the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1902-04-09 [p...

THESUN WEDNESDAY APRIL 9 1902 Q c r JI > think that nb Amrrfcun whn U worth hl s U- lian thnright In fel t bono In errrp rt- of l SlatM Applnuwl muM thl tnbic SPO many mm who took purl In Ui grit wnr war In which the unions IH here look part was a VITV little one lMHau e It t to H any blesrr Aliplnu hut It had one POOI It put tbfl on the rtrurtnrn that Imd b n while wo were nlmo t nnronwloiw of II and It might H how thcirouclily onn we were when w thrmuh thAi wir It did not mnko or rtinvrenc to u whether It wns an Admlrnl who cnmn from Termont or a who Jim from Alabama l If the men hnd done duty In such Klintui n tit mtk lu f l nn Inn thrill of pride In our common natloiiiilltr The debt we wod him to tin with tin Mrtlon from which h rninc lpiUii I ton nnd of KoiiHi Cnllfdrnln liikt twelve yet nan when I flr t w nt to V thln ton port In Coverntncntnl work I win Ini Into rloM mntnct and Intimacy with n South wn- yonr nnd the nine slnco and tot ns r I klmll oiitlnur to lx In publlo decent for tim Itiptihllr herniiw I hav been thrown contact with in n thIs country hn ever Imd old friend your lovornor lluuti Thomi Hon el- lrom hut I liiv known of you nun of your It In no wnw tir- firle hilt It li keen ii ure to vreoted with tint unit HIP more Hum nnd irenerout ho ulltr which you have ilionu m Appluuso of nny pirl of ttil country l In certain en r an x of the uviravc wo nil tend I so up It wni to limit Mt a Ill Hin time twlnr- fiul tlien down and tlirn up nealn und thpii down south fiirollun wpm dutlnir thom la t Iwo Iccml In have Uellnllely internl the path ofMrndy pnujrei In material UK an In otliiT tlilni I win inurh struck In looking over iiinr of lluure of the IIIMIH rcMnlly puhllluil tu e the nsKitiUliInu rrnirrex boen mill luTi1 III your hiatt I nun prepared we thai vulue of your fdrni rl rn ii they n Me Unit onr fnrui tliem elvi hid tn- rrenwd In n ill lure r proportion that the value nr your Innil hurt itrown up hut tint renllze the In which our niiinufiiciiirlrnf ciiitri rlH ea- Ioth H Miown In tho f ct that your minti- r ro lurtH hid tone up over IM PIT cent Hiul tbit for ItiMitnce the number lni uliotit front tlinn hell it inllllnti to more than two million In the Htiitr I dirt not renllie that the wuife paid 0111 hud JnrriMMd 75 r nt talk of the pro re of the Psr rt hilt I think Mouth can clve to OHIO of the State Applause I 1 think that with i urh a record pre- vious itctarte von were well warranted limlMlni your ltloa hero lau niul I wn clad Hint In for your exposition you not took In the that you tnchiilfd till l lund of the I nlted St to tho Mand with which the event of the last few have mode It evident that wt ari hound In future to have closer relation el- And nil that I have aid applies to the urenteot unit rlrheot of tho the land with win h we hart1 hen brought Into the intimacy and m hip Ihu 1lunil of i I n that In our trade relation with Cutii w ElVfl her a marked nnd subMntlnl mlvniiuxto not b- intiM It will redound lo our lnt ri t to do H- Oiilthouuh Hint aSo In true hut I It e the erent hMve o shaped themelve that It I our duty n n irrent mIghty nation to help Cuba and I hope ii our and e I I nhnll not try lo make you any speech to tilcht for In tvn to mo tusk mo tntnorrow l iueh I hall merely tlunk attain with nit my heart to you that I want you to that 1 nan word I nod mean It deeply when I tell I huvs been touched morn pea e l touched and Mlrred thi warmth heartlne which you have mad mo feel toduv hut I nm one of you liquid uppluu e and chetr Gov poke next lEo de- clared that the President was ns safe In Charleston as In Washington Ho is safe In the hearts and the lovn of hU men lie added Then ho said I want to say In thN pre enc and In the of Pre ident of the United KUttP that while we not acreo on of iKiilcy that we are nil American citizens nnd time boy nf I he South to the call of their country which I vail of duty n readily as past and the sad memories It yet we are one t when the mil I fcouniled our hnnd I outstretched to cla p the n brother wherever he may be we will together defend the which I the emblem of drll and religious liberty nnd cnnitltutlnnnl government am clad hilt lreIJent Iloo evelt to this grand old city that he see and know ut a w are that he may know and realise thourh we not agree In polltlox w Know how to welcome the Prrtl dent of our common country During the bnmjuct at the Charleston had a reception- at the St Johns Hotel where the lodittf of Charleston KFAXDAr IX IHHIWXIXO rBI Marrlnl Mm CoitiironiUrtl In use Death uf THII Munirn Near lloilonH- OSTOX April 8 Tho drowning of two women by the of a canoe on the Charles Rlvur In thu Went Roxbury district on Sunday afternoon has cauwxi H ncaiulal In Jnumka Plain anti llrooklino whore the men whu went overboanl with victims rp When tim acol Iont uccurn d the I olk M had KtPHt linioulty In tlm fuel In th iaxi ami although the affair iKiurnol In nfleriKxiii tim ofllour IIi nut got a full story until nearly midnight und tlxm It was cnnfu iiig- Tlw nainiw th wh lost lives were Klvi mt MM MlM Allot Nnwooinb of l ClareNiiMii Purk nul MIM Itontm Parker of AH I MM IIHill ll MroH Arxmrillrut to lliH- UirMI f iui t iH liy th Health K th irni tianw of ll letter MB WIU ii hoc hli l to MiiWIo Midi wbein it tllHM Kl llhl IMI MU4MVII A liui I II K Ul CUllllllfcl hl- i f It Muan l Nl a i 14Mill i MlUH Hi l iiuun nit niinnitl- uiuiwriuipl w itkiillliiM k 4 IM ItrH- u r t IM MU MM l I Till ounr I I I iTt II lIt n hit 11 ell I Ill II lit hi It I And n to uu ot Chorll- j 1lnl my rortuu to him liar for fir to tti n ur to to rtlll unl n lulrII inItde4 n ni S M it lIIOrt o Cor tn COd I tIiIIk llanl on Ilin to ruttier fur lilt I 1 ir to HI nrolln 0111 onl IIIII lIr about mot ulllr 11111 ak Iall to- e cutS bnu our ou OU ever 114 IIU 1 b MeSwlIp rnl IOlIn 11 nil 0 other I would not tore h- Mm ma ilia > t r P1 tin Mid ascertaining lit girls I 1 I father IIIU h I t II lIt IhIII 1 rrowa 111111 altJroll- vllltf rlIr tht iasly 1111 t IIltf M JII I law Walt S- I let lloa- Htof II I It t ii I fI I a- l I l tit lit Hot u I tlfI- I rtJ I tto- f 1 tII II iN- N II J u w t li I A I 1- tl tH t 4 i- I j Ifa f 4 II tt I itti work with for nre It wili ho ever fciirlee iervant fi lPl I wee tie Iinjii tn III Iinrt today ii rrltIPtItefl C 14tter ro tiji Iii te huh Ito ivor cent I va n hal tUring Ics tofli- f Pit Vt lit < t 1 country tls the Ihoac tiny sctlnn a have paid we Pl tim I hop Apse aid ass is411t ast I utalo- rtkc isrs says b- eIesrlI a Is se ti aid IIJietift lit Is 1 he iii taimsi tIe iher at te PAlS FtIt I taut i liaise its I Ih I is WeusI- ImH4 SI km4twiic Jt taas Iy the e44is UN ItuNluy liIitit thai 54 5 iiI tie butt a bitsssp- Is n4p maievI lie ii e 4s1 4 5 Iititi Ih Itiu Mi- Jiet P4p tiM Lak fee a 4iu- ilaiiaIi 11 10 r 1 tt IAt slaaI tst pt ii I ti4 S I a es ea i 14 taIl i 44 Ut t 41 eIdI hisli ae SIlkS I4 u M t g is 5 i lIut1i 4044 01 list Ileedil s i a i a 4a Ji- C uN I U pI Mi- I4 isI 4 45ISI Ileilie- hwsf + l 5k P kSS t S sA1JtS ai M- ia Hie4sle S a 4al eieq i ass Is4iLsia wta siiid iJL S- i4Ig g SI 4uP I > > < < < > < ¬ < > > < ¬ < < < > + < < < ° + MANCHORIAN TREATY SIGNED IltACTirAItLV A mSSlAX AOHKE MUST TO EVACL ATE n vrni Ort CrciJIt for Diplomatic ro ih of Trade In Man- churia Wont Conflict With RussIan Mining and Hallway IntrrrtU There Special tieiptlch la TB Sex IEKB The Manchurlan con- vention wait signed at 3 oclock this after noon at tho office of the Board of Foreign Affairs by Prince Citing and Wang Wen Shoo the ClilnoM and M Paul Leiww tho Ituwlan Minister In the prewnoo of the members of the Hoard of Foreign Affair Prior to the Ignlng there was n conference that lasted for three hours The action of Russia In tho Manchurian matter l criticised as It Is admitted that could have attained her object with- out arousing the other Powers As It la now other Paweru get tho honor for the outcome an they diplomatically forced Kiifwla to concede all the for which they contended months Tho convention in characterized as merely an evacuation agreement It U not dls- CuiMxi by tho Incorporation of previous treaties Though tho powers antagonized the treaty and Manchurias Importance was magnified It is not likely that their own Interests have been injured or Manchurias future The Japanese