the sun. (new york, ny) 1869-06-19 [p...

THliriY-SIXT- H YEAR. NKW YORK. SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 186!). PRICE TWO CENT3. THE REVOLUTION IN CUBA. 'anr.AT lxmr.tis .inorr to ltvvoa-ytz- i: nit; 111:1 i,u Brspntch from the Cuban .Mlulstrr In London t lu Cubnn Lender In Nrsv Yorle Cheer-In- u Intelligence for tbc ltcvututloulsts. Advice: were rccolvod by influential Cuban .j gentlemen in th!B city, yerto-rtiity- , from Soiior "Vallcntc, tlio Cubnn Itijmblic's Mlnlftcr In England. Soflor Vnllonto pnvs tlint Orcat ' Drttnin I nbout to recognlzo the belligerent rights of the imtrioK Tin: la st da rs ofsfaxisii rrM.v.vr j.v vrtt a. Ibe Poll of Cnplnln-drner- nl .ml Inillgtilllr ller.prd upon tlie ltnllronet-Mlcoe- se ol this Pn-tri- I Correspondercc of The Bnn. Havana, Juno 12. On the steamer Guipnicon Of n. Dulcc sailed, accompanied by one ali!r-d- e cum p. one secretary. Don Juin Peres. Calto, Don llamon Ilodrlguez Coma, Don Cesar Oolmullo, Msyor of tbc town of Col. m, and Don Francisco Dursllona the last one of the notorious dealers In hutum flesh, nicknamed Calla rtinva (II union), ind who "or hi snultlfanout net of maPc-uanc- was tent out of Ihe blind lr Gen Dnlrc dating tko lattcr's Orst reign on the Maud ol Cube. Ii Deforc Un. Dule went on board, lome of the Civil and military authoiltlca went to the palac' to UVc leave of him. Tho following were tho only l tblcfs ed the Toluntcr who accompmled them-Do- Josei M.irla Morale, Don Julian Zulueta, Don Miguel Antonio Ilcrrcn, and Don Nicolas Mxrllnei Oe Valditlelao. At S o'clock In the afternoon Dulcc left the palace, dressed In rliln clothe, and without hny decoration', and the above-name- persona hlrn to the wharf. An Oen. Dulcc waa stepping Into the boat which Sraa to oonvey him to the steamer, a Spanish of the name of I'lnillj, belonging lo the corpse ' W artillery volunteer?, approached him and ibited Jietboprot'lcd against every net thai bid becnom. tallied ajalnst hi (llci. Dulce's) authority, and i erect tlm at the aame time that the battalion to which lie belonged held htm, (or many reasons. In the hlpb Vst esteem. Gen, Dolce expressed Ms Indignation at llils b'st humiliation orTcrcl him, and treated Mr rioilla' mnnlfe'Statlon vlth supreme unilc.npt. Oen. Dalre tuflVrcd much during his lat days In llavaria from the total lack of common decency and Hint of gentlemanly bcbatlor ol M ciciiilct, ant from the lunate dlsrosltlonlVommon to all Spaniards to hit a fallen an. A homernratl Ic Catalan doe lor. Dourer iy name, who lately been attending ln l)n o, prcaenleil hi bill the day heroic Ihe General le I Ills correct charge, nerorllni to the Olsvana l.irlir, woubl lut been Kl for llflj four It customary, hnwetrr, in pay It for each visit, or lltfi. lie cha-ev- him (1 (AX). ub. h the (lemial paid ulll. out anrohi-civatlon- . Aawcct tlilef, tl l Intnlan Doctor Ilior-- . We lein rale ally thLt the N i vitaa and Puerto Trlncipt- lliilroad Im been cut mice mnrebytte patinla i.nd the Cltll Ooven or ol thli city has an tiled It to the )V rnnicnt cmplo)ec hero, nhi. lo I ate left on the blh Inat. by tho I'tlajn lo Waome thrlr pctta In the rum It In I'm i to I'ltnclpr llardi'jl. the (lorrrnor or iMnlmvs w.ia alao to I tiave bpon drjHffd by Ihe ilunteia. "Ihecaccu. . llou ol tl.rlr laudable dralcn v frmtniled by tin Influence of Antonio 1). Joilrr riau Marlln. In Civniua oa, aWo, the volnn'rera attcroptn.l tn Imitate their co.lrajut or II iv ma. ind ouit the Mirn-.o- , but the If Iter rtotieteil lilinn It with SO re,'ulir trooin, uud trio volunteer qulitly Tla mllltli cavalry of Guinea baa been badly Tfblpred In Mhiianei. In the IWtern llf artrrf nt. the army lain tuch tfanl of proviaona tint aoldlcr In cocalilerable numbcra da'l) go orr to tlm lanka nl the nilriota da ihclr only ineana toatold aUrv.ition. L'avilry tioroea arc d)liis from ahucr eahuutUon, alter cutlna. up the etmit of Ihclr aaddlca. On tho Hill lnt. obad a hrse arrival here, rli, or rick and vtnuiiletl from Villa Clara. JJrtj.-Oe- Ditcurc baa alao arrived hire with a row oOcera an I the remnant f a company or engineer, who lell hire nt the beginning of the cimimlnu Tiny all conic from tto camp o' Oen. Valuuaeda. ' The Hp.udrda are dreauilnn or tic icrlea, and rubll.h aj tuch hat are rrr.lly lenomin i lousdclinU; and ir you want lo convlnco ourlf oflhclact, read the f.rowcll addieiaof lol. llodet, In which be makra this aokniu C"nlcl"ii: " M'i tatk hat bt" o'l iiMoif.yjiU me, vllhmta pmllelt i tf glory, it'AIcA hat Urn unj.tlynalily icatn oioujh Vi (All tavpttim." Since tl.e 31 lost, the publlra'ton of i.ny political Ulecram Irom the United Htul- - a h.n been prohibited bv the i uhilc ccjior. i'h'ik a.j rmi.A dhi.I'Jua i:xvi:nirii).Y. Vrlei niio uU'frnni Ihe Coni bill Kflirllvr llixrullliiK In .lien In lliu Ileal ol nt The hun. I Juno 18. Our cilj, not to be baa alao began lo do a little In tho tc Two ea ofllccra of the Union army Ii. llrady, and Unit. Norman, wish battalion or two lor lattlcipaUon In I on Turaday Inurtid an adver-- I of tho clly newpara, calllne loi ei aoldlcra. It vaa Mnlr, but not ntly set fortb that they muat have r war I aa lo not be unor J The point or rendexvoua na Ktl Cheatnul alrei I. betneen three and four bandied S at the Utile bac room In tho bolel were aealed. 0( these aoincl'ilni: re accipte.l, and on Tumhi) hundred tnoie. Tbc rccrulllut otnc lnh, German, French, and American", vprlnkliiie In le and there of I bud served In some war before, most ul latowar of the rebellion. Tliey were In gold per month, nut no bounl) IIxuuKl:w aatlslied, howiv r, all of them bruin or the auceisa oflhol'ubin caue and of Cpaln, tint they expected to reup I liouuty by thilr own cndcaioi. They our c'.iy In Ibioo itlU'eient drtaclinionu. I tvinlnit, TLurrday innrnlng, and 1 M nt they will there do, ) on I know betl'r than myself. They are to York rtcruila there. 1 Warn that the will compilae about 1,C0) linn, and thoy aa toon aa oaMhle lu a itesnicr Hut bay. A rhllu 'phla Joumal auya L.i an amilu supply cl stnall aims, and outllt Tor cavalrv and InTantry rul uniform" uic nil on board, and when la ready for act the clnthli.2 worn by tin be thrown oil ana nil bauds will U. trooiw. full uniforms of blue, similar to those In this cily was conduced ao qui t lew pemona were aware of wh.n wa Ihe litUl. There waanu uiiutuil at men around the beadiuaitira, and tin n wliattver in the ..dwitisciueut whicu tbc puullu atUMiti.iu. , hat aln ady son J to sea. ' is Ulcbinoiid Itecrulllns Oiricr, Vs., Juno 18. United Htutea Mar- - this morning inide a deaceni on an a', rrcruitloi; rrndcztou un.l iirrehle.l W. ( the Icadlne mtiii, lluirlon hd plentj 1 Hi" bank an piouipth tut bull m (l.i Alioul flirty inrn wrin recruited etii- - I are pruiu.aud IZ'J) bjuaty lu New OfllelHl llreenev in llolon. I IIo'tqn, ,lnni 18. Information was lodged with I (he lintid butts Aliorne) that the uliouncr Lai II llave is ladLii with mat uui , shells, and oilier ainnii'.n't on, bound for the Witt Indus, and the ki- ll (orin.ra wirnrd to bate her liliilid; but L'nlnJ I Bute-- AUi.rncy lliliard, alter a peuoi,al ll.i.cU'aii of the unci ru.used lo tlttain l.or. Tho Ailtrntui-i- nt ii Corpno, A abort tiniu ugo llii;li Kelly, while in a fil.t In llsrl i . was struck uu li e head w 111 a sloii '. Afitr alnio' he seemed to be grttliis nn well, and bissui.ioii ri comtnemlvd a trip to the ruuutr) Kelly iint to Newark, nud died a day ur two an An m.;oiiy was and it tua dectaiid that the nan ha .PI of a iracture or theakull. A brothel I went lo Nutark on Thuinihiy unit brouaht tl.e boi ) to New Vir-t- . On Ina jri.ial nt the lenlh rtreet ferry he w..a lound to him no PTiiilt for the huilal, tl.iri'ioiv he waa sent yietrrday to tho llounl ol llcuilh loi oue. Aa be iroduced only a urllllcalt of (be cmi of death, without u word about any the body was sent lo the . Morgue. La'er In the u ')' I' waa esccilaluad that r.u imiuctt in pro- gress lu Newark. I Jllotei:i''iia ol rreldculinl Caudliliilra. I Tho nn.l Mrs. Colfax alarled aily yofi-d- ay morulnj, on the New Haven rail- road. I r rilUlldd, Mass. A pnriy of nimJa met them in T ursdby nliht, at tlm residence of W..1 llnnk I'.'Q . In rtenlh avenue. It is the Intiution Ml I'i'llJ" Kprlnctlcld, Mass , Hartford, Conn., and oilier New Enjlnnd cities, keeping clear I lloaton, bowover. Mr. Sowaril, ' lalil accounts, m IravtUtiui wlwuid U' M . . . . Tin: woitua or vasiuos. A l.tiilr-dren- l Wcildlnn-.- V Mirny fun-bea- Itrcnpluied-lommodo- re ull and JUL" nlc H'nrrcn-Ulli- rr Weddings. I.s-- l and least of the happy coustimmatious of true lovo wMch II Is Thk vh' pleasant prerORV live to cat! a beam npon, Is the wedding of the re- doubtable Commodore Null, of Lilliputian me- mory, to Ihe charming little Miss Mianle Warren, so lonn I Is compmlon In tho realm of the great Tturnum'a enterprise, beveral years have tone by since thlt m)thlral llttlo bird, wllcb Mis. tlrundy has trained especially to spy npon the t ranks of Cu- pid, whispered to that atider.t dame that Minnie nd the Commodore hi I fallen willing victims to Cupid's darts Mrs, Orondy, bbwevcr, bad nothing lo s iy at the time, for she argued that if ever a " match wasmsdoln heaven," If ever psoplc were "made for each otlwr," It waa this Lilliputian couple. At list we are lisppy to be able to dclbtM Mrs. Orundy the announcement that Miss Minnie and the Commodore have bien maJe bone of one tone, tlcah of one flesh, and all the rest of It, according to the regulations In such cases rrovlded; while, at llic same tlm we aro forced to shock her slljlitiy by adding that the weddln was strictly private, onlrafaw (rends being sdmltted to wllncst tho eercmor.y. Mr Cbas, 8. Slratlon (Tom Thumb) and Ms rrettr llttlo wife, once Misi Lavtnla War- ren, the sister of the bride, officiated as groomsman and bridesmaid, and the two tiny couplea lnimc.ll-- i tely started on a honeymoon tour to Weal lliven. Conn., the residence ol Mr btrallon mother, where they arrived Mfely by tbc lialfpa-- t two A. Jl. train of the Bhorc Lino Uallroad on Thursday. If it be true that the most valuable goods are done up In the smallrst packa;ts, then have the.lovmg couples b,olh made tic choice of wts,lom. Long mi) they wave At the Ilawei. Uubbcll wedding In Itrooklyn on Wid icsday last. 1'ic galaiy ol beauties who oflclated as bridesmaids to thorouglify daaed the hrx re-- rtcr, that Le omitted their In the descrip- tion of that Interesting event. He now lakes occa-s'o- to tudply tho omission. They w era Miss Mary 11.1'iiltton, Miss Vogdcs. danghtrr of Oen., Miss I) y. Miss Iksnle Koos, Miss Sheldon, and Miss Lucas. Their charming beauty and the elegance of their atllie were the subject of gei.eral remark. Tee approaching marriage of llarou Lemmo and the beautiful Miss Tbrocknaorlou Is the subject of general convcrsallon. j.ii'Ji i. thk :t r.ntoi' Asloiilsliltig, but lillcrrtllr True, Oa Hie 18lh day of May last, in one of the Mith avenuo railroad cars, a geatlemas lost bis mcnioraiidam rocketbook. Two or three days ago he np'lled by lelur to the Secretary of the road, mentioning the loss and describing tho rrorerty Tho result that tho gentleman found bis toeket-book- , wtlih, with the money, had been promptly banded inlo the olTlce by the conductor of car No. 70 lirilllniii .llrlrnrs. Ai twenty-eigh- t minute, after 1 o'clock yes-t- i rday morulnz, a brilliant meteor of a yellow and green cdor, much larger than the planet Vciius when brljl.lcrl, cxpludcd In the constellation Perseus. Al twelve uiliiutca after 10 o'clock ou Ibursday ctening, a while meteor, as brilliant ss l.jra, shot Into the atmosphere at a poli.i City d green above the horlon. aud unit- ing southwest over au arc of thirty dttici's, dlaippciicd. Htianu Among tho lelhodlsl". Miss Susan II. Anthony visited the Thirtieth atreet Methodist Church last nl;hl, while the mem- bers of loth acies were voting on the question ol lay delegation. The tastor, the Itev. Al'rcd 1). Vail perceiving her among the congregation, Invited her lo speak. Blie complied, say In; that alter advocating Woman Kuffueo twerty year, "be had desired to see it In practice, xhc d,d not arc that suf frege unetlUd woman In the pren-n- t ease ror dul es, and did nut think it woul I do sj to a greater decree II llie cnjii) id rollttcul suflrage. Hho toiii liiil In an intertaiulng manner uion rolllleal sun". sues, and upon iiwan V work ami wages; urs-In- sll mcu to give tin lis or inf aslons to their anil to malic them tboruiliii in them, tat they I'dglit earn a good livlrg In esse of necessity. One reat ciuse of Hie poterty of women, she said, was the fartial training tltcy reef ived lu evir) pur- suit In which 11 ey ware ing.iged. Orpbnn Aniluui Inhibition, The annuiil eilnliitluii of Hie achievements of the no) or the llonnn Catholic Orphan Aylum on Piftv (lit slroet, neur Flfih avruue, look place There wis a lane attendance of visitors. Including Arciiblshop McUloskry. President of the u.atltutlon ; the Very Itcv. William Starr, V. G. ind Denis Caroltn, tkcoud t; James (llivcll. Treasurer; L. 11. lllusse, Secretary, and J. Qulnlan, Assistant Secretary. 1). aides theso ofllccra there wete Stbool Commls- - oners Woods, Smylhe, and Larremore, Presidrnt nrtlic Iliisrd or Kduent'on ; also, fathers McNIerny, llcalv. l'laltery, l'liuimlly. Nelllgan, and McMalon, und Mtssrs. Dolcn, Kelly, Nicholson, Moore, Pouie. llreonan, aud Iuseclor Jones. Tho boys nam-lure- over 100, urriycd In dlffcicnt iiiilforms or pnrple, blown, griv, scarlet, and black, appeared well, and In the elimination acquitted Iheniselvea excel'cntly. There was a brass aud string band of aliout fifteen bow, who lurnishcd admirable music. The opening addicss was well delivered by Michael I.uliy, a handsome boy or abuut twelve. Then fob lowed Ihe oumlnattons ol tho classes. Interspersed were music and dramatic scens. Master (leoghc. delitered the v:i!cd,rlory, and then Mr. II. II. .arreraorc, Prixident or the lknrl or Education, Commissioner Woods, and tho Archbishop delivered shuit addirssca. The cr.hlbltlau waa througbout very cutertalnlng. Tin: la nan .novv.ur.xT. The Collnr-I.nuod- rr Strike. Tiior, June 13. Orcr sevon thuiisaiitl working-me- assembled in front or the Court House to ex press sympathy with the Collar Mundry Union, now on slrlkc. Adilressis werJ delivered by Dugald Cumpl ell, J. 0. Woodruff, Alea. Troup, and ollurs, who urged the necessity of opening coopcrutive laundms. Tho miuibeis of the Laundry Union arc forming cooperative ' companies to perform tl c work. Four hundred eriphiees are on strike. Much cnthusl-ian- i picvulUd, and the meting was a grand aucLCst. The ('niiiiiiiiierii' Slrlltr, A larpjc meeting of women cngagci! in cap. miking was held yesterdry a'terimon. Miss Hose Ltnalr.e presided, and the icslo of prices adoidc-- li) the men was re id and unanimously accepted. The fccale, without pialilngany pusitlvu average percent. Increuso, arranges the pruo mi tl. it ul! mm work ingatany deseilpllon oi woik In the trudo cin, by working ten ncure a day, clear IX Mr. Wolir, au empluytr, capres ed his willingness to pay the Incrcaa d (rleailf bia eniplojcea would relurnto their work, but hu woul I ritaln rart of the Incnasr, plu.