the sun. (new york, ny) 1885-02-17 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · i > = f i j f s wr t tw 1 1 i vol...

i > = f i j f S wr t tw 1 1 I VOL LUNO170 NEW YORK TTTESnAV FEBRUARY 17 1885 PRICE TWO CENTS BESET BY GALE AND FLOOD mB cur iNrAumf itr nIB tttreua ON norl HIDES Wharf Itnte Fleeing I la Drnvra Befnre the TldeMlreele Vnder WitrUiiln nnd- lionUna WlnilUumnae Sn toilet Island Flcrco rain began to pelt down on the town just before daybreak oitnrdsy when people who werent milkmen or butchers or Fulton market fishermen wore fast asleep and didnt know anything about It Tho wet camo down In a regular flood and a big easterly gule took a hand In tbo fun and howLed around the street corners on IAnl and toro over the Ice floes on the river a tornado Thou the wet the wind had combined anl thalr fury fur hour tho flshurmen In the Fulton fish market worn the only citizens along the river front ot tho city who bad dry foot They stood UP on boxes and stall stands out of the flood and gazed out Into South street with bullnl cyos They were watching the big longtallod rats that dashod madly through the flood and dived down collars I long way up Fulton and Ileokman streets and disappeared Ul Peck slip Tho rats wore as big us big kittens Thor were the aged wharf rats of tho Est lllver front and thoy woro run- ning ¬ In an tho biggest wot that bad boen known In four generations of wharf rats They fled from tho wharves In droves of hun- dreds ¬ Moro droves dashed Into the Erie de ¬ pot from the North lllvor wuurvoa around Chambers street Two hours later which was 10 oclock warms of people wore wading around promis- cuously ¬ II and Welt streets talking about wnatuer in cf unmistakable surprise and llgurlni up the damugu that tbn highest tide on record In a quarter of a century was doing to their stored stock Hundreds of stevedores Btoolin tho Hood with gloat pumps pumplll out ol the cellars on bulb city Kvorythlug wont on swim- mingly ¬ all around thorn When tho wnathor clerk got down town at 10s oclock the hast nnd North lllvors woro sweeping over thn piers and passengers who wanted to gut aboard ferryboats had to wade the river In thu streets or cross thorn on Im- provised ¬ bridges mado of shutters and planks that the police borrowed front storekeepers The son ends of the ferry bridges stood up J fllteen met in the air on a level with time ferry house lamps Ships woro lifted away up In the docks and looked as If they were coming shorn to got out of the wet Tho tUlboa John K Moore came up to Castlo load of transferred passengers from an Amsterdam steamer whoa the Hood was at Its height The passengers had to slide ashoro because they oouldut get downt- ime gang plank any other way The ferryboat Mlddlotown of the Btaton Island line was struck by the wind ant n heavy wel while sho was entering her Now York In the afternoon and was trivia against the ond of a pier The guards lodged on top of tho spiles and the boat careened dangerous- ly ¬ I In time rising and falling water It took five tugboats to haul her off The passengers were touch frightened The foot of Walt street bad ohanleolnto a rippling lake beforo tho bulls fairly to work In the Stock Exchange ant Jones lane bad disappeared entirely from view beneath tho luvaded It No ¬ body could see the wheels of the bobtailed ears as the horses towel them down to Fulton ferry and the flood drowned out the lire lu the bottom of ovary Second avenue car that sailed down to Peck slip Market men uworo at the flood with great enthusiasm It compelled them to nit down with their I legs in cold water while they nto breakfast Things floated around to oxAs emblyman KVITOUH Rtni house In Vesoy Street In a distracting I WRY and market moo InXmilh A McNeilsrestutiranlwnlkud I in to their breakfasts on plank bridge Thewniton waded around In hIl rtibUir boots In nearly a loot of water flowed In from the river The restaurant man near the Old clip police station couldnt cook any breakfast at all Ills establishment was down In the bafemnnt and the stoves were so much undr the water that ha couldnt build a lira All hands abandoned the steaks ind chop end took to the pumps Btovodores mado mono out of the Mood Merchants hal u hire tlitn In a hurry to take Joods out nf Iwomonm to save them from Thn Italians of Mulberry street on the other hail torn thotr hair anti sworn long strings violent Italian ns they watched the rain ome town It cleaned Draadvvay of snow and slush like magic and left nothing for the professional Street cleaners The wind worked a good deal of mischief Part of the roof of tho elevated railroad station at Ninetysecond street and Second avenue was blowl ofT An Iron shutter wet hurled from top story of the Mortimer building at tlio corner of Wall street and Now ant broko through the roof of lImo Stock chango Tho large plate glass window on tho Broadway side of John lllnkulys cigar store was blown In A falling sign struck down llarbiirn Kaufman of 248 Itlvlngton Street snhe was passing I IBS Crosby street causing concussion of the brain Rho wan taken tu thu St Vincents Hospital liar umbrella partly protected her head or she would have boun killed outright The sign of tho llunor store at First avenue and Twentysixth street struck harah Waters goI 1 of Kimt Twentysecond street on tho lead cllslnl conousHlol ol the brain l upper part of thin unfin halted building at First avenue anti Thirty third street struck William Howo of 602 West Thlrtvseventh street who was driving by in a cart lie was liken to Ilelluvue Hospital with concussion of the brain By noon the tide hal receded and things on the river began to fall back to their old love The piers were covered with the Ico that had been lifted there by the tide and stranded hll it foil The remarkable title the clerk of weather sill way dun to the southeast wind It blew so hard that tho natural How of thn water was retarded It couldnt got out Into tie Lay ns usual so it got out Into WUlt anti Streets Instead When tie clerk got down to business In his eosy perch away up out of thn Hood he fount that retorts from thin South were hours behind band ihey couldnt got to town because the torm hail prostrated tile telegraph wires Tim storm came tIP nlon the coast he said There wouldnt have Ion such an overflow of things generally If been for tho wind beoauBu tlm rain fall was only an inch and a hal Thats heavy but not extra- ordinary ¬ The extraordinary thing will bo the sutton uav In which nil this dampness Is going to freno tight tin again Thetes a Manitoba blizzard whizzing nlnnl tight bnhlnd this roll making things When It striken us tho thermometer Is going down 20 or 10 nt n Jump and 01 get a tate of tbn chang within tilt 21 hours Its going to la freezing healthy wnather for a titan thun The wind swept round to south then I to Southwest west and northwest mid at night the sky cleared and the freezing up I bngin In the lenftobaeeo district about Maiden lane Front and Wntur streets thn duinige caused by the invasion of cellars where I 11 vane tobacco was Mori d was great One bad bixty bales of line tobacco spoiled An- other ¬ house tail men at work pumping 01 and tobaoeo water out of tholr iollar was stored with lint tobacco leaf The oil halt t como In by I connecting sewer from another building It will bo hard to sum up tho darn ago to merchandise lion by time flood In BroklYI thietliti broke over the Long pock thl Navy Yard HOI of tho big tim ¬ ears lying about were sot A partly tin ¬ ished tbrenHtory frame In Magnolia bulrlnI Street astir mitrnl blown down The high water In liushwlck Creek cruised con- siderable ¬ damage to adjoining property over Ilrooklyn awnings ami trite w ru Al In Jsry City thin onllnrn of nearly all the houses In tin downtown districts were Hood ¬ ed anti the meadows along Cliand nfl Irovn streets nure covered with water TIIJlklt thn Morris until and reek across thn city a the 31 Burton HIM wore overflowed dnmngod tie buildings 1011 Hudson York ami Greene Street Exchange plaoo RufTured most from the flood II some pierce the furnaces in the collars the factories and boiler shops long time river front wero extinguished Thu top section of the tall iron smokestack of the Pennsylvania Hallrond Companys grub rle- Tator I was twisted out of KhiipH the wind I The roof of a now house on IMnforth avenue was blown Into a vacant lot A number of shanties along the shore of the South Covo afloat WAr for several hours with their Inmates others built on short plIcitliH water reached above tlio floor tad compelled tho Inmates to iund tho forenoon seated on boos and tIle The water huh the tricks In thf depot nf tho Now York Lake Krle and Western lUllrond and In some places the platforms vvnra merged The floors of the waiting rooms woi lire covered with eight Inches of water At one time luring thn day liht wagons onlywuie carried by the Heavy wagons could not be landed safely blltls many years since there has been such a swell on the east shore of btten Island Tho ferry landings there were partially sub ¬ merged On time Flushing anti North Hhore Rallrond tbe storm caused H washout at Corona oblig ¬ leg the transfer of passengers from the trains I nlkthe south coast of Long Island the surf tllb upon the beach antI It was the opinion wreckers that this steamer Ollvsto ashore opposite Munches would to pieces erk crew came ashore Time 10 waves i at aWIY leach were Miry ur lierassn tCi railroad station to Ut beach was almost Impassable Very little damoce was been done however At Yonkers the Palisade and Vesper boat bouses were flooded Archibalds coal pier was submerged and the coal sheds damaged The water and Ice destroyed boats and summer hpusss on the river front Tarrytown hing Nlnlloel9kl anti other river towns barges were wrecked on the Green Flats off New Itochelle At I 11 oclock yesterday morning the bridge of t tbo New Jersey and Now York Railroad across the Panale was thought by the bridge walker to have been weakened by the rising water and Homing ice H0 stopped tho 1105 train from Newark The conductor telegraphed to this city for InBtructFons Thin train was ordered back to Nuwnrk Soon afterward however t travel was resumoo on the road but on the Kllrabetii which runs i quite t close to Newark Hay travel was sttspiindml the tracks being submerged The wind tore the roof of f Uawsnns tannery In Furry 01 Newark and landed It In a vacant lot on the opposite side of the street The stoamnrs Gen Whitney Rosedate wore fast In tho Ice opposite ano Island for about six hours eli their efforts to push through being unavailing until late In the afternoon whoa thoy proceeded toward the city The schooner J M Morales coal laden went ashoro at City Island Point blio will probably come Off al right The schooner KnrMlo attempted tow town but became wedged In the lee between Throggs Nook and tho flopping Stones Light and remained here Tho schooner Mower anchored at City Island sunk to the waters edge during tho night and now lies In time Ice half way between Hart Island Point anti City Island The schoon ¬ er Thomas W holier I Is Ice bound about a mile north of Hart Island Point An unknown l loaded schooner Is ashore about half a mile northwest from Hart Plenty of Islllllolnt tows ire fast in the Hart Island and Execution Hock- DAMIF ON COXHT ISLAND On Conny Island the title wits hlghnrthan It ha been known to bo for years It swept HO far ward as seriously to threaten some of the hotels supposed to bo out of rcneli of the ocean Time meadows between the Island and the mainland worn submerged and time houses along their border were Hooded The Ice line alone distinguished Ihe creek from tho sur ¬ rounding body of water Al day thin sun iallery In tho pact wing of llrlghton lleacfi Hotel was crowded with visitors who looknd out from their summer l like barters on the big waves which dashed over the bulkhead anti rocked tho music pa ¬ vilion Volumes of spray beat over Limo veran ¬ da and dashed against tho glass wall of the gallery A tiortlon of time bulkhead on tho west end of the Irlhlolluach lintel was vviinhnd away jtnd poured In and mado a channel between thn hotel and the Ocean House ten Jourdan tho receiver of the llrlghton lloach Itallroad unit Hotel property said ho was not alarmed at tho ravages of the wnvoswhlch wore only dolnl what he Intended to have done early In spring The con ¬ stant attempt to Ilht tho OCCRI by erecting bulkhead delonces wo and arrangement had been rnadn unsucceSNuJt such obstructions from the llrlghton shore and let tho tide havn full swing Tho Concourse was much damaged Many parts of It have been washed away and It require several thousand dollars to repair 11 This most of that partlof tho Concourse between tho hotel and time Iloulnvard ha been wanhnd away The waves dashed completely over the marine railroad between the Brighton and Manhattan Hotels but It has bool so firmly that slight Impression III It Much Innings was dono to the bulkheads and tho bathing pavilion at Manhattan Ileacb Everything movabo along the shore at the wot end was washed away and many of the small shanties wore blown down and curried out to sea The wives washed Hour over time two iron piers nnd reached the West llrlghton unto Out residents of time Island said that It wits ono of the worst storms In their romem ¬ brance arid that it would result In making many permanent changes along the beach 1ouuiiKKnsir Iob 1fThere was a severe torl of rain hull snow sleet and wind along Hudson today All tim rain was south of Fiftliklll hut there was much snow nnd sleet north of that plato as I if n hal Thu water iu the Hudson was two feotovertbopkrs hero this afternoon but I Is falling Later Intelligence from BOHtOI Corners shows that time gab thnro was A train on time Poughkeapnle Hartford and Boston Itallrond was halted before crossing time only largo trestle on the road ior an hour ant a half welting for tttwirtnd to go down At Hockland this side of Boston Corners the train wits again compelled to stop and the passengers wore nlncud ou thin engine anti tender which were disconnected from the train anti which carried them through to tholr destination The pas- sengers wore much frightened but no ono was Injured Along tho linn of the Harlem Hall road north of Boston Corners a tremendous gale prevailed Oswioo Feb 16A severe snow storm has prevailed here all day Impeding travel on the eastern division of tho Home Wntertown and Ogdnnsbmg Itnllroud Fur trains are staled one at Holmesvllle on time Syracuse bronchi ono nt Albion one at Mannsvllle and ono at Mexico On I the latter j is Ootuody Company bound for llama N Y HIs CANAJOHAIIIE Feb i Tho worst snow- storm of tho season t Is prevailing In time Mo ¬ hawk valley tonight Tnn country roads are completely blocked anti freight trains stalled Vest Shorn arid Contrl road Trains are from one to nlno POIT JIKVIS Feb 16Timo storm today Is ono of time worst txitarleimceI thus 01 8 iturday night about three Inchon enSOI sooty and on Sunday nlaht another storm Snow has been tailing very fast till tin bIn until noon drifted as It toll TIme Western Union wires urn down In mull directions anti owing to tho storm thoy cannot be repaired They are using 111 irki wires although many of those are On time Unlnwitro divi- sion ¬ tOWl of the Erie greatest difficulty Is ex- perienced ¬ In getting tho trains through A number of the trains havo been stalled today On time Jefferson branch tIme situation is even worsn anti tho mid Is practically elosnd This afternoon rrln began falling Hnd tho snow was turned Into slush Tonight It is becoming cotter very fast and thin sky is clearing FHEEPOKT Fob 16Time tide in tIme South tiny has boel higher today titan In twenty years r rain antI high wind broko up tilt leo which moved westward through Ilnmp Mend liar 111 resistless mimes The sloops of James II Haynor Gilbert Smith and Peter Herbert wnre carried about four mites Tbo oyster housn at hcow Creek was swept away and time watchman Joseph Johnson clung to It for nearly two hours until tho lifnsavlng row rescued him Thn oyster bouses of n J Whonlnr Stephen Johnson anti OrAn Southard were also demolished but the occupants saved by the busy crows of nnd r HtnlonHO About 3U 1 foot of time Marine Hallway I is await away There la about three fet of water In tlio bns mnnt of time Long lleach lintel and ono end of time lathing pa- vilion ¬ Is undermlnnd 1IIIho change of wind will prevent any On tim north lie of thin bench and on Hemp stool Meadows the ice Is piled In strange forms trout ten to twelve fnet high rime freshet ashore causnsgrave npprohHn lon Valentine Smiths paper mi on East Meadow llrook Is undermined not