the sun. (new york, ny) 1870-04-12 [p ].flh waaawaa ' i "" " i p l,,',:-n :...

flH waaawaa ' ' i "" " I L ,,',: - " p n : z - j THIRTY -- SEVENTH TEA, NEW YtpRaT, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1870. PRICK TWO CENTS. frill. HUGE POLITICAL JOKE. aWABAM O'BAWL riLLIX TBM -- W riCMB WITB DVMMIB8. gg AHltn( mt OtWtttrSOflOBPVw I n n t or will fill I.TB Fin. r Yet II ike Appelates TaBlaa; Ik Oath tBSSf I n I tnir d I g Wer re - Tha .aaghafclw Fartae lUtrJ Matiele. t 10 o'olook jHWrdty morning tat Rlgat Bos. Abraham O'lNll entered th nrMi plac-- oa Msiberry street. iM hast-ne- d ta tai otto of tt fvllce Commissioner!. Hs immediately v..- Commissioners to ths President's room, and thereupon Mmn. Bot worth, lire n nan, ManUrra, ' Brnlth ciiurfd tin presences and the doori wara glowed to all bat tba Commissioner and tbelr Chief Clerk. The following lecouit of tbi proeeedlBga ae ebeeqoently gathered by tba Be reporter: ' Tba Lord Mayor, having racMred a Bible from tha Dirndl of Ber)amln Franklin Minlerre, of the Yoeng Men CbrlatlaD Association, rsqueeted aacb of th gielyppolnted Cnmroleslnner to rat thetr htnda oa tha Book and take tha onth of oflca. Tba oath ing been tsken, tha Commissioners imed among theraeeivee lnatat.d of drawing lota to aarva oat tha cnexnlrad f,,,, Dr the old Board, not ho water from Judge Boswortha tlma tha month or o which ha hnd already eervod, to that the terma of rfflce of the naw Board will baaafollowt: Judge Boawortb, 8 years ; Henry Smith, 7 years; Matthew T flrennan, yoara ; and Benjamin Pnnklln 5 yeara. Theaa preliminaries having bean settled, tba Mayor fare carb Commissioner a certl-- f 'ate of apnotntmatit handsomely printed and an-- r "ul, wblcb each Immediately placed In a rir1 'j fit frame, hanging the airma up In his private Hie Lordship tha Mayor than bowed and re- tired Tha fullevrtag ta a copy I tii cbbtincatb or ArrorffTMiirT. Crnlcfa a Ajvoltmtnt ... Iea4 of a Depot ! aatnl MM?al tVtvreramswr. Mate of Naw Tech. j city Matois Orpiow, : City of New Von. J Anuaf Cirr mu. : I. A. Oaken; Vail. Mayor of tha city of New ; : Tork, by virtue of the powsr ruolerred ay aaa-- : tion 7 ot an act entitled a a act w reorganise ; the tonal government of the city of New York, : paaeed Artl &. a I lOTO,' aauT ay other proet : Ion of hUri act, spd In i eeial unrinasee of the : provtaiooe of saotlon 41 of tain act, do hereby Arroifi r : MATTnF.W T. RIEK NAN ; to tn oRloeor Comtuiaalonar of loir ud Mean-- : bnr of the Board of tb rt lice Department of : the city of New York, fur the term of u yeara, . to commence on the lit! day ol Aprl I, WTO. ; A.OAKKY HALL, IL.8 Mayor of tha elty of Mew York. t H lOflWOiril'l DIM AND L'POI J11M1S BOSWOSTB. Jndge Boawortb, setog bet n conducted to tbe chair, apoke as follows : TJbhtlimbb for thl expression of yonr eoBfldenca, my Kiaoeie ihauiu. U ir relatione m th tatare wrn I am certain, be tatltfapiory. 1 bare now to make a demand upon lbs Ho.ird of Mfiropolitaa Police fbr ali farntture and other property in tbelr poatalou. and that tha y wi give th Boat d of Police of the Pulise lvpartmnt ol th rltr of New York th benefit oi th-l- r long eiart pk a Poiloe Couiuieeijuera of the jnaropolrtan Pollra Biftrlct. MfDaai boswobth's iiplt to jrnos boswoitb. To wlilak 'b Preeiaent i the old Board replied sa folio w : OurTLSBtkir or tbb Boabd or Toliob or tbb PottCi ihar abTm bbt or tbb Citi or Naw Voas : In ratirluc fTpaa tke voetllooa af Coiorataaioi.ara af Police for the a(etrtoJiua lollce Dtturtet, thereto aay for mya.f and my eolieagaco, that we ao aa with oonclrueci clear a the nuror in wlu h we viewea oar conn e hanoet ihti morning, and that we eaa eau I r h(m-- f aay. wish Ui laaptrad peraeasg of Holy Writ, whoae aame I forart 'Whose sat havellakeB? who oi awe I takes' or whom hare I deiraagedf" Tbe proa ert ; wkaaB raw dssiaad aXak be kaaaaalaear as aaew, and be iMwr-'- that whatever aaelsliihc roa mar re-.- ahull be cbeerfaily ana proanptir siren by U Suitreia of the qui Boari'. whs now bid j ou TUB IRISItMAW IT ADOmOW. The ran arable Judga Hoaworib tUwa eall, " Geo tlamen, trouaa come to order. I nominate Ooor oaeatonar MnBlerra s PreaMent pro tern.'' Jodgv Brennsn I aec nd thtt motion. Judge B 'aworth Those In laror of Mr. Minifrre as Proaldent pro fern will please osy " Ay. ' CommtMlooera Brannaa and Commlaaloner Boawortb Ay ; Its carried. Mr. alsniarre. please take the chstr. Mr. Maiilerre (tsklag the ebalr) Oentlarnen : 1 cau aouraa eaprees n ackoowls igments In proper form for this msrk of your entindesea. Ws are aaaeuibled on a rerr iBipi runt occasion, no leas thsn Vein.: sppointed Police Commlftlonra under a aee re which bss been inaugurated 1y a l)f moeralle f;tme. to reform t1 e great elty or New York. Her Mat or, an American by birth and an Irlnma by adoption llusr. beur, has this dsy appointed ua to succeed toe old BoiirJ of Metropolitan IVItce. Let b but tread ta tbe rootatope of u kfMt prtMl eASora, gentieineB, and my word lor it. New Yoik wlli stanu seeund to no city la tbe (cheer. MB. MAWLBT TO SUCCBBD MB. BAWLBT. Judge Boswort'j 1 now more that Heth V. Hiw Cay, Esq , be iippolulcU pro Urn. of this award. Judge Brennan I second that motion. Mr. IlAwley wss sleeted UBaalmoun y. JOOOB BOBWOBTH BUCOBSD4 JCDOB BOSWORTB. The Board then proe eedetl to bualnese, and adopt ad tba toiiu Aitig: Jlaaofeerf. That tba lion. Joaepb fl. Boaworth be, and ha at bwrot.v up ouJ' l'i ir of " ru M "i d m pollee of tbe Police lKiiartnieut of the city ol New Yo(k." Jndge Boswortlt wsa one of tbr orltrlnsl Mairo poll ten POre ' oinuiliaianera, and was furnKTiy Chief Justice of the hsperlur C ur'. He wa e.e i ad Ptssldent of tbe Bo-jr- of Ezclae, but when lbs bbb) of leak gave the Btiard the uwer to Mry $1 ,000 to Iba t bbb M r, I be J n dga araf faaxtslatad out of ofllca, tnd tendered $t,V0u m bribe to heal bis wounded ft .i and to bold bis tongue when aay etealin wbs sttempisd. How he rejected that brtie, asd low be Indignantly objected to tba recent f.' mr pcolsUon, are facts well known to the read ere ol 1 ui Pun. U' bad rrevloualj beeti appointed PTeel dent of tbe Hoard of Police, wblt-- position he belt! nutll hi term eiptrwd, wiwi be was reelected fur eight year by the LesieUture. sad releoted Prssi fiat by the Board He Is now reOlected as Prael dent of lbs nsa Police Board, snd still rontlnoet Piesldeol of the old Board, wulrh. by the wu, con (i in oower orer tbe Metroolilau Dhtlriut until tb tdlb Inst. TUI HKA1M Or TBB OLD BOAJtD. The nevt resolution wi as foUowm: Rfoitvd. I bat bath C 11 wle, be asd hs - hri apt oh, letl t.'biet Clerk uf the Itoaid of Polios ol i..v t,ny vl Sew York. etb 0 Huwley, Chief Clerk oftl e old Board ftom It 'ip' hWtjokJt wsa therefore uiisniiuosal) eieeted C.trk vt tbe New Board. 1 next resolution culled for the preaeucs of the Bu:rin'eudeit. it wss ss.tuUawa : J ThsMht Chif Clerk notify the (wipertnlss cku ibAi this Hoard la duly organized, Jn pursuance tt law. MB. KKN.Nti x kUictAniv. Toe Clerk retired, and returned in a few aMnuts a tomp;inle i Lj the Hti who nodad Ifl but res it; null on, whicb wa ruud, and U a Oricr of rna Ftpkbintf .itbxt or J M BTK' f'l T AM I'UUCA MC Mr; i.kit bt hbbt Nsw rokat, Apj P h.i-.- ) 7o :ht ommwiohrt uf Mitt saaalMM Onmvii; In view of Hie chanus to be effrcted a;er icisi.t leaielatton In toe unity sad irovernrnrni ' in e urtau rati u w ith n.e N:ciH'i o.ttun t l, I r- ii. Ii , to ant.fipaic a llual ...... i t t.y i. ui.'iiw to roar bonoratde Itoar i kwrctigOJtl ii f thd oilcs of bu per la tend mit of I'o i - ib.' ataie of Suw Vu.k, to la-- " eileot uii th K :eit. A r t ti iV'intloa of the office of huerim ndeu awl .: s liapirtBiool of ibe city of New i ork. u elT (u tut ty the 4.ct creattag thit oepariuiBi. ran . A.ri le'.c. to ti.u eUect at tbe Uaia abuvt. tW (an) A .kw me. grntlemea, to mske acknowledMii.eMs I i hi . tie. cue euppoit I i. i e received iroui you '.!. lUehsrge ue utes ot my ollice, ana lor tie j ft iDdDete acb ol you bate estended to m 1 M - d rial .uo uvrb a oi our ofllcu consLtiun. ' '' .ik r i o rcUtton to tlw ub ic may piove ee it o u)ie in the isw, pgi , u aud pioptri, syd presenring good I tot i9ty irtpeot'Miiy, your obedient aereant. 'JIN a fciuNNLIV, baperiuisndeut HP, hBWAN TO MB TBB SU BBB. Oi n , ii , i i Hioiuun, lbs resigns- ' I. ...i.i lbs lolloping was Ueu e-' : Htm irt i, TbAl aTrestureroflbe Board of Pollcs if ' t ,i f tfie city of New York. 1 " u l th4 tba Hun. Maanew T- Brvu- - a u iui b Trsaoror. ' 101 i TO hi SI' fI BJ ITEM DIM T. TV Kit rsaoksUtl WM s fo baanj i dsssttrg ii, lt ui-- JohB Jwuidanof tks tlxtb Pr" i. 4tp ijitt'i hujnoltdenlo Bg-r- ' s Jivpartmsut o lit tJy ol New Capt Jog g STBS lmmedistel sent for Mid uf Lie ..j in.ui ut. Iln OilkMjr MiMbTiI m.. ..ut'edti.o iMitiou. Ha will litter T? M -- n Kattnday. A skstcu of bis lUu rpr bj q Aner column. A BIW CtfTAlN. rf c reaolutlon p pointed t Thomas ady ae Arting Cup aln of Polios, asairnlus oau raJ. nbeis kg IkM gbbj awOgnvg iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl hnpsrtTtttrnoawt Jourdan Hawaii sstasr aa has aew ddtlee oa Brntardat- BoSwobtw, BBBMNAB, IMITW, Akt a AH t BBBB aaTtrff-IB- BBBSBB Ha, HAtniHi, BBUTB, ABB kwSWOkTk OtT TO kklVB. The lew Board, sfter soase fwattne haaaiaveas, la Tiled tha old Board out to s fhsansagaa lanelt, and B0onrtied Tor that pgrnajne. This over, bMk Hoerd rsiarwed to aeadgusrters, whsa tbe old Board handed osar the fornttnrn, aiaff. etc., to the BOW, who rarelTsa tha oaaae. and sabaageeaUy mat with tha members of the Health Depart ssaat. Mow saeaaa tha OlsOtlOl, WBit than the old ateard do for ferel tare t The old Board still rules lis MetrswaelsBk Dtatrlct, wkka) tba aw Boaxt rales Bierely the ef tka eUy of New York. The old Board 'a eathorUy In Brooklyn will aspire on tbe Ktb lasi . bat la Wast She tar, Hlehoroad and tjoeens tba old Board will retain power until Ike LOflaisture smends the law. TkO Health lftn rtmnt. The Hewlth Depart mer.t met at 4 o'clock P. M. Pre eat Co ram an ion era Boaworth, Brennaa, l, Oroaa. Msnlsrrs, Mullaiy, II. iimlth, and B. Bmlth. Abaent Commissioner Osrnochan. On mo- tion, Mr. Wanlarr was snpolntatl Chairman, pro ftn end Col. Rrnmons Clark, Herretary. jrro ram. Judge Boawortb offered tke following resolution, wbich wsre sdopted, and ths Board sdjourieg to Wsdnesdhy, fJOth list. : Baaehwai. That tha ssveral oftteers. ererka. snd em Ployeea ot tie Metropolitan Hoard of Health, in oftiee and doing duly reepecilTely In the oily of Hew York aa the 4th April, firept tbe President, reoreta-y- , Coua eel, attorney. bemiet, and Knerin ear, are hereky l to tbe Health Uewartment, elerted by ehrpier IS7 of the lawa of IkiO, aad thev are tereraily heifby auttKriaeHi and arpolntetl unftl the further ordrr of that Itoerd to perform ib aad for the saM Heaha De- partment all the Ounce aad perform all the eert tees whlrh they were sutborleed to perform ta and for tha Matropofltas Board of Haaltto. tn.t laoon letojit .tii or Di. Iran to tba oroTlilous of esld chap tor 187 of tin laws of lOJflo. A second resolution sppolntod Rdwsrd A. s clerk In the neslth Ietsrrmeat until tbe further order of the Board, nt s salary to be h re- altor nimid, but not to sicsed (1,00 par annum. Tbr HOW Health emmlMlonen. Mr. John Mullalr la one of our f "If made mm, baring bejnn lira In s rery humble capHCtty In tbe JYibMAS oflHce. He e tu alatl hlreaeir, and after some ears beeams a reporter for Oe tfrmld, and Was considered one of me fastest short-han- reporters In tbs United btstes. After many yeers' r tortlriy, bs Rlsrted the Metropolitan Record, under ths nuaplroS of ths Late Anthblahop Hugbee, snd hoisted Its dag as the organ of Uist diAtiiwnthed prelate. Mr. Mnl-lil- i Trustee of Bt, fist rial's Hoaisn stholi niurcb, and a Tics President of tbe Knights of St. Patrick. Mftgnua Oross Is editor of the .tr York4t Jovr-frl- , and Dr. OloTannl Ceccnrlul IS said to tn tfie faniUj pbyshctaa of Mr. James Gonlon HeBnett. Tha A Mermen an (PHall'l A ppnl ni mnm . The rVedng smrmg th members of the Common Council ta relstlos to the appolntmonts wss on s of extreme dlsssttafsctloa. Half so hour before Inly met la their respective chambers, they gST vent to tbelr Indlgnstion In ji t denunclstion of Mr. Hall, w ho, Ihsy sar. bee strai.gled tha Democratic party. " Wbg did be wLpe out ni(" uked obi of tbe members, "by rds charter ? " Mi Ull you Why," ssld la official; M ll'i becsuae Tones kllller wont sgai'iat ht'a. Ue w an I to destroy both Hoarde to gel even with I'oney." " Well, tie can't gstB anything by the sppolat-ment- e be made." remarked in ei friend oi life Mator Df couraa, Blr. rwernys ss ni J si Chsm-berlai- Stfll. fbr Mr Bradlor Khls brother In Isw, so thut thl oBca U U tbe family. Mr Heaoeaay It Bra Itiy'i In w, sod hs slao got s good p'Soe. VThr wa Qross spprdnted t VYhal Inflrertrs cia he hste f" isqotred sn esgsr f:teirer " Ue waa j i n.i l oa aecotint of hit cr jnecllon with tue st 7MtunQ. You aee, Mr. O'UaU waali to win the German oreae t bit aloe " m Haw did atui) m. get a place I was tba net! quemon. " His BppotwtrneTit wss IntendM ta a trfhats to Ms p.,irlotiam dorliig tl. lata war; be ess a warn of Liaoolu." wss the repry, idd tlie remirk elicited sotns nie.rlu ml " Maw about Wilson 4J. HuitT" ' Well," replied so officeholder, "hrs apTMHntment w designed to ba a sonventr of O'HalTs termer derotlos to the American part, nd bla dufeucs of the Bible Lb ths public schools. r 1 hey woa't rem eta Irag ta eense afW the aest election,' aald a listener. Tke Boa da subaaoeeBtly mat, bat tranaacted only routine bualneM Tuey tlien held a brlsf osnrits, but agreed upon so definite Ilea of arMoe m relation Co the new appointments snd the charter. Tka Hoar af Pub I Wsrki. Mr. William M. Tweed, Commissioner of Pub-li- Worke, yeaterlar morning look formal posaes-slo- i of tbe Croton and Htraet Dtmartmotita. In tbe Croton Depsrtmsut the Commte-- 1 juer made the fn. lowing appointment : Mr Chsa, fl Cornel!. Water Hfguvtrsr; NoBb A child, WuUm Purveyor, Uitheit W. Ittdge, hewer lvrnill Clerk : md KrancU J. Fourth Clerk to Waior Rsadjstrar, All the other appointees of tl.o Mayer took the ootb of office yeeterdny. W here the Lawgh i nniee la. It U not probebV that the I'nttre Hinrd will Inng sjind ss yesterday coi.aiituU 1, aa Judie Bos worth baa indiruttad bla deatyn to necept the nomine-Mu- n tor the JiiUgeaMp of the Court of I junto n Pleas in the Ms. elect. on, aud Henry Smith cannot retain hi poliion without an amundu.eut ol tbe police raw twbbi, rasan BOt iHBLUiiibB. Section 1 of Arttcie III of tbe Htate Conttitullug read aa follow : , o member of the I .ear Mature ha1) receive aay el 11 B .luitntM.f w thtn thl Mate or to tbe Hauatu of the t i..tod Miet, from the enrernor. the tii veiuor and Hon.C'.or iront the Legislature, dwing the term Cor which be BhasJ I' re been elurlod; aad all uub ar.d ail rota itiven for any ruch member, to. any tutu nt. ot apt o.ntuient, tball be rotd." Th lolbiwlng nsined perons nominstai by ths Mati r. irs uieml.ertoftbe Legielslnre: ThOBkBO O. Fields, Alerxsnrior Krens, VVMliSm Hitsbms i. Jonn J. B.atr. Martin Nacbwnauu, UlilUiu M. ltteud, and Jul u J. Bradley. ill I: M II noocQ - t drnl JoLa Janrdan-- A lkeirk of the iiiiiini Career af a Hmarl Drtec live A Jane afaewgult lea af kla fterwlara. Jvlui Jourdun, who baa Lout boon Tub Hum's and the peoplu'g cardlda'e for the Pi lice Huperln teedency. and who recetvod this (llting irlbutu from the Police Comrrtaaionera festerdiy, was born st Ilk Moleerr) etrrel, ib tula city, on the Hit. of Jaau ary. 1(031. Dls pirents wen Irib Amcrtcaas. Hi father was a man af Wealllt, bat John, Irom the awe of tau yean, with aa embitioua doslri togul sIom through his own sxerUon. obhtined employment to bis father In tbe IVibute office hs compoel tor, and stitequontly was for many yean sugani-- on Tbb fetUB, aulUiuc tke Uvn oAke to )oln tbe Police force, tsklag s place as a reLrolman on tbe 10th of Mbt, 1H08. This was seventeen yean ago, anil from that time to the present John Jewr dm ' b' on s tenor to the ttrleeea. He wus in tbe Hlxtb Ward Fonts, under then Csplsli, now Ceuimis alt.ner M 1. Brennun. aud was deislUnl is Court officer for many jeais nt ths I'orjiba Police Court. Hers on opportunity for his aagnrlty ;ind keen, acute rcunt of proseuted Itaelf, aud be nude laauy tinporlnnt srreels wbicb baffled other memiiora of ilis police lorcc, Owing to libi inlre plal') and indnmlilble peraeverince he was rp p. luted Seigesjitof the .SUtn Ward. On the promotion of Cspt. Joseph Dowllng to a Pollcu JuHtlcoship the Pofl.e ConimiMioiifi-- im ui mously spp'dnted Herguant Jourdsn to bo lullc Cap-lal- of what was tern.t d th Bloody hiath. How he disclis'ged tbe dullea uf that poaillou Ibe recorda of our courts and criminals conttned in the Htule pristiui tlirutigb tbi ent.ntry Bjftd anada will sbow. Capt. JourUan bos become kuowu abroatl, ua well Hi ul i.i n i'. as tbe gresteai detoctive, ecllpaing Foucle and other noted tldeHukeri. W hen Cupt Juurdan Bret took poaeeaaion of the Msth It wsa thl wont ward In New York rlty, with- out any exception, but by pure and thmou Jt disci- pline be bus msde It s quiet snd Hare pUov ol abode Ills aubnrdtnsie offlciais rpoet bUu ; tor while be scrupulouelv esacta from tbeiu n biubful and unie-m- i in.: b of Uelr duty, be la never or tvrtnuuoe. Bo graat is John Jourdsn's repntntlon ss s dutec tlve tout foreign Htstes bare Inv.irlahry employed bim in pittfciL'uce to the euilre detective force of this Illy, aud Le has during tbs pittt five yearn ar-- r sated s graatlV numbei of notorious ciunii als and o 'i. line.) ru'.ltulioB of a rrautei mnount of property Mun .iU Ibe Police Headquarter uotectivoa com- bined. i.i.i t m a. Dendbeatl. To the Kdiior ot the Sun, Sib: In row irticlo copied from the Pough-keepst- e A'ssee, 1 perceive ti.e edilon sre not swum that I'm Orsnt bus long bsd a penchant tr deadheading, gi thu folluwinif Incident will show) Jubl before ihe Inauguration of Mr. Orsnt, bavin occislon to pass over tbe New Jersey lUUrosd, I .ia hi in- - (o a bciiii wbiob for sublime cheek rather t m lod apyibini I Imd previuu-il- known. Good 0 "tor P , in p Biting through t lie curs, cams to tin. Preaident elect snd demouded his ticket. Having nalther ticket or pans, sr.'l refuMlng to par bis tare, P threatened to eji ct him from tin train. Mr. QraSt, liowevor, mainLdued lbs! be wss eltitled to fne posisge over IQV roud in tbs United Hi ales ; tbat lbs coaductor had no rmht to demand fan of bun, and luted it rthouhi be the laat and only time, ns he would report the cae snd hues P discliargtttl. Wbsihur P gained his point or not I sin un- - able lo ill, u 1 bad to lu.ivi the osn it that later-eatin- Junrtsn. Mr. tirsat, however, wsa us good aa ins wuid, old report P , but so far Irom haviog bim discharged P Still oonlrnies onu of tba moat oAcUls Of tbi New Jemy Hosd, 10 Kubi much to the dlaguil of Mr. Or K Who was laws Of rM- - " awawaBBBBwaawaBaHawgawaaaHi JPBPjT?yABk rrYSfvIL POOR LITTLE PERCY. From i rhotoiraph by noekweod. riKlSnifiO TBMMB LdAOKB. VIHIbb tke Tax Lsraw etitk Vimumh ml Fras)e-- A Thnnder-Cln- a In I. rent t'lrclee IjaW far I nrepeleii l.awyi ra Tka Hi tmdtati Ralli end asalk. Albswt, April 11. The time of tbe IgUli. tun ta for tbe preecnt wholly takes up with the coBeldoretton of private and local bills, In which there sn sons little jobs of aot sufficient Impor- tance to merit comment. It Is from tuese picayune bills that the houonhle mem ben sis enabled to derive funds enough to piy their hotel bllli snd rum sccouBls. We an promised, however, tbst durlig the present weak TBI DSIMTIBST MOBSSX OP TBB SBASOM, known si Ihe New V rk City Teg Levy, aksll be served up In spproved style. Compiroller irrtred here thl ifteraoon, end Intsods until Hie bill Is dleposed of. Tour readen m.iy pnrhsps tern ruber that wben Ibla docu'nent wsa Drat presented to Ihe Asiembly It showed s re