the saga of burnt njal

7/21/2019 The Saga of Burnt Njal 1/204 the saga of Burnt Njal (the saga of Burnt Njal)

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Icelandic Saga


Page 1: The Saga of Burnt Njal

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the saga of 

Burnt Njal(the saga of Burnt Njal)

Page 2: The Saga of Burnt Njal

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1861, English, transl. George W. DaSent, from the original 'BrennuNj!ls saga'.

The Story of Burnt Njal

Chapter 1 - Of Fiddle Mord

"here #as a man name$ %or$ #hose surname #as &i$$le he #as the son of Sigat the e$, an$ he$#elt at the *+ale* in the angrierales. e #as a might- hief, an$ a great ta/er u0 of suits, an$so great a la#-er that no ju$gments #ere thought la#ful unless he ha$ a han$ in them. e ha$ anonl- $aughter, name$ nna. She #as a fair, ourteous an$ gifte$ #oman, an$ that #as thought the2est math in all the angrierales.

No# the stor- turns #est#ar$ to the Broa$firth $ales, #here, at aus/ul$ste$e, in 3a4rier$ale,$#elt a man name$ aus/ul$, #ho #as Dala/oll's son, an$ his mother's name #as "horger$a. eha$ a 2rother name$ rut, #ho $#elt at rutste$e he #as of the same mother as aus/ul$, 2ut hisfather's name #as eriolf. rut #as han$some, tall an$ strong, #ell s/ille$ in arms, an$ mil$ of tem0er he #as one of the #isest of men stern to#ar$s his foes, 2ut a goo$ ounsellor on greatmatters. 5t ha00ene$ one that aus/ul$ 2a$e his frien$s to a feast, an$ his 2rother rut #as there,

an$ sat ne4t him. aus/ul$ ha$ a $aughter name$ allger$a, #ho #as 0la-ing on the floor #ithsome other girls. She #as fair of fae an$ tall of gro#th, an$ her hair #as as soft as sil/ it #as solong, too, that it ame $o#n to her #aist. aus/ul$ alle$ out to her, *ome hither to me,$aughter*. So she #ent u0 to him, an$ he too/ her 2- the hin, an$ /isse$ her an$ after that she#ent a#a-.

"hen aus/ul$ sai$ to rut, *What $ost thou thin/ of this mai$en7 5s she not fair7* rut hel$ his0eae. aus/ul$ sai$ the same thing to him a seon$ time, an$ then rut ans#ere$, *&air enough isthis mai$, an$ man- #ill smart for it, 2ut this 5 /no# not, #hene thief's e-es hae ome into ourrae*. "hen aus/ul$ #as #roth, an$ for a time the 2rothers sa# little of eah other.

Chapter 2 - Hrut woos Unna

5t ha00ene$ one that those 2rothers, aus/ul$ an$ rut, ro$e to the lthing, an$ there #as muh0eo0le at it. "hen aus/ul$ sai$ to rut, *9ne thing 5 #ish, 2rother, an$ that is, that thou #oul$st2etter th- lot an$ #oo th-self a #ife.*

rut ans#ere$, *"hat has 2een long on m- min$, though there al#a-s seeme$ to 2e t#o si$es tothe matter 2ut no# 5 #ill $o as thou #ishest #hither shall #e turn our e-es7*

aus/ul$ ans#ere$, *ere no# are man- hiefs at the "hing, an$ there is 0lent- of hoie, 2ut 5hae alrea$- set m- e-es on a s0ot #here a math lies ma$e to th- han$. "he #oman's name isnna, an$ she is a $aughter of &i$$le %or$ one of the #isest of men. e is here at the "hing, an$

his $aughter too, an$ thou ma-est see her if it 0leases thee.*

No# the ne4t $a-, #hen men #ere going to the igh ourt, the- sa# some #ell$resse$ #omenstan$ing outsi$e the 2ooths of the men from the angrierales, "hen aus/ul$ sai$ to rut

*:on$er no# is nna, of #hom 5 s0o/e #hat thin/est thou of her7*

*Well,* ans#ere$ rut *2ut -et 5 $o not /no# #hether #e shoul$ get on #ell together.*

fter that the- #ent to the igh ourt, #here &i$$le %or$ #as la-ing $o#n the la# as #as his #ont,an$ alter he ha$ $one he #ent home to his 2ooth.

"hen aus/ul$ an$ rut rose, an$ #ent to %or$'s 2ooth. "he- #ent in an$ foun$ %or$ sitting in theinnermost 0art of the 2ooth, an$ the- 2a$e him *goo$ $a-*. e rose to meet them, an$ too/aus/ul$ 2- the han$ an$ ma$e him sit $o#n 2- his si$e, an$ rut sat ne4t to aus/ul$, So afterthe- ha$ tal/e$ muh of this an$ that, at last aus/ul$ sai$, *5 hae a 2argain to s0ea/ to thee

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a2out rut #ishes to 2eome th- soninla#, an$ 2u- th- $aughter, an$ 5, for m- 0art, #ill not 2es0aring in the mattes*.

%or$ ans#ere$, *5 /no# that thou art a great hief, 2ut th- 2rother is un/no#n to me*.

*e is a 2etter man than 5,* ans#ere$ aus/ul$.

*"hou #ilt nee$ to la- $o#n a large sum #ith him, for she is heir to all 5 leae 2ehin$ me,* sai$%or$.

*"here is no nee$,* sai$ aus/ul$, *to #ait long 2efore thou hearest #hat 5 gie m- #or$ he shallhae. e shall hae ;amness an$ rutste$e, u0 as far as "hran$argil, an$ a tra$ingshi0 2esi$e,no# on her o-age.*

"hen sai$ rut to %or$, *Bear in min$, no#, hus2an$, that m- 2rother has 0raise$ me muh morethan 5 $esere for loe's sa/e 2ut if after #hat thou hast hear$, thou #ilt ma/e the math, 5 am#illing to let thee la- $o#n the terms th-self*.

%or$ ans#ere$, *5 hae thought oer the terms she shall hae si4t- hun$re$s $o#n, an$ this sumshall 2e inrease$ 2- a thir$ more in thine house, 2ut if -e t#o hae heirs, -e shall go hales in thegoo$s*.

"hen sai$ rut, *5 agree to these terms, an$ no# let us ta/e #itness*. fter that the- stoo$ u0 an$shoo/ han$s, an$ %or$ 2etrothe$ his $aughter nna to rut, an$ the 2ri$al feast #as to 2e at%or$'s house, half a month after %i$summer.

No# 2oth si$es ri$e home from the "hing, an$ aus/ul$ an$ rut ri$e #est#ar$ 2- all2jorn's2eaon. "hen "hiostolf, the son of Biorn Gull2era of e-/iar$ale, ro$e to meet them, an$ tol$ themho# a shi0 ha$ ome out from Nor#a- to the White ier, an$ ho# a2oar$ of her #as u<ur, rut'sfather's 2rother, an$ he #ishe$ rut to ome to him as soon as eer he oul$. When rut hear$ this,he as/e$ aus/ul$ to go #ith him to the shi0, so aus/ul$ #ent #ith his 2rother, an$ #hen the-reahe$ the shi0, rut gae his /insman u<ur a /in$ an$ heart- #elome. u<ur as/e$ them intohis 2ooth to $rin/, so their horses #ere unsa$$le$, an$ the- #ent in an$ $ran/, an$ #hile the- #ere

$rin/ing, rut sai$ to u<ur, *No#, /insman, thou must ri$e #est #ith me, an$ sta- #ith me this#inter.*

*"hat annot 2e, /insman, for 5 hae to tell thee the $eath of th- 2rother E-in$, an$ he has leftthee his heir at the Gula "hing, an$ no# th- foes #ill sei<e th- heritage, unless thou omest to laimit.*

*What's to 2e $one no#, 2rother7* sai$ rut to aus/ul$, *for this seems a har$ matter, oming justas 5 hae fi4e$ m- 2ri$al $a-.*

*"hou must ri$e south,* sai$ aus/ul$, *an$ see %or$, an$ as/ him to hange the 2argain #hih -et#o hae ma$e, an$ to let his $aughter sit for thee three #inters as th- 2etrothe$, 2ut 5 #ill ri$ehome an$ 2ring $o#n th- #ares to the shi0.*

"hen sai$ rut, *%- #ish is that thou shoul$est ta/e meal an$ tim2er, an$ #hateer else thounee$est out of the la$ing*. So rut ha$ his horses 2rought out, an$ he ro$e south, #hile aus/ul$ro$e home #est. rut ame east to the angrierales to %or$, an$ ha$ a goo$ #elome, an$ hetol$ %or$ all his 2usiness, an$ as/e$ his a$ie #hat he shoul$ $o.

*o# muh mone- is this heritage7* as/e$ %or$, an$ rut sai$ it #oul$ ome to a hun$re$ mar/s, if he got it all.

*Well,* sai$ %or$, *that is muh #hen set against #hat 5 shall leae 2ehin$ me, an$ thou shalt go

for it, if thou #ilt.*

fter that the- 2ro/e their 2argain, an$ nna #as to sit #aiting for rut three -ears as his2etrothe$. No# rut ri$es 2a/ to the shi0, an$ sta-s 2- her $uring the summer, till she #as rea$-to sail, an$ aus/ul$ 2rought $o#n all rut's #ares an$ mone- to the shi0, an$ rut 0lae$ all his

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other 0ro0ert- in aus/ul$'s han$s to /ee0 for him #hile he #as a#a-. "hen aus/ul$ ro$e home tohis house, an$ a little #hile after the- got a fair #in$ an$ sail a#a- to sea. "he- #ere out three#ee/s, an$ the first lan$ the- ma$e #as ern, near Bergen, an$ so sail east#ar$ to the Ba-.

Chapter - Hrut and !unnhillda" #in$s %other

t that time arol$ Gra-fell reigne$ in Nor#a- he #as the son of Eri Bloo$a4e, #ho #as the son of arol$ &airhair his mother's name #as Gunnhill$a, a $aughter of u<ur "oti, an$ the- ha$ their

a2o$e east, at the ;ing's rag. No# the ne#s #as s0rea$, ho# a shi0 ha$ ome thither east into theBa-, an$ as soon as Gunnhill$a hear$ of it, she as/e$ #hat men from 5elan$ #ere a2oar$, an$ the-tol$ her rut #as the man's name, u<ur's 2rother's son. "hen Gunnhill$a sai$, *5 see 0lainl- thathe means to laim his heritage, 2ut there is a man name$ Soti, #ho has lai$ his han$s on it*.

fter that she alle$ her #aitingman, #hose name #as ugmun$, an$ sai$

*5 am going to sen$ thee to the Ba- to fin$ out u<ur an$ int, an$ tell them that 5 as/ them 2othto s0en$ this #inter #ith me. Sa-, too, that 5 #ill 2e their frien$, an$ if rut #ill arr- out m-ounsel, 5 #ill see after his suit, an$ an-thing else he ta/es in han$, an$ 5 #ill s0ea/ a goo$ #or$,too, for him to the /ing.*

fter that he set off an$ foun$ them an$ as soon as the- /ne# that he #as Gunnhill$a's serant,the- gae him goo$ #elome. e too/ them asi$e an$ tol$ them his erran$, an$ after that the-tal/e$ oer their 0lans 2- themseles. "hen u<ur sai$ to rut

*%ethin/s, /insman, here is little nee$ for long tal/, our 0lans are rea$- ma$e for us for 5 /no#Gunnhill$a's tem0er as soon as eer #e sa- #e #ill not go to her she #ill $rie us out of the lan$,an$ ta/e all our goo$s 2- fore 2ut if #e go to her, then she #ill $o us suh honour as she has0romise$.*

ugmun$ #ent home, an$ #hen he sa# Gunnhill$a, he tol$ her ho# his erran$ ha$ en$e$, an$ thatthe- #oul$ ome, an$ Gunnhill$a sai$

*5t is onl- #hat #as to 2e loo/e$ for for rut is sai$ to 2e a #ise an$ #ell2re$ man an$ no# $othou /ee0 a shar0 loo/ out, an$ tell me as soon as eer the- ome to the to#n.*

rut an$ u<ur #ent east to the ;ing's rag, an$ #hen the- reahe$ the to#n, their /insmen an$frien$s #ent out to meet an$ #elome them. "he- as/e$, #hether the /ing #ere in the to#n, an$the- tol$ them he #as. fter that the- met ugmun$, an$ he 2rought them a greeting fromGunnhill$a, sa-ing, that she oul$ not as/ them to her house 2efore the- ha$ seen the /ing, lestmen shoul$ sa-, *5 ma/e too muh of them*. Still she #oul$ $o all she oul$ for them, an$ she #enton, *tell rut to 2e outs0o/en 2efore the /ing, an$ to as/ to 2e ma$e one of his 2o$-guar$* *an$here,* sai$ ugmun$, *is a $ress of honour #hih she sen$s to thee, rut, an$ in it thou must go in2efore the /ing*. fter that he #ent a#a-.

"he ne4t $a- rut sai$

*3et us go 2efore the /ing.*

*"hat ma- #ell 2e,* ans#ere$ u<ur.

So the- #ent, t#ele of them together, an$ all of them frien$s or /insmen, an$ ame into the hall#here the /ing sat oer his $rin/. rut #ent first an$ 2a$e the /ing *goo$ $a-,* an$ the /ing,loo/ing stea$fastl- at the man #ho #as #ell$resse$, as/e$ him his name. So he tol$ his name.

*rt thou an 5elan$er7* sai$ the /ing.

e ans#ere$, *:es*.

*What $roe thee hither to see/ us7*

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"hen rut ans#ere$

*"o see -our state, lor$ an$, 2esi$es, 2eause 5 hae a great matter of inheritane here in the lan$,an$ 5 shall hae nee$ of -our hel0, if 5 am to get m- rights.*

"he /ing sai$

*5 hae gien m- #or$ that eer- man shall hae la#ful justie here in Nor#a- 2ut hast thou an-other erran$ in see/ing me7*

*3or$=* sai$ rut, *5 #ish -ou to let me lie in -our ourt, an$ 2eome one of -our men.*

t this the /ing hol$s his 0eae, 2ut Gunnhill$a sai$

*5t seems to me as if this man offere$ -ou the greatest honour, for me thin/s if there #ere man-suh men in the 2o$-guar$, it #oul$ 2e #ell fille$.*

*5s he a #ise man7* as/e$ the /ing.

*e is 2oth #ise an$ #illing,* sai$ she.

*Well,* sai$ the /ing, *methin/s m- mother #ishes that thou shoul$st hae the ran/ for #hih thouas/est, 2ut for the sa/e of our honour an$ the ustom of the lan$, ome to me in half a month'stime, an$ then thou shalt 2e ma$e one of m- 2o$-guar$. %eantime, m- mother #ill ta/e are of thee, 2ut then ome to me.*

"hen Gunnhill$a sai$ to ugmun$

*&ollo# them to m- house, an$ treat them #ell.*

So ugmun$ #ent out, an$ the- #ent #ith him, an$ he 2rought them to a hall 2uilt of stone, #hih#as hung #ith the most 2eautiful ta0estr-, an$ there too #as Gunnhill$a's highseat.

"hen ugmun$ sai$ to rut

*No# #ill 2e 0roe$ the truth of all that 5 sai$ to thee from Gunnhill$a. ere is her highseat, an$ init thou shalt sit, an$ this seat thou shalt hol$, though she omes herself into the hall.*

fter that he ma$e them goo$ heer, an$ the- ha$ sat $o#n 2ut a little #hile #hen Gunnhill$a amein. rut #ishe$ to jum0 u0 an$ greet her.

*;ee0 th- seat=* she sa-s, *an$ /ee0 it too all the time thou art m- guest.*

"hen she sat herself $o#n 2- rut, an$ the- fell to $rin/, an$ at een she sai$

*"hou shalt 2e in the u00er ham2er #ith me tonight, an$ #e t#o together.*

*:ou shall hae -our #a-,* he ans#ers.

fter that the- #ent to slee0, an$ she lo/e$ the $oor insi$e. So the- sle0t that night, an$ in themorning fell to $rin/ing again. "hus the- s0ent their life all that halfmonth, an$ Gunnhill$a sai$ tothe men #ho #ere there

*:e shall lose nothing e4e0t -our lies if -ou sa- to an- one a #or$ of ho# rut an$ 5 are goingon.*

>When the halfmonth #as oer? rut gae her a hun$re$ ells of househol$ #oollen an$ t#elerough loa/s, an$ Gunnhill$a than/e$ him for his gifts. "hen rut than/e$ her an$ gae her a /issan$ #ent a#a-. She 2a$e him *fare#ell*. n$ ne4t $a- he #ent 2efore the /ing #ith thirt- men afterhim an$ 2a$e the /ing *goo$$a-*. "he /ing sai$

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*No#, rut, thou #ilt #ish me to arr- out to#ar$s thee #hat 5 0romise$.*

So rut #as ma$e one of the /ing's 2o$-guar$, an$ he as/e$, *Where shall 5 sit7*

*%- mother shall settle that,* sai$ the /ing.

"hen she got him a seat in the highest room, an$ he s0ent the #inter #ith the /ing in muh honour.

Chapter & - Of Hrut's (ruise

When the s0ring ame he as/e$ a2out Soti, an$ foun$ out he ha$ gone south to Denmar/ #ith theinheritane. "hen rut #ent to Gunnhill$a an$ tells her #hat Soti ha$ 2een a2out. Gunnhill$a sai$

*5 #ill gie thee t#o longshi0s, full manne$, an$ along #ith them the 2raest men. Wolf then#ashe$, our oerseer of guests 2ut still go an$ see the /ing 2efore thou settest off.*

rut $i$ so an$ #hen he ame 2efore the /ing, then he tol$ the /ing of Soti's $oings, an$ ho# heha$ a min$ to hol$ on after him.

"he /ing sai$, *What strength has m- mother han$e$ oer to thee7*

*"#o longshi0s an$ Wolf the n#ashe$ to lea$ the men,* sa-s rut.

*Well gien,* sa-s the /ing. *No# 5 #ill gie thee other t#o shi0s, an$ een then thou'lt nee$ all thestrength thou'st got.*

fter that he #ent $o#n #ith rut to the shi0, an$ sai$ *fare thee #ell*. "hen rut saile$ a#a-south #ith his re#s.

Chapter ) - *tli *rn+id son's slayin$

"here #as a man name$ tli, son of rni$, Earl of East Gothlan$. e ha$ /e0t 2a/ the ta4es fromaon thelstane's foster hil$, an$ 2oth father an$ son ha$ fle$ a#a- from @emtlan$ to Gothlan$.fter that, tli hel$ on #ith his follo#ers out of the %Alar 2- Sto/ Soun$, an$ so on to#ar$sDenmar/, an$ no# he lies out in resoun$. e is an outla# 2oth of the Dane;ing an$ of theS#e$e;ing. rut hel$ on south to the Soun$, an$ #hen he ame into it he sa# man- shi0s in theSoun$. "hen Wolf sai$

*What's 2est to 2e $one no#, 5elan$er7*

*ol$ on our ourse,* sa-s rut, *'for nothing enture, nothing hae'. %- shi0 an$ u<ur's shall go

first, 2ut thou shalt la- th- shi0 #here thou li/est.*

*Sel$om hae 5 ha$ others as a shiel$ 2efore me,* sa-s Wolf, an$ la-s his galle- si$e 2- si$e #ithrut's shi0 an$ so the- hol$ on through the Soun$. No# those #ho are in the Soun$ see that shi0sare oming u0 to them, an$ the- tell tli.

e ans#ere$, *"hen ma-2e there'll 2e gain to 2e got*.

fter that men too/ their stan$ on 2oar$ eah shi0 *2ut m- shi0,* sa-s tli, *shall 2e in the mi$st of the fleet*.

%eantime rut's shi0s ran on, an$ as soon as either si$e oul$ hear the other's hail, tli stoo$ u0

an$ sai$

*:e fare un#aril-. Sa# -e not that #arshi0s #ere in the Soun$7 But #hat's the name of -our hief7*

rut tells his name.

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*Whose man art thou7* sa-s tli.

*9ne of /ing arol$ Gra-fell's 2o$-guar$.*

tli sai$, *'"is long sine an- loe #as lost 2et#een us, father an$ son, an$ -our Nor#a- /ings*.

*Worse lu/ for thee,* sa-s rut.

*Well,* sa-s tli, *the u0shot of our meeting #ill 2e, that thou shalt not 2e left alie to tell the tale*

an$ #ith that he aught u0 a s0ear an$ hurle$ it at rut's shi0, an$ the man #ho stoo$ 2efore it gothis $eath. fter that the 2attle 2egan, an$ the- #ere slo# in 2oar$ing rut's shi0. Wolf, he #ent #ellfor#ar$, an$ #ith him it #as no# ut, no# thrust. tli's 2o#man's name #as solf he s0rung u0 onrut's shi0, an$ #as four men's $eath 2efore rut #as #are of him then he turne$ against him, an$#hen the- met, solf thrust at an$ through rut's shiel$, 2ut rut ut one at solf, an$ that #ashis $eath2lo#. Wolf the n#ashe$ sa# that stro/e, an$ alle$ out

*"ruth to sa-, rut, thou $ealest 2ig 2lo#s, 2ut thou'st muh to than/ Gunnhill$a for.*

*Something tells me,* sa-s rut, *that thou s0ea/est #ith a 'fe-' mouth.*

No# tli sees a 2are 0lae for a #ea0on on Wolf, an$ shot a s0ear through him, an$ no# the 2attlegro#s hotC tli lea0s u0 on rut's shi0, an$ lears it fast roun$ a2out, an$ no# u<ur turns to meethim, an$ thrust at him, 2ut fell $o#n full length on his 2a/, for another man thrust at him. No#rut turns to meet tliC he ut at one at rut's shiel$, an$ loe it all in t#o, from to0 to 0oint justthen tli got a 2lo# on his han$ from a stone, an$ $o#n fell his s#or$. rut aught u0 the s#or$,an$ ut his foot from un$er him. fter that he $ealt him his $eath2lo#. "here the- too/ muhgoo$s, an$ 2rought a#a- #ith them t#o shi0s #hih #ere 2est, an$ sta-e$ there onl- a little #hile.But meantime Soti an$ his re# ha$ saile$ 0ast them, an$ he hel$ on his ourse 2a/ to Nor#a-,an$ ma$e the lan$ at 3imgar$'s si$e. "here Soti #ent on shore, an$ there he met ugmun$,Gunnhill$a's 0age he /ne# him at one, an$ as/s

*o# long meanest thou to 2e here7*

*"hree nights,* sa-s Soti.

*Whither a#a-, then7* sa-s ugmun$.

*West, to Englan$,* sa-s Soti, *an$ neer to ome 2a/ again to Nor#a- #hile Gunnhill$a's rule is inNor#a-.*

ugmun$ #ent a#a-, an$ goes an$ fin$s Gunnhill$a, for she #as a little #a- off at a feast, an$Gu$re$, her son, #ith her. ugmun$ tol$ Gunnhill$a #hat Soti meant to $o, an$ she 2egge$ Gu$re$to ta/e his life. So Gu$re$ set off at one, an$ ame una#ares on Soti, an$ ma$e them lea$ u0 theountr-, an$ hang him there. But the goo$s he too/, an$ 2rought them to his mother, an$ she got

men to arr- them all $o#n to the ;ing's rag, an$ after that she #ent thither herself.

rut ame 2a/ to#ar$s autumn, an$ ha$ gotten great store of goo$s. e #ent at one to the /ing,an$ ha$ a heart- #elome. e 2egge$ them to ta/e #hateer the- 0lease$ of his goo$s, an$ the/ing too/ a thir$. Gunnhill$a tol$ rut ho# she ha$ got hol$ of the inheritane, an$ ha$ Soti slain.e than/e$ her, an$ gae her half of all he ha$.

Chapter , - Hrut sails out to (eland

rut sta-e$ #ith the /ing that #inter in goo$ heer, 2ut #hen s0ring ame he gre# er- silent.Gunnhill$a fin$s that out, an$ sai$ to him #hen the- t#o #ere alone together

*rt thou si/ at heart7*

*So it is,* sai$ rut, *as the sa-ing runs '5ll goes it #ith those #ho are 2orn on a 2arren lan$'.*

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*Wilt thou to 5elan$7* she as/s.

*:es,* he ans#ere$.

*ast thou a #ife out there7* she as/e$ an$ he ans#ers, *No*.

*But 5 am sure that is true,* she sa-s an$ so the- ease$ tal/ing a2out the matter.

>Shortl- after? rut #ent 2efore the /ing an$ 2a$e him *goo$ $a-* an$ the /ing sai$, *What $ost

thou #ant no#, rut7*

*5 am ome to as/, lor$, that -ou gie me leae to go to 5elan$.*

*Will thine honour 2e greater there than here7* as/s the /ing.

*No, it #ill not,* sai$ rut *2ut eer- one must #in the #or/ that is set 2efore him.*

*5t is 0ulling a ro0e against a strong man,* sai$ Gunnhill$a, *so gie him leae to go as 2est suitshim.*

"here #as a 2a$ harest that -ear in the lan$, -et Gunnhill$a gae rut as muh meal as he hoseto hae an$ no# he 2us/s him to sail out to 5elan$, an$ u<ur #ith him an$ #hen the- #ere all2oun, rut #ent to fin$ the /ing an$ Gunnhill$a. She le$ him asi$e to tal/ alone, an$ sai$ to him

*ere is a gol$ ring #hih 5 #ill gie thee* an$ #ith that she las0e$ it roun$ his #rist.

*%an- goo$ gifts hae 5 ha$ from thee,* sai$ rut.

"hen she 0ut her han$s roun$ his ne/ an$ /isse$ him, an$ sai$

*5f 5 hae as muh 0o#er oer thee as 5 thin/, 5 la- this s0ell on thee that thou ma-est neer haean- 0leasure in liing #ith that #oman on #hom th- heart is set in 5elan$, 2ut #ith other #omen

thou ma-est get on #ell enough, an$ no# it is li/e to go #ell #ith neither of us 2ut thou hast not2eliee$ #hat 5 hae 2een sa-ing.*

rut laughe$ #hen he hear$ that, an$ #ent a#a- after that he ame 2efore the /ing an$ than/e$him an$ the /ing s0o/e /in$l- to him, an$ 2a$e him *fare#ell*. rut #ent straight to his shi0, an$the- ha$ a fair #in$ all the #a- until the- ran into Borgarfirth.

s soon as the shi0 #as ma$e fest to the lan$, rut ro$e #est home, 2ut u<ur sta-e$ 2- the shi0to unloa$ her, an$ la- her u0. rut ro$e straight to aus/ul$ste$e, an$ aus/ul$ gae him a heart-#elome, an$ rut tol$ him all a2out his traels. fter that the- sent men east aross the riers totell &i$$le %or$ to ma/e rea$- for the 2ri$al feast 2ut the t#o 2rothers ro$e to the shi0, an$ on the#a- aus/ul$ tol$ rut ho# his mone- matters stoo$, an$ his goo$s ha$ gaine$ muh sine he #as

a#a-. "hen rut sai$

*"he re#ar$ is less #orth than it ought to 2e, 2ut 5 #ill gie thee as muh meal as thou nee$st forth- househol$ ne4t #inter.*

"hen the- $re# the shi0 on lan$ on rollers, an$ ma$e her snug in her she$, 2ut all the #ares on2oar$ her the- arrie$ a#a- into the Dales #est#ar$. rut sta-e$ at home at rutste$e till #inter#as si4 #ee/s off, an$ then the 2rothers ma$e rea$-, an$ u<ur #ith them, to ri$e to rut's#e$$ing. Si4t- men ri$e #ith them, an$ the- ro$e east till the- ame to angrier 0lains. "here the-foun$ a ro#$ of guests, an$ the men too/ their seats on 2enhes $o#n the length of the hall, 2utthe #omen #ere seate$ on the ross 2enhes on the $ais, an$ the 2ri$e #as rather $o#nast. Sothe- $ran/ out the feast an$ it #ent off #ell. %or$ 0a-s $o#n his $aughter's 0ortion, an$ she ri$es

#est #ith her hus2an$ an$ his train. So the- ri$e till the- reah home. rut gae oer eer-thinginto her han$s insi$e the house, an$ all #ere 0lease$ at that 2ut for all that she an$ rut $i$ not0ull #ell together as man an$ #ife, an$ so things #ent on till s0ring, an$ #hen s0ring ame rutha$ a journe- to ma/e to the Westfirths, to get in the mone- for #hih he ha$ sol$ his #ares 2ut2efore he set off his #ife sa-s to him

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*Dost thou mean to 2e 2a/ 2efore men ri$e to the "hing7*

*Wh- $ost thou as/7* sai$ rut.

*5 #ill ri$e to the "hing,* she sai$, *to meet m- father.*

*So it shall 2e,* sai$ he, *an$ 5 #ill ri$e to the "hing along #ith thee.*

*Well an$ goo$,* she sa-s.

fter that rut ro$e from home #est to the &irths, got in all his mone-, an$ lai$ it out ane#, an$ro$e home again. When he ame home he 2us/e$ him to ri$e to the "hing, an$ ma$e all hisneigh2ours ri$e #ith him. is 2rother aus/ul$ ro$e among the rest. "hen rut sai$ to his #ife

*5f thou hast as muh min$ no# to go to the "hing as thou sai$st a #hile ago, 2us/ th-self an$ ri$ealong #ith me.*

She #as not slo# in getting herself rea$-, an$ then the- all ro$e to the "hing. nna #ent to herfather's 2ooth, an$ he gae her a heart- #elome, 2ut she seeme$ some#hat hea-hearte$, an$#hen he sa# that he sai$ to her

*5 hae seen thee #ith a merrier fae. ast thou an-thing on th- min$7*

She 2egan to #ee0, an$ ans#ere$ nothing. "hen he sai$ to her again, *Wh- $ost thou ri$e to the"hing, if thou #ilt not tell me th- seret7 Dost thou $isli/e liing a#a- there in the #est7*

"hen she ans#ere$ him

*5 #oul$ gie all 5 o#n in the #orl$ that 5 ha$ neer gone thither.*

*Well=* sai$ %or$, *5'll soon get to the 2ottom of this.* "hen he sen$s men to feth aus/ul$ an$rut, an$ the- ame straight#a- an$ #hen the- ame in to see %or$, he rose u0 to meet them an$

gae them a heart- #elome, an$ as/e$ them to sit $o#n. "hen the- tal/e$ a long time in a frien$l-#a-, an$ at last %or$ sai$ to aus/ul$

*Wh- $oes m- $aughter thin/ so ill of life in the #est -on$er7*

*3et her s0ea/ out,* sai$ rut, *if she has an-thing to la- to m- harge.*

But she 2rought no harge against him. "hen rut ma$e them as/ his neigh2ours an$ househol$ho# he treate$ her, an$ all 2ore him goo$ #itness, sa-ing that she $i$ just as she 0lease$ in thehouse.

"hen %or$ sai$, *ome thou shalt go, an$ 2e ontent #ith th- lot for all the #itness goes 2etter for

him than for thee*.

fter that rut ro$e home from the "hing, an$ his #ife #ith him, an$ all #ent smoothl- 2et#eenthem that summer 2ut #hen s0ring ame it #as the ol$ stor- oer again, an$ things gre# #orsean$ #orse as the s0ring #ent on. rut ha$ again a journe- to ma/e #est to the &irths, an$ gae outthat he #oul$ not ri$e to the lthing, 2ut nna his #ife sai$ little a2out it. So rut #ent a#a- #estto the &irths.

Chapter . - Unna separates fro% Hrut

No# the time for the "hing #as oming on, nna s0o/e to Sigmun$ u<ur's son, an$ as/e$ if he#oul$ ri$e to the "hing #ith her he sai$ he oul$ not ri$e if his /insman rut set his fae against it.

*Well=* sa-s she, *5 s0o/e to thee 2eause 5 hae 2etter right to as/ this from thee than from an-one else.*

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e ans#ere$, *5 #ill ma/e a 2argain #ith theeC thou must 0romise to ri$e 2a/ #est #ith me, an$ tohae no un$erhan$ $ealings against rut or m-self*.

So she 0romise$ that, an$ then the- ro$e to the "hing. er father %or$ #as at the "hing, an$ #aser- gla$ to see her, an$ as/e$ her to sta- in his 2ooth #hite the "hing laste$, an$ she $i$ so.

*No#,* sai$ %or$, *#hat hast thou to tell me of th- mate, rut7*

"hen she sung him a song, in #hih she 0raise$ rut's li2eralit-, 2ut sai$ he #as not master of 

himself. She herself #as ashame$ to s0ea/ out.

%or$ #as silent a short time, an$ then sai$

*"hou hast no# that on th- min$ 5 see, $aughter, #hih thou $ost not #ish that an- one shoul$/no# sae m-self, an$ thou #ilt trust to me rather than an- one else to hel0 thee out of th-trou2le.*

"hen the- #ent asi$e to tal/, to a 0lae #here none oul$ oerhear #hat the- sai$ an$ then %or$sai$ to his $aughter

*No# tell me all that is 2et#een -ou t#o, an$ $on't ma/e more of the matter than it is #orth.*

*So it shall 2e,* she ans#ere$, an$ sang t#o songs, in #hih she reeale$ the ause of theirmisun$erstan$ing an$ #hen %or$ 0resse$ her to s0ea/ out, she tol$ him ho# she an$ rut oul$not lie together, 2eause he #as s0ell2oun$, an$ that she #ishe$ to leae him.

*"hou $i$st right to tell me all this,* sai$ %or$, *an$ no# 5 #ill gie thee a 0iee of a$ie, #hih #illstan$ thee in goo$ stea$, if thou anst arr- it out to the letter. &irst of all, thou must ri$e homefrom the "hing, an$ 2- that time th- hus2an$ #ill hae ome 2a/, an$ #ill 2e gla$ to see theethou must he 2lithe an$ 2u4om to him, an$ he #ill thin/ a goo$ hange has ome oer thee, an$thou must sho# no signs of ol$ness or illtem0er, 2ut #hen s0ring omes thou must sham si/ness,an$ ta/e to th- 2e$. rut #ill not lose time in guessing #hat th- si/ness an 2e, nor #ill he sol$thee at all, 2ut he #ill rather 2eg eer- one to ta/e all the are the- an of thee. fter that he #illset off #est to the &irths, an$ Sigmun$ #ith him, for he #ill hae to flit all his goo$s home from the&irths #est, an$ he #ill 2e a#a- till the summer is far s0ent. But #hen men ri$e to the "hing, an$after all hae ri$$en from the Dales that mean to ri$e thither, then thou must rise from th- 2e$ an$summon men to go along #ith thee to the "hing an$ #hen thou art all2oun, then shalt thou go toth- 2e$, an$ the men #ith thee #ho are to 2ear thee om0an-, an$ thou shalt ta/e #itness 2eforeth- hus2an$'s 2e$, an$ $elare th-self se0arate$ from him 2- suh a la#ful se0aration as ma- hol$goo$ aor$ing to the ju$gment of the Great "hing, an$ the la#s of the lan$ an$ at the man's $oor>the main $oor of the house? thou shalt ta/e the same #itness. fter that ri$e a#a-, an$ ri$e oer3a4rier$ale eath, an$ so on oer olt2eaon eath for the- #ill loo/ for thee 2- #a- of rutfirth.n$ so ri$e on till thou omest to me then 5 #ill see after the matter. But into his han$s thou shaltneer ome more.*

No# she ri$es home from the "hing, an$ rut ha$ ome 2a/ 2efore her, an$ ma$e her heart-#elome. She ans#ere$ him /in$l-, an$ #as 2lithe an$ for2earing to#ar$s him. So the- lie$ha00il- together that half-ear 2ut #hen s0ring ame she fell si/, an$ /e0t her 2e$. rut set off #est to the &irths, an$ 2a$e them ten$ her #ell 2efore he #ent. No#, #hen the time for the "hingomes, she 2us/e$ herself to ri$e a#a-, an$ $i$ in eer- #a- as ha$ 2een lai$ $o#n for her an$then she ri$es a#a- to the "hing. "he ountr- fol/ loo/e$ for her, 2ut oul$ not fin$ her. %or$ ma$ehis $aughter #elome, an$ as/e$ her if she ha$ follo#e$ his a$ie an$ she sa-s, *5 hae not2ro/en one tittle of it*.

"hen she #ent to the ill of 3a#s, an$ $elare$ herself se0arate$ from rut an$ men thought thisstrange ne#s. nna #ent home #ith her father, an$ neer #ent #est from that $a- for#ar$.

Chapter / - Mord (lai%s his $oods fro% Hrut

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rut ame home, an$ /nit his 2ro#s #hen he hear$ his #ife #as gone, 2ut -et /e0t his feelings #ellin han$, an$ sta-e$ at home all that half-ear, an$ s0o/e to no one on the matter. Ne4t summer hero$e to the "hing, #ith his 2rother aus/ul$, an$ the- ha$ a great follo#ing. But #hen he ame tothe "hing, he as/e$ #hether &i$$le %or$ #ere at the "hing, an$ the- tol$ him he #as an$ allthought the- #oul$ ome to #or$s at one a2out their matter, 2ut it #as not so. t last, one $a-#hen the 2rothers an$ others #ho #ere at the "hing #ent to the ill of 3a#s, %or$ too/ #itness an$$elare$ that he ha$ a mone-suit against rut for his $aughter's $o#er, an$ re/one$ the amountat ninet- hun$re$s in goo$s, alling on rut at the same time to 0a- an$ han$ it oer to him, an$as/ing for a fine of three mar/s. e lai$ the suit in the uarter ourt, into #hih it #oul$ ome 2-la#, an$ gae la#ful notie, so that all #ho stoo$ on the ill of 3a#s might hear.

But #hen he ha$ thus s0o/en, rut sai$

*"hou hast un$erta/en this suit, #hih 2elongs to th- $aughter, rather for the gree$ of gain an$ loeof strife than in /in$liness an$ manliness. But 5 shall hae something to sa- against it for the goo$s#hih 2elong to me are not -et in th- han$s. No#, #hat 5 hae to sa- is this, an$ 5 sa- it out, sothat all #ho hear me on this hill ma- 2ear #itnessC 5 hallenge thee to fight on the islan$ there onone si$e shall 2e lai$ all th- $aughter's $o#er, an$ on the other 5 #ill la- $o#n goo$s #orth asmuh, an$ #hoeer #ins the $a- shall hae 2oth $o#er an$ goo$s 2ut if thou #ilt not fight #ithme, then thou shalt gie u0 all laim to these goo$s.*

"hen %or$ hel$ his 0eae, an$ too/ ounsel #ith his frien$s a2out going to fight on the islan$, an$@orun$ the 0riest gae him an ans#er.

*"here is no nee$ for thee to ome to as/ us for ounsel in this matter, for thou /no#est if thoufightest #ith rut thou #ilt lose 2oth life an$ goo$s. e has a goo$ ause, an$ is 2esi$es might- inhimself an$ one of the 2ol$est of men.*

"hen %or$ s0o/e out, that he #oul$ not fight #ith rut, an$ there arose a great shout an$ hootingon the hill, an$ %or$ got the greatest shame 2- his suit.

fter that men ri$e home from the "hing, an$ those 2rothers aus/ul$ an$ rut ri$e #est toe-/iar$ale, an$ turne$ in as guests at 3un$, #here "hiostolf, Biorn Gull2era's son, then $#elt.

"here ha$ 2een muh rain that $a-, an$ men got #et, so longfires #ere ma$e $o#n the length of the hall. "hiostolf, the master of the house, sat 2et#een aus/ul$ an$ rut, an$ t#o 2o-s, of #hom"hiostolf ha$ the rearing, #ere 0la-ing on the floor, an$ a girl #as 0la-ing #ith them. "he- #eregreat hatter2o4es, for the- #ere too -oung to /no# 2etter. So one of them sai$

*No#, 5 #ill 2e %or$, an$ summon thee to lose th- #ife 2eause thou hast not 2een a goo$ hus2an$to her.*

"hen the other ans#ere$

*5 #ill 2e rut, an$ 5 all on thee to gie u0 all laim to th- goo$s, if thou $arest not to fight #ithme.*

"his the- sai$ seeral times, an$ all the househol$ 2urst out laughing. "hen aus/ul$ got #roth,an$ stru/ the 2o- #ho alle$ himself %or$ #ith a s#ith, an$ the 2lo# fell on his fae, an$ grae$the s/in.

*Get out #ith thee,* sai$ aus/ul$ to the 2o-, *an$ ma/e no game of us* 2ut rut sai$, *omehither to me,* an$ the 2o- $i$ so. "hen rut $re# a ring from his finger an$ gae it to him, an$ sai$

*Go a#a-, an$ tr- no man's tem0er heneforth.*

"hen the 2o- #ent a#a- sa-ing

*"h- manliness 5 #ill 2ear in min$ all m- life.*

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&rom this matter rut got great 0raise, an$ after that the- #ent home an$ that #as the en$ of %or$'s an$ rut's uarrel.

Chapter 0 - Thorwald $ets Hall$erda to wife

No#, it must 2e tol$ ho# allger$a, aus/ul$'s $aughter, gro#s u0, an$ is the fairest of #omen toloo/ on she #as tall of stature, too, an$ therefore she #as alle$ *3ongoat*. She #as fairhaire$,an$ ha$ so muh of it that she oul$ hi$e herself in it 2ut she #as laish an$ har$hearte$. er

fosterfather's name #as "hiostolf he #as a South islan$er 2- sto/ he #as a strong man, #ells/ille$ in arms, an$ ha$ slain man- men, an$ ma$e no atonement in mone- for one of them. 5t #assai$, too, that his rearing ha$ not 2ettere$ allger$a's tem0er.

"here #as a man name$ "hor#al$ he #as 9s#if's son, an$ $#elt out on %i$$lefells stran$, un$erthe &ell. e #as rih an$ #ell to $o, an$ o#ne$ the islan$s alle$ Bearisles, #hih lie out inBroa$firth, #hene he got meal an$ sto/ fish. "his "hor#al$ #as a strong an$ ourteous man,though some#hat hast- in tem0er. No#, it fell out one $a- that "hor#al$ an$ his father #ere tal/ingtogether of "hor#al$'s marr-ing, an$ #here he ha$ 2est loo/ for a #ife, an$ it soon ame out thathe thought there #asn't a math fit for him far or near.

*Well,* sai$ 9s#if, *#ilt thou as/ for allger$a 3ongoat, aus/ul$'s $aughter7*

*:es= 5 #ill as/ for her,* sai$ "hor#al$.

*But that is not a math that #ill suit either of -ou,* 9s#if #ent on to sa-, *for she has a #ill of hero#n, an$ thou art sterntem0ere$ an$ un-iel$ing.*

*&or all that 5 #ill tr- m- lu/ there,* sai$ "hor#al$, *so it's no goo$ tr-ing to hin$er me.*

*-=* sai$ 9s#if, *an$ the ris/ is all thine o#n.*

fter that the- set off on a #ooing journe- to aus/ul$ste$e, an$ ha$ a heart- #elome. "he- #ere

not long in telling aus/ul$ their 2usiness, an$ 2egan to #oo then aus/ul$ ans#ere$

*s for -ou, 5 /no# ho# -ou 2oth stan$ in the #orl$, 2ut for m- o#n 0art 5 #ill use no guile to#ar$s-ou. %- $aughter has a har$ tem0er, 2ut as to her loo/s an$ 2ree$ing -ou an 2oth see for-ourseles.*

*3a- $o#n the terms of the math,* ans#ere$ "hor#al$, *for 5 #ill not let her tem0er stan$ in the#a- of our 2argain.*

"hen the- tal/e$ oer the terms of the 2argain, an$ aus/ul$ neer as/e$ his $aughter #hat shethought of it, for his heart #as set on giing her a#a-, an$ so the- ame to an un$erstan$ing as tothe terms of the math. fter that "hor#al$ 2etrothe$ himself to allger$a, an$ ro$e a#a- home

#hen the matter #as settle$.

Chapter 1 - Hall$erda's weddin$

aus/ul$ tol$ allger$a of the 2argain he ha$ ma$e, an$ she sai$

*No# that has 2een 0ut to the 0roof #hih 5 hae all along 2een afrai$ of, that thou loest me not somuh as thou art al#a-s sa-ing, #hen thou hast not thought it #orth #hile to tell me a #or$ of allthis matter. Besi$es, 5 $o not thin/ the math as goo$ a one as thou hast al#a-s 0romise$ me.*

So she #ent on, an$ let them /no# in eer- #a- that she thought she #as thro#n a#a-.

"hen aus/ul$ sai$

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*5 $o not set so muh store 2- th- 0ri$e as to let it stan$ in the #a- of m- 2argains an$ m- #ill,not thine, shall arr- the $a- if #e fell out on an- 0oint.*

*"he 0ri$e of all -ou /insfol/ is great,* she sai$, *an$ so it is not #on$erful if 5 hae some of it.*

With that she #ent a#a-, an$ foun$ her fosterfather "hiostolf, an$ tol$ him #hat #as in store forher, an$ #as er- hea-hearte$. "hen "hiostolf sai$

*Be of goo$ heer, for thou #ilt 2e marrie$ a seon$ time, an$ then the- #ill as/ thee #hat thou

thin/est of the math for 5 #ill $o in all things as thou #ishest, e4e0t in #hat touhes th- father orrut.*

fter that the- s0o/e no more of the matter, an$ aus/ul$ ma$e rea$- the 2ri$al feast, an$ ro$e off to as/ men to it. So he ame to rutste$e an$ alle$ rut out to s0ea/ #ith him. rut #ent out, an$the- 2egan to tal/, an$ aus/ul$ tol$ him the #hole stor- of the 2argain, an$ 2a$e him to the feast,sa-ing

*5 shoul$ 2e gla$ to /no# that thou $ost not feel hurt though 5 $i$ not tell thee #hen the 2argain#as 2eing ma$e.*

*5 shoul$ 2e 2etter 0lease$,* sai$ rut, *to hae nothing at all to $o #ith it for this math #ill 2ring

lu/ neither to him nor to her 2ut still 5 #ill ome to the feast if thou thin/est it #ill a$$ an- honourto thee.*

*9f ourse 5 thin/ so,* sai$ aus/ul$, an$ ro$e off home.

9s#if an$ "hor#al$ also as/e$ men to ome, so that no fe#er than one hun$re$ guests #ere as/e$.

"here #as a man name$ S#an, #ho $#elt in Bearfirth, #hih lies north from Steingrimsfirth. "hisS#an #as a great #i<ar$, an$ he #as allger$a's mother's 2rother. e #as uarrelsome, an$ har$to $eal #ith, 2ut allger$a as/e$ him to the feast, an$ sen$s "hiostolf to him so he #ent, an$ itsoon got to frien$shi0 2et#een him an$ S#an.

No# men ome to the feast, an$ allger$a sat u0on the ross2enh, an$ she #as a er- merr-2ri$e. "hiostolf #as al#a-s tal/ing to her, though he sometimes foun$ time to s0ea/ to S#an, an$men thought their tal/ing strange. "he feast #ent off #ell, an$ aus/ul$ 0ai$ $o#n allger$a's0ortion #ith the greatest rea$iness. fter he ha$ $one that, he sai$ to rut

*Shall 5 2ring out an- gifts 2esi$e7*

*"he $a- #ill ome,* ans#ere$ rut, *#hen thou #ilt hae to #aste th- goo$s for allger$a's sa/e,so hol$ th- han$ no#.*

Chapter 11 - Thorwald's slayin$

"hor#al$ ro$e home from the 2ri$al feast, an$ his #ife #ith him, an$ "hiostolf, #ho ro$e 2- herhorse's si$e, an$ still tal/e$ to her in a lo# oie. 9s#if turne$ to his son an$ sai$

*rt thou 0lease$ #ith th- math7 an$ ho# #ent it #hen -e tal/e$ together7*

*Well,* sai$ he, *she sho#e$ all /in$ness to me. "hou mightst see that 2- the #a- she laughs ateer- #or$ 5 sa-.*

*5 $on't thin/ her laughter so heart- as thou $ost,* ans#ere$ 9s#if, *2ut this #ill 2e 0ut to the 0roof 2- an$ 2-.*

So the- ri$e on till the- ome home, an$ at night she too/ her seat 2- her hus2an$'s si$e, an$ma$e room for "hiostolf ne4t herself on the insi$e. "hiostolf an$ "hor#al$ ha$ little to $o #ith eahother, an$ fe# #or$s #ere thro#n a#a- 2et#een them that #inter, an$ so time #ent on. allger$a

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#as 0ro$igal an$ gras0ing, an$ there #as nothing that an- of their neigh2ours ha$ that she mustnot hae too, an$ all that she ha$, no matter #hether it #ere her o#n or 2elonge$ to others, she#aite$. But #hen the s0ring ame there #as a sarit- in the house, 2oth of meal an$ sto/ fish, soallger$a #ent u0 to "hor#al$ an$ sai$

*"hou must not 2e sitting in$oors an- longer, for #e #ant for the house 2oth meal an$ fish.*

*Well,* sai$ "hor#al$, *5 $i$ not la- in less for the house this -ear than 5 lai$ in 2efore, an$ then ituse$ to last till summer.*

*What are 5,* sai$ allger$a, *if thou an$ th- father hae ma$e -our mone- 2- staring-ourseles.*

"hen "hor#al$ got angr- an$ gae her a 2lo# on the fae an$ $re# 2loo$, an$ #ent a#a- an$alle$ his men an$ ran the s/iff $o#n to the shore. "hen si4 of them jum0e$ into her an$ ro#e$ outto the Bearisles, an$ 2egan to loa$ her #ith meal an$ fish.

%eantime it is sai$ that allger$a sat out of $oors hea- at heart. "hiostolf #ent u0 to her an$ sa#the #oun$ on her fae, an$ sai$

*Who has 2een 0la-ing thee this sorr- tri/7*

*%- hus2an$ "hor#al$,* she sai$, *an$ thou stoo$st aloof, though thou #oul$st not if thou ha$stare$ at all for me.*

*Beause 5 /ne# nothing a2out it,* sai$ "hiostolf, *2ut 5 #ill aenge it.*

"hen he #ent a#a- $o#n to the shore an$ ran out a si4oare$ 2oat, an$ hel$ in his han$ a great a4ethat he ha$ #ith a haft oerlai$ #ith iron. e ste0s into the 2oat an$ ro#s out to the Bearisles, an$#hen he got there all the men ha$ ro#e$ a#a- 2ut "hor#al$ an$ his follo#ers, an$ he sta-e$ 2- thes/iff to loa$ her, #hile the- 2rought the goo$s $o#n to him. So "hiostolf ame u0 just then an$

 jum0e$ into the s/iff an$ 2egan to loa$ #ith him, an$ after a #hile he sai$

*"hou anst $o 2ut little at this #or/, an$ that little thou $ost 2a$l-.*

*"hin/est thou thou anst $o it 2etter7* sai$ "hor#al$.

*"here's one thing to 2e $one #hih 5 an $o 2etter than thou,* sai$ "hiostolf, an$ then he #ent on

*"he #oman #ho is th- #ife has ma$e a 2a$ math, an$ -ou shall not lie muh longer together.*

"hen "hor#al$ snathe$ u0 a fishing/nife that la- 2- him, an$ ma$e a sta2 at "hiostolf he ha$lifte$ his a4e to his shoul$er an$ $ashe$ it $o#n. 5t ame on "hor#al$'s arm an$ rushe$ the #rist,2ut $o#n fell the /nife. "hen "hiostolf lifte$ u0 his a4e a seon$ time an$ gae "hor#al$ a 2lo# on

the hea$, an$ he fell $ea$ on the s0ot.

Chapter 12 - Thiostolf's fli$ht

While this #as going on, "hor#al$'s men ame $o#n #ith their loa$, 2ut "hiostolf #as not slo# inhis 0lans. e he#e$ #ith 2oth han$s at the gun#ale of the s/iff an$ ut it $o#n a2out t#o 0lan/sthen he lea0t into his 2oat, 2ut the $ar/ 2lue sea 0oure$ into the s/iff, an$ $o#n she #ent #ith allher freight. Do#n too san/ "hor#al$'s 2o$-, so that his men oul$ not see #hat ha$ 2een $one tohim, 2ut the- /ne# #ell enough that he #as $ea$, "hiostolf ro#e$ a#a- u0 the firth, 2ut the-shoute$ after him #ishing him ill lu/. e ma$e them no ans#er, 2ut ro#e$ on till he got home, an$ran the 2oat u0 on the 2eah, an$ #ent u0 to the house #ith his a4e, all 2loo$- as it #as, on his

shoul$er. allger$a stoo$ out of $oors, an$ sai$

*"hine a4e is 2loo$- #hat hast thou $one7*

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*5 hae $one no# #hat #ill ause thee to 2e #e$$e$ a seon$ time.*

*"hou tellest me then that "hor#al$ is $ea$7* she sai$.

*So it is,* sai$ he, *an$ no# loo/ out for m- safet-.*

*So 5 #ill,* she sai$ *5 #ill sen$ thee north to Bearfirth, to S#anshol, an$ S#an, m- /insman, #illreeie thee #ith o0en arms. e is so might- a man that no one #ill see/ thee thither.*

So he sa$$le$ a horse that she ha$, an$ jum0e$ on his 2a/, an$ ro$e off north to Bearfirth, toS#anshol, an$ S#an reeie$ him #ith o0en arms, an$ sai$

*"hat's #hat 5 all a man #ho $oes not sti/ at trifles= n$ no# 5 0romise thee if the- see/ theehere, the- shall get nothing 2ut the greatest shame.*

No#, the stor- goes 2a/ to allger$a, an$ ho# she 2ehae$. She alle$ on 3iot the 2la/, her/insman, to go #ith her, an$ 2a$e him sa$$le their horses, for she sai$ *5 #ill ri$e home to m-father*.

While he ma$e rea$- for their journe-, she #ent to her hests an$ unlo/e$ them, an$ alle$ all themen of her house a2out her, an$ gae eah of them some gift 2ut the- all griee$ at her going.No# she ri$es home to her father an$ he reeie$ her #ell, for as -et he ha$ not hear$ the ne#s.But rut sai$ to allger$a

*Wh- $i$ not "hor#al$ ome #ith thee7* an$ she ans#ere$

*e is $ea$.*

"hen Sai$ aus/ul$

*"hat #as "hiostolf's $oing7*

*5t #as,* she sai$.

*h=* sai$ aus/ul$, *rut #as not for #rong #hen he tol$ me that this 2argain #oul$ $ra# mi/lemisfortune after it. But there's no goo$ in trou2ling one's self a2out a thing that's $one an$ gone.*

No# the stor- must go 2a/ to "hor#al$'s mates, ho# there the- ate, an$ ho# the- 2egge$ the loanof a 2oat to get to the mainlan$. So a 2oat #as lent them at one, an$ the- ro#e$ u0 the firth toe-/ianess, an$ foun$ 9s#if, an$ tol$ him these ti$ings.

e sai$, *5ll lu/ is the en$ of ill re$es, an$ no# 5 see ho# it has all gone. allger$a must hae sent"hiostolf to Bearfirth, 2ut she herself must hae ri$$en home to her father. 3et us no# gather fol/an$ follo# him u0 thither north.* So the- $i$ that, an$ #ent a2out as/ing for hel0, an$ got together

man- men. n$ then the- all ro$e off to Steingrims rier, an$ so on to 3iotrier$ale an$ Selrier$ale,till the- ame to Bearfirth.

No# S#an 2egan to s0ea/, an$ gas0e$ muh. *No# 9s#if's fethes are see/ing us out.* "hen u0s0rung "hiostolf, 2ut S#an sai$, *Go thou out #ith me, there #on't 2e nee$ of muh*. So the- #entout 2oth of them, an$ S#an too/ a goats/in an$ #ra00e$ it a2out his o#n hea$, an$ sai$, *Beomemist an$ fog, 2eome fright an$ #on$er mi/le to all those #ho see/ thee*.

No#, it must 2e tol$ ho# 9s#if, his frien$s, an$ his men are ri$ing along the ri$ge then ame agreat mist against them, an$ 9s#if sai$, *"his is S#an's $oing 't#ere #ell if nothing #orsefollo#e$*. little after a might- $ar/ness ame 2efore their e-es, so that the- oul$ see nothing,an$ then the- fell off their horses' 2a/s, an$ lost their horses, an$ $ro00e$ their #ea0ons, an$

#ent oer hea$ an$ ears into 2ogs, an$ some #ent astra- into the #oo$, till the- #ere on the 2rin/of 2o$il- harm. "hen 9s#if sai$, *5f 5 oul$ onl- fin$ m- horse an$ #ea0ons, then 5'$ turn 2a/*an$ he ha$ sare s0o/en these #or$s than the- sa# some#hat, an$ foun$ their horses an$#ea0ons. "hen man- still egge$ the others on to loo/ after the hase one more an$ so the- $i$,an$ at one the same #on$ers 2efell them, an$ so the- fare$ thrie. "hen 9s#if sai$, *"hough the

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ourse 2e not goo$, let us still turn 2a/. No#, #e #ill ta/e ounsel a seon$ time, an$ #hat no#0leases m- min$ 2est, is to go an$ fin$ aus/ul$, an$ as/ atonement for m- son for there's ho0eof honour #here there's goo$ store of it.*

So the- ro$e thene to the Broa$firth $ales, an$ there is nothing to 2e tol$ a2out them till the-ome to aus/ul$ste$e, an$ rut #as there 2efore them. 9s#if alle$ out aus/ul$ an$ rut, an$the- 2oth #ent out an$ 2a$e him goo$$a-. fter that the- 2egan to tal/. aus/ul$ as/e$ 9s#if #hene he ame. e sai$ he ha$ set out to searh for "hiostolf, 2ut oul$n't fin$ him. aus/ul$ sai$he must hae gone north to S#anshol, *an$ thither it is not eer- man's lot to go to fin$ him*.

*Well,* sa-s 9s#if, *5 am ome hither for this, to as/ atonement for m- son from thee.*

aus/ul$ ans#ere$ *5 $i$ not sla- th- son, nor $i$ 5 0lot his $eath still it ma- 2e forgien thee toloo/ for atonement some#here*.

*Nose is ne4t of /in, 2rother, to e-es,* sai$ rut, *an$ it is nee$ful to sto0 all eil tongues, an$ toma/e him atonement for his son, an$ so men$ th- $aughter's state, for that #ill onl- 2e the ase#hen this suit is $ro00e$, an$ the less that is sai$ a2out it the 2etter it #ill 2e.*

aus/ul$ sai$ *Wilt thou un$erta/e the a#ar$7*

*"hat 5 #ill,* sa-s rut, *nor #ill 5 shiel$ thee at all in m- a#ar$ for if the truth must 2e tol$ th-$aughter 0lanne$ his $eath.*

"hen rut hel$ his 0eae some little #hile, an$ after#ar$s he stoo$ u0, an$ sai$ to 9s#if *"a/eno# m- han$ in han$sel as a to/en that thou lettest the suit $ro0*.

So 9s#if stoo$ u0 an$ sai$ *"his is not an atonement on eual terms #hen th- 2rother utters thea#ar$, 2ut still thou (s0ea/ing to rut) hast 2ehae$ so #ell a2out it that 5 trust thee thoroughl- toma/e it* "hen he stoo$ u0 an$ too/ aus/ul$'s han$, an$ ame to an atonement in the matter, onthe un$erstan$ing that rut #as to ma/e u0 his min$ an$ utter the a#ar$ 2efore 9s#if #ent a#a-.fter that, rut ma$e his a#ar$, an$ sai$ *&or the sla-ing of "hor#al$ 5 a#ar$ t#o hun$re$ insiler* that #as then thought a goo$ 0rie for a man *an$ thou shalt 0a- it $o#n at one,

2rother, an$ 0a- it too #ith an o0en han$*.

aus/ul$ $i$ so, an$ then rut sai$ to 9s#if *5 #ill gie thee a goo$ loa/ #hih 5 2rought #ith mefrom foreign lan$s*.

e than/e$ him for his gift, an$ #ent home #ell 0lease$ at the #a- in #hih things ha$ gone.

fter that aus/ul$ an$ rut ame to 9s#if to share the goo$s, an$ the- an$ 9s#if ame to a goo$agreement a2out that too, an$ the- #ent home #ith their share of the goo$s, an$ 9s#if is no# outof our stor-. allger$a 2egge$ aus/ul$ to let her ome 2a/ home to him, an$ he gae her leae,an$ for a long time there #as muh tal/ a2out "hor#al$'s sla-ing. s for allger$a'a goo$s the-#ent on gro#ing till the- #ere #orth a great sum.

Chapter 1 - !lu%'s wooin$

No# three 2rothers are name$ in the stor-. 9ne #as alle$ "horarin, the seon$ agi, an$ the thir$Glum. "he- #ere the sons of 9lof the alt, an$ #ere men of muh #orth an$ of great #ealth ingoo$s. "horarin's surname #as agi's 2rother he ha$ the S0ea/ershi0 of the 3a# after afn eing'sson. e #as a er- #ise man, an$ lie$ at +armale/, an$ he an$ Glum /e0t house together. Glumha$ 2een long a2roa$ he #as a tall, strong, han$some man. agi their 2rother #as a great mansla-er. "hose 2rothers o#ne$ in the south Enge- an$ 3augarness. 9ne $a- the 2rothers "horarin an$Glum #ere tal/ing together, an$ "horarin as/e$ Glum #hether he meant to go a2roa$, as #as his


e ans#ere$ *5 #as rather thin/ing no# of leaing off tra$ing o-ages*.

*What hast thou then in th- min$7 Wilt thou #oo thee a #ife7*

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*"hat 5 #ill,* sa-s he, *if 5 oul$ onl- get m-self #ell mathe$.*

"hen "horarin tol$ off all the #omen #ho #ere un#e$$e$ in Borgarfirth, an$ as/e$ him if he #oul$hae an- of these *Sa- the #or$, an$ 5 #ill ri$e #ith thee=*

But Glum ans#ere$ *5 #ill hae none of these*.*Sa- then the name of her thou #ishest to hae,* sa-s "horarin.Glum ans#ere$ *5f thou must /no#, her name is allger$a, an$ she is aus/ul$'s

$aughter a#a- #est in the $ales*.*Well,* sa-s "horarin, *'tis not #ith thee as the sa# sa-s, '2e #arne$ 2- another's#oe' for she #as #e$$e$ to a man, an$ she 0lotte$ his $eath.*Glum sai$ *%a- 2e suh illlu/ #ill not 2efall her a seon$ time, an$ sure 5 amshe #ill not 0lot m- $eath. But no#, if thou #ilt sho# me an- honour, ri$e along#ith me to #oo her.*"horarin sai$ *"here's no goo$ striing against it, for #hat must 2e is sure toha00en*. Glum often tal/e$ the matter oer #ith "horarin, 2ut he 0ut it off a longtime. t last it ame a2out that the- gathere$ men together an$ ro$e off ten inom0an-, #est to the $ales, an$ ame to aus/ul$ste$e. aus/ul$ gae them aheart- #elome, an$ the- sta-e$ there that night. But earl- ne4t morning,aus/ul$ sen$s rut, an$ he ame thither at one an$ aus/ul$ #as out of $oors#hen he ro$e into the *to#n*. "hen aus/ul$ tol$ rut #hat men ha$ ome thither.*What ma- it 2e the- #ant7* as/e$ rut*s -et,* sa-s aus/ul$, *the- hae not let out to me that the- hae an- 2usiness.**Still,* sa-s rut, *their 2usiness must 2e #ith thee. "he- #ill as/ the han$ of th-$aughter, allger$a. 5f the- $o, #hat ans#er #ilt thou ma/e7**What $ost thou a$ise me to sa-7* sa-s aus/ul$.*"hou shalt ans#er #ell,* sa-s rut *2ut still ma/e a lean 2reast of all the goo$an$ all the ill thou /no#est of the #oman.*But #hile the 2rothers #ere tal/ing thus, out ame the guests. aus/ul$ greete$

them #ell, an$ rut 2a$e 2oth "horarin an$ his 2rothers goo$ morning. fter thatthe- all 2egan to tal/, an$ "horarin sai$ *5 am ome hither, aus/ul$, #ith m- 2rother Glum on this erran$, to as/ forallger$a th- $aughter, at the han$ of m- 2rother Glum. "hou must /no# that he isa man of #orth.**5 /no# #ell,* sa-s aus/ul$, *that -e are 2oth of -ou 0o#erful an$ #orth- men2ut 5 must tell -ou right out, that 5 hose a hus2an$ for her 2efore, an$ that turne$out most unlu/il- for us.*"horarin ans#ere$ *We #ill not let that stan$ in the #a- of the 2argain for oneoath shall not 2eome all oaths, an$ this ma- 0roe to 2e a goo$ math, though

that turne$ out ill 2esi$es "hiostolf ha$ most han$ in s0oiling it*."hen rut s0o/eC *No# 5 #ill gie -ou a 2it of a$ie thisC if -e #ill not let all thisthat has alrea$- ha00ene$ to allger$a stan$ in the #a- of the math, min$ -ou $onot let "hiostolf go south #ith her if the math omes off, an$ that he is neer therelonger than three nights at a time, unless Glum gies him leae, 2ut fall an outla#2- Glum's han$ #ithout atonement if he sta- there longer. 9f ourse, it shall 2e inGlum's 0o#er to gie him leae 2ut he #ill not if he ta/es m- a$ie. n$ no# thismath, shall not 2e fulfille$, as the other #as, #ithout allger$a's /no#le$ge. Sheshall no# /no# the #hole ourse of this 2argain, an$ see Glum, an$ herself settle#hether she #ill hae him or not an$ then she #ill not 2e a2le to la- the 2lame on

others if it $oes not turn out #ell. n$ all this shall 2e #ithout raft or guile.*"hen "horarin sai$ *No#, as al#a-s, it #ill 0roe 2est if th- a$ie 2e ta/en*."hen the- sent for allger$a, an$ she ame thither, an$ t#o #omen #ith her. Sheha$ on a loa/ of rih 2lue #ool, an$ un$er it a sarlet /irtle, an$ a siler gir$le

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roun$ her #aist, 2ut her hair ame $o#n on 2oth si$es of her 2osom, an$ she ha$turne$ the lo/s u0 un$er her gir$le. She sat $o#n 2et#een rut an$ her father,an$ she greete$ them all #ith /in$ #or$s, an$ s0o/e #ell an$ 2ol$l-, an$ as/e$#hat #as the ne#s. fter that she ease$ s0ea/ing."hen Glum sai$ *"here has 2een some tal/ 2et#een th- father an$ m- 2rother"horarin an$ m-self a2out a 2argain. 5t #as that 5 might get thee, allger$a, if it 2eth- #ill, as it is theirs an$ no#, if thou art a 2rae #oman, thou #ilt sa- right out#hether the math is at all to th- min$ 2ut if thou hast an-thing in th- heart

against this 2argain #ith us, then #e #ill not sa- an-thing more a2out it.*allger$a sai$ *5 /no# #ell that -ou are men of #orth an$ might, -e 2rothers. 5/no# too that no# 5 shall 2e muh 2etter #e$$e$ than 5 #as 2efore 2ut #hat 5#ant to /no# is, #hat -ou hae sai$ alrea$- a2out the math, an$ ho# far -ouhae gien -our #or$s in the matter. But so far as 5 no# see of thee, 5 thin/ 5 mightloe thee #ell if #e an 2ut hit it off as to tem0er.*So Glum himself tol$ her all a2out the 2argain, an$ left nothing out, an$ then heas/e$ aus/ul$ an$ rut #hether he ha$ re0eate$ it right. aus/ul$ sai$ he ha$an$ then allger$a sai$ *:e hae $ealt so #ell #ith me in this matter, m- fatheran$ rut, that 5 #ill $o #hat -e a$ise, an$ this 2argain shall 2e stru/ as -e hae

settle$ it*."hen rut sai$ *%ethin/s it #ere 2est that aus/ul$ an$ 5 shoul$ name #itnesses,an$ that allger$a shoul$ 2etroth herself, if the 3a#man thin/s that right an$la#ful*.*ight an$ la#ful it is,* sa-s "horarin.fter that allger$a's goo$s #ere alue$, an$ Glum #as to la- $o#n as muhagainst them, an$ the- #ere to go shares, half an$ half, in the #hole. "hen Glum2oun$ himself to allger$a as his 2etrothe$, an$ the- ro$e a#a- home south 2utaus/ul$ #as to /ee0 the #e$$ingfeast at his house. n$ no# all is uiet till menri$e to the #e$$ing.

Chapter 1& - !lu%'s weddin$

"hose 2rothers gathere$ together a great om0an-, an$ the- #ere all 0i/e$ men."he- ro$e #est to the $ales an$ ame to aus/ul$ste$e, an$ there the- foun$ agreat gathering to meet them. aus/ul$ an$ rut, an$ their frien$s, fille$ one2enh, an$ the 2ri$egroom the other. allger$a sat u0on the ross2enh on the$ais, an$ 2ehae$ #ell. "hiostolf #ent a2out #ith his a4e raise$ in air, an$ no oneseeme$ to /no# that he #as there, an$ so the #e$$ing #ent off #ell. But #hen thefeast #as oer, allger$a #ent a#a- south #ith Glum an$ his 2rothers. So #henthe- ame south to +armale/, "horarin as/e$ allger$a if she #oul$ un$erta/e thehouse/ee0ing, *No, 5 #ill not,* she sai$. allger$a /e0t her tem0er $o#n that#inter, an$ the- li/e$ her #ell enough. But #hen the s0ring ame, the 2rotherstal/e$ a2out their 0ro0ert-, an$ "horarin sai$ *5 #ill gie u0 to -ou the house at+armale/, for that is rea$iest to -our han$, an$ 5 #ill go $o#n south to 3augarnessan$ lie there, 2ut Enge- #e #ill hae 2oth of us in ommon*.Glum #as #illing enough to $o that. So "horarin #ent $o#n to the south of that$istrit, an$ Glum an$ his #ife sta-e$ 2ehin$ there, an$ lie$ in the house at+armale/.No# allger$a got a househol$ a2out her she #as 0ro$igal in giing, an$ gras0ing

in getting. 5n the summer she gae 2irth to a girl. Glum as/e$ her #hat name it#as to hae.

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*She shall 2e alle$ after m- father's mother, an$ her name shall 2e "horger$a,* forshe ame $o#n from Sigur$ &afnir's2ane on the father's si$e, aor$ing to thefamil- 0e$igree.So the mai$en #as s0rin/le$ #ith #ater, an$ ha$ this name gien her, an$ thereshe gre# u0, an$ got li/e her mother in loo/s an$ feature. Glum an$ allger$aagree$ #ell together, an$ so it #ent on for a #hile. 2out that time these ti$ings#ere hear$ from the north an$ Bearfirth, ho# S#an ha$ ro#e$ out to fish in thes0ring, an$ a great storm ame $o#n on him from the east, an$ ho# he #as $rien

ashore at &ishless, an$ he an$ his men #ere there lost. But the fishermen #ho#ere at ;al2a/ thought the- sa# S#an go into the fell at ;al2a/shorn, an$ thathe #as greete$ #ell 2ut some s0o/e against that stor-, an$ sai$ there #as nothingin it. But this all /ne# that he #as neer seen again either alie or $ea$. So #henallger$a hear$ that, she thought she ha$ a great loss in her mother's 2rother.Glum 2egge$ "horarin to hange lan$s #ith him, 2ut he sai$ he #oul$ not *2ut,*sai$ he, *if 5 outlie -ou, 5 mean to hae +armale/ to m-self*. When Glum tol$ thisto allger$a, she sai$, *"horarin has in$ee$ a right to e40et this from us*.

Chapter 1) - Thiostolf $oes to !lu%'s house

"hiostolf ha$ 2eaten one of aus/ul$'s housearles, so he $roe him a#a-. etoo/ his horse an$ #ea0ons, an$ sai$ to aus/ul$ *No#, 5 #ill go a#a- an$ neer ome 2a/.**ll #ill 2e gla$ at that,* sa-s aus/ul$."hiostolf ro$e till he ame to +armale/, an$ there he got a heart- #elome fromallger$a, an$ not a 2a$ one from Glum. e tol$ allger$a ho# her father ha$$rien him a#a-, an$ 2egge$ her to gie him her hel0 an$ ountenane. Sheans#ere$ him 2- telling him she oul$ sa- nothing a2out his sta-ing there 2efore

she ha$ seen Glum a2out it.*Does it go #ell 2et#een -ou7* he sa-s.*:es,* she sa-s, *our loe runs smooth enough.*fter that she #ent to s0ea/ to Glum, an$ thre# her arms roun$ his ne/ an$ sai$ *Wilt thou grant me a 2oon #hih 5 #ish to as/ of thee7**Grant it 5 #ill,* he sa-s, *if it 2e right an$ seeml- 2ut #hat is it thou #ishest toas/7**Well,* she sai$, *"hiostolf has 2een $rien a#a- from the #est, an$ #hat 5 #antthee to $o is to let him sta- here 2ut 5 #ill not ta/e it rossl- if it is not to th-min$.*Glum sai$ *No# that thou 2ehaest so #ell, 5 #ill grant thee th- 2oon 2ut 5 tellthee, if he ta/es to an- ill he shall 2e sent off at one*.She goes then to "hiostolf an$ tells him, an$ he ans#ere$ *No#, thou art still goo$, as 5 ha$ ho0e$.*fter that he #as there, an$ /e0t himself $o#n a little #hite, 2ut then it #as the ol$stor-, he seeme$ to s0oil all the goo$ he foun$ for he gae #a- to no one sae toallger$a alone, 2ut she neer too/ his si$e in his 2ra#ls #ith others. "horarin,Glum's 2rother, 2lame$ him for letting him 2e there, an$ sai$ ill lu/ #oul$ ome of it, an$ all #oul$ ha00en as ha$ ha00ene$ 2efore if he #ere there. Glum ans#ere$him #ell an$ /in$l-, 2ut still /e0t on in his o#n #a-.

Chapter 1, - !lu%'s sheep hunt

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*What thin/est thou is 2est to 2e $one no#7* he as/e$.*Go to rut, m- father's 2rother,* she sai$, *an$ let him see a2out thee.**5 $o not /no#,* sa-s "hiostolf, *#hether this is goo$ a$ie 2ut still 5 #ill ta/e th-ounsel in this matter.*So he too/ his horse, an$ ro$e #est to rutste$e that night. e 2in$s his horse atthe 2a/ of the house, an$ then goes roun$ to the $oor, an$ gies a great /no/.fter that he #al/s roun$ the house, north a2out. 5t ha00ene$ that rut #asa#a/e. e s0rang u0 at one, an$ 0ut on his jer/in an$ 0ulle$ on his shoes. "hen

he too/ u0 his s#or$, an$ #ra00e$ a loa/ a2out his left arm, u0 as far as theel2o#. %en #o/e u0 just as he #ent out there he sa# a tall stout man at the 2a/of the house, an$ /ne# it #as "hiostolf. rut as/e$ him #hat ne#s.*5 tell thee Glum is slain,* sa-s "hiostolf.*Who $i$ the $ee$7* sa-s rut.*5 sle# him,* sa-s "hiostolf.*Wh- ro$est thou hither7* sa-s rut.*allger$a sent me to thee,* sa-s "hiostolf.*"hen she has no han$ in this $ee$,* sa-s rut, an$ $re# his s#or$. "hiostolf sa#that, an$ #oul$ not 2e 2ehin$ han$, so he uts at rut at one. rut got out of the

#a- of the stro/e 2- a ui/ turn, an$ at the same time stru/ the 2a/ of the a4eso smartl- #ith a si$elong 2lo# of his left han$, that it fle# out of "hiostolf'sgras0. "hen rut ma$e a 2lo# #ith the s#or$ in his right han$ at "hiostolf's leg,

 just a2oe the /nee, an$ ut it almost off so that it hung 2- a little 0iee, an$s0rang in u0on him at the same time, an$ thrust him har$ 2a/. fter that hesmote him on the hea$, an$ $ealt him his $eath2lo#. "hiostolf fell $o#n on his2a/ at full length, an$ then out ame rut's men, an$ sa# the to/ens of the $ee$.rut ma$e them ta/e "hiostolf a#a-, an$ thro# stones oer his 2o$-, an$ then he#ent to fin$ aus/ul$, an$ tol$ him of Glum's sla-ing, an$ also of "hiostolf's. ethought it harm that Glum #as $ea$ an$ gone, 2ut than/e$ him for /illing "hiostolf.

little #hile after, "horarin agi's 2rother hears of his 2rother Glum's $eath, thenhe ri$es #ith eleen men 2ehin$ him #est to aus/ul$ste$e, an$ aus/ul$#elome$ him #ith 2oth han$s, an$ he is there the night. aus/ul$ sent at one forrut to ome to him, an$ he #ent at one, an$ ne4t $a- the- s0o/e muh of thesla-ing of Glum, an$ "horarin sai$ *Wilt thou ma/e me an- atonement for m-2rother, for 5 hae ha$ a great loss7*aus/ul$ ans#ere$ *5 $i$ not sla- th- 2rother, nor $i$ m- $aughter 0lot his$eath 2ut as soon as eer rut /ne# it he sle# "hiostolf*."hen "horarin hel$ his 0eae, an$ thought the matter ha$ ta/en a 2a$ turn. Butrut sai$ *3et us ma/e his journe- goo$ he has in$ee$ ha$ a hea- loss, an$ if 

#e $o that #e shall 2e #ell s0o/en of. So let us gie him gifts, an$ then he #ill 2eour frien$ eer after#ar$s.*So the en$ of it #as that those 2rothers gae him gifts, an$ he ro$e 2a/ south. ean$ allger$a hange$ homestea$s in the s0ring, an$ she #ent south to3augarness an$ he to +armale/. n$ no# "horarin is out of the stor-.

Chapter 1/ - Fiddle Mord's death

No# it must 2e tol$ ho# &i$$le %or$ too/ a si/ness an$ 2reathe$ his last an$ that#as thought great sathe. is $aughter nna too/ all the goo$s he left 2ehin$ him.

She #as then still unmarrie$ the seon$ time. She #as er- laish, an$ unthrift- of her 0ro0ert- so that her goo$s an$ rea$- mone- #aste$ a#a-, an$ at last she ha$sare an-thing left 2ut lan$ an$ sto/.

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Chapter 10 - !unnar (o%es into the story

"here #as a man #hose name #as Gunnar. e #as one of nna's /insmen, an$ hismother's name #as anneig. Gunnar's father #as name$ amon$. Gunnaramon$'s son $#elt at 3ithen$, in the &leetlithe. e #as a tall man in gro#th, an$ astrong man 2est s/ille$ in arms of all men. e oul$ ut or thrust or shoot if hehose as #ell #ith his left as #ith his right han$, an$ he smote so s#iftl- #ith hiss#or$, that three seeme$ to flash through the air at one. e #as the 2est shot

#ith the 2o# of all men, an$ neer misse$ his mar/. e oul$ lea0 more than hiso#n height, #ith all his #argear, an$ as far 2a/#ar$s as for#ar$s. e oul$ s#imli/e a seal, an$ there #as no game in #hih it #as an- goo$ for an-one to strie#ith him an$ so it has 2een sai$ that no man #as his math. e #as han$some of feature, an$ fair s/inne$. is nose #as straight, an$ a little turne$ u0 at the en$.e #as 2luee-e$ an$ 2righte-e$, an$ ru$$-hee/e$. is hair thi/, an$ of goo$hue, an$ hanging $o#n in omel- urls. "he most ourteous of men #as he, of stur$- frame an$ strong #ill, 2ountiful an$ gentle, a fast frien$, 2ut har$ to 0lease#hen ma/ing them. e #as #ealth- in goo$s. is 2rother's name #as ;ols/egg he#as a tall strong man, a no2le fello#, an$ un$aunte$ in eer-thing. nother

2rother's name #as jort he #as then in his hil$hoo$. 9rm S/ogarnef #as a2ase2orn 2rother of Gunnar's he $oes not ome into this stor-. rngu$a #as thename of Gunnar's sister. roar, the 0riest at "ongue, ha$ her to #ife.

Chapter 2 - Of Njal and his (hildren

"here #as a man #hose name #as Njal. e #as the son of "horgeir Gelling, the sonof "horolf. Njal's mother's name #as sger$a. Njal $#elt at Bergthors/noll in thelan$isles he ha$ another homestea$ on "horolfsfell. Njal #as #ealth- in goo$s,

an$ han$some of fae no 2ear$ gre# on his hin. e #as so great a la#-er, thathis math #as not to 2e foun$. Wise too he #as, an$ fore/no#ing an$ foresighte$.9f goo$ ounsel, an$ rea$- to gie it, an$ all that he a$ise$ men #as sure to 2ethe 2est for them to $o. Gentle an$ generous, he unraelle$ eer- man's /nott-0oints #ho ame to see him a2out them. Bergthora #as his #ife's name she #asS/ar0he$inn's $aughter, a er- highs0irite$, 2raehearte$ #oman, 2ut some#hathar$tem0ere$. "he- ha$ si4 hil$ren, three $aughters an$ three sons, an$ the- allome after#ar$s into this stor-.

Chapter 21 - Unna $oes to see !unnar

No# it must 2e tol$ ho# nna ha$ lost all her rea$- mone-. She ma$e her #a- to3ithen$, an$ Gunnar greete$ his /ins#oman #ell. She sta-e$ there that night, an$the ne4t morning the- sat out of $oors an$ tal/e$. "he en$ of their tal/ #as thatshe tol$ him ho# heail- she #as 0resse$ for mone-.*"his is a 2a$ 2usiness,* he sai$.*What hel0 #ilt thou gie me out of m- $istress7* she as/e$.e ans#ere$ *"a/e as muh mone- as thou nee$est from #hat 5 hae out atinterest*.*Na-,* she sai$, *5 #ill not #aste th- goo$s.*

*What then $ost thou #ish7**5 #ish thee to get 2a/ m- goo$s out of rut's han$s,* she ans#ere$.*"hat, methin/s, is not li/el-,* sai$ he, *#hen th- father oul$ not get them 2a/,an$ -et he #as a great la#-er, 2ut 5 /no# little a2out la#.*

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She ans#ere$ *rut 0ushe$ that matter through rather 2- 2ol$ness than 2- la#2esi$es, m- father #as ol$, an$ that #as #h- men thought it 2etter not to $riethings to the uttermost. n$ no# there is none of m- /insmen to ta/e this suit u0 if thou hast not $aring enough.**5 hae ourage enough,* he re0lie$, *to get these goo$s 2a/ 2ut 5 $o not /no#ho# to ta/e the suit u0.**Well=* she ans#ere$, *go an$ see Njal of Bergthors/noll, he #ill /no# ho# to giethee a$ie. Besi$es, he is a great frien$ of thine.*

*'"is li/e enough he #ill gie me goo$ a$ie, as he gies it to eer- one else,* sa-sGunnar.So the en$ of their tal/ #as, that Gunnar un$ertoo/ her ause, an$ gae her themone- she nee$e$ for her house/ee0ing, an$ after that she #ent home.No# Gunnar ri$es to see Njal, an$ he ma$e him #elome, an$ the- 2egan to tal/ atone."hen Gunnar sai$ *5 am ome to see/ a 2it of goo$ a$ie from thee*.Njal re0lie$ *%an- of m- frien$s are #orth- of this, 2ut still 5 thin/ 5 #oul$ ta/emore 0ains for none than for thee*.Gunnar sai$ *5 #ish to let thee /no# that 5 hae un$erta/en to get nna's goo$s

2a/ from rut*.* er- har$ suit to un$erta/e,* sai$ Njal, *an$ one er- ha<ar$ous ho# it #ill go2ut still 5 #ill get it u0 for thee in the #a- 5 thin/ li/eliest to suee$, an$ the en$#ill 2e goo$ if thou 2rea/est none of the rules 5 la- $o#n if thou $ost, th- life is in$anger.**Neer fear 5 #ill 2rea/ none of them,* sai$ Gunnar."hen Njal hel$ his 0eae for a little #hile, an$ after that he s0o/e as follo#sC

Chapter 22 - Njal's ad+i(e

*5 hae thought oer the suit, an$ it #ill $o so. "hou shalt ri$e from home #ith t#omen at th- 2a/. 9er all thou shalt hae a great rough loa/, an$ un$er that, arusset /irtle of hea0 stuff, an$ un$er all, th- goo$ lothes. "hou must ta/e a smalla4e in th- han$, an$ eah of -ou must hae t#o horses, one fat, the other lean."hou shalt arr- har$#are an$ smith's #or/ #ith thee hene, an$ -e must ri$e off earl- tomorro# morning, an$ #hen -e are ome aross White#ater #est#ar$s,min$ an$ slouh th- hat #ell oer th- 2ro#s. "hen men #ill as/ #ho is this tallman, an$ th- mates shall sa- 'ere is u/ster e$inn the Big, a man fromE-jafirth, #ho is going a2out #ith smith's #or/ for sale'. "his e$inn is illtem0ere$an$ a hatterer a fello# #ho thin/s he alone /no#s eer-thing. +er- often hesnathes 2a/ his #ares, an$ flies at men if eer-thing is not $one as he #ishes. Sothou shalt ri$e #est to Borgarfirth offering all sorts of #ares for sale, an$ 2e sureoften to r- off th- 2argains, so that it #ill 2e noise$ a2roa$ that u/ster e$inn isthe #orst of men to $eal #ith, an$ that no lies hae 2een tol$ of his 2a$ 2ehaiour.So thou shalt ri$e to North#ater$ale, an$ to rutfirth, an$ 3a4rier$ale, till thouomest to aus/ul$ste$e. "here thou must sta- a night, an$ sit in the lo#est 0lae,an$ hang th- hea$ $o#n. aus/ul$ #ill tell them all not to me$$le nor ma/e #ithu/ster e$inn, sa-ing he is a ru$e unfrien$l- fello#. Ne4t morning thou must 2eoff earl- an$ go to the farm nearest rutste$e. "here thou must offer th- goo$s forsale, 0raising u0 all that is #orst, an$ tin/ering u0 the faults. "he master of the

house #ill 0r- a2out an$ fin$ out the faults. "hou must snath the #ares a#a- fromhim, an$ s0ea/ ill to him. e #ill sa- '"#as not to 2e ho0e$ that thou #oul$st2ehae #ell to him, #hen thou 2ehaest ill to eer- one else. "hen thou shalt fl- athim, though it is not th- #ont, 2ut min$ an$ s0are th- strength, that thou ma-est

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not 2e foun$ out. "hen a man #ill 2e sent to rutste$e to tell rut he ha$ 2estome an$ 0art -ou. e #ill ome at one an$ as/ thee to his house, an$ thou mustae0t his offer. "hou shalt greet rut, an$ he #ill ans#er #ell. 0lae #ill 2e gienthee on the lo#er 2enh oer against rut's highseat. e #ill as/ if thou art fromthe North, an$ thou shalt ans#er that thou art a man of E-jafirth. e #ill go on toas/ if there are er- man- famous men there. 'Sha22- fello#s enough an$ tos0are,' thou must ans#er. 'Dost thou /no# e-/iar$ale an$ the 0arts a2out7' he #illas/. "o #hih thou must ans#er '5 /no# all 5elan$ 2- heart'.

*re there an- stout ham0ions left in e-/iar$ale7' he #ill as/. '"hiees an$soun$rels,' thou shalt ans#er. "hen rut #ill smile an$ thin/ it s0ort to listen. :out#o #ill go on to tal/ of the men in the Eastfirth uarter, an$ thou must al#a-s fin$something to sa- against them. t last -our tal/ #ill ome to angrierale, an$then thou must sa-, there is small hoie of men left in those 0arts sine &i$$le%or$ $ie$. t the same time sing some stae to 0lease rut, for 5 /no# thou art as/al$. rut #ill as/ #hat ma/es thee sa- there is neer a man to ome in %or$'s0lae an$ then thou must ans#er, that he #as so #ise a man an$ so goo$ a ta/eru0 of suits, that he neer ma$e a false ste0 in u0hol$ing his lea$ershi0. e #ill as/ 'Dost thou /no# ho# matters fare$ 2et#een me an$ him7'

*'5 /no# all a2out it,' thou must re0l-, 'he too/ th- #ife from thee, an$ thou ha$stnot a #or$ to sa-.'*"hen rut #ill as/ 'Dost thou not thin/ it #as some $isgrae to him #hen heoul$ not get 2a/ his goo$s, though he set the suit on foot7'*'5 an ans#er thee that #ell enough,' thou must sa-, '"hou hallenge$st him tosingle om2at 2ut he #as ol$, an$ so his frien$s a$ise$ him not to fight #iththee, an$ then the- let the suit fall to the groun$.'*'"rue enough,* rut #ill sa-. '5 sai$ so, an$ that 0asse$ for la# among foolish men2ut the suit might hae 2een ta/en u0 again at another "hing if he ha$ the heart.'*'5 /no# all that,' thou must sa-.

*"hen he #ill as/ 'Dost thou /no# an-thing a2out la#7**'0 in the North 5 am thought to /no# something a2out it,' thou shalt sa-. 'But still5 shoul$ li/e thee to tell me ho# this suit shoul$ 2e ta/en u0.'*'What suit $ost thou mean7' he #ill as/.*' suit,' thou must ans#er, '#hih $oes not onern me. 5 #ant to /no# ho# a manmust set to #or/ #ho #ishes to get 2a/ nna's $o#er.'*"hen rut #ill sa- '5n this suit 5 must 2e summone$ so that 5 an hear thesummons, or 5 must 2e summone$ here in m- la#ful house'.*'eite the summons, then,' thou must sa-, an$ 5 #ill sa- it after thee.'*"hen rut #ill summon himself an$ min$ an$ 0a- great hee$ to eer- #or$ he

sa-s. fter that rut #ill 2i$ thee re0eat the summons, an$ thou must $o so, an$sa- it all #rong, so that no more than eer- other #or$ is right.*"hen rut #ill smile an$ not mistrust thee, 2ut sa- that sare a #or$ is right."hou must thro# the 2lame on th- om0anions, an$ sa- the- 0ut thee out, an$then thou must as/ him to sa- the #or$s first, #or$ 2- #or$, an$ to let thee sa-the #or$s after him. e #ill gie thee leae, an$ summon himself in the suit, an$thou shalt summon after him there an$ then, an$ this time sa- eer- #or$ right.When it is $one, as/ rut if that #ere rightl- summone$, an$ he #ill ans#er 'thereis no fla# to 2e foun$ in it'. "hen thou shalt sa- in a lou$ oie, so that th-om0anions ma- hear *'5 summon thee in the suit #hih nna %or$'s $aughter has ma$e oer to me #ithher 0lighte$ han$.'*But #hen men are soun$ aslee0, -ou shall rise an$ ta/e -our 2ri$les an$ sa$$les,an$ trea$ softl-, an$ go out of the house, an$ 0ut -our sa$$les on -our fat horses

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in the fiel$s, an$ so ri$e off on them, 2ut leae the others 2ehin$ -ou. :ou mustri$e u0 into the hills a#a- from the home 0astures an$ sta- there three nights, fora2out so long #ill the- see/ -ou. fter that ri$e home south, ri$ing al#a-s 2- nightan$ resting 2- $a-. s for us #e #ill then ri$e this summer to the "hing, an$ hel0thee in th- suit.* So Gunnar than/e$ Njal, an$ first of all ro$e home.