expected to stay until morlJl Ills family moved out of their house fooled Molllnenux are nNo In dangr Thorn Is a washout mils railroad nt Koekvlllo Centre and also one tl llnllmoro Tho south turnpike Is overflowed at Merrick Frenport Ilaldwlns anti llockvlllo Cnntro TIIENTOV Fob 16TIi Delaware lllvor rose nbout six feet today Time gorge nt Long liar Is yet Intact Fenrsaro entertained of an latin ¬ dation In South Trenton I tErn gorge dots not give way A TIIAIX nniVEV BACK DI TIm BTORM ToMs buyER Fob 16Time Pennsylvania Railroad Philadelphia and Long Ilranch train leaving Camden at Biilo A l for Point Pleasant narrowly eicnpnd Ship- wreck on lie Uarnegat const today Half a mile from Chadwicks twelve miles from Toms Itlver tile waves were making a clean sweep over time whole beach and into Ilarnogat Hay Time track was washed completely at frequent Intervals from aWIJ wick to liny Head six inlns This was learned by tha conductor by telegraph and In the mean line limo surf was rising continually higher threatening every moment to nut oil the track behind time train and leave It stranded on a soul bar- Tholr craft not being provisioned for a long cruise the train men began to beat back toward the mainland An additional danger was In time lonl pile bridge across llama gut Hay at Bldu Park the destruction- of which was threatened by thin ice and tide Time train backed tfl rouse keep ¬ lug ahead of the all the way mind got across the shaking bridge safely The crew and passengers sub l to1 until evening titian a can of spoiled baked beans u can of spoiled salmon nail n pound nf last years crackms found cached In a summer hotel Sea Sldo Par- iATITI a CITY N J Feb lflTlmm storm h ltn very severe The wind blew a gale from southwest and brought In a very heavy tile alongthe beachfront washllidown business places summer establishment and other buildings and por ¬ lions of lime board walk limo damage wIlt ex cIsd fjoo oou The railroads aro much dam- aged ¬ and trains aro much delayed Telegraph communication Is entirely cut off SCIIANTON Fob 1C Todays storm did much damage In tIme Lackawanna Valley A heavy snow fall this afternoon blocked up the lenn sylvanla Coal Companys railroad and greatly delayed trains on the Delaware Lackawanna and Wsstarn road Many telegraph and tel phone wire were broken down The Casino rollerskating rink at Plttston collapsed this Itwnoon l the snow crushing 1 1 Ut toot fit toon persons wore In tbe building but they all escaped uninjured Nsw LONDON Feb 1C Today has been the stormiest day known for years tho nloollof the wind being fifty miles an hour afternoon time tin roof of the New London woollen Mill wan lifted by the wind anti landed cross the track of tho New London Northern Itallroad striking the telegraph poles In Its descent and protralnl them The damage Will reach NORTH AIUMS Mass Fob tllA gale ac- companied ¬ by heavy snow In this vicinity today A tornado Is reported from Btamford end Hartwellvllle VL Two moo and a cutter were caught up together with the horse and carried over a fence into an Iniiot In this town bay windows wore adjoin Too train duo here from Plttsfleldat 3 P M ran Into a snow bank below Adams sta ¬ too i throwing the passengers out Into the Teams era being sent from Adams to take tbe snowbound people to tho village Tho Troy and Boston trains are snowed In at Pownal Vt with no hope of getting out to nlrbt I I Is the severest storm In years PILOT Y I WAHNKH LUST Wed tram Hie Stoat In the Gale Outside Bnndr Clock Tho Now Jersey pilot boat Tames Gordon Bennett No6 was runntnl In for Sandy Took yesterday morning olosodrocfod tho heavy easterly gnlo making eight or nine knots an hour About ten miles southeast of the Highlands at BU oclock William B War- ner who wan In command had walked from tho weather side to the lea side and was look ins out for tbo land when a mighty wave broke on board and throw the boat on her beam ends Tons of water wont ovor Warner and he was swept from the duck overboard and lost Most l likely the water killed him against this rail and carried only a dead body away Thn sailor nt thn wheel was washed from his sent by the sea hit l savAI himself by catching time tiller ropo boat careened time nina who was at tho fore gal looking for land touched water with his boots Water hilled the cabin two feet deep anti this other threo morn ¬ t bers of tbo crew clambered out to tho tAck ns best thoy could Ono ot thorn was Ilenjnmln F Chapman rime boat righted h herself f I immediately niter tho blow and time crew succeeded In bringing her to Sandy Hook Alter thu gale hind subsided they came up to flay llldge where they loft her and reported Wlrorl death nt tho pilot oflleo 104 South Thny must there Warnnrs fattier Colt Charles E Wiirnur dipt Warner went ons Ihouse nt 228 Sixth avenue Ilrooklyn ana broko the news to the widow and two little William H Warner was 27 yours o4d He was made a pilot two year ago Formerly ho was with thn Wrecking Company Last May Capt ChRrlA Warner last his son Levin I murmtpr a young pilot In time boat Edward lllunt Sorrow for lie loss of this son caused time death of his wife a few weeks after- ward ¬ Capt Warner himself belongs to tho James lordon Bennett but he has not boon out In her this winter THE WAINWRiailT JUUItltER TllIAf Were tie Track Mode br Kock wells Horse Affrrwitrd Tjtmp red Vllh f Tots lliviai Feb toThls was the twen- tieth ¬ day of tho trial of the five persons ac- cused ¬ of the murder of James I Walnwrlght- BamtiolO halley testified that ho sawGoortrt- Applcgatn one day after the murder and Ap plegato told him he saw ItockwelliJ horse and wagon tied to a post In Main street tbo pre- vious ¬ morning about tbe titus tho murder was committed Ha visited tho Looker Held anti tbo woods whore Walnwrlght was shot down on the Thursday after the murder He saw the tracks of a wagon noar the scone of time murder and fnllotvud them to tho Looker Hold Did you see tho tracks of n horse between them 1 asked Couniullor Llndabury I mean between the two tracks made by the two wagon tires Well Ihoull say I did answered the wit ¬ They woudnt have wen out fildrt of time tracks The witness told how hn got down on his hands unit knees to look at the horse tracks There WHO no corks on the shoes which mado tho impressions Two days afterward he saw the tracks and they looked a If they hilool tampered with ns holes those corks bad boon punched at the heels Tho prosecution then began calling witnesos to prov that Itockwell was not In Toms Itlver nltbnttmnof thnmurderasheclaimed Charles V Maltbls Joseph O rover Ahram Allaway William Cowdrlok and James O howdy t toMi h find they worn about town early on the morning of the murder but none of them saw Itockwoli on time streets David O Parker testified ho did not toll any- one that ho could not remember whether he saw Joclwolln time village early on time morn ¬ ing or on thin following I day Francis K Cambtirn instilled that he met Mr Parker six weeks after the murdur anti tho lat ¬ ter sale he SR1 Jlockvvell In town nt 7 oclock on the of murder lime witness told Mr Parker that that did not provo that Ilnekwnll wits Innocent of time murdnim ho could havo killed Wnlnwrlght anti driven to town by 7 oclock Embley Briton exShcrllT Itobbtns and others Mr Parker told them ho could not remember what day it was bn saw 1ockwelln the village Braollii Irons the hon tracks In time Loki field and that the Impressions of tho supposed corks hat In his opinion boen made by hand KocKWolls hone was smooth shod Mardl Gras FrstlTlllcs New ORLEANS Fob 16 Clear and cold weather favored opening of the ttftrhl Oral festivi- ties Time arrival and reception of Ilex came off accord- ing to time programme except as to time Ills majesty reacted the City Hall at noon when Moor fultlotte surrendered tie keys of tIme city Tile procrolon con- sisted nf Infantry detachments of marines from lie United StaTee flagship Tennessee and manofnar talena Music romedv sal let followers nn ianf trumpeters heralds bearere of time ro > al standard a troop of I hl it Majenn srntu at arms and his 4 jciy l Ilex attended ty the i Hoysl tontlngent Guards Tile proees Iii movrd I through the prllelIlrel to tie l > vee ut the toad of taiial street Iol V embarked on steamers for lie KximHtiinn cii time pn cession reachtd tie leee n sculls I of 100 trims were tired I I The flotilla consisted of eighteen steamer The were all crowded with people As the re > al steamer passed I earh- nf the Initrd States war vessels wtilth nandsomely decorated with tiers fired a limit of r twetit one guns and manned the vards Tbe shipping In port was dec- orated with UIJIII At tie < Rex was met hr the managers and welcomed A throne had hesn erected for him In the Music list whets hH roiclwd all tie guests Iheat Undanre at iho Ixposltlon was the lot yet known being between 7 lund loouoo The IVronr None to Ulna In Gcorrtn- GntFKiN Oa Fob toA party of excursioni- sts ¬ from Iowa pasted through this place to dar on their way to visit the site of AndersoiiTllle the Ionfederale prison prim A large crowd assembled at Ihe depot 1 an slices of welcome was delhered to which a u tie I response was made I Then for ten mlnuttn there was a mingling of citizens and excursionists Aathe train started from time JIG the I lowans ji Ined I lusttlr In sing mug VWII IsIS Davis lo a hour apple trse For a moment the clilzrns i tood dumb and I lien tonI forth In I yell of execration such as has seldom teem sent after departing visitors One tndlgnint Confederate pro piind that a logram be sent to the next town to huail tile btleiid rs oil and lob thsm Cnllni e erie Oruln Warehouse ITPSTtNUTON Pn Fob lOAt 10i A W today tie large grain warehouse atlacDed to I I Fisher A Ins steam flouring mil on Inn street caied In The lulllll Is a total wreck So great aiguantlty ol wheat h stored In II that the walls could not sustain the pressure Abut an hour before time brtak < 11 several vmplovets of the mill observed a Inthefroit part of I the building time llh and iiinnediattly neti about I removing tile F ti ra be fore they eould remove much of it the ic 01 hutting burst open l No one Injured Upward of ln buslvls of choiee Ohio wheat wet thrown Into the street Making n Verdict by the Toe ores Cent CHICAGO Fob 16On Tuesday last tho jury In tie case of M Wstlske against E M Hlodgett an action by landlord against tenant on a I lease give a ver- dict In Judge Irendergaits court for 100 in fator of vleitlake They arrived at this agreement by rather novel tneaus Taking a eent from his pocket the fore mansldt Pleat ell tails tu Tie nther members of lime I Jury tou l foreimirt tIppet the coin sod tOI salt see lOw it sit eXclahrni i UrndlflI The wee tiirofoms relierel rur slut The defendants counsel nrnrti now me amount 01 Ihe damages had been fixed slit to day obtained from Judge Preudrgast a new irlal Huller UnhDie Out On llnllW- AHIIINOTON Feb 19Jutor Jlihono who tried to kill a waiter a on Friday night waived examination today and will let his case to to the llrind Jury Poslmasier Windsor of Alexandria sine lieu In stteo for lao e appearauce before Criminal Court Henalor Uahone has moved from Welcktn to this Eli bllt lines Visitors to VVelekeri are showu the malls In Ito woodwork above the door that were music by Ibe will shod from this young Irgiulaue pistol sort Chive Fight In Vile UTICA Fob 1GIn a PRrrlnl match between- J O Helen of Byrecuse ant I of UtIca tier ti night for Cite a side I Meiers won Soft gloes were used anti three rounds I were fought The match was for points Marnuls of Qurnsberry rules Ihlumdlwo 1111 to Uss one L RIOTOUS LONDON WORKMEN UnB8 TIIOVHANO Of TUB uiBJrP- LOrBr DEMANDING WOIIK ReeeIingNNsitlstehiostkey Rash to Oonrn- Hmrtstsisl la Altexpl laMtorm Mr Glad stoless Beeldcnce end the Admiralty LONDON Feb 10 Groat excitement was occasioned here today by tbe riotous conduct 01 a largo number of unemployed workmen Throuthousand of thorn PAradod the streets with banners bearing mottoes of their griev- ances ¬ Several bands of music accompanied the procession which marched to the buldlnl occupied br tbo Local Government committee from the ranks entered the office and demanded relief for the people thoy repre- sented ¬ They wanted Immediate employment- on the construction of municipal works which they said were needed for the public good The officials In charge of the Board rooms wore somewhat dismayed by the demonstra- tion ¬ but politely informed tho deputation that no ofllclnl answer to the demand could at the time be given because Sir Charles hike the President of thin Board was away and during lila absence nothing could bn done This reply was received in sullen sllenco and tho crowd which by this time had become a mob rushed In a body Into Downing street despite all the efforts of time police to prevent them They stopped In trout of thin ofllclal residence of Mr Olndstonn and howled nnd hIssed Invectives against the Government A Cablnot Council wits being held nt tho tlmo and the mob at ¬ tempted to force their wav Into time room whore the Council was sitting The police at this point received reinforcements and ejected the Intruders Tho mob thnn nttomntod to storm time Admiralty and Homo Oftlco but woro driven- off and finally dispersed by tho police Alatgementlngof unemployed workmen wits held this afternoon on tlio Thames Ivmbank Dent Itcsolutlona worn adopted demanding a In the hours of labor of Government workmen and tho construction of useful pub llo works to give employment to hits idle Hvndman Chairman of thn Uumncratla Feder- ation ¬ presided at the meeting Cheers for so- cial ¬ revolution woro given arid violent speeches wore made The speakers Insisted that railway anti othor public companies should bo forbidden to em- ploy ¬ men ovor eight hours par day Ono of Chum assorted that Jay Gould mart recently de- feated ¬ a similar measure In Nol York citato and that hn had his prototypes In the Go- Bchnna ItntliRchllds anti I3rattsors hero Homo of time pnlfcomon draw tholr staves when the crowd bo camo noisy mutt demonstra ¬ tive The mob when charged by tho Dolce lied precipitately Some stones wore the pollen nnd several of them woro kicked during the disturbance No arrests were matte The police wars unprepared for time demon- stration ¬ and the rain was morn effective than the batons of the constables In dispersing tho crow1 Several policemen wero maltreatgd serious casualties are reported Among time legends on the banners earshot In tho pro rea lon wer We demand tho right to work Tho voice of the people Is tho voleo of God J If I ypu do not hear us now you will havo to boforo longui jvo novjtT OF OKU atmnoss DEATH Tie Nile Column Advancing nn Mclrmbel War Preparations nt LONDON Feb Despntchoa from ort today say The Mudlr of Dongola now convinced that Khartoum has fallen anti that Oon Gordon Is death A encase of Ibrahom hey Itucbdl who loft Khartoum a fortnight logo says that Iarng admitted the Mnlidis troops to Ihorloll The cnvnsi with his master wOlt Government house all mot Jon Gordon coming out armed with Mil homed hey Mustnphn and twenty cavas cs- Wlillo proceeding to time Austrian Consulate they rant a party of Arabs who Ilrod a volley Gordon and Mahomed Mtistapha fell dead ton Wolaoloy will start for Gakdul today- A deapntob from Dulkn Island says nn ad- vance ¬ regiment has occupied Hhukulc Vans ten Urackenbury and the main body oftho troops began to advance on Friday Arabs started from Berber for Alotomneli to roanforca tho garrison there but returned hearing that the silo column wile o The Government his IIIVRnclnA number of steam launches to bo to Ktmklm to bo iihed lit landing troops Now batteries mo being omeLet at Huaklm for the protection of time rail- way ¬ There Is great activity In O man Dlgmas camp The women are being firmed and thrIlled and every possible preparation Is bolng mado for an obstinate resistance to the British ad Vance Time contlngnnt of forces from South Wales I Is expected to roach low March 18 ly On account of thn drain upon tho war estab ¬ lishment to furnish 10jnforeeinontB for l tho Goxerninont has found It noepfsary to n1 louse many soldiers who have bun for military ofloncos conlnuilin- prlsn inch have thus teen pardoned IUd ordered to join Ihelr rllroIL A d Ian Wolscloy which line just been matte public imllcatns that ho had previously ent details of the fall of Khartoum and tho murilor of Gsa Gordon which wero suppressed by the War Olllco RIOT AT rjJLfESS tUXKHAL IN IAHIH Attack on the German Noelnllste who IVr silted In Carrying n German FInf Puns Fob 10 Forty thousauil person today attended tho funeral of M Jules Louis Joseph