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2013 View of the Possible

the soCietY of st. ViNCeNt De PAUl

the soCietY of st. ViNCeNt De PAUl420 West WatkinsP.o. box 13600Phoenix, arizona 85002-3600(602)

we ARe the soCietY of fRiDAY Night PizzA AND moNDAY moRNiNg meRCY, of fResh PeRsPeCtiVes AND A View of the Possible, of smiles, hot meAls, hoUses tURNeD iNto homes AND seCoND hAND stUff iNto seCoND ChANCes, of Clothes to iNsPiRe oUR boDies’ wish to be beAUtifUl AND soUls showeReD with ComPlimeNts AND PAiN ADDResseD with AtteNtioN, of DigNitY DeliVeReD to the NeeDY DooR AND smiles VolUNteeReD AND boxes filleD with fooD AND A PRomise foR the fUtURe, of A Roof wheRe YoU CAN heAR the footstePs of ANgels AND A Pillow thAt sAYs hAPPilY eVeR AfteR, AND of loVe AND lAUghteR, hUmilitY, CiVilitY, stAbilitY, AND tRANqUilitY, of seRViNg, of beiNg A seRVeR AND DeseRViNg thAt PRiVilege, AND holDiNg oUt hoPe AND helPiNg with the light bill, emPtY PANtRY AND the PhoNe, AND mAkiNg sURe No oNe is left AloNe, withoUt A PRAYeR oR A fRieND, of mAkiNg eACh otheR feel RiCh, AND lUCkY, AND AliVe.

Oliver Moore is our Phoenix Dining Room Manager. He has been working for St. Vincent de Paul for 15 years.

How was this past year? Perhaps you were hungry or witnessed hunger. Possibly you found yourself without the means to dress adequately for work or your self-esteem, or even to keep your children looking and feeling their best. Maybe it was a clean, safe home you lacked or you knew of someone for whom a dignified dwelling really was a luxury. Conceivably, medical issues or insurance woes made life difficult for you or your loved ones.

Whether 2012 was a year of challenges for you on the most basic level or you have never in your life wanted for food, clothing, a warm bed or attentive doctor, for us the philosophical and practical focus is the same. To be served or to serve, to be waited on or to wait on – at St. Vincent de Paul we are dedicated to fostering a community in which we all look out for each other, in which we have faith in each other, as members of one family.

As you will see in the next several pages, in what we are calling the View of the Possible, we had a successful year. Not beyond our own high standards, but certainly beyond the bravest hopes of many of our neighbors who are in need. Our Vincentian volunteers continue to perform their miracles of personal compassion. Together with our committed staff and generous supporters they embrace our most vulnerable citizens in love and protection, enriching their own lives while doing so.

So what are our plans for tomorrow? How will we achieve them? Now that is where we need your help, as our supporters, on three different levels.

First, with your money and time: There is no substitute for these basic building blocks. Our Society is greatly blessed to be a place where communities come together to help us help others.

Second, with your influence: We ask each of you to be a St. Vincent de Paul ambassador to raise awareness of our mission and the scope of our services and accomplishments. Tell people who know our name what it stands for: FEED, CLOTHE, HOUSE, HEAL is a good start. Inform and enlighten where you can and we believe inspiration will shine through – to the benefit of those whom we are privileged to serve at St. Vincent de Paul.

Finally, with your prayers and the impact of your spirit: We ask that you keep St. Vincent de Paul and those we serve in your prayers. Give graciously at all times, even when it is not directly connected with St. Vincent de Paul. Generously accept gifts as well, bestowing dignity on the giver. This raises the tide of goodness and fellowship for all of us.

Thank you for your continued belief in us. We consider this to be a sacred trust, one we strive to honor fully every day. May God abundantly bless you and those you love in the year ahead.

Joseph J. Riley, PresidentStephen J. Zabilski, Executive Director

DeAR fRieNDs of st. ViNCeNt De PAUl,

feeD. Clothe. hoUse. heAl.

A makeover from the Vincentian Fresh Perspectives program gave Diamond Ochoa a new home for her homework.

Enhancing Our Recipe for 2013

Every year, we hear staggering statistics on the number of children and families who go hungry in the United States. Arizona ranks as one of the highest in child hunger. Last year, St. Vincent de Paul’s network of local food pantries delivered more than 471,000 emergency food boxes to struggling families in central and northern Arizona. Our dining rooms provided more than 1.1 million meals to hungry guests. We are proud of our efficiency and the number of people we are able to serve, but we are more proud that each of those we

served was not treated as another number. All of our emergency food boxes are delivered by volunteers who listen and offer prayer, friendship and encouragement. Our dining rooms are more than plates of hot, nourishing food. They are safe havens where those in need can check their burden and worries at the door to come to the dinner table. As we continue to improve the quality of meals and increase our capacity to serve, we are also developing new enrichment activities for kids in the family dining room. Never before have we seen the increasing number of families asking for help for the first time in their lives, but never before have we worked harder to nourish them, in body, mind and soul.

feeD.Every guest is greeted with a warm smile and a hot meal at the Phoenix Dining Room.

