the san francisco call (san francisco, calif.) 1895-05-21 [p 12]...jcakpkt cleaning. i-it\tational...

SAN FRANCISCO "CALL.- BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco CAM/— 710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock every rlpht Inthe j-ear. BRANCH OFFICES— MS Montgomery street, corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. SS9 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 6W. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open until 9 o'clock. 'J5lB Mission street, open until 9 o'clock. 116 Ninth Street, open until 0:30 o'clock. 12 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1895. BUSINESS CHANCES— Con tinned. m>"/7AA GROCERY AND BAR: LIVING^ tm i UU. rooms upstairs: stock $800: cheap rent; 815 daily. LUXDIX* WELMER. \u0084..; C. 4 A I -.VERY GOOD PAYINGSALOON; LO- •r"iU '. cated between factories : cheap rent; •> bargain; call and see. WEHNER & LUNDIN.' 1 589 California si. ' "\u25a0 -' ' - . Vr.o-A VERY GOOD PAYING GROCERY &OOU. and bar: right place for man and wife; living-rooms; cheap rent. LUNDIN & \\ LHNtR, 539 California 3t. .' '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 L>I'A'PARTNER INGOOD PAYINGRt/Sl- sloo. nesf: saloon. X DIX&WEHNER, 539 California st. - T UMBER PLANT FOR SALE. UNDER DEED XJ of trust— We will sell at "i reka, Cal.. June 8. 1895, the North Star Lumber-mill plant,dwellings, timber land, etc., located at Pebble, 8 miles east of Mott, Siskiyou County, Cal. .ILU. C. C. BUSH, 1 Trustee . E. A. REID,; TrusteeB Redding, Cal.. May15, 1895. ; PHARMACIST^ WITH $500, HOLDING , i diploma, to take half Interest In homeopathic pharmacy, inOakland, clearing $150 per month; owing to increase of business must take inpartner; I only homeopathic pharmacy in Oakland. Address box 68, Call Office. Oakland. __^ "iajTAAACASH WILLBUY YOUAX ESTAB- . »4P. I \J\J\J lished business, well located, having fine cash trade in stationery, school supplies, agateware, tinware, woodenware.tovs. notions, etc. . one of firm will assist purchaser for 1 mcntu. Address Bazaar, box 65. Call Office. di I^\ RESTAURANT; AVERAGES $10 TO tlpX I O. $12 per day: low rent. Apply this office. IP OR SALE— FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT boarding-house, with good-paying saloon: build- ing of 20 room with furniture: must be sold on ac- count of sickness. Address MRS. J. DELCROIX, Tiburon. K~ OUTE FOR SALE OX THIS PAPER. 2104b Leaveuworth, 12 m. or after 5 p. m. Ti">Oß SALE—BAKERY AND RESTAURANT. X1 506 Turk St., near new City Hall. RESTAURANT DOING LARGE business; must sell cneap this week; don't fail to see it; cause of selling, present owner don't understand business; no agents. Apply1113 Fol- som st. ' "\u25a0YEWS, STATIONERY, CANDY AND TOY IX store for sale. 1650 Polk st. RANCH BAKERY AND NOTION STORE; must sell bargain. 921 Oak. <51l *2AA HALFCASH. BALANCEINSTALL- yIIUUU. ments: business pays $176 month; ' right man can easily increase It to $500 or more. Inquire CURTIS & BOWLEY, 32 second floor. Mills building. \u25a0 "VT ICE LITTLEDRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE. li Inquire of REDINGTON & CO., 23-27 second St.", San Francisco. PARTNER— SAN FRANCISCO FIRM ESTAB- X lished 7 years, doing good business. Intends branching out and desires partner who Is to Invest $5000; can make good salary and 8 to 12 per cent on investment ; a fine opportunity to get into a live, well established firm: investigation desired: references offered and required; principals only. Address Partner, box 160. Call Office. OR GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD location. ApplyLEVYA CO., 219 Grant aye. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYING livery stable in town; 80 boarders: 25 livery horses: hacks, buggies, etc.; centrally located: low rent this is a tine opportunity to get a good business at a bargain: principals only. Address P. 8.. box 127, this office. ffij CA AA INTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PA- <JntJUUU. per; pays over $200 per month; sick- ness cv use of selling." Apply this office. .\u25a0_.. -. pHEAPEST AND BEST INAMERICA— \J WEEKLY CALL,sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- ag free. LOpGTNG-noiTSKS FOX : SALE. 9' ROOM AND HOUSE (COR~- O nor), north of Market; rich, modern furni- ture; bouse full. SPECK'S, SO Montgomery st. WO BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE X quick for cash see GU.S STRAND, 45 Third st <2»97X HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; GOOD LOCA- V?£i i O. tlon: bargain. STRAND&C 0.,45 Third. ELEGANT FURNISHED FLAT OF 6 BOOMS and bath: new house; must sell at once; cheap. 1211 Howard st. "I A-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE; VERY CHEAP: XV party going East; central. Address A., box 117, Call Office. , 1 D ROOMS; SUNNY CORNER HOUSE: it) north of Market; no agents; $700. . Address < S. C, box 78, Call. QAQ TURK—IO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ' iJ\JU rooms; $500; cheap rent; a bargain. "<OR SALE—CORNER LODGING-HOUSE; 22 rooms. Applyat 712 Kearny st. j QO-ROOM LODGING- HOUSE: CLEARING 00 $123 pertoonth. 739 Folsom st. : 1 AND ALL.COME FOR BARGA INt* TO BUT- -1 TERFIELD real Pstntp. Crocker building. KfcKMTIKJi FOX SALE. ousek^Tepixo^ (Todng cou plks Jn ot> ing); want crockery, glassware, cooking I utensils, plated-ware, bed-linen, etc.; fine chance I for spot cash. Address L., box 126, this office: no : agents. , . - . j EDROOM SET, $11: PATENT '" TABLES" $2 15; Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth 20c; open evenings. SHIREK, 1310 Stockton st. 5; KRABKY, CARPETS, PICTURES, . folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: CaL stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS" \J this week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission at. EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND XV second hand: 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c- -7-plece chamber suits, $14 60; cornice-poles, 25c; 1 ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped j free. T. H. NELSON. 126 Fourth at. . JFUKN IT UKK AN TED. BUTTERFIELD. " AUCTIONEER^ 16 McAL^ lister at.—Specialty, buyingfurniture of houses. T .C. MUTHER, THE AUCTIONEER, BUYS O . furniture at highest cash prices. 6 Fourth at. HOW CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT, CANDY O outfits, fixtures, etc., bought and sold. 125 Fifth. CARPETS. ~~~ " RUBS^L^r4ScTLAID7 ROXBURY " BRu£ sels, 75c. laid; linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth 20c: open evenings. HIIIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton'. JCAKPKT CLEANING. T\TATIONAL CAR^ETB^'fING^AN^RENO^ i-i vatlng Works, HAMPTON & NUN AN laying and altering. . 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244^ CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATING AND C3 . nx c " ovatin Works, S8 and 40 Eighth at. G. R. &TEVEN3, manager. Telephone No., south 250. pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON <b CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH » » poor work send to SPAULDING'S PioneerOar- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; let. So-40. CON KLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKa 333 \J Golden Gate aye.; telephone east 126. CARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBERS, 238 \J 14th, nr. Mission; tei. (Mission) 100. rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING X Co. (Incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tei. 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING ANDREN- *J . ovating works. 463 Stevenson : tel. 3228. f! HE £? EST AXD BEST INAMERICA-THE V WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, pott- | age free. - . ! _v CLAIRVOYANTS. M~~ me! MOREAU.BEST MEDIUM.CLAIRVOY- ant; speaks German: 25c up. 131 Fourth at. PROF. GEE, SPIRIST TEST DAILY; ClR- cles Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Bp. m. 1031 . Market st.; 25c. - t i T EON, PALMIST, CLuVIRVOYANT, LIFE "* XJ reader. 633 Post St.; hours 8 P. 11.; I also Sundays. _____^_ MME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REVEAL- er by eggs and carls (in English orGerman)tells entire life, past, present, future; consultat on all affairs, nothing excepted; names given: good advice; sure help: restores lost love by sympathy; mistake impossible: fee $1; letter $2. 30 Kearny. UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER; magic charms; love tokens; true picture of future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc.; has the seven holy seal.-, and the Palestine wonder charm; fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. TTrKs J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST 111 medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton. "~~~ SPIRITUALISM. PJRITUAL TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT, 10c MME YOUNG. 605 McAllister. PIRITUAL TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; 10c. O MME. YOUNG, 605 McAllister st. Professor . Young's orcnestra of 9 pieces. Vocal quartet. YPSY LIFE-READER; LADIES 26c; GENTS s 50c; near Market. 5 Seventh st. , BS. 8. SEAL— SPIRITUAL"MEDIUM; RE- Mllgious cir. Wed. 8 p.m.; Thurs., 2:30: 110 M- c st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.••\u25a0. .' . RS. EGGERT AIKEN, TRANCE MEDIUM: dr. Sun. eve.: developing cir. Tues. eve. 715 Post st. ______^_ MBS. HENDEE ROGERS. GIFTED MEDIUM iVL healer; clr., Mon and Fri; sit dally. 122 Turk. ASTROLOGY. A STRALSEER^PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEARY X\- st. ; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. _ .. 1 PALMISTRY. ~-~— - - ¥^ Mi»f^R^A?THE r ILTR^EISua^NO: "" tn rHS? 1 " 1181 - grams interviews daily from 10 " to 5 .30 In her rooms at the Oriel, cor or Market and Franklin, third floor, room 43; fee $1; garden parties, bazaars, etc. attended: lessons riven.- \u25a0'.y^^_ \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'-> FINANCIAL. " pRTVATE PARTY~MAKES LOANS ONdTT- \u25a0 . -- . . BUSINESS CHANCE!*. "DROLL & STEXBERG ~ 719 MARKET, X near Third, sell or exchange , businesses, - fur- nished bouses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco," Alameda and Oakland property ; send particulars; all applications for sales promptly attended to. ' A Will exchange for house and lot In San Francisco, a beautiful country home in Contra Costa County; price $6000. PROLL A STEXBKRG. 719 Market. $9hofJ FINE PAYING POPULAR FIRST tjp-j\/vv/.class restaurant: central location: north- Market, near Kearnv: daily receipts. $."0; trialgiven. PROLL & STENBERG. 719 Market. CMAA. CIGAR AND VARIETYSTORE FlX- 'Jp'x'./V/. tures; 4 living-rooms, $125: tea and eoffe route at a sacrifice. PROLL &STENBERG, 719 Market st. . : : Cgi XAA RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY wXOv'V/. first-class staple fancy groccrj" daily receipts $25 to $30: full inves igation; sell invoice. PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st. QQAA CANDY, STATIONERY STORE; tip \J \J . soda fountain ;cheap rent ; living-rooms ; present owner 5 years. PROLL <fc STENEERG, 719 Market st. . Q7fiA SALOON: WATER FRONT; DONOT «4? V". mists this genuine bargain; sacrifice ac- count departure: trial given to party meaning busl- | ness. PROLL * STENBERG, 719 Market st. li&X^M DRY. AND FANCY GOODS BUSI- <ipUUv.'. ness: fixtures: good location: sacrifice; sickness. PROLL &STENBEP.O, 719 Market st. C-Q, A GERMAN BAKERY: STORE FIXT- <IDC/ '/. 11 res: big outside trade: horse; wagon; clrars $125 month; trial given; leaving city. PROLL STENBERG, 719 Market st. WANTED— PARTNER, WITH$100, iN CIGAR and laundry business. 235 Kearny st. CM £AA BEER HALL, WITH BILLIARDS. *$J LUVIyJ . on Market st., near Examiner office: rent $100; lease; large patronage; sacrificed on account of other business. WILKE,236 Kearny. $1 ]AA CORNER GROCERY AND BAR, XXV/ 17. kept by present owner for 18yenrs: very good business: owner wants to retire and go to Germany. WILKE,235 Kearny St., room 4. CM ~-\(\f\ PARTNER: EXPRESS AND «2)XU171/. transfer company: established 10 years; 6 horses, 4 wagons: net profits s2oo to $250 monthly. Particulars, WILKE, 235 Kearny st. C?O rj~ DELICACY AND PORK STORE, «JpO I «J. with living rooms; rent $13; owner kept place 5 years: $75 monthly profit guaranteed. Inquire WILKE. 235 Kearny at., room 4. P ARTNER— S3OO— COFFEE SALOON, KEPT X by a young lady ; must attend buying and take in cash. 235 Kearny, room 4. Ci9^o RESTAURANT AND COFFEE SA- igS£,O\J. loon, near Baldwin Hotel. Room 4, 235 Kearny st. . <&9n A GREAT BARGAIN; BAKERY AND rip^\J\J. candy-store: best location: north of Mar- ket: elegantly fitted living-rooms: rent $20; must be sold. BARRETT &CO., 8651/2 Market. BAKERS, ATTENTION $900; BAKERY; strictly Al cash business; all countertrade; average receipts $18 a day: fine chance for coffee saloon; sickness. BARRETT & CO., 865 Mar- ket st. \u25a0 \u25a0* . OiOwA BAKERY,CANDY, SODA AND ICE- <£'—*-'"• cream parlor; best location: near Mar- ket: finely fitted; 2 living-rooms; low rent: receipts $8 day. BARRETT &CO., 865'/ Market St. OjOAA PARTNER WANTED FOR NICE tIPO'J'J. clean business: no Sunday work. SMITH. HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. ..--\u25a0\u25a0- C!QAA PARTNER WANTED INLOCK AND <fl?OU\/. electric shop; references exchanged: clears good wages. SMITH, HUBER & CO., 1001 Market st. UST BE SOLD THIS WEEK; GRAND BAR- gains: 1restaurant for $250; worth $400. 1 oon for $450: worth $600. 1 chophouse. $550; worth SlOOO. Best candy-stand, only $260. See SMITH-HUBER'CO., 1001 Market st. TO SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND quick for cash see STRAND & CO., 46 Third st. $O. A PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON: ~~?« l ;V/. clear $75 per month to each: good ;chance for a steady man. See STRAND &CO., I 45 Third St. . <&"!TAA CASH GROCERY: SALES $60 A (011UU day; 2 horses, wagon and cart. STRAND, 45 Third street. <3« 1 AA < i .O f: 1 : y - st< hie; BEST LOCA- i-O\J\J. tion; onMarket^.: receipts $35 per day; willsell at invoice. See STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. \u25a0*, Cj I X A SALOON, WITH 3 LIVING-ROOMS: 'ip'i*-''-'" good trade; no opposition: situated be- tween large factories. See > 1 I; AN '11,45 Third. BARGAIN OLD-ESTAP.LISIIED CHOP- house and coffee parlor for sale at a sacritice; ownerhas other business. STRAND, 45 Thirds. OCA TAILORING BUSINESS ; GRAND iO\J. location: good trade; bargi<ln on ac- count of departure. STRAND it CO., Third St. 1 ffij^xA RESTAURANT: vk \u25a0- t location , <£)\JO\J. on Market St.: great bargain; on ac- count of departure. STRAND Jit CO.. 45 Third st. Ski 1 1 10 BAKERY; NO. 1 LOCATION; 3 i]Tll"u. rooms; cheap rent; good.paying place; See STRAND & CO., 45 Third st. v2?l Kfj CORNER BRANCH BAKERY: 3 \u25a0 jUpJ U\J. rooms; good-paying. STRAND, 45 Third SV 9*\ CIGAR-STAND: SELECT STOCK; -—.J. fine fixtures; best location on Market tit.; cheap rent; bargain. STRAND &. CO., 45 3d st. CT^Xn "GROCERY ANDBAR;" FULLVALUE i t^t)O\j, in sieht; 3 rooms: rent $20; owner I same place 5 years: a mint. STRAND, 45 Third. O~7~r FOR SALE—GROCERY AND BAR; *S £ I O. good location. JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth. "Sj "; A , . FINE RESTAURANT NEAR THE ijptJv' '. terminus of four cable-roads; doing pood business; splendid location. See JOHN REIDY, 19 Sixth st. "CJ X A; , FAMILY LIQUOR; DOING GOOD <i~)«JV/ '• business; splendid location; owner go- lng East. JOHN REIDY,19 Sixth st. QJ« A- A ONE OF THEBEST-PAYINGCANDY isp'i*J\J. and icecream stores inthe city. Apply after 3 p. m. J. BERXHARD, 8 Lick place. TVTOTICE-HAVINGBUYERS WILLING TO ll invest in legitimate business, parties desiring to sell for cash apply HEALY & CO., 23 Kearny st. <2>f*F.(\ BAKERY ACROSSTHEBAY; RUN <IpvJtJU. by owner 3 years: horse and wagon; clears $100 month. HEALY, 23 Kearny at. IJ67XA COFFEE-HOUSE, near Baldwin, tjp I U\J . north of Market. SPECKS, 30 Mont- gomery. <3i9nn A MONTH CLEAR; COFFEE SA- tiP^iUV/ loon: near Chronicle; cheap. SPECKS, 30 Montgomery. (£•£•- A COFFEE-SALOON: MONTGOMERY: tJpUtJU. clears $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. LACKSMITII WITH $1000 TO BUY HALF interest in a first-class paying country shop ; will beur investigation. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. ONE OF THE LARGEST SALOONS AND lunch houses in city; must sell this week; pro- prietor going East- best bargain offered. Inquire M. BLUMENTHAL& CO., 660 Mission st. ANTED - INTELLIGENT. ENERGETIC man or woman with$50 to handle monopoly in this city; right party makes $76 per month at first: much more after business is established- business permanent and legitimate. L.. box 62*, <GU 00 PARTNER IN A GOOD PAYING tpl\J\J. lodging-house. P., box 107, Call. .