the sun. (new york, ny) 1883-10-31 [p ]. · 2017-12-16 · i v l if wi-j i j be-i vol lino 61 new...

I V l if wi- J I j be- I VOL LINO 61 NEW YORK WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 1883 PRICE TWO CENTS H ALES OF TRADING DENIED TJIK COVNTT DKMOCItAUr CALLS TUB ROLL OF JUlillllCTS- Traeea of ColnnUnllon In Opt 1ettT Pre lntlnqllrIDI Into u Kegletry of Nlxtr or More Voteia rrom line Lodging lou The Executive Commlttco ot tho County Democracy maim u public dental yesterday of tho rumor that their orunnlxatlon would trade votes for Stuto and county candidates lor votos for Senators und Aldormon Every dis- trict ¬ except tho Soci nil nnd Third was repre- sented ¬ at tho meeting Alter Rome routine business hail Lon done Commissioner Hubert 0 Thompson slld Thoro are roports In circulation that the union of the nomocracy county ticket Is not honest so far ai this organizatIon I ls con- cerned ¬ and that wo do not Int nd to support the ticket In cood faith I do not bollove that there Is any truth In those rumors but It Is P time that the organization should knovv whether there Is any foundation for them I there Is any Intention on tho part of any of our Assembly district orcMilatlons to trndo oil any of the State or county candidates wo should know It now that wn may take tho nocnsBMT steps to counteract such a determi- nation ¬ I therefore move that tho representa- tive ¬ from each district be called upon to an- swer ¬ us to tho truth of tho rumors and to plodco the vote of his organization to tho honest faithful and thorough support of every man on tlirt State and the count I ticket Tim representatives of overy district from the First to the Sixteenth reported that tho Btnto nnd county tlckntu would receive tho sup hart of every County Democracy voter Hoper visor Costluan ptoinlsod t that every candidate on the two tickets would curry the Fifteenth district by tt500 msjorlt Police JiiHtlcn- Jlnurico J Ilown reported for tho Sixteenth district the district was foi merly- cno IR of lion Jnmcs Ollrlons strongholds nnd that about a hat dozen county Democrats who used to b his friends hind temporarily withdrawn the County Democracy and would support him Thnrastol tho members nf thin ton would support the State and county In Kood faith and tho dis- trict ¬ would give ns Rood nu account of Itself as hall done In past years IIolleo Justice Murray reported the oranIza tion brat In tho Seventeenth distrIct and then Commissioner Thompson responded for the iiuhlcpnth district Ho Bald that his district was tin old homo of James OUrlon but ho did not Know of one mombor of tile County De- mocracy who Intended to otoor- woik orlnnlmtol llollly As tho lender of tho 111 nllllIt he added 1 can plndcn It so fur an tho County Democracy Is I concerned 1- 0onry man on tho Miito unit the county ticket Tho lopresontHtlves from the rnnmlnlni dis- tricts ¬ said that their orennlritlnns would trlvo V an honest mipport to both tlcknt Thnn tile committee made arrangements for tho rntiflca- tlon mooting which Is to ho held In the Cooper Institute on Friday evening Tho Independent Democrats are making 1 leorouKennvass They express confidence tile uloctlon of exfonKrovBinnn Ollricn their nindldatii for Ueirlstir they say that their nominees for Supremo and City Court Justices will not decline Some of tIle leaders of the Democratic ortfaniations object to Edward Itrownofi acceptance of tho nomination for City Court I Iulco Thy say that as ho Is thn candidate united Democracy ho should not run on a ticket which was nominated against thum Sheriff Davidson tho leader of thn Irvine Hall organization to which Mr Browne belongs said last nlmlit Mr Brow no toll mo last evening that when the OBrIen nomination woe offered to him ho replied that he would not pay one dollar of assessment to an organIzatIon which was to defeat the rest of thn unIted Democ ¬ trrlll candidates The Ollrlen committee then told him that ho would not bo naked to pay any assessment They wont away nd- nominated him 111 satisfied that Mr ISrowno will pa > those no assessment ivnd wi not accent their nomination r however choooo to put him on their ticket and run him from their boxoIl dont 10 why ho should bo derirhnd of of The managers and clerks of the Republican State Committee sny thev wilt elect their State ticket Jon Joseph 11 Carr their nominee for Secretary of State says hl is curtain of his own election Ho claims thatath the brewers In this city will support him and expects to run largely ahead of hits ticket In this city nod Brooklyn Mr William Ii lkr ono of the committees clerks picdlctod nlirht that Gen Carr would have 20 majority in the Slate Ho Is the who hot Mevorl hats two week before his election year that Secretary Foluor would be ollct0I Gover- nor of tho State by a irood Tho Tammany Uomoitwy will ratify the State nnd county tickets tomorrow evening in Tammany hail Congressmen Cox Durs- beimor rottnr Hardy and Adams will spoiik Col W 111mm C Church has been nominated by the Itepublicans for tile Assembly In the Third district and endorsed by Cltlnms Committee Ho I is In his lath veir boned with distinction on tho staff of Majordon CnRiir and Was lie founder of thi inv unit Xinu Journal For several years ho WKS 1ruHldont of the National Itille Association Ho was lonl the Secretary of the Army of the Iotomae ciitv With his brother he founded and edited tho lalniv and IH well knowl ns a contributor to other periodicals newspapers Last autumn ho was appointed by Irexldont Arthur a Commissioner to inspect tho Northnrn Pa cio Railroad Ho belongs to th Century Club Potty reported to thn 1olico lloanl jes- terda > that tIlere wore sixty 10rSOll reiiistered from Kullhnnn Induinu 17 Worth struutt when the Hoard of Health utliows hut half I tlio numlmr of 10111Irl to the houne On Hundny afternoon n Horeoant called nt Sullivans placn Capt Potty fujb and asked him to tick out from tho registry lists thin nunios of his lodgers They am all mine Sullivan Is reported to have said All nativeborn citizens sir Cipt Potty sent n policeman last night to see If tile sixty persons registered from Sullivans really belonged thorn He says ho will arrest forty of tlmm if they come to thin polls Tho lodulnit house Is a narrow triangular room full of bunks Lust night time man in ehnren- snld that thy sonuitiines hail as many ns sixty lodLers mind aonltmHIvonIY but more 0101 thirty and tW ltY WIA positive the tXncllumbor they regularly In Eighteenth nnd Nineteenth Election district of the Second Assembly dis- trict ¬ the pollen have boon told t by tho lodging house Ilrnpllolorl that numbers of lam houses nro not thn of their lodgers The police are getting up n- llstlol tliisn names Jnines Ollrlnn eandldaln for Register vent to the police yostvday for 0 list of the men IURIOlud out of I Illegal registry Abe list Is not OJrlcrmr nr uhf CANVSS Comptroller BI > hone > Mind Gives WilY luder 1rexiire nt tkci Political Flgal- t BUiFALo Oct 30Comiitrollor Timothy Mahoney ono of the most1 popular mon In Jilffalo has gone crazy > through tho excitement d the pending political ranva i Jonathan fcovllle anti John 13lnnnlnl each held Porn crallo City humid themselves mmmated for Mayor Mr Mahoney was named fur Comptrollei by both Conventions and each jnmlune for M IIor has been using vary means ti secure his smiport The stmll was really trrlfli anil tho Coiirollor says ho has nt siciut for a weult About mldnisht ho took UClty Chairman Halts the follovviiii messauO- no hereb leek lIe the noinlnallnii her 1113 rnniu lo TiMotnr J MAIIOM- Ole was clearly out t of his mind At times he JTB coodnaturml and thnn ill tllRllrm I tunn He was at his olllco t bu Ir not Hppant this mnrmi I tim II 1 Vhpn his deputy npiined the bIg sao tho ills c nrr was mnde Unit thn tax books vvrrn somi NIrlctollhum could bo found anywhere I In t their pioper plnco in I In tIme fcafj timer wetesiibsonuBiitly found hidden In aclrknduak A his liouio Alahonny tossed about In Ills bod- luiAvus dellrou n This atternouii heiuluod dOI no1 I wiiiit to Ills tifllco He could not lulL nynnith ol lime on one subject Hn I waumolni to hue knlfad In onvorsntlon 111 I I tnd he iiiailn tile annoiinciimdiit overuil up a hell lermey of 1 in Ml I In t thlc- tlil of the 01cc litiiuhuuI dovn to him t rolls r Khrohani administration I Ihxv I Imtiiiin this hocnld ho could not loinaln on the likni Hn ndvllnrd with several of his ulnim rniardlllihe advisability of withdraw log 111 Illt 1IfbIIWIIIlotlll airniust him U l ho went lib hooks vropi found all rlcht on par ¬ hal earalustlon and he has a surplus of 700 with t t Olr lrcasuror i 1ilrl report tunghit that exComptrol lr y han lost heavily in oil speculations nt Irailfrd and that timele was a dnllclency It I is KHlabnt Mshonny dKulded that this must bu th5uhi foott or he would not run Hn went to Iieh who drteilnnd to do nnythlnir and i S tiur tvll huh r y Mr Shmihan denies that tlur Jvadellclt- r M IlbonoY1 oollapsB IK a Krnnt political and nothing else is talked of Os tluil3treet Chlrlll A Sweat President of I IO the lt 1NaUol lk lu Iouhud the UK sroiLKl A FINK nEJlINt The nrld nn ltd the Ibicat had Atiem- blaili hit the Urnom Cumo sot NEW HAVCN Oct OA Roy oecmblnRo of 11AI1 were present this morning nt 9 nt the Church I of tho 8a rcd Honrt to witness thn marriage of Mr Kug ne- Iiinch of riilbululphla und Miss Mary Mill cahoy daughter of Jeremiah Mulcnhoy of 351 West Poitsen street In tills cltv Tho wed- ding was to have boon nn elegant affair In front of this altar thnre hud beon placed a handsomo lloril aich beneath which time coupln wore to rtand There were othor elabo rate floral decorations which tho congrega ¬ tion gave their attention while they waited ex- pectantly ¬ for tho bridal party The hour arrived but tho bridal party did not Five ton fifteen minutes passed coil finally tho half hour was tolled from the City Hall clock nnd stilt tho bridal party did not como At last father Mulcahoy Informed tho congregation thnt thoro was no occasion for thorn to remain longer as the wedding would not occur In a state of mingled surprise disappoint ¬ mont and wonder the pooplo departed from the church Pew of them rrero content to start for home however heforo they hind learned tho rumor which circulated rapidly that the wail ding was oil on account of the failure of tho prospective groom to appear Whether his nb- snnci was dun to intention or accident no ono sinmcil to know lime relatives of tho prospective brldo were evidently suspicious that Lynch would provo falthlesH Late last night mnn called at the residonco of Dr Dolimty IdKlstrar of Vital StatistICH and roused him trout tile slumborf to i Inquire i If f Kimene Inch tutu tnkl inairiiiKO lleniue lime Doctor that ho hud nut This I mninlng I about II oclock an- other ¬ t man Cllrolnll made tha same Inquiry I Ten othui gnnllemen culled at tho I Dnrtoirt 0011 and t 101tlllhu In iti try To nil thin WI Mr Lynch had tint taken tint I marring license Those doubts ns to Mr t I ymmcims good faith bo eer did not revoii t thin in aspect ho brIde amid her i lolatlMs from hnUiig iwurjthlng In mclii lilts i In CHMI Mr Lynch should II mini ly ap- pear ¬ Miss Mnlenhur nttlnul In i her huridill cos- ttimn was an eager watcher at ono of the front windows her rosldmico for fully an hoirlm fore time tlinu set or tho coremonj CarrIages Htnod in Iront of time bousu waiting tl take the bridal pirtv to the burcli A Biimttuous neil ding hrtakfiist had been prepared A numerous family party nero gnlhuicd 1 at the house In readiness to attend time nuptials A row minutes past 0 I o clock the neighbors Raw a telegraph huny leave 1 desnatch at tho rosldemn of Mr Mulcahey The same oh sorxors did not fall I to take noto of the fnrt that liumodlntnly afterward tIme carriages drove oil as nimipty as when they came A suggestion that purhaps Mr Lynch had beondotulned by MHUO unavoidable accident iisdlsmlhsoilb the members of the inmll with an nmphasls more positive than n were denial It wit apparent IUt all faith In Mr Ljncli had I lieen lost 1 members of the famllyvvcrn In anything hit a pleasant mnoi- landthnv would neither any explanations nor assent to any that wtr suggested Mr Jnch I Is 1 10011001111 young man about years nllnll1 well spoken of by his acnimlntiinces Inlnot account for lila strancn conduct 1011 was horn In 1oIIen anil has lesldent hero most but about a year ago enlto Phila- delphia ¬ to work at his trade us a whoelwrhht During tho lat six months boon a fr iiioiit visitor to this city and stopped for weeks at n timo ut tho residonco of his prospective fatherinlaw Ho has bon devoted In his attentions to Miss Mulcahey neigh- bors ¬ city for sovBiiil years Hwas supposed th it ho would arrive here last night anti his failure to appear nrou cd 1 distrust which proved onlY too well founded Miss Mulcihny is an auburnhnlrnd ounl lady of ntti personal appearance nInny graces of manner Al the neighbors deeply Hympathlz with mind warmly denounce her faithless lover KILBOVKXS lIARltOirlXG TALE Oil anircrlnci In JAi with Nothing to Look At but tke Unddeii or Liberty WASIIIHOTOX Oct 30Afer 1 jury had boon Impanelled this morning In the case of Hallott Kllbourn against John fl I Thompson exSergonntntArms of the House of Itopro- sentatlvos for ttSQOOU damages for alleged false Imprisonment Mr Totton opened tile caso for time plaintiff He recltud tho facts at ¬ tending thu incarceration of Mr Kllbourn be- cause ¬ ho refused to answer certain Inquiries put to him by the Real 1state Pool Investi- gating ¬ Committee Mr Coylu followed in a speech for tho defence Mr Kllbourn was then called tothe stand He gate an account of his arrest anti Imprison- ment ¬ rending passages from time report of the Invustlgntioii committee and of the proceed- ings ¬ of time House Was time jail In which you wore Impris ¬ oned asked Oen Jeffries tile one In which burglars thlovos and othor criminals wore contlnod Yes sir Mild Mr Kllbourn here is it situated I On the Knstorn Branch a mile or two east of thn Capitol 11 What HID its 8urrolnlnII 7 In tOo renr of Mil Kllbourn If the Eastern Branch and marshns When Wlf there t the smallpox honpital wits adjacent 1 lime Potters Held was nlno near It mind tho Congressional cmnetcry and tho poorhouse I hern was 1 grant wiibtn of land and nothing I In sight but thn Ilonl of tho Capitol and tho doddess Of You coulil win the starspangled banner oc- casionally ¬ said Mr 1 Totton Occasionally said llho witness Then Mr Kllbourn told about tho cutting down of f his nllounme for intlons and placing hll on n ration of a dollar a duty Ho thought ns I gueit of the nation hn was entitled to hotter treatment than that The year before ho remarked Congress hnl appropriated 501101 to nnturtaln the tho Sandwich Islands who was only II lung by nccldont I wax a horn sovereign of tills land The witness tnstlllnd that ills imprisonment had affected his health seriously > Ho wn I Im- pregnated ¬ with malaria and broken Ho tall about 210 physicians foci unit 12 000 for a trip taken tho ndUcoof his iiyalelan after leaving jail He was asked what he paid for lawyers fees In the habeas corpus ease blt ob- jection ¬ was madn miutul It wims decided to argue thin propiloty of the intention tomoiiow- Ho said lila real estate liufineas which was 11rIrllwAf8Iblln1111ruinClbhIReo- ntnemclt to suIl at a sacrifice Tho witness WI the books which hpd been demanded Hlllllt committee vvero in court I dont rbinit ho oiiourvpu tnitny man woman or child who has nny Interest In thum looking at thorn lImo nrnisoxamlnatlon of the witness was postponed