although they Interest in the province will invent tholr capital eluoMrhore not- withstanding the reports that their ernie arles both political and industrial are everywhere In Manchuria The natural expansion of English Amer- ican anti Japanese will less permanently while at the same time they Wilt not conflict with tho Russian railway and mining enterprises which it believed will have no rerioiu rivalry The rever- sion of the town of Xewchwang to the civil administration Is contingent upon the restoration of native city of Tientsin to the Chinese by the allies now holding It pending the carrying out of certain obli- gations by tho Chinese such as the con- servancy of tho Whongpo and Pet rivers and the pacification of the province of Chill There U a rising threatened against tho priests at Flex and Hochlnfu fifty miles from Tientsin and the same distance front the Hunting Park where the Emperor wilt shortly review 20000 troops The converts are uneasy everywhere Tim demolition of tho Taku forts will not be finished before June IS and tho restoration of Tientsin Is Improbable be fore July EAni of KiMnKniEV DEAD lie Wai the Liberal Party leader In the house of Lords Special Caiiti Deiptlch to Tea Sex Imo April 8 The Earl of Kimberley K O leader of the Liberals In tho House of Lords who had been Lit for some tlmo died today The Right Hon John Wodohouse Earl of an Important part in British politico for years In 1852 he career by accepting the of of Stato for Foreign Affairs under l Abet and Palmeroton until 19M when made envoy at St Petersburg Since at one tlmo and another occupied almost all tho senior shIps Mr Gladstones various Liberal Governments and after Lord withdrew from tho official leadership of the Liberal party and Sir Campbell was elected hU succesMor Lord continued to act a the ofllcial leader of tho Opposition In the I lioimo of Lord Ho was In IS28 and educated Eton and Oxford where he look a first class in decided honors Ho fcuceecded I grandfather third Baron Wodehouto In 1MB Thn of lniU was created for him In 1MW In 1847 ho was married to Florence elded daughter of the third Earl of Chars from Ru sla he twinned his of Under- secretary for Foreign Affairs and In IMS- he was sent as a special envoy to The next vent U amo Secretary India In October of ISM ie Kuece ded thn Karl of Carlisle a- LordLieutenant of Ireland which offlce he resigned in ISM He hild the office of Ixml Seai under Mr Oladstones adminIstratIon from Decemlrfr lM to INTO arid that of Secretary of State Colonies from INTO 1H74 At various times to that the Earl of KJmlierley held the of the ollr- of Secretary of State for India arid Swro of for Foreign Affairs earl WAS nuidi 11 Knight of tips darter He was president J tondnn IKMT iinil In 1M9 WM- made Chancellor of the I nl VITHJI v of Ismdnii- to u wd Imi lIorncMI Tm Karl of I was a nun of coil highly reported by all political I had In health for the two year iurr rnttrs IGIISII nAxrll- rpormi krliriiip In Italic Irlrr llirrr- li Curtailing KliliiiirnuI- IVIKKMII April IM jv rjrf f l M- lodny that tim Utof iruvi if Clilr4 o will shortly try lo HUM IM jnu of IHMMI In KncUiid by ooutrotUiiK ih ilo Mi4ih f AiMrlmn lm f in thu Miiii uf Mix AtUitUc- Ili iluit for IM lime prwU- nldr m rrourd vwidH l fl n- tlita l 4iit Miit of tu iutwy vliMti HM i HkiimU tu Uy in Kiifcr lu iinil U lit III UHMll IWlllll HultM UHI- MMt IMH liiinHcj ti- lk Mt r ul lml UMM I- iMi4i III ANMMM M 4 ub4 xl MM- ljf Bir u- iw Hit OhM Cal the man alter hn trade thor doubt l the < he- M at- I I I for far tar Ill ry t l n n nS I ru u t1 I J k I I e I II N I j t Ut- j W u i t 6 1 W- I I U a I f I j i she points eats UnderSecretary born copen- hagen late be subsequent seals iit College overt past peiat 455 P11p45s is hiP fes says sys first a dug hiss a- ANieflesn haitI tiblittitit llv sttk uii hsi l4eut- Ut SiiMiftl sic ta4l 4 ieIs- iiw at lies idles ii lrii iss lley 54 a a flie5 utiNsawstt4i se- a ei lb a44 tn I sats LI AU a si 1 I 0 I l4 ateisIuI hutS is a ti d 4 s- swlai4es1 flee s44Mo Mi 1iiNI- 4a I 4lnam4 stttap lu I4 h4- klI ANuitle a ss M4t- IN 150 M5 ad 4 tl ji IsM4 ut I- IseI S bet iswits te- pr s t Ism i ii- huti e4 bd E i a4ai i Iwi 14 j I4i 1- a s t a UN4 al 4w uaiaisi- a 4 a sas- I isW I s se I eb as t 5 e iprn tse ii jj5jj4- s 1aimrm- pij ds Id p5 C al- h J DtuaPS4- SItH iqsa4 jaut- a iu i MM4- u S s sev sf Eat 1 aq W i si W w k i I 0 5I 5 < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < < < < > KING cniusTws mmnDAY- Dtntth Ruler M4 Ywtrrdty Crrat Kn- Sptctnl Cable Dtifntttt 10 THE Sex COPKVIUOKN April 8 The eIghty fourth birthday of King Christian WM celebrated today with much popular en- thusiasm The city and the ships In tho harbor were decorated- An immense crowd assembled at noon In front of the palace and loudly cheered the King who upon a balcony accompanied daughters Queen Alexandra tIm Dowager Czarina and the Duchess of Cumbcrlai The party re- ceived a most hearty Tho guosta of tho the Prince and Princess of Wales and Russian French and Swedish representatives VOV WALDEHSEE IS 70 Otnerri of the tilnmn Ixpfdltlon Send Him an Altuini Special Cube Dett tt If Tai Srx- HiNOVKR April FieldMarshal Count von celebrated hU seven At a dinner given In his honor by lost evening Count von Waldereco to his Far Eastern ex- perience Ho said that lie camo away convinced that they had not got very far on the road of a satisfactory solution and all the socalled Chinese experts did China at all Among tho presents sent to Count von Waldcntee were a silver table service from the Emperor and an album from the officers of the China expeditionary corps Officers of the force of other nations which took in tho expedition joined with the tier in subscribing for the album GEIlMA VIEW OF ftllODESS GUT flittifactlon Expressed Otrr th German Al- lowance for KliulrnU Special Cattle Deifatth If SOS BERLIN April 8 No authorized com- munication of the contents of Cecil Rhodcwa will has yet reached the De- partment of Education hero or the authorities of Berlin University They are consequently unable to glvo an opinion on the workings of Its German provisions but It is expected that tho Em peror will consult thorn before making selections The scholarship will be given- to students of mature age who can bo trusted to spend the money wisely The otti che Zeitung expresses aston- ishment at the size of Cecil Rhodess German scholarships It says that he has assigned SOCO marks each for them whereas formerly- a student wax glad to have 100 marks or 300 marks Even travelling scholarships- of 3000 marks for two years have been con- sidered high In Germany The Vonitcht adds with regret that the German student on his return homo will have to sacrifice some of the personal freedom of Oxford It that like the late Prof Max Muller return to the Fatherland- but will the fruit of his studies to England The writer believes that Cecil educational testament U the an overpowering desire for mastery rather than of generosity and benevolence He ends by comparing the wills of Rhodes and Xobel drawing conclusions In favor of the latter nnoDESS FfEHAi jornxEV Hotly Ijtnc In State at llntnw o Will He Iturlnl Today Special Cable Diiptltfi Sole BmowATO April K The funeral train with the remains of Cecil Rhodes and ao- companld by a number of personal and political mourners arrived hero today The coffin was convoyed to the Drill Hall where practically the entire population had assembled It will lie In state there through- out the day and be tomorrow on the last journey to of burial In the Matoppo Hills ui TO AFIIICA- IJtrrpool anti Jlaicnw lisa Acrrrd In FxIMInic hate Special CaWr Dupitc lo Tat LONDON April 8 The Journal of fammtree HUtm on what to be unimpeachable authority that a new steamship M rvice is to tw rwtablUhed between Liverpool and South African ports with sailings also from Glasgow There will bn no reduction in freight rates however a an amicable agreement boon with the Clan Line managuinent The Clan Line is now controlled by J It Kllurman formerly chairman of tho Ley- land LIlMI FAV MAV tin TO JAIL Ordrr or Cuinmlllal secured hy a London lYnlllurf- peeltl CtUe tleipalt la Tel INHON April Judge Woodfall today m4d an oommlttal to to tcoin on rativo in iM lrn day 4 Klfi tlm American who riiintiy sp4iwl In a thtutre here in- ilrfiiult of poymrnt of n JUiljiiMit debt MIM