the sun. (new york, ny) 1896-01-12 [p 6]. · 4 i if t 1 t a i 6 the sun sunday january 112 tan0 j 1...

4 I t 1 t a If I 6 THE SUN SUNDAY JANUARY 1 12 tan 0 j 1 1 l l r IN A TREE BY A IfllBfllMOE 4 cooXnVx4rZ4X1ZJVWCA2IZ4T- s JSKDt D TfITir A JB0 8CAHS ThinK About Htenhn County thitt Mii k Coon Like Isrrealtarlllesi or Goon ItnnttoB TlerA Nurrow KMKP Ordinarily MM Packy Orlsirold of tb- taVo Keukn country up In Stub county there tnt anything About cn that i in calculated to terrify tho hunter although the occasional treeing of a wildcat or a ba Instead of a coon baa Win known to a- Mlowi hair I It didnt leave him hot of ft- irood bit of Ihuntodcoonagoo1manrtd- ftT I j and never jet got fooled by ft wildcat or abcrvr bijtIcamoutMno4ro1ng lcro t death by a opnonlhtaln1 one corne- t and jet led yo I think of hunt tton Isnt any t Vvj In the country Where leS coon bettor loves to toaka his horn tan In the ration about Luko Keuka Tho oon likes flsh Iron com trLs and nuts H would have to go 1 rood ways find better I fishing ground than Uo water In that Dar of old SUubcn There more inllk to acre In the corn they ratio around there thin thor 1i anywhere else Wben1tcouesto fruit It 4 would be A greedy ooon Indeed that wouldnt l Itlo with a atxtymUe circuit of vine slf choicest grapes to Bl oat from t IY nothing of the acres and acres and acres of peach orchards and pear orchards and plum orchard and raspberry blackberry and trawberry patches that ho can or dee have the run of In the Lake Kouka garden spt Ae near as local statisticians havo able t aertat and their figures are accepted a aut rae growers although the lat ¬ say that the figures are low If anything- the I j coons of tho Lake Keuka district get away 4 wit 800 tons of grapes during a season count days as a season This Is at to rat of are tons of grapes n nlih for coons tee only at night Experts coon economy old Steub hav ciphered It out that five J a meal I the average quantity of grapes with which one coon will be satisfied As figures wont Ho I very simple calculation- will f show tht therefore 3000 coons are In tile habIt revelling silguuy in toe uuce- Keuka vineyards There are sixty of f vineyards and it seems 1 pity that m- le sta ttc exports couldnt have msdo their fig ¬ u tht they could allot an evcn number of coons t each mile but figures a I stubborn and 1 we aro obliged to know thAt according t them there aro thlrty three coons i and u thIr of a coon going for our grapes on I ever of vineyard sixty nights of tho So you seo we are well to do In coons We dote on hunting coons in our favored bailiwick but It Is hard work It ctut half 8ha though as I must bo to mend b 0 fence 0 leaky for I Know lot folks up our way who hunt coons every but who wont risk their strength mending fonce or fixing roots not oveii for u t dollar and I qutl a day The reason coon hunting Is work in the Keuka district Is that the hills are high and steep all around and when n coon tinds out that some ono with- a dog is after him ho tears right up the face of the hills W the very top and we nave t tug t and climb and cult and bibW I tell you fol- low ¬ him Thou those hills are cut In t two very little distance clear from the top to tho bottom by regular canons some of em more I than IWO feet cjeep The muart coons hide in l the fastnesses of those dark ravines and thel f what are you going to do Sit down and wear a little may be and then go home rst MM you want to rout up another coon anti > take the chances on treeing him where you can Set at him The night I came pretty near being scared to death by a coon I was hunting with a friend- of mluo from the town of Wayne Wo a good dog and we werent long In ha a exkm He took a bee line up the highest and steepest hill there was within flve miles nut OUT dose wa up t tho tricks of Lako Kouka coons foUowe him so close tat the ring tailed thief vineyards tree Hn had managed to get to the very highest I ou the hill moro than 300 Wet above the pint I Tho night vvafl dork but when wet the tree the dog had r tlie coon in I t dis- covered ¬ a him all bunch on a t limb ten feet from th ground ge- e dog had showed so many ti In overhauling the game and c pint M thought it wouldnt be more than right and u fair that ho should bo encouraged anti reward II eti by a tusslo with the coon so I got ready to iltab the tree to kick the coon off the limb down- to the dog The tree was 0 goodsired chestnut with spreading limbs rahel the branch where the con was ho ran out towaid l the the limb and made his ttand I crept along tholimb unt I came within kicking j distance of the The limb was too big for mo to shako him oH Thero WI another Umb just above me 1 reached up grasped I It with one hand and aimed a tremendous kick at the coon It hit him and knocked him the limb The forco of the kick broke my or on tha limb above and 1 tumblul off with the con I caught myself with one arm on tho limb anti quickly grabbed tho limb with my other hand anti saved myself Tho limb f was only ten feet above tlio ground and I lied I Only a cuutrin of feet to drtp ns I hung but I nuug on aud listened to hear thu coon drop and t tho dog pitch l on him I didnt hear him btrlkr but after about a quarter of a minute I hoard a sound as if something wero crashing through a tree a good wajs down the hil Petty toon t a similar eound canto up trm stilt further nvvay thon Interval another further down than tho second and at last n distant the dul thump u of borne object striking I felt msel turning cold I remember working along the limb bacb to tho trunk of tho tree nnd Hlldlng down to tho ground Then I quit rcmcinburlng anything when I got back to consciousness my friend had me stretched out cm tho i round and was I feeding nio whiskey Uyundb I leincuibcred what b occurred I Sm said I light a match and see If my 1 hair I turne white Sam match and hold It to my head but my hair hadnt turned 1 havu nev cr boon obi to understand why It had a right to bo n8 white as n grave tone That chest I nut tree stood a toY feot from the eden of the deepest ruvlnca along the lake Wo f t knew the ravine was there al right hut It novel occurred to mo thnt limbs uf that way out over It They did though and when I kicked that coon und myself ott 2 the limb I wubiit bunging almobt within reach of the ground as I supposed but wus suspended tn the air wltl nothing under mo but ion feet of I If 1 hadnt cauuht mjeelf as I fall i or If I had let myself drop us I might J have dono without listening for the coon I t I would have chased that coon t tho bottom of the cation and well hero are pleasanter things to think of thal what the rest uf It would have been never hunted coons much since that night I dont eay that that Is tho reason why there are more coons up In the Lake Keuka country titan there used to Uut I have my opinion about lt b JtADOEn STATI FURS 4 BOle of the Vnrltttta of Pelt Hecnred by S Trnpptr I In IVUcoBiln Fiom lrt niut stream American trappers saul that the gray wolves of upper Vlecolell were the largebt In tile Unite They drove the deer a good dcnl of seven wolves had twice crossed their Int that winter und they hud poison out for Wolves swept aerO s a giont deal of country thirty forty fifty miles or more and did not remain local Iheljnc 1180 travelled a greet deal A lynx unsully around again In about seven days tutU the wolves one e Into oh three weeks though not so resularly ait I the lynx The oiler also travelled a great deal I but y was Irregular U would uomotlmes Unvo the water courses and travel inlh HTO R dry di- vides ¬ to entirely new country The best place to trap marten wntt along the high ridges between watorwnyii and Unit was next IIH fisher i Tn jy often caught lUhor but never aw tOf urine American trappers rated tho tux the hardest animal to trap tho wolf next nnd the utter third lo catch n fox they often made u boil of uhaffaiul nut him to lying In Itor fooling around 1C the trap being set under thuchnff Or a trap wa net nt a plice whim sevorul foxes seemed to lop for n certain purpo Or a tux could be cauuht sometimes by puulnl a bait a little iS 1 out In thu water pad thflllUlnl1 t moss between the bait iLlt trap hid under thu moss Tho fox natllk II t wet his feet would step ou thu moss wolves the usual way wan to tint out poison strychnine Often they would not touch the poisoned mOlt Fur otter It was jiecoiiary to ute not leaving any chip or litter around Our trappers usually caught them either on a tilde or nt a place where they canto out of tho water not where thoy want lu on the otter slides with hits net doubled under and would be apt tn the trap With his body It was a good sprlnl drop WiY nvtlekor limb on tho shin of the cutting It dowl nnd letting It fall naturally so that thu uhl not escape the trnp to easily The trap should never beset In thu middle of the slide but at ono hlr ns th titters OPt are HO wide aPr and ho would not b eaught should bnsprlnc the with Ills hl For otter HAP Mer If tiny wrro trapped steal deep water n sliding polo was usually used arnlel with thu small I end stuck down Into th The animal when trapped t plunge into the vvatrr and tlm llnl of the trap t chain slip down along the polo little Flubs j nf his trlmmedofT boughs event Ihj ring from Ilpplnl hick up main arcl the animal otcr rlluuld not tic hC Ui tile F5 MiiUTivcr nlnn ilars nr the fur will A few ds h inuko iiodl7iienr it Itll lnhoulcl L- oTLlt fti MouielosU urelQn V i J i 4 rritD DVOCS oJV ttta tovxo- flnif at Bt tam feat Dtttralty JE K nee la dettlBK Near ThSlis The recent heavy wind storm and cold rain proved a blessing to the wildfowl Shoottrwhoie- buslnns will not permit him to no far from homo The exceedingly mild weather had the effect of keeping the fowl very wild and very wary Except at close dusk o nightfall it was Impossible to find them near land The storm caught the birds well fe In anything bnt good muscular condition scrap with the she ¬ ment and buffeted them hire and there 1 for days after they wire tired stiff cramped and littlest and glnd to stay In sunny quarter and huddle np olDIe to tho ro beds for warmth and rst Those fowlers were able to take ad vantage of this fact reaped fine blp and especiallywas tblsbo oase along the From Throggs eastward to New Haven It a good sevontymtte stretch of feeding grounds and those for days have beon alive with duck principally black cot waders anti some ow brant Old duck men say that when a storm like title last ono strikes in from the nortbar all the birds to tho north of the on tho open ocean strike In for the sheltering north shore of the Sauna and that many of them battling np pat Orient Point see land and slightly relaxing their shone aro whirled right across the water Into the south shore of the Houndnnd then fndlntbomlulves still exposed rest a whllo btor across to tho nurth shore for One old man said that the day following tlio storm fowl wore passing over lk flocks of SWAmp blackbirds dropping here ad hero alt no the coast as far as bo could BOO Close to Hhtppan Point at Stamford there Is a quiet pool of water ringed In with trees anti covered breast high with reeds and rushes and hero last Saturday a local shot lay In tho reeds for three hours with 0 call anti never n decoy but his own dead ducks and from 7 to 10 A M he bagged tvvcntythreo birds This pool Is on the old Lester Wallack estate now known a Grey Cliff Right along the shore from hero north there Is good ground and all that Is wanted Is patlenra and practical knowlcdc- An tn how llttlo thlnir will secure the intention of tho birds I Is cited the trick of an old colored man who went out banksglvlnl morning with n turkey wired It floated It In the rees and called down eight ducks ovent- uaty iii riirtr for tllntAt nnil ihn think r At Pelnam fiayanhit1o j nt Indian Har ¬ her Greenwich both within an hour of New York aro good spots A flat bottomed bateau well masked with a few dozen stales or even with only n good caller cal work havoc with the ducks after a blow at spots At Indian Harbr especially the bluff runs up qui high affords full shelter for the tlr hungry fowl Sneak boxes are plenty at these places and they are nil very well as as they go hut unless one Is ac- customed ¬ to them they are liable tn tilt over nod a wot skin Is this result The best mask when all t Is said and done IH made with 1 few boughs wattled In and out with mlt grass Sculling the boat along by means of a single oar projecting frum a wellitrcused rowlock at the stern tho creeks cnn be silently nnd when tired of thnt the stales can explore and the boat anchored In the open Tho great trounlo with those nearby places Is i that so many green hands go down anti they vl persist In tIring twelvoboro with n range fifty yards at a duck or brant which I Is at least one hundred yards away and so stirring thu fowl up fur nothing and to t great extent spoiling the fun for older and more experienced hands Many gunners are making th mtitako of not taking heavy guns with them Guns which will bo nil very well alter two or three weeks of frost In the Sound water are no earthly use just now they do not kill far enough 1Ilkhllnlnernle- of S00 shots made this year oplnloluf the writer that the range average was very near seventy ardl anti this meson a heavy gun well t shout a good pattern The writer prefers No 4 shot although suuiu uso No 0 and drive with a heavy charge Although the decoys attract attention as usual up to date In these waters the fowl havo been very shy and oven when slanting In and alighting they have not urnS right In among tho deoTs1 they will later but have nit tied away preened them- selves ¬ und fooled around often rising nt a long range and olnl away again without nnpronch- neany Then nothing nut a cartrldco with lIttle beef fat and nil rll In nmoni thn shot Is any Uso and oven then fellow behind the stock must know how tochoot with For heavy shoulder ignite Lucre Un H I recoil pad The old one wax simply a thick trip of very fine rubber und jt die savu thu shoulder considerably It held clo The iw Idea Is a meumatlo pail which breaks the force of thu oncusulon wonderfully anti has only tine draw- back ¬ that It I Is rather baggy When tho 01 Is pulled up quickly It tho gunner slides up along his cost as he Is very liable to do It will flattennnd bellable tospolihlsjim Avery little practice with It hoeyel will give the motion or throwing gun from the chest when raising it anti so bringing U Just us ciulekly bore In a horizontal direction t tbe shoulder from lie south shore the Sound un- to date are not encouraging slid tburo must lie- n change of the wind or Some leo lu the water for a few days before them IH likely t be any radical chance In this direction TnB r 7RI1 nvaarAic A Hlacnlar and Uont Itarartannte Mlihap with an Unexpected Ending In a hcuse that I was loolnl over In I town up the State one night tho retired burt Ilr I canto acroui something that I lever stuck but that once In nil my experience strange a It may seem and that was 1 lot of wedding presents all Just as tie were ar- ranged ¬ for display When I turned my lamp Int the room I wished I hind brought a horse and wagon there was 1 good deal of It that wouldnt have been of any earthly use to mo jut It scorned a pity to leave any of it behind Hit It I couldnt carry It all off I could havo tho fun of picking and I started to look the things over They were arranged on tuhlou and chnlis and on the floor around on three sides of Ute room on the side opposite to tho side that I md come in at and on this sides to the right and left running around thoso three sides In a sort of Irregular order On the fide where I was hero were a few chairs I thought Id start In on the left ont work around to the right anti I start from the door and hal gone about step Then I wont through tho Moot as IVeeemod to me but what I i hud really done was to step down through nn open register I suppose homebody must have dropped something down through It and have takon It out to get It and forgot to put it bark Thoro wns I wire Bijrcen under the resistor over the pipe opening to keep things from Iropplng down the plno lint It wns very floe light wire anti It didnt stop mo at all I just Mid down Int the pipe pushing bat along un ¬ der my When I dropped Into tho i bad ben facing to tho left In sumo pip I wont I gut skewed around wi that when I got dowl as fur as I did go I n as facing to tho that is toward the cciitro of the rom Tlio pipe didnt un straight down hut I curve I had thrown up myhandiiasl went down and 1 nuppcse I mloht havu gone plumb to tho furnace If I tndnt clutched ut the edge uf the register opening anti hung on A minuto hnforo 1 wits going to tako my pick