Chapter 2 - Hu(#ster Hedinn

Gunnar ro$e from home t#o nights after#ar$s, an$ t#o men #ith him the- ro$ealong until the- got on Blue#oo$heath, an$ then men on horse2a/ met them an$as/e$ #ho that tall man might 2e of #hom so little #as seen. But his om0anionssai$ it #as u/ster e$inn. "hen the others sai$ a #orse #as not to 2e loo/e$ for2ehin$, #hen suh a man as he #ent 2efore. e$inn at one ma$e as though he#oul$ hae set u0on them, 2ut -et eah #ent their #a-. So Gunnar #ent on $oingeer-thing as Njal ha$ lai$ it $o#n for him, an$ #hen he ame to aus/ul$ste$e hesta-e$ there the night, an$ thene he #ent $o#n the $ale till he ame to the ne4tfarm to rutste$e. "here he offere$ his #ares for sale, an$ e$inn fell at one u0on

the farmer. "his #as tol$ to rut, an$ he sent for e$inn, an$ e$inn #ent at oneto see rut, an$ ha$ a goo$ #elome. rut seate$ him oer against himself, an$their tal/ #ent 0rett- muh as Njal ha$ guesse$ 2ut #hen the- ame to tal/ of angrierale, an$ rut as/e$ a2out the men there, Gunnar sung this stae %en in sooth are slo# to fin$, So the 0eo0le s0ea/ 2- stealth,9ften this hath reahe$ m- ears, ll through angar's rolling ales.Still 5 tro# that &i$$le %or$,"rie$ his han$ in fight of -ore

Sure #as neer gol$2esto#er,Suh a man for might an$ #it."hen rut sai$, *"hou art a s/al$, e$inn. But hast thou neer hear$ ho# things#ent 2et#een me an$ %or$7* "hen e$inn sung another stae 9ne 5 #een 5 hear$ the rumour,o# the 3or$ of rings 2ereft thee&rom thine arms earth's offs0ring tearing,"ri/ful he an$ trustful thou."hen the men, the 2u/ler2earers,Begge$ the might- gol$2egetter,Shar0 s#or$ oft of ol$ he re$$ene$,Not to stan$ in strife #ith thee.So the- #ent on, till rut, in ans#er tol$ him ho# the suit must 2e ta/en u0, an$reite$ the summons. e$inn re0eate$ it all #rong, an$ rut 2urst out laughing,an$ ha$ no mistrust. "hen he sai$, rut must summon one more, an$ rut $i$ so."hen e$inn re0eate$ the summons a seon$ time, an$ this time right, an$ alle$his om0anions to #itness ho# he summone$ rut in a suit #hih nna %or$'s$aughter ha$ ma$e oer to him #ith her 0lighte$ han$. t night he #ent to slee0li/e other men, 2ut as soon as eer rut #as soun$ aslee0, the- too/ their lothesan$ arms, an$ #ent out an$ ame to their horses, an$ ro$e off aross the rier, an$so u0 along the 2an/ 2- iar$arholt till the $ale 2ro/e off among the hills, an$ so

there the- are u0on the fells 2et#een 3a4rier$ale an$ a#/$ale, haing got to as0ot #here no one oul$ fin$ them unless he ha$ fallen on them 2- hane.aus/ul$ #a/es u0 that night at aus/ul$ste$e, an$ rouse$ all his househol$, *5#ill tell -ou m- $ream,* he sai$. *5 thought 5 sa# a great 2ear go out of this house,

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an$ 5 /ne# at one this 2east's math #as not to 2e foun$ t#o u2s follo#e$ him,#ishing #ell to the 2ear, an$ the- all ma$e for rutste$e, an$ #ent into the housethere. fter that 5 #o/e. No# 5 #ish to as/ if an- of -ou sa# aught a2out -on tallman.*"hen one man ans#ere$ him *5 sa# ho# a gol$en fringe an$ a 2it of sarlet loth0ee0e$ out at his arm, an$ on his right arm he ha$ a ring of gol$*.aus/ul$ sai$ *"his 2east is no man's feth, 2ut Gunnar's of 3ithen$, an$ no#methin/s 5 see all a2out it. 0= let us ri$e to rutste$e.* n$ the- $i$ so. rut la-

in his lo/e$ 2e$, an$ as/s #ho hae ome there7 aus/ul$ tells #ho he is, an$as/e$ #hat guests might 2e there in the house.*9nl- u/ster e$inn is here,* sa-s rut.* 2roa$er man aross the 2a/, it #ill 2e, 5 fear,* sa-s aus/ul$, *5 guess heremust hae 2een Gunnar of 3ithen$.**"hen there has 2een a 0rett- trial of unning,* sa-s rut.*What has ha00ene$7* sa-s aus/ul$.*5 tol$ him ho# to ta/e u0 nna's suit, an$ 5 summone$ m-self an$ he summone$after, an$ no# he an use this first ste0 in the suit, an$ it is right in la#.**"here has, in$ee$, 2een a great falling off of #it on one si$e,* sai$ aus/ul$, *an$

Gunnar annot hae 0lanne$ it all 2- himself Njal must 2e at the 2ottom of this0lot, for there is not his math for #it in all the lan$.*No# the- loo/ for e$inn, 2ut he is alrea$- off an$ a#a- after that the- gathere$fol/, an$ loo/e$ for them three $a-s, 2ut oul$ not fin$ them. Gunnar ro$e southfrom the fell to a#/$ale an$ so east of S/ar$, an$ north to olt2eaonheath, an$so on until he got home.

Chapter 2& - !unnar and Hrut stri+e at the thin$

Gunnar ro$e to the lthing, an$ rut an$ aus/ul$ ro$e thither too #ith a er-great om0an-. Gunnar 0ursues his suit, an$ 2egan 2- alling on his neigh2ours to2ear #itness, 2ut rut an$ his 2rother ha$ it in their min$s to ma/e an onslaughton him, 2ut the- mistruste$ their strength.Gunnar ne4t #ent to the ourt of the men of Broa$firth, an$ 2a$e rut listen to hisoath an$ $elaration of the ause of the suit, an$ to all the 0roofs #hih he #asa2out to 2ring for#ar$. fter that he too/ his oath, an$ $elare$ his ase. fter thathe 2rought for#ar$ his #itnesses of the summons, along #ith his #itnesses that thesuit ha$ 2een han$e$ oer to him. ll this time Njal #as not at the ourt. No#Gunnar 0ursue$ his suit till he alle$ on the $efen$ant to re0l-. "hen rut too/#itness, an$ sai$ the suit #as naught, an$ that there #as a fla# in the 0lea$ing he$elare$ that it ha$ 2ro/en $o#n 2eause Gunnar ha$ faile$ to all those three#itnesses #hih ought to hae 2een 2rought 2efore the ourt. "he first, that #hih#as ta/en 2efore the marriage2e$, the seon$, 2efore the man's $oor, the thir$, atthe ill of 3a#s. B- this time Njal #as ome to the ourt an$ sai$ the suit an$0lea$ing might still he /e0t alie if the- hose to strie in that #a-.*No,* sa-s Gunnar, *5 #ill not hae that 5 #ill $o the same to rut as he $i$ to%or$ m- /insman or, are those 2rothers rut an$ aus/ul$ so near that the-ma- hear m- oie7**ear it #e an,* sa-s rut. *What $ost thou #ish7*Gunnar sai$ *No# all men here 0resent 2e ear#itnesses, that 5 hallenge thee

rut to single om2at, an$ #e shall fight to$a- on the holm, #hih is here in4e#ater. But if thou #ilt not fight #ith me, then 0a- u0 all the mone- this er-$a-.*fter that Gunnar sung a stae

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:es, so must it 2e, this morning No# m- min$ is full of fire rut #ith me on -on$er islan$aises roar of helm an$ shiel$.ll that hear m- #or$s 2ear #itness,Warriors gras0ing Wo$en's guar$,nless the #ealth- #ight $o#n 0a-ethDo#er of #ife #ith flo#ing eil.

fter that Gunnar #ent a#a- from the ourt #ith all his follo#ers. rut an$aus/ul$ #ent home too, an$ the suit #as neer 0ursue$ nor $efen$e$ from that$a- forth. rut sai$, as soon as he got insi$e the 2ooth, *"his has neer ha00ene$to me 2efore, that an- man has offere$ me om2at an$ 5 hae shunne$ it*.*"hen thou must mean to fight,* sa-s aus/ul$, *2ut that shall not 2e if 5 hae m-#a- for thou omest no nearer to Gunnar than %or$ #oul$ hae ome to thee, an$#e ha$ 2etter 2oth of us 0a- u0 the mone- to Gunnar.*fter that the 2rothers as/e$ the househol$ers of their o#n ountr- #hat the-#oul$ la- $o#n, an$ the- one an$ all sai$ the- #oul$ la- $o#n as muh as rut#ishe$.

*3et us go then,* sa-s aus/ul$, *to Gunner's 2ooth, an$ 0a- $o#n the mone- outof han$.* "hat #as tol$ to Gunnar, an$ he #ent out into the $oor#a- of the 2ooth,an$ aus/ul$ sai$ *No# it is thine to ta/e the mone-.*Gunnar sai$ *Fa- it $o#n, then, for 5 am rea$- to ta/e it.*So the- 0ai$ $o#n the mone- trul- out of han$, an$ then aus/ul$ sai$ *Enjo- itno#, as thou hast gotten it*. "hen Gunnar sang another stae %en #ho #iel$ the 2la$e of 2attleoar$e$ #ealth ma- #ell enjo-,

Guileless gotten this at least,Gol$en mee$ 5 fearless ta/eBut if #e for #oman's uarrel,Warriors 2orn to 2ran$ish s#or$,Glut the #olf #ith manl- gore,Worse the lot of 2oth #oul$ 2e.rut ans#ere$ *5ll #ill 2e th- mee$ for this*.*Be that as it ma-,* sa-s Gunnar."hen aus/ul$ an$ his 2rother #ent home to their 2ooth, an$ he ha$ muh u0onhis min$, an$ sai$ to rut

*Will this unfairness of Gunnar's neer 2e aenge$7**Not so,* sa-s rut *'t#ill 2e aenge$ on him sure enough, 2ut #e shall hae noshare nor 0rofit in that engeane. n$ after all it is most li/el- that he #ill turn toour sto/ to see/ for frien$s.*fter that the- left off s0ea/ing of the matter. Gunnar sho#e$ Njal the mone-, an$he sai$ *"he suit has gone off #ell*.*-,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut it #as all th- $oing.*No# men ro$e home from the "hing, an$ Gunnar got er- great honour from thesuit. Gunnar han$e$ oer all the mone- to nna, an$ #oul$ hae none of it, 2utsai$ he thought he ought to loo/ for more hel0 from her an$ her /in hereafter thanfrom other men. She sai$, so it shoul$ 2e.

Chapter 2) - Unna's se(ond weddin$

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"here #as a man name$ +algar$, he /e0t house at of 2- angrier, he #as theson of @orun$ the Friest, an$ his 2rother #as Wolf ur0riest. "hose 2rothers. Wolf ur0riest, an$ +algar$ the guileful, set off to #oo nna, an$ she gae herself a#a-to +algar$ #ithout the a$ie of an- of her /insfol/. But Gunnar an$ Njal, an$ man-others thought ill of that, for he #as a rossgraine$ man an$ ha$ fe# frien$s. "he-2egot 2et#een them a son, #hose name #as %or$, an$ he is long in this stor-.When he #as gro#n to man's estate, he #or/e$ ill to his /insfol/, 2ut #orst of all toGunnar. e #as a raft- man in his tem0er, 2ut s0iteful in his ounsels.

No# #e #ill name Njal's sons. S/ar0he$inn #as the el$est of them. e #as a tallman in gro#th an$ strong #ithal a goo$ s#or$sman he oul$ s#im li/e a seal, thes#iftestfoote$ of men, an$ 2ol$ an$ $auntless he ha$ a great flo# of #or$s an$ui/ utterane a goo$ s/al$ too 2ut still for the most 0art he /e0t himself #ell inhan$ his hair #as $ar/ 2ro#n, #ith ris0 url- lo/s he ha$ goo$ e-es hisfeatures #ere shar0, an$ his fae ashen 0ale, his nose turne$ u0 an$ his front teethstu/ out, an$ his mouth #as er- ugl-. Still he #as the most sol$ierli/e of men.Grim #as the name of Njal's seon$ son. e #as fair of fae an$ #ore his hair hair #as $ar/, an$ he #as omelier to loo/ on than S/ar0he$inn. tall strongman.

elgi #as the name of Njal's thir$ son. e too #as fair of fae an$ ha$ fine hair. e#as a strong man an$ #ells/ille$ in arms. e #as a man of sense an$ /ne# #ellho# to 2ehae. "he- #ere all un#e$$e$ at that time, Njal's sons.aus/ul$ #as the fourth of Njal's sons. e #as 2ase2orn. is mother #as o$n-,an$ she #as aus/ul$'s $aughter, the sister of 5ngiall$ of the S0rings.Njal as/e$ S/ar0he$inn one $a- if he #oul$ ta/e to himself a #ife. e 2a$e hisfather settle the matter. "hen Njal as/e$ for his han$ "horhil$a, the $aughter of anir of "horolfsfell, an$ that #as #h- the- ha$ another homestea$ there afterthat. S/ar0he$inn got "horhil$a, 2ut he sta-e$ still #ith his father to the en$. Grim#ooe$ stri$ of Dee02a/ she #as a #i$o# an$ er- #ealth-. Grim got her to

#ife, an$ -et lie$ on #ith Njal.

Chapter 2, - Of *s$ri% and his (hildren

"here #as a man name$ sgrim. e #as Elli$agrim's son. "he 2rother of sgrimElli$agrim's son #as Sigfus.sgrim ha$ t#o sons, an$ 2oth of them #ere name$ "horhall. "he- #ere 2othho0eful men. Grim #as the name of another of sgrim's sons, an$ "horhalla #ashis $aughter's name. She #as the fairest of #omen, an$ #ell 2ehae$.Njal ame to tal/ #ith his son elgi, an$ sai$, *5 hae thought of a math for thee,if thou #ilt follo# m- a$ie*.*"hat 5 #ill surel-,* sa-s he, *for 5 /no# that thou 2oth meanest me #ell, an$ anst$o #ell for me 2ut #hither hast thou turne$ thine e-es7**We #ill go an$ #oo sgrim Elli$agrim's son's $aughter, for that is the 2est hoie#e an ma/e.*

Chapter 2. - Hel$i Njal's son's wooin$

little after the- ro$e out aross "hurso #ater, an$ fare$ till the- ame into

"ongue. sgrim #as at home, an$ gae them a heart- #elome an$ the- #erethere that night. Ne4t morning the- 2egan to tal/, an$ then Njal raise$ theuestion of the #ooing, an$ as/e$ for "horhalla for his son elgi's han$. sgrimans#ere$ that #ell, an$ sai$ there #ere no men #ith #hom he #oul$ 2e more

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#illing to ma/e this 2argain than #ith them. "he- fell atal/ing then a2out terms,an$ the en$ of it #as that sgrim 2etrothe$ his $aughter to elgi, an$ the 2ri$al$a- #as name$. Gunnar #as at that feast, an$ man- other of the 2est men. fterthe feast Njal offere$ to foster in his house "horhall, sgrim's son, an$ he #as #ithNjal long after. e loe$ Njal more than his o#n father. Njal taught him la#, so thathe 2eame the greatest la#-er in 5elan$ in those $a-s.

Chapter 2/ - Hall+ard (o%es out to (eland

"here ame a shi0 out from Nor#a-, an$ ran into rn2Al's 9-e, an$ the masterof the shi0 #as allar$, the #hite, a man from the Ba-. e #ent to sta- at3ithen$, an$ #as #ith Gunnar that #inter, an$ #as al#a-s as/ing him to farea2roa$ #ith him. Gunnar s0o/e little a2out it, 2ut -et sai$ more unli/el- thingsmight ha00en an$ a2out s0ring he #ent oer to Bergthors/noll to fin$ out fromNjal #hether he thought it a #ise ste0 in him to go a2roa$.*5 thin/ it is #ise,* sa-s Njal *the- #ill thin/ thee there an honoura2le man, asthou art.*

*Wilt thou 0erha0s ta/e m- goo$s into th- /ee0ing #hile 5 am a#a-, for 5 #ish m-2rother ;ols/egg to fare #ith me 2ut 5 #oul$ that thou shoul$st see after m-househol$ along #ith m- mother.**5 #ill not thro# an-thing in the #a- of that,* sa-s Njal *lean on me in this thing asmuh as thou li/est.**Goo$ go #ith thee for th- #or$s,* sa-s Gunnar, an$ he ri$es then home."he Easterling >the Norseman allar$? fell again to tal/ #ith Gunnar that heshoul$ fare a2roa$. Gunnar as/e$ if he ha$ eer saile$ to other lan$s7 e sai$ heha$ saile$ to eer- one of them that la- 2et#een Nor#a- an$ ussia, an$ so, too, 5hae saile$ to Biarmalan$.

*Wilt thou sail #ith me east#ar$ ho7* sa-s Gunnar.*"hat 5 #ill of a suret-,* sa-s he."hen Gunnar ma$e u0 his min$ to sail a2roa$ #ith him. Njal too/ all Gunnar'sgoo$s into his /ee0ing.

Chapter 20 - !unnar $oes aroad

So Gunnar fare$ a2roa$, an$ ;ols/egg #ith him. "he- saile$ first to "ns2erg, an$#ere there that #inter. "here ha$ then 2een a shift of rulers in Nor#a-, arol$Gra-fell #as then $ea$, an$ so #as Gunnhill$a. Earl aon the Ba$, Sigur$'s son,

aon's son, Gritgarth's son, then rule$ the realm. "he mother of aon #asBergliot, the $aughter of Earl "horir. er mother #as 9lof harestheal. She #asarol$ &airhair's $aughter.allar$ as/s Gunnar if he #oul$ ma/e u0 his min$ to go to Earl aon7*No 5 #ill not $o that,* sa-s Gunnar. *ast thou eer a longshi07**5 hae t#o,* he sa-s.*"hen 5 #oul$ that #e t#o #ent on #arfare an$ let us get men to go #ith us.**5 #ill $o that,* sa-s allar$.fter that the- #ent to the Ba-, an$ too/ #ith them t#o shi0s, an$ fitte$ them outthene. "he- ha$ goo$ hoie of men, for muh 0raise #as sai$ of Gunnar.

*Whither #ilt thou first fare7* sa-s Gunnar.*5 #ish to go southeast to isingen, to see m- /insman 9lier,* sa-s allar$.*What $ost thou #ant of him7* sa-s Gunnar.

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e ans#ere$ *e is a fine 2rae fello#, an$ he #ill 2e sure to get us some morestrength for our o-age*.*"hen let us go thither,* sa-s Gunnar.So, as soon as the- #ere *2oun,* the- hel$ on east to isingen, an$ ha$ there aheart- #elome. Gunnar ha$ onl- 2een there a short time ere 9lier ma$e muh of him. 9lier as/s a2out his o-age, an$ allar$ sa-s that Gunnar #ishes to go a#arfaring to gather goo$s for himself.*"here's no use thin/ing of that,* sa-s 9lier, *#hen -e hae no fore.*

*Well,* sa-s allar$, *then -ou ma- a$$ to it.**So 5 $o mean to strengthen Gunnar some#hat,* sa-s 9lier *an$ though thoure/onest th-self m- /ith an$ /in, 5 thin/ there is more goo$ in him.**What fore, no#, #ilt thou a$$ to ours7* he as/s.*"#o longshi0s, one #ith t#ent-, an$ the other #ith thirt- seats for ro#ers.**Who shall man them7* as/s allar$.*5 #ill man one of them #ith m- o#n housearles, an$ the freemen aroun$ shallman the other. But still 5 hae foun$ out that strife has ome into the rier, an$ 5/no# not #hether -e t#o #ill 2e a2le to get a#a- for the- are in the rier.**Who7* sa-s allar$.

*Brothers t#ain,* sa-s 9lier *one's name is +an$il an$ the other's ;arli, sons of Sjolf the 9l$, east a#a- out of Gothlan$.*allar$ tol$ Gunnar that 9lier ha$ a$$e$ some shi0s to theirs, an$ Gunnar #asgla$ at that. "he- 2us/e$ them for their o-age thene, till the- #ere *all2oun*."hen Gunnar an$ allar$ #ent 2efore 9lier, an$ than/e$ him he 2a$e them fare#aril- for the sa/e of those 2rothers.

Chapter - !unnar $oes a-sea-ro+in$

So Gunnar hel$ on out of the rier, an$ he an$ ;ols/egg #ere 2oth on 2oar$ oneshi0. But allar$ #as on 2oar$ another. No#, the- see the shi0s 2efore them, an$then Gunnar s0o/e, an$ sai$ *3et us 2e rea$- for an-thing if the- turn to#ar$s us= 2ut else let us hae nothingto $o #ith them.*So the- $i$ that, an$ ma$e all rea$- on 2oar$ their shi0s. "he others 0atte$ theirshi0s asun$er, an$ ma$e a fare#a- 2et#een the shi0s. Gunnar fare$ straight on2et#een the shi0s, 2ut +an$il aught u0 a gra00lingiron, an$ ast it 2et#een theirshi0s an$ Gunnar's shi0, an$ 2egan at one to $rag it to#ar$s him.9lier ha$ gien Gunnar a goo$ s#or$ Gunnar no# $re# it, an$ ha$ not -et 0ut onhis helm. e lea0t at one on the foreastle of +an$il's shi0, an$ gae one man his$eath2lo#. ;arli ran his shi0 alongsi$e the other si$e of Gunnar's shi0, an$ hurle$a s0ear ath#art the $e/, an$ aime$ at him a2out the #aist. Gunnar sees this, an$turne$ him a2out so ui/l-, that no e-e oul$ follo# him, an$ aught the s0ear#ith his left han$, an$ hurle$ it 2a/ at ;arli's shi0, an$ that man got his $eath #hostoo$ 2efore it. ;ols/egg snathe$ u0 a gra0nel an$ asts it at ;arli's shi0, an$ theflu/e fell insi$e the hol$, an$ #ent out through one of the 0lan/s, an$ in rushe$ theoal2lue sea, an$ all the men s0rang on 2oar$ other shi0s.No# Gunnar lea0t 2a/ to his o#n shi0, an$ then allar$ ame u0, an$ no# agreat 2attle arose. "he- sa# no# that their lea$er #as unflinhing, an$ eer- man$i$ as #ell as he oul$. Sometimes Gunnar smote #ith the s#or$, an$ sometimes

he hurle$ the s0ear, an$ man- a man ha$ his 2ane at his han$. ;ols/egg 2a/e$him #ell. s for ;arli, he hastene$ in a shi0 to his 2rother +an$il, an$ thene the-fought that $a-. During the $a- ;ols/egg too/ a rest on Gunnar's shi0, an$ Gunnarsees that. "hen he sung a song

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&or the eagle raineeager,aen of m- rae, to$a-Better surel- hast thou atere$,3or$ of gol$, than for th-selfere the morn ome gree$- raens,%an- a rill of #olf to su0,But thee 2urning thirst $o#n2eareth,Frine of 2attle's Farliament=

fter that ;ols/egg too/ a 2ea/er full of mea$, an$ $ran/ it off an$ #ent on fightingafter#ar$s an$ so it ame a2out that those 2rothers s0rang u0 on the shi0 of +an$il an$ his 2rother, an$ ;ols/egg #ent on one si$e, an$ Gunnar on the other.gainst Gunnar ame +an$il, an$ smote at one at him #ith his s#or$, an$ the2lo# fell on his shiel$. Gunnar gae the shiel$ a t#ist as the s#or$ 0iere$ it, an$2ro/e it short off at the hilt. "hen Gunnar smote 2a/ at +an$il, an$ three s#or$sseeme$ to 2e aloft, an$ +an$il oul$ not see ho# to shun the 2lo#. "hen Gunnarut 2oth his legs from un$er him, an$ at the same time ;ols/egg ran ;arli through#ith a s0ear. fter that the- too/ great #ar s0oil."hene the- hel$ on south to Denmar/, an$ thene east to Smolan$, an$ ha$

itor- #hereer the- #ent. "he- $i$ not ome 2a/ in autumn. "he ne4t summerthe- hel$ on to eal, an$ fell in there #ith searoers, an$ fought at one, an$#on the fight. fter that the- steere$ east to 9sel, an$ la- there some#hile un$era ness. "here the- sa# a man oming $o#n from the ness a2oe them Gunnar#ent on shore to meet the man, an$ the- ha$ a tal/. Gunnar as/e$ him his name,an$ he sai$ it #as "ofi. Gunnar as/e$ again #hat he #ante$.*"hee 5 #ant to see,* sa-s the man. *"#o #arshi0s lie on the other si$e un$er theness, an$ 5 #ill tell thee #ho omman$ themC t#o 2rothers are the a0tains one'sname is allgrim, an$ the other's ;ols/egg. 5 /no# them to 2e might- men of #aran$ 5 /no# too that the- hae suh goo$ #ea0ons that the li/e are not to 2e ha$.

allgrim has a 2ill #hih he ha$ ma$e 2- seethings0ells an$ this is #hat thes0ells sa-, that no #ea0on shall gie him his $eath2lo# sae that 2ill. "hat thingfollo#s it too that it is /no#n at one #hen a man is to 2e slain #ith that 2ill, forsomething sings in it so lou$l- that it ma- 2e hear$ a long #a- off suh a strongnature has that 2ill in it.*"hen Gunnar sang a song Soon shall 5 that s0earhea$ sei<e,n$ the 2ol$ searoer sla-,im #hose 2lo#s on hea$0iee ring,ea0er u0 of 0iles of $ea$.

"hen on En$il's ourser 2oun$ing,9'er the sea$e0ths 5 #ill ri$e,While the #reth #ho s0ells a2useth,3ife shall lose in Sigar's storm.*;ols/egg has a short s#or$ that is also the 2est of #ea0ons. &ore, too, the-hae a thir$ more than -e. "he- hae also muh goo$s, an$ hae sto#e$ thema#a- on lan$, an$ 5 /no# learl- #here the- are. But the- hae sent a s0-shi0 off the ness, an$ the- /no# all a2out -ou. No# the- are getting themseles rea$- asfast as the- an an$ as soon as the- are '2oun,' the- mean to run out against -ou.No# -ou hae either to ro# a#a- at one, or to 2us/ -ourseles as ui/l- as -ean 2ut if -e #in the $a-, then 5 #ill lea$ -ou to all their store of goo$s.*Gunnar gae him a gol$en fingerring, an$ #ent after#ar$s to his men an$ tol$them that #arshi0s la- on the other si$e of the ness, *an$ the- /no# all a2out usso let us ta/e to our arms, an$ 2us/ us #ell, for no# there is gain to 2e got*.

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"hen the- 2us/e$ them an$ just #hen the- #ere 2oun the- see shi0s oming u0to them. n$ no# a fight s0rung u0 2et#een them, an$ the- fought long, an$ man-men fell. Gunnar sle# man- a man. allgrim an$ his men lea0t on 2oar$ Gunnar'sshi0, Gunnar turns to meet him, an$ allgrim thrust at him #ith his 2ill. "here #asa 2oom ath#art the shi0, an$ Gunnar lea0t nim2l- 2a/ oer it, Gunnar's shiel$#as just 2efore the 2oom, an$ allgrim thrust his 2ill into it, an$ through it, an$ soon into the 2oom. Gunnar ut at allgrim's arm har$, an$ lame$ the forearm, 2utthe s#or$ #oul$ not 2ite. "hen $o#n fell the 2ill, an$ Gunnar sei<e$ the 2ill, an$

thrust allgrim through, an$ then sang a song Slain is he #ho s0oile$ the 0eo0le,3ashing them #ith flashing steelCear$ hae 5 ho# allgrim's magielmro$ forge$ in foreign lan$ll men /no#, of heartstrings $ought-,o# this 2ill hath ome to me,Deft in fight, the #olf's $ear fee$er.Death alone us t#o shall 0art.n$ that o# Gunnar /e0t, in that he 2ore the 2ill #hile he lie$. "hose namesa/es

>the t#o ;ols/eggs? fought together, an$ it #as a near thing #hih #oul$ get the2etter of it. "hen Gunnar ame u0, an$ gae the other ;ols/egg his $eath2lo#.fter that the searoers 2egge$ for mer-. Gunnar let them hae that hoie, an$he let them also ount the slain, an$ ta/e the goo$s #hih the $ea$ men o#ne$,2ut he gae the others #hom he s0are$ their arms an$ their lothing, an$ 2a$ethem 2e off to the lan$s that fostere$ them. So the- #ent off an$ Gunnar too/ allthe goo$s that #ere left 2ehin$."ofi ame to Gunnar after the 2attle, an$ offere$ to lea$ him to that store of goo$s#hih the searoers ha$ sto#e$ a#a-, an$ sai$ that it #as 2oth 2etter an$ largerthan that #hih the- ha$ alrea$- got.

Gunnar sai$ he #as #illing to go, an$ so he #ent ashore, an$ "ofi 2efore him, to a#oo$, an$ Gunnar 2ehin$ him. "he- ame to a 0lae #here a great hea0 of #oo$#as 0ile$ together. "ofi sa-s the goo$s #ere un$er there, then the- tosse$ off the#oo$, an$ foun$ un$er it 2oth gol$ an$ siler, lothes an$ goo$ #ea0ons. "he-2ore those goo$s to the shi0s, an$ Gunnar as/s "ofi in #hat #a- he #ishe$ him tore0a- him."ofi ans#ere$, *5 am a Dans/ man 2- rae, an$ 5 #ish thou #oul$st 2ring me to m-/insfol/*.Gunnar as/s #h- he #as there a#a- east7*5 #as ta/en 2- searoers,* sa-s "ofi, *an$ the- 0ut me on lan$ here in 9sel, an$

here 5 hae 2een eer sine.*

Chapter 1 - !unnar $oes to #in$ Harold !or%'s son and 3arl Ha(on

Gunnar too/ "ofi on 2oar$, an$ sai$ to ;ols/egg an$ allar$, *No# #e #ill hol$our ourse for the north lan$s*."he- #ere #ell 0lease$ at that, an$ 2a$e him hae his #a-. So Gunnar saile$ fromthe east #ith muh goo$s. e ha$ ten shi0s, an$ ran in #ith them to ei$ar2- inDenmar/. ;ing arol$ Gorm's son #as there u0 the ountr-, an$ he #as tol$ a2outGunnar, an$ ho# too that there #as no man his math in all 5elan$. e sent men

to him to as/ him to ome to him, an$ Gunnar #ent at one to see the /ing, an$the /ing ma$e him a heart- #elome, an$ sat him $o#n ne4t to himself. Gunnar#as there half a month. "he /ing ma$e himself s0ort 2- letting Gunnar 0roe

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himself in $iers feats of strength against his men, an$ there #ere none that #erehis math een in one feat."hen the /ing sai$ to Gunnar, *5t seems to me as though th- 0eer is not to 2efoun$ far or near,* an$ the /ing offere$ to get Gunnar a #ife, an$ to raise him togreat 0o#er if he #oul$ settle $o#n there.Gunnar than/e$ the /ing for his offer an$ sai$ *5 #ill first of all sail 2a/ to5elan$ to see m- frien$s an$ /insfol/*.*"hen thou #ilt neer ome 2a/ to us,* sa-s the /ing.

*&ate #ill settle that, lor$,* sa-s Gunnar.Gunnar gae the /ing a goo$ longshi0, an$ muh goo$s 2esi$es, an$ the /ing gaehim a ro2e of honour, an$ gol$enseame$ gloes, an$ a fillet #ith a /not of gol$ onit, an$ a ussian hat."hen Gunnar fare$ north to isingen. 9lier #elome$ him #ith 2oth han$s, an$ hegae 2a/ to 9lier his shi0s, #ith their la$ing, an$ sai$ that #as his share of thes0oil. 9lier too/ the goo$s, an$ sai$ Gunnar #as a goo$ man an$ true, an$ 2a$ehim sta- #ith him some #hile. allar$ as/e$ Gunnar if he ha$ a min$ to go to seeEarl aon. Gunnar sai$ that #as near his heart, *for no# 5 am some#hat 0roe$,2ut then 5 #as not trie$ at all #hen thou 2a$est me $o this 2efore*.

fter that the- fare$ north to Drontheim to see Earl aon, an$ he gae Gunnar aheart- #elome, an$ 2a$e him sta- #ith him that #inter, an$ Gunnar too/ thatoffer, an$ eer- man thought him a man of great #orth. t :ule the Earl gae him agol$ ring.Gunnar set his heart on Bergliota, the Earl's /ins#oman, an$ it #as often to 2eseen from the Earl's #a-, that he #oul$ hae gien her to him to #ife if Gunnar ha$sai$ an-thing a2out that.

Chapter 2 - !unnar (o%es out to (eland

When the s0ring ame, the Earl as/s Gunnar #hat ourse he meant to ta/e. e sai$he #oul$ go to 5elan$. "he Earl sai$ that ha$ 2een a 2a$ -ear for grain, *an$ there#ill 2e little sailing out to 5elan$, 2ut still thou shalt hae meal an$ tim2er 2oth inth- shi0*.Gunnar fitte$ out his shi0 as earl- as he oul$, an$ allar$ fare$ out #ith him an$;ols/egg. "he- ame out earl- in the summer, an$ ma$e rn2Al's 9-e 2efore the"hing met.Gunnar ro$e home from the shi0, 2ut got men to stri0 her an$ la- her u0. But #henthe- ame home all men #ere gla$ to see them. "he- #ere 2lithe an$ merr- totheir househol$, nor ha$ their haughtiness gro#n #hile the- #ere a#a-.Gunnar as/s if Njal #ere at home an$ he #as tol$ that he #as at home then helet them sa$$le his horse, an$ those 2rothers ro$e oer to Bergthors/noll.Njal #as gla$ at their oming, an$ 2egge$ them to sta- there that night, an$Gunnar tol$ him of his o-ages.Njal sai$ he #as a man of the greatest mar/, *an$ thou hast 2een muh 0roe$2ut still thou #ilt 2e more trie$ hereafter for man- #ill en- thee*.*With all men 5 #oul$ #ish to stan$ #ell,* sa-s Gunnar.*%uh 2a$ #ill ha00en,* sa-s Njal, *an$ thou #ilt al#a-s hae some uarrel to #ar$off.**So 2e it, then,* sa-s Gunnar, *so that 5 hae a goo$ groun$ on m- si$e.*

*So #ill it 2e too,* sa-s Njal, *if thou hast not to smart for others.*Njal as/e$ Gunnar if he #oul$ ri$e to the "hing. Gunnar sai$ he #as going to ri$ethither, an$ as/s Njal #hether he #ere going to ri$e 2ut he sai$ he #oul$ not ri$ethither, *an$ if 5 ha$ m- #ill thou #oul$st $o the li/e*.

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Gunnar ro$e home, an$ gae Njal goo$ gifts, an$ than/e$ him for the are he ha$ta/en of his goo$s, ;ols/egg urge$ him on muh to ri$e to the "hing, sa-ing,*"here th- honour #ill gro#, for man- #ill flo/ to see thee there*.*"hat has 2een little to m- min$,* sa-s Gunnar, *to ma/e a sho# of m-self 2ut 5thin/ it goo$ an$ right to meet goo$ an$ #orth- men.*allar$ 2- this time #as also ome thither, an$ offere$ to ri$e to the "hing #iththem.

Chapter - !unnar's wooin$

So Gunnar ro$e, an$ the- all ro$e. But #hen the- ame to the "hing the- #ere so#ell arra-e$ that none oul$ math them in 2raer- an$ men ame out of eer-2ooth to #on$er at them. Gunnar ro$e to the 2ooths of the men of angrier, an$#as there #ith his /insmen. %an- men ame to see Gunnar, an$ as/ ti$ings of himan$ he #as eas- an$ merr- to all men, an$ tol$ them all the- #ishe$ to hear.5t ha00ene$ one $a- that Gunnar #ent a#a- from the ill of 3a#s, an$ 0asse$ 2-the 2ooths of the men from %ossfell then he sa# a #oman oming to meet him,

an$ she #as in goo$l- attire 2ut #hen the- met she s0o/e to Gunnar at one. etoo/ her greeting #ell, an$ as/s #hat #oman she might 2e. She tol$ him her name#as allger$a, an$ sai$ she #as aus/ul$'s $aughter, Dala/oll's son. She s0o/e u02ol$l- to him, an$ 2a$e him tell her of his o-ages 2ut he sai$ he #oul$ notgainsa- her a tal/. "hen the- sat them $o#n an$ tal/e$. She #as so la$ that sheha$ on a re$ /irtle, an$ ha$ thro#n oer her a sarlet loa/ trimme$ #ithnee$le#or/ $o#n to the #aist. er hair ame $o#n to her 2osom, an$ #as 2oth fairan$ full. Gunnar #as la$ in the sarlet lothes #hih ;ing arol$ Gorm's son ha$gien him he ha$ also the gol$ ring on his arm #hih Earl aon ha$ gien him.So the- tal/e$ long out lou$, an$ at last it ame a2out that he as/e$ #hether she

#ere unmarrie$. She sai$, so it #as, *an$ there are not man- #ho #oul$ run theris/ of that*.*"hin/est thou none goo$ enough for thee7**Not that,* she sa-s, *2ut 5 am sai$ to 2e har$ to 0lease in hus2an$s.**o# #oul$st thou ans#er #ere 5 to as/ for thee7**"hat an not 2e in th- min$,* she sa-s.*5t is though,* sa-s he.*5f thou hast an- min$ that #a-, go an$ see m- father.*fter that the- 2ro/e off their tal/.Gunnar #ent straight#a- to the Dalesmen's 2ooths, an$ met a man outsi$e the$oor#a-, an$ as/s #hether aus/ul$ #ere insi$e the 2ooth7"he man sa-s that he #as. "hen Gunnar #ent in, an$ aus/ul$ an$ rut ma$e him#elome. e sat $o#n 2et#een them, an$ no one oul$ fin$ out from their tal/ thatthere ha$ eer 2een an- misun$erstan$ing 2et#een them. t last Gunnar's s0eehturne$ thither ho# these 2rothers #oul$ ans#er if he as/e$ for allger$a7*Well,* sa-s aus/ul$, *if that is in$ee$ th- min$.*Gunnar sa-s that he is in earnest, *2ut #e so 0arte$ last time, that man- #oul$thin/ it unli/el- that #e shoul$ eer 2e 2oun$ together*.*o# thin/est thou, /insman rut7* sa-s aus/ul$.rut ans#ere$, *%ethin/s this is no een math*.*o# $ost thou ma/e that out7* sa-s Gunnar.

rut s0o/e *5n this #ise #ill 5 ans#er thee a2out this matter, as is the er- truth."hou art a 2ris/ 2rae man, #ell to $o, an$ un2lemishe$ 2ut she is muh mi4e$ u0#ith ill re0ort, an$ 5 #ill not heat thee in an-thing.*

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*Goo$ go #ith thee for th- #or$s,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut still 5 shall hol$ that for true,that the ol$ feu$ #eighs #ith -e, if -e #ill not let me ma/e this math.**Not so,* sa-s rut, *'tis more 2eause 5 see that thou art una2le to hel0 th-self2ut though #e ma/e no 2argain, #e #oul$ still 2e th- frien$s.**5 hae tal/e$ to her a2out it,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ it is not far from her min$.*rut sa-s *5 /no# that -ou hae 2oth set -our hearts on this math an$, 2esi$es,-e t#o are those #ho run the most ris/ as to ho# it turns out*.rut tol$ Gunnar unas/e$ all a2out allger$a's tem0er, an$ Gunnar at first thought

that there #as more than enough that #as #anting 2ut at last it ame a2out thatthe- stru/ a 2argain."hen allger$a #as sent for, an$ the- tal/e$ oer the 2usiness #hen she #as 2-,an$ no#, as 2efore, the- ma$e her 2etroth herself. "he 2ri$al feast #as to 2e at3ithen$, an$ at first the- #ere to set a2out it seretl- 2ut the en$ after all #as thateer- one /ne# of it.Gunnar ro$e home from the "hing, an$ ame to Bergthors/noll, an$ tol$ Njal of the2argain he ha$ ma$e. e too/ it heail-.Gunnar as/s Njal #h- he thought this so un#ise7*Beause from her,* sa-s Njal, *#ill arise all /in$ of ill if she omes hither east.*

*Neer shall she s0oil our frien$shi0,* sa-s Gunnar.*h= 2ut -et that ma- ome er- near,* sa-s Njal *an$, 2esi$es, thou #ilt haeal#a-s to ma/e atonement for her.*Gunnar as/e$ Njal to the #e$$ing, an$ all those as #ell #hom he #ishe$ shoul$ 2eat it from Njal's house.Njal 0romise$ to go an$ after that Gunnar ro$e home, an$ then ro$e a2out the$istrit to 2i$ men to his #e$$ing.

Chapter & - Of Thrain Si$fus' son

"here #as a man name$ "hrain, he #as the son of Sigfus, the son of Sighat thee$. e /e0t house at Grit#ater on &leetlithe. e #as Gunnar's /insman, an$ aman of great mar/. e ha$ to #ife "horhil$a S/al$#ife she ha$ a shar0 tongue of her o#n, an$ #as giing to jeering. "hrain loe$ her little. e an$ his #ife #ere2i$$en to the #e$$ing, an$ she an$ Bergthora, S/ar0he$inn's $aughter, Njal's #ife,#aite$ on the guests #ith meat an$ $rin/.;ettle #as the name of the seon$ son of Sigfus he /e0t house in the %ar/, east of %ar/fleet. e ha$ to #ife "horger$a, Njal's $aughter. "hor/ell #as the name of thethir$ son of Sigfus the fourth's name #as %or$ the fifth's 3am2i the si4th'sSigmun$ the seenth's Sigur$. "hese #ere all Gunnar's /insmen, an$ greatham0ions. Gunnar 2a$e them all to the #e$$ing.Gunnar ha$ also 2i$$en +algar$ the guileful, an$ Wolf ur0riest, an$ their sonsunolf an$ %or$.aus/ul$ an$ rut ame to the #e$$ing #ith a er- great om0an-, an$ the sonsof aus/ul$, "orlei/, an$ 9lof, #ere there the 2ri$e, too, ame along #ith them,an$ her $aughter "horger$a ame also, an$ she #as one of the fairest of #omenshe #as then fourteen #inters ol$. %an- other #omen #ere #ith her, an$ 2esi$esthere #ere "hor/atla sgrim Elli$agrim's son's $aughter, an$ Njal's t#o $aughters,"horger$a an$ elga.Gunnar ha$ alrea$- man- guests to meet them, an$ he thus arrange$ his men. e

sat on the mi$$le of the 2enh, an$ on the insi$e, a#a- from him, "hrain Sigfus'son, then Wolf ur0riest, then +algar$ the guileful, then %or$ an$ unolf, then theother sons of Sigfus, 3am2i sat outermost of them.

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Ne4t to Gunnar on the outsi$e, a#a- from him, sat Njal, then S/ar0he$inn, thenelgi, then Grim, then aus/ul$ Njal's son, then afr the Wise, then 5ngiall$ fromthe S0rings, then the sons of "horir from olt a#a- east. "horir #oul$ sit outermostof the men of mar/, for eer- one #as 0lease$ #ith the seat he got.aus/ul$, the 2ri$e's father, sat on the mi$$le of the 2enh oer against Gunnar,2ut his sons sat on the insi$e a#a- from him rut sat on the outsi$e a#a- fromaus/ul$, 2ut it is not sai$ ho# the others #ere 0lae$. "he 2ri$e sat in the mi$$leof the ross2enh on the $ais 2ut on one han$ of her sat her $aughter "horger$a,

an$ on the other "hor/atla sgrim Elli$agrim's son's $aughter."horhill$a #ent a2out #aiting on the guests, an$ Bergthora 2ore the meat on the2oar$.No# "hrain Sigfus' son /e0t staring at "horger$a Glum's $aughter his #ife"horhill$a sa# this, an$ she got #roth, an$ ma$e a ou0let u0on him.*"hrain,* she sa-s,*Ga0ing mouths are no #ise goo$,Goggle e-ne are in th- hea$,*e rose at one u0 from the 2oar$, an$ sai$ he #oul$ 0ut "horhill$a a#a-, *5 #illnot 2ear her ji2es an$ jeers an- longer* an$ he #as so uarrelsome a2out this,

that he #oul$ not 2e at the feast unless she #ere $rien a#a-. n$ so it #as, thatshe #ent a#a- an$ no# eah man sat in his 0lae, an$ the- $ran/ an$ #ere gla$."hen "hrain 2egan to s0ea/ *5 #ill not #his0er a2out that #hih is in m- min$."his 5 #ill as/ thee, aus/ul$ Dala/oll's son, #ilt thou gie me to #ife "horger$a,th- /ins#oman7**5 $o not /no# that,* sa-s aus/ul$ *methin/s thou art ill 0arte$ from the onethou ha$st 2efore. But #hat /in$ of man is he, Gunnar7*Gunnar ans#ers *5 #ill not sa- aught a2out the man, 2eause he is near of /in2ut sa- thou a2out him, Njal,* sa-s Gunnar, *for all men #ill 2eliee it*.Njal s0o/e, an$ sai$ *"hat is to 2e sai$ of this man, that the man is #ell to $o for

#ealth, an$ a 0ro0er man in all things. man, too, of the greatest mar/ so that -ema- #ell ma/e this math #ith him.*"hen aus/ul$ s0o/e *What thin/est thou #e ought to $o, /insman rut7**"hou ma-st ma/e the math, 2eause it is an een one for her,* sa-s rut."hen the- tal/ a2out the terms of the 2argain, an$ are soon of one min$ on all0oints."hen Gunnar stan$s u0, an$ "hrain too, an$ the- go to the ross2enh. Gunnaras/e$ that mother an$ $aughter #hether the- #oul$ sa- -es to this 2argain. "he-sai$ the- #oul$ fin$ no fault #ith it, an$ allger$a 2etrothe$ her $aughter. "henthe 0laes of the #omen #ere shifte$ again, an$ no# "horhalla sate 2et#een the

2ri$es. n$ no# the feast s0e$ on #ell, an$ #hen it #as oer, aus/ul$ an$ hisom0an- ri$e #est, 2ut the men of angrier ro$e to their o#n a2o$e. Gunnar gaeman- men gifts, an$ that ma$e him muh li/e$.allger$a too/ the house/ee0ing un$er her, an$ stoo$ u0 for her rights in #or$ an$$ee$. "horger$a too/ to house/ee0ing at Grit#ater, an$ #as a goo$ house#ife.

Chapter ) - The +isit to Ber$thors#noll

No# it #as the ustom 2et#een Gunnar an$ Njal, that eah ma$e the other a feast,#inter an$ #inter a2out, for frien$shi0's sa/e an$ it #as Gunnar's turn to go to

feast at Njal's. So Gunnar an$ allger$a set off for Bergthors/noll, an$ #hen the-got there elgi an$ his #ife #ere not at home. Njal gae Gunnar an$ his #ife aheart- #elome, an$ #hen the- ha$ 2een there a little #hile, elgi ame home #ith

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"horhalla his #ife. "hen Bergthora #ent u0 to the ross2enh, an$ "horhalla #ithher, an$ Bergthora sai$ to allger$a *"hou shalt gie 0lae to this #oman.*She ans#ere$ *"o no one #ill 5 gie 0lae, for 5 #ill not 2e $rien into the ornerfor an- one*.*5 shall rule here,* sai$ Bergthora, fter that "horhalla sat $o#n, an$ Bergthora#ent roun$ the ta2le #ith #ater to #ash the guests' han$s. "hen allger$a too/hol$ of Bergthora's han$, an$ sai$

*"here's not muh to hoose, though, 2et#een -ou t#o. "hou hast hangnails oneer- finger, an$ Njal is 2ear$less.**"hat's true,* sa-s Bergthora, *-et neither of us fin$s fault #ith the other for it 2ut"hor#al$, th- hus2an$, #as not 2ear$less, an$ -et thou 0lotte$st his $eath.*"hen allger$a sai$ *5t stan$s me in little stea$ to hae the 2raest man in5elan$ if thou $ost not aenge this, Gunnar=*e s0rang u0 an$ stro$e aross a#a- from the 2oar$, an$ sai$ *ome 5 #ill go,an$ it #ere more seeml- that thou shoul$est #rangle #ith those of thine o#nhousehol$, an$ not un$er other men's roofs 2ut as for Njal, 5 am his $e2tor formuh honour, an$ neer #ill 5 2e egge$ on 2- thee li/e a fool*.

fter that the- set off home.*%in$ this, Bergthora,* sai$ allger$a, *that #e shall meet again.*Bergthora sai$ she shoul$ not 2e 2etter off for that. Gunnar sai$ nothing at all, 2ut#ent home to 3ithen$, an$ #as there at home all the #inter. n$ no# the summer#as running on to#ar$s the Great "hing.

Chapter , - 4ol slew Swart

Gunnar ro$e a#a- to the "hing, 2ut 2efore he ro$e from home he sai$ to allger$a

*Be goo$ no# #hile 5 am a#a-, an$ sho# none of thine ill tem0er in an-thing #ith#hih m- frien$s hae to $o*.*"he trolls ta/e th- frien$s,* sa-s allger$a.So Gunnar ro$e to the "hing, an$ sa# it #as not goo$ to ome to #or$s #ith her.Njal ro$e to the "hing too, an$ all his sons #ith him.No# it must 2e tol$ of #hat ti$ings ha00ene$ at home. Njal an$ Gunnar o#ne$ a#oo$ in ommon at e$sli0 the- ha$ not share$ the #oo$, 2ut eah #as #ont tohe# in it as he nee$e$, an$ neither sai$ a #or$ to the other a2out that. allger$a'sgriee's name #as ;ol he ha$ 2een #ith her long, an$ #as one of the #orst of men. "here #as a man name$ S#art he #as Njal's an$ Bergthora's housearlethe- #ere er- fon$ of him. No# Bergthora tol$ him that he must go u0 intoe$sli0 an$ he# #oo$ 2ut she sai$ *5 #ill get men to $ra# home the #oo$*.e sai$ he #oul$ $o the #or/ She set him to #in an$ so he #ent u0 into e$sli0,an$ #as to 2e there a #ee/.Some gangrel men ame to 3ithen$ from the east aross %ar/fleet, an$ sai$ thatS#art ha$ 2een in e$sli0, an$ he#n #oo$, an$ $one a $eal of #or/.*So,* sa-s allger$a, *Bergthora must mean to ro2 me in man- things, 2ut 5'll ta/eare that he $oes not he# again.*anneig, Gunnar's mother, hear$ that, an$ sai$ *"here hae 2een goo$house#ies 2efore no#, though the- neer set their hearts on manslaughter*.No# the night #ore a#a-, an$ earl- ne4t morning allger$a ame to s0ea/ to ;ol,

an$ sai$ *5 hae thought of some #or/ for thee* an$ #ith that she 0ut #ea0onsinto his han$s, an$ #ent on to sa- *&are thou to e$sli0 there #ilt thou fin$S#art*.*What shall 5 $o to him7* he sa-s.

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*s/est thou that #hen thou art the #orst of men7* she sa-s. *"hou shalt /ill him.**5 an get that $one,* he sa-s, *2ut 'tis more li/el- that 5 shall lose m- o#n life forit.**Eer-thing gro#s 2ig in th- e-es,* she sa-s, *an$ thou 2ehaest ill to sa- this after5 hae s0o/en u0 for thee in eer-thing. 5 must get another man to $o this if thou$arest not.*e too/ the a4e, an$ #as er- #roth, an$ ta/es a horse that Gunnar o#ne$, an$ri$es no# till he omes east of %ar/fleet. "here he got off an$ 2i$e$ in the #oo$,

till the- ha$ arrie$ $o#n the fire#oo$, an$ S#art #as left alone 2ehin$. "hen ;ols0rang on him, an$ sai$ *%ore fol/ an he# great stro/es than thou alone* an$so he lai$ the a4e on his hea$, an$ smote him his $eath2lo#, an$ ri$es homeafter#ar$s, an$ tells allger$a of the sla-ing.She sai$ *5 shall ta/e suh goo$ are of thee, that no harm shall ome to thee*.*%a- 2e so,* sa-s he, *2ut 5 $reamt all the other #a- as 5 sle0t ere 5 $i$ the $ee$.*No# the- ome u0 into the #oo$, an$ fin$ S#art slain, an$ 2ear him home.allger$a sent a man to Gunnar at the "hing to tell him of the sla-ing. Gunnar sai$no har$ #or$s at first of allger$a to the messenger, an$ men /ne# not at first#hether he thought #ell or ill of it. little after he stoo$ u0, an$ 2a$e his men go

#ith himC the- $i$ so, an$ fare$ to Njal's 2ooth. Gunnar sent a man to feth Njal,an$ 2egge$ him to ome out. Njal #ent out at one, an$ he an$ Gunnar fell atal/ing, an$ Gunnar sai$ *5 hae to tell thee of the sla-ing of a man, an$ m- #ife an$ m- griee ;ol #erethose #ho $i$ it 2ut S#art, th- housearle, fell 2efore them.*Njal hel$ his 0eae #hile he tol$ him the #hole stor-. "hen Njal s0o/e *"hou must ta/e hee$ not to let her hae her #a- in eer-thing.*Gunnar sai$ *"hou th-self shall settle the terms*.Njal s0o/e again *'"#ill 2e har$ #or/ for thee to atone for all allger$a's mishiefan$ some#here else there #ill 2e a 2roa$er trail to follo# than this #hih #e t#o

no# hae a share in, an$ -et, een here there #ill 2e muh a#anting 2efore all 2e#ell an$ herein #e shall nee$ to 2ear in min$ the frien$l- #or$s that 0asse$2et#een us of ol$ an$ something tells me that thou #ilt ome #ell out of it, 2utstill thou #ilt 2e sore trie$*."hen Njal too/ the a#ar$ into his o#n han$s from Gunnar, an$ sai$ *5 #ill not 0ush this matter to the uttermost thou shalt 0a- t#ele ounes of siler2ut 5 #ill a$$ this to m- a#ar$, that if an-thing ha00ens from our homestea$ a2out#hih thou hast to utter an a#ar$, thou #ilt not 2e less eas- in th- terms*.Gunnar 0ai$ u0 the mone- out of han$, an$ ro$e home after#ar$s. Njal, too, amehome from the "hing, an$ his sons. Bergthora sa# the mone-, an$ sai$

*"his is er- justl- settle$ 2ut een as muh mone- shall 2e 0ai$ for ;ol as timegoes on.*Gunnar ame home from the "hing an$ 2lame$ allger$a. She sai$, 2etter men la-unatone$ in man- 0laes, Gunnar sai$, she might hae her #a- in 2eginning auarrel, *2ut ho# the matter is to 2e settle$ rests #ith me*.allger$a #as for eer hattering of S#art's sla-ing, 2ut Bergthora li/e$ that ill.9ne Njal an$ her sons #ent u0 to "horolfsfell to see a2out the house/ee0ingthere, 2ut that selfsame $a- this thing ha00ene$ #hen Bergthora #as out of $oorsCshe sees a man ri$e u0 to the house on a 2la/ horse. She sta-e$ there an$ $i$ notgo in, for she $i$ not /no# the man. "hat man ha$ a s0ear in his han$, an$ #asgir$e$ #ith a short s#or$. She as/e$ this man his name.*tli is m- name,* sa-s he.She as/e$ #hene he ame.*5 am an Eastfirther,* he sa-s.

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*Whither shalt thou go7* she sa-s.*5 am a homeless man,* sa-s he, *an$ 5 thought to see Njal an$ S/ar0he$inn, an$/no# if the- #oul$ ta/e me in.**What #or/ is han$iest to thee7* sa-s she.*5 am a man use$ to fiel$#or/,* he sa-s, *an$ man- things else ome er- han$-to me 2ut 5 #ill not hi$e from thee that 5 am a man of har$ tem0er an$ it has 2eenman- a man's lot 2efore no# to 2in$ u0 #oun$s at m- han$.**5 $o not 2lame thee,* she sa-s, *though thou art no mil/so0.*

tli sai$ *ast thou an- oie in things here7**5 am Njal's #ife,* she sa-s, *an$ 5 hae as muh to sa- to our housefol/ as he.**Wilt thou ta/e me in then7* sa-s he.*5 #ill gie thee th- hoie of that,* sa-s she. *5f thou #ilt $o all the #or/ that 5 set2efore thee, an$ that though 5 #ish to sen$ thee #here a man's life is at sta/e.**"hou must hae so man- men at th- 2e/,* sa-s he, *that thou #ilt not nee$ mefor suh #or/.**"hat 5 #ill settle as 5 0lease,* she sa-s.*We #ill stri/e a 2argain on these terms,* sa-s he."hen she too/ him into the househol$. Njal an$ his sons ame home an$ as/e$

Bergthora #hat man that might 2e7*e is th- housearle,* she sa-s, *an$ 5 too/ him in.* "hen she #ent on to sa- he#as no sluggar$ at #or/.*e #ill 2e a great #or/er enough, 5 $aresa-,* sa-s Njal, *2ut 5 $o not /no##hether he #ill 2e suh a goo$ #or/er.*S/ar0he$inn #as goo$ to tli.Njal an$ his sons ri$e to the "hing in the ourse of the summer Gunnar #as also atthe "hing.Njal too/ out a 0urse of mone-.*What mone- is that, father7*

*ere is the mone- that Gunnar 0ai$ me for our housearle last summer.**"hat #ill ome to stan$ thee in some stea$,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, an$ smile$ as hes0o/e.

Chapter . - The slayin$ of 4ol" who% *tli slew

No# #e must ta/e u0 the stor-, an$ sa- that tli as/e$ Bergthora #hat #or/ heshoul$ $o that $a-.*5 hae thought of some #or/ for thee,* she sa-s *thou shall go an$ loo/ for ;oluntil thou fin$ him for no# shalt thou sla- him this er- $a-, if thou #ilt $o m-#ill.**"his #or/ is #ell fitte$,* sa-s tli, *for eah of us t#o are 2a$ fello#s 2ut still 5#ill so la- m-self out for him that one or other of us shall $ie.**Well ma-est thou fare,* she sa-s, *an$ thou shalt not $o this $ee$ for nothing.*e too/ his #ea0ons an$ his horse, an$ ro$e u0 to &leetlithe, an$ there met men#ho #ere oming $o#n from 3ithen$. "he- #ere at home east in the %ar/. "he-as/e$ tli #hither he meant to go7 e sai$ he #as ri$ing to loo/ for an ol$ ja$e."he- sai$ that #as a small erran$ for suh a #or/man, *2ut still 't#oul$ 2e 2etterto as/ those #ho hae 2een a2out last night*.*Who are the-7* sa-s he.

*;illing;ol,* sa- the-, *allger$a's housearle, fare$ from the fol$ just no#, an$has 2een a#a/e all night.**5 $o not /no# #hether 5 $are to meet him,* sa-s tli, *he is 2a$tem0ere$, an$ma- 2e that 5 shall let another's #oun$ 2e m- #arning.*

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*"hou 2earest that loo/ 2eneath the 2ro#s as though thou #ert no o#ar$,* the-sai$, an$ sho#e$ him #here ;ol #as."hen he s0urre$ his horse an$ ri$es fast, an$ #hen he meets ;ol, tli sai$ to him *Go the 0a/sa$$le 2an$s #ell7**"hat's no 2usiness of thine, #orthless fello#, nor of an- one else #hene thouomest.*tli sai$ *"hou hast something 2ehin$ that is earnest #or/, 2ut that is to $ie*.fter that tli thrust at him #ith his s0ear, an$ stru/ him a2out his mi$$le. ;ol

s#e0t at him #ith his a4e, 2ut misse$ him, an$ fell off his horse, an$ $ie$ at one.tli ro$e till he met some of allger$a's #or/men, an$ sai$, *Go -e u0 to the horse-on$er, an$ loo/ to ;ol, for he has fallen off, an$ is $ea$*.*ast thou slain him7* sa- the-.*Well, 't#ill seem to allger$a as though he has not fallen 2- his o#n han$.*fter that tli ro$e home an$ tol$ Bergthora she than/e$ him for this $ee$, an$for the #or$s #hih he ha$ s0o/en a2out it.*5 $o not /no#,* sa-s he, *#hat Njal #ill thin/ of this.**e #ill ta/e it #ell u0on his han$s,* she sa-s, *an$ 5 #ill tell thee one thing as ato/en of it, that he has earne$ a#a- #ith him to the "hing the 0rie of that thrall

#hih #e too/ last s0ring, an$ that mone- #ill no# sere for ;ol 2ut though 0eae2e ma$e thou must still 2e#are of th-self, for allger$a #ill /ee0 no 0eae.**Wilt thou sen$ at all a man to Njal to tell him of the sla-ing7**5 #ill not,* she sa-s, *5 shoul$ li/e it 2etter that ;ol #ere unatone$.*"hen the- sto00e$ tal/ing a2out it.allger$a #as tol$ of ;ol's sla-ing, an$ of the #or$s that tli ha$ sai$. She sai$ tlishoul$ 2e 0ai$ off for them. She sent a man to the "hing to tell Gunnar of ;ol'ssla-ing he ans#ere$ little or nothing, an$ sent a man to tell Njal. e too ma$e noans#er, 2ut S/ar0he$inn sai$ *"hralls are men of more mettle than of -ore the- use$ to fl- at eah other an$

fight, an$ no one thought muh harm of that 2ut no# the- #ill $o naught 2ut /ill,*an$ as he sai$ this he smile$.Njal 0ulle$ $o#n the 0urse of mone- #hih hung u0 in the 2ooth, an$ #ent out hissons #ent #ith him to Gunnar's 2ooth.S/ar0he$inn sai$ to a man #ho #as in the $oor#a- of the 2ooth *Sa- thou to Gunnar that m- father #ants to see him.*e $i$ so, an$ Gunnar #ent out at one an$ gae Njal a heart- #elome. fter thatthe- 2egan to tal/.*'"is ill $one,* sa-s Njal, *that m- house#ife shoul$ hae 2ro/en the 0eae, an$ letth- housearle 2e slain.*

*She shall not hae 2lame for that,* sa-s Gunnar.*Settle the a#ar$ th-self,* sa-s Njal.*So 5 #ill $o,* sa- Gunnar, *an$ 5 alue those t#o men at an een 0rie, S#art an$;ol. "hou shalt 0a- me t#ele ounes in siler.*Njal too/ the 0urse of mone- an$ han$e$ it to Gunnar. Gunnar /ne# the mone-,an$ sa# it #as the same that he ha$ 0ai$ Njal. Njal #ent a#a- to his 2ooth, an$the- #ere just as goo$ frien$s as 2efore. When Njal ame home, he 2lame$Bergthora 2ut she sai$ she #oul$ neer gie #a- to allger$a. allger$a #as er-ross #ith Gunnar, 2eause he ha$ ma$e 0eae for ;ol's sla-ing, Gunnar tol$ herhe #oul$ neer 2rea/ #ith Njal or his sons, an$ she fle# into a great rage 2utGunnar too/ no hee$ of that, an$ so the- sat for that -ear, an$ nothing note#orth-ha00ene$.

Chapter / - The #illin$ of *tli the Thrall

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Ne4t s0ring Njal sai$ to tli *5 #ish that thou #oul$st hange th- a2o$e to theeast firths, so that allger$a ma- not 0ut an en$ to th- life*.*5 am not afrai$ of that,* sa-s tli, *an$ 5 #ill #illingl- sta- at home if 5 hae thehoie.**Still that is less #ise,* sa-s Njal.*5 thin/ it 2etter to lose m- life in th- house than to hange m- master 2ut this 5#ill 2eg of thee, if 5 am slain, that a thrall's 0rie shall not 2e 0ai$ for me.**"hou shalt 2e atone$ for as a free man 2ut 0erha0s Bergthora #ill ma/e thee a

0romise #hih she #ill fulfil, that reenge, man for man, shall 2e ta/en for thee.*"hen he ma$e u0 his min$ to 2e a hire$ serant there.No# it must 2e tol$ of allger$a that she sent a man #est to Bearfirth, to fethBr-njolf the nrul-, her /insman. e #as a 2ase son of S#an, an$ he #as one of the #orst of men. Gunnar /ne# nothing a2out it. allger$a sai$ he #as #ell fitte$to 2e a griee. So Br-njolf ame from the #est, an$ Gunnar as/e$ #hat he #as to$o there7 e sai$ he #as going to sta- there.*"hou #ilt not 2etter our househol$,* sa-s Gunnar, *after #hat has 2een tol$ me of thee, 2ut 5 #ill not turn a#a- an- of allger$a's /insmen, #hom she #ishes to 2e#ith her.*

Gunnar sai$ little, 2ut #as not un/in$ to him, an$ so things #ent on till the "hing.Gunnar ri$es to the "hing an$ ;ols/egg ri$es too, an$ #hen the- ame to the "hingthe- an$ Njal met, for he an$ his sons #ere at the "hing, an$ all #ent #ell #ithGunnar an$ them.Bergthora sai$ to tli *Go thou u0 into "horolfsfell an$ #or/ there a #ee/*.So he #ent u0 thither, an$ #as there on the sl-, an$ 2urnt haroal in the #oo$.allger$a sai$ to Br-njolf *5 hae 2een tol$ tli is not at home, an$ he must 2e#inning #or/ on "horolfsfell*.*What thin/est thou li/eliest that he is #or/ing at7* sa-s he.*t something in the #oo$,* she sa-s.

*What shall 5 $o to him7* he as/s.*"hou shalt /ill him,* sa-s she.e #as rather slo# in ans#ering her, an$ allger$a sai$ *'"#oul$ gro# less in "hiostolf's e-es to /ill tli if he #ere alie.**"hou shalt hae no nee$ to goa$ me on muh more,* he sa-s, an$ then he sei<e$his #ea0ons, an$ ta/es his horse an$ mounts, an$ ri$es to "horolfsfell. "here hesa# a great ree/ of oal smo/e east of the homestea$, so he ri$es thither, an$ getsoff his horse an$ ties him u0, 2ut he goes #here the smo/e #as thi/est. "hen hesees #here the haroal 0it is, an$ a man stan$s 2- it. e sa# that he ha$ thrusthis s0ear in the groun$ 2- him. Br-njolf goes along #ith the smo/e right u0 to him,

2ut he #as eager at his #or/, an$ sa# him not. Br-njolf gae him a stro/e on thehea$ #ith his a4e, an$ he turne$ so ui/ roun$ that Br-njolf loose$ his hol$ of thea4e, an$ tli gras0e$ the s0ear, an$ hurle$ it after him. "hen Br-njolf ast himself $o#n on the groun$, 2ut the s0ear fle# a#a- oer him.*3u/- for thee that 5 #as not rea$- for thee,* sa-s tli, *2ut no# allger$a #ill 2e#ell 0lease$, for thou #ilt tell her of m- $eath 2ut it is a omfort to /no# that thou#ilt hae the same fate soon 2ut ome no#, ta/e th- a4e #hih has 2een here.*e ans#ere$ him neer a #or$, nor $i$ he ta/e the a4e 2efore he #as $ea$. "henhe ro$e u0 to the house on "horolfsfell, an$ tol$ of the sla-ing, an$ after that ro$ehome an$ tol$ allger$a. She sent men to Bergthors/noll, an$ let them tellBergthora, that no# ;ol's sla-ing #as 0ai$ for.fter that allger$a sent a man to the "hing to tell Gunnar of tli's /illing.Gunnar stoo$ u0, an$ ;ols/egg #ith him, an$ ;ols/egg sai$ *nthrift- #ill allger$a's /insmen 2e to thee.*

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"hen the- go to see Njal, an$ Gunnar sai$ *5 hae to tell thee of tli's /illing.* e tol$ him also #ho sle# him, an$ #ent on,*an$ no# 5 #ill 2i$ thee atonement for the $ee$, an$ thou shall ma/e the a#ar$th-self*.Njal sai$ *We t#o hae al#a-s meant neer to ome to strife a2out an-thing 2utstill 5 annot ma/e him out a thrall*.Gunnar sai$ that #as all right, an$ strethe$ out his han$.Njal name$ his #itnesses, an$ the- ma$e 0eae on those terms.

S/ar0he$inn sai$, *allger$a $oes not let our housearles $ie of ol$ age*.Gunnar sai$ *"h- mother #ill ta/e are that 2lo# goes for 2lo# 2et#een thehouses*.*-, a-,* sa-s Njal, *there #ill 2e enough of that #or/.*fter that Njal fi4e$ the 0rie at a hun$re$ in siler, 2ut Gunnar 0ai$ it $o#n atone. %an- #ho stoo$ 2- sai$ that the a#ar$ #as high Gunnar got #roth, an$ sai$that a full atonement #as often 0ai$ for those #ho #ere no 2ris/er men than tli.With that the- ro$e home from the "hing.Bergthora sai$ to Njal #hen she sa# the mone- *"hou thin/est thou hast fulfille$th- 0romise, 2ut no# m- 0romise is still 2ehin$*.

*"here is no nee$ that thou shoul$st fulfil it,* sa-s Njal.*Na-,* sa-s she, *thou hast guesse$ it #oul$ 2e so an$ so it shall 2e.*allger$a sai$ to Gunnar *ast thou 0ai$ a hun$re$ in siler for tli's sla-ing, an$ ma$e him a free man7**e #as free 2efore,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ 2esi$es, 5 #ill not ma/e Njal's househol$outla#s #ho hae forfeite$ their rights.**"here's not a 0in to hoose 2et#een -ou,* she sai$, *for 2oth of -ou are so 2late.**"hat's as things 0roe,* sa-s he."hen Gunnar #as for a long time er- short #ith her, till she gae #a- to him an$no# all #as still for the rest of that -ear in the s0ring Njal $i$ not inrease his

househol$, an$ no# men ri$e to the "hing a2out summer.

Chapter 0 - The slayin$ of Brynjolf the Unruly

"here #as a man name$ "hor$, he #as surname$ &ree$manson. Sigtr-gg #as hisfather's name, an$ he ha$ 2een the free$man of sger$, an$ he #as $ro#ne$ in%ar/fleet. "hat #as #h- "hor$ #as #ith Njal after#ar$s. e #as a tall man an$ astrong, an$ he ha$ fostere$ all Njal's sons. e ha$ set his heart on Gu$finna"horolf's $aughter, Njal's /ins#oman she #as house/ee0er at home there, an$ #asthen #ith hil$.No# Bergthora ame to tal/ #ith "hor$ &ree$manson she sai$ *"hou shalt go to /ill Br-njolf, allger$a's /insman.**5 am no mansla-er,* he sa-s, *2ut still 5 #ill $o #hat eer thou #ilt.**"his is m- #ill,* she sa-s.fter that he #ent u0 to 3ithen$, an$ ma$e them all allger$a out, an$ as/e$#here Br-njolf might 2e.*What's th- #ill #ith him7* she sa-s.*5 #ant him to tell me #here he has hi$$en tli's 2o$- 5 hae hear$ sa- that hehas 2urie$ it 2a$l-.*She 0ointe$ to him, an$ sai$ he #as $o#n -on$er in retongue.

*"a/e hee$,* sa-s "hor$, *that the same thing $oes not 2efall him as 2efell tli.**"hou art no mansla-er,* she sa-s, *an$ so nought #ill ome of it een if -e t#o $omeet.*

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*Neer hae 5 seen man's 2loo$, nor $o 5 /no# ho# 5 shoul$ feel if 5 $i$,* he sa-s,an$ gallo0s out of the *to#n* an$ $o#n to retongue.anneig, Gunnar's mother, ha$ hear$ their tal/.*"hou goa$est his min$ muh, allger$a,* she sa-s, *2ut 5 thin/ him a $auntlessman, an$ that th- /insman #ill fin$.*"he- met on the 2eaten #a-, "hor$ an$ Br-njolf an$ "hor$ sai$ *Guar$ thee,Br-njolf, for 5 #ill $o no $astar$'s $ee$ 2- thee*.Br-njolf ro$e at "hor$, an$ smote at him #ith his a4e. e smote at him at the

same time #ith his a4e, an$ he#e$ in sun$er the haft just a2oe Br-njolf s han$s,an$ then he#e$ at him at one a seon$ time, an$ stru/ him on the ollar2one,an$ the 2lo# #ent straight into his trun/. "hen he fell from horse2a/, an$ #as$ea$ on the s0ot."hor$ met allger$a'a her$sman, an$ gae out the sla-ing as $one 2- his han$,an$ sai$ #here he la-, an$ 2a$e him tell allger$a of the sla-ing. fter that he ro$ehome to Bergthors/noll, an$ tol$ Bergthora of the sla-ing, an$ other 0eo0le too.*Goo$ lu/ go #ith th- han$s,* she sai$."he her$sman tol$ allger$a of the sla-ing she #as sna00ish at it, an$ sai$ muhill #oul$ ome of it, if she might hae her #a-.

Chapter & - !unnar and Njal %a#e pea(e aout Brynjolf's slayin$

No# these ti$ings ome to the "hing, an$ Njal ma$e them tell him the tale thrie,an$ then he sai$ *%ore men no# 2eome mansla-ers than 5 #eene$.*S/ar0he$inn s0o/e *"hat man, though, must hae 2een t#ie fe-,* he sa-s, *#holost his life 2- our fosterfather's han$, #ho has neer seen man's 2loo$. n$ man-#oul$ thin/ that #e 2rothers #oul$ sooner hae $one this $ee$ #ith the turn of 

tem0er that #e hae.**Sant a0ae #ilt thou hae,* sa-s Njal, *ere the li/e 2efalls thee 2ut nee$ #ill$rie thee to it.*"hen the- #ent to meet Gunnar, an$ tol$ him of the sla-ing. Gunnar s0o/e an$ sai$that #as little mansathe, *2ut -et he #as a free man*.Njal offere$ to ma/e 0eae at one, an$ Gunnar sai$ -es, an$ he #as to settle theterms himself. e ma$e his a#ar$ there an$ then, an$ lai$ it at one hun$re$ insiler. Njal 0ai$ $o#n the mone- on the s0ot, an$ the- #ere at 0eae after that.

Chapter &1 - Si$%und (o%es out to (eland

"here #as a man #hose name #as Sigmun$. e #as the son of 3am2i, the son of Sighat the e$. e #as a great o-ager, an$ a omel- an$ a ourteous man talltoo, an$ strong. e #as a man of 0rou$ s0irit, an$ a goo$ s/al$, an$ #ell traine$ inmost feats of strength. e #as nois- an$ 2oisterous, an$ gien to ji2es an$mo/ing. e ma$e the lan$ east in ornfirth. S/ioll$ #as the name of his fello#traeller he #as a S#e$ish man, an$ ill to $o #ith. "he- too/ horse an$ ro$e fromthe east out of ornfirth, an$ $i$ not $ra# 2ri$le 2efore the- ame to 3ithen$, inthe &leetlithe. Gunnar gae them a heart- #elome, for the 2on$s of /inshi0 #erelose 2et#een them. Gunnar 2egge$ Sigmun$ to sta- there that #inter, an$

Sigmun$ sai$ he #oul$ ta/e the offer if S/ioll$ his fello# might 2e there too.*Well, 5 hae 2een so tol$ a2out him,* sai$ Gunnar, *that he is no 2etter of th-tem0er 2ut as it is, thou rather nee$est to hae it 2ettere$. "his, too, is a 2a$house to sta- at, an$ 5 #oul$ just gie 2oth of -ou a 2it of a$ie, m- /insmen, not

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to fire u0 at the egging on of m- #ife allger$a for she ta/es muh in han$ that isfar from m- #ill.**is han$s are lean #ho #arns another,* sa-s Sigmun$.*"hen min$ the a$ie gien thee,* sa-s Gunnar, *for thou art sure to 2e sore trie$an$ go along al#a-s #ith me, an$ lean u0on m- ounsel.*fter that the- #ere in Gunnar's om0an-. allger$a #as goo$ to Sigmun$ an$ itsoon ame a2out that things gre# so #arm that she loa$e$ him #ith mone-, an$ten$e$ him no #orse than her o#n hus2an$ an$ man- tal/e$ a2out that, an$ $i$

not /no# #hat la- un$er it.9ne $a- allger$a sai$ to Gunnar *5t is not goo$ to 2e ontent #ith that hun$re$in siler #hih thou too/est for m- /insman Br-njolf. 5 shall aenge him if 5 ma-,*she sa-s.Gunnar sai$ he ha$ no min$ to 2an$- #or$s #ith her, an$ #ent a#a-. e met;ols/egg, an$ sai$ to him, *Go an$ see Njal an$ tell him that "hor$ must 2e#areof himself though 0eae has 2een ma$e, for, methin/s, there is faithlessnesssome#here*.e ro$e off an$ tol$ Njal, 2ut Njal tol$ "hor$, an$ ;ols/egg ro$e home, an$ Njalthan/e$ them for their faithfulness.

9ne on a time the- t#o #ere out in the *to#n,* Njal an$ "hor$ a hegoat #as#ont to go u0 an$ $o#n in the *to#n,* an$ no one #as allo#e$ to $rie him a#a-."hen "hor$ s0o/e an$ sai$ *Well, this is a #on$rous thing=**What is it that thou see'st that seems after a #on$rous fashion7* sa-s Njal.*%ethin/s the goat lies here in the hollo#, an$ he is all one gore of 2loo$.*Njal sai$ that there #as no goat there, nor an-thing else.*What is it then7* sa-s "hor$.*"hou must 2e a 'fe-' man,* sa-s Njal, *an$ thou must hae seen the feth thatfollo#s thee, an$ no# 2e #are of th-self.*

*"hat #ill stan$ me in no stea$,* sa-s "hor$, *if $eath is $oome$ for me.*"hen allger$a ame to tal/ #ith "hrain Sigfus' son, an$ sai$ *5 #oul$ thin/ theem- soninla# in$ee$,* she sa-s, *if thou sla-est "hor$ &ree$manson*.*5 #ill not $o that,* he sa-s, *for then 5 shall hae the #rath of m- /insmanGunnar an$ 2esi$es, great things hang on this $ee$, for this sla-ing #oul$ soon 2eaenge$.**Who #ill aenge it7* she as/s *is it the 2ear$less arle7**Not so,* sa-s he *his sons #ill aenge it.*fter that the- tal/e$ long an$ lo#, an$ no man /ne# #hat ounsel the- too/together.

9ne it ha00ene$ that Gunnar #as not at home, 2ut those om0anions #ere. "hrainha$ ome in from Grit#ater, an$ then he an$ the- an$ allger$a sat out of $oorsan$ tal/e$. "hen allger$a sai$ *"his hae -e t#o 2rothers in arms, Sigmun$ an$ S/ioll$, 0romise$ to sla- "hor$&ree$manson 2ut "hrain thou hast 0romise$ me that thou #oul$st stan$ 2- them#hen the- $i$ the $ee$.*"he- all a/no#le$ge$ that the- ha$ gien her this 0romise.*No# 5 #ill ounsel -ou ho# to $o it,* she sa-sC *:e shall ri$e east into ornfirthafter -our goo$s, an$ ome home a2out the 2eginning of the "hing, 2ut if -e are athome 2efore it 2egins, Gunnar #ill #ish that -e shoul$ ri$e to the "hing #ith him.Njal #ill 2e at the "hing an$ his sons an$ Gunnar, 2ut then -e t#o shall sla- "hor$.*"he- all agree$ that this 0lan shoul$ 2e arrie$ out. fter that the- 2us/e$ themeast to the &irth, an$ Gunnar #as not a#are of #hat the- #ere a2out, an$ Gunnarro$e to the "hing. Njal sent "hor$ &ree$manson a#a- east un$er E-jafell, an$ 2a$e

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him 2e a#a- there one night. So he #ent east, 2ut he oul$ not get 2a/ from theeast, for the &leet ha$ risen so high that it oul$ not 2e rosse$ on horse2a/ eerso far u0. Njal #aite$ for him one night, for he ha$ meant him to hae ri$$en #ithhim an$ Njal sai$ to Bergthora, that she must sen$ "hor$ to the "hing as soon aseer he ame home. "#o nights after, "hor$ ame from the east, an$ Bergthoratol$ him that he must ri$e to the "hing, *2ut first thou shalt ri$e u0 into "horolfsfellan$ see a2out the farm there, an$ $o not 2e there longer than one or t#o nights.*

Chapter &2 - The slayin$ of Thord Freeds%anson

"hen Sigmun$ ame from the east an$ those om0anions. allger$a tol$ them that"hor$ #as at home, 2ut that he #as to ri$e straight#a- to the "hing after a fe#nights' s0ae. *No# -e #ill hae a fair hane at him,* he sa-s, *2ut if this goes off,-e #ill neer get nigh him*. %en ame to 3ithen$ from "horolfsfell, an$ tol$allger$a that "hor$ #as there. allger$a #ent to "hrain Sigfus' son, an$ hisom0anions, an$ sai$ to him, *No# is "hor$ on "horolfsfell, an$ no# -our 2est 0lanis to fall on him an$ /ill him as he goes home*.

*"hat #e #ill $o,* sa-s Sigmun$. So the- #ent out, an$ too/ their #ea0ons an$horses an$ ro$e on the #a- to meet him. Sigmun$ sai$ to "hrain, *No# thou shalthae nothing to $o #ith it for #e shall not nee$ all of us*.*+er- #ell, so 5 #ill,* sa-s he."hen "hor$ ro$e u0 to them a little #hile after, an$ Sigmun$ sai$ to him *Gie th-self u0,* he sa-s, *for no# shalt thou $ie.**"hat shall not 2e,* sa-s "hor$, *ome thou to single om2at #ith me.**"hat shall not 2e either,* sa-s Sigmun$, *#e #ill ma/e the most of our num2ers2ut it is not strange that S/ar0he$inn is strong, for it is sai$ that a fourth of afosterhil$'s strength omes from the fosterfather.*

*"hou #ilt feel the fore of that,* sa-s "hor$, *for S/ar0he$inn #ill aenge me.*fter that the- fall on him, an$ he 2rea/s a s0ear of eah of them, so #ell $i$ heguar$ himself. "hen S/ioll$ ut off his han$, an$ he still /e0t them off #ith his otherhan$ for some time, till Sigmun$ thrust him through. "hen he fell $ea$ to earth."he- thre# oer him turf an$ stones an$ "hrain sai$ *We hae #on an ill #or/,an$ Njal's sons #ill ta/e this sla-ing ill #hen the- hear of it*."he- ri$e home an$ tell allger$a. She #as gla$ to hear of the sla-ing, 2utanneig, Gunnar's mother, sai$ *5t is sai$ '2ut a short #hile is han$ fain of 2lo#,' an$ so it #ill 2e here 2ut stillGunnar #ill set thee free from this matter. But if allger$a ma/es thee ta/e anotherfl- in th- mouth, then that #ill 2e th- 2ane.*allger$a sent a man to Bergthors/noll, to tell the sla-ing, an$ another man to the"hing, to tell it to Gunnar. Bergthora sai$ she #oul$ not fight against allger$a #ithill #orth a2out suh a matter *that,* uoth she, *#oul$ 2e no reenge for so greata uarrel*.

Chapter & - Njal and !unnar %a#e pea(e for the slayin$ of Thord

But #hen the messenger ame to the "hing to tell Gunnar of the sla-ing, thenGunnar sai$

*"his has ha00ene$ ill, an$ no ti$ings oul$ ome to m- ears #hih 5 shoul$ thin/#orse 2ut -et #e #ill no# go at one an$ see Njal. 5 still ho0e he ma- ta/e it #ell,though he 2e sorel- trie$.*

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So the- #ent to see Njal, an$ alle$ him to ome out an$ tal/ to them. e #ent outat one to meet Gunnar, an$ the- tal/e$, nor #ere there an- more men 2- at firstthan ;ols/egg.*ar$ ti$ings hae 5 to tell thee,* sa-s Gunnar *the sla-ing of "hor$ &ree$manson,an$ 5 #ish to offer thee self$oom for the sla-ing.*Njal hel$ his 0eae some #hile, an$ then sai$ *"hat is #ell offere$, an$ 5 #ill ta/e it 2ut -et it is to 2e loo/e$ for, that 5 shallhae 2lame from m- #ife or from m- sons for that, for it #ill misli/e them muh

2ut still 5 #ill run the ris/, for 5 /no# that 5 hae to $eal #ith a goo$ man an$ truenor $o 5 #ish that an- 2reah shoul$ arise in our frien$shi0 on m- 0art.**Wilt thou let th- sons 2e 2-, 0ra-7* sa-s Gunnar.*5 #ill not,* sa-s Njal, *for the- #ill not 2rea/ the 0eae #hih 5 ma/e, 2ut if the-stan$ 2- #hile #e ma/e it, the- #ill not 0ull #ell together #ith us.**So it shall 2e,* sa-s Gunnar. *See thou to it alone.*"hen the- shoo/ one another 2- the han$, an$ ma$e 0eae #ell an$ ui/l-."hen Njal sai$ *"he a#ar$ that 5 ma/e is t#o hun$re$ in siler, an$ that thou #iltthin/ muh*.*5 $o not thin/ it too muh,* sa-s Gunnar, an$ #ent home to his 2ooth.

Njal's sons ame home, an$ S/ar0he$inn as/e$ #hene that great sum of mone-ame, #hih his father hel$ in his han$.Njal sai$ *5 tell -ou of -our fosterfather's "hor$'s sla-ing, an$ #e t#o, Gunnaran$ 5, hae no# ma$e 0eae in the matter, an$ he has 0ai$ an atonement for himas for t#o men*.*Who sle# him7* sa-s S/ar0he$inn.*Sigmun$ an$ S/ioll$, 2ut "hrain #as stan$ing near too,* sa-s Njal.*"he- thought the- ha$ nee$ of muh strength,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, an$ sang asong Bol$ in $ee$s of $erring$o,

Bur$eners of oean's stee$s,Strength enough it seems the- nee$e$ll to sla- a single manWhen shall #e our han$s u0lift7We #ho 2ran$ish 2urnishe$ steel &amous men erst re$$ene$ #ea0ons,When7 if no# #e uiet sit7*:es= #hen shall the $a- ome #hen #e shall lift our han$s7**"hat #ill not 2e long off,* sa-s Njal, *an$ then thou shalt not 2e 2aul/e$ 2ut still,methin/s, 5 set great store on -our not 2rea/ing this 0eae that 5 hae ma$e.*

*"hen #e #ill not 2rea/ it,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *2ut if an-thing arises 2et#een us,then #e #ill 2ear in min$ the ol$ feu$.**"hen 5 #ill as/ -ou to s0are no one,* sa-s Njal.

Chapter && - Si$%und %o(#s Njal and his sons

No# men ri$e home from the "hing an$ #hen Gunnar ame home, he sai$ toSigmun$ *"hou art a more unlu/- man than 5 thought, an$ turnest th- goo$ gifts to thineo#n ill. But still 5 hae ma$e 0eae for thee #ith Njal an$ his sons an$ no#, ta/e

are that thou $ost not let another fl- ome into th- mouth. "hou art not at all afterm- min$, thou goest a2out #ith ji2es an$ jeers, #ith sorn an$ mo/ing 2ut thatis not m- turn of min$. "hat is #h- thou gettest on so #ell #ith allger$a, 2eause-e t#o hae -our min$s more ali/e.*

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Gunnar sol$e$ him a long time, an$ he ans#ere$ him #ell, an$ sai$ he #oul$follo# his ounsel more for the time to ome than he ha$ follo#e$ it hitherto.Gunnar tol$ him then the- might get on together. Gunnar an$ Njal /e0t u0 theirfrien$shi0 though the rest of their 0eo0le sa# little of one another. 5t ha00ene$one that some gangrel #omen ame to 3ithen$ from Bergthors/noll the- #eregreat gossi0s an$ rather s0iteful tongue$. allger$a ha$ a 2o#er, an$ sate often init, an$ there sate #ith her $aughter "horger$a, an$ there too #ere "hrain an$Sigmun$, an$ a ro#$ of #omen. Gunnar #as not there nor ;ols/egg. "hese

gangrel #omen #ent into the 2o#er, an$ allger$a greete$ them, an$ ma$e roomfor them then she as/e$ them for ne#s, 2ut the- sai$ the- ha$ none to tell.allger$a as/e$ #here the- ha$ 2een oer night the- sai$ at Bergthors/noll.*What #as Njal $oing7* she sa-s.*e #as har$ at #or/ sitting still,* the- sai$.*What #ere Njal's sons $oing7* she sa-s *the- thin/ themseles men at an- rate.**"all men the- are in gro#th,* the- sa-, *2ut as -et the- are all untrie$S/ar0he$inn #hette$ an a4e, Grim fitte$ a s0earhea$ to the shaft, elgi riette$ ahilt on a s#or$, aus/ul$ strengthene$ the han$le of a shiel$.**"he- must 2e 2ent on some great $ee$,* sa-s allger$a.

*We $o not /no# that,* the- sa-.*What #ere Njal's housearles $oing7* she as/s.*We $on't /no# #hat some of them #ere $oing, 2ut one #as arting $ung u0 thehillsi$e.**What goo$ #as there in $oing that7* she as/s.*e sai$ it ma$e the s#athe 2etter there than an- #here else,* the- re0l-. *Witlessno# is Njal,* sa-s allger$a, *though he /no#s ho# to gie ounsel on eer-thing.**o# so7* the- as/.*5 #ill onl- 2ring for#ar$ #hat is true to 0roe it,* sa-s she *#h- $oesn't he ma/e

them art $ung oer his 2ear$ that he ma- 2e li/e other men7 3et us all him 'the2ear$less arle'C 2ut his sons #e #ill all '$ung2ear$lings' an$ no# $o 0ra- giesome stae a2out them, Sigmun$, an$ let us get some goo$ 2- th- gift of song.**5 am uite rea$- to $o that,* sa-s he, an$ sang these erses 3a$- 0rou$ #ith ha#/ in han$.Frithee #h- shoul$ $ung2ear$ 2o-s,eft of reason, $are to hammeran$le fast on 2attle shiel$7&or these la$s of loathl- feature 3a$- sattering s#an2ath's 2eams

Shall not shun this $itt- shamefulWhih 5 sha0e u0on them no#.

e the 2ear$less arle shall listenWhile 5 lash him #ith a2use,3oon at #hom our stomahs si/en.Soon shall hear these #or$s of sorn&ar too nie for suh 2ase fello#s5s the name m- 2ount- gies,E'n m- muse her hel0 refuses,%a/ing mirth of $ung2ear$ 2o-s.

ere 5 fin$ a ni/name fitting&or those noisome $ung2ear$ 2o-s

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3oath am 5 to 2rea/ m- 2argain3in/e$ #ith suh a no2le man ;nit #e all our taunts together ;no#n to me is min$ of man all #e no# #ith out2urst ommon,im, that hurl, the 2ear$less arle.*"hou art a je#el in$ee$,* sa-s allger$a *ho# -iel$ing thou art to #hat 5 as/=*@ust then Gunnar ame in. e ha$ 2een stan$ing outsi$e the $oor of the 2o#er, an$

hear$ all the #or$s that ha$ 0asse$. "he- #ere in a great fright #hen the- sa# himome in, an$ then all hel$ their 0eae, 2ut 2efore there ha$ 2een 2ursts of laughter.Gunnar #as er- #roth, an$ sai$ to Sigmun$, *thou art a foolish man, an$ one thatannot /ee0 to goo$ a$ie, an$ thou reilest Njal's sons, an$ Njal himself #ho ismost #orth of all an$ this thou $oest in s0ite of #hat thou hast alrea$- $one.%in$, this #ill 2e th- $eath. But if an- man re0eats these #or$s that thou hasts0o/en, or these erses that thou hast ma$e, that man shall 2e sent a#a- at one,an$ hae m- #rath 2esi$e.*But the- #ere all so sore afrai$ of him, that no one $are$ to re0eat those #or$s.

fter that he #ent a#a-, 2ut the gangrel #omen tal/e$ among themseles, an$sai$ that the- #oul$ get a re#ar$ from Bergthora if the- tol$ her all this. "he- #entthen a#a- after#ar$s $o#n thither, an$ too/ Bergthora asi$e an$ tol$ her the#hole stor- of their o#n free #ill.Bergthora s0o/e an$ sai$, #hen men sate $o#n to the 2oar$, *Gifts hae 2eengien to all of -ou, father an$ sons, an$ -e #ill 2e no true men unless -e re0a-them someho#*.*What gifts are these7* as/s S/ar0he$inn.*:ou, m- sons,* sa-s Bergthora, *hae got one gift 2et#een -ou all. :e are ni/name$ 'Dung2ear$lings,' 2ut m- hus2an$ 'the 2ear$less arle'.*

*9urs is no #oman's nature,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *that #e shoul$ fl- into a rage ateer- little thing.**n$ -et Gunnar #as #roth for -our sa/es,* sa-s she, *an$ he is thought to 2egoo$tem0ere$. But if -e $o not ta/e engeane for this #rong, -e #ill aenge noshame.**"he arline, our mother, thin/s this fine s0ort,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, an$ smile$sornfull- as he s0o/e, 2ut still the s#eat 2urst out u0on his 2ro#, an$ re$ fle/same oer his hee/s, 2ut that #as not his #ont. Grim #as silent an$ 2it his li0.elgi ma$e no sign, an$ he sai$ neer a #or$. aus/ul$ #ent off #ith Bergthorashe ame into the room again, an$ frette$ an$ foame$ muh.