ductlon or fienrly two mlllloos In the amount re- quired to pay off the espenees of running tbe couniy and muulclpsl machine Thst wss fore thl leaden of Tsmmsny bad msde up their minds to wags war upon the lite Young Demotrscy. Htnci then, bowerer, ths amount In killing theHuckleberry snd paslng the Tweed charter hjs been decidedly heary, skd It eccessrlly follows tbst the tss ler must contiln I prtrlaton of somi kind by which the Tammany bsaksrs ahoold be nlmbnreed. It Ii tbenfore a moral certainty tbat the tsx levy his been subjected to tke slterstlons required In Aleck Frears ob Cities, and by nUht, lbs time designated for Us re appeannee, It will be A klBD 00 A NOT If S B rSATBBB Bee id si the tai levy there ie another mg bfll which i dMUngaUaed Aseemblymin frees IHetar Oaya there is " somithtng ta and thst u tke Central faro bill To thi deligh' of bath the heworsMs testators aad Aaaembljmeu, the ' antral sad Hadftea river folks, sn said ta have coadoded ta press Ibis Mil, tf at least ocly to enhnnco the price ot stock. One who hi well tBrormed declare that the MONIT BlOB ABB 0OWt!O and thst i liberal price ror votes I ta be paid. Dar- ing tbe week, Senator Tweed's bill so iballsk tbs Board of flBperrron Is to he disponed of, and bts elnrerlty la id reapect pat to a Wet, Tbs Committee on Cities this morning faronbly repo ited Owen Murphy's BBOADWAT BtSPACB BILL BAILIOAB. yfhfJe la Committee tits follow log named senile-m- e kava been added as Incorponton : Mesn. Isaac Bell, Cornelius Conoa, Bd. A. Moore, Jamea B. KlcooUon. Isaae o liver, snd other equally promt politician Till ABC t DB ATD Pttr.CKAflC I At The w ar between 'Ue Areade and Pneumatic peo- ple a ao Dittcny waged that It would not be sur prising ta see thie bill slip through wbBe tbs first narnod are u.uurrt.ikng. Titers Is slso something very mrstenon about thia Miriare bill, aad that is, lliat Bnbody ' ur ksow wno are the real nar- tlee It inleret. Owen Murphy, who Introduced it, Miak it toiranee w hen questioned eonevrnlng It. Other uiembun pretend to be not so wsll laftrraed. ArfOTVBB UMt'SCaL CIBCI BSTAMOk to be considered the fact tuat the Dill was referred to the t omudtteo iin t itles ami not to tbe ftsUrnaj Coinmillee. lu view ol all these facta It 1 not at d Lmpt ilblo to pass this bill during the tonluion to the nx tlays of the steodon, narthsuUi iy if money i trrelv loaned lo metubera. During tne palmy days ol tus Yuung Democncy, wIisb toe Aidoraton used to vllt Albany to do a lltile sweunnr, the Civil Justices of your ell) look It Into their hesds thai they too were entitle i to do (oinethlng or other, out they hardly knew what. One day four ILLtrSTklODS rOLLO WBBB or BLACKS TOKB, to wit:" Jusilcee Tony Ilsrtmsnn, Deunli Qtilnn , Kowier, ind ths atuiabls Kane resolved to demsnd of the Legielattiro r. u.ti ths yonna Demoency the richt to ap; mm their owb clerke uad marshals. No r.rr wen their wlahee matle kaowa tkas a kill to thst elloct was introduced In tbe Assembly. The oaese Tony flartmann a pent cob U arable Urns u wsichlng ths progress of tbs bill and st isbat grew tired of watching snd went home. Judges Denlson snd Fowler nlhrved ToOy; but they nimle their eilt after only rsmilnlng s waek. Jtiatlca Kaae stsld loag enough to lee tha bill reported baok from Aleck Hrear'a CommUVea on Cttte rhe hill was Aaally r sac bad this morning, wbon A.uik r"rosr availod bim-ei- of the absence of tbe jBatloea, and movnd to nd back tbs bill to bta QCMjigBittagt and tins utuiioa pievsilrd. A LBt'B rLBPOID nw WORD that 'Vt bill would lover aee the Mgkt of day agHln The friends of ths ritv Ktllrosd Companies on the Door of the Aseml ly sre evidently many. Judg- ing from the etrengtti tber exhibited when Mitchell's bill to leduce tbe fan on cars to fire cents inclusive oi Oavarnment tai, came up for con- sideration. The bill was no sooner bail read In Committee of the VI bole, tnan a motioi to " pro gress' It wss mads sad carried. It will probably never rise to tbe surface ajfstn Ibla aeselon. The Comuaulut got off pntty cheap this time. AN I'NCIUAL S BBS ATKIM vii ereated during the ftesBloa or the Assembly to- night, bry the tatieductiun ol Ike folluauig U.I by Mr T. C. Fields j a n t to regelate tbe coodtict of attorneys and connaellor at law. 1 i saaii of the suits of Ncc York, repreetnttt in m nmt Atteinbty. to rnouta fbtknee; MscTiuM 1. Any siiotneyor touoet-Mo- at Isw who heretoture acted or may bcresfter act ss attortey or co i in el for any party to an action, suit, or proceeding, or who eball bersartsr accept a retainer ss counsel for any psreon, and wiio, In tbe couroof auch ectlon, auit, or pioceud'.njr, or In any cotiauitation with his client a cuumct. hua acquired or may acquire any Information lu conftueoi n m Bui'h clieul. or ha adrftod, or here- after thai euvite any rltert ihal be mg) lawfully Jo nnv act or thing, anu who tball hereafter uee the Infor- mation thus obtained la any action, mil, or proceeding, adverse to cut it client, r who shall appear at attorney or counarl lu aoy action auil, or proceeding brought auniuit tucii client or any ot his or lta a entt ur officei foi the pnrpoae of obtaining any rellei ugslnst hint or thrui ob tbe ground ot tne illegality of any actiou widen auch attorney or counsel their have advised as in ii nui r, he deemed guilty of a uihdt meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, be puumhed by ImprUou meut lu the rounty Jail not exceeding one rear, or by a Lue uoi SACeiding uue iboueaiiddojars, or both. bio. 2. ii.-- cl aball lake efltci iintutdlately. As waa natural, considerable curiualty was eshlh-Itc- on the part of mem ben to learn wby tin-- bill ws Introduceil It was ascertained, to the asluubthmeut of unlnititttod country members, tbst there are lawyers of hlgu tiisudiiig lu the city of New Vork who have recently BUD! IT A PBACTICk to receive fees on both sides; snd open charges sre made iouiiat a lesdlug inumber of theso callod Bar Kefoim Association, who not long since held tbe ol Attornoy-Uetiera- J uf the United Btates, to KtfliUuu tbst bs hat rnraived fees, amounting In the aggrucale to over 4U,UUU. as coutideutlal couusel to tbe Erie Kailwsy Compsuy, and tbst sube-queutt- hi wss retsiuod, snd la now .act-lu- as tbe counsel of tba British stock- holders against bis formsr cituuts to litigate the vary tBBna.tctiuus which In the first loalance b hau been couaulted upon by (he Krli Company. It Is slso alleged thut this mini leodlBg spirit of tba Bur Hdfurui Association snd eg Attorney-Oeuera- l of the Uniled tUtee, not satisfied with receiving coun- sel lues from botb plsintlff and defendant, con eluded, wbllo in the duKtisrge of hut official duUua lu Waebluglou, to engage In the PAkUOB BHOKBRAgl BCIIVUg. and Is nd to iiv reallaed from John Devlin of biookhn, wbn wns sentenced some time ago to Btsie Prlmn for obtaining his pardon from thst other honest official, Ulysses ti. Or t It bss furlhir leaked oat tbat, feurlog an sxpoaura from tbe Krle people, tlta itloresald rstortn law- yer snd ei Attorney-OeneraJ- , after promle lug tbe fbrlorn sad stuald Bart to sppesr bfon tha benste ltsltroid tomuiBtee and signs tin esse ol tbi British stockholders against hbj lornier olleuts, tbe Brie Company, lognJ Itcouvw aiigt W be auiumvaed ba o great hurry to WMtlka ton on th (tar or art boaiin(. Tha raauit waa tbat poor Burt wai toft to nake a Htaaaana rn Nor ar th all th facta whleh htT torn to Mm taWWMM of Mm Awiablr Judlciarr l)ommlil. Ctrtatn olhot li..,. Mi. i nwnMra o( lh Reform Bar Aaiorlatlon r asrlonabr affmnl of UmlUr parr. rtlUoa. It Ii unrlrntood thtt lha Jadlclarr of w hi I, Mi TloBU 0, riolrla M Clmlrmjn, hT mad ap thi Ir mlndi to tl!tf th char,.. Hubpornaa ar to b .d nmnioulnr In lot,Ttd praoai hfor ltJL Th rl Sa III prudaca th book! of thlr TrBrr, and by voochtr on SI th moant paid orr to firov l An ii. ) . n ril aad othar l.ilnr rrfnrra luwrtr. Mr. DfTH, the parrtoad a afore-Mld- , vlll alo tell hi (torr. and aoDibcr of other aline ar to b broarht lorwnrd to wr to cm i mii Met, whlah, If true, prore that la no more konatt thin a Tomb (hratar. Th hill to rivmpt lionil tid Dortoaf from taiauna waa coi.aldered In tb Aaaembl; I'omoiU'e ol th Whol lo olthl. tnd alter nhle n -- cr' ea hid been madt natlntt II ti Me--r- tltilejohn. 1tIi, aud Vau Stoerhurgb, It waa Until kl!ld. It hid but few tpportr. Alack tbtrtcr Fictr bat been l'i dtr rtrelrlni congratulation fruoi hla frltnila on bla cood fortunt la being appointed t t'uuuulioner ol Public CLtrl t lea tnd Crrctlon. rreparattona aranakluic forth flntl adjoaramcnl. winch, uocordtaar to thota who onght to know, will b nut wek. Maabr nianl-fa- t conaldtrabl tniletr eoneernlnc tbelr blUa, and ar melting tltcm tlr.acb wltk llfbtnlng tped. Kterrbod la ctgtr lo to eotne. Tit Ourernor kaa alined lb HIat Kirla bin. Lku paaxHl tbe Ugitlalur laat week SOL. bbV ' m k m DANIEL McFARLAND. ner, um aaae vr"r evir.i.) For ran report of rtr4Ari trial Mt Mcood p.g of tfeM moraine, tra. QVMBAUA. 1H IUriKO HALL. Cakaaa Aawrrcatd aa -- .Idler, take akaalg Fight far .dr nc . A fttj aarlkaaiatlie aad tall meeting of lb Cubant and Anerlcan trmptthutrt af tka Caaaa aiaaa waa Ml la Irrlag Ball laat bjkt at tka call of Oaa. Qaoaada, wko ttld ; 81 nee ar arrraal ta ua trf I aaa tartaarored to gait aa apportaniit of uieUnj( jon for tag prpo ul aadraarlag roa a njw wordt of atnrcre iieettng. iy tint hat aaa .o ooeepted In the rtlnntnent nf pr aaltaa aaaVM a ar brotlx-- r la ariua thai I har takaa tatvaatag of tb Aral dlauccni.tcd momeot to roa. certain aa I am of yuor tadalgaac. aad cob Tharag ol foar prn of joatlc. Toa utarwt for on moment dunnt nt lor for rot. .or ar con Ignorant of kaw c.nirimeiT I ha, caec. ale-- l lnraeif to taj eoan tj. I hare aot the tin or word nor aril H.nt amagaaailon ; 1. a poor toldl ol foitana, with no more aenooltng than wlutt th world gtvea, tad with aaUfurtun at my .ol tator. llote rtwrybrdr born la Cuba. I loTaeTarrbocb wk aarrat Caba. I lor CTerrbody who loraa caba. M fti.iT a to cooperate I.i erarr meana I mr power wtta very aiUiod to trtnloi .a tntt nell of .Itien to para Ih of lluarty i to Or Hi log ycai ruhta. or tor Uetaa lo gtai ta ttag raw to l oeny rr nerath on tka roaqa. h. on Terr toon, 1 thai! return ta th aaoaarr of my dream., to oar eoaatry. I trim I thtll not return alone, ghall I f In mr com pin f every man aia go who ehooae. to ahefter hlmaeif under m h.naer oY our ker ir n, ten, no. are 1 hey ahall arrive 1 piomtt yoa. They ahail fight i and toll me what on l . happier lot. 11 tkT aurrlrr, free men; il they rail, tmaeariat. TI, 0aral waa followod by hit f irf orHtair. Cal. Varona, w no, la aloooaat aordt, addraaaaj hla audience at tokltera of Cunt, ttvlng tntt ta tb.y hnd no country ct. tber atbat til b talolrra tn.l obtain tndcienilauce to b tbn conaldervd ciliartit uf th vu Hit ur hv.v kkportkrs. The fbi f BaaSattMMg sr tk New 4r fur Fir II pariaai. at. Th firemen of Jeraer City, Iludton, and Iter-gr- i lly will meet eronlng and nointnttt a fhlai Engineer fur tier nw city. Jrr in a Chief Jaroo Toyle, with torn little oppo1-llo- ; UudaoH City goat aolid for Chief fiphn V. r, tml Ucrgen fur Chief PgllJ. It Fill be t hard fight. Htpkag Vue ,et oia to btve the hii-i- trtck. Tb Now l.iii at Vknwkn. Tba workman are arranging to build fcrrr koota at Cor, tor Ih nw torry from Twantj lhlr l tlraat aad f'hunbere atrt. II It to hate tbe ferry ranaiug withla tbra rmmtn. Two ferryfMjet htra ka parcbaiatd. tnd ur In bt put upon tb Una lmra.tiaialy .liar Iba cnwptatteii of li e allpa an Ilea Jerwty sbor. In th meantime, the roaatainy will bar two large boat built and ready to put on the rout In tbe tail. Cbnrier rrtlaa la Pntaraoa. Tbe cLartcr eUcllon for oily oQIcera, jeaterdar, pataod wrtbout dtalarbaaca; bnt th rota bad not been conntcd hen our reporter took ti train. Ko oapotitioa waa mada to a In re negro rote, although t rolllalon waa larlled In Ih Third Ward, wbtra nearly fllty aagriMaB muatorad la a church, and langd. ail by t white flepubllcaii, mtrched la Un to the nolle, tnd out and all toted the Kepakllcaa ticket. The Fwalaaa aad Iba Koparli d Papil Ball. In a recent riorted intcrrisw with Victr-Un-r- Btarra, a reporter credited tka worthy Fattier w ith language that lie did not ate. The lr did not etete anything definite wttb tegard ta the opera- tion of the Top' decree ugainat the Feaiana la America farther Haw 1 generally uaderttoud here. Te.wlnw Oarrteard llnkettra Blacaaan. A uutnber of leading cititaut got togvlber y tud made ont a naw ticket In two of tile wtrdt, throwlrg not tnotlier two of the Hoboket, Hint nt'i.elv, Anlrmn Cele aad Bchtlk, leariag mil) two of the old twlndllng Board in Ue field. Mr. bamaerMeroadlaa Mr. ttrrgk. S'iSgiHciTnn, Apiil 11 In the Senate, Mr. Pamner reml from t letter exphiattory uf the whole-tal- torture pri ettaed upou tniii.u! in their tnna-- i on.tnni from W eet to Ettl, telling lurtu th bor-m- or tht pniitug on eatil traina, ih overcrowd Ing, auPoeatii'ii, tnd tnunpllng to de.ilk of the poor bitllea, ami tne lUauatroua cunacqueiicua to the pah-ii- hsttith fr m Ih taM of dlaeaaed cattle. Tlie waa udupied. BROOKLYN. The Aldermen hare authoriaco the Peoplea' Com pan, to lay their main. In the ari..u, .lit la aud aupuly tlie .larka tod public buildinga w .th gaa. Th Aldermen yeetenlnv afternoon received an Invtlttioii loatleud tlie 1'trtcrnth Ameudment demon. tlrttloo in the AcaCemy ol lualc. 'three ol Hie uolile band, um Kaating, Charley Kllloug and .laok ale tmrutrty, roted But to ahow tlienitulvea llieru. The U Inn., him I, are to Lave a tin a croat-tow- rai'roud ci nniictltig them with i l.ul.u li lw pi-- t I'nra. and Coney laland by wuy ol Konran ave- nue. It will alao connect with th Grand aire, i iNuw fi ry. It la tu n.- it ruuuiug order about May 10. WA$UJtraroM tosir. Th llnuae .Tuillclni y Cornmltle htv agreed to report the bill enloiciug the fifteenth Ameudment. The Way tnd Meant are lu duubt of their ability to curri the Benut. naolutloii providiug lor tbe collec- tion uf liie Incume tat tint ycur. The Conference Committee on the Deficiency rlaUou bill will probably esree on for lite ftimton rotl (iffice nun Hut aud attuO.UDO tor the Nvw Vork bulldlug. The rtoutle laalalail upon lta tmandmont to Ibe De- ficiency Api.ropnilion bill, and lleaara. Murrill of Maine. Hawyar aud Cttaelly civ appointed a Louiiall-te- e uf Couicrence. The Inre.tlgttlon of the charge artlnat 0n. llowtrd I. to ou.ti to morrow before the Comm'tte on I duration, rtruando Wuod haa aajagM Juuge Joi. P. Uigdlty to proaccul. In tl,.. United Bute fvuprem Court yeetcrdty, In the ct of Denning tnd Ltiktui agalual the tlovern. pi.elnuuuuiuul of Brguiuunt to Monaty next wa. titreed ujiiiti. Th t ctae butrt upon the arguiuout of th Igat-Toude- r dtcltlou. Tht IL oi ii voted to participate with the eo'ored UUt.tct lu cvluhratlug the ralincailun of eVllleeulk Amauduicul. lu Repreteni atln a' 11 til on Weuiiraday evening bpeuker Blame Having appoint. .1 Mewl, Cut tnd Kldrl.ite un th Coiunilttaa of Ar r.uaBiauta, tne ltitei deellued to terve i but the tiieatar ruled that he mutt aerve, and Mr. kVaeuck moved to poetpnne the aupjeol unlU h couli? aaoorula wkelber the cu...rd pwuia objected to Mr. Rldridtt t iertlng on the Committee. Then, on motion of Mi her Vork, lha l(oua vutad to raaclud lit taloiuliou. aud tht Mact c uuulitt at auolUdtMV MRS. McFARLAND-RICHARDSO- (Prom s rhotegrsph by Rnokwted.) rum Monuoua or mmmuAtzoir, CvIbIbb Maaey Oat af the llMffbringi af Clia I'nor hoihlni Malirrmranavil of ritw Paa-- s.ryri In an f r nm d , Km I a i a n I tS(llg. The itumahip Nivadi, of the Williami 4 Oulna line, arrtred laat eveilng It twalle Osrdeu from LlTrrpool snd Queenstown Bnd discharged 1,1bb stesrsgs nasaengttrt, mostly of Bngllsh and Irish nationality. TIutb was a general comphlnt of imnrni r and.itiflufnclent Tood. In tlie first plan-- the t if V ft which thry purcbafte ssyi on tta ficr- - that II ta to be retained until tbey errlrn it tlm point or debarkaHon. It moreoTeT gtvea the Bill of fhri allowed to each paeeeager fbr tha dsy, snd among other things mentioned ire one pound of bread and three quarts of witar; but this ticket waa tahin ap soun aftir leaving QueenstowB, thus depriving them of the mains of reference or demsndlng tbelr rights. Tbs following Is tbi bill of fori which was doled out to thlro durtng thi voyiyo : For braes fa ft t four ounces of brssd sn1 one ttn enp of i fpor tunrs luring tbr vosce tbay bbbj but Isr, Par glnnar--l(i- r onp, itlni.fux freih meat, or sell aseal and bad poutoeft. For upper Blrcnli, bui-(r- . aoO law dill tsf this was lnrufflclent ind bsdly cookwd. Tbst was the harden of their comnlalnt. During tbi Toyaga, the thtnt cioed by isting silt meat for they rosjld net eat the fraeh meat oewM sot be altared by Ihe smell qaaatlty of wster rarnBrbad, aad i rwih was made for the pimp, whleh was forcibly lelseO. sad tin BaseeBgirs bilped them-ealre- until the water was turned off. TaBSt Krl lay, I itOBUtBtiftB af BBSftSBgir Wilt II th cspSBtB ard eomplalaad of tnair crral traaLmeat. They bad had Bothlng that day for dinner but sslt Ash, stiftnoat atataee or bread. Bat Hull or no atUfsrtluD coaid ba obiaiaai Irom I im. Thl immlgriats apeak in kind terms of the steer-se- a uteward, who waft obliging to them' brrt It wss Ue Ore voyage ta Ibtl steamer ef the ehief stawiroX nnd bs exhibited a nndlh aocibitlon to curry favor with ht enrployers by gettlBg up this srstem of start-la- eooeoasr. Ua wee heard to order the baker to make the loiree emailer, bo matter If the passen- ger did ewmpiali. flome of the men tmld tbey woahJ rather go to priaoa sod eel prison tare ths a ship la tbs Nsvada again. TUM VAmWX IS JKMUmX CITY. The KTBlaflaaa ar the Amir of f( prarrrs-- DBaierewe tQraeivitf. To day Ike election andir tha naw eherter h tbi great eveit In Jersey City. O witter to tha Variety of spltt tleksts in the field, a lively tuna ii aatiU test- ed it tba poll. It is raasdjrod tliat three gangs of repweSare ara eegaatwaa ta Mow 1 srB, to tspartata ta Jeraay tanlay. Oaa will croea tbe Pavoula ferry, and work In tbe Seventh Wara, In opposition to t) a Intereeta of tbe Erie Hal' way. Another pnrty ta to cross nver by tbe tlnlvken ferry so that they tvny take the Kirhth Ward oa the flank. This crowd will be directed by Then Ai.en, i polltlclio snd for merly s broker. Tie otber r row ft wfll rrow by tl.e straight path, lite Cortlamlt elroet ferrv, aard disiribulr tleutarltei wbere tlie) ran be best SB p'ote-d- . Ottlnrto tbe ummary mersatlona taken In Hudson rr ni d Berren r It la ce In they Vltl give IBOSS of the navr cliy twin lertb. Tb hoHlr-- Ht in h leans nf the Konrth Wnrd hare nomtBated Dr. Aitolpb Klrolan against Mr. Men, npin Van Hlper. tbe rngubir bOmlBBO. The latter i one of the baraest-wotkln- Repuh;ifsns In the rlty. Hi ittncks ol tlta leadera of kla fvTtf. whu have to i tin lail ibeir followeio to ffllial, hare uroroked this oppoM'ion agBlnsl hiir. 1 ht City ar Twa m a. Kit nvtiMi, April 11. The trn MarorB of this city had a conference and agreed fn view of the long rislay liefore Clilaf JasUcv t'liase cm har tbelr raao, to auomit It, with tba con -- cut uf the Chief Justice, to the Vu. Court of Appeals', w bleb meets Un t' l Drew Drawned. The msn w' o wa fbnnd in the North RirrT Bt the foot of Warren tWeet hae bra recocntnvd as Danlol Iraw, last leea several weak ago in a atate of mtoxicatlOB. Til A fOLITMAL UIMC'VS. Thu Turn mi General sad Wsrd Comrottteei of the Twenrr-ermi- wwrg met bvat Bttht, Mr. J. ft. WIM BfSkilBB The avilun of W pimaait la the was a it m The ll n A. J. Roger ilc lueetin.. .aim: ibsi u bad no bop?, thai a leiaucratlc rretrderit would ba returned at the neat fn 'ii M, sow tba l the itjapullicaua bad gained ao niaoh ty nagro veiea. rLAtut i: hom ihm ovman cajblks. The ib ic of the IiUh bltt is predicted. i ban sui piUed his pursuers by winning n vlcioiy. I'f ii.irs. the emheailer of Federal bonda, M to U discharged by the ( ork court. Tlie trial of the Duke of Mnntoensler, for kfTting Prince Heary, epeas to uav tu Mslrid. Mr OMfUtuaa has rerslved a letter, signed by 10 ui l ' of he Hun e j( i.otuuium utglug tliu sdoptton ef the ballot. The favorite la the betting Tor the IWhy nnd Twa Ttionnand O Jlnea rtveaa I Pa.uiotitli' Kinrcrart m i.i 'i tSuutigbt, Carnil. sod Aoolf are strongly backed to win. At tha VlDoanaaa Rices on Sunday . Pise Cham pague won the Tohgon tn.c, l't iaua t ok thu prise of t'urv, Mon Amle tbs prise of Joioritlv. aud Jonuy th prua of Uoiuvaail. The Bp.inish (tovnrnment have instruct!. n to Hnvsria to release tbe utentner f.iovd AnniBwal. tm mediately, n.o to ttlo all quastiou ruiattu,, to lid fttjlxurs io lbs laool frtcu Hy maiiuer. gPJCMtVOAad h iSTeXLLia KNCB. Or eat to Gambrlnus, and Genet Is els prophet Donne, of Newttrk, sails for Rome tu . Mr. Oaorga W. Klltolt, af the Uohmek IViJfey Htjinirr tbu popular luag arltcr, ii ioiipiug at m Sinclair Houae. Now tbiit Peter R, Bweenv la at the bend of the Dobbi tincat of rarutj, ItA ut oe wkst new grcuuibi be win tuke ' How sbout hs Field F Mayor O'llsU bm upon Mr. Ilngh Mmlth. l lcputy Cll t'hauibtTlain, lj.e dctiiee of l D , Whkih means not exactly Ooctur or P.vinltv, but Departmeot Of J'l.CKe H. V. U. Abel, of US Engine, Is vpokrn of ss ths iiieeeeVftfnl cnmiuUte loi the Chief Clurkhip sutler the Firo C rniinraiouers. He vu mauy juaip Clerk to the old Vuluuteei Fire Couiniitwioncis. Brnntors Bbcrman and Sprngue arrived In Men mon ylerilny on tbelr wuy lo Norfolk. I it y tuppel at tb.