-. CJl9^ BUSINESS; GOOD CHANCE FOR ts)XjijO. man and wife: clears $75 a month Address S-. box 12. Call Office. . .muwn. ItIRST-CLASS PLUM"bIXG AND TINNING X I business; must be sold at once; shoo to rent Apply 1373 Broadway, Oakland. V "»«*\u25a0* 'ELL - ESTABLISHED AND PAYING TT business for sale; capital required, $10 000- -cash or secured notes. Every facility for exam- ination offered to an Intending purchaser and will assist party until thoroughly familiar with the business. Address B. G. L.. Call office, Oakland. "PNERGETIC MAN WHO CAN COMMAND a few hundred dollars or has unencumbered realty can secure exclusive control of one of the most saleable articles now befor the public- can be made to pay from $150 to $300 per month Call 10 to 3, room 61, Brooklyn Hotel. monln - rrio RENT-DINING-ROOM, SUITABLE FOR X restaurant, in new hotel soon to be opened in good county-seat town ; house of 70 rooms. Address : box 100, Cull. B~~UTCHKR-SHOP TO RENT; ALL FITTED -U 'To : goo<l location; with horse, wagon tools Office*. per momU - A«dress B. S., box 10l! Call HEAP, VERY CHEAP _ GOOD-PAYING \J grocery and bar; best corner In the city nice location; good reason. Cor. Page and Devisadero FRUIT&TORE FOR SALE- ON ACfOllvr no sickness; living-rooms attached 425 Twen?y- third at.-, near Howard. I " my P_OOD RESTAURANT for SALE- OWNER IS IXmaking money: rent $15. Call 1009 Larkin st OR SALE OR EXCHANGB-BEBT-PATIWO £ restaurant in San Jose, clearing over $100 ncr month: part cash, balance trade; full investigatfon allowed; state what you have. P.O. tox^Rn BUSINESS WANTED WHERE AN INVFST ment of $500 w,Upay a fa "return to ad veV «., Danvers st., San Francisco. AddreM : C - G°vi D AY V 0 ' KKSI 'AUKANT; GOOD IX- EighTh man and wife ; cheap rent. 62 '$300 "/^TAURANT FOR BALE-ON ONE k?t m,,«f* lh ,H moat Principal streets, off Mar- Call Office BOld * l once - Address J. A., box 94, O^'^TABLISHED t. CORNER SALOON V must be sold ; at a sacrifice on account of death of proprietor. Call to-day, SW. cor. Eighth and ij.o\vitru sts* -\u25a0" ' \u25a0 \u25a0 C I RESTAURANT; EASY PLACE TO a 'V [ - L*-' v*u * run: good trade; worth $300. 958 How- POOD-PAYING . RESTAURANT! CHEAP: v-< daily receipts $25. 626 Sacramento st. OTATIONERY ANDNOTIONSTORE CHEAP: ;*~> 1 rare chance for man and wife. . 1332 Pacific st. OYSTER, CHOP-HOUSE AND RESTAURANT on Kearny ; st. FALCONER «fc CO.. \ 1189 Market st., near Eighth. \u25a0\u25a0>-•; :;- > \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - : ' ' SAN FRANCISCO EVEX'INOfpTPER ROUTE _ for sale inOakland. ; J. \v\, Oakland Call Office. J? OR ; SALE— CANDY "BUSINESS AND-j ICE- cream parlors; legitimate paying investment: will teach buyer to manufacture. 130 Ninth st. v 'Q>O AAV; LODGING-HOUSE FOR SALE, WITH f^'J\J\J . 35 rooms. -641 Washington st., near Kearny. _ . . : __' \u25a0- PERgONAtS. ; . "Vf Y WIFE HAVInTTiTeFT~MY BED AND J-»A board, 1 I hereby j make notification that I will not be responsible for any debt contracted by her. OCIAL. DANCE AT GOLDEN CITY GAR- O dens. San Bruno road and I Silver aye.," Friday, May 24: admission free. 5 J. W. WILSON, Prop. . \u25a0.' A NSEL WHITS, INFORMATION' WANTED: -iv if alive may hear of something greatly to his advantage, or his heirs may if he is dead. Address E. H. O'HARA, 469 S. Seventh si.. San Jo3e, Cal." A DVICE FREE: DIVORCE LAWS A SPECIAL- £*\u25a0 ty; collections, damages, wills, deeds. etc.: G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law. 850 Market.; cor. Stockton. \ T INCOLN BROS. STILLSELL NEW CHEESE \u25a0*-* 5c a pound, picnic hams Bi\ snear-cured hams lie. 4 pounds roast coffee $1, 5 pounds ground cof- fee $1, 5 pounds good tea 91, 25 pounds sugar $1, macaroni ?5c a box." soda crackers 50c a box. LINCOLN BROS.. 226 Sixth St. LADIES' OUTING STTTTS TO ORDER: $25. HUTT, merchant tailor. Y.M. C. A. bnildinsr. TT RENCTIMAN (44); GCOD~COOK; HANDY x with tools: useful for camping or exploring parties; best references. , Address E. L., 512 Post. TJ AIR-DRESSING. 25C. ANY STYLE : STRICT^ «PT?^ij S V c i a l2.3, l ain P O0 ' 60c -:Pioneer Hair Store. BERTH A SPETZ. 11l Stockton st. ; one price only. WHITEWASHING MACHINE AND BRUSH „' %<\u25a0 yard: contracts taken. WAIN- WRiGHf, 1460 Market: machines sold or hired. ITOME.. AGAIN;. WRECKERS \u25a0- OF.- HIGH JJ- prices; fine suits, $15: dress pants, $4 75; overcoats. $2 85. Misfit Clothing: Parlors! 513 Montgomery st., cor. Commercial, -.upstairs. B l7 }' c » " CURTAINS. LADIES' AND \u25a0*-> gents furnishing :goods, hosiery, trimmings, etc., a. Pioneer Dry Goods store, 105 Fifth st. Cj A £ «! A 7 E "DRESSES CUT AND FITTED hv ih«rt. : dreBses Popular pricos or engagements by the day ; patterns to measure. 11 Geary st. SAN . FRANCISCO SCHOOL FOR DANCING O and elocution. WALTER G. O'BRIEN, mana- vJirf ' ye and ,, Laguna sis. Class Mondays and Fridays; juvenile class, Saturdays. M A KIM ? NIAL PAPER,' 997 MARKET ST.; 15 cents 06 time ' 1 tO 2 and 7toB P" m.; by mail OINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF 10 I omade is guaranteed to cure any case of dan- druff or falling hair or money refunded: never Rv°T% n ii IO nw'i tr^' U - B - v all OruKSists price $1, or bMIIII BROS., Fresno, Cal. SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, VJ showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be- in r Sn ! \r e , lsewn * re - J - NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. \u25a0.\u25a0 Ojm iS MORE CUV— ~ Oak RollTop Desks....: $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers... From $10 up Oak Bed 5et5......:... $17 50 up Oilcloths and Linoleums .....30c up Stoves and Ranges.. ; ;. .... $3 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. HE A A BTEBS LONG DI.STANCK TELE- phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein Electric Works, 720 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. QUIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TI'.ADK IN slocks find grain; large money made on small investment. WHEELOCK i CO., 318 Pine St., R 3. CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT \J mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome st.. upstairs. INETOSCOPEM FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH outfits bought for cash. Bacigalupi, 946 Mkt. OLD . BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND~~SOLD~ store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc. :cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth. GAS FIXTURES AMi PLUMBING. 623" Golden Gate aye. U. HCFSCHMIDT. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN,41 Third st. WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO »> order by WILLIAMMcPHUN. 1195 Market. pHKAPEST AND BEST INAMERICA- THB \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address In the United States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- age free. DRESSMAKERS. DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN " SEWING. xJ Call or address 324 i/ 2 Tenth St. \u25a0 PIANOS, VIOLINS, ETC. MToNI FI( :ENT LAB GB UPRIGHT INOUR lX bargain-room this week: ele?ant fancy case; j fine tone; guaranteed: qualityconsidered offered at the lowest price in tin- city; uprights for practice .$6O and $100, etc THE J. DEWING COMPANY, second floor. Flood bids, sole agents for the cele- brated Hardman and Chase Brothers, etc CIASH $70, UPRIGHT PIANO: ALSO an"- \J other $100: immediate. Room 21,809 Market. p EORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE \T Miuhushek pianos; sold on very easy install- ments: pianos rented. 1360 Market st. $8 PICCOLO AND $40 FLUTE AT \u25a0*-V half. J. P., box 31, Call Office. , . TITM. G. BADGER, WITH KOHLER &CHASE IT 26, 28 and SO O'Farrell st. . . OUR NEW RENT-CONTRACT PLAN IS . meeting with " great | favor: terms of payment are so easy that everybody can have a piano: bosj makers: largest slock. SHERMAN. CLAYA. CO. ARP BY SEBASTIAN-- JBRABD"; DOUBLE action and elegantly tlnshed: is found with difficulty anywhere; a nice selection is at present exhibited by SHERMAN, CLAY ft CO. Q TEC K . CHICICERINO <fe SONS., VOSE AND 0 Sterling pianos sold on $10 Installments. BENJ. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st. 2 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHTS, WITH OUR _ guarantee; $125 each. MAUVAIS.769 Market. HOME INDUSTRY— II EMM12 <fc LONGPIANO CO., 340 Post; pianos sold on installments: send tor illustrated catalogue. BETTER AND EASIER PLAN to buy a gooil piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER &CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. DECKER BROS.. STEINWAY, FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos: little used; cheap .for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER <fc CHASE, 28 and 30 O'Farrtll st. GREAT BARGAINS INSECOND-HAND Pl- anos at SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. 'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sutler sis. .. .\u25a0 \u25a0 . .\u25a0\u25a0-.--\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•" ASY TERMS: LOW PRICES. KOHLER <fe CHASE. FEW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD makes, almost new, half original cos:; see at once. ' F. W. SPENCER &CO., 721 Market st. BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.—SOHMER, Newby & Evans, Briggs and other pianos. TEINWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY- USED; grand tone; halt-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. UPKRIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS. OLDANEW. O H. MULLKR. maker, repairer. : 2 Latham place. rriAILOR PATTERNS CUT TO MEASURE!' j X basque or skirt, 15c. 116 Kearny st., room 14. HORSES. * ~ ~~ ,T?oir^A_&-G^O^BlJsiN^SS~^R^^ 1 horse, buggy and harness; price $125. Apply at 528 Shot well st. T?OR SALE HANDSOME BROWN 31AP.E, JO 15V 2 hands high: weight 1100 pounds: age 6 yean; trots in better than 3 minutes; sound and gentle; atraid of nothing; price $150; also 2 colts, 4 and 5 years old; broken to harness; Antevolo- Echo stock; will be sold cheap. Inquire 347 Fre- mont St., in the rear. : . A(\ HORSES: FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS, ivbuggies, carts, harness; Grand .\rcadr> Horse Market. 327 Sixth st. : auction sales every Wednes- day. SULLIVAN & DOYLE, Auctioneers. HORSES PASTURED; *2 A MONTH; SEND torcircular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. "I AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL J.\Jv/ kinds; ; second-hand . wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and .Valencia its. WAGONS AND CAlii:iA«iES. IpOR PALE^GROCERY~WAGONT~ALMbsT ! new. Paint shop, 1140. Folsom. ; QECOND-HAND LIGHTDELIVERY wagon, O and cart for sale, cheap. . 924 Bryant st. . OB:- SALE— LIGHT CAFFERY BUGGY. IN- quire Kelly'sstable, 1629 Pin« st. FORSALE— COVEREiritO? A BAR- , gain. \ THOMAS FOLE 1812 Powell st. ;, : \u25a0 FOE SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SAL&-JWUBLE~HOUSE 10 ROOMsTtO be removed; 25 feet front. Apply 309 Clemen- tina st. .' ':•-\u25a0.:\u25a0 .-\u25a0; .- \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 '.- , '. \u25a0 \u25a0"-,. \u25a0-\u25a0 : C»OA WORTH $50: RARE CHANCE TO GET tJPOV/. a good Cleveland bicycle. 172 Perry st. ;\u25a0\u25a0/ "L^OR SALE—FIXTURES SUITED FOR RO- X? eery;- store bins, drawers and shelving; cheaD. Inquire of . C. P. GIBBONS, 844 Capp St., or 26 1 2 Mission st. \u25a0 :. .. -, '. .\u25a0.-..\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•,-.,.-.- .\u25a0-;..-\u25a0; '" ACOURTOIS SLIDE TROMBONE; IN Kb 1".perfect condition; 'used carefully 1year; 8-Inch - bell: heavy tone; : price- includes heavy leather case and lyre. Address L. A., box 138, Call Office. .-.--, : . \u25a0 ?IHIL~DREN'S DONKEY CHEAP: SMALL \J and very gentle. t C.V box 107, Call Office. i' rpHRASHIKG ENGINEFOR:BAL_ CHEAP— XOne Bxl4 straw-burning ; thrasning engine, with brand new boiler: built to carry a working pressure of 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. J. MOYNI- HAN'S boiler -works, 311 r and 313 Mission St., southwest corner Beale.': : . . - , - , . >\u25a0:\u25a0;. \u25a0-. ? "VTEW $100 LADY'S SAFETY; $50 CASH OR -Li . Installment. :; 326 McAllister st. . -.-- ; ;.. •\u25a0:,- .::-\u25a0'•\u25a0: 1 LOT OF, -ASTERN STANDARD MAKEs of , safes which . have been taken in exchange as part I payment . for the Waltz - safes; as follows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 Jewelers' safes, 8 .pawnbrokers' 1safes, 13 merchant safes: fire and burglar proof;' all sizes; at less than - half cost; I see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Market st., factory 13 and 15 Drumm St., San Franci3co. Cal. .-; \u25a0 „;! - .: -\u25a0-'\u25a0 \u25a0 : : >? t \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0\T EW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- XI \u25a0 hand. W. S. RAY MfgCo.. 12 California st. , ILSHIRK SAFE, LETTER- PRESS. SCALE, »* . coffee-mill and money-till; cheap, j102 Clay st. COUNTS S, - SHELVING, SHOWCASES J boueht and sold .1121 ia, Market, bet. 7th and Bth \u25a0'-\u25a0;, ../:.-\u25a0; ;.'..; ; -i to ; : EXCHANGE. .; .",\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;" - ;; AA A CRES'RICH FR UITLA NDEXCHANGE > _ U for town > property; |H. G. SMITH Oakland. WHY; NOT ; .. DO v ' BUSINESS ; WITHOUT •' money? 5 List your -property with Labor Ex- change, large home market, 118 Valencia st. : HELP. "WANTED— Continned. r ive men wameFatonce^to handle XJ \u25a0 summer i specialty ; , will : pay - competent ~ per- ; Bons $3 50 per 'day. : Store 328 Seventh st. \u25a0 \Vr ANTED— BARBER; v ALSO CHAIR . ''. for sale very cheap. 34% Fourth 5t., .. -, j h \u25a0- ' ! ARBERS, FOR EMPLOYMENT CALLI SEC. Barbers' Ass., 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. P.-CHAIR : BARBER-SHOP . AND:LAUNDRY ; •' office; will sell for less than furniture cost if taken before May 22. , 137 Third st. . ' Barber"^ shop- 2 CHAIRS: 3 furnished rooms; cheap. ; ; llss Howard st. J"OR : SALE IMMEDIATELY, CHEAP, A 2- chair barber-shop, esabllshed 8 years, In East ; San Jose. Address LOUIS STUCKER, East: San ' Jose. \u25a0 \u25a0 . . . \u0084. ="•\u25a0..-.\u25a0-.•;"\u25a0 T^ , "I) ARBER-SHOP, WITH LIVING-ROOMS,FOR ; XJ sale or to let. 1600 Howard st. <StA(\ BARBER-SHOP. APPLY 240 FIF- i <P-±V. teenth st., W. SHEAR. . rpAILOR WITH $350 CASH AS PARTNER ; Xtnestablished business. Call 120 Taylor st. FIRST-~CLASS~PRESS EICoN CUSTOM COATS ; good wages; steady work. 223 Montgomery st. ANT ED-BLACKSM MUST BE A » thorough me« > hanic on wagons and farm ma- chinery and a first-class sboer. H. HORTOP, Rutherford, Napa County, Cal. '< CHOES HALF-SOLED IX 10 MINUTES; . k3 done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price;' work guar- . anteed. 564 Mission St., bet. First and Second. I" IRST-CLASS man TO REPRESEXT east- . eru manufacturer. 123 California St., room 34. j 7P.MEN FOR CREAMROLL AND COFFEE I *J 5 cents at 44 Fourth St., only. I"' REE BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS for 5 cenis at 228 Pacific su ; \\TAXTED-LABORERS AND MECHANICS »» to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House propri- , ctor, has opened Soto House, 32 Fourth su; 100 rooms; 25c to $1 per night: $1 25 to_sl per week. RK M 6 VED 706 TO 726y a , OPP. HOWARD- st. Theater; also 116 to 418 Fourth sU; best place In the city for new and second-hand shoes. : MEN'S SHOES i^-"soLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c: J-'l done in 15 minutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement. ."WANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 16c A DAY;Ml i »» week; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 50 a week; , reading room- daily papers. Clay st. 'rrv--- -" WHAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO St.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single rooms 20c a day, $1 a week : meals, 10c. WANTED—MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP . *'. steam beer, sc; bottle wine, 6c. 609 Clay st. I SHOES HALF-SOLED IS 15 MINUTES O whileyou wait at half usual price. 959 Howard. ' PwfkA PAIRS MEN'S GOOD SHOES, 25c TO$1. : *J\J\J 664 Mission Ht. ; also 631^ Sacramento su MENS~HALF-SOI.FnT;, 50c: LADIES'. 40c: HX heels, 26c; done while you wait. 237 Sixth. WAKE THE DEAD WKX/.Ei/H ALARM clock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. 1 jailors AND cutters TO attend THE X San Francisco Cutting School. 523 Market st., 1 room 15. EN'S HALF-SOLING, DONE WHILE you wait. 638 Market, opposite Palace Hotel. I "1 Oft MEX~TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c. 15o" i \J\J and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. . 624 Washington St., near Kearny. T TNDELL~H6uSEr^6Tir"AND HOWARD- . 1j single furnished rooms, 75c week, 16c night. BEST IN CITY— SINOLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; SI,$1 25, $1 50 per week. Partite House .Commercial and Leldesdorn* sts. - 3/ 1 ELLIS, P.OSEDALE-PRICES REDUCED; X single furnished rooms, ; l week; 20c night. ; /TRY ACMK HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST, BE- x low Blxtli. tor a room : 'Jbc night : $1 week. . ___ AGENTS ANTED. MpToYMEnV. FOR T\v6^yOUNCi LADIES not over 25; must be daughters of Masons— , orphans preferred— to introduce Masonic works. WILLIAMS, 7 CityHall aye." 5 ENERGETIC ANDINTELLIGENTAGENTS on new proposition; good commission; also \u25a0 1 salary to right parties. 54 Nevada block, 9 to 11 I ! a. M. •\u25a0 ! PARTNERS "WANTED. EST AURANT; PARTNER i Tx 7 PREPEIV XXi ence to hired help: one who understands cook- ing or waling. Apply on premises. 1934 Market. WANTED- MISCELLANEOUS. X" TeFn?To9~sTxtTi st?Tp ays oodprjces for clothing, books and jewelry: postal. i ...:;-.;. : . '...'-.. LUST. \u25a0_; ; .