Fashion Prediction for 2013: More Dignity

Clothing is about dignity and respect. Last year, about 24,000 homeless individuals visited our main campus for showers, clean clothes, food and other services to get back on their feet. Our thrift stores gave more than $254,000 worth of clothing and essential items to families in need. In addition to generating

funding for services, our thrift stores act as distribution points for families that lack basic items like clothing and beds for their children. Next year, we hope to enhance our thrift store operations so that we are able to serve more families. No child should have to sleep on the floor and parents should not have choose between clothing their children or paying rent and putting food on the table.


Surprises are in style at our Sunnyslope thrift store.

“I’m Home!” … 2013’s Clarion Call

Many working poor families make choices between putting food on the table, buying medication, or paying rent. For families that live paycheck to paycheck, it only takes an unexpected medical bill or a car breaking down to put them behind. Last year, we provided more than $9.9 million in direct aid through our Conferences of Charity to help families with rent, utility payments and other assistance. Not only is homelessness emotionally taxing for families, it is an even greater challenge for families and individuals to get back on track once they become homeless. We do all that is within our power to prevent homelessness through direct aid, counseling and referrals. We also aim to break the cycle of chronic homelessness through our shelter. Ozanam Manor is our transitional shelter for an especially vulnerable group of adults experiencing homelessness: those over age 50 or

with disabilities. Last year, the shelter housed 145 people and 65 moved into permanent housing. By providing a home, we restore the dignity and hope of individuals so that they can heal from the traumatizing effects of homelessness. We know that a house is not just a place to sleep at night. It’s a home you feel safe in and one that you can be proud of. Our Vincentian Fresh Perspectives program improved the homes of 40 low-income families with repairs, furniture, fresh coats of paint and best of all, fresh new beginnings. Next year, we hope to increase the number of beds available to veterans in Ozanam Manor as well as decrease the length of stay for all residents until permanent housing solutions are available. We don’t want individuals of any age to ever suffer homelessness. Families should have a safe and healthy environment in which to live and flourish. Everyone deserves the chance to say, “I’m home.”

hoUse.Happiness is a roof over your head and friends who will take you under their wings.

The Prognosis is Excellent for 2013

Healing begins by knowing that someone is there for you. Our dental and medical clinic provides a safety net for working-poor individuals and families without insurance. Last year, we provided more than 14,000 appointments and more than $3.1 million worth of medical and dental care. By collaborating with local universities and volunteer dentists over the next year, our dental clinic will be able to double our capacity to provide children’s orthodontics. In addition to our regular children’s dental program, we look forward to giving more than 200 uninsured children

the opportunity to have healthy smiles. Every Little Step Counts, our community-based health education program, launched Vinny’s Kids, a running and fitness club for kids. Three times a week, kids and their families meet at a local park to train for 1K and 5K runs with fitness coaches who provide child-appropriate activities to improve running skills. As the number of uninsured people continues to increase in Arizona, we hope not only to increase our capacity by taking in new patients, but also to continue to enhance our health education programs. By teaching families to take care of their health, we decrease the need for uninsured individuals to rely on emergency rooms and improve the wellness of our community as a whole.

heAl.Things are looking up as families look forward to getting healthy and staying healthy.

PRogRAms & seRViCes Estimated Operating Revenue and Expenses

FY 2012*Council Districts Conferences Conf and


Community Donations 6,278,474 35,185 3,109,984 3,145,169 9,423,643 27%

Grants 1,754,412 - 1,754,412 5%

Estates and Trusts 1,042,942 - 1,042,942 3%

Sale of Donated Merchandise 4,736,684 1,367,062 1,367,062 6,103,746 17%

In-Kind (goods and services donated) 9,966,728 3,372,390 3,372,390 13,339,118 38%

Investment and Other Income 723,214 492,486 2,037,033 2,529,519 3,252,733 9%

TOTAL REVENUES $24,502,454 527,671 9,886,469 10,414,140 34,916,594 99%

Program Services 21,433,554 543,798 9,989,457 10,533,255 31,966,809 92%

Management and Administration 1,112,756 1,112,756 3%

Fundraising 1,518,878 1,518,878 4%

TOTAL EXPENDITURES $24,065,188 $543,798 $9,989,457 $10,533,255 $34,598,443 100%

* Estimated from 2011 Reports. Data represents unaudited results of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 and an estimate of Conference and District results.