Njal s0o/e an$ sai$, *'slo# an$ sure,' sa-s the 0roer2, mistress= an$ so it is #ithman- things, though the- tr- men's tem0ers, that there are al#a-s t#o si$es to astor-, een #hen engeane is ta/en*.But at een #hen Njal #as ome into his 2e$, he hear$ that an a4e ame againstthe 0anel an$ rang lou$l-, 2ut there #as another shut 2e$, an$ there the shiel$s#ere hung u0, an$ he sees that the- are a#a-. e sai$, *#ho hae ta/en $o#n ourshiel$s7**"h- sons #ent out #ith them,* sa-s Bergthora.Njal 0ulle$ his shoes on his feet, an$ #ent out at one, an$ roun$ to the other si$eof the house, an$ sees that the- #ere ta/ing their ourse right u0 the slo0e hesai$, *#hither a#a-, S/ar0he$inn7**"o loo/ after th- shee0,* he ans#ers.*:ou #oul$ not then 2e arme$,* sai$ Njal, *if -ou meant that, an$ -our erran$ must2e something else.*

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"hen S/ar0he$inn sang a song Suan$erer of hoar$e$ #ealth,Some there are that o#n rih treasure,9re of sea that las0s the earth,n$ -et are to ount their shee0"hose #ho forge shar0 songs of mo/ing,Death songs, sarel- an 0ossessSense of shee0 that ro0 the grass

Suh as these 5 see/ in fightan$ sai$ after#ar$s *We shall fish for salmon, father.**'"#oul$ 2e #ell then if it turne$ out so that the 0re- $oes not get a#a- from -ou.*"he- #ent their #a-, 2ut Njal #ent to his 2e$, an$ he sai$ to Bergthora, *"h- sons#ere out of $oors all of them, #ith arms, an$ no# thou must hae egge$ them onto something*.*5 #ill gie them m- heartfelt than/s,* sai$ Bergthora, *if the- tell me the sla-ing of Sigmun$.*

Chapter &) - The slayin$ of Si$%und and S#iolld

No# the-, Njal's sons, fare u0 to &leetlithe, an$ #ere that night un$er the 3ithe,an$ #hen the $a- 2egan to 2rea/, the- ame near to 3ithen$. "hat same morning2oth Sigmun$ an$ S/ioll$ rose u0 an$ meant to go to the stu$horses the- ha$2its #ith them, an$ aught the horses that #ere in the *to#n* an$ ro$e a#a- onthem. "he- foun$ the stu$horses 2et#een t#o 2roo/s. S/ar0he$inn aught sightof them, for Sigmun$ #as in 2right lothing. S/ar0he$inn sai$, *See -ou no# there$ elf -on$er, la$s7* "he- loo/e$ that #a-, an$ sai$ the- sa# him.

S/ar0he$inn s0o/e againC *"hou, aus/ul$, shalt hae nothing to $o #ith it, forthou #ilt often 2e sent a2out alone #ithout $ue hee$ 2ut 5 mean Sigmun$ form-self methin/s that is li/e a man 2ut Grim an$ elgi, the- shall tr- to sla-S/ioll$*.aus/ul$ sat him $o#n, 2ut the- #ent until the- ame u0 to them. S/ar0he$innsai$ to Sigmun$ *"a/e th- #ea0ons an$ $efen$ th-self that is more nee$ful no#, than to ma/emo/ing songs on me an$ m- 2rothers.*Sigmun$ too/ u0 his #ea0ons, 2ut S/ar0he$inn #aite$ the #hile. S/ioll$ turne$against Grim an$ elgi, an$ the- fell hotl- to fight. Sigmun$ ha$ a helm on hishea$, an$ a shiel$ at his si$e, an$ #as girt #ith a s#or$, his s0ear #as in his han$no# he turns against S/ar0he$inn, an$ thrusts at one at him #ith his s0ear, an$the thrust ame on his shiel$. S/ar0he$inn $ashes the s0earhaft in t#o, an$ lifts u0his a4e an$ he#s at Sigmun$, an$ leaes his shiel$ $o#n to 2elo# the han$le.Sigmun$ $re# his s#or$ an$ ut at S/ar0he$inn, an$ the s#or$ uts into his shiel$,so that it stu/ fast. S/ar0he$inn gae the shiel$ suh a ui/ t#ist, that Sigmun$let go his s#or$. "hen S/ar0he$inn he#s at Sigmun$ #ith his a4e, the *9gress of #ar*. Sigmun$ ha$ on a orselet, the a4e ame on his shoul$er. S/ar0he$inn leftthe shoul$er2la$e right through, an$ at the same time 0ulle$ the a4e to#ar$s him,Sigmun$ fell $o#n on 2oth /nees, 2ut s0rang u0 again at one.*"hou hast lifte$ lo# to me alrea$-,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *2ut still thou shalt fall

u0on th- mother's 2osom ere #e t#o 0art.**5ll is that then,* sa-s Sigmun$.S/ar0he$inn gae him a 2lo# on his helm, an$ after that $ealt Sigmun$ his $eath2lo#.

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Grim ut off S/ioll$'s foot at the an/lejoint, 2ut elgi thrust him through #ith hiss0ear, an$ he got his $eath there an$ then.S/ar0he$inn sa# allger$a's she0her$, just as he ha$ he#n off Sigmun$'s hea$ hehan$e$ the hea$ to the she0her$, an$ 2a$e him 2ear it to allger$a, an$ sai$ she#oul$ /no# #hether that hea$ ha$ ma$e jeering songs a2out them, an$ #ith thathe sang a song.ere= this hea$ shall thou, that hea0estoar$s from oeanaerns #on,

Bear to allger$ #ith m- greeting,er that hurries men to fightSure am 5, 9 fire#oo$ s0litter="hat -on s0en$thrift /no#s it #ell,n$ #ill ans#er if it eerttere$ mo/ing songs on us."he she0her$ asts the hea$ $o#n as soon as eer the- 0arte$, for he $are$ not $oso #hile their e-es #ere on him. "he- fare$ along till the- met some men $o#n 2-%ar/fleet, an$ tol$ them the ti$ings. S/ar0he$inn gae himself out as the sla-er of Sigmun$ an$ Grim an$ elgi as the sla-ers of S/ioll$ then the- fare$ home an$

tol$ Njal the ti$ings. e ans#ers them *Goo$ lu/ to -our han$s= ere no self$oom #ill ome to 0ass as things stan$.*No# #e must ta/e u0 the stor-, an$ sa- that the she0her$ ame home to 3ithen$.e tol$ allger$a the ti$ings.*S/ar0he$inn 0ut Sigmun$'s hea$ into m- han$s,* he sa-s, *an$ 2a$e me 2ring itthee 2ut 5 $are$ not $o it, for 5 /ne# not ho# thou #oul$st li/e that.**'"#as ill that thou $i$st not $o that,* she sa-s *5 #oul$ hae 2rought it to Gunnar,an$ then he #oul$ hae aenge$ his /insman, or hae to 2ear eer- man's 2lame.*fter that she #ent to Gunnar an$ sai$, *5 tell thee of th- /insman Sigmun$'ssla-ingC S/ar0he$inn sle# him, an$ #ante$ them to 2ring me the hea$*.

*@ust #hat might 2e loo/e$ for to 2efall him,* sa-s Gunnar, *for ill re$es 2ring illlu/, an$ 2oth -ou an$ S/ar0he$inn hae often $one one another s0iteful turns*."hen Gunnar #ent a#a- he let no ste0s 2e ta/en to#ar$s a suit for manslaughter,an$ $i$ nothing a2out it. allger$a often 0ut him in min$ of it, an$ /e0t sa-ing thatSigmun$ ha$ fallen unatone$. Gunnar gae no hee$ to that.No# three "hings 0asse$ a#a-, at eah of #hih men thought that he #oul$ follo#u0 the suitC then a /nott- 0oint ame on Gunnar's han$s, #hih he /ne# not ho#to set a2out, an$ then he ro$e to fin$ Njal. e gae Gunnar a heart- #elome.Gunnar sai$ to Njal, *5 am ome to see/ a 2it of goo$ ounsel at th- han$s a2out a/nott- 0oint*.

*"hou art #orth- of it,* sa-s Njal, an$ gae him ounsel #hat to $o. "hen Gunnarstoo$ u0 an$ than/e$ him. Njal then s0o/e an$ sai$, an$ too/ Gunnar 2- the han$,*9er long hath th- /insman Sigmun$ 2een unatone$*. *e has 2een long agoatone$,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut still 5 #ill not fling 2a/ the honour offere$ me.*Gunnar ha$ neer s0o/en an ill #or$ of Njal's sons. Njal #oul$ hae nothing elsethan that Gunnar shoul$ ma/e his o#n a#ar$ in the matter. e a#ar$e$ t#ohun$re$ in siler, 2ut let S/ioll$ fall #ithout a 0rie. "he- 0ai$ $o#n all the mone-at one.Gunnar $elare$ this their atonement at the "hings/ala "hing, #hen most men#ere at it, an$ lai$ great #eight on the #a- in #hih the- (Njal an$ his sons) ha$2ehae$ he tol$ too those 2a$ #or$s #hih ost Sigmun$ his life, an$ no man #asto re0eat them or sing the erses, 2ut if an- sung them, the man #ho uttere$ them#as to fall #ithout atonement.

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Both Gunnar an$ Njal gae eah other their #or$s that no suh matters shoul$ eerha00en that the- #oul$ not settle among themseles an$ this 0le$ge #as #ell/e0t eer after, an$ the- #ere al#a-s frien$s.

Chapter &, - Of !i5ur the 6hite and !eir the 7riest

"here #as a man name$ Gi<ur the White he #as "eit's son ;ettle2jorn the 9l$'s

son, of %ossfell. Gi<ur the White /e0t house at %ossfell, an$ #as a great hief. "hatman is also name$ in this stor-, #hose name #as Geir the 0riest his mother #as"hor/atla, another $aughter of ;ettle2jorn the 9l$ of %ossfell. Geir /e0t house at3ithe. e an$ Gi<ur 2a/e$ one another in eer- matter. t that time %or$+algar$'s son /e0t house at of on the angrierales he #as raft- an$ s0iteful.+algar$ his father #as then a2roa$, 2ut his mother #as $ea$. e #as er- eniousof Gunnar of 3ithen$. e #as #ealth-, so far as goo$s #ent, 2ut ha$ not man-frien$s.

Chapter &. - Of Ot#ell in 4ir#y

"here #as a man name$ 9t/ell he #as the son of S/arf, the son of all/ell, #hofought #ith Gorm of Gormness, an$ felle$ him on the holm. "his all/ell an$;ettle2jorn the 9l$ #ere 2rothers.9t/ell /e0t house at ;ir/2- his #ife's name #as "horger$a she #as a $aughter of %ar, the son of unolf, the son of Na$$a$ of the &aroe isles. 9t/ell #as #ealth- ingoo$s. is son's name #as "horgeir he #as -oung in -ears, an$ a 2ol$ $ashingman.S/am/ell #as the name of another man he /e0t house at another farm alle$ ofhe #as #ell off for mone-, 2ut he #as a s0iteful man an$ a liar uarrelsome too,an$ ill to $eal #ith. e #as 9t/ell's frien$. all/ell #as the name of 9t/ell's2rother he #as a tall strong man, an$ lie$ there #ith 9t/ell their 2rother's name#as all2jorn the White he 2rought out to 5elan$ a thrall, #hose name #as%alolm he #as 5rish an$ ha$ not man- frien$s.all2jorn #ent to sta- #ith 9t/ell, an$ so $i$ his thrall %alolm. "he thrall #asal#a-s sa-ing that he shoul$ thin/ himself ha00- if 9t/ell o#ne$ him. 9t/ell #as/in$ to him, an$ gae him a /nife an$ 2elt, an$ a full suit of lothes, 2ut the thrallturne$ his han$ to an- #or/ that 9t/ell #ishe$.9t/ell #ante$ to ma/e a 2argain #ith his 2rother for the thrall he sai$ he #oul$gie him the thrall, 2ut sai$ too, that he #as a #orse treasure than he thought. n$

as soon as 9t/ell o#ne$ the thrall, then he $i$ less an$ less #or/. 9t/ell often sai$outright to all2jorn, that he thought the thrall $i$ little #or/ an$ he tol$ 9t/ellthat there #as #orse in him -et to ome.t that time ame a great sarit-, so that men fell short 2oth of meat an$ ha-, an$that s0rea$ oer all 0arts of 5elan$. Gunnar share$ his ha- an$ meat #ith man-men an$ all got them #ho ame thither, so long as his stores laste$. t last itame a2out that Gunnar himself fell short 2oth of ha- an$ meat. "hen Gunnaralle$ on ;ols/egg to go along #ith him he alle$ too on "hrain Sigfus' son, an$3am2i Sigur$'s son. "he- fare$ to ;ir/2-, an$ alle$ 9t/ell out. e greete$ them,an$ Gunnar sai$, *5t so ha00ens that 5 am ome to $eal #ith thee for ha- an$

meat, if there 2e an- left*.9t/ell ans#ers, *"here is store of 2oth, 2ut 5 #ill sell thee neither*.*Wilt thou gie me them then,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ run the ris/ of m- 0a-ing thee2a/ someho#7*

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*5 #ill not $o that either,* sa-s 9t/ell.S/am/ell all the #hile #as giing him 2a$ ounsel."hen "hrain Sigfus' son sai$, *5t #oul$ sere him right if #e ta/e 2oth ha- an$meat an$ la- $o#n the #orth of them instea$*.S/am/ell ans#ere$, *ll the men of %ossfell must 2e $ea$ an$ gone then, if -e,sons of Sigfus, are to ome an$ ro2 them*.*5 #ill hae no han$ in an- ro22er-,* sa-s Gunnar.*Wilt thou 2u- a thrall of me7* sa-s 9t/ell.

*5'll not s0are to $o that,* sa-s Gunnar. fter that Gunnar 2ought the thrall, an$fare$ a#a- as things stoo$.Njal hears of this, an$ sai$, *Suh things are ill $one, to refuse to let Gunnar 2u-an$ it is not a goo$ outloo/ for others if suh men as he annot get #hat the-#ant*.*What's the goo$ of th- tal/ing so muh a2out suh a little matter7* sa-sBergthora *far more li/e a man #oul$ it 2e to let him hae 2oth meat an$ ha-,#hen thou la/est neither of them.**"hat is lear as $a-,* sa-s Njal, *an$ 5 #ill of a suret- su00l- his nee$ some#hat.*"hen he fare$ u0 to "horolfsfell, an$ his sons #ith him, an$ the- 2oun$ ha- on

fifteen horses 2ut on fie horses the- ha$ meat. Njal ame to 3ithen$, an$ alle$Gunnar out. e greete$ them /in$l-.*ere is ha- an$ meat,* sai$ Njal, *#hih 5 #ill gie thee an$ m- #ish is, that thoushoul$st neer loo/ to an- one else than to me if thou stan$est in nee$ of an-thing.**Goo$ are th- gifts,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut methin/s th- frien$shi0 is still more #orth,an$ that of th- sons.*fter that Njal fare$ home, an$ no# the s0ring 0asses a#a-.

Chapter &/ - How Hall$erda %a#es Mal(ol% steal fro% 4ir#y

No# Gunnar is a2out to ri$e to the "hing, 2ut a great ro#$ of men from the Si$eeast turne$ in as guests at his house.Gunnar 2a$e them ome an$ 2e his guests again, as the- ro$e 2a/ from the"hing an$ the- sai$ the- #oul$ $o so.No# the- ri$e to the "hing, an$ Njal an$ his sons #ere there. "hat "hing #as stillan$ uiet.No# #e must ta/e u0 the stor-, an$ sa- that allger$a omes to tal/ #ith %alolmthe thrall.*5 hae thought of an erran$ to sen$ thee on,* she sa-s *thou shalt go to ;ir/2-.**n$ #hat shall 5 $o there7* he sa-s.*"hou shalt steal from thene foo$ enough to loa$ t#o horses, an$ min$ an$ hae2utter an$ heese 2ut thou shalt la- fire in the storehouse, an$ all #ill thin/ that ithas arisen out of hee$lessness, 2ut no one #ill thin/ that there has 2een theft.**Ba$ hae 5 2een,* sai$ the thrall, *2ut neer hae 5 2een a thief.**ear a #on$er=* sa-s allger$a, *thou ma/est th-self goo$, thou that hast 2een2oth thief an$ mur$erer 2ut thou shalt not $are to $o aught else than go, else #ill5 let thee 2e slain.*e thought he /ne# enough of her to 2e sure that she #oul$ so $o if he #ent notso he too/ at night t#o horses an$ lai$ 0a/sa$$les on them, an$ #ent his #a- to

;ir/2-. "he house$og /ne# him an$ $i$ not 2ar/ at him, an$ ran an$ fa#ne$ onhim. fter that he #ent to the storehouse an$ loa$e$ the t#o horses #ith foo$ outof it, 2ut the storehouse he 2urnt, an$ the $og he sle#.

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e #ent u0 along 2- angrier, an$ his shoethong sna00e$ so he ta/es his /nifean$ ma/es the shoe right, 2ut he leaes the /nife an$ 2elt l-ing there 2ehin$ him.e fares till he omes to 3ithen$ then he misses the /nife, 2ut $ares not to go2a/.No# he 2rings allger$a the foo$, an$ she sho#e$ herself #ell 0lease$ at it.Ne4t morning #hen men ame out of $oors at ;ir/2- there the- sa# great sathe."hen a man #as sent to the "hing to tell 9t/ell, he 2ore the loss #ell, an$ sai$ itmust hae ha00ene$ 2eause the /ithen #as ne4t to the storehouse an$ all

thought that that #as ho# it ha00ene$.No# men ri$e home from the "hing, an$ man- ro$e to 3ithen$. allger$a set foo$on the hoar$, an$ in ame heese an$ 2utter. Gunnar /ne# that suh foo$ #as notto 2e loo/e$ for in his house, an$ as/e$ allger$a #hene it ame7*"hene,* she sa-s, *#hene thou mightest #ell eat of it 2esi$es, it is no man's2usiness to trou2le himself #ith house/ee0ing.*Gunnar got #roth an$ sai$, *5ll in$ee$ is it if 5 am a 0arta/er #ith thiees* an$#ith that he gae her a sla0 on the hee/.She sai$ she #oul$ 2ear that sla0 in min$ an$ re0a- it if she oul$.So she #ent off an$ he #ent #ith her, an$ then all that #as on the 2oar$ #as

leare$ a#a-, 2ut fleshmeat #as 2rought in instea$, an$ all thought that #as2eause the flesh #as thought to hae 2een got in a 2etter #a-.No# the men #ho ha$ 2een at the "hing fare a#a-.

Chapter &0 - Of S#a%#ell's e+il (ounsel

No# #e must tell of S/am/ell. e ri$es after some shee0 u0 along angrier, an$he sees something shining in the 0ath. e fin$s a /nife an$ 2elt, an$ thin/s he/no#s 2oth of them. e fares #ith them to ;ir/2- 9t/ell #as out of $oors #hen

S/am/ell ame. e s0o/e to him an$ sai$ *;no#est thou aught of these 0rett- things7**9f a suret-,* sa-s 9t/ell, *5 /no# them.**Who o#ns them7* as/s S/am/ell.*%alolm the thrall,* sa-s 9t/ell.*"hen more shall see an$ /no# them than #e t#o,* sa-s S/am/ell, *for true #ill 52e to thee in ounsel.*"he- sho#e$ them to man- men, an$ all /ne# them. "hen S/am/ell sai$ *What ounsel #ilt thou no# ta/e7**We shall go an$ see %or$ +algar$'s son,* ans#ers 9t/ell, *an$ see/ ounsel of him.*So the- #ent to of, an$ sho#e$ the 0rett- things to %or$, an$ as/e$ him if he/ne# them7e sai$ he /ne# them #ell enough, 2ut #hat #as there in that7 *Do -ou thin/ -ouhae a right to loo/ for an-thing at 3ithen$7**We thin/ it har$ for us,* sa-s S/am/ell, *to /no# #hat to $o, #hen suh might-men hae a han$ in it.**"hat is so, sure enough,* sa-s %or$, *2ut -et 5 #ill get to /no# those things out of Gunnar's househol$, #hih none of -ou #ill eer /no#.**We #oul$ gie thee mone-,* the- sa-, *if thou #oul$st searh out this thing.**"hat mone- 5 shall 2u- full $ear,* ans#ere$ %or$, *2ut still, 0erha0s, it ma- 2e

that 5 #ill loo/ at the matter.*"he- gae him three mar/s of siler for len$ing them his hel0.

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"hen he gae them this ounsel, that #omen shoul$ go a2out from house to house#ith small #ares, an$ gie them to the house#ies, an$ mar/ #hat #as gien themin return.*&or,* he sa-s, *'tis the turn of min$ of all men first to gie a#a- #hat has 2eenstolen, if the- hae it in their /ee0ing, an$ so it #ill 2e here also, if this hathha00ene$ 2- the han$ of man. :e shall then ome an$ sho# me #hat has 2eengien to eah in eah house, an$ 5 shall then 2e free from further share in thismatter, if the truth omes to light.*

"o this the- agree$, an$ #ent home after#ar$s.%or$ sen$s #omen a2out the ountr-, an$ the- #ere a#a- half a month. "hen the-ame 2a/, an$ ha$ 2ig 2un$les. %or$ as/e$ #here the- ha$ most gien them7"he- sai$ that at 3ithen$ most #as gien them, an$ allger$a ha$ 2een most2ountiful to them.e as/e$ #hat #as gien them there7*heese,* sa- the-.e 2egge$ to see it, an$ the- sho#e$ it to him, an$ it #as in great slies. "hese hetoo/ an$ /e0t. little after, %or$ fare$ to see 9t/ell, an$ 2a$e that he #oul$ 2ring "horger$a's

heesemoul$ an$ #hen that #as $one, he lai$ the slies $o#n in it, an$ lo= the-fitte$ the moul$ in eer- #a-."hen the- sa#, too, that a #hole heese ha$ 2een gien to them."hen %or$ sai$, *No# ma- -e see that allger$a must hae stolen the heese*an$ the- all 0asse$ the same ju$gment an$ then %or$ sai$, that no# he thoughthe #as free of this matter.fter that the- 0arte$.Shortl- after ;ols/egg fell to tal/ing #ith Gunnar, an$ sai$ *5ll is it to tell, 2ut the stor- is in eer- man's mouth, that allger$a must haestolen, an$ that she #as at the 2ottom of all that great sathe that 2efell at ;ir/2-.*

Gunnar sai$ that he too thought that must 2e so. *But #hat is to 2e $one no#7*;ols/egg ans#ere$, *"hat #ilt thin/ it th- most 2oun$en $ut- to ma/e atonementfor th- #ife's #rong, an$ methin/s it #ere 2est that thou farest to see 9t/ell, an$ma/est him a han$some offer.**"his is #ell s0o/en,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ so it shall 2e.* little after Gunnar sent after "hrain Sigfus' son, an$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son, an$ the-ame at one.Gunnar tol$ them #hither he meant to go, an$ the- #ere #ell 0lease$. Gunnar ro$e#ith eleen men to ;ir/2-, an$ alle$ 9t/ell out. S/am/ell #as there too, an$ sai$,*5 #ill go out #ith thee, an$ it #ill 2e 2est no# to hae the 2alane of #it on th-

si$e. n$ 5 #oul$ #ish to stan$ losest 2- thee #hen thou nee$est it most, an$no# this #ill 2e 0ut to the 0roof. %ethin/s it #ere 2est that thou 0uttest on an airof great #eight.*"hen the-, 9t/ell an$ S/am/ell, an$ all/ell an$ all2jorn, #ent out all of them."he- greete$ Gunnar, an$ he too/ their greeting #ell. 9t/ell as/s #hither he meantto go7*No farther than here,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ m- erran$ hither is to tell thee a2outthat 2a$ misha0 ho# it arose from the 0lotting of m- #ife an$ that thrall #hom 52ought from thee.**'"is onl- #hat #as to 2e loo/e$ for,* sa-s all2jorn.*No# 5 #ill ma/e thee a goo$ offer,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ the offer is this, that the2est men here in the ountr- roun$ settle the matter.*

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*"his is a fairsoun$ing offer,* sai$ S/am/ell, *2ut an unfair an$ uneen one. "houart a man #ho has man- frien$s among the househol$ers, 2ut 9t/ell has not man-frien$s.**Well,* sa-s Gunnar, *then 5 #ill offer thee that 5 shall ma/e an a#ar$, an$ utter ithere on this s0ot, an$ so #e #ill settle the matter, an$ m- goo$#ill shall follo# thesettlement. But 5 #ill ma/e thee an atonement 2- 0a-ing t#ie the #orth of #hat#as lost.**"his hoie shalt thou not ta/e,* sai$ S/am/ell *an$ it is un#orth- to gie u0 to

him the right to ma/e his o#n a#ar$, #hen thou oughtest to hae /e0t it forth-self.*So 9t/ell sai$, *5 #ill not gie u0 to thee, Gunnar, the right to ma/e thine o#na#ar$.**5 see 0lainl-,* sai$ Gunnar, *the hel0 of men #ho #ill 2e 0ai$ off for it one $a- 5$aresa- 2ut ome no#, utter an a#ar$ for th-self.*9t/ell leant to#ar$ S/am/ell an$ sai$, *What shall 5 ans#er no#7**"his thou shalt all a goo$ offer, 2ut still 0ut th- suit into the han$s of Gi<ur the#hite, an$ Geir the 0riest, an$ then man- #ill sa- this, that thou 2ehaest li/eall/ell, th- gran$father, #ho #as the greatest of ham0ions.*

*Well offere$ is this, Gunnar,* sai$ 9t/ell, *2ut still m- #ill is thou #oul$st gie metime to see Gi<ur the #hite.**Do no# #hateer thou li/est in the matter,* sai$ Gunnar *2ut men #ill sa- this,that thou oul$st not see thine o#n honour #hen thou #oul$st hae none of thehoies 5 offer thee.*"hen Gunnar ro$e home, an$ #hen he ha$ gone a#a-, all2jorn sai$, *ere 5 seeho# muh man $iffers from man. Gunnar ma$e thee goo$ offers, 2ut thou #oul$stta/e none of them or ho# $ost thou thin/ to strie #ith Gunnar in a uarrel, #henno one is his math in fight. But no# he is still so /in$hearte$ a man that it ma-2e he #ill let these offers stan$, though thou art onl- rea$- to ta/e them

after#ar$s. %ethin/s it #ere 2est that thou farest to see Gi<ur the #hite an$ Geirthe 0riest no# this er- hour.*9t/ell let them ath his horse, an$ ma$e rea$- in eer- #a-. 9t/ell #as notshar0sighte$, an$ S/am/ell #al/e$ on the #a- along #ith him, an$ sai$ to 9t/ell *%ethought it strange that th- 2rother #oul$ not ta/e this toil from thee, an$ no# 5#ill ma/e thee an offer to fare instea$ of thee, for 5 /no# that the journe- isir/some to thee.**5 #ill ta/e that offer,* sa-s 9t/ell, *2ut min$ an$ 2e as truthful as eer thou anst.**So it shall 2e,* sa-s S/am/ell."hen S/am/ell too/ his horse an$ loa/, 2ut 9t/ell #al/s home.

all2jorn #as out of $oors, an$ sai$ to 9t/ell *5ll is it to hae a thrall for one's 2osom frien$, an$ #e shall rue this for eer thatthou hast turne$ 2a/, an$ it is an un#ise ste0 to sen$ the greatest liar on anerran$, of #hih one ma- so s0ea/ that men's lies hang on it.**"hou #oul$st 2e sore afrai$,* sa-s 9t/ell, *if Gunnar ha$ his 2ill aloft, #hen thouart so sare$ no#.**No one /no#s #ho #ill 2e most afrai$ then,* sai$ all2jorn *2ut this thou #ilthae to o#n, that Gunnar $oes not lose muh time in 2ran$ishing his 2ill #hen he is#roth.**h=* sai$ 9t/ell, *-e are all of -ou for -iel$ing 2ut S/am/ell.*n$ then the- #ere 2oth #roth.

Chapter ) - Of S#a%#ell's lyin$

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S/am/ell ame to %ossfell, an$ re0eate$ all the offers to Gi<ur.*5t so seems to me,* sa-s Gi<ur, *as though these hae 2een 2rael- offere$ 2ut#h- too/ he not these offers7**"he hief ause #as,* ans#ers S/am/ell, *that all #ishe$ to sho# thee honour, an$that #as #h- he #aite$ for th- utterane 2esi$es, that is 2est for all.*So S/am/ell sta-e$ there the night oer, 2ut Gi<ur sent a man to feth Geir the0riest an$ he ame there earl-. "hen Gi<ur tol$ him the stor- an$ sai$ *What ourse is to 2e ta/en no#7*

*s thou no $ou2t hast alrea$- ma$e u0 th- min$ to ma/e the 2est of the2usiness for 2oth si$es.**No# #e #ill let S/am/ell tell his tale a seon$ time, an$ see ho# he re0eats it.*So the- $i$ that, an$ Gi<ur sai$ *"hou must hae tol$ this stor- right 2ut still 5 hae seen thee to 2e the #i/e$estof men, an$ there is no faith in faes if thou turnest out #ell.*S/am/ell fare$ home, an$ ri$es first to ;ir/2- an$ alls 9t/ell out. e greetsS/am/ell #ell, an$ S/am/ell 2rought him the greeting of Gi<ur an$ Geir.*But a2out this matter of the suit,* he sa-s, *there is no nee$ to s0ea/ softl-, ho#that it is the #ill of 2oth Gi<ur an$ Geir that this suit shoul$ not 2e settle$ in a

frien$l- #a-. "he- gae that ounsel that a summons shoul$ 2e set on foot, an$that Gunnar shoul$ 2e summone$ for haing 0arta/en of the goo$s, 2ut allger$afor stealing them.**5t shall 2e $one,* sai$ 9t/ell, *in eer-thing as the- hae gien ounsel.**"he- thought most of this,* sa-s S/am/ell, *that thou ha$st 2ehae$ so 0rou$l-2ut as for me, 5 ma$e as great a man of thee in eer-thing as 5 oul$.*No# 9t/ell tells all this to his 2rothers, an$ all2jorn sai$ *"his must 2e the 2iggest lie.*No# the time goes on until the last of the summoning $a-s 2efore the lthingame.

"hen 9t/ell alle$ on his 2rothers an$ S/am/ell to ri$e on the 2usiness of thesummons to 3ithen$.all2jorn sai$ he #oul$ go, 2ut sai$ also that the- #oul$ rue this summoning astime #ent on.No# the- ro$e t#ele of them together to 3ithen$, 2ut #hen the- ame into the*to#n,* there #as Gunnar out of $oors, an$ /ne# naught of their oming till the-ha$ ri$$en right u0 to the house.e $i$ not go in$oors then, an$ 9t/ell thun$ere$ out the summons there an$ then2ut #hen the- ha$ ma$e an en$ of the summoning S/am/ell sai$ *5s it all right, master7*

*:e /no# that 2est,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut 5 #ill 0ut thee in min$ of this journe- one of these $a-s, an$ of th- goo$ hel0.**"hat #ill not harm us,* sa-s S/am/ell, *if th- 2ill 2e not aloft.*Gunnar #as er- #roth an$ #ent in$oors, an$ tol$ ;ols/egg, an$ ;ols/egg sai$ *5ll #as it that #e #ere not out of $oors the- shoul$ hae ome here on the mostshameful journe-, if #e ha$ 2een 2-.**Eer-thing 2i$es its time,* sa-s Gunnar *2ut this journe- #ill not turn out to theirhonour.* little after Gunnar #ent an$ tol$ Njal.*3et it not #orr- thee a jot,* sai$ Njal, *for this #ill 2e the greatest honour to thee,ere this "hing omes to an en$. s for us, #e #ill all 2a/ thee #ith ounsel an$fore.*Gunnar than/e$ him an$ ro$e home.9t/ell ri$es to the "hing, an$ his 2rothers #ith him an$ S/am/ell.

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Chapter )1 - Of !unnar

Gunnar ro$e to the "hing an$ all the sons of Sigfus Njal an$ his sons too, the- all#ent #ith Gunnar an$ it #as sai$ that no 2an$ #as so #ell /nit an$ har$- astheirs.Gunnar #ent one $a- to the 2ooth of the Dalemen rut #as 2- the 2ooth an$aus/ul$, an$ the- greete$ Gunnar #ell. No# Gunnar tells them the #hole stor- of the suit u0 to that time.

*What ounsel gies Njal7* as/s rut.*e 2a$e me see/ -ou 2rothers,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ sai$ he #as sure that he an$-ou #oul$ loo/ at the matter in the same light.**e #ishes then,* sa-s rut, *that 5 shoul$ sa- #hat 5 thin/ for /inshi0's sa/e an$so it shall 2e. "hou shalt hallenge Gi<ur the #hite to om2at on the islan$, if the-$o not leae the #hole a#ar$ to thee 2ut ;ols/egg shall hallenge Geir the Friest.s for 9t/ell an$ his re#, men must 2e got rea$- to fall on them an$ no# #ehae suh great strength all of us together, that thou ma-st arr- out #hateerthou #ilt.*Gunnar #ent home to his 2ooth an$ tol$ Njal.

*@ust #hat 5 loo/e$ for,* sai$ Njal.Wolf ur0riest got #in$ of this 0lan, an$ tol$ Gi<ur, an$ Gi<ur sai$ to 9t/ell *Who gae thee that ounsel that thou shoul$st summon Gunnar7**S/am/ell tol$ me that #as the ounsel of 2oth Geir the 0riest an$ th-self.**But #here is that soun$rel,* sa-s Gi<ur, *#ho has thus lie$7**e lies si/ u0 at our 2ooth,* sa-s 9t/ell.*%a- he neer rise from his 2e$,* sa-s Gi<ur, *No# #e must all go to see Gunnar,an$ offer him the right to ma/e his o#n a#ar$ 2ut 5 /no# not #hether he #ill ta/ethat no#.*%an- men s0o/e ill of S/am/ell, an$ he la- si/ all through the "hing.

Gi<ur an$ his frien$s #ent to Gunnar's 2ooth their oming #as /no#n, an$ Gunnar#as tol$ as he sat in his 2ooth, an$ then the- all #ent out an$ stoo$ in arra-.Gi<ur the #hite ame first, an$ after a #hile he s0o/e an$ sai$ *"his is our offer that thou, Gunnar, ma/est thine o#n a#ar$ in this suit.**"hen,* sa-s Gunnar, *it #as no $ou2t far from th- ounsel that 5 #as summone$.**5 gae no suh ounsel,* sa-s Gi<ur, *neither 5 nor Geir.**"hen thou must lear th-self of this harge 2- fitting 0roof.**What 0roof $ost thou as/7* sa-s Gi<ur.*"hat thou ta/est an oath,* sa-s Gunnar.*"hat 5 #ill $o,* sa-s Gi<ur, *if thou #ilt ta/e the a#ar$ into thine o#n han$s.*

*"hat #as the offer 5 ma$e a #hile ago,* sa-s Gunnar *2ut no#, methin/s, 5 haea greater matter to 0ass ju$gment on.**5t #ill not 2e right to refuse to ma/e thine o#n a#ar$,* sai$ Njal *for the greaterthe matter, the greater the honour in ma/ing it.**Well,* sai$ Gunnar, *5 #ill $o this to 0lease m- frien$s, an$ utter m- a#ar$ 2ut 5gie 9t/ell this 2it of a$ie, neer to gie me ause for uarrel hereafter.*"hen rut an$ aus/ul$ #ere sent for, an$ the- ame thither, an$ then Gi<ur theWhite an$ Geir the 0riest too/ their oaths 2ut Gunnar ma$e his a#ar$, an$ s0o/e#ith no man a2out it, an$ after#ar$s he uttere$ it as follo#sC *"his is m- a#ar$,* he sa-s *first, 5 la- it $o#n that the storehouse must 2e 0ai$for, an$ the foo$ that #as therein 2ut for the thrall, 5 #ill 0a- thee no fine, for thatthou hi$$est his faults 2ut 5 a#ar$ him 2a/ to thee for as the sa-ing is, 'Bir$s of a feather flo/ most together'. "hen, on the other han$, 5 see that thou hastsummone$ me in sorn an$ mo/er-, an$ for that 5 a#ar$ to m-self no less a sumthan #hat the house that #as 2urnt an$ the stores in it #ere #orth 2ut if -e thin/

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it 2etter that #e 2e not set at one again, then 5 #ill let -ou hae -our hoie of that, 2ut if so 5 hae alrea$- ma$e u0 m- min$ #hat 5 shall $o, an$ then 5 #ill fulfilm- 0ur0ose.**What #e as/,* sai$ Gi<ur, *is that thou shoul$st not 2e har$ on 9t/ell, 2ut #e 2egthis of thee, on the other han$, that thou #oul$st 2e his frien$.**"hat shall neer 2e,* sai$ Gunnar, *so long as 5 lie 2ut he shall hae S/am/ell'sfrien$shi0 on that he has long leant.**Well,* ans#ers Gi<ur, *#e #ill lose #ith thee in this matter, though thou alone

la-est $o#n the terms.*"hen all this atonement #as ma$e an$ han$s #ere sha/en on it, an$ Gunnar sai$to 9t/ell *5t #ere #iser to go a#a- to th- /insfol/ 2ut if thou #ilt 2e here in this ountr-,min$ that thou giest me no ause of uarrel.**"hat is #holesome ounsel,* sai$ Gi<ur *an$ so he shall $o.*So Gunnar ha$ the greatest honour from that suit, an$ after#ar$s men ro$e homefrom the "hing.No# Gunnar sits in his house at home, an$ so things are uiet for a #hile.

Chapter )2 - Of 8unolf" the son of 6olf *urpriest

"here #as a man name$ unolf, the son of Wolf ur0riest, he /e0t house at theDale, east of %ar/fleet. e #as 9t/ell's guest one #hen he ro$e from the "hing.9t/ell gae him an o4, all 2la/, #ithout a s0ot of #hite, nine #inters ol$. unolf than/e$ him for the gift, an$ 2a$e him ome an$ see him at home #heneer hehose to go an$ this 2i$$ing stoo$ oer for some #hile, so that he ha$ not 0ai$ theisit. unolf often sent men to him an$ 0ut him in min$ that he ought to ome an$he al#a-s sai$ he #oul$ ome, 2ut neer #ent.

No# 9t/ell ha$ t#o horses, $un oloure$, #ith a 2la/ stri0e $o#n the 2a/ the-#ere the 2est stee$s to ri$e in all the ountr- roun$, an$ so fon$ of eah other, that#heneer one #ent 2efore, the other ran after him."here #as an Easterling sta-ing #ith 9t/ell, #hose name #as u$ulf he ha$ set hisheart on Sign- 9t/ell's $aughter. u$ulf #as a tall man in gro#th, an$ strong.

Chapter ) - How Ot#ell rode o+er !unnar

5t ha00ene$ ne4t s0ring that 9t/ell sai$ that the- #oul$ ri$e east to the Dale, to0a- unolf a isit, an$ all sho#e$ themseles #ell 0lease$ at that. S/am/ell an$ his

t#o 2rothers, an$ u$ulf an$ three men more, #ent along #ith 9t/ell. 9t/ell ro$eone of the $un horses, 2ut the other ran loose 2- his si$e. "he- sha0e$ their ourseeast to#ar$s %ar/fleet an$ no# 9t/ell gallo0s ahea$, an$ no# the horses raeagainst eah other, an$ the- 2rea/ a#a- from the 0ath u0 to#ar$s the &leetlithe.No#, 9t/ell goes faster than he #ishe$, an$ it ha00ene$ that Gunnar ha$ gonea#a- from home out of his house all alone an$ he ha$ a ornsiee in one han$,2ut in the other a han$a4e. e goes $o#n to his see$ fiel$ an$ so#s his ornthere, an$ ha$ lai$ his loa/ of fine stuff an$ his a4e $o#n 2- his ai$e, an$ so heso#s the orn a #hile.No#, it must 2e tol$ ho# 9t/ell ri$es faster than he #oul$. e ha$ s0urs on his

feet, an$ so he gallo0s $o#n oer the 0loughe$ fiel$, an$ neither of them sees theother an$ just as Gunnar stan$s u0right, 9t/ell ri$es $o#n u0on him, an$ $riesone of the s0urs into Gunnar's ear, an$ gies him a great gash, an$ it 2lee$s atone muh.

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@ust then 9t/ell's om0anions ro$e u0.*:e ma- see, all of -ou,* sa-s Gunnar, *that thou hast $ra#n m- 2loo$, an$ it isun#orth- to go on so. &irst thou hast summone$ me, 2ut no# thou trea$est meun$er foot, an$ ri$est oer me.*S/am/ell sai$, *Well it #as no #orse, master, 2ut thou #ast not one #hit less #rothat the "hing, #hen thou too/est the self$oom an$ luthe$st th- 2ill.*Gunnar sai$, *When #e t#o ne4t meet thou shalt see the 2ill.* fter that the- 0artthus, an$ S/am/ell shoute$ out an$ sai$, *:e ri$e har$, la$s=*

Gunnar #ent home, an$ sai$ neer a #or$ to an- one a2out #hat ha$ ha00ene$,an$ no one thought that this #oun$ oul$ hae ome 2- man's $oing.5t ha00ene$, though, one $a- that he tol$ it to his 2rother ;ols/egg, an$ ;ols/eggsai$ *"his thou shalt tell to more men, so that it ma- not 2e sai$ that thou la-est 2lameon $ea$ men for it #ill 2e gainsai$ if #itnesses $o not /no# 2eforehan$ #hat has0asse$ 2et#een -ou.*"hen Gunnar tol$ it to his neigh2ours, an$ there #as little tal/ a2out it at first.9t/ell omes east to the Dale, an$ the- get a heart- #elome there, an$ sit there a#ee/.

S/am/ell tol$ unolf all a2out their meeting #ith Gunnar, an$ ho# it ha$ gone offan$ one man ha$ ha00ene$ to as/ ho# Gunnar 2ehae$.*Wh-,* sai$ S/am/ell, *if it #ere a lo#2orn man it #oul$ hae 2een sai$ that heha$ #e0t.**Suh things are ill s0o/en,* sa-s unolf, *an$ #hen -e t#o ne4t meet, thou #ilthae to o#n that there is no oie of #ee0ing in his frame of min$ an$ it #ill 2e#ell if 2etter men hae not to 0a- for th- s0ite. No# it seems to me 2est #hen -e#ish to go home that 5 shoul$ go #ith -ou, for Gunnar #ill $o me no harm.**5 #ill not hae that,* sa-s 9t/ell *2ut 5 #ill ri$e aross the &leet lo#er $o#n.*unolf gae 9t/ell goo$ gifts, an$ sai$ the- shoul$ not see one another again.

9t/ell 2a$e him then to 2ear his sons in min$ if things turne$ out so.

Chapter )& - The fi$ht at 8an$ri+er

No# #e must ta/e u0 the stor-, an$ sa- that Gunnar #as out of $oors at 3ithen$,an$ sees his she0her$ gallo0ing u0 to the -ar$. "he she0her$ ro$e straight into the*to#n* an$ Gunnar sai$, *Wh- ri$est thou so har$7**5 #oul$ 2e faithful to thee,* sai$ the man *5 sa# men ri$ing $o#n along %ar/fleet,eight of them together, an$ four of them #ere in oloure$ lothes.*Gunnar sai$, *"hat must 2e 9t/ell*."he la$ sai$, *5 hae often hear$ man- tem0ertr-ing #or$s of S/am/ell's forS/am/ell s0o/e a#a- there East at Dale, an$ sai$ that thou she$$est tears #henthe- ro$e oer thee 2ut 5 tell it thee 2eause 5 annot 2ear to listen to suhs0eehes of #orthless men*.*We must not 2e #or$si/,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut from this $a- forth thou shalt $o noother #or/ than #hat thou hoosest for th-self.**Shall 5 sa- aught of this to ;ols/egg th- 2rother7* as/e$ the she0her$.*Go thou an$ slee0,* sa-s Gunnar *5 #ill tell ;ols/egg.*"he la$ lai$ him $o#n an$ fell aslee0 at one, 2ut Gunnar too/ the she0her$'shorse an$ lai$ his sa$$le on him he too/ his shiel$, an$ gir$e$ him #ith his s#or$,

9lier's gift he sets his helm on his hea$ ta/es his 2ill, an$ something sung lou$in it, an$ his mother, anneig, hear$ it. She #ent u0 to him an$ sai$, *Wrathful artthou no#, m- son, an$ neer sa# 5 thee thus 2efore*.

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Gunnar goes out, an$ $ries the 2utt of his s0ear into the earth, an$ thro#s himself into the sa$$le, an$ ri$es mother, anneig, #ent into the sittingroom, #here there #as a great noise of tal/ing.*:e s0ea/ lou$,* she sa-s, *2ut -et the 2ill gae a lou$er soun$ #hen Gunnar #entout.*;ols/egg hear$ #hat she sai$, an$ s0o/e, *"his 2eto/ens no small ti$ings*.*"hat is #ell,* sa-s allger$a, *no# the- #ill soon 0roe #hether he goes a#a-

from them #ee0ing.*;ols/egg ta/es his #ea0ons an$ see/s him a horse, an$ ri$es after Gunnar as fastas he oul$.Gunnar ri$es aross retongue, an$ so to Geilastofna, an$ thene to angrier,an$ $o#n the stream to the for$ at of. "here #ere some #omen at the mil/ing0ost there. Gunnar jum0e$ off his horse an$ tie$ him u0. B- this time the others#ere ri$ing u0 to#ar$s him there #ere flat stones oere$ #ith mu$ in the 0aththat le$ $o#n to the for$.Gunnar alle$ out to them an$ sai$, *No# is the time to guar$ -ourseles hereno# is the 2ill, an$ here no# -e #ill 0ut it to the 0roof #hether 5 she$ one tear for

all of -ou*."hen the- all of them s0rang off their horses' 2a/s an$ ma$e to#ar$s Gunnar.all2jorn #as the foremost.*Do not thou ome on,* sa-s Gunnar *thee last of all #oul$ 5 harm 2ut 5 #ill s0areno one if 5 hae to fight to m- life.**"hat 5 annot $o,* sa-s all2jorn *thou #ilt strie to /ill m- 2rother for all that,an$ it is a shame if 5 sit i$l- 2-.* n$ as he sai$ this he thrust at Gunnar #ith agreat s0ear #hih he hel$ in 2oth han$s.Gunnar thre# his shiel$ 2efore the 2lo#, 2ut all2jorn 0iere$ the shiel$ through.Gunnar thrust the shiel$ $o#n so har$ that it stoo$ fast in the earth, 2ut he

2ran$ishe$ his s#or$ so ui/l- that no e-e oul$ follo# it, an$ he ma$e a 2lo##ith the s#or$, an$ it fell on all2jorn's arm a2oe the #rist, so that it ut it off.S/am/ell ran 2ehin$ Gunnar's 2a/ an$ ma/es a 2lo# at him #ith a great a4e.Gunnar turne$ short roun$ u0on him an$ 0arries the 2lo# #ith the 2ill, an$ aughtthe a4e un$er one of its horns #ith suh a #renh that it fle# out of S/am/ell'shan$ a#a- into the rier."hen Gunnar sang a song.9ne thou as/e$st, foolish fello#,9f this man, this seahorse raer,When as fast as feet oul$ foot it

&orth -e fle$ from farm of mine,Whether that #ere rightl- summone$7No# #ith gore the s0ear #e re$$en,Battleeager an$ aenge us"hus on thee, ile soure of strife.Gunnar gies another thrust #ith his 2ill, an$ through S/am/ell, an$ lifts him u0an$ asts him $o#n in the mu$$- 0ath on his hea$.u$ulf the Easterling snathes u0 a s0ear an$ launhes it at Gunnar. Gunnar aughtthe s0ear #ith his han$ in the air, an$ hurle$ it 2a/ at one, an$ it fle# throughthe shiel$ an$ the Easterling too, an$ so $o#n into the earth.9t/ell smites at Gunnar #ith his s#or$, an$ aims at his leg just 2elo# the /nee, 2utGunnar lea0t u0 into the air an$ he misses him. "hen Gunnar thrusts at him the2ill, an$ the 2lo# goes through him.

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"hen ;ols/egg omes u0, an$ rushes at one at all/ell an$ $ealt him his $eath2lo# #ith his short s#or$. "here an$ then the- sla- eight men. #oman #ho sa# all this, ran home an$ tol$ %or$, an$ 2esought him to 0artthem.*"he- alone #ill 2e there,* he sa-s, *of #hom 5 are not though the- sla- oneanother.**"hou anst not mean to sa- that,* she sa-s, *for th- /insman Gunnar, an$ th-frien$ 9t/ell #ill 2e there.*

*Baggage that thou art,* he sa-s, *thou art al#a-s hattering,* an$ so he la- stillin$oors #hile the- fought.Gunnar an$ ;ols/egg ro$e home after this #or/, an$ the- ro$e har$ u0 along therier 2an/, an$ Gunnar sli00e$ off his horse an$ ame $o#n on his feet."hen ;ols/egg sai$, *ar$ no# thou ri$est, 2rother=**-,* sai$ Gunnar, *that #as #hat S/am/ell sai$ #hen he uttere$ those er- #or$s#hen the- ro$e oer me.**Well= thou hast aenge$ that no#,* sa-s ;ols/egg.*5 #oul$ li/e to /no#,* sa-s Gunnar, *#hether 5 am 2- so muh the less 2ris/ an$2ol$ than other men, 2eause 5 thin/ more of /illing men than the-7*

Chapter )) - Njal's ad+i(e to !unnar

No# those ti$ings are hear$ far an$ #i$e, an$ man- sa- that the- thought the- ha$not ha00ene$ 2efore it #as li/el-. Gunnar ro$e to Bergthors/noll an$ tol$ Njal of these $ee$s.Njal sai$, *"hou hast $one great things, 2ut thou hast 2een sorel- trie$.**o# #ill it no# go heneforth7* sa-s Gunnar.*Wilt thou that 5 tell thee #hat hath not -et ome to 0ass7* as/s Njal. *"hou #ilt

ri$e to the "hing, an$ thou #ilt a2i$e 2- m- ounsel an$ get the greatest honourfrom this matter. "his #ill 2e the 2eginning of th- mansla-ings.**But gie me some unning ounsel,* sa-s Gunnar.*5 #ill $o that,* sa-s NjalC *neer sla- more than one man in the same sto/, an$neer 2rea/ the 0eae #hih goo$ men an$ true ma/e 2et#een thee an$ others,an$ least of all in suh a matter as this.*Gunnar sai$, *5 shoul$ hae thought there #as more ris/ of that #ith others than#ith me.**3i/e enough,* sa-s Njal, *2ut still thou shalt so thin/ of th- uarrels that, if thatshoul$ ome to 0ass of #hih 5 hae #arne$ thee, then thou #ilt hae 2ut a little#hile to lie 2ut other#ise, thou #ilt ome to 2e an ol$ man.*Gunnar sai$, *Dost thou /no# #hat #ill 2e thine o#n $eath7**5 /no# it,* sa-s Njal.*What7* as/s Gunnar.*"hat,* sa-s Njal, *#hih all #oul$ 2e the last to thin/.*fter that Gunnar ro$e home. man #as sent to Gi<ur the #hite an$ Geir the 0riest, for the- ha$ the 2loo$feu$after 9t/ell. "hen the- ha$ a meeting, an$ ha$ a tal/ a2out #hat #as to 2e $onean$ the- #ere of one min$ that the uarrel shoul$ 2e follo#e$ u0 at la#. "hensome one #as sought #ho #oul$ ta/e the suit u0, 2ut no one #as rea$- to $o that.*5t seems to me,* sa-s Gi<ur, *that no# there are onl- t#o ourses, that one of us

t#o un$erta/es the suit, an$ then #e shall hae to $ra# lots #ho it shall 2e, or elsethe man #ill 2e unatone$. We ma- ma/e u0 our min$s, too, that this #ill 2e ahea- suit to touh Gunnar has man- /insmen an$ is muh 2eloe$ 2ut that one

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of us #ho $oes not $ra# the lot shall ri$e to the "hing an$ neer leae it until thesuit omes to an en$.*fter that the- $re# lots, an$ Geir the 0riest $re# the lot to ta/e u0 the suit. little after, the- ro$e from the #est oer the rier, an$ ame to the s0ot #herethe meeting ha$ 2een 2- angrier, an$ $ug u0 the 2o$ies, an$ too/ #itness to the#oun$s. fter that the- gae la#ful notie an$ summone$ nine neigh2ours to 2ear#itness in the suit."he- #ere tol$ that Gunnar #as at home #ith a2out thirt- men then Geir the

0riest as/e$ #hether Gi<ur #oul$ ri$e against him #ith one hun$re$ men.*5 #ill not $o that,* sa-s he, *though the 2alane of fore is great on our si$e.*fter that the- ro$e 2a/ home. "he ne#s that the suit #as set on foot #as s0rea$all oer the ountr-, an$ the sa-ing ran that the "hing #oul$ 2e er- nois- an$storm-.

Chapter ), - !unnar and !eir the 7riest stri+e at the Thin$

"here #as a man name$ S/a0ti. e #as the son of "horo$. "hat father an$ son

#ere great hiefs, an$ er- #ell s/ille$ in la#. "horo$ #as thought to 2e ratherraft- an$ guileful. "he- stoo$ 2- Gi<ur the #hite in eer- uarrel.s for the 3ithemen an$ the $#ellers 2- angrier, the- ame in a great 2o$- to the"hing. Gunnar #as so 2eloe$ that all sai$ #ith one oie that the- #oul$ 2a/him.No# the- all ome to the "hing an$ fit u0 their 2ooths. 5n om0an- #ith Gi<ur the#hite #ere these hiefsC S/a0ti "horo$'s son, sgrim Elli$agrim's son, 9$$i of ;i$2erg, an$ all$or 9rnolf's son.No# one $a- men #ent to the ill of 3a#s, an$ then Geir the 0riest stoo$ u0 an$gae notie that he ha$ a suit of manslaughter against Gunnar for the sla-ing of 

9t/ell. nother suit of manslaughter he 2rought against Gunnar for the sla-ing of all2jorn the #hite then too he #ent on in the same #a- as to the sla-ing of u$ulf, an$ so too as to the sla-ing of S/am/ell. "hen too he lai$ a suit of manslaughter against ;ols/egg for the sla-ing of all/ell.n$ #hen he ha$ gien $ue notie of all his suits of manslaughter it #as sai$ thathe s0o/e #ell. e as/e$, too, in #hat uarter ourt the suits la-, an$ in #hat housein the $istrit the $efen$ants $#elt. fter that men #ent a#a- from the ill of 3a#s, an$ so the "hing goes on till the $a- #hen the ourts #ere to 2e set to tr-suits. "hen either si$e gathere$ their men together in great strength.Geir the 0riest an$ Gi<ur the #hite stoo$ at the ourt of the men of angrierloo/ing north, an$ Gunnar an$ Njal stoo$ loo/ing south to#ar$s the ourt.Geir the 0riest 2a$e Gunnar to listen to his oath, an$ then he too/ the oath, an$after#ar$s $elare$ his suit."hen he let men 2ear #itness of the notie gien of the suit then he alle$ u0onthe neigh2ours #ho #ere to form the inuest to ta/e their seats then he alle$ onGunnar to hallenge the inuest an$ then he alle$ on the inuest to utter theirfin$ing. "hen the neigh2ours #ho #ere summone$ on the inuest #ent to the ourtan$ too/ #itness, an$ sai$ that there #as a 2ar to their fin$ing in the suit as tou$ulf's sla-ing, 2eause the ne4t of /in #ho ought to follo# it u0 #as in Nor#a-,an$ so the- ha$ nothing to $o #ith that suit.fter that the- uttere$ their fin$ing in the suit as to 9t/ell, an$ 2rought in Gunnar

as trul- guilt- of /illing him."hen Geir the 0riest alle$ on Gunnar for his $efene, an$ too/ #itness of all theste0s in the suit #hih ha$ 2een 0roe$.

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"hen Gunnar, in his turn, alle$ on Geir the 0riest to listen to his oath, an$ to the$efene #hih he #as a2out to 2ring for#ar$ in the suit. "hen he too/ the oath an$sai$ *"his $efene 5 ma/e to this suit, that 5 too/ #itness an$ outla#e$ 9t/ell 2efore m-neigh2ours for that 2loo$- #oun$ #hih 5 got #hen 9t/ell gae me a hurt #ith hiss0ur 2ut thee, Geir the 0riest, 5 for2i$ 2- a la#ful 0rotest ma$e 2efore a 0riest to0ursue this suit, an$ so, too, 5 for2i$ the ju$ges to hear it an$ #ith this 5 ma/e allthe ste0s hitherto ta/en in this suit oi$ an$ of noneeffet. 5 for2i$ thee 2- a la#ful

0rotest, a full, fair, an$ 2in$ing 0rotest, as 5 hae a right to for2i$ thee 2- theommon ustom of the "hing an$ 2- the la# of the lan$.*Besi$es, 5 #ill tell thee something else #hih 5 mean to $o,* sa-s Gunnar.*What=* sa-s Geir, *#ilt thou hallenge me to the islan$ as thou art #ont, an$ not2ear the la#7**Not that,* sa-s Gunnar *5 shall summon thee at the ill of 3a#s for that thoualle$st those men on the inuest #ho ha$ no right to $eal #ith u$ulf's sla-ing,an$ 5 #ill $elare thee for that guilt- of outla#r-.*"hen Njal sai$, *"hings must not ta/e this turn, for the onl- en$ of it #ill 2e thatthis strife #ill 2e arrie$ to the uttermost. Eah of -ou, as it seems to me, has

muh on his si$e. "here are some of these manslaughters, Gunnar, a2out #hihthou anst sa- nothing to hin$er the ourt from fin$ing thee guilt- 2ut thou hastset on foot a suit against Geir, in #hih he, too, must 2e foun$ guilt-. "hou too,Geir the 0riest, shalt /no# that this suit of outla#r- #hih hangs oer thee shall notfall to the groun$ if thou #ilt not listen to m- #or$s.*"horo$ the 0riest sai$, *5t seems to us as though the most 0eaeful #a- #oul$ 2ethat a settlement an$ atonement #ere ome to in the suit. But #h- sa-est thou solittle, Gi<ur the #hite7**5t seems to me,* sa-s Gi<ur, *as though #e shall nee$ to hae strong 0ro0s for oursuit #e ma- see, too, that Gunnar's frien$s stan$ near him, an$ so the 2est turn

for us that things an ta/e #ill 2e that goo$ men an$ true shoul$ utter an a#ar$ onthe suit, if Gunnar so #ills it.**5 hae eer 2een #illing to ma/e matters u0,* sa-s Gunnar *an$, 2esi$es, -e haemuh #rong to follo# u0, 2ut still 5 thin/ 5 #as har$ $rien to $o as 5 $i$.*n$ no# the en$ of those suits #as, 2- the ounsel of the #isest men, that all thesuits #ere 0ut to ar2itration si4 men #ere to ma/e this a#ar$, an$ it #as uttere$there an$ then at the "hing."he a#ar$ #as that S/am/ell shoul$ 2e unatone$. "he 2loo$ mone- for 9t/ell's$eath #as to 2e set off against the hurt Gunnar got from the s0ur an$ as for therest of the manslaughters, the- #ere 0ai$ for after the #orth of the men, an$

Gunnar's /insmen gae mone- so that all the fines might 2e 0ai$ u0 at the "hing."hen Geir the 0riest an$ Gi<ur the #hite #ent u0 an$ gae Gunnar 0le$ges thatthe- #oul$ /ee0 the 0eae in goo$ faith.Gunnar ro$e home from the "hing, an$ than/e$ men for their hel0, an$ gae giftsto man-, an$ got the greatest honour from the suit.No# Gunnar sits at home in his honour.

Chapter ). - Of Star#ad and his sons

"here #as a man name$ Star/a$ he #as a son of Bor/ the #a4-toothe$2la$e, the

son of "hor/ell lu2foot, #ho too/ the lan$ roun$ a2out "hreeorner as the firstsettler. is #ife's name #as all2era. "he sons of Star/a$ an$ all2era #ere theseC"horgeir an$ Bor/ an$ "hor/ell. il$igunna the leeh #as their sister.

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"he- #ere er- 0rou$ men in tem0er, har$hearte$ an$ un/in$. "he- treate$ men#rongfull-."here #as a man name$ Egil he #as a son of ;ol, #ho too/ lan$ as a settler2et#een Storle/ an$ e-$#ater. "he 2rother of Egil #as unun$ of With#oo$,father of all the strong, #ho #as at the sla-ing of olt"horir #ith the sons of ;ettle the smoothtongue$.Egil /e0t house at San$gil his sons #ere theseC ;ol an$ 9ttar an$ au/. "heirmother's name #as Steinor she #as Star/a$'s sister.

Egil's sons #ere tall an$ strifeful the- #ere most unfair men. "he- #ere al#a-s onone si$e #ith Star/a$'s sons. "heir sister #as Gu$runa nightsun, an$ she #as the2est2re$ of #omen.Egil ha$ ta/en into his house t#o Easterlings the one's name #as "horir an$ theother's "horgrim. "he- #ere not long ome out hither for the first time, an$ #ere#ealth- an$ 2eloe$ 2- their frien$s the- #ere #ell s/ille$ in arms, too, an$$auntless in eer-thing.Star/a$ ha$ a goo$ horse of hesnut hue, an$ it #as thought that no horse #as hismath in fight. 9ne it ha00ene$ that these 2rothers from San$gil #ere a#a- un$erthe "hreeorner. "he- ha$ muh gossi0 a2out all the househol$ers in the &leetlithe,

an$ the- fell at last to as/ing #hether there #as an- one that #oul$ fight a horseagainst them.But there #ere some men there #ho s0o/e so as to flatter an$ honour them, thatnot onl- #as there no one #ho #oul$ $are $o that, 2ut that there #as no one thatha$ suh a horse."hen il$igunna ans#ere$, *5 /no# that man #ho #ill $are to fight horses #ith-ou*.*Name him,* the- sa-.*Gunnar has a 2ro#n horse,* she sa-s, *an$ he #ill $are to fight his horse against-ou, an$ against an- one else.*

*s for -ou #omen,* the- sa-, *-ou thin/ no one an 2e Gunnar's math 2utthough Geir the 0riest or Gi<ur the #hite hae ome off #ith shame from 2eforehim, still it is not settle$ that #e shall fare in the same #a-.**:e #ill fare muh #orse,* she sa-s an$ so there arose out of this the greateststrife 2et#een them. "hen Star/a$ sai$ *%- #ill is that -e tr- -our han$s on Gunnar last of all for -e #ill fin$ it har$ #or/to go against his goo$ lu/.**"hou #ilt gie us leae, though, to offer him a horsefight7**5 #ill gie -ou leae, if -e 0la- him no tri/.*"he- sai$ the- #oul$ 2e sure to $o #hat their father sai$.

No# the- ro$e to 3ithen$ Gunnar #as at home, an$ #ent out, an$ ;ols/egg an$jort #ent #ith him, an$ the- gae them a heart- #elome, an$ as/e$ #hitherthe- meant to go7*No farther than hither,* the- sa-. *We are tol$ that thou hast a goo$ horse, an$ #e#ish to hallenge thee to a horsefight.**Small stories an go a2out m- horse,* sa-s Gunnar *he is -oung an$ untrie$ ineer- #a-.**But still thou #ilt 2e goo$ enough to hae the fight, for il$igunna guesse$ thatthou #oul$st 2e eas- in mathing th- horse.**o# ame -e to tal/ a2out that7* sa-s Gunnar.*"here #ere some men,* sa- the-, *#ho #ere sure that no one #oul$ $are to fighthis horse #ith ours.**5 #oul$ $are to fight him,* sa-s Gunnar *2ut 5 thin/ that #as s0itefull- sai$.**Shall #e loo/ u0on the math as ma$e, then7* the- as/e$.

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*Well, -our journe- #ill seem to -ou 2etter if -e hae -our #a- in this 2ut still 5#ill 2eg this of -ou, that #e so fight our horses that #e ma/e s0ort for eah other,2ut that no uarrel ma- arise from it, an$ that -e 0ut no shame u0on me 2ut if -e$o to me as -e $o to others, then there #ill 2e no hel0 for it 2ut that 5 shall gie-ou suh a 2uffet as it #ill seem har$ to -ou to 0ut u0 #ith. 5n a #or$, 5 shall $othen just as -e $o first.*"hen the- ri$e home. Star/a$ as/e$ ho# their journe- ha$ gone off the- sai$ thatGunnar ha$ ma$e their going goo$.

*e gae his #or$ to fight his horse, an$ #e settle$ #hen an$ #here the horsefight shoul$ 2e 2ut it #as 0lain in eer-thing that he thought he fell short of us,an$ he 2egge$ an$ 0ra-e$ to get off.**5t #ill often 2e foun$,* sa-s il$igunna, *that Gunnar is slo# to 2e $ra#n intouarrels, 2ut a har$ hitter if he annot aoi$ them.*Gunnar ro$e to see Njal, an$ tol$ him of the horsefight, an$ #hat #or$s ha$0asse$ 2et#een them, *But ho# $ost thou thin/ the horsefight #ill turn out7**"hou #ilt 2e u00ermost,* sa-s Njal, *2ut -et man- a man's 2ane #ill arise out of this fight.**Will m- 2ane 0erha0s ome out of it7* as/s Gunnar.

*Not out of this,* sa-s Njal *2ut still the- #ill 2ear in min$ 2oth the ol$ an$ thene# feu$ #ho fate against thee, an$ thou #ilt hae naught left, for it 2ut to -iel$.*"hen Gunnar ro$e home.

Chapter )/ - How !unnar's horse fou$ht

@ust then Gunnar hear$ of the $eath of his fatherinla# aus/ul$ a fe# nightsafter, "horger$a, "hrain's #ife, #as $eliere$ at Grit#ater, an$ gae 2irth to a 2o-hil$. "hen she sent a man to her mother, an$ 2a$e her hoose #hether it shoul$

2e alle$ Glum or aus/ul$. She 2a$e all it aus/ul$. So that name #as gien tothe 2o-.Gunnar an$ allger$a ha$ t#o sons, the one's name #as ogni an$ the other'sGrani. ogni #as a 2rae man of fe# #or$s, $istrustful an$ slo# to 2eliee, 2uttruthful.No# men ri$e to the horsefight, an$ a er- great ro#$ is gathere$ togetherthere. Gunnar #as there an$ his 2rothers, an$ the sons of Sigfus. Njal an$ all hissons. "here too #as ome Star/a$ an$ his sons, an$ Egil an$ his sons, an$ the-sai$ to Gunnar that no# the- #oul$ lea$ the horses together.Gunner sai$, *"hat #as #ell*.S/ar0he$inn sai$, *Wilt thou that 5 $rie th- horse, /insman Gunnar7**5 #ill not hae that,* sa-s Gunnar.*5t #oul$n't 2e amiss though,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn *#e are hothea$e$ on 2othsi$es.**:e #oul$ sa- or $o little,* sa-s Gunnar, *2efore a uarrel #oul$ s0ring u0 2ut #ithme it #ill ta/e longer, though it #ill 2e all the same in the en$.*fter that the horses #ere le$ together Gunnar 2us/e$ him to $rie his horse, 2utS/ar0he$inn le$ him out. Gunnar #as in a re$ /irtle, an$ ha$ a2out his loins a2roa$ 2elt, an$ a great ri$ingro$ in his han$."hen the horses run at one another, an$ 2it eah other long, so that there #as nonee$ for an- one to touh them, an$ that #as the greatest s0ort.

"hen "horgeir an$ ;ol ma$e u0 their min$s that the- #oul$ 0ush their horsefor#ar$ just as the horses rushe$ together, an$ see if Gunnar #oul$ fall 2efore him.No# the horses ran at one another again, an$ 2oth "horgeir an$ ;ol ran alongsi$etheir horse's flan/.

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Gunnar 0ushes his horse against them, an$ #hat ha00ene$ in a trie #as this, that"horgeir an$ his 2rother fall $o#n flat on their 2a/s, an$ their horse ato0 of them."hen the- s0ring u0 an$ rush at Gunnar, Gunnar s#ings himself free an$ sei<es ;ol,asts him $o#n on the fiel$, so that he lies senseless, "horgeir Star/a$'s son smoteGunnar's horse suh a 2lo# that one of his e-es starte$ out. Gunnar smote "horgeir#ith his ri$ingro$, an$ $o#n falls "horgeir senseless 2ut Gunnar goes to hishorse, an$ sai$ to ;ols/egg, *ut off the horse's hea$ he shall not lie a maime$

an$ 2lemishe$ 2east*.So ;ols/egg ut the hea$ off the horse."hen "horgeir got on his feet an$ too/ his #ea0ons, an$ #ante$ to fl- at Gunnar,2ut that #as sto00e$, an$ there #as a great throng an$ rush.S/ar0he$inn sai$, *"his ro#$ #earies me, an$ it is far more manl- that menshoul$ fight it out #ith #ea0ons* an$ so he sang a song, t the "hing there is a throngFast all 2oun$s the ro#$ing omesar$ 't#ill 2e to 0ath u0 0eae'"#i4t the menC this #earies me

Worthier is it far for menWea0ons re$ #ith gore to stain5 for one #oul$ sooner tameunger huge of u2 of #olf.Gunnar #as still, so that one man hel$ him, an$ s0o/e no ill #or$s.Njal trie$ to 2ring a2out a settlement, or to get 0le$ges of 0eae 2ut "horgeir sai$he #oul$ neither gie nor ta/e 0eae far rather, he sai$, #oul$ he see Gunnar$ea$ for the 2lo#.;ols/egg sai$, *Gunnar has 2efore no# stoo$ too fast than that he shoul$ haefallen for #or$s alone, an$ so it #ill 2e again*.

No# men ri$e a#a- from the horsefiel$, eer- one to his home. "he- ma/e noatta/ on Gunnar, an$ so that half-ear 0asse$ a#a-. t the "hing, the summerafter, Gunnar met 9laf the 0eao/, his ousin, an$ he as/e$ him to ome an$ seehim, 2ut -et 2a$e him 2e#are of himself *&or,* sa-s he, *the- #ill $o us all theharm the- an, an$ min$ an$ fare al#a-s #ith man- men at th- 2a/*.e gae him muh goo$ ounsel 2esi$e, an$ the- agree$ that there shoul$ 2e thegreatest frien$shi0 2et#een them.

Chapter )0 - Of *s$ri% and 6olf U$$is' son

sgrim Elli$agrim's son ha$ a suit to follo# u0 at the "hing against Wolf ggis' son.5t #as a matter of inheritane, sgrim too/ it u0 in suh a #a- as #as sel$om his#ont for there #as a 2ar to his suit, an$ the 2ar #as this, that he ha$ summone$fie neigh2ours to 2ear #itness, #hen he ought to hae summone$ nine. n$ no#the- hae this as their 2ar."hen Gunnar s0o/e an$ sai$, *5 #ill hallenge thee to single om2at on the islan$,Wolf ggis' son, if men are not to get their rights 2- la# an$ Njal an$ m- frien$elgi #oul$ li/e that 5 shoul$ ta/e some share in $efen$ing th- ause, sgrim, if the- #ere not here themseles.**But,* sa-s Wolf, *this uarrel is not one 2et#een thee an$ me.*

*Still it shall 2e as goo$ as though it #ere,* sa-s Gunnar.n$ the en$ of the suit #as, that Wolf ha$ to 0a- $o#n all the mone-."hen sgrim sai$ to Gunnar, *5 #ill as/ thee to ome an$ see me this summer, an$5 #ill eer 2e #ith thee in la#suits, an$ neer against thee*.

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Gunnar ri$es home from the "hing, an$ a little #hile after, he an$ Njal met, Njal2esought Gunnar to 2e #are of himself, an$ sai$ he ha$ 2een tol$ that those a#a-un$er the "hreeorner meant to fall on him, an$ 2a$e him neer go a2out #ith asmall om0an-, an$ al#a-s to hae his #ea0ons #ith him. Gunnar sai$ so it shoul$2e, an$ tol$ him that sgrim ha$ as/e$ him to 0a- him a isit, *an$ 5 mean to gono# this harest.**3et no men /no# 2efore thou farest ho# long thou #ilt 2e a#a-,* sai$ Njal *2ut,2esi$es, 5 2eg thee to let m- sons ri$e #ith thee, an$ then no atta/ #ill 2e ma$e

on thee.*So the- settle$ that among themseles.*No# the summer #ears a#a- till it #as eight #ee/s to #inter,* an$ then Gunnarsa-s to ;ols/egg, *%a/e thee rea$- to ri$e, for #e shall ri$e to a feast at "ongue*.*Shall #e sa- an-thing a2out it to Njal's sons7* sai$ ;ols/egg.*No,* sa-s Gunnar *the- shall fall into no uarrels for me.*

Chapter , - *n atta(# a$ainst !unnar a$reed on

"he- ro$e three together, Gunnar an$ his 2rothers. Gunnar ha$ the 2ill an$ hiss#or$, 9lier's gift 2ut ;ols/egg ha$ his short s#or$ jort, too, ha$ 0ro0er#ea0ons.No# the- ro$e to "ongue, an$ sgrim gae them a heart- #elome, an$ the- #erethere some #hile. t last the- gae it out that the- meant to go home there an$then. sgrim gae them goo$ gifts, an$ offere$ to ri$e east #ith them, 2ut Gunnarsai$ there #as no nee$ of an- suh thing an$ so he $i$ not go.Sigur$ S#inehea$ #as the name of a man #ho $#elt 2- "hurso #ater. e ame tothe farm un$er the "hreeorner, for he ha$ gien his #or$ to /ee0 #ath onGunnar's $oings, an$ so he #ent an$ tol$ them of his journe- home *an$,* uoth

he, *there oul$ neer 2e a finer hane than just no#, #hen he has onl- t#o men#ith him*.*o# man- men shall #e nee$ to hae to lie in #ait for him7* sa-s Star/a$.*Wea/ men shall 2e as nothing 2efore him,* he sa-s *an$ it is not safe to haefe#er than thirt- men.**Where shall #e lie in #ait7**B- ;nafahills,* he sa-s *there he #ill not see us 2efore he omes on us.**Go thou to San$gil an$ tell Egil that fifteen of them must 2us/ themseles thene,an$ no# other fifteen #ill go hene to ;nafahills.*"horgeir sai$ to il$igunna, *"his han$ shall sho# thee Gunnar $ea$ this er-night*.*Na-, 2ut 5 guess,* sa-s she, *that thou #ilt hang th- hea$ after -e t#o meet.*So those four, father an$ sons, fare a#a- from the "hreeorner, an$ eleen men2esi$es, an$ the- fare$ to ;nafahills, an$ la- in #ait there.Sigur$ S#inehea$ ame to San$gil an$ sai$, *ither am 5 sent 2- Star/a$ an$ hissons to tell thee, Egil, that -e, father an$ sons, must fare to ;nafahills to lie in #aitfor Gunnar*.*o# man- shall #e fare in all7* sa-s Egil.*&ifteen, re/oning me,* he sa-s.;ol sai$, *No# 5 mean to tr- m- han$ on ;ols/egg*.*"hen 5 thin/ thou meanest to hae a goo$ $eal on th- han$s,* sa-s Sigur$.

Egil 2egge$ his Easterlings to fare #ith them. "he- sai$ the- ha$ no uarrel #ithGunnar *an$ 2esi$es,* sa-s "horir, *-e seem to nee$ muh hel0 here, #hen aro#$ of men shall go against three men*."hen Egil #ent a#a- an$ #as #roth.

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"hen the mistress of the house sai$ to the EasterlingC *5n an eil hour hath m-$aughter Gu$runa hum2le$ herself, an$ 2ro/en the 0oint of her mai$enl- 0ri$e,an$ lain 2- th- si$e as th- #ife, #hen thou #ilt not $are to follo# th- fatherinla#,an$ thou must 2e a o#ar$,* she sa-s.*5 #ill go,* he sa-s, *#ith th- hus2an$, an$ neither of us t#o shall ome 2a/.*fter that he #ent to "horgrim his messmate, an$ sai$, *"a/e thou no# the /e-s of m- hests for 5 shall neer unlo/ them again. 5 2i$ thee ta/e for thine o#n#hateer of our goo$s thou #ilt 2ut sail a#a- from 5elan$, an$ $o not thin/ of 

reenge for me. But if thou $ost not leae the lan$, it #ill 2e th- $eath.*So the Easterling joine$ himself to their 2an$.

Chapter ,1 - !unnar's drea%

No# #e must go 2a/ an$ sa- that Gunnar ri$es east oer "hurso #ater, 2ut #henhe ha$ gone a little #a- from the rier he gre# er- $ro#s-, an$ 2a$e them lie$o#n an$ rest there."he- $i$ so. e fell fast aslee0, an$ struggle$ muh as he slum2ere$.

"hen ;ols/egg sai$, *Gunnar $reams no#*. But jort sai$, *5 #oul$ li/e to #a/ehim*.*"hat shall not 2e,* sai$ ;ols/egg, *2ut he shall $ream his $ream out*.Gunnar la- a er- long #hile, an$ thre# off his shiel$ from him, an$ he gre# er-#arm. ;ols/egg sai$, *What hast thou $reamt, /insman7**"hat hae 5 $reamt,* sa-s Gunnar, *#hih if 5 ha$ $reamt it there 5 #oul$ neerhae ri$$en #ith so fe# men from "ongue.**"ell us th- $ream,* sa-s ;ols/egg."hen Gunnar sang a song.hief, that hargest foes in fight=

No# 5 fear that 5 hae ri$$enShort of men from "ongue, this harestaen's fast 5 sure shall 2rea/.3or$, that satters 9ean's fire="his at least, 5 long to sa-,;ite #ith #olf shall fight for marro#,5ll 5 $reamt #ith #an$ering thought.*5 $reamt, methought, that 5 #as ri$ing on 2- ;nafahills, an$ there 5 thought 5 sa#man- #oles, an$ the- all ma$e at me 2ut 5 turne$ a#a- from them straightto#ar$s angrier, an$ then methought the- 0resse$ har$ on me on all si$es, 2ut 5/e0t them at 2a-, an$ shot all those that #ere foremost, till the- ame so lose tome that 5 oul$ not use m- 2o# against them. "hen 5 too/ m- s#or$, an$ 5 smote#ith it #ith one han$, 2ut thrust at them #ith m- 2ill #ith the other. Shiel$ m-self then 5 $i$ not, an$ methought then 5 /ne# not #hat shiel$e$ me. "hen 5 sle# man-#oles, an$ thou, too, ;ols/egg 2ut jort methought the- 0ulle$ $o#n, an$ toreo0en his 2reast, an$ one methought ha$ his heart in his ma# 2ut 5 gre# so #roththat 5 he#e$ that #olf asun$er just 2elo# the 2ris/et, an$ after that methought the#oles turne$ an$ fle$. No# m- ounsel is, 2rother jort, that thou ri$est 2a/#est to "ongue.**5 #ill not $o that,* sa-s jort *though 5 /no# m- $eath is sure, 5 #ill stan$ 2-thee still.*

"hen the- ro$e an$ ame east 2- ;nafahills, an$ ;ols/egg sai$ *Seest thou, /insman= man- s0ears stan$ u0 2- the hills, an$ men #ith #ea0ons.**5t $oes not ta/e me una#ares,* sa-s Gunnar, *that m- $ream omes true.*

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*What is 2est to 2e $one no#7* sa-s ;ols/egg *5 guess thou #ilt not run a#a-from them.**"he- shall not hae that to jeer a2out,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut #e #ill ri$e on $o#n tothe ness 2- angrier there is some antage groun$ there.*No# the- ro$e on to the ness, an$ ma$e them rea$- there, an$ as the- ro$e on0ast them ;ol alle$ out an$ sai$ *Whither art thou running to no#, Gunnar7*But ;ols/egg sai$, *Sa- the same thing farther on #hen this $a- has ome to an


Chapter ,2 - The slayin$ of Hjort and fourteen %en

fter that Star/a$ egge$ on his men, an$ then the- turn $o#n u0on them into theness. Sigur$ S#inehea$ ame first an$ ha$ a re$ targe, 2ut in his other han$ hehel$ a utlass. Gunnar sees him an$ shoots an arro# at him from his 2o# he hel$the shiel$ u0 aloft #hen he sa# the arro# fl-ing high, an$ the shaft 0asses throughthe shiel$ an$ into his e-e, an$ so ame out at the na0e of his ne/, an$ that #as

the first man slain. seon$ arro# Gunnar shot at lfhe$inn, one of Star/a$'s men, an$ that stru/him a2out the mi$$le an$ he fell at the feet of a -eoman, an$ the -eoman oerhim. ;ols/egg ast a stone an$ stru/ the -eoman on the hea$, an$ that #as his$eath2lo#."hen Star/a$ sai$, *'"#ill neer ans#er our en$ that he shoul$ use his 2o#, 2ut letus ome on #ell an$ stoutl-*. "hen eah man egge$ on the other, an$ Gunnarguar$e$ himself #ith his 2o# an$ arro#s as long as he oul$ after that he thro#sthem $o#n, an$ then he ta/es his 2ill an$ s#or$ an$ fights #ith 2oth han$s. "hereis long the har$est fight, 2ut still Gunnar an$ ;ols/egg sle# man after man.

"hen "horgeir Star/a$'s son sai$, *5 o#e$ to 2ring il$igunna th- hea$, Gunnar.*"hen Gunnar sang a song "hou, that 2attlesleet $o#n 2ringeth,Sare 5 tro# thou s0ea/est truthShe, the girl #ith gol$en armlets,annot are for suh a giftBut, 9 ser0ent's hoar$ $es0oiler=5f the mai$ must hae m- hea$ %ai$ #hose #rist hine's fire #reatheth,loser ome to rash of s0ear.*She #ill not thin/ that so muh #orth haing,* sa-s Gunnar *2ut still to get it thou#ilt hae to ome nearer=*"horgeir sai$ to his 2rothers *3et us run all of us u0on him at one he has no shiel$ an$ #e shall hae his life inour han$s.*So Bor/ an$ "hor/el 2oth ran for#ar$ an$ #ere ui/er than "horgeir. Bor/ ma$e a2lo# at Gunnar, an$ Gunnar thre# his 2ill so har$ in the #a- that the s#or$ fle#out of Bor/'s han$ then he sees "hor/el stan$ing on his other han$ #ithin stro/eof s#or$. Gunnar #as stan$ing #ith his 2o$- s#a-e$ a little on one si$e, an$ hema/es a s#ee0 #ith his s#or$, an$ aught "hor/el on the ne/, an$ off fle# hishea$.

;ol Egil's son sai$, *3et me get at ;ols/egg,* an$ turning to ;ols/egg he sai$, *"his5 hae often sai$, that #e t#o #oul$ 2e just a2out an een math in fight*.*"hat #e an soon 0roe,* sa-s ;ols/egg.

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;ol thrust at him #ith his s0ear ;ols/egg ha$ just slain a man an$ ha$ his han$sfull, an$ so he oul$ not thro# his shiel$ 2efore the 2lo#, an$ the thrust ame u0onhis thigh, on the outsi$e of the lim2 an$ #ent through it.;ols/egg turne$ shar0 roun$, an$ stro$e to#ar$s him, an$ smote him #ith hisshort s#or$ on the thigh, an$ ut off his leg, an$ sai$, *Di$ it touh thee or not7**No#,* sa-s ;ol, *5 0a- for 2eing 2are of m- shiel$.*So he stoo$ a #hile on his other leg an$ loo/e$ at the stum0.*"hou nee$est not to loo/ at it,* sai$ ;ols/egg *'tis een as thou seest, the leg is

off.*"hen ;ol fell $o#n $ea$.But #hen Egil sees this, he runs at Gunnar an$ ma/es a ut at him Gunnar thrustsat him #ith the 2ill an$ stru/ him in the mi$$le, an$ Gunnar hoists him u0 on the2ill an$ hurls him out into angrier."hen Star/a$ sai$, *Wreth that thou art in$ee$, "horir Easterling, #hen thousittest 2- 2ut th- host an$ fatherinla# Egil is slain.*"hen the Easterling s0rung u0 an$ #as er- #roth. jort ha$ 2een the $eath of t#omen, an$ the Easterling lea0t on him an$ smote him full on the 2reast. "hen jortfell $o#n $ea$ on the s0ot.

Gunnar sees this an$ #as s#ift to smite at the Easterling, an$ uts him asun$er atthe #aist. little #hile after Gunnar hurls the 2ill at Bor/, an$ stru/ him in the mi$$le, an$the 2ill #ent through him an$ stu/ in the groun$."hen ;ols/egg ut off au/ Egil's son's hea$, an$ Gunnar smites off 9tter's han$ atthe el2o#joint. "hen Star/a$ sai$ *3et us fl- no#. We hae not to $o #ith men=*Gunnar sai$, *:e t#o #ill thin/ it a sa$ stor- if there is naught on -ou to sho# that-e hae 2oth 2een in the 2attle*."hen Gunnar ran after Star/a$ an$ "horgeir, an$ gae them eah a #oun$. fter

that the- 0arte$ an$ Gunnar an$ his 2rothers ha$ then #oun$e$ man- men #hogot a#a- from the fiel$, 2ut fourteen lost their lies, an$ jort the fifteenth.Gunnar 2rought jort home, lai$ out on his shiel$, an$ he #as 2urie$ in a airnthere. %an- men griee$ for him, for he ha$ man- $ear frien$s.Star/a$ ame home, too, an$ il$igunna $resse$ his #oun$s an$ "horgeir's, an$sai$, *:e #oul$ hae gien a great $eal not to hae fallen out #ith Gunnar*.*So #e #oul$,* sa-s Star/a$.

Chapter , - Njal's (ounsel to !unnar

Steinor, at San$gil, 2esought "horgrim the Easterling to ta/e in han$ the are of her goo$s, an$ not to sail a#a- from 5elan$, an$ so to /ee0 in min$ the $eath of his messmate an$ /insman.*%- messmate "horir,* sai$ he, *foretol$ that 5 shoul$ fall 2- Gunnar's han$ if 5sta-e$ here in the lan$, an$ he must hae foreseen that #hen he fore/ne# his o#n$eath.**5 #ill gie thee,* she sa-s, *Gu$runa m- $aughter to #ife, an$ all m- goo$s intothe 2argain.**5 /ne# not,* he sai$, *that thou #oul$est 0a- suh a long 0rie.*fter that the- stru/ the 2argain that he shall hae her, an$ the #e$$ing feast #as

to 2e the ne4t summer.No# Gunnar ri$es to Bergthors/noll, an$ ;ols/egg #ith him. Njal #as out of $oorsan$ his sons, an$ the- #ent to meet Gunnar an$ gae them a heart- #elome.fter that the- fell atal/ing, an$ Gunnar sai$

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*ither am 5 ome to see/ goo$ ounsel an$ hel0 at th- han$.**"hat is th- $ue,* sai$ Njal.*5 hae fallen into a great strait,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ slain man- men, an$ 5 #ish to/no# #hat thou #ilt ma/e of the matter7**%an- #ill sa- this,* sai$ Njal, *that thou hast 2een $rien into it muh against th-#ill 2ut no# thou shalt gie me time to ta/e ounsel #ith m-self.*"hen Njal #ent a#a- all 2- himself, an$ thought oer a 0lan, an$ ame 2a/ an$sai$

*No# hae 5 thought oer the matter some#hat, an$ it seems to me as though thismust 2e arrie$ through if it 2e arrie$ through at all #ith har$ihoo$ an$ $aring."horgeir has got m- /ins#oman "horfinna #ith hil$, an$ 5 #ill han$ oer to theethe suit for se$ution. nother suit of outla#r- against Star/a$ 5 han$ oer also tothee, for haing he#n trees in m- #oo$ on the "hreeorner ri$ge. Both these suitsshalt thou ta/e u0. "hou shalt fare too to the s0ot #here -e fought, an$ $ig u0 the$ea$, an$ name #itnesses to the #oun$s, an$ ma/e all the $ea$ outla#s, for thatthe- ame against thee #ith that min$ to gie thee an$ th- 2rothers #oun$s ors#ift $eath. But if this 2e trie$ at the "hing, an$ it 2e 2rought u0 against thee thatthou first gae "horgeir a 2lo#, an$ so ma-est neither 0lea$ thine o#n ause nor

that of others, then 5 #ill ans#er in that matter, an$ sa- that 5 gae thee 2a/ th-rights at the "hings/ala"hing, so that thou shoul$est 2e a2le to 0lea$ thine o#nsuit as #ell as that of others, an$ then there #ill 2e an ans#er to that 0oint. "houshalt also go to see "-rfing of Berianess, an$ he must han$ oer to thee a suitagainst unun$ of With#oo$, #ho has the 2loo$ feu$ after his 2rother Egil.*"hen first of all Gunnar ro$e home 2ut a fe# nights after Njal's sons an$ Gunnarro$e thither #here the 2o$ies #ere, an$ $ug them u0 that #ere 2urie$ there. "henGunnar summone$ them all as outla#s for assault an$ treaher-, an$ ro$e homeafter that.

Chapter ,& - Of 9al$ard and Mord

"hat same harest +algar$ the guileful ame out to 5elan$, an$ fare$ home to of."hen "horgeir #ent to see +algar$ an$ %or$, an$ tol$ them #hat a strait the- #erein if Gunnar #ere to 2e allo#e$ to ma/e all those men outla#s #hom he ha$ slain.+algar$ sai$ that must 2e Njal's ounsel, an$ -et eer- thing ha$ not ome out -et#hih he #as li/el- to hae taught him."hen "horgeir 2egge$ those /insmen for hel0 an$ 2a/ing, 2ut the- hel$ out a long#hile, an$ at last as/e$ for an$ got a large sum of mone-."hat, too, #as 0art of their 0lan, that %or$ shoul$ as/ for "hor/atla, Gi<ur the#hite's $aughter, an$ "horgeir #as to ri$e at one #est aross the rier #ith+algar$ an$ %or$.So the $a- after the- ro$e t#ele of them together an$ ame to %ossfell. "herethe- #ere heartil- #elome$, an$ the- 0ut the uestion to Gi<ur a2out the #ooing,an$ the en$ of it #as that the math shoul$ 2e ma$e, an$ the #e$$ing feast #as to2e in half a month's s0ae at %ossfell."he- ri$e home, an$ after that the- ri$e to the #e$$ing, an$ there #as a ro#$ of guests to meet them, an$ it #ent off #ell. "hor/atla #ent home #ith %or$ an$ too/the house/ee0ing in han$ 2ut +algar$ #ent a2roa$ again the ne4t summer.No# %or$ eggs on "horgeir to set his suit on foot against Gunnar, an$ "horgeir

#ent to fin$ unun$ he 2i$s him no# to 2egin a suit for manslaughter for his2rother Egil an$ his sons *2ut 5 #ill 2egin one for the manslaughter of m-2rothers, an$ for the #oun$s of m-self an$ m- father*.

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e sai$ he #as uite rea$- to $o that, an$ then the- set out, an$ gie notie of themanslaughter, an$ summon nine neigh2ours #ho $#elt nearest to the s0ot #herethe $ee$ #as $one. "his 2eginning of the suit #as hear$ of at 3ithen$ an$ thenGunnar ri$es to see Njal, an$ tol$ him, an$ as/e$ #hat he #ishe$ them to $o ne4t.*No#,* sa-s Njal, *thou shalt summon those #ho $#ell ne4t to the s0ot, an$ th-neigh2ours an$ all men to #itness 2efore the neigh2ours, an$ hoose out ;ol asthe sla-er in the manslaughter of jort th- 2rotherC for that is la#ful an$ rightthen thou shalt gie notie of the suit for manslaughter at ;ol's han$, though he 2e

$ea$. "hen shall thou all men to #itness, an$ summon the neigh2ours to ri$e tothe lthing to 2ear #itness of the fat, #hether the-, ;ol an$ his om0anions, #ereon the s0ot, an$ in onslaught #hen jort #as slain. "hou shalt also summon"horgeir for the suit of se$ution, an$ unun$ at the suit of "-rfing.*Gunnar no# $i$ in eer-thing as Njal gae him ounsel. "his men thought a strange2eginning of suits, an$ no# these matters ome 2efore the "hing. Gunnar ri$es tothe "hing, an$ Njal's sons an$ the sons of Sigfus. Gunnar ha$ sent messengers tohis ousins an$ /insmen, that the- shoul$ ri$e to the "hing, an$ ome #ith asman- men as the- oul$, an$ tol$ them that this matter #oul$ lea$ to muh strife.So the- gathere$ together in a great 2an$ from the #est.

%or$ ro$e to the "hing an$ unolf of the Dale, an$ those un$er the "hreeorner,an$ unun$ of With#oo$. But #hen the- ome to the "hing, the- join them in oneom0an- #ith Gi<ur the #hite an$ Geir the 0riest.

