the protestant reformation · divisions of the protestant branch of christianity numerous conflicts...

THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION Understanding the Religious Divisions in Europe

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Page 1: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free



Understanding the Religious Divisions

in Europe

Page 2: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Renaissance circa 1400-1600s

� Ends Dark Ages / Middle Age

� Starts in Northern Italy

� Rebirth of art, literature, architecture,

philosophy, technology, science, and music.philosophy, technology, science, and music.

� Challenges Catholic Church’s power.

Page 3: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Renaissance- Humanist Movement

� Revival of Ancient Greek and Roman cultures

� Books from these cultures were lost for many


� Studied Ancient history, art, poetry, � Studied Ancient history, art, poetry,

philosophy, science, and literature

� Made improvements

� Everyone wanted to be a “Renaissance Man”

Page 4: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free


Page 5: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Renaissance Art

Page 6: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free
Page 7: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Famous People- Da Vinci, Medici,

Michelangelo, Luther, Shakespeare

Page 8: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Do Now

� Create a list of as many different religions as

you can.

Page 9: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free


� Roman Catholic � Protestant

- Lutheranism

- Anglican/Church of England


Baptist Baptist



- Calvinism



Page 10: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free
Page 11: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Different Religions of the World

Page 12: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Causes of the Reformation

� Social- The Renaissance thinkers challenge

Catholic Church.

� Political- Many kings resented the Pope.

� Economic- Kings, princes, and merchants � Economic- Kings, princes, and merchants

had to pay taxes to the Catholic Church.

� Religion- Corruption in Catholic Church.

Page 13: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

October 31st 1517

Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany.Germany.

Page 14: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free
Page 15: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Luther’s Problems with the Church

� Indulgences- Priests sold forgiveness of sins

� Corruption in Church-widespread immoral widespread immoral behavior

� Pope and priests had too much power

Page 16: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Quotes from the 95 Theses

� “Every truly repentant Christian has a right to

full remission of penalty and guilt, even

without letters of pardon.” – Martin Luther

� Explain this quote.

Page 17: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Diet of Worms and the Edict of Worms

Page 18: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Luther’s Response to Excommunication

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Various Translations Printing Press

Page 20: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Summary of Luther’s Teachings

� Personal

relationship with


� Everyone should

read the Bible

� Faith alone is

enough for salvation

Page 21: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

The Spread of the Reformation Ideas

� Many Germans separate from the Catholic


� People read scriptures in native languages.

� Conflicts develop between Catholics and � Conflicts develop between Catholics and


� The challenge to the Church’s authority

spreads throughout Europe.

� New branches of Protestant faiths start.

Page 22: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

New Branches of Protestants

� Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I- Church of


� John Calvin- Calvinists, Huguenots-

Predestination Predestination

� John Knox- Presbyterians

� Anabaptists- Break into Baptists, Amish, and


� Quakers

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Thirty Years War- Protestants rebel

against Catholics.

Page 24: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free
Page 25: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Protestants in Europe

Page 26: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free
Page 27: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Henry VIII Starts the Church of England


� King Henry VIII asks the Pope for a divorce.

� Pope says no to divorce.

King Henry VIII starts � King Henry VIII starts the Church of England.

Page 28: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Queen Elizabeth solidifies Church of


� 2nd Act of Supremacy

� Powerful Monarch

� Strengthens British Empire

� Most of Great Britain became Protestant

Page 29: THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION · Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity Numerous conflicts over religion. People are encouraged to read the Bible. Reading encouraged free

Catholic Response: The Catholic


� Council of Trent- made changes to the Church.

� Formation of Jesuits-group dedicated to increasing number of Catholics.

� Spanish Inquisition-continues

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The Long Term Effects / Legacy

� Divisions of the Protestant branch of Christianity

� Numerous conflicts over religion.

� People are encouraged to read the Bible.

� Reading encouraged free thinking.� Reading encouraged free thinking.

� Luther sets an example by challenging the

Church’s authority.