- _' i TXT ILL THEPERSON WHO FOUND COMMU- \u25a0 I " radon ticket electric road, bearing owner's ; name and address, Seminary Park, please return , ; it to MISS LULU FRASER, East Oakland Station. T OST—B PIECES RED "cROSS AUSTRIAN XJ Bonds inenvelope, with imme M. CLAICH; ; reward $10 if returned 108 Fourth st. BLACK COCKER SPANIEL DOG. RETURN to 1330 Scott st.; reward. ! LOST— CANARY BIRD; SINGER. RETURN : XJ to 1402 Bush St., receive reward, DR. CUM- MINi;s. . v ;. ti;\u25a0 i. \u0084 ; : . .\u25a0 ;. \u25a0 \u0084 OST— A; YORKSHIRE TERRIER. RETURN to 921 Lombard st. receive reward. : j T OST— RED Mir.CH COW, WHITE SPOTS, i ; Xj one horn. Return San Bruno road and Cort- ; land aye. ; reward. > QTOLEN OR STRAYED FROM 1714 VALLEJO \u25a0 O St., May 14,; St. Bernard : puppy 8 weeks old, female: liberal reward for return. . OsT-IN WESTERN ADDITION, BET. BU- chanan and Fillmore, on Tuesday afternoon, : lady's enameled old watch. . Return to 2507 Clay ; j St.; liberal reward. _ _____ FOUND. IjHJUXD— BAY HORSE; WhTte' LEGs'aXD 'face: no shoes. ' 326 Eighth aye. JOHN - GREKLEV. . \u25a0 ; ,:. \u25a0\u25a0 1 EDUCATIONAL. ' . TTV^N^iTTsM~^LhS^O^^TrN ; N^TIS^i XX. and mesmerism; clairvoyants developed by J. ; i DIAMOND, 406 .-suiter St., rooms 50 and 51. > :- AM AST It OF SPANISH AND FRENCH -£»- in 4 months with Professor Duque's LIVING method practically taught by native, university ; i Instructors ; classes ($3 per month) day and eve. : jCall and examine this master method. 104 Hayes. | E~ nglisii~b"r an cues taught by MISS > .DILLOX,14 McAllister, r. 46; private or class. ; SPANISH, FRENCH, GER.MAN. M EtSTER- , O schaft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st. . QCHOOL ELECTRICAL,civil, mining, ME- . 0 chanical engineering,' surveying, architecture, | assay: estao. '64. VANPER NAILLEN.723 Mkt. : STIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND. BUSINESS , 1 College, 723 Market st. : diploma course $30. , EDWARD TOJETTI, , ARTIST, HAS RE- opened hiS studio \u25a0 and classes. Room 141, f Murphybuilding, corner Market and Jones sts. . \u25a0 YK Ml I CA L AND POINTED HANDWRITING taught. C. EISENBCHIMEL, 235 Kearny. "t>ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING— XJ vale theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed on stage. R.5 &12,1. p. O. F.block, 7thand Market. \7"OCa'L TEACHEK, JOSEPH GREVKN, TM- I » proves and beautified even spoiled voices and \u25a0 procures positions tor his pupils. 82 Ninth st. ; - ""Vf*RS. MELVILLB-SX YD E~SUI ORATORICAL, 1 _?X-. Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 619 Van Ness aye.; vocal classes Monday, 8 p. month; dra- j matlc classes Wednesday. Bp. m., $3 month: also private lessons and piano: ladles and gentlemen coached for professional or amateur stage (stage for ; practice). . t . " V ' \u25a0 - * : . rjj-ARirs INST., 659 MARKT-BOOKKEEPING , X taught in 6 weeks. \u25a0We pledge ourselves to keep - free for 6 months books our graduates failon. \u25a0: : HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POST Bookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing, .' electrical engineering, telegraphy, \u25a0 modern; lan- - guages rapidly i might. Write lor catalogue. \u25a0, ?;: 1" ILLIANBEbDARb,~THk~ESGLISH AC- XJ tress, coaches >Indies and gentlemen for the 1 I dramatic profession : appearances arranged. : Shake- ." gpearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. DENTISTS. [ ] T\R. GEOIuTe *W?"leleK^ T^E~~GENUINE XJ Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extraction f I and patentee of improved bridge work or teeth without any plate, has moved from 6 to 20 O'Far- - | rellst - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0-::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"-.:\u25a0• DR~J. J. LEEK, 1 FIFTH—OPEN EVENINGS, XJ and Sunday until noon, ,'.:. . AT CHAT MASON.COR. MARKET, sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; - on bridges, crowns and gold plates .prices reduced ; ' small gold fillingsonly $2; painless extraction, r ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :• pKOOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 759 MAR- - v^ ket, bet. 3d and , 4tn, gas li specialists: only reli- -2 aDle agent lor paimess extraction: artificial teeth - inn .s,') ; fillingsfrom $1 ;extracting 50c, with gas $1. . DR. REA, 9 SIXTH ST. : ALL DENTAL WORK I XJ at lowest prices ana warranted ; open evenings j - ' ft? A SET FOB TEETH;. WARRANTED AS . «35 good as can brj made; filling$1. DR. SIMMS, % dentist, 930 Marke: St., next Baldwin Theater. -s-u 5 :i A ll work reasonable ANDWARRANT- ;. '•"•' cd. r Pit, J. W. KEY. 1122 Market St., \u0084 ) T\ K - U. G. YOUNG. :\u25a0 BRIDGES AND TEETH - XJ without plates a specialty. \u25a0\u25a0 1841 Polk st. DR. LUDLUM HILL,. 1443. MARKET ST^ near Eleventh ; no charge for extracting when - plates are made; old plates made over like new: j teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. - pOLTOX DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- \u25a0> V> ket St.. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. v -.-.>• > .~T~T~r~ : STOKAGEV./ \u25a0:.:...-. " i^Z.'-V, "IV" ILSON BR^jaTfid 51ARKETST.— GET OUR . » ».' rates and \u25a0 examine our method for storage of \u0084 furniture and I all kinds of household goods; dust ' . and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. . r^r a .< ADVANCES MADK ON; STORAGE. S £»\u25a0 STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO., 906 Market st. '• CAFE, DRY. CHEAP PLACE TO STORE YOUR 1 O furniture, etc. LUNDY FURNITURE COM- ,, PA NY , 8 1 8 Mission sU^.'ir ?' ' \u25a0-. \u25a0•\u25a0-:•' "i'- -<~V T, \u25a0\u25a0 TjVUKXITU KE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER- -5 X chandise received on storage ; money advanced , = on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Post 5 CTORAGE OF FURNITURE,PIANOS, HOUSE- j O hold goods, etc. J.M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. . . L""UIST-CLASS BTORAGE -ADVANCES MADS •£ 421-423 Market su CHA& L. TAYLOR. i. HELP WANTKD- Continued. I R L~~WANTED~~FOR" GI£SfEirAL~HOUS& work. 'i. 2304 Flllmore st. OV, v -,;; ; \u0084j;,. \u25a0\rOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST INLIGHT HOUSE- X work. Apply 1909 Ellis st. rpAILORESS ON, CUSTOM WORK; UNDER- X stand buttonholes. 9121^ Folsom st. FIRST-CLASS <- DRESSMAKER; NO OTHER need apply. , 1435 Polk st. yoUKGGIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOCSE- X work. 1110 Leaven worth st. ' - c '- '-..•\u25a0• "I7LDERLY LADY, UNINCUMBERED, WITH .'J2J central home:- assist property-owner; In busi- ness; no cash required. Address Money, box 44, Call Office. :; G~~Trls wanted - WHO UNDERSTAND operating on ' Singer or Domestic sewing-ma- chines. S. ZEKIND, 8 Sutter st. yoi'KO GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; \u25a0 X wages $5. 1127 Geary st. OOD GERMAN GIRL FOR COOKING and general housework ; good wages. r 933 Halght. pERMAN" GIRL TO DO~ LIGHf~~HOUSE~. VJ work. 1508V2 Broadway st. pERMAN GIRL wanted for HOUSE- VJ work and plaincooking; small family; no chil- dren. 1602 Washington st. ; yOUNG GIRL TO MAKE HERSELF GEN- X erally useful; references. 115y 3 Powell, after 9. pI FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK : ASSIST \JT with children: German preferred. 1218 a Ful- ton, near Devlsadero st. . \u25a0WANTED-SUPERATORS OX COATS, AND ,\u25a0»» finishers. 804 Folsom st. p OOD HOME TO YOUNG GIRL IX EX- \ y 1 change for light housework; wages $6. 608 Jessie si., near Seventh. ",-\u25a0\u25a0' ' Q HOE-FITTERS WANTED. PACIFIC SHOE I O CO., 139 First st. . - OOD PANTS-FINISHERS WANTED. ~ 215 Stevenson st. IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; 810 A month. 1721 Stevenson st. GI 1 1 L TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE- work. 828b Union. '\u25a0«.-. !\\T ANTED PARTNER IN CIGAR-STORE: $50. 6 Mason st. pOPYIST AND SECP.ETARY WANTED BY A \J gentleman engaged in literary work: must be bright girl, between 16 and 18: healthy, wellbred, Protestant; good personal appearance; place per- I manent; home in advertiser's family, if wanted. \u25a0 Call bet. 9 and 11o'clock only, 160 Crocker bulld- lng. * - "'\u25a0 . ALL LADIES HAVING A FEW HOURS' leisure each day should write mi; at once re- garding pleasant home work which easily pays ?1H weekly: this is no deception and willcertainly pay 1 you to investigate. Reply with stamped envelope, MRS. S. L.STEBBINB, Lawrence, Mich. FIRST-CLASS FIXISHEKS OX CUSTOM coats. 607 Minnast. "T-IRST-CI.ASS COAT FIXISHER; GOOD X* wages. 622 Clay st., room. 2. ANTED— LADY ROOMMATE. ADDRESS »V L. V., box 33. I p AP.MKNTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED ! VI without trying on. Lawrence Cnttlng-school, 1231 Market st. . PARTNER WANTED—LADY PREFERRED, . X. with some means ; respectable, good-paying busi- ' ness. 212 Eddy st., room 35. DRESSMAKERS FIRST -CLASS WAIST and shirt makers, 504 Sutter st. rpA ( BBSS WANTED—FIRST-CLASS BUT- X tonhole-maker on coats. 504 Sutterst. AN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND FITTED for? 3: dresses popular prices or engagements j by the day; patterns 10 measure. 11 Geary. DX GARMO'S WONDERFUL FRENCH tailor method of three measures; the only ipince to learn the true method of dresscutting: j complete course $10; lessons given; dressmaking ; by the week or month: the latest In basting, bon- j ing, skirts, sleeves, collars, revers, etc.; dresses ! made on short notice: cutting and fitting aspe- j cialty. DE GARMO. 219 Powell st. ' -v j "PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT- X tingandmakingschool; nil branches. 702 sutter. (10UXTRY DRESSMAKERS SEND 860 FOR J the new full-skirt pattern: girls wanted. Me- j DOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213 I Powell st., to learn dressmaking. •KAXK BKLP VVAXTEI). "I A LUMBER-PILERS; 10 MILL.MEN;GOOD ! ivwages: call to-day. C. R. KAXSEN & CO., 110 Geary st. '#; i "1 A ROCKMENAXI) DRILLERS: LONGJOB; i-'J small fare; $1 75 to S3 a day; call to-day: ; team will meet at railroad station and take you to i the work. ' C. K. II AN.-KN & CO.. 110 Geary st. j 1 a FARMERS," DIFFERENT RANCHES, 420 i i-\.t and $l! 0 and found: blacksmith, city, $2 50 a day; ranch blacksmith, $30 and found. C. R. HANSEN i CO.. 110 Geary st. O SCRAPER TEAMSTERS; f 1 A DAY AND 0 found: near city; , call early. CR. HANSEN «fc CO., 110 Geary st. j "1 A TEAMSTERS, 10 LABORERS FOR 15AIL- lvroiul «or«: free fare: $1 75 a day'; call to-day. C. R. HANsEN &CO., 110 Geary St. 9 MORE STONE-CUTTERS: $3 50 A DAY; 4 railro»d work; free. fare. C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110».earyst. ; .* AN 1- 1 > - 10 .MEN FOR HAYING, $26 PEH - mon<lt and bosrd and harvest wages In har- vest; teamster for iroun am road, $35 a- d found; 1 ranch teamster, *L 6 to $35 snd board: ;> iarm- hands for vineyard, 920; German, about chicken ranch,' $15; 2 boys for factory and learn trade. $3 per week and increase; also laborers, teamsters, milkers, cooks, waiters, dishwashers and others. W. D. EWER & CO., 626 Clay st. \u25a0 I 9 LABORERS FOR MINE, $26 AND BOARD; I «j 5 vineyard hands, $20; 2 forkers, $20; 2 hay- I field men, $20; plow ana on-hard hands, $15; I sawmill blacksmith, $30; ram-h blacksmith, s2s; I camp blacksmith, $26; 2 lumb<-r-pilers, $26: sand- stone quarrymen. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and I 610 Clay st. I WANTED—HORSESUOER, $2 50 A DAY; j "1 jobbing blacksmith; inncliine blacksmith for j Central America; cooper: quarryman; laborer for I quarry: farmers, $25 and $125 to $2 a day: milk- j ers, $25, and oihers. Apply to J. F. CROSETT & CO., 628 Sacramento st. ; "117" ANTED— AMERICANBOOKKEEPER AND t" telegraph operator, with California experience I and references; .*,">!) and board. J. F. CROSETT & j CO., 628 Sacramento st. I \\r ANTED—GERMAN WAITER, HOTEL, $30; waiter, plain, hotel. $25: boy todochores, I family, country, good home: dishwasher. $15: I kiu-li'-nliaml, $35: Spanish cook, $20, etc LEON ANDRE, 31.< Stockton si. YSTER CQO^C,~?TfiO A DAY. RAILROAD f«re paid; 3 cooks. $40 and $50:- 2 waiters; boy to make beds. MURRAY & READY, 634 I Clay st. p. HEADER-WAGON DRIVERS: 10 HAY- ! '-> makers. MURRAY &READY, 634 Clay st. I"1 A AMEN AND STRONG BOYS CAN OB- \u25a0 JLUU tain work to-day at MURRAY& READY'S, ! 684 Clay St. •, ; , ... OAF A II M "FOR ORCHARDS. FARMS O\J and vineyards, $20, $25, 526 and $30 : 2 scrapei, $20: quarryman, $2 50 .a day. MUR- RAY &READY, 631 Clay st. 9 LATHERS FOR A NEW COUNTRY HOTEL, ' $1per Mand found: man to milk 10 cow's, $15; ! 10 Italian laborers, $20. MURRAY &READY, j 634 Clay st. \\T A XTED—IS LABORERS, STEADY WORK; \u25a0»» 12 good ranchhands;- 5 teamsters. \u25a0 city, j MARTIN &CO., 749 Market st. . , V I : I LAND-BOY. MISH'S HATSTORE, 70S -Tj Market st. :- * IG " MONEY, For agents, call at 32£ O'Farrell st., 5 to 7 r. m. BARBERS' ASSOCIATION MEETS to- ni g hi at 102 O'FarreU st. J. Ki.ll'sCH, president. B~ A B I V. FOR WED NFSDAY , SAT D R DAY* Sunday, if suitable: «'.eady work. 1317 Stock- ton. \u25a0'-\u0084 , ,-.:•.. ARBER— YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THE trade. Call 317 Third st. ; pOOD^ECONDCOOK. 43~SECOND STREET, TROXG~BOY FOR BLACKSMITH-SHOP. 924 O Bryant si. - .. WAIT FOR COUNTRY: $25. HOTEI " GAZETTE. 420 Kearny st. BOY TO WORK AT""TAILORING WITH little experience; reference. 332 Bush st. ' GOOD TAILOR ON CUSTOM" " COATS. 62', N atoma st. * ... ' STRONG BOY OR YOUNG ~M AN; KITCHEN work In restaurant; $3 50. 334 Bush st. . CIAMP BLACKSMITH: 10 LABORERS FOP ) country. $1per day ana board. 61 .Third st. room 6 .. . \u25a0 ,-, ;-\u25a0-.' ,'..\u25a0\u25a0. '. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, \u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 . •: OOD PLUMBER'S HELPER WHO CAN DC jobbing: no other need apply. . 12 Mason st. ANTED— WAITER; \u25a0 613 CLAY ST. COF FEE JOHN. :, ..\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0. \u25a0.-:..:;\u25a0\u25a0 -. \u25a0;. ;. :.-.;;';:>«: \\r ANTED—STRONG BOY TO LEARN COAT '' pressing. 541 Market st.:.. \u25a0--•.. ; ANTED—MIDDLP>AGED MAN TO WA«I dishes. Apply620 Fourth st. \u25a0 BOY TO WASH DISHES (CALL EARLY) 507 Central aye., near California «t. A NTED-A FIRST-CLASS PAINTER ANI -»' ornamenteron safe work. 221-223 Market st TO TAILORS— GOOD BUSHELMANWANTEI Immediately. J. GORDAN. 1124 Market st. \u25a0 SEAMEN FOR SOUTH AMERICA, EUROPE Honolulu, Mexico, f103 Montgomery aye. - I OLICITORFOR CLEANING AND DYKIN( O works: references required \u25a0:. 316 Guerrero st. SHOEMAKERS on custom hand-sewei O work " Address C,box 7, this office.; \u25a0; > <\u0084, ."DARBER-SHOP-IN THE COUNTRY; GOOI J-> bargain. H. S. LENNERT, 12 Seventh st. ;j ,<gMC TAILORSHOP: OLD-ESTABLISHED «,. It), sick-ness cause of sale. \ 441 Bush st. :•:: ANTED—STEADY MAN FOR LIGHTBUS »» mess: duties easily learned; \u25a0\u25a0 must attend -ti business; 8 hours per day and be satisfied with $7.' per month : 150 required. ;30 K«trny St., room 6 Al NTSHOP,V COMPLETE, ' OR WORKIXC X partner with small capital. \u25a0\u25a0' Address L., box 15 : this office. ' :\u25a0\u25a0;:•-.. .-.. -. > -\,. .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.... ..\u25a0.-., -. \u25a0:_-.r j ,;.- EN'S HALF-SOLES. 60c: i. SECOND-HANI shoes bought and sold. : 258 Third st. \u25a0 : ; ; i;-. \\T ANTED—MENf,}VHOi. DO i NOT RECEIVI * " their wages to place accounts withus; law am commercial collection; : no charge unless successful ' KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY, 110 Sutter St. ' i SITUATIONS TED- Continned. A"~IIERICAN LADYWISHEs'sTtUATION AS housekeeper. 1 Fifth St., room 29; no triflers. p OOD GERMAN COOK A NTS SITUATION; VT ; city or country- 679 Mission st. \u25a0' -\ir ANTED—a'POSITION AS housekeeper by an : Eastern lady,"in a gentleman's family; understands the management of a fashionable home with: economy: \ competent to superintend dinner and evening parties; or could run a small seaside hotel; highest credentials.. Address MRS. X., 410 New Jersey aye. Southeast, Washington, D.C. -: \u25a0 \u25a0,"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•;•\u25a0-',\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: * . \u25a0 \u25a0 - IP IRST-CLASS COOK WANTS SITUATION, ' will do housework also; best of city references; city or country. Call or address Cook, 221 Minna. pERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE vJT day, $1and car fare. Address A., box 17. this office. - "WIDOW WITH SOME MEANS WOULD I like to engage in business witha gentleman. | Call 5 Mason st., room 2, 3 and 4 first floor. jC\T OUNG ' LAD Y, WOULD LIKE A i GENTLE- X man partner in a good paying business. Call 5 I Mason st., room 7. SITUATIONS Vk ANTKD-MALE. j -pißFn^l~ciFn3FT"jU^^ THE EAST, i X wants engagement. Address or call on C. R. HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary St., telephone 485. | rßKxen CHEF AND WIFE, PASTRY COOK -T and baker, want engagement: city or country ; best of references furnished froip former employ- ers. Address C. It. ansen A- CO., 110 Geary st. ; FOR RELIABLE farmhands, HAYING J and harvest hands and other help send your : orders to the old reliable employment agency oi W. 11. EWER & CO., 626 Clay si., San Francisco. We i do not send you calendars and windy circulars i claiming we know every workiugman in the [ State and bis father before him as some new em- j ployment agents are doing, but will send you good help if favored withyour orders: tel. 187; glveusa call. W. D. EWER 4 CO., 626 Clay st. ' p OODCOOK AND MEATCUTTER, GERMAN, U" wants position: city or country. Address F. V.,10 California aye. CXI.I. ARM .