the san francisco call (san francisco, calif.) 1897 …, and on friday evening, december 10,...

SOCIETY Tha winter of 1*97 is sure to pass in the social history of the State as the jolliest, gay- est, most brilliant season on record. This has been an early season and an un- usually cap] one. Social leaders have vied with each other In attempts to entertain elaborately and r.t the same timo they have striven to introduce novelties. Teas have led in pre'erence to other modes of entertaining, but the tea oi to-day is a most elaborate function. Invitations are issued by the .id i' is. the music is unexcelled and in nearly ah i'lsinncesa dinner and dance lollow. However, it is rumored that In spite of this early ayety the real joyful things are yet to Mrs. Whittier is arranging Inr an elaborate bad, lo be held some lime before the holidays, at her magnificent home on Jackson street. This will be the first large function at which this generous hostess :as sided since her marriage. As Miss Lzzie Carrol, it will be remembered, Mrs. Whittier entertained ex- tensively. Naturally the debutantes have had It all ttieirown way and ma of this s< ason's en- tertainments ha\ been given n. their honor. Miss Susie Blending is one ni this season's buds who is ye; to be heard (rom and Mrs. Lloyd Tevis wil proLab.y give an entertain- ment at which Miss Blending will lormally be presented. On Wednesday evening, December 8, the first dance if the Terpsichoreans will take place, and on Friday evening, December 10, willbe held tne first colli on of the Friday Night Club. Mr. Greenway, ne usual, will lend, with Mi-s Edna Hopkins fur his partner. Yesterday after oon at her h me oo Leav- enworth sireet Mrs. Gaston Ashe gave a de- lightful tea, at which several hundred guests were entertained. The hours of the reception were from 4 till 7 o'clock. Chrysanthemums of all shades were used to decorate the home. Mrs. Ashe received her guests, assisted by Mrs. Will. am Ashe, Miss Elizabeth Ash •. Miss Esthel Keeuey, Miss Char. one E liuwood, Miss Leon ine Blake- niiin,M ss Cent vieve Peters oi Stockton, Miss Marie Wells, Gertie Carroll and the Misses Borel. , Mrs. George Palmer and Miss Gertrude Palmer gave ati elaborate tea yesterday after- noon between the hours ol 5 and 7at their home, corner >\u25a0! Jackso . and St laer -treets. The indies were assisted In receiving their Euest- by Miss Florence "-tone. Miss Ma tel Baton, Miss Florence de Long, Miss Xa thro Burton.Miss Mane Mes-er.MI-s Heed Hutch tut, M ss Bertie Bruce and Miss Nettle Lawards. In the evening there was a dinner for the lad es of the receiving party, and Mr. and Mrs. Pickering; Waiter Scot:, E. M. Gr.enway, George Lewis, Frank Brooks, Edward McAflVe, I- vi do K«6l d, Rylett Cotton, Percy Jones and Joseph Kane. THEY'RE ENGAGED. "Wedding Bells That Wiil Chime Before the New Year. The wedding of P. Alexandre Berv'er<>t, the popular young attorney, and Miss Amanda Dupuy, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. P. Dupny, will be solemnized on Wednesday evening, December B. at Notre Dame dea Vie oire- Church, on Bush street The maid 01 honor will be Ms- Marie Bergerot, sister of the groom, and the best man Will. am I. Brobeck. The bridesmaids wilt he Cyeita Ma,; aid, Tnerese L coste, Elsie Brun and Alice LipiaC-v Max Berges, Camil.e Ihebuan, Tn. l__- coste, Louis l.acaze, L >u:s carraine and J. S. Go lean will 1 ffidate as ushers. Tne engagement of Miss R. C. Miller to Marshal Ha.c has been announced. WEDDING BELLS. Home and Church Ceremonies of the Past Week. There was a pretty wedding on Thanksgiv- ing night ct St- John's Evangelical Church, 1513 Mason street, the contracting partiet being Miss Helena Ziun and Frederick Charles Boden. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Catherine Zaun, and George Boden, the brother of the groom, was best man. Rev. Mr. Mangold, the pastor of St. John's, pronounced the words that made the happy coup one. The church was beautifully decorated with ferns and chrysanthemums. Tne bride was attired in a magnificent gown of duchesse satin, trimmed with rare old lace and pearls. She carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Mist Catherine 7, un wore a dainty pink muile gown and carried an immense bunch ot chrysanthemums. Alter tin., ceremony there was a bridal supper at the Occidental Mr. and Mrs Boden have gone 10 Coronado for a bridal tour. Miss Myra Brandt and Barry 8. Malone were married on Thursday. November 24. the Rev. Dr. Hemphill officiating. Irene Fowde n officiated as maid of honor and Miss Minnie Brand 1 whs bridesmaid. Dr. Stevens attended the groom as best man. The bride was ele- gantly a. tired in a white satin gown elabo- rately trimmed with rare old lace. _ bridal veil fastened to the coiffure wi b a wreath of orange blos-oms completed her costume. Mr. and Mrs. M lone are ending their honeymoon in Southern California. Clement Wilder ana Mist Ednah Lucile Turner were married vi noon on Monday, No- vember 29. by Rev. J. George Gibson. Ihe wedding, which was strictly private, took place al '2002 Howard street, the home ol A. B. Vogel, uncle 0; the bride. Mis? Turner is a niece of Dr. J. M. White of Los Angeles, the weil-mnown dentist. Mr. Wilder is well known in San Francisco, especially in business He has until recently been at the head of ins own business, but Is now under special engagement lo John Brenner tr. Sacramento as advertislna manager, a er a luncheon, which was served »\u25a0 the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Wilder took the train for Sacra- mento, their future home. Miss Ka eQ ngley and James Hermann were married on, Wednesday," November 24, at the residence of me bride's mother on Geary street. Only relatives were present at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. ILrmnnn are visit- ing the north on their bridal tour. HOME GATHERINGS. A Brilliant Week in Local Social Circles. Amost delightful tog party was given last Friday evening by Mis-: Nannette Ames in honor of Miss Blanch cover of Riverside. A tug. prettily decorated with Chinese lanterns, left Clay-street wharf at 7 p. m.. and with music and song the parly cruised around the bay for several hours, during which time a light supper was served. Among those pre-ent nere: Miss J. Blanch Cover, J. Edwin Russell. Harry Fleming. Miss Elsie Brown, William Wetherbed, Mi-s Ella Dallam, J. Walker Ames, Miss Cecile 11. Mac- gregor, Lester Chemlnant, Miss Mary 8. Anus, Ailred _. Bharrocks, Mis* A. Blanch Fairweather, W. M. Murdock, Miss Krug, Miss Daisy Ames. Clifton Cbemluant. Henry 1. iirah'ia. Miss Bradford, Miss M.Serrot, Stewart lair weather, Miss Eleanor Kemps <.n,' Miss Jennie T. Ames, A. Milne Ramsay, Miss Anna Weaver, Eugene Painter, Miss Harriet bit ham, William Aine«. Miss Naunelte E. Ames, David Brown, M.Knouito . Miss Eva irweather, J. Marshall Fletcher. Miss Jennie Graham, Clark Bradford, Mr. V.,.i, Arthur K>rapston. O.i the '_'7th ult. Mr.nnd Mr-. John 11. Brown celebrated tne thirty-third anniversary oi their marriage bygiving n hoiisewarming in their cozy new home at 840 Sbr*ider street, a most c J ya ble evening was- passed. The ap- preciation of their friends was shown tne host and hostess by some elegant [resents of china and silver ware. The dining-room was deco- rated very tastefully with stately chrysanthe- mums. a bounteous supper was served. 'those ore sen were: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, Mrs. A. Porter. Mrs. Rathboie, Mrs. 8011, Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Wesllake, Miss Wesllake, Mis- C son. Miss Grace Fredericks, Miss D. White, Miss R. Bell, Wil- liam Brown, C. Bell, W. Holler and Warren Westlake. The golden wedding of Mr.and Mrs. George Scarpa was eelebraied at 'he residence oi their daughter, Mrs. A. C. Kail. 3237 Sxteenth street, on Saturday evening, November 27 Among those present were: Mr. and Mr-. BUucbard, Mr. and Mrs. Lnu;s Martin. -Jos ph Scarpa, M. Scarpa, P. Scarpa, Mrs. de Bene- ditti, Miss do Beneditti. Mr. and Mrs. Myrick and A. C. Kull. A very pleasant party was given to Miss Dot- tie Fava on the occasion of her eleventh birthday last Wednesday afternoon, at tier residence, 135 Duncan street A delightful afternoon was passed In playing games, sing- ing and lane." dances by little Miss Winnie Le Clair of Oakland. At 5 o'clock the children nssembled in the dining-room, which was _z- tlstlcallydecorated with pink and white roses and garlands of sin; ax. Here the little ones were made nappy with a bounteous supply of good things. Miss F»va was th.