnl in Sacra-tiicnf- .., ha bsn IichargeiI with the lork jaw. The Fourth of July, l'.T, will 1 e et le'-rate 1 in San Fran-Isc- o in a manner lnvoiiiing the eltiens of ti; j ! e, an I the American The JJai.'y ntrictn h'iaf which di'appe.irc.l so i: l tw. inoiitiis ago, will on the iMh of April, in a manner ju.-- t as u-- l leu au-- unesctel as its temporary U5j.-nsioi- His Kxcellency (Jen. M'Cook, I". S. Minister at the Hawaiian Court, with his lady, arrive. last evening in the tSulltn City, find apis-a- r in fine health. They will leave f..r Honolulu in the first g.,d vessel. Yours, I'kle. i.usnuss fails. : ; V. S. ItAKTOW, Aui liiiiiei-r- . Salt-- . It aitt lluirii Nirirl, site Ior from raal.uiu4itu t:re-.-- i. y II. V. SKVKIt A CK. Aaftloiie.r a:;il (emmN-iu- u Merchant, FUCK IT.imiF rTi.Mli:, In KoLiiin" linililtn-- . (lurru Street. tl'-l- l continue liuiim r. at the nr t:tn.l. 6.1-l- y ' b. I TO It liKUTi i Lumber lr.i!rr. 0:!i.-- c North et corner of Qwoi tml F'ort Street, Honolulu. , 6t ly AI.KX. J. CAKTWIHCIIT, f Bairul'sluu I.--rt hunt ai:i! I.rnrral sliip(;ii:g Asfiit, Honolulu. Oahu. ly v. .v. i. no. Imporleraprl !)ea!rria II trJware. ( :i!!rr. Mrrlianir' ; Tool, and I si If u!!'iral lii!,)leiiirnf, 5CI Ftf Mrcrl. If Til. . IIF.I CK, (.ruerl (uunii---i.- u iit, lmri Si reel. ij. I'. tiiiF:its. l.ihr lit Cry Si!L, if.. lit Fort Si real. JOHV XIITSOV. lr:ilrrln Wires, j.iilt. Ale nr.I Porter. &.:T Houolulii. ly JOIIX THUS. WATKItllorsK. Iciurtrr and iiealrr iii Onrrsl .Ih-r- r !iaui!isr, 5--t iu.-.-- Sire-1- , llnno!tila. ly C. H. LKWKK-S- . 1. b. IUCKSOS. I.KH KI1S JL. DIC'KSO.N". Ii' .tiers in l.uwh.r r.:nl IJniiiliii .Mateildl-- , 531 Fori Street. ly Kl. IIOFFSfI.AK(-;i-:ii- . Ai CO., Iniiiirterii Coin tr.i itti .ltrrrliauts Corner of Fort uul Mrriliaul Si reel. 56J ly K. O. II A I.I. X MIX. Importers ami Dealer in H.tiilwaic, Dry Cands, Vaint. Oil, and yierchuntline. 511 Corii'-- Fi rt an 1 Kin;; Ml. ly JAMOX. UKKKX Ai CO.. Iinportrr ami Co'uiiiN-I.i- n Mcrchanl, Iu tlao Fii-el'roo- f I!u tl.tiit on. i tic-t-t- i Slreel. 5.U ly k. e. x'ctNoi t-- f. j"us rttr. .MrCAXni.KSS CO.. Dealer i (irix eries, :i r;'d nn.l l.eiierl Merrliaudie, .V. K. Cur itt r of Fcrt and h'int; itreets. !i)J ly A FO XU V ACIil'lK, litiimrtf r. Vt liele ; le a.:il Dcili-r- s !u General Jlerrhsad;- - auii ( aiiir? Good. Fire-pro- of Store, Xuuanii Slieel. L'nder the I'uohc liali. 57 ly GKUIKit: Ci. HOWK, Healer in iirdinil. i.)M:ine-- t Lnuiiter,, rs. Sash, i:.I,!ii. Nails, lV.Uls, ii.t. .It his Old Slant, Fort street, 0:1 the llpla ntt'Jt. 5 lit ly J. W OltTH. Irnl;-- r Iu Geneial Mer hiir.-llse- , IIII.O, llutruii. ...Ships supplied wPh i: tlie shortest uolice, oi. reas..ianie terms. LEiPs ut wauled. 5;: ly II. r. AHA.MS, Mllft t'llSKdlrr ami !5e'i-- r III General Merrhandise. 1. 11 hit ilia. Miiui Irish an.l e.-t l' , with othT lecruils. eonstAiitly on band and lor pale at - ral.-s- . 54o om THE XEWSI'A I'F.ft KI'OUOA, rnhiNlo'il ,Verklj In th? ll tM.aiian l.anaase. It has th larL-.-x- t rin-u- i iti-.i- i in the croii)., an.l is read both by II twaiiau and Foninrs. Price J a year in A.lrerti inei.ts tran-la- t. d into llawa-ii.i- n fr of char.-:-- . ot;i-- e in outh hfji) corner of bailor's II . me. ly A. S. CLEOIIOIIX. Peah-- r In General "f.-- n haiidive. I irr-nn- Store, Corner Knn'iuiiiMnti itii'l 0.-i- i Sl tOppi'Me Mak-e'- s !;! A!-- . It aii.stn'.or iin.-i.- t on N ,10,1:11 r.-.-t, above Kinir. XT Is! uid l.oi:--)- il and oid. Island ordi rs ear.-(ull- j attended la i4 y n. v. lfii.(;tox. Iuipjitt r and :n.!i .t!e i?.s!i r iu Vlar, Sitirits. ami Salt Charlloii Wharf, Imolulu. 5- -l i'y Importer, Wliolr-.o- V riid liet;II lirah-- r In General Fin.- -'nt f Ladi-- and j. ot's Il t an 1 Sh--- , latest il. i si.s imp-.- id by every vessel. C.m-r.- f For. an I .M. n I lit t. 553 Z:u .M.S. (ililXHAl'.M Ai. CO.. Io5iorter and Vt !ml-'.:- r In Fa?ilou; .' lot ill:!.', J!..K (au-- . i:oal and Shoes, n" ri.-- r Furnishing Uood, And every van' ty of M re l. rin-r- ly 1 by W. A. Aldri-.h- , 5JI Mik'te'n lU-tei- , (juten tt. ly rrwis j. sis. u R. WOoU. JOXES Ai WOOlh and Mil ( handlt-rs- , L MI AI N A, M Al l. Moii-- and Uecru'as f.irni-!i--- d thips on Favorable Terms. 5-- lv ItOLLES sV. CO.. Ship t aandli-r- s and f .n i;i;h!in Mert !;aiil, ltteen .sfeetf. Particular attention paid to th- - purchase and sale of Hawaiian Produce, offers by permission to .Messrs. C. A. Williams Co. Messrs. C. llrewer .t Co . M. sr. fas'!- - I' Messrs. II. liai-kf-'.- A Co., virsrs. I. C Waterman... srs. C. L. Richards Ai Co. I'-- l ly CUC-il- i M'K'S. Mi.-'- CIH'XU IIOOX A; C ?lrrihai:ts a::d enteral .viret't. Agents f.-- r the I'auk 1:1 d Auiuiiiu ucar Plantations Im- porters of T-- as and I'l.ine. and For--iir- Uoods and wholesale in II; waiiau Pr.Kluc-- . n rir Si one Store. X n am nu SI.. Ita-lo- K iati:. S.'l-l.- v THOMAS SFEXCER. Sliip handler. Irt alerin enteral elereliandJse, Inland ri.alJic. ;mii! ( it::iii!isii.ii Mrn li.tul. I!)tun'. Iho. Hilt.S. I.. Wi'.l keep eon-tani- ly 0:1 !,a;i t. o; tmi l.t of every lescriptn-r- . nl Mli by ships and others, li.e his-- : pr..- v - ii Island j j- - i.,uey a lv.tu--- . U i .r loll- - Kvcli.uie at reast iable rats. C. L. RICHARDS A. CO.. Ship (liantiieis and ( indii-s-it- a ?Iert tiant. and Hialirs iii (ieairil Keep conafii: on band af ji .s. .rtmei.t of nu rc! a.idise,f..r the supply of V. h.o rsa-i- vessels. 5'i-- i ly ALI.EX .V COXWAV. Kansiii.-ie- . Ilauaii. Will cmiina the Merchandise n I Siiippinj: basimss at lot ..!? port, avl.eie b.-- are prepared lo furnish tt.e;:is:ly - :. ! K iwail...- - P. and "such oth-- r r ru!t as are by - siiips, at r.oiice and on the most r .tionatde terms. ool-l- v C. FR K'l'K IM'l.l't. F.R. Healer in St a ;!. aad IV.nrj D; (.oml-- . Mi-n'- s f loth-i- n, and !ij . .in.l laakee Nulion. More aa Fori Mrrel. itrnrly otpoilr laA,r.. .v. II a . iy u:infS5 d;ui)5. lilt. J. M (ITT SMITH, Dentist, Offlcw r.irn.-- r nf Fort arnl Hotel Strs-tf- . &Cj ly v. ii. a kh Aims. Corner of Kort an 1 slri-els- . Hoooluu. Cot lv A. . HI FFCM. M. !.. lhv-- it 1:: n awl Sur-fi- UtSce aiul .le-- i Al iri.-- Hou.-- . Fort 'r 521 ly IK. KKXMODV, Iiivhi;a. Surruii ainl ArruKi-hrnr- . " pi, r.. i . i .i ins j urnuure nr. rw-ns- . os ij K. HIIFF.MAXX. M.IJ. l'lt s.i ; 1 .1:1 and Sargruu, .MakeeV 12! L, corner (jii'Vii an Kaahuiiianu st. 6C1 ly A. F. JCI1I). (Mnrr.rv t'jttnsr-'In- at Law. ' Corner of Fort an "i M. rehaiit str-.-- . t.,. 543 ly , I ii i:itv tho.mi'son, At!irne stud (oiicselior at ! O.fite on Qurm Mre. t. o.p.ii the Court Ilr.u.-- , up slnirn , 55. ly i JOHN H. I'ATV. - .t.t trj I'c'tllr, t Honolulu, H. I. oiTice t tlie llai.k il l!i-h- .p .V Co. c:.4m j ii. ii a c k ri: i & co.. On era I ( 'hiiniss'iu:! Agents, &31 lluttolultf. ly MJVII.l.t; X It A It H KTT, I'litnters auj (.incral Slur Kr;- - er. N'.rih Kma, il.iw:ol.n. r l'..-i- Island 1'ro.lui e Siopj .supplr. d kiih ttml, licef and olln-- iiece.-.-.ri- e. Ap-- nl at Honolulu, A. 5. CI.KCIIi.KX. 5C7 ly CUAS. H. blsttoP. W. C. KALSTOS. ItlStlOl . CO.. Ilanlirr., Cllire, iu tiie of M.tkee's Llosk, Kaahiinianu street, Honolulu. Iiraw l!il! of Kxcliau-.'- on ' The I'.ank or tALit okn - San Fraticittco. Mes.jrit iaiSNt.i L, M is it Co., New Yurie. ' Lkks, - - New , IlESIlT A. I'rlHCK, ti C.l., - - Itosloll. t Tkkmoxt National IIasic. l!oton, Mas. Ohikntal Hank Cot:ejuATi s, Imdon. Will receive depoaas, iisuounl nrst-clas- s humea paper, and atuml to colleeiiim. etc. 5.J1 lv .M F.I. CH KliS . CO. i Importers au.I ( oiii.alsvion .lierrhants, A'jentt f-i-r iht HAinrt"iii-l:KKiK- Fikk InsChanck Co. j KttMIKI .Sll.AU 1'I.ANTATIoN, loai. V tU.AU I'LANr AMOS. Ocstat C. Melcueus. J. I). WnatE, K A. Sett akfkk, Ilremeu. lioiioiiiia. Honolulu. 516 lv , ;ko. h. i:t' k; kss. j FOUT1UIT AMI LlMiSCAFK I'AIMIIU, Xtudiu, RicharJ Slreit, nettr Hert lunia. Pieciinons. execute I hy the ahve Artist, nf the ui .st fashion, ahle siyieof I'm iraiiup.-- may ! at the tjall-.-r- of Chas. rl-r- s at the Artis-- s ?to-lio- Uteh..r. siitl, or at ll.e I'hotoraph tlall. ry, near the l'-- t t;!irr. Oin IJ. .V. FLITXKK, l Continues his old business ji, tiie fireproof building, K :m It il mil it u Street. Chrr.nometeri" rate.i I.v ..i . t - 1 : with a transit instrument accurate!)- - adjusted to the meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention Kivento tine watch repairing, and quadrant j Klt-r!i,,.1Srl,',- J 631 land an.l for sale. ly I C. WAVEU.MAX i CO., uaiiuisvioii i h.'.iiis. Ksrfsnal attention p.ii.l to the int.-rr-t- s of tit-- - Whaling Fleet by tlte furuishinit of lunds, pul-eha- and sale of Exchange, Oil, Hone, General Merchandise, and the pricuriii of Freight UFlLliKNCK. Messrs. Isaac Howlanp, Jr., i Co., New L'e.lfor.1 W. O. F:. I'oeK, F.S.J., do. MoioiAN, Jtiisk A; Co. San Francisco. J. C. .Mi.hkiu Co, do 531-l- y MAtt'L SI. CASTLF. J. B. ATHI HToN. A(iS S. COOKK. CASTLE A. COOKK. Inrnortrrs ami (Jeaeral Merchants, in Fireproof Store, Kins sir- - et, opposite the Seamen's Chapel, Also, .cii t.'z for i Dr. Jaynes C . linttl F .iiiily Medicines, IA heel.-- r VViJ-o- Machines, The Tiie New Ka.'ii.o.l Mut-.i.i- i Life tusuraii-:- Company, The New York Pli- uix Marine Insurance Company. 6io ly silt an a rtvca. H. A. r. cartkk. C. IlltEWEit Av CO. Coniinis-io- u and shlpniu? Men hant, Honolulu. Oaliii. II. I. Alo'NTj OT Ihr lioalou 11 nil lioiioliila I'nrhel Line. A'.KMS For Ihr Mulii-e- . Wniliil.n V I!niia I1 Inn I a I loan . a:i:nt For lite I'nrriiau' ati.t Sale of !lati! I'rolu e. ' i;LFi:i; To Jim M. H.ion, IN New York. j Chas. I.KKWta. C-- . Bo.tou. J A Mt.s lit SStt K1.I-- Ks. J. C. M, ki 11 1. JV. Co. f It. It. Swai x t:t. J ..San F'ran.-i.rn- . ClIA. WoLei'TT pK.loRi Ksi. ) r. 1 GEORGE VILLSAMS, r rrs t-i-ht CT-i- T l isnXTTi JjIIvJUaH 5 aj Ul.11 a. xivvr ii.itjii a (THIXTIXrCS THE Hr.V.FS OX HISoLU ; vi' "Ian "f setilaig will. ibie- is and s. .11111 n iiimi. diatvly 011 th. ir M at bis ;:i II ivi. g no c. nii.i tion, either direct or in lir-ct- , uh an y .utf.f establishment, mat allow- - y.ti 110 to be . oil .1 at 1. aic- -. he hop. 4 to give as gissl s i!if .ctioii in tt.-- - .is !. h is in the ) ast. 1 1' iilfii-- on Ja.s. Kohl: s ti Co.'s M l.arf, near t!n- - I". S- - Coiislliate. 5l'.l OU1 Wm. JOHNSON, : llrnlrr in Xaluinl ollaer Tobtiiio, Ciitr. Pii-.- . iVc Kn:. lisli nml A titer a .i ia CtiulVi-iioii- t' ry. . Un i:n. Cat Lt-- . Ac. 1 would aNo take this in. th-- . f in'. rmin the Citizens nf ' and th- - that 1 have commenced the Tailoring busine.s in conn elioo with t!ie above, and am pre- - to execute all orders in a f and sub-tri- m Ur iirs fi 01:1 the oil. rr Islands promptly attended to. j Xorf on Y'"'-t'"- ! Si it '!,!" ih "r tnt'iir hut'j. I 555 "in j SAMUEL C. WILDER, ; ttiiar Xlniitor. PO.--T OFFH K AIM KI".s, VILIKK l'L.VXTATIOX." L'ji C:a lv union. Oaliu. FORT ST., FAMILY MARKET. KOIt'T I). .lMUUJAX. Choicest Me:-t- from fir., st I. eids. Poultry, Fish, Vegetnbl.-- t 4 c. , furiosii- - d to r.i- - r. 501 ly DUFFIN'3 MARKET, i:. tsriil T, Proprietor. A.; STREET, noyo.l I I'. 52S-l- y VA I JV! ANA LO MARKET, IIOVO.I LI", II. I., Kin Street, opposite the li. t!:.-l- . 5loly DoHiior's Standaid ficrosriH" Oil. raHE CXDFRSIC V l;i OFFER FOR. SA LE il JC.-l-" A Kill VKl Per Syren, 300 Cases cC this Superior Oil. AVarrant-.- fu!i ffv-i- and C. ll'iKWKR Jfc CO. CONsTANlLV ON II AND. .'Sll AT IX V A LP A II LE. DV II A II LE, FLEX A ii pres. r.";iiL', atit. ."rlETALLIC PA I XT F..r P.oil.-rs- . It; ofs. ;e..In . Cast Plows. Il .uies Fet:ces, tclos'tu-rs- . Steann-rs- , AX D A LL Of HER iliOX or WOOD WORK. For S..le l v 535 6m C. I'.KKU Kit fc Co. ,c ki:i:m ::xt hlaxks. PLAXK FORMS or ACREEMEX r HE- - t it- - n M i I r r ii.ts t!..- fu'i aud.orLiu lorto Piirt sl.nn jt-- r Hojiii. I y II M V HITNFY 'nsnrancr fails. J. D. VICKE, AtSENT FOKTHK BKKMKN liOAKIl Vt L NDKK WRITKB5 AV '.Sur.i'i'm lr '.boM "ti..1 KhX-- "u t.ave to be certite.t Inn:. 5tj lv II A MliritlJH-IIKr.- M UN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ravIlK I'MKHM(;K1). Aprni of the Co!,. & paii.v.are ( ret ared to i:.ure risks .M,.i;:si fire in iiuJ aUiul lioiiulu'u. F or vrtieulara ui'l-t- hi ihenitir. MFI.CUKKS CO. H..ii..iu!u Oct. 11.157. 531-l- v The New Enp-lan- d Mutual LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY! j: 1 (- - f 4 i 1' NT T Z V' .- a ij ii w w aft. m y m. Ii fpilKTKUMS OF IXxCIt A CK. IX THIS at Coioi-aii- lire u? low as any oth-j- rr.-- j jiisil'le Cf'i:ipaijy , an-- l i ruusistent with at.-ty- . " ' (''"l'"y einp mama!, it.-r- at tU IM r.ts.iHLK Uatk. and if tl.e freniiuiuo i.el rxo-e- -l the actual c- - st. the surplu.-- . i lelurn- .l (o the ai l.v r. In v ti"ldrs whose ilate ori-- t. the aip intment of ,he un.ursiKi.ed, chi, ,'ay iheir premium, to us ,f they de-- sire to do so. j .Now is tlie Time to Insure. .. , . . .. , , , .. ... . of A ueriea. :oid Ihe l:.L-r- A St:it ft fia ln till Ittn . without t.x:ri Chartre. Dividends rayail3 Annually in Cash. 5o4 CAsTI.K Jc Amenta. - - INSURANCE AGENCY. T1!K IIQIITACMI 1.1 1 K ASSllMMK SOdHTY, No. i'2 Dnadway, New York, i and j TIIK r.MTKI) STATIZS CASCAI.TV IXSl II A X C K COM YAXV , 9 6 Choapwat, New York. 'VMIK I'XOF.KSMJMOH H.lVIXi; HERX & apppoinl.-- A'Jt.M of the ah'.ve n un d otnp.ini.-s- , is prepared to r. e: lVe Hpilicalions f..r l.lh'E lySL'ltA.WE in a Company wh-- -- auco,M is unparaiiel.-- in the history of j I. lie' AL j Tois,,,. l'oL,r,KS fo, CJSL JWriysURAyCE in the j onlv Mutual Accident Company iu Aii.cri.-u- . ioj jy M. I!. l:KfKWITH. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. rilllK I XIiFHSICXKI) A(.i:XTS OF TIIK a'sjve Comi any, have heeii autl oriae.1 to insure risk on cariio, nir.icHT aiul ruKAsmti:. liy COAST KKS from Honolulu to irts of the Hawaiian Group, and vice versa. 5Jl iy H. HACKFKLD CO. CALIFORNIA Il4SUJ.lil.NCsS CO'IPANY, Capital ami Accumulation, over SAX FItAXClsCO. Annual Income, over - - - - rstllK FXIFliSltJXF.I IIAVIXfi I1UEX . 3 appointed Agents for tlie a hove c unpany, bet: leave to j 1 OllCies lit tufce, - - - - -- nfoi in Lhe the public, tlial they arc now prepared to issue l'aiil for Losses liV Heaths. - - .! A II I .V C. 1 7 ft ft .ft . J J A S. A on l'iir;o, Freiyht and Treasure., to ar.d from all parts of the j world. II. HACKFKLD Jt CO. Honolulu, April 2 lSii2. &17-l- y SAN I'KANCISCO BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. UF.K. t rgniF. j' F.RSI(J X KP H appointed a nis l. r tl.e Eaii rruoeieco Hoard ot I uder- writers, t, . : n I ,, s n r.i i r e ' om l 11 V. The Mutual Marine Insurance, The I'jioific I usii rn nee Company, Tiie California I.lovi!. aiul The Home .Mutual 1 nsuraiiee t'ompany. ltep leave to inform M asters of Vessels and the public uener- - ally that ail looses on VKrSKI-- nnd CAltOOKS, insured by eiilier of th aliove Con. pani.s aa.nnst perils of me and olh.r risks, at or near tlie s.u!viich Islands, will have t.. ie by them. 559 3m 11. HACKFELI) i Co. PACIFIC INSUP.AISTCE COKPAITY Of San Francisco, California. Cash Capital, $1,000,000. JONATHAN HI NT,. . ..President. II. H. BHi FLOW, ...General Agent. J. M. SlloTWF.LL,.. ............ Secretary. C. A. LATON", Marine irw-vIl- rXDKKSICXF.I). THE AlTIIOR-- i !i ized Acenis of tliis company are prepared to insure risks On Cargo, Commissions and Profits ! In Yis-.l- s itli.-- r in the Foreign or I met' Ilit lll Trtvale. Will is-- Fire and Marine Time Tolicies Coveriiu: ri.-k-s 011 Public ItuilliiiL-s- , Mrs. Dwelling H nKes, j Furiiiture, and i'sls in store, and ni Hubs of Vcss-l- s not rating l .wer than A. a. j .O.SS-..S- - tijj'i.stt'i r.ttl ia U. S. O'o. C001. ' N. 1!. Polici. furnished at once thout the delay of for- - w:r.ln. implications to San . For ral.-- of premium anil pai tict;larsn-pl- to 5j1 ly lilslii'l' c Co., A?nts. EUREKA HOTEL ; ; S. A. L0LLER. Proprietor. ri i.i i r.-- - r.. r 1. 1 . 1 n .a bis fri-n- .ls nnd trie public tint he is fully pr par d 10 carry i. this hiisaies on th ui-- .-t appi-vv- d atvle, and lesp-.c- t fully solicits a share of pntronnoe. 'catlv I tinil-lie- il UooPlS 1 I.t II io:i UcaMinahle irrm 5-- C. IV. lVoa'ln A: Co., COOPBRS and GAUGESS ! AT TIIK NEW STAND ore tiik ispl,a"AjOt:. (T E A It E PR EPA It Eli TO ATTEND t -1- 0- ALL WORK IN CUR LINE! At tlie Sliop next to tlir 'ustom House, Wh-r- -i we can le found at al working hours. WE HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE FROM G000 TO 4000 EAP.HELS OF OIL CASKS ! Of liilT-n-- nt Sizes, N-- v and Old. U7nV' ire tr.7 "? t ll.e Wry L.jtrs M irk 'I II i!:.i. AH Work done in a thorough m.nner and warranted to jrive salisf.icti-n- . All Kinds cf ttpeilii": Materials .:nd diaper's Tunis FMli SALl. 5t C. Bornhold cV Co., r-. I!E TO XOTlFi TIIE CITIXEXS : of Honolulu and vic.riity, tb-.- tte-- the jSTXis. pruns.s known as the I TV MAitKl.T, on King where tl:.y intend to carry ontiie P0RX AND SAUSAGE BUSINESS ! i nil its bianches. and wi:i s; are n pains to ei'.e saf isf..eti.n to ti.ose who may ftvor them with titor pairoiiaiTe. Constant- ly on ban 1 a sap-r- i .r q.i ality of Sut J';L. 7 'or A' .s f .;-- . ito.'-.'.t- t ;.vi;, li'.'njtl P'hli o..-f- . Lifer 1'ath.UnijS, lb 'HI se. (If., etc. Put up with th? ntnio?t r??ard to clianiiness. o56 3m COPYING P1ESSES xxf varioi's sizf:s AI IIEST .make, 7 toe-he- r wt.'i er Pr ss It j. It a. Ilru-l.-- v ill She-t- s, lib ttit.f Paper, kc, kc. 519 For Sale by H. M. WHITNEY : asuranc? ci;irt!S. THE NORTHERN INSURANCE COMP Y )!' LI)M)O.V. 'fll K IXDF.RS1GXKI). AG KXTS FOli TIIK i'.iiii ai.', have mviw.l instructions to re- - .luoe t.e Kate of i on :oik llrick liuil.lin): an.t on stowl therein, ami are ouw .reparcd to issue poli- cies on more frtV. thI-i- terms than hercufore. kiskj taken on Buildiiurs .Maeiiinerv. ise.. nn Suear l'lanta-tion- s. JAMu.N, UKfckN - Co., 545-l- y Aiieiit. TIIK IIK1TISII AM l OIUMCX MARINE INSUR A1CE COr.IP'Y. i T.imiied.- - lCAllAhR .??.LINa I Alr.I If lliULl LI , JAMOV. CRKEX Jt Co. X. R. This Cominny ties risks on giKl only an.) not n ves-teln- . 5t4 Cm . PTRP. AND "lT ARTNFt UtOUttmtvyA( iatlOnai Innrnripo ( S1Ui FrilIK-iseo- , , Onice, No. 4ifi JbiniLromerv ireet. near C ulimrma. tjl ItlVK IXSl'KAXCF. upon Hull. Car- - 1 3 1 re .sure. Commissi. ii, I'roiit, and uiher rf Marine Insurance, to and from all mrla iu tlie world, inland Ki-k- s. MARINE UISKS on Coxsters. Also, on Freight, Carpo, tic. to and from all niter-islan- d M.rts insure.! Filth: lNsL'KAM-'KiiiM.i- i lluil.lins, .Merchandise, F'uniiture. Kent. Vessels ill I'. rt and their Cargoes, and oilier Insurable lrul'erty. lAI'llAh, Cl'AIIJ It'; tli. .1III.I.KI lM) Losses promptly at'.jtivh-- and paid ia I cited Stale Gold Coin. WILLIAM PIKKCK, President. 1. W. C. Tlli'M I'SOX, W. W. W IGCMNS, Secretary, AMOS XuYKS, Marine Officer. Executive Committee : ALBKIIT PIBULEK. Chairman. JOS. A. HONOHOE. It. G. SNKATII. JOHN O. lillAY. A It it AM HLOCK. X. II. J'irt'ru!'ir utti,t'nm io Fire Limwtnce on nirtll; J ' L1.nrehrH. FurnUvrt. dc. C. IJUKWKIl Si. Co.. A yean. 550 6m Hon o lulu. INSURE YOUR LIFE. MANHATTAN LIFIJ INSURANCE CO., Of New York. S 4,000,000 2,000.000 27,000,000 2.225.000 " ............................ Praideiit. C. Y. Wmiplk .Vice I'resi.lent. J. L. IlAL-K- t Secretary. II. Y. WhMPl.K .. Assistant Secretary. S. N. tTKUlllNS..... Actuary. Vfm. ('. Kalsion, !,., l:lielor for Uic FaiiOr toast. nOLICIKS ISSI't'll TIITIIU 1VII1I'TAI IL $O,U0 on one life, and payable in (i O 1, l O 11 C IT IS. It E XCV I Thi Company ojfirs the Following Advantages No Extra Charge for Traveling! Annual Distribution of Prolits ; Loans maut! Oil I OllClCS ; . no C la 1 III I'll paid , Important Jcu Feature in - Dividend and JModes of Insurance; Dividend January 1st, iscr, 40 Per (eut fash The following; are examples of the operation of the last dividend : Fol - Ixsatett in 1K(2. only 4 Year Ago. A feat Amount lu I'remiuin Added to Total amount Issue. sured. j Paid. Policy. of Policy. 40 $10,000 Sl.'MO, fl.STi $13,572 iib 8.000 l.O'.li 2.S4"! 10.814 ;o 7.5UO 70S: 2.70S 10.209 25 7.000 57 1 2,505 0,505 This is an entirely new plan, originating with this Company, and gives an iusiner the largest return ever made by any com- pany in same period. LANi'FHtS & Co., tienerftl Agents to the Pacific Coast, and Sandwich Islands. II F.NK Y SUMXir.IlS, Uen.-- r il Travelin? Apent. OILei-- . Mu Lee's Htiiltlin. up talnirn. ('HAS. II. IHSIiUI', Kesiilenl A urn I. 5U 2m Ilonoliilu. MKRCII.VSTS' .MUTUAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1" rMIE IXDF.ltSICXKI! IIAVIXT. I1F.EX it apH.intetl agents for the above Company, beg leave to inform the prtMic that thej- - are row prewired to issue MAI'.IXr: IXSCKAXCE POLICIES OX CAIiliOKS, FItEIGIIT nntl IRLASIKE. 5o7-l- y WALKER, ALLKN A: CO. FA1VCV STATIONERY aiV Wlii.sicy's ESooIv Slorc ! JUST RECEIVED I3Y IiATE ARRIVALS ....FL0M.... NEW YORK A.XI) SAX FRANCISCO. Ctirisi.ttihrf in 'irt (f ASSORTED SIZED COPVIXG I'RESSES i and Stands, A.snrt.1 sized CmsTi Itoves. ltill HcA.l Itoxes. Thermnmeters. liill Hooks, Pen Rack. fclate P-- ncils, d Pencils, sjchool Slates, Scrap Itooks, Heibariums, Twine Boxes, Mottled T.ii.e, Tooth picks, Sui-eno- Plain Cap Paper, puiienor ru:?d iap pa-- r. f ujierior piain lett- - r paper. Sup rubsl letter pap--r- , ' Assorted note paper, liill bead paper. Blotting pads, Music pap r, Osborne's colors, Setts Chess men, ltackammon boards, Checkers and dice, Alphabet Liocks, Mathematical Instruments. Assorted sized blottinc pa l'. Ouua pen A ajhintrtoi- - Medallion pens, iairchilds sujierior pold pens. Ivory paper holders. Fancy pap. r holders, Westuiili. lin's Tenknives, Charlton's mucilage, tiu-.t- per ha bands. Line's rulers, Wafers. Seals. r)avid"s black, blue and ..... carmine inks. Mavnard & N'oyes' inks. Arnoci s inks, assorted s:z-- s. Assorted il k standi. Assorted pen cleaners, rhotorr;.phic Albums, Proeller pencils, Pencil leads. Crayons. A fne ts rtii't.t f Jjiuiik. Ji'Xiks, ('htjifv issm'tiii'-ii- f Fnrt It jtcs. Fxtslt'ttfje Z'oi'..y. Fufeipt JJuol.s, Order Luvk . Jlaitii's prirrhtntid 7.- - tit r Hyxjks, Clip nnd L'll' i' i '!: ad Fitot. l.tti'.r and Cord J!V7f. .1'. lii")"'l(('7--l IJ't-ks- . 1'itss hnoks. Cnm-:r- hair brushes, ComiKisition card frames, 1. S. Postage stamps, Ltuer scales, ice , &c, &c, Ac. sfltflianiral. II . FISC 1IF.R, .llrrt ilrtllt Tttiluf. F.irt 5tr?et, on-si- te O.U1 I!U. Honolulu, IJ. I 5('i lv VV. FISCIIKIt, Cabinet French Polisher, Hotel Street, near th l'rui: Store of J. Molt Mnith - 0... 5; J lv W. BLWIITT, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 5I Kit!-- ; Street. Opjic-it- e the IJethrl. 1 ViL Honolulu. H. I. 5C8 ly CISCUITJBAKERY. J A 31 i: s ; i. i) s t o n K , CORyjCR OF QCKCy J.D RICHARDS STREETS. IT ships' llr-ai- rehaked at short notice. XX 50 ly HAWAIIAN BiniiKL FACT0UV. rHiiF. rxDRitsinxcn won.n ite.prei- - B fully inform the Planters that they are now prepared to furnish Siisar Krt. M.lnur. ltnrrrl., uattl Cone Draiiiria, lor drainini; ltefmery sugars, at reason- able rates. Hariri; improved machinery they are prepared to manufacture a superior article. All orders filled promptness and dispute?!. 3iu J. A. HOPPFMt Co. PACIFIC CRASS FOUNDRY. THE IM(RRSIGXKI) VOI LI RE- - V- -' snectftlllv inform tl..-- oolai.. l. : . . ... . Si J ami finish all kinds of br:u and composition work wiih dispatch and at reasonable rates. lr All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on short notice. IT Constantly on hand, hose cnup,,nrs of the followirr. sizes: 1, i, 1, li, 2 au.l 21. Also, oil caps an.l gauge cocls. JAM F.3 A. HOPPKK, King street. II. I. II A ITM F IST KK, TAII.Olt Has taken the stand lately ocrupied by II. Fischer, on Nou.aim street, where hf h.iR-- s the public will favor him with a share of their patronage. ftiB Om GEORGE LEONARD, Manufacturer ofFURMTUKE of all I)e- - scrijit ions. PLANING. SAWING AND TURNING DONE, jioulditisrs of all kinds eocstaiitly uu Hand. 65G ly ROBERT NEWCOMD. UirOli-IUXDlA- l. Merchant Street, opposite the Sailor's Home, I'lnin nutl Ornamental lJinriinj executed at short notice and reasonable ternis. ly fiKOIICK C LA llKt BOOT and SHOEMAKER. Hotel street, between Nur.anu and Maunakea streets. fll-l- y oe:.e: MiL,i,i:ie, C0NTRACT0S. AND BUILDER, Simp on the Ilsjilaiitttle, oppo-it- e the Court House. 520 ly C. E. WILLIAMS, Man 0 facte re r, Importer mid Healer iu Furnitare Of Evert) Dtsrrition. Furniture Wurerootn on Fort street, opposite It. D.'s .OllOJ. . , .'.111..., S,-.- ., ,.,(. -- tlll -- M..Jf Hotel street, near F'ort. N. It. Ortlers from other islands promptly attended to. 530-l- y 1:0 it k irjTiTijTTT Boot mid SI100 IVIvls.01 J Hotel t.tret-1- . briwrrn Alnlten nnd Fori Slrrela. SSoot aitfl Iiock Made and repaired in a workmanlike manner. 518 ly Jji Tinsmiths nnd Plumbers, fiuuaau Street, near the Wharf STOVKS and LFiAD PIPE always on hand. Jobbing of all kinds attended to. 550 ly II 0 N0 LULU SOAP WORKS, II V W. J. KAWLIXS. efl'.HE IROIRIRT()K OF TIIE ABOVE Ji AA orks is prepared to supply his customers, and the pub- lic in eeneral, with the best ipiality Y KLL.OW SO I. SOFT SOAP nlwHf. on hand, The Hkihkst Pkk e paid fok Soap Uhkask. 512 ly .9. E E3G (.IIi:s, Ph IMPORTER Ai MAXCFAC TL"KtK' of 3,1 kind of Saddlery, Car-- QZrj?jL' riaife Trimming, Mattress makiug V-- .ij and repairing done with neatness and dispatch XT A II orders promptly attended to Corner of Fort and Hotel street, Honolulu 5.i8-l- y J AS. L. LEWIS, Cooper .iicl G-aug- or ! At the Old Stand, earner of King and Bethel Streets. A Large Stock of OIL SIIOOKS and all V4s kinds of Cooprrinat iVInlerinln CON STANTLY ON H AN It. He holies liy attention to merit a continuance of the pat 1 romi iige which he has hitherto enjoyed, and for hich he now returns his thanks. 6m G. W. NORTON &. Co., OX THE ESPLANADE, First Door above the Custom-hous- e, Honolulu, II. I. 50(K) VJRREl.S Atr Ay I) OLD OIL CASKS. 6i! ly HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS, II y WILLIAM II. III'DDV, at Leleo. PfAVIXB RECEIVED A LA RG E AND FCLL X. fi stock of material, is prepared to supply his customers and the public, with the b m! Vellovt, limuii nntl While SOAP. AIXJ WOI'T T I OIIL, KOAP, In lar-e- . or small quantities to suit. I. S. Soap grease always wanted.. 517 ly JOHN NO TT St CO., Copper and Tin Smiths, Ornamental Iron Hail Makers, m.tKE PLEASURE IX A X XOFXCI XC TO A. the public that th-- y ore prepared to furnish all kinds of Copper Work, consisting in part of stills, r mil. K PANS, tiOR-CB- pass, wokms, etc., etc. We would also invite attention to our patterns for oiixavik!!-ta- l iron bailing, suitable for Imiidini; or cemetery lots, which we can furnish at reasonable pries. Also, Kifht and Left Hand Screws for linhleninjj wire fence. ALL KINDS OF KKPAIIUSo WITH NKATXKSS AND DISPATCH. Onb-r- from the other Islands will meet with prompt attention. Shop on Ka.-i- t umanu St.. one dor above Flitner's. 543 6m v. ioiiTorv, Catholic Church Premises, Honolulu, ta HAVIXr; LATELY RETIRX- - 5" Ll from San Francisco With a .en Stork of Materials, Hv is prrji'ire'l to lli,nlr WATCHES. CLOCKS AND MUSIC BOXES 5'i0 With promptness and dispatch. A. ISfTIS.IIC.t, COOPER AND CAUCER, Continues the business At his Old Stand on the Esplanade. All wor done with care, and orders promptly attended to. 5(6 Chap.ks Modekatk. ly FOR SAL EAT TH E B OOKSTORE yViiliti vi, HAWAIIAN jnOTIONARY ! pitict: uorxi) i.x calf, r,t PRICE BOIXI) IX l-- 's? .MOROCCO. . Every one should have this b ok by them for reference. Send your orders from the other islands and they will he promptly attended i. GREENBACKS, WTXITED STATES 1JOXDS OF IXDEBT- - LLiNLjS, (5 Zit's or any other class of bonds. ) t'usho.l u I he highest rules. 511 II. M. WHITNLY. MAKEE PLANTATION. VK" t'ltOI OF SUGAR AND MOLASSES! Now Commit in. For Sale by 5.''. 6in C. l'.KKAVFK A Co., scents. II ANA PLANTATION. CROP OF 2ev SUGAR AND MOLASSES! 556 Cm For sale by C, 1'KF.AVF-- V Co. avenls. jWAILUKU PLANTATION. 'EV CROP. XOW COM IXC IX. a For talc by 563:m C. llllLWFIt A Co., scents. LE W EUS P L A NT AT I O T. I860. 18G6. SUGAR AND KOLASSES CUtOP NOW COMIXU IX AXD FOR SALE to suit purvliasers by 5Uiu C. IIKKWKU tt t-- ti AI V 1 1 i I ! I. A i T A T IO. Sugar and IVIolasscs ! c ROP I S (it;. XOW CO.MIXt.' IX AXD FOR sale iu quantities to suit by 561 6m MKLCHF.KS CO. SUGAR AND MOLASSES OF TIIE K till A LA SI GAR CO.MVANV, sale lu qiiantiiies to suit by 543 tt-- n CASTLK ti COOKK. SUGAR AND MOLASSES! Of the If AWAIIAX SKJAIl MILL. Crstpol 1SHG, Aft m For sale in quantities to suit by 644 ttin CASTLK V COOKIL .Vsiil&s.iii ll:ml:if ion, It. Corpftvrll A: Son. Proprirlar. SUGAR AND MOLASSES ITmOM THIS PLANTATION FOR SALE to suit purchasers. Apply to 63o ly CKO. 0. MrLKA1, Agent. HAWAIIAN RICE! Coolie and i:tra. For Pale in quantities to suit by A. P. CLKOUOHN, 533 iy A pent Honolulu Klce Mill. HAWAIIAN LEATHER ! Sole and Saddle Leather, and Tanned Uoat Skin. For Sale by K13 ly A. S. CLF.GHOIIN, A (tent Waimoa Tannery. I'uuloii Sail F OR SALE IX UCAXTITIES TO SC'IT. 65K 3m liy C. L. RICH AK0S, fc Co. No. 1 RICE, No. 2 RICE, No. 3 COOLIE RICE! ECEIVED DIRECT FROM PITNALUU R Hice ComHiny Mill, lor sale in quantities lu suit by II. AV. tfEVKKANt'K, 556 3m A rent of Punaluu Rice Co. Sul3sc:ril:e ISTow O I. FOREIGN PERtOOJCAtS! TVOTWlTIIST.tT)IX TIIE RISK I s, 1 the Subscription price of the leading American Monthlies and Weeklies, and the increased iMwLage ou them, I eontinuo to supply my subscribers at the old rates. Fifteen years ex- perience in the business enables me to supply my customers with foreign periodicals cheaier, quicker and more satisfacto- rily than they can be obtained from any other source. Try and see. Papers Delivered Free of I'osfapre or other Charges In any part of the (.roup. Rack numbers of the leading Mainlines, also of Harper' Weekly, Leslie's Illustrated and the London News always cm hand. Files made up at short notice for whalemen and trav- elers. . Subsciiptions Payable Always in Advance AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. New York Herald, Per Annum. .(5 OA " " Tribune, 4 00 " " Times, 4 00 Boston Journal....... 4 0U lloston Advertiser. 4 OO New York World, (weekly,) 4 0O " " Ledjrer, (a Story Family Paer,) 6 00 lathe's Illustrated Newspsjier, (week ly ).. .......... ft 00 Harper's Weekly, 600 San Francisco AVeeklics, each..................... 7 00 Every Saturday 6 0(1 New York Courier ies Ktabs L'nis. ................ 6 60 " Zeitung (Herman) 8 00 San Francisco French Courier. ......... ...........10 00 Leslie's l:u.!cet of Fun 3 60 The Irish American v. 6 00 Tlie Nation, weekly 0 00 The American Aitriculturisl... ............ ......... 3 60 The Scientific Aincricau. ........................ .. 4 00 MAGAZINES. Harper's Monthly Magar.ine, .................. ....(6 00 Atlantic Monthly .MaKaxinc, 6 00 (iodey'g Lady's " 6 00 Magazine of Fashion....................... 5 00 Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, 000 Eclectic " 0 00 Ilia ii wood's Magazine. 6 00 London Condiill Magazine, 7 00 London Society " 7 00 Chamber's " 600 liluckwood and the 4 Ilritlsh Quarterlies, 15 00 Either one of the 4 Uritish Quarterlies.............. 4 00 Good Words 4 00 tinr Voiing Folks 3 00 lumorest's Magazine of Fashion.................... 6 00 Litteil's Living Age............................... 6 00 All the Year Uound 0 00 The Oalaxy (semi-monthl- 7 0O lleadle's Monthly.. 6 00 1m How's 6 00 North American Hi view, (Quarterly). 0 0' ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS. London Illustrat-- d News, (weekly,) f 14 00 Punch, (weekly) 00 " Despatch, ' 13 00 The Examiner 13 00 lull's Life in lo.mlou, IS 00 London Weekly Turn s, 10 00 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper, 10 00 The above list comprises the best of ltrilish anil American periodical literature. They are regularly received by each packet from the 1'nited Stat.-s- , and can lie supplied on application. The undersig.ied willalsoorder by mail any papera not in theabove list forth-.s- e who may desire them. Ilesid.-- s tlie above, the following always be Lad at the counter on the arrival of each mail : Louisville Iiemocrat, New lied ford papers, Forney's Press, Itudget or Fun, Oregon paj-ers- , California papers, Cincinnati ph rs, Worcester pap rs, Msine pai-ers- , lesion papets. Kansas pajK-rs- . Co'orado pap.-rs- . And many others, too numeiousloscify. CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS. The following are received by Express regularly, anil gener ally in advance of the mails. They will he forwarded to sub. srriliers by me. pontage! pant, at the annexed terms : Weekly iiull'-tiii- , $7 per annum " Alta 7 Pacramento I'nion,... 7 " San Francisco Weekly Times............... 7 " N. It. The i ndersigned has an agent in San Francisco, to secure and forward the above pajs-rs- , which are often put on board alter the vessels are under sail, without regard to ex- pense, thus enabling subscriliers to obtain their papers mora) promptly than in any other way. 564 II. M. WHITNEY. WRITING INKS On ITund and For Sale : IAYXAKI) A. NOVES II EST IJLACK INK, X' M quarts, pints and cones. iiavids' lit-s-l Illack Ink. quart", pints and consj. Davids' Is-s- t Copyint' InK, quarts and pints. . Maynard V Noyes best Cnpylnr Ink, quarts and pints. Hank nf London Copying Ink, quarts and pints. Arnold's Writing Fluid in quar-- s and pints, received di- rect Iroin Lindon. Arnold's Copying Fluid, David's l"--ft lllu Ink, in cones; David's I est Carmine Ink, in j lass standsj Indelible Ink, f r marking until. --Voiie but tht Iltisl of Wr'ttinij Ink kept fur sale 619 2m By II. M. WHITNEY. " ( olloii Tor S.1IC ! 1'ITAItLE FOR PACKING SHELLS AND s Curiosities, or fi r I'pholstcry and domestic uses, la iin utilia-- to Suit PiircbaM-rt- . Wanted Sea Island Cotton, In the scud or ginned, for which the highest cash pric will t paid. I5i0 6m II M. WHITNEY. taviJLSXU. !l !H JJSCSR?' r. r r, I.' 'v fi ol il r t i I 2

