the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1902-08-24 [p...

r i SECOND SECTION SECOND SECTION NEV YORK SUNDAY AUGUST 24 1902 on i Sun Minna IMiiUno AnotWinn t The and k ij 1t11 u s n rMfii I voiit i MIts ioii LOST llnll ei Urril Miiny lhr Lost In SenreliLesmtl of till lottI- liilchtnan Hoard and Some Oilier siot FALLS S U tug 3Tho re j eiy of thw famous 101 Iabiu n i tijM ago utter a Murcli la ting over f n century linn recalled to niri id miners In tho West tho ninny instunciH of loBt tnliief come of hiivp never IXHJII ledipcovcrcd o en gulden treasure Mill remains friiii man Tim history of the West s itliwctt Is full of HtorlvH of tho tlU- nf nth mitict which from otiw i aiiitlier were lost afterward In a fe iiurs the mines havo been redis- ov by men who wero able to work iu ni uiid who Ucaiiio inillioiialreM uo the riMin heir fortunate dUcoveries Tin I tubln iiilno i on Otto Creek lti llurn Mountains of Wyoming i IK i tnt a great Eitnmpcdu to the bcene- iiii iifguu and tint the wealth of the mine it inIIP fabulous than wan over Imagined by any nf the hundred of fortune wl i r nearly three decade hind searched in i am tho golden crevice in till per ieriliiil r clifl old vet v tii paid tliey had been with the Indian war party which tnusKicred the whltoH diecovered the mine It i uuoui t milcH from 1oit Wa ha- kif In IS71 five men H I out trout fort r pr njiiit A few weeks later niie of the miinTH with a tow siiiull iiuggetH in li pocket waudtred back to the tort hm mind All he could murmur HS plenty of gold in Cabin were MHI out at once hut no tuen wiw found of the mino or the mini- ng men Thu theory accepted hut they killed Indian coiwtuntls rattled through out lie region about that period In IbN K rodu iuio Wosha- km aini announced that ho had found the IAWI cabin mine accidtin AB orn Ulievt that tho mine wa fabuloiiily- rirti a crowd of eager miners were M m- reaily to Mart with tho dlhcoverer They foiiiul a decaying log cabin with four MtlMuns or near it and II tunnel Mink m hillside TIll ore found in tunnel was black and heavy After a excitement died out and th mine was deserted tIll discoverers fully believing that tIp original lxnt Cabin mine where were found in- IS74 was In borne other Sluice that time the search for it IIIM continued till at taut It ha boon found Somewhere in the wilds of northeastern Itah protected from the general knowledge- of inon the fact that within the confines of tho Iintah Indian Itcuorva ion Is another wonderful gold mine Per- haps it might better bo termed a deposit- or a Mrle of deports for it has never mliKHl to and the entlro roglon I believed to be a treuouio For the existence of this was known to the Indians Thu Uintah and Whlto Hlver driven from their old home In Colorado this vast territory which tonI been aside for them In picked a little knowledge of minerals from their oonliiet with whitu man learned of tho value of gold and when OUt a brave brought In from a hunting trip a fow of beautiful quartz tiny globulin and wires of out on all sides the Indians promptly termed tho specimen money Is the name which tho gold hwltig tins known among the Indians ever since have been mode to Induce the Indians 10 rxveal the locution of the mImic but to this day they have declined to tell their secret n a whitA man and treasure of tho mine remains hidden There Is an interesting connected the famous Lost Dutchman mine of Arizona futile efforts to find which have hen made front limo to time This mino wa the south side of Salt Hirer nivir Weaver Neodlo A German about ihirtyflvo years ago met a Mexican who had Wirkea the mine in tho old days when Arizona was a of Sonora opera in were Interrupted by attacks mad on him and ho abmii- loncd the enterprise taking h mi with him rich ore Tiio Mexican was a man of moans Not an g to undergo the risk of a necond at- tempt ho gave tho mino to his German frierd and with II of tho country mid a fully detailed description of property old German went to Tucson he enlHttnl aid of a fellow countryman in MMirhlnic for the lost mute Following th ir written directions in- fludinK thn rail designated on tho Tin KH them across tho mountains down a l nn ridge past Weavers Xocdlo Into u ijirtmi tlinco a side canon where ttiii mine wns situated Tim undergrowth was so louisa that they ri mealed from vow until had ei ied heir dettiimiion As they drew nar hey heard sounds which wvmeil to that tho minn was still ImltiR- fnrkul and approaching cautiously they 1 nfeii took to lie Indians Without Mopping to Investigate then fi rmans and killed ull three A riow r examination showed that they tart too haitlly anti list killed former mptVooH of their Mexican friend who ttf endeavoring to work thn mine for li nwlve Kearlng the of tie he Oermans hastily gathered tin ore taken out and A of Apaches attracted to the H by the a furious attack tm and In tho desperate running light followed the men separated n turning off through the tho Pints villages and the other nuking IIH way to tho settlement that MAkinc become tho city of Phrunlx Itach the other to liavo been killed It Is not known that they ever mot narrow e Living with tho Pimn nt that time was John Walker Ono of the fugitives into his exhausted and In pltf of all efforts to resuscitate Ill died Before Ida death ho gust lcr In rurtlnns how to reach th mlnn id turned over to him the ore hn lund away Trw written description of the Prnr ity hind been carried off the other frinan who haul reached the settlement on th unrili cldp of tho SaP Hlver living n hinv nt that tlrno to investigate the Walker allowed then matter to rest for rrfti years It was not until 181- Iln ho macla It public Ho ha npr time to supposed loon Inn of the Olin himself wax fuily- unlivl in looking after the affairs of th Vkol In ixr i found that the second fugl- ivi 1ml iv n living In Mesa Ariz and that inaile occasional excursion Into thn itmrttition Mountains bringing buck wit- hn gout nugget Two Inter lien IIH wa tit i of death ho mado to th neoret hut died lnforti K could tell tho lie the nnm Weaver by which nrihablv Intended to convoy that old Weaver tho hermit of tho Jilon kiiW tho of the Dutchman mine limit If Weaver h dleii with th secret untold Few tiurcd to visit the old reeiiN who hnin of thi country lived in a vn the opening of wa fectootetl hi hu tr- n or illsniipointed In love ll Si iliK- l i Mv years in u lonoh CuVii In tl- uII GOLD THAT THE DESERTS HIDE 7111 UI 1 1111111 tn aId In IIrn rill II 1 mill a II hid I and r l PI lId r I hlI L Inn 1 tultuM lllrulI wa I Ii uer the lolll 111 I wh to n onl tie b been n the the II 01 1111 irullra 1 rash ri its nllt par that lpJ 1i arid after aPE II lIlklrlI rOIJ hl all Iafll n p hi- p oC hraI I I II iiI St itIiCd flu i I I I fl I s yo 0 S f h I in lit eI b f I lit Lot F i him I t hue iy sur- rounding set t lie with lie mna s tim acted v fl ruul him 5tnrs mum was arg t I i r irut utah mis secret lit < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > + > > > ° mruntnliiM caring for milt lirx lH for lie elf many nn Apache who en iloavorwl i the hIs cave until HIP tiiTltlfd Indiana avoided him Import unit lea of friend to Induce him In rot urn In the xvnild ure us nun railing fm ti from him Hi loon lion of mIte tfiid M with which lo tin dnuhtedly win fninlllar Iterated efiottH- hnvo Iwcti made it he died in find tin Iixt Dutchman mine mid a tiumlxr of hIves have Invn sacrificed One clny In rummer of IS77 an nR d lx cr found u of rich gold Hunt In a cnilon In the northern r rt of the Hlnrk lulls The ieo of rock was assayed IV Henry Ijcppln mul Frank Bryant It lit not VP I more tItan onefourth of a pound nnd ylnlcl cl fully six graliM