the pennsyimnian pennsyimnian volume xxxiv-no. 25 philadelphia, friday, october 25 1918 price, three...

THE PENNSYimNIAN VOLUME XXXIV-NO. 25 PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 1918 PRICE, THREE CENTS DRILL LEADER FOR NAVAL UNIT ARRIVES Formal Physical Instructor at Naval Academy to Have Complete Charge of Drills. MEN GET FIP.8T INOCULATION. CAMPU8 DAILY MAKES CUT IN LI8T OF CANDIDATES Especially noteworthy of mention, in Naval Vnlt news, is the arrival of Chief Boatswain"* Mate J. A. Huber at the headquarters of the Naval Unit. Following the meeting of the Penn- sylvanian Hoard, last night, a cut in the list of candidates was announced. This measure was taken in order to live up to the standard set at the be- ginning of the year. Twenty candi- dates have been kept on the rolls, and they will be subject to further compe- tition. It has not been announced whether there will be any openings for new candidates. This will be announced within a short time. The following men survived the cut and will report •VARSITY WILL MEET MARINES ON SATURDAY Health Authorities Give Consent to Play Game on Condition That Only Students Be Admitted. GEORGIA TECH. WANTS GAME. Mr. Huber was formerly Instructor of; dB ">' ,or assignments: Maker, Hein. ' Hritt. Ityck, Conner, Crane, Day, Ken- dall. LOVltt, Moyer, Quick, Relsinnn. Klghtor. Rosenfeld. Schwartz, Sluw. Blerer, Btady, BtMla and Sullivan. POSTPONE LAFAYETTE CR08S-COUNTRY MEET Physical Kducatlon and Swimming at the I". S. Naval Academy. Annapolis. Md . and has been detailed at the Naval I'nlt ns Drill Superintendent. Chief Huber has had much experi- in handling men. for. us lie him- I pelf phrases It, he had to "beat the I Plcbes Into submission." Yesterday, for the tlrst time, rifles featured the infantry drill of the sail- ors. Although the guns were of an old model, they served the purpose, in- asmuch as they were issued only for drill in the manual of arms. The 20- year-old group were instructed under arms, by Chief Huber, and under his able tutelage the men progressed very rapidly. Precautions against tire were taken yesterday, when a Are crew was ap- pointed in each barracks by the com- pany commander In the event of tire this crew is to man the fire extinguish- ers and other apparatus In the bar- racks, the remainder or the company falling in at attention outside of the barracks, lesdy to give aid upon moment's notice A like system is pursued in all naval training "amps Men in Barracki No. 1 were Inoen lnted with the typhoid serum footer day by I Naval doctor The men lined Up and BM in'«' the office, where they Won given their tlrst "shot." Inoeu- hit" i ..' men in the other barracks will probably take place within a few days. Next Monday Is the date set for the beginning of seamanship classes. Kn sign Mellanry will instruct these classes in the practical and theoreti- cal end of this subject In addition. Ensign MacDonald will hold classes In Ordnance, and Instruction In "Regula- tions of the Navy" will be given by Knslgn Church Naval athletics will be started next week also, as Mr Croatia, physical Instructor at the gym naslum. is to hold conferences with the company commanders shortly, so as to instruct them in the tactics which they are to use These exer- cises are similar to those which are taught to men In the Canadian Off! cers' Training School, Including bayo- net exercises and many other stunts. Swimming is soon to be made a requl site course In the Naval I'nlt. A. A. TICKETS NECESSARY 8TUDENT VOLUNTEERS TO MEET All Who Are Interested in Foreign Missions Invited to Attend. At 12.30 today an opportunity will be given those interested in foreign missionary work to enroll in groups for the study of this subject. Rev John R. Hart. Jr. of the I'niversily Y. It. C. A., has called this meeting in Room 2. Houston Hall, primarily for the members of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, but all other students, particularly co-eds. are urged to attend. Various aspects of the year's work will be discussed, and Mr. Hart will outline the plans In contemplation. Medical students will be enrolled in separate groups, as Hie Y. M C A. wishes to develop more thoroughly the medical branch of missionary work. Pennsylvania will meet the Marines on Franklin Field to-morrow. This was the word given out by Graduate Manager Hushnell late yesterday, after he had held a conference with Dlrec tor of Health Krusen. The game, how- ever, will be open only to students having A. A. tickets, and the gates will be closed to all others. Dr. Krusen mado this provision, as lie did not wish to have a large gathering at the game, which would result in over-loaded I nil inUKCWlN 111 i S 'U'J '" '"'' ,: "' r " " ls '' '""' "''' S '"' rUR AUiniJjlun IU U/Iincj dents Itvo within walking distance that they ate allowed to attend I '.nit kill practice yesterday was con- tinued until dusk, in final preparation for Saturday's contest. Coach II 11 I bank drilled the ends hard In getting down under punts, and getting the man with the ball, while the line worked consistently with the charging ma- chine. Sommers, the old Pennsylvania full- hack, coached the hacks In handling tid shifting the ball and using the straight-arm. Knsenau did all the kicking. Signals were run off with smoothness and precision, the tackles and line working toge'her well. The probable line up for to-morrow's game, judging from vesterdny's drill, vill consist of I<erch at with Uosenau. Crawford and Mi \n hoi In the backflold The end poll 'ions will probably he held down by Mitchell and Mapper. Ilie tackles U] Wlthingtou and N'.-vloii. while Luke and Bfadlej will act as guards Crank w ill he at center Not satisfied with a Stiff practice tO prepare the men for the Marine en' oounter, Coach HoUaahaak gave the team a secret blackboard talk of manoeuvers last evening. Joe Straus was again absent on account of drill. Although the 'Varsity team refrained from a scrimmage, a hotly-contested struggle was staged hot ween two scrub Ceorgla Tech. sends word asking for some time on the five yard line in true grand-stand fashion. The football schedule now looks very promising. Ceorgla Tech. sends work asking for a game on December 7. No filial ac- tion lias been taken as yet. There Is still the possibility of a game with Michigan, pending the decision of Cornell I'wnnsylvanla's reply to the War Fund Committee, sanctioning a contest with either Yale, Harvard or Princeton on Thanksgiving Day has not received formal action. Only S. A. T. C. and Naval Men Who Have Season Football Tickets Can See Marine Contest. Dellnite announcement that the game with the Marines will be played to-morrow was made yesterday by Mr. Hushnell, graduate manager of ath- letics. The Hoard of Health and Chari- ties granted the needed permission yesterday, with the understanding that the game will be played behind closed Kales In view of the fact that the public cannot be admitted. It Is important that Student! of the University who have not yet obtained their S. A. T. C Athletic Association membership cards do so at once, as no other form of admission Van be bad tor this game These membership tickets are good for the entire season, and may be oh tallied for 12.76, Including the war lax. For the convenience of the students, these cards may be obtained from ser- geants in each company It Is the expectation of the manage- ment that there will be no further can- cellations or poatpoaemeuti of games. Following the game with the Marines, Lafayette will play here November 2. and Dartmouth November 9. Swarth- more will probably fill one of the No vember dates It Is practically cer- tain that Cornell will be played on Thanksgiving Day. hut If this game cannot lie staged. Harvard. Yale or Princeton may be played on Franklin Field. In addition, negotiations are under way to bring the championship Georgia Tech. team here December 7. The weather is usually very favorable that time of year, so that the schedule will probably be extended. it has been decided to postpone the cross-country meet scheduled with Lafayette for November 2, until Satur- day. November 9. A number of I^afay- ette's best harriers have recently been appointed to Officers' training camps, and accordingly the meet has been called off until the following week, so aa to give them some additional time to reorganize their team. Pennsyl- vania will now meet l^afayette on her home course Instead of the Maroon and White coming here, as had been originally announced. Practice for the meet Is dally being hold by the 'Varsity team on the Cobb's creek course. Twelve candi- dates reported yesterday Coach Rob- ertson plans to go over the entire course this Sunday afternoon. Arrangements are also being made for meets with Btale college and other I A T C teams The meets already schedule Include the A. A. C. cham- pionship meet, on November lfi. and t! o meal of the s. \ r. c service teams, over the Falrmount Park course, mi November .10. S. A. T. C. INDUCTION CLOSED UNTIL MONDAY Medical and Technical Enlisted Re serve Corps Merged Army Trsining Units. BARRACKS TO BE REASSIGNED. PHYSICAL RECREATION FOR STUDENTS IN NAVAL UNIT Calltthenxs and Sports Expected Make Up Sailers' Dsily Hour of Athletics. to INTERESTING TALKS AT PHILO. Literary Society to Elect Several Men To-night and Have Tryouts for Candidates. Fencing Rally To-night. All men interested in fencing are urged to attend the meeting of candi- dates which will be held to-night at 8.30 o'clock, in the residence of Coach Terrone nt 3*07 Pine street whether It fencing will be continued at the , team will give a good BCCOUUt of the.n- Cnlversitj depends upon the turnout selves when they go to Hie Central V of .