till tomorrow fSlA KTKHfKS WILL Dlllnkerlllnc knr Only KalltllT for HMylnr- k l vn > Married Vklli she will > ut- MIDDLETOVVV NY Oct 30 William Steele nf Wurtsboro Hulllvan county enlisted In tho army In 1KG1 He was killed In the battle of Pond Tree Crook In 1802 Ho loft 0 widow and I daughter three years old Tho mother dlod In 1870 leaving about 5000 worth of f property to liar daughter who wits an Invalid Tho daugh- ters ¬ namo was Lila She lived with an aged aunt Mrs Oracu Qulnlnn On 1 farm In the Hlmwnngunk Mountains six miles from Wurts- boro I llviid I th family of W J McKun Ills I soil I Ilorton I Mihee lon paying his atten- tions ¬ I to iiliiHeol mud tiers dent title lIly In April 1K7U joung Mulven took too and spoilt time evening with Miss Htooil told her that his mother wanted see hur- Wh1 he vvunt iwny lain in tile evening Ella with him bile never intuinvd to her nunli agiiln hit remained with the MiR tos giving no reason than thnt time mountain aIr umgruul wiih her butter than the air In tile villu In i llvlobni lH7 itlmiln l A few days hnfoiii slme died him siliiiinoned Justice 01 tIle Peacn llrrHullO ninko bur viii She told him thud as Ilr lt lund bald silo WIIH nuirrled to Ilorton MiKec which was untrue she would leave her propnrtyto Hortons mother which slm did m iking his father her executor The will was ofluruil fur probate In IBM Mrs Quln ¬ tan the aunt contented time will on the ground that It was tho result of undue Influence and fraud The Surrogate rejected tho will An appeal was taken to time General Term which reversed time declnlen of the hurrogato and sent tho casn hack lor trial by jury It has limIt been decided ulln In favoro the contestant riletlMletIVI t Cured without knife pimder or lalfe ItACharfft until cured WrIts fur refeiemee Ur Iorkiui II 12Wlb JO- rfeltll < Co Manufaclur their ready made al nll U thtlfiuttm eri lUalhl3Ewsqau4P i G7 r Point d Co- Guarknte their clnthtiu ai itpre nted or money ro funded 70 aud 71 BowtryJJ- irottit d co- Bverythlpi I9WU17IUI this I I HjUiti i i lll l 7 ul 73 c I ADdrOD Toboco 011 nUlwl 1 Uelt i 11 nl4 M NEWS FROM TIE OLD WORLD Tall Fitrxcir trtxisTitrs DKFRNCK OF TttKIH POIiar IN TONQVIlf Minister Chnllemellnenur Nni tflil Will otineere In thei Nrcotlntlnntbnt MeD to Temiiorlre The Peacei or Europe PAnts Oct 3ho Fiuaro publishes I ro port that tho Governor of the Chinese province- of Yunnan with 14000 troops has received or dors to enter Tonrjuln and occupy Cftoltanc about ino miles north of Hnlnol the French hcndiiuarters Tho 1ronch Government In view of tho war- like nttltudoot China will ask the Chamber for 1 much larger credit for the expenses of the ex- pedition ¬ in Tonquln than won originally In- tended ¬ Even should China only remain on time defensive larger retnforcomnnts of troops will bo required In Totiquln The Government does not expect a dofnnt tho Chamber on Its TonIUlnlolcr Tho Chinese Legation scout 101 arrival of French reflnforce mont in Tonquln of wi end all resistance to the In tho Chamber ot Deputies today II Qranet a member of the Extreme Loft Interpellated the Government upon Its policy In Tonquln and toquostod an explanation of the obJocts sought to bo obtained and tho moans of con- ducting ¬ time expedition In that country M Grand pointed out what were apparent con- tradictions ¬ existing In tho Information which haul beun furnlhod by the Government and said that contrary to tim official declarations difficulties had been raised by Chhll M ChallnmulLaiour said China had never recognised thn Bounn treaty and that no undoistandlng between France and China lund boon effected thoreon It was evident that Chlnl sought to expel tho French from Ton Thin Chinese hart at length decided lo formulate propositions demanding recognition- of their sueralnty amid evacuatIon ot tho places occupied by tho French but did not attempt to discuss the rights conferred- on France by her treaties with Annum Thoy simply Ignored those rights and de- clared ¬ Tonquln to be their property and demanded I thnt time French should retire prom- ising ¬ to concede to Franco a position similar- to I that I which she nowoccuplOH In certain parts of China Franco sent n reply stating what Hho considered possible bases of nn agreement lime Cabinet he said still considered tho llourea treaty inadmissible but limo constitu- tion ¬ of a neutral rono between Tonquln and China would uruatn a situation advantageous to Franco To sum up Chips demanded a re- version ¬ to time state nf timings which existed prior to the year 1871 France he declared must prosecute llrinly and rapidly the work al ¬ ready tar autancoa I lie I negotiations with China he added have boen only Interrupted Let evontsspeak for themselves Perhaps thl time wi como when China will bo hapny to find us ready to make arrangements compatible with Frances Interests and honor Franco has never departed front tho path of firmness and modnrntton Tho force of circumstances has rnndcred her the representative of tho Interests- of all Europe In tho East M f OhallomelLarour concluded by declaring- that tile Chamber had to express confidence not In tho Governmct but In Itself for said ho the policy of time Cabinet has been en- dorsed ¬ by tho legislature M Oranot repronchnd thin Government with concealing facts anti distrusting the patriotism- of tho Chambers Itevorting to tho HouriJe treaty limo said China had threatened resistance and there vvnsdangnr of war Time errors ot thin Government haul compromised thecountry Tho present moment ho declared was a criti- cal ¬ onn and Irancn should turn bar eyes to- ward ¬ time passages of time Vosges M r haflnmelLiicour In reply to M Unmet repudiated thn Idna of time Tonquln expedition being an adventure The French were he said encountering more formidable opposition titan was expected but the difficulties were far Iron Insurmountable Golan had Ivalod- herfpllol the blockade of the coast of 8uzrnlnty and homo opposition- had used It At this point tho speaker was Interrupted by MM Papon Clemencenu mind Douvllle who protested against thn remarks Resuming M ChallemelLacour said that the Government had no Intention of advancing upon Hut butt it became necsssary to strike n resounding blow Tho speaker justified tho occupation of Hud and tho forts which had re- sulted ¬ In tile treaty and clarifying time situation Time Chamber then took a recess Upon the resumption of time sitting M ChallemelLacour continued He said that the Government had failed In none of tholr engagements nor was there any contradiction between I heir acts In word no Imtortnltlvnt hind oecitrredlneces- sltatlng Ilrly of Parliament The ranch wer masters of threefourthdof tile Ked dell ant the enemy occupied but two places from which time re enforcnments would dUlodgo them All tho documents nnen sary had been pnbllsheij and those not published In thn Yellow Honk only 8howot the inconsistencies of the Chlneso It was llar that China never really sought asorious compromise hit simply want- ed ¬ to gain time willie Frnlollli sincerely on deavorod to arrive at without accepting a humiliating capitulation Hefendlnr Qlndton QnTernment LoNDON Oct 38Ir Henry James At torneyGonoral addressed a large Liberal demonstration at Dumfries last evening In the course of lila remarks he denied that there haul been any extravagant expenditure under time Liberal I administration of thn Governmont- Ho said that whllo tho last Conservative ad- ministration ¬ had spent an average of 84000 0011 yearly lhlrJredecolsor811 office tho Lib- erals ¬ hind of 17 000000 per year Time mooting passed a of confidence In the Government A resolu- tion ¬ was also passed urging thn Ministers to deal early In the 8epalol of Parliament with time franchise Jtoumnnlia Fftrolrn Relittlona- BuoHAitEhT Oct 30ln tho Chamber of Deputies today tho Govnrnmnnt was inter pnllatcd regarding thn visit of King Charles to Vienna anti also relatlvo to the intervlewf of M lirntlano Prime Minister with mnrck and Count Kalnoky Inn AunlroHun ¬ garian Minister Foreign Affairs In Hoptem tar last It IH reported that M Iicca tho lioumanlnn Minister of Finance has resigned Political 1 Movements In Mpnln MADam Oct 30 Tho Official Uazrtte pub- lishes ¬ decrees providing for many military re ¬ forms The Cabinet hll agreed upon 1 diplo- matic ¬ note which nnd the controversy arising from time unfnvornblclrocnptlon nf King Alfonso in the streets ot Paris Seflor Mnrtos the lender of time Dynastic Left is mentioned- ns Hpanlsh Ambassador to Paris to succeed the Duo do FornanNiino Cnrdlnnl llohenlohea Apology LONDON Oct 3A Homo despatch says that Cardinal Hohenloho has written an apology thn Pope regretting time false state- ments ¬ that had been inado about himself and stating his willingness to return to Porno im modlntoly I his Hollneus so desires llynnmlte lu CermnnyF- BANKFORTONTHEMAIN Oct S A quantity of dynamite was maliciously exploded In the olllcn of time Chief ot Pollco hero last evening Time building was badly damaged hut although many officials were In It at the time none ot thorn woro injured JUIaurdere II Oldenlmn BERLIN Oct 3Tho Emperor William Is greatly shocked nt thin disorders at Oldenburg which are alleged to have been caused by the unpopularity of Gen Htolnmnnn time Com- mander ¬ Tile Kmperor has ordered a thorough inquiry Into thu affair Taxlnc Foreign Wbent I In Knclemd LONDON Oct 3At the Conference of the Fair Trade League now sitting In London the Imposition of a moderate import dutl upon foreign wheat In older to encourage tho trade of the llrltluh Colonies was advocated Ileerulli for Ihe Conito Country BiiUBsrfH Opt 301 new expedition con- sisting ¬ of right end Includlnr throe ofhicors of tile Swedish army Liver- pool ¬ on Nov 15 for tho Upper Congo country No AcKreaelve Alliance or the Power f BERLIN Oct 3The North German Ga irttt denies the of nn aggressive al- Ifance I and declares that the powers have only united t secure the peace of Europe Tho IoBdim Hunk Thafla LONDON Oct 3ohn Davis Walters the broker who stealing and re- ceiving ¬ various bonds deposited with the Lon- don ¬ onO Uivec 1laU Jjmkwa bro ugh up it U I Mff t4 J Guildhall today for roPxamlnntlnn Our George defaulting mntingnr of the bank titled that he hail lost considerable amounts ot money belonging to hi < sisters hut that ho obtained for them from Walters before his night Hn renmrmod his former statement that Walters know that thn bonds hn gave him were abstracted from the bank and said that ho often bugged Walters to spnro him the necesSIty for another robbery but Wixttors persisted In his so doing Time London nnd Illvor Pinto Hank huts do cldod to pay for the securities which ware dn- posltcd them for smite keeping and which were nbstrnotod by Warden LAflLJR FAlLVltE IN COTTON Morris Banter peenlnllva Enterprliea Lend to n Bnapenalon of Payments LIVERPOOL Oct STbe InrRo cotton house of Morris Ranger suspended today Mr Ranger announced to the President of the Liverpool Cotton Association that lie was una bln to meet demands that had matured and that ho had suspended payment The failure causes much excitement Tho liabilities aro extensive Many cotton brokers nro Involved and other failures are Inevitable Dealings In futures on the Cotton Exchange are at n stand- still ¬ nnd no business has been transacted since tho failure wit announced Tho liabilities of Morris Hanger are estimated at 4000 du In Lhorooll11 1400 due In Forman A Co cot ton brokers has boon bulletined at tho roms of the Cotton Brokers Association out Holllnshead Tetley t Co cotton havo suspended payment Later reports relative to tnn failure of Morris Hanger state that his liabilities amount to 050000 It Is also stated that ho had 400000 bales of cotton open Morril Ranger was well known by reputeS¬ It 1011 in this cityand his reputation- was an exceedingly hold speculator Hn engineered tho cornet In cotton of two years ago which thoushlt was successful served to weaken confidence In tho mum that- Is to say time risks woro so i great that none of those who were associated with him In tho venture oared to Incur For many ho was a partner tlHIIIII Fntnmn A Soars which ho 1 1882 It wits reported at thn tlmeVthnt his retirement- was largely due to his bohlMpeculatlvo disposi- tion ¬ Hojhas resided In Liverpool for many years It vva < reported roitorday that he was short of about 210000 bajis of cotton Time market has b1 stendlladvnnclnir mind he would have to sottloJtoday upon a largo amount of hla contracts As far ns can learned ho his no liabilities In this city b time failure little offejfc In commercial cir- cles ¬ except to start gosslptTho cotton market seemed to bo affected by trie news for about an hour or so and tho grain tnnrkot to a slight extent all day LOuD LORNE AS AN ESSAYIST lie Describe Canadian Homo fbi and Points Out Element nf Danger LONDON Oct 80 Tho Contemporary Re rictrfor November Issued today contains an article by the Marquis of Lorno entitled Canadian Homo Rule It was written In compliance with n roqunst to furnish notes suggestive of steps that mlghtbe taken to moot tho demand for home rule In Ireland or t provide Information having a bearing upon tho future of Australia Tno Marrmls discusses time chief features of the Federal Government ol Canada Indicates the Individual rights re- served to different provinces and dwells specially upon the danger which must arise should one member of the confedera- tion ¬ become strong enough to oppose tho will ot tho centre Government Lord borne de- clares ¬ that should a provincial fouling on de- veloped ¬ stronger than thq feeling of loyalty to the general Government the American civil war may be repeated In Ianada An equality of strength among the vai 10UI members of the confederation would bo best guarantee against this The conclusion drawn is that the experience of the American Suites shows that while purely local matteAi may bo left to the control of local ngsnmhuhie Ilt Is nil Important- that BO province should b organized nf such strength as to be able formulate a policy looking to ftoonhhictwlththo rest of the country UK JIltOKJl VP TiE FAMILY Hr Ilndaon Clnlmi n his I Wire the Alleced- nnaband era Wisconsin Girl MILWAUKEE Oct SSnmo months ago time wife of H J Hudson of Uelvidereil mys- teriously ¬ disappeared deserting her husband and two children Mr Hudson searohel long and vainly for his truant wife was only a few days ago that ho obtained a duo which brought him t Vaupun and resulted last night In the extraordinary discovery that site had not only beon masquerading In male at- tire since she nod from her home but had also won the affections of a young woman residing In Waupun nnd had married her Tho name of the latter Is Gertrude Fuller The wedding occurred late last spring at time residence of the brides mother the novo I L Morrison offic- iating ¬ and a number of friends being present Mrs Hudson had assumed time namo of Frank Diibol The strangely wedded pair Immedi- ately ¬ took up their abode together and have since resided at Waupun SB man and wife earning a living by painting and other odd bits of work such OH was offered thorn Their wedded life which cameo lo nn abrupt ending when time jiiiritiiliig huMuind suddenly present- ed ¬ himself at theIr modest cottage has to ni appearances been a happy ono unit Frank bola and his wife have nn far as tho public or their own acquaintances know lived In com- plete ¬ contentment Thorn hint ten little circumstances now and then which appeared to be somewhat strange but no suspicious of time real nature of the cal were aroused I reasons which