the pointer - university of wisconsin–stevens point · pr:1 1101 ha:i ht·t~n cng-ngec1 hy the...

THE POINTER Series III. Vol. II. No. 22. PREP MUSICIANS HERE TO TRY FOR CONTEST LAURELS Preliminary Contest 'l'hc All \Viscousiu High Sehool :.'.Ius ic P csti \'al will be held here , in the Amli· torium, April 27th, in l' Onj u11 ct ion with the orator ical co nt es t. Thi s will be n pr climi nar,r co nt est for th e winne rs wh o will J:,:" O to · Madison for the St a te Fos ti\'al whi < ·h is to be held ' May 11th and l!!th. Practica ll y all phns cs of Iligh School music will be r cp r CSl 'llt cd. H owever the JI igli t'l1 oo l IJ :rncls mt~t•t in a sc · parat c co n test. 'fh cre will be seve n towns represent - ed in thi s music organ whi (' h r ep rese nt s Or!! hcst ras, glee club s, ins truments, and c ns cm l.Jl cs, as well as p , \'ioli11 1 and ce ll o so los. · One of th e important chang-cs madc in this )"l':tr':,i con test is that th e name has Leen l'C\.'is<'cl to r end All \ Vise.o nsin :?l[usi c Festinll, antl th e contest feat ur e has bee n minimizcc~l th e cdu ca - 'tiono.1 val ues st rC' ssc cl. An other important fc .. ur e is th e even ing co nr crt to be held Friday. Thi s will be gi\'l'll hy th e combi ned gl ee clubs sing-ing n nd tl1 c co mbin ed or ches tra s ncco mpnn y ing th e m. ' J'h c t·oncc rt will coinc ·i<l e witli th e or ntorii·al co n t est a t 8 :00. Special Assembly Th e music co11test will start tomonow morning at 11inc :rnd will cun t hr ough un til the specia l a ssc mhly :1.t el<'\·en. Th e afternoon c·ont cst begi ns at 2:00 P. )[. and will co ntinu e nil aftcruoou be ing me rged with cxtc mpor:ancous spe ak ers who will begin :1t :l :00 P . )I. ' Ph ~ }-,rid:1y eve ning t·oncert (co bined orches tra ancl c horu s) will start at 7: 30 and e n<l at 8:30 when the ora- t or ica l l'O ll tC's t will begi n. Stu de nt s will I JC ad mitted to this co11t·(•rt on pr sc n tation of the ir bookl et. Th e program for Fritlay is as fo llows: l\.{orning progrnm be gi1111i ng at 9:30. Or ch estrn - ) l osi nec, \Vnusnu & N e- koosa , Bra ss Quintl't e - Stcn·n~ Poin t, CJarin et nu et - )fosinl'<', Trumpet Qu artet - · Mosinee . Ope ning of As · sc mbly at 11:30 - Visiting Oreh cs tra, speec h hy Dr. Baldwin, forensic-~ , Drum Qu artet - ) fosince . Afternoon Program Afterno on progrnm he gi1111i11g at 2:45: Girl s ' 0 Ice Club eon test between St vcns Poin t, lola, and Mosin ee, cx te pora.nt:' ous speak er, Boys' Glee Club - Iola , two exte mpo raneous spea kers, Mix ed Chorus - l oin, exte mp ran eous spe ak e r, Girls ' Tri o - Stevr n Po int , Boys ' Quartet - Iola . \ Ev e nin g program beginning at i:-tG: Co mbin ed c horus and orch est ra con· cert, orat ion, Piano Solo - Iola , orati ons, Vi olin Solo - Fri e ndship, Vo- cal Solo-Fri endsh ip. Pr ofesso r Edgar B. Gordon, head of the Publi c School : Music Departmen t of th e University of \Vise onsin, nnd Miss Augot M. I{. Bo r ge, secretary of th e All \Vi seonsin Afusic F es tival will a ct ns j ud ges. These two judges, being a uthoriti es on Public Schoo l musi c, are e xpected not only to decid e upon the winners in th e various events b ut also to mak e valuabl e criticisms up on th e work d one. Th e Y. M. C. A. (wit h L eo nard Spr:a.gue,- i Ercsidcnt,- ac..ting_.a.s Stude nt Chairman, under a..ppo intme nt by Doctor Baldwin) is in charge of all activities con n ected with th e Mu sic Frstivnl nnd FnTAnsie. ~n nt P.Rt. ' Steve ns Po int , Wis., April 2 1i , 192S P ri ce 7 ct:111:s Net Men To Work For Team Berths Point Co ll cgl ' ex tends its athll'til' Sl'O lll' in a new di vision wh en :1 doulJll'S :rnd singles sq uad will l' X<.: hangc lobs with a trio of Os hk osh 'l' cac he rs in a du:tl tc1111is m~ct to Uc he lcl the la st ot' )l':'1,\· an d tht• fir st of ,Junt on the loca l co urt s with :1 r C' IUl'II m:1h·h on the' t·1·azy l·O m:rctc. An c lim(uation seri t•s wi ll IJc heltl to sec wh o wi ll uphold th e Purpl e and Gold in c:u.- h d i vision. · So m (' pro mising t.: anclidat c:s ha,·e :ll- rradv shown c l:1 ss at the 11 ct this sea- sonincludin g, 'l'ony Porte r, . :\[al'ian Sw:01, ,John Pr a lgu ski, Clar en ce Th eis, Le\·it t" Hol,crtso 11 1 : wcl Di k ).fan; hall. An.v Pointer is e li gibl e nncl w(' lt·om e to ro mpete. T,ast ye ars lo(· al h:111q,s, George J(:t('l'tol nnll I rv Gorclr 11 h:l\'e with · clrawn 10 high rr fields of r du ca tion , le:w ing- hoth cl ouhlt•g nnd s ingl es h C' rth:,; 01w 11 fo r clchatc. .Joi11 th e t<.. •1111i :s cl ul1 XO \\·. So fal' m1u·h t' 11thusi:1sm h a:,; bt>t• n shown l,ut fC-\\" ha,·e hothC'n•ll to join ur r <'jo iu thl' rluli. 'J'hi !i is 11 ct·C!ssar v to C'OntiH U l' pl:1yi11~ uu the Nu nnal eOurt s. To ela te only fw(• 11 t~· 1HC' ll \l1l'r:-1 h:l\'t• p:iid up this lH'USOII, :\I r. S<· h111 cckhst a tes that he woul (l lik e all me 111hcnd1ips, b ot h new and old, t·o111pl<'tc d by t h t• cud of this week, :ts he intends to publi s h a t·ompl ctc li st next ,n•ck . Dues for ,,Id s tu1h•11t me mb e rs :ne fift.t·(• n t.s a yc:11·; fo r nrw s tucl c•nt mt• 111ht•rs o rll' doll:ir :111d :1 ht1l f f.or the first \'(':I I' :111d half a hu('k <':tch vc:n ;1ftl•r ." Se1..· )1 r. ~t·hmct·kh: or Clar Cnc e Th eis. \\'ork wil l !-lt:ll' t next \\"cck to 1: : llld· sntpt· t hl• ground in f ro11t of th e <·n urt s. Tr ees will furnish much n eeded shatle, while und t"r foo t a gr;1ss~· ntrpct plans to make it s appt•:n:rnt·t•. To s:1n <·o·c ds dnint~· footwear·, walks will h t• laid fr om th (' s icl C'walk:,1 to tla· fentt•s. It is also rumored that a drinking- fo un tain m:1 y •kt·iclt• to make it:-i J)C'r nl:ln ent home h er<' . C'o nll' 0 11 , you Co ll egi: 111 s, g et into thi s hcalth ,v, r c<l u(·in g, outdoor sport. Pay yo ur du es :111cl e njoy yo ur :-1l' lf. L et 's Go! CALENDAR I. r' riday A. . \f. 1 1 : 00-S pecia I Asse mhly 2. ExtC' 111 por:1111•ous on tcst - 2::lO :i. Aft ernoo u tt•a fo r :F'orensie C..:0 11t es ta11 ts. - -t::Hl J ohn Fruneis Sims <.:ott age. 4. :\h1 rgarct .\ s hmun Banqu et - Hote l Whiling - 6:00. 5. Orat ori ea l Co nt e8t - Co ll ege .\ ucl i to rium - 8:00. fi. Da11 c<1 , following contest. ('ullt' gl' gy m11a s ium Rpon!