- Mpottswood Hotel, where tb"V were caHed on b i w nil. ci Lieut, (ii) v Marge, ttun. Canly, and otbrr pioiiiiucut member of tba Letrittlaiure. Cl'H or CHIME. WHIism P. T.ewis, a hotel thief, bunged hitnteU In lit cell u Boston yesterday. Tho Mwtboilietl ( unii'ience has pivrn the Rev nonce Cooko (isrmlbalon to wlibataw frutu the UlrtlfTl Argicl Lewis wus sentenced Id Ritlituioia rootor day io x ti ni be' i m Jail for .i. ... bl ou ou ths sib of M.ticb last. John Wesley Cook, wnlle idaylug curd with one Stceiinan In a l'lilladt.'ldila suloou on saiuclay nigiit. got Into a quarrel, and ihe li r Htruek bun baiow ti belt. Cook fluittbed bigautu iud Uroppsd dead In bla elixir. igajftjtni Lutterbcck, it I'm inn, from Teias. hit been detected by the Toledo Miouuilc Huard f Relief in aiisuiv ftw.uuliUK Hu hita secclvod a lumber of Mason in itiUsuo. Mliwsukue, sua iJvtroli, and obtained much ntuuiy tbureny, Mr. George B. Hill wss sseiiultaftd on Baturdsy cvsuing b. i i ft- uu-- v. i.i ass i ok through hiut treet. He wa tbbed ly one of them. On bnniiay evening Mr. Hill a it mW sHaokud by tba atuv gsug abile paastug uiroujiT. FlUV n-l- h aireet. The fttuutBMiui diicbsrgcd a pUtol this time, but miteed I'M II Jus. laae, Geo. HsUidsy, Jsi. Hmlth, and Adam Fruderlckft, arrested for sscailing (ifflcer McKnroa while trying to srrest s pritoner on hundar Bflernrton, at Ntuta avenue and rhirtv-fourt- u,.. t, wore yesterday BtprBlBg oefore Jutice Cos, In tne JeLT.jr.un Market I'olict Coart. l hay were coiuiuilUttl Tiiis bt tue fteooitd tiiite within s luauUi that uuctuit bay beu aaauUud Q wvutbti vi tag gang, ALBERT D. RICHARDSON. (Prom a Photogrsph by Rockwxd.i i UH s rut tu m i i i The Mnrd. r ef Ntixbl WBtchMoa U1BB HIPi lPeaoev Reejalradta KalUqatal. hie fIaoa la lha MrVnrlaad Trial. In the Kingi counlr Court of Oyer and Ter- miner yenterday morning, the DUtrlct Attorney mored on the case ol H i win reTry. the aHeged mur- derer of Themai Hiyee, the light wstehmnn it stores, Firman street, Brooklya. Perry hai alresdy been twice tried, snd the Jiry on each trill were unable to sgree. The prisoner has since been confined In the Raymond stre-s-t Jsll. Mr. John H. Reigeu, of eonnsel mr the de eaoe yeeterdiy aaked far a BostpoaemeBt af tha trial la ennseqoenee of the sbsenca of Mr. Caaa. B. poncar, the senior couneel, who la associated with Messrs. Graham and Oerry In tas McParland caaa. Mr. Bergen produced a letter frnm Reeorder Market, aad an affidavit from Mr. Spencer himself in sap-po- of tha sppiloitloi, bat District Attorney Morrla Informed the Court that Mr Spencer had agreed poH1very to be ready to procierj with the trial yes- terday Ths presiding Jnstlca, Joseph P Rarnsrd. tbere-- r " r refnsevi to grant I postponement, sad dlreetad tbat the trial should preeeed. His prompt rullBg the numerous friends of ins prlsonsrta ths Coart, who thought tbat a farther aoetpopemint woatd be allowed in order to secure Mr. Boencer's presence Tbe Work of ImpeneJIIatr a jary waa be gnn shortly alter 11 o'clock, and II was nearly 4 o'clock botore the twelve jurors were secured. Mr, Spencer sp pea red In the coart room st about $H o'clock, snd previous to ths sd)ouramebt of the Court msde s desperate effort to eecare a poeipona-meu- t ef twi trill until Moadayneiti but tvlge Barnard Was fit in, ind lutd that tor tha reasons statad Iks fabric iBtereats would not permit lay postponement. His honor held that the Interests af McParbAntl VaM bo offer la the hand of MBasra. Grahatn and Girry. wnili Mr Spencer thst In cnisvqusnce of bis tntlmsts BCqda1nt nee with all tbi fart ta taut caaa hie praesaes in the General Seeelnua wns ilmixl lndipensabla. Tke Court ed)oarael antit thu raemlaa at 10 o'clock, when District Attorney Morris will open Ibe ease for the people. THM AUMMaOMUM IS IMOOKLYX The Aettdin.rf rowarfJeilWpieerl.eabr Srrtnlr K v l.tUrary VYiN Bereker. and Oihara Caaa Preaaatrel ta tba t oiorrd Saaatar. Tba Academy in Brooklyn was crowded Laat evening, Tbi band of tbi Twenty-tMr- Regiment oceirpred tha etcbasrra. Tte ralr ef tke stare waa oraapiod by rjolorad ya a tha. Amoag tha ga nt lo- rn ea wko bad seat neat the oeatre of the stage were Ben tr U U. Ravels, the Rer 11. Wsrd asaecher, tha Mar. II II. Gsraetl, the Rav. c H Ray. tha Rev. J. 8. Joatyft, tbe Rev. W T. Diina. tba Raw. A. A. Freeman, the Rv. D. Doaeil, Bishop Campbell, aad C. Dor eey. Keg. Tbe Rev. A. P. Fr woman presided, and introduced Ike Rev. W. Goild, who offered I praylr, after which the children asng a hymn of praii. C. Dnrwev, nVq , then read tb proelimitfon oi tha Seer." ary of Htnte. lUnsom Weil. Raq., read resolutions a proving the ftdion of CongrfUft In relation to the Fifteenth Amenhnent. and it Iter from en .tin Kenton and Cunktin, Vic I'reatdent Culfux, Wendell Fhttlpe aud t era w ere re;id. Tho Rer W. P. IVhtnn wna the first speaker. The Rer. Myland tiarnett having beau Introduced, aald that be h oi Iteun hati led t clKiny cane by Mlaa Thotnoacm, of Rsklmore, and lie two Mleies Mitlurd. ol New Vork to place la the handa of m rti"t Revele. This le beg re I to do, and forth wl h ha gsre h lo the Brnator, aaying I balk ve the lve aJ la gold and tne otber part ebony they look vei y weM tocether, but to tell mi the truth, tho ebony lots iK'Conie pure gold In thcee days. I bis Fifteenth Aiuondment I a rreal thing; II plae a colored mui on an fiuaJny with the IriebUAaa aud Lhe Dutchman Tho Bv Henry Wsrd Reeeher said : My Meiuia. wo sre BfM tub led here to hold s Jabilea over I victory which ha been woiaftei many aud eiio dimes! le. It baa boon ibo i o of iny Bis to fight for Ii. tv tn my country. It wi uf that the " i'd man Had ito auaubood, that ue was laiy, and that if ba vu taken from tha plantation wcnld brcr aafl ruuinr to tba coinUy. DU bow nob:y have you mi' wi red these taunt In the hour of yoar trietl There ars bo clatav MBI aarr brura. or tuore hnnarv afti r edtiratlon. Mr , 1 ttader you tlie mo ft eoiotal grotting, lad hopetuat this great esainpie may ba followed la all oouatrbt af lite stub. Mr, then turned lo Benatoi ReTel. and aid : "Nlr. I tender to n the right lend of rrlendldp (grasplrg lhe Kenaior' band) J in-- roil in e to you yotir frtiow-citiieu- , Benator UcvoIf, of the United Htatrs HsBBir." Beimtor Revel ftiioke briefly, reading from manu- script, In eulogy of that amendment lo the Constitu-to- w.ilch bad eufr inciiiwed bis race. Oea. WootHord ind Theodore Tllton ulso i; oki. WMW e us i I n re quai.t ties of Peeeate abad were csiiffht yes tenia) Mrs. Kellny, of Trenton, who recently gave birth to throe eblldrea. altsl oa Pi iday nlgbt. About two kindred md thirty nagroee wotad tt tha charter election In Trenton, ycttirdav, no nbinr1es btSag taiorpt-sed- - Ibey vvtd tlte solid Hotvubliueu tn.Tl. Anrast Wldman, an employee of Masra. Carter. Haoklne 1' .d Newsrk. nearly aevsrad his head frm hi body vestaiday with a raamr. while bta wife w - . j..t rn i.i. h i r i iiuaf at the lo of a laver-n- . cfulffhad Ted hhu tolndolgauo In drink. AHguat nastts, of 81 Hot. I van ft root, Raw York, while playing oi the trestle won at the coal doc; of the Monti and Esaex dunot, la Ittthokeii, on Sunday alii" BPOts, fell in and waa drusmcd. Ui. budy wa re c'Vired yesterday. oitirvA nr. Mr. Kdvvrird I. Kun'sc, tbe sculptor, dlud suddenly tu Mil city on Hundity vveutng. Tbe Rot. Dr Tharon batdwln died suddetly In Orange, N. J , ou aund iy evuning. Daninl Morrison, editor of the Toronto h Uy TeU graph, Olad yeateidty of aKplsy. Mrs. Klg:tboin llsriman, wife of I'ulice JqiIIoo Anttionv Hsrtman. who diau ou Sunday, It to be buried to day in Ctuvary Cemetery. The Hev. Cl urte J. lbiwen died In Ro-- t. n "n Sand) god 43. During Um war he wa CbapUla of the i am luii un' i Htispiisl, Hsltluiore. VP. H. Chlpmun, member of the Hone of Com menu for K l comity. Nova Scotia, died of small iov in u Boenltal on fatBrdiy. n r. meinoar vt u Uastliyd aiuco the Huuae autuulcd lu Fubruaiy. M l KKS VMOM TMM t hl.KO KAVH. Montreal is flooded. The Printer employed by Mu lgi tt Son. I log), are on rt strike,. Capidg ap) mhlflda s raid. Tlte esvalry has boun tailed oui, and tuluuiecr ate nudi-- arm. Novrt Scoila whiiIs an American market anrt a oi the lar.lT on btr stapleft. A number of the CuUtoinli county clerks who re in-- . .I to rOBtlllf negr ua, now make noobJvttloB. Tbe FetitMii t ngiess asHfinbled In ChiLawtgo ysgter-ds- ) About oue buLdred di legstu weie prttseut One man was killed nnd three wore Injurod In h In ucetldl yi tenia) b) tba tubing of two new b .rsc-tor- buildiugy. Ths bars Dlrlgo, flora Hostaa for htvsinah. torung s and wa oouipcllad lo throw owrbusrd uighteeu tons oi ioe. Labor on thu Yerbit HuaiiB Hark finsl1 y oeasud , alter an illegal csneudtture of over gu.000 u tho lund oi tbe city of ban Frsnclaco. In n co lialon yesterday morning st St. JuliitHVllie, on ibe Now Yort Central, Hanboru, the flivnmu uf one of tbu iraUi. was klllud. retiibina were presented tn the Iegitlatlve A teiiiply at MMi;ix )rterd ty, prnvlns lito Britttb to release Nova Bcotta iroai niltigiauct!. L. Walkir, a rolorod man, Vtl shot dead whllo coiulng out oi lu thou in Btowuvtlle, Texas, eiu day. fins w II, Watson had drwu bis gun upou bim. not knowing It waa thuigad. Han Francisco capitalists have purchased the eutlro product of tbe principal QUlekativer mute of Callinrnri lor the earning two yuan lhe luonopotj Is luois now-- nil than tbs previuni combination. Ib ths annual election for Town twanhtsli.ntws of ValaaOuiy, Md , the iudgesof alBctsoit caiuaud t ro, uelve the votes uf tbe colored cHtsens ThU waa donfi a loo a. Lata vgq aatwwe tlte aatttuq If IBmVibiU tgwavUl THE OLD WORLiys NEWS. D I nvmoHB or rmm mnmAwrnn rr mm HArOLMOM'B MI&IBTMT. Rirlteaiant Ib th Carsm i.eBi.utir oui- - Tlara PraBBlgen ni Pa niied Th Kaapr- - rer andar tba littsweaea mt Ron her a Mtrlka Ib Pane Faavlelle'o stacceaaar. Psbis. April 16. Tho raaignition of Goung Dam i imminent. Bbotild he wltMrww, mh.-- Mlnlnters will follow him. Thl ramor rtlsi r denoe t ul thi Emperor Is acting under thi iBflaeooa of M. Soabar. Ig the Corpi Lagislitlf y Jalee Psvri iff-p- seed regret it thi resignstlon of M Buffet, who, he ssld, had shown i disposition to land Bp fbr tha prerogatives of Mie Chamber, ind who was i do rktuler or order ind Uoorty. M. Send, replying to M. Pivre, described htm is a difender of the Republic, but in sdversary aa liberty. This crested much eicltsment and cilled forth eg climitlnni from all sidaa. M. Olllvter addressed the Chamber, snd while re viewing the events of the past week was inter-rupis- with cries of "ToumKde promises t In the loBrai of his speech he espressed the opinion tint nni day would ba lUittetent for taking the votf of the i. mlnn on Ike PUbUcitvm. 1 he Emperor rovlawed tbe tronpa st lhe Plac Jtg Carrousel The workmen ef the Immense manurietory of M. Call la thl city hivi strirk. troas, April MM. Mangeni his been elected deputy to the Corps LeglslstK from Lyons, ov-- t Plric de Ponvlelle. The friends ol the letter msda estraordlt.Brv effbrts to seenre his election ; but tha vote stood ir. Ml Tor T.efJTfor Ponvlella. M. Msogeni wis the candidate of the Left Centro. Tne Adoption nr the Dogma. Jxmnow, April 11. Thi Memorial Diplomatic Is asanrad that It ta tbi Intention of the (Keumenloal Council ta idopt tne dogma of Papal Infallibility bp setlamnion on Raster Monday, and that the of tho foreign powers tn Rome hare ret solvsd not to be present it tl e puMIe Mi..n on the! diy. Tha aignBlali Oaaaerlgllan Hlola. Mapbip, April 11. A Urge number of irresfq hive been audi ti Rertelona since the revolt, sml the ptilloe are sctlvely bunting np sll the prominent net .11 H thai outbiesk. A couucll of war is lu se Sim. there. A Mine Horror la -- roi'nn.1 FniKBtiBiB, April U. The woodwork in both 1 shsfts of tbe Baihsiste Colliery fire to d tp J w ttle the miners ware st work. Seven men w era J suffocated, and forty-nin- hive been rescued. y Mi BALL'S AMCTIC JOIt. Dr. Bnyaa Lee -- ,,,. I I ,n mn ,,, Rlabker Butrra' BxeBraloa-- A N-- tvi iba Cxplarera. Wasbinoton, April 11. Dr. J. J. Hayes wag) before the Hobs AparoortaMoa Committee to tlve thewi same Ihrikl upon the feudblUty of m xpadlttM to the eorth pole. Capt Ball, who spent five years with tbe Esquimaux, of Brltiib Amirlea, who la bin uklngfltXI.OOO to gel up in escureioB. w1tk these blubber eaters, came Into the mom ami began to abuse the doctor for a snnposed intor .,. rente with hi Utile iDtxolation, wlieu be wag brought to a bait by tha Committee, who deal rod Uie doctor to proceed After his explaining tke whole subject to their sstmiVtlnn, snd the eihibitlws IN I mads of himself, tha Committee decided unani- mously not tn entertain tho pToaoeltlon of Han, www ht an oaedecated ,mea, without any other qttaJlllGa-llo- n Becefeery to carry out ao axpedltlo thai should be thonsrkl of only aa a actentifle dlacersrr llfttavar ise Traek. A Htnd thde was impondinLr last night on the Delaware Divialoa of tbe Erie Railway where tha road paasee s deeu cut. The heavy rains bsd under mined sn embankment snd many ton of eertn hot fallen on tha track, so obstructor ths trains that a large force of men were reqntrod to remove tho Very serious danger Is npprubeaded if tbu rnln coMlnus. lobbmm mr 1 1 nr. Tlie Academy building, in Keonebink, Me., wis) burned on 8uaidsy. Lincoln T!one Mork, lu I.lne-dn- Rt,, wss bornssl ret'rrdar. with several adjoining boildlage. Loa about g JO ou ; no tuamaiice. I sveiiliig. first floor af SHO Cinal street, itccn- - rted by .tame whit- importer oi flower, wus damaged ; insurance, gVuOJ lfATI01fA1,OVAHD WQBWB Com any A, Twelflb Regimeat, bud a aurprlaa partv In their armory lat evemnB Tba Sixth Keglinent. Ctd. Mason, bad a Una bat tallon drill in ih Itata Araenai lat i. t The reternna of U a Memntli Reclment. wttn win Bare tbair clam-itak- on or nl nt the 1MB ot Juno alerted last evctiln.1 Major, Finn.. .ni CUrk i i"nt.j,iRin. the hVev S I. I'. Mii u I'atinaatcr. Ileiirr M. lloally , rnmm'i'srv, Oliocrt L, Arrowmi.tth T.nnia " it. H tiler, Jsnte M. Wilson. Jan en flleeuKei I hotnaa M. dnanee ; Lieutenant, Jamea Price. Ueurge Mo ir .mt. ii. Md 1, Baker, Louts FitsgeraM They bsve PJ la u, r treAaurr BOVHB or LMIBVMMt B Tta Rurnpeia ClrctiB exhibiied lo the rmk lss J nlgbt lbs pcrformitBce wss good. The Old Ninth Cine of Pub'lc School No. 3 will I nave a rsunton it io1iuobico's tbla ereBlng. I Tha t. lT. A. M.'a bave fitted up a new lodga I room at tTI Bower), which will be dedicated aoout I May 1. I 1'be ball of the Nineteenth Ward Lose Verein, tt 1 the Central Park Uardeo on KatBrday oigbt, wsa rerp I anjoyabia. I Tbe Manhattan Cricket Club elected list night I Jauias Neeve. Preeideoi Ibibei t TllJy. Vice I'reoi lenti I John Syma. Trt aiurer ; sod Uorge .faektun. Si cretary, I The First Assembly Pltrtrt Tnlnn I Assocnttloii yatterday guVn Naibitu RhAglllj .Jr.. a BjBj I hundred dol'nr go d wati-- and ehatn r ilicr C'ltututs-- I siouer Btultn and othar ad, Ire ae Uir oiuuauy I joitisob ABOVt WQWBt Thu Samirla arrived last night. deatrns to establbth an Academy of 11 n New fire-ren- notes are to be Issued from tha IrttMBry Departmuut lot nei.- .! cli culnlion to lay. Chsrlvi Uuiiit-- a !L of Ml Pill K'uventb stieet. died yetierday. of cald. having fatlva Into a tub of hoi water Pr. Alvnh Blntadell, who was brought from Sing Ring aa a wiineae tu the Fsllerton trhil. baa been oot htrk to prison. Prinze of Orange Lodee hn- ittttod F Mcr.endry, W M.; W, While, I) M.. W. .) Movuns, bet VV MoUee, Treasurt ri Hamuel Hmttb. F ( John Ward. Of 151 IfOOl Klghteenth lnet. dleg bavins been Injured Sj hs tail oi an clsvs tor In Jacks. ui' grate msnutitctory. . Kdw-tr- Mahor, gad BX was found unoonsrioai on ttie taho( No IDoyel alriel lie w;t bomu lo alia Kntnktln street Mit'ion, but dlud oo the way A ftOBkflty Of Working Btm are about lo estsblluli a ti de ai.t) rostanntut at the lowest ioiln1a pii- ts, with a grocery, bakery, aud butchery altai-bud- . Fun. ifl of Untied mount who desire to emlgrata Willi tin lr cbil'tn-i- i io tb" WVat, may find by api lying to tb Lblldrua'ft Aid Uociely. 19 K.nt s In el. John Moran, arud 15. ttbile riding on ton of dim. in, stiglus N. s. ll It It It,, wa kn oif by the oltw rated bridgu at, Luuai aud Uievua ifii Uaeiit u s ts ii. ei i.i kl led. Mr. A. II. Louis Is to deliver an nddress on next at st BtOIBWM Hall, umb r Uis auspice uf iln- i ub in Aid eooluty. ud tbu dut of the iccpublic ia Ibe t.ubau quueiiou. Jiiuies Crosby, of IM Orei nwlrh trect, Mj In a lit Istt evening at Hud-o- n aud spring street t, and Hist 'l'i.-- body wa lakeu to the Urcunwioti irrei uedJoti ii ... McDeriiinU, tho monopolbit in the t'unom HofigBJ borsu snd druv builnesft hll rocelvod his walking pa- pers. Ho i a bit tvtaatti nia fellow, 'lntned, P rtln' dinmonds, sucb a ars t poll UclAUB. A tleihing schooner from Gloucester, Mi, ntn Into the rVlrtamhurL'n fen y n n.i, tfTaiammlora retry ratcrda afiurnouu, ami criied attaj s mi turteru rull. nd aiaiuii' ' and one half uf lug ladle cabin, daiuagiug tbe lout U)fsWf Tbs exAmm n. nnt of tbe IVn"ion Bure.tu will ait In teaf si even Vn.uc..iia', nt Nusau and Well alittes.iu ailUUAS p itsiuttirii msl isq ut on. n a in nith ft as rtUtfOra, peBSloaeN must bvrualer bw siftminod b S full bustd of xutgeotift. Yesterday morning while the (iteeiipmnt ferry hoiii Ur- sn point wi suttti. (torn her falp, loot ug Icuib itieet nhe rums tit eiiiiisl'tn wuti lb.- pmui'iiar Naw ILiven. of the Ki-- York and Saw Navin Itbe, nwi .ii .it.'. dJBU to KkutuitUi feUeel, vbirs she Kent i the bottom. A lew mtnulee before 11 oVock yunlerdi) noon, car of the " Het line " wo on lis wity u town .i ...I. t w .mi i tust I un tii avenue the borftut b cainu fr ch'.n n i duinj-ni- ) tu.uiuu "i s traighl litis cuunng da u, .no in aorwa Ibe ti a'.K lu lruiil T it. IKdo e ttpj i ar t h.'i.V ftl red tho eau nr, rait lute it, twin aroaah.d mic uud oi lag tsar, l h. uititcngerv escaped ubbitrL The Amerlean (lengrnphtrit rmri 9tMM ir,l Ho rioty will loid tht'LT roattiiir ntuulbly tutwiUus Lhti eywtv n g at tbair room In tho CoOpur tniiitute Capt 1 tvoid. of tka erpe ul Voieognihival .e, A wiio waa attached to the Vn lcd Rtaic h ip'ortug Kxie dm. ii to Alaaka, will load a paper nikoti i; Vugae Ulvur rcgiuu The subject will be lllustratetf M I laVgt lilf 'Jt Ut Iwlll- - kUM SWMSHlVtlWUW I