Chapter ,) - Of fines and atone%ents

Gunnar, an$ the sons of Sigfus, an$ Njal's sons, #ent altogether in one 2an$, an$the- marhe$ so s#iftl- an$ losel- that men #ho ame in their #a- ha$ to ta/ehee$ lest the- shoul$ get a fall an$ nothing #as so often s0o/en a2out oer the

#hole "hing as these great la#suits.Gunnar #ent to meet his ousins, an$ 9laf an$ his men greete$ him #ell. "he-as/e$ Gunnar a2out the fight, 2ut he tol$ them all a2out it, an$ #as just in all hesai$ he tol$ them, too, #hat ste0s he ha$ ta/en sine."hen 9laf sai$, *'"is #orth muh to see ho# lose Njal stan$s 2- thee in allounsel*.Gunnar sai$ he shoul$ neer 2e a2le to re0a- that, 2ut then he 2egge$ them forhel0 an$ the- sai$ that #as his $ue.No# the suits on 2oth si$es ame 2efore the ourt, an$ eah 0lea$s his ause.%or$ as/e$ *o# it #as that a man oul$ hae the right to set a suit on foot #ho,li/e Gunnar, ha$ alrea$- ma$e himself an outla# 2- stri/ing "horgeir a 2lo#7**Wast thou,* ans#ere$ Njal, *at "hings/ala"hing last autumn7**Surel- 5 #as,* sa-s %or$.*ear$est thou,* as/s Njal, *ho# Gunnar offere$ him full atonement7 "hen 5 gae2a/ Gunnar his right to $o all la#ful $ee$s.**"hat is right an$ goo$ la#,* sa-s %or$, *2ut ho# $oes the matter stan$ if Gunnarhas lai$ the sla-ing of jort at ;ol's $oor, #hen it #as the Easterling that sle#him7**"hat #as right an$ la#ful,* sa-s Njal, *#hen he hose him as the sla-er 2efore#itnesses.**"hat #as la#ful an$ right, no $ou2t,* sa-s %or$ *2ut for #hat $i$ Gunnar

summon them all as outla#s7**"hou nee$est not to as/ a2out that,* sa-s Njal, *#hen the- #ent out to $eal#oun$s an$ manslaughter.**:es,* sa-s %or$, *2ut neither 2efell Gunnar.*

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*Gunnar's 2rothers,* sai$ Njal, *;ols/egg an$ jort, #ere there, an$ one of themgot his $eath an$ the other a flesh #oun$.**"hou s0ea/est nothing 2ut #hat is la#,* sa-s %or$, *though it is har$ to a2i$e 2-it.*"hen jallti S/eggis son of "hurso$ale, stoo$ forth an$ sai$ *5 hae ha$ no share in an- of -our la#suits 2ut 5 #ish to /no# #hether thou #ilt$o something, Gunnar, for the sa/e of m- #or$s an$ frien$shi0.**What as/est thou7* sa-s Gunnar.

*"his,* he sa-s, *that -e la- $o#n the #hole suit to the a#ar$ an$ ju$gment of goo$ men an$ true.**5f 5 $o so,* sai$ Gunnar, *then thou shalt neer 2e against me, #hateer men 5ma- hae to $eal #ith.**5 #ill gie m- #or$ to that,* sa-s jallti.fter that he trie$ his 2est #ith Gunnar's a$ersaries, an$ 2rought it a2out thatthe- #ere all set at one again. n$ after that eah si$e gae the other 0le$ges of 0eae 2ut for "horgeir's #oun$ ame the suit for se$ution, an$ for the he#ing inthe #oo$, Star/a$'s #oun$. "horgeir's 2rothers #ere atone$ for 2- half fines, 2uthalf fell a#a- for the onslaught on Gunnar. Egil's sta-ing an$ "-rfing's la#suit #ere

set off against eah other. &or jort's sla-ing, the sla-ing of ;ol an$ of theEasterling #ere to ome, an$ as for all the rest, the- #ere atone$ for #ith half fines.Njal #as in this a#ar$, an$ sgrim Elli$agrim's son, an$ jallti S/eggi's son.Njal ha$ muh mone- out at interest #ith Star/a$, an$ at San$gil too, an$ he gaeit all to Gunnar to ma/e u0 these fines.So man- frien$s ha$ Gunnar at the "hing, that he not onl- 0ai$ u0 there an$ thenall the fines on the s0ot, 2ut gae 2esi$es gifts to man- hiefs #ho ha$ lent himhel0 an$ he ha$ the greatest honour from the suit an$ all #ere agree$ in this,that no man #as his math in all the South uarter.

So Gunnar ri$es home from the "hing an$ sits there in 0eae, 2ut still hisa$ersaries enie$ him muh for his honour.

Chapter ,, - Of Thor$eir Ot#ell's son

No# #e must tell of "horgeir 9t/ell's son he gre# u0 to 2e a tall strong man, truehearte$ an$ guileless, 2ut rather too rea$- to listen to fair #or$s. e ha$ man-frien$s among the 2est men, an$ #as muh 2eloe$ 2- his /insmen.9ne on a time "horgeir Star/a$'s son ha$ 2een to see his /insman %or$.*5 an ill 2roo/,* he sa-s, *that settlement of matters #hih #e an$ Gunnar ha$,2ut 5 hae 2ought th- hel0 so long as #e t#o are a2oe groun$ 5 #ish thou#oul$est thin/ out some 0lan an$ la- it $ee0 this is #h- 5 sa- it right out, 2eause5 /no# that thou art Gunnar's greatest foe, an$ he too thine. 5 #ill muh inreasethine honour if thou ta/est 0ains in this matter.**5t #ill al#a-s seem as though 5 #ere gree$- of gain, 2ut so it must 2e. :et it #ill2e har$ to ta/e are that thou ma-est not seem to 2e a true2rea/er, or 0eae2rea/er, an$ -et arr- out th- 0oint. But no# 5 hae 2een tol$ that ;ols/egg meansto tr- a suit, an$ regain a fourth 0art of %oei$s/noll, #hih #as 0ai$ to th- fatheras an atonement for his son. e has ta/en u0 this suit for his mother, 2ut this too isGunnar's ounsel, to 0a- in goo$s an$ not to let the lan$ go. We must #ait till this

omes a2out, an$ then $elare that he has 2ro/en the settlement ma$e #ith -ou.e has also ta/en a ornfiel$ from "horgeir 9t/ell's son, an$ so 2ro/en thesettlement #ith him too. "hou shalt go to see "horgeir 9t/ell's son, an$ 2ring himinto the matter #ith thee, an$ then fall on Gunnar 2ut if -e fail in aught of this,

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an$ annot get him hunte$ $o#n, still -e shall set on him oer an$ oer again, 5must tell thee that Njal has 's0ae$' his fortune, an$ foretol$ a2out his life, if hesla-s more than one in the same sto/, that it #oul$ lea$ him to his $eath, if it sofell out that he 2ro/e the settlement ma$e after the $ee$. "herefore shalt thou2ring "horgeir into the suit, 2eause he has alrea$- slain his father an$ no#, if -et#o are together in an affra-, thou shalt shiel$ th-self 2ut he #ill go 2ol$l- on, an$then Gunnar #ill sla- him. "hen he has slain t#ie in the same sto/, 2ut thou shaltfl- from the fight. n$ if this is to $rag him to his $eath he #ill 2rea/ the settlement

after#ar$s, an$ so #e ma- #ait till then.*fter that "horgeir goes home an$ tells his father seretl-. "hen the- agree$among themseles that the- shoul$ #or/ out this 0lot 2- stealth.

Chapter ,. - Of Thor$eir Star#ad's son

Sometime after "horgeir Star/a$'s son fare$ to ;ir/2- to see his namesa/e, an$the- #ent asi$e to s0ea/, an$ tal/e$ seretl- all $a- 2ut at the en$ "horgeirStar/a$'s son, gae his namesa/e a s0ear inlai$ #ith gol$, an$ ro$e home

after#ar$s the- ma$e the greatest frien$shi0 the one #ith the other.t the "hings/ala"hing in the autumn, ;ols/egg lai$ laim to the lan$ at%oei$s/noll, 2ut Gunnar too/ #itness, an$ offere$ rea$- mone-, or another 0iee of lan$ at a la#ful 0rie to those un$er the "hreeorner."horgeir too/ #itness also, that Gunnar #as 2rea/ing the settlement ma$e 2et#eenthem.fter that the "hing #as 2ro/en u0, an$ so the ne4t -ear #ore a#a-."hose namesa/es #ere al#a-s meeting, an$ there #as the greatest frien$shi02et#een them. ;ols/egg s0o/e to Gunnar an$ sai$ *5 am tol$ that there is great frien$shi0 2et#een those namesa/es, an$ it is the tal/

of man- men that the- #ill 0roe untrue, an$ 5 #oul$ that thou #oul$st 2e #are of th-self.**Death #ill ome to me #hen it #ill ome,* sa-s Gunnar, *#hereer 5 ma- 2e, if that is m- fate.*"hen the- left off tal/ing a2out it.2out autumn, Gunnar gae out that the- #oul$ #or/ one #ee/ there at home,an$ the ne4t $o#n in the isles, an$ so ma/e an en$ of their ha-ma/ing. t thesame time, he let it 2e /no#n that eer- man #oul$ hae to leae the house, saehimself an$ the #omen."horgeir un$er "hreeorner goes to see his namesa/e, 2ut as soon as the- metthe- 2egan to tal/ after their #ont, an$ "horgeir Star/a$'s son, sai$ *5 #oul$ that #e oul$ har$en our hearts an$ fall on Gunnar.**Well,* sa-s "horgeir 9t/ell's son, *eer- struggle #ith Gunnar has ha$ 2ut oneen$, that fe# hae gaine$ the $a- 2esi$es, methin/s it soun$s ill to 2e alle$ a0eae2rea/er.**"he- hae 2ro/en the 0eae, not #e,* sa-s "horgeir Star/a$'s son. *Gunnar too/a#a- from thee th- ornfiel$ an$ he has ta/en %oei$s/noll from m- father an$me.*n$ so the- settle it 2et#een them to fall on Gunnar an$ then "horgeir sai$ thatGunnar #oul$ 2e all alone at home in a fe# nights' s0ae, *an$ then thou shaltome to meet me #ith eleen men, 2ut 5 #ill hae as man-*.

fter that "horgeir ro$e home.

Chapter ,/ - Of Njal and those na%esa#es

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No# #hen ;ols/egg an$ the housearles ha$ 2een three nights in the isles,"horgeir Star/a$'s son ha$ ne#s of that, an$ sen$s #or$ to his namesa/e that heshoul$ ome to meet him on "hreeorner ri$ge.fter that "horgeir of the "hreeorner 2us/e$ him #ith eleen men he ri$es u0 onthe ri$ge an$ there #aits for his namesa/e.n$ no# Gunnar is at home in his house, an$ those namesa/es ri$e into a #oo$har$ 2-. "here suh a $ro#siness ame oer them that the- oul$ $o naught else2ut slee0. So the- hung their shiel$s u0 in the 2oughs, an$ tethere$ their horses,

an$ lai$ their #ea0ons 2- their si$es.Njal #as that night u0 in "horolfsfell, an$ oul$ not slee0 at all, 2ut #ent out an$ in2- turns."horhil$a as/e$ Njal #h- he oul$ not slee07*%an- things no# flit 2efore m- e-es,* sai$ he *5 see man- fethes of Gunnar's2itter foes, an$ #hat is er- strange is this, the- seem to 2e ma$ #ith rage, an$-et the- fare #ithout 0lan or 0ur0ose.* little after, a man ro$e u0 to the $oor an$ got off his horse's 2a/ an$ #ent in,an$ there #as ome the she0her$ of "horhil$a an$ her hus2an$.*Di$st thou fin$ the shee07* she as/e$.

*5 foun$ #hat might 2e more #orth,* sai$ he.*What #as that7* as/e$ Njal.*5 foun$ t#ent-four men u0 in the #oo$ -on$er the- ha$ tethere$ their horses,2ut sle0t themseles. "heir shiel$s the- ha$ hung u0 in the 2oughs.*But so losel- ha$ he loo/e$ at them that he tol$ of all their #ea0ons an$ #argearan$ lothes, an$ then Njal /ne# 0lainl- #ho eah of them must hae 2een, an$sai$ to him *'"#ere goo$ hiring if there #ere man- suh she0her$s an$ this shall eer stan$ toth- goo$ 2ut still 5 #ill sen$ thee on an erran$.*e sai$ at one he #oul$ go.

*"hou shalt go,* sa-s Njal, *to 3ithen$ an$ tell Gunnar that he must fare toGrit#ater, an$ then sen$ after men 2ut 5 #ill go to meet #ith those #ho are in the#oo$ an$ sare them a#a-. "his thing hath #ell ome to 0ass, so that the- shallgain nothing 2- this journe-, 2ut lose muh.*"he she0her$ set off an$ tol$ Gunnar as 0lainl- as he oul$ the #hole stor-. "henGunnar ro$e to Grit#ater an$ summone$ men to him.No# it is to 2e tol$ of Njal ho# he ri$es to meet these namesa/es.*n#aril- -e lie here,* he sa-s, *or for #hat en$ shall this journe- hae 2eenma$e7 n$ Gunnar is not a man to 2e trifle$ #ith. But if the truth must 2e tol$then, this is the greatest treason. :e shall also /no# this, that Gunnar is gathering

fore, an$ he #ill ome here in the t#in/ling of an e-e, an$ sla- -ou all, unless -eri$e a#a- home.*"he- 2estirre$ them at one, for the- #ere in great fear, an$ too/ their #ea0ons,an$ mounte$ their horses an$ gallo0e$ home un$er the "hreeorner.Njal fare$ to meet Gunnar an$ 2a$e him not to 2rea/ u0 his om0an-.*But 5 #ill go an$ see/ for an atonement no# the- #ill 2e finel- frightene$ 2ut forthis treason no less a sum shall 2e 0ai$ #hen one has to $eal #ith all of them, thanshall 2e 0ai$ for the sla-ing of one or other of those namesa/es, though suh athing shoul$ ome to 0ass. "his mone- 5 #ill ta/e into m- /ee0ing, an$ so la- it outthat it ma- 2e rea$- to th- han$ #hen thou hast nee$ of it.*

Chapter ,0 - Olaf the 7ea(o(#'s $ifts to !unnar

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Gunnar than/e$ Njal for his ai$, an$ Njal ro$e a#a- un$er the "hreeorner, an$tol$ those namesa/es that Gunnar #oul$ not 2rea/ u0 his 2an$ of men 2efore heha$ fought it out #ith them."he- 2egan to offer terms for themseles, an$ #ere full of $rea$, an$ 2a$e Njal toome 2et#een them #ith an offer of atonement.Njal sai$ that oul$ onl- 2e if there #ere no guile 2ehin$. "hen the- 2egge$ him tohae a share in the a#ar$, an$ sai$ the- #oul$ hol$ to #hat he a#ar$e$.Njal sai$ he #oul$ ma/e no a#ar$ unless it #ere at the "hing, an$ unless the 2est

men #ere 2- an$ the- agree$ to that."hen Njal ame 2et#een them, so that the- gae eah other 0le$ges of 0eae an$atonement.Njal #as to utter the a#ar$, an$ to name as his fello#s those #hom he hose. little #hile after those namesa/es met %or$ +algar$'s son, an$ %or$ 2lame$them muh for haing lai$ the matter in Njal's han$s, #hen he #as Gunnar's greatfrien$. e sai$ that #oul$ turn out ill for them.No# men ri$e to the lthing after their #ont, an$ no# 2oth si$es are at the "hing.Njal 2egge$ for a hearing, an$ as/e$ all the 2est men #ho #ere ome thither, #hatright at la# the- thought Gunnar ha$ against those namesa/es for their treason.

"he- sai$ the- thought suh a man ha$ great right on his si$e.Njal #ent on to as/, #hether he ha$ a right of ation against all of them, or#hether the lea$ers ha$ to ans#er for them all in the suit7"he- sa- that most of the 2lame #oul$ fall on the lea$ers, 2ut a great $eal still onthem all.*%an- #ill sa- this,* sai$ %or$, *that it #as not #ithout a ause #hen Gunnar 2ro/ethe settlement ma$e #ith those namesa/es.**"hat is no 2reah of settlement,* sa-s Njal, *that an- man shoul$ ta/e the la#against another for #ith la# shall our lan$ 2e 2uilt u0 an$ settle$, an$ #ithla#lessness #aste$ an$ s0oile$.*

"hen Njal tells them that Gunnar ha$ offere$ lan$ for %oei$s/noll, or other goo$s."hen those namesa/es thought the- ha$ 2een 2eguile$ 2- %or$, an$ sol$e$ himmuh, an$ sai$ that this fine #as all his $oing.Njal name$ t#ele men as ju$ges in the suit, an$ then eer- man 0ai$ a hun$re$in siler #ho ha$ gone out, 2ut eah of those namesa/es t#o hun$re$.Njal too/ this mone- into his /ee0ing, 2ut either si$e gae the other 0le$ges of 0eae, an$ Njal gae out the terms."hen Gunnar ro$e from the "hing #est to the Dales, till he ame to jar$arholt,an$ 9laf the 0eao/ gae him a heart- #elome. "here he sat half a month, an$ro$e far an$ #i$e a2out the Dales, an$ all #elome$ him #ith jo-ful han$s. But at

their 0arting 9laf sai$ *5 #ill gie thee three things of 0rie, a gol$ ring, an$ a loa/ #hih %oor/jartanthe Erse /ing o#ne$, an$ a houn$ that #as gien me in 5relan$ he is 2ig, an$ no#orse follo#er than a stur$- man. Besi$es, it is 0art of his nature that he has man's#it, an$ he #ill 2a- at eer- man #hom he /no#s is th- foe, 2ut neer at th-frien$s he an see, too, in an- man's fae, #hether he means thee #ell or ill, an$he #ill la- $o#n his life to 2e true to thee. "his houn$'s name is Sam.*fter that he s0o/e to the houn$, *No# shalt thou follo# Gunnar, an$ $o him all theserie thou anst*."he houn$ #ent at one to Gunnar an$ lai$ himself $o#n at his feet.9laf 2a$e Gunnar to 2e #are of himself, an$ sai$ he ha$ man- eniers, *&or no#thou art thought to 2e a famous man throughout all the lan$*.Gunnar than/e$ him for his gifts an$ goo$ ounsel, an$ ro$e home.No# Gunnar sits at home for some time, an$ all is uiet.

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Chapter . - Mord's (ounsel

little after, those namesa/es an$ %or$ met, an$ the- #ere not at all of one min$."he- thought the- ha$ lost muh goo$s for %or$'s sa/e, 2ut ha$ got nothing inreturn an$ the- 2a$e him set on foot some other 0lot #hih might $o Gunnarharm.%or$ sai$ so it shoul$ 2e. *But no# this is m- ounsel, that thou, "horgeir 9t/ell'sson shoul$est 2eguile 9rmil$a, Gunnar's /ins#oman 2ut Gunnar #ill let his

$is0leasure gro# against thee at that, an$ then 5 #ill s0rea$ that stor- a2roa$ thatGunnar #ill not suffer thee to $o suh things.**"hen -e t#o shall some time after ma/e an atta/ on Gunnar, 2ut still -e must notsee/ him at home, for there is no thin/ing of that #hile the houn$ is alie.*So the- settle$ this 0lan among them that it shoul$ 2e 2rought a2out."horgeir 2egan to turn his ste0s to#ar$s 9rmil$a, an$ Gunnar thought that ill, an$great $isli/e arose 2et#een them.So the #inter #ore a#a-. No# omes the summer, an$ their seret meetings #enton oftener than 2efore.s for "horgeir of the "hreeorner an$ %or$, the- #ere al#a-s meeting an$ the-

0lan an onslaught on Gunnar, #hen he ri$es $o#n to the isles to see after the #or/$one 2- his housearles.9ne $a- %or$ #as #are of it #hen Gunnar ro$e $o#n to the isles, an$ sent a manoff un$er the "hreeorner to tell "horgeir that then #oul$ 2e the li/eliest time to tr-to fall on Gunnar."he- 2estirre$ them at one, an$ fare thene t#ele together, 2ut #hen the- ameto ;ir/2- there the- foun$ thirteen men #aiting for them."hen the- ma$e u0 their min$s to ri$e $o#n to angrier an$ lie in #ait there forGunnar.But #hen Gunnar ro$e u0 from the isles, ;ols/egg ro$e #ith him. Gunnar ha$ his

2o# an$ his arro#s an$ his 2ill. ;ols/egg ha$ his short s#or$ an$ #ea0ons tomath.

Chapter .1 - The slayin$ of Thor$eir Ot#ell's son

"hat to/en ha00ene$ as Gunnar an$ his 2rother ro$e u0 to#ar$s angrier, thatmuh 2loo$ 2urst out on the 2ill.;ols/egg as/e$ #hat that might mean.Gunnar sa-s, *5f suh to/ens too/ 0lae in other lan$s, it #as alle$ '#oun$$ro0s,'an$ %aster 9lier tol$ me also that this onl- ha00ene$ 2efore great fights*.So the- ro$e on till the- sa# men sitting 2- the rier on the other si$e, an$ the-ha$ tethere$ their horses.Gunnar sai$, *No# #e hae an am2ush*.;ols/egg ans#ere$, *3ong hae the- 2een faithless 2ut #hat is 2est to 2e $oneno#7**We #ill gallo0 u0 alongsi$e them to the for$,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ there ma/e rea$-for them.*"he others sa# that an$ turne$ at one to#ar$s them.Gunnar strings his 2o#, an$ ta/es his arro#s an$ thro#s them on the groun$2efore him, an$ shoots as soon as eer the- ome #ithin shot 2- that Gunnar

#oun$e$ man- men, 2ut some he sle#."hen "horgeir 9t/ell's son s0o/e an$ sai$, *"his is no use let us ma/e for him ashar$ as #e an*.

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"he- $i$ so, an$ first #ent unun$ the fair, "horgeir's /insman. Gunnar hurle$ the2ill at him, an$ it fell on his shiel$ an$ loe it in t#ain, 2ut the 2ill rushe$ throughunun$. ugmun$ Sho/hea$ rushe$ at Gunnar 2ehin$ his 2a/. ;ols/egg sa# thatan$ ut off at one 2oth ugmun$'s legs from un$er him, an$ hurle$ him out intoangrier, an$ he #as $ro#ne$ there an$ then."hen a har$ 2attle arose Gunnar ut #ith one han$ an$ thrust #ith the other.;ols/egg sle# some men an$ #oun$e$ man-."horgeir's Star/a$'s son alle$ out to his namesa/e, *5t loo/s er- little as though

thou ha$st a father to aenge*.*"rue it is,* he ans#ers, *that 5 $o not ma/e muh #a-, 2ut -et thou hast notfollo#e$ in m- footste0s still 5 #ill not 2ear th- re0roahes.*With that he rushes at Gunnar in great #rath, an$ thrust his s0ear through hisshiel$, an$ so on through his arm.Gunnar gae the shiel$ suh a shar0 t#ist that the s0earhea$ 2ro/e short off at theso/et. Gunnar sees that another man #as ome #ithin reah of his s#or$, an$ hesmites at him an$ $eals him his $eath2lo#. fter that, he luthes his 2ill #ith2oth han$s just then "horgeir 9t/ell's son ha$ ome near him #ith a $ra#n s#or$,an$ Gunnar turns on him in great #rath, an$ $ries the 2ill through him, an$ lifts

him u0 aloft, an$ asts him out into angrier, an$ he $rifts $o#n to#ar$s the for$,an$ stu/ fast there on a stone an$ the name of that for$ has sine 2een"horgeir's for$."hen "horgeir Star/a$'s son sai$, *3et us fl- no# no itor- #ill 2e fate$ to us thistime*.So the- all turne$ an$ fle$ from the fiel$.*3et us follo# them u0 no#,* sa-s ;ols/egg, *an$ ta/e thou th- 2o# an$ arro#s,an$ thou #ilt ome #ithin 2o#shot of "horgeir Star/a$'s son.*"hen Gunnar sang a song.eaer of rih riertreasure,

Flun$ere$ #ill our 0urses 2e,"hough to$a- #e #oun$ no otherWarriors #ight in 0la- of s0ears-e, if 5 for all these sailors3o#l- l-ing, fines must 0a- "his is #h- 5 hol$ m- han$,ear/en, 2rother $ear, to me.*9ur 0urses #ill 2e em0tie$,* sa-s Gunnar, *2- the time that these are atone$ for#ho no# lie here $ea$.**"hou #ilt neer la/ mone-,* sa-s ;ols/egg *2ut "horgier #ill neer leae off 

2efore he om0asses th- $eath.*Gunnar sung another song.3or$ of #aters/ates that s/imSea/ing's fiel$s, more goo$ as he,She$$ing #oun$s' re$ stream, must stan$5n m- #a- ere 5 shall #ine.5, the gol$en armlets' #ar$er,Sna/eli/e t#ine$ aroun$ m- #rist,Ne'er shall shun a foeman's faulhion&lashing 2right in $in of fight.*e, an$ a fe# more as goo$ as he,* sa-s Gunnar, *must stan$ in m- 0ath ere 5 amafrai$ of them.*fter that the- ri$e home an$ tell the ti$ings.allger$a #as #ell 0lease$ to hear them, an$ 0raise$ the $ee$ muh.

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anneig sai$, *%a- 2e the $ee$ is goo$ 2ut someho#,* she sa-s, *5 feel too$o#nast a2out it to thin/ that goo$ an ome of it*.

Chapter .2 - Of the suits for %anslau$hter at the thin$

"hese ti$ings #ere s0rea$ far an$ #i$e, an$ "horgeir's $eath #as a great grief toman- a man. Gi<ur the #hite an$ his men ro$e to the s0ot an$ gae notie of the

manslaughter, an$ alle$ the neigh2ours on the inuest to the "hing. "hen the-ro$e home #est.Njal an$ Gunnar met an$ tal/e$ a2out the 2attle. "hen Njal sai$ to Gunnar *No# 2e #are of th-self= No# hast thou slain t#ie in the same sto/ an$ so no#ta/e hee$ to th- 2ehaiour, an$ thin/ that it is as muh as th- life is #orth, if thou$ost not hol$ to the settlement that is ma$e.**Nor $o 5 mean to 2rea/ it in an- #a-,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut still 5 shall nee$ th- hel0at the "hing.**5 #ill hol$ to m- faithfulness to thee,* sai$ Njal, *till m- $eath $a-.*"hen Gunnar ri$es home. No# the "hing $ra#s near an$ eah si$e gather a great

om0an- an$ it is a matter of muh tal/ at the "hing ho# these suits #ill en$."hose t#o, Gi<ur the #hite, an$ Geir the 0riest, tal/e$ #ith eah other as to #hoshoul$ gie notie of the suit of manslaughter after "horgeir, an$ the en$ of it #asthat Gi<ur too/ the suit on his han$, an$ gae notie of it at the ill of 3a#s, an$s0o/e in these #or$sC *5 gae notie of a suit for assault lai$ $o#n 2- la# against Gunnar amon$'s sonfor that he rushe$ #ith an onslaught lai$ $o#n 2- la# on "horgeir 9t/ell's son, an$#oun$e$ him #ith a 2o$- #oun$, #hih 0roe$ a $eath #oun$, so that "horgeirgot his $eath.*5 sa- on this harge he ought to 2eome a onite$ outla#, not to 2e fe$, not to

2e for#ar$e$, not to 2e hel0e$ or har2oure$ in an- nee$.*5 sa- that his goo$s are forfeite$, half to me an$ half to the men of the uarter,#hose right it is 2- la# to sei<e the goo$s of outla#s.*5 gie notie of this harge in the uarter ourt, into #hih this suit ought 2- la#to ome.*5 gie this la#ful notie in the hearing of all men at the ill of 3a#s.*5 gie notie no# of this suit, an$ of full forfeiture an$ outla#r- against Gunnaramon$'s son.* seon$ time Gi<ur too/ #itness, an$ gae notie of a suit against Gunnaramon$'s son, for that he ha$ #oun$e$ "horgeir 9t/ell's son #ith a 2o$- #oun$#hih #as a $eath #oun$, an$ from #hih "horgeir got his $eath, on suh an$ suha s0ot #hen Gunnar first s0rang on "horgeir #ith an onslaught, lai$ $o#n 2- la#.fter that he gae notie of this $elaration as he ha$ $one of the first. "hen heas/e$ in #hat uarter ourt the suit la-, an$ in #hat house in the $istrit the$efen$ant $#elt.When that #as oer men left the ill of 3a#s, an$ all sai$ that he s0o/e #ell.Gunnar /e0t himself #ell in han$ an$ sai$ little or nothing.No# the "hing #ears a#a- till the $a- #hen the ourts #ere to 2e set."hen Gunnar stoo$ loo/ing south 2- the ourt of the men of angrier, an$ his men#ith him.Gi<ur stoo$ loo/ing north, an$ alls his #itnesses, an$ 2a$e Gunnar to listen to his

oath, an$ to his $elaration of the suit, an$ to all the ste0s an$ 0roofs #hih hemeant to 2ring for#ar$. fter that he too/ his oath, an$ then he 2rought for#ar$the suit in the same sha0e 2efore the ourt, as he ha$ gien notie of it 2efore."hen he ma$e them 2ring for#ar$ #itness of the notie, then he 2a$e the

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neigh2ours on the inuest to ta/e their seats, an$ alle$ u0on Gunnar to hallengethe inuest.

Chapter . - Of the atone%ent

"hen Njal s0o/e an$ sai$ *No# 5 an no longer sit still an$ ta/e no 0art. 3et us go to #here the neigh2ours sit

on the inuest.*"he- #ent thither an$ hallenge$ four neigh2ours out of the inuest, 2ut the-alle$ on the fie that #ere left to ans#er the follo#ing uestion in Gunnar's faour*#hether those namesa/es ha$ gone out #ith that min$ to the 0lae of meeting to$o Gunnar a mishief if the- oul$7*But all 2ore #itness at one that so it #as."hen Njal alle$ this a la#ful $efene to the suit, an$ sai$ he #oul$ 2ring for#ar$0roof of it unless the- gae oer the suit to ar2itration."hen man- hiefs joine$ in 0ra-ing for an atonement, an$ so it #as 2rought a2outthat t#ele men shoul$ utter an a#ar$ in the matter.

"hen either si$e #ent an$ han$selle$ this settlement to the other. fter#ar$s thea#ar$ #as ma$e, an$ the sum to 2e 0ai$ settle$, an$ it #as all to 2e 0ai$ $o#nthen an$ there at the "hing.But 2esi$es, Gunnar #as to go a2roa$ an$ ;ols/egg #ith him, an$ the- #ere to 2ea#a- three #inters 2ut if Gunnar $i$ not go a2roa$ #hen he ha$ a hane of a0assage, then he #as to 2e slain 2- the /insmen of those #hom he ha$ /ille$.Gunnar ma$e no sign, as though he thought the terms of atonement #ere notgoo$. e as/e$ Njal for that mone- #hih he ha$ han$e$ oer to him to /ee0. Njalha$ lai$ the mone- out at interest an$ 0ai$ it $o#n all at one, an$ it just ame to#hat Gunnar ha$ to 0a- for himself.

No# the- ri$e home. Gunnar an$ Njal ro$e 2oth together from the "hing, an$ thenNjal sai$ to Gunnar *"a/e goo$ are, messmate, that thou /ee0est to this atonement, an$ 2ear in min$#hat #e hae s0o/en a2out for though th- former journe- a2roa$ 2rought thee togreat honour, this #ill 2e a far greater honour to thee. "hou #ilt ome 2a/ #ithgreat glor-, an$ lie to 2e an ol$ man, an$ no man here #ill then trea$ on th- heel2ut if thou $ost not fare a#a-, an$ so 2rea/est th- atonement, then thou #ilt 2eslain here in the lan$, an$ that is ill /no#ing for those #ho are th- frien$s.*Gunnar sai$ he ha$ no min$ to 2rea/ the atonement, an$ he ri$es home an$ tol$them of the settlement.anneig sai$ it #as #ell that he fare$ a2roa$, for then the- must fin$ some oneelse to uarrel.

Chapter .& - 4ols#e$$ $oes aroad

"hrain Sigfus' son sai$ to his #ife that he meant to fare a2roa$ that summer. Shesai$ that #as #ell. So he too/ his 0assage #ith ogni the #hite.Gunnar too/ his 0assage #ith rnfin of the Ba- an$ ;ols/egg #as to go #ith him.Grim n$ elgi, Njal's sons, as/e$ their father's leae to go a2roa$ too, an$ Njalsai$

*"his foreign o-age -e #ill fin$ har$ #or/, so har$ that it #ill 2e $ou2tful #hether-e /ee0 -our lies 2ut still -e t#o #ill get some honour an$ glor-, 2ut it is notunli/el- that a uarrel #ill arise out of -our journe- #hen -e ome 2a/.*

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Still the- /e0t on as/ing their father to let them go, an$ the en$ of it #as that he2a$e them go if the- hose."hen the- got them a 0assage #ith Bar$ the 2la/, an$ 9laf ;ettle's son of El$aan$ it is the tal/ of the #hole ountr- that all the 2etter men in that $istrit #ereleaing it.B- this time Gunnar's sons, ogni an$ Grani, #ere gro#n u0 the- #ere men of er- $ifferent turn of min$. Grani ha$ muh of his mother's tem0er, 2ut ogni #as/in$ an$ goo$.

Gunnar ma$e men 2ear $o#n the #ares of his 2rother an$ himself to the shi0, an$#hen all Gunnar's 2aggage ha$ ome $o#n, an$ the shi0 #as all 2ut *2oun,* thenGunnar ri$es to Bergthors/noll, an$ to other homestea$s to see men, an$ than/e$them all for the hel0 the- ha$ gien him."he $a- after he gets rea$- earl- for his journe- to the shi0, an$ tol$ all his 0eo0lethat he #oul$ ri$e a#a- for goo$ an$ all, an$ men too/ that muh to heart, 2ut stillthe- sai$ that the- loo/e$ to his oming 2a/ after#ar$s.Gunnar thre# his arms roun$ eah of the househol$ #hen he #as *2oun,* an$eer- one of them #ent out of $oors #ith him he leans on the 2utt of his s0earan$ lea0s into the sa$$le, an$ he an$ ;ols/egg ri$e a#a-.

"he- ri$e $o#n along %ar/fleet, an$ just then Gunnar's horse tri00e$ an$ thre#him off. e turne$ #ith his fae u0 to#ar$s the 3ithe an$ the homestea$ at 3ithen$,an$ sai$ *&air is the 3ithe so fair that it has neer seeme$ to me so fair the orn fiel$s are#hite to harest, an$ the home mea$ is mo#n an$ no# 5 #ill ri$e 2a/ home, an$not fare a2roa$ at all.**Do not this jo- to th- foes,* sa-s ;ols/egg, *2- 2rea/ing th- atonement, for noman oul$ thin/ thou #oul$st $o thus, an$ thou ma-st 2e sure that all #ill ha00enas Njal has sai$.**5 #ill not go a#a- an- #hither,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ so 5 #oul$ thou shoul$est $o

too.**"hat shall not 2e,* sa-s ;ols/egg *5 #ill neer $o a 2ase thing in this, nor inan-thing else #hih is left to m- goo$ faith an$ this is that one thing that oul$tear us asun$er 2ut tell this to m- /insmen an$ to m- mother, that 5 neer meanto see 5elan$ again, for 5 shall soon learn that thou art $ea$, 2rother, an$ thenthere #ill 2e nothing left to 2ring me 2a/.*So the- 0arte$ there an$ then. Gunnar ri$es home to 3ithen$, 2ut ;ols/egg ri$es tothe shi0, an$ goes a2roa$.allger$a #as gla$ to see Gunnar #hen he ame home, 2ut his mother sai$ little ornothing.

No# Gunnar sits at home that fall an$ #inter, an$ ha$ not man- men #ith him.No# the #inter leaes the farm-ar$. 9laf the 0eao/ as/e$ Gunnar an$ allger$ato ome an$ sta- #ith him 2ut as for the farm, to 0ut it into the han$s of hismother an$ his son ogni.Gunnar thought that a goo$ thing at first, an$ agree$ to it, 2ut #hen it ame to the0oint he #oul$ not $o it.But at the "hing ne4t summer, Gi<ur the #hite, an$ Geir the 0riest, gae notie of Gunnar's outla#r- at the ill of 3a#s an$ 2efore the "hing 2ro/e u0 Gi<ursummone$ all Gunnar's foes to meet in the *Great ift*. e summone$ Star/a$un$er the "hreeorner, an$ "horgeir his son %or$ an$ +algar$ the guileful Geirthe 0riest an$ jalti S/eggi's son "hor2ran$ an$ s2ran$, "horlei/'s sons E-julf,an$ unun$ his son, unun$ of With#oo$ an$ "horgrim the Easterling of San$gil."hen Gi<ur s0o/e an$ sai$, *5 #ill ma/e -ou all this offer, that #e go out againstGunnar this summer an$ sla- him*.

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*5 gae m- #or$ to Gunnar,* sai$ jalti, *here at the "hing, #hen he sho#e$himself most #illing to -iel$ to m- 0ra-er, that 5 #oul$ neer 2e in an- atta/ u0onhim an$ so it shall 2e.*"hen jalti #ent a#a-, 2ut those #ho #ere left 2ehin$ ma$e u0 their min$s toma/e an onslaught on Gunnar, an$ shoo/ han$s on the 2argain, an$ lai$ a fine onan- one that left the un$erta/ing.%or$ #as to /ee0 #ath an$ s0- out #hen there #as the 2est hane of falling onhim, an$ the- #ere fort- men in this league, an$ the- thought it #oul$ 2e a light

thing for them to hunt $o#n Gunnar, no# that ;ols/egg #as a#a-, an$ "hrain an$man- other of Gunnar's frien$s.%en ri$e from the "hing, an$ Njal #ent to see Gunnar, an$ tol$ him of his outla#r-,an$ ho# an onslaught #as 0lanne$ against him.*%e thin/s thou art the 2est of frien$s,* sa-s Gunnar *thou ma/est me a#are of #hat is meant.**No#,* sa-s Njal, *5 #oul$ that S/ar0he$inn shoul$ ome to th- house, an$ m- sonaus/ul$ the- #ill la- $o#n their lies for th- life.**5 #ill not,* sa-s Gunnar, *that th- sons shoul$ 2e slain for m- sa/e, an$ thou hasta right to loo/ for other things from me.*

*ll th- are #ill ome to nothing,* sa-s Njal *uarrels #ill turn thither#ar$ #herem- sons are as soon as thou art $ea$ an$ gone.**"hat is not unli/el-,* sa-s Gunnar, *2ut still it #oul$ misli/e me that the- fell intothem for me 2ut this one thing 5 #ill as/ of thee, that -e see after m- son ogni,2ut 5 sa- naught of Grani, for he $oes not 2ehae himself muh after m- min$.*Njal ro$e home, an$ gae his #or$ to $o that.5t is sai$ that Gunnar ro$e to all meetings of men, an$ to all la#ful "hings, an$ hisfoes neer $are$ to fall on him.n$ so some time #ent on that he #ent a2out as a free an$ guiltless man.

Chapter .) - The ridin$ to :ithend

Ne4t autumn %or$ +algar$'s son, sent #or$ that Gunnar #oul$ 2e all alone athome, 2ut all his 0eo0le #oul$ 2e $o#n in the isles to ma/e an en$ of theirha-ma/ing. "hen Gi<ur the #hite an$ Geir the 0riest ro$e east oer the riers assoon as eer the- hear$ that, an$ so east aross the san$s to of. "hen the- sent#or$ to Star/a$ un$er the "hreeorner, an$ there the- all met #ho #ere to fall onGunnar, an$ too/ ounsel ho# the- might 2est 2ring it a2out.%or$ sai$ that the- oul$ not ome on Gunnar una#ares, unless the- sei<e$ thefarmer #ho $#elt at the ne4t homestea$, #hose name #as "hor/ell, an$ ma$e himgo against his #ill #ith them to la- han$s on the houn$ Sam, an$ unless he #ent2efore them to the homestea$ to $o this."hen the- set out east for 3ithen$, 2ut sent to feth "hor/ell. "he- sei<e$ him an$2oun$ him, an$ gae him t#o hoies one that the- #oul$ sla- him, or else hemust la- han$s on the houn$ 2ut he hooses rather to sae his life, an$ #ent #iththem."here #as a 2eaten sun/ roa$, 2et#een fenes, a2oe the farm -ar$ at 3ithen$,an$ there the- halte$ #ith their 2an$. %aster "hor/ell #ent u0 to the homestea$,an$ the t-/e la- on the to0 of the house, an$ he enties the $og a#a- #ith him intoa $ee0 hollo# in the 0ath. @ust then the houn$ sees that there are men 2efore

them, an$ he lea0s on "hor/ell an$ tears his 2ell- o0en.unun$ of With#oo$ smote the houn$ on the hea$ #ith his a4e, so that the 2la$esun/ into the 2rain. "he houn$ gae suh a great ho#l that the- thought it 0assingstrange, an$ he fell $o#n $ea$.

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Chapter ., - !unnar's slayin$

Gunnar #o/e u0 in his hall an$ sai$ *"hou hast 2een sorel- treate$, Sam, m- fosterling, an$ this #arning is so meantthat our t#o $eaths #ill not 2e far a0art.*Gunnar's hall #as ma$e all of #oo$, an$ roofe$ #ith 2eams a2oe, an$ there #ere#in$o#slits un$er the 2eams that arrie$ the roof, an$ the- #ere fitte$ #ithshutters.

Gunnar sle0t in a loft a2oe the hall, an$ so $i$ allger$a an$ his mother.No# #hen the- #ere ome near to the house the- /ne# not #hether Gunnar #ereat home, an$ 2a$e that some one #oul$ go straight u0 to the house an$ see if heoul$ fin$ out. But the rest sat them $o#n on the groun$."horgrim the Easterling #ent an$ 2egan to lim2 u0 on the hall Gunnar sees that are$ /irtle 0asse$ 2efore the #in$o#slit, an$ thrusts out the 2ill, an$ smote him onthe mi$$le. "horgrim's feet sli00e$ from un$er him, an$ he $ro00e$ his shiel$, an$$o#n he to00le$ from the roof."hen he goes to Gi<ur an$ his 2an$ as the- sat on the groun$.Gi<ur loo/e$ at him an$ sai$

*Well, is Gunnar at home7**&in$ that out for -ourseles,* sai$ "horgrim *2ut this 5 am sure of, that his 2ill isat home,* an$ #ith that he fell $o#n $ea$."hen the- ma$e for the 2uil$ings. Gunnar shot out arro#s at them, an$ ma$e astout $efene, an$ the- oul$ get nothing $one. "hen some of them got into theouthouses an$ trie$ to atta/ him thene, 2ut Gunnar foun$ them out #ith hisarro#s there also, an$ still the- oul$ get nothing $one.So it #ent on for #hile, then the- too/ a rest, an$ ma$e a seon$ onslaught.Gunnar still shot out at them, an$ the- oul$ $o nothing, an$ fell off the seon$time. "hen Gi<ur the #hite sai$

*3et us 0ress on har$er nothing omes of our onslaught.*"hen the- ma$e a thir$ 2out of it, an$ #ere long at it, an$ then the- fell off again.Gunnar sai$, *"here lies on arro# outsi$e on the #all, an$ it is one of their shafts 5#ill shoot at them #ith it, an$ it #ill 2e a shame to them if the- get a hurt fromtheir o#n #ea0ons*.is mother sai$, *Do not so, m- son nor rouse them again #hen the- hae alrea$-fallen off from the atta/*.But Gunnar aught u0 the arro# an$ shot it after them, an$ stru/ E-lif unun$'sson, an$ he got a great #oun$ he #as stan$ing all 2- himself, an$ the- /ne# notthat he #as #oun$e$.

*9ut ame an arm -on$er,* sa-s Gi<ur, *an$ there #as a gol$ ring on it, an$ too/an arro# from the roof an$ the- #oul$ not loo/ outsi$e for shafts if there #ereenough in $oors an$ no# -e shall ma/e a fresh onslaught.**3et us 2urn him house an$ all,* sai$ %or$.*"hat shall neer 2e,* sa-s Gi<ur, *though 5 /ne# that m- life la- on it 2ut it iseas- for thee to fin$ out some 0lan, suh a unning man as thou art sai$ to 2e.*Some ro0es la- there on the groun$, an$ the- #ere often use$ to strengthen theroof. "hen %or$ sai$ *3et us ta/e the ro0es an$ thro# one en$ oer the en$ of thearr-ing 2eams, 2ut let us fasten the other en$ to these ro/s an$ t#ist them tight#ith leers, an$ so 0ull the roof off the hall.*So the- too/ the ro0es an$ all lent a han$ to arr- this out, an$ 2efore Gunnar #asa#are of it, the- ha$ 0ulle$ the #hole roof off the hall."hen Gunnar still shoots #ith his 2o# so that the- oul$ neer ome nigh him. "hen%or$ sai$ again that the- must 2urn the house oer Gunnar's hea$. But Gi<ur sai$

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*5 /no# not #h- thou #ilt s0ea/ of that #hih no one else #ishes, an$ that shallneer 2e.*@ust then "hor2ran$ "horlei/'s son s0rang u0 on the roof, an$ uts asun$erGunnar's 2o#string. Gunnar luthes the 2ill #ith 2oth han$s, an$ turns on himui/l- an$ $ries it through him, an$ hurls him $o#n on the groun$."hen u0 s0rung s2ran$ his 2rother. Gunnar thrusts at him #ith the 2ill, an$ hethre# his shiel$ 2efore the 2lo#, 2ut the 2ill 0asse$ lean through the shiel$ an$2ro/e 2oth his arms, an$ $o#n he fell from the #all.

Gunnar ha$ alrea$- #oun$e$ eight men an$ slain those t#ain. B- that timeGunnar ha$ got t#o #oun$s, an$ all men sai$ that he neer one #ine$ either at#oun$s or $eath."hen Gunnar sai$ to allger$a, *Gie me t#o lo/s of th- hair, an$ -e t#o, m-mother an$ thou, t#ist them together into a 2o#string for me.**Does aught lie on it7* she sa-s.*%- life lies on it,* he sai$ *for the- #ill neer ome to lose uarters #ith me if 5an /ee0 them off #ith m- 2o#.**Well=* she sa-s, *no# 5 #ill all to th- min$ that sla0 on the fae #hih thou gaestme an$ 5 are neer a #hit #hether thou hol$est out a long #hile or a short.*

"hen Gunnar sang a song Eah #ho hurls the gor- jaelinath some honour of his o#n,No# m- hel0meet #im0lehoo$e$urries all m- fame to earth.No one o#ner of a #arshi09ften as/s for little things,Woman, fon$ of &ro$i's flour,Wen$s her han$ as she is #ont.*Eer- one has something to 2oast of,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ 5 #ill as/ thee no more

for this.**"hou 2ehaest ill,* sai$ anneig, *an$ this shame shall long 2e ha$ in min$.*Gunnar ma$e a stout an$ 2ol$ $efene, an$ no# #oun$s other eight men #ith suhsore #oun$s that man- la- at $eath's $oor. Gunnar /ee0s them all off until he fell#orn out #ith toil. "hen the- #oun$e$ him #ith man- an$ great #oun$s, 2ut stillhe got a#a- out of their han$s, an$ hel$ his o#n against them a #hile longer, 2utat last it ame a2out that the- sle# him.9f this $efene of his, "hor/ell the S/al$ of GtaElf sang in the erses #hih follo#We hae hear$ ho# south in 5elan$

Gunnar guar$e$ #ell himself,Bol$l- 2attle's thun$er #iel$ing,&ierest 5eman on the #aeero of the gol$en ollar,Si4teen #ith the s#or$ he #oun$e$5n the sho/ that 9$in loeth,"#o 2efore him laste$ $eath.But this is #hat "hormo$ 9laf's son sang None that sattere$ sea's 2right sun2eams,Won more glorious fame than Gunnar,So runs fame of ol$ in 5elan$,&itting fame of heathen men3or$ of fight #hen helms #ere rashing,3ies of foeman t#ain he too/,

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Wiel$ing 2itter steel he sorel-Woun$e$ t#ele, an$ four 2esi$es."hen Gi<ur s0o/e an$ sai$C *We hae no# lai$ lo# to earth a might- hief, an$ har$#or/ has it 2een, an$ the fame of this $efene of his shall last as long as men liein this lan$*.fter that he #ent to see anneig an$ sai$, *Wilt thou grant us earth here for t#oof our men #ho are $ea$, that the- ma- lie in a airn here7**ll the more #illingl- for t#o,* she sa-s, *2eause 5 #ish #ith all m- heart 5 ha$ to

grant it to all of -ou.**5t must 2e forgien thee,* he sa-s, *to s0ea/ thus, for thou hast ha$ a great loss.*"hen he gae or$ers that no man shoul$ s0oil or ro2 an-thing there.fter that the- #ent a#a-."hen "horgeir Star/a$'s son sai$, *We ma- not 2e in our house at home for thesons of Sigfus, unless thou Gi<ur or thou Geir 2e here south some little #hile*.*"his shall 2e so,* sa-s Gi<ur, an$ the- ast lots, an$ the lot fell on Geir to sta-2ehin$.fter that he ame to the Foint, an$ set u0 his house there he ha$ a son #hosename #as roal$ he #as 2ase 2orn, an$ his mother's name #as Biarte- he

2oaste$ that he ha$ gien Gunnar his $eath2lo#. roal$ #as at the Foint #ith hisfather."horgeir Star/a$'s son 2oaste$ of another #oun$ #hih he ha$ gien to Gunnar.Gi<ur sat at home at %ossfell. Gunnar's sla-ing #as hear$ of, an$ ill s0o/en of throughout the #hole ountr-, an$ his $eath #as a great grief to man- a man.

Chapter .. - !unnar sin$s a son$ dead

Njal oul$ ill 2roo/ Gunnar's $eath, nor oul$ the sons of Sigfus 2roo/ it either.

"he- as/e$ #hether Njal thought the- ha$ an- right to gie notie of a suit of manslaughter for Gunnar, or to set the suit on foot.e sai$ that oul$ not 2e $one, as the man ha$ 2een outla#e$ 2ut sai$ it #oul$ 2e2etter #orth tr-ing to $o something to #oun$ their glor-, 2- sla-ing some men inengeane after him."he- ast a airn oer Gunnar, an$ ma$e him sit u0right in the airn. anneig#oul$ not hear of his 2ill 2eing 2urie$ in the airn, 2ut sai$ he alone shoul$ hae itas his o#n, #ho #as rea$- to aenge Gunnar. So no one too/ the 2ill.She #as so har$ on allger$a, that she #as on the 0oint of /illing her an$ she sai$that she ha$ 2een the ause of her son's sla-ing."hen allger$a fle$ a#a- to Grit#ater, an$ her son Grani #ith her, an$ the- share$the goo$s 2et#een them ogni #as to hae the lan$ at 3ithen$ an$ thehomestea$ on it, 2ut Grani #as to hae the lan$ let out on lease.No# this to/en ha00ene$ at 3ithen$, that the neather$ an$ the seringmai$ #ere$riing attle 2- Gunnar's airn. "he- thought that he #as merr-, an$ that he #assinging insi$e the airn. "he- #ent home an$ tol$ anneig, Gunnar's mother, of this to/en, 2ut she 2a$e them go an$ tell Njal."hen the- #ent oer to Bergthors/noll an$ tol$ Njal, 2ut he ma$e them tell it threetimes oer.fter that, he ha$ a long tal/ all alone #ith S/ar0he$inn an$ S/ar0he$inn too/ his#ea0ons an$ goes #ith them to 3ithen$.

anneig an$ ogni gae him a heart- #elome, an$ #ere er- gla$ to see him.anneig as/e$ him to sta- there some time, an$ he sai$ he #oul$.

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e an$ ogni #ere al#a-s together, at home an$ a2roa$. ogni #as a 2ris/, 2raeman, #ell2re$ an$ #elltraine$ in min$ an$ 2o$-, 2ut $istrustful an$ slo# to2eliee #hat he #as tol$, an$ that #as #h- the- $are$ not tell him of the to/en.No# those t#o, S/ar0he$inn an$ ogni, #ere out of $oors one eening 2- Gunnar'sairn on the south si$e. "he moon an$ stars #ere shining lear an$ 2right, 2uteer- no# an$ then the lou$s $roe oer them. "hen all at one the- thought the-sa# the airn stan$ing o0en, an$ lo= Gunnar ha$ turne$ himself in the airn an$loo/e$ at the moon. "he- thought the- sa# four lights 2urning in the airn, an$

none of them thre# a sha$o#. "he- sa# that Gunnar #as merr-, an$ he #ore a jo-ful fae. e sang a song, an$ so lou$, that it might hae 2een hear$ though the-ha$ 2een farther off.e that laishe$ rings in largesse,When the fight's re$ rain$ro0s fell,Bright of fae, #ith heartstrings har$-,ogni's father met his fate"hen his 2ro# #ith helmet shrou$ing,Bearing 2attleshiel$, he s0a/e,*5 #ill $ie the 0ro0 of 2attle,

Sooner $ie than -iel$ an inh.:es, sooner $ie than -iel$ an inh*.fter that the airn #as shut u0 again.*Woul$st thou 2eliee these to/ens if Njal or 5 tol$ them to thee7* sa-sS/ar0he$inn.*5 #oul$ 2eliee them,* he sa-s, *if Njal tol$ them, for it is sai$ he neer lies.**Suh to/ens as these mean muh,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *#hen he sho#s himself tous, he #ho #oul$ sooner $ie than -iel$ to his foes an$ see ho# he has taught us#hat #e ought to $o.**5 shall 2e a2le to 2ring nothing to 0ass,* sa-s ogni, *unless thou #ilt stan$ 2-

me.**No#,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *#ill 5 2ear in min$ ho# Gunnar 2ehae$ after thesla-ing of -our /insman Sigmun$ no# 5 #ill -iel$ -ou suh hel0 as 5 ma-. %-father gae his #or$ to Gunnar to $o that #heneer thou or th- mother ha$ nee$of it.*fter that the- go home to 3ithen$.

Chapter ./ - !unnar of :ithend a+en$ed

*No# #e shall set off at one,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *this er- night for if the- learnthat 5 am here, the- #ill 2e more #ar- of themseles.**5 #ill fulfil th- ounsel,* sa-s ogni.fter that the- too/ their #ea0ons #hen all men #ere in their 2e$s. ogni ta/es$o#n the 2ill, an$ it gae a shar0 ringing soun$.anneig s0rang u0 in great #rath an$ sai$ *Who touhes the 2ill, #hen 5 for2a$e eer- one to la- han$ on it7**5 mean,* sa-s ogni, *to 2ring it to m- father, that he ma- 2ear it #ith him to+alhalla, an$ hae it #ith him #hen the #arriors meet.**ather shalt thou no# 2ear it,* she ans#ere$, *an$ aenge th- father for the 2illhas s0o/en of one man's $eath or more.*

"hen ogni #ent out, an$ tol$ S/ar0he$inn all the #or$s that his gran$mother ha$s0o/en.fter that the- fare to the Foint, an$ t#o raens fle# along #ith them all the #a-."he- ame to the Foint #hile it #as still night. "hen the- $roe the flo/ 2efore

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them u0 to the house, an$ then roal$ an$ "jorfi ran out an$ $roe the flo/ u0 thehollo# 0ath, an$ ha$ their #ea0ons #ith them.S/ar0he$inn s0rang u0 an$ sai$, *"hou nee$est not to stan$ an$ thin/ if it 2e reall-as it seems. %en are here.*"hen S/ar0he$inn smites "jorfi his $eath2lo#. roal$ ha$ a s0ear in his han$, an$ogni rushes at him roal$ thrusts at him, 2ut ogni he#e$ asun$er the s0earshaft #ith his 2ill, an$ $ries the 2ill through him.fter that the- left them there $ea$, an$ turn a#a- thene un$er the "hreeorner.

S/ar0he$inn jum0s u0 on the house an$ 0lu/s the grass, an$ those #ho #ereinsi$e the house thought it #as attle that ha$ ome on the roof. Star/a$ an$"horgeir too/ their #ea0ons an$ u00er lothing, an$ #ent out an$ roun$ a2out thefene of the -ar$. But #hen Star/a$ sees S/ar0he$inn he #as afrai$, an$ #ante$to turn 2a/.S/ar0he$inn ut him $o#n 2- the fene. "hen ogni omes against "horgeir an$sla-s him #ith the 2ill."hene the- #ent to of, an$ %or$ #as outsi$e in the fiel$, an$ 2egge$ for mer-,an$ offere$ them full atonement.S/ar0he$inn tol$ %or$ the sla-ing of those four men, an$ sang a song.

&our #ho #iel$e$ #arli/e #ea0onsWe hae slain, all men of #orth,"hem at one, gol$gree$- fello#,"hou shalt follo# on the s0ot3et us 0ress this 0inh0urse so,Fouring fear into his heartWreth= reah out to Gunnar's sonight to settle all $is0utes.*n$ the li/e journe-,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *shalt thou also fare, or han$ oer toogni the right to ma/e his o#n a#ar$, if he #ill ta/e these terms.*

ogni sai$ his min$ ha$ 2een ma$e u0 not to ome to an- terms #ith the sla-ers of his father 2ut still at last he too/ the right to ma/e his o#n a#ar$ from %or$.

Chapter .0 - Ho$ni ta#es an atone%ent for !unnar's death

Njal too/ a share in 2ringing those #ho ha$ the 2loo$feu$ after Star/a$ an$"horgeir to ta/e an atonement, an$ a $istrit meeting #as alle$ together, an$ men#ere hosen to ma/e the a#ar$, an$ eer- matter #as ta/en into aount, eenthe atta/ on Gunnar, though he #as an outla# 2ut suh a fine as #as a#ar$e$, allthat %or$ 0ai$ for the- $i$ not lose their a#ar$ against him 2efore the othermatter #as alrea$- settle$, an$ then the- set off one a#ar$ against the other."hen the- #ere all set at one again, 2ut at the "hing there #as great tal/, an$ theen$ of it #as, that Geir the 0riest an$ ogni #ere set at one again, an$ thatatonement the- hel$ to eer after#ar$s.Geir the 0riest $#elt in the 3ithe till his $eath$a-, an$ he is out of the stor-.Njal as/e$ as a #ife for ogni lfei$a the $aughter of Weatherli$ the S/al$, an$ she#as gien a#a- to him. "heir son #as ri, #ho saile$ for Shetlan$, an$ too/ him a#ife there from him is ome Einar the Shetlan$er, one of the 2ris/est an$ 2ol$estof men.ogni /e0t u0 his frien$shi0 #ith Njal, an$ he is no# out of the stor-.

Chapter / - Of 4ols#e$$; how he was aptised

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No# it is to 2e tol$ of ;ols/egg ho# he omes to Nor#a-, an$ is in the Ba- eastthat #inter. But the summer after he fares east to Denmar/, an$ 2oun$ himself toS#e-n &or/2ear$ the Dane/ing, an$ there he ha$ great honour.9ne night he $reamt that a man ame to him he #as 2right an$ glistening, an$ hethought he #o/e him u0. e s0o/e, an$ sai$ to him *Stan$ u0 an$ ome #ith me.**What #ilt thou #ith me7* he as/s.*5 #ill get thee a 2ri$e, an$ thou shalt 2e m- /night.*

e thought he sai$ -ea to that, an$ after that he #o/e u0."hen he #ent to a #i<ar$ an$ tol$ him the $ream, 2ut he rea$ it so that he shoul$fare to southern lan$s an$ 2eome Go$'s /night.;ols/egg #as 2a0tise$ in Denmar/, 2ut still he oul$ not rest there, 2ut fare$ eastto ussia, an$ #as there one #inter. "hen he fare$ thene out to %i/legarth, an$there too/ serie #ith the Em0eror. "he last that #as hear$ of him #as, that he#e$$e$ a #ife there, an$ #as a0tain oer the +arangians, an$ sta-e$ there till his$eath$a- an$ he, too, is out of this stor-.

Chapter /1 - Of Thrain; how he slew 4ol

No# #e must ta/e u0 the stor-, an$ sa- ho# "hrain Sigfus' son ame to Nor#a-."he- ma$e the lan$ north in elgelan$, an$ hel$ on south to Drontheim, an$ so tola$a. But as soon as Earl aon hear$ of that, he sent men to them, an$ #oul$/no# #hat men #ere in the shi0. "he- ame 2a/ an$ tol$ him #ho the men #ere."hen the Earl sent for "hrain Sigfus' son, an$ he #ent to see him. "he Earl as/e$ of #hat sto/ he might 2e. e sai$ that he #as Gunnar of 3ithen$'s near /insman. "heEarl sai$ *"hat shall stan$ thee in goo$ stea$ for 5 hae seen man- men from 5elan$, 2ut

none his math.**3or$,* sai$ "hrain, *is it -our #ill that 5 shoul$ 2e #ith -ou this #inter7*"he Earl too/ to him, an$ "hrain #as there that #inter, an$ #as thought muh of."here #as a man name$ ;ol, he #as a great searoer. e #as the son of smun$shsi$e, east out of Smolan$. e la- east in the GtaElf, an$ ha$ fie shi0s, an$muh fore."hene ;ol steere$ his ourse out of the rier to Nor#a-, an$ lan$e$ at &ol$, inthe 2ight of the *Ba-,* an$ ame on allar$ Soti una#ares, an$ foun$ him in aloft. e /e0t them off 2rael- till the- set fire to the house, then he gae himself u0 2ut the- sle# him, an$ too/ there muh goo$s, an$ saile$ thene to 3$ese.Earl aon hear$ these ti$ings, an$ ma$e them ma/e ;ol an outla# oer all hisrealm, an$ set a 0rie u0on his hea$.9ne on a time it so ha00ene$ that the Earl 2egan to s0ea/ thus *"oo far off from us no# is Gunnar of 3ithen$. e #oul$ sla- m- outla# if he #erehere 2ut no# the 5elan$ers #ill sla- him, an$ it is ill that he hath not fare$ to us.*"hen "hrain Sigfus' son ans#ere$ *5 am not Gunnar, 2ut still 5 am near a/in to him, an$ 5 #ill un$erta/e this o-age.*"he Earl sai$, *5 shoul$ 2e gla$ of that, an$ thou shalt 2e er- #ell fitte$ out forthe journe-*.fter that his son Eri 2egan to s0ea/, an$ sai$ *:our #or$, father, is goo$ to man- men, 2ut fulfilling it is uite another thing. "his

is the har$est un$erta/ing for this searoer is tough an$ ill to $eal #ith,#herefore thou #ilt nee$ to ta/e great 0ains, 2oth as to men an$ shi0s for thiso-age.*"hrain sai$, *5 #ill set out on this o-age, though it loo/s ugl-*.

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fter that the Earl gae him fie shi0s, an$ all #ell trimme$ an$ manne$. long#ith "hrain #as Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son. Gunnar #as "hrain's2rother's son, an$ ha$ ome to him -oung, an$ eah loe$ the other muh.Eri, the Earl's son, #ent heartil- along #ith them, an$ loo/e$ after strength forthem, 2oth in men an$ #ea0ons, an$ ma$e suh hanges in them as he thought#ere nee$ful. fter the- #ere *2oun,* Eri got them a 0ilot. "hen the- saile$ southalong the lan$ 2ut #hereer the- ame to lan$, the Earl allo#e$ them to $eal #ith#hateer the- nee$e$ as their o#n.

So the- hel$ on east to 3$ese, an$ then the- hear$ that ;ol #as gone toDenmar/. "hen the- sha0e$ their ourse south thither 2ut #hen the- ame southto elsing2org, the- met men in a 2oat, #ho sai$ that ;ol #as there just 2eforethem, an$ #oul$ 2e sta-ing there for a #hile.9ne $a- #hen the #eather #as goo$, ;ol sa# the shi0s as the- saile$ u0 to#ar$shim, an$ sai$ he ha$ $reamt of Earl aon the night 2efore, an$ tol$ his 0eo0le he#as sure these must 2e his men, an$ 2a$e them all to ta/e their #ea0ons.fter that the- 2us/e$ them, an$ a fight arose an$ the- fought long, so thatneither si$e ha$ the master-."hen ;ol s0rang u0 on "hrain's shi0, an$ leare$ the gang#a-s fast, an$ sla-s

man- men. e ha$ a gil$e$ helm.No# "hrain sees that this is no goo$, an$ no# he eggs on his men to go along #ithhim, 2ut he himself goes first an$ meets ;ol.;ol he#s at him, an$ the 2lo# fell on "hrain's shiel$, an$ left it $o#n from to0 to2ottom. "hen ;ol got a 2lo# on the arm from a stone, an$ then $o#n fell his s#or$."hrain he#s at ;ol, an$ the stro/e ame on his leg so that it ut it off. fter thatthe- sle# ;ol, an$ "hrain ut off his hea$, an$ the- thre# the trun/ oer2oar$, 2ut/e0t his hea$."here the- too/ muh s0oil, an$ then the- hel$ on north to Drontheim, an$ go tosee the Earl.

"he Earl gae "hrain a heart- #elome, an$ he sho#e$ the Earl ;ol's hea$, 2ut theEarl than/e$ him for that $ee$.Eri sai$ it #as #orth more than #or$s alone, an$ the Earl sai$ so it #as, an$ 2a$ethem ome along #ith him."he- #ent thither, #here the Earl ha$ ma$e them ma/e a goo$ shi0 that #as notma$e li/e a ommon longshi0. 5t ha$ a ulture's hea$, an$ #as muh are$ an$0ainte$.*"hou art a great man for sho#, "hrain,* sai$ the Earl, *an$ so hae 2oth of -ou,/insmen, 2een, Gunnar an$ thou an$ no# 5 #ill gie thee this shi0, 2ut it is alle$the '+ulture'. long #ith it shall go m- frien$shi0 an$ m- #ill is that thou sta-est

#ith me as long as thou #ilt.*e than/e$ him for his goo$ness, an$ sai$ he ha$ no longing to go to 5elan$ just-et."he Earl ha$ a journe- to ma/e to the marhes of the lan$ to meet the S#e$e/ing."hrain #ent #ith him that summer, an$ #as a shi0master an$ steere$ the +ulture,an$ saile$ so fast that fe# oul$ /ee0 u0 #ith him, an$ he #as muh enie$. But ital#a-s ame out that the Earl lai$ great store on Gunnar, for he set $o#n sternl- all#ho trie$ "hrain's tem0er.So "hrain #as all that #inter #ith the Earl, 2ut ne4t s0ring the Earl as/e$ "hrain#hether he #oul$ sta- there or fare to 5elan$ 2ut "hrain sai$ he ha$ not -etma$e u0 his min$, an$ sai$ that he #ishe$ first to /no# ti$ings from 5elan$."he Earl sai$ that so it shoul$ 2e as he thought it suite$ him 2est an$ "hrain #as#ith the Earl.

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"hen those ti$ings #ere hear$ from 5elan$, #hih man- thought great ne#s, the$eath of Gunnar of 3ithen$. "hen the Earl #oul$ not that "hrain shoul$ fare out to5elan$, an$ so there he sta-e$ #ith him.

Chapter /2 - Njal's sons sail aroad

No# it must 2e tol$ ho# Njal's sons, Grim an$ elgi, left 5elan$ the same summer

that "hrain an$ his fello#s #ent a#a- an$ in the shi0 #ith them #ere 9laf ;ettle'sson of El$a, an$ Bar$ the 2la/. "he- got so strong a #in$ from the north that the-#ere $rien south into the main an$ so thi/ a mist ame oer them that the-oul$ not tell #hither the- #ere $riing, an$ the- #ere out a long #hile. t lastthe- ame to #here #as a great groun$ sea, an$ thought then the- must 2e nearlan$. So then Njal's sons as/e$ Bar$ if he oul$ tell at all to #hat lan$ the- #ereli/el- to 2e nearest.*%an- lan$s there are,* sai$ he, *#hih #e might hit #ith the #eather #e hae ha$ the 9r/ne-s, or Sotlan$, or 5relan$.*"#o nights after, the- sa# lan$ on 2oth 2oar$s, an$ a great surf running u0 in the

firth. "he- ast anhor outsi$e the 2rea/ers, an$ the #in$ 2egan to fall an$ ne4tmorning it #as alm. "hen the- see thirteen shi0s oming out to them."hen Bar$ s0o/e an$ sai$, *What ounsel shall #e ta/e no#, for these men aregoing to ma/e an onslaught on us7*So the- too/ ounsel #hether the- shoul$ $efen$ themseles or -iel$, 2ut 2eforethe- oul$ ma/e u0 their min$s, the +i/ings #ere u0on them. "hen eah si$e as/e$the other their names, an$ #hat their lea$ers #ere alle$. So the lea$ers of theha0men tol$ their names, an$ as/e$ 2a/ #ho le$ that host. 9ne alle$ himself Gritgar$, an$ the other Sno#olf, sons of %ol$an of Dunans2- in Sotlan$,/insmen of %alolm the Sot /ing.

*n$ no#,* sa-s Gritgar$, *#e hae lai$ $o#n t#o hoies, one that -e go on shore,an$ #e #ill ta/e -our goo$s the other is, that #e fall on -ou an$ sla- eer- manthat #e an ath.**"he #ill of the ha0men,* ans#ers elgi, *is to $efen$ themseles.*But the ha0men alle$ out, *Wreth that thou art to s0ea/ thus= What $efene an#e ma/e7 3a$ing is less than life.*But Grim, he fell u0on a 0lan to shout out to the +i/ings, an$ #oul$ not let themhear the 2a$ hoie of the ha0men."hen Bar$ an$ 9laf sai$, *"hin/ -e not that these 5elan$ers #ill ma/e game of -ousluggar$s ta/e rather -our #ea0ons an$ guar$ -our goo$s*.So the- all sei<e$ their #ea0ons, an$ 2oun$ themseles, one #ith another, neer togie u0 so long as the- ha$ strength to fight.

Chapter / - Of 4ari Sol%und's son

"hen the +i/ings shot at them an$ the fight 2egan, an$ the ha0men guar$themseles #ell. Sno#olf s0rang a2oar$ an$ at 9laf, an$ thrust his s0ear throughhis 2o$-, 2ut Grim thrust at Sno#olf #ith his s0ear, an$ so stoutl-, that he felloer2oar$. "hen elgi turne$ to meet Grim, an$ the- too $roe $o#n all the+i/ings as the- trie$ to 2oar$, an$ Njal's sons #ere eer #here there #as most

nee$. "hen the +i/ings alle$ out to the ha0men an$ 2a$e them gie u0, 2ut the-sai$ the- #oul$ neer -iel$. @ust then some one loo/e$ sea#ar$, an$ there the-see shi0s oming from the south roun$ the Ness, an$ the- #ere not fe#er than ten,an$ the- ro# har$ an$ steer thither#ar$s. long their si$es #ere shiel$ on shiel$,

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2ut on that shi0 that ame first stoo$ a man 2- the mast, #ho #as la$ in a sil/en/irtle, an$ ha$ a gil$e$ helm, an$ his hair #as 2oth fair an$ thi/ that man ha$ as0ear inlai$ #ith gol$ in his han$.e as/e$, *Who hae here suh an uneen game7*elgi tells his name, an$ sai$ that against them are Gritgar$ an$ Sno#olf.*But #ho are -our a0tains7* he as/s.elgi ans#ere$, *Bar$ the 2la/, #ho lies, 2ut the other, #ho is $ea$ an$ gone,#as alle$ 9laf*.

*re -e men from 5elan$7* sa-s he.*Sure enough #e are,* elgi ans#ers.e as/e$ #hose sons the- #ere, an$ the- tol$ him, then he /ne# them an$ sai$ *Well /no#n names hae -e all, father an$ sons 2oth.**Who art thou7* as/s elgi.*%- name is ;ari, an$ 5 am Solmun$'s son.**Whene omest thou7* sa-s elgi.*&rom the Southern 5sles.**"hen thou art #elome,* sa-s elgi, *if thou #ilt gie us a little hel0.**5'll gie -e all the hel0 -e nee$,* sa-s ;ari *2ut #hat $o -e as/7*

*"o fall on them,* sa-s elgi.;ari sa-s that so it shall 2e. So the- 0ulle$ u0 to them, an$ then the 2attle 2eganthe seon$ time 2ut #hen the- ha$ fought a little #hile, ;ari s0rings u0 onSno#olf's shi0 he turns to meet him an$ smites at him #ith his s#or$. ;ari lea0snim2l- 2a/#ar$s oer a 2eam that la- ath#art the shi0, an$ Sno#olf smote the2eam so that 2oth e$ges of the s#or$ #ere hi$$en. "hen ;ari smites at him, an$the s#or$ fell on his shoul$er, an$ the stro/e #as so might- that he left in t#ainshoul$er, arm, an$ all, an$ Sno#olf got his $eath there an$ then. Gritgar$ hurle$ as0ear at ;ari, 2ut ;ari sa# it an$ s0rang u0 aloft, an$ the s0ear misse$ him. @ustthen elgi an$ Grim ame u0 2oth to meet ;ari, an$ elgi s0rings on Gritgar$ an$

thrusts his s0ear through him, an$ that #as his $eath 2lo# after that the- #entroun$ the #hole shi0 on 2oth 2oar$s, an$ then men 2egge$ for mer-. So the-gae them all 0eae, 2ut too/ all their goo$s. fter that the- ran all the shi0s outun$er the islan$s.

Chapter /& - Of 3arl Si$urd

Sigur$ #as the name of an earl #ho rule$ oer the 9r/ne-s he #as the son of lo$er, the son of "horfinn the sulls0litter, the son of "urfEinar, the son of ognal$, Earl of %>oe?ren, the son of E-stein the nois-. ;ari #as one of EarlSigur$'s 2o$-guar$, an$ ha$ just 2een gathering satts in the Southern 5sles fromEarl Gilli. No# ;ari as/s them to go to rosse-, an$ sai$ the Earl #oul$ ta/e tothem #ell. "he- agree$ to that, an$ #ent #ith ;ari an$ ame to rosse-. ;ari le$them to see the Earl, an$ sai$ #hat men the- #ere.*o# ame the-,* sa-s the Earl, *to fall u0on thee7**5 foun$ them,* sa-s ;ari, *in Sotlan$'s &irths, an$ the- #ere fighting #ith thesons of Earl %ol$an, an$ hel$ their o#n so #ell that the- thre# themseles a2out2et#een the 2ul#ar/s, from si$e to si$e, an$ #ere al#a-s there #here the trial #asgreatest, an$ no# 5 as/ -ou to gie them uarters among -our 2o$-guar$.**5t shall 2e as thou hoosest,* sa-s the Earl, *thou hast alrea$- ta/en them so

muh 2- the han$.*"hen the- #ere there #ith the Earl that #inter, an$ #ere #orthil- treate$, 2ut elgi#as silent as the #inter #ore on. "he Earl oul$ not tell #hat #as at the 2ottom of that, an$ as/e$ #h- he #as so silent, an$ #hat #as on his min$.

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*"hin/est thou it not goo$ to 2e here7**Goo$, methin/s, it is here,* he sa-s.*"hen #hat art thou thin/ing a2out7* as/s the Earl.*ast thou an- realm to guar$ in Sotlan$7* as/s elgi.*So #e thin/,* sa-s the Earl, *2ut #hat ma/es thee thin/ a2out that, or #hat is thematter #ith it7**"he Sots,* sa-s elgi, *must hae ta/en -our ste#ar$'s life, an$ sto00e$ all themessengers that none shoul$ ross the Fentlan$ &irth.*

*ast thou the seon$ sight7* sai$ the Earl.*"hat has 2een little 0roe$,* ans#ers elgi.*Well,* sa-s the Earl, *5 #ill inrease th- honour if this 2e so, other#ise thou shaltsmart for it.**Na-,* sa-s ;ari, *elgi is not that /in$ of man, an$ li/e enough his #or$s aresooth, for his father has the seon$ sight.*fter that the Earl sent men south to Straume- to rnljot, his ste#ar$ there, an$after that rnljot sent them aross the Fentlan$ &irth, an$ the- s0ie$ out an$ learntthat Earl un$i an$ Earl %elsnati ha$ ta/en the life of aar$ in "hras#i/, EarlSigur$'s 2rotherinla#. So rnljot sent #or$ to Earl Sigur$ to ome south #ith a

great host an$ $rie those earls out of his realm, an$ as soon as the Earl hear$that, he gathere$ together a might- host from all the isles.

Chapter /) - The attle with the 3arls

fter that the Earl set out south #ith his host, an$ ;ari #ent #ith him, an$ Njal'ssons too. "he- ame south to aithness. "he Earl ha$ these realms in Sotlan$,oss an$ %ora-, Sutherlan$, an$ the Dales. "here ame to meet them men fromthose realms, an$ sai$ that the Earls #ere a short #a- off #ith a great host. "hen

Earl Sigur$ turns his host thither, an$ the name of that 0lae is Dunansness, a2oe#hih the- met, an$ it ame to a great 2attle 2et#een them. No# the Sots ha$ letsome of their host go free from the main 2attle, an$ these too/ the Earl's men inflan/, an$ man- men fell there till Njal's sons turne$ against the foe, an$ fought#ith them an$ 0ut them to flight 2ut still it #as a har$ fight, an$ then Njal's sonsturne$ 2a/ to the front 2- the Earl's stan$ar$, an$ fought #ell. No# ;ari turns tomeet Earl %elsnati, an$ %elsnati hurle$ a s0ear at him, 2ut ;ari aught the s0earan$ thre# it 2a/ an$ through the Earl. "hen Earl un$i fle$, 2ut the- hase$ thefleers until the- learnt that %alolm #as gathering a host at Dunans2-. "hen theEarl too/ ounsel #ith his men, an$ it seeme$ to all the 2est 0lan to turn 2a/, an$not to fight #ith suh a might- lan$ fore so the- turne$ 2a/. But #hen the Earlame to Straume- the- share$ the 2attles0oil. fter that he #ent north to rosse-,an$ Njal's sons an$ ;ari follo#e$ him. "hen the Earl ma$e a great feast, an$ at thatfeast he gae ;ari a goo$ s#or$, an$ a s0ear inlai$ #ith gol$ 2ut he gae elgi agol$ ring an$ a mantle, an$ Grim a shiel$ an$ s#or$. fter that he too/ elgi an$Grim into his 2o$-guar$, an$ than/e$ them for their goo$ hel0. "he- #ere #iththe Earl that #inter an$ the summer after, till ;ari #ent searoing then the- #ent#ith him, an$ harrie$ far an$ #i$e that summer, an$ eer-#here #on the itor-."he- fought against Go$re$, ;ing of %an, an$ onuere$ him an$ after that the-fare$ 2a/, an$ ha$ gotten muh goo$s. Ne4t #inter the- #ere still #ith the Earl,an$ #hen the s0ring ame Njal's sons as/e$ leae to go to Nor#a-. "he Earl sai$

the- shoul$ go or not as the- 0lease$, an$ he gae them a goo$ shi0 an$ smartmen. s for ;ari, he sai$ he must ome that summer to Nor#a- #ith Earl aon'ssatts, an$ then the- #oul$ meet an$ so it fell out that the- gae eah other their

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#or$ to meet. fter that Njal's sons 0ut out to sea an$ saile$ for Nor#a-, an$ ma$ethe lan$ north near Drontheim.

Chapter /, - Hrapp's +oya$e fro% (eland

"here #as a man name$ ;ol2ein, an$ his surname #as rnljot's son he #as a manfrom Drontheim he saile$ out to 5elan$ that same summer in #hih ;ols/egg an$

Njal's sons #ent a2roa$. e #as that #inter east in Broa$$ale 2ut the s0ring after,he ma$e his shi0 rea$- for sea in Gauta#i/ an$ #hen men #ere almost *2oun,* aman ro#e$ u0 to them in a 2oat, an$ ma$e the 2oat fast to the shi0, an$after#ar$s he #ent on 2oar$ the shi0 to see ;ol2ein.;ol2ein as/e$ that man for his name.*%- name is ra00,* sa-s he.*What #ilt thou #ith me7* sa-s ;ol2ein.*5 #ish to as/ thee to 0ut me aross the 5elan$ main.**Whose son art thou7* as/s ;ol2ein.*5 am a son of urgunlei$, the son of Geirolf the fighter.*

*What nee$ lies on thee,* as/e$ ;ol2ein, *to $rie thee a2roa$7**5 hae slain a man,* sa-s ra00.*What manslaughter #as that,* sa-s ;ol2ein, *an$ #hat men hae the 2loo$feu$7**"he men of Wea0onfirth,* sa-s ra00, *2ut the man 5 sle# #as url-g, the son of url-g, the son of oger the #hite.**5 guess this,* sa-s ;ol2ein, *that he #ill hae the #orst of it #ho 2ears theea2roa$.**5 am the frien$ of m- frien$,* sai$ ra00, *2ut #hen ill is $one to me 5 re0a- it.Nor am 5 short of mone- to la- $o#n for m- 0assage.*"hen ;ol2ein too/ ra00 on 2oar$, an$ a little #hile after a fair 2ree<e s0rung u0,

an$ the- saile$ a#a- on the sea.ra00 ran short of foo$ at sea, an$ then he sate him $o#n at the mess of those#ho #ere nearest to him. "he- s0rang u0 #ith ill #or$s, an$ so it #as that the-ame to 2lo#s, an$ ra00, in a trie, has t#o men un$er him."hen ;ol2ein #as tol$, an$ he 2a$e ra00 to ome an$ share his mess, an$ heae0te$ that.No# the- ome off the sea, an$ lie outsi$e off g$irness."hen ;ol2ein as/e$ #here that mone- #as #hih he ha$ offere$ to 0a- for his fare7*5t is out in 5elan$,* ans#ers ra00.*"hou #ilt 2eguile more men than me, 5 fear,* sa-s ;ol2ein *2ut no# 5 #ill forgiethee all the fare.*ra00 2a$e him hae than/s for that. *But #hat ounsel $ost thou gie as to #hat 5ought to $o7**"hat first of all,* he sa-s, *that thou goest from the shi0 as soon as eer thouanst, for all Easterlings #ill 2ear thee 2a$ #itness 2ut there is -et another 2it of goo$ ounsel #hih 5 #ill gie thee, an$ that is, neer to heat th- master.*"hen ra00 #ent on shore #ith his #ea0ons, an$ he ha$ a great a4e #ith an iron2oun$ haft in his han$.e fares on an$ on till he omes to Gu$2ran$ of the Dale. e #as the greatestfrien$ of Earl aon. "he- t#o ha$ a shrine 2et#een them, an$ it #as neer o0ene$2ut #hen the Earl ame thither. "hat #as the seon$ greatest shrine in Nor#a-, 2ut

the other #as at la$a."hran$ #as the name of Gu$2ran$'s son, 2ut his $aughter's name #as Gu$runa.

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ra00 #ent in 2efore Gu$2ran$, an$ haile$ him #ell. e as/e$ #hene he amean$ #hat #as his name. ra00 tol$ him a2out himself, an$ ho# he ha$ saile$a2roa$ from 5elan$.fter that he as/s Gu$2ran$ to ta/e him into his househol$ as a guest.*5t $oes not seem,* sai$ Gu$2ran$, *to loo/ on thee, as though thou #ert a man to2ring goo$ lu/.**%ethin/s, then,* sa-s ra00, *that all 5 hae hear$ a2out thee has 2een great liesfor it is sai$ that thou ta/est eer- one into th- house that as/s thee an$ that no

man is th- math for goo$ness an$ /in$ness, far or near 2ut no# 5 shall hae tos0ea/ against that sa-ing, if thou $ost not ta/e me in.**Well, thou shalt sta- here,* sai$ Gu$2ran$.*"o #hat seat #ilt thou sho# me7* sa-s ra00.*"o one on the lo#er 2enh, oer against m- high seat.*"hen ra00 #ent an$ too/ his seat. e #as a2le to tell of man- things, an$ so it#as at first that Gu$2ran$ an$ man- thought it s0ort to listen to him 2ut still itame a2out that most men thought him too muh gien to mo/ing, an$ the en$ of it #as that he too/ to tal/ing alone #ith Gu$runa, so that man- sai$ that he meantto 2eguile her.

But #hen Gu$2ran$ #as a#are of that, he sol$e$ her muh for $aring to tal/ alone#ith him, an$ 2a$e her 2e#are of s0ea/ing aught to him if the #hole househol$ $i$not hear it. She gae her #or$ to 2e goo$ at first, 2ut still it #as soon the ol$ stor-oer again as to their tal/. "hen Gu$2ran$ got sar$, his oerseer, to go a2out#ith her, out of $oors an$ in, an$ to 2e #ith her #hereer she #ent. 9ne $a- itha00ene$ that she 2egge$ for leae to go into the nut#oo$ for a 0astime, an$sar$ #ent along #ith her. ra00 goes to see/ for them an$ foun$ them, an$ too/her 2- the han$, an$ le$ her a#a- alone."hen sar$ #ent to loo/ for her, an$ foun$ them 2oth together strethe$ on thegrass in a thi/et.

e rushes at them, a4e in air, an$ smote at ra00's leg, 2ut ra00 gae himself aseon$ turn, an$ he misse$ him. ra00 s0rings on his feet as ui/ as he an, an$aught u0 his a4e. "hen sar$ #ishe$ to turn an$ get a#a-, 2ut ra00 he#e$asun$er his 2a/2one."hen Gu$runa sai$, *No# hast thou $one that $ee$ #hih #ill hin$er th- sta- an-3onger #ith m- father 2ut still there is something 2ehin$ #hih he #ill li/e stillless, for 5 go #ith hil$*.*e shall not learn this from others,* sa-s ra00, *2ut 5 #ill go home an$ tell him2oth these ti$ings.**"hen,* she sa-s, *thou #ill not ome a#a- #ith th- life.*

*5 #ill run the ris/ of that,* he sa-s.fter that he sees her 2a/ to the other #omen, 2ut he #ent home. Gu$2ran$ satin his high seat, an$ there #ere fe# men in the hall.ra00 #ent in 2efore him, an$ 2ore his a4e high.*Wh- is thine a4e 2loo$-7* as/s Gu$2ran$.*5 ma$e it so 2- $oing a 0iee of #or/ on th- oerseer sar$'s 2a/,* sa-s ra00.*"hat an 2e no goo$ #or/,* sa-s Gu$2ran$ *thou must hae slain him.**So it is, 2e sure,* sa-s ra00.*What $i$ -e fall out a2out7* as/s Gu$2ran$.*9h=* sa-s ra00, *#hat -ou #oul$ thin/ small ause enough. e #ante$ to he# off m- leg.**What hast thou $one first7* as/e$ Gu$2ran$.*What he ha$ no right to me$$le #ith,* sa-s ra00.*Still thou #ilt tell me #hat it #as.*

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*Well=* sai$ ra00, *if thou must /no#, 5 la- 2- th- $aughter's si$e, an$ he thoughtthat 2a$.**0 men=* rie$ Gu$2ran$, *an$ ta/e him. e shall 2e slain out of han$.**+er- little goo$ #ilt thou let me rea0 of m- soninla#shi0,* sa-s ra00, *2ut thouhast not so man- men at th- 2a/ as to $o that s0ee$il-.*0 the- rose, 2ut he s0rang out of $oors. "he- run after him, 2ut he got a#a- tothe #oo$, an$ the- oul$ not la- hol$ of him."hen Gu$2ran$ gathers 0eo0le, an$ lets the #oo$ 2e searhe$ 2ut the- fin$ him

not, for the #oo$ #as great an$ thi/.ra00 fares through the #oo$ till he ame to a learing there he foun$ a house,an$ sa# a man outsi$e leaing #oo$.e as/e$ that man for his name, an$ he sai$ his name #as "ofi."ofi as/e$ him for his name in turn, an$ ra00 tol$ him his true name.ra00 as/e$ #h- the househol$er ha$ set u0 his a2o$e so far from other men7*&or that here,* he sa-s, *5 thin/ 5 am less li/el- to hae 2ra#ls #ith other men.**5t is strange ho# #e 2eat a2out the 2ush in out tal/,* sa-s ra00, *2ut 5 #ill firsttell thee #ho 5 am. 5 hae 2een #ith Gu$2ran$ of the Dale, 2ut 5 ran a#a- thene2eause 5 sle# his oerseer 2ut no# 5 /no# that #e are 2oth of us 2a$ men for

thou #oul$st not hae ome hither a#a- from other men unless thou #ert someman's outla#. n$ no# 5 gie thee t#o hoies, either that 5 #ill tell #here thouart, or that #e t#o hae 2et#een us, share an$ share ali/e, all that is here.**"his is een as thou sa-est,* sai$ the househol$er *5 sei<e$ an$ arrie$ off this#oman #ho is here #ith me, an$ man- men hae sought for me.*"hen he le$ ra00 in #ith him there #as a small house there, 2ut #ell 2uilt."he master of the house tol$ his mistress that he ha$ ta/en ra00 into hisom0an-.*%ost men #ill get ill lu/ from this man,* she sa-s *2ut thou #ilt hae th- #a-.*So ra00 #as there after that. e #as a great #an$erer, an$ #as neer at home.

e still 2rings a2out meetings #ith Gu$runa her father an$ 2rother, "hran$ an$Gu$2ran$, la- in #ait for him, 2ut the- oul$ neer get nigh him, an$ so all that-ear 0asse$ a#a-.Gu$2ran$ sent an$ tol$ Earl aon #hat trou2le he ha$ ha$ #ith ra00, an$ theEarl let him 2e ma$e an outla#, an$ lai$ a 0rie u0on his hea$. e sai$ too, that he#oul$ go himself to loo/ after him 2ut that 0asse$ off, an$ the Earl thought it eas-enough for them to ath him #hen he #ent a2out so un#aril-.

Chapter /. - Thrain too# to Hrapp

"hat same summer Njal's sons fare$ to Nor#a- from the 9r/ne-s, as #as 2efore#ritten, an$ the- #ere there at the fair $uring the summer. "hen "hrain Sigfus' son2us/e$ his shi0 for 5elan$, an$ #as all 2ut *2oun*. t that time Earl aon #ent toa feast at Gu$2ran$'s house. "hat night ;illingra00 ame to the shrine of Earlaon an$ Gu$2ran$, an$ he #ent insi$e the house, an$ there he sa# "horger$aShrine2ri$e sitting, an$ she #as as tall as a fullgro#n man. She ha$ a great gol$ring on her arm, an$ a #im0le on her hea$ he stri0s her of her #im0le, an$ ta/esthe gol$ ring from off her. "hen he sees "hor's ar, an$ ta/es from him a seon$gol$ ring a thir$ he too/ from 5r0a an$ then $ragge$ them all out, an$ s0oile$them of all their gear.

fter that he lai$ fire to the shrine, an$ 2urnt it $o#n, an$ then he goes a#a- justas it 2egan to $a#n. e #al/s aross a 0loughe$ fiel$, an$ there si4 men s0rung u0#ith #ea0ons, an$ fall u0on him at one 2ut he ma$e a stout $efene, an$ the en$of the 2usiness #as that he sla-s three men, 2ut #oun$s "hran$ to the $eath, an$

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$ries t#o to the #oo$s, so that the- oul$ 2ear no ne#s to the Earl. e then #entu0 to "hran$ an$ sai$ *5t is no# in m- 0o#er to sla- thee if 5 #ill, 2ut 5 #ill not $o that an$ no# 5 #ill setmore store 2- the ties that are 2et#een us than -e hae sho#n to me.*No# ra00 means to turn 2a/ to the #oo$, 2ut no# he sees that men hae ome2et#een him an$ the #oo$, so he $ares not enture to turn thither, 2ut la-s him$o#n in a thi/et, an$ so lies there a #hile.Earl aon an$ Gu$2ran$ #ent that morning earl- to the shrine an$ foun$ it 2urnt

$o#n 2ut the three go$s #ere outsi$e, stri00e$ of all their 2raer-."hen Gu$2ran$ 2egan to s0ea/, an$ sai$ *%uh might is gien to our go$s, #hen here the- hae #al/e$ of themseles out of the fire=**"he go$s an hae naught to $o #ith it,* sa-s the Earl *a man must hae 2urntthe shrine, an$ 2orne the go$s out 2ut the go$s $o not aenge eer-thing on thes0ot. "hat man #ho has $one this #ill no $ou2t 2e $rien a#a- out of +alhalla, an$neer ome in thither.*@ust then u0 ran four of the Earl's men, an$ tol$ them ill ti$ings for the- sai$ the-ha$ foun$ three men slain in the fiel$, an$ "hran$ #oun$e$ to the $eath.

*Who an hae $one this7* sa-s the Earl.*;illingra00,* the- sa-.*"hen he must hae 2urnt $o#n the shrine,* sa-s the Earl."he- sai$ the- thought he #as li/e enough to hae $one it.*n$ #here ma- he 2e no#7* sa-s the Earl."he- sai$ that "hran$ ha$ tol$ them that he ha$ lai$ $o#n in a thi/et."he Earl goes thither to loo/ for him, 2ut ra00 #as off an$ a#a-. "hen the Earl sethis men to searh for him, 2ut still the- oul$ not fin$ him. So the Earl #as in thehue an$ r- himself, 2ut first he 2a$e them rest a #hile."hen the Earl #ent asi$e 2- himself, a#a- from other men, an$ 2a$e that no man

shoul$ follo# him, an$ so he sta-s a #hile. e fell $o#n on 2oth his /nees, an$hel$ his han$s 2efore his e-es after that he #ent 2a/ to them, an$ then he sai$to them, *ome #ith me*.So the- #ent along #ith him. e turns short a#a- from the 0ath on #hih the- ha$#al/e$ 2efore, an$ the- ame to a $ell. "here u0 s0rang ra00 2efore them, an$there it #as that he ha$ hi$$en himself at first."he Earl urges on his men to run after him, 2ut ra00 #as so s#iftfoote$ that the-neer ame near him. ra00 ma$e for la$a. "here 2oth "hrain an$ Njal's sons la-*2oun* for sea at the same time. ra00 runs to #here Njal's sons are.*el0 me, li/e goo$ men an$ true,* he sai$, *for the Earl #ill sla- me.*

elgi loo/e$ at him an$ sai$ *"hou loo/est li/e an unlu/- man, an$ the man #ho #ill not ta/e thee in #ill haethe 2est of it.**Woul$ that the #orst might 2efall -ou from me,* sa-s ra00.*5 am the man,* sa-s elgi, *to aenge me on thee for this as time rolls on.*"hen ra00 turne$ to "hrain Sigfus' son, an$ 2a$e him shelter him.*What hast thou on th- han$7* sa-s "hrain.*5 hae 2urnt a shrine un$er the Earl's e-es, an$ slain some men, an$ no# he #ill2e here s0ee$il-, for he has joine$ in the hue an$ r- himself.**5t har$l- 2eseems me to $o this,* sa-s "hrain, *#hen the Earl has $one me somuh goo$.*"hen he sho#e$ "hrain the 0reious things #hih he ha$ 2orne out of the shrine,an$ offere$ to gie him the goo$s, 2ut "hrain sai$ he oul$ not ta/e them unless hegae him other goo$s of the same #orth for them.

