the plattsmouth daily herald. (plattsmouth) 1883-03-23 [p ]. · r r lie,11 frt ifl " 1?...

r r ,11 frt ifl " 1? (1 lie -- VOL. 1 f'LATTSMOUTJJ, KEBlt&SKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1883. NO. 23. t i Y Li THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Fuli ILine General Merchandise. Full ILine General Merehandise. Always on Hand, Always on Mand. ISottom Prices for Cash. Bottom Prices for Cash JOSEPH V. WECKBACH. ... I 1 1. "BURLINGTON ROUTE" (Chicago Burlington A Quincy Railroad.) COINO EAST AND WEST. Hcrant X)y Coachea, Parlor Cars, with Reclin- ing Cnair (aeU free). Smoking Car, with ff Chairs, Pullman Paiaca SlepinCars and the fmmoUM C. B. & Q. Dining I'ars run doily to and from Chicago & Kansas City, Chicago & Council UIuHs, Chicago & Uea Moiuea. Chicago, St. Jo- seph. Atchison & Topeka. Only through line n Lincoln & Denver. Through cars txtwea Indianapolis & Council UIu.Ts vi.a Peoria. AH connections mail in Union 1: Li Lttown as tie greot TIIUOUU U CAU LINi:. i . J. POTTER. d Vice Pren't and GeaT Manager. ALWAYS . BENNETT THE Come to t'ac fiout with 1 Staple and Fancy Groceries FRESH AND NICE. "Ve always buy the goods in the market, and guarantee ever thing we sell U are sole agents in this town for the sale of PKRFKOTION" GROUND SPICKS, AD THE CE "BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Flatt'B "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oysters always on hand. Come and see us. We Tkill make you glad. The best and most complete two doors west of Carruths. GOING NORTH AND SOUTH Solid Trains of Eleeant Day Coaches and Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars are run daily to and! rrom bt. liOuis, Tia nanniDai, yuincv-- , &.eoKUK,i Kurlineton. Coilar Kapidii and Albert Lea to St. I Paul and Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with declining Chairs to and from St. Louis and i'eoria and to and from St. Louis and Ottumwa. Only one i . m . c T 1 iia. t. IlUIlC Ktl UUIH l l tJi 1 Ob. AJULLIS U1IU I .Momes. ion a. uncolu, una Jecver.i It U universal admitted to bo tho PERCIIVAI. LOWELL, Pen. Pass. Ag't. Chicago.' A & a couiplote of LEE HATED -- .A BROS., IN . and .Tinware. in the city, lo thtf ROCK WOOD Caia and bex us. . AND aZFiiscairsirnjsJ, At Wholesale and JHetail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me. Opposite First National IBank. S. IF.IBATDMlEESlElffi. THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE BY DEALERS Hardware; Stoves assortment BLOCK, PERA HOUSE 9J5 Ww mm m A.f5 li t: a nee i urn Orders t:ikn WILSON' hUOS.' SIIIJiTS. CA-INTIDH- ES Er POAIID DAY or WEEK. 7T Tl IB-- - 'H'r-'i,.!'- - I li .11; ! I " l for P B b by the a IT. 7b I 7MT-15- T3 - m wwa xR- - . i OPERA HOUSE AN- D- GENTS' FURNISHERS. POST OFFICE ftSews Depot, STATION Kit Y. NOTIONS, IsTXD C1GABS. MASON & IIAMLIX CENTHAL RESTAURANT. P at Hours. " OYSTERS IN SEASON. DECKER HKOS.' LUilBEM yjJ VTi All H, PEAK1L 7th ST.. Dealers in all kinds of ilhjise:ib, Asia, icxcxdihis, MM, MIXES) IPAJCKHTS, LIME, EMEM, JP1L ASTTJEHl, Oil 1 Mmtllmi The l'L,ATTSMOUTII IIEHALD TUBLISHING COMPANY has every facility for first-cla- ss JOB WOEK! In every d epartment. Catalogues and Pamphlet Work, AlTCTir s& AIL1B IHJELlLSj, In every ilepartment. Our Stock of Blank Papers and mateiials is Large and complete in quality and assortment. ORDERS BY MAILhSOLICITED. Plettsmoutli Herald Pub. Co. TELEGRAPHIC CltlME'S CARNIVAL. A Riot in the Idaho Pen. MexIcaiiM, Cowboys uud In dlans. MINOR OFFENSES FIKES, ETC. CAPTIOUS CONVICTS. Boise City, Idaho. March 22. For- ty prisoners in the territorial peuitn-tiar- y overpowered two guards this afternoon while at work at a stone quarry and made their escape. They took the guards' weapons. GOOD BYE JOtlN. Chicago, March 22, -- A San Fran cisco 8oecial recounts t..e discoveiy of embeitzleuieut in the oflice of the State Harbor Commissioner John G. Gray who Med when his shortage, estimated at from 840,000 to $100,000. was dis covered. T1IE "lAbSION PLAY " Louisville. March 2a. Enquiries today amoitg ministers', business and professional tucn develope practically unanimous opposition to the presenta- tion of Salmi Mvrse's Passion Play" in this city. I: is safe to say that a license will not be granted for any representation. A DESTRUCTIVE KIKE. Columbus, Oa., March 12. Early thiB morning tl-- e Fountaine cotton warehouse burned. " 3,400 bales, 14 rolls