-night. M. c. A. gatherings. Careful plans have been laid to make to-night's meeting of Phllo. the most interesting of the season K Smith will speak on "The New Democracy"; C llerguldo will discuss "The Spanish Main." while B. Thompson's subject will be "The Normans." ' All thaM who are Interested ill the activities of the society, which are of a literary nature, are urged to try out for membership to-night. The require- ments for eligibility are the delivery of a three-minute talk on any subject and the presentation of a theme of 500 words or more Flections will be held to-night of those candidates who tried out last week. The society has received a commu- nlcatlon from the Central Y. M. C. A., asking It to send I representative team to each of the Wednesday even- ing debates which are held at the As six la I ion for the benefit of the men In the service. This proposal will be acted upon tn night and steps taken to select a team Since Chile, numbers among Its members at leas' five "Var- sitv'dclmton". It is expected that its PROFESSOR CADBURY RESIGNS. Author of Untactful Note on American Policy Leaves Haverford. Resignation of Professor Henry J. Cadbury from the faculty of Haver- ford College will be accepted, accord- ing to a statement Issued yesterday by Asa S. Wing, president of Haverford College. Professor Cadbury wrote a letter de- claring Ibat the American people had Indulged 111 an "orgy of hate" against (ierniany. which caused a great out- burst of protest. The situation hecime so Intense that a meeting of the Board of Manager- of Haverford was nOcessl- tated. Immediate action, however, was postponed, because of a milt, not over the question of the acceptance of the resignation, but over the tin e of acceptance. Owing to the Inability of Captain Hlsphani to attend the proposed con- ference at Dr. McKenzle's office yes- terday. It was decided to postpone the announcement of the plans and details i the Naval athletic program until to- morrow. Dr. McKenzie's objei in culling this o nterence was to lay the general plans of the program before the section leaders of the Naval Cnlt and also Instruct those men in the practical application of the details. It is intended to have each section leader tench the seamen of his section the prescribed exercises and games outlined in the program The brunt of the organization and application of the new system of physical education will fall upon W. J. Cromle, physical director of the Cnlverslty, who will probably be assisted in this new work by W. It. Griffith, assistant physical Instructor. The program is not an experiment based upon theory, but is a tried and tested system used in train- ing camps throughout the country. It Is planned to give much attention to setting-up exercises and group work. It has been recognized that quickening exercises and games are essential to the training of the tighter, and also tend to act as a diversion. Since every student will be required to In- dulge in one hour of athletics each day. It is expected that minor sports will be well attended. At Camp Dlx n very similar pro- gram his been installed, but the men are divided Into groups, according to their physical ability, and the schedule is so arranged as to give every man the maximum amount of boxing, wrest- ling. Jumping, obstacle running and hiking as is consistent with his classl- Bcatlon, One-half hour in the morn- ing Is given over to setting up oxer cl-es ami a half hour is allowed for athletics In the evening. DENTAL SCHOOL WORK RESUMED May Have Intercompany •Bt** , l. Fall baseball practice was started on Franklin Field yesterday. John R. Hart, Jr., secretary of the Christian Association, appeared on the Held in uniform. He Invites anyone; who do Many men applied yesterday for transfers to the Field Artlllerv Offi- cers' Training Camp. From all indi- cation, Pennsylvania will not be un- prepared any lime a call comes for men. The military Office will be open to-day to receive any applications which were not made yesterday, u is requested those who intend to ap- ply report ns soon as possible The are several steps Which must lie takei. Including a physical examination, and the army officer may appear In a ' ty Short lime to (house the aucceosful candidates Briefly, the qualifications necessary are a good knowledge of mathematics, a normal body and three letters of rec- ommendation from responsible men. Members of the Kngi-ieering or Medi- cal schools are not eligible. Inductions into the S. A T. C ha\o been closed once more. No more ap- plications will be received until 9 O'clock nex' Monday. However, the physical examina'ions will be con- tinued Those who have not taken them are to report at the hospital at their first oppor' unity. They, too, n-pv be closed in a few days. Kverylhing is being put in readiness for "moving day." t I -morrow. In or- der to have all the men in one com- pany together it has been necessary 1 to change the room assignment-:. Everyone win move to-morrow at 2 o<iock. and no excuse win be taken from those wh do not have thplr bn- longingH ready a' this time. An an- nouncement of the permanent no"- commissioned officeri win lie made early next week. Although there i, a rumor on 111 Campus that the Medical BnllStSd Re- serve Corps has been disbanded. Ihero Is no foundation for It. These me', together wi'h the Engineers, Dental and Veterinary Knllsted Reserve . have been merged In the S. A. T. C. They will be Informed Individually I f this fact by letters from Washington. All third year medical students are ;o return to their classes next Monda' , by order of Major Griffith and Deal Peeper. Company spirit is being aroused ; i the unit by means of company for'- ball teams. Several companies have already started practice, and the othc* » are quickly falling in line The Inte •- company games will have to be play I late in the afternoon, and it Is ex« (Continued on Fourth Page) Seniors Elect Permanent Officeri at Special Meeting of Class. EXTENSION COURSES TO BEGIN. Instruction in Wharton School Sub- jects Given In Various Cities. Their opening exercises having bat n postpone! several times on account of Hie Influenza epidemic, the extensir \ departments of the Wharton Schorl 'will begin their fall terms next Mon- day. These departments are ecu- j ducted in sever i cities the state, such BS Scranton nnd Hnr- rlabttrg, the Instruction being ( riled on largely by regular members of Uto Wharton facultv Though exb'i ig onadltlons will doubtless cut down the number of matriculates. •• fairly large registra- tion in there schools is anticipated. The student bodies in the extension schools are made up for the most part of men and women who are employed during the day. Officers were elected by the Senior Class of the Dental School at a special meeting which was held on Wednesday afternoon. 'I he results were as fol- lows: Fxlward J. Jennings, preident; F'ennsylvania Man a Prisoner. V. P. Mooney, vice president: Oeorge Word has been re-eived thai Scr- W. Hutchlnson, secretary; Robert P. geant l<ouls 1. Myers of the 01*SS of Davey. treasurer. | 1915. has bee - located in a G"-inan All activities of the school have prison cimn Myers was a olio' <u the now been resumed. The ban on pub-,French Plying Corps and it i- thought sires a little exercise In baseball to meet him on the Held this afl-rnoo i. j lie clinics has been removed by'thai he was tur< I after an air bat- There Is a possibility of strping l:i-, the i>-.''linrttlc and the regular routine tie. during P-hloh OS was f ireed to f rmal game- among the S. A. T, C. of work has been pursued since yester- dei end within the enemy's lines en companies. da; i rning. account of engine trouble.