Vnllos the well known socialistic jour- nalist ¬ of Franco who dIed on Saturday Wlillo tile procession was marchlnl to time grave 1 large number of reuolmcu attacked tho Ger- man ¬ Hoclaltsts In procossloii Tho attack was brought on by tho fact that tho Germans carried n German lag conspicuously hoisted immediately In thowakoof tho Title provokodtho Frenchmen In tho corn who Khoutod Down with tho Gorman flag i lhu- OIPOsltolllon nxtondnil to lime Frenchmen In When lie Mag wits not lowered in answer to those ehoutllt was stoned Then a thn free light olcurred utwe n tho Germans and Great crowds Of people nssemblednt the Bastllo discussing the nullGerman demon- stration ¬ Tho pollen force was oldercd bo largely strengthened In anticipation of I re- neual of the disorder when time funeral proces- sion ¬ returned A party of students mado a rush anti en dnavored to solA tho obnoxious German am blum scuflle which onsiiod two students wore Injuiod At thin cemetery M Henri Itochnfort dnllverod a glowing eulogy on the life of JI Vallos and was enthusiastically greeted with cheers anti cries ol Vivo la revo ¬ lution socialol Vivo In Communol Mm Longuet and Vnlllant dofendod communistic Bonllmonts but time public was apathetic IlnselM Ordering COOO Krupp lien LONDON Fob 16Somo excitement was cre- ated ¬ lice to d4y especial In commercial and financial citric by the receipt nf despatches from Ilerlln an nOlnolnl that this fculan lot eminent hat ordered i Kr JI guns for the purpose of strengthening Its I I IW leutral I I Asia rhe sets ot the mrgest e sit are etlicuttly rJofohr service In fortresses superior build Minnltanrouslr with iho- ahntti r i ort catiin despatches from ht Petersburg stating that Mibastopol li to bo made a free port Shouter Aetnre ICeelcnntlon HOME Fob lrMr W W Astor American Minister lo ltsiy lias resigned his position slid his res- ignation has been accepted by President Arthur Mr Edward Ilerrepont will act us Charge dArritlres until a- new Minuter arrives Ur Actor will return lo America at an silly dal- IVisiilNurnf Flu Itf statement received by iiiblo from Itume Atm line resigned and that his resignation his henn ncceiited iscrinnrmcd by the Stale IJspartment oniclals Tliu reilgnailun I Is tu take cflect about March 1 hilly nn ICye sand Wheat In Germany DEHUNFeb 10The notchstag today agreed to raise tie duties on rye sit wheat to three lark The votes were as follows i To raise the duty on rye For UKi against 151 I title the duty on wish Kor 2JVI against I 111 Increase was opposed by llin New llrrman i Liberals ITr tie Horlallits stud was ported l by the Imprrlaluts Natluni I I tIC erals onu mfleiuuirlOf the Centre Queen Vletorlue Illnrsi LONDoN Feb 10De < patcbes from Osborno pronounce the c ueen 1111110 travel As K onse unmet her return l teen Positioned rJgld A tow Isyi ot are required Explosion at Gibraltar LONPON Feb 16 An explosion occurred to day lu one of the small powder magazines belonging to thus fooncetlons at Ulbrallar Three engineers a erlously Injured r n Km Clue ta her IdenlllirW- ILMINQTON Del Feb 16An unknown- woman who arrived tiers on Saturday night by a south- bound Iran his been hug unconscious and dangerous ly III I apoplexy no Ino Hhe wa taken 1 be QIIr There I U ehise net II II idviu U about 2ty wi ta e q n CLETELANnS CABINET BCewn Itaynrd Garland Laniar Mannln- cd Vile Said le > be Nlated- WABHINOTON Fob 10 Despatches re- ceived ¬ here from Albany and hints dropped br politicians who have recently come from there Indlnt that tbe principal places In Mr Clove ¬ Cabinet bavo ben tilled It la the com- mon ¬ belief that Mr wilt be Secretary of State Daniel MannlDI Secretary of the Treas- ury ¬ Mr Secretary the Interior or PostmasterGeneral Mr Garland Attorney General and Mr Vitae Secretary of War The Nav Department It I Is understood Is to go to Jones of Now Hampshire or to Mr Endlcott of Massachusetts a swallowtailed Democrat who is almost a mugwump or to a Connect cut man This elate would leave one vacancy to bo hued from a long list of candidates There Is no doubt that tbe friends of Unole Joe McDonald are on tbo lanzlous sent Senator Voorhees wbo has just returned from Albany is saul to b far from happy over tho outlook He dos toll what happened at Albany but the impression grows that Mr Cleveland for some reason did not warm up to Uncle Joe The politicians hero aro as keenly Interested In the Post ¬ masterGeneralship R In any of tbe Cabinet places anti titers Is much to see who the man for thatlofflce will anxlot he Is a wump a great many Congressmen IUI b brokenhearted for ovary mail IsJjringlng petitions by the peck for the appointment of party workers They do not expect to got many of the twentytbrnn hundred Post Offices to bo flied by time Presidents appointment but they do hope for much substantial patronage from tho PostmasterGnneral who has at his disposal morn than fortyeight thousand offices Even In so large a State aa Now York the President appoints only two hundred whIm the PostmasterGeneral appoints 31JH About tho same proportions of Presidential appointments to those of tbe PostmasterGen ¬ eral exist In other States Time criticism most frequently passed upon the selection of llayard Garland and Latnar for tho Cabinet Is that time loss of those man from tho Heuiito will very seriously cripple the Iomocrltsll that holy Mr Dayard probably by some such mildmnn named mind Inexperienced nun as Representa ¬ tive Lore Garland by Polndoxter Dunn or sonic other man of medium ability and Lamar by a new nnd untried man of no national repu ¬ tuitIon rime Dnmocratlo side of time SOlnto- S thus bo utterly without this weak minority would be called upon to defend time Administration ogalnsta powerful opposition led by Edmunds Sherman and EtarU Tho taking of the Democrat nbovo named out of tile Senate just as that hotly Is to be called In extra session would be another source of nmbnrrnssment The vacancies caused by Mr Clnvelands Cabinet selections would havo to t itt filled Delay might nnstio In filling thorn In Arkansas lor InManco the Legislature Is In session antI would have to proceed to an election of Mr Garlands sue cosior anti it might take days or oven weeke for the Legislature to make a choice Time Dnlruaro Legislature too might got Into a deadlock over Mr Iln yards successor Should nono of the vacancies created by Mr Clove ¬ lands appointments bo filled by time limo the Senate mot In extra session the Democrats In that body would bo In bad shape Indeed Thoso are possibilities of the situation that give thoughtful Democrats no little anxiety It Is undorstood that It titus been Intimated to Mr Cleveland that It would bo bad lolicy to mike three Cabinet ofllcors from tIme Senate and U may bo therefore that only two of time brett names suggested may finally be put on Mr CJoMjInnda list 4 b2R4I11ft SUNK The Weetcrnland hum Iluwn a Collier and le llerelr Jluillr llumtiffed LONDoN Fob lGThst Belgian steamer Wosternland from Antwerp for Now York has put In at Plymouth Site was In collision with the steamer llolmhurst at 1 P M on Sunday The Holmhurst was sunk anti four of liar crow were drowned Time Wcstornland Is seriously damaged and It is expected that It will be ne- cessary ¬ to place her in time dock for repairs She hiss two large holes In her bows and her fore compartments nru full of water Time cot ¬ lision occurred eight miles off Kdd > ntonn Light A dense fog prevailed at the time The llolmhurst was a collier of 2JJ tons burden Him was going dead slow and was blowing her whistle When time Westornlands whistle was hearth time engines ot the collier wart promptly reversed but It wits too late Tho Westornland struck liar on time port bow nnd cut liar corn ¬ pletely In two The Westernland has on board BUG passengers Andrew Iaekeune Inpejre- Wf HiNOTov Fob 10Col Andrew Jackson grandcoii of President Andrew Jacksou today took out letters of administration upon thin estate ot his grand- father antI immediate through his solicitors filed a bill In equity letting forum that the widow of the late biomilgonlery lilsir aid her omm tVoolbimry hIde flOW mci e nsnloli t aim ciciti hi own larie mtimtiler ot icry eaiaihppers relti liar in mImi muumo ftiit irlyate lii if t teum J cc 0 on cml praylmic for sum iJ imncilom mirahmli the itefeithaimi 5 Ia pre it i lieii frtmis a iomtesmmig of or ci V lit thio nuil loire mt ts emamel limit tttae itrer it eve plaeI iii Il hand or Alit Keimisil lii iso clii it iew I 0 I hut Ilmtlicammln of imeramity i lieu Jaklmt in imlh Kemhaul list till inmakeim to ii rmtu Ii were heat tot amt ysars 11 WItI foilitil tv i IV I Terriii of Ksmttmekv I sii lliladiUeti it I lie tpatl of KsmttatI iv tell they were ptmieetl Ili itt ii cmiii if tI OiIlguuitry Blair tor site teelln 511 ret Jackin aitetes iii ti iii limo reirepritsulies of Mr ltuair ttuwener chum that tIp pamer were giieii to FrauiLg 1 alslr r by ucu Jaeksomm Mr Thurmnn Biut Kxuected In Albany AIIUNT Feb ILThe Kraiing Journal an- nounced ¬ tonight that Mr Tim imruim III Is cmi Ii way to AI ban This Is positively denied however at Mr Cleve merits residence Mr ilereliind slid today that since the knowing one had hteli so busy making up his Cat met hi was disappointed i that they hud not writ l lii his Inaugural itiege for him Ur i IiHiilc Mnnnlng Bal I that ho let iml sought a ttiblilct position aud list none had been i tiered him To the oustlon w Iii on accept Otis T he onh laughed In reply Mr Mannings denial ds not sh its th popular I lt mist hero thai he will go Into the Cabinet tennlnr Oorman Hid Mih m V 1 cit and Slut tm M Weed quitted Allmnv to day without disturbing lie illhlrv thtir coming ers alvil No tie except lam ri k Kellr ot Minnesota i called U on tie rreeldent elect to day Trait Stuck In the Know KANKAKEE III Feb 10A passenger train vest bound on tile Cincinnati I IndlRnapotls 8t louIs ami D uc a if n roil hue lie re at 4 A XI today stuck in- ej 115 mitiw ten fret it cast nf ht Anne flio hilt houiiil puiiencer train ti held nt Knukiktf A rrlif- i crew irt nNu si ark i the snow lear ht i A mimic DM Its CIirHifO And Latter I Illlnol track a iiiow jtlnjfli suit riirinn in n w- tioutHl lot it north or At Anne The Kant pHirienicrr lOll on the patio runt due here at 10 A II Is Inn bouml beyond Mazou Mr Ilendrlcka ito fhlnesv Ilauqiiet INDIANAPOLIS Ind Fob 1GTime Chinese residents ut Indianapolis wound up heir New Years fett mile with an elaborato banquet to night at Ihe Rrc- ond rr bylerlan Church for which they prepare tb I feast largely from the products nf their nathe lilt About two hmidrril persons tat down to I the tablet among them was President elect Ileudrlcks Tke Milter liar TkleT Arrested IIUMDELTIIIA Fob 10Peter Daly formerly e pawn broker who I Is alleged to hive lust in hIs posses ilon a har of silver w clghlng I 021 ounces aud valued at f I lt2i stolen from the United Mates Mint surrenders hlmvijrtndav The tollmen left the United Mate Commliisioiitr shnwed I that I tho prinnner coil tile bar of silt er for r u He w as tumid lu tj an tail for trial The talilnet to bo JXnmeil this Week AtnAsr Fob Presidentelect Cleveland Informed his friends moth ay that lie Intended to ammtou tic his Cabinet before the end nf I the present week lie aIjo hnshl Inaugural messge well under nay Hnth i nu met nit iiiiKao with bo flnlihtd before he leates to- aIllusion c IoSN BY FIKK- Rhethans warehouse In Eufauts Ala was hurne yesterday morning with 1HOO bales of cotton Thu lot Is full fiuuouo The mercer shop of Joseph C Arnold In Salem Muss was burned yesterday morning also the morocco slot of Chrlslophnr Cutter nut the curr Ing shop itf Ueorg Hull A Co The Ijulldlng wus owmd my the estate of U IllUm H Nlcholls Total I lns IFIlllnl- lColss Hotel lund 0 t Kresss residence In Wetlsnorn Pa were burned jeterday morning emil the M lii tel church was madly dnmaked Tliu loss U estimated at SI3IIIJO Insurant fJ5UK The Are was itnnhtlesi th work nf an Imendlarv Tnenly persons narrowl my rs caped manv In their night clothes only All ost thel personal tIled lilt tIUYN Mr Edward Copeland Wallace sal Miss Antolnoll Knapp daughter of Mr Joseph K Kllapp will be mar rlid inKt Johns Methodist Uhurch In Villlam burg this evening A reeepilon will be hell afterward at Ur Knapps reildeiice M liedfnrd aaemmu- eIn August last the Ixing Island ibis Elevated Ilsl roil Company obtained a charivr to operate n rust he ire n Houth rerry ant Broth ii atenue on thecond lion that no part of the road should be ni rrated befor the completion of tie whole Uu feb 22 Ihe com pin was to decide whether thev would accept tIme charter or not A few weeke ego II aikrd fur an extension ot times and also requested permission tn operate Ihe roil M bolt ae U was completed from Hcutii Kerry to Flalbue Irene Hy it unanimous vote jtsterday the Board of Aldermen rtfused to grist an extension vl Ibis art grin Ibe rcqucit of klie coinraujr x I just STATE BEX ATE New Tarki Cmgrrm Asked la Vote f r- Un Grants Hetlremen- tAinijrr Feb 16Mr Thachor the Al- banian Democrat of the Senate Introduced a concurrent resolution asking the Now York Senators and Congressmen to support time bill to put Grant on the retired list He made a spefiob In which pathos and buncomb were Inextricably mingled about writing our wrongs on adamant and our gratitude on- the waves as well as about old age on the one land and misfortune on the other bearing hard upon be General Senator Gilbert ranted about the Republican Senate which ropre- onts time republic having passed the bill to help Grant and said that it was not so clear that thn Democratic louse represents tho republic In Its vital irlnolplos tar It has to bo urged to do Its duty Ho said that he favored the resolution because eulogists of Toff Davis are not wanting on tite floor of tho House and U Is time forNojr York to enter its protest Mr Itoblj the con olentlous Honatorl from Now York was the only man who voted ngalnst It He said privately that ho voted thus because of Grants connection with ilio firm of Grant ft Ward Ho thought It would be ncourturlng wrongdoing Snnntor AI Uaggntt he handsome Solon from Brooklyn put In n bill to abolish thin City hull shuttle trains on elevated roads and to compel them to carry passengers ito whole length of time route with- out ¬ change of cars Senator Campbell tho lorlcallooklng statesman front Corlears Hook put In a bill giving to the Coroners ot Now York exclusively tho right to determine the cause of death In cases under their Jurisdlc lion and abolishing the preliminary exntnlna lions of tho witnesses in such cases by Iollco J nut I cos The Senate adjourned early out of sympathy for Senator Glbbs tho death of whoso only son was announced from thn choir In the Assembly Mr Cantor of New York In reduced an amendment to tho Civil Codowhlch provides that Injunctions on State officer Mayors Common Councils anti SupervIsors shah bo Issued only by the General Torm of thehiupromo Court 1IIKLAN KXlECTKn HACK- But If he Iloeant Verne Short Will be Tried All Iko Name District Attorney Martina salt yesterday In reference to the sudden departure of Capt Ihelan from tile city that the evidence taken In the Tombs Police Court In reference to Dynamiter Shorts inurderoiisat tick upon IMielau would be submitted to the Grand Jury ae boon as 1ollce Justice Patterson forwarded It to tIe tlstrlct Attorneys olllco Mr Marline said he regretted that Justice Patterson lit seen fit tn grant long ailjourn menus to suit Lawyer Jlmuir Olivers convenience Ilielan wouhl however probably return In tlmo tn tes tify at Short trial hilt If he did nut Ihe Polio roulil In all probability make out a cuss against bliort vvlthuiit 115 tlmony The Ifitlinmiy of Phelan under oath was taken down by tie pfllcial stenographer In the Tombs rnllcu Court and he was thnrouirhl eross examined Under the new Penal Cole the testimony of a complainant under onth at time preliminary examination may be used an i ompe test slit admissible trslhnnny nn tic trial uf tie defend- ant If the complainant utter KlvliiK Ills Icjtlinun toss out of the Jurisdiction of tie court HurrALo Pet iCCalm Phelai passed through tiers early this mornimron his way to ICunsas t Itt He was accompanied l itn Oil wife 1helan sail In a Hullalnman who t trarclltd Walt him In tIme tletper Mflttawan that Pew York justice was too coHtlv nil the constant post I loneniriitsof the tliort trial neru lmporlshlni him He silt Itlldnt cat to pauprrlre mjself while Short was walkluir the streets under bit A Supper anti u GIR of Red Ilndkercklcr > to Rnniluy School Teitctvra- Tho young Chinese laundrytnon who attend Calvary Chupel In Iait Tucnt third itreet celebrated