the strain of war. southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)robert e....

Chapter 16 Section 4 The Strain of War

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Page 1: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

Chapter 16 Section 4The Strain of War

Page 2: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

1. Southern Victories and Battle of Fredericksburg

Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers)

a)Robert E. Leeb)Stonewall Jacksonc)Knowledge of terraind)The ability to inspire troops

Page 3: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

2. Southern Victories and Battle of Fredericksburg

What is true about the battle of Fredericksburg?

a)General Ambrose Burnside was an experienced Union commander

b)On December 13, 1863 the Union army attacked c)Lee’s entrenched forces drove the Union troops

backd)Devastated by his failure General Joseph Hooker

resigned and was replaced by General Burnside

Page 4: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

3. Battle of Chancellorsville and Weak Union Generals

Which of the following Men led the Union Army during the Battle of Chancellorsville?

A. A.P. Hill B. “Fighting” Joe HookerC. George McClellanD. “Jeb” StuartE. “Stonewall” Jackson

Page 5: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

4. Battle of Chancellorsville and Weak Union Generals

Which of the following did not happen during the battle? (More than one Answer)

A. A Confederate counterattack forced Yankees to retreat to “The Wildernees”

B. Attacking the undefended left wing of the Union Army, General Hill pushed the Yankees into “The Wilderness”

C. Hill was badly wounded in battle and died a week later

D. Lee confronted Union troops head on at Chancellorsville

Page 6: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

5. Battle of Chancellorsville and Weak Union Generals

Which of the following is true about the Union Army?

A.Three different Generals had been used over the course of the first two years of the war

B.Lincoln fired McClellan after his failure to pursue Confederate forces at Sharpsburg, Virginia

C.Lincoln fired Burnside after his crushing loss at Fredericksburg, Georgia

D.Hooker resigned because (quote) “My bed isn’t big enough”

Page 7: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

6. African Americans in the War

African-Americans in the south…a) Made up more than 40% of the populationb) Were not feared by the Confederate leadersc) Could not join the Confederate army because it

was feared they would attack fellow troopsd) Were not allowed to join the Confederate army

because they weren’t fit enough

Page 8: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

7. African Americans in the War What caused President Lincoln to allow African-Americans enlist in the Union Army and Navya) Abolitionists were threatening himb) By 1862, the North needed more soldiersc) The African Americans were better fightersd) The African Americans were pushing him to allow them to


Page 9: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

8. African Americans in the War Which of the following is true about African Americans in the Northern Army?a) African-Americans made up about 18% of the armyb) African-Americans were often the target of Rebel gunfirec) At the beginning of the war, African-Americans made up

about 10% of the Union armyd) Rebels stayed away from firing at African-American

regiments because they felt they were not worthy of fighting

Page 10: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

9. African Americans in the War

Which of the following is true?a) The 45th Massachusetts was the most well-

known African American regimentb) In 1863 this regiment captured Fort Wagnerc) The 54th Massachusetts was formed in 1860d) The 54th became famous for their courage and


Page 11: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

10. The Tide of War Turns and The Battle of GettysburgWhy did Robert E. Lee want to take war into the North?a) To get Mexico and France on their sideb) To impress the Northc) To take over Washington DC d) To impress Britain and France

Page 12: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

11. The Tide of War Turns and The Battle of GettysburgPickett’s Charge (more than one answer)…a) Broke the 1st line of Union defenseb) Was named after General Paul Pickett c) Was a successful plan d) Was a plan to attack the Union’s center position at Cemetery Ridge

Page 13: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

12. The Tide of War Turns and The Battle of GettysburgWhere did the Union did troops retreat?a) Cemetery Ridgeb) They retreated to a section low ground called Cemetery Cove c) Illinois d) Round Top

Page 14: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

13. The Tide of War Turns and The Battle of Gettysburg

What did Gettysburg put an end to?a) The South gaining help from Britain and Franceb) The Civil Warc) The South gaining help from Spain and Franced) The North gaining from Britain

Page 15: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

14. The Vicksburg Siege

How long was the Vicksburg siege?(More than one answer)a) 47 daysb) 74 daysc) 1 month 2 weeksd) Four score and seven years agoe) 1 month 2 weeks and 2 daysf) 4years

Page 16: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

15. The Vicksburg Siege

Which of the following is false about the Vicksburg Siege?a) The river city of Vicksburg Mississippi fell under control of union troops and their leader, Ulysses S. Grantb) In May, Grant began the siege against Vicksburg by blockading it to prevent food and supplies from enteringc) More than 9,000 Union and 10,000 Confederate soldiers diedd) After the siege, the South continued to have land cut off by the North including Port Hudson, Arkansas, and Texas.

Page 17: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

16. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Which of the following is true?a) On December 19, 1863, Soldiers National

Cemetery was dedicated at Gettysburgb) Edward Everett gave a two hour speech and

Lincoln’s was two minutesc) Reactions to the Gettysburg Address were all the

samed) All of the above

Page 18: The Strain of War. Southern victories were largely the result of…(multiple answers) a)Robert E. Lee b)Stonewall Jackson c)Knowledge of terrain d)The ability

17. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Who believed the Gettysburg Address was a success?a) Edward Everettb) The Daily Heraldc) Chicago Tribuned) Republicane) New York Timesf) None of the above