of free Kolil The two assayers WITH mutli excited nnd wnntod to the old li rm lcki r ul once but ho wax not to l found that day Tim m xt tnornliiK at the H- HMyer wero up on thn lookout for u party which said to lie going out with I ho old man who hud found ere but they wero too liito the hud already ou The day was This hunted nil not find the place In fist the old man Iwntno o l that lu would have him If lund the tImers not kept the bearings In the even- ing the party returned ufler ridIng thirty inllo over the tiled and much The old man taken Kick and remained KO for seine time When ho recovered ho departed for former hoinu In the Kist two yearn looking for iho tilt mine but without fctirwiw Others hnve taken foarch nt Intervals but the location of the ruins to this duty remain one of the unsolved mystori of tho HUM With Mllll Guy n Illiiok II11U- cle porndo who was hanged at Helena Mon list sear for murder diecl the secret of a rich gold mine In the cpriiiR of 1870 an old much went to Gays horn in lie Hlaek lllllx ajid In the course of hun visit other that ho wan In region for the of lucatliiR n rich I In exhibited u rough diagram or wild that it WHM route travelled in ISOA by Went Salccr who commanded the of which formed one of tho dIvisions of tho great Powder River Indian expedition Dunkley was the old mnnH name His story was that while Wnlkern com- mand was forcing Its through the coutitrv the camped one on a mall on I of the Powder Itiver Two civilians nero with the com- mand amid just n tho were Into they killed a Inar which rushed out of n thicket It was then about the let of October On the following morning the command Nt out trnvli only a tulle or two when it wi attacked Indians In largo force the troops were forced to retreat to the where they again went Into Here ho two civilian saw indication of gold and after out n of tho wro astonished to find a largo quantity of the metal in tho nt onco reported the discovery to Lieut Walker By time were on half rations and liad no forage for their horses prairie rrwin which was scarce enough The was cold nr i Tho nien wer much lLKatUflHtl and talked- of deserting For this reason cautioned two civilians to keep tho discovery quiet and not pan out nny more ho argued the was there In such quanti- ties It would be a good excuse for them to desert anti that would certainly result in disaster to tho entire Afier tho party huh returned to Fort as went tho two civilians proceeded to trader for 1750 tiny spent several years to dis- cover two civilians hind Intended to in the search n soon as Wit wifo HO but one of them died in 1R72 and tho other wa killed in n drunken brawl at Abilene Ken in 1S73 It wa perhaps tho irony of fate that Oar a before getting trouble which resulted In his was nub to peouro information which would have enabled him to have found the lost mliw without This Information wns contained In tho record of the icler Hirer campaign as nn olllcer of high command who was Informed of of the civIlians erich made a memorandum of tho exact location of the ramp Tin oflieer hail Intended returning to the spot hlm elf but not until 147 WHS it neuter tho country owing to largo number of wlo wero con- stantly raiding through it mind hn died before that time secured of the memorandum He was arretttod for murder l efon hs could again resume hi search amid during tho preceding Ills lentil on gallows he to rovenl his secret What becnni of the memorandum I tint known limit It is probable that hn hid or destroyed it when ho realized that all a new trial or pardon was in vain With him tiled tho Htcrot of location of a mine which may contain millions in Sine the Ixclnnlng of civilized history In time Ulaek the of that region have fables about untold lichen hidden In Bear Gulch and adjacent nnd there IM hardly an living there today not know by heart some cherished version- of famous t mine Time versions usually vary widely In texture but the same the most striking re- counting il1 Invasion f Bear Gulch by gold seeker fore the Black Hills country known o the the Outline of gold In stores absolutely un- precedented bo moro than could antI tho forced abandonment of tho region nn account of Indian raids Tho Indians making hue party leave all gold exterminated mem- ber hut ono succeeded In securing a stone tablet upon which h left a brief history of the of the for the benefit of coming generations Accord Ing to the legend this historian of thin tiled of starvation Other legends thrilling have bten many believing thorn have spent years In striving to find time elusive gold fields The Devils Tower n remarkable rock of gigantic SMJ on the Hello Fourcho Hirer In eastern Wyoming Is not without Its legend of hidden treasure While at Yank ton years age a man who lived tiear the rock nut several old Sioux with whom h w acquainted photograph of the Ilovlls Tower with him would like to soi If V hen It was shown to their thev appear greatly excited and asked him If any passage hen been found the course no such passngiway has Iwen dUeovered but after a great deal of urging time Indians told what know of tho tower and an underground passage Tho story wn three warriors their trllx near discovered an opening which led directly under tho tower the it After following the a great distance they found a number of human beings They then proceeded until camo to of water which they said was about fifty feet wide feet long Hern they discovered morn bones among a greet quantity of gold Th wore nfrnld to treasure away with them mind on outside the cave determine1 on blocking entrance no effectually that It could nut be discos ori l by mie ilse Intending to retiuti at fnro limo nnd carry away the treasure This into mum vowed they haul received from ono of the trio who rand the dl eovory anti who was on his whO toiling hem of i But no pas j Hiciwn v Ua ever been found amid his fo rr an was the u silent lark t loll mil minI t hod O WU troops nlllg rrp creek washlll For to tho nIl h thin t ot tho va carr Indian the It rIO o wIll nl1 or to explore thc deathbed full lit t I svo rid lv gold heIr ta rut ore t lie pIe 54M foggy lost a tat was huts several t lie I hue and a1ker eomnuurum they sold gold post I sot- to I hue oseion tim prospectors rnaltni t ii after Its 1w h t t lie aim e sonic thus > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ LYLES A MODEL NEGRO TOWN f VM count r 11111- M TilITS l nLAlK- l Uurk ICvrrbmli Hippy and Nuhuil Ilren Arrested for lirtern- Vran lt In lillison etmty Inil ani- lHiuronnilpil b Mar INDUXAPOMH Aug 23 Gibson county contains within its borders what U be lieved to l n tho only town in time Cniteil States population i composed wholly of negroes whoso nflnirs nro con ductifl by the semite raco and whose citizen- ship liftS won the respect and confidence of the whites It has 305 voters Though the inhabitants of lyles the negro town are industrious enterprising and thrifty only four nudes away U the town of Huzelton wlioreln no negro dare set his toot for such an advent always been the signal for tho assembling of the whites an to leave Several yearn before tho war n colored man namiyl Joshua lylrn canto to libron county He lund been a slave In T nnet se j but master lied set him free and had given him 5 J with which to start in life It i a tradition in tIme town that Josh had risked hid life to save that of master and that Ida freedom mid n roll of bills were Ills reward He invested hU money in tho Wabonh bottom and nettled down a n farmer For several years ho worked early and late After time war ho went back to his old home and Induced some of hU former friends to como to In- diana with him They located nicer his farm anti