-lu- the same to their ciedil until every one lu the Irudr should pay the pil:e dem n Mr. inopokm dtapirai'iigly orthefoci-ety- , Mr. J. replhd, tindusid sirons I indulge, whereupon Mr Woltt rose and toll Mr. He oppa he ta no gentleman. A siene uituiailt followed. At length Mr. Wnltl was ptixhid hack lino a , and turrouuded by astioug cordon ol wi'inen, while lb" men were uuiercmuuloua!) bustled out ol tuo room Order having been resmrrd, Ihe Cunstllatinn was read aud n 'opb'd, the state! meetings j Died lor tuo llrt Monday in each u onth. Mr o tl signiflid his readiucas to sljn Ihe A vote of thauka was then passed to lr. WolfT. when all the glrli present rushed toward him, and enthiiilatlca!l) shook h.m by fie baud until Uu was ghd to hi at a ictreit. The male capm ikcrs met also to recdve a report Imiu the wo uiu's uirding, whl:h biting b- ii d a vote u( tliunka t Ihem was unan.nously passid ( ir tin Ir hutrty and iitompt niopi ration . The hurebiry leportd the rtccipt ol ! from dltleu'iit irude sociitii's .nd proi: li.ein buslncai housts, aHer which tin nn' tils ; adjouiuoj. l.i. bo llrlils, A priie fight of twelvo rounds was contested at Kurt Hamilton yesterday morula.; by llo.Iowjy ;id Hunous. The loruier was thu Victor. A meeting of tho Wnikingmcn'a Union, Presi- dent Win. J. Joaniip In tho chair, was hi 11 last night, ltoutlue bu'luess was transuded, and iutiguratiuj apceiiica were delivered, Tho llricklajcra Union No. 1, of Ilrooklyn, met last nlghl lul l dlscuscel the KUht-llou- r law auln. A commute) was appohtud to confer with othar bricklayers' unions In regird to iqaallilng the the initiation He in nil. 'flic closing exercises of Die pupils nf Hie Holy Trinity Schools were held last tuning In llechapil In Montague atreet. Prlaoa were- awarded ror pro- ficiency la atudiea and decUiniiiun, and addrcasca wero delivered by severs! prouinrut Knlacopal clcrtivunu. The Itlgbt Iter. Iliabop Llttlijoha waa dickuu and clued tuo iorrlcci, J 1IEN11Y JAUV1S RAYMOND, UKATIt OF A (lltr.ATJOrnSAT.lSTASl) i:misi:st iimi.s, I'rofonori Hensnllon nt ihr Huilden Announre of til llenlh, mid hkelcb of hi Asso-clnl- l're The clly yesterday morning was nnwllling In credit the announceniccl of the sudden death of the Hon. Hmry Jarvls Ihe genial founder and editor of tte AVie 1'ort Timtt. A host of friends visited the oSlce of the Ttintt lo ascertain tho truth of the rumor, and fiey retired with the sad aurauco that the rumor was only loo true, l'or some time past Mr Ilaymond hid comrlalncsl of rar.ilyllc symptoms, accompanied by an unac- countable trembling ol the right hand. On two or three occasions be had spoken of It lo friends, saying II at tho symptom had given bin considerable uneasiness. On one occasion bis facial ninaclr twitched nervously for several hour. These and other symptoms icrmcJ to hive given him a pre- monition of a fatal result, though be never expressed this (ear In conversation with bis friends. Super- stition apparently ha I no root In Mr. Kaymond'a mind; but several incidents occurred durlnj the last few days of bis life which indicated a premonition of death. Only a week ago, Mr. Itipmond aat al dinner with a near and dear friend. The conversion turned upon the late James T. llrady, Hsej. Ilcmlnlsecnc after reminiscence nf that illustrious member of tho Now York bar flialeJ over the cheerful supper table, aid Ids social qualities were warmly tulo-sze- On arising from tho table, Mr. Raymond drew long breath, and afleT a moment of silence sal I - "Poor Ilradyl He Is gone;" and Impressively added, "I don't know how soon I shall follow him. ' A short time before Mr. n.iimoiid's death, Mr. flcorgc P Low cry surgested to him the propriety of purchasing tLc whole ol the cream-ston- building now occupied by the Tin, and known a the Times llnlldlng. The i tot of ground on which this build- ing stands was formerly tho all of Dr. Si ring's llrlcfc Church. At one time, the Government pro- mised to pay tt30,fii) for the ground, for the purpose of erecting a new Post OS'.ce. Some trouble alter ward aro-- with regard to Hie tltlo In the prnpert), and the novrrnmeht withdrew Its ofTir, though Ihe city authorities agreed to guarantee thr validity of the tllle. Tho property was afltrwarJ aol 1 by auc- tion, and l'On;ht by Messrs, Hi)nmnd, Jones .V. Wesley, of Ibe ,Vir 1'orJt Tlimi, for tni,fH They sold enough tots lo pay for their shsre of the Tunes llulldlng. Mr. Ilsymond wasetcraflerwardaniloui that the Times Association should become tho owners of tha whole building. He listened eagerly to the suggestion of Mr. Iowery, and within a few ds)s of his death the terms of the purciiiso wrro sgrced upon, and Mr. Itayiuond'a wishes were ful- filled. On Thursday morning Mr. Ilaymond arose ap- parently In perfect healtn. Alter breakfast bo ordered bis horses and carriage, and droro to Green- wood Cemetery, accompanied by one of his daugh- ters. Here he trlcclo.1 a family lot, preparatory to bating tho remains of bis son remottd to It. The bo) dl-- d In March last, at the age of filleen )ears, lie wis a rroniltlng joulh, possessed ol unusual natural ahditU, and was tenJcrly luted by bis Mr Itayuiond betrayed an nnwonted mcl whl'o In the performinco of lids sad dill), and spoke of the peaceful beauty of the Cemetery, term, lug tt a rrfuge rrom all the ceaseless caros and anile-tie- s of life. Ilrfulctli g bis eairlage he wss driven back to bis resllcncr, U Ninth street, near Firth avenue. After dinner bo visited the Tlmti offlee, and rntered upon hli editorial duties. During the day he bad a long, quiet conversation with, Ur. (Ioro Junes 01 hi own accord he spoke of Ihe neees-sll- of making will. Ills aflalrs were some- what unsettled, and be had becomo Impressed with the proprUty In having II will diawn up without delay. No Immediate step, however, weru taken In Ibis direction. While lu the odltorlil loom of the Timet that afternoon, Mr. IUiniond was In excellent rplr ts. litdt-ed- snot of the editor nnd re(ortera rcmaiked he bad tin own ou" bis usuil resenr, speaking even more pleas intly Ihun usual. At C o'clock he went home, tnd took supper with bis family. Meeting a friend on the way up. In rcsponsa to tho usual Inquiries a to bis health, be said tint he never felt better In Id life. At about 0 o'clock his left the bouse, and was eonn afterward seen convcrslrg with a gentleman In front of Wallaek'a Theatre. Ho subsequently met several members of Iht Twent)-thir- Street llepubllcan Committee, and talked with them unrcrirvedly on political topics for nearly two hours, He bad re- cently resigned the Presidency of this organisation, and during the Interview be rave cogent reasons for his action In so doing, Shaking Ibe hands ol bla warm fri nds, be left them at about midnight with a cheerful " Good night I" These are tho last words he Is known lobave spoken. He must l.avc reached home a few minutes after l'J o'clock. Opening the door with bis night key, be turned about und locked It, then he shot the lower bolt into it socket. While endeavoring to slide the u?p?r bolt, he was suited by an apopletlc fit, and fell lo the II jor unconscious. Hi re be probably lay until shortly alter i o'clock In th morning. About this time bis little daughter heard a strange noise, as ol some person breathing very heavily. For n few momenta she was terrified. On bearing the strange noise a secoLd time, accompanied by sprang from her bed,aod called her mother1 Mrs. ltayinoi.d, startled by the sudden call, hastened to the head of the spiral alalrcasr, where ahe met tier terrified little daughter. Ou peering over the tab utters, by tl.e light of the hall lamp, she siw au In- distinct form l)ing on the nutting of Ihe hall below, Slio apeedlly descended Jthe steps. Her husband lay at her fetl, broathlng l.cailly, end entirely Insen- sible. Sue raised his head, and asked oue ot the servants, who were by this time alarmed, lo run lo the door bi low and awakeu Gen. Irwin McDowell, who resile in tho adjoining house, Gen.MeDowe 1 waa by Mr. Itiymond's side In a tcry few inluuUs, and did all lu hit power to comfort Mrs, llaymoud. Olhci Irleuds were called In. Medlc-i- l ucsistanco was alio summoned. Mr. ltaunonil was carried up sUlra and placed on i sofa. At a glance the physicians pro- nounced bis cute a fatal on:. It la Bald that bit life might bavo been saved if tho doctors bad bein calltd within half an hour alter the apoplectic stroke, but this appears to be doubtful. Tho stiokc wu fielghtc l Willi death, nnd lo medical skill could I rove or any avuil. Mr. Ib.)uioiid remained In a stupor until S A. M., when be qulcllr pats d awa), surroun Ird by bit aQl.ctrd family He bis last without recog- nizing the laeos of thoso about Mm. The sad Intelligence ipread throughout the city like wildfire. 11 0 o'clock tl.e newa uppcarcd upon the bu'letlns, and by 11 tho l.rtnli'ij Mutt Issued aueitraln mourning, eouUlmug llio details or his death. During tbo alteinoou the 7ir.e oQce tl is thronged. Tlio publisher and aomo ol thu editors luui.d it Impossible tu check their teara while giving tho particular of Mr. ltayuiond'a last visit to the offre. Kviry one apparently fell li If a great bad fallen u) oa Mm. Mr. ItivBiond left a wife nnd four children, ono too and three daughters. Ho had lost two sunt. Tho litlng son, llcurr Jstvis It lynionJ, Jr., will graduate this summer from Vale College, where he bas bad an honorable and riicrrstful career, II hat beenlus Intention to cirrr out hi, andentir the Held of Journalism, a j rofetsion for which be appears lo be p.tcullirly adapted. Vetter day morning I o received a telegram announcing Ms father's diath He arrived homo dining thu after- noon. Mr. Ilaymond took much pride In hU eldest daughter. She It an accomplished young lady, and glvra promise of rare literary ability. The other daughters have not yd appeared In society. Aa father Mr. Ilaymond waa unusually affrctlonale, and bla losa will be aetercly (ell by Ms wlls and chil- dren. Oat of rcipoct to bli memocT tho aowsoucr oQce end hotels displayed tbilr dig at Inlfraast trstorday, Kvcry where, on tho streets, In the courts, In Ihe public office.', In the car and omnt buses, the bows of his death seemed lo Lave come, and lo hive brought with It that sirrow which Is only frll throughout an entire community w ben one so universally known depsirta. In theslternoon the members ol the Associated Press met and passed the follow Ing resolutions I l)CfOltt, That we have basre with profonn.1 torrow the Intsillgenre of the unexpected very tti.Men drain or the lion. Itonry Jarvls lUytnotid, a member of this Association from lis nrgaidtailon. ami one of lis principal fonndsrt and directors. II ghly appreciating Ids long and laborious services at a tirinhcr ol tint, his litslligeil, eari-ful- . ana deroiod Interest In lis honor and welfare, his aetlva and fslthfut servtrss (or many years as ona of tho Kxecntlre committee, we feel that his dn.ttn Is a severe loss to etch and all of us, and a great loss lo the presa of Ihe Plate ami eountr) ('solrrii. Thai as a mark ot reaped lo i'i-- , memory nf Ihe deceased the members of tins Aitoetation will hit runeral la a body. ;.v rislmiAer, That a copy of those resolution, be recorded on our palnnieis. ,Vtn(rtnrUrr, Thai a copy of these rotolatlous be (urn, shed to the press for publlcsllon. This tribute Is peculiarly approprhlo. Mr. ltay mood was ono of the most active orgsnltcrsof tho Associated Press, For jcara Frederick Hudson of tho Iltrall, Mr Andrews of tho (liarlcr ami AV qulrtr, and Mr. Kaymond manifolded tha despatches of the Associated Press, with the assist we of Moses 0. lkach of T; Bus. The Assoclatl in afterward grew strong through their Joint cautious, and a leparate bureau waa established. s Monday I tho day fU"d for Mr. Karmond'a funcnl, of which due nolle will be glten. Mr Kaymond'a place of worship was Dr. Adams's Pres- byterian Clmrch, on Madison arrnue, w hero doubt-les- the funeral services will be bold. Mr. Ilayr. ond wa born In I.bnv Livingston county, January l, lf.M. Ills father waa a farmer, and In that life Mr. Ilayraond's cirly days were spent. Aa soon as he was old enough, tm attendeJ Ihe famous Lima Seminary, and there laid Ihe foun- dation of a solid education. In the wlaler of HU A he taught a district school. After considerable so llcltatinn, bis fnher finally consented to send vomi,; ltiymi nd lo college, and be grvluated at tho Univer- sity of Vermont in 1HI.I. Ho held a high In college, and was marked by all those siring r ol tenacity pluck, and determination which have ever rlmraeterlr.rd htm. After leaving coilivo ho came lo New Yerk, studied law, and inii,U)ned himself by teaching and by writing for the AVie IVnt-.T- . He va ambliiiHia t, bean editor, and when, lu pill, Mr. Greeley established tha Trxhu 'f, Mr Kaymond wsa hi udata:it. Hrre l.c greatly dlstlngulsl ed hlmelf by his reporting, an ail in lint dsy of a low oreler, and practised eMelly In podce court Mr Itvmund made a specialty of sermons, speeches, Ac, aad cihlbited lar),e capacity ar.d In I'll ho went upon the Cwrttr nml Knrtilnr wllli (ten. tt'cub, nnd thero rennlned 111) Kl, when be lell lint paper owing toailHTennco ol minion the General en the mrainres befino Congress In Ifio ihe year ol the great com promt i s ind nf II Unlcn savers. Mr Itayuiond s)tnpalhltcil Willi 1'rri.ldenl Parlor rather with bis aiicecssor. During this period Mr Ilaymond I a. a literary eonnecttrn with the Hat pets, ai.d tti's last ed many) ears. During this pcrtud he had also his famous controversy with Mr. Greeley ou the sue! il philosophy of 1'onrler. These piper were pub In a (..iinplilot. They were tine examples of dialectics. Mr Itarmond was rlccled member of Assembly by Ihe Whir In 1411. an I a.'ain in when be w is chosen Speaker. In September, lr61, be entablithed Ibe A'eie lorr 71mt, which hie been al once an etiurehion or his thongut 'and his mode of thinking, and it monument lo hlsulcut and industry. In he wert lo the llaltlnioru Contention as u reporter, but was given a sen as a delegate, when be made n sound and eloquent Hs.ecli lu cxp isltton nl Northern In ls.i-- be was elected l.leutenuii' Governor ol this Slate, Its wrote the ' Addiefs to the Peoplu" promnla'ed by tne nisi Ilr ubllci.ii Contention at Piltaburah In HA Hews an actite spr ikci and wnrkt-- In that rampal-'.n- , and also In IMiO, WM, und lS'lS. Ha wrote a campaign life ul Lincoln in 1.M1I, and after tho nssas .in ition prepared a larger work on tlie same subject. In istfihowus elietod to Congress, whein he look a lu lM he Urllnrd so far toward Sromlnentj-osllion- , that be lost bla placo ou the Kepub-- can Natlunsl Conimittre, and lell Into discredit vt'h the progressite lender of bla parly. He soou rigliliHt, however, and In since! Uouo eaiilini sertlca to lie cans laeltcrly be bad devoted his enirgtes to n anion of tbo purly In this illy, and only list night siirul nil the cttiilng, till li o'clock, in council wltli those who were trying to close up the diisorda aud smooth away the of the party. Mr Ibtrmond married Miss Weaver, or Wlnooskl, VI., soon stwr leaving collig.