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Formal Physical Instructor at Naval Academy to Have Complete

Charge of Drills.



Especially noteworthy of mention, in Naval Vnlt news, is the arrival of Chief Boatswain"* Mate J. A. Huber at the headquarters of the Naval Unit.

Following the meeting of the Penn- sylvanian Hoard, last night, a cut in the list of candidates was announced. This measure was taken in order to live up to the standard set at the be- ginning of the year. Twenty candi- dates have been kept on the rolls, and they will be subject to further compe- tition.

It has not been announced whether there will be any openings for new candidates. This will be announced within a short time. The following men survived the cut and will report


Health Authorities Give Consent to Play Game on Condition That Only

Students Be Admitted.


Mr. Huber was formerly Instructor of; dB">' ,or assignments: Maker, Hein. ' Hritt. Ityck, Conner, Crane, Day, Ken- dall. LOVltt, Moyer, Quick, Relsinnn. Klghtor. Rosenfeld. Schwartz, Sluw. Blerer, Btady, BtMla and Sullivan.


Physical Kducatlon and Swimming at the I". S. Naval Academy. Annapolis. Md . and has been detailed at the Naval I'nlt ns Drill Superintendent. Chief Huber has had much experi-

in handling men. for. us lie him- I pelf phrases It, he had to "beat the I Plcbes Into submission."

Yesterday, for the tlrst time, rifles featured the infantry drill of the sail- ors. Although the guns were of an old model, they served the purpose, in- asmuch as they were issued only for drill in the manual of arms. The 20- year-old group were instructed under arms, by Chief Huber, and under his able tutelage the men progressed very rapidly.

Precautions against tire were taken yesterday, when a Are crew was ap- pointed in each barracks by the com- pany commander In the event of tire this crew is to man the fire extinguish- ers and other apparatus In the bar- racks, the remainder or the company falling in at attention outside of the barracks, lesdy to give aid upon ■ moment's notice A like system is pursued in all naval training "amps

Men in Barracki No. 1 were Inoen lnted with the typhoid serum footer day by I Naval doctor The men lined Up and BM in'«' the office, where they Won given their tlrst "shot." Inoeu- hit" i ..' men in the other barracks will probably take place within a few days.

Next Monday Is the date set for the beginning of seamanship classes. Kn sign Mellanry will instruct these classes in the practical and theoreti- cal end of this subject In addition. Ensign MacDonald will hold classes In Ordnance, and Instruction In "Regula- tions of the Navy" will be given by Knslgn Church Naval athletics will be started next week also, as Mr Croatia, physical Instructor at the gym naslum. is to hold conferences with the company commanders shortly, so as to instruct them in the tactics which they are to use These exer- cises are similar to those which are taught to men In the Canadian Off! cers' Training School, Including bayo- net exercises and many other stunts. Swimming is soon to be made a requl site course In the Naval I'nlt.



All Who Are Interested in Foreign Missions Invited to Attend.

At 12.30 today an opportunity will be given those interested in foreign missionary work to enroll in groups for the study of this subject. Rev John R. Hart. Jr. of the I'niversily Y. It. C. A., has called this meeting in Room 2. Houston Hall, primarily for the members of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, but all other students, particularly co-eds. are urged to attend.

Various aspects of the year's work will be discussed, and Mr. Hart will outline the plans In contemplation. Medical students will be enrolled in separate groups, as Hie Y. M C A. wishes to develop more thoroughly the medical branch of missionary work.

Pennsylvania will meet the Marines on Franklin Field to-morrow. This was the word given out by Graduate Manager Hushnell late yesterday, after he had held a conference with Dlrec tor of Health Krusen. The game, how- ever, will be open only to students having A. A. tickets, and the gates will be closed to all others. Dr. Krusen mado this provision, as lie did not wish to have a large gathering at the game, which would result in over-loaded

I nil inUKCWlN 111 i S'U'J '"■'"'' ,:"'r" " ls '' '""' "''' S'"' rUR AUiniJjlun IU U/Iincj dents Itvo within walking distance that they ate allowed to attend

I '.nit kill practice yesterday was con- tinued until dusk, in final preparation for Saturday's contest. Coach II 11■ ■ • I bank drilled the ends hard In getting down under punts, and getting the man with the ball, while the line worked consistently with the charging ma- chine.