Fey II u said IM on THI HHITIMI in imrT- II Hill lie InlriMliirril In the To- IhlK N Aprtl I Mr llulfiMjr muvu4itw tu U n HUUM uf I miiHii tide nflKriMou that M r wuuM I wn lUi l liy Hi- HI A in r AMI WVV- Mnrlrrii llurr llallrrlr In l Imlallril- In Ilir I r Iatl- AUIIIIIUIIU IUi r I li iiilirr- i fee lUr MU H lliM i 4 I M IM- TV MMa W- Mrf fit HNN apP Oat Walden trend that par rear car Rode moO l TrA1SI co pall It Ill I1I order ot Jai aol Tu I luhr a A ti I N II liii I I 1 S e t I 4I I- HI M- I I I I w 4 I i 4 1 g 1t1 thisjnt Shown Tea to Tea SOs Liverpool has estab- lished firs 8 Fay this Continent hits IsICrrett- speilS 5155 Uts ii sis lls i4etf14411hi 5 i4Wet fur the iuiaMg Miehisut hIatshieseh Luit41r of the E- s4ttoq test tl4 is au I i5i 55054- hs5ea Aii84tivai3esi4i44 15 II usia U IkOIi tMNeISisM EaI45ut 14 U Ie4 55 lam 45s4 M4- AthlsIl 54 4 sIeItircre I el See llettiei I tspI- a i iisl e i a- ISsbItS 4stl a II hesis4 I I d i s ti is I i tm 4 id Id saas iid m ts4d- Sc 4 S t w- LiM a t 1 wutp es 1 el bi 4- I d 4s rjM 4 Iu5Lkj I- s 4 i rn14 k- e SUul ie 4Siii bsiai- s i v 1seIi- u Saab id s E ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > > + We mn not the Steel Trust But you may Trust Our Steel The Metropolitan- Safe Co 3 EAST HTH ST Safes Rented from 5 to 259 a Year We mAke a specialty of the storage ol Silver- ware Jewelry and Valuables of every descrip- tion Remember this when your house for the summer Stored at 25 cents a Month HOrilSlO A M TO S P M WALTER G ROGERS Secretary and Manager CUDAX VESEIlTEll CAVOUT- nvturni From Spain and li Held on an Old tare f Murder JtpeelalCal leDeipatcl TMSnt HAVANA April ExColonel Guzman of the Cuban Armywho It la alleged mur- dered a fellow revolutionist In IBM and joined the Spanish forces with went to Spain after the war recently re- turned to Havana where he has been ar- rested on the charge of murder after being denounced by a man who know him Ho applied for a writ of habeas corpus but the decided to hold him for trial Secretary of Justice U Investigating- the case It U considered that Guzman U protected by the decree of the Spanish Military Governor pardoning revolution who delivered themselves and also by the Gen Brooke Issued on March forbidding the courts to take cognizance of criminal acts committed by troops on active military service Gen Maximo Gomez has published a letter urging Guzman bo punished- for hU crime Spanish papers protest against such action and say the action of the court In refusing to at liberty U considered a serious breach of Uw LOOKS FOR CHIXESE TllOVtlLE Major Marchand Hayi the Hatred of Foreigner Itrad Special CaW Dtifitc lo Tn Sole PAnts April Echo rf pub Ilshea an interview from its St Petersburg correspondent with Major Marchand who said that in the event of a conflict be- tween Russia and Japan or other powers thin Chinese would surely rise and renew their outrages He considered that disturbances- are to be for Ibo next four or flee years The Dowager Empress had not lost her hatred of foreigners and had not ceased dreaming of a bloody revenge for which was preparing The Chi- nese would easily be dragged into hostili- ties when the moment was opportune LET CATHOLICS VOTE IV ITALVf Report That Ioprt Mill Permit ThIs to heck Kprrad or Socialism Special nripottA It Tun Sex ROME The lore Della Vtrita a Clerical organ prints an article Intimat- ing that the prohibition against Catholics participating In the Italian elections will shortly be withdrawn with the view to arresting the progress of socialism The statement is causing a sensation and many persons believe that the with- drawal of the prohibition would have n moro Important influence upon polities than any event that has occurred In thirty years KltlOEn TALKS HOPEFVLLY- Sajn tloers Mint Slate Independence Mould Che li Cold rtrldit- ipeeiil CaUe litipatlt t Tn sn- CoiooNE April 8 Mr KrUger through- a representative has assured a deputation of Westphnlian Lutheran workingmen that ho is now more than ever convinced that the war will have a happy ending for the lk rs Their first condition still remains Independence for which cede the Vltwaterurand gold region He says that there Is more fighting on tho floor side than- at the commencement of the war IlET DE WET TO FIOIIT HOEItS- llroltier of the Iamnut irnrral to a Corps fur tile HrllUh Special tnM Deipctc laTum SUM Hioriirovrrix April G n Kitchener has autliorirod Pin D Wet a brother of the wellknown lloer Oral Christian I Wet to another burgher corps In tta Orange ulcer Colony lrn KniKrrt Son SurrenrternlS- fieeUl DeipaH Tm SOW AMiTtliluu Aril statement published III KuruM that this eldest suit of Mr Krllwr had taken th ath of lo tin HrltWi ClotfrniiM In the Tmtinvnal KM liivf ly diiiM l y the hoer i lony Tim t r KiiinHf ii iiilonixl tnut My IM a nioii f that naint alto an- InltaMtant HuxtHilHirg Krutt- M U still In lli fi4 l Ida Ihxr eoni- llrltUh lirrp I iirl tlarllal Hii rl kfrrrl- XH iiink i Tm kin liKlxiN Ax1l Arthur Iklfiiur lm r- INK xf nuUltHMrlMl vittWll ul l IM4 Ihu- tuxuuiiuH il HaMiuoli and lu l lit Ilir I rtllr l M Ilirrimwl- M rf llr MlMtlM 4HH tt 4 IIM- kA M 4U taut ttt H I Jit- t don Trunks ten cur den that that ot 8The Cob I I I a Wt t uf C Ill It I t t Wt ta n A J M I I H- t I U M I J- W I I u- Hy h- I I IU isis Is Paris expected tile will hut raise lust hiss CoW b This allegiant here the cit wit It naliIties t s ti 11105 I iHilulte aNketillelsi title f1tisult that Its kvrIISuttU n- Mdir 4ttsmh4i I ls1IIibh the lie iflhssi lb hietr44I isiliwews s ts4etttrol at ttti4tSt seoutisuel I 5I IiOI5IdiIS t fC S Ss- aIitiasss A I1ut ssar- MEe taka isnt hut is4 to 54 h4Mti a e- I I 1415111 itch LH s se tsia4 N5a- hlsse4e4Ol Helalel aeiissttl A 5 IIo A4i S 4t- d5 I fI ittd i 1 I 4rjS1 ii 0 SI l iaimS 1ad 4 4 1 4 a- M hsi Miisas 044 p- a p t- tn lrt 0- 451W4 4h4sp 444mb I await h lid 44 mq i 1 i 14 J 5 4Ise i ir ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < > > > HAD ORDERS TO KILL AND BURN OE SMITH WAXTED 5IUtRI- tEIIELS WIIED OVT SA IS IJU LLEtl Contradicts the cnrral Testimony If KiKtalncfl liy Two Ithrr Told to Kill i cry IVallvr Ovrr Ten Years Old Outlaws Torture Prltonmft- pectnl caste Hnpatcii la Tnr Sun MAMII April 8 At the courtmartial of Major Wallet today tho defendant took the stand to rebut the evidence given by Gen Smith military commander of Kamnr who testified yesterday that he had no knowledge of the killing of natives by Major WaIlers command until ho was In formed of the facts by len ChaftVe Major Wallet fiercely contradicted Gen Smiths testimony Ho declared that Ion Smith had wild to him I wish you to kill and bum The more you kill the more you will please me The Interior of Bamar roust bo made a howling wilderness Kill every native over 10 D D Porter of the Corps testified that he had order to kill and burn just after tho Balanglga massacre Lieut Frank Halford of the Marine Corps also testified that Gen Smith had ordered Major Wallerjo kill all natives over IU years of age lajor WaIler he added did not agree with the order and he ordered Capt Porter to kill old men womenfmd children A band of outlaws In tho Island of Samar attacked flee members of the con- stabulary at Sornogon and killed throe of them after gouging out nelr eyes and horribly torturing thom CilAIMIKS AGAMST AMI Senate Committee lisa llrport Mhlrli Sen Miles Hrfrrrrd To WASHINGTON April 8 Secretary Root sent to the Senate Committee on tflb Phil- ippines In confidence today n report by the Civil Governor of the JYovinooof Taya ball containing serious charges against the military administration In that province and against tho Army generally In Its relations to the civil government The transmission of this report U an echo of the recent correspondence between LleutGen Miles and Secretary Hoot In regard to tho proposition of Gen Miles that ho l e sent to the Philippines with a commission of Cubans and Porto Rlcaiw to carry out his scheme for ending the war in the Islands which President Roo o- velt and Secretary Root so strongly disapprove- dIn memorial proposing that he be sent to the Miles made the statement that tho war In the Philippines had been conducted with unusual severity When called on to ex- plain his reason for that charge he referred to the report from tho civil Governor of Tayabas Mr Root resented this reference of len Miles on the