the sun. (new york, ny) 1883-10-19 [p...

l te tit r ri k Vi1C F rjeJO- Ii LINO 4f1 L NEW YORK FRIDAY OCTOBER 191883 PIUCE TWO CENTS 1 TIlE CENTmiAL OF PEACE ArirwuoH IU WITH TROOPS tun- oiv Mini ius INi IUvlllS Tar HUT th iril In hi Ihe llnnmln or Cn- n nun t Ihr ICInclna nr Jieflithe Mtr Krnili I Cr 1r41tIi l linpi sln 1rocrasln- nr Mlllllii II I rlinnri i nnil I flvlc Niirlellre The Vttnt Ii t Vu iilMtflin I lli Hiliimricr- Xiltlrrasri tit I ei N Iliiyiiril iiitel Ivnrn- Kl 1IIIIII Ol t 13liVur > lixly not up With t tlio HUH Ihlr lit 1111 I Ig bocatiiont t tho pre- cise ¬ mmuent it t Its rlsini tho uront 11hlp I ronflifl fiinl a lirrindsldo Of lior nuns right at t tin ton Tho stroiiKtst housus trem- bled ¬ and tin smindosl sloupors sat UI In their bod I Just at lie moment when tho town turned over In Its bud for another wink of eltop the other miinofvvur opened flro inul for fllUtin minutes cannonading was kept up on tin vessols by the howitzers nt Vnfllilnu- tonH Ilouluuuters nnd by tho cannons nt FIsliMIl anil West Point When tills ceased nil the rlmrih bells worn rung for several min- utes Probably nt tills tlmo there vvoro somo 1 f People yet Intent upon flnlshlnc their rust lint It wns not to bo Out of tho Impressive Quiet that folowo1 llieto arose tho noise of crowing Toototootlo too Toototootlotoooooo Tho sound hoarse mid thick unJ so loud that It was a beard In every bud chntnbor Then in tho same tone came the aria of tho ballad 1ook 1 aboo rendered Ilko this Too teloo 1 ni tetoo- Toodly tuuilly toodly I too Tho notorious tugboat with tho groan I fug shrieking and sOllorulnlnl whistle which hns been forbldoon harbors of several suburban cities was lying at First street pier with n full head of steam and a porsovcrlne man at the whistle string Tim consequence was that In tho hotels end boarding houses tho guests woro dressed and waiting In thn dlnlcc rooms about us soon as tho maids cimodown to tho kitchens And BO was ushered In the day of moro wonders and I creator crowds than woro probably over seen In tho State outsldo of Now York city Although tho city was half hidden behind bunting on Wednesday the patriotic peoplo fitter sleeping on tho matter discovered In conlouswnysoj nddiui I to the display They hunt streamers across tho streets and covered what tow bnro spots thieve wore on tho nouses I with moro banners sllol1 nnd flics The conseiuonco was Ihll us tho brgvo swept long the streets the houses appeared to flut- ter ¬ us though thoy weru built of bunting TiE V 1ST CKOWD Iho town was crowded before the real crows In tho hotels the hnllwnjs woro lined elmo vitIi buds Lodgers woro doubled up in tho boarding houses and every Newbunth fninlly entertained friends from out of town Tho sidewalks wore crowded nt 8 oclock nt whIch hour time only vibitois who had como woro Sec- retary ¬ Chnndlor and somo Washington under ofllcials who arrived In tho Tnllnpoosn and the Continental Guard and Steamboat Police SQuall of New York who cnmo uu In a night barge Tho policemen say they did not cot wink ot Sloop because time Continentals woro buck ekln breeches Thnso breeches got damp in the rhor air and began to shrink They shrank 0 much that thn soldiers could not sit down but woro obliged to walk tho docks night al lloforo da > break they went ashore just as Cnpt Qnstllns mon woro beginning to doz the crow of the barge began to unload cargo which was mainly of rattling tinware Then tho bnrll wllylnl almost abreast of the Ten ¬ poured out her deafen- Ing broadside it blow the policemen clean out of their bunks- Newburch was soon completefy upset with excitement Tbo streets were swarming and there wore moro people on the cobblestones than on the sidewalks The trains kept pour- ing ¬ in people from the farms of most of the river counties Everybody was tlklnl push ¬ ing and being pushed all at city is tho worst ono fur accommodating 1 big that could well bo imagined Its crowo narrow nnd most of them run from the crest to tim foot a stoop bi It is said that skilled carriage drivers their way by tacking I from one side of a street to the other Wee sailors going against n head wind The fcoonle of tho city wore crowdod or tho streets and took to their windows only places open wore the barrooms Those nro few and did a business thnt voulo make a flowery bar- tender ¬ wild with en The West Shore time HldRonler and tho Erlo roads al ran epo tho north and and the Nowburuh Uutcbcss and Connecticut road I brought a bin body of Now Enelandors- Tbronus came by special boats from New Yor- kKlnlstonIolghkoepslo Tarrytown Penksklll and Albany This 11uslol conlnod any body going away At that hour thin little city of 20000 inhabitants contained at Joast llffy thousand strangers and nil tIme strangers wore In the narrow streets I A IjniLLIANT BIECTICLE Anything moro picturesque than time scono tho town presented when the various bodies that were to take rnrlln the proeesslon begun to arrive it would to conceive In every block taorn seemed to bo a brass blno and I a mass of mon marching Time gaudy of time uniforms were eon from the upper win- dows ¬ In great squares of color each square trimmed on black ns Iho procession moved through time crowds of darkclad civilians limo fro companies wero so many patches of rod of tho troops wero squares ot bluoothern Woro purullelosruins of white others mosaics of cadot gray or brilliant scarlet and In the ease of time Knights Templars jet black 1 sprinkled with tho waving white of tho cnapeau plumes Tho sunlight struck the i shining Instruments of the bands and turned them Into dnrallng reflectors There woro fortythree bands of music anti eight separata drum corps besides the drum corps ot the full bands Ono tune was certain to bo merged into another and the muslo became at times more noise and discord Time great lakeike bay was gay with color and astir with life The seven Government vessels were In a lino decked with flags Uosldo thorn was a line al yachts similarly dressed floating In and out among the anchored vessels wore such oblo craft as time Columbia Grand Republic I Slary Powell Cotus and IVrsous and scores ol imall steamboats I At time Piers wore barges rearing hugo signs l anounclng Dinner Tho blOl81no board i log houses could not begin multi- tude ¬ Time Twentythird and Thirteenth lleg- ImontB t of Brooklyn and time Third Now Jersoy- tilmnnts dined on their steamboats The wasodln time Newburifh armory Time t i Tenth New burgh hired a over I the Orange Luke Cluba iuurtors and hl1 their own dinner besides dining the Intnam Phn- nx thoro Tho club house was kept open aa- is dining hall for mllltla officers nit tiny long A festaurnnt 100 feet wide and 50 foot long built of boards In limo open air at tho WI roadway On the river bank blow Washing ¬ T tons headquarters were two big timing pavilions The Unoxcollod Fire Works Com- pany ¬ 1 which furnished day and night pyro- technics ¬ I presented vvholeiomodlnner to oth ari of the citys guests gratuitously and kept dishes filled nil day Tim hotel dining tmlls were absolutely packed all day long and thoro was no rost for time waiters In any of thin other places limo prob blitoslre that a great many eople wont aIa wi being able to get slimmer at all Gun Fitzgerald nnd staff arrived at Flshlell ybstordy afternoon whore their horses and orderlies awaited thorn having been sent up the dsy before 1iho General was met by the prominent citizens of time place and hundreds crowded around tho dopot to catch a glimpse of time distinguished visitor A detachment trom the Washington drain under command ofMout Wilson noted as orderlies At the jilt Oulllan House which was handsomely t decorated the General was received with a siute from the artillery company and he and Ills star wore handsomely entertained by Maekln Thence thoy proceednd to I tha old Verplanok mansion riding through Utouben lane time lenornl having accepted time Invitation of Wllllaiu U Verplanck lUi o YUhkllloatheHudson to occupy during olehratlnn tho old homoHtead celebrated as I tha bon of Baron von Bteuban who commanded the American r forces on time east tank of the river Thin Dlctiireaami old house i > lth I Its eitenslvo 1111 studded with inujestl- oIoilars ba for than n hundred years own In Verplnnck fnmlly The ollleorB I ismA Welcomed to limo old homestead 1 by Mr t llllam I Yer1lanck and hU son limo occu I a character KU artdb being posted for the mlllat This morn I flg e General and his staff followed time same iTOUt0 S5 < that tiilen by Huron Stoubm to report to his CotnniandeinChl Jon Fitzgerald I LbP rueat of the Grand Marshal of time New lest tlDclf I10011 01 limo lubrallon parade ooiamand the k t TUB ARBIVit OF TiE IlEOISJEXTS Thea Olvcrlhlnl eisa WIl ready tho Seventh 71 000 w police and flrlg- ktZUerald I anti Imis stall were missing 11 e1 Welt oyw M flbiljUi W tJ4p Y- IIll Ill I 1 n = the steamer Cadet wont over from NPVburgh to ICU vvlint wits the innltnr Col Loverlck will BO oxcltnil that lio Ilrw Iho loop of Iiiir hawMr over tfto i n village boy who atm ail with hiI mnulli vvblo I open In thii midst of limo brilliant unl forms on t thn whorl Tho OndBl brought ovir I ho imol itt hut was too smimiti I for tho crack In ii ii Iii rcgiinuntiir for tbo linrsesnt t thultili nillHMIrnurnl I I and his staff Col Eum humus Clark eiiMid u little nniKivod Tho police lied nliridy I iiiit with I t delay IIOCIUIHO t tholr hrlim In immii nt 1 I lnntbt No 0111 wm hlrl Imll KiiiKirlntciidPiit iillliiyvasliicomnmiid yiifoUir Tliiirim wits bIN lloutonmit ChIlL II I hums SiTKiunts led thlitvlH I In Ohm WHIOfllllolo I hlllS gram SIclVfil I I liad nn uunl number I I Inspixj tor iii riles vats Irn ont with tw ntyllvo do tiellvw Capl Vlllliiiiix I I wns net to lov Cluvnliind t Iho ribjnel of t tlio grtimtist hharo or f nubile elm t ioi ty nnd olsrnnl Inspector ahorini wns iMiiutcil IIIIIII nil I limy long The lnsioclor is oh ii4iuimtmlM of Nnwburgh wel Hound rapt i llllains nnd MnrHhnl Woycaiit iiiiiiliintiiiirof f tho town The Inspector IA a builder by t redo I Hn pointed out tn his friends ammo hUIo alt or another Sit > I Ing I hull that nnd niiotlior I built bo 10lnlollo ono with tlioiumnrk There tho I IIUt iii Whl bin frliinds came to It Hies j saw a sign houso Is ono hundred mind tventyllvo years old Time procitclnn VMIK only an hour Into when It trot under way on time hill When It started down l the Mloll to Water street whore all the htoros mire thoro win 11 point along the tour liii roiitii nt which Iht crowd was not simply a j jam Tho doorways time windows and thin baloon eavumt full amid oven tho roots Imd their share of spoulators In gnrdnns In the luck streets stands hail tl erected andc- nrrlumges drawn up to nccomodato unoctnturs Time New York polico Hung tlipmsolvcs unon time cruwllt tbo ferry and spattered it Ilko tIme wind ThoNuuburgh uiirnnl- biiid they behaved while handling crowds as though thy were used to time business Unco was enough time crowd made Itself small and kept In onlur otter that There arm no polico hike them In this coun ¬ try tald Admiral Cooper Our sailors never intro nuy deliiVH or trouble when they march In Now Ylrk and that can bo said of no other city that wo have paraded In Tho nroOOHKi11 was a very romarknbln ono In Its and beauty Tho oldest Now Yurkrs never saw any that they think excelled It Gun hawley of Hartford said ho never saw anything like it It moved at a rapid gait but took an hour nnd a quarter to pass tho review log Htautl The soldiers antI sailors oc- cupied ¬ nn hour ot tho time Thoro were 805U mom in line and fifty carriage loads of guests It would take two columns of this typo to minnie the bodies that formed time Hint I was a mats of color flu ml a model of graceful motol and good or ¬ der limo Seventh time Now York pollen Gov Cleveland beeretary Chandler tin Admitnl imd his splondld stall Hon ShinIer time Continentals mind tIme man who carried Iuul Jnnnsfl Hill were nlnnr tH of t llm trrnnte Interest lintel llnvnrd j Starfuul was tho milan with famous flag It bore limo vvoids Tho Ityu Ilomnio Itlehaid hero nln t much ot thA old lint loft in It AIII Mr Stafford bocauso mmmy father used biro It out and It got orot- plecei to Ho b id also I the emit lnsut of the ho- siitliirnnd CommndoioI err > cocked hat lime city o XuwburKh took care of him nnd tho na vnl 01cor11 lurnlul him Over I to limo city In wlnlIIIY monoy No suld ho but I a cup of ton Horodo In a burouoho In tho procession wmth Jhi HUB lipimlni out of time door and woro tho hint mInd cutlass inn IUTAI IIALASX Tno Putnam Phalanx woro time Continental It inlforiu antI marched with tho long stride adapted to time holonin flfo miiile of a century- ago which Is limit only music their flfurs are al 1000 to I liY They form In fives Instead ot and carry their pieces by time hut of time tock Time Third Now Jersey better appearance than any othor regiment ox celt the hBventh nod Twentythird Twentythird marched almost as well as tho Seventh The Thirteenth of llrook I lvn was very careless Ilecchor was not with It Cnpt Dickies TonthJSeparato Company of Nowburgh In white hnlmots and white coats with rod facings was the most gorgeous mili- tary ¬ anti looked organization better Al theS trooll marcheo Artillery which was dllmountod Whon tim- eilneliaitodaminute a company of tho Thirteenth Regiment bang the Lovers Faro well so sweetly that the multitude demanded I repetition Dakin lost O A R had a juvenile drum and life corps that won applause Pratt Post Iraggnd a disabled soldier in n wheel chair The Poiighkeopslo Veteran Volunteers woro the only 7x uiive uniform and helped the scenic effect greatly Time Knights Tomplar wero led by the Hudson ItlvorCommandory which is I linelooking body of dignified men The sail era In their white cats and cairylng brass scoophandlodcutlasses woro a unique feature There woro twenty tire companies In line The following made tho finest display The- iJuinwarti hose of Port Jervls time Peeksklll Hook nnd Ladder Company Lady Washington Hose of bakers the Webor Hose of Hondout the Courtlnnd Hook and Ladder Company of Peeksklll tho Ilrnw stor Leonard and Idngeold companies of Nowburgh and time Citizens of Catskill I The Itlnggold Company has just bought Its hose carriage It cost 4 000 anti Is believed to bo the hlmllomoR over built It la- n great flashing and silver plate Nearly ten thousand peoplo crowded Into tbo grounds of Washingtons Headquarters after tho parade to hear the orators auolho poet Time little old hutch farm Im- mortally ¬ famous because Washington lived In It and there refused a crown was packed from morning until nlcht All around the grounds were the touts anti stalls of time people who carried on time trades of showmen and fakirs on Coney Island last summer A walk among Ibel reminded a Now Yorker of Oslrol down flowery They were doing wellhlt sliver cum was heaped upon their Iror Capita led tho Seventh Hpclmont hand tll Intricacies of the Overture to William oi fiKNATOn lUYAHD SPEAKS Mayor Ward called time nssomblngo to order anti tho Boy Dr 8 IrunitiH Prime led in prayer Then 5UO voices led by Mr Dudley luck sang a To upturn Tho Mayor Introduced Senator linynrd as Chairman and ho delivered- a short address That said ho referring to the close of the Revolutionary war wits tho seed time of American liberty aud indepen- dence ¬ This Is tho harvest homo and it Is moot and just thnt wo who today reap in joy and safety should remember those who sowed tho sol In danger He also said time Influeuce of the example set by Wash Itnrton and his associates be overrated In elm io a tune of unselfUh devotion and clean handed integrity l In pub lid er ou remember huts words tntonxreis In his II IIrf li Treildent of the United states I t I Inl honored with a call Into time service of niy cullr on time eve of an arduous struggle time lu which I contemplated my hlll frlyI rtiiulred that should renounce every pecuniar compensation From this I lucre In no Instance departed I sad being ont uniler its lmpni inn which produced must decline as luappllcable to mylelf any sitar In tIme perannsl emolumenta I whlchmavbe Indispensably In- cluded In a permanent l provision for the ixecutlve I de- partment and must according pray that the pecuniary ettlmate of the station I In which I am placed may during my continuance In it be limited to such actual expenditures aa time public good may bo thought require NOW high anti clearly cut Ulnt the siyof history rises the column of time character of tImes patriot alres crowned whim strict honesty anti clean linnded inlegrlt not one of whom ever grew rich In- nmce or attempted fatten at time puhllu cost but many of whom became poor by devotlnif themselves to the- adtaucen cut of their country Then tho poet Wallace Bruce of Foiifrh- kecpsiu road n lone historical poem of his own writing The lion William M Evnrts a the OrllQrf time occasion lila ndtlrOi was rovlol Ilo ccrrcs that lona war was lRoncllo with Interest anti frenipnt applause to Washington he Time Immtcrcst the reverence that we feel us we recall these grest transactions as we stand upon the spot vvhere they wore enacted centre upon Washington Crest everywhere and at nil rart plated upon this ln field In these rinsing rrII I the Revolution was