the person i admire

The person I admire .

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Page 1: The Person I Admire

The person I admire .

Page 2: The Person I Admire

The person that I admire the most is Martina

Shtossel. She was born in Argentina. Martina

is an actress,singer and dancer. Martina is a

daughter of Alejandro Shtossel. There are

two children in her family: she and her

brother. Martina is very good at playing the

piano and dancing.

Page 3: The Person I Admire

Martina Shtossel plays a major role in the film “Violetta “. In this film, she plays the role of Violetta-a bright, cheerful, but at the same time a lonely girl, who is strongly prootected by her father.

Page 4: The Person I Admire

The reason I admire her is because she is very intelligent and brave, and she never gives up on life. When I think of her, I know that anything is possible as long as you really want it and work hard to achieve it.

Page 5: The Person I Admire

Выполнила: Бирюкова Катя 7Б класс ГБОУ СОШ с.Хворостянка, Самарской области. Учитель Николаева О.П.