Operating Revenue and Expenses 2012

Community Donations $9,423,643

Council 6,278,474

Conferences 3,145,169

Grants 1,754,412

Estates and Trusts 1,042,942

Sale of Donated Merchandise 6,103,746

Council 4,736,684

Conferences 1,367,062

In-Kind (Goods and Services Donated) 13,339,118

Council 9,966,728

Conferences 3,372,390

Investment and Other Income 3,252,733


Program Services 31,966,809

Council 21,433,554

Conferences 10,533,255

Management and Administration 1,112,756

Fundraising 1,518,878


* Data represents unaudited results of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2012 and an estimate of Conference and District results.




fAmilY AssistANCe9%

sAle ofDoNAteD meRChANDise17%

ADmiN & fUNDRAisiNg8%

sPeCiAl PRoJeCts5%

It goes without saying that minus our Donors, Supporters, and Gift-Bearers, we would be well meaning enough but well out of business as an organization. These individuals, families, corporations, and foundations are our lifeblood. We will remain in their debt through every hour in 2013, as we have in years past and will in years to come. On behalf of all the women, men, and children whom we serve…we thank you.

CiRCle of fRieNDs DoNoRsCharity$25,000+ per year for five years

anonymousedward n. and nadine M. bashaDavid J. and susan Walp FrenchJoan and David GoldfarbJohn J. and Jeanne o’brienDan L. and nancy L. Yahraus

Love$10,000+ per year for five years

anonymousstephen and kathryn attwoodJames and Colleen edwardsGPW and associatesCatherine and robert keenanFrances L. MastDonald J. and nadine e. Meisrobert r. and Mary Lou russellLeonard and Janice tichavsky

Hope$5,000 per year for five years

José and Frances burruelMalcolm a. and norma t. Cooteray and barbara DaoustJohn and Julie Douglasrobert L. and Lucia rael Marusiakstephen J. szalayronald r. and Catherine a. tischLinda Peterson Warrenrichard L. Warren

Faith$1,000 per year for five years

anonymousalvan and sara adamsadelante Foundation, inc.William h. and

nancy Vottero angerC. Joseph and sheri L. atteridgeFrank M. barriosG. bernard and Patricia a. barryJohn and Jean bayerMike and Philomena bellJack blanchard, sr.William W. bohnertedward and Lorraine bradyMaurice J. and bette brashawtim and Catherine L. brownJames D. and sandra kay brunerbrian and beverly burchDan and barby burrJohn M. Cahalrocky and Mary kay CarbonaraJosé a. Cardenasstephen s. and Monica Casetimothy J. and sheila M. CaseyGabrielle F. ChungMarilynne J. Clancyshannon Clancy and Dan klocketom and Joyce ClouserDaniel and Lisa CollingCatherine ConnollyJoseph and nancy Contadinoann Michele CouchJames C. and Patricia G. Crewsrodney J. Crottyedward t. and

Constance D. DonahuePaul Dykstra and karen kracheranthony V. and alice a. ehmannMichael and Maria endredyJohn t. and Melissa Feesrobert and Linda s. FeinholzPaula and Phil GarlickF. Michael and sheila P. GeddesDan Goldfine

James a. Greniersean and nancy Gundersonbradley L. and Julie r. hahnrichard and Pam hardingJohn P. and ann o. heilemanr. Peers and beverly henessteven L. and Mary b. hessJohn and Catherine hobanedward r. and Marilyn a. hoffarthLynn rhoads hoffmanGreg and katy holditchken and Lura houckstephen J. JenkinsChuck and Laura kennedyDonna killougheyJay and Doris a. kilroyalan D. and stacy D. klibanoffanne s. klimarobert e. and Jane M. kohnenJay s. kramerMark and terry krivoruchkaMark e. and betsy G. Lassiterthomas M. and Jacqueline LongustJames h. and Michele a. LundyJ. Peter Madine and Virginia

MullinsPeter and kathy Malandroger and Valerie Manningalexander MarekFloyd Larry Martorithomas and billie McGivernaracely MejiaDan MillerJohn and angela MisnerPhilip J. Mizzi, Ph.D. and Lynn M.

brysaczrobert a. and Maricela P. MoffittLew Moorethe Most reverend Monsignor

richard W. MoyerLaure Mrazekrobert J. and tina M. MulhernFrank L. and kathleen M. nageottenorman L. and Lorie a. nichollsLaurance b. and barbara r. nilsenWilliam and Mary novotny