ant roomful now where was 11 I hud Htarted across tho room carrlni my tol bag In ono hand and my o DI shuck when i went down hud shaken bau out uf mi hand but I had hold on t my lamp though It vvim lying on Its Mdo with my tinhorn clutchlne through the handle Tho falling of thu tool hag and the striking of the lamp on the floor and the sCIJplnl of the wlrn gauze down tlinmuh the must havu made all together n good deal of noise anti I expected ovtuy minute to hear somebody moving about Btulrs and coming down to haul mo tout UI did onto tUtU I set my lamp up strnUht and after Id waited n minute or two inure I tailed to BCO If I could haul myself out A a I lay in ttiu plpo my head was below the level of thu hoar byu great vifort I could ralto myself 8 that tho upper half of ny head wits above upuntng hut nn higher thero wits no room for plan when I gut that high I found myself with LHJ ellmtm lose to my indy and fairly uecltftd Into to pipe I couldnt wit any higher I lot myself down again anti after a whllo I pulled myself up again and hold on by ono hand arid held up the letup unit IIunllt round uu Uio things then I let again und wondered whnt I was going to du OWI wnsn only uncomfortable then In the position I was in It WUSllKLty hot sail uUp103nt every way If I go uldlt kno hit Id suite down against the furnace uf course I couldnt bliind It for un Indefinite length cf tlnui und won Id beon In the pipe I Khould Imagine about two hours I mad un my mind that I wouldnt try t lllllt tiny longer Id gut to Connie out Iinklit Just ns veIl cono out them In fiut hotter fur whllo- tho chain en of my getting nwuy n1 wnr- ouighty email they would lo better tl lt night than itch would bu In this duytlme- di linndo up my mind to klok 01 the pips and wale up thu hnuso and Invo the thing tint lIeu Su I kioked once tvlce anti then I kicked again and by i mattes I kicltul tin pIpe boil at my tent thorn Wli u joint I tivio 1111111 kicked It anat and sections I was duwn with my weight nnd 1 blldnut on thu cellar hour I the nuffcilnu down of that part nf the plo detached It frui thn tart nhuva and It fell cellar Hour ulraildo of me That made noise enough to woks evcryliudy up thero couldnt i ny duubtabuiit that I went out tho bauio collar winnow that I cnmo In by bf t was lie llm and only such lut of Cuf that I 11er tnol In1llneler 1 rut a uf U I mjiXUu Btluf toots iind u Ui fn tilu t < I o 1 i1 tt J 1 q NIGGER BENS GOLD MINE A FADrr BONANZA iOVOtlT IFOR A DESERT JV ARIXOXA- Trttdltlnn Mays II of Oria V la ned that It ztstaeS Se K owa to the Tam lBdti > DiIlTc Lost In the Bnrh n It A new try of a lost gold mine Is told b the Arttorui ltpllMn of Phwnlx with a snranco true anti that It ha never before appeared In print Lost mind arc nu- merous ¬ oven plentiful In th Southwestern Statesat least In the belief of Very many miners Every once In a while a expedition- Is formed to search for seine alleged mine of fabulous wealth tho 6ltno of which has ben a cherished 1 period dating bak anywhere tram twentyDvo years to tho times of tho cliff dwellers It Is not recorded that any such expedition was over succcsful although the record of failures 1 long Several of the mines of tho greatest alleged richness are located somewhere In tho great desert region of Arizona and southern Cali- fornia ¬ and not a tow minors have lost their Iho In that waterless waste In a vain search for wlllothcwlspi Ono of the most famous of these mythical mines Is the Lost Dutchman supposed to exist somewhere In tho Supersti- tion ¬ Mountains of Arizona anti mAny old miner have set out again and again to find It but always to return unsuccessful Some of tho most pitiful storlft of failure and death In the annuls of prospecting In the Southwest re- late ¬ to searches for lost mines These lout mines are sometimes the table source of tho wealth nf the Indians and Mexicans but generally are sAid to b the chance discovery of some prospector who has returned t the border towns with 1 store of big nuggets Lat no curtain knowledgs tlie locality where ho found them Perhaps most of them happen t b located In tho terrible desert region for reason that tho dhcuv ercr of tho alleged mine H often n prosjiector picked up on the desert when almost at his last gasp by n chance pack train lie may have Leon prospecting In the ilcseit have found sonic gold lost Ills way and become half in ¬ sane from heat thirst antI dread and hit sto rice have naturally been tinged with delirium Hut they have turmoil the basis rf many tra- dItions ¬ of lost mines of fabulous wealth and these trodltons today are luring miners to disaster anti often to death Tho last story Is of a mine called the Nigger Don The story Is well known to oldtime Arlzonlaus but efforts to find tho inlnn In years past havo always proved to disastrous that It has bent little talkeTl of lately The secret of the tomb IH paid to be known onlybv n few head men of tho Yuma Infinite and the tribe guards every approach to thu mine and In somo- wnv or other diverts prospectors from It Twentytwo years ngo the star runs Henry E Peoples and a party of four men were ulacer mining on Itlch Mil In tho Krndriliiw Moun- tains ¬ In Arlorn One of tho party was a negro named lIen brought from Alabama by Peeples Ono lay a Yuma Indian appeared nt the camp anti remained In Its lcinlty for a month or more A friendship sprung up between lien anti the Indian antI lor stile favor or other the Indian otto buy told Ben ho nould give him a bit reward and utfetcd to chow him where thero was plenty of gold Die whole party wanted to co but thu Indian refused tn take any one except the negro lieu and ono day the pair etartoj away Day after dnvpnsfcd and Ben did not return Mid after three weeks of waiting tho unrty broke camp and started on his trail They tracked the Indlnn nnd negro up the Arroyo de let AlnmoB to liii Junction with the HIo Santa Maria At this point the party saw Btralsht- abend anti seemingly hut two or three miles distant n coneshaped irountiln surmounted l liy a sharp peak The party jtartftl toward tho mount iln and whlli making their way up Mi arrnjo tron with tin boulders they came upon thu skeleton of n man A slight examina tion Mioncd thAt it was liens Coyotes anti other animals hod cleaned the skeleton and tho clothing was scattered over thu Iwulilers One of the party picked up tlt coat nnd found the pockets bulging with somo very heavy HUbstAnce It j rn > cfltn hi gold Tie other unrnientn were honrc hed I anti nugget of gold rniiKlnc In flro from a pete to a pigeons egg and amounting In viluo to nLmil SflOOOwcre round The party conjectured that tho Indian had conducted Bin to tho mine and then haul r trrette < l doing so anti through fear that his tribe would learn of his trencher in divulging the location nf the gold Imil accompanied tho negro part cf the wuv back antI then killed him Tho early remained In tin vicinity for oev- rral week searching for tho mine from whIch the gold found nn lion hut teen taken But their search waa trill Ill Iecnlcs built a hut on tho Big tandy near Signal Ariz In order to Ixi ncwr tho supposed mine and he spent the remainder of Ills life more than a dozen yearshnntlnff for It but In aln A few years after Nlggor lIen was killed a Mexican who WIIR prospecting III the supposed locality of the mine met an Indian uf thin Yuma tribe 1 Ihto Indian took a grout fancy to the Mexicans saddle The Mexican lId not want to Part with it and finally to get rid nf the Indian said Ito would sell It tar a douliln hand ¬ rill of gold Tbo Indian grunted ast cnt and asked this Mexican to remain whom lift was until next day I Jun next afternoon this Indian reappeared antI handed to till Mexican a nugget of gold iii large as a hens egg The trade for thin tmdlo was of cours made at once and the Mexican tried lined to learn From the Indian where tho gold came from But the Indian shook his head anti rode away Since then the search for Nigger Bens mine has boon taken up hv mnny little prospector antI by a number of welltTiulpwd pirtlea hut unmicccsfull Sum of thin miners who have started to seek It have never leturiied and their skeletons have been found iv later treas- ure hunters with Indications that they had been murdered l supiiosedly by the Indians who feared they wero getting on the track or the lost mine hut the tradition of Nlscer liens mine I Is till cherished among mlneiH In the botithweKt and the hope In still tttrong that will yet be found PASfOlt HCllKKIDKltS UAJtKIAGKS lie IVrfnrmril tlio Ceremonies In IdOtt tend Protmbty Itrnke its IVorlrta necord Pastor Schneider who marries nil the east sIde girls anti their young men has just flu nhecl figuring up the number of ceremonies he performed in 1R05 and lute found tho total to- M 710 This I is a record or records for It bents anything that Pastor Schneider ever did before In the marrying line anti yet for the hauL five years ho hits held tutu marrying record lu thii city and It is doubtful If any other min- ster ¬ has lIpsed him during that period Pastor Schneider Is n short stout good natured German with a Khlny mId head anti a gonlnl sinilo that his rent coitrngu Into the hearts of many n fultnrliig couple whoso nerve failed them 011 this err edge of matrimony lie lives III tho blx fourKtory brick house at ion Second avenue right In tho heart of tho Ocrniun colony and In one winslow thorn If a big glass sign which reads Pastor Schnei- der At tilt hours nf the day anti night tho genial acriran U ready to tie loving hearts to- gether Ho will tumble out of cllln response to a ring at the bell at 9 oclock In the morning ns wllllugly ns he ould walk Into his front room and confront a blushing couple at the vauie hour III the afternoon He never hits a worth of reproach for anylxidy who tonics to him and I U nx full of advice ns a 1nndon police- man and un careful of whum ho marries os a Quaker Fur If Pastor Sohneldor married all who clime to him lie would Indeed have his hands full Durlnic the past year he had to turn away nearly sou coupled whom hU conscience would nut allow him to unite In mnrrluge anti thoro was excellent reason tor his action In each case Ixator Schneider sInai not mean to havu a hand In any fatal mur laces When two youngsters come to him a most Infrequent occurience ho sizes them up anti dnniaiKls to know what they want Whan they till him ho put on lila most fatherly nuillii imikus them sit down nn n lounge side by Hide nnd then clrnwu n chair up In Iront if them and sOls himself III It Ho lisa a stock lecture fur uuch occasions which run some- what as follow Chlldruii you are both too young to know what you one dciliK arid I cannot uarry you- o back homo and walt a few years and then If > uu aru uf the name mind cams back hero ugnln and Pastor bchnalder will he only too glad to make one of two such faithful hearts It would be a great mistake for you to marry now and you must not think of doing It This l Is good advice my young friends and show jour appreciation by herding it Olive In a while tile youngsters grow defiant nnd toll the pastor that It ho wont marry theta theyll no ID tomolxidy vise who will but nine tines out uf ten thing look very much ashamed nf themselves when the pastor finishes talking and meekly withdraw after promts liii to think tim mutter over 1nbtor MhnelclerH Income from Ills mnrrlauo- ctriuitinles Is it very considerable one The fees aver Hu nbout Si aud during 18US he nocumulcted a tidy sum In tills way A Bun leiortcr called on tho heCtor tim other day anti tried to got him to lalK about himself and about some of the marriages he had per ¬ formed but Mr Schneider declined to do so I du Riot want any publicity he said I am proud of my record tend do not object to ulvlng jou the total number of I1Mr lUlu 1 have utrformod during the yvr but further Ulan that 1 will not Ilk jAg nk J to- f r IOU lri JltANrlrAUrNO itoaiR- fsmltsi or Vslng Btnn bonnd to Catch CrlmtnaU la the fur West lYtm lli Son > Vonc co Kramlnrr The Die of btoodhonnds at an adjunct the Pollee Department Is becoming more nnd more common In various sections of tho Union This Is particularly the case In the fcC West During tho days of slavery dogs were used throughout this oath to run down fugitive slaves but for runny years alter I tho war man hunting with bounds was almost unheard of Now and ngaln It tens ttltil but lack of training- In thedogsand perhaps want of patience In their owners brought about su many failures that the practIce was almost forgotten Ten years ego when two desperate men held up a train on the Atlantic and Pacific In the Southwest and fe cured many thousands of dollars In booty a ranchman In Arizona offered to trace the high wax men If n BUfflct nt force for their capture- was furnished him and a reward for his troublo offered These preliminaries bclug settled ho appeared on the scene twentylour hours after the crime had been committed with n cou- ple ¬ of not ery dntiitnrouslonklnjt dogs and a rifle lie was ragged costume and apparent ¬ ly infged mentally hut as tile result innveil knew That he wins about Keep your eju on thom dogs amid your bunds on > nur weepon hates going In bu more or less tun wss mull he had to say to hN associates tu starting Ihnu days later After a weary cha e of many ml lea over ouu of titus roughest trulls In the win Id tho dogs came up with Rim cornered thu hluhwny rnen The latter killed both of tho dPRis but be ¬ tore they could tfs rnpo the Pursuing puise was upon them nnd they curreldered they after vfttdconfesntd tin Ir guilt and told where the booty wits hidden Nearly 501101 tries re- covered ¬ Thu nrnoint uf money Involved I anti thesnllsfnctor work of the bloodhounds revived the old practice of tiallintc men with dogs anti there are nutty hundreds of the iiefiil anlmnls In tIm possession of tilt pence officers of tin West They are carefully bred and trained for the police duties In California the Sheriffs ot a dorrn counties have these fuurleiored deputies and nut mire aucntly they prove inure faithful and successful than tholr twoleirneJ asuclates Tho best hounds In California hare hrei taken there from other Stntift where their breeding U mudii- n buslnexs isuuie uf the anlmalit have long prdlurx8 The J rmnliitr told lectnlly of u ttituthbu addItion ho tllU Shtrltts force at Ne- vada ¬ Ult 1 It I Is a llvemonthsold pup chris- tened Jim lludd after I the Uovernnr uf Call fornifv You tot Jim i ItnilH iS ns linrti uinlil Ito green mull ill alit B of old Vermont nt the ken- nels i ¬ uf J I It Wiuchell ut Fair Haven Ills sires oOlclal nniuu un the iccoid book of this Knullsh lilciHllictliiil Club of America I is Chnmplon Vletctr IDntlS ami hM maternal nnresiurV lelnllolI l on the saittu archive IS Clumplon Judith lIblO T lit reit u Due hens In his loudly tied a Iremlni and n Netor showing a union of nobility unit brains not tar back on the corniest in tulor llm I is black toni tan anti he bus a inojth that alone I Ix worth an- nrfenal or rltlesnt nnyjall A nutnralboin man titiller Is thu ineeing citarat tar given dull by thoSherlir lresno hits six bloodhounds tho genial burglar who hni been liming n good tints for months pust I Is ifilniibly Ootiitiei lug n change One of i his Fresno dnjs I Is l htj thb famous 1 Lend- er ¬ who hiac itittu roil aunt ii tt alt i iiihtiurs than any dog llvlnc III one Instance Lender took I Its trail uf a robber four days after hu had left tin huuite in which i hestajel I nllh the dUI fol ¬ lowed tlie trait eliduiand trieU tile inin Sheriff Jack Inn of Stockton isis the rpn till Ion of being one of the greatest criminal catchers this iest He uses sIx duct anti In on thu tilt with I I Hum all I till time I 1 lcrlltO pet U by Old llntnulu owned by this State uf- ArKnnnns anti Impurted from Unhn All tIme dugs united liy Mr Jones ira either Imported Ci bans or froui Imported ituck Monterey county I Is tune of Bitch vast shimon slons and at tho tttou time > spnitely lath ittted that since the dnyst Vnsquez the tIs derndn Its rolling hills densely tnvered with clmpirnil nnd I It t tlllo lietitta ittiti al ways pint 011- 1a refuge lur cilcnlnnln Owing to tile almost Inaccessible dltrlcts I t I In t the cininty Mierllfl i 1 I L Matthews tate tin necessity of secuimg blot hnundf tn help him In trailing refugm In INIIII heient tn Kitnchtlelil the overseer of the con I let tArm at CuriollV PrairiK Icx for same bloodhound lie oon hart cattle to put them In mini tervlce fur shortly utter Iheir arrival the ilopredaticitte tonk IIMH at Seaside ulid 1n- clllc Gnn for which Amos Virgin Is rutty sect Init a life sememe In fan Ouintln A few munths msgii the hounds cjtd tile county n valu- able I ¬ set vice In