\orcd hy Y. ::II. C. A. Hirzy Offers Prizes For /:'Ian And Slogan A st udent li te rarily in clin ed may tak e a<lva nt agc of the offer of a. prize fo r the best advert is ing st un t. Mr. } 1 c rdi11and Jlir zy is offe ring in l \c 1~ lf of the Alumni of Central Co ll ege~ pri z<'M, one a Schneffcr fou ntain pen and pencil set, and the other a Schaeffer Life -time pen. Th e Hct will be o ff ered to th e student wh o prese nts th e best fif ty word com- position <l ea. ling with an advertising s tunt to be used by the College P ub · li e ity Comm i ttee in th e ir e fforts to get in touch with prospec tiv e students. A Schaffer pen will be giv en as a prize ____io:r__ th e best tc.n wo.rd slogan. ..... It is hoped that th e re will- be-qujte a. few entr i es in this co ntest, n ot on ly for the r es ulting ga ins, but lik e wis e to nffpr MtRiAtnnf'I'• tn th A rnllPOP Interstate Speech Contest Scheduled For Tomorrow Noted Singer Is To Perform Here ) l yrn:1 Sha rl ow, an A111Ni ea 11 :::;o. pr :1 1101 ha :i ht·t~n c ng- ngec1 hy th e Co ll ('gC" lo gi vl' a l'Om·crt here 0 11 Tu esd ay, )fay 1st. )Ji ss Sli:irlow is :\ gr ad 11:1 te of th <' Bt't•010\·c 11 Co 11 st•rv:1torv at St. Louis and has s tud ied nbroaCl for two years u nder the hcst t·oa.d1cs. S i1H' c compl ct - i ug her musical e du c ation, sh l' h ns bee n with the Chi c• :1go Cid l' Opl'ra Assoc ia · tion \\'here she play c1l the 1 wrt of Brunnhild c in \V:t gm•r's "Siegfrict1 11 At first a lyri t so p a no who st' \'oic·e was one of l':trc bc:i ut y and Jll' r fect clarity. shr is now a dramatil · su pr ;rno with 1\ sp kudirl l~· \\':tr1l1 n11rl vividly brilli:111 ~ \ 'n it·c. 8t ud nt s \\'ill he admitted by the pre · sc ·nt: 1 tion uf th e ir s tu tle nt .i di vih· lil'k c•t. Th e low11spt:oplc will he ahltto l,! t' t til'l«.-t s :1 t l{r e mb s Dmg Store. Announce Cast For Speech Class Plays '.11!1 c roae hcs of ' t h e twp plays whi ch :ir e to he giv en b,v the Publ ic Speak ing 1:l !i~ Ja:i q• announ ec d the asts as fo l- lows : ' 'Twecdl es' ' .:\l1·s. llil"kcl ts )fob el Halv e rson )f rs. Alb ergo n . . ... . )linni c , -an \Vyk .Juli t• n . . . Gordon Stein 'l1wrc dl es Lawr ence Beaudin \\' in sora ..... Lt1 l' ille Hyl:rnd Ambr ose . . .... .. )l:ixwell ~ \k Co rn ot:k Phih •mon Har ol1l Flo licl )Ir. C'nst l<'bury \Va ll:wc Ros<' ngrcn )!"rs. C:1stll'IJ ur y }'lol'<'HCC Ha ir e Co:w h ... . }, Jor e111·c Hain" Th e 'J1hir t e e nth Chai r" ll c• lc 11 O'Xc il Lu <' illc Hy land \ Villi:1111 ro:ihy . . . :\Iary Agne s Boyh· ). f r. C ros b,· . . Clnr cuce Teske )[rs. C' rosl )y . . . . . . .. Emily Ku ja.w:1 )[i ss 8:1~tma11 . ..... .foycc Swnuson . \fr. 1\l:18011 .... Au ne Stewnrt Mr . 'fn·nt Z\01·m:1 H cs11 ) l r. St:111di::1 h 2\largnrct Lnrsen )fr. \\"al es . . . . .F'orres t Castn er ).ti ss Er sk ine . . P aulin e Buhlman )li ss , ' tanclis11,._ .. Ann S ha rff Coach . . . . . . . . . . Ann 'harff Third Contest Here Th e 33 rtl A11nu:1l J11ter· State Ornto· rh·:11 :ind Exte mpor:uwo us C'ontoMt will open Prid:1y April 27th at Cl• utral 'tato ·rl•:u· he rs' Coll ege . Thi s is the thi rd tim<' St evens P o in t h:i s b C<'H i1 ost for the Inter- tnt c gather ing. .A p o11 :1 ssembly wi ll IJc held a.t 11: 00 l•'ridn.y morning, at whirh tim t• th e v ar ious"' t·o:te hes will be ca lled 0 11 :rntl a wcJeomo wi ll he <•xtc 1Hl e,l h,v l'n• s id cnt Ba ldw in . Extempore Contest 3 P. M. 1' he 1.•x te mpor11nco u s ~pC' nking con· tl'st will IJ<' hr l<I at :3 p. 111 . in th e col- ll'J.: t' :1u<li tori um. Th e s pl' :ik cr c pr cseut · i11g \Vi~ t·o n s i n is Donnh1 Gleaso n of Oshkosh. ·r1i e :-1 1 en kc1 · fr om Town is Lurn c.• )I. Hov l:1 11 of (',•d :1r }" \tl ls. _;fi souri will se 1ld ).( aur i1 ·1• Bl:1 ir of S pring· fit;I .J . 1111 1! lf nrrv K. X('w hurn of Ma· ('Omh will ropr Csc nt Tllin o is. The e l_e mpor an cous topic will con ccrn th e fon·ig- 11 po lil'y of the Pnit cd States ~int·t· the World W:n, with spec ial re · fer<•1a·<1 to L:1ti 11 Am e ri1·a. .Oratorical In Evening Th e visi tors will be thl' gu <'sts of the :\farg111·C't As limun Cluh for din ner. Fo ll ow ing thif.1 th(• Or:1torieal Contest wi JJ bo hchl _ in t he Co ll ege Asse mbly at 8:00. l:'rnnk .rc 18w i1·k, of C'Putral. Co ll ege wil l repn•scut Wi s(·u 111t i11 with his om1io11 ''C1· i1nc, :\ Chall l' 11 g- 1• To yo uth ''· )I r. ,fos wi<·k is al't ivt• in fore nsic work a11tl is al ~o a uu·rnhL ·r of the 1·ollege (:le· hall' t t•t1111. li e wi ll :i pl' ak f irst as it is th e custo m to hav e the home or:lt or open th<' con tC'st. Lt · l:11111 L. ) .Ledsker of the North· wt·st )l issouri State 'l \• a1·h c rs' Coll cgo will rC'pn•st·11t )tissouri with hi s ora· tion ' ·Ti u~ ('o loss us of the Nort h". Th o Jllirn,i~ Or:1lor is 'hri s tia1{ .E. ·11 arps ter of Illin o is Ht:1te )J°or111al 1ii vt• rs ity mid hi 1;1 11rntio11 is ' 'Ame ri1· a's ·Sieve of .Tu ::1 1i,·c ''. I ,. ,I nse n, r< ·pr elic nt i ng Iowa, wi ll s1 wak on ''DC'moc ra ey 'fr imnp- han t " · li t• is fro m the Iowa State ' J' c111·h c rs ' Co ll <'j?C at Ce dar } ,a ll s. Judes Selected .For th(• Tn tcr-S tat c ContestH, tho l.'O:h'ht•s n• 1 11·csc11t i ng the fo u r sc hools will h,• th e j udges, and e ac h will judge 1·<, 11t C'~la 11 ts l' XCCpli11g hi s own . Five Dollar Prize ~ . Offered For Sketch 'fh cst• pla ys arc to be given somr. tim r in th e near f utur e. ~p- 0f •. Alunl ni offe r a prize of Percival Elected A.t Chicago Conflrence Pr ofessor Frank E. Pe rcival , head of th C' )Iusi c Depa rtment, was el ect ed Tr eas ur er nt th e a nnu a l mee ti ng of th e ::\[usie S upe rvi s ors Nat ional Confcre n c:t· held in Chicago at th e H ote l St evens, April 15t h to 20t h. 'fh c ot her offi<·crs elec t.e<l were: : Miss Mabel Gle nn , d ir ect· or of school musi c in Kansas City , Pr es ide nt; Geo rge B. Gnr tl an, direct or of mus ic in Gr eater New York, Vi ce Pres ide nt ; :Mi ss Sad ie Raffe rty , super· iso r of music in Chi cago, secretn r y. Th ere were 4,180 me mh ers of th e-con- ference in n tte nclanee. ' rh e totn l mcm· bcrs hip is a bout 6,500. · Per cy Scho les of L ondon ga \'e ~nc of th e 1) ri11 e ipal addresses . :\fr . Scholes is an inte rnati onall y known a uth ority 011 Pub lic S<'liool Music. fin· do llar s to th e st mlc nt who will writ e the !J est two hundr C' d word re view of the biography of th e late Pr es ident Elliot of Ha rvnrd . 'fh c rcv iow wi ll ho p rin ted in the Point er. :\lnnu s<'l' ipt s must be in the hands of th e t·dit or of th e J>o inter before May 16th , 1928. Judges arc to he Mr. Bur· r 1, ugh 8, )[r. Sti encr, nud lfr . Pierce. Co n fin e rc\'iews to mate ria l on the su l,;j e l"t pu bJi!.1hed in the Outlook ma- μa,dn es. Suggest ion: DEAN BRIGGS. A Bio graphy 1' ., rom a re\'icw publish ed in the New· Re publi c:: . '' Adams sat in the s unligh t on th st C'ps ar 11l wondered what lif e mCant,. if anything. Dean Briggs walkcdf t hr oug h Chun·h Stree t to his. mod es t ho·mc, the f ull eve ning sun in hi s face a nd in his h ea rt t he sntisfnct ion of hav· ing that cl ay c 1ui ckc ncd a lazy youth to r espo nsib ili ty, helped another to sec the honesty n ncl joy of t hinking as He brough~ gr ee tings from th e lead - stra ight ns poss ible and co nvin ce d an - Jng music.inns of Grcat_Drit aiu a nd j othc..r... of t h o...Jm portan ee oLmor C...:. than ti uggoste <l an in ter na.tiona,I -eo nf --oronco.. fair pln . y-. - Someclay ... t he--wo,.Jd~wi-1-1 metin-- to be held at Gene va, Switze rland . A I some thing, if onl y there are in it co mmitt ee wns nppo h1t cd by the Con· enough indi v iduals who st and fo r somfPrt>nf'P tn r•nn i;i: i fl Pr t h P J mu '1t>Atinn n,;...,"' "