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*"hen,* sai$ ra00, *here #ill 5 ta/e m- stan$, an$ here shall 5 2e slain 2efore thinee-es, an$ then thou #ilt hae to a2i$e 2- eer- man's 2lame.*"hen the- see the Earl an$ his 2an$ of men oming, an$ then "hrain too/ ra00un$er his safeguar$, an$ let them shoe off the 2oat, an$ 0ut out to his shi0."hen "hrain sai$, *No# this #ill 2e th- 2est hi$ing 0lae, to /no/ out the 2ottomsof t#o as/s, an$ then thou shalt get into them*.So it #as $one, an$ he got into the as/s, an$ then the- #ere lashe$ together, an$lo#ere$ oer2oar$.

"hen omes the Earl #ith his 2an$ to Njal's sons, an$ as/e$ if ra00 ha$ omethere."he- sai$ that he ha$ ome."he Earl as/e$ #hither he ha$ gone thene."he- sai$ the- ha$ not /e0t e-es on him, an$ oul$ not sa-.*e,* sai$ the Earl, *shoul$ hae great honour from me #ho #oul$ tell me #herera00 #as.*"hen Grim sai$ softl- to elgi *Wh- shoul$ #e not sa-. What /no# 5 #hether "hrain #ill re0a- us #ith an- goo$7**We shoul$ not tell a #hit more for that,* sa-s elgi, *#hen his life lies at sta/e.*

*%a-2e,* sai$ Grim, *the Earl #ill turn his engeane on us, for he is so #roth thatsome one #ill hae to fall 2efore him.**"hat must not moe us,* sa-s elgi, *2ut still #e #ill 0ull our shi0 out, an$ soa#a- to sea as soon as eer #e get a #in$.*So the- ro#e$ out un$er an isle that la- there, an$ #ait there for a fair 2ree<e."he Earl #ent a2out among the sailors, an$ trie$ them all, 2ut the-, one an$ all,$enie$ that the- /ne# aught of ra00."hen the Earl sai$, *No# #e #ill go to "hrain, m- 2rotherinarms, an$ he #ill giera00 u0, if he /no#s an-thing of him*.fter that the- too/ a longshi0 an$ #ent off to the merhant shi0.

"hrain sees the Earl oming, an$ stan$s u0 an$ greets him /in$l-. "he Earl too/ hisgreeting #ell an$ s0o/e thus *We are see/ing for a man #hose name is ra00, an$ he is an 5elan$er. e has$one us all /in$ of ill an$ no# #e #ill as/ -ou to 2e goo$ enough to gie him u0,or to tell us #here he is.**:e /no#, 3or$,* sai$ "hrain, *that 5 sle# -our outla#, an$ then 0ut m- life in 0eril,an$ for that 5 ha$ of -ou great honour.**%ore honour shalt thou no# hae,* sa-s the Earl.No# "hrain thought #ithin himself, an$ oul$ not ma/e u0 his min$ ho# the Earl#oul$ ta/e it, so he $enies that ra00 is there, an$ 2a$e the Earl to loo/ for him.

e s0ent little time on that, an$ #ent on lan$ alone, a#a- from other men, an$ #asthen er- #roth, so that no man $are$ to s0ea/ to him.*Sho# me to Njal's sons,* sai$ the Earl, *an$ 5 #ill fore them to tell me the truth.*"hen he #as tol$ that the- ha$ 0ut out of the har2our.*"hen there is no hel0 for it,* sa-s the Earl, *2ut still there #ere t#o #ateras/salongsi$e of "hrain's shi0, an$ in them a man ma- #ell hae 2een hi$, an$ if "hrainhas hi$$en him, there he must 2e an$ no# #e #ill go a seon$ time to see"hrain.*"hrain sees that the Earl means to 0ut off again an$ sai$ *o#eer #roth the Earl #as last time, no# he #ill 2e half as #roth again, an$ no#the life of eer- man on 2oar$ the shi0 lies at sta/e.*"he- all gae their #or$s to hi$e the matter, for the- #ere all sore afrai$. "henthe- too/ some sa/s out of the la$ing, an$ 0ut ra00 $o#n into the hol$ in theirstea$, an$ other sa/s that #ere tight #ere lai$ oer him.

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No# omes the Earl, just as the- #ere $one sto#ing ra00 a#a-. "hrain greete$the Earl #ell. "he Earl #as rather slo# to return it, an$ the- sa# that the Earl #aser- #roth."hen sai$ the Earl to "hrain *Gie thou u0 ra00, for 5 am uite sure that thou hast hi$$en him.**Where shall 5 hae hi$$en him, 3or$7* sa-s "hrain.*"hat thou /no#est 2est,* sa-s the Earl *2ut if 5 must guess, then 5 thin/ that thouhi$$est him in the #ateras/s a #hile ago.*

*Well=* sa-s "hrain, *5 #oul$ rather not 2e ta/en for a liar, far sooner #oul$ 5 that-e shoul$ searh the shi0.*"hen the Earl #ent on 2oar$ the shi0 an$ hunte$ an$ hunte$, 2ut foun$ him not.*Dost thou s0ea/ me free no#7* sa-s "hrain. *&ar from it,* sa-s the Earl, *an$ -et 5annot tell #h- #e annot fin$ him, 2ut methin/s 5 see through it all #hen 5 omeon shore, 2ut #hen 5 ome here, 5 an see nothing.*With that he ma$e them ro# him ashore. e #as so #roth that there #as nos0ea/ing to him. is son S#e-n #as there #ith him, an$ he sai$, * strange turn of min$ this to let guiltless men smart for one's #rath=*"hen the Earl #ent a#a- alone asi$e from other men, an$ after that he #ent 2a/

to them at one, an$ sai$ *3et us ro# out to them again,* an$ the- $i$ so.*Where an he hae 2een hi$$en7* sa-s S#e-n.*"here's not muh goo$ in /no#ing that,* sa-s the Earl, *for no# he #ill 2e a#a-thene t#o sa/s la- there 2- the rest of the la$ing, an$ ra00 must hae omeinto the la$ing in their 0lae.*"hen "hrain 2egan to s0ea/, an$ sai$ *"he- are running off the shi0 again, an$ the- must mean to 0a- us another isit.No# #e #ill ta/e him out of the la$ing, an$ sto# other things in his stea$, 2ut letthe sa/s still lie loose. "he- $i$ so, an$ then "hrain s0o/e

*No# let us fol$ ra00 in the sail.*5t #as then 2raile$ u0 to the -ar$, an$ the- $i$ so."hen the Earl omes to "hrain an$ his men, an$ he #as er- #roth, an$ sai$, *Wiltthou no# gie u0 the man, "hrain7* an$ he is #orse no# than 2efore.*5 #oul$ hae gien him u0 long ago,* ans#ers "hrain, *if he ha$ 2een in m-/ee0ing, or #here an he hae 2een7**5n the la$ing,* sa-s the Earl.*"hen #h- $i$ -e not see/ him there7* sa-s "hrain.*"hat neer ame into our min$,* sa-s the Earl.fter that the- sought him oer all the shi0, an$ foun$ him not.

*Will -ou no# hol$ me free7* sa-s "hrain.*Surel- not,* sa-s the Earl, *for 5 /no# that thou hast hi$$en a#a- the man,though 5 fin$ him not 2ut 5 #oul$ rather that thou shoul$est 2e a $astar$ to methan 5 to thee,* sa-s the Earl, an$ then the- #ent on shore.*No#,* sa-s the Earl, *5 seem to see that "hrain has hi$$en a#a- ra00 in the sail.*@ust then u0 s0rung a fair 2ree<e, an$ "hrain an$ his men saile$ out to sea. ethen s0o/e these #or$s #hih hae long 2een hel$ in min$ sine 3et us ma/e the +ulture fl-,Nothing no# gars "hrain flinh.But #hen the Earl hear$ of "hrain's #or$s, then he sai$ *"is not m- #ant of foresight #hih ause$ this, 2ut rather their illfello#shi0, #hih#ill $rag them 2oth to $eath.*"hrain #as a short time out on the sea, an$ so ame to 5elan$, an$ fare$ home tohis house. ra00 #ent along #ith "hrain, an$ #as #ith him that -ear 2ut the

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s0ring after, "hrain got him a homestea$ at ra00ste$e, an$ he $#elt there 2ut-et he s0ent most of his time t Grit#ater. e #as thought to s0oil eer-thingthere, an$ some men een sai$ that he #as too goo$ frien$s #ith allger$a, an$that he le$ her astra-, 2ut some s0o/e against that."hrain gae the +ulture to his /insman, %or$ the re/less that %or$ sle# 9$$ial$or's son, east in Gauta#i/ 2- Berufirth.ll "hrain's /insmen loo/e$ on him as a hief.

Chapter // - 3arl Ha(on fi$hts with Njal's sons

No# #e must ta/e u0 the stor-, an$ sa- ho#, #hen Earl aon misse$ "hrain, hes0o/e to S#e-n his son, an$ sai$ *3et us ta/e four longshi0s, an$ let us fare against Njal's sons an$ sla- them, forthe- must hae /no#n all a2out it #ith "hrain.**'"is not goo$ ounsel,* sa-s S#e-n, *to thro# the 2lame on guiltless men, 2ut tolet him esa0e #ho is guilt-.**5 shall hae m- #a- in this,* sa-s the Earl.

No# the- hol$ on after Njal's sons, an$ see/ for them, an$ fin$ them un$er anislan$.Grim first sa# the Earl's shi0s an$ sai$ to elgi *ere are #ar shi0s sailing u0, an$ 5 see that here is the Earl, an$ he an mean tooffer us no 0eae.**5t is sai$,* sai$ elgi, *that he is the 2ol$est man #ho hol$s his o#n against allomers, an$ so #e #ill $efen$ ourseles.*"he- all 2a$e him ta/e the ourse he thought 2est, an$ then the- too/ to theirarms.No# the Earl omes u0 an$ alle$ out to them, n$ 2a$e them gie themseles u0.

elgi sai$ that the- #oul$ $efen$ themseles so long as the- oul$."hen the Earl offere$ 0eae an$ uarter to all #ho #oul$ neither $efen$ themselesnor elgi 2ut elgi #as so muh 2eloe$ that all sai$ the- #oul$ rather $ie #ithhim."hen the Earl an$ his men fall on them, 2ut the- $efen$e$ themseles #ell, an$Njal's sons #ere eer #here there #as most nee$. "he Earl often offere$ 0eae, 2utthe- all ma$e the same ans#er, an$ sai$ the- #oul$ neer -iel$."hen sla/ of 3ongisle 0resse$ them har$, an$ ame on 2oar$ their shi0 thrie."hen Grim sai$ *"hou 0ressest on har$, an$ 't#ere #ell that thou gettest #hat thou see/est* an$#ith that he snathe$ u0 a s0ear an$ hurle$ it at him, an$ hit him un$er the hin,an$ sla/ got his $eath #oun$ there an$ then. little after, elgi sle# Egil the Earl's 2anner2earer."hen S#e-n, Earl Baon's son, fell on them, an$ ma$e men hem them in an$ 2earthem $o#n #ith shiel$s, an$ so the- #ere ta/en a0tie."he Earl #as for letting them all 2e slain at one, 2ut S#e-n sai$ that shoul$ not2e, an$ sai$ too that it #as night."hen the Earl sai$, *Well, then, sla- them tomorro#, 2ut 2in$ them fast tonight*.*So, 5 #een, it must 2e,* sa-s S#e-n *2ut neer -et hae 5 met 2ris/er men thanthese, an$ 5 all it the greatest mansathe to ta/e their lies.**"he- hae slain t#o of our 2ris/est men,* sai$ the Earl, *an$ for that the- shall 2e

slain.**Beause the- #ere 2ris/er men themseles,* sa-s S#e-n *2ut still in this it must2e $one as thou #iliest.*So the- #ere 2oun$ an$ fettere$.

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fter that the Earl fell aslee0 2ut #hen all men sle0t, Grim s0o/e to elgi, an$sai$, *#a- #oul$ 5 get if 5 oul$*.*3et us tr- some tri/ then,* sa-s elgi.Grim sees that there lies an a4e e$ge u0, so Grim ra#le$ thither, an$ gets the2o#string #hih 2oun$ him ut asun$er against the a4e, 2ut still he got great#oun$s on his arms."hen he set elgi loose, an$ after that the- ra#le$ oer the shi0's si$e, an$ got onshore, so that neither aon nor his men #ere #are of them. "hen the- 2ro/e off 

their fetters an$ #al/e$ a#a- to the other si$e of the islan$. B- that time it 2eganto $a#n. "here the- foun$ a shi0, an$ /ne# that there #as ome ;ari Solmun$'sson. "he- #ent at one to meet him, an$ tol$ him of their #rongs an$ har$shi0s,an$ sho#e$ him their #oun$s, an$ sai$ the Earl #oul$ 2e then aslee0.*5ll is it,* sai$ ;arl, *that -e shoul$ suffer suh #rongs for #i/e$ men 2ut #hatno# #oul$ 2e most to -our min$s7**"o fall on the Earl,* the- sa-, *an$ sla- him.**"his #ill not 2e fate$,* sa-s ;ari *2ut still -e $o not la/ heart, 2ut #e #ill first/no# #hether he is there no#.*fter that the- fare$ thither, an$ then the Earl #as u0 an$ a#a-.

"hen ;ari saile$ in to la$a to meet the Earl, an$ 2rought him the 9r/ne- sattsso the Earl sai$ *ast thou ta/en Njal's sons into th- /ee0ing7**So it is, sure enough,* sa-s ;ari.*Wilt thou han$ Njal's sons oer to me7* as/s the Earl.*No, 5 #ill not,* sai$ ;ari.*Wilt thou s#ear this,* sa-s the Earl, *that thou #ilt not fall on me #ith Njal'ssons7*"hen Eri, the Earl's son, s0o/e an$ sai$ *Suh things ought not to 2e as/e$. ;ari has al#a-s 2een our frien$, an$ things

shoul$ not hae gone as the- hae, ha$ 5 2een 2-. Njal's sons shoul$ hae 2een setfree from all 2lame, 2ut the- shoul$ hae ha$ hastisement #ho ha$ #rought for it.%ethin/s no# it #oul$ 2e more seeml- to gie Njal's sons goo$ gifts for thehar$shi0s an$ #rongs #hih hae 2een 0ut u0on them, an$ the #oun$s the- haegot.**So it ought to 2e, sure enough,* sa-s the Earl, *2ut 5 /no# not #hether the- #illta/e an atonement.*"hen the Earl sai$ that ;ari shoul$ tr- the feeling of Njal's sons as to an atonement.fter that ;ari s0o/e to elgi, an$ as/e$ #hether he #oul$ ta/e an- amen$s fromthe Earl or not.

*5 #ill ta/e them,* sai$ elgi, *from his son Eri, 2ut 5 #ill hae nothing to $o #iththe Earl.*"hen ;ari tol$ Eri their ans#er.*So it shall 2e,* sa-s Eri. *e shall ta/e the amen$s from me if he thin/s it 2etteran$ tell them this too, that 5 2i$ them to m- house, an$ m- father shall $o them noharm.*"his 2i$$ing the- too/, an$ #ent to Eri's house, an$ #ere #ith him till ;ari #asrea$- to sail #est aross the sea to meet Earl Sigur$."hen Eri ma$e a feast for ;ari, an$ gae him gifts, an$ Njal's sons gifts too. fterthat ;ari fare$ #est aross the sea, an$ met Earl Sigur$, an$ he greete$ them er-#ell, an$ the- #ere #ith the Earl that #inter.But #hen the s0ring ame, ;ari as/e$ Njal's sons to go on #arfare #ith him, 2utGrim sai$ the- #oul$ onl- $o so if he #oul$ fare #ith them after#ar$s out to5elan$. ;ari gae his #or$ to $o that, an$ then the- fare$ #ith him asearoing.

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"he- harrie$ south a2out nglesea an$ all the Southern isles. "hene the- hel$ onto ant-re, an$ lan$e$ there, an$ fought #ith the lan$smen, an$ got thene muhgoo$s, an$ so fare$ to their shi0s. "hene the- fare$ south to Wales, an$ harrie$there. "hen the- hel$ on for %an, an$ there the- met Go$re$, an$ fought #ith him,an$ got the itor-, an$ sle# Dungal the /ing's son. "here the- too/ great s0oil."hene the- hel$ on north to oll, an$ foun$ Earl Gilli there, an$ he greete$ them#ell, an$ there the- sta-e$ #ith him a #hile. "he Earl fare$ #ith them to the9r/ne-s to meet Earl Sigur$, 2ut ne4t s0ring Earl Sigur$ gae a#a- his sister

Nerei$a to Earl Gilli, an$ then he fare$ 2a/ to the Southern isles.

Chapter /0 - Njal's sons and 4ari (o%e out to (eland

"hat summer ;ari an$ Njal's sons 2us/e$ them for 5elan$, an$ #hen the- #ere*all2oun* the- #ent to see the Earl. "he Earl gae them goo$ gifts, an$ the-0arte$ #ith great frien$shi0.No# the- 0ut to sea an$ hae a short 0assage, an$ the- got a fine fair 2ree<e, an$ma$e the lan$ at E-rar. "hen the- got them horses an$ ri$e from the shi0 to

Bergthors/noll, 2ut #hen the- ame home all men #ere gla$ to see them. "he-flitte$ home their goo$s an$ lai$ u0 the shi0, an$ ;ari #as there that #inter #ithNjal.But the s0ring after, ;ari as/e$ for Njal's $aughter, elga, to #ife, an$ elgi an$Grim 2a/e$ his suit an$ so the en$ of it #as that she #as 2etrothe$ to ;ari, an$the $a- for the #e$$ingfeast #as fi4e$, an$ the feast #as hel$ half a month 2eforemi$summer, an$ the- #ere that #inter #ith Njal."hen ;ari 2ought him lan$ at D-rholms, east a#a- 2- %-$ale, an$ set u0 a farmthere the- 0ut in there a griee an$ house/ee0er to see after the farm, 2ut the-themseles #ere eer #ith Njal.

Chapter 0 - The <uarrel of Njal's sons with Thrain Si$fus' son

ra00 o#ne$ a farm at ra00ste$e, 2ut for all that he #as al#a-s at Grit#ater, an$he #as thought to s0oil eer-thing there. "hrain #as goo$ to him.9ne on a time it ha00ene$ that ;ettle of the %ar/ #as at Bergthors/noll thenNjal's sons tol$ him of their #rongs an$ har$shi0s, an$ sai$ the- ha$ muh to la-at "hrain Sigfus' son's $oor, #heneer the- hose to s0ea/ a2out it.Njal sai$ it #oul$ 2e 2est that ;ettle shoul$ tal/ #ith his 2rother "hrain a2out it,an$ he gae his #or$ to $o so.

So the- gae ;ettle 2reathingtime to tal/ to "hrain. little after the- s0o/e of the matter again to ;ettle, 2ut he sai$ that he #oul$re0eat fe# of the #or$s that ha$ 0asse$ 2et#een them, *for it #as 0rett- 0lain that"hrain thought 5 set too great store on 2eing -our 2rotherinla#*."hen the- $ro00e$ tal/ing a2out it, an$ thought the- sa# that things loo/e$ ugl-,an$ so the- as/e$ their father for his ounsel as to #hat #as to 2e $one, 2ut the-tol$ him the- #oul$ not let things rest as the- then stoo$.*Suh things,* sai$ Njal, *are not so strange. 5t #ill 2e thought that the- are slain#ithout a ause, if the- are slain no#, an$ m- ounsel is, that as man- men as ma-2e shoul$ 2e 2rought to tal/ #ith them a2out these things, that thus as man- as

#e an fin$ ma- 2e ear#itnesses if the- ans#er ill as to these things. "hen ;arishall tal/ a2out them too, for he is just the man #ith the right turn of min$ for thisthen the $isli/e 2et#een -ou #ill gro# an$ gro#, for the- #ill hea0 2a$ #or$s on2a$ #or$s #hen men 2ring the matter for#ar$, for the- are foolish men. 5t ma-

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also #ell 2e that it ma- 2e sai$ that m- sons are slo# to ta/e u0 a uarrel, 2ut -eshall 2ear that for the sa/e of gaining time, for there are t#o si$es to eer-thingthat is $one, an$ -e an al#a-s 0i/ a uarrel 2ut still -e shall let so muh of -our0ur0ose out, as to sa- that if an- #rong 2e 0ut u0on -ou that -e $o meansomething. But if -e ha$ ta/en ounsel from me at first, then these things shoul$neer hae 2een s0o/en a2out at all, an$ then -e #oul$ hae gotten no $isgraefrom them 2ut no# -e hae the greatest ris/ of it, an$ so it #ill go on eergro#ing an$ gro#ing #ith -our $isgrae, that -e #ill neer get ri$ of it until -e

2ring -ourseles into a strait, an$ hae to fight -our #a- out #ith #ea0ons 2ut inthat there is a long an$ #ear- night in #hih -e #ill hae to gro0e -our #a-.*fter that the- ease$ s0ea/ing a2out it 2ut the matter 2eame the $ail- tal/ of man- men.9ne $a- it ha00ene$ that those 2rothers s0o/e to ;ari an$ 2a$e him go toGrit#ater. ;ari sai$ he thought he might go else#hither on a 2etter journe-, 2ut stillhe #oul$ go if that #ere Njal's ounsel. So after that ;ari fares to meet "hrain, an$then the- tal/ oer the matter, an$ the- $i$ not eah loo/ at it in the same #a-.;ari omes home, an$ Njal's sons as/ ho# things ha$ gone 2et#een "hrain an$him. ;ari sai$ he #oul$ rather not re0eat the #or$s that ha$ 0asse$, *2ut,* he

#ent on, *it is to 2e loo/e$ for that the li/e #or$s #ill 2e s0o/en #hen -e-ourseles an hear them*."hrain ha$ fifteen houseearles traine$ to arms in his house, an$ eight of them ro$e#ith him #hithersoeer he #ent. "hrain #as er- fon$ of sho# an$ $ress, an$al#a-s ro$e in a 2lue loa/, an$ ha$ on a guil$e$ helm, an$ the s0ear the Earl'sgift in his han$, an$ a fair shiel$, an$ a s#or$ at his 2elt. long #ith him al#a-s#ent Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son, an$ Grani, Gunnar of 3ithen$'sson. But nearest of all to him #ent ;illingra00. 3o$inn #as the name of hisseringman, he too #ent #ith "hrain #hen he journe-e$ "jori #as the name of 3o$$in's 2rother, an$ he too #as one of "hrain's 2an$. "he #orst of all, in their

#or$s against Njal's sons, #ere ra00 an$ Grani an$ it #as mostl- their $oing thatno atonement #as offere$ to them.Njal's sons often s0o/e to ;ari that he shoul$ ri$e #ith them an$ it ame to that atlast, for he sai$ it #oul$ 2e #ell that the- hear$ "hrain's ans#er."hen the- 2us/e$ them, four of Njal's sons, an$ ;ari the fifth, an$ so the- fare toGrit#ater."here #as a #i$e 0orh in the homestea$ there, so that man- men might stan$ init si$e 2- si$e. "here #as a #oman out of $oors, an$ she sa# their oming, an$tol$ "hrain of it he 2a$e them to go out into the 0orh, an$ ta/e their arms, an$the- $i$ so.

"hrain stoo$ in mi$$oor, ;illingra00 an$ Grani Gunnar's son stoo$ on eitherhan$ of him then ne4t stoo$ Gunnar 3am2i's son, then 3o$inn an$ "jori, then3am2i Sigur$'s son then eah of the others too/ his 0lae right an$ left for thehouseearles #ere all at home.S/ar0he$inn an$ his men #al/ u0 from 2elo#, an$ he #ent first, then ;ari, thenaus/ul$, then Grim, then elgi. But #hen the- ha$ ome u0 to the $oor, then nota #or$ of #elome 0asse$ the li0s of those #ho stoo$ 2efore them.*%a- #e all 2e #elome here7* sai$ S/ar0he$inn.allger$a stoo$ in the 0orh, an$ ha$ 2een tal/ing lo# to ra00, then she s0o/eout lou$ *None of those #ho are here #ill sa- that -e are #elome.*"hen S/ar0he$inn sang a song.Fro0 of sea#aes' fire, th- frettingannot ast a #eight on us,

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Warriors #ight -es, #olf an$ eagleWillingl- 5 fee$ to$a-arline thrust into the ingle,9r a tram0ing #hore, art thou3or$ of s/ates that s/im the sea2elt,9$in's mo/ing u0 5 mi4.*"h- #or$s,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *#ill not 2e #orth muh, for thou art either a hag,onl- fit to sit in the ingle, or a harlot.*

*"hese #or$s of thine thou shalt 0a- for,* she sa-s, *ere thou farest home.**"hee am 5 ome to see, "hrain,* sai$ elgi, *an$ to /no# if thou #ill ma/e me an-amen$s for those #rongs an$ har$shi0s #hih 2efell me for th- sa/e in Nor#a-.**5 neer /ne#,* sai$ "hrain, *that -e t#o 2rothers #ere #ont to measure -ourmanhoo$ 2- mone- or, ho# long shall suh a laim for amen$s stan$ oer7**%an- #ill sa-,* sa-s elgi, *that thou oughtest to offer us atonement, sine th- life#as at sta/e.*"hen ra00 sai$, *'"#as just lu/ that s#a-e$ the 2alane, #hen he got stri0es #hoought to 2ear them an$ she $ragge$ -ou un$er $isgrae an$ har$shi0, 2ut usa#a- from them.*

*3ittle goo$ lu/ #as there in that,* sa-s elgi, *to 2rea/ faith #ith the Earl, an$ tota/e to thee instea$.**"hin/est thou not that thou hast some amen$s to see/ from me7* sa-s ra00, *5#ill atone thee in a #a- that, methin/s, #ere fitting.**"he onl- $ealings #e shall hae,* sa-s elgi, *#ill 2e those #hih #ill not stan$thee in goo$ stea$.**Don't 2an$- #or$s #ith ra00,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *2ut gie him a re$ s/in for agre-.**ol$ th- tongue, S/ar0he$inn,* sai$ ra00, *or 5 #ill not s0are to 2ring m- a4e onth- hea$.*

*'"#ill 2e 0roe$ soon enough, 5 $are sa-,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *#hih of us is tosatter grael oer the other's hea$.**#a- #ith -ou home, -e 'Dung2ear$lings='* sa-s allger$a, *an$ so #e #ill all-ou al#a-s from this $a- forth 2ut -our father #e #ill all 'the Bear$less arle'.*"he- $i$ not fare home 2efore all #ho #ere there ha$ ma$e themseles guilt- of uttering those #or$s, sae "hrain he for2a$e men to utter them."hen Njal's sons #ent a#a-, an$ fare$ till the- ame home then the- tol$ theirfather.*Di$ -e all an- men to #itness of those #or$s7* sa-s Njal.*We alle$ none,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn *#e $o not mean to follo# that suit u0 e4e0t

on the 2attlefiel$.**No one #ill no# thin/,* sa-s Bergthora, *that -e hae the heart to lift -our#ea0ons.**S0are th- tongue, mistress=* sa-s ;ari, *in egging on th- sons, for the- #ill 2euite eager enough.*fter that the- all tal/ long in seret, Njal an$ his sons, an$ ;ari Solmun$'s son,their 2rotherinla#.

Chapter 01 - Thrain Si$fus' son's slayin$

No# there #as great tal/ a2out this uarrel of theirs, an$ all seeme$ to /no# thatit #oul$ not settle $o#n 0eaefull-.

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unolf, the son of Wolf ur0riest, east in the Dale, #as a great frien$ of "hrain's,an$ ha$ as/e$ "hrain to ome an$ see him, an$ it #as settle$ that he shoul$ omeeast #hen a2out three #ee/s or a month #ere #anting to #inter."hrain 2a$e ra00, an$ Grani, an$ Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son,an$ 3o$inn, an$ "jori, eight of them in all, to go on this journe- #ith him.allger$a an$ "horger$a #ere to go too. t the same time "hrain gae it out thathe meant to sta- in the %ar/ #ith his 2rother ;ettle, an$ sai$ ho# man- nights hemeant to 2e a#a- from home.

"he- all of them ha$ full arms. So the- ro$e east aross %ar/fleet, an$ foun$ theresome gangrel #omen, an$ the- 2egge$ them to 0ut them aross the &leet #est ontheir horses, an$ the- $i$ so."hen the- ro$e into the Dale, an$ ha$ a heart- #elome there ;ettle of the %ar/met them, an$ there the- sate t#o nights.Both unolf an$ ;ettle 2esought "hrain that he #oul$ ma/e u0 his uarrel #ithNjal's sons 2ut he sai$ he #oul$ neer 0a- an- mone-, an$ ans#ere$ rossl-, forhe sai$ he thought himself uite a math for Njal's sons #hereer the- met.*So it ma- 2e,* sa-s unolf *2ut so far as 5 an see, no man has 2een their mathsine Gunnar of 3ithen$ $ie$, an$ it is li/elier that -e #ill 2oth $rag one another

$o#n to $eath.*"hrain sai$ that #as not to 2e $rea$e$."hen "hrain fare$ u0 into the %ar/, an$ #as there t#o nights more after that hero$e $o#n into the Dale, an$ #as sent a#a- from 2oth houses #ith fitting gifts.No# the %ar/fleet #as then flo#ing 2et#een sheets of ie on 2oth si$es, an$ there#ere tongues of ie 2ri$ging it aross eer- here an$ there."hrain sai$ that he meant to ri$e home that eening, 2ut unolf sai$ that he oughtnot to ri$e home he sai$, too, that it #oul$ 2e more #ar- not to fare 2a/ as heha$ sai$ he #oul$ 2efore he left home.*"hat is fear, an$ 5 #ill none of it,* ans#ers "hrain.

No# those gangrel #omen #hom the- ha$ 0ut aross the &leet ame toBergthors/noll, an$ Bergthora as/e$ #hene the- ame, 2ut the- ans#ere$, *#a-east un$er E-jafell*.*"hen, #ho 0ut -ou aross %ar/fleet7* sai$ Bergthora.*"hose,* sai$ the-, *#ho #ere the most 2oastful an$ 2raest la$ of men.**Who7* as/e$ Bergthora.*"hrain Sigfus' son,* sai$ the-, *an$ his om0an-, 2ut #e thought it 2est to tell theethat the- #ere so fulltongue$ an$ foultongue$ to#ar$s this house, against th-hus2an$ an$ his sons.**3isteners $o not often hear goo$ of themseles,* sa-s Bergthora. fter that the-

#ent their #a-, an$ Bergthora gae them gifts on their going, an$ as/e$ them#hen "hrain might 2e oming home."he- sai$ that he #oul$ 2e from home four or fie nights.fter that Bergthora tol$ her sons an$ her soninla# ;ari, an$ the- tal/e$ long an$lo# a2out the matter.But that same morning, #hen "hrain an$ his men ro$e from the east, Njal #o/e u0earl- an$ hear$ ho# S/ar0he$inn's a4e ame against the 0anel."hen Njal rises u0, an$ goes out, an$ sees that his sons are all there #ith their#ea0ons, an$ ;arl, his soninla# too. S/ar0he$inn #as foremost. e #as in a 2luea0e, an$ ha$ a targe, an$ his a4e aloft on his shoul$er. Ne4t to him #ent elgi he#as in a re$ /irtle, ha$ a helm on his hea$, an$ a re$ shiel$, on #hih a hart #asmar/e$. Ne4t to him #ent ;ari he ha$ on a sil/en jer/in, a gil$e$ helm an$ shiel$,an$ on it #as $ra#n a lion. "he- #ere all in 2right holi$a- lothes.Njal alle$ out to S/ar0he$inn

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*Whither art thou going, /insman7**9n a shee0 hunt,* he sai$.*So it #as one 2efore,* sai$ Njal, *2ut then -e hunte$ men.*S/ar0he$inn laughe$ at that, an$ sai$ *ear -e #hat the ol$ man sa-s7 e is not #ithout his $ou2ts.**When #as it that thou s0o/est thus 2efore7* as/s ;ari.*When 5 sle# Sigmun$ the #hite,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *Gunnar of 3ithen$'s/insman.*

*&or #hat7* as/s ;ari.*e ha$ slain "hor$ &ree$manson, m- fosterfather.*Njal #ent home, 2ut the- fare$ u0 into the e$sli0s, an$ 2i$e$ there thene the-oul$ see the others as soon as eer the- ro$e from the east out of the $ale."here #as sunshine that $a- an$ 2right #eather.No# "hrain an$ his men ri$e $o#n out of the Dale along the rier 2an/.3am2i Sigur$'s son sai$ *Shiel$s gleam a#a- -on$er in the e$sli0s #hen the sun shines on them, an$there must 2e some men l-ing in #ait there.**"hen,* sa-s "hrain, *#e #ill turn our #a- lo#er $o#n the &leet, an$ then the- #ill

ome to meet us if the- hae an- 2usiness #ith us.*So the- turn $o#n the &leet. *No# the- hae aught sight of us,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn,*for lo= the- turn their 0ath else#hither, an$ no# #e hae no other hoie than torun $o#n an$ meet them.**%an- men,* sai$ ;ari, *#oul$ rather not lie in #ait if the 2alane of fore #ere notmore on their si$e than it is on ours the- are eight, 2ut #e are fie.*No# the- turn $o#n along the &leet, an$ see a tongue of ie 2ri$ging the streamlo#er $o#n an$ mean to ross there."hrain an$ his men ta/e their stan$ u0on the ie a#a- from the tongue, an$ "hrainsai$

*What an these men #ant7 "he- are fie, an$ #e are eight.**5 guess,* sai$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son, *that the- #oul$ still run the ris/ though moremen stoo$ against them.*"hrain thro#s off his loa/, an$ ta/es off his helm.No# it ha00ene$ to S/ar0he$inn, as the- ran $o#n along the &leet, that his shoestring sna00e$ asun$er, an$ he sta-e$ 2ehin$.*Wh- so slo#, S/ar0he$inn7* uoth Grim.*5 am t-ing m- shoe,* he sa-s.*3et us get on ahea$,* sa-s ;ari *methin/s he #ill not 2e slo#er than #e.*So the- turn off to the tongue, an$ run as fast as the- an. S/ar0he$inn s0rang u0

as soon as he #as rea$-, an$ ha$ lifte$ his a4e, *the ogress of #ar,* aloft, an$ runsright $o#n to the &leet. But the &leet #as so $ee0 that there #as no for$ing it for along #a- u0 or $o#n. great sheet of ie ha$ 2een thro#n u0 2- the floo$ on the other si$e of the &leetas smooth an$ sli00er- as glass, an$ there "hrain an$ his men stoo$ in the mi$st of the sheet.S/ar0he$inn ta/es a s0ring into the air, an$ lea0s oer the stream 2et#een theie2an/s, an$ $oes not he/ his ourse, 2ut rushes still on#ar$s #ith a sli$e. "hesheet of ie #as er- sli00er-, an$ so he #ent as fast as a 2ir$ flies. "hrain #as justa2out to 0ut his helm on his hea$ an$ no# S/ar0he$inn 2ore $o#n on them, an$he#s at "hrain #ith his a4e, *the ogress of #ar,* an$ smote him on the hea$, an$loe him $o#n to the teeth, so that his ja#teeth fell out on the ie. "his feat #as$one #ith suh a ui/ sleight that no one oul$ get a 2lo# at him he gli$e$ a#a-from them at one at full s0ee$. "jori, in$ee$, thre# his shiel$ 2efore him on the

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ie, 2ut he lea0t oer it, an$ still /e0t his feet, an$ sli$ uite to the en$ of the sheetof ie."here ;ari an$ his 2rothers ame to meet him.*"his #as $one li/e a man,* sa-s ;ari.*:our share is still left,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, an$ sang a song."o the strife of s#or$s not slo#er,fter all, 5 ame than -ou,&or #ith rea$- stro/e the stur$-

Suan$erer of #ealth 5 felle$But sine Grim's an$ elgi's seastagNor#a-'s Earl erst too/ an$ stri00e$,No# 'tis time for seafire 2earersSuh $ishonour to aenge.n$ this other song he sang S#iftl- $o#n 5 $ashe$ m- #ea0on,Gashing giant, 2-rnie2reaher,She, the nois- ogre's namesa/e,Soon #ith flesh the raens glutte$

No# -our #or$s to ra00 remem2er,9n 2roa$ ie no# rouse the storm,With $ull rash #ar's eager ogressBattle's earliest note hath sung.*"hat 2efits us #ell, an$ #e #ilt $o it #ell,* sa-s elgi. "hen the- turn u0 to#ar$sthem. Both Grim an$ elgi see #here ra00 is, an$ the- turne$ on him at one.ra00 he#s at Grim there an$ then #ith his a4e elgi sees this an$ uts at ra00'sarm, an$ ut it off, an$ $o#n fell the a4e.*5n this,* sa-s ra00, *thou hast $one a most nee$ful #or/, for this han$ hath#rought harm an$ $eath to man- a man.*

*n$ so here an en$ shall 2e 0ut to it,* sa-s Grim an$ #ith that he ran himthrough #ith a s0ear, an$ then ra00 fell $o#n $ea$."jori turns against ;ari an$ hurls a s0ear at him. ;ari lea0t u0 in the air, an$ thes0ear fle# 2elo# his feet. "hen ;ari rushes at him, an$ he#s at him on the 2reast#ith his s#or$, an$ the 2lo# 0asse$ at one into his hest, an$ he got his $eaththere an$ then."hen S/ar0he$inn sei<es 2oth Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ Grani Gunnar's son, an$sai$ *ere hae 5 aught t#o #hel0s= 2ut #hat shall #e $o #ith them7**5t is in th- 0o#er,* sa-s elgi, *to sla- 2oth or either of them, if -ou #ish them

$ea$.**5 annot fin$ it in m- heart to $o 2oth hel0 ogni an$ sla- his 2rother,* sa-sS/ar0he$inn.*"hen the $a- #ill one ome,* sa-s elgi, *#hen thou #ilt #ish that thou ha$stslain him, for neer #ill he 2e true to thee, nor #ill an- one of the others #ho areno# here.**5 shall not fear them,* ans#ers S/ar0he$inn.fter that the- gae 0eae to Grani Gunnar's son, an$ Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$3am2i Sigur$'s son, an$ 3o$inn.fter that the- #ent $o#n to the &leet #here S/ar0he$inn ha$ lea0t oer it, an$;ari an$ the others measure$ the length of the lea0 #ith their s0earshafts, an$ it#as t#ele ells (a2out eighteen feet, aor$ing to the ol$ Norse measure)."hen the- turne$ home#ar$s, an$ Njal as/e$ #hat ti$ings."he- tol$ him all just as it ha$ ha00ene$, an$ Njal sai$

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*"hese are great ti$ings, an$ it is more li/el- that hene #ill ome the $eath of oneof m- sons, if not more eil.*Gunnar 3am2i's son 2ore the 2o$- of "hrain #ith him to Grit#ater, an$ he #as lai$in a airn there.

Chapter 02 - 4ettle ta#es Haus#uld as his foster-son

;ettle of the %ar/ ha$ to #ife "horger$a, Njal's $aughter, 2ut he #as "hrain's2rother, an$ he thought he #as ome into a strait, so he ro$e to Njal's house, an$as/e$ #hether he #ere #illing to atone in an- #a- for "hrain's sla-ing7*5 #ill atone for it han$somel-,* ans#ere$ Njal *an$ m- #ish is that thou shoul$stloo/ after the matter #ith th- 2rothers #ho hae to ta/e the 0rie of theatonement, that the- ma- 2e rea$- to join in it.*;ettle sai$ he #oul$ $o so #ith all his heart, an$ ;ettle ro$e home first a littleafter, he summone$ all his 2rothers to 3ithen$, an$ then he ha$ a tal/ #ith theman$ ogni #as on his si$e all through the tal/ an$ so it ame a2out that men #erehosen to utter the a#ar$ an$ a meeting #as agree$ on, an$ the fair 0rie of a

man #as a#ar$e$ for "hrain's sla-ing, an$ the- all ha$ a share in the 2loo$mone-#ho ha$ a la#ful right to it. fter that 0le$ges of 0eae an$ goo$ faith #ere agree$to, an$ the- #ere settle$ in the most sure an$ 2in$ing #a-.Njal 0ai$ $o#n all the mone- out of han$ #ell an$ 2rael- an$ so things #ereuiet for a #hile.9ne $a- Njal ro$e u0 into the %ar/, an$ he an$ ;ettle tal/e$ together the #hole$a-, Njal ro$e home at een, an$ no man /ne# of #hat the- ha$ ta/en ounsel. little after ;ettle fares to Grit#ater, an$ he sai$ to "horger$a *3ong hae 5 loe$ m- 2rother "hrain muh, an$ no# 5 #ill sho# it, for 5 #ill as/aus/ul$ "hrain's son to 2e m- fosterhil$.*

*"hou shalt hae th- hoie of this,* she sa-s *an$ thou shalt gie this la$ all thehel0 in th- 0o#er #hen he is gro#n u0, an$ aenge him if he is slain #ith #ea0ons,an$ 2esto# mone- on him for his #ife's $o#er an$ 2esi$es, thou shalt s#ear to $oall this.*No# aus/ul$ fares home #ith ;ettle, an$ is #ith him some time.

Chapter 0 - Njal ta#es Haus#uld to foster

9ne on a time Njal ri$es u0 into the %ar/, an$ he ha$ a heart- #elome. e #asthere that night, an$ in the eening Njal alle$ out to the la$ aus/ul$, an$ he

#ent u0 to him at one.Njal ha$ a ring of gol$ on his han$, an$ sho#e$ it to the la$. e too/ hol$ of thegol$, an$ loo/e$ at it, an$ 0ut it on his finger.*Wilt thou ta/e the gol$ as a gift7* sai$ Njal.*"hat 5 #ill,* sai$ the la$.*;no#est thou,* sa-s Njal, *#hat 2rought th- father to his $eath7**5 /no#,* ans#ers the la$, *that S/ar0he$inn sle# him 2ut #e nee$ not /ee0 thatin min$, #hen an atonement has 2een ma$e for it, an$ a full 0rie 0ai$ for him.**Better ans#ere$ than as/e$,* sai$ Njal *an$ thou #ilt lie to 2e a goo$ man an$true,* he a$$s.

*%ethin/s th- foreasting,* sa-s aus/ul$, *is #orth haing, for 5 /no# that thouart foresighte$ an$ unl-ing.**No# 5 #ill offer to foster thee,* sai$ Njal, *if thou #ilt ta/e the offer.*

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e sai$ he #oul$ 2e #illing to ta/e 2oth that honour an$ an- other goo$ offer#hih he might ma/e. So the en$ of the matter #as, that aus/ul$ fare$ home#ith Njal as his fosterson.e suffere$ no harm to ome nigh the la$, an$ loe$ him muh. Njal's sons too/him a2out #ith them, an$ $i$ him honour in eer- #a-. n$ so things go on tillaus/ul$ is full gro#n. e #as 2oth tall an$ strong the fairest of men to loo/ on,an$ #ellhaire$ 2lithe of s0eeh, 2ountiful, #ell2ehae$ as #ell traine$ to armsas the 2est fairs0o/en to all men, an$ muh 2eloe$.

Njal's sons an$ aus/ul$ #ere neer a0art, either in #or$ or $ee$.

Chapter 0& - Of Flosi Thord's son

"here #as a man name$ &losi, he #as the son of "hor$ &re-s0riest. &losi ha$ to#ife Steinora, $aughter of all of the Si$e. She #as 2ase 2orn, an$ her mother'sname #as Solora, $aughter of erjolf the #hite. &losi $#elt at S#inefell, an$ #as amight- hief. e #as tall of stature, an$ strong #ithal, the most for#ar$ an$2ol$est of men. is 2rother's name #as Star/a$ he #as not 2- the same mother

as &losi."he other 2rothers of &losi #ere "horgeir an$ Stein, ;ol2ein an$ Egil. il$igunna#as the name of the $aughter of Star/a$ &losi's 2rother. She #as a 0rou$, highs0irite$ mai$en, an$ one of the fairest of #omen. She #as so s/ilful #ith her han$s,that fe# #omen #ere euall- s/ilful. She #as the grimmest an$ har$esthearte$ of all #omen 2ut still a #oman of o0en han$ an$ heart #hen an- fitting all #asma$e u0on her.

Chapter 0) - Of Hall of the Side

all #as the name of a man #ho #as alle$ all of the Si$e. e #as the son of "horstein Bau$ar's son. all ha$ to #ife @orei$a, $aughter of "hi$ran$i the #ise."horstein #as the name of all's 2rother, an$ he #as ni/name$ 2roa$0aunh. isson #as ;ol, #hom ;ari sla-s in Wales. "he sons of all of the Si$e #ere "horsteinan$ Egil, "hor#al$ an$ 3jot, an$ "hi$ran$i, #hom, it is sai$, the go$$esses sle#."here #as a man name$ "horir, #hose surname #as olt"horir his sons #eretheseC "horgeir raggeir, an$ "horleif ro#, from #hom the Woo$$#ellers areome, an$ "horgrim the 2ig.

Chapter 0, - Of the (han$e of faith

"here ha$ 2een a hange of rulers in Nor#a-, Earl aon #as $ea$ an$ gone, 2ut inhis stea$ #as ome 9laf "r-ggi's son. "hat #as the en$ of Earl aon, that ;ar/,the thrall, ut his throat at imul in Gaular$ale.long #ith that #as hear$ that there ha$ 2een a hange of faith in Nor#a- the-ha$ ast off the ol$ faith, 2ut ;ing 9laf ha$ hristene$ the #estern lan$s, Shetlan$,an$ the 9r/ne-s, an$ the &aroe 5sles."hen man- men s0o/e so that Njal hear$ it, that it #as a strange an$ #i/e$ thingto thro# off the ol$ faith.

"hen Njal s0o/e an$ sai$ *5t seems to me as though this ne# faith must 2e muh 2etter, an$ he #ill 2eha00- #ho follo#s this rather than the other an$ if those men ome out hither #ho0reah this faith, then 5 #ill 2a/ them #ell.*

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e #ent often alone a#a- from other men an$ muttere$ to himself."hat same harest a shi0 ame out into the firths east to Berufirth, at a s0ot alle$Gauta#i/. "he a0tain's name #as "hang2ran$. e #as a son of Willi2al$, a ountof Sa4on-, "hang2ran$ #as sent out hither 2- ;ing 9laf "r-ggi's son, to 0reah thefaith. long #ith him ame that man of 5elan$ #hose name #as Gu$leif. Gu$leif #as a great mansla-er, an$ one of the strongest of men, an$ har$- an$ for#ar$ ineer-thing."#o 2rothers $#elt at Beruness the name of the one #as "horleif, 2ut the other

#as ;ettle. "he- #ere sons of olmstein, the son of u<ur of Broa$$ale. "hese2rothers hel$ a meeting, an$ for2a$e men to hae an- $ealings #ith them. "hisall of the Si$e hear$. e $#elt at "hatt#ater in lftafirth he ro$e to the shi0#ith t#ent-nine men, an$ he fares at one to fin$ "hang2ran$, an$ s0o/e to himan$ as/e$ him *"ra$e is rather $ull, is it not7*e ans#ere$ that so it #as.*No# #ill 5 sa- m- erran$,* sa-s all *it is, that 5 #ish to as/ -ou all to m- house,an$ run the ris/ of m- 2eing a2le to get ri$ of -our #ares for -ou.*"hang2ran$ than/e$ him, an$ fare$ to "hatt#ater that harest.

5t so ha00ene$ one morning that "hang2ran$ #as out earl- an$ ma$e them 0ith atent on lan$, an$ sang mass in it, an$ too/ muh 0ains #ith it, for it #as a greathigh $a-.all s0o/e to "hang2ran$ an$ as/e$, *5n memor- of #hom /ee0est thou this $a-7**5n memor- of %ihael the arhangel,* sa-s "hang2ran$.*What follo#s that angel7* as/s all.*%uh goo$,* sa-s "hang2ran$. *e #ill #eigh all the goo$ that thou $oest, an$ heis so meriful, that #heneer an- one 0leases him, he ma/es his goo$ $ee$s #eighmore.**5 #oul$ li/e to hae him for m- frien$,* sa-s all.

*"hat thou ma-est #ell hae,* sa-s "hang2ran$, *onl- gie th-self oer to him 2-Go$'s hel0 this er- $a-.**5 onl- ma/e this on$ition,* sa-s all, *that thou giest th- #or$ for him that he#ill then 2eome m- guar$ian angel.**"hat 5 #ill 0romise,* sa-s "hang2ran$."hen all #as 2a0tise$, an$ all his househol$.

Chapter 0. - Of Than$rand's journeys

"he s0ring after "hang2ran$ set out to 0reah hristianit-, an$ all #ent #ith him.But #hen the- ame #est aross 3onsheath to Staffell, there the- foun$ a man$#elling name$ "hor/ell. e s0o/e most against the faith, an$ hallenge$"hang2ran$ to single om2at. "hen "hang2ran$ 2ore a roo$ross 2efore hisshiel$, an$ the en$ of their om2at #as that "hang2ran$ #on the $a- an$ sle#"hor/ell."hene the- fare$ to ornfirth an$ turne$ in as guests at Borgarhaen, #est of eina2ergs san$. "here ill$ir the ol$ $#elt, an$ then ill$ir an$ all his househol$too/ u0on them the ne# faith."hene the- fare$ to &ellom2e, an$ #ent in as guests to alffell. "here $#elt ;ol"horstein's son, all's /insman, an$ he too/ u0on him the faith an$ all his house.

"hene the- fare$ to S#inefell, an$ &losi onl- too/ the sign of the ross, 2ut gaehis #or$ to 2a/ them at the "hing.

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"hene the- fare$ #est to Woo$om2e, an$ #ent in as guests at ;ir/2-. "here$#elt Surt s2jorn's son, the son of "horstein, the son of ;ettle the foolish. "heseha$ all of them 2een hristians from father to son.fter that the- fare$ out of Woo$om2e on to ea$2rin/. B- that time the stor- of their journe- #as s0rea$ far an$ #i$e. "here #as a man name$ Sorerere$inn#ho $#elt in arline$ale. "here heathen men ma$e a 2argain #ith him that heshoul$ 0ut "hang2ran$ to $eath #ith all his om0an-. e fare$ u0onrnsta/sheath, an$ there ma$e a great sarifie #hen "hang2ran$ #as ri$ing from

the east. "hen the earth 2urst asun$er un$er his horse, 2ut he s0rang off his horsean$ sae$ himself on the 2rin/ of the gulf, 2ut the earth s#allo#e$ u0 the horsean$ all his harness, an$ the- neer sa# him more."hen "hang2ran$ 0raise$ Go$.

Chapter 0/ - Of Than$rand and !udleif 

Gu$leif no# searhes for Sorerere$inn an$ fin$s him on the heath, an$ haseshim $o#n into arline$ale, an$ got #ithin s0earshot of him, an$ shoots a s0ear at

him an$ through him."hene the- fare$ to D-rholms an$ hel$ a meeting there, an$ 0reahe$ the faiththere, an$ there 5ngiall$, the son of "horsteinn igh2an/a#/, 2eame a hristian."hene the- fare$ to the &leetlithe an$ 0reahe$ the faith there. "here Weatherli$the S/al$, an$ ri his son, s0o/e most against the faith, an$ for that the- sle#Weatherli$, an$ then this song #as sung a2out it e #ho 0roe$ his 2la$e on 2u/lers,South #ent through the lan$ to #hetBran$ that oft hath felle$ his foeman,'Gainst the forge #hih foams #ith song

%ight- #iel$er of #ar's si/le%a$e his s#or$'s aenging e$gear$ on hero's helm0ro0 rattle,S/ull of Weatherli$ the S/al$."hene "hang2ran$ fare$ to Bergthors/noll, an$ Njal too/ the faith an$ all hishouse, 2ut %or$ an$ +algar$ #ent muh against it, an$ thene the- fare$ outaross the riers so the- #ent on into a#/$ale an$ there the- 2a0tise$ all, an$he #as then three #inters ol$."hene "hang2ran$ fare$ to Grimsness, there "hor#al$ the sur- gathere$ a 2an$against him, an$ sent #or$ to Wolf ggi's son, that he must fare against"hang2ran$ an$ sla- him, an$ ma$e this song on him "o the #olf in Wo$en's harness,ggi's #orth- #arli/e son,5, steel's s#inger $earl- loing,"his m- sim0le 2i$$ing sen$"hat the #olf of Go$s he haseth, %an #ho sna0s at hin/ of gol$ Wolf #ho 2ase our Go$s 2las0hemeth,5 the other #olf #ill rush.Wolf sang another song in return S#arth- s/arf from month that s/immeth

9f the man #ho s0ea/s in songNeer #ill 5 ath, though surel-Wealth- #arrior it hath sent"en$er of the seahorse snorting,

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E'en though ill $ee$s are on foot,Still to ris/ mine e-es are o0enarmful 'tis to sna0 at flies.*n$,* sa-s he, *5 $on't mean to 2e ma$e a ats0a# 2- him, 2ut let him ta/e hee$lest his tongue t#ists a noose for his o#n ne/.*n$ after that the messenger fare$ 2a/ to "hor#al$ the sur- an$ tol$ him Wolf's#or$s. "hor#al$ ha$ man- men a2out him, an$ gae it out that he #oul$ lie in #aitfor them on Blue#oo$heath.

No# those t#o, "hang2ran$ an$ Gu$leif, ri$e out of a#/$ale, an$ there the- ameu0on a man #ho ro$e to meet them. "hat man as/e$ for Gu$leif, an$ #hen hefoun$ him he sai$ *"hou shalt gain 2- 2eing the 2rother of "horgil of e-/iahole, for 5 #ill let thee/no# that the- hae set man- am2ushes, an$ this too, that "hor#al$ the sur- isno# #ith his 2an$ t est2e/ on Grimsness.**We shall not the less for all that ri$e to meet him,* sa-s Gu$leif, an$ then the-turne$ $o#n to est2e/. "hor#al$ #as then ome aross the 2roo/, an$ Gu$leif sai$ to "hang2ran$ *ere is no# "hor#al$ let us rush on him no#.* "hang2ran$ shot a s0ear through

"hor#al$, 2ut Gu$leif smote him on the shoul$er an$ he#e$ his arm off, an$ that#as his $eath.fter that the- ri$e u0 to the "hing, an$ it #as a near thing that the /insmen of "hor#al$ ha$ fallen on "hang2ran$, 2ut Njal an$ the eastfirthers stoo$ 2-"hang2ran$."hen jallti S/eggi's son sang this rh-me at the ill of 3a#s Eer #ill 5 Go$s 2las0heme&re-ja methin/s a $og $oes seem,&re-ja a $og7 -e= let them 2eBoth $ogs together 9$in an$ she.

jallti fare$ a2roa$ that summer an$ Gi<ur the #hite #ith him, 2ut "hang2ran$'sshi0 #as #re/e$ a#a- east at Bulan$sness, an$ the shi0's name #as *Bison*."hang2ran$ an$ his messmate fare$ right through the #est ountr-, an$ Steinora,the mother of ef the S/al$, ame against him she 0reahe$ the heathen faith to"hang2ran$ an$ ma$e him a long s0eeh. "hang2ran$ hel$ his 0eae #hile shes0o/e, 2ut ma$e a long s0eeh after her, an$ turne$ all that she ha$ sai$ the #rong#a- against her.*ast thou hear$,* she sai$, *ho# "hor hallenge$ hrist to single om2at, an$ ho#he $i$ not $are to fight #ith "hor7**5 hae hear$ tell,* sa-s "hang2ran$, *that "hor #as naught 2ut $ust an$ ashes, if 

Go$ ha$ not #ille$ that he shoul$ lie.**;no#est thou,* she sa-s, *#ho it #as that shattere$ th- shi07**What hast thou to sa- a2out that7* he as/s.*"hat 5 #ill tell thee,* she sa-s.e that giant's offs0ring sla-ethBro/e the ne#fiel$'s 2ison stout,"hus the Go$s, 2ell's #ar$er grieing.rushe$ the falon of the stran$"o the ourser of the ause#a-3ittle goo$ #as hrist 5 #een,When "hor shattere$ shi0s to 0ieesG-lfi's hart no Go$ oul$ hel0.n$ again she sang another song

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"hang2ran$'s essel from her moorings,Sea/ing's stee$, "hor #rathful tore,Shoo/ an$ shattere$ all her tim2ers,urle$ her 2roa$si$e on the 2eahNe'er again shall +i/ing's sno#shoe,9n the 2rin- 2illo#s gli$e,&or a storm 2- "hor a#a/ene$,Dashe$ the 2ar/ to s0linters small.

fter that "hang2ran$ an$ Steinora 0arte$, an$ the- fare$ #est to Bar$astran$.

Chapter 00 - Of !est Oddleif's son

Gest 9$$leif's son $#elt at agi on Bar$astran$, e #as one of the #isest of men,so that he foresa# the fates an$ fortunes of men. e ma$e a feast for "hang2ran$an$ his men. "he- fare$ to agi #ith si4t- men. "hen it #as sai$ that there #eret#o hun$re$ heathen men to meet them, an$ that a Baresar/ #as loo/e$ for toome thither, #hose name #as 9tr-gg, an$ all #ere afrai$ of him. 9f him suh

great things as these #ere sai$, that he feare$ neither fire nor s#or$, an$ theheathen men #ere sore afrai$ at his oming. "hen "hang2ran$ as/e$ if men #ere#illing to ta/e the faith, 2ut all the heathen men s0o/e against it.*Well,* sa-s "hang2ran$, *5 #ill gie -ou the means #here2- -e shall 0roe#hether m- faith is 2etter. We #ill hallo# t#o fires. "he heathen men shall hallo#one an$ 5 the other, 2ut a thir$ shall he unhallo#e$ an$ if the Baresar/ is afrai$ of the one that 5 hallo#, 2ut trea$s 2oth the others, then -e shall ta/e the faith.**"hat is #ells0o/en,* sa-s Gest, *an$ 5 #ill agree to this for m-self an$ m-househol$.*n$ #hen Gest ha$ so s0o/en, then man- more agree$ to it.

"hen it #as sai$ that the Baresar/ #as oming u0 to the homestea$, an$ then thefires #ere ma$e an$ 2urne$ strong. "hen men too/ their arms an$ s0rang u0 onthe 2enhes, an$ so #aite$."he Baresar/ rushe$ in #ith his #ea0ons. e omes into the room, an$ trea$s atone the fire #hih the heathen men ha$ hallo#e$, an$ so omes to the fire that"hang2ran$ ha$ hallo#e$, an$ $ares not to trea$ it, 2ut sai$ that he #as on fire alloer. e he#s #ith his s#or$ at the 2enh, 2ut stri/es a ross2eam as he2ran$ishe$ the #ea0on aloft. "hang2ran$ smote the arm of the Baresar/ #ith hisruifi4, an$ so might- a to/en follo#e$ that the s#or$ fell from the Baresar/'shan$."hen "hang2ran$ thrusts a s#or$ into his 2reast, an$ Gu$leif smote him on thearm an$ he#e$ it off. "hen man- #ent u0 an$ sle# the Baresar/.fter that "hang2ran$ as/e$ if the- #oul$ ta/e the faith no#7Gest sai$ he ha$ onl- s0o/en #hat he meant to /ee0 to."hen "hang2ran$ 2a0tise$ Gest an$ all his house an$ man- others. "hen"hang2ran$ too/ ounsel #ith Gest #hether he shoul$ go an- further #est amongthe firths, 2ut Gest set his fae against that, an$ sai$ the- #ere a har$ rae of menthere, an$ ill to $eal #ith, *2ut if it 2e fore$oome$ that this faith shall ma/e its #a-,then it #ill 2e ta/en as la# at the lthing, an$ then all the hiefs out of the $istrits#ill 2e there*.*5 $i$ all that 5 oul$ at the "hing,* sa-s "hang2ran$, *an$ it #as er- u0hill #or/.*

*Still thou hast $one most of the #or/,* sa-s Gest, *though it ma- 2e fate$ thatothers shall ma/e hristianit- la# 2ut it is here as the sa-ing runs, 'No tree falls atthe first stro/e'.*

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fter that Gest gae "hang2ran$ goo$ gifts, an$ he fare$ 2a/ south. "hang2ran$fare$ to the Southlan$er's uarter, an$ so to the Eastfirths. e turne$ in as a guestat Bergthors/noll, an$ Njal gae him goo$ gifts. "hene he ro$e east to lftafirth tomeet all of the Si$e. e ause$ his shi0 to 2e men$e$, an$ heathen man alle$ it*5ron2as/et*. 9n 2oar$ that shi0 "hang2ran$ fare$ a2roa$, an$ Gu$leif #ith him.

Chapter 1 - Of !i5ur the 6hite and Hjallti

"hat same summer jallti S/eggi's son #as outla#e$ at the "hing for 2las0hem-against the Go$s."hang2ran$ tol$ ;ing 9laf of all the mishief that the 5elan$ers ha$ $one to him,an$ sai$ that the- #ere suh sorerers there that the earth 2urst asun$er un$er hishorse an$ s#allo#e$ u0 the horse."hen ;ing 9laf #as so #roth that he ma$e them sei<e all the men from 5elan$ an$set them in $ungeons, an$ meant to sla- them."hen the-, Gi<ur the #hite an$ jallti, ame u0 an$ offere$ to la- themseles in0le$ge for those men, an$ fare out to 5elan$ an$ 0reah the faith. "he /ing too/

this #ell, an$ the- got them all set free again."hen Gi<ur an$ jallti 2us/e$ their shi0 for 5elan$, an$ #ere soon *2oun*. "he-ma$e the lan$ at E-rar #hen ten #ee/s of summer ha$ 0asse$ the- got themhorses at one, 2ut left other men to stri0 their shi0. "hen the- ri$e #ith thirt- mento the "hing, an$ sent #or$ to the hristian men that the- must 2e rea$- to stan$2- them.jallti sta-e$ 2ehin$ at e-$armull, for he ha$ hear$ that he ha$ 2een ma$e anoutla# for 2las0hem-, 2ut #hen the- ame to the *Boiling ;ettle* $o#n 2elo# the2rin/ of the ift, there ame jallti after them, an$ sai$ he #oul$ not let theheathen men see that he #as afrai$ of them.

"hen man- hristian men ro$e to meet them, an$ the- ri$e in 2attle arra- to the"hing. "he heathen men ha$ $ra#n u0 their men in arra- to meet them, an$ it #asa near thing that the #hole 2o$- of the "hing ha$ ome to 2lo#s, 2ut still it $i$ notgo so far.

Chapter 11 - Of Thor$eir of :i$htwater

"here #as a man name$ "horgeir #ho $#elt at 3ight#ater he #as the son of "jorfi,the son of "hor/el the long, the son of ;ettle 3ongne/. is mother's name #as"horuna, an$ she #as the $aughter of "horstein, the son of Sigmun$, the son of 

Bar$ of the Ni0. Gu$ri$a #as the name of his #ife she #as a $aughter of "hor/elthe 2la/ of lei$rargarth. is 2rother #as Worm #allet2a/, the father of lennithe ol$ of Saur2-."he hristian men set u0 their 2ooths, an$ Gi<ur the #hite an$ jallti #ere in the2ooths of the men from %ossfell. "he $a- after 2oth si$es #ent to the ill of 3a#s,an$ eah, the hristian men as #ell as the heathen, too/ #itness, an$ $elare$themseles out of the other's la#s, an$ then there #as suh an u0roar on the ill of 3a#s that no man oul$ hear the other's oie.fter that men #ent a#a-, an$ all thought things loo/e$ li/e the greatestentanglement. "he hristian men hose as their S0ea/er all of the Si$e, 2ut all

#ent to "horgeir, the 0riest of 3ight#ater, #ho #as the ol$ S0ea/er of the la#, an$gae him three mar/s of siler to utter #hat the la# shoul$ 2e, 2ut still that #asmost ha<ar$ous ounsel, sine he #as an heathen.

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"horgeir la- all that $a- on the groun$, an$ s0rea$ a loa/ oer his hea$, so thatno man s0o/e #ith him 2ut the $a- after men #ent to the ill of 3a#s, an$ then"horgeir 2a$e them 2e silent an$ listen, an$ s0o/e thus *5t seems to me as though our matters #ere ome to a $ea$ lo/, if #e are not allto hae one an$ the same la# for if there 2e a sun$ering of the la#s, then there#ill 2e a sun$ering of the 0eae, an$ #e shall neer 2e a2le to lie in the lan$.No#, 5 #ill as/ 2oth hristian men an$ heathen #hether the- #ill hol$ to those la#s#hih 5 utter*.

"he- all sa- the- #oul$.e sai$ he #ishe$ to ta/e an oath of them, an$ 0le$ges that the- #oul$ hol$ tothem, an$ the- all sai$ *-ea* to that, an$ so he too/ 0le$ges from them.*"his is the 2eginning of our la#s,* he sai$, *that all men shall 2e hristian here inthe lan$, an$ 2eliee in one Go$, the &ather, the Son, an$ the ol- Ghost, 2ut leaeoff all i$ol#orshi0, not e40ose hil$ren to 0erish, an$ not eat horseflesh. 5t shall 2eoutla#r- if suh things are 0roe$ o0enl- against an- man 2ut if these things are$one 2- stealth, then it shall 2e 2lameless.*But all this heathen$om #as all $one a#a- #ith #ithin a fe# -ears' s0ae, so thatthose things #ere not allo#e$ to 2e $one either 2- stealth or o0enl-.

"horgeir then uttere$ the la# as to /ee0ing the 3or$'s $a- an$ fast $a-s, :uleti$ean$ Easter, an$ all the greatest high$a-s an$ holi$a-s."he heathen men thought the- ha$ 2een greatl- heate$ 2ut still the true faith#as 2rought into the la#, an$ so all men 2eame hristian here in the lan$.fter that men fare home from the "hing.

Chapter 12 - The weddin$ of Haus#uld" the priest of 6hiteness

No# #e must ta/e u0 the stor-, an$ sa- that Njal s0o/e thus to aus/ul$, his

fosterson, an$ sai$ *5 #oul$ see/ thee a math.*aus/ul$ 2a$e him settle the matter as he 0lease$, an$ as/e$ #hether he #asmost li/el- to turn his e-es.*"here is a #oman alle$ il$igunna,* ans#ers Njal, *an$ she is the $aughter of Star/a$, the son of "hor$ &re-s0riest. She is the 2est math 5 /no# of.**See thou to it, fosterfather,* sai$ aus/ul$ *that shall 2e m- hoie #hih thouhoosest.**"hen #e #ill loo/ thither#ar$,* sa-s Njal. little #hile after, Njal alle$ on men to go along #ith him. "hen the sons of Sigfus,an$ Njal's sons, an$ ;ari Solmun$'s son, all of them fare$ #ith him an$ the- ro$eeast to S#inefell."here the- got a heart- #elome."he $a- after, Njal an$ &losi #ent to tal/ alone, an$ the s0eeh of Njal en$e$ thus,that he sai$ *"his is m- erran$ here, that #e hae set out on a #ooingjourne-, to as/ for th-/ins#oman il$igunna.**t #hose han$7* sa-s &losi.*t the han$ of aus/ul$ m- fosterson,* sa-s Njal.*Suh things are #ell meant,* sa-s &losi, *2ut still -e run eah of -ou great ris/, theone from the other 2ut #hat hast thou to sa- of aus/ul$7*

*Goo$ 5 am a2le to sa- of him,* sa-s Njal *an$ 2esi$es, 5 #ill la- $o#n as muhmone- as #ill seem fitting to th- niee an$ th-self, if thou #ilt thin/ of ma/ing thismath.**We #ill all her hither,* sa-s &losi, *an$ /no# ho# she loo/s on the man.*

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"hen il$igunna #as alle$, an$ she ame thither.&losi tol$ her of the #ooing, 2ut she sai$ she #as a 0rou$hearte$ #oman.*n$ 5 /no# not ho# things #ill turn out 2et#een me an$ men of li/e s0irit 2utthis, too, is not the least of m- $isli/e, that this man has no 0riesthoo$ orlea$ershi0 oer men, 2ut thou hast al#a-s sai$ that thou #oul$est not #e$ me to aman #ho ha$ not the 0riesthoo$.**"his is uite enough,* sa-s &losi, *if thou #ilt not 2e #e$$e$ to aus/ul$, to ma/eme ta/e no more 0ains a2out the math.*

*Na-=* she sa-s, *5 $o not sa- that 5 #ill not 2e #e$$e$ to aus/ul$ if the- an gethim a 0riesthoo$ or a lea$ershi0 oer men 2ut other#ise 5 #ill hae nothing to sa-to the math.**"hen,* sai$ Njal, *5 #ill 2eg thee to let this math stan$ oer for three #inters,that 5 ma- see #hat 5 an $o.*&losi sai$ that so it shoul$ 2e.*5 #ill onl- 2argain for this one thing,* sa-s il$igunna, *if this math omes to0ass, that #e shall sta- here a#a- east.*Njal sai$ he #oul$ rather leae that to aus/ul$, 2ut aus/ul$ sai$ that he 0utfaith in man- men, 2ut in none so muh as his fosterfather.

No# the- ri$e from the east.Njal sought to get a 0riesthoo$ an$ lea$ershi0 for aus/ul$, 2ut no one #as #illingto sell his 0riesthoo$, an$ no# the summer 0asses a#a- till the lthing."here #ere great uarrels at the "hing that summer, an$ man- a man then $i$ as#as their #ont, in faring to see Njal 2ut he gae suh ounsel in men's la#suits as#as not thought at all li/el-, so that 2oth the 0lea$ings an$ the $efene ame tonaught, an$ out of that great strife arose, #hen the la#suits oul$ not 2e 2roughtto an en$, an$ men ro$e home from the "hing unatone$.No# things go on till another "hing omes. Njal ro$e to the "hing, an$ at first all isuiet until Njal sa-s that it is high time for men to gie notie of their suits.

"hen man- sai$ that the- thought that ame to little, #hen no man oul$ get hissuit settle$, een though the #itnesses #ere summone$ to the lthing, *an$ so,*sa- the-, *#e #oul$ rather see/ our rights #ith 0oint an$ e$ge.**So it must not 2e,* sa-s Njal, *for it #ill neer $o to hae no la# in the lan$. But-et -e hae muh to sa- on -our si$e in this matter, an$ it 2ehoes us #ho /no#the la#, an$ #ho are 2oun$ to gui$e the la#, to set men at one again, an$ to ensue0eae. '"#ere goo$ ounsel, then, methin/s, that #e all together all the hiefs an$tal/ the matter oer.*"hen the- go to the ourt of 3a#s, an$ Njal s0o/e an$ sai$ *"hee, S/a0ti "horo$'s son an$ -ou other hiefs, 5 all on, an$ sa-, that methin/s

our la#suits hae ome into a $ea$lo/, if #e hae to follo# u0 our suits in theuarter ourts, an$ the- get so entangle$ that the- an neither 2e 0lea$e$ noren$e$. %ethin/s, it #ere #iser if #e ha$ a &ifth ourt, an$ there 0lea$e$ thosesuits #hih annot 2e 2rought to an en$ in the uarter ourts.**o#,* sai$ S/a0ti, *#ilt thou name a &ifth ourt, #hen the uarter ourt is name$for the ol$ 0riesthoo$s, three t#eles in eah uarter7**5 an see hel0 for that,* sa-s Njal, *2- setting u0 ne# 0riesthoo$s, an$ filling them#ith the men #ho are 2est fitte$ in eah uarter, an$ then let those men #ho are#illing to agree to it, $elare themseles rea$- to join the ne# 0riest's "hing.**Well,* sa-s S/a0ti, *#e #ill ta/e this hoie 2ut #hat #eight- suits shall ome2efore the ourt7**"hese matters shall ome 2efore it,* sa-s Njal *all matters of ontem0t of the"hing, suh as if men 2ear false #itness, or utter a false fin$ing hither, too, shallome all those suits in #hih the @u$ges are $ii$e$ in o0inion in the uarter ourt

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then the- shall 2e summone$ to the &ifth ourt so, too, if men offer 2ri2es, or ta/ethem, for their hel0 in suits. 5n this ourt all the oaths shall 2e of the strongest/in$, an$ t#o men shall follo# eer- oath, #ho shall su00ort on their #or$s of honour #hat the others s#ear. So it shall 2e also, if the 0lea$ings on one si$e areright in form, an$ the other #rong, that the ju$gment shall 2e gien for those thatare right in form. Eer- suit in this ourt shall 2e 0lea$e$ just as is no# $one in theuarter ourt, sae an$ e4e0t that #hen four t#eles are name$ in the &ifthourt, then the 0laintiff shall name an$ set asi$e si4 men out of the ourt, an$ the

$efen$ant other si4 2ut if he #ill not set them asi$e, then the 0laintiff shall namethem an$ set them asi$e as he has $one #ith his o#n si4 2ut if the 0laintiff $oesnot set them asi$e, then the suit omes to naught, for three t#eles shall utter

 ju$gment on all suits. We shall also hae this arrangement in the ourt of 3a#s,that those onl- shall hae the right to ma/e or hange la#s #ho sit on the mi$$le2enh, an$ to this 2enh those onl- shall 2e hosen #ho are #isest an$ 2est."here, too, shall the &ifth ourt sit 2ut if those #ho sit in the ourt of 3a#s are notagree$ as to #hat the- shall allo# or 2ring in as la#, then the- shall lear the ourtfor a $iision, an$ the majorit- shall 2in$ the rest 2ut if an- man #ho has a seat inthe ourt 2e outsi$e the ourt of 3a#s an$ annot get insi$e it, or thin/s himself 

oer2orne in the suit, then he shall for2i$ them 2- a 0rotest, so that the- an hearit in the ourt, an$ then he has ma$e all their grants an$ all their $eisions oi$an$ of none effet, an$ sto00e$ them 2- his 0rotest.*fter that, S/a0ti "horo$'s son 2rought the &ifth ourt into the la#, an$ all that #ass0o/en of 2efore. "hen men #ent to the ill of 3a#s, an$ men set u0 ne#0riesthoo$sC in the Northlan$ers' uarter #ere these ne# 0riesthoo$s. "he0riesthoo$ of the %elmen in %i$firth, an$ the 3aufesingers' 0riesthoo$ in theE-jafirth."hen Njal 2egge$ for a hearing, an$ s0o/e thus *5t is /no#n to man- men #hat 0asse$ 2et#een m- sons an$ the men of Grit#ater

#hen the- sle# "hrain Sigfus' son. But for all that #e settle$ the matter an$ no# 5hae ta/en aus/ul$ into m- house, an$ 0lanne$ a marriage for him if he an get a0riesthoo$ an-#here 2ut no man #ill sell his 0riesthoo$, an$ so 5 #ill 2eg -ou togie me leae to set u0 a ne# 0riesthoo$ at Whiteness for aus/ul$.*e got this leae from all, an$ after that he set u0 the ne# 0riesthoo$ foraus/ul$ an$ he #as after#ar$s alle$ aus/ul$, the Friest of Whiteness.fter that, men ri$e home from the "hing, an$ Njal sta-e$ 2ut a short time at homeere he ri$es east to S#inefell, an$ his sons #ith him, an$ again stirs in the matterof the marriage #ith &losi 2ut &losi sai$ he #as rea$- to /ee0 faith #ith them ineer-thing.

"hen il$igunna #as 2etrothe$ to aus/ul$, an$ the $a- for the #e$$ing feast #asfi4e$, an$ so the matter en$e$. "he- then ri$e home, 2ut the- ro$e again shortl-to the 2ri$al, an$ &losi 0ai$ $o#n all her goo$s an$ mone- after the #e$$ing, an$all #ent off #ell."he- fare$ home to Bergthors/noll, an$ #ere there the ne4t -ear, an$ all #ent #ell2et#een il$igunna an$ Bergthora. But the ne4t s0ring Njal 2ought lan$ in 9ssa2-,an$ han$s it oer to aus/ul$, an$ thither he fares to his o#n a2o$e. Njal got himall his househol$, an$ there #as suh loe 2et#een them all, that none of themthought an-thing that he sai$ or $i$ an- #orth unless the others ha$ a share in it.aus/ul$ $#elt long at 9ssa2-, an$ eah 2a/e$ the other's honour, an$ Njal's sons#ere al#a-s in aus/ul$'s om0an-. "heir frien$shi0 #as so #arm, that eah house2a$e the other to a feast eer- harest, an$ gae eah other great gifts an$ so itgoes on for a long #hile.

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Chapter 1 - The slayin$ of Haus#uld Njal's son

"here #as a man name$ 3-ting he $#elt at Samste$e, an$ he ha$ to #ife a#oman name$ Steinora she #as a $aughter of Sigfus, an$ "hrain's sister. 3-ting#as tall of gro#th an$ a strong man, #ealth- in goo$s an$ ill to $eal #ith.5t ha00ene$ one that 3-ting ha$ a feast in his house at Samste$e, an$ he ha$2i$$en thither aus/ul$ an$ the sons of Sigfus, an$ the- all ame. "here, too, #asGrani Gunnar's son, an$ Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son.

aus/ul$ Njal's son an$ his mother ha$ a farm at olt, an$ he #as al#a-s ri$ing tohis farm from Bergthors/noll, an$ his 0ath la- 2- the homestea$ at Samste$e.aus/ul$ ha$ a son alle$ mun$ he ha$ 2een 2orn 2lin$, 2ut for all that he #astall an$ strong. 3-ting ha$ t#o 2rothers the one's name #as allstein, an$ theother's allgrim. "he- #ere the most unrul- of men, an$ the- #ere eer #ith their2rother, for other men oul$ not 2ear their tem0er.3-ting #as out of $oors most of that $a-, 2ut eer- no# an$ then he #ent insi$e hishouse. t last he ha$ gone to his seat, #hen in ame a #oman #ho ha$ 2een out of $oors, an$ she sai$ *:ou #ere too far off to see outsi$e ho# that 0rou$ fello# ro$e 2- the farm-ar$=*

*What 0rou$ fello# #as that,* sa-s 3-ting, *of #hom thou s0ea/est7**aus/ul$ Njal's son ro$e here 2- the -ar$,* she sa-s.*e ri$es often here 2- the farm-ar$,* sai$ 3-ting, *an$ 5 an't sa- that it $oes nottr- m- tem0er an$ no# 5 #ill ma/e thee an offer, aus/ul$ >Sigfus' son?, to goalong #ith thee if thou #ilt aenge th- father an$ sla- aus/ul$ Njal's son.**"hat 5 #ill not $o,* sa-s aus/ul$, *for then 5 shoul$ re0a- Njal, m- foster father,eil for goo$, an$ ma-st thou an$ th- feasts neer thrie heneforth.*With that he s0rang u0 a#a- from the 2oar$, an$ ma$e them ath his horses, an$ro$e home."hen 3-ting sai$ to Grani Gunnar's son

*"hou #ert 2- #hen "hrain #as slain, an$ that #ill still 2e in th- min$ an$ thou,too, Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ thou, 3am2i Sigur$'s son. No#, m- #ill is that #e ri$eto meet him this eening, an$ sla- him.**No,* sa-s Grani, *5 #ill not fall on Njal's son, an$ so 2rea/ the atonement #hihgoo$ men an$ true hae ma$e.*With li/e #or$s s0o/e eah man of them, an$ so, too, s0o/e all the sons of Sigfusan$ the- too/ that ounsel to ri$e a#a-."hen 3-ting sai$, #hen the- ha$ gone a#a- *ll men /no# that 5 hae ta/en no atonement for m- 2rotherinla# "hrain, an$ 5shall neer 2e ontent that no engeane man for man shall 2e ta/en for him.*

fter that he alle$ on his t#o 2rothers to go #ith him, an$ three housearles as#ell. "he- #ent on the #a- to meet aus/ul$ >Njal's son? as he ame 2a/, an$ la-in #ait for him north of the farm-ar$ in a 0it an$ there the- 2i$e$ till it #as a2outmi$een >si4 o'lo/ F.%.?. "hen aus/ul$ ro$e u0 to them. "he- jum0 u0 all of them #ith their arms, an$ fall on him. aus/ul$ guar$e$ himself #ell, so that for along #hile the- oul$ not get the 2etter of him 2ut the en$ of it #as at last that he#oun$e$ 3-ting on the arm, an$ sle# t#o of his seringmen, an$ then fell himself."he- gae aus/ul$ si4teen #oun$s, 2ut the- he#e$ not off the hea$ from his2o$-. "he- fare$ a#a- into the #oo$ east of angrier, an$ hi$ themseles there."hat same eening, o$n-'s she0her$ foun$ aus/ul$ $ea$, an$ #ent home an$tol$ o$n- of her son's sla-ing.*Was he surel- $ea$7* she as/s *#as his hea$ off7**5t #as not,* he sa-s.*5 shall /no# if 5 see,* she sa-s *so ta/e thou m- horse an$ $riing gear.*e $i$ so, an$ got all things rea$-, an$ then the- #ent thither #here aus/ul$ la-.

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She loo/e$ at the #oun$s, an$ sai$ *'"is een as 5 thought, that he oul$ not 2e uite $ea$, an$ Njal no $ou2t an uregreater #oun$s.*fter that the- too/ the 2o$- an$ lai$ it on the sle$ge an$ $roe to Bergthors/noll,an$ $re# it into the shee0ote, an$ ma$e him sit u0right against the #all."hen the- #ent 2oth of them an$ /no/e$ at the $oor, an$ a housearle #ent tothe $oor. She steals in 2- him at one, an$ goes till she omes to Njal's 2e$.She as/e$ #hether Njal #ere a#a/e7 e sai$ he ha$ sle0t u0 to that time, 2ut #as

then a#a/e.*But #h- art thou ome hither so earl-7**ise thou u0,* sai$ o$n-, *from th- 2e$ 2- m- rial's si$e, an$ ome out, an$ shetoo, an$ th- sons, to see th- son aus/ul$.*"he- rose an$ #ent out.*3et us ta/e our #ea0ons,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *an$ hae them #ith us.*Njal sai$ naught at that, an$ the- ran in an$ ame out again arme$.She goes first till the- ome to the shee0ote she goes in an$ 2a$e them follo#her. "hen she lit a torh an$ hel$ it u0 an$ sai$ *ere, Njal, is th- son aus/ul$, an$ he hath gotten man- #oun$s u0on him, an$

no# he #ill nee$ leehraft.**5 see $eath mar/s on him,* sai$ Njal, *2ut no signs of life 2ut #h- hast thou notlose$ his e-es an$ nostrils7 see, his nostrils are still o0en=**"hat $ut- 5 meant for S/ar0he$inn,* she sa-s."hen S/ar0he$inn #ent to lose his e-es an$ nostrils, an$ sai$ to his father *Who, sa-est thou, hath slain him7**3-ting of Samste$e an$ his 2rothers must hae slain him,* sa-s Njal."hen o$n- sai$, *5nto th- han$s, S/ar0he$inn, 5 leae it to ta/e engeane for th-2rother, an$ 5 #een that thou #ilt ta/e it #ell, though he 2e not la#full- 2egotten,an$ that thou #ilt not 2e slo# to ta/e it*.

*Won$erfull- $o -e men 2ehae,* sai$ Bergthora, *#hen -e sla- men for smallause, 2ut tal/ an$ tarr- oer suh #rongs as this until no engeane at all ista/en an$ no# ti$ings of this #ill soon ome to aus/ul$, the Friest of Whiteness,an$ he #ill 2e offering -ou atonement, an$ -ou #ill grant him that, 2ut no# is thetime to at a2out it, if -e see/ for engeane.**9ur mother eggs us on no# #ith a just goa$ing,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, an$ sang asong.Well #e /no# the #arrior's tem0er,9ne an$ all, #ell, father thine,But atonement to the mother,

Sna/elan$'s stem an$ thee #ere 2asee that hoar$eth oean's fireearing this #ill leae his homeWoun$ of #ea0on us hath smitten,Worse the lot of those that #ait=fter that the- all ran out of the shee0ote, 2ut o$n- #ent in$oors #ith Njal, an$#as there the rest of the night.

Chapter 1& - The slayin$ of :ytin$'s rothers

No# #e must s0ea/ of S/ar0he$inn an$ his 2rothers, ho# the- 2en$ their ourseu0 to angrier. "hen S/ar0he$inn sai$

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*Stan$ #e here an$ listen, an$ let us go still-, for 5 hear the oies of men u0 alongthe rier's 2an/. But #ill -e, elgi an$ Grim, $eal #ith 3-ting singlehan$e$, or #ith2oth his 2rothers7*"he- sai$ the- #oul$ sooner $eal #ith 3-ting alone.*Still,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *there is more game in him, an$ methin/s it #ere ill if hegets a#a-, 2ut 5 trust m-self 2est for not letting him esa0e.**We #ill ta/e suh ste0s,* sa-s elgi, *if #e get a hane at him, that he shall notsli0 through our fingers.*

"hen the- #ent thither#ar$, Where the- hear$ the oies of men, an$ see #here3-ting an$ his 2rothers are 2- a stream.S/ar0he$inn lea0s oer the stream at one, an$ alights on the san$- 2rin/ on theother si$e. "here u0on it stan$s allgrim an$ his 2rother. S/ar0he$inn smites atallgrim's thigh, so that he ut the leg lean off, 2ut he gras0s allstein #ith his lefthan$. 3-ting thrust at S/ar0he$inn, 2ut elgi ame u0 then an$ thre# his shiel$2efore the s0ear, an$ aught the 2lo# on it. 3-ting too/ u0 a stone an$ hurle$ it atS/ar0he$inn, an$ he lost his hol$ on allstein. allstein s0rang u0 the san$- 2an/,2ut oul$ get u0 it in no other #a- than 2- ra#ling on his han$s an$ /nees.S/ar0he$inn ma$e a si$e 2lo# at him #ith his a4e, *the ogress of #ar,* an$ he#s

asun$er his 2a/2one. No# 3-ting turns an$ flies, 2ut elgi an$ Grim 2oth #entafter him, an$ eah gae him a #oun$, 2ut still 3-ting got aross the rier a#a-from them, an$ so to the horses, an$ gallo0s till he omes to 9ssa2-.aus/ul$ #as at home, an$ meets him at one. 3-ting tol$ him of these $ee$s.*Suh things #ere to 2e loo/e$ for 2- thee,* sa-s aus/ul$. *"hou hast 2ehae$li/e a ma$man, an$ here the truth of the ol$ sa# #ill 2e 0roe$C '2ut a short #hileis han$ fain of 2lo#'. %ethin/s #hat thou hast got to loo/ to no# is #hether thou#ilt 2e a2le to sae th- life or not.**Sure enough,* sa-s 3-ting, *5 ha$ har$ #or/ to get a#a-, 2ut still 5 #ish no# thatthou #oul$est get me atone$ #ith Njal an$ his sons, so that 5 might /ee0 m-

farm.**So it shall 2e,* sa-s aus/ul$.fter that aus/ul$ ma$e them sa$$le his horse, an$ ro$e to Bergthors/noll #ithfie men. Njal's sons #ere then ome home an$ ha$ lai$ them $o#n to slee0.aus/ul$ #ent at one to see Njal, an$ the- 2egan to tal/.*ither am 5 ome,* sai$ aus/ul$ to Njal, *to 2eg a 2oon on 2ehalf of 3-ting, m-unle. e has $one great #i/e$ness against -ou an$ -ours, 2ro/en his atonementan$ slain th- son.**3-ting #ill 0erha0s thin/,* sai$ Njal, *that he has alrea$- 0ai$ a hea- fine in theloss of his 2rothers, 2ut if 5 grant him an- terms, 5 shall let him rea0 the goo$ of 

m- loe for thee, an$ 5 #ill tell thee 2efore 5 utter the a#ar$ of atonement, that3-ting's 2rothers shall fall as outla#s. Nor shall 3-ting hae an- atonement for his#oun$s, 2ut on the other han$, he shall 0a- the full 2loo$fine for aus/ul$.**%- #ish,* sai$ aus/ul$, *is, that thou shoul$est ma/e thine o#n terms.**Well,* sa-s Njal, *then 5 #ill utter the a#ar$ at one if thou #ilt.**Wilt thou,* sa-s aus/ul$, *that th- sons shoul$ 2e 2-7**"hen #e shoul$ 2e no nearer an atonement than #e #ere 2efore,* sa-s Njal, *2utthe- #ill /ee0 to the atonement #hih 5 utter.*"hen aus/ul$ sai$, *3et us lose the matter then, an$ han$sel him 0eae on2ehalf of th- sons*.*So it shall 2e,* sa-s Njal. *%- #ill then is that he 0a-s t#o hun$re$ in siler for thesla-ing of aus/ul$, 2ut he ma- still $#ell at Samste$e an$ -et 5 thin/ it #ere#iser if he sol$ his lan$ an$ hange$ his a2o$e 2ut not for this uarrel neither 5nor m- sons #ill 2rea/ our 0le$ges of 0eae to himC 2ut methin/s it ma- 2e that

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some one ma- rise u0 in this ountr- against #hom he ma- hae to 2e on hisguar$. :et, lest it shoul$ seem that 5 ma/e a man an outast from his natie 0lae,5 allo# him to 2e here in this neigh2ourhoo$, 2ut in that ase he alone isans#era2le for #hat ma- ha00en.*fter that aus/ul$ fare$ home, an$ Njal's sons #o/e u0 as he #ent, an$ as/e$their father #ho ha$ ome, 2ut he tol$ them that his fosterson aus/ul$ ha$ 2eenthere.*e must hae ome to as/ a 2oon for 3-ting then,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn.

*So it #as,* sa-s Njal*5ll #as it then,* sa-s Grim.*aus/ul$ oul$ not hae thro#n his shiel$ 2efore him,* sa-s Njal, *if thou ha$stslain him, as it #as meant thou shoul$st.**3et us thro# no 2lame on our father,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn.No# it is to 2e sai$ that this atonement #as /e0t 2et#een them after#ar$s.

Chapter 1) - Of *%und the Blind

"hat eent ha00ene$ three #inters after at the "hings/ala"hing that mun$ the2lin$ #as at the "hing he #as the son of aus/ul$ Njal's son. e ma$e men lea$him a2out among the 2ooths, an$ so he ame to the 2ooth insi$e #hih #as 3-tingof Samste$e. e ma$e them lea$ him into the 2ooth till he ame 2efore 3-ting.*5s 3-ting of Samste$e here7* he as/e$.*What $ost thou #ant7* sa-s 3-ting.*5 #ant to /no#,* sa-s mun$, *#hat atonement thou #ilt 0a- me for m- father, 5am 2ase2orn, an$ 5 hae touhe$ no fine.**5 hae atone$ for the sla-ing of th- father,* sa-s 3-ting, *#ith a full 0rie, an$ th-father's father an$ th- father's 2rothers too/ the mone- 2ut m- 2rothers fell

#ithout a 0rie as outla#s an$ so it #as that 5 ha$ 2oth $one an ill$ee$, an$ 0ai$$ear for it.**5 as/ not,* sa-s mun$, *as to th- haing 0ai$ an atonement to them. 5 /no# that-e t#o are no# frien$s, 2ut 5 as/ this, #hat atonement thou #ilt 0a- to me7**None at all,* sa-s 3-ting.*5 annot see,* sa-s mun$, *ho# thou anst hae right 2efore Go$, #hen thouhast stri/en me so near the heart 2ut all 5 an sa- is, that if 5 #ere 2lesse$ #iththe sight of 2oth m- e-es, 5 #oul$ hae either a mone- fine for m- father, orreenge man for man an$ so ma- Go$ ju$ge 2et#een us.*fter that he #ent out 2ut #hen he ame to the $oor of the 2ooth, he turne$ shortroun$ to#ar$s the insi$e. "hen his e-es #ere o0ene$, an$ he sai$ *Fraise$ 2e the 3or$= no# 5 see #hat is #ill is.*With that he ran straight into the 2ooth until he omes 2efore 3-ting, an$ smiteshim #ith an a4e on the hea$, so that it sun/ in u0 to the hammer, an$ gies thea4e a 0ull to#ar$s him.3-ting fell for#ar$s an$ #as $ea$ at one.mun$ goes out to the $oor of the 2ooth, an$ #hen he got to the er- same s0oton #hih he ha$ stoo$ #hen his e-es #ere o0ene$, lo= the- #ere shut again, an$he #as 2lin$ all his life after."hen he ma$e them lea$ him to Njal an$ his sons, an$ he tol$ them of 3-ting'ssla-ing.

