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The publication of this book was made possible by a grant from the Braginsky Center for the Interface between the Sciences and the Humanities at the

Weizmann Institute of Science.



Edited by

H. Daniel Wagner

2013 Printed at the Weizmann Institute of Science

Rehovot, Israel

© All rights reserved by the editor and the authors

ISBN 978-965-281-004-5

Front-page photograph: Rabbi Chaim Bick (circa 1925), Brooklyn, New York.


Preface H. Daniel Wagner

Jewish Calendar Demystified 1 Stephen P. Morse Jewish Dating Pitfalls and Resources 21 Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold Geospatial Genealogy 39 Stephen L. Egbert and Karen G.R. Roekard DNA to genetic genealogy 57 Stephen P. Morse

A Practical Introduction to Dataset Merging 83 Kamila Klauzinska Merging in Genealogy Software and Genealogy Research 99 John A. Nairn Lucky Names: Demography, Surnames and Chance 119 Nadav Shnerb, Yosef Maruvka and David Kessler Computer-Based Name Searches 145 Alexander Beider

A Methodology for Error Detection and Correction 173 of Jewish Names in Digitized Genealogical Records Jean-Pierre Stroweis Structural Imperfections in Family Trees: Quantifying 193 the Ancestor Paradox H. Daniel Wagner


A few decades ago the 'hard' sciences –mathematics, biology, computer science, and so on- played no significant role in the field of genealogy. Nowadays, genealogy is undergoing a rapid transformation: what used to be mainly an activity similar to stamp collecting, practiced mainly by the elderly, has become a field of ample information and knowledge. Genealogy —and Jewish genealogy in particular—is in the midst of a major transition. A few papers have recently appeared that illustrate well the modern developments (see reference list below).

In the last 40 years there has been an enormous increase in the number of peer-reviewed articles published in the field of genealogy. As seen in the Figure below, it is particularly interesting that the number of publications in the exact sciences has largely outgrown those in the fields more traditionally associated with genealogy. Such a gap is rooted in recent major scientific advances. Interestingly, since 2008, publications in the more traditional genealogy-related fields have also surged significantly.

Number of peer-reviewed genealogical publications during 1965-2012, as generated by a  statistical  analysis  on  the  ISI  Web  of  Science  site  using  the  keyword  ‘genealogy’.

The past and present training of genealogists does by no means reflect such science-related developments. However, the impact of the fast growing number of intricate scientific facets in this field makes it indispensable that genealogists are offered a basic set of introductory tools in the relevant aspects of

the hard sciences. This booklet is primarily designed as a sort of introductory guide in the form of a collection of basic articles, and can be used as a reference to find scientific methods suitable to their genealogical pursuit. Moreover, the book should be appropriate for self-teaching. The aim is to prepare the student genealogist for a basic understanding of the scientific operations relevant to genealogical problems and to enable him/her to communicate successfully with scientists in case help is needed. In this respect, this booklet is, I trust, the first of its kind.

I believe that a number of scientific  tools  belonging  to  the  “hard“  sciences should be part of a future curriculum in the teaching of genealogy. Research in modern genealogy will not progress and develop without them. Many more topics exist beyond the set of papers presented in this booklet, which could have been included and may appear in a future update.

I would appreciate it if the readers would draw my attention to errors, obscurities and misprints that might be present in the text. REFERENCES Herszkovitz, A., Leveraging Genealogy As an Academic Discipline, AVOTAYNU,

Volume XXVII, Number 3, Fall 2011. Jones, T. W., Post Secondary Study of Genealogy: Curriculum and its Contexts.

Presented at the IIJG Symposium. Jerusalem, Israel, 2007. Lamdan, N., The International Institute for Jewish Genealogy: Five Years of

Progress. AVOTAYNU, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, Summer 2011. Wagner, H.D., Genealogy as an Academic Discipline, AVOTAYNU, Vol XXII, No. 1,

Spring 2006, 3–11.

