the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1880-01-02 [p ]. which secured the postponement of his deco ... it nnsto...

T = = 60 = = = = 2 = = = IDYO- IJ bt nTh = XLV1LO124 NEW YORK liIUDA JANUARY 2 1880 PIUCE TWO CENTS = = lit CHARLES CUODEllTS DEATH t gua JIll rr irrvr OIIIBKH or AS tiLl lIII CI HltJII1 lVIU ml or the Tint Aiiptilroiia Uunrd of Honor Onre hrntrncril IU I Mtol ln Kcniird In- Jl e riflJlUr Y rISrI 1 In A merlin mill uaa Din Inlber of TlircB x eiv Vmk lnufr Clint ks Comlei lt t oleo 1 Lieutenant In tho Guard Honor of tho First Napoleon nnd- T fllhr ul the wellKnown Coudert Urothers tho I j sawyerS illuilnt his linnio In South Orange N Jon WiMltiefdiiv lIe was born lu Bordeaux Franta on Due 27 17U5 Doforo ho was 17 yciirs ol ngo ho was flied with enthusiasm for Nnpoleon It wits 1 tlmo whim tho men of Franco by thousnnds had Riven their lives lu tho service of the Man of IkslhiYll0 whim tho youth of Trmco dreadful gaps In tim ranks which war had made Tho cavalry corps which hn joined wits innilu up of patriotic young teen who furnished their own horses nUll equipments find gladly devoted their lives mid fortunes to the cause This cops of the Ounrd of Honor wns attached to the old Imperial Guard nod un rtcInlodIn tho famous thro days battle of ns tho Rittlo of the Nations whoro Napoleon was alternately successful coil defeated driven from the city nnd sustained n sovere loss of his forces through the blowing ut era bridge I was this disaster throuch tim mistake of nn I engineer thnt nave the death blow to tho French army Thorn young Chailes Coudert received a wound In the Ill of thin scars of which ho- was 1101 proml at the age of 81 ills brother I Victor who participated In some engage mont died In Franco only n few years ago at tho 4 ago of 60 Charles 1180 pnrtlolpated In tim bat r Uesof Montereau and Montmlrlal nnd served t octlveb In those desperate engagements alter the Allies hunt entered Paris just before the abdication Ho was thoroughly attached to tho tjnpolcculo dynasty oven In defeat and always fondly cherished the hopo that Franco would tranciullly submit tQ Napoleonic rule I After the leslrnlol ho wa stationed at the e s cii Milry schol of Scorner ns a cavalry ofllce- rTii o through the Influence of Lafayette J alwnyn said ho became Involved In a conspiracy to ulaco in in the tlironn tho vouuc Duko of A KolclistnJt Napoleon II The conspiracy ailed and ho with several others 1 arrest- ed ¬ tried and condemned to bo shot Among thoso arrested wns I young man of his own ago Darned Siorojean who was actually shot But on the morning of tho execution some Informality ID the trial of Charles Coudert was discovered 1 which secured the postponement of his deco ¬ I ton and n new trial The family have yet In possession tho French newspapers con- taining ¬ the account of his trial and also letter 1 a which he wroto to his mother when he expectoo to be executed tho following morning I was a bravo letter nod contaIned not only tho warm ¬ est expressions of filial affection but also evidenced that ho was not afraid to die In the cause which ho hind espoused He lay In prison eight months during which Mnulleeamler took great Interest In him anti Bho mentions him In her memoirs He Is also < spoken of 1 by Chateaubriand In ono of his U letters Uiifore the time for his second trial came on ho manned to escape from trlson throiuh n disguise which wits obtained fur him by his brother Vlitor He slmVod ofT his moustncho put on I civilians suit nUll walked cnlinlv pnit thu 11010 whoso Io8slbloguspic- Ions ho iil > IUltlnl thorn through n portion ol thu ninnuil orls Titer thinking he vvns an officer of IItnctonlt him pass without question departure from 11 eountry he was concealed In the house t ol Ilocnniler- i As It was ImpossIble him to leave France j Without n pnssport he secured one which bnd been l l5iic1 for n mon named Ltnclols Ho used to tell with creit gusto How narrowly hn- eicnpod ronrrt the presence of mind nfn friend named Leclero who was with him It appears tint ha forgot In the incitement of tho moment that ho was travelling under an In assumed name and when thn gondarm who vised the pns pirt naked Whots your nami- It ho looked In blank astonishment for he had 10rcotl1 It Hut Leclero with ready wit came and bIWIIlllo him s Whv dont you tol that your name Is Langittla V Thl adroit method of tilllnghlm what he hnd forgotten ptoliablv saved his life Ho remained in Uncland two years among thu many French rnhllIf there tutu became quite homesick visited Franco In disguise but learn- ing ¬ r that the Government had discovered his preeenco and iet the police alter Ii lnilio escaped in n bimill pneket from Bordeaux In January 1621 Hn fl > d to this country where ho has sine remained anti lila Illtyllvo years resi- dence ¬ In New York and vIcinIty havo made him S nnd his family almost as welt known as tho old Knickerbockers t SI I r Coudert used to tell n story of his comical- r pllcht upon arriving In London with his r fellow compatriot sum total of their joint E baggage wits a brace of pistols Hnpfooln nn old nen paper Tho paper got the nnturo of their baggage and they wore appreheiiblvo of arrest Strenuous efforts wor tnmle to persuade Luis XVIII to pardo- ns s Coudert hut they Upon tile nrrivnl here he did not know tho t language out ho had letters of recommenda- tion ¬ i to various persons among others the I r French Consul who told him ho hail been ix I u Dectlng him As n menus of livelihood he bo r can giving Fronh lessons Titan ho bought out the famous old school of Fougnct not many years utter his arrival hero This school ho continued to keep over thirty years up to 1857 I und thoro Imve been taught litany men who t have become prominent In this city nnd it In the nation At first this bchool was IC in eighteenth street then known an Strawberry Hill Next It was near St Johnu Park then a- very fashionable locality boloro Commodore- S Vanderbilt hail Bolz d It for a railroad depot b Tho sclol was dually kept In St Marks place t Onl main reasons lie had for keeping It I 8010DI WHS to educate hits own children the his mnirlago with Mis Uuchnmp daughter of a prominent French citizen Four It of thIS children turvlvo him Frederick II 1 button Cliarlos Coudert Jr Louis Leonce 4 Coudort all of tlm firm of Coulert IlrothnrB i lawiers and adnughtervvho j married to 1nul fuller another member of firm Charles Coudert was always proud of his ad t lioronco to the Bonaiuirtis Hn frequently en tortalniid Louts Napoleon nnd Joseph Bone y Carto at his house during their stay In this country and ho also visited thorn Ho was t proud of his two medals the testimony of what lie had done for Frnnco Ono of those was tho Grand Cross of tho Lglonol Honor which he- etlll kept with the original rUI rlbbol attached I It Is n curious jewel nnd centre of a tho obverse n beautiful miniature of the Kmpo ror and on the reverse an exquisitelycarved eagle lha other medal which was the iljjoratlon 111 to him by thn Second Lmplrn for Ils sC1iecs remlarnd to the Fjret In a bronze i iunteii i bs ucronn nod Burrounded by n wrentli of laurel This wits the medal I which Nnprleon at St I llehmaas a dying wish desired should ID pn H mtid to the oonipnnlonB of hits glory and vuit priimuled by Louis Napoleon to every surviving oflteiiraud V soldier of the First Lniidro The Inscriptions I on It are 1792 to 1815 To his companions I in 1111 hits lust thought St Helena May On the ruverst I IK a faithfully carved Bidiilllon likeness of the Kmperor- llesldiN I these precious rulkv ho hind many Jnouidiitocs of his early hilt bitters from La- hyette and olherslndl picture of tho Emperor I on presented to him by the Lmieror himself His hoiiso wns n curi- osity ¬ I ol Nipoleonlo portrnll nnd blogrnphles- nnd a the wnlls of rools Wil a NimIolonmiic- dn ttr r Iliipt II n > fit A its i tit Napoleon e i nt JnlTa Nniolenn l i nt the Coro nntloii Napolnon nt Tontalnoblonu Nnpnliion nt Ht I lliilona I Napoleon with I Ihe I infant King I nf Home unit on the lan of his sllnoloUllrOunls- wns ono of CunoviH busts llbrni y wan 111 of books about thin llounimrloH rind t h hnd their hlRtorynt hut tongues end An nn Instanoiof his confidence In tl > apo 1ionic dyiiHKty fflnnd relates hu was walk ng with him IIn iSIS when time n011 of tim rvinlfm crisis In Trench affaIrs largely inlied with LiUs I Napoleons I cnmo 1011111 nboy ry Ixlmlows from I Trance market is 10118 Niipoloon como Into lOwer sure proved He said hn Anl 10 1 wits not km ns lit belluved that was the II ret t0 liletri Ii nit t Hlnen 1 h 14 for Iho rench peo pint to tix press tti iii r clinic I Hiiahravsbolloved I tliiit the pniitim of Trance woia on tlio aide of tim hlonritimi hitS HotxAihu I keenest Interest In thin Franco JruBfiliin war and I wits almost torn ptoh lo enter tlO I liiinh nriiiy nvon at his mtiiviimicitil ngn lie jyaa on n visit to lint native land In 1H70 and there nut hits aged urnlhnr still hobbling on t fno leg the result of n wound received ot V jAJtHic- Ah Victor hn cried why dont you i llioiiller your niunkot and to titter these ran I 8ili 1 1111111 llrlu8 I would If I had two legs like j Oli mpl ml his 1llher Hut nf 0011110 UIHI 1 tuwur give mitts thRnhuatty efllatly 1 I for this cause anti lioth woro deeply crlood nt the xwllt disaster that so unexpectedly lo thorn icftll t lie Trituli niiiiB It wnn on that visit to Pens flint tin Inst snw Napoleon 111 I who met lilm nccliluntallr lu tho fctroot anti uzohnnKud- Enlutntlona IAOII nflur thin victory I of Sodnn find the dcntli of Xniiolmin III ChnrlraCoudiirt hail faith that I Ito lri lien I iii tiet lii I would ono dny Btiococil to tI t un moo of Frim mica Itnnawlth tho duopcst sorrOr lint ln of tho untimely Month of you flu li 110 th hnndn of time Zulus and It nnsto hlinnlnioHtHHthiilOGBof Arion- llu iiluniH tulnml hum bitterest In Ircnch nf foilS nnil wn n cnn tnnt render of French pm i iirn i At thn dny of Ills dentil them woro on hl desk hint few copies ot le Jnui tlio rniich Lcultlmlat organ which ho had not ro ul- hiiioo eMnKiiphU school MrCoudnrt has lod n 1011111 I II nurt of tbo tlmo I In stclicetor I fur t Ito last t I Ihlitoon I years I In ndo lluhtfiil I bomn I In t outli Orange whom stir I iiiiinilnd liv his hooks hlH Ulolurol his chill driii amid lila KrnndehllilrDn oullllssllo pluanniit hoot of hla declining o Ht lilit was uxotllnnt anti up to hm last hour hnwiiH u nrncloiia devourer of books Only tow iliiiB lufufii ho dlud ho saId o his pen Trivliirlck hoio nlnuant homo Is near b mid who was a cnntnnt compnnlon You must got inn Homitiuoro or wi have to read my Ill ones ova nKitlu Jn WI fond nt horsobnck riding anti hli 01 t Foldlnrly bearing nlwya attracted attention h Ho I useth to mu thnt lie thought ho nnnnuooil rider when ho wmt to the cavalry- school ntHiiimur because hn hnd soon actual service Hut Im liiiil to unlearn nil ho klOI nnd begIn nllll Curlouslr onoutzh fow j ours frlnnd In looking over nonu old books In n store found ounof Charles Coudorts tiM books vthlch 1m hnd used In time I miry school ntHtitunnr How this book ever caine to journey from Irnnco to this country and net Into an old book store lie noer Know but timer vhs I hits hnndnrltlnK In It that made Italduutlfl fin ion cerinin CurIously onoueh one of his sons Trnderlok Coudert paine yearn ago nceldontnlly conic In JIIICl with tho Trench lawyer who de1untItl 1 hll tuuvonotilrucy trial and whoso uhreniU saved hut I life Not tong since ho was for tunnto unouuh In IIt with an old comrudo In arms n mcinlwr same regIment lu Nmv lork and tho two Rlllvh- lK mutiny a pliMibiint hour with reminiscences of tho cxcltinu scones of nearly sixty years neo Ills favorite of time llonapurten was 081h1111 ho never Html of tolling btorioa of ¬ course with him Amonu his neIghbors and friends ho wn a erent favorite with nil classes to whom ho nlwatsnppunrod na n French ccntlomnn of the CM flol1 Frenchman in spite of his mnny Iiiird l Ho made tho Fronchi- iuiKiinco time hinuunco Of Ills house amid his chlhlrn omit ernndchlldren upenk It with tho gnme fluency thnt they do tho Lucllsh In rillclon Charles Cnudort was a devout Cithollc huntn Now York hnwns a constant mtMMlfuit of tlioCliurch of lie Nativity anti his fnneriil services todny In Seton hail Impel houth Orange wil bu conducted by tho lllshop of Niiwark romnlns will bo Intnrred In thin family vault In Cavalry Vmftory ills hast elckiiffs WIS it bronchial affection brought by nlenlll church only two weeks before ho ltd not fear donth but prayed that ho Bhould not pass nway before ho hnd once more seen hli son Louis who wits momentarily expected homo from Europe Luis hud hued nu eventful trip Hu was nn time Arizona conversing with Mr Oulon when tIme viscl struck time iceberg and his narrow nt that tlmo sent a thrill of np liruhenslontiirouuh this united and affection flu family Thou OD his return Louis met with otlmr lips serious mishaps which caused vex- atious tiiuinys nud It wns feared that he would Out return to sun his father alive But at lust ho clue and jollied tho circle by the bedside of tho dv IIIR veteran Then Frederick said Fattier bless ustliRt wo may know you roeosnlzj us all Auo tIme old Inn raised his hand feebly In that ho them and peacefully passed awuy TESTljlOXr TO ORDER Some Disclosures Mnde In the Course or the Ienl tVIll Suite It Is said that the witness Fleet In the Lewis wilt cIol li on his deathbed When he wits carried Into tho Chambors to give his tes ¬ timony n week ago noo there testified that his previous testimony support of the alleged marriage certificate was perjured ho said that his chief motive In making tho disclosure was that ho felt that he bad not lone to live While Fleet was ulvlnir his testimony several letters were shown him by Mr Fiorrcpont counsel for time United States for Identification Hu testified that ho hind reccheo thom from Marcus L Bade and that wore In Kaclas handwriting Tho lawyers did not disclose tho purport of tho letters nt the tlmo nlthouirh the tact that the alleged marriage certificate pro ¬ ducoo by the widow claimant has boon said to I 1011111 by Bacla attracted a Rood deal of the letters They prove to have been part of series which Fleet testifies thnt ho got from Sncla while time latter U In the Tombs In 1975 on the charge of having forged a deed Their contents give somo idea of the mariner in which euborned tcbtluiony nmyhavo been procured and used In t lieNow York courts A letter dntid July 31 1S75 speaks of time d n scoundrel Walker who was said to be time principal witness nsalnst Hncln If he hind only told tho truth ho says If ho in- tended to squeni I would not have cared so much hut Instead of telnl the facts hn con ccnlud them mind hilsIl My cnbo I think will como you wont Is another man with you to corroborate you I hive anion damnable documentary evidence nutlnat Walker You remember he said In talking with you about the case that I nor my father lied nolhlne to do with It thit wo were both innocent II fact ho snvs mid not know an thine about but ho had to put It onus In order to get out of It hmtmsIf f thnt you asked him who got time deed up Ho said ho and old Jnck Cnnter not It up between them Jack I now lu Philadelphia dolnl ten years whleh tho truth Frank Clnlor dlo sign tho slcna- tures of tho deed Bald ho was glad they did not timid out about his escnnlnc from Van UlrroanV Lund In 1810 to this country as ho could not have got n portion In England You asked him If he hind done time there Ho said yes ho was convicted In London- and sent thorn for hIghway robbery Frank this Is true Hu wns convicted In 183S and sent for siren years Hut you might say you asked hint why he uas so hillIer on Mark end he said Mark sued him out Weftt and he hnd sworn to send hint up yet lor It anti would do BO So now rOIIe not use thu oilier testimony I wrote in my < letter 1 thlll It would bo j just ns el to get another corroborate Iou You lel him what you want 1 you can nn ns soon ns I out for 1 ohilt 11 him I and I will I well pild oursol 1 You cnn toil your friend what I am say old Walker timid been drinking quite freely when ho told you Another lettirdatPdCltv City Prison Ju no 301875 slimed Murk tells Fleet 011 case where hn siFts Thorn Is n chanee you lo rank f20 without tiny troubletodo afnvorforlllll Mnrsh mind no dlfileulty or risk anti It will not take you over half nn hour nnd no ono to dispute