the heathen New Year 3JHI In the chapel last crinlcj- yohllfflnly > ilnirntf Christian h > mnf readlnifelce lions from the lllllo nnd KlvInK a tupncr tn their Amer- ican teachers nfl frkndi The only diitlncthely Chi neie features nf the lupper were brown thin thetled- Chlnoie nun and brlsht colored paper nn JjM IU < J Marcel the Mllierlntendrut of the Chlnciie Kchool emit tier unit dnen auUt i lu all worrt arnunil I Ihelr lieks liltf tad 1 hjnlktrchlcfi pre intK rrnm tIle pottS launftrj nun TIe 4iluliiih u hcT had little rcil rowtieft on I ito lusts nf lhlrci ali Mevuri Ilmuif sue Jlin ii Icy IIIIK hIck OIo koutil tm Kun Jinn Imi Ien UnM Mot Mm ltuev Kami Jo iitim ittul 01 ti lay uuiti lid intuIt of the shitgIo atilt recluittc thuatunu it alter Its Rev ltr samleries aid the 11ev M r Totnpkimus mutate turmef Nw Yeat slusecimt Tme lauuidmymtiu gut U the copper The Twelfth nedmcDt Ilrlll Six thousand people attended the Twelfth Regiment drill at Madison t uare Harden last eenln There was a concert from H to I u oclock ty the regl mental band Umi Staler and Ward levcrnl mcmheri of Oen Hanrorkn staff and filmier of hue Fifth Ar tillery review id the rtiflmrnt Th lirlknnp tronhj ii ni then prentntcd li a upercti hy Mr Robert I llelknap himself I 11 It a hmidiomo bronze siatuetle pn Fvnled by hell itip for compLtltlon by I the rompanle of the lint brnrade It wia won by rapt Murphy Company K which ranked hlffh Bt In Impniveinent smut aerakeat tendance at drill After a tress parade the regiment hell a reception ant t alt until inormnif Meaning of lyiumlie Culvert Fish 22 years old bookkeeper for A 11k true In llrnomo itreet lute been eel achioly since the death of hU father a few weeks ago lIe lIned with hi wife at 235 U cit I24th surest holiday nliiht he we to Bleep at the reiidenco ot lute brother Albert I FUh 311 I Hc t rtrntthlrd utrrrt In Ihe ilnht he n tiuced the huuKhold br roHtiilun nhoiit I hit liilH ml kicking I Inlhe puntlft of the tutors IIIis brother uvKv 1 lilmulmt its mmieamit bvactinir no ant he rallied that he tel been tormented I I ty recIte Innlilch be hud bn n blon ni I b > d > stile Then h s re umfd his I Kicking of theiluor l aud in lieu Interfered Hlth hi became BO viuknl that ft liollcemnn took him to llellouK Fire la Ike Albert Flula at Mukt The smell of smoke caused nn alarm of limo shortly before inldulKlit last night In The Albert n lunge apartment homo fit EIcMfiith street nil Lnhtralt plans The line Was fouml lo bft between the ceilhurnl J JoneHn shou store at 4J UnUtrvliy pUce ami I mug floor of tiniu 12 Thn occuiiants of this hultt Pins Iliimptnn and list hlidrcn gut nut In haute and uuuulo confusion Mllt tnf his nthtr t nnnu hid lilt leni t c hou v hut nfitv ink refiuu In the Until HI Mvplu Itt tenrln asia tbe l Iussebird on lIe necond tlno suit piercing the teIllit Put I itie tore the Urciicn i UI out tie Ore with iemy little water Obituary Dr F V Ingnlls one of the most promlncnh- mmcnpMhlc ph > slclnns smug the Hut1 on II ten tel In Klnitktoii on Kundaj He was President of tio Kingston National Bank director in tlio htiiKiton Sat lnc Hank member of I the Kingston llullillni CompHii and a thlrtrtlilrd decree MHOIII lie lint practice homn opnth over twenty j e itS climes K iowen lImo wul known lanpcr aol one nf hue KtnTHl counsel of tho Philadelphia and Kealliu Itallroad Company tiled at his home In Mlt Airy near Philadelphia 3 tturda nfturnoon Yuur Cousin Vtmia Yin Mr lluvkca John Ieholy of county Longford Ireland landed at Cavllo lurilen esterdHy Ills cousin I Is Michael lltishrs a policeman In Willlamsburch Harris torn Ill Isliulnelt or some other tunic Peliily carefully lied up his ktlirs conlaininif tie dlrerlluns for hi jtiomluy hut is Ingot it imiu the luitmie it ill lilt I me has a hulacki mime cm litt auut us iii cc hillir 1iir ITch Pitched Ii ii ic treirty of ttnuuiuiljli five Ii ti frouum tnuigfnrd Is euuesitul to flflhlOUltC mi liiucs of xildace Fftunri uked cud Frozen The dead body of n man wits fount naked sad fron Pint In Thompson avenue near the village of VVool Kte I I yesterday mnrnln Theri were no In dlentlons of violence Ills I clolhlnir whir l Ia such as might lie torn hv a laborer was fiunut tn sinrt disuncrt a a > In I tie Kniiili He was aitlareuhI v K tlvrun aim mil nluiiit Ml > cars old Coronet OCoiuiell dues Out ihliu Ihuru nae foul lltiy SlAltKS IIIU1I TI1K TEIlWfli1if It Is denle I In cmclil circles In M 1otrnhurK thud I the iutlan tInt eminent Intends to OCLUPJ Hi rnt This IXpcutlte Committee nf thin State Aulcullura Society lies drcl lt d to h Id the I lout minimi fain 111 11 buy IiuKlnnlntf on Sept I lu oil cloKin hept in The wife of Minister Lowell Is senonil 111 in Iordon tlhi sits taken let in lallldKoine thnMun with tihoU fever and has neter r cut end fruit i the eiricts of It Tin police nuthurlllosof M IVtrrsium hare poitlve informtttinn that Itiist IT who murdered Iol hueUln the filet ot relics of bt 1cttriLiir i li itcrcted iti Itussla The emtlni bollrrs of the eait Shaft of the rnal mine In Fprlnitfleld ill exploded cehtttn3 mnrninr Instantly klllliiK I the tiiKinetr nil him eliamm and wrecklue tie hulldmi The steamer Alphono bound frm relic for Havana htae fmindertd nt lirund i slier > Inlind rh Icmiiigere erew cmii I treasure were cattd TIme cargo and muielte wire lost- William W MHS PV lliodcfniltlii teller of the Dank of Comiiurcp Hiiltiinore yisterday pleaded Kulliy l to a Indictment fi r Mnbtuleinent nnd was itutiuced lolr > tars In the penitentiary ullh hard labor This nmnaiferiof Ihe Womens Mlk Culture Astncla loll uf this United Slate announce that uleos omnils homier of Avrlculturr lorlnir comes I lotlmlr aid they nil be coni elled tu abandon their w ork In the i lniimg Thu citIzen af Arcnta tal after comprlllm ISo Chi lisle to remove outside tie city limits molt a meeting and adopted a rsioliuion pledvlni thrmvlves touso oil legal meant to pret nt the settlemeul of Chinese tier The train heaving Philadelphia at II A M nn the Reid hug road was derailed br tIle rlopded tract at Lamihorn Htatlon Ia at about 1 I M yesterday The cars wets thrown down the embankment and this pasicugsr bruised but none was serIously Injured John Moors t railroad postal clerk runnlni between New York and Ilttiburin was arrested In I nilsbum yeeterdar on e charge of robblDf the mall Market fcllle which the lorpeetor bad placed In litmus were fouui on his person Moors Is of New York city free csbi ill nltht from Llederkraai ball to Uole oM rsstuxsai 4Ah at aii4 OUt Iysd- iisj a Jr = ei FIGHTING WITH KNIVES me 17rtvrioy OFKVROFK nuATS ram KXlKKT STAnilKH Of SICILY Tnnirtne nt Each Other with Tflrelvelnt- llludeeOae Heart IMoreed Ariel Lola of A OrmaneileeA New stud Fzelllnit 1astlDir t- Oipt Charles Enslcbrccht of Donmtrk 1- rlio says be Is champion ot alt Europe and Marcus Han Antonlus styled Champion of Sic ily make a specialty of flglitlng with knives < 4J Timey agreed to have It out for the champion ship of America and the world and 300 mon f and outs roman wont to Clarendon ball lost night to see them do It About half of the crowd woro Goruians amid the remainder Ital V inns with a sprinkling of sporting men- The A heroes of time evening wore blue shirt aud white trousers Antonlus the Italian woro blue scarf and was very big and black with fierce eye false black board fatso moustache also eyebrows and false hair Ho looknd its thought bo must win and tbo Italians greeted lira warmly Kngulbrccbt on thu contrary was small with n faint yellow motis- nche nnd u broad haiti spot Hut hue walked with n stole BO catlike and wiry minI gazed with such lndlfT ronco at his advoranrifl- iroporltons that the Oormnns took heart unit applauded onthuslostlrully Nod Mnllalinu an touncod that time men won to stub live rounds and endeavor to tdercc time Imart of limo other The round wits to ooncliida vhnn Ilio hurt was plorcod or ut thin end of five minutes Each unto put on nn ordinary ftnclng mask anti pntldnd fencing gloves A thickly padded plastron was strapped Over each mans clinsf mutt over time heart win fnatunud a small round box like a bluulng box which would yloht blood whoa pIerced It wits caled time heart A small brass buckle fanton it on time loft fore arm anti n steel knllo 12 Indies long with lull edges nnd padded point complnttid the Jl oulllt Nod Miillnbinrsnid TimVadUaod time nibllctoknop its eye on time bladders anti 3 lin mon went at It 3 First they stretched their nrmi antI legs far 7i apart to gut tholr muscle In oiklng order 5 Then thoy stnmpnd tliolr font with n loud bang l anti tlruw nods of approval from Mutsndn Horn klehl who ions tIme snout tIming hlmsolf En < t lbrochtiilgcd nround ciii tin hi F eyeing i tho itallnus hiiirt and Atilonlus wlioti hn saw a good chance juinpod forward and stabled lie j VMU mot half way and thn vhlnldn clashed anti banged bmieath tie rapid thrusts for nearly a nlmitfl Tho Inca drew back to breathe anti limo j crowd howiod Thou thn stnliblngnnd clashing began all over agaIn limo men jtimi od backward arid for ward six or eight foot at a time and showed so much strength mind agility that even the box < ets udnilttid there AMIS something In It At thn end of llvo minutes both men wero drip ping with perspiration anti their patriotic hookers woro purple with enthusiasm Not Mnllntinn shouted No bladilor bust yet ind ordered time men to tholr corners Tho second round was like time llrst except that time men stitbbod nt each other moro viciously and tholr knives glancing oft time imall bucklers landed on time mens windolpea in a very painful way Title and lie next round 4 5 wore finished without time heart being reached < Inch bad been disarmed once and the honors t wnro oven llut Kngulbrucht was bngtnnlng to show that lio wins tile hotter woe Ills knife thrusts worn as rapid as the stIng of n wasp and he seemed to bo all over tho stigo nt once Now doubled up to jab his knife under Antonlusa guard and now leaping Into time air to strike down girth over the shlold In the mlddlo ot the fourth round bo made n feint 4 and grabbed both of his adversarys wilHts A fierce strugglo followed and Antonlus got may with his heart still safe But Kngol broclit watt after him nnd flourishing his knife In every concolnblo alroction bo deceived thin warv Italian and with a llnnl thrust landed i Ii his knlfti In time middle of hU udveisnrys heart That closet tile round with Kngolbrecht hend ant tho Germane worn wild In their Joy Thn Italians objeUod to tIm Oorman applause and loudly advocated thiowing the fiat Gorman who lad it out of tim room IollcomenB clubs rostorod order and ilio last round began Antonlus know It was his only hope and founjit mill ho knoW iutW Hut Ingnlbrechtdld hits boat nUo anti would not bo beaten lie dlcarmad time Italian twlco thus Increasing time advantage rlruady gained No moro hearts hind bcuu plorcnd nt the nail of the round nnd tho match championship gate money anti receipts went to time Danish champion Time Germans who had rend lila DMIIO worn much surprisod to learn tbath was no German Vrtrk of Ihe Ntenmer Acorn Capt liolger of time steamer Alamo from Gal Teston witch renchcd this city cslenlay repined that on Fehi U he s iw a stenmer aground on Klbow Keefilx mile lutomitl Csrlfcet lieef 1 he sea was breaking over 4 lust forward herb sill pIe scemrd to I he abandoned He couldnt mike out lion nnm After h hail been ashore In ton n a little wlille he learned that the apparent wreik was the HCIIHT Atom list Lrounded In the bU storm rin lh nUlil of f lth H and w hone crew won tnWn to gt Wtt iiy tho schooner 1ocattontap Cait Duncan S hi ionnnntlrd mien went bark with wncktrn fruit ltp 1151 3 just all en I lie Ainmo passed by to jet o thn I I lint and oil of lien Cong ihc tfraln wait ruined This cirti nnd sti timer wtre conslKiied to Bel lonl 1 Co of 4r iouili ftrut The diiulers Elect fjliind Ofdccre Time Grand lodiy of limo Grovlcrs hold Its second eesiomi > etierdn hi IIU Eighth areuue About fifty deleifatts were privuit reprehentliiK the New Ynrk and WaililiiKtoit lodjorf rjranl Chief ilrowler John II Conwa prrlled Tho nillccrs elected for the ensulnf peer wen Truninn A Merrlman l Orand Chief and till i lln a I F lSnit > I llrilid t hlef llrnwlrr lleorxe I- eilraml Unllmjudi- UmUeld t rit lert Ii amy ti lion era Irainl- eilt irt Ion 1 draiiil Hcconliiiirtrowlcr libn 1 tlii liliili U ral t Mnniicloi It roomer foil Miininirer trnii Krror lliikf tiianrial Irntvler Jolm- nrer II ttulWi traml I Icu t Dr NnllerOn1 I II It SprujfU Inl J 11 Jrnh J K Klsher and Wllllnm Hrfll Irtiltee The trail Ludtru will mevt In iVamihumiglomo next year j Stranded lit Cuetle CiurdeO- tJami8 1 Archer who arrived by the Adriatic on Mm la > brought out vK girls from Illrnilngham pay Ink their pnonue sot eipcimes lo Santa Anna Ken Tire of the girl lat erenlntr were found In Cast ilnrlon Tile iii I thilr tickets but no money to buy food Ihivtrl lillirly Tliet salt that Archer aj viriied III u HiriiiinifhHin hItter fun ilx girls toxota Kmi ns rim her mirls ltd knc on but the gIrls it Cihtlc inrd n couldnt trael without money and they didnt know where A rchr was superintendent Jack sun 1dmI heconld nnd work on ibis gIrl If they remained liens 1 lucy nld howeor Hint If they illdn t go to KnnsAS mtiey wished lo return to Intfiand A Viiman Full lletwrfiii the Cars As Conductor Thompsons train drew up at tho south Sorry station of tIe vleated railroal at 7 last niirht a stout tveli dressed lady not out Sims slipped on the platform timid fill betwieli the ran Ohio wi severe I cut nbout i the fnco unj hush and uas unconscious for nell time The rallnmd otllclals sent her home but re ussd lo gui let name Fbi Wcnlker Vesleirdnr Indicated by Huilnuts thermometer 3 AIf sloiii MI1 ° a A M t7m IJ M W t3 3U I Jl 41l l UP I M V 01 I MMI ° i 12 SlId Jin Average 3I ° Atrutoon reh Id ItS Ills The Nlsjonl oac Irsidlcllol Colder fair weather winds shifting to west ard sjuth euerally higher baromutcr jomnas Aiiuifr ions I Theodora Prnst of 77t Second avenue fell from a lid der at isa Vrsukiio Street ynsterdap aud fraciured till skull It I le retorted that Paddy Ryan and John L SulllTait will he matched for f5tsj a side to tight In few Orleau- ou or about kastcr Iomlay Nathaniel Pope ex cashier of the London end Liver pool itt iolfl Invuraniu Company gave Ouuo mail > enterdny on Ito charge of embezileinent William Charelt a bouncer at Theliss In Fait Four ternth street vm hvld at Fsiex Market esterday fog aisttuUlutc Henry llunhei of JV East Kortleth street The Roy Cyrus II Iiuraud assistant rector of LaharV Cii tint has aciept l a call to tho rectorshUi of Ht Piters Irotesiaut picops church lu rukiklll u- w < III enter upon his duties In March hue Ins Commission was esterdy requested by the Aldrruun to furnish Imifom mat ui about the ost of ficht imie tho city bj electricity and the aitismilitus Anti Uiv advuntageiot It as compared with gas 4 The inemberi of the Produce Eichanfe atameetlnjf hell Pesi mriiay formal profiled aifalusl the laseltife nf Aoembl man Shrrmans bill to regulate tIe elevatof hint storsgu charges on irrain at this port Mayor Grace has tetoed the resolution nf the Alder tuten Iii favor of usemptlni dlxhamed soldiers sad salt ore and exempt llremsii frnm the provisions of thochll sirdlmie Ian the Major says lu wlshei to gist the law a fair trIal A mass meeting of thus hrlcklarr of this city illl be held ou Thurs lay reb IU atllrutoort Hall forth Ion rose of reducing the number of branches ti thl cli > td two unions an lnllh speaking brtucli sad Uiirmku speikliu branch Thus meeting of the IlrUfe trustees pet town or yeS leplar has icon postponed until nsxiTiiMlar fresl dent Mramihan says there te no foundation for a rvoort that an rlort r null te made to rescind inc resolution proMJlng for this reduction of fares on the curs The charge of seduction that Nellie llort who was a chorus singer at llarrlfan t Harts madeegalnst Jamil V Walsh a leather merchant at IHI wllllsm street was dismissed yesterday The technical dirge of abductiuu will be up before Justice Ollelliy this afternoon Themes II OKeefe a special customs inspector at Chlcrgo who was icIly in unearthing the smtugllmt operations of Mine Arllne once Mrs McLau hliu wus apoolnted by Secretary McUulloch jslrdKy spciiai agent to succeed the late Jimmies W Davis of Uostou Senator elert William M Fvarti amid Frank lnoml argued yesteiday brforu Judge Freelmau adrmurrc toihe I co njilalnt of John Nevtton in his suit against tie Saw irk Central and lludsuu Hirer Itallroad Com lint to restrain the payment of the dividend ot I4 pel tiut umi Ims uvuiioiui tuck PicUloa Was feestli- i isj

