the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1880-05-26 [p...

1 THE SUN WED FsDA v MAY m le50 AIR YOORIIEES IN EARNEST DVT siwr ititiVitiiCAX KXuons Jv- CLlbXH I <> IIKH AXI JKStT ThiS Indium Uennleir Aclrnlnlslcrlnr n hnrp CiiHKiill l Sir ConUlhii ulltli IMIclled- M fterlcins lt rhI3tIS11Iflt l III Nrw V lk- KeniUnr wltn C vvirellc on the Ilnnncliil- Qursllui she Mntlim Mr JCelnsnnils Mud WASIIIXOTOS May 25Thu Scimto tooK up Iii Supwrvlfors till which provide tlmt tlw- omVeSof ChIt Supervisors of Elections ahull bo fur two years the terms of those now In I ofllco- In IIj ended ou the lit of May 1880 their un- it ¬ nor lobe appointed by the President with thu ran lent of theHennto Mr lirtyard Din Li l explained that there was no way In wlilcli- to legislate frnm office thtsu mono who were up- Iolntolil 1871 Hep N Y snld hA wished h could point out tlit link thli bill constituted II tho chain of legUlutlonllnletided to nullify the laws guaranteeing free election and place thor at the unbridled bobeit of ft political m iorltr The statutesu they ftUnd authorize the courts to appoint from among the com ¬ missioner of the court chief supervisors to ctinrd naalntt frauds In regUlrttlon nnd- polllnc The chief supervisor may Pro- pose to the court one man of each opposing political party for supervisors Tho Court may appoint them or other fit per ions Thu only objection now made to this prac lice wa that their term was undefined At lust- ed ¬ during the approbation of the court in long no the good conduct of the Incumbent entitles him to ronllmiH This was lliHs nin pructlco- obmirvd in the case of all judicial olllcer Mr McDonald Ind Kind he did not bollnvo Federal Interference with elections In this country wni within the Constitution or was beneflilal I In Us results Mr Toller Hop Col said this bill not bo defended by this Democrats oult an a choice between two evils ur ulsu they inothy the oeciccs made nt the IHSC wOIIllo and their vOtes cast then Uncharged that tho Democrats wore afraid to speak They kupt quiet cull thlg nusslon f In the hopn of hnt Inu tho apprehension caused In thu extra ses- sion ¬ Ho anketl what hill of any Importation had bun presented or pansrd nt this P Bonlll KothltiR had lon done except to a still flght for of tho Government It hail been a remarkably shrewd policy Mr Voorhees IDom IiidI challenge the Senator I from Colorado thu Senator from Now York and stir other Henator to namn nov ¬ tion that WH hlVI declined todlHcups QUI nn- wo shrunk the ilubnta of the Electoral Count Uli not the Senator from Alalininii open that discussion and challenge all tho In ¬ tellect all tlm wisdom and 11 the wit nnil learning you tiny on that iili the plinmbir Why thoU do you Inddretsltig Mr EdrllIJ I I stand here adopting HIM langunguof Sla tor Irom Colorado saying wu aro us oysters Wilt you answer tile 31r Edmunds who had taken a sent on the Democralc Hid near Mr uoriie ii and kept up n idhumorud running commentary on thu 1lerl rernrkaI am merely in Your ton ¬ am dumber then an ovbter lnnglitil Suppose you cotnn to thu dlccus ell of Ibis very philosophical bill now peiid- Mr YorhreAI am discussing the matters you lutl this debate which are in ¬ jurious to personal honor end whleh I do not Ihluud to let PUSH tiifhaleiged I never wish to hi ou m > fet In the Senate hut no eetof men hll Hand up nnd charge cowardice on this II of the clmml inlets they sliowcaugc Ur CllkllOWilll be Bgrtwablu to the Sen- ator ¬ naml to me some of the subject thu leading measures which Ihe Dem- ocratic ¬ majority ot the Seuatu has either dls cnBed or with at this session Mr Voorliei6 Yes sir Wil the Senator froiuTinwxork do me the to nnbwer the question wnlch I propounded first to HIM Sen- ator ¬ from Colorado end then to HIH Senator from Vermont and till the rest of the Senators to oilier one question that supports the ehnrue tlmt we hive declined to meet you In discus ton Mr Conkllng I understood the question of the Senator front Indiana to bu much broader than thlt I understood him to Invite us to mime Qleslola or subjects which they hail refuted fr discuss I havu no objec ¬ lion to doing that except the brevity of 11 Liiuehter Mr ConkiingNow I nay I think the Senator front Colorado was justified in what tin soul be- cause ¬ of the good many large questions to two of which 1 triad to allude Inpukuof the cur- rency ¬ question of the ru question and I- mllrapeak of many other Qlellonlin renpec have been hll on our table for morn than four months thought I wont say tbl majority has born dumb Isn oyster because the Senator objevts to phrase j I think the Senator will be compnlled tn admit wber this tension hue gom hr that tlnru linn n that vacuum which legislation abhors In respect to discussing Important measures which the public has In Ms mind unit In Us lye Ur Vorhes1ld thn Senator suggest that he on the thud term 7 MrConUIIng because I observe that no body 1 la BO worried nobody has such n St Vltus dance ant delirium tremens of anxiety about the third term aathoeu bopulunly longing lor- a fist term laughterl and the dupes they have made and therefore I would not like on a hot day like this when I see the honorable Ken alor from Indiana I Is already considerately tint matudto Introduce athlnl which I think wouii be to disturbing likely to disgruntle him as that Moreover the quemlon U not whatwu wanted dUcuss but what tbl tinmans party had omitted or refused to Iel cus But thu third t trin hue never been ne elected on till floor Every Democrat has lied the greatest Interest lit keeping kflortt till ttio dust and rubbish touching the third tern which wits likely to frighten any weakkneei or weakbacked It publlcan They have not ccffleotml that Mr VoorliBBS The Senator from New York aim v era In a moat limping halting Imperfect faltering manner to the question ol what prop osltlou this tilde of thu chamber hnl refused or declined to dlsous with that I never al low mentr making a false Issue to escape by throwing up something else The Senator Stout Colorado repeated over end over that tills pldeot HID chamber was nfrnld to meet certain things I know I was not conscious of fear I I liewl was a reasonable equal with anybody on that side of the chamber I did not know what I WHS afraid of I listened with great pleasure to thn Hnnatorn from New York Ver mont and Colorado but I knol there Wee Ihlul thnt wo had dreaded meet on this Mr EmlldaYou always whistle when YOU EO by > ou P Laughter Mr Voorhees And especially If thu Senator front Vermont woe In that graveyard Mr Edmunds Buoause you would bo very much afraid then possibly Mr Voorhues Did the Senator from New York tender the Isiue of finance P Did be over cull It up Mr Conkllng Most assuredly I wished discussion of the financial question when I read In the newspapers that HID honorable Senator wits going to make I speech Mr Voorliuea tinturruptingWlien did you ever laT noT Mr Conkllng Why Mr President cc the heart pnnleth lor the water brooks no I tented for that speech about the dollar of our daddies Loud laughter Mr voorhees lott never dared above your breath to fay YOU did Mr Oonkllng was holIDI my breath to her the oration of the Luughterl Mr Voorhues You never dared uhalleng such a discussion Nobody knows what HI- Lspeclflo views of the Senator front New York are on I lie Hnanclal quebtlon anti ho has never uttered them When the sliver dubite took place liar that lasted clx monthal conspicu- ously tile Senator from Sew York didnt thereto utter his opinions conspicuously of all tie Senators In this body mnru than anybody else ha hushed his voice ho supprebied his opinion if he hail any end never uttered one singl word on tbe subject so much un that the great nmtrnpolllan journals of Nnw York his own Jroa main queried and wondered wild mile eocl It was debilitating paralysing the Ini stalwart Intellectuality of Senator on that IUbjlt Andhe dared toclmllenge mnl Aijiiia the giuatest moment whether silver should bn reiolnod whether this money ot I thu fathers should be reinstated came nnd went Inl I HIllhroUIlllli stages having without n feeble UI fantile whisper on that subject He 11101 tho folio to question mn 01 what 11ltloUI tin hni I ditto or dare meet or no greater question than the quentlon of tho remciuetijt lon of silver ever swept through this Capitol no nine was VKriuorukiluut thau ho was when It came Mr CoikilngTiie Senator from Indiana perhaps bucauaa lie nilMinderntandi mo or perhaps for some other reiiuoii lIOOlell give- S try trnnge odor of Ihll do bvte I seek no personality with the Senator I never charged him I with riot daring to do any ¬ thing just I In H word he coined I I I ui lii Iii I alluded lo a question I that mII the Son < I1rl tahiti hecauiie hu hind given notice t that a iiteiii fed to dlscuHs It and did not Viii I wits around Hu aanorts that nobody kiinwuthn stueinc vlwvvs I hold touching this solicit finance That must lw Mr Iresl dent IwcausB nobody earns I bog lo say to Hint honorable Senator that without a rucord so conspicuous In either House as his there I It a record to which I can appeal to confute utterly the aomewlmt extraordinary statement arid Insinuation the BeiiKtor makes and I beg to fay to him that hoot the time In the House of Itipreientatlves when he and not only kit of the Unmocrats who SIt on tills floor denounced the Legal Tender Ict as ulcnotlutonAllnd revolutionary when itM war for Union OD lbs thins when that measure tbt sdopted Down Itol thIs liner the Senator 111 find no question upon which n hat been tln 9urlna mr time in either House ou- W 1 am not unmistakably reworded i antI 2 tCj15 war wu oyer avud alter tat legal I tenders had performed their patriotic function I wits nut able lo join ito honorable Senator and HfiurHloif upon t ifm wlutMof unbridled nxpan nloniiml try for tlm dollar of nur daddies tied the Ii other financial hallucinations whleh liava beret him I hop Itn ho will not take offence at tlmt nor charge III with lncona tency I be- eatiKi1 the truth In and tiny other statement Is not I trut I Hint frt iii thn ginning tn I lie i end of whatever oilier Itironslstenelis I may iiiivo been giillivnl touching thlti question to whlih Its i Heniitor alludes I have held otto and never but oI811Inl1 Mr Vnnrhees When the Sinator from Now York niiv I hnvit I Injnted it flavor of persvUHllty Into the tleiate I Im I IK niltHken I until Intend but that Hide of he eliallllr ld by the grist i alillu ol Hi Siiialur IIMIII New irk 4hleIl put even MI huinhli a tIre II its invielf In a fnlHe 111111111111 hull hi lea Ihlidl iii fdiiti stout t Irmn tllltlllIloll k loilUe Oils llliide III the bnlilMwiifriKM ion iii 1 tunt vie ae of raId t to must uueHtloiip pinp k 111b > tutu Hide and I nay that I Is nth true and the hlrtnrv ol tlm I ires M lit ItIC tim will I khuw And now paKsltiir from thin point that IIi lOa been mutt I illHire to pay a little ntentlon lo the bill under dlscuHslon I do not believe In Kiipttrvlmirs or chief supervisors of elm I Hun With nil HI- Hstrength t of my convictions heart and mind I I am against theft till For whenever It rube to inn that the American peopln cannot govern themselves either In a township county or Millte I will I foci I from my education that this Government I Is lot an a republic I bllev nothing In title Federal machinery Whatever other Menulorrt may think on this Htihjmt I have no dlagulnmupon this opinion It It they who urn alrnld lo meet thin ijuentlon Thn Senator from Vermont U afraId to takeaway brulH forcH In dlifense with John Davetipoit- In I trust I to thn diilrluesof I lie Constitution whleh nld this Union waR founded on hit virtue I nnd I Indulgence of I the puopln Mr Edmundslain so much I Imprecsml with horror and fear nt I thin moment by what thu t Senator has said thnt I ask him If I I be would al ¬ low UK to adjourn until wu coo recover front III Stilts we am In Mr Voorheiis thn Senator from Vermont- will recover a seine ol ooiiBlllutlonal II I Ii burly If i hi will rover t thu doctrltien of thus futi hers that Ihu people ore as wise us virtuous nnd an patriotic as he nnd hued a supervisor on little us hlhou I will yield Adjournment wits then had lIucrs Iocva Foil ntoituKiiED JIIVHS- Th Inn Women uts llitckwella lalaind Entertained by UunUlua Herrraienn Herrmann performed half a dozen of his most bewildering feats of hocus pocus yester- day ¬ In tin presence of COO insane women To- t i person of sound mind the things that he apparently dors seem to be made possible only through Inversion of Rome of tha laws of nature Who knows but that these same feats stem to a person of disordered mind to ba entirely nat- ural ¬ that the apparent picking of a lemon out of the air on the end of a slender wand does nnt seem more natural than taking II from a basket with I hue fingers nnd that tie tubbing ot I two rabbits I Into one tines tint appear to tie n t more natiy way of getting I rid of nun of them than I carrying i the sit tir lttuous rabbit away by- thn t lIrA P Tha literS nf then 500 women went- iihtmly worthy of attention while titer walled yistenhi afternoon III HID nnitiiiuineiit hall near the asylum for liiHann women on llluck- weUa Island for Ihe performance t to boglti- On the Mngo vvorenn ordinal t table eovered with n ted tabld Ilothaiid II Iliiluiib looking I uttindt nil I thr u crossed f tics On t tlm tnblii wits chi itt semitl to hut u toll ootm of paper This object Miiu > Hted niaglc anti HIH eyes of most of the women were directed toward It A grand Piano ocriipled a part of lie rtpneo In front of thn sluice The plnulbt broke tha Kllence of nailing i t by billIking n chord of many notes and running his fingers over till upper keys In ntantly thu wxprcsflon on the laces ot the mn- jomy of Ito women changed Some of lie IlbteiierH seemed greatly iilniiBeJ Thuy mulled HA though the sounds gav them extreme pleaUre nnd sonic til them noilded t their henils or raised their uvHbrovvB keeping time with thu movement ol the theme A low seemed pained twisting their faces Into expressions of torture and memlng I to It most hurt when the music ran hut uppernotes A ery low prcs rvml- nn entire I still 11 Itv of eounlonance and tat in it crouching posture looking vacantly at this tall oun III paper The greater numlier of uteri had a haggard looknml vveru painful I tuiee A few were tilt ruuive One tnung I gill I wit largo dark eyes and a wreath of 1 brown wavy hair jennud forward to cntcb the notes of the imitlc and I If f her Illflttlng I drub i gown had buen a fashionable cottumeand Bhn hind been Bitting In a box nt the opera she would liar Mttractml dmlrlloli Fit ruui or fourtif I Ihe women he tunic iltittutustrat urhi lit waiting I for the per formancu to begin unit wire hustled out In op- position ¬ to their loud protests Herrinitiin stepped to the Iront of the stage and said that the entertainment would consist of u few tricks such an he vould do Without ap- iiii rut on which aro In ruallty the beet 1m tines HM mat tIcked un a puck of cards Hhuflleil turin rapidly caused them to disappear tied reappear several times In unaccountable WhyS and eniled bt sending them flrlng like Iolnl over thin hiuilt nf the Insane women Thu trlek- upuiilly tlunn by forcing curds vva performed- with variation A hid ys handkerchief was borrovied by Herrmann and placed between Commissioner IJrennnnii paluis to berubbucj to nothingness but lie Commlrvloner suc- ceeded ¬ only In rubbing Into small squares ol very chum white cloth Thu damage wits how- ever ¬ repaired by burning Ito cloth on n plate rolling thn seorehed fiagments In u- Bcrapof tuti tier and handing lie parent Imek to the toni iii iseloner who fou nil i lu It the dainty Imndkerehlel and reMorud It In lIe owner Mot ot the InsatiH women nearly went wild nt thn cr11 led pill litS In theexperliiuio ot t tho handkerehliif Mien thu magician trod iutl threw gln iiesot living goldlUb from beneath u cloth that was thrown over his shoulders n woman who xnt near thu stngn mudn hr lint sign ot Inlercbt In tilt procuodingn blue ttirneil- to the person at her sill unit sild PIH would like to lucre thosH flab fried for her Tills was Eald In a WilY to Indicate the expression of an earnest desire nut she remained apparently uninterested till this viol of hue entertainment While Herrmann wits clutching silver dnlhUH from t thu air about him tied rhueking I t them through the crown of Coroner DriuUn plug lint one of the women made the sane remark thin bhn wished shu cMihl get momv as easll as the nutuuziuhesu seemed to be getting tl when upon another woman quietly said Mousy iloca not always give haiuilnerf The trick whIt the rings tutu transposition of aneggim- n hnndkerclilef In an uiiioeounlabie ice tutor lh production ot number less small bouquets from Coioner llritdvV womlnrful lint and ttiu rabbit trick ended thu entertainment It does not do to keut I them ton long snlc Commlsslouur llrennnti thny Cat uneasj The music wet furtilahed by Oscar I Nevvell HIM pianist who giving recitals thu Academy of Design After the entiirtalnment Commissioners Dreunnn anti Hurs conductod thu mnglcltn nnd others through tonw of the wards of hue asylum In thn party werHjIrs HerrmannMrs Nuwflll Mrs Ilbon Mrs Hess Jliss Ilrennim Mr Newell J H 111IIII11 several others Iiu one ot the wards a young woman who said thn- fcha had kIt tier yes fur two months to situ thorn of course toll l thu magician It Iont make any difference how you work It nut If vn onlyget the right answer MrsGen Grant held her customary levee and t the old lady win fancies that she Is a tautly bush in II y luoh intel to Commlfinioiinr lirnnnnn in answer to the quus loll Whom do you have lbs party spent the line pleasantly on the Island till 5 oclock and wern accompanied to thu city by Commissioners Jirennun and Hess hub 0111 <> r llALUMOltK A Slarjr of Insanity In M Family In which a Mold ofIll Work Itecanic 14 Moo BALTIMORK Slay 22n assault case will shortly bo calld In tho Criminal Court lucre which has behind It a story both Interesting am complicated In 1802 a family of Oils lied a prosperous dairy In Kast llaltlmotu About that limn a comely person took servlcu lu tin family I as a mold of all work The person wet efflelcnt and won lie prnlbit III Mis Ott Mr Olla family II Inherited l I Insanity There were two sons undone of them John soon sifter tlm ap plot runi of I thn emil of nil work hocamu In- sane Tlm fiitii cr soon rifle 8Uoumbed to I Ihu family disease aad then Mrs Ott wIts Huprnmu In lie tisiry