the pupil premium: what ofsted looks for

The pupil premium: what Ofsted looks at Lorna Fitzjohn HMI West Midlands Regional Director 3 March 2017 The pupil premium: what Ofsted looks at 1

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The pupil premium: what Ofsted looks at

Lorna Fitzjohn HMIWest Midlands Regional Director 3 March 2017

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SubtitleSpeaker’s name

Our strategic priorities

Improved quality, efficiency and effectiveness

ensuring that inspection and regulation provide

value for money

Improved focusso that we target

inspection and regulation where we can make the most


Improved engagement

Ensuring that we are credible, valued and trusted and do not

introduce unforeseen burdens

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Sir Michael Wilshaw’s Annual Report 2015/16

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‘Governing bodies play an important role in challenging senior leaders on the achievement of disadvantaged pupils.’

‘For pupils who are both most able and from a disadvantaged background, the quality of teaching and the determination of a school to stretch and challenge these pupils is essential if they are to realise their potential.’

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Primary education

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Secondary educationGap between the most-able disadvantaged pupils and their peers remains high in some local authority areas.

Proportion of pupils from more affluent backgrounds who achieved highly at the end of primary school who are not then entered for the EBacc in non-selective schools is surprisingly high, at 27%; worse still for disadvantaged most-able pupils, 40% of whom were not even entered for this foundation set of enabling subjects.

Any most-able pupil, whether disadvantaged or not, is more likely to make good progress if they are in a school where they are not in a minority. In non-selective schools, 48% of most-able disadvantaged pupils made expected progress, where they were in a minority as opposed to 69%, where the proportions of most-able disadvantaged pupils were highest. Slide 6The pupil premium: what Ofsted looks at

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Disadvantaged and most-ableOfsted’s latest report on most-able pupils in the non-selective system identified that:one of the main reasons for underperformance was low expectations of the poorest pupilsit is important to ensure that disadvantaged most-able pupils receive high-quality information, advice and guidance to prepare them for the futurewe must be robust in inspecting the performance of disadvantaged, most able and most-able disadvantaged.

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Disadvantaged and most-able Ofsted’s Annual Report 2015/16 highlighted the

underperformance of disadvantaged pupils, particularly the most able.

The Minister stressed the importance of support for these pupils in the foreword to the May 2016 guide to effective pupil premium reviews.

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Ofsted’s evidence Successful schools:do not treat pupils eligible for the pupil premium as a homogeneous groupgive disadvantaged pupils a high profile within a schooloften appoint a senior leader to raise the profile and champion the learning of disadvantaged pupils.

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Disadvantaged children Recent analysis showed that children looked after are

more likely to make expected progress in English and mathematics than the wider group of children in need.

For children in need, there is a lack of visibility and accountability.

The poor progress of this much larger group of children reflects this.

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Higher education and disadvantage Record proportions of 18- and 19-year-olds are now

going to university in England, including from disadvantaged areas.

18-year-olds from the most disadvantaged areas in England have gained ground against those from the most advantaged areas, in both the proportions going to higher education and the proportions going to those providers with the most demanding entry requirements.

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What can be done?

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Disadvantaged pupils

High expectations for all means high expectations for disadvantaged pupils.

Good provision and outcomes are key contributory factors to good overall effectiveness.

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No excuses

‘My school is in an area of high deprivation, so we have a lot of children eligible for FSM – but how can we raise attainment when there are so many?’

‘We only have a very small group of pupils eligible for the pupil premium in my school, so it’s not an issue for us.’

‘It’s not just that they’re entitled to free school meals, but they have so many other needs, not to mention the difficulties that the children in care have.’

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Common strengths in most effective support for disadvantaged pupils include…

leaders at all levels, including governors, prioritising the achievement of disadvantaged pupils.

valuing pupils’ personal development, behaviour and welfare needs and not using them as excuses for low achievement

strategic planning at points of transition having high impact on outcomes and destinations.

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all pupils accessing a broad and rich curriculum – support is given to ensure that all pupils have full access to broad educational experiences

prioritising consistently good and outstanding teaching as the first point of intervention for disadvantaged pupils

expecting high levels of parental engagement and good attendance and pursuing these relentlessly.


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High-quality support for pupils’ personal development, behaviour and welfareLeaders said:‘’We focus on each individual pupil. However, this alone is not enough. …we stand back and look strategically at the impact of our approaches on this group of pupils as a whole.’

‘It’s one thing to understand what we need to do to address achievement ‘gaps’ for our disadvantaged pupils. There is another world of knowing about the individual pupil’s life: their engagement with school… – all of this is vital.’

Teachers said:‘Pastoral support is more than just tea and cake. It has got to make a difference – to students’ lives – to their achievement.’

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Characteristics of successful approachesSchools that spent the pupil premium funding successfully to improve achievement and narrow the gap:never confused eligibility for the pupil premium with low abilitydid not rely on interventions to compensate for less than good teachingtracked and monitored achievement data to check progress and if any interventions were working – and then made adjustmentsensured that the allocation and spending of the pupil premium was given high priority in terms of staffing.

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They… ensured that a designated senior school leader linked to a

governor had a clear overview of how the funding was allocated and what difference it was making

ensured that all teachers knew which pupils were eligible so that they could take responsibility for accelerating their progress

made sure that support staff (particularly teaching assistants) were highly trained and understood their role in helping pupils to achieve

thoroughly involved governors in the decision-making and evaluation process.