in tho course of time a village sprang up and then negroes l ecame pro perous Soon after this addition to the population the ljulsvlllo Evansvllle and St Louis llailroad was constructod and tho com- pany built a fldo track on Joshs farm It cnmo to bo known by tho name of Iyle Ono of the Inhabitants opened a grocery near the track and the future town thus founded It now has churches a public school a oflico and n great number of neat homes It is said that titer has not been an arrest in Iyles for fifteen years and that thin Inhabitants am zealous in aiding the ofllecm In prevent- Ing shiftless negroes from conning to tho county Xo man in permitted in the town who will not work Many of those who have come since the war havo secured small parcels of ground and the place is noted throughout the region for largo crops of corn and melons Many of the farmers make a specialty of melons and find a ready market at good prices in Louis rule and other cities Jameu Cantrell is then leading citlren being Potma ter ticket nnd express agent grain buyer wclghmaster and grocer and It is a matter of great pride to him that he Is tho only colored Postmaster In any Northern State Ills wife nn intelligent little woman is deputy and hs clerk Ho owns ouo of the handsomest cottages in the town limo little community sup ports two churches Methodist and Baptist anti nearly everybody belongs to ono or the a deep religious spirit per- vades the community Tho trustees of tho town look after the streets and alleys but beyond tills there Is little for them to do for nil public work is done by turning out to a man to Its accom- plishment nnd t he place is always neat and clean Severn years ago a pollen judge was elected and a town marshal was chosen- In order to conform to the incorporation laws but neither ever had anything to do and tho custom of electing boon abandoned The people adhere to the customs that prevailed among them when in slavery Unless there is sickness In some family there Is not a light burning In tho village after 9 oclock nt night but every house- hold Is astir between 4 and 6 oclock in tIme morning anti tho mon are out In the fields- at work mid the women unIty with their household duties soon after unrise On Sunday tIme entire population goes to church the majority of families observe the n ono of rest Many of their old superstitions still cling to them Everything that grows above tho ground such a corn peas and han N in the light moon onions potatoes arid beets I planted in time dark of mron there a super- stition that tho mcon affects advantageously or as time I or disregarded Though time whites in other towns of the county are willing to give all credit to tho Inhabitants of they discourage negroes from settling the county arguing If newcomer Is any account ho will stop at Lyles among his own color arid If not ought to IK mode to pass on This rule huts obtained for years at and has been so con dslent that there Is not a colored man or woman In tho town As appears ho U met sonic of time citizens Is inquired Into unit hn is ordered to out as soon as It Is com- pleted If demurs as some have done to the edge of the town anti told If hn returns ho will be stimmarlly dealt with v rAiiAxnua The VonnintCM In the Hitnr Have Abandoned the Old MrlhmK methods havn crept Into the panhandling business A family man who was leaving his Park row office for borne the other was aojsed by a typical tramp Hn was down nt iho heel had a weeks growth of gray whiskers anti was so dilapidated generally that h might havo away In a gale Say the raggrfl one as ho stood in the family mans WilY 1vo got eight cents hero anti I want seven moro to get a bOth I o irt work tomorrow that wont help mo now Im hingry tot and I n meal Tho family nine looked interested He thrust hand into trousers and watt in the act of forth n quarter when something happened A young faced fellow a over lila left eve smoking thu butt of a cigar that had up In the street and swinging a light cone quickly tramp nsldo anti family man In eve Say sport on time dead now I winter a ball and n smoke I aint got a cent but Im on them level Un l elt fer Konin of the tuh nn dont stand there looking sheered Como Tho old tramp looked at thn handler in Then ho hi eyes anti pinched himself to i o whether ho wits Treat Scott was hi ho moved away If the busines has pro grcHccd that Its time I quit he departed while tho man handed quarter to tie progressive who hi pocket tip tho whistling a > I I san who in- land hits has all that thl h II rnOrRr I night blown 1 Ill 1 8 lon all 111 Mi Ill tis O er 4 e lirrurt I lie remark- ably has his his was post grows bemicnt hi grotmnmh hewn the lie nuister said pan beggar t title > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > 174 Corsets- J B Corsets mads of white batiste or white and drab coutil full bias cut low bust medium hips trimmed with lace and ribbon sizes IS to 24 inches sold regularly at 174 cbs ingout price 8 X 89 Stai ¬ of Chenille Axmmjter sante size and same general style a the foregoing but not as 1375 our price Hu fne I regularly ty others 5 H Macy Cs Are Their Low from Hth to 6th Av- on ft Attractions FrIc- eBothSidel4thSt ffth The Mid Summer Furniture Sale I 11 = Annex Oak Sideboards Annex Oak wide three drawirs two cabinets well tin and perfectly fitted 14x22 In bevelled Frenchplate mir 5 6j ror regular price 1650 sale price lo Solid Oak Sideboards 4 feet wide swell drawers beautifully in bevelled plate mirror a choice piece furniture 99 regular price 1800 sale price 1 f Oak Sideboards 4 feet wide qu tered oak swell top drawers two cabi highly polished and carved 16x28 in Frenchplate 59 mirror regular price 2JSO sale price IV Oak Sideboards 30 in deep curved top massive feet handsomely carved 20x30 in bevelled Frenchplate 99 mirror 4000 sale price OT Beautiful Parlor Suits Knowing the demand that would be mad for Parlor Suits during our Mid- Summer Furniture Sale we permitted no opportunity to piss that could be utilized for advantagi and our own Among the really remarkable achievements was the turn that gave us possession of a very rich lot of Par lor Suit Frames at a large discount from regular Partial reuilt may be learned by reading the following quotations Suits in sumptuous satin damask and Verona velour in the color you like b st less frames in plain muslin were meant to sell for Threepiece Parlor Suits Parlor Suits highly polished mahogany venaered inlaid frames covered with beautiful satin cutmsk your choice of several 4n colors value S2750 sale price 22 Parlor highly polished crotch mahogany veneered frames ornately carved velour in S 99 value 5500 sale price 44 Sold Sold t carved French Sold beveled Sold prce pries un Suit co 14x24 S S ¬ ¬ < Suits solid mahogany frames tastefully carved heavy claw feet upholstered In satin your choice colors 74 value 12000 price 9 3 Threepiece Parlor Suits solid mahogany frames elaborately but not fussily carved in superb your several 99 colors value 15000 1 4 Fivepiece Parlor Suits Fivepiece Parlor Suits highly polished mahogany veneered frames richly tops upholstered in satin your choice of sev 00 value 4250 sale price 31 Parlor Suits highly polished crotch mahogany veneered frames very with in 5 74 your colors value 5250 sale price 4 J appropriate for parlor or library extra massive crotch ma- hogany Verona or tapestry value 24 6750 sale price OO Parlor Suits highly polished crotch mahogany veneered very large and massive covered with satin or Verona your choice of colors value 10500 sale price OU carved plain simple veour Suit veI frame > ¬ Five and SixFrame 27inch Body Brussels Stair Carpet thirteen distinct designs in desirable and