uinui the household The other son diorge wits not much at homo anti o the iituu tier hail her OWII WilY Thrt father Hml lila inbnhie son were banliliet to oiio loom and t the muhl of nil I work Man I t Wyiniilt t and Mr Oil livid togetlmr In ISiiO Mary Wyninii I left lie Ott household I ami II bOil t I two months lute M rut Ott engaged tlm urv Ices of lomph Wyttian ns- supiirliitenileiit of HIM dnliv I I In I 1R7I leoigc 1 Ott the mm uhiirgHil Ins mother with Icing unduly famllitir with Jo eph Vyiirui Soot alter the iiuUsniuiiu Oil HID limliaml Chill fit tiler trnubfiiriud till of thu pioiieitv tn Vv- Uiuu OeorLo Ott Ira tight unit against Vj u limn tohnvH I th transfer set aside nn acioiin of the tilder Oils Insaniiy Tlicrnintumnlui the request and put Unorg Ott itt receive I In charge of t tlm property Detectives I who Inn lIen employed In HuiiHsn deelnrud that Maty Wyman thn rnalil I of all work ami Josepl Wymati w nre one and lie mime person Onnrgo Ott took possession of the properly while Wy man wits absent vMien Vt mien returned ha- naFeultml Ott who hind Wymiinarrested Hmic hue lISIIIIIt case Tlm assault case ng wiill ulq tutu civil suit will come up at thus next term of the court A Chile Mlolesi Irons HluckpartH- UDSOV N Y May 25Chancy Jackson aired a tin was stolen by two men III a vvaiion hear th- ndttendrn IC lint house lit Htockporl this nfteinooi The boy utah lUht hair suit a lair cimipluxion and utis clnthlnc was nl a light cilnr It Is supposed Hint Im wa taken to Albany theriaijout A Neck In st Hull Touch From one 01 tlm Southern mall pouches opened la tlie Brooklyn Cost Offlce on sundae inornlntl lively youtif irsrtsr sosks crawltd suit tIC was chitse by UuperlntendentCunnlnihim B Lynn and tOarle I Briiis tud botUtd up MR WHEELER OUT AT LAST cur JUKI W 111 A OV COXFllllUKU AS IULICU COMMJ SWltltI- CtcctTln tloe VnnHlMniii VI of the Hoard Aldermen nod Entering Upon hit II u- lltalHsmlasHle br Ihs 1ollc Heard Oil Joel W Mason was yesterday appoint nil a Pillre Commissioner III the place of Do Will C Wheeler Mr Wlimlcr wits mndo a nllii ioinmlK loncr by Minor Wlckliam on Jail 1 1H70 Hit trnn fxplrud on May 1 11878 tuitut Mnjnr Ely iiiitnliintiMl Uporuii Jont its lila laviMnr Mr Jonwi WItS rpiwtml liytliH lioard- ol Aldermen In MnilR79 Mayor Cooper pro err oil Ihurifrd iiLiilnhl Commissioner Wheeler nuid notified him to show caum why he should not bci removed Judge Charles II Van Brunt thereupon Issued an order prohIbiting Mr Vhiolurs removal Boon afterward Mayor Cooper nominated Sheridan Shook to the Board of Aldurmen fur Mr Wheelers place Mr Shook was rejected by the votes of the Tarn many llvpubllcan Aldermen Subsequently he Mayor nominated for tho place Col Charles n Cootcr Arthur B Graves and Charles E Whltohead In guccupslnn Iach of UIOHB nomi- nations ¬ was tabled hy the Board of Aldormnn anti afterward withdrawn by the Mayor On May 11 1880 tin Mayor nominated ox Police Commissioner Huuh Qardnrr Mr Gardner was rejected nil May 18 by the votes of olklit- Tnnimany and three Republican Aldermen The Mayor at once nominated Col Joel W Uiivon The Aldermen laid the nomination onr- Tlm meeting of tho Board yesterday wits at on d eel by twuntyone Aldermen Patrick Kuenan Tammany being tho only absentee ProHldent Morris called upths nomination anti Aldirtnan John McLlavo moved that Col Mason lio eoutlrinnd Tile tnentyone Aldermen voted In thn afllrmatl arid Joel W Mason wng ron llriiod as u InlUo Commleitluuer In the place of DM Wilt 0 WhtHer Col MIIDOU WMH horn In this city and is 55 years of age He hua been In business as a chaIr manufacturer for auimrter of century I II I ii i WIIH a niemberof tint Sixth Itegi meet of Now York SUite Mllltla for twelve years At the out- break ¬ of the rebellion he was IIH Adjutant and surged with It In thnt position thut hut Ilk thu rot inoiitliB1 kervlco nt thus war In ltd Soon alter Itn return ho na Hindu Its Colonel He com mnniled tho reirlment diirlnc its thirty days eurvluo lit front In 1803 Col Mawm lies been an nithe llnpubllcan shire lisa birth of that party lie wits fornivural years Chalruiaii of tie Central Committee In HIM city and t IK tine Chairman of Its Executive Committee He waHnmnv years n School Trus ten and was made II Hdiool Commlbbloner dy MIL or Cooper II ti wits appointed iiCoinmU- rloiierol I Enu Ig ration liy Oov Cornell taut Will till but deellned the appoltilllient Aftelr lilt uou II rind nun In I the Hoard of Aldar men Col Mason tiwik hue oith of ofllet luirJru Ma > nr Cooior and thou resigned liU School Crnl11lhtsioii ruhi I Ip Whou tlm Pulkv Board met at 11 A M yps terday Mr Wheeler culled for a ntv pen to shut tho pay rolls with I must wrlto my best Hi it iuu hue lust time huHiild Piy rolls for this lli > t tnentifour ilitt s of Mav were paeHed The Ion will riot Iit paid for thou re- mainder ¬ of the mouth until idler tlm Cnlcnuo Coiiimtlon Sergeant llolxrt 0 Webh of thu Tlilrutlllli I street police wits tnitiln a Captain and DtilH Culiil ol Inspector Muirayu rout nnind Nelon 11 itruud son of thin mounted Bijuud and Donald iran ot thu Oak street pollcu were mndu tercimntc Conimlmlonur Klnols inot oil that thu Iharues aualn Cant MeDouuelt for failure to suppress dlnreputablo liouner Jn his product bn dismissed Ciuiimlhsloiier > oorhl objected that Cant McDonnell could only be- held Cu ill hots on the plea of I Inability tn sup lrea hut liDimes lu question which If true wile acoufesxlou of wealnicH crud IneflUleticy- on tlie part of lie entire 1iillcHDupxrtitient In tlie course of the dHbate President Ilanch said It mat bo Impolitic to hat so but I believe tltuit HUH evil ouuht to bo recouulzud by th law ami that these liouseH should bn put under Its turvelllance police Tim Coouiiuissloiuur- euiicl uttud with t the gtntemeut thitt i in hits opinion Capt McDonnell hint done nil lu his power to remedy thu evil anti that there nus no nihi ncalukt him I TIN charge were then dismissed Mr Voor his donut tlisKcntlnir On Mr Ydorlilia motion Detective Murphy of Capt McDonuellu command was thun ills iiiUsed ttio tore on lie chili If I that hH black- mailed curtain of Its houses of prostitution which Copt McDonnnll lied been declared In- nocent of allure to suppreot- Poltcuman Lord wan dismissed for neglect of duty ThH Board met again about 3 P M with Mr MnBon the flits appointee present at Hint In hut character of n looker on After roll cull Mr heeler presented thus credential of his sue csor whom tin hoieil would nil Ills police hoep UK Ion I as hi hud four yours On being recognized as a brother CommiKxionor by tlm- othur miirnbors of the Board Mr Muson ex ireahcd lie hopa that at his end of Ills urge ha could retire front obilco With It good u char acter for I lultlil illness toll IK duties j ust dnllull and honoatyns Mr Wheeler lied Jlr Musou ivaN Ihn voied Into hue dificruirut commltteeHol which Mr WhIr lund been a member but on motion of Commissioner J> reneh Mr Voor hls wa madoTreasurorln I plaruof MrWheuIer UK wn also madxaitlmrlrisidentof the Board to dn duty us uuch whllo Preslduut Frunch IB lu ChliiBO The newly ma In CAPt Webb wag assigned to duty In Ito Ceutral OHlce If1VUC7lVS YOTKU BOITJV The Home Increasing Kzprndllurcs iDbteni or UlmluUliliiff Jheoi- WASIUNOTOX May 25 Several amend- ments ¬ Incruusinc tho amounts of appropria- tions ¬ In thn Sundry Civil Appropriation bill were agreed to In tho House Comuilttuo of the Wholu today A motion of Mr Morse Born MIIKS to In Crease this appropriation for tho coast geodetic tuney from 275000 to 300000 gave rise to a lonedlucusslon It was resisted by Mr Bloun- Dem OH who hits charge of the bill and who argued that the Geodetic part of the work wits of no practical bunellt to the masses of the people It was advocntiiil by Mr Hawley Hep Coon Mr OartlDld Hup 0 and Mr Hooker I IDem Mh who Insisted on tho high Importance anti the 1 great accuracy of thu work Ilnnlly- tlm atnunilment wits adopted On a I like I motion thu Hum lor Urn survey of the IicKle coaet lh I other belni for thu Atlantle and Gulf coauU was Incnxined rum I1C1 liOO tn 1180 009 Ml r Warniir I 1 Dem Ohio tnntml toriilncn lie Item lor furniture or public buildings under tutu control of tIle Treasury Department from J170CWO to 100000 and Mr Ciiiinni lip 111 olovd to lncrea ltui 2J00 Tho latter motion was aiireeil to yeim 83 num 7U The iiuestlon liHlnirou ndoptlnu the amiml- munt ahamuniliid apenehes weie mailu auaitis extravagant approprlatlntu by MeHsrp Flnley S riiiIs and Hlount t lie latter atipeallnu I to tin ten or twelve Democrats whom lie I dc8Prlbeil ctlnuon I these lUrstloiu with t lie aol lii nub HCKII mitt not to continue to dn so ax thiiy were furnishing ammunition to ItHpubllcan toll t tlcliiin to nriaiiin I tlm I Democratlu majority In Conuieng for It eiravniranie- Jlr CallilnilliBp IndI expressed the hope thou Iliu Democratic whliiperfln could no control ito Inulupondenut on that Elduof the Hiiii Alter eonolderable ilehatn from which It ap- PiiiHd that the bulk of I tile appropriation wits required I for tlm Chlnmo Custom untie tlm amendment an amended was rejected 85 to 90 Thn pnriiuraph approprintlni 100000 lor- Htiltnhli accommodation fur tie btorutrc of com wug stilckun outtO to G5 411 uszluvz HunlhiThculrc A now Irish ilrnmu called tho Croo tlmwn was produced last evening at Booths Thoatru Tho audluncu was moacre but bo trayed an excellent disposition considering ih play and flue tenipuiruitture Besides portray till it frlchttiil dtinoof Irish society lu every thiitie and a dlnheartnlnt I condition of the na- tlvu charaitiir I In uennral t tlm Croni It awn III In every particular aueMrumelv Btiiuld attempt nt ilriiiuailu wrilltitr Ills dull illlturatii ntu ItnpotHlble and It tony hut dUmlsKiil as a fall ore requiring no special comment ol any kind Ioiii t ulettctnre Ilila Slay SurrEMi CouhtrClmAatnrttsNoe 164991 iii juj I5J I MI I7j nn l i jji jjt j3i j7 iim- Nn iT ttti 214 7 7n is 7u II iutI iuuiuuiti 1its IM lw tII l JIT iwMli H7 I lolio IU leO his n4 I 154 iujj tti uu Itsi 1H7 Ill hrscui I IIIIM Nun IVU WIt fitl Jl I 6J7 MS 4HT IU IU7 tin i2 vt f7u on trji rttt i tut ijj evij utah cull tui rW1 ais uils sni 4Ai 141 iii to- art 1 t u47iI fi iW llllll I Isrji I4lj IISM- II IMtVaiKI 4014 IMD IBI7 IHM IK1U IHWI IWII luau I Nil I IW14 tiltS IHlIU IWI7 IKeM IS70 1H7I 1H7J- 07J 17nu 11171 I iaa IU1J I hutS IKK liui MU7 lluu- 10Jl 17W 1itrt II tui on No a LIM No ilnj cnlclidnr ltut IllNo 47H 1H14 Itlll loel1 ouT 1817 IWJ- 14ltl IIH 1474 IfU teats IJ47 1ofll IUJD UI5 UM1 IMll luSt JIO i llHi Hill JMJ4 Mu- Kriaioa Client rtcist U No 4 Posse I iu 41PurI 1 IIMJ on No nSS No dnr- calindar J Iiitll Nos JU77 Jlkll Jinsl 21 l 7H7 7ii irM n o i iasl i Jino ajni rjio aim SHU au- iii JJJJ JS4 2i7 2JIH JJ J U3I1 J2e Uyjrf U4O4 MmiMi IotKTIart 1 ilint in fiiinmon IMenslart I Nllc HdJ 4317 31X1 4tg 43J4 41JH 4IN1V VI 44A1- I lull 4U7 1W15 artl 4JU7 I4D4 l7l Inrl IIHeld hut MofrlT Inurt 1irt II Nos tiouwu 4711 suCh situ 4160 4JTJ 3105 4J4II J9O7 SaSl Sent 1I4 fsrtlll lint In miifilorfourt Iart III > oi 4IMS Siu21 4nrl lull l 4377 41JJ KKII 9878 4M17 45tO 4371 sass tUMO bills E rttWnic for tuiukiplfli at Cowprrtb wtlfi lab to may Cluitiisuuu 11 I best iUr UP boy sitter luniiu or tslYpsiuueuL rurulun curixu DddtugAh Iitillet 4rimd IncrcNtlnv At the Creel isle HI rokUlroia thr aucttim site nf It Situ nnd iiuiusui iniJTi ear m etc unit talc Stir 771 IIrollwy turner Kill it opi o lie A T Kienarti UJt Pries TwDirOT Cent QuIrks Irliti Ths curti blllouinf hetdteht dyiper eta i lniiur tiouJ nJ bIer cuiupUluL bull by dn- uglitLAJi J pctit 1 Jlolitts- lHP 1 1 1 I Kllts NlIltus- I < I rvlllHHHK I I SllhllHlUlt clc Kn ruliin Miiri int I Ir tiiiiuaturp irmii 11 intn I f to Mimlin iinil l ii HI it lit LIIII liuiumB iply all Ibis I rlfit i ui u iiNiitLi it I i iv lur I IIIhIIIIII lo- KIII i tutu I HFVM Ililrli Ihe very bait I I mule ututii its kit Mifloui stuns sic lor fil 7i t I f AII lt oil s I ut i 11110111 C4151 siu4 Cuff lluttnat 111 it tutu Idtliliair ilii I n Minri kiiiin Uiiii niUf I init i it nike ritil f< Hoilerr I 1 Tit ic at ttlio inut i wilbur prlir- KKKIh lor Hilulu tuIliuii nil 111 IIIIVIH > heir 01025 I KKII tVDIKWIlAK 0 KoriiiriMi uuiti kinnnier WLHT ru iriK 7ric Cl f I I n 111 vfnlHt I lupll 111 Irn irflKV Vithnii Irilitnl Ilili I nilinlliif liiitlMiilh ii I l TwillcJ cute Ij U lii I Inr itrml IrittnrN > JiMwIrv rrIotIUld fUUi iawi iu te < Mini rinnliir niallril irtt Khfcl VUVl tIII II HIM tlMlS V I tItti HIIIIAIVAV I lrtni011 JHlh Sill tltll tA N TI I 1117111t1l11l1l1S r1I1 KIIION ci iinIkiia- UOII 1 IHI i VKIH MA in in iivirii 1ln IIVI VM in Ittiiilinntuui 11 ruuita MMiilt sill l I Hiini in iwi MIHit jnitKii I in irrs i IZ i Mm t il uhlnilliuri i I 1iltnrrli SK lit tHITTKS p t1 HIS in kultiin at L IIKI uiVAlI 1 JllllinlIL S Y- inis KOII Tiiiui i i CII tile I ill A il it ItJIrIIII I I I HUTI i v itv i si itch ute Umitliilcnl iKilH ir tlit li iri > miu ruuuliutiui iid i 3 lIllrllhl > Im I li114111L i Mhllii- TO iuutuiipitiitt I 1 MlllllfKH xir I < Wm70iOWs simruisu syiai1 for cliiuire r II I In te tln i lull ItO IIIM IrutIluraiti i ha ttuinach ibid Iuwei iiruuti iii Its ami HinUiilic si cc illS a tutu T M H rriv ltiM i NTiTVi cAUiir J Imnhii Wuk il7tli4V New oik tqiut lorclrcu- ltrPUUIlISTHl aleul llubhcnhOIts- I I I l 41 CFSTR- I I Now publishhif I I Ininonthlv purts stud contaInIng a corn I pUtenitorvoi Jlrlilsh Hulnn from 1710 ID u03 nts nne ulid t ts o now read contilu excellent lortriI uI I IIIlulloI ohnptn Jilt tll Uu TsylorJa I t lIuuII Jok Iock T I I JltlltOll1 IJ loIn INrERNATthjL 111 CUIoIIAN I BkmIUIL < Tur I rOll IEA31 AV TIIK HRBttlirRS- Klflcmrn Uruis tied lIuekwtl At polal4- lYoltrdur In Oo In IlnlljrMaiint Much IntincBt ccnlicil In yostordnyg spc- lal muetlnu of the Board of Director of the atlonat nine Association because It was known that tho team selected to ao to Ireland contained members to whom objections had bn raised The directors present were Presl- nnt Olldurslenvx ColI J II livllne Major lenry Fultnn Col John Ward Col J O Blory Col E II Pan ford Col Oeorun U Scott E A Buck James Ornnt and leu Oinruv W Win guile Major Fullon reported hilt the arrange nnnt concerning tho ton in n reported at tho ast moetlni had hnen carried out and tIe list- of t the tutu wits lu lie hands of tha Secretary Col Banford stud that as dlmiatlsfaitlnri with he team haul burn expressed by many persons he i would move that the ionrd to Into nxocutlyo session to give the members opportunity to talk In ao Informal way Thn executIve session lasted ovor an hour After Its close Major Ful- ton ¬ offered thn following resolution which was adopted with only ouo dlinentlnii rote IVArrm In cci rilMnce wIlt Ihf condition of thiS etrru- nriil Airll JO l iiifil liy this ocUtlun to tile rifle lieu I in Anirrlcn kln heir fooi r Uon In eetUni up- SI trim tn iMnciH reiurn mutch In IrolM iirxtinonth- ol I Join KiNlIn I Imi beet i1ihiutet i Ripuln t and- ISesirs llrown Mult Clark l Kurrnw Kuthbonr I Hhtr- ml a Joe k iiu tmvv Jnntiy furiHil thilr Hvcrl puilUuni- ai mrnilwrnl HIP btin iii I OIC rwrveii And WAet tinnfxIMI rircuuustaireu Imvii pr Tntrd MVviitl ot dur t test orkrntrum camel I leg with tie rrniili saw 01 lor pintllinii UJMII I lie t tmnt i i suit WOe i Br Hie condltlun of stud circuUr I more than nil1 rrvw cut t appointed to accompany laid Icatul Ihplnrp- I J Thai Mmri L 0 Bruce and II T Rockwell be added to tne nuiutttr to coaipuia suit urn Cud re icrve The rulep provide that after the team and re- serves are nmde up by the Board the team it- Self by a twothirds vote nuty revIse its own nembershlp and decide who shall shoot at Dollymount It I t I Is said to hnvo hen the under standlUK lit first that there should I be only one reserve man on the team but lie circulars ns printed middlttrlbtited pruvldo for at least one reserve This team will practise Creed moor as much ns possible before their depart uru lot Ireland which Is on Juno 3 hut thin positions of the men will not be altered by this uractloe If any of hue seen now turned as re- serves substituted for other now holdlnc positions on Ole team II will bo lie result of action taken alter arrival In Ireland Flue oh iictlon raised to the team as now made upla that stime of thn mcmbera am Interested In cur nln kinds ot rllltrs It t Is urged that If lucy ure allowed to shoot It will Co fur to bring Inter- national ¬ mulches I Into disfavor The following revolutions were offered by Col Santord and laid over for consideration at tItus next niuutltiis ItdrI That nil matches 01 this a f< latlon hereafter hush iu opeun wily Ii i amateur ridnnvn unlei othorwiw- Nli suit tlmt amiiteuri Ditty ithatl I be allowed In ii iiilr li r plucta oil the AnierlcHli InUrlialionat or- nltrstjtu Saul to be urhttilzed I ti > lull KCMHUUOII al i Kvirfl That an amateur In nile utiootlnc II one who h ii liuver tiiuriit I Intu a ioiiivtltii a I lur itlv nione- voruholnt luViT limiM niNlch lio lUnr with n title i as A liituim in hu llheiiU ur situ hllneOr brrn till lit ills rule tntniiucturliu nUn onleitlrri IniltUitu i t UM- nd I ohm tIl iuauh lor UK purpote of aUverttlnK or rlltni ttieii- tAssistant Secretary Wcfton was empowered to raise SbUO or S 900 by subscription Ui pay thus tpents of the traiuuiut hint he trip i Sir l I K A Buck offered thouheo his xteam yacht In which to accompany thus tcttii down tho Harbor ou Us depaituru Sir John Arnolt will nmut titus meunibhlp on HH nrrivnl and will convey the team to Nooillnnd hIs rcsldencu on tue hirer Let near Cork vvheuc they will gt to Dublin by rail Thn datiiot thus match at Dollj mount bits riot yet been fixed Tlm following will compose the trltlfih toner at Wimbledon Sir Henry Halfoii Martin It Smith John lllcbr Copt reulon Major Vounc A 1 Humphrey W Kuricuson and 11 Thorn burg SCHOOLHAH 11KlI WIlES A 1ot I03c Claus Airing Ita Knowledge or lllalor ticocrHphy used OrHMmu- rFlftyclRht upiilicaiils for appointment In thu lust Office were notlfledto nppear yester- day ¬ for civil service examination Eleven of the number failed to report and nine wore re- jected on the certificate of the examining tIlT ilclnn One of tho medical questions as to the age If living of the father and mother of each candidate or the ages at death was made to determine tho vital powers of tho candidate- The question Do you chow tobacco was ale o asked In the class of thlrtyeltiht that was examined by Secretary Uaunerman In- spector ¬ Gardner and Superintendent 1llmloy the youngest was 1C years old