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Page 1: THE PACIFIC PilCiriC SUbcilistr r 'mmrmsmm A...the magician, liolls l'..r:h aii.l coutinues to ilehght aii'l my-ti-fy tlie uu liem; with his new nml mysteri--j o:ts i?iv;.?;..!i. Tlx


salami I ftl'ftSlAVJJSjafiftsBftJUUftJUt

iiftrtwwvj fr" --arsis. v.TxMjTHE PACIFICI TH12 PilCiriCft

.... - --T-- A."(Commercial SUbcilistr Commercial gUbtrfiscrl.5 ICBLISHKO

i;vory itti relay .Morning. rtnton or AdvortisliiB.j Spai-- in. hsu re. I in Non-- i . ' ''

l mmI IslassaJ Snlrrilina. Mi.OO n Vrnr. i pn ,l i p,.. j1 ' ! I m. 2 ni. a m. e ni. ) li rT

'r'iM isUsM-ri- a. Soisv. "!S.Oi m Vrnr. !! rl5 Lines I 1 i0 2 10 3 v 4 iHi e no. iu oof ,.. 41i't:i '.: 'i p.ievf.r pi; ra for ird-- ? 1 '. any p trtof p-r 10 Lines . j 1 :l S (Hi 4 0.1 & n oo, t i towhich th- - h'.-- II - if ; rl 'mmrmsmm A 1 1 IS I fi PI 15 I in- - ...... . J 4 eo 6 iKi 7 irt 10 On! 15 00

in f'' 7,1 '

' Europeanwhich


v.ri-- s;:! l -- bar;:- .1 r : - I .'0 I. in ........ . 2 5 0(1 7 Ml 10 m 14 00! IS W,,!. -- l i- - l""t-"t- n -, front to oil Lin.-- s . 3 iki t ihi io to 16 no 15 OOl .'5 00

..o .i h i!--- r. 1 Column. ... M UU - CO 16 Oil ?5 en! Ml t.O(

-. ii ;r ri Pavabis Ai.wtn in (ittve. i l Yltiili". . . . . j :o mi 15 i o ."o tHi l--s pj 40 00 tit 00

I i roc tiious Ic oil ail p.rts of i,e Pai-.u.- ; will Iay. A Coiunin . 15 tXl JO oOi.o 00 40 wi HI WJ lllO WI&,- ace- - p..t--i--- . Whole Column. .0 ,0 IK' M 00 SO Wl Ut) 00 200 00

i JT Business Cards, hen prepaid for t yrar, are allowedPLUS AMi FANCY i a discount trom tlu r rt.s, which an? for t'sn.ieut advertise-- jments when paid or c!:arr d quarterly.COOK AND JOD PfUNTINC.

I J " Advertisers residm; in the K..tcrn I'tiiUrJ States, ran-J riN-S- . KOINKy XI AIltlK-- S CAKI..- - print.-.- ! ly 'or th.-i- r cards by enrlosiutr tfrernfcict, f- r surh wnouiit

-- Ym'e-; Ca-- I Press," in Ihr highest stle of the art. as th.-- y wish to 1 ). and the r cards i:i be lust lb d as xr! atiova Ldbie, lor tl.e lime paid .

Commercial Advertiser, i"l KMsr;i) WKKKhV ti MX 1)111. 1. A IIS I'KK A WI'.M.IIKMti .M. Will I .NKV. VOL. XI. o.4l. WIIDI.K . jliS. 3vfrt.5fc.cnls.



S.iii I'rancico CNriU'pnii.Ic3iccPKR It. . ML" BRAT.

Svn Fra.n M irdi 2-t- ,

Sin-- ' lie .f the hark It'Tnict, we havebtl n- - arrival.-- , fir.m Honolulu, although ' f.r t!i Lark Elhnn Allen, which is -- urto, ! over The .Murray !ial a fine run ovt-r- , '

... i ; '-- l.. r,.t .. .. . ... it ... i... . ii t

1 a ('""I.Th- - clijK-- r l.ark Camden has arrive.!, only thirtjr--t

ao .1 ts fn.iu Honolulu to l'uint Ltd., aiul aUtUttwo .livs fi:a the Lint narntsl l:u-e t rt. This)

n a tine run, roiiii.h-riiij- r her iu.i-I.-- I n if I sviiim.-trira- l

j roK.rt'.oii-- . II.t lniiMi-n- i uia.I.- - a ml-ta- ke in tln-i- r

- il. ion.--, vcht'ii they nt her rreatt-st Lri-.l.I- tli inh. r Uw, thiM linking her all forwanl if thef

The fhip liicul, "aj.t. IKtne, clean-'- l yete-.I.-i-

I' .r llikor' in.l, an will'Iv sailin foiiip iny with the .Murray, the Ltlter vtj-- el Inkingi Ue limit-- . It i unrrtun:tfe that our l.:ir1iirfs foryour j .rt hollM he nearly t.jr-t!ie- a they oftenare.

St. Patrick's Day in the MorningerM.r:itel iii ne htylc. All the Irih Milit.try

an ! I'ivii: turtle. .ut in pre:t iniTn1Tii,!i-- .irIel titn.nti the city, while all the fi'le--w

ilkt :ie tlm njr.-- l with the ilauhter f Iin,c i.'. r : the cvlehnition t in honor .f theliirf!: 1 y t f tli.-i- r j.ntron "tint. Aiuon theu werertir.i! (win it I .iy reverul, I mean more titan you

noiil l c ue t cnufneiate) Fenian Uvlht., iliec'l Tip

t.t kill in grttn tirt.11, triiimie I witlt ix- - n triiu-iui-n.

In Tt-t- , evt-rythi-n alx.nt th-- was rctn,a- th-- Hiu.-- r i! ! if- - !f". Some of the 'r werewore . itrioti; th in otIien, " jrreen all over," even intheir wli'.Ie aliuont eery ;ne a r, t i

?!i nunvk. Sjiie of the nmhj t rock in , whi-.-!- i were n thun. These hitter

h't iikt rel I, are always re:nly f--r a skriiuniae,fi irri.'ul iriy itli rhiii.imen. In the cenin everalIiiIU were riven, the most attractive of which wasthe Frni.iii hall, at Union II. ill. It was a gran!, all of which couM I seen for two dollars inh ir l ea.--h. I hein n .strong iklinirer of Krin mi lher .n- -, .f atfenleI nii'I ulfice to iy I ha-- l

time, nil' I f..uii'l my way Imiue, without tou"h-i-n

at the Station Hou.tO. I can't ly as inu.jli forthe re?t of the jKirty.

Ihe Colorado. I

This " iii.inllie iit tlo.itin jmlaee," (as someof the j

Jao.tu eoni.-.o- ii leiit whu were the recij.ieitts of a i

I'rve ja.-'.- e call her,) arrive-- l here Wt We lnelay,the Itth int., CI I.iys from Hoiij;koiis via Kami- - J

jrnwa ill .1ay. She liroii-rh- t a much larirer freiiit than !

was cijK-t.-i-, aii 1 a l irje list of anions '

th'in a J:iji.ui-- e .'oiuii)ifion, who Ixin h!njwn

e vti-- j ::tteutiuii here, au-- will jinxa-v- l t. WiLsiiintoii j

by O.e iSolJen dly, t sail in a few tlnys. They in- -ten.l remaining in tiiis jCouutry some tiuie, taking

s of all that may s of use to thern, nml tl.oirnation. Their time un l..uMeliy will lc j.retty well '

t ifceii tip, ami their eyes mrvle to ns.sume the .rojsr- - ;

t!ins t.f a w hite man's when they ;ee all that Ls to Ik?

been. 1'ix.u tiieir liturn home they will viil tiieSin Iwicli ls to see the Wt of the Wolicleis:, that !

tu.-r- e are imtwle of the Japanese .lom iiiis. They j

may lie csjwx-te.- l in Honolulu .luring the next fail orwintT. This, the first trip of the I 'hina Mail Steam- -ers, was more of an fxjKriinient than nnythin: else,

ari l it has 1 a one iu every way, an. I j

ail are coiiti lent that the tra.le with the Celestial j

J".iiiirc will le exten.-iv-e, ami in time tiK-uui- e j:iaiiticproportion.. Sme iloiihts are entertainetl as tn I

w helher tlte i hin Steamers will be able to carryoil en.. iijrli t.t l ist the entire pxss:ij:e, as the Colo- -

r tin only hal a J ty's snj-jt.'- left when she got intoan I if their freights inci-e:ie- , as they umh.ubt-e-II- y

will. Honolulu mutt ntctaarily become a eiml- - J

'a .h"l"t- - i

Amusements. j

place cf liinu-eine- nt in the city is now iufu'.l bla-- t, in coiisiijuence of whioh my finances i

hive Uvrome H.j!el. Hie Metronitan, however, j

oG' rs the tliief attraction, a it is here that Heller, j

the magician, liolls l'..r:h aii.l coutinues to ilehghtaii'l my-ti- fy tlie uu liem ; with his new nml mysteri-- j

o:ts i?iv;.?;..!i. Tlx mvoii-- I of which I wrote iu j

my lat, is tlm. evpla'nel. Whether you will '

til'ie tit sc into it or ut j for me to say, ns I j

kr..m t,.,t the xope f your min I in tlii. jarticulartlinvtion. You lnust first lnMr in miml that the:

':n cor' U in ivility the telegraphic wire of the;hitman y!e:u, whieh et nveys an I ijif..r-- j

uiilioii to the brain. l!y retnov ing a finr.ll rtion,o e.u-c- iii, .Mr. lJ.!er dexterously att.iche to hi

lulla u''ui?.r.:, or spinal conl, a sen-sla- ve

wire, wti'eh jiss.- - tlown his un h-- r the j

r r to the where it is atlixe.1 to tiie spinal '

f r I of the cnflertt. A jierfeet i:.j..itiiy un 1;

' is now I Ile'lerin the .. s ari 1 his cntV lent Wiilie on the stae, ;

haviii.'. as it were, but one nervous eeiitif, mi l thej

ii.ipiv. ion nvoit-- l l y one ai-- e immediately commit- -(

i.icat.-- l to the other. When this explanation is j

nrel'ally re id, the mystery will explained, and;the trick I eco: lie. simple to every reader.

Mark Twain, I

In :i privare letter t the .., he ha. rotiil'ili'.la volume of his and i roiny; to let some of j

his liteiary f.ien ! l.s.k over it Ufore giving it to j

Carlton, the puMi-he- r. The Islan-l- will uiid..uhtel- - j

ly occupy a eonspi.-uo- j.rtion of it. HI lettei-- s

Tiow apj-a- r in the j

Thanks.The thank of r re:iders are due to (apt. IJcn- -

nett, of the .M-irra- for his Liiidues.? in detaininghi haik o;:e d ay for the sake of your ci detit, j

in t.rder to rive him a chance to write up his letters. I

Through your column I thank him in behalf of the

Atcertier an I mv-e'- f, :tu l wi--h him aspeely pa.- -

ii.--p an I pro-jro- ii voyaas no one i. more deserv- - ;

i.f luck. I'.y delay i ii he will aL-- I e ableto take the l S. mail.--! of M irc'a 1st, as t!ie steameris ju-- t in.

JVT iscellaneou-s-Ther-

is an intere-tin-z breach of promise ci0 inCourt of Mis. Clark r. Michael Kecse the wealthySin Fr.iii-i.-.-a- n. The plaintiff sues for flm,., (!)F.r bre.ieli of Hivi.iise in alle 'el ofler of marriage.This suit is c ui-i- ii ' a great d?al of talk, and taking"p a large sp n-- e in our daily ipcrs. The damages


rwiuii-- e l by the fair pi aintill seem to lie ijilite mode- - i

rare. I iie mos: sinking feature in sun oi nofn irure i.- -. that the wealthier the otlender in these

iir.trin.onial enterprises, the more terrible lia? thef.t-Iin- of tli f tir one le;i lacerate-1- . If this suitis gained, there L another one to come on against j

the same defend atit. The feelings of some f the;iihe in this city are very easily Imit, aiel therich.-- r their a liuirers are, the more tender and seii- -siti .e are t!.e young ladies.

The jury on the c;tse of Schnioler-ticke- r r.a fimous suit on trlnl in Sacra-tiicnf- ..,

ha bsn IichargeiI with the lork jaw.The Fourth of July, l'.T, will 1 e et le'-rate 1 in

San Fran-Isc- o in a manner lnvoiiiing the eltiens ofti; j ! e, an I the American The JJai.'y

ntrictn h'iaf which di'appe.irc.l so i: l

tw. inoiitiis ago, will on the iMh of April,in a manner ju.--t as u-- l leu au-- unesctel as itstemporary U5j.-nsioi-

His Kxcellency (Jen. M'Cook, I". S. Minister atthe Hawaiian Court, with his lady, arrive. lastevening in the tSulltn City, find apis-a- r in finehealth. They will leave f..r Honolulu in the firstg.,d vessel. Yours, I'kle.

i.usnuss fails. :


V. S. ItAKTOW,Aui liiiiiei-r- .

Salt--. It aitt lluirii Nirirl, site Ior fromraal.uiu4itu t:re-.-- i. y

II. V. SKVKIt A CK.Aaftloiie.r a:;il (emmN-iu- u Merchant,

FUCK IT.imiF rTi.Mli:,In KoLiiin" linililtn-- . (lurru Street.

tl'-l- l continue liuiim r. at the nr t:tn.l. 6.1-l- y '

b. I TO It liKUTi i

Lumber lr.i!rr.0:!i.-- c North et corner of Qwoi tml F'ort Street, Honolulu. ,

6t ly

AI.KX. J. CAKTWIHCIIT,fBairul'sluu I.--rt hunt ai:i! I.rnrral sliip(;ii:g Asfiit,

Honolulu. Oahu. lyv. .v. i. no.

Imporleraprl !)ea!rria II trJware. ( :i!!rr. Mrrlianir' ;

Tool, and I si If u!!'iral lii!,)leiiirnf,5CI Ftf Mrcrl. If

Til. . IIF.I CK,(.ruerl (uunii---i.- u iit,

lmri Si reel.ij. I'. tiiiF:its.

l.ihr lit Cry Si!L, if..lit Fort Si real.

JOHV Wires, j.iilt. Ale nr.I Porter.

&.:T Houolulii. ly

JOIIX THUS. WATKItllorsK.Iciurtrr and iiealrr iii Onrrsl .Ih-r- r !iaui!isr,

5--t iu.-.-- Sire-1-, llnno!tila. lyC. H. LKWKK-S- . 1. b. IUCKSOS.

I.KH KI1S JL. DIC'KSO.N".Ii' .tiers in l.uwh.r r.:nl IJniiiliii .Mateildl-- ,

531 Fori Street. ly

Kl. IIOFFSfI.AK(-;i-:ii- . Ai CO.,Iniiiirterii Coin tr.i itti .ltrrrliauts

Corner of Fort uul Mrriliaul Si reel.56J ly

K. O. II A I.I. X MIX.Importers ami Dealer in H.tiilwaic, Dry Cands,

Vaint. Oil, and yierchuntline.511 Corii'-- Fi rt an 1 Kin;; Ml. ly

JAMOX. UKKKX Ai CO..Iinportrr ami Co'uiiiN-I.i- n Mcrchanl,

Iu tlao Fii-el'roo- f I!u tl.tiit on. i tic-t-t- i Slreel.5.U ly

k. e. x'ctNoi t-- f. j"us rttr..MrCAXni.KSS CO..

Dealer i (irix eries, :i r;'d nn.l l.eiierl Merrliaudie,.V. K. Cur itt r of Fcrt and h'int; itreets.

!i)J ly

A FO XU V ACIil'lK,litiimrtf r. Vt liele ; le a.:il Dcili-r- s !u General

Jlerrhsad;- - auii ( aiiir? Good.Fire-pro- of Store, Xuuanii Slieel.

L'nder the I'uohc liali. 57 ly

GKUIKit: Ci. HOWK,Healer in iirdinil. i.)M:ine-- t Lnuiiter,,

rs. Sash, i:.I,!ii. Nails, lV.Uls, ii.t..It his Old Slant, Fort street, 0:1 the llpla ntt'Jt.

5 lit ly

J. W OltTH.Irnl;-- r Iu Geneial Mer hiir.-llse- ,

IIII.O, llutruii. ...Ships supplied wPh i: tlie shortestuolice, oi. reas..ianie terms. LEiPs ut wauled.

5;: ly

II. r. AHA.MS,Mllft t'llSKdlrr ami !5e'i-- r III General Merrhandise.

1. 11 hit ilia. MiiuiIrish an.l e.-t l' , with othT lecruils. eonstAiitly on

band and lor pale at - ral.-s- . 54o om

THE XEWSI'A I'F.ft KI'OUOA,rnhiNlo'il ,Verklj In th? ll tM.aiian l.anaase.

It has th larL-.-x- t rin-u- i iti-.i- i in the croii)., an.l is read bothby II twaiiau and Foninrs. Price J a year in

A.lrerti inei.ts tran-la- t. d into llawa-ii.i- n

fr of char.-:-- . ot;i-- e in outhhfji) corner of bailor's II .me. ly

A. S. CLEOIIOIIX.Peah-- r In General "f.--n haiidive. I irr-nn- Store,

Corner Knn'iuiiiMnti itii'l 0.-i- i SltOppi'Me Mak-e'- s !;!

A!-- . It aii.stn'.or iin.-i.- t on N ,10,1:11 r.-.-t, above Kinir.XT Is! uid l.oi:--)- il and oid. Island ordi rs ear.-(ull- j

attended la i4 y

n. v. lfii.(;tox.Iuipjitt r and :n.!i .t!e i?.s!i r iu Vlar, Sitirits.

ami SaltCharlloii Wharf, Imolulu.

5- -l i'y, Wliolr-.o- V riid liet;II lirah-- r In General

Fin.- -'nt f Ladi-- and j. ot's Il t an 1 Sh--- , latestil. i si.s imp-.- id by every vessel.

C.m-r.- f For. an I .M. n I lit t. 553 Z:u

.M.S. (ililXHAl'.M Ai. CO..Io5iorter and Vt !ml-'.:- r In Fa?ilou; .'

lot ill:!.', J!..K (au-- . i:oal and Shoes,n" ri.-- r Furnishing Uood,And every van' ty of

M re l. rin-r- ly 1 by W. A. Aldri-.h- ,

5JI Mik'te'n lU-tei- , (juten tt. ly

rrwis j. sis. u R. WOoU.

JOXES Ai WOOlhand Mil ( handlt-rs- ,

L MI A I N A, M Al l.Moii-- and Uecru'as f.irni-!i--- d thips on Favorable Terms.

5-- lv

ItOLLES sV. CO..Ship t aandli-r- s and f .n i;i;h!in Mert !;aiil,

ltteen .sfeetf.Particular attention paid to th- - purchase and sale of Hawaiian

Produce,offers by permission to

.Messrs. C. A. Williams Co. Messrs. C. llrewer .t Co .M. sr. fas'!- - I' Messrs. II. liai-kf-'.- A Co.,virsrs. I. C Waterman... srs. C. L. Richards Ai Co.

I'-- l ly

CUC-il- i M'K'S. Mi.-'-


?lrrihai:ts a::d enteral .viret't.Agents f.-- r the I'auk 1:1 d Auiuiiiu ucar Plantations Im-

porters of T-- as and I'l.ine. and For--iir- Uoodsand wholesale in II; waiiau Pr.Kluc-- .

n rir Si one Store. X n am nu SI.. Ita-lo- K iati:.S.'l-l.- v

THOMAS SFEXCER.Sliip handler. Irt alerin enteral elereliandJse, Inland

ri.alJic. ;mii! ( it::iii!isii.ii Mrn li.tul.I!)tun'. Iho. Hilt.S. I..

Wi'.l keep eon-tani- ly 0:1 !,a;i t. o; tmi l.t of everylescriptn-r- . nl Mli by ships and others,

li.e his-- : pr..- v - ii Islandj j-- i.,uey a lv.tu--- . U i .r loll- - Kvcli.uie at reast iable rats.

C. L. RICHARDS A. CO..Ship (liantiieis and ( indii-s-it- a ?Iert tiant. and

Hialirs iii (ieairil conafii: on band a f ji .s. .rtmei.t of nu rc! a.idise,f..r

the supply of V. h.o rsa-i- vessels.5'i-- i ly

ALI.EX .V COXWAV.Kansiii.-ie- . Ilauaii.

Will cmiina the Merchandise n I Siiippinj: basimssat lot ..!? port, avl.eie b.-- are prepared lo furnish

tt.e;:is:ly - :. ! K iwail...- - P. and"such oth-- r r ru!t as are

by - siiips, atr.oiice and on the most r .tionatde terms.

ool-l- v

C. FR K'l'K IM'l.l't. F.R.Healer in St a ;!. aad IV.nrj D; (.oml-- . Mi-n'- s f loth-i- n,

and !ij . .in.l laakee Nulion.More aa Fori Mrrel. itrnrly otpoilr laA,r..

.v. II a . iy

u:infS5 d;ui)5.

lilt. J. M (ITT SMITH,Dentist,

Offlcw r.irn.-- r nf Fort arnl Hotel Strs-tf- . &Cj ly

v. ii. a kh Aims.

Corner of Kort an 1 slri-els- . Hoooluu. Cot lv

A. . HI FFCM. M. !..lhv-- it 1:: n awl Sur-fi-

UtSce aiul .le-- i Al iri.-- Hou.-- . Fort 'r 521 lyIK. KKXMODV,

Iiivhi;a. Surruii ainl ArruKi-hrnr- .

" pi, r.. i . i .i ins j urnuure nr. rw-ns- . os ijK. HIIFF.MAXX. M.IJ.

l'lt s.i ; 1 .1:1 and Sargruu,.MakeeV 12! L, corner (jii'Vii an Kaahuiiianu st. 6C1 ly

A. F. JCI1I).(Mnrr.rv t'jttnsr-'In- at Law. '

Corner of Fort an "i M. rehaiit str-.-- . t.,. 543 ly ,I

ii i:itv tho.mi'son,At!irne stud (oiicselior at !

O.fite on Qurm Mre. t. o.p.ii the Court Ilr.u.-- , up slnirn ,

55. ly i


.t.t trj I'c'tllr, t

Honolulu, H. I. oiTice t tlie llai.k i l l!i-h- .p .V Co. c:.4m j

ii. ii a c k ri: i & co..On era I ( 'hiiniss'iu:! Agents,

&31 lluttolultf. lyMJVII.l.t; X It A It H KTT,

I'litnters auj (.incral Slur Kr;-- er.N'.rih Kma, il.iw:ol.n. r l'..-i- Island

1'ro.lui e Siopj .supplr. d kiih ttml, licef andolln-- iiece.-.-.ri- e.

Ap-- nl at Honolulu, A. 5. CI.KCIIi.KX. 5C7 lyCUAS. H. blsttoP. W. C. KALSTOS.

ItlStlOl . CO.. Ilanlirr.,Cllire, iu tiie of M.tkee's Llosk,

Kaahiinianu street, Honolulu.Iiraw l!il! of Kxcliau-.'- on '

The I'.ank or tALit okn - San Fraticittco.Mes.jrit iaiSNt.i L, M is it Co., New Yurie. '

Lkks, - - New ,

IlESIlT A. I'rlHCK, ti C.l., - - Itosloll. t

Tkkmoxt National IIasic. l!oton, Mas.Ohikntal Hank Cot:ejuATi s, Imdon.