Sommers, the old Pennsylvania full- hack, coached the hacks In handling

tid shifting the ball and using the straight-arm. Knsenau did all the kicking. Signals were run off with smoothness and precision, the tackles and line working toge'her well.

The probable line up for to-morrow's game, judging from vesterdny's drill, vill consist of I<erch at with Uosenau. Crawford and Mi \n hoi In the backflold The end poll 'ions will probably he held down by Mitchell and Mapper. Ilie tackles U] Wlthingtou and N'.-vloii. while Luke and Bfadlej will act as guards Crank w ill he at center

Not satisfied with a Stiff practice tO prepare the men for the Marine en' oounter, Coach HoUaahaak gave the team a secret blackboard talk of manoeuvers last evening. Joe Straus was again absent on account of drill.

Although the 'Varsity team refrained from a scrimmage, a hotly-contested struggle was staged hot ween two scrub Ceorgla Tech. sends word asking for some time on the five yard line in true grand-stand fashion. The football schedule now looks very promising. Ceorgla Tech. sends work asking for a game on December 7. No filial ac- tion lias been taken as yet. There Is still the possibility of a game with Michigan, pending the decision of Cornell I'wnnsylvanla's reply to the War Fund Committee, sanctioning a contest with either Yale, Harvard or Princeton on Thanksgiving Day has not received formal action.

Only S. A. T. C. and Naval Men Who Have Season Football Tickets

Can See Marine Contest.

Dellnite announcement that the game with the Marines will be played to-morrow was made yesterday by Mr. Hushnell, graduate manager of ath- letics. The Hoard of Health and Chari- ties granted the needed permission yesterday, with the understanding that the game will be played behind closed Kales

In view of the fact that the public cannot be admitted. It Is important that Student! of the University who have not yet obtained their S. A. T. C Athletic Association membership cards do so at once, as no other form of admission Van be bad tor this game These membership tickets are good for the entire season, and may be oh tallied for 12.76, Including the war lax. For the convenience of the students, these cards may be obtained from ser- geants in each company

It Is the expectation of the manage- ment that there will be no further can- cellations or poatpoaemeuti of games. Following the game with the Marines, Lafayette will play here November 2. and Dartmouth November 9. Swarth- more will probably fill one of the No vember dates It Is practically cer- tain that Cornell will be played on Thanksgiving Day. hut If this game cannot lie staged. Harvard. Yale or Princeton may be played on Franklin Field.

In addition, negotiations are under way to bring the championship Georgia Tech. team here December 7. The weather is usually very favorable that time of year, so that the schedule will probably be extended.

it has been decided to postpone the cross-country meet scheduled with Lafayette for November 2, until Satur- day. November 9. A number of I^afay- ette's best harriers have recently been appointed to Officers' training camps, and accordingly the meet has been called off until the following week, so aa to give them some additional time to reorganize their team. Pennsyl- vania will now meet l^afayette on her home course Instead of the Maroon and White coming here, as had been originally announced.

Practice for the meet Is dally being hold by the 'Varsity team on the Cobb's creek course. Twelve candi- dates reported yesterday Coach Rob- ertson plans to go over the entire course this Sunday afternoon.

Arrangements are also being made for meets with Btale college and other I A T C teams The meets already schedule Include the A. A. C. cham- pionship meet, on November lfi. and t! o meal of the s. \ r. c service teams, over the Falrmount Park course, mi November .10.


Medical and Technical Enlisted Re serve Corps Merged Army

Trsining Units.



Calltthenxs and Sports Expected

Make Up Sailers' Dsily Hour of Athletics.



Literary Society to Elect Several Men To-night and Have Tryouts

for Candidates.

Fencing Rally To-night.

All men interested in fencing are urged to attend the meeting of candi- dates which will be held to-night at 8.30 o'clock, in the residence of Coach Terrone nt 3*07 Pine street whether

It fencing will be continued at the , team will give a good BCCOUUt of the.n- Cnlversitj depends upon the turnout selves when they go to Hie Central V of .-night. M. c. A. gatherings.

Careful plans have been laid to make to-night's meeting of Phllo. the most interesting of the season K Smith will speak on "The New Democracy"; C llerguldo will discuss "The Spanish Main." while B. Thompson's subject will be "The Normans." ' All thaM who are Interested ill the activities of the society, which are of a literary nature, are urged to try out for membership to-night. The require- ments for eligibility are the delivery of a three-minute talk on any subject and the presentation of a theme of 500 words or more Flections will be held to-night of those candidates who tried out last week.

The society has received a commu- nlcatlon from the Central Y. M. C. A., asking It to send I representative team to each of the Wednesday even- ing debates which are held at the As six la I ion for the benefit of the men In the service. This proposal will be acted upon tn night and steps taken to select a team Since Chile, numbers among Its members at leas' five "Var- sitv'dclmton". It is expected that its


Author of Untactful Note on American Policy Leaves Haverford.

Resignation of Professor Henry J. Cadbury from the faculty of Haver- ford College will be accepted, accord- ing to a statement Issued yesterday by Asa S. Wing, president of Haverford College.

Professor Cadbury wrote a letter de- claring Ibat the American people had Indulged 111 an "orgy of hate" against (ierniany. which caused a great out- burst of protest. The situation hecime so Intense that a meeting of the Board of Manager- of Haverford was nOcessl- tated. Immediate action, however, was postponed, because of a milt, not over the question of the acceptance of the resignation, but over the tin e of acceptance.

Owing to the Inability of Captain Hlsphani to attend the proposed con- ference at Dr. McKenzle's office yes- terday. It was decided to postpone the announcement of the plans and details • i the Naval athletic program until to- morrow. Dr. McKenzie's objei in culling this o nterence was to lay the general plans of the program before the section leaders of the Naval Cnlt and also Instruct those men in the practical application of the details.

It is intended to have each section leader tench the seamen of his section the prescribed exercises and games outlined in the program The brunt of the organization and application of the new system of physical education will fall upon W. J. Cromle, physical director of the Cnlverslty, who will probably be assisted in this new work by W. It. Griffith, assistant physical Instructor. The program is not an experiment based upon theory, but is a tried and tested system used in train- ing camps throughout the country.

It Is planned to give much attention to setting-up exercises and group work. It has been recognized that quickening exercises and games are essential to the training of the tighter, and also tend to act as a diversion. Since every student will be required to In- dulge in one hour of athletics each day. It is expected that minor sports will be well attended.

At Camp Dlx n very similar pro- gram his been installed, but the men are divided Into groups, according to their physical ability, and the schedule is so arranged as to give every man the maximum amount of boxing, wrest- ling. Jumping, obstacle running and hiking as is consistent with his classl- Bcatlon, One-half hour in the morn- ing Is given over to setting up oxer cl-es ami a half hour is allowed for athletics In the evening.


