the richmond district dispatch...feb 02, 2021  · scotty doyle - district umw president. dann ladd...

WESLEY MEMORIAL'S MINISTRIES THRIVE DURING PANDEMIC BY THE REV. RODNEY HUNTER AND CHERYL CARTER On March 8, 2020, we celebrated our 139th anniversary just before the COVID-19 pandemic halted all in-person worship, meetings and activities. This pandemic changed the way Wesley’s ministries would be accomplished. As the pandemic restricted our physical in- person worship, God provided a new way for us to worship through livestreaming. The Sunday morning video livestreaming allowed us to reach more of our members and friends throughout the U. S. as well as Bermuda, Cuba, and Belize. In addition to broadening our viewership, our financial blessings increased. God was revealing God's Majestic Divine power in the midst of the human disaster we call COVID-19. As the pandemic immobilized our movement, God mobilized us to find ways to continue our ministries and outreach. Our service to our church and the community has been phenomenal. The United Methodist Men and Women have found ways to carry out their goals and objectives electronically. We have continued to provide church school materials and teachings through our weekly newsletter which provides updates on church events, community, civic and social issues, general assembly events and links for community ZOOM meetings. As the members have continued to pray and financially support the church, we have been blessed to remain current on our expenses while being able to provide support for individuals and families in need. We have supported ACTS (rent and mortgage assistance), Virginia Poverty Law Center’s push against evictions, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy’s advocacy for paid sick leave, and abolishing the death penalty. We also labored with VPLC to bring fairness to the predatory lending laws, resulting in Governor Ralph Northam’s signing of the bill at Wesley on Aug. 3rd. We have also provided financial assistance to more than 150 families in need of food, rent, utilities, and spiritual support. We were able to assist 25 families with turkeys and food for Thanksgiving, as well as assist 50 families with funds for Christmas. In addition to the domestic ministries, we have continued to reach out worldwide through our support of churches in Cuba, Belize, Ghana, West Africa, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Africa. God has supplied for our needs just as God did for Elijah and the widow at Zarephath (I Kings:17). Nothing can stop God’s work and mission to God's people. Through this pandemic, we have witnessed the mighty power of God. THE RICHMOND DISTRICT DISPATCH FEBRUARY 2021 A Newsletter of the Richmond District - Virginia Conference Good words for Great Souls PAGE 01 PAGE 01 In memory of Father Smith PAGE 02 Pertweeville Chorale sings and wins for go PAGE 03 Upcoming Projects PAGE 05 Food for the Soul PAGE 06 Announcements, Events, and Updates PAGE 07 GOV. NORTHAM SIGNING NEW LAW REV. HUNTER LIVESTREAMING RICHMOND DISTRICT FEBRUARY 2021 IN THIS ISSUE Wesley Memorial UMC - p. 1 Heart Havens Month, Scout Sunday, Lay Servant Ministries Course, Collecting Kits for Conference - p. 2 District Training Part Two, UMW Healing of the Hearts Program, Women's Retreat, Bailey Scholarship Program Deadline, Annual Conference June 2021 - p. 3 COVID Mission Task Force, A Word from our DS - p. 4

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    On March 8, 2020, we celebrated our 139th anniversary just before the COVID-19 pandemichalted all in-person worship, meetings and activities. This pandemic changed the wayWesley’s ministries would be accomplished. As the pandemic restricted our physical in-person worship, God provided a new way for us to worship through livestreaming. TheSunday morning video livestreaming allowed us to reach more of our members and friendsthroughout the U. S. as well as Bermuda, Cuba, and Belize. In addition to broadening ourviewership, our financial blessings increased. God was revealing God's Majestic Divinepower in the midst of the human disaster we call COVID-19.As the pandemic immobilized our movement, God mobilized us to find ways to continueour ministries and outreach. Our service to our church and the community has beenphenomenal. The United Methodist Men and Women have found ways to carry out theirgoals and objectives electronically. We have continued to provide church school materialsand teachings through our weekly newsletter which provides updates on church events,community, civic and social issues, general assembly events and links for communityZOOM meetings. As the members have continued to pray and financially support thechurch, we have been blessed to remain current on our expenses while being able toprovide support for individuals and families in need.We have supported ACTS (rent and mortgage assistance), Virginia Poverty Law Center’spush against evictions, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy’s advocacy for paid sickleave, and abolishing the death penalty. We also labored with VPLC to bring fairness to thepredatory lending laws, resulting in Governor Ralph Northam’s signing of the bill at Wesleyon Aug. 3rd. We have also provided financial assistance to more than 150 families in needof food, rent, utilities, and spiritual support. We were able to assist 25 families with turkeysand food for Thanksgiving, as well as assist 50 families with funds for Christmas. Inaddition to the domestic ministries, we have continued to reach out worldwide through oursupport of churches in Cuba, Belize, Ghana, West Africa, and the Democratic Republic of theCongo, Central Africa.God has supplied for our needs just as God did for Elijah and the widow at Zarephath (IKings:17). Nothing can stop God’s work and mission to God's people. Through thispandemic, we have witnessed the mighty power of God.