> recipient ol a number of dainty presents. Miss Fuva whs assisted oy Mrs. Morr.ttsev, Mis. Louis De lair ot Oakland and Miss Kathrvu Murphy of Oak- land. On Sunday. November 28, a dinnerparty was given in honor of the Christening of beir Utile daughter by Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Qandolfo at their residence in this city. Among the invited guests were: E. Blanch! Jr. (son-in- law ol the boat and hostess) and wile, the Misses Rose, Teresa and Lillie Gandolfo, Miss Leonie Goyette, Miss France, Miss Poggt, Mrs Mary Poggi, Mr. and Mis. Domcnico, fcig- nor Gtusti, Mr. and Mrs. Gandolfo, Messrs. Mullaly, Dunnlaan, Crown. Richards, Char let, Franks, Hollies. Battilana, Henry Tassett, u'Gnrman and Senator Rice. Choice musical selections interspersed the numerous courses, a string orchestra being In attendance. Mrs. Eugene A. Beauce gave a dinner at her home on Sunday last at which Hon. H. L. Frank oi Butte, Mont., and B. C. Kingsbury oi Spokane wer- the honoren guests. On Thanksgiving eve Miss May H. Lowrcv was given a surprise party at her home, 225 Shotweil street, arranged and carried out by Miss Edith Hurley. The evening was spent In singing, dancing and games. At 12 o'clock supper was served. George Keane and little Willie Cooper entertained with their songs, and W. Conner rendered several selections on the plana Among the guests were: Mr and Mrs T. F. Lowney. Mr. and Mrs. E E. Dalton, May li. Lowney, Mnyme 1 niton, Ethel Man- uel, Edith Hur.ev, Flossy Lowney, Lottie Kaston. Svivia O'Loghleu, Frances Hurley, Edna O'Neill, Gussie Stolz, Nora Meyers, Annie Higgius, Laura Neal, Mrs. C. Condon, Alberta Gilbert, Mrs. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, Angela Low- ii' v, James Kindellan, Thomas Gardiner, E. Glennon. George Keane, John O'Brien, Frank Roe, Martin Biggins, George Dowden, Leo Bernard, W. Cosner, W. Cooper, W. Movers. W. Jackson, James Doyle, Henry Diercks, George Carroll. George Lowney, Harry Peter* son, Walter Condon, Frank ana Charles D_.- ton and Bab.- Stan] O'Neill. Tuesday, November 31), being the twelfth anniversary of the birth of Master Freddie Coustette, a party was given byMr. ami Mrs. Louis Constettn at their residence, 017 Ash avenue, in honor of the event. Tho following guests were present: Mab>l Ueider, Laura llus-on. Milton Keener, Jennie Coustette, Hattie Thode, Harry lvr Kes. Emily Schraemll, Juliette Bergf«, Freddie Constette, Olga Tnode, Alexander Huston and Laura Heider. The dinner-table was presided over by Mr-. Constette, assisted by Mrs. Beecncr and Mrs. Frank K. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lswlson gave a dinner party on Thanksgiving evening, in honor of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. McGlil, at the handsome residence of the lormer on i'acific avenue. It was a emplo family affair. The handsome dining- room was artistically decorated in festoons of smilax and duchesse roses. An appreciable expression of the national holiday took place at the home oi Mr and Mrs Tautphaus. 1529 California street where a bountiful repast was served in the softened glow ol many shaded lamps and artistically globed tapers, set in a bower of ferns, holly, scarlet berries and roses. Miss Emma Frances Dawson, California's gltted poet nnd mystical story writer, and Mrs. Caimichnel Carr, the well-known vocalist, were amo -g the favored guests. Music and recitations, rend » by th? Misses Tautphaus, followed ; the very enjcyp.b c edible entertainment. The many frlendi of Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson gave them a most delighttu! sur- prise party on Tnanksgiving eve at their residence, t::ts Castro street, it being the first anniversary of their marriage, and also to welcome Mr. Anderson home after a long trip to China, Tup party met at the residence of Mrs fields, 843 II ward street, and proceeded in a body to Mr. Anderson's, where a most en- joyab.e evening was spent. The party was enlivened with several vocal selections by Mr. and Mrs. G. Youngson, Miss Lilly Herxog, Miss Maud Case and Miss Nell*Field*. Prolssso'r I'resbury. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Riley played °"";splendid instrumental music. Supper was served after midnight, and the merry guests deptrtel in the "we sma" hours. Among those present wore: Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, Captain aud Mr«. J. M. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. G. Young- son, Mr. and Mrs. M. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Lynegh, Mr and Mrs. Langtrv, Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson, < aptain and Mrs. ii. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan, Mis., Mrs. Edward-, Miss R. Morrissey, Miss M. Courtney, Miss LillieHerzog, Miss Nelia Fields, Miss E McCarthy, Miss M. Doe- gan. Miss C. Koha. Mi s I. Stephens, Miss M. Cullum, Miss M. Smith of Portland, Or. ; Miss L. Monttomery, Miss H. McCarthy, Miss L. Messer, Ms- B. Bo.'er-. H. McMullln, D. Dv Owens of tne steamship Rio de Janeiro. M Lamb, London, England; 1.. Herbert, New York; W. Hive. W. Daw- in. P. Bailey, G. Has- trof, F.Glenn, Captain A. Hansen, Seattle; M. Lewis, Captain Rodgers,B. Bissett, Martinez; lewis G. Smith, ship £1 island; J Dawson, M. Anderson; S. T. Goodweli, Japan; L.Presbury, ; Robinson tin I many others. A de.ightful birthday party was given to Miss Ella Peck on Friday, November '26, at the residence oi h r parents. 282 aBryant avenue. Many presents were received trom the friends of the young lady. Those present uere Miss Sophie Lew. Miss Alma Herbst, Mis, Gertrude Bark, Miss Ida Currey. Miss Gertie O' Do until, Mrs C. Peck, Mrs < '. Levy, Mrs W.Levy, Mrs. p. Bel ion, Mrs. J.Burns, Mrs. F. (V.irey, Mrs. J. O'DonnelL The music*. riven by the pupils of Mis- Florence M. Smith last turnay afternoon, vemter 20, was a very enjoyable affair. Tuss taking part were .Mis Mela Eggers, Master Herman Egcers, the Misses Anna and Cnnstino Fisher, the Misses Emilyaivi Grace Wegener, the Misses Ella and Sadie McCrsek- en, the Misses Hattie and Cora Kiinkner, Miss Kiff Pettigrew, Mis- Irene Raphael, Miss Edna I', yd, Miss Ada Williamson, Mia* Katherine Fin lay. Miss Ella French and Miss Laura Cutler. A few little friends of Eva Pries of 343 T.irte nth street met on Wednesday evening in honor of her eleventh birthday, which 101 l on Thanksgiving day this year. The time was spent in aioginp, <-anclng and games. Those present wore: May Mullen, Smith, May Km aird, Lena Sundon, Lulu Ba 1 van, Merlan Grace, Edna X crnan, Almee KL-rnan, Willi Mullen, Ethel Pries, Chester Pries, Hazel Piles and Eva Tries. A very pleasant turpi party was given to Miss Hildas Jackson On Saturday evening, the 13 li ult.. at her res: I,llc-, 19 Prosper street, by her many young i. lends. The evening was scent most enjoyably In dancing, singing and games until a lata hour, when supper was served. A very pleasant r ception was given on the evening ot thelGtn ult., on board tho Brit- ish snip Hanniman by Captain Green to a number of h.s friends. " Tne cabin was beauti- fully decorated with chrysanthemums, bunt- ing and Chinese lanterns, presenting a very artistic appearance. The evening was pleas- antly spent in dancing and music Reiresh- nicnts were served and the gue-ts made merry until a late hour. Among those invited were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1). Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Joh , Utschig, Mr. and Mis. W. Kane, Mr.and Mrs. W. de Winton Miss E. rsoiis. Miss Q. Holland, Miss 1.. fjiscnlg, Mis- F. Holland. Miss J. Kane, Mis- -1.. Holland. Miss Pearl Keed, Miss J. Holland, and the Misses tie Winton and others. Miss Mary <). sen 01 2538 Post street gave a pauy 10 a number of her friends on Saturday evening, November 20. The evening wag pleasantly spent in dancing, games, etc MISS MARIE OGE. Miss Marie Oge is one of San Rafael's prettiest buds who is spending the season in this city. Miss Oge was formally presented at the tea given in honor of her cousin. Miss Marie Wells, whose guest she is. Miss O-e Is a tall and slender demi- blonde, with nut-brown hair and soulful blue eyes. She is highly accomplished and >s already an established social favorite. Early in the new year Mrs. ".Veils and M;s- Wells will leave for New York and Miss One willthen be chaperoned by Mrs L. L. Baker. F J CLUB PARTIES. Fashionable Organizations Enter- tain Their Friends. Miss Susie Logan entertained the members of the Fin de fclecte Whist Club on Monday evening. Three games oi whist were earnestly contested, the first prizes being won by Miss Faith Ganib.'tz and Elliott Davis, and the con- solation prizes by Miss Emma Frosek and J. H. Wheeler. Dancing followed, alter which the guests repaired to the dining-room, where a dainty supper was served. Tho table, which was arranged In the shape of a Maltese cross, was artisticaly decorated with streamers of red und green ribbon, smilax and holly berries, the favors being miniature red fans Dancing was resumed after supper. The members of the n.i de Steele Club are: Miss Faith Gam- be ie, E. B. Davis, Miss Maud Haas, Leo Gam- bets, Miss Lilian V. aiiman, Horace Morgan, Missß.