*"hou ma-est not 2e 2lame$ for this,* sa-s Njal, *for suh things are settle$ 2- ahigher 0o#er 2ut it is #orth #hile to ta/e #arning from suh eents, lest #e utan- short #ho hae suh near laims as mun$ ha$.*

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fter that Njal offere$ an atonement to 3-ting's /insmen. aus/ul$ the Friest of Whiteness ha$ a share in 2ringing 3-ting's /insmen to ta/e the fine, an$ then thematter #as 0ut to an a#ar$, an$ half the fines fell a#a- for the sa/e of the laim#hih he seeme$ to hae on 3-ting.fter that men ame for#ar$ #ith 0le$ges of 0eae an$ goo$ faith, an$ 3-ting's/insmen grante$ 0le$ges to mun$. %en ro$e home from the "hing an$ no# all isuiet for a long #hile.

Chapter 1, - Of 9al$ard the !uileful

+algar$ the guileful ame 2a/ to 5elan$ that summer he #as then still heathen.e fare$ to of to his son %or$'s house, an$ #as there the #inter oer. e sai$ to%or$ *ere 5 hae ri$$en far an$ #i$e all oer the neigh2ourhoo$, an$ methin/s 5 $o not/no# it for the same. 5 ame to Whiteness, an$ there 5 sa# man- tofts of 2oothsan$ muh groun$ leelle$ for 2uil$ing, 5 ame to "hings/ala"hing, an$ there 5 sa#all our 2ooths 2ro/en $o#n. What is the meaning of suh strange things7*

*Ne# 0riesthoo$s,* ans#ers %or$, *hae 2een set u0 here, an$ a la# for a &ifthourt, an$ men hae $elare$ themseles out of m- "hing, an$ hae gone oer toaus/ul$'s "hing.**5ll hast thou re0ai$ me,* sai$ +algar$, *for giing u0 to thee m- 0riesthoo$, #henthou hast han$le$ it so little li/e a man, an$ no# m- #ish is that thou shoul$st 0a-them off 2- something that #ill $rag them all $o#n to $eath an$ this thou anst $o2- setting them 2- the ears 2- tale2earing, so that Njal's sons ma- sla- aus/ul$2ut there are man- #ho #ill hae the 2loo$feu$ after him, an$ so Njal's sons #ill2e slain in that uarrel.**5 shall neer 2e a2le to get that $one,* sa-s %or$.

*5 #ill gie thee a 0lan,* sa-s +algar$ *thou shalt as/ Njal's sons to th- house, an$sen$ them a#a- #ith gifts, 2ut thou shalt /ee0 th- tale2earing in the 2a/ groun$until great frien$shi0 has s0rung u0 2et#een -ou, an$ the- trust thee no #orsethan their o#n seles. So #ilt thou 2e a2le to aenge th-self on S/ar0he$inn forthat he too/ th- mone- from thee after Gunnar's $eath an$ in this #ise, furtheron, thou #ilt 2e a2le to sei<e the lea$ershi0 #hen the- are all $ea$ an$ gone.*"his 0lan the- settle$ 2et#een them shoul$ 2e 2rought to 0ass an$ %or$ sai$ *5 #oul$, father, that thou #oul$st ta/e on thee the ne# faith. "hou art an ol$man.**5 #ill not $o that,* sa-s +algar$. *5 #oul$ rather that thou shoul$st ast off thefaith, an$ see #hat follo#s then.*%or$ sai$ he #oul$ not $o that. +algar$ 2ro/e rosses 2efore %or$'s fae, an$ allhol- to/ens. little after +algar$ too/ a si/ness an$ 2reathe$ his last, an$ he #aslai$ in a airn 2- of.

Chapter 1. - Of Mord and Njal's sons

Some #hile after %or$ ro$e to Bergthors/noll an$ sa# S/ar0he$inn there he fellinto er- fair #or$s #ith them, an$ so he tal/e$ the #hole $a-, an$ sai$ he #ishe$to 2e goo$ frien$s #ith them, an$ to see muh of them.

S/ar0he$inn too/ it all #ell, 2ut sai$ he ha$ neer sought for an-thing of the /in$2efore. So it ame a2out that he got himself into suh great frien$shi0 #ith them,that neither si$e thought the- ha$ ta/en an- goo$ ounsel unless the other ha$ ashare in it.

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Njal al#a-s $isli/e$ his oming thither, an$ it often ha00ene$ that he #as angr-#ith him.5t ha00ene$ one $a- that %or$ ame to Bergthors/noll, an$ %or$ sai$ to Njal'ssons *5 hae ma$e u0 m- min$ to gie a feast -on$er, an$ 5 mean to $rin/ in m-heirshi0 after m- father, 2ut to that feast 5 #ish to 2i$ -ou, Njal's sons, an$ ;arian$ at the same time 5 gie -ou m- #or$ that -e shall not fare a#a- giftless.*"he- 0romise$ to go, an$ no# he fares home an$ ma/es rea$- the feast. e 2a$e

to it man- househol$ers, an$ that feast #as er- ro#$e$."hither ame Njal's sons an$ ;ari. %or$ gae S/ar0he$inn a 2rooh of gol$, an$ asiler 2elt to ;ari, an$ goo$ gifts to Grim an$ elgi."he- ome home an$ 2oast of these gifts, an$ sho# them to Njal. e sai$ the-#oul$ 2e 2ought full $ear, *an$ ta/e hee$ that -e $o not re0a- the gier in the oin#hih he no $ou2t #ishes to get*.

Chapter 1/ - Of the slander of Mord 9al$ard's son

little after Njal's sons an$ aus/ul$ #ere to hae their -earl- feasts, an$ the-#ere the first to 2i$ aus/ul$ to ome to them.S/ar0he$inn ha$ a 2ro#n horse four #inters ol$, 2oth tall an$ sightl-. e #as astallion, an$ ha$ neer -et 2een mathe$ in fight. "hat horse S/ar0he$inn gae toaus/ul$, an$ along #ith him t#o mares. "he- all gae aus/ul$ gifts, an$ assure$him of their frien$shi0.fter that aus/ul$ 2a$e them to his house at 9ssa2-, an$ ha$ man- guests tomeet them, an$ a great ro#$.5t ha00ene$ that he ha$ just then ta/en $o#n his hall, 2ut he ha$ 2uilt three outhouses, an$ there the 2e$s #ere ma$e.

So all that #ere 2i$$en ame, an$ the feast #ent off er- #ell. But #hen men #ereto go home aus/ul$ 0i/e$ out goo$ gifts for them, an$ #ent a 0art of the #a-#ith Njal's sons."he sons of Sigfus follo#e$ him an$ all the ro#$, an$ 2oth si$es sai$ that nothingshoul$ eer ome 2et#een them to s0oil their frien$shi0. little #hile after %or$ ame to 9ssa2- an$ alle$ aus/ul$ out to tal/ #ith him,an$ the- #ent asi$e an$ s0o/e.*What a $ifferene in manliness there is,* sai$ %or$, *2et#een thee an$ Njal's sons="hou gaest them goo$ gifts, 2ut the- gae thee gifts #ith great mo/er-.**o# ma/est thou that out7* sa-s aus/ul$.*"he- gae thee a horse #hih the- alle$ a '$ar/ horse,' an$ that the- $i$ out of mo/er- at thee, 2eause the- thought thee too untrie$, 5 an tell thee also thatthe- en- thee the 0riesthoo$, S/ar0he$inn too/ it u0 as his o#n at the "hing #henthou amest not to the "hing at the summoning of the &ifth ourt, an$ S/ar0he$innneer means to let it go.**"hat is not true,* sa-s aus/ul$, *for 5 got it 2a/ at the &ol/mote last harest.**"hen that #as Njal's $oing,* sa-s %or$. *"he- 2ro/e, too, the atonement a2out3-ting.**5 $o not mean to la- that at their $oor,* sa-s aus/ul$.*Well,* sa-s %or$, *thou anst not $en- that #hen -e t#o, S/ar0he$inn an$ thou,#ere going east to#ar$s %ar/fleet, an a4e fell out from un$er his 2elt, an$ he

meant to hae slain thee then an$ there.**5t #as his #oo$man's a4e,* sa-s aus/ul$, *an$ 5 sa# ho# he 0ut it un$er his2elt an$ no#, %or$, 5 #ill just tell thee this right out, that thou anst neer sa- somuh ill of Njal's sons as to ma/e me 2eliee it 2ut though there #ere aught in it,

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an$ it #ere true as thou sa-est, that either 5 must sla- them or the- me, then#oul$ 5 far rather suffer $eath at their han$s than #or/ them an- harm. But as forthee, thou art all the #orse a man for haing s0o/en this.*fter that %or$ fares home. little after %or$ goes to see Njal's sons, an$ he tal/smuh #ith those 2rothers an$ ;ari.*5 hae 2een tol$,* sa-s %or$, *that aus/ul$ has sai$ that thou, S/ar0he$inn, hast2ro/en the atonement ma$e #ith 3-ting 2ut 5 #as ma$e a#are also that hethought that thou ha$st meant some treaher- against him #hen -e t#o fare$ to

%ar/fleet. But still, methin/s that #as no less treaher- #hen he 2a$e -ou to afeast at his house, an$ sto#e$ -ou a#a- in an outhouse that #as farthest from thehouse, an$ #oo$ #as then hea0e$ roun$ the outhouse all night, an$ he meant to2urn -ou all insi$e 2ut it so ha00ene$ that ogni Gunnar's son ame that night,an$ naught ame of their onslaught, for the- #ere afrai$ of him. fter that hefollo#e$ -ou on -our #a- an$ great 2an$ of men #ith him, then he meant to ma/eanother onslaught on -ou, an$ set Grani Gunnar's son, an$ Gunnar 3am2i's son to/ill thee 2ut their hearts faile$ them, an$ the- $are$ not to fall on thee.*But #hen he ha$ s0o/en thus, first of all the- s0o/e against it, 2ut the en$ of it #asthat the- 2eliee$ him, an$ from that $a- forth a ol$ness s0rung u0 on their 0art

to#ar$s aus/ul$, an$ the- sarel- eer s0o/e to him #hen the- met 2utaus/ul$ sho#e$ them little $eferene, an$ so things #ent on for a #hile.Ne4t harest aus/ul$ fare$ east to S#inefell to a feast, an$ &losi gae him aheart- #elome. il$igunna #as there too. "hen &losi s0o/e to aus/ul$ an$ sai$ *il$igunna tells me that there is great ol$ness #ith -ou an$ Njal's sons, an$methin/s that is ill, an$ 5 #ill 2eg thee not to ri$e #est, 2ut 5 #ill get thee ahomestea$ in S/a0tarfell, an$ 5 #ill sen$ m- 2rother, "horgeir, to $#ell at 9ssa2-.**"hen some #ill sa-,* sa-s aus/ul$, *that 5 am fl-ing thene for fear's sa/e, an$that 5 #ill not hae sai$.**"hen it is more li/el- that great trou2le #ill arise,* sa-s &losi.

*5ll is that then,* sa-s aus/ul$, *for 5 #oul$ rather fall unatone$, than that man-shoul$ rea0 ill for m- sa/e.*aus/ul$ 2us/e$ him to ri$e home a fe# nights after, 2ut &losi gae him a sarletloa/, an$ it #as em2roi$ere$ #ith nee$le#or/ $o#n to the #aist.aus/ul$ ro$e home to 9ssa2-, an$ no# all is uiet for a #hile.aus/ul$ #as so muh 2eloe$ that fe# men #ere his foes, 2ut the same ill#ill#ent on 2et#een him an$ Njal's sons the #hole #inter through.Njal ha$ ta/en as his fosterhil$, "hor$, the son of ;ari. e ha$ also fostere$"horhall, the son of sgrim Elli$agrim's son. "horhall #as a strong man, an$ har$-2oth in 2o$- an$ min$, he ha$ learnt so muh la# that he #as the thir$ greatest

la#-er in 5elan$.Ne4t s0ring #as an earl- s0ring, an$ men are 2us- so#ing their orn.

Chapter 10 - Of Mord and Njal's sons

5t ha00ene$ one $a- that %or$ ame to Bergthors/noll. e an$ ;ari an$ Njal's sonsfell atal/ing at one, an$ %or$ slan$ers aus/ul$ after his #ont, an$ has no#man- ne# tales to tell, an$ $oes naught 2ut egg S/ar0he$inn an$ them on to sla-aus/ul$, an$ sai$ he #oul$ 2e 2eforehan$ #ith them if the- $i$ not fall on him atone.

*5 #ill let thee hae th- #a- in this,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *if thou #ilt fare #ith us,an$ hae some han$ in it.**"hat 5 am rea$- to $o,* sa-s %or$, an$ so the- 2oun$ that fast #ith 0romises, an$he #as to ome there that eening.

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Bergthora as/e$ Njal *What are the- tal/ing a2out out of $oors7**5 am not in their ounsels,* sa-s Njal, *2ut 5 #as sel$om left out of them #hentheir 0lans #ere goo$.*S/ar0he$inn $i$ not lie $o#n to rest that eening, nor his 2rothers, nor ;ari."hat same night, #hen it #as #ellnigh s0ent, ame %or$ +algar$'s son, an$ Njal'ssons an$ ;ari too/ their #ea0ons an$ ro$e a#a-. "he- fare$ till the- ame to9ssa2-, an$ 2i$e$ there 2- a fene. "he #eather #as goo$, an$ the sun just risen.

Chapter 11 - The slayin$ of Haus#uld" the priest of 6hiteness

2out that time aus/ul$, the Friest of Whiteness, a#o/e he 0ut on his lothes,an$ thre# oer him his loa/, &losi's gift. e too/ his ornsiee, an$ ha$ his s#or$in his other han$, an$ #al/s to#ar$s the fene, an$ so#s the orn as he goes.S/ar0he$inn an$ his 2an$ ha$ agree$ that the- #oul$ all gie him a #oun$.S/ar0he$inn s0rang u0 from 2ehin$ the fene, 2ut #hen aus/ul$ sa# him he#ante$ to turn a#a-, then S/ar0he$inn ran u0 to him an$ sai$

*Don't tr- to turn on th- heel, Whiteness 0riest,* an$ he#s at him, an$ the 2lo#ame on his hea$, an$ he fell on his /nees. aus/ul$ sai$ these #or$s #hen he fell*Go$ hel0 me, an$ forgie -ou=*"hen the- all ran u0 to him an$ gae him #oun$s.fter that %or$ sai$ * 0lan omes into m- min$.**What is that7* sa-s S/ar0he$inn.*"hat 5 shall fare home as soon as 5 an, 2ut after that 5 #ill fare u0 to Grit#ater,an$ tell them the ti$ings, an$ sa- 'tis an ill $ee$ 2ut 5 /no# surel- that "horger$a

#ill as/ me to gie notie of the sla-ing, an$ 5 #ill $o that, for that #ill 2e thesurest #a- to s0oil their suit. 5 #ill also sen$ a man to 9ssa2-, an$ /no# ho# soonthe- ta/e an- ounsel in the matter, an$ that man #ill learn all these ti$ingsthene, an$ 5 #ill ma/e 2eliee that 5 hae hear$ them from him.**Do so 2- all means,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn."hose 2rothers fare$ home, an$ ;ari #ith them, an$ #hen the- ame home the-tol$ Njal the ti$ings.*Sorro#ful ti$ings are these,* sa-s Njal, *an$ suh are ill to hear, for sooth to sa-this grief touhes me so nearl-, that methin/s it #ere 2etter to hae lost t#o of m-sons an$ that aus/ul$ lie$.**5t is some e4use for thee,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *that thou art an ol$ man, an$ it isto 2e loo/e$ for that this touhes thee nearl-.**But this,* sa-s Njal, *no less than ol$ age, is #h- 5 griee, that 5 /no# 2etter thanthou #hat #ill ome after.**What #ill ome after7* sa-s S/ar0he$inn.*%- $eath,* sa-s Njal, *an$ the $eath of m- #ife an$ of all m- sons.**What $ost thou foretell for me7* sa-s ;ari.*"he- #ill hae har$ #or/ to go against th- goo$ fortune, for thou #ilt 2e morethan a math for all of them.*"his one thing touhe$ Njal so nearl- that he oul$ neer s0ea/ of it #ithoutshe$$ing tears.

Chapter 111 - Of Hildi$unna and Mord 9al$ard's son

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il$igunna #o/e u0 an$ foun$ that aus/ul$ #as a#a- out of his 2e$.*ar$ hae 2een m- $reams,* she sai$, *an$ not goo$ 2ut go an$ searh for him,aus/ul$.*So the- searhe$ for him a2out the homestea$ an$ foun$ him not.B- that time she ha$ $resse$ herself then she goes an$ t#o men #ith her, to thefene, an$ there the- fin$ aus/ul$ slain.@ust then, too, ame u0 %or$ +algar$'s son's she0her$, an$ tol$ her that Njal'ssons ha$ gone $o#n thene, *an$,* he sai$, *S/ar0he$inn alle$ out to me an$

gae notie of the sla-ing as $one 2- him*.*5t #ere a manl- $ee$,* she sa-s, *if one man ha$ 2een at it.*She too/ the loa/ an$ #i0e$ off all the 2loo$ #ith it, an$ #ra00e$ the gouts of gore u0 in it, an$ so fol$e$ it together an$ lai$ it u0 in her hest.No# she sent a man u0 to Grit#ater to tell the ti$ings thither, 2ut %or$ #as there2efore him, an$ ha$ alrea$- tol$ the ti$ings. "here, too, #as ome ;ettle of the%ar/."horger$a sai$ to ;ettle *No# is aus/ul$ $ea$ as #e /no#, an$ no# 2ear in min$ #hat thou 0romise$st to$o #hen thou too/est him for th- fosterhil$.*

*5t ma- #ell 2e,* sa-s ;ettle, *that 5 0romise$ er- man- things then, for 5 thoughtnot that these $a-s #oul$ eer 2efall us that hae no# ome to 0ass 2ut -et 5 amome into a strait, for 'nose is ne4t of /in to e-es,' sine 5 hae Njal's $aughter to#ife.**rt thou #illing, then,* sa-s "horger$a, *that %or$ shoul$ gie notie of the suitfor the sla-ing7**5 /no# not that,* sa-s ;ettle, *for methin/s ill omes from him more often thangoo$.*But as soon as eer %or$ 2egan to s0ea/ to ;ettle he fare$ the same as others, inthat he thought as though %or$ #oul$ 2e true to him, an$ so the en$ of their

ounil #as that %or$ shoul$ gie notie of the sla-ing, an$ get rea$- the suit ineer- #a- 2efore the "hing."hen %or$ fare$ $o#n to 9ssa2-, an$ thither ame nine neigh2ours #ho $#eltnearest the s0ot.%or$ ha$ ten men #ith him. e sho#s the neigh2ours aus/ul$'s #oun$s, an$ta/es #itness to the hurts, an$ names a man as the $ealer of eer- #oun$ saeone that he ma$e as though he /ne# not #ho ha$ $ealt it, 2ut that #oun$ he ha$$ealt himself. But the sla-ing he gae notie of at S/ar0he$inn's han$, an$ the#oun$s at his 2rothers' an$ ;ari's.fter that he alle$ on nine neigh2ours #ho $#elt nearest the s0ot to ri$e a#a-

from home to the lthing on the inuest.fter that he ro$e home. e sare eer met Njal's sons, an$ #hen he $i$ meetthem, he #as ross, an$ that #as 0art of their 0lan."he sla-ing of aus/ul$ #as hear$ oer all the lan$, an$ #as ills0o/en of. Njal'ssons #ent to see sgrim Elli$agrim's son, an$ as/e$ him for ai$.*:e er- #ell /no# that -e ma- loo/ that 5 shall hel0 -ou in all great suits, 2ut stillm- heart is hea- a2out this suit, for there are man- #ho hae the 2loo$ feu$, an$this sla-ing is ills0o/en of oer all the lan$.*No# Njal's sons fare home.

Chapter 112 - The pedi$ree of !ud%und the 7owerful

"here #as a man name$ Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, #ho $#elt at %o$ruale inE-jafirth. e #as the son of E-jolf the son of Einar. Gu$mun$ #as a might- hief,

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#ealth- in goo$s he ha$ in his house a hun$re$ hire$ serants. e oer2ore inran/ an$ #eight all the hiefs in the north ountr-, so that some left theirhomestea$s, 2ut some he 0ut to $eath, an$ some gae u0 their 0riesthoo$s for hissa/e, an$ from him are ome the greatest 0art of all the 0i/e$ an$ famous familiesin the lan$, suh as *the Foint$#ellers* an$ the *Sturlungs* an$ the*am$#ellers,* an$ the *&leetmen,* an$ ;ettle the 2isho0, an$ man- of thegreatest men.Gu$mun$ #as a frien$ of sgrim Elli$agrim's son, an$ so he ho0e$ to get his hel0.

Chapter 11 - Of Snorri the 7riest" and his sto(#

"here #as a man name$ Snorri, #ho #as surname$ the Friest. e $#elt atelgafell 2efore Gu$runa 9s#if's $aughter 2ought the lan$ of him, an$ $#elt theretill she $ie$ of ol$ age 2ut Snorri then #ent an$ $#elt at amsfirth onSAling$ale's tongue. "horgrim #as the name of Snorri's father, an$ he #as a son of "horstein o$ather. Snorri #as a great frien$ of sgrim Elli$agrim's son, an$ heloo/e$ for hel0 there also. Snorri #as the #isest an$ shre#$est of all these men in

5elan$ #ho ha$ not the gift of foresight. e #as goo$ to his frien$s, 2ut grim tohis foes.t that time there #as a great ri$ing to the "hing out of all the uarters, an$ menha$ man- suits set on foot.

Chapter 11& - Of Flosi Thord's son

&losi hears of aus/ul$'s sla-ing, an$ that 2rings him muh grief an$ #rath, 2utstill he /e0t his feelings #ell in han$. e #as tol$ ho# the suit ha$ 2een set onfoot, as has 2een sai$, for aus/ul$'s sla-ing, an$ he sai$ little a2out it. e sent#or$ to all of the Si$e, his fatherinla#, an$ to 3jot his son, that the- mustgather in a great om0an- at the "hing. 3jot #as thought the most ho0eful man fora hief a#a- there east. 5t ha$ 2een foretol$ that if he oul$ ri$e three summersrunning to the "hing, an$ ome safe an$ soun$ home, that then he #oul$ 2e thegreatest hief in all his famil-, an$ the ol$est man. e ha$ then ri$$en one summerto the "hing, an$ no# he meant to ri$e the seon$ time.&losi sent #or$ to ;ol "horstein's son, an$ Glum the son of ill$ir the ol$, the sonof Gerleif, the son of unun$ #allet2a/, an$ to %o$olf ;ettle's son, an$ the- allro$e to meet &losi.all gae his #or$, too, to gather a great om0an-, an$ &losi ro$e till he ame to

;ir/2-, to Surt s2jorn's son. "hen &losi sent after ;ol2ein Egil's son, his 2rother'sson, an$ he ame to him there. "hene he ro$e to ea$2rin/. "here $#elt "horgrimthe sho#-, the son of "hor/el the fair. &losi 2egge$ him to ri$e to the lthing #ithhim, an$ he sai$ -ea to the journe-, an$ s0o/e thus to &losi *9ften hast thou 2een more gla$, master, than thou art no#, 2ut thou hast someright to 2e so.**9f a truth,* sai$ &losi, *that hath no# ome on m- han$s, #hih 5 #oul$ gie allm- goo$s that it ha$ neer ha00ene$. 5ll see$ has 2een so#n, an$ so an ill ro0 #ills0ring from it.*"hene he ro$e oer rnsta/sheath, an$ so to Solheim that eening. "here $#elt

3o$mun$ Wolf's son, 2ut he #as a great frien$ of &losi, an$ there he sta-e$ thatnight, an$ ne4t morning 3o$mun$ ro$e #ith him into the Dale."here $#elt unolf, the son of Wolf ur0riest.&losi sai$ to unolf

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*ere #e shall hae true stories as to the sla-ing of aus/ul$, the Friest of Whiteness. "hou art a truthful man, an$ hast got at the truth 2- as/ing, an$ 5 #illtrust to all that thou tellest me as to #hat #as the ause of uarrel 2et#een them.**"here is no goo$ in mining the matter,* sai$ unolf, *2ut #e must sa- outrightthat he has 2een slain for less than no ause an$ his $eath is a great grief to allmen. No one thin/s it so muh a loss as Njal, his fosterfather.**"hen the- #ill 2e ill off for hel0 from men,* sa-s &losi *an$ the- #ill fin$ no one tos0ea/ u0 for them.*

*So it #ill 2e,* sa-s unolf, *unless it 2e other#ise fore$oome$.**What has 2een $one in the suit7* sa-s &losi.*No# the neigh2ours hae 2een summone$ on the inuest,* sa-s unolf, *an$ $uenotie gien of the suit for manslaughter.**Who too/ that ste07* as/s &losi.*%or$ +algar$'s son,* sa-s unolf.*o# far is that to 2e truste$7* sa-s &losi.*e is of m- /in,* sa-s unolf *2ut still, if 5 tell the truth of him, 5 must sa- thatmore men rea0 ill than goo$ from him. But this one thing 5 #ill as/ of thee, &losi,that thou giest rest to th- #rath, an$ ta/est the matter u0 in suh a #a- as ma-

lea$ to the least trou2le. &or Njal #ill ma/e a goo$ offer, an$ so #ill others of the2est men.**i$e thou then to the "hing, unolf,* sai$ &losi, *an$ th- #or$s shall hae muh#eight #ith me, unless things turn out #orse than the- shoul$.*fter that the- ease s0ea/ing a2out it, an$ unolf 0romise$ to go to the "hing.unolf sent #or$ to atr the #ise, his /insman, an$ he ro$e thither at one."hene &losi ro$e to 9ssa2-.

Chapter 11) - Of Flosi and Hildi$unna

il$igunna #as out of $oors, an$ sai$, *No# shall all the men of m- househol$ 2eout of $oors #hen &losi ri$es into the -ar$ 2ut the #omen shall s#ee0 the housean$ $e/ it #ith hangings, an$ ma/e rea$- the highseat for &losi.*"hen &losi ro$e into the to#n, an$ il$igunna turne$ to him an$ sai$ *ome in safe an$ soun$ an$ ha00- /insman, an$ m- heart is fain at th- ominghither.**ere,* sa-s &losi, *#e #ill 2rea/ our fast, an$ then #e #ill ri$e on.*"hen their horses #ere tethere$, an$ &losi #ent into the sittingroom an$ sat him$o#n, an$ s0urne$ the highseat a#a- from him on the $ais, an$ sai$ *5 am neither /ing nor earl, an$ there is no nee$ to ma/e a highseat for me to siton, nor is there an- nee$ to ma/e a mo/ of me.*il$igunna #as stan$ing lose 2-, an$ sai$ *5t is ill if it misli/es thee, for this #e $i$ #ith a #hole heart.**5f th- heart is #hole to#ar$s me, then #hat 5 $o #ill 0raise itself if it 2e #ell $one,2ut it #ill 2lame itself if it 2e ill $one.*il$igunna laughe$ a ol$ laugh, an$ sai$ *"here is nothing ne# in that, #e #ill go nearer -et ere #e hae $one.*She sat her $o#n 2- &losi, an$ the- tal/e$ long an$ lo#. fter that the 2oar$ #aslai$, an$ &losi an$ his 2an$ #ashe$ their han$s. &losi loo/e$ har$ at the to#el an$sa# that it #as all in rags, an$ ha$ one en$ torn off. e thre# it $o#n on the 2enh

an$ #oul$ not #i0e himself #ith it, 2ut tore off a 0iee of the ta2leloth, an$ #i0e$himself #ith that, an$ then thre# it to his men.fter that &losi sat $o#n to the 2oar$ an$ 2a$e men eat.

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"hen il$igunna ame into the room an$ #ent 2efore &losi, an$ thre# her hair off her e-es an$ #e0t.*ea-hearte$ art thou no#, /ins#oman,* sai$ &losi, *#hen thou #ee0est, 2ut stillit is #ell that thou shoul$st #ee0 for a goo$ hus2an$.**What engeane or hel0 shall 5 hae of thee7* she sa-s.*5 #ill follo# u0 th- suit,* sai$ &losi, *to the utmost limit of the la#, or strie forthat atonement #hih goo$ men an$ true shall sa- that #e ought to hae as fullamen$s.*

*aus/ul$ #oul$ aenge thee,* she sai$, *if he ha$ the 2loo$feu$ after thee.**"hou la/est not grimness,* ans#ere$ &losi, *an$ #hat thou #antest is 0lain.**rnor 9rnolf's son, of &ors#ater#oo$,* sai$ il$igunna, *ha$ $one less #rongto#ar$s "hor$ &re-'s 0riest th- father an$ -et th- 2rothers ;ol2ein an$ Egil sle#him at S/a0tarfells"hing.*"hen il$igunna #ent 2a/ into the hall an$ unlo/e$ her hest, an$ then she too/out the loa/, &losi's gift, an$ in it aus/ul$ ha$ 2een slain, an$ there she ha$ /e0tit, 2loo$ an$ all. "hen she #ent 2a/ into the sitting room #ith the loa/ she #entu0 silentl- to &losi. &losi ha$ just then eaten his full, an$ the 2oar$ #as leare$.il$igunna thre# the loa/ oer &losi, an$ the gore rattle$ $o#n all oer him.

"hen she s0o/e an$ sai$ *"his loa/, &losi, thou gaest to aus/ul$, an$ no# 5 #ill gie it 2a/ to thee he#as slain in it, an$ 5 all Go$ an$ all goo$ men to #itness, that 5 a$jure thee, 2- allthe might of th- hrist, an$ 2- th- manhoo$ an$ 2raer-, to ta/e engeane for allthose #oun$s #hih he ha$ on his $ea$ 2o$-, or else to 2e alle$ eer- man's$astar$.*&losi thre# the loa/ off him an$ hurle$ it into her la0, an$ sai$ *"hou art the greatest hellhag, an$ thou #ishest that #e shoul$ ta/e that ourse#hih #ill 2e the #orst for all of us. But '#omen's ounsel is eer ruel'.*&losi #as so stirre$ at this, that sometimes he #as 2loo$re$ in the fae, an$

sometimes ash- 0ale as #ithere$ grass, an$ sometimes 2lue as $eath.&losi an$ his men ro$e a#a- he ro$e to oltfor$, an$ there #aits for the sons of Sigfus an$ other of his men.5ngiall$ $#elt at the S0rings he #as the 2rother of o$n-, aus/ul$ Njal's son'smother. 5ngiall$ ha$ to #ife "hraslauga, the $aughter of Egil, the son of "hor$&re-'s 0riest. &losi sent #or$ to 5ngiall$ to ome to him, an$ 5ngiall$ #ent at one,#ith fourteen men. "he- #ere all of his househol$. 5ngiall$ #as a tall man an$ astrong, an$ slo# to me$$le #ith other men's 2usiness, one of the 2raest of men,an$ er- 2ountiful to his frien$s.&losi greete$ him #ell, an$ sai$ to him, *Great trou2le hath no# ome on me an$

m- 2rothersinla#, an$ it is har$ to see our #a- out of it 5 2eseeh thee not to0art from m- suit until this trou2le is 0ast an$ gone.**5 am ome into a strait m-self,* sai$ 5ngiall$, *for the sa/e of the ties that thereare 2et#een me an$ Njal an$ his sons, an$ other great matters #hih stan$ in the#a-.**5 thought,* sai$ &losi, *#hen 5 gae a#a- m- 2rother's $aughter to thee, that thougaest me th- #or$ to stan$ 2- me in eer- suit.**5t is most li/el-,* sa-s 5ngiall$, *that 5 shall $o so, 2ut still 5 #ill no#, first of all,ri$e home, an$ thene to the "hing.*

Chapter 11, - Of Flosi and Mord and the sons of Si$fus

"he sons of Sigfus hear$ ho# &losi #as at oltfor$, an$ the- ro$e thither to meethim, an$ there #ere ;ettle of the %ar/, an$ 3am2i his 2rother, "hor/ell an$ %or$,

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the sons of Sigfus, Sigmun$ their 2rother, an$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son, an$ Gunnar3am2i's son, an$ Grani Gunnar's son, an$ +e2ran$ amon$'s son.&losi stoo$ u0 to meet them, an$ greete$ them gla$l-. So the- #ent $o#n to therier. &losi ha$ the #hole stor- from them a2out the sla-ing, an$ there #as no$ifferene 2et#een them an$ ;ettle of the %ar/'s stor-.&losi s0o/e to ;ettle of the %ar/, an$ sai$ *"his no# 5 as/ of thee ho# tightl- are -our hearts /nit as to this suit, thou an$the other sons of Sigfus7*

*%- #ish is,* sai$ ;ettle, *that there shoul$ 2e 0eae 2et#een us, 2ut -et 5 haes#orn an oath not to 0art from this suit till it has 2een 2rought someho# to an en$,an$ to la- m- life on it.**"hou art a goo$ man an$ true,* sai$ &losi, *an$ it is #ell to hae suh men #ithone.*"hen Grani Gunnar's son an$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son 2oth s0o/e together, an$ sai$ *We #ish for outla#r- an$ $eath.**5t is not gien us,* sai$ &losi, *2oth to share an$ hoose, #e must ta/e #hat #ean get.**5 hae ha$ it in m- heart,* sa-s Grani, *eer sine the- sle# "hrain 2- %ar/fleet,

an$ after that his son aus/ul$, neer to 2e atone$ #ith them 2- a lasting 0eae,for 5 #oul$ #illingl- stan$ 2- #hen the- #ere all slain, eer- man of them.**"hou hast stoo$ so near to them,* sai$ &losi, *that thou mightest hae aenge$these things ha$st thou ha$ the heart an$ manhoo$. %ethin/s thou an$ man-others no# as/ for #hat -e #oul$ gie muh mone- hereafter neer to hae ha$ ashare in. 5 see this learl-, that though #e sla- Njal or his sons, still the- are menof so great #orth, an$ of suh goo$ famil-, that there #ill 2e suh a 2loo$ feu$ an$hue an$ r- after them, that #e shall hae to fall on our /nees 2efore man- a man,an$ 2eg for hel0, ere #e get an atonement an$ fin$ our #a- out of this strait. :ema- ma/e u0 -our min$s, then, that man- #ill 2eome 0oor #ho 2efore ha$ great

goo$s, 2ut some of -ou #ill lose 2oth goo$s an$ life.*%or$ +algar$'s Son ro$e to meet &losi, an$ sai$ he #oul$ ri$e to the "hing #ith him#ith all his men. &losi too/ that #ell, an$ raise$ a matter of a #e$$ing #ith him,that he shoul$ gie a#a- anneiga his $aughter to Star/a$ &losi's 2rother's son,#ho $#elt at Staffell. &losi $i$ this 2eause he thought he #oul$ so ma/e sure 2othof his faithfulness an$ fore.%or$ too/ the #e$$ing /in$l-, 2ut han$e$ the matter oer to Gi<ur the #hite, an$2a$e him tal/ a2out it at the "hing.%or$ ha$ to #ife "hor/atla, Gi<ur the #hite's $aughter."he- t#o, %or$ an$ &losi, ro$e 2oth together to the "hing, an$ tal/e$ the #hole

$a-, an$ no man /ne# aught of their ounsel.

Chapter 11. - Njal and S#arphedinn tal# to$ether

No#, #e must sa- ho# Njal sai$ to S/ar0he$inn *What 0lan hae -e lai$ $o#n for -ourseles, thou an$ th- 2rothers an$ ;ari7**3ittle re/ #e of $reams in most matters,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn *2ut if thou must/no#, #e shall ri$e to "ongue to sgrim Elli$agrim's son, an$ thene to the "hing2ut #hat meanest thou to $o a2out thine o#n journe-, father7**5 shall ri$e to the "hing,* sa-s Njal, *for it 2elongs to m- honour not to 2e seere$

from -our suit so long as 5 lie. 5 #een that man- men #ill hae goo$ #or$s to sa-of me, an$ so 5 shall stan$ -ou in goo$ stea$, an$ $o -ou no harm.*

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"here, too, #as "horhall sgrim's son, an$ Njal's fosterson. "he sons of Njallaughe$ at him 2eause he #as la$ in a oat of russet, an$ as/e$ ho# long hemeant to #ear that7*5 shall hae thro#n it off,* he sai$, *#hen 5 hae to follo# u0 the 2loo$feu$ for m-foster father.**"here #ill eer 2e most goo$ in thee,* sai$ Njal, *#hen there is most nee$ of it.*So the- all 2us/e$ them to ri$e a#a- from home, an$ #ere nigh thirt- men in all,an$ ro$e till the- ame to "hurso#ater. "hen ame after them Njal's /insmen,

"horleif ro#, an$ "horgrim the 2ig the- #ere olt"horir's sons, an$ offere$ theirhel0 an$ follo#ing to Njal's sons, an$ the- too/ that gla$l-.So the- ro$e altogether aross "hurso#ater, until the- ame on 3a4#ater 2an/, an$too/ a rest an$ 2aite$ their horses there, an$ there jallti's S/eggi's son ame tomeet them, an$ Njal's sons fell to tal/ing #ith him, an$ the- tal/e$ long an$ lo#.*No#, 5 #ill sho#,* sai$ jallti, *that 5 am not 2la/hearte$ Njal has as/e$ me forhel0, an$ 5 hae agree$ to it, an$ gien m- #or$ to ai$ him he has often gien mean$ man- others the #orth of it in unning ounsel.*jallti tells Njal all a2out &losi's $oings. "he- sent "horhall on to "ongue to tellsgrim that the- #oul$ 2e there that eening an$ sgrim ma$e rea$- at one, an$

#as out of $oors to meet them #hen Njal ro$e into the to#n.Njal #as la$ in a 2lue a0e, an$ ha$ a felt hat on his hea$, an$ a small a4e in hishan$. sgrim hel0e$ Njal off his horse, an$ le$ him an$ sate him $o#n in his o#nseat. fter that the- all #ent in, Njal's sons an$ ;ari. "hen sgrim #ent out.jallti #ishe$ to turn a#a-, an$ thought there #ere too man- there 2ut sgrimaught hol$ of his reins, an$ sai$ he shoul$ neer hae his #a- in ri$ing off, an$ma$e men unsa$$le their horses, an$ le$ jallti in an$ sate him $o#n 2- Njal'sai$e 2ut "horleif an$ his 2rother sat on the other 2enh an$ their men #ith them.sgrim sate him $o#n on a stool 2efore Njal, an$ as/e$ *What sa-s th- heart a2out our matter7*

*5t s0ea/s rather heail-,* sa-s Njal, *for 5 am afrai$ that #e shall hae no lu/-men #ith us in the suit 2ut 5 #oul$, frien$, that thou shoul$est sen$ after all themen #ho 2elong to th- "hing, an$ ri$e to the lthing #ith me.**5 hae al#a-s meant to $o that,* sa-s sgrim *an$ this 5 #ill 0romise thee at thesame time that 5 #ill neer leae th- ause #hile 5 an get an- men to follo# me.*But all those #ho #ere in the house than/e$ him, an$ sai$, that #as 2rael-s0o/en. "he- #ere there that night, 2ut the $a- after all sgrim's 2an$ amethither.n$ after that the- all ro$e together till the- ome u0 on the "hingfiel$, an$ fit u0their 2ooths.

Chapter 11/ - *s$ri% and Njal's sons pray %en for help

B- that time &losi ha$ ome to the "hing, an$ fille$ all his 2ooths. unolf fille$ theDale$#ellers' 2ooths, an$ %or$ the 2ooths of the men from angrier. all of theSi$e ha$ long sine ome from the east, 2ut sare an- of the other men 2ut stillall of the Si$e ha$ ome #ith a great 2an$, an$ joine$ this at one to &losi'som0an-, an$ 2egge$ him to ta/e an atonement an$ to ma/e 0eae.all #as a #ise man an$ goo$hearte$, &losi ans#ere$ him #ell in eer-thing, 2utgae #a- in nothing.

all as/e$ #hat men ha$ 0romise$ him hel07 &losi name$ %or$ +algar$'s son, an$sai$ he ha$ as/e$ for his $aughter at the han$ of his /insman Star/a$.all sai$ she #as a goo$ math, 2ut it #as ill $ealing #ith %or$, *an$ that thou #ilt0ut to the 0roof ere this "hing 2e oer*.

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fter that the- ease$ tal/ing.9ne $a- Njal an$ sgrim ha$ a long tal/ in seret."hen all at one sgrim s0rang u0 an$ sai$ to Njal's sons *We must set a2out see/ing frien$s, that #e ma- not 2e oer2orne 2- fore forthis suit #ill 2e follo#e$ u0 2ol$l-.*"hen sgrim #ent out, an$ elgi Njal's son ne4t then ;ari Solmun$'s son thenGrim Njal's son then S/ar0he$inn then "horhall then "horgrim the 2ig then"horleif ro#.

"he- #ent to the 2ooth of Gi<ur the #hite an$ insi$e it. Gi<ur stoo$ u0 to meetthem, an$ 2a$e them sit $o#n an$ $rin/.*Not thither#ar$,* sa-s sgrim, *ten$s our #a-, an$ #e #ill s0ea/ our erran$ outlou$, an$ not mutter an$ mouth a2out it. What hel0 shall 5 hae from thee, as thouart m- /insman7**@orunn m- sister,* sai$ Gi<ur, *#oul$ #ish that 5 shoul$ not shrin/ from stan$ing2- thee an$ so it shall 2e no# an$ hereafter, that #e #ill 2oth of us hae the samefate.*sgrim than/e$ him, an$ #ent a#a- after#ar$s."hen S/ar0he$inn as/e$, *Whither shall #e go no#7*

*"o the 2ooths of the men of 9lfus,* sa-s sgrim.So the- #ent thither, an$ sgrim as/e$ #hether S/a0ti "horo$'s son #ere in the2ooth7 e #as tol$ that he #as. "hen the- #ent insi$e the 2ooth.S/a0ti sate on the ross 2enh, an$ greete$ sgrim, an$ he too/ the greeting #ell.S/a0ti offere$ sgrim a seat 2- his si$e, 2ut sgrim sai$ he shoul$ onl- sta- therea little #hile, *2ut still #e hae an erran$ to thee*.*3et me hear it,* sa-s S/a0ti.*5 #ish to 2eg thee for th- hel0, that thou #ilt stan$ 2- us in our suit.**9ne thing 5 ha$ ho0e$,* sa-s S/a0ti, *an$ that is, that neither -ou nor -ourtrou2les #oul$ eer ome into m- $#elling.*

*Suh things are ills0o/en,* sa-s sgrim, *#hen a man is the last to hel0 others,#hen most lies on his ai$.**Who is -on man,* sa-s S/a0ti, *2efore #hom four men #al/, a 2ig 2url- man, an$0alefae$, unlu/-loo/ing, #ell/nit, an$ trollli/e7**%- name is S/ar0he$inn,* he ans#ers, *an$ thou hast often seen me at the "hing2ut in this 5 am #iser than thou, that 5 hae no nee$ to as/ #hat th- name is. "h-name is S/a0ti "horo$'s son, 2ut 2efore thou alle$st th-self 'Bristle0oll,' afterthou ha$st slain ;ettle of El$a then thou shae$st th- 0oll, an$ 0utte$st 0ith onth- hea$, an$ then thou hire$st thralls to ut u0 a so$ of turf, an$ thou re0testun$erneath it to s0en$ the night. fter that thou #entest to "horolf 3o0t's son of 

E-rar, an$ he too/ thee on 2oar$, an$ 2ore thee out here in his meal sa/s.*fter that sgrim an$ his 2an$ #ent out, an$ S/ar0he$inn as/e$ *Whither shall #e go no#7**"o Snorri the Friest's 2ooth,* sa-s sgrim."hen the- #ent to Snorri's 2ooth. "here #as a man outsi$e 2efore the 2ooth, an$sgrim as/e$ #hether Snorri #ere in the 2ooth."he man sai$ he #as.sgrim #ent into the 2ooth, an$ all the others. Snorri #as sitting on the ross2enh, an$ sgrim #ent an$ stoo$ 2efore him, an$ haile$ him #ell.Snorri too/ his greeting 2lithel-, an$ 2a$e him sit $o#n.sgrim sai$ he shoul$ 2e onl- a short time there, *2ut #e hae an erran$ #iththee*.Snorri 2a$e him tell it.

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*5 #oul$,* sai$ sgrim, *that thou #oul$st ome #ith me to the ourt, an$ stan$ 2-me #ith th- hel0, for thou art a #ise man, an$ a great man of 2usiness.**Suits fall hea- on us no#,* sa-s Snorri the Friest, *an$ no# man- men 0ushfor#ar$ against us, an$ so #e are slo# to ta/e u0 the trou2lesome suits of othermen from other uarters.**"hou ma-est stan$ e4use$,* sa-s sgrim, *for thou art not in our $e2t for an-serie.**5 /no#,* sa-s Snorri, *that thou art a goo$ man an$ true, an$ 5 #ill 0romise thee

this, that 5 #ill not 2e against thee, an$ not -iel$ hel0 to th- foes.*sgrim than/e$ him, an$ Snorri the Friest as/e$ *Who is that man 2efore #hom four go, 0alefae$, an$ shar0feature$, an$ #hosho#s his front teeth, an$ has his a4e aloft on his shoul$er7**%- name is e$inn,* he sa-s, *2ut some men all me S/ar0he$inn 2- m- fullname 2ut #hat more hast thou to sa- to me7**"his,* sai$ Snorri the Friest, *that methin/s thou art a #ell/nit, rea$-han$e$man, 2ut -et 5 guess that the 2est 0art of th- goo$ fortune is 0ast, an$ 5 #een thouhast not long to lie.**"hat is #ell,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *for that is a $e2t #e all hae to 0a-, 2ut still it

#ere more nee$ful to aenge th- father than to foretell m- fate in this #a-.**%an- hae sai$ that 2efore,* sa-s Snorri, *an$ 5 #ill not 2e angr- at suh #or$s.*fter that the- #ent out, an$ got no hel0 there. "hen the- fare$ to the 2ooths of the men of S/agafirth. "here afr the #ealth- ha$ his 2ooth. "he mother of afr#as name$ "horuna, she #as a $aughter of s2jorn 2al$0ate of %-r/a, the son of ros2jorn.sgrim an$ his 2an$ #ent into the 2ooth, an$ afr sate in the mi$st of it, an$ #astal/ing to a man.sgrim #ent u0 to him, an$ haile$ him #ell he too/ it /in$l-, an$ 2a$e him sit$o#n.

*"his 5 #oul$ as/ of thee,* sai$ sgrim, *that thou #oul$st grant me an$ m- sonsinla# hel0.*afr ans#ere$ shar0 an$ ui/, an$ sai$ he #oul$ hae nothing to $o #ith theirtrou2les.*But still 5 must as/ #ho that 0alefae$ man is 2efore #hom four men go, so illloo/ing, as though he ha$ ome out of the searags.**Neer min$, mil/so0 that thou art=* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *#ho 5 am, for 5 #ill $are togo for#ar$ #hereer thou stan$est 2efore me, an$ little #oul$ 5 fear though suhstri0lings #ere in m- 0ath. '"#ere rather th- $ut-, too, to get 2a/ th- sisterS#anlauga, #hom E-$is irons#or$ an$ his messmate Ste$ia/oll too/ a#a- out of 

th- house, 2ut thou $i$st not $are to $o aught against them.**3et us go out,* sai$ sgrim, *there is no ho0e of hel0 here.*"hen the- #ent out to the 2ooths of men of %o$ruale, an$ as/e$ #hetherGu$mun$ the 0o#erful #ere in the 2ooth, 2ut the- #ere tol$ he #as."hen the- #ent into the 2ooth. "here #as a high seat in the mi$st of it, an$ theresate Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful.sgrim #ent an$ stoo$ 2efore him, an$ haile$ him.Gu$mun$ too/ his greeting #ell, an$ as/e$ him to sit $o#n.*5 #ill not sit,* sai$ sgrim, *2ut 5 #ish to 0ra- thee for hel0, for thou art a 2ol$man an$ a might- hief.**5 #ill not 2e against thee,* sai$ Gu$mun$, *2ut if 5 see fit to -iel$ thee hel0, #ema- #ell tal/ of that after#ar$s,* an$ so he treate$ them #ell an$ /in$l- in eer-#a-.sgrim than/e$ him for his #or$s, an$ Gu$mun$ sai$

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*"here is one man in -our 2an$ at #hom 5 hae ga<e$ for a#hile, an$ he seems tome more terri2le than most men that 5 hae seen.**Whih is he7* sa-s sgrim.*&our go 2efore him,* sa-s Gu$mun$ *$ar/ 2ro#n is his hair, an$ 0ale is his faetall of gro#th an$ stur$-. So ui/ an$ shift- in his manliness, that 5 #oul$ ratherhae his follo#ing than that of ten other men 2ut -et the man is unlu/-loo/ing.**5 /no#,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *that thou s0ea/est at me, 2ut it $oes not go in thesame #a- as to lu/ #ith me an$ thee. 5 hae 2lame, in$ee$, from the sla-ing of 

aus/ul$, the Whiteness 0riest, as is fair an$ right 2ut 2oth "hor/el foulmouth an$"horir elgi's son s0rea$ a2roa$ 2a$ stories a2out thee, an$ that has trie$ th-tem0er er- muh.*"hen the- #ent out, an$ S/ar0he$inn sai$ *Whither shall #e go no#7**"o the 2ooths of the men of 3ight#ater,* sai$ sgrim."here "hor/el foulmouth ha$ set u0 his 2ooth."hor/el foulmouth ha$ 2een a2roa$ an$ #or/e$ his #a- to fame in other lan$s. eha$ slain a ro22er east in @emtlan$'s #oo$, an$ then he fare$ on east into S#e$en,an$ #as a messmate of Saur/ir the hurl, an$ the- harrie$ east#ar$ ho 2ut to

the east of Balti si$e. "hor/el ha$ to feth #ater for them one eening then hemet a #il$ man of the #oo$s, an$ struggle$ against him long 2ut the en$ of it#as that he sle# the #il$ man. "hene he fare$ east into $als-ssla, an$ there hesle# a fl-ing fire$ra/e. fter that he fare$ 2a/ to S#e$en, an$ thene to Nor#a-,an$ so out to 5elan$, an$ let these $ee$s of $erring $o 2e are$ oer his shut2e$, an$ on the stool 2efore his highseat. e fought, too, on 3ight#ater #a- #ithhis 2rothers against Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, an$ the men of 3ight#ater #on the$a-. e an$ "horir elgi's son s0rea$ a2roa$ 2a$ stories a2out Gu$mun$. "hor/elsai$ there #as no man in 5elan$ #ith #hom he #oul$ not fight in single om2at, or-iel$ an inh to, if nee$ #ere. e #as alle$ "hor/el foulmouth, 2eause he s0are$

no one #ith #hom he ha$ to $o either in #or$ or $ee$.

Chapter 110 - Of S#arphedinn and Thor#el Foul%outh

sgrim an$ his fello#s #ent to "hor/el foulmouth's 2ooth, an$ sgrim sai$ then tohis om0anions, *"his 2ooth "hor/el foulmouth o#ns, a great ham0ion, an$ it#ere #orth muh to us to get his hel0. We must here ta/e hee$ in eer-thing, forhe is self#ille$ an$ 2a$ tem0ere$ an$ no# 5 #ill 2eg thee, S/ar0he$inn, not to letth-self 2e le$ into our tal/.*S/ar0he$inn smile$ at that. e #as so la$, he ha$ on a 2lue /irtle an$ gra-2ree/s, an$ 2la/ shoes on his feet, oming high u0 his leg he ha$ a siler 2elta2out him, an$ that same a4e in his han$ #ith #hih he sle# "hrain, an$ #hih healle$ the *ogress of #ar,* a roun$ 2u/ler, an$ a sil/en 2an$ roun$ his 2ro#, an$his hair #as 2rushe$ 2a/ 2ehin$ his ears. e #as the most sol$ierli/e of men,an$ 2- that all men /ne# him. e #ent in his a00ointe$ 0lae, an$ neither 2eforenor 2ehin$.No# the- #ent into the 2ooth an$ into its inner ham2er. "hor/el sate in the mi$$leof the ross2enh, an$ his men a#a- from him on all si$es. sgrim haile$ him, an$"hor/el too/ the greeting #ell, an$ sgrim sai$ to him *&or this hae #e ome hither, to as/ hel0 of thee, an$ that thou #oul$st ome to

the ourt #ith us.**What nee$ an -e hae of m- hel0,* sai$ "hor/el, *#hen -e hae alrea$- gone toGu$mun$ he must surel- hae 0romise$ thee his hel07**We oul$ not get his hel0,* sa-s sgrim.

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*"hen Gu$mun$ thought the suit li/el- to ma/e him foes,* sai$ "hor/el *an$ so no$ou2t it #ill 2e, for suh $ee$s are the #orst that hae eer 2een $one nor $o 5/no# #hat an hae $rien -ou to ome hither to me, an$ to thin/ that 5 shoul$ 2eeasier to un$erta/e -our suit than Gu$mun$, or that 5 #oul$ 2a/ a #rongfuluarrel.*"hen sgrim hel$ his 0eae, an$ thought it #oul$ 2e har$ #or/ to #in him oer."hen "hor/el #ent on an$ sai$, *Who is that 2ig an$ ugl- fello#, 2efore #hom fourmen go, 0alefae$ an$ shar0feature$, an$ unlu/-loo/ing, an$ rossgraine$7*

*%- name is S/ar0he$inn,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *an$ thou hast no right to 0i/ meout, a guiltless man, for th- railing. 5t neer has 2efallen me to ma/e m- father2o# $o#n 2efore me, or to hae fought against him, as thou $i$st #ith th- father."hou hast ri$$en little to the lthing, or toile$ in uarrels at it, an$ no $ou2t it ishan$ier for thee to min$ th- mil/ing 0ails at home than to 2e here at 4e#ater ini$leness. But sta-, it #ere as #ell if thou 0i/e$st out from th- teeth that stea/ of mare's rum0 #hih thou atest ere thou ro$est to the "hing, #hile th- she0her$loo/e$ on all the #hile, an$ #on$ere$ that thou oul$st #or/ suh filthiness=*"hen "hor/el s0rang u0 in mi/le #rath, an$ luthe$ his short s#or$ an$ sai$ *"his s#or$ 5 got in S#e$en #hen 5 sle# the greatest ham0ion, 2ut sine then 5

hae slain man- a man #ith it, an$ as soon as eer 5 reah thee 5 #ill $rie itthrough thee, an$ thou shall ta/e that for th- 2itter #or$s.*S/ar0he$inn stoo$ #ith his a4e aloft, an$ smile$ sornfull- an$ sai$ *"his a4e 5 ha$ in m- han$ #hen 5 lea0t t#ele ells aross %ar/fleet, an$ sle#"hrain Sigfus' son, an$ eight of them stoo$ 2efore me, an$ none of them oul$touh me. Neer hae 5 aime$ #ea0on at man that 5 hae not smitten him.*n$ #ith that he tore himself from his 2rothers, an$ ;ari his 2rotherinla#, an$stro$e for#ar$ to "hor/el."hen S/ar0he$inn sai$ *No#, "hor/el foulmouth, $o one of these t#o thingsC sheathe th- s#or$ an$ sit

thee $o#n, or 5 $rie the a4e into th- hea$ an$ leae thee $o#n to the hine.*"hen "hor/el sate him $o#n an$ sheathe$ the s#or$, an$ suh a thing neerha00ene$ to him either 2efore or sine."hen sgrim an$ his 2an$ go out, an$ S/ar0he$inn sai$ *Whither shall #e no# go7**ome to out 2ooths,* ans#ere$ sgrim.*"hen #e fare ha/ to our 2ooths #earie$ of 2egging,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn.*5n man- 0laes,* sai$ sgrim, *hast thou 2een rather shar0tongue$, 2ut hereno#, in #hat "hor/el ha$ a share methin/s thou hast onl- treate$ him as is fitting.*"hen the- #ent home to their 2ooths, an$ tol$ Njal, #or$ for #or$, all that ha$

2een $one.*"hings,* he sai$, *$ra# on to #hat must 2e.*No# Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful hear$ #hat ha$ 0asse$ 2et#een "hor/el an$S/ar0he$inn, an$ sai$ *:e all /no# ho# things fare$ 2et#een us an$ the men of 3ight#ater, 2ut 5 haeneer suffere$ suh sorn an$ mo/ing at their han$s as has 2efallen "hor/el fromS/ar0he$inn, an$ this is just as it shoul$ 2e.*"hen he sai$ to Einar of "hera, his 2rother, *"hou shalt go #ith all m- 2an$, an$stan$ 2- Njal's sons #hen the ourts go out to tr- suits 2ut if the- nee$ hel0 ne4tsummer, then 5 m-self #ill -iel$ them hel0*.Einar agree$ to that, an$ sent an$ tol$ sgrim, an$ sgrim sai$ *"here is no man li/e Gu$mun$ for no2leness of min$,* an$ then he tol$ it to Njal.

Chapter 12 - Of the pleadin$ of the suit

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"he ne4t $a- sgrim, an$ Gi<ur the #hite, an$ jallti S/eggi's son, an$ Einar of "hera, met together. "here too #as %or$ +algar$'s son he ha$ then let the suitfall from his han$, an$ gien it oer to the sons of Sigfus."hen sgrim s0o/e.*"hee first 5 s0ea/ to a2out this matter, Gi<ur the #hite, an$ thee jallti, an$ theeEinar, that 5 ma- tell -ou ho# the suit stan$s. 5t #ill 2e /no#n to all of -ou that%or$ too/ u0 the suit, 2ut the truth of the matter is, that %or$ #as at aus/ul$'ssla-ing, an$ #oun$e$ him #ith that #oun$, for giing #hih no man #as name$. 5t

seems to me, then, that this suit must ome to nought 2- reason of a la#ful fla#.**"hen #e #ill 0lea$ it at one,* sa-s jallti.*5t is not goo$ ounsel,* sai$ "horhall sgrim's son, *that this shoul$ not 2e hi$$enuntil the ourts are set.**o# so7* as/s jallti.*5f,* sai$ "horhall, *the- /ne# no# at one that the suit has 2een #rongl- set onfoot, then the- ma- still sae the suit 2- sen$ing a man home from the "hing, an$summoning the neigh2ours from home oer again, an$ alling on them to ri$e tothe "hing, an$ then the suit #ill 2e la#full- set on foot.**"hou art a #ise man, "horhall,* sa- the-, *an$ #e #ill ta/e th- ounsel.*

fter that eah man #ent to his 2ooth."he sons of Sigfus gae notie of their suits at the ill of 3a#s, an$ as/e$ in #hatuarter ourts the- la-, an$ in #hat house in the $istrit the $efen$ants $#elt. Buton the &ri$a- night the ourts #ere to go out to tr- suits, an$ so the "hing #asuiet u0 to that $a-.%an- sought to 2ring a2out an atonement 2et#een them, 2ut &losi #as stea$fast2ut others #ere still more #or$-, an$ things loo/e$ ill.No# the time omes #hen the ourts #ere to go out, on the &ri$a- eening. "henthe #hole 2o$- of men at the "hing #ent to the ourts. &losi stoo$ south at theourt of the men of angrier, an$ his 2an$ #ith him. "here #ith him #as all of 

the Si$e, an$ unolf of the Dale, Wolf ur0riest's son, an$ those other men #hoha$ 0romise$ &losi hel0.But north of the ourt of the men of angrier stoo$ sgrim Elli$agrim's son, an$Gi<ur the #hite, jallti S/eggi's son, an$ Einar of "hera. But Njal's sons #ere athome at their 2ooth, an$ ;ari an$ "horleif ro#, an$ "horgeir raggeir, an$"horgrim the 2ig. "he- sate all #ith their #ea0ons, an$ their 2an$ loo/e$ safe fromonslaught.Njal ha$ alrea$- 0ra-e$ the ju$ges to go into the ourt, an$ no# the sons of Sigfus0lea$ their suit. "he- too/ #itness an$ 2a$e Njal's sons to listen to their oath afterthat the- too/ their oath, an$ then the- $elare$ their suit then the- 2rought

for#ar$ #itness of the notie, then the- 2a$e the neigh2ours on the inuest to ta/etheir seats, then the- alle$ on Njal's sons to hallenge the inuest."hen u0 stoo$ "horhall sgrim's son, an$ too/ #itness, an$ for2a$e the inuest 2-a 0rotest to utter their fin$ing an$ his groun$ #as, that he #ho ha$ gien notie of the suit #as trul- un$er the 2an of the la#, an$ #as himself an outla#.*9f #hom s0ea/est thou this7* sa-s &losi.*%or$ +algar$'s son,* sai$ "horhall, *fare$ to ausl/ul$'s sla-ing #ith Njal's sons,an$ #oun$e$ him #ith that #oun$ for #hih no man #as name$ #hen #itness #asta/en to the $eath#oun$s an$ -e an sa- nothing against this, an$ so the suitomes to naught.*

Chapter 121 - Of the award of atone%ent etween Flosi and Njal

"hen Njal stoo$ u0 an$ sai$

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*"his 5 0ra-, all of the Si$e, an$ &losi, an$ all the sons of Sigfus, an$ all our mentoo, that -e #ill not go a#a-, 2ut listen to m- #or$s.*"he- $i$ so, an$ then he s0o/e thus *5t seems to me as though this suit #ere ome to naught, an$ it is li/el- it shoul$,for it hath s0rung from an ill root. 5 #ill let -ou all /no# that 5 loe$ aus/ul$ morethan m- o#n sons, an$ #hen 5 hear$ that he #as slain, methought the s#eetestlight of m- e-es #as uenhe$, an$ 5 #oul$ rather hae lost all m- sons, an$ thathe #ere alie. No# 5 as/ thee, all of the Si$e, an$ thee unolf of the Dale, an$

thee jallti S/eggi's son, an$ thee Einar of "hera, an$ thee afr the #ise, that 5ma- 2e allo#e$ to ma/e an atonement for the sla-ing of aus/ul$ on m- sons'2ehalf an$ 5 #ish that those men #ho are 2est fitte$ to $o so shall utter thea#ar$.*Gi<ur, an$ afr, an$ Einar, s0o/e eah on their o#n 0art, an$ 0ra-e$ &losi to ta/ean atonement, an$ 0romise$ him their frien$shi0 in return.&losi ans#ere$ them #ell in all things, 2ut still $i$ not gie his #or$."hen all of the Si$e sai$ to &losi *Wilt thou no# /ee0 th- #or$, an$ grant me m- 2oon #hih thou hast alrea$-0romise$ me, #hen 5 0ut 2e-on$ sea "horgrim, the son of ;ettle the fat, th-

/insman, #hen he ha$ slain alli the re$.**5 #ill grant it thee, fatherinla#,* sai$ &losi, *for that alone #ilt thou as/ #hih #illma/e m- honour greater than it ere#hile #as.**"hen,* sai$ all, *m- #ish is that thou shoul$st 2e ui/l- atone$, an$ lettestgoo$ men an$ true ma/e an a#ar$, an$ so 2u- the frien$shi0 of goo$ an$ #orth-men.**5 #ill let -ou all /no#,* sai$ &losi, *that 5 #ill $o aor$ing to the #or$ of all, m-fatherinla#, an$ other of the #orthiest men, that he an$ others of the 2est menon eah si$e, la#full- name$, shall ma/e this a#ar$. %ethin/s Njal is #orth- that 5shoul$ grant him this.*

Njal than/e$ him an$ all of them, an$ others #ho #ere 2- than/e$ them too, an$sai$ that &losi ha$ 2ehae$ #ell."hen &losi sai$ *No# #ill 5 name m- $a-smen >ar2itrators? &irst, 5 name all, m- fatherinla#u<ur from Broa$#ater Surt s2jorn's son of ;ir/2- %o$olf ;ettle's son* he$#elt then at sar *afr the #ise an$ unolf of the Dale an$ it is sare #orth#hile to sa- that these are the fittest men out of all m- om0an-.*No# he 2a$e Njal to name his $a-smen, an$ then Njal stoo$ u0, an$ sai$ *&irst of these 5 name, sgrim Elli$agrim's son an$ jallti S/eggi's son Gi<ur the#hite Einar of "hera Snorri the 0riest an$ Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful.*

fter that Njal an$ &losi, an$ the sons of Sigfus shoo/ han$s, an$ Njal 0le$ge$ hishan$ on 2ehalf of all his sons, an$ of ;ari, his soninla#, that the- #oul$ hol$ to#hat those t#ele men $oome$ an$ one might sa- that the #hole 2o$- of men atthe "hing #as gla$ at that."hen men #ere sent after Snorri an$ Gu$mun$, for the- #ere in their 2ooths."hen it #as gien out that the ju$ges in this a#ar$ #oul$ sit in the ourt of 3a#s,2ut all the others #ere to go a#a-.

Chapter 122 - Of the jud$es

"hen Snorri the 0riest s0o/e thus *No# are #e here t#ele ju$ges to #hom thesesuits are han$e$ oer, no# 5 #ill 2eg -ou all that #e ma- hae no stum2ling2lo/sin these suits, so that the- ma- not 2e atone$*.

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*Will -e,* sai$ Gu$mun$, *a#ar$ either the lesser or the greater outla#r-7 Shallthe- 2e 2anishe$ from the $istrit, or from the #hole lan$7**Neither of them,* sa-s Snorri, *for those 2anishments are often ill fulfille$, an$men hae 2een slain for that sa/e, an$ atonements 2ro/en, 2ut 5 #ill a#ar$ sogreat a mone- fine that no man shall hae ha$ a higher 0rie here in the lan$ thanaus/ul$.*"he- all s0o/e #ell of his #or$s."hen the- tal/e$ oer the matter, an$ oul$ not agree #hih shoul$ first utter ho#

great he thought the fine ought to 2e, an$ so the en$ of it #as that the- ast lots,an$ the lot fell on Snorri to utter it."hen Snorri sai$, *5 #ill not sit long oer this, 5 #ill no# tell -ou #hat m- utteraneis, 5 #ill let aus/ul$ 2e atone$ for #ith tri0le manfines, 2ut that is si4 hun$re$ insiler. No# -e shall hange it, if -e thin/ it too muh or too little.*"he- sai$ that the- #oul$ hange it in nothing.*"his too shall 2e a$$e$,* he sai$, *that all the mone- shall 2e 0ai$ $o#n here atthe "hing.*"hen Gi<ur the #hite s0o/e an$ sai$ *%ethin/s that an har$l- 2e, for the- #ill not hae enough mone- to 0a- their

fines.**5 /no# #hat Snorri #ishes,* sai$ Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, *he #ants that all #e$a-smen shoul$ gie suh a sum as our 2ount- #ill 2esto#, an$ then man- #ill $oas #e $o.*all of the Si$e than/e$ him, an$ sai$ he #oul$ #illingl- gie as muh as an- oneelse gae, an$ then all the other $a-smen agree$ to that.fter that the- #ent a#a-, an$ settle$ 2et#een them that all shoul$ utter thea#ar$ at the ourt of 3a#s.So the 2ell #as rung, an$ all men #ent to the ourt of 3a#s, an$ all of the Si$estoo$ u0 an$ s0o/e

*5n this suit, in #hih #e hae ome to an a#ar$, #e hae 2een all #ell agree$, an$#e hae a#ar$e$ si4 hun$re$ in siler, an$ half this sum #e the $a-smen #ill 0a-,2ut it must all 2e 0ai$ u0 here at the "hing. But it is m- 0ra-er to all the 0eo0lethat eah man #ill gie something for Go$'s sa/e.*ll ans#ere$ #ell to that, an$ then all too/ #itness to the a#ar$, that no oneshoul$ 2e a2le to 2rea/ it.Njal than/e$ them for their a#ar$, 2ut S/ar0he$inn stoo$ 2-, an$ hel$ his 0eae,an$ smile$ sornfull-."hen men #ent from the ourt of 3a#s an$ to their 2ooths, 2ut the $a-smengathere$ together in the freeman's hurh-ar$ the mone- #hih the- ha$

0romise$ to gie.Njal's sons han$e$ oer that mone- #hih the- ha$ 2- them, an$ ;ari $i$ thesame, an$ that ame to a hun$re$ in siler.Njal too/ out that mone- #hih he ha$ #ith him, an$ that #as another hun$re$ insiler.So this mone- #as all 2rought 2efore the ourt of 3a#s, an$ then men gae somuh, that not a 0enn- #as #anting."hen Njal too/ a sil/en sarf an$ a 0air of 2oots an$ lai$ them on the to0 of thehea0.fter that, all sai$ to Njal, that he shoul$ go to feth his sons, *2ut 5 #ill go for&losi, an$ no# eah must gie the other 0le$ges of 0eae*."hen Njal #ent home to his 2ooth, an$ s0o/e to his sons an$ sai$, *No#, are oursuits ome into a fair #a- of settlement, no# are #e men atone$, for all the mone-has 2een 2rought together in one 0lae an$ no# either si$e is to go an$ grant the

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other 0eae an$ 0le$ges of goo$ faith. 5 #ill therefore as/ -ou this, m- sons, not tos0oil these things in an- #a-.*S/ar0he$inn stro/e$ his 2ro#, an$ smile$ sornfull-. So the- all go to the ourt of 3a#s.all #ent to meet &losi an$ sai$ *Go thou no# to the ourt of 3a#s, for no# all the mone- has 2een 2rael- 0ai$$o#n, an$ it has 2een 2rought together in one 0lae.*"hen &losi 2a$e the sons of Sigfus to go u0 #ith him, an$ the- all #ent out of their

2ooths. "he- ame from the east, 2ut Njal #ent from the #est to the ourt of 3a#s,an$ the sons #ith him.S/ar0he$inn #ent to the mi$$le 2enh an$ stoo$ there.&losi #ent into the ourt of 3a#s to loo/ losel- at his mone-, an$ sai$ *"his mone- is 2oth great an$ goo$, an$ #ell 0ai$ $o#n, as #as to 2e loo/e$ for.*fter that he too/ u0 the sarf, an$ #ae$ it, an$ as/e$ *Who ma- hae gien this7*But no man ans#ere$ him. seon$ time he #ae$ the sarf, an$ as/e$ *Who ma- hae gien this7* an$ laughe$, 2ut no man ans#ere$ him.

"hen &losi sai$ *o# is it that none of -ou /no#s #ho has o#ne$ this gear, or is it that none $aresto tell me7**Who7* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *$ost thou thin/, has gien it7**5f thou must /no#,* sai$ &losi, *then 5 #ill tell thee 5 thin/ that th- father the'Bear$less arle' must hae gien it, for man- /no# not #ho loo/ at him #hetherhe is more a man than a #oman.**Suh #or$s are ills0o/en,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *to ma/e game of him, an ol$ man,an$ no man of an- #orth has eer $one so 2efore. :e ma- /no#, too, that he is aman, for he has ha$ sons 2- his #ife, an$ fe# of our /insfol/ hae fallen unatone$

2- our house, so that #e hae not ha$ engeane for them.*"hen S/ar0he$inn too/ to himself the sil/en sarf, 2ut thre# a 0air of 2lue 2ree/sto &losi, an$ sai$ he #oul$ nee$ them more.*Wh-,* sai$ &losi, *shoul$ 5 nee$ these more7**Beause,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *thou art the s#eetheart of the S#inefell's go2lin, if,as men sa-, he $oes in$ee$ turn thee into a #oman eer- ninth night.*"hen &losi s0urne$ the mone-, an$ sai$ he #oul$ not touh a 0enn- of it, an$ thenhe sai$ he #oul$ onl- hae one of t#o thingsC either that aus/ul$ shoul$ fallunatone$, or the- #oul$ hae engeane for him."hen &losi #oul$ neither gie nor ta/e 0eae, an$ he sai$ to the sons of Sigfus

*Go #e no# home one fate shall 2efall us all.*"hen the- #ent home to their 2ooth, an$ all sai$ *ere most unlu/- men hae a share in this suit.*Njal an$ his sons #ent home to their 2ooth, an$ Njal sai$ *No# omes to 0ass #hat m- heart tol$ me long ago, that this suit #oul$ fall hea-on us.**Not so,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn *the- an neer 0ursue us 2- the la#s of the lan$.**"hen that #ill ha00en,* sa-s Njal, *#hih #ill 2e #orse for all of us.*"hose men #ho ha$ gien the mone- s0o/e a2out it, an$ sai$ that the- shoul$ ta/eit 2a/ 2ut Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful sai$ *"hat shame 5 #ill neer hoose for m-self, to ta/e 2a/ #hat 5 hae gien a#a-,either here or else#here.**"hat is #ell s0o/en,* the- sai$ an$ then no one #oul$ ta/e it 2a/.

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"hen Snorri the 0riest sai$, *%- ounsel is, that Gi<ur the #hite an$ jallti S/eggi'sson /ee0 the mone- till the ne4t lthing m- heart tells me that no long time #ill0ass ere there ma- 2e nee$ to touh this mone-*.jallti too/ half the mone- an$ /e0t it safe, 2ut Gi<ur too/ the rest."hen men #ent home to their 2ooths.

Chapter 12 - *n atta(# planned on Njal and his sons

&losi summone$ all his men u0 to the *Great ift,* an$ #ent thither himself.So #hen all his men #ere ome, there #ere one hun$re$ an$ t#ent- of them."hen &losi s0a/e thus to the sons of Sigfus *5n #hat #a- shall 5 stan$ 2- -ou in this uarrel, #hih #ill 2e most to -ourmin$s7**Nothing #ill 0lease us,* sai$ Gunnar 3am2i's son, *until those 2rothers, Njal's sons,are all slain.**"his,* sai$ &losi, *#ill 5 0romise to -ou, -e sons of Sigfus, not to 0art from thisuarrel 2efore one of us 2ites the $ust 2efore the other, 5 #ill also /no# #hether

there 2e an- man here #ho #ill not stan$ 2- us in this uarrel.*But the- all sai$ the- #oul$ stan$ 2- him."hen &losi sai$ *ome no# all to me, an$ s#ear an oath that no man #ill shrin/ from this uarrel.*"hen all #ent u0 to &losi an$ s#ore oaths to him an$ then &losi sai$ *We #ill all of us sha/e han$s on this, that he shall hae forfeite$ life an$ lan$ #houits this uarrel ere it 2e oer.*"hese #ere the hiefs #ho #ere #ith &losiC ;ol the son of "horstein 2roa$0aunh,the 2rother's son of all of the Si$e, roal$ u<ur's son from Broa$#ater, u<ur sonof nun$ #allet2a/, "horstein the fair the son of Gerleif, Glum ill$ir's son, %o$olf 

;ettle's son, "horir the son of "hor$ 5llugi's son of %auratongue, ;ol2ein an$ Egil&losi's /insmen, ;ettle Sigfus' son, an$ %or$ his 2rother, 5ngiall$ of the S0rings,"hor/el an$ 3am2i, Grani Gunnar's son, Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ Sigmun$ Sigfus'son, an$ roar from romun$ste$e."hen &losi sai$ to the sons of Sigfus *hoose -e no# a lea$er, #homsoeer -e thin/ 2est fitte$ for some one man mustnee$s 2e hief oer the uarrel.*"hen ;ettle of the %ar/ ans#ere$ *5f the hoie is to 2e left #ith us 2rothers, then #e #ill soon hoose that this $ut-shoul$ fall on thee there are man- things #hih lea$ to this. "hou art a man of great 2irth, an$ a might- hief, stout of heart, an$ strong of 2o$-, an$ #ise #ithal,an$ so #e thin/ it 2est that thou shoul$st see to all that is nee$ful in the uarrel.**5t is most fitting,* sai$ &losi, *that 5 shoul$ agree to un$erta/e this as -our 0ra-eras/s an$ no# 5 #ill la- $o#n the ourse #hih #e shall follo#, an$ m- ounsel is,that eah man ri$e home from the "hing an$ loo/ after his househol$ $uring thesummer, so long as men's ha-ma/ing lasts. 5, too, #ill ri$e home, an$ 2e at homethis summer 2ut #hen that 3or$'s $a- omes on #hih #inter is eight #ee/s off,then 5 #ill let them sing me a mass at home, an$ after#ar$s ri$e #est aross3oomni0s San$ eah of our men shall hae t#o horses. 5 #ill not s#ell ourom0an- 2e-on$ those #hih hae no# ta/en the oath, for #e hae enough an$ tos0are if all /ee0 true tr-st. 5 #ill ri$e all the 3or$'s $a- an$ the night as #ell, 2ut at

een on the seon$ $a- of the #ee/, 5 shall ri$e u0 to "hreeorner ri$ge a2out mi$een. "here shall -e then 2e all ome #ho hae s#orn an oath in this matter. But if there 2e an- one #ho has not ome, an$ #ho has joine$ us in this uarrel, thenthat man shall lose nothing sae his life, if #e ma- hae our #a-.*

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*o# $oes that hang together,* sai$ ;ettle, *that thou anst ri$e from home on the3or$'s $a-, an$ ome the seon$ $a- of the #ee/ to "hreeorner ri$ge7**5 #ill ri$e,* sai$ &losi, *u0 from S/a0tartongue, an$ north of the E-jafell @o/ul, an$so $o#n into Go$alan$, an$ it ma- 2e $one if 5 ri$e fast. n$ no# 5 #ill tell -ou m-#hole 0ur0ose, that #hen #e meet there all together, #e shall ri$e toBergthors/noll #ith all our 2an$, an$ fall on Njal's sons #ith fire an$ s#or$, an$ notturn a#a- 2efore the- are all $ea$. :e shall hi$e this 0lan, for our lies lie on it.n$ no# #e #ill ta/e to our horses an$ ri$e home.*

"hen the- all #ent to their 2ooths.fter that &losi ma$e them sa$$le his horses, an$ the- #aite$ for no man, an$ ro$ehome.&losi #oul$ not sta- to meet all his fatherinla#, for he /ne# of a suret- that all#oul$ set his fae against all strong $ee$s.Njal ro$e home from the "hing an$ his sons. "he- #ere at home that summer. Njalas/e$ ;ari his soninla# #hether he thought at all of ri$ing east to D-rholms to hiso#n house.*5 #ill not ri$e east,* ans#ere$ ;ari, *for one fate shall 2efall me an$ th- sons.*Njal than/e$ him, an$ sai$ that #as onl- #hat #as li/el- from him. "here #ere

nearl- thirt- fighting men in Njal's house, re/oning the housearles.9ne $a- it ha00ene$ that o$n- aus/ul$'s $aughter, the mother of aus/ul$Njal's son, ame to the S0rings. er 2rother 5ngiall$ greete$ her #ell, 2ut she#oul$ not ta/e his greeting, 2ut -et 2a$e him go out #ith her. 5ngiall$ $i$ so, an$#ent out #ith her an$ so the- #al/e$ a#a- from the farm-ar$ 2oth together. "henshe luthe$ hol$ of him an$ the- 2oth sat $o#n, an$ o$n- sai$ *5s it true that thou hast s#orn an oath to fall on Njal, an$ sla- him an$ his sons7**"rue it is,* sai$ he.* er- great $astar$ art thou,* she sa-s, *thou, #hom Njal hath thrie sae$ fromoutla#r-.*

*Still it hath ome to this,* sa-s 5ngiall$, *that m- life lies on it if 5 $o not this.**Not so,* sa-s she, *thou shalt lie all the same, an$ 2e alle$ a 2etter man, if thou2etra-est not him to #hom thou oughtest to 2ehae 2est.*"hen she too/ a linen hoo$ out of her 2ag, it #as lotte$ #ith 2loo$ all oer, an$torn an$ tattere$, an$ sai$, *"his hoo$, aus/ul$ Njal's son, an$ th- sister's son,ha$ on his hea$ #hen the- sle# him methin/s, then, it is ill o#ing to stan$ 2-those from #hom this mishief s0rang*.*Well=* ans#ers 5ngiall$, *so it shall 2e that 5 #ill not 2e against Njal #hateerfollo#s after, 2ut still 5 /no# that the- #ill turn an$ thro# trou2le on me.**No# mightest thou,* sai$ o$n-, *-iel$ Njal an$ his sons great hel0, if thou tellest

him all these 0lans.**"hat 5 #ill not $o,* sa-s 5ngiall$, *for then 5 am eer- man's $astar$, if 5 tell #hat#as truste$ to me in goo$ faith 2ut it is a manl- $ee$ to sun$er m-self from thisuarrel #hen 5 /no# that there is a sure loo/ing for of engeane 2ut tell Njal an$his sons to 2e#are of themseles all this summer, for that #ill 2e goo$ ounsel, an$to /ee0 man- men a2out them.*"hen she fare$ to Bergthors/noll, an$ tol$ Njal all this tal/ an$ Njal than/e$ her,an$ sai$ she ha$ $one #ell, *for there #oul$ 2e more #i/e$ness in his falling onme than of all men else*.She fare$ home, 2ut he tol$ this to his sons."here #as a arline at Bergthors/noll, #hose name #as Saeuna. She #as #ise inman- things, an$ foresighte$ 2ut she #as then er- ol$, an$ Njal's sons alle$ heran ol$ $otar$, #hen she tal/e$ so muh, 2ut still some things #hih she sai$ ameto 0ass. 5t fell one $a- that she too/ a u$gel in her han$, an$ #ent u0 a2oe the

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house to a sta/ of ethes. She 2eat the sta/ of ethes #ith her u$gel, an$#ishe$ it might neer thrie, *#reth that it #as=*S/ar0he$inn laughe$ at her, an$ as/e$ #h- she #as so angr- #ith the eth sta/.*"his sta/ of ethes,* sai$ the arline, *#ill 2e ta/en an$ lighte$ #ith fire #henNjal m- master is 2urnt, house an$ all, an$ Bergthora m- fosterhil$. "a/e it a#a-to the #ater, or 2urn it u0 as ui/ as -ou an.**We #ill not $o that,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *for something else #ill 2e got to light afire #ith, if that #ere fore$oome$, though this sta/ #ere not here.*

"he arline 2a22le$ the #hole summer a2out the ethsta/ that it shoul$ 2e gotin$oors, 2ut something al#a-s hin$ere$ it.

Chapter 12& - Of portents

t e-/ium on S/ei$ $#elt one unolf "horstein's son. is son's name #asil$iglum. e #ent out on the night of the 3or$'s $a-, #hen nine #ee/s #ere still to#inter he hear$ a great rash, so that he thought 2oth heaen an$ earth shoo/."hen he loo/e$ into the #est *airt,* an$ he thought he sa# therea2outs a ring of 

fier- hue, an$ #ithin the ring a man on a gra- horse. e 0asse$ ui/l- 2- him,an$ ro$e har$. e ha$ a flaming fire2ran$ in his han$, an$ he ro$e so lose to himthat he oul$ see him 0lainl-. e #as as 2la/ as 0ith, an$ he sung this song #itha might- oie ere 5 ri$e s#ift stee$,is flan/ fle/e$ #ith rime,ain from his mane $ri0s,orse might- for harm&lames flare at eah en$,Gall glo#s in the mi$st,

So fares it #ith &losi's re$ess this flaming 2ran$ fliesn$ so fares it #ith &losi's re$ess this flaming 2ran$ flies."hen he thought he hurle$ the fire2ran$ east to#ar$s the fells 2efore him, an$ suha 2la<e of fire lea0t u0 to meet it that he oul$ not see the fells for the 2la<e. 5tseeme$ as though that man ro$e east among the flames an$ anishe$ there.fter that he #ent to his 2e$, an$ #as senseless a long time, 2ut at last he ame tohimself. e 2ore in min$ all that ha$ ha00ene$, an$ tol$ his father, 2ut he 2a$e himtell it to jallti S/eggi's son. So he #ent an$ tol$ jallti, 2ut he sai$ he ha$ seen*'the Wolfs ri$e,' an$ that omes eer 2efore great ti$ings*.

Chapter 12) - Flosi's journey fro% ho%e

&losi 2us/e$ him from the east #hen t#o months #ere still to #inter, an$summone$ to him all his men #ho ha$ 0romise$ him hel0 an$ om0an-. Eah of them ha$ t#o horses an$ goo$ #ea0ons, an$ the- all ame to S#inefell, an$ #erethere that night.&losi ma$e them sa- 0ra-ers 2etimes on the 3or$'s $a-, an$ after#ar$s the- sate$o#n to meat. e s0o/e to his househol$, an$ tol$ them #hat #or/ eah #as to $o

#hile he #as a#a-. fter that he #ent to his horses.&losi an$ his men ro$e first #est on the San$. &losi 2a$e them not to ri$e too har$at first 2ut sai$ the- #oul$ $o #ell enough at that 0ae, an$ he 2a$e all to #ait forthe others if an- of them ha$ nee$ to sto0. "he- ro$e #est to Woo$om2e, an$

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ame to ;ir/2-. &losi there 2a$e all men to ome into the hurh, an$ 0ra- to Go$,an$ men $i$ so.fter that the- mounte$ their horses, an$ ro$e on the fell, an$ so to &ish#aters,an$ ro$e a little to the #est of the la/es, an$ so stru/ $o#n #est on to the San$."hen the- left E-jafell @o/ul on their left han$, an$ so ame $o#n into Go$alan$,an$ so on to %ar/fleet, an$ ame a2out nones on the seon$ $a- of the #ee/ to"hreeorner ri$ge, an$ #aite$ till mi$een. "hen all ha$ ame thither sae 5ngiall$of the S0rings.

"he sons of Sigfus s0o/e muh ill of him, 2ut &losi 2a$e them not 2lame 5ngiall$#hen he #as not 2-, *2ut #e #ill 0a- him for this hereafter*.

Chapter 12, - Of portents at Ber$thors#noll

No# #e must ta/e u0 the stor-, an$ turn to Bergthors/noll, an$ sa- that Grim an$elgi go to olar. "he- ha$ hil$ren out at foster there, an$ the- tol$ their motherthat the- shoul$ not ome home that eening. "he- #ere in olar all the $a-, an$there ame some 0oor #omen an$ sai$ the- ha$ ome from far. "hose 2rothers

as/e$ them for ti$ings, an$ the- sai$ the- ha$ no ti$ings to tell, *2ut still #e mighttell -ou one 2it of ne#s*."he- as/e$ #hat that might 2e, an$ 2a$e them not hi$e it. "he- sai$ so it shoul$2e.*We ame $o#n out of &leetlithe, an$ #e sa# all the sons of Sigfus ri$ing full-arme$ the- ma$e for "hreeorner ri$ge, an$ #ere fifteen in om0an-. We sa#,too, Grani Gunnar's son an$ Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ the- #ere fie in all. "he-too/ the same roa$, an$ one ma- sa- no# that the #hole ountr-si$e is faring an$flitting a2out.**"hen,* sai$ elgi Njal's son, *&losi must hae ome from the east, an$ the- must

hae all gone to meet him, an$ #e t#o, Grim, shoul$ 2e #here S/ar0he$inn is.*Grim sai$ so it ought to 2e, an$ the- fare$ home."hat same eening Bergthora s0o/e to her househol$, an$ sai$, *No# shall -ehoose -our meat tonight, so that eah ma- hae #hat he li/es 2est for thiseening is the last that 5 shall set meat 2efore m- househol$*.*"hat shall not 2e,* the- sai$.*5t #ill 2e though,* she sa-s, *an$ 5 oul$ tell -ou muh more if 5 #oul$, 2ut thisshall 2e a to/en, that Grim an$ elgi #ill 2e home ere men hae eaten their full tonight an$ if this turns out so, then the rest that 5 sa- #ill ha00en too.*fter that she set meat on the 2oar$, an$ Njal sai$, *Won$rousl- no# it seems tome. %ethin/s 5 see all roun$ the room, an$ it seems as though the ga2le #all #erethro#n $o#n, 2ut the #hole 2oar$ an$ the meat on it is one gore of 2loo$.*ll thought this strange 2ut S/ar0he$inn, he 2a$e men not 2e $o#nast, nor toutter other unseeml- soun$s, so that men might ma/e a stor- out of them.*&or it 2efits us surel- more than other men to 2ear us #ell, an$ it is onl- #hat isloo/e$ for from us.*Grim an$ elgi ame home ere the 2oar$ #as leare$, an$ men #ere muh stru/at that. Njal as/e$ #h- the- ha$ returne$ so ui/l-, 2ut the- tol$ #hat the- ha$hear$.Njal 2a$e no man go to slee0, 2ut to 2e#are of themseles.

Chapter 12. - The onslau$ht on Ber$thors#noll

No# &losi s0ea/s to his men

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*No# #e #ill ri$e to Bergthors/noll, an$ ome thither 2efore su00ertime.*"he- $o so. "here #as a $ell in the /noll, an$ the- ro$e thither, an$ tethere$ theirhorses there, an$ sta-e$ there till the eening #as far s0ent."hen &losi sai$, *No# #e #ill go straight u0 to the house, an$ /ee0 lose, an$ #al/slo#, an$ see #hat ounsel the- #ill ta/e*.Njal stoo$ out of $oors, an$ his sons, an$ ;ari an$ all the seringmen, an$ the-stoo$ in arra- to meet them in the -ar$, an$ the- #ere near thirt- of them.&losi halte$ an$ sai$ *No# #e shall see #hat ounsel the- ta/e, for it seems to

me, if the- stan$ out of $oors to meet us, as though #e shoul$ neer get themaster- oer them*.*"hen is our journe- 2a$,* sa-s Grani Gunnar's son, *if #e are not to $are to fall onthem.**Nor shall that 2e,* sa-s &losi *for #e #ill fall on them though the- stan$ out of $oors 2ut #e shall 0a- that 0enalt-, that man- #ill not go a#a- to tell #hih si$e#on the $a-.*Njal sai$ to his men, *See -e no# #hat a great 2an$ of men the- hae*.*"he- hae 2oth a great an$ #ell/nit 2an$,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn *2ut this is #h-the- ma/e a halt no#, 2eause the- thin/ it #ill 2e a har$ struggle to master us.*

*"hat annot 2e #h- the- halt,* sa-s Njal *an$ m- #ill is that our men go in$oors,for the- ha$ har$ #or/ to master Gunnar of 3ithen$, though he #as alone to meetthem 2ut here is a strong house as there #as there, an$ the- #ill 2e slo# to ometo lose uarters.**"his is not to 2e settle$ in that #ise,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *for those hiefs fell onGunnar's house, #ho #ere so no2lemin$e$, that the- #oul$ rather turn 2a/ than2urn him, house an$ all 2ut these #ill fall on us at one #ith fire, if the- annotget at us in an- other #a-, for the- #ill leae no stone unturne$ to get the 2etter of us an$ no $ou2t the- thin/, as is not unli/el-, that it #ill 2e their $eaths if #eesa0e out of their han$s. Besi$es, 5 am un#illing to let m-self 2e stifle$ in$oors

li/e a fo4 in his earth.**No#,* sai$ Njal, *as often it ha00ens, m- sons, -e set m- ounsel at naught, an$sho# me no honour, 2ut #hen -e #ere -ounger -e $i$ not so, an$ then -our 0lans#ere 2etter furthere$.**3et us $o,* sai$ elgi, *as our father #ills that #ill 2e 2est for us.**5 am not so sure of that,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *for no# he is 'fe-' 2ut still 5 ma-#ell humour m- father in this, 2- 2eing 2urnt in$oors along #ith him, for 5 am notafrai$ of m- $eath.*"hen he sai$ to ;ari, *3et us stan$ 2- one another #ell, 2rotherinla#, so thatneither 0arts from the other*.

*"hat 5 hae ma$e u0 m- min$ to $o,* sa-s ;ari *2ut if it shoul$ 2e other#ise$oome$, #ell= then it must 2e as it must 2e, an$ 5 shall not 2e a2le to fightagainst it.**enge us, an$ #e #ill aenge thee,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *if #e lie after thee.*;ari sai$ so it shoul$ 2e."hen the- all #ent in, an$ stoo$ in arra- at the $oor.*No# are the- all 'fe-,'* sai$ &losi, *sine the- hae gone in$oors, an$ #e #ill goright u0 to them as ui/l- as #e an, an$ throng as lose as #e an 2efore the$oor, an$ gie hee$ that none of them, neither ;ari nor Njal's sons, get a#a- forthat #ere our 2ane.*So &losi an$ his men ame u0 to the house, an$ set men to #ath roun$ the house,if there #ere an- seret $oors in it. But &losi #ent u0 to the front of the house #ithhis men.

