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Tony Shepherd

The Perpetual Motion Marketing System – By Tony Shepherd

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The Perpetual Motion Marketing System – By Tony Shepherd

ForewordWelcome to The Perpetual Motion Marketing System.

The techniques contained in these pdf's, flowcharts and videos have probably made the biggest impact on how I put my sales funnel together out of everything I've ever done online.

It's an easy system that anyone can replicate. I'll show you where to get everything you need and how to put it all together.

It's also deadly effective.

In the first 6 weeks of trialling this system I made over $20,000

Here's how to do it......

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The Perpetual Motion Marketing System – By Tony Shepherd

The System – an overview.

You need a single, main point of entry – just one page - to monetize your customers as they come into your 'machine'

I use the word 'machine' because this is going to work automatically to generate income for you and to 'process' your subscribers at the same time.

So a single point of entry.

Call it what you will – a squeeze page, a funnel......

I've talked in the past about my funnel.

This is my single main point of entry (SMPE):

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It's not my only point of entry – I have websites selling ebooks, my blog, various freebie sites etc too.

By 'entry' I mean entry onto my list by the way – whether that's from buying an ebook, or opting in to another site of mine to access a freebie.

Chances are if you've had an online business for any length of time you too will have various entry sites.

This isn't a problem.

But my main point of entry, and the one that most of my traffic is directed to is the one above.

And since I started throwing all my traffic at my single main point of entry, my revenue from just this one system has gone through the roof.

You'll notice, if you check it out at that there's no payment button on the page.

It's a squeeze page offering a free report to get people onto my list. They swap their email address and name in exchange for my free report.

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At least that's ONE of the functions.

We'll cover the others soon.

If you visit the page you'll possibly see that it looks a little (or a lot) different than it does in the screenshot above.

That's because I'm constantly watching my conversion rates and tweaking and testing the page to see if I can improve my results.

I suggest putting a a Google analytics tracking code on the page so can see how many unique hits I get a month, a day or a week and where they come from.

So in August 2009 I was getting almost 10,000 visitors a month. Not great but not too shabby either because I'd only just started promoting the site seriously as my new SMPE.

Put Google analytics or Statcounter code on all the pages you build following my system. You'll need these to track conversion rates and to see what works and what doesn't

So I'm getting almost 10,000 visitors a month.

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So with that traffic why not sell the report instead of giving it away?

Well there's no doubt it sells …..averagely...... at $97 a go. I've tried it and the conversion rate is fair and the refund rate is very low.

It has converted (selling)at around 0.2% using the above page as a sales page with a payment button on there instead of an opt-in form.

If you do the sums for you it means that with 9,000 (let's round it down) visitors a month converting at 0.2% and selling at $97 a go that means I could make over $1700 a month from sales of the book alone.

But I'm going to show you how giving the report away for free makes me far more money, and a recurring income too, than selling the report itself would.

But for now I want to concentrate on your SMPE.

You need to have something that appeals to your market, something of very real value to offer (any old crap won't do), and you need to offer something that other marketers would be happy to send their subscribers to.

This is vital because most of your traffic is going to come from affiliates that you'll generate automatically and as part of the workings of your 'machine'.

I'll cover this in full later.

So - a free report – containing something of real value – is a must if you want to establish a good conversion rate from the traffic you generate.

If it's something you're actuallyselling on another site then even better. Let visitors know that it's a 'paid' product by linking to the other site.

It increases the perceived value of your bait – because it IS bait – to get people onto your list.

I tested and tested and my opinion is that for best conversion rates (mine vary from 70% down to 3% depending on the source of traffic) it's best to approach your squeeze page in the same way that you would approach a paid product in your niche.

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If you cut corners because you feel it's only a freebie, you'll stuff up your main point of entry, and if you don't get a decent conversion here, the whole system won't work very well.

How do I establish my free report as being quality?

Graphics sell my report for me.

I got the page designed and approached the whole thing as if I was offering a paid product from the page.

I tried using a page without graphics, which has sometimes worked for me in the IM (internet marketing) niche, but in this case it converted almost twice as well when the graphics were in place.

I tweaked and tested the simplest little things.

Even down to the text on the opt-in button.

I use Aweber for this.

Rather than leave it as the default 'Submit' that comes with all Aweber opt in forms unless you change them, I went with:

'Free Instant Access' and it bumped my conversion rate by almost 1%

You can change the text on the button by clicking on it when you're designing your opt-in box.