lUll Mrs Hudson to desert her husband mind children anti nol definitely known hut It IH said I hut domestic disagree- ments ¬ woro the causa of time troubles jIlt she should have been able to knnp up her IS culine disguise for Mo long a time without sus- picion or detection and under such Ioulil clr1181nnrAPIR n matter of called nt the hnusn today time wlfuBtatnd that her husband had sud- denly loft town and might not return for sev- eral ¬ days Hho most emphatically doniml that her husband wits a woman Hudson Identified hlswifu lie foro n number persons nnd slue made no denial of thn fact that she Imdlmnn filling the position of husband t to Miss Fuller It In time hnllef that Mrs Hudson has given I her husband limo is keeping out of his way alplnll until hn nhe Is n inmllum- nlred lady of a rather mnscullnn cast of coun- tenance ¬ commented liar mal hands nnd foot were often Hudson anti his wife lived In Fond du Lae In this State before removing to llolvldere and it was at that time that the two women became acquainted Three Ilcmncrntle llenrE- iBTON Md Oct 30A large Republican mass muteeting was held lucre j eiummrulsy All colored plpl lt time county took a imuiluImiy smith cmo 1010wl MrI- mohiorm IrluhUoDn ranldn for llrnr Oon Autsun E lOng simul ethers ejoke WIIII IIUII ws it It heiImt a CeiIw wIlt I mitre fN ereut Impel tile scme stat itm mugrneui Ier t muuetimug Im ie I tu- eIsr alco al1 clllh I reel Tius Inkllll tu ai mleumr- iystnppet I I t Ihallhr uuItiuut id I thu ills vitim mIme her Ii hrak ur tile Intrlu by drln a mile colored Iuloo Con nhermnn ItetlrenentW- ASIIINOTON Oct 30 There will be no cere- mony ¬ attending tIle iranifrr of tIle command nf the army from item glicrman to Lieut lien Mierlitan on- Thurxlar inorulnir Two tiort orut in will te ilplmeI l doe t b r lien fherman upon relfiiQulrlilng uinnnand and nile iuy lien Hierldan upon aMiimliilf It HIM CII common will not leave at onca for Hit louU out will riinaln lucre for met era daya looking after liU prlt ate liu > lne Hem hherldan I no einectud to strIve tram Chicago until to- morrow Kept Out of a Fortune by Whlakey DANVILLE Pa Oct 30 Isaac Metier of E ton who died some mile left a mall fortune alu brother Thor Miller nf thin puce Homo nt the rels l tlvr tile will on an nunt of fhimmaa Iniein- lierate lialilti Tlirv rwore unit lie viai a continued drunkaril hat Acolmlol awIIIIIlnqlllulllll- halr I lulrule lh moan smut I hun hln ordered TIJ Ran OtTwIth hi UkC e Pour JKBVIB OCt SO Abrara Gray keeps a country store al UUter county yeilenlay mornIng when he opened fur buelneii Stringers cam lu each having a one hundred dullir Mil to cluing Ur tray counted out ttiv rtianve laylnir U on the coon then TliemeiiieUeil tlie mnnry I sod ned taking with them tb IIUO bllli There U no due to the robbers PERTH AMBOY PUZZLED T FO INQVKSTS HELD nr COROVltt- JlAltltKTSOff TKSIKHDAT A headless Wamnn rh n was Fnnnd In ths Voodti I VnUnnwn MMM Mysteriously llrotvned anti a Wnra n Adrift Two Coroners IntiuoHte In ono day Is a- very unusual ovnnt for the quiet town of Perth Amboy N J The few citizens who woro not away In Now York on business or working at tho coal nharves gathered at tho City Hill to watch tho piocetidlngs Judge Samuel G Oar retsonautAd Coroner and twentyfour shop ¬ keepers hotel keepers and mechanics Indo up the two juries Tho City Hall has I meet- ing ¬ room on the second floor capable of ac- commodating ¬ about 300 people There Is a stage at otto end sot with side scenes for dra- matic ¬ performances Coroner Garrstson set his small desk In tho centro of tho stage mind drnpod It with a large American Mug Time jury liSt In I row of chairs facing the stage on the floor blow Leaning against a side scone was Rumple sapling about six foot long A piece of common wrapping cord was tied to Its upper portion anti hanging down ended In a noose There was blood on tho noose The Imjuests uoro LIIII 3 oclock but b foro that tho taken this four jurymen on an excursion They crowded Into two largo stages amid wore driven out to tho Alpine Cometury about 1 mlo from the city They wont straight to stone building which Is used atm a rncelvlnl vault nnd examine two bodies thero Ono of thor nn elderly nina with gray whis- kers ¬ features was laid out on a table Thn wrinkled and bleached skin of tho hands and time apDoaruncn of time head and neck showed that ho had been taken mom tho watur Time other body was In 1 nquaro box and was far advanced In decay It was that ot a you tic woman TIm Identity of nolthor body was known and In each ease thorn were circumstances which broil a suspicion of foul play The body of the woman was found by two hunters In n patch of woods near Perth Amboy on Oct 10 Khu was lying al her breast amt her head was gone On shoulders lay a muss of dark brown hair Immediately bo aide this body In tho woods stood the maple sapling bearing the cord mind noose Ton feet nwuy tho sovored head was found The posi- tion ¬ of the body tho overhanging cord and the blood on the cord Indicated that tile woman had killed herself by throw tog herself forward on the cord liar face would then havn been only a few Inches from time ground Hho hind died In that posi- tion l ¬ and tho strain of time cord aided by de- composition ¬ probably severed hor head from the body and some may have dragged It to tho place whore It was found Hho had ben dead when found about lour months She well drossod in n bluotarlped gingham nnd Ibo wore a pair of gaIters nearly now Silo bad no rIngs and timer was nothing in her pocket Her 010 was apparently front 25 to 30 years ITho cord ivvas tied to the allnl and Into a noose In a rude way hilf hitches such as n woman might havo mado hero was no clue as t to her idontlty hut the pollco remembered that on Juno 4 last a strange woman hnd beon In 1erth AmbI Situ was arrested for drunkenness fined t3 by Judge narrotson She had appeared In 1orth Amboy about throe days before that and had staled nt tho 1ark HoUil until Remit away hj thn landlord who thought horcharactervvns not good To the police she gave her name as- Fnnnlo Dunhnm aged 26 years of Now York mind said that silo had boon brought thero by Carl Kntitzen Swede employed in the torr cotta works She paid her line and ¬ ward Maurerstile factory which howeversho did not reach rite hot was loundnclr the road which runs In lot town about that time and lias not Leon heard of there since Time body of graywhiskered man was found In the Kill Von Hull oil Perth Amboy on Sunday last There wore marks on the fore- head ns though ho had been struck with some ahurp Instrument The body came to the sur- face ¬ nt a place where the coal sloop lien lirnn dreth had been lying two weeks ago He was Known to be one of the crew of the sloop and he had lade purchases for her In the town Some understood that he was John Itahn tho captain but this seems to have been a mistake Ho was the cook aol was known only I George AH tho per- sons ¬ on the hOlt It was declared had- a spree on night of Wednesday Oct 17 mind while drunk bongo toll overboard from the small boat of the sloop and wits drowned Tau small boat was picked up by another sloop Tills was the story told on shore by Cnpt Itahn The Hloop went away the next day and nothing morn was heard of time matter until the body cama to the suifaco Title however was not time last that the peo- ple ¬ of Perth Amboy saw of th crew of time sloop On tile morning of Saturday Oct 2U time tug J 1 T Allnn arrived of Perth Amboy Cnpt heeloy had on board a woman whom he had found In a small boat drifting in the Ncr rows that morning It was tIle samn small boat from which Ucorgu had been drowned nm tin woman wax rncogntrcd as time wlfo of time Captain of the lion Drandreth Slue said that the sloop wan anchored In Uovvanus Duty mind that she had had some trouble with liar husband which ended in hor go tt I mug adrift with I onn ear In time small boat tier story was very confused Mio wont over to Tottmivillo took sow drinks thoro travelled to htaplvton hind drinks them and went to New York It Is thought protinblu that site got adrift In the small boat while under the influence of Ihiuor The hinall boat now lies on time bench near the ferryboat land- ing ¬ at Perth Amboy- Theso facts wore known to tho Coroner nnd time July when time inquest was begun The case of time man Jnorgn wits llrst considered Dr N Williamson thin County Physician and Drs Wilson nnd Van Dnvoon instilled that tile apparent wound on the forehead wa very i trivial mind haul been made by ihumit or by rub- bing ¬ on time bottom of tho bay Thn skin was abraded but time tissues underneath wore un- injured ¬ showing that no blow hail been struck ljio heart unit lungs gave every Indication of death by drowning time lungs being hilled with water There uere no inniiih of violence Undertaker Fox ald timid wlion liu lifted thin body from the water thn wound in tIle forehead blod freely Dr Williamson said that this rai commonly the cnsu with drowned persons as the blood remained fluid This wad all time nvldencn taken mimI time east wits adjourned It Is thought pimlhlo that time man tuny have bonn thrown I Into I thin water while Insensible The ease of t the unknown wnnnin WIts taken up I nnxt mimi It t thu doctoii team i hlttl that time in composition of tile holy was so great that nothing could Iw learned by thn post mortem nxi npt that no tummies wuro broken It uns- irultn pojsiliio for I llm cord t to it aye sui 0 roil t lie head after tim n bolv haul lieon hanging for muomno titan Tho sapling mind cord were care- fully ¬ examined by thu I jurv Coroner larretxon said that lime clothing of time dead woman hail been Mmun to several PorsorH who had neon Fnnnln Dunham and they terre of thn opinion that It resembled what sho limit worn Tile Coroner xald ho proposed to sun time Public Prosecutor In reference to both cases In order that stops might be taken to sift each to time bottom Slate lullU The Domocrnts of Monroe timid Orleans comma list liftvc nnmliintf1 Unirp I II Kelly for Mutr Senator The Denncnxtic Cnifrn m nt Mlivrr yitenUj rr fIllet to cffpt flfn JMtllcr linallon of the Hrnnlo- rial iiomlnMlm iti n M flier nfccptrfl the nmnliifttfon Ilirs Hriiiocralit iMilnik CnunU tViitrvl iiiiiiuttee mulct t ut HUt rhca vrsitplaj I miI iiMnmiiimi h riidori rl tile nuiiiiiinttii nf iti njniiitit M hlui HUIK fur or- AMrrnmu I J tilntMin iJiMuntrall rmmiuiiliu l 0 for Mm or if hellS lpinnI t City 1piifrl H ctmlltitjce yeierlay- to Iil nti nii nt Mr litr > to 111111 htm on tti rn ip time Itopiililtcai rnnxfiitinn of tlif hunul U irlct- iHtiutimtrt TliMiim A Miutticf t irrcixirt L I fur mem- l bet ofn unMr jmelu ruts Ilrarrltd by kli NwectkxurlH- AMIITOS Out Oct aoH Walsh of this clt > huSi iLiinl a writ In n uik fur ftMmi iUinnirii for lircarli of i n iiiliu Hahut Mrs Iirle of lunila former I ly Mil Bnolll LOSS1C8 Jir FIRE Seven stores and riwdllnir In Ifomeileai Pa were burned yeilrrdiy Lorn moun The Ainlierd College liulMlim rontalnlnir the enlnirl cal and lupnleifUal i ttjiiiMn lauuhl Ore jeMlvrday- inurnliif Tilt liaitfiiieiit Ii ill partially destroyed but the colltctloiii vi crc nm Injiirrd 1U1OUK1YY Judge Moore jrntiriUy granted tile petition of Anton Ferifiliin Ass to ilianyc lnIi nailM In I Ortm nhicll hue HH I liii wav lilt naiiiu U j renounced lit Norway lilt untheinumr- Jnitlrr Iratt uranted n dlrorre jreterilav lo William II UnMenfrum Marxaret T Itimfii They had mute mar del twriily jrcarii lIlt lia l no tlitMrfii Jnllcn Culltn- uranli d a dlvorie lo lulu lluilui from Yillliam llujlif Nlfil Jiictr John unit of 1113 TheMnut Street Newark It ciperted to die lie quarrilled anl fnilKhl witll hull wife ester diy sumul sh he ntnick him nu t the lieml with a xiiiin- tMlchrr Mrt lleirv nlin wue arreometl tald he attacked Item while lie H at drunk ami ills acted hi sell iltfitue Thus Jollcn mii Fire Iwpurlmentiioflrp i iily humId thetr annuftl juillt lara le yimrrlay fisOs sere Ills lilaved fin the tiinl hugs nlnnic the Hoe of niarch sod teveral private houses were hioitftomeh derorated The proc uion wauevteHtd al the tln Hall In Newark av- enue tiy Mayor Tuilj sad the AMermen In ih even Iis the roinuxUtioawi eBUiltliiti a auabw ef trliaiU iictUv I J nit TAuaAOE ron IIEXDRIX Tko KralBCBt nronklyn Poetor tells wkat- Knoweortlia Penptea Candidate ii mlnRloInpolltlcnl discussions Tory muoh said the Rov Dr T Do VfittTalmaee mind admiration for the political parties of time day Is unite Infinitesimal When I have discussed political questions it has rather been from a semireligious standpoint What Is your opinion ot Mr Joseph 0 Hen- drix the Democratic candidate for Mayor 7 time Doctor was asked I havo known him a good while ho re ¬ plied and I admire him very much In the limit plnco for his literary iiuallflcattons Then I have noticed that hols alert on mill time groat questions ot the day and hums Intelligent nnd positive opInlonH Ibollovolf lie were elected toofllca ho would make ns good a Mayor as- llrooklyn over bad 1 nm sure bo would try to- I havn no moans ot knowing positively what Mr HondrlxB prospects are for election but I hoard today an prominent n man as thorn Is In Brooklyn say that ho had never voted anything but tv Hnpubllcan ticket sInce time Hnpubllcan party was started but that next week ho meant to vote for Honilrlx I know of his nncnstry I nm acquainted with his mother and I know that ho comes from n most excellent stock KILLED BY FOUL AIR Two Men Lose their ILlTte will Trying IB- Vuln to Mew a Comrade PnrsBunan Oct SO Klofort Stlofels ton men In time upper part of Allegheny City was the scene of a terrible affair this morning two men sacrificing their lives In an unsuccessful attempt to save that ot a follow workman The firm have been digging a well to be used ns a vat and this morning C Dlcksonnn employee wont down to measure the depth of the water when ho was overcome by foul air Ferdinand Bchrndor and Charles Sennit who were work- Ing nearby hoard hln cries and Hchrador de- scended ¬ Into tile well to assist him hut no sooner reached the bottom than the fatal choke damp rendered him Insensible Schultz then followed but ho was also overcome Ropes were procured and fastened around the bodies Solomon Uamborger and Ithlnohart Retnson wore lowered into the death trap With diffi- culty ¬ they tied the Insensible men to ropes mind all were hauled up Dlckson Schroder mind Schultz won dead and Bamborgor and item son were unconscious butt were revived Dick son wits a slnelo moan and the other two were married XURNING STATES ErIZRNCE A Burglar Pardoned on HI Promise to Tea tlfr Agalnit Crooked Detective PHILADELPHIA Oct SO Iloraco Hogan alias Little Horace who Is serving a three years sentoifce in time Eastern Penitentiary for burglary has been pardoned by Goy Iattlson and upon a warrant Issued by United States Commissioner Edmunds was taken to Wash ¬ ington last night The purpose in pardoning him was to obtain his testimony In the prose- cution ¬ of time Washington detectives who are charged with conspiring with thieves of whom Hogan wits ono to rot time Metropolitan Hank of Washington the National Printing Ofllce and to commit othor crimes Should Hogan not keep his word with the Government and make good some of his statements he will bo forced to trial as a defendant DODT RNATCJIINU IN RICIUUOITD- TTTO Colored Men Arrested while Trimdllng- Dend a Peeper Through tka Street RICHMOND Oct 30ChrIs Baker and Wil- liam ¬ liurnott colored men and professional body stealers wore arrested this mbrnlng while moving the body of adeadpaupor through the streets on a