\N. EXPERIENCED ANDTRUST- \J worthy married man, wants situation. Address J. KUFER. 365 Eleventh st. . MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN, SPEAKS ENG- Hsh and Spanish, wants work of any kind; city or country. Address M. A., box 69. Call. yOUXO, WELL - EDUCATED germ an X wants a position in wholesale house: can give $500 security. Address E. G., box 60, Call. I~~jVlß>r - CLASS TAILOR AND CUTTER wishes situation: good workman and steady: I *vii! workcheap. Call or address Room 67, Com- j mercial Hotel. "EXPERIENCED EGG-CANDLER WISHES A { Xj position in a commission house: with city ref- erences. Address E. C, box 09, Call Office. FIRST-CLASS GERMAN DRUG CLERK, ." with ten years' experience in East, is looking tor a position. Address D. C. box 62, Call Office. j "Lt ROM EAST-PAINTER ANDPAPER HANG- -1 X? er, with tools, wants a position : city or coun- | try. F., box 20, Call Office. OUXG BREAD AXD CAKE BAKER WANTS X situation; first or second band; country. Ad- dress T., box 20, this office. i ITUATIOX WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED ' O man; lake care of horses and do gardening i and milk cows; low wages; references, j C. C, j box 49. this office. i THIRST-CLASS COOK WISHES SITUATION* IN ; JO lunch saloon. Address C. A. R., 999 Minna st., off Eleventh. ITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED man; is good gardener or janitor; good refer- ences. Address ANDERSON, 611 Pine st. j "yOUNG GERMAN WANTS TO LEARN TO X bake bread. Address 121k Shipley s . GARDENER, ELLDPIN EVERY BRANCH, wishes situation: wages moderate; country !preferred. Address Gardener, 427 Hayes St. "WANTED— SOBER, STEADY MAX, i iff place as janitor, light porter, steward small hotel; is a good waiter and pantry-man: wages moderate. Address S.. box 129. Call iffice. ARBER— WANTS WORK FOR $10 A WEEK; city or country; good workman; steady. Ad- dress Barber, box 17, Call Oilice. j yOUNG ATTORNEY OF SIX YEARS' EX- , X perience wants position in law office: will ac- cept small salary with chance of rise. Address A. 8.. box 83, Call Office. yOUNG MAN WANTS WORK AT HOUSE- ! X cleaning: handy at painting, whitewashing. paper-hanging, glazing: will work reasonable by theday^ HARRY, box 50, Call Office. VOUXG MAN.18 \u25a0 YEARS OF AGE, WISHES X situation as chore boy in a private family; sat- isfied with small wages. Inquire 601 Taylor. ! W ANTED—MAN WITH BEST REFER- "' ences wants situation about gentleman's i place; horses, cows,' garden; desires good quiet home rather than high wages. Address W., box 9, Call Office. yOUXG PRESSMAX DESIRES POSITION: X 5 years' experience. Address Press, box 77, \ Call Office. "U'ANTED-SITUATIOX BY EXPERIENCED , » T .egg-candler. Address J. M.D., 938 Howard st. STEADY MAX WANTS POSITION TO WORK O about private place: take care horses and gar- den, milk cows, handy with tools. Address E. U., 1 box 83. Call. *T"O BAKERS A GOOD ALL-ROUND MAX X wants situation in country, town: steady and :reliable: home-made bread with cold-mash yeast; a great success; no failure. Address Home Bakery, ; 1-103 Park St.. A lam eda. •; \ | PRACTICAL HOUSEPAIXTER.WITH TOOLS, : X wants work; willaccept, low wages. W. C, 3021 Pine st. . . -.. . T"XGINEER WANTS SITUATION: GOOD Xla references: wages moderate. Address R., box 29, this office. : ITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS O bread and cake baker in hotel or bakery: 20 j years' experience. MEYERS, 50% Louisa st. "IRST-CLASS BAKER OX BREAD AND cakes wishes situation: city or country. Ad- dress D., box 99, Call Office. , WANTED— POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER »»or clerk: 2 -years' experience as bank cleric i and teller; references given. Address E. D. 8., : box 11, Call Office. ..-.\u25a0\u25a0 BAKER AND PASTRY cook WISHES A situation. Address S. R., box 23, this office. : ' "WOOD-TURNER AND BAND-SAWYER AND '• handy man round machinery wishes situation in planing mill. Address P. D.. Napa, Cal. \u25a0 j PRACTICAL MINER AND MINING, FORE- -L man desires a position as mining foreman of a i gold, silver, lead or cinnabar mine; beat of refer- I ences. Address 19 Rausch st., San Francisco. Tj-IRST-CLAS* HORSEMAN AND DRIVER, X good milker, is so professional gardener,wants I position on gentleman's place; is competent and : reliable; can come well recommended. Address I Reliable, box 68. Call Office. ! WANTED POSITION AS FOREMAN IN ; ' » machine-shop or manufacturing business, by a ! machinist of extensive experience and ability; fully :competent; city preferred. Address 122, i Call uitlce. l-'liaiALE UELI' WANTED. I . ! MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, COUNTRY, *18: ! i»i Beat girl, light work, $12; 20 girls,housework, | city and country, $20 and $25: 6 young girls assist, ; $12 to SIS; nursegirl, $12. MISS CULLEN, 105 I Stockton st. -. T . HA M'bK-RMAID, ?20; WAITRESS, SAME \J boicl, country, $20, see party hern; second girl iand nurse, $20. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. j /COLORED NURSE; $20. " MISS CULLEN, 105 I XJ Stockton st. p ERMAX ORFP.EXCH COOK: 3 IX FAMILY: ?:>0; no washing. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stock- i ton st.:, \\r OMAN WITH A CHILD, Sift. MISS CUL- »t LEN, 105 Stockton st. i \\r AXTE'D-GIRL HOUSEWORK. $25 :GIRL, i 2in family ,$2O; cook, Jewish family,s2S,s:-i0: ! Irish woman housekeeper, San Rafael: young. girl, , 2in family, 15; girls second work; German nurse, I $20: hotel cook, country; girl mind child, sleep home; 50 women and girls to' fill places. MME. [ LEOPOLD, 957 Market. - I 1 F YOU WANT WORK GO TO~THE OLD RE- . X liable employment agency of W. D. Ewer &Co., j 626 Clay st. We don't \u25a0 send - out calendars \u25a0 and j windycirculars, and we don't run down wages, as i some new employment agents are doins;. but will j procure " places for all we can at regular wages. i Come and see us. W. D. EWER &CO., 626 Clay. | ANTED- PROTESTANT GIRL COOK* i " ing and housework; Zin family; $25: see lady j here at 10:30 to-day. J. F. CROS'ETT &CO., 312 i Suiter St. V.. \u0084 : . . . . \u25a0\u25a0 - ;..<-, W GERMAN NURSK, $20: 3 GER- | j it man and French < second girls, $'20: 2 cooks, I German style, $25: 2 ranch cooks. $20. and $25; I laundress and waitress, $25; 3 waitresses, $15 and i$4 50 week, and girls for cooking and housework i in city and country. iJ. F. CROSETT <fe CO., 312 Sutter st. ; ' \u0084 '-' ... ;, ;.-\u25a0 •;..,/ \u25a0; WAXTED-FIRSTCLASS FRENCH ORGER- »» man cook. $40; I waitress, summer resort, $20; young girls to assist, $10, $12. LEON ANDRE, 315 Stockton st.l, i ANTED— HEAD WAITRESS FOR FIRST- | '»\u25a0 class hotel, country, 25 ; waitress, light place, $15 ; Protestant waitress and parlor maid, $25; 50 housework girls, $25 and $20. Apply to MISS NKETT, 424 Sntter st. : . : T AUNDRESS. COUNTRY < HOTEL, $20; 2 JU waitresses, $20. f. MURRAY &. READY, 634 Clay st. y-; \u25a0...-;\u25a0 \u25a0^•-••,r- ,•;\u25a0\u25a0,.. -.; .\u25a0-,-\u25a0 j \u25a0\u25a0•^->.*/.: -.-^ GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, $26; •J,; 3 Kins to assl "*.$15; nurse-girl, $15; ; waitress, l $20; seamstress 9 15. MRS. HIRD, 705 Polk st. 7, ;\u25a0WANTED - i -GOOD .SWEDISH HOUSE- ;i t girls, ; wages $25; * cook. $40; cook, $25: 6 bouseglrla. $16 to $20: second girl. $20: 4 girls, country, $16 to $25; waitress, $20. Call 332 Geary! , POOD ..« CATHOLIC - GIRL FOR G ENE UAL $20. 9SrD O olo;es°st! W - 0 "** ' Children ' * 15 t0 X LEN, 724 O'Farrell st. 2 Pn IU «V ! ln\ VAN ' rEI) TO ARK BOOKBIND- \u25a0" Ing at 605 Montgomery st. \u25a0 ; WANTED— A NEAT YOUNG GERMAN GIRL 16021 FelU* l ""° and - < - ssls * wltn children - ; WAjXTED-OOOD GERMAN. GIRL as cook v "" also a girl to do chambenvork and waiting. i Apply, in the morning. 1814 Vallejoat. ;, - \u25a0\u25a0" ' " ' YOUNG OR MIDDL&XGED WOMAN TODO -i general housework. Call bet. 8 and 11. 5 Clem- entina St. ' •' . , '•/,:.., NOTICE OF MEETINGS. CALIFORNIA CHAPTER NO. 5, &^^R. A. M., will meet THIS (TUES- DAY) EVENING. May 31, at 7:30 o'clock. >§L2v , ! Stated meeting ana M. M. degree. Byorder '\f x ! Of the H. P. FRANKLINH. DAY, Sec CE^S 3 ORIENTAL IX) DO NO. 144. F. lt~y and A. M.—Called meeting THIS J\- m.tESl>AY) EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. SS2T j Third degree. ' A. S.HUBBAKD, Sec. .^rW^ j c»^^» A. O. U.W.—GRAND RECEIVER jHt*, \ &--&Sam Booth willlecture InXoe Valleyj>#s£ ' Lodge No. 185. cor. 21th and Church sts.,H>M§s ! FRIDAY MAY SI, under auspices of thevsSJ^ P. M. W Association. All workmen are invited. W. C. CROWLEY, President. j J. L. Scott. Recorder. | ZZsg=* MASTER ma i : i ; \u25a0: iTs T BENEV- _*.__ c*-^ olent Association— meet- i"?T^ ! * Ingof the above association willbe held '*«jlJ^ at hall. 421 Post st, WEDNESDAY '-"T" EVENING, May 22. All members are requested : to Ix 1 present as important amendment to the by- laws willcome before the meeting. L. THAI Rec. Sec. SPM'IAI, .NOTICES. nEiS 3 JT'CX CAXIIAI^~ATi^6T{NEY~ATr^AW~, j i*-^ 7 14 McAllister st., room 24. Legal business receives prompt attention. CtSs=>" BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. ES^^ Collections made, city or country. Pacific Collection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6. Tel. 6580. yap ALLCOURTS— LEGAL PRIVATE MAT- IF-& ters; confidential: advice free, ATTOR- NEY McCABE. 838 Market st. tt^Sr* CHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY- t&JS' at-law and Notary Public, 638 Market si., opp. Palace Hotel, residence, 1620 Fell st. Tele- phone 570. B£r]s= J.B. McINTYKE, BOOKBINDER AND £*-**^ Printer. 488 Commercial st. [T23y* DR. NELLIE BEuYIILK,OFFICES, 51 l* ; - to 55, Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. j Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success- | fully treated. Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- I eKses examined without questioning. I St^S=- ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- I Isy «-d $3 60 Hi.. 309 Sixth. 'i.-ort.-e Hartmnn. ! SITUATIONS WA XEII-Fb-MALJC. AME lAN. COMPETENT HOTEL HOUSE- -£TL keeper, with reference from first-class hotel, I wants engagement. Address or call on C. R. I HAXSEX 4 CO., 110 Geary st.: telephone 486. OA FIRBT-CL \ss WAITRESSES AND 10 —v' chambermaids want places at summer resorts or springs. Address or call on C. K. HAXSEX <fc CO., 110 Geary St.; telephone 485. . I / ( KKMAN COOK; BEST OF REFERENCES; ] v young and strong; will do plain washing: j wants work. Pleas'- call or address MISS ; PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. : LADIES FOR A PIUST-CLABS SERVANT I J see J. K. CROSETT >'-• CO., 312 Sutterst. IAD.KS- ROOD SERVANTS, CITY OR OOUN- i J J try, at MME. LEOPOLD'S, 957 Market f,U ~T ADIJ-.s—VOU CAN GKT RELIABLE HELP i X J a; MRS. FENTON's. IQUi/t. Stockton st. VI THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- i ./V reau lirst-class Swedish and German girls are I •waiting situations. KBS Geary St.; telepiiono 983. j ~\ !.!. KINDS COMPETENT HELP SUPPLIED. ! ./V ladles' Bureau, 131 Post st.: telephone M-625. ; rnwo LADIES WANT SITUATION AS COOKS I for widowers with small families, or formen on : ram-h. Apply1032 Mir .et St., room 23. yttlNG GERMAN' GIRL WANTS UPSTAIRS i X work or 10 take care of children; city or coun- ' try. XE. corner Turk and Flllmore. " j HIGHLY EDUCATED YOUNG LADY,WHO I has had a numbvrof years' experience in a large business-house as head cashier and steno- grapher, desires position ; can furnish unquestion- able references. Address E., box -9, this oftice. p"l RI7"wisirE3""SITUATION IN RESTAD- I VI runt or boarding house or kitchen: capable ot und»T»!anding my business: city or country. 89 1 •\u25a0!•\u25a0\u25a0;: st. j yOUNG WOMAN WANTS SITUATION"TODO ' X genera! housework: Is good cook and laundress; city or country; wages 515. Address G. C., box 83, i Call. ; Co MiI : EXT WOMAN* WISHES SITUATION': as first-class American cook or would dogen- eral housework In small family; good city refer- ; ence. Call 1602 Vs Post. R" "expectable and trustworthy ' Swedish woman wants work by the day: first- ; class worker; any kind of housework. 610Folsom. i yOUXG GIRL WISHES A SITUATIONAT ! X light housework or second work. Call at 1339 a i Eddy st. I "yOUNG" LADY.WANTS'SIT'uATION INPRI- | X rate family to mind children or assist In house- ; work. Ca!! 625% York si. ILLSOMB party ixterest HERSELF i in my behalf: am nearly blind from cataracc, j and can not | eddle. or earn my livelihood. Call I 790 Stevenson st. yOUNG girl WANTS A SITUATION TO i Jdo general boose wo: is good nlain cook: with reference; wages £20. l'lease call 1223 Vallojo St.. near Ashbury. \u25a0\\-OMAX WANTS situation TO do \ •» housework of small private family: is steady ami reliable. Address 242 Fifth st. A \' >M A N WANTS WORK BY THE DAY; 1 1 washing. Ironing, cleaning. 427 Stevenson, I rear, bet. s;h and 6th ;or will wash flannels home. i VOUXG GIRL WISHES SITUATION AT | X general liousework, upstairs work or care of children: good reference. Call 910 Sixteenth St., bet. Noe and Castro. GERMAN WOMAN wants WORK BY THE ! day: wasnlng and ironing. 637 Stevenson. "y OUNGSTRONG WOMAN WISHES WASH- ' X ing or general cleaning by the day. Address 24 i Mariposa terrace, oft* Harrison St., bet. Seventh and Eighth. ANTED—BY RESPECTABLE WOMAN. *' any kind of day's work :good housecleaning, I washing, etc.: 8 years' reference. Address 317 ! Fulton st. WOMAN WOULD LIKE A FEW more I *' places by the day, washing or housecleaning. I Apply in the evening or address 218V2 Nineteenth. j EASTERN LADY WI -HES SITUATION*ATI XJ second work. Apply 932 Twenty-fifth. STRONG, reliable woman wishes TO ' do washing, ironing or bousecleaning by the < flay. MRS. ROaS, 1:51/2 Twenty-sixth, nr.Mission. j GERMAN GIRL WISHES A FEW MORE < places bythe day: reference given. 1921 san ! Carlos jive., between Twentieth and Twenty-first. lADY,' competent, would like posi- -i uon as nurse by the day, night or week; refer- I ences. Address or call after 3 r. a. 21SVa Nine- ' ti 1 -iitnst. ! WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION TO DO ANY! " kind of work by the day. 3046 Folsom, rm. 1. '. -yOUNG r.ADY WANTS , A SITUATION A 8 x cashier or saleslady in candy-store, restaurant 1 Or any retail [store; can talk German and English- ' satisfied with small salary: best references. C. ..UROOCIv, 41 McAllister st. *«<«''»*«• c: | \u25a0 COM PETENT N WANTS A siuatiox 1 \J as cook and housekeeper: good home preferred -to huh traces: city or country. Call at 12 Hollis st. . i) ar Buchanan. . r MIDDLE-AGED WOJUX WANTS A SITUA- ' •IM. tlon to do general housework: city or country i Apply 1211 more st. DE LIABLE EASTERN woman, WITH Ai - J.t Li.-, two yean old. wants a situation in a goo I family as coo», general housework or housekeen- lng. Call at 20 Minna, st. SWEDISH ( I It L WA NTS a place" to "do O cooking and housework in private family. Call I at Btt6 Howard m. U-o.IAN WISHES ANY SORT OF WORK BY -.''the day; good cook; hons? cleaning or laundry ™?I— Call at 859 Mission si.. room 2.' pERM a X W OMAN WISHES WORK BY VJ he day. washing or ironingand cook or house- work. Call 130 Second st. Rl : ' \u25a0 I ED WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS 1 hhi'iitn-k .t-jier. ail or address 17a Sixth st., room -'. SBS@Ja*RffiSMBBBSHr' - yOUNG WOMAN. DESIRES A SITUATION J. ns bonselceeper in widower's family 121 Montgomery st., room 0. GI 1: L v IBBES SITUATIONIN COUNTRY IN - VJ private family 10 do plain housework and ! cooking. Apply1411 Ellis St. ::\u25a0>; DELIA BLJX '.WOMAX~wisHES SITUATION XV to do general hiusework: wages moderate Apply1200 Larkln st., mar Bush. «"""eraie. SINGLE WOMAN WANTS WORK, SEWING light housework or cooking, in exchange for room, furnished or unfurnished. \u25a0 Address S W box 47. this office. ' : . ."• SITUATION WANTED— BY FIRST-CLASS 0 experienced French cook In a private family ' best reference. 832 y 3 Vallejo st. . *'. OLOUBD WOMAN WANTs a SITUATION ' \J in city or country to do general » housework ' 1000 C!ay st. ' - :'./-\u25a0 RESPECTABLE MARRIED woman wishes "I X\to take care of house in absence of owner; first- class reference.; MltS. BENSON," 402 Ninth st. IRST-CLASS GERMAN COOK WANTS . a steady .place in restaurant or lunchhouse. Ad- dress box 70. Call Office, Oakland. v \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 TVTURSE GRADUATE OF A COLLEGE IN NEW JA Yon; wishes position: will take: entire charge ofInvalid or sickness In any form; good references and diploma.^3s Hardy si. . \ OULDft LIKE SITUATION IN REFINED M family 'to teach painting and drawing in ex- change for room ' and . bop.rd. - Address ' Artist, 110 ElltS St.-.:' •'.->:\u25a0-•'.•..\u25a0-"."\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0-""'""•"\u25a0"\u25a0' YOUNG 3 WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS '•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 x bonseireeper. Call or address 620; Market st., -\u25a0 room 7. opp. Palace Hotel. y/r." ;-.' -vroUNG : LADY-WISHES GENTS' MENDING 1 to do. Call at 160 Fourth St.. room 9.; -". ;; T>KBP_CTABLE LADY -> WISHES > POSITION IX as working housekeeper. Call from 2 till SP. ti. " 111b Market St. - . .