-- His rather died last year In lirlrnlt, at an adryicid age. Ills only brother is Samuel M. lbiyi jud, u banker In Ho-e- rati r. The Assembly District llepiibtlean Association asseinblcil lastetenlng, and pasetvl appropriate reso- lutions. CVIilOSiriliS OF VltlMli. Anniher Ilrooklyn Trngeely In a elispulc among tvuiktneu oiniiloyeel cn n block or iii.tlnlthrd buildings In Huntington aticit, near Hnillli streoi, South Ilrooklyn, one or the men ttn mortnllr wcunded, Three recently arrived KugllsSmi.ri had "lumped" the carpenter work on tl e buihilngs, aod thus given ofTinrc to some of e other emplo.'tis. Mtorily uncr noein, one of the ir-- I cute a hating use (er a bench went to take II from one bu Ming lo another. The watchman of the premise's, named Thouiaa Conner, endeavored lopro-ve-n- t I lui, and wu aided by a plasl'-rc- r named Alter some angry words, ono of them to light It out In sn adjacent lot, aud the other accepted the challenge. Tbc two mcu. Arnold and Conner, went lo the plaeo designated and began ruhtlng. Arnold g ,ng the beat or Conner, a airurk Arnold , jvcral times. The Ungllthman, huuever, made such .forcible Impression uion both of Ihem thst tliey beat a retreat. While running to- ward thr buildings, Conner .ptskrd up a atone, and turning round threw II at Arnold, bitting hlrn on thr right loinplo and knocking htm down. Arnold's skull wsa irarlurrd, and portions or the brum are exposed. He waa. alive at laal account. The assailants w ere still at largo last evonlag. Drlrnnillnii lUo Una Coiupnnle. Iiuls Meyer anil Arnold Lowts were ar- rested on the chargo or misdemeanor. About three yeara ago one of tbo New York learned that holea bad bern aurreptl tioutiy bored In tho bellows of various gas metres In use lu OiRerent establishment! whiro gas was consuinid, Invcsllgullun led to the discovery Hint each bole saved ten per cent, la the bill or the con auinrr, while Ihe company sustained anequilloss, Private detective ofneara were employed, i,nd for months they made It their bnslneaa to aeirch ailei tho perpetrators, but without avail. Su Idenly the annoyance ccnseii, aud shortly thereaftrr l oinplnliits of a simitar kind were raada In Hoeton and II, all tho Ilrooklyn Gas Company began to cuuip.aan. The attention or tho police authorities was cilli',1 to the m liter, and alter patient aoarcU they arrested Ihe uc cused on susplciou. Joliuur Ibe OreeU In (be ltotvery. Tho friends of Johnny tho Ureek, iu aud out-aid- blnlo Prison, will doubtleaa be glad to Irani that he waa permitted u, ulee a largo supply of fresh ulr lust nlgbl In tua Dow err. Ho is supiored lu be lucsioerated In the Touibs, hut this la au error, for, if we urc corn clly Inlormad, ho lea tl.e City Prison yesterday under a elvlc escort lor a tour through his familiar haunts. He wa rccognhtod by per sons, who Instinctively clutched their pockelbooks and disappeared ll lanol Improbable, thut "Johnny" may take aJvantjje of tbla Indulgence to Join bla old frlond Iteddy. A WllllninabiirBli Hank Itobbed ot 8H.O0O. At about putt 8 o'clock yoslculay uiuriiing, a reseelably dre. young mail enter iu the Dime Having Hank, 3 ends Ilroadway, Wllllaiusburgh, und under prclcneei or tvlsning to biro aa office In tl.e buildlug, engaged tho Secri Ury, Mr. William (rsmly, In converaatlun, while a couredciato un locked the bick door by lucanaof a fal-- e key, and made olT with two tin loirs, ono conlalnlug euAi un J bonds to tl.e amount ol (i.UUU, un.l the other llllcd Willi prlvalo pKr belonging lo Mr. II. Geckler. fbo tbluvoa tuado good their escape. Unrequited l.ovo nnd HmIi'IiIo, On tho Dili of June Ueorgo W Jlcl'ully was missing from bis homo In Jersey City, and up lo tl.e inib uulhlug w as hcaid ol Mm, On that da) bis brothi r who keeps a coojier'a shop In Charlton afreet, ap- plied at tnoCenliul Police Offlce In New York for In- formation conccrniug him. He sal 1 that bis brother Mid been Jilted by a Miss Lambert, duuhtcr of a dcnrnun ot the police lorco, and that lie had be- come so despondent that tears were enleitaliied lor i'.1.1. f.Jfnr; ,'i ''I'ursday Ma body waa louud oil Mlebull street. It Ilea in the Morgue Hudson Itivor Itnllrond Accidents. Yesterday uiornlug a freight train was left stand lug on the track of tho lludsou lllver It.i.lioaJ at Sevinty-a- venlli street, when Iwo ether trains Hi opposite ellrcctlous dssho I Into it, nn 1 then tho u llulers lltw about. Several cars woio smashid and tl.e locomotives were injured, bul provldMi-liall- nol.vea wero lost. Ijilcr In the u otuing the down capiesa train on Ibo same road ran orci j coiv ul lClst attoel, Wui inul for dm Diirlllsi, A warrant waa granted in JiUjraon Maikel Court jestrrday; fortbo arrest ot the eJitor or AV Vronula, Jose, Couto, on the complaint or Lorenzo rhoniasclll, a barber or Ilroadway and Iwtlniiatrcfi. who charge that Couto entered his idaco on the 81st ult , aueT broke to pieces a supeiblv framed eariciiiuro of bluuelf, He alao threatened Tbonauvili life. Wonnn llemteu lo I)r lb. JusllcB Korris, of Wlilto tfalna. wa engaged resterJay afternoon In the of Do iridic Daniel, iftho had besltiilaU Ui t Uxt aha tlu-- THE l'KESIDENT IN TOWN. tSTrnriKir with ms i: sr.cni:rA-n- r of Tin: TiiVAsvm; Drive vrllh .ludge Plrrrrpolnl In Ibe Cen-- I rial Pnrk-Tb- rr Visit .11 r. Alevimder T. Mctvrtri'a Tenth Hlre-r- l l'Hlce-l- ll Ka rrllrnry nlluessra Opern lloulle In (ho Kvrnlnj. Tho return of tho President of Ihe t'nilcil States lo ttw coanucrclal metropolis of the nation, Is an event of no ordinary Importance, and call for more than a pasting notice. Owing to the excessive modesty of Oen. Grant, and his naturally retiring dis- position, tbo public I restrained from piping deference to blm which tho exall"d position he Oils an manlfeetly commands, and which the peoplo of this country are only loo ready at all times to exhibit. No city tn tho country la more naturally Inclined to hero worship and public demonstrations to great men thin Ne'w York ; et Ills cridilable to the respect of our cltlirns for tbc wishes of tho President they submit without a murmur to his msnlfest wlshc, and wholly refrain (torn any demonstration In bis honor now thlt tic I sojourning for a time in their midst, aod be Is per- mitted to come and go at his pleasure, with all tbo freedom of tho humblest of tlio people. rnr. rnminavr'a Annu el.. Tnr Sun of yeslerdty announced the irrlval of the President at midnight on Thursday, when he wamt nl the New Ilatrn depot by hi I rullicr-In-la- Abol 1L Corbln, Kiq., and escorted lo tho litter's residence, 37 Wesl Twenty seventh street, where tha family of Ihe President have sojourned during Ida sbtenco In II iston. nraniMi in srv. This morning the l'rel lent wis sstlr crly and gave an It mr In the perils il nf Tits Sum, and the reading of despatches from Ibo State Dcpsitment and other correspondence that wn watting Ids arri- val beie. Ills gruertlly understood that Important queslloni alPecling our relation! with S aln, growing eu of tie Cuban revolution ufid the sympathy so unanimously m inlfested by the Ameri- can peojlu with the Cuban ciuse, formed Ihe stapde of these Important despatches, Whateter disposi- tion the President made of the mailers submitted to him Is not known, the utmost reticence being main- tained by Mm In tegird to alt Ids official transac- tions. Tin eormntiai vims Tim h iukct. ai 10 o'clock In the forenoon the President order ed a eirrlagv Irom a neighboring livery stable, and proceedod un iltendo.l lo the great wholesale dry goods emporium of of the Treasury Alex. T. Htotvart, on Ilroadway, between Chambers and liradc atrrcts. The drlte down Iitoailwav was accomplished qulclly, tho distinguished pnrsonnge cither escaping the recognition of the throng that tilled that great thor ittghfaro, or when re cognlxM being permitted to pas with- out demonstration li duferenco to Id well known and frequently expressed with to be spared all public ovation On arriving at tbo store of Mr. Stewart, ha proc-ede- d directly lo the pirlvato oftco of that gentleman, and rem lined closrteit with blm In corneal private conveisatlon (or neatly two hours, SrKCI'I.ATIOK. Of course so Imporlint and nnitsual an event can visit (rum Ibo Pro blent of the Unite! t tiles to a prirato clllien, and especially lo ono so prominent In the commercial world as I Mr. Slewirt, and tho prolonged Interview them, taken In connection with tl.e relations the Piealdcnt songht to create between Mr. Stewart and hli Adruln'slrat'on Immediately on Inauguration, has given riso to a vast amount or speculation. Tho general Uipicsslou seema to be that tha Unsocial policy or Mr. lloutwell was the subject that engaged tbo attention of the President and the commercial chle-fla- so lorg, and thero arc miuy who assert that the) know thai Mr. Stewart took occai-lo- to tho couisc pursuit! by tho Secretary of tbo Treasury as embarrassing to trade, In producing an unprecedented stringency In tbe money market, and tbiealenlng to bring on a crisis of groat disaster. It is alleged that Ihe Picsldent waa ronttneed by the argument so stoutly and earnestly pressed upon 1 Is attention, and that a cban-.- o In the poll' of the Goteriinient In this respect may bu looked for on bis return to Washington. THU II 01 rALLOl, On emerging from Mr. Stewart's Mure, Ihe Presi- dent waa obliged to run the gnunllel or a small crowd of clcrka and a hundred or more cllucos who bad gathered In front on learning Ihe Cidef Uxecutlvo of the nation was inside, tint Ihe eiowd i opened a pi sssc Ibi to Ida igr, hi In; d with lookup t Mm, and tho I'rcslfliml drove aw i) In peace, relumlm: di- rectly lo hi trmporary du nlrlle in Tiienly-scviiit- atreet, which he reached a lit tic alter uoou. ma rgoi'ii pat Tiiaia . During tho absence of tho Prrtldent down town iiuito a number of citizens, inosllv arcompanlcd by lidlcs, called to pay Ihclr respects, but wer- - com. pelled to he satisfied with leaving their cards, At his iiqueat the names of tho ullcrs arc omitted. Among those who called at a tutor hour and were soe cestui In Ihclr titles, was Illshop Janes, ol tlio Mctbodltl Kplscofinl Church, who engaged He Pros-idr- and Mrs. Grant lu social cuutertallon for nearly ball an hour. lUX ritKSIDIiNT TAKPS AN AlUlMq WITH JUD (IK riHIKH'ONT. At 4 o'clock United Mate District Attorney F.d' wards Ilerreponl, Kq., tbc gentleman whose con- version lo the support nt Gen. Grant for the lres. dene wss slgunllr"l by a donation or f W,l) to aid in b a election, called with a ennhuro and took out for a drive in tho Central Park. Tbe Judge dreivo nu elegant team nf bays bcfoio sn open carriage, the ap pearauce of which, with Its distinguished nc cupants, crested more ot u sensation on the avenue and In tho Park than had hiiborto been 'xblldied on Ihe Pieatdcril's appeal auccs lu public. The Park was thron.o 1 with splendid turnouts sud I andsumrly ilrcftsed peopb, who, recognlslnr the Prisldentor the United States, raised their lists or waved their I mil til duels In toscn ol roapect. The Judgei drove llirouli tho less frequented portions of the Park, nud engaged the Prewldeiit so closily In cinvcisitlun of an tamest nature Hit it la feared lo h.--d but little pleasure In the ridp, and failed to observe the beauty of nature and art that uieels oue at every turn iu that eligant enclosure, or the gay throng that wua to ready on all aldca lo pey him ilerrrrne ". lie to turned to his resld.nce at 0 o'clock, wbcu Jude Picrrcpont Immediately withdrew. TUB rilXSIDEMT TISIT4 IRUt AND UXHCL.U'Zei. Alter a quiet dinner, tho President, ircompaulcd by Mr. ami Mr. Corbln soj slias Nellie Giant, pro- ceeded ou foot to the Kiflh Avcnui Thalic lu lirar tho sweet warbling of Iran aud lietcl.iuais in "Li I'crlchole," and witness the , so lusophrshle froua opera boutfa, sod so nd mlrabry calculatid to dilve away tue weighty cure of btnto and tho aiixieilra of oftlcial regional-l.llltles- . Aa tliey ealered the chinning llillu Templo of the Muse dedlistel to Prince l.'rlr, nnd were racortoil In the prlvato proscenium bm ; Ibe orcbrtttu itrtick ep the familiar air of "Hail to tbo Chief," while tin- audience rlaned their hands, and wated th.-l- I audkcrclile.i l.y con.-uio- coLieut. An attempt was map at cheerlo-p- , but this not being In tho bill protcd a falluie. The piertormanco eounucn ed aa soon us tlio Presidential patty waa seated, ami moved along with its accus- tomed imuollinesa at that well regu'.atel bouse, to its end, Tho Piisldeiit sriiiied lo enjoy II all Immensely, Joining earnestly In the applause that greeted tlio fevorlte (.em of tuu opi rs, .end particulatly marking hie appreciation ol 1,0 can can, which aecini-- to be siren with more than otdltiary rest and spirit, Al Ihe conclusion, as the dtsllnguubid puty weie re- tiring, Ihe orchestra struck up a medley or national airs, and the President was again saluted with applause, which be ueku iw lodged by bcwlng. He proceeded wllh his piny, via S.xtli atcnue, to hi residence, und soon after retired (or the mglt, evidently gratlllod ul eati, i.,j tuilher I'i'uouslratloii ul popular inspect. lens. eitiANT wean a visit. During the afternoon Mrs. Grant and Mis. Cor bin tis.ti'd tlli wart'a retail establislimcnt in'.iaj ami Toi. tb street, whr.e Mrs, in nl, sumo pui-el- i met, alter which tho two drove to It.vent oood, I I , to call uwn a ff iciid. THU I'UgJIbINT 10 STAT IN TUB WSmoI'OLIJ Drill VMM If. The Prisldent will rcmiln In Ihe clly until Mou-da- next, IM he re'lu.'iis duvetly to Washington. .tl i ul rr f l oil ub nu rsafe it lib l.oprz. WasuiNiirow, Juno 18, Minister MeMahun Is wllh Imxt lu Paraguay, and no doubts arc, enter-taluc- of his sifety. L usz will not rrcojnlzc a flag ot truce, and hence thu Commander of the allied forces could not give Commander Klrkland an rs cort through the llnta to the monster who has our Minister In captivity. It Is bcilated that Lopci In- tercepts Mioltiar McMahou'a despatches w the Oallsid Stales UoYcrnuicut, TltF. HALL Ay I) II AT. Tbn "Ilnvmnhers" .tlotv Down Ihe t'hntn plnn VIiilnnls-- A Plnrky llp-lll- ll (Innie nnil n llrltllnnl Victory, The Union Club of Lanslnghiirgh. N. V., famil- iarly known a Ihe "Haymaker." played a plucky game with tho chitnplon Mutual esterday after- noon, and won a brilllint v dory The tntcrett in base ball encle during the past We'ck, and the reputation of the "couutry boy" aa batter and fielder, served to call out nnothrr larre crowd .11 the Union ground to wlluees tlx meeting. Quite a Urge number or the friends and supporter of tbo fimous "Hs)'nakria" Lad accompanied them on their cirursloo, aid by their presence encouraged them In their bittl'ig with the champion. At 3 o'clock both nines were on the etchl, and .Mr Thomas M icdlarmld of the Mar Club of llrookt)n having been seleei.'d as umpire, no unnecessary tune was loot In getting towork. The Mulnals won tbo choice of Innings, and went to the field. the first attlkrr for the " Haymakers," wa mntTed by Swandel, and slots round to third bise. S. King brought blm homo bv a sifo stroke to led field. M. King was e .unlit out by llittleld. Dick Hunt nerinl Fisher the same way. Flnn mi le a safobltti) tho left of third bise, scuding home S. King. Crater closi it the tuning nn a flr catch to C. Hunt two inn, when there should bavo been a " whitewash." ', Hunt wua csutht nut by . Hatfield drove the halt between first and sec- ond. P.. Mills erlnrmrd the same foal. Dick Hunt sent a Unor Into Hoarman hands, and a double play wa looked ror. hut Charley mulT d the ball, avrd Mills al second, but cauiht the batter. Altar tbl ffiiAtt, Swan lei made 1 base on ,t bit, and Hat- field scored. C. Mills, mi terrific hit to right Held, cleared the bases and mid a home run. Tola achieve- ment callrd forth cheers Irom tho crowd. Kgglrr nndeanne stroke through the Infield, but was I .'It, a Welter was cin;hl on a fly lip, ah rp rrom Ihe bat, by Crater. Score, t lo i. In the second Inning tho " Ilayrnnkers" went out hi quick succession, Powers from Hatfield lo Kgglcr, aud Ward and Ilo..r-ma- being doubled up very rlrverly by Swindell, Mills, and Ilggler. McMihnu popped up the ball, and Fisher caught II. (' Hunt bounded tha ball lulu llraimaii's hinds, and was saved the trouble of run line. Hatfield, K, Mills, II. limit, Swandel, and C. Mills all made tin Ir bases on kits, and Ihe first ll.ree scored, when Kgglrr gave Mr. Klug a cbaucc, and wss thrown out at first. The score was now 7 lo J In tavor of tho Mutual, wbosermedto bavecverythlngthelrowuway. From this point to the seventh Inning the game prospered without an) thing interest orciumig The champions Patted nnd tiehted rem irkably well, and weio In tho b st or spirits. The " Haymakers, ' ou theennlrsr),dld not seem able to get hold ot Wolter In their usual stile, and only iiisile three ruus lu tho (our tunings, 'ihe Mutual made clgbl In thsniine time, and wrie lo ILebesl ol humor with themselte and citcryboely else. eeoie now tood 11 too, and the game was too nnr-sid-nl tube Int. resting. IVraruun led olT on the seventh Innlug ftir tho " llsimakers," and mile his bare by a clean bit lo Icn held; Mr A Ire followed wlih a l bit In tbe left of U.lrd base; H. King drove a groun Icr through the InfleM, which Mill inutlrd, and ltoannan cms I oino ; Swandel mulled thu hill M, King il lu blm ; Fishri canted Ids ball out to centre field, and Dick Hunt, aHer geltina- it Into bin hand, dropped It, nnd McAlee anil the King brother eeoicd utiiitj gieat exciteinetit. Hynn gato Swandel a chance In throw lii in. but Marltti iniiuVl the ball: Ciavrr cloned the ha-- on along bit to irntrcHcId, Mills ninireil the all Powers drove through tha Inliekl; Watd brought In Cmtrr an I Powrra nn a liaer pv-- t flttt liasr, on which ho undo two bat; Hcarm-ui- , lo lor tboaecond time, made a slashing hit to the bft Held, on which ho scored i clean homo run, Ward coming home tilth Mm. The greatest excite mailt previlb.l at ll.t lime. Ten runs had been scored wit lout the loss of a hand, and the score wasutle. Swandel.uasuowrcnt In to pitch Mc- Afee, the Urtt to face lilin, fouled out ; S, King drove the bill out to centre l and went to Itdrd ; M. King followed hi brother's example, but fell a victim to Dirk Hunt ; A. King came home ait r loeicliltig thirst base. Fisher clo.cet the ev, l Inning by trytna' ihe centre llolel, anelgelttnu by Dick. Iteartutin was now pitching lor the H limakers, and the Mutual lalloel lu score. It. Hunt striking cut, and Swandel and C. Mllli going out al lirsl base. 