of bagging, 300 bundles of ties and other proporty on storage, was destroyed. The Columbus bagging factory had on storage 811,000 worth of bagging. Loss estimated at 8S00,-00- 0; insurance, 8145.000. BELLIGERENT REDS. Muskooee, I. T., March 22. A com- pany ot U. S. troups have gone from Ft. Gibson to arest the belligerent Creeks, and troops from Fort lleno will te, and will remain on the field until the bostiles are captured. It is stated that if this action is fal- lowed and the leaders impartially pros ecuted it will enforce permanent peace. COLLEGE CHIMIN A L8. Cbawfordsville. Ind., March 22 Last night three boys, under 18, stu- dents at Wabash college, were arrested for setting fire to the South Hill col lege, Sunday. They eoi-fesse- d and al- so I said they broke into a s'ure in the past six weeks, and set it on fire. All were admitted to bail in 83,000 each. AS OLD UELIC. West Liberty, la., March 22- .- H. S. Farnell, editor of the Iowa City Repub- lican, bought at auction in a Quaker set- tlement near here today the old wagon which John Brown used to carry runa- way negroes from Missouri,and in which the armg used at Harper's Ferry were brought to this place and shipped as car- penters1 tools, to be used as a delivery wagon. A HIGH-TONE- D IIOHSE. Chicago, March 22. The trotting stallion Jerome Eddy (record 2:lB)wa8 sold yesterday to II. 11. Jewett & Co , of Buffalo, New York, for $25,000. With the exception of Smuggler and Piedmont this the largest price ever paid for a trotting stalliou. It hud been theinten-tio- n to keep the animal on the turf this summer in expectation of excerriog Lis beat record, bat the present owner have taken him to Aurora, N. Y., and will place him an a stock farm with the in- tention of permanently retiring him from the track. butler's bolt. Boston, March 22. At a, meeting of the executive council today, Governor Butler and his constitutional advisers dis- agreed. Noah A. Ply uip ton, the govern- or's nominee for insurance commissioner was reported. The nomination was taken from the table and rejected by a strict party vote, 7 to 1. On the announce- ment of the vote the governor is report- ed to have said gruffly : "It becomes my duty to nominate a new candidate for in- surance commissioner. I therefore nom- inate Noah A. Flyuipton, ef Worcester." So saying, the governor withdrew. The managers of the republican party hy the republican councilors will never re- cede from their vote. A BLOODY BATTLE Tombstone. A. T March 22. This afternoon a report reached here of a terrible conflict between cattle mn" and Mexicans, in which about sixteen men were killed. It occurred at Mor- rison's rancbe, thirteen miles from Ft. Huachuca. We are unable to learn the cause at this Lour, but the trouble Is probably the outgrowth of a cattle dispute between two factiens. A partr left this morning for the scene. A carrier from Charleston states that a party while encaged yeetexdjr after- noon around .some newly fieovered coal fields, were attacked by a band of I . ... ' mm,", 'i T . . Several men were killed and three wounded. A party left this morning with wagons to bring the bodies In. The coroner left for the purpose of holding an inquest. IN OTIIEIt LANDS. Depopulation in Switzerland. Oilier IVots. WAR IN SOUTH AMERICA. Buenos Aters, March tt. A fight occurred at Patagonia between troops of the Argentine Republic and Chil iaus. owing to a refusal of the former I to quit Chilian territory. Several were I killed. The Argentines retired acre the frontier. DEPOPULATION. Geneva, March 29. Emigration to America is alarming. Several districts are last becoming depopulated. Gut- - tanuen is without au inhabitant. TJie exodus is owing to bad harvests and American competition. wiaoixs stoum. Ottawa, March St. John Weston a former contractor of Ottawa, now of I Moose Ja-A- , thirty-fou- r miles from Regiuia, writing under date of the llth inrt., speaks of Wiggina storm. He says it began on the f th at noon. aud continued in terrible force until o'clock a. m. oh the Vlh. The wind was seveuty-fiv- e miles an hour. The air was one mass or show, ir you were ten feet from your door you could not find it again, and you could not stand it without shelter. This is the greatest storm in a century. In the middle of the storm a gun was fired announcing a person lost. No one would venture to the rescue. Af ter two hours' hard fighting with the storm the party got safely in. A store 500 by 100 feet, two stories high, was blown over. Many small shanties aud houses collapsed. REMOVED FOR CAUSE. Civilization in Alaska. UEuilOVltO TJIttlU P OSTMAUTEK. WAsiiiNoTON,March 22. The govern or ot Montana sent the following dU paten to the poatoffice department today " rim i'.iiaritoa af i:rwn Horn MnntDnl I ' 'I have removed the democratic post master I , , . 