Will receive depoaas, iisuounl nrst-clas- s humea paper, andatuml to colleeiiim. etc. 5.J1 l v

.M F.I.CH KliS . CO. i

Importers au.I ( oiii.alsvion .lierrhants,A'jentt f-i-r iht HAinrt"iii-l:KKiK- Fikk InsChanck Co. j


Ocstat C. Melcueus. J. I). WnatE, K A. Sett akfkk,Ilremeu. lioiioiiiia. Honolulu.

516 lv,

;ko. h. i:t' k; kss. j

FOUT1UIT AMI LlMiSCAFK I'AIMIIU,Xtudiu, RicharJ Slreit, nettr Hert lunia.

Pieciinons. execute I hy the ahve Artist, nf the ui .st fashion,ahle siyieof I'm iraiiup.-- may ! at the tjall-.-r- of

Chas. rl-r- s at theArtis-- s

?to-lio- Uteh..r. siitl, or atll.e I'hotoraph tlall. ry, near

the l'-- t t;!irr. Oin


Continues his old business ji, tiie fireproof building,K :m It il mil it u Street.

Chrr.nometeri" rate.i I.v ..i . t - 1 :

with a transit instrument accurate!)- - adjusted to themeridian of Honolulu. Particular attention Kivento

tine watch repairing, and quadrant j

Klt-r!i,,.1Srl,',- J

631 land an.l for sale. lyI C. WAVEU.MAX i CO.,

uaiiuisvioii i h.'.iiis.Ksrfsnal attention p.ii.l to the int.-rr-t- s of tit-- - Whaling Fleet by

tlte furuishinit of lunds, pul-eha- and sale of Exchange, Oil,Hone, General Merchandise, and the pricuriii of Freight

UFlLliKNCK.Messrs. Isaac Howlanp, Jr., i Co., New L'e.lfor.1

W. O. F:. I'oeK, F.S.J., do.MoioiAN, Jtiisk A; Co. San Francisco.J. C. .Mi.hkiu Co, do 531-l- y


CASTLE A. COOKK.Inrnortrrs ami (Jeaeral Merchants,

in Fireproof Store, Kins sir- - et, opposite the Seamen's Chapel,

Also, .cii t.'z for i

Dr. Jaynes C . linttl F .iiiily Medicines,IA heel.-- r VViJ-o- Machines,The Suc.irTiie New Ka.'ii.o.l Mut-.i.i- i Life tusuraii-:- Company,The New York Pli- uix Marine Insurance Company.

6io ly

siltan a rtvca. H. A. r. cartkk.C. IlltEWEit Av CO.

Coniinis-io- u and shlpniu? Men hant,Honolulu. Oaliii. II. I.

Alo'NTjOT Ihr lioalou 11 nil lioiioliila I'nrhel Line.

A'.KMSFor Ihr Mulii-e- . Wniliil.n V I!niia I1 Inn I a I loan

.a:i:ntFor lite I'nrriiau' ati.t Sale of !lati! I'rolu e. '

i;LFi:i; ToJim M. H.ion, IN New York.


Chas. I.KKWta. C-- .Bo.tou.J A Mt.s lit SStt K1.I-- Ks.

J. C. M, ki 11 1. JV. Co. fIt. It. Swai x t:t. J ..San F'ran.-i.rn- .

ClIA. WoLei'TT pK.loRi Ksi. ) r. 1

GEORGE VILLSAMS,r rrs t-i-ht CT-i-T l isnXTTiJjIIvJUaH 5 aj Ul.11 a. xivvr ii.itjii a(THIXTIXrCS THE Hr.V.FS OX HISoLU ;

vi' "Ian "f setilaig will. ibie- is and s. .11111 n iiimi. diatvly 011

th. ir M at bis ;:i II ivi. g no c. nii.i tion, eitherdirect or in lir-ct- , uh an y .utf.f establishment, mat allow- -y.ti 110 to be . oil .1 at 1. aic- -. he hop. 4 to give asgissl s i!if .ctioii in tt.-- - .is !. h is in the ) ast.

1 1' iilfii-- on Ja.s. Kohl: s ti Co.'s M l.arf, near t!n- - I". S- -

Coiislliate. 5l'.l OU1


llrnlrr in Xaluinl ollaer Tobtiiio,Ciitr. Pii-.- . iVc Kn:. lisli nml A titer a .i ia

CtiulVi-iioii- t' ry. . Un i:n. Cat Lt-- . Ac.

1 would aNo take this in. th-- . f in'. rmin the Citizens nf '

and th- - that 1 have commenced theTailoring busine.s in conn elioo with t!ie above, and am pre- - to execute all orders in a f and sub-tri- m Ur iirs fi 01:1 the oil. rr Islands promptly attended to. j

Xorf on Y'"'-t'"- ! Si it '!,!" ih "r tnt'iir hut'j. I

555 "in j


ttiiar Xlniitor.PO.--T OFFH K AIM KI".s,

VILIKK l'L.VXTATIOX."L'ji C:a lv union. Oaliu.


Choicest Me:-t- from fir., st I. eids. Poultry, Fish, Vegetnbl.-- t

4 c. , furiosii- - d to r.i- - r. 501 ly

DUFFIN'3 MARKET,i:. tsriil T, Proprietor.A.; STREET, noyo.l I I'. 52S-l- y


Kin Street, opposite the li. t!:.-l- .


DoHiior's Standaid ficrosriH" Oil.

raHE CXDFRSIC V l;i OFFER FOR. SA LEil JC.-l-" A Kill V K l

Per Syren, 300 Cases cC this Superior Oil.AVarrant-.- fu!i ffv-i- and

C. ll'iKWKR Jfc CO.


.'Sll AT IX V A LP A II LE. D V II A II LE, FLEXA ii pres. r.";iiL', atit.

."rlETALLIC PA I XTF..r P.oil.-rs- . It; ofs. ;e..In . Cast Plows. Il .uiesFet:ces, tclos'tu-rs- . Steann-rs- ,

A X D A LL Of HER iliOX or WOOD WORK.For S..le l v

535 6m C. I'.KKU Kit fc Co.

,c ki:i:m ::xt hlaxks.PLAXK FORMS or ACREEMEX r HE- -t it-- n M i I r r ii.ts t!..- fu'i aud.orLiu lortoPiirt sl.nn jt-- r Hojiii.


'nsnrancr fails.


AV '.Sur.i'i'm lr '.boM "ti..1 KhX-- "ut.ave to be certite.t Inn:. 5tj lv

II A MliritlJH-IIKr.- M UN

FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.ravIlK I'MKHM(;K1). Aprni of the Co!,.

& paii.v.are ( ret ared to i:.ure risks .M,.i;:si fire in iiuJaUiul lioiiulu'u. F or vrtieulara ui'l-t- hi ihenitir.

MFI.CUKKS CO.H..ii..iu!u Oct. 11.157. 531-l- v

The New Enp-lan- d MutualLIFE INSURANCE COMPANY!

j: 1 (- - f 4 i 1' NT T ZV' .- a ij ii w w aft. m y m. Ii

fpilKTKUMS OF IXxCIt A CK. IX THISat Coioi-aii- lire u? low as any oth-j- rr.-- j jiisil'le Cf'i:ipaijy ,

an-- l i ruusistent with at.-ty- .

" ' (''"l'"y einp mama!, it.-r- at tU IMr.ts.iHLK Uatk. and if tl.e freniiuiuo i.el rxo-e- -l the actualc- - st. the surplu.-- . i lelurn- .l (o the ai l.v

r. In v ti"ldrs whose ilate ori-- t . the aip intmentof ,he un.ursiKi.ed, chi, ,'ay iheir premium, to us ,f they de--sire to do so. j

.Now is tlie Time to Insure... , . . .. , , , .. ... .

of A ueriea. :oid Ihe l:.L-r- A St:it ft fia ln till Ittn .without t.x:ri Chartre.

Dividends rayail3 Annually in Cash.5o4 CAsTI.K Jc Amenta.

- -


T1!K IIQIITACMI 1.1 1 K ASSllMMK SOdHTY,No. i'2 Dnadway, New York, i

and j


9 6 Choapwat, New York.

'VMIK I'XOF.KSMJMOH H.lVIXi; HERX& apppoinl.-- A'Jt.M of the ah'.ve n un d otnp.ini.-s- ,

is prepared to r. e: lVe Hpilicalions f..r l.lh'E lySL'ltA.WEin a Company wh-- -- auco,M is unparaiiel.-- in the history of j

I. lie'AL j

Tois,,,. l'oL,r,KS fo, CJSL JWriysURAyCE in the j

onlv Mutual Accident Company iu Aii.cri.-u- .

ioj jy M. I!. l:KfKWITH.


rilllK I XIiFHSICXKI) A(.i:XTS OF TIIKa'sjve Comi any, have heeii autl oriae.1 to insure risk on

cariio, nir.icHT aiul ruKAsmti:.liy COAST KKS from Honolulu to irts of the HawaiianGroup, and vice versa.


CALIFORNIA Il4SUJ.lil.NCsS CO'IPANY, Capital ami Accumulation, overSAX FItAXClsCO. Annual Income, over - - - -

rstllK FXIFliSltJXF.I IIAVIXfi I1UEX .3 appointed Agents for tlie a hove c unpany, bet: leave to j 1 OllCies lit tufce, - - - - --

nfoi in Lhe the public, tlial they arc now prepared to issue l'aiil for Losses liV Heaths. - -.! A II I .V C. 1 7 ft ft .ft . J J A S. A

on l'iir;o, Freiyht and Treasure., to ar.d from all parts of the j


Honolulu, April 2 lSii2. &17-l- y


UF.K. trgniF. j' F.RSI(J X KP Happointed a nis l. r tl.e Eaii rruoeieco Hoard ot I uder-

writers,t, . : n I ,, s n r.i i r e ' om l 11 V.The Mutual Marine Insurance,The I'jioific I usii rn nee Company,Tiie California I.lovi!. aiulThe Home .Mutual 1 nsuraiiee t'ompany.

ltep leave to inform M asters of Vessels and the public uener- -ally that ail looses on VKrSKI-- nnd CAltOOKS,insured by eiilier of th aliove Con. pani.s aa.nnst perils of me

and olh.r risks, at or near tlie s.u!viich Islands, will havet.. ie by them.

559 3m 11. HACKFELI) i Co.


Cash Capital, $1,000,000.JONATHAN HI NT,. . ..President.II. H. BHi FLOW, ...General Agent.

J. M. SlloTWF.LL,.. ............ Secretary.C. A. LATON", Marine

irw-vIl- rXDKKSICXF.I). THE AlTIIOR-- i!i ized Acenis of tliis company are prepared to insure risks

On Cargo, Commissions and Profits !

In Yis-.l- s itli.-- r in the Foreign or I met' Ilit lllTrtvale. Will is--

Fire and Marine Time ToliciesCoveriiu: ri.-k-s 011 Public ItuilliiiL-s- , Mrs. Dwelling H nKes, j

Furiiiture, and i'sls in store, and ni Hubs of Vcss-l- s notrating l .wer than A. a.


.O.SS-..S-- tijj'i.stt'i r.ttl ia U. S.

O'o. C001. '

N. 1!. Polici. furnished at once thout the delay of for- -w:r.ln. implications to San .

For ral.-- of premium anil pai tict;larsn-pl- to5j1 ly lilslii'l' c Co., A?nts.



S. A. L0LLER. Proprietor.

ri i.i i r.-- - r.. r 1. 1 . 1 n .abis fri-n- .ls nnd trie public tint he is fully pr par d 10

carry i. this hiisaies on th ui-- .-t appi-vv- d atvle, and lesp-.c- t

fully solicits a share of pntronnoe.

'catlv I tinil-lie- il UooPlS 1 I.t II io:i UcaMinahle


C. IV. lVoa'ln A: Co.,COOPBRS and GAUGESS !


ore tiik ispl,a"AjOt:.

(T E A It E PR EPA It Eli TO ATTENDt -1-0-

ALL WORK IN CUR LINE!At tlie Sliop next to tlir 'ustom House,

Wh-r- -i we can le found at al working hours.




Of liilT-n-- nt Sizes, N-- v and Old.

U7nV' ire tr.7 "? t ll.e Wry L.jtrs M irk ' I II i!:.i.

AH Work done in a thorough m.nner and warranted tojrive salisf.icti-n- .

All Kinds cf ttpeilii": Materials .:nd diaper's TunisFMli SALl.


C. Bornhold cV Co.,r-. I!E TO XOTlFi TIIE CITIXEXS

: of Honolulu and vic.riity, tb-.- tte-- thejSTXis. pruns.s known as the I TV MAitKl.T, on King

where tl:.y intend to carry ontiie


i nil its bianches. and wi:i s; are n pains to ei'.e saf isf..eti.nto ti.ose who may ftvor them with titor pairoiiaiTe. Constant-ly on ban 1 a sap-r- i .r q.i ality of Sut J';L.7 'orA' .s f .;-- . ito.'-.'.t- t ;.vi;,li'.'njtl P'hli o..-f- . Lifer 1'ath.UnijS,

lb 'HI se. (If., etc.Put up with th? ntnio?t r??ard to clianiiness. o56 3m

COPYING P1ESSESxxf varioi's sizf:s AI IIEST .make,

7 toe-he- r wt.'ier Pr ss It j. It a. Ilru-l.--

v ill She-t- s, lib ttit.f Paper, kc, kc.519 For Sale by H. M. WHITNEY

: asuranc? ci;irt!S.


'fll K IXDF.RS1GXKI). AG KXTS FOli TIIKi'.iiii ai.', have mviw.l instructions to re- -

.luoe t.e Kate of i on :oik llrick liuil.lin): an.t onstowl therein, ami are ouw .reparcd to issue poli-

cies on more frtV. thI-i- terms than hercufore.kiskj taken on Buildiiurs .Maeiiinerv. ise.. nn Suear l'lanta-tion- s.

JAMu.N, UKfckN - Co.,545-l- y Aiieiit.


i T.imiied.--lCAllAhR .??.LINaI Alr.I If lliULl LI ,

JAMOV. CRKEX Jt Co.X. R. This Cominny ties risks on giKl only an.) not n

ves-teln- . 5t4 Cm

.PTRP. AND "lT ARTNFt UtOUttmtvyA(

iatlOnai Innrnripo( S1Ui FrilIK-iseo- ,

,Onice, No. 4ifi JbiniLromerv ireet. near C ulimrma.

tjl ItlVK IXSl'KAXCF. upon Hull. Car--1 3 1 re .sure. Commissi. ii, I'roiit, and uiherrf Marine Insurance, to and from all mrla iu tlie world, inlandKi-k- s.

MARINE UISKS on Coxsters. Also, on Freight, Carpo, and from all niter-islan- d M.rts insure.!

Filth: lNsL'KAM-'KiiiM.i- i lluil.lins, .Merchandise, F'uniiture.Kent. Vessels ill I'. rt and their Cargoes, and oilier Insurablelrul'erty.

lAI'llAh, Cl'AIIJ It'; tli. .1III.I.KI lM) promptly at'.jtivh-- and paid ia I cited Stale

Gold Coin.

WILLIAM PIKKCK, President.1. W. C. Tlli'M I'SOX,W. W. W IGCMNS, Secretary,AMOS XuYKS, Marine Officer.

Executive Committee :



X. II. J'irt'ru!'ir utti,t'nm io Fire Limwtnce onnirtll; J ' L1.nrehrH. FurnUvrt. dc.

C. IJUKWKIl Si. Co.. A yean.550 6m Hon o lulu.


Of New York.S 4,000,000



" ............................ Praideiit.C. Y. Wmiplk .Vice I'resi.lent.J. L. IlAL-K- t Secretary.

II. Y. WhMPl.K .. Assistant Secretary.S. N. tTKUlllNS..... Actuary.

Vfm. ('. Kalsion, !,., l:lielor for Uic FaiiOr toast.nOLICIKS ISSI't'll TIITIIU 1VII1I'TAIIL $O,U0 on one life, and payable in

(i O 1, l O 11 C IT IS. It E X C V I

Thi Company ojfirs the Following Advantages

No Extra Charge for Traveling!Annual Distribution of Prolits ;

Loans maut! Oil I OllClCS ;.no C la 1 III I'll paid ,

Important Jcu Feature in- Dividend and JModes

of Insurance;Dividend January 1st, iscr, 40 Per (eut fash

The following; are examples of the operation of the lastdividend :

Fol - Ixsatett in 1K(2. only 4 Year Ago.A feat Amount lu I'remiuin Added to Total amountIssue. sured. j Paid. Policy. of Policy.

40 $10,000 Sl.'MO, fl.STi $13,572iib 8.000 l.O'.li 2.S4"! 10.814;o 7.5UO 70S: 2.70S 10.20925 7.000 57 1 2,505 0,505

This is an entirely new plan, originating with this Company,and gives an iusiner the largest return ever made by any com-pany in same period.

LANi'FHtS & Co.,tienerftl Agents to the Pacific Coast, and Sandwich Islands.

II F.NK Y SUMXir.IlS, Uen.-- r il Travelin? Apent.OILei-- . Mu Lee's Htiiltlin. up talnirn.

('HAS. II. IHSIiUI', Kesiilenl A urn I.5U 2m Ilonoliilu.



rMIE IXDF.ltSICXKI! IIAVIXT. I1F.EXit apH.intetl agents for the above Company, beg leave to

inform the prtMic that thej- - are row prewired to issueMAI'.IXr: IXSCKAXCE POLICIES OX



Wlii.sicy's ESooIv Slorc !




Ctirisi.ttihrf in 'irt (fASSORTED SIZED COPVIXG I'RESSESi and Stands,

A.snrt.1 sized CmsTi Itoves. ltill HcA.l Itoxes.Thermnmeters.

liill Hooks, Pen Rack.fclate P- - ncils, d Pencils,

sjchool Slates, Scrap Itooks,Heibariums, Twine Boxes,

Mottled T.ii.e, Tooth picks,Sui-eno- Plain Cap Paper,

puiienor ru:?d iap pa-- r.

f ujierior piain lett- - r paper.Sup rubsl letter pap--r- , '

Assorted note paper, liill bead paper.Blotting pads,

Music pap r,Osborne's colors,

Setts Chess men,ltackammon boards,

Checkers and dice,Alphabet Liocks,

Mathematical Instruments.Assorted sized blottinc pa l'.

Ouua penA ajhintrtoi- - Medallion pens,

iairchilds sujierior pold pens.Ivory paper holders.

Fancy pap. r holders,Westuiili. lin's Tenknives, Charlton's mucilage,tiu-.t- per ha bands. Line's rulers,Wafers. Seals.

r)avid"s black, blue and.....carmine inks. Mavnard & N'oyes' inks.Arnoci s inks, assorted s:z-- s.

Assorted il k standi. Assorted pen cleaners,rhotorr;.phic Albums, Proeller pencils,

Pencil leads. Crayons.A fne ts rtii't.t f Jjiuiik. Ji'Xiks,

('htjifv issm'tiii'-ii- f Fnrt It jtcs.Fxtslt'ttfje Z'oi'..y. Fufeipt JJuol.s,

Order Luvk .

Jlaitii's prirrhtntid 7.- - tit r Hyxjks,

Clip nnd L'll' i' i '!: ad Fitot.l.tti'.r and Cord J!V7f.

.1'. lii")"'l(('7--l IJ't-ks- . 1'itss hnoks.Cnm-:r- hair brushes, ComiKisition card frames,

1. S. Postage stamps, Ltuer scales,ice , &c, &c, Ac.


II . FISC 1IF.R,.llrrt ilrtllt Tttiluf.

F.irt 5tr?et, on-si- te O.U1 I!U. Honolulu, IJ. I5('i lv

VV. FISCIIKIt,Cabinet French Polisher, Hotel Street, near th

l'rui: Store of J. Molt Mnith - 0... 5; J lv

W. BLWIITT,BOOT AND SHOE MAKER,5I Kit!-- ; Street. Opjic-it- e the IJethrl.1 ViL Honolulu. H. I. 5C8 ly

CISCUITJBAKERY.J A 31 i: s ; i. i) s t o n K ,

CORyjCR OF QCKCy J.D RICHARDS STREETS.IT ships' llr-ai- rehaked at short notice. XX

50 ly


rHiiF. rxDRitsinxcn won.n ite.prei- -B fully inform the Planters that they are now prepared to

furnish Siisar Krt. M.lnur. ltnrrrl., uattlCone Draiiiria, lor drainini; ltefmery sugars, at reason-able rates. Hariri; improved machinery they are preparedto manufacture a superior article.

All orders filled promptness and dispute?!.3iu J. A. HOPPFMt Co.


V- -' snectftlllv inform tl..-- oolai.. l. : . . ... .Si J ami finish all kinds of br:u and composition work wiihdispatch and at reasonable All kinds of ship and plantation worV furnished on short

notice.IT Constantly on hand, hose cnup,,nrs of the followirr.

sizes: 1, i, 1, li, 2 au.l 21. Also, oil caps an.l gauge cocls.JAM F.3 A. HOPPKK,

King street.

II. I. II A ITM F IST KK,TAII.Olt Has taken the stand lately ocrupied by II. Fischer,

on Nou.aim street, where hf h.iR--s the public will favorhim with a share of their patronage. ftiB Om

GEORGE LEONARD,Manufacturer ofFURMTUKE of all I)e- -


jioulditisrs of all kinds eocstaiitly uu Hand.65G ly


Merchant Street, opposite the Sailor's Home,I'lnin nutl Ornamental lJinriinj executed at short

notice and reasonable ternis. lyfiKOIICK C LA llKt

BOOT and SHOEMAKER. Hotel street, between Nur.anuand Maunakea streets. fll-l- y

oe:.e: MiL,i,i:ie,C0NTRACT0S. AND BUILDER,

Simp on the Ilsjilaiitttle, oppo-it- e the Court House.520 ly

C. E. WILLIAMS,Man 0 facte re r, Importer mid Healer iu Furnitare

Of Evert) Dtsrrition.Furniture Wurerootn on Fort street, opposite It. D.'s

.OllOJ. . ,.'.111..., S,-.-.,

,.,(. -- tlll --M..JfHotel street, near F'ort.N. It. Ortlers from other islands promptly attended to. 530-l- y

1:0 it k irjTiTijTTTBoot mid SI100 IVIvls.01 J

Hotel t.tret-1- . briwrrn Alnlten nndFori Slrrela.

SSoot aitfl IiockMade and repaired in a workmanlike manner. 518 ly

Jji Tinsmiths nnd Plumbers,fiuuaau Street, near the Wharf STOVKS and LFiAD PIPE

always on hand. Jobbing of all kinds attended to. 550 ly


efl'.HE IROIRIRT()K OF TIIE ABOVEJi AA orks is prepared to supply his customers, and the pub-lic in eeneral, with the best ipiality Y KLL.OW SO I.SOFT SOAP nlwHf. on hand,

The Hkihkst Pkk e paid fok Soap Uhkask. 512 ly

.9. E E3G (.IIi:s,Ph IMPORTER Ai MAXCFACTL"KtK' of 3,1 kind of Saddlery, Car-- QZrj?jL'riaife Trimming, Mattress makiug V-- .ij

and repairing done with neatness and dispatchXT A II orders promptly attended toCorner of Fort and Hotel street, Honolulu 5.i8-l- y

J AS. L. LEWIS,Cooper .iicl G-aug- or !At the Old Stand, earner of King and Bethel Streets.

A Large Stock of OIL SIIOOKS and allV4s kinds of Cooprrinat iVInlerinln CON

STANTLY ON H A N It. He holies liy attentionto merit a continuance of the pat1 romiiige which he has hitherto enjoyed, and for

hich he now returns his thanks. 6m

G. W. NORTON &. Co.,


First Door above the Custom-hous- e,

Honolulu, II. I.50(K) VJRREl.S Atr Ay I) OLD OIL CASKS. 6i! ly


PfAVIXB RECEIVED A LA RG E AND FCLLX. fi stock of material, is prepared to supply his customersand the public, with the b m! Vellovt, limuii nntlWhile SOAP. AIXJ

WOI'T T I OIIL, KOAP,In lar-e- . or small quantities to suit.I. S. Soap grease always wanted.. 517 ly

JOHN N O TT St CO.,Copper and Tin Smiths, Ornamental Iron


A. the public that th-- y ore prepared to furnish all kinds ofCopper Work, consisting in part of stills, r mil. K PANS, tiOR-CB-

pass, wokms, etc., etc.We would also invite attention to our patterns for oiixavik!!-ta- l

iron bailing, suitable for Imiidini; or cemetery lots, whichwe can furnish at reasonable pries. Also, Kifht and LeftHand Screws for linhleninjj wire fence.ALL KINDS OF KKPAIIUSo WITH NKATXKSS AND DISPATCH.

Onb-r- from the other Islands will meet with prompt attention.Shop on Ka.-i- t umanu St.. one dor above Flitner's. 543 6m

v. ioiiTorv,Catholic Church Premises, Honolulu,

ta HAVIXr; LATELY RETIRX--5" Ll from San Francisco

With a .en Stork of Materials,Hv is prrji'ire'l to lli,nlr

WATCHES. CLOCKS AND MUSIC BOXES5'i0 With promptness and dispatch.


Continues the business

At his Old Stand on the Esplanade.All wor done with care, and orders promptly attended to.

5(6 Chap.ks Modekatk. ly



pitict: uorxi) i.x calf, r,tPRICE BOIXI) IX l-- 's? .MOROCCO. .

Every one should have this b ok by them for reference.Send your orders from the other islands and they will hepromptly attended i.


LLiNLjS, (5 Zit's or any other class of bonds. )

t'usho.l u Ihe highest rules.511 II. M. WHITNLY.


SUGAR AND MOLASSES!Now Commit in. For Sale by

5.''. 6in C. l'.KKAVFK A Co., scents.


SUGAR AND MOLASSES!556 Cm For sale by C, 1'KF.AVF-- V Co. avenls.


a For talc by563:m C. llllLWFIt A Co., scents.



CUtOP NOW COMIXU IX AXD FOR SALEto suit purvliasers by

5Uiu C. IIKKWKU tt t--

ti A I V 1 1i I ! I. A i TAT IO.Sugar and IVIolasscs !

cROP I S (it;. XOW CO.MIXt.' IX AXD FORsale iu quantities to suit by

561 6m MKLCHF.KS CO.


sale lu qiiantiiies to suit by543 tt-- n CASTLK ti COOKK.


IfAWAIIAX SKJAIl MILL. Crstpol 1SHG,Aft m For sale in quantities to suit by


.Vsiil&s.iii ll:ml:if ion,It. Corpftvrll A: Son. Proprirlar.


to suit purchasers. Apply to63o ly CKO. 0. MrLKA1, Agent.

HAWAIIAN RICE!Coolie and i:tra.

For Pale in quantities to suit by A. P. CLKOUOHN,533 iy A pent Honolulu Klce Mill.

HAWAIIAN LEATHER !Sole and Saddle Leather, and Tanned Uoat Skin.

For Sale byK13 ly A. S. CLF.GHOIIN, A (tent Waimoa Tannery.


65K 3m liy C. L. RICH AK0S, fc Co.


ECEIVED DIRECT FROM PITNALUUR Hice ComHiny Mill, lor sale in quantities lu suit byII. AV. tfEVKKANt'K,

556 3m A rent of Punaluu Rice Co.

Sul3sc:ril:e ISTowO I.

FOREIGN PERtOOJCAtS!TVOTWlTIIST.tT)IX TIIE RISK I s,1 the Subscription price of the leading American Monthliesand Weeklies, and the increased iMwLage ou them, I eontinuoto supply my subscribers at the old rates. Fifteen years ex-perience in the business enables me to supply my customerswith foreign periodicals cheaier, quicker and more satisfacto-rily than they can be obtained from any other source. Tryand see.

Papers Delivered Free of I'osfapre or other ChargesIn any part of the (.roup.

Rack numbers of the leading Mainlines, also of Harper'Weekly, Leslie's Illustrated and the London News always cmhand. Files made up at short notice for whalemen and trav-elers. .

Subsciiptions Payable Always in AdvanceAMERICAN NEWSPAPERS.

New York Herald, Per Annum. .(5 OA

" " Tribune, 4 00" " Times, 4 00

Boston Journal....... 4 0Ulloston Advertiser. 4 OO

New York World, (weekly,) 4 0O" " Ledjrer, (a Story Family Paer,) 6 00

lathe's Illustrated Newspsjier, (week ly ).. .......... ft 00Harper's Weekly, 600San Francisco AVeeklics, each..................... 7 00Every Saturday 6 0(1New York Courier ies Ktabs L'nis. ................ 6 60" Zeitung (Herman) 8 00

San Francisco French Courier. ......... ...........10 00Leslie's l:u.!cet of Fun 3 60The Irish American v. 6 00Tlie Nation, weekly 0 00The American Aitriculturisl... ............ ......... 3 60The Scientific Aincricau. ........................ .. 4 00

MAGAZINES.Harper's Monthly Magar.ine, .................. ....(6 00Atlantic Monthly .MaKaxinc, 6 00(iodey'g Lady's " 6 00

Magazine of Fashion....................... 5 00Hunt's Merchants' Magazine, 000Eclectic " 0 00Ilia ii wood's Magazine. 6 00London Condiill Magazine, 7 00London Society " 7 00Chamber's " 600liluckwood and the 4 Ilritlsh Quarterlies, 15 00Either one of the 4 Uritish Quarterlies.............. 4 00Good Words 4 00tinr Voiing Folks 3 00lumorest's Magazine of Fashion.................... 6 00Litteil's Living Age............................... 6 00All the Year Uound 0 00The Oalaxy (semi-monthl- 7 0Olleadle's Monthly.. 6 001m How's 6 00North American Hi view, (Quarterly). 0 0'

ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS.London Illustrat-- d News, (weekly,) f 14 00

Punch, (weekly) 00" Despatch, ' 13 00

The Examiner 13 00lull's Life in lo.mlou, IS 00London Weekly Turn s, 10 00Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper, 10 00

The above list comprises the best of ltrilish anil Americanperiodical literature. They are regularly received by eachpacket from the 1'nited Stat.-s- , and can lie supplied onapplication. The undersig.ied willalsoorder by mail any paperanot in theabove list forth-.s- e who may desire them.

Ilesid.-- s tlie above, the following always be Lad atthe counter on the arrival of each mail :

Louisville Iiemocrat, New lied ford papers,Forney's Press, Itudget or Fun,Oregon paj-ers- , California papers,Cincinnati ph rs, Worcester pap rs,Msine pai-ers- , lesion papets.Kansas pajK-rs-

. Co'orado pap.-rs- .

And many others, too numeiousloscify.

CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPERS.The following are received by Express regularly, anil gener

ally in advance of the mails. They will he forwarded to sub.srriliers by me. pontage! pant, at the annexed terms :

Weekly iiull'-tiii- , $7 per annum" Alta 7

Pacramento I'nion,... 7 "San Francisco Weekly Times............... 7 "N. It. The i ndersigned has an agent in San Francisco, to

secure and forward the above pajs-rs-, which are often put on

board alter the vessels are under sail, without regard to ex-pense, thus enabling subscriliers to obtain their papers mora)promptly than in any other way.


WRITING INKSOn ITund and For Sale :

IAYXAKI) A. NOVES II EST IJLACK INK,X' M quarts, pints and cones.

iiavids' lit-s-l Illack Ink. quart", pints and consj.Davids' Is-s-t Copyint' InK, quarts and pints. .Maynard V Noyes best Cnpylnr Ink, quarts and pints.Hank nf London Copying Ink, quarts and pints.Arnold's Writing Fluid in quar-- s and pints, received di-

rect Iroin Lindon.Arnold's Copying Fluid,David's l"--ft lllu Ink, in cones;David's I est Carmine Ink, in j lass standsjIndelible Ink, f r marking until.

--Voiie but tht Iltisl of Wr'ttinij Ink kept fur sale619 2m By II. M. WHITNEY.


( olloii Tor S.1IC !

1'ITAItLE FOR PACKING SHELLS ANDs Curiosities, or fi r I'pholstcry and domestic uses,la iin utilia-- to Suit PiircbaM-rt- .

Wanted Sea Island Cotton,In the scud or ginned, for which the highest cash pric will tpaid. I5i0 6m II M. WHITNEY.

taviJLSXU. !l !H JJSCSR?'








t i


Page 2: THE PACIFIC PilCiriC SUbcilistr r 'mmrmsmm A...the magician, liolls l'..r:h aii.l coutinues to ilehght aii'l my-ti-fy tlie uu liem; with his new nml mysteri--j o:ts i?iv;.?;..!i. Tlx

C O IS1 IYT E Jl C I V. X. .

.it: rtj tr. M7-k.t- iv tT-- e ra V f V .'-- . i tru., --o l -

v.'---r -- r- i it ; i ' . a... a

vj' I a v r i -- i . N - W,ar AAi-t-- ir l r an f.. the K- -r ir!;-- f

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af m.r. S-- .. I. -; f s1- - il L.- -?

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'or fc . wul :t --i toc. .f ti.""-- r.. H g--

Tt f f ' . - . tm. ct . 1 . f. :n :n- - S r --

t at x r- - J- -

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'rT-- - i.-.--ri R, : 1 '.- -

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v.:r r . - a; ,7

t riO r. irai '. f r-- - ! r TiL,-- rl . w:r, 1 u I tl -- Tj.ft", likuj v:",f l!LZJ s

. ;i. La . --1 tul Mi4l' i OH-- T jt ft I, i ' TtM.

f . r--. I i- rn r :xi- -r i f ? .

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t kr J ' -- ; - 'a ' ' w ;- -:

is tu mAttr '4 f A iji k. TVre r Fr- -

(r frja CV-- .1 Jiia V. r. Irtifi I? t: CniM --i . i Ir.l iifltiHj ic iu --- Ik--1 fiiou- - ;

1"v Tim' iit - V t it

Mi At -- - J U ! WltB '

Miri Lt --4 H U l.rx-- T mi T 4 Uiur .s t- -r r--- ft ... Tiii si tn- - I 1---

Iter cir-- W o- - t I "yl--- ! .