wheelbarrow The body had been stolen from time Morgue at time City Alms house David Parker the keeper of the Morgue was arrested on a charge of com- plicity ¬ but has boon balled Baker and Bur ¬ molt were sent to jail mind tho case was con- tinued ¬ until next Monday Ten Dollar for Axumlnc Attitude John Miller 17 years of age of 318 West Flit third Street who wai arrttcil In the Metropolitan Opera Homo on Monitay nlxht for iierionatlnit a de- tectlte w an brought tu Jrfferiou Market jtitenlay He sail hU father trio a plumber anil had ricently worked in the oii ra hou e Hehliuelf became fascinated with Hie life or n Jeltilht an portrayed In tIle cheap prlntl- aniMitmnliul to ga into Hie ImlruM He I thouKht hue wnnld eflfct tlie new tpri huime as a Cell for prartire Ire uri Imneil In liiltuu sired n billy Sod a hailne- limt rthtd SKclul Ileterll 4s He entered the opera hoiirr mc l reprecntlni Innurlr ui n ilFlerilre llelilml the t f iieri lie aiiiuit d tuluu cur to Himiiniinir mnliiciuea- tlitnttrN SkIll lInt pIll or overlooking the ucftonii of uuorn ceiio tilfler und other workmen ami nmkltifre- iliftfeHtionK an In tIle proper dltpoal of apparently neiflecteil utige etlectl- He iiiM Jnilco ilHntner that he meant no harm lie- S LI fined SIt which one of hue frleml paid llookkeeper McKanny tonreaeea hIs Tbetle Two years ago Thomas C Burrows of 91 John street employ Jo1I h VI Mduuin lit honkkeeper Two neelii Sf0 MuJunny confeM that he liit been rolililnn Ml employer let all expert accountant cuiml tic sad I will itay with liltn and gtt over tIle tionkn no that you ran mind out huuun iniiili I Ill I taken I hardly know self Vlelannr remalneil e cry ilii > tor a n cult hell Imr the expert ThreeIB neo whin thefiii to the amount of Iiaai Imit alruiid been illHLiiired I Inspector mound i ati infnrintil of the nue Vtntrrdiiv nlille VIcFHiin- yn itlIl at Mi dek irohiK liter the liookn he ossu nt- reKtut llelH J4 cur otil nnd hues at J1H Vet Twenli- elKhlh itrrel lit nalit hn hal iiianilernl thus money Other City JKmploieea Mold to bo Arenied- It is l believed that time Grand Jury which lIaR been ImrMluMiiiK thn froul In Ihe Water IteKliteri- hilreanof Ihe Drparttiient of 1utilic UorkH fur severAl weeks lian otitalncd ilenei that mousy justify the In licOnueuii uC ollulols u hun have 11u11 meeom privtouty flu ilolo ii Ili rnhuuum cilomu st It ui fruiuuule i ris il lichen eiiemlmug nmtilt r of iuuuremmu wilt I lutuumelr umlie- rIiuiltuunlil Si tIC tnhlii dlOerltft3 55 5 wluuo it I uuulerntuuI 101 hi gums cli Imnuuoy uuitumlmug ummuer emu ii ii f iic ilurusIm Tile luols mf ii mulurnuu were tlmhumm hO mile mlruiuuul Jury rulumlu cmiii uxaumulmued it Ie suIt ulmiiur iml guuttauuc saved lir Ihn Thlehnri of hl Coat James J Wilson a cook lately of 100 flowery iluittI Klllllj Jriterdll III tlie Urn ml SiHolonii of- reelwith tmntiIuu itt VVnrrin II Ldvlanf I ii Hoiiil1I- IP whom fiutrrilied on the nUMiinf the Jln nil Tile bullet iulll traied I tin rlifhi i lirin i nf i Iinnn CIuit lint CC lute In th llllllllltl Illli klo ft of the lnati rla lit lint Hound him Kieonler Mn > I tll lint Vvllnou tn St ste potion for liSt 3 esro Kicked by it JUfrunken Husband John Jloyil of 142 West Thlrtyflrst street ntlll IntiKlrateil kicked hl > wife Della In Hie abdomin- on Steu1n nlulit mid liijiind In r at hadlr that rim nrol lilt 4I III ill Mixnn l kriilo llonntelt lli nltal ilnMl wns coininltiid ll ty Jumlce Uardner lo swAmI the rebult of her injnr Fotlllee In Arw Jersey Thomas I Chattnll of Long Branch the rrz- ular Jli IIMH rulii l tanitldatt In Ihe heimnl Aeriiiiitiljr ulli net wan linaninion l > cniloriiMl h > the rmtithltionUt- ut their Oonventloii In Anbury Turk enterday Two Ilrldite for Kitrj Two Minutes Trains of two ears each ran over time bridge at Interval of tn n lulnuten heist een U and 7 dork luste- vmiuumt i In UK iniriilnii afwltilnnx truck tot partlr off tile track smut tlu re eus adila of fifteen inlnulei arAKK1 fltUM TIIK TKLHtJlCAlIL- Vennor atinnunrti that the Chit cold snip wilt occur nn Nm 4 suit An Im h i if mow fell at Memramcooli and Dnrcheiter Camilla nu Vlontla night Tile Arrluliikfi lludnlph Prince Imperial of Auitrla and hU nIle have ifonu lo llerlin A filiation from the Tranivisi heeded by rnildent Kruger tins arrnnlal ID mouth 0 A lilt t Iloitnn lanjer was arrested yesterday fur violation of hue penilou liiwi- Iommoilorn A J Ithlnd nai promoted yeiterdar lo be a Hear Admiral II will In retired to d v- JelinC New Aiil tant Secretary of the Triaiurr de- nledrNtrriln that Ime tniemu bIrth reilenliifr A > ct i re motH ilIlluk rhork fluting thlm iiTiindl wai felt at Hnmknini llui la on Vlnndav es citIng Major lien hchotletd situ furceeill len Sheridan 11- 1cnminindoc mite hilt lilou uf the Mluourl hatarrhrdln Cii lutigu CumIn hundred and thirteen iiilta hiss been brought hi- Fartou Ia avainit tile Iennvvhalila hlatlnictou and Sew EmtImmiuil uBlltolllpan for Haircudun workmen MuKatlitirhniliriileinlb > tie brother nf the present ruler Hit Hrlll li nubjei hai left tile town aol gone on board H Urltiih tfunbuat w blch U helling the camp of tliebeildrrra The rhiioRii hansom Cab Company hat teen lacer pormrl anlnftt its umsul tilts I lbs tunic In lrf ndnnl III ie running In them cIty my Jau I I bargee 25 centi a mile ir 7 3 icntt an hour TI lot ermior ha cemnlmluteti the lentemic of Villhinm- honormue itemiuI Ices ammarauvmls rouulty In life lie prinmuulueni ilu hs4 ft mummurder In the mwroud tegree to- mnmirIomtctrnt for Shire eurs Ihuls wlmtu ailwimte for good nenaiior win enuti him to hIs dlschir from Auburn prison nm June Winter brings Chrlilrnu sod colcjjl UM Cr Itllt THE TREASU1tYSUItPLUS MILLIONS rintlllKH Iff AND USED IfI- tKIWCK rail DEBT XMeeti of Redneed Tuxntlon on thn I- Gomptruller Knoma l> Hra for the Nation- al limiting PlystemIrmeci nf Ilnnil Cull WASIUJ OTON Oct 00No nccurnto state mont can ho ntado as vet ot tho oftoct upon tim revenues that thin reduction ot taxation of last winter will cause Still It Is plain to thin Treas- ury ¬ Department that thero will bo n largo sur- plus ¬ notwithstanding that reduction Tim re- ceipts for tho flrst uuartor of this llscnl yeat were In round numbers ntnotythroo million dollars whllo for time corresponding three months ot last year tho Treasury received ono hundred and thirteen millions The expendi- tures ¬ this year were corontyolght millions tot the same period whllo last year they were j eighty millions The surplus therefore for this first quarter was about fifteen millions whllo last year It was thlrtythroo millions It this ratio ot receipts to expenditures bo kept up during time year the surplus will amount to about sixty millions nn against one hundred and fortyflvn millions hint year Tho Impression prevails however that time surplus for this veii will bo larger than the above llguros Indicate and It Is certain to l hue unions time 1onslon Ofllco makes much f heavier demands upon time Treasury than it has been doing Notwithstanding the reduction of taxation Hecrotary Folgor goes on culling bonds He ha nothing ulno to do Faoh month tile llguros are brought to him Theyflmu a surplus Ho cannot lot that mooney Ho Idle In time Treasury It Is nil plain sailing for him Ho huts already called sixty millions of bonds this llscal year All time huron and ivhnlfs tin wiped out and a holo IB made Into time threes of thirty millions with a possibility of Incrcnso before Jan 1 Money keeps rolling Into the Treasury lint whllo Limo debt IH belnif wiped out at this prodigious rate by thin Peeio tary up stairs in tho Treasury building sits a high ofllcor who in worried not to say frightened it tile outlook Thnt officer Is Comptroller Knox duo guardltn mul official head of tile national binklnu system This rapid wiping out of time debt hn fems H cutting away nil too rapidly tho foundations of tile system Ot time thirty millions of three pet cent bonds that Secretary Tolter has called the banks hold nearly twelve millions which are deposited to secure their circulation Thoy j have got to do ono ot two things t tInt must either give up so much ot thn circulation ns I is secured by those bonds or they must got hold of other bonds to take the lilac of them rIme c I latter stop Is almost impnictiaiblu To take time former moans a contraction nt tho cur- rency ¬ within the next tow weeks of morn than I ton millions Nor is this the worst of It Thenn bond calls according to tim tirosont light must continue antI the rather startlIng contingency presents Itself In tho imnmdlato futurn of a very largo contraction of tile currency duo to time fact that monuy Hows into time Treasury In much greater sums than nro needed for thin es- pouse ¬ ot time Government Comptroller Knos must bo worried vvhon ho suggests that tho banks bo allowed to deposit foiulgn bonds to secure their circulation S While time national bunks may bo somewhat alarmed at time omitionk there does not exist miny great apprehension at tho Treasmvof such a contraction of tIme currency as would Imperil business The mint IK making up time deficiency Sliver anti gold cortillcatos for time past year show nn Increase over tho year before of more than thirtysix millions nod this notwith standing a decrease lu United States notes antI of national bank notes ot morn than thirty millions But while nobody at the Treasury has any Idea that business need alarm itself it is clear that something must bo done right away to help the banks Comp- troller ¬ I Knox expects to make some rec- ommendation ¬ to Congress so dons Secre- tary ¬ Folger but neither has anything moro than a makeshift remedy to proposa now The present condition of affairs Is duo largely to shortsighted legislation Three roar ago this coating winter a Democratic Conctnsn passed n law that had this very contingency In view That Congress provided for time refund- ing ¬ ot the lives antI sIxes Into n three per cent bond that had ten years to run with tim op tion of twenty Time bill was bitterly fought by Ilnbubllcnns In both Houses Hankers protest- ed ¬ against Its passage The Hopuhlicnn press pointed to tile measure as a specimen ot Denim ¬ cratic llnanclal legislation Leading Demo- crats In both Houses protested that the mea- sure ¬ was ono that protected tim national bank Ing system It gave them security for at least ton years It was asserted by thin opponents of time bill thnt the bonds could not bo refunded at three nnd It was charged a good man times that time measure was a Democratic at ¬ tack on the national banking HiHtetn Dut thin bill passed amid passed as n Democratic party measure Titan Haves at tho advice of John Sherman vetoed It What was the result t- In six months Secretary Winilom bv a very strained exercise of authority to say thn least refunded the bonds nt threo and a half anti leos than n year after Folgor refunded atthreo and in the opinion of good financiers the whom could easily have been refunded at a less rato If there bad been anytime limit lint tho Government now has time option to call them it has no choice boumsu taxation brings in enormous revenues that iivon the hugo regu- lar ¬ and pension appropriation hills cannot equal and the banks llnd a problem staring them In time lace that Itnpublicnn leadership asserted would not be at hand for ten vear It was in the canvass of 1HSO that it was BO strenuously urged that business InturnMs vveio safest with thin Government in the hands of tho Itepublicans Three Pllula Laid Oft for a Term The United States Inspectors of steam vns sets have unpended the licence of Iilot Tvani Tny ion of tIle North RUer ferryboat las ituii lutI chits day omit the Hi elite of Pilot hilitu Spicy of tlm fernlmat WH- Ilawktn for tlilrti ila lifinuH of tlie iohi > loii Mhluh lappined bftuerli III two lunilK on Su111 In ulu cut IC- 11mg uirMtfctnr stnrlun OUR nillrn- nfthn tue kUMiMi In tilt Roe rnllNloii nf Iitrlllnril x in lit mul ft frrvli- jirlcM tiam wherein the ui ot tnit I Srjker of time jaclil Is iui iviiilr l for mlot ttivi Now Jersey Pwllllve The Ilemocrttts of Essoi county N J have made the following n iminntioiiH for UK A ABSemhl Sec mini utletrici I uimh Kevmour rhiil dlMritt William A Miannoii fonrlh dlntrli l Tjlir InrinU 1ifili ililrlclJ- aineH N ArlmkU Mxtli ilinl Iii l lolin II Vturpli- Wllllnin > seiit utietriul K in minor Mnth ulusu riot lohn I Armlt- Itnili rut Hi lillhlli Itlii lit Iinnilnnle t- hlflli lliiriiM l lum Hi- r dUinil miumi I A I f II iurllmt In lime Mnth of Martin u Ih iiockl rol r tt time nrm Martin A llulu cu lliislucK Km Jiirrii omiriit > John F Lovojoy amid H Insulin Drake Love Jnj A link iiirlu are mmuuul act ulcers inrtntu at hit Ufni1 i oemtl iitr an Hiicnnitnt jcktfrtlitj to J suites I llliitc lliMr liookktrjiiT A rnu II Moti t 11 cUr mule Occult nf I llulion I X Vlmi made tin aotltrniii nl tu Jnuitt1 ilgm out Mr Mi tt- B St th cushier nf mIte llmt I nu Natioiuil Httttk for l omnmy t1 ic > rarB Hti l i lit futtn In hue of Jo it- II l our lev ff rhilinoiit N V wlioie fuiluro Was an- nouitctil Monila Signal Offlcr Iriillctlon Fair weather winds mostly westerly iota It liouar or ring himmruuuieuurmtlgiit full In teinpeiature LVI IulLlVI Th Queens rnnntv ulmulleiil hot Irtv parM rfonlntlnni- TritepU fanntii the retention of tile old emote by t tho State Amumimimitin- nliurgl rs hrokr Into lime reiliemut nf Mr rhlnnpy tn- Icrnl su cuumle Ailorta nu Mmtlin Mlchi mmii tuls iilur- w are and cloUnin tn I Hie vnloo of f i JOTIIN1t4 Annul IUIJX Ludwig Smite a patlrnl in Ihe Herman hospital lianKed hhinilf in ihnllur t cttHl The iteamrr iinaiKhitti irmnWex Ioint Va lost her furttu iniiit tnierilu In tIm momiltmus ester TIlt flrol pirforiuiiiiie of I In Ihi llinkp lohefrUen- al mime Miindnnl lluutrc u o t one in nrvlay etcu mir Sin i 4 The tnnrli leneiolrnl hoi lrl > will hold lim annual niretlnir In Mi ik Iliilltliikiiinin Iti mmmlmmulmmt H5 intharlt Intlnjiui Junti iuli l The iou i Pr o I I II I TIlt Oil 55 ill flu tn morrow nUMi I tie lirmi of niiMtrril > ten populir lnlure nt she lor ijlhhlrnl i viuiiuliii hilnopiiuliiirili TIme milt liniiitfht sunlit a j mitt sum I ir AMermuii Jopei h- P htntrk I atfitniMt rx ti itlf Jlltn f foliu A I Jlnkfl for fiOim damaKe for ulliind ulamler mi illw oniiauiid rMtird- iiviaklmao I a tailor nf 13il Km it redo irumIlIselI tentu 3 es > nut lo run see inn mmuicmuuilu on Mm ln > limit inure uul JiiMiii 5 Jutr > tI Ismnivei ii in i lihorn Loinnlalnr attaint him Milbail I hone a inntrartnr for mnolni innnnre Sifts illiush l ff l in mum fMllul > up tin tt irilm lr al- to l lnir lie niaiiiirulu uiiiiiiinutii al Iliu iut ot Ju l- torlj third tirrrt- Iomitroller Urnnt its n > l rd ll Hoard nf Apportion nient ttMncreaie hie r tiniut fur 10 t u ears fximut of tile Kinani JJrpKriinrnl from fel 17 7ui 10 flluiiii the extra proprlutlun to go tor S4ImrIcu llanlan the ilstClltlii arrltid in New lork jeilentay from HlltT lo He tilefra plIed to mIami Irain itrnthut I h- nonldron there on Tliankrirmn lu > llenilj go tim llitton today mo get hsO tu lali ti Sumi Frsimcisee Warden l Kunrkeof llellev no MOM llnl roiniilained to til rein Hoard veXinlut i I ibm the I lliudiMiurliri I tel le- Kraph opiralora nfuinl on MIIUJ > to 501 im CtI thai wotilit hat e prrv rntid ilu indinir nf nn amUuUui- on a slum icoofte ilinie fnni Suiet > iinth rimut oniporotuir llrunt his apCiiieJ VvmiamJ Ivpn Au dltorof Aununtf inihurof InmlrlJai kon nnlliavil h i K Austin Al5smauul Atnlllnr Mr i ljili Hat tin Coiiiu- Irollera I1 private seers tory llelnIa ver sod lIve its Sew Jruy Mr Auieii ii a mldeni of Brooklyn anil Colonel of time ThlrtHtu iuglmeat