Daniel Wagner The Weizmann Institute of Science

January 2013


Jewish Dating Pitfalls and Resources

Nachum Dershowitz(1), Edward M. Reingold(2)

(1)School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.

Email: [email protected] (2)Department of Computer Science, Illinois Institute of Technology,

10 West 31st Street, Chicago, Illinois 60616-2987, USA. Email: [email protected]

Many diverse calendars are in use, or have been used historically, making the correct interpretation of dates difficult. To help remedy this situation, we have been developing and implementing calendrical algorithms over the past 30 years. Below we give some brief historical remarks about calendars (civil, Hebrew, and Islamic), but our primary focus is the problems and pitfalls faced by genealogists in dealing with dates, along with useful resources for date conversion.

Iudaicus computus, omnium qui hodie extant antiquissimus, articiosissimus, et elegantissimus

[Of all methods of intercalation that exist today, the Jewish calculation is the oldest, the most skillful,

and the most elegant] —Joseph Justus Scaliger: De Emendatione Temporum (1593)

I. Calendars

There are scores of different calendrical systems employed by societies around the world today; these include calendars in widespread use, like the Gregorian, Hebrew, Islamic, and Chinese, as well as more obscure calendars, such as the Coptic and Baháí, plus many more that are of historical importance such as the Egyptian, Julian, Mayan, Old Hindu, and French Revolutionary. The Jewish Diaspora has resulted in the documenting of births and deaths in such a variety of calendars that the job of the genealogist is complicated indeed!

Unfortunately, information that is sufficiently detailed to allow conversion of dates has been difficult to find for many calendars (such as the Chinese, Hindu and Persian). Published material is often inaccessible, ecclesiastically oriented, incomplete, inaccurate, based on extensive tables, overburdened with extraneous material, focused on shortcuts for hand calculation to avoid complicated arithmetic or to check results, or unavailable in Western languages. At the same time, most existing computer programs are proprietary, incomplete, or


inaccurate—even the (now) nearly universal Gregorian calendar is incorrectly implemented in much software.

To help remedy this situation, we have been developing and implementing calendrical algorithms over the past 30 years. Our involvement began with computer code that provided calendar and diary features within GNU Emacs (a popular text editor) and which engendered a deluge of inquiries and requests from around the globe, among them from refuseniks who were using the freely available program to determine dates of Jewish interest.

Below we give some brief historical remarks about calendars (civil, Hebrew, and Islamic), but our primary focus is the problems and pitfalls faced by genealogists in dealing with dates, along with useful resources for date conversion.

In the text following we refer to various resources by abbreviated name only. Detailed information on all resources mentioned is given in section VII. II. Civil Calendars

The Gregorian calendar—designed at the end of the 16th century and used today throughout the world—is purely solar in nature. It was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII to replace the Julian (old style) calendar. 1 A papal bull proclaimed that Thursday, October 4, 1582 CE would be followed by Friday, October 15, 1582 in the new-style (Gregorian) calendar. Catholic countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the Catholic states in Germany) switched immediately to the new calendar, but Protestant countries resisted and for the most part adopted it only in the 18th century. (See Figures 1 and 2.) Some countries did not adopt it until the 20th century; for  example,  Russia  in  1918  (thus  the  “October  Revolution”  took place in November on the Gregorian calendar!) and Turkey in 1927. Thus even relatively recent documents might refer to Julian dates. An extensive list of dates of adoption of the Gregorian calendar (critical for understanding what a date means) can be found in the Ephemeris Supplement. 1 Gregory was not only responsible for the institution of the revised calendar, but he was also responsible for a bull Vices eius nos (September 1, 1577) organizing regular missionizing sermons by apostate Jews that the Jewish community of Rome was forced to attend and subsidize. His bull Sancta mater ecclesia (September 1,1584) specified more precise conditions: beadles armed with rods made sure the Jews paid attention and checked that they had not put wax in their ears. These sermons took place throughout the Papal States and much of the Roman Catholic world, as well as in the church nearest the Jewish quarter in Rome, San Gregorio della Divina Pietá (the front of this church has an inscription in Hebrew and Latin, beside an image of the crucified Jesus, quoting from Isaiah 65:2-3, "I have spread out My hands all the day unto a rebellious people, that walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts; a people that provoke me to my face continually.").