your statement Como and site mo Oct n per ¬ mit at time corner of Kloventh street nnd Third avenue When you an muter thu permit tell them you want to seo James CoUdiniitnn who hits bool her for over two inoiitha ho Is In with not get a permit toficemolf you mention my name lou can toll thrum that Codillnuton Is your uncle Ho is in for denting in crooked bonds In another letter dated July 2 1875 lInda gives four pnueB of n ionic story which ho wants Fleet to lull in order to provo nn alibi for ono Charles Snnliorn who was then In prison with him Now read this over carefully he adds and get him truth Impressed on your intelli- gent ¬ brain He continues honolil buy you have lt the fuels In this case and It 1 I I Is very smutis it mit drltl niul no lettlmi I to Lo hail to re- but I > our trutlilul I fctnrt lie tint nrretel on the strict at the corner of riflcenlh unit ami Ninth ateniieami that Htiemiit tu rob was on the corner of Klettnlh street anil I Mvhtli ntrnue All Die rtiili lire the prosecution has Is nf one ol Cite I coppers w Ito u llnes he saw some men ptutg rtr a i k net In mite rcarnti Die bunk hut dlA hot iitiuiiiy our i lileml i aslunitone I endow you- a letter roust hll Anil to don n to A u Halls ntllcewl- MU Itronlwi- iull it him iinl show him tile IclUr ami- u him > n- and hail bun l there I iKilnre but fouiul tutu out Inlnrm- abou II him > ou art r tell him ulut you iun i it Vnnbirn you In the cniirt a mitt VIU tilts > otl Iho m i illill ci in Hull I ilNnioiut him xnlMollnlk I I as Hunn ca a lie it 1 In i ii r as- sl 1anci lo toil ouch he I U ilUcharciit which Hill b on > f iir i MHhiiii A u ecu Aitoti K R 11 tt rlio mi Ilm ii mitt kate I nt the uiuc i ou1 a rtciiltr- subana alit ou ns Hall Kill bhitik limn Die court timid mitt Until an Mnil It to tam It tour titaimisi- Ii asketl you can say 3 ou are shut I JI IIIK medicine wllli thus old glut Kiii yuur own scents Tho old gent referred to Fleet eayiwoi tile father who was I physician Allan IIjnlwriol wet engaged by thin ox doctors nt an early stauonf time con- test sn8 that thu biiHlniBS of Kudu mimi his companions In New York lies boon rulldly tIm disclosures which Tiicbux has < 1 ttictR 0tll nAn Large Fire I I lu lied Hank Urn DANK Jan IAt about 7 > s oclock to nlRhl a lire broke out In a clothing store In Crust street Ihlsvlllscr shout three doars aboe this Western Unlo- uTleRrnlh 00 Ih elothlnl store hits telctrraph omce- S reti olhrr hUIlnu au tecit iturmucut do n anti tilt mire hi Icyitiul ii such s tutu rstimi a mite town sOrts lCsfa arc tnh i IIAln1 UI imus who- l1Iok with ic tush a ut Tue k 1101 e slut t 01- I i Buttons I li Minium and liuleis U can be satid cii- IOXII l I tu jitouel lbs rest 1 of lti tl Mock tutU yrott IiuiUsst S MAINE JUSTICES CONVOKED aor OAllCKLOtf SAin TO HAVE nlN VllOSUIt 111 XII COVXC1L Decisions thai are FittoraMa to flap Fusloiilsla- Antlcl nttdThe lust Hilly of the lrnI- slntnrn Somebody Perpelrnllnir n llonx AUGUSTA Mo Jan ITho situatIon to- night ¬ Is less warlike tlmnboloro for tummy days Tho fact that the court has boon asked to decldo upon certain law matters has given tho Radicals Bonio courage and many of thorn assort that tho Judges who have boon called to meet In Hangar tomorrow will docldo in their favor though what bearing this decision will have upon tho great question nt lasuo It Is difficult to divine Tho Governor today went to his homo In Lowlstou but tho Council are horo attending to routine duties and closing up tho business of tho year Counsellor Iostor of Bangor who tins bocq absent for a few days In Chicago on account of tho sickness of his daughter today toleirnphoo tho Counci whether it would necessary for hero on Wednesday next Republican papers have thnt ho left tho State because ho was Inlo afraid remain vtien tho fact is that ho hut been obliged to go tho bodsldo of n dying child TIm following despatch was sent hiui to ¬ night Accrsii Jan I 1550 Ifm John H rofr Stun JJI Your presence not absolutely necessary dont leave your daughter rot us The Governor anti Council tender sjlnpnthy I 1 quiet lierf Inbllc Kiitlnientchanktu in our I Invnr lour many friends see rallying to your cite mutrerai leou over euunwii in at title tire nelngheldto sunialn lianuor awaits jour return to give ou a tnsitnincent reception The public are coming to hair sctiKsand vu are tube vlntlcMrd- Mgurd K O lASSEs In hhal of Council Tho plana of the Ilcpubllcana crnnot bo learued It Is tho general talk however that no force of nrmi will ho attempted that every HpHClcs of parliamentary lUlbimtorlng will bo Usarted to The expectations aro that n largo number of memberselect wilt be hum by Saturday of this week Already some of thorn havo made their appearance and are taking In tho situation Tho croposod Icnlnl President llayncs of the Banato not Chief take Kxoaiitlvo place ali Gay Qarcolon I otlll the AVOURTAll Jan ITho armed guard at Is thoro only In tho ItlhtJ and then not to keopavra7anyonowhmo busi- ness ¬ In tho Capitol l Xho authorities explain that such n force Is doomutl prudent on account- of throats mado In publla meetings and other- wise ¬ of forcible resistance to regularly consti- tuted ¬ authority It Is oryaulct hero now noth Ing of publla Interest having occurred Tho Fuslonlsts nnd Republicans will bo hero In largo numbers by tho end of tho week It is expected thnt a decision of the court nt Hangar on the questions at issue with bo rendered on Saturday BosToN Jan 1A special despatch to tho Undid from Augusta says It appears that not n single member of the Uxecutlvo Council agreed with tho Governor In his determination- to ask the opinion ol tho Supreme Court on time questions telegraphed last Illht Mr rills bury too was strongly tho plan but tIm Governor backed by Mr Ootild made time concession to public sentiment Hut It Is safe to say that tho Governor agrees with tho Coun- cil ¬ that tho action of tho court will have no effect on the result Thom count Is completed and ocr tllleates Issued Time Questions aro so Irnmeo that It is expected answers favorable Fusionists will I bo given timid If by any chanco a contrary result should takn place nothing can bo thorn about It Probably Mr Morrill will concur in this opinion Ono of the Fusion Senators elect JSM T Hotvson n Lincoln County Greenbaoker of Ho publican antecedents has grieved his Fusion friends hero by declaring that time sole business of thin Legislature after organizing ought to bo tho adjustment of tho question of disputed setts und that nothing elm should bo done un- til ¬ that Is finished Mr Hnbson Is one of tbo counted In himself Tho Fusion managers In- sist ¬ that the election of Governor nlllllulo of cers must bu proceeded with cases Inferred as usunl as to settle these con ¬ tested seats and complete tho fraud nnd bribe- ry ¬ Investigation eontompiatedwouid bo to heave everything at loose ends and tIme State without n Governor weeks if not months liANiion 01 Jan 1hlor Justice Appleton has summoned alt tbe associate Justices of tbe Supremo Court assemble in this city tomor- row ¬ to consider tho questions propounded by GOT Olrconr which were received by this PoiiTLVM Mo Jan 1A ripple of interest was caused today by the commander of 1 militia eompany receiving what purported b a telegraphie odor from tho AdjutantGen- eral ¬ to roportwlh company at Augusta ou Iaturduy I ed to bo I forgery sin avirroiLEs ciiost viruncE SUIT Alleslnc 1 that Ills Wife Mm rled Another Una- llefure Getting a Divorce Mrs Clara Gullfuylo sue her husband James J Gullfoyle a young Brooklyn politician sonic time ago for absolute divorce nno in her petition for alimony sho presented Ifllnvi of tier brother Frank Murray that ho ac- companied ¬ Qullfoylo to a house of lit reputo In this city Mr Gullfoyle swore that the charge was false and miller thn alimony was granted ho oLlllloo warrant for the arrest of his brother on a chnrgn of penury Tho warrant which was granted by Justice Walsh was bused upon the affidavit of Qullfoilo and ono of his witnesses Hint on the day on which Murray alleged that Gullfoylo him as de- scribed ¬ Gullfoylo was with somo friends pro paring to goon n yachting expedition Before the warrant could be served Murray wont to semi Tho ease was not brought to trial A few weeks ago Mr Uullfoylesaysholcarned that his wife hnd remarried without liming ob- tained ¬ a divorce On applying to tho Bureau of Vital Statistics In this city ho obtained n tran- script ¬ of time marriage certificate which showed that on Nov 11nt a woman who hue says Is his wile under name of Clara Murray was 1111101110 Stephen Uurdett Trnsk n broker of Itev George 0 Curt ofllciating Mr Gullfoylo begun to further and found that hits wlfo was living with tier other husband In Bergen Point hJ Hn nt once Instructed his counsel begin n cross suit for nbttoluto divorce alleging various ucla of adultery from Nov 1 with S 15 Trask anti also suit fort 10JIM damages against Mr Trask fur thin eitrangiimont of his wife On Saturday last Mr Oullfojlo received n telegram from his motherinlaw that bin wlfo wits at 101 home in New Jersey sick and ask- Ing visit her Mr Gullfoylo says Hint the telegram 11 tho Ilructol that time housi vi1s opposite n this frlghtenei him Mr Gullfoylo lit nu employee in the Kings County Clerks omen 31ivie TOUX UIJ Why IMlsrngcr Mill Not be nn Assemblyman rrom IVcMeru ftev Tank CANANUAIOUA N Y Jnn hltmreo years ago Aaron Pilsengor and three of lila brothers bought n farm near this place Their families soon became noted lu religious mind social clr des They wore nil active members of tho He formed Church For n long tIme n series of burglaries highway robberies and other crimes have been cOlmlledln this region with n regularity and a manner Ihlt mado It plain that they worn tho work of experts No trace o- tho porpetrntiim of the crimes could be ob- tained On Tuesday nlrlnl last n former 1111a Heatoi went to ami found that of bobsleds amid I horse woro missing Them had been n fall I snow nnd i the slm e wore traced to the Aaron Plloengor Time piomUis were searched Pllxongnr wmts discovered In thin act of repainting Fnrmti Heaters sleds Hundreds of dollars worth of other stolen propot ty wero found In tile barn house anti shmlrt Other articles that had hutton indued bv neighboring farmnrs wero found In the possession of tutu other Illsengers It huns liieii nlliged I that tho Pllsongers are member of n gang of robbers who lucre boon otierntlnt In Now York State for Teams The fouirbrottiereh- imtio effected n compromise with most of their victims Others will I not settle and wilt prose eutii t iitt brothers to t tho full extent of tho law Owing to the standing of tim prisoners Hun do 1111181110 createdcreat oxcltmnnnl hero AlrOI wn to liavo boon thu next As tin from I this dimI lot Milk 1iodiicr Nevklnir lllvher Prices GosnEH N Y Jan 1A movement Is on foot amuiong the milk pro I ice ru In Oils ifclon tomlianc hue prices old by city consumers Mam having thuS same objectI I In v If w havo been frequently proj o cil bu- tliey have never rusulivd In any biiuDl to Ihe fanner The taoist In time Into attempt me 11 M Hum of iiuitlIs I lieini A iV Mnkisir Vloiint lluie I nniriinrli- Makis I 0 a of Mildliton all lurgi pritdiicus lliij hats lii iitd to thilr bruttur dirintrscalling thrin to tela smut 1101 nnd kavliu Hint nlmo t Ilnl wuiild be bitur than lrcamui ulriilutLiilt tit Hn- prni i os j a iiHrtlng at cvtrr milk I iintimi on lit N- iinrk liitkc Site anil Vi stern ami HID Uwiuo Ml linn i HillronK ou Hiliinliy Jnn a liir tie polntnii ui n- coininiitiis to autruin how mnny ilnlrn cnul I bi u- prinlid h- I U iOu I Ii inltr n tnuililiintluii M adi amr prloi s 11I I Is lurtln propii >iil llmtllHKe rniiiniliUri mut Riilur I In llddlituniiiiiiTiiiMdav I Jail n to uniki uttlir ri purls anJ to colibidt ak to nliat I khatl thvn be don llir Iniincri my Hint llu it III illlur rrotin Ittiri- tems ion their uillk or ciate to old It 10 Ihu U lol ma COUNTS VATEXT KOUILITT Text or the Document Hint lie Slid Net IVIil- iIllnted Untllvincr Ills heath I tlooa not appear that tho Into Count oannes who was tho only person In tho United States over submitted that title to proof nt least In this country 1010eo Miss Fairbanks SIS that ho showed patent attesting his right to tho title of Count to his lutlmnto friends only nod A cry seldom even to thorn When its existence was doubted ho was urged to publish ft- and thus put tim doubters to confusion but ho always refused It was loft by tho Count to his ramatlo pupil along with his autobiography and other documents nnd sho thinks that It is proper now to put It before tho public Hero It 1 ttnuslatod from tho original Latin CHAltLES V tMlEItOIl PAIl floralol > rtorlOiiJi l ii Viin qI Iv Roman imjiirtv the rt o Cull Vol4IJror IlOtp- V < J I Hi Imiittt Ortfotf li or Xnyhl of h GuJn 31111 To all and singular who utah see read anti lunar ttiee proloUn wishing health and cv cry Joy know ye that Charles V Emperor of thin llomans Augustm- nd King of Oermany the SpaIn both Blclllcs Hungary almatla Crotla Ac ic by letters Imperial signed ialed and delivered by hli own august hanij at Angus is TuIII In the nah Judlctlon ou tie dghtecnth day- or thojcarof our Lord ont thousand live hundred and ortv eUhtanJ In thin thlrtytlitrd year of Ills reign anions ther things granted to our cotor to ourselves and- o all others of tlio lamlly mittS taco of the Hertorlt sequin Cult free stud central of every kind power ant author 17 of creating promoting anl aoUmnl Installing A olden Knights unit Couot Ialatlnc andcsi clallysucli as we mlgtit discover to be well deserving and men of tested worth as may bo tether learned from the same ctters In tlm Itrnlttry of Uoluiinn to which reference la be hind in all matters stud through all means ii 1 hero since vir Hcorte Jones sun of Uiorge cutS In Lundon Iroat Ilrilaln In the mouth ol huTch PhD mail romnrtablc merit and than whom no other Is mon dlitingulssd lor knowledge 01 the most llxml itnoleMir lor IIMorio works being dtslruus uf- btstnlngnreward tor Ills inerln has rcifctfully I re- quested that tile Inflgnla I I era Uolden Knight I be given and ranted unlo him anti since ho miss been roiuidend- w urihy b I me enrolled and t romoted Into the holy of the Uodcn Knights l Uuunts rajsllne we Induced br the authority and recommeitJailon of mot eminent men initiating regard the uwrlti esteem and poiltton with which U I1 their I recommendation have en lObled the same Mr ueorge Jones by Hie Hupreme Immie- vial authority mentluiicd wblch we ordlnarUyeIo- n have adjudicd the befortuamed to- he and well I deservlngand we publicly authorize hIm tu asiuine and wear the usual Insignia of IhoUoldel Knights and Counts UalatiM to make rAt mnl ordain himself Uotdeo Knight and Palatine power being granted by us u lilm that he may enjoy and isc now and future Umcj AU stud several of the prtvl- eges iiraces layers prerogaUves and Indulgences which the other knights and Counts profess slum enjoy Aw1 b > ruht as In lorm custom or In any outer uit n1 and granung moreover ti hue scion Mr Jones son Ueorte crud Marv license power anti full authority tot wearing the OecoraUous of the sohigh- knlghtl order to the praise and glory of Almighty lad In couflrmaUon whereof wt have decreed hah prcMiun ilgned I by us end by our sccrelary tw- iilaclird I bv our seal which we use on similar occasions h v < liven train our residence In tendon In the year from he nauvit of our Lord Jesus ChrUt 1H47 on the first day or the month or March 1opo 1lus L Ulnj at the lead of the Cathode Church Imur Costa K< BISTOBICJ Commr Trlmui secretary Com DI loc Luxcorar- I L 8 I Uuuieslalentorlous i Qnit tesLl I In addition there was n private letter to the OUltby tho same writer cOllerlnl the title and promising patent aud thin Insignia The latter U n Maltese cross with other attachments which tho Count habit- ually ¬ wore In public dangling from a ribbon passed around his nOkrld placed on a chair beside his bod when Tho Count told Miss Fairbanks shun says that the person from whom ho rocclvedfhla knight lioodnnd whose own title lu tho Order of nobil ¬ Its Into which tbo Count wnslnluClul1 Is signed to tho patent was tho Auibnesador of Prussia to Fugland nt that time It was onc stated In a newspaper biography of time that he de- rived ¬ Ills title from one of the German Counts Palatine one of whose ancestors roculvod dur ¬ ing time middle ages from nn