Patrick and Judy o’brienbrian r. o’DonnellLowell and emilia o’Gradyedward and Jane o’MalleyLonnie and Martha ostromJames F. and M. Pat PeaperGregory L. and Joyce a. PetrowskiWilliam and nancy Phalenenriqueta M. Porras, M.D.Ullrich e. and Linda PorzigWayne r. and Lisa J. richJoseph J. and Charlotte t. rileyrobinson, tigue, sponcil Private

Wealth ManagementGuy P. and Maria rollWendell e. rossmanFerenc e. and Diane rosztoczyrobert rosztoczyMartin and kim ruggierobob and ruth M. runklebarbara h. ryanJohn C. and kay e. sackhomer and Julie savardronald J. and Carolyn J. schottGlennie scottLyle r. scritsmiererston and Dawn sengereva serranokirt shinemanMartin L. and Linda shultzFrank robert singhridge a. and tana G. smidtGerald and Linda stadlerronald L. stearnsMichael and M. theresa stevenselton and Janet thayernick and Gina Vanderweystanley Mark and

teresa Lanctot Wehnken and Peg WelchConnie Wilhelmterry and eddie WilsonDolores WitherspoonFrank Wrightsteve and Denise zabilski

CoRPoRAte AND foUNDAtioNannual Gifts over $1000

adelante Foundationaetna Foundationalexander & baldwin (a & b)

Foundation alliance beverage

Distributing Company american academy of Dermatology american express american Family Mutual insurance

Company the annexus Group appraisal technology inc. arizona biltmore arizona Community Foundation arizona Public service arizona Diamondbacks armstrong Family Foundationarrowhead honda aspen systems auer Family Foundationavnet bank of america bashas’ inc. bechtel Corporation the better Music Foundationbhhs Legacy Foundationbird seismic services blue Cross blue shield of arizona board of Visitorsboeing employees

Community Fund thomas and Donna brady

FoundationC&W Commercial Door & trim Campanella Family Foundationthe Capital Group Companies Catholic Cemeteries Catholic Community Foundation Celebrity Fight night CenturyLink the Chapman FoundationCharles schwab Foundation Chubb Group of insurance

Companies Clear Channel Media and

entertainment CliftonLarsonallen LLP Friends of the Coachhouse tavern Colton Constructors Contractors West, inc. Cox Charities Coyotes Charities terry a. Dake, Ltd. Del e. Webb FoundationDelta Dental arizona

Charitable Foundation Desert schools Federal

Credit Union Desert General surgeons, Ltd. Dignity health Discover hyundai Domer Family FoundationDrivetime e & J Gallo Winery ellsworth Publishing Co. engelman berger, P.C. the alberta b. Farrington

FoundationFennemore Craig Foundation roger s. Firestone FoundationFirst Watch of arizona FnL Group Foresight Companies Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold Friedman recycling Co. Fry’s Food stores (kroger) teaumen and Grace Fuite

Foundation12 news tV Gannett Foundation Ge Capital Corporation Ge Commercial Distribution

Finance Gilbane building Company Gorman Company GPW and associates bruce t. halle Family Foundationhard rock CaféMadeleine C. hays Fund ellie and Les hayt Family

Foundationhelios education Foundation highGround inc. honeywell hometown solutions

ibM employee services Center iDa of Phoenix informative Graphics Corporation intel Volunteer Grant Program Jennings, strouss & salmon Law

offices JPMorgan Chase Foundation J. W. kieckhefer FoundationLapre scali & Company Leslie’s Charitable FoundationLiberty Mutual Give with

Liberty Campaign Lincoln GiVes, John C. Lincoln

health network’s employee Fund

Lindsay olive Company John F. Long FoundationMaag toy Foundation, inc. Macerich Management Company Mayo Clinic arizona Mcintosh Family FoundationMedco health employee Giving

Campaign the Medtronic Foundation Mesa United Way Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mile high United Way Mollen immunization ClinicsMoreno Family FoundationMargaret t. Morris FoundationLaw offices of andrew J. Muirhead national bank of arizona neutrino holdings northwest Packing Company nrG West Coast Palmer Family Foundationthe Charles W. Palmer Family

FoundationPapa Murphy’s take ‘n’ bake Pizza Paramount Pool Life, simplified Phoenix-Camelback rotary

Foundation Virginia G. Piper Charitable trustWarren and Joanne Powers

Charitable FoundationPrice kong & Co. Primrose school of ahwatukee Prudential Foundation Public Policy Partners

nina Mason Pulliam Charitable trust

Quarles & brady LLP raintree Pet resort raskob Foundation for Catholic

activitiesredi FoundationrMC, inc. Charity Fund raiser robert e. Porter Construction Co. robinson, tigue, sponcil Private