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"hen roal$ u<ur's son ran u0 to #here S/ar0he$inn stoo$, an$ thrust at him.S/ar0he$inn he#e$ the s0earhea$ off the shaft as he hel$ it, an$ ma$e anotherstro/e at him, an$ the a4e fell on the to0 of the shiel$, an$ $ashe$ 2a/ the #holeshiel$ on roal$'s 2o$-, 2ut the u00er horn of the a4e aught him on the 2ro#, an$he fell at full length on his 2a/, an$ #as $ea$ at one.*3ittle hane ha$ that one #ith thee, S/ar0he$inn,* sai$ ;ari, *an$ thou art our2ol$est.**5'm not so sure of that,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, an$ he $re# u0 his li0s an$ smile$.

;ari, an$ Grim, an$ elgi, thre# out man- s0ears, an$ #oun$e$ man- men 2ut&losi an$ his men oul$ $o nothing.t last &losi sai$, *We hae alrea$- gotten great mansathe in our men man- are#oun$e$, an$ he slain #hom #e #oul$ hoose last of all. 5t is no# lear that #eshall neer master them #ith #ea0ons man- no# there 2e #ho are not so for#ar$in fight as the- 2oaste$, an$ -et the- #ere those #ho goa$e$ us on most. 5 sa-this most to Grani Gunnar's son, an$ Gunnar 3am2i's son, #ho #ere the least#illing to s0are their foes. But still #e shall hae to ta/e to some other 0lan forourseles, an$ no# there are 2ut t#o hoies left, an$ neither of them goo$. 9ne isto turn a#a-, an$ that is our $eath the other, to set fire to the house, an$ 2urn

them insi$e it an$ that is a $ee$ #hih #e shall hae to ans#er for heail- 2eforeGo$, sine #e are hristian men ourseles 2ut still #e must ta/e to that ounsel.*

Chapter 12/ - Njal's urnin$

No# the- too/ fire, an$ ma$e a great 0ile 2efore the $oors. "hen S/ar0he$inn sai$.*What, la$s= are -e lighting a fire, or are -e ta/ing to oo/ing7**So it shall 2e,* ans#ere$ Grani Gunnar's son *an$ thou shalt not nee$ to 2e2etter $one.*

*"hou re0a-est me,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn, *as one ma- loo/ for from the man thatthou art. 5 aenge$ th- father, an$ thou settest most store 2- that $ut- #hih isfarthest from thee.*"hen the #omen thre# #he- on the fire, an$ uenhe$ it as fast as the- lit it.Some, too, 2rought #ater, or slo0s."hen ;ol "horstein's son sai$ to &losi * 0lan omes into m- min$ 5 hae seen a loft oer the hall among the rosstrees,an$ #e #ill 0ut the fire in there, an$ light it #ith the ethsta/ that stan$s justa2oe the house.*"hen the- too/ the ethsta/ an$ set fire to it, an$ the- #ho #ere insi$e #erenot a#are of it till the #hole hall #as a2la<e oer their hea$s."hen &losi an$ his men ma$e a great 0ile 2efore eah of the $oors, an$ then the#omen fol/ #ho #ere insi$e 2egan to #ee0 an$ to #ail.Njal s0o/e to them an$ sai$, *;ee0 u0 -our hearts, nor utter shrie/s, for this is 2uta 0assing storm, an$ it #ill 2e long 2efore -e hae another suh an$ 0ut -our faithin Go$, an$ 2eliee that e is so meriful that e #ill not let us 2urn 2oth in this#orl$ an$ the ne4t.*Suh #or$s of omfort ha$ he for them all, an$ others still more strong.No# the #hole house 2egan to 2la<e. "hen Njal #ent to the $oor an$ sai$ *5s &losi so near that he an hear m- oie7*&losi sai$ that he oul$ hear it.

*Wilt thou,* sai$ Njal, *ta/e an atonement from m- sons, or allo# an- men to goout7*

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*5 #ill not,* ans#ers &losi, *ta/e an- atonement from th- sons, an$ no# our$ealings shall ome to an en$ one for all, an$ 5 #ill not stir from this s0ot till the-are all $ea$ 2ut 5 #ill allo# the #omen an$ hil$ren an$ housearles to go out.*"hen Njal #ent into the house, an$ sai$ to the fol/ *No# all those must go out to #hom leae is gien, an$ so go thou out "horhallasgrim's $aughter, an$ all the 0eo0le also #ith thee #ho ma-.*"hen "horhalla sai$ *"his is another 0arting 2et#een me an$ elgi than 5 thought of a #hile ago 2ut

still 5 #ill egg on m- father an$ 2rothers to aenge this mansathe #hih is #roughthere.**Go, an$ goo$ go #ith thee,* sai$ Njal, *for thou art a 2rae #oman.*fter that she #ent out an$ muh fol/ #ith her."hen stri$ of Dee02a/ sai$ to elgi Njal's son *ome thou out #ith me, an$ 5 #ill thro# a #oman's loa/ oer thee, an$ tire th-hea$ #ith a /erhief.*e s0o/e against it at first, 2ut at last he $i$ so at the 0ra-er of others.So stri$ #ra00e$ the /erhief roun$ elgi's hea$, 2ut "horhil$a, S/ar0he$inn's#ife, thre# the loa/ oer him, an$ he #ent out 2et#een them, an$ then "horger$a

Njal's $aughter, an$ elga her sister, an$ man- other fol/ #ent out too.But #hen elgi ame out &losi sai$ *"hat is a tall #oman an$ 2roa$ aross the shoul$ers that #ent -on$er, ta/e heran$ hol$ her.*But #hen elgi hear$ that, he ast a#a- the loa/. e ha$ got his s#or$ un$er hisarm, an$ he#e$ at a man, an$ the 2lo# fell on his shiel$ an$ ut off the 0oint of it,an$ the man's leg as #ell. "hen &losi ame u0 an$ he#e$ at elgi's ne/, an$ too/off his hea$ at a stro/e."hen &losi #ent to the $oor an$ alle$ out to Njal, an$ sai$ he #oul$ s0ea/ #ithhim an$ Bergthora.

No# Njal $oes so, an$ &losi sai$ *5 #ill offer thee, master Njal, leae to go out, for it is un#orth- that thou shoul$st2urn in$oors.**5 #ill not go out,* sai$ Njal, *for 5 am an ol$ man, an$ little fitte$ to aenge m-sons, 2ut 5 #ill not lie in shame.*"hen &losi sai$ to Bergthora *ome thou out, house#ife, for 5 #ill for no sa/e 2urn thee in$oors.**5 #as gien a#a- to Njal -oung,* sai$ Bergthora, *an$ 5 hae 0romise$ him this,that #e #oul$ 2oth share the same fate.*fter that the- 2oth #ent 2a/ into the house.

*What ounsel shall #e no# ta/e7* sai$ Bergthora.*We #ill go to our 2e$,* sa-s Njal, *an$ la- us $o#n 5 hae long 2een eager forrest.*"hen she sai$ to the 2o- "hor$, ;ari's son *"hee #ill 5 ta/e out, an$ thou shalt not 2urn in here.**"hou hast 0romise$ me this, gran$mother,* sa-s the 2o-, *that #e shoul$ neer0art so long as 5 #ishe$ to 2e #ith thee 2ut methin/s it is muh 2etter to $ie #iththee an$ Njal than to lie after -ou.*"hen she 2ore the 2o- to her 2e$, an$ Njal s0o/e to his ste#ar$ an$ sai$ *No# shalt thou see #here #e la- us $o#n, an$ ho# 5 la- us out, for 5 mean not tostir an inh hene, #hether ree/ or 2urning smart me, an$ so thou #ilt 2e a2le toguess #here to loo/ for our 2ones.*e sai$ he #oul$ $o so.

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"here ha$ 2een an o4 slaughtere$ an$ the hi$e la- there. Njal tol$ the ste#ar$ tos0rea$ the hi$e oer them, an$ he $i$ so.So there the- la- $o#n 2oth of them in their 2e$, an$ 0ut the 2o- 2et#een them."hen the- signe$ themseles an$ the 2o- #ith the ross, an$ gae oer their soulsinto Go$'s han$, an$ that #as the last #or$ that men hear$ them utter."hen the ste#ar$ too/ the hi$e an$ s0rea$ it oer them, an$ #ent out after#ar$s.;ettle of the %ar/ aught hol$ of him, an$ $ragge$ him out, he as/e$ arefull-after his fatherinla# Njal, 2ut the ste#ar$ tol$ him the #hole truth. "hen ;ettle

sai$ *Great grief hath 2een sent on us, #hen #e hae ha$ to share suh illlu/together.*S/ar0he$inn sa# ho# his father lai$ him $o#n, an$ ho# he lai$ himself out, an$then he sai$ *9ur father goes earl- to 2e$, an$ that is #hat #as to 2e loo/e$ for, for he is an ol$man.*"hen S/ar0he$inn, an$ ;ari, an$ Grim, aught the 2ran$s as fast as the- $ro00e$$o#n, an$ hurle$ them out at them, an$ so it #ent on a #hile. "hen the- hurle$s0ears in at them, 2ut the- aught them all as the- fle#, an$ sent them 2a/ again.

"hen &losi 2a$e them ease shooting, *for all feats of arms #ill go har$ #ith us#hen #e $eal #ith them -e ma- #ell #ait till the fire oeromes them*.So the- $o that, an$ shoot no more."hen the great 2eams out of the roof 2egan to fall, an$ S/ar0he$inn sai$ *No# must m- father 2e $ea$, an$ 5 hae neither hear$ groan nor ough fromhim.*"hen the- #ent to the en$ of the hall, an$ there ha$ fallen $o#n a ross2eaminsi$e #hih #as muh 2urnt in the mi$$le.;ari s0o/e to S/ar0he$inn, an$ sai$ *3ea0 thou out here, an$ 5 #ill hel0 thee to$o so, an$ 5 #ill lea0 out after thee, an$ then #e shall 2oth get a#a- if #e set

a2out it so, for hither#ar$ 2lo#s all the smo/e.**"hou shalt lea0 first,* sai$ S/ar0he$inn *2ut 5 #ill lea0 straight#a- on th- heels.**"hat is not #ise,* sa-s ;ari, *for 5 an get out #ell enough else#here, though it$oes not ome a2out here.**5 #ill not $o that,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn *lea0 thou out first, 2ut 5 #ill lea0 after theeat one.**5t is 2i$$en to eer- man,* sa-s ;ari, *to see/ to sae his life #hile he has ahoie, an$ 5 #ill $o so no# 2ut still this 0arting of ours #ill 2e in suh #ise that#e shall neer see one another more for if 5 lea0 out of the fire, 5 shall hae nomin$ to lea0 2a/ into the fire to thee, an$ then eah of us #ill hae to fare his o#n

#a-.**5t jo-s me, 2rotherinla#,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *to thin/ that if thou gettest a#a-thou #ilt aenge me.*"hen ;ari too/ u0 a 2la<ing 2enh in his han$, an$ runs u0 along the ross2eam,then he hurls the 2enh out at the roof, an$ it fell among those #ho #ere outsi$e."hen the- ran a#a-, an$ 2- that time all ;ari's u00erlothing an$ his hair #erea2la<e, then he thre# himself $o#n from the roof, an$ so re0t along #ith thesmo/e."hen one man sai$ #ho #as nearest *Was that a man that lea0t out at the roof7**&ar from it,* sa-s another *more li/el- it #as S/ar0he$inn #ho hurle$ a fire2ran$at us.*fter that the- ha$ no more mistrust.

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;ari ran till he ame to a stream, an$ then, he thre# himself $o#n into it, an$ souenhe$ the fire on him.fter that he ran along un$er shelter of the smo/e into a hollo#, an$ reste$ himthere, an$ that has sine 2een alle$ ;ari's ollo#.

Chapter 120 - S#arphedinn's death

No# it is to 2e tol$ of S/ar0he$inn that he runs out on the ross2eam straightafter ;ari, 2ut #hen he ame to #here the 2eam #as most 2urnt, then it 2ro/e$o#n un$er him. S/ar0he$inn ame $o#n on his feet, an$ trie$ again the seon$time, an$ lim2s u0 the #all #ith a run, then $o#n on him ame the #all0late, an$he to00le$ $o#n again insi$e."hen S/ar0he$inn sai$ *No# one an see #hat #ill ome* an$ then he #entalong the si$e #all. Gunnar 3am2i's son lea0t u0 on the #all an$ sees S/ar0he$innhe s0o/e thus *Wee0est thou no#, S/ar0he$inn7**Not so,* sa-s S/ar0he$inn, *2ut true it is that the smo/e ma/es one's e-es smart,

2ut is it as it seems to me, $ost thou laugh7**So it is surel-,* sa-s Gunnar, *an$ 5 hae neer laughe$ sine thou sle#est "hrainon %ar/fleet.*"hen S/ar0he$inn sai$ *e no# is a /ee0sa/e for thee* an$ #ith that he too/ outof his 0urse the ja#tooth #hih he ha$ he#n out of "hrain, an$ thre# it at Gunnar,an$ stru/ him in the e-e, so that it starte$ out an$ la- on his hee/."hen Gunnar fell $o#n from the roof.S/ar0he$inn then #ent to his 2rother Grim, an$ the- hel$ one another 2- the han$an$ tro$e the fire 2ut #hen the- ame to the mi$$le of the hall Grim fell $o#n$ea$.

"hen S/ar0he$inn #ent to the en$ of the house, an$ then there #as a great rash,an$ $o#n fell the roof. S/ar0he$inn #as then shut in 2et#een it an$ the ga2le, an$so he oul$ not stir a ste0 thene.&losi an$ his 2an$ sta-e$ 2- the fire until it #as 2roa$ $a-light then ame a manri$ing u0 to them. &losi as/e$ him for his name, 2ut he sai$ his name #asGeirmun$, an$ that he #as a /insman of the sons of Sigfus.*:e hae $one a might- $ee$,* he sa-s.*%en,* sa-s &losi, *#ill all it 2oth a might- $ee$ an$ an ill $ee$, 2ut that an't 2ehel0e$ no#.**o# man- men hae lost their lies here7* as/s Geirmun$.*ere hae $ie$,* sa-s &losi, *Njal an$ Bergthora an$ all their sons, "hor$ ;ari'sson, ;ari Solmun$'s son, 2ut 2esi$es these #e annot sa- for a suret-, 2eause #e/no# not their names.**"hou tellest him no# $ea$,* sai$ Geirmun$, *#ith #hom #e hae gossi00e$ thismorning.**Who is that7* sa-s &losi.*We t#o,* sa-s Geirmun$, *5 an$ m- neigh2our Bar$, met ;ari Solmun$'s son, an$Bar$ gae him his horse, an$ his hair an$ his u00er lothes #ere 2urne$ off him.**a$ he an- #ea0ons7* as/s &losi.*e ha$ the s#or$ '3ifeluller,'* sa-s Geirmun$, *an$ one e$ge of it #as 2lue #ithfire, an$ Bar$ an$ 5 sai$ that it must hae 2eome soft, 2ut he ans#ere$ thus, that

he #oul$ har$en it in the 2loo$ of the sons of Sigfus or the other Burners.**What sai$ he of S/ar0he$inn7* sai$ &losi.*e sai$ 2oth he an$ Grim #ere alie,* ans#ers Geirmun$, *#hen the- 0arte$ 2uthe sai$ that no# the- must 2e $ea$.*

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*"hou hast tol$ us a tale,* sai$ &losi, *#hih 2o$es us no i$le 0eae, for that manhath no# got a#a- #ho omes ne4t to Gunnar of 3ithen$ in all things an$ no#, -esons of Sigfus, an$ -e other Burners, /no# this, that suh a great 2loo$ feu$, an$hue an$ r- #ill 2e ma$e a2out this 2urning, that it #ill ma/e man- a manhea$less, 2ut some #ill lose all their goo$s. No# 5 $ou2t muh #hether an- man of -ou, -e sons of Sigfus, #ill $are to sta- in his house an$ that is not to 2e#on$ere$ at an$ so 5 #ill 2i$ -ou all to ome an$ sta- #ith me in the east, an$ letus all share one fate.*

"he- than/e$ him for his offer, an$ sai$ the- #oul$ 2e gla$ to ta/e it."hen %o$olf ;ettle's son sang a song.But one 0ro0 of Njal's house lieth,ll the rest insi$e are 2urnt,ll 2ut one, those 2ounteous s0en$ers,Sigfus' stal#art sons #rought thisSon of Gollnir no# is glutte$+engeane for 2rae aus/ul$'s $eath,Bris/ fle# fire through th- $#elling,Bright flames 2la<e$ a2oe th- roof.

*We shall hae to 2oast of something else than that Njal has 2een 2urnt in hishouse,* sa-s &losi, *for there is no glor- in that.*"hen he #ent u0 on the ga2le, an$ Glum ill$ir's son, an$ some other men. "henGlum sai$, *5s S/ar0he$inn $ea$, in$ee$7* But the others sai$ he must hae 2een$ea$ long ago."he fire sometimes 2la<e$ u0 fitfull- an$ sometimes 2urne$ lo#, an$ then the-hear$ $o#n in the fire 2eneath them that this song #as sung Dee0, 5 #een, -e 9gre offs0ring=Deilish 2roo$ of giant 2irth,Woul$ -e groan #ith gloom- isage

a$ the fight gone to m- min$But m- er- soul it gla$$ens"hat m- frien$s #ho no# 2oast high,Wrought not this foul $ee$, their glor-,Sae #ith footste0s fille$ #ith gore.*an S/ar0he$inn, thin/ -e, hae sung this song $ea$ or alie7* sai$ GraniGunnar's son.*5 #ill go into no guesses a2out that,* sa-s &losi.*We #ill loo/ for S/ar0he$inn,* sa-s Grani, *an$ the other men #ho hae 2een here2urnt insi$e the house.*

*"hat shall not 2e,* sa-s &losi, *it is just li/e suh foolish men as thou art, no# thatmen #ill 2e gathering fore all oer the ountr- an$ #hen the- $o ome, 5 tro#the er- same man #ho no# lingers #ill 2e so sare$ that he #ill not /no# #hih#a- to run an$ no# m- ounsel is that #e all ri$e a#a- as ui/l- as eer #ean.*"hen &losi #ent hastil- to his horse an$ all his men."hen &losi sai$ to Geirmun$ *5s 5ngiall$, thin/est thou, at home, at the S0rings7*Geirmun$ sai$ he thought he must 2e at home.*"here no# is a man,* sa-s &losi, *#ho has 2ro/en his oath #ith us an$ all goo$faith.*"hen &losi sai$ to the sons of Sigfus *What ourse #ill -e no# ta/e #ith 5ngiall$#ill -e forgie him, or shall #e no# fall on him an$ sla- him7*"he- all ans#ere$ that the- #oul$ rather fall on him an$ sla- him.

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;ari sai$ there #ere other things more 2efitting a man than to #ee0 for them $ea$,an$ 2a$e him rather gather fol/ an$ ome to oltfor$.fter that he ro$e into "hurso$ale to jallti S/eggi's son, an$ as he #ent along"hurso #ater, he sees a man ri$ing fast 2ehin$ him. ;ari #aite$ for the man, an$/no#s that he #as 5ngiall$ of the S0rings. e sees that he is er- 2loo$- a2out thethigh an$ ;ari as/e$ 5ngiall$ #ho ha$ #oun$e$ him, an$ he tol$ him.*Where met -e t#o7* sa-s ;ari.*B- ang#ater si$e,* sa-s 5ngiall$, *an$ he thre# a s0ear oer at me.*

*Di$st thou aught for it7* as/s ;ari.*5 thre# the s0ear 2a/,* sa-s 5ngiall$, *an$ the- sai$ that it met a man, an$ he#as $ea$ at one.**;no#est thou not,* sai$ ;ari, *#ho the man #as7**%ethought he #as li/e "horstein &losi's 2rother's son,* sa-s 5ngiall$.*Goo$ lu/ go #ith th- han$,* sa-s ;ari.fter that the- ro$e 2oth together to see jallti S/eggi's son, an$ tol$ him theti$ings. e too/ these $ee$s ill, an$ sai$ there #as the greatest nee$ to ri$e afterthem an$ sla- them all.fter that he gathere$ men an$ rouse$ the #hole ountr- no# he an$ ;ari an$

5ngiall$ ri$e #ith this 2an$ to meet %or$ +algar$'s son, an$ the- foun$ him atoltfor$, an$ %or$ #as there #aiting for them #ith a er- great om0an-. "henthe- 0arte$ the hue an$ r- some fare$ the straight roa$ 2- the east oast toSelialan$smull, 2ut some #ent u0 to &leetlithe, an$ othersome the higher roa$thene to "hreeorner ri$ge, an$ so $o#n into Go$alan$. "hene the- ro$e north toSan$. Some too ro$e as far as &ish#aters, an$ there turne$ 2a/. Some the oastroa$ east to olt, an$ tol$ "horgeir the ti$ings, an$ as/e$ #hether the- ha$ notri$$en 2- there.*"his is ho# it is,* sai$ "horgeir, *though 5 am not a might- hief, -et &losi #oul$ta/e other ounsel than to ri$e un$er m- e-es, #hen he has slain Njal, m- father's

2rother, an$ m- ousins an$ there is nothing left for an- of -ou 2ut e'en to turn2a/ again, for -e shoul$ hae hunte$ longer nearer home 2ut tell this to ;ari,that he must ri$e hither to me an$ 2e here #ith me if he #ill 2ut though he #illnot ome hither east, still 5 #ill loo/ after his farm at D-rholms if he #ill, 2ut tellhim too that 5 #ill stan$ 2- him an$ ri$e #ith him to the lthing. n$ he shall also/no# this, that #e 2rothers are the ne4t of /in to follo# u0 the feu$, an$ #e meanso to ta/e u0 the suit, that outla#r- shall follo# an$ after that reenge, man forman, if #e an 2ring it a2out 2ut 5 $o not go #ith -ou no#, 2eause 5 /no# naught#ill ome of it, an$ the- #ill no# 2e as #ar- as the- an of themseles.*No# the- ri$e 2a/, an$ all met at of an$ tal/e$ there among themseles, an$

sai$ that the- ha$ gotten $isgrae sine the- ha$ not foun$ them. %or$ sai$ that#as not so. "hen man- men #ere eager that the- shoul$ fare to &leetlithe, an$ 0ull$o#n the homestea$s of all those #ho ha$ 2een at those $ee$s, 2ut still the-listene$ for %or$'s utterane.*"hat,* he sai$, *#oul$ 2e the greatest foll-.* "he- as/e$ #h- he sai$ that.*Beause,* he sai$, *if their houses stan$, the- #ill 2e sure to isit them to seetheir #ies an$ then, as time rolls on, #e ma- hunt them $o#n there an$ no# -eshall none of -ou $ou2t that 5 #ill 2e true to thee ;ari, an$ to all of -ou, an$ in allounsel, for 5 hae to ans#er for m-self.*jallti 2a$e him $o as he sai$. "hen jallti 2a$e ;ari to ome an$ sta- #ith him hesai$ he #oul$ ri$e thither first. "he- tol$ him #hat "horgeir ha$ offere$ him, an$he sai$ he #oul$ ma/e use of that offer after#ar$s, 2ut sai$ his heart tol$ him it#oul$ 2e #ell if there #ere man- suh.fter that the #hole 2an$ 2ro/e u0.

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&losi an$ his men sa# all these ti$ings from #here the- #ere on the fell an$ &losisai$ *No# #e #ill ta/e our horses an$ ri$e a#a-, for no# it #ill 2e some goo$.*"he sons of Sigfus as/e$ #hether it #oul$ 2e #orth #hile to get to their homes an$tell the ne#s.*5t must 2e %or$'s meaning,* sa-s &losi, *that -e #ill isit -our #ies an$ m-guess is, that his 0lan is to let -our houses stan$ unsa/e$ 2ut m- 0lan is that nota man shall 0art from the other, 2ut all ri$e east #ith me.*

So eer- man too/ that ounsel, an$ then the- all ro$e east an$ north of the @o/ul,an$ so on till the- ame to S#inefell.&losi sent at one men out to get in stores, so that nothing might fall short.&losi neer s0o/e a2out the $ee$, 2ut no fear #as foun$ in him, an$ he #as athome the #hole #inter till :ule #as oer.

Chapter 11 - Njal's and Ber$thora's ones found

;ari 2a$e jallti to go an$ searh for Njal's 2ones, *for all #ill 2eliee in #hat thou

sa-est an$ thin/est a2out them*.jallti sai$ he #oul$ 2e most #illing to 2ear Njal's 2ones to hurh so the- ro$ethene fifteen men. "he- ro$e east oer "hurso#ater, an$ alle$ on men there toome #ith them till the- ha$ one hun$re$ men, re/oning Njal's neigh2ours."he- ame to Bergthors/noll at mi$$a-.jallti as/e$ ;ari un$er #hat 0art of the house Njal might 2e l-ing, 2ut ;ari sho#e$them to the s0ot, an$ there #as a great hea0 of ashes to $ig a#a-. "here the-foun$ the hi$e un$erneath, an$ it #as as though it #ere shrielle$ #ith the fire."he- raise$ u0 the hi$e, an$ lo= the- #ere un2urnt un$er it. ll 0raise$ Go$ forthat, an$ thought it #as a great to/en.

"hen the 2o- #as ta/en u0 #ho ha$ lain 2et#een them, an$ of him a finger #as2urnt off #hih he ha$ strethe$ out from un$er the hi$e.Njal #as 2orne out, an$ so #as Bergthora, an$ then all men #ent to see their2o$ies."hen jallti sai$ *What li/e loo/ to -ou these 2o$ies7*"he- ans#ere$, *We #ill #ait for th- utterane*."hen jallti sai$, *5 shall s0ea/ #hat 5 sa- #ith all free$om of s0eeh. "he 2o$- of Bergthora loo/s as it #as li/el- she #oul$ loo/, an$ still fair 2ut Njal's 2o$- an$isage seem to me so 2right that 5 hae neer seen an- $ea$ man's 2o$- so 2rightas this.*"he- all sai$ the- thought so too."hen the- sought for S/ar0he$inn, an$ the men of the househol$ sho#e$ them tothe s0ot #here &losi an$ his men hear$ the song sung, an$ there the roof ha$fallen $o#n 2- the ga2le, an$ there jallti sai$ that the- shoul$ loo/. "hen the- $i$so, an$ foun$ S/ar0he$inn's 2o$- there, an$ he ha$ stoo$ u0 har$ 2- the ga2le#all, an$ his legs #ere 2urnt off him right u0 to the /nees, 2ut all the rest of him#as un2urnt. e ha$ 2itten through his un$er li0, his e-es #ere #i$e o0en an$ nots#ollen nor starting out of his hea$ he ha$ $rien his a4e into the ga2le#all sohar$ that it ha$ gone in u0 to the mi$$le of the 2la$e, an$ that #as #h- it #as notsoftene$.fter that the a4e #as 2ro/en out of the #all, an$ jallti too/ u0 the a4e, an$ sai$

*"his is a rare #ea0on, an$ fe# #oul$ 2e a2le to #iel$ it.**5 see a man,* sai$ ;ari, *#ho shall 2ear the a4e.**Who is that7* sa-s jallti.

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*"horgeir raggeir,* sa-s ;ari, *he #hom 5 no# thin/ to 2e the greatest man in alltheir famil-.*"hen S/ar0he$inn #as stri00e$ of his lothes, for the- #ere un2urnt he ha$ lai$his han$s in a ross, an$ the right han$ u00ermost. "he- foun$ mar/s on him one2et#een his shoul$ers an$ the other on his hest, an$ 2oth #ere 2ran$e$ in thesha0e of a ross, an$ men thought that he must hae 2urnt them in himself.ll men sai$ that the- thought that it #as 2etter to 2e near S/ar0he$inn $ea$ thanthe- #eene$, for no man #as afrai$ of him.

"he- sought for the 2ones of Grim, an$ foun$ them in the mi$st of the hall. "he-foun$, too, there, right oeragainst him un$er the si$e #all, "hor$ &ree$manson2ut in the #eaingroom the- foun$ Saeuna the arline, an$ three men more. 5nall the- foun$ there the 2ones of nine souls. No# the- arrie$ the 2o$ies to thehurh, an$ then jallti ro$e home an$ ;ari #ith him. s#elling ame on 5ngiall$'sleg, an$ then he fare$ to jallti, an$ #as heale$ there, 2ut still he lim0e$ eerafter#ar$s.;ari ro$e to "ongue to sgrim Elli$agrim's son. B- that time "horhalla #as omehome, an$ she ha$ alrea$- tol$ the ti$ings. sgrim too/ ;ari 2- 2oth han$s, an$2a$e him 2e there all that -ear. ;ari sai$ so it shoul$ 2e.

sgrim as/e$ 2esi$es all the fol/ #ho ha$ 2een in the house at Bergthors/noll tosta- #ith him. ;ari sai$ that #as #ell offere$, an$ sai$ he #oul$ ta/e it on their2ehalf."hen all the fol/ #ere flitte$ thither."horhall sgrim's son #as so startle$ #hen he #as tol$ that his fosterfather Njal#as $ea$, an$ that he ha$ 2een 2urnt in his house, that he s#elle$ all oer, an$ astream of 2loo$ 2urst out of 2oth his ears, an$ oul$ not 2e staunhe$, an$ he fellinto a s#oon, an$ then it #as staunhe$.fter that he stoo$ u0, an$ sai$ he ha$ 2ehae$ li/e a o#ar$, *2ut 5 #oul$ that 5might 2e a2le to aenge this #hih has 2efallen me on some of those #ho 2urnt

him*.But #hen others sai$ that no one #oul$ thin/ this a shame to him, he sai$ he oul$not sto0 the mouths of the 0eo0le from tal/ing a2out it.sgrim as/e$ ;ari #hat trust an$ hel0 he thought he might loo/ for from those eastof the riers. ;ari sai$ that %or$ +algar$'s son, an$ jallti, S/eggi's son, #oul$-iel$ him all the hel0 the- oul$, an$ so, too, #oul$ "horgeir raggeir, an$ all those2rothers.sgrim sai$ that #as great strength.*What strength shall #e hae from thee7* sa-s ;ari.*ll that 5 an gie,* sa-s sgrim, *an$ 5 #ill la- $o#n m- life on it.*

*So $o,* sa-s ;ari.*5 hae also,* sa-s sgrim, *2rought Gi<ur the #hite into the suit, an$ hae as/e$his a$ie ho# #e shall set a2out it.**What a$ie $i$ he gie7* as/s ;ari.*e ounselle$,* ans#ers sgrim, *'that #e shoul$ hol$ us uite still till s0ring, 2utthen ri$e east an$ set the suit on foot against &losi for the manslaughter of elgi,an$ summon the neigh2ours from their homes, an$ gie $ue notie at the "hing of the suits for the 2urning, an$ summon the same neigh2ours there too on theinuest 2efore the ourt. 5 as/e$ Gi<ur #ho shoul$ 0lea$ the suit for manslaughter,2ut he sai$ that %or$ shoul$ 0lea$ it #hether he li/e$ it or not, an$ no#,' he #enton, 'it shall fall most heail- on him that u0 to this time all the suits he hasun$erta/en hae ha$ the #orst en$ing. ;ari shall also 2e #roth #heneer he meets%or$, an$ so, if he 2e ma$e to fear on one si$e, an$ has to loo/ to me on the other,then he #ill un$erta/e the $ut-.'*

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"hen ;ari sai$, *We #ill follo# th- ounsel as long as #e an, an$ thou shalt lea$us*.5t is to 2e tol$ of ;ari that he oul$ not slee0 of nights. sgrim #o/e u0 one nightan$ hear$ that ;ari #as a#a/e, an$ sgrim sai$ *5s it that thou anst not slee0 atnight7*"hen ;ari sang this song Ben$er of the 2o# of 2attle,Slee0 #ill not m- e-eli$s seal,

Still m- mur$ere$ messmates' 2i$$ingaunts m- min$ the lielong nightSine the men their 2ran$s a2usingBurne$ last autumn guileless Njal,Burne$ him house an$ home together,%in$ful am 5 of m- hurt.;ari s0o/e of no men so often as of Njal an$ S/ar0he$inn, an$ Bergthora an$ elgi.e neer a2use$ his foes, an$ neer threatene$ them.

Chapter 12 - Flosi's drea%

9ne night it so ha00ene$ that &losi struggle$ muh in his slee0. Glum ill$ir's son#o/e him u0, an$ then &losi sai$ *all me ;ettle of the %ar/.*;ettle ame thither, an$ &losi sai$, *5 #ill tell thee m- $ream*.*5 am rea$- to hear it,* sa-s ;ettle.*5 $reamt,* sa-s &losi, *that methought 5 stoo$ 2elo# 3oomni0, an$ #ent out an$loo/e$ u0 to the Ni0, an$ all at one it o0ene$, an$ a man ame out of the Ni0, an$he #as la$ in goats/ins, an$ ha$ an iron staff in his han$. e alle$, as he #al/e$,

on man- of m- men, some sooner an$ some later, an$ name$ them 2- name. &irsthe alle$ Grim the e$ m- /insman, an$ rni ;ol's son. "hen methought somethingstrange follo#e$, methought he alle$ E-jolf Boler/'s son, an$ 3jot son of all of the Si$e, an$ some si4 men more. "hen he hel$ his 0eae a#hile. fter that healle$ fie men of our 2an$, an$ among them #ere the sons of Sigfus, th-2rothers then he alle$ other si4 men, an$ among them #ere 3am2i, an$ %o$olf,an$ Glum. "hen he alle$ three men. 3ast of all he alle$ Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$;ol "horstein's son. fter that he ame u0 to me 5 as/e$ him '#hat ne#s'. e sai$he ha$ ti$ings enough to tell. "hen 5 as/e$ him for his name, 2ut he alle$ himself 5rongrim. 5 as/e$ him #hither he #as going he sai$ he ha$ to fare to the lthing.'What shalt thou $o there7' 5 sai$. '&irst 5 shall hallenge the inuest,' he ans#ers,'an$ then the ourts, then lear the fiel$ for fighters.' fter that he sang this song *'Soon a man $eath's sna/estro/es $ealingigh shall lift his hea$ on earth,ere ami$ the $ust lo# rollingBattere$ 2rain0ans men shall seeCNo# u0on the hills in hurl-Bu$s the 2lue steel's harest 2rightSoon the 2loo$- $e# of 2attle"high$ee0 through the ran/s shall rise.'*"hen he shoute$ #ith suh a might- shout that methought eer-thing near shoo/,

an$ $ashe$ $o#n his staff, an$ there #as a might- rash. "hen he #ent 2a/ intothe fell, 2ut fear lung to me an$ no# 5 #ish thee to tell me #hat thou thin/estthis $ream is.*

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*5t is m- fore2o$ing,* sa-s ;ettle, *that all those #ho #ere alle$ must 2e 'fe-'. 5tseems to me goo$ ounsel that #e tell this $ream to no man just no#.*&losi sai$ so it shoul$ 2e. No# the #inter 0asses a#a- till :ule #as oer. "hen &losisai$ to his men *No# 5 mean that #e shoul$ fare from home, for methin/s #e shall not 2e a2le tohae an i$le 0eae. No# #e shall fare to 0ra- for hel0, an$ no# that #ill ome true#hih 5 tol$ -ou, that #e shoul$ hae to 2o# the /nee to man- ere this uarrel#ere en$e$.*

Chapter 1 - Of Flosi's journey and his as#in$ for help

fter that the- 2us/e$ them from home all together. &losi #as in longhose 2eausehe meant to go on foot, an$ then he /ne# that it #oul$ seem less har$ to theothers to #al/."hen the- fare$ from home to ;na00ale, 2ut the eening after to Broa$#ater, an$then to alffell, thene 2- Bjornness to ornfirth, thene to Staffell in 3on, an$ thento "hatt#ater to all of the Si$e.

&losi ha$ to #ife Steinora, his $aughter.all gae them a er- heart- #elome, an$ &losi sai$ to all *5 #ill as/ thee, fatherinla#, that thou #oul$st ri$e to the "hing #ith me #ith allth- "hingmen.**No#,* ans#ere$ all, *it has turne$ out as the sa# sa-s, '2ut a short #hile is han$fain of 2lo#' an$ -et it is one an$ the same man in th- 2an$ #ho no# hangs hishea$, an$ #ho then goa$e$ thee on to the #orst of $ee$s #hen it #as still un$one.But m- hel0 5 am 2oun$ to len$ thee in all suh 0laes as 5 ma-.**What ounsel $ost thou gie me,* sai$ &losi, *in the strait in #hih 5 no# am7**"hou shalt fare,* sai$ all, *north, right u0 to Wea0onfirth, an$ as/ all the hiefs

for ai$, an$ thou #ilt -et nee$ it all 2efore the "hing is oer.*&losi sta-e$ there three nights, an$ reste$ him, an$ fare$ thene east toGeitahellna, an$ so to Berufirth there the- #ere the night. "hene the- fare$ eastto Broa$$ale in a-$ale. "here all2jorn the strong $#elt. e ha$ to #ife 9$$n-the sister of Saurli Bro$$helgi's son, an$ &losi ha$ a heart- #elome there.all2jorn as/e$ ho# far north among the firths &losi meant to go. e sai$ he meantto go as far as Wea0onfirth. "hen &losi too/ a 0urse of mone- from his 2elt, an$sai$ he #oul$ gie it to all2jorn. e too/ the mone-, 2ut -et sai$ he ha$ no laimon &losi for gifts, 2ut still 5 #oul$ 2e gla$ to /no# in #hat thou #ilt that 5 re0a-thee.*5 hae no nee$ of mone-,* sa-s &losi, *2ut 5 #ish thou #oul$st ri$e to the "hing#ith me, an$ stan$ 2- me in m- uarrel, 2ut still 5 hae no ties or /inshi0 to tellto#ar$s thee.**5 #ill grant thee that,* sai$ all2jorn, *to ri$e to the "hing #ith thee, an$ to stan$2- thee in th- uarrel as 5 #oul$ 2- m- 2rother.*&losi than/e$ him, an$ all2jorn as/e$ muh a2out the Burning, 2ut the- tol$ himall a2out it at length."hene &losi fare$ to Broa$$ale's heath, an$ so to rafn/elste$e, there $#eltrafn/ell, the son of "horir, the son of rafn/ell aum. &losi ha$ a heart- #elomethere, an$ sought for hel0 an$ a 0romise to ri$e to the "hing from rafn/ell, 2ut hestoo$ out a long #hile, though the en$ of it #as that he gae his #or$ that his son

"horir shoul$ ri$e #ith all their "hingmen, an$ -iel$ him suh hel0 as the other0riests of the same $istrit.

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&losi than/e$ him an$ fare$ a#a- to Bersaste$e. "here olmstein son of Bersi the#ise $#elt, an$ he gae &losi a er- heart- #elome. &losi 2egge$ him for hel0.olmstein sai$ he ha$ 2een long in his $e2t for hel0."hene the- fare$ to Waltheofste$e there Saurli Bro$$helgi's son, Bjarni's 2rother,$#elt. e ha$ to #ife "hor$isa, a $aughter of Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, of %o$ruale."he- ha$ a heart- #elome there. But ne4t morning &losi raise$ the uestion #ithSaurli that he shoul$ ri$e to the lthing #ith him, an$ 2i$ him mone- for it.*5 annot tell a2out that,* sa-s Saurli, *so long as 5 $o not /no# on #hih si$e m-

fatherinla# Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful stan$s, for 5 mean to stan$ 2- him on#hiheer si$e he stan$s.**9h=* sai$ &losi, *5 see 2- th- ans#er that a #oman rules in this house.*"hen &losi stoo$ u0 an$ 2a$e his men ta/e their u00er lothing an$ #ea0ons, an$then the- fare$ a#a-, an$ got no hel0 there. So the- fare$ 2elo# 3agarfleet an$oer the heath to Njar$#i/ there t#o 2rothers $#elt, "hor/el the all#ise, an$"hor#all$ his 2rother the- #ere sons of ;ettle, the son of "hi$ran$i the #ise, theson of ;ettle rum2le, son of "horir "hi$ran$i. "he mother of "hor/el the all#ise an$"hor#all$ #as :ngill$a, $aughter of "hor/el the #ise. &losi got a heart- #elomethere he tol$ those 2rothers 0lainl- of his erran$, an$ as/e$ for their hel0 2ut

the- 0ut him off until he gae three mar/s of siler to eah of them for their ai$then the- agree$ to stan$ 2- &losi."heir mother :ngill$a #as 2- #hen the- gae their #or$s to ri$e to the lthing,an$ #e0t. "hor/el as/e$ #h- she #e0t an$ she ans#ere$ *5 $reamt that th- 2rother "hor#all$ #as la$ in a re$ /irtle, an$ methought it #asso tight as though it #ere se#n on him methought too that he #ore re$ hose onhis legs an$ feet, an$ 2a$ shoethongs #ere t#iste$ roun$ them methought it ill tosee #hen 5 /ne# he #as so unomforta2le, 2ut 5 oul$ $o naught for him.*"he- laughe$ an$ tol$ her she ha$ lost her #its, an$ sai$ her 2a22le shoul$ notstan$ in the #a- of their ri$e to the "hing.

&losi than/e$ them /in$l-, an$ fare$ thene to Wea0onfirth an$ ame to of. "here$#elt Bjarni Bro$$helgi's son. Bjarni too/ &losi 2- 2oth han$s, an$ &losi 2a$e Bjarnimone- for his hel0.*Neer,* sa-s Bjarni, *hae 5 sol$ m- manhoo$ or hel0 for 2ri2es, 2ut no# that thouart in nee$ of hel0, 5 #ill $o thee a goo$ turn for frien$shi0's sa/e, an$ ri$e to the"hing #ith thee, an$ stan$ 2- thee as 5 #oul$ 2- m- 2rother.**"hen thou hast thro#n a great loa$ of $e2t on m- han$s,* sai$ &losi, *2ut still 5loo/e$ for as muh from thee.*"hene &losi an$ his men fare$ to ross#i/. "hor/el Geiti's son #as a great frien$of his. &losi tol$ him his erran$, an$ "hor/el sai$ it #as 2ut his $ut- to stan$ 2-

him in eer- #a- in his 0o#er, an$ not to 0art from his uarrel. "hor/el gae &losigoo$ gifts at 0arting."hene the- fare$ north to Wea0onfirth an$ u0 into the &leet$ale ountr-, an$turne$ in as guests at olmstein's, the son of Bersi the #ise. &losi tol$ him that allha$ 2a/e$ him in his nee$ an$ 2usiness #ell, sae Saurli Bro$$helgi's son.olmstein sai$ the reason of that #as that he #as not a man of strife. olmsteingae &losi goo$ gifts.&losi fare$ u0 &leet$ale, an$ thene south on the fell aross 94enlaa an$ $o#nS#inehorn$ale, an$ so out 2- lftafirth to the #est, an$ $i$ not sto0 till he ame to"hatt#ater to his fatherinla# all's house. "here he sta-e$ half a month, an$ hismen #ith him an$ reste$ him.&losi as/e$ all #hat ounsel he #oul$ no# gie him, an$ #hat he shoul$ $o ne4t,an$ #hether he shoul$ hange his 0lans.

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*%- ounsel,* sai$ all, *is this, that thou goest home to th- house, an$ the sons of Sigfus #ith thee, 2ut that the- sen$ men to set their homestea$s in or$er. But firstof all fare home, an$ #hen -e ri$e to the "hing, ri$e all together, an$ $o not satter-our 2an$. "hen let the sons of Sigfus go to see their #ies on the #a-. 5 too #illri$e to the "hing, an$ 3jot m- son #ith all our "hingmen, an$ stan$ 2- thee #ithsuh fore as 5 an gather to me.*&losi than/e$ him, an$ all gae him goo$ gifts at 0arting."hen &losi #ent a#a- from "hatt#ater, an$ nothing is to 2e tol$ of his journe- till

he omes home to S#inefell. "here he sta-e$ at home the rest of the #inter, an$ allthe summer right u0 to the "hing.

Chapter 1& - Of Thorhall and 4ari

"horhall sgrim's son, an$ ;ari Solmun$'s son, ro$e one $a- to %ossfell to seeGi<ur the #hite he too/ them #ith 2oth han$s, an$ there the- #ere at his house aer- long #hile. 9ne it ha00ene$ as the- an$ Gi<ur tal/e$ of Njal's 2urning, thatGi<ur sai$ it #as er- great lu/ that ;ari ha$ got a#a-. "hen a song ame into

;ari's mouth.5 #ho #hette$ helmethe#er,5 #ho oft hae 2urnishe$ 2ran$,&rom the fra- #ent all un#illingWhen Njal's rooftree ra/ling roare$9ut 5 lea0t #hen 2an$s of s0earmen3ighte$ there a 2la<e of flame=3isten men unto m- moaning,%ar/ the telling of m- grief."hen Gi<ur sai$, *5t must 2e forgien thee that thou art min$ful, an$ so #e #ill tal/

no more a2out it just no#*.;ari sa-s that he #ill ri$e home an$ Gi<ur sai$ *5 #ill no# ma/e a lean 2reast of m- ounsel to thee. "hou shalt not ri$e home, 2ut still thou shalt ri$e a#a-, an$east un$er E-jafell, to see "horgeir raggeir, an$ "horleif ro#. "he- shall ri$e fromthe east #ith thee. "he- are the ne4t of /in in the suit, an$ #ith them shall ri$e"horgrim the 2ig, their 2rother. :e shall ri$e to %or$ +algar$'s son's house, an$ tellhim this message from me, that he shall ta/e u0 the suit for manslaughter for elgiNjal's son against &losi. But if he utters an- #or$s against this, then shalt thouma/e th-self most #rathful, an$ ma/e 2eliee as though thou #oul$st let th- a4efall on his hea$ an$ in the seon$ 0lae, thou shalt assure him of m- #rath if hesho#s an- ill #ill. long #ith that shalt thou sa-, that 5 #ill sen$ an$ feth a#a- m-$aughter "hor/atla, an$ ma/e her ome home to me 2ut that he #ill not a2i$e, forhe loes her as the er- e-es in his hea$.*;ari than/e$ him for his ounsel. ;ari s0o/e nothing of hel0 to him, for he thoughthe #oul$ sho# himself his goo$ frien$ in this as in other things."hene ;ari ro$e east oer the riers, an$ so to &leetlithe, an$ east aross%ar/fleet, an$ so on to Selialan$smull. So the- ri$e east to olt."horgeir #elome$ them #ith the greatest /in$liness. e tol$ them of &losi's

 journe-, an$ ho# great hel0 he ha$ got in the east firths.;ari sai$ it #as no #on$er that he, #ho ha$ to ans#er for so muh, shoul$ as/ forhel0 for himself.

"hen "horgeir sai$, *"he 2etter things go for them, the #orse it shall 2e for them#e #ill onl- follo# them u0 so muh the har$er*.;ari tol$ "horgeir of Gi<ur's a$ie. fter that the- ri$e from the east toangrierale to %or$ +algar$'s son's house. e gae them a heart- #elome. ;ari

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"hen %or$ sai$ *No# is the suit set on foot as -e as/e$, an$ no# 5 #ill 0ra- thee, "horgeirraggeir, to ome to me #hen thou ri$est to the "hing, an$ then let us 2oth ri$etogether, eah #ith our 2an$, an$ /ee0 as lose as #e an together, for m- 2an$shall 2e rea$- 2- the er- 2eginning of the "hing, an$ 5 #ill 2e true to -ou in allthings.*"he- sho#e$ themseles #ell 0lease$ at that, an$ this #as fast 2oun$ 2- oaths,that no man shoul$ sun$er himself from another till ;ari #ille$ it, an$ that eah of 

them shoul$ la- $o#n his life for the other's life. No# the- 0arte$ #ith frien$shi0,an$ settle$ to meet again at the "hing.No# "horgeir ri$es 2a/ east, 2ut ;ari ri$es #est oer the riers till he ame to"ongue, to sgrim's house. e #elome$ them #on$erfull- #ell, an$ ;ari tol$sgrim all Gi<ur the #hite's 0lan, an$ of the setting on foot of the suit.*5 loo/e$ for as muh from him,* sa-s sgrim, *that he #oul$ 2ehae #ell, an$ no#he has sho#n it.*"hen sgrim #ent on *What hear$est thou from the east of &losi7**e #ent east all the #a- to Wea0onfirth,* ans#ers ;ari, *an$ nearl- all the hiefs

hae 0romise$ to ri$e #ith him to the lthing, an$ to hel0 him. "he- loo/, too, forhel0 from the e-/$alesmen, an$ the men of 3ight#ater, an$ the 4efirthers.*"hen the- tal/e$ muh a2out it, an$ so the time 0asses a#a- u0 to the lthing."horhall sgrim's son too/ suh a hurt in his leg that the foot a2oe the an/le #asas 2ig an$ s#ollen as a #oman's thigh, an$ he oul$ not #al/ sae #ith a staff. e#as a man tall in gro#th, an$ strong an$ 0o#erful, $ar/ of hue in hair an$ s/in,measure$ an$ guar$e$ in his s0eeh, an$ -et hot an$ hast- tem0ere$. e #as thethir$ greatest la#-er in all 5elan$.No# the time omes that men shoul$ ri$e from home to the "hing, sgrim sai$ to;ari

*"hou shalt ri$e at the er- 2eginning of the "hing, an$ fit u0 our 2ooths, an$ m-son "horhall #ith thee. "hou #ilt treat him 2est an$ /in$est, as he is footlame, 2ut#e shall stan$ in the greatest nee$ of him at this "hing. With -ou t#o, t#ent- menmore shall ri$e.*fter that the- ma$e rea$- for their journe-, an$ then the- ro$e to the "hing, an$set u0 their 2ooths, an$ fitte$ them out #ell.

Chapter 1) - Of Flosi and the urners

&losi ro$e from the east an$ those hun$re$ an$ t#ent- men #ho ha$ 2een at theBurning #ith him. "he- ro$e till the- ame to &leetlithe. "hen the sons of Sigfusloo/e$ after their homestea$s an$ tarrie$ there that $a-, 2ut at een the- ro$e#est oer "hurso#ater, an$ sle0t there that night. But ne4t morning earl- the-sa$$le$ their horses an$ ro$e off on their #a-."hen &losi sai$ to his men *No# #ill #e ri$e to "ongue to sgrim to 2rea/fast, an$ tram0le $o#n his 0ri$e alittle.*"he- sai$ that #ere #ell $one. "he- ro$e till the- ha$ a short #a- to "ongue.sgrim stoo$ out of $oors, an$ some men #ith him. "he- see the 2an$ as soon aseer the- oul$ $o so from the house. "hen sgrim's men sai$

*"here must 2e "horgeir raggeir.**Not he,* sai$ sgrim. *5 thin/ so all the more 2eause these men fare #ithlaughter an$ #antonness 2ut suh /insmen of Njal as "horgeir is #oul$ not smile2efore some engeane is ta/en for the Burning, an$ 5 #ill ma/e another guess,

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#aite$ for jallti S/eggi's son. e ame after the- ha$ #aite$ a short #hile, an$the- greete$ him #ell, an$ ro$e after#ar$s all together till the- ame to e-/ia inBisho0'stongue, an$ 2i$e$ there for sgrim Elli$agrim's son, an$ he ame to meetthem there. "hen the- ro$e #est aross Bri$ge#ater. "hen sgrim tol$ them allthat ha$ 0asse$ 2et#een him an$ &losi an$ "horgeir sai$ *5 #oul$ that #e might tr- their 2raer- ere the "hing loses.*"he- ro$e until the- ame to Baitale. "here Gi<ur the #hite ame to meet them#ith a er- great om0an-, an$ the- fell to tal/ing together. "hen the- ro$e to the

00er &iel$, an$ $re# u0 all their men in arra- there, an$ so ro$e to the "hing.&losi an$ his men all too/ to their arms, an$ it #as #ithin an ae that the- #oul$fall to 2lo#s. But sgrim an$ his frien$s an$ their follo#ers #oul$ hae no han$ init, an$ ro$e to their 2ooths an$ no# all #as uiet that $a-, so that the- ha$naught to $o #ith one another. "hither #ere ome hiefs from all the uarters of the lan$ there ha$ neer 2een suh a ro#$e$ "hing 2efore, that men oul$ all tomin$.

Chapter 1. - Of 3yjolf Bol+er#'s son

"here #as a man name$ E-jolf. e #as the son of Boler/, the son of E-jolf theguileful, of 9tter$ale. E-jolf #as a man of great ran/, an$ 2est s/ille$ in la# of allmen, so that some sai$ he #as the thir$ 2est la#-er in 5elan$. e #as the fairestin fae of all men, tall an$ strong, an$ there #as the ma/ing of a great hief in him.e #as gree$- of mone-, li/e the rest of his /insfol/.9ne $a- &losi #ent to the 2ooth of Bjarni Bro$$helgi's son. Bjarni too/ him 2- 2othhan$s, an$ sat &losi $o#n 2- his si$e. "he- tal/e$ a2out man- things, an$ at last&losi sai$ to Bjarni *What ounsel shall #e no# ta/e7*

*5 thin/,* ans#ere$ Bjarni, *that it is no# har$ to sa- #hat to $o, 2ut the #isestthing seems to me to go roun$ an$ as/ for hel0, sine the- are $ra#ing strengthtogether against -ou. 5 #ill also as/ thee, &losi, #hether there 2e an- er- goo$la#-er in -our 2an$ for no# there are 2ut t#o ourses left one to as/ if the- #illta/e an atonement, an$ that is not a 2a$ hoie, 2ut the other is to $efen$ the suitat la#, if there 2e an- $efene to it, though that #ill seem to 2e a 2ol$ ourse an$this is #h- 5 thin/ this last ought to 2e hosen, 2eause -e hae hitherto fare$ highan$ mightil-, an$ it is unseeml- no# to ta/e a lo#er ourse.**s to th- as/ing a2out la#-ers,* sai$ &losi, *5 #ill ans#er thee at one that there isno suh man in our 2an$ nor $o 5 /no# #here to loo/ for one e4e0t it 2e "hor/elGeiti's son, th- /insman.**We must not re/on on him,* sai$ Bjarni, *for though he /no#s something of la#,he is far too #ar-, an$ no man nee$ ho0e to hae him as his shiel$ 2ut he #ill2a/ thee as #ell as an- man #ho 2a/s thee 2est, for he has a stout heart2esi$es, 5 must tell thee that it #ill 2e that man's 2ane #ho un$erta/es the $efenein this suit for the Burning, 2ut 5 hae no min$ that this shoul$ 2efall m- /insman"hor/el, so -e must turn -our e-es else#hither.*&losi sai$ he /ne# nothing a2out #ho #ere the 2est la#-ers.*"here is a man name$ E-jolf,* sai$ Bjarni *he is Boler/'s son, an$ he is the 2estla#-er in the Westfirther's uarter 2ut -ou #ill nee$ to gie him muh mone- if -ou are to 2ring him into the suit, 2ut still #e must not sto0 at that. We must also

go #ith our arms to all la# 2usiness, an$ 2e most #ar- of ourseles, 2ut notme$$le #ith them 2efore #e are fore$ to fight for our lies. n$ no# 5 #ill go #iththee, an$ set out at one on our 2egging for hel0, for no# methin/s the 0eae #ill2e /e0t 2ut a little #hile longer.*

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fter that the- go out of the 2ooth, an$ to the 2ooths of the 4efirthers. "henBjarni tal/s #ith 3-ting an$ Bleing, an$ roi rnstein's son, an$ he got s0ee$il-#hateer he as/e$ of them. "hen the- fare$ to see ;ol, the son of ;illingS/uti, an$E-in$ "hor/el's son, the son of s/el the 0riest, an$ as/e$ them for their hel0 2utthe- stoo$ out a long #hile, 2ut the en$ of it #as that the- too/ three mar/s of siler for it, an$ so #ent into the suit #ith them."hen the- #ent to the 2ooths of the men of 3ight#ater, an$ sta-e$ there sometime. &losi 2egge$ the men of 3ight#ater for hel0, 2ut the- #ere stu22orn an$ har$

to #in oer, an$ then &losi sai$, #ith muh #rath, *:e are ill2ehae$= -e aregras0ing an$ #rongful at home in -our o#n ountr-, an$ -e #ill not hel0 men at the"hing, though the- nee$ it. No $ou2t -ou #ill 2e hel$ u0 to re0roah at the "hing,an$ er- great 2lame #ill 2e lai$ on -ou if -e 2are not in min$ that sorn an$ those2iting #or$s #hih S/ar0he$inn hurle$ at -ou men of 3ight#ater.*But on the other han$, &losi $ealt seretl- #ith them, an$ 2a$e them mone- fortheir hel0, an$ so oa4e$ them oer #ith fair #or$s, until it ame a2out that the-0romise$ him their ai$, an$ then 2eame so stea$fast that the- sai$ the- #oul$fight for &losi, if nee$ #ere."hen Bjarni sai$ to &losi

*Well $one= #ell $one= "hou art a might- hief, an$ a 2ol$ outs0o/en man, an$re/est little #hat thou sa-est to men.*fter that the- fare$ a#a- #est aross the rier, an$ so to the la$2ooth. "he- sa#man- men outsi$e 2efore the 2ooth. "here #as one man #ho ha$ a sarlet loa/oer his shoul$ers, an$ a gol$ 2an$ roun$ his hea$, an$ an a4e stu$$e$ #ith silerin his han$.*"his is just right,* sai$ Bjarni, *here no# is the man 5 s0o/e of, E-jolf Boler/'sson, if thou #ilt see him, &losi.*"hen the- #ent to meet E-jolf, an$ haile$ him. E-jolf /ne# Bjarni at one, an$greete$ him #ell. Bjarni too/ E-jolf 2- the han$, an$ le$ him u0 into the *Great

ift*. &losi's an$ Bjarni's men follo#e$ after, an$ E-jolf's men #ent also #ith him."he- 2a$e them sta- u0on the lo#er 2rin/ of the ift, an$ loo/ a2out them, 2ut&losi, an$ Bjarni, an$ E-jolf #ent on till the- ame to #here the 0ath lea$s $o#nfrom the u00er 2rin/ of the ift.&losi sai$ it #as a goo$ s0ot to sit $o#n there, for the- oul$ see aroun$ them faran$ #i$e. "hen the- sat them $o#n there. "he- #ere four of them together, an$ nomore."hen Bjarni s0o/e to E-jolf, an$ sai$ *"hee, frien$, hae #e ome to see, for #e muh nee$ th- hel0 in eer- #a-.**No#,* sai$ E-jolf, *there is goo$ hoie of men here at the "hing, an$ -e #ill not

fin$ it har$ to fall on those #ho #ill 2e a muh greater strength to -ou than 5 an2e.**Not so,* sai$ Bjarni, *"hou hast man- things #hih sho# that there is no greaterman than thou at the "hing first of all, that thou art so #ell2orn, as all those menare #ho are s0rung from agnar hair-2ree/s th- forefathers, too, hae al#a-sstoo$ first in great suits, 2oth here at the "hing, an$ at home in their o#n ountr-,an$ the- hae al#a-s ha$ the 2est of it #e thin/, therefore, it is li/el- that thou#ilt 2e lu/- in #inning suits, li/e th- /insfol/.**"hou s0ea/est #ell, Bjarni,* sai$ E-jolf *2ut 5 thin/ that 5 hae small share in allthis that thou sa-est.*"hen &losi sai$ *"here is no nee$ 2eating a2out the 2ush as to #hat #e hae in min$. We #ish toas/ for th- hel0, E-jolf, an$ that thou #ilt stan$ 2- us in our suits, an$ go to the

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ourt #ith us, an$ un$erta/e the $efene, if there 2e an-, an$ 0lea$ it for us, an$stan$ 2- us in all things that ma- ha00en at this "hing.*E-jolf jum0e$ u0 in #rath, an$ sai$ that no man ha$ an- right to thin/ that heoul$ ma/e a ats0a# of him, or $rag him on if he ha$ no min$ to go himself.*5 see, too, no#,* he sa-s, *#hat has le$ -ou to utter all those fair #or$s #ith #hih-e 2egan to s0ea/ to me.*"hen all2jorn the strong aught hol$ of him an$ sate him $o#n 2- his si$e,2et#een him an$ Bjarni, an$ sai$

*No tree falls at the first stro/e, frien$, 2ut sit here a#hile 2- us.*"hen &losi $re# a gol$ ring off his arm.*"his ring #ill 5 gie thee, E-jolf, for th- hel0 an$ frien$shi0, an$ so sho# thee that5 #ill not 2efool thee. 5t #ill 2e 2est for thee to ta/e the ring, for there is no manhere at the "hing to #hom 5 hae eer gien suh a gift.*"he ring #as suh a goo$ one, an$ so #ell ma$e, that it #as #orth t#ele hun$re$-ar$s of russet stuff.all2jorn $re# the ring on E-jolf's arm an$ E-jolf sai$ *5t is no# most fitting that 5 shoul$ ta/e the ring, sine thou 2ehaest sohan$somel- an$ no# thou ma-est ma/e u0 th- min$ that 5 #ill un$erta/e the

$efene, an$ $o all things nee$ful.**No#,* sai$ Bjarni, *-e 2ehae han$somel- on 2oth si$es, an$ here are men #ellfitte$ to 2e #itnesses, sine 5 an$ all2jorn are here, that thou hast un$erta/en thesuit.*"hen E-jolf arose, an$ &losi too, an$ the- too/ one another 2- the han$ an$ soE-jolf un$ertoo/ the #hole $efene of the suit off &losi's han$s, an$ so, too, if an-suit arose out of the $efene, for it often ha00ens that #hat is a $efene in onesuit, is a 0laintiff's 0lea in another. So he too/ u0on him all the 0roofs an$0roee$ings #hih 2elonge$ to those suits, #hether the- #ere to 2e 0lea$e$ 2eforethe uarter ourt or the &ifth ourt. &losi han$e$ them oer in la#ful form, an$

E-jolf too/ them in la#ful form, an$ then he sai$ to &losi an$ Bjarni.*No# 5 hae un$erta/en this $efene just as -e as/e$, 2ut m- #ish it is that -eshoul$ still /ee0 it seret at first 2ut if the matter omes into the &ifth ourt, then2e most areful not to sa- that -e hae gien goo$s for m- hel0.*"hen &losi #ent home to his 2ooth, an$ Bjarni #ith him, 2ut E-jolf #ent to the2ooth of Snorri the 0riest, an$ sate $o#n 2- him, an$ the- tal/e$ muh together.Snorri the 0riest aught hol$ of E-jolf's arm, an$ turne$ u0 the sleee, an$ seesthat he ha$ a great ring of gol$ on his arm. "hen Snorri the 0riest sai$ *Fra-, #as this ring 2ought or gien7*E-jolf #as 0ut out a2out it, an$ ha$ neer a #or$ to sa-. "hen Snorri sai$

*5 see 0lainl- that thou must hae ta/en it as a gift, an$ ma- this ring not 2e th-$eath=*E-jolf jum0e$ u0 an$ #ent a#a-, an$ #oul$ not s0ea/ a2out it an$ Snorri sai$, asE-jolf arose *5t is er- li/el- that thou #ilt /no# #hat /in$ of gift thou hast ta/en 2- the timethis "hing is en$e$.*"hen E-jolf #ent to his 2ooth.

Chapter 1/ - Of *s$ri%" and !i5ur" and 4ari

No# sgrim Elli$agrim's son tal/s to Gi<ur the #hite, an$ ;ari Solmun$'s son, an$to jallti S/eggi's son, %or$ +algar$'s son, an$ "horgeir raggeir, an$ sa-s

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*"here is no nee$ to hae an- serets here, for onl- those men are 2- #ho /no# allour ounsel. No# 5 #ill as/ -ou if -e /no# an-thing of their 0lans, for if -ou $o, itseems to me that #e must ta/e fresh ounsel a2out our o#n 0lans.**Snorri the 0riest,* ans#ers Gi<ur the #hite, *sent a man to me, an$ 2a$e him tellme that &losi ha$ gotten great hel0 from the Northlan$ers 2ut that E-jolf Boler/'sson, his /insman, ha$ ha$ a gol$ ring gien him 2- some one, an$ ma$e a seret of it, an$ Snorri sai$ it #as his meaning that E-jolf Boler/'s son must 2e meant to$efen$ the suit at la#, an$ that the ring must hae 2een gien him for that.*

"he- #ere all agree$ that it must 2e so. "hen Gi<ur s0o/e to them *No# has %or$ +algar$'s son, m- soninla#, un$erta/en a suit, #hih all mustthin/ most har$, to 0roseute &losi an$ no# m- #ish is that -e share the othersuits amongst -ou, for no# it #ill soon 2e time to gie notie of the suits at the illof 3a#s. We shall nee$ also to as/ for more hel0.*sgrim sai$ so it shoul$ 2e, *2ut #e #ill 2eg thee to go roun$ #ith us #hen #e as/for hel0*. Gi<ur sai$ he #oul$ 2e rea$- to $o that.fter that Gi<ur 0i/e$ out all the #isest men of their om0an- to go #ith him ashis 2a/ers. "here #as jallti S/eggi's son, an$ sgrim, an$ ;ari, an$ "horgeirraggeir.

"hen Gi<ur the #hite sai$ *No# #ill #e first go to the 2ooth of S/a0ti "horo$'s son,* an$ the- $o so. Gi<ur the#hite #ent first, then jallti, then ;ari, then sgrim, then "horgeir raggeir, an$then his 2rothers."he- #ent into the 2ooth. S/a0ti sat on the ross2enh on the $ais, an$ #hen hesa# Gi<ur the #hite he rose u0 to meet him, an$ greete$ him an$ all of them #ell,an$ 2a$e Gi<ur to sit $o#n 2- him, an$ he $oes so. "hen Gi<ur sai$ to sgrim *No# shalt thou first raise the uestion of hel0 #ith S/a0ti, 2ut 5 #ill thro# in #hat5 thin/ goo$.**We are ome hither,* sai$ sgrim, *for this sa/e, S/a0ti, to see/ hel0 an$ ai$ at

th- han$.**5 #as thought to 2e har$ to #in the last time,* sai$ S/a0ti, *#hen 5 #oul$ not ta/ethe 2ur$en of -our trou2le on me.**5t is uite another matter no#,* sai$ Gi<ur. *No# the feu$ is for master Njal an$mistress Bergthora, #ho #ere 2urnt in their o#n house #ithout a ause, an$ forNjal's three sons, an$ man- other #orth- men, an$ thou #ilt surel- neer 2e #illingto -iel$ no hel0 to men, or to stan$ 2- th- /insmen an$ onnetions.**5t #as in m- min$,* ans#ers S/a0ti, *#hen S/ar0he$inn tol$ me that 5 ha$ m-self 2orne tar on m- o#n hea$, an$ ut u0 a so$ of turf an$ re0t un$er it, an$ #henhe sai$ that 5 ha$ 2een so afrai$ that "horolf 3o0t's son of E-rar 2ore me a2roa$ in

his shi0 among his mealsa/s, an$ so arrie$ me to 5elan$, that 5 #oul$ neershare in the 2loo$ feu$ for his $eath.**No# there is no nee$ to 2ear suh things in min$,* sai$ Gi<ur the #hite, *for he is$ea$ #ho sai$ that, an$ thou #ilt surel- grant me this, though thou #oul$st not $oit for other men's sa/e.**"his uarrel,* sa-s S/a0ti, *is no 2usiness of thine, e4e0t thou hoosest to 2eentangle$ in it along #ith them.*"hen Gi<ur #as er- #rath, an$ sai$ *"hou art unli/e th- father, though he #as thought not to 2e uite leanhan$e$-et #as he eer hel0ful to men #hen the- nee$e$ him most.**We are unli/e in tem0er,* sai$ S/a0ti. *:e t#o, sgrim an$ thou, thin/ that -e haeha$ the lea$ in might- $ee$s thou, Gi<ur the #hite, 2eause thou oeramestGunnar of 3ithen$ 2ut sgrim, for that he sle# Gau/, his foster2rother.*

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*&e#,* sai$ sgrim, *2ring for#ar$ the 2etter if the- /no# the #orse, 2ut man-#oul$ sa- that 5 sle# not Gau/ ere 5 #as $rien to it. "here is some e4use for theefor not hel0ing us, 2ut none for hea0ing re0roahes on us an$ 5 onl- #ish 2eforethis "hing is out that thou ma-est get from this suit the greatest $isgrae, an$ thatthere ma- 2e none to ma/e th- shame goo$.*"hen Gi<ur an$ his men stoo$ u0 all of them, an$ #ent out, an$ so on to the 2oothof Snorri the 0riest.Snorri sat on the ross2enh in his 2ooth the- #ent into the 2ooth, an$ he /ne#

the men at one, an$ stoo$ u0 to meet them, an$ 2a$e them all #elome, an$ma$e room for them to sit 2- him.fter that, the- as/e$ one another the ne#s of the $a-."hen sgrim s0o/e to Snorri, an$ sai$ *&or that am 5 an$ m- /insman Gi<ur ome hither, to as/ thee for th- hel0.**"hou s0ea/est of #hat thou ma-est al#a-s 2e forgien for as/ing, for hel0 in the2loo$feu$ after suh onnetions as thou ha$st. We, too, got man- #holesomeounsels from Njal, though fe# no# 2ear that in min$ 2ut as -et 5 /no# not of #hat -e thin/ -e stan$ most in nee$.**We stan$ most in nee$,* ans#ers sgrim, *of 2ris/ la$s an$ goo$ #ea0ons, if #e

fight them here at the "hing.**"rue it is,* sai$ Snorri, *that muh lies on that, an$ it is li/eliest that -e #ill 0ressthem home #ith $aring, an$ that the- #ill $efen$ themseles so in li/e#ise, an$neither of -ou #ill allo# the other's right. "hen -e #ill not 2ear #ith them an$ fallon them, an$ that #ill 2e the onl- #a- left for then the- #ill see/ to 0a- -ou off #ith shame for mansathe, an$ #ith $ishonour for loss of /in.*5t #as eas- to see that he goa$e$ them on in eer-thing."hen Gi<ur the #hite sai$ *"hou s0ea/est #ell, Snorri, an$ thou 2ehaest eer most li/e a hief #hen mostlies at sta/e.*

*5 #ish to /no#,* sai$ sgrim, *in #hat #a- thou #ilt stan$ 2- us if things turn outas thou sa-est.**5 #ill sho# thee those mar/s of frien$shi0,* sai$ Snorri, *on #hih all -our honour#ill hang, 2ut 5 #ill not go #ith -ou to the ourt. But if -e fight here on the "hing,$o not fall on them at all unless -e are all most stea$fast an$ $auntless, for -ouhae great ham0ions against -ou. But if -e are oermathe$, -e must let-ourseles 2e $rien hither to#ar$s us, for 5 shall then hae $ra#n u0 m- men inarra- herea2outs, an$ shall 2e rea$- to stan$ 2- -ou. But if it falls out other#ise,an$ the- gie #a- 2efore -ou, m- meaning is that the- #ill tr- to run for astronghol$ in the 'Great ift'. But if the- ome thither, then -e #ill neer get the

2etter of them. No# 5 #ill ta/e that on m- han$s, to $ra# u0 m- men there, an$guar$ the 0ass to the stronghol$, 2ut #e #ill not follo# them #hether the- turnnorth or south along the rier. n$ #hen -ou hae slain out of their 2an$ a2out asman- as 5 thin/ -e #ill 2e a2le to 0a- 2loo$fines for, an$ -et /ee0 -our 0riesthoo$san$ a2o$es, then 5 #ill run u0 #ith all m- men an$ 0art -ou. "hen -e shall 0romiseto $o us 5 2i$ -ou, an$ sto0 the 2attle, if 5 on m- 0art $o #hat 5 hae no#0romise$.*Gi<ur than/e$ him /in$l-, an$ sai$ that #hat he ha$ sai$ #as just #hat the- allnee$e$, an$ then the- all #ent out.*Whither shall #e go no#7* sai$ Gi<ur.*"o the Northlan$ers' 2ooth,* sai$ sgrim."hen the- fare$ thither.

Chapter 10 - Of *s$ri% and !ud%und

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n$ #hen the- ame into the 2ooth then the- sa# #here Gu$mun$ the 0o#erfulsate an$ tal/e$ #ith Einer onal's son, his fosterhil$ he #as a #ise man."hen the- ome 2efore him, an$ Gu$mun$ #elome$ them er- heartil-, an$ ma$ethem lear the 2ooth for them, that the- might all 2e a2le to sit $o#n."hen the- as/e$ #hat ti$ings, an$ sgrim sai$ *"here is no nee$ to mutter #hat 5 hae to sa-. We #ish, Gu$mun$, to as/ for th-stea$fast hel0.**ae -e seen an- other hiefs 2efore7* sai$ Gu$mun$.

"he- sai$ the- ha$ 2een to see S/a0ti "horo$'s son an$ Snorri the 0riest, an$ tol$him uietl- ho# the- ha$ fare$ #ith eah of them."hen Gu$mun$ sai$ *3ast time 5 2ehae$ 2a$l- an$ meanl- to -ou. "hen 5 #as stu22orn, 2ut no# -eshall $rie -our 2argain #ith me all the more ui/l- 2eause 5 #as more stu22ornthen, an$ no# 5 #ill go m-self #ith -ou to the ourt #ith all m- "hingmen, an$stan$ 2- -ou in all suh things as 5 an, an$ fight for -ou though this 2e nee$e$,an$ la- $o#n m- life for -our lies. 5 #ill also 0a- S/a0ti out in this #a-, that"horstein ga0emouth his son shall 2e in the 2attle on our si$e, for he #ill not $areto $o aught else than 5 #ill, sine he has @o$isa m- $aughter to #ife, an$ then

S/a0ti #ill tr- to 0art us.*"he- than/e$ him, an$ tal/e$ #ith him long an$ lo# after#ar$s, so that no othermen oul$ hear."hen Gu$mun$ 2a$e them not to go 2efore the /nees of an- other hiefs, for hesai$ that #oul$ 2e littlehearte$.*We #ill no# run the ris/ #ith the fore that #e hae. :e must go #ith -our#ea0ons to all la#2usiness, 2ut not fight as things stan$.*"hen the- #ent all of them home to their 2ooths, an$ all this #as at first #ith fe#men's /no#le$ge.So no# the "hing goes on.

Chapter 1& - Of the de(larations of the suits

5t #as one $a- that men #ent to the ill of 3a#s, an$ the hiefs #ere so 0lae$that sgrim Elli$agrim's son, an$ Gi<ur the #hite, an$ Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, an$Snorri the 0riest, #ere on the u00er han$ 2- the ill of 3a#s 2ut the Eastfirthersstoo$ $o#n 2elo#.%or$ +algar$'s son stoo$ ne4t to Gi<ur his fatherinla# he #as of all men therea$iesttongue$.Gi<ur tol$ him that he ought to gie notie of the suit for manslaughter, an$ 2a$ehim s0ea/ u0, so that all might hear him #ell."hen %or$ too/ #itness an$ sai$ *5 ta/e #itness to this that 5 gie notie of anassault lai$ $o#n 2- la# against &losi "hor$'s son, for that he rushe$ at elgi Njal'sson an$ $ealt him a 2rain, or a 2o$-, or a marro# #oun$, #hih 0roe$ a $eath#oun$, an$ from #hih elgi got his $eath. 5 sa- that in this suit he ought to 2ema$e a guilt- man, an outla#, not to 2e fe$, not to 2e for#ar$e$, not to 2e hel0e$or har2oure$ in an- nee$. 5 sa- that all his goo$s are forfeite$, half to me, an$ half to the men of the uarter, #ho hae a right 2- la# to ta/e his forfeite$ goo$s. 5gie notie of this suit for manslaughter in the uarter ourt into #hih this suitought 2- la# to ome. 5 gie notie of this la#ful notie 5 gie notie in the hearing

of all men on the ill of 3a#s 5 gie notie of this suit to 2e 0lea$e$ this summer,an$ of full outla#r- against &losi "hor$'s son 5 gie notie of a suit #hih "horgeir"horir's son has han$e$ oer to me.*"hen a great shout #as uttere$ at the ill of 3a#s, that %or$ s0o/e #ell an$ 2ol$l-.

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"hen %or$ 2egun to s0ea/ a seon$ time.*5 ta/e -ou to #itness to this,* sa-s he, *that 5 gie notie of a suit against &losi"hor$'s son, 5 gie notie for that he #oun$e$ elgi Njal's son #ith a 2rain, or a2o$-, or a marro# #oun$, #hih 0roe$ a $eath#oun$, an$ from #hih elgi gothis $eath on that s0ot #here &losi "hor$'s son ha$ first rushe$ on elgi Njal's son#ith an assault lai$ $o#n 2- la#. 5 sa- that thou, &losi, ought to 2e ma$e in thissuit a guilt- man, an outla#, not to 2e fe$, not to 2e for#ar$e$, not to he hel0e$ orhar2oure$ in an- nee$. 5 sa- that all th- goo$s are forfeite$, half to me an$ half to

the men of the uarter, #ho hae a right 2- la# to ta/e the goo$s #hih hae 2eenforfeite$ 2- thee. 5 gie notie of this suit in the uarter ourt into #hih it ought2- la# to ome 5 gie notie of this la#ful notie 5 gie notie of it in the hearingof all men on the ill of 3a#s 5 gie notie of this suit to 2e 0lea$e$ this summer,an$ of full outla#r- against &losi "hor$'s son, 5 gie notie of the suit #hih"horgeir "horir's son hath han$e$ oer to me.*fter that %or$ sat him $o#n.&losi listene$ arefull-, 2ut sai$ neer a #or$ the #hile."hen "horgeir raggeir stoo$ u0 an$ too/ #itness, an$ sai$ *5 ta/e #itness tothis, that 5 gie notie of a suit against Glum ill$ir's son, in that he too/ firing an$

lit it, an$ 2ore it to the house at Bergthors/noll, #hen the- #ere 2urne$ insi$e it, to#it, Njal "horgeir's son, an$ Bergthora S/ar0he$inn's $aughter, an$ all those othermen #ho #ere 2urne$ insi$e it there an$ then. 5 sa- that in this suit he ought to 2ema$e a guilt- man, an outla#, not to 2e fe$, not to 2e for#ar$e$, not to 2e hel0e$or har2oure$ in an- nee$. 5 sa- that all his goo$s are forfeite$, half to me, an$ half to the men of the uarter, #ho hae a right 2- la# to ta/e his forfeite$ goo$s 5gie notie of this suit in the uarter ourt into #hih it ought 2- la# to ome. 5gie notie in the hearing of all men on the ill of 3a#s. 5 gie notie of this suit to2e 0lea$e$ this summer, an$ of full outla#r- against Glum ill$ir's son.*;ari Solmun$'s son $elare$ his suits against ;ol "horstein's son, an$ Gunnar

3am2i's son, an$ Grani Gunnar's son, an$ it #as the ommon tal/ of men that hes0o/e #on$rous #ell."horleif ro# $elare$ his suit against all the sons of Sigfus, 2ut "horgrim the 2ig,his 2rother, against %o$olf ;ettle's son, an$ 3am2i Sigur$'s son, an$ roaramon$'s son, 2rother of 3ei$olf the strong.sgrim Elli$agrim's son $elare$ his suit against 3ei$olf an$ "horstein Geirleif's son.rni ;ol's son, an$ Grim the re$.n$ the- all s0o/e #ell.fter that other men gae notie of their suits, an$ it #as far on in the $a- that it#ent on so.

"hen men fare$ home to their 2ooths.E-jolf Boler/'s son #ent to his 2ooth #ith &losi the- 0asse$ east aroun$ the2ooth, an$ &losi sai$ to E-jolf *See'st thou an- $efene in these suits7**None,* sa-s E-jolf.*What ounsel is no# to 2e ta/en7* sa-s &losi.*5 #ill gie thee a 0iee of a$ie,* sai$ E-jolf. *No# thou shalt han$ oer th-0riesthoo$ to th- 2rother "horgeir, 2ut $elare that thou hast joine$ the "hing of s/el the 0riest the son of "hor/ettle, north a#a- in e-/iar$ale 2ut if the- $o not/no# this, then ma- 2e that this #ill harm them, for the- #ill 2e sure to 0lea$ theirsuit in the Eastfirther's ourt, 2ut the- ought to 0lea$ it in the Northlan$ers' ourt,an$ the- #ill oerloo/ that, an$ it is a &ifth ourt matter against them if the- 0lea$their suit in another ourt than that in #hih the- ought, an$ then #e #ill ta/e thatsuit u0, 2ut not until #e hae no other hoie left.*

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*%a- 2e,* sai$ &losi, *that #e shall get the #orth of the ring.**5 $on't /no# that,* sa-s E-jolf *2ut 5 #ill stan$ 2- thee at la#, so that men shallsa- that there neer #as a 2etter $efene. No#, #e must sen$ for s/el, 2ut"horgeir shall ome to thee at one, an$ a man #ith him.* little #hile after "horgeir ame, an$ then he too/ on him &losi's lea$ershi0 an$0riesthoo$.B- that time s/el #as ome thither too, an$ then &losi $elare$ that he ha$ joine$his "hing, an$ this #as #ith no man's /no#le$ge sae theirs.

No# all is uiet till the $a- #hen the ourts #ere to go out to tr- suits.

Chapter 1&1 - Now %en $o to the (ourts

No# the time 0asses a#a- till the ourts #ere to go out to tr- suits. Both si$es thenma$e them rea$- to go thither, an$ arme$ them. Eah si$e 0ut #arto/ens on theirhelmets."hen "horhall sgrim's son sai$ *Wal/ hastil- in nothing, father mine, an$ $o eer-thing as la#full- an$ rightl- as

-e an, 2ut if -e fall into an- strait let me /no# as ui/l- as -e an, an$ then 5 #illgie -ou ounsel.*sgrim an$ the others loo/e$ at him, an$ his fae #as as though it #ere all 2loo$,2ut great tear$ro0s gushe$ out of his e-es. e 2a$e them 2ring him his s0ear, thatha$ 2een a gift to him from S/ar0he$inn, an$ it #as the greatest treasure.sgrim sai$ as the- #ent a#a- *9ur /insman "horhall #as not eas- in his min$ as #e left him 2ehin$ in the 2ooth,an$ 5 /no# not #hat he #ill 2e at.*"hen sgrim sai$ again *No# #e #ill go to %or$ +algar$'s son, an$ thin/ of naught else 2ut the suit, for

there is more s0ort in &losi than in er- man- other men.*"hen sgrim sent a man to Gi<ur the #hite, an$ jallti S/eggi's son, an$ Gu$mun$the 0o#erful. No# the- all ame together, an$ #ent straight to the ourt of Eastfirthers. "he- #ent to the ourt from the south, 2ut &losi an$ all theEastfirthers #ith him #ent to it from the north. "here #ere also the men of e-/$ale an$ the 4efirthers #ith &losi. "here, too, #as E-jolf Boler/'s son. &losiloo/e$ at E-jolf, an$ sai$ *ll no# goes fairl-, an$ ma- 2e that it #ill not 2e far off from th- guess.**;ee0 th- 0eae a2out it,* sa-s E-jolf, *an$ then #e shall 2e sure to gain our0oint.*No# %or$ too/ #itness, an$ 2a$e all those men #ho ha$ suits of outla#r- 2eforethe ourt to ast lots #ho shoul$ first 0lea$ or $elare his suit, an$ #ho ne4t, an$#ho last he 2a$e them 2- a la#ful 2i$$ing 2efore the ourt, so that the ju$geshear$ it. "hen lots #ere ast as to the $elarations, an$ he, %or$, $re# the lot to$elare his suit first.No# %or$ +algar$'s son too/ #itness the seon$ time, an$ sai$ *5 ta/e #itness to this, that 5 e4e0t all mista/es in #or$s in m- 0lea$ing, #hetherthe- 2e too man- or #rongl- s0o/en, an$ 5 laim the right to amen$ all m- #or$suntil 5 hae 0ut them into 0ro0er la#ful sha0e. 5 ta/e #itness to m-self of this.*gain %or$ sai$ *5 ta/e #itness to this, that 5 2i$ &losi "hor$'s son, or an- other man #ho has

un$erta/en the $efene ma$e oer to him 2- &losi, to listen for him to m- oath,an$ to m- $elaration of m- suit, an$ to all the 0roofs an$ 0roee$ings #hih 5 ama2out to 2ring for#ar$ against him 5 2i$ him 2- a la#ful 2i$$ing 2efore the ourt,so that the ju$ges ma- hear it aross the ourt.*

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of outla#r- in this sha0e 2efore the ourt of the Eastfirthers oer the hea$ of @ohn,as 5 uttere$ it #hen 5 gae notie of it.*"hen %or$ s0o/e again *5 hae alle$ "horo$$ as m- first #itness, an$ "hor2jorn as m- seon$. 5 haealle$ them to 2ear #itness that 5 gae notie of a suit against &losi "hor$'s son forthat he #oun$e$ elgi Njal's son #ith a 2rain, or a 2o$-, or a marro# #oun$, #hih0roe$ a $eath#oun$, an$ from #hih elgi got his $eath. 5 sai$ that he ought to2e ma$e in this suit a guilt- man, an outla#, not he fe$, not to 2e for#ar$e$, not to

2e hel0e$ or har2oure$ in an- nee$ 5 sai$ that all his goo$s #ere forfeite$, half tome an$ half to the men of the uarter #ho hae the right 2- la# to ta/e the goo$s#hih he has forfeite$ 5 gae notie of the suit in the uarter ourt into #hih thesuit ought 2- la# to ome 5 gae notie of that la#ful notie 5 gae notie in thehearing of all men at the ill of 3a#s 5 gae notie of this suit to 2e 0lea$e$ no#this summer, an$ of full outla#r- against &losi "hor$'s son. 5 gae notie of a suit#hih "horgeir "horir's son ha$ han$e$ oer to me an$ 5 ha$ all these #or$s in m-notie #hih 5 hae no# use$ in this $elaration of m- suit. 5 no# $elare this suitof outla#r- in this sha0e 2efore the ourt of the Eastfirthers oer the hea$ of @ohn,as 5 uttere$ it #hen 5 gae notie of it.*

"hen %or$'s #itnesses to the notie ame 2efore the ourt, an$ s0a/e so that oneuttere$ their #itness, 2ut 2oth onfirme$ it 2- their ommon onsent in this form,*5 2ear #itness that %or$ alle$ "horo$$ as his first #itness, an$ me as his seon$,an$ m- name is "hor2jorn* then he name$ his father's name *%or$ alle$ ust#o as his #itnesses that he gae notie of an assault lai$ $o#n 2- la# against &losi"hor$'s son #hen he rushe$ on elgi Njal's son, in that s0ot #here &losi "hor$'sson $ealt elgi Njal's son a 2rain, or a 2o$-, or a marro# #oun$, that 0roe$ a$eath#oun$, an$ from #hih elgi got his $eath. e sai$ that &losi ought to 2ema$e in this suit a guilt- man, an outla#, not to 2e fe$, not to 2e for#ar$e$, not to2e hel0e$ or har2oure$ 2- an- man he sai$ that all his goo$s #ere forfeite$, half 

to himself an$ half to the men of the uarter #ho hae the right 2- la# to ta/e thegoo$s #hih he ha$ forfeite$ he gae notie of the suit in the uarter ourt into#hih the suit ought 2- la# to ome he gae notie of that la#ful notie he gaenotie in the hearing of all men at the ill of 3a#s he gae notie of this suit to 2e0lea$e$ no# this summer, an$ of full outla#r- against &losi "hor$'s son. e gaenotie of a suit #hih "horgeir "horir's son ha$ han$e$ oer to him. e use$ allthose #or$s in his notie #hih he use$ in the $elaration of his suit, an$ #hih #ehae use$ in 2earing #itness #e hae no# 2orne our #itness rightl- an$ la#full-,an$ #e are agree$ in 2earing it #e 2ear this #itness in this sha0e 2efore theEastfirthers' ourt oer the hea$ of @ohn, as %or$ uttere$ it #hen he gae his

notie.* seon$ time the- 2ore their #itness of the notie 2efore the ourt, an$ 0ut the#oun$s first an$ the assault last, an$ use$ all the same #or$s as 2efore, an$ 2oretheir #itness in this sha0e 2efore the Eastfirthers' ourt just as %or$ uttere$ them#hen he gae his notie."hen %or$'s #itnesses to the han$ing oer of the suit #ent 2efore the ourt, an$one uttere$ their #itness, an$ 2oth onfirme$ it 2- ommon onsent, an$ s0o/e inthese #or$s *"hat those t#o, %or$ +algar$'s son an$ "horgeir "horir's son, too/them to #itness that "horgeir "horir's son han$e$ oer a suit for manslaughter to%or$ +algar$'s son against &losi "hor$'s son for the la-ing of elgi Njal's son hehan$e$ oer to him then the suit, #ith all the 0roofs an$ 0roee$ings #hih2elonge$ to the suit, he han$e$ it oer to him to 0lea$ an$ to settle, an$ to ma/euse of all rights as though he #ere the rightful ne4t of /in "horgeir han$e$ it oerla#full-, an$ %or$ too/ it la#full-*.

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"he- 2ore this #itness of the han$ing oer of the suit in this sha0e 2efore theEastfirthers' ourt oer the hea$ of @ohn, just as %or$ or "horgeir ha$ alle$ themas #itnesses to 0roe."he- ma$e all these #itnesses s#ear an oath ere the- 2ore #itness, an$ the ju$gestoo.gain %or$ +algar$'s son too/ #itness.*5 ta/e #itness to this,* sai$ he, *that 5 2i$ those nine neigh2ours #hom 5summone$ #hen 5 lai$ this suit against &losi "hor$'s son, to ta/e their seats #est

on the rier2an/, an$ 5 all on the $efen$ant to hallenge this inuest, 5 all onhim 2- a la#ful 2i$$ing 2efore the ourt so that the ju$ges ma- hear.*gain %or$ too/ #itness.*5 ta/e #itness to this, that 5 2i$ &losi "hor$'s son, or that other man #ho has the$efene han$e$ oer to him, to hallenge the inuest #hih 5 hae ause$ to ta/etheir seats #est on the rier2an/. 5 2i$ thee 2- a la#ful 2i$$ing 2efore the ourt sothat the ju$ges ma- hear.*gain %or$ too/ #itness.*5 ta/e #itness to this, that no# are all the first ste0s an$ 0roofs 2rought for#ar$#hih 2elong to the suit. Summons to hear m- oath, oath ta/en, suit $elare$,

#itness 2orne to the notie, #itness 2orne to the han$ing oer of the suit, theneigh2ours on the inuest 2i$$en to ta/e their seats, an$ the $efen$ant 2i$$en tohallenge the inuest. 5 ta/e this #itness to these ste0s an$ 0roofs #hih are no#2rought for#ar$, an$ also to this that 5 shall not 2e thought to hae left the suitthough 5 go a#a- from the ourt to loo/ u0 0roofs, or on other 2usiness.*No# &losi an$ his men #ent thither #here the neigh2ours on the inuest sate."hen &losi sai$ to his men *"he sons of Sigfus must /no# 2est #hether these are the rightful neigh2ours tothe s0ot #ho are here summone$.*;ettle of the %ar/ ans#ere$

*ere is that neigh2our #ho hel$ %or$ at the font #hen he #as 2a0tise$, 2utanother is his seon$ ousin 2- /inshi0.*"hen the- re/one$ u0 his /inshi0, an$ 0roe$ it #ith an oath."hen E-jolf too/ #itness that the inuest shoul$ $o nothing till it #as hallenge$. seon$ time E-jolf too/ #itness *5 ta/e #itness to this,* sai$ he, *that 5 hallenge 2oth these men out of theinuest, an$ set them asi$e* here he name$ them 2- name, an$ their fathers as#ell *for this sa/e, that one of them is %or$'s seon$ ousin 2- /inshi0, 2ut theother for gossi0r-, for #hih sa/e it is la#ful to hallenge a neigh2our on theinuest -e t#o are for a la#ful reason ina0a2le of uttering a fin$ing, for no# a

la#ful hallenge has oerta/en -ou, therefore 5 hallenge an$ set -ou asi$e 2- therightful ustom of 0lea$ing at the lthing, an$ 2- the la# of the lan$ 5 hallenge-ou in the ause #hih &losi "hor$'s son has han$e$ oer to me.*No# all the 0eo0le s0o/e out, an$ sai$ that %or$'s suit ha$ ome to naught, an$ all#ere agree$ in this that the $efene #as 2etter than the 0roseution."hen sgrim sai$ to %or$ *"he $a- is not -et their o#n, though the- thin/ no# that the- hae gaine$ a greatste0 2ut no# some one shall go to see "horhall m- son, an$ /no# #hat a$ie hegies us.*"hen a trust- messenger #as sent to "horhall, an$ tol$ him as 0lainl- as he oul$ho# far the suit ha$ gone, an$ ho# &losi an$ his men thought the- ha$ 2rought thefin$ing of the inuest to a $ea$ lo/.*5 #ill so ma/e it out,* sa-s "horhall, *that this shall not ause -ou to lose the suitan$ tell them not to 2eliee it, though uir/s an$ ui22les 2e 2rought against them,

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"hen there #as a great shout an$ r-, an$ then all men sai$ that &losi's an$ E-jolf'sause #as muh sha/en, an$ no# men #ere of one min$ as to this, that the0roseution #as 2etter than the $efene."hen &losi sai$ to E-jolf *an this 2e la#7*E-jolf sai$ he ha$ not #is$om enough to /no# that for a suret-, an$ then the- senta man to S/a0ti, the S0ea/er of the 3a#, to as/ #hether it #ere goo$ la#, an$ hesent them 2a/ #or$ that it #as surel- goo$ la#, though fe# /ne# it.