Emperor of Ger- many ¬ tho right of conferring tho title of Count In consideration of a service rendered Tho privilege wits rarely exorcised by either him- self ¬ or deoconJnnt for tho reason that It was not by the rest of tho nobility who refused to roont the noblemen B- Ocrmtiulna order urltlmato nobility wns considered emanate only from time sovereign himself OeorloIho Count Joannes died so far as without n single dollar In his possession MIss Fairbanks says thnt ho fro qitently spoke to her about bomb property ho owned in Englewood NJ hut ho said it was tot worth much mind ns for some years past ho nglected to tiny ll taxes upon It tho proba- bility ¬ Is that It lS forfeited Miss Fairbanks ordered every lnl of tho funeral to be fur- nished ¬ In tho < elaborate mind costly style Inlondlnl hereafter to iMravall tho expenses money she hopes to earn no an ae I trips Dr Sllo however a dentist of Willlams- liurgh tin old friend of tho Countsavs- thnthowlll dofraynll of Iho necessary expenses The remains of time Count lay In their costly Casket nt time undertakers yottonlny time ar- rangements ¬ for their burial not having been completed Tho pull bearers will probably be Invited today GEN OHAXT is TilE SOUTH Welcomed br Lending Illiens on lt Ar- rival In lleiiufbrlC- HAHLESTON SC Jnn 1Upoo tIme an- nouncement ¬ that then Grant would visit Beau- fort ¬ an Impromptu reception was arranged this morning by tho loading residents irrespective of party An Immense concourse of nil classes proceeded to tho depot with bends of music tumid a copious display of bunting Two colored mili- tary ¬ companies tho Beaufort Light Infantry and tho Surnnor Guards were out Tho Beaufort Volunteer Artillery tho crack white company as on tho road loading to tho town with ono field- piece firing n salute of thirteen guns Every available vehicle was In requisition toadd to the demonstrations of welcome At 330 oclock time special train arrived with GenOrlnt anti hula party and was greeted by I of about 5000 persons with honrll 11lnusl The party white escorted to entrance to time town was an arch bearing tho word Wel- come ¬ In evergreens On tlm arrival of the party at the hotel Intondant Wllnmsol bo half of tho committee ¬ ties of lImit town In n short speech husplul Gen Grant responded nsiollovvs It affords mo great pleahura to bn allowed the opportunity to visit Itoiufort though only for an hour Thl locality occupies I completions place in hutton For tho lust Incut venrs It conMnntly huts TIm best qunlltles of time newly emanci- pated ¬ race nr dovelopud lucre 11holk > ou for jour hopjillnblo nnd warm Gen mil expressed a desire for some phophat and n number of residents contributed specimens Ono gentleman gavo the General n huge backbone nnd lower of n inegalonyxadding that It wits a inw specimen of Carolina cheek and backbone allJAXUlTGI IIXIJ1 IUXT1W A Woman I In ITlster Co who hits n llnndre unit Fortyeight Descendants MAitwionouaii N Y Doc 81Mis Anna Baxter of this village has US 1lnl descend- ants embracing four II Januan o reunion of tho family will bo held hero Mrs Baxter wits born In Westchester County In 1800 Her parents soon afterward removed to Platte kill Ulster County where they tIled and wore hurled both having lived to n ripe old nge Mrs Baxter married a young fainnir of UlHer County and bore him mnny children I nt ono tlmo twins Thn lust chilI WII born when stitt wile DO years old Allot I ii it children nudehll- drons I children amid grnndililldren148 i 1 I In mini her nro In welltodo 01rc118110eslld tmjo- irnnil hniltb iui ret V I I of n phislilnn They are scattered i in lousI of tun country nnd t tho it ret r tons Is nnxlouHly looked forward to Kviiry member of time family I It IH expected will i Ito present Mrs Dnxtur thin grentgreatgrand- motner Is n plemant and ul I pteserved wo- man Him rises early every nnd eontrnr to llm wishes of hir 111101 perfilsts In doliik manual Inbor of Hho Iollmbor- arhll wolves heats flout otlici 1 lulmals- rOllod tint woods In this section < An Aodilent ut s Aoildlnr Mr Wnrron You II nld Miss Llxlo horns were multi ri kim on Tiimlitj ilirht t In the tMtice of I the Inllca a rout in rcntu tlllo Suffolk Count Home JHUIR inch uf the Illftiw ftt onn wlumi was tivuritC tOt Liar iTonnul n cdtuioii mil a eat to ito hOle nlnre the at Tl tie tat ihilir fff It liikt nlr iM TT Cftunoi uim flu t ti i4 muni tr ul flints A ma r lube1 fllltil wltli mull tier luau 111tr a iuie hiauir 1111 as tullUemiuin ttiul ni ho mt ni hniiln ever lit hnl linn A llnhtiil liuil h iiuit In him mr tlu1 nine mite uvMii r In the luttrr- iillutnt rihilnl ti fa J tutor tel utr llKI lUirlnc tics it iteui ihtuk uli i ititiittt inntlrr- iuiiil fltlil IM I tlllIIII t a IV III Ituis I1 to III i huini itiil- Dr I TIII i turiil It in duulit luther vutini htmbuis fclklil I itOh- CISC KIIUil lii n NU ret Cnr I nArmOlt Jnn IWIIII H Griffith an cit I knueknt 1 I otii b > a stiei- ai iiiiUl IkJuJ aluiottluiluuU GOY CORNELL INAUGURATED TIJ3 CEltrMOXV IKlifOHMKn IX XII XC NEIl STATE CAllIOL Witnessed hy n Intna Tlirontr of Persons IliiTtornella Itemnrka on Tnklntr than Oaths oronce Itecepllon A fler thin Ceremony AL ANY Jan ITho luniiBurfttlon of lay Cornell took place nt noon today In tho As ombly Chamber of tho now Capitol It wits a plain coromouy lasting only I few minutes but It was witnessed by n vast throng At 12 oclock cloy Robinson nno Mr Cornell outorootho Chamber followed tholr rcspoo tvo 8t fRln lull uniform and tho Secretary of Cnrr and his deputy Col Wood and proceeded to tho Speakers desk The ocrctary of State administered tho oath of nice to Mr Cornell Mr Hoblnson than wet corned Cloy Cornell who rosponoeo ns follows GovHOHJNHON years you hlC occupied an Influential position In tho councils of f tho State Chosen repeatedly to tho Loglsln- uro mid for several terms elected Comptroller you served with such steadfast ability as to win rouiotlon to the Executive ofllco by an un irocedontod > oto As Chief Magistrate you mvo vigorously fearlessly exorcised your official prerogatives and given your Adminls- ratlon high rank with those which have pro coded It Permit mo to congratulate you upon time honorable record you havo made for your- self In the annals of tho State and to express nit cordial wishes for your continued health and prosperity My friends you have assembled to witness tim 10 transfer of tint executive authority of thus Unto front nu olllclal who tins completed his erm of service to a successor chosen under the perntlon of tIme Constitution anti the laws Our great Htnto alicady in the sacond conturyof constitutional government has In time papt fortunate in the character mind ability of hor executives In the present I a instance- boon Veteran In tho service of the Stat surrenders tile authority to Qnocajlgd Ironi private life with limited ofpoi ri11 Tupublfa affairs It huts given me peculiar ploasuro to avail myself ol tho present occasion to hoar tee ¬ timony to the cdGsDlouous fidelity with which my honored predecessor has discharged his official responsibility For a long time It tins seemed to no that wo are quick to find fault with publlo men but careless in expressing our appreciation of faithful service Perhaps morn cnroful discrimination in this regard would contribute quito as much to olovnto our public service as some other remedies which have boon suggested for present evils It should bo remembered that great prizes are offered to men of ability In other pursuits which co far beyond anything realized In official life The learned professions the management of corpo ¬ rations and other great business enterprises af ¬ ford opportunities for compensation and dis- tinction ¬ which lessen the attractions of time pub tic service and Induce many of our best noun to neglnct affairs of Government My friends looking back over the past year wo have groat cause for gratitude to time Divine Being for many blessings bestowed upon mr people Itenovvod prosperity general rood health and public order have prevailed in a marked degree Plenteous harvests and gen trout markets have rewarded agriculture Heady employment antI liberal wages have awaited Industrious hands Bostored values and mprov ed crud Its hav o encouraged the eommor- clal classes The dark clouds which so long cost holr shadows over the business attain of time country have broken away and the new year opens In tho bright sunlight of prosperity In entering upon time duties that await me grate ftil acknowledgment la duo the people for the confidence BO generously manifested The great trust committed to my keeping Is accepted with a profound sense of the responsibilities uvolvod anti with full determination faithfully and impartially to discharge the obligations assumed Gov Cornell mind Mr Hoblnson accompanied by their respective Stan then proceeded to the Governors Boom whom they received many citizens CASUlElt LEAlUlKDS AttltEST- rMor sklisi Time In which to Show that lit A < uuu are Correct NORWICH Conn Jon 1The arrest ol Cashier K II Learned of the Dncns National Bank of this city on a chnrgo of embezzlement which was made publio this morning has cre- ated ¬ profound feeling In business and social circles lie was connected with one of the old ¬ est and most respected families In Connecticut and hues always been highly esteemed as a shrewd banker and an estimable citizen Ho was considered a keen speculator In stocks anti It Is strongly Intimated that Wail troot is the cause of his ruin though the directors of time bank maintain closo retlceneo on time subject Tlm nrr st was made b > United States Mar- shal ¬ J D Bates of Hnrtford In accordance with nn order from the Treasury Department Mr Learned wax taken before united States Com- missioner ¬ Allen l > niiy of this city nnd chnrged with dafrninlinir time bank nf J3111X1 liv false entries on Nov H mind other dates An ad- journed ¬ hearing Is set down for Fob 1C Bull In 115000 was furnished by Kbeneror Learned lyiunn Gould Major H HO good and Theo- dore ¬ Utymondjand Cashier Learned was al- lowed ¬ to retire I Tho examination of the htunkau account which resulted In tho enforced resignation of Mr Learned was made by thank Kxumlner Mvcntt over month ago and In time Interval since that limo Mr Learned has been steadily at work on tho books to provo hits claim that he can straighten out time accounts satisfactorily Ho now tusks for n month to complete his work Mr Learned Is about CO years of ago It Is generally believed that the banks affairs aro in an unfavorable condition OKV OltAXTAXIl SEN4 Ton COXKllXQ Why the Latter lllil Not Aeeompstmr the Kx President to Cube VAsnrNciT Jan Senator Conkllng hiM not met lea Grant since time hatters return to this country Tho fact that the Senator from New York who was ono of tim powers behind tho throne during Gen Grants administration had not greeted time cxPrcaldent created con- siderable ¬ comment In Washington It appears that when Gen Grant was on his way from the West to Philadelphia It was ex- pected ¬ thnt ho would sail for Cuba about tho let of December from New York Such was tim programme In accordance therewith Gen JMnlelUutterflelda friend of Cunkhiiig mumil one of thn agents of tlm Alexandro llnoof stenmeis I Invited Mr Con ki hg to accompany ion Grant to Cuba Mr Conkling accepted time Invitation Gen Grant was not Informed cither of tIme In- vitation ¬ to Mr Conkling or Its acceptance Ho postponed the ii mint of departure from hue States until I January nnd i Instead of sailing front Now York ditermlned to embark at Fernnndlna When Mr Conkling was notified of tint change in Gen Grants programmatic ho declined to go on necountof business In Washington G ii Grant into not Informed of Mr Conk I lings 01 Iglnnl Intention I to accompany him i to Cubit till last week It lx said he exhibited BHUptomiot thin liveliest regret at Ito clrcum- bianco and wrote n letter to Mr Comikilmig pity i lug t that If ho tint known of thu honor Mr- Conkling proposed to do hint bo should not have changed tile original programme LOUISE JIUltDKXS ISWEXOE- Jitterapllnv la Kill Nviintor Morgan Son Whom she baud Sued fur Seduction WASHINGTON Jan 1 Thus afternoon Louise hIordenthie woman who rocentlybrought suit agaiitt tIme son of Senator Morgan for breach of promlso nnd seduction attempted to kill the young teen ns ho was passing down Q street by shooting him with a pistol The bill pnsHod thiough t tholloshv t part of thin unit amid made n painful I I but not set Ions wound Iteloro- Bbo could lire again Morgans companion frus- trated ¬ t the attempt mind no doubt envoi his friends life ns thn woman wits I In H desperate mood A bottle of laudanum was found on her peihnn nftniwnrd with which sIte Intended to commit suicide If buccucsf In tier uttompt on 51ilgnus I lire Situ Is thn laughter of Honntor Morgan for mm law paitiier I nnd afler her fnlhor < death was uiidnr t Ihn charge of Senator Morgan Wlien you mig B urea eamo hit nt to ho clerk of hula fathers Coinmltteo time girl followed and soon after brought I hn suit for daningts Hue now pals that Morgin has been vindictively pur- suing ¬ lint and yesterday had tier turned out of Inn i hitttt ni mite it fuse Morgan aveis Unit the whuoiit castD Is ono of blackmail fIlm eo1tt she hat not donuwllh him yet and tlueatons to tako hula life nt the first oupurtunlty Nlnir King Pu lion Ninteniriil Rtio BiNd N YJan 1 1Tim total earning ci tiltS MIU rilioii lot lltLiintior ainoiitil to lHJilltu- xiviiJItuas it tttre Jlojifij Tho pruhts are ptitvt 4ii Tin torn romj lain thnt Pr Hulls Viuh Syrup hai re- uucod tOo ll it ot cvuli uuJ cola Calicut jut AX EVIHVUE Of HATJISS XEW- Is TRAit lie Ahnn Dellrera nn Invective In the Irrsence ol the Cullers- WASHINOTON Jan 1One of tho worst cases of Injustice tinder the present ndmlnls ration Is that of Col Henry 0 Do Alma Btato Collector of Customs nt Sltkn Alaska Mr Do Alma after being appointed Collector nt Sltkn was rejected by tho Senate without good cause and simply account of tho negligence with vhlch JoInt Bhormnu treated hits case Ho was impoverished by the expenses of his journey to Alaska and return and the ndmlnlstr- non tics steadily refused to do anything for tilun Tho Finance Committee of the Bon ate the other day wrote Sherman that it had knowledge of tIme circumstances ndir which Do Ahnn lost his pInto that It wits ft misapprehension that ho WIJ Bfaithful- norltorlous ofllcor anti rOc minnd6d hlui f for ft losltlon In time Treasury Dopnrtmont Title letter was receIved with sneers by Sherman mind hawley Icstorday lo Ahnn wont Into Bhor nan S Olllco lUlil excitedly repeated Iho stqi 1 of- hubs wrongs and swore that justice should bo done him Sherman called for thin messengers to put him out but Do Alma told thorn to stand of IT hurled more luvectlvca at Sherman and departed Today nt tho citizens reception fttlho White louse In tIme presence of hundreds of visitors 10 Ahnn stood tip and told Mr Hayes that ho hail boon seeking justice horn for the past eighteen months anti now timid como to toll hint that if Divine Providence would Inflict upon him time onehundredth part of thio die grace poverty and suffering that humid been nfllctod upon his Do Almas family for tho past two years Hayes would not have n happy nomont of his life timid ho continued neither do you deserve It horn the police rushod In and took hold of Do Ahiin bufilio found tlmo tOi shout Horu- wo havo n very small wouldbo dcspotwho does not know how The Incldonr created a great deal of oxclto mont among tho crowd which had to bo parted all through tho house and at themaln entrance to lot Do Alma pass out Hayes tinting Do Almas shouting kept ducking tug head arid nt tempting to greet the other visitors who till then seemed anxious to hoar Do Alma through 3 i0 11111 fJIOYCLR IrofeMlonul and Amateur Knee la the American Institute Building The American Institute building at Sixty third street and Third avenne wai opened yesterday by Mr Wen worth Rollins who rode on a bicycle from New York to Chicago last summer ai a rlJipz academy and ft bicycle emporium As an academy leiioni are given la it at n regular price anti In U ai an emporium machine may be hired by Lbs hour A sprlmcy imooth cement flooring covers the vast Interior of the Institute and the machine are nude to spin around the vast cUlpM with- out the faintest noise or jar A hundred youim men looked on or circled around on bicycle csterday A in on ir