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So decide on your single main point of entry product.

Make it something that you would exchange your email address for. Email addresses are a commodity almost as valuable as cash (some would argue moreso) and people have realised this value, so won't just give away their email addies for any old crap.

It's got to have perceived value.

If you can't get people into your machine in the first place then the whole system won't work.

A typical 'guru' trick is to design your squeeze page so it mimics paid products in your niche.

Make it 'typical' and so it looks like the best selling products in your niche. If that means spending money on graphics then do it. It'll be worth it.

This will boost it's perceived value.

Put tracking code on it so you can measure where your traffic comes from and how it converts. You can also see some basic conversion stats by going into the 'web forms' section of your Aweber account. This will show you at what percentage your opt-in form is converting.

Google analytics and Statcounter (I use both and they're free) are both relatively easy to configure and you end up with HTML code that you can just cut and paste onto your pages and they'll track your stats.

Do this for every page you create.

Spend time on this page.

Get it right. Don't leave any 'rough edges' or typos on there. You usually only get the chance to have people to opt-in once.

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NEXT - You need to upsell your opt-ins, while they're hot, to a recurring income program.

When your prospect has given you his name and email address he's 'in the mood'

He hasn't bought I agree, but he's given a little something of himself to you, and is now fractionally more responsive than a cold visitor to your site.

So this is the time to let him pay your wages.

He's not yet confirmed at this point – not clicked on the link in the confirmation email sent to him by aweber – so he's not yet on your list.

There are arguments about what to do next.

Some marketers say it's vitally important to get him to subscribe so you can sell to him over and over again.

I agree with that BUT my testing has shown that this point – when he's submitted his email address – is THE key moment to make a sale via an upsell offer – before he does anything else.

Now if this was just a $27 ebook or even a $97 product it wouldn't be worth it.

I'd rather have him on the list than make a quick sale and lose him.

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I think that going through the process of having to click on the link in the confirmation email cools him down and makes him less responsive to future offers.

So if I'm going to risk losing the confirmation, I want to make bloody sure I'm doing so for a reward that's worth it.

Which is why this is the moment to get him into your recurring income program.

(If you don't have one, and you probably won't at this stage, don't worry I'll cover it soon)

So set the 'thankyou' URL in your aweber account web form to take your prospect immediately to an upsell as soon as he clicks the 'submit' (or whatever) button on your squeeze page.

This is what he sees when clicks to enter his email on my squeeze page:

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He's then offered a one month trial on my Internet Marketing business building course.

He gets the first four lessons for a dollar.

It's almost risk-free for him.

I make it massively clear what is involved – a four week trial then if he wants to remain a KS member he doesn't have to do anything and he'll be automatically re-billed after 30 days (and then every month) for $27 until the course ends.

And because it's clear it means that nobody gets a nasty shock when they are rebilled – those that want to stay with the course do so – and we get very few complaints.

See how clear I make it?

So after opting in to my list, my prospect is in a fairly receptive state of mind.

(And you notice we're upselling him in tiny steps).

He's just given us his email address so the next thing we ask for must be just a tiny step up in value from that.

Which is why I ask for a dollar.

Just a single solitary dollar.

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And in return he gets to check out a whole month – four full lessons – of The Kickstart Course.

It's a no-brainer for him.

So a significant number of people – currently around 10% sign up for the KS course trial.

Of course it's not actually the dollar I want. I'm hardly going to get rich pulling in single dollar sales every day.

What I want are two things:

His commitment.

His recurring payment.

Before I go on, I just want to say something about tracking and testing.

I famously used to hate it.

I suppose it's still not my favourite thing to do on an afternoon but I started to get hooked when I saw the results even a tiny tweak can have.

As an example (using current figures) let's suppose my upsell page – the $1 trial – converts at 10%

If my squeeze page gets 9,000 hits a month and converts at 25% that means 2250 people will see my $1 trial upsell.

If that in turn converts at 10% it means that 225 people will actually opt in to my $1 trial.

A profit of $225 initially.

Not great.

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But even if 50% of those people cancel their subscription before it's rebilled at $27 after 30 days, it still means that 112 people go on to get rebilled.

Which brings me a revenue of $3024 a month just from my upsell.

The same happens next month, and the month after. Even after a drop out rate of 50% per month is factored in, you can see how pretty soon I'm up to a five and six figure recurring sum.