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Page 1: The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1895-05-21 [p 12]...JCAKPKT CLEANING. i-iT\TATIONAL CAR^ETB^'fING^AN^RENO^ vatlngWorks, HAMPTON&NUNAN• laying and altering.. 313-315Guerrero;


BUSINESS OFFICE of the San Francisco CAM/—

710 Market street, open until 12 o'clock everyrlpht Inthe j-ear.

BRANCH OFFICES— MS Montgomery street,

corner Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock.SS9 Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock.717 Larkin street, open until9:30 o'clock.6W. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open

until 9o'clock.'J5lB Mission street, open until9o'clock.116 NinthStreet, open until0:30 o'clock.




m>"/7AA GROCERY AND BAR: LIVING^tmiUU. rooms upstairs: stock $800: cheap rent;815 daily. LUXDIX*WELMER. \u0084..;


•r"iU '. cated between factories : cheap rent; •>bargain; call and see. WEHNER & LUNDIN.' 1589 California si.

'"\u25a0 -' ' - .

Vr.o-A VERY GOOD PAYING GROCERY&OOU. and bar: right place for man and wife;

living-rooms; cheap rent. LUNDIN & \\LHNtR,539 California 3t. .' '\u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0

L>I'A'PARTNER INGOODPAYINGRt/Sl-sloo. nesf: saloon. XDIX&WEHNER,539 California st.

-T UMBER PLANT FOR SALE. UNDER DEEDXJ of trust— We willsell at "ireka, Cal.. June 8.1895, the North Star Lumber-mill plant,dwellings,

timber land, etc., located at Pebble, 8 miles east ofMott,Siskiyou County, Cal. .ILU.

C. C. BUSH,1 Trustee.E. A. REID,;TrusteeB

Redding, Cal.. May15, 1895. ;

PHARMACIST^ WITH $500, HOLDING ,idiploma, to take half Interest In homeopathicpharmacy, inOakland, clearing $150 per month;owing to increase of business must take inpartner;

Ionly homeopathic pharmacy in Oakland. Addressbox 68, Call Office. Oakland.


"iajTAAACASH WILLBUY YOUAXESTAB- .»4P. I\J\J\J lished business, well located, havingfine cash trade in stationery, school supplies,agateware, tinware, woodenware.tovs. notions,etc. . one of firm willassist purchaser for 1mcntu.Address Bazaar, box 65. Call Office.

diI^\ RESTAURANT;AVERAGES $10 TOtlpXIO. $12 per day: low rent. Apply this office.

IP OR SALE— FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANTboarding-house, with good-paying saloon: build-

ing of 20 room with furniture: must be sold on ac-count of sickness. Address MRS. J. DELCROIX,Tiburon.

K~ OUTE FOR SALE OX THIS PAPER. 2104bLeaveuworth, 12 m. or after 5 p. m.

Ti">Oß SALE—BAKERY AND RESTAURANT.X1506 Turk St., near new City Hall.

RESTAURANT DOING LARGEbusiness; must sell cneap this week; don't fail

to see it; cause of selling, present owner don'tunderstand business; no agents. Apply1113 Fol-som st. '"\u25a0YEWS, STATIONERY, CANDY AND TOYIX store forsale. 1650 Polk st.

RANCH BAKERY AND NOTION STORE;must sell bargain. 921 Oak.

<51l *2AA HALFCASH.BALANCEINSTALL-yIIUUU. ments: business pays $176 month;'

right man can easily increase It to $500 or more.Inquire CURTIS & BOWLEY, 32 second floor.Mills building. \u25a0

"VTICE LITTLEDRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE.liInquireof REDINGTON & CO., 23-27 secondSt.", San Francisco.

PARTNER— SAN FRANCISCO FIRM ESTAB-X lished 7 years, doing good business. Intendsbranching out and desires partner who Is to Invest$5000; can make good salary and 8 to 12 per centon investment ; a fine opportunity to get into alive, well established firm: investigation desired:references offered and required; principals only.Address Partner, box 160. Call Office.

OR GROCERY AND BAR; GOODlocation. ApplyLEVYA CO., 219 Grant aye.

MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE; BEST PAYINGlivery stable in town; 80 boarders: 25 livery

horses: hacks, buggies, etc.; centrally located:low rent this is a tine opportunity toget a goodbusiness at a bargain: principals only. AddressP. 8.. box 127, this office.ffijCAAA INTERIOR AGENCY OF THISPA-<JntJUUU. per; pays over $200 per month; sick-ness cvuse of selling." Apply this office. .\u25a0_.. -.pHEAPEST AND BEST INAMERICA—\J WEEKLY CALL,sent to any address In theUnited States or Canada one year for $150, post-ag free.


9' ROOM AND HOUSE (COR~-—O nor), north of Market; rich, modern furni-

ture; bouse full. SPECK'S, SO Montgomery st.

WO BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSEX quick for cash see GU.S STRAND, 45 Third st

<2»97X HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS; GOOD LOCA-V?£iiO. tlon: bargain. STRAND&C0.,45 Third.

ELEGANT FURNISHED FLAT OF 6 BOOMSand bath: new house; must sell at once; cheap.

1211 Howard st.

"IA-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE;VERYCHEAP:XV party going East; central. Address A.,box117, Call Office. ,1D ROOMS; SUNNY CORNER HOUSE:it)north of Market; no agents; $700. .Address <S. C, box 78, Call.

QAQ TURK—IO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 'iJ\JU rooms; $500; cheap rent; a bargain.

"<OR SALE—CORNER LODGING-HOUSE; 22rooms. Applyat 712 Kearny st.

j QO-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE: CLEARING00 $123 pertoonth. 739 Folsom st.

: 1AND ALL.COME FOR BARGAINt*TO BUT--1 TERFIELD real Pstntp. Crocker building.

KfcKMTIKJi FOX SALE.ousek^Tepixo^ (Todng cou plks


ot>ing); want crockery, glassware, cookingIutensils, plated-ware, bed-linen, etc.; fine chanceIfor spot cash. Address L., box 126, this office: no: agents. , . - . j


TABLES"$2 15; Roxbury Brussels, 75c laid; oilcloth20c; open evenings. SHIREK, 1310 Stockton st.

5; KRABKY, CARPETS, PICTURES,. folding, iron beds, furniture; low prices: CaLstepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission.pUTPRICES INFURNITURE ANDCARPETS"\J this week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission at.

EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW ANDXV second hand: 400 carpets, good as new; oil-cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c--7-plece chamber suits, $14 60; cornice-poles, 25c;1ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shippedj free. T.H. NELSON. 126 Fourth at. .



AUCTIONEER^ 16 McAL^lister at.—Specialty, buyingfurniture of houses.

T .C. MUTHER, THE AUCTIONEER, BUYSO. furniture at highest cash prices. 6Fourth at.

HOW CASES, BAR, RESTAURANT,CANDYO outfits, fixtures, etc., bought and sold. 125 Fifth.


RUBS^L^r4ScTLAID7 ROXBURY"BRu£sels, 75c. laid; linoleum, 40c; heavy oilcloth

20c: open evenings. HIIIREK,1310-1312 Stockton'.

JCAKPKT CLEANING.T\TATIONAL CAR^ETB^'fING^AN^RENO^i-i vatlngWorks, HAMPTON&NUNAN• layingand altering. . 313-315 Guerrero; Tel. Mission 244^


c"ovatin Works, S8 and 40 Eighth at. G.R.&TEVEN3,manager. Telephone No.,south 250.pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND\J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON <bCO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36.

HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH» » poor work send toSPAULDING'S PioneerOar-pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; let.So-40.

CONKLIN'SCARPET BEATINGWORKa 333\J Golden Gate aye.; telephone east 126.

CARPETS WELLCLEANED. BARBERS, 238\J 14th, nr. Mission; tei. (Mission) 100.rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANINGX Co. (Incorp.); old established carpet cleaningmachines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tei. 6074.T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATINGANDREN-*J.ovating works. 463 Stevenson :tel. 3228.

f!HE£?EST AXD BEST INAMERICA-THEV WEEKLY CALL,sent to any address in theUnited States or Canada one year for $150, pott-| age free.

- .!


M~~ me! MOREAU.BEST MEDIUM.CLAIRVOY-ant; speaks German: 25c up. 131 Fourth at. •

PROF. GEE, SPIRIST TEST DAILY; ClR-cles Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Bp. m. 1031 .

Market st.; 25c.- t i


XJ reader. 633 Post St.; hours 8 P. 11.;Ialso Sundays.


MME.DR. THOMAS,SCIENTIFIC REVEAL-er byeggs and carls (inEnglishorGerman)tells

entire life,past, present, future; consultat onall• affairs, nothing excepted; names given: goodadvice; sure help: restores lost love by sympathy;mistake impossible: fee $1; letter $2. 30 Kearny.

UGUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE TELLER;magic charms; love tokens; true picture of

future wife and husband: teaches fortune-telling;develops clairvoyance, slate writing,etc.; has theseven holy seal.-, and the Palestine wonder charm;fee $1 and upward. 2326 Mission, nr.Twentieth.

TTrKs J. J. WHITNEY,CLAIRVOYANT,TEST111 medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton."~~~



PIRITUAL TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; 10c.O MME. YOUNG, 605 McAllister st. Professor .Young's orcnestra of 9pieces. Vocal quartet.

YPSY LIFE-READER;LADIES26c; GENTSs 50c; near Market. 5 Seventh st. ,BS. 8. SEAL—SPIRITUAL"MEDIUM; RE-

Mllgious cir. Wed. 8 p.m.; Thurs., 2:30: 110 M-c st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.••\u25a0. .'.

RS. EGGERT AIKEN,TRANCE MEDIUM:dr. Sun. eve.: developing cir. Tues. eve. 715

Post st.______^_

MBS. HENDEE ROGERS. GIFTED MEDIUMiVL healer; clr., Mon and Fri; sitdally. 122 Turk.

ASTROLOGY.A STRALSEER^PROF. HOLMES, 523GEARYX\- st.;horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice.

_ .. 1 PALMISTRY.~-~—--


tn rHS? 1"1181-

grams interviews daily from 10"

to 5 .30 In her rooms at the Oriel, cor or Marketand Franklin, third floor,room 43; fee $1; gardenparties, bazaars, etc. attended: lessons riven.-

\u25a0'.y^^_ \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'-> FINANCIAL."


\u25a0 . - -.


~719 MARKET,

X near Third,sell or exchange ,businesses,-fur-

nished bouses, orchards, vineyards, San Francisco,"Alameda and Oakland property ; send particulars;allapplications for sales promptly attended to.

' •

AWillexchange for house and lotInSan Francisco,abeautiful country home in Contra Costa County;price $6000. PROLL A STEXBKRG. 719 Market.

$9hofJ FINE PAYING POPULAR FIRSTtjp-j\/vv/.class restaurant: central location:north- Market, near Kearnv: daily receipts. $."0;trialgiven. PROLL &STENBERG. 719 Market.CMAA.CIGARAND VARIETYSTORE FlX-'Jp'x'./V/.tures; 4 living-rooms, $125: tea andeoffe • route at a sacrifice. PROLL &STENBERG,719 Market st. . : :

Cgi XAA RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUYwXOv'V/. first-class staple fancy groccrj" dailyreceipts $25 to $30: full inves igation; sell invoice.PROLL A STENBERG, 719 Market st.

QQAA CANDY, STATIONERY STORE;tip \J\J. soda fountain ;cheap rent ;living-rooms;present owner 5 years. PROLL <fc STENEERG,719 Market st. .Q7fiA SALOON: WATER FRONT; DONOT«4? • V".mists this genuine bargain; sacrifice ac-count departure: trial given to party meaning busl- |ness. PROLL *STENBERG, 719 Market st.

li&X^M DRY. AND FANCY GOODS BUSI-•<ipUUv.'. ness: fixtures: good location: sacrifice;sickness. PROLL &STENBEP.O, 719 Market st.

C-Q, A GERMAN BAKERY: STORE FIXT-<IDC/ '/. 11res: big outside trade: horse; wagon;clrars $125 month; trial given; leaving city.PROLL <£ STENBERG, 719 Market st.

WANTED—PARTNER,WITH$100,iNCIGAR"» and laundrybusiness. 235 Kearny st.

CM £AA BEER HALL,WITH BILLIARDS.*$J LUVIyJ. on Market st., near Examiner office:rent $100; lease; large patronage; sacrificed onaccount of other business. WILKE,236 Kearny.

$1 ]AA CORNER GROCERY AND BAR,XXV/17. kept by present owner for 18yenrs:

very good business: owner wants to retire and goto Germany. WILKE,235 Kearny St., room 4.

CM ~-\(\f\ PARTNER: EXPRESS AND«2)XU171/. transfer company: established 10years; 6 horses, 4 wagons: net profits s2oo to $250monthly. Particulars, WILKE, 235 Kearny st.

C?O rj~ DELICACY AND PORK STORE,«JpO I«J. with living rooms; rent $13; ownerkept place 5 years: $75 monthly profit guaranteed.Inquire WILKE.235 Kearny at., room 4.

PARTNER— S3OO— COFFEE SALOON, KEPTX by a young lady; must attend buying and takeincash. 235 Kearny, room 4.

Ci9^o RESTAURANT AND COFFEE SA-igS£,O\J. loon,near Baldwin Hotel. Room 4, 235Kearny st. .<&9nA GREATBARGAIN; BAKERY ANDrip^\J\J. candy-store: best location: north of Mar-ket: elegantly fitted living-rooms: rent $20; mustbe sold. BARRETT &CO., 8651/2 Market.BAKERS, ATTENTION

—$900; BAKERY;

strictly Al cash business; all countertrade;average receipts $18 a day: fine chance forcoffeesaloon; sickness. BARRETT & CO., 865 Mar-ket st. \u25a0

\u25a0* .OiOwA BAKERY,CANDY, SODA ANDICE-<£'—*-'"• cream parlor; best location: near Mar-ket: finely fitted; 2 living-rooms; low rent: receipts$8 day. BARRETT &CO., 865'/ Market St.

OjOAA PARTNER WANTED FOR NICEtIPO'J'J. clean business: no Sunday work.SMITH.HUBER &CO., 1001 Market st. ..--\u25a0\u25a0-

C!QAA PARTNER WANTED INLOCK AND<fl?OU\/. electric shop; references exchanged:clears good wages. SMITH,HUBER & CO., 1001Market st.

UST BE SOLD THIS WEEK; GRAND BAR-gains: 1restaurant for $250; worth $400.

1 oon for$450: worth $600.1chophouse. $550; worth SlOOO.Best candy-stand, only $260.See SMITH-HUBER'CO., 1001 Market st.

TO SELL A BUSINESS OF ANY KINDquick forcash see STRAND& CO., 46 Third st.

$O. A PARTNER WANTED IN SALOON:~~?«l;V/. clear $75 per month to each: good

;chance for a steady man. See STRAND &CO.,I45 Third St.

.<&"!TAA CASH GROCERY: SALES $60 A(011UU day; 2 horses, wagon and cart.STRAND, 45 Third street.

<3«1 AA < i.O f:1: y-st< hie; BEST LOCA-

i-O\J\J. tion; onMarket^.: receipts $35 perday; willsell at invoice. See STRAND &CO., 45Third st. \u25a0*,

Cj IXA SALOON, WITH 3 LIVING-ROOMS:'ip'i*-''-'"good trade; no opposition: situated be-tween large factories. See >1 I;AN '11,45 Third.


OLD-ESTAP.LISIIED CHOP-house and coffee parlor for sale at a sacritice;

ownerhas other business. STRAND, 45 Thirds.OCA TAILORING BUSINESS ; GRAND

iO\J. location: good trade; bargi<ln on ac-count of departure. STRAND itCO., Third St.

1 ffij^xARESTAURANT: vk \u25a0- t location, <£)\JO\J. on Market St.: great bargain; on ac-count ofdeparture. STRAND Jit CO.. 45 Third st.

Ski 1110 BAKERY; NO. 1 LOCATION; 3i]Tll"u.rooms; cheap rent; good.paying place;See STRAND & CO., 45 Third st.

v2?l Kfj CORNER BRANCH BAKERY: 3\u25a0 jUpJ U\J. rooms; good-paying. STRAND, 45 Third

SV 9*\ CIGAR-STAND: SELECT STOCK;-—.J. fine fixtures; best location on Market

tit.;cheap rent; bargain. STRAND &.CO., 45 3d st.

CT^Xn"GROCERY ANDBAR;"FULLVALUEi t^t)O\j, in sieht; 3 rooms: rent $20; ownerIsame place 5 years: a mint. STRAND, 45 Third.

O~7~r FOR SALE—GROCERY AND BAR;*S£ IO. good location. JOHN REIDY,19 Sixth.

"Sj ";A,. FINE RESTAURANT NEAR THEijptJv''. terminus of four cable-roads; doingpood business; splendid location. See JOHNREIDY,19 Sixth st.

"CJ XA;, FAMILY LIQUOR; DOING GOOD<i~)«JV/ '• business; splendid location; owner go-lngEast. JOHN REIDY,19 Sixth st.

QJ« A-A ONE OF THEBEST-PAYINGCANDYisp'i*J\J. and icecream stores inthe city. Applyafter 3 p. m. J. BERXHARD,8 Lickplace.

TVTOTICE-HAVINGBUYERS WILLING TOllinvest in legitimate business, parties desiring tosell for cash applyHEALY&CO., 23 Kearny st.

<2>f*F.(\ BAKERY ACROSSTHEBAY; RUN<IpvJtJU. by owner 3 years: horse and wagon;clears $100 month. HEALY,23 Kearny at.IJ67XA COFFEE-HOUSE, near Baldwin,tjpIU\J. north of Market. SPECKS, 30 Mont-


<3i9nn A MONTH CLEAR; COFFEE SA-tiP^iUV/ loon: near Chronicle; cheap. SPECKS,30 Montgomery.(£•£•- A COFFEE-SALOON: MONTGOMERY:tJpUtJU. clears $100. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery.

LACKSMITIIWITH$1000 TO BUY HALFinterest in a first-class paying country shop ;

willbeur investigation. R. T. WARD & CO., 608and 610 Clay st.

ONE OF THE LARGEST SALOONS ANDlunch houses incity; must sell this week; pro-prietor going East- best bargain offered. InquireM.BLUMENTHAL&CO., 660 Mission st.


INTELLIGENT. ENERGETICman or woman with$50 to handle monopolyin this city; right party makes $76 per month atfirst: much more after business is established-business permanent and legitimate. L.. box 62*,

<GU00 PARTNER IN A GOODPAYINGtpl\J\J. lodging-house. P., box 107, Call. .-.CJl9^ BUSINESS; GOOD CHANCE FORts) and wife: clears $75 a monthAddress 12. Call Office. . .muwn.

ItIRST-CLASS PLUM"bIXG AND TINNINGXIbusiness; must be sold at once; shoo to rentApply1373 Broadway, Oakland. V "»«*\u25a0*

'ELL - ESTABLISHED AND PAYINGTT business for sale; capital required, $10 000--cash or secured notes. Every facility for exam-ination offered toan Intending purchaser and willassist party until thoroughly familiar with thebusiness. Address B. G.L..Call office, Oakland."PNERGETIC MAN WHO CAN COMMANDa few hundred dollars or has unencumberedrealty can secure exclusive control of one of themost saleable articles now befor • the public- canbe made to pay from $150 to $300 per monthCall 10 to3, room 61, Brooklyn Hotel. monln

-rrioRENT-DINING-ROOM, SUITABLE FORX restaurant, innew hotel soon to be opened ingood county-seat town;house of70 rooms. Address:box 100, Cull.