not less conspicuous nor its greatness than miimfrstation of his cl lire these events closet r illjc si r vrr had hs thin foreVVTretired frnm Ih ii nitre of action amt renown hud he ntvcr tllltl out ftfmi railmi and our by the right SITS prlvau life anti time elKhlrars of the Cliltf Maglilrac hlc- btolowllb ilirreiidrr of his mllllarv command mIS In tin framing of ths Constitution and In the guidance of tin ilMon by I hikh statesmanship and fr 1lnlllr3101lr I all 1111 had hrl wanting to t tie full I i 100 tn his ClullJm1 < In their memory as he this very I hundred 5 ears ito ilOurlb to ill this people ai tlul the t tIt Moses to the ctllnu of Israel abut he dellvend of the I If tim grat staiesuian t avid orator Mr FoX CoUld In I mite llrltlill Parliament exalt the character I if Valilnf Ion as that tumid ricm man deriving honor lees front tliespleinlnriif I his sttuuiim thin trout t Ihedlgnllvof his mlndi bofore boom elm borrowI crratness sinks Into nslgnmrance and all time potentate Kurope become Illlle and 1 ci uteiiipllble l If the famous elo I iiem e of- rsklne ctuld sreaaof him as tb onlv human being fornlmni he felt an awful I reverime If me polllltal I Ihlloiopli of f Hroniham piescrlbed itafthe tuty ot Ihe- nlsiorlanaiidsaneof suit nations lo let no occasion past of commemoratingIlils Illustrlolis I man I if heanertid that until time shall I bv no more will i n test if tIme progress which our race has male In nlidnm and vir I toe It 1rrived from the veneration paid lo ths i Immortal- namenf Vvashlniitoii I it our to stalesiutn and orators Join in this acclaim I Irnl Ml nriturum alias nil orlnra tale fatenles let lull countrymen with one vole ascept stud cherish this sidrnilltl poienlon aud exalt and perixliiuli I now snJ forever There were on the platform Cloy Cleveland anti his BUfT Joel T I Iixadloy Secretary Cha- nter ¬ GOY Dourne of 1 Ithods Island orGov of Irnnsrlranla Itnswell P Flower ChCuuoJ M nopew len Joseph 11 Hawley F Winslow MaJorOen Hhuler anti IlrlvadlerQens Fitzgerald and Carr and theIr staff Major Edson Mayors Dcerlog of 1ort land and Jlulkley of Hartford Admiral Cooper the lon William U ItoblntoD Senator Warner 0 Bejimtor tUcklo OooirrcMm B c- MM tj 11 W nimul Kotchnm Gen Hnraco F Porter oxJudgo- Villlani Fullniton Mayor Whlto ol 1ouisht- ocpBlo and Homer IIIM11 tVKMNO There worn lay llrnworfcs unit niter dm Un ondirful display ftollhro biircesln the Imy the pieces tic nnd very boautlfii- hi imiltltudi I lined tutu slior atm ii thin roofs fllico as many steamboats its hind hon thuro- urltiK thn tiny nol unlhorrd tilt buy They CII1 Irl r nllhn I olllpH I ot tlm lludmu wen 10100IIIh They did not nnd I lnIlr were I Illuminated Inl 1 burned plcnul Iluhts with I olTiit At riHhUII thorn wnin two line Inoo dlsulnjpil I In view of nil Ncwhuruh- Uno riprosiiitid time out Dutch church from Uilclillarvoyillrch I Cooorssp rscitpodvvhii- t win n prison and time other teiirosonted thn- omplo nt NOW Windsor ami Washington point I HIT to time Hinrtid clown liter were nlao- rmork 01 time situ tul hum TOIIIlo on the Now bluh crowds thinned oul fast nt nlcht but tntll very Into 11111C of llfos nml Ilrull Hid time I trend worm hinrd 51 treolH Thousands slnjed over muiiut and time olTncts of I a too liberal supply of lleiuor kept tho city very noisy Thn lockup wits full of pris- oners ¬ Tim SAW Yorl pickpockets reaped n- rouiMndoiis day lonii people re uirted time loss of monoy ali jewelry mid vatihes at the station Flue losses wr umnndous Sergeant Moore and tho Now York police nod detec Lives mliii nlmo literally nothing whilo they WITO lucre Tlmy lockntll on their boat four or flu that UioyBiild IRllclol welo Illekloekct 110 turned thol oor to prisoner brought to tlio xtatlon was 1 youth who weighed nbout 110 pounds and who was nrrestod by two bit New York policemen nud charcnd with disorderly con- duct ¬ In tr > lnu to xcaln I 1 fence to got on n- Htonmboat Wo supposed they wore cunning tioro to protect time city and patrol time streets1 but t they earno her for a picnic and Just tho wo would hnvo done If wo were Iolnl Romewhcra else said another nocroits VOTING WITH A nOn Tha Nw Code Mnjnrlty Not Bir Enoaik to Fn the Fr eCun > illlittlon Amendment Tho Now York Academy of Medicine went Into Committee ot time Whole last nIght to con- sider ¬ tire amendments to Its constitution which had boon submitted by Dr Fordyco Marker and tho effect of which would bo to leave tho members of tho Academy free to consult with any lawful physician I am time spokesman ot 1 certain number of gentlemen who believe that limo Academy can best maintain 1U usefulness by retaining Its present codo of ethics Dr Austin Flint Jr cnlil VoKlmllnnt ilUrnta thin amendments nm m Wo simply say that tIme l Idea that thovwlll com maiul the support ot threefourths time mum hors present Is ridiculous I move that time ccliii tim itt em rise illspoMi of tho amendments nnd KO on with Its nclentllle discussions rime motion was borouded limo ChiI7r Kllot saul that It ooulil not lbeuSKlj ir lloosa appealed n 0 chair was sustainnct wlh a ronr nen time committee voted with al othfi loan to rise Irosldiiit Ford co liarker took tho chair and decided Unit time report of the Snciotaryot time mmlttco ot time Vholf should bo road Dr Flint Jr appealed Tho Chair was sustained all was thou applauded Bocrotnry Carpuntur rend limo report Dr Jr inood that It bo laid on time tnblo lilt called for time yeas and nays limo Chair loeldod to Use time of members Dr Flint Jr wanted tho printed roll usednnd np maled Tho Chair wits hiistalnod with shout for adllslon On n count DrIlnlJrcllo1 of I sustain time Chair wits 81 nnd against It 81 This Indicated that ninny who secretly voted with the now code men did mint chooso to do so openly Thero woro Jl votes to table the committees report and 121 against Then Dr A I Loomis moved that tin Academy vote on amend- ments ¬ Dr Flint Jr moved as amendment that their consideration bo indefinitely post- poned ¬ and called tar thn YOn nnd nnns Tho I amonumonc was most no toon i > r rjuu jr said tims l count was doctored I that only 117 olot no the amendments a ballot was called for There wero 121 votes for tho amendments and J2 agaInst them A throofourths vote being required the amendments wore lost Time Chair expressed hU regret anti urged that thereafter limo Academy devote Itself to science The majority however had somo thing In Its power Dr Loomis read tho roso- utlons which Dr Austin Flint Jr caused jo passed on April IP lie aid that having packed that mCftnI Dr Flint used a trick to make the reconsider time resolutions appear Irregular We cannot have pence till they are rescinded sold Dr LoomIs I move that they bo rescinded Tho opposition said Ah freQuently and sarcastically The motion to rescind Is contrary to par lam ntrsry usage Dr Flint said Thoy wore rescinded nil the same Nlnte Pollllo The Ilenssolaer Second district Domocintlo- Crtnrrntion yesterday mmmmimmmleut Inac L VunVoo tfur time Alicinbly Vim ort claimed ttiat lift was tltcted- lsmt year tmni ecmtmtceicl S IlcrrkVi rliiht to time scat The Democratic JinUclal rnmvemmt sum of ttme Sixth his trlctt llintfhiuntnn > ptcritft iiHtorsnl time noinlna n nf Ii no < no e rt OIIn m cnnilKlntP ttts UriliK If til 2 The llrmocrrttlc I ron emit jolt in Monroe county eier thy mjiiilnattcl llrm It Hulelt for oiiiil > J luilK- iTliiimas Itnliica fur Hnrroifnt A I Hut for District Altnrnv And tame H HulM tar luntlce of SemCiotmq The KcpublicHiii of time hired Ax mtily diHtrii rf- O weico fiUiity > ummirtliy iiuinlnitttil O C Llttlejohn for nifinb ot Aonbtt The lion Tlmntht K hlbnortti Rep of Lockpnrt was y tfrilav I noiiiliiatfit for tienntor i truth time tlilrtleth- illnrlct CornelluH Polioniic I was veoterIay unaiitinnunly rc- nomlnateil for tliu Atseiuiiiy by time Uetuocrata I or time First Erie Ulitrict n Obllnnry Col Silas Lvman a veteran of time war of 1815 ill ileitens > at hli liome III IMInnKI I N Y amt DO years lit participated in all the tmttlei on the northern frontier ami sne one of the tint Aholltionlita- InNow Yorkftatc and wu > the lint cutiOIIate of that party formemuir of Aucinblyln the inntlicru district Jefferson county Ocii Jamrt II Meedinan diul III Toledo at 2 I P M 1 yrittrrila of pneuiuonln after a jirntraftecl lllu M He was aKomlneril arrn > ortlcrr III rinK the rrhilllonniKl- waB proinotnl to the rank tif viajor leneral for conitjiiou- uuk bravery at mIte I ImttlLof I CMckatiiaiiira At Itin time I fif tmi4 death he hclil the i toitiou I of Chief I of 1olite of Toledo He waitll years old Ituplitcl Vllhdleu tIme Uaroulaot I lorry I lideail at the- me of utu II e naamade a Drl ut > tti I the turjti LKla haIti an a loveruiiiental tauolilate for time Third tout tcrli I tlon I of thrum on April S1 1HX and was rerlertfd to the lame pocltion I in IHU ll wa nuuicil Cheftll r of time Lorlon ot llonor out Auf H tate A Scare on the Long Iilnnd Railroad Nearly 2000 spectators of the BrIghton Beach races were aboard this Long Iiland Ilallroad train of iliteen cars due at time Flatbuth avenue depot shout 7 oclock last night Ai tlie train reached tin cune at Atlantic and Kifth avenues a ahort Uiatance from tIme depot witty passengers arofr with the Intention of J jumping from tIme cart at time Klflll avenue automatlo Kate Their ivehjht I tilled the second car ot er 10 far that It canied time front wheela to jump this wllch frog Tha coupling snapped and the rnr swung crutiewise over to time other track and broitKht cars LeUlud to alu dan itauJillII No Ohms WIB hurl llualuea oubleit The New Jersey Cloth onvortnc Company of IW4 hutch itreet bat been placed In the handinfa receiver flarret J Aikcrman of llackeniark Xerdl hand MI er the wooUn goods mimercimant who recently- failed was time Jrcmidmmi prllllp1 atncktmruiler Time liatititieli I are remrlei Ie tImaut fttxtoe- Th CaIltmre of hiram ox I1 to Ithtuicsshmu dealers in fitmry giunuhs M WW st Itmiffalo was a surprise to time ursula here Ii I I to dlectlmation in cii This iitubiiilic are tmitiatcd Si fJlIOUo the Irltuc tic hug for over IY Fire In Ike Child Iloaplliil There was A slight fire In the Nursery anti Chlldi Hoipltal I In Fifl nral Street nt > r Lexington ay too tall tuning after time cliildrcu were all I lubed Thai In the rlfty nrit ttritt wing where Ore was were hattily but quietly remove 1 to the main buiulnir The flrc Was rauitd h > time kln lllni of smote floor beania that I were muter a flue and extended I tn the woodwork of a dlnln rnom on tlio fret thor Time Ore extlugultheii put It out and tIme nremen ha l rothing to Oo New Jersey Iolltlcs MartIn 0 Loehen ol Tort Monmoulb was noinlimttd for time Atiembl In the Third New Jersey district titcnlay br time Creenlmckera- Ur Ieatlttof rrenli la bell nominated for Htate Henaior by Kipuhltiuni The riimberland counts Itepulilicana hare nominated mppec 1 Mi hull fur male heimtor amid A U fettlumcu for AIM mbl In time r Irt dlilrlcl Iele Entraaa lId > ol Galllr Peter Emerson who was arrested In July with rollctman Niijtent aiiUoliu Kirrtll for attemptI- ng Ing to rob bsmmk caililer In n I ilerliu Iloboken pleaded guilty In Jersey Lily tile trial viaaiet down for Uct 3ti Teach Brolaere libya Winter Clolltlaa II manufactured by themselves and every stitch mad to wear Broadway and llouilou Slim a r and U4 it 4iltr- Andcraoui Tobacco io4 ererywlitre SolM sail Utey Dur flite cmitAft l > lJ J ji it1J 1- Ik Vrel Urotkcr Or rconli for this season ao of tht latest novelties and superior workmanship Ls ay aud I Houston and bib ar and 4111 Cuirad without knife powdy or ksiv No ehirgi until acj WMILvrFdsiuusta Rgtbeflt The Imperial Just Out X new Style clotonitlnc overcoat SIB to 190 Vogel Brothers roa4wlJuIiIOIaIURIUIUlIau4W- alir r 4- t tir iffy Ou4 A s- L t J lrfJt die v > maw It isJrdw4 tbnfer rcomiagn4 Pt pl Jit know Snail 1 Uf1IlI 4 I N I J H V rIMit J f t t- L 4 A n TIlE SYNOD STANDS APART riTimoTMNa ITS CONORITVLATWX- Sftt03t T11K CATHOLIC Cit UIIC11 Dr ITnnhlnt of Aubnrn Henlnnrr In n llnpc I lisa Mlnnrllr Ur Croelsr Accusrs tile > n- tloniil Tunpernnce Hoclelr or 1rlntlnar Lies In a report on tomporiuico which time 11e- v1r Stryker road to theProsbyterlon Synod yea turday was a clause rccommonillne limo books of f the National Tomporanco SocIety of G8 Hondo street for uso In tompcrnnco work The Uov Dr H A Nelson objected to this luuso Another minister said tlint mitch that ho pocloty printed was twaddlo The Bov Dr toward Crosby stopped to time front of tho plut form and suld If HrothorBtrrlterwUl strike out from his report thnt clause shout the Temperance So- ciety ¬ ho will have my honrtysupport for tho ro malndor of tho report Thnt society Is In tho habit of publIshing books thnt contain time most outrnkoous and abominable falsehoods I sponk deliberately and ndvlsodly Tho falso Hcholnrahlp by which they twist Scriptural texts out of their proper moaning would bo a dIsgrace to any publishIng society The entire recommendation of literature was dropped from tho report Dr Crosby for tho Committee on Hills find Overturns advised that tho Synod should not adopt time resolution proposed by tho llov Dr Hopkins of Auburn Thooloclent Samlnary congratulating tOO Roman Catholic Church on tho sontlmantH expressed In time pnstornl letter prepared hy time 1rotlnclnl Council that snt ro contly In New York Tho Commlttoo hold It to bo Improper tho uyiiou 10 nierloro with the action of nny other rellplouH body 1rof Hopkins said that his paper had boon sent to a packed committee Ho was Interrupted by a member on tho floor who linked whether packed committee was ProPer Inniiiinco iir Hopkins understands parllaraontnry- Inniiunce eniil the Chairman the Itov Dr McLootl Albany 1 Prof Hopkins looknd to tho celling for a mo mnnt Then ho said I used time word packed In a figurative sense iunhwr1 It win packud to turn the bill out of HID Houho Instanter Tho proceed- ings ¬ of time llomnn Catholic Council worn BO recent and t o public that I dcmnod that time Us noil was famllliir with thorn It mlcht have boon bettor to explain thnso procoedlniis be forum I offered my paper Ill explain now Thero vvcro nrlos on all slili of Juoitlonl- bysomonml I Goonlbyothers 1ior Hopkins wont in with iircnt Ulllluiilty Hn pulloil time printed iijisioriil letter from Ills Pon l T fiitorruptoil ovoral- Irlwt tim mliITtJi f tn swItchh thn rof Hnikl ynot1uift Oil rt Side question i r feorcd nml rtad extracts ittlm to limo snirydnpss of innrrlnco and tho iiiI1tiltomu vs of f divorce nod time onoubnuss- utempornnco nnd Hundny picnics At ho nmd ho intorupptodhlmaolf with expressions of satisfaction A remarkable letter ro- nnrkitblo he said Whj ho continued wo cant Ignorn tho itoinun Cntholle Church In Now York nud I ceo 10 Impropriety in spvnklnK bout It hero Wo cortiilnlr sliouUl opreHi somcthlni to on cournfo thin Uomnn Catholic pcopl on thn slKtiH of prom ess In that Church What is It- o bo dostrorol I h V Ood or b > a rolmglotms war that wo should bland aloof nnd look nt It livery one undar tnndi that it Is our hope that tho lloninn Catholic Church Is to bo liberalized nnd Irotcbtnnllred anti eventually thounh slowly como under 1rotustnnt Inlluenca through hue ntmcmphoro prcsslnt It on nil sides not that It wilt bon Prnsbitrrlan Church but a Christian Church Time glory of time Ito mnn Cntholli Church stands in Its dofenco of mnrrhiRo llrothronwo may turn our backs on that pastoral loiter lout wn should show that wo tiiieluratnnd time signs of the times and are ready to hold out help to bruturon struggling to get out of time bomls of despotism Tho Kov Dr John Hall got up and was com- pound ¬ to tnko time Platform Wo have hoard those wIse selections from the pastoral letter he began and the senti ¬ meets they convoy have my profound sympn hy but tho pastoral letter wns not addressed to Protestants and certainly not to this Synod and so wo are not called on to answer It I think Dr Hopkins would do great good in discussing such matters newspapers and reviews Bringing hero might bo taken to moan that Protestantism is coming to tho foot of the Roman Cathollo Council Will our endorscmnt holp tho senti- ments ¬ In hunt letter Nay lather harm will ensue I think Furthermore I cnnt admit that Itomnnlsm Is entitled to tim credIt of being first In denouncing divorce nnd up liolrtir tip enr tlty E f mnrrlngo Tho dead ¬ liest blows over almo1 at time sanctity of mar rlnge have boon aimed by tliocrond of that sys- tem ¬ Any ono who will look at Spain France anti Italy knows that tho condition of nmrrlntro then cant compare with that III countries whore 1rotostantisni nan had frpo course Tho Ituv Dr H A olson spoko on time other Mile hint limo Hylioil by n largo voto decided that it was Inexpedient to take action on tho PAtiOs of Prof Hopkins NEJTS most TilE OLD WORLD Tke Orltlsh Illieml Conference LEEPS Oct lAAt tho Llbornl conference to dmmv resfilntloiiH we rf atlonteel In favor of the itlHlrllm lion of time deals lu rarliament fti tinIer to ttiui secure a true exr tlou of limo Mill of the nutloii decimtring that any attempt tofictrc the rcprcMutation nf mtnorltl- ritiythuitctiiicitof pertil lane J U in violation of the Iiritmcillee of popular repnaenlathe foerntneiitj favor In tIme