the project control managers guide to getting your team up and running with primavera p6

The Project Control Manager’s Guide to Getting Your Team Up and Running with Primavera P6

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The Project Control Managers Guide to Getting Your Team Up and Running with Primavera P6

As a project manager have you ever faced the problem of having to train and retrain your team on software? Have you ever left your office feeling a bit deflated about how long the integration process was taking, or how large the learning curve actually was for new software?

You arent alone. Most project managers, at some point during their career, will face this very problem. In fact, it is happening more and more often because of technological advances.

As technology advances at the speed of light, we must learn to deal with new software, hardware and processes as they come. In certain industries, they come often. While these advancement are very helpful to the overall health and efficiency of a business (any business), they can turn even the most organized and efficient team into a tailspin.

Whenever a business chooses to update or upgrade software, there is a learning curve. Learning curves are expected in almost all industries.

After all, the odds are your team has been working with a particular type of software or a particular series of procedures for some time.

When that team is asked to switch over to a new process, as efficient as it may be, one can expect that some significant time must be spent on training the team on the ins and outs of the new processes. This is simply a good business practice. After all, if your team is well prepared for the new procedures within the company, the efficiency of that system will be even greater. In short, youll get far more bang for your buck.

With that being said, the goal should always be a quick, efficient and effective transition for all those involved.

So, how exactly do you get your team up and running on Primavera P6, or any project management tool?

The answer is simple. Below you will find 11 easy, efficient and effective steps that will help get your team up and running in no time at all.

Not only will it save you and your team valuable time and money, but it will save everyone the frustration and discourse that often comes with the integration of new processes. 11 STEPS TO GET YOUR TEAM UP AND RUNNING WITH PRIMAVERA P6.

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Step #1: Inform and Prepare

Long before a project management system is integrated into your day-to-day work life, it is important to let your team know that theyll be moving over to a new system. Not only does this give your team the time they need to prepare for the change over, but it will make them feel as though they are being considered in the decision making process.

As a team member, it can be easy to feel lost in the crowd, so by extending this courtesy you are making them feel important and actively considered when new processes are implemented. This can go a long way to building a team mentality, and keeping the moral up during the changeover process. Remember, change isnt easy for anyone, especially those who have worked in the field for a significant period of time, so giving ample notice can be extremely helpful.

Prepping your team for the change, including informing them of the pros and cons can be extremely helpful in the transition. In fact, giving team members a rundown of what they can and cannot expect from Primavera P6 can help to create a seamless transition from one system to another.

For example, giving team members hypothetical scenarios that highlight the usefulness of Primavera P6 in the particular space, can give them the visual tools they need to understand the new software, and why it is being used in their particular job title. Inform your team about the changes that will come to their day-to-day experience.

Remember to highlight the efficiency and streamlining aspects of project management software. After all, the initiative will make their days and jobs easier through efficiency, too.Photo credit:dann o_O/Foter/CC BY-SA

Step #2: Listen to Feedback and Take it Into Consideration

Team moral can make or break a company in many ways. If your team feels happy and content in their position, if they feel like they are part of a company that views them as important factors in decision making, they will work harder. To make the transition as easy as possible, listen to your team. Not only will it help them feel like they are part of the process, but it can also give you a solid insight into the day-to-day goings on of the company; the things you wouldnt have known otherwise.

For example, each team member has a specific job. While you have a solid understanding of the job scope they preform, you may not know what goes into getting their job done. By listening to the concerns and feedback of your team, you can head problems off at the pass. Ask whether or not your team have concerns about the new program. Ask them what will be easier by using the Primavera P6 system, and ask them what they think will be more difficult during the transition process. Make sure to ask for suggestions.

After all, your team knows their job best, and they know what they need to better transition to a new system, so take their concerns seriously. It can help in the transition process, and as you move onto using the system, exclusively.

Step #3: Set Goals

Your team members should be informed about goals pertaining to the switch to a new software solution. For example, if your goal is to create new reports to track metrics, let them know that and figure out a way they will be helping to make that happen. If your team members know what the goals are of the software switch, theyll get on board quickly, and theyll also help you figure out where the solution is failing, if at all.

When setting goals, make sure they are specific. Goals need to be laid out to team members, and those team members should be given steps to meet those goals. It is the easiest, most efficient and moral boosting way to ensure the software solution you have chosen is working for your unique needs.Photo credit:Bogdan Suditu/Foter/CC BYStep #4: Integrate in Steps

When you are switching to an entirely new software solution, it might seem like a good idea to simply make the leap and workout problems after the fact. This, however, is a bad idea. People can get overwhelmed and it can be much harder to identify problems and fix them with a huge rollout problem.

A better option is to integrate Primavera P6 in small batches. Experts suggest taking a few team members and rolling out 2 to 3 projects in the software first. Once youve identified issues and fixed them, you can slowly begin to add more projects and team members to the management system.

This can be helpful in a few ways. First, it allows a few team members to take the lead and learn the ropes first. Other work will continue to be completed while those team members learn the ropes. When you bring on new team members, you now have senior individuals, with experience in the software who can help integrate other members and projects. It also allows you to identify issues in a small, confined trial, which makes it easier to fix them going forward.

Step #5: Get Outside Help

When you plan on making a big switch in software solutions, it is often more cost and time effective to hire an outside consultant to configure the software solution to your specific needs.

An outside consultant who is seasoned in the implementation of Primavera P6 can help you define your data sets, set up templates, create the proper security features, and install the software on your servers and computers.