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1870-04-12 [p ].flH waaawaa ' i "" " I p L,,',:-n : z "-j THIRTY--SEVENTH TEA, NEW YtpRaT, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1870. PRICK TWO CENTS. frill. HUGE POLITICAL JOKE

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I L ,,',: - "p n : z - jTHIRTY --SEVENTH TEA, NEW YtpRaT, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1870. PRICK TWO CENTS.




gg AHltn( mt OtWtttrSOflOBPVw

I n n t or will fill I.TB Fin. r YetII ike Appelates TaBlaa; Ik Oath

tBSSf I n I tnir d I g Wer re - Tha.aaghafclw Fartae lUtrJ Matiele.

t 10 o'olook jHWrdty morning tat RlgatBos. Abraham O'lNll entered th nrMi plac-- oaMsiberry street. iM hast-ne- d ta tai otto of ttfvllce Commissioner!. Hs immediatelyv..- Commissioners to ths President's room, andthereupon Mmn. Bot worth, lire n nan, ManUrra,

' Brnlth ciiurfd tin presences and the doori waraglowed to all bat tba Commissioner and tbelr ChiefClerk. The following lecouit of tbi proeeedlBga

ae ebeeqoently gathered by tba Be reporter:' Tba Lord Mayor, having racMred a Bible from thaDirndl of Ber)amln Franklin Minlerre, of the YoengMen CbrlatlaD Association, rsqueeted aacb of thgielyppolnted Cnmroleslnner to rat thetr htndaoa tha Book and take tha onth of oflca. Tba oath

ing been tsken, tha Commissioners imed amongtheraeeivee lnatat.d of drawing lota to aarva oat thacnexnlrad f,,,, Dr the old Board, not ho water

from Judge Boswortha tlma tha month oro which ha hnd already eervod, to that the terma of

rfflce of the naw Board will baaafollowt: JudgeBoawortb, 8 years ; Henry Smith, 7 years; MatthewT flrennan, yoara ; and Benjamin Pnnklln

5 yeara. Theaa preliminaries having beansettled, tba Mayor fare carb Commissioner a certl-- f

'ate of apnotntmatit handsomely printed and an-- r

"ul, wblcb each Immediately placed In a rir1 'jfit frame, hanging the airma up In his private

Hie Lordship tha Mayor than bowed and re-

tired Tha fullevrtag ta a copy I

tii cbbtincatb or ArrorffTMiirT.