trullnu the murderer uf Culi tiittr I Ilalnen I I vho ii its shut and tiled below Solednd Tlui follnned l the trail fur twentyfix miles II lit II they IOU nil tho iilminnl Fur tho moat part I these count and othcis Hi d this clogs so useful that the animals bring very large prices mm- I I here Is considerable literature m blood hounds One of tIe Lot Minn treatIses Is by Ethit itt Broimh of ScnrhorotiKh England Hu tells how pups nhould fed on ontmenl por rhlue stout ed sheeps besot nnd ships biscuits anti gives minuto directIons to training thu youngster to Hunt the clesn Iont lieu tbs rourugos lie l practice of rnlilnng blond un the hoot of tin man who I Is l being experimentally chased fur trnlninK purposed and favoi3 the clean boot every time Mr Brouch Is quite an enthusiast In the bloodhound mnnclmsliig biiblness nnd to him It his AH much fascination as tennis or football- to thou sporting talon ol quieter taste He sass among otherthlnlls Any i nn who Is fond of teeing hounds work bnt who huh only n limited amount of country to hunt over vrIII Und nn Immense amount of pleasure III hunting n oman with onO or tuTu cOUDleR of bloodhounds In such cireuriihtain es- t is a great convenience to be able In peieel the exact course which could not ha untie If limit Int stints anlmnl nnd n variety of dllTerent- toiites can be tontrltml civur limited uruuiid I know nothlni more delightful than to see blooclhonnds working out a scent carefully nu- ttier ¬ viuryimig alrcuinitnneei nnd to hear their Fonnrnuf deep belllike note there Is tint of course tIlt slightest danger to the t miner ovm I If tint founds hvd never seem him before When they have coma up and I MillTed him over they manifest no further interest III him 7 ji no van SIHKHIA ox A nzcrciE R L Jefferson t > r Ioniton Plnnntne Q 31 Oo fillS ICIdvt In time Hprlna Mr R L JcfTerton now rfsldlng In London Is arranging for a iiSOOnille tour on a bleyplo lit hs nlrcIIII made a trip to ConHnittlnnnlu anti Moscow on wlrcis The feat he now con- templates ¬ will completely overshadow nil pre- vious ¬ expeditions The Siberian wilds liars been crossed by horsemen anti travellers who have been content to stow themselves aWRY beneath the furs of a slnlgc lint no man lint jct attempted to picrcu the solitudes of Siberia alone antI mounted upon the Iron steed uf tuinal Invention Ho Intends to start early In May as time Sibe- rian summer extends from Mny to July Ho will take a steamer to St Petersburg and pro- ceed tu Moscow hy train ns no iioful pnrpoe would be served by lila riding on a bicycle from London for he hoes already c ov ered the ground AVhon bo wax Inst III Moscow he discussed the difficulties of the Journey with several of his Ittuslin friends The first difficulty will ho the question of the machine Hula I lowing tluco bicycles specially built for him Inch will bo of the pneumatic thud pnttcin They will tint bi Inn light for n puncture ur a breakdown would lit most undesirable Should et t bier nc cue t hu will be nblu to repair lieu iii met lit ito him- self ¬ Tn provide ilgalnt the event of n hash binnshup I lit will Mndtwn uf hilts machines to- tliu InvMi of Tom ILII thii inpltul uf the proximo of that name tutU nitimted un the trIal trading highway nf Sllierln from whence they can be bent by train or Icdsc When ha starts from Moscow he will try to follow the great Siberian highway and the route mapped out by Jules Verne nnd followed by his hurt Mlchncl Strogolr Follov Ing this route he will pass through the following towns Kazan Perm Tinmen Onikk Kolivnn Tonisk Knn > k and Irkutsk The lust Is time rtIslenceuft- hus Unvernortinneral of canter Siberia I Is a town about twelve hundred feet above tIme level of Hid sea anti tnjois n very henlthy Illnmte though In winter this cold lls st severs ns to freeze tile mercury Here Mr Jeffersons bIcycle rOle will end The greatest ilunusi uf the journey will bnthu wolves hut Mr In lie r son think that a good loud lunch l lien will frighten thorn away even its the sleIght bells du There I In uf elOiSe boini feat uf thu various predatory band whom lie mime meet upon tho l Meppes Of theta the Kurds mil tlie Cnssuok will liu tho worst nnd it < hu gets as tar north as thin province uf Toin > k hu Will meet with tho Tiirlnrs on the opo of till Ural Mountains Jut ho hiss been told tint If he rube un quietly ansi takes no mitlci of any tan these prcdniuty Jiord3 will not Interfere with him Hut nf thou h he has selected thin great Siberian hluli toad h will If ilecunary leave time beater tract and make a beo llnu for iris demluathiii by the compasK When asked nitwit the river lit said tlmt he nntlclpaled no tronblo In this re- spect ¬ as they are all bridged Nor will hu have any difficulty regarding food for as In British India thero lure In Huxiun Siberia I Government posts where a trnvuller can obtain both food and protection for tire night This distance from Moscow to Irfuitik Is roughly oticaklnjr HOOO miles And hu will nllow himself three months for the journey Upon arrival nt Irkutsk he will be on tho borders nf China where lie ItaliCS tn join n caravan tool proceed to Pekln From Pekln he wilt travel In hrumghal where hu wilt embark In a utentuer for home In the event of being unable to travel through Chirm he will return on tile bicycle to Tomsk or If ho can obtain n vehicle a sleigh 10 fur example he will Journey by this mean and then take the train bt Tomsk for Moscow He duel not expect to be troubled by Hunlun om- ulnls In Blfwrla to the cams extent AS be wes during his blcrcle ride from omtnntlnuple to Moscow Ills jounirV will I be purely onto nf pleasure hut at the same time he hopes to odd couMtUrnbla lu the geographical kauwlbOge of till country through which lit Will pass = e t FOR UNGJE SAM THE rnsnatt IKOvtc irttiz vs The Nurrpnr > r Tlmt Fairer Enajmid Do Mo Rcprornt Public Opinion FrnoerS- Vom In rattle M Henry VIgnaud first Secretary of the Legation of the United Slates In Paris ques- tloned by one of our coiifrtres of tho HI Mat made tIn following declaration I Wo 0 Americans who love Frisbee sire pained to tee the error Into which the Frond press tint fnllon A great mnny orgat1 go ot halt cocked and draw from the message of President Cleve- land ¬ the most fantastic conclusions We see astonished to nnd that this French pros Is no favorable to EnglUh InlerojU France nevertheless has never found tile United States against her We Americans liava prvod sufficiently that we cherish the rrcollfctloll811r tho war of Independence But one would Imilglne that there won a determination to de- ceive ¬ publlo opinion In l nnco In regard to American policy Otherwise wiry do they seek to compare the conflict w hleh France has with BrAzil with tliflt which luteS brought out the English ultimatum- We hasten to reassure the dlltlnBulihed Seo rotary of this United States antI nil his com pntrlots trIo are astonished nltheextraordlnnry articles of certain organs of the Frsni press Lot our American friend guard against errone- ous notions In regard to Feint c lAtthentsrck not l Irl the lines which Imveexcllcil them tho expression of Trench feeling And If they wish exactly to know vlmt our nation wishes what sits feels aunt what she hopes In regard to thin AngloAmerican Olincully hit turin hd good enough to wnlt tot n few dm after winch they tslii ho astonished nt time vxplolon of eympnthy which will burst forth In their favor For this journalist who IIAVO dipped their pens In the Ink bottle presented to them by Lord DtifTcrln contempt Is sufficient France anti America cun ni ply to thim tnu words uf iJnnto- Aon intflotilnm sit l tttt i ra ytiaiiJn pawM Let us iOt stop torpvakbf them lociK nnd ues on They represent neither the tiUhllo otilnlon nut tho ptcss they nmruly speak tom tlitm solves and that Is less than nothlnu llttt let us sueftk for France The proud IniiKuliae of Pr oil dufmt Cleveland lies created n profound Imnrts stunt hiuro If Freneh patriots toe a little time remain silent it Is because they wish tn bo ctr thIn hint this nustBge UH betnrtnlned by cove CCtlc acts and by virile rrsolullolis All thin mensurcs that tliv Inlled States may take to nuxtHlii VeiiezitvlH which niirmcnts right sOil enknrss nualnst itiululnl which roiiretiviib- ihrutullty and usurpation will reivlvu tin vn- tliusantic npproUJtlii nt tire French pvopi- Thoitnalugy that I Is cnucht to tiu KlnblWifil between bitt Chums that we have on acecimmnt or the nets if LrlnnluliiRo which nIle Ctmiitryiiien limits been this victims of on the lirarllluii fron- tier ¬ and thn Intlnililatliii which England is lixlnj toss runi Venezuela lculc pull her and tsp pies lnr IH bruihtnl aside by till solislblu men Wit call fur thu Jnit punishment uf Infuinoua- biiinlits beyond the pale of civilization Klin Unit on tlu toiUrury attempts to npprnprmio unjustly a iwrtlon uf the a merit atm let liter If this sluitiise cioctrugie Id uppllcublu tu her It tan not be lutukccl iiKiitnst Fruiter Tin United Htftles huvc imuHfuMeil uji to the prociu llinu lit theatre to throw niDthliiK In tire way of our IrclllniHtH ehiinu- Thu Mnnrou doctrine which England holds up ns a caret ruw bulore tlie once or Kuiopv In reality thruitens only tier tsivti ovcrtrinvlnp artiFice lire mitragtiHH noibliin anti lieiIn- tultriLla manhi fur mcilillliii i In I tv nlliilrs of alt nutloTii At the present time tKnt duelrlne- In only tint Just and rcusunalilu nnirmntlnn uf this American law against that iUluu litw of thu moat urrozunt tahiti the most loof- nntlono It iiruhfiit a tulutury lum tu the repe- tition ¬ of avis uf HrltUh tyranuy Sons uf this French revolution wr lire obliged to admit that America holds traditions anil prin- ciples ¬ by virtue of which we ourele Umnuvd thu fuuu ttt tho world > hu roerit wilts nor nnicld tire liberties that me threntcncd untl she tu > 4 to Great llrllitln aLciiBlound to frlKlitun lullenlnteH liy her iltlinatums 1 tithe under lmi > urutettlon those whuui you wuuhl upprefs- ou i must nut utteniutto touch his indepcu- tUiiio sstt hint nntiun- u oniihr unit this attitude N worthy tho unuioust recullecllonsitnd of the mut HtIen- illd vxnniiilen In unr on n hiMur If thlf boll nttltUiK In Ununii to result as MO think it will I In the backdown of KtiElnnd nnd tan humiliation of tier undo we wilt nnlut It In nclmlriitluii If It IK tu be conseuralid by anile 1 ranee will be thrilled from this tthorus of tho hirulln In those uf the Mediterranean Every tulinnn eliot which will be nreii from tie Auiirlcun lde will Unit echoes almost Irnternftl in tie hi nits uf our iiuntrimen AntI Frnnre- rejmcniited liy century nmy bo able to do fcouieihlnu mom titan utter good wishes to tie cause of iiulepundeticu IIIT 41L5 TUB 1IJIIP IndlcutlanN of nn Obscure flames thnt Is- Kllllnz Them In rake Erie From Iht Iluflato Courier There are two Important dangers that would bu likely tt ensue If thu ilenth rule In Itch con tlnuen us It limes been doing fur Kinio time pint 1 lij Ihstof these dniiiiers although the Hoard of Hialth dtuws lust consider It great Is tie effect that thin ilead Hah would he on tlin citys water bupply Tlio other and Important ques- tion ¬ of ilunger that nnsus Is tInt depouulitllng the lakes of fish Ever since a week before TlankbKlUiig Day dwellers along tno lake rhnre have niitlied numcrnus fish being washed up on time hhore Little Httentiun was paid to tho mailer at iirt but iliirlni this past week the number uf halt wuthed Ui hu boon eogreit list tha attention of lie HeHllh DonarLinunf wrta called tn lie matter Dr Thonms II Carpenter of tie department was orsiertd to it tltfatD the matter by Dr Vendc hast Tueday Dr Carpenter went up this treks shore ns far UN bton Iulnt until nil along tho bench lie fuund dead Unit utnountlntf to tlinnxttmlA In tIre ncgiecate Vesteiclny Dr Cniuenter tomb nnother allday trip up tile lake shore On tho beach abuts Mithlunr xtreet he found ynune I ibt lint had evidently linen thrown up tomo dajA aso At preccnt UH far us could be teen noun were being asked on Hhoru Further up this laku Inrne yellow pike wtro found but this nmjuilty of lieu were younic Pike whoie age seers probably one or Iwo year Owing in the furl that so few itch lira now belnu- wiuhcd up Dr Ouprnter inndo arrangements to hitvo apeclmvni stint to loin that were re- cently ¬ thrnnn up br this navti Yestenliiy a banket uf Huh which contained such n clmens wise received nt the Health De- imrtiueit Otis tiC the lIeu was it mngiilllceat block bum that must hnvo welched ut least three pounds Near the lull of tins helm u roil epot wits clUcernllilo which tire Doc tor did not consider Impurthtit bciansu he felt certain that It was it brutes Ansther of tIre Itch wits a large rrllow pike thnt must weighed In Otis iielKhborhood uf three pound The reinuindrr of i the contents of tire liskct went pike prubiiolv of last eaMins production All of thelUhhsd Mtniulent stnd In their gills to caue their death llijond thlu puKKlhhi atio of the dentil of tint Hi no other vvMeneu ninlil he lutind In the Miperjlclul sX nuts iisutlssn uhlih tests rundr Few black listsui ale cnmlliK iluwn nt pienrnt A fort of Klfniy I aesret Is set nr lun ouKKruwth was found In konie or the tint sit Icr pike Ileililei thh tho pill II of K no iii the llnh iippenrcl to ho Inflamed line probuhly to t thu mind I they ciMitnltivil- bcunu people saul Dr carpentei accept tho trust lint the llsh hate lain Mind ullleil The bill rliiK unuf hiss water which us oil hul hi jig thupand up from thiliottum ansi uiue tints hni lueli ijulte general durlnt the Mat few wvelcs unit ihpeuhtlly she rilig t the pat few days liegiunshlng tIre qhiestitiim its tn lieiheror not tho llhh weru destrojtd I hy the dredging taken from this IlnUaloOreel near the chiSmitttuil wurki- aiil tl multi id olf litany Iolnt the Doctor thought there was little frill nsiuut lint fnrn rentnn In this lilac place themi dumplnicK have born dleuiil tin litsi fur eomn time ansi In the second place nut Ing to tin tact quantity uf tustor the pollu ¬ thin nuld tint bi grout eiiuiigh tiuUstroy the number uf fIsh found thun Car nnny It usas thniiKht by fruit > that dynnmlters- mliTht have caused thus wholc > ftlode trnciion While the Health Department hn vlil iio hut d > nainltlni t hues been dnnn by iirlalo parties It iloen not liclUuo trOt thIs iuur be I llm niiniH for thu reason Hint idtnnmlte chugs wiinld truly kill thu lush Irolillily u llhln n raillnn of llfiien flit t Irom the jlncu while the exi lo > lon oc- curred ¬ Olltldoit lists olrclo thrift would Ua Irju w 1th ainut a UUUfoot radius In which ito him nonld bostunnrd but not 1 klllrd Tho fri iituhik i nrisuu tIn I sill nfl nn tome of this their may l aa oluilon hut I iiis aim In not run Sldeiid I ns h tho sni u t lisa by ir Cnrpenier I who stIrs tlmt such A crowtli In unite common cm In aeilMi I Itch eneehill I i I thovo winch fieqnont tin clean wuters Fishermen cull the plko a lazy llli Such a fish touring through unclean water would naturally tall a victim to a funcims grcstu tin which In liiHtnticru might fventurllf cuiio death 1 litre nru filthilY conlllctlna imlntu about thin entlrnmatter theunly tiinuihleresultn thus fur ached tielnirthal the young blug pike and large jellow plku that must tome from deep water ino this principal victims IJieru Is 0 d unites timnumg milmon which msnlfiisiu it self by a grate I tli sI iii lIar tu the funuoiu necretlon found un > stit errlmuyi tPfdmcnH in the oasoof thu million tho growth cant its way under this skin nnd necrosla IH tho renit A fueL that Is not gunvrally knnnn h bust thesedvndllsli havo haiti found us time up tire lake ax Angola Whnt makes title matter BO dllllcult to handle Is the act that there IK no lIttle literature anti KII few authorities nn llsh sltsuoitaes The state monte made by old fishermen donor tIme laKo- fhuro arc therefore valuable Amnng other thlnBH tlmt theiu men say Is that large numbers of these 11dm truce been old In the city Where Huh Itch hiiiuo been thnruughh caotioti DrCar- penter ¬ says hn ha little trite of danger In short he estyc the CBUIB of this death nf thus fish l is as much of nlilnnepui left tTBr Only n luctnrloloulcal examination wilt tlvO the tru ru ult Such an examination will bo wads J cilcftooic ttArti QtricEn HADXT- BNv r < ie About Their DoMestiC Mublts- illr orlbr 1 lir is Otmiim Oliarreer- tsipaltr cuckoos have been subjected In a earthing Invnllitntloti by Dr l H Iteh an orni- thologist ¬ ami hu linn discovered h number of n w antI curious fnctn about their elotmstlc- hnblts which are told In n recent number of Nature Within a toils of Lilpzl In 18H1 seventy neSts containing cuckoos eggs were found Of which llftyflght belonged