the sun. (new york, ny) 1911-10-23 ... - chronicling...

r &nst ompam( Trustee for Personal Trusts FIFTH AVENUE C& 36TH STREET, NEW YORK Tins Bonrrj of Directors assures conservative banking, ami brings to this institution the benefits of large experience in financial an ! commercial affairs: DIRECTORS In uinin Allmr.n H, Altman A i B. hn jscob Astoi 0- -. P. Baker hAlfmafl I'lraf N'stlnnal Rank Stephen Baktt Pfes't Rank ol the Manhattan Co. Gen. B. Case White A i ae. Attorneys n Cl.iflin t'l.-s'- t i.'nitP'l Prv '".nods Companies Thomas Cck hiun, Jr. VtcaProtldffiit 1". C. 'rpMnt li. V. Davison J. P, M rgan & Co.. Par.lcere J lm I. Downey RulldlBs Construct. ClbCM H. Gary ChalrmaB V S Steel Cofporsttog K iei Walton Qotlet rh omai W. Lament p Morgan Co., Rasksfi Ranald H. MacUonaU y Ml lstste Eii,ar L, Msrston A Co.i Bankers WiKin Interest pait- on daily balances; deposits invited LawyersTitlelnsurance&TrustCompany CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $9,500,000 Mt-mb- of The Clearing House Association 1 Ct) HrimilwiiT, New York MontaKtie Ht., Itrooklyn RECEIVES Ii:iOHITM aubjeet to check or on rcrtlllcate, ullowInK interest Depository for paid Court and for of bankrupt LENDS ON APPROVED STOCKS and Corporation Bontl us collateral. acts as TRUSTEE, Guardian, Fxeoutor, Administrator, Assignee, r Heceiv4r, Transfer Atretit or Iteariatrar of Stocks of Corporations. 'lakes Charge of 1'ersonal securities, EDWIN W. COGGESHALL. Prosldant. r V is v nmnr. 1 iRWAI.D SI ALt.KXBCHT, ' s 11 iKE nnprtT jackron! Uanaaer, MAM BaECK, Ant Oeaenl Manissri 'ip n. 00DBH, CousmIi ROE r Fi'TTrnwoRiu IaM P DIXON ian i. rAincau.0 ifTany 1H8 into F.tKf't'TIVF. COS1 IT KPWIN w. COOaEIHALU Chalfauia. SO 1 in, 1. mi i Wa AT in nn n i i r ur nn man 4 nn of I ul I null 1 I C A I r I Ml M li I'l ls '.o 1 st . K4 Miint.iciis Ht I f ..4i ' pi REMIT UOLDMAN PHII LEHMAN John LOCEIIAN CHARTERED Union Trust Company of New York MAIN OFFICEl BROADWAY. Plfik carnar ssth Straat, Ultli SluUern Capital $1,000,000 ALLOWS I.NTF.Kt.ST DEPOSITS. iru-te- f. ruiuusry behalf ndlrtd utl(,u nrpnutuni GUARANTEED MORTGAGES LAWYERS A N tbeity Nanhattan. 8H.nno.ono I ' iD T Cr I lfMllM i IMI KI.HT, METAL PRODUCTS CO. New ork. October 1. 1011 a : ar v arterly Dh lend of i1-- . has been m "he Preferred stoi-- of United Btatet Us r k icts Com pan . pas shir Vovembtr i m "ot ktioldera of record at 'he closs of t.--- . on November I ton. V. SjCVMOCH Itt'NK. Treaurer. ilMiM N st TA Hit I I rOIPA.Y. v all Htreet, xea Vorfc Cits " - r. of Hirer tors of this Coinpaay has r. rr s rea ilar eiul anti'tal Mi nd of j ml Mh jjaererrrd Htnek, payable i.f. lo ilToi'k holder of record at v t husinrts No-- , enber a. 1011. " .in be iraliej hi ta Tftls Puaraataa I " ifs It road way, Sew vork "ity. PtiND, Treasurer AM m . II i OPPRK COM PA V. : hroadway. New S'ora. Oct I ft 1011 A' ), rnepi t i.f ihe ilrrrrors of ttif Afnalffa ot per ompani a dP Idend of ine half 0 Oct i'r ' enl 1 of 1J was firriarid. pay ' ember 17th, I9tfi m stoek holders of fsearfj ., ihs book! of the I'oinp.uo of IS 0 :loe1i 0011 ' N Mhrr tathi IWl if MF.lsIN, Rsrretari an'i TrB'ireT fl 'U I S f lvir' tj'.'i Al lr. O I n J 11' t "f U ' 0.1 ". A 11 N a I, A it f i' s I It, II I 4 lllkl.lllltl'AM nt f hlriicn "rh el'. :i that ft '11' l(lnrl nf Vtl'AliTKRS PKII IT.NT '1,-'.- . .ir.'t on t hi raplttil itork of nils itj ovrnihiT "Mil. lull, to Ihr of nrnr'i ai tha rlnaa ol puslaas, ,rl, mil Wli.rv. sirnary Sltlls I lit, NN I II. N.' fork. (K'toiM-- it. 1911, llsaTH llfVIUKXII. ifil lllvlten1 "t '1 In '' nnlian Pr n drriartxl payabls Vovambrr llttli, r Itnnki ln lis rlotMSl Nmembrr ' Iinili ilsi s In' htdecl. .'