1 . I oy uanging. government uiei must ue pretty scarce as ne was caugni hum buro. incr. The office is sow vacant. The sureties have been notified to take charge of the office." INTERNAL KKVKNUK. Receipts of the internal revenue office for the last fiscal year, $146,400,000. The receipts July 1, 1882 to March 21, 1883, exceeded the receipts lor the correspond- - ing penoa nflmtrwr uy 4,W,vjv. The I he on account of the chaDges in the revenue laws) will be $143,025,000. ' MAIL ROUTE IN ALASKA. Second Postmaster General Elmer today ordered the establishment of a nostal route in the territory of Alas-- I ka, to extend fron Humes Jsnesu, a distance of 150 miles. The contract was awarded to Shelden of the Vaw Yirk Pro-livter- iii rmMjtinnurr aoci .. . 1 . .. . . , I eiy. iuis is tuej urst mait route cusv- - i lished between points within Alaska. TO STRIKE. Chicago, March 22. The largely at- tended meeting? in this city and Mil- - . . . . t I -- 'o " - i they propose coinir on a strike May 1st, unless their demand for one dollar in- - crease per thousand is granted by em-- 1 pioyers. i ne leauers aasert iuii ui strike will be general throughout the country. CIGAK MAKERS. Louisville, Ky March 22. The ci gar makers1 union this city betd I meeting last evening and decided to I . " I unit j with tliu uuiou in their demand for I one do. i.r j c t'lo-.isna- advance. Tiie luov ciiii-Q- t lor an increase lx;gun Lrre. fls'iMueuth City Markets. . riij AC . (utTAH.) Ke ported bfU.ll. Murphy A C. Flour.. . S3.0u6 t.Bo perewt. .. ran .5 e " liuiteu FeeU . , 1 -- lyr ri lour sa.oo iraliani Flour . .. ....$3.0 Butter.... ao&25cu per B Cheese (part sktut)..... is Cheese (full cream).... so Sugar Cured Hams ,.17 - Bacon...... 14 " " Hboulders IS Dried Beef ... ..... id Poultry SCAO Q, per dox. Fggs .. italic. - Itwl)v73a9. . xo e. Choice Potatoes. 4BS0 ct. r ba. Sweet - BeeU : 78 et' Onions TSct . Apple (winter). ...1J0 OS1.S6 M . - Sweet Cider ;.. IS per gal Oysters, select. PV etjt rittmoth TeUpbons Exemsnf e 1 J. r. Young, reitdsao.. a linn not l I.wts( m. u. Murpn Co.. lionosr Mtablos. County Clerk's offlM. X. H. Lewis, resldsac. J. V. W.ckbMU. str. Western Union Telegraph Uce. I. 11. W Heeler, resid.uve. 10 I. A. Campbell, 14 K. 11. W loin am. " is J bo. waymau, 1 J. W. Jennings. " 17 W. 8. Wise, office. is Murrtseey BtoSm oSlce. la W. K. Carter, etere. . m U. W. Kairfleld, resldeae. XI M. B Murpnr. Tl 1. II. Wheeler . alct, 23 J. f. Taylor, residence, ' First National Ilauk. 'M J. f. Young, store. 28 Perkins House. 2 K. W. Uyrs. resides. si Journal ecs. . . M llgaULDrus. Co office. aft J, N. Wis, resldeaee. M , 14. CbaiMsan, " 87 W.. lone. 3d A. N. Sullivan. " S9 If. K. Talmer. " W. II. SchUdkneckt.offle. Bunivau St Woulvy, A. W. McLaughlin. reideae4 A. falterson. llverr. C. M. Holmes. L. I. Bennett, reildenoe. tleo. . Hmlth, olllce. L. A, Moere, fior-st-. J. Vt. Karnes, residence. K. It. Livingston, oflice. 307 J. V. WeckTiaeh, residence. Chaplain Wright. w. it. Bciuidkueelil " Geo. M. Hmlth. R. R. LIvlDgnton. -- C. C. Ballard. M The switch board connects Plattsraouta with Ashland. Arllnitton. Blair. Counoll Bluffs. Vim. tuont, Llucoln. Oiuaha aud ElkhoroS tatlon. For Sale ! N K i, Sec. 3, T. 12, It. IS. S E I, Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 13. S. W. I, Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 18. and Ni N. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, It. 13. E S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, it. 13 E I, Lot 10, Block 28. " 3, u 59. " 7& J, " 23. Si, 9, 11. Duke's Addition. Tk abovo described farms &re for salo on long time, . with 7 per cent, interest. Apply to K. U. WINDIIAir, dtf PlatUmouth. Keb. Proposals for Military Sup plies. IlEADQUARTkKSlLgr'T OF THE PLATTF, Chief Quartermaster's Office. rsoroiiui. In triplicate, sublect te the the usual conditions, will be received at bill. uui.v uiilii mm v mm. , April 18, 1S&3. or at the same hour (allowing fer the difference in time.) t the offices : of th tjuarterinastcrs at th following vamed stations at which places and tint they will be opened In the presence of bidders. for the furnishing and delivery of Military Supplies- - during the ear commencing juir 1st, isj, ana euaiag 5 uneaotb, 1S84. as follows 1 Wood. Hjr and Charcoal, or such or said applies as may b required at Omaha Depot, tort Omaha, Fort Niobrara. Fort Sidney. Cheyenne Depot, F.rt Russell. Fort Steele. Fort Douglas. Fort Kobln-so- n. Fort Bridger. Fort Jramie. Fort M cKla- - Fort Washakie, and Fort Thorn bureb. and for the delivery at Fort Thornburgh ! SO tlinl U Or ZIW DOUDQI IO U IOB. Fropo.als will also be received at this ifflc Ud to the day and hour above named, for th delivery on the cars at the point nearest to th mines or the line of th Union FaclO Railway, ' eight thousand tens of Coal,, of 324 pounds o AUo for aeUYery mt omana Depot. or at tations on the mainline of the L'nionra- - rifle Railway east from Kearney .Junction, of two million pounas corn, ana on muuon nounds Oats. Bids for tram snouid state id rate per loo lbs, not per bushel Froposais for eitner class on"e stores men tioned, or for quantities less than the wbol required will , be received. Each proposal should be in triplicate, iemiatc roa - sacs akticlb at kaCh statio, and must be ac companied bv a bona in tne sum oi dv anna-re- d dollars ($aoO) executed strictly In accord- ance with the printed Instructions, and Upon the blank form furnished under this advcrtls- - meni, guaranteeing mai in. parj Biasing in. proDO,ai ,Ball not withdraw th same within Bcation ue mane wunin me six ij umjm aoov. mentioned.) accept the same and furnish good and sufficient sureties, at one, for th faithful performance of the contract. The Government reserves the right to reject any r all propo sals, a preference wui ne given in articles ot domestic production. Blank proposals ana pnntea circulars, stal- ing the kind, and estimated quantities of Wood. Hav and Charcoal reoulred at eaehet tlon.and giving full instructions a to th manner of bidding, conditions to be observed &uh. VS marked! Proposals lor - af . and addressed to the undersigned or to th re- - (pectlv rost and iepot unarteriBasiers. w kjii v. r Usui, giin, A. Q. U . U. S. A.. In charg of C. Q. M s of- - nee. iep't. oi tne rutile. - azti Estray Notice. lull DP BI u( lumnm n iik, w, city or Fiattsmoutn oa in Ttn nay o' mwuim- - fjl .fL! ..f w7v?"7 W w .K Tax Deed ITotioa Tu th unknown owner of leabdlvlslo, lot 91. In see. 7. Town. 12. Bang U east la Cass eenaty Nebraska. Take nolle tnat tn naarigaea aia an llth day of May. 1SS1. purchase th said de scribed lot at private sal for th taxes of 17. 1S77. 1S7S and Ists then delinquent; me saia lot hrviog been previously ottered at nubile tax for the said taxes, and there being no bid ders therefor : that said lot was nssrs.ed tor taxation on the tax books for said years, as ng to aa unknowa wwncr r nev-reaide- ut of .aid cuuuty ; that Uietinae of redeia.titf. of said real e tate from sale will expire oa the ma day of May, 1SS3. and that if not redeemed rlor to a:a last nicutionea aaie, a wu Issacd to the undersigned aowAi DOVOVAX. PUtUmouth. Neb.. Feb. lth. IS.J -- ti Administrator's Sale. Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant t aa order of th ceuaty court, of Case County. Nebraska. 1 wlU sell at pnblie veadn. mm Fri- day; th th day of March, lsss. at IS o'clock a. nm. on said day. at t he residence of th late Mrs. Mary Sporer In Mi. Pleasant preelnet.fonx miles northeast of Weeping Water, in said ounty. th following personal property, vis t On mar and colt. 17 cows, ft two year .Id steers, is yearlings, i heifers. hogs. S6 bash-e- ls ef corn, one wagon aad a full set ff ana Utf Implements. Terns, sum andr$l. cash, ail sales sver 10. nine month tins with approves security, . Chakxbs Hsvviso, oS-t- S . AdmlnUtrater. Ilotico of Application. -- . Notice Is hereby givn tiat TT:"'am T- - will mak nrlicatU--B before th Connfy ( mtssioiers of case eoaaty, rbr- - a, e tU Jr . next regular Bseetlov, it FJa- - .W llMU. 1A Mil II S'JrltaowS a4 ii M hi rise of bvnees, . U- -C - . r e. Z. MP - - -- a.,-- - estimated receipt, for the current fiscal B'?tfjn year (allowing a deduction of $300,000 thereunder, will, within tea days after Ing notified of the award, (provided such nott- - Assistant to Jackson, PBKPABINQ ot 6.oo Svso stort. Co nev. tDe 1 f