nhortenltiff nf thu period of limos reiulred for Ih- quaUncaloll of vuitere tateittling time hours lor polllOIl Voted and immnkinz cnimtltuemtcies pn3 tim of- elettomio A reeuimmtiorm I imtrttiimmeed tv Sir iYilrnm I It stilt II I Ier laIUI comuileummiminit the a < Unt Ills itmmImiotma itt rrlllnK Itt muiiw Id tr IlradloKh ttt tube iii- sent I tiercitu unil frlllwho atiumlmtln of marimammientsryn- tmtIm was siomtuI tmnumruiimuiusiy wllh ciuctje TI comm feretiue appointed s ilt cntcc Itt reemulutioum- sftiuitmiI to lrmutm iiiumhmer 0Ilu7a I aumd ttmeu a Jommrtmcd- A iimyctinu of LIberals vu Os Imelit in the Town Thu here to imiglut it lr uilumm Itriiilmt n Ito l role1eol immatie a speech itt wimich It said timat It n1 abuolmuteiy net- stir it an firogress myas ttt me omade ott the mmmueotmim- tof iuriiaumemmlsry reftirumi Ittat tti I qoeatmon of immltreg ie dealt with iltet In ft separate bill Ttire I is out qucet- ioum tie ntlnuoI wtmich I is not cry rIIIOII situ n tuiht mi ut Immive I It be faced tmsmety time ollolanl con filet bts eto time hitimmas r Luirdu ftttui tIme lInus imf CnuiiI- mitmtm a eommttict full I tf iienii to Otis of fui of itutmi iiiatiotm It ioth The IWO itomiece uln- cll1 tue recorm sod he mad eqlIy resjtommiiie to time ummutlotua- latmts In iommcImmeiuutu Mr itrigtmt acid My politica- leareerdrawe mery near to its cisc but I chuenietu the huplhal omy countrymen will In tim clustmmmes thuat are 1Irlhm exhibit the wiaduulut and tmmoulmrstion s luich become atm tmmtclmigemmt pupl Zorlllat Not to Kelnrn ta Hpnln PARIS Oct 17A derpatchto ho Trmpi from Geneva pays Henor Hull Znrllla the Spanish lladlcal denies tIme retort that lie intends return to Spain lie declares that he will not relinquish the struggle until tie receives proofs thut SpaIn desires a monarchy and not a republic even uhoJd would not support tin present Oovrrnnient I renounce political lire as he considers that an honest man cannot change bis poll 11 cal convictions Cla to jo trn Py r fPIOPIL- OiDO Oct 18A dospntob to nouloriI TI ralli tompny from lIonl Kong say time lInn fluent of ChIna Is ctivety preiar1mtg I to cbs mite port of tantoum Time troops wimtctm reumntty I eebsrkeui at 1 Iuhig Mum on tlus muortluerlu rrollllr ot lammqutn have beemi landed at Whatnpna The Chinese troops which hive landed at Whanipoa- Uogue are for the purpose of blocking Canton The ports on the Canton mver are being provisioned l Villages Destroyed by Frtbquuake CONSTANTTOOPIB Oct 18 Among the vii lojcscltHfojed by the earthquake recently felt In I lime Ireclau Archipelago and Anatolia wry Kalopsnaja Keis Uere anti Udfa Time latter n as celebrated for Its bathe I slight shocks of earthquake are still felt on the Island nf fhloi The British AdmUal I Hay has sent as- ilstatice to Uhesme and Chins Ills believed that only 3Ui deaths were cauiect by the enrthqiiaki I Ole nnd IIIh Tide on IO Drltlsk Coast LoON Oct ILThIgh tides and severe Kales prevail JHJbeeoaits ndnnnerous marine casual liii are rep4rted he Severn tunumel itas agaIn been hiondemJ by the unusual ti essels arrivitmg In lim- sMsrey from txprrln terrible- Weather on theIr Mf1 I IteruturTs s Lltmuriad I Ismmui say Itiat that cIty I Is pithy tlumouieu titiigim- ml attn iii time Shannon miser Uecllon In Ilerlla- DEHLIX Oct lBAn election for members of the Common Council was held here to tIsy Time antI Semites were very active conveying time suppnrlersot their ticket to and from the voting places free The Liberals however obtained a large majority Twelve Second ballon will leuecesiar Member ofVecret Kaeletlee Excluded STHACU8I Oct 18Tho annual Conference of the Veileeu Uliurch In America In session I here has refused to admit delegate who i Is a member of a cnlege fraternity I or of th lice Templars and has refused to receive any member of a aecrel society SKSSIOXS A CQ VI TTKt The Jnel e Can rue Strongly In III FnTor- Hctslnn IliaUlInc on Trentlnc the liirr- AtPANY Oct t lTho lion Rufus W Vcklmm this morning nddrossod tho jury for ho tlufonoo In time Sessions Case Ho drwlnred- JrndloyB whole story worthy of iKillnf Wns It likely ho said that Hosslons would co mind ofTen llridloy J2000 to do whlll ho lund ready promised others to do viz veto for Pepovv Tho Idea of olTorlin 2003 for ono otowns also absurd In view of the fact that Qupovr wits short of nn election Hotel once wn mndo to tho miiuy contrudlctloiiH in llrnd- cys testimony No honest jury said Mr ocklinm would tnko a dinner from n lot on such evidence ns this Time tccUBittlon mugmminst Sessions mndo In the As- sembly ¬ was with n view of creating a boom In Favor of Conkllne amid Plntt Tho people would ask If Sessions did not give this 2000 whore mild It como from 7 Mr Sessions alum lutoly denied all knovtlrdKn of II and ho was not called upon to allow wiuuro It came from Hn was not obliged to prove n conspiracy on tho part of Bradley and oIlmen It was for the poo ¬ plo to provo vvho gave time money AttorneyGeneral Itussoll closed tho case for the pooplo- Judun OslKirn charge to Iho jury wan very severely lommllnIAt on ns being outrmtgeotmsly In tho prisoners favor Ho pictured In lively colori the feelings of HisslonBH wlfo and daUKhtors mind In conclusion said If you urn not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of the guIlt of Mr Sessions It will bo your pleas alit duty I nm Rhino to pronounce n vonllct of not guilty anti send him homo to his family who will undoubtedly bo mado happy anti cheerful thereby limo jury retired nt 7 oclock and returned at 10 P ll to which hour thn court had taken a recess with n verdIct of Not guilty Bradley was not in court at time time Sessions how ¬ ever with alt his counsel and mommy friends was present Whon the verdict was announced tho Hon Hamilton Harris one of KosMonsa coun- sel ¬ shook hands with the Judge while Sessions performed the sumo ceremony with cnch member of the jury and after thu adjournment of time court Insisted OP the twelve good mon anti truo partaking of refreshments nt n nnlehborlne rostnuront file oxSenator wns heartIly conciatuhitcd and his counsel wore lilchly olnted The jury took no ballots having evidently made ut their minds upon a verdict after tho charuo In rofereneo to Judiio Osborns presontntlon of thus case to the jury District Attorney llnr rick said Wo were charuod out Cif court Time AttornoyOonernl snld It was time most rnmarkablp charco 1 over listnod to Hi picked up lute liiuid IIIIL bofotT the Juduo had concluded and loft tim court room and dId not roturii ENFORCING TIIK 1IU31ES ACT IteiHibUcans Trying to Keri Slnte Fund In Tkelr Favorite Hunks HAnnifinuiio Oat 18Time law known as time lumis act watt named by time Legislature of this Stats soil nigned by time Governor last June It requires time It nvtrtment of nil monoa In the sinking fund ot the Mate or In United States bond so that time Intercut will accrue to lime Smote Tie Mnlclng Fnnd Commltsioneri are this State Treasurer tho Auditor icniral nnd lime Secretary of the Commonwealth The fleet two art Uc- iiiMlcnns and I the last a Ilemocrnt At tho tlrst meet ng of the Hoard nftor mime udnptinn the Hume- sait by time vote nf time two Kei ublicnns agalntt time ono Democratic member It woo uiterimi il to tvado the act In effict b Investing only Jjolioo a nonth In pursnnncu nf the net thus Hpriinllng out over a it rlod of more I than a yemur tIm Investmrnt of nonrty jliiminonlilih eomnriiies time fund Hit mimumtuy Is dt- po lleil lu the nolltlcul liaiiku of time Slate The lovrrnor situ Attornev iural have determlntd to press an litino- on thn question expecting to compel I the CommlisinnerH to enforce the diet Time proceeding will cause great consternation among the Itrpuhllcan olllciall and the favored iaumks We Think that tVe kftye Thoncht Monsignor Capel faced a very large concro cation In time cathedral lost night In time courre of an address he saldt It Is asserted by many whose opin- ions In other matter vre value that because we are Catholics we sacrifice dn nrf or put in bondage our rea- son No charge can be tumor painful especially tn the j ovine that that their religion will deprive them of freedom of thought Tile Catholics have two fields of knowledge that which Is limited by reason and that which comes by revelation We ar satisfied that time messenger who bring un revelation li the envoy of Uod therefore our rrason receives It Timer I Is very little original thought We all think that we think hut rttiiy very few of ua think Wo repent what the few nf us who think have amid stroke nur eve and think that we havt thought viv I JrotcManthrcthrrn have reason In romiummunum with nivMf I go itt rttmr and know that hovond I the tlelJ ot- reaion thuie i Is a Held of revolution 1 Inertfore iustead of a weaker reason have more power of reason than my Iroteiitatit neighbors The tht ologlans of time Catho- llf hurcll cun hold their own even in science against alt colliers lIme Protestant iiovcrnmetit of England sends out Jesuit on rMronnmlcal exptdltiolis nnd em 4u10s Jesuit to musk Important historical reseurchcs Agreed thai Ilnrtcm 31 lilt Slat is Too lllnh Time majority report of time Hoard of SImile Kallroad CoinniUfiioneri made ty CommtiBionir Kcr nan suit Knirerx dc larca that time rite for iritis orting milk on the Harlem rnvl should be reduced from 4- eenUtoOfJcents n can soil be made uniform for all its lancet CnnunliiKloncr lohn Pnnuell makes a minority rtport sa > Ing that 11 cents n can would btj pit ntv- t ommli aioiier Ollonnell dueler tImid the Harlem road reports to tIm SOt Lnglnerr and tie capitnl sto k mitmI I tinini ucrumi lit book o art utttrl unrt liable and full 5t7uSiuat3I hate teeuu Iuuprojutriy ctmnrgei tu time cuim- uutrucluoum mtttomm mt ttf time Itamieuuu rmimut sot tii ml fur lItany years the rums has earimutI ot Cr mit icr CcItt ill Iii atttoulut tiC raptiat exietuuIeut itt Its uuimmotruct iiu snlu- prtmlttimu smtI lumus net lv tlisuriumimmuutut sgmuinnt this mtmiil irmiflie If time SmOte ilt it uttik Titles reuliueI to- 2t I Cetttfl Icr tAll tIme rumul tIme louiiumieejitmer tuisistut- tutili cmiii lust itt 211 per Chmt of Its iiiseaied capitsi to pay dlf loudH ullh Frank Sherwin to be Uclcnecd Trom Jail AinASY Oct 18 Sheriff Keolor said today that he had in yet received no oflitilal nottflcatlon of time dluonilnuancc of the suit of the Maxwell Land Orant Company or of the vacating of tIme order of arrest in time ca eof Frank H Sherwln soul that he should re- tain him in custody until It was received Itlsunder I stood ttmnt MM mln tins recelvid from hU attorni > sa copy of tIme uriiur of discontinuance hhernln joung- v Ife reached lucre at an earl hour this morning from Chicago she vt us In her husband company In his cell all ilav She Is about lit a trnnounred Monde und of extrenul i rrpn iieiiilmr appearance Mr Qulnce nf New York one of sherwln counsel arrived this after- noon nud It is nnilrstood wilt present tile order to morrow mnrnlnr and ask for hherwlns release from Jail when he will avaln take uu lute quarters nl tlic km more pending trial for Alleged contempt In time 1helpa case leclunled bjr Foyer nnd Destroyed by a IlurrlcnneQ- UAYMAS Mexico Oct 18 Advices from Al tata report that the population of that town has been decimated by yellow fever The number of deaths fur tv o weeks averaged twenty a day On time Sd met A- tata was struck by a hurricane which klllerl several persons alit destroyed the greater part of the town The Inhabitants sought rrfugfi- In lIme mountains luring time storm Several untIe ol railroad track Were torn up anti a bridge was blown down TIme depot and machine > hed > are lIme umumly build Intrs left stand nt The prlialr louts Is istlmatrd at- fviuii The Coiltrtor of time Icrt was among titus Wlleil t by Hie hurricane i Adat AtUtnsoo MardBr LArAxrrE Ind Oct 18 Xelllng the mur ¬ uberer of Ala Atkinaoii had iii lutmotograptm taken teumlay lie refuied to talk about the murdcr It is evident tlmat hue intents Ii licad Immesnity Jumeeph Atkimmsuimi uumcle of the mmmurulerel girl Pays be has Interim Nelilrmg for thirty 0 care iut 005 hueO cc aIm 10 get atuiutsiuuteml wIth lmuun lie his nohluitiui to asp to time omimr Insulter tul with hsimds bhitmd his bsuk mmmiii lmesd imsngluug- ulmuwn it ares up anti mlowmu tile corridor Ilmere Is un ulanger if us iviuctuimig itt Itmis cite arralmee- uttiutli iuaoiuug tueuiu rnale to call omit time tmtiiltiu on tue- eiihtrtmitiu iuf 5 imtuutt Ilut time oitjriuils fear am ustleumi itt mmmii imave remiuesteul tIme Sheriff of htemmlotu eouuumty to re- tmtse Seuuiumic to ruiglut to siummie otimer jail to imicim so iii- probaiiy tie Comic rhere ta sit exumileumt cimanc for a- uumiumary eiecutttotm If time fcrt leaks our The Wedding Not Postponed BALTJMOIIE Oct 18TIme report that the marriage of Mr It A Herbert of Xuckrois Abbey Irelau aol Mitt Rebecca Williams ot this city had been pnMpnned Is pronounced hy > fr Herbert tn I he false H- eus that no na ties em Cr hern set for the oo euliinmc that there has been no disagreement l lets ecu tho parlies aa- to the niarrlugo settlement that there has been imbues lion raised an to the legality of Mr Herberts dltor < o from his flret wife that the engngemelit Is unbroken and tIme marriage will take plate at such tune as suIts f lit cojj > eiilein e flf time Inlf r le i yjto saum4> poasu la nn Opern Home NEW HAVEN Oct i8 Whllo time National Carrlsga BullJera AixclKKin were dining In Curls Upert House toulght afler1 ti oclock one ot the cutains In time arue cmslmt lIre Creating a tsluio itttmmmlor ijalt ovmue w1iirussiny ti- aittlielmco oilmen lii tie lulazud imp Suit cool tteaiiet terstlts prenerut sluuiUleI kilt 1mw thtereg us datiger itie tuaimut sirimoS Uji S amik Iloodie amut lIt tire was auttun cottuutemtialuuuI Time Ii was CaUsed by a ltmtth slnikimmg a iimiimt for lute cigar Thai Hell Uute Tower WASHINGTON Oct 18 Time Lighthouse Board hat tsen Informed that the sections of the elec Ideal tower which Is to be eracted lu Hell Oats New Vork will prc bably It shipped from Mount Vernon Obiu timis week Morera LAST D4Y A Itllle Mrptne sand n Little Whiskey liven tn list Condrmnrd Man Edward Hovoy tho conlemnotl raurdoror who la to bo hanged thin morning paesod a looplcss night on Wuilnoaday Ho nto vory little bWalfnst yesterday anti askod for mutimu ants Ho was In time habit ot using chloral and tho want of It mado him Miry nervous Dr ritch hue prlton iihyilclan gave him n third of a main of raorphlnobut it Boomed to iuavut no effect At 11 oclock hula wife ciw adinltlod to time prison lImo was followed soon by lila fiithor- irothor numb sister Thoy smut with him In the end of the corridor near his cell Tutu oxoeu Honor wont Into the prison and took a good ook at Hovoy In order to fix the height of the nooso and to estimate time weight needed to miHpond him Hovey was talking with hits rein tRout In a UstlOHt wily Ho put lilt head in his lands aud rusted his elliow on lullt knees Ho- VMitchod every ono who otitered thin prison nud wIts plainly under grout nervous strain When his dinner wan brought to him I ho trlnd to eat but turnod away loud vomited Ho again asked for stimulants but limo doctor thought It liest not tn glvo them A photogrnphnr brought In HOIIIK phiitographs ot llovoy that hind been taken thu previous day and ho seemed pleased with tliHin At 5 oclock Hovnyft relatives worn told that they must go Hovoy burst outcrying ills sister kissed him bin father and brother shook hands with him and his wlfo clung to him sobbing lIe kIoul his father and sobbed aa- tbny nil passed out When loft alone ho wns tho picture of wrotch- ndnoss Ills features wore pnlo gaunt anti haggard Ho gavo ovory sign of breaking down but kept repenting that ho would bear up anti would not hnvii to bo carried put Ho did not touch his supper Ills counsel Mr Klntzlnir nnd limo Uov Mr lullbort visited him In the evening He then Hiemod moro TO signed and exhibited moro penitence for his crime than hu had shown at any previous tIme Dr Htch saw him nt P oclock and directed that whiskey given to him as nn appotlzjr A glass twothirds full of whiskey wits brought and Hovoy drank It off greedily Hn ate an egg afterward IIIaBolfpossoHslon Incroasoc as tho night wore on Ho said that lme couk not sloop anti wished to sit up nnd talk untl daylight Time hanging will take placo about S oclomk At midnight Hover was alternately praying and convornlng with time Itov Ur Oul bort Sheriff Davidson visited tIme prison Hovel talked to him calmly saving bo would walk liarlesslyto time scaffold Ho asked for some raw emyntors after limo Sheriff left and Warden Finn gao them to him Ho uto them with op parent relish Wise Young Keutnn llosarr Mil j HOT ucu I1LultK SUN on Hummy mat pub litlird an account of the wMcrloiii death of Kenton ltu r eriif New Ortcain whone hfadlem tioly WM found on time 11 ml so ti Rio er Railroad near thu city It was ad- ccrtalncd today that Hofmr boarded a licit line train In Albany fur Tray n tithe more thnu nu hour before liU bout > was found He WM intoxicated niid hvl large roll of hIlts In his iiouesM which he exhibited lu the Pinoklntf car ociuere lie formed tIme Acqualntnucfof two itiftnecr The I trulii utojpid ttt tIme Iron work lIst tout a liort dlstftticc