Now if I spend a day tweaking my upsell page and get it converting at 11% rather than 10%, the additional income is over $3,000 a year. If increase my squeeze page conversion rate from 25% to 30% then we're talking an extra $12,000 a year.

So tweaking and testing is not as boring as I initially thought it was.

The only thing is it doesn't really show any useable results until you're getting several hundred or even thousand visitors a month.

But I'm going to be showing you how to get truly automated traffic very soon. This is internet marketing magic so pay close attention (coming up very soon)

This is the first time I've ever revealed how I do it – so don't miss it!

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So – I've got my prospect's commitment and I've got him onto my recurring income program.

This means I don't have to sell him on the recurring program ever again – I just have to keep him on it, by offering great value, which is a lot easier.

Every new subscriber on the course is worth around $300 a year to me.

If I have 500 subscribers that's $150,000 a year alone in recurring income from my upsell, not including any other part of my business.

Now that doesn't include drop out rates, and new subscribers each month.

I haven't compiled all the stats yet but simply put, if fewer people drop out each month than opt-in my income is going to increase every month.

Recurring income.

All I have to do is provide good content.

That's why it's important to get your prospects into your recurring income program as soon as possible.

Now if you don't have a recurring income program then start one.

Start creating content, and offer a $1 trial to get people on board.

It's much easier doing this than trying to sell a place for the full price.

If you don't have the inclination or enthusiasm to create your own recurring income program then you could sell places on someone else's as an affiliate.

The best place to look, although you've heard it before is the Clickbank marketplace. Just be sure you select 'recurring billing products' from the drop down search menu and then spend your time going through them.

If you find one that you think is GOOD and fits the bill, contact the owner and tell them what you want to do and request a $1 trial offer period.

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Most owners would sort this out for their affiliates recognizing that it's in both their interests.

I have –for more details on how it works, or check out my partners scheme at for a sneak preview.

But it's pretty vital you get some sort of continuity income in place for your initial upsell. It's SO much easier than trying to make saleseach and every month.

And the $1 trial is genius – you notice how more and more marketers are using this method?

It's because a dollar isn't a great leap in faith from submitting email details and it works incredibly well!

Next I'm going to show you more about how my 'machine' works and also how to get traffic on autopilot without having to do any work yourself.

This is life-changing stuff.

We're talking about a recurring, automated income.

The real deal.....................

OK So we've started putting the whole money making machine together, and we looked at how it's vital to have a single main point of entry, and to monetize your subscribers as soon as they enter into your machine or funnel (call it what you will :-)

Now we're about looking at how to get free ongoing traffic.

This content however is pure, no-fluff, unadulterated gold dust!

It's high level stuff guys so huddle up and listen.......

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So our prospects are hitting our squeeze page at the single main point of entry, and then instantly being presented with our upsell, which ideally should be a low entry price, recurring income product.

For example a $1, 4 week trial to the KS course which then increases to the usual price after the trial is over.

This type of upsell works very well.

OK - at this stage your machine is providing you with new subscribers, through your main point of entry squeeze page, so you're building your list as you go.

It's also providing you with a recurring income through the upsell.

Initially when new subscribers go through your machine a certain percentage of your opt-ins (mine currently converts at between 4% and 10% depending on traffic source) are going to subscribe to your recurring income option.

Obviously the first month only costs them $1 so it's barely noticeable in terms of revenue but it does get them to actually create a recurring subscription in their Paypal, Clickbank or whatever payment processor you're running.

And that subscription creation is vital!

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I use Paypal for my $1 trial recurring because at present Clickbank doesn't allow a trial payment of less than $4.95 and I think $1 is a better 'entry level' figure.

You could use a merchant account, shopping cart software or any other solution as long as it allows you to create a $1 trial then increase to whatever your normal monthly price is.

So your opt-in's subscribe at the low entry price for the first month.

Once the four weeks are up, the next payment automatically increases to the full $27 a month (or whatever charge you choose)

This happens automatically and subscribers are only notified after the payment has been taken.

Be aware that quite a high percentage of people will cancel their subscription before they are rebilled.

For me this is currently around 30%

I'm constantly working to get this number down, although with 'trial' offers like this there will always be people who just want to check it out and have no intention of keeping their subscription going.

That's fine – it's what the trial is for – and I do it myself :-)

The secret of course is to keep the trial period interesting so your retention rate stays high.

And of course to keep the traffic coming – here's how I do it...

Recurring traffic

The best offers, sales pages and products in the world are useless if nobody sees them.