to this red Lacked shrlkr In 1BUJ lf It eh illscoUrird titmut five of thu last yenrn frniulo cuckoo had riot returned whllo there Were eight net corners He was Ohio lo Moutify Individual by- nls ellNcovtry that the eggs of every female hare n color peculiar to It nhd conslint Uucltuoa return every 3sitT to tutu tnmo pluco ansI plneu their eggs only In the nest of Hint pnrtlculnr- ntclri nf births which I they or their ancestors happened to tellot fur that purpose lively mpg triO therefore be Identified und thn number laid by ally female determined pretty uccinuulr The joiini do tint return to their blrtbplsro- M breed or If thcv do nro driven away mend pre- vented ¬ flout layluiti supine hi their purenU Ilia evidence for tills Mule ment in ilint this numbers remain nearly thn fivme In each locality and tint thin eggs of tire daughter while slinllnrto those of tinmother wuiild huo slight illtTer- enoc wherea nil rugs picKUinablv stew to the dltrlt are totally dlllnctfrom tho typos of trite Inld by the lucnl I leO Our I om nretmiro prullllr thrush U commonly sUiUu ed They luy un jir every cither thai from h the tnlldlu of May to tint nilddln iifJuly T and nt t llmiM Iny nlm eveiy clsy forrdinrtierlnu > Sometimes jutu elite tire found In u stogie neH l thiesu cant belracisl tu pnrllculur bltds that tiCs umtimlly nodablv It Is well Known t hut cuckoos egg lound lu tIme neHlmif MJIUU Hpecles ol butts rliituir widely IIMIII tilts smother vvllo I theme found I in thu nesUs nt other vnrietlrs bhuvv great blmllnrity Ur ItVIi points out thnt this 411110 variations occur i In I the eggs of this Iritetu hiss eggs of the ridliaekwl nhriko Mum ucrent variety In coloration as do tin cuckoos iiiund In thulr utuste while wrenV eggs nave great uniformity eif culnr which U ulo this cnse- vvilhthcM viiikiHi intruder It is niggcitid- lliut t thin emeriti liii ii 3 Is due lo tint nuturu of thy food nn w hlc h tire J iiunc birds arts retired whieh- U ml I ed r in the caa uf llm thilke hut lushly inn hmiriui lit thai of tIns wren Tin nsKumiitlnti Is- mado thiitiUtkniK intuitively elect for I ihelr eggs tire neMsot thin upvclviii by which they were I leared and that each npecles of trust thus vors uliivi 0 itO lieu kind I ufrucKoo- Ur Iteh iibu bellevrn thnt cuckoos first de- jwiili theIr igus stun lit ground und then convey them to I he neht selected I Ill ono iest ncuckooM cite was ftind smenred with rush eui Hi like that found In the vleliiltj In nnotlicr cites iiinulou- UuLnu WHUeeii nulnllv leaving 11 shrikeVilest pursued by the inrurhiled l uccupivnt On the dug before t the net Init I been examine I atiti mitt ugg discovered befoiu Ihnt ufteilioon u shrlhcn egg hnd heen been 111 It nnd utter tie clnue- euiknoB us egg was lound by lib aide Thu mulo cuckoo hail probably iimvv uwav tot hrlke on huh l5tt0 tO give Hi femalu un opportunity to dtpoak an egg In thu nest 1VDIAX IfIIh4Je2flJE How n Hlncle Plecun rnnied for Seventy nod u Irovv Fooled Some Costejlten tram fit fltrffalo Kxprt9 A member of tine Canadian Mounted Police Ltctlt McDonoudi told lire call Capt iur ella ut the OltlceiV Club the lollowlncInci ¬ dent uf n band uf Cieeumd u cnlltary Plugun Indian which is novel nd Inlrrratlng It oc- curred ¬ about lush miles fruui tort Walsh A lentil of Cne Indlann woke up out Miovvy morn- Ing tu hunt thnt alBJut cine logon of their choicest punluH hind been run oil during the night Pur suit VVIH burnt organized und wltin u few hours u tresh trail teas found In tie stnW tier fol- low ¬ nut the trail somo thirty mllou It entered u river bottum und headed fur a wooded island in the imuisiulho sit thus river bmoke tries seen rising from time trees and an upeiilni which seumnd to be the moiith of A tore appeared n plain view Presently u single Indian u Piegnn uhuwed up In trout uf the upenlng lie was In war puint nt d there wai a dog nt Iilb lieeU Pretty soon tub dot ocunted tile Ciees und began growling unit harking lire ilegan looked up glanced u uiuuieUabuuthlm and then instantly entered this cave In about toni tecnnds un tlur Piegnu enufi- urnund tho rucks ind also went In then nnother und another und another lucre being but u few seconds between them Thu Crecn lay silently In this bislc watcnliiK- nnd couutiiitf uutll upward ut lltty PlegniiH hind tome around this rocks nueV one Into the cave ind Mill thej kept coiulne vliat itemed remarkable tents tire luct that suit these ladlaus- vrere to nil appearances exactly Ino stem size vveiedreased curd painted alike each criieil l a rifle slid must remarkable euch seemed Jittle lame In tIle left foot liiuplug slightly They were u grudy crowd and the Cro ° s counted Sov only nf thom Tins aupurstiiloai- Crccs naturally concluded lint the evil spirit hail something to du with it fur timers wa no doubt that there were seventy Plegau Indians on thin inland who were exactly alike So thoroughly were they oiled with the isles that this dovtrvvus mixed up with the mystery that even when tire reOntorcemenU arrives which was In a few hours they wore reluctant to attack tine Island That night one Cree less superstitlou than tho rest crossed over the lou tu iiivesllgnte On approaching the buppused cove he wits surprised 10 fluid H was no cave ut nil hut simply un upuiitng leading some ten test Into the lock whore it iiihdn a turn mend cams uut on thu other alclo required hut a glance to understand what had seemed so mysterious before Titers was but the remnant of a blutfia camp fire tint poll Ion were gone and not un Indian wits In sight Tho apparent presence of- bluynlnc other warriors wu a sharp trick on the part uf the Pleyan warrior to deceive huts efirnilea und gain time for his escape which he accomplished in genii shape Wlillu It Is true that most roil turn are ri ¬ diculously superstitious anti others again so BtolId ami Indifferent that you mlghtenter their pre cnee with a brass linud throw hand aprlags ueiure iiiein smiles weep liSTs convulsions or dci sumo other oiitiagcoua thluig mud yet they will till and look ut yuu with a cola reserved glunco and dlslnteiostcd eye still there cue more who huve tire hump cut humor pretty well devuloucd und mere Intense ivncs In their own wny The Under ut Kurt licnbuld ou the upper Missouri untight n Tartar outs duy A lies Indian hued gIven tutu considerable annoyance by hanging around the htore In a halfdruiKen condition lund was told that In case ho was teen again with n bottle It would be taken away front hInt antI thrown unto the flee A few days afterward tire In ¬ dian appeared with n pint flask In hits blank- et ¬ as usual The trader was as good as hits wurd and demanded tha bottle which was given up without u word of protest anti then the redskin started fur the door The trader threw this flask mitt thus stove when baug went the stove antI out came thu windows tine trader following hunt he Mopped tu Investi- gate ¬ before throning he vvuuld have found tha husk contained gunpowder not whiskey bomu of Coxejs foot tourists in eastern Montmiiua were bniilyxuld lust spring by a mis- chievous ¬ Crow Indian who moved us sign on the innd to Hillings reudlng Six miles to Kill Ingsand stock It nil lii to trungti place Thu weary Coiniiumwritlfrs travelled six daa anti nlgliu before they cached that town mix sArKit FOJ- CHevrntyfour UANI Persona tVIII Hhnre a MUerly- Vumun Fortune Vom the Chteagu Patty rrttin- JrrrrnRosviui Ind Ian 4 The derision nf lmlgollib on of the Clark Clicuil Court to appoint u lommisi iuiivr tu dispose of tutu prop ¬ erty of t tlm lute tcrciitric Mrs fcurah Lttwmii itt i nils a cuu I icmarkublu from maui standpoints Jhu leeenl sleuth ol Mm Iewiuun and lure daiKhtcr n maiden lad within u short tlmeiif each uther I their nuppuoed poverty und tin un- rxuuctnl tlnddigof u fnrtute concealed In their huuritcuii od mentation at the time liar ud- iiilnitratorun Inve tlcntlng the premises found money hidden In the cellar In fruit jars cans the ultSc In eiuek under Iho cnrnW und lu hitch there wax hurcll ntrerel spot nrouml thu house trOt w hut c iit tiol neil either cold and silver ur bifls 01 large uteurisiniuusstisiurt notch nnd papers nfcrrut value bank Ixiuks repiesentlng thou- sands tiC uttshlitr of depoiilts tu c bouii I the plnci hud tu bu cinnidecl to prevent the Its vumsitu I liom I Illuinlly I I tearing it to pieces In their mad fuaicli for iildden trennure i iiKrerutvd leporis ut the It iuuh tire uf fabulous bum bprend over the luliborhucHl cpu this ex- citement ¬ vviia Inivnae llelrn ur purront clnlm IIIK lo he relatives ti irui hug up by tie dozens frun nil I civ er the country dematidlnj u unare uf tlio cHtiLt lint tiul iii I mum I rlttttr found tIn mt un cStints sit about GJUlUII lured been test by the ec- centric old vvoniaii An uiietlun of thu puii nnal- ctlcctx was mind which WIK hxiUnd upon mid observed us the event nf irs sssttiour In the upper end uf the county Politicians and prcitcner were iii attendance furnierinml tneroliiintu laid n lde ihelr dntle piepnied I limthes stud took their famllloH Hefiohment olinds slid u ruth Ing llllslll- Klvertliln was unenrtlitsl and bold from the ancient but cutly silk and Huiln guvvm ut tire deceuttitd to u curtoH last it IH even > nisi that un- utieniit win inudo in sell a second hand set of falku I teeth lint hswiu I lit rltlemi uf Mrc lewman nml hurduunhter were tliit they I lived ulmostln want vvhilvbiirroundid by plenty they cild not k iron us Just u tire tir uf earn wns I like und fur lit liiii yennt prior tu I I tliilr iJvutli did nut leave their lolnied Inline xiui In fo fo cmiirch Aicorclinj In tile inline itt I luduu tlljwm thu CommloBloner nppointisi t will I run vert llm whole CBluiu I lulu miner uinl divide it equally mnunir lliu ieventifuur helrk accorcjlif to thu ii grtu uf relitloiifhli h I In t thin sTory 1st person gel Ilmnn hue rnUel ninnnnt will reOlvo about fuoUU and ihu one pelting tlm tmalUtnl > oiu 5V6 Nut n Orent tlevenuv Producer roni I InlltinrtpolltitLtrnat- I see said Sir HnAhcrnft that they havo patted an urdiuuncu impotlng a Uuu uu city one who silt Fl re iii is cIneireim Oh wtili uld thu Cheerful Jdlot that sort uf ptewhlng lieu pretty unutAgons out of date soy nvuy 4 I AND NOW ST LUKES TRAXKttl XVnniSB DtttlirE ItEltEfn- rnoxt Tit AT ArjticAv JTVT What Chaplain Freeman SnyaVino Kolnfrn UscU by Tlioso Who Nuri tile Rick anti Those AVlio Minister to tlio Soul A fresh illustration of lImo valno of the right kind of stimulant In the emergency work of the world Is afforded by tho axprrlenen of the tfalnrd nurccn of St Lukes Hospital who have beau using nil extract of tInt wonderful African nut which hns attracted so much attention fro scientist anti which promises to supplant not only such dangerous stimulants ns alcohol Coca Hlitr r hut If Indications do not fall even those iommonly accepted household stim- ulants ¬ te i OnfTco and cocoa Tim troth of thn trained nurse especially In > great hospital Is extremely arduous These ministers of mercy tuTu called upon to exercise nil the faculties of their being atones They must rrtaln n pclcntlfio method and routinsi they must preserve calm of body anti mind so that tho pntlunt shall be properly encouraged nnd comforted Particularly roust they avoid anything Ilka nervousness anxiety and Itn- liHtlcnce > und yet on some occasions they must bo nwnko till night All the conditions In fact lure ngnlnst them Until the introduction of Vlnolfnlnfra through tIre use of the nut by th French nnd German armies antI by athletes ansi physicians no stimulant existed whatever were Its Immediate vantages which Is not attended by an Inevitable reaction anal In some cases bye permanent and noxious afterhabit The ab- sence ¬ of any tcnctltm or afterhabit in tint case of VlnoKolafra lusts been demonstrated In arlous clinics and In a very wide use on tire part of the general public often under the ad rice of a physician taking lie Initiative in pus icrlblng It Mr W V fiynril the pharmacist at St Lukesj Hospital hays nn Interesting account of the training which nurses have to undergo at the training school This training said Mr Ryard Is so sever that n large percentage of the women break- down under time mental anti physical strain be- fore ¬ they even graduate Only the strongest minds and bodies can stand the wear and tear Incident to this noble and Interesting calling In view of this fact any reliable stimulant free from tine objections of tea and coffee on the one hand anti possessing this sustaining power of stimulants which no solfrospentlng nurse could possibly take wilt Inevitably find special appll cation In this branch of llfework In the short time that VluoKolafrn lies been used by the trained nurses of St Lnkes Hospital I am able to say that It Is proving a most valuable aid to strength The nurses havo personally reported to me their satisfaction with tho now tonic stlm ulant anti any ono who knows how extremely careful in matters of diet they necessarily tore will understand just what their recommenda- tion ¬ Implies TJhoy work In the hospital from 0 A M to 8 P Ji frequently rushing out to duty outside There are no regular hours much broken rest antI many vigils VlnoKolafrahas accomplished everything that has been claimed for it send In sodolue baa undergone a remark ¬ ably severe test If useful to trained nurses to the extent of being Almost Indispensable women generally must necessarily find it a boon when ever similar conditions confront them In the duties of life- MrByard incidentallyremarked that he had made a century run on the bicycle together with a trained athlete One hundred miles were made in seven consecutive hours although an accident Involved a lame shoulder and halt tutu distance was made against a strong head- wind We came in fresh said Mr Dyard trUj nmphantly on one wlneglassfal of VlnoJ Kolafra before starting In these days of patent medicines which rely on alcohol and cocaine forv temporary effect VlnoKolafra deserves thai hearty welcome and recommendation it Is rosJ calving from all classes The fact that it im es1 I antidote for alcoholism and drug habits gen- erally will commend It specially to those who feel a mutual responsibility with their fellow men and women Rev Charles E Freeman chaplain of 8t- Lukes Hospital who bad found VlnoEolafr very beneficial not only In his own case but In that of his family was also interviewed I have found VlnoKolafra a most restful sedative otter a hard days work and everjvf Sunday I have relied upon It to go calmly through the duties of that particular day Any conscientious clergyman knows the Intellectual and emotional strain Involved In Ito prepara ¬ tion and delivery Of sermons and even extem- poraneous ¬ addresses from tha pulpit Many clergymen break down purely because they give out too much so to speak I have made repeated trials of VlnoKolafra and always with tha same beneficial effect I have experienced DO reaction and I have found ann title I will can dldly say I did not expect that instead of inter- fering with natural rest it was promoted by 1U Some time ago I had a severe attack of the trip and would have been utterly unable to do my routine work VinoKolafra carried me over successfully and us I have sold before I ex- perienced ¬ no reaction whatever anti the even tone secured by Its uso was maintained without any Interruption or letdown of the nervous system This extension of the use of the new tcnio stimulant appears to be merely fresh evidence vindicating a wellestablished theory of vast practical Importance The Inference Is being made by a large claM of consumers that If the Bterculla nut from Africa from which VlnoKolafra is made enables troops to march many miles and manr days without other food If In time International games and in tine contest between Yale ansi Cambridge athlous have token VlnoKolafra during months of training without ill effect re action or tho entailment of any habit only to ba completely successful in tIre rind If the letter carriers of Now Yorle If physicians in their practice built chit ad and at home find that VlnoKnlifru gives strength to the strong i it must nccucurlly give strength to those whom circumstances compel to endure unusual labor or strain or to tliune not naturally strong or are suffering from thus effects of Illness or a general running down of the nervous bystora- JohntoiiiL Johnson of No 03 William street have shown considerable enterprise In bringing the merits of the now tonic stimulant to the at tcntton of there less qualified to decide upon its merits A very large tale line demonstrated that the favorable opinions entertained by M many distinguished authorities and cllnle hays been based upon firm ground geM Adv I