May Have Intercompany ■•Bt**,l. Fall baseball practice was started

on Franklin Field yesterday. John R. Hart, Jr., secretary of the Christian Association, appeared on the Held in uniform. He Invites anyone; who do

Many men applied yesterday for transfers to the Field Artlllerv Offi- cers' Training Camp. From all indi- cation, Pennsylvania will not be un- prepared any lime a call comes for men. The military Office will be open to-day to receive any applications which were not made yesterday, u is requested those who intend to ap- ply report ns soon as possible The • are several steps Which must lie takei. Including a physical examination, and the army officer may appear In a ' ty Short lime to (house the aucceosful candidates

Briefly, the qualifications necessary are a good knowledge of mathematics, a normal body and three letters of rec- ommendation from responsible men. Members of the Kngi-ieering or Medi- cal schools are not eligible.

Inductions into the S. A T. C ha\o been closed once more. No more ap- plications will be received until 9 O'clock nex' Monday. However, the physical examina'ions will be con- tinued Those who have not taken them are to report at the hospital at their first oppor' unity. They, too, n-pv be closed in a few days.

Kverylhing is being put in readiness for "moving day." t I -morrow. In or- der to have all the men in one com- pany together it has been necessary1

to change the room assignment-:. Everyone win move to-morrow at 2 o<iock. and no excuse win be taken from those wh do not have thplr bn- longingH ready a' this time. An an- nouncement of the permanent no"- commissioned officeri win lie made early next week.

Although there i, a rumor on 111 Campus that the Medical BnllStSd Re- serve Corps has been disbanded. Ihero Is no foundation for It. These me', together wi'h the Engineers, Dental and Veterinary Knllsted Reserve . have been merged In the S. A. T. C. They will be Informed Individually I f this fact by letters from Washington. All third year medical students are ;o return to their classes next Monda' , by order of Major Griffith and Deal Peeper.

Company spirit is being aroused ; i the unit by means of company for'- ball teams. Several companies have already started practice, and the othc* » are quickly falling in line The Inte •- company games will have to be play I late in the afternoon, and it Is ex«

(Continued on Fourth Page)

Seniors Elect Permanent Officeri at Special Meeting of Class.


Instruction in Wharton School Sub- jects Given In Various Cities.

Their opening exercises having bat n postpone! several times on account of Hie Influenza epidemic, the extensir \ departments of the Wharton Schorl

'will begin their fall terms next Mon- day. These departments are ecu-

j ducted in sever i cities the state, such BS Scranton nnd Hnr- rlabttrg, the Instruction being ( riled on largely by regular members of Uto Wharton facultv

Though exb'i ig onadltlons will doubtless cut down the number of matriculates. •• fairly large registra- tion in there schools is anticipated. The student bodies in the extension schools are made up for the most part of men and women who are employed during the day.

Officers were elected by the Senior Class of the Dental School at a special meeting which was held on Wednesday afternoon. 'I he results were as fol- lows: Fxlward J. Jennings, preident; F'ennsylvania Man a Prisoner. V. P. Mooney, vice president: Oeorge Word has been re-eived thai Scr- W. Hutchlnson, secretary; Robert P. geant l<ouls 1. Myers of the 01*SS of Davey. treasurer. | 1915. has bee - located in a G"-inan

All activities of the school have prison cimn Myers was a olio' <u the now been resumed. The ban on pub-,French Plying Corps and it i- thought sires a little exercise In baseball to

meet him on the Held this afl-rnoo i. j lie clinics has been removed by'thai he was tur< I after an air bat- There Is a possibility of strping l:i-, the i>-.''linrttlc and the regular routine tie. during P-hloh OS was f ireed to f rmal game- among the S. A. T, C. of work has been pursued since yester- dei end within the enemy's lines en companies. da; i rning. account of engine trouble.



THE PENNSYLV\NIAN ■"abllahacl In tha IntTMI of the t'nlvaralty

of Pennsylvania dally, aicapt Sunday, during tha L'uiveralijt y.-ar




M:»« i.niitiK PHILIP K slirLHAKEK, 1920

AIIVIMIKV KDITOK VICTOR lll'cjl, lll.ANi". l'.'l»

AN84MIATE I niliiR. Rhouda, '1!0 \ gte n

S On-n. " N S. I'hupm.i: K. Albractat. 'II .1 Patterson, 'ill M Koauing. -»i \\ |- areen. :'l 9

u fc K.i. I in, a


All Members of Famous Mile Relay Team Now in Service.

BUITOM IN -I u\ II ►. A. C. Mccarty. 'If a. Roe*. '20 D. Afhtoll. 19 ■ iv '•« PR M. Millar. 'IS K T Bw-kanraaler.'3* D. C. Mlnrr. II R. II (Jardnei ;cl ■. H Bomall. Jr., 'II Yuunc. 'I* J. R Smuikrr, Jr.. 'II 1 Q, ti_,,.aw<>. 21 B. B rtinnlneharn. 'II It M l-1*:.|. ;i K ' • Sanford. '1* I'. II ... I. 'II A. W. Kingabury. 'II B H Van Vital. '30. A. B. Brahman. 'II I.. Hoae. JO. a W. -...-. r 'II V utivln. 'II ■ . E Nrarlnn, '*» 'I E Calvea. to ■ E Aldan. II ' I' II J..frrif». ;J, :i



ASSISTANT HIMMCMM MANAOERS 1\ F Bel i If 'D .1 H s,ii»:iita. '20.

Th» I'annaj Ivanlan invltaa communication! Si nil «un)e<ta of University Intareat. L*t-

rt b> alaned. but alfnaturaa will ba withh. 1.1 If daalred.

offlc. 1451 Woodland

Tha Panntylvanlan la entered at tha Phila- delphia Poatorrlce aa aeoond clasa matter.

■wbacrlptlona. 11.01 per year before NaT. Ml 11.50 thereafter; U 00 by mall.

Hualm-aa . OITMa H 12 IS to 1. 7 SO P. M. •RST;


Night Editor* of This issue



Tlie Pennsy lvanian Hoard announces

»itli pleasure the election* of the fol-

low inn men -i» associate editors: Wil-

liam I'. Green, of Elizabeth. N. J.;

James Patterson, of Philadelphia, and

Howard G Khoads, of Philadelphia.