-rdio GamDtMz, Thomas Smvtbc, Miss Thelma Krefaber, J. C. Crooks, Miss de Goider .1. 11. Wheeler, Miss Susie Logan, Walter Burner, Miss A. Hromads, W. H. Robinson Georto Ooidcr, Miss J. Ilromada, L. E.rhillips. M I Emma Prosek. W. K. Owens, Miss Ida Wolfe. A very enjoyable theater party was given by the members of the Hawthorne Literary and Social Club at the Columbia Theater last Saturday evening, November 27, which was followed by a d-.-iiehtful supper in a down- town cafe, The owing members were in attendance, the ladies all handsomely gowned In evening dresses: Miss Gertie Green, Miss Gertie Austin, Miss Lulu \Vard, Miss Maud G..och, Miss Henrietta Anderson, Miss Rota Malone, Miss 1. uls* Sorenson, Miss Josle Davis. Miss Daisy McDermot, A. J. Faivey, Percy Hammond, Charles White. Herbert Ball, Fred Stanford, Carlton Moss, Wiliium Poole, Joseph Coleman, Dave Harris, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Williams. Amost .ysble entertainment and dance was given on Thanksgiving night by the ladies of the Catholic church at Cloverdale. The programm , which was short and select, was lollow d by a dance, in which 200 couples occupied ihe floor. X sitsky'a Vienna Orchestra discoursed sweet and popular music for the dancers. Supper was served in the banquet-hall at mid- night. The Misses Smith, Metier. Luther and Bar- rett. Dr. J. P. Mccarty, Joseph Hick.-v, David Coghlan. William Kohl and Dents C. Sheer in, with their music, songs aid specialties con- tributed to the pleasure of the evening. M Mo tie Smith attended to the comfort of the guests. T. B. Wilson was floor manager, assisted by Thomas Mitchell and Thomas Lunnev. The Willing Workers' Circle of King's Daughters of Simpson Methodist Ed scopal Cnurchgavea very enjoyable "at home" on Tuesday evening at the residence of Captain and Mrs. Charles Goodsll. An excellent pro- gramme was prepared by Mrs. 11. C. Porter, Miss Guss c Menfcu and Miss Maud Langton. Miss Emily Spencer and Charles Mayer's solos were charmingly rendered, and Mrs. Laug- stroth delighted her audience as usml. After the programme refreshments were served. The Vars vienne Club gave their usual monthly social Saturday evening, December 4 at Wei s Hall, ltlul Post street. The affair was a great success. The fifth anniversary ball cf the Helen Mutual Benevolent Society was held at Union- square Hall, 421 Post street, Saturday even- ing, December 4. The officers of the club are: M. D. Vanvales, president; G. Tsikoores. vice- president; A. Kosta, treasurer; A. Pappa- gcorge. secretary. Tho first of the series of concerts insti- tuted under the direction of Mis Melville- Snyder went off most auspicious. y last Tues- day evening. A number of this talented lady's pupbs made their debut before a fash- ionable mid crowded house at Kohier & Chusa's Bali, in O'Farrell street. Among those who distinguished themselves vocally w re Miss Fanny E Ryan 7 Miss Minnie Bra- ham, Miss Eleanor SMnford.dau titer ot Mrs. S. L B«i ford Fruitvale: Etta Culbrein and Miss Kathryn Ma. idem aoly assisted by Misirs. John Ha'satt and Cownen and Mas or Cieary. Mr. Cowden's duet with Miss Millie Colvcrse was especially appreciated. Mis- Etta Culbreth's rendition of tno "Kissing Duet" from "SaidPasha," "My Dream of You,'' and for core "Don't Be Cioss," was warmly received Mrs. Meivllle-Snyder was at her best In the difficult parts of Master Walter, Sir Thomas Clifford, E.lzabeth and Marie Stuart, Master Cieary proved hira-elf a most taunted player on the viol more especially in his variations of "Tne Blue Beds of Scot- land." A. together the performance passed off in a most pleasing manner, entirely creditable to both directress and artists. Del Monte. DEL MONTE, Dec. 4.— Now that winter has really begun and a little frost is noticeable in the atmosphere both morning and evening, the guests at this pleasant hostelry seem to enjoy thecheerfulnessof the big logfire in the lobby, and rather an indolent air pervades the place in consequence. The unusually early snows of the East arV driving the winter comfort-seekers to Cali- fornia, an i Del Monte is getting many of them. Indeed, the hotel management antici- pate an exceptionally good holiday season, and is making preparations to have the com. Ing Christinas spent In a her elaborate sty It - The grounds already have a holiday a ppear ance because of the number of bushes on which Christmas berries are growing. Golf is much indulged in now, seeming doubly pleasant on these bracing afternoons. Horseback-riding is also a favorite pastime. Some of the notable visitors here arc: Geo: ge A. Stanley and wife. Cleveland, Ohio* Mr. and Mn. W. H. Dumohy. George L. Volk- mann and family; J. 11. Volkmann, San Fran- cisco; James E. Wilson and wife. New York City; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nicholson, Erie Perm.; A. T. Bennett, Chicago; E.J. Brown Berkeley: J. J. Munnn, San Francisco; A. O. Jackson, New York; Mrs. William Snowdon Waterloo, Iowa; Mrs. J. Hubert, Voeborgh, Grand Forks. North Dakota; Alfred Crebbin Denver. Colo.; William M. Gray and wife Bradford, England; Mr«. R. M. Bogle, Nash- ville, Term. ; Mr. and Mrs. Black, San Fran- cisco; James H. Harris and wife. New York City; Henry Tuleson. St. Louis; W. H. chand- ler and wife. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; 11. F. de Wriart", J. H. Macolne, Shanghai, China; John V. Clarke and wife, Chicago; Mr. ana Mrs. Charles Wes cv, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. August A. Schneider, F. D. Myer, ban Francisco. Cor onado. CORONADO, Dec. 4.—Among tbe week's visitors from San Francisco were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. lontana, A. G. Glenn, Mrs. F. Ortmann, Miss M. Ortmann, B. Aiuhold and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Olmsted. R. E. Voigt, who Is down from tho city, will remain some time. Mrs. A. L. Almquist and Miss Ida L. Alm- quist arrived recently from Chicago, and are enjoying life at the hotel. Mrs. Jofie E. Harvey of New Orleans ii with Mrs. Almquist The Alert whs in the bay a couple of days, the presence of the officers adding much "to the social pleasures ot the house. Anion* prominent Eastern arrivals Is Mrs. M. Sabine of Syracuse, N. V., who come" to pass her third season at the hotel. Mrs. Sabine divides her time between California and Europe. Miss Abbott is passing a few weeKs with friends in Ked lands. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wertheim and Mrs. E. Cole- man ofNew York spent Sunday here, accom- panied by Joseph Hirsh of San" Fran Cisco. F. Foster .Bradley of Cincinnati is staying at the hotel and doing some shooting on tho bay. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11. Pearson ot Dolus Ferry, N. V.,»re at me in the Muir cottage. Park place and Orsngo avenue. Gnavmas, Mexico, is represented here hy Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Yberrl. Mr.and Mrs. Isaiah Josephi »n.i Mr. ana Mrs. Jules Knulraanu ot New York were here on t>l<-u>.ure bent, and drove, fished nnd hunted during their visit. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hamilton are registered here from Albany. N. Y. The Rev. George E. Kelthley aitd sister, Miss Kelthley, will shortly occupy the Meeker cottage, on Tenth street. Miss Lucy Btiven arrived on the 30th nit. from .Michigan, to pass thy winter withMrs. M. U. Harrison, on the Beach drive. San Jose* SAN JOSE. Dec. 4 —The Winter Club gave a highly successful theatrical entertainment, under the auspices of Mr-. Neville Castle, at tne residence if Mrs. W. 11. Wright, corner of 24 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1597. Continued on l'age Thirty-two. Carpets & Rugs At Frisco's Leading Carpet Department. ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, "^uaraneed mi wool, goods that cannot be bought in this city for less than 75c per yard, will beofferei for _t\ this sale at the unheard-of price of per yard OUC. FIVK-FKAMK BRUSSELS, an excellent assortment of handsome <!es:ens which cannot be purchased sewhere lor less than ci ill $1 84, will be offered at 3>1.17.i AXMIJfSTEB CARPET-, beautiful exclu- sive designs da'ntlly Mended colorings- V. rt - this heavy pile carpet, in this 5a1e....?. .. $1.03 TAPKSTKV BRUSSELS. thestaDdard nukes earned In stock, in a large variety of aeons' and colors, adapted for any room, halls, stairs c c, wo ib up 10 7Sc per yard, to be offered Rrt ' In tnis sale at, . .. _ 50c. ROYAL WILTONS, a large number of pat- urns which we have sold during the _otm_ season »t«2 28 per yard, will be offered** FS& in order to close out at per yard 3>1.^5 W X F}\V T rETS, extra fine will be _- ' suld during this sale at _ 85 C B__ X t VT - lr L axhinster rugs, inst received, offered at jobbers' prices: Size 7 feet 10 inches _{_''•.'_\u25a0 by 5 feet 6 inches.. sW>.73 Size 10 feet 3 inches te -- by 7 feet 3 inches.. 1J.73 Size 10 feet 10 inches <__ _j_ by 8 feet 8 inches.. a.\}.3\) Size 13 leet 1 inch oa n _ by 9 feet 10 inches.. AO.UO j500 rolls Japanese Mattings. 10c, 12c, 150 yd. Rllfm M »de from the ids and ends of body 1 _ .-_\Aj-. and Dor er of the various Kinds of car- « I pets carried in our stock, 10 be sacrificed for LESS THAN COST OF MATERIAL. ; SdlVrrirl RlinC An immense assortment OlliyilIU IVUIjS. of handsome patterns, j strirtly all-wool, double-faced, at about \_ regular prices: Fach. I Fach. ! Single D00r5...... «».->> 36x72 1n... $ •>_ bureaus S 1 ,O0 6x9 ft 9 ... L't;.\s4ni 1.40|10:6x7:6 17 /so 30xb0lu a.OOll-xtfft lilt' Art SniiarPS. A large variety In the **. r\lL ualcJ ' uxw d limited sites, guar- anteed strictly a I- wool, choice patterns: Bx9 v anls, worth $9. now S5 4n V.x.v' ... yards, worth $10 SO. now " 6"«5 3x-i yards, worth $Vl, now. ; 7*T U D i r-, Polid ° ak Dining . I Chair, exactly like cut ; Jished: hes, quality cane oSFE- seat; handsome: s Id BlBfffl /i oak; made on honor; ' lilil Pi^--~i-_-~ZF,I The same upholstered 1/1 /// In genuine Monkey MX Jjl leather <r^=~2_W^ $1.50. V <p&^-^_*p-_ '^\\ TE-rotnotwas/«i p" \u25a0 \u25a0" I rlm= il any time, we are / j v- Headquarters ILt 1 ' for Chairs. f Pattosien's, COS. 113101 MD IBTH STS. Goods Exchanged and money cheerfully refunded. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mail Orders promptly filled. TO PATTOISEN'S. The Mission-street cars and Fillmore-street cars both stop in front of our store. Get a transfer, and when you are through shopping exchange this transfer at our office for a special stopover transfer, which will carry you back to any part of the city. A visit to our store will well pay any intending purchaser. You will find here an UN- EQUALED ARRAY of the most exclusive house furnishings, all grades, all prices. A few words, If well chosen, may give you a fair idea of our stock. No other firm in the city offers you equally valuable goods at our prices. They can't afford to do it—they pay too much rent. If our "Specials" fail to con- vince you inspect the goods themselves— they talk. NOTE— AII goods marked in plain figures. Everybody wel- come to buy or to look. Brass Beds, Etc. White Enameled Iron Beds, brass (to £_t_ mounted iJ*_9._f\J White Enameled Iron Bed«, In all size*, with extension foot rail, brass top rods <£A »f» and mounts wts / D Iron Bods, enameled any color, nil c zes, bow i extension toot rail, brass lop <(l_r Kf|I rods, aud mounts; *3>/«%JVr "Our Special" Brass Bed O*^ E (___ YOUSAVE MONEY AT; Pattosien's. _. _^ NEW TO-DAT-DRY GOOD^ / f OVER CHRISTMAS PRESENTS [ that is if you will come and see what we * c have gathered together, with a view of making a selection the simplest * c thing in the world. On every hand you'll see something appropriate * i for a friendly remembrance. In everything the qualities good and prices * ( low. * 2, I STERLI fi SILVER NOVELTIES. LEATHER GOODS. | HANDKERCHIEFS. |V i UMBRELLA CLASPS 15c Purses. Bags, Wallets, Card in the most expre-sive language we can * * PAPER CUTTERS 25c | c«ses, Pocket and Combination think o ; these are all rattling good * i BOOK MARKS 35 Ii o°ks,n a ,? reat variety of Leathers bargains; J ( "'" at Lowest Pr.c s. .. ,.. _ i , NAILFILES .-»<»», _• ±' r. . _ * I Embroidered ar.d Hemstitched Handker- J ' c SHOE BUTTONERS 50c ! tOlllOllliltlOn BOOKS c"rd C«e chiefs for Ladies and Children ten pat- * 1 ctitvi' TiDB r-« I .„• Combined. terns to choose from 12^ cts + r ,;, . , J **° 5 ° C " ! _rf_^\_\%\f l . ' > * 5a Pure Linen Hand-embroidered Handker. * [ PENCIL TIPS «Oc A*! ' 11 °0.51.75.*200 chiefs, 100 new patterns to select from * ( HAIR COMBS 75c 1 Morocco—At $L5O. $1.75 |1.35, : $1.65, Ctne.s, munew pai.eriu 25 each J t HAIR COMBS rSclFan..vroather-Ai*lJs,VLi^,\-ii:«3 '.' ' \u25a0• «*" oach * J CURLING IRONS 75c Ioil* - 50, « , \u25a0.'** , t : Irish Linen, Hand-embroidered Handker- * ' \u0084n- „~^„„ Same in finer goods beautifully r-ht-f- idrichstvlM in ,-t_ Hr ' * SHOE HORNS OOc mounted— at $3.50. ?5.00, $650, r chieL-. oO rich stj 3 : VV„" " " " L cts J X vu-t. unmrp,' os-„ I $7 50 nnd $12 50 each. ! Ladies' Pure Linen Initial Han Jkerchiefs, C , l t__i _t\ri_ua._-B Woe , Chatelaines, in assorted colors of seal. j handwork initials » for SO cts* J * STAMP CASES 95c \ t£lg_*_r oo n 'l 1 morocco, at $1.00, M- '* Handkerchiefs, Irish Linen * I HAT BRUSHES..... $1.00 *1-^. $1.00, $2.25, $2.75. .?_.._.„_ 25 cts * [ PUNGENT 3 ..*.'."*.*'.*."*.'.".*.".*.'..'51*.10 GENTS' WALLETS •••-••-•••• •••^,^.-;v----- - _ t MATCHBOXES $1.25 , \u0084 T- T"-.^-' We have the handsomest stock of Sofa £ [ INKWELLS.... $1.05 lQ "iTOflMVVsVyfe OO, * LSO « !Cushions California has ever been .bo.n. J r i.ATP .bimjpr _'t __ s--J.tTJ.uo, *-.-.. ; Among them are a great many exquwitelv * _ HAIR hKlbllhb 9..1.00 'hand-painted and beautifully embmid- *- \ An elegant line of Sterling Silver- | SHOPPING BAGS. ered. Some for 83.2*5, s >me for 53.50, * t mounted Cut Glassware. Abie assortment of latest shapes— at *om«» for 8-1. and others that cost as high * c .._ _ $1.50, $225, $2.75. $3.50. as «20. —— _ J I = MISSES' COMBINATION BOORS j = J I -t—_ At 25 cts, 50 cts, 75 cts and $1.00. _^_ * ijf^J <?^\ ALLIGATOR GRIPS. /~vn >^^ * : _&\_z/ = -' V < A complete assortment In all sizes. C _j~~\ V?" /fk.- * i m^_**i_W-^^_m " ciiPOcoTiniJ "'book" 1 lL~'^^ES M '^M * ; pgk Z_]S*mßr^S \^*m_ wUbuto I iUfi DuUK | fe^ * ladies. 1 " Send fur tt. b & i »^^«\ L/^ * 125-127-129-131 KEARNY STREET. J ALL ROADS LEAD Lace Curtains. | Fine Hangings, Fine Drapery Fabrics, CLEARING SALE! Fine Ike, Plain and Figured Damasks, Bro- caded s Its, all Silk and Silk and Wool, Silk an Linen and Oriental Materials. 50 inches wide Reversible. Think of it ! i $2 00 a yard your choice ."ale a yard. $3.00 a yard your choice 75e a yard. M00 a yard your choice SI.OO a yard. BS 00 a yard—your choice $1.25 a yard. $7 50 a yard—your choice $2.00 a yard. REMNANTS of these goods will be closed out at simply wonderfully low prices. suit- able lor pil ows, etc. This is a great opportu- nity to got Pillow Coverings. FmesSsoL£C2 Curtains reduced to 95 00 a pal . Fine $10 Lace Curtains reduced to 90. OO a pr. $12.50 Laco Cunalns reduced to 97.50 a pa i r. Fine $15 Luce Curtains reduced to 99.00 a pr. j Fine $20 Lace Curtains reduced to $12 OO pr. Fine *••."> Lace Curtains reduced to $15. 00 pr. All Lace Curtains mentioned above are re- duced and marked special ir this Bale only, and w will not duplicate at these prices later. Striped Plain Nets. For Prilled Curtains, Bed Draperies and Spreads, c- c them— tin are fashionable and very v common— can be had from Us onlr. Tambour Muslins for Sash Curtains at 10c, i- ! .c, 15c, 18c, SOc and -.".<• a yard. ' Novelties in Lace Nets lor Vestibuled doors and transoms at ti.-.c a yard up. We ahow a complete line of all-sash Cur- tain materiil In lace and silk. Special sale of Grille Work at 35c a square ' foot, reauy Tor delivery. Also Grilles made ami hung to order. Out-of-town customers md for catalogue. Parlor Furniture. $11.00— Hand-Polished Window Seats— 3 feet - inches long, 13 Inches wide, CC eft fin* carved base. Sale price uID.OU $9.00 Parlor Rockers, hand polished, high carved tuck, rich damask uphols- <cc AA terlug; very luxurioti- .Sale price •3>sJ»vlU ' $38.00 Parlor Suits— handsomely inlaid- fine damask or embro I- red velour *_'_ « «7 I coverings. Sale price q>^4-. / 3 , %_,__ Parlor Rockers —carved b*C*— trace I arms hand [...ashed. Sale st"? Kft ' $20.00 Chippendale Divans"—"hand carvel an i very fine poll rich si.k <_!"* Eft damask covering. Saloprce.... yJI^»vJV/ \u25a0_.„:. Assortment of colors." $75.00 Parlor Suit—mahogany— hand carved and upholstered in very tine C^Q ftft damask, Sale price JBtOsUU PATTOSJEN'S, COR. MISSION AND 16TH STS. | _ . _ THE Ours Is the LARGEST FURNI - Satisfactory Shop. TIKE HOUSE in the West. _____Z_2t'^f T _iyjm *-^ * ' "*¥^

