the seattle post-intelligencer (seattle, wash.) (seattle ... · uu to u3 second ava.?anted-uw cords...

mmxjt m/AKwn \u25a0>!,\u25a0, a MOCCTH. r«o ean max* tt «n; Mm a UT «r aarmu don" -nmt- Sn «f hani ttni a n makinc »»::nur N*at:or«, ry«h Vaa. ' S kofK »B ac!»ntf9c pr;iir:p*r» : sri M- r\u25a0 ZmMI; ?wrrVxty wanu one, - «a«| TtTaold prVT low aptHy at omm. |hU Mt- Co.. Wt. CoiuatOoa, Ohio. \u25a0tffCD-rir U. P armr: aMi Tnidlrt. a>rn. b»;w«m ar*a of & »«3 KBina if ta» Ca>.t*d * *r<«. «f (vy) and t»mt»ra:r haMta. who caa 51, raad >ni »r.i» tCrurilah. For Bw ar \u25ba "> r»-r;!*ia« a(Tl«ii_ gjjMß Mo<-k (<«ai:> Waah. «A|TPBI>-T'iT*Hn* sairamrn to cam «W* !»» htramm aai Egaara :*ltlaa: coast*. to rrllac-1* Oittjaor Bkmrttf Co.. » IlUaota street. Clu> Sa mrwi) rz to IUO a moot ta aad n- \u25a0Wi aait iaiaa»e» tor <-»*ar». a>pan- gssrcraaanr; »Lar.<Urd foMi, Littla m eiaar wnliw fr«a to »acn mala £7. * * K):r.«. It. IyMiia. Ma JmjPJTO-">\u25a0?*»» trarvfln* or wHlinc to (a**! to kll r: «oda for antt _a aaafha aooi«thirijt n**. a«lla ax St; B3»d w i«ea. Aidraaa Wtlcac 4k |F«! Oalo atr<*t. Cblcaxo. lIL SSWK*- Aett »* awl a*»o-a; aaka K dal.r aaliins apmalttra; aH> «aoda j*: "«\u25a0 writ* oa qu'ck for Mtmrr Tba A»rw*n Talcpbona Am |at C«an>any.*o. gygggß-eairamrti; etirara aad randy; alarr and expenara. oxtra IndaeaoMalß la dialm; aipenear* ur.n»r»oaary Val- IV llaaub turtnc Campaay. gt. Loula. WUfTtl) ?H« rr to abow ear ctsara a taaien. »:» monthly aaiary aad rx- CM ?? ,oUt purro-A* oace- flrat-class roataasker ga (ar work John 34 ''allum ma swd stra»'. Vlctorls. li. C. W*irr*D? PiaKion by experienced sten- anasher references; email wages |f ?iiihl HienoaraWier. Poai-lntslik- MJWOKABt.K PKF.BRMA KET* wished aatfe hy the day in families, city or suh- \u25a0lia Tii S.xth avenue. WkgWD-?* wing. first -rises dress \u25a0gksr. Address S Post-lriteiugencer mmesssn- 1 \u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0! Hit WAWTidD- WV) desiras the services of a ?srtDT rour.g man to work mornings gad evening* for his boar.l* Apply W!l- --aa> Modem Hualneia College. New Ctfllos building VIVTCD-Kltustlon by good, experksoc.- ?i Jftfanese '»y to do general house- awh; ao objection to anv work. Ad- tnm F. H.. rust-Intelliarnser. \u25a0IllI, \u25a0 - VAJITKIS?AiaKJITSb imtm WANTED KV ERTWHERE? Oar wsaderfol novelties pay (4 daily ?an so experience required, demand \u25a0svsr supplied; catalogue free; sample. V cents. Aliim.num Novelty Co.. tli Broadway New York. ioENTS WANTED for Ball s patent \u25a0aliMHnt. bread and meat sllcer: ab- stloWly new; no competition; best seller eCertd agents for ma.iy years, samples Sfc. U D. Ball * Co.. Csn- WAWTED?Agsnts to sell aaah locks and tHfIMMa: sample sash lock free by \u25a0all tor Jc stamp: beat sellers ever In- tsatsd, bast weights; (13 a day; write fipkia. A Co.. boa 47. Phlla- WAimi>? Agents for the celebrated Ate- Maa aoa-narcotlc pure Turkish etgar- sltes sand 10c *.? or II for aample M. Atsahian. M Tremont St.. Huston. Mass ?ALKBMK.V Mer-hants' trade; 00 a weak. new. quick, good; light samples fne. aide line or exclusive. Mfra.. £HI Market street. Philadelphia. WANTED Second-hand top buggy In \u25a0sod repair, must be cheap, for cash. wm?" 1 il " x No' 2<o, A °hoortaa. WANTKt<?We pay caah for all kinds of \u25a0rond-hasd houa< hold Frederick. Kelson A Munro. UU to U3 Second ava. ?aNTED-UW cords cord wood. Apply fcastle Tug and llarge Company, i'om- \u25a0trciai dock WANTED?To hoy good upright plana. H. W . Poat-lntelliger.cer. WANTED?To hu / a gxxl Ir.- rHyl - hand Mcycle. Hj Washington bulldtnj. WANTKD-Bc<- .nd-hatul bicycles; cheap l»r cash. 917 Third avenue. WAKTKI»?A sing's buggy. 13 Schsuer- FOR hKT-aol lE*. Flit RENT A nice, weli-furolshed house Wtßflrg piano; near corner Tenth and \u25a0ar.w owner » iuld retain room and a»ar<! for hinsHf an«l IS-yea'-old eon. If wtferrad. Address C. J.. Post-IntsUl- \u25a0Mar. fOH RENT 7-room bouse, elegantly fur- stslie.l all m->tem tmprovemeeits closs ?*: to man and wife ooiy Call at Twler * * n ""' ry Fourth an.l RENT -Eight room house. Rentoa !Jssoa. I'.# ver month: eght room SCttse ,i»r.r\ Fjrhman addition; 112.M par monw lis Cherrv street. "2* RENT Houaea. atorea. (lata and «f- --\u25a0* tn all para of the city. Ptonaar \u25a0M * r,i C lieruon Co.. » Ro*w«U «\u25a0*. T«i*ph.>ne. Rod 7tL 'P® R**NT Nialy firn'ahail flvt-mnm ctvkl V i>! »;\u25a0 i Sawn Walla Wall- ?pottloa. I-.j !r« Frank W iihiie. flock. *QR Rt.NT '\u25a0« thrr*. or,* four. also y- r '\u25a0 ni ::«» >ll mo«lern Improve- ?«t» be»: in auon la Seatr!#. ISO 3 \u25a0air. «tr»*t MfcJOaCT?Houaaa. !la:a 4ml *?or«e in M teo*::or,* Sr ,\u25a0:> Rent * Coliac- _" ca -I>w. IT. r >m I. OolMMn Mock. *OR RENT »:Kht rt-o«n» iriixler-i ?J ru V" * <il>> Ivr .t itr«*t, near _**" No. 4!t em block. 'OBRENT v hotia#: r"« room*. \u25a0Mrrn: jtm: b*nc*l<- JU. VlUha V. Jkeaarki. New York block. RENT S v-n room !iou*e modern J«yr.vem,- . :irvr . ysP>l ir-ijuir* at *_*Aat Mu.fn atrawt. Il.yy houa*. r *h:h aad SSTv. oroyemanla. |i> per \u25a0' tr water ?ORICNT M ? >ud :'**ea; all !<v «*.*.<*\u25a0? \\ im P. Harper. (3 Hortoa »»ak bus.i.r*. '2 ?'" v " u --i Ar.r.a w*-h>i JU jwr month. Ci:»* Bo«iac *2!L RrN v ' » *=< l l*~r« l»rV- ;'A W«f( Y»* rr ?*?>»«» RKN .? mn J i a i'..n» * Cv. Wag block. *2L2R. VR N \u25a0» i com, *t*ly fur- _?ln f.i fourth. "Mi'ft. J ".r. lUlii A Co.. _ >*»?-» t ' t RV.nt n s-rocm moj-ra Mu>» RENT H - *. r *:» RKN -r M -v« b-:i.}injr. KCkdltli **I.K ! ti»si ??» >»«?<! p»r. m s -m <+* r « ? H5 C*t*rTj, i>+~ i. wa " \u25a0 i T>inl ?»