By universal current custom, the new Gregorian year number begins on

January 1. There have, however, been other customs: parts of Europe began the

New Year variously on March 1, March 25, Easter, September 1, and Christmas.

For example, in England, the commencement of the ecclesiastical year on March

25 in the 16th and 17th centuries means that a date like February 1, 1660, leaves

the intended year in doubt. Such confusion led to the practice of writing a

hyphenated year giving both year numbers: February 1, 1660–1.

Not all countries use the CE (= AD) year count, though they use the

Gregorian calendar. Taiwan, for instance, uses the Gregorian calendar with an era

that begins at the founding of the republic in 1911.

Figure 1:  Thomas  Jefferson’s  grave.  The  date  of  birth,  April  2,  1743,  says  “O.S.”  (old  style),  meaning that it is on the Julian calendar, while the date of death, July 4, 1826, is on the

(new style) Gregorian calendar. The changeover in Great Britain and her colonies took

place in 1752.


Figure 2: Swedish almanac pages for February, 1712, showing a 30-day month. The

Swedish date is on the left, the Gregorian on the right. Friday, February 30 (Swedish) is

given as March 11 (Gregorian) = February 29 (Julian). Sweden began a gradual changeover

to the Gregorian calendar in 1699, then abandoned the plan, leaving the Swedish calendar

one day off from the Julian, an anomaly that was later rectified, as shown here.

III. The Hebrew Calendar In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar, days begin at sunset, months begin with

the new moon, and years are kept in tune with the seasons by the intercalation of

a leap month every 2–3 years. In ancient and classical times, the month began

with the observation by at least two witnesses of the crescent moon; leap months

were added by the Jerusalem authorities as the need arose. The fixed calendar,

attributed to the 4th-century patriarch, Hillel II, is based on a mean month of 29d

12h 44m 3 1/3 s and on the 19-year Metonic cycle comprising 7 leap years, each

containing 13 months, and 12 years of 12 months. The average year length is

365.2468 days, which is slightly longer than the mean tropical year. On account of

the accumulated discrepancy, Passover often occurs nowadays more than a

month after the vernal equinox. The fixed calendar also incorporates several rules

for delaying the onset of the year, as a consequence of which common years have

353–355 days, leap years have 383–385 days, and Passover never begins on

Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. The details of the fixed calendar were finalized by

the 10th century.

The Karaite lunisolar calendar is still observation-oriented; the Samaritan

calendar is based on astronomical calculations.

In the Bible, months are usually identified by number, beginning in the

spring. The current names, of Babylonian origin, were adopted in antiquity. One

can find both styles used throughout history.


Since the Middle Ages, the year number has almost always been Anno Mundi, starting with year 1 AM which began on October 7, 3761 BCE (Julian). The historical   use   of   several   other   “eras   of   creation”   has   created much confusion, notably with regard to the date of destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE Yemenites continued to use the Seleucid Era until their mass emigration to Israel in 1949–50.

When written in Hebrew numerals, year numbers usually omit the millennium. The gravestone in Figure 3 shows one year, 5265 (=1905), given with the millennium, and another, [5]666 (=1906), given without. In the former case, the year number is actually followed by a stylized lamed-pe,   signifying   “in   the  [major]  era”;  in  the latter, by lamed-quf,  standing  for  “in  the  minor  era”.  Note  also  the not uncommon mistakes of daleth for resh and he, he for heth, and vice-versa.