Wealth Management roney Family Foundationsafeway salt river Project scottsdale insurance Company shamrock Foods the ronald L. shurts Foundationsierra bonita Grill the simonson Foundationsouthwest Gas Corporation

Foundationst. Joseph’s hospital & Medical

Center st. Luke’s health initiatives the steele Foundationstinson Morrison hecker the sundt Foundation swift Charities thunderbird Charities traC tricom Coatings truist (United eWay) U-haul international United Marketing Communications Us Foods Valley anesthesiology Foundation Valley of the sun United Way Vaughan Motor Works the Wachovia Wells Fargo

Foundation the Wallace thomas FoundationWal-Mart Walton Family Foundation, inc.Wells FargoWells Fargo Community support

Campaign Wick Pilcher insurance Wilhoit Foundation

the soCietY of AmAziNg sUPPoRt fRom fAR AND wiDe

iNDiViDUAl AND gRoUP giftsJames J. aboltin, Jr.tim and Michelle abrahamFrederick J. and Joan abramekGail ann aldrichWilliam h. and

nancy Vottero angeranonymousapache Wells Community ChurchJerry and Gena aslanianelizabeth P. atkinsonCharles J. and nan atonC. Joseph Joseph and

sheri L. atteridgestephen and kathryn attwoodJohn r. and Christine e. augustineJohn C. and sarah ann autherLisa autinoMark a. and Catherine auwaerterGladys axWilliam b. and Patricia J. baileythomas e. and eileen bailyanna bainJack t. ball and

barbara e. owensbyWilliam h. ballPete and Maureen barbourJohn and Monique barrG. bernard and Patricia a. barryDawn bartlettedward n. and nadine M. bashaedward W. bassett and

nora F. Greerkenneth a. and barbara batkosally and Charlie bayerJohn and Jean bayerDarin e. beetherobert J. and Lael a. beierMike and Philomena bellWilliam L. and sarah biechlerstephen J. and Dorothy bigghoward and Patricia billingsMarie e. blackJack blanchard, sr.blessed sacrament ChurchCharles F. blummbryan and amy bollMark s. and amanda L. boscoLinda ann botttess bradenedward and Lorraine brady

Don and betty brandtCarl brashawMaurice J. and bette brashawstanley and betty braunWilliam J. and Jill e. brecknerJoan F. brettb. Diane brichronald P. brookerbrophy College Preparatorysandra and James e. brophy, iiielaine browntim and Catherine L. brownroyce brownfieldPaul and Michelle brownleeJames D. and sandra kay brunerMichael and barbara brzeczekJames o. and Phyllis a. buckleyrobert J. bundythomas and Priscilla buranGerald J. and Marilyn C. burbachDorothy M. burchLinda k. burnetteGeorge F. and

blanche M. burnhamJosé and Frances burruelrobert and alanna bushrichard and Carole buskinrandy and Connie CalvertJoseph J. CampanellaColin and erin CampbellJohn and Mary Louise CampoCheryl ann CappsPaul L. and Linda a. CarbonneauJosé a. Cardenasrichard a. and kay C. CarlJohn b. and alice ann

Carmichael, Jr.robert G. and Linda M. Carnealrichard M. Carpenteredward J. and harriet P. Carrstephen s. and Monica Casethomas r. and Paula M. Caseytimothy J. and sheila M. CaseyJoanne M. CeimoWilliam and Maria Chavirarick L. and Patricia Christensenkeith and elaine Christiantracey ChurchMarilynne J. ClancyCharles and eva Clarktom and Lynne ClaybaughMartin and Laurie ClemJoan M. Clemenstom and Joyce Clouser

John a. and renee L. CollieDaniel P. and roseanne k. CollinsJoseph and ann CollinsPat ConlanCatherine ConnollyMary anne and allen CooperMalcolm and norma CooteLawrence and Carolina CorbettWilliam t. and Patricia k. Corbinowen L. and barbara J. Cottonann Michele CouchCurt and Cassandra CrandallCatherine CreightonJames C. and Patricia G. Crewsrodney J. Crottykevin CummingsMike and susan Daltonray and barb Daoustt. G. DatenaJessie W. DavidsonP. J. DavisMichelle M. DeFilippoLeo J. DeGrawJose Gomez and ana del CastilloJoann r. Del-CollePaul and anne Deroseraymond J. and hollie Di Cicciorussell s. Dickeyhenry and Dorothy Diekmanherbert J. and Vera M. DietrichLeonardo Di Fraia and