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1896-01-12 [p 6]. · 4 I If t 1 t a I 6 THE SUN SUNDAY JANUARY 112 tan0 j 1 l l 1 r IN A TREE BY A IfllBfllMOE 4 cooXnVx4rZ4X1ZJVWCA2IZ4T- s JSKDt D TfITir

4I t 1 t aIf

I 6 THE SUN SUNDAY JANUARY 112 tan 0 j11 l l



ThinK About Htenhn County thitt MiikCoon Like Isrrealtarlllesi or GoonItnnttoB TlerA Nurrow KMKPOrdinarily MM Packy Orlsirold of tb-

taVo Keukn country up In Stub countythere tnt anything About cn that

i in calculated to terrify tho hunter althoughthe occasional treeing of awildcat or abaInstead of a coon baa Win known to a-

Mlowi hair IIt didnt leave him hot of ft-

irood bit of Ihuntodcoonagoo1manrtd-ftTI j and never jet got fooled by ft wildcat or

abcrvr bijtIcamoutMno4ro1ng lcro tdeath by a opnonlhtaln1 one corne-

t and jet led yo I thinkof hunttton Isnt any t Vvj In the countryWhereleS coon bettor loves to toaka his horntan In the ration about Luko Keuka Thooon likes flsh Iron com trLs and nutsH would have to go 1 rood ways find better

I fishing ground than Uo waterIn that Darofold SUubcn There more inllk to acreIn the corn they ratio around there thin thor1i anywhere else Wben1tcouesto fruit It

4 would be A greedy ooon Indeed that wouldntlItlowith a atxtymUe circuit of vine

slf choicest grapes to Bloat from tIY nothing of the acres and acres and acresof peach orchards and pear orchards and plumorchard and raspberry blackberry andtrawberry patches that ho can or dee havethe run of In the Lake Kouka garden spt

Ae near as local statisticians havo abletaertat and their figures are accepted aaut rae growers although the lat¬

say that the figures are low If anything-theIj coons of tho Lake Keuka district get away

4 wit800 tons of grapes during a season countdays as a season This Is at to ratof are tons of grapes n nlihfor coons teeonly at night Experts coon economyold Steub hav ciphered It out that fiveJ a meal I the average quantity ofgrapes with which one coon will be satisfiedAs figures wont Ho I very simple calculation-willf show tht therefore 3000 coons are Intile habIt revelling silguuy in toe uuce-Keuka vineyards There are sixty of

f vineyards and it seems 1 pity that m-lesta

ttc exports couldnt have msdo their fig ¬u tht they could allot an evcn numberof coons t each mile but figures aI stubborn and 1we aro obliged to know thAtaccording t them there aro thlrty three coons

i and u thIr of a coon going for our grapes onI ever of vineyard sixty nights of tho

So you seo we are well to do In coonsWe dote on hunting coons in our favored

bailiwick but It Is hard work It ctuthalf 8ha though as Imust bo to mendb0fence 0 leaky for I Know lotfolks up our way who hunt coons everybut who wont risk their strength mendingfonce or fixing roots not oveii for ut dollar and

I qutl a day The reason coon hunting Iswork in the Keuka district Is thatthe hills are high and steep all around

and when n coon tinds out that some ono with-a dog is after him ho tears right up the face ofthe hills W the very top and we nave t tugt and climb and cult and bibW I tell you fol-low


him Thou those hills are cut Inttwovery little distance clear from the top to tho

bottom by regular canons some of em moreI than IWO feet cjeep The muart coons hide inl the fastnesses of those dark ravines and thelf what are you going to do Sit down and

wear a little may be and then go home rstMM you want to rout up another coon anti

> take the chances on treeing him where you canSet at him

The night I came pretty near being scaredto death by a coon I was hunting with a friend-of mluo from the town of Wayne Wo agood dog and we werent long In haaexkm He took a bee line up the highest andsteepest hill there was within flve miles nutOUT dose wa up t tho tricks of Lako Koukacoons foUowe him so close tat the ringtailed thief vineyards tree Hnhad managed to get to the very highestI ou the hill moro than 300 Wet above the pint

I Tho night vvafl dork but when wet thetree the dog had r tlie coon in I tdis-covered

¬a him all bunch on at limb ten feet from th ground ge-e dog had showed so many

ti In overhauling the game and cpintM thought it wouldnt be more than right andu fair that ho should bo encouraged anti rewardII eti by a tusslo with the coon so I got ready toiltab the tree to kick the coon off the limb down-

to the dogThe tree was 0goodsired chestnut with

spreading limbs rahel the branch wherethe con was ho ran out towaidl the the limb and made his ttand I creptalong tholimb unt I came within kicking

j distance of the The limb was too bigfor mo to shako him oH Thero WI anotherUmb just above me 1 reached up graspedIIt with one hand and aimed a tremendous kickat the coon It hit him and knocked himthe limb The forco of the kick broke my oron tha limb above and 1 tumblul off with thecon I caught myself with one arm on tho

limb anti quickly grabbed tho limb withmy other hand anti saved myself Tho limbf was only ten feet above tlio ground and I liedI Only a cuutrin of feet to drtp ns I hung but I

nuug on aud listened to hear thu coon drop andt tho dog pitchl on him I didnt hear him btrlkrbut after about a quarter of a minute I hoarda sound as if something wero crashing througha tree a good wajs down the hil Petty toont a similar eound canto up trm stiltfurther nvvay thon Interval anotherfurther down than tho second and at last ndistantthe dul thump uof borne object striking

I felt msel turning cold I rememberworking along the limb bacb to thotrunk of tho tree nnd Hlldlng down to thoground Then I quit rcmcinburlng anythingwhen I got back to consciousness my friendhad me stretched out cm tho iround and was

I feeding nio whiskey Uyundb I leincuibcredwhat boccurred

I Sm said I light a match and see If my1 hairI turnewhite

Sam match and hold It to my headbut my hair hadnt turned 1 havu nev cr boonobi to understand why It had a right to bo

n8 white as n grave tone That chestI nut tree stood a toY feot from the edenof the deepest ruvlnca along the lake Woft knew the ravine was there al right hut Itnovel occurred to mo thnt limbs uf thatway out over It They did thoughand when I kicked that coon und myself ott

2 the limb I wubiit bunging almobt within reachof the ground as I supposed but wus suspendedtn the air wltl nothing under mo but ion feetof I If 1 hadnt cauuht mjeelf as Ifall i or If I had let myself drop us I might

J have dono without listening for the coon It I would have chased that coon t tho bottom ofthe cation and well hero are pleasanterthings to think of thal what the rest uf Itwould have been never hunted coonsmuch since that night I dont eay that thatIs tho reason why there are more coons up Inthe Lake Keuka country titan there used toUut I have my opinion about lt b

JtADOEn STATI FURS4 BOle of the Vnrltttta of Pelt Hecnred by

S Trnpptr IIn IVUcoBilnFiom lrt niut stream

American trappers saul that the gray wolvesof upper Vlecolell were the largebt In tileUnite They drove the deer a good dcnl

of seven wolves had twice crossed theirIntthat winter und they hud poison out forWolves swept aerO s a giont deal ofcountry thirty forty fifty miles or more anddid not remain local Iheljnc 1180 travelled agreet deal A lynx unsully around againIn about seven days tutU the wolves one e Intooh three weeks though not so resularly aitIthelynx The oiler also travelled a great dealI buty was Irregular U would uomotlmes Unvo thewater courses and travel inlh HTO R dry di-vides


to entirely new country The best place totrap marten wntt along the high ridges betweenwatorwnyii and Unit was next IIH fisher

i Tn jy often caught lUhor but never awtOfurineAmerican trappers rated tho tux the hardestanimal to trap tho wolf next nnd the utterthird lo catch n fox they often made u boil ofuhaffaiul nut him to lying In Itor fooling around1C the trap being set under thuchnff Or a trapwa net nt a plice whim sevorul foxes seemedto lop for n certain purpo Or a tux couldbe cauuht sometimes by puulnl a bait a little

iS 1 out In thu water padthflllUlnl1t moss between the bait iLlttrap hid under thu moss Tho fox natllkII twet his feet would step ou thu moss

wolves the usual way wan to tint outpoison strychnine Often they would nottouch the poisoned mOlt Fur otter It wasjiecoiiary to ute not leaving anychip or litter around Our trappers usuallycaught them either on a tilde or nt a placewhere they canto out of tho water not wherethoy want lu on the otter slides with hits netdoubled under and would be apt tn thetrap With his body It was a good sprlnldropWiYnvtlekor limb on tho shin of the cuttingIt dowl nnd letting It fall naturally so that thu

uhl not escape the trnp to easily Thetrap should never beset In thu middle of theslide but at ono hlr ns th titters OPt are HOwide aPr and ho would not beaught shouldbnsprlnc the with Ills hlFor otter HAP Mer If tiny wrro trappedsteal deep water n sliding polo was usuallyused arnlel with thu smallI end stuck downInto th The animal when trappedt

plunge into the vvatrr and tlm llnlof the trapt chain slip down along the polo little Flubsj nf his trlmmedofT boughs event Ihj ringfrom Ilpplnl hick up main arcl the animalotcr rlluuld not tic hC Ui tile

F5 MiiUTivcr nlnn ilars nr the fur will A fewds h inuko iiodl7iienr it Itlllnhoulcl L-oTLlt fti MouielosU urelQn

V iJi 4

rritD DVOCS oJV ttta tovxo-

flnif at Bttam feat Dtttralty JE K neela dettlBK Near ThSlisThe recent heavy wind storm and cold rain

proved a blessing to the wildfowl Shoottrwhoie-buslnns will not permit him to no far fromhomo The exceedingly mild weather had theeffect of keeping the fowl very wild and verywary Except at close dusk onightfall it wasImpossible to find them near land The stormcaught the birds well fe In anything bnt goodmuscular condition scrap with the she ¬

ment and buffeted them hire and there 1for days after they wire tired stiffcramped and littlest and glnd to stay In sunnyquarter and huddle np olDIe to tho robeds forwarmth and rst Those fowlers were ableto take advantage of this fact reaped fine blpand especiallywas tblsbo oase along theFrom Throggs eastward to New Haven Ita good sevontymtte stretch of feeding groundsand those for days have beon alive with duckprincipally black cot waders anti some owbrant Old duck men say that when a stormlike title last ono strikes in from the nortbarall the birds to tho north of the ontho open ocean strike In for the sheltering northshore of the Sauna and that many of thembattling np pat Orient Point see land andslightly relaxing their shone aro whirled rightacross the water Into the south shore of theHoundnnd then fndlntbomlulves still exposedrest a whllo btor across to tho nurthshore for One old man said that theday following tlio storm fowl wore passing over

lkflocks of SWAmp blackbirds dropping heread hero alt no the coast as far as bo could BOO

Close to Hhtppan Point at Stamford there Isa quiet pool of water ringed In with trees anticovered breast high with reeds and rushes andhero last Saturday a local shot lay In tho reedsfor three hours with 0call anti never n decoybut his own dead ducks and from 7 to 10 A Mhe bagged tvvcntythreo birds This pool Is onthe old Lester Wallack estate now known aGrey Cliff Right along the shore from heronorth there Is good ground and all that Iswanted Is patlenra and practical knowlcdc-An tn how llttlo thlnir will secure the intentionof tho birds IIs cited the trick of an old coloredman who went out banksglvlnl morning withn turkey wired It floated It Inthe rees and called down eight ducks ovent-uaty iii riirtr for tllntAt nnil ihn think

r At Pelnam fiayanhit1oj nt Indian Har ¬

her Greenwich both within an hour of NewYork aro good spots A flat bottomed bateauwell masked with a few dozen stales or evenwith only n good caller cal work havoc withthe ducks after a blow at spots At IndianHarbr especially the bluff runs up qui high

affords full shelter for the tlr hungryfowl Sneak boxes are plenty at theseplaces and they are nil very well as

as they go hut unless one Is ac-customed


to them they are liable tn tiltover nod a wot skin Is this result The best maskwhen all tIs said and done IH made with 1 fewboughs wattled In and out with mlt grassSculling the boat along by means of a singleoar projecting frum a wellitrcused rowlock atthe stern tho creeks cnn be silentlynnd when tired of thnt the stales canexploreand the boat anchored In the open Tho greattrounlo with those nearby places Isi that so manygreen hands go down anti they vl persist IntIring twelvoboro with n range fifty yardsat a duck or brant which IIs at least one hundredyards away and so stirring thu fowl up furnothing and to t great extent spoiling the funfor older and more experienced hands

Many gunners are making th mtitako of nottaking heavy guns with them Guns which willbo nil very well alter two or three weeks of frostIn the Sound water are no earthly use just nowthey do not kill far enough 1Ilkhllnlnernle-of S00 shots made this year oplnlolufthe writer that the range average was very nearseventy ardl anti this meson a heavy gunwell tshout a good pattern The writerprefers No 4 shot although suuiu usoNo 0 and drive with a heavy chargeAlthough the decoys attract attentionas usual up to date In these watersthe fowl havo been very shy and oven whenslanting In and alighting they have not urnSright In among tho deoTs1 they will laterbut have nit tied away preened them-selves

¬und fooled around often rising nt a long

range and olnl away again without nnpronch-neany Then nothing nut a cartrldco

with lIttle beef fat and nil rll In nmoni thnshot Is any Uso and oven then fellow behindthe stock must know how tochoot with

For heavy shoulder ignite Lucre Un H Irecoilpad The old one wax simply a thick trip ofvery fine rubber und jt die savu thu shoulderconsiderably It held clo The iw Idea Is ameumatlo pail which breaks the force of thuoncusulon wonderfully anti has only tine draw-back

¬that It IIs rather baggy When tho 01 Is

pulled up quickly It tho gunner slides upalong his cost as he Is very liable to do It willflattennnd bellable tospolihlsjim Avery littlepractice with Ithoeyel will give the motionor throwing gun from the chest whenraising it anti so bringing U Just us ciuleklybore In a horizontal direction t tbe shoulder

from lie south shore the Sound un-to date are not encouraging slid tburo must lie-n change of the wind or Some leo lu the waterfor a few days before them IIH likely t be anyradical chance In this direction

TnB r 7RI1 nvaarAicA Hlacnlar and Uont Itarartannte Mlihap

with an Unexpected EndingIn a hcuse that I was loolnl over In I town

up the State one night tho retired burtIlr I canto acroui something that I leverstuck but that once In nil my experiencestrange aIt may seem and that was 1 lot ofwedding presents all Just as tie were ar-


for display When I turned my lamp

Int the room I wished I hind brought a horseand wagon there was 1 good deal of It thatwouldnt have been of any earthly use to mojut It scorned a pity to leave any of it behind

Hit It I couldnt carry It all off I could havo thofun of picking and I started to look the thingsover They were arranged on tuhlou and chnlisand on the floor around on three sides of Uteroom on the side opposite to tho side that Imd come in at and on this sides to the rightand left running around thoso three sides In asort of Irregular order On the fide where Iwas hero were a few chairs I thought Idstart In on the left ont work around to theright anti I start from the door and halgone about step Then I wontthrough tho Moot as IVeeemod to me but whatIi hud really done was to step down through nnopen register I suppose homebody must havedropped something down through It and havetakon It out to get It and forgot to put it bark

Thoro wns Iwire Bijrcen under the resistorover the pipe opening to keep things fromIropplng down the plno lint It wns very floelight wire anti It didnt stop mo at all I just

Mid down Int the pipe pushing bat along un ¬

der my When I dropped Into tho ibad ben facing to tho left In sumo pipIwont I gut skewed around wi that whenI got dowl as fur as I did go I n as facing totho that is toward the cciitro of therom Tlio pipe didnt un straight down hut

I curve I had thrown up myhandiiaslwent down and 1 nuppcse I mloht havu goneplumb to tho furnace If I tndnt clutched utthe edge uf the register opening anti hung onA minuto hnforo 1 wits going to tako my pickant roomful now where was 11

I hud Htarted across tho room carrlnimy tol bag In ono hand and myo DI shuck when i went down hudshaken bau out uf mi hand but I hadhold on tmy lamp though It vvim lying on ItsMdo with my tinhorn clutchlne throughthe handle Tho falling of thu tool hag andthe striking of the lamp on the floor and thesCIJplnl of the wlrn gauze down tlinmuh the

must havu made all together n gooddeal of noise anti I expected ovtuy minute tohear somebody moving about Btulrs andcoming down to haul mo tout UI didonto tUtU I set my lamp up strnUht and afterId waited n minute or two inure I tailed toBCO If I could haul myself out