So here's a great way of driving traffic to your single main point of entry site without having to do any work.

The secret is to let other people drive the traffic for you.

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And that means signing your prospects up as affiliates, immediately, by using my affiliate 'sales page' technique.

The best way to do this is when they're going through your funnel because just like buyers, they're hot, and in the frame of mind to sign up.

So the process works like this:

1. Prospect hits your squeeze page, wants your freebie so opts in to your list to get it.

2. Instantly (before opt in confirmation) they're taken to your $1 trial recurring offer.

3. Next they receive a confirmation email which asks them to click a link to confirm their email address and give them access to the free report.

4. When they click this link in my system they're taken to this KEY page:

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At this point you might be thinking – so where is the free report they opted in to receive?

Well, it's on the way.

As soon as they clicked the confirmation link to get to the above page, Aweber sent an email to them with the download link (and another little sales technique we'll cover next time), so it's already in their inbox waiting for them.

But let's look at the page they've now landed on.

This actually converts almost as well as my squeeze page.

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It's a well-crafted sales page, NOT the usual 'sign up as my affiliate' page that most marketers use.

It uses an attention grabbing headline, re-inforces the message with a great subheader – 'Let me do the work while YOU count the money in your account' and slams the opt-in page in front of then without having to scroll down the page to find it.

It works incredibly well for recruiting affiliates – combining a great sales page message with the layout (at least above the fold) of a nicely designed squeeze page. It's one of the most successful web pages I've ever built.

Basically it's telling them that they can receive recurring monthly payments for just pointing people towards my free report page – my single main point of entry.

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This works by setting up an affiliate program using software such as Paydotcom or others that track affiliate codes through multiple layers.

So the affiliates get a commission on pretty much everything that their referral buys as he passes through my funnel.

Imagine how attractive that is to an affiliate (and my numbers prove this)

So they opt-in and are taken immediately to the next page -

This is where I explain how the affiliate system works, and most importantly – what's in it for them.

I make it clear that all they need to do is point their subscribers to my squeeze page (free report remember) using the affiliate link that I give them, further down the page.

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And they're automatically credited with any $1 trial sales that come through their link.

So along with an affiliate link I give them various tools – email templates to send to their list, graphics, suggestions of where to advertise etc, as below...

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So you can see the instructions are very easy to follow – the people who sign up will all be at different levels in terms of skill and experience so I don't want to alienate anyone.

I currently use Paydotcom for affiliates who sign up to the above page, and my own affiliate software which is built into a membership site I use for my PLR products.

Most affiliate software will work as long as it has the ability to track and 'cookie' affiliate links through various levels.

Any affiliate who uses the link in the screenshot above will send traffic to my squeeze page.

This however is just an opt-in page so it's vital that the software 'remembers' the affiliate link so that when the sales page does appear (the $1 trial) it'll know who sent the traffic and will credit them with the sale.

So for the initial sale they'll only make 50% of $1 – which is fifty cents.

But after that when the trial increases to full price, the affiliate will receive half of that amount for as long as the person they referred remains a member of the course.

It's a lot easier for affiliates than sending people to sales pages.

A recurring income and 50% of upsells ranging from $27 to $297 for just sending their contacts to a free report page. No wonder I'm recruiting so many affiliates!

It's working extremely well.

The software is working perfectly.

I'm happy because I'm getting traffic and sales without having to drive any myself.

And my affiliates are happy because they're making a recurring income from sending people to a 'free' gift' page rather than a sales page.

Short but sweet.

This is a killer tactic that can automate your traffic.

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Read through this lesson again so it's clear.

Your opt-ins become your affliates, and send you more opt-ins. These new opt-ins become affiliates and send you more opt-ins.....

and the process perpetuates.....

Next let's look at monetizing the actual point of opt-in some more.............

OK so we've looked at the secret of ongoing traffic by recruiting affiliates into the sales funnel.

Now we're going to round off by showing you how the cross-sells, upsells and downsells come into play to squeeze extra money from the system.

More gold dust from The Perpetual Motion Marketing System....

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So the prospect has come most of the way through the system at this point.

He's grabbed the free report and we've added him to the list.

We've offered him the $1 trial to a recurring income program, and hopefully recruited him into our affiliate program, so he's going to drive traffic to the main point of entry page for us.

He's got great value for money of course – for a cost of $1 and his email address he's got a top quality free report, access to a month's worth of high level online coaching course and the option to tie in for another 11 months at the great price of $27 a month.