and was small for his nee The oldest was 44 years of nee and hind been a Colonel In the army Ho had for classmates two other Colonels abqut whom thorn was the coincidence that they had been commander of the same New York regiment at different times The questions tint examples In arith- metic ¬ were written ou a laruo blackboard and the members of thin class were required to fill out the answers mid nolutlontinn blanks spread before them on their dehUH Tlm bulijuuts for the examination I wiirn arithmetic ireorniphT- crammar and history Thirty minutes were allowed In which to write thn uttuiverri I In arith- metic ¬ nnd iliteen minutes for Ito olhur sub i jeeiH In arithmetic ilia Ii nit I example win I r lie ninnteen II million I two hundred and tun In lluurth stud iou others were sum In addi ¬ ton dlvlhlon and multiplication luhistoty the class VII required t i suit what Slates her den on the Atluntli Ocean nnd Lone Islnnil Bound north of titus mouth of Ch eantukn Bay iilno I lie lilt flihi nf t fit btateH touchuil i by thu MlHHitiiilppI lllver south of the mouth of the Ohio and to give the houndarlcH of thn Unite ol MnsdachiiHetU an well as the names of thu apl tale of licolisln MislbMllipl GeorgIa New Juiriuy anti Oiilti Thu IIHIUUB nf thu principal seaports on tho Atlantic count were required to bn given What Is grammar 7 What 1 Is a verb 1 Name the different parts of speech of tho fol ¬ lowing sentence John elrlles a horse were tuttle of the ijuuiUlonss about grammar Thus ulHHi wits also glvcu tho sentences We lay down our burdens and then laid down our helvet Neither wialth or honor all sncure happiness to their votaries The rapidity ol Ills mnvnmeutb wert bnvond example anil He was exceeding careful null to ulvn oltonee to correct Such ijucstlons HH What fornlgn- iiatioim once had I territorial poSbrasloue which nre now owned hy Gr Ht Britain nr the United Status 7 were titled In his- tory ¬ Mont of thn answers omitted Alaska ninl onu or tno of thu uxamiufm were found to havu momentarily I forgotten that Vllllam I II Bmvard had pu rciuiuioi that land from luiss Iii I tvelvn year ago lout indepmiiletit nation oluntarllyconsented i tobnpomliigaStito I t In thti Union 7 ii and What nation was I that State a hart of previous to ltd admission to the United htate betmied fctlcUufH lor inotit of tIle junior members of hu e cities Ill lilimlliij tile threw inemnriihln wire lu which tutu United States liad been engaged sInce thu acktiowldgement- ot its Independenm ninny gava the revolu- tion ¬ as OHM of titus wars anil or two fixed the ditto as 1773 One of the class compluluml ol u violent huadachn and quit in the middle of thu exercises Abererombin was mimed ab a prom luuut General of thu United btateu Juu1 ttbvi1ov In a topi camp at IVeit Untutten Is t titan named Samuel UvwlKJ U tIJ to to 1CU ftrs uf see- iViutiuti Iti liiMon ur Jamalm while i t wurk tin a nw tmiUlht it lit lai C ItVuUi UriUil U iruui i ttUdJtr- ubJ nil kilkU rite Hiinul if Alilrrtnt n lux reiuetl the lark Onto minmerit to put Jcu Iwiihcx lu Out Ill l I II Ml IurlL Stat utin Wiuliimum spare Ji IIIIttc uI Vusiost II N J twill K Oil Wlllcll I is 7t I sculls ill Siir Ist nu ivvtii luit tiMoiu hess u rut vr- in on v lust coils 5 illitn lur Mnct- illiiiniii Millvr uiieI l Iti wit I omul letS > est thy nlif rtKKJii lu H t liiity nt t lIe lout ni I lew en utm t liruuk I i t ui lust IIQ iiBd H tUitiry Hint esrelu Inc lite- muMfinl I Ihe utifim Littht flunnl tt into the Stiuoniil i uitiil ol NIM Je set Ml Iu to rut ii by tIuLCsi bvuiku Ii lluwurtt l Ist nUlit A hUiJiHr fuiluuiu- lJ A hiitiuuut sit emploMC ol hue Livr Tiliuruph Ciiini nnt while rfkulauiik tie s mt ut Jl I Im k pUir Kll Itiiii tilt ihirJ hit Uiruun tie latetu way mJ a tt killed I In it sunlit tDljuniiUrstntiilliiff at 04 Orrlv 511501 5 CI tutlM Ilint fth oslO hit her liul uul DoilAt nil Ills hrmt with H rollHm It In I wo cnlp Mtuiud vi ru the rtr bull mul the ninu at MMH I in H lltftu lluniltal- MuVnlAll win lu i uris i cit In lie A t clue t Hi UM It thr Mt iil wIt lit UiM Oily on Mnnduy nlulit Ut tin tullilln tsus twin mulicl 110 HI mi lit uui tile Ilru 5 au dlsiut crud in Ills I Utw txiitikuulu J- lrfilrrick nuiHi while miiVrlnt ironi itO its cc liiiikctl lilnorli > fMirtlriy nt ilsi Kttlnuttm mn t Hi lit I HM uiuiirnniul m luihinviii ul lilt tub ills tic M Ihu Mth ihull > truubUv It U aia bruUKlil tmtlie Intuit diiunlvr- BIliivi lit iluiuuiuuii CouncIl Iiloiuett yeicrliy on uuuniiniu ut li tstutrii S tel is all oitittullit p os hluiiC hr the hue ur ui iiruotlitlsuli 4 sli iprut tihier hiuu ii driver ui lilt atluiiitlttCe ut a 2uitud Stales iiall amuti dii slush druse shy tiltich tour Ibis hieIUhiCiitg U hue Fir Veiuar ilutt- leirc T Morrow inuintlactitrer cC hiouli sill stiix a at SI Warretu tilted aut at Nyutct iii uileI ini tPntCtuIY ilt5t is ii ilCiuiiwiil it Iiuiiuiu 4 Mi r iv Mr M itroS u hishIhhIlci are sttuuiiicd it fIbu lie tic ruuuiuuly ervcut C DeW iaCull it NplcC alert utbutut Jeu hitiiti vets null to > ed- is luiy lie Iiuntiti school tItitiren 01 liroilutyn are to c5leirt the flI liet saul rar ill Our II iiuu lii uuuii ii liliiiiti tciuiti ilutui it iuillrutuiuiii itUlil it trrets ii ii luuuste ut Irsi leitlu Iielwrei ut tly iuud se viiliy itluttuitid Ciiidrtt It In ii lecicit s Ill haIti lit liv parole Tutu couiuuuiittsu tlu ii it cnulueraiinC C lilt the U raii Arnie ul htuu iteptiltic iii tttru uhuui hey prulisra lioute Is iilris hit lilac is situ iteied tOutltltUiutu is wiit 10 1st II It lteed it Mote s ltih A Ia hlrial wa 5 ut lit lu t Mrenuu I WcItyucund ltegiunsitt j iir > kriiusiiiii heed AniDiiir the dpsniure fur Europe oahsy tui lbs lhahiie Is Mr Uilluin Sisal suit of IrrilJenl Knni bloan ol tilts Iel4jrsre Lsckanuuna and Western Itatlriuil lie hiss iusi tern trust Outsit from Ioliiinbla College where he belt prominent In the edtlorlnl management of the MittHita dat1o1st situ Koei abroad to couipt lu liii educe Isis LIFE IN TILE METROPOLIS DABUES hERE AXf Til Knit flY Ttltt- HVXa ItKIOHTXHH- Ueckleia Vtlllitm lmntr The Sea of a Rich Ilquor Dtnter Fined nnd Ketil to lrIsa far JUrlTtnr Over sad Ullllnr a Laborer William H Latter the only son of a weal ¬ thy wholesaler of liquors llvlna In Morrlsanls and doing business at 163 Christopher street who wits convicted nf mnnnlnughter In the fourth degree In running over anil killing tatirlc Healy laborer of Third avenue and Klwhtythird stieet at Third avenue arid llJth street on the 21th of October lust while thrivIng in his fathers delivery wagon wits urtaliniBJ yesterday at the tar ot the General Sessions tn receive his sentence His father and many frIends were near him The orldenco In your ease Lauar lie condor Bmyth saul shows clearly that you wero guilty of culpable negligence and this jury under this solemnity of thelroath could not have rightly done otherwise than convict TOW Undoubtedly wore driving at pooo hat prnvented you from reining up when you NIIW lleulr crossing the sro t In time to save his life It Is unlawful o drive at such a iaie In a street of this city and U Is my duty to Im- losita severs penalty both ns n punlHhment for yourself and a warning to oIlier wluu ore addicted to fust driving In this city rxgardlvas of tlm lives or limbs of pedestrians Yet It has been shown that you WITH previously a young nan of blameless repute On this account thus jury recommended you to merry In consider- ation ¬ of your previous reputation and this recommendation I will bo mont lenient than I would otherwise be Under tha law it Is In my llscretlon tnsmitencu you to Sat prison or to the county Jail for two years and to pay n Unit of 1000 I stintence you to the cnuntv jell for wo mouths and to pay a Out of 1500 Loner and tile friends were apparently nurprlhud by he sentence Lauer expectlnglt U unlit to es capo Imprisonment An official of thus court explained that tho county jail In thu meaning of tho law Is soy prison within this city aliut county Lauer will bus confined la the City Prison Th Knlnrnl Illatory Museum The spring reception to tho member ot the American Museum of Natural hIStory took place In the funding of this socIety at 8 venty eventh street and Uhtli avenue yesterday afternoon About 1000 tier soils were pre > enL Of tin rusted of the aoclety there were present Bolnrl L Htuarl Baberl foliate B iijainln II Fuld Joseph U Choata Percy n 1jne JamaiM- Conitible William E Uodiio Jr Andrew II lireen ami- Corneliui Vanderbilt Aniotix tlie ntttera who vltlted tie Muwtan during thus alUrnoon wipe 8 L U Ilarlnw IJr John Jlall Parks tlotlwln M H Uhliunden Charles ULiinir Judge rowing and Judiie lllllon Io lworlli > land luriilihid niutlc the Muwuni give a reception tu- IN ttienibrrt mmuitlh In the vphliK nnd In lie lull The irittnt UuildhtK Is mil a viltli liFt 4 its lotnplvle- triictnte Oust 1 iuntenillatril It aiandi la sit IwiUted- puUiuii hilt ii was erected with an i te to tie lurround- Un ol tfn yttun lie tee Chin the last recepttin lli re- Intve bcrll idled to Out Mtlwuui a clue ol mounted whir blrdN a coil rUou ol hiKLls a collection ol Jute onus tnifiitf of static princm ol Utiauftiala a roaVeiloli vf- vtonu Implcinriiu Irnm the Ulilo Valler tiuitll and rock ol J tat tine luuuutetiu itt irom the UmdU and it eairiu l state New KiiKimid nml rloruu stud a lame archieolO- ifical eollectlon rout titt Muddle and Western slate sid talllorniN Tile money lontrlhuUons to tho Muuuui in the list su uivaths have been nearl cieOAL T Itcat In Urcvuwoad Denis Copperss remains are to find final teeing place tu Greenwood Otmetery Th Brooklyn Health SnafU yeslerOa granted A permit to W U Crap a Hoboken undertaker to remove thus lody Item the receiving vault In Calvary Cemeury and tu tnUr It- in tlie tuual way In a plot In UrteiiM ooJ Cometery Mr Cuiji body hiss been the subject litigation ilnce- liut August On Aux H Cuppers died at Rail Munches I ti 1 Seoul the effect of a gun tho wound accidental rt mud Ai he uwhud a plot Hi Calvarv iumUTy hit riUUvc tuuflit to hatr hi budvturUd thtre but tin burial wainUblutl br tile Catholic authorities btcauiw Mr Cuppers had been a member ut a ecle order Tli- ocuru Wet set saint to and sit under was obntwd cum matulliikC tie uuthortllva tu inter the body In the LOIH cleFt lust the eutturt irUue apiald to Ie taVnural Term wiiicli retvrwd thu UeiiHuii or the lower court dicldln that puriha riuf Ceiutt Wry lot muil conform In the ruleot the minor Allhouili tlir lathe o llr Cui iMir liiltjiid tocarr the ease tit thv Court t l Al peals ihc > hstvr In Hi iitf diiUtne dssrsuulnisd tobiiva Uie bt vly bUrled lu brnMiwumi heavy Falters In the Clothlr Trade Tile failures of Drown Rosenthal A Co whole ute dealer his cloUihw at IM Chambers trect and N Brown t Co ofSn Francisco see reported The main bus e is hi bait > iulivcu the New Von houu belie lute branch The two Otto are one concern Mr Ellis Brown beiiitf the realtletit partner lucre Thi trouble Cross la- Sau FranciiHO wlicreaccordm toUt iuercanuie agency repurt local attachmenti wet taken out aRAiiUt the nrm iorWJuiu the littinuti II the Hn > raiici co IIOUM- iVfiim LtUniiiuil ttt tlUJuii The aiitiuunccuiiiittHt the cmbiirrdiuiii4tit Irom HAU rraiiclsKu cau ed much sun pric htrK tin One hiviurf a liicli lUndlng stud lannlnic- mriil I ol iser livvin is4sveril ot the New lurk crrditurN tuiik ieil iniiiudiatrly tu protect Uiemietve- ikl yoturilH lute MierifT iwil the property al ItO tuiuiubra niCest on till blues tuff muchmenti theory iiriII 51S43 Jntveph LilicntUal Eiu1Ju HalOs Htteuiiu 1 tu il6tf The itiick iotuni m icry itniill slid l Iul- tsiiiliiiCd worth mure than V mu The llabllUivi here are iiiAnl > due tu the cumiul iuii merchant who are IOrtcu urfcrcrs to the extent ui swirly ifiuutu- Jlr Inliuer lrieou Dr G Palmer ot 270 Clinton street Brooklyn yeiturday while rtdirutn a tic Kalb avenue car saw amoiitr tie patenner a matt who called a week agu lai Saturday at his uRce aiU shade au apj olntmeDt tu have hi iDiiiiieiatnliied which lit hilled to keep The hoc tor his loncluded on tudylns the man apwarance that lie aiivwcrrd the tlrcrlptlnn ol a men for v lioni the itolitv wrie looklne tor various robbcrtri tn tloctora- utlUrtv I henthr paswnmr sitglttid at Ja Direct Dr Iulnirr aim iigiuwd suit nfi antf the man pri nounteil him ntuler arreaL lit took tie man to police Ituui1quar- Urc win n Ii tf WHI tuluniitlnt an tie i teroiu who thu i vu lIeu Ur K M U kufT O tltr at VIJ riliilon trrrt- abuut tie UUIK that AH uieririwtt was mtaiLNl The IrIs otivr whu kav the lutue ui It llllan Urk of 177 S ta tutU aeiiue w an ulmj accused ol halng rulibtti i > r K J Uaniy ut Oliatou sod Cutitfrem street iS Jlio worth ol ktlivrware Inattce Garrett Attacked As Justlco Garrett of Staten Island was re- turnlne to lilt reiJeiice from Chltunat oclk Utt evening be a ai Attacked by three unknown me nw ho had vvKttntly lila in ambuih lay hi m The portion of the ruaj where lie wIg Attacktt u cry ontlyand the Jufttic kiiuuitult tuuU lu codes Ui raIl tar auiiattcr U- eluinlut lilniKli wtili a liMJid ratie One of tie ruillaiu limi fallen trom a blow un the head at Kouurt lukitin an- ajrniolMr Betel ixnieiyand a is Mi iutwr rrpurttr tnt tu the Celtic of futtue dArrett liii nouilants then ran easy M lt d a ruwbiiii aOl CIII away tolurt Until iUoiu itvuin lmm iliatcly lear unit a warrant of arrnt- an I iiurnued tlKin It was tuiriiested that tie stuck mi s Jutk Uarrett mitcht have uronn outot his rect nt ilvc- Ituuliun thai lie would brent up tile lawkM natnf who ltuus lung flourished that p rtlnnof Huteu Iilaud Slow they Ioei th Coach The team of horees and a coach which had lei n almnduneil In llllamiburRh by pertton who had luuiiu to gt tu Cnnej Itluiiil to set the Dnnovan and KiHiku flktlit stir > titt nliy turnod user toJolin KiMiny it Itvtnman ot I lMnthixueuth irt rt 0 ia cit iuitl l thvin I lie stud thut he wiu tile ui the PartY ui fuur vim utxrd- thi conih anl thnt the > ctlad at IMI mrtii > plucen un tniir Mai italic tukiep tiaek ut tie team suit when Ihc > muttirtut llitlr noruial condition lacy were alraiil toupj l > to the police A bctsOTolda Fatal tal- lBnerweTEns May 25rhn ruins of the Town hall which was buriKil on the 2Jd of lbruar lat sure U lug tasen dow n lodav wlts a sealfnl Ihiu bloke preeiiittitlni Into n cellar tseuv reel Ktwurd heal AhreilArnuiriil > Jnseuli Head and Vlchael Iliiiham ItiKhflin vuis kllltrd oiitruht his hurst hi me cmshid by a lujvy piiee ol stone coping lli ud > suITfrrd severe in- ternal iujunes while Mend and Armstrong escaped tin hurt An Old lone IsUudrra SuIcIde OLD Bitinoi N J May 25 William Henry Hunter UI > ears ol ute emplo > eil on thr l tuuie arm ussr this vlllniie woe lound on Salurda > iilternoon In the vvtMhlii with hH ill tat cut lit vIto umiuitUil suulle St hilt a razor lit uasverv eeeentricand hud on set e tah occanions thrcaivned to take lIla hale lie was Polo Leiu Island Cnntenla ofThei Weekly Nun TIm WLLELV SUN published this morning contains Ihe Ilihtlcal Outlonk SUirnii Bnpuhllcnn Convention In llliinii Pe t rule Slriuxh lletwren the tiriint MIMI lin1 A till Third lermurs UiNfrHct Inl lathe oh ills lir- intr Itum nninii in > iw JITSIV Virulnlit Mltinenin IKIitiijii inhima tliliiurnla nnd NI briska A It pub let ii > lit In Louisiana Iripitrnu tor OIl Ic mu Iluvtil llnvus Ilttlorm Mr I tens Cattillilacv Don famrr It tlt u II Uti flu loch ol i In pi rl tllHin Hritlier II lal no- ninl llnther Hruiu Iroeeeililiilsel Congress 111 I Trosi I ill mini rmini rui iiL HI ituuuiur iirnuns Hill Tinke r I hu tuil i viiiiiuirs li ka> Irtcinc Li bb > ist4HnituiiTlnif I 10 Cue Iuri iw POe lluudrid lon tt silver > i iMtnr Unilili > KI klitn iiinii ills Moiliilit iiieiai i foi n r tin iCilrnl I MKIIIII Wniilrd Ine llnal hicot use I i I on tenietton tn Ihll ulelphli Knurniiiiis lia lilluli Hihiili Itiliui1 Iti rtM mlilnu ni i Iltrluini ni liu Vttiua Miierh llldepfliileliee I lit Iollllcs tlimice Vt ill ds tc ill uictt iluiui i utt vtitchhni i fundidiiles The Ilieat I Unit hot at VVsliliiiton la I wiry lor lln Inn Its Alk IIISIM Trail Tho American Ititle Ifam lor Ireliinil liu Aptiroaehini Census Anolhi l lhuiU4- i mini TheMvere Urmwht In the Kastern Mates lie III iik tit In Vlnlinla Tile Work ol ten Vliiiknfr lie I 11 l kill klow NotUtsiit Suw HII ks Tin Kuuii eta ills I ill- t I1 t M titt Dia 1iwlrv The t truus Harale A linsled Siilluii A lo ers tus reel ltd Kl liavldsat Rail tie Mnrt A olliik Lsd > s teller Iat sl Trleiirsl lite News huntienins Aites on Cete lice and Indllslrv f idles lie parnnenl Mniu Columns Ii hdltortal I A Fill Its and Aill cultural Matter Hnancial Inlelllienee1 and Markets TIIK VKKXLT Hut contains a comtdeto rpltnme of the news of the week Irom all pert ot tie tnlted Slate am the American continent iiult les in wrappers reid > lot inaillliv to the old sailOr ma > be lot at tin desk ol our lUlCahlsii nIce Irlcii lour cents > or sale btr all news dealers in Cut > andcountri A 9480000 FIItE Oil Works nnrnedUiiniored Dtssth of Br rail iwu Tho oil works ot Hush t Donslow at the foot of Twentyfifth street Brooklyn were totally destroyed by lire last night Thorn was a tremendous explosion and the flame spread over an Immense area producing brilliant Illumlnitlon Tha lost la estimated at 300000 Two ships and several small vecsols lying alongside thin wharf In this bay took fire and were burned to hun waters odg The loss on shipping Is fllOOOO The fire wan still raging with great fury at 2 oclock this morning U I Is rumored Unit n number of men wore tilled and wounded by the explosion of the oil tank Several vensels And Adams lumber yard wire burning at 2 oclock ain < lK3tMliltl STOUT A Vlflw v he Accuaea liets etlv of hay tBar StrokeS hie Ironsla to Marry William H Eaton a private detective In Jar ley City was arrested yesterday on complaint of tire Xatllja Otmmlni who accuses him of breaking lilt promIse to marry her and ol obtaining coeds under fates pretences The complainant who resides at IS1 Jeffer- son slrtel In Newark Is a widow ant has Tour children glue alheiss in hue affidavit that she made be acquaint- ance of use defendant a ttw weeks see and that he vol- unteered tile services to assist her In recovering this pen Ion to which she wes eiutllhcit bv Ito drath of her huts band III the arntr He visited her trninently In Newark spud borrowed vatlous small sumsuf money 11 nee us tie hey were mil ilrivlmr ralon dared her to into JerMv OIly Suit be married tn Mm His replied that slid did nnt propose tuho dared bv nnv man it