the riders wa a little fellow lo years old front Fort ii sync Indiana who wore a bronze medal won In a bicycle race He strAddled a43 Inch wheel while hli- cliort hers can reach only the propellers of a 42inch ma- chine Tho tips ot hit toei barely reached the pedals yet ho passed many a ruth crown moan on the track Every Saturday except next Saturday Jan 3 both amateur and prufetlonal races Mill bo inado up The races lot amateurs are to be of two kinds One of two and the other of live mllr lot each of these two races a prlzo of I tools to be offered One profeIoiml race of 25 mules will bo rolled and a prlzo offiuu I U to be offered to the winner Mr Ilollinss school at Brewst Hall Flush avenue and Fourteenth street Is to bo kept open TIlE LATEST OLD IKJJtLD NEWS BInhommed Jan 1eiieo PronoaaU LONDON Jan 1A despatch from Cabul to flue Ditty Xtui dated Dec 23 reports that among the stipulations presented by Naimounmeul Jan as a basis for- peace were the return to India ot the British force at Cabuh and that a promise be given to send back the Ameer two British omcers to remain In Cabul as host ¬ ages for time fulfilment of ito promise The Viceroy om India telegraphs as follows Oen Rob- erts ¬ reports Dec JO that tho marco under command of Ccn Hiker hlch Iclt Cabul on thin 27th of December Is returning from Kohlstan having destroyed unopposed the fort of the rebel chief Mlrbttcha which was found abandoned Several Knhlttnn end Logar chiefs have teiulered their submission The enemys loss In killed and wounded In the course of the lest fortnight are estimated at aooo men Ou time Sum of December ann llrlght made a descent upon some ol lha villages whose nhahltanls bad been prominent In harassing the mInt ti itiitri Pt tjkt1iuiiueuruei Iit Au but very Gold Czar and Cusrvvlteh ST PETEnsDuno Jan 1At a review of some of the regiments of Uie Uuard yestcrdaj thus Emperor male a speech to the troops expressing huh convicUoum Uiat they will serve the Czsrevltch as faithfully as they had served him Time Lmpcror then saluted the Cure Hen At a dinner given on the anniversary of the crossing of- tbe Halkaus the fcmpiror entered the hull IcaJiu the Czarevlns and accompanied by the Czaretiteh The foregoing Is significant in coumctton with recent sensational repurts ol I talent disagreements between the Lmperor anti Czarevitch amine Spreading In North Persia LONDON Jan 1Ttumu Turkish Missions Aid Society lucre written to the Timn regarding the spread of the famine In Northern firsla stating that titer have re cilted a telegram from Ourmla to the erect that thus famine In sit that n Elon is Inerea tng Sully anJ that tin Irma etueuuuou euTortsare made to with help Irom Liuland and America a great number ol thus population must perish there are unly two months supj Iml l of lood to The Toys head LONDON Jan 1Diving In tho Tny nt the scene of the recent bridge disaster tics been suspended owing to the boisterous weather The railway authori- ties say there Is little doubt that the bodies have been wailud seaward sad a boat eipedmon Is being organ- ized to watch tot them King John Ilelleved to Want Peace LONDON Jan 1A despatch from Cairo says One of the Abyssinian chiefs who favored an aggres- sive policy has been recalled from the frontier by King Juhii UUthouglitatCalrothalililsstep Indicates that this King has adopted a pacific aiutude Fined for Libelling lion Curios LONDON Jan 1Tho Time Paris cor- respondent ¬ reports that the JwMis fhKtpib has been fined 300 francs and thus Caulmi 00 francs for libelling lion Carlos In riprlnUng a stony of tIme theft of his die wends Xtonffh Weather at Sea LONDON Jan 1The Allan tine steamer An chorla apt llcdderwlek from New York Dec 20 hot Olasgow which arrlted at Muville jcstcrday tout lien quartermaster aud bad boil suia hed during heavy weather A Member of the Czars Council Dead LONDON Jan 2Tue Dallv Jfeia Bt Peters hunt despatch soya fleil Count Paul Ignalleff lrc lUn- ifthe viitilsterfat i Commltue a inemlor oi thoCouncllo State mini the lather of lien IgnaUorT Is dead Speclnl 1iinlshmenta Proposed BT FETEnsnunci lan 1TIto t7ofo an- nouiices that It Is proposed to meet sptclal iiunlthniinl for persons convicted of propagating Mhlllst doctrines among the troops Ex1mpress Jliffcnln- LoNDOvJnn2 Sir Kvolyn Wood rno ot thik coinmiitidcrs if the uluwar lij thi Qiuciuc dckire will nccompany this Lmpress lugcme to Zulu land In Icbrua- rAironsoa tVouldlltt Assassin MADRID Jan 1The examination of ion ralez the wutiU he rcalciile rllclied no tnformatliu- Ifiidlngto show that the attempt nas duo topolulca- auluioslty French Aid for this Crisis Poor IxjNDONJnn 1Time Boclety of Bt Vincent do 1aul iu trance hat ri olvcd tohave a Mtctil ciluc- tlon In each of Its Conferences to rtllevotho distussii Ireland AceeplabU to the Queen LONDON Jan 2Thin Mnnifnril announces thai the UIKIMI hai tniormod the Czar of tier acceptanc- of 1rinco Lobauoff as hula Ambassador at London The Klins lift MAinitn Tan 1Klmmg Alfonno has glenn inuu minks lur limo benutlt of hun lamtuc urickeii li- Uf per bile slit PllfVrlnic ruin his Eniuaioyers- BitSTTh Jan 1J N Hnrrlmnn assistant cnthiir nt than titer S Co s drr goods smote I In listen hunt is iinler ernet t or iilTirllig from lute emtlotcra the ututoutc the Ihcilui Jimo mpstol which huts bctu- le ottud Oregon llrendstiifrs Ixpoil RAN rnANoiBco Jan 1A despatch from Portland Origon sajs that during the pail car B trawls cleared from that Mntc fur I urope rain lug i triios centals or wiiiat vnliuit at fli il2to I AU- arrels thttuti of Hour valmd mat 5hi llJSi SI 4 RIS Fit CM 1I1K TELKOttAVU Thus nalttinoro Giultt list rcdiued its prlco to one cent A council of this Lngllsh Cabinet n Ill bo held ou Batur day flen riil llnl the Italian Xllnliter to Prance has pro seiilid lilt letters of recall Sir ilnrnett olnelc will sOrt from Cnpe Town ton KnulmKl In the cnuriie il the preuut month The vet us of mite iiro tiicts if the mines in Potnrsd diirlnn IMTii I infill I tttJ mi hufeass g- eir that cf tIme hiuSSSjiuig n r LIFE IN THE METROPOLIS Dtsmis irnriK AND Timnn ar mif- ipnnlib S UNS JWlO1t4L1f fIT Hlmletil as SInlclnn Their Arrlvn In America alter Nncce nil Ierfot tnnncei- lu iur iie rirt Apiieurlnir In lloiton Fifteen young Spaniards with five servants arrived In the steamship France yesterday after a torn pcntuous voyage from Europe They cnn graJuMoi oj schools In Spain and 1ortugal and about two years net they formed no organization with FeAor Martin at lender known so Im Spanish Students sitS visIted tin 1arli Exposition Thmey were sueccsful In plying con- certs sal lioy afterward travelled through France ace many llnsln Itchy Holland cat biiglniiil Throughar agent In London Mr II E Abbey engaged Ultra for the rest of this years lotion smith Mr Edwards J Chcever Goodwin and Dun Hop kite Sir Abboyiagents n3 hug ycatendsy afternoon In tho cabtn of the steamboat Out Colony to moats them solves nnileritixnl Ly the dark haired mulclans They will give their flrit concert In Abbey Park Theatre Doston this evening On tIme first of next month they unIt appear In Abbeys lliniiitj Duinpty ant Spanish ShimicAt5S21Uli I menu aro nto guitars nhu mandolins anil ono violin ThOKultari hero fourteen and sixteen strings anil tin manUollnitwcho ttrliun Tho cottunio of each comliu of a black velvet cloak thrown over Iho rIght ilioulJcr- lolvctknco brceclice and black stockings a soil block three cornered lint anti a tutu vvhlto collar A striking peculiarity U an loony tpoon fastened on Ihe front of each hat Veius ago hpanlsh itudenti wore tlielr mooni ai- btttlffei and tIme incmbera of the troupe liav c adopted the cuttoni Their names are Yenaclo Martin Qavlno La- puente Valentin Care Jott Rodriguez Jott JarclaJos- Itrnandcz < Mcltiuladci Hernandez Unrlfiuo Ollburea t Antonio Carmona Manuel Ooiualcz Miguel Jintcn Prig eel Loper Eugenie Anton Juan Itlpoll Laureano Her I nauilez Itlllcr ritol William Drummond of 251 Hudson street stood with some frlendi at Seventh avenue sod Thirtieth street at II oclock on Wednesday evening amid Dunlol SillIer a colored icrvant ol Dr L 11 84jer of 285 Klllh avenue passed near them Quo of this men ethicS In- sultlnily after him and Ihcrc J Miller drew a rerolve- Wd nrc3Ti tfietn TlieTiuiTet lilt Drummonl In the npck All ran and Miller Sired train upon Urummond hilling him In the hip Policeman Leddy taw tlio second iliot and arrested Miller suet a chase Drum tupud was taken tultoosovelt Hospital where hs lies iii peril In the Jefferson Market Police Court yesterday SUmmer said he corned thin revolver for self prelection as he lund heard so much about assaults ant robberies sal that when the men called after hint he thought they meant lo assault htm ant hcnco ho aced Justice Flam leer Imposed f 10 tine for carrying a pistol and com- muted the prisoner to await the result of Druiuuioudl Injuries Mn Virginia B mdrord DIamonds ExUnltod States District Attorney W IX fluthes the brother in law of exAttorney General WU llama who was committed to Itayraond street Jail by Jus tine Gilbert for contempt of court In falling to deliver op some diamonds valued at 14HO that are Involved In a suit in which he was counsel ion tho plaintiff was or dered by Justice cllbert on Wednesday to be released on dcposltlnz tho diamonds with tho Clerk of the court or giving a tonS ofl in Mr Hughes sail he hisS a lien upon the diamonds lor services and Justice Gilbert decided that under time elrciimtunces Mr Hiinhes had a- right to retain them Mr Hughes furnished the bond suit was released The diamonds are claimed by Mrs Virginia Sandford Stabbed In his Sleep As John Donlon was slopping In his apart- ments ¬ In the third story of his house at 317 Furmaq street Brooklyn at about 1l3 > oclock on Wednesday a night he was awakened by being stabbed In the right side He says he recognized In hit wouldbo assassin one John Gannon who llcd In Uie same house As thus assassin was about to make a second assault with the knife nnlon throw up his right arm anti caught the blow tilt assailant then ran away DeHctltcs were searching for Jannon 3esterday launon Is 44 years of age and Is said lu havo been without cost hat or tItans Wiles he lied Donlons wounds lilch were not serious wero dressed by the ambulance surgeon lie Is at a lou to account for the assault Nulnjt for a Dot r Jas A Hodden cashier ot the First National flank Newaik sued Francis Tell a Market street mer- chant In Justice Forts court In Nowark on Monday fog this recovery of a setter bitch named Flora Tell and tutu counsel were not present and Justice Fort gave Ilcddei lodgment for sum to be void Incase the doj wet re- turned Tell will move to have the judgment opened al hit arena that th tflaL ia mtinijuf th nrmerty ot his lxii brotner 10CC ii u em wbo imeti suouta unottu sco crib that It Iltdden wants the dog us should sue John K Tell i admlnntrator Ur lledJin says he cave flora to John It 1tlt teeral muntlis ajo on A condition that was flat futflileul anti so be demands Uie return of the do- An Old Railroad Employee Ruled John Jncobus who had hind chnrco of tb- Icnnijhflnia < Itailroad bridge ocr the Hftckengack ot nearly 30 years was Mllcd by the locomotUeof the ox- nrcM train that HtartM from Jersey City tit 6 10 oclock last eIeiiltmR I llclutl just ehen the alcty lUnal to an eastward Uoun pasciucr train amid contrary totustotn Icpicd over on the other track not lliinKhu uf ti- uextircos train that was npproachtnt Irotn the opuovlt direction Me nniJ years of a eand leaes a lainily his brother Mexandir Jncobu renrcvntcd the Eighth Diitnctor lluiltou County lu the 2cw Jersey Asitiubly hen eight emits Mr Iumeir Arrival Tho steamship Rcrthla passed Fire Island at H oclock last n If lit stud arrhed at qua run lino at 1 oclock this morning The members of tho Keccptloa Committee antI others wlio desire tocoilo n tlue bay if nifftMr erich will cOurt from the Itnttery nler on th- ri ii fiiuu muller at 7l u clock this morning Ihu taunt 11 Stttrin wilt start troni Cortlanilt rtrtet at the mini J hut The tkncral Conimlttet mi Mr Iarnctrs recei U- onc received at tliclr headqunrterft lie Ator Utiuti- euutneroui letters of ivinpMth with otTtra ol coopf ration Irotn prominent tncrchantn In this city n portion ol whom art neither ol Irish blrtli tier parentage Framing a earo In the third story window of a photograph gallery In Iaterson N J stood a heavy frame of wool containing ft negative that was being printed An icicle from tire roof struck tlie frame an threw It over into tug street In Its Mil it truck the heath ol a negro who web passing antI the negro neck was encircled by Iii Irnmt Ills filet thought was lht ho wee bciiu carroted and turnlnifnuickb ho struck out at n gentleman im- tnedlatclv UliliU lilm U was some Uino betore thug ncRrocould couiprcheml the situation He utKredtit liJurj IIu IDS alt > Jon Island lands A number of large rcnl cstato purchases hayt Urea made within the past month In the town of slip In Suffolk County Mr Henry Havemeyer has bought several hundred acres ol wliat waslormerly the Uren rotate about H mOo east of hiaui ion rot stout f 41 5oa- Mr ttm Mcollhasftnll to Mr > rederfc Ncllsun of New York 4113 acres orfJ JHJA Mr ChrMophir U Hobert4I- AS tu nonoht 74J acres adjoining tio propirty nt iini II aihlorbilt lot IM 474 anti n liruoVlvn neruuiumuteum bat bought fuo acres ui tUln Undi for cutout uooe Determined to Venuc nn instalL lo hu Motheri- Jnmes Jackson need 20 of 209 Fifth street Vililami burgli being unable to ores his w sy cut of a room In which he hind been confined last evening to Ire ie itt his assiulllnic A outn man who hat Intuited till nitiher sprang inch u window In Cite third iiorj and miKni n ImcUiro ul the Ml thigh He was ncnioycd to a hospital rullurr In 187O lour hundred noel sixty failures were roc ported In this city In l7i wlih llabilillos f 1033011- assets51COOJJ In ls7Sthcic were U17 failures outS Iial l1itiesamniintliij to lit li timi ism him neural niiuitiers nnd nuncio ol Ii4taais51tiue hinted recorl lur stir slat Hire the mutate im leT In mall lucre Isr ripnrtfdBte- lalluro wllli lublluies to llio amount ot iiloxiuw Slow Tho mat luriltrmi lleann the Year ThomoB Oarrlcnn Isttod his mother nt 46 1 Carroll Street Hrookl > n yoUrdu Mother stud sot J- imus mount HiMthi on knocked hu mother doun emil 4 if tmniKiltm lien Mr tier rican Ktirul ot who o lbS i it ° cre Lrokt ii flw trtkcn lo i llu Long IsiatU ColU ge llus Lumut tout lieu sou its un eeteii j f blue Texas 1iiclOc 1 l IjI PfnlrAncTrhmlA Jan 1It has boon authorl l l- tsiim ely karnetl that a coitract ion thus construcllon o- IhoTiXK t 4 a ami 1nrinr llnllnnt from Punt UnrlhtnKl- la n ailWaipt iiTiOnnlin ta sl noili cttriov The mInce 1dm I Is iiml r uol to to jMuuu len mimiuc hut lii at murK kC bunds of mite coui an ji lite Hlsmil Offlee rreillcllon j rpi J nit ml Jdli Atlnntlo States anti Now England 3 Ju3 fnlllii litrometor InertaMun Manner suiuuiit nit ii tide inrrciiriiitc cluuillness au l iu thus Intoriur i otsiulv lihl riiius 1 f I jf JO111XU1 is 4N11 XKllt Till CITY The tlrnmihlp Vvomlne srrltrj lastnUht A unite ro ebml In a ttrtilnal tiorKts store yretef da rtaull troushl t trcitut lltoctnts- Ki tIny Ijiulii Ho Inson is at t the Kt Jaunts I Hfttel Pen attir Mlllnin Ill kellnteol lonlUlis l he nllhe Ulcll All nucrxs iminr I alati no s l titr t iNMiimilk us at tliet 1i intl II i siuhUviimln Miller Is at the Neis lurk Hull I John A nreene of II Shunt Cutut Street Rrnokl > n l hf- mutant toars a ttdl trite juiirnitlltt In thfi city ill linn tu Inn on tInt ice at Ilumln n mil inlic strrils suit tutu hi lout leg IU ttas taken lo tho Iwtv York lll PIWl- llumcnconcrrnlni the allcccil decision of the dlrce- torsol outs ol the ito i tou n luniks ti i1Uiontliiue buil- m s < unii rnrrint ikt nlA > Iliu rrcislint couilt aleC Im foiinillul hue I itt 1rcH itttl in il i Ihn illnrlors situ ttto of tlio proiiiinciit Ftix kliolil rs sMiit tnev kiievri- iktlhlNk 4 ol such SL lion ou llio hurt ot the losril Tie first nuinler ofstveeklj called rswr ties an- srel nlth MCiis A A llnjis Jr anl I W I ii rillojs- ascilituri I Illil I HIP rnme ni uurtul l s tie S iAtiC lipo- U atitlcuuuly in tho lutiioii i lliif anl riuih anl ro- POM s luiuur ttic ttholo Ik II ul stKlal iutte re sue A UK tig- tho nnuilili If Aiurp ui iii first utile are the remlins nut i uf MIIU limhi Liblache tutu brUnt Jouul it hull art lute conUnueu II ii- ili I I