With tWO members already in France and one on the way. it is possible that Pennsylvania's championship relay team, which set the world's mark of H ■illumes and IS seconds for the mile run In 151'), will be assembled for the arnival which i( is proposed to hold

u i'.II is up n the declaration of peace. I.'.eutenatit Donald I.ippiiicolt is th*

.inly member not overseas He is at the present lime at the Brooklyn Navy s'.ird Lieutenants I.ockwood and Meieditb are already in active service. while Knslngn Kinffiiian sailed recent

ly from an Atlantic port.



n'tial Appearance of Crimpus Orches- tra Delayed by Health Edict.

Owing to the continuance of the ban >n public gatherings, the coniemplated football rally on the campus this •Tain lug lias been cancelled. Therefore, 'lie Razzmatazz Orchestra will not lie able t i make its initial appearance, an planned.

Director Weaver of ibe orchestra re- perls good progress and announces that the Itazmatazzers will hold their regular rehearsal to-morrow in lions ton Hall All students' who can play an instrument of any description are urged to report.


Hampton Reads Training School to Ac commod.ite 25,000 Man.

Secretary Daniels has Informed the House Naval Committee of the In- 'ended increase In the Navy of J00.000 men. with a total personnel to 700,000 The Navy plans to double its facilities at Hampton Roads for training L'5,000 recruits at one time.

These men are needed mainly to man government merchant ships. This large increase will afford excellent op- portunity for rapid advancement of the coming Naval officers.

A sick call Is to be sounded at 7.45 each day in all barracks. Barracks NO ;! will pr vide the hospital appren- tices to take charge of the sick call.

o Barracks No. 5 has a new leader.

Ensign Mclleiiry, the latest addition to the Naval's I'nlt's personnel of of- ficers, has been put In charge of the barracks.

o Barrack* No. 1 is organizing a foot-

ball team, and challenges any of the other Naval barracks to a game. In- terested C0mp*nlea should see T. Sav age. In Barracks No. 1. for particulars

o Captain Blsphnm is soon to Issue or-

ders providing for practice in saluting by all of the barracks A laxlly has been tinted upon the part of Hie nfen in saluting officers Hence they will be taught how and when 'o salute properly.

o Rivalry between Barracks No. 1 and

No. l' la keen: that is. as spirited a competition as the 19-year-old group of sailors dare to assume towrd the older men Yesterday, the 20-year group '•broke out" with a new mascot Seven \ ear .'lit "Tom" Herr was was adopted by that group as pet of the company Besides spending the day at class with the men. he brings up the rear of the company when they are drilling, acting in Hie capac Ity of "rear guard."

Lieut. Wharton Haa Recovered. I.leut. James Ii. Wharton, reported

as injured in yesterday's casualty list, was injured so long ago that he has recovered and Is now back with his regiment. Lieutenant Wharton was a Sophomore at Pennsylvania when he enlisted.

Red Cross a Popular Charity. Approximately 28.000.000 American

citizens have subscribed to the Ameri- can Red Cross since Hie beginning of the war This exceeds the number of Koiirth Liberty Ixmn subscribers, and Is more than one -quarter of the coun- try's population.

Zelo. to Meet To-night. Mo. will continue to meet on Fri-

day evenings as long as permitted, and will then arrange its gatherings to suit the change in regulations An increising number of new men have Hied their applications for election' and to-night's meeting will be largely occupied by speeches K. H Bates will give an account of "Reporting on a Dully." while K Heck will talk on "Hydroplanes "

Three weeks ago, when the outcome

of the Campus Liberty Ixian campaign

mi a matter of doubt, the co-eds to

whom many other campus drives have

owed their slice.'SS -volunteered their

services, and by sticking to their !.s and by even pushing their can

vaaaing to the claM-roomj of tha Den-

tal School, raised over a third of the

to) ll. Tlir ugh their aid it was possi-

ble to reach many students who could

not have subscribed through other

meaha. In other years this column has con-

tained words of praise for the women

students Of the University after the

completion of a successful campaign.

has vehemently argued against their

admission to the undergraduate de-

partments, and at other times has

maintained Btrlct neutrality. It Is not

the purpose of this editorial to either

push the speedy admission of women

to college as a war measure or to gain-

say their rights for an education In

any branch. It Is. however, our wish

to extend to the fair occupants of our

campus congratulations on a success-

ful campaign and praise of their Uni-

versity spirit In volunteering.

Stiff Workout for Marines. Coach "By" Dlikson put the Ma-

rine football squad through a stiff workout yesterday. In preparation for to-mori «'s lime with Pennsylvania. The fea'ure of the short scrimmage with the scrubs was the way "Mike" Wilson, the former Mnhlenliurg star, nulled down long forward pel I Wil-cin Is generally considered t > be the beat receiver of the forward pass In the country.

Camp Gordon Men in Same Company. \c. nniiiig to a letter received from

S .1. Bteele, "H Wh.. all the men who •rare appointed to the camp Qordoo Officers' Training School from the University S. A T C. Unit have been assigned to the same company. No. .10 Bteele is a member of Company No L'T. but this Is due to the fact that lie was appointed to the camp from a civilian status and not from the S. A.

T. C. .


Fencing.—Meeting tonight at 8.30 o'clock, at :tii07 Pine street, of fencing candlda tea

Pennaylvanian.—Five cents will be paid for copies of the Issues of Sep- tember M, October I, II and 19.

Students' Ward.—Cohen, '18 Med ; Boaz. 18 Med ; LI. '18 Med ; Sullivan. IX Dent.; Lowe. 1» Vet ; Powell, '21

Mod . Lieutenant Katterhone. Ueuten

an' Martin




Michigan Freshmen Wear Caps. Though college life and customs

have been disrupted by the war at the University of Michigan, the rule which requires Freshmen to wear caps is still being enforced. When the term began the confusion of opening pre- vented the regular rules from being put Into operation. However, the Sophomores In Naval and S. A. T. C. units formed themselves into vigilance committees and are compelling the In- fants to wear their headgear.

Wins Captain's Commiaslon.

First Lieutenant E. Leroy Van Ro- den, of Philadelphia, a graduate of the University, former transportation of- ficer at Camp Meade, has been made Judge advocate. He haa been pro- moted to the rank of captain.

Foote, '19 Wh., Viaita Camput.

Oilbert Foote, '19 Wh.. visited the campus yesterday. Foote, who was business manager of the Punch Bowl for the year 1918, and was prominent in other undergraduate affairs, is now in Marine Aviation. Although he had planned to come back to school, he was unfortunately rejected for the

LOST—Bunch of keys between Law School Building and lteaston's

Hinder please return to I'eiinsylvanian office.

FOUND—Cold knife Inquire at Penn- sylvanlan often between 1I.S0 and

1 and 7 to 8.

PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—Stop at Houston Hall and dictate your work

to the Public Stenographer. It saves time. Mimeographing.