lit icceltd Ills eiTsr Clue net ilm at the lion I Hudson Jersey Cite by appointment Belure that however clue nvs E ton iii- 111usd I irnni her 14700 In ia > h and jewelry valued at- fil tin tlmdny iiptMilnted lor thus uiarrUfiMrn l Oem iilnr sly stie went to Jersey City and mi t Kiton nt the InUI lludsen where a room Witorcnridanil tutu dr- eeUve went out In quest nl a mlnMir Alter an nhwiicu ui hall all Imur he returned sill Infurnied tIer thai ills niUier brothers silt vlstirs were Indlmiant at his In- tended marrlaire anl woull prnlmblr timke n dimurb inc If the oeremonr wits not tinsipniied Mrs lie nlneciinMnurd It was ilistlnclly un liT loi> l sue ii Mr is that Kalnn was egO to Itewnrs nil Ihe teat ilay and that Ihev were to be nmrrled W lion he filled to lilt lii utti npHaranee she sutxrtd that he wns lath luao and wunt to Jersey rit > Inwarch or hInt lii ensUed her smut then slid determined to have him arresti d The delccUve denies the charss He was admitted to ball IIt4JiCLAL It- Kaiw dU LJEIICIA7 Vrlt luck KmettnaHUs Slur iL dent iTiifi iTira 4a ncr pose im Ilooosv- tu D S 4s r I07UI 3oa s c es non M3 3r- lAILKOip AND OTKBN SOaPS UK flUUOSI 12il HocuS R sliatnl MO Kan AT lM MBur1 K AS Ulr tiJ 70 L A WB cons 7lepOusihSi2WLI as HH < aiTI- OIOU 7 fh AN ronlJIUlii A N lit in11- H 4 Ill ji x vvKitji ij- soo M AH I eta Hnlfes1i- ulMvL i I 11st IIH- I M 1st lliliaiil4 l ten 1acllAO 104I4 20 Sub A O let Deb HH 48 C fAI C lit NI Cuutt1st till T Co L sup lit Uu I VJ felil eon s l i irtX- I all ct 1nhne211siit Ia I iJ JfiUit asl > UHJ 13 IleVi iLtLtut inli SOU Jfen ad I ItM5l5 Erie 4th11W IUUI NY Jj h Ai V- I3d 1 feneconlst I IIN4 us 2 IIilt Jo SCV hilt l t 131 N VI K- W 1 hiimt lit N lit ie id 5s DrjIH1 I Int A ut S2d Inciw 14 N r Kiev ut IIIQIIIJS- lOhlnA wind til AW M ui Mls cons IHJ alruultuilsi I lit 15 fr BAN Ill llJ li 10 luau Mt 3d fri lur nl AK I t M- JKomi lOlronMtlslplll i W At 1st 64 30 Iron 1113d pi- In Tex A luc I ie Inc M B3 J m < 7 Tol A tab 1s- tSLLI film H A Cut iloK- an > I HX1 a Pae Istiou na- HKalLATex 27 Tot A tabcoii cv as lOl3tail I Un IaCl I K autlaoliD ii ovate sense itlAits ACne KJ- MUAiuer 7W1 NTrntl2tH lJ2- 11IIS DILTlii V M 1IJS tail At r Tsl 3il5ll 41INYAN1I10TQ1II Jill 110 I14N V- Is Hill North acI32iu1- iuitliiIC i i m am- UIIOO H9I4OH Pacr li ISKJitNortliMn I nllH4aMll ui st ij- lUilOMloCclit 1551 ran South OjC ihj- JMlsllL Ill Nurwui tlt 1101 tl M 17- hi Jooevntrnl H A J5 Ohio A Mill 253ul- ust out fac in iiiu A MISS pr M- I4JiMlr morn Alt io v iou K A S Ill tut 1mniChH Q I I Situ lilt 54ul tnt VVest0JeX Itu Ciui t u l5leI i- ir miiiiLM u- OTISI l CIST a r HJ rscin Mail ajaJ4 Tiesllme Had 174110 Jail ranania 1711 uq4uututut i LaW7bl3it9 toil r A KtW tIll tI n > et lBri coiu JiLioi- MJI imOinck pf 4UtOH- MislKeailinK ttuslt tj gui5ie47 lJalnU- V Han4 sUe IiulJ4 Rock III 1HU < 1 7- ItssiKiiterflin Stat 111 tJopttitlllIt i 4III8I 10 HI lUllt lllUH 751 511 1 I 44i42i VJOroo Mt <S tHJ- isu U A af H4JI- Ili Kan t yea li < 7in 051St Las7pf 1i 4au UE 5 WestVJi4aJI- etnioiilaks Nt Illlll l Bh 10o4ijiH- 747otutif 7ult ill Iaul il n- lflt ruts tuej1 susi I a Stun 4ii4tl- 4H 40ULU i > a- 2il ht I f AS tjtir Ii Msiihli tlbUtuhiJt4 tsslhtl A r> tpr 11- i 4111 l Marittta 1st i 1101 Stand Mlii nttt- nisiriuuo 170 Mel K- l7UOSlchCsu77l Tmiiifl 1II4- 7IM 75- OOOXoh 5iIl Union lacs3ttJt uLl4tusit3 i Wit A faejn4ia l JtSl Mar I EsiiMbtilil IKUI vrti A I ulfi > f4ili- UU7llWsst asst 10 5 that tSu4t0t U T tilvlill 6iJtiO NJCeuuiralitI44i i tout sales S7U740 shard ciosmu- U raicat ol 4115 Pit Atlti- AVantiattan 8 Hi SO e iiao hO5 El i1 2uil U S es TV rU lOit Stein Ely UI in- Mich U t H 55 str nn- VSQi 111- 7ItrTs i entraL 77 8ICI07- US MIL ASt PasO 711J Tlli 5 s81 rlCI 1U1 Mil ASt Y ut lilt til- Mo u s ss sle loji4 HO- liu K ATer m ii4 ill U 4VI Utc lisil- U I Sib A Ohio 14 n 4S3lr IOH 4 IIIttt Morris A Kssel 104 100 I It 4sr lfJ7 luTk > ash A Chat nj HI I C k SaetulO7 107 lOll 1 J Central 52 f rur itsTs155 N Y f A IllS UI- N Ici Alt IT II U Ii y tlev IIJ- HJI 114 Am Ulst Tel 7- 1At 77 stir I ac tt 71I A lae Tel Ml Nor 1actne P- INorthwestern 4ib 43 Ianadaflouth III CC A I C II- IIXCI i Northwest nf I A I M- fhluH ill1 Ohio A Mm 744 AQ 1IJ4 tOll0 Ohio A Miss pf lHI- Mclflc Kklif Chic A Alton Ml 1041- 7J1 Mall UJ Del U A Mest 7JI uLicksliTer- wuteksllver u HI itch A II fan n i4 tat pt- Kock 4H SIt ErIe Itallwar 74 54 Island IKH- UP itl Crie Railway pr Si 5II Kes tine 7ui4 Krle 21 eons tOIl 514 hsn Kraneli 2t 11 sn A bt Jo 7Ia 14s 11111 I Ftuu pf tnu s1- TUIMUY Han A StJopl M- Illlools tut utro Tunnel I 7 fen IM1 114 Imon Pnetllc- Hsh Fi Iron Mountain 374 5pti A Psc 2M Lnuv A Sslli lti- Lh t vv all A tar pr 5 i 1 West 4I4 7 West Uu fsl ii Lake shire luu 4 115 May 25 Th stock market opened with 8omn eftort at nteHiIlne Now York Cnntrnl Iaclllc Mill Bt Paul I New Jurxey Central and lelawarelini- a wan Hi and Westrn mlvanccil from be curly prices but a decline of Wetlern Union to DO wait followed by a fresh attack upon hue con shares under which Del ware and I lludnoii I fel I to till New Jomny Central to 45 and Delaware Lackaw anna and Wubturntol G51 iitid the wholu- mturkut declined In sympathy Tliurn t was a quick reaction hnwflver lIe na nIt duel I a uu WIN more them rucuvercd nml lisa those wan nearly up tothe I best minces of thu day The following will shtowhie more Importiunt advnnceB Cauailn Southern 2 I Dilanarc Lnckawanna mUlti WnBti rii 3s Unltwaru and I Hudson I Canal Co I IV Erin Hallway 14 Heading h < Inki Shorn 1 a Mlnlngan Central I IS Milwaukee and Bt Iiul 14 KaiiKns ami Te ni Morris and Ettciix 21a I Nuw JumeyCenttal J i I North western i4 Nmv York Uiiitrnl mill llinlxoii 2 Ohio utnd Mlbslssluiii 1 Iuclllc Mull 2s Governments were dull mid irlcs barfly tttmtly Itailronil Iwuils WITH qui and truth out ossontiul cltanuo uxoniit Nevt JIMHIV Con trIO leKUHg which I iurtlmriluclltiHil I undnr meet crate olTurlnks l bull Itilly ncoiriJ uiul Irln- 2il lis which upHtinil at 84 deul lieu to HI1- nnd u cotfruil nml nihuioid to H4S nith riot activity thut sIlIca ninouiitliiLi to iniirlr thrni- nilllioii diillnrn Monny on tail 1 V t cult Tin exports of ilointntii iiriiiliitR Irom Now York tIlt puNt week urn vnliiutlitt IS8VJ558- Thu ileuti I hut I In Kriti snooiul consol wns- itsslnttil hy rumor of nn Itntxiiillnu liijuiiotlun- amiilmt HIM IIM > iiiiuit ot tint J Uliu coillioii Biicli- un Injunction Is Ilislly I thrniituneitliiit not m easily ottuliifil nnd tlm talk uliont It must be aut down us u mnru BtockjobblnK Inlrtoliood- Tli joint teiillnCommlttroof lit ti trunk I I llnia and Ito Wislurn ItDiulit ABnoiialion ID dm rufirnd niinoi dIal teH In laiifT to oiii Ill liters itil rliaiirisof veil i n c robs to a Bnccui- lconinilttiti I Mr Alhitt Fiiuis tIle Coniinl8hini was urantrd u two niontiih lutu ol utscuvu to Vlllt I 1tlripol- niurnutl rpypntto receipts today 248890 ctintoiim IGTUJiiH rho inca of May red wlintt ndvnnccil 5 to fi cnntH a liUHln1 in tliu riodiho Kxilianuii tn- oay I ovviiikto tlieru t liulne it conshliriiblii Hliort I Intiiiekt mill u I liLIH impply Actual milf lor shliunnnt wnrn ninlii at Irom to 1 cotiU lower I than tliu pr lout n f optlotia- A tIKIdnnil I ot H V uont has boon dudurod hy thu Muiihivttati Ointllicht Coinpaiiv iatahli J ii nut 1 itlkDonotif 5 t1 iint by I thu Iftt rope II tun OitHlluht Coiupnny luiyabln Jiinn ID lloili dlsldiinils hul niiduroiuid urn iniuiu tIlt o- tirniiiLf It I which uicruinl I in grill iiiiaiuru bx bole HIH rocnl ilmiiiitroiiH ri initltlon niiioni I llio city miH CIilii IuiIi lea Ltiritn stIlt WIi IOu it uiu- riinr cti to Illull 11 niur utiLltb- Misarr Gowiii Lowl ls alt ii cli troll qunllfliul totlay BB riielMTHoMlin lliailliii companies by Ilitniinir joint Kuiiirlty In Ihu ainoiint uit JOOIKJO Flue riiiliiiliiiiilila III in ol lIlniiH A HIiMHlT retaIl sales ULIUIU ol thn IMlulilimm nnd lliiullnu 7oal ninl lion Cotnpnuy hats toin porarily sits titLtultd imniniit- Tho slinrfluiMora in liii ShOe LIne KloiniHlilp Cuiit Ian t tutoil tutlny nt Cllnsaovv I to trniiklir tbuir undertiikini lo tlm Anchor llna Jouinuu New 1 ort lliirkelT- UESDAT May 25rioun AND MEAL Flour lllon arUs a iIi x built tsoini ie his s lilt tliu liiuui mainly In the Inwrr urniles ii oIlier whrnt tlnur Jllnnrsola kflllnc Ii < truly tlmn l loi v set I urn inral sold inmliratilr I si strnilt iirin < We qinile Hour No 712 VAtl rsu superfine 04ti45u Sires 1151 4 Cu514 ICu wstern unIt il lilt XXX invaiJUi do mwr shu pier siusi 14 ttt Ii do XX anil XXX Si 4iiEJfcl Mi Dalents lilJ A > n em siilppinr ultra 14 5 an MI Soutiisrn baler sm fsinllT brands Ii7rna >7 Southsrn nilnrlin Suns l5 Afi ii i > t flair Miiivriine f4 7Iei fi corn meal Western Ac via1 7i Brsnlr wins yuu4 fJ fi Wheat Feed Wla tllHtitt Tit Itch ft I tIti pti lest nn tile lIst ttis Irnuuhir No J rid winiir s aiie iiud stud huujant 055 ilu4 lolnillcutliinsor a siiiiulatlve rorni on St la > tontracls nlisMr7 ISHJ bush tin lie sni i iiitliidiiik So I while II 7i4r rlJ7t- uinraJed do Ci l Mull ii No J aorlnK it l iijfl 77 Nt i a do CII l1ul ti No I red winter Cl I S4UJI Sill and ungraded uu ll i74ilti i l und Ion luiuri deilvirV uJ4uJ bulb uuiuj jj No I whiteiJ7UJ1I Ion 11511 IbSh2Stf Or Junel led uSo 2 ted winter It SS out C 140 lr hay closhumC Cl lie lOetier ftfurei I5- ia25 > Io Jauu Cl 18 ter July Snd CIII reF Alien Alter ililnem No 2 red rr > 1ev oitl 51 542Ill 43 itlid- I luii l704 Ii > quill it ituhSu7 list III ilr I mn uuI ti iii t seal t et a elitilu dccli ue i cites 17b 115 luitub It StS hie Iue hillel suit 44345u toe whli4t- nciuuthuun N 2 tuuuui It 44lc whIt do It 45r ale ISo 4 Iuilzud rot > t5y4ll4C uid itut line 405 luCiusn- irmu eatI r esterisily Iuu urep I esle tin ie pol- 253Uuau luusiu iliclUhiuuui umueraded ci itdaStct So 2- iioel 5ait4c ctutelty leunier mhied C2312e WIllie 11111 nehiuW nuuuuiuusii and for rutiuce 1ilverv 2b2- uIts 11111 n 2 suiiupI 53t4c ion May 513O45 ItjtJuiie nit4lii49llic for July toTTim liio market lint lirennnwttlM and lotnfwhst- ppresseil bv tin laverahlo ru torte I Irnm the trruusi true fop and the rnntlniird late stuck Tndav anul wets uoieaellvei nililillliiitililaiidsil I l3IEuei I JIHN inlliurv- Uie situ s f iS Ulrs Klllnres varlahlr llilii itlioilt sicily at II We for Mav Ittno fin June 11 iwe for July I 1I7JC Inr Annum I II 1115 lor tMpieiniier tulle lor- clolier PirUo for NovrinhiT suet lU3c for Uecein bert sales WJKU bales llrelits at ports holly IWVO IcIest since Kept I 7174VI bullsi correSpoudllis period last season 437004i bate jiiotaUnnst N Ov- upiiA aetqih Ito Ordinary it Tie II 710 0 710 strIct ordinary lo- lHI Iiii 10 >4 ordinary H 016 lii 1110 10 itll StrIct emil ordlnarr l1 II II Low mlddlimr I II Ib I 114 3 CInch iluw mlddlliut II I old II I ItS II I Ill tllihIhliur Its tld II iooi mriilliiiir IJJj m2I i3 Ntrfititoid middling I MliMllimlalr 12i4 54 1- 1III16 lb VhF 17 tJ tlf- Vuontaiominnrk wss lull slId sielit sllehity i r sales ui h l IMu blihi hew mel lltOlai1ma Inc luuurS deiicry 110 sals luiuue ilh15431l1 i July do ltill I Autthiusi slit uuuyii to lleiuiemher lQ574 bid and a kel Uncoil and cit meats vets vr > quiet nnd mor nr lee et > Lnnl naslower weak SOS iniottleli I tileS nu ite iuiIluTsls me p inline city 7 < 7 OSc I do Western 7ttui7 oTKr I oil sriit shy 0set t I tor- tnlilmilellverv Mile 7I tcs tis > 7 tOiune I 70VJ TUTki t July i HKA7IV tAnvnit 7l731t5e I irfJur I Nepteiut I seller venr7UTic it40is trilirtllir his Con iniiit suit A74oc tied nnd beifli im nulet VVcqnnt- ork V lihl Western inns old SIC hIS Stew CI II tV9- HII5 Iard We t rnsteam7nT > IHcnn Umitclear- VVftern C OV llnmsiiiiokolW Ib 10511 let tickled HJIiii c Hhoiihlers binikiilili40Uci pickled SJW eC lIFt ilhosIlckled H4a7c ussr hams Western V- ililf IcciflflfO Ben He iern i xtrn lops ttuCvdf II- V Mil iirlnio tnrss V ire 71741720 UrtsMd lions 6 71- VIdic lor cIty butler f lw pits tliuicvairs Dnrln the push week there hire been no innrkril chanms In irlcel and trnde hits tieitllalrlr ac- tive Torilny Itin cuff was more active nt ndrctlnet falls 101H4 ha > s nn lir liaslsof 4lic tor lair rareoes mill ifriulisniilct and iioinlnullvuncliaiictd Ills Initood demand il 111I stindttMuhu < srs In moilimte teuiis nIl with salis truuseru decries reftnlnif ti arrive at miSc For Mile lest miilar uiuhuII hut stiiulM utica 1no hId al7lie- Inr Ptnillsh IOu nil 74c lay Kiritrh Island an l 7li 7c Inn ulusi reflned niitet He nuotet Doffee Maruealh- on lrw i Juts 4131401 llio H4c IllceCarollmiflia- 7Jc t Ralmoiii dtitj piilit fi ifliic Muln usieMlieuil a- do M> lest Xti t New Orleans 4laHc I 1nrto IllPii Jjtj 4V Raw sinrar Kalr to p nd reflnlnir 7 > J 37 llliH- crnlrllunal Hi iuilC JUrflncdSuiulard A W3tlt4ui liar Is t tn14c- NAVII Hroiii1 Stilrlts turpentine sold al the sItu at- 2ft > c and lurther iitTirinis were reported at thIs title ItiMins ntnrt hut irene rally steiuly l silos lax tills strained to unol St 4ll3i I 4JtJ We iinot Common to COOS straliipit rnrln CI4l5itl45 I 1 > n i ft Mxatl75 Nn I fllQt2T l low to utrit rate fa 3tiJi Window Flast ft 7tili4 Tar JifJJ3 City pitch II uuaf J I Ire on hnar- dPrTnoiitutlrflned has till l a better aitle at firmer prices sales recently ol Iii uvi ih Here 7Sc ror June tlellverv Crude in hhls uid7ct naphtha 5S t taMS Italic Inc rarifes renned In butt her at- 7Jc shIll at Philadelphia sill IKIllniore7 > CJ Uull 4 closed at 87ic bIt alti r loiichlnn lOc Ils Stock Hssrkct New Yang TnesdHy May 25Beef cattle quiet tutU unrhanLed wIth 7m ercist and sold at yea lards > 4 Llulim tlnures or 5ftUjc V l fc lor ineilliiin to prime outside jinct for li Illitiins steers 1308 Its avraue taken tot slilpuient tube to London Dressed liver driitfffiit in WushliiKton Market this moriiiiut at laurie null ant lower with sates of poor to prlma Viitls at Iltu54u ft Ci Hrrtipts HSI- LHhriii driiMniJ ritihir mori than c V 5t on all rrnhss oxciiit cholcf shlpiin stu k and lotus were tfolni slowly at Iiriner irises Sheep sold at 4A1s I j lb haute al nJHc with a few chniio and extra Jroy lambs nt HjtHfc Urenitd mutton nbonl steady ill i h449c V Hi silt hruaed lamb hal a >lnw ulr al- Uiivlli ftt a lew picked lambKolas to 12i3Uiu V K crlpts sIllY Jltxx- So IITO iustts lur sule Komlnal value 4rJlc V b Mccclnts 2570 e UAJI1XK IXTKLLIUKXCBMl- tlATUUK Al V4NSC Tltll PAT Ban rises 4 4Usnn sets 7 Ml Moon rise10 It a HIGH WiTKU THIS our a Sandy Ilook 9 utUor Island 9 illUetlOatsj W- ArrlT d Tiisnsr May 23 i FsTttnnla Wllllnnn Mlddlcsborouin Ksllelhiden 1errlen Itona- IVrvire 1s lelaplaiie Havre- Ss vomimr Kinh Liverpool I Ss Hithnla JtcMlckan Liverpool Jlay i IS and Qusstia I Out n huh Psf hnrleston Berry Charleston s HtidMin Kreeinan New Orleans 8s fitv of Macon Kent plot Snvnnnah l Ssfllyiif Austin Mevens Ualanus- Ss Manhattan Kelly Richmond City Point and Melt folk I lii lllaucus nenriv llo ton I M Itsnlmut Vos llalnhum May 12 I Ns Henulactir Jones VMImlmiton N C Ship IrljK it this licr n WiUh lllbralear llaik Rites liar llidlls Hi rinuda 1 IIuk Al aUMlkchchXelth 1 Hark Irahanis Polly Clapp evans I j AHUIVED our I Ks Vain Irom New York May 15 off Sctlly on bar way- S to Itn men < tlricce from New York May 12 at Deal oo her way to London SAILID raoic roavioiff roan j- I SH Silt of Pennsylvania irom Jams on Saturday tha 8 I 2d Inc New Vork Jlolicts- Bluliirlnl Cnm lnlula are Cured vrlthoat medlellM by IIIILVIASS Allli AND lIVEH PAD tin first suit onl > succeislul adaptation nl the llotman ab- sorption theory Kndnrscd hv Dr Austin and many ti sitters Avoid Imitation 1162 Uroadway above 17tB it Allen llrnln Fnod Itolunlcxl Extract tF slrentllifil tIle turimu cure nervousdrhllllv nnd weak 5j nr l treneruttvi oreaiiM fl I a for 5 All druigla i UITMANAstorllouie vllenuli 1st av Send forclrcoiar S ICtipltirv nidtciill > cured by Dr Mars treatment 4O jears practical exiwrtince OfficeJ sonar A1ur House oppoilu bt Pauls Church no up town branch f llr Even Dentist removed la 133 TfIMIh Ij ° st iour liroidwiii Artificial teeth Two premiums t awarded Reduced price- sWinchester t > Itypophosphltee J4 Will cure Consumption Octet Hronchluj JJetiltlty At It Flee Ieisrl llerl s HIUO worth SJ3 ilib hats TJ jo well fi 1i Sew tlinrch st up stairs tI4UUlEfl MAIlTIlAIKrtAlllfSAt Ellistieth X J May 34 I ti lie tier I 0 Kemiisliall p D J 1 V Marthaler to La 4 viols tj daniihhrof Mrs W A Auzui MIMIIN IKAAI Jet Y CIty May aa by the Rev Mr llnrionrt lcit K Mhwlns son of the lii v tleo J Mhmlns r New Vrlt cIty to LaurA B datujluer uf cliii n I II I log if rey limy MliiINll ONAHII Un rimrsday May 20 at St l PaUh Church Hrookltn b > tile Krv it a llutibard tutu hi VV irutn of Gothenburg Aueden tu Catharine hiiitnii dauiiliter of the law U A Leonard Ksq of Vtusl Hartliimol I bnuland VVIION IIIAI 0Al 4J Horatio ston Thursday even U lie Mat 4i h > I hue Hnv 4 lime White suntuel Wilsein hid Knulnceir stemmlilp Andes to Janet jouajsil duuiihter of Uie late James liliiir Blew artuu ScuUaud 1IIK1- 1nisrov On the 24th hut Marie Louise wile of Cliarlis II Pfntnn toil 44 years Mineral c t iris at her title re lteiice 151 West 13tk H itt I I M on TlinrilHv tIle 7th lush hrleids sat relnm C are rts itfullv hius lied to attend HILLIn tin tit > on Tuesday May 25 tire Mary Hill sulrrof Mr John Mllrini Her luunrI l ollI uke plme troth the family rtlttnc 411 I Wr < t v tli st on Thursday mnrnlnc kta > 27 at II itll vk thrnco to the fiiurch of St Mlcltuel vtli ar andfjil ft where ma t wIll he ofTrred for the repose ot her soul thence toinlnr > ieluvtury Krleuds and ao UUIIIMIKI rrspntlUtlv lnIU il Mivivim Tie Itt Stay 23 at Ills tale residence 102 iuliuulilt ui Juts Ill > Mr 1atrlik klrum aua tlifol fuim urIne I Ireland noel 4i ussr I ruiieniltnliis nhiir mini Ht Josephs Churrli Baldwin at Thiirii > Niv J7 nt Ju clink I Vl The relativef I uiul lriiiiUol the UmtU an retiM invited toatund I I 0 ftlSNDIt Dn llundayla > J4 l MJaniesCU Ooo- Ihf lor lCi 711 ia N rrlatittsnnil uric iuil at the fninlly also the met I liisol rs i ojriiplucul I ilion No il iiri invllid to alUiid lhi lulu nil Hum ills risllotLe ot his brother In law Unhurt Mmhlui JlJIJuit OAlitou edtiitduy May U ut 7 oetti k I U- IOihs III llroiklvn MilTJ > uMi nli nrdiphlherla t llirtliai thou itti hiloMd iud tilt child 11 tleorte W and I lulu II I iMrks uji J J 3oar K ilitiiilii a lid 7iUjs t mo ml rixn- tiltKNiiIlisun f Mai 27 alter it short Illness Peter lliinolil mute or inn > h of ilranardCount Lountord I Inlsiiil sot 4ii r > Ftinernt out Ttuutntiuy at Jocloik Irom Ui Hopkins it hlruict I > a