evelyn h. LoongWilliam h. and susan a. Dimpfelrobert J. Dineenedward t. and

Constance D. Donahuehenry Cliff and

Marilyn r. DouglasJohn and Julie DouglasDaniel s. and Diane e. DuickLouis J. and Joan M. Dziedzicrichard and Margaret ebelJames r. and Colleen s. edwardsanthony V. and alice a. ehmannronald a. and Lynn ettersteve and Joann Farringtonanton W. FasseroJohn t. and Melissa FeesWally and Michelle a. Feifarekrev. Matt a. Feitramona FelixMatthew and Colleen Fendonbarbara J. FilosiJim and ann Finnerty

helen FitzpatrickMary a. Flynnsally ann ForsterFountain hills rotary ClubPaul J. FowlerFranciscan renewal Centeralphonse e. and Margaret a. FreiDavid J. and susan Walp FrenchDaniel e. and

Melinda L. FriederichMaria Fuentesanne b. Galvi, M.D.Paula and Phil GarlickCharles P. and Peggy GauthierF. Michael and sheila P. Geddesthomas GeldermannJack s. and Christine a. Geranenrichard and sheila GerryDawn L. Geyerthomas and Patricia Giallanzarichard GiguerePeter F GimborysGregory GiordanoDavid and Joan GoldfarbDan GoldfineMary Lou Goldsteinbenjamin J. GoodmanMichael and Lauren GordonLaura r. GrafmanMichael and Patricia Graftstanford G. GrahamDonald and Mary GrayJames a. Grenierrick L. and nicolina Groveralden and Gloria GuilloryWes and Deborah a. Gullettthomas and annMarie Gullyerik Gundersonsean and nancy GundersonJoseph e. Gustafsonrichard b. and barbara G. hackettMary Frances hahnbrent and kaye hallDerrick and amy halltimothy G. and nancy hallJoseph and kimberly hammonsMatthew G. hancockMary s. hannahLarry and kathy hansenWalter e. and andree a. hardisonWesley h. and betty a. harkeroliver and sharon harperJulie harrissheila D. harris

David G. and Diane k. hastingsthomas r. hayesbonnie L. hayhurstanita M. headPatrick M. hefferanJohn P. and ann o. heilemanraymond L. and Carie L. heilmanJohn M. heindlWilliam J. and anne Leary hemeltr. Peers and beverly henestimothy henleyMargaret a. hennesyelaine henryLia herbelinGary k. and Jeanne L. herbergerPaul h. and ann b. hermensWilliam L. herzogsteven L. and Mary b. hessWillis hesselrothMichael and Margaret hewetteugene C. and Virginia M. hicksJohn and Catherine hobanMichael W. and Debra hodelMarilyn a. hoffarthLynn rhoads hoffmanPeter J. hofmannGreg and katy holditchDr. Vincent J. and Dr. Lorna honanhelen M. hozaJames M. and Marcia hughesPaul huiDaniel b. and traci hurleyrobert D. and Linda Gayle hurtrobert M. and Jacqueline huttJon and Patricia Jaggerandrew P. and Cynthia s. Jarradkenneth and Marry Johnsonsue Clark Johnsonirma J. JonesGary and Georgia JostLouis e. and betty ann Jutzirobert and sue karatzCatherine and robert keenanJeri kelleyChris kelloggPeter kellyWilliam L. and Julie r. keltyDale J. and kathleen M. kennedyWilliam W. and barbara k. kentthomas M. and sandra L. kertisDavid e. and sylvia J. kettlerDonald P. and Jackie keuthWassim J. kilanoDonna killoughey

Patricia h. klauckbob and sally kleinJames e. and Diana M. klekotkaalan D. and stacy D. klibanoffWilliam D. and Marianne e. klinkknights of Columbus - st.

Patrick’s Councilknights of Columbus arizona

state Councilknights of Columbus o.L.J.

Councilnathan knochelrobert e. and Jane M. kohnenharry r. kolar and Yolanda a.

serrao-kolararthur and Francie kossakbrian r. kotarskinancy J. kozloskirobert and theresa krakauerJay s. kramerkeith r. and rochelle M. krispinMark and terry krivoruchkarobert e. and Lucille kruseWayne e. and Judith ann kuhladelaide s. kushibabFrancis J. and Mary b. Labriolabarbara a. Lackeugene a. and rose t. LangPatrick LarkinMichele L. LarsonMark e. and betsy G. LassiterWayne J. and eleanor Lawlessrobert J. and theresa Leblancstanley e. and

rosemary P. LindermanJulia a. LongDavid e. and elizabeth a. LopezWilliam and Deanna LorangerDeborah LorenzJulie and herbert LouisJames r. LovelaceMichael and sandra LoweFrances LozonJames h. and Michele a. Lundyrobert and nora b. LutschMary Lou LydingJohn Ward Mac arthurWard Macarthureric r. and Jessica Maceykorichard e. and Mary sue Mackeytim and Mary MacugaJ. Peter Madine and Virginia