fruit 0 lu re tlio tody w in found Tiuur- oen no ummotmey In JtOr cr Iocktt and the hush luitu In which the corj fo wen found tel ruilrond intii tudicliro that Itupfttr wtxnleiiil or nutontihle nhi n plucc on I tha track A letter foil ml near hy Uliilofled mOat time utt uuii uuiaii wa H non of tloint ii KoHxer ovtio jiKlninst from the tone nf time letter end the InntcuHite In which It ovum com hod in evhletittj a well to do suet cducntcfl mnn- pKenton Itftctnii 0t an a wild > outh amid hnd betn uril- cled lo the Captain ft time merchant ship Melim rl CoIl henry Irooe In tue hope that he would rtfirni Iho letter hugs tutu tti be a tnnu ainon moil and exprrope tile l itile i that vvlilU he has fretluteuttly niadi huts fnthcra heartache he would RO coudttct hlm elf that his father would bo able lu niche him with open arms lnprofllnble Hotly Snnlckluc SYRACUSE Oct 18Last April tho body of bdwlnR Hnrinon who had been R wealthy resident of Camlllus was stolen a few da s after time burial It was found in this mellcal college on the following day The Grand Jury Indicted Dr V Slocum and Ilalph WalVlus of Camtiimms nod Henry F Thomsen of this city They were arrested and lucid to halL Thomsen whose father U a clergv man was recently surrendered by tile bonds- men and is now In the penitentiary Carl llcnckell a student In the medical college at time lime of tIme rub- bery was Indicted more recently ant has been arrested In Chicago lie has iuiade s statement Implicating 81o cum VVntklns anti Thomsen but denying that he bore any part In time crime though he admitted that he re- ceived ¬ the rope with which Harmons body was hauled out of the grave The persona implicated are young incn of previous rood standIng Annual Shoot of the HnrSlnte Mllllla BOSTON Oct 18 Throo hundred and seven Iyiive militia men participated in the annual shoot of the Massachusetts mllltla at South Framlnghani today The day was perfect for shooting and good scores were made Ilent H T Rockwell w ho nnn the Wimbledon cup nt Treedmoor recenllv took first price in tIe nOt cers matoh a gold medal wllh a score of 41 Omit of CII And private M W Hull i late of the International team won tle itrst urine In the match for eiuiiuttcui mrn agolil medal with 43 out of A possible 4V Lompan O Kicond- Iciifiinelit won the 1rutldi nee Tool tonii ans elegant fiVlcilp tired price In time team shoot Iy one point over Companv I first lltirlmcnt suil also won thu team medals with list out of a possible J> l Bull was ainem her of time winning team Archbishop 1urcella Creditor CINCINNATI Oct 18 About 200 creditors of ArchbUhop iurcell met tonight and passed resolutions condemning tOP decision of time Dutrlct Court as Illrgal and charging tIme court with helmr under the Influence of tIme rliruio and actunted by political considerations Tho rcsulutlous wire very bitter A committee of flee w as tippointed to ruiitieHt the avslKiee to appeal I the case- In time supreme Court The resolutions aUr deiiounrid the action nf the IHntrlc Court an re e oicnlzing alum law an on a par with stuttitnr ami the common maw In gum rnlng monetar obllgatluns The ITnlirnx Ilyiiumltera Arraigned HALIFAX Oct 18The dynamiters were nr- ralifncd to tisy on tlm charge of having uitedly ciplo sine concfaled in their nnsusion w llh malicious Intent They pleaded not utility and were remanded until Mon da for examination I Holmes eald he so its born In M Joseph Vlo and tirucken raid he was I lorti In New 5trk I Imey refused to answer questions and are very reticent The Infant Asylum Knolna the Health Hoard MOUNT VERNON Oct 18Time managers of the New York Infant Asum have served upon thu- Roard of I Health of Fnst Chester an Injunrtlnn lisuid by Judge llonohoe of the hilpreme Cmm forbidding I Ito Hoard to Inti rfere in any manner v Ith time afTulrs of I llui branch asylum near Mount Vernou until further orders Oklahoma Payne Indicted IEAVENwoiiTH Kan Oct 18Thmo United fitntes 0JrandJur tnuisy found a true bill again Capt U L laneof fklahomn tunic Corn conspiracy to yIn late the limo sot the United SlateC IIusdlylaxsonPii- lLAEumhmA Oct 18 Wnltor C Hadloy editor of time La irene N M Gazelle was married here this ei enlng to Miss Mice C 1axson at the residence ol tIme brides father rredvnck 1axson A Croons of HU and a Bride of IN TORONTO Oct 15An aged couple were marr- ied ¬ hre to day ileorge McLaughlln tIme groom being b3 and his bride uo year of age 4 IqlQ TJIS- Ulihoji TicraR1zJL BullKau who Is In Fnirland hia aent a cable menage declining the Bishopric of Huron tauuda This Major nf Marseilles has accented mIte 1haro resl deuce as the lift of the sxEmmmprcss fcuicule to that city Th till irrantlnff women time rlifhtff suffrstfti passed tIme House of the Watmimuzton Territor Letflslature on Wedliesda lllllit by 14 In 7 f Tie Prince of Weld testerday tool Prince Albert Vic ton tula eldest sun In Trlnlt Ooller Cambridge n here time latter w III bee onie a ituuent Seventeen peasants in SI rla house hern condemned to Imprisonment for terms rauirlnn from t rn years tofoiir months fur pluiiierinif the jiropert of Jews Time plasterer nf Toronto went out on a strike on WdiieHlay and express Ihelr deiermlnatlon to remain out until Ihelr mailers accede to tIme union rule Lake Mlchlxan was sn riit all day on Wrdnesda by a lolent southeast vale The schooner Petrel ran against the pier alhlicuo gaum and was broken pieces by the hlirh sea- PiiiutDnjbuuia cashier nf the Missouri Iaclno Hall- way at M Josciih Mn conimlited suicide on Vtediies day wit it opium or inorplilno Ii 5 WItS short in his ao counts between 14551 and < ID 0 Time corner stom of tIm rhurcli which Is to be erected upon time spot In st PtteriliurK where Finptror Alesan d rll I I as as killed was IslJ eterdayb > the C tsr aud Czarina wllh Imjiciln ceremonies II was annouticol at the annual mretlnir of tin Free Hospital for Wnnirn In llntun e lerd that durlnK the f time IIeuUnnnl list erhier Yf P05i- mad icslm gitdiltOthi fdttttuib500Iu ° f iii Armfly of tiieTputuuioleeyeaierdfly re- elic1e4 This Socleiy iresihimil an o umii io Itutd- luest iv F hhmeruumaim 410 reiiiiitfl iOt Aug IS mimd Ill at lsk hi nut lmiihm yeut 4l10s ttlt imsIduiUSrtCCs at tumid Lafs ott L M entered time house of liiinaiii SSCIBUPIIIIU Marked ins Jiilei III oh ediiesdai iilitlit and ton- S farmer near iwlf until I Ilifl dl c leistd lilt hid log lmreti mrSeBkiu futut iaui Tim > Omen tleparttd icatiog- place their letlmsnrlrk 4 Jury at Clot Iamtii has in The United climes lira vfMiftlnB rashler uf the War diitrdklrllsnd Pitch Hire itut fur riiinetilemrnt and ret Ohio Second Aatlonal a ii alioiit ftOtJJl of time Cerjurr filch lost in ipeculati I al > ui luu money Itchs ball Is rtxe > nuM Print Mln It Is understood that Sir John Uaei freedom from liter of Canada proposes to siek irons leuev of the labor and retponaiblllt uy tsklnir the Prei ortho In Council retaining at the ammo litmus Ciiitre Minister dlsu Lieluaritmmeutt but rfliurjuulilutf omcs ot OT the interior Time city of Wairbrv Cohn he tlrsatumeml with serIous watir fmmnmlne tIns rsssryoi Ii anothuu Contains ouli lug feet ol Water awl lime comply third Is ten I tumcba tlutw high water mark Tb rcsatly forbade time UI of grrdsua hose and airs I sprinkler Teatadsy ibsyuijist4 h- as BURYING BURGLAR WALSH IJ TITO THOUSAND 1KliriiB OATllEn Jit- Ilia H031K IX TKKTIl STREKT Thievea from All Over > lli MnB with tki- truivd nf Iteepeclnblei Clllaeni and Kneel tog Apnrt lit ike Urine Thirty CMrrlnite A wllillonklnflr lad with long locks of yel- low ° hnlratrnRKlInt to hubs shoulders stationed ilmself In front of 3B2 Fast Tenth street yos- orday nttornoon nnd gazed Intently nt the windows behind which lay the body ot JoimPl ValiUm burglar who wits killed In Bhane- Drapora saloon just niter ho luau killed burclAt John IrvIng Time lad was Johnny Lookup who for years bait attended ovory funeral on ho cast side and has run with the carrliiuos to tIme cemeterIes 1 Long before Ills arrival n steady stream ot s men and women passed Into nnd out of Mr Walshs simple homo which In on LImo first floor of a tenement hoURO on the south side ol time street between Avenues A and 0 They climbed tim mirrow stairs and went Into the Atnall parlor whore tim holy lay A brass can dolabrum on which burnoil seven wax tapora- lluhted the room Wnislisold father antI little sIster sat near tho opun cofiln anti wept whlla hIs motlior nnd sisters sobbed uu a sofa limo mon lifted their hats as thoy entered cozed for n moment nt Walshs face and timeD wont back to Lime Htroot Among time first to colon wore Hilly VoHuuruh w ho wise drInking 4 with Walsh when time first ol the fatal shots wits llrod and Ullly limo llluo who stopped over Irvines body as ho ran from tho saloon Then ramo Hheony Mike Abo Coaklny Hod Lonry- tamnir Draper Hilly Train Johnny Simon John ¬ j ny Furroll Hilly Harry and George Allen all associates of Wash Carrlauoa arrived In great number and both stiles of time street soon becamo Impassnhlo Nearly two thousand persons hail comotoani time last nt time burplnr hlchwayman anti poll tlclan TIme crowd of people rcuchod up to Avonuo A anti half way to Avenue 13 It was rondo up mostly of vvelldressud mon many ol- vv hum hind Himaro set jaws blackd > ed mous tachos and silk hatH A carriage holding Mother Mandelbaum and another woman who wan elegantly dressed In black silk and who got out and entered the houso stopped for a moment and then passed on C Four fashionably dressid mon with Lid cloves and canes pushed their way throuKh the crowd nnd wont Into thu house They were lloston rracksmon friends of 1orlor who lint come to look nt time man 1ortnr Is accused killing Following upon I thoirbnolsv o Moslor Mat Hjnio- opmo fl fro umK ArtlimR tiiiii I jpnn limia- I multusuleiphiut ttm llituiimll tmi tuittlirilL cnmn crneksmon from Wostein rills J hem VrL4 Illsn ll hnul nf unllHiiIllia mrnth thorn Thomas Hershnl Timothy Connors 1M ward IScnnott lotmimuim tIlnimn John andJnmoa Mn it II tilt and IMnnrd Clarkbon 1 lien limo ponin was ciirrluil to the hcaraa Mrs Vt alsh seenitil to lose her mind Shin ran rapidly into time sIlent and tried to throw her- self ¬ under limit feet of a pasn car borne hog son UOOIKU throw imlum arms around lien and dragged her to time sidewalk She struck hint a violent blow Thirty carriages followed lime henrys ta Calvary Cfliimteiy flue coHIn was carried Into time mortuary chnpel and sot on the bier ID front ot tile altar raillne At thl moment an- other ¬ hunrsu arrived and n small white cofiln lioldlnc time hotly of a clhihti was set nloncslde time immirgiumrs A vhiterobel priest chanted a muss mitt sprinkled Imthconins limo St Josephs Homo foi the Aged Lime priest said nt time conclusion of tin mass la In need of funds It Is n worthy Institution Contributions may bo placed in thin box t Abo Ojakloy throw n handful ot shiver Into C limo box and others followed suit Then time burglars cofiln was carried out Into time jomo tory whoro a erave had lioon dug A cool wind Iiau sprung up imd blow steadily from tItus west Dusk had begun to croon along this sky and the sun shone from the wobt through rifts of purplish clouds A fringe ot maple trees with almost leafless branches cast skeleton shadows on the graves Time cofiln was lowered and the gravelly aofl struck Its top with n crunching sound Wnlsua relatives wept aloud as time grave was flied Then the mound was made mind on It were set- a floral anchor a pillow a broken column and j a cross worked in bittersweet wlUTilyHon Brotheranrt At Rest ti Time grave diggers moved oft and time reln tlves knelt about the grave The death mans professional friends withdrew to n distance fifty lent from time family nnd knelt with un c covered heads until the family arose 1 lie lnrjuost over Walsh antI Irving will begin 2- nt 2 oclock this afternoon at tile CoronerS J J- i office One of the witnesses will be an export i from a cartrldco factory I B p A New York Burglar Shot TOLEDO Oct 18 Richard Duy a notorlouic- hHracter vrt slat and mortally woumlftl here this nrtfrn on lille renlitinif arrest Although slIce at 10 clock to rilirtit hU ilealh IB lookM for M Any moment 4 Dftj In A tliief fitul Lurtrar of ttie woret charm ttr soul If- Htitnl 00 in a tiuinlH of i lnci P for t arlon crlunn He u About 37 t ir old amid hall from Sew lurk He watla time rnni an > nf a gang of thleei and burglars uheat- tio tlnnjiliig occurred A On Company fialveney- JmlLO Cullun of tIm Supreme Court yesleh day ifrnnted an order against the Citizen Mutual Gas LJrflitConipnn of Ixtny Island City to compel time com- pany ¬ J to Htiow c ft use w hy an Injunction rrRtrulntnff them irimiu trmiTtsacm un tlstues vimmuuui us rccts Cr 5lutltmU iua todrantMl 1nlrltk K Mtrn mule npplicallon forth order In Aiuunt Innt Imreioifrnl a JiHltrmfiit ajfalnrt the i omi aii > forft J lie lias been uuutle to culled time J juiltfiiitnt Miss Hills Penchant for Jcillls A hnndioma young wornnn who gave hoc name as Rebecca Hill stud said ohio was on her way from Knrone tn rlilcaico stopied at TaUnr s Hotel in Jersey Cltv on vrodmiula nidi hhe a > krd for adIlllonal bed clothfs and tot quills were eiit to her room In the inornlnK the 0 onnir woman and tIme iiiilts were mlttulnv They so c re all found at time hrie depot and Miss lull WM lucked un Assaulted by n Cor Driver Mrs Bridget Klllcn of CfiO1 nroadw n- Urookljn rode on tIme last tar on tIme Itergun sired Ito > eterdny innnilnir ami Os hen sIte tmd reathed time end of I the route f lue coo o Khhar l Imnoliuo time driver of fercd to etuumw hum time un > hom Site averts thai be li ok her n a 1orul > Street and abuaulltd and rubbed her Uuiiohue was arrt tod A Trailer Staten I BOSTON Oct 18hue bay mare Idlnwlld with a ri cord uf22 Jl no mist b > HIOIIIBM Klanihard ol- rrnvidence and valiu at Ifl IMJII titus stolen from box stable at lleacnn Iark list night LiV Signal Offlce Prediction Tartly cloudy weather and local rains wind montly soiitlirrlt fitllmg liarometer stationary or a slIght rue In tempi rature JOTTJNJS AJIOUT lorry The Albany day boats will make their last trip fronl this city today A concert In mitt of time ODonnell defence fend will tl- gheii In Coupon Union large halt to morrow evening Policeman Peter H Schmllt of the Jefferson Market sejuftd dlrd suddbiil ot heart dlseuso esterday morniu- xHtephenlavmnndviase > terda cnmlctM nf forgery I inthiilrUclrgree IK toss retmuaimleih tu snail sentence There leop 5 NeOIe oboe one rural vlsltoi I explained lo another on the bridge iiointing n ka suvl- ow er lu Unekumn strtt I Alfred Juliet Jr a nepliMv of Prof Theodora Glad lentklee and a grandson of exAlderman italic dlil ol leart dlseft vestcrua In his boiirdlng house at M- HUth Htentie Fifteen or twenty members of Henr Iro logs Lyceum company arried lo ihe Clt t of Itmue last night The pas > aite was made In seien CSt s nine luuuuie stated nlnutes from f aslnel- Urcnian Abraham Walton ot Knghi 20 was tried lit- he lire nniinUiiioners yestenlai on a charge of Hteat Inc furs at a hire al HU Mrrier street on April 10 1552 and wui disnilrsed from I the force TIme Unto n Teus n > iwsdrnlrr4 Anwlntlon llraucli No 7 will meet al Rsel hush 475 Iurl Street Ihla even at ng It icimi The MiKtrenth War I A s clntlun ho 3 will meet In Turtle Its hail at lbs iamma hour The nia > meeting called liy the Voung Mona Ileme- crallo t lub tn indiirsiltuv i letrlanl soilnilnlslralion and ratify the Htuto tIbet will b held In lhlikerlruf l hall tonight The candidates on hue Mate ticket mrs expected to speak Al a game of foot ball In Central Park yesterday be tiveen a I ollimbla Collee elelrn of an average weight j j- of I ITI pounds and tout elet eli from the Colleireof the Cult of New Vl rk of an average weight of 137 pound no goals v ire ma le but Columbia won In this mustier ot touctl duo Its The fJ r fril Cniinrit nf lime EvangelIcal Lulherfc- ariiiinti of North AMI trie ttugao Its ui vnih cnrivcn lion In Ht 1cttrii JitTiiinu lulicrai Cliun at Bony lvlh Uriel anl l > xiiiit m aMinie j tttrUy niornlnr Tim ensmmtuig sesmului i u IK l Iso otid t hut ft service fu memory of itt in tn annt erury of Marlin Luttur hlrUi- ComiitrolliT J lrnt has Britten lo Chrk DavId P- JutiDkvnu Itmt I In remuieslitig JiiliiKnii rtvlKhation h tntDiiilfvl titlitii ute tu tutu no uiiHortliv ur dlhonoratl- niuttvrt t luit iiuly B failure tu fiortUvdu vUllmca sod thai > lr Jotiiifuui ptcsumil chorvcrr stetlis to bt above lrirbiCi Mr Jfliumunm faiitjti oft rtCtlptct lIme ietiar Ju lir IlArrett has an tnuuIlflet l limo Injunction tiiru4 by Mr Mel anil M lo allow Uuiuv Anb rif lo i roJtic time oerft Ur arMu 1eiit at i Hit Timlin t tt1it ftuf- ltaiiturroir nlutil ciUnjr a lioiid for I IttSlJ to w iheuumtmlfy Mr Xldnull wlin sip he hM iteiU l2tJ tA- lureluariltg time tiea fur pnuuductivim In tu iastuo 0A Idoumulay- ivitlisuim f ewtck a brother of las Wllllami tho coiu dish liti tuceum mUilmr from hU root In Knurietiiti- itrret oppoiltv Tammany Hall sine Mondk moinln- fat lit ll a coiicumpfive and It 14 thought tuna > macs- iucefl taken with a lumorrnajri ivlule in astute Putt of th- My whcr hue i was nut known lie li 0 feet ft inches tery pals with black hair anil fard lie WM t I lu dark clothe and black Derby hat