tasteful color combinations our regular price 134 per yard sale price 79C I 2500 Chenille Axminster Rugs A inches in width mellow old gold in color Next a narrow scarlet stripe Then a fancy subborder clear red ground enriched with Persian The centre pattern follows exact copy of- a rare Turkish effect worked out in Yale blue red old gold black Wordpicturing fails You must see the Rugs Technical details Woven closely extra tine plushy pile firm strong bak size 6x9 feet sold regularly at 52500 our 1596 i 13 96 it bordertwo d wovenof worstedno seamsdeep Rogers Tableware Rogers TablewareSpoons Forks and various Serving Pieces at about half regtnar Tea Dessert and A Spoons tt of six for Table Spoons and Dinner QQc Forks set for Salt Spoons c Fish Knives tfc Fish Forks 33c Pe 29 Gravy Ladles 19c Cheese Scoops 39c Sugar Tongs 2 jc Cream Ladles Fullsize Carving Sets Knife Fork and Steel solid steel silverplated handles sold regularly at 500 our price 9Sc prices Server 33c t 7c i S a 5pc for 98c All Wool Velvet Carpets Allwool Velvets Hartfords Smiths and other good best woven grades with or borders our regular price 98c sale price 69c pftc for 134 Wilton Ve- lvet Carpets Wilton Velvets extra Qualities from the Smith and Hartford mills beau- tiful designs and colorings our regular price 134 sale 98c maker I I ¬ ¬ Tapestry Brussels Rugs woven seams size 9xllV j ft unusually fine design and coloring the same ity that is sold others at 1500 our sale brice 1U qua 9 with- out ¬ China Bargain Table lliIn Moor Austrian decorations are fancy colored borders enhanced with reiitied gold tracings Plenty of full dozens In lot at price Plates 29c Breakfast Plates 23c Tea Plates I9c Bread Plates lOc Preserve Plates lOc Chop Dishes 97c Salad Bowls 97c Scores of other articles including Chocolate Pots and Cracker at half In the BasementT- he China Bargain Counter in base- ment is broken lines of decorated English and domestic Din- ner and Tea Ware at much below the cost of the ordinary plain white Chinathe hal m- al I ¬ ¬ Chiffoniers Annex Oak Chiffoniers 30 in wide drawers sime size and style sold elsewhere in ash at 500 our price for the oak 319 Oak Chiffoniers live 14xlS in bevelled French plate mirror regular price c sale price O 9 Solid Oak Chiffoniers 32 in wide five drawers 16x20 in French plate mirror regular price sale price 7a Solid Oak Chiffoniers 32 in wide carved toilet 16x20 in French plate mirror regular price sale price Oak Chiffoniers 42 in wide full swell front 18x28 in Frenchplate mirror regular sale price I33 697 for 850 Dining Tables Oak 42x42 in square top legs mounted on claw feet sale price S697 174 for 250 Dining Chairs Oak box seat French legs back strongly made and well finished 5174 Sold Sold i 7 99 Sold Sold be extenJed to feet 3in Sold j < < 98c for 134 High Grade Axminster Carpets Axminsters high rich grade elabo- rate floral effects or without borders our regular price Is 134 sale price 9Sc 99c for SI34 FiveFrame Body Brussels Fiveframe Brussels handsome- for parlors rooms and chambers Oriental rug designs our regular price is 134 99c ¬ Blankets These are the same kind of values that tilled the Blanket department last week Buyers fairly swarmed about them We did a big business- in the best way and are too to repeat the bargains for the benefit of all who but arrived too late for the first of- ferings Blankets wool tilling fine cotton warp bound with white silk ribbon pink blue and red borders 10quarter size 209 Same grade as above but much heavier in weight and fleecier be cause of softer finish 12 quarter size 399 Berkshire Wool the prices never qualities Quantity not very large 10quarter size IJ9l- lquarter size 189 Allwool California Blankets pink bue and red borders 10quarter size 299 tlquarter size 374 Wool California size sold 5600 our pric 494 69- I Iquarter size r Blanket S lambs Blanket ci hand- some ¬ ¬ 99c Wrappers Women made of white lawn embroidery trimmed shoulder and collar trimmed with embroidery deep flounce on skirt sold regularly at 99o closingout 9c rule over UI hop 69c to 98c Black Dress Goods Serges Armures Crepe Canv is Cloths and Twills there you have the names of the best liked weaves in the collection Allwool Yes and 42 to 46 inches The qualities that usually here at 69c to 98c choice 4X White and Colored Shirt Waists Slightly soiled and mussed 49c reduced from 89c 59c reduced from 99c Shirt Waists made of sheer white India linon front trimmed with tuks and six rows dainty em broidery inserting tucked back and sleeves 99c reduced from SI9 It- t 49CChev- iots DiJ onal bone wide ¬ Furniture Bought Now Will Be Stored Free of Charge and Delivered When Wanted A Complete Clearance Sale of DressesO- ur regular qualities reduced to 131 Our regular 324 qualities reduced to 196 Our regular 423 qualities reduced to 274T- he is too great to particularize white pique and other serviceable weaves Guimpi Russian and highneck styles trimmed and finished in the same pretty wy that is honresewing The sizes range from 4 to 12 years I I ChildrensWash 2 49 mer- cerized percale and JJ Nothing remains to be said about the MiJsummir Carpet Sate News of the values las been broadly circulated the judiciously youve aidid our efforts by seeing and then talking industriously The brands the prices and skeleton descriptions are everything to impress possible who are responsive to thrifty chances of Our Greatest Carpet Sal need Continuation 4gc for 69c Extra Super Ingrains Allwool Extra Super Ingrains Low ells Hartfords Higgins best large variety of our 69c sale price 48c 57c for 69c TenWire Tapestry Brussels Tenwire Tapestry Brussels and Smiths Rest Tapestry Brussels hand some colorings our regular price 69c sale price 57c product j ¬ Finest Body Brussels Effects Sold elsewhere at 1800 Sold elsewhere at 2350 Sold elsewhere at 2503 our price 6x9 49 our price 17 48 our price 9x12 48 reel IO xlO feet IV RugsOriental I I II 8 Ii J Italian Soap Soapologists agree that the boot shaped peninsula the finest Castile soap in the world We seU tons of it every year And so it oc- curred to us that Italy excelling all other countries in one line of industry might offer equal goodness- in another For that reason we extends the first lot of Italian Per- fumed Toilet Soaps ever brought into this country Delicate fragrant 67 Transparent Glycerine small cake 15c 66 Transparent Glycerine large cake I8c 21 Musk Brown Windsor 16c 4B Fancy Perfumed cake 16c 29c FertFertFert cake 33c Fin de Siecle very delicate 27c Cuir de Russia 26c Fleur de Lis odorous 27c Four Seasons assorted odors 23c Imported so far as our knowledge low prmced ¬ ontinuationofthe Bedding Sale Bed Spreads Spreads woven of pure white bleach- ed size three centrepiece designs 79c Crocheted full size extra heavy handsome raised pat- terns 99c Honeycomb Spreads elevenquarters- ize allover signs Comfortables Fullsize and heavy both sides with oline fancy stitched worth up to 89c Fullsize both sides covered with fine fancy silkoline corded edges filled with carded cotton up 119 Fullsize top covered with sateen tilled with carded deodorized cotton others with both cov- ered with figured sikoline witn lambs wool quantity not very large worth up to JOO at199 Fullsize both sides covered with I figured sateen filled with I down 295 I S I 19 weight covered colon S to at side ed I I I 175 figured land odor- less ¬ ¬ Sheets and Pillow Cases Made of superior quality white muslin and made right Not cut on the cross but torn straight and properly hem med launder without the sagging or zigzagging The Pillow 54X90 ia 6x90 in 39c 72x90 in 42c in 49c 90X90 in S4c 90x99 in 59c Me- 45x36 in 12c 50x36 in 13c LI Sheet 42X36 In I I 1 ¬ =