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1883-10-31 [p ]. · 2017-12-16 · I V l if wi-J I j be-I VOL LINO 61 NEW YORK WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31 1883 PRICE TWO CENTS H ALES OF TRADING DENIED TJIK COVNTT

I V l ifwi-








Traeea of ColnnUnllon In Opt 1ettT PrelntlnqllrIDI Into u Kegletry of Nlxtr

or More Voteia rrom line Lodging louThe Executive Commlttco ot tho County

Democracy maim u public dental yesterday oftho rumor that their orunnlxatlon would tradevotes for Stuto and county candidates lorvotos for Senators und Aldormon Every dis-


except tho Soci nil nnd Third was repre-sented


at tho meeting Alter Rome routinebusiness hail Lon done Commissioner Hubert0 Thompson slld

Thoro are roports In circulation that theunion of the nomocracy county ticket Isnot honest so far ai this organizatIon Ils con-


and that wo do not Int nd to supportthe ticket In cood faith I do not bollove thatthere Is any truth In those rumors but It Is

P time that the organization should knovvwhether there Is any foundation for them Ithere Is any Intention on tho part of any of ourAssembly district orcMilatlons to trndo oilany of the State or county candidates woshould know It now that wn may take thonocnsBMT steps to counteract such a determi-nation


I therefore move that tho representa-tive


from each district be called upon to an-


us to tho truth of tho rumors and to plodcothe vote of his organization to tho honestfaithful and thorough support of every man ontlirt State and the count Iticket

Tim representatives of overy district fromthe First to the Sixteenth reported that thoBtnto nnd county tlckntu would receive tho suphart of every County Democracy voter Hopervisor Costluan ptoinlsod tthat every candidateon the two tickets would curry the Fifteenthdistrict by tt500 msjorlt Police JiiHtlcn-Jlnurico JIlown reported for tho Sixteenthdistrict the district was foi merly-cno IRof lion Jnmcs Ollrlons strongholdsnnd that about a hat dozen county Democratswho used to bhis friends hind temporarilywithdrawn the County Democracy andwould support him Thnrastol tho membersnf thin ton would support the Stateand county In Kood faith and tho dis-trict


would give ns Rood nu account of Itself ashall done In past yearsIIolleo Justice Murray reported the oranIza

tion brat In tho Seventeenth distrIct and thenCommissioner Thompson responded for theiiuhlcpnth district Ho Bald that his districtwas tin old homo of James OUrlon but ho didnot Know of one mombor of tile County De-mocracy who Intended to otoor-woik orlnnlmtolllollly As tho lender oftho 111 nllllIthe added 1 can plndcn It so furan tho County Democracy IsI concerned 1-0onry man on tho Miito unit the county ticket

Tho lopresontHtlves from the rnnmlnlni dis-tricts


said that their orennlritlnns would trlvoV an honest mipport to both tlcknt Thnn tile

committee made arrangements for tho rntiflca-tlon mooting which Is to ho held In the CooperInstitute on Friday evening

Tho Independent Democrats are making 1leorouKennvass They express confidencetile uloctlon of exfonKrovBinnn Ollricn theirnindldatii for Ueirlstir they say that theirnominees for Supremo and City Court Justiceswill not decline Some of tIle leaders of theDemocratic ortfaniations object to EdwardItrownofi acceptance of tho nomination forCity Court IIulco Thy say that as ho Is thncandidate united Democracy ho shouldnot run on a ticket which was nominatedagainst thum Sheriff Davidson tho leader ofthn Irvine Hall organization to which MrBrowne belongs said last nlmlit

Mr Brow no toll mo last evening that whenthe OBrIen nomination woe offered tohim ho replied that he would not pay one dollarof assessment to an organIzatIon which was

to defeat the rest of thn unIted Democ ¬trrlll candidates The Ollrlen committeethen told him that ho would not bo naked topay any assessment They wont away nd-

nominated him 111 satisfied that Mr ISrownowill pa > those no assessment ivnd winot accent their nomination r howeverchoooo to put him on their ticket and run himfrom their boxoIl dont 10 why ho should boderirhnd of of

The managers and clerks of the RepublicanState Committee sny thev wilt elect their Stateticket Jon Joseph 11 Carr their nominee forSecretary of State says hlis curtain of his ownelection Ho claims thatath the brewers In thiscity will support him and expects to runlargely ahead of hits ticket In this city nodBrooklyn Mr William Ii lkr ono of thecommittees clerks picdlctod nlirht thatGen Carr would have 20 majority in theSlate Ho Is the who hot Mevorlhats two week before his election yearthat Secretary Foluor would be ollct0I Gover-nor of tho State by a irood

Tho Tammany Uomoitwy will ratify theState nnd county tickets tomorrow evening inTammany hail Congressmen Cox Durs-beimor rottnr Hardy and Adams will spoiik

Col W 111mm C Church has been nominatedby the Itepublicans for tile Assembly In theThird district and endorsed by CltlnmsCommittee Ho Iis In his lath veir boned withdistinction on tho staff of Majordon CnRiirand Was lie founder of thi inv unit XinuJournal For several years ho WKS 1ruHldontof the National Itille Association Ho was lonlthe Secretary of the Army of the Iotomaeciitv With his brother he founded and editedtho lalniv and IH well knowl ns a contributorto other periodicals newspapers Lastautumn ho was appointed by Irexldont Arthura Commissioner to inspect tho Northnrn Pacio Railroad Ho belongs to th Century Club

Potty reported to thn 1olico lloanl jes-terda > that tIlere wore sixty 10rSOll reiiisteredfrom Kullhnnn Induinu 17 Worthstruutt when the Hoard of Health utliows huthalf Itlio numlmr of 10111Irl to the houne OnHundny afternoon n Horeoant called ntSullivans placn Capt Potty fujb and askedhim to tick out from tho registry lists thinnunios of his lodgers

They am all mine Sullivan Is reported tohave said All nativeborn citizens sir

Cipt Potty sent n policeman last night to seeIf tile sixty persons registered from Sullivansreally belonged thorn He says ho will arrestforty of tlmm if they come to thin polls Tholodulnit house Is a narrow triangular roomfull of bunks Lust night time man in ehnren-snld that thy sonuitiines hail as many ns sixtylodLers mind aonltmHIvonIY but more 0101thirty and tW ltY WIA positivethe tXncllumbor they regularly

In Eighteenth nnd NineteenthElection district of the Second Assembly dis-trict


the pollen have boon told tby tho lodginghouse Ilrnpllolorl that numbers of lamhouses nro not thnof their lodgers The police are getting up n-

llstlol tliisn namesJnines Ollrlnn eandldaln for Register vent

to the police yostvday for 0 list of the menIURIOlud out

ofI Illegal registry Abe list Is not

OJrlcrmr nr uhf CANVSSComptroller BI > hone > Mind Gives WilY

luder 1rexiire nt tkci Political Flgal-

tBUiFALo Oct 30Comiitrollor TimothyMahoney ono of the most1 popular mon In

Jilffalo has gone crazy> through tho excitementd the pending political ranva i Jonathanfcovllle anti John 13lnnnlnl each held Porncrallo City humid themselvesmmmated for Mayor Mr Mahoney was namedfur Comptrollei by both Conventions and eachjnmlune for MIIor has been using vary meansti secure his smiport The stmll was reallytrrlfli anil tho Coiirollor says ho hasnt siciut for a weult About mldnisht ho tookUClty Chairman Halts the follovviiii messauO-

no hereb leek lIe the noinlnallnii her 1113 rnniulo TiMotnr J MAIIOM-Ole was clearly outt of his mind At times he

JTB coodnaturml and thnn ill tllRllrmItunn He was at his olllco tbu Irnot Hppant this mnrmi I tim II 1

Vhpn his deputy npiined the bIg sao tho illscnrr was mnde Unit thn tax books vvrrn somiNIrlctollhum could bo found anywhere IIn

ttheir pioper plnco in IIn tImefcafj timer wetesiibsonuBiitly found hidden Inaclrknduak

A his liouio Alahonny tossed about In Ills bod-luiAvus dellrou n This atternouii heiuluoddOI no1I wiiiit to Ills tifllco He could not lulLnynnith ol lime on one subject Hn I

waumolni to hue knlfad In onvorsntlon 111I Itnd he iiiailn tile annoiinciimdiitoveruil up a hell lermey of 1 in Ml IIn tthlc-tlil of the 01cc litiiuhuuI dovn to himt rolls r Khrohani administration IIhxvI

Imtiiiin this hocnld ho could not loinaln onthe likni Hn ndvllnrd with several of hisulnim rniardlllihe advisability of withdrawlog

111 Illt 1IfbIIWIIIlotlll airniusthim U l howent lib hooks vropi found all rlcht on par ¬

hal earalustlon and he has a surplus of 700with ttOlr lrcasurori 1ilrl report tunghit that exComptrollr y han lost heavily in oil speculations ntIrailfrd and that timele was a dnllclency ItIis KHlabnt Mshonny dKulded that this must buth5uhi foott or he would not run Hn went toIieh who drteilnnd to do nnythlnir andi S tiur tvll huh r y Mr Shmihan denies thattlur Jvadellclt-rM

IlbonoY1 oollapsB IIK a Krnnt politicaland nothing else is talked of

Os tluil3treet Chlrlll A Sweat President of


thelt 1NaUol lklu Iouhud the

UK sroiLKl A FINK nEJlINtThe nrld nn ltd the Ibicat had Atiem-

blaili hit the Urnom Cumo sotNEW HAVCN Oct OA Roy oecmblnRo

of 11AI1 were present this morning nt 9nt the Church I of tho 8a rcd Honrt

to witness thn marriage of Mr Kug ne-

Iiinch of riilbululphla und Miss Mary Millcahoy daughter of Jeremiah Mulcnhoy of351 West Poitsen street In tills cltv Tho wed-ding was to have boon nn elegant affair Infront of this altar thnre hud beon placed ahandsomo lloril aich beneath which time

coupln wore to rtand There were othor elaborate floral decorations which tho congrega ¬

tion gave their attention while they waited ex-pectantly


for tho bridal partyThe hour arrived but tho bridal party did

not Five ton fifteen minutes passed coilfinally tho half hour was tolled from the CityHall clock nnd stilt tho bridal party did notcomo At last father Mulcahoy Informed thocongregation thnt thoro was no occasion forthorn to remain longer as the wedding wouldnot occur

In a state of mingled surprise disappoint ¬

mont and wonder the pooplo departed fromthe church Pew of them rrero content to startfor home however heforo they hind learned thorumor which circulated rapidly that the wailding was oil on account of the failure of thoprospective groom to appear Whether his nb-

snnci was dun to intention or accident no onosinmcil to know

lime relatives of tho prospective brldo wereevidently suspicious that Lynch would provofalthlesH Late last night mnn called at theresidonco of Dr Dolimty IdKlstrar of VitalStatistICH and roused him trout tile slumborfto iInquire iIff Kimene Inch tutu tnklinairiiiKO lleniue lime Doctor that hohud nut ThisI mninlngI about II oclock an-other


t man Cllrolnll made tha same InquiryI

Ten othui gnnllemen culledat tho IDnrtoirt 0011 and t101tlllhu In iti tryTo nil thin WI MrLynch had tint taken tint Imarring license

Those doubts ns to Mrt I ymmcims good faithbo eer did not revoii t thin in aspect ho brIdeamid her ilolatlMs from hnUiig iwurjthlng Inmclii lilts iIn CHMI Mr Lynch should II mini ly ap-pear


Miss Mnlenhur nttlnul Ini her huridill cos-ttimn was an eager watcher at ono of the frontwindows her rosldmico for fully an hoirlmfore time tlinu set or tho coremonj CarrIagesHtnod in Iront of time bousu waiting tl take thebridal pirtv to the burcli A Biimttuous neilding hrtakfiist had been prepared A numerousfamily party nero gnlhuicd1 at the house Inreadiness to attend time nuptials

A row minutes past 0I o clock the neighborsRaw a telegraph huny leave 1 desnatch at thorosldemn of Mr Mulcahey The same ohsorxors did not fallI to take noto of the fnrt thatliumodlntnly afterward tIme carriages drove oilas nimipty as when they came

A suggestion that purhaps Mr Lynch hadbeondotulned by MHUO unavoidable accident

iisdlsmlhsoilb the members of the inmllwith an nmphasls more positive than n weredenial It wit apparent IUt all faith In MrLjncli had Ilieen lost 1 members of thefamllyvvcrn In anything hit a pleasant mnoi-landthnv would neither any explanationsnor assent to any that wtr suggested

Mr Jnch IIs 1 10011001111 young manabout years nllnll1 well spoken ofby his acnimlntiinces Inlnot account forlila strancn conduct 1011 was horn In

1oIIen anil has lesldent hero mostbut about a year ago enlto Phila-


to work at his trade us a whoelwrhhtDuring tho lat six monthsboon a fr iiioiit visitor to this city and stoppedfor weeks at n timo ut tho residonco of hisprospective fatherinlaw Ho has bon devotedIn his attentions to Miss Mulcahey neigh-bors


city for sovBiiil years Hwas supposedth it ho would arrive here last night anti hisfailure to appear nrou cd 1 distrust whichproved onlY too well founded

Miss Mulcihny is an auburnhnlrnd ounllady of ntti personal appearancenInny graces of manner Al theneighbors deeply Hympathlz with mindwarmly denounce her faithless lover


Oil anircrlnci In JAi with Nothing to LookAt but tke Unddeii or Liberty

WASIIIHOTOX Oct 30Afer 1 jury hadboon Impanelled this morning In the case ofHallott Kllbourn against John flI ThompsonexSergonntntArms of the House of Itopro-

sentatlvos for ttSQOOU damages for allegedfalse Imprisonment Mr Totton opened tilecaso for time plaintiff He recltud tho facts at ¬

tending thu incarceration of Mr Kllbourn be-


ho refused to answer certain Inquiriesput to him by the Real 1state Pool Investi-gating


Committee Mr Coylu followed in aspeech for tho defence

Mr Kllbourn was then called tothe stand Hegate an account of his arrest anti Imprison-ment


rending passages from time report of theInvustlgntioii committee and of the proceed-ings


of time HouseWas time jail In which you wore Impris ¬

oned asked Oen Jeffries tile one In whichburglars thlovos and othor criminals worecontlnod

Yes sir Mild Mr Kllbournhere is it situated I

On the Knstorn Branch a mile or two eastof thn Capitol

11 What HID its 8urrolnlnII 7

In tOo renr of Mil Kllbourn If theEastern Branch and marshns When Wlfthere tthe smallpox honpital wits adjacent

1lime Potters Held was nlno near It mind thoCongressional cmnetcry and tho poorhouseI hern was 1 grant wiibtn of land and nothingI

In sight but thn Ilonl of tho Capitol and thododdess Of

You coulil win the starspangled banner oc-casionally


said Mr1 TottonOccasionally saidllho witness

Then Mr Kllbourn told about tho cuttingdown off his nllounme for intlons and placinghllon n ration of a dollar a duty Ho thought

ns I gueit of the nation hn was entitled tohotter treatment than that The year beforeho remarked Congress hnl appropriated

501101 to nnturtaln the tho SandwichIslands who was only II lung by nccldont Iwax a horn sovereign of tills land

The witness tnstlllnd that ills imprisonmenthad affected his health seriously> Ho wnIIm-pregnated


with malaria and broken Hotall about 210 physicians foci unit 12 000 fora trip taken tho ndUcoof his iiyalelan afterleaving jail He was asked what he paid forlawyers fees In the habeas corpus ease blt ob-jection


was madn miutul It wims decided to arguethin propiloty of the intention tomoiiow-

Ho said lila real estate liufineas which was11rIrllwAf8Iblln1111ruinClbhIReo-ntnemclt to suIl at a sacrifice Tho witnessWI the books which hpd been demandedHlllllt committee vvero in court

I dont rbinit ho oiiourvpu tnitny manwoman or child who has nny Interest In thumlooking at thorn

lImo nrnisoxamlnatlon of the witness waspostponed till tomorrow


Dlllnkerlllnc knr Only KalltllT for HMylnr-kl vn > Married Vklli she will > ut-

MIDDLETOVVV NY Oct 30 William Steelenf Wurtsboro Hulllvan county enlisted In thoarmy In 1KG1 He was killed In the battle ofPond Tree Crook In 1802 Ho loft 0widow and