grounds that Ion Miles knew the Governors report was confidential and tl t the matter was still under Investiga- tion Secretary Root lots requested the corn to the report In confidence until len ClmJIeos answer received eo that both documents may be published together CAXADA IS llKCOMIXt TIItlDt- nwtllliiKnc to IIUoun Hrrlproclty With hue Country Any More BOSTON April 8 Speaking upon the subject of reciprocal relations between Canada and the United States at the ban- quet of the Canadian Club tonight J W Iongley AttorneyGeneral of Nova Scotia said I hope I shall l pardoned It I say that the result of the ci it tetit policy of Ameri- can politician of sill parties hint Urn to compel me to abandon expectations of fair and generous treatment mid In com- mon with the rest uf fellow subjects of his Ir Cnnndn I have rcarhul the conclusion that wo will discus recipro- city no tnoro until we HI It I to U a lndte arid n reel pewit which ineniin giving an well a a reciprocity h Canada as an belfrcHiMHtlug- coiumnnwrnlth f out Its career without bending the tj any foreign State I wish to Is thnt hitherto we hines l een making tim advanced and we the American KjIillcul an l If I ntimentci uf the M aright wo have ieacln the which w inakn no iimn ailvanm nnd we will wait on hits until er taint tIter IHUH full and cordial u fr- ri urt of Ameriiun Government an on our Others limy da HM hey please hut s fur m I yearn l r iMl all for rteixl Itwoti lieut Iliilnin lid IMliil If uJi II Miiultthili taU It iit IM the fault if IlriUiin or of llrlM li Ktuteineii 1 liliuw WMitlllKlit of the i rMl on his IHI IIIMI awl I have no li ltailoii III Matini Uii fur iiui l r of yi m o l HrllUh tii oui hiv K out of tlelr ay mi every xivtMno to v iult- lv Mini Mcure he friendship f the lnll l Bt t Ttir that often to the U at last u M of Hlfluw HI tbat Umilur novvib tuA- kuuml of It IIM M- ctinn lu such simIlar futint 4i gEM A t4itixki cubit NliyuWlvr- nuUKli use OilHj thi ouxlit tu- MttMaUmt li Kivrn airi ni M lrl U Mrll lltHluilj iy IvrUiltl- lwl t Ml WfktUi r Sf r- t M- f 44 If MMtSlrf M MM nil MM ll M t i M4HMI M- U tf Jtmtt lmt alt year Mare not l at head ota comml lon ion it iiI 1 have 1111 to 111 lseti npsllfMi th tll tip w wit > will s Jon btu rN I u a lilt 11ft 14 11 lit w 01111- 1w ltikr It- IN I f IC J 1 I- I I H- t 11 1 N1 till Nil J WI 1 JIJ fIIII 4 I f If- J r I t 2 f I I- IfE J- T M r- Ieo t- or 1 t- rJ r I W j t II I a lie hs other- wise the islands s dte ion ti are dir S rutlu i iii I hit t lit t lie States It sit tip intent litetit I still so a soil set a a t dI- ii sac ik s- a 10i Mid- 4 f- L 4 4 e I 0 s4 k a- Ia D a h- 5I I i- I Mdt bt S I < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < > > < < > < > = = < Suppose a man were to you two suits at worth 2000 one worth 1500 which would you pick knew which was best Thats what a newspaper I I ments offering I various values i You are not sure e lo RO Heres a true test Go to the store that has grown N largest in v time Unless it offered the values other people would not go and there so persistently We have a variety the best to be had at In fourteen years we have built up stores X the quickest success in history Let that tact you here to your profit Our 2J custom A invariably find we the newest styles most relfable makes lowest prices i just every man is for can find it too A matchless stok N of every style The new short Top Coats which are so popular the new long Coats all smart shades and The best values at these prices Four Convenient Stores 279 Broadway 211 and 219 Sixth Ave 47 Cortlandt St 125th St Corner 3d Ave pianola IRecftal Today WEDNESDAY April 9 at 300 P M- Ao Card of Admission Necessary SOLOIST M Alfred De Violin VirtuosoT- he Celebrated French Violinist If you are the owner of a piano which you do not use It Is to be supposed that you Intend to investigate the Pianola Tomorrow will afford an excellent opportunity for you to do so In playing the Pianola It Is not necessary tint you should know one note from another As the music unrolls It Instructs you just whit to do so that the compost tlon may be given the exact tempo and expression Intended by the composer Why should you remain skeptical about the Pianola when It Is used and most heartily endorsed by such artists as Padsrev ski Rosenthal llofmann De Pachman Moiikowskl Sauer and hundreds of others Kreufe So Jri- niiiEwsK uy Every who wtihM to hear absolutely Jjultltn Stein nrrvou piano plsilnritoulct buys It li perfection HoruiNN ayi I thInk what has Impressed nc much at anything ease with which Aett mraaledwlththeAeolUnOrche trelle Is played II Is simplicity itself Hungarian niiapsodle No 8 LUit AVOLA Beethoven Pianoforte part played with the 1lanoU Elevation CSamnide AEOLIAN PIPE OIK AN- Zlftutnrrirelnrn Saraute- M snvnU- oazKowmi ari Any one hidden In a room who her the ilanota for the n t that but soon he will perceive its error for the IUnola never play lube notes The AEOLIAN CO is west 23d Lubins Powder VIOLET and ROSE g For the BABYS TOILET Purely vegetable No wHite clay or talc THree our the same price one and I re t best erA with tdverthe and looking- w her Co at sincluding be s t 8 to 25 to 28 9J I fF- i i S ve for Pianoforte Vielta on I lithe I afar hr Ill and AUero AppUlnllAlo from I CUDtO 0 t onn- think is crest lrtuolO lrcompanho1 with ArolLan pin I Street H I J- cnerotions of mothers hove testified to its purity i The a I I 10 44 I 1 and tree any kInd tiC mesa the lnirumerut Andante tOne sill cutely that it a the Pipe Organ > > MISH rv LOT LS HAIlyl- trire rniatltr uf the litillit Ki It Can lake Carr of ll rlf iwwsljiiyn nnd one former npxarcl Iwfuru a cointnlttee of this Church AhM elatlnli for this dvnneeinent of the liitereKit of Ij l ir in tlie Tuxedo n avenue und Klftylilnth etrwt last uveliin- gnt tl r A I I lMut tow newsUjy lie A IkHil inu Idtvi of but teriiiK the loimtitMin ut the itewkboys but titer nun tlMlii neudeil taut they VHIH very well slut lu lw lp llieuiM lveH IU v JMIIWM lllolwli Tljoina 1h- II iM U lieu fuiiner ite kU y u nun inlliiiiU vrt- lt IMII fur Hiik Ji miruii tf lte- Nr 4 HIIHII Ml Iliuiui Mriol Tim iw l Mvr Julio lilt 16 ld- ulwl II UwUHtr tuu iililk l ii II iu i i in troUt uf Hi Irk Athlete lid M IWUI d lllMl utllw f tie Ml tl IMI- I I 4HpM- Utb J I- t i f M I t t- it JV- 4W II- f Hi a- ama i m- f d 4 W u Twu I I I lIun tog fur t S of I Ist W I oil u II II c- II it II h tI- e lit it e I 1Iu Itl U 10 1 f 1ft m tt I TE I I r r u 10 1 r It I II i t w NoH J te oj iI t- oN I J II I I I U I I rM newsboy this lit hIss sass IMPS t sits riser huSh sell Nets II uw a psetees liiakiig- Is iss a Is Mliii- lIiuU f14e154 ii iM seei Iii i5i Ii P etssiug eisg gip tutu- S slit ssi4 it s I I- ihiht0 iii it4wpJsv hi54 ii 5desL IkteIoJ 1 Akelut- lii s fel- id illS 4 t lat4uti- lspr4 pmasst4ac J Is Jet Ii i 155- ia4i is wNltI e I 554 Se 01 4w mS aiitsI ti- tii Ie si 4 JaMes 1a44ti b Is is s sia- lisia I mt 4 ae ksqiie s s itat till pii lai l iis d I gi i is- i 4irs l pi s 4 i i IiqM- H4 tSe se I s- k SMi C Ii t C Cl ip- I 44sii La- I- iid M see 4 a- se W4 S si ad i S a I 5- s i p 1 pJ a 0 s4 54 a 0 S 4 54 I 4- c 4 SidO 055 a < > > > > < > < = ENHSYLVANIA R R TOURS nn WASHINGTON April 17 and I Prom New York 1450 OLD POINT COMFORT RICHMOND and April 19 and M 3400 OLD POINT COMFORT OUlY Mr York 15 00 I r mitr triM UH f H inrn 0 Afl Ffc44d4 lass Hlt Auction Sale ncruuul t- ifRurly Kemovul- r will uflir Mir lMk wi Fine Glassware a i M tl I U r l H A COLD SEAL IMMAHA Y u Personally J 1 liOOI r 111 J III H I inn I H- I iiIitiIjn tI Ss I II I i- f P May Rate hay Rate t0ast jerk Este horn app tiiti AIsle ret tifi4esy r5 cc lull 4 I5 It ltISsii his Sisauft 01 i e Iii 5 i IIIStII- IJiHI i i i srwr iy if44i5llh lag t v CIisMPAGH- CJv < 1181- f I I Thw3I p nil alp pled IeItyfrt aloe- lcrtr 11011 11 I Gild oft rain cent the sum In the l s h toe with wan men pan I sue lend rail oug not Ijeer TI A- Tor hold I vs the luntOj that hue hold J13n rita lot upo or sub Xuh that limo orhlli tent rrn It Ire tics In till and roll such T und ul runT the Cot the tao trhI J fa tb n- II nom lit II Ii- I r I a 11 r f t i J j I I INT- so gal dit forte 003t- ern whk i than gas this poll err 71 men- the titn- to buss sloe purr- ccnt the t he vi TI- the stet the sgr foli- tiol fat go- of Is At- Ili Is 1Pt il is- In asp ci I 4- it a I p a I a I I I