Important Notice FROM

Quarter Master "Barney" "Barney" Berkes hereby officially

notifies every Student in 8. A. T. C. of the Economy of Purchasing His Outfit at the barrack,

3647 Woodland Avenue Uniforms carried by us are Styled and made only regulation lines and of workmanship that is unexcelled,

Especially Low Prices We carry a full Assortment of Clothes, of all Haberdashery needs other than Military requirements.




1038 Market St.

1305 Market St.

1518 Market St.

2436 North Front St.

1430 Chestnut St.

1416 South Penn So

Broad and Qirard Av*.

3647 Woodland Av*.


3425 Woodland Ave. Official Outfitters

WANTED—Students to deliver I'enn- sylvanlans. Report at office be-

tween 7 and s

WILL THE PERSON who has two Trigonometry Hooks and a Botany,

with QM owner's name. K. W. Itodmnn, written Inside, please return them to the owner or The I'ennsylvanlan office at once. 133 llaird

INSTRUCTION by University gradu- ate to private pupils and classes of

four. In Trigonometry and Elementary Algebra. References from faculty. John r. Maher, 115 S. 34th St.

FOUNTAIN PENS REPAIRED—Al- lowances on old pens, at Nlchol.

Agent for Waterman Pen, No. 2( 8. 10th 8L

SAFETY RAZOR Bladee Resharpened. We grind, hone and strop erery

blade. Single edge, 2c; double edge, 3c. Hasson's, 3S31 Woodland Are.

STUDENTS' long and short white coata and a big assortment of men's

and ladles' furnishings At Brown'a, Navy and grasped this other opportu- 3339 Woodland Are. Next to Dutch nity to enter the service. (Kitchen.

BULLETIN Holt A Chilton's Kuiopoiin History

(War issues).

Clark, Hamilton A Moulton'a Reading* In the Kc oiiciinlcs of War.

Seashone's Psychology in Dally Life

Bodwitch's Navigation.

Note Hooks and Killers, complete assortment. Including "Kconomj Scratch Paper," 100 sheets. 10 eta., t'ollege Stationery, etc., etc.

Second-hand Books bought and sold at reduced prices.

Watch this space for arrival of new booka and supplies.



Dress Uniforms

Olive Drab:---Serge or Cloth Special contract price $25.75

rerms: $10.00 when measurements are taken; balance on delivery

Representatives will be at 8. A. T. C- Headquartera on Monday, October 21, for the purpose of taking meaaure- ments.

You ait heteby CORDIALLY INVITED to the >oat Military aad ably conducted BARBER


is eahaaced by Yew APPEARANCE FACE aad HAIR.

THE PENNSYLVANIA BARBER SHOP ■teach Shop, 3655 Woodlaad Ate. Maaicuriag. Seven Barben

3641 WOODLANE AVE Baring 8449 AL. SARNSI


Closed Until Further Notice All Commutation Books Will Be Redeemed




Officers' Uniforms Best Tailored

All BEST & CO. uniforms for U. S. Officers are made in our own shops under our own scrupulous supervision.

A policy which has proven its wisdom in the super satisfaction being rendered by these uniforms under severest conditions.

FRANK BROS. 5th Ave. Boot Shop

Full Line or Army and Navy Eootwear

At BEASTON'S Thursday and Friday

12 PHOTOGRAPHS 4x6 in 7x11 Folder

TO HOLDER OF |fl»^ (\(\ THIS COUPON «Jj>*).V/U

Other Styles at Corresponding I'rlres. «

Look Around Town for Others—Then Come to

Eastland Studios 914 Chestnut Street




Moderate Price* Delivery One Week




Ccmpany No. 1.—Formation will be hold to-day at 9.10 A. M., at the Pro vost Tower entrance to the dormito- ries.

Company No. 5.—All men who re- ported for football ■ypBtfrday mid new, nion who have had previous experi-' ence report to-day at east end of the Quad , near I'rovosl Tower, at 11'.IB.

Company No. 6.—Regular drill to- day, on Thirty seventh street, between Spruce and Locust, at 9 A If. K.very man must be present, as permanent i squads will be organized. Non-com drill in Triangle at f> I'. M. to-day.

Company No. 8.—llrill as usual at I I' M . on L-x-ust street, between :17th and 88th streets, h'ollowing men re- port with this company: (i. N. Kleu gel, D. Rose. \V. 0. Kerry, S. liiboden. A I.eMieie. A II. l.oder. It. It Loftlls S. Coopersmlth. C. II. Rlghter. W I. Jenkins. .

Company No. 17.—Formation today 37th and !,•>. ust streets, at fi.10. Ser geant Steinberg will not be ut home , to answer questions this morning.

Third Year Medical.—All students will return to their classes Monday. October 28, at 9 A. M.

Quartermaster's Office.— Following men report at office about 9 A. M. to- | day: James t» Ilrady. Ilenjamln t'handler. Maxwell Faron. l-oo Fereon. W. B. Koontz. Wesley A. Krapf.

19-Year Survey Theory Men.-t'hange of assignment for Monday, October L'"> Written review; all work to dute ex- cept Arts. 71-83. Absenre w^ll count tero.

20-Year Surveying Theoy.—Change of assignment for Tuesday, October 29. Written review; all work to date except Arts. 71-83.

Men Not in Companies.—In order that all company rolls may be com- plete, all men who have not yet been assigned to a company or who have not yet reported to their company are to report to Sergeant Major Ooodtuan. In ROOn 24. Morgan, between 10 and 11 or between 2 and 3 to-day

S. A. T. C. Men.—Following report with Company No. 6: B. Katx. J M. Seltzer. I.. C. I^euze, \V C Jamleson, I.. B. Hllsee. N. J Bonx. T M Allen. H. H. Buckelmueller. J. H. Samuels. S. C. Braltman. J Seldman. P. B. Abel, N. (Ireene. H. R Freestoti. R. L.. Sutton. J. E. Orlfflths. D B. Qlobman. D. L. Oati. A. Freelove. R K. Bush. I. R Aldridge. K. D. Walters, N M. Stlck- lor. W J Powell. B I-ondon. C. P. Shull. D I Groshens, H M Farrow.

Quartermaster.—All men definitely assigned to Quartermaster work shall not report to regular company drill. but to the Q. M. office at 9 o'clock.