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Page 1: The Plattsmouth Daily Herald. (Plattsmouth) 1883-03-23 [p ]. · r r lie,11 frt ifl " 1? (1--VOL. 1 f'LATTSMOUTJJ, KEBlt&SKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1883. NO. 23. t i Y Li THE DAYLIGHT


,11 frt ifl " 1? (1lie--






Fuli ILine General Merchandise.Full ILine General Merehandise.

Always on Hand,Always on Mand.

ISottom Prices for Cash.Bottom Prices for Cash


"BURLINGTON ROUTE"(Chicago Burlington A Quincy Railroad.)

COINO EAST AND WEST.Hcrant X)y Coachea, Parlor Cars, with Reclin-

ing Cnair (aeU free). Smoking Car, with ff

Chairs, Pullman Paiaca SlepinCars andthe fmmoUM C. B. & Q. Dining I'ars run doily to andfrom Chicago & Kansas City, Chicago & CouncilUIuHs, Chicago & Uea Moiuea. Chicago, St. Jo-seph. Atchison & Topeka. Only through line n Lincoln & Denver. Through carstxtwea Indianapolis & Council UIu.Ts vi.a Peoria.AH connections mail in Union 1: Li

Lttown as tie greot TIIUOUU U CAU LINi:. i

. J. POTTER. d Vice Pren't and GeaT Manager.


Come to t'ac fiout with


Staple and Fancy GroceriesFRESH AND NICE.

"Ve always buy the goods in the market, and guarantee ever thingwe sell U are sole agents in this town for the sale of



"BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS,Nothing finer in the market. Flatt'B "Tiger" brand of Baltimore Oystersalways on hand. Come and see us. We Tkill make you glad.

The best and most completetwo doors west of Carruths.

GOING NORTH AND SOUTHSolid Trains of Eleeant Day Coaches and Pull

man Palace Sleeping Cars are run daily to and!rrom bt. liOuis, Tia nanniDai, yuincv--

, &.eoKUK,iKurlineton. Coilar Kapidii and Albert Lea to St. I

Paul and Minneapolis: Parlor Cars with decliningChairs to and from St. Louis and i'eoria and toand from St. Louis and Ottumwa. Only one

i . m . c T 1 iia.t. IlUIlC Ktl UUIH l l tJi 1 Ob. AJULLIS U1IU I

.Momes. ion a. uncolu, una Jecver.i

It U universal admitted to bo tho

PERCIIVAI. LOWELL, Pen. Pass. Ag't. Chicago.'


a couiplote of




. and the city, lo thtf ROCK WOOD

Caia and bex us. .


aZFiiscairsirnjsJ,At Wholesale and JHetail. Cash

paid for all kinds of countryproduce. Call and see me.

Opposite First National IBank.S. IF.IBATDMlEESlElffi.



Hardware; Stovesassortment



Ww mm mA.f5

li t:a nee


Orders t:ikn WILSON' hUOS.' SIIIJiTS.




7T Tl

IB-- -

'H'r-'i,.!'- -


li .11;


I " l


P B b

by the

aIT. 7b I 7MT-15-T3

- m wwa xR- -






ftSews Depot,STATION Kit Y. NOTIONS,



RESTAURANT.P at Hours. "





H, PEAK1L 7th ST..Dealers in all kinds of

ilhjise:ib, Asia, icxcxdihis,MM, MIXES) IPAJCKHTS,LIME, EMEM, JP1LASTTJEHl,


every facility for first-cla- ss

JOB WOEK!In every d epartment.

Catalogues and Pamphlet Work,


In every ilepartment.

Our Stock of Blank Papers and mateiials is Large and complete inquality and assortment.


Plettsmoutli Herald Pub. Co.


A Riot in the Idaho Pen.

MexIcaiiM, Cowboys uud Indlans.



Boise City, Idaho. March 22. For-ty prisoners in the territorial peuitn-tiar- y

overpowered two guards thisafternoon while at work at a stonequarry and made their escape. Theytook the guards' weapons.

GOOD BYE JOtlN.Chicago, March 22, -- A San Fran

cisco 8oecial recounts t..e discoveiy ofembeitzleuieut in the oflice of the StateHarbor Commissioner John G. Graywho Med when his shortage, estimatedat from 840,000 to $100,000. was discovered.

T1IE "lAbSION PLAY "Louisville. March 2a. Enquiries

today amoitg ministers', business andprofessional tucn develope practicallyunanimous opposition to the presenta-tion of Salmi Mvrse's Passion Play"in this city. I: is safe to say that alicense will not be granted for anyrepresentation.