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1902-04-09 [p 2] · Q THESUN WEDNESDAY APRIL 9 1902 c JI r think that nb Amrrfcun whn




think that nb Amrrfcun whn U worth hl s U-lian thnright In fel t bono In errrp rt-of l SlatM Applnuwl

muM thl tnbic SPO many mm whotook purl In Ui grit wnr war In whichthe unions IH here look partwas a VITV little one lMHau e It tto H any blesrr Aliplnu hut It had one

POOI It put tbfl onthe rtrurtnrn that Imd b n whilewo were nlmo t nnronwloiw of II and Itmight H how thcirouclily onn we were

when w thrmuh thAi wir It did notmnko or rtinvrenc to u whether Itwns an Admlrnl who cnmn from Termontor a who Jim from Alabama

l If the men hnd done dutyIn such Klintui n tit mtk lu f l nn Inn

thrill of pride In our commonnatloiiiilltr The debt we wod him

to tin with tin Mrtlon from whichh rninc lpiUii I

ton nnd of KoiiHi Cnllfdrnln liikt twelveyet nan when I flr t w nt to V thln ton

port In Coverntncntnl work I win IniInto rloM mntnct

and Intimacy with n South wn-

yonr nnd the nine slnco and totns r I klmll oiitlnur to lx In publlo

decent for tim Itiptihllr herniiw I havbeen thrown contact with inn thIs country hn ever Imd old friendyour lovornor lluuti Thomi Hon

el-lrom hut I liiv known of you nun of

your It In no wnw tir-firle hilt It li keen ii ure to vreotedwith tint unitHIP more Hum nnd irenerout houlltr which you have ilionu mAppluuso

of nny pirl of ttil countryl In certain en r an x of the

uviravc wo nil tend I so up It wnitolimit Mt a Ill Hin time twlnr-fiul tlien down and tlirn up nealn und thpiidown

south fiirollun wpm dutlnir thom la tIwo Iccml In have Uellnllely internlthe path ofMrndy pnujrei In materialUK an In otliiT tlilni I win inurh struckIn looking over iiinr of lluure of the

IIIMIH rcMnlly puhllluil tu e thensKitiUliInu rrnirrex boen millluTi1 III your hiatt