Quartermaster Unlt.-I'ollowing men are to report to BeTgMnl Samuel Oorson in the Q M. office, lx>g>n Hall. at 2.10 to-day: M K Schh-ln. S II rValnor, A ,I Nydlck, s s Kaufman. II N Itiiilen, B. I> Casey. Monroe Cohen. S Molt/, S L> Joseph. K. B i.mirtis. ii Barry, C D. Rlghter, s. S. SllvetstoHe. H I! Thornton. M. Vlt- elM, J Welnstein. I'red West fatal.-C. I, Wllcox. William Wolf, C l.even thai. Harold M. But, A Bendiner

TUwne Scientific School.—Following men report to Company IS, In front of Knglneerlng Building, at 2 o'clock to- day: C. N Anderson. C. I/. Cnspary. A. U Chamy, I,. D. Cook. P. Cooper. S. N. Oerson. E. H. Haabeatad. S. R. Malnes. J. I. Oser.M. F. Ost, I,. J. Pen- nepacker. U O. TashJIan. E. T. Tohlln. I* J. Toracca. E. H Vare.

T PnA lmr£.« 6 BARBIEBI

TAILORS *• TO*. *'










Complete delivery—One week or less.


Uniform Makers, 1115 Walnut St.

Order Now Christmas

Suggestions The handsome new souvenir



Browning, King & Company





Army Officers

20 oz. Serge to S. A.. T. C. $35.

COLLEGE JEWELLRY 20 OZ. At Ri*ht Prices ^.^

FOUNTAIN PENS $2.50 to $6.00 $40

Houston Club Supply Store










1524-1526 Chestnut St

Sailors to Play Middlea. Great I-akes Naval Training Station

Is Bending Itg crack football team East to play at Annapolis on November 23. Oames may be arranged with other Eastern elevena for the benefit of the War Fund. As the Middles hare a very strong team, a good game will be staged.

DUTCH KITCHEN116 Fairm0UIIt Unndry Spec/ml attention

A CAMPUS INSTITUTION. pa|«f to students

3SS7 Woodland Avenue. 247 S. Thirty-ieYeitk Street


Brown May Play Minnesota Here. Brown University will play the Ma-

rlnesNoTember 1«. at Franklin Field, Major Hogan announced last night. Final arrangements are being held up until permission for the use of the field can be obtained from the Univer- sity authorities.


The Hoover Smith Company 616 Chestnut Street


Headquarters for College Fraternity Jewelry

Military Jewelry Wrist Watches

POOL Meet me st CIGARS

Landrigan's, 3649 Woodland Ave. SODA STATIONERY



FROM OCTOBER 1. 1918, TO APRIL 1, 1919,




War Chest EVANS Quality Photo


1626 Chestnut Street

OffK.. ! Photographer! for MM Milltar; ciril. r of Korelgn Warn.

White House Cafe (OPP. DORMS.)

Eating Headquarters


II. of P. Students CH CK.EN DINNER SUNDAY, 60t

TEMETRIUS DAVOS 1 'i I Woodland Avenue


Dormitory Confectionery



Bell Phone, 7843 BmrinK

STORE THAT FURNlTU IE: In (i mplsing » Hi, ||H ( ■ «

(;■ \ 'i ordff why > ••' rlMMtr i .■ 1**1 and moM RCMMlbk »IIM- h< uw in rhila. KMMMbtt raWfe

y nt »:i'h')<ir PAMTAHY


W" «il. WcM Phil»dflphi« Smt if HI


Second-Hand Clothing Bought

A. MILLER 4026 Market St. West Philadelphia.

Cast-off Clothing of every variety;

cash paid; called for and go anywhere

Phone Baring 1722.


(Continued from First Page)

pected that every man will be oto hand to support his team

Following me i are to report to the Quartermaster*! office, north basement of Logan Hall, at 9 A. M. to-day, or as soon thereafter as possible:

B. London, C Lapow, M. i>eopoid, C. Large, II. LO-'ghton. I- I). Locke. H. C. Lewis, t'. M. I 'eberman. H. J. I<oaby, c l.uisi. c. c. LattMl, e Lamport, 0. \V. Ixiwright, (5. If, Lance, 8. Lettlg, M. K. La Vlolette. K. R. Linden. M. O. Lahn, K. (!. Ijuitzenmeyer. N. W. Ixx'k- wood, H. S. Lyons, V. I/ickwood. W. J. Lusch, Jr. S. IJnker, J. M. ljtmbert. S. Lowe, C Leventhal. LlDdenheini, S. Law, I-e Klein. N. M. Unden. B. 1-HT. C G. R. Ix)lgren, R. Lain. Arniand Lanneaux, Itobert I."in: S. H. Mag- laughlin, J. Mones, R. L. Mollton. S. B. Meyers, K. C. Muller, J. J. Mooney, W.

Iw May. R. A. Mitchell. P. C. Hath,| I L. T. Moore, 1). McDanlel, J. Macadam,

D. M. Morley, W. D. Mlnigan, \V. S McCahn. 1. C. Mengel, (i. It Meyers, G. \V. Michener, W. I Mellachowlt,. J. \V Miller. J. K McShane, II Mm heimer, D, II. Morris. B, L. Mortimer, It. S. Miller. L. Moss. L. J. Moses, J. j Malorlello, H. L. Masters. B. R. Mc Matt. \V L McGlnel. B. H. Mackey,; M. Mc Duffer. S. H. Mandel. B. Marks, C. \V. Miller, G. A. McClure, G. R. Miller, D, L. Moyers, V. B. Mocre. F. Ifetager, H. Mlntr, A. D. Maxwell, J. Mclaughlin. W. P. Manning, H. G.. McNeill. S. S. Miller. R. Muller, \V. Mlskln, J. T. McGraw, C. G. McAnally. A. Marshall. J. J. Mallard. W. F. Meyers. Noble, Nebanski. Neylon, K. S Kewett, J. A. Nevltsk. G It. Nnber. 'I ViitliMii. II. Nelson. J. F. Newman. M 8. Naet, R. W. Owns, R. F. Otter beln, L J OBoyle, #. I. Oner, M. F. "-• B 1 Orth. F »H. O'Connor. J. O'Mara, l>. J. O'Hara, W. H. O'Connor. P. J. O'Mrien.




Act* as Executor, Trustee. Guardian and Administrator

Interest Allowed on Deposits

Member of Federal Reserve System.

E. B. MORRIS, President

SPECIAL SUNDAY $1.00 DINNER Served between 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.

Green's Hotel and Restaurant EIGHTH & CHESTNUT STREETS

ejH> Matta-REAL AMERICAN PRESSING Clothe* Given When Promised


201 South 37th Street, Phlla. PBOMI, BASIHQ 8337

fsnits sponged and pressed f 1.00 CONTRACT WORK

ieoit a week $4 00 suit* a week 6.00 mite a week 800

Ssiclil Bin gliu ti Ftitirifflu, a mil Bore your clothes pressed the sanitary war

without burning or scorching Prompt Service

R. W. JACKSON, Proprietor


Murad when you're sad, Murad when you're glad, Murad when you're mad,

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la!