#nu«k. #our^ i. IT* r» c i 117 rr>». .a r. Ckrw- i - «.rt WANTED-Siwka of nt all kin.t* wtll par ruii for a»m« Allrr»a Mrrrhanil r.i»t-Int«tl;«rr.c«r. Itar.lf amount of atock oa afv»l prti*w «UMi TT \NTEI>-«njhjMali« for flrj' i ia.** nu» ? < V I- ** Wi h p»rty ?< -t J :»? , . , AnkltMa IVoa- prctor. fo«t-;niel!.*'!K*r W VNTEI>?Tn puri ha»» «t!maT'jrr«l »r- --ii wm»!\t nr ;*;\u25a0! up lifr ?n«irmnc» M rifcin * K»h«lman. Mut :»J Lifa Pu .1- mt _ F">R S.M.E * P»T < -."inTT i- -r» w(i p."" !"\u25a0«. i r** $ .-*»1 *J- K C R. -am J*nat-l*!»i!.«»n.-»r r<>R SAIX -Prlwata hotel. <Joln* |MI bua'n<«a« r>"! K*-ar>o*. A-Mraaa lloial. P»«! - «Bi?»r. I>">R PAt.F -V'%' "f butr-aa tn!«rraL AiUrra to. ro»t«ta:«!iJWß'^ run nuuv.l r. R ? \. 'i IN ??>? r- ? - k ra'.i St iSwt snoor.raica. for esxj pr nwr-y V?\£e *»r l '<l H - «*'«*? n*: lUsk bMuili&B. or ;!» awtiar. a: icr nt» a**p-*» i > -XiTIANOE-Wa «-w h- »- \u25a0 Mh fi>r al. kr.Ja J( k-i) >»»! a k ita. *k N>»ao« A UJ '.CI3 Sfxotxj a\ vRU«. lIIftCBLVASBtfCk RAMJIO^Tt.-KJTS-J^ -W r..w : -k - a :o (I po«M* * TSurati>«v. »rr.»f*l ** T _L» a J* . i<rrr a:r«*C be:w»»» Fmat aiM^rv"»r«- Orr> PAFFRS for aa> a: k og *of » tx~ p»r bcaJt*. «r» k*». ts srw Ann w«n p* i f- «? ,-f aa »*Vrwaa »a*»;?%?<? a!irw«-<l \u25a0T»i» a»«m of Norrirra ra-'ia.- Kxpriw* fW ?? |hatt>i HttilW* cowaalWM MM a-i Wt» at sa4r«*» fooaa '*» > | 4r»-! su nr<l*» Mar » v*. no Frrf H. SALE TiU «r.«!e hotatla* irfna and tv>iiar. cfceap. Appty «1» Ore!!!MlI*l *t «CLie. FOR SAI.E? "-"tiil-htr..; t \r- *i:uri» C»IS cora»r Thirt a.r.vl Htrl«B ?ir**ta. fCR BAI.E N*w P* -ao aiocis. complete K»V worth »» <; nnir.». ii H.ackl«r Mark. F> ii SALE-* a-.! !< hor»« ?cglr.o a.-xl hosier. Hawke*. TSB Flral av- aeii* n>Ft SAUC-I»lr:« h.-HiH*. nfi r*mi alao Ui'r-.<lsi piano i a.i iaa Th.rd ava. F*' l l E T f c v n'« w s *.ij r.«w Apr'y Cra,-her ar4 Cinlr r f . F *'X &KI.F. *"r" l * Lord.* fnr 18. M s. Mabmb. ISII Fa ir.l mm*:. F 3 sV ' T* \u25a0» Ji*. i«'| oaw». tJ*»a. I«4 » .-?«? H SAI-r ii ' i~ tirrfia aaii.l » .-I* T^irt. FOR S\LE T.*aa. JJOJ pousiij. FnlcS- «pd. RIMT s**rh. sSti E- "4-aor»« ?«!*:»«. Cabiiwv » WortM. r> a sa;js -ou **»*p*pm. Atn-r *: tto» effic*. F 1 R «fcUE?F*rf»c?;»?>\u25a0 i'.*h*ut*r. zz:i *rC(UL JOTItM, C l *H)fflTrPS -In soßvarca. mlcuw.. b»v rf *»r .* jiriirwr :V- --IMHBK KW Xm»t«! or n».- - u*n, b»u ? ".1 «a> a»c* t-»v »- %. ' < -x« ,? *, «- r r*: »*?*«\u25a0 -* -* *aw ~ « :«rr» il!rt>a F»: .Jstefi,. n *r SasttMb <e\u25a0' -r-» ar \u25a0»?;? » »"«y, M*> * <s»rr*- ? p,«r~ e -a.-w h*v» til* www Sty ca...Z£ vC !2s» uaci«r- --r-P"~ p»v-a« i*rsi*. JL-Sm Anra. ?*. Wash. ?TKTIAL. !NF iranufa.-rjr»ra tn.em r \u25a0:?»» anl p«tV \u25a0 »?» i* «. !. _.» c a. *-\u25a0- \u25a0* ux. *IU:« tVI» MINING «TO< K. :-'nR «*: - .*s* ot Ct» b**»i »ir«« Ja Br Coi thj* la t? ?? a?? . ry it.vk, i' i r..>e.|iifmfc! ti csui ti-. ??? *r ;i *.«?' *316 - ? pnctf from : r -a it Ud.« Slock. S '*t Ir. :niurH»(tr. F S.vT.K? M * s »a m:?*»? ;n Traa ?* Br« ** ? -sm GU- it ihur»to«L Cbrrry ?l iA V , '.^ F v . K *'XlNi STOCKA -' u*;- -5 * ?\u25a0 uad*. v». WWW »f PPLIES. HO. F. P. THS YTKOX -Tfe. MA tto ? r -rie<»»t tad c&mp«k (M -n® -»»\u25a0 **D STIKK BA"KI:Rf. N B. r !j*:>N id) Ctrrrr ttmt. ifr»u »~4 »;><* S»»-mir »« SAVE TTME AND MONET by attending Lao's Shirt-Term Business CoHeire. Oc- cidental block. Tt< only live school :a Seattle. All subjects taught. W W ; Ji I Sii^ T r J?r?r - f 1 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0"?' II « rawrta. \u25a0M, "* for K; \u25a0iiut A«*r » Bfwh K.*>- Thru or f<xtr a*faw«h«a t r-i»-A ftinMM kaiat' acred or SSicwSST"' A4dr ?* B - how AMrmm r -f^j :VT l?a f jrwahrd mom. fl '7 r**P«ctaate tar faoitltaa. itch; t>»rmi;r«rt. -rrma m»c Uock. o»yai. \u25a0arioa and Tiirt anaaa. r 2** K * rr ~**'**atlT fwaiatwd inaa. \u25a0 «y aua. !v*l. Bo- WFWwm. Froc; and !V-*-a Hi f,!T* "!? <K1 . \u25a0 r *<" ruraiaftad raoi ror *"v-'if Iwipirn FO» RCXT? Thrao roona fotatated for Jo<»ka*pin«. flrat Soar. Biro yart. flao *'**- "i 1 «»- faro, m atvwart a;r-»t. Saeoad avoaoe.. Doaar rOR REXT-Xlcaly fumiahod front room te prtvat* family, »a!taS»ie for one or two »«i»t»«m*r; with prlvUnt* of barn. op. Poem HAir,.«r hotat Hi Marlon auwt. FOR RENT-Two or flee ram m private '*«>* furnished (or fcooas- *to' y*" l - ?"-? aoces. SB Third itmiMi ' R RENT?Faur rooms: furnished foe Joan and wife, both. aar.-rlea. etc.; flrst "«>r. First Weal and Kicnea* W*". Wu-en arm. FOR RKNT?K'.«gantly furnished row. B light housekeeping allowed, refer- aace r«qu:red s*e Columbia street. FOR RENT?Nicely fuirlahed mnu; aJao house keepog moms i'?irr baa:. ?il Second avanua. room «. FOR RE XT?First-class furnished rasma; or rrmrx«J#o'. Front and Ch#rry fb h«u*rmaA Hnn> HEN'T? rooaw: furtv- uu»*d wjfnpk-r. iim rtaL Fiortaca feouaa, «L» Madiaoo itntc u fami«rti«d raw, «otH \ Front itr«cbataraez* l -wvtf#ity CnJaa. FOR RE.VT-FurnWMrt rooms. TIM fc>n«»kwHnf room*, at tha Wad bout#. lat First avm<jc FOR RKNT?t "nf urn .shed rooms. dasa ls- uT?P " *?* »w»m. Inquire 87 Bailey bulldog. FOR RENT?Fjrntabsd front room: pri- vate fam iv K month. UB Fifth ave- »>"«? near PUte. FOR RFNT? Plesaut furnished room to responsible gentleman; vary cheap, til Fourth avenus. FOR RFNT -Furrdatoed room, with mod- ern conveniences; refersccss. 1417 Sec- ond avenue. FOR RENT?Nicely furnished rooms; with or without housekeeping. at M Third avenue. FOR RENT?Nicely fornlahed rooms foe rent; cheap. Inquire at loerr gevec.3 Avenue. F(»H RKNT?Furnished ronms for house- keeping. cheapest In tows. Kl« Front street. F"K RUNT - Tw.» or ' n:r ' rooms _for bousekeeplnc. Cl 3 Columbia stresL Ff>R RENT-Two rooms; unfurnished: oo Pya street. Applv 1504 Fifth street. FOR RENT?atirr.lshed rooms: modsra convunleaces. US Second svenue. FOR RENT-Furnished housekeeping rooms. UU Second street. FOR RKNT?Furnished rooms: M per month, tli rtke street FOR RENT? rnfurnished rooms: Artiat- tsa: rsfarencea required Fiiß RENT?N .ceijr ' irniahed housekeep- ing rooms. MM Main. FOR RENT Roomn: The Russell, atsam heat; private baths FOR RKNT?Elegantly furnished rooms Ser.eca. Fun UIT-TUIII. FOR RENT-Hmalt farm: well Improved; bearing srehari. convergent to Seattle. Herbert 8. Upper. 