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1880-05-26 [p ] and rubbish touching the third tern which wits likely to frighten any weakkneei



DVT siwr ititiVitiiCAX KXuons Jv-CLlbXH I < > IIKH AXI JKStT

ThiS Indium Uennleir Aclrnlnlslcrlnr n hnrpCiiHKiill l Sir ConUlhii ulltli IMIclled-M fterlcins lt rhI3tIS11Ifltl III Nrw V lk-

KeniUnr wltn C vvirellc on the Ilnnncliil-Qursllui she Mntlim Mr JCelnsnnils Mud

WASIIIXOTOS May 25Thu Scimto tooK up

Iii Supwrvlfors till which provide tlmt tlw-

omVeSof ChIt Supervisors of Elections ahullbo fur two years the terms of those now InI ofllco-

In IIj ended ou the lit of May 1880 their un-


nor lobe appointed by the President withthu ran lent of theHennto Mr lirtyard DinLi l explained that there was no way In wlilcli-

to legislate frnm office thtsu mono who were up-

Iolntolil 1871Hep N Y snld hA wished hcould point out tlit link thli bill constituted II

tho chain of legUlutlonllnletided to nullify thelaws guaranteeing free election and place

thorat the unbridled bobeit of ft political m

iorltr The statutesu they ftUnd authorizethe courts to appoint from among the com ¬

missioner of the court chief supervisors toctinrd naalntt frauds In regUlrttlon nnd-polllnc The chief supervisor may Pro-pose to the court one man of eachopposing political party for supervisorsTho Court may appoint them or other fit perions Thu only objection now made to this praclice wa that their term was undefined At lust-ed


during the approbation of the court in longno the good conduct of the Incumbent entitleshim to ronllmiH This was lliHs nin pructlco-obmirvd in the case of all judicial olllcer

Mr McDonald Ind Kind he did not bollnvoFederal Interference with elections In thiscountry wni within the Constitution or wasbeneflilal IIn Us results

Mr Toller Hop Col said this bill notbo defended by this Democrats oultan achoice between two evils ur ulsu theyinothy the oeciccs made nt the IHSC wOIIlloand their vOtes cast then Uncharged that thoDemocrats wore afraid to speak Theykupt quiet cull thlg nusslon fIn the hopn of hntInu tho apprehension caused In thu extra ses-sion


Ho anketl what hill of any Importationhad bun presented or pansrd nt this PBonlllKothltiR had lon done except to astill flght for of tho Government Ithail been a remarkably shrewd policy

Mr Voorhees IDom IiidI challenge theSenator Ifrom Colorado thu Senator from NowYork and stir other Henator to namn nov ¬

tion that WH hlVI declined todlHcups QUInn-wo shrunk the ilubnta of the ElectoralCount Uli not the Senator from Alalininiiopen that discussion and challenge all tho In ¬

tellect all tlm wisdom and 11 the wit nnillearning you tiny on that iili the plinmbirWhy thoU do you Inddretsltig Mr EdrllIJI I

stand here adopting HIM langunguof Slator Irom Colorado saying wu aro usoysters Wilt you answer tile31r Edmunds who had taken a sent on the

Democralc Hid near Mr uoriie ii and keptup n idhumorud running commentary onthu 1lerl rernrkaI am merely in Your ton ¬

am dumber then an ovbterlnnglitil Suppose you cotnn to thu dlccusell of Ibis very philosophical bill now peiid-

Mr YorhreAI am discussing the mattersyou lutl this debate which are in ¬

jurious to personal honor end whleh I do notIhluud to let PUSH tiifhaleiged I never wishto hi ou m > fet In the Senate hut no eetof menhll Hand up nnd charge cowardice on this

II of the clmml inlets they sliowcaugcUr CllkllOWilll be Bgrtwablu to the Sen-


naml to me some of thesubject thu leading measures which Ihe Dem-ocratic


majority ot the Seuatu has either dlscnBed or with at this session

Mr Voorliei6 Yes sir Wil the SenatorfroiuTinwxork do me the to nnbwer thequestion wnlch I propounded first to HIM Sen-ator


from Colorado end then to HIH Senatorfrom Vermont and till the rest of the Senatorsto oilier one question that supports the ehnruetlmt we hive declined to meet you In discuston

Mr ConkllngI understood the question ofthe Senator front Indiana to bu much broaderthan thlt I understood him to Invite us tomime Qleslola or subjects which they hailrefuted fr discuss I havu no objec ¬

lion to doing that except the brevity of 11LiiuehterMr ConkiingNow I nay I think the Senator

front Colorado was justified in what tin soul be-cause


of the good many large questions to twoof which 1 triad to allude Inpukuof the cur-rency


question of the ruquestion and I-

mllrapeak of many other Qlellonlin renpechave been hllon our table for

morn than four months thought I wontsay tbl majority has born dumb Isn oysterbecause the Senator objevts to phrase jIthink the Senator will be compnlled tn admitwber this tension hue gom hr that tlnru linn

n that vacuum which legislation abhors Inrespect to discussing Important measures whichthe public has In Ms mind unit In Us lyeUr Vorhes1ld thn Senator suggest thathe on the thud term 7MrConUIIng because I observe that nobody 1la BO worried nobody has such n St Vltusdance ant delirium tremens of anxiety aboutthe third term aathoeu bopulunly longing lor-a fist term laughterl and the dupes they havemade and therefore I would not like on ahot day like this when I see the honorable Kenalor from Indiana IIs already considerately tintmatudto Introduce athlnl which I think wouiibe to disturbing likely to disgruntlehim as that Moreover the quemlon Unotwhatwu wanted dUcuss but what tbltinmans party had omitted or refused to Ielcus But thu third ttrin hue never been neelected on till floor Every Democrat has liedthe greatest Interest lit keeping kflortt till ttiodust and rubbish touching the third ternwhich wits likely to frighten any weakkneeior weakbacked It publlcan They have notccffleotml that

Mr VoorliBBS The Senator from New Yorkaim v era In a moat limping halting Imperfectfaltering manner to the question ol what proposltlou this tilde of thu chamber hnl refused ordeclined to dlsouswith that I never allow mentr making a false Issue to escapeby throwing up something else The SenatorStout Colorado repeated over end over that tillspldeot HID chamber was nfrnld to meet certainthings I know I was not conscious of fear II liewl was a reasonable equal with anybodyon that side of the chamber I did not knowwhat I WHS afraid of I listened with greatpleasure to thn Hnnatorn from New York Vermont and Colorado but I knol there Wee

Ihlul thnt wo had dreaded meet on this

Mr EmlldaYou always whistle when YOUEO by > ou P Laughter

Mr Voorhees And especially If thu Senatorfront Vermont woe In that graveyard

Mr Edmunds Buoause you would bo verymuch afraid then possibly

Mr Voorhues Did the Senator from NewYork tender the Isiue of finance P Did be overcull It up

Mr Conkllng Most assuredly I wisheddiscussion of the financial question when Iread In the newspapers that HID honorableSenator wits going to make Ispeech

Mr Voorliuea tinturruptingWlien did youever laT noT

Mr Conkllng Why Mr President cc theheart pnnleth lor the water brooks no I tentedfor that speech about the dollar of our daddiesLoud laughter

Mr voorhees lott never dared above yourbreath to fay YOU did

Mr Oonkllng was holIDI my breath toher the oration of the LuughterlMr Voorhues You never dared uhalleng

such a discussion Nobody knows what HI-Lspeclflo views of the Senator front New Yorkare on I lie Hnanclal quebtlon anti ho has neveruttered them When the sliver dubite tookplace liar that lasted clx monthal conspicu-ously tile Senator from Sew York didnt theretoutter his opinions conspicuously of all tieSenators In this body mnru than anybody elseha hushed his voice ho supprebied his opinionif he hail any end never uttered one singlword on tbe subject so much un that the greatnmtrnpolllan journals of Nnw York his ownJroamain queried and wondered wild mileeocl It was debilitating paralysing theInistalwart Intellectuality of Senator on thatIUbjlt Andhe dared toclmllenge mnl Aijiiia

the giuatest moment whether silvershould bn reiolnod whether this money ot Ithufathers should be reinstated came nnd wentInl I HIllhroUIlllli stages


n feeble UIfantile whisper on that subject He 11101 thofolio to question mn 01 what 11ltloUI tinhni I ditto or dare meet or no greaterquestion than the quentlon of tho remciuetijtlon of silver ever swept through this Capitol

no nine was VKriuorukiluut thau ho waswhen It came

Mr CoikilngTiie Senator from Indianaperhaps bucauaa lie nilMinderntandi mo orperhaps for some other reiiuoii lIOOlell give-S try trnnge odor of Ihll dobvte I seek no personality with the Senator Inever charged himI with riot daring to do any ¬

thing just IIn H word he coined I IIui lii Iii I alluded lo a question Ithat mIItheSon <I1rl tahiti hecauiie hu hind given noticetthat a iiteiii fed to dlscuHs It and did notViii I wits around Hu aanorts that nobodykiinwuthn stueinc vlwvvs I hold touching thissolicit finance That must lw Mr Iresldent IwcausB nobody earns I bog lo say toHint honorable Senator that without arucord so conspicuous In either House ashis there IIt a record to which I canappeal to confute utterly the aomewlmtextraordinary statement arid Insinuation theBeiiKtor makes and I beg to fay to him thathoot the time In the House of Itipreientatlveswhen he and not only kit of the Unmocrats whoSIt on tills floor denounced the Legal TenderIct as ulcnotlutonAllnd revolutionary whenitM war for Union

ODlbs thins when that measure tbt sdoptedDown Itol thIs liner the Senator 111 find noquestion upon which n hat beentln9urlna mr time in either House ou-W

1 am not unmistakably reworded i antI2 tCj15 war wu oyer avud alter tat legal


tenders had performed their patriotic functionI wits nut able lo join ito honorable Senator andHfiurHloif upon tifm wlutMof unbridled nxpannloniiml try for tlm dollar of nur daddies tiedtheI i other financial hallucinations whleh liavaberet him I hop Itn ho will not take offenceat tlmt nor charge III with lnconatency Ibe-eatiKi1 the truth In and tiny other statement Isnot ItrutI Hint frt iii thn ginning tn Ilie iend ofwhatever oilier Itironslstenelis I may iiiivo beengiillivnl touching thlti question to whlih ItsiHeniitor alludes I have held otto and never butoI811Inl1

Mr Vnnrhees When the Sinator from NowYork niiv I hnvit IInjnted it flavor of persvUHlltyInto the tleiate IIm IIK niltHken Iuntil Intendbut that Hide of he eliallllr ld by the gristialillu ol Hi Siiialur IIMIII New irk 4hleIl puteven MI huinhli a tIre II its invielf In a fnlHe111111111111 hull hi lea Ihlidl iii fdiiti stouttIrmn tllltlllIloll k loilUe Oils llliide III thebnlilMwiifriKM ion iii 1tunt vie ae of raIdtto must uueHtloiip pinp k 111b > tutu Hide and Inay that IIs nth true and the hlrtnrv ol tlm I iresM lit ItIC tim willI khuw And now paKsltiirfrom thin point that IIi lOa been mutt IillHire to pay a little ntentlon lo the bill underdlscuHslon I do not believe In Kiipttrvlmirsor chief supervisors of elmI Hun With nil HI-Hstrengtht of my convictions heart and mindII am against theft till For whenever It rubeto inn that the American peopln cannot governthemselves either In a township county orMillte I will IfociI from my education that thisGovernment IIs lot an a republic I bllevnothing In title Federal machinery Whateverother Menulorrt may think on this Htihjmt Ihave no dlagulnmupon this opinion It It theywho urn alrnld lo meet thin ijuentlon ThnSenator from Vermont U afraId to takeawaybrulH forcH In dlifense with John Davetipoit-In Itrust Ito thn diilrluesof Ilie Constitutionwhleh nld this Union waR founded on hitvirtueI nnd IIndulgence ofI the puopln

Mr Edmundslain so much I Imprecsml withhorror and fear nt Ithin moment by what thutSenator has said thnt I ask him IfI I be would al ¬

low UK to adjourn until wu coo recover frontIII Stilts we am In

Mr Voorheiis thn Senator from Vermont-will recover a seine ol ooiiBlllutlonalI I I Ii burly Ifihi will rover tthu doctrltien of thus futi hers thatIhu people ore as wise us virtuous nnd anpatriotic as he nnd hued a supervisor on littleus hlhou I will yield

Adjournment wits then had

lIucrs Iocva Foil ntoituKiiED JIIVHS-

Th Inn Women uts llitckwella lalaindEntertained by UunUlua Herrraienn

Herrmann performed half a dozen of hismost bewildering feats of hocus pocus yester-day


In tin presence of COO insane women To-

ti person of sound mind the things that heapparently dors seem to be made possible onlythrough Inversion of Rome of tha laws of natureWho knows but that these same feats stem to aperson of disordered mind to ba entirely nat-ural


that the apparent picking of a lemon outofthe air on the end of a slender wand doesnnt seem more natural than taking II from abasket with Ihue fingers nnd that tie tubbing otItwo rabbits IInto one tines tint appear to tie ntmore natiy way of gettingI rid of nun of themthanI carryingi the sit tir lttuous rabbit away by-thnt lIrA P Tha literS nf then 500 women went-iihtmly worthy of attention while titer walledyistenhi afternoon III HID nnitiiiuineiit hallnear the asylum for liiHann women on llluck-weUa Island for Ihe performance tto boglti-

On the Mngo vvorenn ordinal ttable eoveredwith n ted tabld Ilothaiid II Iliiluiib lookingI

uttindt nil Ithr u crossed ftics On ttlm tnblii witschi itt semitl to hut u toll ootm of paper This

object Miiu> Hted niaglc anti HIH eyes of most ofthe women were directed toward It A grandPiano ocriipled a part of lie rtpneo In front ofthn sluice The plnulbt broke tha Kllence ofnailingi tby billIking n chord of many notes andrunning his fingers over till upper keys Inntantly thu wxprcsflon on the laces ot the mn-jomy of Ito women changed Some of lieIlbteiierH seemed greatly iilniiBeJ Thuy mulledHA though the sounds gav them extremepleaUre nnd sonic til them noilded ttheir henilsor raised their uvHbrovvB keeping time with thumovement ol the theme A low seemed painedtwisting their faces Into expressions of tortureand memlngI to It most hurt when the musicran hut uppernotes A ery low prcs rvml-nn entireI still 11 Itv of eounlonance and tat in itcrouching posture looking vacantly at this talloun III paper The greater numlier of uterihad a haggard looknml vveru painfulI tuiee Afew were tilt ruuive One tnung IgillI wit largodark eyes and a wreath of1 brown wavy hairjennud forward to cntcb the notes of the imitlcand IIff her IllflttlngI drubi gown had buen afashionable cottumeand Bhn hind been BittingIn a box nt the opera she would liar Mttractmldmlrlloli Fit ruui or fourtif IIhe women hetunic iltittutustrat urhi lit waitingI for the per

formancu to begin unit wire hustled out In op-position


to their loud protestsHerrinitiin stepped to the Iront of the stage

and said that the entertainment would consistof u few tricks such an he vould do Without ap-iiii rut on which aro In ruallty the beet 1m tinesHM mat tIcked un a puck of cards Hhuflleilturin rapidly caused them to disappear tiedreappear several times In unaccountable WhySand eniled bt sending them flrlng like Iolnlover thin hiuilt nf the Insane women Thu trlek-upuiilly tlunn by forcing curds vva performed-with variation A hid ys handkerchief wasborrovied by Herrmann and placed betweenCommissioner IJrennnnii paluis to berubbucjto nothingness but lie Commlrvloner suc-ceeded


only In rubbing Into small squares olvery chum white cloth Thu damage wits how-ever


repaired by burning Ito cloth on nplate rolling thn seorehed fiagments In u-

Bcrapof tuti tier and handing lie parent Imek tothe toni iii iseloner who fou nil ilu It the daintyImndkerehlel and reMorud It In lIe ownerMot ot the InsatiH women nearly went wildnt thn cr11 led pill litS In theexperliiuio ot tthohandkerehliif Mien thu magician trod iutlthrew gln iiesot living goldlUb from beneath ucloth that was thrown over his shoulders nwoman who xnt near thu stngn mudn hr lintsign ot Inlercbt In tilt procuodingn blue ttirneil-to the person at her sill unit sild PIH wouldlike to lucre thosH flab fried for her Tills wasEald In a WilY to Indicate the expression of anearnest desire nut she remained apparentlyuninterested till this viol of hue entertainmentWhile Herrmann wits clutching silver dnlhUHfrom tthu air about him tied rhuekingI tthemthrough the crown of Coroner DriuUn pluglint one of the women made the sane remarkthin bhn wished shu cMihl get momv as easllas the nutuuziuhesu seemed to be getting tl whenupon another woman quietly said Mousyiloca not always give haiuilnerf The trickwhIt the rings tutu transposition of aneggim-n hnndkerclilef In an uiiioeounlabie ice tutorlh production ot number less small bouquetsfrom Coioner llritdvV womlnrful lint and ttiurabbit trick ended thu entertainment

It does not do to keutI them ton long snlcCommlsslouur llrennnti thny Cat uneasj

The music wet furtilahed by OscarI NevvellHIM pianist who giving recitals thu Academyof Design

After the entiirtalnment CommissionersDreunnn anti Hurs conductod thu mnglcltnnnd others through tonw of the wards of hueasylum In thn party werHjIrs HerrmannMrsNuwflll Mrs Ilbon Mrs Hess Jliss IlrennimMr Newell J H 111IIII11 several others Iiuone ot the wards a young woman who said thn-fcha had kIt tier yes fur two months to situthorn of course tolll thu magician It Iontmake any difference how you work It nut If vnonlyget the right answer MrsGen Grantheld her customary levee and tthe old lady winfancies that she Is a tautly bush in II y luoh intel toCommlfinioiinr lirnnnnn in answer to the quusloll Whom do you have

lbs party spent the line pleasantly on theIsland till 5 oclock and wern accompanied tothu city by Commissioners Jirennun and Hess

hub 0111 < >r llALUMOltK

A Slarjr of Insanity In M Family In which aMold ofIll Work Itecanic 14 Moo

BALTIMORK Slay 22n assault case willshortly bo calld In tho Criminal Court lucrewhich has behind It a story both Interesting amcomplicated In 1802 a family of Oils lied aprosperous dairy In Kast llaltlmotu Aboutthat limn a comely person took servlcu lu tinfamilyI as a mold of all work The person wetefflelcnt and won lie prnlbit III Mis Ott MrOlla familyI I Inheritedl IInsanity There were twosons undone of them John soon sifter tlm applot runi of Ithn emil of nil work hocamu IIn-

sane Tlm fiitii cr soon rifle 8Uoumbed to IIhufamily disease aad then Mrs Ott wIts HuprnmuIn lie tisiry uinui the household The other sondiorge wits not much at homo anti o theiituu tier hail her OWII WilY

Thrt father Hml lila inbnhie son were banlilietto oiio loom and tthe muhl of nilI work ManI

tWyiniiltt and Mr Oil livid togetlmrIn ISiiO Mary Wyninii Ileft lie OtthouseholdI ami II bOil t Itwo months lute M rutOtt engaged tlm urv Ices of lomph Wyttian ns-supiirliitenileiit of HIM dnlivI IIn I1R7I leoigc1

Ott the mm uhiirgHil Ins mother with Icingunduly famllitir with Jo eph Vyiirui Sootalter the iiuUsniuiiu Oil HID limliaml Chill fittiler trnubfiiriud till of thu pioiieitv tn Vv-

Uiuu OeorLo Ott Ira tight unit against Vjulimn tohnvHI th transfer set aside nn acioiinof the tilder Oils Insaniiy Tlicrnintumnluithe request and put Unorg Ott itt receiveIIn charge of ttlm property DetectivesI who InnlIen employed In HuiiHsn deelnrud that MatyWyman thn rnalilI of all work ami JoseplWymati w nre one and lie mime person OnnrgoOtt took possession of the properly while Wyman wits absent vMien Vt mien returned ha-naFeultml Ott who hind Wymiinarrested Hmichue lISIIIIIt case Tlm assault case ng wiill ulqtutu civil suit will come up at thus next term ofthe court

A Chile Mlolesi Irons HluckpartH-

UDSOV N Y May 25Chancy Jacksonaired a tin was stolen by two men III a vvaiion hear th-

ndttendrn IC lint house lit Htockporl this nfteinooiThe boy utah lUht hair suit a lair cimipluxion and utisclnthlnc was nl a light cilnr It Is supposed Hint Im wataken to Albany theriaijout

A Neck In st Hull TouchFrom one 01 tlm Southern mall pouches

opened la tlie Brooklyn Cost Offlce on sundae inornlntllively youtif irsrtsr sosks crawltd suit tIC was chitseby UuperlntendentCunnlnihim B Lynn and tOarleI

Briiis tud botUtd up



CtcctTln tloe VnnHlMniii VI of the HoardAldermen nod Entering Upon hit II u-

lltalHsmlasHle br Ihs 1ollc HeardOil Joel W Mason was yesterday appoint

nil a Pillre Commissioner III the place of DoWill C Wheeler Mr Wlimlcr wits mndo anllii ioinmlK loncr by Minor Wlckliam onJail 1 1H70 Hit trnn fxplrud on May 111878tuitut Mnjnr Ely iiiitnliintiMl Uporuii Jont its lilalaviMnr Mr Jonwi WItS rpiwtml liytliH lioard-ol Aldermen In MnilR79 Mayor Cooper proerr oil Ihurifrd iiLiilnhl Commissioner Wheeler

nuid notified him to show caum why he shouldnot bci removed Judge Charles II Van Bruntthereupon Issued an order prohIbiting MrVhiolurs removal Boon afterward Mayor

Cooper nominated Sheridan Shook to the Boardof Aldurmen fur Mr Wheelers place MrShook was rejected by the votes of the Tarnmany llvpubllcan Aldermen Subsequentlyhe Mayor nominated for tho place Col Charlesn Cootcr Arthur B Graves and Charles EWhltohead In guccupslnn Iach of UIOHB nomi-nations


was tabled hy the Board of Aldormnnanti afterward withdrawn by the Mayor OnMay 11 1880 tin Mayor nominated ox PoliceCommissioner Huuh Qardnrr Mr Gardnerwas rejected nil May 18 by the votes of olklit-Tnnimany and three Republican AldermenThe Mayor at once nominated Col Joel WUiivon The Aldermen laid the nominationonr-