"hen this #as tol$ to &losi, an$ E-jolf Boler/'s son as/e$ the sons of Sigfus as tothe other neigh2ours #ho #ere summone$ thither."he- sai$ there #ere four of them #ho #ere #rongl- summone$ *for those sit no#at home #ho #ere nearer neigh2ours to the s0ot*."hen E-jolf too/ #itness that he hallenge$ all those four men out of the inuest,an$ that he $i$ it #ith la#ful form of hallenge. fter that he sai$ to the neigh2ours*:e are 2oun$ to ren$er la#ful justie to 2oth si$es, an$ no# -e shall go 2efore theourt #hen -e are alle$, an$ ta/e #itness that -e fin$ that 2ar to uttering -ourfin$ing that -e are 2ut fie summone$ to utter -our fin$ing, 2ut that -e ought to

2e nine an$ no# "horhall ma- 0roe an$ arr- his 0oint in eer- suit, if he anure this fla# in this suit.*n$ no# it #as 0lain in eer-thing that &losi an$ E-jolf #ere er- 2oastful an$there #as a great r- that no# the suit for the Burning #as uashe$, an$ thatagain the $efene #as 2etter than the 0roseution."hen sgrim s0o/e to %or$ *"he- /no# not -et of #hat to 2oast ere #e hae seen m- son "horhall. Njal tol$me that he ha$ so taught "horhall la#, that he #oul$ turn out the 2est la#-er in5elan$ #hen eer it #ere 0ut to the 0roof.*"hen a man #as sent to "horhall to tell him ho# things stoo$, an$ of &losi's an$

E-jolf's 2oasting, an$ the r- of the 0eo0le that the suit for the Burning #asuashe$ in %or$'s 2an$s.*5t #ill 2e #ell for them,* sa-s "horhall, *if the- get not $isgrae from this. "houshalt go an$ tell %or$ to ta/e #itness, an$ s#ear an oath, that the greater 0art of the inuest is rightl- summone$, an$ then he shall 2ring that #itness 2efore theourt, an$ then he ma- set the 0roseution on its feet again 2ut he #ill hae to0a- a fine of three mar/s for eer- man that he has #rongl- summone$ 2ut hema- not 2e 0roseute$ for that at this "hing an$ no# thou shalt go 2a/.*e $oes so, an$ tol$ %or$ an$ sgrim all, #or$ for #or$, that "horhall ha$ sai$."hen %or$ #ent to the ourt, an$ too/ #itness, an$ s#ore an oath that the greater

0art of the inuest #as rightl- summone$, an$ sai$ then that he ha$ set the0roseution on its feet again, an$ then he #ent on, *an$ so our foes shall haehonour from something else than from this, that #e hae here ta/en a great falseste0*."hen there #as a great roar that %or$ han$le$ the suit #ell 2ut it #as sai$ that&losi an$ his men 2etoo/ them onl- to ui22ling an$ #rong.&losi as/e$ E-jolf if this oul$ 2e goo$ la#, 2ut he sai$ he oul$ not surel- tell, 2utsai$ the 3a#man must settle this /nott- 0oint."hen "hor/el Geiti's son #ent on their 2ehalf to tell the 3a#man ho# things stoo$,an$ as/e$ #hether this #ere goo$ la# that %or$ ha$ sai$.*%ore men are great la#-ers no#,* sa-s S/a0ti, *than 5 thought 5 must tell thee,then, that this is suh goo$ la# in all 0oints, that there is not a #or$ to sa- againstit 2ut still 5 thought that 5 alone #oul$ /no# this, no# that Njal #as $ea$, for he#as the onl- man 5 eer /ne# #ho /ne# it.*

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"hen "hor/el #ent 2a/ to &losi an$ E-jolf, an$ sai$ that this #as goo$ la#."hen %or$ +algar$'s son #ent to the ourt an$ too/ #itness. *5 ta/e #itness tothis,* he sai$, *that 5 2i$ those neigh2ours on the inuest in the suit #hih 5 set onfoot against &losi "hor$'s son no# to utter their fin$ing, an$ to fin$ it either againsthim or for him 5 2i$ them 2- a la#ful 2i$$ing 2efore the ourt, so that the ju$gesma- 2ear it aross the ourt.*"hen the neigh2ours on %or$'s inuest #ent to the ourt, an$ one uttere$ theirfin$ing, 2ut all onfirme$ it 2- their onsent an$ the- s0o/e thus, #or$ for #or$

*%or$ +algar$'s son summone$ nine of us thanes on this inuest, 2ut here #estan$ fie of us, 2ut four hae 2een hallenge$ an$ set asi$e, an$ no# #itness has2een 2orne as to the a2sene of the four #ho ought to hae uttere$ this fin$ingalong #ith us, an$ no# #e are 2oun$ 2- la# to utter our fin$ing. We #eresummone$ to 2ear this #itness, #hether &losi "hor$'s son rushe$ #ith an assaultlai$ $o#n 2- la# on elgi Njal's son, on that s0ot #here &losi "hor$'s son #oun$e$elgi Njal's son #ith a 2rain, or a 2o$-, or a marro# #oun$, #hih 0roe$ a $eath#oun$, an$ from #hih elgi got his $eath. e summone$ us to utter all those#or$s #hih it #as la#ful for us to utter, an$ #hih he shoul$ all on us to ans#er2efore the ourt, an$ #hih 2elong to this suit he summone$ us, so that #e hear$

#hat he sai$ he summone$ us in a suit #hih "horgeir "horir's son ha$ han$e$oer to him, an$ no# #e hae all s#orn an oath, an$ foun$ our la#ful fin$ing, an$are all agree$, an$ #e utter our fin$ing against &losi, an$ #e sa- that he is trul-guilt- in this suit. We nine men on this inuest of neigh2ours so sha0en, utter thisour fin$ing 2efore the Eastfirthers' ourt oer the hea$ of @ohn, as %or$ summone$us to $o 2ut this is the fin$ing of all of us.*gain a seon$ time the- uttere$ their fin$ing against &losi, an$ uttere$ it firsta2out the #oun$s, an$ last a2out the assault, 2ut all their other #or$s the- uttere$

 just as the- ha$ 2efore uttere$ their fin$ing against &losi, an$ 2rought him in trul-guilt- in the suit.

"hen %or$ +algar$'s son #ent 2efore the ourt, an$ too/ #itness that thoseneigh2ours #hom he ha$ summone$ in the suit #hih he ha$ set on foot against&losi "hor$'s son ha$ no# uttere$ their fin$ing, an$ 2rought him in trul- guilt- inthe suit he too/ #itness to this for his o#n 0art, or for those #ho might #ish toma/e use of this #itness.gain a seon$ time %or$ too/ #itness an$ sai$ *5 ta/e #itness to this that 5 all on &losi, or that man #ho has to un$erta/e thela#ful $efene #hih he has han$e$ oer to him, to 2egin his $efene to this suit#hih 5 hae set on foot against him, for no# all the ste0s an$ 0roofs hae 2een2rought for#ar$ #hih 2elong 2- la# to this suit all #itness 2orne, the fin$ing of 

the inuest uttere$ an$ 2rought in, #itness ta/en to the fin$ing, an$ to all theste0s #hih hae gone 2efore 2ut if an- suh thing arises in their la#ful $efene#hih 5 nee$ to turn into a suit against them, then 5 laim the right to set that suiton foot against them. 5 2i$ this m- la#ful 2i$$ing 2efore the ourt, so that the

 ju$ges ma- hear.**5t gla$$ens me no#, E-jolf,* sai$ &losi, *in m- heart to thin/ #hat a #r- fae the-#ill ma/e, an$ ho# their 0ates #ill tingle #hen thou 2ringest for#ar$ our $efene.*

Chapter 1&2 - Of 3yjolf Bol+er#'s son

"hen E-jolf Boler/'s son #ent 2efore the ourt, an$ too/ #itness to this *5 ta/e #itness that this is a la#ful $efene in this ause, that -e hae 0lea$e$ thesuit in the Eastfirthers' ourt, #hen -e ought to hae 0lea$e$ it in the Northlan$ers'ourt for &losi has $elare$ himself one of the "hingmen of s/el the 0riest an$

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here no# are those t#o #itnesses #ho #ere 2-, an$ #ho #ill 2ear #itness that &losihan$e$ oer his 0riesthoo$ to his 2rother "horgeir, 2ut after#ar$s $elare$ himself one of s/el the 0riest's "hingmen. 5 ta/e #itness to this for m- o#n 0art, an$ forthose #ho ma- nee$ to ma/e use of it.*gain E-jolf too/ #itness *5 ta/e #itness,* he sai$, *to this, that 5 2i$ %or$ #ho0lea$s this suit, or the ne4t of /in, to listen to m- oath, an$ to m- $elaration of the $efene #hih 5 am a2out to 2ring for#ar$ 5 2i$ him 2- a la#ful 2i$$ing 2eforethe ourt, so that the ju$ges ma- hear me*.

gain E-jolf too/ #itness *5 ta/e #itness to this, that 5 s#ear an oath on the 2oo/, a la#ful oath, an$ sa- it2efore Go$, that 5 #ill so $efen$ this ause, in the most truthful, an$ most just, an$most la#ful #a-, so far as 5 /no#, an$ so fulfil all la#ful $uties #hih 2elong to meat this "hing.*"hen E-jolf sai$ *"hese t#o men 5 ta/e to #itness that 5 2ring for#ar$ this la#ful $efene that thissuit #as 0lea$e$ in another uarter ourt, than that in #hih it ought to hae 2een0lea$e$ an$ 5 sa- that for this sa/e their suit has ome to naught 5 utter this$efene in this sha0e 2efore the Eastfirthers' ourt.*

fter that he let all the #itness 2e 2rought for#ar$ #hih 2elonge$ to the $efene,an$ then he too/ #itness to all the ste0s in the $efene to 0roe that the- ha$ all2een $ul- ta/en.fter that E-jolf again too/ #itness an$ sai$ *5 ta/e #itness to this, that 5 for2i$ the ju$ges, 2- a la#ful 0rotest 2efore the0riest, to utter ju$gment in the suit of %or$ an$ his frien$s, for no# a la#ful$efene has 2een 2rought 2efore the ourt. 5 for2i$ -ou 2- a 0rotest ma$e 2efore a0riest 2- a full, fair, an$ 2in$ing 0rotest as 5 hae a right to for2i$ -ou 2- theommon ustom of the lthing, an$ 2- the la# of the lan$.*fter that he alle$ on the ju$ges to 0ronoune for the $efene.

"hen sgrim an$ his frien$s 2rought on the other suits for the Burning, an$ thosesuits too/ their ourse.

Chapter 1& - The (ounsel of Thorhall *s$ri%'s son

No# sgrim an$ his frien$s sent a man to "horhall, an$ let him 2e tol$ in #hat astrait the- ha$ ome.*"oo far off #as 5 no#,* ans#ers "horhall, *for this ause might still not hae ta/enthis turn if 5 ha$ 2een 2-. 5 no# see their ourse that the- must mean to summon-ou to the &ifth ourt for ontem0t of the "hing. "he- must also mean to $ii$e theEastfirthers' ourt in the suit for the Burning, so that no ju$gment ma- 2e gien,for no# the- 2ehae so as to sho# that the- #ill sta- at no ill. No# shalt thou go2a/ to them as ui/l- as thou anst, an$ sa- that %or$ must summon them 2oth,2oth &losi an$ E-jolf, for haing 2rought mone- into the &ifth ourt, an$ ma/e it aase of lesser outla#r-. "hen he shall summon them #ith a seon$ summons forthat the- hae 2rought for#ar$ that #itness #hih ha$ nothing to $o #ith theirause, an$ so #ere guilt- of ontem0t of the "hing an$ tell them that 5 sa- this,that if t#o suits for lesser outla#r- hang oer one an$ the same man, that he shall2e a$ju$ge$ a thorough outla# at one. n$ for this -e must set -our suits on footfirst, that then -e #ill first go to trial an$ ju$gment.*

No# the messenger #ent his #a- 2a/ an$ tol$ %or$ an$ sgrim.fter that the- #ent to the ill of 3a#s, an$ %or$ +algar$'s son too/ #itness.*5 ta/e #itness to this that 5 summon &losi "hor$'s son, for that he gae mone- forhis hel0 here at the "hing to E-jolf Boler/'s son. 5 sa- that he ought on this harge

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to 2e ma$e a guilt- outla#, for this sa/e alone to 2e for#ar$e$ or to 2e allo#e$ theright of frithsto# >santuar-?, if his fine an$ 2ail are 2rought for#ar$ at thee4eution leie$ on his house an$ goo$s, 2ut else to 2eome a thorough outla#. 5sa- all his goo$s are forfeite$, half to me an$ half to the men of the uarter #hohae the right 2- la# to ta/e his goo$s after he has 2een outla#e$. 5 summon thisause 2efore the &ifth ourt, #hither the ause ought to ome 2- la# 5 summon itto 2e 0lea$e$ no# an$ to full outla#r-. 5 summon #ith a la#ful summons. 5summon in the hearing of all men at the ill of 3a#s.*

With a li/e summons he summone$ E-jolf Boler/'s son, for that he ha$ ta/en an$reeie$ the mone-, an$ he summone$ him for that sa/e to the &ifth ourt.gain a seon$ time he summone$ &losi an$ E-jolf, for that sa/e that the- ha$2rought for#ar$ that #itness at the "hing #hih ha$ nothing la#full- to $o #ith theause of the 0arties, an$ ha$ so 2een guilt- of ontem0t of the "hing an$ he lai$the 0enalt- for that at lesser outla#r-."hen the- #ent a#a- to the ourt of 3a#s, there the &ifth ourt #as then set.No# #hen %or$ an$ sgrim ha$ gone a#a-, then the ju$ges in the Eastfirthers'ourt oul$ not agree ho# the- shoul$ gie ju$gment, for some of them #ishe$ togie ju$gment for &losi, 2ut some for %or$ an$ sgrim. "hen &losi an$ E-jolf trie$

to $ii$e the ourt, an$ there the- sta-e$, an$ lost time oer that #hile thesummoning at the ill of 3a#s #as going on. little #hile after &losi an$ E-jolf #ere tol$ that the- ha$ 2een summone$ at the ill of 3a#s into the &ifth ourt,eah of them #ith t#o summons. "hen E-jolf sai$ *5n an eil hour hae #e loitere$ here #hile the- hae 2een 2efore us in ui/nessof summoning. No# hath ome out "horhall's unning, an$ no man is his math in#it. No# the- hae the first right to 0lea$ their ause 2efore the ourt, an$ that#as eer-thing for them 2ut still #e #ill go to the ill of 3a#s, an$ set our suit onfoot against them, though that #ill no# stan$ us in little stea$.*"hen the- fare$ to the ill of 3a#s, an$ E-jolf summone$ them for ontem0t of the

"hing.fter that the- #ent to the &ifth ourt.No# #e must sa- that #hen %or$ an$ sgrim ame to the &ifth ourt, %or$ too/#itness an$ 2a$e them listen to his oath an$ the $elaration of his suit, an$ to allthose 0roofs an$ ste0s #hih he meant to 2ring for#ar$ against &losi an$ E-jolf. e2a$e them 2- a la#ful 2i$$ing 2efore the ourt, so that the ju$ges oul$ hear himaross the ourt.5n the &ifth ourt ouhers ha$ to follo# the oaths of the 0arties, an$ the- ha$ tota/e an oath after them.%or$ too/ #itness.

*5 ta/e #itness,* he sai$, *to this, that 5 ta/e a &ifth ourt oath. 5 0ra- Go$ so tohel0 me in this light an$ in the ne4t, as 5 shall 0lea$ this suit as 5 /no# to 2e mosttruthful, an$ just, an$ la#ful. 5 2eliee #ith all m- heart that &losi is trul- guilt- inthis suit, if 5 ma- 2ring for#ar$ m- 0roofs an$ 5 hae not 2rought mone- into thisourt in this suit, an$ 5 #ill not 2ring it. 5 hae not ta/en mone-, an$ 5 #ill not ta/eit, neither for a la#ful nor for an unla#ful en$.*"he men #ho #ere %or$'s ouhers then #ent t#o of them 2efore the ourt, an$too/ #itness to this *We ta/e #itness that #e ta/e an oath on the 2oo/, a la#ful oath #e 0ra- Go$ soto hel0 us t#o in this light an$ in the ne4t, as #e la- it on our honour that #e2eliee #ith all our hearts that %or$ #ill so 0lea$ this suit as he /no#s to 2e mosttruthful, an$ most just, an$ most la#ful, an$ that he hath not 2rought mone- intothis ourt in this suit to hel0 himself, an$ that he #ill not offer it, an$ that he hathnot ta/en mone-, nor #ill he ta/e it, either for a la#ful or unla#ful en$.*

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%or$ ha$ summone$ nine neigh2ours #ho lie$ ne4t to the "hingfiel$ on theinuest in the suit, an$ then %or$ too/ #itness, an$ $elare$ those four suits #hihhe ha$ set on foot against &losi an$ E-jolf an$ %or$ use$ all those #or$s in his$elaration that he ha$ use$ in his summons. e $elare$ his suits for outla#r- inthe same sha0e 2efore the &ifth ourt as he ha$ uttere$ them #hen he summone$the $efen$ants.%or$ too/ #itness, an$ 2a$e those nine neigh2ours on the inuest to ta/e theirseats #est on the rier2an/.

%or$ too/ #itness again, an$ 2a$e &losi an$ E-jolf to hallenge the inuest."he- #ent u0 to hallenge the inuest, an$ loo/e$ narro#l- at them, 2ut oul$ getnone of them set asi$e then the- #ent a#a- as things stoo$, an$ #ere er- ill0lease$ #ith their ase."hen %or$ too/ #itness, an$ 2a$e those nine neigh2ours #hom he ha$ 2eforealle$ on the inuest, to utter their fin$ing, an$ to 2ring it in either for or against&losi."hen the neigh2ours on %or$'s inuest ame 2efore the ourt, an$ one uttere$ thefin$ing, 2ut all the rest onfirme$ it 2- their onsent. "he- ha$ all ta/en the &ifthourt oath, an$ the- 2rought in &losi as trul- guilt- in the suit, an$ 2rought in their

fin$ing against him. "he- 2rought it in in suh a sha0e 2efore the &ifth ourt oerthe hea$ of the same man oer #hose hea$ %or$ ha$ alrea$- $elare$ his suit.fter that the- 2rought in all those fin$ings #hih the- #ere 2oun$ to 2ring in in allthe other suits, an$ all #as $one in la#ful form.E-jolf Boler/'s son an$ &losi #athe$ to fin$ a fla# in the 0roee$ings, 2ut oul$get nothing $one."hen %or$ +algar$'s son too/ #itness. *5 ta/e #itness,* sai$ he, *to this, that thesenine neigh2ours #hom 5 alle$ on these suits #hih 5 hae ha$ hanging oer thehea$s of &losi "hor$'s son, an$ E-jolf Boler/'s son, hae no# uttere$ their fin$ing,an$ hae 2rought them in trul- guilt- in these suits.*

e too/ this #itness for his o#n 0art.gain %or$ too/ #itness.*5 ta/e #itness,* he sai$, *to this, that 5 2i$ &losi "hor$'s son, or that other man#ho has ta/en his la#ful $efene in han$, no# to 2egin their $efene for no# allthe ste0s an$ 0roofs hae 2een 2rought for#ar$ in the suit, summons to listen tooaths, oaths ta/en, suit $elare$, #itness ta/en to the summons, neigh2ours alle$on to ta/e their seats on the inuest, $efen$ant alle$ on to hallenge the inuest,fin$ing uttere$, #itness ta/en to the fin$ing.*e too/ this #itness to all the ste0s that ha$ 2een ta/en in the suit."hen that man stoo$ u0 oer #hose hea$ the suit ha$ 2een $elare$ an$ 0lea$e$,

an$ summe$ u0 the ase. e summe$ u0 first ho# %or$ ha$ 2a$e them listen tohis oath, an$ to his $elaration of the suit, an$ to all the ste0s an$ 0roofs in it thenhe summe$ u0 ne4t ho# %or$ too/ his oath an$ his ouhers theirs then hesumme$ u0 ho# %or$ 0lea$e$ his suit, an$ use$ the er- #or$s in his summing u0that %or$ ha$ 2efore use$ in $elaring an$ 0lea$ing his suit, an$ #hih he ha$use$ in his summons, an$ he sai$ that the suit ame 2efore the &ifth ourt in thesame sha0e as it #as #hen he uttere$ it at the summoning. "hen he summe$ u0that men ha$ 2orne #itness to the summoning, an$ re0eate$ all those #or$s that%or$ ha$ use$ in his summons, an$ #hih the- ha$ use$ in 2earing their #itness,*an$ #hih 5 no#,* he sai$, *hae use$ in m- summing u0, an$ the- 2ore their#itness in the same sha0e 2efore the &ifth ourt as he uttere$ them at thesummoning*. fter that he summe$ u0 that %or$ 2a$e the neigh2ours on theinuest to ta/e their seats, then he tol$ ne4t of all ho# he 2a$e &losi to hallengethe inuest, or that man #ho ha$ un$erta/en this la#ful $efene for him then he

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tol$ ho# the neigh2ours #ent to the ourt, an$ uttere$ their fin$ing, an$ 2rought in&losi trul- guilt- in the suit, an$ ho# the- 2rought in the fin$ing of an inuest of nine men in that sha0e 2efore the &ifth ourt. "hen he summe$ u0 ho# %or$ too/#itness to all the ste0s in the suit, an$ ho# he ha$ 2i$$en the $efen$ant to 2eginhis $efene.fter that %or$ +algar$'s son too/ #itness. *5 ta/e #itness,* he sai$, *to this, that 5for2i$ &losi "hor$'s son, or that other man #ho has un$erta/en the la#ful $efenefor him, to set u0 his $efene for no# are all the ste0s ta/en #hih 2elong to the

suit, #hen the ase has 2een summe$ u0 an$ the 0roofs re0eate$.*fter that the foreman a$$e$ these #or$s of %or$ to his summing u0."hen %or$ too/ #itness, an$ 0ra-e$ the ju$ges to gie ju$gment in this suit."hen Gi<ur the #hite sai$, *"hou #ilt hae to $o more -et, %or$, for four t#elesan hae no right to 0ass ju$gment.*No# &losi sai$ to E-jolf, *What ounsel is to 2e ta/en no#7*"hen E-jolf sai$, *No# #e must ma/e the 2est of a 2a$ 2usiness 2ut still, #e #ill2i$e our time, for no# 5 guess that the- #ill ma/e a false ste0 in their suit, for %or$0ra-e$ for ju$gment at one in the suit, 2ut the- ought to all an$ set asi$e si4men out of the ourt, an$ after that the- ought to offer us to all an$ set asi$e si4

other men, 2ut #e #ill not $o that, for then the- ought to all an$ set asi$e thosesi4 men, an$ the- #ill 0erha0s oerloo/ that then all their ase has ome tonaught if the- $o not $o that, for three t#eles hae to ju$ge in eer- ause*.*"hou art a #ise man, E-jolf,* sai$ &losi, *so that fe# an ome nigh thee.*%or$ +algar$'s son too/ #itness.*5 ta/e #itness,* he sai$, *to this, that 5 all an$ set asi$e these si4 men out of theourt* an$ name$ them all 2- name *5 $o not allo# -ou to sit in the ourt 5 all-ou out an$ set -ou asi$e 2- the rightful ustom of the lthing, an$ the la# of thelan$.*fter that he offere$ E-jolf an$ &losi, 2efore #itnesses, to all out 2- name an$ set

asi$e other si4 men, 2ut &losi an$ E-jolf #oul$ not all them out."hen %or$ ma$e them 0ass ju$gment in the ause 2ut #hen the ju$gment #asgien, E-jolf too/ #itness, an$ sai$ that all their ju$gment ha$ ome to naught,an$ also eer-thing else that ha$ 2een $one, an$ his groun$ #as that three t#elesan$ one half ha$ ju$ge$, #hen three onl- ought to hae gien ju$gment.*n$ no# #e #ill follo# u0 our suits 2efore the &ifth ourt,* sai$ E-jolf, *an$ ma/ethem outla#s.*"hen Gi<ur the #hite sai$ to %or$ +algar$'s son *"hou hast ma$e a er- great mista/e in ta/ing suh a false ste0, an$ this is greatilllu/ 2ut #hat ounsel shall #e no# ta/e, /insman sgrim7* sa-s Gi<ur.

"hen sgrim sai$ *No# #e #ill sen$ a man to m- son "horhall, an$ /no# #hatounsel he #ill gie us*.

Chapter 1&& - Battle at the *lthin$

No# Snorri the 0riest hears ho# the auses stoo$, an$ then he 2egins to $ra# u0his men in arra- 2elo# the *Great ift,* 2et#een it an$ a$2ooth, an$ lai$ $o#n2eforehan$ to his men ho# the- #ere to 2ehae.No# the messenger omes to "horhall sgrim's son, an$ tells him ho# thingsstoo$, an$ ho# %or$ +algar$'s son an$ his frien$s #oul$ all 2e ma$e outla#s, an$

the suits for manslaughter 2e 2rought to naught.But #hen he hear$ that, he #as so sho/e$ at it that he oul$ not utter a #or$. e

 jum0e$ u0 then from his 2e$, an$ luthe$ #ith 2oth han$s his s0ear,S/ar0he$inn's gift, an$ $roe it through his foot then flesh lung to the s0ear, an$

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from the 2lo#, 2ut as soon as eer Bjarni foun$ his feet, a#a- he fell 2a/ out of the fight."horgeir raggeir an$ Gi<ur the #hite fell on there #here olmstein the son of Bersithe #ise, an$ "hor/el Geiti's son #ere lea$ers, an$ the en$ of the struggle #as,that olmstein an$ "hor/el gae #a-, an$ then arose a might- hooting after themfrom the men of Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful."hor#all$ "jorfi's son of 3ight#ater got a great #oun$ he #as shot in the forearm,an$ men thought that all$or Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful's son ha$ hurle$ the s0ear,

2ut he 2ore that #oun$ a2out #ith him all his life long, an$ got no atonement for it.No# there #as a might- throng. But though #e hear tell of some of the $ee$s that#ere $one, still there are far man- more of #hih men hae han$e$ $o#n nostories.&losi ha$ tol$ them that the- shoul$ ma/e for the stronghol$ in the Great ift if the- #ere #orste$, *for there,* sai$ he, *the- #ill onl- 2e a2le to atta/ us on onesi$e*. But the 2an$ #hih all of the Si$e an$ his son 3jot le$, ha$ fallen a#a- outof the fight 2efore the onslaught of that father an$ son, sgrim an$ "horhall. "he-turne$ $o#n east of 4e#ater, an$ all sai$ *"his is a sa$ state of things #hen the #hole host of men at the "hing fight, an$ 5

#oul$, /insman 3jot, that #e 2egge$ us hel0 een though that 2e 2rought againstus 2- some men, an$ that #e 0art them. "hou shalt #ait for me at the foot of the2ri$ge, an$ 5 #ill go to the 2ooths an$ 2eg for hel0.**5f 5 see,* sai$ 3jot, *that &losi an$ his men nee$ hel0 from our men, then 5 #ill atone run u0 an$ ai$ them.**"hou #ilt $o in that as thou 0leasest,* sa-s all, *2ut 5 0ra- thee to #ait for mehere.*No# flight 2rea/s out in &losi's 2an$, an$ the- all fl- #est aross 4e#ater 2utsgrim an$ Gi<ur the #hite #ent after them an$ all their host. &losi an$ his menturne$ $o#n 2et#een the rier an$ the 9ut#or/ 2ooth. Snorri the 0riest ha$ $ra#n

u0 his men there in arra-, so thi/ that the- oul$ not 0ass that #a-, an$ Snorri the0riest alle$ out then to &losi *Wh- are -e in suh haste, or #ho hase -ou7**"hou as/est not this,* ans#ere$ &losi, *2eause thou $ost not /no# it alrea$- 2ut#hose fault is it that #e annot get to the stronghol$ in the Great ift7**5t is not m- fault,* sa-s Snorri, *2ut it is uite true that 5 /no# #hose fault it is,an$ 5 #ill tell thee if thou #ilt it is the fault of "hor#all$ ro02ear$ an$ ;ol.*"he- #ere 2oth then $ea$, 2ut the- ha$ 2een the #orst men in all &losi's 2an$.gain Snorri sai$ to his men *No# $o 2oth, ut at them an$ thrust at them, an$ $rie them a#a- hene, the-

#ill then hol$ out 2ut a short #hile here, if the others atta/ them from 2elo# 2utthen -e shall not go after them, 2ut let 2oth si$es shift for themseles.*"he son of S/a0ti "horo$'s son #as "horstein ga0emouth, as #as #ritten 2efore, he#as in the 2attle #ith Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, his fatherinla#, an$ as soon asS/a0ti /ne# that, he #ent to the 2ooth of Snorri the 0riest, an$ meant to 2eg forhel0 to 0art them 2ut just 2efore he ha$ got as far as the $oor of Snorri's 2ooth,there the 2attle #as hottest of all. sgrim an$ his frien$s an$ his men #ere justoming u0 thither, an$ then "horhall sai$ to his father sgrim *See there no# is S/a0ti "horo$'s son, father.**5 see him, /insman,* sai$ sgrim, an$ then he shot a s0ear at S/a0ti, an$ stru/him just 2elo# #here the alf #as fattest, an$ so through 2oth his legs. S/a0ti fellat the 2lo#, an$ oul$ not get u0 again, an$ the onl- ounsel the- oul$ ta/e #ho#ere 2-, #as to $rag S/a0ti flat on his fae into the 2ooth of a turfutter.

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"hen sgrim an$ his men ame u0 so fast that &losi an$ his men gae #a- 2eforethem south along the rier to the 2ooths of the men of %o$ruale. "here there #asa man outsi$e one 2ooth #hose name #as Soli he #as 2oiling 2roth in a great/ettle, an$ ha$ just then ta/en the meat out, an$ the 2roth #as 2oiling as hotl- asit oul$.Soli ast his e-es on the Eastfirthers us the- fle$, an$ the- #ere then just oeragainst him, an$ then he sai$ *an all these o#ar$s #ho fl- here 2e Eastfirthers,an$ -et "hor/el Geiti's son, he ran 2- as fast as an- one of them, an$ er- great

lies hae 2een tol$ a2out him #hen men sa- that he is all heart, 2ut no# no oneran faster than he*.all2jorn the strong #as near 2- them, an$ sai$ *"hou shalt not hae it to sa- that #e are all o#ar$s.*n$ #ith that he aught hol$ of him, an$ lifte$ him u0 aloft, an$ thrust him hea$$o#n into the 2roth/ettle. Soli $ie$ at one 2ut then a rush #as ma$e atall2jorn himself, an$ he ha$ to turn an$ fl-.&losi thre# a s0ear at Bruni afli$i's son, an$ aught him at the #aist, an$ that #ashis 2ane he #as one of Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful's 2an$."horstein lenni's son too/ the s0ear out of the #oun$, an$ hurle$ it 2a/ at &losi,

an$ hit him on the leg, an$ he got a great #oun$ an$ fell he rose u0 again atone."hen the- 0asse$ on to the Waterfirther's 2ooth, an$ then all an$ 3jot ame fromthe east aross the rier, #ith all their 2an$ 2ut just #hen the- ame to the laa, as0ear #as hurle$ out of the 2an$ of Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, an$ it stru/ 3jot in themi$$le, an$ he fell $o#n $ea$ at one an$ it #as neer /no#n surel- #ho ha$$one that manslaughter.&losi an$ his men turne$ u0 roun$ the Waterfirther's 2ooth, an$ then "horgeirraggeir sai$ to ;ari Solmun$'s son *3oo/, -on$er no# is E-jolf Boler/'s son, if thou hast a min$ to 0a- him off for the

ring.**"hat 5 #een is not far from m- min$,* sa-s ;ari, an$ snathe$ a s0ear from aman, an$ hurle$ it at E-jolf, an$ it stru/ him in the #aist, an$ #ent through him,an$ E-jolf then fell $ea$ to earth."hen there #as a little lull in the 2attle, an$ then Snorri the 0riest ame u0 #ith his2an$, an$ S/a0ti #as there in his om0an-, an$ the- ran in 2et#een them, an$ sothe- oul$ not get at one another to fight."hen all thre# in his 0eo0le #ith theirs, an$ #as for 0arting them there an$ then,an$ so a true #as set, an$ #as to 2e /e0t throughout the "hing, an$ then the2o$ies #ere lai$ out an$ 2orne to the hurh, an$ the #oun$s of those men #ere

2oun$ u0 #ho #ere hurt."he $a- after men #ent to the ill of 3a#s. "hen all of the Si$e stoo$ u0 an$as/e$ for a hearing, an$ got it at one an$ he s0o/e thus *ere there hae 2een har$ ha00enings in la#suits an$ loss of life at the "hing, an$no# 5 #ill sho# again that 5 am littlehearte$, for 5 #ill no# as/ sgrim an$ theothers #ho ta/e the lea$ in these suits, that the- grant us an atonement on eenterms* an$ so he goes on #ith man- fair #or$s.;ari Solmun$'s son sai$ *"hough all others ta/e an atonement in their uarrels, -et #ill 5 ta/e no atonementin m- uarrel for -e #ill #ish to #eigh these mansla-ings against the Burning, an$#e annot 2ear that.*5n the same #a- s0o/e "horgeir raggeir."hen S/a0ti "horo$'s son stoo$ u0 an$ sai$

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5n the same #a- s0o/e "horleif ro# an$ "horgrim the 2ig, that the- #ere #illing to2e atone$, an$ the- urge$ in eer- #a- their 2rother "horgeir raggeir to ta/e anatonement also 2ut he hung 2a/, an$ sa-s he #oul$ neer 0art from ;ari."hen Gi<ur the #hite sai$ *No# &losi must see that he must ma/e his hoie, #hether he #ill 2e atone$ onthe un$erstan$ing that some #ill 2e out of the atonement.*&losi sa-s he #ill ta/e that atonement *an$ methin/s it is so muh the 2etter,* hesa-s, *that 5 hae fe#er goo$ men an$ true against me*.

"hen Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful sai$ *5 #ill offer to hansel 0eae on m- 2ehalf for the sla-ings that hae ha00ene$ hereat the "hing, on the un$erstan$ing that the suit for the Burning is not to fall to thegroun$.*5n the same #a- s0o/e Gi<ur the #hite an$ jallti S/eggi's son, sgrim Elli$agrim'sson an$ %or$ +algar$'s son.5n this #a- the atonement ame a2out, an$ then han$s #ere sha/en on it, an$t#ele men #ere to utter the a#ar$ an$ Snorri the 0riest #as the hief man in thea#ar$, an$ others #ith him. "hen the manslaughters #ere set off the one againstthe other, an$ those men #ho #ere oer an$ a2oe #ere 0ai$ for in fines. "he- also

ma$e an a#ar$ in the suit a2out the Burning.Njal #as to 2e atone$ for #ith a tri0le fine, an$ Bergthora #ith t#o. "he sla-ing of S/ar0he$inn #as to 2e set off against that of aus/ul$ the Whiteness 0riest. BothGrim an$ elgi #ere to 2e 0ai$ for #ith $ou2le fines an$ one full manfine shoul$2e 0ai$ for eah of those #ho ha$ 2een 2urnt in the house.No atonement #as ta/en for the sla-ing of "hor$ ;ari's son.5t #as also in the a#ar$ that &losi an$ all the Burners shoul$ go a2roa$ into2anishment, an$ none of them #as to sail the same summer unless he hose 2ut if he $i$ not sail a2roa$ 2- the time that three #inters #ere s0ent, then he an$ allthe Burners #ere to 2eome thorough outla#s. n$ it #as also sai$ that their

outla#r- might 2e 0rolaime$ either at the arest"hing or S0ring"hing,#hiheer men hose an$ &losi #as to sta- a2roa$ three #inters.s for Gunnar 3am2i's son, an$ Grani Gunnar's son. Glum ill$ir's son, an$ ;ol"horstein's son, the- #ere neer to 2e allo#e$ to ome 2a/."hen &losi #as as/e$ if he #oul$ #ish to hae a 0rie 0ut u0on his #oun$, 2ut hesai$ he #oul$ not ta/e 2ri2es for his hurt.E-jolf Boler/'s son ha$ no fine a#ar$e$ for him, for his unfairness an$#rongfulness.n$ no# the settlement an$ atonement #as han$selle$, an$ #as #ell /e0tafter#ar$s.

sgrim an$ his frien$s gae Snorri the 0riest goo$ gifts, an$ he ha$ great honourfrom these suits.S/a0ti got a fine for his hurt.Gi<ur the #hite, an$ jallti S/eggi's son, an$ sgrim Elli$agrim's son, as/e$Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful to ome an$ see them at home. e ae0te$ the 2i$$ing,an$ eah of them gae him a gol$ ring.No# Gu$mun$ ri$es home north, an$ ha$ 0raise from eer- man for the 0art heha$ ta/en in these uarrels."horgeir raggeir as/e$ ;ari to go along #ith him, 2ut -et first of all the- ro$e #ithGu$mun$ right u0 to the fells north. ;ari gae Gu$mun$ a gol$en 2rooh, 2ut"horgeir gae him a siler 2elt, an$ eah #as the greatest treasure. So the- 0arte$#ith the utmost frien$shi0, an$ Gu$mun$ is out of this stor-.;ari an$ "horgeir ro$e south from the fell, an$ $o#n to the a0es, an$ so to"hurso#ater.

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&losi, an$ the Burners along #ith him, ro$e east to &leetlithe, an$ he allo#e$ thesons of Sigfus to settle their affairs at home. "hen &losi hear$ that "horgeir an$;ari ha$ ri$$en north #ith Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, an$ so the Burners thought that;ari an$ his frien$ must mean to sta- in the north ountr- an$ then the sons of Sigfus as/e$ leae to go east un$er E-jafell to get in their mone-, for the- ha$mone- out on all at ea$2rin/. &losi gae them leae to $o that, 2ut still 2a$ethem 2e #are of themseles, an$ 2e as short a time a2out it as the- oul$."hen &losi ro$e u0 2- Go$alan$, an$ so north of E-jafell @o/ul, an$ $i$ not $ra#

2ri$le 2efore he ame home east to S#inefell.No# it must 2e sai$ that all of the Si$e ha$ suffere$ his son to fall #ithout a fine,an$ $i$ that for the sa/e of an atonement, 2ut then the #hole host of men at the"hing agree$ to 0a- a fine for him, an$ the mone- so 0ai$ #as not less than eighthun$re$ in siler, 2ut that #as four times the 0rie of a man 2ut all the others #hoha$ 2een #ith &losi got no fines 0ai$ for their hurts, an$ #ere er- ill 0lease$ at it.

Chapter 1&) - Of 4ari and Thor$eir

"hose t#o, ;ari Solmun$'s an$ "horgeir raggeir, ro$e that $a- east aross%ar/fleet, an$ so on east to Selialan$smull. "he- foun$ there some #omen. "he#ies /ne# them, an$ sai$ to them *:e t#o are less #anton than the sons of Sigfus -on$er, 2ut still -e fare un#aril-.**Wh- $o -e tal/ thus of the sons of Sigfus, or #hat $o -e /no# a2out them7**"he- #ere last night,* the- sai$, *at aufarfell, an$ meant to get to %-r$ale tonight, 2ut still #e thought the- must hae some fear of -ou, for the- as/e$ #henhe #oul$ 2e li/el- to ome home.*"hen ;ari an$ "horgeir #ent on their #a- an$ s0urre$ their horses.*What shall #e la- $o#n for ourseles to $o no#,* sai$ "horgeir, *or #hat is most to

th- min$7 Wilt thou that #e ri$e on their tra/7**5 #ill not hin$er this,* ans#ers ;ari, *nor #ill 5 sa- #hat ought to 2e $one, for itma- often 2e that those lie 3ong #ho are slain #ith #or$s alone 2ut 5 #ell /no##hat thou meanest to ta/e on th-self, thou must mean to ta/e on th- han$s eightmen, an$ after all that is less than it #as #hen thou sle#est those seen in thesearags, an$ let th-self $o#n 2- a ro0e to get at them 2ut it is the #a- #ith all-ou /insmen, that -e al#a-s #ish to 2e $oing some famous feat, an$ no# 5 an $ono less than stan$ 2- thee an$ hae m- share in the stor-. So no# #e t#o alone#ill ri$e after them, for 5 see that thou hast so ma$e u0 th- min$.*fter that the- ro$e east 2- the u00er #a-, an$ $i$ not 0ass 2- olt, for "horgeir#oul$ not that an- 2lame shoul$ 2e lai$ at his 2rother's $oor for #hat might 2e$one."hen the- ro$e east to %-r$ale, an$ there the- met a man #ho ha$ turf0annierson his horse. e 2egan to s0ea/ thus *"oo fe# men, messmate "horgeir, hast thou no# in th- om0an-.**o# is that7* sa-s "horgeir.*Wh-,* sai$ the other, *2eause the 0re- is no# 2efore th- han$. "he sons of Sigfusro$e 2- a #hile ago, an$ mean to slee0 the #hole $a- east in arline$ale, for the-mean to go no farther tonight than to ea$2rin/.*fter that the- ro$e on their #a- east on rnsta/s heath, an$ there is nothing to2e tol$ of their journe- 2efore the- ame to arline$ale#ater.

"he stream #as high, an$ no# the- ro$e u0 along the rier, for the- sa# theirhorses #ith sa$$les. "he- ro$e no# thither#ar$, an$ sa# that there #ere menaslee0 in a $ell an$ their s0ears #ere stan$ing u0right in the groun$ a little 2elo#them. "he- too/ the s0ears from them, an$ thre# them into the rier.

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"hen "horgeir sai$ *Wilt thou that #e #a/e them7**"hou hast not as/e$ this,* ans#ers ;ari, *2eause thou hast not alrea$- ma$e u0th- min$ not to fall on slee0ing men, an$ so to sla- a shameful manslaughter.*fter that the- shoute$ to them, an$ then the- all a#o/e an$ gras0e$ at theirarms."he- $i$ not fall on them till the- #ere arme$."horgeir raggeir runs thither #here "hor/el Sigfus' son stoo$, an$ just then a man

ran 2ehin$ his 2a/, 2ut 2efore he oul$ $o "horgeir an- hurt, "horgeir lifte$ thea4e, *the ogress of #ar,* #ith 2oth han$s, an$ $ashe$ the hammer of the a4e #itha 2a/2lo# into the hea$ of him that stoo$ 2ehin$ him, so that his s/ull #asshattere$ to small 2its.*Slain is this one,* sai$ "horgeir an$ $o#n the man fell at one, an$ #as $ea$.But #hen he $ashe$ the a4e for#ar$, he smote "hor/el on the shoul$er, an$ he#e$it off, arm an$ all.gainst ;ari ame %or$ Sigfus' son, an$ Sigmun$ Sigfus' son, an$ 3am2i Sigur$'sson the last ran 2ehin$ ;ari's 2a/, an$ thrust at him #ith a s0ear ;ari aughtsight of him, an$ lea0t u0 as the 2lo# fell, an$ strethe$ his legs far a0art, an$ so

the 2lo# s0ent itself on the groun$, 2ut ;ari jum0e$ $o#n on the s0earshaft, an$sna00e$ it in sun$er. e ha$ a s0ear in one han$, an$ a s#or$ in the other, 2ut noshiel$. e thrust #ith the right han$ at Sigmun$ Sigfus' son, an$ smote him on his2reast, an$ the s0ear ame out 2et#een his shoul$ers, an$ $o#n he fell an$ #as$ea$ at one. With his left han$ he ma$e a ut at %or$, an$ smote him on the hi0,an$ ut it asun$er, an$ his 2a/2one too he fell flat on his lae, an$ #as $ea$ atone.fter that he turne$ shar0 roun$ on his heel li/e a #hi00ingto0, an$ ma$e at3am2i Sigur$'s son, 2ut he too/ the onl- #a- to sae himself, an$ that #as 2-running a#a- as har$ as he oul$.

No# "horgeir turns against 3ei$olf the strong, an$ eah he#e$ at the other at thesame moment, an$ 3ei$olf's 2lo# #as so great that it shore off that 0art of theshiel$ on #hih it fell."horgeir ha$ he#n #ith *the ogress of #ar,* hol$ing it #ith 2oth han$s, an$ thelo#er horn fell on the shiel$ an$ loe it in t#ain, 2ut the u00er aught the ollar2one an$ ut it in t#o, an$ tore on $o#n into the 2reast an$ trun/. ;ari ame u0

 just then, an$ ut off 3ei$olf's leg at mi$thigh, an$ then 3ei$olf fell an$ $ie$ atone.;ettle of the %ar/ sai$ *We #ill no# run for our horses, for #e annot hol$ ouro#n here, for the oer2earing strength of these men*.

"hen the- ran for their horses, an$ lea0t on their 2a/s an$ "horgeir sai$ *Wilt thou that #e hase them7 if so, #e shall -et sla- some of them.**e ri$es last,* sa-s ;ari, *#hom 5 #oul$ not #ish to sla-, an$ that is ;ettle of the%ar/, for #e hae t#o sisters to #ife an$ 2esi$es, he has 2ehae$ 2est of all of them as -et in our uarrels.*"hen the- got on their horses, an$ ro$e till the- ame home to olt. "hen "horgeirma$e his 2rothers fare a#a- east to S/oga, for the- ha$ another farm there, an$2eause "horgeir #oul$ not that his 2rothers shoul$ 2e alle$ true2rea/ers."hen "horgeir /e0t man- men there a2out him, so that there #ere neer fe#erthan thirt- fighting men there."hen there #as great jo- there, an$ men thought "horgeir ha$ gro#n muhgreater, an$ 0ushe$ himself on 2oth he an$ ;ari too. %en long /e0t in min$ thishunting of theirs, ho# the- t#o ro$e u0on fifteen men an$ sle# those fie, 2ut 0utthose ten to flight #ho got a#a-.

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"horgeir #as out of $oors, an$ ;ari too, an$ their men, for the- ha$ seen all'soming. e ro$e in a 2lue a0e, an$ ha$ a little a4e stu$$e$ #ith siler in his han$2ut #hen the- ame into the *to#n,* "horgeir #ent to meet him, an$ hel0e$ himoff his horse, an$ 2oth he an$ ;ari /isse$ him an$ le$ him in 2et#een them intothe sittingroom, an$ sate him $o#n in the high seat on the $ais, an$ the- as/e$him ti$ings a2out man- things.e #as there that night. Ne4t morning all raise$ the uestion of the atonement#ith "horgeir, an$ tol$ him #hat terms the- offere$ him an$ he s0o/e a2out them

#ith man- fair an$ /in$l- #or$s.*5t ma- 2e #ell /no#n to thee,* ans#ers "horgeir, *that 5 sai$ 5 #oul$ ta/e noatonement from the Burners.**"hat #as uite another matter then,* sa-s all *-e #ere then #roth #ith fight,an$, 2esi$es, -e hae $one great $ee$s in the #a- of mansla-ing sine.**5 $aresa- -e thin/ so,* sa-s "horgeir, *2ut #hat atonement $o -e offer to ;ari7** fitting atonement shall 2e offere$ him,* sa-s all, *if he #ill ta/e it.*"hen ;ari sai$ *5 0ra- this of thee, "horgeir, that thou #ilt 2e atone$, for th- lot annot 2e 2etterthan goo$.*

*%ethin/s,* sa-s "horgeir, *it is ill $one to ta/e an atonement, an$ sun$er m-self from thee, unless thou ta/est the same atonement as 5.**5 #ill not ta/e an- atonement,* sa-s ;ari, *2ut -et 5 sa- that #e hae aenge$ theBurning 2ut m- son, 5 sa-, is still unaenge$, an$ 5 mean to ta/e that on m-self alone, an$ see #hat 5 an get $one.*But "horgeir #oul$ ta/e no atonement 2efore ;ari sai$ that he #oul$ ta/e it ill if he#ere not atone$. "hen "horgeir han$selle$ a true to &losi an$ his men, as a ste0to a meeting for atonement 2ut all $i$ the same on 2ehalf of &losi an$ the sonsof Sigfus.But ere the- 0arte$, "horgeir gae all a gol$ ring an$ a sarlet loa/, 2ut ;ari

gae him a siler 2rooh, an$ there #ere hung to it four rosses of gol$. allthan/e$ them /in$l- for their gifts, an$ ro$e a#a- #ith the greatest honour. e $i$not $ra# 2ri$le till he ame to S#inefell, an$ &losi gae him a heart- #elome. alltol$ &losi all a2out his erran$ an$ the tal/ he ha$ #ith "horgeir, an$ also that"horgeir #oul$ not ta/e the atonement till ;ari tol$ him he #oul$ uarrel #ith himif he $i$ not ta/e it 2ut that ;ari #oul$ ta/e no atonement.*"here are fe# men li/e ;ari,* sai$ &losi, *an$ 5 #oul$ that m- min$ #ere sha0enaltogether li/e his.*all an$ ;ol sta-e$ there some #hile, an$ after#ar$s the- ro$e #est at the timeagree$ on to the meeting for atonement, an$ met at ea$2rin/, as ha$ 2een

settle$ 2et#een them."hen "horgeir ame to meet them from the #est, an$ then the- tal/e$ oer theiratonement, an$ all #ent off as all ha$ sai$.Before the atonement, "horgeir sai$ that ;ari shoul$ still hae the right to 2e at hishouse all the same if he hose.*n$ neither si$e shall $o the others an- harm at m- house an$ 5 #ill not hae thetrou2le of gathering in the fines from eah of the Burners 2ut m- #ill is that &losialone shall 2e ans#era2le for them to me, 2ut he must get them in from hisfollo#ers. %- #ill also is that all that a#ar$ #hih #as ma$e at the "hing a2out theBurning shall 2e /e0t an$ hel$ to an$ m- #ill also is, &losi, that thou 0a-est me u0m- thir$ share in unli00e$ oin.*&losi #ent ui/l- into all these terms."horgeir neither gae u0 the 2anishment nor the outla#r-.No# &losi an$ all ro$e home east, an$ then all sai$ to &losi

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an$ the 2est 0roof of it is this, that fe# tr- a tussle #ith me 2eause none $are to$o so.*;ari #as there some #hile in hi$ing, an$ fe# men /ne# of it.No# men thin/ that ;ari must hae ri$$en to the north ountr- to see Gu$mun$the 0o#erful, for ;ari ma$e Bjorn tell his neigh2ours that he ha$ met ;ari on the2eaten tra/, an$ that he ro$e thene u0 into Go$alan$, an$ so north to Goosesan$, an$ then north to Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful at %o$ruale.So that stor- #as s0rea$ oer all the ountr-.

Chapter 1&/ - Of Flosi and the urners

No# &losi s0o/e to the Burners, his om0anions *5t #ill no longer sere our turn to sit still, for no# #e shall hae to thin/ of ourgoing a2roa$ an$ of our fines, an$ of fulfilling our atonement as 2rael- as #e an,an$ let us ta/e a 0assage #hereer it seems most li/el- to get one.*"he- 2a$e him see to all that. "hen &losi sai$ *We #ill ri$e east to ornfirth for there that shi0 is lai$ u0, #hih is o#ne$ 2-

E-jolf nos-, a man from Drontheim, 2ut he #ants to ta/e to him a #ife here, an$ he#ill not get the math ma$e unless he settles himself $o#n here. We #ill 2u- theshi0 of him, for #e shall hae man- men an$ little freight. "he shi0 is 2ig an$ #illta/e us all.*"hen the- ease$ tal/ing of it.But a little after the- ro$e east, an$ $i$ not sto0 2efore the- ame east toBjornness in ornfirth, an$ there the- foun$ E-jolf, for he ha$ 2een there as aguest that #inter."here &losi an$ his men ha$ a heart- #elome, an$ the- #ere there the night. Ne4tmorning &losi $ealt #ith the a0tain for the shi0, 2ut he sai$ he #oul$ not 2e har$

to sell the shi0 if he oul$ get #hat he #ante$ for her. &losi as/e$ him in #hat oinhe #ishe$ to 2e 0ai$ for her the Easterling sa-s he #ante$ lan$ for her near #herehe then #as."hen E-jolf tol$ &losi all a2out his $ealings #ith his host, an$ &losi sa-s he #ill 0ullan oar #ith him, so that his marriage 2argain might 2e stru/, an$ 2u- the shi0 of him after#ar$s. "he Easterling #as gla$ at that. &losi offere$ him lan$ atBorgarhaen, an$ no# the Easterling hol$s on #ith his suit to his host #hen &losi#as 2-, an$ &losi thre# in a hel0ing #or$, so that the 2argain #as 2rought a2out2et#een them.&losi ma$e oer the lan$ at Borgarhaen to the Easterling, 2ut shoo/ han$s on the2argain for the shi0. e got also from the Easterling t#ent- hun$re$s in #ares, an$that #as also in their 2argain for the lan$.No# &losi ro$e 2a/ home. e #as so 2eloe$ 2- his men that their #ares stoo$free to him to ta/e either on loan or gift, just as he hose.e ro$e home to S#inefell, an$ #as at home a #hile."hen &losi sent ;ol "horstein's son an$ Gunnar 3am2i's son east to ornfirth. "he-#ere to 2e there 2- the shi0, an$ to fit her out, an$ set u0 2ooths, an$ sa/ the#ares, an$ get all things together that #ere nee$ful.No# #e must tell of the sons of Sigfus ho# the- sa- to &losi that the- #ill ri$e #estto &leetlithe to set their houses in or$er, an$ get #ares thene, an$ suh otherthings as the- nee$e$. *;ari is not there no# to 2e guar$e$ against,* the- sa-, *if 

he is in the north ountr- as is sai$.**5 /no# not,* ans#ers &losi, *as to suh stories, #hether there 2e an- truth in #hatis sai$ of ;ari's journe-ings methin/s, #e hae often 2een #rong in 2elieingthings #hih are nearer to learn than this. %- ounsel is that -e go man- of -ou

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together, an$ 0art as little as -e an, an$ 2e as #ar- of -ourseles as -e ma-."hou, too, ;ettle of the %ar/, shalt 2ear in min$ that $ream #hih 5 tol$ thee, an$#hih thou 0ra-e$st me to hi$e for man- are those in th- om0an- #ho #ere thenalle$.**ll must ome to 0ass as to man's life,* sai$ ;ettle, *as it is fore$oome$ 2ut goo$go #ith thee for th- #arning.*No# the- s0o/e no more a2out it.fter that the sons of Sigfus 2us/e$ them an$ those men #ith them #ho #ere

meant to go #ith them. "he- #ere eight in all, an$ then the- ro$e a#a-, an$ erethe- #ent the- /isse$ &losi, an$ he 2a$e them fare#ell, an$ sai$ he an$ some of those #ho ro$e a#a- #oul$ not see eah other more. But the- #oul$ not letthemseles 2e hin$ere$. "he- ro$e no# on their #a-, an$ &losi sai$ that the-shoul$ ta/e his #ares in %i$$lelan$, an$ arr- them east, an$ $o the same in3an$s2reah an$ Woo$om2e.fter that the- ro$e to S/a0tartongue, an$ so on the fell, an$ north of E-jafell@o/ul, an$ $o#n into Go$alan$, an$ so $o#n into the #oo$s in "horsmar/.Bjorn of the %ar/ aught sight of them oming, an$ #ent at one to meet them."hen the- greete$ eah other #ell, an$ the sons of Sigfus as/e$ after ;ari

Solmun$'s son.*5 met ;ari,* sai$ Bjorn, *an$ that is no# er- long sine he ro$e hene north onGoosesan$, an$ meant to go to Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, an$ methought if he #erehere no#, he #oul$ stan$ in a#e of -ou, for he seeme$ to 2e left all alone.*Grani Gunnar's son sai$ *e shall stan$ more in a#e of us -et 2efore #e hae $one #ith him, an$ he shalllearn that as soon as eer he omes #ithin s0earthro# of us 2ut as for us, #e $onot fear him at all, no# that he is all alone.*;ettle of the %ar/ 2a$e them 2e still, an$ 2ring out no 2ig #or$s.Bjorn as/e$ #hen the- #oul$ 2e oming 2a/.

*We shall sta- near a #ee/ in &leetlithe,* sai$ the- an$ so the- tol$ him #hen the-shoul$ 2e ri$ing 2a/ on the fell.With that the- 0arte$.No# the sons of Sigfus ro$e to their homes, an$ their househol$s #ere gla$ to seethem. "he- #ere there near a #ee/.No# Bjorn omes home an$ sees ;ari, an$ tol$ him all a2out the $oings of the sonsof Sigfus, an$ their 0ur0ose.;ari sai$ he ha$ sho#n in this great faithfulness to him, an$ Bjorn sai$ *5 shoul$ hae thought there #as more ris/ of an- other man's failing in that thanof me if 5 ha$ 0le$ge$ m- hel0 or are to an- one.*

*h,* sai$ his mistress, *2ut -ou ma- still 2e 2a$ an$ -et not 2e so 2a$ as to 2e atraitor to th- master.*;ari sta-e$ there si4 nights after that.

Chapter 1&0 - Of 4ari and Bjorn

No# ;ari tal/s to Bjorn an$ sa-s *We shall ri$e east aross the fell an$ $o#n into S/a0tartongue, an$ fare stealthil-oer &losi's ountr-, for 5 hae it in m- min$ to get m-self arrie$ a2roa$ east inlftafirth.*

*"his is a er- ris/ful journe-,* sai$ Bjorn, *an$ fe# #oul$ hae the heart to ta/e itsae thou an$ 5.**5f thou 2a/est ;ari ill,* sai$ his house#ife, */no# this, that thou shalt neer omeafter#ar$s into m- 2e$, an$ m- /insmen shall share our goo$s 2et#een us.*

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*5t is li/elier, mistress,* sai$ he, *that thou #ilt hae to loo/ out for something elsethan this if thou hast a min$ to 0art from me for 5 #ill 2ear m- o#n #itness tom-self #hat a ham0ion an$ $are$eil 5 am #hen #ea0ons lash.*No# the- ro$e that $a- east on the fell to the north of the @o/ul, 2ut neer on thehigh#a-, an$ so $o#n into S/a0tartongue, an$ a2oe all the homestea$s toS/a0tar#ater, an$ le$ their horses into a $ell, 2ut the- themseles #ere on theloo/out, an$ ha$ so 0lae$ themseles that the- oul$ not 2e seen."hen ;ari sai$ to Bjorn

*What shall #e $o no# if the- ri$e $o#n u0on us here from the fell7**re there not 2ut t#o things to 2e $one,* sai$ Bjorn *one to ri$e a#a- from themnorth un$er the rags, an$ so let them ri$e 2- us, or to #ait an$ see if an- of themlag 2ehin$, an$ then to fall on them.*"he- tal/e$ muh a2out this, an$ one #hile Bjorn #as for fl-ing as fast as he oul$in eer- #or$ he s0o/e, an$ at another for sta-ing an$ fighting it out #ith them,an$ ;ari thought this the greatest s0ort."he sons of Sigfus ro$e from their homes the same $a- that the- ha$ name$ toBjorn. "he- ame to the %ar/ an$ /no/e$ at the $oor there, an$ #ante$ to seeBjorn 2ut his mistress #ent to the $oor an$ greete$ them. "he- as/e$ at one for

Bjorn, an$ she sai$ he ha$ ri$$en a#a- $o#n un$er E-jafell, an$ so east un$erSelialan$smull, an$ on east to olt, *for he has some mone- to all in therea2outs,*she sai$."he- 2eliee$ this, for the- /ne# that Bjorn ha$ mone- out at all there.fter that the- ro$e east on the fell, an$ $i$ not sto0 2efore the- ame toS/a0tartongue, an$ so ro$e $o#n along S/a0tar#ater, an$ 2aite$ their horses just#here ;ari ha$ thought the- #oul$. "hen the- s0lit their 2an$. ;ettle of the %ar/ro$e east into %i$$lelan$, an$ eight men #ith him, 2ut the others lai$ them $o#nto slee0, an$ #ere not #are of aught until ;ari an$ Bjorn ame u0 to them. littleness ran out there into the rier into it ;ari #ent an$ too/ his stan$, an$ 2a$e

Bjorn stan$ 2a/ to 2a/ #ith him, an$ not to 0ut himself too for#ar$, *2ut gie meall the hel0 thou anst*.*Well,* sa-s Bjorn, *5 neer ha$ it in m- hea$ that an- man shoul$ stan$ 2efore meas a shiel$, 2ut still as things are thou must hae th- #a- 2ut for all that, #ith m-gift of #it an$ m- s#iftness 5 ma- 2e of some use to thee, an$ not harmless to ourfoes.*No# the- all rose u0 an$ ran at them, an$ %o$olf ;ettle's son #as ui/est of them, an$ thrust at ;ari #ith his s0ear. ;ari ha$ his shiel$ 2efore him, an$ the 2lo#fell on it, an$ the s0ear stu/ fast in the shiel$. "hen ;ari t#ists the shiel$ sosmartl-, that the s0ear sna00e$ short off, an$ then he $re# his s#or$ an$ smote at

%o$olf 2ut %o$olf ma$e a ut at him too, an$ ;ari's s#or$ fell on %o$olf's hilt, an$glane$ off it on to %o$ol0h's #rist, an$ too/ the arm off, an$ $o#n it fell, an$ thes#or$ too. "hen ;ari's s#or$ 0asse$ on into %o$olf's si$e, an$ 2et#een his ri2s,an$ so %o$olf fell $o#n an$ #as $ea$ on the s0ot.Grani Gunnar's son snathe$ u0 a s0ear an$ hurle$ it at ;ari, 2ut ;ari thrust $o#nhis shiel$ so har$ that the 0oint stoo$ fast in the groun$, 2ut #ith his left han$ heaught the s0ear in the air, an$ hurle$ it 2a/ at Grani, an$ aught u0 his shiel$again at one #ith his left han$. Grani ha$ his shiel$ 2efore him, an$ the s0earame on the shiel$ an$ 0asse$ right through it, an$ into Grani's thigh just 2elo#the small guts, an$ through the lim2, an$ so on, 0inning him to the groun$, an$ heoul$ not get ri$ of the s0ear 2efore his fello#s $re# him off it, an$ arrie$ hima#a- on their shiel$s, an$ lai$ him $o#n in a $ell."here #as a man #ho ran u0 to ;ari's si$e, an$ meant to ut off his leg, 2ut Bjornut off that man's arm, an$ s0rang 2a/ again 2ehin$ ;ari, an$ the- oul$ not $o

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&losi #as little stirre$ at #hat ha$ 2efallen them, 2ut sai$ no one oul$ tell #hetherthings #oul$ sto0 there, *for there is no man li/e ;ari of all that are no# left in5elan$*.

Chapter 1)1 - Of 4ari and Bjorn and Thor$eir

No# #e must tell of Bjorn an$ ;ari that the- ri$e $o#n on the San$, an$ lea$ their

horses un$er the 2an/s #here the #il$ oats gre#, an$ ut the oats for them, thatthe- might not $ie of hunger. ;ari ma$e suh a near guess, that he ro$e a#a-thene at the er- time that the- gae oer see/ing for him. e ro$e 2- night u0through the un$re$, an$ after that he too/ to the fell an$ so on all the same #a-as the- ha$ follo#e$ #hen the- ro$e east, an$ $i$ not sto0 till the- ame to%i$mar/."hen Bjorn sai$ to ;ari *No# shalt thou 2e m- great frien$ 2efore m- mistress, for she #ill neer 2elieeone #or$ of #hat 5 sa- 2ut eer-thing lies on #hat -ou $o, so no# re0a- me forthe goo$ follo#ing #hih 5 hae -iel$e$ to thee.*

*So it shall 2e neer fear,* sa-s ;ari.fter that the- ri$e u0 to the homestea$, an$ then the mistress as/e$ them #hatti$ings, an$ greete$ them #ell.*9ur trou2les hae rather gro#n greater, ol$ lass=*She ans#ere$ little, an$ laughe$ an$ then the mistress #ent on to as/ *o# $i$ Bjorn 2ehae to thee, ;ari7**Bare is 2a/,* he ans#ers, *#ithout 2rother 2ehin$ it, an$ Bjorn 2ehae$ #ell tome. e #oun$e$ three men, an$, 2esi$es, he is #oun$e$ himself, an$ he stu/ aslose to me as he oul$ in eer-thing.*"he- #ere three nights there, an$ after that the- ro$e to olt to "horgeir, an$ tol$

him alone these ti$ings, for those ti$ings ha$ not -et 2een hear$ there."horgeir than/e$ him, an$ it #as uite 0lain that he #as gla$ at #hat he hear$. eas/e$ ;ari #hat no# #as un$one #hih he meant to $o.*5 mean,* ans#ers ;ari, *to /ill Gunnar 3am2i's son an$ ;ol "horstein's son, if 5 anget a hane. "hen #e hae slain fifteen men, re/oning those fie #hom #e t#osle# together. But one 2oon 5 #ill no# as/ of thee.*"horgeir sai$ he #oul$ grant him #hateer he as/e$.*5 #ish, then, that thou #ilt ta/e un$er th- safeguar$ this man #hose name isBjorn, an$ #ho has 2een in these sla-ings #ith me, an$ that thou #ilt hangefarms #ith him, an$ gie him a farm rea$- sto/e$ here lose 2- thee, an$ so hol$th- han$ oer him that no engeane ma- 2efall him 2ut all this #ill 2e an eas-matter for thee #ho art suh a hief.**So it shall 2e,* sa-s "horgeir."hen he gae Bjorn a rea$-sto/e$ farm at solfs/al, 2ut he too/ the farm in the%ar/ into his o#n han$s. "horgeir flitte$ all Bjorn's househol$ stuff an$ goo$s tosolfs/al, an$ all his lie sto/ an$ "horgeir settle$ all Bjorn's uarrels for him,an$ he #as reonile$ to them #ith a full atonement. So Bjorn #as thought to 2emuh more of a man than he ha$ 2een 2efore."hen ;ari ro$e a#a-, an$ $i$ not $ra# rein till he ame #est to "ongue to sgrimElli$agrim's son. e gae ;ari a most heart- #elome, an$ ;ari tol$ him of all theti$ings that ha$ ha00ene$ in these sla-ings.

sgrim #as #ell 0lease$ at them, an$ as/e$ #hat ;ari meant to $o ne4t.*5 mean,* sai$ ;ari, *to fare a2roa$ after them, an$ so $og their footste0s an$ sla-them, if 5 an get at them.*sgrim sai$ there #as no man li/e him for 2raer- an$ har$ihoo$.

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e #as there some nights, an$ after that he ro$e to Gi<ur the #hite, an$ he too/him 2- 2oth han$s. ;ari sta-e$ there some #hile, an$ then he tol$ Gi<ur that he#ishe$ to ri$e $o#n to E-rar.Gi<ur gae ;ari a goo$ s#or$ at 0arting.No# he ro$e $o#n to E-rar, an$ too/ him a 0assage #ith ;ol2ein the 2la/ he #asan 9r/ne-man an$ an ol$ frien$ of ;ari, an$ he #as the most for#ar$ an$ 2ris/ of men.e too/ ;ari 2- 2oth han$s, an$ sai$ that one fate shoul$ 2efall 2oth of them.

Chapter 1)2 - Flosi $oes aroad

No# &losi ri$es east to ornfirth, an$ most of the men in his "hing follo#e$ him,an$ 2ore his #ares east, as #ell as all his stores an$ 2aggage #hih he ha$ to ta/e#ith him.fter that the- 2us/e$ them for their o-age, an$ fitte$ out their shi0.No# &losi sta-e$ 2- the shi0 until the- #ere *2oun*. But as soon as eer the- got afair #in$ the- 0ut out to sea. "he- ha$ a long 0assage an$ har$ #eather.

"hen the- uite lost their re/oning, an$ saile$ on an$ on, an$ all at one threegreat #aes 2ro/e oer their shi0, one after the other. "hen &losi sai$ the- must 2enear some lan$, an$ that this #as a groun$s#ell. great mist #as on them, 2utthe #in$ rose so that a great gale oertoo/ them, an$ the- sare /ne# #here the-#ere 2efore the- #ere $ashe$ on shore at $ea$ of night, an$ the men #ere sae$,2ut the shi0 #as $ashe$ all to 0iees, an$ the- oul$ not sae their goo$s."hen the- ha$ to loo/ for shelter an$ #armth for themseles, an$ the $a- afterthe- #ent u0 on a height. "he #eather #as then goo$.&losi as/e$ if an- man /ne# this lan$, an$ there #ere t#o men of their re# #hoha$ fare$ thither 2efore, an$ sai$ the- #ere uite sure the- /ne# it, an$, sa- the-

*We are ome to rosse- in the 9r/ne-s.**"hen #e might hae ma$e a 2etter lan$ing,* sai$ &losi, *for Grim an$ elgi, Njal'ssons, #hom 5 sle#, #ere 2oth of them of Earl Sigur$ lo$er's son's 2o$-guar$.*"hen the- sought for a hi$ing0lae, an$ s0rea$ moss oer themseles, an$ so la-for a #hile, 2ut not for long, ere &losi s0o/e an$ sai$ *We #ill not lie here an- longer until the lan$smen are #are of us.*"hen the- arose, an$ too/ ounsel, an$ then &losi sai$ to his men *We #ill go all of us an$ gie ourseles u0 to the Earl for there is naught else to$o, an$ the Earl has our lies at his 0leasure if he hooses to see/ for them.*"hen the- all #ent a#a- thene, an$ &losi sai$ that the- must tell no man an-ti$ings of their o-age, or #hat manner of men the- #ere, 2efore he tol$ them tothe Earl."hen the- #al/e$ on until the- met men #ho sho#e$ them to the to#n, an$ thenthe- #ent in 2efore the Earl, an$ &losi an$ all the others haile$ him."he Earl as/e$ #hat men the- might 2e, an$ &losi tol$ his name, an$ sai$ out of #hat 0art of 5elan$ he #as."he Earl ha$ alrea$- hear$ of the Burning, an$ so he /ne# the men at one, an$then the Earl as/e$ &losi *What hast thou to tell me a2out elgi Njal's son, m-henhman7**"his,* sai$ &losi, *that 5 he#e$ off his hea$.*

*"a/e them all,* sai$ the Earl."hen that #as $one, an$ just then in ame "horstein, son of all of the Si$e. &losiha$ to #ife Steinora, "horstein's sister. "horstein #as one of Earl Sigur$'s

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2o$-guar$, 2ut #hen he sa# &losi sei<e$ an$ hel$, he #ent in 2efore the Earl, an$offere$ for &losi all the goo$s he ha$."he Earl #as er- #roth a long time, 2ut at last the en$ of it #as, 2- the 0ra-er of goo$ men an$ true, joine$ to those of "horstein, for he #as #ell 2a/e$ 2- frien$s,an$ man- thre# in their #or$ #ith his, that the Earl too/ an atonement from them,an$ gae &losi an$ all the rest of them 0eae. "he Earl hel$ to that ustom of might- men that &losi too/ that 0lae in his serie #hih elgi Njal's son ha$ fille$.So &losi #as ma$e Earl Sigur$'s henhman, an$ he soon #on his #a- to great loe

#ith the Earl.

Chapter 1) - 4ari $oes aroad

"hose messmates ;ari an$ ;ol2ein the 2la/ 0ut out to sea from E-rar half a monthlater than &losi an$ his om0anions from ornfirth."he- got a fine fair #in$, an$ #ere 2ut a short time out. "he first lan$ the- ma$e#as the &air 5sle it lies 2et#een Shetlan$ an$ the 9r/ne-s. "here that man #hosename #as Dai$ the #hite too/ ;ari into his house, an$ he tol$ him all that he ha$

hear$ for ertain a2out the $oings of the Burners. e #as one of ;ari's greatestfrien$s, an$ ;ari sta-e$ #ith him for the #inter."here the- hear$ ti$ings from the #est out of the 9r/ne-s of all that #as $onethere.Earl Sigur$ 2a$e to his feast at :ule Earl Gilli, his 2rotherinla#, out of theSouthern 5sles he ha$ to #ife S#anlauga, Earl Sigur$'s sister an$ then too ameto see Earl Sigur$ that /ing from 5relan$ #hose name #as Sigtr-gg. e #as a sonof 9laf rattle, 2ut his mother's name #as ;ormla$a she #as the fairest of all#omen, an$ 2est gifte$ in eer-thing that #as not in her o#n 0o#er, 2ut it #as thetal/ of men that she $i$ all things ill oer #hih she ha$ an- 0o#er.

Brian #as the name of the /ing #ho first ha$ her to #ife, 2ut the- #ere then0arte$. e #as the 2estnature$ of all /ings. e ha$ his seat in onnaught, in5relan$ his 2rother's name #as Wolf the uarrelsome, the greatest ham0ion an$#arrior Brian's fosterhil$'s name #as ;erthialfa$. e #as the son of ;ing ;-lfi,#ho ha$ man- #ars #ith ;ing Brian, an$ fle$ a#a- out of the lan$ 2efore him, an$2eame a hermit 2ut #hen ;ing Brian #ent south on a 0ilgrimage, then he met;ing ;-lfi, an$ then the- #ere atone$, an$ ;ing Brian too/ his son ;erthialfa$ tohim, an$ loe$ him more than his o#n sons. e #as then full gro#n #hen thesethings ha00ene$, an$ #as the 2ol$est of all men.Dunan #as the name of the first of ;ing Brian's sons the seon$ #as %arga$ thethir$, "a/t, #hom #e all "ann, he #as the -oungest of them 2ut the el$er sons of ;ing Brian #ere full gro#n, an$ the 2ris/est of men.;ormla$a #as not the mother of ;ing Brian's hil$ren, an$ so grim #as she against;ing Brian after their 0arting, that she #oul$ gla$l- hae him $ea$.;ing Brian thrie forgae all his outla#s the same fault, 2ut if the- mis2ehae$themseles oftener, then he let them 2e ju$ge$ 2- the la# an$ from this one ma-mar/ #hat a /ing he must hae 2een.;ormla$a egge$ on her son Sigtr-gg er- muh to /ill ;ing Brian, an$ she no# senthim to Earl Sigur$ to 2eg for hel0.;ing Sigtr-gg ame 2efore :ule to the 9r/ne-s, an$ there, too, ame Earl Gilli, as#as #ritten 2efore.

"he men #ere so 0lae$ that ;ing Sigtr-gg sat in a high seat in the mi$$le, 2ut oneither si$e of the /ing sat one of the earls. "he men of ;ing Sigtr-gg an$ Earl Gillisate on the inner si$e a#a- from him, 2ut on the outer si$e a#a- from Earl Sigur$,sate &losi an$ "horstein, son of all of the Si$e, an$ the #hole hall #as full.

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No# ;ing Sigtr-gg an$ Earl Gilli #ishe$ to hear of these ti$ings #hih ha$ha00ene$ at the Burning, an$ so, also, #hat ha$ 2efallen sine."hen Gunnar 3am2i's son #as got to tell the tale, an$ a stool #as set for him to situ0on.

Chapter 1)& - !unnar :a%i's son's slayin$

@ust at that er- time ;ari an$ ;ol2ein an$ Dai$ the #hite ame to rosse-una#ares to all men. "he- #ent straight#a- u0 on lan$, 2ut a fe# men #athe$their shi0.;ari an$ his fello#s #ent straight to the Earl's homestea$, an$ ame to the halla2out $rin/ing time.5t so ha00ene$ that just then Gunnar #as telling the stor- of the Burning, 2ut the-#ere listening to him mean#hile outsi$e. "his #as on :ule$a- itself.No# ;ing Sigtr-gg as/e$ *o# $i$ S/ar0he$inn 2ear the Burning7**Well at first for a long time,* sai$ Gunnar, *2ut still the en$ of it #as that he #e0t.*

n$ so he #ent on giing an unfair leaning in his stor-, 2ut eer- no# an$ then helaughe$ out lou$.;ari oul$ not stan$ this, an$ then he ran in #ith his s#or$ $ra#n, an$ sang thissong %en of might, in 2attle eager,Boast of 2urning Njal's a2o$e,ae the Frines hear$ ho# stur$-Seahorse raers sought reenge7ath not sine, on foemen hol$ingigh the shiel$'s 2roa$ or2 aloft,

ll that #rong 2een full- #ro/en7a# flesh raens got to tear.So he ran in u0 the hall, an$ smote Gunnar 3am2i's son on the ne/ #ith suh ashar0 2lo#, that his hea$ s0un off on to the 2oar$ 2efore the /ing an$ the earls,an$ the 2oar$ #as all one gore of 2loo$, an$ the Earl's lothing too.Earl Sigur$ /ne# the man that ha$ $one the $ee$, an$ alle$ out *Sei<e ;ari an$ /ill him.*;ari ha$ 2een one of Earl Sigur$'s 2o$-guar$, an$ he #as of all men most 2eloe$2- his frien$s an$ no man stoo$ u0 a #hit more for the Earl's s0eeh.*%an- #oul$ sa-, 3or$,* sai$ ;ari, *that 5 hae $one this $ee$ on -our 2ehalf, toaenge -our henhman.*"hen &losi sai$ *;ari hath not $one this #ithout a ause he is in no atonement#ith us, an$ he onl- $i$ #hat he ha$ a right to $o*.So ;ari #al/e$ a#a-, an$ there #as no hue an$ r- after him. ;ari fare$ to his shi0,an$ his fello#s #ith him. "he #eather #as then goo$, an$ the- saile$ off at onesouth to aithness, an$ #ent on shore at "hras#i/ to the house of a #orth- man#hose name #as S/eggi, an$ #ith him the- sta-e$ a er- long #hile."hose 2ehin$ in the 9r/ne-s leanse$ the 2oar$, an$ 2ore out the $ea$ man."he Earl #as tol$ that the- ha$ set sail south for Sotlan$, an$ ;ing Sigtr-gg sai$ *"his #as a might- 2ol$ fello#, #ho $ealt his stro/e so stoutl-, an$ neer thoughtt#ie a2out it=*

"hen Earl Sigur$ ans#ere$ *"here is no man li/e ;ari for $ash an$ $aring.*No# &losi un$ertoo/ to tell the stor- of the Burning, an$ he #as fair to all an$therefore #hat he sai$ #as 2eliee$.

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"hen ;ing Sigtr-gg stirre$ in his 2usiness #ith Earl Sigur$, an$ 2a$e him go to the#ar #ith him against ;ing Brian."he Earl #as long stea$fast, 2ut the en$ of it #as that he let the /ing hae his #a-,2ut sai$ he must hae his mother's han$ for his hel0, an$ 2e /ing in 5relan$, if the-sle# Brian. But all his men 2esought Earl Sigur$ not to go into the #ar, 2ut it #asall no goo$.So the- 0arte$ on the un$erstan$ing that Earl Sigur$ gae his #or$ to go 2ut ;ingSigtr-gg 0romise$ him his mother an$ the /ing$om.

5t #as so settle$ that Earl Sigur$ #as to ome #ith all his host to Du2lin 2- FalmSun$a-."hen ;ing Sigtr-gg fare$ south to 5relan$, an$ tol$ his mother ;ormla$a that theEarl ha$ un$erta/en to ome, an$ also #hat he ha$ 0le$ge$ himself to grant him.She sho#e$ herself #ell 0lease$ at that, 2ut sai$ the- must gather greater forestill.Sigtr-gg as/e$ #hene this #as to 2e loo/e$ for7She sai$ there #ere t#o i/ings l-ing off the #est of %an an$ that the- ha$ thirt-shi0s, an$, she #ent on, *the- are men of suh har$ihoo$ that nothing an#ithstan$ them. "he one's name is 9s0a/, an$ the other's Bro$ir. "hou shalt fare to

fin$ them, an$ s0are nothing to get them into th- uarrel, #hateer 0rie the-as/.*No# ;ing Sigtr-gg fares an$ see/s the i/ings, an$ foun$ them l-ing outsi$e off %an ;ing Sigtr-gg 2rings for#ar$ his erran$ at one, 2ut Bro$ir shran/ fromhel0ing him until he, ;ing Sigtr-gg, 0romise$ him the /ing$om an$ his mother, an$the- #ere to /ee0 this suh a seret that Earl Sigur$ shoul$ /no# nothing a2out itBro$ir too #as to ome to Du2lin on Falm Sun$a-.So ;ing Sigtr-gg fare$ home to his mother, an$ tol$ her ho# things stoo$.fter that those 2rothers, 9s0a/ an$ Bro$ir, tal/e$ together, an$ then Bro$ir tol$9s0a/ all that he an$ Sigtr-gg ha$ s0o/en of, an$ 2a$e him fare to 2attle #ith him

against ;ing Brian, an$ sai$ he set muh store on his going.But 9s0a/ sai$ he #oul$ not fight against so goo$ a /ing."hen the- #ere 2oth #roth, an$ sun$ere$ their 2an$ at one. 9s0a/ ha$ ten shi0san$ Bro$ir t#ent-.9s0a/ #as a heathen, an$ the #isest of all men. e lai$ his shi0s insi$e in a soun$,2ut Bro$ir la- outsi$e him.Bro$ir ha$ 2een a hristian man an$ a mass$eaon 2- onseration, 2ut he ha$thro#n off his faith an$ 2eome Go$'s $astar$, an$ no# #orshi00e$ heathenfien$s, an$ he #as of all men most s/ille$ in sorer-. e ha$ that oat of mail on#hih no steel #oul$ 2ite. e #as 2oth tall an$ strong, an$ ha$ suh long lo/s that

he tu/e$ them un$er his 2elt. is hair #as 2la/.

Chapter 1)) - Of si$ns and wonders

5t so ha00ene$ one night that a great $in 0asse$ oer Bro$ir an$ his men, so thatthe- all #o/e, an$ s0rang u0 an$ 0ut on their lothes.long #ith that ame a sho#er of 2oiling 2loo$."hen the- oere$ themseles #ith their shiel$s, 2ut for all that man- #eresal$e$."his #on$er laste$ all till $a-, an$ a man ha$ $ie$ on 2oar$ eer- shi0.

"hen the- sle0t $uring the $a-, 2ut the seon$ night there #as again a $in, an$again the- all s0rang u0. "hen s#or$s lea0t out of their sheaths, an$ a4es an$s0ears fle# a2out in the air an$ fought.

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"hen the $eils let him loose, an$ rafn got aross the rier.No# Bro$ir sa# that ;ing Brian's men #ere hasing the fleers, an$ that there #erefe# men 2- the shiel$2urg."hen he rushe$ out of the #oo$, an$ 2ro/e through the shiel$2urg, an$ he#e$ atthe /ing."he la$ "a/t thre# his arm in the #a-, an$ the stro/e too/ it off an$ the /ing's hea$too, 2ut the /ing's 2loo$ ame on the la$'s stum0, an$ the stum0 #as heale$ 2- iton the s0ot.

"hen Bro$ir alle$ out #ith a lou$ oie *No# let man tell man that Bro$ir felle$ Brian.*"hen men ran after those #ho #ere hasing the fleers, an$ the- #ere tol$ that ;ingBrian ha$ fallen, an$ then the- turne$ 2a/ straight#a-, 2oth Wolf the uarrelsomean$ ;erthialfa$."hen the- thre# a ring roun$ Bro$ir an$ his men, an$ thre# 2ranhes of trees u0onthem, an$ so Bro$ir #as ta/en alie.Wolf the uarrelsome ut o0en his 2ell-, an$ le$ him roun$ an$ roun$ the trun/ of a tree, an$ so #oun$ all his entrails out of him, an$ he $i$ not $ie 2efore the- #ereall $ra#n out of him.

Bro$ir's men #ere slain to a man.fter that the- too/ ;ing Brian's 2o$- an$ lai$ it out. "he /ing's hea$ ha$ gro#nfast to the trun/.&ifteen men of the Burners fell in Brian's 2attle, an$ there, too, fell all$or the sonof Gu$mun$ the 0o#erful, an$ Erling of Straume-.9n Goo$ &ri$a- that eent ha00ene$ in aithness that a man #hose name #asDaurru$ #ent out. e sa# fol/ ri$ing t#ele together to a 2o#er, an$ there the-#ere all lost to his sight. e #ent to that 2o#er an$ loo/e$ in through a #in$o# slitthat #as in it, an$ sa# that there #ere #omen insi$e, an$ the- ha$ set u0 a loom.%en's hea$s #ere the #eights, 2ut men's entrails #ere the #ar0 an$ #e$, a s#or$

#as the shuttle, an$ the reels #ere arro#s."he- sang these songs, an$ he learnt them 2- heartTH3 6OOF OF 6*8=

See= #ar0 is strethe$&or #arriors' fall,3o= #eft in loom'"is #et #ith 2loo$No# fight fore2o$ing,'Neath frien$s' s#ift fingers,

9ur gra- #oof #a4ethWith #ar's alarms,9ur #ar0 2loo$re$,9ur #eft orse2lue.

"his #oof is -#oenWith entrails of men,"his #ar0 is har$#eighte$With hea$s of the slain,S0ears 2loo$2es0rin/le$&or s0in$les #e use,9ur loom iron2oun$,n$ arro#s our reelsWith s#or$s for our shuttles

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Shall #ane neermore9ur #oof no# is #oen.No# 2attlefiel$ #aste,9'er lan$ an$ o'er #aterWar ti$ings shall lea0.

No# surel- 'tis gruesome"o ga<e all aroun$,

When 2loo$re$ through heaenDries lou$ra/ o'er hea$ir soon shall 2e $ee0 hue$With $-ing men's 2loo$When this our s0ae$omomes s0ee$- to 0ass.

So heeril- hant #eharms for the -oung /ing,ome mai$ens lift lou$l-

is #ar#inning la-3et him #ho no# listens3earn #ell #ith his ears,n$ gla$$en 2rae s#or$smenWith 2ursts of #ar's song.

No# mount #e our horses,No# 2are #e our 2ran$s,No# haste #e har$, mai$ens,ene far, far a#a-.

"hen the- 0lu/e$ $o#n the #oof an$ tore it asun$er, an$ eah /e0t #hat she ha$hol$ of.No# Daurru$ goes a#a- from the slit, an$ home 2ut the- got on their stee$s an$ro$e si4 to the south, an$ the other si4 to the north. li/e eent 2efell Bran$ Gneisti's son in the &aroe 5sles.t S#inefell, in 5elan$, 2loo$ ame on the 0riest's stole on Goo$ &ri$a-, so that heha$ to 0ut it off.t "hatt#ater the 0riest thought he sa# on Goo$ &ri$a- a long $ee0 of the seahar$ 2- the altar, an$ there he sa# man- a#ful sights, an$ it #as long ere he oul$sing the 0ra-ers.

"his eent ha00ene$ in the 9r/ne-s, that are/ thought he sa# Earl Sigur$, an$some men #ith him. "hen are/ too/ his horse an$ ro$e to meet the Earl. %ensa# that the- met an$ ro$e un$er a 2rae, 2ut the- #ere neer seen again, an$ nota sra0 #as eer foun$ of are/.Earl Gilli in the Southern 5sles $reame$ that a man ame to him an$ sai$ his name#as ostfinn, an$ tol$ him he #as ome from 5relan$."he Earl thought he as/e$ him for ti$ings thene, an$ then he sang this song 5 hae 2een #here #arriors #restle$,igh in Erin sang the s#or$,Boss to 2oss met man- 2u/lers.Steel rung shar0 on rattling helm5 an tell of all their struggleSigur$ fell in flight of s0ears

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Brian fell, 2ut /e0t his /ing$omEre he lost one $ro0 of 2loo$."hose t#o, &losi an$ the Earl, tal/e$ muh of this $ream. #ee/ after, rafn there$ ame thither, an$ tol$ them all the ti$ings of Brian's 2attle, the fall of the /ing,an$ of Earl Sigur$, an$ Bro$ir, an$ all the +i/ings.*What,* sai$ &losi, *hast thou to tell me of m- men7**"he- all fell there,* sa-s rafn, *2ut th- 2rotherinla# "horstein too/ 0eae from;erthialfa$, an$ is no# #ith him.*

&losi tol$ the Earl that he #oul$ no# go a#a-, *for #e hae our 0ilgrimage south tofulfil*."he Earl 2a$e him go as he #ishe$, an$ gae him a shi0 an$ all else that henee$e$, an$ muh siler."hen the- saile$ to Wales, an$ sta-e$ there a #hile.

Chapter 1). - The slayin$ of 4ol Thorstein's son

;ari Solmun$'s son tol$ master S/eggi that he #ishe$ he #oul$ get him a shi0. So

master S/eggi gae ;ari a longshi0, full- trimme$ an$ manne$, an$ on 2oar$ it#ent ;ari, an$ Dai$ the #hite, an$ ;ol2ein the 2la/.No# ;ari an$ his fello#s saile$ south through Sotlan$'s &irths, an$ there the-foun$ men from the Southern 5sles. "he- tol$ ;ari the ti$ings from 5relan$, an$also that &losi #as gone to Wales, an$ his men #ith him.But #hen ;ari hear$ that, he tol$ his messmates that he #oul$ hol$ on south toWales, to fall in #ith &losi an$ his 2an$. So he 2a$e them then to 0art from hisom0an-, if the- li/e$ it 2etter, an$ sai$ that he #oul$ not #ish to 2eguile an- maninto mishief, 2eause he thought he ha$ not -et ha$ reenge enough on &losi an$his 2an$.

ll hose to go #ith him an$ then he sails south to Wales, an$ there the- la- inhi$ing in a ree/ out of the #a-."hat morning ;ol "horstein's son #ent into the to#n to 2u- siler. e of all theBurners ha$ use$ the 2itterest #or$s. ;ol ha$ tal/e$ muh #ith a might- $ame,an$ he ha$ so /no/e$ the nail on the hea$, that it #as all 2ut fi4e$ that he #as tohae her, an$ settle $o#n there."hat same morning ;ari #ent also into the to#n. e ame #here ;ol #as telling thesiler.;ari /ne# him at one, an$ ran at him #ith his $ra#n s#or$ an$ smote him on thene/ 2ut he still #ent on telling the siler, an$ his hea$ ounte$ *ten* just as its0un off the 2o$-."hen ;ari sai$ *Go an$ tell this to &losi, that ;ari Solmun$'s son hath slain ;ol "horstein's son. 5gie notie of this sla-ing as $one 2- m- han$.*"hen ;ari #ent to his shi0, an$ tol$ his shi0mates of the manslaughter."hen the- saile$ north to Beru#i/, an$ lai$ u0 their shi0, an$ fare$ u0 intoWhitherne in Sotlan$, an$ #ere #ith Earl %alolm that -ear.But #hen &losi hear$ of ;ol's sla-ing, he lai$ out his 2o$-, an$ 2esto#e$ muhmone- on his 2urial.&losi neer uttere$ an- #rathful #or$s against ;ari."hene &losi fare$ south aross the sea an$ 2egan his 0ilgrimage, an$ #ent on

south, an$ $i$ not sto0 till he ame to ome. "here he got so great honour that hetoo/ a2solution from the Fo0e himself, an$ for that he gae a great sum of mone-."hen he fare$ 2a/ again 2- the east roa$, an$ sta-e$ long in to#ns, an$ #ent in2efore might- men, an$ ha$ from them great honour.

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e #as in Nor#a- the #inter after, an$ #as #ith Earl Eri till he #as rea$- to sail,an$ the Earl gae him muh meal, an$ man- other men 2ehae$ han$somel- tohim.No# he saile$ out to 5elan$, an$ ran into ornfirth, an$ thene fare$ home toS#inefell. e ha$ then fulfille$ all the terms of his atonement, 2oth in fines an$foreign trael.

Chapter 1)/ - Of Flosi and 4ari

No# it is to 2e tol$ of ;ari that the summer after he #ent $o#n to his shi0 an$saile$ south aross the sea, an$ 2egan his 0ilgrimage in Norman$-, an$ so #entsouth an$ got a2solution an$ fare$ 2a/ 2- the #estern #a-, an$ too/ his shi0again in Norman$-, an$ saile$ in her north aross the sea to Doer in Englan$."hene he saile$ #est, roun$ Wales, an$ so north, through Sotlan$'s &irths, an$$i$ not sta- his ourse till he ame to "hras#i/ in aithness, to master S/eggi'shouse."here he gae oer the shi0 of 2ur$en to ;ol2ein an$ Dai$, an$ ;ol2ein saile$ in

that shi0 to Nor#a-, 2ut Dai$ sta-e$ 2ehin$ in the &air 5sle.;ari #as that #inter in aithness 5n this #inter his house#ife $ie$ out in 5elan$