'I he irrcatest entbuslam prevailed at this moment. The belting ol Ihe country boys l.d roused Ihe crowd up fio.ii the dormant stute Into which tl.u one sided nsiitci or tho game hud put them. The "Ha) makers" had li)csl audi a plucky, came, Unit they tiiailo friends ci cry where, 'I ho betting men who had laid long odds un tbo cbainpinna were a little nervous, while those win backed the Unions were coircsjiundingly elated. Ou their eighth Inning, with tbc score In their favurbyltlto n, tlie " Haymakers" were unable to add anything lo it. Thu Mntunls biltrelwell lor lour run, and again took the lead by l'J lu It). Tbc idiilh Inning was very exciting, 'I hu ' llayiuaarra" bitted li indsnmuiv, nnd bclore thn Inst hand wu out, had muelc seven run. Ibis loll tho Muluils Tuur to tie und liv to win. It wa not on tha sard, buwever. Thrco runs hat been made, and twu bauds wi-r-e out, nd llalutld on tils bwse, wlicn 11, Mills utada a strong bit to centra Arid. Weird got under It nleedy, ami tuude a dtftlcull eiatch, and ihe game wa at au end. Wn bavi no space lor comments. If we had any desire to make them, The Mutual bad the tauie In their own hands, and lost it through otcr-eou- n deoce. Thu eirors they marlo were glaring and Inexruiablu. Tbe " llaymikrrs" played a plucky, l game, and deserved to win. The championship nuw Ilea between Cincinnati and Troy. Accorelitig to aroomeut tbc Mutual ure ubllged to play tho p turn gaum with Ibo " wilhl.i fllloen dits, They have alwa) been deflated at Tioy, which I a pielly tough (Wsee (or ball clubs. They can beat the "llnymakera" mere or anrwbero else II Ihey play ball. If ihey can't play at Troy or anywhere else belter than they illd iislcrd.iy, they don't deserve lo bu cbauiplous. The tc"iei Is appended: U.NIO.SS. 1st r.l MUTUA8- - IstT. O.K. II. Ill O. It. II. II. McAtre. lit b 3 i Hunt, I. r 4 14 7 IS Kmg.l.r 0 0 4 S.llsllielu'.aib I 4 0 0 .M.King, Mb 3 g I 4 3 l g Usher, p a a 3 I II. Iluui, c. r. J a K a h'lyilll.r.( I 1 'i I lsil(ll,3db ll 4 4 Cravt r.c I I t Mills, c 3 16 3 Powers, i.t I a 1 I hggler, lit b 3 I 3 3 tt'ard.e.r 3 1 I a, "oilers. 4 t 2 1 Uedinaaii,4dti,. 3 I J J McMabou, r, (,.., 4 '( Total Jj 23 13 Totals V 7l 'Jtt S3 lNNINO. IiuM.M. llll. 5Ui.Clh.7lli.Slll. 'Jill. Unluii ion ot o ll o -a Mutual 4 3 0 3 4 t 0 1 i-- U I'mpircfMr. T. slardisnnld. of tbe Ptar Club. Bcore-- Metsrs ScotlelJ and aicCarthr. lime of Uauir Two lioun (orty nre intiiiitcs, i:leau Mom i linos -- lleariliali. C. Mills, I, My tstcltys H. Kluir. It Usher, li riyiui, li Crarer, ll powers. 1, llearitisii, I total. 0. C Hunt, i i It. lluni,lC. Mlilt,3 hggler, McMabou, 3 -t- otal, U. Cincinnati va. f rvlnulon Auullier Victory for Ibo "Iti el Mocking." Tho'Cinciniiat: L'u'o played llicir last game lu this vicinity )eterdiv. On their way lo Pmlidel-pbl- a Ihey stopped al Irvlocton, N. , and becmi.e the gueaa of lliu once noted club or thai name, '1 ho content waa clean and interesting, and etidtsl in triumph lor tho Cincinnili. Wu did not wit- ness the gsiue, aud cau only re. er tbe rcadjr to Ibe a pieuded seuiru; CINCINNATI. lit T.I IDVINUTON, tst T O.K. 11.11. 0. 11.11 11. O. Wright,!..... t I 3 3'llallcy, r.r 3 u t t (loul t, 1st 0 3 i I lil.mvt. I. r 1 1 I I Watiriuan,3dU.. 3 3 2 alhaton, e. f 3 0 0 0 Allison, u 1 3 3 3,11. Campbell, p... I 1 3 3 II, tVrlglil.o. f..,, & 0 UlMockumu, (d 0... 1 0 0 0 boonsrl, 1. 1 1 i 3 r iluckloy.c S 0 I I llruiosrd.p 1 ) 'i ' Irembe-au- , s. s... i a J i Swcisy.'.'.fb I t 1 a iluile. adb 3 0 0 0 Mcey,r.l 3 0 i llt.e,auipbell,ltib I 0 1 I Totals Jl 3J 1 rl Totals at I ) 10 iseiseii, I't. 2d. S.1. Ith. Slh. Cth. 7t1 Ulnelun.ll I S 3 Irvlngtou OllOOtl 4 Umpire-M- r. Itnenlnallof the Kureka Club. Hcoiers-Mesr- is. Hurley anil hiilou. Tune of gaujo I hour and le) miuute'S, (lines Tlio "llaymaker.1 nnd Kck. for i pi iy at tbn Ui ion Grouud, aud Ihe Mutual aud ut Ihe Unpilollne. IIIIOOHI, I'.Y. Tlio ltcv. Hlcharil ll. Duane, tho new paitor of thu Cliurcli of thu Messiah, Greeno uveuue, will preach bis Urst sermon In Hist Church to morrow, William I'oyntz, a cleik iu tho drug sture at De Kslb and Nostiaud avenues, died suddenly yes- terday moruln' or poison. J.OH.tKS IIVI'lltK, .lame Domicly'a whlskoy diatlllcry on Ninth street, below lleikf, l'blladclplila, waa burned uiuriiing. At 3 A. M. yeslcrdajr Messrs'. Mttlford, llrady A (lralicl's stable, llltli street, nesr Third avenuo, was burned, aud thre'e horses perished. Mr. De'guiizoy'a houriltng houso nt 07 Vurick street, caught tire ou the lirsl Hour )cstrrd iy luorn-ii'- : dsiuj e to bulhlltig (owntet by Juuic-- s McMoa-ei')- , ll.ttW; to luruttiiru f I.OUei ; insuied, jovrisus Aiiovr roir.v. I il, Chcvulicr will moko an aiceut Mime on the Park Mall y at 3J 1. M. Ur, liartii has had all his cleiks vacciuuted. i'oitniaiter Junes will establish a new Post Oltico next wick immediately aeljoluiuu' tbe Hailoui UjiiK In Hailem. Osborno Wright, ageel 1, of 831 Kail Twenly-Itlnl- li street, whs burned lo dentil yesterday, bis clothes iguiliiig Irom astiecltoutlrc. Audrtw J, llogcrs, an Colonel, was arrctteel yrsterday ror defrauding F. O, Allen, of Providence, It, 1., ol (J.tvjt), byuieaua of a worth-le- a draft. Tlio (leruian 11. K. Church in Fortieth atreet voted last evening on lay delegation 31 for and It against. Mr. Chat. Sutler, proprietor of Sulier'a Kaat Itlvcr Park, wailn nowise to blame lor tbe stabbing by the rowdiest who v.sllvd hi polk 00 Tkuradiy .evouinj. t THE IUISir CHURCH BILL. last sinttm nun ati: ry Tint imtT-- j isn norm: of .onus. Hnsaell'a Onslnnihl upon Ihe Torlea Tko J Oppr.-sslo- n of Irrlnnd-Th- elr LordsklM Slual Dlseslnbllsh nud Disendow Mr. B Hrleht's Pleasure Approved. Iokpon, June 19. The excitement over tl R debate In tho Home of Lordl on the Irish Church I ' bill Increases. Tbe benches, lobbies, and gallerlu of Ibe House were crowded again ' Earl Rotsell wis ILe first speaker. He said men) k lltastrlons statesmen, animated by feeling of Jo- - I,' tlco and generosity for Ireland, bait endeavored to ii srtlle this Cborch question, bat their efforts Ii were mide In vain. The fxet that a small I' proportion of the psople of Ireland bo longed to the Church esbiblishei the joetles) a well a tho neccilty ot dealing with the j question. The creation of Ihe Irish Church la the beginning was a wlte thing; but tte result ol three centuries made an alteration necessary. The act ot union wa too solemn a compart to bo Interfered with save In a great crisis, bat now a great crlila was at hand. lie reviewed former promises ol concession, which Mr. Pitt, If he bud bad the opportunity, would have accomplished. He also traced the history of the abolition of the . prelacy In Scotland, bat said Ireland hail I nerer bern tn a position to Imitate I Seoiltnd. She hel been oppreeseel by penal lawe ,' and disabilities, notwithstanding promises of relief. He believeel that concurrent endowment waa prafcr able to tho present measnre, but tho Catholics refused In accept It. He held that tbe Tories were rcsponst- - ; ble for the present state or Ireland. They bad re- jected Ibe policy of Pitt, Caonlngand and now j a an alternative they proposed to accept Pitt's po lies I llnl he regretted to say that It waa now too lata. . They hid nn choice now but to disestablish and dl- - j endow. Dlsendowmont need not be total. He a , Inclined lo tbe generous coarse which Mr. Bright originally advocate!, especially n the Calboilca and Prrsb)tcrl ins were to be compensated from the chur.h revenura, He wished to do tho belt he could for Ireland, but not to enelanrer the churchu of Ungtini and Scotland. Admitting this conrso to bo necessary for Ireland we must not give a stimulus to those desiring to d'emtabilsh all tho churches. He desired tlie Tories to aecrpt the verdict of the constltue nclce to which they bail appealcel, and asld the result of Hist appeal must be regarded aa tbo dellb rata verdict of the natloa. The Duke nf Argyle argued that disestablishment and dlsendawmenl cmttel not be separate I. The lllihop of Lichfield said Ids experience of the operation of dlseuelowed churches lesl him to oppose tun Mil unbcsilailualr. Weslbury rccarded the bill as full of evil, and the elTiet of a mistaken policy, which waa like, ly to produco serious results, still he felt booael lo tote for Its rnisago In sn amended form, (line our cable desnatrhea Interrupted.) TllKJF.VTA XEIZUHE. Tho Washington Authorities on tbo Arreel ol tbo C'abnu Jnntn. i frtctat )r,pineA lo IAS h'tinlng Pott, WiuntoN, Jutw 13. The arrest of leodlng Cubans In New York (or a violation o( the neutrality law bas been Hie subject t( considerable discussion hrie lu political aod diplomatic rlrclea. This also uton the part ol tbe Government wsa taken only nfler certain representations hsd been made by the Spinlsh Minister to Ihe autlioilllea here. It Is ! learned from high ofllclal quarters that It I tbe In. tcntlon htreanir to execute vigorously thu provl slons of this law, and arrest all persons who may engsge In vlolaiin.f It. There is also some talk that since Ihe action ol I Peru In recognizing Ihe belligerency ol Cuba, Presl. I lent Grsnt will withdraw Ike ulter oi bis good ofllcrs ai mediator for the conference which was lo hste been held hrre between Spain and the booth) American Ilrpublle to settle the eUlfercnce cxlsllnt bctwein thcae ualloni Hi'errlnry I'lsh trill uot Interfere, Wasiiinoton, Juno 19, OlHcial information ' waa tccelvcd to day by Secretary Fish concerning the arret! or tbo Cuban Junta in Now York. Tbe Secretary will take no acttou, but lease It to be de- emed by tlio courts. Minister Motley' Krervtton. Washington, June 18. Despatches have been received at the Slato Department Irom Mtalster Mot- ley giving rui aeeouut of Ms reception by Lord Clsr eudou, and adding that bo would have been to Ihe tauten, bul that ahe waa not tn London at tbo time. Custom House Appointment Approved. Lewis ll. clerk, vie ll. V. Ilarner, I resigned resigned. ; Nathaniel Ueorge, vlco P. D. Ludluiton, The Myistle Park ttnects, llrMTON, MavlS. The closing dav'i racing ol the New norland Trotting Aasocl.llon was attemletl by nsarly 7,U) persons. Six horses slirlod ror the Tillrac, and the first money (fl.UOt)) was won by .M sco's White Fawn, who took the soconef, -- tinh, and sixth heat, Dors )' I(oi Oolel Deal taking the third and fcollli bealn, ar.d tl.e seromd money (TOO), and Hindi's Wll. son the Ami beat auel (Mr I ci mey (.'x). Time, '.':31,'. a:lCllf, 43.1,4, U, aud 2:37. The next race was (rev to all horses, and American Girl won tbo first ioolo by taking the second, third, and (on rth belts. Doblc'a Ooldtmltai Maid won Ihe sreond place by taking the Urst beat, and George Palmer tvaa Ihlid, Lucy bring foartu. The prise wero 3,1X, tL'-fJ- , tJJ- - Time, iil, J.l,V. S:l. audicai. HVAU1CS F11031 TllK TVLVOltAPIZ. Tho passage ol the Irish Church bill, Is certain. Senator bumncrwaa ei peeled In Doston last even- ing. John F, Dai by & Co., of SI. Loots, suspended yes- terday. Freighted can crossod tho rlrcr at St. Louis on Thursday. Tho shore end of Iho French Atlantic Cable hsj been submerged. Tha superfluous clerk of Ibe Treasury Depart- ment aro to bo ellichiirgoel The cars began ruunlng on the Alcblson, Topekt and Santa Fu llallroad on Ibursday. Governor ChamlM-rlal- It Ihe favorite candidate In the Msii'.o Kadlcal bl.steConvet.llou. The Portland Ynelit Club sailed from Oath, lie. on w'wdnctday, nud will reiuru so Portland F. W. Patterson waa yeitorday In aa action for llbol aeiiiluit tho tloeheater LUo. The Nlpslc remains it Ctenfucgca. All on board aru welt. The New Ham) shire Legislature will discuss tbe I Firtecr.lh Amiodtncat on Wedeie'Sdiy eveulag next. I Ann Gage acrldrntally shot aad killed John P. I Austin In Dover, N. II., on Tuesday evening. All accounts (rum tlm Texas Convention agree that ilclejit.'i from oulr seventeen counties were preucnt. , Thu Urgent of the University yesterday conferred J a charier to gruit i! 'trees lo women en tba Iludioa I lllver luitltuu alClavsrack. N. Y, I John Gillctplo stabbed and killed llernird Dogan, I of l.itJ Htzwsler itivci.M 1'blla clpMa,oti fburtdaj I nl:ht. . Tbe commencement week of tho Elmlri Female l Col e:e list Just closed. Ten yooug woiuej took tho de-- I greo of ll. A. lu due form. I Immigration to Kansas continues, and 60,000 acrei ' of I'otawstaiule lteservatloo taudt have boon sold toj settlers. Ihe crops sre tlLe. Mrs. Mary It. Hidden, who murdered her Ohedlali Jones, at Canton, Mass., in July lut, ta not to have anew trlil. Cincinnati will bring out her cannon and ring bee bell, on Iho 'ttth lust., tvht-- tbo vols oa the SUoOjr approi rtstion f T lha outh.-r- ttnltway Is takca. 7 Vsl, McKlnney'a afldavlt that lie wa off money lo decliU the light on Tuerd iy tn tavor of A x U pruuouacvd (also by tbo (rleuas of the Inner. Senator lUmsey will leave for Euroie cn Tuesdsy, the 7.U inst., to negotlato the Dosta o( a new Postal wllh Frauie. . A meeting of tbo Denmark National liltlemen't J Anocuiion was bold In Copeubigea on l The King vltlled the meetiax aiidadjrcstod Iho . The members of tboConventiouorSupcrlutendeotg or luiane Aiytum, visited Weret'i tavr, near Uiauotoo, Va.,onThui-lay- . Consols closed at MS' for mooee and 0l for Ibe aecuunt Five Twenties tslv. fclrie ibillway sharte Htloots Central UU, Atlantic aud Ureal tVctora I The Mary Powell made Ihe finest aereuty-Ov- e miles on record estcrdiy, ran hlog Puughkeegtle from , r York iu 3 hours ana U minniet, tucludmg six slop iisiCS, United Slates Dctectlvo Offlcer John Ityrne at Catuudalgoa l ulled St ilea Delectivo OtOctw ltuiiel li. Lowell, for coUtuIoa isd contplracy will counte-rlciter- Tho case of Joseph n. Ilradlry against Jodte Ftiber, ar.sio ; out of lheSurr.i t trial, waa pottoonael In lha Clicuit Court Ll Wathlagio i ycilerelay, until Monday ucxt, A propoaltloa ll under const, Irntl n In thr Spiolih Cortes for reduct ou by Ihe Ouvurausut of 3 pet real, from the caupous o( we public rentes, whea pre- sented f r paymeal, Tbe Interest on tho State of Booth Carolina bond and ttncki (or the two yein ending July t nest. It to be paid on sad after that ilt In .Saw Yorg and Columbia, Ibo Intcicil oa the nock In Columbia only. The Judgment of tbe Supreme Court was imnns4 tesieriisy in tbe Court of Appeals al Albany, lu the case of tbe People tt l it. the Uioadwiy Uauk vs. the Mayor, Comptroller, Ac, o(Ke York c If. Tbe bill to Incorporate the Great Northern Rail, road waa rv lied yesterday tn the Misaaetinteiu Legta, laluie, so ai to couaolldai tbe loads to lb Wail lilvsi junclloe.aiul give the Company pwr to perenase esf lsaee tbl lailroadj egiendiag la itouutslor Vgdenss beUeeav, f t, - - inn .iiaiaaaeWanrinf i mi