Am. !auf rr--l; L- - .vt JT J. . - .... .- - . , w.i

w- -.. i, r,tHf t.-r- . a -e lni-- r-

BTUil. W art i- -J rmr.1 h 4v rx;-rr-- -l

U4 vk itM m V k.a IS ; l J. r. ia m;-,i'- x fiin :i fc mf'U i. IV-- brx-- anvint of iirrtjr vTtrr.

o mrttw-- .u 4 oa k- - 4.:l. Vit t::i w tKa-- k

tte4 mxbuiwito47 .ilktA t-- T&z fci. X

rv I4w Irm ffrti4 4r t

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.'x iri" itjc. ............ ..........'J-T-iM4kc r'laxiAio ................. ..........ViJ o- -i

It wii! b rtjrBil-r- th atac-Ur- l prir hi kabx- - I.i( rtr- - 1M Itxt. f mixat Ui.J c.rfiUi3

vi tl rr.4--- 4 ix.r. a.-- i ar- - a.l v. owiud onlylvm. o rrj the rt ...- i-pn t-- t lu r tivr mo arrlViriri mtM. '

I'-- or f rir uxar :n l'iu . rmtr- -r 1 itm. ir-- att-- t t.--e anti lr f-- r.r--i 1-,-, . K, JrL'L. Vr. o..t. mlu-- Trrsu ax i4".u. W a :) .,f riu L 1 !!. t-- r mtvT".l f rrar- - it it 1 A-- ll ; bjt r. ali-.- uios BiaJff rncuLia -- Sra: ttan t- - timurr aiMnL In--

--r-. - '"'. t"t'''' ??ff'1pnr lit rt. tt Ir. ifir -- t!xr h rh--rt inia. 1:.1 tr-- o IsVua J c4tan- - U.-- fu T '4 4t--r h: t a M f !.ir r:.'-lr- i.2r. trtx'.ya ! trumllii l'Lu.t.44., bntj.4 ui

n cto ft tti.Ti-.- - l yr..Ki.J.:r u.tx'H ;- -t to br the

trt- - intr

hnt. th.iuhe

C. Mnrr,9

t:.i.i tV-u- fi

bbI .rta.r ' 1.1 - , -- w antj a - -.

e U.e m w -- t- tn of f tn-v4u- e

ataM.! ami )i:tt.if-- r arI r.ui.lrT tuerrLan-- a

wbat ti ir wai.1 will tlW- - , ti re will amvr detnarwi t

ri,H-r- r arrneJ t! ir.t y the

S Baer latarul to (wi aixi--- r a h ce rhart-- r.

TW Jua, whirh loot-he- at thia pt na W-,1- -

is r. .ir-- - a rrml boaa-- I to .l

Frar--- , ft wbiik y rt e lilej -i-.ti.v. fat. Lore--aiv r nxiamia her, ia an Ui.a --ai-. a-- '- i ri--.-

ly ta ia nf (il ttltntir.Tea --at..)..,., m,e4 .:n fa

ban--'. 4 i- - ai! i.--L A. .b. iyr, uncMM f ra-a-i nf tVr ml rri;i f ift-- r t:,i. ;i! i t

lul-"- ; -- lrn S h-- T'-"- w t r ',;--v ' 1 tr"--- h

r.-r- t. .l t j t.: a lr-t- j brrH were. , , ,.

Ifiln, W .rta f :jo::. 4 :

ApU 2 1 rUrtwr, InatU'sn Mr. Iln-r-l.,.- . J1M.iV M-- v It.. 44 .1. . Jc. t.f- - h.

bit. w a7 il.rra.ea. Ii.w iaial. --T - WiU .p.

Tb-- la-r-e aa bere, it .12 be m. areery ..L

- Vi-'t- t Btd.jT a.!.i nti rth arJ the barkw " " "rn' 'Th rtU bara lntrttfj-im- r 4

,..., tar,.i , Onvi Jay.,thraaiue .n.

Mr. - -r-ai-rr. Fuj-- . w ! La t tx '--t. ne f . ur

aiixl..4i-r-- r, rtt.r-- --nei fr rn bi.aa. h- - ill laflvn Mr. P. A bum., lale of mtt-m- r. evfvrieii-r- e

aa a merrhanf eminetic.y i r. --n b:m f-- r jJiet.rTerawe, e It ai . fr "43 Frax-riac- o ia

Ibe V array.

PI4iKGKR4.lliiif rii f at,tis.u Prr Vurra. w-- R-t

J 4ia an.l v it-- . ai l It I"b ia... --.; 1 l ll-- n - j. . n 1 1 m - Vf .,. .

Mr M HUasuil. M --4 liririliama. J .n Jaa IUU-a- U

(.baa II .race M - W Ki-l--

Fob 4-1 Faci:-P- er If K.w!ir r. ATrl - J Piifbe. J K r II I r- -r. J .s in. v i:, I Iiaa- -

nm-t- er art ctml. Uvr-nire- .X.MrPhi-- L TS Parry. IK- v. 1 t-- a -- I . I 11 ll,,4t n

iiUt.-r- . l.rer.". He!"". .Mr 44 m

chnL Dan 1 McM.iten, Airoi Jaa Ctark. E ituaSat 1. rra Kil iri. Mr ar.!

an.1 a r, K vil, tr Xsniam.tao- - Xw Beoroi AirJ E3 F

Moaher. J.-h- a 2.

Fiva KiDnv-ruh- am, April lltli Mr. iioimea,Tboiiia i.

Tom f4 Fia-tcisc- o Airil Gcor;:




4;,; r- -. t. v- . '.- ...

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A x i l V r. c y " "z.---' . fc - !. J?- -i. : i. T-j- t.

!'?rbr.- -. r. !i!.n.' . wi L i . T- -

Tj'. - ' ft a :.; K '. rru tr." vrr km,. i r )ij--- n: j .T' :. V-- r-: I. -r v.

-- Am h- -. J h. 7 t.i'T ti --.." . -- ". r r iiiu--- - . ': -- .r r . : r 'A v.:i Pj r l . i . i H .

- : r V.:--- . .a i K- -

i '.r. fc. a T.w f. : . rn .. ( txr 4 K . 'A c. t . T- -

l'-l- liV. r. K x. !.t-uu.-- 1. t ri- rn rri I VI ..t, ia i. t - TI ' Br M. f hiiu.l'J h.-- V . f 1" M vi. ' Ay. . 4 V- -11 j k tt' I. . II". j. f. li ..-- . f r fc, i..1! 4 jk -.. rt r. 4. - -- r. J r11 tw. trt Br-j- -. rr. r rurj n.v.fI I fcr u. --.If t r..r -

12 i K.. 1 i Ii.T" ! ".. L1 J 4 m n . rt - I - r.i- -. i r rrw-- -.1 r Aui i f.. H if- -- i . irr.! - ym 'i rr . 4 r x rr.

KXI'OKT.fwr-r-. ;rj yti .1.141

y , ixr. ;T1 j

IV rr..-- -. ;r.illf i5ltf-- :

'' ' ' ' ' - j: a. T j . r- - ' J -- -'Y', ux . - ..

isi.f.i .i.MlkUIKI).

Rt, z4t V T-.- r.V 1 . A J.-i- .

ilu-iv--r 4 t- - llt W. II. K i i Lji, Kiiu.

asc;Mcr l iv ut? V4 ci. f. K c . A.Z" S3 r- -

T2S PACIFICCom ii i ia I A d v r t ise r.

717.7.-11- '. APRIL 13.

fcw r tJi irniiii.n il- -r are tiT t!.e tt iLLs rjvn..r:. Tr.e

is ipttlwl, ' ut ha 1 t'.t tie ul-a-rf

to Th? h'.ur ' f Z' ir.y t. ji:i.--t hi. l.rn L4 'ult-- t ni.fn It the

. : . i :. -- t - : ... ii.. T.. 1 . -t.-I-j oime in fn m Sn Franri..-- D tlifr fr- - :n

?J.ln-- j on AVtrli-- l j. The irwil jacket

with liich in c i..t :iiij frm Friij.;L-o- .

rri4ii.g Ltre a.ut six aLvL The two vt-'- .

iter c uji'icv yr d.n,$, an.l thdzh theollwre in fj4or .f cli.j.r, Li.-!- i a in IxiII.tmuJ lilit, hi!e tbe jesckrt ws Ivlt-I-.ter came in uLeu-- l in Caj-tai- iVut-cti'-s


TLe .Warroy I n-u- r. Iire nii:i,tLc latent r:ir-- ? fi'.ui .Nt Y rk March'Tue ni z ixitjw aii-- j'i'.'t'-r- i U are unu-u.i- l! v iiitertt- -

. . . .nn-- l le 1U uewt. !...ufever,

Ttry n.iMirre. IV .ts - ut :tlj'. uri;jr.', au l... ...though to .I.tte Ii.i-- I 4n nxc--i ! r vetit ij Ilk.-H- - tie I't-iiiU- r w.u! 1 Ice: -1

on. The ! ill tf -!l uctin? the urlierii M-it-

. . 7If Utu tu:il.j a l. j tc-- l a 1,1 the act h i

Lit, an.l all -, IN"rth anl , ar.:ir tj(.. .ti in if. trm-- . lin.l.. ?ir if.- - .r j

- - 1 III .T "Iover the ui.I. f in the i.Iice can takef them. The is ei lent'.y very

, an--

ti.e oce:iu not tlare to coiuuiunioate alLIn t'ana l i. tn.u'.Ie i" I'tewinz uiriin Jiimdii the,ilfiwtl iri.h all.l the Ml l ,.f tl,e revolt L n..t yetTliere is a Mronz yni-:iJli-

oL-er.- iu the I'tiite-- l

.:h the of the Iri-- h to securetheir frec-lon- i, it sci-:ii- is.-i..-ie theyC:,n relerisc--l froia the stn-tii.- ' arra which hullsthe;n

.1 ' f Xi er.tet tainel 1 lar-- e

ct'iiif-iii-y of I an I .ti d their

shit oil Thur-da- y u an-- evening. Theretau-- t U :it lo--t t. hun lrel gue- -t rrveM.on tae n. I (i "t-- h ii.-- t s lar-- e a s..iaf w irves-e-- Is which hue vL-it- el oar hul.r, there

U-e- a ship here se ele.ntly fitte-- I theconvenience tf her ot!icei. he is a m-le- l of taivularchitect-ire- .

b n t hf-- ir f any likt-- v to arrive frtais in Fran..-i.-c- . ti-r- ' re the return 1 f h.ixk ElhaiA'.lf, whicli will e dae alut April H"th. ri- - Ftrcy KlvurJt to lene.SinInrrii-- t r J.i-m- . m Ar1 r.l, hut we hate no

.( t ateuti.,U to St. p at this Ji.rt. Ti.e

IjAan .I.'ltr. n-- t srrivel oer to the tuoming4.fthei'.th thta

Ti:e sde of the hah i.n.4 u jar Mill takes pl-tc- t.v.fl.iy at 12 o"cl..k at the I " e. The sale in-

cludes the Ian I, LuiMin-- i an 1 nxttires, ail sai 1 to I

in order anl only f.uror fiieyeirs old. Onthe f il- - arlay, the l ahince of the pnj-rt-

CoSs.-t.- E. of cane, an::aal-a- nl i:nj leaicnts will lI.

TiiC stcatn.-hi-p ra i'j. i n h.T Ci st trip t'hiti 1.

ll id, J a ed hy this j. rt .. than f ur hundredn.i!e .ll-t-i- he was to Lave left s.ia Fiancio on. .nr sec.. a I t..,. . r.i an i j r ...ab.y usanin TharsLlV List. ! tit ho lear e r,,i.-r- "- - - ..ivto learn fr-- tn her ! jr. ' e wlih nt--r evcrv succe-o--.

hut sh.-u- wish her nxre, were to give us a callia pa.ssit.jr.

It is rer-urt- that a is on f ot to estahli-- h

ntipr np r.nrvr 1,4 V i..iiv. vc---

trust that, if te-I- , it m ty l sucees--- f i!, and itwouil certainly if rttire--

frrm t'ae ncw-- j .p rial na. and left f.ell toour yirir; and er.terjrisin who arere.idr to enter it. H.ere is a call f.r a seex in le--

'rt . rfv, htriri-:- r w.',rth ar--1'H .n:,!. Cngre,. will, .f

lr.i tn msmr wtft f-- r tn;j.nriix th-- m b the C'jurre, the J.or j e whether J iritmift acJ iWmw--j (r. At 'Itmu, the atieiiiit-- n (.f this iin h:ii ln-- c;rrifl out or .

,,rTy l'1"'-- ' " ' -- ' "t chtmU al j I'Lii i.t ha now uu t!i a!teru:tive in execut-qual't- vs

of i.nxlai-t- , wUi"!i Ure fire Us n alru..t r- -,n? tn of ne.-- the tbreiteiie--;

. I.ivhn:etit. His frieu"! siy will xc the l:twLOCJL LOVVERClJt enforce-1- . If n..t, there will e very grviuthi

Tb in:.C arrival of the trt D. flarr, in furniylic.l J.y ,ilu fT ,II1,u;llu.ent.haiMi a !r(e rarxo of nmluuliv, rrarh omU-- 1 to Mi.i-l- r the ,. . . ,,mnanis the ilr.x sV, tar aa we cn t!.- -r fr .mtWraiir4i aoJ ic.iuiry, ia a ia 'ie'i!el, is hv r.' n fu'.Iy -l. Althoughkrui-r-r t at i-.-n. e kV i f rilT .btrr HUIucl vU ari la.t le, the " lnjys in

arc ui.u.aJtlI b). " Hie H--r tiul trren with in L:iii t..t.i.inir un a'l1..4 i.iar.iAii.-z- i are

ii.i.u-- x ausar t.rivkaw jort

t aiaier the beartite U4e a.


BrituA aBipfr--a with rarr f

rr--r iaa the

har- - enr brirar r.i:hi I7i rm b the

&-- LH.!rJ b. arTiT- -, Iiii..

At Caj-4- . the rT.4avbb:.

SV114-- .. rr--i. ia. jio

Uter aa avtl

The tV

ai-l-nl ao-v-,

be rh mat th

Heuryar-- 1 eti-ti- e I

E.b-- r-. the


l 4".T


IIiMta .lr WM

II Fi--h.

liSaa baP-- il. V-- il.

To Arr-- I Mr. Utray Iirk-li,- rj

B Xr


Johnl oaier

Per lltia





v -- r.




e re e







ytrt the Ut--



l.- -t


-I th enre



tineafti-riii- .

hasne4-- r up fr

We ve-st- -I





jT'.- -l

wi.-i,-- .s.if

sit'! to



-t- .-c



inri-a..ji- the

:tn- -

of tnU--.

uie etir:.--



Faow t- -i l P--r I. C. MurraT. A,-,- l h - pij-- r here, hut as Il. veniment i1 Im4 bop. W Wn run., l !. ao-- jr stmct the w ay, and enleavors to J4?rf, nu what it

44 pkr winaaml .oira. r. ml-- r. 1 1 t n., r;.ti;t or f.ti.cs t .. tiiere is little h t' of at v

.ipr--. k-- -. Mi... li 1 ir. MRiiiare. 3 .as. . M - "w V'T ' 'laOe. 10..arirB'i. l'J.k. be t- -. Si bar- -. Ij --Us lorlo. '

laJ.-- the la.lj re . lie.W r. brel. 1 beJ, 1 fU p--

.,. lei , i r, hir.iware. j, W.lU:.,., p; mtatl-- and si.--.r n.ill ware 1 1ti--i t. I j IJ -- . ui: l i..u.. 1 sa tr-a.- kr

rart, jkn rival i--I f -- -. ri. -- . 21 .b.,r- -. 5 at au.tlva iu W i av I c--t. an I kri.ikcd "l.wntorra !, t' hay. J iU rheuve, 1 b a r e "... , ., ,1 tr.'I ravi- rcliaml-- v . i W- - Frttne. I.--, . I.. I - 1 ' " '' ivr- I

:. r. ... rr".--- i n -r . r

.. . '.:t e t r-- : - 1

. :.- - r-- f .1. At :L j :e-f- c, i: ..uj'.t t;i--T 4T- -. 11.

'a ur rlr-- t !U - f. uvl m rt.r

t -- ii ri 1 Aero'i tltc- - Iu-Ill.-- .

I - na: ;r.i ti.: h i.r-- r:1 ir.t-.-'- -t in lL-;- - zr- -z .'h:r .:a Lir:r.

r thr: tripTi l- - :

. r-'- . . rr. i t.: r. r. r: :'. Jf'-.- L f Mar h.

A f-- a ji.r- -. - ..- -

I: Vi .;r th-- r lz.Z:-U'l-- n r, f:,rz.l, I T:

. n r.j 1: I

L-- -J -- -. ii.jsir.i- -I ?'v a1

itt-.- r ; z thr w.- -: viifj I r tvi Jj.y- -. TLih-- .7 .j i- - a rev.r.i f the v- - as ivlijt--- j

tr thr

Ji-r- - t Ii M --J ir Tr, sa -;- -r f-- rv a.:-.- -r i- - rjj; i.i

V4 :x r- r r.'ixl. w .J ;erl: f s. V.T- -ii -- J : : r.Very w. w ;:. .:. -- . w. rr. ;Ei..e- - At r --o rji n -- . :r .n aii; 1 r.L .1-- .

t --r... c.-i- -; .- - ;1 r ; - j-- r:n

v.. H - j w:. ;. r.- - rr: r. . t.'. -- P.M.1". :. 1 .r-- w-.- j fr r--i


I 7r ni.r- -1 : 17- - iv. fj - hi.--,: rra. w w-- c ir.' r - i .' .U t ! f i r ;1 K ".ii w .ti L- --i w j:..; V j !..-- .I- -. . ' .; : 'A : . 17 Ci17: K ti l.--I su-- - i x- - li M. f.'a. jij n..'.-- -.

: n i74 n.:- -.

- 4. a.-i- i. -i i-- l O ijj7- - fr'.ai y. k.t-ii- a nin0 n 4--

j' V..; f i

rat;i- -r --r --j rr. '..: t." -- l an-- .

4:1. l.t--r'- C i rn.A iort-- r it 11 A. MV. : ir.r r:.t..--- . :r .ii Jrii.. . , I, . !.a...a

t r iii cotu.jj.x .j t 4 t.The rai ::.! at V..k h.ini.i 2i an-- Tin- - trij ..f tho C rr. l, .;; a nrst

n the '2'jtii f-- r II- t ..k--!.'- . U'e iitiime :ul eivjeriiei.r. that this routethe narrative "f r ia? : t

W.-:a-- rjn i.-.-'. r. 1 !. : i . E. n r,.-- r!v.-- 7:-. I t i .r i. 4 t- St. h.

n.J- -i W.i.-h-- i .

- --a:-, r tr-- .. a..,-- . 1:. - -- : t f C.:--- i.l dar.-- i ' '.. r r - s I - i . . i r. j J 4- -.

i.v: -- t wl M i. -- . it II ic. 4 .: i-

tfi.l- - - tr i . k Oinia j. r; u- -i .

T f.l tr tr. V--ri. t , A- -; r.w ill l.y'i

V.x. T f- c- T i ' j - . ' L- i- . ... ........ ..................... 47fau.-n- t Jul. I - x 3..'.

"i'--- - 1 .a -i . ...... .................. I-- J -i d'

--. 'i-i- -i 1, Ii iS. ii; l.'-i- i

T ti.: rt..; la,I'N a.j:'-- r .i-- . 4i .in.i t.:.- - t .j . -- lc.'n h- -r return trip the L'vknad'j - It H n;.---

k n ti.e 17th f an 1 ii.a-I- - the isj-.- - , y. in ri d i vs. a -.-lin.-t

a stir! w h-i-d iilid h- - .i--r u ti.e

. i.i, a. a. a. left y.k iai-ia-. with 1.1

--a' :n.l2 r.d ea! iii sr. 1 " - ja :,.-r-

1J- - 1.1 k ..ha... j i- - ia latitu ieh

"".a n 1 ra: " ." , t;.a: a ;ir--e-r

- w. i.M ui.e ea- - . hut ti.e :. nt .f.14 i acir.e .l.:i. I- - n.iunv ;it II .1: ---

1 .. hail Caft-i- n J:udhary t

1. nh tr --;ti . and laake hi-tr- ;j. ,.n whatc l the treat i i A-l- e : and i ai tain Ih-tiha-rv.

Wltl n.i-.-ivi- n'. o- - tl4 lostrueti n Vj

until he z di- - .-l wi:!i the r t.f the 1 Circle, and then he tri 1 aii..t!;-- r tack, fWe v ti:e A 'la's of the return trio t. I- . 4un Franei-.- -i ; in.

T- - vii.--v !. C...Vi i -- iix th.

1-..- ai tl.' "A. ;:. ah--n- i.!ja.

4'M s-- i . r.y...,: . a:.! r ; aa r:r.-:.- 1 " li

:.--i' k a - r- - t t . r t'.c :r.;.. .N n .1. i.nb la a .at... bit :.! -v r --ur"i.

Sli 1' 13 il :ii--4 ij . fr-- e fiI n a . a.iAt - A. M. t'i.- - w:r.! tli: ; v! t 'r rci.-tie- .

T:i-w- -j. !'. tr. w. t Ij ...J nil. ;..!tu.-r- - th-.- - r- - !:a.iii- -i rl! c.iv. i...t ora.i: t.. it; ; --.rt ith. . !. m.' T .f. . . f .... u ... I ...... .. . .

.v... vii.. tr, tra w-.- u. ......e. I ...! itsr I.. i;..i. i: ii inj.. .. f i!u. uit .l.:-'i- i!.c ifcat- - ri. -.- T- :i hi Tiir-- E TJl. tli t.h:.i.nLA- -. r- -. r v. ;. ti j ;;-- it ii la- - ii- - t:.;. ..f ti.ein;!ii:i.-ii- -r -- i iiiv, lu.. Ku.m1l w I- - t.. .!.s: .1 . r. ch.. w cr.-- w.i-:ir- -l oi- - ri.-a- l. 1 r- i- ;.

; !.a.i.i:i. ar: l hi;..ii.ti. At - A. M. t,--- t .r:.iii. a . !. t :l .t t::i II; i'. M. t' we c !:.!vt.ture t .r. wt.l n.r t. t:..--- rni i r t;i uri-- . . ftan..:..' r ua.!. t'a. i ii i hr.!bLir it trinivd to --t

'.rr'.tr u. !li.. r.- - --Lr..l . a I ....-.... li... .j:iy--- .i.... 1.v.i"..rMt.........r.l

'th of Marrh A t a Uy wh--- w.- rri i l;i s a j wst. :a.a r. 1 r, . lt!i I Jai.uary.

4t -:- i:r-.i ..lie j .v in r. nri c. a;.J w- - h.wl tn.. sih. . fM i " b. 4..-- i..I ratb--r have i.a i !. i .i ..r :r i- -t.a;.-- i .r.- -- f . r r. :i:i: tb wjy. TI.;- - -- :a I Mr. u

u w.tli aa iriaii-n.--- vi.1'!' fresh breei- - t .; is.t:. vi a it .,. l.rrTiti' n.I th 1 .1 III. veIlia t' S-i

1 t ri f arj.i . irn. T - I.t.:.-- cirn- -' n Wt re-in :t;o...t-- - aj - 4rj, fi-- ir.s mii I.l-1- ui.rr. ia -ur iu; .

1 an sui :;i ciib--r- .

3 4:h S . ta.i jiii .h.u.i--.j "ur o an- f r the n .rtawar.i. biw aro saa

Fririri--.- ..

Kti. Witl fsr,b ali'id.1 -- :ti i 'tear.l'-t- f r sb l.r-s-- ;ih An Enfi-.I-tn.-- d Char!- -

Ir f n.e m.k-- i w n rn-.r- ., r m'n t .i:.i.;- - t.f!.rit;.n.- - .a. rb.-ar- He came tinl at

-a Jbt'-'- l tr si- aTli I ar-ii- i .ue nt 4 hi. I cim- - u t Ltil- - wtiart in rim f rain Ilarl. r ut if A. M. fi !" ti.-- tr:;. i v ry ia-- t.tb..- m l i.. t ... ..!

. :i tb- - M;;i..rll ;:. r. aic ..f iii j.... .-- i . ri w-- re

.1- .it.-ri- -.: ta- - I .oraviiy ... t i ..:.:ect v a!i th- -ti:n- -r I r I'

4 fie -a il:J i. t tt . i!urin? the ti h i? time - as at

thi wa a f r- -t tri. th-.- - f ai.l aad -the i?.-- i ra 'oilil.m is t'.Lat tbe hue Ki:l a i:.rff-i--- .il . I




Num.-- .th...

The stati.-tio--s ai-- ae sh.-.-

-t liiat tiie di-tai- fnau S;n Eranci.-.- - t-

yok halaa, hy the route tak-li- . is 0.2-1- 3 Inih- -.

That ti.e time oeei. h-- 1 t- it was '2'.j

ias. hTlTTiJ mih-- s a day.1 That wiiids Were nnt'T'-- l

h .ih the and r-- t. ni the w.-at- !

pirt .f time was and .!.-.i'.- -.,

and -k andThat the : aivT, inst- - ad f taking

iiieiii: r.ij.e in 'n-.- and tiie eir. hi.r...-r.- . . i ....... ii. . .;ai 10-1- ,1. ni.r.-s-.utn- -

t r . tr-.1- - . trite--, anl that th- - farth-- rsh- - w.-n- t f.n.-- the vvea;h.-- an-- the

.-ir sp. 1 t n-- statesthat south tiie oOth pirah-- I. and an- -

a.s 1 .w-- h, : Ifshe 1 than f han-lr.i- l n.h.-- s ii-.- t.'i

1" II lahi ..;i the trip t "hina. ..i.rI ! at n - Inth ..f J.,ri ia.--v, i.ii,.-day- s

ir-- m San Flan. - .

"th It that i,i ,;,., arritfd at,i k- with hut "n tlay's -- ut lv of coal

wjii. i. had wesith-- r n ml;. J, w

or a ;ral- - .f w.-.-- k's dar.iti-.-

v..ul-- hac li-- and .

t r .rt to her -- ans. A- - n haj p t 1. fhc--

j - with l- -r t.rlinarv si j ! running .re the -n (.i.r- -

bI-n.i- :r.: with trade vvir, -- ) fr I.l y..haunt t j she a;.-ra.i- l tUr-- r hundmlliiih-- jar day. whi.-- taay 1- - tak-.- us h- -r a.-r-- a--

--j.l with fav rahle wn. nn l . t,rr r.t.N ov what are the - .f i.t-- tlr.'iijh th" tr via II n..l j!u

t "Mn :.Pi1 .hutna 4 i.i thi- - j..rt is mi;.- -. (,. .hicti

f r m San Fran- - to H 1. an i ::.:.-- o t.,V I .1 K.'iiaiuri i, tail ii: r-- tn.tntaK-- ii ny tii- - f -r'.' o.

li-- I he w iii - urri-:,t- i...l-, that a iv K 'i"

1 ! : : 1:il v.

J : i i L 1

Ij.: - t .T :r, : .;- : . I! r ..j

1 Lrr ;:.r.i; t

i TL- - .., : i. w ...S- i- itiD U - Wi".:. i

- ; . I.";. i- Lui.-ir.-- l t I:

Vi. vM jL Lrs rll:;..rv

4:L A 1 ..:-- !

tr 1 r uTe i- - t;.. i:. aii LLi-- .i n::ir tr.

u. . 1 .... ' Ir. tl.-- .' rtj' rt- - oftr. O ri..-.."-

. :r:: . we ' f - ! i. 'A'ji i.v w - i...-- i . ui::Jx Ar' t. - ti . i.r.e ti.e jii.-i-..-.- 1

t- - t r: X i witL i r.rrs thts

- : .r. . ar.i uii ttr i : . .uicthe er i--vre j j tJitrvi;.ef h'-:i- t an-- oli are er.tirei v a i-- t.

Jth The ct tht--' i- - 1 saythlr. . f tr.e tir-'t rrj i- - at.--l to thi-in- .

vhl-.- 4 s..-.- a e.-t- u' IL-h-fil i tvei tj

i-a-w .v Ei.p-:-a- t- - uri-t-- - to t- -i- i.i.-e- s". e

f vh-i- W..U.M r- vA a m-.-r- in trie

iv. tir.-- i tht-- n t i

: h tr,u- - I.elV.The :tv t.t cc.t- Z w:i

.n Hur-t:- . it it is n.-- n..w, anu i..cre4

- r. that .a te ranie-- i whi.ii vc'.'A

with II .u. I i'.u. lie .r.Iy th- - j. int is

--(.;-.f a sii-j- .i

i f arr-- ui-.-i- .i:t- - r- - t . . ".'U.O i- -i

N. hit. 2j airi E. hi.-- :. 171 4.'. As I.-.- , fresh

vtw: is 'tiiiiia: it is i. t-- . .f tr-jt- t

i - . i.I.,. .. .4

we .i-n i: ii 7.1 ce.i a- - suit-ii.I- e

in ...f ..i-- rTi.u-- . taking a'.i thic ir '.j o.-n.- h rati n, the

tiait interest.- f r j uhiic ail f the iii.uiiisilf will U--' tel 'y-- a.!.-pnn- j th.

Jjrt-t.'ui- romt, aiid we d n l it willrveiitnallv tul in the select! .11 of tiiis i- -rt u.-- atr. iiiirt

j CT.irj.1 L-- j ra.-ti.-- a r.l that a 1 ster.ia:--er..-i- y tuake it. v ith.-a- l st-.j- - hij. Thi- - has

e:i ril mil. The .jUc-sti.-!! n..wi-- ,

whether it naiy 1: it e i:i:t n. The wantsrce will ---- n cr. wd the stcataers v. ith

l.i-a- y freights, ani jT nun-cri--

aiid it will then -l. we i. i tasteiesr- - cial an! carry u, fr-U- .it. which an e

'lye '" 't I t Ii. jt at Ti-- e rr-.-

Fraiiciso- - Tiiu-.- s is directly inii:t 1

' Our corresj-.i- j !ri.t at Kacisriwa, wh'.-- e intere-t-- -e e u!n- -i !v i a is I t i i. :i that

ti.e Co urwi) in ciaii..- - c ut sh'-u- l i hae tukc-- thev i II- r.- - la'.u. avaiiiii Jier-ci- f of the

t ti.e tr ;e-- nist--r- i t t rjr.:..r. iia'C'.:T w

v -- !.e enierel th-- e winds, which in latitu le

r'.ri i;lv trvia ti.e st the ire.ter i iti n of theLy ur-u- iL the f. r -- hv- h ivt

llk.-l- ; n;-e- t .!th r 'ih we. it her t"te sii'-- l l.-- r r -s i"e v -- ..verul divs. Uet'irii-- .

t,v ir.t t..ute will 1 f un 1 j.rvfc-r'.e- . thesecu.-ixl.- ts leiri detid s.l't a-.'- f the

I'- rhats t!a r mw " -e the..n the retai-- jsi.-ra-- e ; hat wo have our

tua .f tha Lat fall the Rriti.-'- i s!.ip'ji '. r's ll.-n.- n..-- . the -o fr lii

ill 1..' chiv- - ar; i i h- .ur-- . i:,d ti.a L.::d.? the -- ;ilije in A d.i -- . T!.e

ii..-r wa-da- y fr .;a the Jaj '.a.-t t- thisrt and the Litter If e il - e VI

i ice

T.rlhna? In thi-.-e- an thcleaieCir- -

tain ,- -::, !i.-l.t-,l carr. nts of wind, and vi.iietie tr.: h-- s hl.-.- v very here,the ."utliwe.--t arid wind- - to thewe-Tvar- d in certain weilh-rirHi- l

the tajr'.nv cHe t ln-.;k- e ofthe thr-iUi:!- : ti;- - t.--i ji'-.-- , w? Lave i; J.-uh- t

will j all tht ha- - U-.-- f r it. ar;-- l

will lrf-- :! V n tl i".'ini.scf'.st, must ,r,,n0-,-,- al and Ly all -- !!.- the n:-- st

a Stint and r whi.-- arc the jr t- -

The Hawaiian ' '".vfrnnient has nil it fanur.i-- e lids i;-- e::te! ri e and ot:;i..i? the

:ealier - t ' ' thi- - Jrt. It has j.;r e. .ni-Ict-

ln-t-- vharf f in 1 th. withtwcnty-f'.i.- ir -t f water a I e, at an -e

of s rine twenty th'-u-an- d- - . It of the fi.f-- t n. t sa'-tar.- iial j that

have ever sfi-- ki at y - .rt in the W'.-rlJ- .

New y..ik tan n- - ne wl-i- - h will e .:n-J't- re

with .ur l:e.-- -- tealn'".;it wharf. W'en.e.vwait till it shall he oc-tu- j inl hy theste;iiijer- - f-- r vvhica it was huilt, an.l tru-- tthat tiav is nut liir.'ti".

The oerla:.i teh-ra- j h annwiinees that theliitei tates I'.st4iaster ci.eial Las ai crti.-t-- d

r hid-f-- r tv.rryiijr ti.e mail ia ntiay1 au i duli:. It i iiiid.-- i '-I

that the service i- - t. eniiina-- Iatr ti.anJanuary 1, l.V , 'u if the vessels aie rnlv.

an carh date ihr it- - . iiiii-i-

j a' hc a heni-etiic-i.- t. f.r ti e jr;..l of s;x;y , ini lie or more new spit er pu..i:.-!.-e I sn tie c.n.-- s ...t

- Vork. lee-ton- , fiiila-it-i-j i.i.i, and Sia Fr:.nci-..-- o,

f-- r steil.i-h:- ti ; e . t - a theI"'rt ''f fi 1,1 Francis.-:- , in tiie I'nitel State- -, an 1 tiie

- n ci n.-ti- ' iaiu, iu ae in i lcli r y U:e .lisof Fne f ri:- -t el-i- .a aii-ia- rith'y i se

n. e of t !e-- s tain in--

no- - and -- athe'ant i:;i;.iic-- to ei i'. natwenty..', ar trips r hi.aura Wtween nil

rt- -, aa cntrt--t with the lOwet ii-- ii ieI i 1 l.r - ii 1 r a term of ti- -t m thinteu years, to c miae ce the w!i.-- the Srst

--t t:.e pny-f- -i nne sr. at, n m the- , ,, . ; ..... ; i- 1 . i....: - - - '".Prori-- . Th-t- t no id -- h ill fe eoi.--.ler-- wi.-.a- .

shall amount to more than i.e hun-lre- ti.ou-i- n l

Mi irs f.r the ar trips jer annuia,r.'-- unh tiie sirne - from a citizen r citi.-n- s ..fthe United a 1 ir.iel hy an . t--r ofpl an 1 -.- u.-tie- ( ii. eitien- - of the I nite 1

i fOr ti.e faith! j4 rra tM-- f - i ;h iiTri. t.oi al'. At: 1 it i irtii.-- ei; cf. That :.nv

c. t.T.i. t v i.l. i, the P s'ii, 'eiier.t nriv ex.i-utv- ,

:. -r an;.' rity ..f tS- - a.-t-. r . oli-.- -t on ..-- Is

:' the j.r-- t d iy : .T inu..ry. i'ht.--n l.un lrd::!i I 'ixty-ei-'n- t. aa-- iii a i ii-- ;. ii to ti.e u-- .i

: - '1 i it I. - , .t Ii...:: :ji c. ntri. -, ro- -ti that tiie :u- - opt-- 1 i he -- ;.aiit.- - ! t t:.e -t'-r- . t.. at. I a:;- -r ajI rrot--1 tii.i.!a, w:-- !i .!! ti.e :!;;pr.-.ea..-nt--

lt- - t.- -l to . i. ;nj .teitti-h'p- -i of th Mr- -t ciiss,an l sh ill r e -- a' in t t. in-1- -1 n at. 1 irvf-- l,v un

' i' I.a4 ai c to - iutao.-- i f..r"th .tpart- - --e Ly ti,e Si-- ury i.f the N ivy, wh' se rt-'.- - rtsi. 4.1 t.. ti.e .. -- !.::..-:'.- That the IV 'oe;- - of the l.'i;f-- d . '.it's o...i! I e entitle 1 tohue tr.ia-;- . rtil, fit-eo- f ctr'-:,-- , on each everv?t.-:i,-- r, a t.--

. t:;e eharge ' I and arranirethe r.i i.l matter, to w . m -- aitai ic . j arj-.-e -- hail I el. lint in of f,.tire to je-rf-

. rrn any it.-.- v trips-- 'l liar. 1 tor in the a rr. rr 1 dohj.-.-t:..,-

ta- , I... t; . ... i:.j. 11. , n t of If i h . i.htt. I tr.;. or tips. Tint -- a';..- ;.- - f.:,.. ant

may ir :;. f, .r .J.-- iv- - an 1

- r t;,r-- p i t .it, - f i.- -.