13 Bcheuerman block. Ft>R RENT -Farm small fruit ranch; trade or sale Inqu re s (iivs'.ein Block. FOR SAl.E?Gardec tracts, doss In, cheap: elegan: home, close In. cheap. - f>orlfe!. 11l Hauler bloc*. FOR SALE?Two lo<s: coirer Depot and farm, have refiised r \u25a0*»; will cow taks O.dQU. T Occidental block. FOR 3AI JC ?Choice city and farm prop- erty. John P Dorr A Co.. room A Bailey building. FOR SAI-E?Make SO per cent, sod mors on your sav gs; don't let your money lie Idle in the bank that u liable to break, or keep it In your house to i>« stolen, bu - write to "Investment." care Fast-lnteUige&cy. and get information a"*xi; Investments that will more than aoi:oie or treble In six months Tou can FOR BALE OR RENT OR EXCHANGE fof Inside Seattle realtj-The Ana- oorte* 00-operative mill, at Anacortec; th.s mill is ane of the moat cx>mpletely eqti pped shingle mills the Sound, contains double-Mock and band ma- chine with drag saw and plenty of steam and nower By the Puget Sound Ma- chinery Depc'. FOR 3AI.E?A fine farm of 130 acres- first claaa improvements: lscd all cleared, and under cultivation only three miles fr- m a growing town nf ( OfW popnlatlon; will aell cheap, small cash payoaer.ta; losg time; easy term. * per rent. Inter- est. Address Firm, Post-Isteiligencer. FOR SALE?Tents: wtgoos: buggies; Irs. cuhator; scraper. Iron boiling kettle; f r-e piimps. Ice cheets; gas fixtures: bt- c> ie; p'ar.o; c«»irt«r* scaW. show- cases second-hand. s.xth and Pike; Chapin. FOR SAL!:-At a great bargain, unre- deemed dges. photoarathi- cameras. Odd Fellows uniform, surveyor's trtn- *!? dr»«s suits gTir.a and wat, hea Ths Bell Loan Office, 404 Pike street. FOR SALE?A merry-g-«ound completa Inquire at the Vu.can Iron W.-.rks Co Western avenue, between Union anil rnlverait* Seattle. BOOHS AID MASSI BOARD AND ROOM?For two geertle- men; private fam:!v. elec'.rtc light ts!e- phons. Inquire 14J3 Fourth avenue. DESIRABLE ROOMS: with fine table board reference*. Mr« Wilainskl. CU3 Fourth avenus. James. DOI'BLE PARIXIR BEDROOMS, electrto lights, bstn fine table. J S. At wood. tM Second avenue. r>lt RENT-Dee'rable rooms w!-h board, fine table. Mrs. Baker. Third and Marlon streets r<iß RENT ?Oo« or two room*. » Vi- rion ?CM* KM CIUCM tf.JtlA INCREASE TOT*R CAPTTAI. and income by <nir syatem * n «t ' * (urf ip*rulatteß; our iM» year'a cm**4 av*rakevl t>»#r SI.2W per month: ran jreu point to Arty:!v.n* offertnar returr.a"* t'switlen A C<a, CovinAtoG. Ky » complied (UtW(n free. »\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*l Wlltt. FOR a«rr»; ISJ tm eai; arrur- # term of *>-?'- *?»\u25a0! «av»aei-s r,; -un !?;*« C * rme nam jsa. v. a: < p»r ew. ittßW, teca-«d o«ar «-attia. ?-« t*a ;.e*r »»r* r*iwny ooiy *?*?*-» s*ft, i fan are Jar* -.a far y*» H»«i Setter caii at oac*. for It aiU ***>« taken. Aim A fi i, mtrn, 1 *"»1 : H*:;*r r»u34ji*. FOR «v!.E_W» bar* boaa >nr!«4 urer Jf» ton X t!» site Jaaia &y the atat* Jaa>. c aid w.ii \u25a0"1 »:*«? fcr «um;« urtea a.: eae-Hfti sJteir T ai*3* u wv bare a tar** i.n;aet to fai tie ataso to perfect amr otie: w* wi!2 *!»? faii wa.-rac-v iee*!* w»-s arrfaet t".:Se*. Far fna sartK-olara raU cm H H. I>»Ar%ora * Co.. root a 13 Occ Mock. F'.'fi »AU£?F!aa ranch of jr »rr*a oa railroad ftfteea antra fr-m S--a.:tie. !? acre* ? W-arwi aad under c giti-ratsc®; Brwi~rlmj» bMM of e.*St roeai*. *JOd nam and Mttfta&dlac*. tfef* !* the AMat larmtag : a *Kar >n. awl *>i- »? \u25a0?Hd <ywrt+r t* *<KSi Kact. and ">a*t aeil *>ilr«aa O. H. W.. Poat-integlgeacer. FOR BAI»K?A flat far* of » acrta; Bramprwrtmenti land an «>*.-- ?d ar-i eattlvßlioc. ooit tkraa raJea from a can of &,*? pop- ulation wtli »e|i rh-ap, M J a ea*!) payment required, ar.d ton* " =>® on haiaj* . a lima J. T. 8.. cara 9f Pat-fataßHwwar. SALE?Fan* lands a; tow prVaa. op \u25a0» r»a- ob favora&le ?<*«» can offer lan.l* ta Twin Wasft-ngfon and la Kruttaa eounty. near F-llrtebtir*; also »?me Unproved rify pruper'y for ?!«. ~?r fiuarantee I>-«n a»d Troat Com- &*a T Iwood aad <Tmi; atracta. SALE?J7V: « ten-are* garden traett with good iKl'idlggß; IPVta S re* <-|ear- ?d: ail Stt-!ose<; by * good »en<-e !n Snath Hesttle. price J7» orvtr E5» rul. Jor- dan A Haddock. » Coimaa Wock. LOOKED OFT uxn in Mason awi Thiretsa ?iu»u«. eareilenl fruit land easflv ciesreo and nicely situated for farm*. favorable terms, Ttronu Mill ComtMMiy, Tirmt. Wjih I vnucui. WE NEGOTIATE WJANS IB «*T »? :h» Sowf-r. rasas offered *b tae ..'l' «\u25a0 '.snproeed -jstTASe property in Sea--*, ar.d <a c*!t!T*ed £rm* t* *«2«*s Washing" *. !B09«y OC kAE- .-/IT-V tej; im> Inn ?h**! ««fca«- J* Jofcn P trrrr A Co . rs«*n A BaiMW tmsMia*. WANT>T>-C » Srw to Are year* oo the best farm .= Kin* ?ou«y. ®r=i* toei t--. <*. I »oi owr.**. "r? car. pay pnwnf r: w?? -'J ear. o< exaainaaoo. lnauira rooe* w BaUer bw'lsvig TO LOAX-P?vi"# amesey <*» baa - erti \u25a0amoti tar ooe and loans. r.rai ?«»or.a:>fe Lee * Bow- dea. Hortao Bin* bu.-ld. nr. *A%TEIW-»;;-r. city and sefeo«l b<«* ar.d warr*as« Tg Ore*o® ami and I-Uso. Jfcrrla A Whitehead. I <**- laad. Or. *"N'EV TO LOAN at IfliMt ratee on cUy feastnees e;-.d r»»- Jeace property ? Thomaa larestasen; Co.. J. Ocex.«n-al block. WUmm assets-* »*ftt i£J» i**n« aw»<r fall nJu*) «« it» P°j: A--.