Crnlcfa a Ajvoltmtnt ... Iea4 of a Depot !

aatnl MM?al tVtvreramswr.

Mate of Naw Tech. j city Matois Orpiow,: City of New Von. J Anuaf Cirr mu. :

I. A. Oaken; Vail. Mayor of tha city of New ;: Tork, by virtue of the powsr ruolerred ay aaa--:

tion 7 ot an act entitled a a act w reorganise; the tonal government of the city of New York,: paaeed Artl &. a I lOTO,' aauT ay other proet :

Ion of hUri act, spd In i eeial unrinasee of the: provtaiooe of saotlon 41 of tain act, do hereby

Arroifi r :MATTnF.W T. RIEK NAN

; to tn oRloeor Comtuiaalonar of loir ud Mean--: bnr of the Board of tb rt lice Department of: the city of New York, fur the term of u yeara,. to commence on the lit! day ol Aprl I, WTO. ;

A.OAKKY HALL,IL.8 Mayor of tha elty of Mew York.


Jndge Boawortb, setog bet n conducted to tbechair, apoke as follows :

TJbhtlimbb for thl expression of yonr eoBfldenca,my Kiaoeie ihauiu. U ir relatione m th tatare

wrn I am certain, be tatltfapiory. 1 bare now to makea demand upon lbs Ho.ird of Mfiropolitaa Police fbrali farntture and other property in tbelr poatalou. andthat tha y wi give th Boat d of Police of the Puliselvpartmnt ol th rltr of New York th benefit oith-l- r long eiart pk a Poiloe Couiuieeijuera of thejnaropolrtan Pollra Biftrlct.

MfDaai boswobth's iiplt to jrnos boswoitb.To wlilak 'b Preeiaent i the old Board replied

sa folio w :

OurTLSBtkir or tbb Boabd or Toliob or tbb PottCiiharabTm bbt or tbb Citi or Naw Voas : In ratirlucfTpaa tke voetllooa af Coiorataaioi.ara af Police for thea(etrtoJiua lollce Dtturtet, thereto aay for mya.fand my eolieagaco, that we ao aa with oonclrueciclear a the nuror in wlu h we viewea oar conn ehanoet ihti morning, and that we eaa eau I r h(m-- faay. wish Ui laaptrad peraeasg of Holy Writ, whoaeaame I forart 'Whose sat havellakeB? who oiawe I takes' or whom hare I deiraagedf" Tbe proaert; wkaaB raw dssiaad aXak be kaaaaalaear as aaew,and be iMwr-'- that whatever aaelsliihc roa mar re-.-

ahull be cbeerfaily ana proanptir siren by USuitreia of the qui Boari'. whs now bid j ou

TUB IRISItMAW IT ADOmOW.The ran arable Judga Hoaworib tUwa eall, " Geo

tlamen, trouaa come to order. I nominate Oooroaeatonar MnBlerra s PreaMent pro tern.''

Jodgv Brennsn I aec nd thtt motion.Judge B 'aworth Those In laror of Mr. Minifrre

as Proaldent pro fern will please osy " Ay. 'CommtMlooera Brannaa and i.irCommlaaloner Boawortb Ay ; Its carried. Mr.

alsniarre. please take the chstr.Mr. Maiilerre (tsklag the ebalr) Oentlarnen : 1

cau aouraa eaprees n ackoowls igmentsIn proper form for this msrk of yourentindesea. Ws are aaaeuibled on a rerriBipi runt occasion, no leas thsn Vein.:sppointed Police Commlftlonra under a aee re

which bss been inaugurated 1y a l)f moerallef;tme. to reform t1 e great elty or New York.Her Mat or, an American by birth and an Irlnmaby adoption llusr. beur, has this dsy appointed uato succeed toe old BoiirJ of Metropolitan IVItce.Let b but tread ta tbe rootatope of u kfMt prtMleASora, gentieineB, and my word lor it. New Yoikwlli stanu seeund to no city la tbe (cheer.


Judge Boswort'j 1 now more that Heth V. HiwCay, Esq , be iippolulcU pro Urn. of thisaward.

Judge Brennan I second that motion.Mr. IlAwley wss sleeted UBaalmoun y.


The Board then proe eedetl to bualnese, and adoptad tba toiiu Aitig:

Jlaaofeerf. That tba lion. Joaepb fl. Boaworth be, andha at bwrot.v up ouJ' l'i ir of " ru M "i d m

pollee of tbe Police lKiiartnieut of the city ol NewYo(k."

Jndge Boswortlt wsa one of tbr orltrlnsl Mairopoll ten POre ' oinuiliaianera, and was furnKTiyChief Justice of the hsperlur C ur'. He wa e.e i

ad Ptssldent of tbe Bo-jr- of Ezclae, but when lbsbbb) of leak gave the Btiard the uwer toMry $1 ,000 to Iba t bbb M r, I be J n dga araffaaxtslatad out of ofllca, tnd tendered $t,V0um bribe to heal bis wounded ft .i

and to bold bis tongue when aay etealinwbs sttempisd. How he rejected that brtie, asdlow be Indignantly objected to tba recent f.' mrpcolsUon, are facts well known to the read ere ol1 ui Pun. U' bad rrevloualj beeti appointed PTeeldent of tbe Hoard of Police, wblt-- position he belt!nutll hi term eiptrwd, wiwi be was reelected fureight year by the LesieUture. sad releoted Prssifiat by the Board He Is now reOlected as Praeldent of lbs nsa Police Board, snd still rontlnoetPiesldeol of the old Board, wulrh. by the wu, con(i in oower orer tbe Metroolilau Dhtlriut untiltb tdlb Inst.


The nevt resolution wi as foUowm:Rfoitvd. I bat bath C 11 wle, be asd hs -

hri apt oh, letl t.'biet Clerk uf the Itoaid of Polios oli..v t,ny vl Sew York.

etb 0 Huwley, Chief Clerk oftl e old Board ftomIt 'ip' hWtjokJt wsa therefore uiisniiuosal) eieetedC.trk vt tbe New Board.

1 next resolution culled for the preaeucs of theBu:rin'eudeit. it wss ss.tuUawa :

J ThsMht Chif Clerk notify the (wipertnlsscku ibAi this Hoard la duly organized, Jn pursuance ttlaw.

MB. KKN.Nti x kUictAniv.Toe Clerk retired, and returned in a few

aMnuts a tomp;inle i Lj the Hti whonodad Ifl but res it; null on, whicb wa ruud, and U

aOricr of rna Ftpkbintf .itbxt or J

M BTK' f'l T AM I'UUCAMC Mr; i.kit bt hbbt Nsw rokat, Apj P h.i-.- )

7o :ht ommwiohrt uf Mitt saaalMM oi.trOnmvii; In view of Hie chanus to be effrcteda;er icisi.t leaielatton In toe unity sad irovernrnrni

' in e urtau rati u w ith n.e N:ciH'i o.ttun tl, I r- ii. Ii , to ant.fipaic a llual ......

i t t.y i. ui.'iiw to roar bonoratde Itoar i

kwrctigOJtl ii f thd oilcs of bu per la tend mit of I'oi

- ib.' ataie of Suw Vu.k, to la-- " eileot uii thK :eit.A r t ti iV'intloa of the office of huerim ndeu

awl .: s liapirtBiool of ibe city of New i ork. uelT (u tut t y the 4.ct creattag thit oepariuiBi.

ran . A.ri le'.c. to ti.u eUect at tbe Uaia abuvt.tW (an)

A .kw me. grntlemea, to mske acknowledMii.eMs I

i hi . tie. cue euppoit I i. i e received iroui you'.!. lUehsrge ue utes ot my ollice, ana lor tie

j ft iDdDete acb ol you bate estended to m1 M - d rial .uo uvrb a oi our ofllcu consLtiun.' '' .ik r i o rcUtton to tlw ub ic may piove

ee it o u)ie in the isw, pgi, u aud pioptri, syd presenring good

I tot i9ty irtpeot'Miiy, your obedient aereant.'JIN a fciuNNLIV, baperiuisndeut

HP, hBWAN TO MB TBB SU BBB.Oi n , ii , i i Hioiuun, lbs resigns-

' I. ...i.i lbs lolloping was Ueue-' :

Htm irt i, TbAl aTrestureroflbe Board of Pollcs if' t ,i f tfie city of New York.

1 " u l th4 tba Hun. Maanew T- Brvu- -

a u iui b Trsaoror.' 101 i TO hi SI' f I BJ ITEM DIM T.

TV Kit rsaoksUtl WM s fo baanj idsssttrg ii, lt ui-- JohB Jwuidanof tks tlxtb Pr"

i. 4tp ijitt'i hujnoltdenloBg-r- ' s Jivpartmsut o lit tJy ol New

Capt Jog g STBS lmmedistel sent for Miduf Lie ..j in.ui ut. Iln OilkMjr MiMbTiI

m.. ..ut'edti.o iMitiou. Ha will litterT? M -- n Kattnday. A skstcu of bis lUurpr bj q Aner column.

A BIW CtfTAlN.rf c reaolutlon ppointed t Thomas

ady ae Arting Cup aln of Polios, asairnlusoau raJ. nbeis kg IkM gbbj awOgnvg


hnpsrtTtttrnoawt Jourdan Hawaii sstasr aa has aewddtlee oa Brntardat-BoSwobtw, BBBMNAB, IMITW, Akt a AH t BBBB aaTtrff-IB-


The lew Board, sfter soase fwattne haaaiaveas, laTiled tha old Board out to s fhsansagaa lanelt, andB0onrtied Tor that pgrnajne. This over, bMk Hoerdrsiarwed to aeadgusrters, whsa tbe old Boardhanded osar the fornttnrn, aiaff. etc., to the BOW,who rarelTsa tha oaaae. and sabaageeaUy mat withtha members of the Health Depart ssaat. Mow saeaaatha OlsOtlOl, WBit than the old ateard do for fereltare t The old Board still rules lis MetrswaelsBkDtatrlct, wkka) tba aw Boaxt rales Bierely the

ef tka eUy of New York. The old Board 'aeathorUy In Brooklyn will aspire on tbe Ktb lasi .bat la Wast She tar, Hlehoroad and tjoeens tba oldBoard will retain power until Ike LOflaisture smendsthe law.

TkO Health lftn rtmnt.The Hewlth Depart mer.t met at 4 o'clock P. M.

Pre eat Co ram an ion era Boaworth, Brennaa, l,

Oroaa. Msnlsrrs, Mullaiy, II. iimlth, and B.Bmlth. Abaent Commissioner Osrnochan. On mo-

tion, Mr. Wanlarr was snpolntatl Chairman, proftn end Col. Rrnmons Clark, Herretary. jrro ram.Judge Boawortb offered tke following resolution,wbich wsre sdopted, and ths Board sdjourieg toWsdnesdhy, fJOth list. :

Baaehwai. That tha ssveral oftteers. ererka. snd emPloyeea ot tie Metropolitan Hoard of Health, in oftieeand doing duly reepecilTely In the oily of Hew Yorkaa the 4th April, firept tbe President, reoreta-y- , Couaeel, attorney. bemiet, and Knerin ear, are hereky l

to tbe Health Uewartment, elerted by ehrpier IS7of the lawa of IkiO, aad thev are tereraily heifbyauttKriaeHi and arpolntetl unftl the further ordrr ofthat Itoerd to perform ib aad for the saM Heaha De-

partment all the Ounce aad perform all the eert teeswhlrh they were sutborleed to perform taand for tha Matropofltas Board of Haaltto. tn.t laoonletojit .tii or Di. Iran to tba oroTlilous of esld chap

tor 187 of tin laws of lOJflo.

A second resolution sppolntod Rdwsrd A.s clerk In the neslth Ietsrrmeat until tbe

further order of the Board, nt s salary to be h re-

altor nimid, but not to sicsed (1,00 par annum.

Tbr HOW Health emmlMlonen.Mr. John Mullalr la one of our f "If made mm,

baring bejnn lira In s rery humble capHCtty In tbeJYibMAS oflHce. He e tu alatl hlreaeir, and after someears beeams a reporter for Oe tfrmld, and Was

considered one of me fastest short-han- reporters Intbs United btstes. After many yeers' r tortlriy, bsRlsrted the Metropolitan Record, under ths nuaplroSof ths Late Anthblahop Hugbee, snd hoisted Its dagas the organ of Uist diAtiiwnthed prelate. Mr. Mnl-lil-

i Trustee of Bt, fist rial's Hoaisn stholiniurcb, and a Tics President of tbe Knights of St.Patrick.

Mftgnua Oross Is editor of the .tr York4t Jovr-frl- ,

and Dr. OloTannl Ceccnrlul IS said to tn tfiefaniUj pbyshctaa of Mr. James Gonlon HeBnett.

Tha A Mermen an (PHall'l A ppnl ni mnm .

The rVedng smrmg th members of the CommonCouncil ta relstlos to the appolntmonts wss on s ofextreme dlsssttafsctloa. Half so hour before Inlymet la their respective chambers, they gST vent totbelr Indlgnstion In ji t denunclstion of Mr. Hall,w ho, Ihsy sar. bee strai.gled tha Democratic party.

" Wbg did be wLpe out ni(" uked obi of tbemembers, "by rds charter ?

" Mi Ull you Why," ssld la official; M ll'i becsuaeTones kllller wont sgai'iat ht'a. Ue w an I to destroyboth Hoarde to gel even with I'oney."

" Well, tie can't gstB anything by the sppolat-ment- e

be made." remarked in ei friend oi lifeMator Df couraa, Blr. rwernys ss ni J si Chsm-berlai-

Stfll. fbr Mr Bradlor Khls brother In Isw, sothut thl oBca U U tbe family. Mr Heaoeaay ItBra Itiy'i In w, sod hs slao got s goodp'Soe.

VThr wa Qross spprdnted t VYhal Inflrertrs ciahe hste f" isqotred sn esgsr f:teirer

" Ue waa j i n.i l oa aecotint of hit cr jnecllonwith tue st 7MtunQ. You aee, Mr. O'UaU waalito win the German oreae t bit aloe "

m Haw did atui) m. get a place I was tba net!quemon.

" His BppotwtrneTit wss IntendM ta a trfhats to Msp.,irlotiam dorliig tl. lata war; be ess a warn

of Liaoolu." wss the repry, iddtlie remirk elicited sotns nie.rlu ml

" Maw about Wilson 4J. HuitT"' Well," replied so officeholder, "hrs apTMHntment

w designed to ba a sonventr of O'HalTs termerderotlos to the American part, nd bla dufeucs ofthe Bible Lb ths public schools. r

1 hey woa't rem eta Irag ta eense afW the aestelection,' aald a listener.

Tke Boa da subaaoeeBtly mat, bat tranaacted onlyroutine bualneM Tuey tlien held a brlsf osnrits,but agreed upon so definite Ilea of arMoe m relationCo the new appointments snd the charter.

Tka Hoar af Pub I Wsrki.Mr. William M. Tweed, Commissioner of Pub-li-

Worke, yeaterlar morning look formal posaes-slo- iof tbe Croton and Htraet Dtmartmotita. In tbe

Croton Depsrtmsut the Commte-- 1 juer made the fn.lowing appointment : Mr Chsa, fl Cornel!. WaterHfguvtrsr; NoBb A child, WuUm Purveyor, UitheitW. Ittdge, hewer lvrnill Clerk : md KrancU J.

Fourth Clerk to Waior Rsadjstrar,All the other appointees of tl.o Mayer took the

ootb of office yeeterdny.

W here the Lawgh i nniee la.It U not probebV that the I'nttre Hinrd will

Inng sjind ss yesterday coi.aiituU 1, aa Judie Bosworth baa indiruttad bla deatyn to necept the nomine-Mu- n

tor the JiiUgeaMp of the Court of I junto nPleas in the Ms. elect. on, aud Henry Smith cannotretain hi poliion without an amundu.eut ol tbepolice raw

twbbi, rasan BOt iHBLUiiibB.Section 1 of Arttcie III of tbe Htate Conttitullug

read aa follow :, o member of the I .ear Mature ha1) receive aay el 11

B .luitntM.f w thtn thl Mate or to tbe Hauatu of thet i..tod Miet, from the enrernor. the tii veiuor andHon.C'.or iront the Legislature, dwing the term Corwhich be BhasJ I' re been elurlod; aad all uub

ar.d ail rota itiven for any ruch member,to. any tutu nt. ot apt o.ntuient, tball be rotd."