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1883-10-19 [p ] · r ri l te kVi1C tit F rjeJO-IiLINO 4f1L NEW YORK FRIDAY OCTOBER 191883

l te titr ri k Vi1C





ArirwuoH IU WITH TROOPS tun-oiv Mini ius INi IUvlllS

Tar HUT th iril In hi Ihe llnnmln or Cn-nnun tIhr ICInclna nr Jieflithe Mtr

KrniliI Cr 1r41tIil linpi sln 1rocrasln-nr MllllliiI I I rlinnri i nnilI flvlc NiirlellreThe Vttnt Ii t Vu iilMtflinI lli Hiliimricr-

Xiltlrrasri tit I ei N Iliiyiiril iiitel Ivnrn-Kl1IIIIII Olt 13liVur > lixly not up

With ttlio HUH Ihlr lit 1111 I Ig bocatiiont ttho pre-


mmuent itt Its rlsini tho uront 11hlpIronflifl fiinl a lirrindsldo Of lior nunsright att tin ton Tho stroiiKtst housus trem-bled


and tin smindosl sloupors sat UI In theirbodI Just at lie moment when tho townturned over In Its bud for another wink ofeltop the other miinofvvur opened flro inulfor fllUtin minutes cannonading was kept upon tin vessols by the howitzers nt Vnfllilnu-

tonH Ilouluuuters nnd by tho cannonsnt FIsliMIl anil West Point When tills ceasednil the rlmrih bells worn rung for several min-

utes Probably nt tills tlmo there vvoro somo

1fPeople yet Intent upon flnlshlnc their rustlint It wns not to bo Out of tho ImpressiveQuiet that folowo1 llieto arose tho noise of

crowing Toototootlotoo Toototootlotoooooo Tho sound

hoarse mid thick unJ so loud that It wasabeard In every bud chntnbor Then in thosame tone came the aria of tho ballad 1ook

1 aboo rendered Ilko thisToo teloo1 ni tetoo-Toodly tuuilly toodlyI too

Tho notorious tugboat with tho groanI fug shrieking and sOllorulnlnl whistle

which hns been forbldoon harborsof several suburban cities was lying atFirst street pier with n full head of steamand a porsovcrlne man at the whistle stringTim consequence was that In tho hotelsend boarding houses tho guests woro dressedand waiting In thn dlnlcc rooms about us soonas tho maids cimodown to tho kitchens AndBO was ushered In the day of moro wonders and

Icreator crowds than woro probably over seen Intho State outsldo of Now York city

Although tho city was half hidden behindbunting on Wednesday the patriotic peoplofitter sleeping on tho matter discovered Inconlouswnysoj nddiuiI to the display Theyhunt streamers across tho streets and coveredwhat tow bnro spots thieve wore on tho nouses I

with moro banners sllol1 nnd flics Theconseiuonco was Ihll us tho brgvo sweptlong the streets the houses appeared to flut-


us though thoy weru built of bunting


Iho town was crowded before the real crowsIn tho hotels the hnllwnjs woro linedelmo

vitIi buds Lodgers woro doubled up in thoboarding houses and every Newbunth fninllyentertained friends from out of town Thosidewalks wore crowded nt 8 oclock nt whIchhour time only vibitois who had como woro Sec-retary


Chnndlor and somo Washington underofllcials who arrived In tho Tnllnpoosn andthe Continental Guard and Steamboat PoliceSQuall of New York who cnmo uu In a nightbarge Tho policemen say they did not cot winkot Sloop because time Continentals woro buckekln breeches Thnso breeches got damp inthe rhor air and began to shrink They shrank

0 much that thn soldiers could not sit downbut woro obliged to walk tho docks nightallloforo da > break they went ashore just asCnpt Qnstllns mon woro beginning to dozthecrow of the barge began to unload cargowhich was mainly of rattling tinware Thentho bnrll wllylnl almost abreast of the Ten ¬

poured out her deafen-Ing broadside it blow the policemen clean outof their bunks-

Newburch was soon completefy upset withexcitement Tbo streets were swarming andthere wore moro people on the cobblestonesthan on the sidewalks The trains kept pour-ing


in people from the farms of most of theriver counties Everybody was tlklnl push ¬

ing and being pushed all at city istho worst ono fur accommodating 1bigthat could well bo imagined Its crowonarrow nnd most of them run from the crestto tim foot a stoop bi It is said that skilledcarriage drivers their way by tacking

I from one side of a street to the otherWee sailors going against n head wind Thefcoonle of tho city wore crowdod ortho streetsand took to their windows only placesopen wore the barrooms Those nro few anddid a business thnt voulo make a flowery bar-tender


wild with en The West Shore time

HldRonler and tho Erlo roads al ran epotho north and and the

Nowburuh Uutcbcss and Connecticut roadI brought a bin body of Now Enelandors-

Tbronus came by special boats from New Yor-kKlnlstonIolghkoepsloTarrytown Penksklll

and Albany This 11uslol conlnodany body going away At thathour thin little city of 20000 inhabitantscontained at Joast llffy thousand strangers andnil tIme strangers wore In the narrow streets

I A IjniLLIANT BIECTICLEAnything moro picturesque than time scono

tho town presented when the various bodiesthat were to take rnrlln the proeesslon begunto arrive it would to conceive Inevery block taorn seemed to bo a brass blnoand Ia mass of mon marching Time gaudyof time uniforms were eon from the upper win-dows


In great squares of color each squaretrimmed on black ns Iho procession movedthrough time crowds of darkclad civilians limofro companies wero so many patches of rod

of tho troops wero squares ot bluoothernWoro purullelosruins of white others mosaicsof cadot gray or brilliant scarlet and In theease of time Knights Templars jet black

1 sprinkled with tho waving white of thocnapeau plumes Tho sunlight struck the

i shining Instruments of the bands and turnedthem Into dnrallng reflectors There worofortythree bands of music anti eight separatadrum corps besides the drum corps ot the fullbands Ono tune was certain to bo mergedinto another and the muslo became at timesmore noise and discord Time great lakeikebay was gay with color and astir with lifeThe seven Government vessels were In a lino

decked with flags Uosldo thorn was a lineal yachts similarly dressed floating In andout among the anchored vessels wore suchoblo craft as time Columbia Grand Republic

I Slary Powell Cotus and IVrsous and scores olimall steamboats

I At time Piers wore barges rearing hugo signsl anounclng Dinner Tho blOl81no boardi log houses could not begin multi-


Time Twentythird and Thirteenth lleg-ImontBt of Brooklyn and time Third Now Jersoy-

tilmnnts dined on their steamboats Thewasodln time Newburifh armory Timeti Tenth New burgh hired a over

I the Orange Luke Cluba iuurtors and hl1theirown dinner besides dining the Intnam Phn-

nx thoro Tho club house was kept open aa-

is dining hall for mllltla officers nit tiny long Afestaurnnt 100 feet wide and 50 foot longbuilt of boards In limo open air at tho WIroadway On the river bank blow Washing ¬

T tons headquarters were two big timingpavilions The Unoxcollod Fire Works Com-pany


1 which furnished day and night pyro-technics


I presented vvholeiomodlnner to othari of the citys guests gratuitously and kept

dishes filled nil day Tim hotel dining tmllswere absolutely packed all day long and thorowas no rost for time waiters In any of thin otherplaces limo prob blitoslre that a great many

eople wont aIa wi being able to getslimmer at all

Gun Fitzgerald nnd staff arrived at Flshlellybstordy afternoon whore their horses andorderlies awaited thorn having been sent upthe dsy before 1i ho General was met by theprominent citizens of time place and hundredscrowded around tho dopot to catch a glimpseof time distinguished visitor A detachmenttrom the Washington drain under commandofMout Wilson noted as orderlies At thejilt Oulllan House which was handsomely

t decorated the General was received with asiute from the artillery company and he and

Ills star wore handsomely entertained byMaekln Thence thoy proceednd to

I tha old Verplanok mansion riding throughUtouben lane time lenornl having accepted timeInvitation of Wllllaiu U Verplanck lUi oYUhkllloatheHudson to occupy duringolehratlnn tho old homoHtead celebrated as

I tha bon of Baron von Bteuban whocommanded the American rforces on time easttank of the river Thin Dlctiireaami old house

i > lthI Its eitenslvo 1111 studded with inujestl-oIoilars ba for than n hundred yearsown In Verplnnck fnmlly The ollleorBIismA Welcomed to limo old homestead1 by Mrt llllam I Yer1lanck and hU son limo occu

I a characterKU

artdb being posted for the mlllatThis mornI flg e General and his staff followed time sameiTOUt0 S5 <that tiilen by Huron Stoubm to reportto his CotnniandeinChl Jon FitzgeraldI LbP rueat of the Grand Marshal of time New

lesttlDclf I1001101 limo


ooiamand thek t TUB ARBIVit OF TiE IlEOISJEXTS

TheaOlvcrlhlnl eisa WIl ready tho Seventh


000 w police and flrlg-ktZUeraldI anti Imis stall were missing11e1 Welt oyw M flbiljUi W tJ4p Y-

IIllIll I 1

n =the steamer Cadet wont over from NPVburghto ICU vvlint wits the innltnr Col Loverlckwill BO oxcltnil that lio Ilrw Iho loop ofIiiir hawMr over tfto in village boywho atm ail with hiI mnulli vvbloI open Inthii midst of limo brilliant unlforms on tthn whorl Tho OndBl broughtovir Iho imol itt hut was too smimiti I for tho crackIn ii ii Iii rcgiinuntiir for tbo linrsesnt tthultilinillHMIrnurnlI I and his staff Col Eum humusClark eiiMid u little nniKivod Tho police liednliridyI iiiit withI t delay IIOCIUIHO ttholrhrlim In immii nt 1 I lnntbt No 0111 wm hlrlImllKiiiKirlntciidPiit iillliiyvasliicomnmiidyiifoUir Tliiirim wits bIN lloutonmit ChIlL III hums SiTKiuntsled thlitvlHI In Ohm WHIOflllloloI hlllSgram SIclVfilI I liad nn uunl numberI IInspixjtor iii riles vats Irn ont with tw ntyllvo dotiellvw Capl VlllliiiiixI I wns net to lovCluvnliind tIho ribjnel of ttlio grtimtist hharoorf nubile elm t ioi ty nnd olsrnnl Inspectorahorini wns iMiiutcil

IIIIIII nilI limy long The lnsioclor isoh ii4iuimtmlM of Nnwburgh welHound rapt i llllains nnd MnrHhnl Woycaiitiiiiiiliintiiiirof f tho town The Inspector IA abuilder by tredo IHn pointed out tn his friendsammo hUIo alt or another Sit> IIng I hull thatnnd niiotlior I built bo10lnlollo ono with tlioiumnrk There tho

IIIUt iii Whl bin frliindscame to It Hies j saw a sign houso Is onohundred mind tventyllvo years old

Time procitclnn VMIK only an hour Into whenIt trot under way on time hill When It starteddownl the Mloll to Water street whore all thehtoros mire thoro win 11 point along the tour

liii roiitii nt which Iht crowd was not simplya jjam Tho doorways time windows and thinbaloon eavumt full amid oven tho roots Imdtheir share of spoulators In gnrdnns Inthe luck streets stands hail tl erected andc-nrrlumges drawn up to nccomodato unoctntursTime New York polico Hung tlipmsolvcs unontime cruwllt tbo ferry and spattered it Ilko

tIme wind ThoNuuburgh uiirnnl-biiid they behaved while handling crowds asthough thy were used to time business Uncowas enough time crowd made Itself small andkept In onlur otter that

There arm no polico hike them In this coun ¬

try tald Admiral Cooper Our sailors neverintro nuy deliiVH or trouble when they march InNow Ylrk and that can bo said of no other citythat wo have paraded In

Tho nroOOHKi11 was a very romarknbln ono InIts and beauty Tho oldest NowYurkrs never saw any that they think excelledIt Gun hawley of Hartford said ho never sawanything like it It moved at a rapid gait buttook an hour nnd a quarter to pass tho reviewlog Htautl The soldiers antI sailors oc-cupied


nn hour ot tho time Thorowere 805U mom in line and fiftycarriage loads of guests It would take twocolumns of this typo to minnie the bodiesthat formed time Hint Iwas a mats of colorflu ml a model of graceful motol and good or ¬

der limo Seventh time Now Yorkpollen Gov Cleveland beeretary Chandler tinAdmitnl imd his splondld stall Hon ShinIertime Continentals mind tIme man who carriedIuul Jnnnsfl Hill were nlnnrtH of tllm trrnnteInterest lintel llnvnrdj Starfuul was thomilan with famous flag It borelimo vvoids Tho Ityu Ilomnio Itlehaidhero nln t much ot thA old lint

loft in It AIII Mr Stafford bocauso mmmy

father used biro It out and It got orot-plecei

toHo b id also Ithe emit lnsut of the ho-

siitliirnnd CommndoioI err > cocked hat limecity oXuwburKh took care of him nnd tho navnl 01cor11 lurnlul him Over Ito limo city In

wlnlIIIY monoy Nosuld ho but I a cup of tonHorodo In a burouoho In tho procession wmthJhi HUB lipimlni out of time door and woro thohint mInd cutlass

inn IUTAI IIALASXTno Putnam Phalanx woro time Continental

Itinlforiu antI marched with tho long strideadapted to time holonin flfo miiile of a century-ago which Is limit only music their flfurs are al1000 to I liY They form In fives Instead ot

and carry their pieces by time hutof timetock Time Third Now Jersey betterappearance than any othor regiment oxcelt the hBventh nod Twentythird

Twentythird marched almost aswell as tho Seventh The Thirteenth of llrookIlvn was very careless Ilecchor was not withIt Cnpt Dickies TonthJSeparato Company ofNowburgh In white hnlmots and white coatswith rod facings was the most gorgeous mili-tary


anti lookedorganization

better Al theS trooll marcheoArtillery which was dllmountod Whon tim-eilneliaitodaminute a company of thoThirteenth Regiment bang the Lovers Farowell so sweetly that the multitude demandedIrepetition

Dakin lost O A R had a juvenile drumand life corps that won applause Pratt PostIraggnd a disabled soldier in n wheel chairThe Poiighkeopslo Veteran Volunteers worothe only 7x uiive uniform and helped the sceniceffect greatly Time Knights Tomplar wero ledby the Hudson ItlvorCommandory which is Ilinelooking body of dignified men The sailera In their white cats and cairylng brassscoophandlodcutlasses woro a unique featureThere woro twenty tire companies In lineThe following made tho finest display The-iJuinwarti hose of Port Jervls time PeeksklllHook nnd Ladder Company Lady WashingtonHose of bakers the Webor Hose of Hondoutthe Courtlnnd Hook and Ladder Company ofPeeksklll tho Ilrnw stor Leonard and Idngeoldcompanies of Nowburgh and time Citizens ofCatskillI The Itlnggold Company has justbought Its hose carriage It cost 4 000 anti Isbelieved to bo the hlmllomoRover built It la-

n great flashing and silver plateNearly ten thousand peoplo crowded Into tbogrounds of Washingtons Headquarters after

tho parade to hear the orators auolho poetTime little old hutch farm Im-mortally


famous because Washington lived InIt and there refused a crown was packed frommorning until nlcht All around the groundswere the touts anti stalls of time people whocarried on time trades of showmen and fakirson Coney Island last summer A walk amongIbel reminded a Now Yorker of Oslrol down

flowery They were doing wellhltsliver cum was heaped upon their IrorCapita led tho Seventh Hpclmont hand tllIntricacies of the Overture to William oifiKNATOn lUYAHD SPEAKS

Mayor Ward called time nssomblngo to orderanti tho Boy Dr 8 IrunitiH Prime led inprayer Then 5UO voices led by Mr Dudleyluck sang a To upturn Tho Mayor Introduced

Senator linynrd as Chairman and ho delivered-a short address That said ho referring tothe close of the Revolutionary war wits thoseed time of American liberty aud indepen-dence


This Is tho harvest homo and it Ismoot and just thnt wo who today reap in joyand safety should remember those who sowedtho sol In danger He also said

time Influeuce of the example set by WashItnrton and his associates be overrated In elm io a tuneof unselfUh devotion and clean handed integritylIn publid er ou remember huts words tntonxreis Inhis

IIIIrfli Treildent of the United statesIt I Inl honored with a call Into time service

of niy cullr on time eve of an arduous struggletime lu which I contemplated myhlllfrlyIrtiiulred that should renounce every

pecuniar compensation From this Ilucre In no Instance departed I sad being ontuniler its lmpni inn which producedmust decline as luappllcable to mylelf any sitar In tIme

perannsl emolumentaI whlchmavbe Indispensably In-

cluded In a permanent lprovision for the ixecutlveI de-

partment and must according pray that the pecuniaryettlmate of the stationI In which I am placed mayduring my continuance In it be limited to such actualexpenditures aa time public good may bo thoughtrequire

NOW high anti clearly cut Ulnt the siyof historyrises the column of time character of tImespatriot alres crowned whim strict honesty anti cleanlinnded inlegrlt not one of whom ever grew rich In-

nmce or attempted fatten at time puhllu cost but manyof whom became poor by devotlnif themselves to the-adtaucen cut of their country

Then tho poet Wallace Bruce of Foiifrh-kecpsiu road n lone historical poem of hisown writing The lion William M Evnrts athe OrllQrf time occasion lila ndtlrOi wasrovlol Ilo ccrrcs that lonawar

was lRoncllo with Interest anti frenipntapplause to Washington he

Time Immtcrcst the reverence that we feel us we recallthese grest transactions as we stand upon the spot vvherethey wore enacted centre upon Washington Cresteverywhere and at nil rart plated upon thislnfield In these rinsing rrIIIthe Revolution was notless conspicuous nor its greatness thanmiimfrstation of his cllire these events closet rilljc si rvrr had hs thin foreVVTretired frnm Ihii nitre of action amt renown hud he ntvcr tllltl outftfmi railmi and our by the right SITS prlvaulife anti time elKhlrars of the Cliltf Maglilrac hlc-btolowllb ilirreiidrr of his mllllarv command mIS

In tin framing of ths Constitution and Inthe guidance of tin ilMon by Ihikh statesmanship and

fr 1lnlllr3101lrI all1111 had hrl wanting to t tiefull I i 100 tn his ClullJm1<In their memory as he this veryIhundred 5 ears ito ilOurlb to ill thispeople ai tlul the t tIt Moses to the ctllnu of Israelabut he dellvend of the I

If tim grat staiesuiant avid orator Mr FoX CoUld InImite llrltlill Parliament exalt the characterI if ValilnfIon as that tumid ricm man deriving honor lees fronttliespleinlnriif Ihis sttuuiim thin trout tIhedlgnllvof hismlndi bofore boom elm borrowI crratness sinks Intonslgnmrance and all time potentate Kurope becomeIlllle and1 ci uteiiipllble l If the famous eloI iiem e of-

rsklne ctuld sreaaof him as tb onlv human beingfornlmni he felt an awful I reverime If me polllltalI

