the structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation Summer Institute The structure of cast metals The structure of cast metals Ralph E. Napolitano Ralph E. Napolitano Department of Materials Science & Engineering Department of Materials Science & Engineering Iowa State University Iowa State University Ames, Iowa Ames, Iowa Metals Conservation Summer Institute Metals Conservation Summer Institute June 1, 2005 June 1, 2005 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Materials Science & Engineering

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Page 1: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

The structure of cast metalsThe structure of cast metals

Ralph E. NapolitanoRalph E. Napolitano

Department of Materials Science & EngineeringDepartment of Materials Science & EngineeringIowa State University Iowa State University

Ames, IowaAmes, Iowa

Metals Conservation Summer InstituteMetals Conservation Summer InstituteJune 1, 2005June 1, 2005

IOWA STATE UNIVERSITYMaterials Science & Engineering

Page 2: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Let’s do an experiment.Let’s heat a pure material so that it is a liquid at a uniform temperature, let it cool uniformly, and measure the temperature vs time.

t (sec)

T (°



Freezing begins

Freezing ends

If we cool very slowly so that the system is always at equilibrium, then freezing will occur isothermally at Tm.

Page 3: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Let’s do an experiment.

T (°




Realistically, we do not observe an isothermal arrest.

t (sec)

Even at the same temperature, the liquid phase “contains” more heat than the solid.

This heat Is liberated upon freezing.

Page 4: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Driving force and the importance of rate

Page 5: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Driving force and the importance of rate

In our freezing example, the heat may be liberated too quickly to be liberated efficiently.

Mother Nature tries to optimize this efficiency using any and all means available.


You are all very familiar with one consequence of such optimization…

Page 6: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

How do metals freeze?Metals freeze in much the same way that water freezes into the familiar snowflakes.

The Rasmussen & Libbrecht Collection

Page 7: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Goals for this lecture

I. Fundamentals of solidification

II. The structure of cast metals

III. A brief history of casting technology

IV. Modern casting techniques

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

How do metals freeze?Here we compare the snowflake structures to a transparent organic metal-analog.

M.E. Glicksman, NASA-IDGE, 1997.

The Rasmussen & Libbrecht Collection

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute


What is so special about the solid-liquid interface in metals?

Page 10: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Early observation of dendrites

Page 11: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Early observation of dendrites

Page 12: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Critical Issues

The critical issues are essentially the same for all (most) phase transformations


Phase stability (phase diagrams)The energy of interfacesQuantification of driving forcesThermal and chemical partitioning


The diffusion of heat and soluteThe kinetics of atomistic processesNucleation kineticsInterface kinetics

Page 13: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Critical Issues

The objective for today is to look at the evolution of cast microstructures from what may be a new viewpoint.



Instability (dynamic)

Local equilibrium

Page 14: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Natural selection

If you want to study genetic – would you use antelope?

Page 15: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Natural selection

Fruit flies

Atoms vibrate at ~10000 GHz,

- quite a prolific fruit fly!

Page 16: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Competition and “natural selection”

In nature, everything is a competition, with many phenomena occurring simultaneously.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

BUT – This is only a side view.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Front section viewSide view

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Front section viewSide view

Page 20: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Front section viewSide view

Page 21: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Front section viewSide view

Page 22: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Front section viewSide view

Page 23: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Front section viewSide view

Page 24: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Front section viewSide view

Page 25: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Front section viewSide view

Page 26: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Top view

Frontsection view

Side view

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Small fluctuationsor “perturbations” are NOT reinforced. Instead, they are counteracted, and the ball is returned to the original path.

Top view

A stable process

Frontsection view

Side view

Page 28: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic InstabilityWhat happensin this case?

Top viewThe path might be straight.

Frontsection view

Side view

Page 29: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dynamic Instability

Any small “perturbations” would be reinforced, and the path would diverge.

Top view

An unstable process

Frontsection view

Side view

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Lesson learned

During phase transformations (actually always)

- The system relentlessly seeks the “best” path.

- Perturbations are ubiquitous.

Page 31: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple (but useful) example

The evolution of a grain structure illustrates instability, competition, and selection.

Page 32: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

Page 33: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

Page 34: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

Page 35: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

Page 36: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

Page 37: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

The size distribution is governed by the competition between nucleation and growth. Both depend on T and alloy variables in different ways.

Page 38: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Competition within a single grain

During the growth of any given grain, every location is competing with every other location.