A a I lay in ttiu plpo my head was belowthe level of thu hoar byu great vifort I couldralto myself 8that tho upper half of ny headwits above upuntng hut nn higher therowits no room for plan when I gut that highI found myself with LHJ ellmtm lose to myindy and fairly uecltftd Into to pipe I couldnt

wit any higherI lot myself down again anti after a whllo

I pulled myself up again and hold on by onohand arid held up the letup unit IIunllt rounduu Uio things then I let againund wondered whnt I was going to duOWIwnsnonly uncomfortable then In the position I wasin It WUSllKLty hot sail uUp103nt every wayIf I go uldlt kno hit Id suitedown against the furnace uf course Icouldnt bliind It for un Indefinite length cftlnui und won Id beon In the pipe I KhouldImagine about two hours I mad un my mindthat I wouldnt try t lllllt tiny longer Idgut to Connie out Iinklit Just nsveIl cono out them In fiut hotter fur whllo-tho chain en of my getting nwuy n1 wnr-ouighty email they would lo better tllt nightthan itch would bu In this duytlme-

di linndo up my mind to klok 01 the pipsand wale up thu hnuso and Invo the thing tintlIeu Su I kioked once tvlce anti then Ikicked again and by imattes I kicltul tinpIpe boil at my tent thorn Wli u joint Itivio1111111 kicked It anat and sections I was

duwn with my weight nnd 1 blldnuton thu cellar hour Ithe nuffcilnu down of thatpart nf the plodetached It frui thn tart nhuvaand It fell cellar Hour ulraildo of meThat made noise enough to woks evcryliudy upthero couldnt i ny duubtabuiit that

I went out tho bauio collar winnow that Icnmo In by bf t was lie llm and only suchlut of Cuf that I11er tnol In1llneler1 ruta uf U

ImjiXUu Btluf toots iind u Ui fn tilu t< I

o1 i1 tt J 1




Trttdltlnn Mays II of Oria V la nedthat It ztstaeS Se K owa to the TamlBdti> DiIlTc Lost In the Bnrh n It

A new try of a lost gold mine Is told btheArttorui ltpllMn of Phwnlx with asnranco true anti that It haneverbefore appeared In print Lost mind arc nu-


oven plentiful In th SouthwesternStatesat least In the belief of Very manyminers Every once In a while aexpedition-Is formed to search for seine alleged mine offabulous wealth tho 6ltno of which hasben a cherished 1 period datingbak anywhere tram twentyDvo years to thotimes of tho cliff dwellers It Is not recordedthat any such expedition was over succcsfulalthough the record of failures 1long

Several of the mines of tho greatest allegedrichness are located somewhere In tho greatdesert region of Arizona and southern Cali-fornia


and not a tow minors have lost theirIho In that waterless waste In a vain searchfor wlllothcwlspi Ono of the most famousof these mythical mines Is the Lost Dutchmansupposed to exist somewhere In tho Supersti-tion


Mountains of Arizona anti mAny old

miner have set out again and again to find Itbut always to return unsuccessful Some oftho most pitiful storlft of failure and death Inthe annuls of prospecting In the Southwest re-


to searches for lost minesThese lout mines are sometimes the tablesource of tho wealth nf the Indians and

Mexicans but generally are sAid to b thechance discovery of some prospector who hasreturned t the border towns with 1 store ofbig nuggets Lat no curtain knowledgs tlielocality where ho found them Perhaps mostof them happen tblocated In tho terribledesert region for reason that tho dhcuvercr of tho alleged mine H often n prosjiectorpicked up on the desert when almost at his lastgasp by n chance pack train lie may haveLeon prospecting In the ilcseit have foundsonic gold lost Ills way and become half in ¬

sane from heat thirst antI dread and hit storice have naturally been tinged with deliriumHut they have turmoil the basis rf many tra-dItions


of lost mines of fabulous wealth andthese trodltons today are luring miners todisaster anti often to death

Tho last story Is of a mine called the NiggerDon The story Is well known to oldtimeArlzonlaus but efforts to find tho inlnn In yearspast havo always proved to disastrous that Ithas bent little talkeTl of lately The secret ofthe tomb IH paid to be known onlybv n fewhead men of tho Yuma Infinite and the tribeguards every approach to thu mine and In somo-wnv or other diverts prospectors from It

Twentytwo years ngo the star runs HenryE Peoples and a party of four men were ulacermining on Itlch Mil In tho Krndriliiw Moun-tains


In Arlorn One of tho party was a negronamed lIen brought from Alabama by PeeplesOno lay a Yuma Indian appeared nt the campanti remained In Its lcinlty for a month ormore A friendship sprung up between lienanti the Indian antI lor stile favor or otherthe Indian otto buy told Ben ho nould give hima bit reward and utfetcd to chow him wherethero was plenty of gold Die whole partywanted to co but thu Indian refused tn takeany one except the negro lieu and ono day thepair etartoj away

Day after dnvpnsfcd and Ben did not returnMid after three weeks of waiting tho unrtybroke camp and started on his trail Theytracked the Indlnn nnd negro up the Arroyode let AlnmoB to liii Junction with the HIo SantaMaria At this point the party saw Btralsht-abend anti seemingly hut two or three milesdistant n coneshaped irountiln surmountedlliy a sharp peak The party jtartftl towardtho mount iln and whlli making their way upMi arrnjo tron with tin boulders they cameupon thu skeleton of n man A slight examination Mioncd thAt it was liens Coyotes antiother animals hod cleaned the skeleton andtho clothing was scattered over thu Iwulilers

One of the party picked up tlt coat nndfound the pockets bulging with somo very heavyHUbstAnce It j rn > cfltn hi gold Tie otherunrnientn were honrc hedI anti nugget of goldrniiKlnc In flro from a pete to a pigeons eggand amounting In viluo to nLmil SflOOOwcreround The party conjectured that tho Indianhad conducted Bin to tho mine and then haulr trrette< l doing so anti through fear that histribe would learn of his trencher in divulgingthe location nf the gold Imil accompanied thonegro part cf the wuv back antI then killed him

Tho early remained In tin vicinity for oev-rral week searching for tho mine from whIchthe gold found nn lion hut teen taken Buttheir search waa trill Ill Iecnlcs built ahut on tho Big tandy near Signal Ariz Inorder to Ixi ncwr tho supposed mine and hespent the remainder of Ills life more than adozen yearshnntlnff for It but In aln

A few years after Nlggor lIen was killed aMexican who WIIR prospecting III the supposedlocality of the mine met an Indian uf thin Yumatribe 1Ihto Indian took a grout fancy to theMexicans saddle The Mexican lId not wantto Part with it and finally to get rid nf theIndian said Ito would sell It tar a douliln hand ¬

rill of gold Tbo Indian grunted ast cnt andasked this Mexican to remain whom lift wasuntil next day IJun next afternoon this Indianreappeared antI handed to till Mexican anugget of gold iii large as a hens egg Thetrade for thin tmdlo was of cours made atonce and the Mexican tried lined to learnFrom the Indian where tho gold came fromBut the Indian shook his head anti rode away

Since then the search for Nigger Bens minehas boon taken up hv mnny little prospectorantI by a number of welltTiulpwd pirtlea hutunmicccsfull Sum of thin miners who havestarted to seek It have never leturiied andtheir skeletons have been found iv later treas-ure hunters with Indications that they hadbeen murderedl supiiosedly by the Indianswho feared they wero getting on the trackor the lost mine hut the tradition of Nlscerliens mine IIs till cherished among mlneiH Inthe botithweKt and the hope In still tttrong thatwill yet be found


lie IVrfnrmril tlio Ceremonies In IdOtt tendProtmbty Itrnke its IVorlrta necord

Pastor Schneider who marries nil the eastsIde girls anti their young men has just flunhecl figuring up the number of ceremonies heperformed in 1R05 and lute found tho total to-

M 710 This Iis a record or records for Itbents anything that Pastor Schneider ever didbefore In the marrying line anti yet for thehauL five years ho hits held tutu marrying recordlu thii city and It is doubtful If any other min-ster


has lIpsed him during that periodPastor Schneider Is n short stout good

natured German with a Khlny mId head anti agonlnl sinilo that his rent coitrngu Into thehearts of many n fultnrliig couple whoso nervefailed them 011 this err edge of matrimonylie lives III tho blx fourKtory brick house ation Second avenue right In tho heart of thoOcrniun colony and In one winslow thorn If abig glass sign which reads Pastor Schnei-der At tilt hours nf the day anti night thogenial acriran U ready to tie loving hearts to-

gether Ho will tumble out of cllln responseto a ring at the bell at 9 oclock In the morningns wllllugly ns he ould walk Into his frontroom and confront a blushing couple at thevauie hour III the afternoon He never hits aworth of reproach for anylxidy who tonics tohim and IU nx full of advice ns a 1nndon police-man and un careful of whum ho marries os aQuaker Fur If Pastor Sohneldor married allwho clime to him lie would Indeed have hishands full Durlnic the past year he hadto turn away nearly sou coupled whom hUconscience would nut allow him to unite Inmnrrluge anti thoro was excellent reason tor hisaction In each case Ixator Schneider sInainot mean to havu a hand In any fatal murlaces When two youngsters come to him amost Infrequent occurience ho sizes them upanti dnniaiKls to know what they want Whanthey till him ho put on lila most fatherlynuillii imikus them sit down nn n lounge sideby Hide nnd then clrnwu n chair up In Iront ifthem and sOls himself III It Ho lisa a stocklecture fur uuch occasions which run some-what as follow

Chlldruii you are both too young to knowwhat you one dciliK arid I cannot uarry you-o back homo and walt a few years and then

If > uu aru uf the name mind cams back herougnln and Pastor bchnalder will he only tooglad to make one of two such faithful heartsIt would be a great mistake for you to marrynow and you must not think of doing It ThislIs good advice my young friends and showjour appreciation by herding it

Olive In a while tile youngsters grow defiantnnd toll the pastor that It ho wont marry thetatheyll no ID tomolxidy vise who will butnine tines out uf ten thing look very muchashamed nf themselves when the pastor finishestalking and meekly withdraw after promtsliii to think tim mutter over

1nbtor MhnelclerH Income from Ills mnrrlauo-ctriuitinles Is it very considerable one Thefees aver Hu nbout Si aud during 18US henocumulcted a tidy sum In tills way A Bunleiortcr called on tho heCtor tim other dayanti tried to got him to lalK about himselfand about some of the marriages he had per¬

formed but Mr Schneider declined to do soI du Riot want any publicity he said I

am proud of my record tend do not object toulvlng jou the total number of I1Mr lUlu 1have utrformod during the yvr but furtherUlan that 1 will not Ilk

jAg nk Jto-

f r IOU lri

JltANrlrAUrNO itoaiR-

fsmltsi or Vslng Btnn bonnd to CatchCrlmtnaU la the fur WestlYtm lli Son >Vonc co Kramlnrr

The Die of btoodhonnds at an adjunct thePollee Department Is becoming more nnd morecommon In various sections of tho Union ThisIs particularly the case In the fcC West

During tho days of slavery dogs were usedthroughout this oath to run down fugitiveslaves but for runny years alter Itho war manhunting with bounds was almost unheard ofNow and ngaln It tens ttltil but lack of training-In thedogsand perhaps want of patience In theirowners brought about su many failures that thepractIce was almost forgotten Ten years egowhen two desperate men held up a train on theAtlantic and Pacific In the Southwest and fecured many thousands of dollars In booty aranchman In Arizona offered to trace the highwax men If n BUfflct nt force for their capture-was furnished him and a reward for his troublooffered These preliminaries bclug settled hoappeared on the scene twentylour hours afterthe crime had been committed with n cou-ple


of not ery dntiitnrouslonklnjt dogs and arifle lie was ragged costume and apparent ¬

ly infged mentally hut as tile result innveilknew That he wins about Keep your eju onthom dogs amid your bunds on > nur weeponhates going In bu more or less tun wss mull hehad to say to hN associates tu starting Ihnudays later After a weary cha e of many ml leaover ouu of titus roughest trulls In the win Id thodogs came up with Rim cornered thu hluhwnyrnen The latter killed both of tho dPRis but be ¬

tore they could tfs rnpo the Pursuing puise wasupon them nnd they curreldered they aftervfttdconfesntd tin Ir guilt and told where thebooty wits hidden Nearly 501101 tries re-


Thu nrnoint uf money InvolvedI antithesnllsfnctor work of the bloodhounds revivedthe old practice of tiallintc men with dogs antithere are nutty hundreds of the iiefiil anlmnls IntIm possession of tilt pence officers of tin WestThey are carefully bred and trained for thepolice duties

In California the Sheriffs ot a dorrn countieshave these fuurleiored deputies and nut mireaucntly they prove inure faithful and successfulthan tholr twoleirneJ asuclates Tho besthounds In California hare hrei taken therefrom other Stntift where their breeding U mudii-n buslnexs isuuie uf the anlmalit have longprdlurx8 TheJ rmnliitr told lectnlly of uttituthbu addItion ho tllU Shtrltts force at Ne-vada


Ult 1It IIs a llvemonthsold pup chris-tened Jim lludd after Ithe Uovernnr uf Callfornifv You tot Jimi ItnilH iS ns linrti uinlil Itogreen mull ill alit B of old Vermont nt the ken-nels

i ¬

uf J IIt Wiuchell ut Fair Haven Illssires oOlclal nniuu un the iccoid book of thisKnullsh lilciHllictliiil Club of America Iis

Chnmplon Vletctr IDntlS ami hM maternalnnresiurV lelnllolIl on the saittu archive IS

Clumplon Judith lIblO T lit reit u Due hensIn his loudly tied a Iremlni and n Netorshowing a union of nobility unit brains not tarback on the corniest in tulor llm Iis black tonitan anti he bus a inojth that alone IIx worth an-nrfenal or rltlesnt nnyjall A nutnralboinman titiller Is thu ineeing citarat tar givendull by thoSherlir

lresno hits six bloodhounds tho genialburglar who hni been liming n good tints formonths pust IIs ifilniibly Ootiitiei lug n changeOne of i his Fresno dnjs IIs lhtj thb famous 1Lend-er


who hiac itittu roil aunt ii tt alt i iiihtiurs thanany dog llvlnc III one Instance Lender took I Itstrail uf a robber four days after hu had left tinhuuite in whichi hestajelI nllh the dUI fol ¬

lowed tlie trait eliduiand trieU tile ininSheriff Jack Inn of Stockton isis the rpn

till Ion of being one of the greatest criminalcatchers this iest He uses sIx duct anti Inon thu tilt withI IHum allI till timeI 1 lcrlltOpet U by Old llntnulu owned by this State uf-ArKnnnns anti Impurted from Unhn All tImedugs united liy Mr Jones ira either ImportedCi bans or froui Imported ituck

Monterey county IIs tune of Bitch vast shimonslons and at tho tttou time > spnitely lathittted that since the dnyst Vnsquez the tIsderndn Its rolling hills densely tnvered withclmpirnil nnd IItt tlllo lietitta ittiti al ways pint 011-

1a refuge lur cilcnlnnln Owing to tile almostInaccessible dltrlctsI t IIn tthe cininty Mierllfli 1 ILMatthews tate tin necessity of secuimg blothnundf tn help him In trailing refugm In INIIIIheient tn Kitnchtlelil the overseer of the conI let tArm at CuriollV PrairiK Icx for samebloodhound lie oon hart cattle to put themIn mini tervlce fur shortly utter Iheir arrivalthe ilopredaticitte tonk IIMH at Seaside ulid 1n-clllc Gnn for which Amos Virgin Is rutty sectInit a life sememe In fan Ouintln A fewmunths msgii the hounds cjtd tile county n valu-able

I ¬

set vice In trullnu the murderer uf Culitiittr IIlalnenI I vho ii its shut and tiled belowSolednd Tlui follnnedl the trail fur twentyfixmiles II lit II they IOU nil tho iilminnl Fur thomoat part Ithese count and othcis Hi d thisclogs so useful that the animals bring verylarge prices mm-

II here Is considerable literature m bloodhounds One of tIe Lot Minn treatIses Is byEthit itt Broimh of ScnrhorotiKh England Hutells how pups nhould fed on ontmenl porrhlue stout ed sheeps besot nnd ships biscuitsanti gives minuto directIons to training thuyoungster to Hunt the clesn Iont lieu tbsrourugos lie lpractice of rnlilnng blond un thehoot of tin man who IIs lbeing experimentallychased fur trnlninK purposed and favoi3 the

clean boot every timeMr Brouch Is quite an enthusiast In the

bloodhound mnnclmsliig biiblness nnd to himIt his AH much fascination as tennis or football-to thou sporting talon ol quieter taste He sassamong otherthlnlls

Any i nn who Is fond of teeing hounds workbnt who huh only n limited amount of countryto hunt over vrIII Und nn Immense amount ofpleasure III hunting n oman with onO or tuTucOUDleR of bloodhounds In such cireuriihtain es-t is a great convenience to be able In peieel the

exact course which could not ha untie If limitInt stints anlmnl nnd n variety of dllTerent-toiites can be tontrltml civur limited uruuiidI know nothlni more delightful than to seeblooclhonnds working out a scent carefully nu-ttier


viuryimig alrcuinitnneei nnd to hear theirFonnrnuf deep belllike note there Is tint ofcourse tIlt slightest danger to the t miner ovmIIf tint founds hvd never seem him before Whenthey have coma up andI MillTed him over theymanifest no further interest III him