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1885-02-17 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 15. · i > = f i j f S wr t tw 1 1 I VOL LUNO170 NEW YORK TTTESnAV FEBRUARY 17 1885 PRICE TWO CENTS BESET BY GALE AND FLOOD

i> = fi j f


wr t tw11I



mB cur iNrAumf itr nIB tttreua ON


Wharf Itnte Fleeing Ila Drnvra Befnre theTldeMlreele Vnder WitrUiiln nnd-lionUna WlnilUumnae Sn toilet Island

Flcrco rain began to pelt down on thetown just before daybreak oitnrdsy whenpeople who werent milkmen or butchers orFulton market fishermen wore fast asleep anddidnt know anything about It Tho wet camodown In a regular flood and a big easterly guletook a hand In tbo fun and howLed around thestreet corners on IAnl and toro over the Icefloes on the river a tornado

Thou the wet the wind had combinedanlthalr fury fur hourtho flshurmen In theFulton fish market worn the only citizens alongthe river front ot tho city who bad dry footThey stood UP on boxes and stall stands out ofthe flood and gazed out Into South street withbullnl cyos They were watching the big

longtallod rats that dashod madlythrough the flood and dived down collars Ilong way up Fulton and Ileokman streets anddisappeared Ul Peck slip Tho rats wore asbig us big kittens Thor were the aged wharfrats of tho Est lllver front and thoy woro run-ning


In an tho biggest wot that badboen known In four generations of wharf ratsThey fled from tho wharves In droves of hun-dreds


Moro droves dashed Into the Erie de ¬

pot from the North lllvor wuurvoa aroundChambers street

Two hours later which was 10 oclockwarms of people wore wading around promis-cuously


II and Welt streets talkingabout wnatuer in cf unmistakablesurprise and llgurlni up the damugu that tbnhighest tide on record In a quarter of a centurywas doing to their stored stock Hundreds ofstevedores Btoolin tho Hood with gloat pumpspumplll out ol the cellars on bulb

city Kvorythlug wont on swim-mingly


all around thornWhen tho wnathor clerk got down town at

10s oclock the hast nnd North lllvors worosweeping over thn piers and passengers whowanted to gut aboard ferryboats had to wadethe river In thu streets or cross thorn on Im-provised


bridges mado of shutters and planksthat the police borrowed front storekeepersThe son ends of the ferry bridges stood up

J fllteen met in the air on a level with time ferryhouse lamps Ships woro lifted away up In thedocks and looked as If they were comingshorn to got out of the wet

Tho tUlboa John K Moore came up to Castloload of transferred passengers

from an Amsterdam steamer whoa the Hoodwas at Its height The passengers had toslide ashoro because they oouldut get downt-ime gang plank any other way

The ferryboat Mlddlotown of the BtatonIsland line was struck by the wind ant n heavywel while sho was entering her Now York

In the afternoon and was trivia againstthe ond of a pier The guards lodged on topof tho spiles and the boat careened dangerous-ly


I In time rising and falling water It took fivetugboats to haul her off The passengers weretouch frightened

The foot of Walt street bad ohanleolnto arippling lake beforo tho bullsfairly to work In the Stock Exchange antJones lane bad disappeared entirely fromview beneath tho luvaded It No ¬

body could see the wheels of the bobtailedears as the horses towel them down to Fultonferry and the flood drowned out the lire lu thebottom of ovary Second avenue car that saileddown to Peck slip

Market men uworo at the flood with greatenthusiasm It compelled them to nit downwith their Ilegs in cold water while they ntobreakfast Things floated around to oxAsemblyman KVITOUH Rtni house In VesoyStreet In a distracting I WRY and marketmoo InXmilh A McNeilsrestutiranlwnlkudI in totheir breakfasts on plank bridge Thewnitonwaded around In hIl rtibUir boots In nearly aloot of water flowed In from the riverThe restaurant man near the Old clip policestation couldnt cook any breakfast at all Illsestablishment was down In the bafemnnt andthe stoves were so much undr the water thatha couldnt build a lira All hands abandonedthe steaks ind chop end took to the pumps

Btovodores mado mono out of the MoodMerchants hal u hire tlitn In a hurry to takeJoods out nf Iwomonm to save them from

Thn Italians of Mulberry street onthe other hail torn thotr hair anti sworn longstrings violent Italian ns they watched therain ome town It cleaned Draadvvay of snowand slush like magic and left nothing for theprofessional Street cleaners

The wind worked a good deal of mischiefPart of the roof of tho elevated railroad stationat Ninetysecond street and Second avenue wasblowl ofT An Iron shutter wet hurled from

top story of the Mortimer building at tliocorner of Wall street and Now ant brokothrough the roof of lImo Stock chango Tholarge plate glass window on tho Broadway sideof John lllnkulys cigar store was blown InA falling sign struck down llarbiirn Kaufmanof 248 Itlvlngton Street snhe was passing IIBSCrosby street causing concussion of the brainRho wan taken tu thu St Vincents Hospitalliar umbrella partly protected her head orshe would have boun killed outright Thesign of tho llunor store at First avenue andTwentysixth street struck harah Waters

goI 1 of Kimt Twentysecond street on tholead cllslnl conousHlol ol the brain lupper part of thin unfinhalted building at First avenue anti Thirtythird street struck William Howo of 602 WestThlrtvseventh street who was driving by in acart lie was liken to Ilelluvue Hospital withconcussion of the brain

By noon the tide hal receded and things onthe river began to fall back to their old loveThe piers were covered with the Ico that hadbeen lifted there by the tide and stranded hllit foil The remarkable title the clerk ofweather sill way dun to the southeast windIt blew so hard that tho natural How of thnwater was retarded It couldnt got out Into tieLay ns usual so it got out Into WUlt antiStreets Instead

When tie clerk got down to business In hiseosy perch away up out of thn Hood he fountthat retorts from thin South were hours behindband ihey couldnt got to town because thetorm hail prostrated tile telegraph wires

Tim storm came tIP nlon the coast hesaid There wouldnt have Ion such anoverflow of things generally If beenfor tho wind beoauBu tlm rain fall was only aninch and a hal Thats heavy but not extra-ordinary


The extraordinary thing will bo thesutton uav In which nil this dampness Is goingto freno tight tin again Thetes a Manitobablizzard whizzing nlnnl tight bnhlnd this rollmaking things When It striken us thothermometer Is going down 20 or 10 nt nJump and 01 get a tate of tbn changwithin tilt 21 hours Its going to lafreezing healthy wnather for a titan thun

The wind swept round to south then ItoSouthwest west and northwest mid at nightthe sky cleared and the freezing upI bngin

In the lenftobaeeo district about Maidenlane Front and Wntur streets thn duinigecaused by the invasion of cellars where I11vane tobacco was Mori d was great Onebad bixty bales of line tobacco spoiled An-other


house tail men at work pumping 01 andtobaoeo water out of tholr iollar wasstored with lint tobacco leaf The oil halttcomo In by I connecting sewer from anotherbuilding It will bo hard to sum up tho darnago to merchandise lion by time flood

In BroklYI thietliti broke over the Longpock thl Navy Yard HOI of tho big tim ¬ears lying about were sot A partly tin ¬

ished tbrenHtory frame In MagnoliabulrlnIStreet astir mitrnl blown downThe high water In liushwlck Creek cruised con-siderable


damage to adjoining propertyover Ilrooklyn awnings ami trite w ru Al

In Jsry City thin onllnrn of nearly all thehouses In tin downtown districts were Hood ¬

ed anti the meadows along Cliand nfl Irovnstreets nure covered with water TIIJlkltthn Morris until and reekacross thn city athe 31 Burton HIM woreoverflowed dnmngod tie buildings

1011 Hudson York ami Greene StreetExchange plaoo RufTured most fromthe flood II some pierce the furnacesin the collars the factories and boiler shopslong time river front wero extinguished Thutop section of the tall iron smokestack of thePennsylvania Hallrond Companys grub rle-Tator


was twisted out of KhiipH the windI Theroof of a now house on IMnforth avenue wasblown Into a vacant lot A number of shantiesalong the shore of the South Covo afloatWArfor several hours with their Inmates othersbuilt on short plIcitliH water reached above tliofloor tad compelled tho Inmates to iund thoforenoon seated on boos and tIleThe water huh the tricks In thf depot nf thoNow York Lake Krle and Western lUllrondand In some places the platforms vvnramerged The floors of the waiting rooms woi


covered with eight Inches of water At onetime luring thn day liht wagons onlywuiecarried by the Heavy wagonscould not be landed safelyblltls many years since there has been such a

swell on the east shore of btten IslandTho ferry landings there were partially sub ¬merged

On time Flushing anti North Hhore Rallrondtbe storm caused H washout at Corona oblig ¬

leg the transfer of passengers from the trainsI

nlkthe south coast of Long Island the surftllb upon the beach antI It was theopinion wreckers that this steamer Ollvstoashore opposite Munches would to pieces

erk crew came ashore Time 10 waves iataWIY leach were Miry ur lierassn

tCi railroad station to Ut beach

was almost Impassable Very little damocewas been done howeverAt Yonkers the Palisade and Vesper boatbouses were flooded Archibalds coal pier wassubmerged and the coal sheds damaged Thewater and Ice destroyed boats and summer

hpusss on the river front Tarrytown hingNlnlloel9kl anti other river townsbarges were wrecked on theGreen Flats off New Itochelle

At I11 oclock yesterday morning the bridge ofttbo New Jersey and Now York Railroad acrossthe Panale was thought by the bridge walkerto have been weakened by the rising water andHoming ice H0 stopped tho 1105 train fromNewark The conductor telegraphed to thiscity for InBtructFons Thin train was orderedback to Nuwnrk Soon afterward howeverttravel was resumoo on the road but on theKllrabetii which runs iquitet close toNewark Hay travel was sttspiindml the tracksbeing submerged The wind tore the roofoff Uawsnns tannery In Furry 01 Newarkand landed It In a vacant lot on the oppositeside of the street

The stoamnrs Gen Whitney Rosedatewore fast In tho Ice opposite anoIsland forabout six hours eli their efforts to pushthrough being unavailing until late In theafternoon whoa thoy proceeded toward thecity The schooner J M Morales coal ladenwent ashoro at City Island Point blio willprobably come Off al right The schoonerKnrMlo attempted tow town but becamewedged In the lee between Throggs Nook andtho flopping Stones Light and remainedhere Tho schooner Mower anchored at CityIsland sunk to the waters edge during thonight and now lies In time Ice half way betweenHart Island Point anti City Island The schoon ¬

er Thomas W holier IIs Ice bound about a milenorth of Hart Island Point An unknownlloaded schooner Is ashore about half a milenorthwest from Hart Plenty ofIslllllolnttows ire fast in the Hart Islandand Execution Hock-

DAMIF ON COXHT ISLANDOn Conny Island the title wits hlghnrthan It habeen known to bo for years It swept HO farward as seriously to threaten some of thehotels supposed to bo out of rcneli of theocean Time meadows between the Island and

the mainland worn submerged and time housesalong their border were Hooded The Ice linealone distinguished Ihe creek from tho sur ¬

rounding body of waterAl day thin sun iallery In tho pact wing ofllrlghton lleacfi Hotel was crowded withvisitors who looknd out from their summer

llike barters on the big waves which dashedover the bulkhead anti rocked tho music pa ¬

vilion Volumes of spray beat over Limo veran ¬da and dashed against tho glass wall of thegallery

A tiortlon of time bulkhead on tho west end ofthe Irlhlolluach lintel was vviinhnd awayjtnd poured In and mado achannel between thn hotel and the OceanHouse ten Jourdan tho receiver of thellrlghton lloach Itallroad unit Hotel propertysaid ho was not alarmed at tho ravages of thewnvoswhlch wore only dolnlwhat he Intendedto have done early In spring The con ¬

stant attempt to Ilht tho OCCRI by erectingbulkhead delonces woand arrangement had been rnadn unsucceSNuJtsuch obstructions from the llrlghton shore andlet tho tide havn full swing

Tho Concourse was much damaged Manyparts of It have been washed away and Itrequire several thousand dollars to repair 11This most of that partlof tho Concourse betweentho hotel and time Iloulnvard ha been wanhndaway The waves dashed completely over themarine railroad between the Brighton andManhattan Hotels but It has bool sofirmly that slight Impression III ItMuch Innings was dono to the bulkheads andtho bathing pavilion at Manhattan IleacbEverything movabo along the shore at thewot end was washed away and many of thesmall shanties wore blown down and curriedout to sea The wives washed Hour over timetwo iron piers nnd reached the West llrlghtonunto Out residents of time Island said that Itwits ono of the worst storms In their romem ¬

brance arid that it would result In makingmany permanent changes along the beach1ouuiiKKnsir Iob 1fThere was a severetorl of rain hull snow sleet and wind along

Hudson today All tim rain was south ofFiftliklll hut there was much snow nndsleet north of that plato as I if n hal Thuwater iu the Hudson was two feotovertbopkrshero this afternoon but IIs falling

Later Intelligence from BOHtOICorners showsthat time gab thnro was A train on timePoughkeapnle Hartford and Boston Itallrondwas halted before crossing time only largotrestle on the road ior an hour ant a halfwelting for tttwirtnd to go down At Hocklandthis side of Boston Corners the train wits againcompelled to stop and the passengers worenlncud ou thin engine anti tender which weredisconnected from the train anti which carriedthem through to tholr destination The pas-sengers wore much frightened but no ono wasInjured Along tho linn of the Harlem Hallroad north of Boston Corners a tremendousgale prevailed

Oswioo Feb 16A severe snow storm hasprevailed here all day Impeding travel on theeastern division of tho Home Wntertown andOgdnnsbmg Itnllroud Fur trains are staledone at Holmesvllle on time Syracusebronchi ono nt Albion one at Mannsvllle andono at Mexico On Ithe latter jis OotuodyCompany bound for llama N Y HIs

CANAJOHAIIIE Feb i Tho worst snow-storm of tho season tIs prevailing In time Mo ¬

hawk valley tonight Tnn country roads arecompletely blocked anti freight trains stalled

Vest Shorn arid Contrl roadTrains are from one to nlno

POIT JIKVIS Feb 16Timo storm today Isono of time worst txitarleimceI thus 018iturday night about three Inchon enSOIsootyand on Sunday nlaht another stormSnow has been tailing very fast till tinbInuntil noon drifted as It toll TIme WesternUnion wires urn down In mull directions antiowing to tho storm thoy cannot be repairedThey are using 111 irki wires although manyof those are On time Unlnwitro divi-sion

¬tOWlof the Erie greatest difficulty Is ex-perienced


In getting tho trains through Anumber of the trains havo been stalled todayOn time Jefferson branch tIme situation is evenworsn anti tho mid Is practically elosnd Thisafternoon rrln began falling Hnd tho snow wasturned Into slush Tonight It is becomingcotter very fast and thin skyis clearing

FHEEPOKT Fob 16Time tide in tIme Southtiny has boel higher today titan In twentyyears r rain antI high wind broko up tiltleo which moved westward through IlnmpMend liar 111 resistless mimes The sloops ofJames II Haynor Gilbert Smith and PeterHerbert wnre carried about four mites Tbooyster housn at hcow Creek was swept awayand time watchman Joseph Johnson clung to Itfor nearly two hours until tho lifnsavlng rowrescued him Thn oyster bouses of n JWhonlnr Stephen Johnson anti OrAn Southardwere also demolished but the occupantssaved by the busy crows of nnd rHtnlonHOAbout 3U 1 foot of time MarineHallway Iis await away There la about threefet of water In tlio bns mnnt of time Longlleach lintel and ono end of time lathing pa-vilion


Is undermlnnd 1IIIho change of windwill prevent any

On tim north lie of thin bench and on Hempstool Meadows the ice Is piled In strange formstrout ten to twelve fnet high rime freshetashore causnsgrave npprohHn lon ValentineSmiths paper mi on East Meadow llrook Isundermined not expected to stay untilmorlJl Ills family moved out of their housefooled Molllnenux are nNoIn dangr Thorn Is a washout mils railroadnt Koekvlllo Centre and also one tl llnllmoroTho south turnpike Is overflowed at MerrickFrenport Ilaldwlns anti llockvlllo Cnntro

TIIENTOV Fob 16TIi Delaware lllvor rosenbout six feet today Time gorge nt Long liarIs yet Intact Fenrsaro entertained of an latin ¬

dation In South Trenton I tErn gorge dots notgive way


ToMs buyER Fob 16Time PennsylvaniaRailroad Philadelphia and Long Ilranchtrain leaving Camden at Biilo A l forPoint Pleasant narrowly eicnpnd Ship-wreck on lie Uarnegat const today Halfa mile from Chadwicks twelve milesfrom Toms Itlver tile waves were makinga clean sweep over time whole beach and intoIlarnogat Hay Time track was washedcompletely at frequent Intervals from aWIJwick to liny Head six inlns This was learnedby tha conductor by telegraph and In the meanline limo surf was rising continually higherthreatening every moment to nut oil the trackbehind time train and leave It stranded on asoul bar-

Tholr craft not being provisioned for a longcruise the train men began to beat backtoward the mainland An additional dangerwas In time lonl pile bridge across llamagut Hay at Bldu Park the destruction-of which was threatened by thin ice andtide Time train backed tfl rouse keep ¬

lug ahead of the all the waymind got across the shaking bridge safely Thecrew and passengers sub l to1 until eveningtitian a can of spoiled baked beans u can ofspoiled salmon nail n pound nf last yearscrackms found cached In a summer hotelSea Sldo Par-