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NEV YORK SUNDAY AUGUST 24 1902 on i Sun Minna IMiiUno AnotWinn

tThe and


ij 1t11u

s n rMfii I voiit iMIts ioii LOST

llnll ei Urril Miiny lhr Lost InSenreliLesmtl of till lottI-

liilchtnan Hoard and Some Oilier

siot FALLS S U tug 3Tho rej eiy of thw famous 101 Iabiu

n i tijM ago utter a Murcli la ting overf n century linn recalled to

niri id miners In tho West tho ninnyinstunciH of loBt tnliief come ofhiivp never IXHJII ledipcovcrcd oen gulden treasure Mill remainsfriiii man Tim history of the West

s itliwctt Is full of HtorlvH of tho tlU-

nf nth mitict which from otiwi aiiitlier were lost afterward In

a fe iiurs the mines havo been redis-ov by men who wero able to work

iu ni uiid who Ucaiiio inillioiialreM uo theriMin heir fortunate dUcoveries

Tin I tubln iiilno i on Otto Creeklti llurn Mountains of Wyoming

i IK i tnt a great Eitnmpcdu to the bcene-iiii iifguu and tint the wealth of the mineit inIIP fabulous than wan over Imaginedby any nf the hundred of fortunewl i r nearly three decade hind searchedin i am tho golden crevice in till perieriliiil r clifl old vet

v tii paid tliey had been with the Indianwar party which tnusKicred the whltoH

diecovered the mineIt i uuoui t milcH from 1oit Wa ha-

kif In IS71 five men H I out trout fortr pr njiiit A few weeks later niie of themiinTH with a tow siiiull iiuggetH in lipocket waudtred back to the tort hm mind

All he could murmurHS plenty of gold in Cabin

were MHI out at once hutno tuen wiw found of the mino or the mini-ng men Thu theory accepted

hut they killedIndian coiwtuntls rattled throughout lie region about that period

In IbN K rodu iuio Wosha-km aini announced that ho had found theIAWI cabin mine accidtin ABorn Ulievt that tho mine wa fabuloiiily-rirti a crowd of eager miners were M m-

reaily to Mart with tho dlhcoverer Theyfoiiiul a decaying log cabin with fourMtlMuns or near it and II tunnel Minkm hillside TIll ore found in tunnelwas black and heavy

After a excitement died outand th mine was deserted tIll discoverersfully believing that tIp original lxnt Cabinmine where were found in-

IS74 was In borne other Sluicethat time the search for it IIIM continuedtill at taut It ha boon found

Somewhere in the wilds of northeasternItah protected from the general knowledge-of inon the fact that withinthe confines of tho Iintah Indian Itcuorvaion Is another wonderful gold mine Per-haps it might better bo termed a deposit-or a Mrle of deports for it has nevermliKHl to and the entlro

roglon I believed to be a treuouio

For the existence of thiswas known to the Indians Thu

Uintah and Whlto Hlver driven fromtheir old home In Colorado this vastterritory which tonI been aside for themIn picked a little knowledge ofminerals from their oonliiet with whituman learned of tho valueof gold and when OUt a brave broughtIn from a hunting trip a fowof beautiful quartz tiny globulin andwires of out on all sidesthe Indians promptly termed tho specimenmoney

Is the name which tho goldhwltig tins known amongthe Indians ever sincehave been mode to Induce the Indians 10rxveal the locution of the mImic but to thisday they have declined to tell their secret

n a whitA man and treasure of thomine remains hidden

There Is an interesting connectedthe famous Lost Dutchman mine of

Arizona futile efforts to find which havehen made front limo to time This minowa the south side of Salt Hirernivir Weaver Neodlo A German aboutihirtyflvo years ago met a Mexican whohad Wirkea the mine in tho old days whenArizona was a of Sonora operain were Interrupted by attacks mad

on him and ho abmii-loncd the enterprise taking h mi withhim rich ore

Tiio Mexican was a man of moans Notan g to undergo the risk of a necond at-

tempt ho gave tho mino to his Germanfrierd and with II of tho country mida fully detailed description of property

old German went to Tucsonhe enlHttnl aid of a fellow countrymanin MMirhlnic for the lost mute Followingth ir written directions in-

fludinK thn rail designated on thoTin KH them across tho mountains downa l nn ridge past Weavers Xocdlo Into u

ijirtmi tlinco a side canonwhere ttiii mine wns situated

Tim undergrowth was so louisa that theyri mealed from vow until had

ei ied heir dettiimiion As they drewnar hey heard sounds which wvmeil to

that tho minn was still ImltiR-fnrkul and approaching cautiously they

1 nfeii took to lieIndians

Without Mopping to Investigate thenfi rmans and killed ull threeA riow r examination showed that theytart too haitlly anti list killed former

mptVooH of their Mexican friend whottf endeavoring to work thn mine for

li nwlveKearlng the of tie

he Oermans hastily gathered tinore taken out and

A of Apaches attracted to the Hby the a furious attacktm and In tho desperate running light

followed the men separatedn turning off through the

tho Pints villages and the othernuking IIH way to tho settlement thatMAkinc become tho city of Phrunlx Itach

the other to liavo been killedIt Is not known that they ever mot

narrow eLiving with tho Pimn nt that time was

John Walker Ono of the fugitivesinto his exhausted and

In pltf of all efforts to resuscitateIll died Before Ida death ho gust

lcr In rurtlnns how to reach th mlnnid turned over to him the ore hn lund

awayTrw written description of the

Prnr ity hind been carried off the otherfrinan who haul reached the settlement

on th unrili cldp of tho SaP Hlver livingn hinv nt that tlrno to investigate the

Walker allowed then matter to restfor rrfti years It was not until 181-

Iln ho macla It public Ho ha nprtime to supposed loon

Inn of the Olin himself wax fuily-unlivl in looking after the affairs of

th VkolIn ixr i found that the second fugl-

ivi 1ml iv n living In Mesa Ariz and thatinaile occasional excursion Into thn

itmrttition Mountains bringing buck wit-hn gout nugget Two Interlien IIH wa tit i of death ho mado

to th neoret hut diedlnforti K could tell tho

lie the nnm Weaver by whichnrihablv Intended to convoy that old

Weaver tho hermit of thoJilon kiiW tho of the

Dutchman mine limit If Weaverh dleii with th secret untold Few

tiurcd to visit the old reeiiN whohnin of thi country lived in avn the opening of wa fectootetl

hi hu tr-

n or illsniipointed In love ll Si iliK-l i Mv years in u lonoh CuVii In tl-



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mruntnliiM caring for miltlirx lH for

lie elf many nn Apache who eniloavorwl i the hIs caveuntil HIP tiiTltlfd Indiana avoided himImport unit lea of friend to Induce himIn rot urn In the xvnild ure us nun railingfm ti from him Hi loonlion of mIte tfiid M with which lo tindnuhtedly win fninlllar Iterated efiottH-hnvo Iwcti made it he diedin find tin Iixt Dutchman mine mid atiumlxr of hIves have Invn sacrificed