Tlm meeting of tho Board yesterday wits aton d eel by twuntyone Aldermen Patrick

Kuenan Tammany being tho only absenteeProHldent Morris called upths nomination antiAldirtnan John McLlavo moved that Col Masonlio eoutlrinnd Tile tnentyone Aldermen votedIn thn afllrmatl arid Joel W Mason wng ronllriiod as u InlUo Commleitluuer In the place ofDM Wilt 0 WhtHer

Col MIIDOU WMH horn In this city and is 55years of age He hua been In business as achaIr manufacturer for auimrter of centuryIIII iii WIIH a niemberof tint Sixth Itegi meet of NowYork SUite Mllltla for twelve years At the out-break


of the rebellion he was IIH Adjutant andsurged with It In thnt position thut hut Ilk thu rotinoiitliB1 kervlco nt thus war In ltd Soon alterItn return ho na Hindu Its Colonel He commnniled tho reirlment diirlnc its thirty dayseurvluo lit front In 1803

Col Mawm lies been an nithe llnpubllcanshire lisa birth of that party lie wits fornivuralyears Chalruiaii of tie Central Committee InHIM city and tIK tine Chairman of Its ExecutiveCommittee He waHnmnv years n School Trusten and was made II Hdiool Commlbbloner dyMIL or Cooper II ti wits appointed iiCoinmU-rloiierol


Enu Ig ration liy Oov Cornell taut Willtill but deellned the appoltilllient

Aftelr lilt uou II rind nun In Ithe Hoard of Aldarmen Col Mason tiwik hue oith of ofllet luirJruMa > nr Cooior and thou resigned liU SchoolCrnl11lhtsioii ruhi IIp

Whou tlm Pulkv Board met at 11 A M ypsterday Mr Wheeler culled for a ntv pen toshut tho pay rolls with I must wrlto mybest Hi it iuu hue lust time huHiild Piy rollsfor this lli> t tnentifour ilitt s of Mav werepaeHed The Ion will riot Iit paid for thou re-mainder


of the mouth until idler tlm CnlcnuoCoiiimtlon Sergeant llolxrt 0 Webh of thuTlilrutlllliI street police wits tnitiln a Captainand DtilH Culiil ol Inspector Muirayu routnnind Nelon 11 itruud son of thin mounted Bijuudand Donald iran ot thu Oak street pollcu weremndu tercimntc Conimlmlonur Klnols inot oilthat thu Iharues aualn Cant MeDouuelt forfailure to suppress dlnreputablo liouner Jn hisproduct bn dismissed Ciuiimlhsloiier > oorhlobjected that Cant McDonnell could only be-held Cu ill hots on the plea of IInability tn suplrea hut liDimes lu question which If truewile acoufesxlou of wealnicH crud IneflUleticy-on tlie part of lie entire 1iillcHDupxrtitient Intlie course of the dHbate President Ilanch said

It mat bo Impolitic to hat so but I believe tltuitHUH evil ouuht to bo recouulzud by th lawami that these liouseH should bn put under Itsturvelllance police Tim Coouiiuissloiuur-euiicl uttud with tthe gtntemeut thitt iin hitsopinion Capt McDonnell hint done nil lu hispower to remedy thu evil anti that there nus nonihi ncalukt himI

TIN charge were then dismissed Mr Voorhis donut tlisKcntlnir

On Mr Ydorlilia motion Detective Murphyof Capt McDonuellu command was thun illsiiiUsed ttio tore on lie chili If I that hH black-mailed curtain of Its houses of prostitutionwhich Copt McDonnnll lied been declared In-nocent of allure to suppreot-

Poltcuman Lord wan dismissed for neglect ofdutyThH Board met again about 3 P M with Mr

MnBon the flits appointee present at Hint Inhut character of n looker on After roll cull Mrheeler presented thus credential of his suecsor whom tin hoieil would nil Ills police

hoep UK Ion I as hi hud four yours On beingrecognized as a brother CommiKxionor by tlm-othur miirnbors of the Board Mr Muson exireahcd lie hopa that at his end of Ills urge hacould retire front obilco With It good u character for Ilultlil illness toll IK duties j ust dnllulland honoatyns Mr Wheeler lied Jlr MusouivaN Ihn voied Into hue dificruirut commltteeHolwhich Mr WhIr lund been a member buton motion of Commissioner J> reneh Mr Voorhls wa madoTreasurorlnI plaruof MrWheuIerUK wn also madxaitlmrlrisidentof the Boardto dn duty us uuch whllo Preslduut Frunch IB luChliiBO

The newly ma In CAPt Webb wag assigned toduty In Ito Ceutral OHlce


The Home Increasing Kzprndllurcs iDbtenior UlmluUliliiff Jheoi-

WASIUNOTOX May 25 Several amend-ments


Incruusinc tho amounts of appropria-tions


In thn Sundry Civil Appropriation billwere agreed to In tho House Comuilttuo of theWholu today

A motion of Mr Morse Born MIIKS to InCrease this appropriation for tho coast geodetictuney from 275000 to 300000 gave rise to alonedlucusslon It was resisted by Mr Bloun-Dem OH who hits charge of the bill and who

argued that the Geodetic part of the work wits ofno practical bunellt to the masses of the peopleIt was advocntiiil by Mr Hawley Hep CoonMr OartlDld Hup 0 and Mr Hooker IIDemMh who Insisted on tho high Importanceanti the 1great accuracy of thu work Ilnnlly-tlm atnunilment wits adopted On a IlikeI motionthu Hum lor Urn survey of the IicKle coaet lhIother belni for thu Atlantle and Gulf coauUwas Incnxined rum I1C1 liOO tn 1180 009

Mlr Warniir I 1Dem Ohio tnntml toriilncnlie Item lor furniture or public buildingsunder tutu control of tIle Treasury Departmentfrom J170CWO to 100000 and Mr Ciiiinnilip 111 olovd to lncrea ltui 2J00 Tholatter motion was aiireeil to yeim 83 num 7U

The iiuestlon liHlnirou ndoptlnu the amiml-munt ahamuniliid apenehes weie mailu auaitisextravagant approprlatlntu by MeHsrp FlnleyS riiiIs and Hlount tlie latter atipeallnuI to tinten or twelve Democrats whom lieI dc8PrlbeilctlnuonI these lUrstloiu with tlie aol lii nubHCKII mitt not to continue to dn so ax thiiy were

furnishing ammunition to ItHpubllcan tollttlcliiin to nriaiiin Itlm IDemocratlu majority InConuieng for It eiravniranie-

Jlr CallilnilliBp IndI expressed the hopethou Iliu Democratic whliiperfln could nocontrol ito Inulupondenut on that Elduof theHiiii

Alter eonolderable ilehatn from which It ap-PiiiHd that the bulk of Itile appropriation witsrequired Ifor tlm Chlnmo Custom untie tlmamendment an amended was rejected 85 to 90

Thn pnriiuraph approprintlni 100000 lor-Htiltnhli accommodation fur tie btorutrc of comwug stilckun outtO to G5

411 uszluvzHunlhiThculrc

A now Irish ilrnmu called tho Crootlmwn was produced last evening at BoothsThoatru Tho audluncu was moacre but botrayed an excellent disposition consideringih play and flue tenipuiruitture Besides portraytill it frlchttiil dtinoof Irish society lu everythiitie and a dlnheartnlntI condition of the na-tlvu charaitiir IIn uennral ttlm Croni It awn IIIIn every particular aueMrumelv Btiiuld attemptnt ilriiiuailu wrilltitr Ills dull illlturatii ntuItnpotHlble and It tony hut dUmlsKiil as a fallore requiring no special comment ol any kind

Ioiii t ulettctnre Ilila SlaySurrEMi CouhtrClmAatnrttsNoe 164991

iii juj I5J IMI I7j nnl i jji jjt j3i j7 iim-

NniT ttti 214 7 7n is 7uII iutI iuuiuuiti 1itsIM lw tIIl JIT iwMli H7 Ilolio IU leO

his n4 I154 iujj tti uu Itsi 1H7 Ill hrscui IIIIIMNun IVU WIt fitl JlI 6J7 MS 4HT IU IU7

tin i2 vt f7u on trji rttti tut ijj evijutah cull tui rW1 ais uils sni 4Ai 141 iii to-

art 1 t u47iIfi iW llllll IIsrji I4lj IISM-II IMtVaiKI 4014 IMD IBI7 IHM IK1U IHWI IWII

luau INil IIW14 tiltS IHlIU IWI7 IKeM IS70 1H7I 1H7J-07J 17nu 11171 Iiaa IU1J IhutS IKK liui MU7 lluu-

10Jl 17W 1itrt II tui on No aLIM No ilnj cnlclidnrltut IllNo 47H 1H14 Itlll loel1 ouT 1817 IWJ-14ltl IIH 1474 IfU teats IJ47 1ofll IUJD UI5 UM1IMll luSt JIOi llHi Hill JMJ4 Mu-

Kriaioa Client rtcist U No 4Posse Iiu 41PurI 1 IIMJ on No nSS No dnr-

calindar JIiitll Nos JU77 Jlkll Jinsl 21l 7H77ii irM n o iiasli Jino ajni rjio aim SHU au-iii JJJJ JS4 2i7 2JIH JJ J U3I1 J2e Uyjrf U4O4MmiMi IotKTIart 1ilint in fiiinmon IMenslart

I Nllc HdJ 4317 31X1 4tg 43J4 41JH 4IN1V VI 44A1-I lull 4U7 1W15 artl 4JU7 I4D4 l7l Inrl IIHeld hut

MofrlT Inurt 1irt II Nos tiouwu 4711 suCh situ4160 4JTJ 3105 4J4II J9O7 SaSl Sent 1I4 fsrtllllint In miifilorfourt Iart III > oi 4IMS Siu21 4nrllulll 4377 41JJ KKII 9878 4M17 45tO 4371 sass tUMObills

E rttWnic for tuiukiplfli at Cowprrtb wtlfi labto may Cluitiisuuu 11I best iUr UP boy sitter luniiu ortslYpsiuueuL rurulun curixu DddtugAh

Iitillet 4rimd IncrcNtlnvAt the Creel isle HI rokUlroia thr aucttim site nf It

Situ nnd iiuiusui iniJTi ear m etc unit talc Stir 771IIrollwy turner Kill it opi o lie A T Kienarti UJt

Pries TwDirOT CentQuIrks Irliti Ths curti blllouinf hetdteht dyiper

etai lniiur tiouJ nJ bIer cuiupUluL bull by dn-uglitLAJi


pctit1 Jlolitts-





Kllts NlIltus-II < IrvlllHHHKI I SllhllHlUlt clcKn ruliin Miiri int IIr tiiiiuaturp irmii 11 intn I f

to Mimlin iinil lii HI it lit LIIII liuiumB iply all Ibis I

rlfit iui u iiNiitLi itI iiv lur I


KIII i tutu IHFVM Ililrli Ihe very bait I Imule ututii its kit Mifloui stuns sic lor fil7i t I fAII lt oil s Iut i 11110111 C4151 siu4 Cuff lluttnat111 it tutu Idtliliair iliiI n Minrikiiiin Uiiii niUf Iinit i it nike ritil f< Hoilerr

I 1

Tit ic atttlio inut i wilbur prlir-KKKIh

lor Hilulu tuIliuii nil111IIIIVIH

> heir01025 IKKII tVDIKWIlAK 0

KoriiiriMi uuiti kinnnier WLHT ru iriK 7ric Cl fI In 111 vfnlHt I lupll 111 Irn irflKV VithniiIrilitnl Ilili Inilinlliif liiitlMiilh iiIl TwillcJ cute Ij

U liiI Inr itrml IrittnrN > JiMwIrv rrIotIUld fUUiiawi iute < Mini rinnliir niallril irttKhfcl VUVltIIIII HIM tlMlS VI

tItti HIIIIAIVAV Ilrtni011 JHlh Sill tltll tA N TI I1117111t1l11l1l1S r1I1 KIIION ci iinIkiia-UOII

1IHI i VKIH MA in in iivirii1ln IIVI VM in Ittiiilinntuui 11 ruuita MMiilt sill l I

Hiini in iwi MIHit jnitKiiI in irrs iIZ i Mmt il uhlnilliurii I 1iltnrrli SK lit tHITTKS

pt1HIS in kultiin atL IIKI uiVAlI 1 JllllinlIL S Y-

inis KOII Tiiiui i i CII tileI ill A il it ItJIrIIIII I IHUTIi v itv i si itch uteUmitliilcnl iKilH ir tlit li iri > miu ruuuliutiui iid i3 lIllrllhl > ImI li114111Li Mhllii-TO

iuutuiipitiittI 1MlllllfKH

xirI < Wm70iOWs simruisu syiai1 for cliiuire r II IIn te tln i lull ItO IIIM IrutIluraitii ha ttuinach ibidIuwei iiruuti iii Its ami HinUiilic si cc illS a tutuT M H rriv ltiMi NTiTVi cAUiir J

Imnhii Wuk il7tli4V New oik tqiut lorclrcu-


aleul llubhcnhOIts-


I l 41 CFSTR-



Now publishhifI I Ininonthlv purts stud contaInIng a cornIpUtenitorvoi Jlrlilsh Hulnn from 1710 ID u03 ntsnne ulid t ts o now read contilu excellent lortriI uI IIIIlulloI ohnptn Jilt tll Uu TsylorJa I tlIuuII Jok Iock T I IJltlltOll1IJ loIn INrERNATthjL111 CUIoIIAN I BkmIUIL < Tur I

rOll IEA31 AV TIIK HRBttlirRS-

Klflcmrn Uruis tied lIuekwtl At polal4-lYoltrdur In Oo In IlnlljrMaiint

Much IntincBt ccnlicil In yostordnyg spc-

lal muetlnu of the Board of Director of theatlonat nine Association because It wasknown that tho team selected to ao to Irelandcontained members to whom objections hadbn raised The directors present were Presl-

nnt Olldurslenvx ColI J II livllne Majorlenry Fultnn Col John Ward Col J O BloryCol E II Pan ford Col Oeorun U Scott E A

Buck James Ornnt and leu Oinruv W Winguile Major Fullon reported hilt the arrangennnt concerning tho ton in n reported at thoast moetlni had hnen carried out and tIe list-


the tutu wits lu lie hands of tha SecretaryCol Banford stud that as dlmiatlsfaitlnri withhe team haul burn expressed by many personshei would move that the ionrd to Into nxocutlyosession to give the members opportunity totalk In ao Informal way Thn executIve sessionlasted ovor an hour After Its close Major Ful-ton


offered thn following resolution which wasadopted with only ouo dlinentlnii rote

IVArrm In cci rilMnce wIlt Ihf condition of thiS etrru-nriil Airll JO liiifil lliy this ocUtlun to tile riflelieuI in Anirrlcn kln heir fooi r Uon In eetUni up-

S Itrim tn iMnciH reiurn mutch In IrolM iirxtinonth-olI Join KiNlInI Imi beet i1ihiuteti Ripulnt and-

ISesirs llrown Mult Clarkl Kurrnw KuthbonrI Hhtr-mla Joe k iiu tmvv Jnntiy furiHil thilr Hvcrl puilUuni-

ai mrnilwrnl HIP btin iiiI OIC rwrveii AndWAet tinnfxIMI rircuuustaireu Imvii pr Tntrd

MVviitl ot dur ttest orkrntrum camel Ileg with tierrniili saw 01 lor pintllinii UJMIII lie ttmnti i suit

WOe i Br Hie condltlun of stud circuUrI more thannil1 rrvw cut t appointed to accompany laid IcatulIhplnrp-

I J Thai Mmri L 0 Bruce and II T Rockwellbe added to tne nuiutttr to coaipuia suit urn Cud reicrve

The rulep provide that after the team and re-serves are nmde up by the Board the team it-

Self by a twothirds vote nuty revIse its ownnembershlp and decide who shall shoot atDollymount ItI t IIs said to hnvo hen the understandlUK lit first that there should Ibe only onereserve man on the team but lie circulars nsprinted middlttrlbtited pruvldo for at leastone reserve This team will practise Creedmoor as much ns possible before their departuru lot Ireland which Is on Juno 3 hut thinpositions of the men will not be altered by thisuractloe If any of hue seen now turned as re-serves substituted for other now holdlncpositions on Ole team II will bo lie result ofaction taken alter arrival In Ireland Flue ohiictlon raised to the team as now made uplathat stime of thn mcmbera am Interested In curnln kinds ot rllltrs It tIs urged that If lucy ureallowed to shoot It will Co fur to bring Inter-national


mulches IInto disfavorThe following revolutions were offered by Col

Santord and laid over for consideration at tItusnext niuutltiisItdrI That nil matches 01 this a f< latlon hereafter

hush iu opeun wily Ii i amateur ridnnvn unlei othorwiw-Nli suit tlmt amiiteuri Ditty ithatl Ibe allowed Inii iiilr li r plucta oil the AnierlcHli InUrlialionat or-nltrstjtu Saul to be urhttilzed Iti > lull KCMHUUOII

al i

Kvirfl That an amateur In nile utiootlnc II one whoh ii liuver tiiuriit IIntu a ioiiivtltii a Ilur itlv nione-voruholnt luViT limiM niNlch lio lUnr with n titlei

as A liituim in hu llheiiU ur situ hllneOr brrn till litills rule tntniiucturliu nUn onleitlrri IniltUitui t UM-

ndI ohm tIl iuauh lor UK purpote of aUverttlnK orrlltni ttieii-

tAssistant Secretary Wcfton was empoweredto raise SbUO or S 900 by subscription Ui pay thustpents of the traiuuiut hint he tripi Sirl I K A

Buck offered thouheo his xteam yacht In whichto accompany thus tcttii down tho Harbor ou Usdepaituru Sir John Arnolt will nmut titusmeunibhlp on HH nrrivnl and will convey theteam to Nooillnnd hIs rcsldencu on tue hirerLet near Cork vvheuc they will gt to Dublinby rail Thn datiiot thus match at Dollj mountbits riot yet been fixed

Tlm following will compose the trltlfih tonerat Wimbledon Sir Henry Halfoii Martin ItSmith John lllcbr Copt reulon Major VouncA 1 Humphrey W Kuricuson and 11 Thornburg


A 1ot I03c Claus Airing Ita Knowledge orlllalor ticocrHphy used OrHMmu-

rFlftyclRht upiilicaiils for appointment Inthu lust Office were notlfledto nppear yester-day


for civil service examination Eleven ofthe number failed to report and nine wore re-jected on the certificate of the examining tIlTilclnn One of tho medical questions as to theage If living of the father and mother of eachcandidate or the ages at death was made todetermine tho vital powers of tho candidate-The question Do you chow tobacco wasale o asked In the class of thlrtyeltiht thatwas examined by Secretary Uaunerman In-spector


Gardner and Superintendent 1llmloythe youngest was 1C years old and was smallfor his nee The oldest was 44 years of neeand hind been a Colonel In the army Hohad for classmates two other Colonelsabqut whom thorn was the coincidencethat they had been commander of thesame New York regiment at differenttimes The questions tint examples In arith-metic


were written ou a laruo blackboard andthe members of thin class were required to fillout the answers mid nolutlontinn blanks spreadbefore them on their dehUH Tlm bulijuuts forthe examinationI wiirn arithmetic ireorniphT-crammar and history Thirty minutes wereallowed In which to write thn uttuiverri IIn arith-metic


nnd iliteen minutes for Ito olhur subijeeiH In arithmetic ilia Ii nitI example win I

r lie ninnteenI I millionI two hundred and tunIn lluurth stud iou others were sum In addi ¬

ton dlvlhlon and multiplication luhistotythe class VII required t i suit what Slates herden on the Atluntli Ocean nnd Lone IslnnilBound north of titus mouth of Ch eantukn Bayiilno I lie lilt flihi nf t fit btateH touchuil i by thuMlHHitiiilppI lllver south of the mouth of theOhio and to give the houndarlcH of thn Unite olMnsdachiiHetU an well as the names of thu apltale of licolisln MislbMllipl GeorgIa NewJuiriuy anti Oiilti Thu IIHIUUB nf thu principalseaports on tho Atlantic count were required tobn given

What Is grammar 7 What 1Is a verb 1Name the different parts of speech of tho fol ¬

lowing sentence John elrlles a horse weretuttle of the ijuuiUlonss about grammar ThusulHHi wits also glvcu tho sentences We laydown our burdens and then laid down ourhelvet Neither wialth or honor all sncurehappiness to their votaries The rapidity olIlls mnvnmeutb wert bnvond example anil

He was exceeding careful null to ulvn oltoneeto correct Such ijucstlons HH What fornlgn-iiatioim once had Iterritorial poSbraslouewhich nre now owned hy Gr Ht Britainnr the United Status 7 were titled In his-tory


Mont of thn answers omitted Alaskaninl onu or tno of thu uxamiufm were found tohavu momentarilyI forgotten that VllllamI IIBmvard had pu rciuiuioi that land from luiss IiiItvelvn year ago lout indepmiiletit nationoluntarllyconsentedi tobnpomliigaStitoI t In thtiUnion 7ii and What nation was Ithat State ahart of previous to ltd admission to the Unitedhtate betmied fctlcUufH lor inotit of tIle juniormembers of hu e cities Ill lilimlliij tile threwinemnriihln wire lu which tutu United Statesliad been engaged sInce thu acktiowldgement-ot its Independenm ninny gava the revolu-tion


as OHM of titus wars anil or two fixed theditto as 1773 One of the class compluluml ol uviolent huadachn and quit in the middle of thuexercises Abererombin was mimed ab a promluuut General of thu United btateu

Juu1 ttbvi1ovIn a topi camp at IVeit Untutten Is t titan named

Samuel UvwlKJ U tIJ to to 1CU ftrs uf see-iViutiuti Iti liiMon ur Jamalm while i t wurk tin a nw

tmiUlht it lit lai C ItVuUi UriUil U iruuii ttUdJtr-ubJ nil kilkU

rite Hiinul if Alilrrtnt n lux reiuetl the lark Ontominmerit to put Jcu Iwiihcx lu Out Illl IIIMl IurlL Statutin Wiuliimum spareJi IIIIttc uI Vusiost II N J twill K Oil Wlllcll Iis7tI sculls ill Siir Ist nu ivvtii luit tiMoiu hess u rut vr-

in on v lust coils 5 illitn lur Mnct-illiiiniii Millvr uiieIl Iti wit Iomul letS > est thynlif rtKKJii lu H t liiity ntt lIe lout ni I lew en utmt liruuk