Th lolbiwlng nsined perons nominstai by thsMati r. irs uieml.ertoftbe Legielslnre: ThOBkBO O.Fields, Alerxsnrior Krens, VVMliSm Hitsbms i. JonnJ. B.atr. Martin Nacbwnauu, UlilUiu M. ltteud,and Jul u J. Bradley.

ill I: M II noocQ- t drnl JoLa Janrdan-- A lkeirk of

the iiiiiini Career af a Hmarl Drteclive A Jane afaewgult lea af kla fterwlara.

Jvlui Jourdun, who baa Lout boon Tub Hum's

and the peoplu'g cardlda'e for the Pi lice Huperlnteedency. and who recetvod this (llting irlbutu fromthe Police Comrrtaaionera festerdiy, was born stIlk Moleerr) etrrel, ib tula city, on the Hit. of Jaauary. 1(031. Dls pirents wen Irib Amcrtcaas. Hi

father was a man af Wealllt, bat John, Irom the awe

of tau yean, with aa embitioua doslri togul sIomthrough his own sxerUon. obhtined employment

to bis father In tbe IVibute office hs compoeltor, and stitequontly was for many yean sugani--on Tbb fetUB, aulUiuc tke Uvn oAke to )oln tbePolice force, tsklag s place as a reLrolman on tbe10th of Mbt, 1H08. This was seventeen yean ago,anil from that time to the present John Jewrdm '

b' on s tenor to the ttrleeea. He wus in tbe HlxtbWard Fonts, under then Csplsli, now Ceuimisalt.ner M 1. Brennun. aud was deislUnl is Courtofficer for many jeais nt ths I'orjiba Police Court.Hers on opportunity for his aagnrlty ;ind keen,acute rcunt of proseuted Itaelf, aud benude laauy tinporlnnt srreels wbicb baffled othermemiiora of ilis police lorcc, Owing to libi inlreplal') and indnmlilble peraeverince he was rpp. luted Seigesjitof the .SUtn Ward.

On the promotion of Cspt. Joseph Dowllng to aPollcu JuHtlcoship the Pofl.e ConimiMioiifi-- im uimously spp'dnted Herguant Jourdsn to bo lullc Cap-lal-

of what was tern.t d th Bloody hiath. How hedisclis'ged tbe dullea uf that poaillou Ibe recorda ofour courts and criminals conttned in the Htulepristiui tlirutigb tbi ent.ntry Bjftd anada will sbow.Capt. JourUan bos become kuowu abroatl, ua well Hiul i.i n i'. as tbe gresteai detoctive, ecllpaing Foucleand other noted tldeHukeri.

W hen Cupt Juurdan Bret took poaeeaaion of theMsth It wsa thl wont ward In New York rlty, with-

out any exception, but by pure and thmou Jt disci-

pline be bus msde It s quiet snd Hare pUov ol abodeIlls aubnrdtnsie offlciais rpoet bUu ; tor while be

scrupulouelv esacta from tbeiu n biubful and unie-m- i

in.: b of Uelr duty, be la neveror tvrtnuuoe.

Bo graat is John Jourdsn's repntntlon ss s dutectlve tout foreign Htstes bare Inv.irlahry employedbim in pittfciL'uce to the euilre detective force ofthis Illy, aud Le has during tbs pittt five yearn ar-- r

sated s graatlV numbei of notorious ciunii als ando 'i. line.) ru'.ltulioB of a rrautei mnount of propertyMun .iU Ibe Police Headquarter uotectivoa com-


i.i.i t m a. Dendbeatl.To the Kdiior ot the Sun,

Sib: In row irticlo copied from the Pough-keepst- e

A'ssee, 1 perceive ti.e edilon sre not swumthat I'm Orsnt bus long bsd a penchant trdeadheading, gi thu folluwinif Incident will show)

Jubl before ihe Inauguration of Mr. Orsnt, bavin

occislon to pass over tbe New Jersey lUUrosd, I.ia hi in- - (o a bciiii wbiob for sublime cheek

rather t m lod apyibini I Imd previuu-il- known.Good 0 "tor P , in p Biting through t lie curs, camsto tin. Preaident elect snd demouded his ticket.Having nalther ticket or pans, sr.'l refuMlng to parbis tare, P threatened to eji ct him from tintrain. Mr. QraSt, liowevor, mainLdued lbs! be wsseltitled to fne posisge over IQV roud in tbs UnitedHi ales ; tbat lbs coaductor had no rmht to demandfan of bun, and luted it rthouhi be the laat and onlytime, ns he would report the cae snd hues Pdiscliargtttl.

Wbsihur P gained his point or not I sin un- -

able lo ill, u 1 bad to lu.ivi the osn it that later-eatin-

Junrtsn. Mr. tirsat, however, wsa us goodaa ins wuid, old report P , but so far Irom haviogbim discharged P Still oonlrnies onu of tba moat

oAcUls Of tbi New Jemy Hosd, 10Kubi much to the dlaguil of Mr. Or K Who was

laws Of rM-- "



POOR LITTLE PERCY.From i rhotoiraph by noekweod.


VIHIbb tke Tax Lsraw etitk Vimumh mlFras)e-- A Thnnder-Cln- a In I. rent t'lrclee

IjaW far I nrepeleii l.awyi raTka Hi tmdtati Ralli end asalk.

Albswt, April 11. The time of tbe IgUli.tun ta for tbe preecnt wholly takes up with thecoBeldoretton of private and local bills, In whichthere sn sons little jobs of aot sufficient Impor-

tance to merit comment. It Is from tuese picayunebills that the houonhle mem ben sis enabled toderive funds enough to piy their hotel bllli snd rumsccouBls. We an promised, however, tbst durligthe present weak


known si Ihe New V rk City Teg Levy, aksll beserved up In spproved style. Compiroller

irrtred here thl ifteraoon, end Intsodsuntil Hie bill Is dleposed of. Tour readen

m.iy pnrhsps tern ruber that wben Ibla docu'nentwsa Drat presented to Ihe Asiembly It showed s reductlon or fienrly two mlllloos In the amount re-

quired to pay off the espenees of running tbe couniyand muulclpsl machine Thst wss fore thlleaden of Tsmmsny bad msde up theirminds to wags war upon the lite YoungDemotrscy. Htnci then, bowerer, ths amount

In killing theHuckleberry snd paslng theTweed charter hjs been decidedly heary, skd It

eccessrlly follows tbst the tss ler must contilnI prtrlaton of somi kind by which the Tammanybsaksrs ahoold be nlmbnreed. It Ii tbenfore a

moral certainty tbat the tsx levy his been subjectedto tke slterstlons required In Aleck Frears

ob Cities, and by nUht, lbs timedesignated for Us re appeannee, It will be


Bee id si the tai levy there ie another mg bfll whichi dMUngaUaed Aseemblymin frees IHetar Oaya thereis " somithtng ta and thst u tke Central faro billTo thi deligh' of bath the heworsMs testators aadAaaembljmeu, the ' antral sad Hadftea river folks,sn said ta have coadoded ta press Ibis Mil, tf atleast ocly to enhnnco the price ot stock. One whohi well tBrormed declare that the

MONIT BlOB ABB 0OWt!Oand thst i liberal price ror votes I ta be paid. Dar-ing tbe week, Senator Tweed's bill so iballsk tbsBoard of flBperrron Is to he disponed of, and btselnrerlty la id reapect pat to a Wet,

Tbs Committee on Cities this morning faronblyrepo ited Owen Murphy's

BBOADWAT BtSPACB BILL BAILIOAB.yfhfJe la Committee tits follow log named senile-m- e

kava been added as Incorponton : Mesn.Isaac Bell, Cornelius Conoa, Bd. A. Moore, JameaB. KlcooUon. Isaae o liver, snd other equally promt

politicianTill ABC t DB ATD Pttr.CKAflC IAt

The w ar between 'Ue Areade and Pneumatic peo-

ple a ao Dittcny waged that It would not be surprising ta see thie bill slip through wbBe tbs firstnarnod are u.uurrt.ikng. Titers Is slso somethingvery mrstenon about thia Miriare bill, aad that is,lliat Bnbody ' ur ksow wno are the real nar-

tlee It inleret. Owen Murphy, who Introduced it,Miak it toiranee w hen questioned eonevrnlng It.

Other uiembun pretend to be not so wsll laftrraed.ArfOTVBB UMt'SCaL CIBCI BSTAMOk

to be considered the fact tuat the Dill was referredto the t omudtteo iin t itles ami not to tbe ftsUrnajCoinmillee. lu view ol all these facta It 1 not at dLmpt ilblo to pass this bill during the tonluion

to the nx tlays of the steodon, narthsuUi iy ifmoney i trrelv loaned lo metubera.

During tne palmy days ol tus Yuung Democncy,wIisb toe Aidoraton used to vllt Albany to do alltile sweunnr, the Civil Justices of your ell) lookIt Into their hesds thai they too were entitle i to do(oinethlng or other, out they hardly knew what.One day four


to wit:" Jusilcee Tony Ilsrtmsnn, Deunli Qtilnn ,

Kowier, ind ths atuiabls Kane resolved to demsndof the Legielattiro r. u.ti ths yonna Demoency thericht to ap; mm their owb clerke uad marshals. No

r.rr wen their wlahee matle kaowa tkas a kill tothst elloct was introduced In tbe Assembly. Theoaese Tony flartmann a pent cob U arable Urns uwsichlng ths progress of tbs bill and stisbat grew tired of watching snd wenthome. Judges Denlson snd Fowler nlhrved ToOy;but they nimle their eilt after only rsmilnlng swaek. Jtiatlca Kaae stsld loag enough to lee thabill reported baok from Aleck Hrear'a CommUVea onCttte rhe hill was Aaally r sac bad this morning,wbon A.uik r"rosr availod bim-ei- of the absence oftbe jBatloea, and movnd to nd back tbs bill to btaQCMjigBittagt and tins utuiioa pievsilrd.


that 'Vt bill would lover aee the Mgkt of dayagHln

The friends of ths ritv Ktllrosd Companies onthe Door of the Aseml ly sre evidently many. Judg-ing from the etrengtti tber exhibited whenMitchell's bill to leduce tbe fan on cars to firecents inclusive oi Oavarnment tai, came up for con-sideration. The bill was no sooner bail read InCommittee of the VI bole, tnan a motioi to " progress' It wss mads sad carried. It will probablynever rise to tbe surface ajfstn Ibla aeselon. TheComuaulut got off pntty cheap this time.


vii ereated during the ftesBloa or the Assembly to-

night, bry the tatieductiun ol Ike folluauig U.I byMr T. C. Fields j

a n t to regelate tbe coodtict of attorneys andconnaellor at law.1 i saaii of the suits of Ncc York, repreetnttt in m

nmt Atteinbty. to rnouta fbtknee;MscTiuM 1. Any siiotneyor touoet-Mo- at Isw who

heretoture acted or may bcresfter act ss attortey orco i in el for any party to an action, suit, or proceeding,or who eball bersartsr accept a retainer ss counsel forany psreon, and wiio, In tbe couroof auch ectlon, auit,or pioceud'.njr, or In any cotiauitation with his client acuumct. hua acquired or may acquire any Informationlu conftueoi n m Bui'h clieul. or ha adrftod, or here-after thai euvite any rltert ihal be mg) lawfully Jonnv act or thing, anu who tball hereafter uee the Infor-mation thus obtained la any action, mil, or proceeding,adverse to cut it client, r who shall appear at attorneyor counarl lu aoy action auil, or proceeding broughtauniuit tucii client or any ot his or lta a entt ur officeifoi the pnrpoae of obtaining any rellei ugslnst hint orthrui ob tbe ground ot tne illegality of any actiouwiden auch attorney or counsel their have advised asin ii nui r, he deemed guilty of a uihdt meanor,and, upon conviction thereof, be puumhed by ImprUoumeut lu the rounty Jail not exceeding one rear, or by aLue uoi SACeiding uue iboueaiiddojars, or both.

bio. 2. ii.-- cl aball lake efltci iintutdlately.As waa natural, considerable curiualty was eshlh-Itc-

on the part of mem ben to learn wby tin--

bill ws Introduceil It was ascertained, tothe asluubthmeut of unlnititttod country members,tbst there are lawyers of hlgu tiisudiiig lu the city ofNew Vork who have recently


to receive fees on both sides; snd open charges sremade iouiiat a lesdlug inumber of theso callod BarKefoim Association, who not long since held tbe

ol Attornoy-Uetiera- J uf the United Btates, toKtfliUuu tbst bs hat rnraived fees, amounting In theaggrucale to over 4U,UUU. as coutideutlal couusel totbe Erie Kailwsy Compsuy, and tbst sube-queutt-

hi wss retsiuod, snd la now .act-lu-

as tbe counsel of tba British stock-holders against bis formsr cituuts to litigatethe vary tBBna.tctiuus which In the first loalance b

hau been couaulted upon by (he Krli Company. ItIs slso alleged thut this mini leodlBg spirit of tbaBur Hdfurui Association snd eg Attorney-Oeuera- l ofthe Uniled tUtee, not satisfied with receiving coun-

sel lues from botb plsintlff and defendant, coneluded, wbllo in the duKtisrge of hut official duUualu Waebluglou, to engage In the


and Is nd to iiv reallaed from John Devlin ofbiookhn, wbn wns sentenced some time ago toBtsie Prlmn for obtaining his pardon from thstother honest official, Ulysses ti. Or t

It bss furlhir leaked oat tbat, feurlog an sxpoaurafrom tbe Krle people, tlta itloresald rstortn law-yer snd ei Attorney-OeneraJ- , after promlelug tbe fbrlorn sad stuald Bart to sppesrbfon tha benste ltsltroid tomuiBtee and signstin esse ol tbi British stockholders against hbjlornier olleuts, tbe Brie Company, lognJ Itcouvwaiigt W be auiumvaed ba o great hurry to WMtlka

ton on th (tar or art boaiin(. Tha raauit waa tbatpoor Burt wai toft to nake a

Htaaaana rnNor ar th all th facta whleh htT torn to Mm

taWWMM of Mm Awiablr Judlciarr l)ommlil.Ctrtatn olhot li..,. Mi. i nwnMra o( lh Reform BarAaiorlatlon r asrlonabr affmnl of UmlUr parr.rtlUoa. It Ii unrlrntood thtt lha Jadlclarr

of w hi I, Mi TloBU 0, riolrla M Clmlrmjn,hT mad ap thi Ir mlndi to tl!tf th char,..Hubpornaa ar to b .d nmnioulnr Inlot,Ttd praoai hfor ltJL Th rl Sa

III prudaca th book! of thlr TrBrr, andby voochtr on SI th moant paid orr to

firovl An ii. ) . n ril aad othar l.ilnr rrfnrraluwrtr. Mr. DfTH, the parrtoad a afore-Mld- ,

vlll alo tell hi (torr. and aoDibcr of otheraline ar to b broarht lorwnrd to wr tocm i mii Met, whlah, If true, prore that

la no more konatt thin a Tomb (hratar.Th hill to rivmpt lionil tid Dortoaf from

taiauna waa coi.aldered In tb Aaaembl; I'omoiU'eol th Whol lo olthl. tnd alter nhle n -- cr' ea hidbeen madt natlntt II ti Me--r- tltilejohn. 1tIi,aud Vau Stoerhurgb, It waa Until kl!ld. It hid butfew tpportr.

Alack tbtrtcr Fictr bat been l'i dtr rtrelrlnicongratulation fruoi hla frltnila on bla cood fortuntla being appointed t t'uuuulioner ol Public CLtrlt lea tnd Crrctlon. rreparattona aranakluic forthflntl adjoaramcnl. winch, uocordtaar to thota whoonght to know, will b nut wek. Maabr nianl-fa- t

conaldtrabl tniletr eoneernlnc tbelr blUa, andar melting tltcm tlr.acb wltk llfbtnlng tped.Kterrbod la ctgtr lo to eotne.

Tit Ourernor kaa alined lb HIat Kirla bin.Lku paaxHl tbe Ugitlalur laat week SOL.

bbV ' m

k m


ner, um aaae vr"r evir.i.)For ran report of rtr4Ari trial Mt Mcood p.g

of tfeM moraine, tra.


Cakaaa Aawrrcatd aa -- .Idler, take akaalgFight far .dr n c .

A fttj aarlkaaiatlie aad tall meeting of lbCubant and Anerlcan trmptthutrt af tka Caaaaaiaaa waa Ml la Irrlag Ball laat bjkt at tka call ofOaa. Qaoaada, wko ttld ;

81 nee ar arrraal ta ua trf I aaa tartaarored togait aa apportaniit of uieUnj( jon for tag prpo ulaadraarlag roa a njw wordt of atnrcre iieettng.

iy tint hat aaa .o ooeepted In the rtlnntnent nfpr aaltaa aaaVM a ar brotlx-- r la ariua thai I hartakaa tatvaatag of tb Aral dlauccni.tcd momeot to

roa. certain aa I am of yuor tadalgaac. aad cobTharag ol foar prn of joatlc. Toa utarwt for onmoment dunnt nt lor for rot. .or ar con Ignorant ofkaw c.nirimeiT I ha, caec. ale-- l lnraeif to taj eoantj. I hare aot the tin or word nor aril

H.nt amagaaailon ; 1. a poor toldl ol foitana, with nomore aenooltng than wlutt th world gtvea, tad withaaUfurtun at my .ol tator.

llote rtwrybrdr born la Cuba. I loTaeTarrbocb wkaarrat Caba. I lor CTerrbody who loraa caba. Mfti.iT a to cooperate I.i erarr meana I mr power wttavery aiUiod to trtnloi .a tntt nell of .Itien to para

Ih of lluarty i to Or Hi log ycai ruhta. or tor Uetaa logtai ta ttag raw to l oeny rr nerath on tka roaqa.

h. on Terr toon, 1 thai! return ta th aaoaarrof my dream., to oar eoaatry. I trim Ithtll not return alone, ghall I f In mr compin f every man aia go who ehooae. to ahefter hlmaeifunder m h.naer oY our ker ir n, ten, no. are 1 heyahall arrive 1 piomtt yoa. They ahail fight i and tollme what on l . happier lot. 11 tkT aurrlrr, freemen; il they rail, tmaeariat.