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Page 1: The San Francisco call (San Francisco, Calif.) 1897 …, and on Friday evening, December 10, willbe held tne first colli on of the Friday Night Club. Mr. Greenway, ne usual,

SOCIETYTha winter of 1*97 is sure to pass in the

social history of the State as the jolliest, gay-est, most brilliant season on record.

This has been an early season and an un-usually cap] one.

Social leaders have vied with each other Inattempts to entertain elaborately and r.t thesame timo they have striven to introducenovelties.

Teas have led in pre'erence to other modesofentertaining, but the tea oi to-day is amostelaborate function. Invitations are issued bythe .id i'is. the music is unexcelled and innearly ah i'lsinncesa dinner and dance lollow.

However, it is rumored that In spite of thisearly ayety the real joyful things are yet to

Mrs. Whittier is arranging Inr an elaboratebad, lo be held some lime before the holidays,at her magnificent home on Jackson street.This willbe the first large function at whichthis generous hostess :as sided since her

marriage. As Miss Lzzie Carrol, it willberemembered, Mrs. Whittier entertained ex-tensively.

Naturally the debutantes have had Itallttieirown way and ma of this s< ason's en-tertainments ha\ been given n. their honor.Miss Susie Blending is one ni this season'sbuds who is ye; to be heard (rom and Mrs.LloydTevis wil proLab.y give an entertain-ment at which Miss Blending will lormallybe presented.

On Wednesday evening, December 8, thefirst dance if the Terpsichoreans will takeplace, and on Friday evening, December 10,willbe held tne first colli on of the FridayNight Club. Mr. Greenway, ne usual, willlend, with Mi-s Edna Hopkins fur his partner.

Yesterday after oon at her h me oo Leav-enworth sireet Mrs. Gaston Ashe gave a de-lightful tea, at which several hundredguests were entertained. The hours ofthe reception were from 4 till 7 o'clock.Chrysanthemums of all shades were usedto decorate the home. Mrs. Ashe received herguests, assisted by Mrs. Ashe, MissElizabeth Ash •. Miss Esthel Keeuey, E liuwood, Miss Leon ine Blake-niiin,M ss Cent vieve Peters oi Stockton, MissMarie Wells, Gertie Carroll and the MissesBorel. ,

Mrs. George Palmer and Miss GertrudePalmer gave ati elaborate tea yesterday after-noon between the hours ol 5 and 7at theirhome, corner >\u25a0! Jackso . and St laer -treets.The indies were assisted In receiving theirEuest- by Miss Florence "-tone. Miss MatelBaton, Miss Florence de Long, Miss Xa throBurton.Miss Mane Mes-er.MI-s Heed Hutch tut,M ss Bertie Bruce and Miss Nettle Lawards.In the evening there was a dinner for thelad es of the receiving party, and Mr. and Mrs.Pickering; Waiter Scot:, E. M. Gr.enway,George Lewis, Frank Brooks, Edward McAflVe,I-vi do K«6l d,Rylett Cotton, Percy Jonesand Joseph Kane.


"Wedding Bells That Wiil ChimeBefore the New Year.

The wedding of P. Alexandre Berv'er<>t, thepopular young attorney, and Miss AmandaDupuy, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. P. Dupny,will be solemnized on Wednesday evening,December B. at Notre Dame dea Vie oire-Church, on Bush street The maid 01 honorwill be Ms- Marie Bergerot, sister of thegroom, and the best man Will.amI.Brobeck.The bridesmaids wilt he Cyeita Ma,; aid,Tnerese L coste, Elsie Brun and Alice LipiaC-vMax Berges, Camil.e Ihebuan, Tn. l__-coste, Louis l.acaze, L >u:s carraine and J. S.Go lean will 1 ffidate as ushers.

Tne engagement of Miss R. C. Miller toMarshal Ha.c has been announced.


Home and Church Ceremonies ofthe Past Week.

There was a pretty wedding on Thanksgiv-ing night ct St- John's Evangelical Church,1513 Mason street, the contracting partietbeing Miss Helena Ziun and FrederickCharles Boden.

The bride was attended by her sister, MissCatherine Zaun, and George Boden, thebrother of the groom, was best man.

Rev. Mr.Mangold, the pastor of St. John's,pronounced the words that made the happycoup one.

The church was beautifully decorated withferns and chrysanthemums. Tne bride wasattired in a magnificent gown of duchessesatin, trimmed with rare old lace and pearls.She carried a bouquet of bride's roses. MistCatherine 7, un wore a dainty pink muilegown and carried an immense bunch otchrysanthemums. Alter tin., ceremony therewas a bridal supper at the Occidental Mr.and Mrs Boden have gone 10 Coronado for abridal tour.

Miss Myra Brandt and Barry 8. Malone weremarried on Thursday. November 24. the Rev.Dr. Hemphillofficiating. Irene Fowde nofficiated as maid of honor and Miss MinnieBrand 1whs bridesmaid. Dr.Stevens attendedthe groom as best man. The bride was ele-gantly a. tired in a white satin gown elabo-rately trimmed with rare old lace. _

bridalveil fastened to the coiffure wi b a wreath oforange blos-oms completed her costume.

Mr. and Mrs. M lone are ending theirhoneymoon in Southern California.

Clement Wilder ana Mist Ednah LucileTurner were married vi noon on Monday, No-vember 29. by Rev. J. George Gibson.

Ihe wedding, which was strictly private,took place al '2002 Howard street, the homeol A. B. Vogel, uncle 0; the bride.

Mis? Turner is a niece of Dr. J. M.White ofLos Angeles, the weil-mnown dentist.

Mr.Wilder is well known in San Francisco,especially in business He has untilrecently been at the head of ins own business,but Is now under special engagement loJohn Brenner tr. Sacramento as advertislnamanager, a er a luncheon, which was served»\u25a0 the home of the groom's parents, Mr.andMrs.Clement Wilder took the train forSacra-mento, their future home.

Miss Ka eQ ngley and James Hermann weremarried on,Wednesday," November 24, at theresidence of me bride's mother on Gearystreet. Only relatives were present at theceremony. Mr.and Mrs. ILrmnnn are visit-ing the north on their bridal tour.

HOME GATHERINGS.A Brilliant Week in Local Social

Circles.Amost delightful tog party was given last

Friday evening by Mis-: Nannette Ames inhonor of Miss Blanch cover of Riverside. Atug. prettily decorated with Chinese lanterns,left Clay-street wharf at 7 p. m.. and withmusic and song the parly cruised around thebay for several hours, during which time alight supper was served.

Among those pre-ent nere: Miss J. BlanchCover, J. Edwin Russell. Harry Fleming. MissElsie Brown, William Wetherbed, Mi-s EllaDallam, J. Walker Ames, Miss Cecile 11. Mac-gregor, Lester Chemlnant, Miss Mary 8.Anus, Ailred _. Bharrocks, Mis* A.BlanchFairweather, W. M. Murdock, Miss Krug,Miss Daisy Ames. Clifton Cbemluant. Henry1. iirah'ia. Miss Bradford, Miss M.Serrot,Stewart lairweather, Miss Eleanor Kemps <.n,'Miss Jennie T. Ames, A. Milne Ramsay, MissAnna Weaver, Eugene Painter, Miss Harriet

bitham, William Aine«. Miss Naunelte E.Ames, David Brown, M.Knouito . Miss Evairweather, J. Marshall Fletcher. Miss JennieGraham, Clark Bradford, Mr. V.,.i, ArthurK>rapston.

O.i the '_'7th ult. Mr.nnd Mr-. John 11. Browncelebrated tne thirty-third anniversary oitheir marriage bygiving n hoiisewarming intheir cozy new home at 840 Sbr*ider street, amost c J yable evening was- passed. The ap-preciation of their friends was shown tne hostand hostess by some elegant [resents of chinaand silver ware. The dining-room was deco-

rated very tastefully with stately chrysanthe-mums. a bounteous supper was served.

'those ore sen were: Mr. and Mrs. J. H.Brown, Mrs. A. Porter. Mrs. Rathboie, Mrs.8011, Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Wesllake,Miss Wesllake, Mis- C son. Miss GraceFredericks, Miss D. White, Miss R. Bell, Wil-liam Brown, C. Bell, W. Holler and WarrenWestlake.

The golden wedding of Mr.and Mrs. GeorgeScarpa was eelebraied at 'he residence oi theirdaughter, Mrs. A. C. Kail. 3237 Sxteenthstreet, on Saturday evening, November 27Among those present were: Mr. and Mr-.BUucbard, Mr.and Mrs. Lnu;s Martin.-Jos phScarpa, M. Scarpa, P. Scarpa, Mrs. de Bene-

ditti,Miss do Beneditti. Mr. and Mrs. Myrickand A. C. Kull.

A very pleasant party was given to Miss Dot-tie Fava on the occasion of her eleventhbirthday last Wednesday afternoon, at tierresidence, 135 Duncan street A delightfulafternoon was passed In playing games, sing-ingand lane." dances by little Miss WinnieLe Clair of Oakland. At 5 o'clock the childrennssembled in the dining-room, which was _z-tlstlcallydecorated with pink and white rosesand garlands of sin; ax. Here the little oneswere made nappy with a bounteous supply ofgood things. Miss F»va was th.> recipient ola number of dainty presents. Miss Fuva whsassisted oy Mrs. Morr.ttsev, Mis. Louis De lairot Oakland and Miss Kathrvu Murphy of Oak-land.

On Sunday. November 28, a dinnerpartywas given inhonor of the Christening of beirUtile daughter by Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Qandolfoat their residence in this city. Among theinvited guests were: E. Blanch! Jr. (son-in-law ol the boat and hostess) and wile, theMisses Rose, Teresa and Lillie Gandolfo,Miss Leonie Goyette, Miss France, Miss Poggt,Mrs Mary Poggi, Mr.and Mis. Domcnico, fcig-nor Gtusti, Mr. and Mrs. Gandolfo, Messrs.Mullaly,Dunnlaan, Crown. Richards, Char let,Franks, Hollies. Battilana, Henry Tassett,u'Gnrman and Senator Rice.