While you likely have a tech in house who is tasked with software installation, using an outside consultant for a large project, like Primavera P6 implementation is a good practice. Not only does it keep your techs free and available to deal with other issues, but youll be dealing with an individual who is well versed in the particular solution youre installing, and this can help with rolling out your integration in steps, too.

Step #6: Migrate Projects

As you integrate your team onto the new software solution, youll also want to focus on migrating all of your projects over into the new software. Existing projects should be migrated over into P6 as the team members working on them are moved onto Primavera P6. Ensure that all project schedules are merged.

All new projects should be set up via Primavera P6. This can help to cut down on confusion and missing data. When integrating, it can be difficult for a team member to try and work between two existing platforms, so move team members over in groups and bring their projects with them.

Step #7: Pick Your Training Method

Training is a necessity when switching to Primavera P6, or really any project management software solution. You may find that picking the right training method for your team and your business can be a bit difficult. In reality, you have two main options to choose from: 1) you can opt for a classroom immersion program, typically lasting a few days off site, or 2) you can choose and online learning program that can be completed when team members have time. Both options have pros and cons.

When dealing with a classroom environment your team will have face-to-face learning modules with an expert. As they work through the course theyll have the option to speak with the teacher about the problems they are having which can work out any kinks quickly. While this can be helpful, the classroom environment can be logistically difficult for your team and for your company. Three days are needed to complete most courses, and this takes time away from the productivity of actual work. Travel expenses must also be absorbed by the company.

Online learning programs offer the flexibility of being completed when team members have time or feel motivated to work through the lessons. While this can be great for productivity, your team must dedicate themselves to the process. Another pro, however, is the ability for team members to work at their own pace.

For example, if one team member is having issues with a lesson he or she can go back and review it until it is easily understood. A different team member, on the other hand, can move ahead and complete the tasks they need the most help with. The online learning option allows for a more individualized learning experience. In most cases, it is also less expensive than a classroom excursion for the entire team.

Step #8: Really Think About How Things Are Done

A fresh new management solution platform can be seen as a clean slate and fresh new start for your team. With this in mind, consider sitting down with your team and discussing how things are done. Youll probably find that your team has some innovative ideas about how project control processes should be carried out. During the implementation process, consider taking their ideas into consideration and implementing them into the new system.

You can make your new system far more efficient this way, and it is a relatively easy time to implement new changes. It can also help with team morale. The more you give your team a voice, the more invested they will feel in their job, and the quicker they will get on board with the new software solution you are implementing.

Step #9: Create a Test Area

Most people learn better when they are tasked with utilizing the processes they are learning. Most people, in fact, tend to learn by doing, rather by sitting inside a classroom or listening to a seminar online.

With this in mind, create a test area where you team can learn the ropes of the new software without potentially disrupting the flow of work. When there are no consequences associated with mistakes, people can make mistakes, learn from those mistakes and actively get a handle on the new system.

A test database is the perfect place to do this. Not only will it help your team learn more efficiently, but youll be able to monitor common errors, and, potentially, spot problems with the implementation of the software and the way it is being utilized.

Photo credit:Fauxlaroid/Foter/CC BY-ND

Step #10: Keep Your Expectations in Check

If a software implementation fails to yield the results a company is looking for, the blame can often be laid on unrealistic expectations. It is often said that Rome was not built in a day, along the same lines, you cannot expect your team to learn and migrate to an entirely new software solution in a matter of days or even weeks. The learning curve can be steep, but if properly educated and implemented the process should go smoothly. Keep your expectations, as a manger, in check and the process will be far less stressful.

Along the same lines, consider making the learning process fun, complete with incentives and prizes. Encourage your team to work together to figure it out, and encourage them to discuss their difficulties with the new system with you and their teammates. Often times, it is easier to learn and work out the kinks of a new system, if everyone is on the same page and having fun with the learning process. Step #11: Remember, You Can Always Ask For Help

Once your software is integrated and your team is well trained, you may think you are out of the woods. This can be a bad thing, though. Many times managers find themselves stymied when something does go wrong after the initial learning and integration process. Problems are never a good thing, but they do happen. Thankfully, when you are dealing with project management solution software, there is often a help line out there.

For example, we at PlannerTuts are a company specializing in software support and support services that can be called upon at any time for Primavera P6. Simply put, dont be afraid to utilize outside sources when you have issues, and dont expect that all software solutions will run 100% smoothly, all the time.

Photo credit:Unripe Content/Foter/CC BY

The Bottom Line

Integrating a new software solution into your existing business is not always a smooth and seamless road. It can take weeks or months to properly integrate a new system, properly train your team and get work flowing through the new system seamlessly.

While this might sound like a bad thing for business, it really is invaluable. Software solutions are constantly changing and evolving. They make our lives, in many ways, far easier, and they raise the efficiency of a companys output, as long as you can make it through the integration and training program.

While the process isnt easy, theres plenty of help out there. PlannerTuts, specializes in training modules for Primavera P6, as well as extended troubleshooting and supports services. Through our innovative and efficient system of online learning modules, your team will quickly learn the ropes of Primavera P6, and they never have to leave their office or their job responsibilities to do it.

If youve recently begun implementing Primavera P6, or you are planning to integrate the system, get in touch with us today. Were proud to offer corporate memberships to those looking for software solution support or training.

Ready to get started?

PlannerTuts Premium is proud to offer Corporate Memberships to companies ororganizationswhoneed to train their employees on Oracle Primavera P6.

Corporate Memberships are a great way for larger groups of users to receive discounted access to PlannerTuts Premium. Give your Primavera P6 users access to a library of P6 learning materials with support included. Get started by getting a quote today!GET A QUOTE >>