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t gua JIll rrirrvr OIIIBKH or AStiLl lIII CI HltJII1 lVIU

ml or the Tint Aiiptilroiia Uunrd of HonorOnre hrntrncril I U I Mtol ln Kcniird In-

Jl e riflJlUr Y rISrI 1In A merlin mill uaaDin Inlber of TlircB x eiv Vmk lnufr

Clint ks Comlei ltt oleo 1 Lieutenant In thoGuard Honor of tho First Napoleon nnd-


fllhr ul the wellKnown Coudert Urothers tho

I j sawyerS illuilnt his linnio In South Orange N

Jon WiMltiefdiiv lIe was born lu BordeauxFranta on Due 27 17U5 Doforo ho was 17

yciirs ol ngo ho was flied with enthusiasm forNnpoleon It wits 1 tlmo whim tho men ofFranco by thousnnds had Riven their lives lutho service of the Man of IkslhiYll0 whim thoyouth of Trmco dreadfulgaps In tim ranks which war had made Thocavalry corps which hn joined wits innilu up ofpatriotic young teen who furnished their ownhorses nUll equipments find gladly devotedtheir lives mid fortunes to the cause Thiscops of the Ounrd of Honor wns attached tothe old Imperial Guard nod un rtcInlodIn thofamous thro days battle of nstho Rittlo of the Nations whoro Napoleonwas alternately successful coil defeated drivenfrom the city nnd sustained n sovere loss of hisforces through the blowing ut era bridge Iwas this disaster throuch tim mistake of nn

I engineer thnt nave the death blow to tho Frencharmy Thorn young Chailes Coudert receiveda wound In the Ill of thin scars of which ho-

was 1101 proml at the age of 81 ills brother

I Victor who participated In some engagemont died In Franco only n few years ago at tho

4 ago of 60 Charles 1180 pnrtlolpated In tim bat

r Uesof Montereau and Montmlrlal nnd served

t octlveb In those desperate engagements alterthe Allies hunt entered Paris just before theabdication Ho was thoroughly attached to tho

tjnpolcculo dynasty oven In defeat and alwaysfondly cherished the hopo that Franco wouldtranciullly submit tQ Napoleonic rule

I After the leslrnlol ho wa stationed at thee s cii Milry schol of Scorner ns a cavalry ofllce-

rTiio through the Influence of LafayetteJ alwnyn said ho became Involved In a conspiracy

to ulaco in in the tlironn tho vouuc Duko ofA KolclistnJt Napoleon II The conspiracy

ailed and ho with several others 1 arrest-ed


tried and condemned to bo shot Amongthoso arrested wns I young man of his own agoDarned Siorojean who was actually shot But onthe morning of tho execution some InformalityID the trial of Charles Coudert was discovered

1 which secured the postponement of his deco ¬I

ton and n new trial The family have yet Inpossession tho French newspapers con-


the account of his trial and also letter1a which he wroto to his mother when he expectoo

to be executed tho following morning Iwas abravo letter nod contaIned not only tho warm ¬

est expressions of filial affection but alsoevidenced that ho was not afraid to die In thecause which ho hind espoused

He lay In prison eight months during whichMnulleeamler took great Interest In him antiBho mentions him In her memoirs He Is also

< spoken of1 by Chateaubriand In ono of hisU letters Uiifore the time for his second trial

came on ho manned to escape from trlsonthroiuh n disguise which wits obtained furhim by his brother Vlitor He slmVod ofT hismoustncho put on Icivilians suit nUll walkedcnlinlv pnit thu 11010 whoso Io8slbloguspic-Ions ho iil > IUltlnl thorn through nportion ol thu ninnuil orls Titer thinkinghe vvns an officer of IItnctonlt him passwithout question departurefrom 11 eountry he was concealed In the house

t ol Ilocnniler-ii As It was ImpossIble him to leave Francej Without n pnssport he secured one which bnd

been ll5iic1 for n mon named Ltnclols Housed to tell with creit gusto How narrowly hn-eicnpod ronrrt the presence of mindnfn friend named Leclero who was with himIt appears tint ha forgot In the incitement oftho moment that ho was travelling under an

In assumed name and when thn gondarm whovised the pns pirt naked Whots your nami-

It ho looked In blank astonishment for he had10rcotl1 It Hut Leclero with ready wit came

and bIWIIlllo hims Whv dont you tol that your name Is

Langittla VThl adroit method of tilllnghlm what he hnd

forgotten ptoliablv saved his life Ho remainedin Uncland two years among thu many FrenchrnhllIf there tutu became quite homesick

visited Franco In disguise but learn-ing

¬r that the Government had discovered hispreeenco and iet the police alter Ii lnilio escapedin n bimill pneket from Bordeaux In January1621 Hn fl> d to this country where ho hassine remained anti lila Illtyllvo years resi-dence


In New York and vIcinIty havo made himS nnd his family almost as welt known as tho old


SII r Coudert used to tell n story of his comical-r pllcht upon arriving In London with hisr fellow compatriot sum total of their jointE baggage wits a brace of pistols Hnpfooln nn

old nen paper Tho paper gotthe nnturo of their baggage and they woreappreheiiblvo of arrest Strenuous effortswor tnmle to persuade Luis XVIII to pardo-nss Coudert hut they

Upon tile nrrivnl here he did not know thot language out ho had letters of recommenda-tion

¬i to various persons among others theIr French Consul who told him ho hail been ixIu Dectlng him As n menus of livelihood he bor can giving Fronh lessons Titan ho bought

out the famous old school of Fougnct not manyyears utter his arrival hero This school hocontinued to keep over thirty years up to 1857

I und thoro Imve been taught litany men whot have become prominent In this city nndit In the nation At first this bchool wasIC in eighteenth street then known an Strawberry

Hill Next It was near St Johnu Park then a-

very fashionable locality boloro Commodore-S Vanderbilt hail Bolz d It for a railroad depot

b Tho sclol was dually kept In St Marks placet Onl main reasons lie had for keeping ItI 8010DI WHS to educate hits own children the

his mnirlago with Mis Uuchnmpdaughter of a prominent French citizen Four

It of thIS children turvlvo him Frederick II1 button Cliarlos Coudert Jr Louis Leonce4 Coudort all of tlm firm of Coulert IlrothnrBi lawiers and adnughtervvho jmarried to 1nul

fuller another member of firmCharles Coudert was always proud of his adt lioronco to the Bonaiuirtis Hn frequently en

tortalniid Louts Napoleon nnd Joseph Boney Carto at his house during their stay In this

country and ho also visited thorn Ho wast proud of his two medals the testimony of what

lie had done for Frnnco Ono of those was thoGrand Cross of tho Lglonol Honor which he-etlll kept with the original rUI rlbbol attached

I It Is n curious jewel nnd centre ofa tho obverse n beautiful miniature of the Kmpo

ror and on the reverse an exquisitelycarvedeagle lha other medal which was theiljjoratlon 111 to him by thn SecondLmplrn for Ils sC1iecs remlarnd to the Fjret Ina bronze i iunteiii bs ucronn nodBurrounded by n wrentli of laurel This witsthe medalI which Nnprleon at StI llehmaas adying wish desired should ID pn H mtid to theoonipnnlonB of hits glory and vuit priimuled byLouis Napoleon to every surviving oflteiiraud

V soldier of the First Lniidro The InscriptionsI on It are 1792 to 1815 To his companionsI in 1111 hits lust thought St Helena May

On the ruverst IIK a faithfully carvedBidiilllon likeness of the Kmperor-

llesldiNI these precious rulkv ho hind manyJnouidiitocs of his early hilt bitters from La-hyette and olherslndl picture of tho Emperor

I on presented to him bythe Lmieror himself His hoiiso wns n curi-osity

¬I ol Nipoleonlo portrnll nnd blogrnphles-

nnda the wnlls of rools Wil a NimIolonmiic-dnttr r Iliipt II n > fit A its

itit Napoleone i nt JnlTa Nniolennl i nt the Coronntloii Napolnon nt Tontalnoblonu Nnpnliion ntHt IlliilonaI Napoleon with IIhe Iinfant KingI nfHome unit on the lan of his sllnoloUllrOunls-wns ono of CunoviH bustsllbrni y wan 111 of books about thin llounimrloHrindt h hnd their hlRtorynt hut tongues end

An nn Instanoiof his confidence In tl > apo1ionic dyiiHKty fflnnd relates hu waswalk ng with himIIn iSIS when time n011 of timrvinlfm crisis In Trench affaIrs largelyinlied with LiUsI NapoleonsI cnmo 1011111nboy ry Ixlmlows from ITrancemarket is 10118 Niipoloon como IntolOwer sure proved He said hnAnl 10 1wits not km ns lit belluved that was theII rett 0 liletri Ii nit t Hlnen 1 h14 for Iho rench peopint to tix press tti iii r clinic IHiiahravsbollovedItliiit the pniitim of Trance woia on tlio aide oftim hlonritimi hitS

HotxAihuI keenest Interest In thin FrancoJruBfiliin war andI wits almost torn ptoh lo entertlOI liiinh nriiiy nvon at his mtiiviimicitil ngn liejyaa on n visit to lint native land In 1H70 andthere nut hits aged urnlhnr still hobbling on

t fno leg the result of n wound received otV jAJtHic-

Ah Victor hn cried why dont youi llioiiller your niunkot and to titter these ran

I8ili 11111111llrlu8 I would If I had two legs like

jOli mpl ml his 1llher Hut nf 0011110 UIHI

1 tuwur give mitts thRnhuatty efllatly

1 I

for this cause anti lioth woro deeply crlood ntthe xwllt disaster that so unexpectedly lo thornicftll tlie Trituli niiiiB It wnn on that visit to

Pens flint tin Inst snw Napoleon 111I who metlilm nccliluntallr lu tho fctroot anti uzohnnKud-Enlutntlona

IAOII nflur thin victoryI of Sodnn find the dcntliof Xniiolmin III ChnrlraCoudiirt hail faith thatIIto lri lien I iii tiet lii I would ono dny Btiococil to

tI t un moo of Frim mica Itnnawlth tho duopcstsorrOr lint ln of tho untimely Month of

you flu li 110th hnndn of time Zulus andIt nnsto hlinnlnioHtHHthiilOGBof Arion-

llu iiluniH tulnml hum bitterest In Ircnch nffoilS nnil wn n cnn tnnt render of French

pmi iirni At thn dny of Ills dentil them woroon hl desk hint few copies ot le Jnui tliorniich Lcultlmlat organ which ho had notro ul-

hiiioo eMnKiiphU school MrCoudnrt has lodn 1011111I I I nurt of tbo tlmo IIn stclicetor

I fur tIto lastt IIhlitoonI years IIn ndolluhtfiilI bomn IIn toutli Orange whom stirIiiiiinilnd liv his hooks hlH Ulolurol his chilldriii amid lila KrnndehllilrDn oullllssllopluanniit hoot of hla decliningoHt lilit was uxotllnnt anti up to hm last hourhnwiiH u nrncloiia devourer of books Onlytow iliiiB lufufii ho dlud ho saId o his penTrivliirlck hoio nlnuant homo Is near b midwho was a cnntnnt compnnlon You mustgot inn Homitiuoro or wihave to readmy Ill ones ova nKitlu

Jn WI fond nt horsobnck riding anti hli01 t Foldlnrly bearing nlwya attractedattention hHoI useth to mu thnt lie thought honnnnuooil rider when ho wmt to the cavalry-school ntHiiimur because hn hnd soon actualservice Hut Im liiiil to unlearn nil ho klOInndbegIn nllll Curlouslr onoutzh fowj ours frlnnd In looking over nonu oldbooks In n store found ounof Charles CoudortstiM books vthlch 1m hnd used In time Imiryschool ntHtitunnr How this book ever caine tojourney from Irnnco to this country and netInto an old book store lie noer Know but timervhs Ihits hnndnrltlnK In It that made Italduutlflfin ion cerininCurIously onoueh one of his sons TrnderlokCoudert paine yearn ago nceldontnlly conic In

JIIICl with tho Trench lawyer who de1untItl1

hll tuuvonotilrucy trial and whoso uhreniUsaved hut Ilife Not tong since ho was for

tunnto unouuh In IIt with an old comrudo Inarms n mcinlwr same regIment

lu Nmv lork and tho two Rlllvh-lKmutiny a pliMibiint hour with reminiscences oftho cxcltinu scones of nearly sixty years neoIlls favorite of time llonapurten was 081h1111ho never Html of tolling btorioa of ¬

course with himAmonu his neIghbors and friends ho wn a

erent favorite with nil classes to whom honlwatsnppunrod na n French ccntlomnn of theCM flol1 Frenchman in spite of his mnny

Iiiirdl Ho made tho Fronchi-iuiKiinco time hinuunco Of Ills house amid hischlhlrn omit ernndchlldren upenk It with thognme fluency thnt they do tho Lucllsh

In rillclon Charles Cnudort was a devoutCithollc huntn Now York hnwns a constantmtMMlfuit of tlioCliurch of lie Nativity anti hisfnneriil services todny In Seton hail Impelhouth Orange wil bu conducted by tho lllshopof Niiwark romnlns will bo Intnrred Inthin family vault In Cavalry Vmftory ills hastelckiiffs WIS it bronchial affection broughtby nlenlll church only two weeks before ho

ltd not fear donth butprayed that ho Bhould not pass nway before hohnd once more seen hli son Louis who witsmomentarily expected homo from EuropeLuis hud hued nu eventful trip Hu was nn time

Arizona conversing with Mr Oulonwhen tIme viscl struck time iceberg and hisnarrow nt that tlmo sent a thrill of npliruhenslontiirouuh this united and affectionflu family Thou OD his return Louis met withotlmr lips serious mishaps which caused vex-atious tiiuinys nud It wns feared that he wouldOut return to sun his father alive But at lust hoclue and jollied tho circle by the bedside of thodv IIIR veteran Then Frederick said Fattierbless ustliRt wo may know you roeosnlzj usall Auo tIme old Inn raised his hand feeblyIn that ho them and peacefullypassed awuy


Some Disclosures Mnde In the Course or theIenl tVIll Suite

It Is said that the witness Fleet In theLewis wilt cIolli on his deathbed When hewits carried Into tho Chambors to give his tes ¬

timony n week ago noo there testified that hisprevious testimony support of the allegedmarriage certificate was perjured ho said thathis chief motive In making tho disclosure wasthat ho felt that he bad not lone to live

While Fleet was ulvlnir his testimony severalletters were shown him by Mr Fiorrcpontcounsel for time United States for IdentificationHu testified that ho hind reccheo thom fromMarcus L Bade and that wore In Kaclashandwriting Tho lawyers did not disclose thopurport of tho letters nt the tlmo nlthouirh thetact that the alleged marriage certificate pro ¬

ducoo by the widow claimant has boon said to

I 1011111 by Bacla attracted a Rood deal ofthe letters They prove to have

been part of series which Fleet testifies thntho got from Sncla while time latter U In theTombs In 1975 on the charge of having forgeda deed Their contents give somo idea of themariner in which euborned tcbtluiony nmyhavobeen procured and used In t lieNow York courts

A letter dntid July 31 1S75 speaks of timed n scoundrel Walker who was said to betime principal witness nsalnst Hncln If hehind only told tho truth ho says If ho in-tended to squeni I would not have cared somuch hut Instead of telnl the facts hn conccnlud them mind hilsIl Mycnbo I think will como you wont Isanother man with you to corroborate youI hive anion damnable documentary evidencenutlnat Walker You remember he said Intalking with you about the case that I nor myfather lied nolhlne to do with It thit wo wereboth innocent II fact ho snvs mid not knowan thine about but ho had to put It onus Inorder to get out of It hmtmsIff thnt you askedhim who got time deed up Ho said ho and oldJnck Cnnter not It up between them Jack Inow lu Philadelphia dolnl ten years whlehtho truth Frank Clnlor dlo sign tho slcna-tures of tho deed Bald ho was gladthey did not timid out about his escnnlnc fromVan UlrroanV Lund In 1810 to this country asho could not have got n portion In England Youasked him If he hind done time there Hosaid yes ho was convicted In London-and sent thorn for hIghway robbery Frankthis Is true Hu wns convicted In 183S and sentfor siren years Hut you might say you askedhint why he uas so hillIer on Mark end he saidMark sued him out Weftt and he hnd sworn tosend hint up yet lor It anti would do BO So nowrOIIe not use thu oilier testimony I wrote inmy < letter 1 thlll It would bojjust ns el to get another corroborateIou You lel him what you want 1 you can

nn ns soon ns I out for1 ohilt 11himI and I will I well pild oursol1You cnn toil your friend what I amsay old Walker timid been drinking quite freelywhen ho told you

Another lettirdatPdCltv City Prison Ju no 301875slimed Murk tells Fleet 011 case where hnsiFts Thorn Is n chanee you lo rank f20without tiny troubletodo afnvorforlllll Mnrshmind no dlfileulty or risk anti It will not takeyou over half nn hour nnd no ono to disputeyour statement Como and site mo Oct n per ¬

mit at time corner of Kloventh street nnd Thirdavenue When you an muter thu permit tellthem you want to seo James CoUdiniitnn whohits bool her for over two inoiitha ho Is Inwith not get a permit toficemolfyou mention my name lou can toll thrum thatCodillnuton Is your uncle Ho is in for dentingin crooked bonds