*u* w. T sting, ill W*sai=*'.oo biock. HKH GRADE WARRANTS. bond* «»» short time 1,-oust bought and wM- J? P. Dorr * Co.. rccn A BtOtT i>u.l--°*- ROBERTSO.V MORTGAGE COMPANT« Cli Burke bu. !<i:: £ Loan* male on us>_ proved dty prr>per;y. No delay*. STATE, co -NTT, crrr. SCHOOL, war- rmcti win;Ml 7 W. Trounce. CoJotUal be . ling. next po»tofflc». Seattla. state, co'-ntt. school, war- ranta wanted Whl D. Perking A Ca«i KT Columbia gtreet. Seatsie. UNCLE JOE haa mraey to K*» «\u25a0 watchea and diatronds; tow IB Second. Orc.6rr.-jkl block. WA.VTKIMIm»:i loan oq real erta-w: clear ml#; no cjiii inlntt. Jiruz. Poot- Intelligencer. MO NTT TO LO \N?Loe* or «V»rt umo. wmu« P. H*r»«r. a Hort on E*ak baiSdiilß. JAMES BOTHWSLU 1<*B« and b;« r ' ! "- a.-vja. a Boatca block, teiephoro. MA. a «N. FOR WARRANTS or loasa on !m»ro»»A city Soa.tii« sa*ir.*i Sao*. MONET ON HAND tor lmprwod raal ro- ta:* >oacs. H. A. Rajer. Q Hallor block. WANTED?C.SB; fint-clasa tttltnproved property. Barrower. Po«t-latell!g«ncer. rwr» «AWllPOCT-WlßLLwrwueb. SUSDAT. MAT n, ISM. MI I MMtV. FRIED H. PCT«rWION att 3 rt*T a»* fwrmr at law Cr»mrr T»»>r »«? ?M and Co-naser-sal »tre*t_ PRATT A RIDr-LT tnorwft at law. r*B3» s»-a--x: B*i:-y ANDREW F E-RLETIH. a:tart*y at ?aw. Sf Burke bttiaicg. * T. SCOTT. a".m»r. IS and IS BMTte btEWio*. s''»rt>, WMI STRCVE AU.EN. HUGHES A M'MICK- 'Q. Bat!#y b. :i'.CA- w. D t-AMBTTTH. SoafJa National Bank ballltß*. SAPP A LTSONS. on'to OS BaS«y bu:!4- ayr. W D. WOOD luu4 practic* and tJtlom. ra i nn PATENTS?W!:'.;am H. Fahrwk, ctHnrort- lor at {latest iaw and *d!c*.tor <rf T'. S. and 'orvirr. jiaterta. etc.. 788 G «tr»et. N. w , Wuhsron. D. C.; ?orm»r»y ex- aar.r»r In pairei offlc*: twenty rear* eor.tlsuotja practice .9 t.V- ns* pjkce; Fw« la C. 1 casea sent during May a.i<l Jute wwl not be ?aid until aLowaaca. Wrtta for particular*. H. L. RETNOLDS. ootldtor of TT. S. a fareiipj patent*: foraerty exammar !n V. S. patent off!c«. M Solliraa Mock. Seattla. PATENTS OBTAINED: atacMaw do- ASaaia. Cola»a block. PER ROT. SO-31 Pioneer bulldlnc. LARRIS CAIN A CO-, *en»ral tnearaaca. Suite II Htnckley Telephone. Mala sn. BCRNS A ATKINSON, general lraur- aace. U Boaton block. STODDARD A BROWN, ceaeral lnaur- ance. Burke build Inc. GOODWIN. R\SER A EISICEN. taanr- aace. Haller block. HANFORD A STEWART, laanraaoa. 307 Pioneer bonding. WILLIAM HAITI * CO.. taannrve Gotutala block. CALHOCN A CO.. general laaorutc* Olympic block. M. M- D.. tit. « um \u25a0?ffl :*! a»t * -ri:s-aj "vi*i of wrrta * s«iaJ:y. Star-Bar! Mack. td»sfcas«. Mala »; ciT:.-*. Mia, ns. D ? J n T ARr> s HASEtx. M. RC. S.. pfcyilctaa aad »aix»or. r.«-S» «_aa£ua*%ca DR. EUETSCHER tVotacher ar*?; «p»- «aI"T. «Br*try au<l gtai-.a-ar-.SMTy i's- ****»? OfR-**. 0-ot!jK*;a Mock. d s'_ c * i -R ! " l '*N. pirrolctaa ami «ur*r<tr.. 7»-.. dtarr P-T«J btock. TtL Mala (OS. re«Kl*cc*. Bay XL DB. SAJUH KENDAIi. Hotyoka block Te!»p!>t>oe. Green El. DR. ANNIE KMBI Rai»«a 9WI. FOR HALE?Compelled to here tiwwi: !\u25a0 eaty acres. unir;v«d. woe:h tl.«w. tor ?*»: or acres. wor'h E.«M, foe IM»; voH I oca tad. Room » 206 Cherry. FOR SAI.E-A Btco homo: bouse of rooms; aritli lot; bargi-iv Indira 23 Fair View avanua (Lake at re*".); two blocks north L*ihk atraet. FOR BAl.E?Cheap hemes: lots In Ge^rgetoarn. uixfcr cultivation. t:»; ab- stract with each purchase. Julius Bar- ton. < Jeorge-owa. FOR S-ALE-nva-acra s&r<l*n tract; W f®«t from 17. S P*>rt Orchard dry dock; Ji M> :>*r acra. WiUuun 2T7 BaMay tmlirfinf. BALE-A nlaa-room hoaw modern improvements; cost ».out >o build. C.uBB takes It; good location. i 3 D*a- »y »ar. FOR HaL?Ail or any part of 41 acres bctt.fn land an Skagit river: pr re low C W. Cock, csre Tacoma Mill Co.. Ta- crma SAI.E?or. Sutter arrest; for SZ7L. must aeli at onre J ("cmyton A Co., rooou 7 and S Downs block. SALE P!ate glass. fjxSH; barber ''' crt: l.«« pounds steel bar Iron. 4!**; tents! tents' secocd-basd. S.xth and like, Chapin. F> -R SAl*E~<Safe: fire and burglar proof money chest oak ro!l-tot» desk and let- ter prcsa Address M. 3.. Paet-Intelil- gencsr. F< ; H fJAT.K- !*> boom chains: cheap, Log. *»r»" S.irriy Sfor» <-« Teaier way. cor- ner tvmut. Ton SAS.E OR TRADE A : a order AtMraaa Sieaasbua- Foat-inte i:**r..-rr MERCHANTS- BANK DEPOSITS bought ?J. T. Blaklstone. 112 Occidental block E'REKA I/IAN OFFICE-14* Second. 8. L. Bryant. proprietor. SHORT TIME LOANS Moor*. «1S National Back building M'WET TO LOAN; smiU amounts. IS Hatter. A WEU,KEPT LAWN ta a thief of beauty; tt ad-ia value to your properly, and makes boms Inviting; we are *e..:.g the celebrated Victoria IA*H m .*? rs, mad* by the Champion Manufacturing Company; U-4ncfc, IJTS; 14-inch, KJS Sw- itch.; every mower u warranted to Eve perfect satisfaction. Woodhousa * >nguet. 210 Pike street. PERSONAL?SpeciaI this weak: 14-qt. ra- t.nned diaiipans -jc: tbay ere worth of oourae. but we bought them cheap, and you ,u have the benefit; »ee nut window; a. so look at the new woman la our lUt window; can you fit bar wits bi KKoers" Coon Broa.. 403 T'lka alxee'.; warehouse. VOl Fourta street. WA NTED?By a middle-aged widower, to correspond with a golden-hatred maiden lady of a suitable age. mammociaay in- clined: a working girl preferred. Adr dreas J. H. D.. Post-Intelligencer. PERSON Air?A yoir.g lady, a tracker in the city, wiahea to make (ha acquaint- ance of an affectionate (ccflemu, not matrimonially inclined. Address Lois Berls, Post-Intelligencer. MATRIMONIAL?The many happy mir- riages ascribed to Jay's Monthly pU ei it at the hea 1 of all matrimonial puMl- cu.ior.s sample copy free. 30 Union block. Seattle. MARRIAGE PAPi-R. some pictures, tot "ads.' securely wrapped, 10c; many wealthy patrons, send for It, Journal, box IS. Portland, Or. C. K BOUARDUS. ah;rt ar.J Udl«# wa;st mak«r. formerly or P-.onAer block, bu rrmovrd to S'alUa Waulen offica. Ill*Ftrat »vesu«. HIOHEST CASH PRICE Mid far lad>* *r.d fcntleaien'E eaa;-ofT dotij'ne. Call or address :Se Bed Loaa Ol.ct, *M r;ka \u25a0tTMC. YUKON RI-ANKETS ?Arctic clothing made expressly for Alaska miners. Se- attle Woolen Mill. 1113 Front. HAIR RESTORED NATURAL COLOR guaranteed 1009 Third. * OLIVES CLEANED?Ye Old dock. 400 rocsD. AFTER HAVING EXHAUSTED all other means of a cure for that skin troabls or Piles. u!» Gsriani's "HAPPY THOfOKT" Salve. Srt-tiafactory reetiits will necewoirily follow. Glass so,;. At druggists POUND?Hamtr.coks. eraquet y***, dtdl carrisare*. Iron warons. e-heeiharrows. garien seta and toys. In rreat variety. a-«i at cut prtcea.