One clny In rummer of IS77 an nR dlx cr found u of rich goldHunt In a cnilon In the northern r rt of theHlnrk lulls The ieo of rock was assayedIV Henry Ijcppln mul Frank Bryant Itlit not VP I more tItan onefourth of apound nnd ylnlcl cl fully six graliM of freeKolil The two assayers WITH mutli excitednnd wnntod to the old li rm lcki r ulonce but ho wax not to l found that day

Tim m xt tnornliiK at the H-HMyer wero up on thn lookout for uparty which said to lie going out withI ho old man who hud found ere butthey wero too liito the hud already

ou The day was Thishunted nil not find the placeIn fist the old man Iwntno o lthat lu would have him If lund thetImers not kept the bearings In the even-ing the party returned ufler ridIng thirtyinllo over the tiledand much The old mantaken Kick and remained KO for seine timeWhen ho recovered ho departed forformer hoinu In the Kist

two yearnlooking for iho tilt minebut without fctirwiw Others hnve taken

foarch nt Intervals but the locationof the ruins to this duty remain one of theunsolved mystori of tho HUM

With Mllll Guy n Illiiok II11U-

cle porndo who was hanged at Helena Monlist sear for murder diecl the secret ofa rich gold mine In the cpriiiR of 1870an old much went to Gayshorn in lie Hlaek lllllx ajid In the courseof hun visit other thatho wan In region for the oflucatliiR n rich I In exhibitedu rough diagram or wild that itWHM route travelled in ISOA by WentSalccr who commanded the of

which formed one of tho dIvisions oftho great Powder River Indian expedition

Dunkley was the old mnnH nameHis story was that while Wnlkern com-mand was forcing Its through thecoutitrv the camped oneon a mall on I of the PowderItiver Two civilians nero with the com-mand amid just n tho wereInto they killed a Inar which rushedout of n thicket It was then aboutthe let of October On the followingmorning the command Nt outtrnvli only a tulle or two when it wiattacked Indians In largo forcethe troops were forced to retreat to the

where they again went IntoHere ho two civilian saw indication

of gold and after out n oftho wro astonished to find a largoquantity of the metal in tho

nt onco reported the discovery toLieut Walker By timewere on half rations and liad no foragefor their horses prairie rrwin whichwas scarce enough

The was cold nr i Thonien wer much lLKatUflHtl and talked-of deserting For this reasoncautioned two civilians to keep thodiscovery quiet and not pan out nny more

ho argued thewas there In such quanti-

ties It would be a good excuse for themto desert anti that would certainly resultin disaster to tho entire

Afier tho party huh returned to Fortas went tho two

civilians proceeded to

trader for 1750tiny spent several years to dis-

cover two civilians hindIntended to in the search n soon as

Wit wifo HO but one of them diedin 1R72 and tho other wa killed in n drunkenbrawl at Abilene Ken in 1S73

It wa perhaps tho irony of fate that Oara before getting

trouble which resulted In hiswas nub to peouro information whichwould have enabled him to have foundthe lost mliw without ThisInformation wns contained In tho recordof the icler Hirer campaign as

nn olllcer of high commandwho was Informed of of thecivIlians erich made a memorandum of thoexact location of the ramp

Tin oflieer hail Intended returning to thespot hlm elf but not until 147 WHS it

neuter tho country owing to largonumber of wlo wero con-stantly raiding through it mind hn diedbefore that time secured

of the memorandum He wasarretttod for murder l efon hs could againresume hi search amid during thopreceding Ills lentil on gallows he

to rovenl his secret Whatbecnni of the memorandum I tint knownlimit It is probable that hn hid or destroyedit when ho realized that all a newtrial or pardon was in vain With himtiled tho Htcrot of location of a minewhich may contain millions in

Sine the Ixclnnlng of civilized historyIn time Ulaek the of thatregion have fablesabout untold lichen hidden In Bear Gulchand adjacent nnd there IM hardlyan living there todaynot know by heart some cherished version-of famous t mine Time versions usuallyvary widely In texture butthe same the most striking re-counting il1 Invasion f Bear Gulch bygold seeker fore the Black Hills country

known o the theOutline of gold In stores absolutely un-precedented bo

moro than could antItho forced abandonment of tho region nnaccount of Indian raids

Tho Indians making hue partyleave all gold exterminated mem-ber hut ono succeeded In securinga stone tablet upon which h left a briefhistory of the of the for thebenefit of coming generations AccordIng to the legend this historian of thin

tiled of starvation Other legendsthrilling have bten

many believing thorn have spent years Instriving to find time elusive gold fields

The Devils Tower n remarkable rockof gigantic SMJ on the Hello Fourcho HirerIn eastern Wyoming Is not without Itslegend of hidden treasure While at Yankton years age a man who lived tiearthe rock nut several old Siouxwith whom h w acquaintedphotograph of the Ilovlls Tower with him

would like to soi If V henIt was shown to their thev appear greatlyexcited and asked him If anypassage hen been found the

course no such passngiway hasIwen dUeoveredbut after a great deal of urging time Indianstold what know of tho tower and anunderground passage

Tho story wn threewarriors their trllx near

discovered an opening whichled directly under tho tower the

it After following the a greatdistance they found a number of

human beings They thenproceeded until camo to of

water which they said was aboutfifty feet wide feet long

Hern they discovered morn bonesamong a greet quantity of goldTh wore nfrnld to treasure awaywith them mind on outside the cave

determine1 on blocking entranceno effectually that It could nut be discosori l by mie ilse Intending to retiutiat fnro limo nnd carry away thetreasure

This into mum vowed they haulreceived from ono of the trio who randthe dl eovory anti who was on hiswhO toiling hem of i But no pas

j Hiciwn v Ua ever been found











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l Uurk ICvrrbmli Hippy andNuhuil Ilren Arrested for lirtern-Vran lt In lillison etmty Inil ani-lHiuronnilpil b Mar

INDUXAPOMH Aug 23 Gibson countycontains within its borders what U believed to l n tho only town in time CniteilStates population i composedwholly of negroes whoso nflnirs nro conductifl by the semite raco and whose citizen-ship liftS won the respect and confidenceof the whites It has 305 voters Thoughthe inhabitants of lyles the negro townare industrious enterprising and

thrifty only four nudes away U thetown of Huzelton wlioreln no negro dareset his toot for such an advent alwaysbeen the signal for tho assembling of thewhites an to leave

Several yearn before tho war n coloredman namiyl Joshua lylrn canto to libroncounty He lund been a slave In T nnet se j

but master lied set him free and hadgiven him 5 J with which to start in lifeIt i a tradition in tIme town that Josh hadrisked hid life to save that of masterand that Ida freedom mid n roll of bills wereIlls reward He invested hU money

in tho Wabonh bottom and nettleddown a n farmer For several years howorked early and late After time war howent back to his old home and Inducedsome of hU former friends to como to In-

diana with him They located nicer hisfarm anti in tho course of time a villagesprang up and then negroes l ecame properous