Occasionally, the year number is indicated as a chronogram, by means of dotted or enlarged letters that add up, numerologically (gematria), to the year number (see Figures 4 and 5).

Letters and epitaphs sometimes refer to holidays or other calendrical events, to the weekly Torah reading, or quote verses from the Torah or prophetic portion. Spier, the Encyclopaedia Judaica, and most Hebrew-calendar software provide the necessary data for decipherment. See Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 3: A Jewish gravestone (great-grandparents of E.M.R.) showing typical typographical errors and varieties of Hebrew dates: One year, 5265 (=1905), given with the millennium, and another, [5]666 (=1906), given without. In the former case, the year number is followed by a stylized lamed-pe,  signifying  “in  the  [major]  era”;  in  the  latter,  by  lamed-quf,  standing  for  “in  the  minor  era”.  The  Hebrew  name  of  Myer’s  father,  Moshe  is  mispelled (a resh instead of a he), as is the Hebrew word parkha (a daleth in place of a resh)  in  Rosa’s  inscription.


Figure 4: A concealed year (from Calendrical Calculations, 3rd ed., Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold, 2008). The dots over selected letters indicate the dedication year:  זהתשס = 5767 a.m. (2006–2007).

Figure 5: Preface, by Mayer Rokach  Tarnopol,  to  Ginzei  Yosef  by  Yosef  Alter  Epstein  (N.D.’s  great-great-grandfather).  The  second  line  of  the  image  says  “3rd  day  of  [the  weekly  reading  of]  Terumah  [5]692”,  which  is  February  9,  1932.  The  reading  Terumah  and  the  year are also given by a quotation from Terumah, “MNRT  zhB  thor”  in  which  the  large  letters indicate the year, [5]692.


Figure 6: An ambiguous date in the writings of Ahad ha-Am (Asher Zvi Hirsch Ginsberg, 1856–1927).  The  date  reads  “Odessa,  New  month  of  Kislev  652”.  The  5  (thousand) has been omitted, so this is 5652 AM but  the  problem  is  that  the  “new  month”  of  that  Kislev  was two days long. Presumably the second day is meant (December 2, 1891), which is the first of Kislev, rather than the last of Marheshvan. IV. The Islamic Calendar

The Islamic calendar is a strictly lunar calendar, with no intercalation of months. Its independence of the solar cycle means that its months do not occur in fixed seasons, but migrate through the solar year. As on the Hebrew calendar, days begin at sunset. Virtually all Moslems follow an observation-based calendar computed, by the majority of the Moslem world, starting at sunset of Thursday, July 15, 622 CE (Julian); days begin at sunset and new months begin when witnesses sight the new lunar crescent, so computations are inevitably just (close) approximations to actual practice.

Islamic astronomers developed an arithmetic approximation that is used for estimation. In it, there are twelve months, which contain, alternately, 30 or 29 days. The twelfth month contains 29 days in an ordinary year and 30 days in a leap year, with 11 out every 30 years comprising 355 days, rather than 354. V. The Persian Calendar

The modern Persian calendar, adopted in Iran in 1925, is a solar calendar designed in the eleventh century. The year begins on the day when the vernal equinox (approximately March 20) occurs before true noon (midday) and is postponed to the next day if the equinox is on or after true noon. Days begin at local zone midnight. The week begins on Saturday; as in the Hebrew and Islamic calendars, the days of the week are numbered, not named.


VI. Pitfalls to Avoid Early releases of the original spreadsheet program Lotus 1-2-3® treated

2000 as a nonleap year—a problem eventually fixed. However, all releases of Lotus 1-2-3® took 1900 as a leap year, which is a serious problem with historical data. Excel®, part of Microsoft Office®, suffers from the same flaw.

Days on the Hebrew calendar begin at sunset, but secular days begin at midnight. Thus determining the proper date for births and deaths requires knowing both the time of day (and local method of time measurement), as well as the specific location of the event; without such details, one can only approximate the correct date to within one day.