-- . i. e. :,n 1 th it the I!' -- tr:, - r ",.!,. ii h iv- ti,. - r to determine

-- , ia ir, i.-- i h t; -- ! !.. a;,;,

rin.' o. !" 111 if

: 1 1 J

.it 1.. t- -V If..- -

tri- - of, a...) x- -t m j. h ! the .r.a. ..i iu.u an.l Will hr aCif ted. I he J. .linWin Is a C"I V uf theof

intr-fiueo- l lbo l.v II. .n. D. CWepve the detail of thi- - v. va-- as full . .i - ." 1 I.uer. t., wlnui 4L-ar- no'iiruhii --aii..i.s h.r it :

-i i- -, m ..r h r that nir read- - r- - .'.raw n- . .A DlLL Al'TUa:i TUE LsT.4ilLIsliMi.NT if WKtxt.air..wn in- - r. n.- -s fr-.- the J.,ot- - --.,,jr rE.Kymtr .luvlt E the LmtcIi,

e ha-- - e. .nt- - i 1 all ahiii that this new st.-a- Sjxtks am theline W..11M h..- u:..,r hv sehvun.: the r..ute De it enaciel hy t :e and H...u-- e of IU-- f re- -

seiitativcs i the I nite 1 -- :.iTe-of i.--; . i An.c. in 4 on- -4.aH .n.,,.l in j to a n.,re lUt...,.. :,.!u,k-i- , the VwUu:l....r t;,,- - U--,

n-. e-- p i ia'ay on the out ward trip t China, an 1 he is here1 v, am.i.i i2el t.. in . i;e li ii- -, r.v:

111 Inake

iit-.i- eno noutward trip--, h-- r

th- -th- -

--5th the

... .1.1.1. an l..r.

thetl:e attain-- 1.

she ran"th.-- that w-li- t

ii -- 1 .ur11

jc'--i- n

ti th- -

i- - t.h- -hania j ..n

ti.e '--i

a ln--el.ali-t.i- l, site


our11 r.'k. nj,

a the r.pie-.- ,

I c-e l Frm,;k .'.iti

!.,!,n .,n) t;.


and ar iiftv. stealii-hi- j- 111


i- -

r. travel




i. a







c a


amal.ili'-cn- t



r.M.cise.i 1

n.jt e


1 t. re-- j.


-- u::ieici.lsra-.- -





j-- !...:! !,.




tl. ' ; : i 71 -- :. A- - w

.i. "ujii-t- " ii iv

.... ,i-- I .1 : I": : uri-- i 4- -

; -

; ;.: - t.:

w III (:.- -.

i i.t - it a xiViZ.j I: t -t r.r r :r.

We ::rT-rs-4-- l t- - rn tha1 r. u: ir.v 1X.

o :.:- -i . r t; ::t t:.fy .-.

r-- t:.:- - j.-r- : n t;v tra;;or i: i In tiJ.-- c.t; VV.H-- II

lujw t iu:-- n two ttsi.w"-- ('f r--'..-- ii

than 1.h t.;ti-- ) t... ave t --i, n .w

Mt-""- k- after t:.v C ..i:. w--- -t .- -. V.'e u.i thus:.i a:i ' ;

;.ii. f. ar.-- i vi-'- y f ; :: f-- this j. rtrj .vrn ;!,-- . 1: i- - t.--- t : ai: - that

- :! Ii-i- -: i: itL.r arrant u.out n-..-y !. a ut

iructicaMv. aiil it w. ulJ ' he 'i.o 1 .t iO

Tr.:e li-- xy jiirtit- - t . .

:;not rtr;:jrit!v line ".w, :i tr.e tw p rt-- -

r siuu i.ati:t-- i : l. they will j : .1

--t' !r;air. th- - o rrr.ut.

V.'"' As-oi'F- Frisi one of cur Atistra-11- a

exchnrres we extract the f.l.-- . tr'z : it eta :

C. W. lite pty clerk :r. the Goverei2.tHii'irsv ai i in the r

f "w-- i.---I on rv.Tu.Miv It, in tx.r.e--wh'.oa cnr.uence t -- . u:e aea-.-ier-e- ar.'.:--t.t-

- m-.r- e cl x-i- exiai:noi. jivwel t;;at tn.ia Ju1 4 r.i - ( 1 f t I i.--t Terr. i..vloer ii11.""' f t.uM:c nior.ey?. The rcatter i flace-- i in the hit. f the hu toiu:.!that leit 5y.icey on Fr'iUay cijrht. an--i twkK; riA-- e next daf I'.r'Sia Franc-c- o rr schxer.......:,..r i"v : li

--rve Hon- - lu-- u lastar-v- centleatis arr;vc-- l at...j t. :n ;ve irooi.'iiii. which is

cow in ar.-- l leaving her t.;,k pa.-j-e in the tark -- 1 .1. Eldruie f.-- rviaFrar.o:--:- o. He retres-?r.Te- 'l himself while here as a

inhittry m earc.i or , r..j..-ynem-, mi

fia-It- i which here, he hurried on to in t rar.e:sx.His Ex-- C. C. Harris wiU thai have an opj-.i-tan-

to lx-ni- aeiU-iict.-l with a rej utc--i

New Api-irtET-- . By the Government Gaztitewe that Lr. J. M ft Smith and Mr. G.-lfr-

F.h -- ies have ajrolr.u-- I as meuih-c-i--s of theI'rivy

Wimlow Jla lop Salt'.4 I.I. MZK4-FR- KM TO 30,40-.- T

.--J tr.e ry i trt fijur. t r tr ir -L. L. loUUERT.

oTif.i:.MR.THfl S CRtl-- s is V U TIIOR.

iarir c n.y a fr Hi . ki- ra.K. NtWcoMB.

. OTIC" 51.

AS IT 1- - MV INTKNTIOX TO I.F.AVEi :t Kir.r! a in :ve I'. C. MI Tit AY. 1 c--il

or-.-n I ir- - r. ! b --u I -- tl 'o res-rt- .: tbeir cl;i--t- .an 1 .'. - r- -- o"iz.r in: U. sei ir t. rtr.-.:ri-



6t rOLLKs Co.

CLEAN WAXES.niTKM 1)1 tl'MR tl-.- M FILTERS TOE to V,:-- v W;- - r t'.r SjI- - .v

C l;i:h EH CO.

Stoves. Stoves.4 X A SSOST.M E. I' OFIiKsr PATTERNS

-- A off'ookin-- - Stove., for Families.

;:! are. ;". .ir l t. iiUHUT. C.Norway Shapes.

nV 3-- S. 3- -4 BV -2. 3.1 BV 3-- S.

byC. BKtU'ER i CO.


Sl--J I.i.-- I.a.-::..- -. Ccr.e.-r- WaiTot,.

ry tilci-i-r W .r.4.--3 ia. s . C. ;:REt EK t Co.


metal inLKVOMETE, i LLT LOMJ...O iiSiO.- C UULi-A- J. T et by i; f r- - t- -

.OCJjJ.VJCJVC h.MlES."05 -- ta F.r S.'.e y C. LKhWEF. 4- - Co.


i'5 F r Sai by C. I:KL KI'. 4 Co.

J. H. VVIC.CE,Cal3inet IMaker!

iLiLH r(;f.-- I P:, W 71.- -. TUkaI fcK.Farijilurc xn-- ! m.: a r. tl ir . 5c. S It

Have Just Received,


I !: --? Tr..:.l:,- .c:...i a. u I e I' .ii. n. Ci.e '.aiitj ;lt.i:-:-r.- t i: - s:.-7-- . -- .. :o a;, i 1jij ;

: h- - i L 1, -- : . 7j i jo;r.i;- I e L;:..-- a:.a C

Lac-- ana Musari turu.i.s..Tine Fancy Prints, Fink Prints,

rir.n .t,..i ;.;..,-.- . 7". .

l.Cr F, I INK, LLCK AND nilEI-.- CIIMU!IAY5,(i i ii s hu us, .rti.I c .l

r.Urk F. ir.b r:.,- -. Lla-.-- A:...-.c-

L:.vck tvo;i;i. si10--4 Vr,.i 5,

J- - ;.:"s PuiJ si.aa:.-.b t ra e. Wat-- r I'r- - f T.-.-!,

.; s I. ;.. ;, I; m S;..rt4.It iii's K. i .i:t.liiue 1 !.,r.i.-- l.S r,.ic . i.voT.- i. F vr.ry Lir--:iOr ii. fr n aa Vjol llama -- 4.5,

' te 41...,,.,.... La.-e- ,

silk Cravat'. M l air l.r.. I.o-- :,t t'i:- k r.i

l;u'k ' Oi'.T..ti- r.i. I;.- hi. ,i j ",.. a- -t i :

li-- i'- - C.'tb.u i h .e,La lie aa ! Mi-- - -' W.'.'.t- - --tt a 11.

: a- - .1 s k I 11.' r- - ' I s. k,1,-i- . y W ... shir:?.LjCe 4 ;i?. L a- - -- . .

r.;.a!:.- -: 1 I h-- -- t rj.;a'.:tr11---

ur -- l Er srr-i-- 1 luc. f r t ; - ri, t. c . & :. It

kSoilC-o- i Ws.iilc-iS- .


ANIMAL BONES IAt the Ifnte of Seven Doll ars per Ton,

on the Wharf ir. H m ici-i- .

Em II. II AC KF EL I & C.ITe-t- Golden Gate Extra Flotir,

w7oit siiii: uv- - 't 1. 1: 4!:ti.ETT.

Fresh Graham ana EuckwLeat Floui",--loll SALE litI I B.RTI.ETT.

Fresh California Cheese.s i.k ft vFOR t I. I-


Fresh California Eaccn."T'Oll SALE BV

io- - . I EAI'.TI.l-T- T.

Fresh California Snicked EeeShS 4 I.E UVPOli I. I: AKTi.f IT.

Fresh California Codnshs l.K uvIttll I.

Fresh California Onions.wivm S LE BV

s -i I. LAI.TI.ETT.

Fresh Cranberries.-- fjR M LE BV


Fresh Table Fruits and Vegetables.OR S LE B VF iA i.t I. EAUTLETT.

Fresh California Hams,.ton s.vLE BV


Fresh Saloon Eread.."OR SALE BV

ieo :i I. EARTLETT.

Fresh Crackers and Cakes, in Tins,S LE B V



ie-- ... I I: lliTLETT.

Fiesii Raisins, iu v.'liole, half and qr. boxes,f,IOU s l.K 5V


t , . t r It wa-- - ye-te- rl y J"

r ..... . .- - tt,e c. rter." thut thj riet. r

re.1 1 . . : revti.i.y r a

t:Ml: i .V . V'.ip r.'. Tfein i r.i.---- -.-- - .Irx-ic- h l t the10 sell, iit - - if ":i - 1U.U r u. natives, lfc "x-- 1 -

thit HcLse tS hvl1 the Interiorri;.,ti,n f.r tti rcr.ewI--re.u--


1 rt'v the str.r..-hr..-.t wt

..rler a M iii-t- er 1 ui-K- -n 11. 1

ri-- . r. T"i.e I ct n.:::! hve ira 1.1 --.that tivt . - ? 1.

rractu-- of vi ltin - the '-

-4 w air. - n.itive. t ut that th f ttaU;.h- -

wn!.fcei:'i-- t all. have tne ?.ire.Th-- -' rt-- e,.t M n:.-t- T --f the l!.tvn--r- . vr.

trench rf thi ursl ha--- frv.uer.tlran.iii-v;- a

bn-u-rh- t-- ?hull

ii 1


- VISITKS I..4RER PHOTO-;-i-:.CARTF C.'fViiX i4 ...-- .' firf 1

a&d C3etRetaecfci.-i- S aoi-- e .a JJ;r'AI P : cfVmirr. ''""kamT1

IIaleUaln. otrrI.-i-i-oe- .i theliAMlliA, t:.. At:.

It the t.aiirrv n Fort Street.H. U CHASE.

p Hi'-r- p3rofca-K-- i ti Poi--r;t Neatie Mr.

WJ". e e- - r 1 by th-- t rf-r-t- of

SSs L -- -f f e ...g-e- .

iicCAMi.r:8.s a: co.II AVE RECEIVED

Per 1 . O. 3Iurray IVUAKTEK SACKi


llan.4 rsl B.ic cU4v..i.ei

itu-.k- l Beef.eajoked Ilerric.

fjreen Apples, bsJocn ureaa. i resa trackersOreoa

Or c a Vr'.fS App-s- ,


Caulr & C.j.'i T.tle Fruit lWch- -.; A. Co." Table Fralt Apjle

for ilia Cream CIieec.Weca's Frt-f- Coe Oyer.

Caiilniia"llc.j. Oarmeal.W heat Meal, Oil aal Bran.

JAPAN TEA in 1 lb. pajfr and in talk.

COMET TEA, BASKET TEA,Zar.te ".'urrart. Til ice.

? rJ's Cum ?:arch.JUrl U.---t.

CoiiJer.fe-- I y.VV.

tU. Lr-a- f Lard.

On Hand.Carl Mitche.Er;;!-.-- 1'iiki- -s ai:d I'ie FrsH".Kr;;l:-- h iTter. McM urraj' Oy.ters,Ii. Ii. t.tvstrr. Fail's 'Ji:er,L..'.s.er4, Clam-- .

isri.u-r4- . Vtiut Pu irr.F 1 arii Pea. Syrup Ci.I- -r Vltv-pa- r.

W bite ioe Via-g- ar, Kisberry Vue-xi-

Oi.ri..n5 in gajlocj jr?- - K...n-i- .

Macaroni, Vennio-a- Er.--l.- ;li Jami, JcLiei,Le 4Perrirj' Sauc--

E- -t Wi.iie Eeanf. ll

Janion, Green & Rhodes,C oiS.Sll issioil l?lcicltsilli.

Virtria, Vaaeouver'a lalaard.N. D. Paniciilar tu cot4:fcrinier;tJ of ar. 1 .rich

IiNnlAictc-ria- . V. I.. January 1. lVa 513-l- y

LOWE, BROTHERS,Coilllll i.i.BOI1 Hie VCll Stt SI tS- -


HE I Kit To--Th Ho-- r. " Kx . C . ...Victoria. V. I.M.?-- r I'inl. 'i.sri .v C '... ....... Sin Francisco.Mr.Jij I. Kw:trt... .....llnc-.- u.

5: Ir


Slustard. KTastard Oil and Pepper Sauce !

Factory SOU Bawt-ry-. Nrw Vork.Nt-i- r Kiv:-,..t-- S:rert- - 3ao

J. O. EAN.X. r T. rrxi-:r.A-

E. . rX.-i- w. H.

Hl.NsCO.lI & Co.,

JElsim Ii-oi- s Vorlcs !

S.utheast corner Fremont anl Tehama Streets,SAX F'.vANCI.-C-

Practical Slactinists and Iron Founders,MAMFACTIP.E

STEAM ENCINES!Quartz Mill Ma.hiuer) cf all kind-- . Saw .Mills


mm:aus imfcovhd sulf aimistig risToxPA(k!t;.

N- x exTen-v-!.- T o- - 1 in the lt ar--1 in chi Rt-qu:-

l.- -- 4ir.i;i or screws; : aiiay -- le .la-t;!.- --r.tboa:exee-O- e n. :.n-.- :.ever fivak ,.r

IIAXSCOM'S ( KI SIIKR.The h- -t ' I- .- i ia a- - 1! is r a el?".

AM A LJ A M 4 Toil; AND I i.'NC ENTIl ATi 'isJOf ai! ki- - ls Turr-i-h- v, Order.

Tyler's Improved Water Wheel.JiTinir (ire.-- a: V-r- -r est, tr.aa a-- .y wi.!inuj--.

,! ; r . f o- -r 1 :ru'aj i:,i a j u;'. t .1..-- . .

A'.. V. to iOe t:.e as ss--t or thew.'.i .- r.t .r. i..ii.

s - ! vrff-4- t!.I C ti.e- PEXL'EI.GAsT WHITE IRoX STAMP sliOL im Wli."

S"..i - c- -r L.:r- .- uri:-- -? oi .! fr- - m u. Eet-r- e I

la.1-- 1 i i ni. r v . ki. e Jurrn-br- -i us ati.ii-- 1 i lk.rt.iovr :;-- :. li- n c r n Lirasir...;n. ;:ic:.i.:i. f u.acb ab.c'i m l inaae to .ra--- The( air a 1 ..' -.- .:(-. Zi 3ra

Benkertfs Philadelphia Boots !


i:i.y:nJ, ISoots :ALsO. A FEW IZEX

Ken's "White and Grey Jlerino Socks !

A: the M- n .fM. M'INEUXY. on Iterrtaiiia St.

ri:swooi 3,H --iii55:s: :Ex HILTON BADGER.


"jOff-- BO V It.IS. I INCH;PI.AyF.n COJR!S. ax-h-


TOyGCETJ .1M) GROOI t:n SIDISO. 1 i.,.h:

5L'.VG. ; iuc!.; i kOOT PICKETS.u 1:: r ' r SsJe l.r L. L. T JRI E11T.

Notice.OlTitr of H. II. I.s (tiniaii i icrraud (i.r.-- nl (.rueral.

Hon .Aj ra 5. Is, T.

AUK AT I II E PRESENTir y r- - f iliir.-- -- -' c nr.: ijr..e-- i

r ::T ! - i;:, .;. f ;: .iy ar-- : a ; t 1I r i t v,- - s.O. f tbe ST. t.ti'K i.i ".K" ol.KN s 11. ii i V. a m I . ' 1 ill. tb- - ir - it- -- . n.f ir 1:. A: t.! :., ., - - ....

..Mr I" I. ii ,'IiN. t.r Tr. r..l4Mis li AY Ui.'.illi'.ivK.II. V.. ."n C :.!:: i' ! (' r -- 1 OiD- - ral, Presal-r-- t.

Ttl-- vt ClI4-'c- :- j : av -s --r --v 1 3 z

aJAclio-- ' rxnts :At --Mrs. BLACK'S,

l"ort stfret.

i . v 1 : ts,ON" AND AFTER THIS BATE. THE PRICEf ti.e

Coirimercial --iVclvertissor! Dr.

FIFTEEN CENTSPer Sir .:!e l.'i.t v. or

SIX I O I, li A K s A V II A It .; , U r.-e.vr.-I a: 10 ce:,

March 2 li'7.


,Kona Packet 'U M 4i. I! 4NT,,Will Eb Ereiarl b!fca tiii rrt aax 1

F t T j U to. Ci-41-

i4 ug

Hilo and Honolulu.

ZX Xlie Schooner Tar- -W i.l m4 Kiiu Tr --4 Urtveen y(t '

VO. Oi.lLU Dili KCT. ai;L. L. ntlEST, Amt .

J II. CJXKV, I! 'a.

For Elaiin. .11 aui.The Sloop HOKULELEjH i wi rsp.-.rr'- to V t c'rt j,.

Touchinfr at MOLdKAI nod L.Xji.u u Txjr a.r.

F- -r f-- iO.t or I J to I. FurTlB 4 CCeCAFIAlN isiwl. " m


For Lahaiua aiid Makee'i LandingThe Fivr, staj.vh CLfper

2S; Schooner 1-Cat-e T. eFOUNTAIN', Kan-e- r.

W-.l- rns rerular?y l on tr, Vt Ier iht or j to H e ia:r n f.j-- j ta"

St!6!n C.bKtWtEkC .jFor Hara, Kaapo ard Slaliko.

't- - Schr. faniiokaw,MAHLIiAM, lla,:tr-.- .

WHl ran repslarlj. Ftr or jr ar.n.. to6ta C. BktiW KR a Co..

RFfil'LAIl PACKET FORHonoipu and Kohala Plantation.

2L The Fine Schooner KOHALaC. liuWARI. -- !

WiU run r'jtlir'y on O.e a,rt r.vt'f.For fre:)-- h or r- r).iy to t!v Ma'tr c

IC-- i 3m it to CASTLE 4-- CtXiKE, af-n- tj.

IIwiAvsiiiaii I;i kt't Linefvltt

SAX FRANCISCO!The A 1 Clif.p-- r tark

D. C. Murray!X. T. EEXXETT.

I--a frcn ?n Frricic. ia a!i this --rek, and will han im."MiA-- e disr-itc-- f T the V.r tar? a rradj a j.,of her can ar--1 a ton,Vr of tae-ip-- r encirej.

--F'Jr frriht cr pas.xe, haiiif sujver:ir Kcaoia-rOiIaii.i-

caSin an l cteerige jjij--i-r-.- r, aj pry to-- 6T Si WALKER k ALLEX.

"FORIVcw BcciroiMl Direct!CHASLES BREWER & Co's LIS2.

JS 3T--' UTt 1 1TST-J- Gr O 11T" ioov.

The Fine Am-nc- an tTl f per


9uj0 Barrels Caj-acit- I tK,r to Cargo.

Oil and Bone and General Kercliandise,TaKX 11 rni L-- wisT Bares.

CASH aDVAXCES WILL BE MADE!Thia Tess-e- l !i I l by a Baa of expehenc il

Carryioi O.i: w..l be tt.wcii by ca.i-cCc- tt istef eiiv-n- ta4Le every

For Wetting Oil;TLe a'.re lir.e bavin? a rvpetatica foe rartfal

e ajel Jriivtry of Carrt io uj-ri- t,r

noiirit the ct Misters of Wliakahi;.For Freight or l"a4ai rT u

C. LKEWER Ir C---v .iar4:t M tviirf, Ucooiala.

ROUND RUBEER PACKING!POR STEAM EXCIXES. 1. 1- -2 mm Mm. inrb; --rarrax:el of e qaaii-y- .

i.--r s.l Uaa Price bTll la ToRBCTT.


li anl U Inch.UAiVL. ri-- i'l4AR,

3 loch.IIARI. I'IXE

lii:hT0.n ARD FIXE FUXiLIScJ,li ir-e- arfared.


Tc .a!e fy&s m L. I-- .. TORHERT.


4mH 1 i 6 it L. U for.BEEr.


J70R sLE BV3 L-- L. ToKLSiHT.

1 111 port;: tit.IARTIES H.IVIxi7"iClHV.OR fOPIF.S. :!el -- Tlli. IioN-iL- LL MIKliiiK,"m i,.c tn .i:p. of 11 e saa.e ,:l EiiJ a c st ner by anat ihe i;IcU.E f

ho I II. M. W IIIT-VE-

Koi f.u ::i:uooi)i;o Ki)S


Redwood Lumber, Northwest Boards andScantling--,

S.::.. S!.'. .,...,. 7'.,;...'.,-- - .c.For Sale Low. at mv 1 lid suad tiie


r. v. wood. Fso:-- r Europe,A X I


a x n

Toilet Articles!In Grid Variety,

and mo rut: tikt nrj.T nasi factobiu.Ail ef whirl! are new itHfrrd f th PnUiir.

Th( Fvlh xuny art a fur th" tnaiy Arlk.'tiR'ftirnf ;

Seijieirj r. a . fcreri. r:ToOnI P..w.;-r- .; Erf tn salt, in .;

S r.c- - . f a"! I inHenry s Ma.i.ri a.


i.-..- :.. ' ial Trie be,s svrnp,i .u; i

Htiria-- a. 01.. si.K.n.T:. .ra 4 I.vr.L-:- ,'.ra:-:.iKr- rc Me.:kite--

.rifer.rrf Eve I. :,.ki.Fr-n- -;, Ki eiiiiiaix- -

S:irerXiht Lic!;. iurJ u ,.o

Ciira-.- i Macr-ii- i. ,.. C- '. .eMJ- 1- ri T rm--- ,.

I'-- IVftier.Ha.r Era-- - es an 1 IVw Jr.Ciaa':..Ast. rt.-i- l T Oi

i. lira-ht- s,

En.i t.e. : r cb-a- n c? !r svs, etcSpa---

Uambiirg Tea. etc , etc.


ATWOOD S QUININE TONIC EITTERS!The B-- t Ar.mat.c T ne Ev- -r vllti-e- tu ti.e Puba-- . AuJ

by the McJ.i-a- . Facuay tar itsMt.Lciiia: CviialiUiS.

S. T. Ford's Celebrated tlTIIlUTIf TILLS.'

MaJe AcooiO.ire to hi


Xew frvMjt the r.



7 '


Page 3: THE PACIFIC PilCiriC SUbcilistr r 'mmrmsmm A...the magician, liolls l'..r:h aii.l coutinues to ilehght aii'l my-ti-fy tlie uu liem; with his new nml mysteri--j o:ts i?iv;.?;..!i. Tlx


Promissory Note for Sale !

VlK'tion. J


r itr ler i f J. II. Th'.mi.n and the 'if th Ftale of '

Walker. Alien A Co., will he sold at I'uhlic Auction. :


SATURDAY, the 13th day cf April,At 11 0'cl'x.k. A. M.. ii

'T the leifhct buM-- r. at the Auction R..m of C. 3. B VKTOW,

on ijueen sin-- , l. f

.1 T'i i 'iS'rj .Yof. if trhlrh t '.''""'yf i r,-''j- :

" Il ...Lrtr. July 17. IStVI.m ax months after date, for salue rc.iv...l. I pnanise Pi pay

I . the order ol Uf, Al!-- n & Co.. the iuu cf five lh'.ivat.d. .. .Kl. 1 I......I Bilk ar...-...- .- - i

T M KT'.'ALF.-- By hi A'tn,n--j in out., ALLIES A CO.l.n.l-r-- -d hy Wat. Aitrs s Co."

The note i held as Collateral --cari'y f'r the paymiiti.f ii r-i- f vfr.l l'r'Uisrjr Note of iu P lUirs

;x-ru- t'l by Walker, Alien 4 Co. in far of J. ii.Ih'.o-- i ii- -

Sale of tlioI.AIIAI.VA Sl'f-AI- S TlIIa.Urt:c. !

at run L1C AUCTION.!

In with n r ml tM Cth day of March. .

A l. lv.7. by the II .n. Kr. O. DAVIS, Jo txrol..u-.'tu- Court, co a prtitwm m'l" PKIir.K sATHLK .

hwia. Jf ". Asi1-'- f he M'irtiir-.- ei.f'.iw-rtr- . : ici-- r kcfiib

jut Waicca, Aulkb tt Co , we will


SATURDAY, the 13th Day of April Next,At 12 0'ckk. M.,


X I ( Mrl !!- - Ir, iw llou.Uia,TO TIIK lll'illlr hillKU Hll CASH,

The Lahaina Susar Mill, i

Pilualnl In Luliaina, 1- -1 in l tX Maui.with Ih? I. A Mil upon which the umew ituatMl.

an.ltf.e lil-t- . I.w, Marl.inrry. Knniiliir- - an I apunrn-aiw--- 1

t lu-- - - r in any i aci-- rtaiiiiiitf.11. II Al'KKr LD t '.,

AttriM--t for Fe.W falliT.C. C. IIAKKI.S

Att'.rii- - U Allmoul kj. u Aif. K. hLMI'iC

of Hie ff of WalkT. Allen Co.

ON TUESDAY, APRIL 2G,At lO oVI.jTk, A- - M . At Sah Kootn,

I hi :

M ft rV TTrtTTT linnrie?ill! HbUikiUCilb Ul 11CH UUUIW, :

Cu3ntin f

Bnu Coft'ioi,;rouil Cl..lh!, Fine Cajini re Suits.

lhau an.1 Shoes.

asp a i.i.'Tr of oTur.n autk les.

OF '



v-- TIIK IGKKH OK TIIK KS--ltV. of W .U-- r. A. leu Co. wi.l cll.r lor sale at t"

Ll-- l BLIC ALcriON,

Ca Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1837, '

l th' l'vio:-- . tit 11 o'clorit, nKil.,

T!. (IrvoiLix itl lL- - 1 1 11 fl II I II I II

At r nt oeo.irJ l.y fAMllLC. ALLX.Kn. A

An-- I rtrin-l- lr-it-- to s reet. The ri- - 'S ofahoat t ihinU an ai-r- ami has a I ami sulis'aolial

lr;i;ug Unas and Ont-knlld- in Ihrrrim,TV wh.rfe .riuiii( a ilesirahh! family r si.lence. TKIlMd AT

'Vfurtherrar, ular, ri. v. Atrix.

iort U Ass im. es of the F. slate of W aUer. All'n Co.

For Sale nt A tit I ion,One-seven- th of Lihue Plantation.. w i i.i. nn MM t pi; m to

tl"cro. In Ir..l tlC.Hrt 1I.iO-h-- , m .v. "r ii o.."."i",

Oa Tuesday, the 30th day of April next,W


The I'jitirf Intrrr-- t Uni One laiii'lilfj Sevrntk

parir J. S. Halkf r and S. 1. Allen,


LIHUE SUCAR PLANTATION, tties,t.,.itr. In the lurM.t of 1'una, on the liUnd of Kauai,

W.tU th r:-j'-l- . ,l nyi,-t-. ume.t to tU

.S.le ht'lill'j'lllj. inri'

AI L LtM, tl ILUntS CAIiTS. IH.UM', CATTLI,M'j-Ls- , hu::if.ry

Ami other IV perty tt the s.inie helonitinfr.

TVr-- ar-- i- - thU I'tin-atio- a ahont 2.41)0 a rr of .I.owne.1in fee tmoxe. of wl.i. i ao-- ut arr-- s are Canr LanJ. ami j

aooat Ir. m IJi l- - 1' acres can he cultivate! ami l

oisio of W Ieach year. Ttre are a!. aW..ut a.-r- s

an-- t Lol. Tl.e rr .. f--r the ,.re i.t ye:.r is e- -t m itr.l Iat t .l.s "f ."u:ar. th .t ma le from e ar.aj.i.l oil

of aWn I a.ts -- It" 1 1' eus..tW.s Th- - i.est rr nt Ca-- - a.,.l 1 HI a.Te. of KattiHis on the plantation, ami t On

'A of llattoofia l. -r '"'vrns ..f HU.t Cai au.l acrra'

well f.irni-il.e- with II .cses. Oien, Carts, Tools. AllIll U niei.t.. Jtc..

Stock ofMerhcandise in the Store hy

I uluft ut alout "dA lli:UI F f.VTTLK. Nuinberlnc

ltbUt 5IM head.. ISKNBKKH. Ksj , atF,., (rl,-- r r.rM-- il .rs ....oi.or f I'.

Li i ... :l theTf.KVl A T S.VI.F-- J- - V TT ' mei;. k. i;l.-il-ol.

amiAssignees of Kstale of Walk.r. Allen X t O.


A lniini.tratur of tlie r state of A. IK., lim' r S ,le

AT X I" IS KT I'KIt i: OF s too Kou co.r.In fr'Wit of the Colte-Moc- 's OtTu--e in II il .

On Saturday, the 11th day of May!At 10 O'ci'vW, A- -

A Certain Tract of Land Situated in"Waiakea, Hilo,

f,..;,, .,f -,I- --' lF.S. more or hs. b.hrt.Kinr

tl tlie I .t ire of 1 V I'tTISr.r p rtulos,.' y to W. II- - r.T.t. IUU,. On. . J. II. CiiNKV. Amtioiieitr.

.a. ui


The Ila:iii:i Sle.anitrI. .

mm J. XJ TZS25L X X-- ,117 Ton Itrsis'fr, 2

IX ist Ol!tt!l, AND KI.ADV 1"11 SKA, li

Is now OiTered For Sale on Reasonable .1

Terms.I' .li.l f..r hef. rs th-t'- .h diy of May on which Jatefie ill he iroo. i.i- - -

f..r InrtVr particulars i Vf that


C'tiio)olit:iu CoIIre Saloon,


ir fttM KD l"I.R VI I I K. $i. So Zta

HONOLULU FEMALE ACADEMY,Kuh aiiihno. Ilonololn.

flillis IXSTITI'TIOX. NKAIt TIIK KA-- 1W VI Vli AO t ill KCI1, iiww

Oprnn! for Boarders & Day ScholarsiN?rp.icnos WILL lit OIVF-- IX

Eoth the Hawaiian and English Languages.F.v-- ry a:re.tu.n t a. l to the intellectual culture and

J me-t- .e education of th pupils, and escially to their cmraltraining.

TKRMH. r Yrar, I'nysible iiamrierly IF r Boarders a: the ?:'n: TaMe 09T'.t Hoarders at thcTeichers Tahle. 1"

RF.FEKKNCKi:M. I ".n th. t. I. I 'Cct. .. Corwin,Kct. . c. I Kct. II. II. I' .rker.

lr..s! fit VV. I. Alexander.Plotter ii,f,rm it.un ir.cnuire at ihe 1 1 H.tution, or cf I r .

(I H Ol I ICk'. '

CL 1 J CT O Kyg. tvirakaatcys. J2mmiZ


At 10 O'clock. A. M..WILL I'.K BOL'J A LAKGf. A SO UT M F. N T OK

Doiralile ('o.uK, per La It Arrivals,km nr. vcinq

Dry Goods, Groceries, Saddlery and ProduceC'!iiititi; of

Prif ts, Iei.lni. AV-cca- Mer-n-s- Chur2.Af! shirts. I'nnrii '..t:-- n. Cotton, Irish Linen,C .aloa llaif U e, , , mc.

English bft Pip t rnits and Pitklr., Lnirli-- h Saarf,ToLacc... Havana t'irs. Yeast P..w l. r. Crockery,Cal. : ,ur, l'..taie:s, Cru!i 1 Suj;ir, 4c, 4c.