Soon after this addition to the populationthe ljulsvlllo Evansvllle and St Louisllailroad was constructod and tho com-pany built a fldo track on Joshs farmIt cnmo to bo known by tho name of IyleOno of the Inhabitants opened a grocerynear the track and the future townthus founded It now has churches apublic school a oflico and n greatnumber of neat homes It is said thattiter has not been an arrest in Iyles forfifteen years and that thin Inhabitants amzealous in aiding the ofllecm In prevent-Ing shiftless negroes from conning to thocounty Xo man in permitted in the townwho will not work Many of those whohave come since the war havo securedsmall parcels of ground and the place isnoted throughout the region for largocrops of corn and melons Many of thefarmers make a specialty of melons andfind a ready market at good prices in Louisrule and other cities

Jameu Cantrell is then leading citlrenbeing Potma ter ticket nnd express agentgrain buyer wclghmaster and grocer andIt is a matter of great pride to him that heIs tho only colored Postmaster In anyNorthern State Ills wife nn intelligentlittle woman is deputy and hs clerkHo owns ouo of the handsomest cottagesin the town limo little community supports two churches Methodist and Baptist

anti nearly everybody belongs to ono orthe a deep religious spirit per-vades the community

Tho trustees of tho town look after thestreets and alleys but beyond tills there Islittle for them to do for nil public work isdone by turning out to a man to Its accom-plishment nnd t he place is always neat andclean Severn years ago a pollen judgewas elected and a town marshal was chosen-In order to conform to the incorporationlaws but neither ever had anything todo and tho custom of electing

boon abandonedThe people adhere to the customs that

prevailed among them when in slaveryUnless there is sickness In some familythere Is not a light burning In tho villageafter 9 oclock nt night but every house-hold Is astir between 4 and 6 oclock in tImemorning anti tho mon are out In the fields-at work mid the women unIty with theirhousehold duties soon after unrise OnSunday tIme entire population goes to church

the majority of families observe then ono of rest

Many of their old superstitions still clingto them Everything that grows above thoground such a corn peas and hanN in the light moon

onions potatoes arid beets I planted intime dark of mron there a super-stition that tho mcon affectsadvantageously oras time I or disregarded

Though time whites in other townsof the county are willing to give all creditto tho Inhabitants of they discouragenegroes from settlingthe county arguing If newcomerIs any account ho will stop at Lyles amonghis own color arid If not ought toIK mode to pass on This rule huts obtainedfor years at and has been so condslent that there Is not a coloredman or woman In tho town Asappears ho U met sonic of time citizens

Is inquired Into unit hn isordered to out as soon as It Is com-pleted If demurs as some have done

to the edge of the town antitold If hn returns ho will be stimmarllydealt with

v rAiiAxnuaThe VonnintCM In the Hitnr Have

Abandoned the Old MrlhmKmethods havn crept Into the

panhandling business A family man whowas leaving his Park row office for bornethe other was aojsed by a typicaltramp Hn was down nt iho heel had aweeks growth of gray whiskers anti was sodilapidated generally that h might havo

away In a galeSay the raggrfl one as ho

stood in the family mans WilY 1vo goteight cents hero anti I want seven moro toget a bOth I o irt work tomorrow

that wont help mo now Im hingrytot and I n meal

Tho family nine looked interested Hethrust hand into trousers

and watt in the act of forthn quarter when something happened Ayoung faced fellow a

over lila left eve smoking thu buttof a cigar that had up Inthe street and swinging a lightcone quickly tramp nsldoanti family man In eve

Say sport on time deadnow I winter a ball and n smoke Iaint got a cent but Im on them level Unl elt fer Konin of the tuh nn dont standthere looking sheered Como

Tho old tramp looked at thnhandler in Then hohi eyes anti pinched himself to i o whetherho wits

Treat Scott was hi homoved away If the busines has progrcHccd that Its time I quit

he departed while tho manhanded quarter to tie progressive

who hi pockettip tho whistling a

> I

I san







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J B Corsetsmads of white batiste orwhite and drab coutil fullbias cut low bust mediumhips trimmed with lace andribbon sizes IS to 24 inchessold regularly at 174 cbsingout price 8 X



of Chenille Axmmjtersante size and same general

style a the foregoing but not as

1375 our price


fneIregularly ty others 5

H Macy Cs Are Their Low

from Hth to 6th Av-on

ft Attractions FrIc-

eBothSidel4thSt ffth

The Mid Summer Furniture SaleI 11


Annex Oak Sideboards Annex

Oak wide three drawirs two cabinets well tinand perfectly fitted 14x22 In bevelled Frenchplate mir 5 6j

ror regular price 1650 sale price loSolid Oak Sideboards 4 feet wide swell drawers beautifullyin bevelled plate mirror a choice piece furniture 99regular price 1800 sale price 1 f

Oak Sideboards 4 feet wide qu tered oak swell top drawers two cabihighly polished and carved 16x28 in Frenchplate 59

mirror regular price 2JSO sale price IVOak Sideboards 30 in deep curved top massive

feet handsomely carved 20x30 in bevelled Frenchplate 99mirror 4000 sale price OT

Beautiful Parlor SuitsKnowing the demand that would be mad for Parlor Suits during our Mid-Summer Furniture Sale we permitted no opportunity to piss that could beutilized for advantagi and our own Among the really remarkableachievements was the turn that gave us possession of a very rich lot of Parlor Suit Frames at a large discount from regular Partial reuilt maybe learned by reading the following quotations Suitsin sumptuous satin damask and Verona velour in the color you like b st

less frames in plain muslin were meant to sell for

Threepiece Parlor SuitsParlor Suits highly polished mahogany venaered inlaid frames

covered with beautiful satin cutmsk your choice of several 4ncolors value S2750 sale price 22Parlor highly polished crotch mahogany veneered frames

ornately carved velour in S 99value 5500 sale price 44

SoldSold t














Suits solid mahogany frames tastefully carved heavy clawfeet upholstered In satin your choice colors 74value 12000 price 9 3Threepiece Parlor Suits solid mahogany frames elaborately but not fussilycarved in superb your several 99colors value 15000 1 4

Fivepiece Parlor SuitsFivepiece Parlor Suits highly polished mahogany veneered frames richly

tops upholstered in satin your choice of sev 00value 4250 sale price 31

Parlor Suits highly polished crotch mahogany veneered framesvery with in 5 74your colors value 5250 sale price 4 J

appropriate for parlor or library extra massive crotch ma-hogany Verona or tapestry value 246750 sale price OO

Parlor Suits highly polished crotch mahogany veneeredvery large and massive covered with satin or Verona

your choice of colors value 10500 sale price OU


plain simple veour

Suit veI




Five and SixFrame 27inch Body Brussels StairCarpet thirteen distinct designs in desirable andtasteful color combinations our regular price 134per yard sale price


2500 ChenilleAxminster RugsA inches in width mellow old gold in color Next a narrowscarlet stripe Then a fancy subborder clear red ground enriched with

Persian The centre pattern follows exact copy of-

a rare Turkish effect worked out in Yale blue red old gold blackWordpicturing fails You must see the Rugs

Technical details Woven closely extra tineplushy pile firm strong bak size 6x9 feet

sold regularly at 52500 our 1596 i

13 96it



wovenofworstedno seamsdeep

Rogers TablewareRogers TablewareSpoonsForks and various Serving Piecesat about half regtnar