Ii t uilust IIQ iiBd H tUitiry Hint esrelu Inc lite-

muMfinlIIhe utifim Littht flunnl tt into theStiuoniil i uitiil ol NIM Je set Ml Iu to rutii by tIuLCsibvuiku Ii lluwurtt lIst nUlit A hUiJiHr fuiluuiu-lJ A hiitiuuut sit emploMC ol hue Livr Tiliuruph

Ciiini nnt while rfkulauiik tie s m t ut JlI Im k pUirKll Itiiii tilt ihirJ hit Uiruun tie latetu way mJ a ttkilled

IIn it sunlit tDljuniiUrstntiilliiff at 04 Orrlv 511501 5 CItutlM Ilint fth oslO hit her liul uul DoilAt nil Illshrmt with H rollHm ItIn I wo cnlp Mtuiud vi ru the rtrbull mul the ninu at MMH Iin H lltftu lluniltal-MuVnlAll win lu iuris i cit In lie A t clue tHi UM Itthr Mt iil wIt lit UiM Oily on Mnnduy nlulit Uttin tullilln tsus twin mulicl 110 HI mi lit uui tileIlru 5au dlsiut crud in Ills IUtw txiitikuulu J-

lrfilrrick nuiHi while miiVrlnt ironi itO its ccliiiikctl lilnorli > fMirtlriy nt ilsi Kttlnuttm mn t HilitI HM uiuiirnniul m luihinviii ul lilt tub ills ticM Ihu Mth ihull > truubUv It U aia bruUKlil tmtlieIntuit diiunlvr-


lit iluiuuiuuii CouncIl Iiloiuett yeicrliy on uuuniiniu utli tstutrii S tel is all oitittullit p os hluiiC hr the hue urui iiruotlitlsuli 4 sli iprut tihier hiuu ii driver ui liltatluiiitlttCe ut a 2uitud Stales iiall amuti dii slush

druse shy tiltich tour Ibis hieIUhiCiitg U hue Fir Veiuarilutt-leirc T Morrow inuintlactitrer cC hiouli sill stiix a at

SI Warretu tilted aut at Nyutct iii uileI ini tPntCtuIYilt5t is ii ilCiuiiwiil it Iiuiiuiu 4 Mi r iv Mr M itroS uhishIhhIlci are sttuuiiicd it fIbu lie tic ruuuiuuly ervcutC DeW iaCull it NplcC alert utbutut Jeu hitiiti vetsnull to > ed-

is luiy lie Iiuntiti school tItitiren 01 liroilutyn are toc5leirt the flI liet saul rar ill Our IIiiuu lii uuuii ii liliiiiti tciuiti ilutui it iuillrutuiuiii itUlilit trrets ii ii luuuste ut Irsi leitlu Iielwrei ut tlyiuud se viiliy itluttuitid Ciiidrtt It In ii lecicit s Ill haItilit liv parole

Tutu couiuuuiittsu tlu ii it cnulueraiinC C lilt the U raiiArnie ul htuu iteptiltic iii tttru uhuui hey prulisra liouteIs iilris hit lilac is situ iteied tOutltltUiutuis wiit 10 1st II It lteed it Mote s ltih A Iahlrial wa 5 ut lit lu t Mrenuu I WcItyucund ltegiunsitt

j iir > kriiusiiiii heedAniDiiir the dpsniure fur Europe oahsy tui lbs lhahiie

Is Mr Uilluin Sisal suit of IrrilJenl Knni bloan ol tiltsIel4jrsre Lsckanuuna and Western Itatlriuil lie hissiusi tern trust Outsit from Ioliiinbla College where hebelt prominent In the edtlorlnl management of theMittHita dat1o1st situ Koei abroad to couiptlu liii educeIsis



Ueckleia Vtlllitm lmntr The Sea of a RichIlquor Dtnter Fined nnd Ketil to lrIsafar JUrlTtnr Over sad Ullllnr a Laborer

William H Latter the only son of a weal ¬

thy wholesaler of liquors llvlna In Morrlsanlsand doing business at 163 Christopher streetwho wits convicted nf mnnnlnughter In thefourth degree In running over anil killingtatirlc Healy laborer of Third avenue andKlwhtythird stieet at Third avenue arid llJthstreet on the 21th of October lust while thrivIngin his fathers delivery wagon wits urtaliniBJyesterday at the tar ot the General Sessions tnreceive his sentence His father and manyfrIends were near him

The orldenco In your ease Lauar liecondor Bmyth saul shows clearly that youwero guilty of culpable negligence and thisjury under this solemnity of thelroath couldnot have rightly done otherwise than convictTOW Undoubtedly wore driving at pooohat prnvented you from reining up when you

NIIW lleulr crossing the sro t In time to savehis life It Is unlawful o drive at such a iaieIn a street of this city and U Is my duty to Im-losita severs penalty both ns n punlHhment

for yourself and a warning to oIlier wluu oreaddicted to fust driving In this city rxgardlvasof tlm lives or limbs of pedestrians Yet It hasbeen shown that you WITH previously a youngnan of blameless repute On this account thus

jury recommended you to merry In consider-ation


of your previous reputation and thisrecommendation I will bo mont lenient than Iwould otherwise be Under tha law it Is In myllscretlon tnsmitencu you to Sat prison or tothe county Jail for two years and to pay n Unitof 1000 I stintence you to the cnuntv jell for

wo mouths and to pay a Out of 1500 Lonerand tile friends were apparently nurprlhud byhe sentence Lauer expectlnglt U unlit to es

capo Imprisonment An official of thus courtexplained that tho county jail In thu meaningof tho law Is soy prison within this city aliutcounty Lauer will bus confined la the CityPrison

Th Knlnrnl Illatory MuseumThe spring reception to tho member ot the

American Museum of Natural hIStory took place In thefunding of this socIety at 8 venty eventh street andUhtli avenue yesterday afternoon About 1000 tiersoils were pre > enL Of tin rusted of the aoclety therewere present Bolnrl L Htuarl Baberl foliate B iijainlnII Fuld Joseph U Choata Percy n 1jne JamaiM-Conitible William E Uodiio Jr Andrew II lireen ami-Corneliui Vanderbilt Aniotix tlie ntttera who vltlted tieMuwtan during thus alUrnoon wipe 8 L U Ilarlnw IJrJohn Jlall Parks tlotlwln M H Uhliunden CharlesULiinir Judge rowing and Judiie lllllon Io lworlli >land luriilihid niutlc the Muwuni give a reception tu-IN ttienibrrt mmuitlh In the vphliK nnd In lie lull

The irittnt UuildhtK Is mil a viltli liFt 4 its lotnplvle-triictnte Oust 1 iuntenillatril It aiandi la sit IwiUted-

puUiuii hilt ii was erected with an i te to tie lurround-Un ol tfn yttun lie tee Chin the last recepttin lli re-Intve bcrll idled to Out Mtlwuui a clue ol mounted whirblrdN a coil rUou ol hiKLls a collection ol Jute onustnifiitf of static princm ol Utiauftiala a roaVeiloli vf-vtonu Implcinriiu Irnm the Ulilo Valler tiuitll and rockol J tat tine luuuutetiu itt irom the UmdU and it eairiulstate New KiiKimid nml rloruu stud a lame archieolO-ifical eollectlon rout titt Muddle and Western slate sidtalllorniN Tile money lontrlhuUons to tho Muuuui inthe list su uivaths have been nearl cieOAL

T Itcat In UrcvuwoadDenis Copperss remains are to find final

teeing place tu Greenwood Otmetery Th BrooklynHealth SnafU yeslerOa granted A permit to W U

Crap a Hoboken undertaker to remove thus lody Itemthe receiving vault In Calvary Cemeury and tu tnUr It-

in tlie tuual way In a plot In UrteiiM ooJ Cometery MrCuiji body hiss been the subject litigation ilnce-liut August On Aux H Cuppers died at Rail MunchesIti 1 Seoul the effect of a gun tho wound accidental rtmud Ai he uwhud a plot Hi Calvarv iumUTy hitriUUvc tuuflit to hatr hi budvturUd thtre but tinburial wainUblutl br tile Catholic authorities btcauiwMr Cuppers had been a member ut a ecle order Tli-ocuru Wet set saint to and sit under was obntwd cummatulliikC tie uuthortllva tu inter the body In the LOIHcleFt lust the eutturt irUue apiald to Ie taVnuralTerm wiiicli retvrwd thu UeiiHuii or the lower courtdicldln that puriha riuf Ceiutt Wry lot muil conformIn the ruleot the minor Allhouili tlir lathe ollr Cui iMir liiltjiid tocarr the ease tit thv Court t l Alpeals ihc > hstvr In Hi iitf diiUtne dssrsuulnisd tobiivaUie bt vly bUrled lu brnMiwumi

heavy Falters In the Clothlr TradeTile failures of Drown Rosenthal A Co whole

ute dealer his cloUihw at IM Chambers trect and N

Brown t Co ofSn Francisco see reported The mainbus e is hi bait > iulivcu the New Von houu belie lutebranch The two Otto are one concern Mr Ellis Brownbeiiitf the realtletit partner lucre Thi trouble Cross la-

Sau FranciiHO wlicreaccordm toUt iuercanuie agencyrepurt local attachmenti wet taken out aRAiiUt thenrm iorWJuiu the littinuti II the Hn > raiici co IIOUM-iVfiim LtUniiiuil ttt tlUJuii The aiitiuunccuiiiittHt thecmbiirrdiuiii4tit Irom HAU rraiiclsKu cau ed much sunpric htrK tin One hiviurf a liicli lUndlng stud lannlnic-

mriilI ol iser livvin is4sveril ot the New lurkcrrditurN tuiik ieil iniiiudiatrly tu protect Uiemietve-ikl yoturilH lute MierifT iwil the property al ItOtuiuiubra niCest on till blues tuff muchmenti theoryiiriII 51S43 Jntveph LilicntUal Eiu1Ju HalOs Htteuiiu1 tu il6tf The itiick iotuni m icry itniill slid l Iul-tsiiiliiiCd worth mure than V mu The llabllUivi hereare iiiAnl > due tu the cumiul iuii merchant who areIOrtcu urfcrcrs to the extent ui swirly ifiuutu-

Jlr Inliuer lrieouDr G Palmer ot 270 Clinton street Brooklyn

yeiturday while rtdirutn a tic Kalb avenue car sawamoiitr tie patenner a matt who called a week agu laiSaturday at his uRce aiU shade au apj olntmeDt tu havehi iDiiiiieiatnliied which lit hilled to keep The hoctor his loncluded on tudylns the man apwarancethat lie aiivwcrrd the tlrcrlptlnn ol a men for v lioni theitolitv wrie looklne tor various robbcrtri tn tloctora-utlUrtv I henthr paswnmr sitglttid at Ja Direct DrIulnirr aim iigiuwd suit nfi antf the man pri nounteilhim ntuler arreaL lit took tie man to police Ituui1quar-Urc win n Iitf WHI tuluniitlnt an tie iteroiu who thui vulIeu Ur K M U kufT O tltr at VIJ riliilon trrrt-abuut tie UUIK that AH uieririwtt was mtaiLNl The IrIsotivr whu kav the lutue ui It llllan Urk of 177 S tatutU aeiiue w an ulmj accused ol halng rulibtti i> r KJ Uaniy ut Oliatou sod Cutitfrem street iS Jlio worthol ktlivrware

Inattce Garrett AttackedAs Justlco Garrett of Staten Island was re-

turnlne to lilt reiJeiice from Chltunat oclk Uttevening be a ai Attacked by three unknown me nw ho hadvvKttntly lila in ambuih lay hi m The portion of the ruajwhere lie wIg Attacktt u cry ontlyand the Jufttickiiuuitult tuuU lu codes Ui raIl tar auiiattcr U-eluinlut lilniKli wtili a liMJid ratie One of tie ruillaiulimi fallen trom a blow un the head at Kouurt lukitin an-ajrniolMr Betel ixnieiyand a is Miiutwr rrpurttrtnt tu the Celtic of futtue dArrett liii nouilants thenran easy M lt d a ruwbiiii aOl CIII away tolurt UntiliUoiu itvuin lmm iliatcly lear unit a warrant of arrnt-an I iiurnued tlKin It was tuiriiested that tie stuck misJutk Uarrett mitcht have uronn outot his rect nt ilvc-Ituuliun thai lie would brent up tile lawkM natnf wholtuus lung flourished that p rtlnnof Huteu Iilaud

Slow they Ioei th CoachThe team of horees and a coach which had

lei n almnduneil In llllamiburRh by pertton who hadluuiiu to gt tu Cnnej Itluiiil to set the Dnnovan and

KiHiku flktlit stir > titt nliy turnod user toJolin KiMinyit Itvtnman ot IlMnthixueuth irt rt 0 ia cit iuitll thvinIlie stud thut he wiu tile ui the PartY ui fuur vim utxrd-thi conih anl thnt the > ctlad at IMI mrtii > plucen untniir Mai italic tukiep tiaek ut tie team suit whenIhc > muttirtut llitlr noruial condition lacy were alraiiltoupj l > to the police

A bctsOTolda Fatal tal-

lBnerweTEns May 25rhn ruins of the Townhall which was buriKil on the 2Jd of lbruar latsure U lug tasen dow n lodav wlts a sealfnl Ihiu blokepreeiiittitlni Into n cellar tseuv reel Ktwurd healAhreilArnuiriil > Jnseuli Head and Vlchael IliiihamItiKhflin vuis kllltrd oiitruht his hurst hi me cmshid by alujvy piiee ol stone coping lli ud > suITfrrd severe in-ternal iujunes while Mend and Armstrong escaped tinhurt

An Old lone IsUudrra SuIcIdeOLD Bitinoi N J May 25 William Henry

Hunter UI > ears ol ute emplo > eil on thr ltuuie armussr this vlllniie woe lound on Salurda > iilternoon In thevvtMhlii with hH ill tat cut lit vIto umiuitUil suulleSt hilt a razor lit uasverv eeeentricand hud on set e tahoccanions thrcaivned to take lIla hale lie was Polo LeiuIsland

Cnntenla ofThei Weekly Nun

TIm WLLELV SUN published this morningcontains

Ihe Ilihtlcal Outlonk SUirnii Bnpuhllcnn ConventionIn llliinii Pe t rule Slriuxh lletwren the tiriint MIMIlin1 A till Third lermurs UiNfrHct Inl lathe oh ills lir-intr Itum nninii in > iw JITSIV Virulnlit MltineninIKIitiijii inhima tliliiurnla nnd NI briska A It publet ii > lit In Louisiana Iripitrnu tor OIl Ic mu Iluvtilllnvus Ilttlorm Mr I tens Cattillilacv Don famrrIt tlt u II Uti flu loch oli In pi rl tllHin Hritlier II lal no-ninl llnther Hruiu Iroeeeililiilsel Congress 111 ITrosiIill mini rmini rui iiL HI ituuuiur iirnuns Hill Tinke rIhu tuili viiiiiuirs li ka> Irtcinc Li bb > ist4HnituiiTlnifI10 Cue Iuri iw POe lluudrid lon tt silver > i iMtnrUnilili > KI klitn iiinii ills Moiliilit iiieiaii foi n rtin iCilrnl I MKIIIII Wniilrd Ine llnal hicot useI i I on tenietton tn Ihll ulelphli Knurniiiiis lialilluli Hihiili Itiliui1 Iti rtM mlilnu nii Iltrluini niliu Vttiua Miierh llldepfliilelieeI lit Iollllcs tlimiceVt ill ds tc ill uictt iluiui iutt vtitchhnii fundidiiles TheIlieatI Unit hot at VVsliliiiton la I wiry lor llnInn Its Alk IIISIM Trail Tho American Ititle Ifam lorIreliinil liu Aptiroaehini Census Anolhi l lhuiU4-ii mini TheMvere Urmwht In the Kastern Mates lieIII iik tit In Vlnlinla Tile Work ol ten Vliiiknfr lieI11 lkill klow NotUtsiit Suw HII ks Tin Kuuii eta ills Iill-

tI1t Mtitt Dia 1iwlrv The t truus Harale A linsledSiilluii A lo ers tus reel ltd Kl liavldsat Rail tieMnrt A olliik Lsd > s teller Iat sl Trleiirsl lite Newshuntienins Aites on Cete lice and Indllslrv f idles lieparnnenl Mniu Columns Ii hdltortal I A Fill Its and Aillcultural Matter Hnancial Inlelllienee1 and Markets

TIIK VKKXLT Hut contains a comtdeto rpltnme of thenews of the week Irom all pert ot tie tnlted Slate amthe American continent iiultles in wrappers reid > lotinaillliv to the old sailOr ma > be lot at tin desk ol ourlUlCahlsii nIce Irlcii lour cents > or sale btr all newsdealers in Cut > andcountri

A 9480000 FIItE

Oil Works nnrnedUiiniored Dtssth of Brrail iwu

Tho oil works ot Hush t Donslow at thefoot of Twentyfifth street Brooklyn weretotally destroyed by lire last night

Thorn was a tremendous explosion and theflame spread over an Immense area producingbrilliant Illumlnitlon Tha lost la estimatedat 300000

Two ships and several small vecsols lyingalongside thin wharf In this bay took fire andwere burned to hun waters odg

The loss on shipping Is fllOOOO The firewan still raging with great fury at 2 oclock thismorning

U IIs rumored Unit n number of men woretilled and wounded by the explosion of the oiltank Several vensels And Adams lumber yardwire burning at 2 oclock

ain < lK3tMliltl STOUT

A Vlflw v he Accuaea liets etlv of haytBar StrokeS hie Ironsla to Marry

William H Eaton a private detective In Jarley City was arrested yesterday on complaint of tireXatllja Otmmlni who accuses him of breaking liltpromIse to marry her and ol obtaining coeds under fatespretences The complainant who resides at IS1 Jeffer-son slrtel In Newark Is a widow ant has Tour childrenglue alheiss in hue affidavit that she made be acquaint-ance of use defendant a ttw weeks see and that he vol-

unteered tile services to assist her In recovering this penIon to which she wes eiutllhcit bv Ito drath of her hutsband III the arntr He visited her trninently In Newarkspud borrowed vatlous small sumsuf money 11 nee us tiehey were mil ilrivlmr ralon dared her to into JerMvOIly Suit be married tn Mm His replied that slid didnnt propose tuho dared bv nnv man it lit icceltd IllseiTsr Clue net ilm at the lion I Hudson Jersey Cite byappointment Belure that however clue nvs E ton iii-

111usd Iirnni her 14700 In ia > h and jewelry valued at-fil tin tlmdny iiptMilnted lor thus uiarrUfiMrnl Oemiilnr sly stie went to Jersey City and mi t Kiton nt theInUI lludsen where a room Witorcnridanil tutu dr-eeUve went out In quest nl a mlnMir Alter an nhwiicu

ui hall all Imur he returned sill Infurnied tIer thai illsniUier brothers silt vlstirs were Indlmiant at his In-tended marrlaire anl woull prnlmblr timke n dimurbinc If the oeremonr wits not tinsipniied Mrs lienlneciinMnurd It was ilistlnclly un liT loi> l sue iiMr is that Kalnn was egO to Itewnrs nil Ihe teat ilayand that Ihev were to be nmrrled W lion he filled tolilt lii utti npHaranee she sutxrtd that he wns lathluao and wunt to Jersey rit > Inwarch or hInt lii ensUedher smut then slid determined to have him arresti d

The delccUve denies the charss He was admitted toball




Vrlt luck KmettnaHUs Slur iLdent iTiifi iTira 4a ncr pose im Ilooosv-

tu D S 4s r I07UI 3oa s c es non M3 3r-

lAILKOip AND OTKBN SOaPS UK flUUOSI12il HocuS R sliatnl MO Kan AT lMMBur1 K AS Ulr tiJ 70 L A WB cons7lepOusihSi2WLI as HH < aiTI-

OIOU7 fh AN ronlJIUlii A N lit in11-H4 Ill ji x vvKitji ij-soo M AH I eta Hnlfes1i-ulMvLi I11st IIIH-

IM 1st lliliaiil4l

ten 1acllAO 104I4 20 Sub A O let Deb HH48 C fAI C lit NI Cuutt1st till

T Co L sup lit UuI VJ felil eon s l i irtX-Iall ct 1nhne211siit IaI iJ JfiUit asl > UHJ

13 IleVi iLtLtut inli SOU Jfen ad IItM5l5Erie 4th11W IUUI NY Jj h AiV-

I3d1 feneconlst IIIN4 us2 IIilt Jo SCV hiltl t 131 N VI K-

W1 hiimt lit N lit ie id 5s DrjIH1I Int A ut S2d Inciw 14 N r Kiev ut IIIQIIIJS-

lOhlnAwind til AW M ui Mls cons IHJalruultuilsiI lit 15 fr BAN Ill llJ li10 luau Mt 3d fri lur nl AKI t M-

JKomilOlronMtlslplll i W At 1st 6430 Iron 1113d pi-

InTex A luc Iie Inc M

B3 J m < 7 Tol A tab 1s-tSLLIfilm H A Cut iloK-an > I HX1

a Pae Istiou na-

HKalLATex27 Tot A tabcoii

cvas lOl3tail I Un IaClI K

autlaoliD ii ovate senseitlAits ACne KJ-

MUAiuer7W1 NTrntl2tH lJ2-

11IISDILTlii V M 1IJStail At r Tsl 3il5ll 41INYAN1I10TQ1IIJill 110 I14N V-

IsHill North acI32iu1-iuitliiIC i i m am-

UIIOOH9I4OH Pacr liISKJitNortliMnI nllH4aMll ui st ij-

lUilOMloCclit1551 ran South OjC ihj-JMlsllL

Ill Nurwui tlt 1101

tl M 17-

hiJooevntrnl H A J5 Ohio A Mill 253ul-ust out fac in iiiu A MISS pr M-I4JiMlrmorn Alt io v iou K A S Ill tut