Ihlloiopli off Hroniham piescrlbed itafthe tuty ot Ihe-nlsiorlanaiidsaneof suit nations lo let no occasion pastof commemoratingIlils IllustrlolisI man Iif heanertidthat until time shallI bv no more willi n test if tImeprogress which our race has male In nlidnm and virItoe It 1rrived from the veneration paid lo ths iImmortal-namenf Vvashlniitoii Iit our to stalesiutn andorators Join in this acclaim I Irnl

Ml nriturum alias nil orlnra tale fatenleslet lull countrymen with one vole ascept stud cherishthis sidrnilltl poienlon aud exalt and perixliiuli I nowsnJ forever

There were on the platform Cloy Clevelandanti his BUfT Joel T IIixadloy Secretary Cha-nter


GOY Dourne of1 Ithods Island orGovof Irnnsrlranla Itnswell P Flower

ChCuuoJ M nopew len Joseph 11 HawleyF Winslow MaJorOen Hhuler anti

IlrlvadlerQens Fitzgerald and Carr and theIrstaff Major Edson Mayors Dcerlog of 1ortland and Jlulkley of Hartford Admiral Cooperthe lon William U ItoblntoD Senator Warner

0Bejimtor tUcklo OooirrcMm B c-

MM t j 11 W

nimul Kotchnm Gen Hnraco F Porter oxJudgo-Villlani Fullniton Mayor Whlto ol 1ouisht-ocpBlo and Homer IIIM11


There worn lay llrnworfcs unit niter dm Unondirful display ftollhro biircesln the Imythe pieces tic nnd very boautlfii-

hi imiltltudiI lined tutu slior atm ii thin roofsfllico as many steamboats its hind hon thuro-

urltiK thn tiny nolunlhorrd tilt buy TheyCII1 Irl r nllhnI olllpHI ot tlm lludmu

wen 10100IIIh They did notnnd I lnIlr were IIlluminatedInl 1burned plcnul Iluhts withI

olTiit At riHhUII thorn wnin two lineInoo dlsulnjpil IIn view of nil Ncwhuruh-Uno riprosiiitid time out Dutch church fromUilclillarvoyillrchI Cooorssp rscitpodvvhii-t win n prison and time other teiirosonted thn-omplo nt NOW Windsor ami Washington point

I HIT to time Hinrtid clown liter were nlao-rmork 01 time situ tul hum TOIIIlo on the Now

bluh crowds thinned oul fast nt nlcht buttntll very Into 11111C of llfos nml IlrullHid time Itrend worm hinrd51treolH Thousands slnjed over muiiut and timeolTncts of Ia too liberal supply of lleiuor kept thocity very noisy Thn lockup wits full of pris-oners


Tim SAW Yorl pickpockets reaped n-

rouiMndoiis day lonii people reuirted time loss of monoy ali jewelry midvatihes at the station

Flue losses wr umnndous SergeantMoore and tho Now York police nod detecLives mliii nlmo literally nothing whilo theyWITO lucre Tlmy lockntll on their boat fouror flu that UioyBiildIRllclolwelo Illekloekct 110 turnedthol oor to prisoner

brought to tlio xtatlon was 1youth who weighed nbout 110 poundsand who was nrrestod by two bit New Yorkpolicemen nud charcnd with disorderly con-duct


In tr > lnu to xcalnI 1 fence to got on n-

Htonmboat Wo supposed they wore cunningtioro to protect time city and patrol time streets1butt they earno herfor a picnic and

Just tho wo would hnvo done If wowere Iolnl Romewhcra else said another

nocroits VOTING WITH A nOnTha Nw Code Mnjnrlty Not Bir Enoaik to

Fn the Fr eCun > illlittlon Amendment

Tho Now York Academy of Medicine wentInto Committee ot time Whole last nIght to con-


tire amendments to Its constitution whichhad boon submitted by Dr Fordyco Markerand tho effect of which would bo to leave thomembers of tho Academy free to consult withany lawful physician

I am time spokesman ot 1 certain number ofgentlemen who believe that limo Academy canbest maintain 1U usefulness by retaining Itspresent codo of ethics Dr Austin Flint Jrcnlil VoKlmllnnt ilUrnta thin amendmentsnm mWo simply say that tIme lIdea that thovwlll commaiul the support ot threefourths time mumhors present Is ridiculous I move that time

ccliii tim itt em rise illspoMi of tho amendmentsnnd KO on with Its nclentllle discussions

rime motion was borouded limo ChiI7rKllot saul that It ooulil not lbeuSKlj irlloosa appealed n

0 chair was sustainnct wlha ronr nen time committee voted with alothfi loan to riseIrosldiiit Ford co liarker took tho chair and

decided Unit time report of the Snciotaryot time

mmlttco ot time Vholf should bo road DrFlint Jr appealed Tho Chair was sustainedall was thou applauded

Bocrotnry Carpuntur rend limo report DrJr inood that It bo laid on time tnbloliltcalled for time yeas and nays limo Chair

loeldod to Use time of members DrFlint Jr wanted tho printed roll usednnd npmaled Tho Chair wits hiistalnod with shout

for adllslon On n countDrIlnlJrcllo1of I sustain time Chair wits 81

nnd against It 81 This Indicated that ninnywho secretly voted with the now code men didmint chooso to do so openly

Thero woro Jl votes to table the committeesreport and 121 against Then Dr A ILoomismoved that tin Academy vote on amend-ments


Dr Flint Jr moved as amendmentthat their consideration bo indefinitely post-poned


and called tar thn YOn nnd nnns ThoI

amonumonc was most no toon i > r rjuu jrsaid timsl count was doctoredI that only 117

olotnothe amendments a ballot was called for

There wero 121 votes for tho amendments andJ2 agaInst them A throofourths vote beingrequired the amendments wore lost

Time Chair expressed hU regret anti urgedthat thereafter limo Academy devote Itself toscience The majority however had somothing In Its power Dr Loomis read tho roso-utlons which Dr Austin Flint Jr causedjo passed on April IP lie aid that havingpacked that mCftnI Dr Flint used a trick tomake the reconsider time resolutionsappear Irregular We cannot have pence tillthey are rescinded sold Dr LoomIs Imove that they bo rescinded

Tho opposition said Ah freQuently andsarcastically

The motion to rescind Is contrary to parlam ntrsry usage Dr Flint saidThoy wore rescinded nil the same

Nlnte PolllloThe Ilenssolaer Second district Domocintlo-

Crtnrrntion yesterday mmmmimmmleut Inac L VunVoo tfurtime Alicinbly Vim ort claimed ttiat lift was tltcted-lllsmt year tmni ecmtmtceicl S IlcrrkVi rliiht to time scat

The Democratic JinUclal rnmvemmt sum of ttme Sixth his

trlctt llintfhiuntnn > ptcritft iiHtorsnl time noinlnan n f Ii no < no e rt OIInm

cnnilKlntP ttts UriliK If til 2The llrmocrrttlc Iron emit jolt in Monroe county eierthy mjiiilnattcl llrm It Hulelt for oiiiil > JluilK-

iTliiimas Itnliica fur Hnrroifnt A I Hut for DistrictAltnrnv And tame H HulM tar luntlce of SemCiotmq

The KcpublicHiii of time hired Ax mtily diHtrii rf-O weico fiUiity > ummirtliy iiuinlnitttil O C Llttlejohnfor nifinb ot Aonbtt

The lion Tlmntht K hlbnortti Rep of Lockpnrt wasy tfrilavI noiiiliiatfit for tienntori truth time tlilrtleth-illnrlct

CornelluH PolioniicI was veoterIay unaiitinnunly rc-nomlnateil for tliu Atseiuiiiy by time UetuocrataI or timeFirst Erie Ulitrict n

ObllnnryCol Silas Lvman a veteran of time war of

1815 ill ileitens > at hli liome III IMInnKI I N Y amtDO years lit participated in all the tmttlei on thenorthern frontier ami sne one of the tint Aholltionlita-InNow Yorkftatc and wu > the lint cutiOIIate of thatparty formemuir of Aucinblyln the inntlicru districtJefferson county

Ocii Jamrt II Meedinan diul III Toledo at 2 IP M1

yrittrrila of pneuiuonln after a jirntraftecl lllu M Hewas aKomlneril arrn > ortlcrr III rinK the rrhilllonniKl-waB proinotnl to the rank tif viajor leneral for conitjiiou-uuk bravery at mIte

IImttlLofI CMckatiiaiiira At Itin timeI

fif tmi4 death he hclil the itoitiouI of ChiefI of 1olite ofToledo He waitll years old

Ituplitcl Vllhdleu tIme UaroulaotI lorry Ilideail at the-me of utu II e naamade a Drl ut > tti Ithe turjti LKlahaIti an a loveruiiiental tauolilate for time Third touttcrliI tlonI of thrum on April S1 1HX and was rerlertfd tothe lame pocltion I in IHU ll wa nuuicil Cheftll r oftime Lorlon ot llonor out Auf H tate

A Scare on the Long Iilnnd RailroadNearly 2000 spectators of the BrIghton Beach

races were aboard this Long Iiland Ilallroad train ofiliteen cars due at time Flatbuth avenue depot shout 7oclock last night Ai tlie train reached tin cune atAtlantic and Kifth avenues a ahort Uiatance from tImedepot witty passengers arofr with the Intention ofJjumping from tIme cart at time Klflll avenue automatloKate Their ivehjhtI tilled the second car ot er 10 far thatIt canied time front wheela to jump this wllch frog Thacoupling snapped and the rnr swung crutiewise over totime other track and broitKht cars LeUlud to alu danitauJillII No Ohms WIB hurl

llualuea oubleitThe New Jersey Cloth onvortnc Company

of IW4 hutch itreet bat been placed In the handinfareceiver flarret J Aikcrman of llackeniark Xerdlhand MI er the wooUn goods mimercimant who recently-failed was time Jrcmidmmi prllllp1 atncktmruiler Time

liatititieliI are remrlei Ie tImaut fttxtoe-Th CaIltmre of hiram ox I1 to Ithtuicsshmu dealers

in fitmry giunuhs M WW st Itmiffalo was a surprise totime ursula here Ii I I to dlectlmation in cii Thisiitubiiilic are tmitiatcd Si fJlIOUo the Irltuc tichug for over IY

Fire In Ike Child IloaplliilThere was A slight fire In the Nursery anti

Chlldi Hoipltal IIn Fifl nral Street nt > r Lexington aytoo tall tuning after time cliildrcu were all IlubedThai In the rlfty nrit ttritt wing where Ore was werehattily but quietly remove 1 to the main buiulnir Theflrc Was rauitd h > time kln lllni of smote floor beania that

I were muter a flue and extended Itn the woodwork of adlnln rnom on tlio fret thor Time Ore extlugultheiiput It out and tIme nremen ha l rothing to Oo

New Jersey IolltlcsMartIn 0 Loehen ol Tort Monmoulb was

noinlimttd for time Atiembl In the Third New Jerseydistrict titcnlay br time Creenlmckera-

Ur Ieatlttof rrenli la bell nominated forHtate Henaior by Kipuhltiuni

The riimberland counts Itepulilicana hare nominatedmppec 1 Mi hull fur male heimtor amid A U fettlumcufor AIM mbl In time r Irt dlilrlcl

Iele Entraaa lId > ol GalllrPeter Emerson who was arrested In July

with rollctman Niijtent aiiUoliu Kirrtll for attemptI-

ngIng to rob bsmmk caililer In n I ilerliu Ilobokenpleaded guilty In Jersey Lily tile trialviaaiet down for Uct 3ti

Teach Brolaere libya Winter ClolltlaaII manufactured by themselves and every stitch madto wear Broadway and llouilou Slim a r and U4 it


Andcraoui Tobacco io4 ererywlitre SolM sailUtey Dur flite cmitAft

l> lJ J ji it1J 1-


Vrel Urotkcr Or rconlifor this season ao of tht latest novelties and superiorworkmanship Ls ay aud

IHouston and bib ar and 4111

Cuirad without knife powdy or ksiv No ehirgi untilacj WMILvrFdsiuusta RgtbefltThe Imperial Just Out

X new Style clotonitlnc overcoat SIB to 190 VogelBrothers roa4wlJuIiIOIaIURIUIUlIau4W-


t tir iffy Ou4 A s-

Lt J lrfJt

die v >maw It isJrdw4 tbnfer rcomiagn4 Pt plJit know Snail 1 Uf1IlI 4 I

N I J H V rIMit J f tt-


A n



Dr ITnnhlnt of Aubnrn Henlnnrr In n llnpcIlisa Mlnnrllr Ur Croelsr Accusrs tile > n-

tloniil Tunpernnce Hoclelr or 1rlntlnar LiesIn a report on tomporiuico which time 11e-

v1r Stryker road to theProsbyterlon Synod yeaturday was a clause rccommonillne limo booksoff the National Tomporanco SocIety of G8 Hondostreet for uso In tompcrnnco work

The Uov Dr H A Nelson objected to thisluuso Another minister said tlint mitch thatho pocloty printed was twaddlo The Bov Drtoward Crosby stopped to time front of tho plutform and suld

If HrothorBtrrlterwUl strike out from hisreport thnt clause shout the Temperance So-


ho will have my honrtysupport for tho romalndor of tho report Thnt society Is In thohabit of publIshing books thnt contain time mostoutrnkoous and abominable falsehoods Isponk deliberately and ndvlsodly Tho falsoHcholnrahlp by which they twist Scripturaltexts out of their proper moaning would bo adIsgrace to any publishIng society

The entire recommendation of literature wasdropped from tho report

Dr Crosby for tho Committee on Hills findOverturns advised that tho Synod should notadopt time resolution proposed by tho llov DrHopkins of Auburn Thooloclent Samlnarycongratulating tOO Roman Catholic Church ontho sontlmantH expressed In time pnstornl letterprepared hy time 1rotlnclnl Council that snt rocontly In New York Tho Commlttoo hold It tobo Improper tho uyiiou 10 nierloro with theaction of nny other rellplouH body

1rof Hopkins said that his paper had boonsent to a packed committee

Ho was Interrupted by a member on tho floorwho linked whether packed committee wasProPer Inniiiinco

iir Hopkins understands parllaraontnry-Inniiunce eniil the Chairman the Itov DrMcLootl Albany 1

Prof Hopkins looknd to tho celling for a momnnt Then ho said

I used time word packed In a figurativesense iunhwr1 It win packud to turn thebill out of HID Houho Instanter Tho proceed-ings


of time llomnn Catholic Council worn BO

recent and t o public that I dcmnod that timeUs noil was famllliir with thorn It mlcht haveboon bettor to explain thnso procoedlniis beforum I offered my paper Ill explain now

Thero vvcro nrlos on all slili of Juoitlonl-bysomonml


Goonlbyothers 1ior Hopkinswont in with iircnt Ulllluiilty Hn pulloil timeprinted iijisioriil letter from Ills Pon l Tfiitorruptoil ovoral-Irlwt

tim mliITtJi ftn swItchh thnrof Hnikl ynot1uift Oil rt Side question

i r feorcd nml rtad extractsittlm to limo snirydnpss of innrrlnco and thoiiiI1tiltomu vs off divorce nod time onoubnuss-

utempornnco nnd Hundny picnics At honmd ho intorupptodhlmaolf with expressionsof satisfaction A remarkable letter ro-nnrkitblo he said

Whj ho continued wo cant Ignorn thoitoinun Cntholle Church In Now York nud I ceo10 Impropriety in spvnklnK bout It hero Wocortiilnlr sliouUl opreHi somcthlni to oncournfo thin Uomnn Catholic pcopl on thnslKtiH of prom ess In that Church What is It-o bo dostrorol Ih V Ood or b > a rolmglotms war

that wo should bland aloof nnd look nt Itlivery one undar tnndi that it Is our hope thattho lloninn Catholic Church Is to bo liberalizednnd Irotcbtnnllred anti eventually thounhslowly como under 1rotustnnt Inlluencathrough hue ntmcmphoro prcsslnt It on nilsides not that It wilt bon Prnsbitrrlan Churchbut a Christian Church Time glory of time Itomnn Cntholli Church stands in Its dofenco ofmnrrhiRo llrothronwo may turn our backson that pastoral loiter lout wn should show thatwo tiiieluratnnd time signs of the times and areready to hold out help to bruturon strugglingto get out of time bomls of despotism

Tho Kov Dr John Hall got up and was com-pound


to tnko time PlatformWo have hoard those wIse selections from

the pastoral letter he began and the senti ¬

meets they convoy have my profound sympnhy but tho pastoral letter wns not addressedto Protestants and certainly not to thisSynod and so wo are not called on to answerIt I think Dr Hopkins would do great goodin discussing such matters newspapers andreviews Bringing hero might bo taken tomoan that Protestantism is coming to thofoot of the Roman Cathollo CouncilWill our endorscmnt holp tho senti-ments


In hunt letter Nay latherharm will ensue I think Furthermore I cnntadmit that Itomnnlsm Is entitled to tim credItof being first In denouncing divorce nnd upliolrtir tip enr tlty E f mnrrlngo Tho dead ¬

liest blows over almo1 at time sanctity of marrlnge have boon aimed by tliocrond of that sys-tem


Any ono who will look at Spain Franceanti Italy knows that tho condition of nmrrlntrothen cant compare with that III countrieswhore 1rotostantisni nan had frpo course

Tho Ituv Dr H A olson spoko on time otherMile hint limo Hylioil by n largo voto decidedthat it was Inexpedient to take action on thoPAtiOs of Prof Hopkins


Tke Orltlsh Illieml ConferenceLEEPS Oct lAAt tho Llbornl conference to

dmmv resfilntloiiH we rf atlonteel In favor of the itlHlrllmlion of time deals lu rarliament fti tinIer to ttiui secure atrue exr tlou of limo Mill of the nutloii decimtring thatany attempt tofictrc the rcprcMutation nf mtnorltl-ritiythuitctiiicitof pertillane JU in violation of theIiritmcillee of popular repnaenlathe foerntneiitj favorIn tIme nhortenltiff nf thu period of limos reiulred for Ih-

quaUncaloll of vuitere tateittling time hours lor polllOIlVoted and immnkinz cnimtltuemtcies pn3 tim of-elettomio A reeuimmtiormI imtrttiimmeed tv Sir iYilrnmI Itstilt II I Ier laIUI comuileummiminit the a < Unt Ills

itmmImiotma itt rrlllnK Itt muiiw Idtr IlradloKh ttt tube iii-sent Itiercitu unil frlllwho atiumlmtln of marimammientsryn-tmtIm was siomtuI tmnumruiimuiusiy wllh ciuctje TI comm

feretiue appointed s ilt cntcc Itt reemulutioum-sftiuitmiI to lrmutm iiiumhmer 0Ilu7a I aumd ttmeu aJommrtmcd-