In another letter dated July 2 1875 lIndagives four pnueB of n ionic story which ho wantsFleet to lull in order to provo nn alibi for onoCharles Snnliorn who was then In prison withhim Now read this over carefully he adds

and get him truth Impressed on your intelli-gent


brain He continueshonolil buy you have ltthe fuels In this case and It1


Isvery smutis it mit drltl niul no lettlmiI to Lo hail to re-butI > our trutlilulI fctnrt lie tint nrretel on the strictat the corner of riflcenlh unit ami Ninth ateniieamithat Htiemiit tu rob was on the corner of Klettnlh streetanilI Mvhtli ntrnue All Die rtiili lire the prosecutionhas Is nf one ol CiteI coppers w Ito u llnes he saw somemen ptutg rtr a ik net In mite rcarnti Die bunk hutdlA hot iitiuiiiy our ililemli aslunitone I endow you-a letter roust hll Anil to don n to A u Halls ntllcewl-


it him iinl show him tile IclUr ami-uhim > n-

andhail bun lthere IiKilnre but fouiul tutu out

Inlnrm-abou IIhim > ou art r tell him ulut you

iun i it Vnnbirn you In the cniirt a mitt

VIU tilts > otl Iho m i illill ciin Hull I ilNnioiuthim xnlMollnlkI I as Hunn ca a lie it 1 In iiir as-sl 1anci lo toil ouch he IU ilUcharciit which Hill bon > f iir i MHhiiii A u ecu Aitoti K R 11 tt rlio miIlm ii mitt kate I nt the uiuc i ou1 a rtciiltr-subana alit ou ns Hall Kill bhitik limn Diecourt timid mitt Until an Mnil It to tam It tour titaimisi-Ii asketl you can say 3 ou are shutI JI

IIIK medicine wllli thus

old glut Kiii yuur own scentsTho old gent referred to Fleet eayiwoi tile

father who was IphysicianAllanIIjnlwriol wet engaged by thin ox

doctors nt an early stauonf time con-test sn8 that thu biiHlniBS of Kudu mimi hiscompanions In New York lies boon rulldlytIm disclosures which Tiicbux has <1 ttictR 0tll nAn

Large FireI Ilu lied HankUrn DANK Jan IAt about 7 > s oclock to

nlRhl a lire broke out In a clothing store In Crust streetIhlsvlllscr shout three doars aboe this Western Unlo-

uTleRrnlh 00 Ih elothlnl store hits telctrraph omce-

S reti olhrr hUIlnu au tecit iturmucut do n antitilt mire hi Icyitiul ii such s tutu rstimi a mite

town sOrts lCsfa arc tnh iIIAln1 UI imus who-l1Iok with ic tush a ut Tue k 1101 e slut t 01-

Ii ButtonsI li Minium and liuleis U can be satid cii-


I tu jitouel lbs rest1 of lti tl Mock tutU yrott IiuiUsst




Decisions thai are FittoraMa to flap Fusloiilsla-Antlcl nttdThe lust Hilly of the lrnI-slntnrn Somebody Perpelrnllnir n llonx

AUGUSTA Mo Jan ITho situatIon to-


Is less warlike tlmnboloro for tummy daysTho fact that the court has boon asked to decldoupon certain law matters has given tho RadicalsBonio courage and many of thorn assort that thoJudges who have boon called to meet In Hangartomorrow will docldo in their favor thoughwhat bearing this decision will have upon thogreat question nt lasuo It Is difficult to divine

Tho Governor today went to his homo InLowlstou but tho Council are horo attending toroutine duties and closing up tho business oftho year Counsellor Iostor of Bangor whotins bocq absent for a few days InChicago on account of tho sickness of hisdaughter today toleirnphoo tho Counciwhether it would necessary forhero on Wednesday next Republican papershave thnt ho left tho State because ho wasInloafraid remain vtien tho fact is that ho hutbeen obliged to go tho bodsldo of n dying child

TIm following despatch was sent hiui to ¬

nightAccrsii Jan I 1550

Ifm John H rofr Stun JJIYour presence not absolutely necessary dontleave

your daughter rot us The Governor anti Council tendersjlnpnthyI 1 quiet lierf Inbllc Kiitlnientchanktuin our IInvnr lour many friends see rallying toyour cite mutrerai leou over euunwii in at title tirenelngheldto sunialn lianuor awaits jour return togive ou a tnsitnincent reception The public are comingto hair sctiKsand vu are tube vlntlcMrd-

Mgurd K O lASSEs In hhal of CouncilTho plana of the Ilcpubllcana crnnot bo

learued It Is tho general talk however thatno force of nrmi will ho attempted that everyHpHClcs of parliamentary lUlbimtorlng will boUsarted to The expectations aro thatn largo number of memberselect wilt behum by Saturday of this week Already someof thorn havo made their appearance and aretaking In tho situation Tho croposod IcnlnlPresident llayncs of the BanatonotChief


place ali Gay Qarcolon I otlll the

AVOURTAll Jan ITho armed guard atIs thoro only In tho ItlhtJ and

then not to keopavra7anyonowhmo busi-ness


In tho Capitol l Xho authorities explainthat such n force Is doomutl prudent on account-of throats mado In publla meetings and other-wise


of forcible resistance to regularly consti-tuted


authority It Is oryaulct hero now nothIng of publla Interest having occurred ThoFuslonlsts nnd Republicans will bo hero Inlargo numbers by tho end of tho week It isexpected thnt a decision of the court nt Hangaron the questions at issue with bo rendered onSaturday

BosToN Jan 1A special despatch to thoUndid from Augusta says It appears thatnot n single member of the Uxecutlvo Councilagreed with tho Governor In his determination-to ask the opinion ol tho Supreme Court on timequestions telegraphed last Illht Mr rillsbury too was strongly tho plan buttIm Governor backed by Mr Ootild made timeconcession to public sentiment Hut It Is safeto say that tho Governor agrees with tho Coun-cil


that tho action of tho court will have no effecton the result Thom count Is completed and ocrtllleates Issued Time Questions aro so Irnmeothat It is expected answers favorableFusionists willI bo given timid If by any chanco acontrary result should takn place nothing canbo thorn about It Probably Mr Morrill willconcur in this opinion

Ono of the Fusion Senators elect JSM THotvson n Lincoln County Greenbaoker of Hopublican antecedents has grieved his Fusionfriends hero by declaring that time sole businessof thin Legislature after organizing ought to botho adjustment of tho question of disputedsetts und that nothing elm should bo done un-til


that Is finished Mr Hnbson Is one of tbocounted In himself Tho Fusion managers In-sist


that the election of Governor nlllllulo ofcers must bu proceeded withcases Inferred as usunl as to settle these con ¬

tested seats and complete tho fraud nnd bribe-ry


Investigation eontompiatedwouid bo to heaveeverything at loose ends and tIme State withoutn Governor weeks if not months

liANiion 01Jan 1hlor Justice Appletonhas summoned alt tbe associate Justices of tbeSupremo Court assemble in this city tomor-row


to consider tho questions propounded byGOT Olrconr which were received by this

PoiiTLVM Mo Jan 1A ripple of interestwas caused today by the commander of 1militia eompany receiving what purportedb a telegraphie odor from tho AdjutantGen-eral


to roportwlh company at Augusta ouIaturduy I ed to bo I forgery

sin avirroiLEs ciiost viruncE SUIT

Alleslnc1 that Ills Wife Mm rled Another Una-llefure Getting a Divorce

Mrs Clara Gullfuylo sue her husbandJames J Gullfoyle a young Brooklyn politiciansonic time ago for absolute divorce nno in herpetition for alimony sho presented Ifllnviof tier brother Frank Murray that ho ac-


Qullfoylo to a house of lit reputo Inthis city Mr Gullfoyle swore that the chargewas false and miller thn alimony was granted ho

oLlllloo warrant for the arrest of his brotheron a chnrgn of penury Tho warrant

which was granted by Justice Walsh was busedupon the affidavit of Qullfoilo and ono of hiswitnesses Hint on the day on which Murrayalleged that Gullfoylo him as de-scribed


Gullfoylo was with somo friends proparing to goon n yachting expedition Beforethe warrant could be served Murray wont to semiTho ease was not brought to trial

A few weeks ago Mr Uullfoylesaysholcarnedthat his wife hnd remarried without liming ob-tained


a divorce On applying to tho Bureau ofVital Statistics In this city ho obtained n tran-script


of time marriage certificate which showedthat on Nov 11nt a woman who hue says Is hiswile under name of Clara Murray was1111101110 Stephen Uurdett Trnsk n broker of

Itev George 0 Curt ofllciatingMr Gullfoylo begun to furtherand found that hits wlfo was living with tierother husband In Bergen Point hJ Hn ntonce Instructed his counsel begin n cross suitfor nbttoluto divorce alleging various ucla ofadultery from Nov 1 with S 15 Trask anti alsosuit fort 10JIM damages against Mr Traskfur thin eitrangiimont of his wife

On Saturday last Mr Oullfojlo received ntelegram from his motherinlaw that bin wlfowits at 101 home in New Jersey sick and ask-Ing visit her Mr Gullfoylo says Hintthe telegram 11 tho Ilructol that time housivi1s opposite n this frlghteneihim Mr Gullfoylo lit nu employee in theKings County Clerks omen

31ivie TOUX UIJWhy IMlsrngcr Mill Not be nn Assemblyman

rrom IVcMeru ftev TankCANANUAIOUA N Y Jnn hltmreo years

ago Aaron Pilsengor and three of lila brothersbought n farm near this place Their familiessoon became noted lu religious mind social clrdes They wore nil active members of tho Heformed Church For n long tIme n series ofburglaries highway robberies and othercrimes have been cOlmlledln this region withn regularity and a manner Ihlt mado It plainthat they worn tho work of experts No trace o-

tho porpetrntiim of the crimes could be ob-tained On Tuesday nlrlnl last n former1111a Heatoi went to ami found that

of bobsleds amid I horse woro missingThem had been n fallI snow nnd ithe slm ewore traced to the Aaron PlloengorTime piomUis were searched Pllxongnr wmtsdiscovered In thin act of repainting FnrmtiHeaters sleds Hundreds of dollars worth ofother stolen propot ty wero found In tile barnhouse anti shmlrt Other articles that had huttonindued bv neighboring farmnrs wero found Inthe possession of tutu other Illsengers It hunsliieii nlliged Ithat tho Pllsongers are memberof n gang of robbers who lucre boon otierntlntIn Now York State for Teams The fouirbrottiereh-imtio effected n compromise with most of theirvictims Others willI not settle and wilt proseeutii t iitt brothers to ttho full extent of tho lawOwing to the standing of tim prisoners Hun do

1111181110 createdcreat oxcltmnnnl heroAlrOI wn to liavo boon thu next As

tin from Ithis dim I lot

Milk 1iodiicr Nevklnir lllvher PricesGosnEH N Y Jan 1A movement Is on

foot amuiong the milk pro I ice ru In Oils ifclon tomlianchue prices old by city consumers Mam having thuS

same objectI IIn v If w havo been frequently proj o cil bu-

tliey have never rusulivd In any biiuDl to Ihe fannerThe taoist In time Into attempt me 11 M Hum ofiiuitlIsI lieini A iV Mnkisir Vloiint lluieI nniriinrli-Makis



aof Mildliton all lurgi pritdiicus lliij hats

lii iitd to thilr bruttur dirintrscallingthrin to tela smut 1101 nnd kavliu Hint nlmotIlnlwuiild be bitur than lrcamui ulriilutLiilt tit Hn-prni

ios j a iiHrtlng at cvtrr milkI iintimi on lit N-

iinrk liitkc Site anil Vi stern ami HID Uwiuo Ml linn iHillronK ou Hiliinliy Jnn a liir tie polntnii ui n-

coininiitiis to autruin how mnny ilnlrn cnulI bi u-


IU iOu IIi inltr n tnuililiintluii M adi amr prloi s11I IIs lurtln propii >iil llmtllHKe rniiiniliUri mutRiilurI In llddlituniiiiiiTiiiMdavI Jail n to uniki uttlirri purls anJ to colibidt ak to nliatI khatl thvn be donllir Iniincri my Hint llu it III illlur rrotin Ittiri-tems ion their uillk or ciate to old It 10 Ihu U lol

ma COUNTS VATEXT KOUILITTText or the Document Hint lie Slid Net IVIil-

iIllnted Untllvincr Ills heath

I tlooa not appear that tho Into Countoannes who was tho only person In tho

United States over submitted that title to proofnt least In this country 1010eo Miss FairbanksSIS that ho showed patent attesting hisright to tho title of Count to his lutlmntofriends only nod A cry seldom evento thorn When its existence wasdoubted ho was urged to publish ft-

and thus put tim doubters to confusion but hoalways refused It was loft by tho Count to hisramatlo pupil along with his autobiographyand other documents nnd sho thinks that It isproper now to put It before tho public Hero It

1 ttnuslatod from tho original LatinCHAltLES V tMlEItOIl

PAIl floralol > rtorlOiiJi lii Viin qI Iv Roman

imjiirtv the rt oCull Vol4IJror IlOtp-V


IIHi Imiittt Ortfotf li or

Xnyhl of h GuJn 31111

To all and singular who utah see read anti lunarttiee proloUn wishing health and cv cry Joy knowye that Charles V Emperor of thin llomans Augustm-

nd King of Oermany the SpaIn both Blclllcs Hungaryalmatla Crotla Ac ic by letters Imperial signedialed and delivered by hli own august hanij at Angusis TuIIIIn the nah Judlctlon ou tie dghtecnth day-

or thojcarof our Lord ont thousand live hundred andortv eUhtanJ In thin thlrtytlitrd year of Ills reign anionsther things granted to our cotor to ourselves and-o all others of tlio lamlly mittS taco of the Hertorlt sequin

Cult free stud central of every kind power ant author17 of creating promoting anl aoUmnl Installing Aolden Knights unit Couot Ialatlnc andcsi clallysuclias we mlgtit discover to be well deserving and men oftested worth as may bo tether learned from the samectters In tlm Itrnlttry of Uoluiinn to which reference

la be hind in all matters stud through all meansii1hero since vir Hcorte Jones sun of Uiorge cutS

In Lundon Iroat Ilrilaln In the mouth olhuTch PhD mail romnrtablc merit and than whomno other Is mon dlitingulssd lor knowledge 01 the mostllxml itnoleMir lor IIMorio works being dtslruus uf-btstnlngnreward tor Ills inerln has rcifctfullyI re-

quested that tile InflgnlaI I era Uolden KnightI be given andranted unlo him anti since ho miss been roiuidend-w urihy b Ime enrolled and t romoted Into the holy of theUodcn Knightsl Uuunts rajsllne we Induced br theauthority and recommeitJailon of mot eminent men

initiating regard the uwrlti esteem and poilttonwith which U I1 theirI recommendation have enlObled the same Mr ueorge Jones by Hie Hupreme Immie-vial authority mentluiicd wblch we ordlnarUyeIo-

nhave adjudicd the befortuamed to-

he and wellI deservlngand we publicly authorizehIm tu asiuine and wear the usual Insignia of IhoUoldelKnights and Counts UalatiM to make rAtmnl ordain himself Uotdeo Knight and Palatinepower being granted by us u lilm that he may enjoy andisc now and future Umcj AU stud several of the prtvl-eges iiraces layers prerogaUves and Indulgences

which the other knights and Counts profess slum enjoy

Aw1 b > ruht as In lorm custom or In any outer uit n1and granung moreover ti hue scion MrJones son Ueorte crud Marv license power anti fullauthority tot wearing the OecoraUous of the sohigh-knlghtl order to the praise and glory of Almighty lad

In couflrmaUon whereof wt have decreed hahprcMiun ilgnedI by us end by our sccrelary tw-

iilaclirdI bv our seal which we use on similar occasionshv <

liven train our residence In tendon In the year fromhe nauvit of our Lord Jesus ChrUt 1H47 on the firstday or the month or March 1opo 1lus LUlnj at thelead of the Cathode Church

Imur Costa K < BISTOBICJCommr Trlmui

secretary Com DI loc Luxcorar-II L 8 I UuuieslalentorlousiQnit tesLlI

In addition there was n private letter to theOUltby tho same writer cOllerlnl the title

and promising patentaud thin Insignia The latter U n Maltese crosswith other attachments which tho Count habit-ually


wore In public dangling from a ribbonpassed around his nOkrld placed on a chairbeside his bod when

Tho Count told Miss Fairbanks shun says thatthe person from whom ho rocclvedfhla knightlioodnnd whose own title lu tho Order of nobil ¬

Its Into which tbo Count wnslnluClul1 Is signedto tho patent was tho Auibnesador of Prussia toFugland nt that time It was oncstated In anewspaper biography of time that he de-rived


Ills title from one of the German CountsPalatine one of whose ancestors roculvod dur ¬

ing time middle ages from nn Emperor of Ger-many


tho right of conferring tho title of CountIn consideration of a service rendered Thoprivilege wits rarely exorcised by either him-self


or deoconJnnt for tho reason that It wasnot by the rest of tho nobilitywho refused to roont the noblemen B-Ocrmtiulna order urltlmatonobility wns considered emanate only fromtime sovereign himself