1mniChH Q I I Situ lilt 54ul tnt VVest0JeXItu Ciui t u l5leIi-irmiiiiLM u-

OTISIl CIST a r HJ rscin Mail ajaJ4Tiesllme Had 174110 Jail ranania 1711uq4uututut i LaW7bl3it9 toilr A KtW tIlltI n > etlBri coiu JiLioi-MJI

imOinck pf 4UtOH-MislKeailinKttuslt tj gui5ie47 lJalnU-VHan4 sUe IiulJ4 Rock III 1HU < 1 7-ItssiKiiterflinStat 111 tJopttitlllIt i

4III8I10 HI lUllt lllUH 751 511 1 I 44i42iVJOroo Mt < S tHJ-isu

U A af H4JI-

IliKan t yea li <

7in051St Las7pf 1i 4au

UE 5 WestVJi4aJI-etnioiilaks

Nt Illlll lBh 10o4ijiH-

747otutif7ult ill Iaul il n-

lfltruts tuej1 susi I a Stun 4ii4tl-4H40ULU i > a-

2il ht If AS tjtir IiMsiihli tlbUtuhiJt4 tsslhtl A r> tpr 11-

i4111l Marittta 1st i1101 Stand Mlii nttt-nisiriuuo170 Mel K-

l7UOSlchCsu77lTmiiifl 1II4-


OOOXoh5iIl Union lacs3ttJtuLl4tusit3 i Wit A faejn4ia lJtSl Mar I EsiiMbtilil IKUI vrti A I ulfi > f4ili-

UU7llWsstasst 10 5 that tSu4t0t U T tilvlill6iJtiO NJCeuuiralitI44i i tout sales S7U740 shardciosmu-


raicatol 4115 Pit Atlti-

AVantiattan8 Hi SO e iiao hO5 El i1 2uilU S es TV rU lOit Stein Ely UI in-

MichU tH 55 str nn-VSQi


i entraL 778ICI07-US

MIL ASt PasO 711J Tlli5 s81 rlCI 1U1 Mil ASt Y ut lilt til-

Mou s ss sle loji4 HO-

liuK ATer mii4 ill

U 4VI Utc lisil-U

I Sib A Ohio 14 n4S3lr IOH 4 IIIttt Morris A Kssel 104 100I It 4sr lfJ7 luTk > ash A Chat nj HIIC k SaetulO7 107 lOll 1 J Central 52f rur itsTs155 N Y f A IllS UI-


Alt IT II U Ii y tlev IIJ-


114Am Ulst Tel 7-1At

77 stir I ac tt 71IA lae Tel Ml Nor 1actne P-

INorthwestern4ib 43

Ianadaflouth IIICC A I C II-

IIXCIi Northwest nf

I A I M-

fhluHill1 Ohio A Mm 744AQ 1IJ4 tOll0 Ohio A Miss pf lHI-


Chic A Alton Ml 1041-7J1

Mall UJDel U A Mest 7JI uLicksliTer-

wuteksllveru HI

itch A II fan n i4 tat pt-Kock

4H SItErIe Itallwar 74 54 Island IKH-


itlCrie Railway pr Si 5II Kes tine 7ui4Krle 21 eons tOIl 514 hsn Kraneli 2t11 sn A bt Jo 7Ia 14s 11111 IFtuu pf tnu



Han A StJopl M-

Illloolstut utro Tunnel I 7

fen IM1 114 Imon Pnetllc-Hsh

FiIron Mountain 374 5pti A Psc 2MLnuv A Sslli lti-Lh

t vv all A tar pr 5 i1 West 4I4 7 West Uu fsl iiLake shire luu 4 115

May 25Th stock market opened with 8omn eftort at

nteHiIlne Now York Cnntrnl Iaclllc Mill BtPaul I New Jurxey Central and lelawarelini-a wan Hi and Westrn mlvanccil from be curlyprices but a decline of Wetlern Union to DO

wait followed by a fresh attack upon hue conshares under which Del ware and IlludnoiiI fel I

to till New Jomny Central to 45 and DelawareLackaw anna and WubturntolG51 iitid the wholu-mturkut declined In sympathy Tliurnt was aquick reaction hnwflver lIe na nIt duel I a uu WINmore them rucuvercd nml lisa those wan nearlyup totheI best minces of thu day The followingwill shtowhie more Importiunt advnnceB CauailnSouthern 2 I Dilanarc Lnckawanna mUltiWnBti rii 3s Unltwaru and IHudsonI Canal CoIIV Erin Hallway 14 Heading h < InkiShorn 1 a Mlnlngan Central IIS Milwaukeeand Bt Iiul 14 KaiiKns ami Te ni Morrisand Ettciix 21a I Nuw JumeyCenttal Ji I Northwestern i4 Nmv York Uiiitrnl mill llinlxoii2 Ohio utnd Mlbslssluiii 1 Iuclllc Mull 2s

Governments were dull mid irlcs barflytttmtly Itailronil Iwuils WITH qui and truthout ossontiul cltanuo uxoniit Nevt JIMHIV ContrIO leKUHg which IiurtlmriluclltiHilI undnr meetcrate olTurlnks lbull Itilly ncoiriJ uiul Irln-2il lis which upHtinil at 84 deul lieu to HI1-nnd


cotfruil nml nihuioid to H4S nith riotactivity thut sIlIca ninouiitliiLi to iniirlr thrni-nilllioii diillnrn Monny on tail 1 Vt cult Tinexports of ilointntii iiriiiliitR Irom Now YorktIlt puNt week urn vnliiutlitt IS8VJ558-

Thu ileuti I hut IIn Kriti snooiul consol wns-itsslnttil hy rumor of nn Itntxiiillnu liijuiiotlun-amiilmt HIM IIM > iiiiuit ot tint J Uliu coillioii Biicli-un Injunction Is IlisllyI thrniituneitliiit not measily ottuliifil nnd tlm talk uliont It must beaut down us u mnru BtockjobblnK Inlrtoliood-

Tli joint teiillnCommlttroof lit ti trunkIIllnia and Ito Wislurn ItDiulit ABnoiialion IDdm rufirnd niinoi dIal teH In laiifT to oiiiIll liters itil rliaiirisof veil i n c robs to a Bnccui-lconinilttiti

IMr Alhitt Fiiuis tIle Coniinl8hiniwas urantrd u two niontiih lutu ol utscuvu to

Vlllt I1tlripol-niurnutl rpypntto receipts today 248890

ctintoiim IGTUJiiHrho inca of May red wlintt ndvnnccil 5 to fi

cnntH a liUHln1 in tliu riodiho Kxilianuii tn-oayI ovviiikto tlieru tliulne it conshliriiblii HliortIIntiiiekt mill u IliLIH impply Actual milf lorshliunnnt wnrn ninlii at Irom to 1 cotiU lowerIthan tliu p r lout n f optlotia-

A tIKIdnnilI ot H V uont has boon dudurod hythu Muiihivttati Ointllicht Coinpaiiv iatahliJ ii nut 1 itlkDonotif 5 t1 iint by Ithu Iftt rope IItun OitHlluht Coiupnny luiyabln Jiinn ID lloilidlsldiinils hul niiduroiuid urn iniuiu tIlt o-


I which uicruinl Iin grill iiiiaiuru bxbole HIH rocnl ilmiiiitroiiH ri initltlon niiioniIllio city miH CIilii IuiIi lea Ltiritn stIlt WIi IOu it uiu-riinr cti to Illull11 niur utiLltb-

Misarr Gowiii Lowlls alt ii cli troll qunllfliultotlay BB riielMTHoMlin lliailliii companiesby Ilitniinir joint Kuiiirlty In Ihu ainoiint uitJOOIKJO Flue riiiliiiliiiiilila III in ol lIlniiH AHIiMHlT retaIl sales ULIUIU ol thn IMlulilimmnnd lliiullnu 7oal ninl lion Cotnpnuy hats toinporarily sits titLtultd imniniit-

Tho slinrfluiMora in liii ShOe LIne KloiniHlilpCuiit Ian t tutoil tutlny nt CllnsaovvI to trniiklirtbuir undertiikini lo tlm Anchor llna Jouinuu

New 1 ort lliirkelT-UESDAT May 25rioun AND MEAL Flourlllon arUs a iIi x built tsoini ie his s lilt tliu liiuuimainly In the Inwrr urniles ii oIlier whrnttlnur Jllnnrsola kflllnc Ii < truly tlmn lloi v setI urn inral sold inmliratilrI si strnilt iirin < We

qinile Hour No 712 VAtl rsu superfine 04ti45uSires 1151 4 Cu514 ICu wstern unIt il liltXXX invaiJUi do mwr shu pier siusi 14 tttIi do XX anil XXX Si 4iiEJfcl Mi Dalents lilJ A> n em siilppinr ultra 14 5 an MI Soutiisrn balersm fsinllT brands Ii7rna > 7 Southsrn nilnrlin Sunsl5 Afi ii i > t flair Miiivriine f4 7Iei fi cornmeal Western Ac via1 7i Brsnlr wins yuu4fJ fi Wheat Feed Wla tllHtitt Tit Itch ftI tIti pti lest nn tile lIst ttis Irnuuhir No J ridwiniir s aiie iiud stud huujant 055 ilu4 lolnillcutliinsora siiiiulatlve rorni on Stla > tontracls nlisMr7 ISHJbush tin lie sni i iiitliidiiik So I while II 7i4r rlJ7t-uinraJed do Cil Mull ii No J aorlnK itl iijfl 77Nt i a do CII l1ul ti No I red winter ClI S4UJI Silland ungraded uu lli74iltii l und Ion luiuri deilvirVuJ4uJ bulb uuiuj jj No I whiteiJ7UJ1I Ion

11511 IbSh2Stf Or Junel led uSo 2 ted winter It SSout C 140 lr hay closhumC Cl lie lOetier ftfurei I5-ia25


Io Jauu Cl 18 ter July Snd CIII reF AlienAlter ililnem No 2 red rr > 1ev oitl 51 542Ill 43 itlid-II luii l704 Ii > quill it ituhSu7 list III ilr I

mn uuI ti iii t seal t et a elitilu dccli ue i cites 17b115 luitub It StS hie Iue hillel suit 44345u toe whli4t-nciuuthuun N 2 tuuuui It 44lc whIt do It 45rale ISo 4 Iuilzud rot > t5y4ll4C uid itut line 405 luCiusn-irmu eatI r esterisily Iuu urep I esle tin ie pol-253Uuau luusiu iliclUhiuuui umueraded ci itdaStct So 2-

iioel 5ait4c ctutelty leunier mhied C2312eWIllie 11111 nehiuW nuuuuiuusii and for rutiuce 1ilverv 2b2-

uIts 11111 n 2 suiiupI 53t4c ion May 513O45 ItjtJuiienit4lii49llic for JulytoTTim liio market lint lirennnwttlM and lotnfwhst-

ppresseil bv tin laverahlo ru torte IIrnm the trruusi truefop and the rnntlniird late stuck Tndav anul wetsuoieaellvei nililillliiitililaiidsil I l3IEuei I JIHN inlliurv-Uie situ s f iS Ulrs Klllnres varlahlr llilii itlioilt

sicily at II We for Mav Ittno fin June 11 iwe forJuly I1I7JC Inr Annum III1115 lor tMpieiniier tulle lor-

clolier PirUo for NovrinhiT suet lU3c for Ueceinbert sales WJKU bales llrelits at ports holly IWVO

IcIest since Kept I 7174VI bullsi correSpoudllisperiod last season 437004i bate jiiotaUnnst

N Ov-upiiA aetqih Ito

Ordinary it Tie II 710 0 710strIct ordinary lo-

lHIIiii 10 > 4

ordinary H 016 lii 1110 10 itllStrIct emil ordlnarr l1 II IILow mlddlimr IIIIb I 114 3

CInch iluw mlddlliut III old I I I ItS I I I IlltllihIhliur Its tld IIiooi mriilliiiir IJJj m2I i3Ntrfititoid middling I

MliMllimlalr12i4 541-


lbVhF 17 tJ tlf-

Vuontaiominnrk wss lull slId sielit sllehity i rsales ui h l IMu blihi hew mel lltOlai1maInc luuurS deiicry 110 sals luiuue ilh15431l1 i Julydo ltill I Autthiusi slit uuuyii to lleiuiemher lQ574

bid and a kel Uncoil and cit meats vets vr >

quiet nnd mor nr lee et > Lnnl naslower weak SOSiniottleli I tileS nu ite iuiIluTsls me p inline city 7 < 7 OSc Ido Western 7ttui7 oTKr I oil sriit shy 0sett Itor-tnlilmilellverv Mile 7I tcs tis > 7 tOiuneI 70VJTUTki t July i HKA7IV tAnvnit 7l731t5eI

irfJurI Nepteiut

I seller venr7UTic it40is trilirtllir his Coniniiit suit A74oc tied nnd beifli im nulet VVcqnnt-

ork V lihl Western inns old SIC hIS Stew CIII tV9-HII5 Iard We t rnsteam7nT > IHcnn Umitclear-VVftern C OV llnmsiiiiokolW Ib 10511 let tickledHJIiii c Hhoiihlers binikiilili40Uci pickled SJW eClIFt ilhosIlckled H4a7c ussr hams Western V-

ililf IcciflflfO Ben He iern i xtrn lops ttuCvdf II-

V Mil iirlnio tnrss V ire 71741720 UrtsMd lions 6 71-VIdic lor cIty butler flw pits

tliuicvairs Dnrln the push week there hire been noinnrkril chanms In irlcel and trnde hits tieitllalrlr ac-tive Torilny Itin cuff was more active nt ndrctlnetfalls 101H4 ha > s nn lir liaslsof 4lic tor lair rareoesmill ifriulisniilct and iioinlnullvuncliaiictd Ills Initooddemand il 111I stindttMuhu < srs In moilimte teuiis nIl withsalis truuseru decries reftnlnif ti arrive at miSc For Milelest miilar uiuhuII hut stiiulM utica 1no hId al7lie-Inr Ptnillsh IOu nil 74c lay Kiritrh Island an l 7li 7cInn ulusi reflned niitet He nuotet Doffee Maruealh-on lrw i Juts 4131401 llio H4c IllceCarollmiflia-7Jc t Ralmoiii dtitj piilit fi ifliic Muln usieMlieuil a-

do M > lest Xti t New Orleans 4laHc I 1nrto IllPii Jjtj4V Raw sinrar Kalr to p nd reflnlnir 7 > J 37 llliH-crnlrllunal HiiuilC JUrflncdSuiulard A W3tlt4uiliar Is t tn14c-

NAVII Hroiii1 Stilrlts turpentine sold al the sItu at-2ft > c and lurther iitTirinis were reported at thIs titleItiMins ntnrt hut irene rally steiuly l silos lax tills strainedto unol St 4ll3iI 4JtJ We iinot Common to COOSstraliipit rnrln CI4l5itl45I 1 > n i ft Mxatl75 Nn IfllQt2T l low to utrit rate fa 3tiJi WindowFlast ft 7tili4 Tar JifJJ3 City pitch II uuaf JIIre on hnar-

dPrTnoiitutlrflned has tilll a better aitle at firmerprices sales recently ol Iii uvi ih Here 7Sc ror Junetlellverv Crude in hhls uid7ct naphtha 5S ttaMS Italic Inc rarifes renned In butt her at-7Jc shIll at Philadelphia sill IKIllniore7 > CJ Uull 4closed at 87ic bIt alti r loiichlnn lOc

Ils Stock HssrkctNew Yang TnesdHy May 25Beef cattle

quiet tutU unrhanLed wIth 7m ercist and sold at yealards > 4 Llulim tlnures or 5ftUjc Vl fc lor ineilliiin toprime outside jinct for li Illitiins steers 1308 Itsavraue taken tot slilpuient tube to London Dressedliver driitfffiit in WushliiKton Market this moriiiiut at

laurie null ant lower with sates of poor to prlmaViitls at Iltu54u ft Ci Hrrtipts HSI-

LHhriii driiMniJ ritihir mori than c V 5t on all rrnhssoxciiit cholcf shlpiin stu k and lotus were tfolnislowly at Iiriner irises Sheep sold at 4A1s I jlbhaute al nJHc with a few chniio and extra Jroylambs nt HjtHfc Urenitd mutton nbonl steady illih449c V Hi silt hruaed lamb hal a >lnw ulr al-Uiivlli ftt a lew picked lambKolas to 12i3Uiu VK crlpts sIllY Jltxx-

So IITO iustts lur sule Komlnal value 4rJlc V bMccclnts 2570 e


tlATUUK Al V4NSC Tltll PATBan rises 4 4Usnn sets 7 Ml Moon rise10 It a

HIGH WiTKU THIS our aSandy Ilook 9 utUor Island 9 illUetlOatsj W-

ArrlT d Tiisnsr May 23 i

FsTttnnla Wllllnnn MlddlcsborouinKsllelhiden 1errlen Itona-

IVrvire1s lelaplaiie Havre-Ss vomimr Kinh Liverpool I

Ss Hithnla JtcMlckan Liverpool Jlay iIS and Qusstia IOut n huhPsf hnrleston Berry Charleston

s HtidMin Kreeinan New Orleans8s fitv of Macon Kent plot Snvnnnah lSsfllyiif Austin Mevens Ualanus-Ss Manhattan Kelly Richmond City Point and Melt

folk Ilii lllaucus nenriv llo ton IM Itsnlmut Vos llalnhum May 12 INs Henulactir Jones VMImlmiton N CShip IrljK i t this licr n WiUh lllbralearllaik Rites liar llidlls Hi rinuda 1IIuk Al aUMlkchchXelth 1

Hark Irahanis Polly Clapp evans I jAHUIVED our I

Ks Vain Irom New York May 15 off Sctlly on bar way-

Sto Itn men

< tlricce from New York May 12 at Deal oo her wayto London

SAILID raoic roavioiff roan j-

IISH Silt of Pennsylvania irom Jams on Saturday tha 8 I2d Inc New Vork


Bluliirlnl Cnm lnlula are Cured vrlthoatmedlellM by IIIILVIASS Allli AND lIVEH PAD tinfirst suit onl > succeislul adaptation nl the llotman ab-sorption theory Kndnrscd hv Dr Austin and many tisitters Avoid Imitation 1162 Uroadway above 17tB it

Allen llrnln Fnod Itolunlcxl Extract tFslrentllifil tIle turimu cure nervousdrhllllv nnd weak 5jnr l treneruttvi oreaiiM flI a for 5 All druigla iUITMANAstorllouie vllenuli 1st av Send forclrcoiar S

ICtipltirv nidtciill > cured by Dr Marstreatment 4O jears practical exiwrtince OfficeJsonar A1ur House oppoilu bt Pauls Church no uptown branch

fllr Even Dentist removed la 133 TfIMIh Ij °

st iour liroidwiii Artificial teeth Two premiums tawarded Reduced price-


t >

Itypophosphltee J4Will cure Consumption Octet Hronchluj JJetiltlty At It

Flee Ieisrl llerl s HIUO worth SJ3 ilibhats TJ jo well fi 1i Sew tlinrch st up stairs

tI4UUlEflMAIlTIlAIKrtAlllfSAt Ellistieth X J May 34

Iti lie tier I0 Kemiisliall p D J 1V Marthaler to La 4viols tj daniihhrof Mrs W A AuzuiMIMIIN IKAAI Jet Y CIty May aa by the Rev

Mr llnrionrt lcit K Mhwlns son of the lii v tleo JMhmlns r New Vrlt cIty to LaurA B datujluer ufcliii n IIII log if rey limyMliiINll ONAHII Un rimrsday May 20 at StlPaUh Church Hrookltn b > tile Krv it a llutibardtutu hi VV irutn of Gothenburg Aueden tu Catharinehiiitnii dauiiliter of the law U A Leonard Ksq of VtuslHartliimolI bnuland

VVIION IIIAI 0Al 4J Horatio ston Thursday even Ulie Mat 4i h > I hue Hnv 4 lime White suntuel Wilseinhid Knulnceir stemmlilp Andes to Janet jouajsilduuiihter of Uie late James liliiir Blew artuu ScuUaud

1IIK1-1nisrov On the 24th hut Marie Louise wile of

Cliarlis II Pfntnn toil 44 yearsMineral c t iris at her title re lteiice 151 West 13tk

H itt I I M on TlinrilHv tIle 7th lush hrleids satrelnm C are rts itfullv hius lied to attendHILLIn tin tit > on Tuesday May 25 tire MaryHill sulrrof Mr John Mllrini

Her luunrI l ollI uke plme troth the family rtlttnc411I Wr < t v tli st on Thursday mnrnlnc kta> 27 at IIitll vk thrnco to the fiiurch of St Mlcltuel vtli arandfjil ft where ma t wIll he ofTrred for the repose other soul thence toinlnr > ieluvtury Krleuds and aoUUIIIMIKI rrspntlUtlv lnIU ilMivivim Tie Itt Stay 23 at Ills tale residence

102 iuliuulilt ui Juts Ill > Mr 1atrlik klrum auatlifol fuim urIne IIreland noel 4i ussr Iruiieniltnliis nhiir mini Ht Josephs Churrli Baldwinat Thiirii > Niv J7 nt Ju clink I Vl The relativef I

uiul lriiiiUol the UmtU an retiM invited toatundI

I0 ftlSNDIt Dn llundayla > J4 l MJaniesCU Ooo-

Ihflor lCi 711 ia N

rrlatittsnnil uric iuil at the fninlly also the metI

liisol rs iojriiplucul I ilion No il iiri invllid to alUiidlhi lulu nil Hum ills risllotLe ot his brother In lawUnhurt Mmhlui JlJIJuit OAlitou edtiitduy May Uut 7 oettik I U-

IOihs III llroiklvn MilTJ > uMi nli nrdiphlherla t

llirtliai thou itti hiloMd iud tilt child 11 tleorte W andI

lulu III iMrks uji J J 3oar K ilitiiilii a lid 7iUjs tmo ml rixn-


Mai 27 alter it short Illness Peterlliinolil mute or inn > h of ilranardCount LountordIInlsiiil sot 4ii r >

Ftinernt out Ttuutntiuy at Jocloik Irom Ui Hopkins ithlruictI