MullinsJohn W. and Lynne M. Magnotto

karen s. MainsPeter and kathy MalandGerald and Deanna ManginJames M. and Mary anne ManosChristine Martinalicia MartinezMary’s knights - blessed

sacrament Catholic ChurchFrances L. MastLee and kathy MatthewsDavid MauleLucia MaxwellJean n. Mayereileen Mcalarnentimothy and Monica a. McCainronald a. McCallyCharles and Mary McCammonMark a. and Diane C. McCloskeyrima McDermottGerald and Judi McDonaldthomas J. and Cindy McDonaldWilliam and Melinda McDonaldJude t. McDonoughMorgan and Deeann McenaneyLeigh C. and Mary L. McGillMichele McGinnisMalcolm e. McGuirebob MckeonDon and Diana C. McPheetersLilly MegerdichianDonald J. and nadine e. MeisMen of our Lady of Perpetual help

Churchtom and Peggy Mennierichard t. and kathyrn J. Merkelronald J. Merlinobruce a. and Pamela G. MeyerWerner J. and Christine L. MeyerWilliam r. and barbara a.

Michaelsrobert J. and Miriam a. MillerPhilip J. Mizzi and Lynn M.

brysaczernest and nancy Modzelewskirobert a. and Maricela P. MoffittGovernor rose MoffordJudy Jolley Mohrazeugene r. MonroeJ. William and sarabeth MooreLew Moorealice F. MorganJim and Pat Morlanthomas h. MorrisJerry r. Morrissey

the Most reverend Monsignor richard W. Moyer

Laure Mrazekrobert J. and tina M. MulhernJohn L. and Dawn MulliganCharles F. MurphyMichael s. MusulinJohn MylerJill and Gene nagelFrank L. and kathleen M. nageotteroger nelson and Catherine

Miller-nelsonJohn h. neuliebtim and robin neumannJudith P. newlansteven P. nguyennorman L. and Lorie a. nichollsnikolas nikasLaurance b. and barbara r. nilsenscott norrisWilliam and Mary novotnyGerald and betty oakesJohn J. and Jeanne o’brienPatrick and Judy o’brienkathleen M. o’Connellali and haneen odehbrian r. o’Donnelledward and Jane o’MalleyJerre o’Malleyorangewood Presbyterian Churchthomas J. and Carol P. orloskiDonald r. and barbara J. ottosenMichael and ana ParkerJames F. and M. Pat PeaperLinda L. PelbergFred J. and Mary z. PenaW. bradford and

Pauline PerkinsonJames L. PetersMaricela PetersenJean k. PetersonGregory L. and Joyce a. PetrowskiJoanne PfeiffWilliam and nancy PhalenPhi alpha Delta Law FraternityLeo and hermine PhilippeMichael W. PhillipsPhoenix Chinese american

Citizens allianceMarna t. PierGerald n. and Jean PilotJohn e. Pokorneyenriqueta M. PorrasJeffrey a. and Maria Porter

Ullrich e. and Linda PorzigPaul t. Powerthomas Prestinariothomas P. ProseJonathan and heather ProutyMary M. radcliffalfred Franz radkowskiirma rakkyle randichJames and kirstie r. ranscoJack a. and Mabel rappaportJohn ratliffGordon and Carol rayPatricia e. raymondarnie and sandy reahbernadette M. reidyWilliam t. reinickelizabeth J. remmesJohn W. and shirley a. reubaJohn and Deanna reyesronald and sheila a. reynoldsWayne r. and Lisa J. richColleen J. rileyJoseph J. and Charlotte t. rileyWilliam F. riley iii and

Linda b. rileyann M. riordanJack and Judi ristDavid robbinsGerald a. and Jeannette robertGeraldine M. robertsonMark W. and Lynn P. roosatimothy roschkeWendell e. rossmanFerenc e. and Diane rosztoczyrobert rosztoczyPaul L. roth and sunee rothFrancis and evangeline rottaJean M. rubanobob and ruth M. runklerobert r. and Mary Lou russellJ. Vincent and Carole J. russobarbara h. ryanMagdalen L. ryanMichael t. and Margaret ryanMary Jane ryndJohn C. and kay e. sackPatrick C. and Michele

Vella saffordDouglas s. and Carolyn sandersLarry and Cathy sandersJames and Jane sasserJoan saundershomer and Julie savard