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Page 1: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · pr:1 1101 ha:i ht·t~n cng-ngec1 hy the Coll('gC" lo givl' a l'Om·crt here 0 11 Tuesday, )fay 1st. )Jiss Sli:irlow is :\

THE POINTER Series III. Vol. II. No. 22.


CONTEST LAURELS Preliminary Contest

'l'hc All \Vi scousiu High Sehool :.'.Ius ic P csti \'al will be he ld here, in t he Amli· torium, April 27th, in l' Onj u11 ct ion with the oratorical cont es t . This will be n prc lim inar,r co ntest for th e winne rs

who will J:,:"O to ·Madison for the Sta te Fos ti\'al whi<·h is to be he ld 'May 11th and l!!th.

Practica lly all phnscs of Iligh School music will be rcp rCSl'lltcd. H owever the JI igli t'l1oo l IJ :rncls m t~t•t in a sc· paratc contest.

'fh c re wi ll be seve n towns represent­ed in this mus ic organ whi (' h rep rese nts Or!!hcstras, glee clubs, ins truments, and c nscm l.Jl cs, as we ll as p, \'ioli11 1 and ce llo solos. ·

One of th e important chang-cs madc in this )"l':tr':,i co ntest is that the name has Leen l'C\.'is<'cl to rend All \ Vise.onsin :?l[usic Festinll, antl th e co ntest feature has been minimizcc~l the cduca ­'tiono.1 values st rC' ssccl.

An ot he r important fc . . ure is the evening conrc r t to be he ld Friday. This will be gi\'l'll hy the combi ned glee c lubs sing-ing n nd tl1 c combin ed orchestras nccompnny ing th em. 'J'h c t·onccrt will coin c·i<le witli the orntorii·al con test a t 8 :00.

Special Assembly Th e music co11test will start tomonow

morning at 11inc :rnd will cun t hrough un til the specia l assc mhly :1.t el<'\·en. The afternoon c·ontcst begi ns at 2: 00 P. )[. and will co ntinue nil aftcruoou b e ing merged with cxtcmpor:an cous speakers wh o will begin :1t :l :00 P . )I.

'Ph~ }-,rid:1y eve ning t·oncert (com· bined orchestra ancl choru s ) will start at 7: 30 and en<l a t 8 :30 when the ora­tor ica l l'O ll tC's t will begi n. Students will IJC ad mitted to this co11t·(•rt on pre· scntation of the ir booklet.

The program for Fritlay is as fo llows: l\.{orning progrnm begi1111i ng at 9:30.

Orchestrn - ) l osi nec, \Vnusnu & N e­koosa, Brass Quintl't e - Stcn·n~ Poin t, CJarinet nu et - )fosinl'<', Trumpet Quartet - · Mosi nee. Opening of As· scmbly at 11:30 - Visiting Oreh cstra, speec h hy Dr. Baldwin, forensic-~ , Drum Quartet - ) fosince .

Afternoon Program Afternoon progrnm hegi1111i11g at

2:45: Girls ' 0 Ice Club eon test between Ste·

vcns P oint, lola, and Mosinee, cx tem· pora.nt:'ous speak e r, Boys' G lee Club -Iola , two ex temporaneous spea ke rs, Mixed Chorus - l oin, extemp raneous speake r, Girls ' Trio - Stevr n Po int , Boys ' Quartet - Iola. \

Evening program beginning at i:-tG: Combin ed chorus and orchestra con·

cert, oration, Piano Solo - I ola, orations, Violin Solo - Friendship, Vo­cal Solo-Friendship.

Professor Edgar B . Gordon, head of the Public School :Music Departmen t of the University of \Viseonsin, nnd Miss Augot M. I{. Borge, secretary of th e All \Viseonsin Afusic F estiva l will act ns j udges.

These two judges, being authorities on Public School music, are expected not only to decide upon the winners in the various events but a lso to make valuable criticisms upon the work done.

The Y. M. C. A. (with L eonard Spr:a.gue,- i Ercsidcnt,- ac..ting_.a.s Student Chairman, under a..ppointment by Doctor Baldwin) is in charge of all activities connected with th e Music Frstivnl nnd FnTAnsie. ~nntP.Rt. '

Steven s Point, Wis., April 21i, 192S P rice 7 ct:111:s

Net Men To Work For Team Berths Poin t Co llcgl' ex tends its athll'til'

Sl'O lll' in a ne w di vision wh en :1 doulJll'S :rnd singles squad will l ' X<.: hangc lobs with a trio of Os hkosh 'l'cache rs in a du:tl tc1111is m~ct to Uc he lcl the last ot' )l':'1,\· an d tht• firs t of ,Junt• on t he loca l court s with :1 rC' IUl'II m:1h·h o n the' t·1·azy l·O m: rc tc.

An c lim(uation se r it•s wi ll IJc he ltl to sec wh o wi ll uphold the Purple and Gold in c:u.- h d ivision.

· Som(' pro mising t.: anclidat c:s ha,·e :ll­rradv s hown c l:1 ss at t he 11 ct this sea ­so n,· in c ludin g, 'l'ony Porte r, .:\[al'ian Sw:01, ,John Pra lguski, Clarence Th eis, L e \·it t" Hol,crtso 11 1 :wcl Di (·k ).fan;hall. An.v Pointer is e ligibl e nncl w(' lt·om e to rompe te.

T,ast years lo(·al t· h:111q,s, George J(:t('l'tol n nll Irv Gorclr 11 h:l\' e with · clrawn 10 high r r fi e lds of r duca tion , le:w ing- hoth clouhlt•g nnd s ingles h C' rth:,; 01w 11 fo r clchatc.

.Joi11 th e t<..•1111i :s cl ul1 XO \\·. So fal' m1u·h t' 11thusi:1sm h a:,; bt>t• n shown l,ut fC-\\" ha,·e hothC'n•ll to join ur r<'jo iu thl' rluli. 'J'hi !i is 11 ct·C!ssar v to C'OntiH Ul' pl:1yi11~ uu the Nu nnal eOurt s. To ela te only fw(• 11 t ~· 1HC' ll \l1l'r:-1 h:l\'t• p:iid up this lH'USO II,

:\I r. S<· h111 cckh• sta tes that h e woul (l lik e all me 111hcnd1ips, both new and old, t·o111pl<'tcd by t ht• cud of this week, :ts he intends to publis h a t·omplctc list next ,n•ck .

Du es for ,,Id s tu1h•11t members :ne fift.,· t·(• n t.s a yc:11·; fo r nrw stucl c•nt mt•111ht•rs o rll' doll:ir :111d :1 ht1lf f.or t he f irst \'(':I I' :111d half a hu('k <':tch vc:n ;1ftl•r ." Se1..· ) 1 r. ~t·hmct·kh: or ClarCnc e Th eis.