A iimyctinu of LIberals vu Os Imelit in the Town Thuhere to imiglut itlr uilumm Itriiilmt n Ito lrole1eol immatie aspeech itt wimich It said timat It n1 abuolmuteiy net-stir it an firogress myas ttt me omade ott the mmmueotmim-

tof iuriiaumemmlsry reftirumi Ittat ttiI qoeatmon of immltregie dealt with iltet In ft separate bill Ttire Iis out qucet-ioum tie ntlnuoI wtmich Iis not cry rIIIOII situn tuiht mi ut Immive IIt be faced tmsmety time ollolanl confilet bts eto time hitimmas r Luirdu ftttui tIme lInus imf CnuiiI-mitmtm a eommttict fullI tf iienii to Otis of fui ofitutmi iiiatiotm It ioth The IWO itomiece uln-cll1

tue recormsod he mad eqlIy resjtommiiie to time ummutlotua-

latmts In iommcImmeiuutu Mr itrigtmt acid My politica-leareerdrawe mery near to its cisc but I chuenietu thehuplhal omy countrymen will In tim clustmmmes thuat are1Irlhm exhibit the wiaduulut and tmmoulmrstion s luichbecome atm tmmtclmigemmt pupl

Zorlllat Not to Kelnrn ta HpnlnPARIS Oct 17A derpatchto ho Trmpi from

Geneva pays Henor Hull Znrllla the Spanish lladlcaldenies tIme retort that lie intends return to Spain liedeclares that he will not relinquish the struggle until tiereceives proofs thut SpaIn desires a monarchy and nota republic evenuhoJd would not support tin presentOovrrnnientI renounce political lire as heconsiders that an honest man cannot change bis poll 11

cal convictions

Cla to jo trn Py r fPIOPIL-

OiDO Oct 18A dospntob to nouloriITI ralli tompny from lIonl Kong say time lInnfluent of ChIna Is ctivety preiar1mtgI to cbs mite port oftantoum Time troops wimtctm reumnttyI eebsrkeui at1 IuhigMum on tlus muortluerlu rrollllr ot lammqutn have beemilanded at Whatnpna

The Chinese troops which hive landed at Whanipoa-Uogueare for the purpose of blocking Canton The ports

on the Canton mver are being provisionedl

Villages Destroyed by FrtbquuakeCONSTANTTOOPIB Oct 18 Among the vii

lojcscltHfojed by the earthquake recently felt In Ilime

Ireclau Archipelago and Anatolia wry KalopsnajaKeis Uere anti Udfa Time latter nas celebrated for ItsbatheI slight shocks of earthquake are still felt on theIsland nf fhloi The British AdmUalI Hay has sent as-ilstatice to Uhesme and Chins Ills believed that only3Ui deaths were cauiect by the enrthqiiaki

I Ole nnd IIIh Tide on IO Drltlsk Coast

LoON Oct ILThIgh tides and severeKales prevail JHJbeeoaits ndnnnerous marine casual

liii are rep4rted he Severn tunumel itas agaIn beenhiondemJ by the unusual ti essels arrivitmg In lim-sMsrey from txprrln terrible-Weather on theIr Mf1 IIteruturTs s Lltmuriad IIsmmui say Itiat that cIty IIs pithy tlumouieu titiigim-ml attn iii time Shannon miser

Uecllon In Ilerlla-DEHLIX Oct lBAn election for members of

the Common Council was held here to tIsy Time antISemites were very active conveying time suppnrlersottheir ticket to and from the voting places free TheLiberals however obtained a large majority TwelveSecond ballon will leuecesiar

Member ofVecret Kaeletlee ExcludedSTHACU8I Oct 18Tho annual Conference

of the Veileeu Uliurch In America In sessionI here hasrefused to admit delegate who iIs a member of a cnlegefraternityI or of th lice Templars and has refused toreceive any member of a aecrel society


The Jnel e Can rue Strongly In III FnTor-Hctslnn IliaUlInc on Trentlnc the liirr-

AtPANY Oct tlTho lion Rufus WVcklmm this morning nddrossod tho jury forho tlufonoo In time Sessions Case Ho drwlnred-JrndloyB whole story worthy of iKillnf Wns

It likely ho said that Hosslons would comind ofTen llridloy J2000 to do whlll ho lund

ready promised others to do viz veto forPepovv Tho Idea of olTorlin 2003 for onootowns also absurd In view of the fact that

Qupovr wits short of nn election Hotel oncewn mndo to tho miiuy contrudlctloiiH in llrnd-cys testimony No honest jury said Mrocklinm would tnko a dinner from nlot on such evidence ns this TimetccUBittlon mugmminst Sessions mndo In the As-


was with n view of creating a boom InFavor of Conkllne amid Plntt Tho people wouldask If Sessions did not give this 2000whore mild It como from 7 Mr Sessions alumlutoly denied all knovtlrdKn of II and ho wasnot called upon to allow wiuuro It came fromHn was not obliged to prove n conspiracy on thopart of Bradley and oIlmen It was for the poo ¬

plo to provo vvho gave time moneyAttorneyGeneral Itussoll closed tho case for

the pooplo-Judun OslKirn charge to Iho jury wan very

severely lommllnIAt on ns being outrmtgeotmslyIn tho prisoners favor Ho pictured In livelycolori the feelings of HisslonBH wlfo anddaUKhtors mind In conclusion said If you urnnot convinced beyond a reasonable doubt ofthe guIlt of Mr Sessions It will bo your pleasalit duty I nm Rhino to pronounce n vonllct ofnot guilty anti send him homo to his familywho will undoubtedly bo mado happy anticheerful thereby

limo jury retired nt 7 oclock and returned at10 P ll to which hour thn court had taken arecess with n verdIct of Not guilty Bradleywas not in court at time time Sessions how ¬

ever with alt his counsel and mommy friends waspresent Whon the verdict was announced thoHon Hamilton Harris one of KosMonsa coun-sel


shook hands with the Judge whileSessions performed the sumo ceremonywith cnch member of the jury and afterthu adjournment of time court Insisted OPthe twelve good mon anti truo partaking ofrefreshments nt n nnlehborlne rostnuront fileoxSenator wns heartIly conciatuhitcd and hiscounsel wore lilchly olnted The jury took noballots having evidently made ut their mindsupon a verdict after tho charuo

In rofereneo to Judiio Osborns presontntlonof thus case to the jury District Attorney llnrrick said Wo were charuod out Cif courtTime AttornoyOonernl snld It was time mostrnmarkablp charco 1 over listnod to Hipicked up lute liiuid IIIIL bofotT the Juduo hadconcluded and loft tim court room and dId notroturii


IteiHibUcans Trying to Keri Slnte Fund InTkelr Favorite Hunks

HAnnifinuiio Oat 18Time law known as time

lumis act watt named by time Legislature of this Statssoil nigned by time Governor last June It requires time

Itnvtrtment of nil monoa In the sinking fund ot theMate or In United States bond so that time Intercut willaccrue to lime Smote Tie Mnlclng Fnnd Commltsioneriare this State Treasurer tho Auditor icniral nnd lime

Secretary of the Commonwealth The fleet two art Uc-iiiMlcnns and Ithe last a Ilemocrnt At tho tlrst meetng of the Hoard nftor mime udnptinn the Hume-

sait by time vote nf time two Kei ublicnns agalntttime ono Democratic member It woo uiterimi il totvado the act In effict b Investing only Jjolioo anonth In pursnnncu nf the net thus Hpriinllng out over

a i t rlod of more Ithan a yemur tIm Investmrnt of nonrtyjliiminonlilih eomnriiies time fund Hit mimumtuy Is dt-po lleil lu the nolltlcul liaiiku of time Slate The lovrrnorsitu Attornev iural have determlntd to press an litino-on thn question expecting to compel Ithe CommlisinnerHto enforce the diet Time proceeding will cause greatconsternation among the Itrpuhllcan olllciall and thefavored iaumks

We Think that tVe kftye ThonchtMonsignor Capel faced a very large concro

cation In time cathedral lost night In time courre of anaddress he saldt It Is asserted by many whose opin-ions In other matter vre value that because we areCatholics we sacrifice dn nrf or put in bondage our rea-son No charge can be tumor painful especially tn thej ovine that that their religion will deprive them offreedom of thought

Tile Catholics have two fields of knowledge thatwhich Is limited by reason and that which comes byrevelation We ar satisfied that time messenger whobring un revelation li the envoy of Uod thereforeour rrason receives It Timer IIs very little originalthought We all think that we think hut rttiiy veryfew of ua think Wo repent what the few nf us whothink have amid stroke nur eve and think that wehavt thought

vivI JrotcManthrcthrrn have reason In romiummunum withnivMf I go itt rttmr and know that hovond Ithe tlelJ ot-reaion thuie iIs a Held of revolution 1 Inertfore iusteadof a weaker reason have more power of reason thanmy Iroteiitatit neighbors The tht ologlans of time Catho-llf hurcll cun hold their own even in science againstalt colliers lIme Protestant iiovcrnmetit of Englandsends out Jesuit on rMronnmlcal exptdltiolis nnd em4u10s Jesuit to musk Important historical reseurchcs

Agreed thai Ilnrtcm 31 lilt Slat is Too lllnhTime majority report of time Hoard of SImile

Kallroad CoinniUfiioneri made ty CommtiBionir Kcrnan suit Knirerx dc larca that time rite for iritis ortingmilk on the Harlem rnvl should be reduced from 4-

eenUtoOfJcents n can soil be made uniform for all itslancet CnnunliiKloncr lohn Pnnuell makes a minorityrtport sa > Ing that 11 cents n can would btj pit ntv-

t ommli aioiier Ollonnell dueler tImid the Harlemroad reports to tIm SOt Lnglnerr and tie capitnl sto kmitmI I tinini ucrumi lit book o art utttrl unrt liable and full

5t7uSiuat3I hate teeuu Iuuprojutriy ctmnrgei tu time cuim-uutrucluoum mtttomm mt ttf time Itamieuuu rmimut sot tii ml furlItany years the rums has earimutI ot Cr mit icr CcItt ill Iiiatttoulut tiC raptiat exietuuIeut itt Its uuimmotruct iiu snlu-prtmlttimu smtI lumus net lv tlisuriumimmuutut sgmuinnt this

mtmiil irmiflie If time SmOte ilt it uttik Titles reuliueI to-2t I Cetttfl Icr tAll tIme rumul tIme louiiumieejitmer tuisistut-tutili cmiii lust itt 211 per Chmt of Its iiiseaied capitsi topay dlf loudH ullh

Frank Sherwin to be Uclcnecd Trom JailAinASY Oct 18 Sheriff Keolor said today

that he had in yet received no oflitilal nottflcatlon of time

dluonilnuancc of the suit of the Maxwell Land OrantCompany or of the vacating of tIme order of arrest intime ca eof Frank H Sherwln soul that he should re-

tain him in custody until It was received ItlsunderIstood ttmnt MM mln tins recelvid from hU attorni > s acopy of tIme uriiur of discontinuance hhernln joung-v Ife reached lucre at an earl hour this morning fromChicago she vt us In her husband company In his cellall ilav She Is about lit a trnnounred Monde und ofextrenul i rrpn iieiiilmr appearance Mr Qulnce nfNew York one of sherwln counsel arrived this after-noon nud It is nnilrstood wilt present tile order tomorrow mnrnlnr and ask for hherwlns release fromJail when he will avaln take uu lute quarters nl tlic kmmore pending trial for Alleged contempt In time 1helpacase

leclunled bjr Foyer nnd Destroyed by aIlurrlcnneQ-

UAYMAS Mexico Oct 18 Advices from Altata report that the population of that town has beendecimated by yellow fever The number of deaths furtv o weeks averaged twenty a day On time Sd met A-

tata was struck by a hurricane which klllerlseveral persons alit destroyed the greater partof the town The Inhabitants sought rrfugfi-In lIme mountains luring time storm Several untIe olrailroad track Were torn up anti a bridge was blowndown TIme depot and machine > hed > are lIme umumly buildIntrs left stand nt The prlialr louts Is istlmatrd at-fviuii The Coiltrtor of time Icrt was among titusWlleil tby Hie hurricane


Adat AtUtnsoo MardBrLArAxrrE Ind Oct 18 Xelllng the mur ¬

uberer of Ala Atkinaoii had iii lutmotograptm taken teumlay

lie refuied to talk about the murdcr It is evident tlmathue intents Ii licad Immesnity Jumeeph Atkimmsuimi uumcle ofthe mmmurulerel girl Pays be has Interim Nelilrmg for thirty0 care iut 005 hueO cc aIm 10 get atuiutsiuuteml wIth lmuun

lie his nohluitiui to asp to time omimr Insulter tulwith hsimds bhitmd his bsuk mmmiii lmesd imsngluug-ulmuwn it ares up anti mlowmu tile corridorIlmere Is un ulanger if us iviuctuimig itt Itmis cite arralmee-uttiutli iuaoiuug tueuiu rnale to call omit time tmtiiltiu on tue-eiihtrtmitiu iuf 5 imtuutt Ilut time oitjriuils fear am ustleumi ittmmmii imave remiuesteul tIme Sheriff of htemmlotu eouuumty to re-tmtse Seuuiumic to ruiglut to siummie otimer jail to imicim so iii-probaiiy tie Comic rhere ta sit exumileumt cimanc for a-

uumiumary eiecutttotm If time fcrt leaks our

The Wedding Not PostponedBALTJMOIIE Oct 18TIme report that the

marriage of Mr It A Herbert of Xuckrois AbbeyIrelau aol Mitt Rebecca Williams ot this city had beenpnMpnned Is pronounced hy >fr Herbert tn Ihe false H-eus that no na ties em Cr hern set for the oo euliinmc that

there has been no disagreement llets ecu tho parlies aa-

to the niarrlugo settlement that there has been imbueslion raised an to the legality of Mr Herberts dltor < ofrom his flret wife that the engngemelit Is unbrokenand tIme marriage will take plate at such tune as suItsflit cojj > eiilein e flf time Inlf r le i

yjto saum4> poasu la nn Opern HomeNEW HAVEN Oct i8 Whllo time National

Carrlsga BullJera AixclKKin were dining In CurlsUpert House toulght afler1 ti oclock one ot thecutains In time arue cmslmt lIre Creatinga tsluio itttmmmlor ijalt ovmue w1iirussiny ti-aittlielmco oilmen lii tie lulazud imp Suit cooltteaiiet terstlts prenerut sluuiUleI kilt 1mw thtereg usdatiger itie tuaimut sirimoS Uji S amik Iloodie amut lIttire was auttun cottuutemtialuuuI Time Ii was CaUsed by altmtth slnikimmg a iimiimt for lute cigar

Thai Hell Uute TowerWASHINGTON Oct 18 Time Lighthouse

Board hat tsen Informed that the sections of the elecIdeal tower which Is to be eracted lu Hell Oats NewVork will prc bably It shipped from Mount VernonObiu timis week

Morera LAST D4Y

A Itllle Mrptne sand n Little Whiskeyliven tn list Condrmnrd Man

Edward Hovoy tho conlemnotl raurdororwho la to bo hanged thin morning paesod alooplcss night on Wuilnoaday Ho nto vorylittle bWalfnst yesterday anti askod for mutimu

ants Ho was In time habit ot using chloraland tho want of It mado him Miry nervousDr ritch hue prlton iihyilclan gave him n

third of a main of raorphlnobut it Boomed toiuavut no effect

At 11 oclock hula wife ciw adinltlod to time

prison lImo was followed soon by lila fiithor-irothor numb sister Thoy smut with him In the

end of the corridor near his cell Tutu oxoeuHonor wont Into the prison and took a good

ook at Hovoy In order to fix the height of thenooso and to estimate time weight needed tomiHpond him Hovey was talking with hits reintRout In a UstlOHt wily Ho put lilt head in hislands aud rusted his elliow on lullt knees Ho-

VMitchod every ono who otitered thin prison nudwIts plainly under grout nervous strain

When his dinner wan brought to himI ho trlndto eat but turnod away loud vomited Ho againasked for stimulants but limo doctor thought Itliest not tn glvo them A photogrnphnr broughtIn HOIIIK phiitographs ot llovoy that hind beentaken thu previous day and ho seemed pleasedwith tliHin

At 5 oclock Hovnyft relatives worn told thatthey must go Hovoy burst outcrying illssister kissed him bin father and brother shookhands with him and his wlfo clung to himsobbing lIe kIoul his father and sobbed aa-

tbny nil passed outWhen loft alone ho wns tho picture of wrotch-

ndnoss Ills features wore pnlo gaunt antihaggard Ho gavo ovory sign of breakingdown but kept repenting that ho would bearup anti would not hnvii to bo carried put

Ho did not touch his supper Ills counselMr Klntzlnir nnd limo Uov Mr lullbort visitedhim In the evening He then Hiemod moro TO

signed and exhibited moro penitence for hiscrime than hu had shown at any previous tIme

Dr Htch saw him nt P oclock and directedthat whiskey given to him as nn appotlzjrA glass twothirds full of whiskey wits broughtand Hovoy drank It off greedily Hn ate anegg afterward IIIaBolfpossoHslon Incroasocas tho night wore on Ho said that lme couknot sloop anti wished to sit up nnd talk untldaylight Time hanging will take placo aboutS oclomk

At midnight Hover was alternately prayingand convornlng with time Itov Ur Oul bortSheriff Davidson visited tIme prison Hoveltalked to him calmly saving bo would walkliarlesslyto time scaffold Ho asked for someraw emyntors after limo Sheriff left and WardenFinn gao them to him Ho uto them with opparent relish

Wise Young Keutnn llosarr Mil

j HOT ucu I1LultK SUN on Hummy mat publitlird an account of the wMcrloiii death of Kentonltu r eriif New Ortcain whone hfadlem tioly WM foundon time 11 ml so ti Rio er Railroad near thu city It was ad-

ccrtalncd today that Hofmr boarded a licit line train In

Albany fur Tray n tithe more thnu nu hour before liUbout > was found He WM intoxicated niid hvl largeroll of hIlts In his iiouesM which he exhibited lu thePinoklntf car ociuere lie formed tIme Acqualntnucfof twoitiftnecr The Itrulii utojpid ttt tIme Iron work lIst touta liort dlstftticc fruit 0 lu re tlio tody w in found Tiuur-oen no ummotmey In JtOr cr Iocktt and the hush luitu Inwhich the corj fo wen found tel ruilrond intii tudiclirothat Itupfttr wtxnleiiil or nutontihle nhi n plucc on Ithatrack A letter foil ml near hy Uliilofled mOat time utt uuii uuiaiiwa H non of tloint ii KoHxer ovtio jiKlninst from thetone nf time letter end the InntcuHite In which It ovum

com hod in evhletittj a well to do suet cducntcfl mnn-pKenton Itftctnii 0t an a wild > outh amid hnd betn uril-

cled lo the Captain ft time merchant ship Melim rl CoIlhenry Irooe In tue hope that he would rtfirni Iholetter hugs tutu tti be a tnnu ainon moil and exprropetile litilei that vvlilU he has fretluteuttly niadi huts fnthcraheartache he would RO coudttct hlm elf that his fatherwould bo able lu niche him with open arms

lnprofllnble Hotly SnnlcklucSYRACUSE Oct 18Last April tho body of

bdwlnR Hnrinon who had been R wealthy resident ofCamlllus was stolen a few da s after time burial It wasfound in this mellcal college on the following day TheGrand Jury Indicted Dr V Slocum and Ilalph WalVlusof Camtiimms nod Henry F Thomsen of this city Theywere arrested and lucid to halL Thomsen whose fatherU a clergv man was recently surrendered by tile bonds-men and is now In the penitentiary Carl llcnckell astudent In the medical college at time lime of tIme rub-bery was Indicted more recently ant has been arrestedIn Chicago lie has iuiade s statement Implicating 81ocum VVntklns anti Thomsen but denying that he boreany part In time crime though he admitted that he re-ceived


the rope with which Harmons body was hauledout of the grave The persona implicated are youngincn of previous rood standIng