Choice musical selections interspersed thenumerous courses, a string orchestra being Inattendance.

Mrs. Eugene A. Beauce gave a dinner at herhome on Sunday last at which Hon. H.L.Frank oi Butte, Mont., and B. C. Kingsbury oiSpokane wer- the honoren guests.

On Thanksgiving eve Miss May H. Lowrcvwas given a surprise party at her home, 225Shotweil street, arranged and carried out byMiss Edith Hurley. The evening was spent Insinging, dancing and games. At 12 o'clocksupper was served. George Keane and littleWillie Cooper entertained with their songs,and W. Conner rendered several selections onthe plana Among the guests were: Mr andMrs T. F.Lowney. Mr. and Mrs. E E. Dalton,May li. Lowney, Mnyme 1 niton, Ethel Man-uel, Edith Hur.ev, Flossy Lowney, LottieKaston. Svivia O'Loghleu, Frances Hurley,Edna O'Neill, Gussie Stolz, Nora Meyers,Annie Higgius, Laura Neal, Mrs. C. Condon,Alberta Gilbert, Mrs. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs.J. O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers, Angela Low-ii' v, James Kindellan, Thomas Gardiner, E.Glennon. George Keane, John O'Brien, FrankRoe, Martin Biggins, George Dowden, LeoBernard, W. Cosner, W. Cooper, W. Movers.W. Jackson, James Doyle, Henry Diercks,George Carroll. George Lowney, Harry Peter*son, Walter Condon, Frank ana Charles D_.-ton and Bab.- Stan] O'Neill.

Tuesday, November 31), being the twelfthanniversary of the birth of Master FreddieCoustette, a party was given byMr. ami Mrs.Louis Constettn at their residence, 017 Ashavenue, in honor of the event. Tho followingguests were present: Mab>l Ueider, Laurallus-on. Milton Keener, Jennie Coustette,Hattie Thode, Harry lvrKes. Emily Schraemll,Juliette Bergf«, Freddie Constette, OlgaTnode, Alexander Huston and Laura Heider.The dinner-table was presided over by Mr-.Constette, assisted by Mrs. Beecncr and Mrs.Frank K. Bailey.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lswlson gave a dinnerparty on Thanksgiving evening, in honor oftheir son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Henry I.McGlil, at the handsome residenceof the lormer on i'acific avenue. Itwas aemplo family affair. The handsome dining-room was artistically decorated in festoons ofsmilax and duchesse roses.

An appreciable expression of the nationalholiday took place at the home oi Mr andMrs Tautphaus. 1529 California street wherea bountiful repast was served in the softenedglow ol many shaded lamps and artisticallyglobed tapers, set in a bower of ferns,, scarlet berries and roses. Miss EmmaFrances Dawson, California's gltted poet nndmystical story writer, and Mrs. CaimichnelCarr, the well-known vocalist, were amo -g

the favored guests. Music and recitations,rend » by th? Misses Tautphaus, followed ;the very enjcyp.b c edible entertainment.

The many frlendi of Mr. and Mrs. JamesAnderson gave them a most delighttu! sur-prise party on Tnanksgiving eve at theirresidence, t::ts Castro street, it being the firstanniversary of their marriage, and also towelcome Mr. Anderson home after a long tripto China, Tup party met at the residence ofMrs fields, 843 IIward street, and proceededin a body to Mr.Anderson's, where a most en-joyab.e evening was spent. The party wasenlivened with several vocal selections by Mr.and Mrs. G. Youngson, Miss LillyHerxog, MissMaud Case and Miss Nell*Field*. Prolssso'rI'resbury. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Riley played°"";splendid instrumental music. Supper

was served after midnight, and the merryguests deptrtel in the "we sma" hours.Among those present wore: Mr. and Mrs.James Anderson, Captain aud Mr«. J.M. Fields, Mr. and Mrs. G. Young-son, Mr. and Mrs. M. Anderson, Mr.and Mrs. Lynegh, Mr and Mrs. Langtrv,Mr. and Mrs. T. Anderson, < aptain andMrs. ii. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan,, Mrs. Edward-, Miss R. Morrissey,Miss M. Courtney, Miss LillieHerzog, MissNelia Fields, Miss E McCarthy, Miss M. Doe-gan. Miss C. Koha. Mi s I.Stephens, Miss M.Cullum, Miss M. Smith of Portland, Or.; MissL. Monttomery, Miss H. McCarthy, Miss L.Messer, Ms- B. Bo.'er-. H. McMullln, D. DvOwens of tne steamship Rio de Janeiro. MLamb, London, England; 1.. Herbert, NewYork; W. Hive. W. Daw- in. P. Bailey, G.Has-trof, F.Glenn, Captain A. Hansen, Seattle; M.Lewis, Captain Rodgers,B. Bissett, Martinez;lewis G. Smith, ship £1 island; J Dawson, M.Anderson; S. T. Goodweli, Japan; L.Presbury,•; Robinson tinImany others.

A de.ightful birthday party was given to

Miss Ella Peck on Friday, November '26, atthe residence oi h r parents. 282 aBryantavenue. Many presents were received tromthe friends of the young lady. Those presentuere Miss Sophie Lew. Miss Alma Herbst,Mis, Gertrude Bark,Miss Ida Currey. MissGertie O'Do until, Mrs C. Peck, Mrs <'. Levy,Mrs W.Levy, Mrs. p. Belion, Mrs. J.Burns,Mrs. F. (V.irey, Mrs. J. O'DonnelL

The music*. riven by the pupils of Mis-Florence M. Smith last turnay afternoon,

vemter 20, was a very enjoyable affair.Tuss taking part were .Mis Mela Eggers,Master Herman Egcers, the Misses Anna andCnnstino Fisher, the Misses Emilyaivi GraceWegener, the Misses Ella and Sadie McCrsek-en, the Misses Hattie and Cora Kiinkner, MissKiffPettigrew, Mis- Irene Raphael, Miss EdnaI', yd, Miss Ada Williamson, Mia* KatherineFin lay. Miss Ella French and Miss LauraCutler.

A few little friends of Eva Pries of 343T.irte nth street met on Wednesday eveningin honor of her eleventh birthday, which 101lon Thanksgiving day this year. The time wasspent inaioginp, <-anclng and games. Thosepresent wore: May Mullen, Smith, MayKm aird, Lena Sundon, Lulu Ba 1van,Merlan Grace, Edna X crnan, Almee KL-rnan,Willi Mullen, Ethel Pries, Chester Pries,Hazel Piles and Eva Tries.

A very pleasant turpi party was given toMiss Hildas Jackson On Saturday evening, the13 li ult.. at her res: I,llc-, 19 Prosper street,by her many young i.lends.

The evening was scent most enjoyably Indancing, singing and games until a lata hour,when supper was served.

A very pleasant r ception was given on theevening ot thelGtn ult., on board tho Brit-ish snip Hanniman by Captain Green to anumber of h.s friends.

"Tne cabin was beauti-

fullydecorated with chrysanthemums, bunt-ingand Chinese lanterns, presenting a veryartistic appearance. The evening was pleas-antly spent in dancing and music Reiresh-nicnts were served and the gue-ts made merryuntil a late hour. Among those invitedwere: Mr. and Mrs. J. Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. W.1). Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Joh , Utschig, Mr.and Mis. W. Kane, Mr.and Mrs. W. de WintonMiss E. rsoiis. Miss Q. Holland, Miss 1..fjiscnlg, Mis- F. Holland. Miss J. Kane, Mis--1.. Holland. Miss Pearl Keed, Miss J. Holland,and the Misses tie Winton and others.

Miss Mary <).sen 01 2538 Post street gave apauy 10 a number of her friends on Saturdayevening, November 20. The evening wagpleasantly spent indancing, games, etc

MISS MARIE OGE.Miss Marie Oge is one of San Rafael's prettiest buds who is spending the season in this city. Miss Oge was formally

presented at the tea given in honor of her cousin. Miss Marie Wells, whose guest she is. Miss O-e Is a tall and slender demi-blonde, with nut-brown hair and soulful blue eyes. She is highly accomplished and >s already an established social favorite.Early in the new year Mrs. ".Veils and M;s- Wells will leave for New York and Miss One willthen be chaperoned by MrsL. L.Baker.


CLUB PARTIES.Fashionable Organizations Enter-

tain Their Friends.Miss Susie Logan entertained the members

of the Fin de fclecte Whist Club on Mondayevening. Three games oi whist were earnestlycontested, the first prizes being won by MissFaith Ganib.'tz and ElliottDavis, and the con-solation prizes by Miss Emma Frosek and J. H.Wheeler.

Dancing followed, alter which the guestsrepaired to the dining-room, where a daintysupper was served. Tho table, which wasarranged In the shape of a Maltese cross, wasartisticaly decorated with streamers of redund green ribbon, smilax and holly berries,the favors being miniature red fans Dancingwas resumed after supper. The members ofthe n.i de Steele Club are: Miss Faith Gam-be ie, E. B. Davis, Miss Maud Haas, Leo Gam-bets, Miss Lilian V. aiiman, Horace Morgan,Missß.-rdio GamDtMz, Thomas Smvtbc, MissThelma Krefaber, J. C. Crooks, Miss de Goider.1. 11. Wheeler, Miss Susie Logan, WalterBurner, Miss A. Hromads, W. H. RobinsonGeorto Ooidcr, Miss J. Ilromada, L.E.rhillips.

MI Emma Prosek. W. K. Owens, Miss IdaWolfe.