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'anr.AT lxmr.tis .inorr to ltvvoa-ytz- i:

nit; 111:1 i,u from the Cuban .Mlulstrr In London

t lu Cubnn Lender In Nrsv Yorle Cheer-In- uIntelligence for tbc ltcvututloulsts.

Advice: were rccolvod by influential Cuban.jgentlemen in th!B city, yerto-rtiity-

, from Soiior"Vallcntc, tlio Cubnn Itijmblic's Mlnlftcr InEngland. Soflor Vnllonto pnvs tlint Orcat

' Drttnin I nbout to recognlzo the belligerentrights of the imtrioK

Tin: la stda rs ofsfaxisii rrM.v.vrj.v vrtta.

Ibe Poll of Cnplnln-drner- nl

.ml Inillgtilllr ller.prd upontlie ltnllronet-Mlcoe- se ol this Pn-tri-I Correspondercc of The Bnn.

Havana, Juno 12. On the steamer GuipniconOf n. Dulcc sailed, accompanied by one ali!r-d- e cum secretary. Don Juin Peres. Calto, Don llamonIlodrlguez Coma, Don Cesar Oolmullo, Msyor of tbctown of Col. m, and Don Francisco Dursllona thelast one of the notorious dealers In hutum flesh,nicknamed Calla rtinva (II union), ind who "or hisnultlfanout net of maPc-uanc- was tent out of Ihe

blind lr Gen Dnlrc dating tko lattcr's Orst reignon the Maud ol Cube.

Ii Deforc Un. Dule went on board, lome of theCivil and military authoiltlca went to the palac' to

UVc leave of him. Tho following were tho only

l tblcfs ed the Toluntcr who accompmled them-Do-

Josei M.irla Morale, Don Julian Zulueta, Don

Miguel Antonio Ilcrrcn, and Don Nicolas MxrllneiOe Valditlelao. At S o'clock In the afternoon Dulcc

left the palace, dressed In rliln clothe, and withouthny decoration', and the above-name- persona

hlrn to the wharf.An Oen. Dulcc waa stepping Into the boat which

Sraa to oonvey him to the steamer, a Spanishof the name of I'lnillj, belonging lo the corpse

' W artillery volunteer?, approached him and ibitedJietboprot'lcd against every net thai bid becnom.tallied ajalnst hi (llci. Dulce's) authority, and i

erect tlm at the aame time that the battalion to which

lie belonged held htm, (or many reasons. In the hlpbVst esteem. Gen, Dolce expressed Ms Indignation atllils b'st humiliation orTcrcl him, and treated Mr

rioilla' mnnlfe'Statlon vlth supreme unilc.npt.Oen. Dalre tuflVrcd much during his lat days In

llavaria from the total lack of common decency and

Hint of gentlemanly bcbatlor ol M ciciiilct, antfrom the lunate dlsrosltlonlVommon to all Spaniardsto hit a fallen an. A homernratl Ic Catalan doe lor.Dourer iy name, who lately been attendingln l)n o, prcaenleil hi bill the day heroic Ihe

General le I Ills correct charge, nerorllni to theOlsvana l.irlir, woubl lut been Kl for llfljfour It customary, hnwetrr, in pay It foreach visit, or lltfi. lie cha-ev- him (1 (AX). ub. h

the (lemial paid ulll. out anrohi-civatlon- . Aawccttlilef, tl l Intnlan Doctor Ilior-- .

We lein rale ally thLt the N i vitaa and PuertoTrlncipt- lliilroad Im been cut mice mnrebyttepatinla i.nd the Cltll Ooven or ol thli city has an

tiled It to the )V rnnicnt cmplo)ec hero, nhi.lo I ate left on the blh Inat. by tho I'tlajn lo

Waome thrlr pctta In the rum It In I'm i to I'ltnclprllardi'jl. the (lorrrnor or iMnlmvs w.ia alao toI tiave bpon drjHffd by Ihe ilunteia. "Ihecaccu.

. llou ol tl.rlr laudable dralcn v frmtniled by tinInfluence of Antonio 1). Joilrr riau Marlln.

In Civniua oa, aWo, the volnn'rera attcroptn.l tnImitate their co.lrajut or II iv ma. ind ouit the

Mirn-.o- , but the If Iter rtotieteil lilinn It withSO re,'ulir trooin, uud trio volunteer qulitly

Tla mllltli cavalry of Guinea baa been badlyTfblpred In Mhiianei.

In the IWtern llf artrrf nt. the army lain tuchtfanl of proviaona tint aoldlcr In cocalilerablenumbcra da'l) go orr to tlm lanka nl the nilriotada ihclr only ineana toatold aUrv.ition. L'avilrytioroea arc d)liis from ahucr eahuutUon, alter cutlna.up the etmit of Ihclr aaddlca.

On tho Hill lnt. obad a hrse arrival here,, or rick and vtnuiiletl from Villa Clara.JJrtj.-Oe- Ditcurc baa alao arrived hire with a row

oOcera an I the remnant f a company or engineer,who lell hire nt the beginning of the cimimlnuTiny all conic from tto camp o' Oen. Valuuaeda.

' The Hp.udrda are dreauilnn or ticicrlea, and rubll.h aj tuch hat are rrr.lly lenomin

i lousdclinU; and ir you want lo convlnco ourlfoflhclact, read the f.rowcll addieiaof lol. llodet,In which be makra this aokniu C"nlcl"ii: " M'itatk hat bt" o'l iiMoif.yjiU me, vllhmta pmllelt

i tf glory, it'AIcA hat Urn unj.tlynalily icatn oioujhVi (All tavpttim."

Since tl.e 31 lost, the publlra'ton of i.ny politicalUlecram Irom the United Htul- - a h.n been prohibitedbv the i uhilc ccjior.

i'h'ik a.j rmi.A dhi.I'Juai:xvi:nirii).Y.

Vrlei niio uU'frnni Ihe Conibill Kflirllvr llixrullliiK In

.lien In lliu Ileal ol

nt The hun.I Juno 18. Our cilj, not to be

baa alao began lo do a little In tho tcTwo ea ofllccra of the Union army Ii.

llrady, and Unit. Norman, wishbattalion or two lor lattlcipaUon In

I on Turaday Inurtid an adver--

I of tho clly newpara, calllne loiei aoldlcra. It vaa Mnlr, but not

ntly set fortb that they muat have rwar I aa lo not be unor

J The point or rendexvoua naKtl Cheatnul alrei I.betneen three and four bandied

S at the Utile bac room In tho bolelwere aealed. 0( these aoincl'ilni:

re accipte.l, and on Tumhi)hundred tnoie. Tbc rccrulllut otnc

lnh, German, French, and American",vprlnkliiie In le and there of

I bud served In some war before, most ullatowar of the rebellion. Tliey wereIn gold per month, nut no bounl)

IIxuuKl:w aatlslied, howiv r, all of them bruinor the auceisa oflhol'ubin caue and

of Cpaln, tint they expected to reupI liouuty by thilr own cndcaioi. They

our c'.iy In Ibioo itlU'eient drtaclinionu.I tvinlnit, TLurrday innrnlng, and1 M nt they will there do, ) onI know betl'r than myself. They are to

York rtcruila there. 1 Warn that thewill compilae about 1,C0) linn, and thoy

aa toon aa oaMhle lu a itesnicr Hutbay. A rhllu 'phla Joumal auya

L.i an amilu supply cl stnall aims, andoutllt Tor cavalrv and InTantry rul

uniform" uic nil on board, and whenla ready for act the clnthli.2 worn by tin

be thrown oil ana nil bauds will U.

trooiw.full uniforms of blue, similar to those

In this cily was conduced ao qui tlew pemona were aware of wh.n waIhe litUl. There waanu uiiutuil at

men around the beadiuaitira, and tin nwliattver in the ..dwitisciueut whicutbc puullu atUMiti.iu.

, hat aln ady son J to sea.

'is Ulcbinoiid Itecrulllns Oiricr,

Vs., Juno 18. United Htutea Mar- -this morning inide a deaceni on an a',rrcruitloi; rrndcztou un.l iirrehle.l W.

( the Icadlne mtiii, lluirlon hd plentj1 Hi" bank an piouipth tut bull m (l.i

Alioul flirty inrn wrin recruited etii- -

I are pruiu.aud IZ'J) bjuaty lu New

OfllelHl llreenev in llolon.I IIo'tqn, ,lnni 18. Information was lodged withI (he lintid butts Aliorne) that the uliouncr LaiII llave is ladLii with mat uui , shells, and oilier

ainnii'.n't on, bound for the Witt Indus, and the ki-

ll (orin.ra wirnrd to bate her liliilid; but L'nlnJI Bute-- AUi.rncy lliliard, alter a peuoi,al ll.i.cU'aii

of the unci ru.used lo tlttain l.or.

Tho Ailtrntui-i- nt ii Corpno,A abort tiniu ugo llii;li Kelly, while in a fil.t

In llsrl i . was struck uu li e head w 111 a sloii '.Afitr alnio' he seemed to be grttliis nn well, andbissui.ioii ri comtnemlvd a trip to the ruuutr)Kelly iint to Newark, nud died a day ur two anAn m.;oiiy was and it tua dectaiid that thenan ha .PI of a iracture or theakull. A brothelI went lo Nutark on Thuinihiy unit brouaht tl.e boi )to New Vir-t- . On Ina jri.ial nt the lenlh rtreetferry he w..a lound to him no PTiiilt for the huilal,tl.iri'ioiv he waa sent yietrrday to tho llounl olllcuilh loi oue. Aa be iroduced only a urllllcalt of(be cmi of death, without u word about any

the body was sent lo the .Morgue. La'er Inthe u ')' I' waa esccilaluad that r.u imiuctt in pro-gress lu Newark.

I Jllotei:i''iia ol rreldculinl Caudliliilra.I Tho nn.l Mrs. Colfax alarled

aily yofi-d- ay morulnj, on the New Haven rail-

road. I r rilUlldd, Mass. A pnriy of nimJa metthem in T ursdby nliht, at tlm residence of W..1llnnk I'.'Q . In rtenlh avenue. It is the Intiution

Ml I'i'llJ" Kprlnctlcld, Mass , Hartford,Conn., and oilier New Enjlnnd cities, keeping clear

I lloaton, bowover.Mr. Sowaril, ' lalil accounts, m IravtUtiui

wlwuid U'

M . . . .

Tin: woitua or vasiuos.A l.tiilr-dren- l Wcildlnn-.- V Mirny fun-bea-

Itrcnpluied-lommodo- re ull and JUL"nlc H'nrrcn-Ulli- rr Weddings.

I.s--l and least of the happy coustimmatious oftrue lovo wMch II Is Thk vh' pleasant prerORVlive to cat! a beam npon, Is the wedding of the re-

doubtable Commodore Null, of Lilliputian me-mory, to Ihe charming little Miss Mianle Warren,so lonn I Is compmlon In tho realm of the greatTturnum'a enterprise, beveral years have tone bysince thlt m)thlral llttlo bird, wllcb Mis. tlrundyhas trained especially to spy npon the t ranks of Cu-

pid, whispered to that atider.t dame that Minniend the Commodore hi I fallen willing victims to

Cupid's darts Mrs, Orondy, bbwevcr, bad nothing los iy at the time, for she argued that if ever a " matchwasmsdoln heaven," If ever psoplc were "madefor each otlwr," It waa this Lilliputian couple. Atlist we are lisppy to be able to dclbtM Mrs. the announcement that Miss Minnie and theCommodore have bien maJe bone of one tone,tlcah of one flesh, and all the rest of It, according tothe regulations In such cases rrovlded; while, atllic same tlm we aro forced to shock her slljlitiyby adding that the weddln was strictly private,onlrafaw (rends being sdmltted to wllncst thoeercmor.y. Mr Cbas, 8. Slratlon (Tom Thumb)and Ms rrettr llttlo wife, once Misi Lavtnla War-ren, the sister of the bride, officiated as groomsmanand bridesmaid, and the two tiny couplea lnimc.ll-- i

tely started on a honeymoon tour to Weal lliven.Conn., the residence ol Mr btrallon mother, wherethey arrived Mfely by tbc lialfpa-- t two A. Jl. train ofthe Bhorc Lino Uallroad on Thursday. If it be truethat the most valuable goods are done up In thesmallrst packa;ts, then have the.lovmg couples b,olhmade tic choice of wts,lom. Long mi) they wave

At the Ilawei. Uubbcll wedding In Itrooklyn onWid icsday last. 1'ic galaiy ol beauties who oflclatedas bridesmaids to thorouglify daaed the hrx re--

rtcr, that Le omitted their In the descrip-tion of that Interesting event. He now lakes occa-s'o-

to tudply tho omission. They w era Miss Mary11.1'iiltton, Miss Vogdcs. danghtrr of Oen.,Miss I) y. Miss Iksnle Koos, Miss Sheldon, and MissLucas. Their charming beauty and the elegance oftheir atllie were the subject of gei.eral remark.

Tee approaching marriage of llarou Lemmo andthe beautiful Miss Tbrocknaorlou Is the subject ofgeneral convcrsallon.

j.ii'Ji i. thk :t r.ntoi', but lillcrrtllr True,

Oa Hie 18lh day of May last, in one of theMith avenuo railroad cars, a geatlemas lost bismcnioraiidam rocketbook. Two or three days agohe np'lled by lelur to the Secretary of the road,mentioning the loss and describing tho rrorertyTho result that tho gentleman found bis toeket-book- ,

wtlih, with the money, had been promptlybanded inlo the olTlce by the conductor of car No. 70

lirilllniii .llrlrnrs.Ai twenty-eigh- t minute, after 1 o'clock yes-t- i

rday morulnz, a brilliant meteor of a yellow andgreen cdor, much larger than the planet Vciiuswhen brljl.lcrl, cxpludcd In the constellationPerseus. Al twelve uiliiutca after 10 o'clock ouIbursday ctening, a while meteor, as brilliant ssl.jra, shot Into the atmosphere at a poli.i City dgreen above the horlon. aud unit-

ing southwest over au arc of thirty dttici's,dlaippciicd.

Htianu Among tho lelhodlsl".Miss Susan II. Anthony visited the Thirtieth

atreet Methodist Church last nl;hl, while the mem-

bers of loth acies were voting on the question ollay delegation. The tastor, the Itev. Al'rcd 1). Vailperceiving her among the congregation, Invited herlo speak. Blie complied, say In; that alter advocatingWoman Kuffueo twerty year, "be had desired tosee it In practice, xhc d,d not arc that suffrege unetlUd woman In the pren-n- t ease ror

dul es, and did nut think it woul I do sj to agreater decree II llie cnjii) id rollttcul suflrage. Hhotoiii liiil In an intertaiulng manner uion rollllealsun". sues, and upon iiwan V work ami wages; urs-In-

sll mcu to give tin lis or inf aslons to theiranil to malic them tboruiliii in them, tat

they I'dglit earn a good livlrg In esse of necessity.One reat ciuse of Hie poterty of women, she said,was the fartial training tltcy reef ived lu evir) pur-

suit In which 11 ey ware ing.iged.

Orpbnn Aniluui Inhibition,The annuiil eilnliitluii of Hie achievements of

the no) or the llonnn Catholic Orphan Aylum onPiftv (lit slroet, neur Flfih avruue, look place

There wis a lane attendance of visitors.Including Arciiblshop McUloskry. President of theu.atltutlon ; the Very Itcv. William Starr, V. G.ind Denis Caroltn, tkcoud t;

James (llivcll. Treasurer; L. 11. lllusse,Secretary, and J. Qulnlan, Assistant Secretary.1). aides theso ofllccra there wete Stbool Commls- -

oners Woods, Smylhe, and Larremore, Presidrntnrtlic Iliisrd or Kduent'on ; also, fathers McNIerny,llcalv. l'laltery, l'liuimlly. Nelllgan, and McMalon,und Mtssrs. Dolcn, Kelly, Nicholson, Moore, Pouie.llreonan, aud Iuseclor Jones. Tho boys nam-lure-

over 100, urriycd In dlffcicnt iiiilforms orpnrple, blown, griv, scarlet, and black, appearedwell, and In the elimination acquitted Iheniselveaexcel'cntly. There was a brass aud string band ofaliout fifteen bow, who lurnishcd admirable music.The opening addicss was well delivered by MichaelI.uliy, a handsome boy or abuut twelve. Then foblowed Ihe oumlnattons ol tho classes. Interspersedwere music and dramatic scens. Master (leoghc.

delitered the v:i!cd,rlory, and then Mr. II. II..arreraorc, Prixident or the lknrl or Education,

Commissioner Woods, and tho Archbishop deliveredshuit addirssca. The cr.hlbltlau waa througboutvery cutertalnlng.

Tin: la nan .novv.ur.xT.

The Collnr-I.nuod- rr Strike.Tiior, June 13. Orcr sevon thuiisaiitl working-me-

assembled in front or the Court House to ex

press sympathy with the Collar Mundry Union, now

on slrlkc. Adilressis werJ delivered by Dugald

Cumpl ell, J. 0. Woodruff, Alea. Troup, and ollurs,who urged the necessity of opening coopcrutivelaundms. Tho miuibeis of the Laundry Union arcforming cooperative ' companies to perform tl c

work. Four hundred eriphiees are on strike.Much cnthusl-ian- i picvulUd, and the meting was a

grand aucLCst.

The ('niiiiiiiiierii' Slrlltr,A larpjc meeting of women cngagci! in cap.

miking was held yesterdry a'terimon. Miss HoseLtnalr.e presided, and the icslo of prices adoidc-- li)the men was re id and unanimously accepted. Thefccale, without pialilngany pusitlvu average percent.Increuso, arranges the pruo mi tl. it ul! mm workingatany deseilpllon oi woik In the trudo cin, byworking ten ncure a day, clear IX

Mr. Wolir, au empluytr, capres ed his willingnessto pay the Incrcaa d (rleailf bia eniplojcea wouldrelurnto their work, but hu woul I ritaln rart ofthe Incnasr, plu.-lu- the same to their ciedil untilevery one lu the Irudr should pay the pil:e dem n

Mr. inopokm dtapirai'iigly orthefoci-ety- ,

Mr. J. replhd, tindusid sirons I indulge,whereupon Mr Woltt rose and toll Mr. He oppa heta no gentleman. A siene uituiailt followed.