One common misconception regarding the Hebrew calendar is that the correspondence with the Gregorian calendar repeats every 19 years. For example, the  Diaspora  Museum’s  website  a  few  years  ago  stated  the  following:

Open the Index volume of the Encyclopaedia Judaica, page 109, to find converting tables of Hebrew and Gregorian dates for the years 1920 through 2020. If you look for a year beyond the period covered by those tables, do not worry. Hebrew dates coincide with Gregorian dates every 19 years. For instance: do you want to know which Gregorian date corresponds with Tishrei 12 of the year 1900? Look what was the Gregorian date for Tishrei 12 in 1938 (19 × 2) or any other multiple of 19 and you will discover.

This, however, is usually not the case because of the irregular Gregorian

leap year rule and the irregular applicability of the delays. In fact, Tishrei 12 in 1938 fell on October 7, while in 1900 it was on October 5! Nor does the Hebrew calendar   repeat   its   pattern   every   247   years   (the   so   called   “Calendar   Round of Nahshon  Gaon”).   In   the  17th  century,  Hezekiah  ben  David  da  Silva  of   Jerusalem  complained about such published tables for the Hebrew calendar:

I have seen disaster and scandal [on the part] of some intercalators who are of the opinion that the character [of years] repeats every thirteen cycles. For the sake of God, do not rely and do not lean on them.   “Far   be   it   from   thee   to   do   after   this  manner,”   which   will —perish the thought— cause the holy and awesome fast to be nullified, leaven to be eaten on Passover, and the holidays to be desecrated. Therefore,   you   the   reader,   “Hearken   now   unto  my   voice,   I   will   give  thee  counsel,  and  God  be  with  thee.”  Be  cautious  and  careful  lest  you  forget. . . what I am writing regarding this matter, since it is done according   to   exact   arithmetic,   “divided   well,”   and   is   precise   on   all  counts. . . from the 278th cycle [1521 CE] until the end of time.


“Anyone  who  separates  from  it,  it  is  as  if  he  separates [himself] from life  [itself].” By  the  “character”  of  a  year,  da  Silva  means  the  day  of  the  week  of  New  

Year and the length of the year. In fact, the Hebrew calendar repeats only after 689,472 years, as was pointed out by the celebrated Persian Moslem writer, al-Biruni, in 1000 CE.

Most Asian calendars are lunisolar, like the Hebrew calendar, and do not repeat every 19 years, though they are often said to. Deciphering a date on one of these can be quite difficult: calendarists may use different conventions for their calculations; the day of the month can vary from location to location, as they may be based on the phase of the moon at local sunrise, for example; any month of the year can be leap, and some months may even be expunged, again with variations between calendar systems and locations; the months have different names and sequences in different regions; new year may differ from calendar to calendar; and many eras are used for the year number, some beginning from year 0 and others from 1. (We recently helped determine the possible Gregorian dates corresponding to a Buddhist lunisolar date on a relatively recent birth certificate from a Mon village in Burma.)

The dates of Jewish holidays are frequently given erroneously. For example, the United States Naval   Observatory’s   web   site   had   (until   they   were  informed) incorrect dates for Passover in the years 2028 and 2029 (April 9 and March 29, instead of April 11 and March 31, respectively). Other examples are shown in Figures 7 and 8.

The correct use of the well-known formula by Gauss (see his Werke, Herausgegeben von der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Göttingen, vol. 6, pp. 80–81, 1874 CE) for the date of the first day of Passover requires high precision calculations, making it difficult to use correctly.

Figure 7:  Delrina  Technology’s  1993  Daily  Planner  had  three  days  for  Rosh  ha-Shanah.