A DESTRUCTIVE KIKE.Columbus, Oa., March 12. Early

thiB morning tl-- e Fountaine cottonwarehouse burned. " 3,400 bales, 14

rolls of bagging, 300 bundles of tiesand other proporty on storage, wasdestroyed. The Columbus baggingfactory had on storage 811,000 worthof bagging. Loss estimated at 8S00,-00- 0;

insurance, 8145.000.BELLIGERENT REDS.

Muskooee, I. T., March 22. A com-

pany ot U. S. troups have gone fromFt. Gibson to arest the belligerentCreeks, and troops from Fort llenowill te, and will remain on thefield until the bostiles are captured.It is stated that if this action is fal-

lowed and the leaders impartially prosecuted it will enforce permanentpeace.

COLLEGE CHIMIN A L8.Cbawfordsville. Ind., March 22

Last night three boys, under 18, stu-

dents at Wabash college, were arrestedfor setting fire to the South Hill college, Sunday. They eoi-fesse- d and al-



said they broke into a s'ure in thepast six weeks, and set it on fire. Allwere admitted to bail in 83,000 each.


West Liberty, la., March 22- .- H. S.Farnell, editor of the Iowa City Repub-

lican, bought at auction in a Quaker set-

tlement near here today the old wagonwhich John Brown used to carry runa-way negroes from Missouri,and in whichthe armg used at Harper's Ferry were

brought to this place and shipped as car-

penters1 tools, to be used as a deliverywagon.


Chicago, March 22. The trottingstallion Jerome Eddy (record 2:lB)wa8sold yesterday to II. 11. Jewett & Co , ofBuffalo, New York, for $25,000. Withthe exception of Smuggler and Piedmontthis the largest price ever paid for atrotting stalliou. It hud been theinten-tio- n

to keep the animal on the turf thissummer in expectation of excerriog Lisbeat record, bat the present owner havetaken him to Aurora, N. Y., and willplace him an a stock farm with the in-

tention ofpermanently retiring him fromthe track.

butler's bolt.Boston, March 22. At a, meeting of

the executive council today, GovernorButler and his constitutional advisers dis-

agreed. Noah A. Ply uip ton, the govern-or's nominee for insurance commissionerwas reported. The nomination was takenfrom the table and rejected by a strictparty vote, 7 to 1. On the announce-ment of the vote the governor is report-ed to have said gruffly : "It becomes myduty to nominate a new candidate for in-

surance commissioner. I therefore nom-

inate Noah A. Flyuipton, ef Worcester."So saying, the governor withdrew. Themanagers of the republican party hythe republican councilors will never re-

cede from their vote.

A BLOODY BATTLETombstone. A. T March 22. This

afternoon a report reached here of aterrible conflict between cattle mn"and Mexicans, in which about sixteenmen were killed. It occurred at Mor-rison's rancbe, thirteen miles from Ft.Huachuca. We are unable to learnthe cause at this Lour, but the troubleIs probably the outgrowth of a cattledispute between two factiens. Apartr left this morning for the scene.A carrier from Charleston states thata party while encaged yeetexdjr after-noon around .some newly fieoveredcoal fields, were attacked by a band of

I . ...

' mm,", 'i T



Several men were killed and threewounded. A party left this morningwith wagons to bring the bodies In.The coroner left for the purpose ofholding an inquest.


Depopulation in Switzerland.

Oilier IVots.

WAR IN SOUTH AMERICA.Buenos Aters, March tt. A fight

occurred at Patagonia between troopsof the Argentine Republic and Chiliaus. owing to a refusal of the former I

to quit Chilian territory. Several were I

killed. The Argentines retired acrethe frontier.

DEPOPULATION.Geneva, March 29. Emigration to

America is alarming. Several districtsare last becoming depopulated. Gut- -

tanuen is without au inhabitant. TJieexodus is owing to bad harvests andAmerican competition.

wiaoixs stoum.Ottawa, March St. John Weston

a former contractor of Ottawa, now of I

Moose Ja-A-, thirty-fou- r miles from

Regiuia, writing under date of thellth inrt., speaks of Wiggina storm.He says it began on the f th at noon.aud continued in terrible force untilo'clock a. m. oh the Vlh. The windwas seveuty-fiv- e miles an hour. Theair was one mass or show, ir youwere ten feet from your door youcould not find it again, and you couldnot stand it without shelter. This isthe greatest storm in a century. Inthe middle of the storm a gun wasfired announcing a person lost. Noone would venture to the rescue. After two hours' hard fighting with thestorm the party got safely in. A store500 by 100 feet, two stories high, wasblown over. Many small shanties audhouses collapsed.


Civilization in Alaska.


WAsiiiNoTON,March 22. The governor ot Montana sent the following dUpaten to the poatoffice department today" rim i'.iiaritoa af i:rwn Horn MnntDnl I

' 'Ihave removed the democratic post master I, , . 1 . Ioy uanging. government uiei must uepretty scarce as ne was caugni hum buro.incr. The office is sow vacant. Thesureties have been notified to take chargeof the office."