B~~UTCHKR-SHOP TO RENT; ALL FITTED-U'To:goo<l location; with horse, wagon toolsOffice*. per momU-

A«dress B. S., box10l! Call


GOOD-PAYING\J grocery and bar; best corner In the city• nicelocation; good reason. Cor. Page and DevisaderoFRUIT&TORE FOR SALE- ON ACfOllvrnosickness; living-rooms attached 425 Twen?y-thirdat.-, near Howard.


P_OOD RESTAURANT for SALE- OWNER ISIXmaking money: rent $15. Call 1009 LarkinstOR SALE OR EXCHANGB-BEBT-PATIWO£ restaurant in San Jose, clearing over $100 ncrmonth: part cash, balance trade; fullinvestigatfon

allowed; state what you have. P.O. tox^RnBUSINESS WANTED WHERE AN INVFSTment of $500 w,Upay a fa "return to adveV«., Danvers st., San Francisco.


G°viD AYV0'KKSI'AUKANT; GOOD IX-EighTh man and wife;cheap rent. 62

'$300 "/^TAURANTFOR BALE-ONONEk?t• m,,«f* lh

,Hmoat Principal streets, offMar-

Call OfficeBOld *

lonce -Address J. A., box 94,

O^'^TABLISHED t.CORNER SALOONV must be sold;at a sacrifice on account of deathof proprietor. Call to-day, SW. cor. Eighth andij.o\vitrusts* -\u25a0"'




-L*-'v*u*run:good trade; worth $300. 958 How-

POOD-PAYING .RESTAURANT! CHEAP:v-< daily receipts $25. 626 Sacramento st.

OTATIONERY ANDNOTIONSTORE CHEAP:;*~>1rare chance forman and wife.. 1332 Pacific st.


Market st., near Eighth. \u25a0\u25a0>-•; :;- > \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- :''

SAN FRANCISCO EVEX'INOfpTPER ROUTE_ for sale inOakland. ;J. \v\, Oakland CallOffice.

J? OR;SALE—CANDY"BUSINESS AND-j ICE-cream parlors; legitimate paying investment:

willteach buyer to manufacture. 130 Ninth st. v'Q>OAAV;LODGING-HOUSE FOR SALE,WITHf^'J\J\J. 35 rooms. -641 Washington st., nearKearny.

_ ..:__' \u25a0- PERgONAtS. ; ."VfY WIFE HAVInTTiTeFT~MY BED ANDJ-»A board, 1Ihereby jmake notification that Iwillnot be responsible for any debt contracted by her.

OCIAL.DANCE AT GOLDEN CITY GAR-O dens. San Bruno road and ISilver aye.," Friday,May 24: admission free. 5 J. W. WILSON,Prop. .•

\u25a0.' ANSEL WHITS,INFORMATION' WANTED:-iv ifalivemay hear of something greatly tohisadvantage, or his heirs may ifhe is dead. AddressE.H.O'HARA, 469 S. Seventh si.. San Jo3e, Cal."

A DVICEFREE: DIVORCELAWS ASPECIAL-£*\u25a0 ty; collections, damages, wills,deeds. etc.: G. W.HOWE, Att'y-at-law.850 Market.; cor. Stockton. \

T INCOLN BROS. STILLSELLNEW CHEESE\u25a0*-* 5c a pound, picnic hams Bi\ snear-cured hamslie. 4 pounds roast coffee $1, 5 pounds ground cof-fee $1, 5 pounds good tea 91, 25 pounds sugar $1,macaroni ?5c a box." soda crackers 50c a box.LINCOLNBROS.. 226 Sixth St.

LADIES' OUTING STTTTS TO ORDER: $25.HUTT,merchant tailor. Y.M. C. A.bnildinsr.

TTRENCTIMAN (44); GCOD~COOK; HANDYx with tools: useful for camping or exploringparties; best references. ,Address E. L.,512 Post.TJ AIR-DRESSING. 25C. ANYSTYLE:STRICT^«PT?^ijSVcial2.3,lainPO0'60c-:Pioneer Hair Store.BERTHASPETZ. 11l Stockton st.;one price only.WHITEWASHING MACHINE ANDBRUSH„' %<\u25a0 yard: contracts taken. WAIN-WRiGHf, 1460 Market: machines sold or hired.

ITOME.. AGAIN;. WRECKERS \u25a0- OF.- HIGHJJ- prices; fine suits, $15: dress pants, $4 75;overcoats. $2 85. Misfit Clothing: Parlors! 513Montgomery st., cor. Commercial, -.upstairs.

Bl7}' y«c»"CURTAINS. LADIES' AND\u25a0*-> gents furnishing :goods, hosiery, trimmings,etc., a. Pioneer Dry Goods store, 105 Fifth st.


:dreBses Popular pricos or engagementsby the day;patterns to measure. 11 Geary st.

SAN.FRANCISCO SCHOOL FOR DANCINGO and elocution. WALTER G. O'BRIEN, mana-vJirf' ye and ,,Laguna sis. Class Mondays andFridays; juvenile class, Saturdays.


06 time'1 tO2 and 7toB P" m.; by mail

OINGLE BOTTLE OF SMITH'S DANDRUFF10 Iomade isguaranteed to cure any case of dan-druff or falling hair or money refunded: neverRv°T%n


nw'itr^' U-B-vallOruKSists price $1, orbMIIIIBROS., Fresno, Cal.

SECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS,VJ showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks,safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock ofthem, too; be sure and see stock and get prices be-inr Sn !\re,lsewn *re-

J- NOONAN, 1017-1019--1021-1023 Mission St.. above Sixth. „ \u25a0.\u25a0


Oak RollTopDesks....: $14 to $35Oak Chiffoniers... From $10 upOak Bed 5et5......:... $17 50 upOilcloths and Linoleums .....30c upStoves and Ranges.. ; ;..... • $3 upThousands of bargains. We keep everything.

Cash or time payments. • J. NOONAN,1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth.

HEA A BTEBS LONG DI.STANCK TELE-phones, cheap; send for prices. Klein ElectricWorks, 720 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal.

QUIET PLACE FOR LADIES TO TI'.ADKINslocks find grain; large money made on small

investment. WHEELOCKiCO., 318 Pine St.,R3.

CLOAKS, CAPES AND SUITS RETAILED AT\J mfrs' cost. Factory, 20 Sansome st.. upstairs.

INETOSCOPEM FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPHoutfits bought for cash. Bacigalupi, 946 Mkt.

OLD .BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND~~SOLD~store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe,etc. :cheap. Yard 1166 Mission st., nr. Eighth.


OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES'clothing bought. COLMAN,41Third st.

WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO»> order by WILLIAMMcPHUN. 1195 Market.pHKAPEST AND BEST INAMERICA-THB\J WEEKLY CALL,sent to any address In theUnited States or Canada one year for$1 50, post-age free.



SEWING.xJ Call or address 324i/2 Tenth St. \u25a0


MToNIFI(:ENT LABGB UPRIGHT INOURlXbargain-room this week: ele?ant fancy case;

j fine tone; guaranteed: qualityconsidered offered atthe lowest price in tin- city; uprights for practice.$6O and $100, etc THEJ. DEWING COMPANY,second floor. Flood bids, sole agents for the cele-brated Hardman and Chase Brothers, etc

CIASH $70, UPRIGHT PIANO: ALSO an"-\J other $100: immediate. Room 21,809 Market.pEORGE F. WELLS, SOLE AGENT FOR THE\T Miuhushek pianos; sold on very easy install-ments: pianos rented. 1360 Market st.

$8 PICCOLO AND $40 FLUTE AT\u25a0*-V half. J. P., box 31, Call Office. , .TITM.G. BADGER,WITH KOHLER&CHASEIT 26, 28 and SO O'Farrell st. . .

OUR NEW RENT-CONTRACT PLAN IS.meeting with"great | favor: terms of payment

are so easy that everybody can have a piano: bosjmakers: largest slock. SHERMAN. CLAYA.CO.

ARP BY SEBASTIAN-- JBRABD"; DOUBLEaction and elegantly tlnshed: is found with

difficulty anywhere; a nice selection is at presentexhibited by SHERMAN, CLAYft CO.QTEC K. CHICICERINO <fe SONS., VOSE AND0 Sterling pianos sold on$10 Installments. BENJ.CURTAZ A SON, sole agents, 16-20 O'Farrell st.

2 SECOND-HAND UPRIGHTS, WITH OUR_ guarantee; $125each. MAUVAIS.769Market.

HOME INDUSTRY—IIEMM12 <fc LONGPIANOCO., 340 Post; pianos sold on installments:send tor illustrated catalogue.BETTER ANDEASIER PLAN to buy agooil piano by renting. Be careful to go to

KOHLER&CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st.

DECKER BROS.. STEINWAY,FISCHER ANDother first-class makes of pianos: littleused;

cheap .for cash or on easy terms. • KOHLER <fcCHASE,28 and 30 O'Farrtll st.

GREAT BARGAINS INSECOND-HAND Pl-anos at SHERMAN,CLAY&CO. 'S, cor. Kear-ny and Sutler sis. .. .\u25a0 \u25a0 . .\u25a0\u25a0-.--\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•"


FEW ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARDmakes, almost new, half original cos:; see atonce. 'F. W. SPENCER &CO., 721 Market st.

BYRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.—SOHMER,Newby &Evans, Briggs and other pianos.

TEINWAY UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY-USED;grand tone; halt-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market.

UPKRIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS.OLDANEW.OH.MULLKR.maker, repairer. :2 Latham place.

rriAILOR PATTERNS CUT TO MEASURE!'j X basque or skirt, 15c. 116 Kearny st., room 14.

HORSES.* ~ ~~

,T?oir^A_&-G^O^BlJsiN^SS~^R^^1 horse, buggy and harness; price $125. Applyat 528 Shot wellst.


HANDSOME BROWN 31AP.E,JO 15V2 hands high: weight 1100 pounds: age 6yean; trots inbetter than 3 minutes; sound andgentle; atraid of nothing; price $150; also 2 colts,4 and 5 years old; broken to harness; Antevolo-Echo stock; willbe sold cheap. Inquire 347 Fre-mont St., in the rear. : .A(\HORSES: FOR SALE; ALSO WAGONS,ivbuggies, carts, harness; Grand .\rcadr> Horse

Market. 327 Sixth st.: auction sales every Wednes-day. SULLIVAN& DOYLE,Auctioneers.

HORSES PASTURED; *2 A MONTH; SENDtorcircular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st.

"IAASETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALLJ.\Jv/ kinds; ;second-hand .wagons, buggy, carts;also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and .Valencia its.


IpOR PALE^GROCERY~WAGONT~ALMbsT!new. Paint shop, 1140. Folsom. ;

QECOND-HAND LIGHTDELIVERY wagon,O and cart for sale, cheap. .924 Bryant st. .

OB:- SALE— LIGHT CAFFERY BUGGY. IN-quire Kelly'sstable, 1629 Pin« st.

FORSALE— COVEREiritO? A BAR-, gain. \ THOMAS FOLE 1812 Powell st. ;,: \u25a0


FOR SAL&-JWUBLE~HOUSE 10 ROOMsTtObe removed; 25 feet front. Apply 309 Clemen-

tina st. .' ':•-\u25a0.:\u25a0 .-\u25a0; .- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '.- , '. • \u25a0 \u25a0"-,. \u25a0-\u25a0


C»OA WORTH $50: RARE CHANCE TO GETtJPOV/. a good Cleveland bicycle. 172 Perry st. ;\u25a0\u25a0/

"L^OR SALE—FIXTURES SUITED FOR RO-X? eery;- store bins, drawers and shelving; cheaD.Inquire of.C. P. GIBBONS, 844 Capp St., or 2612Mission st. \u25a0:. .. -, '. .\u25a0.-..\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•,-.,.-.- .\u25a0-;..-\u25a0;

'" ACOURTOIS SLIDE TROMBONE; INKb1".perfect condition; 'used carefully 1year;8-Inch - bell: heavy tone; :price- includes heavyleather case and lyre. Address L. A., box 138,Call Office. .-.--, : . \u25a0

?IHIL~DREN'S DONKEY CHEAP: SMALL\J and very gentle. tC.V box 107, Call Office. i'

rpHRASHIKG ENGINEFOR:BAL_ CHEAP—XOne Bxl4 straw-burning ;thrasning engine, with

brand new boiler:built to carry aworking pressureof 100 pounds of steam. Apply at T. J. MOYNI-HAN'S boiler -works, 311rand 313 Mission St.,southwest corner Beale.': :. .

- , - ,. >\u25a0:\u25a0;. \u25a0-.

?"VTEW$100 LADY'S SAFETY; $50 CASH OR-Li.Installment. :;326 McAllister st. .-.--;;..•\u25a0:,- .::-\u25a0'•\u25a0:

1LOTOF, -ASTERN STANDARD MAKEsof ,safes which.have been taken in exchange

as part Ipayment . for the Waltz -safes; as follows:3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 Jewelers' safes,8 .pawnbrokers' 1safes, 13 merchant safes: fire andburglar proof;' allsizes; at less than

-half cost; Isee

them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom,221 and 223 Market st., factory 13 and 15 DrummSt., San Franci3co. Cal. .-; \u25a0 „;! -

.:-\u25a0-'\u25a0 \u25a0 ::>? t• \u25a0\u25a0'

\u25a0\TEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND-XI\u25a0 hand. W. S. RAYMfgCo.. 12 California st. ,

ILSHIRK SAFE,LETTER-PRESS. SCALE,»*. coffee-mill and money-till;cheap, j102 Clay st.


J boueht and sold .1121 ia,Market, bet. 7th and Bth

\u25a0'-\u25a0;, ../:.-\u25a0; ;.'..;;-ito;:EXCHANGE. .; .",\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;" - ;;AA ACRES'RICH FRUITLANDEXCHANGE

>_U for town > property; |H. G. SMITH Oakland.

WHY; NOT;.. DOv 'BUSINESS ;WITHOUT•' money? 5 List your -property with Labor Ex-change, large home market, 118 Valencia st.

:HELP. "WANTED—Continned.

r ivemen wameFatonce^to handleXJ \u25a0 summer ispecialty ;,will:pay


~per-; Bons $3 50 per 'day.:Store 328 Seventh st. \u25a0

\VrANTED— BARBER;vALSO CHAIR. ''. for sale very cheap. 34% Fourth 5t.,.. -, jh \u25a0-'!


P.-CHAIR:BARBER-SHOP .AND:LAUNDRY; •'office; will sell for less than furniture cost if

taken before May 22. ,137 Third st. . 'Barber"^ shop- 2 CHAIRS:3 furnished

rooms; cheap. ;;llss Howard st.

J"OR:SALE IMMEDIATELY,CHEAP, A 2-chair barber-shop, esabllshed 8 years, In East

; San Jose. Address LOUIS STUCKER, East: San'Jose. \u25a0 \u25a0 . . . \u0084.

• ="•\u25a0..-.\u25a0-.•;"\u25a0 T^, "I)ARBER-SHOP, WITHLIVING-ROOMS,FOR; XJ sale or to let. 1600 Howard st.

<StA(\ BARBER-SHOP. APPLY 240 FIF-i <P-±V. teenth st., W. SHEAR.. rpAILOR WITH $350 CASH AS PARTNER; Xtnestablished business. Call 120 Taylor st.

FIRST-~CLASS~PRESS EICoN CUSTOM COATS;good wages; steady work. 223 Montgomery st.

• ANTED-BLACKSM MUST BE A• » thorough me«>hanic on wagons and farm ma-• chinery and a first-class sboer. H. HORTOP,Rutherford, Napa County, Cal.'< CHOES HALF-SOLED IX 10 MINUTES;. k3 done while you wait:at less than half the usualprice; all repairing done at half price;' work guar-. anteed. 564 Mission St., bet. First and Second.

I"IRST-CLASS man TO REPRESEXT east-. eru manufacturer. 123 California St., room 34.j 7P.MEN FOR CREAMROLL AND COFFEEI*J 5 cents at 44 Fourth St., only.

I"'REE BEER: BEST INCITY;2SCHOONERSfor5 cenis at 228 Pacific su

; \\TAXTED-LABORERS AND MECHANICS» » to know that Ed Rolkin,Reno House propri-, ctor, has opened Soto House, 32 Fourth su; 100rooms; 25c to$1 per night:$1 25 to_sl per week.

RKM6 VED 706 TO 726ya,OPP. HOWARD-st. Theater; also 116 to 418 Fourth sU; best

place Inthe city for new and second-hand shoes.: MEN'S SHOES i^-"soLED. 40c: HEELS, 25c:

J-'l done in15 minutes. 635 Kearny St.. basement.."WANTED—SINGLE ROOMS, 16c A DAY;Ml

i »» week; rooms for two, 25c a day,$1 50 a week;, reading room- daily papers. 3« Clay st. 'rrv----"

WHAT CHEER HOUSE, 529 SACRAMENTO'» St.; 100 outside rooms: best spring beds; single

rooms 20c a day,$1a week :meals, 10c.

WANTED—MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP. *'.steam beer, sc; bottle wine, 6c. 609 Clay st.I SHOES HALF-SOLED IS 15 MINUTES

O whileyou wait at half usual price. 959 Howard.'PwfkA PAIRS MEN'S GOOD SHOES, 25c TO$1.

: *J\J\J 664 Mission Ht.;also 631^ Sacramento suMENS~HALF-SOI.FnT;, 50c: LADIES'. 40c:HX heels, 26c; done while you wait. 237 Sixth.


WKX/.Ei/H ALARMclock: noelectricity. 607 Montgomery st.

1 jailors AND cutters TO attend THEXSan Francisco Cutting School. 523 Market st.,

1 room 15.EN'S HALF-SOLING, DONE WHILEyou wait. 638 Market, opposite Palace Hotel.

•I "1Oft MEX~TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c. 15o"i \J\J and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls.. 624 Washington St., near Kearny.

T TNDELL~H6uSEr^6Tir"AND HOWARD-. 1jsingle furnished rooms, 75c week, 16c night.

BEST INCITY—SINOLE ROOMS, 15, 20 AND25 cents per night; SI,$1 25, $1 50 per week.

Partite House .Commercial and Leldesdorn* sts.-

3/ 1 ELLIS,P.OSEDALE-PRICES REDUCED;—X single furnished rooms, ;lweek; 20c night.

; /TRY ACMK HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST, BE-xlow Blxtli.tor a room:'Jbc night:$1 week.

. ___ AGENTS ANTED.MpToYMEnV. FOR T\v6^yOUNCi LADIESnot over 25; must be daughters of Masons—

, orphans preferred— to introduce Masonic works.• WILLIAMS,7 CityHall aye."

5 ENERGETIC ANDINTELLIGENTAGENTSon new proposition; good commission; also

\u25a0 1 salary to right parties. 54 Nevada block, 9 to 11I!a. M. •\u25a0


PREPEIVXXi ence to hired help: one who understands cook-ing or waling. Applyon premises. 1934 Market.


X"TeFn?To9~sTxtTi st?Tp ays oodprjcesforclothing, books and jewelry: postal.

i ...:;-.;.:.'...'-.. LUST. \u25a0_; ; .- _'i TXTILLTHEPERSON WHO FOUND COMMU-

\u25a0 I"

radon ticket electric road, bearing owner's;name and address, Seminary Park, please return,;itto MISS LULUFRASER, East Oakland Station.