LAIiGE rALK OFiioi se:hoi,. j ! i!rn 1:1; :


Eiiir.(r: or j. . rii.K.r.K, kq.,Corner of ami Alkca ctreets.

Will he :

ON THURSDAY, APRIL 25th.At 1U O'clo A.

All the Fiirnitii&rcortlic House,f.'Ollt- of

Iiruwiiig R'KHn, liinir, ll'.uj an 1 Chamber Furniture,t rick,ry Ware, fjlas Wan-- ,

PIJ0 FORTE, FXJMLD E.U RJFIXas.One LarKK fninily Carriage Ilurse !

Ah'l 'i V'ir'fhi Ar!ii-!e- .

AlOne Larpr Doable (arrl.i-- r, if nt di-po- cf prior

to Suit.

--A.nctiori.ON SATURDAY, - - - - APRIL 27th,

At 12 o'ehirk, M., at Saks Room, will lie x.M

One Fire Kngine in I'eifect Order,Built in Sua Franciwo. from 7 to 9 inch stroke, 6 inch cylinder,

iih HOSE CJi'.' IUEcHiiiMt.DM; V I It K KM; INK. (Thayer, lknton. maker.) 8

Inch rylimliT. IS im.h lnke, an. I with alight repair can lenia.le (t'"'. with HOSE CARRl.tUE.


By virtue of an or.h r of ale i sunl hy tl e late IIn.H. M. lirt e t!.eSu.nnieCo..rt. I.. J. KAIIAI. A.hi.ii sirator of the of

A Ai I.IK Ul.t. ' m t, late of 11. .ih. lull, ilicrami,I will OQVr l or Salr at Tublir .tnrtion !

At the Court Hou.--v D.r, in Honolulu,

0a TUESDAY, the 30th day of April!At 12oVI ck, M.,


X ZX IP U3. 225. "LX !Siluatetl in llaniakua. iMlani of Hawaii.

II. . SKVKKANCK. Auctioneer.


vVt Auction.X niVFOKMITV WITH .i X OKDK.ll.

naile this 'Xli ! iy of h. A 1. lv,. hy tlie II .u. I

K.-- rt U. I'aifis, .::: J.ilU-- - ( the Sii.n-- r ( oitit, on ft

ami AIIiuoikIof Yokohama. Jaiian. Assignees of the un.rt;:a;re of

the tiehiw rtrileil rofi ny. sanl order iieing maile iu Hie mailerthe K.iiikrui'.ry ol Waikir. Allen .V Co , wc ai.'l.

On Saturday, the 13th day cf April next, i

'AT li O'CLOCK, NooX,

UflTrr fur Salr, at Tu'itlir Auttiou. at the Court Hons'

iluur, in I'ir (it) cf llaoulnla,I

To tU in.jlut P.UUUr, fr CASH,

THE LAHAINA SUCAR MILL,Siinnti il in lihuira, Iiiaml of Maui,

'Toffi-t!i- r with the l.nul iimm hi. h the tame is siluateil, an lthe SiietU. Houses. Machinery. Furniture and A. urleiia. Ces

the same lieloi.fcing or In ao' lie aieTt.iiiniii. Ami

On Saturday, the 20th day of April next, j


will rff. r late at I'ul lic Am ti in, on the Premises of the La-



Sugar li!i Coiuauy. in th town of lathaiua. Island of ;

Maui. U the hiRhrsl ln.l.Kr, lor Cash,

The I'altlr, Ilursrs, Carls, Tools, i

And iither iroe-rt- lieloneinr In the lahaina uirarContf ii , or llu-i- r raiii. VV'alki r, Alien A Co , in

saol iuorii;aic S.-- f"rlh.II. II tCKFKLIi CO ,

Ati. rinu f..r l'eilur Satlier.C. C. IIAKiils.

Alt. ro. v f.r Allmouil tf Uruwer.J. U. At si I ,r. v.. iii.-iio- i-.

Assignees f the of ttilker. AlUn K Co.k. ii. trtxt iv.

S..lie:ti r for Kilate of Tiro. K.i B. dee'd First MortpaRcc.'

frai 4i!


yll.l, 11 K Sll.l AT ll'I.ICJ .trtTiox,V ui uf the C.airt ll..ue i.- -r in li ii..ulu,


Saturday, the 20th Day of April next, i

At 12 O'clock,. VI., '

the right, title ami interest which the of Walker,Allen Jt Co.. hae. lo rcleein a Bwrt.tgn J oripinally given

r. Austin, of the I

Onomea Sugar Plantation !

Wi:h a?l the in'-ri-y cotmccteil with an I tn th

I'Untaiion. an I iy siil VV.iUer. Alien ' , -- itnc. tosecure iie Film of ai-.- iil S.xly Thonn iii--


1 he ri.iniatoHi of aliait o.iaai acr s of lan.l. ofwhich acn are n..w .taiit. l Willi V 'am-- , andsugar 1 ai.e In. on tl.e land. The l oid is "HI Watered ami ;

I .l. il. The M:.l ha a fine wat .otacl.ed thereto,the Vlill LuilUint: arc wilhul halt a uolc ol Uie lamlini;.

Toss ar SaLK.Fi funlM--r jiaiticuiars apply t- -

9. L At'fTis, Iiilo, Hawaii.J. W. AI STIN.c. ii. m.-ii-- if.

6: Assiirnees of the Kstale of W alker. Allen X Co.

The Lands of Kahuku and KeanaKdoi.u i.nt. .i nr.

CA'iTrii: n ne i !in.!:ii:iFor Sale at Auction.F.XKI TTliKS OK TIIK. WILL OK

1 K. C V , Ll-- l I-- wul oil. r f.r sale a. ri ulic .vi crio..Wednesday, the 6th day of May, 1867.


Iu fiot.t of the Court Hou-- e do-- r. in Honolulu,

The Land of Rahul n. rtintainir.g l.iuti acres,

axiThe Land of hrana, eutaii5ii 1..MK) arret.

Situated ill KmiUu!"!, 1Utid of Oahu,Lately the irosrrtjr of Charles O. lo pkin', Ei.

AIo. 3r.U lletid of I'attle,s.ip.r"n Hulls of fine Lrcrtl, 1 Joke of Ox. n. 1.3T3 Sheep and

Kams . f su,.r...r nn e,,

Pic-c- c ol Lami, Mluall'U in',K.M.Iauloa. consi-i- of 21s acn-s- .

Ar.d a.lj tin.vt the 1 m-- l i f V'.ala. k ihar.a. Thc-- c lands are well

s.ot.-- f r ir. aod are ain uj tl.e M .11 the I- -l mil for.ur e. Tin-- Cattle and Shci p are 111 pood Condition.

ior tur-.hc- r particulars ai l iy i1

J. W. AI STIN,C. K. HIsHof,S. N. C Vsl LK.

i of the - rs ..f ihe VV ill ..t K. C. Wytheor C. Hol-KlNS-


1A Tt M i! ah .i.a. O..I1U.

For Toilet Purposes. &c.-- I'HAM'N IJKNl'l NK. I'll K I' A K AT 1 0 S

J t- -r s,le hy the I o h r., 1:11c-!- .

t .hnii Hair tii.-- s or Curium fl nd. :

I s Iri llf T i'i ai d I' mj te Fai.isli' r'.il le.I of. nil's .. ilat..rv 1. w.l-- r. s.i-r- us ha.r in

fire m.i.uos a.':rr .: without ii.j-ir- to the k.ii. '

I ham's Marai hei a. t t the rr. wih ot tl.e i.ear.1

I 'T.'am-- . Or.e Venule Cure, wjrrautc 1 to cure

the w.-i- l ca-- e of t. il.a. t.e in ce bauutf.J ..a..cee Ha.r pi .i'i, oi..y oik- - prep in.

F. rFLl"ER. Acr.t.Fort Stre-- t. hetwren Kin; and St.,

Order, froas the other idainN prompt!) attended to.


Notice. '


Si Irf.uht !r ni the A.lllillns:raior o. i- --'

alea. tl.e f. II. '

KLALAHEWA, in K"h .! I'i'tr ct. f.Tn rly 10 sj. ;

KesauoiH-- l i. .'-'- I l r..;.aiaI .1.:11,: to M- - K- - k el- li !.:.

Ic I ,cw,r, d fr an tr- i..v:i e upon 1 lieAi. are rcyPY,c.

fai IlbWuii

the PAcincCommercial AdvrniMT.

SAIJiJjA V, A PHIL lo.Tin? Iiiic-iicI1iii- c Cri.

ft i- -i a iinf"ul t:i.--k t' 'itil witli : IkuIi-iui- o

Mlbjoet. Avln-r- t!n ili.-itt- r; - i :i

irinir ainl iij.jir'ntly In -' initun. TlioII:iw,iii:in i a ncw-- j :ij- r.

i vhi-'- from wtk to wok fslii'it a mm-- al tur- -

j'itii'if. Mini want T ilwii'-y- , wliicii, to lintli-- !

in of tlie dm'ir.ilizin jiiflu'iirc, rcflo.-- t KtJIy on' tfic rrclit nri'l nari'ling; if the (iovt'inment. It

has so l w, uiiilcr its present ni;niap;' inont,' as to lie nut rinly unrt-liiiM- in many of it.-- state--.

merits, iut unworthy of nij-jirt- . anl wniiM any were it not that some o!.hr;oil to

take it f. r the ake of ai i".irances. This is the' Il r whi-- we aj-- j roaeh as the j hyMcian dx1 ai dix-ar-e- il earesins, lieeauso duty eiiiirels us to deal

with it. .Sueli being its estahlisluil eliaraeter,we are not sarjriMsl to find the following on theeditorial ige of t!ie last laz(tte:

i " But read ng:iin the next sentenee carefully,j

'W!mt is the to pni'i ity that is townnve.1 V The Ministry ! Lid the Ministry jin-- ;tlrtim the new Constitution? You nil know that theKin? him.-e- lf stated that he took the step whieb he

'did take in the convention, without haiug sj.keiij one word to any one on the ul.ject.

Slice the commencement of the present reipn oneMinister has ieeii removel At tth, and another has

' retired, making two out of the four who were inoffice at the lieinninp of the reijrn, vet the Constitu- -.

lion remains u.i it was proclaimeil, the jailiiy of tlie; country remains unchanged; the Ministry, therefore,j in tlie eoiintvtion is nonsense. It" (;1 should remove

all the Mini.-ter-s the Constitution would remain the1 . . .i i ' t ishiiip; nnoiner worn, tnereioie, is 10 oe sujipmsi ior

the word Minir-ter- s in the article jiioted. What'wn I is it that must 1 supplied for Ministers, tomake sense ?

..r i ir w it tlio f u l tlifil there is an v 111:111

' woman, or child in this country who pniys that tiixlmay remove him, under whose authority we are nowliviiijf, and under whose reirn you are liviuir in thefree eiijoymetit 'f jieace and prosjierity '! lies not

i every one loyally pray for him lenjrtli of days ? 1

ask upiin, how long will you countenance mid sup--,

s.rt one who so constantly perverts the truth of his--!tory, misn-present- s your opinions, vilifies those inauthority who are set-kin- to serve your best interests,

j and who vilified the Hawaiian tieople ly wiying thatj they pray that l!o-- l w ill remove the author of the

present Constitution. Say not that such stuff has no .

' fleet. It may have ethvt almiad, though none at' home; ami if it has none abroad, the disposition ofthe man remains the same, lour Ilosoi.i i.r.

The ahove rel'ers to an article on Sutt'ine, .

which niiiicnred in the Atlrt rthtr of the '2-i-d of

; March, and which so Curtis the arguments advane- -'

d are coiicerne-- l t uiiaiisweniMe. The writerquoted, wit'iotit attempting ta Controvert the

j argiuneiits, launches into a strain, wliieli shows '

j him rss4sseil of more spleen than hrains. We; care not to know his name, f r a man who is s' lost to e and shame, as to jervert plain lan- -

! gunge, and cndiiivor to di-a-g thg sovereign of thej land e the public in an odiou. light, as thiswriter does, is unworthy of a name. No one but

i a worthless adventurer, devoid of loyalty or self--

resjicct, eouM ever stoop to an act of such luean- -

i iess. The writer is either u knave or a (ml, andwith him we have nothing more to do.

Ft is the Mimstkv whom we hold responsiblefor the utterance, of the language which we have


quoted. Tin if know very well that the theoryion which all monarchical ( 'overnmetits rest i- -,


that the King tun do no wrong the Ministersahme are responsible. The moment that basislieeomes changed, the nature of the ' Joverimiciitchanges to an Autocracy on the one hand, or a

.'i iiuoVr mi the other. Kuowim; this, the Minis--!. ,ters liublisli an article oiuieavoriii:r tothemselves from an aekiiowk-dgei- l responsibilityand to throw it onto their Sovereign. Wa eversuch mealiness ami disloyalty shown in any king--

doin on tlie face of the earth ? Will not nu n

who resort to sueli groveling subterfuges, lirtraytheir Sivereign when opportunity tillers? Ye

will not charge them with writing the language

quoted, but it was written at luir instance, and

in lltrir MtalJ, and we hold them personally to

the full responsibility of publishing it to theworld.

The language we used was plain and uniiiis- -'

takeable. We charged the Ministry with therestHinsibilitv of the Constitutional changes, and

the nation and Almighty ( Jod hold them resjHiiisi-bl- e

for it. The attempt to thus shirk the respon-sibility bv throwing it on to one vilnm all areonly taught to honor, revere and reverence, a blackness of character almost withouta jmnillel in history. In the name of the 11a- -j

waiiau jcople we demand the removal from office

of men who are so hut to their duty as subjectsas thus to endeavor to dishonor their ruler. Thevoice of the e calls for the appointment ofmen who know the duties and resjKitisibilitiesthey assume, are capable of acting iu a spiritof manliness and honor, and defending the

name of the King from such a baseattaek as thatin the last CJazitte. Were they jHisscsscd of themanliness of statesmen, they would instantlyhave returned their MirtfoIios-- 011 the apia-arane-

ol the aliove article.Aside from the attempt to throw off the respon-

sibility attaching to their official position, theattempt to tiervcrt and misconstrue our lanyuujcis mi a Itr w ith the former, though an oll'ciise

of far less magnitude in comj arisoii, as this canonlv alliet ourselves, tlmt the King. The idea ofany other resjam.-ibilit- y than that of the Minis-

ters was entertained, and could never Ik- - byanv, but one inspired by unholy ami treasonablemotive. We do not concede to the present Mill--

ry the right to judge of our loyalty, fullybelieving that tir jist acts are the In st and onlyevideiuv by which we be judgitl. .'eitainlywe have never been guilty td" so base a thought asthat expressed in the above quotation, and verilyliclievc that so far as the writer of it is concern-

ed, the wish is father to the thought.As wc said when we la-gu- we regret to have

to refer to this matter at all; but we see no

alternative left us. The Ministry publish state-

ments for which tin-1- alone are rtspunsibk. Our as journalists is to rejt-- false statements

uttered by them, though it lie under a mask. Ifthe lan-'uag- we have n.-e-d is strong, it must be

n tnciii berc l that tliev al .ne have called it forth.

ssiilireme "nii"t.On M .ndav last, in the Supreme Court, one

Otho . ks. a German, was tried and C..11-v- i.

ted of the crime of rajs- - on a little native girl,apparently under twelve years of age. The evi-

dence, though not very fnll. was. in tlie opinionof the )tirv, quite corroborative of the statementof the child, as they were out only fifteen

they returned into Court with a ver-

dict of guilty, two jur .rs however dissentingfor what reasons, has n..t transpired.

It is well known that there is a class of white

men in this country 1 hey do n..t deserve to lie

men whose natures are so debased and

whose minds are so demoralized that they have

falh ti the veriest savage or even the bruteereatuits. They Hot only make it their practice

to entice away and outrage children, but they

have the shalllelesslle-s- , rs.llie of them, to boast oftheir exploits. Ia-- t them by the result a

of this trial, of the fate that awaits them ii" do--

It is said by those who are likely toknow, that there are some in this community ofHonolulu who are just as ia'ty and deserve quiteas much punishment n the man who was triedlast Monday.

l!v the s,s ti..n of the law under which the

ii. iit v.i-- bro-.i-h- t in tiii- - the puni-h- -

iii. nt f.-- r tin- - clime .l' raj-.- - !! any female, i- - by a1" ii t in than nil'- - dllar--, it 'y

in.pii --oinnent for any number yeais T for life.The are t.npl. things t.i write or

talk about, but such mki.i1 evils, inorlT to b- - enrol. mi;:-- t be bnmght to publiekiiolc!g. The ten jurv men in the Hendricksettse deserve the thanks f the o mumnity lor theprompt tnisvverv ing manner in which they jt-fonu- od

their duty. Tlie Attorney 1

fbr the prosecution, r.nd eonductol thecae with his usual zeal and ability. The pris-oner was defended by Mr. Henry Thomi-i-n- , arising Hawaiian born lawyer, with no little skilland ingenuity. Judge Davis, who presided, wasremai kably clear in his charge to the jury.

The prisoner's counsel gave notice of a motion fora new trial, on the ground of error in the rulings ofJudge lavis, the arguments on which will I heardnext Wednesd-iy-

The Court adjourned on Monday over to Thursday,when a decision was rendered in the case of K.

r'. Queeu Kahuna, awnnling to the plain-ti- t'

the sum of S'":5. The was for tnthe same day, the claim of Chung I loon & Co. r. theExecutors of the Itate of the late Levi Haalelea, fora balance of account of was submittcl tothe jury, who, after a very short deliWratiou, rt- -

tuiucl u verdict for plaintiffs for the full amount,together with s?U.7 interest. Mr. Montgomery forplaintills and Mr. Stanley for defendants.

There are several other cases on the calendar, to leheard, however, in bunco, the juiy having betu dis-- '

charged on Tliurs.lay.In conntvtion with the subject of the claim on the j

Haalclea estate, it may le ivmarke-- l that it is onlyone of wveral accounts run up among the diHer.-n- t

merchants for goods furnished not to the deceasedbut by one of his executors, to clothe the retainers ofhis family, men, women aud children, and manysponging outsiders, at the expense of the futate. Thereckless extravagance displayed on the occasion ofthe death and burial of the Hawaiian chiefs is almostincredible. Costly goods, silks, crape and broad-

cloth are lavishly onlei-ed- , with an ntter disregard ofexpense. The funeral cxicnses of Mr. Haalclea, as

apiiear hy the bills, amounted to no less a sum than


Sti,S'.i7! but the Court, w isely, only allowed (. alitorma, though lar from Iieing exhausted, areBesides the self-evide- nt folly of such about " out," so as individual hard labor

costly display and parade over a senseless clod of j is concerned, and will hereafter be worked by coin-hum- an

clay, the practice is eminently pernicious, as panics of capitalists.'

tending to cultivate aud encourage a habit of unwise We cannot find in the papers before us any regularas well as the fact that the dead man's prices current or thorough market We see,

estate is squandered, and wasted, to the loss of theheirs. The funeral of the late King cost some fifteenor twenty thousand dollars, and those who had mourn-

ing go ids for sale, reaped a rich It is said

that not only were of natives fitted with bushel. We cannot find any as to the pricebut several foreigners each got a of sugar, rice, but the and eon-su- it

of black clothes at a cost of one hundred dollars, l sumcs a great deal of both, will be seen by themore or less, to the Treasury.

It is very projier and with natural feel- -ing and sentiment that pnper and decorumshould' be observed in the obsequies of our deceasedfriends, but the extravagance and style of pompwhich has obtained here is much to lie

The lesson coiitaiin-- d in tlie sketch if thecareer of a New York capitalist, which is printedon the outside of to-da- pajn-r-

, is a valuableone, and should be read and weighedby all who hojie for success in business, either inmercantile or other pursuits. The man whosestorv is there related, and whose wealth, from themost modest beginning has now reached to eoh.s- -sal proportions, tells frankly in one expressiveword, which he emphasised by pronouncing itthree times that the grand secret of his Puccess;

in life has been the practice in all his businesstraiisat-tion- s and his dealings with his fellow men,of Truth, truth, truth. A sermon is containediu those wolds, which it Would Ikj well f.r thosejust starting out in life to deeply reflect upon.With ordinary tact, diligence and prudence-- , 110

pursuit is more likely to result in success thanthat of a and it must confessed thatin no other arc the temptations and the oppor-tunities for departures from the strict line ofTruth, more frequent.

It used to a proverb, and is still an acceptedd.R-trin- with many, that an honest lawyer was a

in a rare bird. The thoti-l- it is a verythough erroneous one, resulting from the


fact that from the very constitution of courts ofjustice and the nature of the profession, a lawyer i

: i .1.. ..ii..i ........ .. 1.:.. 10 iiui nil I iiiia 111. nil .'J y iii.i 11 'I e' - 1

that black is white, and to gam the cause of a. ,n j

eneni, vvniie 111 ins own mum ne kiiows mat neought to lose, this is one of the necessities ofthe profession, which can easily be understood.Hut in the case of a merchant or a store-keepe- r,

there can be but 0110 safe course one only coursewhich will lead to honor and proterity a strictadherence to truth and the avoidance of all mis--


representation. We may lie toid that there aretricks in all trades, and that there is no harm intakin- - an advantage in a bar-a- in where vonget it, and making as you can ; but after ;


all, is not that rather questionable morality,j

when we come to look at it closely? What isi

the great ditlcrciico in jmiiit of honesty, betweenthe man who sells an article which he knowsis not what he represents it to 1 nor worth the i

.ri.-- e paid for it, and the rogue who abstracts apurse or handkerchief? In cither ease ;

something is lost, and somcbidy else appropriates .

what is lost, but while the one rf inns the oT--

at ion by skillful sleight of hand, the other nccom- -

plishcs his equally puipor--e of fleecing

by misrepresentation, smooth words and a smil-

ing countenance. But it has always resultedthat the dealers in sugar, wooden hams,and other bogus articles, never have inthe hng run. The en of the

shoddy " dealers of New York, who defraudedthe sior soldiers during the war, will not stick tothem. In mercantile life most emphatically is

the old j row rb illustrated that " Honesty is theUst iliey."

Ai'oi.onv. We owe it to the Jtuie who was sobeautifully abused last week by the " organ of theForeign Residents," to say that he suftered unright-eously. We are not surprised that he should feelsomewhat indignant to be pronounced unfit f.r offices

of trust and honor, e of sentiments or opinionswhich, thou nil he may entertain them in common withothers, yet in the particular in hand, he wasas blissfully of the author as any other rea-

der of the letter. The public, Judge, are amusedover the blunder, and you must even take it goodmitiiredly, jieople must have their laugh, youknow. Giizelte.


N i logy is necessary. The judge who has theegotism himself the only judge in thekingdom, and who took our criticism so to

heart, needs no No one a moment ever

thought him capable of so base an act ; and we re-

gret learn from the Uazttle that he should haveapplied the item to himself. His doing so suggests


the couplet :i

When cai s into the crowd ar-- thrown.The rap that fli he call, his own." f

We our c temporary that the " public are I

amused over the blunder ; they know very well j

ihcre the comjswitiou originated.

New Coaster. The schooner JCona Packet (lateiv.m'l.i t.uhiir f..r ICi.ii:. ntol Kan. on which

.route she will continue as a regular packet I nderthe command ot Capt. Marchant she will soon become

jiopular packet. If the steamer is drawn off from ;

that route, there is trade two such vessels as theKindine and K'ona Packet. j

A cii Aii vcterIsTic Bi Ll Tlie other day an Irish- - '

man, going into a place where there was a lot of goldfish o common in Honolulu swimming aliout in a i

Im.x. after gizing intently at the fish for a while, ex-

claimed Be tiie powers, that's the fir-- t time Iee.- - saw ml herrinm alive "


From The clippr ship $ut:n. CaptainLuce, arrived Wednesday from Sydney, N. S. W.,

after a passage of fifty-sev- en days. By we ai-- inthe ivccipt of a tile of Th Sy !nfy Alornim tlrral-t- .

The . rj.'V is a large eight-pag- e sheet, ainl apjt-ar- s

to Ik? a will i' iti.nizovl concern, judging from thefact that alf ages .f its Lsue tins:sts ofadvcrtiseaiciits oti the following c:vh terms Two

very ofabout $'2,jyi far

extravagance, rejmrt.

harvest.hundreds out j report

new clothes, that or colony importsas




merchant, lie



11 o













lines a,, ! under, one shilling; four lilies ditto, twoshillings; six lines ditto, three shilling"; and so on.Diiths, deaths and marriages, three shillings eachinsertion. The paper is very Curly but not neatlyprinted, and the subscription price is 4 ayear.

The news is not particularly important, but wecompile a summary which may le interesting tothose of our readers who lcloiig to or have visitedthat part of the globe.

A fire occurred in the city of Sydney, Februaryoth, which destroyed a block of houses at the cornerf Fj.ut .iii.1 n...e.'. trv.-- f Tlie w:is est mi 'itel

at between three and four thousand ixmnds. TheII. I liIJ complains bitterly of the fvet that the wateris shut off front the city at night, and portends thatsome great conflagration will yet occur, owing to thedelay in getting it let oh in case of fire.

Australia is at the antii-odcs- , and while one por-

tion of the world is shivering with cold, the coplethere, in the mouth of February, say that the heat isalmost a long drouth, and grass com-

pletely erL-he-d, and stock subsisting entirely oti drybushes. Several cases of sunstroke had taken place,and the thermometer hi the shade had reached 125degrees.

There is reported quite a serious falling off in theproduct of the gold fields, and the amount receivedat the Sydney Mint during the month ending Jan.olst was considerably less than during any corrcs- -tMindiug ja'riod since its establishment. The pajiersattribute this fact in a great degree to the circum-

stance of the drouth, which has K-e- v ery general allover the country, the want of water interfering with Ij

the operations of the miners. Puring the month ofJanuary, 13,loU ounces were received, less by 4,80;than the receipts of the same month in ISoO. It maybe fairly inferred, from the accounts which come tohand, that the gold diggings of Australia, like those

however, by the Alurning Herald of the 11th ofFebruary, that California flour was sold at 12 perton about 1 alajve the price for Australian andthat wheat was held at aliout four shillings per

fact that, during the month of January, the Customsrevenue at the port of Sydney for duties on these twoarticles alone was '.,: 12.

The Siam is "28 tons, and is bound to San Fran-cisco, with Sol) tons of coal.

Xkw Pi'.Bioiic.i.i. The last mail from the Eastwas unusually rich in Magazines, Reviews and Peri-

odicals, and the matter too, is constantly improving.To our whaling friends bound North, a good supplyof reading matter is a great comfort, and nlniost in-

dispensable as a means of pleasantly and profitablypassing the long hours when whales are not in sight.On our fourth page will le found an interestingRetell of A. T. Stewart, the dry goods millionaire of


New York, copied from Harper's Monthly for January. In the Book-sto- re will be found the AtlanticMonthly, representing the literature and the politiesof the extreme North, alongside of Dc Bow's Month- -1 it ooiinllv ex i iiiiii 111 it. Southern rirnclivitioK. nl--tln.n.'li somi-wlin- t toned down since


the war: thej M,wnvs vaIu:a,i0 iIullt.s ;o,chait's Magazine; Litudl

anil J,lC j.i,H.tic, with the cream of current Europeanliterature; the English Reviews, with their heavy andthoroughly exhaustive articles; all the Illustratedpajiers, German as well a8 English and American;no end of Pamphlets, Books, reading for the youngfolks, etc., etc. Truly, one must be fastidious whofails to find aome food for the mind now-a-da-

The Pilot Vacancy. Capt. Berrill, one of thepilots of this iort, last week sent in his resignation.The :I'loii.t...ent of foot is in tl.e hands of the Col--lector, and it is understood that the vacant office wasoffered to Cant. James Smith, so long and so favor--

, , .ably known as a packet master between here amiSan Francis-- V The Captain, however, it is report- -

.el, declines the, and that it is still vacant,though there are a number ot applicants, amongwhwm are Ca ts Howland, Marchant, WetherlKje,Hempstead, B.dicock and John Adams, all no doubtCompetent men.

Tidal Phenomenon. On Thursday, April 4th,the sea receded from Kuhului, East Maui, six timesin succession in the space of two hours. It left thereef nearly bare. The natives started to catch fish,but before they got out the sea had returned aain.The water was about three feet above high watern"k and fell three feet below it, making a total rise '

and fall of about six feet, at intervals of about fifteen i

minutes. The same phenomenon has frequently leenobserved on the Maui coast, which would indicate asubmarine volcano in that region.


t... ti,;.. ol... ;.,,i;c,u.,w:.l.lf. .r not; t

. -1!r s.alvc cverv j.,v an,i of course dearer J

The jKK,rer classcs have to content themselves with j

occasionally a light repast of bread and a bowl of teaat a Chinese restaurant, and there are often timeswhen they cannot even get that. Last Thursday,there was absolutely no poi to be lmught in town.A year from now, the article may lie plentiful andcheap, as the high prices w ill induce many to planttaro who are now lazy or apathetic j

ruoTOOR.vruv. We learn that certain parties arej'

aliout to purchase the photographic apparatus andfixtures of Mr. Burgess, over the Commercial print-ing


office, where the business will be continued of,

picture making. Mr. Burgess, while retiring fromthe more mechanical jait of the business, will devotehimself particularly to retouching pictures and thepursuit of his vocation generally as an artist.



Troches?. We saw the other day a young man,a clerk in a store, with a marking brush, makingSome queer, hieroglyphic looking characters on a caseof goods, which on inquiry, we found were Chineseletters and signified the address of a Chinese mer-

chant on one of the other islands. It certainly goesto show progress when an English lay who hasnever seen the " Flowery Kingdom," is so far en-

lightened as to be able to write in Chinese.

Bi'rglaky Ac.ain. The thieves with which ourcity appears to be infested are getting bolder andmore frequent in their depredations. Last Sundaynight, Mr. J. II. Wood, of the Nuuanu Plantation,1 st some l ice and provisions by thieves, undoubted-ly coolies, and on Monday night his dwelling housewas entered while the family were asleep, and aliout?? 100 worth of j roperty stolen. These thieves andburglars are no doubt some of the vagrant Chineset.tK1;C!ij w ho are a cur.-- e to the country.

Postal Irreoi lvrities. We have receivednumber of complaints from Kauai and Maui, statingthat the Advertiser of March "JOth had not lieen re-

ceived up to last Monday or Tuesday. The pajrswere all deiH.sited in the Post Office on the morningof April 1st, and we have yet to n why they werej ,.,,,.,.ft forwarded by the regular mails on

day for the Islands named.

Head Matter. A hardy whaleman was seen one

dav this week coming from his agents with his handsfull to overflowing with gold pieces. Displayingthem to a friend whose ship had lieen less fortunatethan his own, he remarked, "That's what's thematter " " Yes," replied the other, " head matter."

JloNoun- - Ft vtu.K Sfvinakv. In our advertisingi columns will seen the advertisement of the Ih.i.o- -lulu Female .caleniv, which is r of the


Ischools provided by Christian l!ievolence for tine

tienefit cf the children of this highly favored hind.j This institution will, it i hoped, supply a felt neovl

for a home for girls, in the town of Honolulu, yet; not too near its center of business. It is beingj commenced in the substantial buildings erectedmanv veai-- s since bv the American Mission as aprinting hou-- e aud bindery, in connection with thepremises of the Hev. 11 W. Clark, now occupied by

! lr. Gulick. Miss Lydia Bingham, sister of thecommander of the Atjrning Star, a few monthssince resinned her as Principal of the OhioFemale College, near Cincinnati, which numbered130 pupiN, for foreign missionary work, and recently arrived in the Atorning Stir to take charge of

' the educational dcjiartmcnt of this school, in thej parish so long under the pastoral care of her honored

father. We lespeak for this institution the kind

interest. and generous asitance of all well wishersot Hawaii

MrsiCAt. Concert. The Concert we mentiomyl in.

our last issue, will take place at tlie ort StreetChurch, on Tliursday evening next the ISth inst., ut8 o'clock, r. M. lKxirs will ojen at seven. Tickets

Sl.", for sale at the Book-sto- re on Monday next.I

Hie pnieeeds of the otiecrt are to 1 applied towanlsthe purchase of an Organ for the Fort Street Church,and thus will I suppliel a want which has long beenfelt. The following, we are informed, are some of

.HIT I ' V C HH II v. sav v ' vs.---

'Lie., . rilbvtfiol II.tlaA ' fit-till II llirit:llllC liVt HOC v v as. a a - -

" Pirates Choru-s,- from the Enchantress ;'Oration of Absalom ; and the "Soldiers' Chorus,'from the ojiera of Faust. Quartette : " I waitcl for

j the Lord," by Mcndtewohn, and Linger not, dar--ling," by Thomas. !otos : me tliree stu.icnts,bv SiH'iicer, and Lckerts' Swiss Song ; liesides Puets,and other nieces of varied character, aud some choice

instrumental music v e nope to bee on inai oeea- -sioii a large audience,

FOREIGN NEWS.P.y the arrival on the Oth of the favorite packet

D. C. Murriiy. 14 days from San Francisco, wehave the New York mails of February 20th andMarch 2d. and telegraphic dispatches from Wash-

ington to March 23 th.The news by this arrival is quite unimportant.

Congress had done hut little since last report, andw as considering a rvsolutiou to adjourn till Ileceiu-he- r.

The Fenian uprising in Ireland was involved inmuch mystery, and news from thence is suppressed.

We give below the principal items of interest :!

C'onsicss. I

Washington. March 17th. At midnight last nightthe Senate passed the Supplemental Reconstruc-tion Bill by a vote of 28 ayes to 2 noes. The nayswere Messrs. Buckalevv and Hendricks. Mr. John-son voted aye. The other democrats were absent.The lower House passed the same by a large ma-

jority.A special to the (hmmerciul A Jvertiser says the

House has voted in favor of extending the recess toDecember. This is regarded as a fatal blow toimpeachment. The impeachers contrive everyeffort to prolong the present session.

New Y'ouk. March. l'Jth. Mr. Stevens' bill wascalled up to-da- It provides for the confiscationof all public, lands belonging to the ten rebel States,and all lands and other property forfeited by theAct of Congress ol July 17, J Stimuli of which shallbe seized, condemned and sold, and out of the pro-ceeds each adult male freed slave shall receiveforty acres, and each head of a family forty acresmore; out ol the balance So( shall be given foreach household, to Le used in the erection of build-ings for the late slaves, and $200,000,000 shall beinvested ill V per cent, bonds, and the interest shallbe addi-- to the pensions of Union soldiers, and$".00,000,000 shall be appropriated to pay damagesto loyal citizens by the Civil and Military Govern-ment of the Confederacy.

Stevens, in his speech, yesterday, said no partyor Committee was responsible for this bill. It ischargeable to the President and myself, and what-ever merit it may possess is due to Andrew John-son.