\\'ork wil l !-lt:ll' t next \\"c•ck to 1::llld· sntpt· t hl• ground in f ro11t of the <·nurts. Trees will furnish much needed shatle, while und t"r foo t a gr;1ss~· ntrpct plans to make it s appt•:n:rnt·t•. To s:1n• <·o·cds dnint~· footwear·, walks will h t• laid fr om th (' s iclC'walk:,1 to tla· fentt•s. It i s also rumored that a drinking- fo un tain m:1 y •kt·iclt• to make it:-i J)C'r nl:ln ent home her<' .

C'o nll' 0 11 , you Co ll egi:111s , get into this hcalth ,v, rc<l u(·in g, outdoor sport. Pay yo ur du es :111cl e njoy your:-1l' lf. L et 's Go!

CALENDAR I. r' riday A. .\f. 1 1 : 00-Specia I

Assemhly 2. ExtC' 111 por:1111•ous on tcst -

2::lO :i. Aft ernoo u t t•a fo r :F'orensie

C..:0 11t es ta11 ts. - -t::Hl J ohn Fruneis S ims <.:ottage.

4. :\h1 rgarct .\ shmun Banque t - Hotel Whiling - 6:00.

5. Oratori eal Conte8t - Coll eg e .\ ucl i to rium - 8:00.

fi. Da11 c<1 , following contest. ('ullt' gl' gy m11a sium Rpon!\orcd hy Y. ::II. C. A.

Hirzy Offers Prizes For /:'Ian And Slogan

A student li te rarily inc lined may tak e a<lva ntagc of the offer of a. prize fo r the best advertis ing stun t. Mr. }

1c rdi11and Jlirzy is of fe ring in l\c1~ lf of t he Alumni of Central Co llege~ priz<'M, one a Sc hneffcr fou ntain pen and pencil set, and the other a Schaeffer Life-time pen.

The Hct will be offered to the student wh o presents the best fif ty word com­position <l ea. ling with an advertising s tunt to be used by the College P ub· lie ity Comm ittee in the ir efforts to ge t in touch with prospective students. A Schaffer pen will be given as a prize

____io:r__ the best tc.n wo.rd slogan. ..... It is hoped that there will- be-qujte a.

few entries in this contest, not on ly for the resulting ga in s, but likewise to nffpr MtR i Atnnf'I'• tn th A rnllPOP

Interstate Speech Contest Scheduled For Tomorrow

Noted Singer Is To Perform Here

) lyrn:1 Sha rlow, an A111Niea 11 :::;o. pr :1 1101 ha :i ht·t~n c ng-ngec1 hy th e Co ll ('gC" lo gi vl' a l'Om·crt he re 0 11 Tuesday, )fay 1st.

)Ji ss S li:irlow is :\ g rad 11:1 te of th <' Bt't•010\·c 11 Co 11 st•rv:1torv at St. L oui s and has s tud ied nbroaCl for two years under t he hcst t·oa.d1cs. S i1H' c complct­i ug her musica l education, shl' hns bee n with t he Chi c• :1go Cidl' Opl'ra Associa · tion \\'he re s he playc1l t he 1wrt of Brunnhildc in \V:tgm•r's "Siegfrict1 11 •

At first a lyri t so p a no whost' \'oic·e was one of l':trc bc:i uty and Jll' rfect clarity. s hr is now a dramatil· supr;rno with 1\

s pkudirl l~· \\':tr1l1 n11rl vividly brilli:111 ~ \'n it·c .

8t ud l· nt s \\'ill he admitted by t he pre· sc·nt:1tion uf th e ir s tu tlent .i d ivih· lil'k c•t. Th e low11spt:oplc will he ahlt• to l,!t' t til'l«.-t s :1 t l{rembs Dmg Store.

Announce Cast For Speech Class Plays

'.11!1 c roae hcs of ' t he twp plays which :ire to he given b,v t he Publ ic Speaking 1· 1:l !i~ Ja:i q• a nn ounecd the c·asts as fo l­lows :

' 'Twecdles' ' .:\l1·s. llil"kcl ts )fobe l Halve rson )frs. Albergon . . ... . )linnic , -an \Vyk .Juli t• n . . . Gordon Stein 'l1wrcdl es Lawrence Beaudin \\' insora ..... Lt1 l' ille Hyl:rnd Ambrose . . .... . . )l:ixwell ~\kCornot:k Phih•mon Harol1l Flo licl )Ir. C'nst l<'bury \Va ll:wc Ros<'ngrcn )!"rs. C:1stll'IJury }' lol'<'HCC Ha ire Co:w h ... . }, Jore111·c Hain•

" Th e 'J1hir t eenth Chai r" ll c• lc 11 O'Xc il Lu <' illc H y land \Villi:1111 ro:ihy . . . :\Iary Agnes B oyh· ). f r. Crosb,· . . Clnrc uce T esk e )[rs. C' ros l)y . . . . . . .. Emily K uja.w:1 )[i ss 8:1~tma11 . ..... .foycc Swnuson .\fr. 1\l:18011 .... Au ne Stewnrt Mr. 'fn·nt Z\01·m:1 H cs11 ) l r. St:111di::1h 2\largnrc t Lnrsen )fr. \\"ales . . . . .F'orres t Castn e r ).tiss Ersk ine . . P auline Buhlman )li ss , ' tanclis11,._ . . Ann Sha rff Coach . . . . . . . . . . Ann 'harff

Third Contest Here The 33 rtl A11nu:1l J11te r·State Ornto·

rh·:11 :ind Extempo r:uwous C'ontoMt will ope n Prid:1y April 27th at Cl•utral 'tato ·rl•:u· hers' College. This is t he thi rd tim<' Stevens P oin t h:i s bC<'H i1ost for t he Inter- tnt c gather ing. .A po11 :1 ssembly wi ll IJc he ld a.t 11:00 l•'ridn.y morning, at whirh tim t• th e var ious"' t·o:te hes will be ca lled 0 11 :rntl a wcJeomo wi ll he <•xtc 1Hl e,l h,v l'n•s idcnt Ba ldw in .

Extempore Contest 3 P. M. 1' he 1.•x t empor11ncous ~pC' nking con·

tl's t will IJ<' hr l<I at :3 p. 111 . in th e co l­ll'J.:t' :1u<li tori um. Th e s pl' :ikcr 1·c prcseut· i11g \Vi~t·onsin is Donnh1 Gleason of Oshkosh. ·r1i e :-1 1 en k c1· from Town is Lurn c.• )I. Hov l:1 11 of (',•d:1r }"\tl ls. _;fi s· souri will se1ld ).(aur i1·1• Bl:1 ir of S pring· f it;I .J . 1111 1! lf nrrv K. X('w hurn of Ma· ('Omh will roprCsc nt Tllin ois. T he ex· l_e mporan cous topic will conccrn the fon·ig- 11 po lil'y of the Pnit cd States ~int·t· the World W:n, with special re · fer<•1a·<1 to L:1t i11 Am eri1·a.

. Oratorical In Evening The v isi tors will be thl' gu<'sts of the

:\farg111·C't Aslimun Cluh fo r din ner. F o ll ow ing thif.1 t h(• Or:1torieal Co ntest wi JJ bo hchl _in t he Co ll ege Assembly at 8 :00. l:'rnnk .rc18w i1·k, of C'Putra l. Coll ege wil l repn•scut Wi s(·u 111t i11 wit h his om.· 1io11 ''C1· i1nc, :\ Chall l' 11 g-1• To yout h ''· ) I r. ,foswi<·k is al't ivt• in fore nsic work a11tl is al~o a uu·rnhL·r of t he 1·olleg e (:le· hall' t t•t1111. li e wi ll :i pl'ak f irst as it is the c ustom to have the home or:ltor open th<' con tC'st.

Lt·l:11111 L. ) .Leds ker of the North· wt·st )l issouri State 'l\•a1·hcrs' Collcgo will rC'pn•st·11t )tissouri w it h his ora· t ion ' ·Tiu~ ('o lossus of t he North". Th o Jllirn,i~ Or:1lor is 'hri s tia1{ .E. ·11arps ter of Illinois Ht:1te )J°or111al 1· 1ii vt• rs ity mid hi 1;1 11rntio11 is ' 'Ame ri1· a's · S ieve of .Tu ::1 1 i,·c ''. I,. ,I <· nse n, r<·prelicnt ing Iowa, wi ll s1wak on ''DC'mocraey 'fr imnp­han t " · li t• is fro m t he Iowa State 'J'c111·h c rs ' Coll<'j?C at Cedar },a ll s.

Judg·es Selected .For th(• Tn tc r-Statc ContestH, tho

l.'O:h'ht•s n•111·csc11t ing t he fo u r schools will h,• th e j udges, and eac h will j udge 1·<, 11t C'~la 11 ts l' XCCpli11g hi s own .