T OST—B PIECES RED "cROSS AUSTRIANXJ Bonds inenvelope, with imme M. CLAICH;; reward $10 if returned 108 Fourth st.

BLACK COCKER SPANIEL DOG. RETURNto 1330 Scott st.; reward.

! LOST— CANARY BIRD; SINGER. RETURN: XJ to 1402 Bush St., receive reward, DR. CUM-MINi;s. . v ;. ti; \u25a0 i.

\u0084 ;:. .\u25a0 ;. \u25a0


OST—A;YORKSHIRE TERRIER. RETURNto 921 Lombard st. receive reward.

: j T OST— RED Mir.CH COW, WHITE SPOTS,i;Xjone horn. Return San Bruno road and Cort-; land aye.;reward.> QTOLEN OR STRAYED FROM 1714 VALLEJO

\u25a0 O St., May 14,;St. Bernard :puppy 8 weeks old,female: liberal reward for return. .

OsT-IN WESTERN ADDITION,BET. BU-chanan and Fillmore, on Tuesday afternoon,

: lady's enameled old watch. .Return to 2507 Clay;jSt.; liberal reward. •_ _____FOUND.

IjHJUXD—BAY HORSE; WhTte' LEGs'aXD'face: no shoes. ' 326 Eighth aye. JOHN-

GREKLEV. . \u25a0 ; ,:. \u25a0\u25a0


. TTV^N^iTTsM~^LhS^O^^TrN ;N^TIS^iXX. and mesmerism; clairvoyants developed byJ.;iDIAMOND,406 .-suiter St., rooms 50 and 51. > :-

AMAST It OF SPANISH AND FRENCH-£»- in 4 months with Professor Duque's LIVINGmethod practically taught by native, university

;iInstructors ;classes ($3 per month) day and eve.:jCall and examine this master method. 104 Hayes.|E~ nglisii~b"ran cues taught by MISS

> .DILLOX,14 McAllister,r.46; private or class.; SPANISH, FRENCH, GER.MAN. MEtSTER-, O schaft School of Languages, 122 O'Farrell st.

. QCHOOL ELECTRICAL,civil,mining,ME-. 0 chanical engineering,' surveying, architecture,| assay: estao. '64. VANPER NAILLEN.723 Mkt.

: STIEHL'S SHORTHAND AND. BUSINESS, 1 College, 723 Market st.:diploma course $30. ,

EDWARD TOJETTI,, ARTIST, HAS RE-opened hiS studio \u25a0 and classes. Room 141,

f Murphybuilding,corner Market and Jones sts. . \u25a0


•"t>ELASCO'S LYCEUM SCHOOL OF ACTING—• XJ vale theatricals arranged; pupils rehearsed• onstage. R.5 &12,1. p.O. F.block, 7thand Market.

• \7"OCa'L TEACHEK, JOSEPH GREVKN, TM-I » proves and beautified even spoiled voices and

\u25a0 procures positions tor hispupils. 82 Ninth st. ;-

• ""Vf*RS. MELVILLB-SXYDE~SUIORATORICAL,1 _?X-.Vocal and Dramatic Academy, 619 Van Ness

aye.; vocal classes Monday, 8p. month; dra-j matlc classes Wednesday. Bp.m., $3 month: alsoprivate lessons and piano: ladles and gentlemencoached for professional or amateur stage (stage for; practice). . t ." V


- * :. rjj-ARirs INST., 659 MARKT-BOOKKEEPING, Xtaught in 6 weeks. \u25a0We pledge ourselves to keep-free for 6months books our graduates failon. \u25a0::

HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 POSTBookkpg, business practice, shorthand, typing,

.' electrical engineering, telegraphy, \u25a0 modern; lan--guages rapidly imight. Write lorcatalogue. \u25a0, ?;:

1" ILLIANBEbDARb,~THk~ESGLISH AC-XJ tress, coaches >Indies and gentlemen for the

1Idramatic profession :appearances arranged. :Shake-." gpearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye.

DENTISTS.[ ] T\R. GEOIuTe *W?"leleK^ T^E~~GENUINEXJ Leek dentist, discoverer of painless extractionf Iand patentee of improved bridge work or teeth

without any plate, has moved from 6 to 20 O'Far--| rellst

--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0-::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"-.:\u25a0•


sets of teeth are made to please or no charge;-on bridges, crowns and gold plates .prices reduced ;'small gold fillingsonly $2; painless extraction, r ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

:• pKOOME DENTALASSOCIATION, 759 MAR--v^ ket, bet. 3d and ,4tn, gas lispecialists: only reli-

-2 aDle agent lor paimess extraction: artificial teeth-inn.s,');fillingsfrom $1;extracting 50c, withgas $1.

. DR. REA,9 SIXTHST.:ALLDENTALWORKIXJ at lowest prices ana warranted ;open evenings j- 'ft? A SET FOB TEETH;.WARRANTED AS. «35

•good as can brj made; filling$1. DR. SIMMS,

% dentist, 930 Marke: St., next Baldwin Theater. -s-u5 :iAllwork reasonable ANDWARRANT-;. '•"•' cd. r Pit,J. W. KEY. 1122 Market St.,


) T\K-

U. G. YOUNG.:\u25a0 BRIDGES AND TEETH- XJ without plates a specialty. \u25a0\u25a0 1841 Polk st.

DR. LUDLUM HILL,.1443. MARKET ST^near Eleventh ;no charge for extracting when- plates are made; old plates made •over likenew:• j teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given.- pOLTOX DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR-\u25a0> V> ket St.. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. v -.-.>•

> .~T~T~r~ : STOKAGEV./ \u25a0:.:...-. " i^Z.'-V,

"IV"ILSONBR^jaTfid51ARKETST.— GET OUR. » ».' rates and\u25a0 examine our method for storage of

\u0084 furniture andIall kinds of household goods; dust'. and vermin proof; separate rooms at low rates. . r^ra .< ADVANCES MADKON; STORAGE.S £»\u25a0 STORAGE WAREHOUSE CO., 906 Market st.'• CAFE, DRY.CHEAP PLACETO STORE YOUR1 O furniture, etc. LUNDY FURNITURE COM-,, PANY,818 Mission sU^.'ir ?'

'\u25a0-. \u25a0•\u25a0-:•' "i'--<~VT,

\u25a0\u25a0 TjVUKXITUKE, PIANOS AND OTHER MER--5 X chandise received on storage ;money advanced,= on consignments; fire-proof building. 410 Post5 CTORAGE OF FURNITURE,PIANOS,HOUSE-j Ohold goods, etc. J.M. PIERCE, 735 Market st.. . L""UIST-CLASSBTORAGE -ADVANCESMADS

•£ 421-423 Market su CHA&L. TAYLOR.i.


work.'i.2304 Flllmore st. • OV, v -,;; ;\u0084j;,.

\u25a0\rOUNG GIRLTO ASSIST INLIGHT HOUSE-X work. Apply1909 Ellis st.

rpAILORESS ON, CUSTOM WORK; UNDER-Xstand buttonholes. 9121^ Folsom st.

FIRST-CLASS <- DRESSMAKER; NO OTHERneed apply.,1435 Polk st.

yoUKGGIRL TO ASSIST INLIGHT HOCSE-X work. 1110 Leaven worth st.

' - c '- '-..•\u25a0•

"I7LDERLY LADY,UNINCUMBERED,WITH.'J2J central home:- assist property-owner; In busi-ness; no cash required. Address Money, box 44,Call Office. :;

G~~Trls wanted - WHO UNDERSTANDoperating on'Singer or Domestic sewing-ma-

chines. S. ZEKIND,8Sutter st.

yoi'KO GIRLTO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK;\u25a0 X wages $5. 1127 Geary st.

OOD GERMAN GIRL FOR COOKING andgeneral housework ;good wages. r 933 Halght.

pERMAN"GIRL TO DO~ LIGHf~~HOUSE~.VJ work. 1508V2 Broadway st.

pERMAN GIRL wanted for HOUSE-VJ work and plaincooking; small family; no chil-dren. 1602 Washington st. ;

yOUNG GIRL TO MAKE HERSELF GEN-X erally useful; references. 115y3 Powell, after 9.pIFOR GENERALHOUSEWORK :ASSIST\JT with children: German preferred. 1218 aFul-ton, near Devlsadero st. .\u25a0WANTED-SUPERATORS OX COATS, AND

,\u25a0»» finishers. 804 Folsom st.

pOOD HOME TO YOUNG GIRL IX EX-\ y 1change for light housework; wages $6. 608

Jessie si., near Seventh. ",-\u25a0\u25a0' '



215Stevenson st.

IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; 810 Amonth. 1721 Stevenson st.

GI11L TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE-work. 828b Union. '\u25a0«.-.


PARTNER IN CIGAR-STORE:'» $50. 6Mason st.

pOPYIST AND SECP.ETARY WANTEDBY A\J gentleman engaged in literary work: must bebright girl,between 16 and 18: healthy, wellbred,Protestant; good personal appearance; place per-

Imanent; home in advertiser's family, if wanted.\u25a0 Call bet. 9and 11o'clock only,160 Crocker bulld-lng. * -


leisure each day should write mi; at once re-garding pleasant home work which easily pays ?1Hweekly: this isno deception and willcertainly pay

1 you to investigate. Reply with stamped envelope,MRS. S. L.STEBBINB, Lawrence, Mich.


"T-IRST-CI.ASS COAT FIXISHER; GOODX* wages. 622 Clay st., room. 2.

ANTED—LADY ROOMMATE. ADDRESS»V L. V., box 33.IpAP.MKNTS PERFECTLY COMPLETED!VIwithout trying on. Lawrence Cnttlng-school,1231 Market st. .PARTNER WANTED—LADY PREFERRED,. X. with some means ;respectable, good-paying busi-'ness. 212 Eddy st., room 35.


FIRST -CLASS WAISTand shirt makers, 504 Sutter st.

rpA( BBSS WANTED—FIRST-CLASS BUT-X tonhole-maker on coats. 504 Sutterst.AN HAVE DRESSES CUT AND FITTEDfor?3:dresses popular prices or engagements

j by the day; patterns 10 measure. 11 Geary.

DX GARMO'S WONDERFUL FRENCHtailor method of three measures; the only

ipince to learn the true method of dresscutting:j complete course $10; lessons given; dressmaking;by the week or month: the latest In basting, bon-j ing, skirts, sleeves, collars, revers, etc.; dresses!made on short notice: cutting and fittingaspe-j cialty. DE GARMO. 219 Powell st.


j "PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DRESSCUT-X tingandmakingschool; nilbranches. 702 sutter.

(10UXTRY DRESSMAKERS SEND 860 FORJ the new full-skirt pattern: girls wanted. Me-

jDOWELL DRESSMAKING ACADEMY, 213IPowell st., to learn dressmaking.


"I A LUMBER-PILERS; 10 MILL.MEN;GOOD!ivwages: call to-day. C. R.KAXSEN & CO.,

110 Geary st. '#;

i"1 A ROCKMENAXI) DRILLERS: LONGJOB;i-'J small fare; $175 to S3 a day; call to-day:;team will meet at railroad station and take you toi the work.

'C. K. IIAN.-KN &CO.. 110 Geary st.j 1a FARMERS,"DIFFERENT RANCHES, 420ii-\.t and $l!0and found: blacksmith, city,$2 50 aday; ranch blacksmith, $30 and found. C. R.

HANSENiCO.. 110 Geary st.

O SCRAPER TEAMSTERS; f1 A DAY AND0 found: near city;,call early. CR. HANSEN«fc CO., 110 Geary st.

j "1 A TEAMSTERS, 10 LABORERS FOR 15AIL-lvroiul«or«: free fare: $1 75 a day'; call to-day.C. R. HANsEN &CO., 110 Geary St.

9 MORE STONE-CUTTERS: $3 50 A DAY;4 railro»d work; free. fare. C. R. HANSEN ACO., 110».earyst. ;

.*AN 1-1> -10 .MEN FOR HAYING,$26 PEH- mon<lt and bosrd and harvest wages In har-vest; teamster for iroun am road, $35 a- d found;1ranch teamster, *L6to $35 snd board: ;> iarm-hands for vineyard, 920; German, about chickenranch,' $15; 2boys for factory and learn trade. $3per week and increase; also laborers, teamsters,milkers, cooks, waiters, dishwashers and others.W. D.EWER &CO., 626 Clay st. \u25a0

I9 LABORERS FOR MINE,$26 AND BOARD;I«j 5 vineyard hands, $20; 2 forkers, $20; 2 hay-Ifield men, $20; plow ana on-hard hands, $15;Isawmill blacksmith, $30; ram-h blacksmith, s2s;Icamp blacksmith, $26; 2 lumb<-r-pilers, $26: sand-

stone quarrymen. R. T.WARD & CO., 608 andI610 Clay st.

IWANTED—HORSESUOER, $2 50 A DAY;j "1 jobbing blacksmith; inncliine blacksmith forj Central America; cooper: quarryman; laborer forIquarry: farmers, $25 and $125 to $2 a day: milk-j ers, $25, and oihers. Apply to J. F. CROSETT&CO., 628 Sacramento st. ;

"117" ANTED—AMERICANBOOKKEEPER ANDt" telegraph operator, with California experience

Iand references; .*,">!) and board. J. F. CROSETT &j CO., 628 Sacramento st.

I \\rANTED—GERMAN WAITER, HOTEL,'» $30; waiter,plain, hotel. $25: boy todochores,

I family, country, good home: dishwasher. $15:Ikiu-li'-nliaml,$35: Spanish cook, $20, etc LEON

ANDRE, 31.< Stockton si.YSTER CQO^C,~?TfiO A DAY. RAILROADf«re paid; 3 cooks. $40 and $50:- 2 waiters;

boy to make beds. MURRAY & READY, 634IClay st.

p. HEADER-WAGON DRIVERS: 10 HAY-!'-> makers. MURRAY &READY,634 Clay st.


!684 Clay St. •, ; ,...OAFA IIM "FOR ORCHARDS. FARMSO\J and vineyards, $20, $25,526 and $30:2, $20: quarryman, $2 50 .a day. MUR-RAY &READY,631 Clay st.

9 LATHERS FOR ANEW COUNTRY HOTEL,—' $1per Mand found: man tomilk 10 cow's, $15;! 10Italian laborers, $20. MURRAY &READY,j 634 Clay st.

\\TAXTED—IS LABORERS, STEADY WORK;\u25a0»» 12 good ranchhands;- 5 teamsters. \u25a0 city,

j MARTIN&CO., 749 Market st. . ,

VI:ILAND-BOY. MISH'S HATSTORE, 70S-Tj Market st. :-*

IG"MONEY,For agents, call at 32£

O'Farrell st., 5 to 7 r.m.

BARBERS' ASSOCIATION MEETS to-nighiat 102 O'FarreU st. J. Ki.ll'sCH, president.

B~ A B IV. FOR WED NFSDAY,SATDR DAY*Sunday, ifsuitable: «'.eady work. 1317 Stock-

ton. \u25a0'-\u0084 , ,-.:•.. •

ARBER— YOUNG MAN TO LEARN THEtrade. Call 317 Third st. ;




GAZETTE. 420 Kearny st.

BOY TO WORK AT""TAILORING WITHlittle experience; reference. • 332 Bush st.



COATS. 62',Natoma st.

* ... '

STRONG BOY OR YOUNG~M AN; KITCHENwork In restaurant; $3 50. 334 Bush st. .

CIAMP BLACKSMITH: 10 LABORERS FOP)country. $1per day ana board. 61.Third 6 ... \u25a0 ,-, ;-\u25a0-.' ,'..\u25a0\u25a0. '. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, \u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 . •:

OOD PLUMBER'S HELPER WHO CAN DCjobbing:no other need apply.. 12 Mason st.

ANTED—WAITER;\u25a0 613 CLAY ST. COF'» FEE JOHN. :, ..\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0. \u25a0.-:..:;\u25a0\u25a0 -. \u25a0;. ;. :.-.;;';:>«:

\\r ANTED—STRONG BOY TOLEARNCOAT''pressing. 541 Market st.:.. \u25a0--•.. ;

ANTED—MIDDLP>AGED MAN TO WA«Idishes. Apply620 Fourth st. \u25a0

BOY TO WASH DISHES (CALL EARLY)507 Central aye., near California «t.

ANTED-AFIRST-CLASS PAINTER ANI-»' ornamenteron safe work. 221-223 Market st

TO TAILORS—GOOD BUSHELMANWANTEIImmediately. J. GORDAN.1124 Market st. \u25a0

SEAMENFOR SOUTH AMERICA,EUROPEHonolulu, Mexico, f103 Montgomery aye.


O works: references required \u25a0:. 316 Guerrero st.

SHOEMAKERS on custom hand-seweiO work " Address C,box 7, this office.; \u25a0; > <\u0084,

."DARBER-SHOP-IN THE COUNTRY; GOOIJ-> bargain. H.S. LENNERT,12 Seventh st. ;j

,<gMC TAILORSHOP: OLD-ESTABLISHED«,. It),sick-ness cause ofsale. \ 441 Bush st. :•::ANTED—STEADY MANFOR LIGHTBUS

»» mess: •duties easily learned; \u25a0\u25a0 must attend -tibusiness; 8 hours per day and be satisfied with $7.'per month:150 required. ;30 K«trnySt., room 6

AlNTSHOP,V COMPLETE, 'OR WORKIXCX partner with small capital. \u25a0\u25a0' Address L., box 15: this office. ' :\u25a0\u25a0;:•-.. .-.. -. > -\,..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.... ..\u25a0.-.,-. \u25a0:_-.rj ,;.-

EN'S HALF-SOLES. 60c: i.SECOND-HANIshoes bought and sold. :258 Third st. \u25a0 : ;;i;-.

\\T ANTED—MENf,}VHOi.DOiNOT RECEIVI*"their wages to place accounts withus; lawam

commercial collection; :no charge unless successful'KNOXCOLLECTION AGENCY,110 Sutter St.



A"~IIERICANLADYWISHEs'sTtUATION AShousekeeper. 1Fifth St., room 29; no triflers.

pOOD GERMAN COOK ANTS SITUATION;VT;cityor country- 679 Mission st. \u25a0'

-\ir ANTED—a'POSITION AS housekeeper'» byan :Eastern lady,"ina gentleman's family;

understands the management of a fashionablehome • with:economy: \competent to superintenddinner and evening parties; or could runa smallseaside hotel; highest credentials.. Address MRS.X., 410 New Jersey aye. Southeast, Washington,D.C. -: \u25a0 \u25a0,"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0•;•\u25a0-',\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:

* . \u25a0\u25a0


IP IRST-CLASS COOK WANTS SITUATION,'willdo housework also; best of city references;

city or country. Call or address Cook, 221 Minna.pERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THEvJT day, $1and car fare. Address A., box 17. thisoffice.


I '» like to engage in business witha gentleman.|Call 5 Mason st., room 2, 3 and 4 first floor.jC\TOUNG


X man partner ina good paying business. Call 5IMason st., room 7.

SITUATIONS Vk ANTKD-MALE.j -pißFn^l~ciFn3FT"jU^^ THE EAST,iX wants engagement. Address or call on C. R.HANSEN A CO., 110 Geary St., telephone 485.| rßKxen CHEF AND WIFE, PASTRY COOK

-T and baker, want engagement: city or country;best of references furnished froip former employ-ers. Address C. It. ansen A- CO., 110 Geary st.