7 ji no van SIHKHIA ox A nzcrciER L Jefferson t> r Ioniton Plnnntne Q 31Oo

fillS ICIdvt In time HprlnaMr R L JcfTerton now rfsldlng In London

Is arranging for a iiSOOnille tour on a bleyplolit hs nlrcIIII made a trip to ConHnittlnnnluanti Moscow on wlrcis The feat he now con-templates


will completely overshadow nil pre-vious


expeditions The Siberian wilds liarsbeen crossed by horsemen anti travellers whohave been content to stow themselves aWRYbeneath the furs of a slnlgc lint no man lintjct attempted to picrcu the solitudes of Siberiaalone antI mounted upon the Iron steed uftuinal Invention

Ho Intends to start early In May as time Sibe-rian summer extends from Mny to July Howill take a steamer to St Petersburg and pro-ceed tu Moscow hy train ns no iioful pnrpoewould be served by lila riding on a bicycle fromLondon for he hoes already c ov ered the groundAVhon bo wax Inst III Moscow he discussed thedifficulties of the Journey with several of hisIttuslin friends The first difficulty willho thequestion of the machine HulaI lowing tlucobicycles specially built for him Inch will boof the pneumatic thud pnttcin They will tintbi Inn light for n puncture ur a breakdownwould lit most undesirable Should et t bier nccuet hu will be nblu to repair lieu iii met lit ito him-self


Tn provide ilgalnt the event of n hashbinnshupI lit will Mndtwn uf hilts machines to-tliu InvMi of Tom ILII thii inpltul uf the proximoof that name tutU nitimted un the trIal tradinghighway nf Sllierln from whence they can bebent by train or Icdsc

When ha starts from Moscow he will try tofollow the great Siberian highway and theroute mapped out by Jules Verne nnd followedby his hurt Mlchncl Strogolr Follov Ing thisroute he will pass through the following townsKazan Perm Tinmen Onikk Kolivnn ToniskKnn > k and Irkutsk The lust Is time rtIslenceuft-hus Unvernortinneral of canter Siberia IIs atown about twelve hundred feet above tIme levelof Hid sea anti tnjois n very henlthy Illnmtethough In winter this coldlls st severs ns tofreeze tile mercury Here Mr JeffersonsbIcycle rOle will end The greatest ilunusi ufthe journey will bnthu wolves hut Mr In lie rson think that a good loud lunchl lien willfrighten thorn away even its the sleIght bells duThere IIn uf elOiSe boini feat uf thu variouspredatory band whom lie mime meet upon tholMeppes Of theta the Kurds mil tlieCnssuok will liu tho worst nnd it < hugets as tar north as thin province ufToin > k hu Will meet with tho Tiirlnrson the opo of till Ural MountainsJut ho hiss been told tint If he rube un quietlyansi takes no mitlci of any tan these prcdniutyJiord3 will not Interfere with him Hut nfthou h he has selected thin great Siberian hlulitoad h will If ilecunary leave time beatertract and make a beo llnu for iris demluathiii bythe compasK When asked nitwit the river litsaid tlmt he nntlclpaled no tronblo In this re-spect


as they are all bridged Nor will hu haveany difficulty regarding food for as In BritishIndia thero lure In Huxiun SiberiaI Governmentposts where a trnvuller can obtain both foodand protection for tire night

This distance from Moscow to Irfuitik Isroughly oticaklnjr HOOO miles And hu will nllowhimself three months for the journey Uponarrival nt Irkutsk he will be on tho borders nfChina where lie ItaliCS tn join n caravan toolproceed to Pekln From Pekln he wilt travel Inhrumghal where hu wilt embark In a utentuerfor home In the event of being unable to travelthrough Chirm he will return on tile bicycle toTomsk or If ho can obtain n vehicle a sleigh 10

fur example he will Journey by this mean andthen take the train bt Tomsk for Moscow Heduel not expect to be troubled by Hunlun om-ulnls In Blfwrla to the cams extent AS be wesduring his blcrcle ride from omtnntlnuple toMoscow Ills jounirV willI be purely onto nfpleasure hut at the same time he hopes to oddcouMtUrnbla lu the geographical kauwlbOge oftill country through which lit Will pass

= et


THE rnsnatt IKOvtc irttiz vs

The Nurrpnr > r Tlmt Fairer Enajmid DoMo Rcprornt Public Opinion FrnoerS-

Vom In rattleM Henry VIgnaud first Secretary of the

Legation of the United Slates In Paris ques-

tloned by one of our coiifrtres of tho HI Matmade tIn following declaration I

Wo0 Americans who love Frisbee sire painedto tee the error Into which the Frond press tintfnllon A great mnny orgat1 go ot halt cockedand draw from the message of President Cleve-


the most fantastic conclusionsWe see astonished to nnd that this French

pros Is no favorable to EnglUh InlerojUFrance nevertheless has never found tile UnitedStates against her We Americans liava prvodsufficiently that we cherish the rrcollfctloll811rtho war of Independence But one wouldImilglne that there won a determination to de-


publlo opinion In l nnco In regard toAmerican policy Otherwise wiry do they seekto compare the conflict w hleh France has withBrAzil with tliflt which luteS brought out theEnglish ultimatum-

We hasten to reassure the dlltlnBulihed Seorotary of this United States antI nil his compntrlots trIo are astonished nltheextraordlnnryarticles of certain organs of the Frsni pressLot our American friend guard against errone-ous notions In regard to Feint c lAtthentsrcknot lIrl the lines which Imveexcllcilthem thoexpression of Trench feeling And If they wishexactly to know vlmt our nation wishes whatsits feels aunt what she hopes In regard to thinAngloAmerican Olincully hit turin hd goodenough to wnlt tot n few dm after winch theytslii ho astonished nt time vxplolon of eympnthywhich will burst forth In their favor

For this journalist who IIAVO dipped theirpens In the Ink bottle presented to them byLord DtifTcrln contempt Is sufficient France antiAmerica cun ni ply to thim tnu words uf iJnnto-

Aon intflotilnm sit ltttti ra ytiaiiJn pawMLet us iOt stop torpvakbf them lociK nnd ueson They represent neither the tiUhllo otilnlonnut tho ptcss they nmruly speak tom tlitmsolves and that Is less than nothlnu llttt let ussueftk for France The proud IniiKuliae of Pr oildufmt Cleveland lies created n profound Imnrtsstunt hiuro If Freneh patriots toe a little timeremain silent it Is because they wish tn bo ctrthIn hint this nustBge UH betnrtnlned by coveCCtlc acts and by virile rrsolullolis All thinmensurcs that tliv Inlled States may take tonuxtHlii VeiiezitvlH which niirmcnts right sOilenknrss nualnst itiululnl which roiiretiviib-ihrutullty and usurpation will reivlvu tin vn-tliusantic npproUJtlii nt tire French pvopi-

Thoitnalugy thatI Is cnucht to tiu KlnblWifilbetween bitt Chums that we have on acecimmnt orthe nets if LrlnnluliiRo which nIle Ctmiitryiiienlimits been this victims of on the lirarllluii fron-tier


and thn Intlnililatliii which England islixlnj toss runi Venezuela lculc pull her and tsppies lnr IH bruihtnl aside by till solislblu menWit call fur thu Jnit punishment uf Infuinoua-biiinlits beyond the pale of civilization KlinUnit on tlu toiUrury attempts to npprnprmiounjustly a iwrtlon uf the a merit atm let liter Ifthis sluitiise cioctrugie Id uppllcublu tu her It tannot be lutukccl iiKiitnst Fruiter Tin UnitedHtftles huvc imuHfuMeil uji to the prociu llinulit theatre to throw niDthliiK In tire way of ourIrclllniHtH ehiinu-

Thu Mnnrou doctrine which England holdsup ns a caret ruw bulore tlie once or Kuiopv Inreality thruitens only tier tsivti ovcrtrinvlnpartiFice lire mitragtiHH noibliin anti lieiIn-tultriLla manhi fur mcilillliii i In I tv nlliilrs ofalt nutloTii At the present time tKnt duelrlne-In only tint Just and rcusunalilu nnirmntlnn ufthis American law against that iUluu litw ofthu moat urrozunt tahiti the most loof-nntlono It iiruhfiit a tulutury lum tu the repe-tition


of avis uf HrltUh tyranuySons uf this French revolution wr lire obliged

to admit that America holds traditions anil prin-ciples


by virtue of which we ourele Umnuvdthu fuuu ttt tho world > hu roerit wilts nornnicld tire liberties that me threntcncd untl shetu > 4 to Great llrllitln aLciiBlound to frlKlitunlullenlnteH liy her iltlinatums 1 tithe underlmi > urutettlon those whuui you wuuhl upprefs-

oui must nut utteniutto touch his indepcu-tUiiio sstt hint nntiun-

u oniihr unit this attitude N worthytho unuioust recullecllonsitnd of the mut HtIen-illd vxnniiilen In unr on n hiMur

If thlf boll nttltUiK In Ununii to result as MOthink it will IIn the backdown of KtiElnnd nndtan humiliation of tier undo we wilt nnlut ItIn nclmlriitluii If It IK tu be conseuralid byanile 1 ranee will be thrilled from this tthorus oftho hirulln In those uf the MediterraneanEvery tulinnn eliot which will be nreii from tieAuiirlcun lde will Unit echoes almost Irnternftlin tie hi nits uf our iiuntrimen AntI Frnnre-rejmcniited liy century nmy bo able to dofcouieihlnu mom titan utter good wishes to tiecause of iiulepundeticu

IIIT 41L5 TUB 1IJIIPIndlcutlanN of nn Obscure flames thnt Is-

Kllllnz Them In rake ErieFrom Iht Iluflato Courier

There are two Important dangers that wouldbu likely tt ensue If thu ilenth rule In Itch contlnuen us It limes been doing fur Kinio time pint1 lij Ihstof these dniiiiers although the Hoardof Hialth dtuws lust consider It great Is tie effectthat thin ilead Hah would he on tlin cityswater bupply Tlio other and Important ques-tion


of ilunger that nnsus Is tInt depouulitllngthe lakes of fish Ever since a week beforeTlankbKlUiig Day dwellers along tno lakerhnre have niitlied numcrnus fish being washedup on time hhore Little Httentiun was paid totho mailer at iirt but iliirlni this past week thenumber uf halt wuthed Ui hu boon eogreit listtha attention of lie HeHllh DonarLinunf wrtacalled tn lie matter

Dr Thonms II Carpenter of tie departmentwas orsiertd to it tltfatD the matter by DrVendc hast Tueday Dr Carpenter went up

this treks shore ns far UN bton Iulnt until nilalong tho bench lie fuund dead Unit utnountlntfto tlinnxttmlA In tIre ncgiecate Vesteiclny DrCniuenter tomb nnother allday trip up tilelake shore On tho beach abuts Mithlunr xtreethe found ynune I ibt lint had evidently linenthrown up tomo dajA aso At preccnt UH far uscould be teen noun were being asked on HhoruFurther up this laku Inrne yellow pike wtrofound but this nmjuilty of lieu were younic Pikewhoie age seers probably one or Iwo yearOwing in the furl that so few itch lira now belnu-wiuhcd up Dr Ouprnter inndo arrangementsto hitvo apeclmvni stint to loin that were re-cently


thrnnn up br this navtiYestenliiy a banket uf Huh which containedsuch n clmens wise received nt the Health De-imrtiueit Otis tiC the lIeu was it mngiilllceatblock bum that must hnvo welched ut leastthree pounds Near the lull of tins helm u roilepot wits clUcernllilo which tire Doc tor did notconsider Impurthtit bciansu he felt certainthat It was it brutes Ansther of tIre Itch wits alarge rrllow pike thnt must weighed In OtisiielKhborhood uf three pound The reinuindrrof ithe contents of tire liskct went pike prubiiolvof last eaMins production All of thelUhhsdMtniulent stnd In their gills to caue their deathllijond thlu puKKlhhi atio of the dentil of tintHi no other vvMeneu ninlil he lutind In theMiperjlclul sX nuts iisutlssn uhlih tests rundr Fewblack listsui ale cnmlliK iluwn nt pienrnt A fortof KlfniyI aesret Is set nr lun ouKKruwth was foundIn konie or the tint sit Icr pike Ileililei thh thopillI I of K no iii the llnh iippenrcl to ho Inflamedline probuhly to tthu mind Ithey ciMitnltivil-

bcunu people saul Dr carpentei accepttho trust lint the llsh hate lain Mind ullleilThe bill rliiK unuf hiss water which us oil hul hi jigthupand up from thiliottum ansi uiue tints hnilueli ijulte general durlnt the Mat few wvelcsunit ihpeuhtlly she rilig tthe pat few days

liegiunshlng tIre qhiestitiim its tn lieiheror nottho llhh weru destrojtd Ihy the dredging takenfrom this IlnUaloOreel near the chiSmitttuil wurki-aiil tl multi id olf litany Iolnt the Doctor thoughtthere was little frill nsiuut lint fnrn rentnn In thislilac place themi dumplnicK have born dleuiiltin litsi fur eomn time ansi In the second placenut Ing to tin tact quantity uf tustor the pollu ¬

thin nuld tint bi grout eiiuiigh tiuUstroy thenumber uf fIsh found thun Car nnnyIt usas thniiKht by fruit > that dynnmlters-

mliTht have caused thus wholc > ftlode trnciionWhile the Health Department hn vlil iio hutd > nainltlnit hues been dnnn by iirlalo parties Itiloen not liclUuo trOt thIs iuur be Illm niiniH forthu reason Hint idtnnmlte chugs wiinld trulykill thu lush Irolillily u llhln n raillnn of llfiienflitt Irom the jlncu while the exi lo > lon oc-curred


Olltldoit lists olrclo thrift would UaIrju w 1th ainut a UUUfoot radius In which itohim nonld bostunnrd but not 1klllrdTho fri iituhik i nrisuu tIn I sill nfl nn tome of this

their may l aa oluilon hut I iiis aim In not runSldeiidI ns htho sni u t lisa by ir CnrpenierI whostIrs tlmt such A crowtli In unite common cm InaeilMiI Itch eneehill I i Ithovo winch fieqnont tinclean wuters Fishermen cull the plko a lazyllli Such a fish touring through unclean waterwould naturally tall a victim to a funcimsgrcstu tin which In liiHtnticru might fventurllfcuiio death 1litre nru filthilY conlllctlna imlntuabout thin entlrnmatter theunly tiinuihleresultnthus fur ached tielnirthal the young blug pikeand large jellow plku that must tome fromdeep water ino this principal victims IJieru Is0 d unites timnumg milmon which msnlfiisiu it selfby a grate Itli sI iii lIar tu the funuoiu necretlonfound un > stit errlmuyi tPfdmcnH in the oasoofthu million tho growth cant its way under thisskin nnd necrosla IH tho renit A fueL that Isnot gunvrally knnnn h bust thesedvndllsli havohaiti found us time up tire lake ax Angola

Whnt makes title matter BO dllllcult to handleIs the act that there IK no lIttle literature antiKII few authorities nn llsh sltsuoitaes The statemonte made by old fishermen donor tIme laKo-fhuro arc therefore valuable Amnng otherthlnBH tlmt theiu men say Is that large numbersof these 11dm truce been old In the city WhereHuh Itch hiiiuo been thnruughh caotioti DrCar-penter


says hn ha little trite of dangerIn short he estyc the CBUIB of this death

nf thus fish lis as much of nlilnnepui left tTBrOnly n luctnrloloulcal examination wilt tlvO thetru ru ult

Such an examination will bo wads


cilcftooic ttArti QtricEn HADXT-

BNv r<ie About Their DoMestiC Mublts-illr orlbr 1 lir is Otmiim Oliarreer-

tsipaltr cuckoos have been subjected In aearthing Invnllitntloti by Dr lH Iteh an orni-


ami hu linn discovered h number ofn w antI curious fnctn about their elotmstlc-

hnblts which are told In n recent number ofNature Within a toils of Lilpzl In 18H1

seventy neSts containing cuckoos eggs were

found Of which llftyflght belonged to this redLacked shrlkr In 1BUJ lf It eh illscoUrirdtitmut five of thu last yenrn frniulo cuckoo hadriot returned whllo there Were eight netcorners He was Ohio lo Moutify Individual by-

nls ellNcovtry that the eggs of every female haren color peculiar to It nhd conslint Uucltuoareturn every 3sitT to tutu tnmo pluco ansI plneutheir eggs only In the nest of Hint pnrtlculnr-

ntclri nf births which Ithey or their ancestorshappened to tellot fur that purpose lively mpg

triO therefore be Identified und thn number laidby ally female determined pretty uccinuulr