Receipts of the internal revenue officefor the last fiscal year, $146,400,000. Thereceipts July 1, 1882 to March 21, 1883,exceeded the receipts lor the correspond--

ing penoa nflmtrwr uy 4,W,vjv. The I

heon account of the chaDges in the revenuelaws) will be $143,025,000. '


Second Postmaster GeneralElmer today ordered the establishmentof a nostal route in the territory of Alas--Ika, to extend fron Humes Jsnesu, adistance of 150 miles. The contract wasawarded to Shelden of theVaw Yirk Pro-livter-

iii rmMjtinnurr aoci.. . 1 . .. . . , I

eiy. iuis is tuej urst mait route cusv-- i

lished between points within Alaska.TO STRIKE.

Chicago, March 22. The largely at-

tended meeting? in this city and Mil- -. . . . t I

-- 'o " - i

they propose coinir on a strike May 1st,

unless their demand for one dollar in- -

crease per thousand is granted by em-- 1pioyers. i ne leauers aasert iuii uistrike will be general throughout thecountry.

CIGAK MAKERS.Louisville, Ky March 22. The ci

gar makers1 union this city betdI

meeting last evening and decided to I. " I

unit j with tliu uuiou in their demand for I

one do. i.r j c t'lo-.isna- advance. Tiieluov ciiii-Q-t lor an increase lx;gun Lrre.

fls'iMueuth City Markets.

. riij AC . (utTAH.)

Ke ported bfU.ll. Murphy A C.

Flour.. . S3.0u6 t.Bo perewt...

ran .5 e "liuiteu FeeU . , 1

-- lyr rilour sa.ooiraliani Flour . .. ....$3.0

Butter.... ao&25cu per BCheese (part sktut)..... isCheese (full cream).... soSugar Cured Hams ,.17 -Bacon...... 14 " "Hboulders ISDried Beef ... ..... idPoultry SCAO Q, per dox.Fggs .. italic. -Itwl)v73a9. . xo e.Choice Potatoes. 4BS0 ct. r ba.Sweet -BeeU : 78 et'Onions TSct .

Apple (winter). ...1J0 OS1.S6 M . -

Sweet Cider ;.. IS per galOysters, select. PV etjt

rittmoth TeUpbons Exemsnf e1 J. r. Young, reitdsao..a linn not l I.wts(m. u. Murpn Co..

lionosr Mtablos.County Clerk's offlM.X. H. Lewis, resldsac.J. V. W.ckbMU. str.Western Union Telegraph Uce.I. 11. W Heeler, resid.uve.

10 I. A. Campbell,14 K. 11. W loin am. "is J bo. waymau,1 J. W. Jennings. "17 W. 8. Wise, Murrtseey BtoSm W. K. Carter, etere. .

m U. W. Kairfleld, resldeae.XI M. B Murpnr.Tl 1. II. Wheeler . alct,23 J. f. Taylor, residence,' First National Ilauk.'M J. f. Young, store.28 Perkins House.2 K. W. Uyrs. Journal ecs. . .M llgaULDrus. Co office.aft J, N. Wis, resldeaee.M , 14. CbaiMsan, "87 W.. lone.3d A. N. Sullivan. "S9 If. K. Talmer. "

W. II. SchUdkneckt.offle.Bunivau St Woulvy,A. W. McLaughlin. reideae4A. falterson. llverr.C. M. Holmes.L. I. Bennett, reildenoe.tleo. . Hmlth, olllce.L. A, Moere, fior-st-.J. Vt. Karnes, residence.K. It. Livingston, oflice.

307 J. V. WeckTiaeh, residence.Chaplain Wright.w. it. Bciuidkueelil "Geo. M. Hmlth.R. R. LIvlDgnton. --

C. C. Ballard. M

The switch board connects Plattsraouta withAshland. Arllnitton. Blair. Counoll Bluffs. Vim.tuont, Llucoln. Oiuaha aud ElkhoroS tatlon.

For Sale !N K i, Sec. 3, T. 12, It. IS.S E I, Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 13.

S. W. I, Sec. 3, T. 12, It. 18.

and Ni N. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, It.13.

E S. W. Sec. 34, T. 13, it. 13E I, Lot 10, Block 28.

" 3, u 59.

" 7 & J, " 23.

Si, 9, 11.

Duke's Addition.Tk abovo described farms &re

for salo on long time, . with 7 percent, interest. Apply to

K. U. WINDIIAir,dtf PlatUmouth. Keb.

Proposals for Military Supplies.