. miii 'l I'l. vi Treasurar 111(1 IIINN nsstlni tl I (.'Ol '. n N. 't i e .. T m tn i I ii;s. i ttT(K"KHOl.DHnS, r tha ttopkhnldari t TH K ',' () v III he hnn nn etniiitr. ni two o I'lnriv ein h i nrtvnratlnn al Hrfdge "in lsj,.,u i ,y, t'rmtlly 'f Oueens Sew nrs. fur the purpusr ifvotlns tltlnn i" l'Htrnsi' It- - tat'liul stocli "' .s'.iik' nf l ull Share, of pre Arid nil hares nf roi in r.n slnck, f V'n rneh In iiinrn. m ronslsl nf pre fcrrwl stoeli .m l l.trnnsbaraa of the par value nl IIKI each. If ., "11 a H"in nl i.f Ih'- II. aril nf r ,i s. rit-- nf hontls Tin- slock" - f thr t'nrporatlnn will !" plnats f h islnesa "ti Noven her 4ih. ltd l ir nf liudlni is on November Till 1011. i i u r wyrKOKK. Prealdenl, '.' iii l' K, Herretary. I l. I1UISA1 I II. Mretlni ol the Btoekhol lers of the ' : :,' I niiiii'tlli will he M Rtreel, I'nugbllei'psle, New in.siia'.'. Sovemher 1st, Utii. at ,i fin thr rleetlnn "f a Mnar nf Hirer . in rat att'i for Iho iraasaetlon Imslni-'s- s as mm priiii rl) iinili i ii. i I I' mm HAHIN'O COMMlKBAHVi '' S nn i, nil Hi rest, Nes Vnrk, S ". iesei I'rnnnsals, in rtupll so. h ; rtelivarlni iniisiiienca stores ' Mine IU. Tl- I'reil hy rsr nn or befnre DeeemlsTF IA, i . .. inih until ten nvWk hri I0i lorormailnn fuinlihnl l'n' eh pes eoptslnlng bids should ; sin for gubtlftttnrr Hi ores smtr loll," ana oddrtktad tiLoi U, A. c o., Ui S- Army. Joseph B. Martindnle I'rcs v heittlCBl Nat Hank Gntcs W. MvGarrali Pres't Mechanics A Mrlnls Nat Sank Chattel A. Ptabody Prtuklenl Mutual Lite In. Co, Gen. W. Perkins D. B Ponieroy Vh r president Hankers TrmtCo. William ti. Poller J. P, Morgan a I o.. Hankers Reward Proaest Vice President JDat,iel G. Reid Rock Is.jn.1 Sv.tem Douglas P t'inson Kmil KstatO Archibald D. Russell Alexander H. Sir vena Vicc-I'- (!. lent Denjarnin Strong, Jr. tcesPrealdeBI Banket, Trust Ca Charles L. Tiffany I A I'o. Theodore N. Vad Pre. American Tal, ami Tel. Co. Albert H. President Chase National Bank your New York thereon. moneys money estates. OFFH'FHSl ARCHIBALD munKs TrMsurtf, WALTER v. VAIt, Rterttarf, I CONDIT TARICK, ROBERT I SMiit I aati. TfaBaaiar Kill itp'l I) RRET) OF'ilPiF. F I'Alt.Mf.l F.K. SI TBKl is4 1" a. a. s. t a a sst SMrstartaa tininiFNTHin s Wallace ALBERT II. triOaiN 4itiu Asanaa. Sale Dfposll Vault, Surplus $7,900,000 ON 4CtS Baaaat ClaaraiaWi Binri Ural COMPANY M H ATT AN UNITED STATES Rtf pill, Ittlt. ,MI yuttti (earned) M0RTGA8E COMPANY Wall Street corner Waaaav Mrmbcr C Ira ring louse Authorised to art as Ever ti tor under Will itrvrtT jauks i, Aclmtnistrator, Guar dian. T ruataa for IndiviouaUi Corpora- tion! an i Municipalities. h iscal Agent. Transfer Agent and Registrar of Stocks and i'"iuU Receiver, Assignee or ( ommitte. 113 1 emporary BROADWAY Domestic and Foreign LETTERS OF CREDIT Traveler's Cheques THE STANDARD TRUST COMPANY :i HrnS'l St N'rw YorU. N. V. United States Mortgage & Trust Co. TAPITAI. an t l kPI.I'V 1 Fersoml md Business Accounts Invita-- mm OS Mortgage Bonds "1 Offered at Par 10 ) and Interest Denominations $1,000 $500 $100 Principal and interest thoroughly ecuredby best class of improved inco- me-producing real estate on Man- hattan Island. Tax exempt in New York State. A conservative and safe investment you should be familiar with. W rite for tlnular "J" NEW YORK REAL ESTATE SECURITY COMPANY 42 Broadway New York City CAPITAL $.1,950,000 s IlIttM.ATI a NUT 14 R. ri' s unWKN KHKNCH DswPkn County S irroKatc Court In n,, maitar of the estate id i rsueei lloweq I'reneh. deeuased n In ten iimi to ai'pi. f'r letters f odnilitUtratlun upon ihP Ahnvr estate, havini ueen shown to ihh nurt, h tin petition f red P ranch, for ihr s .nn e m Mm of such letters, now therefore, nursuaiii i" jm order of ins 'ouri dun made, tiiel nnd entered on nrtohrt eleventh, 1011, the eonseni "f ii the net! o( uin of said deceased iirt ing neen dull m4 sn-- nied. noflee Is riereb? Klven. ;is proi h section Paftt of th- - Qt$ of civil Procedure, to sii creditor-- hin& elalms ftggtn.l 'hi r Ulf of ran. es !lnrfn renri. de ss&e i latf of Metli o. oswaga County, N Y m nresenl Hiem 10 ICn rig) ton I Miller. Surrnffli-ci- i ir pk.i i ountj m his ofltce in iswagn. n. y . on or before November loth, 1011 I'ste-r- i neto bei 11 tb, Itll. FRBD IS. PRlSNCHi Petitioner, SUN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1911. vi mil p nv rrtnn ututun uinm n Iwns IM.M0.M fine nimrwt nijiiii 11 r mr. m nn i n in mi m' u.. , m i GEOLOGICAL 3VK'KV FIOVRRS i on COLORADO OVTPVT, llem. RUM Heallntton outer llriiirus Front rltm Mexican 4. old itrlke Helmed 4 Irtltn on Huston Hint a M4.KtMt.tNNI I rum lit 4uU.ui. Colorado BPstNtia, Ottt, is Tht t'nited ntsies ( itsologicgl survey credits thlrtssn Colorado untitles with producing. 7t,OTO,64tl pottnda of Rlnt? In into, a- - follows Chsffae, t:'s,.',;i'i Dear Creek, 1,277, ash dialer, I and nre to tin- - smelters on- A.7Rt1 lloloraa. 1: in.. I'n- - ' I oiicd 2.4011,2211 otinoaa Coi lnsi' mont, ia,o71; ttunnlaon, I7,ftis itiend' villa), M,M7,445; Mineral, 2,42l,fl2A Park. IMn,7lM: San Jiiitn, A,7SI,2fi(1; San Mltltel, 2,Hn,(ISI Summit, 1,541,81.1. The irreat Inoraaaa in sine produetlon la due to laad-vill- e tilsrovarlaa in lano ami initt. rounty produced in mm lA.34A.WiA pounds of lead Twenty other lirottahi the total to 7A.o7i.27fl pounds, us Follows1 Roulder, HS,2Ao, Chaftee, D7u,MH ( tear Creak , 2.4A4.47A, I 'uatar, I4.7M; I I27.H09 Katie, nison, Kai,S4I; ,'7:i Mineral. Park. 2,041,204; 2A0j Katiuarha, San Mltfttol, 7,1 Ml but si POtinl les . Which was (illpln, irtA.isj; i.a Plata, A,i4A,noo: Ouray, 1.1104.72s; Pitkin. ia,40A,9Ao; Rlottranda .mis sau loan. lO.Osa.SAA; A,0tA,4nfl thlrtv mint'ral hearlnfl intrlbtttad in the nipper prodttot, s.AAA.AAA nounda Boulder, ia.77:'; i nana, 220,772 ciaarCrewk, Il,aa2; Dolores n7.iia:t Kanle, . llrtrfleld, 42A; (illpln, ii. rand, us; iiunnlaon, 21,024: Hlusdale, 4'r..i7'.v taike, A.AlA.lM: j I.a Plata. 142: Mineral, 2(hjtill MonteRuitia, 7741; Ouray, 620,2RS; Park. ss.,"4s. Pit kill, - 4 i Lm tiranda, s7. RaRiiaclie, a,abs; i San 'I nan, l,20R,4tM; San Mifltial, fitl.iso; Summii. 2 .71" j the total silver production was R,AoA,&QA I uttncea The sold production was $2o,fto7,' I OAS, of which (ripple Creek prod d 111, 0O2.:t.:( San Ml ittie whs Mcobd in void pfouurtloti Wttll ,'hhi tuim of or', jumiiist (Irt.iHi Uy 'Oiler county (CHppIt riwki; i.Hrsn mum third with Ma.oaa ion, Han Juan fourth W itll l?Ufl,272 Inns I iuiii to tin ittiti i ..tit.. Ii,2i.i,is4; silver, litlav.!,oiS ount'efl 't r, H,t4ft,i&7 poundv; lend, ltt,at49,Mt1 pounds; lllu 56,M7,t43 pouiids ttilii), 4tt.',in,t i4iiH 4.i Worth 7,A90,777 rem on t ounty i r t u ,ti t.nv nlune, ! ii'ii ni ore, 9,071! pounds, wort (i $7ii i"Mfcria-- . produced of fold and lHiihniaT else (irand Is credited with ,,,,, l.nrs inn he hum loll I wurtli I'ortla il teiMH 'its shai i tnoiiiti Js.lll 7.1'sil. F.lkti liiluiln' illtlily il 11 ill.' '.'itli will I..' UII 's t.itill In I llH ( rippla H I sa7,4oo; 477 mi '111 .sit Summit rollown rounty f iro ieUliiii '' pounds ul 17 II; i'i4 nn tin ul (inlil Mining Conipam ills-'- , 1- 1- htflttlar nttartarl) tao ill Idrnd, mi tin- - lAth m- -t brltias fi onipunv's lul ai 'i tin ii Iisii.issj has n paid onaolidatad ill disburse I. 'in milled a ' I'U total ni ,:'.s a .1 thai ItS'.uUII, null. ,'IHH 7 tiiiollilata, Custer, Id eil t hi i public compant to iber divldt'inl. it-- , fifty-t- pa; 1 cents a atiar e t he '"t h o4Mi. bfinaf- - Ihe iouipanys mmi In I25.msi, v a ha fraud de tl, lali' I. mount r 11 $1 "u.iaoo and ih vraiiu total to 4. v; .. I In- 'M dl idem! total, a paid b eleven companies, Is $600,.,;,? 41 hi- ronnor lease on the Korest ju-- i mine, Irom lad Hill. Cripple reek, has en countered a Ha cin assaying $40 t.. a op in the topof an oh) -- f,p in ftiot level eaat of the shafl three bir stoiies are liellif Worked on that l fit its !a-- ha- - Welded $I50,ST0 in the Ihi vear. The Hetiteiulier output of the Mar Klnnev. t ripple reek was 10 cars of ure "hull i" belnc stinh to sia t.- hem.; down to 7o. it water - not encoun- tered station w 1!! I.,-- nt mid .1 I'isv ut run lo the main lead which will permit a steady pn iduci ion t.i wo a ra htt of 100 feet will permit stoplng of ore for t h rcn mi ri 1,,- mt-- r shaft on Hunker Hill, ripple Creek, down 000 feel t .rani feel depth a station will be cut and laterals drlvey tap veins proliabh entering tin property from ai oimiisf lalntH l Kavauauffh null, treat inn he .to I e dump, Is realirlua $4n ton, the hial -t iveraae anj ipple rHk mine dnua ore from tl lorado Hons udnn, 'rijiple I'reek, - ruunina 10 $o a un 11 otuinif 'he recent r Hylvanile recently found carries $370 1.. a ton I llomentake null has resumed woi u and he olburn imt! ba- - tieeu suceasfull ar-i-.l Ihe tirpl mine on Wee ha ken tn'', Ourav. la sacking a car of inn wUi ore for shlptneiii i,ir ina 'he last few hj .ampie have t n hiimniif stssi, $1 and g.iss made. M allies t. III.' Ill'.l "- - proili imt India 'nil II. ill it i it ofaij u golil iei e remaining fl1 he ore H isiuil ami iti ti m ul h' assays shlppiiu tiling ! u .'-- t'apltal, l hir'i ittiU Httiillaira in I ist I'raak tllstrli't, urn ring IipavIIv Ih" i aliltal ill mil- - ;ini.immi fur tin .'.it- tha Satl'l.iin I li liamlKMti. M.' IVIli-Hti- , mnl w.'st (itittitii and I'ayinasiHr rii.'s an all shipping Iawsuii iHast mi tl.. lrlscaaa nf Hutu' nn i nlntnliia Muitnlaln, tieorga. is in i" im h ot sol lit stu.'it nu ore uiirMiu: 3si ounces l he ore shoot is snow ing tor I at' feel Htopin is ni progress and a heav tonnage is being mined Hhipments are made t.. Idaho springs mining camp has been started Fresh water, flffy-tw- o miles weal of Colorado Hprlngs on ihe Midland road, where large copper deposits are being worked The Mul (hileh Mining ' ompany of Colorado Kpringa, organizers of (he ramp, have several claims Ul operation The Wanakah tiuray, ha- resinned Ita twenty stamps after a short Idleness foi repairs The nun' is showing ore bodies with development M HUM. Mvxiro tiir. pel ih t ronstderahle number of good orders American mining machinery are being placed Mexican mine ow ners The n h strike of gold In Hie Klondike diatrlct, aixty-flv- e miles aoutheaat of Mag oalena, Honora. which niada a short time ago was due t.i the finding (wo years ago of a boulder which aaaayed $074. 40 gold and ninaty-flv- a ouncea In silver to the ton 1, he diacoverers denounced about thlrtyflTg acres covering the spot where believed tin float Tiad come from The owners Of 'his claim are (.lover A Bad get t. who sfter doing soma prospect- ing without result left the property in charge of Jeaus Vtlialva who continued Droapecting Recently Vllfalva's efforts ....... ... rtwsraea oe though! I HI tip ore irom me eseu a mi situ Ine ex ist en e i rum this source during two years ore body dei Ue won t Ills lie OOllld Olll "f the himself patiently traced iliriiiinh the whole length nf wiih. it le'tinu anyone, even of the property! know of filially he the leag ami ground. himself that the ore wir fnrt una was ur uM-tlv- Mag hi' etio of dr acre Had. Willi' prop. iii i" free w ii miles iii ,1(1". IMin fused il din. of PI, Ml claiini .T..t mill mil met bod prosii llll! ni llllll. usual reek irood from tsvvittt i strnas mill, work they Idea id i Tl V It of 111, of 4s till ii1 ion W at oj ... a mi I the rich i in ins' 'lie UK til" Mamplea VII is p run .is reporle ash i" u few Mil ,:i7 ' on ih- - he iiinii' Intioyer Mines ( THE hall Miunii: ' inn-ii- will iu I to rrom ' show mar rom siiv Irtlt leur iiriil waa properu i ("Unwell Inn i lurann 711". lar flit ml $tsn the MSI ore for i I'.'i Ion new for by mil lie ins his ke lift Id K.'t v, h seoverj lor 'h dge the flnitn the owners SI fr Ihe a vlng sai lafied rich and iluit a sp he wall.eil the letia. carrying sail. ... il hi - ha re to pui' for the coal claim nf twent tl e property of filnver a taken from Ihe ahnfl 1111111 down upon hir. iltIi as ,;i.:' iii irold the d thai he has n ottered olil for the mine ago he was an or-- impany oontpoaad irg men laneveioping t1" groujis in Honorn mnl Is ii i went ti ve ton 9 peri wan tal a view t detertriinlng the beal f trt'iiiniK 'lit nrea ii ban niore i ut goon "re iii 0i gm ann ilia is nre hm 11 ti. he favorable for open-- t her large hodiea, kltlgONA. ItiSiip.K, Oct, i7 K Will la maon nf oiie, n , aortuirod tin- vi ii Kin ir rou n six gold claims nil rees I ',J,f in i.ila county, tunnel i" iu l .Vl feet and will be extended Ihe 010 runs more than J" "i gold pei ton ami carries ion sldernble othei utiles Magna Copper Company reiantly encountered a large body of ore m a croaa mt on the sini font level of mine in the Superior district Ihe working wi.hb of this ore body la ghoul thim feet, five to slghi of which Is yen nlgn grans The rom pan y belongs to the iiggenhe iui in teregt 1 he mill of (he v ijb hei Mining) ompany, the mines county, la now oper aiins excluslvel) upon tglllivj0 nf then nre about 3 Ml ,001 tons e vopinent i being carried on the fool level total production ol in Arizona In ISIft, (if this output I Ml It flni i ami from thfl placers. ti.",.:i.Mi.ii from alltraotM oraa, ami 02,707 i 11 ii poniar ores From bullion ami niImt mills were reiui ered Miltf-Si- lino otittris, concent rates priiilm-i'- S.ftaA.fl Him mimes ami ters t'Otltalneil Inrgtsxl protlti i omit y, ii i t titia it to t in1 ..tiici :.'i urn' mimes tion was from Mohave 1 in mm, as against IMS." 'tl:t in iihi'i IrlXOtia's silver production in IfllO was J.ntB.MS Hi nri's, valued at l .IM.I.Mn. Hiianist .'.inn mi nite. nttnraa, ealtieo ai ,i am. In IfsW, (if Ihls output l,n.14,M.1 niinrea PHttte Iroin tho popper ores. 440,IM irom sitirtous oraa and litt.tnt otinnaa frotn lend no's Mllllton at nl.l and sllvi'r mills protltieed fill, A i btinreu of Bllver U 11110, nnretitratMs nroilui fit M s'u llni mini is. pounds rrtiue senl AT.onn Kasile j ro.oitv lolorea, with "I to pi 11111 "i I i ..'us, .'74 fine outn" 1910, l,4A4,.1l line nun lav.ipai eotllttV ilnii.iin otinetss Rgalnai A7a,fiSii oniu es in unai (upper prodiici ion decreaaed in from niKt,sitff,lAi pounda, valtied fits! ,11.1(1, n, run lo 207,4Al,lAI potindi at to7,7Ai,37(, In inio httl irlaona atl hrt rttnona 'hi- 'upper producers Concentrates orodtlced ,,'i ''.. u.'is R in iVKB, and it) MMti, ai i valued il of the ontout ami crude ores senl to th siui'ltiTs proiln I 2A7,774,A4I) I 0" chlse count v, wlllcli Includes Hn1 nrcat w arren produced i4.'i,:ii(),(23 ol copper, IO,SIO,472 poululs In I ISIS ITeenlee couiifv, etnuriiclhtl th eastern tiortlon of tirahatu Ineliidtna 'he ratnous Clltton-Aloren- cop-H- reainn of Copper Mountain and ttraan-le- a prisluceii 72,s7R,tn4 pottntis of ppi't aaafnsl il.RJAit'S) i" Is m IHOR Vavnpal count v, Includlnil Ihe verd ula looking strivinir I ut commission irlat, in,s34,.Vitl iiiihihI of copwr, iiirniii-.- r ,Mi pounda In I and county, iti'Mu'iiiikf Utobe district, u ret I mi .ititi.'..' r pounds f copper In aa ayalnsi :in,t.M,atw I he prod ii' i lead ms'.is poumjs, valued it ft, aas, 4 gainst n,09a,oa.i iMiiinds vnlupfj .a 111:1,21 s, In t'ochise county, in whlcli situated famous Tombstone mines, protluced .1 7ti.4in ihiiihIs4, tolloued it' Mohave count v 740,091 noun is lm set I nutpui In I MUM iiimi' tfin Monava naitta iru ou titles onceutrates prtHluceil iio,.,rts i4imii(s. of m) hi iniiu In 1910, mid 2,- - ;tu.t,9tii pounds were contained m rrude in thn smeletrs after the mine and sill. Mr iiintlnuallv lifer and produced ww. pr-- 1910, ittOn Ion In iwuo are tin' with Ittiu and ore -- viit in1 siiir ir ' i "l i h um m,SwH valuetl is 2trtj,ist, iji toio, as ntfalnsi :,v7;,-:.- , pounds, valued R22,?7I, in ItNM Mo- have count ) in iluh from nion I'aescamp, proilMi ft 4 4,040 liOilhUS W A S II I N t . N st tri 11 f. id : Tha mill of tin' Inatt'ii rower nt I't'it n in t oniputi win : ' ' ; " : to sboul ilrsi nf mm. tin history ot llapiitmc inlna lliindraus ni im,- - nl r will in' I routed lhal canuot 11IIW I'll Hill I'I tilt' Illilll'S Hit HI'! l.llllt ni hi' ins' ut transportation unit Iraat-ins.,1- 1 jiin all 'in ora can in iraalad ut imnta lite lust a tun im minlna will tin tfrauth rfdiiopil, as tin. low niadi" ura will he Ircatrd rin mill will romntanra work KrindfiiK ami ryaiildlna ora at tin rati ol vMt tons la, iimi vi ill Ill4an il I'lfcr boom In Hi' public mines doMH Of npriug li nn lllrf him Intro-- 1 i'i pounOR, Waah 'il' tlraliby smaltvi Arlanna rankatl pounds district, pounds smelter. itouuds 1910. I wrand total tllatrlrl hava baau rather unlet ii Hurpi Ise Is at ill In a high nnie school It has opened tor a diatance ot 00 ieit ami is from S'-- j lo 0 feet width Ihe; mat nine ii equipment ban lieen ami shipments will be ItlUch inrater than before hi ktall mine is InstaMlna new nipiip- - meni Kn ' Ilngh rich vein has been found and a sliafi Is last u at driven Wlkstrum, prealdenl he MeK Inlay mine ai ttrlent, baa put a . rev, at work to the of a i.ikt- mill I l.c luritt-'- i. to t' :."u feel ami U in lie driven 011 Ihe ore tiihe ,. soon u- ibe tunnel h oinpiet'd iua lilnery foi the KSi toll' yatdde null Is t.- t..- Installed ami work stuping ore otntnein d. the ptu- - f am ine ha- - it Wi.riv - progressing verv satisfactorily t in the Mogul uppei mine a' unent. ere a ol meii 1.1- - lieen m m in a M Toot shall which will le sunk u the 100 root level estimated 'hat this w.'fi, an In completed within ivv ia. the rock which the work Is being done being lime rock ami chalcopyrlie he shafl - iuii; sunk dlreutlj on Ihe ore ami th' i k inns li A to tin ion with picked samples showing $?o in .upper and $ao in gold n is lanneo to run a croaactii tunnel a distal! f 1,000 feet to tap ihe ore at a depth of feel a- - soon as the direi tion ami termanen y ot the ore shoot baa been established Will. urn Htmea of the Pact 111' Copper Mllllllk llll'l M'... lollli aUN, 'l"MUl IIIK fourteen i Imnis northwest ol shitttini doubled exteuded through in site vens county, repoi ta work la progremsing ven satlsfactoril) the big and that the company in shape to m. 1. e a hi a ore shipment soon aa smelters are tad tn handle ore again ieW Wagon road has been built to Mine Creek, tfiiinic a water grade over Whole lour miles dlstali' t4i the station Ihe shaft h.ts now been mink about 50 I il I p wide tu on ihe w in t lie t reiMirted to lie some on evet loutni In Ut' Northwi discos nred recent in Ikam heait I teen act .li.laf twelve miles north oi itepouitc, t.. assiivs which have been made A n v ol Ictor, Col Nome samples ot tin rock ran .o t.. it.e ion and pulverly of to i,t A, til' of on aa the he isl .v alnn lakeu irom lipor rtas the tunnel aasaye S40 be ore w taken from tie I m tni Liberator iimi Hold Quart mining claim, owned bj Kurst, t hnrles tlugat and re lMfh. all ol Mpokane m feet of tunnel w done on Ihe mperor lliera has lllnl Quorty hum Mil o Bonn let I Ktate Mine Inspector Kobert I tell, w ho has J ',st returned from tig i reek, says there nre mail) rich thai district on Moore reek, near the bead i Profile, la situated the Moscow group of tiuartz mines ihe main vemi-.'.- u feci wide and traced tha surface for t.'hmi r nve stamp mill 'rt kept running, and although crude, saVCB : ton in free gold The Red Metals mine, near the head of Profile reek, turning out ofe valued at $'.'". a ton ni gold and silver one vein ill the ledge irom to inches wide' yields shipping re thai gives ouncea silver and one ounce gold a ton, with :i per cent dead and 12 per cent, nine he i rowu near tha Red Metals haa a vein twenty feel Ihick with ore thai goes, i rom lo Si" a ton in add incorporation nave ueen a led for the can Kenning ompanj raimnuaeu 01 x lor the purpose nf building a lA,oon hi Sampa, well situated to rect from an of southern Idal i.ihsi.imhi iiniii.i'im plan! will lii'trm tliirrj days "ii the unit, will have tM4ParttV nf thoiiMnd imis of ore ilav iii,. two plarer dfedsee, one below and ime ahova Idaho ( Ity. nre rnnniiiK uninterruptedly, iiirnins out Inre Qttantu ties of Cnpltallatl are Rgnin turninc their ntten- - Uon i" Ina "ii Mouth Mountain distrhi in Cuyler county Many years aa small amelter was eraded to reduce the learl-silv- "res. imt failed on acoounl of the evl'ense irnllt ireiglll rales jinil ui' hih irriole ore from which the lioulder teamins with no fuel hand. It Ja evidently hnu come una or me stipulations thai the Natupa-uwyn- naiiroaa win in ninler which Vlllalvn remained "ii the claim mended front Snake ver to the diatrlct. that li. Hiimiid ay iii living etpenses ,n i'.ngll" mpan) lias jusi purchaafd nud net what prutlis could by Licking group of iiiin.'s there I I I tint n.-- lie rami, across i n i.' '"' rieh di i and hlnualiua o iiu-- i ii The i The it, m Maricopa which below tini ihe gold .iifiim-- i dlslrlcta, pea i installation isoo M01 i in rt . il itiat nrK nrai fl a bis 'I'lil a whs n w the i I'ellli and Momm the In; rlaiinod by ai'tion is' the former Boatou i Mining i ilue ted slpt oi.ruMr.. IK07, while t hey do nol know exact value ihe believe it more f lMM),non 'j be pinintifTs ns.k for thai hey the ine one- - nna inai tney reeeive value (be extracted Ihe is brouahi uanlnst ihe inacondn and l'.dhti.n surprise and was the hrai nil mnl WHS ever ilmiht to the shin the alleged that ilic plnttlf llTs owners Ibe interest since dire i. It 0 r T d bile tl a p of tin to the a e new ll mils a dl he l Til Let .aa on- I' "I 10 is,. ll I! K an a co III now the ground thai tha improvoments quire sueb sdvlsable building railw mpany, re'led gular recent bleh nroi large outlay that .ail iinv money spur plant iter part thn prose r.utie pr IHK. 