I nun prepared we thai vulue of yourfdrni rl rn ii they n

Me Unit onr fnrui tliem elvi hid tn-

rrenwd In n ill lure r proportion thatthe value nr your Innil hurtitrown up hut tint renllze the In whichour niiinufiiciiirlrnf ciiitri rlH ea-

Ioth H Miown In tho f ct that your minti-r ro lurtH hid tone up over IMPIT cent Hiul tbit for ItiMitnce the number

lni uliotit fronttlinn hell it inllllnti to more than two millionIn the Htiitr I dirt not renllie that the wuifepaid 0111 hud JnrriMMd 75 r nt

talk of the pro re of thePsr rt hilt I think Mouth canclve to OHIO of the State Applause I1 think that with i urh a record pre-vious itctarte von were well warrantedlimlMlni your ltloa hero

lau niul I wn cladHint In for your exposition you not

took In the that youtnchiilfd till l lund

of the I nlted St to tho Mand with whichthe event of the last few have modeIt evident that wt ari hound In futureto have closer relation el-

And nil that I have aid applies tothe urenteot unit rlrheot of tho the

land with win h we hart1 hen brought Intothe intimacy and mhip Ihu 1lunil of i In that In our trade relationwith Cutii w ElVfl her a markednnd subMntlnl mlvniiuxto not b-

intiM It will redound lo our lnt ri t to do H-Oiilthouuh Hint aSo In true hut I It

e the erent hMve o shapedthemelve that It I our duty n n irrentmIghty nation to help Cuba and I hope

ii our and e I

I nhnll not try lo make you any speech totilcht forIn tvn to mo tusk mo tntnorrow l iueh

I hall merely tlunk attain withnit my heart to you that I want youto that 1 nan word Inod mean It deeply when I tell I huvs beentouched morn pea e l touched andMlrred thi warmth heartlne whichyou have mad mo feel toduv hut I nm oneof you liquid uppluu e and chetr

Gov poke next lEo de-clared that the President was ns safe InCharleston as In Washington Ho is safeIn the hearts and the lovn of hUmen lie added Then ho said

I want to say In thN pre enc and In theof Pre ident of the United

KUttP that while we not acreo onof iKiilcy that we are nil American

citizens nnd time boy nf I he Southto the call of their country which I vailof duty n readily as

past and the sad memories It yetwe are one t when themil I fcouniled our hnnd I outstretched tocla p the n brother wherever he maybe we will together defend thewhich I the emblem of drll and religiousliberty nnd cnnitltutlnnnl government

am clad hilt lreIJent Iloo eveltto this grand old city that he see

and know ut a w are that he may know andrealise thourh we not agree Inpolltlox w Know how to welcome the Prrtldent of our common country

During the bnmjuct at the Charlestonhad a reception-

at the St Johns Hotel wherethe lodittf of Charleston

KFAXDAr IX IHHIWXIXO rBIMarrlnl Mm CoitiironiUrtl In use Death

uf THII Munirn Near lloilonH-

OSTOX April 8 Tho drowning of twowomen by the of a canoe on theCharles Rlvur In thu Went Roxbury districton Sunday afternoon has cauwxi H ncaiulalIn Jnumka Plain anti llrooklino whore themen whu went overboanl with victimsrp When tim acol Iont uccurn d theI olk M had KtPHt linioulty Intlm fuel In th iaxi ami although the affairiKiurnol In nfleriKxiii tim ofllour IIinut got a full story until nearly midnightund tlxm It was cnnfu iiig-

Tlw nainiw th wh lost liveswere Klvi mt MM MlM Allot Nnwooinb of

l ClareNiiMii Purk nul MIM Itontm Parkerof AH I MM IIHill ll MroH Arxmrillrut to lliH-UirMI f iui t iH liy th HealthK th irni tianw of ll letter MB

WIU ii hoc hli l toMiiWIo Midi wbein it

tllHM Kl llhl IMI MU4MVIIA liui

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n vrni Ort CrciJIt for Diplomaticro ih of Trade In Man-

churia Wont Conflict With RussIanMining and Hallway IntrrrtU There

Special tieiptlch la TB SexIEKB The Manchurlan con-

vention wait signed at 3 oclock this afternoon at tho office of the Board of ForeignAffairs by Prince Citing and Wang WenShoo the ClilnoM andM Paul Leiww tho Ituwlan MinisterIn the prewnoo of the members of theHoard of Foreign Affair Prior to theIgnlng there was n conference that lastedfor three hours

The action of Russia In tho Manchurianmatter l criticised as It Is admitted that

could have attained her object with-

out arousing the other Powers As It lanow other Paweru get tho honor forthe outcome an they diplomatically forcedKiifwla to concede all the forwhich they contended monthsTho convention in characterized as merelyan evacuation agreement It U not dls-

CuiMxi by tho Incorporation of previoustreaties

Though tho powers antagonized thetreaty and Manchurias Importance wasmagnified It is not likely that their ownInterests have been injured or Manchuriasfuture The Japanese althoughthey Interest in the provincewill invent tholr capital eluoMrhore not-

withstanding the reports that their erniearles both political and industrial areeverywhere In Manchuria

The natural expansion of English Amer-

ican anti Japanese willless permanently

while at the same time they Wilt notconflict with tho Russian railway andmining enterprises which it believedwill have no rerioiu rivalry The rever-sion of the town of Xewchwang to the civiladministration Is contingent upon therestoration of native city of Tientsinto the Chinese by the allies now holding Itpending the carrying out of certain obli-

gations by tho Chinese such as the con-servancy of tho Whongpo and Pet riversand the pacification of the province of Chill

There U a rising threatened against thopriests at Flex and Hochlnfu fifty milesfrom Tientsin and the same distance frontthe Hunting Park where the Emperorwilt shortly review 20000 troops Theconverts are uneasy everywhere

Tim demolition of tho Taku forts willnot be finished before June IS and thorestoration of Tientsin Is Improbable before July

EAni of KiMnKniEV DEAD

lie Wai the Liberal Party leader In thehouse of Lords

Special Caiiti Deiptlch to Tea Sex

Imo April 8 The Earl of KimberleyK O leader of the Liberals In tho House ofLords who had been Lit for some tlmo diedtoday

The Right Hon John Wodohouse Earlof an Important part inBritish politico for years In 1852he career by accepting theof of Stato for ForeignAffairs under l Abet

and Palmeroton until 19M whenmade envoy at St Petersburg Since

at one tlmo and anotheroccupied almost all tho seniorshIps Mr Gladstones various LiberalGovernments and after Lordwithdrew from tho official leadership of theLiberal party and Sir Campbell

was elected hU succesMorLord continued to act a theofllcial leader of tho Opposition In the

I lioimo of LordHo was In IS28 and educated

Eton and Oxford where he look a firstclass in decided honors Ho fcuceecded

I grandfather third Baron WodehoutoIn 1MB Thn of lniU wascreated for him In 1MW In 1847 ho wasmarried to Florence elded daughter ofthe third Earl of Charsfrom Ru sla he twinned his of Under-secretary for Foreign Affairs and In IMS-he was sent as a special envoy to

The next vent U amoSecretary India In October of ISMie Kuece ded thn Karl of Carlisle a-

LordLieutenant of Ireland which offlcehe resigned in ISM He hild the office ofIxml Seai under Mr OladstonesadminIstratIon from Decemlrfr lM to

INTO arid that of Secretary of StateColonies from INTO 1H74 At

various times to that the Earlof KJmlierley held the of the ollr-of Secretary of State for India arid Swro

of for Foreign Affairsearl WAS nuidi 11 Knight of tips

darter He was president Jtondnn IKMT iinil In 1M9 WM-

made Chancellor of the I nl VITHJI v of Ismdnii-to u wd Imi lIorncMI Tm Karl of

I was a nun of coilhighly reported by all political


had In healthfor the two year

iurr rnttrs IGIISII nAxrll-

rpormi krliriiip In Italic Irlrr llirrr-li Curtailing KliliiiirnuI-

IVIKKMII April IM jv rjrf f l M-lodny that tim Utof iruvi if Clilr4 o

will shortly try lo HUM IM jnu of IHMMI

In KncUiid by ooutrotUiiK ih ilo Mi4ihf AiMrlmn lm f in thu Miiii uf Mix AtUitUc-