Tea Dessert and A

Spoons tt of six forTable Spoons and Dinner QQcForks set for

Salt Spoons c

Fish Knives tfcFish Forks 33c

Pe 29

Gravy Ladles 19c

Cheese Scoops 39cSugar Tongs 2 jcCream Ladles

Fullsize Carving Sets Knife Forkand Steel solid steel silverplatedhandles sold regularly at 500 ourprice 9Sc



t 7c




5pc for 98c All WoolVelvet Carpets

Allwool Velvets Hartfords Smithsand other good best wovengrades with or borders ourregular price 98c sale price 69c

pftc for 134 Wilton Ve-lvet Carpets

Wilton Velvets extra Qualities fromthe Smith and Hartford mills beau-tiful designs and colorings our regularprice 134 sale 98c






Tapestry Brussels Rugs wovenseams size 9xllV j ft unusually

fine design and coloring the sameity that is sold othersat 1500 our sale brice 1U




China Bargain TablelliIn Moor

Austrian decorations arefancy colored borders enhanced withreiitied gold tracings Plenty of fulldozens In lot at

pricePlates 29c

Breakfast Plates 23cTea Plates I9cBread Plates lOcPreserve Plates lOcChop Dishes 97cSalad Bowls 97c

Scores of other articles includingChocolate Pots and Cracker

at half

In the BasementT-he China Bargain Counter in base-

ment is broken lines ofdecorated English and domestic Din-

ner and Tea Ware at muchbelow the cost of the ordinary plainwhite








Chiffoniers AnnexOak Chiffoniers 30 in wide

drawers sime size and stylesold elsewhere in ash at 500our price for the oak 319

Oak Chiffoniers live14xlS in bevelled French

plate mirror regular price csale price O 9

Solid Oak Chiffoniers 32 in widefive drawers 16x20 in Frenchplate mirror regular price

sale price 7aSolid Oak Chiffoniers 32 in widecarved toilet 16x20 in Frenchplate mirror regular price

sale priceOak Chiffoniers 42 in wide

full swell front 18x28 inFrenchplate mirror regular

sale price I33697 for 850

Dining TablesOak 42x42 in square top

legs mounted on claw feet sale priceS697

174 for 250Dining Chairs

Oak box seat French legsback strongly made and well

finished 5174




7 99


Soldbe extenJed to feet 3in





98c for 134 High GradeAxminster Carpets

Axminsters high rich grade elabo-rate floral effects or withoutborders our regular price Is 134sale price 9Sc

99c for SI34 FiveFrameBody Brussels

Fiveframe Brussels handsome-for parlors rooms and

chambers Oriental rugdesigns our regular price is 134



BlanketsThese are the same kind of valuesthat tilled the Blanket departmentlast week Buyers fairly swarmedabout them We did a big business-in the best way and are too

to repeat the bargains for thebenefit of all whobut arrived too late for the first of-

feringsBlankets wool tilling fine cottonwarp bound with white silk ribbonpink blue and red borders

10quarter size

209Same grade as above but muchheavier in weight and fleecier because of softer finish 12quarter size 399Berkshire Wool the pricesnever qualitiesQuantity not very large

10quarter size IJ9l-lquarter size 189

Allwool California Blanketspink bue and red borders

10quarter size 299tlquarter size 374

Wool Californiasize sold

5600 our pric 494


I Iquarter size




lambs Blanket






Women made ofwhite lawn embroiderytrimmed shoulder

and collartrimmed with embroiderydeep flounce on skirt soldregularly at 99o closingout


rule overUI hop

69c to 98cBlack Dress Goods

Serges Armures CrepeCanv is Clothsand Twills thereyou have the names of the bestliked weaves in the collectionAllwool Yes and 42 to 46inches The qualities thatusually here at 69c to 98cchoice 4X

White and ColoredShirt Waists Slightlysoiled and mussed

49c reduced from 89c59c reduced from 99c

Shirt Waists made of sheer whiteIndia linon front trimmed withtuks and six rows dainty embroidery inserting tucked backand sleeves

99c reduced from SI9



iotsDiJ onal




Furniture Bought Now Will Be Stored Free of Chargeand Delivered When Wanted

A Complete Clearance Saleof DressesO-ur regular qualities reduced to 131Our regular 324 qualities reduced to 196Our regular 423 qualities reduced to 274T-

he is too great to particularize white pique and

other serviceable weaves Guimpi Russian and highneck stylestrimmed and finished in the same pretty wy that ishonresewing The sizes range from 4 to 12 years



ChildrensWash2 49

mer-cerized percale and


Nothing remains to be said about the MiJsummir Carpet Sate News of the values las been broadly circulatedthe judiciously youve aidid our efforts by seeing and then talking industriously The

brands the prices and skeleton descriptions are everything to impress possible who are responsiveto thrifty chances

of Our Greatest Carpet Sal



4gc for 69c Extra SuperIngrains

Allwool Extra Super Ingrains Lowells Hartfords Higgins best

large variety of our69c sale price 48c

57c for 69c TenWireTapestry Brussels

Tenwire Tapestry Brussels andSmiths Rest Tapestry Brussels handsome colorings ourregular price 69c sale price 57c



Finest Body Brussels EffectsSold elsewhere at 1800 Sold elsewhere at 2350 Sold elsewhere at 2503our price 6x9 49 our price 17 48 our price 9x12 48reel IO xlO feet IV

RugsOrientalI I

II8 Ii


Italian SoapSoapologists agree that the bootshaped peninsula the finestCastile soap in the world We seUtons of it every year And so it oc-

curred to us that Italy excelling allother countries in one line ofindustry might offer equal goodness-in another For that reason we

extends the first lot of Italian Per-

fumed Toilet Soaps ever broughtinto this countryDelicate fragrant

67 Transparent Glycerine smallcake 15c

66 Transparent Glycerine largecake I8c

21 Musk Brown Windsor 16c4B Fancy Perfumed cake 16c

29cFertFertFert cake 33cFin de Siecle very delicate 27cCuir de Russia 26cFleur de Lis odorous 27cFour Seasons assorted odors 23c

Imported so far as our knowledge

low prmced


ontinuationofthe Bedding SaleBed Spreads

Spreads woven of pure white bleach-

ed size threecentrepiece designs 79cCrocheted full size extraheavy handsome raised pat-

terns 99cHoneycomb Spreads elevenquarters-ize alloversigns

ComfortablesFullsize and heavyboth sides witholine fancystitched worth up to 89c

Fullsize both sides covered withfine fancy silkoline corded edgesfilled with carded cotton up


Fullsize top covered withsateen tilled with carded deodorizedcotton others with both cov-

ered with figured sikolinewitn lambs wool quantity not verylarge worth up to JOO at199Fullsize both sides covered with I

figured sateen filled with I

down 295 I

S I 19



to at







land odor-less



Sheets and Pillow CasesMade of superior quality white muslin and made rightNot cut on the cross but torn straight and properly hemmed launder without the sagging or zigzagging

The Pillow54X90 ia6x90 in 39c72x90 in 42c

in 49c90X90 in S4c90x99 in 59c

Me-45x36 in 12c50x36 in 13c


42X36 In