Five Dollar Prize ~ .Offered For Sketch 'fh cst• plays arc to be give n so mr.

tim r in the n ear future . ~p- 0f •. Alunl ni offer a prize of

Percival Elected A.t Chicago Conflrence

Professor Frank E. P e rcival , head of th C' )Iusic Department , was elect ed Treas ure r nt the a nnua l mee t ing of th e ::\[usie Supervisors Nat ional Confcrenc:t· held in Chi cago at th e H ote l Ste vens, April 15th to 20th. 'fh c other offi<·crs e lec t.e<l were : :Miss Mabe l Glenn, d irect· or of schoo l musi c in Kansas City, President; George B. Gnr tlan, direc tor of music in Greate r New York, Vice President ; :Miss Sad ie Raffe rty, super· \· isor of mus ic in Chicago, secretn ry.

Th e re were 4,180 memhers of the- con­fe rence in nttenclanee. 'rhe totn l mcm· bcrs hip is a bout 6,500. ·

P e rcy Scholes of London ga \'e ~nc of the 1)ri11 e ipa l addresses. :\fr. Scholes is a n inte rnationally known a uth ority 011

Pub lic S<'lioo l Music.

fin· dollars to the stmlcnt who wi ll write t he !Jest two hundr C' d word r eview of t he b iography of th e late Pres ident Elliot of H a rvnrd . 'fhc rcv iow wi ll ho prin ted in the Pointer.

:\lnn us<'l' ipt s must be in t he hands of th e t·ditor of the J>o inter be fo re May 16th , 1928. Judges arc to he Mr. Bur· r1,ugh 8, )[r. Sti encr, nu d lfr. Pierce.

Con fin e rc \'i ews to mate ria l on the su l,;jel"t pu bJi!.1hed in the Outlook ma­µa,dn es. S uggest ion:

DEAN BRIGGS. A Biography 1'., rom a re\'icw publish ed in t he New·

Re publi c:: . ' ' Adams sat in t he sunligh t on the·

s tC'ps a r11l wondered what life mCant,. if anything. D ean Briggs walkcdf t hrough Chun·h Street to his. modest ho·mc, t he full evening sun in his face a nd in his hea rt t he sntisfnction of hav· ing that clay c1uick cncd a lazy y outh to respo nsib ili ty, he lped another to sec the honesty nncl joy of t hinking as

He brough~ g reetings from th e lead- stra ight ns possible and convinced an-Jng music.inns of Grcat_Dritaiu and j othc..r... of t ho...Jm porta nee oLmorC...:.than tiuggoste<l an in terna.tiona,I -eonf--oronco.. fair pln.y-. -Someclay ... t he--wo,.Jd~wi-1-1 metin-­to be he ld at Geneva, Switze rland . A I something, if only there are in it committee wns nppoh1tcd by the Con · enoug h indi viduals who s tand fo r some· fPrt>nf'P tn r•n n i;i: i fl Pr t h P Jmu '1t>A tinn n ,;...,"' "

Page 2: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · pr:1 1101 ha:i ht·t~n cng-ngec1 hy the Coll('gC" lo givl' a l'Om·crt here 0 11 Tuesday, )fay 1st. )Jiss Sli:irlow is :\


. Vol. II.· THE POINTER No. 22.

P ublished ·w eekly at Steven's Poin t by the stude nts of the Ce n tra l Wisco nsin StatC' Teachers' College..

Bn;cred as second -class May 26, l!J2i , at t he post office at Ste·vens P oint, \Visconsin, under the Act of i\Iarch 3, 18i9.

Subscri ption Price $2.00 pe r year.

TH E STAFF Editor-in -Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. So lomon \Vclan tzik Assol·iatc Editor . .. .• , . . . . • . . . ......... An n Sharff News Editor . .......•. .• . . .. •... .•.. . . . . . . • . • . . . . " •. ... . .. Pauli ne· B uh Ima n Society Edito r . . .... , . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · Crystal 1-!olderegge r S ports Editor . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . • . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . Carlton L in t ner Girls' Athletics . . • . . ..•. . • .. . • . .. .. ... . • . . . . . ... • .... . . . .. 1\f il<l rcd Patch in Features · . . . . • . . .... . . ......• . . • .. . • .. • . , . . . . Ke it h Berens Reporter ... . . : . . .. • . • .. . . . . . • .. ..•......• .. .. . .... . . - . . . . . llelcn \Veber Re porter . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . • . . . 1 (nrjor ic Foote Report e r . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . .. . • . ....... . . -. . R uth J ohnson Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . . . . . l{a thcr in c 'rhompson

P roof Reader ... , . , . . . . . . . . . . Ethel ~!ndscn Business Ma n:lgc r . . . ... . . • .• .. ..•.• ... ........ . . Walte r Wasrud Cir<·ulation i\lanngcr . . . . J ohn Pra lg uski Assi stant Ci rculatio n Manager .. . . R icha rd Marshall Facul ty Adv isor . . . . . .......... . . J . J . Rella han

THE BELL RANG \\'hy. " ·hen class per iods 111·t• fi fty minutes 10 11 µ- , professor s ,-a 11 11ot

fincl ti nu · wi thin t hat l imi t t o take ca 1·e of a ll til e im po1·t a nt matte rs to b<· d isposL•d or l ca nn ot, fo r th C' l i f"c or me, unde1·st,111 d.

A fter much close obser vat ion of ex ist ing p ractices in various cla srnoms. l ha Ye fin a lly come to t h e eon cl us ion t hat what I a m abo ut to sa.,· is so µ·<'nei-a ll y t rne t hat to cite excep t ions would be ri ­d icul ous.

,\ st ude nt -sits i11 a ,-la ss r oom J'o r [itt ,· mi n utes - somet im es in-1er estcd. sometimes no t. 'fh e p rofesso 1· ~a ys t hin gs, he as ks q ues­t ions. It is a ll in a stud ent 's li fe . A t las t t he bell rin µ-s. W hether j ust ly 01· no; wh et her. t he class is inter es tin g or not - th e bell r in gs. T lw stu dent prom ptl y fo rge ts t he subj ect ma tt er of t he class and be­g ins to thin k of ti nl'xt hour .. . perhaps to das h in to t he li)J ra ry fo r a book : perhaps to r I onr to t he d o1·mitory fo r 11 fo r gotten paper; perh nps do ,nt to t he ckcr rnom, pe rh aps a lmost anyt hin g. Hu t docs t he prnfcssor say '· Class D ismissed" 1 I s hould say not ! The be ll fo r .him mea ns t inw to ass ign t he lesson for t he n ext meeting , to · g ive ~pC'c ial warn inµ- s abo ut t he fut u re work, to continue noncha lant-1,v on the s ubject in hand , to µ- ivc out sprc i1tl repor ts. T he st udc nts mea nw hile a rc µ- c:1thc•ri11 ;.! their books. e lo!i ing notebooks, in fact <l oin g anyt hin g- hn t listen in g- lo th e professor-.

\\"haJ is ga in ed 1 i\" oth ing. I mpo1·ta n t facts go OYCr t he student's heads. T h<' stude nts are ,·isibly im pa ti ent a nd t he p rn fessor discon­ ted at th e la .. k or a ttent ion - a nd a ll to wha t purpose! 0 . 0 .


La ·t Sa t urd ay afte rn oon, ] 03 i\"o r t lrn·cst er n Uni ve rs ity students assembled on ~lc Kin lock ca mpus fo r t he p u1·posc of discuss ing col­lege \\Tongs. ,\ II went peacefull y un t i l one ma le r ose up a nd aver r ed that thr µ-i l'i s had a ll the fun ou t of datC's . a nd cl id n 't have to pay fo t· ir. " \\" omen, " sa id 011e or t he mere meil , ' tod ay d emand equa l rig hts " ' ith me n. 1'hey enjoy a new independence. So why should t hey not sha re in t he respons ibili t ies of men ?" H e continued, pr oposin g t hat co-eds s hould go " D u tch treat " on ela tes : which met w ith cheer s fro m t h<' me n, but wit h utte r indi µ- nation ft- om t he other sex.

'' \\' hy, of a ll th e conceited ideas !" cri ed one fa ir me mber , a nd went on in th is Yein to some length. sup por t ed so lid ly by t he fe minin e body JH"C'Scnt.