Delegations from the South are arriving daily toobtain the views of the President on the Kecoti-structio- ti

difficulty. The hill repudiates the South-ern State debts, and declares the present StaleGovernments illegal. All the Southern States haveissued bonds since the establishment of the presentGovernments. It is said the President will appointonly Democrats to office hereafter. Should theSenate not confn in. the responsibility will rest onthat body. Indications point strongly to impeachment.

The Tunes has information that the freed menthroughout the South are organizing a UnionLeague, through the influence ot Northern teachersand officers of the Freedinen's Bureau. In Georgianearly every county is thoroughly organized.The Radical Society will fee that every freedmanvotes against the Johnson party. The w hite loy-

alists in the South are uniting with and controllingthese organizations.

Miscellaneous.The President has been urged by prominent Re-

publicans and others to release Jeff. Davis on hisown recognizance, because there is no prospect ofthe Chief Justice holding a Court in Virginia solong as that State is under the control of .Militaryauthority. There is good reason for saying thatwithin ten days Davis w ill be released on his ownrecognizance to answer when called upon,

The President and Cabinet are laboriously en-- I

gaged in examining applications for office, to sup-- ,pi v the large number of vacancies caused by theSe'nate rejections. About one third of the officesare without incumbents. There is a dead lock be--tween the Executive and the Senate, the latterscemiii'r determined to force the nomination ofthorough Radicals. The condition of the offices isillustrated by Philadelphia, which is without aNaval Officer", Collector of Customs, one InternalRevenue Collector, and Director of the Mint.

Cnvm.KsTON. S. C. March 20th. Gen. Sickles, inhis order to-da- y taking command of the SecondDistrict, says the local tribunals w ill be permitted ;

to have jurisdiction and try offenders, except in j

r i . :.. .i.: i..- - ..r .1... i i...Cases reierie.i 10 in i.i.s o...e. ...eGeneral. The military tribunal for the trial ol j

civil fiiceis is authoi 'ued to continue to exerciseits proper liuictioiis. Arrests Ijy military authoritywill be reported promptly, and charges preferredaccompanied by the evidence on which they arefounded. The "General desires to preserve orderby the agencies and means most congenial to thepeople, and solicits the cordial of thecivil officers in the disc-ha- t ge of his duties. Heasks the aid of all good citizens in the preserva-tion of peace, and urges the people and authoritiesto yield unreserved obedience to the authority nowestablished.

It is stated on good authority that Foster willnot be ap ointcd Minister to Austria.

Vi-.- York. March 2.".th. The 'limes' commercialarticle savs there was a large demand lor Pacific j


Mail stock alter the announcement that the ( oo--rmlj had arrived at San Francisco. The pecuniaryresults in that trip are understood greatly to exceed the calculations of the directors here, who,.i,..,-rr...- l nt, die cvi.erises of mittim? the line in fin- -

r"r.U,:,?."r,."'A"v"t-null iii.ifc . . .... i

forward.f.e cil. murine between Cuba

Atlanta ct respoiidcnresuv a the prejudice ngainM" Zr" ""W s nnig way. Oo ,k-o-


pie want tiie question seliletl, no tlmt Vrtherrit.ijoi.ii ui.i iio ii uviio tiie tuvcivsva vn iffs!j;lte- -

AiAHiNY, N. 1 .. March llXfc. Tlie bill regulatingprostitution id the city of New York was rejKirle.lagainst iinaninioiisly by the Committee.

The Sellulc Las passed the I iulcrgl'otllld Kuil- -

road hill for New York.At sTK.tJA. The American !! amer MrUr. built

three yeara wince to Catch the 'iimi, arrived atMelbourne from Singapore r Thursday week, andafter obtaining !MH tons of coals, ostensibly tocontinue her tovagi to Sydney, here the C'.ipUins tid the vessel w.t. sold.) she nailed oh the loib ofJanuary, and arrived at Wellius;ton February 4lli.Capt. Watson, her commander. g?cs Ms reasonfor being there the prevalenre of very light windsail the way Iroui Signapore. which Beers! uteri hispnttiair lu for coal. The Ar-r- u of lhr ltb !):So lar as Capt. WatsoU is aktf, tin erlintended to be employed betwivu Snw Fruncrscrrand Honolulu, and not between the liHbaiiM nll'unaina and Wellington.'

N:w Zkaimh. The caterpillar, we bf i(k.Vuckland papers, is making great liavoc with lairgrain crops uboia Outiuhu. Mangarei and Wairoa.

: w,u ,,14V4' nau lo ,M K"" nTor hay. and Home farmer are reported to have

, jost some hundieds of poinnKChii.k. Valparaiso dates cf February 15th are

; receirel. The ship Htngal. from Hoston for Sanlancisco. sailed February 3L 71 American ship'renne iinf., together wub enryo. was totally

, ,U.strv,.,, v ilv j (ort Krhrimr- - 1 Ob.IVKr.lVesidont Frado. of IVrti. h abandoned

the Dictatorship. Congress ha been regivlarly lt- -stalled.

, A bill presented in Congress in whih ft wa!II lolarra tliut iVru would tew to nt oilVr of peact

f,H pain..

had 9.000 men with Miratnon, .Manpiez and MThe Liberal' advance guarii wilder obedo,


; J..""" i,V,1iyr 'bailie "m""1!!

, n,,nt, peMa al Vera Cniz were Ktirroundetl' Liberals, and will be captured as noon as

The Custom I louse has been;:.'' to the Imperialists, subject to a tuonlroprt t,f

I Several influential citizens of Vera Cruz havebeen sent to Yucatan, llaaiiie was expected toeuioain, .11.11 in 1.011. w 11.11 e a i 111 sacaiccas,which fact disproves the atuteuicut of Mirauion'avictory there.

I'uropcnn.Lomiov. March 16. Large bodies of troops liar'

been sent lo Liverpool to preserve th peace. AnIrish uprising is apprehended in that city.

large number of Fenians have been captnrodin various parts of Ireland, and many hare beencommitted for high trensou.

The report of murder of Pr. Livingstonerests tin the authority of nine native attendants.The attack was made suddenly, and half the partywere murdered. Livingstone overpowered thosefearing hiin, but was cut down from behind whileendeavoring to reload his revolver.

Lommiv, Mai ch 18 Midnight. In the" House ofCommons the Government asked formal leave tobring in a Reform bill -

Mr. Disraeli explained the features of the pro--;posed bill, introducing copious statistics in supportol Us principles.

Mr. Gladstone made a short speech, and said hothought the figures absurd, but would defer debateuntil the bill comes before the House.

London, March 19 Evening. The debate on thoReform Bill has been postponed to the 2itb Instant., March 19 Evening. It is reported thata secret treaty was made between Prussia andBavaria in August last, and by one clause of thetreaty Prussia may assume tho military direction otthe Bavarian army.

Disraeli announced that he would bring in a newReform bill on the lMli.

Gladstone said that if the bill contained the ele-ments of a satisfactory settlement, the op'oailiotiwould receive it with a desire to co-op- e. ato withthe Government.

The Empress Cat lota has entirely recovered.The Reform bill, w hich is to be brought Into Par-

liament by the Government, will give tbe righl ofsuffrage to rate-payi- ng householders after two yearresidence ; and to men paying 1 yearly taxes, orhaving 50 in a savings bank, or 50 in funds, andto all members of the learned professions andgraduates of Universities. The bill also providestor a Xlj-franchi- iu the counties.

London, March 20. Labor riots have broken outat Reinboix, France. March 2. A treaty concluded betweenPrussia. Bavaria and the Grand Duchy of Umleii,gives to Prussia the command of the armies oflatter countries in lime of war.

Pauls, March 1.1. The Universal Exposition w illbe informally opened on the 1st of April ; but theinaugural ceremonies will not take place until alater day.

There was a debate in the Curps Lerjisliitifl&ttevening in regard to foreign alfuirs. in which Repre-sentatives Thiers and Favre attacked the foreignpolicy of the Emperor, on the ground that it favor-ed unity in both Germany aud Italy, which washostile to the interests of France. Minister Rouherami Representative Olivier defended the course ofthe Government.

It is stated that the European powers have failedto agree on the Eastern question. Russia demandsadditional concessions lor the Christian subjects ofthe Sultan.

Dispatches from Constantinople state thatTurkish Government is determined to continue thewnr in Camlia, and is preparing to send ten freshbattalions of troops, under the command ot HassamPacha, against the Cretans., March 23. There is a heller feeling inFrance over the alleged treaty between Prussiaand Bavaria, and it is believed the cfToits of Napo-leon to form a confederation against Prussia aretraceable to this cause.

Viknna. March 23. The Sublime Porte refusedthe proposition of the great Powers relative to thecession of Candia to Greece.

London. March 23. The remains of ArfeinusWard are deposited in Kensal Green Cemetery, inaccordance with his desire to be conveyed toAuit'iica.

PiKiti.iN, March 23. King William succeeded ineffecting an offensive and defensive alliance withthe King of Wiirtenihnig.

Bnt ssKi.s. March 23. It is officially announcedthat King Leopold will not enter into the proposedConfederation with France, Holland andSwitzer- -land,

.Miscellaneous.,.. Ti. ,r:,,t r ,1,;. ,nnrA,.rt., fPresident Lincoln was to be commenced soon. Hehas admitted that he is the John II. Surratt who ischarged vvi'.h complicity in the murder of Lincoln.He had previously denied that he was tbe individualwanted by justice.

The meeting between Surratt and his sister wasextremely affecting. The bister encouragedbrother to keep a stout heart, but the conversationwas chiefly on domestic affairs. The JudiciaryCommittee" have not yet examined him concerningthe complicity ol Jeff" Davis in the. is it likely they will do so until it is knownwhat will be the proceedings against him.

New Yoi-.k- . Feb. 20. The Tribune's special saysthe report of the Committee for Investigation inthe matter of the return to the people of confiscatedproperty shows that in Louisiana alone propertyVialne at $"0. 000,000 was returned to rebels byorder of the President. All our Generals havefrequently decided that this property belonged tothe Government as much as any property could.

inz his fierce veto of the bi.b appear, from all ao--counts to be in earnest in his declaration that bowill enforce the law to the letter.

eration out of the general profits. For the quarter j The lhrnld'a correspondent says the Bay ofenditi" February the reduction of dividends was , Samamt has been secured by Mr. Summers Smith,parti lowing to'this fact, a majority ot the tliree- - Charge d'Affairs of tlie United Suites to St. Domin-tor- s

regarding the China serv ice as uncertain for go in the latter republic for United States vessels,the first trip- - It is said it realized $111,000 exclu- - and the treaty has already been forwarded,sive of the Government subvention, against S'Jo,- - J x.vsitvn.i.K. Feb. IS. The Senate passed the bill000 expenses. conferring suffrage on negroes. A motion to strike

No cable dispatches are coming. There is a out t',ie clause preventing them serving as jurors orbreak in the Iri.--h laud lines. Nothing is know n as i,idiiig ofilce, w as rejected by a tie vote. Thtto the cause, or whether ii is the work of the Fen- - uulj previously passed the House,

or a Morm. The ' raid's Dublin correspond- -March 1. President hss issndWashington. --The

en of states that it is the Fenians' internlend ! his proclamation declaring and procU.frJ.g the

ii. ui to their own news through the cable.t lji;it tji(l H,,j,ti.tu condition imposed by Con--

The .ovr'Ki "f Commerce says the action of the j,r,.v, fn the State of Nebraska, entitling that StatuAtlantic Cable Company, in refusing any reduction to admission into the Union, has been ratified audof their rates, was probably based on the abandon- - accepted, and the admission of said State into thoment of the Russian Line, and their consequent is now- - complete.supposed continued enjoyment of a monopoly.

latest from U aM ington s alesThe intelligenceThey will f.'i.l out tbeir mistake, as bv that actionthat the President his Cabinet u General Grantother and farmm s as been given to moreare consulting on best mean- - of enforcing thefoot. Hopes aref-- a projects that are now on

Vi .. i .i. .1. . ;.i.n i;M . !.,. i Reconstruction law. The Executive. notwiUistand- -

..... ; V V; l

x -j

n telecrar.h



I was







and Florida is being rapidly constructed at Lon-- : The 7'oW special says Scho field will commanddon and it is expected to be laid early in August the First District. Sickles the Second. Thomas thenvX't. j Third, Ord the Fourth and Sheridan the FifiU.

Ex-reb- Gen. Longstreet says there is no hu- - It is said that Gen. Sheridan's order prohibitingmiliation in the acceptance of the terms proposed the election in New Orleans w as issued under In-b- y

Congress, nnd no reason to doubt that such ac-- j strnctions from tho President, who gave Sheridanceptance in good faith will pave the way for the authority lo depose both Gov. Wells and Mayorreadmission of the Southern States. Monroe if necessary.

It is said that Sir Frederick Bruce has advised The United States steamer Tvscarora has gUethe British Government to allow no more news of to the Feejee Islands to piiniah the savages lorthe Fenian rising to be tian-miue- d bv the able. j burhurities on American seamen.

Page 4: THE PACIFIC PilCiriC SUbcilistr r 'mmrmsmm A...the magician, liolls l'..r:h aii.l coutinues to ilehght aii'l my-ti-fy tlie uu liem; with his new nml mysteri--j o:ts i?iv;.?;..!i. Tlx

Paper and Stationerj Warehouse.

JOHN G. HODGE & Co..W a. .IK Ill hlH'll l

ATION ER V. IILtNK HOOKS.ST 4 H-- t. I ... IV.... bapV api .ui PaJ-er- , ttc.. tc.

(antr; MrrckasN n lird at Limr-- I Hales.

4ih ami io i i,ir vriu:i:T,M3 1 SAN (KAM IX tt. r.u- -

. . !. W. F. tSVH. J. r. .BM.Ih.ARMSTRONG, SHELDON &. Co,.

(rctassoas t NtTaitL r )


Career C!if nJ a i J Da is S'rrls :l V til Ia.-l.-rt Slrrtl

Sugar I'iuv. Hst-r- a l'ii.e. u Liif Od r.AaJ alt kind of Bo idicf Materials cu hrt-t- .

mi ir

JAMES C. XING & Co".Shipping and ('cbiljKmoii


SAX gAN'i?ri),Cit!ojii. 6.--- ly

iMifjRrEi: of

FOREIGN DRY GOODS!E?jciil Attention qivcn to


2,-- c l 203 Citterj Street,

Ull SAN KR.tM-l-0-.

The Itr.t Ktnrdr for larifyiax Ike

Apprtiif, ia trr IllUCmaIt U tle brat ptrtr ratie axaio- -t .!avt any kr. if unltuaety. Comyooft U heth oaiy. it ea be givrs aafcly toIbbaU. Fall dinctioa in Eug'.iah, trrxh, ?uiih, aim) Crbao, aahcTry paefcafre. TRY IT !

For aate at all the varus bukaa and retail draff atoresand prucrrira.

EMIL FRie. WhukulePole A;.-ii- t, t 1 O Clay at-- t,

iZl If B Franciaco.

Taoa. J. PoCLTaaaa. Wa. M. Kcsokl. II. C. Duwjnso.

jo.VKS & ki:.iixi:San Francisco, California.

Wholesale (irocery Auction House !EsT A E LIS II EI IN IH.0.

lrrn. Flrew.rf ISrirk Rnlldintf. Na.Ol mm tO'J Catlilvraia Mrrrl, lw. dow-r-

(rim t'rl. '...-.Tcoa- ra a, FaiDar,

rT-VT-tl TT Cah Adrn am made oo Merehan- - '

di to war oin-nmec-t t puolj: or prirate tale, au-- all '

mercantile a reodered Cons-go-r.

R-t-er by permisaa n toMewfs). C. L. Ricaaai3 a: Co.............UooululaO. P. Jcoa. E1..... "

Mi u. Muu-M- ii L'- -i ...Sas FranciacofiLOil. RaLL A Co ....

ST'-- " & Co.... ........ "Diecsoa, lxwotr 4 Co......... "

Baac or BatTtaa CoLtaaia.. ..........&V)-l- y

McCraken, Merrill & Co.,FORWARDING AND

Commission jlcreiiauts,JortIant, i.


f apwanl of aeveo years, and beinlocate.! ia a are proof brick boxklinir. we are prepared to receive i

aod ditr af lilanj aiapsr. auett aa eur, Rwe, s roj, Palo, 'CuSrw. ce-- . to advantage. Coo.tcamei.ta especially solicited

r the Oreiroo aarket,W which inalatteutioWiU be paid, jaod apoo wUch eali avaocr, will be made when reu.uircd.

Fas raiscL-M-- Rrrrassi rs:Blditer k Uralenberrer, Jaa. Patrick Jt Co.,rrcd. lacn. W. T. Colemaa A. Co., j

fceevena, baker A Co.PokTLaso Rttrxaiscu:

Allen k Lewi. Ladd It Tilioo. Leonard k 3 rem.Hoolclc Karaaascu:

Walker, A Ilea A. Co., ti. SavUe.631-l- y

w. A. AUHUTSI. . c. aaaaiLL, JOBS M CUCIIS.


Coiimiissioii JlcrchantsAND

--tV uctionccrK,l01anJ 200 California Street,


Sin Francisco and Honolulu Packets.Partirwlarattet!tHins;ivratAth sale and purchase ol

tuy' buaiuraa, auplias; whaleahipa, neKOtiaUn.eacbaoa. Ac. f

Ir A II freiirht an ivlnr at Saa Francisco, by or to the Ho. j

wolala Lineut Packet, will be forwarded rana caaisstt.a.Jjr Eachaoife oo tcufc-h-t and sold. J A !

aa aaascaa I

Meaars. . L. Kicmm C... ................ .Ilonmlulo j

l lltcasat. Jt Co ..................C HtnrCi.,BisorACd.

Ir. R. W. WoodHan. r. II. Alia-.- .. ....................... ...... "i V. Wtlsxais, E., "

m ly

U. J. Ooura. tiai. W. parscorr. iavixv M. K:orr.


(The First ia it Slate )


SA5 FBA.NCl-'- X.


Quartz Crushing and Ana!gamating MachiruTy,

Jlill Iron, andCoating of every description made to order.

Steamboat Repairing,

Boiler Making,

Turning and Finishing tExecuted with Dispatch.

STEAM BOILERS AND ENGINES,Constancy oo hand and for sale.




Strainers and Coolers,

Flerators, 'Fry Pans.And all of


i:i ly



3Iusic !


MasicftI Instruments, Strings," Ac, Ac.S..W teT

.Ttmrir a s nrox ion. runs,cariiart A mudiiam'i



fat Military B.i r.J.A hare of the palrooaje of toe rei-Uct- a f Ilooolula And

vicinity reietfully solicited.

Stfltftrtt'tH ll'l CM It ip"i'ili.!fc1.

tTIO.V IV tTKI OK JOII VtNr'OKM MM Ml. a a.-- ivnt '(. n'.tstatus, a -t .resvT, and in I V.4 a Carrier

of tlir ii. ll'tin in Sail Franc. s.o. Arr.vd in theSarata-e- itlbltdf t'iit Ji-- irv, I -.- -. Ar jr will- it,i.kfu:.y rTM. .t, h i:r i!.-- C K I.I.I Ml A M M r K.Jack-o- J'a Csirtv. noir-m- . t.r V. 7 f slljt.X,S W . t ito-- h an-- nr-t.- , s..ii

6'S 'tU

tvotscs:.'ii e rnnui(;M:i has this ivs- i I !it h. tt-- - v li.ter-.-.- ri le, M.r at

lilin.t.t t' - f- -. A. W .... a:. I S..I..-.T- f.r lli'--

eot.Tir.u..c.: f th- - j - l.i. ra.ijr e veu-P-- . himMarch I- -;:. p. a dam?.

ITKC il tSKII OK .Mr. E. I.Hivim; -t k ai.l r!j.; at t.i p. I e. f lr tit.e pu u. t sLt.l : i.t.nue ti.- - 'ji ley iura.r I Lol'LX :i nr.- - l o. I ?iar. '.


r'.' ihi I- .- tii - rt I. r oiic :h fr- in Uu-- .

M irch lv-- l:u W. II. Kl'.llAKI ..

NOTICE.A i m crir; ti rxivi: this kink.l ! m fr m.tK. n.jr fritla &r,l cuL'ibt-- r will

ft r cr n. Uv rt:itrv t.. ftcrouftiii ! r a

t.m- - ut, wil C' 1 r r. l tt.- , ?t 1 l f.r'l lL tii't.ey.I : tk t: rtur.-'j- n.y t:jl!.k, to t fJri-r,- U xu cmuiiri f-- r fivr. ar.-- :ciC a c.&'.inuiticc.

Mr. I.Li' i I i..k- - ct.arre f n.y micy ar.-r.- l w..t lr !ajri to itccAi:in'-- l any L

iu.y fotur u. ti.c.r l :r.:-- -.

j. p. nroHw.Vfrt 2o h. v . SM Ira;m:i ok tiik uti:T Erm .f ..l-.j.- Jt llt:-x- .

u tiin - a- - 4 t j -- t. ray . if m ill r.-n-

tti.u tc rarry oti l..-r- - V-- rr, at thr of F rlaii-- l M rrt...t ruli. II r lula.

TuiCD. c. r.r.rcK.I! ji. I a!o. Jar.mry IT, lilt" Zia

aotici:.r. fNIKKiNKI II.AVINfJ Till?

l li Kiit.rr st xk atl l- t.r-- t in tin; litr.r ll fr'l S . It H KT." i K.ns Mr. E ASfcol T. ull t- - Mr Arutto tTnT cusc t- !iCit Liio a crititiuao--- Ural (.aUutiar liH--h hat W.J mj

j 11 ji.oiulu, JUr-.- lich, :?0T. 11

V I St: THIS .V I'l K( IIAsKI) OFas Mr. K. l. th? Kn!:re Ii.lrrst of the arrll knownIn rna'j Mtun." 1 l to iwrfi y it patrot- - aod my

friefHls in fomi, !l.-- t 1 a. II the bu.iru-- at the oldstand, here will always be I Kin-- the

Ilest of Reef, button. Pork, etc..And where all will be to their '.isfcti.Saperlgr kawailiar I'tfTAlUxX tou-tan- tl on hauil.

E. A.sf.'ifT.Honolulu. M.rrli lit' . 1;' ICi lin

nonet:.'imie i nikrsinki souhoit

Lia Koiire ?n-- arl Hu.:ue-- a Interest in Th ViMiLTUunr asi Ib " to Mr. I. Rurtlrtl. ic leave to rs.iDen-- l ir 11. t . hi Um--t t'u-t- - ojr. an-- l r him a o.nt.i.uar-- e ,4 th.l l;ie-ra- l .ttr )i,n.-- , f rwhich te br$ leave to return his mi-- t earne.: th t.k.

U- - BXW 'ftf WAVING Til IS l)U I'F Rf 'II AKI OF

M .Mr. A. v. timwHU.Hi itia i.ncre :ock ini tj-ie- a

Interest in the FaMiLT UtiK tHT a"I Fkh ,' thetulxcnoer to m.ii:- - its i:r nt and his fri- - n ls ingeneral, that the busiit.e4 will be continued at the Old Stsnd.and r n - his beiK efforta to s: every aatiifa-tio- n to allwho may favor him with their lsttrouae.

I. BARTt.KTT.H ioo olu. March ll:hlv;7. 6411m

rflMIK rXHERSIOXKI) II FR FRY ;IVKA notice that they will not p.y any ilebu cot.tracteil with

out the written crier of Ahana & Apo.AHANA A-- APO.

Feb. 13, ls-57-.

EUREKA RESTAURANT!I) F.HTS CO NTR A ('TED ON ACCOINTil of, aid le pail uuie.s authorized by

the signatures of both the talersijucd.S. A. L Lf.ER,J. COLLINS

Honolulu. An;. 25. ly6. U1 ly



Chain Cable, fr-- i in. to I inch.S.uall Chain aiae, I an I inch.

So4 at t Soe L-j- by DoLLES Jt Co.


555 5m 1SOLLK4 A-- Co'.

KECEIVKD TEH .SHIP SVRH.N !"Capt. Morse, from Doston.

HO AT liUtllUS II OARS,C1F.IJAR HmIi q Ilao.s. Ilexes Codhsh,tags RU.k IVi--r- .

l a. tir-Uf- -d ? us 4.S..I. t reio f T.irtir. Ac , Ac.

SKI U And It -- ate HoLLr5 X Co.

TAR AND PITCH!Stockholm T4r in lirts-l- s and tjlf barrels,Htockholm Piuh U barr.-:- . an-- l half barrels,Cad Tar In barrels an-- ball UirreU.

KECEIt t U PER R. H H OOU..hal--l y t Ca

Russia Hercp Cordage,Just Itirticfl j--r Jt. W. Wool.

Hemp Cords, 9', 2 in. lo T inehes.Ratlin, 51.rlin. ipuiivam. etc.. etc.

f-- t ?W by i Co.

SCOTCH V, A X V A S ,Beat quality all lln Canvas, a full mmnt .4 r.uui'-rs- .

Jleerirrd yrr Syren Thit Day.F !e l y KoLLEs Jt Co.

Westphalia Hans, received per R.W. Wood,A raiall lot f Very r C lality.

IV ule by llOLLIj? k Co.

OATS, received per A. A. Eldridge,C A LI FOR X I A OATJ.

For Safe by RoLLEa L. Co.'

Manila Cordage.Including Sizt from j in. to 4 inchis.

F.r Sale by ROLL lis At Co.

II A V A N A c: I 11 A II S J !

A few Choice UAI'AMA CltlARS.

&C3 St r S.le by RoLLKji A Co.

Just Kt'ceivcil per Svron from UolouAnd tor Su'e at the

Family Grocery and Feed Store !

BEST CII1F.R VIM: R.Corn starch. Ku:s li il hut Fins.

Ki'-- '. 1 Mackerel. K-t- ail Sounds,iTi-- d Appl'S. w aiid (rt?h;Covere.1 ts.Fresh Xutm.-s- . Fr-- sh VeaitFresh lairy Cheese.



nri'CIIER WOII.II INFORM TIIF.ll he is ain ready u lur-nis- h

tl.eio wah

Clothing of Every Description !

Cut and Mailt, afttr the Lat'st Sty It,And in a th rou;h minner.



Selected Epres-- I r tiiis Market.Please call and exain ne at tny Nt--e Sued on Fort Street, ,

opposite Odd Fellow". llil-- njj st


f T"'s "

Visitors to the Volcano !VVho may oo finding 1


Eatx-rirnrr- is Idea for iltp C'ratrr always inRead:nesa.

Strain jtot! Snljihur Ka!Ls, Hor- - SUblrd andl.raiord if Ih-h- ftl.

Cn.llUd- - KEflXAfiLE.Parties vUitiJ ?." v v HI- on anirn t's

warranted to tike j ti y, ar:n-,- : to 1. 11. liiuhcork. Esttr., II I

5i It ' I V.H HAEI'-o- N & C. .

'on. j

Five Sliillin a AVitU.AuJ iiat fJlu1 t.f il.

'I i. !!!! - Ilrww it ii.-s- t I .r t" K Kci t iuiih,ari'l I'.-ti-

i w.rk'-'- l in t!io Kiin.'!i tin y t.l -- ilf l y -i l.- - all i!:iy. t!. y 1

ry ijt'-- r rit ways .f th-i- r

!iiIi!tV j via- - t- - -it aiiil cliat in tin orl.-- r

.f t!..- - I;.-- ! Li n. llrwn l - ,n-- r hi l.i:ni:-y- riw-- r ait-- i l -.-ij-r.

iJr-'V- l ti a.-- a -- t:tiiti-li 1ii-X- ' .taitT."" k- I i - I

liim--if- . Hf vn- - a'l :ui'l ftn-ii- , aixl l.o fuii-- l

i.t: IM n .t !rtt r-- r - irit.--: l.e kiw ii.any !"

lii. - ai:-- l t:.. ir !.! 'l n

inr- - th- - Lal'it f j a arT f tli-i- r

in Ir:t.k. art-- fv.-r- i:ov an-- ti--

out irt ilrimk ii re-l- . S '1 lioma-ro-ht- -l tok- - i - if ti, t- - !:.J tati It t take Much-t- r--n "'rink t.tkir- - it nc at till.

II- - wits M,rjii---- l !:iut--- If : iin-- !i w i!iu !tt'.i- - u ir IK- l'.m-- l t!.at J:e a)M:t 1f .Kii a 'n- t rjstri-- . i.:" rI a in ull lioi:r-- Mwith liis wif.-- . what t- - l with this five

ai.-- l th-- f;tl'l t- - jut it iitt a luiii:nwhi-!- t hail lately I it it S Thui:!.-iJpjw- n

t'k liv- - lilt v juri-- l an-- i jsti-- Lislive a wtfk into tlieoiii'tv; wi.iichis

r ai.--I s!t Suttih.siir lns lie .'hiliiuT" ill the r the lli- -l

Li n.KU-ve- t!t- - htiiiiliii ty

of whi-- Ih-iitta.- - lirown was it u.vai't.T, wuuit--

uj-- . ainl Thi-ui;t-- - a cl-i- oti tl-- e laitk lvrt"t'T with whi- - h he luht a h"ttst. whirh

hr-ii-'i- t him in iht shillins a vk rent.A- - he Mill lui-- his five shillins sur-lu- s

his na.i-i- , an-- l ti.ese fftiiliii heth-uh- t he 'l ! no letter than join another

s.H-iet- : nn-- so he thirtw.t fftvurtil shares ; at.J 1.,M in his thirteen shillings a


Another eleven voars lts,-e- .l over, an-- l the huil-1-

in- - Thoma- - t.r.--.,

with which more houses, ivl.iel. hnm-- ht ,iia -s a wtvk tit-- tit it. a v.-a-

AUmt this time w..rk U-- to I slack at thefactory, and tl-- ma.-t- er s,i,t f-- r KoU-r- t andTh.-i.tas- , and then, that he was verv .itvthat he eoul-- l no longer f.i. 1 cmi-lo- inent f .V llit-.u'- . retuil.e.1 hoine. Thomas'was a little sadto think that he should not . t the old , 1 tee,wiit-r-e he ha-- vvorkeil for s--t many years; hutUoU-T- t liad a heavy heart, nnd when he told hiswife she a dismal future, and hurst into ;

tears. i

After the cheerless .sui.jx-r-, I'e.hert went out,'

hut instead of .in t.. the Ked Li.-n- . he l.x.kcdin at his nei-rliho- Thomas' hou.-- e t- - see w hat hevas t d. fr Thomas, like a wise loan,I ii..r nl.oiit his iiiiin ,,r his i ruii-ri- c

and lew of his shoi.iuate.s knew anvtfilii" a'-u- t

it Thoni is was at his r w hen Kohcrt rimein, and lie a -- ked him to it and join him ;


but li .Wc was t. excite-- i to d t that." Wh it is to 1! .lone , Thom-is-- . sai-- l Kohert ,this is :i ire,l " '

" Wi-l- l " Kiii. I, fir iiiv i,tri f d oi t ii

intend t.. work in the factory any more. I can't

11 i

guardian theI1M1 ;


toe a alter' was, '

a new after i 111 there are living' ariectioii the

How I VuIJohert. i 11 is v one Vou a

N- - " answereil Thomas "I incriineenough to keep me without working in fae--tory."

I wish," Robert, " that vu would give.. ..... ,.r .i--

li i.r a lulli-- ... r. .. . Th. i i is ;ni i n- -

know I have been a tivtoLvli-- r frtwentvvears, a joke vou and rest

at me f-- it"Well, vou have pull of us any !

rate," raid .bert ; "but ibift Ilt-e- n a drunkard, , you? I have always

lnade mv wife table, given what'she has wanted fir the house

I know i.avc." answered Thomas ; "iny wife I agreed put the shillings aweek we could into the building society,and n-- we tliirtv-sc-ve- n a weekcoming in without woiking for it.''

rt stn and he eaid aslie,. got lip

ig " I

isee lnvi"i

mi-tak- e ItoW : ..Ug!l

.nave ii"i neen a uriiiiKar-i- , i nave s piano.

away without thought what might now makewile m eoiii.'ot tor tlie rest lives.i:ist-a- d of liaving to wt out 1 n.k work ina new place am dig stiangers.' J'aptr. ;

PIAKOS!And Other Musical Instruments.



Lessons ;ivcu on I'iano nnd (.tiitar.t- rerereiices civi-n- . ly



I O A pi ;(


fE.Iinxi Allen Come.RECEIVED:

jTAI.lFORNIA ( Itl'.I.M t'UKKSK.K.e d, Apples.

Cid. L af Ijtr.l, l'.il!ira.-"- s ?i)-:i- r Hams,

Cutlii.g 's Jellies in gljss,

Cala. Mustard, Stan-h- ,

McMurray's Oysters, Pare Lemon ?yrup.I

Pure Madras Curry,

Caiif- rnia I'ri- - J IVaLlns.

Cranlierries, Pacilic C Ifi.--h.

fa!. Sola. Oat--- , Cal. Oi:ion,,

Eye Meal. - a Gate Flour. Lran Crai Wafer Crickers.

Cracker'. Milk Crackers,,

Cratrkcrs, E sim Cracker- -,

SoJa Cratk-'r- ,

Vear Ginri-ree- Jum'-l- s,'

Choice Y.Io Japan Tea,

Choice Xatural Leaf Tea,

Chi-ic- Natural Japan Hys-.-n- ,

Choice Comet

Ielicate 0 ivt-- O-- lung Teas.


By tlio Xeazei' !

I'vjttel Meats, lunch

Ar.rh-jv- and Pioater

l"i g::.-- h Jams, 1 an-- 2 !h. jI'ecjt.t--r- s Oil.

Citron, Orange and L- ia-.-- Peel. Muitarl, Ei Venaicei:i ai.d Macaruni,

tfarJIiH-s- . Sou--

Kt.ghsh Pepper, Cinuarooii, Ging-- r, j



VV. v. - ,

R O M II Ea.


Dairies of Myers and Dwight. '


Dairy of Sam'l AndrewsAT


Ci I. 15 1 RTI.KTT

Alcxaiiclrr 'V. Mi'tvarl.l:i l.--- a ' i n. l!i-- ' n:iM'

..Hr, l" ajf. in the i:y l' .itIl was i lri-- h ! ir.h ai:i an n:ae. in re

- if aha-- l itil. ri;.-- t w i'.ii hi- - tin sjii it an-- l

latelit wT of r.i--- e wl:i lt hash-- t ii In the l of Irt'!aitl the

of tV"Utweil. at.-- l whieh has heneiiitry. lis well as t- - . s-- many men

in all v:-l;- s of li!e. lli-- i lett.-- r of in-ti-- l:i

ti.-i- i lr-.i- iii- - iu'ht- - of t'ie S of Fritti lsin Irt-ian- to j ro:nin iit men-!.aiit- - of that Sn-iet-

in New York him a- - es t i the s ;r;lein le- -. an-- i wh.-r- c he wa- - h th

his j. aJ-iri-s- s as a gentleman, an-- l hisattainments a- - it tine ela-i--- it wasthe fr-- t vi.--i of .!ea:i-- l r T. Stewart twhieh f-- r ni re f rty vt-ai- -s has heen hishome, an-- where he risen t- wealth an-- l

I as a nterelatnt. an-- l the extent fwh--- hiisine-- s in that ur.-ui-t j neverl fxeelltsi. an-- l rarely, if ever. e.jua!el in thisor other eoimiry.