Not only that, but he's now part of a fabulous affiliate program where all he has to do is send his people to a free report page and he automatically makes 50% of every single upsell he makes from then on, without doing any more work.

He's a happy chap.

Which is why he won't mind if we place another couple of offers in front of him before we're done with him.

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Seriously though – if you make your offers of such good value then you're not only going to get a good conversion rate on them, but your customers will love you for it too.

There's nothing underhand here – most people will understand you're in this for profit, not to make friends (although you can do both) so will either accept or reject your offers like grownups.

Be warned though, there will be the occasional person who gets angry because you're trying to sell to them.

It's all part of being in internet marketing. They're welcome to unsubscribe from your list.

So they've opted in, gone through the process, confirmed their email address (from your main point of entry) seen the affiliate program and the next thing that they receive from you is this email

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This is the first email in our AR (autoresponder) sequence and it is delivered to the subscriber immediately after they confirm their email address from the main point of entry page.

It delivers the free report they opted in to get.

It probably seems like a long time since they actually opted in to get the free report but that's because we're analysing the process not actually going through it ourselves.

My test opts to my own lists, and web stats have shown that the process is actually very streamlined and depending on what each subscriber does – if they buy and/or opt in to the affiliate list etc, it takes between 30 seconds and a few minutes to go through the process.

The link in the email address where they can get the download takes them to this page:

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You can see the download link both the free report and a bonus package (makes it worth waiting for) at the top of the page.

At this point they've been through quite a few pages so while I toyed with the idea of having the download link at the bottom of the page so they have to read (or at least skim through) the entire sales page to find it, I decided that they'd been through enough of my sales pages.

So I put it at the top of the page and decided to let them scroll down the page only if they really want to.

Strangely enough this page converts well.

I'm still testing this but it could be due to a number of factors – the large headline – the huge discount I'm offering or the type of offer itself.

I believe my testing will show that it's the large discount that brings in the sales from this page.

The payment buttons on this page are currently tracked through Paydotcom so affiliates receive 50% of each sale even though the people they've sent to my site have clicked through at least 4 pages by now.

Paydotcom tracks affiliate links of any products you group together in your account. So as long as I add products in the funnel to my Paydotcom account and then link them together (this is a one click process in the account), my affiliates will get their cut of each, all or any sales made.

This is a very powerful draw of course, and it's why my affiliate program is so lively.

There is one additional sales technique that I'm currently testing on this page, and this is the option of TWO payment levels.

At the bottom of the page, when it comes to payment, visitors are shown this:

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You can see that they get a saving on the full price of $47 either way.

They can either opt-in for the special one time offer of a one-off $97 payment for a year's membership to this site OR take the $27 a month option costing them $324 for the same membership.

You'd expect most people to go for the less expensive $97 yearly option....

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And they do :-)

Only about 5% of people take the $27 monthly option.

Those that do seem to be people who want to test out the membership first without taking a full year's membership.

I've found that if they like it, they come back to this page and grab the $97 option.

(This of course is a one time option because they're only presented with it one in the funnel – but if they bookmark the page they can grab it an any time)

So why keep the $27 option on the page?

Because it increases conversion rate.

I found that when I removed the $27 option and only had the $97 option on the page, it didn't convert as well.

The $27 option is another trigger to make them feel as though they're getting a bargain and they're more likely to choose the $97 option.

And that's the funnel.

After they've grabbed their free report and hopefully bought my upsell they go onto the autoresponder list.

What you do here is up to you.

I'm currently redoing my AR list to include products that are grouped in my Paydotcom account so that my affiliates get a percentage of every sale that comes through my autoresponder list.

Think about it – my AR list is about 30 messages long and about 20 of those contain links to products ranging from $27 to $197

An affiliate can send his contacts to grab my free report and then make commission on everything each person buys as they go through my AR list for MONTHS to come.

This is why the system I've outlined is so effective and so attractive to affiliates.

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Try implementing it.

The beauty is that you don't need to have 30 AR messages stacked up and ready to go.

All you really need is a free offer, and upsell (ideally as low entry price recurring billing product) and an affiliate squeeze page.

Grab yourself a Paydotcom account and start using this system.

Make sure your affiliates get their commission for each sale and then you can add other products into the funnel as you create or acquire them.

Go do it

This system has (at time of writing) produced more $20,000 in just over 6 weeks.

It's completely changed how I set up my sales funnels.

You need to try this and check out the results for yourself.

Warm regards,

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