>n Rras. ad Pka ?tree , warehouse. I>!7 Fourth street. WATCH far our commencement exercleea it, ~ V. D W-od w'.ll DresiJe. For fur» ther par -ulars a.t i-» ?? A vne Bu«.r.eas Cc!Ug» Seattle Na:lanal lUak LONDON LOAN OFFICE?M.aeeT loaned on valuables wa -t,e» i,a.uon4s and Vw*lry. US s.".i*h Third. "N k The bes* : -to fell yrei r cast - \\-« >iA'* Address Witenberg. 114 f^ P and Pike. Char's LOST. L'XT U«t Fri-tay; g»-r.<(t beads and tneda.s r.ed. FUtder t, --s*e retura l'r»<ac:a-i Fourth and Wt> ftsc tM rwi r*wtri. L'trr \-v ore fin-?--.- a 2-moe*lw-old Er«::-h pug pup. retur-ing name to tS ?a*e street, w..; re,.re ; \ e a suttalae re- ward. IS-y . ii - r*r<#r fiar*cr'a ahrara, oa :? r J 4ii. .on. H tara to El Uiijcs. '? '? * ?° »\u25a0'»: « a cotaM su:h tad Pi*e. WATERHOUSE A BEACH, kiauraaea. A. Colmaa block. gOCCATMIAL THE PUGET SOCND SUMMER SCHOOL ct>ens its second session ;o -n a oil University building first Monday alter the Fourth of July and continued for six wee**. Tu.uon, * Instructor*: Profa J. M Taylor. O. S Joneo. Charlee Fagan- *- D. Gerard, C. A. Taylor. E. E. T»achnor. Address J. P Wilson, sec- retary, new Colilaa buudlag, Seattle, Wtih. PUBLIC AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOL pupils helped to make ad vanned grades; wa flad that Eighth grs<le pupils of our excel.ent public schools are well qualified to take our business courses; attend the leading business school; it will oast you no more. Vrilmn'i Modern Business CV>Ue«e. new Collins bu.Mlng; phone. Main 371. THE ACME BUSINESS COLLEGE wtU coctinue through the summer months; send for circular of our snecial samn-r school. S»a"le National Bank building. Seattle. Wash. LATIN MATHEMATICS. English, rhet- oric. literature taught; common branches reviewed. A. J. Anderson. *l7 Spring. MISS LIZZIE' JAT RICHARDSON, elocu- tion. 406 Fourth. MRS. SLACSON'S School of Elocution, Hclyoke block. AS*. MAX METER. Stadia Hinckley block. VOCAL AND UMMNU MCSIOL BANJO AND GCITAR. T. W. Reamer. Downs block. BOOK INDUO. F. ANTHONY?General bookbinder. pa- per ruler and blank book manufacturer. ??36 First avii:i", foot of Cherry. Kline A Rosenberg building: take elerator. BI.ANK BOOKS?Our flat openers are eye-openers; printing and ruling Metro- politan Ptg. and BJg. Co.. Dextsr Hor- ton Rank building. STOVE sErauuia. STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRSL AH kinds. Third street. STOVES RANGES, repaired shortest no- tice. 14fl8 Second. ALL KINDS STOVE REPAIRS. 411 Yesler avenue. WOOLEJ MILLS. EAGLE WOOLEN MILLS. S3 First ave- nue, blankets, wooiena and flanrels. We call especial attention to our tailor- ing department for style, fit. quality of good« and prices, can cot be equaled is the city. TRCNK FACTO*T. FOR TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS go to Queen City Trunk Factory: repair- ing a specialty. Yesler avenue and Com- mercial. Branch. 11U Second. TENTS. AWNINGS AND SAILS. F~' ITZ PROS. TENT AND AWNING Co., 117 way. Miners' outfitting heatlquarters for oil bags, teats, etc. Phone Red 86*. DIVES ASD VTECKEE A O BENJAMIN-IA Railroad averrne; divers' cutlita, second-hand tfivs boiivra. pum:«. etc. buys, eeiis and tral.'i *:»mer»: tawing d«)ne. CMBKCLLA *CP AI*ISO. TMBRELLA HOSPITAL has r»a*rv-d from to Columbia street. Robe- ecn Bros. BLEtrRERT. HATS AND BONNETS reshaped. dye.l cieane.l or pre«»e.i latest styles. Seat- tle RSeachery. £lO Pike. CONTRACTORS AND MULDERS. A- P. RANDALL A OCi. carpenter*. Jobbers; giasisg. Te.eplwne. Green 444. a. Spring street. KB ASD COLD STORASB. DIAMOND ICE AND COLO STORAGS Conspaoy. foot t'r.lon street, masiitact- ures crystal ice from distilled water, STORA6E STORAGE and D-vtrbattng Warrtww. tn Oec.deacai t«saa J. C. Readmaa. Teiepfcoae. Ma n tu&. WIRE. IRON WORK AND FLA TING. PA<~TFIC RAIUNO AND PLATING CO, 11-t Unloa. VIOLIN SIKEkI. OAIEF VTOLIN; greatest vtoitas glads. im Mar -ex. *? VESER. >3 *uhlrrw. bathlkwr Lim an Afimt * DR. A. B. KIBRE. oculist, ard P»y*)ctaa f&r iieeasee of -he throat; re- °*BT*d to rnoms S3A-TJ7 Ra;)ey bsjiiJlag. corner Second aod Cberrr streeta DR. STILLSON. eye. ear. aoee and t&roaL Haller Suildlae. P. H. O'CONNOR, graduate Harrard unl- ".\u25a0*l Rooms ns. X3R. m Bailey bulld- ln«. TelepSoee. Red ftL GBO. W BRAGnON. D. D. S. 1-1 Starr- Boyd block. T*>piioaea. Office, Ma.a n. reaideace. Red CT. CALDWELI* 11 Haller Cppee or k>w«r aet*. S b«a H*. aam«. SI and up. eit.-ac.ia*. SOe. DR. A. H. HOLCOMR 39 Burke bulldSag; Second avriute. corner Martob. tele- pbone. Buff 84L DR. H. T. SMITTT. 11. IX U Hinckley. Telephone. Mi.r. 355- realdence. Red CI. ALBERT J. FORREST. Fry* block. From street. DR O. WILLIS PRICK. TfcM and Jarre*. GEORGE B. THOMPSON. D. D. 9.. Burke block. DR NELSON. Tealer and Second arenua south. C. A. HOLMES, D. D. \u25a0.. OnbMß build- ing. DR. FRANK S. SMITH. »-T Haller block. DR FOX, dentist. *-lfl Sail Iran block. VIAVI?'The Viae! office* are la the New Tork block corner Second and Cherry streeta. Office hour* from 1 to 538 cuusmAm MRS. B. EMMETT. the South Afrtoaa medium. In her wonderful olairroyant alght. reveals the past, present and fu- ture; consult her; readings. 