Figure 8: Tel Aviv University calendar for 2002–3 with a plethora of errors. VII. Resources

Books The most comprehensive and easily available modern reference book is

Calendrical Tabulations, 1900–2200, Edward M. Reingold and Nachum Dershowitz, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. This book (see Figures 9–10) gives a set of fully accurate, easy-to-use tables that simultaneously display the date on different calendars over a 300-year period. Included are the Gregorian, Julian, Hebrew, Chinese, Coptic, Ethiopic, Persian, Hindu lunar, Hindu solar, and Islamic calendars, as well as the phases of the moon, dates of solstices


and equinoxes, and religious and other special holidays for all the calendars shown.

The dates given in Calendrical Tabulations are based on algorithms from the second (2001) edition of Calendrical Calculations, Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Reingold Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3rd rev. ed., 2008, which gives precise algorithmic (very technical) treatments of most of the major calendars of the world, as well as a great deal of historical material.

A standard, reliable work for converting dates between the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars is The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar: Its Structure, History

and One Hundred Years of Corresponding Dates 5660–5760, 1900–2000, Arthur Spier, New York: Behrman House, 1952 (4th revised ed., The Comprehensive

Hebrew Calendar: Twentieth to Twenty-Second Century, 5660-5860, 1900-2100, with preface and extended tables by H. Mandelbaum, New York: Feldheim Publishers, 1986), which has tables for the 20th and 21st centuries (in some later editions). Sabbath Torah readings and holidays are noted. The book includes detailed rules (corrected in the third edition) for determining Hebrew birthdays and for yahrzeit according to prevalent Ashkenazic practice. (See Figures 11–12.)


Figure 9:  Verso  page  from  Reingold  and  Dershowitz’s  Calendrical Tabulations.


Figure 10:  Recto  page  from  Reingold  and  Dershowitz’s  Calendrical Tabulations.


Figure 11:  A  page  from  Spier’s  The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar.

Figure 12: Spier detail.

The index volume of Encyclopaedia Judaica, Cecil Roth, ed., New York:

Macmillan, 1971 contains a somewhat awkward calendar for the years 1920–2020, arranged by Gregorian year. The corresponding Hebrew date is given for

each Gregorian day. Dates of all holidays and fasts (and an indication of

postponement, if any), as well as the Sabbath readings for the Diaspora, are


The most highly-regarded scholarly tables are those in

Kalendariographische und chronologische Tafeln, Robert G. Schram, J. C.

Hinrichs’sche  Buchhandlung,   Leipzig,   1908.   It   covers  all   calendars  of   significance  for dates from thousands of years ago until 2000. (See Figure 13.) However, this

volume is rare, awkward to use, and requires some knowledge of German.


Figure 13: Facing  pages  from  the  Jewish  calendar  section  of  Schram’s Kalendariographische und chronologische Tafeln.

For the Islamic and Persian calendars, Wüstenfeld-Mahler’sche  Vergleichungs-Tabellen zur muslimischen und iranischen Zeitrechung mit Tafeln zur Umrechnung orient-christlicher Ären, F. Wüstenfeld and E. Mahler, 3rd ed. revised by J. Mayr and B. Spuler, Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, Wiesbaden, 1961, is an excellent, though rare, reference. See Figure 14.

The most ubiquitous set of calendar tables, The Book of Calendars, F. Parise, ed., Facts on File, New York, 1982 (see Figure 15), is so filled with errors as to be useless. Avoid it!

Determining the time of sunset (needed for ascertaining precise Hebrew dates) can be daunting. The most useful reference in this context is Halachic Times for Home and Travel. World-Wide Times-of-Day Tables with Halachic and Scientific Foundations and Permanent Calendar, Leo Levi, Rubin Mass, Ltd., Jerusalem, 1992; expanded 3rd ed., 2000. This book gives tables for each degree of latitude and for 73 cities with large Jewish populations. Unlike most published tables, which use mean values for dawn regardless of season or location, the times in this work are derived from astronomical calculations of the depression angle of the sun. The English section of the book also includes a short chapter on the calendar and tables that allow conversion between Gregorian and Hebrew dates. It should be noted that there remain disputes as to where to place the


dateline for the religious purposes and what times to use in polar regions. In practice, the International Dateline is used and the times of prayer and observance at nearby synagogues below the Arctic Circle are followed.