CITY N J Feb lflTlmm stormh ltn very severe The wind blew agale from southwest and brought In a veryheavy tile alongthe beachfront washllidownbusiness places summerestablishment and other buildings and por¬

lions of lime board walk limo damage wIlt excIsd fjoo oou The railroads aro much dam-aged


and trains aro much delayed Telegraphcommunication Is entirely cut off

SCIIANTON Fob 1C Todays storm did muchdamage In tIme Lackawanna Valley A heavysnow fall this afternoon blocked up the lennsylvanla Coal Companys railroad and greatlydelayed trains on the Delaware Lackawannaand Wsstarn road Many telegraph and telphone wire were broken down The Casinorollerskating rink at Plttston collapsed thisItwnoon lthe snow crushing 11Ut toot fit

toon persons wore In tbe building but they allescaped uninjured

Nsw LONDON Feb 1C Today has been thestormiest day known for years tho nloollofthe wind being fifty miles an hourafternoon time tin roof of the New Londonwoollen Mill wan lifted by the wind anti landedcross the track of tho New London NorthernItallroad striking the telegraph poles In Itsdescent and protralnl them The damageWill reach

NORTH AIUMS Mass Fob tllA gale ac-companied

¬by heavy snow In thisvicinity today A tornado Is reported from

Btamford end Hartwellvllle VL Two moo anda cutter were caught up together with thehorse and carried over a fence into anIniiot In this town bay windows woreadjoin

Too train duo here from Plttsfleldat 3P M ran Into a snow bank below Adams sta¬

tooi throwing the passengers out Into theTeams era being sent from Adams totake tbe snowbound people to tho villageTho Troy and Boston trains are snowed In atPownal Vt with no hope of getting out tonlrbt IIIs the severest storm In years

PILOT Y I WAHNKH LUSTWed tram Hie Stoat In the Gale Outside

Bnndr ClockTho Now Jersey pilot boat Tames Gordon

Bennett No6 was runntnl In for Sandy Tookyesterday morning olosodrocfodtho heavy easterly gnlo making eight or nineknots an hour About ten miles southeast ofthe Highlands at BU oclock William B War-ner who wan In command had walked fromtho weather side to the lea side and was lookins out for tbo land when a mightywave broke on board and throw theboat on her beam ends Tons ofwater wont ovor Warner and he wasswept from the duck overboard and lost Mostllikely the water killed him against this rail andcarried only a dead body away Thn sailor ntthn wheel was washed from his sent by the seahitl savAI himself by catching time tiller ropo

boat careened time nina who was attho fore gal looking for land touched waterwith his boots Water hilled the cabintwo feet deep anti this other threo morn ¬

tbers of tbo crew clambered out to thotAck ns best thoy could Ono ot thorn was

Ilenjnmln F Chapman rime boat rightedhherselff Iimmediately niter tho blow and timecrew succeeded In bringing her to Sandy HookAlter thu gale hind subsided they came up toflay llldge where they loft her and reportedWlrorl death nt tho pilot oflleo 104 South

Thny must there Warnnrs fattier ColtCharles E Wiirnur dipt Warner wentons Ihouse nt 228 Sixth avenue Ilrooklynana broko the news to the widow and two little

William H Warner was 27 yours o4d He wasmade a pilot two yearago Formerly ho waswith thn Wrecking CompanyLast May Capt ChRrlAWarner last his sonLevin I murmtpr a young pilot In time boatEdward lllunt Sorrow for lie loss of this soncaused time death of his wife a few weeks after-ward


Capt Warner himself belongs to thoJames lordon Bennett but he has not boonout In her this winter

THE WAINWRiailT JUUItltER TllIAfWere tie Track Mode br Kock wells Horse

Affrrwitrd Tjtmp red Vllh fTots lliviai Feb toThls was the twen-


day of tho trial of the five persons ac-


of the murder of James I Walnwrlght-BamtiolO halley testified that ho sawGoortrt-

Applcgatn one day after the murder and Applegato told him he saw ItockwelliJ horse andwagon tied to a post In Main street tbo pre-vious


morning about tbe titus tho murder wascommitted Ha visited tho Looker Held antitbo woods whore Walnwrlght was shot downon the Thursday after the murder He sawthe tracks of a wagon noar the scone of timemurder and fnllotvud them to tho Looker Hold

Did you see tho tracks of n horse betweenthem 1 asked Couniullor Llndabury Imean between the two tracks made by the twowagon tires

Well Ihoull say I did answered the wit ¬

They woudnt have wen outfildrt of time tracks

The witness told how hn got down on hishands unit knees to look at the horse tracksThere WHO no corks on the shoes which madotho impressions Two days afterward he sawthe tracks and they looked aIf they hilooltampered with ns holes thosecorks bad boon punched at the heels

Tho prosecution then began calling witnesosto prov that Itockwell was not In Toms Itlvernltbnttmnof thnmurderasheclaimed CharlesV Maltbls Joseph O rover Ahram AllawayWilliam Cowdrlok and James O howdy ttoMihfind they worn about town early on the morningof the murder but none of them saw Itockwolion time streets

David O Parker testified ho did not toll any-one that ho could not remember whether hesaw Joclwolln time village early on time morn ¬

ing or on thin followingI dayFrancis K Cambtirn instilled that he met Mr

Parker six weeks after the murdur anti tho lat ¬

ter sale he SR1 Jlockvvell In town nt 7 oclock onthe of murder lime witness told MrParker that that did not provo that Ilnekwnllwits Innocent of time murdnim ho could havokilled Wnlnwrlght anti driven to town by 7oclock Embley Briton exShcrllT Itobbtnsand others Mr Parker toldthem ho could not remember what day it wasbn saw 1ockwelln the village Braollii Irons

the hon tracks In timeLoki field and that the Impressions of thosupposed corks hat In his opinion boen madeby hand KocKWolls hone was smooth shod

Mardl Gras FrstlTlllcsNew ORLEANS Fob 16 Clear and cold

weather favored opening of the ttftrhl Oral festivi-ties Time arrival and reception of Ilex came off accord-ing to time programme except as to time Ills majestyreacted the City Hall at noon when Moor fultlottesurrendered tie keys of tIme city Tile procrolon con-sisted nf Infantry detachments of marines from lieUnited StaTee flagship Tennessee and manofnartalena Music romedv sal let followers nn ianftrumpeters heralds bearere of time ro > al standard atroop of Ihlit Majenn srntu at arms and his 4 jciyl Ilexattended ty the iHoysl tontlngent Guards Tile proeesIii movrd Ithrough the prllelIlrel to tie l > vee utthe toad of taiial street Iol V embarked onsteamers for lie KximHtiinn cii time pn cessionreachtd tie leee n scullsI of 100 trims were tiredI I Theflotilla consisted of eighteen steamer The were allcrowded with people As the re> al steamer passed I earh-nf the Initrd States war vessels wtilth nandsomelydecorated with tiers fired a limit ofr twetit one gunsand manned the vards Tbe shipping In port was dec-orated with UIJIIIAt tie < Rex was met hr the managers andwelcomed A throne had hesn erected for him In theMusic list whets hH roiclwd all tie guests IheatUndanre at iho Ixposltlon was the lot yet knownbeing between 7 lund loouoo

The IVronr None to Ulna In Gcorrtn-GntFKiN Oa Fob toA party of excursioni-


from Iowa pasted through this place to dar on theirway to visit the site of AndersoiiTllle the Ionfederaleprison prim A large crowd assembled at Ihe depot 1an slices of welcome was delhered to which a utieI response was madeI Then for ten mlnuttn there wasa mingling of citizens and excursionists Aathe trainstarted from time JIG the Ilowans ji Ined Ilusttlr In singmug VWII IsIS Davis lo a hour apple trse For amoment the clilzrns itood dumb and I lien tonI forth InIyell of execration such as has seldom teem sent afterdeparting visitors One tndlgnint Confederate propiind that a logram be sent to the next town to huailtile btleiid rs oil and lob thsm

Cnllni e erie Oruln WarehouseITPSTtNUTON Pn Fob lOAt 10i A W

today tie large grain warehouse atlacDed to I IFisher A Ins steam flouring mil on Inn street caiedIn The lulllllIs a total wreck So great aiguantlty olwheat h stored In II that the walls could notsustain the pressure Abut an hour before time brtak<11 several vmplovets of the mill observed a

Inthefroit part of Ithe building time llhand iiinnediattly neti aboutI removing tile F ti rabefore they eould remove much of it the ic 01 huttingburst openl No one Injured Upward of ln buslvlsof choiee Ohio wheat wet thrown Into the street

Making n Verdict by the Toe ores CentCHICAGO Fob 16On Tuesday last tho jury

In tie case of M Wstlske against E M Hlodgett anaction by landlord against tenant on a Ilease give a ver-dict In Judge Irendergaits court for 100 in fator ofvleitlake They arrived at this agreement by rathernovel tneaus Taking a eent from his pocket the foremansldt Pleat ell tails tu Tie nther membersof lime IJury toul foreimirt tIppet the coin sodtOI salt see lOw it sit eXclahrni iUrndlflI The wee tiirofoms relierel rurslut The defendants counsel nrnrti now me amount 01Ihe damages had been fixed slit to day obtained fromJudge Preudrgast a new irlal

Huller UnhDie Out On llnllW-

AHIIINOTON Feb 19Jutor Jlihono whotried to kill a waiter a on Friday nightwaived examination today and will let his case to tothe llrind Jury Poslmasier Windsor of Alexandriasine lieu In stteo for lao e appearauce beforeCriminal Court

Henalor Uahone has moved from Welcktn to this Elibllt lines Visitors to VVelekeri are showu the mallsIn Ito woodwork above the door that were music by Ibewill shod from this young Irgiulaue pistol

sort Chive Fight In VileUTICA Fob 1GIn a PRrrlnl match between-

J O Helen of Byrecuse ant I of UtIca tier tinight for Cite a sideI Meiers won Soft gloes wereused anti three roundsI were fought The match was forpoints Marnuls of Qurnsberry rules Ihlumdlwo1111 to Uss one





ReeeIingNNsitlstehiostkey Rash to Oonrn-Hmrtstsislla Altexpl laMtorm Mr Glad

stoless Beeldcnce end the AdmiraltyLONDON Feb 10 Groat excitement was

occasioned here today by tbe riotous conduct01 a largo number of unemployed workmenThrouthousand of thorn PAradod the streetswith banners bearing mottoes of their griev-ances


Several bands of music accompaniedthe procession which marched to the buldlnloccupied br tbo Local Governmentcommittee from the ranks entered the officeand demanded relief for the people thoy repre-sented


They wanted Immediate employment-on the construction of municipal works whichthey said were needed for the public good

The officials Incharge of the Board roomswore somewhat dismayed by the demonstra-tion


but politely informed tho deputation thatno ofllclnl answer to the demand could at thetime be given because Sir Charles hike thePresident of thin Board was away and duringlila absence nothing could bn done This replywas received in sullen sllenco and tho crowdwhich by this time had become a mob rushedIn a body Into Downing street despite all theefforts of time police to prevent them Theystopped In trout of thin ofllclal residence of MrOlndstonn and howled nnd hIssed Invectivesagainst the Government A Cablnot Councilwits being held nt tho tlmo and the mob at ¬

tempted to force their wav Into time room whorethe Council was sitting The police at thispoint received reinforcements and ejected theIntruders Tho mob thnn nttomntod to stormtime Admiralty and Homo Oftlco but woro driven-off and finally dispersed by tho police

Alatgementlngof unemployed workmen witsheld this afternoon on tlio Thames IvmbankDent Itcsolutlona worn adopted demanding a

In the hours of labor of Governmentworkmen and tho construction of useful publlo works to give employment to hits idleHvndman Chairman of thn Uumncratla Feder-ation


presided at the meeting Cheers for so-cial


revolution woro given arid violent speecheswore made

The speakers Insisted that railway anti othorpublic companies should bo forbidden to em-ploy


men ovor eight hours par day Ono ofChum assorted that Jay Gould mart recently de-feated


a similar measure In Nol York citatoand that hn had his prototypes In the Go-Bchnna ItntliRchllds anti I3rattsors hero

Homo of time pnlfcomon draw tholr staveswhen the crowd bo camo noisy mutt demonstra ¬

tive The mob when charged by tho Dolce liedprecipitately Some stones wore thepollen nnd several of them woro kicked duringthe disturbance No arrests were matte

The police wars unprepared for time demon-stration


and the rain was morn effective thanthe batons of the constables In dispersing thocrow1 Several policemen wero maltreatgd

serious casualties are reported Amongtime legends on the banners earshot In tho prorea lon wer We demand tho right to work

Tho voice of the people Is tho voleo of GodJIfI ypu do not hear us now you will havo to

boforo longui

jvo novjtT OF OKU atmnoss DEATH

Tie Nile Column Advancing nn MclrmbelWar Preparations ntLONDON Feb Despntchoa from orttoday say The Mudlr of Dongola

now convinced that Khartoum has fallen antithat Oon Gordon Is death A encase of Ibrahomhey Itucbdl who loft Khartoum a fortnightlogo says that Iarng admitted the Mnlidistroops to Ihorloll The cnvnsi with hismaster wOlt Government house allmot Jon Gordon coming out armed with Milhomed hey Mustnphn and twenty cavas cs-

Wlillo proceeding to time Austrian Consulatethey rant a party of Arabs who Ilrod a volleyGordon and Mahomed Mtistapha fell deadton Wolaoloy will start for Gakdul today-

A deapntob from Dulkn Island says nn ad-vance


regiment has occupied Hhukulc Vansten Urackenbury and the main body ofthotroops began to advance on Friday Arabsstarted from Berber for Alotomneli to roanforcatho garrison there but returned hearingthat the silo column wile o

The Government hisIIIVRnclnA number of

steam launches to bo to Ktmklm to bo iihedlit landing troops Now batteries mo beingomeLet at Huaklm for the protection of time rail-way


There Is great activity In O man Dlgmascamp The women are being firmed and thrIlledand every possible preparation Is bolng madofor an obstinate resistance to the British adVance Time contlngnnt of forces fromSouth Wales IIs expected to roach lowMarch 18 ly

On account of thn drain upon tho war estab ¬

lishment to furnish 10jnforeeinontB for ltho Goxerninont has found It noepfsary ton1louse many soldiers who have bun

for military ofloncos conlnuilin-prlsninch have thus teen pardoned IUd ordered tojoin Ihelr rllroILA d Ian Wolscloy which linejust been matte public imllcatns that ho hadpreviously ent details of the fall of Khartoumand tho murilor of Gsa Gordon which werosuppressed by the War Olllco


Attack on the German Noelnllste who IVrsilted In Carrying n German FInf

Puns Fob 10 Forty thousauil persontoday attended tho funeral of M Jules LouisJoseph Vnllos the well known socialistic jour-nalist


of Franco who dIed on Saturday Wlillotile procession was marchlnl to time grave 1large number of reuolmcu attacked tho Ger-man


Hoclaltsts In procossloii Tho attackwas brought on by tho fact that tho Germanscarried n German lag conspicuously hoistedimmediately In thowakoof tho Titleprovokodtho Frenchmen In tho corn whoKhoutod Down with tho Gorman flag i lhu-OIPOsltolllon nxtondnil to lime Frenchmen In

When lie Mag wits not loweredin answer to those ehoutllt was stoned Thenathn

free light olcurred utwe n tho Germans andGreat crowds Of people nssemblednt theBastllo discussing the nullGerman demon-


Tho pollen force was oldercd bolargely strengthened In anticipation of Ire-neual of the disorder when time funeral proces-sion


returnedA party of students mado a rush anti en

dnavored to solA tho obnoxious German amblum scuflle which onsiiod twostudents wore Injuiod At thin cemetery MHenri Itochnfort dnllverod a glowing eulogy onthe life of JI Vallos and was enthusiasticallygreeted with cheers anti cries ol Vivo la revo ¬lution socialol Vivo In Communol MmLonguet and Vnlllant dofendod communisticBonllmonts but time public was apathetic

IlnselM Ordering COOO Krupp lienLONDON Fob 16Somo excitement was cre-


lice to d4y especial In commercial and financialcitric by the receipt nf despatches from Ilerlln annOlnolnl that this fculan lot eminent hat ordered

i Kr JI guns for the purpose of strengthening ItsI

I IW leutralI I Asia rhe sets ot themrgest e sit are etlicuttly rJofohr serviceIn fortresses superior build Minnltanrouslr with iho-ahntti r i ort catiin despatches from ht Petersburgstating that Mibastopol li to bo made a free port

Shouter Aetnre ICeelcnntlonHOME Fob lrMr W W Astor American

Minister lo ltsiy lias resigned his position slid his res-ignation has been accepted by President Arthur MrEdward Ilerrepont will act us Charge dArritlres until a-new Minuter arrives Ur Actor will return lo Americaat an silly dal-

