the sour facts about milk what every parent needs to know

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  • 7/27/2019 The Sour Facts About Milk What Every Parent Needs to Know


    The Sour Facts About Milk What Every Parent

    Needs To Know

    Did you know that we are the only animal that consumes the milk of another? Doesnt seem

    so natural, does it? A large majority of Earths population is lactose intolerant for a reason.

    Milk has been making its way through the stages of truth for a number of years now. Whats

    worse is that the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) in partnership with the

    National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) is currently requesting a modification of the

    standards for milk and other dairy products. They are petitioning to allow the use of non

    nutritive sweeteners like aspartame to be added to dairy products. I recently came acrossthis article that was posted on, it was written by John Pierre, a fitness

    and nutrition expert. We dont usually re-post articles from another website, but I thought

    this was a well informed, well written and important article that people might be interested

    in because it is so ever present in many peoples lives . Not to mention Collective Evolution

    has written multiple articles about this topic ourselves. Hopefully it inspires you to look into

    it a little more and further your research about milk and dairy products. Over the past 40

    years, the dairy industry has poured billions of dollars into advertising campaigns designed

    to lure individuals into consuming their products. Their frosted fingers have steadily

    tightened their steely grip of influence over educational institutions, retirement homes,hospitals, and doctors offices permeating magazines, books, journals, and commercials with

    biased information that promotes their agenda. After years of mind-numbing mustaches

    of manipulation, the public has been led to believe that dairy products are a natural and

    essential part of the human diet. However, this is far from the truth. Like all female

    mammals (including humans) who produce milk for their young, a female cow secretes milk

    that is intended to nurse her baby calf for about one year. This fatty hormonal secretion

    (containing over 60 hormones and growth factors) is designed to take her 65 pound

    newborn calf and turn him into a 700-pound cow in less than one year quite a feat!

    During pregnancy, a cows estrogen level skyrockets over 30 times higher than when shes

    not carrying a calf. Since todays factory dairies pump milk from female cows continually to

    increase profits, higher hormone levels (both naturally occurring and those created by

    agribusiness) are found in dairy milk, which also happens to be disastrously high in fat; a

    critical factor further exacerbating increased estrogen levels in humans. When children are

    handed this hormonal cocktail masquerading as a magical health elixir, their undeveloped

    bodies are flooded with milks massive amount of estrogen, leading to an epidemic of

    precocious puberty. Additionally, children end up consuming sub-therapeutic doses of

    antibiotics in every glass of milk. A cows udders can become unnaturally distended from

    being forced to produce thousands of extra gallons of milk per year, making them drag on

    the ground. Most concrete dairy lots are paved with piles of bacteria-laden manure. The

  • 7/27/2019 The Sour Facts About Milk What Every Parent Needs to Know


    fecal matter contaminates her udders, causing infections (mastitis), and is one of the reasons

    antibiotics are routinely administered to dairy cows. Another dangerous constituent in cow

    milk is insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). When humans consume this hormone, their IGF-1

    levels also increase, accounting for the growth effects of cows milk. Unfortunately, if

    breast cancer cells or prostate cancer cells are exposed to IGF-1, they proliferate like weeds,leading to disease at an alarming rate. Curiously, this critical information is never included in

    dairy promotional literature. Since the beginning of time, countless cultures have thrived

    without a drop of ivory syrup. How did the native populations of Hawaii survive without

    cow milk before the introduction of cattle in 1793? The same way that native people of

    Mexico did before cattle was introduced in 1521. Many people around the world have never

    seen a cow, let alone drank her hormonal secretions. Large populations worldwide have

    been flourishing without bovine milk for eons. Consuming cow milk is highly unnatural; there

    is no animal in nature (other than humans) that drinks the milk of another species naturally.

    Giraffes dont hound lactating goats for a sip of milk, and horses dont run to nurse on pigsteats; the mere thought seems ludicrous. Leading pediatricians such as Dr. Benjamin Spock

    (also an influential and best-selling author of parenting books) and Dr. Jay Gordon have been

    strong proponents of a dairy-free diet for children. The Physicians Committee for

    Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a non-profit organization whose members include 150,000

    health professionals, has always been adamantly opposed to cow milk consumption. When

    the Journal of Clinical Nutrition surveyed all accredited medical schools in the US in 2006

    about their nutritional curriculum, they found that of the responding 106 schools, on

    average, medical students received close to 24 hours of nutrition education. Some received

    none. Their conclusion was that the amount of nutrition education in medical schools was

    inadequate. Thats quite an understatement. A hair dresser receives more training before

    cutting clients hair professionally, yet parents are taking advice from individuals with hardly

    any unbiased nutritional education? Medical schools are highly influenced by the

    agribusiness industry. Agribusiness continues to target pediatricians offices with marketing

    campaigns designed to push their highly manipulative ideology, so its hardly surprising that

    many well-meaning pediatricians are ill informed about the dangers of dairy products.

    Expecting to receive meaningful, objective, and impartial nutritional advice in an

    environment influenced by dairy and agribusiness interests leads to predictable

    recommendations to consume dairy at all health costs. Thankfully, many parents are waking

    up to the truth about dairy products and seeking healthier alternatives. Rice, almond, hemp,

    and coconut milks are great alternatives. These can be easily enjoyed with whole grain

    cereals, oatmeal, and creamy soups. One of my favorite methods of boosting kids (and

    adults) nutrient consumption is to use nut or rice milks in smoothies; adding sweet, fresh,

    juicy whole fruits and greens such as kale, spinach, or leafy lettuce, and blending them for a

    tasty drink. Leafy greens are better sources of minerals than dairy products. The dietary fiber

    found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans also assists with escorting estrogen out

    of the body. Many greens contain not just generous amounts of calcium, but additional

    nutrients critical for building bone health, such as magnesium, boron and vitamin C. Being

    physically active is also important for building bones, and is one more reason to get the kids

  • 7/27/2019 The Sour Facts About Milk What Every Parent Needs to Know


    off the couch and on the playground. Just as no loving parent would allow her small child to

    play on busy highways, dairy products should be approached with extreme caution given the

    amount of information readily available about their dangers. As parents, we have the

    responsibility to research and educate ourselves about the food choices we offer our

    children. They count on us wholeheartedly for looking out for their best interests. Helpingchildren avoid dairy products is one of the most loving, caring, and responsible actions a

    parent can take for their child, themselves, and for building a healthier world. - See more at:
