the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-08-24 [p 7] t havo l vn n rovon for hu duplicity i ut urmied...

THE SUN FRIDAY AUGUST 24 1000 I r ir 4t p r 4I r tr = Ta li- ha result lean wai lip amenta to Bin ne roe accepted fc y wer- Airalnit and their papers trouble tdUorini f ro for for ome ate to rk to the sneirroeii- ve ro them there tlito HUIJT I do much ifavo- r rl lnat d- en Attorney i remark taotn of burying ring was Premie- oce dliif4 John T trustee rtbur H trunterN- UK repre the Oelllli the trilM- IPPOllltld 1 It to the Heatns f It Th len on tha- thn new tlm tip inmrtlon- h n vote f Prentice ltd winI- Inir for of Julian who- a charge sent II bo for itry- wricro en corn it of mir Arnold son but wan r of of the company lotd eald reel It 1 not nt Rev Mr M P- w on the Twhat It r In hid therwise What can OfTBatR Southern h not In tin their nSouth- rn Htata Illiterate hued ID revisions In thee sno dn ite Tha lliteracy- ider the may bo ere I no portion fltUnot for n- loned on so of the faith Chandler folntlon In it solution will not Is of tho arn that of tho other play fclllTIt- hnpA modern e ateam w Like me ideas to lyslcally r It H the put Bryan ln great tn this curiously- t and Iveyr- ttoe took barrliu- rulorol I the e rstnUw ton Lord lain cam cry badly caused by U as In- ik Scotch followed- lometlmr laudUnoe- orwarded ith oordon and will On would be take to- e fOplO- lardl art Loan j hHloM- ndtulBA theo that It mae d vat th mae a UTZS- t that rMcbed- wbltM 0 IZilp tiu L- Dt4 If r flACK Sec- ant old woe Ta B IWA At br of The p ad- it all thalr- S I th- in eyr Vmlj ala tMal > > STILL IMPING ON i SC1IA- R1i noun hit r r l y ll fft Ihui lll Muter May Ilsve llt n UK 1 lienTale Told Abut Qanrr- ijvry eilort f IntiMMitor Hurliiyii ntnl- tvjv WOH iwulii dovdUnl yiwtorduy iiriixtlieiiU tint ciiifl they think they hn- ll 11111 Kredirlck Hchnrn who IH In tl Tomb isplrJon of having irullty know r Hi inurtler of hU Ut T In hr lint md OVeRRUN lost Hntunlily nlulit- ouuio lul 1b by I 4 oclock Hut- ujy BitTir on tROUt midnight of the uimo Kivrxl imirc nitblo hilt hU story nf It- wb f af llU irlr 43g 0cIX lt was furtli- iuncturi f0 H doubt that ho flatlY ntMiit huw hn Kixut the day until ho n wareil at the KuUiM home In The Bronx Id- Intho aftoriKion Tho pcllco provwl abet lately th fnWty of miuiy of hl ntntemen and they falieil to corroborate ln lo one hl tnli n W movement Prior to hN jo lh Klblm TIe discovery of Scharn lying brunul the boy undor Incroiwed Titer mu t havo l vn n rovon for hU duplicity i Ut urmied and aoojrdln ly llioy cliaiutv their as to the limo of the motile from tho evening to tho afternoon Ml- Hoharu they included wai klll l In after noon dUly enough to txwnlt her brother t go KiHimd iivenuo mid ThUtysoven- tlnt to the Kublns house nn n eh thorn by 4 oclock TIM change of bnxi- bovuver but gut Ihem from the frylnR pa tlm flrti other evljcnoj at prurtctit ir aiUHvin to ruuder untuiiubl the tliwry tht anybody klllod thn Hohur- jlrl lu Hi rfVfuuonV- hnn SiJmrn wan llrat gu tloned by liis ef- tor llurl iy thu boy saId IIP had left his tn SatiUiiBr mornlnc to to work In the i tsut K p at 44 Ilockntiin Ktrwt He did not d- no never wits omploywl at 44 li okma- tjwt nor had ho worked miyvhere for ft moot rrior 10 murder ll said that nt noon h- ft the irutliiK tfflro and wont by tho TOI railroad up Thlid nvenuo to tin of tli Ilovated when ho took the Union trol- l y niad for Yonkers HI In eoln to he Haiti wits to n a friend namei who addr w he did not know and whom ho was unnhlo to thud tlm- Jteroocii having falld to find VII Him he went buck by trolley to th- Xublns arriving them at about 4 oclo fc in harleY dots not believe thnt the ho went U lie sent ditectlves up their tad Ui y coull Hud no tnia of a mull name WillWrm wh knew Schnrn Ajlit from that th Iwtween noon when the says I null work and th iur of his arrival at th docs not penult him to havo rfiiohw- Yonkcrs and set to The Hronx by th- riu ituvu j that h y hat beinre eolim to tile Kublns h nit to saloon ut itisil stre t Third where h mot a friend Edward Wolf who lives in Tho Bronx Wolf hoer Interviewed by Insi ctor llarler arid he sold h hid not wo Scharn Mnoo Thursday when V lf end Vletor Krvlnjc naiad wentlnswlmmln ld When Scharn got to the Kubln he told them they say that had been to Van Ness the Sew Sew Haven and Hartford ro anal U also on the trollav line about thirty ml U M from tho nom Any one The boy also nld the he had the about hi hU uite up the flat been In lleexman t whole fimlly Is that he bright and cheerful all the rest of the condition of nnru which would have boon had ho murdered hi ulster that afternoon falsehoods make It Jcok hid for tho buy but if the now mlvimred by th that the committed 3 jitter Kate Scharnu return from her shopping tour Is tennbl here are some wmcn- flr t must be explained away Edward young roan who works in Rue jrrnenry of 11 wltliln four dK M of the scene nf Uio murder kiwi declared that at ahout vm oclock on Harurdny ovonlns- hi oM Kato Seharn three pears have lo m to attack credibility of this wltnen to that le- I hnrje l In gtateinentbut they art utrnnely- lacaned to the belief that he Is inls taken They say It STilts have boon on Trlrliy evonln if Jiturdny evenIng thst fold the 18 at nluMy positive ns to and the day hits every elnco the murder to THE Kfv ho fold tho pears on Satur- day Yesterday when hit statement wo In hn how ho kn w that It was Saturday Ho to work ho said at t3O oclock He hrlplnc his employer out on the pith oalk the fruits as U usual when n known to llcynolttir- as l Tho detuctlve of the Murphy nor Hcjuoldj had thou t it hat murder asked Vliy the tilt who lives with her brother over trus store Scharn Is her imruo- cre u- l op Munihy ho She was tho store flight and bought three At that time not twelve hours had the Still Inspector Harl y to bJlevi that Uie i nln on Saturday iliml OCntmor tlie crwhlor In s torn he t lnu out the sale too but t he not r ltive vhetl T it was on Friday- or Saturday Mimle OConnor not wnr on Sunday bho did not hear of the murder RIB came to work on Monday hours hand then Murray lied hound of the ethnic and It In wit to that her itcollection of the oc tiirrenN would l e more vaeuu titan hU She did taut know the Scbarn elrl mime stud tint uiitll fin dead win de crlt e i did i ho eon ret her with the with who had bought tlm- vn Murphy knew the Scharn girl WiLt for friendly with young Scharn who usod to Idle about store In mpjiort of his that the t WITH mi Inspector Hurley points to tie fact that no trace or of T bag which contained them found In the flat Search of kitchen and tho gar disclosed no core or frngmentN Dr found no trace of the fruit In tin girl rtomach The evidence of food was seed practically nnd eaten the assert about four hours prior to fifMd there Is still raMit Irreenndlnble with the that the fir killed her brother In the afternoon Mulllifon who In the rooms ndJoln- i Schnrn girls tn the house next the ScharnV on their alxiut ft oclock were wen In llur statement tine already been printed Chorlw McHas lines on the n ir above Mrs Mullleni saw l rtere l lnif ralrxxl on 0 itclotk They nut there when he looked nut nt s Nm on md pulled them In and Seharn could hi rB It he wa at Kublno If come bark after two or throe lied guilt person the dead body would havo en It would seem for more Itohaliln therefore that the wa IU allhl stamU out Cart McClufky eeems Inclined to OH conclusive He admit Jturtihvs evldenro and that of thn two must x for what It pcems to K while h d ny s i directly tln In rx man yesterday htktlSw about In II A cnat deal of Eilnn out for what was the nature of the ITt wold In Court Scharn Wt but whin tho caso rattan i i ht l ohnrn was attentive understood that she Is not n IW 11 1 TruUI n In I4PPRI dried I I I their I i to lon The Ito I hOle In ell run ron took l and at wnlch on the 01 ork oUr oul that hOle con The lIe out co ho not tem that tie had dow The Ip mid and thor k tie TIIA Ian ont ut I I dOff I nl h on door t th dor- a Ib th dun hil from hot who In A would hour Md In N It Inn to drawn j that 10 not bl1 ffr thllk I t man Al And I I them both In tie don did to MY tutor har- t for or ot tint arltN Ito t lorn1 ont rLkl for nn tho It UWM dCwl for 11 tII A time Ilh In tnt BhUn AI In WM rrT I laonr the I to at on which on l ttis M for the when lt WM tin 1t Ihe boy bnvlnl Ion whom it E 11 wu In the n t tm a w ad iIt rtis PIi Thai II IUdnI leO th lI W III liiy IgI hut NBi tIflir 1g 61 sui1 that ffnrts otr ucics rum tOil little Ito a vii Iii flu rim Bronx t tie enc laMe lout ho More thar tots a Kuburhan In onkerN Van ness spent knew wits and did tell was a ThoM sire idy tie iunda wit heard Uao tim last lIars sine eia girl was ears tai wee the hiRe tart e digested sri Shortly afterward Mrs also were lint girt wii kIUna after corning tank pulled the iurtireet rnurilrt r an I girl It that urnS that tie brother that arch Lie from late tnteineiio does I4etaaru guilty e ido tool with tti A the told pn that all baud work brad the ease Mid 5id he tay to gtye some tuna cay etitrTtl nppticatjon release awrIt corpus was tra to tilt A0jnifluiiiit SiOl set iflfTTnw The to ro the s oftic hto the tw order not late freedom the Grand fury Tha charge was grand wits hhs tho theft hair watca laly from her rooms wore the same wj Mchaar e74 I3eond avenue the watch wca ound on artistad and pawn brOker 4u ° Who Wftna VOUtt during tiatsas She greeted I She 4 yesterday the day > ° < < > < ° > > > > < < < < > < > ¬ < ° > > = > ° tell where he was on Raturday morning everybody tlina not think tho Is of the murder It he Is proven to be a thlnf never enter lini e Main natixxl Teddy of 3 Fast oveiitii street n mite re- lerdnv to the to lIchen Ho told Druggist Tyler to Tyler aiwertwl th ii woman stone ont had her that tho Hcdarn brother and sister hi ijuitrTelllne at their windows on 8s Utility morning The person who did Ute Is said to havo one of the rn- HMiini In a flat on street overlori- liirf tho holism buck windows Doteotlvu list eivint took UiU clue Uelliaj- ilunlisj Insf that ho law told a tutor f AII I If nource of Info motion thuy did not muko It public Ilia Couple Hhoie IClopement Hurtled II Ml Five Yesrs Ago lioarox Aug 23 The few leaders of the till In town nnd those colonies at Beverly and Magnolia are dloouasli with Interest the return of Mr and MM Jew W Hmlthto Boston wondering just how they will be received I their former trends The couple figured In nsaUonal elopement fin years ago tRoll D- oember and for months the Back Lay poor hnd the scandal to co lp about Mrs 8ml was tho wife of Fronds I Hlfiglnton one of I5o leading bankers She was the mother three children two Uautdi tens and anon Bmlt or Handvino Jimmy OH lie waj lila Intimate nctiuaitilnnoea met Mr Hire non while a student ut Harvard and on aocoui of hU friendship with her only ton a qutmt enlist at the Beacon street residence the family Ho appeared to admire Mrs tinson very on account or the he being B and she 43 ODD dreamed that anything wore than ordlnar friendship existed between tho two urnduatlna when he entered a tHintlniied to be frequent caller nt the were teen BO often together at places c and appeared so tn end othiir that the s began to wag Then el pomenu It was not known until 4 that there hud been a elopement although the couple aro to have been In No1 York forrevcrol previous fllgfflnxo went there to attond Show In the let ten part of November said she would a few dye but It was afvrwar with her When the young man left as an that going to nuv to return on Thank- itivinc Day day cattle and Smith dill taut did llitrlnson return In tlm to at of the turkey and then do educe employed I Suspicion the fact and Mrs had taker IAKsage together rn the llnorColuinblii for Renon where they landed o Dee 7 Whon this news becntne known th Hick contnu wn dumfounded am for a lung tm hardly dared believe thai the story was true It wee learns their departure that Uio ooupl hurl little ready money al- though which were eellmsteii to b The deserted husband Uited divorce proceedings 1804 dls were the libel i adultery as tha oausn A decree of atxviluto dl was granted to Mr Hlcgtnson and ho hn Mr and Hinlth Smiths as they are more commonly known are stopping near Boston The excuse for return a desire on the of Mr Smith to revisit the home of his youth problem now Is whether Mrs Smiths iwla friends will recognise her From the Mrs Phillip Sears reroi her mother when In not Ion ago has arisen a report that Mrs Sears wl receive her now KDdAIt K DUBYKAS WILl e Largest Beneficiary u Walter E D rj Who Ii Living With a Broken Neck MJXEOLA L I Aux 23 The will of the Editor E Duryen who at Glen Cove lax ago was offered this morn TheestAteU estimated at liOO000 pemoiia property and MOOOO in reU estnte Tin beneficiary under tie will Is Walter 3 Duryeo the only son of the testator who broke his nock while bathing nt Oyster i a o and whoso recovery has medical and surgical world To the s given the u e of 2nf ono of the personal prop rty for Iwo and If at the end of i fully recovered from the operation in his broken nock he U to receive amount In event of the sons death f the two nnd there heinz no children amount allotted to to throo who are named In the will Thtwe nephews are IxiulsT Frank V Duryea II Durvra Thai of Cox her Ziti and at ier death If she leaven no children than amount to the three nephews already mentioned This mini of Itoooro to Mrs Grace on the same conditions and the Stan of U to Eva Tlio three women mentioned In the are daughters if the testator Walter B the son BOTH stud other personal effect should he die before the two ar- ho property goes to the three ir The eetato Is de1sa in small bequests friends and servants DUnn ox ring IKCAFK llsbr Down and the Flsme Enveloped Them A whole family were e Tjrcly burned by one bj puff of flame as they were flustered on a flro scape In a fire In the flvestary tenement at and 10 Avenue B yesterday morning It appened through the terror of tenyearoldl- ocky Adelstcln who Insisted on rtlmblnc up lie Lire escape Instead of down While the rest f the were trying to pull her d wn m flames burst out window atm cn rloped them began In the umbrella and hat tore f Jacob the ground floor the moment The family and theIr six children oldest of whom was only 14 slept buck store They had got out on the the lent In rear of the and were bout to climb down tn the around about fit er baby In her arms climbed above the forced her to tlie others It was at this moment that the flames nvelot od them Tho father and iither were sent to Oouvernenr Tho urtiH of Ute rest were the ambulance ireeon and were with he twenty families who lived In the tenement seeped and took refuge blast 50CMI KVUXTH AT n Clarence W Balsa Gives Dinner Vaade- vlll Oth r NnwroilT H I Auir 23 It was o quint day Newport from a social standpoint after the gball given by Mrs Fish last night Thero a few luncheons nt the Golf Club and to ght a few cottage dinners The big time tn- ght hiwaver wis at Et tnan Pwlnt where ider t tent a dinner vaudrvllle wxs irlv n Haronco W Dolan tent was placed that it fuood the ooeanand there sonic the cottnifer dined the dinner Mrv l colored chef thin links Club consisted of Southern dishes Following la dinner a curtain was drown aside and there i a raised nn vaudnvlllo wa It was a novel entertain ent the crUsts appearing Ixmlw r In ton hongx In and inces John comedian and iby sIsters musical rymn ts- wls Case Mr Herman Oelridut the lat t of thiS to take farm on l Mlunteil on the KA t Iver and will t e an Ideal site for nodal enter laments will to He garden vegetable houses In York COLLIKn DKIATSD DY A COOK Iliac Pat Catll a N w Coald Da- c r d Frera New York Nonrouc Va Aug 23 Tha United States sam collier Alexander passed out Capo this afternoon bound for the China tlon with BOOO tons of ooal for our warships lllntt was delayed becnunn a new to bo The cook first hired in w York thought he was on a war- p When awl round the 1 la of day until a uaw and y lclon told M I u Tyler Tri the In the ummer the or and I ot die road lUll lon Dluu emont can be dn the llori flow mothor and not grew end at last wit them diamond to but ar VoC I The tore lat die tag largest ear astonished the son I ears outright the bl ItUII the n F 111 the brlc brlo and rl 10 urur Tbry litoppiag There to putt the e Ad the 0 the tn rI below when leck amt 10 frIghtened that she lost completely climb the could not get hr down so Mrs with l dressed which was then rue akire WM The loss t3Ki VIIIORT Entertainment tn rote b The or t llIf h I It being He HIlfIAOno the wore gIven Mrs James Anna Md Mrs I loll It 1 lnJf that lie a1 tile tiIInd loint eight I use II New- port O On had Alex an a ooU1r he not ahlp UP a 00 eoolC WM say b- ran lie An embalmer tutu boon sn ice such said lie hail I11UI1NrVaMt7JI iurVnN ic- cliii sot at tons known amoul was ire lug ottlento late Smith i Mrs re- turn 3eaiioa1 that Smith attended kiwi sinus was appear ere eliarttatils under the arid placed Itm m theIr credit shortly alter mutt tIe lvsa Byes Tb Bar use 0 goes 7tt lucre them little U ladder I ra the Liberty all wrecked CM aboUt irs 0 fit how by lude today miles lit ear u > < < NEW KIND OF GOLD BRICK FVItFORTS TO OH A CUB 01 11RAXI- KKLIJt IS HKSTKll ATRKKT Hebrew Iltnlnrti lien end Women Fooled b a Swindler Who Hold llotes of Hand Ilobblth Coutalnlnc Tub of lie lliuorll to lIneup on Proceed It lent easy to toll gold brick toil greet Bowl in IlmtiT street but denier In tint wtlclm nm prulltubly Ml other thlnun I that locality There I wild demnnstrntlv grief today In more tItan a sours of houoholc In the tiel ht orliood over the nueccasful earn polen of a swindler who la closely related t- thn venders of flotltlotti nugireta Tuesday n mlddlouwd man who di- crlbod hImself 04 Bamunl Ilertutoln of called on Un Mary Klaumhaum of II Huff oik atttwt whoso husband keeps a butte and csgstoro there You VM a pirnem Toomnn eald Bernstein undt efferypoddyiays you van derimardo- Tomatn In der rotld for a pftrgaln A parffalnT jtclnlm d Mrs Flaumbnun becoming Yah a regular pargaln mid Bernstein Lliten 1 hat a lod of fine brandy Don MY von von Id va Bmu Rled Ho uln imperiled brandy vot cheodej dor Govern mont I vIII sell Id to you its gallons for III Id TM vor 15 a gallon I vIII lod you lint Bsmbln of It but you muadt say notldlntr o- dor bolton pud me chI A pargaln Is a pargaln responded Mn- Flaumbtum unit I vIII alvay puy n parjjalr Mr Bernstein undt I Till say nodding On the following day brought around pine box about the of a cam The ha explained was with Un and held six mllonn of Then ho pulled out a plug which IHtod Into a hole In the top of tho box and rxnirlnu some of contents Into a Kin unked Mn Fluumbaun- tn tmt II Hh took the liquor around tn Haloon nnd the proprietor r It awurp her that It wa brandy Then tin went hack to the houM secured Ito from Blockln and fmir of tho ciu on spot IlKrnotPln delivered thorn from a wfuror outride which was loaded totlio hoses Then he drove to visit other victims It was il- rolonod All the afternoon he was busy Rolllnt In the neighborhood I hn came horn that night of ui bargain In brandy nlm hail obtained H drank H very the brandy and was he told her was a woman and kl s d tier Then a o disposing of Uio brandy and realizing their of th t call tr the nrJrtt The pair went con irratulatvd all round and under of the liquor became more more effusive when thi of from which they hoi been drinking suddenly stopped late Then he gavn a yell that could bo heard 8 block away Ach lott vnt do I see looked and with a fell to floor In faint The looked too and then began to iiohxt brought iti the neigh- bor thin all The hole In ox led to a tin tube about sly n had contained about a of brandy Te t of box was tilled MI arranged that when the box was shaken the contents moved about In such a- way as to the lon that the box was with liquid The other boxes were sim- ilarly filled ms a xmardt vooman Yes Xo tall Flaumbaum to wife when he purveyed the pile of boxes You n plznesa vooman You n regular dunco The pair went the not to the Ks er court and secured R warrant fur arrest but when Detective McVev Ins nf the court nqtiad went to Brooklyn to serve he was Informed that gone to Furonn detective learned that the tin tulxw the made lout a tinsmith of im KulTolk strwnt and arrested him In court yesterday Morris dcdaml was with when he sold the boxes butt established un alibi and wee Gott lob Is for ten other violin of the fraud nor c ncoTT PAl AnnExmit- la Confesses to Utktnc a Tort l Order on Which l r 0001 Were Obtalard Albert Btro b rg nn Albany youth was rmntel ycatordny In a VTUII mhunr where ha had ronn to make Inquiries pal Ray C Scott of Jii Hoobllne street iVIllianitburg Scott a month ceo robtx i father of Jewelry valiml at tMO and went Albany where hn l eoamn acqualntnl with Itrosboru Strosberg It saH rxcolvnl some atln dos goods on n I order anti pave them to Scott to take to Brooklyn awl dispose if mind hN companion We Inca Scott left a saloon near the hop while he out to secure n loan on he who saw Scott BO Into pawnshop nrrwtn1 him wa Ignorant of Bcottn when ho fallei to alter several he set out to tint him The was clo ni awl Stronbere waited until yr ser ay motnlng when he went thoro I Scott rielalnni than otth anl cnllnd a policeman Htronberc- rns nrrp tnl nnd taken to aventin- tntlon where he conl i to the hiraM oroer- nl n mltlol 1m wits pal He was taken to the Iv avenue court where Kramer committal him without the Albany Vfiir sTKAuinnr rovTjMcr url for Ibe Boston Tnnhnat Co iiiny lo- He Until In IlnltlnioreOthrt CnnlrsrtiH- AITIUORK Md Aug SI Tho Maryland leel Company has received n contract for thin onstructlon of a new steel Menm lp for Piston Towboat Comrany The vessel will o completed within twelve months Tlm- ew steamer will be a duplicate of the Plelndert- nd which were also bum by till Mnry- md Steel Company for the Towboat Besides tho now ftiviimhlp for which tho nmpany has laying tint ko l blocks tho iur inuu LMtniiifc iiu edo boat destroyers tot the Inltro States e which nre tar advanced the and Tnu The Dredging Company f Now Is there two Immense teol dredges The o will hnvn n capacity for nun each nnd be In a 40 oot channel In Now harbor A larco- teql bargn U being built for the Pennsylvania the largest battleship atlon- trAiiiXK An FUn HEIIKF Word r Indias llhlrei American Aid Continue lo Come In The Committee of One Hundred on India online Ilellef received tho following cablegram eaterday from SIlllarn T Foe United States ontul at Bombay chairman of the America Jdlan Famine Relief Committee FAmine distress appslltnr Thousands will die of AM tlon uulos Uonrjr to buy oRb toad And frutn othlncUtfrrtblt Cnolrra itlll adler Tbr ron linn womtn anti drirtted rblldrtn tillable Many tovs and gRits ate In haul indiCt John Crosby Brown Treasurer of Corn lltee of One on India Famine llellef ported contributions tit H 31077 received yw with lakes the total received by hit committee to IJ18M 6 Romano Ilrfnin to flo to PrnntjlTsnU- Gluteppl Ilomano the money order forger Is wanted In Scranton Pa and was cnught this city on Monday evening after hating chased about the cuntry for right onths wim arraigned jeslerdiy alee r i examination ol to ienn Ivanla This will make It necwwiry for Ihe nvernment to brine witmiwes hero from that talc to establish hi Eiamtnatluii for Wednesday next and the original ball 11000 waa Creditors of Far Itockawar Hotel Alfred Van Wagner and Mnllnn Buckley of ar Rookaway and Jam Slewan represent g the Armour Packing OomiMnr of Manha- tn filed a petition In the United State Court yesterday that Edward lies proprietor Hotel Nanieoke at Far ockawa an bank tot or bankruptcy on and a last interested a In he 11 sire C mpllilne box the a the top hOI lIumbllum tt tIll huts so smart Iew sloan nd mellowing told su l lIt Ie dr nlumhallm shook the Ut turned It over but not n out rushed for hatchet and with It lie a oft the Pay vat see ho Flatimbaum fI a Pint ou hi I b t levine dloh COUlllit about his to li Str dll alI went all II I pIttJthR the rll arrest rind hours aUt fur fit bill arid lIrltJ the to ruiuamuaatcate with poll O nut horlUPt begun Steel I Ion v tl Inn Metropolitan used ork a steel floating dry dock StAt Oovpmmnt The dock will be Rln toned at nnd wilt ot no Farther needed blank The urrrllll those r date who In United lied mended end to lei or tk In lot cornrnitt ne an act AWJ when Weed of Far ten to efraud his creditors Th or tie peU ion Brook- lyn vii fined thai hrndy the Mrs tie he cais upside down pulled gasped rus lie guests core lie I3e The pawn- shop his The Iii At b is eon bofote return was a It botel Broperty- at Rankaway with sru s1v3W > > > ¬ < ¬ < > > > < > iv SKSSW- XTwrntyntlh Annual Heeling of the Htate A loclstloarspen Head The twentyllfth nnnuiil iiietln of tho York State Stenographers Awjolatlon w opened In tho Hotel SI George Brooklyn yesterday and will b rontliiuwl today Abo fifty of the tOO mcmbeni In attendant Pnwldctit John F Kelly of Albany In his bit address advocated tint licensing of atono- rnphcrs and crltlcUnd the nttlttidn of that Hint liar In refilling lo Indurwn the pr t- ofiltloa Hjwolulimpornon no less than clgti teen subjects tunny of which had relatlo to the courtS to colon before the mcvtlm Civil ti rvloo Competition was the subjw chosen by Mat I Ormsby r c Supreme Court Judicial district Mr Onn out some defects In th and had this to any about the chl examiner lie Is not an expert ateno Ho not even a lawyer practice who come pliers Ho does not understand the an ofllctal position He la a pure and William veteran stenographer dlscusMxl a Btcnw Do If He Were a Judge to score unreasonable attorneys Inconsiderate Judges Among were for Stenographer In Federal Courts 00 of Allowances for by Charles A Morrison of Manhattan How IntheMollneux J O Bmtihr of MnnhattHn sari 1 the FAwned Carroll forme Monographer In the States Navy Th the ovenIn at IlrUrh ton Bench when they went In special trolley cars Mvr PINK ron POUR nnrKij Kn Imposed by llaglitrate tlrann Who Hntfe Prom Little Coney Island HowdrUm A policeman took to the West Side yesterday two young men and two youn women whom ho charred with disorderly eon duct Intoxication and refusing to move o when ordered to do so on Broadway near iOTth street at 130 oclock yesterday morning Thn quartette described themselves as Robert Kelly of 210 West Ninetyfourth street Edward Butler of MS West Ninetyeighth street Mabo- Tllton of 108 West iNth street and May llnrlnj of Itt Vest beth street The men woro ex- l Well what have to say gentle- men asked Magistrate wirawtlrally the word K n The men denied that they beer drinking and ld that they t boOn told to move on They had met woman com at Huh UtIle Island sold the MagU train Its no added as several laughed at least tonne lives In that district toad has Buffer at by the rarounlng of ladle unit like Thnt U n cancer on Manhattan Ikland and Ill make this day- a memorable Quit for two young mon lie then lined thai four Uio 110 each who was perused of shooting off a re- volver WM morn for that bringing the total contribution of the to the treasury up to iO An elderly woman In n dark drew who sent a to the Magis- trate bearing the name Mrs Horace and who she was the mother of the young ater mun went to the court prison and tlio fines of the two women SHK TRIBD TO PUS A HAD COIN welv T rOld Girt Say Herbert Northrop Gave the tony Annie Hlegelford 12 year old of 126 Clinton trret who was accused of attempting to pass a counterfeit twentyllvecentplooeon tho keeper t a bakery In Attorney itreet won arraigned the Kiw x Market yolk court ymtorday- lornlng and there banded over to the United tnt authorities for examination before United States Commissioner Later In the ay the girl andllosaYoudelsky who was with when attempted to pass the coin were ikon to the Federal Building where the two by tiocrot officials According to the tlrU told received the coin from herbert A Northrop U a clerk in omen of the Company at the foot of Htnnton street ho gins that they were In Northrop ncn on Vedneday ul ht and when them each 60 cwnt was taut for arid corroborated them An titers nothing to how oriinlunl III ent In the girls attuuiptlne to tms the coin cliiirgu against girl was Iropped elm KM was rondo t the XEW JIILK CO CAPITAL 3tOOOnOO lIen Nsmed ai Incorporators Say They Dont Know Anjlhlnt Abont It The Centuo Milk Company with n capital tock of JtouOnno was Incorporate yehterday- i New Jcrwy for the supposed pur oo of khtliur tho Ito States Milk IVodiiCfn As- ocial Ion Those award n incorporators are lobort C Maroney llobert H Hykes and David I Miironey and an clerks tuployi Pembettnn A McAdoo brokers f U street Sykcs Is the typewriter Mr saul yesterday that he knew nnth- ig about the new cninpany and n Is one nf this lie was evidently truth Mr Pnmbortnn dnclaml that knew noth alxiut thai airl Inuglmt when nl that his clerks worn conncctol with It Why thny are probably thing my clerks s hn s i I havo no to that Mr Is not an muplnyeo- f mine butt ho comes In rr to ceo tho larks I think that lm has any Counsel for the now conconi are Uelallel- diiKAiTii TKAnnxa iv scnnoLt- hnol OlUrUU tn Clnrlnnntl Object lo the HvCalled Ttmpranre Initructlnn CINCINNATI Aug us In the fcchonU- r charts showing diseased conditions of nrgnni- r the Inxly caused by the use of alcohol will bo allowed by Superintendent of Hchoolu- oono A short time a o hn refused to allow hool children to attend n temi ranc feet given at the Central Christian Church tho ground that It Injurious to rens mind fllled with bad HP- ivorn teim enuiue showing tilt Ixncflls- r temH rnnco rather than tho evil Ride of Ho today- I haii doubt conditions shown r thochart hilt am vitig a child a bad lmpre lon Hupl lloone will ronfer with Health Offl r levis on the advisability of giving Instruction l health and He that tho health department Issue circulars nnd ipem a the teachers e prevented and In general give pupils a thor to take care of TgXOGlAPIZRILt Now were H con lct thy court lat H look 10 l ton HInoIfR hp1l WIrt Trial hi nR stenographers lit court drl 011 Cone I to l 0 Koii paid their fines and two or paid lien In 8 her the who Ice wait thc o II I man l1 H h n ont ont not Oil have ctjll drink nl h poI 10 on or never u IS It will contagion to worn open requIre went of sac lag asetire three A tab were tutor lit oiling ho iA Tug Intl bias 23 The ire stud Iii the thOu general ground tty see how are < < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < Perhaps been to along without a Tuxedo When you find cant hong out any longer against comfort and common senso be clad to take care of you a Tuxedos are ready they are cor- rect they fit Coots 10 to 27 Suits 28 to 4fI- IOOKUS 1KKT or COMPAtfT Ill ear WartM and land WamnSfc w tim order ou Wont toke a hero Our IS8 roa4waT me PrtDOIo CIOI 114 k7 ara- uwI4 6 JERSEY CITY OVER 206000 AXOTltKH tSTKttWriNU PATCh CKMiVA PHiVUKH Omaha Ihe Final City to Show a I rr ii the Pest Tn Tear Her Hbrlnknue Ne i- a IM C nta tfl nd Now the Hint City In OhloKnr OutstrIps Buffalo To- WAsmHOTO Aug 23 The population JoriM y City for looo at announood by t Director of the Coruu today U TO04U Urnlnut 161003 for 1MO toil 120722 for IN The increase from 16W to IKK 4JISI SS07 per cent and from 1HOO to 1600 wax 4S4J or 2004 per cent The population by ward 1000 follows First IPlfiO Bcoond 18183 I73U2 Fourth ISIS3 Hf it 14204 SIXth I5M- Hovnnth 14180 right 19IU Ninth 1403 Tenth UUA Eleventh 2J7M Twelfth 2129J Returns from Hoboken N show a popul lion of 50304 against 4S04 for 1890 and S0 for 1680 TJia increase from Iff to 1WO wi 12049 or 4080 per cent and from 1800 to 1ft was 15718 or 1901 per cent The populatIon t words In 1000 follows First 10 Oil Beoon 8472 ThIrd 14218 Fourth 1488J Mfth 107- 3Omahas population according to the of the twelfth census announced today 102M5 thin year as comparrd with 140452 1600 thowlnx a decrease of S7SW In the last t years or 2409 per cent The population i Omaha In IRSO was 30518 and It Increaw- 1X834 during the ten years to 1800 or HO- per cent This Is thellrst city whose popiilatle under Ute recent count has been announced b tho Census Bureau as showing a decrease In tl last decade The CoiikUH Bureau announced Uio popula Uon of Cleveland this afternoon afl MI7I In tRW M compared with 3fli2S In isoo show ItiK an lncrt a o of 120415 or 4807 per cent The count for Toledo show 1311173 In 80 compared with 84J4 In 800 on tncroai of 603NI or 0168 per cent For Columbus the Inut count show a popula tlon of 123500 an lncroao of 37410 or 424 pot cent The discomfiture of Cincinnati over nuwirre returns of her census will bohelcht ened by the rhowlntr mad by Cleveland which now assumes tho place of motropoll of Ohio Tho Increase In Cincinnati for peat ten years was only 28DM wMI that of Cleveland was four times u great Cln clnnatl has now only 825002 Inhabitant com- pared with Cleveland 381703 Clevelnni In 18W had only a few thousand more than Iluffalo the figures ting 291213 Clevolandand 2550 4 for Buffalo This year Cleveland has forced further ahead of Buffalo having 381703 to Buffalos 352219 Cleveland thus has 20548 more than Buffalo and 6i8fli creased 3777 per cent In the post ten years ClndnnnliV 077 per coot lands Increased 4007 per cent Tho officIal flcurifl ls uid the census authorities at have caused eoim III Hoboken The olllclald believed the cetiNUs would show that the had a latlon of nt least flsooo wlilch U the on said yesterday thnt he warn positive nijftnko n A Helter of the Board of Henllh declord tlia the city had a population of over 70000 State census that liouokei a population of 5403- FAIRifAX ROQKRS DEAD The WellKnown American Expert on Coach tag Piutei Away la Vienna PHILADELPHIA Pa Aug 23 Falrmai- Ilojrers who was the flret man to drive a four Inhand In Philadelphia and who wu accepted tu one of tho worlds authorities on coarhlnc died yesterday In Vienna after a short Illness Mr Rogers was born and lived In this city nittonhouso Square nut to Holy Trlnlt Church Those who know him bust remember him a a skilful driver and daring rider to the hound lie founded the Coach In and was noted a a whip In london wa ao l as an authority was one who Into trip States and when a young maui wa a crack player HP wa elsa one tlie orirnUor of e Tree Hunt Club Among scientific pica and civil eturlneers Mr Itoeors waN not known Horn on Nov 15 of an old Quaker family In hester county he was school of thIs and the of Pennsylvania In tie class of 1J3 Ho devoted to of innthematlrM and en rtnoerlnff and two after graduating1 was rhoen OH professor of engineering In that the Ovil War Mr Rogers served In tho City Tr H Hrt as sergeant i death a Cnptaln- tlOSKST JOB KTlAHT DEAD le Tailed of the Gambler tn the Illnlin lays of the Wwt SAN FJtANCisro Cal Aug 23 Honent Joe king of thus camblera Com tock when the great sliver mines were touring out million month 1 hers n a Stuart belonged to a small clAss f hone t pioneer lie was born In mines were he a Lanililliir place iirulnla Ilty where Mnckay FaIr and Mllioiwlros met him on equal r r n In his place played hltrnor limits at faro thin all one eln He MM cenerou and save away thou In charity Seorpnof unfortu nail prospectors owed ultlii nte mioonvt last ho was nit many friends contributed to tilt Cai t ieor FlrtricS thin h ilro raiher- s t vil at lila horns In Chatham Ma I 72 oar Ho win born In Chatham nnd when a In Industry le nbanflotiM this to take Uiriige ha1 g v d financial backing and soon n1 valuabln charts of this ChiwnpKike Hay to Belle Isle In later w hfl mil of tho water coast at far south us Florida He was also ho author of a tHe book wlilrti Is of ruble vaunt to ivioMwIsn rnptaln In ElincKO was rt arlol a a tanrtnnl authority on root He written artIcles on retnnrknb- lol and fall tho tides in the Hay of Fundy IPOVOA a widow and throo sons The nv John D Qlllooly aged H as stntit of fit n New died In the Saratoga Hospital night He had a nt Union and two weeks ago to be reated at the hospital Father body brought to New York aday Hill Fannie II Foot Rncajcrd The engagement been announced of Ml H Foot daughter of Mr and Mrs hanoi n Foot of 10 Wont j Franoke H Jr Mn of Dr f oxworth of 41 Park avenue Ml Fnote who well known In th younger set of society lee of Hasting his recently returned from ParU where he was udylng architecture IjiwlonHolilnsnnN- KWPOHT H I Aug 3 The marring of Irs Ida Frost Robinson toMr Thomas Albert awton took place nt St OeorgVa Church at loon today the Rev C O fllllat offlclatinc The remony was only by a small whom the been Robinson Is the mother a I F Ilobln- in of the Tork Yacht Club and la well flown In social cirri Mr u wealthy Idowcr a native of Newport rllntPhllilpfIU- XDUFIBII N J Au 23AddUon Flint Doxtim and MM Rita Phillip daughter of Mnrllxk E Phillip of Bloomtltld were larried last night at tho bride 8 Rev Jamee0 e Park Methodist performed U cere ony Ml a of the bride was mold of honor dames of Boston was best man inter nom ta Mn George W Tandrrbllt- AsncviUA N C Atut S3 lira George W underbill pave birth to a daughter at Bllt- oru last night Dr E A Tucker of New ork who been staying at lllltmore house ir several wv of attendance Tha mother and child dotnfweU Ueoroo an t Dresser ur ot was In Third J count III In tin this the tot more than III and oil basis the Board of fIgured Mayor Fa tn h4 In and hero iaruaal ot of I lAS oft Inotltut on- nna King Stuart once on Lode pltnl Ill olll lork o nd of lie ramp to hi 1II ort OUITUA 1 I sage man WM nj thl stirss tnt Baa or a chart which 011 lei to navigate of than with morn sit coast from lbs con t man the been has Fannie FortJ lxtb Ir corn com of Immetllll ot the brIde nlll bridegroom awn II number or interested 0 is ot Ira thO homo of baron Joh ton ot th 41 ices Utter kilo Dr Vandr Ut l 111M- ltb titu7 ware 00- Uil4D UIII 7 I as tncInnati poputation whatch has in- tros Paris Cnachiiig laos University alit Was Early the dad sports Tennessee in- a terms wet aiware slate anO his fl fishing honk preparing assist this art coast iII has years rector net streets relatives his ire Iwton baa Ash IU maied l 4miI1o churob siMi I < < < < > > > < < < < < < UbtLC4ti0utI M Vcw FOR SEPTEMBER IN THE GAMELAND OUR FATHERS LOST an Account of Hunting in British Frederic Irlnd Many Illus- trations L WITH ARCTIC HIGH I LANDERS by Walter A Wyckoff Author t Illustrated j TITO the Story of the Coyote by Ernest SetonThompson II lustratcd THESLAVETRADE IN AMERICA by John fvF R Illustrated- by Walter Appleton Clark THE CHICKAMAU- GA CRISIS by Gen Jacob D Cox REMINISCENCES of James Russell Lowell by W D Howells WITH STORIES AND OTHER FEATURES NOW READY PRICE 25 CENTS JUST BEFORE THE FIGHT BUY THE GREATEST COOK EVER PUBLISHED ON HOW TO BOX TO By TERRY MCOVERN HOW TO BUILD MUSCLE By JAMES J CORBETT SPLENDIDLY ILLJSTaATED ON ALL NEWS STANDS OUT TODAY ROHDE c HASKINS CENTS 9 CORTLANDT ST N Y t SCRIBNERS i I i of i i I S ars WIN i 2e I t 4 4 s 1 t i a a > IIAD oono is ix ntvnjrn Metro Slake the Malic Honker Blake tt Crowd ilol Dod MakM TUtro Sick The Italian organ grinders of New Von are hunting for n onearmed beggar who ht been following strange organs and collcctln money for hlmsalf so that wben the regula collector goes through the crowd for emit coin there U none coming The fake coll ot j gets In his work Immediately after the organ playing nt a 1 ro about The thIs to M about the fakir I de mute mya wife collectn d- rnon1 All right mea tw hunt blocks get only tcno cent we Now wile niriuiK before Hea bails loafer nnni Dodo He no makea do muse I mnken de monk de crowd Dodo male do noon Dama Dodo Kllla him icuJi SAX JOSH fCAtK IX BROOKMV- Inirctt Have Spread Ilupldly The ap earance In Prooklyn of the San Joe scale UU now feared will be the means of dc- MroyliiB a nf fruit and shade trees According to Secretary Collins of this Tree a tree and n tins needle tliroueli inn mind suck the Juice and fat the tree I hen rare about four of this Insects cor rorrnVT rvn A TB t the He Give for Failure t Pay Ills Clear lull Policeman William Sleetlen of the Tender- loin station was on trial before Conimlwlonoi- Abcll yesterday fur falling to pay hi debts I never could find the man wildSpocdwi apparent regret nodding of Un Oak U fays pay for falllnc t that he to twenty clays ray then and see gald Commissioner End of the Florists Convention The convention and exhibition of the Soclot of American Florist at the Grand Central Palace came to an end last night exhibits beauty had to coins extent faded wore removed and the go today At annual election of offlcen Ialrick nMnra of tlU was cho n rrroltient and William J Stewart of Ilo tnn 3Jusiutsu Jlotlrts Sootblnr for chtldrfn- Uilnr otnn reduces Inflammation al t in wind colic diarrhea 2Bc a bottle OUIDAt WblW tak Sulllian county N V on Wednesday Aut 21 J900 Cira Gould JU- llurtal ai Mount Aubuin Omrtery Cambiltlct Mass tllKYfla WrdBMday Aur 1 k bet res fatter SSI 79lh si R lu Riley St JJonleVa Church 78th St Satur- day Ant 2S UOO at 10 A JJ Iotenn nt In n AUOHNESS MINKlIn Brooklyn on JJ 1900 JantVwlfeof P IL Sbanchnna arrd 9 ytara Funeral Saturday Aug 2 IMO twin SU Afnmi Church Iloyt and hasheS sU B A U Intel meat tl Orctnwood Omtcry- criitRHS IIILUS TiirmitY OffIce I Martlinn av r Bad Y- inATT has lb book you wane OrowM around on book rtfyc ittetbtn starts thai old organ grinder wilt is known toe play say to naya wife you tliik flail man collect louse Found First cot a rear Tree a Week Ale the number Society thio Insects have nirctid been found in In the cli atad in all will tan fount in great nuintst when ito tnhillIiatlli 1 made of the Nsei The Insect uero first ii tree hiotIt liv atiie alga anti titilees- omethitnan is done at ones to ehate their re tti of shade trees will La 1Iie iiaects art carried from one tree to another l high anti other insects Tue crawl lie hank of hark of the 0 year ecutitustit of in tlia fall wili- iheroens Mr Cohlitta eas wmilil kill the smaller CItE ff101 Excuse toward the complainant Iiseiier cia land said tie land an for cirnrs btetdeti witi ordered to pai Iii fl the debt was ollcsiiuafl was fined Ion pay a debt he had nate and was to pay the whole amount before next day hail hardly the wlaun complainant can30 running back again tand lit the hallway would never pay lliC debt It ho wire lIned twenty day pa increase fine Many of flue rest will 3 cite Secretary Moat of tuna ntieualitit- hu went to lien Is1utd at tin Ins tatlon of dan New York Florists flru the gums lays cures SX East Fundst tram Cal vat tie Ant earn it I 5 < < ° > ¬ < < > 1 ctr Jubttriituiti TERMS OF HVXTIXGTOX Wlll They Will lie Made Public Todny llr linn tlnctnns Connie Says OiarleH II Tweed Si cond VIcePresldent of tho Southern Iaclflo and personal counsel of the late Collls T Huntlnjrt wild ycster day that the contents of Mr HuntlnctonV will would be miide nt noon Titer tins been no change ho said nod will ho rants In for this completion nf the com panys terminals at are to bo carried out iu pnijwtid bv tr continue to be an lm irtant part of thin system Colktjrj nntl Srhools For Day liVonoK Men City Cotmtry Dwight School IB ITrst 4lit Slrrrt Netr York City Slit Year op n acllh- Illrh rl ss school for boys from 7 Ii to- rulorles lrmn luiu Alblrllcr ST FRANCIS COLLEGE BALTIC STREET IlltOOklVN CONDUCTED by the KIlANCISf niiOTItfllS- Clsaslol Scl titlfle and Commrrrlnl our fv Entrant 41 Duller Mrrel A pp for CnUlotu- eIlllOlIllill rilllvlIS S Hrilir- KIHGSLEY SCHOOL n Individual trslnlnc to manly cultured self mi trry Ideal loraltan In bill cuuntry 22 mIles from N V C1 y Hnldrnre new ill Improrr meat Tf rms Ill Nontrsn 01cf luur t y 9IJJA M Itoom it 70 Fifth ion Surd lit bml lr tn It CAMFlliLU head Master hiutxI- Vlls New Jf r f y HAMILTON INSTITUTE 4S West Hist St Manhattan s nare Xurth- UPOIKNS SKIT TH- fnr Informstlnn nr r K ARCHIBALD SHAW l M Pllntlpll THE BARNARD SCHOOL WfeST STREET und rntrancr iu Vrsi IJclti M- Thornush pirparaUun Ion College sad Dullness Calalrgue BETTS ACADEMY si otroitn ro njj YKAI FItS INDIVIDlAI Till 11ASKS adTumacrs fur urtuc time In WM M A i Volet l rlnrl i- klGOORGFJOWN UiNIVURSITYW- ASIIIXilTON 1 Arts Knd sciences law rofrtlrtne rolce and pr- Ior Glrlt H Youn IToraen nty Country Academy of Our Lady of Angels Unisr ths Direction of the FrancIscan Sitter iVnrm rlT rranitnnS WEST ioiXT iiuruu Hoard 4 Tuition 1200 retreat Send lor Prospeetui The Vcltin School for Girls Hrtproof biilldlnr Tt valor lOUina tEST 74TII STIrREr Ion Yonne Hen Jt Mnmen Lltr Conntr- IJKXMSnTON N Ji HUMINAUV on iuia both MX licollbful luo j imfnrt nnhllli ttt rh Mrl r lul tratrlQC taut coaiunl stun lesOUO Imprutr mtnti- TIIOMASOIIANLON D 1 LTa Prtrtdent- XTEW YORK 1HEPAIIATOHV SCHOOL III V IUnoklynluo Joralrrom it prepares any ontfor ItUGIivrS tcbooU open now lluilneo tnlleajek THE PACKARD COMMERCIAL SCHOOL 101 lnt 3 d St 4lh Ave New York Trlrpbone IOI1S The Sd year of thus school Uclni with lbeop nlnt- of the Vail vsMou on Tucxlay Scplrmbir 4 ln- dlTldual tnsirucllon ta all commercial branches Needy 20000 young mm and wjmea trained tee bualntix Call or send tot prictu Long Island Business College 141 lo Itt Month Nth At llrnoklyav The bu lne training choul ol loday toe men ad young onmru and rfralnc sessions 10 IthXUY C VltirllTPrlnelD NEW YORK I Sthnnl MNasttuat nlnShnl WftUl 5t LAW SCHOOL livilclit ties LUU In two yiara LLU In Mara ttilt the These plant I luta tinanton anal Gao terminals itt Now wall Sept prIvate rears of aye attenUon giecti wh hIs ieta tnrruItr bergs tcuIt lAtiae < 0 I rae tints Im r roomy address A lull Special di panitony department I 12th Fear SefO in Li CX XIWa A iui Lit I ilIi College Irepitnatiuin Number of pupils limited to beet In eeh year iRon hone anal can new it eel ruler hay law hriools hut Inn bc241u1c4alQltio ¬ > > > <

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Post on 16-Jul-2020




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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, N.Y.) 1900-08-24 [p 7] t havo l vn n rovon for hU duplicity i Ut urmied and aoojrdln ly llioy cliaiutv their as to the limo of the motile from tho evening


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iiriixtlieiiU tint ciiifl they think they hn-

ll 11111 Kredirlck Hchnrn who IH In tl

Tomb isplrJon of having irullty know

r Hi inurtler of hU Ut T In hr lintmd OVeRRUN lost Hntunlily nlulit-

ouuiolul 1b by I 4 oclock Hut-

ujy BitTir on tROUt midnight of the uimo

Kivrxl imirc nitblo hilt hU story nf It-

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iuncturi f0 H doubt that ho

flatlY ntMiit huw hn Kixut the day until ho n

wareil at the KuUiM home In The Bronx Id-

Intho aftoriKion Tho pcllco provwl abet

lately th fnWty of miuiy of hl ntntemenand they falieil to corroborate ln lo one

hl tnli n W movement Prior to hN

jo lh KlblmTIe discovery of Scharn lying brunul

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mu t havo l vn n rovon for hU duplicity

i Ut urmied and aoojrdln ly llioy cliaiutv

their as to the limo of the motile

from tho evening to tho afternoon Ml-

Hoharu they included wai klll l In afternoon dUly enough to txwnlt her brother t

go KiHimd iivenuo mid ThUtysoven-tlnt to the Kublns house nn

n eh thorn by 4 oclock TIM change of bnxi-

bovuver but gut Ihem from the frylnR patlm flrti other evljcnoj at prurtctit ir

aiUHvin to ruuder untuiiubl

the tliwry tht anybody klllod thn Hohur-

jlrl lu Hi rfVfuuonV-

hnn SiJmrn wan llrat gu tloned by liis ef-

tor llurl iy thu boy saId IIP had left his

tn SatiUiiBr mornlnc to to work In the itsut K p at 44 Ilockntiin Ktrwt He did not d-

no never wits omploywl at 44 li okma-

tjwt nor had ho worked miyvhere for ft moot

rrior 10 murder ll said that nt noon h-

ft the irutliiK tfflro and wont by thoTOI railroad up Thlid nvenuo to tinof tli Ilovated when ho took the Union trol-

l y niad for Yonkers HI In eolnto he Haiti wits to n a friend namei

who addr w he did not knowand whom ho was unnhlo to thud tlm-

Jteroocii having falld to find VII

Him he went buck by trolley to th-

Xublns arriving them at about 4 oclo fc

in harleY dots not believe thnt the ho

went U lie sent ditectlves up theirtad Ui y coull Hud no tnia of a mull nameWillWrm wh knew Schnrn Ajlit from thatth Iwtween noon when the says I

null work and th iur of his arrival at thdocs not penult him to havo rfiiohw-

Yonkcrs and set to The Hronx by th-

riu ituvu jthat h y hat beinre eolim to tile Kublns h

nit to saloon ut itisil stre tThird where h mot a friend EdwardWolf who lives in Tho Bronx Wolf hoerInterviewed by Insi ctor llarler arid he sold h

hid not wo Scharn Mnoo Thursday whenV lf end Vletor Krvlnjc naiad

wentlnswlmmln ldWhen Scharn got to the Kubln he told

them they say that had been to Van Ness

the Sew Sew Haven and Hartford roanal U also on the trollav line about thirty mlU M from tho nom Any one

The boy also nld the he hadthe about hi hU uite

up the flat

been In lleexman twhole fimlly Is that he

bright and cheerful all the rest of thecondition of nnru which wouldhave boon had ho murdered hiulster that afternoon falsehoods

make It Jcok hid for tho buybut if the now mlvimred by ththat the committed 3jitter Kate Scharnu return from her shoppingtour Is tennbl here are some wmcn-flr t must be explained away

Edward young roan who worksin Rue jrrnenry of 11 wltliln fourdK M of the scene nf Uio murder kiwi declaredthat at ahout vm oclock on Harurdny ovonlns-hi oM Kato Seharn three pearshave l o m to attack credibility ofthis wltnen to that le-I hnrje l In gtateinentbut they art utrnnely-lacaned to the belief that he Is inlstaken They say It STilts have boon onTrlrliy evonln i f Jiturdny evenIngthst fold the 18

at nluMy positive ns to and the dayhits every elnco the murder to THE

Kfv ho fold tho pears on Satur-day Yesterday when hit statement wo

In hn how ho kn wthat It was Saturday Ho to work hosaid at t3O oclock He

hrlplnc his employer out on the pithoalk the fruits as U usualwhen n known to llcynolttir-

as l Tho detuctlve of theMurphy nor Hcjuoldj had thou

t ithat murder asked

Vliy the tilt who lives with her brotherover trus store Scharn Is her imruo-

cre u-

l op Munihy ho Shewas tho store flight and bought three

At that time not twelve hours hadthe Still Inspector Harl y

to bJlevi that Uie i nln on Saturdayiliml OCntmor tlie crwhlor In s

torn he t lnu out the sale toobut t he not r ltive vhetl T it was on Friday-or Saturday Mimle OConnornot wnr on Sunday bho did not hear of themurder RIB came to work on Monday

hours hand thenMurray lied hound of the ethnic and It In wit

to that her itcollection of the octiirrenN would l e more vaeuu titan hU Shedid taut know the Scbarn elrl mime stud tintuiitll fin dead win de crlt e i did i ho eonret her with the with who had bought tlm-

vn Murphy knew the Scharn girlWiLt for friendly with young Scharnwho usod to Idle about store

In mpjiort of his that the t WITHmi Inspector Hurley points

to tie fact that no trace or ofT bag which contained them found

In the flat Search of kitchen and tho gardisclosed no core or frngmentN Dr

found no trace of the fruit In tin girlrtomach The evidence of food was

seed practically nnd eatenthe assert about four hours priorto

fifMd there Is stillraMit Irreenndlnble with the that thefir killed her brother In the afternoon

Mulllifon who In the rooms ndJoln-i Schnrn girls tn the house next

the ScharnV on theiralxiut ft oclock werewen In llur statement tine already been

printed Chorlw McHas lineson the n ir above Mrs Mullleni sawl rtere l lnif ralrxxl on 0 itclotk They

nut there when he looked nut nt sNm on md pulled them In and Seharn could

hi rB It he wa at Kublno If

come bark aftertwo or throe lied guiltperson the dead body would havo

en It would seem for moreItohaliln therefore that the waIU allhl stamU out

Cart McClufky eeems Inclined toOH conclusive He admit

Jturtihvs evldenro and that of thn twomust x for what It pcems to K

while h d ny s i directly tln In

rx man yesterdayhtktlSw about

In II A cnat deal of

Eilnn out forwhat was the nature of the

ITt wold In Court ScharnWt but whin tho caso rattan

i i

ht l ohnrn was attentiveunderstood that she Is not


IW 111


dried I




i to









l and


wnlch on the 01ork

oUr oulthat

hOlecon The lIe out

co ho not tem that tie haddow The















t th dor-aIb


dunhil from hot

who In Awould


Md In N It

Innto drawn j

that 10 not bl1 ffrthllkI t man Al And


I them both

In tie dondid to MY tutor

har-t for or ot

tint arltN Itot lorn1 ont rLkl for nn

tho It UWM dCwl for

11 tII A time

IlhIn tnt BhUnAI In


rrT I laonrthe

I to at onwhich onl ttis M

for thewhen lt WM tin

1tIhe boy bnvlnl

Ion whomit

E11wu In then

t tma w ad

iIt rtis PIi Thai II

IUdnI leO th lI W IIIliiy IgI hut NBi


61sui1 that ffnrts otr ucics


tOil little Ito









lout ho More thar


a Kuburhan

In onkerN Van nessspent

knew witsand did tell



sire idy










tai weethe

hiRe tarte



Shortly afterward



lintgirt wii kIUna after corning tank

pulled the iurtireetrnurilrt ran


girlIt that urnS that tie brother


archLie from late tnteineiio

does I4etaaru guilty eido toolwith tti A the

told pnthat allbaud work brad the easeMid 5id he tay

to gtye some tunacay

etitrTtl nppticatjon release awrItcorpus was

tra totilt

A0jnifluiiiitSiOl set

iflfTTnw Theto ro the s oftic

hto the tw ordernot late freedom

the Grandfury Tha charge was grandwitshhs tho theft hair watca lalyfrom her rooms wore the samewj Mchaar e74 I3eond avenuethe watch wca ound on

artistad and pawnbrOker

4u °Who Wftna

VOUtt during tiatsasShe greeted

I She 4 yesterdaythe day














< >





°> >




tell where he was on Raturday morningeverybody

tlina not think tho Isof the murder It he Is proven to be a thlnf

never enter lini e Mainnatixxl Teddy of 3

Fast oveiitii street n mite re-lerdnv to the to lIchenHo told Druggist Tyler to Tyler aiwertwl thii woman stone ont hadher that tho Hcdarn brother and sister hi

ijuitrTelllne at their windows on 8sUtility morning The person who did Ute

Is said to havo one of the rn-HMiini In a flat on street overlori-liirf tho holism buck windows Doteotlvu listeivint took UiU clue Uelliaj-ilunlisj Insf that ho law told a tutorf AII I If

nource of Infomotion thuy did not muko It public

Ilia Couple Hhoie IClopement Hurtled II MlFive Yesrs Ago

lioarox Aug 23 The few leaders of thetill In town nnd those

colonies at Beverly and Magnolia are dloouasliwith Interest the return of Mr and MM JewW Hmlthto Bostonwondering just how they will be received I

their former trends The couple figured In

nsaUonal elopement fin years ago tRoll D-

oember and for months the Back Lay poorhnd the scandal to co lp about Mrs 8mlwas tho wife of Fronds I Hlfiglnton one of I5o

leading bankers She was the motherthree children two Uautdi tens and anon Bmltor Handvino Jimmy OH lie wajlila Intimate nctiuaitilnnoea met Mr Hirenon while a student ut Harvard and on aocouiof hU friendship with her only ton aqutmt enlist at the Beacon street residencethe family Ho appeared to admire Mrstinson very on account or the

he being B and she 43ODD dreamed that anything wore than ordlnarfriendship existed between tho two

urnduatlna when he entered atHintlniied to be

frequent caller nt thewere teen BO often together at places c

and appeared so tn endothiir that the s began to wagThen el pomenu It was not knownuntil 4 that there hud been aelopement although the couple aro

to have been In No1York forrevcrol previous fllgfflnxowent there to attond Show In the letten part of November said she would

a few dye but It was afvrwarwith her When the young man left

as an that going to nuvto return on Thank-

itivinc Day day cattle and Smith dilltaut did llitrlnson return In tlm

to at of theturkey and then do educe employed I

Suspicion the factand Mrs had taker

IAKsage together rn thellnorColuinblii for Renon where they landed oDee 7 Whon this news becntne known thHick contnu wn dumfounded amfor a lung tm hardly dared believe thaithe story was true It wee learns

their departure that Uio oouplhurl little ready money al-though

which were eellmsteii to bThe deserted husband

Uited divorce proceedings 1804 dlswere the libel i

adultery as tha oausn A decree of atxviluto dlwas granted to Mr Hlcgtnson and ho hn

Mr and HinlthSmiths as they are more commonly knownare stopping near Boston The excusefor return a desire on the of MrSmith to revisit the home of his youthproblem now Is whether Mrs Smiths iwla

friends will recognise herFrom the Mrs Phillip Sears reroi

her mother when In not Ionago has arisen a report that Mrs Sears wlreceive her now


e Largest Beneficiary u Walter E D rjWho Ii Living With a Broken Neck

MJXEOLA L I Aux 23 The will of theEditor E Duryen who at Glen Covelax ago was offered this morn

TheestAteU estimated at liOO000 pemoiiaproperty and MOOOO in reU estnte Tin

beneficiary under tie will Is Walter3 Duryeo the only son of the testator who

broke his nock while bathing nt Oysteri a o and whoso recovery has

medical and surgical world To thes given the u e of 2nf ono of the personal proprty for Iwo and If at the end ofi fully recovered from the operationin his broken nock he U to receive amount

In event of the sons deathf the two nnd there heinz no children

amount allotted to to throowho are named In the will Thtwe

nephews are IxiulsT Frank V DuryeaII Durvra Thai of

Cox her Ziti and atier death If she leaven no children than amount

to the three nephews already mentionedThis mini of Itoooro to Mrs Grace

on the same conditions and theStan of U to Eva Tliothree women mentioned In the are daughters

if the testator Walter B the son BOTHstud other personal effect

should he die before the two ar-ho property goes to the three ir The

eetato Is de1sa in small bequestsfriends and servants

DUnn ox ring IKCAFK

llsbrDown and the Flsme Enveloped Them

A whole family were e Tjrcly burned by onebj puff of flame as they were flustered on a flroscape In a fire In the flvestary tenement at

and 10 Avenue B yesterday morning Itappened through the terror of tenyearoldl-ocky Adelstcln who Insisted on rtlmblnc uplie Lire escape Instead of down While the restf the were trying to pull her d wnm flames burst out window atm cn

rloped thembegan In the umbrella and hat tore

f Jacob the ground floor themoment The family

and theIr six childrenoldest of whom was only 14 slept buckstore They had got out on the the

lent In rear of the and werebout to climb down tn the around about fit

er baby In her arms climbed above theforced her to tlie others

It was at this moment that the flamesnvelot od them Tho father and

iither were sent to Oouvernenr ThourtiH of Ute rest were the ambulanceireeon and were withhe twenty families who lived In the tenementseeped and took refuge



n Clarence W Balsa Gives Dinner Vaade-vlll Oth r

NnwroilT H I Auir 23 It was o quint dayNewport from a social standpoint after the

gball given by Mrs Fish last night Theroa few luncheons nt the Golf Club and to

ght a few cottage dinners The big time tn-

ght hiwaver wis at Et tnan Pwlnt whereider t tent a dinner vaudrvllle wxs irlv n

Haronco W Dolan tent was placedthat it fuood the ooeanand there sonicthe cottnifer dined the dinner Mrv l

colored chef thin links Clubconsisted of Southern dishes Following

la dinner a curtain was drown aside and therei a raised nn vaudnvlllo

wa It was a novel entertainent the crUsts appearing Ixmlwr In ton hongx In and

inces John comedian andiby sIsters musical rymn ts-

wls Case Mr Herman Oelridutthe lat t of thiS to take farm

on l Mlunteil on the KA tIver and will t e an Ideal site for nodal enterlaments will toHe garden vegetable houses In



Iliac Pat Catll a N w Coald Da-

c r d Frera New York

Nonrouc Va Aug 23 Tha United Statessam collier Alexander passed out Capo

this afternoon bound for the Chinatlon with BOOO tons of ooal for our warshipslllntt was delayed becnunn a new

to bo The cook first hired inw York thought he was on a war-p When awl round the1

la of day until a uaw





M I u

Tyler Tri the

In the ummer

the or and




road lUll lon

Dluu emont



the lloriflow

mothor andnot

grew end at last

wit themdiamond

to butar







ear astonishedthe sonI


outrightthe bl




the brlc brloand


ururTbry litoppiag There to putt the



the 0the

tn rI below when leck amt10 frIghtened that she lost completely

climb thecould not get hr down so Mrs with


which was thenrue akire WM The loss







or t llIfh I


being He

HIlfIAOno the

wore gIven Mrs JamesAnna Md Mrs

Iloll It 1 lnJf that lie

a1 tile tiIInd loint eightI

useII New-


O On


an a ooU1r he notahlp UP a 00eoolC WM



ran lieAn embalmer


boon snice

suchsaid lie hail

I11UI1NrVaMt7JI iurVnN


cliii sot



known amoul

was ire


ottlento late Smith i



turn3eaiioa1 that Smith attended

kiwisinus was



eliarttatils under the arid placedItm m theIr credit shortly alter mutt










them littleU ladder


ra the Libertyall wreckedCM aboUt

irs0 fit













Hebrew Iltnlnrti lien end Women Fooled ba Swindler Who Hold llotes of HandIlobblth Coutalnlnc Tub of lielliuorll to lIneup on Proceed

It lent easy to toll gold brick toil greetBowl in IlmtiT street but denier In tintwtlclm nm prulltubly Ml other thlnun I

that locality There I wild demnnstrntlvgrief today In more tItan a sours of houoholcIn the tiel ht orliood over the nueccasful earnpolen of a swindler who la closely related t-

thn venders of flotltlotti nugiretaTuesday n mlddlouwd man who di-

crlbod hImself 04 Bamunl Ilertutoln ofcalled on Un Mary Klaumhaum of II

Huff oik atttwt whoso husband keeps a butteand csgstoro there

You VM a pirnem Toomnn eald Bernsteinundt efferypoddyiays you van derimardo-

Tomatn In der rotld for a pftrgalnA parffalnT jtclnlm d Mrs Flaumbnun

becomingYah a regular pargaln mid Bernstein

Lliten 1 hat a lod of fine brandy DonMY von von Id va Bmu Rled Ho uln

imperiled brandy vot cheodej dor Governmont I vIII sell Id to you its gallons for IIIId TM vor 15 a gallon I vIII lod you lintBsmbln of It but you muadt say notldlntr o-

dor bolton pud me chIA pargaln Is a pargaln responded Mn-

Flaumbtum unit I vIII alvay puy n parjjalrMr Bernstein undt I Till say nodding

On the following day brought aroundpine box about the of a camThe ha explained was with Unand held six mllonn of Thenho pulled out a plug which IHtod Into a holeIn the top of tho box and rxnirlnu some ofcontents Into a Kin unked Mn Fluumbaun-tn tmt II Hh took the liquor around tnHaloon nnd the proprietor r It awurpher that It wa brandy Then tinwent hack to the houM secured Ito fromBlockln and fmir of tho ciu onspot IlKrnotPln delivered thorn from a wfuror

outride which was loaded totliohoses Then he drove

to visit other victims It was il-

rolonod All the afternoon he was busy RolllntIn the neighborhood


hn came horn that night of uibargain In brandy nlm hail obtained Hdrank H very the brandy and was

he told her was awoman and kl s d tier Then a odisposing of Uio brandy and realizing their

of th tcall tr the nrJrtt The pair went conirratulatvd all round and under

of the liquorbecame more more effusive when thi

of from which they hoibeen drinking suddenly stopped


Then he gavn a yell that could bo heard 8block away Ach lott vnt do I see

looked and with a fell to floor Infaint The looked too and thenbegan to iiohxt brought iti the neigh-bor thin all

The hole In ox led to a tin tube about slyn had contained about a

of brandy Te t of box was tilledMI arranged that when the box

was shaken the contents moved about In such a-

way as to the lon that the box waswith liquid The other boxes were sim-

ilarly filledms a xmardt vooman Yes Xo

tall Flaumbaum to wife when he purveyedthe pile of boxes You n plznesa voomanYou n regular dunco

The pair went the not to the Ks ercourt and secured R warrant fur

arrest but when Detective McVevIns nf the court nqtiad went to Brooklyn to serve

he was Informed that goneto Furonn detective learned that thetin tulxw the made lout

a tinsmith of im KulTolk strwnt andarrested him In court yesterdayMorris dcdaml was with

when he sold the boxes buttestablished un alibi and wee Gott

lob Is for ten other violin of the fraud

nor c ncoTT PAl AnnExmit-

la Confesses to Utktnc a Tort l Order onWhich l r 0001 Were Obtalard

Albert Btro b rg nn Albany youth wasrmntel ycatordny In a VTUII mhunr

where ha had ronn to make Inquiriespal Ray C Scott of Jii Hoobllne street

iVIllianitburg Scott a month ceo robtx ifather of Jewelry valiml at tMO and went

Albany where hn l eoamn acqualntnl withItrosboru Strosberg It saH rxcolvnl someatln dos goods on n I order anti pave

them to Scott to take to Brooklyn awl disposeif mind hN companion We Inca

Scott left a saloon near thehop while he out to secure n loan onhe who saw Scott BO Into

pawnshop nrrwtn1 himwa Ignorant of Bcottn

when ho fallei to alter severalhe set out to tint him The

was clo ni awl Stronbere waited until yr seray motnlng when he went thoro I

Scott rielalnni than

otth anl cnllnd a policeman Htronberc-rns nrrp tnl nnd taken to aventin-tntlon where he conl i to the hiraM oroer-nl n mltlol 1m wits pal He was

taken to the Iv avenue court whereKramer committal him without

the Albany

Vfiir sTKAuinnr rovTjMcr

url for Ibe Boston Tnnhnat Co iiiny lo-

He Until In IlnltlnioreOthrt CnnlrsrtiH-

AITIUORK Md Aug SI Tho Marylandleel Company has received n contract for thin

onstructlon of a new steel Menm lp forPiston Towboat Comrany The vessel will

o completed within twelve months Tlm-

ew steamer will be a duplicate of the Plelndert-

nd which were also bum by till Mnry-md Steel Company for the Towboat

Besides tho now ftiviimhlp for which thonmpany has laying tint ko l blocks thoiur inuu LMtniiifc iiu

edo boat destroyers tot the Inltro Statese which nre tar

advanced the and TnuThe Dredging Company

f Now Is there two Immenseteol dredges The o will hnvn n capacity for

nun each nnd be In a 40oot channel In Now harbor A larco-teql bargn U being built for the Pennsylvania

the largest battleship atlon-


Word r Indias llhlrei AmericanAid Continue lo Come In

The Committee of One Hundred on Indiaonline Ilellef received tho following cablegrameaterday from SIlllarn T Foe United States

ontul at Bombay chairman of the AmericaJdlan Famine Relief CommitteeFAmine distress appslltnr Thousands will die ofAM tlon uulos Uonrjr to buy

oRb toad And frutnothlncUtfrrtblt Cnolrra itlll adler Tbr ronlinn womtn anti drirtted rblldrtn

tillable Many tovs and gRits ate In haulindiCtJohn Crosby Brown Treasurer of Cornlltee of One on India Famine llellef

ported contributions tit H 31077 received ywwith

lakes the total received by hit committee toIJ18M 6

Romano Ilrfnin to flo to PrnntjlTsnU-

Gluteppl Ilomano the money order forgerIs wanted In Scranton Pa and was cnught

this city on Monday evening after hatingchased about the cuntry for right

onths wim arraigned jeslerdiyalee ri examination ol to iennIvanla This will make It necwwiry for Ihenvernment to brine witmiwes hero from thattalc to establish hi Eiamtnatluii

for Wednesday next and the original ball11000 waa

Creditors of Far Itockawar HotelAlfred Van Wagner and Mnllnn Buckley ofar Rookaway and Jam Slewan representg the Armour Packing OomiMnr of Manha-

tn filed a petition In the United State Courtyesterday that Edward

lies proprietor Hotel Nanieoke at Farockawa an banktot or bankruptcy on






he 11

sire C mpllilnebox




hOIlIumbllum tt tIll huts




toldsu l

lIt Ie dr nlumhallmshook the Ut turned It

over but not nout rushed for

hatchet and with It lie a oft thePay

vat see ho FlatimbaumfI a









Strdll alI

wentall II IpIttJthR

therll arrest




bill arid lIrltJ the to ruiuamuaatcatewith poll O nut horlUPt

begunSteel I

Ion v tl

Inn Metropolitan


a steel floating dry dockStAt Oovpmmnt The dock will be Rln

toned at nnd wilt ot no


neededblank The urrrllll

those r



Unitedlied mended

end to




lot cornrnitt ne an actAWJ when

Weed of Far ten toefraud his creditors Th or tie peU




finedthai hrndy



he caisupside down


gasped rus

















It botel Broperty-at Rankaway with

sru s1v3W












XTwrntyntlh Annual Heeling of the Htate Aloclstloarspen Head

The twentyllfth nnnuiil iiietln of thoYork State Stenographers Awjolatlon wopened In tho Hotel SI George Brooklynyesterday and will b rontliiuwl today Abofifty of the tOO mcmbeni In attendantPnwldctit John F Kelly of Albany In hisbit address advocated tint licensing of atono-rnphcrs and crltlcUnd the nttlttidn of that Hintliar In refilling lo Indurwn the pr t-

ofiltloa Hjwolulimpornon no less than clgtiteen subjects tunny of which had relatloto the courtS to colon before the mcvtlmCivil ti rvloo Competition was the subjw

chosen by Mat I Ormsby r c

Supreme Court Judicial districtMr Onn out some defects In th

and had this to any about the chlexaminer

lie Is not an expert ateno Honot even a lawyer practice who come

pliers Ho does not understand thean ofllctal position He la a

pure andWilliam veteran

stenographer dlscusMxl a BtcnwDo If He Were a Judge

to score unreasonable attorneysInconsiderate Judges Among

were for StenographerIn Federal Courts 0 0 of

Allowances forby Charles A Morrison of Manhattan How

IntheMollneuxJ O Bmtihr of MnnhattHn sari 1

the FAwned Carroll formeMonographer In the States Navy Th

the ovenIn at IlrUrhton Bench when they went In specialtrolley cars

Mvr PINK ron POUR nnrKij Kn

Imposed by llaglitrate tlrann Who HntfeProm Little Coney Island HowdrUm

A policeman took to the West Sideyesterday two young men and two younwomen whom ho charred with disorderly eonduct Intoxication and refusing to move o

when ordered to do so on Broadway neariOTth street at 130 oclock yesterday morningThn quartette described themselves as RobertKelly of 210 West Ninetyfourth street EdwardButler of MS West Ninetyeighth street Mabo-

Tllton of 108 West iNth street and May llnrlnjof Itt Vest beth street The men woro ex-

lWell what have to say gentle-

men asked Magistrate wirawtlrallythe word K n

The men denied that they beerdrinking and ld that they t boOn toldto move on They had met woman com

atHuh UtIle Island sold the MagU

train Its noadded as several laughed at least

tonne lives In that district toad hasBuffer at by the rarounlng of ladle unit

like Thnt U n canceron Manhattan Ikland and Ill make this day-

a memorable Quit for two young monlie then lined thai four Uio 110 each

who was perused of shooting off a re-

volver WM morn for that bringingthe total contribution of the to thetreasury up to iO An elderly woman In ndark drew who sent a to the Magis-trate bearing the name Mrs Horaceand who she was the mother of the young

ater mun went to the court prison andtlio fines of the two women


welv T rOld Girt Say HerbertNorthrop Gave the tony

Annie Hlegelford 12 year old of 126 Clintontrret who was accused of attempting to pass acounterfeit twentyllvecentplooeon tho keeper

t a bakery In Attorney itreet won arraignedthe Kiw x Market yolk court ymtorday-

lornlng and there banded over to the Unitedtnt authorities for examination beforeUnited States Commissioner Later In the

ay the girl andllosaYoudelsky who was withwhen attempted to pass the coin were

ikon to the Federal Building where the twoby tiocrot officials

According to the tlrU toldreceived the coin from herbert A Northrop

U a clerk in omen of theCompany at the foot of Htnnton street

ho gins that they were In Northropncn on Vedneday ul ht and when

them each 60 cwnt wastaut for arid corroborated them

An titers nothing to how oriinlunl III

ent In the girls attuuiptlne to tms the coincliiirgu against girl was

Iropped elm KM was rondo t the


lIen Nsmed ai Incorporators Say They DontKnow Anjlhlnt Abont It

The Centuo Milk Company with n capitaltock of JtouOnno was Incorporate yehterday-

i New Jcrwy for the supposed pur oo ofkhtliur tho Ito States Milk IVodiiCfn As-

ocial Ion Those award n incorporators arelobort C Maroney llobert H Hykes and DavidI Miironey and an clerkstuployi Pembettnn A McAdoo brokersf U street Sykcs Is the typewriter

Mr saul yesterday that he knew nnth-ig about the new cninpany andn Is one nf this lie was evidently

truthMr Pnmbortnn dnclaml that knew noth

alxiut thai airl Inuglmt whennl that his clerks worn conncctol with It

Why thny are probably thing my clerkss hn s i I havo no

to that Mr Is not an muplnyeo-f mine butt ho comes In rr to ceo tholarks I think that lm has any

Counsel for the now conconi areUelallel-

diiKAiTii TKAnnxa iv scnnoLt-

hnol OlUrUU tn Clnrlnnntl Object lo theHvCalled Ttmpranre Initructlnn

CINCINNATI Aug us In the fcchonU-

r charts showing diseased conditions of nrgnni-r the Inxly caused by the use of alcohol will

bo allowed by Superintendent of Hchoolu-

oono A short time a o hn refused to allowhool children to attend n temi ranc feet

given at the Central Christian Churchtho ground that It Injurious to

rens mind fllled with bad HP-

ivorn teim enuiue showing tilt Ixncflls-r temH rnnco rather than tho evil Ride of

Ho today-I haii doubt conditions shown

r thochart hilt am

vitig a child a bad lmpre lonHupl lloone will ronfer with Health Offl r

levis on the advisability of giving Instructionl health and He that tho

health department Issue circulars nndipem a the teachers

e prevented and In general give pupils a thorto take care of





con lct

thy courtlat

H look

10 lton

HInoIfR hp1l

WIrt Trial hinR

stenographers lit


drl 011





paid their fines and two or









thco II I






ont ont


Oil have ctjll

drink nlh poI10 on or never

u IS

It will contagion to


requIrewent of









oiling hoiA



23 The



the thOu general ground


how are









Perhaps been toalong without a Tuxedo

When you find canthong out any longer against

comfort and common sensobe clad to take care of youaTuxedos are ready they are cor-

rect they fitCoots 10 to 27 Suits

28 to 4fI-


Ill ear WartMand land WamnSfc

w tim order


Wont toke a hero Our

IS8 roa4waT me PrtDOIoCIOI 114 k7 ara-





Omaha Ihe Final City to Show a I rr iithe Pest Tn Tear Her Hbrlnknue Ne i-

a IM C nta tfl nd Now the HintCity In OhloKnr OutstrIps Buffalo To-

WAsmHOTO Aug 23 The populationJoriM y City for looo at announood by tDirector of the Coruu today U TO04UUrnlnut 161003 for 1MO toil 120722 for INThe increase from 16W to IKK 4JISISS07 per cent and from 1HOO to 1600 wax 4S4Jor 2004 per cent The population by ward1000 follows First IPlfiO Bcoond 18183I73U2 Fourth ISIS3 Hf it 14204 SIXth I5M-

Hovnnth 14180 right 19IU Ninth 1403Tenth UUA Eleventh 2J7M Twelfth 2129J

Returns from Hoboken N show a popullion of 50304 against 4S04 for 1890 and S0

for 1680 TJia increase from Iff to 1WO wi12049 or 4080 per cent and from 1800 to 1ft

was 15718 or 1901 per cent The populatIon twords In 1000 follows First 10 Oil Beoon8472 ThIrd 14218 Fourth 1488J Mfth 107-

3Omahas population according to theof the twelfth census announced today102M5 thin year as comparrd with 140452

1600 thowlnx a decrease of S7SW In the last tyears or 2409 per cent The population i

Omaha In IRSO was 30518 and It Increaw-1X834 during the ten years to 1800 or HO-

per cent This Is thellrst city whose popiilatleunder Ute recent count has been announced b

tho Census Bureau as showing a decrease In tllast decade

The CoiikUH Bureau announced Uio populaUon of Cleveland this afternoon afl MI7IIn tRW M compared with 3fli2S In isoo showItiK an lncrt a o of 120415 or 4807 per cent

The count for Toledo show 1311173 In 80

compared with 84J4 In 800 on tncroaiof 603NI or 0168 per cent

For Columbus the Inut count show a populatlon of 123500 an lncroao of 37410 or 424pot cent

The discomfiture of Cincinnati overnuwirre returns of her census will bohelchtened by the rhowlntr mad by Clevelandwhich now assumes tho place of motropollof Ohio Tho Increase In Cincinnati forpeat ten years was only 28DM wMIthat of Cleveland was four times u great Clnclnnatl has now only 825002 Inhabitant com-

pared with Cleveland 381703 ClevelnniIn 18W had only a few thousand morethan Iluffalo the figures ting 291213Clevolandand 2550 4 for Buffalo This yearCleveland has forced further ahead of Buffalohaving 381703 to Buffalos 352219 Clevelandthus has 20548 more than Buffalo and 6i8fli

creased 3777 per cent In the post ten yearsClndnnnliV 077 per cootlands Increased 4007 per cent

Tho officIal flcurifl ls uid the censusauthorities at have caused eoim

III Hoboken The olllclald believedthe cetiNUs would show that the had alatlon of nt least flsooo wlilch U the on

said yesterday thnt he warn positivenijftnko nA Helter of the Board of Henllh declord tliathe city had a population of over 70000