IVisiilNurnf Flu Itf statement received byiiiblo from Itume Atm line resigned andthat his resignation his henn ncceiited iscrinnrmcd bythe Stale IJspartment oniclals Tliu reilgnailun IIs tutake cflect about March 1

hilly nn ICye sand Wheat In GermanyDEHUNFeb 10The notchstag today agreed

to raise tie duties on rye sit wheat to three larkThe votes were as follows i To raise the duty on ryeFor UKi against 151I title the duty on wishKor 2JVI againstI 111 Increase was opposed by llinNew llrrmani LiberalsITr tie Horlallits stud wasported lby the Imprrlaluts NatluniI I tICerals onu mfleiuuirlOf the Centre

Queen Vletorlue IllnrsiLONDoN Feb 10De < patcbes from Osbornopronounce the c ueen 1111110 travel As K onse

unmet her returnl teen PositionedrJgldA tow Isyi ot are required

Explosion at GibraltarLONPON Feb 16 An explosion occurred today lu one of the small powder magazines belonging to

thus fooncetlons at Ulbrallar Three engineers aerlously Injured rnKm Clue ta her IdenlllirW-

ILMINQTON Del Feb 16An unknown-woman who arrived tiers on Saturday night by a south-bound Iranhis been hug unconscious and dangerously III I apoplexy no Ino Hhe wa taken 1beQIIr There IU ehise netII IIidviu U about 2ty wi ta e



BCewn Itaynrd Garland Laniar Mannln-cd Vile Said le> be Nlated-

WABHINOTON Fob 10 Despatches re-ceived


here from Albany and hints dropped brpoliticians who have recently come from thereIndlnt that tbe principal places In Mr Clove ¬

Cabinet bavo ben tilled It la the com-mon


belief that Mr wilt be Secretary ofState Daniel MannlDI Secretary of the Treas-ury


Mr Secretary the Interior orPostmasterGeneral Mr Garland AttorneyGeneral and Mr Vitae Secretary of War TheNavDepartment It IIs understood Is to go to

Jones of Now Hampshire or to Mr Endlcottof Massachusetts a swallowtailed Democratwho is almost a mugwump or to a Connectcut man This elate would leave onevacancy to bo hued from a long list ofcandidates There Is no doubt that tbefriends of Unole Joe McDonald are ontbo lanzlous sent Senator Voorhees wbo hasjust returned from Albany is saul to bfarfrom happy over tho outlook He dos tollwhat happened at Albany but the impressiongrows that Mr Cleveland for some reason didnot warm up to Uncle Joe The politicianshero aro as keenly Interested In the Post ¬

masterGeneralship RIn any of tbe Cabinetplaces anti titers Is much to see whothe man for thatlofflce will anxlothe Is awump a great many Congressmen IUIbbrokenhearted for ovary mail IsJjringlngpetitions by the peck for the appointment ofparty workers They do not expect to gotmany of the twentytbrnn hundred Post Officesto bo flied by time Presidents appointment butthey do hope for much substantial patronagefrom tho PostmasterGnneral who has at hisdisposal morn than fortyeight thousandoffices Even In so large a State aa Now Yorkthe President appoints only two hundredwhIm the PostmasterGeneral appoints 31JHAbout tho same proportions of Presidentialappointments to those of tbe PostmasterGen ¬eral exist In other States

Time criticism most frequently passed uponthe selection of llayard Garland and Latnarfor tho Cabinet Is that time loss of those manfrom tho Heuiito will very seriously cripple theIomocrltsll that holy Mr Dayard probably

by some such mildmnnnamed mind Inexperienced nun as Representa ¬tive Lore Garland by Polndoxter Dunn orsonic other man of medium ability and Lamarby a new nnd untried man of no national repu ¬

tuitIon rime Dnmocratlo side of time SOlnto-S thus bo utterly withoutthis weak minority would be called upon todefend time Administration ogalnsta powerfulopposition led by Edmunds Sherman andEtarU Tho taking of the Democrat nbovonamed out of tile Senate just as that hotly Isto be called In extra session would be anothersource of nmbnrrnssment The vacanciescaused by Mr Clnvelands Cabinet selectionswould havo to titt filled Delay might nnstio Infilling thorn In Arkansas lor InManco theLegislature Is In session antI would have toproceed to an election of Mr Garlands suecosior anti it might take days or oven weekefor the Legislature to make a choice TimeDnlruaro Legislature too might got Into adeadlock over Mr Iln yards successor Shouldnono of the vacancies created by Mr Clove ¬

lands appointments bo filled by time limo theSenate mot In extra session the Democrats Inthat body would bo In bad shape IndeedThoso are possibilities of the situation thatgive thoughtful Democrats no little anxietyIt Is undorstood that It titus been Intimated to

Mr Cleveland that It would bo bad lolicy tomike three Cabinet ofllcors from tIme Senateand U may bo therefore that only two of timebrett names suggested may finally be put onMr CJoMjInnda list

4 b2R4I11ft SUNK

The Weetcrnland hum Iluwn a Collier andle llerelr Jluillr llumtiffed

LONDoN Fob lGThst Belgian steamerWosternland from Antwerp for Now York hasput In at Plymouth Site was In collision withthe steamer llolmhurst at 1 P M on SundayThe Holmhurst was sunk anti four of liar crowwere drowned Time Wcstornland Is seriouslydamaged and It is expected that It will be ne-cessary


to place her in time dock for repairsShe hiss two large holes In her bows and herfore compartments nru full of water Time cot ¬

lision occurred eight miles off Kdd > ntonnLight A dense fog prevailed at the time Thellolmhurst was a collier of 2JJ tons burdenHim was going dead slow and was blowing herwhistle When time Westornlands whistle washearth time engines ot the collier wart promptlyreversed but It wits too late Tho Westornlandstruck liar on time port bow nnd cut liar corn ¬pletely In two The Westernland has on boardBUG passengers

Andrew Iaekeune Inpejre-

Wf HiNOTov Fob 10Col Andrew Jacksongrandcoii of President Andrew Jacksou today took outletters of administration upon thin estate ot his grand-father antI immediate through his solicitors filed abill In equity letting forum that the widow of the latebiomilgonlery lilsir aid her omm tVoolbimry hIde flOWmci e nsnloli t aim ciciti hi own larie mtimtiler oticry eaiaihppers relti liar in mImi muumo ftiit irlyatelii if t teum J cc 0 on cml praylmic for sum iJ imncilommirahmli the itefeithaimi 5 Ia pre it i lieii frtmis a iomtesmmigof or ci V lit thio nuil loiremt ts emamel limit tttae itrer it eve plaeI iii Il handor Alit Keimisil lii iso clii it iew I 0 I hut Ilmtlicammlnof imeramity i lieu Jaklmt in imlh Kemhaul list tillinmakeim to ii rmtu Ii were heat tot amt ysars11 WItI foilitil tv i IV I Terriii of KsmttmekvI sii lliladiUeti it I lie tpatl of KsmttatI iv tell theywere ptmieetl Ili itt ii cmiii if tI OiIlguuitry Blair torsite teelln 511 ret Jackin aitetes iii ti iiilimo reirepritsulies of Mr ltuair ttuwener chum thattIp pamer were giieii to FrauiLg 1 alslr r by ucuJaeksomm

Mr Thurmnn Biut Kxuected In AlbanyAIIUNT Feb ILThe Kraiing Journal an-


tonight that Mr Tim imruim III Is cmi Ii way to AIban This Is positively denied however at Mr Clevemerits residence Mr ilereliind slid today that sincethe knowing one had hteli so busy making up his Catmet hi was disappointed ithat they hud not writllii his Inaugural itiege for him Uri IiHiilcMnnnlng Bal I that ho let iml sought a ttiblilct positionaud list none had been i tiered him To the oustlonw Iii on accept Otis T he onh laughed In reply MrMannings denial ds not sh its th popular Ilt mist herothai he will go Into the Cabinet tennlnr Oorman HidMih m V 1 cit and Slut tm M Weed quitted Allmnvto day without disturbing lie illhlrv thtir coming ersalvil No tie except lam ri k Kellr ot Minnesotai calledU on tie rreeldent elect to day

Trait Stuck In the KnowKANKAKEE III Feb 10A passenger train

vest bound on tile Cincinnati IIndlRnapotls 8t louIsami D uc a if n roil hue lie re at 4 A XI today stuck in-

ej115 mitiw ten fret it cast nf ht Anne flio hilthouiiil puiiencer train ti held nt Knukiktf A rrlif-icrew irt nNu si ark i the snow lear hti A mimic DM ItsCIirHifO And Latter IIlllnol track a iiiow jtlnjfli suitriirinn in n w-

tioutHllot it north or At Anne The Kant

pHirienicrr lOll on the patio runt due here at10 A II Is Inn bouml beyond Mazou

Mr Ilendrlcka ito fhlnesv IlauqiietINDIANAPOLIS Ind Fob 1GTime Chinese

residents ut Indianapolis wound up heir New Yearsfett mile with an elaborato banquet to night at Ihe Rrc-ond rr bylerlan Church for which they prepare tbIfeast largely from the products nf their nathe liltAbout two hmidrril persons tat down to Ithe tabletamong them was President elect Ileudrlcks

Tke Milter liar TkleT ArrestedIIUMDELTIIIA Fob 10Peter Daly formerly

e pawn broker who IIs alleged to hive lust in hIs possesilon a har of silver w clghlng I 021 ounces aud valued atf Ilt2i stolen from the United Mates Mint surrendershlmvijrtndav The tollmen left the United MateCommliisioiitr shnwed Ithat Itho prinnner coil tile bar ofsilt er for r u He w as tumid lu tj an tail for trial

The talilnet to bo JXnmeil this WeekAtnAsr Fob Presidentelect Cleveland

Informed his friends moth ay that lie Intended to ammtou tichis Cabinet before the end nf Ithe present week lie aIjohnshl Inaugural messge well under nay Hnth i numet nit iiiiKao with bo flnlihtd before he leates to-



Rhethans warehouse In Eufauts Ala was hurneyesterday morning with 1HOO bales of cotton Thu lotIs full fiuuouoThe mercer shop of Joseph C Arnold In Salem Muss

was burned yesterday morning also the morocco slotof Chrlslophnr Cutter nut the curr Ing shop itf UeorgHull A Co The Ijulldlng wus owmd my the estate ofU IllUm H Nlcholls Total Ilns IFIlllnl-

lColss Hotel lund 0t Kresss residence In Wetlsnorn Pawere burned jeterday morning emil the M lii telchurch was madly dnmaked Tliu loss U estimated atSI3IIIJO Insurant fJ5UK The Are was itnnhtlesi thwork nf an Imendlarv Tnenly persons narrowlmy rscaped manv In their night clothes only All ost thelpersonal tIled

lilt tIUYNMr Edward Copeland Wallace sal Miss Antolnoll

Knapp daughter of Mr Joseph K Kllapp will be marrlid inKt Johns Methodist Uhurch In Villlam burgthis evening A reeepilon will be hell afterward at UrKnapps reildeiice M liedfnrd aaemmu-

eIn August last the Ixing Island ibis Elevated Ilslroil Company obtained a charivr to operate n rust heire n Houth rerry ant Broth ii atenue on thecondlion that no part of the road should be ni rrated beforthe completion of tie whole Uu feb 22 Ihe com pinwas to decide whether thev would accept tIme charter ornot A few weeke ego II aikrd fur an extension ot timesand also requested permission tn operate Ihe roil Mbolt ae U was completed from Hcutii Kerry to FlalbueIrene Hy it unanimous vote jtsterday the Board ofAldermen rtfused to grist an extension vl Ibis artgrin Ibe rcqucit of klie coinraujr

x I


New Tarki Cmgrrm Asked la Vote f r-

Un Grants Hetlremen-tAinijrr Feb 16Mr Thachor the Al-

banian Democrat of the Senate Introduceda concurrent resolution asking the Now YorkSenators and Congressmen to support time billto put Grant on the retired list He madea spefiob In which pathos and buncombwere Inextricably mingled about writingour wrongs on adamant and our gratitude on-

the waves as well as about old age on the oneland and misfortune on the other bearing hardupon be General Senator Gilbert rantedabout the Republican Senate which ropre-onts time republic having passed the bill

to help Grant and said that it wasnot so clear that thn Democraticlouse represents tho republic In Its vitalirlnolplos tar It has to bo urged to do Its duty

Ho said that he favored the resolution becauseeulogists of Toff Davis are not wanting ontite floor of tho House and U Is time forNojrYork to enter its protest Mr Itoblj the conolentlous Honatorl from Now York was

the only man who voted ngalnst ItHe said privately that ho voted thusbecause of Grants connection with iliofirm of Grant ft Ward Ho thought It would bencourturlng wrongdoing Snnntor AI Uaggntthe handsome Solon from Brooklyn put In nbill to abolish thin City hull shuttle trains onelevated roads and to compel them to carry

passengers ito whole length of time route with-out


change of cars Senator Campbell tholorlcallooklng statesman front Corlears Hookput In a bill giving to the Coroners ot NowYork exclusively tho right to determine thecause of death In cases under their Jurisdlclion and abolishing the preliminary exntnlnalions of tho witnesses in such cases by IollcoJ nut I cos

The Senate adjourned early out of sympathyfor Senator Glbbs tho death of whoso only sonwas announced from thn choir

In the Assembly Mr Cantor of New York Inreduced an amendment to tho Civil Codowhlchprovides that Injunctions on State officerMayors Common Councils anti SupervIsorsshah bo Issued only by the General Torm ofthehiupromo Court


But If he Iloeant Verne Short Will be TriedAll Iko Name

District Attorney Martina salt yesterday Inreference to the sudden departure of Capt Ihelan fromtile city that the evidence taken In the Tombs PoliceCourt In reference to Dynamiter Shorts inurderoiisattick upon IMielau would be submitted to the Grand Juryae boon as 1ollce Justice Patterson forwarded It to tIetlstrlct Attorneys olllco Mr Marline said he regrettedthat Justice Patterson lit seen fit tn grant long ailjournmenus to suit Lawyer Jlmuir Olivers convenienceIlielan wouhl however probably return In tlmo tn testify at Short trial hilt If he did nut Ihe Polio roulilIn all probability make out a cuss against bliort vvlthuiit115 tlmony

The Ifitlinmiy of Phelan under oath was taken downby tie pfllcial stenographer In the Tombs rnllcu Courtand he was thnrouirhl eross examined Under the newPenal Cole the testimony of a complainant under onthat time preliminary examination may be used an i ompetest slit admissible trslhnnny nn tic trial uf tie defend-ant If the complainant utter KlvliiK Ills Icjtlinun tossout of the Jurisdiction of tie court

HurrALo Pet iCCalm Phelai passed through tiersearly this mornimron his way to ICunsas t Itt He wasaccompanied litn Oil wife 1helan sail In a Hullalnmanwho ttrarclltd Walt him In tIme tletper Mflttawan thatPew York justice was too coHtlv nil the constant postIloneniriitsof the tliort trial neru lmporlshlni himHe silt

Itlldnt cat to pauprrlre mjself while Short waswalkluir the streets under bit

A Supper anti u GIR of Red Ilndkercklcr>to Rnniluy School Teitctvra-

Tho young Chinese laundrytnon who attendCalvary Chupel In Iait Tucnt third itreet celebratedthe heathen New Year 3JHI In the chapel last crinlcj-yohllfflnly> ilnirntf Christian h > mnf readlnifelce

lions from the lllllo nnd KlvInK a tupncr tn their Amer-ican teachers nfl frkndi The only diitlncthely Chineie features nf the lupper were brown thin thetled-Chlnoie nun and brlsht colored paper nn JjM IU < JMarcel the Mllierlntendrut of the Chlnciie Kchool emittier unit dnen auUt i lu all worrt arnunil IIhelr lieksliltf tad1 hjnlktrchlcfi pre intK rrnm tIle pottS launftrjnun TIe 4iluliiih u hcT had little rcil rowtieft on I itolusts nf lhlrci ali Mevuri Ilmuif sue Jlin ii Icy IIIIKhIck OIo koutil tm Kun Jinn Imi Ien UnM Mot Mmltuev Kami Jo iitim ittul 01 ti lay uuiti lid intuIt of the

shitgIo atilt recluittc thuatunu it alter Its Rev ltrsamleries aid the 11ev M r Totnpkimus mutate turmef NwYeat slusecimt Tme lauuidmymtiu gut U the copper

The Twelfth nedmcDt IlrlllSix thousand people attended the Twelfth

Regiment drill at Madison t uare Harden last eenlnThere was a concert from H to Iu oclock ty the reglmental band Umi Staler and Ward levcrnl mcmheriof Oen Hanrorkn staff and filmier of hue Fifth Artillery review id the rtiflmrnt Th lirlknnp tronhj ii nithen prentntcd li a upercti hy Mr Robert I llelknaphimself I11 It a hmidiomo bronze siatuetle pn Fvnled byhell itip for compLtltlon by Ithe rompanle of the lintbrnrade It wia won by rapt Murphy Company Kwhich ranked hlffh Bt In Impniveinent smut aerakeattendance at drill After a tress parade the regimenthell a reception ant t alt until inormnif