;FOR RELIABLE farmhands, HAYINGJ and harvest hands and other help send your

:orders to the old reliable employment agency oi W.11. EWER &CO., 626 Clay si.,San Francisco. We

ido not send you calendars and windy circularsiclaiming we know every workiugman in the[ State and bis father before him as some new em-j ployment agents are doing, but will send you goodhelp iffavored withyour orders: tel. 187; glveusacall. W. D.EWER 4CO., 626 Clay st.


p OODCOOK AND MEATCUTTER,GERMAN,U" wants position: city or country. Address F.V.,10 California aye.

CXI.I.ARM.\N.EXPERIENCED ANDTRUST-\J worthymarried man, wants situation. AddressJ. KUFER. 365 Eleventh st. .MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN, SPEAKS ENG-

Hsh and Spanish, wants work of any kind;city or country. Address M. A.,box 69. Call.yOUXO, WELL

-EDUCATED german

X wants a position in wholesale house: can give$500 security. Address E. G., box 60, Call.


wishes situation: good workman and steady:I*vii!workcheap. Call or address Room 67,Com-jmercial Hotel.


Xj position ina commission house: with city ref-erences. Address E.C, box 09, Call Office.

FIRST-CLASS GERMAN DRUG CLERK,." with ten years' experience in East, is lookingtor a position. Address 62, CallOffice.

j "LtROM EAST-PAINTER ANDPAPER HANG--1 X? er, with tools, wants a position :city or coun-|try. F., box 20, Call Office.

OUXG BREADAXDCAKE BAKER WANTSX situation; first or second band; country. Ad-

dress T., box 20, this office.i ITUATIOX WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED'O man; lake care of horses and do gardeningiand milk cows; low wages; references, j C. C,jbox 49. this office.iTHIRST-CLASS COOK WISHES SITUATION*IN; JO lunch saloon. Address C. A.R., 999 Minna st.,off Eleventh.

ITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGEDman; is good gardener or janitor; good refer-

ences. Address ANDERSON, 611 Pine st.

j"yOUNG GERMAN WANTS TO LEARN TOX bake bread. Address 121k Shipley s.

GARDENER, ELLDPINEVERY BRANCH,wishes situation: wages moderate; country

!preferred. Address Gardener, 427 Hayes St.

"WANTED— SOBER, STEADY MAX,i iff place as janitor, light porter, steward smallhotel; is a good waiter and pantry-man: wagesmoderate. Address S.. box 129. Calliffice.

ARBER— WANTS WORK FOR $10 A WEEK;cityor country; good workman; steady. Ad-

• dress Barber, box 17, Call Oilice.jyOUNG ATTORNEY OF SIX YEARS' EX-, X perience wants position in law office: will ac-• cept small salary with chance of rise. Address A.8.. box 83, Call Office.yOUNG MAN WANTS WORK AT HOUSE-

!X cleaning: handy at painting, whitewashing.paper-hanging, glazing: will work reasonable bytheday^ HARRY,box 50, Call Office.VOUXGMAN.18 \u25a0 YEARS OF AGE, WISHES

X situation as chore boy ina private family; sat-isfied with small wages. Inquire 601 Taylor.!W ANTED—MAN WITH BEST REFER-"'

ences wants situation about gentleman'siplace; horses, cows,' garden; desires good quiethome rather than high wages. Address W., box 9,Call Office.

yOUXG PRESSMAX DESIRES POSITION:X 5 years' experience. Address Press, box 77,\ Call Office."U'ANTED-SITUATIOXBYEXPERIENCED,» T.egg-candler. Address J. M.D., 938 Howard st.

STEADY MAX WANTS POSITION TO WORKO about private place: take care horses and gar-den, milk cows, handy withtools. Address E. U.,

1 box 83.Call.*T"O BAKERS


X wants situation in country, town: steady and:reliable: home-made bread with cold-mash yeast;a great success; no failure. Address Home Bakery,

;1-103 Park St.. A lameda. •; \

|PRACTICAL HOUSEPAIXTER.WITH TOOLS,: X wants work; willaccept, low wages. W. C,3021 Pine st. . . -.. .T"XGINEER WANTS SITUATION: GOODXla references: wages moderate. Address R., box29, this office. :

ITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASSO bread and cake baker in hotel or bakery: 20

jyears' experience. MEYERS, 50% Louisa st.

"IRST-CLASS BAKER OX BREAD ANDcakes wishes situation: city or country. Ad-

dress D., box 99, Call Office. ,WANTED— POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER»»or clerk: 2 -years' experience as bank cleric

iand teller; references given. Address E. D. 8.,:box 11, Call Office. ..-.\u25a0\u25a0

BAKER AND PASTRY cook WISHES Asituation. Address S. R., box 23, this office. :


"WOOD-TURNER AND BAND-SAWYER AND'• handy man round machinery wishes situationinplaning mill. Address P. D.. Napa, Cal. \u25a0

jPRACTICAL MINER AND MINING,FORE-• -L man desires a position as mining foreman of aigold, silver, lead or cinnabar mine; beat of refer-Iences. Address 19 Rausch st., San Francisco.

Tj-IRST-CLAS* HORSEMAN AND DRIVER,X good milker,is so professional gardener,wants

Iposition ongentleman's place; is competent and:reliable; can come well recommended. AddressIReliable, box 68.Call Office.!WANTED


;'» machine-shop or manufacturing business, by a

!machinist of extensive experience andability;fully:competent; city preferred. Address 122,iCall uitlce.

l-'liaiALE UELI' WANTED.I.!MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, COUNTRY, *18:!i»i Beat girl,light work, $12; 20 girls,housework,|city and country, $20 and $25: 6young girlsassist,;$12 to SIS; nursegirl, $12. MISS CULLEN,105IStockton st. -. T • .

HA M'bK-RMAID, ?20; WAITRESS, SAME\J boicl, country, $20, see party hern; second girl

iand nurse, $20. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st.


IXJ Stockton st.

pERMAX ORFP.EXCH COOK:3IXFAMILY:?:>0; no washing. MISS CULLEN,105 Stock-

i ton st.:,

\\rOMANWITH A CHILD,Sift. MISS CUL-»t LEN,105 Stockton st.

i\\r AXTE'D-GIRL HOUSEWORK. $25:GIRL,i '» 2in family,$2O; cook, Jewish family,s2S,s:-i0:!Irish woman housekeeper, San Rafael: young. girl,,2in family, 15;girls second work; German nurse,I$20: hotel cook, country; girl mind child, sleephome; 50 women and girls to' fill places. MME.[ LEOPOLD, 957 Market.

-I1F YOU WANT WORK GO TO~THE OLD RE-. X liable employment agency of W. D. Ewer &Co.,j 626 Clay st. We don't \u25a0 send - out calendars \u25a0 andj windycirculars, and we don't run down wages, asi some new employment agents are doins;. but willjprocure "places for all we can at regular wages.iCome and see us. W. D. EWER &CO., 626 Clay.| ANTED-PROTESTANT GIRL COOK*i"

ing and housework; Zin family;$25: see ladyj here at 10:30 to-day. J. F. CROS'ETT &CO., 312iSuiter St. V.. \u0084 : . . . . \u25a0\u25a0

- ;..<-,

W GERMAN NURSK,$20: 3 GER-|jit man and French <second girls, $'20: 2 cooks,IGerman style, $25: 2 ranch cooks. $20. and $25;Ilaundress and waitress, $25; 3 waitresses, $15 andi$4 50 week, and girls for cooking and houseworkiincity and country. iJ. F. CROSETT <fe CO., 312

Sutter st. • ;'


'-' ... ;, ;.-\u25a0 •;..,/ \u25a0;

WAXTED-FIRSTCLASS FRENCH ORGER-»» man cook. $40;Iwaitress, summer resort, $20;young girls to assist, $10, $12. LEON ANDRE,

315 Stockton st.l, •

i ANTED—HEAD WAITRESS FOR FIRST-| '»\u25a0 class hotel, country, 25;waitress, lightplace,

$15;Protestant waitress and parlor maid, $25; 50housework girls, $25 and $20. Apply to MISSNKETT,424 Sntter st. : . :T AUNDRESS. COUNTRY < HOTEL, $20; 2JU waitresses, $20. f.MURRAY &. READY,634Clay st. y-; \u25a0...-;\u25a0 \u25a0^•-••,r- ,•;\u25a0\u25a0,.. • -.; .\u25a0-,-\u25a0 j\u25a0\u25a0•^->.*/.: -.-^

GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, $26;•J,; 3 Kins to assl "*.$15; nurse-girl, $15;;waitress,

l$20; seamstress 915. MRS. HIRD,705 Polk st. 7,

;\u25a0WANTED -i-GOOD .SWEDISH HOUSE-;it girls,;wages $25; *cook. $40; cook, $25: 6bouseglrla. $16 to $20: second girl. $20: 4 girls,

country, $16 to $25; waitress, $20. Call 332 Geary!, POOD ..« CATHOLIC


$20. 9SrDOolo;es°st! W-0"**'Children '*15 t0

X LEN,724 O'Farrell st.

2PnIU«V!ln\VAN'rEI) TO ARK BOOKBIND-\u25a0" Ingat 605 Montgomery st. • \u25a0 ;



and -<-ssls * wltn children-


" "also a girl to do chambenvork and waiting.

i Apply,in the morning. 1814 Vallejoat. ;,- \u25a0\u25a0"' " '

YOUNG OR MIDDL&XGEDWOMAN TODO-i general housework. Call bet. 8 and 11. 5Clem-entina St. ' •' . ,'•/,:..,


CALIFORNIA CHAPTER NO. 5, •&^^R. A. M.,will meet THIS (TUES-DAY)EVENING.May 31, at 7:30 o'clock. >§L2v ,!Stated meeting ana Byorder '\fx !

Of the H.P. FRANKLINH. DAY,Sec•CE^S 3 ORIENTALIX)DO NO. 144. F. •lt~y and A. M.—Called meeting THIS J\-m.tESl>AY) EVENING,at 7:30 o'clock. SS2T jThird degree.

'A. S.HUBBAKD, Sec. .^rW^ j

c»^^» A. O. U.W.—GRAND RECEIVER jHt*, \&--&Sam Booth willlecture InXoe Valleyj>#s£ '

Lodge No. 185. cor. 21th and Church sts.,H>M§s !FRIDAY MAYSI, under auspices of thevsSJ^P. M.W Association. Allworkmen are invited.

W. C. CROWLEY, President. jJ. L.Scott. Recorder. |

ZZsg=* MASTERma i:i ;\u25a0: iTsTBENEV- _*.__c*-^ olent Association— meet- i"?T^!*

Ingof the above association willbe held '*«jlJ^at hall. 421 Post st, WEDNESDAY '-"T"EVENING,May 22. Allmembers are requested :to Ix1 present as important amendment to the by-laws willcome before the meeting.


nEiS 3 JT'CX CAXIIAI^~ATi^6T{NEY~ATr^AW~,ji*- 7̂ 14 McAllister st., room 24. Legal businessreceives prompt attention.

CtSs=>" BAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4.ES^^ Collections made, city or country. PacificCollection Co., 415 Montgy St., room 6. Tel. 6580.yap ALLCOURTS— LEGALPRIVATE MAT-IF-& ters; confidential: advice free, ATTOR-NEY McCABE. 838 Market st.

tt^Sr* CHARLES H. PHILLIPS, ATTORNEY-t&JS' at-law and Notary Public, 638 Market si.,opp. Palace Hotel, residence, 1620 Fell st. Tele-phone 570.B£r]s= J.B. McINTYKE,BOOKBINDER AND£*-**^ Printer. 488 Commercial st.


-to 55, Donohoe building, 1170 Market st. j

Stomach, liver, kidney and rheumatism success- |fully treated. Nervous diseases a specialty. Dis- IeKses examined without questioning. ISt^S=- ROOMS WHITENED. $1 UP: PAPER- IIsy «-d $3 60 Hi.. 309 Sixth. 'i.-ort.-e Hartmnn. !


AME lAN. COMPETENT HOTEL HOUSE--£TL keeper, withreference from first-class hotel, Iwants engagement. Address or call on C. R. IHAXSEX 4 CO., 110 Geary st.: telephone 486.OA FIRBT-CL \ss WAITRESSES AND 10—v' chambermaids want places at summer resortsor springs. Address or call on C. K.HAXSEX <fcCO., 110 Geary St.; telephone 485. . I/ (KKMAN COOK; BEST OF REFERENCES; ]v young and strong; will do plain washing: jwants work. Pleas'- call or address MISS ;PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. :




VI THE SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT BU- i./V reau lirst-class Swedish and German girls are I•waiting situations. KBS Geary St.; telepiiono 983. j


./V ladles' Bureau, 131 Post st.: telephone M-625. ;rnwo LADIES WANT SITUATIONAS COOKSIfor widowers with small families, or formen on :

ram-h. Apply1032 St., room 23.yttlNG GERMAN' GIRL WANTS UPSTAIRS iX work or10 take care of children; city or coun-

'try. XE. corner Turk and Flllmore.


HIGHLY EDUCATED YOUNGLADY,WHO Ihas had a numbvrof years' experience in a

large business-house as head cashier and steno-grapher, desires position ;can furnish unquestion-able references. Address E., box -9, this oftice.p"lRI7"wisirE3""SITUATION IN RESTAD-IVI runt or boarding house or kitchen: capable otund»T»!anding my business: city or country. 891 •\u25a0!•\u25a0\u25a0;: st. j


X genera! housework: Is good cook and laundress;city or country; wages 515. Address G. C., box 83, iCall. ;

Co MiI: EXTWOMAN* WISHES SITUATION ':as first-class American cook or would dogen-

eral housework In small family; good city refer- ;

ence. Call 1602 Vs Post.

R" "expectable and trustworthy'

Swedish woman wants work by the day: first- ;class worker; any kind ofhousework. 610Folsom. i

yOUXG GIRL WISHES A SITUATIONAT!X lighthousework or second work. Call at 1339 aiEddy st. I

"yOUNG" LADY.WANTS'SIT'uATION INPRI- |X rate family to mind children or assist Inhouse- ;work. Ca!!625% York si.

ILLSOMB party ixterest HERSELF i'» inmy behalf: am nearly blind from cataracc, j

and can not |eddle. or earn my livelihood. Call I790 Stevenson st.

yOUNG girl WANTS A SITUATION TOiJdo general boose wo: is good nlain cook: with

reference; wages £20. l'lease call 1223 VallojoSt.. near Ashbury.

\u25a0\\-OMAX WANTS situation TO do \•» housework of small private family: is steadyami reliable. Address 242 Fifth st.A\' >MAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY;11 washing. Ironing, cleaning. 427 Stevenson, I

rear, bet. s;h and 6th;or willwash flannels home. iVOUXG GIRL WISHES SITUATION AT |X general liousework, upstairs work or care of

children: good reference. Call 910 Sixteenth St.,bet. Noe and Castro.

GERMAN WOMAN wants WORK BY THE!day: wasnlng and ironing. 637 Stevenson.


X ing or general cleaning by theday. Address 24 iMariposa terrace, oft*Harrison St., bet. Seventh andEighth.

ANTED—BY RESPECTABLE WOMAN.*' any kind of day's work:good housecleaning, Iwashing, etc.: 8 years' reference. Address 317 !Fulton st.

WOMAN WOULD LIKE A FEW more I*' places by the day, washing or housecleaning. IApply inthe evening or address 218V2 Nineteenth. j

EASTERN LADY WI -HES SITUATION*ATIXJ second work. Apply 932 Twenty-fifth.

STRONG, reliable woman wishes TO'

do washing, ironing or bousecleaning by the <flay. MRS. ROaS, 1:51/2 Twenty-sixth,nr.Mission. j

GERMAN GIRL WISHES A FEW MORE <places bythe day: reference given. 1921 san !

Carlos jive.,between Twentieth and Twenty-first.

lADY,'competent, would like posi--i uon as nurse by the day, night or week; refer- Iences. Address or call after 3 r.a. 21SVa Nine-

'ti1-iitnst. !

WOMAN WANTS A SITUATIONTO DO ANY!"kind of work by the day. 3046 Folsom, rm. 1. '.

-yOUNG r.ADY WANTS,A SITUATION A8x cashier or saleslady incandy-store, restaurant 1Orany retail[store; can talk German and English-'

satisfied with small salary: best references. C...UROOCIv, 41 McAllister st.*«<«''»*«• c:|


COM PETENT NWANTS A siuatiox1\J as cook and housekeeper: good home preferred-to huh traces: city or country. Callat 12 Hollisst.. i) ar Buchanan. • .


•IM. tlon todo general housework: cityor country iApply 1211 more st.

DELIABLE EASTERN woman, WITH Ai-J.t Li.-, two yean old. wants a situation ina goo Ifamilyas coo», general housework or housekeen-lng. Callat 20 Minna, st.

SWEDISH ( IItL WANTS a place" to "doO cooking and housework inprivate family. CallIat Btt6 Howard m.U-o.IAN WISHES ANYSORT OF WORK BY-.''the day; good cook; hons? cleaning or laundry

™?I— Call at 859 Mission 2.'pERMa X W OMAN WISHES WORK BYVJ he day. washing or ironingand cook or house-work. Call 130 Second st.

Rl:'\u25a0I ED WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS1hhi'iitn-k.t-jier. ail or address 17a Sixth st.,room -'. SBS@Ja*RffiSMBBBSHr' -

yOUNG WOMAN. DESIRES A SITUATIONJ. ns bonselceeper in widower's family 121Montgomery st., room 0.

GI1:L v IBBES SITUATIONINCOUNTRY IN- VJ private family 10 do plain housework and!cooking. Apply1411 Ellis St. ::\u25a0>;

DELIABLJX '.WOMAX~wisHES SITUATIONXV to do general hiusework: wages moderateApply1200 Larkln st., mar Bush.«"""eraie.

SINGLE WOMAN WANTS WORK, SEWINGlight housework or cooking, in exchange forroom, furnished or unfurnished. \u25a0 Address S Wbox 47. this office. ' : . • ."•

SITUATION WANTED—BY FIRST-CLASS0 experienced French cook In a private family'best reference. 832 y3 Vallejost. . *'.

OLOUBD WOMAN WANTs a SITUATION'\J in city or country to do general » housework'1000 C!ay st.

'- •:'./-\u25a0

RESPECTABLE MARRIEDwoman wishes"IX\to take care ofhouse inabsence of owner; first-class reference.; MltS. BENSON," 402 Ninth st.

IRST-CLASS •GERMAN COOK WANTS.asteady .place inrestaurant or lunchhouse. Ad-

dress box 70. Call Office, Oakland. v\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0

TVTURSE GRADUATE OF ACOLLEGE INNEWJA Yon;wishes position: willtake: entire chargeofInvalid or sickness Inany form; good referencesand diploma.^3s Hardy si. .

\ OULD ft LIKE SITUATION IN REFINED• M family'to teach painting and drawing in ex-change for room'and . bop.rd. - Address 'Artist,110ElltS St.-.:' •'.->:\u25a0-•'.•..\u25a0-"."\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0-""'""•"\u25a0"\u25a0'YOUNG 3 WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS

'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 x bonseireeper. Call or address 620; Market st.,-\u25a0 room 7. opp. Palace Hotel.y/r." ;-.'

-vroUNG:LADY-WISHES GENTS' MENDING1to do. Call at 160 Fourth St.. room 9.; -";;T>KBP_CTABLE LADY->WISHES >POSITIONIXas working housekeeper. • Call from 2 tillSP. ti."111b Market St.

- . • .