Figure 14:  Detail  from  Wüstenfeld  and  Mahler’s  Islamic/Persian  tables.

Figure 15: A page from Parise. These tables are laden with errors.


Interpreting recorded times of day also requires knowing details of local time-zone practice. The best source for historical time zones is the pair of books: The American Atlas: U.S. Longitudes & Latitudes Time Changes and Time Zones, 5th ed., Thomas G. Shanks, ACS Publications, San Diego, CA, 1996; The International Atlas: World Longitudes & Latitudes Time Changes and Time Zones, 5th ed., Thomas G. Shanks, ACS Publications, San Diego, CA, 1999. These books contain extensive longitude and latitude values for locations throughout the world (needed for sunset calculations).

For dates of changeover from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar, see Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris and the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac,  Her  Majesty’s  Stationery  Office,  London,  1961.


There are numerous programs available over the Internet for date conversion. The most extensive and accurate is Calendrica, This software package is based on the algorithms of Calendrical Calculations. An applet for easy conversion among more than two dozen calendars is available online.

A excellent PC-based  Hebrew  calendar   software  was   Joe  Kohn’s  Hebrew Calendar for Windows; it is now called Jewish Time and distributed by Torah Educational Software, It includes a full Hebrew/Gregorian calendar (for 1600–2200), all Jewish holidays, and extensive time-of-day calculations for dawn, sunrise, sunset, candle lighting, dusk, and so on. Another program is   Danny   Sadinoff’s   Hebcal,   for   either   online   use   or   for  installing under Unix or Windows, available for free at Software is also available for the Macintosh, such as the Jewish Calendar by Avi Drissman (

Cumberland  Family  Software’s  Universal  Calendar  Calculator  for  Windows  (available on the Internet at no charge at performs conversions between a large selection of calendars. It also contains dates of United States, Christian (Nicæan Rule and Modern), Islamic, Jewish, and Chinese holidays and is part of their genealogical software package.


BIOGRAPHIES Beyond his expertise in calendars, Nachum Dershowitz is a leading figure

in software verification in general and termination of programs in particular; he is an international authority on equational inference and term rewriting. Other areas in which he has made major contributions include program semantics and combinatorial enumeration. Dershowitz has authored or coauthored more than 100 research papers and several books and has held visiting positions at prominent institutions around the globe. He has won numerous awards for his research and teaching. He was born in 1951, and his graduate degrees in applied mathematics are from the Weizmann Institute in Israel. He is currently a professor of computer science at Tel Aviv University and incumbent of their chair in computational logic.

Edward M. Reingold was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1945. He has an

undergraduate degree in mathematics from the Illinois Institute of Technology and a doctorate in computer science from Cornell University. Reingold was a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1970-2000; he retired as a Professor Emeritus of Computer Science in December 2000 and moved to the Department of Computer Science at the Illinois Institute of Technology as professor and chair, an administrative post he held until 2006. His research interests are in theoretical computer science -especially the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. A Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery since 1995, Reingold has authored or coauthored more than 75 research papers and 10 books; his papers on backtrack search, generation of combinations, weight-balanced binary trees, and drawing of trees and graphs are considered classics. He has won awards for his undergraduate and graduate teaching. Reingold is intensely interested in calendars and their computer implementation; in addition to Calendrical Calculations and Calendrical Tabulations, he is the author and former maintainer of the calendar/diary part of GNU Emacs.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am deeply indebted to all contributors of this book, mainly for their patience and trust. I acknowledge Malka Cymbalista, of the Division of Information Systems at the Weizmann Institute, for letting me use the photograph of her grandfather on the front page. Special thanks are due to Fiana Parente for her skills and great help in seeing the book through its final stages of preparation.