At length Mr. Wnltl was ptixhid hack lino a ,

and turrouuded by astioug cordon ol wi'inen,while lb" men were uuiercmuuloua!) bustled out oltuo room

Order having been resmrrd, Ihe Cunstllatinn wasread aud n 'opb'd, the state! meetings j Diedlor tuo llrt Monday in each u onth.

Mr o tl signiflid his readiucas to sljn Ihe

A vote of thauka was then passed to lr. WolfT.when all the glrli present rushed toward him, andenthiiilatlca!l) shook h.m by fie baud until Uu wasghd to hi at a ictreit.

The male capm ikcrs met also to recdve a reportImiu the wo uiu's uirding, whl:h biting b- ii

d a vote u( tliunka t Ihem was unan.nouslypassid ( ir tin Ir hutrty and iitompt niopi ration .

The hurebiry leportd the rtccipt ol ! fromdltleu'iit irude sociitii's .nd proi: li.ein buslncaihousts, aHer which tin nn' tils ; adjouiuoj.

l.i. bo llrlils,A priie fight of twelvo rounds was contested

at Kurt Hamilton yesterday morula.; by llo.Iowjy;id Hunous. The loruier was thu Victor.

A meeting of tho Wnikingmcn'a Union, Presi-dent Win. J. Joaniip In tho chair, was hi 11 last night,ltoutlue bu'luess was transuded, and iutiguratiujapceiiica were delivered,

Tho llricklajcra Union No. 1, of Ilrooklyn,met last nlghl lul l dlscuscel the KUht-llou- r lawauln. A commute) was appohtud to confer withothar bricklayers' unions In regird to iqaallilng thethe initiation He in nil.

'flic closing exercises of Die pupils nf Hie HolyTrinity Schools were held last tuning In llechapilIn Montague atreet. Prlaoa were- awarded ror pro-ficiency la atudiea and decUiniiiun, and addrcascawero delivered by severs! prouinrut Knlacopalclcrtivunu. The Itlgbt Iter. Iliabop Llttlijoha waadickuu and clued tuo iorrlcci, J


UKATIt OF A (lltr.ATJOrnSAT.lSTASl)i:misi:st iimi.s,

I'rofonori Hensnllon nt ihr Huilden Announreof til llenlh, mid

hkelcb of hi Asso-clnl-

l'reThe clly yesterday morning was nnwllling In

credit the announceniccl of the sudden death of theHon. Hmry Jarvls Ihe genial founder andeditor of tte AVie 1'ort Timtt. A host of friendsvisited the oSlce of the Ttintt lo ascertain tho truthof the rumor, and fiey retired with the sad auraucothat the rumor was only loo true,

l'or some time past Mr Ilaymond hid comrlalncslof rar.ilyllc symptoms, accompanied by an unac-

countable trembling ol the right hand. On two orthree occasions be had spoken of It lo friends,saying II at tho symptom had given bin considerableuneasiness. On one occasion bis facial ninaclrtwitched nervously for several hour. These andother symptoms icrmcJ to hive given him a pre-

monition of a fatal result, though be never expressedthis (ear In conversation with bis friends. Super-stition apparently ha I no root In Mr. Kaymond'amind; but several incidents occurred durlnj the lastfew days of bis life which indicated a premonition ofdeath.

Only a week ago, Mr. Itipmond aat al dinner witha near and dear friend. The conversion turnedupon the late James T. llrady, Hsej. Ilcmlnlsecncafter reminiscence nf that illustrious member of thoNow York bar flialeJ over the cheerful suppertable, aid Ids social qualities were warmly tulo-sze-

On arising from tho table, Mr. Raymonddrew long breath, and afleT a moment of silencesal I -

"Poor Ilradyl He Is gone;" and Impressivelyadded, "I don't know how soon I shall followhim. '

A short time before Mr. n.iimoiid's death, Mr.flcorgc P Low cry surgested to him the propriety ofpurchasing tLc whole ol the cream-ston- buildingnow occupied by the Tin, and known a the Timesllnlldlng. The i tot of ground on which this build-

ing stands was formerly tho all of Dr. Si ring'sllrlcfc Church. At one time, the Government pro-

mised to pay tt30,fii) for the ground, for the purposeof erecting a new Post OS'.ce. Some trouble alterward aro-- with regard to Hie tltlo In the prnpert),and the novrrnmeht withdrew Its ofTir, though Ihecity authorities agreed to guarantee thr validity ofthe tllle. Tho property was afltrwarJ aol 1 by auc-

tion, and l'On;ht by Messrs, Hi)nmnd, Jones .V.

Wesley, of Ibe ,Vir 1'orJt Tlimi, for tni,fH Theysold enough tots lo pay for their shsre of the Tunesllulldlng. Mr. Ilsymond wasetcraflerwardanilouithat the Times Association should become thoowners of tha whole building. He listened eagerlyto the suggestion of Mr. Iowery, and within a fewds)s of his death the terms of the purciiiso wrrosgrced upon, and Mr. Itayiuond'a wishes were ful-

filled.On Thursday morning Mr. Ilaymond arose ap-

parently In perfect healtn. Alter breakfast boordered bis horses and carriage, and droro to Green-wood Cemetery, accompanied by one of his daugh-ters. Here he trlcclo.1 a family lot, preparatory tobating tho remains of bis son remottd to It. Thebo) dl-- d In March last, at the age of filleen )ears,lie wis a rroniltlng joulh, possessed ol unusualnatural ahditU, and was tenJcrly luted by Mr Itayuiond betrayed an nnwonted mcl

whl'o In the performinco of lids sad dill), andspoke of the peaceful beauty of the Cemetery, term,lug tt a rrfuge rrom all the ceaseless caros and anile-tie- s

of life. Ilrfulctli g bis eairlage he wss drivenback to bis resllcncr, U Ninth street, near Firthavenue.

After dinner bo visited the Tlmti offlee, andrntered upon hli editorial duties. During the dayhe bad a long, quiet conversation with, Ur. (IoroJunes 01 hi own accord he spoke of Ihe neees-sll-

of making will. Ills aflalrs were some-

what unsettled, and be had becomo Impressed withthe proprUty In having II will diawn up withoutdelay. No Immediate step, however, weru takenIn Ibis direction.

While lu the odltorlil loom of the Timet thatafternoon, Mr. IUiniond was In excellent rplr ts.litdt-ed- snot of the editor nnd re(ortera he bad tin own ou" bis usuil resenr, speakingeven more pleas intly Ihun usual.

At C o'clock he went home, tnd took supper withbis family. Meeting a friend on the way up. Inrcsponsa to tho usual Inquiries a to bis health, besaid tint he never felt better In Id life.

At about 0 o'clock his left the bouse, and was eonnafterward seen convcrslrg with a gentleman In frontof Wallaek'a Theatre. Ho subsequently met severalmembers of Iht Twent)-thir- Street llepubllcanCommittee, and talked with them unrcrirvedly onpolitical topics for nearly two hours, He bad re-

cently resigned the Presidency of this organisation,and during the Interview be rave cogent reasons forhis action In so doing, Shaking Ibe hands ol blawarm fri nds, be left them at about midnight with acheerful

" Good night I"These are tho last words he Is known lobave

spoken.He must l.avc reached home a few minutes after

l'J o'clock. Opening the door with bis night key, beturned about und locked It, then he shot the lowerbolt into it socket. While endeavoring to slide theu?p?r bolt, he was suited by an apopletlc fit, and felllo the II jor unconscious. Hi re be probably lay untilshortly alter i o'clock In th morning.

About this time bis little daughter heard a strangenoise, as ol some person breathing very heavily. Forn few momenta she was terrified. On bearing thestrange noise a secoLd time, accompanied by

sprang from her bed,aod called her mother1Mrs. ltayinoi.d, startled by the sudden call, hastenedto the head of the spiral alalrcasr, where ahe met tierterrified little daughter. Ou peering over the tabutters, by tl.e light of the hall lamp, she siw au In-

distinct form l)ing on the nutting of Ihe hall below,

Slio apeedlly descended Jthe steps. Her husband layat her fetl, broathlng l.cailly, end entirely Insen-

sible. Sue raised his head, and asked oue ot theservants, who were by this time alarmed, lo run lothe door bi low and awakeu Gen. Irwin McDowell,who resile in tho adjoining house, Gen.MeDowe 1

waa by Mr. Itiymond's side In a tcry few inluuUs,and did all lu hit power to comfort Mrs, llaymoud.

Olhci Irleuds were called In. Medlc-i- l ucsistanco was

alio summoned. Mr. ltaunonil was carried up sUlraand placed on i sofa. At a glance the physicians pro-

nounced bis cute a fatal on:. It la Bald that bit life

might bavo been saved if tho doctors bad beincalltd within half an hour alter the apoplectic

stroke, but this appears to be doubtful. Tho stiokcwu fielghtc l Willi death, nnd lo medical skill could

I rove or any avuil.Mr. Ib.)uioiid remained In a stupor until S A. M.,

when be qulcllr pats d awa), surroun Ird by bitaQl.ctrd family He bis last without recog-

nizing the laeos of thoso about Mm.The sad Intelligence ipread throughout the city

like wildfire. 11 0 o'clock tl.e newa uppcarcd upon

the bu'letlns, and by 11 tho l.rtnli'ij Mutt Issued

aueitraln mourning, eouUlmug llio details or his

death. During tbo alteinoou the 7ir.e oQce tl isthronged. Tlio publisher and aomo ol thu editorsluui.d it Impossible tu check their teara while giving

tho particular of Mr. ltayuiond'a last visit to theoffre. Kviry one apparently fell li If a great

bad fallen u) oa Mm.

Mr. ItivBiond left a wife nnd four children, ono

too and three daughters. Ho had lost two sunt.Tho litlng son, llcurr Jstvis It lynionJ, Jr., will

graduate this summer from Vale College, where he

bas bad an honorable and riicrrstful career, II hatbeenlus Intention to cirrr out hi,andentir the Held of Journalism, a j rofetsion for

which be appears lo be p.tcullirly adapted. Vetterday morning I o received a telegram announcing Ms

father's diath He arrived homo dining thu after-

noon. Mr. Ilaymond took much pride In hU eldestdaughter. She It an accomplished young lady, and

glvra promise of rare literary ability. The otherdaughters have not yd appeared In society. Aa

father Mr. Ilaymond waa unusually affrctlonale, and

bla losa will be aetercly (ell by Ms wlls and chil-

dren.Oat of rcipoct to bli memocT tho aowsoucr

oQce end hotels displayed tbilr dig at Inlfraasttrstorday, Kvcry where, on tho streets, In thecourts, In Ihe public office.', In the car and omntbuses, the bows of his death seemed lo Lave come,and lo hive brought with It that sirrow which Is

only frll throughout an entire community w ben oneso universally known depsirta. In theslternoon themembers ol the Associated Press met and passed thefollow Ing resolutions I

l)CfOltt, That we have basre with profonn.1 torrowthe Intsillgenre of the unexpected very tti.Mendrain or the lion. Itonry Jarvls lUytnotid, a member ofthis Association from lis nrgaidtailon. ami one of lisprincipal fonndsrt and directors. II ghly appreciatingIds long and laborious services at a tirinhcr ol, his litslligeil, eari-ful- . ana deroiod Interest Inlis honor and welfare, his aetlva and fslthfut servtrss(or many years as ona of tho Kxecntlre committee, wefeel that his dn.ttn Is a severe loss to etch and all of us,and a great loss lo the presa of Ihe Plate ami eountr)

('solrrii. Thai as a mark ot reaped lo i'i-- , memory nfIhe deceased the members of tins Aitoetation will

hit runeral la a body.;.v rislmiAer, That a copy of those resolution, be

recorded on our palnnieis.,Vtn(rtnrUrr, Thai a copy of these rotolatlous be

(urn, shed to the press for publlcsllon.This tribute Is peculiarly approprhlo. Mr. ltay

mood was ono of the most active orgsnltcrsof thoAssociated Press, For jcara Frederick Hudson oftho Iltrall, Mr Andrews of tho (liarlcr ami AVqulrtr, and Mr. Kaymond manifolded tha despatchesof the Associated Press, with the assist we of Moses0. lkach of T; Bus. The Assoclatl in afterwardgrew strong through their Joint cautious, and aleparate bureau waa established. s

Monday I tho day fU"d for Mr. Karmond'afuncnl, of which due nolle will be glten. MrKaymond'a place of worship was Dr. Adams's Pres-

byterian Clmrch, on Madison arrnue, w hero doubt-les-

the funeral services will be bold.Mr. Ilayr. ond wa born In I.bnv Livingston

county, January l, lf.M. Ills father waa a farmer,and In that life Mr. Ilayraond's cirly days werespent. Aa soon as he was old enough, tm attendeJIhe famous Lima Seminary, and there laid Ihe foun-

dation of a solid education. In the wlaler of HU A

he taught a district school. After considerable sollcltatinn, bis fnher finally consented to send vomi,;ltiymi nd lo college, and be grvluated at tho Univer-sity of Vermont in 1HI.I. Ho held a high Incollege, and was marked by all those siring r

ol tenacity pluck, and determination whichhave ever rlmraeterlr.rd htm. After leaving coilivoho came lo New Yerk, studied law, and inii,U)nedhimself by teaching and by writing for the AVieIVnt-.T- . He va ambliiiHia t, bean editor, andwhen, lu pill, Mr. Greeley established tha Trxhu 'f,Mr Kaymond wsa hi udata:it. Hrre l.c greatlydlstlngulsl ed hlmelf by his reporting, an ail in lintdsy of a low oreler, and practised eMelly In podcecourt Mr Itvmund made a specialty ofsermons, speeches, Ac, aad cihlbited lar),e capacityar.d

In I'll ho went upon the Cwrttr nml Knrtilnrwllli (ten. tt'cub, nnd thero rennlned 111) Kl, whenbe lell lint paper owing toailHTennco ol the General en the mrainresbefino Congress In Ifio ihe year ol the great compromt i s ind nf II Unlcn savers. Mr Itayuionds)tnpalhltcil Willi 1'rri.ldenl Parlor rather withbis aiicecssor. During this period Mr Ilaymond I a.a literary eonnecttrn with the Hat pets, ai.d tti's lasted many) ears. During this pcrtud he had also hisfamous controversy with Mr. Greeley ou the sue! ilphilosophy of 1'onrler. These piper were pub

In a (..iinplilot. They were tine examples ofdialectics. Mr Itarmond was rlccled member ofAssembly by Ihe Whir In 1411. an I a.'ain inwhen be w is chosen Speaker. In September, lr61,be entablithed Ibe A'eie lorr 71mt, which hie beenal once an etiurehion or his thongut 'and his mode ofthinking, and it monument lo hlsulcut and industry.

In he wert lo the llaltlnioru Contention as ureporter, but was given a sen as a delegate, whenbe made n sound and eloquent Hs.ecli lu cxp islttonnl Northern In ls.i-- be was electedl.leutenuii' Governor ol this Slate, Its wrote the' Addiefs to the Peoplu" promnla'ed by tne nisi

Ilr ubllci.ii Contention at Piltaburah In HA Hewsan actite spr ikci and wnrkt-- In that rampal-'.n- , andalso In IMiO, WM, und lS'lS. Ha wrote a campaignlife ul Lincoln in 1.M1I, and after tho nssas .in itionprepared a larger work on tlie same subject. Inistfihowus elietod to Congress, whein he look a

lu lM he Urllnrd so far towardSromlnentj-osllion-,

that be lost bla placo ou the Kepub--can Natlunsl Conimittre, and lell Into discredit

vt'h the progressite lender of bla parly. He soourigliliHt, however, and In since! Uouo eaiilinisertlca to lie cans laeltcrly be bad devoted hisenirgtes to n anion of tbo purly In this illy, and onlylist night siirul nil the cttiilng, till li o'clock,in council wltli those who were trying to close upthe diisorda aud smooth away the of theparty.

Mr Ibtrmond married Miss Weaver, or Wlnooskl,VI., soon stwr leaving collig.-- His rather died lastyear In lirlrnlt, at an adryicid age. Ills onlybrother is Samuel M. lbiyi jud, u banker In Ho-e-

rati r.The Assembly District llepiibtlean Association

asseinblcil lastetenlng, and pasetvl appropriate reso-lutions.

CVIilOSiriliS OF VltlMli.

Anniher Ilrooklyn TrngeelyIn a elispulc among tvuiktneu oiniiloyeel cn n

block or iii.tlnlthrd buildings In Huntington aticit,near Hnillli streoi, South Ilrooklyn, one or the menttn mortnllr wcunded, Three recently arrivedKugllsSmi.ri had "lumped" the carpenter work ontl e buihilngs, aod thus given ofTinrc to some of eother emplo.'tis. Mtorily uncr noein, one of the ir-- I

cute a hating use (er a bench went to take II fromone bu Ming lo another. The watchman of thepremise's, named Thouiaa Conner, endeavored lopro-ve-n- t

I lui, and wu aided by a plasl'-rc- r namedAlter some angry words, ono of them

to light It out In sn adjacent lot, aud the otheraccepted the challenge. Tbc two mcu. Arnold andConner, went lo the plaeo designated and beganruhtlng. Arnold g ,ng the beat or Conner, a

airurk Arnold , jvcral times. The Ungllthman,huuever, made such .forcible Impression uion bothof Ihem thst tliey beat a retreat. While running to-ward thr buildings, Conner .ptskrd up a atone, andturning round threw II at Arnold, bitting hlrn on thrright loinplo and knocking htm down. Arnold'sskull wsa irarlurrd, and portions or the brum areexposed. He waa. alive at laal account. Theassailants w ere still at largo last evonlag.