50c. Rooms 22 and a McDonald block, Ul Second arena*. MME. LA VEE. clairvoyant, trance me- dium; tell* past, present and future; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Southwest corner Sixth and Madison. FLORANCE MARVIN publicly predated Seattle's great Ore; consul: her personal- ly or by letter. 11l Second. MRS. LESLIE, medium. Vapor and elec- tric baths, with magnetic treatment; rheumatism specialty. 1008 Thirl MRS. MOORE tells past, present and fu- ture; electric treatments {or rheumatism. <l4 First avenue. MRS. CHRISTIE, reliable medium. Medi- cated baths and massage. (14 Second. am i mi m MRS. TOOLET, medium?For a short time only. 10 to I Is Vendome: a-lvlce on spiritual or bu*ne*s affairs by mall. II; test seance at Rial to haU Wednesday evenings. ??????^?s^?????s? HANNA. SU Second avenue: room T Epler. FLORISTS AMU Ski EDS ME X. WASHINGTON FLORAL CO. Fresh cut flowers and seeds at m Second avenue. Seattle. raoroeaAraio MTPPUML LATEST PATTERNS la amateur eutflts and complete suck dry plates and Alma; free use dark room for changing. Wash- ington Dental and Pboarraphlo Supply Co.. SI Columbia, opposite postcfßca. C. W. PARKER A CO., fresh paper and plates; everything used ta photography; no catalogue. \u25a0ESIEIUU SERVICE. RING THE 0. K. BOX for m- > ««er.g»m. Western Union ar..t Great Northern tele- grams. hacks, rarneys and »rrr»«s wawors; quick service. Telephone Main ISO U4 Second. Branch Pacific Laun- dry- UGUKEU AffS CONTRACTORS. SAN FRANCISCO BRIDGE COMPANT. engineers and contractors; bridge bond- ing. dredging, harbor ln>jrov»mer-s ar.d general eomractiag. S3 Seattle National bark building. Htimtnic T. A. NOBLE, hydraulic engineer; plana, survey aad eonstnKtloa of water power. Bumping, Irrtgauaa plants, elevators, etc. Railey Building. CIVILNENIEU IN ICITSTSM ERVK9T B HUSSST. Hwtos Bajak buUdiu J \u25a0UCBJLIT TJULOU CHOT CRRUNA co. Un S » SMTA ori»r at ahort notica. IM and upward. WHOLUAUS riot R. J R. WINSTON. A**nt?»li Wat. Whit# Spray: fancy patrat. I4XBOO i t ll* IT! RF.. JTNE BAttrtOO Sr-RF.r-.NS AND TO*. n;: \iri> ail kinl»; efcoap. !l!H fccrl ? EK'l.fU M.*« HUE* «*n«. NEW HOMK MA UIJiJES?Can G<T»?ert. UtT Pnrt ii'Mt COMMISSION lIKCRtni BLOWF \u25a0.-« Ik KIN Frott. ate. ME y«*. LCTLL IOTICU. TICK OF SAT.K-Th- atr:-» o'oek of ? Njr:»w«Kfrr, >Hr-piy Compaity. een- nstiß* of sua. nuvary. ptpea. 8 !- -asa * joda at J a genarai ilea of ma- ctaswry *npi>iT, wtij offarad ' ,r aaia on ItoateT, Juna 1. l®« »?*' -1 btda will ba r»"»iT*d op to 11 oV-wk a m, of aafcl J nr.* i. IW, at o<r.-» of ?'»,« cora<iaoy, Na I.TSJ Pacific arcctx. Ta- ceca TS« stock wffl ba fail balk. '!ia tela to tuxl opo.a a p»rr»ata<» of taa «oat prM*. aa aJw>w» by a»» l»**«tory nt*w ra ?S« basd* of ti» on4araisra*d TSa t-wtn. tary arUi M rs«»r. at asy tima at of- of "J>» *-en»paST. *£< l UM Kir ba Iran so» until tia iata ..f aai*. To# ta r**arv«4 to r»>ct azy ail all t&la- TTU of aaie. eaafc as de- livery of Ufca (Wda. A J ai* m..«; aa axanpul*] by a <*r~ v*i*4 dawk for 1* par r.m t. ot tn* uatwat fevi. ».« a caanuvta* that tisa l»rau of o>» b 1 will ba «uiM out by Uw v-s<frr. Gorytß Se> *«\u25a0<*» at tha atara of lia N »«=« S W T FHEOEJUCX iUI i. JM. crrr \u25a0\u25a0 in civil Bnvi. s > . \ a t: >n-s_\(v tic* ber»by t;v«» \nmi exam ufIKK wtS be fc- i .- -Se :\u25a0 - *-*jt far a;': per- ?ezw w*s« kin avj 4 p.- r?- pa» ttxsw :r * v ? «-r* ?*e ? -*-e <ls ? *ar...«i» i«-aar T !»»»s» «?-? <>»»-! b*'.>w btsaa-uMi *\u25a0..: beats the «ir ®er.' and c»9 ??:-.&« »JR-Js Say snsta ail aspli<-.a*~ : s a r * .4 department ar* fallaari LaNjr ar 1 Jaat'.jr ?-i -e. May 15;h, 1SP»; MeciaaiH-a. and fr,: erwlßeer:-* eerric*. May '.i;h. "?» Cs»n-*J a*rvlc». M»r Uth. ust : I»s>r*rT aer*'<-e ::*« 3?? \u25a0 .««; Ele :-?:*? wrrt-.-v May JtK. IMS: on w»r". * M *«v *- * *!»-». ;»!>«\u25ba via. Ma\ ->t !*t A:I aseuc*st« » ?.»?-»«* rba W*7»r. 1 » ifled - fee TO* ** arrd ;'eau- ia *.. ;f a* 1 - . 4 n *ie rw- :a a* rt>» .. - r r w*L:--fc he* applj a;«v - rtm'.n- ?,- - * V<* «ri) fUK ? " applicant irUi rr :e-.v~ :>"?'.*! r \u25a0:..* 1 < *? exa~t titte f < nm»f.;>r I'r -r cr «f ;ha caaußtaasaa. A. H. ORorT. -r»-ary. IJtPO -Nl 'ED STOCK N<VTIC«~Tha fal- ;.v*.r4t j-*-- ?- * r«- wa.« ;<Ja>-*4 a tie :t s* - t ?. M.. :S. and will b# - M i' - -o \u25a0" ?#baat v.- ; If.- pjj, nf iTr.pc'ir-. -* ir-i - ~e Taeflwlay. juu? !. ? a; \u25a0 h a. rs... at frt>n* jAor * > 1 : cor- ner of Pi-rl ***\u25a0\u25a0 a:- ! Y»«.»r way: <»?«» wMt* btn ß -' oa r-iffit >*:>. Tfc« owner \u25a0' <?\u25a0<**\u2666 tJda betas k> ankncwE- C- S REED. Aetme Chvr »f ! ai--b. Data «f flryt p«t>lwa:!«iv May it, UK. ImPOI NDED STf>CK NOTICE?Tba fail 1 awt: dMCTtttd iwrse *m ;?\u25a0». rd B tfie city a April Jr. :»t and »t!l bo »(d «t pumic awetioa *0 tf>a htsbeat bidder ? r .a*a is ha! to nay coat* «.mpt.i'j!vl:rjs a 1 wivM'iatt Tueaday, May It. :«« at Wo' ark a. ».. at tba tract Icor of p>»|<> cor- aaer of TTi.rd ttrret and Y«-»Vr way: m One b«ck-«kln »or»e; Min i n rjfbt #y«k and branrte-1 .«> left foreahoulder. Tb's owner of the aba** deaertbed bora* C & REED. Ae«n* Chief at Data of ftret pntitoAtioa. May V «ML I\DK*TUERI DEXTER HORTON A CO- BANKERS. Xaoorvora'.ed IMT. Capital MSI SurtUua MhtNt Prcatder. t A. A. Denny. Vica PreatJeot W. M. l^dd. Mana*fr M. H. I^atimer. Caah>r T. R Van Tuyl. fßchi exchange and talesraphle <rai» hra on Near York. CMcmro St. Paul. Saa Frandaeo. Pnrtiand and vartoua poiata la Or»g>n Brttlah Calobntia. Sjtht bill* of excna?