A very enjoyable theater party was givenby the members of the Hawthorne Literaryand Social Club at the Columbia Theater lastSaturday evening, November 27, which wasfollowed by a d-.-iiehtful supper in a down-town cafe, The owing members were inattendance, the ladies all handsomely gownedIn evening dresses: Miss Gertie Green, MissGertie Austin, Miss Lulu \Vard, Miss MaudG..och, Miss Henrietta Anderson, Miss RotaMalone, Miss 1. uls* Sorenson, Miss JosleDavis. Miss Daisy McDermot, A. J. Faivey,Percy Hammond, Charles White. Herbert Ball,Fred Stanford, Carlton Moss, Wiliium Poole,Joseph Coleman, Dave Harris, Mr. and Mrs.F. J. Williams.

Amost .ysble entertainment and dancewas given on Thanksgiving night by theladies of the Catholic church at Cloverdale.The programm ,which was short and select,was lollow d by a dance, in which 200 couplesoccupied ihe floor.

X sitsky'a Vienna Orchestra discoursedsweet and popular music for the dancers.Supper was served in the banquet-hall at mid-night.

The Misses Smith, Metier. Luther and Bar-rett. Dr.J. P. Mccarty, Joseph Hick.-v, DavidCoghlan. William Kohl and Dents C. Sheer in,with their music, songs aid specialties con-tributed to the pleasure of the evening.

M Mo tie Smith attended to the comfortof the guests.

T. B. Wilson was floor manager, assisted byThomas Mitchell and Thomas Lunnev.

The Willing Workers' Circle of King'sDaughters of Simpson Methodist Ed scopalCnurchgavea very enjoyable "at home" onTuesday evening at the residence of Captainand Mrs. Charles Goodsll. An excellent pro-gramme was prepared by Mrs. 11. C. Porter,Miss Guss cMenfcu and Miss Maud Langton.Miss EmilySpencer and Charles Mayer's soloswere charmingly rendered, and Mrs. Laug-stroth delighted her audience as usml. Afterthe programme refreshments were served.

The Vars vienne Club gave their usualmonthly social Saturday evening, December4 at Wei s Hall, ltlulPost street. The affairwas a great success.

The fifth anniversary ball cf the HelenMutual Benevolent Society was held at Union-square Hall, 421 Post street, Saturday even-

ing, December 4. The officers of the club are:M. D. Vanvales, president; G. Tsikoores. vice-president; A. Kosta, treasurer; A. Pappa-gcorge. secretary.

Tho first of the series of concerts insti-tuted under the direction of Mis Melville-Snyder went off most auspicious. y last Tues-day evening. A number of this talentedlady's pupbs made their debut before a fash-ionable mid crowded house at Kohier &Chusa's Bali, in O'Farrell street. Amongthose who distinguished themselves vocallyw re Miss Fanny E Ryan 7 Miss Minnie Bra-ham, Miss Eleanor SMnford.dau titer ot Mrs.S. L B«i ford Fruitvale: Etta Culbreinand Miss Kathryn Ma.idem aoly assisted byMisirs. John Ha'satt and Cownen and Mas orCieary. Mr. Cowden's duet with Miss MillieColvcrse was especially appreciated. Mis-Etta Culbreth's rendition of tno "KissingDuet" from "SaidPasha," "MyDream of You,''and for core "Don't Be Cioss," was warmlyreceived Mrs. Meivllle-Snyder was at herbest In the difficult parts of Master Walter,Sir Thomas Clifford, E.lzabeth and MarieStuart, Master Cieary proved hira-elf a mosttaunted player on the viol more especiallyin his variations of "Tne Blue Beds of Scot-land." A. together the performance passed offin a most pleasing manner, entirely creditableto both directress and artists.

Del Monte.DEL MONTE, Dec. 4.—Now that winter has

really begun and a little frost is noticeable inthe atmosphere both morning and evening,the guests at this pleasant hostelry seem toenjoy thecheerfulnessof the big logfire in thelobby, and rather an indolent air pervades theplace in consequence.

The unusually early snows of the East arVdriving the winter comfort-seekers to Cali-fornia, an iDel Monte is getting many ofthem. Indeed, the hotel management antici-pate an exceptionally good holiday season,and is making preparations to have the com.Ing Christinas spent Ina her elaborate sty It

-The grounds already have a holiday a ppear

ance because of the number of bushes onwhich Christmas berries are growing.

Golf is much indulged in now, seemingdoubly pleasant on these bracing afternoons.Horseback-riding is also a favorite pastime.

Some of the notable visitors here arc:Geo: ge A. Stanley and wife. Cleveland, Ohio*Mr. and Mn. W. H. Dumohy. George L.Volk-mann and family; J. 11. Volkmann, San Fran-cisco; James E. Wilson and wife. New YorkCity; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nicholson, EriePerm.; A. T. Bennett, Chicago; E.J. BrownBerkeley: J. J. Munnn, San Francisco; A.O.Jackson, New York; Mrs. William SnowdonWaterloo, Iowa; Mrs. J. Hubert, Voeborgh,Grand Forks. North Dakota; Alfred CrebbinDenver. Colo.; William M. Gray and wifeBradford, England; Mr«. R. M. Bogle, Nash-ville,Term. ;Mr. and Mrs. Black, San Fran-cisco; James H. Harris and wife. New YorkCity;Henry Tuleson. St. Louis; W. H. chand-ler and wife. Brooklyn, N. Y.;11. F. deWriart", J. H. Macolne, Shanghai, China;John V. Clarke and wife, Chicago; Mr. anaMrs. Charles Wes cv, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr.and Mrs. August A.Schneider, F. D. Myer, banFrancisco.

Coronado.CORONADO, Dec. 4.—Among tbe week's

visitors from San Francisco were Mr. and Mrs.M.J. lontana, A. G. Glenn, Mrs. F. Ortmann,Miss M. Ortmann, B. Aiuhold and Mr. andMrs. F.L.Olmsted.

R. E. Voigt, who Is down from tho city, willremain some time.

Mrs. A.L.Almquist and Miss Ida L. Alm-quist arrived recently from Chicago, and areenjoying life at the hotel. Mrs. Jofie E.

Harvey of New Orleans iiwith Mrs. AlmquistThe Alert whs in the bay a couple of days,

the presence of the officers adding much "tothe social pleasures ot the house.

Anion* prominent Eastern arrivals Is Mrs.M. Sabine of Syracuse, N.V., who come" topass her third season at the hotel. Mrs.Sabine divides her time between Californiaand Europe. Miss Abbott is passing afew weeKs with friends in Ked lands.Mr. and Mrs. J. Wertheim and Mrs. E. Cole-man ofNew York spent Sunday here, accom-panied by Joseph Hirsh of San" FranCisco. F.

Foster .Bradley of Cincinnati is staying at thehotel and doing some shooting on tho bay.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 11. Pearson ot DolusFerry, N. V.,»re at me in the Muir cottage.Park place and Orsngo avenue. Gnavmas,Mexico, is represented here hy Mr.and Mrs.G.A. Yberrl. Mr.and Mrs. Isaiah Josephi »n.iMr. ana Mrs. Jules Knulraanu ot New Yorkwere here on t>l<-u>.ure bent, and drove, fishednnd hunted during their visit. Mr. and Mrs.Andrew Hamilton are registered here fromAlbany.N. Y. The Rev. George E. Kelthleyaitd sister, Miss Kelthley, will shortly occupy

the Meeker cottage, on Tenth street. MissLucy Btiven arrived on the 30th nit. from.Michigan, to pass thy winter withMrs. M. U.Harrison, on the Beach drive.

San Jose*SANJOSE. Dec. 4 —The Winter Club gave a

highly successful theatrical entertainment,under the auspices of Mr-.NevilleCastle, attne residence if Mrs. W. 11. Wright, corner of


Continued on l'age Thirty-two.

Carpets & RugsAtFrisco's Leading Carpet Department.

ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, "^uaraneed miwool, goods that cannot be bought in this city forless than 75c per yard, willbeofferei for _t\this sale at the unheard-of priceof per yard OUC.

FIVK-FKAMK BRUSSELS, an excellentassortment of handsome <!es:ens which cannotbe purchased sewhere lor less than ci ill$1 84, willbe offeredat 3>1.17.iAXMIJfSTEB CARPET-, beautiful exclu-sive designs da'ntlly Mended colorings- V.rt

-this heavy pile carpet, in this 5a1e....?. .. $1.03

TAPKSTKV BRUSSELS. thestaDdard nukesearned In stock, in a large variety of aeons'and colors, adapted for any room, halls, stairsc c,wo ib up10 7Scper yard, to be offered Rrt

'In tnis sale at, ... _ 50c.

ROYAL WILTONS, a large number of pat-urns which we have sold during the _otm_season »t«2 28 per yard, will be offered**FS&inorder to close outat per yard 3>1.^5 W

XF}\VT rETS, extra fine willbe _-'

suld during this sale at _ 85 CB__X

tVT-lr L axhinster rugs, instreceived, offered at jobbers' prices:

Size 7 feet 10 inches _{_''•.'_\u25a0by 5 feet 6 inches.. sW>.73

Size 10 feet 3 inches te--

by 7 feet 3 inches.. 1J.73Size 10 feet 10 inches <__ _j_by 8 feet 8 inches.. a.\}.3\)Size 13 leet 1 inch oa n

_by 9 feet 10 inches.. AO.UO

j500 rolls Japanese Mattings. 10c, 12c, 150 yd.