The joiini do tint return to their blrtbplsro-M breed or If thcv do nro driven away mend pre-


flout layluiti supine hi their purenU Iliaevidence for tills Mule ment in ilint this numbersremain nearly thn fivme In each locality andtint thin eggs of tire daughter while slinllnrtothose of tinmother wuiild huo slight illtTer-

enoc wherea nil rugs picKUinablv stew to thedltrlt are totally dlllnctfrom tho typos oftrite Inld by the lucnl I leO

Our I om nretmiro prullllr thrush U commonlysUiUu ed They luy un jir every cither thaifrom hthe tnlldlu of May to tint nilddln iifJulyT

and nt tllmiM Iny nlm eveiy clsy forrdinrtierlnu >Sometimes jutu elite tire found In u stogie neH lthiesu cant belracisl tu pnrllculur bltds that tiCsumtimlly nodablv It Is well Known thutcuckoos egg lound lu tIme neHlmif MJIUU Hpeclesol butts rliituir widely IIMIII tilts smother vvlloItheme found Iin thu nesUs nt other vnrietlrs bhuvvgreat blmllnrity Ur ItVIi points out thnt this411110 variations occuri In Ithe eggs of this Iritetuhiss eggs of the ridliaekwl nhriko Mum ucrentvariety In coloration as do tin cuckoosiiiund In thulr utuste while wrenV eggs navegreat uniformity eif culnr which U ulo this cnse-vvilhthcM viiikiHi intruder It is niggcitid-lliut tthin emeriti liii ii 3 Is due lo tint nuturu of thyfood nn w hlc h tire J iiunc birds arts retired whieh-U mlI ed rin the caa uf llm thilke hut lushly innhmiriui lit thai of tIns wren Tin nsKumiitlnti Is-

mado thiitiUtkniK intuitively elect for Iihelreggs tire neMsot thin upvclviii by which they wereIleared and that each npecles of trust thus vorsuliivi 0 itO lieu kindI ufrucKoo-

Ur Iteh iibu bellevrn thnt cuckoos first de-jwiili theIr igus stun lit ground und then conveythem to I he neht selected IIll ono iest ncuckooMcite was ftind smenred with rush eui Hi like thatfound In the vleliiltj In nnotlicr cites iiinulou-UuLnu WHUeeii nulnllv leaving 11 shrikeVilestpursued by the inrurhiledl uccupivnt On the dugbefore tthe net InitI been examine I atiti mitt uggdiscovered befoiu Ihnt ufteilioon u shrlhcn egghnd heen been 111 It nnd utter tie clnue-euiknoB


egg was lound by lib aide Thu mulocuckoo hail probably iimvv uwav tot hrlke onhuh l5tt0 tO give Hi femalu un opportunity todtpoak an egg In thu nest

1VDIAX IfIIh4Je2flJEHow n Hlncle Plecun rnnied for Seventy

nod u Irovv Fooled Some Costejltentram fit fltrffalo Kxprt9

A member of tine Canadian Mounted PoliceLtctlt McDonoudi told lire call Capt iurella ut the OltlceiV Club the lollowlncInci ¬

dent uf n band uf Cieeumd u cnlltary PlugunIndian which is novel nd Inlrrratlng It oc-curred


about lush miles fruui tort Walsh Alentil of Cne Indlann woke up out Miovvy morn-Ing tu hunt thnt alBJut cine logon of their choicestpunluH hind been run oil during the night Pursuit VVIH burnt organized und wltin u few hoursu tresh trail teas found In tie stnW tier fol-low


nut the trail somo thirty mllou It entered uriver bottum und headed fur a wooded island inthe imuisiulho sit thus river

bmoke tries seen rising from time trees andan upeiilni which seumnd to be the moiith of A

tore appeared n plain view Presently u singleIndian u Piegnn uhuwed up In trout uf theupenlng lie was In war puint nt d there wai adog nt Iilb lieeU Pretty soon tub dot ocuntedtile Ciees und began growling unit harking lireilegan looked up glanced u uiuuieUabuuthlmand then instantly entered this cave Inabout toni tecnnds un tlur Piegnu enufi-urnund tho rucks ind also went In thennnother und another und another lucrebeing but u few seconds between them ThuCrecn lay silently In this bislc watcnliiK-nnd couutiiitf uutll upward ut lltty PlegniiHhind tome around this rocks nueV one Into thecave ind Mill thej kept coiulne vliat itemedremarkable tents tire luct that suit these ladlaus-vrere to nil appearances exactly Ino stem sizevveiedreased curd painted alike each criieill arifle slid must remarkable euch seemed Jittlelame In tIle left foot liiuplug slightly

They were u grudy crowd and the Cro ° scounted Sov only nf thom Tins aupurstiiloai-Crccs naturally concluded lint the evil spirithail something to du with it fur timers wa nodoubt that there were seventy Plegau Indianson thin inland who were exactly alike

So thoroughly were they oiled with the islesthat this dovtrvvus mixed up with the mysterythat even when tire reOntorcemenU arriveswhich was In a few hours they wore reluctantto attack tine Island That night one Cree lesssuperstitlou than tho rest crossed over the loutu iiivesllgnte On approaching the buppusedcove he wits surprised 10 fluid H was no cave utnil hut simply un upuiitng leading some ten testInto the lock whore it iiihdn a turn mend camsuut on thu other alclo required hut a glanceto understand what had seemed so mysteriousbefore Titers was but the remnant of a blutfiacamp fire tint poll Ion were gone and not unIndian wits In sight Tho apparent presence of-bluynlnc other warriors wu a sharp trick onthe part uf the Pleyan warrior to deceive hutsefirnilea und gain time for his escape which heaccomplished in genii shape

Wlillu It Is true that most roil turn are ri ¬

diculously superstitious anti others again soBtolId ami Indifferent that you mlghtenter theirpre cnee with a brass linud throw hand aprlagsueiure iiiein smiles weep liSTs convulsions ordci sumo other oiitiagcoua thluig mud yet theywill till and look ut yuu with a cola reservedglunco and dlslnteiostcd eye still there cuemore who huve tire hump cut humor pretty welldevuloucd und mere Intense ivncs In their ownwny The Under ut Kurt licnbuld ou the upperMissouri untight n Tartar outs duy

A lies Indian hued gIven tutu considerableannoyance by hanging around the htore In ahalfdruiKen condition lund was told thatIn case ho was teen again with n bottle Itwould be taken away front hInt antI thrownunto the flee A few days afterward tire In¬dian appeared with n pint flask In hits blank-et

¬as usual The trader was as good as hits

wurd and demanded tha bottle which wasgiven up without u word of protest anti thenthe redskin started fur the door The traderthrew this flask mitt thus stove when baugwent the stove antI out came thu windows tinetrader following hunt he Mopped tu Investi-gate


before throning he vvuuld have found thahusk contained gunpowder not whiskeybomu of Coxejs foot tourists in easternMontmiiua were bniilyxuld lust spring by a mis-


Crow Indian who moved us sign onthe innd to Hillings reudlng Six miles to KillIngsand stock It nil lii to trungti place Thuweary Coiniiumwritlfrs travelled six daa antinlgliu before they cached that town

mix sArKit FOJ-


Persona tVIII Hhnre a MUerly-Vumun Fortune

Vom the Chteagu Patty rrttin-JrrrrnRosviui Ind Ian 4 The derision

nf lmlgollib on of the Clark Clicuil Court toappoint u lommisi iuiivr tu dispose of tutu prop ¬

erty of ttlm lute tcrciitric Mrs fcurah Lttwmii itti nils a cuuI icmarkublu from maui standpointsJhu leeenl sleuth ol Mm Iewiuun and luredaiKhtcr n maiden lad within u short tlmeiifeach uther Itheir nuppuoed poverty und tin un-rxuuctnl tlnddigof u fnrtute concealed In theirhuuritcuii od mentation at the time liar ud-iiilnitratorun Inve tlcntlng the premises foundmoney hidden In the cellar In fruit jars cansthe ultSc In eiuek under Iho cnrnW und luhitch there wax hurcll ntrerel spot nrouml thuhouse trOt w hut c iit tiol neil either cold and silverur bifls 01 large uteurisiniuusstisiurt notch nnd papersnfcrrut value bank Ixiuks repiesentlng thou-sands tiC uttshlitr of depoiilts tu c

bouii Ithe plnci hud tu bu cinnidecl to preventthe Its vumsitu Iliom IIlluinllyI Itearing it to piecesIn their mad fuaicli for iildden trennure iiiKrerutvd leporis ut the It iuuh tire uf fabulousbum bprend over the luliborhucHl cpu this ex-citement


vviia Inivnae llelrn ur purront clnlmIIIK lo he relatives ti irui hug up by tie dozensfrun nilI civ er the country dematidlnj u unare uftlio cHtiLt lint tiul iii I mum I rlttttr found tIn mt uncStints sit about GJUlUII lured been test by the ec-centric old vvoniaii An uiietlun of thu puii nnal-ctlcctx was mind which WIK hxiUnd upon midobserved us the event nf irs sssttiour In the upperend uf the county Politicians and prcitcnerwere iii attendance furnierinml tneroliiintu laidn lde ihelr dntle piepnied Ilimthes stud tooktheir famllloH Hefiohment olinds slid u ruthIng llllslll-

Klvertliln was unenrtlitsl and bold from theancient but cutly silk and Huiln guvvm ut tiredeceuttitd to u curtoH last it IH even > nisi that un-utieniit win inudo in sell a second hand set offalku Iteeth lint hswiu I lit rltlemi uf Mrc lewmannml hurduunhter were tliit they Ilived ulmostlnwant vvhilvbiirroundid by plenty they cild notk iron us Just u tire tir uf earn wns Ilike und fur litliiii yennt prior tuI Itliilr iJvutli did nut leavetheir lolnied Inline xiui In fo fo cmiirchAicorclinj In tile inline itt Iluduu tlljwm thuCommloBloner nppointisit willI run vert llm wholeCBluiu Ilulu miner uinl divide it equally mnunirlliu ieventifuur helrk accorcjlif to thu ii grtuuf relitloiifhlih IIn t thin sTory 1st person gel Ilmnnhue rnUel ninnnnt will reOlvo about fuoUUand ihu one pelting tlm tmalUtnl>oiu 5V6

Nut n Orent tlevenuv Producerroni I InlltinrtpolltitLtrnat-

I see said Sir HnAhcrnft that they havopatted an urdiuuncu impotlng a Uuu uu city onewho silt Fl re iii is cIneireimOh wtili uld thu Cheerful Jdlot thatsort uf ptewhlng lieu pretty unutAgons out ofdate soy nvuy

4 I


rnoxt TitAT ArjticAv JTVT

What Chaplain Freeman SnyaVinoKolnfrn UscU by Tlioso Who Nuritile Rick anti Those AVlio Ministerto tlio Soul

A fresh illustration of lImo valno of the rightkind of stimulant In the emergency work of theworld Is afforded by tho axprrlenen of thetfalnrd nurccn of St Lukes Hospital who havebeau using nil extract of tInt wonderful Africannut which hns attracted so much attention froscientist anti which promises to supplant notonly such dangerous stimulants ns alcoholCoca Hlitr r hut If Indications do not falleven those iommonly accepted household stim-


te i OnfTco and cocoaTim troth of thn trained nurse especially In >

great hospital Is extremely arduous Theseministers of mercy tuTu called upon to exercisenil the faculties of their being atones Theymust rrtaln n pclcntlfio method and routinsithey must preserve calm of body anti mind sothat tho pntlunt shall be properly encouragednnd comforted Particularly roust they avoidanything Ilka nervousness anxiety and Itn-


und yet on some occasions they mustbo nwnko till night All the conditions In factlure ngnlnst them Until the introduction ofVlnolfnlnfra through tIre use of the nut by thFrench nnd German armies antI by athletes ansiphysicians no stimulant existed whatever wereIts Immediate vantages which Is not attendedby an Inevitable reaction anal In some cases byepermanent and noxious afterhabit The ab-


of any tcnctltm or afterhabit in tint caseof VlnoKolafra lusts been demonstrated Inarlous clinics and In a very wide use on tirepart of the general public often under the adrice of a physician taking lie Initiative in pusicrlblng It

Mr W V fiynril the pharmacist at St LukesjHospital hays nn Interesting account of thetraining which nurses have to undergo at thetraining school

This training said Mr Ryard Is so severthat n large percentage of the women break-down under time mental anti physical strain be-


they even graduate Only the strongestminds and bodies can stand the wear and tearIncident to this noble and Interesting callingIn view of this fact any reliable stimulant freefrom tine objections of tea and coffee on the onehand anti possessing this sustaining power ofstimulants which no solfrospentlng nurse couldpossibly take wilt Inevitably find special appllcation In this branch of llfework In the shorttime that VluoKolafrn lies been used by thetrained nurses of St Lnkes Hospital I am ableto say that It Is proving a most valuable aid tostrength The nurses havo personally reportedto me their satisfaction with tho now tonic stlmulant anti any ono who knows how extremelycareful in matters of diet they necessarily torewill understand just what their recommenda-tion


Implies TJhoy work In the hospital from0 A M to 8 P Ji frequently rushing out toduty outside There are no regular hours muchbroken rest antI many vigils VlnoKolafrahasaccomplished everything that has been claimedfor it send In sodolue baa undergone a remark ¬ably severe test If useful to trained nurses tothe extent of being Almost Indispensable womengenerally must necessarily find it a boon whenever similar conditions confront them In theduties of life-

MrByard incidentallyremarked that he hadmade a century run on the bicycle togetherwith a trained athlete One hundred mileswere made in seven consecutive hours althoughan accident Involved a lame shoulder and halttutu distance was made against a strong head-wind

We came in fresh said Mr Dyard trUjnmphantly on one wlneglassfal of VlnoJKolafra before starting In these days of patentmedicines which rely on alcohol and cocaine forvtemporary effect VlnoKolafra deserves thaihearty welcome and recommendation it Is rosJcalving from all classes The fact that it im es1I

antidote for alcoholism and drug habits gen-erally will commend It specially to those whofeel a mutual responsibility with their fellowmen and women

Rev Charles E Freeman chaplain of 8t-Lukes Hospital who bad found VlnoEolafrvery beneficial not only In his own case but Inthat of his family was also interviewed

I have found VlnoKolafra a most restfulsedative otter a hard days work and everjvfSunday I have relied upon It to go calmlythrough the duties of that particular day Anyconscientious clergyman knows the Intellectualand emotional strain Involved In Ito prepara ¬

tion and delivery Of sermons and even extem-poraneous


addresses from tha pulpit Manyclergymen break down purely because they giveout too much so to speak I have made repeatedtrials of VlnoKolafra and always with thasame beneficial effect I have experienced DO

reaction and I have found ann title I will candldly say I did not expect that instead of inter-fering with natural rest it was promoted by 1USome time ago I had a severe attack of the tripand would have been utterly unable to do myroutine work VinoKolafra carried me oversuccessfully and us I have sold before I ex-


no reaction whatever anti the eventone secured by Its uso was maintained withoutany Interruption or letdown of the nervoussystem

This extension of the use of the new tcniostimulant appears to be merely fresh evidencevindicating a wellestablished theory of vastpractical Importance

The Inference Is being made by a large claMof consumers that If the Bterculla nut fromAfrica from which VlnoKolafra is madeenables troops to march many miles and manrdays without other food If In time Internationalgames and in tine contest between Yale ansiCambridge athlous have token VlnoKolafraduring months of training without ill effect reaction or tho entailment of any habit only to bacompletely successful in tIre rind If the lettercarriers of Now Yorle If physicians in theirpractice built chit ad and at home find thatVlnoKnlifru gives strength to the strong iitmust nccucurlly give strength to those whomcircumstances compel to endure unusual laboror strain or to tliune not naturally strong or aresuffering from thus effects of Illness or a generalrunning down of the nervous bystora-

JohntoiiiL Johnson of No 03 William streethave shown considerable enterprise In bringingthe merits of the now tonic stimulant to the attcntton of there less qualified to decide upon itsmerits A very large tale line demonstratedthat the favorable opinions entertained by Mmany distinguished authorities and cllnlehays been based upon firm ground geMAdv