OeorloIho Count Joannes died so far aswithout n single dollar In his

possession MIss Fairbanks says thnt ho froqitently spoke to her about bomb property hoowned in Englewood N J hut ho said it wastot worth much mind ns for some years past honglected to tiny ll taxes upon It tho proba-bility


Is that It lS forfeited Miss Fairbanksordered every lnl of tho funeral to be fur-nished


In tho < elaborate mind costly styleInlondlnl hereafter to iMravall tho expenses

money she hopes to earn no an aeItrips Dr Sllo however a dentist of Willlams-liurgh tin old friend of tho Countsavs-thnthowlll dofraynll of Iho necessary expenses

The remains of time Count lay In their costlyCasket nt time undertakers yottonlny time ar-rangements


for their burial not having beencompleted Tho pull bearers will probably beInvited today


Welcomed br Lending Illiens on lt Ar-rival In lleiiufbrlC-

HAHLESTON S C Jnn 1Upoo tIme an-


that then Grant would visit Beau-


an Impromptu reception was arranged thismorning by tho loading residents irrespectiveof party An Immense concourse of nil classesproceeded to tho depot with bends of music tumid

a copious display of bunting Two colored mili-tary


companies tho Beaufort Light Infantry andtho Surnnor Guards were out Tho BeaufortVolunteer Artillery tho crack white company

as on tho road loading to tho town with ono field-piece firing n salute of thirteen guns Everyavailable vehicle was In requisition toadd to thedemonstrations of welcome At 330 oclock timespecial train arrived with GenOrlnt anti hulaparty and was greeted by I of about5000 persons with honrll 11lnusl The partywhite escorted to entrance totime town was an arch bearing tho word Wel-come


In evergreens On tlm arrival of theparty at the hotel Intondant Wllnmsol bohalf of tho committee ¬

ties of lImit town In n short speech husplulGen Grant responded nsiollovvs It affords

mo great pleahura to bn allowed the opportunityto visit Itoiufort though only for an hourThl locality occupies I completions place inhutton For tho lust Incut venrs It conMnntlyhuts TIm best qunlltles of time newly emanci-pated


race nr dovelopud lucre 11holk > ou forjour hopjillnblo nnd warm

Gen mil expressed a desire for somephophat and n number of residentscontributed specimens Ono gentleman gavothe General n huge backbone nnd lowerof n inegalonyxadding that It wits a inwspecimen of Carolina cheek and backbone


A Woman IIn ITlster Co who hits n llnndreunit Fortyeight Descendants

MAitwionouaii N Y Doc 81Mis AnnaBaxter of this village has US 1lnl descend-ants embracing four II Januano reunion of tho family will bo held hero MrsBaxter wits born In Westchester County In 1800Her parents soon afterward removed to Plattekill Ulster County where they tIled and worehurled both having lived to n ripe old ngeMrs Baxter married a young fainnir of UlHerCounty and bore him mnny childrenI nt onotlmo twins Thn lust chilI WII born when stitt wileDO years old Allot I ii it children nudehll-drons


children amid grnndililldren148i 1 IIn miniher nro In welltodo 01rc118110eslld tmjo-irnnil hniltb iui ret V I I ofn phislilnn They are scatteredi in lousIof tun country nnd ttho it ret rtonsIs nnxlouHly looked forward to Kviirymember of time familyI It IH expected willi Itopresent Mrs Dnxtur thin grentgreatgrand-motner Is n plemant and ulI pteserved wo-man Him rises early every nnd eontrnrto llm wishes of hir 111101 perfilsts In doliikmanual Inbor of Hho Iollmbor-arhll wolves heats flout otlici 1 lulmals-rOllod tint woods In this section <

An Aodilent ut s AoildlnrMr Wnrron You II nld Miss Llxlo horns

were multi ri kim on Tiimlitj ilirhtt In the tMtice ofI theInllca a rout in rcntu tlllo Suffolk Count Home

JHUIR inch uf the Illftiw ftt onn wlumi was tivuritC tOtLiar iTonnul n cdtuioii mil a eat to ito hOle nlnre theat Tl tie tat ihilir fff It liikt nlr iM TT Cftunoi uimflu t ti i4 muni tr ul flints A ma r lube1 fllltil wltli mull tierluau 111tr a iuie hiauir 1111 as tullUemiuin ttiulni ho mt ni hniiln ever lit hnl linn A llnhtiilliuil h iiuit In him mr tlu1 nine mite uvMii r In the luttrr-

iillutntrihilnl ti fa Jtutor tel utrllKI

lUirlnc ticsit iteui ihtuk uli i ititiittt inntlrr-

iuiiilfltlil IM I tlllIIIIt aIV III Ituis I1to III ihuini itiil-Dr


TIIIituriilIt in duulit luther vutini htmbuis fclklilI itOh-


KIIUil lii n NU ret CnrI nArmOlt Jnn IWIIII H Griffith an

citI knueknt 1 I otii b > a stiei-ai iiiiUl IkJuJ aluiottluiluuU



NEIl STATE CAllIOLWitnessed hy n Intna Tlirontr of Persons

IliiTtornella Itemnrka on Tnklntr than Oathsoronce Itecepllon A fler thin CeremonyAL ANY Jan ITho luniiBurfttlon of lay

Cornell took place nt noon today In tho Asombly Chamber of tho now Capitol It wits aplain coromouy lasting only I few minutesbut It was witnessed by n vast throng

At 12 oclock cloy Robinson nno Mr Cornelloutorootho Chamber followed tholr rcspootvo 8t fRln lull uniform and tho Secretary of

Cnrr and his deputy Col Woodand proceeded to tho Speakers desk Theocrctary of State administered tho oath ofnice to Mr Cornell Mr Hoblnson than wetcorned Cloy Cornell who rosponoeo ns follows

GovHOHJNHON years you hlCoccupied an Influential position In tho councilsoff tho State Chosen repeatedly to tho Loglsln-uro mid for several terms elected Comptroller

you served with such steadfast ability as to winrouiotlon to the Executive ofllco by an unirocedontod > oto As Chief Magistrate youmvo vigorously fearlessly exorcised your

official prerogatives and given your Adminls-ratlon high rank with those which have pro

coded It Permit mo to congratulate you upontime honorable record you havo made for your-self In the annals of tho State and to expressnit cordial wishes for your continued health andprosperity

My friends you have assembled to witnesstim10 transfer of tint executive authority of thusUnto front nu olllclal who tins completed hiserm of service to a successor chosen under the

perntlon of tIme Constitution anti the laws Ourgreat Htnto alicady in the sacond conturyofconstitutional government has In time papt

fortunate in the character mind ability ofhor executives In the present Ia


Veteran In tho service of the Statsurrenders tile authority to Qnocajlgd Ironiprivate life with limited ofpoiri11 Tupublfaaffairs It huts given me peculiar ploasuro toavail myself ol tho present occasion to hoar tee ¬

timony to the cdGsDlouous fidelity with whichmy honored predecessor has discharged hisofficial responsibility For a long time It tinsseemed to no that wo are quick to find faultwith publlo men but careless in expressing ourappreciation of faithful service Perhaps morncnroful discrimination in this regard wouldcontribute quito as much to olovnto our publicservice as some other remedies which haveboon suggested for present evils It should boremembered that great prizes are offered tomen of ability In other pursuits which co farbeyond anything realized In official life Thelearned professions the management of corpo ¬

rations and other great business enterprises af ¬

ford opportunities for compensation and dis-tinction


which lessen the attractions of time pubtic service and Induce many of our best noun toneglnct affairs of Government

My friends looking back over the pastyear wo have groat cause for gratitude to timeDivine Being for many blessings bestowed uponmr people Itenovvod prosperity general roodhealth and public order have prevailed in amarked degree Plenteous harvests and gentrout markets have rewarded agricultureHeady employment antI liberal wages haveawaited Industrious hands Bostored values andmprov ed crud Its hav o encouraged the eommor-

clal classes The dark clouds which so long costholr shadows over the business attain of timecountry have broken away and the new yearopens In tho bright sunlight of prosperity Inentering upon time duties that await me grateftil acknowledgment la duo the people for theconfidence BO generously manifested Thegreat trust committed to my keeping Is acceptedwith a profound sense of the responsibilitiesuvolvod anti with full determination faithfullyand impartially to discharge the obligationsassumed

Gov Cornell mind Mr Hoblnson accompaniedby their respective Stan then proceeded to theGovernors Boom whom they received manycitizens


rMorsklisi Time In which to Show thatlit A < uuu are Correct

NORWICH Conn Jon 1The arrest olCashier K II Learned of the Dncns NationalBank of this city on a chnrgo of embezzlementwhich was made publio this morning has cre-ated


profound feeling In business and socialcircles lie was connected with one of the old ¬

est and most respected families In Connecticutand hues always been highly esteemed as ashrewd banker and an estimable citizen Howas considered a keen speculator In stocks antiIt Is strongly Intimated that Wail troot is thecause of his ruin though the directors of timebank maintain closo retlceneo on time subject

Tlm nrr st was made b > United States Mar-shal


J D Bates of Hnrtford In accordance withnn order from the Treasury Department MrLearned wax taken before united States Com-missioner


Allen l> niiy of this city nnd chnrgedwith dafrninlinir time bank nf J3111X1 liv falseentries on Nov H mind other dates An ad-journed


hearing Is set down for Fob 1C BullIn 115000 was furnished by Kbeneror Learnedlyiunn Gould Major H HO good and Theo-dore


Utymondjand Cashier Learned was al-lowed


to retireI

Tho examination of the htunkau account whichresulted In tho enforced resignation of MrLearned was made by thank Kxumlner Mvcnttover month ago and In time Interval since thatlimo Mr Learned has been steadily at work ontho books to provo hits claim that he canstraighten out time accounts satisfactorily Honow tusks for n month to complete his work

Mr Learned Is about CO years of ago It Isgenerally believed that the banks affairs aro inan unfavorable condition


Why the Latter lllil Not Aeeompstmr the KxPresident to Cube

VAsnrNciT Jan Senator ConkllnghiM not met lea Grant since time hatters returnto this country Tho fact that the Senator fromNew York who was ono of tim powers behindtho throne during Gen Grants administrationhad not greeted time cxPrcaldent created con-siderable


comment In WashingtonIt appears that when Gen Grant was on his

way from the West to Philadelphia It was ex-


thnt ho would sail for Cuba about tho letof December from New York Such was timprogramme In accordance therewith GenJMnlelUutterflelda friend of Cunkhiiig mumil oneof thn agents of tlm Alexandro llnoof stenmeisIInvited Mr Con ki hg to accompany ion Grantto Cuba Mr Conkling accepted time InvitationGen Grant was not Informed cither of tIme In-vitation


to Mr Conkling or Its acceptance Hopostponed the ii mint of departure from hue StatesuntilI January nnd iInstead of sailing front NowYork ditermlned to embark at FernnndlnaWhen Mr Conkling was notified of tint changein Gen Grants programmatic ho declined togo on necountof business In Washington

G ii Grant into not Informed of Mr ConkIlings 01 Iglnnl IntentionI to accompany himi toCubit till last week It lx said he exhibitedBHUptomiot thin liveliest regret at Ito clrcum-bianco and wrote n letter to Mr Comikilmig pityilug tthat If ho tint known of thu honor Mr-Conkling proposed to do hint bo should nothave changed tile original programme


Jitterapllnv la Kill Nviintor Morgan SonWhom she baud Sued fur Seduction

WASHINGTON Jan 1 Thus afternoonLouise hIordenthie woman who rocentlybroughtsuit agaiitt tIme son of Senator Morgan forbreach of promlso nnd seduction attempted tokill the young teen ns ho was passing down Q

street by shooting him with a pistol The billpnsHod thiough ttholloshvt part of thin unit amidmade n painfulI I but not set Ions wound Iteloro-Bbo could lire again Morgans companion frus-trated


t the attempt mind no doubt envoi hisfriends life ns thn woman wits IIn H desperatemood A bottle of laudanum was found on herpeihnn nftniwnrd with which sIte Intended tocommit suicide If buccucsf In tier uttompt on51ilgnus Ilire

Situ Is thn laughter of Honntor Morgan formm law paitiierI nnd afler her fnlhor < deathwas uiidnr tIhn charge of Senator MorganWlien you mig B urea eamo hit nt to ho clerk ofhula fathers Coinmltteo time girl followed andsoon after brought I hn suit for daningts Huenow pals that Morgin has been vindictively pur-suing


lint and yesterday had tier turned out ofInni hitttt ni mite it fuse

Morgan aveis Unit the whuoiit castD Is ono ofblackmail fIlm eo1tt she hat not donuwllh himyet and tlueatons to tako hula life nt the firstoupurtunlty

Nlnir King Pu lion NinteniriilRtio BiNd N YJan 11Tim total earning

ci tiltS MIU rilioii lot lltLiintior ainoiitil to lHJilltu-xiviiJItuasit tttre Jlojifij Tho pruhts are

ptitvt 4ii

Tin torn romj lain thnt Pr Hulls Viuh Syrup hai re-uucod tOo llit ot cvuli uuJ cola Calicut jut




lie Ahnn Dellrera nn Invective In theIrrsence ol the Cullers-

WASHINOTON Jan 1One of tho worstcases of Injustice tinder the present ndmlnlsration Is that of Col Henry 0 Do Alma BtatoCollector of Customs nt Sltkn Alaska Mr DoAlma after being appointed Collector nt Sltknwas rejected by tho Senate without good causeand simply account of tho negligence withvhlch JoInt Bhormnu treated hits case Ho wasimpoverished by the expenses of his journeyto Alaska and return and the ndmlnlstr-non tics steadily refused to do anything fortilun Tho Finance Committee of the Bonate the other day wrote Sherman thatit had knowledge of tIme circumstancesndir which Do Ahnn lost his pInto that It witsft misapprehension that ho WIJ Bfaithful-norltorlous ofllcor anti rOc minnd6d hlui ffor ft

losltlon In time Treasury Dopnrtmont Titleletter was receIved with sneers by Sherman mindhawley Icstorday lo Ahnn wont Into Bhornan S Olllco lUlil excitedly repeated Iho stqi1 of-hubs wrongs and swore that justice should bodone him Sherman called for thin messengersto put him out but Do Alma told thorn to standofIT hurled more luvectlvca at Sherman anddeparted

Today nt tho citizens reception fttlho Whitelouse In tIme presence of hundreds of visitors10 Ahnn stood tip and told Mr Hayes that hohail boon seeking justice horn for the pasteighteen months anti now timid como to tollhint that if Divine Providence would Inflictupon him time onehundredth part of thio diegrace poverty and suffering that humid beennfllctod upon his Do Almas family for thopast two years Hayes would not have n happynomont of his life timid ho continued

neither do you deserve Ithorn the police rushod In and took hold of

Do Ahiin bufilio found tlmo tOi shout Horu-wo havo n very small wouldbo dcspotwho doesnot know how

The Incldonr created a great deal of oxcltomont among tho crowd which had to bo partedall through tho house and at themaln entranceto lot Do Alma pass out Hayes tinting DoAlmas shouting kept ducking tug head arid nttempting to greet the other visitors who tillthen seemed anxious to hoar Do Alma through

3 i011111 fJIOYCLR

IrofeMlonul and Amateur Knee la theAmerican Institute Building

The American Institute building at Sixtythird street and Third avenne wai opened yesterday byMr Wen worth Rollins who rode on a bicycle from NewYork to Chicago last summer ai a rlJipz academy and ftbicycle emporium As an academy leiioni are given lait at n regular price anti In U ai an emporium machinemay be hired by Lbs hour A sprlmcy imooth cementflooring covers the vast Interior of the Institute and themachine are nude to spin around the vast cUlpM with-out the faintest noise or jar A hundred youim menlooked on or circled around on bicycle csterdayA in on ir the riders wa a little fellow lo years old frontFort ii sync Indiana who wore a bronze medal won Ina bicycle race He strAddled a43 Inch wheel while hli-cliort hers can reach only the propellers of a 42inch ma-chine Tho tips ot hit toei barely reached the pedals yetho passed many a ruth crown moan on the track

Every Saturday except next Saturday Jan 3 bothamateur and prufetlonal races Mill bo inado up Theraces lot amateurs are to be of two kinds One of twoand the other of live mllr lot each of these two racesa prlzo of I tools to be offered One profeIoiml race of25 mules will bo rolled and a prlzo offiuu IU to be offeredto the winner

Mr Ilollinss school at Brewst Hall Flush avenue andFourteenth street Is to bo kept open