Rllfm M»de from the ids and ends of body 1_

.-_\Aj-. and Dor er of the various Kinds of car- «Ipets carried inour stock, 10 be sacrificed for

• • LESS THAN COST OF MATERIAL.;SdlVrrirl RlinC Animmense assortmentOlliyilIU IVUIjS. of handsome patterns,jstrirtly all-wool, double-faced, at about \_ regularprices:

Fach.I Fach.!Single D00r5...... «».->> 36x72 1n... $ •>_bureaus S 1 ,O0 6x9 ft 9 ...L't;.\s4ni 1.40|10:6x7:6 17 /so30xb0lu a.OOll-xtfft lilt'Art SniiarPS. A large variety In the **.r\lL ualcJ' uxw d limited sites, guar-anteed strictlya I-wool,choice patterns:

Bx9 vanls, worth $9. now S5 4nV.x.v'... yards, worth $10 SO. now"

6"«53x-i yards, worth$Vl,now. ; 7*TU

D i r-,Polid °

ak Dining. IChair, exactly like cut;

Jished:hes, qualitycaneoSFE- seat; handsome: s Id

BlBfffl /i oak; made on honor;' lililPi^--~i-_-~ZF,I The same upholstered1/1 /// In genuine Monkey

MX Jjl leather

<r^=~2_W^ $1.50. V

<p&^-^_*p-_ '^\\ TE-rotnotwas/«ip"—

\u25a0 \u25a0"Irlm= il any time, we are /

j v- Headquarters

ILt 1 '

for Chairs. f

Pattosien's,COS. 113101 MD IBTH STS.

Goods Exchanged and moneycheerfully refunded.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Mail Orders promptly filled.

TO PATTOISEN'S.The Mission-street cars and

Fillmore-street cars both stopin front of our store. Get atransfer, and when you arethrough shopping exchangethis transfer at our office fora special stopover transfer,which will carry you back toany part of the city.

A visit to our store will wellpay any intending purchaser.You will find here an UN-EQUALED ARRAYof the mostexclusive house furnishings,all grades, all prices. A fewwords, Ifwellchosen, may giveyou a fair idea of our stock.No other firm in the city offersyou equally valuable goods atour prices. They can't affordto do it—they pay too muchrent.

Ifour "Specials" fail to con-vince you inspect the goodsthemselves— they talk.

NOTE— AIIgoods marked inplain figures. Everybody wel-come to buy or to look.

Brass Beds, Etc.White Enameled Iron Beds, brass (to £_t_

mounted iJ*_9._f\J

White Enameled Iron Bed«, Inall size*, withextension foot rail, brass toprods <£A »f»and mounts wts / D

IronBods, enameled any color, nil c zes, bow iextension toot rail, brass lop <(l_r Kf|Irods, aud mounts; *3>/«%JVr

"Our Special" Brass Bed O*^E (___





—that is if you willcome and see what we *

c have gathered together, with a view of making a selection the simplest *c thing in the world. On every hand you'll see something appropriate *i for a friendly remembrance. In everything the qualities good and prices *( low.

* 2,

I STERLI fi SILVER NOVELTIES. LEATHER GOODS. | HANDKERCHIEFS. |Vi UMBRELLA CLASPS 15c Purses. Bags, Wallets, Card in the most expre-sive language we can


PAPER CUTTERS 25c | c«ses, Pocket and Combination think o ; these are all rattling good*

i BOOK MARKS 35Iio°ks,n a,? reat variety of Leathers bargains; J


"'"at Lowest Pr.c s. . . ,„ .. _

i, NAILFILES .-»<»», _• ±' r. . _ * IEmbroidered ar.d Hemstitched Handker- J'

c SHOE BUTTONERS 50c !tOlllOllliltlOn BOOKS c"rd C«e chiefs for Ladies and Children ten pat-*

1ctitvi'TiDB r-« I.„• Combined. terns to choose from 12^ cts +

r ,;,. ,J**°

C"! _rf_^\_\%\fl.


* 5a Pure Linen Hand-embroidered Handker.*

[ PENCIL TIPS «Oc A*!' 11°0.51.75.*200 chiefs, 100 new patterns to select from*



75c1Morocco—At $L5O. $1.75 |1.35,:$1.65,

Ctne.s, munew pai.eriu25 each Jt HAIR COMBS rSclFan..vroather-Ai*lJs,VLi^,\-ii:«3 '.' ' \u25a0• «*" oach



« , \u25a0.'** ,t„ :IrishLinen, Hand-embroidered Handker- *'

\u0084n- „~^„„Same in finer goods beautifully r-ht-f- idrichstvlM in ,-t_ Hr '* SHOE HORNS OOc mounted— at $3.50. ?5.00, $650, r

chieL-. oOrich stj 3:VV„"" " "L5» cts JX vu-t. unmrp,' os-„ I $7 50 nnd $12 50 each. !Ladies' Pure Linen InitialHan Jkerchiefs, C, lt__i _t\ri_ua._-B Woe , Chatelaines, in assorted colors of seal. j handwork initials » for SO cts* J*

STAMP CASES 95c \ t£lg_*_r oon'l1morocco, at $1.00, M- '* Handkerchiefs, Irish Linen

*IHAT BRUSHES..... $1.00 *1-^.$1.00, $2.25, $2.75. .?_.._.„_ 25 cts

*[ PUNGENT 3..*.'."*.*'.*."*.'.".*.".*.'..'51*.10 GENTS' WALLETS



t MATCHBOXES $1.25 ,\u0084

• T- T"-.^-' We have the handsomest stock of Sofa £[ INKWELLS.... $1.05

lQ"iTOflMVVsVyfeOO, *LSO« !Cushions California has ever been .bo.n. Jr i.ATP .bimjpr _'t

__ s--J.tTJ.uo, *-.-.. ;Among them are a great many exquwitelv *_ HAIR hKlbllhb 9..1.00 • 'hand-painted and beautifully embmid- *-\ An elegant line of Sterling Silver- | SHOPPING BAGS. ered. Some for 83.2*5, s >me for 53.50, *t mounted Cut Glassware. Abie assortment of latest shapes— at *om«» for 8-1. and others that cost as high

*c .._ _ $1.50, $225, $2.75. $3.50. as «20. ——_ JI


JI -t—_ At25 cts, 50 cts, 75 cts and $1.00. _^_ *

ijf^J <?^\ ALLIGATOR GRIPS. /~vn >^^ *: _&\_z/ =-' V < Acomplete assortment Inall sizes. C_j~~\ V?"/fk.- *

i m^_**i_W-^^_m "ciiPOcoTiniJ "'book" 1lL~'^^ESM'^M *; pgk Z_]S*mßr^S \^*m_ wUbuto IiUfi DuUK | fe^ *


Send fur tt.b & i»^^«\ L/^ *

125-127-129-131 KEARNY STREET. J

ALL ROADS LEADLace Curtains. |Fine Hangings,Fine Drapery Fabrics,CLEARING SALE!Fine Ike,Plain and Figured Damasks, Bro-

caded s Its, all Silk and Silk and Wool,Silk an Linen and Oriental Materials.

50 inches wide—

Reversible. Think of it!i$2 00 a yard

—your choice ."ale a yard.

$3.00 a yard your choice 75e a yard.M00 a yard your choice SI.OO a yard.BS 00 a yard—your choice $1.25 a yard.$7 50 a yard—your choice $2.00 a yard.

REMNANTS of these goods will be closedout at simply wonderfully low prices. suit-able lor pilows, etc. This is a great opportu-nity to got Pillow Coverings.FmesSsoL£C2 Curtains reduced to 95 00 a

pal .Fine $10 Lace Curtains reduced to 90.OO $12.50 Laco Cunalns reduced to 97.50

a pa ir.Fine $15 Luce Curtains reduced to 99.00 apr.

jFine $20 Lace Curtains reduced to $12 OO pr.Fine *••."> Lace Curtains reduced to $15.00 pr.

AllLace Curtains mentioned above are re-duced and marked special irthis Bale only,and w willnot duplicate at these prices later.Striped Plain Nets.

For Prilled Curtains, Bed Draperies andSpreads, c- c them— tin are fashionable andvery v common— can be had from Us onlr.

Tambour Muslins for Sash Curtains at 10c,i-!.c, 15c, 18c, SOc and -.".<• a yard. '

Novelties inLace Nets lor Vestibuled doorsand transoms at ti.-.c a yard up.

We ahow a complete line of all-sash Cur-tain materiil In lace and silk.

Special sale of Grille Work at 35c a square'

foot, reauy Tor delivery. Also Grilles madeami hung to order. Out-of-town customersmd for catalogue.

Parlor Furniture.$11.00— Hand-Polished Window Seats— 3 feet- inches long, 13 Inches wide, CC eftfin*carved base. Sale price uID.OU$9.00 Parlor Rockers, hand polished, high

carved tuck, rich damask uphols- <cc AAterlug; very luxurioti-.Sale price •3>sJ»vlU'

$38.00 Parlor Suits— handsomely inlaid- finedamask or embro I-red velour *_'_ « «7


coverings. Sale price q>^4-. / 3 ,%_,__ Parlor Rockers —carved b*C*—trace Iarms

—hand [...ashed. Sale st"? Kft

'$20.00 Chippendale Divans"—"hand carvelanivery fine poll rich si.k <_!"* Eftdamask covering. Saloprce.... yJI^»vJV/

\u25a0_.„:. Assortment of colors."$75.00 Parlor Suit—mahogany— hand carvedand upholstered in very tine C^Q ftftdamask, Sale price JBtOsUU


_ . _ THE • Ours Is the LARGEST FURNI -Satisfactory Shop. TIKE HOUSE in the West.

_____Z_2t'^f T_iyjm *-*̂' "*¥^