Ili iluit for IM lime prwU-

nldr m rrourd vwidH l fl n-

tlita l 4iit Miit of tu iutwy vliMti HM i

HkiimU tu Uy in Kiifcr lu iinil Ulit III UHMll IWlllll HultM UHI-

MMt IMH liiinHcj ti-

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KING cniusTws mmnDAY-Dtntth Ruler M4 Ywtrrdty Crrat Kn-

Sptctnl Cable Dtifntttt 10 THE SexCOPKVIUOKN April 8 The eIghty

fourth birthday of King Christian WMcelebrated today with much popular en-

thusiasm The city and the ships In thoharbor were decorated-

An immense crowd assembled at noonIn front of the palace and loudly cheeredthe King who upon a balconyaccompanied daughters QueenAlexandra tIm Dowager Czarina and theDuchess of Cumbcrlai The party re-

ceived a most heartyTho guosta of tho the Prince

and Princess of Wales and Russian Frenchand Swedish representatives


Otnerri of the tilnmn Ixpfdltlon Send Himan Altuini

Special Cube Dett tt If Tai Srx-HiNOVKR April FieldMarshal Count

von celebrated hU sevenAt a dinner given In his

honor by lost evening Count vonWaldereco to his Far Eastern ex-perience Ho said that lie camo awayconvinced that they had not got very faron the road of a satisfactory solution and

all the socalled Chinese experts didChina at all

Among tho presents sent to Count vonWaldcntee were a silver table service fromthe Emperor and an album from the officersof the China expeditionary corps Officersof the force of other nations which took

in tho expedition joined with the tierin subscribing for the album

GEIlMA VIEW OF ftllODESS GUTflittifactlon Expressed Otrr th German Al-

lowance for KliulrnUSpecial Cattle Deifatth If SOS

BERLIN April 8 No authorized com-munication of the contents of CecilRhodcwa will has yet reached the De-

partment of Education hero or theauthorities of Berlin University Theyare consequently unable to glvo anopinion on the workings of Its Germanprovisions but It is expected that tho Emperor will consult thorn before makingselections The scholarship will be given-to students of mature age who can botrusted to spend the money wisely

The otti che Zeitung expresses aston-ishment at the size of Cecil Rhodess Germanscholarships It says that he has assignedSOCO marks each for them whereas formerly-a student wax glad to have 100 marks or300 marks Even travelling scholarships-of 3000 marks for two years have been con-sidered high In Germany The Vonitchtadds with regret that the German studenton his return homo will have to sacrificesome of the personal freedom of OxfordIt that like the late Prof Max Muller

return to the Fatherland-but will the fruit of his studies toEngland

The writer believes that Cecileducational testament U thean overpowering desire for mastery ratherthan of generosity and benevolence Heends by comparing the wills of Rhodes andXobel drawing conclusions In favor ofthe latter

nnoDESS FfEHAi jornxEVHotly Ijtnc In State at llntnw o Will

He Iturlnl TodaySpecial Cable Diiptltfi Sole

BmowATO April K The funeral trainwith the remains of Cecil Rhodes and ao-companld by a number of personal andpolitical mourners arrived hero todayThe coffin was convoyed to the Drill Hallwhere practically the entire population hadassembled It will lie In state there through-out the day and be tomorrow onthe last journey to of burial Inthe Matoppo Hills


IJtrrpool anti Jlaicnw lisaAcrrrd In FxIMInic hate

Special CaWr Dupitc lo TatLONDON April 8 The Journal

of fammtree HUtm on what tobe unimpeachable authority that a newsteamship M rvice is to tw rwtablUhedbetween Liverpool and South African portswith sailings also from Glasgow There willbn no reduction in freight rates howevera an amicable agreement boon

with the Clan Line managuinentThe Clan Line is now controlled by J It

Kllurman formerly chairman of tho Ley-

land LIlMI

FAV MAV tin TO JAILOrdrr or Cuinmlllal secured hy a London

lYnlllurf-peeltl CtUe tleipalt la Tel

INHON April Judge Woodfall todaym4d an oommlttal to

to tcoin on rativo in iM lrn day4 Klfi tlm American who

riiintiy sp4iwl In a thtutre here in-ilrfiiult of poymrnt of n JUiljiiMit debtMIM Fey II u said IM on


II Hill lie InlriMliirril In the To-

IhlK N Aprtl I Mr llulfiMjr muvu4itwtu U n HUUM uf I miiHii tide nflKriMou that

M r wuuM I wn lUi l liy Hi-

HI A in r AMI WVV-

Mnrlrrii llurr llallrrlr In l Imlallril-In Ilir I r Iatl-

AUIIIIIUIIUIUi r I li iiilirr-

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We mn not the Steel TrustBut you may Trust Our Steel

The Metropolitan-Safe Co


Safes Rented from 5 to 259 a YearWe mAke a specialty of the storage ol Silver-

ware Jewelry and Valuables of every descrip-tion Remember this when your housefor the summer

Stored at 25 cents a MonthHOrilSlO A M TO S P M

WALTER G ROGERS Secretary and Manager


nvturni From Spain and li Held on an Oldtare f Murder

JtpeelalCal leDeipatcl TMSntHAVANA April ExColonel Guzman

of the Cuban Armywho It la alleged mur-dered a fellow revolutionist In IBM andjoined the Spanish forces withwent to Spain after the war recently re-

turned to Havana where he has been ar-

rested on the charge of murder after beingdenounced by a man who know him Hoapplied for a writ of habeas corpus but the

decided to hold him for trialSecretary of Justice U Investigating-

the case It U considered that GuzmanU protected by the decree of the SpanishMilitary Governor pardoning revolution

who delivered themselves and alsoby the Gen Brooke Issued onMarch forbidding the courts totake cognizance of criminal acts committedby troops on active military service

Gen Maximo Gomez has published aletter urging Guzman bo punished-for hU crime Spanish papers protestagainst such action and say the actionof the court In refusing to atliberty U considered a serious breach ofUw

LOOKS FOR CHIXESE TllOVtlLEMajor Marchand Hayi the Hatred of

Foreigner ItradSpecial CaW Dtifitc lo Tn Sole

PAnts April Echo rf pubIlshea an interview from its St Petersburgcorrespondent with Major Marchand whosaid that in the event of a conflict be-

tween Russia and Japan or other powers thinChinese would surely rise and renew theiroutrages He considered that disturbances-are to be for Ibo next four or fleeyears

The Dowager Empress had not lost herhatred of foreigners and had not ceaseddreaming of a bloody revenge for which

was preparing The Chi-nese would easily be dragged into hostili-ties when the moment was opportune

LET CATHOLICS VOTE IV ITALVfReport That Ioprt Mill Permit ThIs to

heck Kprrad or SocialismSpecial nripottA It Tun Sex

ROME The lore Della Vtritaa Clerical organ prints an article Intimat-ing that the prohibition against Catholicsparticipating In the Italian elections willshortly be withdrawn with the view toarresting the progress of socialism

The statement is causing a sensationand many persons believe that the with-drawal of the prohibition would have nmoro Important influence upon politiesthan any event that has occurred In thirtyyears


Sajn tloers Mint Slate IndependenceMould Che li Cold rtrldit-

ipeeiil CaUe litipatlt t Tn sn-CoiooNE April 8 Mr KrUger through-

a representative has assured a deputationof Westphnlian Lutheran workingmen thatho is now more than ever convinced thatthe war will have a happy ending for thelk rs Their first condition still remainsIndependence for which cede theVltwaterurand gold region He says thatthere Is more fighting on tho floor side than-at the commencement of the war


llroltier of the Iamnut irnrral toa Corps fur tile HrllUh

Special tnM Deipctc laTum SUM

Hioriirovrrix April G n Kitchenerhas autliorirod Pin D Wet a brotherof the wellknown lloer Oral ChristianI Wet to another burgher corps Intta Orange ulcer Colony

lrn KniKrrt Son SurrenrternlS-

fieeUl DeipaH Tm SOW

AMiTtliluu Aril statementpublished III KuruM that this eldest suit ofMr Krllwr had taken th ath oflo tin HrltWi ClotfrniiM In the Tmtinvnal