* on l.ondoa avail* able elaewher* in Europe. CoUec.iona ma da at all potata aa farar> able terms. Bon da. atorka aiK' nrbar raluablaa ce. ved ob depoalt (or aaf* kaaplas. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK. Occidental block. Seaul*. Waab. camtal tiaoMt -ornrEßs axd trcsteks? Jacob PurtA Priai itaat Arthur A Denny Vice Preatdant John Leary Second Vice prealdaat Jama R. ifav ien .Mar.acer. Caah'r Sec y Pr*r.k I. Blodfe*.! . ..JMRtM Caahlar Sisnur.d SJchwabacher. John CniUna. K C. Naufeider. J. T. Grwenleaf. Tranaacta a aav.r.«a bank buatnaaa «*- ciaaively. Deposit* rereiyed from tl to tlO.Otk. Intereat allowed i>er annum; Si* pa* cent, on term deposits; 4 per caat oo or- dinary deposits. Dividends S-.iar».l L»»t day* of May an! November. L«.ana maJ- oo real eaiate or approved collaterals only. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMMCI. Corner Omraer tal and Tealer way. P«id-up capital IMMM Transacts a general banking bustneaa. X. D. Ballard Presides! H. C. Henry Vice Prealdeat R. R Ppen.-er CaaMar BANK or BRITISH COLUMBIA. PaM-u? capital. tJ. -?«'.>«». r-serve. M- em lirad Ofrica, «U Lombard street. lx>n- doo. Bran Sea. I'ortland. San Kraocleco. Seattle, Victoria, Taooma. New Waatmiß- ater. Nar.alr. \u25a0. Kam! Vtlson, Van- couver. B. C. A central banking and «? cba'ge business tran.»a el. I/oafte made. Bills dtocour.ted. C mmercial credit* granted. I>»p<>ei'.s received oa current ao count subject to check. R. !.r.A BARSES. Manager. TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE. Paid-up capital AlM.*# Surplus tii.JO) J. H. McOraw President Maurlca MMlcken Vloe Preaidar.t Lester Turner Cashier Genera! banking busineas transacted. SKSt and telegraphic exchange payabla ta all the principal citlea of vna United States and Europa. THE FCOET SOI'ND NATIONAL BANK OF SEATTLE. Capital stock paid la KS.M* Surplus Itt.M Jacob Fnrth President E. C. Neufeider Vloa President R. V. Ankrny Caabier DIRECTORS: K. C. Neufelder, J R. Harden S. Fraiientnal, Jacob Furtfc. Sltmund 8. hw abac her. Con*l[«ir 1- -vp to all th« prin-tpsd ctUsa tn the Cnlt<-1 S'ates ar.d Europe PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO. tr \u25a0 " TTW Card la EC<CT Juno L ML (Mttld Swr»!t and Whatraat miH . \u25a0tat* of Waah!n*ton Itim Seattle tear, u-fpt Saturday. at Ift p. m. Brattle and lift C.iooer rente- PalrhareM lu"> Seattle dtuly. except Sunday, U ? Telephone. Mala OT. Teeter daok. pcasrr SOtTND AND CENTRAL AMXB. XCAH mutator, COMPANT?- a. i . % Regular ulUan b<mw fifft. - ?cullj and Central AKnlru - porta General office Mutual Lltm "t building. aii I ulik TH* BARK SHIRLET. . win lea re Ca!n«'a dork, at Staf? tM Cook Intet about Mar n. For freight and peaenger rates aptly at Cf »_E.CAIN*«. J WAM * rreAMKR MART R. PKRUBT ' iMT.t Herrington'e w fiarf. foot of Waafc- trfon nr«t, (or South Roach. 87! ran Grove. Ht. White, BrTnerton, l.aitej Dry Dork, Chart eit<>a, MM*. recyt«n, 'Thieo, Silver-la i«. at I p. HL. narday 3.3# p tn . Sunday. I p\u25a0 n>; ro- turiir*. l*ar*« Silverdala at 1.(1 a. Telephone. Black «|. THE VAXCOtTV*» ROOT*. > *" C BTEAMER OEOKOE * STARK LMTW Tacoma. 13 none: S«-attle. Tealar wharf. Ip. m Monday* and Tfc-jradajrs far Port Ti»rwl. Anaeortee, New Wr.airran Kiaine and Friday Har- bor. and Vir w»«, arrvtcg Vancouver d (1 m. following day. Par* to B:*Tne B: faro to Vancouver. B. Pr further mtormattoo apply to Ttt- lar wharf. TUi: ALASKA STEAMSHIP CO.* STEAMKR WII.LAPA. Cap?. Oot*» 11 be rta, Leaytitr Vitil- for Ataaka May M, and »tot thtrt»«n daya thereafter. Po» fr»!«h'. tnd ratea apptJE to JO. CAJUTOU* Agent, S< htrata n»r lork. Tel.. Pika <\u25a0. CHARIt* E. fSA&ODT. Geaeral Ma*. a*»r. ft* at 'la _____ _ STKAMKM. FLT ON THE "FLTER." SEATTLE TO TACOMA Poor round tripe laiiy. e»-ept Sunday, la oai» "w and twenty-ave mlr.utaa, THE STEAMKR "FLYER- Regular ia.iy tripe. Seattle-Taooma route, aa to!Iowa: TAKING trppfT TTESDAT. MAT a. TIME CARD Singl* far*. »V; round trip. TSc. Leave Sea;:l»- 7 C. UU a. B.; !S. 11l p. IB lviare T*-wr.»-( SB a m.; 1. 4 JO. I a. la. 81 NDATS. Letare Sea'ttle ?T a m-: 13 as.; Sp. m. Leave Ta?on*?d :J0 a in !#, 'ap. A I.a.' 't.r* «' Nor*hrrq Pacillc wharf. Ta- eoma. ar.d r<nn»«it al doc At** of Ma- rion atreet. S*aitla. Sundays, atramera Pr«r and 3Lara of Wa*ii:6«tor,. fare SOc. PCUET BO' SO * A r.AHivA STEAM- SHIP COMPANT. VXCTORI A ROUTE. STEAMSHIP en r c>p KINGSTON. I>!»«en Tacoma aed Vlatarla. B C. t:«aai i.i M .. Tacoma !!« Ar 4 Caa Ifi :s*in Lf 3* . Seatti- ... tt A.-* 3 < I jßpmLv 73' Pi Tow « ?? 1 atAr<U-M*ai « J»s>ra Al-IW V Ciorta ..1 M IH« ?D*Uy tlr»V'. Monday. Trij ???\u25a0aiu'r fir»*.-'-!a»a aaoai ov»4a;i'>oa. arn ia« both fr»:#nt ar»l paa- a*c#'ra. and ieavea from Waier aiarf. Por ra:«a. air. Isauira of o K THORNDTKE. J »«;-? wftar' -Vaitia. }. A NAOEAU, Orseral Af»tH N P. R. R HwatUa, PACIFIC COAST STSAMiItIIP CO. attaasera from Seattta la fol- ic era Pne Sao Fraa- aea. rta Port T>ir-jH»r.d ar.d Vi-rora. at * a ntv 1 -a*ri r»- retvrd oa teard at I a. m 1 May I 1. 13. 17, 3 and r. Por Aia?Ma~May I asd R. at f a. ta. Prom San for Victoria and Pjf"t »mnd poru. at » a m.. May t. t. 1A a. M and 29. Tle*»ia may ha obta;ae«l tt t 4 :* o«l-!a of the esaawr, at i»rrar. Saefc. B»a"ie J P TROWBRIfWIK, P. S. Sups. ar<r*VOAl*l.. PERK'NS A CO. Oacerai A*«sta. Saa Frarrlaca. VICTORI A ROUTE. ?TEAMER ROSALIE AlSsttM dock. l-at« far Vlc'jrla aad port ToatHCil daily, a* r»t Sa rday. at IIJB pa» retarni. s teavea Vlctofla at I a. a. 8;-an»»r Ida. 1 ". ieav« for Pert Tswaaatcd and way j»as'» laily. except Sua<l»y at T a. m.. Araet. at ? a «a; rotaralng. direct, kavaa Part OMMilMai __ noon CANAL ROUTE. I* H MAIL STKAMKi: Tt'I.TA r*"« Tj vruth 4Mk. f/w* \u25a0? t»o «'rw, Tij"kl»* Th'jn»t»T* v*vl J»«t- irUrt. it 7 a/z'iru ? ai frw Ktmrvnn, For- Sfio-r UrWMtk HoJty, Ulßnoii t-'HJ. Hv*l«pnr* übl l'#;w f'tj. R**umt iton O THOCTXAX Kutcf. Ttfd-pfeOM, BM !S. XBCSK AND MADISON LINE. BTKAM B>TIH"Xr.R LA KM ft. Will car frwa iu) Frorltc* Mijr e*r- !!