Which ones “win” and which ones “lose” depends on interfacial properties and how the crystal interacts with its surroundings.

Page 39: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple (but useful) example

The evolution of a grain structure illustrates instability, competition, and selection.

Page 40: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

Page 41: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

Page 42: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

Page 43: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A simple example

The evolution of a grain structure:

The size distribution is governed by the competition between nucleation and growth. Both depend on T and alloy variables in different ways.

Page 44: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Solidification morphologiesIt is this competition within a growing grain that ultimately gives rise to most common solidification morphologies and casting microstructures.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dendritic grainsFor dendritic solidification, the final branch spacing sets the scale of microsegregation and porosity.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

A closer look

Let’s look at such a location in more detail.


Let’s assume (momenarily) that the two phases are in equilibrium, so that the interface is not moving.

Page 47: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

At equilibrium

Typically, L-S interfaces in metals are atomisticallyrough.


In addition, the interface continuously fluctuates with time.

EAM for pure Al (J.R. Morris)

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Interface motion




This heat must be conducted away from the interface.

Page 49: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Equiaxed vs directional growth



Page 50: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Equiaxed vs directional growth

Page 51: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Partitioning of soluteIn an alloy, suppose we extract some heat, reducing the temperature and moving the interface.



The excess solute is rejected into the liquid. Like the heat, this solute must be conducted away from the interface.








Page 52: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Partioning of solute



Let’s now examine a full cooling path.





Page 53: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Partioning of solute



Distance (z)



Region of constitutional supercooling.


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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Instability criterion



Region of constitutional supercooling.

CmG G>

What is really happening here?

The driving force at the tips of the perturbations is greater than behind the tips. The interface is morphologically unstable.

Page 55: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Common growth modesConstrained (directional) growth gives rise to certain typical solidification morphologies.




Planar Cellular Dendritic

Cooling rate is given by GV, and the local solidification time is ∆T’/GV. This is the time available for dendrite arm coarsening and therefore controls the final segregation length scale in dendritic growth.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Morphological instability

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Morphological instability

Page 58: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dendritic structure

What is the length of the dendritic region (Mushy Zone)?

How is this related to shrinkage porosity and hot tearing?

When does branching stop?

What is the final spacing?

What solute distribution is observed in the casting?

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Columnar to equiaxed transition

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Branching limit

When distance becomes on the order of D/V, there is no longer enough distance for the solute gradient to cause instability.

We model such a “small system” by assuming perfect mixing in the liquid and no mixing in the solid phase.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

The Gulliver-Scheil model




This nonequilibriumsolute distribution results in a higher amount of eutectic constituent than predicted by the phase diagram.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Examples of microstructure

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Eutectic solidification


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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Eutectic solidification

Arrows to illustrate solute diffusion…

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Eutectic solidification

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Morphological selection


∆Td α RV


Observed behavior

* Interfacial properties, γ and µ, play a criticalrole in this selection.

∆T = aλV + b/λ

∆Tdα λV


Page 67: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Summary of selection



Local interfacial Conditions


ExtrinsicContributorsPartitioning of heat

Partitioning of soluteDiffusion of heatDiffusion of soluteFluid convectionNucleation of new phases

(in Solid or Liquid) (G,Gc,V,K)(T,C,r,n)

Interface Stiffness&

Interface Mobility

Interface response

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Examples of simulations

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dendritic grains

3-D alloy dendrite

J. A. Warren and W. L. George

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Prediction of grain structures

Page 71: The structure of cast metals

Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Casting simulations

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Break time?

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Cast microstructures

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dendrites in bronze

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Dendrites in brass

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Iron–carbon phase diagram

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Gray cast iron

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

White cast iron

This can be heat treated to yield malleable cast iron.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Nodular (ductile) cast iron

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

What can we measure in a cast microstructure?How can we measure it?

Visual / Optical microscopy / SEM

Optical microscopy / SEM


Visual / Optical microscopy

Optical microscopy

Optical microscopy


Visual / Optical microscopy

Primary dendrite spacing

Secondary dendrite spacing

Dendritic chemical segregation profile

Grain size

Shrinkage porosity

Percent of secondary phases

Composition of secondary phases

Dendritic/Equiaxed transition

What can it tell us about the casting conditions?What can it tell us about the casting conditions?Chemical composition, Growth velocity, thermal gradient, Pouring temperature, mold materials, impurities, etc.

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Metals Conservation

Summer Institute

Diverse solidification morphologiesAll from the same composition of Al-Si.