    A Newsletter of the Richmond District - Virginia Conference

    Good words for Great Souls

    PAGE 01

    PAGE 01

    In memory of Father Smith

    PAGE 02

    Pertweeville Chorale singsand wins for go

    PAGE 03

    Upcoming Projects

    PAGE 05

    Food for the Soul

    PAGE 06

    Announcements, Events,and Updates

    PAGE 07




    Wesley Memorial UMC- p. 1

    Heart Havens Month,Scout Sunday, LayServant MinistriesCourse, Collecting Kitsfor Conference - p. 2

    District Training PartTwo, UMW Healing ofthe Hearts Program,Women's Retreat,Bailey ScholarshipProgram Deadline,Annual ConferenceJune 2021- p. 3

    COVID Mission TaskForce, A Word fromour DS - p. 4


    SCOUT SUNDAY February 14 by Bill Chaffin

    In 1920 the United Methodist Church looked to the Boy Scouts of America and notonly liked what they had going but offered a partnership, an allegiance. The UnitedMethodist Church is the number one sponsor of BSA units in our country.Many churches celebrate Scout Sunday the first Sunday of February. Most of us inthe United Methodist Church wait until the second Sunday so we do not conflictwith communion. Also many support Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts together andsome honor the Girl Scout programs on March 7th. Regardless of the month ordate we should be in celebration of these programs affiliated with our local church. When you encounter a scout introduce yourself to them and thank them for being ascout. If you know a Scouting adult in your church or neighborhood simply thankthem for serving our youth. That is a gift itself. And may our omnipotent andeverlasting God bless and keep you and your families in all you do.

    HEART HAVENS MONTH by Sara Becker

    Heart Havens’ month is February and we can't wait to celebrate with you. TheVirginia Conference has designated February as Heart Havens Month, one of sixspecial offerings throughout the year. There are seven Heart Havens homes acrossthe Conference, where men and women with a developmental disability areempowered to be full members of the body of Christ, and active participants intheir communities. The theme for Heart Havens Month this year is "A DifferentPerspective." Heart Havens' goal is 100 monthly Heart Havens donors. Please to see our video and additional electronic resources to share. Youcan also find Heart Havens month posts on social media – sharing will help usspread our message of empowerment. Thank you for your continued support ofHeart Havens!


    The long awaited time has come! COX Trucking has agreed to transport our kits toPA for free! Duncan Memorial has offered the use of their fellowship hall as thedrop-off location for the kits. Kits can be dropped off 10am-4pm, Monday Feb. 15 –Friday Feb. 19, and Monday Feb. 22 – Thursday Feb. 25. Please ensure your kits arelabeled correctly. Find the information needed for shipping here To schedule a drop off please email [email protected].


    LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES COURSE OFFERED - February 27The Lay Servant Basic class is being offered virtually by James River District Saturday,February 27, 8:00am-3:00pm. Richmond District Lay Servants who need the Basic class forcertification should go to the Virginia Conference website for more information aboutregistration and class requirements. Deadline for registration is February 14, 2021. Pleasenote that there is a limit on the number of participants. To register, please visit PAGE 02


    The Richmond District UMW will present "Healing of the Hearts" on Sat. Feb. 27, 10am-12noon. This program completes Section 3g of the "Living Into Our Purpose" form. RSVP isrequested but not required. To join the program, please use this link:

    For more information, please contact Linda Porter, [email protected].

    WOMEN'S RETREAT - February 27Spiritual Adventure for Women Retreat - Are you ready for a new adventure in 2021? Areyou looking for ways to travel during the wilderness of Lent? If so, join others on a SpiritualAdventure for Women on Saturday, February 27, 9 a.m. to noon via Zoom. The retreat ishosted by the Spiritual Life Center of Virginia with Spiritual Director Joy Crawford, Rev.Kelley Lane, and Rev. Lisa McGehee as your guides. The cost is $20 per person.Registration is available at more information, contact Joy at [email protected], Kelley [email protected], or Lisa at [email protected]. The adventure awaits!


    The Rev. Jorge Acevedo is presenting on "VitalCongregations" again this month. Everyone is invited tojoin the Zoom training 4:00-6:00pm on Sun. Feb. 21. Thismonth's training will cover understanding your contextand having a crystal clear focus.If registered for the event, we will send a reminder onFeb. 18. If you would like to register, please


    BAILEY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM DEADLINE -February 8Do you know a high school senior discerning a call toministry? Whether they feel called to be a pastor, youthminister, music minister, religious studies professor, faith-based non-profit leader, military or hospital chaplain,Randolph-Macon College’s Bailey Scholars Program couldhelp them (a) afford college and (b) find a supportivecommunity for vocational discernment as they grow incollege and prepare for seminary. Randolph-Macon College is the oldest continuouslyoperating United Methodist college in the U.S., and we'recommitted to nurturing a new generation of leaders both inthe UMC and across denominational lines too. Applicationdeadline is Feb. 8, 2021. If you have questions,email Kendra at [email protected].