TI, 0aral waa followod by hit f irf orHtair.Cal. Varona, w no, la aloooaat aordt, addraaaaj hlaaudience at tokltera of Cunt, ttvlng tntt ta tb.y hndno country ct. tber atbat til b talolrra tn.l tndcienilauce to b tbn conaldervd ciliartit ufth

vu Hit ur hv.v kkportkrs.The fbi f BaaSattMMg sr tk New 4rfur Fir II pariaai. at.

Th firemen of Jeraer City, Iludton, and Iter-gr-

i lly will meet eronlng and nointnttta fhlai Engineer fur tier nw city. Jrr in a

Chief Jaroo Toyle, with torn little oppo1-llo-

; UudaoH City goat aolid for Chief fiphn V. r,tml Ucrgen fur Chief PgllJ. It Fill be t hard fight.Htpkag Vue ,et oia to btve the hii-i- trtck.

Tb Now l.iii at Vknwkn.Tba workman are arranging to build fcrrr

koota at Cor, tor Ih nw torry fromTwantj lhlr l tlraat aad f'hunbere atrt. II It

to hate tbe ferry ranaiug withla tbrarmmtn. Two ferryfMjet htra ka parcbaiatd. tndur In bt put upon tb Una lmra.tiaialy .liar Ibacnwptatteii of li e allpa an Ilea Jerwty sbor. In thmeantime, the roaatainy will bar two large boatbuilt and ready to put on the rout In tbe tail.

Cbnrier rrtlaa la Pntaraoa.Tbe cLartcr eUcllon for oily oQIcera, jeaterdar,

pataod wrtbout dtalarbaaca; bnt th rota bad notbeen conntcd hen our reporter took ti train. Kooapotitioa waa mada to a In re negro rote, althought rolllalon waa larlled In Ih Third Ward, wbtranearly fllty aagriMaB muatorad la a church, and langd.ail by t white flepubllcaii, mtrched la Un to thenolle, tnd out and all toted the Kepakllcaa ticket.

The Fwalaaa aad Iba Koparli d Papil Ball.In a recent riorted intcrrisw with Victr-Un-r-

Btarra, a reporter credited tka worthy Fattierw ith language that lie did not ate. The lr didnot etete anything definite wttb tegard ta the opera-tion of the Top' decree ugainat the Feaiana laAmerica farther Haw 1 generally uaderttoud here.

Te.wlnw Oarrteard llnkettra Blacaaan.A uutnber of leading cititaut got togvlber y

tud made ont a naw ticket In two of tilewtrdt, throwlrg not tnotlier two of the Hoboket,Hint nt'i.elv, Anlrmn Cele aad Bchtlk, leariagmil) two of the old twlndllng Board in Ue field.

Mr. bamaerMeroadlaa Mr. ttrrgk.S'iSgiHciTnn, Apiil 11 In the Senate, Mr.

Pamner reml from t letter exphiattory uf the whole-tal-

torture pri ettaed upou tniii.u! in their tnna-- i

on.tnni from W eet to Ettl, telling lurtu th bor-m-

or tht pniitug on eatil traina, ih overcrowdIng, auPoeatii'ii, tnd tnunpllng to de.ilk of the poorbitllea, ami tne lUauatroua cunacqueiicua to the pah-ii-

hsttith fr m Ih taM of dlaeaaed cattle. Tliewaa udupied.


The Aldermen hare authoriaco the Peoplea'Com pan, to lay their main. In the ari..u,

.lit la aud aupuly tlie .larka tod public buildinga w .thgaa.

Th Aldermen yeetenlnv afternoon received anInvtlttioii loatleud tlie 1'trtcrnth Ameudment demon.tlrttloo in the AcaCemy ol lualc. 'three ol Hie uolileband, um Kaating, Charley Kllloug and .laok aletmrutrty, roted But to ahow tlienitulvea llieru.

The U Inn., him I, are to Lave a tin a croat-tow-

rai'roud ci nniictltig them with i l.ul.u li lwpi-- t I'nra. and Coney laland by wuy ol Konran ave-nue. It will alao connect with th Grand aire, i iNuw

fi ry. It la tu n.- it ruuuiug order about May 10.

WA$UJtraroM tosir.Th llnuae .Tuillclni y Cornmltle htv agreed to

report the bill enloiciug the fifteenth Ameudment.

The Way tnd Meant are lu duubt of their abilityto curri the Benut. naolutloii providiug lor tbe collec-tion uf liie Incume tat tint ycur.

The Conference Committee on the DeficiencyrlaUou bill will probably esree on for lite

ftimton rotl (iffice nun Hut aud attuO.UDO tor the NvwVork bulldlug.

The rtoutle laalalail upon lta tmandmont to Ibe De-

ficiency Api.ropnilion bill, and lleaara. Murrill ofMaine. Hawyar aud Cttaelly civ appointed a Louiiall-te- e

uf Couicrence.The Inre.tlgttlon of the charge artlnat 0n.

llowtrd I. to ou.ti to morrow before the Comm'tte onI duration, rtruando Wuod haa aajagM Juuge Joi.P. Uigdlty to proaccul.

In tl,.. United Bute fvuprem Court yeetcrdty, Inthe ct of Denning tnd Ltiktui agalual the pi.elnuuuuiuul of Brguiuunt to Monaty nextwa. titreed ujiiiti. Th t ctae butrt upon the arguiuoutof th Igat-Toude- r dtcltlou.

Tht IL oi ii voted to participate with the eo'oredUUt.tct lu cvluhratlug the ralincailun of

eVllleeulk Amauduicul. lu Repreteni atln a' 11 til onWeuiiraday evening bpeuker Blame Having appoint. .1

Mewl, Cut tnd Kldrl.ite un th Coiunilttaa of Arr.uaBiauta, tne ltitei deellued to terve i but thetiieatar ruled that he mutt aerve, and Mr. kVaeuckmoved to poetpnne the aupjeol unlU h couli? aaoorulawkelber the cu...rd pwuia objected to Mr. Rldridtt tiertlng on the Committee. Then, on motion of Mi

her Vork, lha l(oua vutad to raaclud littaloiuliou. aud tht Mact c uuulitt at auolUdtMV


(Prom s rhotegrsph by Rnokwted.)

rum Monuoua or mmmuAtzoir,CvIbIbb Maaey Oat af the llMffbringi af Clia

I'nor hoihlni Malirrmranavil of ritw Paa--s.ryri In an f r nm d , Km I a i a n I tS(llg.

The itumahip Nivadi, of the Williami 4Oulna line, arrtred laat eveilng It twalle Osrdeufrom LlTrrpool snd Queenstown Bnd discharged1,1bb stesrsgs nasaengttrt, mostly of Bngllsh andIrish nationality. TIutb was a general comphlntof imnrni r and.itiflufnclent Tood. In tlie first plan--

the t if V ft which thry purcbafte ssyi on tta ficr-- thatII ta to be retained until tbey errlrn it tlm point ordebarkaHon. It moreoTeT gtvea the Bill of fhriallowed to each paeeeager fbr tha dsy, snd amongother things mentioned ire one pound of bread andthree quarts of witar; but this ticket waa tahin apsoun aftir leaving QueenstowB, thus depriving themof the mains of reference or demsndlng tbelr rights.

Tbs following Is tbi bill of fori which was doledout to thlro durtng thi voyiyo :

For braes fa ft t four ounces of brssd sn1 one ttn enpof i fpor tunrs luring tbr vosce tbay bbbj butIsr, Par glnnar--l(i- r onp, itlni.fux freih meat, orsell aseal and bad poutoeft. For upper Blrcnli, bui-(r- .

aoO law

dill tsf this was lnrufflclent ind bsdly cookwd.Tbst was the harden of their comnlalnt. Duringtbi Toyaga, the thtnt cioed by isting silt meatfor they rosjld net eat the fraeh meatoewM sot be altared by Ihe smell qaaatlty of wsterrarnBrbad, aad i rwih was made for the pimp, whlehwas forcibly lelseO. sad tin BaseeBgirs bilped them-ealre-

until the water was turned off.TaBSt Krl lay, I itOBUtBtiftB af BBSftSBgir Wilt II

th cspSBtB ard eomplalaad of tnair crral traaLmeat.They bad had Bothlng that day for dinner but ssltAsh, stiftnoat atataee or bread. Bat Hull or noatUfsrtluD coaid ba obiaiaai Irom I im.

Thl immlgriats apeak in kind terms of the steer-se- a

uteward, who waft obliging to them' brrt It wssUe Ore voyage ta Ibtl steamer ef the ehief stawiroXnnd bs exhibited a nndlh aocibitlon to curry favorwith ht enrployers by gettlBg up this srstem ofstart-la- eooeoasr. Ua wee heard to order the bakerto make the loiree emailer, bo matter If the passen-ger did ewmpiali. flome of the men tmld tbey woahJrather go to priaoa sod eel prison tare ths a ship latbs Nsvada again.


The KTBlaflaaa ar the Amir of f( prarrrs--DBaierewe tQraeivitf.

To day Ike election andir tha naw eherter htbi great eveit In Jersey City. O witter to tha Varietyof spltt tleksts in the field, a lively tuna ii aatiU test-

ed it tba poll. It is raasdjrod tliat three gangs ofrepweSare ara eegaatwaa ta Mow 1 srB, to tspartata taJeraay tanlay. Oaa will croea tbe Pavoula ferry,and work In tbe Seventh Wara, Inopposition to t) a Intereeta of tbeErie Hal' way. Another pnrty ta tocross nver by tbe tlnlvken ferry so that they tvnytake the Kirhth Ward oa the flank. This crowdwill be directed by Then Ai.en, i polltlclio snd formerly s broker. Tie otber r row ft wfll rrowby tl.e straight path, lite Cortlamlt elroet ferrv, aarddisiribulr tleutarltei wbere tlie) ran be best SBp'ote-d- . Ottlnrto tbe ummary mersatlona takenIn Hudson rr ni d Berren r It la ce In theyVltl give IBOSS of the navr cliy twin lertb.Tb hoHlr-- Ht in h leans nf the Konrth Wnrd harenomtBated Dr. Aitolpb Klrolan against Mr. Men, npinVan Hlper. tbe rngubir bOmlBBO. The latter i oneof the baraest-wotkln- Repuh;ifsns In the rlty. Hiittncks ol tlta leadera of kla fvTtf.whu have to i tin lail ibeir followeio to ffllial,hare uroroked this oppoM'ion agBlnsl hiir.

1 ht City ar Twa m a.Kit nvtiMi, April 11. The trn MarorB of this

city had a conference and agreed fn view ofthe long rislay liefore Clilaf JasUcv t'liase cm hartbelr raao, to auomit It, with tba con -- cut uf theChief Justice, to the Vu. Court of Appeals',w bleb meets

Un t' l Drew Drawned.The msn w' o wa fbnnd in the North RirrT Bt

the foot of Warren tWeet hae bra recocntnvd asDanlol Iraw, last leea several weak ago in a atateof mtoxicatlOB.


Thu Turn mi General sad Wsrd Comrottteei ofthe Twenrr-ermi- wwrg met bvat Bttht, Mr. J. ft.WIM BfSkilBB The avilun of W pimaait la the

was a it m The ll n A. J. Rogerilc lueetin.. .aim: ibsi u bad no bop?, thai a

leiaucratlc rretrderit would ba returned at the neatfn 'ii M, sow tba l the itjapullicaua bad gained ao niaoht y nagro veiea.

rLAtut i: hom ihm ovman cajblks.The ib ic of the IiUh bltt is predicted.

i ban sui piUed his pursuers by winning n

vlcioiy.I'f ii.irs. the emheailer of Federal bonda, M to U

discharged by the ( ork court.Tlie trial of the Duke of Mnntoensler, for kfTting

Prince Heary, epeas to uav tu Mslrid.Mr OMfUtuaa has rerslved a letter, signed by

10 ui l ' of he Hun e j( i.otuuium utglug tliusdoptton ef the ballot.

The favorite la the betting Tor the IWhy nnd TwaTtionnand O Jlnea rtveaa I Pa.uiotitli' Kinrcrartm i.i 'i tSuutigbt, Carnil. sod Aoolf arestrongly backed to win.

At tha VlDoanaaa Rices on Sunday . Pise Champague won the Tohgon tn.c, l't iaua t ok thu priseof t'urv, Mon Amle tbs prise of Joioritlv. aud Jonuyth prua of Uoiuvaail.

The Bp.inish (tovnrnment have instruct!. nto Hnvsria to release tbe utentner f.iovd AnniBwal. tmmediately, n.o to ttlo all quastiou ruiattu,, to lidfttjlxurs io lbs laool frtcu Hy maiiuer.


Oreat to Gambrlnus, and Genet Is els prophetDonne, of Newttrk, sails for Rome tu .

Mr. Oaorga W. Klltolt, af the Uohmek IViJfeyHtjinirr tbu popular luag arltcr, ii ioiipiug at mSinclair Houae.

Now tbiit Peter R, Bweenv la at the bend of theDobbi tincat of rarutj, ItA ut oe wkst new grcuuibi bewin tuke ' How sbout hs Field F

Mayor O'llsU bm upon Mr. Ilngh Mmlth.l lcputy Cll t'hauibtTlain, lj.e dctiiee of l D , Whkih

means not exactly Ooctur or P.vinltv, but DepartmeotOf J'l.CKe

H. V. U. Abel, of US Engine, Is vpokrnof ss ths iiieeeeVftfnl cnmiuUte loi the Chief Clurkhipsutler the Firo C rniinraiouers. He vu mauy juaipClerk to the old Vuluuteei Fire Couiniitwioncis.

Brnntors Bbcrman and Sprngue arrived In Menmon ylerilny on tbelr wuy lo Norfolk. I it y tuppelat tb.- Mpottswood Hotel, where tb"V were caHed on bi w nil. ci Lieut, (ii) v Marge, ttun. Canly, and otbrrpioiiiiucut member of tba Letrittlaiure.

Cl'H or CHIME.

WHIism P. T.ewis, a hotel thief, bunged hitnteU Inlit cell u Boston yesterday.

Tho Mwtboilietl ( unii'ience has pivrn the Revnonce Cooko (isrmlbalon to wlibataw frutu theUlrtlfTl

Argicl Lewis wus sentenced Id Ritlituioia rootorday io x ti ni be' i m Jail for .i. ou ou ths sib of M.ticb last.

John Wesley Cook, wnlle idaylug curd with oneStceiinan In a l'lilladt.'ldila suloou on saiuclay Into a quarrel, and ihe li r Htruek bun baiow tibelt. Cook fluittbed bigautu iud Uroppsd dead In blaelixir.

igajftjtni Lutterbcck, it I'm inn, from Teias. hitbeen detected by the Toledo Miouuilc Huard f Reliefin aiisuiv ftw.uuliUK Hu hita secclvod alumber of Mason in itiUsuo. Mliwsukue, sua iJvtroli,and obtained much ntuuiy tbureny,

Mr. George B. Hill wss sseiiultaftd on Baturdsycvsuing b. i i ft- uu-- v. i.i ass i ok through hiut

treet. He wa tbbed ly one of them. Onbnniiay evening Mr. Hill a it mW sHaokud by tbaatuv gsug abile paastug uiroujiT. FlUV n-l- h aireet.

The fttuutBMiui diicbsrgcd a pUtol this time, but miteedI'M II

Jus. laae, Geo. HsUidsy, Jsi. Hmlth, and AdamFruderlckft, arrested for sscailing (ifflcer McKnroawhile trying to srrest s pritoner on hundar Bflernrton,at Ntuta avenue and rhirtv-fourt- u,.. t, wore

yesterday BtprBlBg oefore Jutice Cos, In tneJeLT.jr.un Market I'olict Coart. l hay were coiuiuilUttlTiiis bt tue fteooitd tiiite within s luauUi that uuctuitbay beu aaauUud Q wvutbti vi tag gang,

ALBERT D. RICHARDSON.(Prom a Photogrsph by Rockwxd.i

i UH s rut tu m i i i

The Mnrd. r ef Ntixbl WBtchMoa U1BB HIPilPeaoev Reejalradta KalUqatal. hie fIaoala lha MrVnrlaad Trial.

In the Kingi counlr Court of Oyer and Ter-miner yenterday morning, the DUtrlct Attorneymored on the case ol H i win reTry. the aHeged mur-derer of Themai Hiyee, the light wstehmnn it

stores, Firman street, Brooklya. Perry haialresdy been twice tried, snd the Jiry on each trillwere unable to sgree. The prisoner has since beenconfined In the Raymond stre-s-t Jsll.

Mr. John H. Reigeu, of eonnsel mr the de eaoeyeeterdiy aaked far a BostpoaemeBt af tha trial laennseqoenee of the sbsenca of Mr. Caaa. B. poncar,the senior couneel, who la associated with Messrs.Graham and Oerry In tas McParland caaa. Mr.Bergen produced a letter frnm Reeorder Market,aad an affidavit from Mr. Spencer himself in sap-po-

of tha sppiloitloi, bat District Attorney MorrlaInformed the Court that Mr Spencer had agreedpoH1very to be ready to procierj with the trial yes-terday

Ths presiding Jnstlca, Joseph P Rarnsrd. tbere-- r

" r refnsevi to grant I postponement, sad dlreetadtbat the trial should preeeed. His prompt rullBg

the numerous friends of ins prlsonsrtaths Coart, who thought tbat a farther aoetpopemintwoatd be allowed in order to secure Mr. Boencer'spresence Tbe Work of ImpeneJIIatr a jary waa begnn shortly alter 11 o'clock, and II was nearly 4o'clock botore the twelve jurors were secured.

Mr, Spencer sp pea red In the coart room st about$H o'clock, snd previous to ths sd)ouramebt of theCourt msde s desperate effort to eecare a poeipona-meu- t

ef twi trill until Moadayneiti but tvlgeBarnard Was fit in, ind lutd that tor tha reasonsstatad Iks fabric iBtereats would not permit laypostponement. His honor held that the Interestsaf McParbAntl VaM bo offer la the hand ofM Basra. Grahatn and Girry. wnili Mr Spencer

thst In cnisvqusnce of bis tntlmsts BCqda1ntnee with all tbi fart ta taut caaa hie praesaes in

the General Seeelnua wns ilmixl lndipensabla.Tke Court ed)oarael antit thu raemlaa at 10

o'clock, when District Attorney Morris will openIbe ease for the people.