State census that liouokeia population of 5403-


The WellKnown American Expert on Coachtag Piutei Away la Vienna

PHILADELPHIA Pa Aug 23 Falrmai-Ilojrers who was the flret man to drive a fourInhand In Philadelphia and who wu acceptedtu one of tho worlds authorities on coarhlncdied yesterday In Vienna after a short IllnessMr Rogers was born and lived In this citynittonhouso Square nut to Holy TrlnltChurch Those who know him bust rememberhim a a skilful driver and daring rider to thehound lie founded the CoachIn and was noted a a whip In london

wa ao l as an authority was onewho Into trip

States and when a young maui wa a crackplayer HP wa elsa one tlie orirnUor of

e Tree Hunt ClubAmong scientific pica and civil eturlneers

Mr Itoeors waN not known Hornon Nov 15 of an old Quaker family Inhester county he wasschool of thIs and theof Pennsylvania In tie class of 1J3 Ho devoted

to of innthematlrM and enrtnoerlnff and two after graduating1 wasrhoen OH professor of engineering Inthat

the Ovil War Mr Rogers servedIn tho City Tr H Hrt as sergeant

i death a Cnptaln-


le Tailed of the Gambler tn theIllnlin lays of the Wwt

SAN FJtANCisro Cal Aug 23 Honent Joeking of thus camblera Com

tock when the great sliver mines weretouring out million month 1 hersn a Stuart belonged to a small clAssf hone t pioneer lie was born In

mines werehe a Lanililliir place

iirulnla Ilty where Mnckay FaIr andMllioiwlros met him on equal r r

n In his placeplayed hltrnor limits at faro thin all one

eln He MM cenerou and saveaway thou In charity Seorpnof unfortunail prospectors owed ultlii nte mioonvt

last ho wasnit many friends contributed to tilt

Cai t ieor FlrtricS thin h ilro raiher-s t vil at lila horns In Chatham Ma I 72

oar Ho win born In Chatham nnd when aIn Industry

le nbanflotiM this to take

Uiriige ha1 g v d financial backing and soonn1 valuabln charts of this

ChiwnpKike Hay to Belle Isle In laterw hfl mil of tho water

coast at far south us Florida He was alsoho author of a tHe book wlilrti Is ofruble vaunt to ivioMwIsn rnptaln In

ElincKO was rt arlol a atanrtnnl authority on root He

written artIcles on retnnrknb-lol and fall tho tides in the Hay of Fundy

IPOVOA a widow and throo sonsThe nv John D Qlllooly aged H as

stntit of fitn New died In the Saratoga Hospital

night He had a ntUnion and two weeks ago to bereated at the hospital Father

body brought to New Yorkaday

Hill Fannie II Foot Rncajcrd

The engagement been announced of MlH Foot daughter of Mr and Mrs

hanoi n Foot of 10 Wontj Franoke H Jr Mn of Dr foxworth of 41 Park avenue Ml Fnote who

well known In th younger set of societylee of Hasting hisrecently returned from ParU where he wasudylng architecture


KWPOHT H I Aug 3 The marring of

Irs Ida Frost Robinson toMr Thomas Albertawton took place nt St OeorgVa Church at

loon today the Rev C O fllllat offlclatinc Theremony was only by a small

whom the beenRobinson Is the mother a I F Ilobln-

in of the Tork Yacht Club and la wellflown In social cirri Mr u wealthyIdowcr a native of Newport


XDUFIBII N J Au 23AddUon FlintDoxtim and MM Rita Phillip daughter of

Mnrllxk E Phillip of Bloomtltld were

larried last night at tho bride 8Rev Jamee0

e Park Methodist performed U cereony Ml a

of the bride was mold of honor damesof Boston was best man

inter nom ta Mn George W Tandrrbllt-

AsncviUA N C Atut S3 lira George Wunderbill pave birth to a daughter at Bllt-

oru last night Dr E A Tucker of New

ork who been staying at lllltmore houseir several wv of

attendance Tha mother and childdotnfweU Ueoroo an

t Dresser











more than IIIand


the Board of fIgured MayorFa tn



and hero iaruaal otof



Inotltut on-nna


Stuart once onLode


Ill olll lorko nd



to hi

1II ort


I sage

man WM nj thlstirss

tnt Baa or a chartwhich 011 lei to navigate

of than with morn sitcoast


lbscon t





FortJ lxtb


corncom of Immetllll ot

the brIde nlll bridegroom awn II number orinterested




thO homo ofbaron Joh ton ot



kilo Dr

Vandr Ut l 111M-

ltb titu7 ware 00-





tncInnati poputation

whatch has


Paris Cnachiiig









termswet aiware slate





honk preparingassist this

art coast









baaAsh IU

maiedl 4miI1o churob siMi






> >











FredericIrlnd Many Illus-trations L

WITH ARCTIC HIGH ILANDERS by WalterA Wyckoff Author t

Illustrated j

TITO the Story of theCoyote by ErnestSetonThompson IIlustratcdTHESLAVETRADEINAMERICA by John fvFR Illustrated-by Walter AppletonClarkTHE CHICKAMAU-GA CRISIS by GenJacob D CoxREMINISCENCES of James Russell Lowell byW D Howells


















S ars














IIAD oono is ix ntvnjrn

Metro Slake the Malic Honker Blake ttCrowd ilol Dod MakM TUtro Sick

The Italian organ grinders of New Von

are hunting for n onearmed beggar who ht

been following strange organs and collcctlnmoney for hlmsalf so that wben the regula

collector goes through the crowd for emit

coin there U none coming The fake coll ot j

gets In his work Immediately after the organ

playing nt a 1 ro

about The thIs to Mabout the fakir

I de mute mya wife collectn d-

rnon1 All right mea tw

hunt blocks get only tcno cent

we Now wile niriuiKbefore Hea bails loafer nnni

Dodo He no makea do muse I mnkende monk de crowd Dodo male

do noon Dama Dodo Kllla him icuJi


Inirctt Have Spread Ilupldly

The ap earance In Prooklyn of the San Joe

scale U U now feared will be the means of dc-

MroyliiB a nf fruit and shade trees

According to Secretary Collins of this Tree

a tree and n tins needle tliroueli innmind suck the Juice and fat the tree I henrare about four

of this Insects

cor rorrnVT rvn A

TB t the He Give for Failure tPay Ills Clear lull

Policeman William Sleetlen of the Tender-

loin station was on trial before Conimlwlonoi-

Abcll yesterday fur falling to pay hi debts

I never could find the man wildSpocdwiapparent regret nodding

of Un Oak Ufays pay for falllnc t

that heto twenty clays ray

then and see gald Commissioner

End of the Florists Convention

The convention and exhibition of the Soclotof American Florist at the Grand Central

Palace came to an end last nightexhibits beauty had to coins extentfaded wore removed and the

go today At annual election of offlcenIalrick nMnra of tlU

was cho n rrroltient and William J Stewartof Ilo tnn

3Jusiutsu JlotlrtsSootblnr for chtldrfn-

Uilnr otnn reduces Inflammation alt in wind colic diarrhea 2Bc a bottle

OUIDAt WblW tak Sulllian county N V onWednesday Aut 21 J900 Cira Gould JU-

llurtal ai Mount Aubuin Omrtery Cambiltlct


tllKYfla WrdBMday Aur 1 k bet res

fatter SSI 79lh si R lu RileySt JJonleVa Church 78th St Satur-

day Ant 2S UOO at 10 A JJ Iotenn nt In

n AUOHNESS MINKlIn Brooklyn on

JJ 1900 JantVwlfeof P IL Sbanchnna arrd9 ytara

Funeral Saturday Aug 2 IMO twin SU AfnmiChurch Iloyt and hasheS sU B A U Intelmeat tl Orctnwood Omtcry-

criitRHS IIILUS TiirmitYOffIce I Martlinn av r Bad Y-

inATT has lb book you wane OrowM aroundon book rtfyc ittetbtn


old organ grinder wilt is knowntoe


say to naya wife you tliikflail

man collect


Found First cot a rear Tree a Week Ale the


Society thio Insects have nirctid

been found in In

the cli atad in all will tan fountin great nuintst when ito tnhillIiatlli 1 madeof the Nsei The Insect uero firstii tree hiotIt liv atiie alga anti titilees-

omethitnan is done at ones to ehate theirre tti of shade trees will

La 1Iie iiaects art carried from one

tree to another l high anti otherinsects Tue crawl lie hank of


of the 0

year ecutitustit of in tlia fall wili-

iheroens Mr Cohlitta eas wmilil kill the smaller

CItE ff101


towardthe complainant Iiseiier cia land saidtie land an for cirnrs btetdeti

witi ordered to pai Iii fl

the debt wasollcsiiuafl

was fined Ionpay a debt he had nate and was

to pay the whole amount before next dayhail hardly the wlaun

complainant can30 running back again tandlit the hallway

would never pay lliC debt It ho wirelIned twenty day pa

increase fine

Many of flue



Secretary Moat of tuna ntieualitit-

hu went to lien Is1utd at tin Ins

tatlon of dan New York Florists

flru the gumslays cures


EastFundst tram

Cal vattie Ant

earn it

I 5









1 ctr Jubttriituiti

TERMS OF HVXTIXGTOX WlllThey Will lie Made Public Todny llr linn

tlnctnns Connie SaysOiarleH II Tweed Si cond VIcePresldent

of tho Southern Iaclflo and personal counselof the late Collls T Huntlnjrt wild ycsterday that the contents of Mr HuntlnctonV willwould be miide nt noon Titertins been no change ho said nod will ho rantsIn for this completion nf the companys terminals atare to bo carried out iu pnijwtid bv trcontinue to be an lm irtant part of thin system

Colktjrj nntl Srhools

For Day liVonoK Men City Cotmtry

Dwight SchoolIB ITrst 4lit Slrrrt Netr York City

Slit Year op n acllh-

Illrh rl ss school for boys from 7 Ii to-

rulorles lrmn luiu Alblrllcr


CONDUCTED by the KIlANCISf niiOTItfllS-Clsaslol Scl titlfle and Commrrrlnl our fv

Entrant 41 Duller Mrrel A pp for CnUlotu-eIlllOlIllill rilllvlIS S Hrilir-

KIHGSLEY SCHOOL nIndividual trslnlnc to manly cultured self

mi trry Ideal loraltan In bill cuuntry 22 mIlesfrom N V C1 y Hnldrnre new ill Improrrmeat Tf rms Ill Nontrsn 01cf luurt y 9IJJA M Itoom it 70 Fifth ion Surd litbml lr tn It CAMFlliLU head Master hiutxI-Vlls New Jf r f y

HAMILTON INSTITUTE4S West Hist St Manhattan s nare Xurth-

UPOIKNS SKIT TH-fnr Informstlnn nr r


THE BARNARD SCHOOLWfeST STREETund rntrancr iu Vrsi IJclti M-

Thornush pirparaUun Ion College sad DullnessCalalrgue

BETTS ACADEMYsi otroitn ro njj YKAI


adTumacrs fur urtuc time InWM M A i Volet l rlnrl i-


Arts Knd sciences law rofrtlrtne rolce and pr-

Ior Glrlt H Youn IToraen nty Country

Academy of Our Lady of Angels Unisr thsDirection of the FrancIscan Sitter

iVnrm rlT rranitnnSWEST ioiXT iiuruu

Hoard 4 Tuition 1200 retreat Send lor Prospeetui

The Vcltin School for Girls

Hrtproof biilldlnr Tt valorlOUina tEST 74TII STIrREr

Ion Yonne Hen Jt Mnmen Lltr Conntr-

IJKXMSnTON N Ji HUMINAUV on iuiaboth MX licollbful luo

j imfnrt nnhllli ttt rh Mrl rlul tratrlQC taut coaiunl stun lesOUO Imprutrmtnti-


XTEW YORK 1HEPAIIATOHV SCHOOL IIIV IUnoklynluo Joralrrom it prepares

any ontfor ItUGIivrS tcbooU open now

lluilneo tnlleajek


101 lnt 3 d St 4lh Ave New YorkTrlrpbone IOI1S

The Sd year of thus school Uclni with lbeop nlnt-of the Vail vsMou on Tucxlay Scplrmbir 4 ln-

dlTldual tnsirucllon ta all commercial branchesNeedy 20000 young mm and wjmea trained teebualntix Call or send tot prictuLong Island Business College

141 lo Itt Month Nth At llrnoklyavThe bu lne training choul ol loday toe

men ad young onmru and rfralnc sessions10

IthXUY C VltirllTPrlnelD

NEW YORK I Sthnnl MNasttuatnlnShnl WftUl 5t

LAW SCHOOL livilclitties LUU In two yiara LLU In Mara


These plantI luta

tinanton anal Gao terminals itt Now wall


rears of aye attenUon giecti whhIs ieta tnrruItr bergs tcuIt lAtiae


0 I

rae tintsIm r






panitony department I 12th Fear SefO inLi


A iuiLit I ilIi

College Irepitnatiuin Number of pupils limited tobeet In eeh

yeariRon hone anal can


it eel



law hriools