Idaughter three years old Tho mother dlod In1870 leaving about 5000 worth off property toliar daughter who wits an Invalid Tho daugh-


namo was Lila She lived with an agedaunt Mrs Oracu Qulnlnn On 1 farm In theHlmwnngunk Mountains six miles from Wurts-boro IllviidI th family of W J McKun IllsI

soil IIlortonI Mihee lon paying his atten-tions


I to iiliiHeol mud tiers denttitle lIly In April 1K7U joung Mulven took tooand spoilt time evening with Miss Htooiltold her that his mother wanted see hur-

Wh1 he vvunt iwny lain in tile evening Ellawith him bile never intuinvd to her

nunli agiiln hit remained with the MiR tosgiving no reason than thnt time mountainaIr umgruul wiih her butter than the air In tilevillu In illvlobni lH7 itlmiln l A few dayshnfoiii slme died him siliiiinoned Justice 01 tIlePeacn llrrHullO ninko bur viii She told himthud as Ilr lt lund bald silo WIIH nuirrled toIlorton MiKec which was untrue she wouldleave her propnrtyto Hortons mother whichslm did m iking his father her executor Thewill was ofluruil fur probate In IBM Mrs Quln ¬

tan the aunt contented time will on the groundthat It was tho result of undue Influence andfraud The Surrogate rejected tho will Anappeal was taken to time General Term whichreversed time declnlen of the hurrogato andsent tho casn hack lor trial by jury It has limItbeen decided ulln In favoro the contestant

riletlMletIVI tCured without knife pimder or lalfe ItACharfft untilcured WrIts fur refeiemee Ur Iorkiui I I 12Wlb JO-

rfeltll < CoManufaclur their ready made al nll U thtlfiuttmeri lUalhl3Ewsqau4P

i G7

r Point dCo-

Guarknte their clnthtiu ai itpre nted or money rofunded 70 aud 71 BowtryJJ-

irottit dco-Bverythlpi

I9WU17IUIthis II HjUiti iillll 7ul 73


I ADdrOD Toboco 011 nUlwl 1Uelti 11nl4M


Tall Fitrxcir trtxisTitrs DKFRNCK OFTttKIH POIiar IN TONQVIlf

Minister Chnllemellnenur Nni tflil Willotineere In thei Nrcotlntlnntbnt MeD

to Temiiorlre The Peacei or EuropePAnts Oct 3ho Fiuaro publishes Iro

port that tho Governor of the Chinese province-of Yunnan with 14000 troops has received ordors to enter Tonrjuln and occupy Cftoltancabout ino miles north of Hnlnol the Frenchhcndiiuarters

Tho 1ronch Government In view of tho war-

like nttltudoot China will ask the Chamber for

1 much larger credit for the expenses of the ex-


in Tonquln than won originally In-


Even should China only remain ontime defensive larger retnforcomnnts of troopswill bo required In Totiquln The Governmentdoes not expect a dofnnt tho Chamber on Its

TonIUlnlolcr Tho Chinese Legation scout101 arrival of French reflnforce

montin Tonqulnof wi end all resistance to the

In tho Chamber ot Deputies today II Qraneta member of the Extreme Loft Interpellatedthe Government upon Its policy In Tonqulnand toquostod an explanation of the obJoctssought to bo obtained and tho moans of con-ducting


time expedition In that country M

Grand pointed out what were apparent con-


existing In tho Information whichhaul beun furnlhod by the Government andsaid that contrary to tim official declarationsdifficulties had been raised by ChhllM ChallnmulLaiour said China hadnever recognised thn Bounn treaty and thatno undoistandlng between France and Chinalund boon effected thoreon It was evident thatChlnl sought to expel tho French from Ton

Thin Chinese hart at length decided loformulate propositions demanding recognition-of their sueralnty amid evacuatIon ot thoplaces occupied by tho French but did notattempt to discuss the rights conferred-on France by her treaties with AnnumThoy simply Ignored those rights and de-


Tonquln to be their property anddemanded Ithnt time French should retire prom-ising


to concede to Franco a position similar-to IthatI which she nowoccuplOH In certain partsof China Franco sent n reply stating whatHho considered possible bases of nn agreementlime Cabinet he said still considered thollourea treaty inadmissible but limo constitu-tion


of a neutral rono between Tonquln andChina would uruatn a situation advantageousto Franco To sum up Chips demanded a re-


to time state nf timings which existedprior to the year 1871 France he declaredmust prosecute llrinly and rapidly the work al ¬

ready tar autancoaI lieI negotiations with China he added

have boen only Interrupted Let evontsspeakfor themselves Perhaps thl time wi comowhen China will bo hapny to find us readyto make arrangements compatible withFrances Interests and honor Franco hasnever departed front tho path of firmness andmodnrntton Tho force of circumstances hasrnndcred her the representative of tho Interests-of all Europe In tho East

Mf OhallomelLarour concluded by declaring-that tile Chamber had to express confidencenot In tho Governmct but In Itself for saidho the policy of time Cabinet has been en-dorsed


by tho legislatureM Oranot repronchnd thin Government with

concealing facts anti distrusting the patriotism-of tho Chambers Itevorting to tho HouriJetreaty limo said China had threatened resistanceand there vvnsdangnr of war Time errors otthin Government haul compromised thecountryTho present moment ho declared was acriti-cal


onn and Irancn should turn bar eyes to-ward


time passages of time VosgesMr haflnmelLiicour In reply to M Unmet

repudiated thn Idna of time Tonquln expeditionbeing an adventure The French were hesaid encountering more formidable oppositiontitan was expected but the difficulties werefar Iron Insurmountable Golan had Ivalod-herfpllol the blockade of the coast of

8uzrnlnty and homo opposition-had used It

At this point tho speaker was Interrupted byMM Papon Clemencenu mind Douvllle whoprotested against thn remarks

Resuming M ChallemelLacour said that theGovernment had no Intention of advancingupon Hut butt it became necsssary to strike nresounding blow Tho speaker justified thooccupation of Hud and tho forts which had re-sulted


In tile treaty and clarifying time situationTime Chamber then took a recess Upon the

resumption of time sitting M ChallemelLacourcontinued He said that the Government hadfailed In none of tholr engagements nor wasthere any contradiction between Iheir acts Inword no Imtortnltlvnt hind oecitrredlneces-sltatlng Ilrly of ParliamentThe ranch wer masters of threefourthdoftile Ked dell ant the enemy occupiedbut two places from which time reenforcnments would dUlodgo them All thodocuments nnen sary had been pnbllsheij andthose not published In thn Yellow Honk only8howot the inconsistencies of the Chlneso

It was llar that China never reallysought asorious compromise hit simply want-ed


to gain time willie Frnlollli sincerely ondeavorod to arrive at withoutaccepting a humiliating capitulation

Hefendlnr Qlndton QnTernmentLoNDON Oct 38Ir Henry James At

torneyGonoral addressed a large Liberaldemonstration at Dumfries last evening Inthe course of lila remarks he denied that therehaul been any extravagant expenditure undertime LiberalI administration of thn Governmont-Ho said that whllo tho last Conservative ad-ministration


had spent an average of 840000011 yearly lhlrJredecolsor811 office tho Lib-erals


hind of 17000000 per year Time mooting passed aof confidence In the Government A resolu-tion


was also passed urging thn Ministers todeal early In the 8epalol of Parliament withtime franchise

Jtoumnnlia Fftrolrn Relittlona-BuoHAitEhT Oct 30ln tho Chamber of

Deputies today tho Govnrnmnnt was interpnllatcd regarding thn visit of King Charles toVienna anti also relatlvo to the intervlewf ofM lirntlano Prime Minister withmnrck and Count Kalnoky Inn AunlroHun ¬

garian Minister Foreign Affairs In Hoptemtar last It IH reported that M Iicca tholioumanlnn Minister of Finance has resigned

Political1 Movements In MpnlnMADam Oct 30 Tho Official Uazrtte pub-


decrees providing for many military re ¬

forms The Cabinet hll agreed upon 1 diplo-matic


note which nnd the controversyarising from time unfnvornblclrocnptlon nf KingAlfonso in the streets ot Paris Seflor Mnrtosthe lender of time Dynastic Left is mentioned-ns Hpanlsh Ambassador to Paris to succeedthe Duo do FornanNiino

Cnrdlnnl llohenlohea ApologyLONDON Oct3A Homo despatch says

that Cardinal Hohenloho has written anapology thn Pope regretting time false state-ments


that had been inado about himself andstating his willingness to return to Porno immodlntoly I his Hollneus so desires

llynnmlte lu CermnnyF-

BANKFORTONTHEMAIN Oct S Aquantity of dynamite was maliciously explodedIn the olllcn of time Chief ot Pollco hero lastevening Time building was badly damagedhut although many officials were In It at thetime none ot thorn woro injured

JUIaurdere II OldenlmnBERLIN Oct 3Tho Emperor William Is

greatly shocked nt thin disorders at Oldenburgwhich are alleged to have been caused by theunpopularity of Gen Htolnmnnn time Com-mander


Tile Kmperor has ordered a thoroughinquiry Into thu affair

Taxlnc Foreign Wbent IIn KnclemdLONDON Oct 3At the Conference of the

Fair Trade League now sitting In London theImposition of a moderate import dutl uponforeign wheat In older to encourage tho tradeof the llrltluh Colonies was advocated

Ileerulli for Ihe Conito CountryBiiUBsrfH Opt 301new expedition con-


of right end Includlnr throeofhicors of tile Swedish army Liver-pool


on Nov 15 for tho Upper Congo country

No AcKreaelve Alliance or the Power fBERLIN Oct 3The North German Ga

irttt denies the of nn aggressive al-Ifance


and declares that the powers have onlyunited tsecure the peace of Europe

Tho IoBdim Hunk ThaflaLONDON Oct3ohn Davis Walters the

broker who stealing and re-ceiving


various bonds deposited with the Lon-don


onO Uivec 1laU Jjmkwa brough up it UI

Mff t4 J

Guildhall today for roPxamlnntlnnOurGeorge defaulting mntingnr of thebank titled that he hail lost considerableamounts ot money belonging to hi < sisters hutthat ho obtained for them from Waltersbefore his night Hn renmrmod his formerstatement that Walters know that thn bonds hngave him were abstracted from the bank andsaid that ho often bugged Walters to spnro himthe necesSIty for another robbery but Wixttorspersisted In his so doing

Time London nnd Illvor Pinto Hank huts docldod to pay for the securities which ware dn-posltcd them for smite keeping and whichwere nbstrnotod by Warden

LAflLJR FAlLVltE IN COTTONMorris Banter peenlnllva Enterprliea

Lend to n Bnapenalon of PaymentsLIVERPOOL Oct STbe InrRo cotton

house of Morris Ranger suspended todayMr Ranger announced to the President of theLiverpool Cotton Association that lie was unabln to meet demands that had matured andthat ho had suspended payment The failurecauses much excitement Tho liabilities aroextensive Many cotton brokers nro Involvedand other failures are Inevitable Dealings Infutures on the Cotton Exchange are at n stand-still


nnd no business has been transacted sincetho failure wit announced Tho liabilities ofMorris Hanger are estimated at 4000duIn Lhorooll11 1400due In

Forman A Co cotton brokers has boon bulletined at tho romsof the Cotton Brokers Association

out Holllnshead Tetley t Co cottonhavo suspended payment

Later reports relative to tnn failure of MorrisHanger state that his liabilities amount to

050000 It Is also stated that ho had 400000bales of cotton open

Morril Ranger was well known by reputeS¬

It 1011 in this cityand his reputation-was an exceedingly hold speculatorHn engineered tho cornet In cotton of twoyears ago which thoushlt was successfulserved to weaken confidence In tho mum that-Is to say time risks woro so i great that none ofthose who were associated with him In thoventure oared to Incur For many

ho was a partner tlHIIIII Fntnmn ASoars which ho 1 1882 Itwits reported at thn tlmeVthnt his retirement-was largely due to his bohlMpeculatlvo disposi-tion


Hojhas resided In Liverpool for manyyears It vva< reported roitorday that he wasshort of about 210000 bajis of cotton Timemarket has b1 stendlladvnnclnir mind hewould have to sottloJtoday upon a largoamount of hla contracts As far ns canlearned ho his no liabilities In this city btime failure little offejfc In commercial cir-cles


except to start gosslptTho cotton marketseemed to bo affected by trie news for about anhour or so and tho grain tnnrkot to a slightextent all day


lie Describe Canadian Homo fbi andPoints Out Element nf Danger

LONDON Oct 80 Tho Contemporary Rerictrfor November Issued today contains anarticle by the Marquis of Lorno entitled

Canadian Homo Rule It was written Incompliance with n roqunst to furnish notessuggestive of steps that mlghtbe taken to moottho demand for home rule In Ireland or tprovide Information having a bearing upontho future of Australia Tno Marrmls discussestime chief features of the Federal Governmentol Canada Indicates the Individual rights re-served to different provinces and dwellsspecially upon the danger which mustarise should one member of the confedera-tion


become strong enough to oppose thowill ot tho centre Government Lord borne de-clares


that should a provincial fouling on de-veloped


stronger than thq feeling of loyalty tothe general Government the American civilwar may be repeated In Ianada An equalityof strength among the vai 10UI members of theconfederation would bo best guaranteeagainst this The conclusion drawn is that theexperience of the American Suites shows thatwhile purely local matteAi may bo left to thecontrol of local ngsnmhuhie Ilt Is nil Important-that BO province should borganized nf suchstrength as to be able formulate a policylooking to ftoonhhictwlththo rest of the country


Hr Ilndaon Clnlmi n hisI Wire the Alleced-nnaband era Wisconsin Girl

MILWAUKEE Oct SSnmo months agotime wife of H J Hudson of Uelvidereil mys-teriously


disappeared deserting her husbandand two children Mr Hudson searohel longand vainly for his truant wife was onlya few days ago that ho obtained a duo whichbrought him t Vaupun and resulted lastnight In the extraordinary discovery that sitehad not only beon masquerading In male at-

tire since she nod from her home but had alsowon the affections of a young woman residingIn Waupun nnd had married her Tho nameof the latter Is Gertrude Fuller The weddingoccurred late last spring at time residence of thebrides mother the novo I L Morrison offic-iating


and a number of friends being presentMrs Hudson had assumed time namo of FrankDiibol The strangely wedded pair Immedi-ately


took up their abode together and havesince resided at Waupun SB man and wifeearning a living by painting and other odd bitsof work such OH was offered thorn Theirwedded life which cameo lo nn abrupt endingwhen time jiiiritiiliig huMuind suddenly present-ed


himself at theIr modest cottage has to niappearances been a happy ono unit Frankbola and his wife have nn far as tho public ortheir own acquaintances know lived In com-plete


contentmentThorn hint ten little circumstances now

and then which appeared to be somewhatstrange but no suspicious of time real nature ofthe cal were aroused

I reasons which lUll Mrs Hudson to deserther husband mind children anti nol definitelyknown hut It IH said Ihut domestic disagree-ments


woro the causa of time troubles jIltshe should have been able to knnp up her ISculine disguise for Mo long a time without sus-picion or detection and under such Ioulilclr1181nnrAPIR n matter of

called nt the hnusn todaytime wlfuBtatnd that her husband had sud-denly loft town and might not return for sev-eral


days Hho most emphatically doniml thather husband wits a woman Hudson Identifiedhlswifu lie foro n number persons nnd sluemade no denial of thn fact that she Imdlmnnfilling the position of husband tto Miss FullerIt In time hnllef that Mrs Hudson has givenI herhusband limo is keeping out of his wayalplnlluntil hn nhe Is n inmllum-nlred lady of a rather mnscullnn cast of coun-tenance


commentedliar mal hands nnd foot were often

Hudson anti his wife lived In Fond du Lae Inthis State before removing to llolvldere and itwas at that time that the two women becameacquainted

Three Ilcmncrntle llenrE-

iBTON Md Oct 30A large Republicanmass muteeting was held lucre j eiummrulsy All coloredplpl lt time county took a imuiluImiy smith cmo 1010wl MrI-

mohiorm IrluhUoDn ranldn for llrnr Oon AutsunE lOng simul ethers ejoke WIIII IIUII ws it ItheiImt a CeiIw wIltI mitre fN ereut Impeltile scme stat itm mugrneui Ier t muuetimug Im ie Itu-eIsr alco al1 clllh I reel Tius Inkllll tu a i mleumr-iystnppet I I tIhallhr uuItiuut id Ithuills vitim mIme her Ii hrak ur tile Intrlu by drlna mile colored Iuloo