BInhommed Jan 1eiieo PronoaaULONDON Jan 1A despatch from Cabul to

flue Ditty Xtui dated Dec 23 reports that among thestipulations presented by Naimounmeul Jan as a basis for-peace were the return to India ot the British force atCabuh and that a promise be given to send back theAmeer two British omcers to remain In Cabul as host ¬

ages for time fulfilment of ito promiseThe Viceroy om India telegraphs as follows Oen Rob-


reports Dec JO that tho marco under command ofCcn Hiker hlch Iclt Cabul on thin 27th of December Isreturning from Kohlstan having destroyed unopposedthe fort of the rebel chief Mlrbttcha which was foundabandoned Several Knhlttnn end Logar chiefs haveteiulered their submission The enemys loss In killedand wounded In the course of the lest fortnight areestimated at aooo men Ou time Sum of December annllrlght made a descent upon some ol lha villages whosenhahltanls bad been prominent In harassing the mInt

ti itiitri Pt tjkt1iuiiueuruei IitAu but very Gold

Czar and CusrvvltehST PETEnsDuno Jan 1At a review of some

of the regiments of Uie Uuard yestcrdaj thus Emperormale a speech to the troops expressing huh convicUoumUiat they will serve the Czsrevltch as faithfully as theyhad served him Time Lmpcror then saluted the CureHen

At a dinner given on the anniversary of the crossing of-tbe Halkaus the fcmpiror entered the hull IcaJiu theCzarevlns and accompanied by the Czaretiteh

The foregoing Is significant in coumctton with recentsensational repurts ol I talent disagreements between theLmperor anti Czarevitch

amine Spreading In North PersiaLONDON Jan 1Ttumu Turkish Missions Aid

Society lucre written to the Timn regarding the spread ofthe famine In Northern firsla stating that titer have recilted a telegram from Ourmla to the erect that thusfamine In sit that n Elon is Inerea tng Sully anJ that tinIrma etueuuuou euTortsare made to with help Irom Liulandand America a great number ol thus population mustperish there are unly two months supjImll of lood to

The Toys headLONDON Jan 1Diving In tho Tny nt the

scene of the recent bridge disaster tics been suspendedowing to the boisterous weather The railway authori-ties say there Is little doubt that the bodies have beenwailud seaward sad a boat eipedmon Is being organ-ized to watch tot them

King John Ilelleved to Want PeaceLONDON Jan 1A despatch from Cairo saysOne of the Abyssinian chiefs who favored an aggres-

sive policy has been recalled from the frontier by KingJuhii UUthouglitatCalrothalililsstep Indicates thatthis King has adopted a pacific aiutude

Fined for Libelling lion CuriosLONDON Jan 1Tho Time Paris cor-


reports that the JwMis fhKtpib has beenfined 300 francs and thus Caulmi 00 francs for libellinglion Carlos In riprlnUng a stony of tIme theft of his diewends

Xtonffh Weather at SeaLONDON Jan 1The Allan tine steamer An

chorla apt llcdderwlek from New York Dec 20 hotOlasgow which arrlted at Muville jcstcrday tout lienquartermaster aud bad boil suia hed during heavyweather

A Member of the Czars Council DeadLONDON Jan 2Tue Dallv Jfeia Bt Peters

hunt despatch soya fleil Count Paul Ignalleff lrc lUn-ifthe viitilsterfati Commltue a inemlor oi thoCounclloState mini the lather of lien IgnaUorT Is dead

Speclnl 1iinlshmenta ProposedBT FETEnsnunci lan 1TIto t7ofo an-

nouiices that It Is proposed to meet sptclal iiunlthniinlfor persons convicted of propagating Mhlllst doctrinesamong the troops

Ex1mpress Jliffcnln-LoNDOvJnn2 Sir Kvolyn Wood

rno ot thik coinmiitidcrs if the uluwar lij thi Qiuciucdckire will nccompany this Lmpress lugcme to Zululand In Icbrua-

rAironsoa tVouldlltt AssassinMADRID Jan 1The examination of ion

ralez the wutiU he rcalciile rllclied no tnformatliu-Ifiidlngto show that the attempt nas duo topolulca-auluioslty

French Aid for this Crisis PoorIxjNDONJnn 1Time Boclety of Bt Vincent

do 1aul iu trance hat ri olvcd tohave a Mtctil ciluc-tlon In each of Its Conferences to rtllevotho distussiiIreland

AceeplabU to the QueenLONDON Jan 2Thin Mnnifnril announces

thai the UIKIMI hai tniormod the Czar of tier acceptanc-of 1rinco Lobauoff as hula Ambassador at London

The Klins liftMAinitn Tan 1Klmmg Alfonno has glenn

inuu minks lur limo benutlt of hun lamtuc urickeii li-

Uf per bile slit

PllfVrlnic ruin his Eniuaioyers-BitSTTh Jan 1J N Hnrrlmnn assistant

cnthiir nt thantiter S Co s drr goods smote IIn listenhunt is iinler ernett or iilTirllig from lute emtlotcrathe ututoutc the Ihcilui Jimo mpstol which huts bctu-le ottud

Oregon llrendstiifrs IxpoilRAN rnANoiBco Jan 1A despatch from

Portland Origon sajs that during the pail car B

trawls cleared from that Mntc fur I urope rain lugi triios centals or wiiiat vnliuit at fli il2toI AU-

arrelsthttuti of Hour valmd mat 5hi llJSiSI 4 RIS Fit CM 1I1K TELKOttAVU

Thus nalttinoro Giultt list rcdiued its prlco to one centA council of this Lngllsh Cabinet n Ill bo held ou Batur

dayflen riil llnl the Italian Xllnliter to Prance has pro

seiilid lilt letters of recallSir ilnrnett olnelc will sOrt from Cnpe Town ton

KnulmKl In the cnuriie il the preuut monthThe vet us of mite iiro tiicts if the mines in Potnrsd

diirlnn IMTii I infill I tttJ mi hufeass g-

eir that cf tIme hiuSSSjiuig n r


Dtsmis irnriK AND Timnn ar mif-


S UNS JWlO1t4L1f fIT

Hlmletil as SInlclnn Their ArrlvnIn America alter Nncce nil Ierfot tnnncei-lu iur iie rirt Apiieurlnir In lloiton

Fifteen young Spaniards with five servantsarrived In the steamship France yesterday after a tornpcntuous voyage from Europe They cnn graJuMoi ojschools In Spain and 1ortugal and about two years netthey formed no organization with FeAor Martin atlender known so Im Spanish Students sitS visIted tin1arli Exposition Thmey were sueccsful In plying con-certs sal lioy afterward travelled through France acemany llnsln Itchy Holland cat biiglniiil Througharagent In London Mr II E Abbey engaged Ultrafor the rest of this years lotion smith MrEdwards J Chcever Goodwin and Dun Hopkite Sir Abboyiagents n3 hug ycatendsy afternoonIn tho cabtn of the steamboat Out Colony to moats themsolves nnileritixnl Ly the dark haired mulclans Theywill give their flrit concert In Abbey Park TheatreDoston this evening On tIme first of next month theyunIt appear In Abbeys lliniiitj Duinpty ant SpanishShimicAt5S21Uli Imenu aro nto guitars nhu mandolins anil ono violinThOKultari hero fourteen and sixteen strings anil tinmanUollnitwcho ttrliun Tho cottunio of each comliuof a black velvet cloak thrown over Iho rIght ilioulJcr-lolvctknco brceclice and black stockings a soil blockthree cornered lint anti a tutu vvhlto collar A strikingpeculiarity U an loony tpoon fastened on Ihe front of eachhat Veius ago hpanlsh itudenti wore tlielr mooni ai-btttlffei and tIme incmbera of the troupe liav c adopted thecuttoni Their names are Yenaclo Martin Qavlno La-puente Valentin Care Jott Rodriguez Jott JarclaJos-Itrnandcz


Mcltiuladci Hernandez Unrlfiuo Ollburea t

Antonio Carmona Manuel Ooiualcz Miguel Jintcn Prigeel Loper Eugenie Anton Juan Itlpoll Laureano Her I


Itlllcr ritolWilliam Drummond of 251 Hudson street

stood with some frlendi at Seventh avenue sod Thirtiethstreet at II oclock on Wednesday evening amid DunlolSillIer a colored icrvant ol Dr L 11 84jer of 285 Klllhavenue passed near them Quo of this men ethicS In-

sultlnily after him and Ihcrc J Miller drew a rerolve-Wd nrc3Ti tfietn TlieTiuiTet lilt Drummonl In thenpck All ran and Miller Sired train upon Urummondhilling him In the hip Policeman Leddy taw tliosecond iliot and arrested Miller suet a chase Drumtupud was taken tultoosovelt Hospital where hs lies iiiperil In the Jefferson Market Police Court yesterdaySUmmer said he corned thin revolver for self prelectionas he lund heard so much about assaults ant robberiessal that when the men called after hint he thought theymeant lo assault htm ant hcnco ho aced Justice Flamleer Imposed f 10 tine for carrying a pistol and com-muted the prisoner to await the result of DruiuuioudlInjuries

Mn Virginia B mdrord DIamondsExUnltod States District Attorney W IX

fluthes the brother in law of exAttorney General WUllama who was committed to Itayraond street Jail by Justine Gilbert for contempt of court In falling to deliver opsome diamonds valued at 14HO that are Involved In asuit in which he was counsel ion tho plaintiff was ordered by Justice cllbert on Wednesday to be releasedon dcposltlnz tho diamonds with tho Clerk of the courtor giving a tonS ofl in Mr Hughes sail he hisS alien upon the diamonds lor services and Justice Gilbertdecided that under time elrciimtunces Mr Hiinhes had a-

right to retain them Mr Hughes furnished the bondsuit was released The diamonds are claimed by MrsVirginia Sandford

Stabbed In his SleepAs John Donlon was slopping In his apart-


In the third story of his house at 317 Furmaqstreet Brooklyn at about 1l3> oclock on Wednesday a

night he was awakened by being stabbed In the rightside He says he recognized In hit wouldbo assassin oneJohn Gannon who llcd In Uie same house As thusassassin was about to make a second assault with theknife nnlon throw up his right arm anti caught theblow tilt assailant then ran away DeHctltcs weresearching for Jannon 3esterday launon Is 44 years ofage and Is said lu havo been without cost hat or tItansWiles he lied Donlons wounds lilch were not seriouswero dressed by the ambulance surgeon lie Is at a louto account for the assault

Nulnjt for a Dot r

Jas A Hodden cashier ot the First Nationalflank Newaik sued Francis Tell a Market street mer-chant In Justice Forts court In Nowark on Monday fogthis recovery of a setter bitch named Flora Tell and tutu

counsel were not present and Justice Fort gave Ilcddeilodgment for sum to be void Incase the doj wet re-turned Tell will move to have the judgment opened alhit arena that th tflaL ia mtinijuf th nrmerty ot his lxiibrotner 10CC ii u em wbo imeti suouta unottu sco cribthat It Iltdden wants the dog us should sue John K Tell iadmlnntrator Ur lledJin says he cave flora to JohnIt 1tlt teeral muntlis ajo on A condition that was flatfutflileul anti so be demands Uie return of the do-

An Old Railroad Employee RuledJohn Jncobus who had hind chnrco of tb-


Itailroad bridge ocr the Hftckengack otnearly 30 years was Mllcd by the locomotUeof the ox-

nrcM train that HtartM from Jersey City tit 6 10 oclocklast eIeiiltmR Illclutl just ehen the alcty lUnal to aneastward Uoun pasciucr train amid contrary totustotn

Icpicd over on the other track not lliinKhu uf ti-uextircos train that was npproachtnt Irotn the opuovltdirection Me nniJ years of a eand leaes a lainilyhis brother Mexandir Jncobu renrcvntcd the EighthDiitnctor lluiltou County lu the 2cw Jersey Asitiublyhen eight emits

Mr Iumeir ArrivalTho steamship Rcrthla passed Fire Island at

H oclock last n If lit stud arrhed at qua run lino at 1

oclock this morning The members of tho KeccptloaCommittee antI others wlio desire tocoilo n tlue bay ifnifftMr erich will cOurt from the Itnttery nler on th-ri

iifiiuu muller at 7l uclock this morning Ihu taunt

11 Stttrin wilt start troni Cortlanilt rtrtet at the mini Jhut The tkncral Conimlttet mi Mr Iarnctrs recei U-onc received at tliclr headqunrterft lie Ator Utiuti-

euutneroui letters of ivinpMth with otTtra ol coopf rationIrotn prominent tncrchantn In this city n portion olwhom art neither ol Irish blrtli tier parentage

Framing a earoIn the third story window of a photograph

gallery In Iaterson N J stood a heavy frame of woolcontaining ft negative that was being printed An iciclefrom tire roof struck tlie frame an threw It over into tugstreet In Its Mil it truck the heath ol a negro who webpassing antI the negro neck was encircled by IiiIrnmt Ills filet thought was lht ho wee bciiu carrotedand turnlnifnuickb ho struck out at n gentleman im-tnedlatclv UliliU lilm U was some Uino betore thug

ncRrocould couiprcheml the situation He utKredtitliJurjIIu IDS alt > Jon Island lands

A number of large rcnl cstato purchases haytUrea made within the past month In the town of slipIn Suffolk County Mr Henry Havemeyer has boughtseveral hundred acres ol wliat waslormerly the Urenrotate about H mOo east of hiaui ion rot stout f 41 5oa-Mr ttm Mcollhasftnll to Mr > rederfc Ncllsun of NewYork 4113 acres orfJ JHJA Mr ChrMophir U Hobert4I-AStu nonoht 74J acres adjoining tio propirty nt iini IIaihlorbilt lot IM 474 anti n liruoVlvn neruuiumuteum bat

bought fuo acres ui tUln Undi for cutout uooe

Determined to Venuc nn instalL lo hu Motheri-Jnmes Jackson need 20 of 209 Fifth street

Vililami burgli being unable to ores his w sy cut of a

room In which he hind been confined last evening to Ireie itt his assiulllnic A outn man who hat Intuited tillnitiher sprang inch u window In Cite third iiorj andmiKni n ImcUiro ul the Ml thigh He was ncnioycdto a hospital

rullurr In 187O

lour hundred noel sixty failures were rocported In this city In l7i wlih llabilillos f 1033011-assets51COOJJ In ls7Sthcic were U17 failures outSIial l1itiesamniintliij to litli timi ism him neural niiuitiers nndnuncio ol Ii4taais51tiue hinted recorl lur stir slatHire the mutate im leT In mall lucre Isr ripnrtfdBte-lalluro wllli lublluies to llio amount ot iiloxiuw

Slow Tho mat luriltrmi lleann the YearThomoB Oarrlcnn Isttod his mother nt 46 1

Carroll Street Hrookl > n yoUrdu Mother stud sot J-

imus mount HiMthi on knocked hu mother doun emil 4 iftmniKiltm lien Mr tier rican Ktirul ot who o lbS iit


cre Lrokt ii flw trtkcn lo illu Long IsiatU ColU ge llusLumut tout lieu sou its un eeteii j f

blue Texas 1iiclOc 1l IjI

PfnlrAncTrhmlA Jan 1It has boon authorl ll-

tsiim ely karnetl that a coitract ion thus construcllon o-

IhoTiXKt 4 a

ami 1nrinr llnllnnt from Punt UnrlhtnKl-la n ailWaipt iiTiOnnlin ta sl noilicttriov ThemInce 1dm IIs iiml r uol to to jMuuu len mimiuc hut lii atmurK kC bunds of mite coui an ji

lite Hlsmil Offlee rreillcllon jrpiJ

nit ml Jdli Atlnntlo States anti Now England 3 Ju3fnlllii litrometor InertaMun Manner suiuuiit nit ii tideinrrciiriiitc cluuillness au l iu thus Intoriur i otsiulv lihlriiius 1 f Ijf

JO111XU1 is 4N11 XKllt Till CITY

The tlrnmihlp Vvomlne srrltrj lastnUhtA unite ro ebml In a ttrtilnal tiorKts store yretef

da rtaull troushl ttrcitut lltoctnts-Ki tIny Ijiulii Ho Inson is att the Kt Jaunts IHfttel Pen

attir Mlllnin Ill kellnteol lonlUlis lhe nllhe Ulcll Allnucrxs iminr I alati no s l titr t iNMiimilk us attliet1i intlIIi siuhUviimln Miller Is at the Neis lurk Hull I

John A nreene of II Shunt Cutut Street Rrnokl > n lhf-mutant toars a ttdl trite juiirnitlltt In thfi city illlinn tu Inn on tInt ice at Ilumln n mil inlic strrilssuit tutu hi lout leg IU ttas taken lo tho Iwtv Yorklll PIWl-

llumcnconcrrnlni the allcccil decision of the dlrce-torsol outs ol the ito i tou n luniks ti i1Uiontliiue buil-m s < unii rnrrint ikt nlA > Iliu rrcislint couilt aleCIm foiinillul hue I itt 1rcHitttl in ili Ihn illnrlorssitu ttto of tlio proiiiinciit Ftix kliolil rs sMiit tnev kiievri-iktlhlNk

4ol such SL lion ou llio hurt ot the losril

Tie first nuinler ofstveeklj called rswr ties an-

srel nlth MCiis A A llnjis Jr anlI W Iii rillojs-ascilituri IIllilI HIP rnme niuurtul l s tie S iAtiC lipo-U atitlcuuuly in tho lutiioiii lliif anl riuih anl ro-

POM s luiuur ttic ttholo Ik II ul stKlal iutte re sue A UK tig-tho nnuilili If Aiurp ui iii first utile are the remlinsnut i uf MIIU limhi Liblache tutu brUnt Jouul it hullart lute conUnueu



ili II