Drlrnnillnii lUo Una Coiupnnle.Iiuls Meyer anil Arnold Lowts were ar-

rested on the chargo or misdemeanor. Aboutthree yeara ago one of tbo New York

learned that holea bad bern aurreptltioutiy bored In tho bellows of various gas metresIn use lu OiRerent establishment! whiro gas wasconsuinid, Invcsllgullun led to the discovery Hinteach bole saved ten per cent, la the bill or the conauinrr, while Ihe company sustained anequilloss,Private detective ofneara were employed, i,nd formonths they made It their bnslneaa to aeirch aileitho perpetrators, but without avail. Su Idenly theannoyance ccnseii, aud shortly thereaftrr l oinplnliitsof a simitar kind were raada In Hoeton and II, alltho Ilrooklyn Gas Company began to cuuip.aan. Theattention or tho police authorities was cilli',1 to them liter, and alter patient aoarcU they arrested Ihe uccused on susplciou.

Joliuur Ibe OreeU In (be ltotvery.Tho friends of Johnny tho Ureek, iu aud out-aid-

blnlo Prison, will doubtleaa be glad to Iranithat he waa permitted u, ulee a largo supply of freshulr lust nlgbl In tua Dow err. Ho is supiored lu belucsioerated In the Touibs, hut this la au error, for,if we urc corn clly Inlormad, ho lea tl.e City Prisonyesterday under a elvlc escort lor a tour through hisfamiliar haunts. He wa rccognhtod by persons, who Instinctively clutched their pockelbooksand disappeared ll lanol Improbable, thut "Johnny"may take aJvantjje of tbla Indulgence to Join blaold frlond Iteddy.

A WllllninabiirBli Hank Itobbed ot 8H.O0O.At about putt 8 o'clock yoslculay uiuriiing,

a reseelably dre. young mail enter iu the DimeHaving Hank, 3 ends Ilroadway, Wllllaiusburgh,und under prclcneei or tvlsning to biro aa office Intl.e buildlug, engaged tho Secri Ury, Mr. William(rsmly, In converaatlun, while a couredciato unlocked the bick door by lucanaof a fal-- e key, andmade olT with two tin loirs, ono conlalnlug euAiun J bonds to tl.e amount ol (i.UUU, un.l the otherllllcd Willi prlvalo pKr belonging lo Mr. II.Geckler. fbo tbluvoa tuado good their escape.

Unrequited l.ovo nnd HmIi'IiIo,On tho Dili of June Ueorgo W Jlcl'ully was

missing from bis homo In Jersey City, and up lo tl.einib uulhlug w as hcaid ol Mm, On that da) bis brothi rwho keeps a coojier'a shop In Charlton afreet, ap-plied at tnoCenliul Police Offlce In New York for In-formation conccrniug him. He sal 1 that bis brotherMid been Jilted by a Miss Lambert, duuhtcr of adcnrnun ot the police lorco, and that lie had be-come so despondent that tears were enleitaliied lori'.1.1. f.Jfnr; ,'i ''I'ursday Ma body waa louud oil

Mlebull street. It Ilea in the Morgue

Hudson Itivor Itnllrond Accidents.Yesterday uiornlug a freight train was left stand

lug on the track of tho lludsou lllver It.i.lioaJ atSevinty-a- venlli street, when Iwo ether trains

Hi opposite ellrcctlous dssho I Into it, nn 1 thentho u llulers lltw about. Several cars woio smashidand tl.e locomotives were injured, bul provldMi-liall-

nol.vea wero lost. Ijilcr In the u otuing thedown capiesa train on Ibo same road ran orci j coivul lClst attoel,

Wui inul for dm Diirlllsi,A warrant waa granted in JiUjraon Maikel

Court jestrrday; fortbo arrest ot the eJitor or AVVronula, Jose, Couto, on the complaint orLorenzo rhoniasclll, a barber or Ilroadway andIwtlniiatrcfi. who charge that Couto entered hisidaco on the 81st ult , aueT broke to pieces a supeiblvframed eariciiiuro of bluuelf, He alao threatenedTbonauvili life.

Wonnn llemteu lo I)r lb.JusllcB Korris, of Wlilto tfalna. wa engaged

resterJay afternoon In the of Do iridicDaniel, iftho had besltiilaU Ui t Uxt aha tlu--


tSTrnriKir with ms i: sr.cni:rA-n- r

of Tin: TiiVAsvm;

Drive vrllh .ludge Plrrrrpolnl In Ibe Cen-- Irial Pnrk-Tb- rr Visit .11 r. Alevimder T.

Mctvrtri'a Tenth Hlre-r- l l'Hlce-l- ll Karrllrnry nlluessra Opern lloulle In (hoKvrnlnj.

Tho return of tho President of Ihe t'nilcilStates lo ttw coanucrclal metropolis of the nation,Is an event of no ordinary Importance, and call formore than a pasting notice. Owing to the excessivemodesty of Oen. Grant, and his naturally retiring dis-

position, tbo public I restrained from piping lh.itdeference to blm which tho exall"d position he Oils

an manlfeetly commands, and which the peoplo ofthis country are only loo ready at all times toexhibit. No city tn tho country la morenaturally Inclined to hero worship and publicdemonstrations to great men thin Ne'w York ; etIlls cridilable to the respect of our cltlirns for tbcwishes of tho President they submit without a

murmur to his msnlfest wlshc, and wholly refrain(torn any demonstration In bis honor now thlt tic I

sojourning for a time in their midst, aod be Is per-

mitted to come and go at his pleasure, with all tbofreedom of tho humblest of tlio people.

rnr. rnminavr'a Annu el..

Tnr Sun of yeslerdty announced the irrlval ofthe President at midnight on Thursday, when he

wamt nl the New Ilatrn depot by hi I rullicr-In-la-

Abol 1L Corbln, Kiq., and escorted lo tho

litter's residence, 37 Wesl Twenty seventh street,where tha family of Ihe President have sojournedduring Ida sbtenco In II iston.

nraniMi in srv.This morning the l'rel lent wis sstlr crly and

gave an It mr In the perils il nf Tits Sum, and thereading of despatches from Ibo State Dcpsitmentand other correspondence that wn watting Ids arri-

val beie. Ills gruertlly understood that Importantqueslloni alPecling our relation! with S aln,growing eu of tie Cuban revolution ufid thesympathy so unanimously m inlfested by the Ameri-

can peojlu with the Cuban ciuse, formed Ihe stapdeof these Important despatches, Whateter disposi-tion the President made of the mailers submitted tohim Is not known, the utmost reticence being main-

tained by Mm In tegird to alt Ids official transac-

tions.Tin eormntiai vims Tim h iukct.

ai 10 o'clock In the forenoon the President ordered a eirrlagv Irom a neighboring livery stable, andproceedod un iltendo.l lo the great wholesale drygoods emporium of of the TreasuryAlex. T. Htotvart, on Ilroadway, between Chambersand liradc atrrcts. The drlte down Iitoailwav wasaccomplished qulclly, tho distinguished pnrsonnge

cither escaping the recognition of the throng thattilled that great thor ittghfaro, or when recognlxM being permitted to pas with-out demonstration li duferenco to Id well

known and frequently expressed with to be sparedall public ovation On arriving at tbo store of Mr.Stewart, ha proc-ede- d directly lo the pirlvato oftcoof that gentleman, and rem lined closrteit with blmIn corneal private conveisatlon (or neatly two hours,


Of course so Imporlint and nnitsual an event canvisit (rum Ibo Pro blent of the Unite! t tiles to a

prirato clllien, and especially lo ono so prominentIn the commercial world as I Mr. Slewirt,and tho prolonged Interview them,taken In connection with tl.e relations thePiealdcnt songht to create between Mr.

Stewart and hli Adruln'slrat'on Immediately on l.lsInauguration, has given riso to a vast amount orspeculation. Tho general Uipicsslou seema to bethat tha Unsocial policy or Mr. lloutwell was thesubject that engaged tbo attention of thePresident and the commercial chle-fla- so lorg,and thero arc miuy who assert that the)know thai Mr. Stewart took occai-lo- to

tho couisc pursuit! by tho Secretaryof tbo Treasury as embarrassing to trade, Inproducing an unprecedented stringency In tbemoney market, and tbiealenlng to bring ona crisis of groat disaster. It is alleged thatIhe Picsldent waa ronttneed by the argument sostoutly and earnestly pressed upon 1 Is attention,and that a cban-.- o In the poll' of the GoteriinientIn this respect may bu looked for on bis return toWashington.

THU II 01 rALLOl,On emerging from Mr. Stewart's Mure, Ihe Presi-

dent waa obliged to run the gnunllel or a smallcrowd of clcrka and a hundred or more cllucos whobad gathered In front on learning Ihe CidefUxecutlvo of the nation was inside, tint Iheeiowd i opened a pi sssc Ibi toIda igr, hi In; d with lookup t Mm, andtho I'rcslfliml drove aw i) In peace, relumlm: di-

rectly lo hi trmporary du nlrlle in Tiienly-scviiit-

atreet, which he reached a lit tic alter uoou.

ma rgoi'ii pat Tiiaia .

During tho absence of tho Prrtldent down towniiuito a number of citizens, inosllv arcompanlcd bylidlcs, called to pay Ihclr respects, but wer- - com.pelled to he satisfied with leaving their cards, Athis iiqueat the names of tho ullcrs arc omitted.

Among those who called at a tutor hour and weresoe cestui In Ihclr titles, was Illshop Janes, ol tlioMctbodltl Kplscofinl Church, who engaged He Pros-idr-

and Mrs. Grant lu social cuutertallon fornearly ball an hour.


riHIKH'ONT.At 4 o'clock United Mate District Attorney F.d'

wards Ilerreponl, Kq., tbc gentleman whose con-version lo the support nt Gen. Grant for the lres.dene wss slgunllr"l by a donation or f W,l) to aidin b a election, called with a ennhuro and took

out for a drive in tho CentralPark. Tbe Judge dreivo nu elegant teamnf bays bcfoio sn open carriage, the appearauce of which, with Its distinguished nccupants, crested more ot u sensation on the avenueand In tho Park than had hiiborto been 'xblldiedon Ihe Pieatdcril's appeal auccs lu public. The Parkwas thron.o 1 with splendid turnouts sud I andsumrlyilrcftsed peopb, who, recognlslnr the Prisldentorthe United States, raised their lists or waved theirI mil til duels In toscn ol roapect. The Judgeidrove llirouli tho less frequented portionsof the Park, nud engaged the Prewldeiitso closily In cinvcisitlun of an tamestnature Hit it la feared lo h.--d but littlepleasure In the ridp, and failed to observe the beautyof nature and art that uieels oue at every turn iu thateligant enclosure, or the gay throng that wua toready on all aldca lo pey him ilerrrrne ". lie toturned to his resld.nce at 0 o'clock, wbcu JudePicrrcpont Immediately withdrew.


Alter a quiet dinner, tho President, ircompaulcdby Mr. ami Mr. Corbln soj slias Nellie Giant, pro-ceeded ou foot to the Kiflh Avcnui Thalic lu lirartho sweet warbling of Iran aud lietcl.iuais in "LiI'crlchole," and witness the ,

so lusophrshle froua opera boutfa, sod so ndmlrabry calculatid to dilve away tue weightycure of btnto and tho aiixieilra of oftlcial regional-l.llltles- .

Aa tliey ealered the chinning llilluTemplo of the Muse dedlistel to Prince l.'rlr,nnd were racortoil In the prlvato proscenium bm ;

Ibe orcbrtttu itrtick ep the familiar air of "Hailto tbo Chief," while tin- audience rlaned theirhands, and wated th.-l- I audkcrclile.i l.y con.-uio-

coLieut. An attempt was map atcheerlo-p- , but this not being In tho billprotcd a falluie. The piertormanco eounucn edaa soon us tlio Presidential patty waaseated, ami moved along with its accus-tomed imuollinesa at that well regu'.atel bouse,to its end, Tho Piisldeiit sriiiied lo enjoy II allImmensely, Joining earnestly In the applause thatgreeted tlio fevorlte (.em of tuu opi rs,.end particulatly marking hie appreciation ol

1,0 can can, which aecini-- to be sirenwith more than otdltiary rest and spirit, Al Iheconclusion, as the dtsllnguubid puty weie re-

tiring, Ihe orchestra struck up a medley ornational airs, and the President was againsaluted with applause, which be ueku iw lodged bybcwlng. He proceeded wllh his piny, via S.xtliatcnue, to hi residence, und soon after retired (orthe mglt, evidently gratlllod ul eati, i.,j tuilherI'i'uouslratloii ul popular inspect.

lens. eitiANT wean a visit.During the afternoon Mrs. Grant and Mis. Cor bin

tis.ti'd tlli wart'a retail establislimcnt in'.iajami Toi. tb street, whr.e Mrs, in nl, sumo pui-el- i

met, alter which tho two drove to It.vent oood,I I , to call uwn a ff iciid.


The Prisldent will rcmiln In Ihe clly until Mou-da-

next, IM he re'lu.'iis duvetly to Washington.

.tl i ul rr f l oil ub nu rsafe it lib l.oprz.WasuiNiirow, Juno 18, Minister MeMahun Is

wllh Imxt lu Paraguay, and no doubts arc, enter-taluc-

of his sifety. L usz will not rrcojnlzc a flagot truce, and hence thu Commander of the alliedforces could not give Commander Klrkland an rscort through the llnta to the monster who has ourMinister In captivity. It Is bcilated that Lopci In-

tercepts Mioltiar McMahou'a despatches w theOallsid Stales UoYcrnuicut,


Tbn "Ilnvmnhers" .tlotv Down Ihe t'hntnplnn VIiilnnls-- A Plnrky llp-lll- ll (Inniennil n llrltllnnl Victory,

The Union Club of Lanslnghiirgh. N. V., famil-iarly known a Ihe "Haymaker." played a pluckygame with tho chitnplon Mutual esterday after-noon, and won a brilllint v dory The tntcrett

in base ball encle during the past We'ck, andthe reputation of the "couutry boy" aa batterand fielder, served to call out nnothrr larre crowd.11 the Union ground to wlluees tlx meeting. Quitea Urge number or the friends and supporter of tbofimous "Hs)'nakria" Lad accompanied them ontheir cirursloo, aid by their presence encouragedthem In their bittl'ig with the champion.

At 3 o'clock both nines were on the etchl, and .MrThomas M icdlarmld of the Mar Club of llrookt)nhaving been seleei.'d as umpire, no unnecessarytune was loot In getting towork. The Mulnals wontbo choice of Innings, and went to the field.

the first attlkrr for the " Haymakers," wamntTed by Swandel, and slots round to third bise.S. King brought blm homo bv a sifo stroke to ledfield. M. King was e .unlit out by llittleld. DickHunt nerinl Fisher the same way. Flnn mi le asafobltti) tho left of third bise, scuding home S.King. Crater closi it the tuning nn a flr catch to C.Hunt two inn, when there should bavo been a" whitewash." ', Hunt wua csutht nut by .

Hatfield drove the halt between first and sec-ond. P.. Mills erlnrmrd the same foal. Dick Huntsent a Unor Into Hoarman hands, and a doubleplay w a looked ror. hut Charley mulT d the ball,

avrd Mills al second, but cauiht the batter. Altartbl ffiiAtt, Swan lei made 1 base on ,t bit, and Hat-field scored. C. Mills, mi terrific hit to right Held,cleared the bases and mid a home run. Tola achieve-ment callrd forth cheers Irom tho crowd. Kgglrrnndeanne stroke through the Infield, but was I .'It,a Welter was cin;hl on a fly lip, ah rp rrom Ihebat, by Crater. Score, t lo i. In the second Inningtho " Ilayrnnkers" went out hi quick succession,Powers from Hatfield lo Kgglcr, aud Ward and Ilo..r-ma-

being doubled up very rlrverly by Swindell,Mills, and Ilggler. McMihnu popped up the ball, andFisher caught II. (' Hunt bounded tha ball lulullraimaii's hinds, and was saved the trouble of runline. Hatfield, K, Mills, II. limit, Swandel, and C.Mills all made tin Ir bases on kits, and Ihe first ll.reescored, when Kgglrr gave Mr. Klug a cbaucc, andwss thrown out at first.

The score was now 7 lo J In tavor of tho Mutual,wbosermedto bavecverythlngthelrowuway. Fromthis point to the seventh Inning the game prosperedwithout an) thing interest orciumig Thechampions Patted nnd tiehted rem irkably well, andweio In tho b st or spirits. The " Haymakers, ' outheennlrsr),dld not seem able to get hold ot WolterIn their usual stile, and only iiisile three ruus lu tho(our tunings, 'ihe Mutual made clgbl In thsniinetime, and wrie lo ILebesl ol humor with themselteand citcryboely else. eeoie now tood 11 too,and the game was too nnr-sid-nl tube Int. resting.

IVraruun led olT on the seventh Innlug ftir tho" llsimakers," and mile his bare by a clean bit loIcn held; Mr A Ire followed wlih a l bit In tbeleft of U.lrd base; H. King drove a groun Icr throughthe InfleM, which Mill inutlrd, and ltoannan cmsI oino ; Swandel mulled thu hill M, King il lublm ; Fishri canted Ids ball out to centre field, andDick Hunt, aHer geltina- it Into bin hand, dropped It,nnd McAlee anil the King brother eeoicd utiiitjgieat exciteinetit. Hynn gato Swandel a chance Inthrow lii in. but Marltti iniiuVl the ball: Ciavrrcloned the ha-- on along bit to irntrcHcId, Millsninireil the all Powers drove through tha Inliekl;Watd brought In Cmtrr an I Powrra nn a liaer pv-- t

flttt liasr, on which ho undo two bat; Hcarm-ui- ,

lo lor tboaecond time, made a slashing hit tothe bft Held, on which ho scored i clean homo run,Ward coming home tilth Mm. The greatest excitemailt previlb.l at ll.t lime. Ten runs had beenscored wit lout the loss of a hand, and the scorewasutle. Swandel.uasuowrcnt In to pitch Mc-

Afee, the Urtt to face lilin, fouled out ; S, Kingdrove the bill out to centre l and went to ; M. King followed hi brother's example, butfell a victim to Dirk Hunt ; A. King came homeait r loeicliltig thirst base. Fisher clo.cet the ev, l

Inning by trytna' ihe centre llolel, anelgelttnuby Dick. Iteartutin was now pitching lor the

H limakers, and the Mutual lalloel lu score. It. Huntstriking cut, and Swandel and C. Mllli going out allirsl base.