    Bishop Sharma D. Lewis , together wi th the AnnualConference P lanning Team, announced the 2021Virginia Annual Conference wi l l be a v i r tual eventheld June 18-19 . Business of the Annual Conferencewi l l be l imited , due to economic constra ints , only toFr iday , June 18 . Worship services and t ime fordis tr ic t -based service opportuni t ies wi l l be conductedon Saturday , June 19 . The theme for the conference is"Uni ted as One" based on John 17 :20-23 .

    P lease note that the Richmond Distr ic t has tenopenings for la i ty to serve as delegates to AnnualConference. Interested persons should contactMaryKaye at RichmondDistr ic [email protected] to receivea nominat ions form. Al l forms must be submit ted byMarch 1 to be considered.


    February 17 @ 12noon, TOPIC: Leading consistent food drives at your church,

    March 3 @ 12noon, TOPIC: Learning from our Food Pantry Guests: What isgoing on in our communities? Reviewing the status of the Oct 2020-Jan 2021Focus Missions

    We have some exciting meetings coming up over the next few months. Churcheshave been hard at work collaborating to feed thousands of people a week. Join usto learn how you can get involved! Please take a minute to fill out this googleform so we can connect with you about ways you can help! See what we have been doing by visiting The Task Force meets the first and thirdWednesdays of each month. Please feel free to share this with anyone in yourchurch who you think might be interested (especially Mission chairs, etc.). ZoomInformation for each meeting: Call: (312) 626-6799 Meeting ID: 379 642 3694

    Reviewing the status of the Oct 2020-Jan 2021 Focus Missions


    A while ago, I was on a short-term mission trip to Haiti, to the Island of Lagonave.The island was about a four-hour boat trip away from the mainland. On ourreturn trip to the mainland, we left early while it was still dark and the sea wasrough with strong winds and waves. The small boat we were in was tossed leftand right, and the sea was spraying over us, soaking us completely. I wondered--Are we going to die? It was truly scary. I almost asked the captain to turn back tothe Island. But then I noticed that the captain was calm as if that rough weatherwas a routine thing. I gritted my teeth and held tight on the rail to the point ofmy arm aching. Amazingly, about an hour later, the water was calm and the sunwas rising from the east like a blazing furnace. What a scene!As we go through this pandemic, a prolonged one, and now with new fast-spread-ing variants, I often think about the boat ride from the Island Lagonave to PortPrince. The good news is, according to Mark 4:35-41, when we were in the dark,when we were scared and worried whether or not we would make it, Christ whohad been with the disciples at the sea of Galilee, the creator of heaven and earth,is also with us, now and beyond this pandemic season. With this, let me share with you what Susan Beaumont said about Leading withPresence, “Leadership, particularly in today’s environment, is often an exercise inhard work and striving towards an idealized future…Surrender is a conscious actof acknowledging and welcoming our present reality, for all that it has to teach usand for all of the ways it can mold us.” (NOVA Bi-District training, Jan. 16) Mark 4:40, “Jesus said to his disciples, “Why are youso afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Would you have faith in Christ with me that he is with us always, and that he guides us to our destiny safely as we surrender and follow Him? In this faith, would you continue the hard work of leading, though you are tired and scared, to God’s exciting future?

    In the Lord,

    Hyo J. Lee


    Richmond DistrictVirginia Conference

    The United Methodist Church10300 Staples Mill Road

    PO Box 5606Glen Allen, VA 23058

    804.521.1124FAX: 804.521.1175

    EMAIL : R [email protected]

    Sharma D. Lewis - Area BishopHyo J. Lee - District SuperintendentMaryKaye Cochran - Executive AdministratorMaria Maxwell - Coordinator for ChurchRevitalization and Leadership DevelopmentTina Gudgel - District TreasurerSusan Custer - District Lay LeaderLinda Porter - District Missions CoordinatorScotty Doyle - District UMW PresidentDann Ladd - District UMM PresidentBill Chaffin - Coord. District Scouting MinistryBessie Owens - Dist. Director Lay Servant Min.Pam Hill - District Youth Coordinator


    Shift.A fine word that 2020 reminded me of.Shift.. towards each other.I actually think this is the act ofcompassion. To be with and for each other. Shift... towards each other.I actually think this is the act ofunderstanding.To be with and for each other.Shift... towards each other.I actually think this is the act ofappreciation. To be with and for each other. Shift... towards each other.I actually think this is the act of love.To be with and for each other. Shift... towards each other. I actually think this is the act of unity.To be with and for each other. May the Holy Shift... God's dream that we would be with andfor each other...find more traction in 2021.

    -by Melissa FretwellLiberty HomeCare & Hospice Services

    Durham, NC