Meaning of lyiumlieCulvert Fish 22 years old bookkeeper for A

11k true In llrnomo itreet lute been eel achioly sincethe death of hU father a few weeks ago lIe lIned withhi wife at 235 U cit I24th surest holiday nliiht he weto Bleep at the reiidenco ot lute brother Albert I FUh311I Hc t rtrntthlrd utrrrt In Ihe ilnht he n tiucedthe huuKhold br roHtiilun nhoiit I hit liilH ml kickingIInlhe puntlft of the tutors IIIis brother uvKv 1 lilmulmtits mmieamit bvactinir no ant he rallied that he tel beentormentedI Ity recIte Innlilch be hud bn n blon ni Ib >d > stile Then h s re umfd his IKicking of theiluorl

aud in lieu Interfered Hlth hi became BO viuknl that ftliollcemnn took him to llellouK

Fire la Ike Albert Flula at MuktThe smell of smoke caused nn alarm of limo

shortly before inldulKlit last night In The Albert n lungeapartment homo fit EIcMfiith street nil Lnhtraltplans The line Was fouml lo bft between the ceilhurnlJ JoneHn shou store at 4J UnUtrvliy pUce amiI mugfloor of tiniu 12 Thn occuiiants of this hultt PinsIliimptnn and list hlidrcn gut nut In haute and uuuuloconfusion Mllttnf his nthtr t nnnu hid lilt leni t chou v hut nfitv ink refiuu In the Until HI MvpluItt tenrln asia tbe lIussebird on lIe necond tlnosuit piercing the teIllit Put Iitie tore the Urciicn i UIout tie Ore with iemy little water

ObituaryDr F V Ingnlls one of the most promlncnh-

mmcnpMhlc ph > slclnns smug the Hut1 on II ten telIn Klnitktoii on Kundaj He was President of tioKingston National Bank director in tlio htiiKiton Satlnc Hank member of Ithe Kingston llullillni CompHiiand a thlrtrtlilrd decree MHOIII lie lint practicehomn opnth over twenty j e itS

climes K iowen lImo wul known lanpcr aol one n fhue KtnTHl counsel of tho Philadelphia and KealliuItallroad Company tiled at his home In Mlt Airy nearPhiladelphia 3 tturda nfturnoon

Yuur Cousin Vtmia Yin Mr lluvkcaJohn Ieholy of county Longford Ireland

landed at Cavllo lurilen esterdHy Ills cousin IIsMichael lltishrs a policeman In Willlamsburch Harristorn Ill Isliulnelt or some other tunic Peliily carefullylied up his ktlirs conlaininif tie dlrerlluns for hijtiomluy hut is Ingot it imiu the luitmie it ill liltI me has a hulacki mime cm litt auut us iii cc hillir 1iirITch Pitched Ii ii ic treirty of ttnuuiuiljli five Ii tifrouum tnuigfnrd Is euuesitul to flflhlOUltC mi liiucs ofxildace

Fftunri uked cud FrozenThe dead body of n man wits fount naked

sad fron Pint In Thompson avenue near the village ofVVool Kte I I yesterday mnrnln Theri were no Indlentlons of violence IllsI clolhlnir whir lIa such asmight lie torn hv a laborer was fiunutt n sinrt disuncrta a > In I tie Kniiili He was aitlareuhI v K tlvrun aim milnluiiit Ml > cars old Coronet OCoiuiell dues Out ihliuIhuru nae foul lltiy

SlAltKS IIIU1I TI1K TEIlWfli1ifIt Is denleI In cmclil circles In M 1otrnhurK thud Itheiutlan tInt eminent Intends to OCLUPJ Hi rntThis IXpcutlte Committee nf thin State AulculluraSociety lies drcl lt d to h Id theI lout minimi fain 111 11buy IiuKlnnlntf on Sept Ilu oil cloKin hept inThe wife of Minister Lowell Is senonil 111 in Iordon

tlhi sits taken let in lallldKoine thnMun with tihoUfever and has neter r cut end fruit ithe eiricts of ItTin police nuthurlllosof M IVtrrsium hare poitlve

informtttinn that Itiist IT who murdered Iol hueUlnthe filet ot relics of bt 1cttriLiir ili itcrcted itiItussla

The emtlni bollrrs of the eait Shaft of the rnal mine InFprlnitfleld ill exploded cehtttn3 mnrninr InstantlyklllliiK Ithe tiiKinetr nil him eliamm and wrecklue tiehulldmi

The steamer Alphono bound frm relic for Havanahtae fmindertd nt lirund i slier > Inlind rh Icmiiigereerew cmiiI treasure were cattd TIme cargo and muieltewire lost-

William W MHS PV lliodcfniltlii teller of the Dankof Comiiurcp Hiiltiinore yisterday pleaded Kulliy lto aIndictment fi r Mnbtuleinent nnd was itutiuced lolr> tars In the penitentiary ullh hard labor

This nmnaiferiof Ihe Womens Mlk Culture Astnclaloll uf this United Slate announce that uleos omnilshomier of Avrlculturr lorlnir comes Ilotlmlr aid they nilbe coni elled tu abandon their w ork In the i lniimgThu citIzen af Arcnta tal after comprlllm ISo Chi

lisle to remove outside tie city limits molt a meetingand adopted a rsioliuion pledvlni thrmvlves touso oillegal meant to pret nt the settlemeul of Chinese tier

The train heaving Philadelphia at II A M nn the Reidhug road was derailed br tIle rlopded tract at LamihornHtatlon Ia at about 1 I M yesterday The cars wetsthrown down the embankment and this pasicugsrbruised but none was serIously Injured

John Moors t railroad postal clerk runnlni betweenNew York and Ilttiburin was arrested In Inilsbumyeeterdar on e charge of robblDf the mall Marketfcllle which the lorpeetor bad placed In litmus werefouui on his person Moors Is of New York city

free csbi ill nltht from Llederkraai ball to UoleoM rsstuxsai 4Ah at aii4 OUt Iysd-





me 17rtvrioy OFKVROFK nuATS ramKXlKKT STAnilKH Of SICILY

Tnnirtne nt Each Other with Tflrelvelnt-llludeeOae Heart IMoreed Ariel Lola of AOrmaneileeA New stud Fzelllnit 1astlDir t-

Oipt Charles Enslcbrccht of Donmtrk 1-

rlio says be Is champion ot alt Europe andMarcus Han Antonlus styled Champion of Sicily make a specialty of flglitlng with knives < 4JTimey agreed to have It out for the championship of America and the world and 300 mon fand outs roman wont to Clarendon ball lostnight to see them do It About half of thecrowd woro Goruians amid the remainder Ital Vinns with a sprinkling of sporting men-


heroes of time evening wore blue shirtaud white trousers Antonlus the Italian woroblue scarf and was very big and black withfierce eye false black board fatso moustachealso eyebrows and false hair Ho looknd its

thought bo must win and tbo Italians greetedlira warmly Kngulbrccbt on thu contrarywas small with n faint yellow motis-nche nnd u broad haiti spot Hut

hue walked with n stole BO catlike and wiry minIgazed with such lndlfT ronco at his advoranrifl-iroporltons that the Oormnns took heart unitapplauded onthuslostlrully Nod Mnllalinu antouncod that time men won to stub live roundsand endeavor to tdercc time Imart of limoother The round wits to ooncliida vhnn Iliohurt was plorcod or ut thin end of five minutesEach unto put on nn ordinary ftnclng maskanti pntldnd fencing gloves A thickly paddedplastron was strapped Over each mans clinsfmutt over time heart win fnatunud a small roundbox like a bluulng box which would ylohtblood whoa pIerced It wits caled time heartA small brass buckle fanton it on time loft forearm anti n steel knllo 12 Indies long withlull edges nnd padded point complnttid the Jloulllt Nod Miillnbinrsnid TimVadUaod timenibllctoknop its eye on time bladders anti 3lin mon went at It 3First they stretched their nrmi antI legs far 7iapart to gut tholr muscle In oiklng order 5Then thoy stnmpnd tliolr font with n loud bang l

anti tlruw nods of approval from Mutsndn Hornklehl who ions tIme snout tIming hlmsolf En < tlbrochtiilgcd nround ciii tin hi F eyeingi thoitallnus hiiirt and Atilonlus wlioti hn saw agood chance juinpod forward and stabled lie jVMU mot half way and thn vhlnldn clashed antibanged bmieath tie rapid thrusts for nearly anlmitfl Tho Inca drew back to breathe anti limo jcrowd howiod

Thou thn stnliblngnnd clashing began all overagaIn limo men jtimi od backward arid forward six or eight foot at a time and showed somuch strength mind agility that even the box <ets udnilttid there AMIS something In It Atthn end of llvo minutes both men wero dripping with perspiration anti their patriotichookers woro purple with enthusiasm NotMnllntinn shouted No bladilor bust yetind ordered time men to tholr corners

Tho second round was like time llrst exceptthat time men stitbbod nt each other moroviciously and tholr knives glancing oft timeimall bucklers landed on time mens windolpeain a very painful way Title and lie next round 4


wore finished without time heart being reached <Inch bad been disarmed once and the honors twnro oven

llut Kngulbrucht was bngtnnlng to show thatlio wins tile hotter woe Ills knife thrusts wornas rapid as the stIng of n wasp and he seemedto bo all over tho stigo nt once Now doubledup to jab his knife under Antonlusa guardand now leaping Into time air to strikedown girth over the shlold In themlddlo ot the fourth round bo made n feint 4and grabbed both of his adversarys wilHts Afierce strugglo followed and Antonlus gotmay with his heart still safe But Kngolbroclit watt after him nnd flourishing his knifeIn every concolnblo alroction bo deceived thinwarv Italian and with a llnnl thrust landed iIihis knlfti In time middle of hU udveisnrys heartThat closet tile round with Kngolbrechthend ant tho Germane worn wild In their JoyThn Italians objeUod to tIm Oorman applauseand loudly advocated thiowing the fiat Gormanwho lad it out of tim room IollcomenB clubsrostorod order and ilio last round began

Antonlus know It was his only hope andfounjit mill ho knoW iutW Hut Ingnlbrechtdldhits boat nUo anti would not bo beaten liedlcarmad time Italian twlco thus Increasingtime advantage rlruady gained

No moro hearts hind bcuu plorcnd nt the nailof the round nnd tho match championshipgate money anti receipts went to time Danishchampion Time Germans who had rend lilaDMIIO worn much surprisod to learn tbathwas no German

Vrtrk of Ihe Ntenmer AcornCapt liolger of time steamer Alamo from Gal

Teston witch renchcd this city cslenlay repined thaton Fehi U he s iw a stenmer aground on Klbow Keefilxmile lutomitl Csrlfcet lieef 1 he sea was breaking over 4lust forward herb sill pIe scemrd to Ihe abandoned Hecouldnt mike out lion nnm After h hail been ashoreIn ton n a little wlille he learned that the apparentwreik was the HCIIHT Atom list Lrounded Inthe bU storm rin lh nUlil off lth H and w hone crewwon tnWn to gt Wtt iiy tho schooner 1ocattontapCait Duncan S hi ionnnntlrd mien went bark withwncktrn fruit ltp 1151 3just all en Ilie Ainmo passed byto jet o thnI Ilint and oil of lien Cong ihc tfraln waitruined This cirti nnd sti timer wtre conslKiied to Bellonl 1 Co of 4r iouili ftrut

The diiulers Elect fjliind OfdccreTime Grand lodiy of limo Grovlcrs hold Its

second eesiomi > etierdn hi IIU Eighth areuue Aboutfifty deleifatts were privuit reprehentliiK the New Ynrkand WaililiiKtoit lodjorf rjranl Chief ilrowler John IIConwa prrlled Tho nillccrs elected for the ensulnfpeer wen Truninn A Merrlmanl Orand Chief and tillilln a IF lSnit > Illrilidt hlef llrnwlrr lleorxe I-

eilraml Unllmjudi-UmUeld

t rit lert Ii amy ti lion era Irainl-eiltirt Ion 1 draiiil Hcconliiiirtrowlcrlibn 1 tlii liliili U ralt Mnniicloi It roomer foilMiininirer trnii Krror lliikf tiianrial Irntvler Jolm-nrerII ttulWi traml IIcu t Dr NnllerOn1 I II It

SprujfU Inl J 11 Jrnh J K Klsher and Wllllnm HrfllIrtiltee The trail Ludtru will mevt In iVamihumiglomonext year

jStranded lit Cuetle CiurdeO-


Archer who arrived by the Adriaticon Mm la > brought out vK girls from Illrnilngham payInk their pnonue sot eipcimes lo Santa Anna KenTire of the girl lat erenlntr were found In Castilnrlon Tile iiiI thilr tickets but no money to buyfood Ihivtrl lillirly Tliet salt that Archer ajviriied III u HiriiiinifhHin hItter fun ilx girls toxotaKmi ns rim her mirls ltd knc on but the gIrls itCihtlc inrd n couldnt trael without money and theydidnt know where A rchr was superintendent Jacksun 1dm I heconld nnd work on ibis gIrl If they remainedliens 1 lucy nld howeor Hint If they illdn t go toKnnsAS mtiey wished lo return to Intfiand

A Viiman Full lletwrfiii the CarsAs Conductor Thompsons train drew up at

tho south Sorry station of tIe vleated railroal at 7 lastniirht a stout tveli dressed lady not out Sims slipped onthe platform timid fill betwieli the ran Ohio wi severeI cut nbout ithe fnco unj hush and uas unconscious fornell time The rallnmd otllclals sent her home but reussd lo gui let name

Fbi Wcnlker VesleirdnrIndicated by Huilnuts thermometer 3 AIfsloiii MI1 ° a A M t7m IJ M W t 3 3U I Jl 41l lUPI M V 01I MMI °

i 12 SlId Jin Average 3I °

Atrutoon reh Id ItS Ills

The Nlsjonl oac IrsidlcllolColder fair weather winds shifting to west

ard sjuth euerally higher baromutcr

jomnas Aiiuifr ionsI

Theodora Prnst of 77t Second avenue fell from a lidder at isa Vrsukiio Street ynsterdap aud fraciured tillskullIt Ile retorted that Paddy Ryan and John L SulllTait

will he matched for f5tsj a side to tight In few Orleau-ou or about kastcr Iomlay

Nathaniel Pope ex cashier of the London end Liverpool itt iolfl Invuraniu Company gave Ouuo mail> enterdny on Ito charge of embezileinent

William Charelt a bouncer at Theliss In Fait Fourternth street vm hvld at Fsiex Market esterday fogaisttuUlutc Henry llunhei of JV East Kortleth street

The Roy Cyrus II Iiuraud assistant rector of LaharVCii tint has aciept l a call to tho rectorshUi of HtPiters Irotesiaut picops church lu rukiklll u-w

<III enter upon his duties In Marchhue Ins Commission was esterdy requested by theAldrruun to furnish Imifom mat ui about the ost of ficht

imie tho city bj electricity and the aitismilitus Anti Uivadvuntageiot It as compared with gas 4The inemberi of the Produce Eichanfe atameetlnjf

hell Pesi mriiay formal profiled aifalusl the laseltifenf Aoembl man Shrrmans bill to regulate tIe elevatofhint storsgu charges on irrain at this portMayor Grace has tetoed the resolution nf the Alder

tuten Iii favor of usemptlni dlxhamed soldiers sad saltore and exempt llremsii frnm the provisions of thochllsirdlmie Ian the Major says lu wlshei to gist the lawa fair trIal

A mass meeting of thus hrlcklarr of this city illl beheld ou Thurs lay reb IU atllrutoort Hall forth Ionrose of reducing the number of branches ti thl cli > tdtwo unions an lnllh speaking brtucli sad Uiirmkuspeikliu branch

Thus meeting of the IlrUfe trustees pet town or yeSleplar has icon postponed until nsxiTiiMlar fresldent Mramihan says there te no foundation for a rvoortthat an rlort r null te made to rescind inc resolutionproMJlng for this reduction of fares on the cursThe charge of seduction that Nellie llort who was achorus singer at llarrlfan t Harts madeegalnst JamilV Walsh a leather merchant at IHI wllllsm street wasdismissed yesterday The technical dirge of abductiuu

will be up before Justice Ollelliy this afternoonThemes II OKeefe a special customs inspector atChlcrgo who was icIly in unearthing the smtugllmt

operations of Mine Arllne once Mrs McLau hliu wusapoolnted by Secretary McUulloch jslrdKy spciiaiagent to succeed the late Jimmies W Davis of Uostou

Senator elert William M Fvarti amid Frank lnomlargued yesteiday brforu Judge Freelmau adrmurrctoiheI co njilalnt of John Nevtton in his suit against tieSaw irk Central and lludsuu Hirer Itallroad Comlint to restrain the payment of the dividend ot I4 peltiut umi Ims uvuiioiui tuck PicUloa Was feestli-