'I he irrcatest entbuslam prevailed at this moment.The belting ol Ihe country boys l.d rousedIhe crowd up fio.ii the dormant stute Into which tl.uone sided nsiitci or tho game hud put them. The"Ha) makers" had li)csl audi a plucky,came, Unit they tiiailo friends ci cry where,'I ho betting men who had laid long odds untbo cbainpinna were a little nervous, while thosewin backed the Unions were coircsjiundinglyelated.

Ou their eighth Inning, with tbc score In theirfavurbyltlto n, tlie " Haymakers" were unable toadd anything lo it. Thu Mntunls biltrelwell lorlour run, and again took the lead by l'J lu It). Tbcidiilh Inning was very exciting, 'I hu ' llayiuaarra"bitted li indsnmuiv, nnd bclore thn Inst hand wuout, had muelc seven run. Ibis loll tho MuluilsTuur to tie und liv to win. It wa not on thasard, buwever. Thrco runs hat been made, andtwu bauds wi-r-e out, nd llalutld on tils bwse, wlicn11, Mills utada a strong bit to centra Arid. Weirdgot under It nleedy, ami tuude a dtftlcull eiatch, andihe game wa at au end.

Wn bavi no space lor comments. If we had anydesire to make them, The Mutual bad the tauieIn their own hands, and lost it through otcr-eou- n

deoce. Thu eirors they marlo were glaring andInexruiablu. Tbe " llaymikrrs" played a plucky,

l game, and deserved to win.The championship nuw Ilea between Cincinnati

and Troy. Accorelitig to aroomeut tbc Mutual ureubllged to play tho p turn gaum with Ibo "

wilhl.i fllloen dits, They have alwa)been deflated at Tioy, which I a pielly tough (Wsee(or ball clubs. They can beat the "llnymakera"mere or anrwbero else II Ihey play ball. If iheycan't play at Troy or anywhere else belter than theyilld iislcrd.iy, they don't deserve lo bu cbauiplous.

The tc"iei Is appended:U.NIO.SS. 1st r.l MUTUA8-- IstT.

O.K. II. Ill O. It. II. II.McAtre. lit b 3 i Hunt, I. r 4 14 7IS Kmg.l.r 0 0 4 S.llsllielu'.aib I 4 0 0.M.King, Mb 3 g I 4 3 l gUsher, p a a 3 I II. Iluui, c. r. J a K ah'lyilll.r.( I 1 'i I lsil(ll,3db ll 4 4

Cravt r.c I I t Mills, c 3 16 3Powers, i.t I a 1 I hggler, lit b 3 I 3 3tt'ard.e.r 3 1 I a, "oilers. 4 t 2 1Uedinaaii,4dti,. 3 I J J McMabou, r, (,.., 4 '(

Total Jj 23 13 Totals V 7l 'Jtt S3

lNNINO. IiuM.M. llll. 5Ui.Clh.7lli.Slll. 'Jill.Unluii ion ot o ll o -aMutual 4 3 0 3 4 t 0 1 i-- U

I'mpircfMr. T. slardisnnld. of tbe Ptar Club.Bcore-- Metsrs ScotlelJ and aicCarthr.lime of Uauir Two lioun (orty nre intiiiitcs,i:leau Mom i linos -- lleariliali. C. Mills, I,My tstcltys H. Kluir. It Usher, li riyiui, li Crarer,

ll powers. 1, llearitisii, I total. 0. C Hunt, i iIt. lluni,lC. Mlilt,3 hggler, McMabou, 3

-t- otal, U.

Cincinnati va. f rvlnulon Auullier Victoryfor Ibo "Iti el Mocking."

Tho'Cinciniiat: L'u'o played llicir last game luthis vicinity )eterdiv. On their way lo Pmlidel-pbl- a

Ihey stopped al Irvlocton, N. , and becmi.ethe gueaa of lliu once noted club or thai name, '1 hocontent waa clean and interesting, and etidtsl in

triumph lor tho Cincinnili. Wu did not wit-ness the gsiue, aud cau only re. er tbe rcadjr to Ibea pieuded seuiru;

CINCINNATI. lit T.I IDVINUTON, tst TO.K. 11.11. 0. 11.11 11.

O. Wright,!..... t I 3 3'llallcy, r.r 3 u t t(loul t, 1st 0 3 i I lil.mvt. I. r 1 1 I I

Watiriuan,3dU.. 3 3 2 alhaton, e. f 3 0 0 0Allison, u 1 3 3 3,11. Campbell, p... I 1 3 3

II, tVrlglil.o. f..,, & 0 UlMockumu, (d 0... 1 0 0 0boonsrl, 1. 1 1 i 3 r iluckloy.c S 0 I I

llruiosrd.p 1 ) 'i ' Irembe-au-, s. s... i a J iSwcisy.'.'.fb I t 1 a iluile. adb 3 0 0 0Mcey,r.l 3 0 i llt.e,auipbell,ltib I 0 1 I

Totals Jl 3J 1 rl Totals at I ) 10

iseiseii, I't. 2d. S.1. Ith. Slh. Cth. 7t1Ulnelun.ll I S 3Irvlngtou OllOOtl 4

Umpire-M- r. Itnenlnallof the Kureka Club.Hcoiers-Mesr- is. Hurley anil hiilou.Tune of gaujo I hour and le) miuute'S,(lines Tlio "llaymaker.1 nnd Kck.

for i pi iy at tbn Ui ion Grouud, aud Ihe Mutual ut Ihe Unpilollne.


Tlio ltcv. Hlcharil ll. Duane, tho new paitor ofthu Cliurcli of thu Messiah, Greeno uveuue, willpreach bis Urst sermon In Hist Church to morrow,

William I'oyntz, a cleik iu tho drug sture atDe Kslb and Nostiaud avenues, died suddenly yes-terday moruln' or poison.

J.OH.tKS IIVI'lltK,.lame Domicly'a whlskoy diatlllcry on Ninth

street, below lleikf, l'blladclplila, waa burneduiuriiing.

At 3 A. M. yeslcrdajr Messrs'. Mttlford, llradyA (lralicl's stable, llltli street, nesr Third avenuo,was burned, aud thre'e horses perished.

Mr. De'guiizoy'a houriltng houso nt 07 Vurickstreet, caught tire ou the lirsl Hour )cstrrd iy luorn-ii'- :

dsiuj e to bulhlltig (owntet by Juuic-- s McMoa-ei')- ,

ll.ttW; to luruttiiru f I.OUei ; insuied,

jovrisus Aiiovr roir.v. I

il, Chcvulicr will moko an aiceutMime on the Park Mall y at 3J 1. M.

Ur, liartii has had all his cleiks vacciuuted.

i'oitniaiter Junes will establish a new PostOltico next wick immediately aeljoluiuu' tbe HailouiUjiiK In Hailem.

Osborno Wright, ageel 1, of 831 Kail Twenly-Itlnl- li

street, whs burned lo dentil yesterday, bisclothes iguiliiig Irom astiecltoutlrc.

Audrtw J, llogcrs, an Colonel,was arrctteel yrsterday ror defrauding F. O, Allen,of Providence, It, 1., ol (J.tvjt), byuieaua of a worth-le- a

draft.Tlio (leruian 11. K. Church in Fortieth atreet

voted last evening on lay delegation 31 for and Itagainst.

Mr. Chat. Sutler, proprietor of Sulier'a KaatItlvcr Park, wailn nowise to blame lor tbe stabbingby the rowdiest who v.sllvd hi polk 00 Tkuradiy




last sinttm nun ati: ry Tint imtT-- jisn norm: of .onus.

Hnsaell'a Onslnnihl upon Ihe Torlea Tko J

Oppr.-sslo- n of Irrlnnd-Th- elr LordsklMSlual Dlseslnbllsh nud Disendow Mr. BHrleht's Pleasure Approved.

Iokpon, June 19. The excitement over tl Rdebate In tho Home of Lordl on the Irish Church I

'bill Increases. Tbe benches, lobbies, and gallerluof Ibe House were crowded again '

Earl Rotsell wis ILe first speaker. He said men) klltastrlons statesmen, animated by feeling of Jo- - I,'

tlco and generosity for Ireland, bait endeavored to iisrtlle this Cborch question, bat their efforts Iiwere mide In vain. The fxet that a small I'proportion of the psople of Ireland bolonged to the Church esbiblishei the joetles)a well a tho neccilty ot dealing with the j

question. The creation of Ihe Irish Church la thebeginning was a wlte thing; but tte result ol threecenturies made an alteration necessary. The act otunion wa too solemn a compart to bo Interferedwith save In a great crisis, bat now a great crlilawas at hand. lie reviewed former promises olconcession, which Mr. Pitt, If he bud bad theopportunity, would have accomplished. He alsotraced the history of the abolition of the .

prelacy In Scotland, bat said Ireland hail I

nerer bern tn a position to Imitate I

Seoiltnd. She hel been oppreeseel by penal lawe ,'and disabilities, notwithstanding promises of relief.He believeel that concurrent endowment waa prafcrable to tho present measnre, but tho Catholics refusedIn accept It. He held that tbe Tories were rcsponst- - ;

ble for the present state or Ireland. They bad re-jected Ibe policy of Pitt, Caonlngand and now ja an alternative they proposed to accept Pitt's po lies I

llnl he regretted to say that It waa now too lata. .They hid nn choice now but to disestablish and dl- - jendow. Dlsendowmont need not be total. He a ,Inclined lo tbe generous coarse which Mr. Brightoriginally advocate!, especially n the Calboilca andPrrsb)tcrl ins were to be compensated from thechur.h revenura, He wished to do thobelt he could for Ireland, but not toenelanrer the churchu of Ungtini and Scotland.Admitting this conrso to bo necessary for Irelandwe must not give a stimulus to those desiring tod'emtabilsh all tho churches. He desired tlieTories to aecrpt the verdict of the constltue nclce towhich they bail appealcel, and asld the result of Histappeal must be regarded aa tbo dellb rata verdict ofthe natloa.

The Duke nf Argyle argued that disestablishmentand dlsendawmenl cmttel not be separate I.

The lllihop of Lichfield said Ids experience of theoperation of dlseuelowed churches lesl him to opposetun Mil unbcsilailualr. Weslbury rccarded the bill as full of evil,and the elTiet of a mistaken policy, which waa like,ly to produco serious results, still he felt booaello tote for Its rnisago In sn amended form,

(line our cable desnatrhea Interrupted.)


Tho Washington Authorities on tbo Arreelol tbo C'abnu Jnntn. i

frtctat )r,pineA lo IAS h'tinlng Pott,WiuntoN, Jutw 13. The arrest of leodlng

Cubans In New York (or a violation o( the neutralitylaw bas been Hie subject t( considerable discussionhrie lu political aod diplomatic rlrclea. This alsouton the part ol tbe Government wsa taken onlynfler certain representations hsd been made by theSpinlsh Minister to Ihe autlioilllea here. It Is !

learned from high ofllclal quarters that It I tbe In.tcntlon htreanir to execute vigorously thu provlslons of this law, and arrest all persons who mayengsge In vlolaiin.f It.

There is also some talk that since Ihe action ol I

Peru In recognizing Ihe belligerency ol Cuba, Presl. I

lent Grsnt will withdraw Ike ulter oi bis goodofllcrs ai mediator for the conference which was lohste been held hrre between Spain and the booth)American Ilrpublle to settle the eUlfercnce cxlsllntbctwein thcae ualloni

Hi'errlnry I'lsh trill uot Interfere,Wasiiinoton, Juno 19, OlHcial information '

waa tccelvcd to day by Secretary Fish concerningthe arret! or tbo Cuban Junta in Now York. TbeSecretary will take no acttou, but lease It to be de-emed by tlio courts.

Minister Motley' Krervtton.Washington, June 18. Despatches have been

received at the Slato Department Irom Mtalster Mot-ley giving rui aeeouut of Ms reception by Lord Clsreudou, and adding that bo would have been

to Ihe tauten, bul that ahe waa not tn Londonat tbo time.

Custom House Appointment Approved.Lewis ll. clerk, vie ll. V. Ilarner,

I resignedresigned.

; Nathaniel Ueorge, vlco P. D. Ludluiton,

The Myistle Park ttnects,llrMTON, MavlS. The closing dav'i racing ol

the New norland Trotting Aasocl.llon was attemletlby nsarly 7,U) persons. Six horses slirlod ror theTillrac, and the first money (fl.UOt)) was won by.M sco's White Fawn, who took the soconef, --

tinh, and sixth heat, Dors )' I(oi OolelDeal taking the third and fcollli bealn,ar.d tl.e seromd money (TOO), and Hindi's Wll.son the Ami beat auel (Mr I ci mey (.'x). Time,'.':31,'. a:lCllf, 43.1,4, U, aud 2:37. Thenext race was (rev to all horses, and AmericanGirl won tbo first ioolo by taking thesecond, third, and (on rth belts. Doblc'a OoldtmltaiMaid won Ihe sreond place by taking the Urst beat,and George Palmer tvaa Ihlid, Lucy bring foartu.The prise wero 3,1X, tL'-fJ- , tJJ- - Time,iil, J.l,V. S:l. audicai.


Tho passage ol the Irish Church bill, Is certain.Senator bumncrwaa ei peeled In Doston last even-

ing.John F, Dai by & Co., of SI. Loots, suspended yes-

terday.Freighted can crossod tho rlrcr at St. Louis on

Thursday.Tho shore end of Iho French Atlantic Cable hsj

been submerged.Tha superfluous clerk of Ibe Treasury Depart-

ment aro to bo ellichiirgoelThe cars began ruunlng on the Alcblson, Topekt

and Santa Fu llallroad on Ibursday.Governor ChamlM-rlal- It Ihe favorite candidate In

the Msii'.o Kadlcal bl.steConvet.llou.The Portland Ynelit Club sailed from Oath, lie.

on w'wdnctday, nud will reiuru so PortlandF. W. Patterson waa yeitorday In aa

action for llbol aeiiiluit tho tloeheater LUo.The Nlpslc remains it Ctenfucgca. All on board

aru welt.The New Ham) shire Legislature will discuss tbe I

Firtecr.lh Amiodtncat on Wedeie'Sdiy eveulag next. I

Ann Gage acrldrntally shot aad killed John P. I

Austin In Dover, N. II., on Tuesday evening.All accounts (rum tlm Texas Convention agree that

ilclejit.'i from oulr seventeen counties were preucnt. ,

Thu Urgent of the University yesterday conferred Ja charier to gruit i! 'trees lo women en tba Iludioa Illlver luitltuu alClavsrack. N. Y, I

John Gillctplo stabbed and killed llernird Dogan, I

of l.itJ Htzwsler itivci.M 1'blla clpMa,oti fburtdaj I

nl:ht. .

Tbe commencement week of tho Elmlri Female lCol e:e list Just closed. Ten yooug woiuej took tho de-- Igreo of ll. A. lu due form. I

Immigration to Kansas continues, and 60,000 acrei 'of I'otawstaiule lteservatloo taudt have boon sold tojsettlers. Ihe crops sre tlLe.

Mrs. Mary It. Hidden, who murdered herOhedlali Jones, at Canton, Mass., in July lut, ta

not to have anew trlil.Cincinnati will bring out her cannon and ring bee

bell, on Iho 'ttth lust., tvht-- tbo vols oa the SUoOjrapproi rtstion f T lha outh.-r- ttnltway Is takca. 7

Vsl, McKlnney'a afldavlt that lie wa offmoney lo decliU the light on Tuerd iy tn tavor of A xU pruuouacvd (also by tbo (rleuas of the Inner.

Senator lUmsey will leave for Euroie cn Tuesdsy,the 7.U inst., to negotlato the Dosta o( a new Postal

wllh Frauie. .A meeting of tbo Denmark National liltlemen't J

Anocuiion was bold In Copeubigea on l TheKing vltlled the meetiax aiidadjrcstod Iho .

The members of tboConventiouorSupcrlutendeotgor luiane Aiytum, visited Weret'i tavr, near Uiauotoo,Va.,onThui-lay- .

Consols closed at MS' for mooee and 0l for Ibeaecuunt Five Twenties tslv. fclrie ibillway sharte

Htloots Central UU, Atlantic aud Ureal tVctora I

The Mary Powell made Ihe finest aereuty-Ov- e

miles on record estcrdiy, ran hlog Puughkeegtle from ,r York iu 3 hours ana U minniet, tucludmg six slop

iisiCS,United Slates Dctectlvo Offlcer John Ityrne

at Catuudalgoa l ulled St ilea Delectivo OtOctwltuiiel li. Lowell, for coUtuIoa isd contplracy willcounte-rlciter-

Tho case of Joseph n. Ilradlry against JodteFtiber, ar.sio ; out of lheSurr.i t trial, waa pottoonaelIn lha Clicuit Court Ll Wathlagio i ycilerelay, untilMonday ucxt,

A propoaltloa ll under const, Irntl n In thr SpiolihCortes for reduct ou by Ihe Ouvurausut of 3 petreal, from the caupous o( we public rentes, whea pre-sented f r paymeal,

Tbe Interest on tho State of Booth Carolina bondand ttncki (or the two yein ending July t nest. It to bepaid on sad after that ilt In .Saw Yorg and Columbia,Ibo Intcicil oa the nock In Columbia only.

The Judgment of tbe Supreme Court was imnns4tesieriisy in tbe Court of Appeals al Albany, lu the caseof tbe People tt l it. the Uioadwiy Uauk vs. the Mayor,Comptroller, Ac, o(Ke York c If.

Tbe bill to Incorporate the Great Northern Rail,road waa rv lied yesterday tn the Misaaetinteiu Legta,laluie, so ai to couaolldai tbe loads to lb Wail lilvsijunclloe.aiul give the Company pwr to perenase esf

lsaee tbl lailroadj egiendiag la itouutslor VgdenssbeUeeav,


t,- - inn .iiaiaaaeWanrinfi mi