'.\ow perhaps t h,• men are concei l ed whe n t hey propose such uttr r ly 1· idi,·t il ous - to t he [cma l · eye - t hings. B ut cons id er that ,.1 good ly p ropor t ion of the men st udents a t co llege today a r c wo rkin g their way who lly 01· at least i11 part , lhroug- h schoo l. 'l'hcsc same men a r C' not to he expected to Jin lik e misogy n ists. T hey a rc supposedl y norn1al in th t• ir 1·Pf!ard for feminine co mpan\ , and will somet imes go w ithnut n,·ccssitir, to plC'asc t he fancy or a co-ed compan ion. P r id e and ntal <: n1nit y mak e a sho\\'i11g necessa ry , and t he i:l \"Cl'i.q.rc co-cd hC!' ms to thin k a ll mL· n ha,·e thP finances to ma ke a good one. T he upris inµ- at i\"o r thwcs tC' l"II is on ly one of a num be r t o come. Others a r·c hc·1·t· no\\'. I~\•,,· mrn \\' ill l' isc in a ca r and g i,·c t hc i1· scats to a wo 111a n. and the pn1l'lic,· of rcmo,· ing ha t s in elevators is i-ap id ly los­ing- popula1·it_y. 11 is the \\Titrr's opinion t hat by s na tchin µ- the ir " new independt•neP," that the femin ine conti ngent has st i1-retl up a mare 's nc.-t, and that they arc l iab le to be hoist by the ir own ~ ta rcl . 'l'he olcl days of Chirnlry a r c fast disappea 1·ing, fo r a ll of the ir r o­mance, and th e woman of today is do ing a ll s he can to help t he dis­appearance. 'l'his is perhaps as it s ho t;l cl be, bu t if W oma n wa nts an equa l foot ing w ith i 1an , s he must be as cons id era te towa rd h im, as he is natu ra ll y towa r d he 1·. Baron Casey.

A dandy, in model'll usage, is a ma le of the hu man spec ies who d resses himself like a doll and who ,-ani •s h is character on hi s back. -

Noah W ebst er.


yes 1 you, ,',(bi --~~



M r. Burroughs: ' ' What 's the most common impediment in the speec!l1 of American people?''

Anne Stewart : '' Chewing-gum.''


Q uc 11ti 11 1-'<•rm:· 11 \\° <•II, I :111~\\' l' l'rtl a question in c· b ss tod :1y.''

BolJ l'\ c n ne,ly: " \\'h:1t a nswn ,I i,I you gi\"l'!''

QuC'11ti11: 11J )1·pr-.r11t! '' ~·


Hazel : (reading let ter from Neal) ''Neal says he' s got a beaut iful lamp from boxing. . But then, I just knew he 'd win something in his athletics. "


Lust, a fou11tai11-pc 11 by a 111:111 half fill l•d wit h in k.


Lecturer: • 1 I hope that you save one half of what you earn.' 1

Our Fa culty : (in chorus ) '' We don't get t hat much, sir. ' '


It sccmg t hat th e fpl Jow w ith a n i11fo1· iori ty (·o mplc•x s impl~· h:is a goocl sense of ,·a lucs.


Counsel : ' ' Now, sir, tell me, arc you well acquainted with the prisoner whose name is J ames Moxon ? ''

Witness : '' I ' ve known 1lim twenty years.''

Counsel: ' ' H ave you ever known him to be a disturber of the public peace? ''

Witness: '' Well, - er - he used to belong t o a band. •'


S hc: '' I hc•:tr yo u :ll'f.' :, gn.•at ar t ist.'' ( 'l'hl' She r(•ft>rs lo ~Tada111t• S 1· h11111a11 !l eink ).

J ohn lfoz:1tto ( m o1kstly ) " r hope lo he . ( hl11s l1cs ) I ' "c 011ly :-. t:irtc•il."

S he : ' 1 \\'hn t :11·(• .,·ou doing-?" ,John: .".Well, I 'm li\'ing in a s tudio,

and a vo1d 1ng th <.: lmrhc r as jf he wen : Li u: plague.' '


Bill Marsh: ' ' You seem to have had a serious accident. ' '

Clarence Teske (a ll bandages and t a pe) : 111 t riecl to climb a tree in my car. ''

Bill : " Wl1 at did you do that for? "

Clarence: '' Just to oblige a lady 'who was driving another car . She wanted t o use the road. ' '


~·:-H+<ot .. :,....: .. ;-: .. :-:••!- !••!-!••:- :,..; .. ; ... ; .. ; .. : ... :••:->+ •;• •!•

:1: CATCH t ,•, ,I,

f A~ f :i: ·cATCH-CAN :i: ·i· -~· 1.! .. ~. COLUMN :_!_; __ : _

Ca tch wh a t you can ; :!: Can wh at you catch. :!: ~ ~ .. . .. .. :,,: ··=-=··=··· • . .•••• • ,.. •.. : ... ; •.. ; ... : ... :,.

Hank Bannach was recently thrown out of Grassm an 's becau se he was counting· h is calories out loud. ·

l li ,·k ) 1:,rsh:ill ~:1,·s th:1t tht• 111:111 who ha!'! t•ighl !"!Wt·t•lh1;ill'l !"I is not :1 t' \ltl. l l t• ' :-. :1 irt•n iu:-: . \ Vhi1·h l'(.' llli nds u :-1 of t il t• 1dd s11yi 11g-, 11 Ask 11:ttl ht• k1I0 \\'1j ' '.

We are continually warned about free love. The question is where can we get it.

Zil'µ-fi,· ld nw y µ- luri fy th e Amcr­i,-,111 ~·i1·l. hul t ht• , te n •11 s Poin t 1·0 -1'd~ an· : .. do l'i f~·i11 J.! t he Am cr­i,· :1 11 :l)l JWt it ,•.

Anyone t hat can order alpha­betical soup in French h a s a ttain­ed the hefg-ht of ritziness .

Onl' ot' th e w: lJ.!S rc1·1• 11 tly 8a icl t his, :1s on C' of !"li e 1·orpu k 11 t s lutl l' n lk walked l1y iu t IH' ha ll. '' 8111 .. "' \\":t8 ,just an over· ti l uf'frd gi rl f rom ' l>:l\'t•11purt."

Mr. Schmeeck le says that cows should be taught the black bottom so that they C:l n churn their own b utter .

l' il y t h,• poo!· l'r ll o\\· that used se,·,·ra l bot t les of List e1·inc and t h t· n ro und that he was nnpopula·r a11 y \\" ay.

One of the Home Ee g irls re­cently announced that what ma de · her ma d was to press the boy friend 's trousers and then walk into t he parlor and find another g"irl sit t ing on his lap.

Of a ll t he fa lls we have cn.' r heard of th e two grPatost a rc N ia g:irn and I li e Pr i11 cc of \V ales.


l•'ast id ious Bea u Brumm el, - \Vh ~- \V ivrs Leave H ome, - C'lc. <· I c. C l'!l c l mons ter , si·orn in f! th e adorntion oC l hc rf'malc mul t it ude. Cha 1·111 er or t he most s ubtle ly pt•, a lways wit h a new col11 1· sch,•nH· .. .. Add icted to plus f" <H n's (hi s onl y vice) a nd t i,·s a nd sox wit h a dash 111" 1·rd in t hem. Plu ttc l' ! 1-' luttc l' ! A quiet ma n, -hut one o[ act ion . Ori .. ina l inspirntion a nd pe l'SO; to who m the so n g, "You'<l b 6 Slll'p rised" was <lccl ieatcd. J.'i11al cl as h of a llure dazz-li ng-, irres ist ible a ll L;rc, -lle's one o r th ese m ockin g­laug-hin g-dc vili sh - orchestra men . 'I' ott in ' the horn is hi s s pecialty . 0 yes, a nd did s_ome onc--mention-th·c- Home-­

--------'J.lhe-differrnco botwC!l'rrlo:rnn~n-g- g~o~,11--1--1<1,,c- d"ClJ]rrrmc iil, or Ba rnum Th e secret of t iring is to say eYcryth in g that can be sa id on t h e ~nd ;notori ug_ is that _i n golf _at first and B a iley 's Circus 1 . . . . .

. l , .) ou ut notl1111g anti 111 motoring vou l ' t h ] subJect. Vo tarre . hit eve rything. · , u w Y Jring t.hat up 1


Page 3: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · pr:1 1101 ha:i ht·t~n cng-ngec1 hy the Coll('gC" lo givl' a l'Om·crt here 0 11 Tuesday, )fay 1st. )Jiss Sli:irlow is :\



College Literati Arrange Banquet 'l'ht• )l:1rgar\'f .\ s hmuu Sol· il't~· will

ho ld its n1111u:d lmnqtlt't :It ll u tl•I \\"hil i11g, Friday, April '27, :it Lio'l·lo('k. 'l'h t•y art• goiug lo t• 11tL'r l:1 in the 111 !.t.•I'· St:itl' Orators, E xtempornnl•ous :-1pe: lk · crs, IIH· ir f'on·usit· C'o:t(·h t•s, and lll l'III · lil'r:.. of tht• f.xt•1,;.utin• Commith·e of tht• l 11t1•r-t:H:tll' L t•:q.,ru l· of Sl:th• 'l't•at· llt'r~ 1

Collt·gl's. lh·laikd pl:111s h :n·t· hN· u m:nll' fo l'

th e s uen•ss of th(' hanq ul' t. 'l'ht> j!C n l• rnl 1·h :iirm:rn : 1111 ~h:rrff' ;1 ss isfl•d hy Lawrt•nct' H ·1udi 11 ant i :\1:ir.,· :\gn l'S Ho~·le.