Annual Shoot of the HnrSlnte MlllllaBOSTON Oct 18 Throo hundred and seven

Iyiive militia men participated in the annual shoot ofthe Massachusetts mllltla at South Framlnghani todayThe day was perfect for shooting and good scores weremade Ilent H T Rockwell w ho nnn the Wimbledoncup nt Treedmoor recenllv took first price in tIe nOtcers matoh a gold medal wllh a score of 41 Omit of CIIAnd private M W Hulli late of the International teamwon tle itrst urine In the match for eiuiiuttcui mrn agolilmedal with 43 out of A possible 4V Lompan O Kicond-Iciifiinelit won the 1rutldi nee Tool tonii ans elegantfiVlcilp tired price In time team shoot Iy one point overCompanv I first lltirlmcnt suil also won thu teammedals with list out of a possible J> l Bull was ainemher of time winning team

Archbishop 1urcella CreditorCINCINNATI Oct 18 About 200 creditors of

ArchbUhop iurcell met tonight and passed resolutionscondemning tOP decision of time Dutrlct Court as Illrgaland charging tIme court with helmr under the Influenceof tIme rliruio and actunted by political considerationsTho rcsulutlous wire very bitter A committee of fleew as tippointed to ruiitieHt the avslKiee to appeal Ithe case-In time supreme Court The resolutions aUr deiiounridthe action nf the IHntrlc Court an re e oicnlzing alum lawan on a par with stuttitnr ami the common maw In gum

rnlng monetar obllgatluns

The ITnlirnx Ilyiiumltera ArraignedHALIFAX Oct 18The dynamiters were nr-

ralifncd to tisy on tlm charge of having uitedly ciplosine concfaled in their nnsusion w llh malicious IntentThey pleaded not utility and were remanded until Monda for examination IHolmes eald he so its born In MJoseph Vlo and tirucken raid he was Ilorti In New 5trkI Imey refused to answer questions and are very reticent

The Infant Asylum Knolna the Health HoardMOUNT VERNON Oct 18Time managers of

the New York Infant Asum have served upon thu-

Roard of IHealth of Fnst Chester an Injunrtlnn lisuid byJudge llonohoe of the hilpreme Cmm forbidding IItoHoard to Inti rfere in any manner v Ith time afTulrs of Illuibranch asylum near Mount Vernou until further orders

Oklahoma Payne IndictedIEAVENwoiiTH Kan Oct 18Thmo United

fitntes 0JrandJur tnuisy found a true bill again CaptU L laneof fklahomn tunic Corn conspiracy to yInlate the limo sot the United SlateC

IIusdlylaxsonPii-lLAEumhmA Oct 18 Wnltor C Hadloy

editor of time La irene N M Gazelle was married herethis ei enlng to Miss Mice C 1axson at the residence oltIme brides father rredvnck 1axson

A Croons of HU and a Bride of INTORONTO Oct 15An aged couple were marr-


hre to day ileorge McLaughlln tIme groom beingb3 and his bride uo year of age

4 IqlQ TJIS-



BullKau who Is In Fnirland hia aent a cablemenage declining the Bishopric of Huron tauuda

This Major nf Marseilles has accented mIte 1haro resldeuce as the lift of the sxEmmmprcss fcuicule to that city

Th till irrantlnff women time rlifhtff suffrstfti passedtIme House of the Watmimuzton Territor Letflslature onWedliesda lllllit by 14 In 7

f Tie Prince of Weld testerday tool Prince Albert Victon tula eldest sun In Trlnlt Ooller Cambridge n heretime latter w III bee onie a ituuent

Seventeen peasants in SI rla house hern condemned toImprisonment for terms rauirlnn from t rn years tofoiirmonths fur pluiiierinif the jiropert of Jews

Time plasterer nf Toronto went out on a strike onWdiieHlay and express Ihelr deiermlnatlon to remainout until Ihelr mailers accede to tIme union rule

Lake Mlchlxan was sn riit all day on Wrdnesda by alolent southeast vale The schooner Petrel ran againstthe pier alhlicuo gaum and was broken pieces by thehlirh sea-

PiiiutDnjbuuia cashier nf the Missouri Iaclno Hall-way at M Josciih Mn conimlited suicide on Vtediiesday wit it opium or inorplilno Ii 5 WItS short in his aocounts between 14551 and <ID 0

Time corner stom of tIm rhurcli which Is to be erectedupon time spot In st PtteriliurK where Finptror Alesand rllI I as as killed was IslJ eterdayb > the C tsr audCzarina wllh Imjiciln ceremonies

II was annouticol at the annual mretlnir of tin FreeHospital for Wnnirn In llntun e lerd that durlnK the

f time IIeuUnnnl list erhierYf P05i-

madicslmgitdiltOthi fdttttuib500Iu

° f iii Armfly of tiieTputuuioleeyeaierdfly re-

elic1e4This Socleiy iresihimil an o umii io Itutd-

luestiv F hhmeruumaim410reiiiiitfl iOt Aug IS mimd Ill at lsk hi nut


4l10s ttlt imsIduiUSrtCCs at tumid Lafs ottL M entered time house of liiinaiii SSCIBUPIIIIU

Marked ins Jiilei III oh ediiesdai iilitlit and ton-S farmer near iwlf until IIlifl dl c leistd lilt hid loglmreti mrSeBkiu futut

iauiTim > Omen tleparttd icatiog-

placetheir letlmsnrlrk 4 Jury at Clot Iamtii has in

The United climes lira vfMiftlnB rashler uf the Wardiitrdklrllsnd Pitch Hire itut fur riiinetilemrnt andret Ohio Second Aatlonal a ii alioiit ftOtJJl of time

Cerjurr filch lost in ipeculati I al > ui luumoney Itchs ball Is rtxe > nuM Print Mln

It Is understood that Sir John Uaei freedom fromliter of Canada proposes to siek irons leuev of thelabor and retponaiblllt uy tsklnir the Prei ortho InCouncil retaining at the ammo litmus Ciiitre Ministerdlsu Lieluaritmmeutt but rfliurjuulilutf omcs otOT the interior

Time city of Wairbrv Cohn he tlrsatumeml withserIous watir fmmnmlne tIns rsssryoi Ii anothuuContains ouli lug feet ol Water awl limecomply

third Is ten Itumcba tlutw high water mark Tbrcsatly forbade time UI of grrdsua hose and airsI

sprinkler Teatadsy ibsyuijist4 h-




Thievea from All Over > lli MnB with tki-truivd nf Iteepeclnblei Clllaeni and Kneeltog Apnrt lit ike Urine Thirty CMrrlnite

A wllillonklnflr lad with long locks of yel-



hnlratrnRKlInt to hubs shoulders stationedilmself In front of 3B2 Fast Tenth street yos-

orday nttornoon nnd gazed Intently nt thewindows behind which lay the body ot JoimPl

ValiUm burglar who wits killed In Bhane-Drapora saloon just niter ho luau killed burclAtJohn IrvIng Time lad was Johnny Lookupwho for years bait attended ovory funeral onho cast side and has run with the carrliiuos totIme cemeterIes 1

Long before Ills arrival n steady stream ot s

men and women passed Into nnd out of MrWalshs simple homo which In on LImo firstfloor of a tenement hoURO on the south side oltime street between Avenues A and 0 Theyclimbed tim mirrow stairs and went Into theAtnall parlor whore tim holy lay A brass candolabrum on which burnoil seven wax tapora-lluhted the room Wnislisold father antI littlesIster sat near tho opun cofiln anti wept whllahIs motlior nnd sisters sobbed uu a sofa

limo mon lifted their hats as thoy enteredcozed for n moment nt Walshs face and timeDwont back to Lime Htroot Among time first tocolon wore Hilly VoHuuruh w ho wise drInking 4

with Walsh when time first ol the fatal shotswits llrod and Ullly limo llluo who stopped overIrvines body as ho ran from tho saloon Thenramo Hheony Mike Abo Coaklny Hod Lonry-tamnir Draper Hilly Train Johnny Simon John ¬ jny Furroll Hilly Harry and George Allen allassociates of Wash

Carrlauoa arrived In great number and bothstiles of time street soon becamo ImpassnhloNearly two thousand persons hail comotoanitime last nt time burplnr hlchwayman anti polltlclan TIme crowd of people rcuchod up toAvonuo A anti half way to Avenue 13 It wasrondo up mostly of vvelldressud mon many ol-vv hum hind Himaro set jaws blackd > ed moustachos and silk hatH

A carriage holding Mother Mandelbaum andanother woman who wan elegantly dressed Inblack silk and who got out and entered thehouso stopped for a moment and thenpassed on

C Four fashionably dressid mon with Lidcloves and canes pushed their way throuKh thecrowd nnd wont Into thu house They werelloston rracksmon friends of 1orlor who lintcome to look nt time man 1ortnr Is accusedkilling Following upon Ithoirbnolsv oMoslor Mat Hjnio-opmo

flfro umK ArtlimR tiiiii I


I multusuleiphiut ttm llituiimll tmi tuittlirilLcnmn crneksmon from Wostein rills

J hem VrL4 Illsn ll hnul nf unllHiiIllia mrnththorn Thomas Hershnl Timothy Connors 1Mward IScnnott lotmimuim tIlnimn John andJnmoaMn it II tilt and IMnnrd Clarkbon

1 lien limo ponin was ciirrluil to the hcaraaMrs Vt alsh seenitil to lose her mind Shin ranrapidly into time sIlent and tried to throw her-self


under limit feet of a pasn car borne hogson UOOIKU throw imlum arms around lien anddragged her to time sidewalk She struck hint aviolent blow

Thirty carriages followed lime henrys taCalvary Cfliimteiy flue coHIn was carried Intotime mortuary chnpel and sot on the bier IDfront ot tile altar raillne At thl moment an-other


hunrsu arrived and n small white cofilnlioldlnc time hotly of a clhihti was set nloncsldetime immirgiumrs A vhiterobel priest chanted amuss mitt sprinkled Imthconins

limo St Josephs Homo foi the Aged Lime

priest said nt time conclusion of tin mass laIn need of funds It Is n worthy InstitutionContributions may bo placed in thin box t

Abo Ojakloy throw n handful ot shiver Into C

limo box and others followed suit Then timeburglars cofiln was carried out Into time jomotory whoro a erave had lioon dug A cool windIiau sprung up imd blow steadily from tItuswest Dusk had begun to croon along this skyand the sun shone from the wobt through riftsof purplish clouds A fringe ot maple treeswith almost leafless branches cast skeletonshadows on the graves

Time cofiln was lowered and the gravelly aoflstruck Its top with n crunching sound Wnlsuarelatives wept aloud as time grave was fliedThen the mound was made mind on It were set-a floral anchor a pillow a broken column and ja cross worked in bittersweet wlUTilyHon

Brotheranrt At Rest tiTime grave diggers moved oft and time relntlves knelt about the grave The death mansprofessional friends withdrew to n distancefifty lent from time family nnd knelt with un ccovered heads until the family arose 1

lie lnrjuost over Walsh antI Irving will begin 2-

nt 2 oclock this afternoon at tile CoronerS J J-i

office One of the witnesses will be an export ifrom a cartrldco factory I B

pA New York Burglar Shot

TOLEDO Oct 18 Richard Duy a notorlouic-hHracter vrt slat and mortally woumlftl here thisnrtfrn on lille renlitinif arrest Although slIce at 10

clock to rilirtit hU ilealh IB lookM for M Any moment 4Dftj In A tliief fitul Lurtrar of ttie woret charm ttr soul If-

Htitnl00 in a tiuinlH of i lnci P for t arlon crlunn He uAbout 37 t ir old amid hall from Sew lurk He watlatime rnni an > nf a gang of thleei and burglars uheat-tio tlnnjiliig occurred

A On Company fialveney-JmlLO Cullun of tIm Supreme Court yesleh

day ifrnnted an order against the Citizen Mutual GasLJrflitConipnn of Ixtny Island City to compel time com-pany

¬ Jto Htiow c ft use w hy an Injunction rrRtrulntnff them

irimiu trmiTtsacm un tlstues vimmuuui us rccts Cr 5lutltmU iuatodrantMl 1nlrltk K Mtrn mule npplicallon forthorder In Aiuunt Innt Imreioifrnl a JiHltrmfiit ajfalnrtthe i omi aii > forft J lie lias been uuutle to culledtime Jjuiltfiiitnt

Miss Hills Penchant for JcilllsA hnndioma young wornnn who gave hoc

name as Rebecca Hill stud said ohio was on her way fromKnrone tn rlilcaico stopied at TaUnr s Hotel in JerseyCltv on vrodmiula nidi hhe a > krd for adIlllonal bedclothfs and tot quills were eiit to her room In theinornlnK the 0 onnir woman and tIme iiiilts were mlttulnvThey so c re all found at time hrie depot and Miss lull WMlucked un

Assaulted by n Cor DriverMrs Bridget Klllcn of CfiO1 nroadw n-

Urookljn rode on tIme last tar on tIme Itergun sired Ito> eterdny innnilnir ami Os hen sIte tmd reathed time endof Ithe route f lue coo o Khhar l Imnoliuo time driver offercd to etuumw hum time un > hom Site averts thai beli ok her n a 1orul > Street and abuaulltd and rubbed herUuiiohue was arrt tod

A Trailer Staten IBOSTON Oct 18hue bay mare Idlnwlld witha ri cord uf22 Jl no mist b > HIOIIIBM Klanihard ol-rrnvidence and valiu at Ifl IMJII titus stolen from boxstable at lleacnn Iark list night LiV

Signal Offlce PredictionTartly cloudy weather and local rains wind

montly soiitlirrlt fitllmg liarometer stationary or aslIght rue In tempi rature

JOTTJNJS AJIOUT lorryThe Albany day boats will make their last trip fronl

this city todayA concert In mitt of time ODonnell defence fend will tl-

gheii In Coupon Union large halt to morrow eveningPoliceman Peter H Schmllt of the Jefferson Market

sejuftd dlrd suddbiil ot heart dlseuso esterday morniu-xHtephenlavmnndviase > terda cnmlctM nf forgery

IinthiilrUclrgree IK toss retmuaimleih tu snail sentence

There leop5 NeOIe oboe one rural vlsltoi I

explained lo another on the bridge iiointing n ka suvl-ow er lu Unekumn strtt I

Alfred Juliet Jr a nepliMv of Prof Theodora Gladlentklee and a grandson of exAlderman italic dlil olleart dlseft vestcrua In his boiirdlng house at M-HUth Htentie

Fifteen or twenty members of Henr Iro logs Lyceumcompany arried lo ihe Clt t of Itmue last night Thepas > aite was made In seien CSt s nine luuuuie statednlnutes from f aslnel-

Urcnian Abraham Walton ot Knghi 20 was tried lit-he lire nniinUiiioners yestenlai on a charge of Hteat

Inc furs at a hire al HU Mrrier street on April 10 1552and wui disnilrsed from Ithe force

TIme Unto n Teus n > iwsdrnlrr4 Anwlntlon llraucli No7 will meet al Rsel hush 475 Iurl Street Ihla even

atng It icimi The MiKtrenth WarI A s clntlun ho3 will meet In Turtle Its hail at lbs iamma hour

The nia > meeting called liy the Voung Mona Ileme-crallo t lub tn indiirsiltuv i letrlanl soilnilnlslralionand ratify the Htuto tIbet will b held In lhlikerlruf lhall tonight The candidates on hue Mate ticket mrsexpected to speak

Al a game of foot ball In Central Park yesterday betiveen a Iollimbla Collee elelrn of an average weight jj-of IITI pounds and tout elet eli from the Colleireof theCult of New Vl rk of an average weight of 137 poundno goals v ire ma le but Columbia won In this mustier ottouctl duo Its

The fJ r fril Cniinrit nf lime EvangelIcal Lulherfc-ariiiinti of North AMI trie ttugao Its ui vnih cnrivcnlion In Ht 1cttrii JitTiiinu lulicrai Cliun at Bonylvlh Uriel anl l> xiiiit m aMinie j tttrUy niornlnrTim ensmmtuig sesmuluii u IK lIso otid thut ft service fu memoryof itt in tn annt erury of Marlin Luttur hlrUi-


lrnt has Britten lo Chrk DavId P-

JutiDkvnu Itmt IIn remuieslitig JiiliiKnii rtvlKhation htntDiiilfvl titlitii ute tu tutu no uiiHortliv ur dlhonoratl-niuttvrt tluit iiuly B failure tu fiortUvdu vUllmca sodthai > lr Jotiiifuui ptcsumil chorvcrr stetlis to bt abovelrirbiCi Mr Jfliumunm faiitjti oft rtCtlptct lIme ietiar

Ju lir IlArrett has an tnuuIlfletl limo Injunction tiiru4by Mr Mel anil M lo allow Uuiuv Anb rif lo i roJtictime oerft Ur arMu 1eiit at iHit Timlin t tt1it ftuf-ltaiiturroir nlutil ciUnjr a lioiid for I IttSlJ to wiheuumtmlfy Mr Xldnull wlin sip he hM iteiU l2tJ tA-

lureluariltg time tiea fur pnuuductivim In tu iastuo 0AIdoumulay-

ivitlisuim f ewtck a brother of las Wllllami tho coiudish liti tuceum mUilmr from hU root In Knurietiiti-itrret oppoiltv Tammany Hall sine Mondk moinln-fat lit ll a coiicumpfive and It 14 thought tuna > macs-

iucefl taken with a lumorrnajri ivlule in astute Putt of th-My whcr huei was nut known lie li 0 feet ft inches

tery pals with black hair anil fard lie WMt I lu dark clothe and black Derby hat