Dewey D. schadetom schmidt and

barbara ann GibsonFrank J. and Marianne schmittGerard W. schneiderkurt and Denise schulerDavid and kara schwartzanna scottDennis P. and nancy t. scrantonLyle r. scritsmieralan e. and Paula searsLawrence Joseph and

rose Marie seegerthomas e. seifertJohn and Margaret seligasusan a. and Dan semegenerston and Dawn sengereva serranotheresa serrano-keelseton Provincialate

Daughter of CharityJulie karcis seward and

James D. sewardPatricia ann shannonJ. Michael and Mary shererLaurel beth shindellLowell and Cheryl shonkJoseph sikorraWilliam J. simonWilliam J. and sandi simonsandy simonsonadam t. and Pamela sinksisters of st. FrancisJames J. and Joan M. skellyraymond a. skinnerFrancis J. and Carol J. slavinWilliam h. smallbrian and Christine M. smithCharles h. smithDavid r. smithJohn L. smith, Jr.robert and Christine smithsue-ellen smiththomas L. and Patricia a. snyderJanice ertlroseanne C. sonchikMarvin sondagsovereign Military order of MaltaJanet C. spadoraDavid L. and ruth springobst. Clement’s GuildGerald and Linda stadlerscott stallardMr. and Mrs. Dan stamp

Dudley stanleynancy M. stanleyDonald J. stantonronald L. stearnsMichael and M. theresa stevensGary D. stewartWilliam and Catherine stewartLogan and Patricia stillwellDan and Margie sullivanJ. M. sullivansun City early birds Lions Clubstephen J. szalayronald and Marilyn szwiecLuis s. and Mary Josephine tanedward tarrthomas J. taylorron teertemple soleleugene and erin tharalsonelton and Janet thayerthe rotary Club of tempetom and kathy thiekenLeonard and Janice tichavskyJoan M. tinneyronald r. and Catherine a. tischWynsum tomraul and M. helen torresVictor F. and Denise r. trastekG. Mark Mark and Janet M. travisGust M. and barbara tsikalaserik G. and allison L. twistGary and Lilia UnderwoodCourtenay Van Denburghnick and Gina Vanderweyirene VasquezVenture out Worship serviceVFW Post 8053Leonard J. and Judith a. VincentVintage Chevrolet Club of americaDavid and rose Vlasakroseann WagnerGerard and sheila WalshJohn L. and agnes ann WalshJoseph G. WambackCharles a. and Vonnie L. WannerLinda Peterson Warrenrichard L. WarrenPatrick h. Wastalkenneth r. and Marcelle WatersMadaline WatersDouglas D. Watkins and

Diana GabaldonMr. and Mrs. roderick n. Watts, Jr.,Juanita Wdowiak

Craig and Connie Weatheruparnold J. Weberstanley Mark and

teresa Lanctot Wehnevelyn P. WeidingerGreg e. and barbara Wellingtonbradley M. Wemhanerstephen e. and aleda richter WestDorothy WestermannMary G. Wheelersteven M. and ann M. WheelerLoris Whitescott and Lisa Whitfieldbarbara k. Wichanne e. WickLeonard J. Wilkebarbara D. Williamsrebecca Williamsterry and eddie Wilsontodd and karen WilsonDolores Witherspoonstephen L. Wolfrobert M. and Marcia W. WolffWoman’s Club of PhoenixCatherine e. Woodsusan WoodwardPatricia Wrighttim and Pattie WrightDan L. and nancy L. Yahrausedward b. Younsteve and Denise zabilskiMark zacharyFelician a. and Jean M. zellbarry e. zemelJeffrey and Maureen zimmermanJames and elizabeth zornPhilip zucarelliMaria s. zuckschwerdt

*every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this list. if you were inadvertently left off, please notify us.

Board of Directors

Joseph J. Riley, PresidentRaymond E. Daoust, Vice PresidentShirley A. Smalley, Vice PresidentBrian O’Donnell, TreasurerStephen J. Zabilski, Executive DirectorRev. Emile C. Pelletier, Jr., Spiritual Advisor

Frank M. BarriosDavid M. BarwickPaul CavazosThomas C. ClouserJulie M. DouglasLuis GarciaIrene E. GeroMary Ann HunterStephen J. JenkinsKathleen E. Jorgensen Valerie C. ManningPhilip J. Mizzi, Ph.D.Larry D. NoblePatrick A. O’BrienFrancis RottaShirley A. SmalleyRichard A. SwartzR. Allen VaughanLucky L. WhiteTerry B. Wilson

The Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Local Ordinary