the social economy in quebec

The social economy in Québec An important dynamic in the An important dynamic in the development of communities development of communities

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Page 1: The Social Economy in Quebec

The social economy in


An important dynamic in the An important dynamic in the development of communitiesdevelopment of communities

Page 2: The Social Economy in Quebec

The Quebec experience: the The Quebec experience: the evolution of an integrated evolution of an integrated

model of development of the model of development of the social economysocial economy

An integral part of a pluralist economyBuilding new solidarities Building new solidarities

The social economyThe social economy

Page 3: The Social Economy in Quebec

«La caisse n’est qu’un prélude, bien d’autres organismes suivront, englobant tous les besoins matériels susceptibles

d’être mieux satisfaits par l’association coopérative.»

Alphonse Desjardins, 1910

100 years ago,Alphonse et Dorimène

founded the first credit union

Page 4: The Social Economy in Quebec


social tourism, recreation, culture, housing, agriculture, workplace

integration, adapted enterprises, daycare…

Page 5: The Social Economy in Quebec

and even more !

… homecare, recycling, new technology, fair trade, community


Page 6: The Social Economy in Quebec

• Emerges from a collective process and rooted in community

• ‘Values added’ business

• Primacy of people and sustainable development over capital

• Socially profitable, financially viable,

• Context for creation and innovation

The chacteristics of a The chacteristics of a social economy social economy


Page 7: The Social Economy in Quebec

A major playerA major player 7 151 entreprises

3 210 coops, 3941 associations

124 302 jobs2 of the 4 biggest private

employhers: credit unions and daycare centres

17,2 billion annual sales8% of the GNP of Québec

Social economy enterprise; Social economy enterprise;

Page 8: The Social Economy in Quebec

Three keys to understand the Three keys to understand the longevitylongevity

. Deep roots in the community. Deep roots in the community

. Technical support and coaching. Technical support and coaching

. Public policies adapted to the realities of . Public policies adapted to the realities of the social economy the social economy

Businesses that Businesses that last …last …

65 %65 % survival after 5 years compared to survival after 5 years compared to

35% for private businesses35% for private businesses

Page 9: The Social Economy in Quebec

Revitalising neighbourhoods and villages

……with the social economy!with the social economy!

Page 10: The Social Economy in Quebec

Services to the population at all stages of life: perinatal, daycare, recreation, collective

transport, homecare for the elderly, funeral cooperatives

Exploitation of local resources: forestry and agricultural cooperatives,

recycling businesses, culture, etc.

An important contribution An important contribution to the development of to the development of


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Collective response to social and material needs: housing coops, community media, school cooperatives, solidarity financing, etc.

Socio-professional insertion and integration into permanent jobs for marginalised groups

Contribution to the dynamics of community economic development

Local and regional Local and regional capacity to respond capacity to respond

collectively to social and collectively to social and material challenges material challenges

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Recognition of a pluralist economyRecognition of a pluralist economy

A mix of three types of economic activities:

. Public (government) . Private . Social (civil society)

Page 13: The Social Economy in Quebec

Pluralist EconomyPluralist EconomyContribution to the renewal of our model of development :

• A change from government’s traditional silo approach

• Challenges private sector to increase social responsability

• Mobilises civil society to more involvement in economic development in an integrated perspective (social, environmental and cultural dimensions)

• Develops a pluralist democracy

Page 14: The Social Economy in Quebec

• le Chantier de l’économie sociale (1996)

• le Réseau d’investissement social du Québec (1997)

• le Comité sectoriel de main-d’œuvre de l’économie sociale et de l’action communautaire (1998)

• l’Alliance de recherche universités-communautés en économie sociale (1999)

An integrated model of An integrated model of development of the social development of the social


Page 15: The Social Economy in Quebec

From local to global..From local to global..

The social economy: The social economy: A global movement!A global movement!

Page 16: The Social Economy in Quebec

Pour une économie plurielle et solidaire