The Aettdin.rf rowarfJeilWpieerl.eabr SrrtnlrK v l.tUrary VYiN Bereker. and OiharaCaaa Preaaatrel ta tba t oiorrd Saaatar.

Tba Academy in Brooklyn was crowded Laatevening, Tbi band of tbi Twenty-tMr- Regimentoceirpred tha etcbasrra. Tte ralr ef tke stare waaoraapiod by rjolorad ya a tha. Amoag tha ga nt lo-

rn ea wko bad seat neat the oeatre of the stage wereBen tr U U. Ravels, the Rer 11. Wsrd asaecher, thaMar. II II. Gsraetl, the Rav. c H Ray. tha Rev. J.8. Joatyft, tbe Rev. W T. Diina. tba Raw. A. A.Freeman, the Rv. D. Doaeil, Bishop Campbell, aadC. Doreey. Keg. Tbe Rev. A. P. Fr woman presided,and introduced Ike Rev. W. Goild, who offered Ipraylr, after which the children asng a hymn ofpraii. C. Dnrwev, nVq , then read tb proelimitfonoi tha Seer." ary of Htnte.

lUnsom Weil. Raq., read resolutions a provingthe ftdion of CongrfUft In relation to the FifteenthAmenhnent. and it Iter from en .tin Kenton andCunktin, Vic I'reatdent Culfux, Wendell Fhttlpeaud t era w ere re;id.

Tho Rer W. P. IVhtnn wna the first speaker.The Rer. Myland tiarnett having beau Introduced,

aald that be h oi Iteun hati led t clKinycane by Mlaa Thotnoacm, of Rsklmore, and lie twoMleies Mitlurd. ol New Vork to place la the handaof m rti"t Revele. This le beg re I to do, and forthwl h ha gsre h lo the Brnator, aaying I balk ve thelve aJ la gold and tne otber part ebony they look vei yweM tocether, but to tell mi the truth, tho ebonylots iK'Conie pure gold In thcee days. I bis FifteenthAiuondment I a rreal thing; II plae a coloredmui on an fiuaJny with the IriebUAaa aud LheDutchman

Tho Bv Henry Wsrd Reeeher said :

My Meiuia. wo sre BfM tub led here to hold s Jabileaover I victory which ha been woiaftei manyaud eiio dimes! le. It baa boon ibo i o of inyBis to fight for Ii. tv tn my country. It wi uf thatthe " i'd man Had ito auaubood, that ue was laiy,and that if ba vu taken from tha plantation wcnldbrcr aafl ruuinr to tba coinUy. DU bow nob:yhave you mi' wi red these taunt In the hour of yoartrietl There ars bo clatav MBI aarrbrura. or tuore hnnarv afti r edtiratlon. Mr , 1

ttader you tlie mo ft eoiotal grotting, lad hopetuatthis great esainpie may ba followed la all oouatrbtaf lite stub.

Mr, then turned lo Benatoi ReTel. andaid :

"Nlr. I tender to n the right lend of rrlendldp(grasplrg lhe Kenaior' band) J in--

roil in e to you yotir frtiow-citiieu- , Benator UcvoIf, ofthe United Htatrs HsBBir."

Beimtor Revel ftiioke briefly, reading from manu-script, In eulogy of that amendment lo the Constitu-to-

w.ilch bad eufr inciiiwed bis race.Oea. WootHord ind Theodore Tllton ulso i; oki.

WMW e us i

I n re quai.t ties of Peeeate abad were csiiffht yestenia)

Mrs. Kellny, of Trenton, who recently gave birthto throe eblldrea. altsl oa Pi iday nlgbt.

About two kindred md thirty nagroee wotad tttha charter election In Trenton, ycttirdav, no nbinr1esbtSag taiorpt-sed- - Ibey vvtd tlte solid Hotvubliueutn.Tl.

Anrast Wldman, an employee of Masra. Carter.Haoklne 1' .d Newsrk. nearly aevsrad his headfrm hi body vestaiday with a raamr. while bta wifew - . j..t rn i.i. h i r i iiuaf at the lo of a laver-n- .

cfulffhad Ted hhu tolndolgauo In drink.AHguat nastts, of 81 Hot. Ivan ft root, Raw York,

while playing oi the trestle won at the coal doc; ofthe Monti and Esaex dunot, la Ittthokeii, on Sundayalii" BPOts, fell in and waa drusmcd. Ui. budy wa rec'Vired yesterday.

oitirvA nr.Mr. Kdvvrird I. Kun'sc, tbe sculptor, dlud suddenly

tu Mil city on Hundity vveutng.Tbe Rot. Dr Tharon batdwln died suddetly In

Orange, N. J , ou aund iy evuning.Daninl Morrison, editor of the Toronto h Uy TeU

graph, Olad yeateidty of aKplsy.Mrs. Klg:tboin llsriman, wife of I'ulice JqiIIoo

Anttionv Hsrtman. who diau ou Sunday, It to be buriedto day in Ctuvary Cemetery.

The Hev. Cl urte J. lbiwen died In Ro-- t. n "nSand) god 43. During Um war he wa CbapUla ofthe i am luii un' i Htispiisl, Hsltluiore.

VP. H. Chlpmun, member of the Hone of Commenu for K l comity. Nova Scotia, died of small iovin u Boenltal on fatBrdiy. n r. meinoarvt u Uastliyd aiuco the Huuae autuulcd lu Fubruaiy.


Montreal is flooded.The Printer employed by Mu lgi tt Son. I log),

are on rt strike,.Capidg ap) mhlflda s raid. Tlte esvalry has boun

tailed oui, and tuluuiecr ate nudi-- arm.Novrt Scoila whiiIs an American market anrt a

oi the lar.lT on btr stapleft.A number of the CuUtoinli county clerks who re

in-- . .I to rOBtlllf negr ua, now make noobJvttloB.Tbe FetitMii t ngiess asHfinbled In ChiLawtgo ysgter-ds- )

About oue buLdred di legstu weie prttseutOne man was killed nnd three wore Injurod In

h In ucetldl yi tenia) b) tba tubing of two new b .rsc-tor-

buildiugy.Ths bars Dlrlgo, flora Hostaa for htvsinah.torung s and wa oouipcllad lo throw owrbusrd

uighteeu tons oi ioe.Labor on thu Yerbit HuaiiB Hark finsl1 y oeasud ,

alter an illegal csneudtture of over gu.000 u tho lundoi tbe city of ban Frsnclaco.

In n co lialon yesterday morning st St. JuliitHVllie,on ibe Now Yort Central, Hanboru, the flivnmu uf oneof tbu iraUi. was klllud.

retiibina were presented tn the Iegitlatlve Ateiiiply at MMi;ix )rterd ty, prnvlns lito Britttb

to release Nova Bcotta iroai niltigiauct!.L. Walkir, a rolorod man, Vtl shot dead whllo

coiulng out oi lu thou in Btowuvtlle, Texas, eiuday. fins w II, Watson had drwu bis gun upou bim.not knowing It waa thuigad.

Han Francisco capitalists have purchased the eutlroproduct of tbe principal QUlekativer mute of Callinrnrilor the earning two yuan lhe luonopotj Is luois now--

nil than tbs previuni combination.Ib ths annual election for Town twanhtsli.ntws

of ValaaOuiy, Md , the iudgesof alBctsoit caiuaud t ro,uelve the votes uf tbe colored cHtsens ThU waa donfia loo a. Lata vgq aatwwe tlte aatttuq If IBmVibiU tgwavUl

THE OLD WORLiys NEWS. D InvmoHB or rmm mnmAwrnn rr mm


Rirlteaiant Ib th Carsm i.eBi.utir oui- -Tlara PraBBlgen ni Pa niied Th Kaapr- -

rer andar tba littsweaea mt Ron her aMtrlka Ib Pane Faavlelle'o stacceaaar.

Psbis. April 16. Tho raaignition of GoungDam i imminent. Bbotild he wltMrww, mh.--

Mlnlnters will follow him. Thl ramor rtlsi rdenoe t ul thi Emperor Is acting under thi iBflaeooaof M. Soabar.

Ig the Corpi Lagislitlf y Jalee Psvri iff-p-

seed regret it thi resignstlon of M Buffet, who,he ssld, had shown i disposition to land Bp fbr thaprerogatives of Mie Chamber, ind who was i dorktuler or order ind Uoorty.

M. Send, replying to M. Pivre, described htmis a difender of the Republic, but in sdversary aaliberty.

This crested much eicltsment and cilled forth egclimitlnni from all sidaa.

M. Olllvter addressed the Chamber, snd while reviewing the events of the past week was inter-rupis-

with cries of "ToumKde promises t Inthe loBrai of his speech he espressed the opiniontint nni day would ba lUittetent for taking the votfof the i. mlnn on Ike PUbUcitvm.

1 he Emperor rovlawed tbe tronpa st lhe Plac JtgCarrousel

The workmen ef the Immense manurietory ofM. Call la thl city hivi strirk.

troas, April MM. Mangeni his been electeddeputy to the Corps LeglslstK from Lyons, ov-- t

Plric de Ponvlelle. The friends ol the letter msdaestraordlt.Brv effbrts to seenre his election ; but thavote stood ir. Ml Tor T.efJTfor Ponvlella.M. Msogeni wis the candidate of the Left Centro.

Tne Adoption nr the Dogma.Jxmnow, April 11. Thi Memorial Diplomatic

Is asanrad that It ta tbi Intention of the (KeumenloalCouncil ta idopt tne dogma of Papal Infallibility bpsetlamnion on Raster Monday, and that the

of tho foreign powers tn Rome hare retsolvsd not to be present it tl e puMIe Mi..n on the!diy.

Tha aignBlali Oaaaerlgllan Hlola.Mapbip, April 11. A Urge number of irresfq

hive been audi ti Rertelona since the revolt, smlthe ptilloe are sctlvely bunting np sll the prominentnet .11 H thai outbiesk. A couucll of war is lu seSim. there.

A Mine Horror la -- roi'nn.1FniKBtiBiB, April U. The woodwork in both 1

shsfts of tbe Baihsiste Colliery fire to d tp Jw ttle the miners ware st work. Seven men w era Jsuffocated, and forty-nin- hive been rescued. y

Mi BALL'S AMCTIC JOIt.Dr. Bnyaa Lee -- ,,,. I I ,n mn ,,,

Rlabker Butrra' BxeBraloa-- A N-- tvi

iba Cxplarera.Wasbinoton, April 11. Dr. J. J. Hayes wag)

before the Hobs AparoortaMoa Committeeto tlve thewi same Ihrikl upon the feudblUty of m

xpadlttM to the eorth pole. Capt Ball, who spentfive years with tbe Esquimaux, of Brltiib Amirlea,who la bin uklngfltXI.OOO to gel up in escureioB.w1tk these blubber eaters, came Into the mom amibegan to abuse the doctor for a snnposed intor .,.

rente with hi Utile iDtxolation, wlieu be wagbrought to a bait by tha Committee, who deal rod Uiedoctor to proceed After his explaining tke wholesubject to their sstmiVtlnn, snd the eihibitlws IN Imads of himself, tha Committee decided unani-mously not tn entertain tho pToaoeltlon of Han, wwwht an oaedecated ,mea, without any other qttaJlllGa-llo- n

Becefeery to carry out ao axpedltlo thaishould be thonsrkl of only aa a actentifle dlacersrr

llfttavar ise Traek.A Htnd thde was impondinLr last night on the

Delaware Divialoa of tbe Erie Railway where tharoad paasee s deeu cut. The heavy rains bsd undermined sn embankment snd many ton of eertn hotfallen on tha track, so obstructor ths trains that alarge force of men were reqntrod to remove tho

Very serious danger Is npprubeaded iftbu rnln coMlnus.

lobbmm mr 1 1 nr.Tlie Academy building, in Keonebink, Me., wis)

burned on 8uaidsy.Lincoln T!one Mork, lu I.lne-dn- Rt,, wss bornssl

ret'rrdar. with several adjoining boildlage. Loaabout g JO ou ; no tuamaiice.

I sveiiliig. first floor af SHO Cinal street, itccn- -

rted by .tame whit- importer oi flower, wus damaged; insurance, gVuOJ


Com any A, Twelflb Regimeat, bud a aurprlaapartv In their armory lat evemnB

Tba Sixth Keglinent. Ctd. Mason, bad a Una battallon drill in ih Itata Araenai lat i. t

The reternna of U a Memntli Reclment. wttn winBare tbair clam-itak- on or nl nt the 1MB ot Junoalerted last evctiln.1 Major, Finn.. .ni CUrk i i"nt.j,iRin.the hVev S I. I'. Mii u I'atinaatcr. Ileiirr M. lloally ,rnmm'i'srv, Oliocrt L, Arrowmi.tth T.nnia "

it. H tiler, Jsnte M. Wilson. Jan en flleeuKei I hotnaaM. dnanee ; Lieutenant, Jamea Price. Ueurge Mo ii. Md 1, Baker, Louts FitsgeraM They bsvePJ la u, r treAaurr


Tta Rurnpeia ClrctiB exhibiied lo the rmk lss Jnlgbt lbs pcrformitBce wss good.

The Old Ninth Cine of Pub'lc School No. 3 will Inave a rsunton it io1iuobico's tbla ereBlng. I

Tha t. lT. A. M.'a bave fitted up a new lodga Iroom at tTI Bower), which will be dedicated aoout IMay 1. I

1'be ball of the Nineteenth Ward Lose Verein, tt 1the Central Park Uardeo on KatBrday oigbt, wsa rerp Ianjoyabia. I

Tbe Manhattan Cricket Club elected list night IJauias Neeve. Preeideoi Ibibei t TllJy. Vice I'reoi lenti IJohn Syma. Trt aiurer ; sod Uorge .faektun. Si cretary, I

The First Assembly Pltrtrt Tnlnn IAssocnttloii yatterday guVn Naibitu RhAglllj .Jr.. a BjBj Ihundred dol'nr go d wati-- and ehatn r ilicr C'ltututs-- Isiouer Btultn and othar ad, Ire ae Uir oiuuauy I

joitisob ABOVt WQWBt

Thu Samirla arrived last night.deatrns to establbth an Academy of 11 n

New fire-ren- notes are to be Issued from thaIrttMBry Departmuut lot nei.- .! cli culnlion to lay.

Chsrlvi Uuiiit-- a !L of Ml Pill K'uventb stieet.died yetierday. of cald. having fatlva Into a tub of hoiwater

Pr. Alvnh Blntadell, who was brought from SingRing aa a wiineae tu the Fsllerton trhil. baa been oothtrk to prison.

Prinze of Orange Lodee hn- ittttod F Mcr.endry,W M.; W, While, I) M.. W. .) Movuns, bet VV MoUee,Treasurt ri Hamuel Hmttb. F (

John Ward. Of 151 IfOOl Klghteenth lnet. dlegbavins been Injured Sj hs tail oi an clsvs

tor In Jacks. ui' grate msnutitctory. .Kdw-tr- Mahor, gad BX was found unoonsrioai

on ttie taho( No IDoyel alriel lie w;t bomu loalia Kntnktln street Mit'ion, but dlud oo the way

A ftOBkflty Of Working Btm are about lo estsblluli ati de ai.t) rostanntut at the lowest ioiln1a

pii- ts, with a grocery, bakery, aud butchery altai-bud- .

Fun. ifl of Untied mount who desire to emlgrataWilli tin lr cbil'tn-i- i io tb" WVat, may find byapi lying to tb Lblldrua'ft Aid Uociely. 19 K.nts In el.

John Moran, arud 15. ttbile riding on ton of, stiglus N. s. ll It It It,, wa kn oif by the oltwrated bridgu at, Luuai aud Uievua ifii Uaeiit u s tsii. ei i.i kl led.

Mr. A. II. Louis Is to deliver an nddress onnext at st BtOIBWM Hall, umb r Uis auspice uf

iln- i ub in Aid eooluty. ud tbu dut of the iccpublic iaIbe t.ubau quueiiou.

Jiiuies Crosby, of IM Orei nwlrh trect, Mj In alit Istt evening at Hud-o- n aud spring street t, and Hist

'l'i.-- body wa lakeu to the Urcunwiotiirrei uedJoti ii ...

McDeriiinU, tho monopolbit in the t'unom HofigBJborsu snd druv builnesft hll rocelvod his walking pa-pers. Ho i a bit tvtaatti nia fellow, 'lntned,

P rtln' dinmonds, sucb a ars tpoll UclAUB.

A tleihing schooner from Gloucester, Mi, ntnInto the rVlrtamhurL'n fen y n n.i, tfTaiammlora retry

ratcrda afiurnouu, ami criied attaj s mi turterurull. nd aiaiuii' ' and one half uf lug ladle cabin,daiuagiug tbe lout U)fsWf

Tbs exAmm n. nnt of tbe IVn"ion Bure.tuwill ait In teaf si even Vn.uc..iia', nt Nusau and Wellalittes.iu ailUUAS p itsiuttirii msl isq ut on. n a in nithft as rtUtfOra, peBSloaeN must bvrualer bw siftminodb S full bustd of xutgeotift.

Yesterday morning while the (iteeiipmnt ferryhoiii Ur- sn point wi suttti. (torn her falp, loot ugIcuib itieet nhe rums tit eiiiiisl'tn wuti lb.- pmui'iiarNaw ILiven. of the Ki-- York and Saw Navin Itbe, nwi.ii .it.'. dJBU to KkutuitUi feUeel, vbirs she Kent i thebottom.

A lew mtnulee before 11 oVock yunlerdi)noon, car of the " Het line " wo on lis wity u town

.i ...I. t w .mi i tustI un tii avenue the borftut b cainu fr ch'.n n i duinj-ni- )

tu.uiuu "i s traighl litis cuunng da u, .no in aorwaIbe ti a'.K lu lruiil T it. IKdo e ttpj i ar t h.'i.V ftl redtho eau nr, rait lute it, twin aroaah.d mic uud oi lag tsar,l h. uititcngerv escaped ubbitrL

The Amerlean (lengrnphtrit rmri 9tMM ir,l Horioty will loid tht'LT roattiiir ntuulbly tutwiUus Lhti eywtvn g at tbair room In tho CoOpur tniiitute Capt 1tvoid. of tka erpe ul Voieognihival .e, A

wiio waa attached to the Vn lcd Rtaic h ip'ortug Kxiedm. ii to Alaaka, will load a paper nikoti i; VugaeUlvur rcgiuu The subject will be lllustratetf M I laVgt

lilf 'Jt Ut Iwlll- - kUM SWMSHlVtlWUW