KM liivf ly diiiM l y the hoer i lonyTim t r KiiinHf ii iiilonixl tnut

My IM a nioii f that naint alto an-

InltaMtant HuxtHilHirg Krutt-M U still In lli fi4 l Ida Ihxr eoni-

llrltUh lirrp I iirl tlarllal Hii rl kfrrrl-XH iiink i Tm kin

liKlxiN Ax1l Arthur Iklfiiur lm r-

INK xf nuUltHMrlMl vittWll ul l IM4 Ihu-

tuxuuiiuH il HaMiuoli and lu l lit

Ilir I rtllr l



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Contradicts the cnrral TestimonyIf KiKtalncfl liy Two Ithrr

Told to Kill i cry IVallvr Ovrr TenYears Old Outlaws Torture Prltonmft-

pectnl caste Hnpatcii la Tnr SunMAMII April 8 At the courtmartial of

Major Wallet today tho defendant took thestand to rebut the evidence given by GenSmith military commander of Kamnrwho testified yesterday that he had noknowledge of the killing of natives byMajor WaIlers command until ho was Informed of the facts by len ChaftVe

Major Wallet fiercely contradicted GenSmiths testimony Ho declared that IonSmith had wild to him

I wish you to kill and bum The moreyou kill the more you will please me TheInterior of Bamar roust bo made a howlingwilderness Kill every native over 10

D D Porter of the Corpstestified that he hadorder to kill and burn just after thoBalanglga massacre

Lieut Frank Halford of the Marine Corpsalso testified that Gen Smith had orderedMajor Wallerjo kill all natives over IUyears of age lajor WaIler he added didnot agree with the order and he orderedCapt Porter to kill old men womenfmdchildren

A band of outlaws In tho Island of Samarattacked flee members of the con-

stabulary at Sornogon and killed throe ofthem after gouging out nelr eyes and

horribly torturing thom

CilAIMIKS AGAMST AMISenate Committee lisa llrport Mhlrli Sen

Miles Hrfrrrrd ToWASHINGTON April 8 Secretary Root

sent to the Senate Committee on tflb Phil-ippines In confidence today n report bythe Civil Governor of the JYovinooof Tayaball containing serious charges againstthe military administration In that provinceand against tho Army generally In Itsrelations to the civil government

The transmission of this report U anecho of the recent correspondence betweenLleutGen Miles and Secretary Hoot Inregard to tho proposition of Gen Milesthat ho l e sent to the Philippines with acommission of Cubans and Porto Rlcaiwto carry out his scheme for ending thewar in the Islands which President Roo o-

velt and Secretary Root so stronglydisapprove-

dIn memorial proposing that he be sent tothe

Miles made the statement that tho war Inthe Philippines had been conducted withunusual severity When called on to ex-plain his reason for that charge he referredto the report from tho civil Governor ofTayabas

Mr Root resented this reference of lenMiles on the grounds that Ion Miles knewthe Governors report was confidential andtl t the matter was still under Investiga-tion

Secretary Root lots requested the cornto the report In confidence

until len ClmJIeos answer receivedeo that both documents may be publishedtogether


nwtllliiKnc to IIUoun Hrrlproclty Withhue Country Any More

BOSTON April 8 Speaking upon thesubject of reciprocal relations betweenCanada and the United States at the ban-quet of the Canadian Club tonight J WIongley AttorneyGeneral of Nova Scotiasaid

I hope I shall l pardoned It I say thatthe result of the ci it tetit policy of Ameri-can politician of sill parties hint Urn tocompel me to abandon expectations offair and generous treatment mid In com-mon with the rest uf fellow subjectsof his Ir Cnnndn I have rcarhulthe conclusion that wo will discus recipro-city no tnoro until we HI ItI to U a lndte arid n reelpewit which ineniin giving an well a

a reciprocity hCanada as an belfrcHiMHtlug-coiumnnwrnlth f outIts career without bending the tj anyforeign State

I wish to Is thnt hitherto wehines l een making tim advanced and we

the American KjIillcul an lIf I ntimentci uf the M

aright wo have ieacln the whichw inakn no iimn ailvanm nnd wewill wait on hits until ertaint tIter IHUH full and cordial u fr-ri urt of AmeriiunGovernment an on our

Others limy da HM hey please hut s furm I yearn l r iMl all for rteixlItwoti lieut Iliilnin

lid IMliil If uJi II MiiultthilitaU It iit IM the fault if IlriUiinor of llrlM li Ktuteineii

1 liliuw WMitlllKlit of the i rMlon his IHI IIIMI awl I have

no li ltailoii III Matini Uii fur iiui l rof yi m o l HrllUh tii oui hiv Kout of tlelr ay mi every xivtMno tov

iult-lv Mini Mcure he friendship f the lnll l

Bt t

Ttir that often to theU at last u M

of Hlfluw HI tbat Umilur novvib tuA-kuuml of It IIM M-

ctinn lu such simIlar futint 4igEM A t4itixki cubit NliyuWlvr-nuUKli use OilHj thi ouxlit tu-

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Suppose a man were toyou two suits at

worth 2000one worth 1500which would youpick

knewwhich was bestThats what anewspaper



ments offering I

various values i

You are not suree lo RO

Heres a true testGo to the storethat has grown N

largest in vtime Unless it offeredthe values otherpeople would not go andthere so persistently We have avariety the bestto be had at

In fourteen years we havebuilt up stores

X the quickest successin history

Let that tactyou here to your

profit Our2J custom

A invariably findwe thenewest stylesmost relfablemakeslowest prices i

just everyman isfor can

find it tooA matchless stok

N of

every style Thenew short Top Coats

which are so popular thenew long Coats all smart shadesand The best values atthese prices

Four Convenient Stores279 Broadway 211 and 219 Sixth Ave47 Cortlandt St 125th St Corner 3d Ave

pianola IRecftalToday WEDNESDAY April 9 at 300 P M-

Ao Card of Admission NecessarySOLOIST

M Alfred De Violin VirtuosoT-he Celebrated French Violinist

If you are the owner of a piano which you do not use It Is to be supposed thatyou Intend to investigate the Pianola

Tomorrow will afford an excellent opportunity for you to do soIn playing the Pianola It Is not necessary tint you should know one note from

another As the music unrolls It Instructs you just whit to do so that the composttlon may be given the exact tempo and expression Intended by the composer

Why should you remain skeptical about the Pianola when It Is used and mostheartily endorsed by such artists as Padsrevski Rosenthal llofmann De PachmanMoiikowskl Sauer and hundreds of others Kreufe So Jri-

niiiEwsK uy Every who wtihM tohear absolutely Jjultltn Steinnrrvou piano plsilnritoulct buysIt li perfection

HoruiNN ayi I thInk what has Impressed ncmuch at anything ease with which Aett mraaledwlththeAeolUnOrche trelle

Is played II Is simplicity itself Hungarian niiapsodle No 8 LUitAVOLA

BeethovenPianoforte part played with the 1lanoUElevation CSamnide


Zlftutnrrirelnrn Saraute-M snvnU-

oazKowmi ari Any one hidden In a roomwho her the ilanota for the n t

that but soon he will perceive its error forthe IUnola never play lube notes

The AEOLIAN CO is west 23d

Lubins PowderVIOLET and ROSE


Purely vegetable No wHite clay or talc THree

ourthe same price one

and Ire t


with tdverthe and

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Co at sincluding

be s t

8 to 25 to 289J





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trire rniatltr uf the litillit Ki It Canlake Carr of ll rlf

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II iM U lieu fuiiner ite kU yu nun inlliiiiU vrt-

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WASHINGTONApril 17 and I


RICHMOND andApril 19 and


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