\u25a0» **\u2666 »: »! pw U.B. cocao- ei littar *{l pole's. K. r. CAJSZ. A*-BT, «H .. AxUsfiao AoO, JtUsbvoe, Flk* lb II fTctwnk SAX rr AX rei_orosi STEAMER LTDIA THOMPSOSt. CkßTiv t*ni:e>l States na> .. ;*a*Ba Oltß 4*t .«?! t Ma,.'.-> atrwet. Uoailty. Wact. Md« «ri rnday 4t 1 t. «... !or Pact Tow - M-*d. Juan ialar.da *»d >S»w *>.» ??». Returr as. !f»v»l N«-w tVb»t- rcw Ttw-*ia», TSur*day and Saturday, M I >. X . j TIME CARD IX ELFTECT -TAX. S. ~ Nor* Seattle i a. K| Imtn Port T."»p#mwl 4 v «.: :?«**? »n. ?u* Harbor !i:J» «. m . !?*»*? FUr- Vr js «5 p. a.. 4rnv« »t N»w V>?atce<« ? * P. s. 1 S vwinil? lM*99 y*w mttwa 4 a. m.. mm K«-H» HariHir 1* a. --a- -.mwmm Fraa> Harbor 11 a. m.. l*a*.« Port T»«-!*?<: t p. BL. ?rrtrea at S«a(.J* 1.4t K m. J R. TDoaam UStT, 8or».-i .. * Co.. acenu. Clyr -iook. Taicpijaa Itela s. OI.TMPIA. TACOMA AND aSATZUR ROt-TK. & WUiey Xa» r% >m C*"® itMM MCLTVOJtAH. PULT TIMS CARD. Uan. Arrtr*. OtT®ru at.. (Jla «T»,-«»a at.. Ta«>ma *!.. <# a m>sa:ri« at tM Sr«--> a; ... 1* p «T*.:o«a« mS..XMptm Tacotna at. J* p t»* «ymr>a aLtJin CITT or ABERDEEN. Dally azrept Stuxiar. L«ar«. Arm*. Baattla ..... *lt a nTvona i NaM llnu !?-» a m<>i»iDp-.a .... IM)« Otyn>p.a 2M o bTmmh 4 p aa Tafwna .... ? TJtpai Far« b»;w*»o Staula TBi-otoa. a «ao-« l.a< at aiUa Cltr Joe*. M* af Main XJia.r, HonAMors * co.. jmm i~:t Wk. T*ifp!.«.oa. Maia It Capt. L. W"ui*]r. Maoaavr. L. * R TRANBPORTATIOX CO. WEF.KLT TIM* CARIX BTEAMER CITT OT CHAMPAIOIt, Sku.'. Itlvrr Rau!o. t«a*Ta Bt*f : W~ißMHajr.- May a*. .4; raMntaft.:} Ba:orvlay. May 3. at " a. m. !*?**? Mount V«rr>««»-WtfdnMKiay, May J». at * a. B>.; J"rl<lay. May a at J a. ro.: Hunjay, Mar K at I a. IS. (.AlUu at Suutwrnxl. Fir. Skagi! Mi>u»t and Ann. £T-jU;:p auuUt iiuauay au4 nor 1 a TMaaday. . . - - i STEAMER rI.AN M*T>OXAtD. Moadar. Wxli»Kt>y and FrUajP all a *a, for KJnvaiwla. Kv«yit awl Snohoaalatl nw poina. Ooinc Itirouaa to TacOßMt Tw»lay aod Baturdar. City do. ic ?uaam for all polßta am ttia Maaod. Open all T»l»p«on». Malta R. a. O. TERKKjI. Mat.a«ar. BTRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPAXT. STRft GARLAND AND EVANOEU, j S»attl» aixS Towna»nd-N»aJi Ray raut«, tiMotr Oarlaad laavn Y<-».-r .Jock dax. W<«itiM>la)a and Friday* at I a. m . for Pert Townwriid. Port WiUtaaHw SvnxrKfaa. Port Asd'ln. Port i"reap«»t, Oattyatmrc. Pyaltt. t Ctam Bay and XaaM Bay r«turn:ns. arrtT»a at iMaitla Ip, Bk OB eppoat:* laya Stnatmr Kvaacaf laaTM Te»l»r 4ock for Part Ar.«*l»a aad W-'.or'a. W«do»»daya utd PrV. day at (M p. m.. arrlvaa SaalU* altar* Bala daj-a 2:3# P- «- K>RT ORCHARD AND WOTO« ROUTE. STEAMER A. R ROHINSO*. Carrrln# U. 8. Mail. OB Part Orrtiurd and Pari Waahlaetee rant*. >avn City dork, foot at Mala Mml. *J» a. m.. aJUn* at South Raaeh. Burrftril. Hrt.k Yard. Rrrtaertao. O. s. Navy Tard. Rutaay. Trarytotw Cht .v BUvrr6al». Port Orcaarl Bavy atatlon at t p. m : anrtyva Seattle M 4p. m. EN. Biaatar. LiUy. BoavJua * Co.. TtUibona. Mala tl. FOR THE GOLD FIELD® OB THI TI;KON RIVER, ALASKA. Tha H'-*mer EXCELSIOR vUI ln«« \u25a0aat'oa on or about June 3 for St. Ml- eh&t connecting with tha Steamer P. B Wnra for Fort Coda&y. »'«PP-0* at all mxunc cuitii om th« river. This ta tha ocly rout# to the Taken torne J by which tl» dangers *n<l harikhtp# ma be avot-JM. Paaaeiurera take sfeaaa- ars a: Seattle <us>l era landed dirertljr at thm mines. For rate*, ate., apply ta WORTH AMERICAN TRANSPORTA- TION AND TRADING CXX. SwabaeA- trt W.-.arf. Seattle. Wu6. PORT BLAKELET ROLTH t SARAH M. RENT ON. Learaa Central Dock daily eaoopt Htt- arday an : Sunday, IUE and I and « «S p. m.; Saiurday 10 a. «.. 3 p. m. and f:« p. tu.. Sunday, its a. Q. and 7a» p m Lrarea Blakfler, aarept Saforday and Sunday. I a. at. and 13 « and I.« p. at.: Sa- irday. Its and 13 tt tad Id p. aa; Son-'.a r »a. m. ard 1 p. m. WHATCOM AND SEATTLE ROCTE. STEAMER RAT CTTT C"? of M .'a atraat. Tnuradqr and Saturday, at ? R. m for Pairhaerri and What- eoaa. H> -rctr.*. lr«na Whatcona Sunday. W*di»>'ay ar-i rrtdar a' « » m iV« t:. Li -1. I'- irardua A Co . C 5 y *. ad* aia. P&GCB . Hat -& J? W. H. ELI-ta. Owner.

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Post on 18-Feb-2021




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  • mmxjt m/AKwn \u25a0>!,\u25a0,

    a MOCCTH. r«o ean max* tt «n;Mm a UT «r aarmu don" -nmt-Sn «f hani ttni an makinc»»::nur N*at:or«, ry«h Vaa.

    ' S kofK »B ac!»ntf9c pr;iir:p*r» : sriM-r\u25a0 ZmMI; ?wrrVxty wanu one, - «a«|TtTaold prVT low aptHy at omm.|hU Mt- Co.. Wt. CoiuatOoa, Ohio.

    \u25a0tffCD-rir U. P armr: aMi Tnidlrt.a>rn. b»;w«m ar*a of & »«3KBina if ta» Ca>.t*d * *rni »r.i» tCrurilah. For t»Bw ar \u25ba "> r»-r;!*ia« a(Tl«ii_gjjMß Mo-T'iT*Hn* sairamrn to cam«W* !»» htramm aaiEgaara :*ltlaa: coast*.

    to rrllac-1* OittjaorBkmrttf Co.. » IlUaota street. Clu>

    Sa mrwi) rz to IUO a moot ta aad n-\u25a0Wi aait iaiaa»e» tor pan-gssrcraaanr; »Lar.? Agents for the celebrated Ate-Maa aoa-narcotlc pure Turkish etgar-sltes sand 10c *.? or II for aample M.Atsahian. M Tremont St.. Huston. Mass

    ?ALKBMK.V Mer-hants' trade; 00 aweak. new. quick, good; light samplesfne. aide line or exclusive. Mfra.. £HIMarket street. Philadelphia.

    WANTED Second-hand top buggy In\u25a0sod repair, must be cheap, for cash.

    wm?" 1 il"x No' 2