Con nhermnn ItetlrenentW-ASIIINOTON Oct 30 There will be no cere-


attending tIle iranifrr of tIle command nf thearmy from item glicrman to Lieut lien Mierlitan on-

Thurxlar inorulnir Two tiort orut in will te ilplmeI l

doe tb r lien fherman upon relfiiQulrlilng uinnnand andnile iuy lien Hierldan upon aMiimliilf It HIM CII commonwill not leave at onca for Hit louU out will riinaln lucrefor met era daya looking after liU prlt ate liu > lne Hemhherldan I no einectud to strIve tram Chicago until to-morrow

Kept Out of a Fortune by WhlakeyDANVILLE Pa Oct 30 Isaac Metier of Eton who died some mile left a mall fortunealu

brother Thor Miller nf thin puce Homo nt the relsltlvr tile will on an nunt of fhimmaa Iniein-lierate lialilti Tlirv rwore unit lie viai a continueddrunkaril

hat Acolmlol awIIIIIlnqlllulllll-halr


lulrulelh moan smut Ihun hln ordered

TIJRan OtTwIth hi UkC e

Pour JKBVIB OCt SO Abrara Gray keepsa country store al UUter county yeilenlaymornIng when he opened fur buelneii Stringerscam lu each having a one hundred dullir Mil to cluingUr tray counted out ttiv rtianve laylnir U on the coonthen TliemeiiieUeil tlie mnnryI sod ned taking withthem tbIIUO bllli There U no due to the robbers



A headless Wamnn rh n was Fnnnd In thsVoodti I VnUnnwn MMM Mysteriously

llrotvned anti a Wnra n AdriftTwo Coroners IntiuoHte In ono day Is a-

very unusual ovnnt for the quiet town of PerthAmboy N J The few citizens who woro notaway In Now York on business or working attho coal nharves gathered at tho City Hill towatch tho piocetidlngs Judge Samuel G OarretsonautAd Coroner and twentyfour shop ¬

keepers hotel keepers and mechanics Indoup the two juries Tho City Hall has Imeet-ing


room on the second floor capable of ac-


about 300 people There Is astage at otto end sot with side scenes for dra-matic


performances Coroner Garrstson sethis small desk In tho centro of tho stage mind

drnpod It with a large American Mug Time juryliSt In Irow of chairs facing the stage on thefloor blow Leaning against a side scone wasRumple sapling about six foot long A piece ofcommon wrapping cord was tied to Its upperportion anti hanging down ended In a nooseThere was blood on tho noose

The Imjuests uoro LIIII 3 oclock but bforo that tho taken thisfour jurymen on an excursion They crowdedInto two largo stages amid wore driven out totho Alpine Cometury about 1 mlo from thecity They wont straight to stonebuilding which Is used atm a rncelvlnlvaultnnd examine two bodies theroOno of thor nn elderly nina with gray whis-kers


features was laid out on atable Thn wrinkled and bleached skin of thohands and time apDoaruncn of time head andneck showed that ho had been taken mom thowatur Time other body was In 1 nquaro boxand was far advanced In decay It was thatot a you tic woman

TIm Identity of nolthor body was known andIn each ease thorn were circumstances whichbroil a suspicion of foul play

The body of the woman was found by twohunters In n patch of woods near Perth Amboyon Oct 10 Khu was lying al her breastamt her head was gone On shoulders laya muss of dark brown hair Immediately boaide this body In tho woods stood the maplesapling bearing the cord mind noose Ton feetnwuy tho sovored head was found The posi-tion


of the body tho overhanging cord and theblood on the cord Indicated that tilewoman had killed herself by throwtog herself forward on the cord liarface would then havn been only a few Inchesfrom time ground Hho hind died In that posi-tion

l ¬

and tho strain of time cord aided by de-composition


probably severed hor head fromthe body and some may have draggedIt to tho place whore It was found Hho hadben dead when found about lour months She

well drossod in n bluotarlped ginghamnnd Ibo wore a pair of gaIters nearly now Silobad no rIngs and timer was nothing in herpocket Her 010 was apparently front 25 to 30years ITho cord ivvas tied to the allnland Into a noose In a rude way hilfhitches such as n woman might havo mado

hero was no clue as tto her idontlty hut thepollco remembered that on Juno 4 last astrange woman hnd beon In 1erth AmbI Situwas arrested for drunkenness finedt3 by Judge narrotson She had appeared In1orth Amboy about throe days before that andhad staled nt tho 1ark HoUil until Remit awayhj thn landlord who thought horcharactervvnsnot good To the police she gave her name as-Fnnnlo Dunhnm aged 26 years of Now Yorkmind said that silo had boon brought thero byCarl Kntitzen Swede employed in the torrcotta works She paid her line and ¬

ward Maurerstile factory which howevershodid not reach rite hot was loundnclr theroad which runs Inlot town about that time and lias not Leonheard of there since

Time body of graywhiskered man wasfound In the Kill Von Hull oil Perth Amboy onSunday last There wore marks on the fore-head ns though ho had been struck with someahurp Instrument The body came to the sur-face


nt a place where the coal sloop lien lirnndreth had been lying two weeks ago He wasKnown to be one of the crew of the sloop andhe had lade purchases for her In the townSome understood that he was JohnItahn tho captain but this seems to havebeen a mistake Ho was the cook aolwas known only I George AH tho per-sons


on the hOlt It was declared had-a spree on night of WednesdayOct 17 mind while drunk bongo toll overboardfrom the small boat of the sloop and witsdrowned Tau small boat was picked up byanother sloop Tills was the story told on shoreby Cnpt Itahn The Hloop went away the nextday and nothing morn was heard of time matteruntil the body cama to the suifaco

Title however was not time last that the peo-ple


of Perth Amboy saw of th crew of timesloop On tile morning of Saturday Oct 2U

time tug J1 T Allnn arrived of Perth AmboyCnpt heeloy had on board a woman whom hehad found In a small boat drifting in the Ncrrows that morning It was tIle samn smallboat from which Ucorgu had been drownednm tin woman wax rncogntrcd astime wlfo of time Captain of thelion Drandreth Slue said that the sloop wananchored In Uovvanus Duty mind that she hadhad some trouble with liar husband whichended in hor go tt I mug adrift withI onn ear In timesmall boat tier story was very confused Miowont over to Tottmivillo took sow drinksthoro travelled to htaplvton hind drinks themand went to New York It Is thought protinbluthat site got adrift In the small boat whileunder the influence of Ihiuor The hinall boatnow lies on time bench near the ferryboat land-ing


at Perth Amboy-Theso facts wore known to tho Coroner nnd

time July when time inquest was begun Thecase of time man Jnorgn wits llrst consideredDr N Williamson thin County Physician andDrs Wilson nnd Van Dnvoon instilled that tileapparent wound on the forehead wa veryitrivial mind haul been made by ihumit or by rub-bing


on time bottom of tho bay Thn skin wasabraded but time tissues underneath wore un-injured


showing that no blow hail been struckljio heart unit lungs gave every Indication ofdeath by drowning time lungs being hilled withwater There uere no inniiih of violence

Undertaker Fox ald timid wlion liu lifted thinbody from the water thn wound in tIle foreheadblod freely Dr Williamson said that this raicommonly the cnsu with drowned persons asthe blood remained fluid This wad all timenvldencn taken mimI time east wits adjournedIt Is thought pimlhlo that time man tuny havebonn thrown IIntoI thin water while Insensible

The ease of tthe unknown wnnnin WIts takenupI nnxt mimi It tthu doctoii team i hlttl that time incomposition of tile holy was so great thatnothing could Iw learned by thn post mortemnxi npt that no tummies wuro broken It uns-irultn pojsiliio for Illm cord tto it aye sui 0 roil tliehead after tim n bolv haul lieon hanging formuomno titan Tho sapling mind cord were care-fully


examined by thu IjurvCoroner larretxon said that lime clothing of

time dead woman hail been Mmun to severalPorsorH who had neon Fnnnln Dunham andthey terre of thn opinion that It resembled whatsho limit worn Tile Coroner xald ho proposedto sun time Public Prosecutor In reference toboth cases In order that stops might be takento sift each to time bottom

Slate lullUThe Domocrnts of Monroe timid Orleans comma

list liftvc nnmliintf1 Unirp III Kelly for Mutr SenatorThe Denncnxtic Cnifrn m nt Mlivrr yitenUj rr

fIllet to cffpt flfn JMtllcr linallon of the Hrnnlo-

rial iiomlnMlm iti n M flier nfccptrfl the nmnliifttfonIlirs Hriiiocralit iMilnik CnunU tViitrvl iiiiiiuttee

mulctt ut HUt rhca vrsitplajI miI iiMnmiiimi h riidori rltile nuiiiiiinttii nf iti njniiitit M hlui HUIK fur or-

AMrrnmu I J tilntMin iJiMuntrall rmmiuiiliul 0 forMm or if hellS lpinnIt City 1piifrl H ctmlltitjce yeierlay-to Iil nti nii nt Mr litr > to 111111 htm on tti rn ip

time Itopiililtcai rnnxfiitinn of tlif hunul U irlct-iHtiutimtrt TliMiim A Miutticft irrcixirt L I fur mem-llbet ofn unMr jmelu ruts

Ilrarrltd by kli NwectkxurlH-AMIITOS Out Oct aoH Walsh of this

clt > huSi iLiinl a writ In n uik fur ftMmi iUinnirii forlircarli of i n iiiliu Hahut Mrs Iirle of lunila formerIly Mil Bnolll


Seven stores and riwdllnir In Ifomeileai Pa wereburned yeilrrdiy Lorn moun

The Ainlierd College liulMlim rontalnlnir the enlnirlcal and lupnleifUal i ttjiiiMn lauuhl Ore jeMlvrday-inurnliif Tilt liaitfiiieiit Ii ill partially destroyed butthe colltctloiii vi crc nm Injiirrd


Judge Moore jrntiriUy granted tile petition of AntonFerifiliin Ass to ilianyc lnIi nailM In IOrtm nhicll hue

HH I liii wav lilt naiiiu U jrenounced lit Norway liltuntheinumr-

Jnitlrr Iratt uranted n dlrorre jreterilav lo WilliamII UnMenfrum Marxaret T Itimfii They had mute mardel twriily jrcarii lIlt lia l no tlitMrfii Jnllcn Culltn-uranli d a dlvorie lo lulu lluilui from Yillliam llujlif

Nlfil JiictrJohn unit of 1113 TheMnut Street Newark It ciperted

to die lie quarrilled anl fnilKhl witll hull wife esterdiy sumul shhe ntnick him nu tthe lieml with a xiiiin-tMlchrr Mrt lleirv nlin wue arreometl tald he attackedItem while lie H at drunk ami ills acted hi sell iltfitue

Thus Jollcn mii Fire Iwpurlmentiioflrp i iily humIdthetr annuftl juillt lara le yimrrlay fisOs sere Illslilaved fin the tiinl hugs nlnnic the Hoe of niarch sodteveral private houses were hioitftomeh derorated Theproc uion wauevteHtd al the tln Hall In Newark av-enue tiy Mayor Tuilj sad the AMermen In ih evenIis the roinuxUtioawi eBUiltliiti a auabw ef trliaiUiictUv I



Tko KralBCBt nronklyn Poetor tells wkat-Knoweortlia Penptea Candidate

ii mlnRloInpolltlcnl discussions Torymuoh said the Rov Dr T Do VfittTalmaee

mind admiration for the political parties oftime day Is unite Infinitesimal When I havediscussed political questions it has rather beenfrom a semireligious standpoint

What Is your opinion ot Mr Joseph 0 Hen-

drix the Democratic candidate for Mayor 7

time Doctor was askedI havo known him a good while ho re ¬

plied and I admire him very much In thelimit plnco for his literary iiuallflcattons ThenI have noticed that hols alert on mill time groatquestions ot the day and hums Intelligent nndpositive opInlonH Ibollovolf lie were electedtoofllca ho would make ns good a Mayor as-llrooklyn over bad 1 nm sure bo would try to-

I havn no moans ot knowing positivelywhat Mr HondrlxB prospects are for electionbut I hoard today an prominent n man asthorn Is In Brooklyn say that ho had nevervoted anything but tv Hnpubllcan ticket sIncetime Hnpubllcan party was started but that nextweek ho meant to vote for Honilrlx

I know of his nncnstry I nm acquaintedwith his mother and I know that ho comesfrom n most excellent stock


Two Men Lose their ILlTte will Trying IB-

Vuln to Mew a ComradePnrsBunan Oct SO Klofort Stlofels ton

men In time upper part of Allegheny City wasthe scene of a terrible affair this morning twomen sacrificing their lives In an unsuccessfulattempt to save that ot a follow workman Thefirm have been digging a well to be used ns avat and this morning C Dlcksonnn employeewont down to measure the depth of the waterwhen ho was overcome by foul air FerdinandBchrndor and Charles Sennit who were work-Ing nearby hoard hln cries and Hchrador de-scended


Into tile well to assist him hut nosooner reached the bottom than the fatal chokedamp rendered him Insensible Schultz thenfollowed but ho was also overcome Ropeswere procured and fastened around the bodiesSolomon Uamborger and Ithlnohart Retnsonwore lowered into the death trap With diffi-culty


they tied the Insensible men to ropes mindall were hauled up Dlckson Schroder mindSchultz won dead and Bamborgor and itemson were unconscious butt were revived Dickson wits a slnelo moan and the other two weremarried

XURNING STATES ErIZRNCEA Burglar Pardoned on HI Promise to Tea

tlfr Agalnit Crooked DetectivePHILADELPHIA Oct SO Iloraco Hogan

alias Little Horace who Is serving a threeyears sentoifce in time Eastern Penitentiary forburglary has been pardoned by Goy Iattlsonand upon a warrant Issued by United StatesCommissioner Edmunds was taken to Wash ¬

ington last night The purpose in pardoninghim was to obtain his testimony In the prose-cution


of time Washington detectives who arecharged with conspiring with thieves of whomHogan wits ono to rot time Metropolitan Hankof Washington the National Printing Ofllceand to commit othor crimes Should Hogannot keep his word with the Government andmake good some of his statements he will boforced to trial as a defendant


TTTO Colored Men Arrested while Trimdllng-Denda Peeper Through tka Street

RICHMOND Oct 30ChrIs Baker and Wil-


liurnott colored men and professionalbody stealers wore arrested this mbrnlngwhile moving the body of adeadpaupor throughthe streets on a wheelbarrow The body hadbeen stolen from time Morgue at time City Almshouse David Parker the keeper of theMorgue was arrested on a charge of com-plicity


but has boon balled Baker and Bur ¬

molt were sent to jail mind tho case was con-tinued


until next Monday

Ten Dollar for Axumlnc AttitudeJohn Miller 17 years of age of 318 West

Flit third Street who wai arrttcil In the MetropolitanOpera Homo on Monitay nlxht for iierionatlnit a de-

tectlte w an brought tu Jrfferiou Market jtitenlay Hesail hU father trio a plumber anil had ricently workedin the oii ra hou e Hehliuelf became fascinated withHie life or n Jeltilht an portrayed In tIle cheap prlntl-aniMitmnliul to ga into Hie ImlruM He IthouKht huewnnld eflfct tlie new tpri huime as a Cell for prartireIre uri Imneil In liiltuu sired n billy Sod a hailne-limt rthtd SKclul Ileterll 4s He entered the operahoiirr mcl reprecntlni Innurlr ui n ilFlerilre llelilmlthe t f iieri lie aiiiuit d tuluu cur to Himiiniinir mnliiciuea-tlitnttrN SkIll lInt pIll or overlooking the ucftonii ofuuorn ceiio tilfler und other workmen ami nmkltifre-iliftfeHtionK an In tIle proper dltpoal of apparentlyneiflecteil utige etlectl-