He was ft .rn far fr.-n- i the lityof llelfa.-- t.

l he w;-.- s eii.t f a;:-.- n:ai.-- l ) tli his jiirents diel. an-- l he anorj-ha- without any ri-.- ir exi-ej-- t his ma-ternal frntn-- i fat.';-- r. This ol.l man. a me:u-!- ht

of the Melii-Nii-- t Sniety an-- l reat 1'iety,to-- the h.iy to anil his he-ar- t ye.irnc--

the yuat'i. only tleseeti.laut. wasl - e;iriie.-- t w;-- !i aii.l h'-j- tl ti e r.ui!so

a minister of the an-- l viththis in view the ty was at oin-- .utllj-v'l- l a of rtiniies t.j 'rt'Jtrehim for the I'niversity. an early tia,aii.lwi.i'e at heh-M.-l- , the man It- 'an to

. ,t r ,t . . . r i ..l. l -- i ... - .1. V . . V l"rts tt ihi ii'iii it in me riiniies

l"c " 'j he res--Iv,- Le iir.--t. Hi, alr.tiue riot rohii-- t hut vet litlie an-- l active he was

race nn-- l w ith a tenacity ol j.ur- -

1""-,"- ", . .t:'"I iwttjral a..ilities, Le mK-ac- i an-- i iiuuntaine-- i

" wr or leader ol his dass,lll"U '' his academical and cile-ia- te lile.'e 1- V'- -f "t Inaity (.olle-- e,' ?Ias ct"r" ' "h1'--- ' jJ oour.-o- t

thi" ?l"u "ll .''"J'ther iollowed jstrentstl,e. lvo- - l Votin;r, amhuioas student was

""'T m luc. n" iu" -- Y .,e i.iint nave 114 vatea

A 11 HTL-f.t--d. I am - fl 011 earth.To vh-- reUtive r r. in.ii:is ;

not a kindred thai run in human vein."

Alter the his rantathcr a Quakerfriend was chosen and anjx.inted the guardian orMr. Stewart. He was a friend indeed ; and to his

and the instructions of tlic grand- -father with the successful

. ... ... .. . ....1.. IT I 1 I I I I

tlius turning to account l,is excellent sci.el- -

wc.eiiiirouiicc.toy i.i.u to oui 1.111

and Koiuan ch'.ssic.Act ident made him a njerchaiit. here he

.1 . 1. . I V .. - isiuaies me nas 11.H.-1111- hiuku hjul" of It new

through and hy this ion. of The circle tliou compete. was a ti.o.vuSUintro-hicti-.- were !U'.',-.-

ttske-- l ha.i h.i fame .rtune jl!S renre from activeorlil. ror oriel time. . answer Atui-ls- t all

in he was enii-Ioo- l a teacher, h;s trans

take to r laee now, have b.-c-- s.. ,'I1- - And n .w woo

n-.- sl to tlw liot. cur wi;!i great intere-- t andi live, then? el

an left fortune?'have


i,rnow. Voir

thehave had

theli vou supjiose

have ri

coinlbi and her

you butand to live

have shillings th


and tai.le oland for








Sew Cake.










r T




tr-iii- t

!.is this


sue snf-- r





veal'swas left


hi Itat



theuiii..-- i

l)t.l-lin- .

ha.l the


No, drop

tleath ot


g-x- l



ofconnection . Still a

t contribute he devotingwitii the to langu.ige

of and with iv.--p.

thus ktvping giveni ".v.. vm.r ..ii .mi U.. ....Hi tl.-i- f...... in I ..............i. or-.!- . 1.. nillan-- l won. lerful energy likh has nau kod hi-- w

bio he at once went Lack to Ireland, convertedinto nmnev tiie moderate which he

. i . .uivestc.! tnat iortane in ig.-oo- s prnni- -

I""V the woico wero manul.ictiuvd at and"round his birthplace an-- l then returned to

and his'rk store.An-- l ill this connccti-- nvav be inentione.1

incident of of ll-.-

of l tlepend, part at least, adoptedrarely forgives enemy, it, increase

never ibrgets young thathe the 1 venture

details, so irst iimstn sell anything the morrow 1 come amimake the ttit-- t purcha.-.-- ; for 1 will bring luck. IT

t- -- ho up in her carriageearly the and nearly

w- - o-- lars in value, prineipany ..I iris;,vture jas-e- -l ; lady married and

removed witti her husband a Ki.roiie-.- eitv. he,.vart was city

there learned that his first customer was still liv- -i

ing, but in very reduced circumstanct-s- . Herhti-baii- -l was dead, but iielore his le.-a- t'i ha--

rtune. l'roeiiring ajiarl-- i bemen:.-- , caused be furnished in a stylecorresponding firmer in life.Then ujion and hisiniee, in-- ai'ier conversing old times and formerfriend- - a drive witli him aroundthe city iu his carriage, sto-s- d r.After h some of in:eic-- t he ther t- new residence, saying: ''This, it ami-et- s your itM.robati ai, home.'"lie aniiiiity iij.-i- i uuiing tiie

her liie she he-- l not olllv 111 com! artbut e uiijsira'.ice a:!hieiiee. irte-- l entirelyby bis Tl v, brought hick to a

merchant, fir-- t morning' purchasewas a lucky one lor iicr.

Hat theie vva- - an.iiher connected withthe sales of that day of larMore i!iiirtaiiee in its results, though apparentlytrilling iu its character. of tlie clerks stated

a purchaser that a piece of calico was of a cer-tain ipiality, and el irs fa.tand Would n t and imt , article

he taken l.:-.e- and money returned. to'1 he lemarks overheard liy Mr. Stewart, andhe the clerk him and sj. ike in-lig- -

1 : 1 n : W hat d mean rayii. iivou to he untrue?" i he l r, -

haj-- thus t- - acc.i.iiit,t woman w.mM not the id.-- ,

and she could put off hyshe must he uii-iakc- ii, and the purchase must I.

have heen ma-l- at other stoic. Rut no ; Iiinai was not ine iiiiu. . nao oeeit i ti.e

a and goods must he sold ins lore or in iiis naiii" uinier any liiisrcprescnt.i

ti iii whatever, clerk could coulorui thator once vacate ins place. This interview p.

Ii..lietvveeo liim iind of first nar-rat.- sl

w:it-- r a voars since, when in aa fiimiiiar c inver.-a-t was

asKtsi : Wiiat tl yoti attnOute ymirmicci-is- s a merehant ?"' "That I have e.ui-duct- ed

hu.-iiie- -s the first oftivth. Truth, truth, " he iuidisl. with great

iasis. ta'i.sinanie word and 1 havt one

any wi-- h ,,r tii-- ue gu-iiie-r than an-

other, that in this re-pe- ct example mayhe an-- l followed hy y.ui'ig lne:i

litisincss, and csiM-ciall- hv

'1 here hi- - lui-ine- s- oie j rice for all. Fromthis tixed price n i employedto th-jii- t an-- l every purchaser ofwhether of value of shilling- - or of tens ofthousand- - of illars,gets the precise m!-1- . ih..

deceit :i as condition toor (piality the is tolerated, hence the liivutih uilided c di he ohtaino-- l inevery Stale an-- l almost every village in our

To cairy out sti- a system rcjuiros a rigid at

discipline, and sometimes occurs that ay-mu-

man of easy coiiseionv finds restraints tsevere. '1'iie oxi-- t t.ti-.!i- s ;ire rare, and when found to.'.It. it: they r later, never with- -

out lei.uke. an-- t t

lh. is a military reoutrod li.san-- r and it - that the h.-i.- v;i- -t

luaehinery its it were, l.y etrieoften during late war,

while there- many oHi'-cr- -

well a regiment of men the wasemail of th-.s- who suci-essfull- dirct.-- t

m .vciiicnts of large annie-- 5 tie licld.Mr. Stewart s of a giv:-- gen.-r.-.l-


.piiek t i d;.secrn. t act. fearless and arein ail his movements. To these, may he

ttd-its- l a tpii- k almost intuitive as were,the charac ters of In thi- -. as inu.-- t al-- Ilajp-- . n (.., oxten-ivol- y engtgod.

ha- - i rarely The Iright man generally the place. isthat orf--t system and thorough disciplinethat enah'.e- - one i;. 1 to c intn and directMich ava-- t hiisin. a w hi. hit.iineets n with every State tin.

,,ut every Kingl .;nof Kuroj... The husii.e--- . i. in- - ludes t!:..-.-- I .'.'-or- , I. ;:p-rt- iti-.- n t'tii r.ciea. in ti 1 hii-.-r - i Iii

eri tl. re ; - ' ''--' t'"'" I::i'" '1 g

V I - ,,.m:i:; w

e i X -ov.-- r fl.. hi.n l t: .1 it - I he tl i.--

am- :i g ir e'i i r t

l... I'n-i-i-- 'i.t tl.' I t.Tes,

ar,-- l I.trj-- t r than er -s .f -- ve!-.ll otr.t;e- - r tl:-- - l i ol I .eir . e

-- H th:- - i -- r !,. -- iiu--- 1 ne n taetual e;i :.n-- i

UT-.- n lit uj.--wh-.l- tu.t.-hiner- worke-- an-- hy oneener-et- i- an-- i mini. wo.1,1 soeitias t!- - lam;, of Ala-- l iin ha-- Uvn f itifl.

Th-.u-- l.rn other siue of t!ie Atlanticthe Latin maxim

i !u;'i a:.:m-t-

Wui tr.u; iiurf rsrrui.;.

ean sai-- l t he tothe..;--.- " of oi:r lovernsiient. stn-- l t'isc

l ai:-- l Maintaint-- l v Mr. .Vewart. is. t?uitwh a t i ti.?en or su!'".,vt fa f ;..vrnii!iei.teiiiijrni's v..!i:ntari! v. an-- l his own a l a I j tires all f siilezian-e- . a:ul takes the

-- itli of alieiantv t- the .v eriuuent of his choice,he shoiilJ. in all s. htvo-aie- . as it wvie. awhs.!,, a half cirh-.e- there s!;...l l he tv .sl

ulleirianee. The title e

of American citizen, n t or ar.i-iti-- Hence he lias all e

with Sitieiii's- ex hisit !y of n'nof foreign irth. Yet sai-- l heart ofthe .Scotchman warms t t the tartan, s Lis heartvturms tuwar-i- j le of his native lan. I.

few years airo, there was a faminethere, he ailoi.tcl a course an-- l rlKt init-el- l. an-- i iihistratin of the juruliar e!ar-aet- ei

i. .s of man. First, he sjUht for aphi) to charter. British vcsx.1 was olh-rc- l an-- l

lclu-- il ; he w.iiiti .l a ship of his n eountrv. anAmerican s',ij.. Such a one was f ,ini-l- . new, inhnci.rJcr, Auieric;in c-- :ain anj Ameri-can crew, itn-- l was chartert J. lie

an-- l amount of t!ie for-

tune which he from livl.uul. an-- l aJ-le-

ttte inter.-s- t theretj. and tliere was a very colisjj-ei-al-- le

sum money which lie eon.-i-!e-nl he owe t

liil in-!- , an-- l he lve-- to J the !cl-t- . The vesselwas l,a-le-- entiivly hy him both necessary an-- l

w ith the Anierieim tlair rloatin1mi.Uv at the the L:ii-.- It

Amet icH's to , an-- l waxJliU.1te, tlio jrivcr. The arrival of tint vessel

diMrilmtieii of the valual-i- ca:- -o aiaoit-t- he

uiler:n- - , as ui.-- well iiiupncd, aj.ruil.ui..l ii.irressi..i.. In ovation yet awaits the....m-- should he ever 1 the rMue

, olhs natne land tue i.ajnuii.ty t., give

the enterprise was not vet eoini-lete- . Theagent at was dirvvted to for yotinjrmen iiU-- Women who tksirel to Ainerieit, aul a

was given as many as the vessel couldn .' tl.......!.. ...... iii.-.- . t.ii.t.r !... r tl.'.t

should moral chai-wt-er un-- a Me to re idwrite. A was issued hy Mr. Siewai t

himself, and sent to his numerous friends, st tiingfact that he exj-ecte- l a liuuilier youn

and nskin-- t einplovinerit lor titein. AVhen the

he has time to pursue the lies f his youth.Now a- -t his three-scci- re years, the cLis-ic- al works)which hi; read his yt.ungor davs are not allowe-- tolest tlie shelves, but are frcUciitly in hisFew professional men iu our land ami l- -t bu-- v

n "'sAViih the love of classical learning he cherishes a

warm love for nil that is rare beautiful art.

...... ... .. X .... . I.. ...... I ....great mereiatiii oci-- n; c jmiv i

attrihute much his satve-- s in afterlife. 1 found for almost every one of the emigrants,let was

i r.K-ure- wlion young ,", ", ..,..,.,

w wlar determined wk an-- l in i, should ho his.c lo.s ar--.

t.o to .school."rival JNcw lolk asi va.--t an-- widclv-cxtoiide- -1 business

-- ' tho-- e re-l.ii- i-r




au-- i manv

now, at

i:.,v sadlv




















and pursuits life preserve their knowl- -lie in w ith an ba.-i- - edge of the rarer s the example of

ne.-- s man and capital suddenly merchant engaged in txtensie busine-- s hisf.tiii-- idiiiself jirincijil alone, eliarged 'few s of leisure the of Crcece nndlent a store, whole .nsibilitv an-- l fivsli the learning

i"l.-- ' 1......w




williincn.. gallerv, wiil some

touching interest ine many sho .v- - t'n-u- . this luiuty may lie wiils nacwhat the bi in uiw.ii to

his whieh. it an preserve and its future for purposesaliiend. lady ac- - to it is V. hen shall

.luaiiitanee had said him" on day the assertion that it leproc.Mir-.- op-nin- of his .re: Vou perfect in all its and f as

on till

her proini-e- . dr-iv-

in .i.m1 fr

theI)yr in that on hti-ine- ss and

her f. go-;- l

he towiili

calling Iter renewing aeipuiii.t-- Ion

asked to take lwhich at the

oking at objectsthe if

is your futurean ani


biiintv. til if s!ie theyoung that


merchandise on f.rst


that the were ""

wa h out, if s theVioiild the

werecalled witii tic

:itreplied !iat the return go

if did slicthat


purchase ; inLis

liie torule at

ids wasthe few

in the directlo

asmy on the

the ;

oneit is my


is inis


the dd articles

or to theand

i.f which has in


an the

are. s Miner passthe is

re precisionexacte-i- , thus vv

works, d- -

It wa.-- s.ii-- toe thatvere wh'-o- r

theon the hat

has theto

ieiuight, it

into men.ways to

s .metihics in right It

that.1 of

husines- -it-e- .t in

w'It?1 S:ate"and

M th- -p;--

in.!-.t.n--. If sC


t Witht

:;?-Ttiti- -

t!a-- o.'the


iser. an Kai.


ifon lite


him. Thetrue tlto fin-hn- ie


ii.-- t

t:uit an an IrishmanavoMcd

l as it is the


uni ue ji



with an anat once then


ofres ty


lt;i,f eciitrihutions

the!- -,r

afl--r w.m.t-heai-t- cd



to pfree to

of tr.-o-

sind cirtuhtr

the of




and in

m-- s

et-- a



the "i-- l


The iioi.le dwelling going up Fifth Avenuewlieiv be 1 of the-

perhaps, iu the systemveins, the

A whose which devott-- i. system lema L? U Mature we will

the f"ud hum-i-


I'un-lie-- l




clerk- -



mj.l if



en-- :ergot







t.,lwirt,t CUIltrioutions IVoni the "hiscis an 1 easels i and painters. The puMio pressh:IS ltict.l .:s intention of making a 1 trgep.ft, in the shape of tenement hoii.-t- s, to lie erected inthe cit v. after imid-ove- nnd letter of const itu---

...;.. " " f ' .1 r' i"'.""

iii ll.l! .ili 111 1V. VI Si. ii l fcill VJloa .1 IV-l- l

cli.n-i- i v.Mr. Stewart goes out to Paris the present year as

one of the representatives front the L'nit I States tothe great world's exhibition. As lYcsidcnt i.f theHonorary ('omuiissioii apiKiinted the liovernincnt

will he truly an honor to the lan 1 of his adopt 'on.Familiar with the language and the customs ofFranco, he will Ikj at heme in his new othVc the lir.--t,

we helieve, which he has held, an-- l till the morecrcd'it.-tl.l- s it e tine to him unsought. lie will

still true to the II. ig to which he swore alle-giance over forty years ago, and to which during thewar, as well as during a-- the years of Lis citizenship,there has not been one thr.-M.-n- of his heart whichhis not livn an I .trri--t:c- . It Was an appoint-ment iiuineii'dy fit to lie made. The I Vmmis.-.o-u will

e headed by uiie who may well to be now thetii-s- t merchant in tiie United .States, an-- proliaUy intiie world, and who unites in himself tlie (ii 'lities of

distinguished man of business with the aotpuiiv-men- ts

and liolish of a and a gentleman.We may say, iu conclusion, that .Mr. Stewart was

laarrie 1 niter his .settlement in New York to anaccomplished young lady a memlier of a prominent

ad inmtential family and that his married lile hasnceu one of unmteri iipte 1 hariai-n- an-- l happine a rutin-- the domestic hearth that the writer, intimes . tst, g tthere-- i up in familiar and friendly con-versations, and treasured up in his memory the inci-dents soiiie ,.f which have heen related in this innK i

t shctcii. Impcifect it nccess-ii-'il- is for it isv.ritten fir away l'n.m the city, without any memo-randa, and entirely without the knowledge t.f himthe met e outline t.f wh. -- o life an-- l character it pur-ports to give if it shall inspire any young merchant

follow his example, walking always iu the paths ofsi.Ih-i1ic.-- s an I truth, there may hi-- g.x.-- l roiia-isptir-l- n iu thus nct'.iiig pul-li- the ns of

icii'i. ill ti.e private an-- co .c. JJarptr sAljiilhly .Mjjzihc.

TiiK KlNOO-i- oC!M. T,-- i in-v.- l,illgd-IIl- .

a- - ii is i he called, is composed i f l' p.--

ever Nova Scotia and New j;n:!.-vvic- k.

is i have it ii.Vfl Jell. 'I .ll. r. l.i vuee:i. at a salary m ii.-- r ron.ioi- oi- -t

twice as much as the 1 'resilient of i!ie I'nhoil statesIt- - eive. is l.i l.aVC ll iii.;ol!!leil hv 1 1.eI'l.ova. consisting of svventy-- t wo luemliers." wiMi

over ia iiie lo e!.c! six m r.-- : ami aUse of ( 'oiiiillohs elec.ed hy the people.

of 11 hut the crown is to appointli..- - .sp.'.iioT '.in' Coli.lllol,--.- .

Swivw. The telegraph says that the I'ldtedStat.s has a siati-.l- i in .he Westla-lic- ihe Hay vi Saai.'.n.t. t.n tiie poi-ti.-- .i

of Sa:i '. The har'o.r - unee-l..I l.i.e-- ; m th.- - v.. t I il. an-- l tie- - l:.iy is I'mtv-1'irc- e

lui'.es hy e'ht miles wi-i--- . ( in ti.eIioMli -- ide of tiie i'.ay lie- - tlie t .l.

Wldell possesses .VCeliellt li.lMll.d l.l. ;!i:tesrei airiiig vessels. As early as .,;; tl-- l"id:.--- l

Sta-- s ( ;.jvei nnieiit fp'-Ile- n goliali.-ii.- vvhh Sanloiuir.go for tin- - j . ; n--

. . ; t f l!i:s l;;i;l r. i:finly now ecu years iheie.tfie: .hat tiie lutr-gai- u

L..s l.--.-ii coiisiuiiiiiated.

TulAi i ii w Tixi'i.oKKi:. The gntplity i. the d.'adi of Mr. I:.v;d l.ivi:!g-ion- .

Afii.-ai- i tnis-it.n- .i' v anil exiM-ir- . r. who is -- .liilhave hoeu kille-- i hv tt:.- - I'aSres in Ai'i.--iiigstoae was li.irn near (iia-g.-- ia S, oihtTi 1

l -- l."i. itml ar ten years of age was a n afaetory, hut at iill.-l'vai- s during the day an-- l

night his studies. At i;i h- - I acoit-ii- i;i.-r- . l.'.it d nearly all e;ii!iir.L's toeducating himself. !! arte:,.h-- i l lectures.s;u.;---- l theology, an-- l iu ) went ::s :i n.i-s- i. rv

-- lii'n a. aiid s lali- red am-ui- tiih.'swlieil he i;ud it i'ec st.uo-- . n all

ii:ig and has aiatle ex'Dl-.r.iti-.i-

lot.-i-a- s- - ever in.

Tiik i iTi.imi. 1:;t. (l.-oi-- I' ns wew-- re 1 fe!y l iiv t.l.-gtitp'i- . gave S ', .iiiio.nou i;1

a-- h. olid s'l.lotl . i:i 1m.ii.P- - t.f the ,,r yt.l.-- :Le p: oliio:!--- an-- l elic-ci- ag- liieiit of

intellectual, ni- or iti-- i isiri il ducul:o:i itn,o::gthe in-.r- iestioiti' of tiie

n Stiites tdoiir l"nio:i.The ti ust es lo t o.e of this

VVinthrop of lu..:i-to:- iFi-- !i of New York. Kight K-- v. Ch.iries 1. M-

I ilno. i,n. (itaiit. U'iiliani ( '. liiv.-- otX'irgia'nt. .It-h- II. Cillt" t d of Ma--- a. ii.i-- . it- -. Wil'iamAikea of South Carolina. Wiliam M. ilv iii ts . fXeivVoik. Wiiilam A. Itiahai.i f Xorth C.tro.ina,"harleg Mc A lister of 1 'euiisyivanla. (',. A. lJioC ,,('usluiiot-jii- . Sainuel Wetaiore t New Voik. d

A. Il.altiiitl of fl,-- . N. Kt-t-i- ti

M irvlati.l. and fr-or- ge I'enl.od.y l;us-i-- ll of'lie In;-:.-,- -- t in Vi i,i,

adopt. .1 the :

li sol-- ,. That t!.e Hi ler-ign.-l. 1 - iiig the trus-

tee ta'd-- d Wii-hin- g eii. deeply ofl.t-n- - r oiilci ie-- on th.-u- i l.v a t: ii- -t t h

hi 't:td I re.,!;- -

Hi-- a1 ;iai gi 's i!;;tl.

,. v I..

. f t i

- 1, !:-

Pianos, ilelodrons and .kcordconsJL" ii nod!io.ilM)S. ACCIIK

iTi:.s. tii'iTAi:?,

V. II. IMLTZ.May f. un-- l at Wtn. Y.tch't Furr.Uure turr7


':T...4. n. vl,n. TJlTrVsitns' COOLXcot LUiUCliai.u "


Exchange on United States.icht 1 fl ITTS IN M"1 TO MIT.iol'

in r s: C. l lilt H AKl-s- - a.









TonnutM and Grcs.veJ 1 inch and 11 ioch.



CiTOK K for MKiTrn niise: of am.IN AT l.'-- K ATI's, la the I'remisn lately

"occMi-i.- W'aiker, Allen ; Co. A y toSt0 KAl'LKE i IRWIN.

Just Received by the Morning StarAND FOU SALE BY


IV-- Piir Iron.Best Sli fit? and Heads, t.arrel and lies;

lie- -t I'r SsPd White Pife LumlKrr.IU?st Hard Tine LnuiSer,

TIet Bread in barrels. I

K iii-l'.e- -t Cut Nails. 4, 8. 10. 20, 40, 50 and C01.

t Card Matches in cases. 6CI l


OFFER FOR SALE,Suitable for Ships' Provisions, i of fink sai.tkii bi'TTER,M. s of Isl.-ini-i Syrup,

Itarrvls f HawaiianKei! of Hr- wn a:i-- l Yellow Pofffir.

s lel Crushed White ?ugar.Cases of Loaf Siicnr,

Kegs of Plus Tol plil IVa" in I.'ni:j hns,

Ships' ltrurhes,;

CC5 4t llin-- llrw nu.



V t!

!?. K AC.CFELD & CO.



Euglish, Prerich and Belgian.

Iino rviiisilin Ivobes,A N I)

Elegant Jaconet Ball Dresses !

TfOl'IlNlNfJ MI'SL INS. Victoria, btnrnn,.ue Ctto..s. ,uc linll.

liiue Tirkinr, j'Hickory sirlp.-s- . W hi!e Shirtinps.

lilack Orleans, hoe ick Aloara. i

niiirk and ahile fist'd Al.aca, '

Pine KiamieSs, Hickory M.iitK,Scurlet h llnnni-ls-

Flltiejf Iloo-D- Shiris. Pilot I"ih .!. 'set:,?triii--- Linen , Cashmere Pantaloons, j

VV hile wi..ln lira .vers nnd I iiileri-l.i- l ts.Woolen i.iid s.'l.a. wu.!eti iiiteiis.

Very tin-- - an I extra ii.rne r.lar.l.i-t-.- ,

lital.ket: ot v;r..-u- in.. amiLailies1 t i Chemisettes,

Laiitt-- pnnlL-- tkirts.

Ladies' Wtiolrn L iiion Dress (.oodsI.d!c t.d Oetit n C:.miiHc IIti.kercl.iefs,

y Cott in S lk tini-he- -l hitia,T.oi.. v r. .! litid yell-.- II in ,

re Co ts, a l'aiil.ilA Eit.e Selection

Caslimeres, Cioilis and Thybets for Gents'Dress Goods,

White and SewincWillie Kttirtii.j an-- Croch-- Cotton,

lai.y li.ii.Bj M. awls,l;.ue una !.ne ni;d Ci.ii.n Checks,

lsirge s:ite iViivt tin: Plaj.!,Si:-- i. ii.K-:s- ,

Veil l; r.v-,

l eal her 1 'lister?,fine mi l iT- ssi-- .c Cor.i' I n. hr-.-- . is. S.:k Net-k- .laney Vo-.!e- lllai.kels Ponchos.

rii Invoice ofItavetis Iui-k- heavy and

Cur t'e, ;

I. tig St-.- f.

lhitiine, M irlin, Hou-ui- p,

llij-'lme- , lliuitinp:.

Invoices of Champagne,Ilei.lMeck r Co., Kuinart, Ptp : FiN, Ad . Collins.

ASSORTMENT OFSteel C'his-'N- . ?aw Ei:---- .

Woc--I and Iron I 'il-- ? an 1 U,..i, j

Sailors' t i.tid sheath Knives,rir.e i'eu an.i Pocket Knivs,

Fire Brirks, Red llik-ks-. Oid-.ti- T.l.s for SuJa'r Ketiies! ,

Californiii and Ito-eiulit- le Cement.Blacksmiths' Coal, Ear lien. Hoop Iron,


Eastern Pine an 1 Or-- n K.-- j .

Pine I'.arrel Sh'.ks.Japant'sr Paper for Orange Wrappers. j

1T Ail Ord-.-r- will be filled at reasonable

SEASONED REDWOOD LUIBEH!(' NT Li NO. ALL SIZES.3 Sur ace t I !;,n at.-- li Halt. n,

Liitti-.-.-- Fancy Pointe-- Picket-- , plain Pickets,

Nor' West Lumber Seasoned! 1

Surfaced Boards.P.ckets, Kouirh

PSarik, Timlior.If you ln "ave yo'tr Itu f. hot, aiid y,iUr Fl wr

mi l I'artiii i. to l e tiitht.R V V S E A S O N E I) L V M R E R I

VAILS, all kinds at the Lowest Hates.

I O ) It s A SIl A X I) U f. I MISPAINTS, II.. i


GLAss. ALL. SIZLS OF stFKki-a- t Cii ALiiv ixd Cheap

Paper Hangings,A Lo ?e Stllin at IIilJ Price.



Ihe very m the world f r K -t--.

or any wnrk exposedthe r.

nt C,nr if F--rf and Strutsl;y I.. I.. 1 on nr ii t

k:.;. i.rt. M le r .rti.ul.r if y,mI



J TJ TJ , ,V"-1- . n




KOXA, HiUVAHAnd Intermediate Torts, viz:


Kawaihae.Kailua.nn-- j

Keulakekna.if turning cil! Lare

KeaUkrkua and Ksilu rr. r'y VrdneMay,Ivswait.a- - ?T.-r- Tlmr.I,-i- niclit,

KalrKit-i- iTrry f rid iyLuliaina ert-r- y ri.lsr uilit.

bM II. HACKKKI.U A. C... Agi-nu- .


i . ocularly laid on aa a packet Wlween

Honolulu and llilo.For Frright or lDnge ai ply toIW5 3m CIITNG IfCMX Co., AfrnHt.

FOR KAWAIHAE.ifesi Schooner Tnrilda,

V ill run as a regular packet to the alove port. F- Freightor passai; PP'y Captain on board, or to the Agi-nta- .

WALK Kit & A LI. EN, Arrota.Aget.U at Kaaraiiise,

j ALLEN & CONWAY. tftt 3m

For MALIKO, Maui.i t Clipier Sclir. TTolen,

Will run as a Iieinilar l'ark-- t tl is port andMaliko. For freijrht or apply to the Master on board 'or to iiif't bin) S. A llKil Airent.

For Waihee, Haui.-- i The Fine

Z T; iry Ti 11 ji ,J. WtsT, Master.

Ituns reeularly to the jK.rt. For fnifl.t or paasuge,applv to the Captain oti board or to

54:J 6m C. liItKWI K ii Co., Age.-it,- .

FOR HANALEI, KAUAI.z3k Selioonei Trinco,

W iil run as a R.arular Packet tu the above - rt. F. r Fr ightor apply to

669 am WALKER 4" ALLEN, Amenta.

For llilo .md Oiibbua, li.ntaii.J& Sclioonor u:imie.

Will run as a Regular Packet to the above ports. For Freightor Palace apply to

bbJ oin W ALKER k AI.LKX, Apents.

For !IiI ind Kabjiakuc.i, Haviaii.

1-- Sclioonor .Vctivo,Will run as a liecular Packet In the above porta, toachirgat

L.H A1N A. For Freif lit or e ap) ly too'J 3ui W AI.KEU i ALLEX, A (Tents.

Foi1 S si I e I

The Honolulu Iron Works CompanyM q.AVK ON H ANI) A M FOR SALE TIIEft. lul.LuMl.Wi

vl C XI X IU 11 Y !Which they are prepared


ONK SFI'KRIOR Sl u'AK ."Mil. I.,1" progress Lulls L'4l(l itirhra Siime jtttern th"S

at Capt. llohr. ii's, .V A.Unn, mid the one just coiu- -neieu lor tne ivaiwikl I'lal.tutioti.

ONE MEDII M SICAR .MILL,In pro?rts ltoMs 2(l:iS inchi-- a Similar lo tlire at

Cuinl-l- - ll A; Turion s, South Cmi.tatl-.n- , J. K. v iili.-uu-s

and the one just coiiiideti f..r t,e Hai.!4 plantitiionAl lloraesi.utt-ei-- r rhaiix-.i- t rctuirtd, t- -

he sold t- ether or separate.

ONE SMALL MfiAR MILL.I '- '- I IucIm-i.- . With it without H.-rs- Powers.

ONE STEAM KXfil.NK, 10 im-f- i cylinder, 24 inrfcstrike, the suoe as Mr. with imj.r-.v.-

lle.ulal-ir- .

TWO SMALL STEAM E N (.'IX ES,C Inch Cylitidi r, 10 inch stroke.

Fur ItuHitut.j!rhi.jdpattern as those at Plantation, Capt.'i

ui.d .Mr s lieorite's, and u hi- h have great aatirI... l.avii.g heeu dsieci ,lion, u, y tr ltl rnjuirvtueiiU.


9 Inch rv'iinder. IS inch stroke, vriih fprfiht P.. il. r. irlhis eaii be had a bargain ai.d wairano d -- rf.ct.



s Works, wilh h!l th !:.t-- st iti.prov. niCDlsand wiirr.mted lo eoe aai.fdvii..u il trevtt d by our o0Mechanics.

FourSteaEi Clariiers, eic mie's make. One orto. re Will Ik;

A Train of 5 superior Carron Sugar Pans,le.Ust make.

One scxa.ll Steam Ergine for running Ceutiifu- -

gais. ami 2 Centrifugals, Ve.-t.,n- 's make.

One Copper Steam Strike Tan, vvhh doublecopper worm. This can he had a hurgain.

Ona Copper Sorglium Pan, 16x1 feet.TWO TTRIJINE WHEELS,

S. hM.'s jio.-i-t- , suital-i- ; a pair of CrittrirugaMachines each.

HORSE 1'OWERFor driving M.ichin-- s. a erv super it r power, to be

hal at hair c ,;."


These are irivinj ureal ..ii-- f i on, caui.-- i the Enciiie to worksteaiiily uuder v.rjiii,' loads, anj a saving of lucl.


loo ISHAAS lilliE CLOTHS, for Centrifugal MachioesI


These are ortli il.spt-clioti- .




And patterns of the latest inijir-.v.-- WIND MlLLcl'ble t f lifting 1 (.. 00 tra'.lr.i,-- :it r per 24 huurs;

Ma-le- to order.

I"I aving on IT a. 11 dA Latgr Aurtinrnt of

sheet, liar Iron, Ansle lroo,Miaftir,--- . KiUiws and Vee.. Ac., to suit

fcleam or Water C.-k- Valves,Water iaui.-e- a Mom lir.ili rs,

Taliow an-- OilIi--- an 1 L'r.-o-

India IUihl-e- r PackinfFue Clay,


Re- -t HUfksmith's (oa!. in r:ts'.We are pn pared to supply the uat.ts of our fiienJs t

R E D I' C E D RAT E S .N". It Every description of WOOD SAH'IXG and Tl'RS

lytr f.-- parties.HONOLULU IRON WOEK- - COMPANY.

3m TIKIS, I! f II KS, Manager.

rif The fl'orr 7.'.s ic'.V ,( (;.'.'( J'roi.i time totint' , to '.-

- a.'traix t sioir t ii, t 'i;i tat Machintrifrr h,rt el llOX. A'dV WORKS.

L.'l' " I. JT. S - -- -"1 t ii

- ijii.L,Lii:' --1 r-