IlEADQUARTkKSlLgr'T OF THE PLATTF,Chief Quartermaster's Office. rsoroiiui. In triplicate, sublect tethe the usual conditions, will be received atbill. uui.v uiilii mm v mm. ,April 18, 1S&3. or at the same hour (allowing ferthe difference in time.) t the offices : of thtjuarterinastcrs at th following vamed stationsat which places and tint they will be openedIn the presence of bidders. for the furnishingand delivery of Military Supplies- - during theear commencing juir 1st, isj, ana euaiag5 uneaotb, 1S84. as follows 1 Wood. Hjr and

Charcoal, or such or said applies as may brequired at Omaha Depot, tort Omaha, FortNiobrara. Fort Sidney. Cheyenne Depot, F.rtRussell. Fort Steele. Fort Douglas. Fort Kobln-so- n.

Fort Bridger. Fort Jramie. Fort M cKla--Fort Washakie, and Fort Thorn bureb.

and for the delivery at Fort Thornburgh ! SO

tlinl U Or ZIW DOUDQI IO U IOB.Fropo.als will also be received at this ifflc

Ud to the day and hour above named, for thdelivery on the cars at the point nearest to thmines or the line of th Union FaclO Railway,' eight thousand tens of Coal,, of 324 poundso AUo for aeUYery mt omana Depot.

or at tations on the mainline of the L'nionra- -rifle Railway east from Kearney .Junction, oftwo million pounas corn, ana on muuonnounds Oats. Bids for tram snouid state idrate per loo lbs, not per bushel

Froposais for eitner class on"e stores mentioned, or for quantities less than the wbolrequired will , be received. Each proposalshould be in triplicate, iemiatc roa - sacsakticlb at kaCh statio, and must be accompanied bv a bona in tne sum oi dv anna-re- d

dollars ($aoO) executed strictly In accord-ance with the printed Instructions, and Uponthe blank form furnished under this advcrtls- -meni, guaranteeing mai in. parj Biasing in.proDO,ai ,Ball not withdraw th same within

Bcation ue mane wunin me six ij umjm aoov.mentioned.) accept the same and furnish goodand sufficient sureties, at one, for th faithfulperformance of the contract. The Governmentreserves the right to reject any r all proposals, a preference wui ne given in articles otdomestic production.

Blank proposals ana pnntea circulars, stal-ing the kind, and estimated quantities ofWood. Hav and Charcoal reoulred at eaehettlon.and giving full instructions a to thmanner of bidding, conditions to be observed


marked! Proposals lor - af .and addressed to the undersigned or to th re- -(pectlv rost and iepot unarteriBasiers.

w kjii v. r Usui, giin,A. Q. U . U. S. A.. In charg of C. Q. M s of- -

nee. iep't. oi tne rutile. - azti

Estray Notice.lull DP BI u( lumnm n iik, w,

city or Fiattsmoutn oa in Ttn nay o' mwuim- -fjl .fL! ..f

w7v?"7 Ww


Tax Deed ITotioaTu th unknown owner of leabdlvlslo, lot 91.

In see. 7. Town. 12. Bang U east la Cass eenatyNebraska.

Take nolle tnat tn naarigaea aia anllth day of May. 1SS1. purchase th said described lot at private sal for th taxes of 17.1S77. 1S7S and Ists then delinquent; me saialot hrviog been previously ottered at nubile for the said taxes, and there being no bidders therefor : that said lot was nssrs.ed tortaxation on the tax books for said years, as ng

to aa unknowa wwncr r nev-reaide- ut

of .aid cuuuty ; that Uietinae of redeia.titf. ofsaid real e tate from sale will expire oa the maday of May, 1SS3. and that if not redeemed

rlor to a:a last nicutionea aaie, a wuIssacd to the undersigned

aowAi DOVOVAX.PUtUmouth. Neb.. Feb. lth. IS.J -- ti

Administrator's Sale.Notice Is hereby given, that pursuant t aa

order of th ceuaty court, of Case County.Nebraska. 1 wlU sell at pnblie veadn. mm Fri-day; th th day of March, lsss. at IS o'clocka. nm. on said day. at t he residence of th lateMrs. Mary Sporer In Mi. Pleasant preelnet.fonxmiles northeast of Weeping Water, in saidounty. th following personal property, vis t

On mar and colt. 17 cows, ft two year .Idsteers, is yearlings, i heifers. hogs. S6 bash-e- ls

ef corn, one wagon aad a full set f fana UtfImplements. Terns, sum andr$l. cash, ailsales sver 10. nine month tins with approvessecurity, . Chakxbs Hsvviso,

oS-t- S . AdmlnUtrater.

Ilotico of Application.--. Notice Is hereby givn tiat TT:"'am T--will mak nrlicatU--B before th Connfy (mtssioiers of case eoaaty, rbr-- a, e t U Jr .next regular Bseetlov, it FJa-- .WllMU. 1A MilI IS'JrltaowS a4 ii Mhi rise of bvnees,

.U- -C - . r

e. Z.MP - - -- a.,-- -

estimated receipt, for the current fiscal B'?tfjnyear (allowing a deduction of $300,000 thereunder, will, within tea days after

Ing notified of the award, (provided such nott- -