He iiiM Jnilco ilHntner that he meant no harm lie-S LI fined SIt which one of hue frleml paid

llookkeeper McKanny tonreaeea hIs TbetleTwo years ago Thomas C Burrows of 91 John

street employ Jo1Ih VI Mduuin lit honkkeeper Twoneelii Sf0 MuJunny confeM that he liit been rolililnnMl employer

let all expert accountant cuiml tic sad I will itaywith liltn and gtt over tIle tionkn no that you ran mind outhuuun iniiili IIll Itaken I hardly know self

Vlelannr remalneil e cry ilii > tor a n cult hell Imr theexpert ThreeIB neo whin thefiii to the amount ofIiaai Imit alruiid been illHLiiired IInspector moundi ati infnrintil of the nue Vtntrrdiiv nlille VIcFHiin-

yn itlIl at Mi dek irohiK liter the liookn he ossu nt-reKtut llelH J4 cur otil nnd hues at J1H Vet Twenli-elKhlh itrrel lit nalit hn hal iiianilernl thus money

Other City JKmploieea Mold to bo Arenied-It is lbelieved that time Grand Jury which lIaR

been ImrMluMiiiK thn froul In Ihe Water IteKliteri-hilreanof Ihe Drparttiient of 1utilic UorkH fur severAlweeks lian otitalncd ilenei that mousy justify the InlicOnueuii uC ollulols u hun have 11u11 meeom privtouty fluilolo ii Ili rnhuuum cilomu st It ui fruiuuule i ris il licheneiiemlmug nmtilt r of iuuuremmu wilt I lutuumelr umlie-rIiuiltuunlil Si tIC tnhlii dlOerltft3 55 5 wluuo it I

uuulerntuuI 101 hi gums cli Imnuuoy uuitumlmug ummuer emu

ii ii f iic ilurusIm Tile luols mf ii mulurnuu weretlmhumm hO mile mlruiuuul Jury rulumlu cmiii uxaumulmued it IesuIt ulmiiur iml guuttauuc

saved lir Ihn Thlehnri of hl CoatJames J Wilson a cook lately of 100 flowery

iluittI Klllllj Jriterdll III tlie Urn ml SiHolonii of-

reelwithtmntiIuu itt VVnrrin II Ldvlanf Iii Hoiiil1I-


fiutrrilied on the nUMiinf the Jln nil Tile bulletiulll traied Itin rlifhii lirini nf iIinnn CIuit lint CC luteIn th llllllllltl Illli klo ft of the lnati rla lit lint Houndhim Kieonler Mn > Itll lint Vvllnou tn St ste potion forliSt 3 esro

Kicked by it JUfrunken HusbandJohn Jloyil of 142 West Thlrtyflrst street

ntlll IntiKlrateil kicked hl > wife Della In Hie abdomin-on Steu1n nlulit mid liijiind In r at hadlr that rimnrol lilt 4 IIII ill Mixnn l kriilo llonntelt lli nltalilnMl wns coininltiid llty Jumlce Uardner lo swAmI therebult of her injnr

Fotlllee In Arw JerseyThomas I Chattnll of Long Branch the rrz-

ular Jli IIMH ruliil tanitldatt In Ihe heimnl Aeriiiiitiljr ullinet wan linaninion l > cniloriiMl h > the rmtithltionUt-ut their Oonventloii In Anbury Turk enterday

Two Ilrldite for Kitrj Two MinutesTrains of two ears each ran over time bridge

at Interval of tn n lulnuten heist een U and 7 dork luste-vmiuumt iIn UK iniriilnii afwltilnnx truck tot partlroff tile track smut tlu re eus adila of fifteen inlnulei


Vennor atinnunrti that the Chit cold snip wilt occurnn Nm 4 suit

An Im h iif mow fell at Memramcooli and DnrcheiterCamilla nu Vlontla night

Tile Arrluliikfi lludnlph Prince Imperial of Auitrlaand hU nIle have ifonu lo llerlin

A filiation from the Tranivisi heeded by rnildentKruger tins arrnnlal ID mouth0 A lilt t Iloitnn lanjer was arrested yesterday

fur violation of hue penilou liiwi-Iommoilorn A J Ithlnd nai promoted yeiterdar lo

be a Hear Admiral II will In retired to d v-

JelinC New Aiil tant Secretary of the Triaiurr de-nledrNtrriln that Ime tniemu bIrth reilenliifr

A >ct i re motH ilIlluk rhork fluting thlm iiTiindl waifelt at Hnmknini llui la on Vlnndav es citIng

Major lien hchotletd situ furceeill len Sheridan 11-

1cnminindoc mite hilt lilou uf the Mluourl hatarrhrdlnCii lutigu

CumIn hundred and thirteen iiilta hiss been brought hi-Fartou Ia avainit tile Iennvvhalila hlatlnictou andSew EmtImmiuil uBlltolllpan for Haircudun workmen

MuKatlitirhniliriileinlb > tie brother nf the presentruler Hit Hrlll li nubjei hai left tile town aol goneon board H Urltiih tfunbuat w blch U helling the camp oftliebeildrrra

The rhiioRii hansom Cab Company hat teen lacerpormrl anlnftt its umsul tilts Ilbs tunic In lrf ndnnlIIIie running In them cIty my Jau I I bargee 25 centi amile ir 7 3 icntt an hour

TI lot ermior ha cemnlmluteti the lentemic of Villhinm-honormue itemiuI Ices ammarauvmls rouulty In life lieprinmuulueni ilu hs4 ft mummurder In the mwroud tegree to-mnmirIomtctrnt for Shire eurs Ihuls wlmtu ailwimtefor good nenaiior win enuti him to hIs dlschirfrom Auburn prison nm June

Winter brings Chrlilrnu sod colcjjl UM Cr Itllt



XMeeti of Redneed Tuxntlon on thn I-

Gomptruller Knoma l> Hra for the Nation-al limiting PlystemIrmeci nf Ilnnil Cull

WASIUJ OTON Oct 00No nccurnto statemont can ho ntado as vet ot tho oftoct upon timrevenues that thin reduction ot taxation of lastwinter will cause Still It Is plain to thin Treas-ury


Department that thero will bo n largo sur-plus


notwithstanding that reduction Tim re-

ceipts for tho flrst uuartor of this llscnl yeatwere In round numbers ntnotythroo milliondollars whllo for time corresponding threemonths ot last year tho Treasury received onohundred and thirteen millions The expendi-tures


this year were corontyolght millions totthe same period whllo last year they were jeighty millions The surplus therefore forthis first quarter was about fifteen millionswhllo last year It was thlrtythroo millions Itthis ratio ot receipts to expenditures bo keptup during time year the surplus willamount to about sixty millions nn againstone hundred and fortyflvn millions hintyear Tho Impression prevails however thattime surplus for this veii will bo larger thanthe above llguros Indicate and It Is certainto lhue unions time 1onslon Ofllco makes much fheavier demands upon time Treasury than it hasbeen doing Notwithstanding the reduction oftaxation Hecrotary Folgor goes on cullingbonds He ha nothing ulno to do Faoh monthtile llguros are brought to him Theyflmu asurplus Ho cannot lot that mooney Ho Idle Intime Treasury It Is nil plain sailing for himHo huts already called sixty millions of bondsthis llscal year All time huron and ivhnlfs tinwiped out and a holo IB made Into time threes ofthirty millions with a possibility of Incrcnsobefore Jan 1 Money keeps rolling Intothe Treasury lint whllo Limo debt IH belnifwiped out at this prodigious rate by thin Peeiotary up stairs in tho Treasury buildingsits a high ofllcor who in worried notto say frightened it tile outlook Thntofficer Is Comptroller Knox duo guardltn mulofficial head of tile national binklnu systemThis rapid wiping out of time debt hn fems Hcutting away nil too rapidly tho foundations oftile system Ot time thirty millions of three petcent bonds that Secretary Tolter has calledthe banks hold nearly twelve millions whichare deposited to secure their circulation Thoy jhave got to do ono ot two things t tInt musteither give up so much ot thn circulation ns Iissecured by those bonds or they must got holdof other bonds to take the lilac of them rIme c


latter stop Is almost impnictiaiblu To taketime former moans a contraction nt tho cur-rency


within the next tow weeks of morn than Iton millions Nor is this the worst of It Thennbond calls according to tim tirosont light mustcontinue antI the rather startlIng contingencypresents Itself In tho imnmdlato futurn of avery largo contraction of tile currency duo totime fact that monuy Hows into time Treasury Inmuch greater sums than nro needed for thin es-pouse


ot time Government Comptroller Knosmust bo worried vvhon ho suggests that thobanks bo allowed to deposit foiulgn bonds tosecure their circulation S

While time national bunks may bo somewhatalarmed at time omitionk there does not exist minygreat apprehension at tho Treasmvof such acontraction of tIme currency as would Imperilbusiness The mint IK making up time deficiencySliver anti gold cortillcatos for time past yearshow nn Increase over tho year before of morethan thirtysix millions nod this notwithstanding a decrease lu United States notesantI of national bank notes ot morn than thirtymillions But while nobody at the Treasuryhas any Idea that business need alarm itselfit is clear that something must bo doneright away to help the banks Comp-troller

¬ I

Knox expects to make some rec-ommendation


to Congress so dons Secre-tary


Folger but neither has anything morothan a makeshift remedy to proposa nowThe present condition of affairs Is duo largelyto shortsighted legislation Three roar agothis coating winter a Democratic Conctnsnpassed n law that had this very contingency Inview That Congress provided for time refund-ing


ot the lives antI sIxes Into n three per centbond that had ten years to run with tim option of twenty Time bill was bitterly fought byIlnbubllcnns In both Houses Hankers protest-ed


against Its passage The Hopuhlicnn presspointed to tile measure as a specimen ot Denim ¬

cratic llnanclal legislation Leading Demo-crats In both Houses protested that the mea-sure


was ono that protected tim national bankIng system It gave them security for at leastton years It was asserted by thin opponents oftime bill thnt the bonds could not bo refundedat three nnd It was charged a good man timesthat time measure was a Democratic at ¬

tack on the national banking HiHtetn Dutthin bill passed amid passed as n Democraticparty measure Titan Haves at tho advice ofJohn Sherman vetoed It What was the result t-

In six months Secretary Winilom bv a verystrained exercise of authority to say thn leastrefunded the bonds nt threo and a half antileos than n year after Folgor refunded atthreoand in the opinion of good financiers the whomcould easily have been refunded at a less ratoIf there bad been anytime limit lint thoGovernment now has time option to call themit has no choice boumsu taxation brings inenormous revenues that iivon the hugo regu-lar


and pension appropriation hills cannotequal and the banks llnd a problem staringthem In time lace that Itnpublicnn leadershipasserted would not be at hand for ten vear

It was in the canvass of 1HSO that it was BOstrenuously urged that business InturnMs vveiosafest with thin Government in the hands of thoItepublicans

Three Pllula Laid Oft for a TermThe United States Inspectors of steam vns

sets have unpended the licence of Iilot Tvani Tny ion oftIle North RUer ferryboat las ituii lutI chits day omit

the Hi elite of Pilot hilitu Spicy of tlm fernlmat WH-

Ilawktn for tlilrti ila lifinuH of tlie iohi > loii Mhluhlappined bftuerli III two lunilK on Su111 In ulu cut IC-

11mg uirMtfctnr stnrlun OUR nillrn-nfthn

tue kUMiMi In tiltRoe rnllNloii nf Iitrlllnril x in lit mul ft frrvli-

jirlcMtiam wherein the ui ot tnit I Srjker oftime jaclil Is iui iviiilr l for mlot ttivi

Now Jersey Pwllllve

The Ilemocrttts of Essoi county N J havemade the following n iminntioiiH for UK A ABSemhl Secmini utletrici I uimh Kevmour rhiil dlMritt William A

Miannoii fonrlh dlntrlil Tjlir InrinU 1ifili ililrlclJ-aineH N ArlmkU Mxtli ilinlIiil lolin II Vturpli-


seiit utietriul K in minor Mnth ulusu riotlohn I Armlt-Itnili

rut Hi lillhlli Itlii lit Iinnilnnle t-

hlfllilliiriiM llum Hi-

rdUinil miumi I A If II iurllmt

In lime Mnthof

Martin u Ih iiockl rol r tt time nrmMartin A llulu cu

lliislucK Km Jiirrii omiriit>

John F Lovojoy amid H Insulin Drake LoveJnj A link iiirlu are mmuuul act ulcers inrtntu at hitUfni1 i oemtl iitr an Hiicnnitnt jcktfrtlitj to J suitesI llliitc lliMr liookktrjiiT

A rnu II Motit 11 cUr mule Occult nf IllulionI X Vlmimade tin aotltrniii nl tu Jnuitt1 ilgm out Mr Mi tt-

BSt th cushier nf mIte llmtI nu Natioiuil Httttk forl omnmy t1 ic > rarB Hti l i lit futtn In hue of Jo it-IIl our lev f f rhilinoiit N V wlioie fuiluro Was an-nouitctil Monila

Signal Offlcr IriillctlonFair weather winds mostly westerly iota It

liouar or ring himmruuuieuurmtlgiit full In teinpeiature


Th Queens rnnntv ulmulleiil hot Irtv parM rfonlntlnni-TritepU fanntii the retention of tile old emote by tthoState Amumimimitin-

nliurgl rs hrokr Into lime reiliemut nf Mr rhlnnpy tn-

Icrnl su cuumle Ailorta nu Mmtlin Mlchi mmii tuls iilur-w are and cloUnin tn IHie vnloo of f i


Ludwig Smite a patlrnl in Ihe Herman hospitallianKed hhinilf in ihnllur t cttHl

The iteamrr iinaiKhitti irmnWex Ioint Va losther furttu iniiit tnierilu In tIm momiltmus ester

TIlt flrol pirforiuiiiiie of IIn Ihi llinkp lohefrUen-al mime Miindnnl lluutrc u o t one in nrvlay etcumir Sin i 4

The tnnrli leneiolrnl hoi lrl > will hold lim annualniretlnir In Mi ik Iliilltliikiiinin Itimmmlmmulmmt H5intharlt Intlnjiui Junti iuli l

The iou i Pr oI IIII TIlt Oil 55 ill flu tn morrow nUMiI tie lirmi of niiMtrril > ten populir lnlure nt she lorijlhhlrnli viuiiuliii hilnopiiuliiirili

TIme milt liniiitfht sunlit a j mitt sum Iir AMermuii Jopei h-

P htntrkI atfitniMt rx tiitlf Jlltn f foliu A IJlnkfl forfiOim damaKe for ulliind ulamler mi illw oniiauiid

rMtird-iiviaklmaoI a tailor nf 13il Km it redo irumIlIselI

tentu3 es

> nut lo run see inn mmuicmuuilu on Mm ln > limit inureuul JiiMiii 5 Jutr > tI Ismnivei ii in i lihorn Loinnlalnrattaint him

Milbail I hone a inntrartnr for mnolni innnnreSifts illiushl ff l in mum fMllul > up tin tt irilm lr al-to


lnir lie niaiiiirulu uiiiiiiinutii al Iliu iut ot Ju l-

torlj third tirrrt-Iomitroller Urnnt its n > l rd ll Hoard nf Apportion

nient ttMncreaie hie r tiniut fur 10 t u ears fximutof tile Kinani JJrpKriinrnl from fel 17 7ui 10 flluiiiithe extra proprlutlun to go tor S4ImrIcu

llanlan the ilstClltlii arrltid in New lork jeilentayfrom HlltT lo He tilefra plIed to mIami Irain itrnthutI h-

nonldron there on Tliankrirmn lu > llenilj go timllitton today mo get hsO tu lali ti Sumi Frsimcisee

Warden l Kunrkeof llellev no MOM llnl roiniilained totil rein Hoard veXinluti Iibm the IlliudiMiurliriI telle-Kraph opiralora nfuinl on MIIUJ > to 501 im CtIthai wotilit hat e prrv rntid ilu indinir nf nn amUuUui-on a slum icoofte ilinie fnni Suiet > iinth rimut

oniporotuir llrunt his apCiiieJ VvmiamJ Ivpn Audltorof Aununtf inihurof InmlrlJai kon nnlliavil h iK Austin Al5smauul Atnlllnr Mr iljili Hat tin Coiiiu-Irollera

I1private seers tory llelnIa ver sod lIve its

Sew Jruy Mr Auieii ii a mldeni of Brooklyn anilColonel of time ThlrtHtu iuglmeat