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Less successful approaches Spending the funding indiscriminately on teaching assistants with

little impact and not managing their performance well Spending the funding on one-to-one tuition and booster classes –

that go on forever… and do not relate to class teaching…and are not audited or quality assured

Planning spending in isolation – not part of the school action plan Assuming that pupils eligible for the pupil premium will have

learning difficulties Comparing the performance of pupils eligible for the pupil

premium with other eligible pupils nationally, rather than all pupils – lowering expectations.

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Inspection focus

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Inspection focus

In particular, but not exclusively: disadvantaged pupils across the school disadvantaged most-able pupils

are a key focus of inspection.If provision and outcomes for these groups are not strong, we must consider carefully whether overall effectiveness can be good.

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Pupil premium: handbook extractsInspectors will gather evidence about the use of the pupil premium in relation to:the progress made by disadvantaged pupils from their starting points, especially the most able, at the end of each key stage against other pupils nationally. They will consider the extent to which differences in their attainment and progress are diminishing how funding has been spent, the rationale and impact on current pupils across the school, including in the early years.

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Pupil premium statement requirements on the school website

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Pupil premium allocation, use and impact on attainment:pupil premium allocation for the current academic yeara summary of the main barriers faced by eligible pupilsdetails of how the school intends to spend the allocation and reasonshow impact will be measuredthe date of the next review of the PP strategydetails of how the school spent the previous academic year’s allocationthe impact of the funding on disadvantaged pupils

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Demonstrating impact End of key stage data and other national benchmarks (eg Y1 phonics)

compare favourably with national data for other pupils in all subjects. Diminishing differences over time are shown in RAISEonline and

inspection dashboard for different abilities, including the most-able disadvantaged

School’s own information and work in pupils’ books demonstrate good progress for current disadvantaged pupils

Case studies outline the additional provision in place and the difference this is making (progress and barriers being overcome)

Attendance is improving or being maintained at least in line with the national average

Personal development, well-being and behaviour are good and exclusion figures are below national average.

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SEND funding Not required to publish the amount of funding received for

SEND pupils. Schools must publish their SEN information report (in

accordance with the Revised code of practice Jan 2015) as set out in the DfE guidance.

Inspectors will evaluate provision and support for SEND pupils.

Inspection activity will include discussion with leaders, observations of teaching, discussions with pupils and scrutiny of books and data. Checks on complaints about the school and evidence from parent view will be examined.

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Pupil premium reports Ofsted has no preferred style. The published PP report on the school website must

contain the information as set out in the DfE guidance. Report templates are available on the internet from the

Teaching Schools Council, National College for Teaching and Leadership and other school websites.

Examples of pupil premium reviews can also be obtained from these sites.

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Ofsted lines of enquiry/questions Inspectors do not have a ‘set’ list of questions. They review

information in advance of inspection, including school’s own self-evaluation, information on the website and published data.

Lines of enquiry will focus on:− what barriers leaders have identified− what the pupil premium is spent on to improve outcomes for eligible

pupils− what difference this has made− how you know this − where your evidence of impact is.

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Per year, £300 is allocated to eligible 3- to 4-year-olds in early years.

The same principle applies – funding must be used to improve outcomes and diminish differences between children and their non pupil-premium peers.

Data is published in RAISEonline and inspection dashboard and shows where gaps exist.

In 2016, 69% of all children reached a good level of development (GLD) and 72% of non FSM children − compared to only 55% of FSM children.

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Early years premium

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Collection, collation and analysis of data Inspectors will check the attainment and progress of disadvantaged

pupils through published data, school’s own information and pupils’ work.

RAISEonline 2016 progress data for the final key stage at the front of the document. This sets out a clear overview of disadvantaged pupils v all pupils in reading, writing and mathematics for key stage 2 and English, mathematics, EBacc and Open elements for key stage 4.

Attainment and progress data is shown overall and by ability i.e low, middle and high. Leaders should analyse this carefully and note where improvements are needed. Attainment is also set out in these areas but also includes combined R, W, and Ma, GPS and science.

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Pupil premium and Progress 8 (P8): inspection dashboard Inspectors will see P8 and A8

compared between disadvantaged and other pupils first

They will consider the size of these groups and their contribution to overall P8/A8

The key comparison inspectors will make is to national other pupils for overall disadvantaged pupils, and for different starting points

Progress of current cohorts?Slide 31The pupil premium: what Ofsted looks at

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Pupil premium and Progress 8 (P8): RAISEonlineRAISEonline now includes clearer emphasis on disadvantaged pupils from different starting points.Summary tables contain:

− P8 and A8 overall by low, middle and high prior attainment for all pupils and disadvantaged

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− national figures for all and for other (non-disadvantaged) pupils− difference between all pupils in the school and all pupils nationally− difference between disadvantaged pupils in the school and other

pupils nationally

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CLA children and pupil premium: RAISEonline

RAISEonline also includes information about pupil groups not shown in the inspection dashboard.Children looked after are included (also in receipt of additional funding: this goes to the virtual school head, if a maintained school).These charts order groups by progress scores with the highest progress score at the top.Progress of current CLA?

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Pupil premium: external review

Inspectors will recommend an external review of the school’s use of the pupil premium if they identify weakness regarding the provision and outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. This weakness may exist whether or not a similar weakness exists for other pupils.

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The pupil premium: what Ofsted looks at

Resources The pupil premium: How schools are spending the funding successfully to

maximise achievement:

The pupil premium: analysis and challenge tools for schools:

Unseen children: access and achievement 20 years on:

What maintained schools must publish online:

What academies, free schools and colleges should publish online:

Toolkit of strategies to improve learning – summary for schools, spending the pupil premium – Sutton Trust/Education Endowment Foundation Slide 35

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Ofsted on the web and on social

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