Rev. Hes/a To Talk At Meeting Tonight

To-nif;:ht. April 2li, the \". \\' . C. A. invill•s llH· Y. ).l. C, :\ . to IIH!t'I wit h tht•m at i\t•lso11 llall. lfrv. Jl esl:t of th t• Tri11it,· Lu t h rr:111 <..: liun·h wi ll ; :,1pt•ak. 'l'h t;.'" ha,·c ha il th e plc•asun• of I h cariug Ht> , ·. ll t•sla :tl tin• ht•gihuinj! of 1 the ,\"l':tl', :111d l•,·t·ry out• t•11joyt•d his t:dk n•ry mut·h.

Ht•frl'sh mt•uts w ill IJc Scn·l'd.

4 -H Club Meets Tht· .J. JI Clu b he ld th ci ir rpgu lar

nu•t•ting i11 tin• 11 omt• El·o110111ics rooms April 2:1 , J!J28 . A t:ommi th•c t·ousisting of )l:1111ic Forno, .-\l argucrit P P:1qc11 , nnd :r:rnc Wr ight. was appointrcl to to c·hoo!-(c• a spo nsor fo r t he l'lulJ. Ll•ota Andn•w!-1

1 t·hairman, Lucillr Gn•t.• 11 1 and

Mnr.v llught•s 1·0 11 :o1t itu tr the l'ntc-rtain· lll l'II I t(1111111itt<'l'.

Afl l'r the h us i11t•ss 1111.•rt ing :\I r . Nohlc>, th t• ·l -11 ('luh lc :1d1•r i11 Por l agt• t·ounl,\', g:t\'l' :111 i111l•rcsti11g ta l k 011 the plan, aims, :1 11cl work of 1hr t·l uh.

'l'ht • word i ~ 1,n•t•zing at t ht• d orm tl1:1t ''girl~ :1n• wi 1:1rill:! tlu•111 l011g1•r '' . l):1mt• F:1 s hio11 i1'1 d1:111g1•al1h• .

:\Ji ~~ )l :1ri t• 1"rc>it:1g h:1 s rt'f11r11l'tl to h r r ho111t· in );°C'W Ularus to l'l't·on•r from tlw aft <' r t•ff('\·ls of tlw ''f lu ''.

A p:1rly of' s ix J_{irls tl~o,·(' II~ W:1'.1 s:1u o n Su11d:1v a flt•rnoon w 11h :\l1 ss 1'.tht•I ~ladst•n. · Th(• ~iris Wt'n' ~\lildn•1 l Stci11kc P' ('uri J~1:1ska, Arminda Wcrnl'r, Ethel 1Le::1. Grat•t• L :1pr11skf' 1 and Olive Va11,·urc 11 .

Spring wind uw -e lcu ning i::1 no w in progress. Lucky wi11dow-clcanrrs!

Girls at Xclson Hall arc hopi ng lo Le hos tcs1'1CS to ~<,rnc of the t:ontcstant:-1 who t'O m l' to C . S. T. C. 011 Friday . All girl co nt estant!! :ire t:ord ially invited to the H a ll.

:Miss Ethel :\I:l rs attc11dctl h er broth~r's wedding in Green Ba)'. on..

l'ltfresday;-,\irrit-+St . 'fhc P. E. 0. siste rh ood cc ll'l.> ratc<l

"guest night.'' with ·Miss Ruwe a s hostess o n Tuesday night.


I ~ .\Jd'h,•1·su11 'l'ador ~ J!l~3, t ook a IL A. IJegn·~· at ' till' C'o lu m ­lii:i U11iv1'rsil ,. in 1!128. li e wo n Lh c BC':tll Aris St:hol:1rsh ip in 1!12S ;1t th e S1·hool of PillL' Arts at l·'onta in e li kau, 1"1':t lll'('. Ii (• is IIOW an .\ n.:hil't.•d :II ,;5g \\". 173rd Stn:l't, Xew York.

Yl•ll:1 E. St:1hlii11~. l'lnss of In~.;, i s now Couut,r Supt•r i.n tL•t1dl'nt of St· hools ~~\~:u·k:,.0 11 County at Bl:H·k Hi n _•1· }'nlls,

('h:irlt~<t Ha lph nu1111d:-1r Gl :I SI'! of 1s3n, look a l'h. B. Degrt'l! :1t thL· Unin• rs it v of \\"i :o.t·u11~i11 i n ]!IO I , :111 ~I. Eel. Dcgn;l' :ti ll :1n·:1rcl in lH:?-l. li t• is now Din•t·lor of Eng liMh in fht· Juuior a11d Se nior ll igh S t· hool :H f.lizahcth , ~ ew Jcrst•y.

01·t· t1· lu•11 Eilet•n :\[:1rti 11 , (' Ja ss ol 1!123, t pok :1 B . .:\ . Dcgrcl' nt th e U n ­i\'nsit,· of \Vist·o nsi11 in Hi2:J. She is a Rc:i i E:..tntc Dt•:tll•t·, loL·at<•d a t 471 5 S lwritl:111 Hon<l. ('Ji i<·ago, 111.

11 :izt>I Anita )h•nh•1·, Class of 1!114, is lol'.:tt1•tl at :iJ J ;. Kimball An•uut•, C hi ­L"ago. , 'hl' is t.rae hi11 g the second grade, EIPmt.•11tar_v St h o<l l, :it. the U ni n• rsit y of Chi 1:ago. I

E<1w:1rd G. Langt•, Cl:1s of l !l05, t ook Ph. 0 . IJf'/.!'l't't' :1t thl' U ni\'crs it ~· of W is­co nsi 11 , :nt )[. S . Deg ree :1t tl,t• U ni n•r­s it_r of W,·1shi ngton and a P h. SL DegrC't' nt I. hr U niversity of C h it:ago. H e is n S u pcrintrndcut of Puhl it· Schools a t l>t•la \'an, \\'i i,eonsiu. '

Gcorg-l' W illia m Maxo n , C lass of l !Hi , took a B. S. Dcgn•c i n l !l23 aud an ) L D . Drgret• iu 1!)2;j nt t h r U uivc r ­sit\' of Jll iuois. H t• i:s 110\\· a Pll\·s ie ian an; I 8url,!CO H. Iii~ nd1lrrss is iiH2 \ \". Grand A\'cuur, Ch h-ago, 111.

Where Quality Counts in

Pure Drugs Fi 11c S latio nc ry and Boo ks

EasLma n Kodaks and Supplies·

Engraved Visiting Cards

Hc mi ngton Pur taLl c rl,Jpewrit crs

H. D. McCulloch Co. Service First --- Quality Always

Phone 47 324-326-328 Main Street

La test S heet· M us ic Bruns wick Records a nd

Radi o S uppli es Jacob's Novelty Co.

"Above All The RilJhl Hal"



119 S cronga Ave. Stevens Poin t , W!s.

YOU M US r 'l RY

_KREMB8._ Double Malted· Milk

To Know The Difference

20% off on a ll Standard Ma kes of F_OUNTAIN PENS ..,



Helpful. Friendly Cooperation

WISCONSIN STATE BANK S te ven s .Poin t, Wis.

French Campbell & Co. Student Supplies

449 Main St. Phone 98J


GOLLEGE Stevens Point, Wis.

Easi ly Accessible Expense Relatively Low Location Uns urJ},ssed Fur Healthfulness

An Influence as Well as a Schoo l Credit s A cl'CIHed At All Unive rsities

Degree Courses for Teachers or Home Economics. Rural Education and Senior

High School Effect ive Now.


Pres: Robert Dodge Baldwin Stevens Point, Wisconsin

CITY FRUIT E!CHANGE Fruits and Vegetables

Phone 51 457 Main St.

H ome · Made Candy -AT-



Gent's Furnishings and a Colt11)lete Line of Ladies'

and Gent's Shoes

Lf' you are loo k in~ 1'1 ~r tl1 c .latc:-;L • ' nappy Cloth e:-:


Stevens Point 317 fy1ain St.

Spring Top-coats $16.50

a nd up

HEGG GLOT HING GO. "The "Best in Men's Wear "

305 Main Street


To·c. T. C.


FERDINAISD A. HIRZY " IEbr @ift €.ounsrtor "


NEITHER to preach nor to teach, but to reach with

helpful, sympathetic service is the aim of our Bank.

FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and; Surplus $~50,000. 00

Largest in Portage County


STORE ,!Jvlen 's Furnishings

Main Street


Just The "Best




"The B est of Eveli!tlzing Musical" Opposite Lyric Theatre

Page 4: THE POINTER - University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point · pr:1 1101 ha:i ht·t~n cng-ngec1 hy the Coll('gC" lo givl' a l'Om·crt here 0 11 Tuesday, )fay 1st. )Jiss Sli:irlow is :\


A Message From The Local Regent Three y ears ago wl)cn the lcgislat u rl'

of forward looki ng \\.is<·oitsi n :rn t hor· iz('cl the r<'orga 11i zn t io1l of t he :,.;orm:tl sd1oo ls in onl<' r to g i\·c g rt• a tcr oppo r· t u nity to stude nts to do work on a college Jc,·c l, t: hang-l'S were m:ul c> im· perntivc to insure t he sc rv it<' the s ta tt• dCSCl'\'CS for til l' witl~r ::t d\':111t:WC'S it SU

wise ly pro\'ith.•cl. :\n-eptation of t"'oilcgt• standards was an oiJ ligation ill onh ·r t hat the i:it udrnl g tc go fort h w i t h a degree w hi1·h ('Om ma uds rc~111·t·t.

Cou r~rs were cxu•n<lcd to fo ur ' '<.':ll's and entr:11H·t• l'l'<1u i1·c m1.•11ts raised 1'0 th ,.• cqui\·:dcnt of r n tru m:c requi re me nts Ht t il e un i,·c rsi t y. Up to t he t ime of re· orga ui wtio n t•11 t r an co rcquircmc11 ts were in c·Ntai n courses on ly 8t h. grndc grndu:i t ion nnd the longest course• was th rec ycn rs .

Dr. :\°"c<I Dra rlJorn·, J"(' J) r{'Rc11t ing t he America n Al-isoci.1t io 11 of Co lleges in · s pcctcd t he S tovemi P oi nt co llege t h is spri ng and very g r:1t i fy i11g reports of a

~::~1~:n~~~t 1;~ ,::1:r!e tl~::~1c~n~c:: ~:~fbcl;c~~ the boa rd of rC'gen h to th e effect that t he hoa n l was to Le c·omrn ('ndcd for havin g- pl:w cd D r. Ba ld win at the head i n t ho task of dcvc lopm c11 t "" of th <' new t111d cxal'li ng rourscs.

T he verba l repor t alJon• wa s \"(' r i fied in wri t ing a nd is now a matter of r e· co rd iu t h<' f iles of th e Ameri<::rn Association of Colleges. R epo r t in g to Dr. Cha rles l\fcK inn cr . Chairman ot' Accred it ing and Cl:issific·at ion fo r the American Asso<· int ion of Co lleges, · Dr. Dea rborn mn kcs t he fo llowing state· ment s, - ' 4 P rcsic1cnt Baldwin hn s been president he Steve ns P oin t colleg e less t ha n ·o years and is :1 yo ung man who gi ,·es ·c ry c ,· icle111.:c of being t horoug h ly qua ' f ied. H e is exercising good profrssiona l lcadershi np and as fast as lcgislati,·c f in a nria l sll pport permits ('Xl.·c lh.•nt resu lts arc to be ex· pectcd ''.

This eollcge is k nown to stan d for protect ion of t he state a nd the st udent who grad uates by ma king t he degree a bndgc of scholarship1 p rof~ ionnl skill nnd a bona. f ide crede nt ia l of pe r ­so na li ty whi ch is ouly pe rm a nen t ly re· liab le whe n it proceeds f rom in tegrity ot' cha racter.

I n spite of a ll t he new ilc man<ls made on t his eo ll cgc1 it has mai n tained a u attenda nce equal to t he average in all except th e ,·ca rs of wa r t ime when in addit iou to .. t he small c ut ra ncc re· qui reme nh, t here was the sud den in · c rease in sa lar ies i n a ll li nes a nd a bo­nus was pa id to studen ts of th e a rmy tra in ing co rps fo r a ttendin g.

The posit ion of respect in which th is school is he ld " is reco rded not only in t he Acerediting files of t he American Association, in th e f i lm~ of letters fro m educators who know t he needs of t he state, b ut i t is recorded in th e mind s of th e legislators who have vis it ed th e school. Su perintende nts ha ve fa it h in t he rceommcndations of a coll ege w h ich has atta ined such rceords in so b rief a span.

Oppo r tuni ty to do two years of co l· Jcgc work here towa rd a unive rs ity course should no t be overlookecl b y t hose w ho know t he greater happineSs a nd t he greater earn ing capaci ty of the co llege trained man and woman . Re· sponsible educa tors arc study ing t he problem of t he co ngested c lass room

ncl ca mpus in a n effo r t to reduce th e a rge num ber of freshme n f ai lures at

uni versities. It is well known t hat t he mailer college fac ulty gets to know t he t udcnts a nd can guide hi m in th e se· ec t ion of work whi ch is best ac]aptcd o b r i ng ou t hi s a bi lit ies. Th e socia l

a dva ntage of the sma ller college can · n ot be f orgotten. T he idea t ha t in t hy la rge and crowded institutions "the professors speak only to deans, and the deans spea k on ly to God ' 1 suggests t he advantages of t he sma ll er communi ty w here t he re is less of loneli ness a nd more of con tact with the on ly th ing which makes a colleg e, t he studen t body nnd th e f acul ty.

Name Cast Members Of Rural Dept. Play

'l'hl.• cast for t hl• p lay, ''The :\l11111 my aru l t he ~I.u mps'\ wh it·h will lil' g in•n hy 1hc Hn ra l lh·par111u·11t, ha s lH' l'll

;illllO UI H'Cd .

:-;i r Jl ct·tur .Fis h . . who i 111 pt·rso11 atc~ t he mummy, .\ Jc.•x J 'ctt: rson

l•'ra nt:is Br i:wot· who i111 pc r~o11 :1tl.'S H ector, . . . . . . . lla ro lcl Hu d '"

\\' ill iam L a i<l low who he lps as m~1l'l1 as !JOS!-l iblc•, ... . .. K i r kwuo tl L, iki~s

JamL'S kl :11u 111 0 11 ( Hack<•r) ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ls:1ac Thomp!:10 11

Perk in~, t he shf'r iff .. Cl:ll'CHc(' Teske An na ll a mptu u, a Wf'sh•rn g irl ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opal Foatc _.\la udc :\ [ullc.' n, :1 11 ca stC'rn gir l ....

.. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) l :1 rjor ic Allen D ulne Du 111 1J h~1 j!OOc.1 look ing, Lu t ra t he r

<lumU ·. · .. .. .... d.Al icc ~\ IcL a ug hli n Agatha Laid law, fo u nder of t he most

C'xclusi\"C sd1oo l in )J°cw Engla ud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ).foe K oratcv

l'h ocbc Bcl'h<', rcpo'rt cr ou t he ;;itnff of t he "Daily Dc li ve r:111 cc · , ..... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . A n na belle B e rg .

1.'i mc .... t he Present Place . . Fe n C' lla 1 a. g irls 1 school i n a

sma ll town near Boston. Date . . . . )fay 24th , HJ 28 at t he

Co llege aud itor ium.

The Citizens' National Bank

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KennedtJStudio ~STEVENS POINT ..


and Gift Si/op


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THE MAYER SHOE STORE We handle a complete

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Moll-Glennon Co.


i\Iore than 3.800 Amc1·ican stor es have un ited in order to bring about (1) big· buying power (.!) pc·rsistent advertising, and (3) efficient store operat ion. - -

Big lm yin g- power means quantity buying, and qunnt ity pur­chasing means lower prices. Our goods are also of t he best qua li ty.

'l'hc persistent aLlvet·tising of these united . . independently-own­ed stores means simply '!'his - that our customers will be well infor med in rnga rd to the latest f acts and fashions.

E ffic ient store Operation signifi es the employment of better method: of se rvice and of store administration. 'l'he. e p·erfeeted methods mean that our customer will have th e opportunity to widen their smile of sat isfaction.

Trade in a F ederat~d Store and take advantage of (1) big sav­ings, and (2) quick service.

J. Worzalla &. Sons A Member of The Federated Stores of America.





The Sport Shop 422 Main Street

Ringness Shoe Company

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We Satisfy The Most Fastidious

we are going to taylor's strongs ave. store for:

candy cards

mottoes for mother's day sunday may 13th


"Blue Ribbon" Thousand Islan~ !Dressing

Mayonnaise Dressing

Sandwich ~pread

Drink Cocoa - Crush

A Rich Milky Chocolate . Drink



7rp "Blue Ribbon" -- Belter Co. Than 'The Rest Teleehon·e -&1-

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