'CMAII.M aftartlvs rAMUHI valued at J T dross Is In n( in iii ami ..en STRAW I'oot New 10m methods pdin cost tion Hi the intro- - uiucaa oucilon pinnt, uiion property belonging ompany nfti'etl recover alleged extrat stated acoountlng, dcelnrod tweinn intereai M'lm.jinv I'ennsylvanin properi surfai proposed cording Moston ylvnnln uolumnc dividend meeting luipuient entirely surface Increase KI.OOAN prealdenl MINE PUMPS THINl rataloi pries, PUMP WORKS proposition 'lnarntlna aoio wnicn tivrn Miartcti, nnirtupn ftboul two months. purpoae oonalal concentrates rarrtexi if to, mnty .f wiiii , d at as ot I I i N mines in r A 01 parts wnicn l elf interest mine, a no lo In i I In an to .it' tl re l - of in nn or ot ore ac ; in.i i hk of nf to I nil M in the primary an v Wi at a n on a- -i w are iv ha uni tn t he o t r operation the production, s in in the nil URANDBST ami or ths No an'i the C St., U. of pro unit tiii Is of nn lm are t to i in It for clneratlna inn) fine ratea siik'I Mini into wtilch one-f- a t some pie that they than M.'ti' there The about pper have been s. dinir from in I ember put from ut nertx' I rose, THK IM IN wnrlil nv.r iatrsl S. AUK RON l at,. IfttMl Ana dnt s1 paiiS i ih' flue dual and nr te 4m' A. ul nun tin of mn of th to hihI tiii-- put throttarti haat which lantte tha (Mikt in Hip flin ilui ami the snlpluir in tha TOitceiitrntaa, tha product lisn converted clnder( which t to tha Tha clnernted product mskt's amaltaf materlar Tha acnama tipins: orkad succaaafully iti several stnaltara, (Mr (irons Mya hat t lm company Is t rn Ititr Ottt about i.Ouo.non pounds nf coptiar cvprv nvmh and tiiHi ii- aanitnffi fur Ihia will averaiie battar l?o,tHt ;i month hn K.ast Mutt,' - all it. on from the sKi f4Mt ivi ntiil preaant Indication 'an that thf level will furtlfah enoiiifli to Montilv tliiA Htnip4r fur n loiii time. the ixtenslv re-- It nut concent amelter tin' Th pper proilm ctft this district for Septt'mlnT whi 1,200,000 pounds less t han in lUifUMt. the following official jlffttTas the Xnai'onda com atlQW e smelter, la.nnn.onn pounds rails, IV. 400.000 pound, totnl of Jl.Wn.OOrt pound's llaatdea, tha llutta smaltar in turned out tMinnd nounda lor1 the the is shaft is the ri 01 six ami the owners aid for AM thr pounua, as wnn za.rssi.uisi pounos lin sua Muriiikf tin three remaining mottthl the year RlO production will Opt vsr much Irom thai of last month, the Never Nvw-ii- t mine will he dowtl for Several former I months and Juai a soon as tin' hlvh ore put Knot her mine ie been Hla 'ha' is Mat' ore llHS mine work hi 1. res a at he A li their nre, he he li Hie ti OW Is 107. due, Ided to a is not railw ai paid f is I"1 flue f r In ilfcf ihe ron io S. duea c l f a into a w u jrear thsn pant Irani a thnl Mer- it naw in A ti of an in Xi si ve nv It tii ol as ot lis cloaeo down to eiuit inner tna compreaireu air HVHtem The Mlach HoCH mine of the MUtte and Superior - show in u?i whII on tin in n too' lerai new majy 01 ore nts ueen onened up. a wiitii of 20 feet and; carrying an aerae of :to sr ten'. fltU unit unnrsM of silver to the ton t ihio v9nDi 1,400 and iir show Inn up t .ao4i leu ti n hCHiies ven than on the 000 toot rare SiMiie fllfUraa have he to show immensd inlfilnK bualness in hi- .IHHI.IMNI rstarieii brinafinu' to better Lrepared tend of t Anaconda f ir. mined v 10 Ol oke h lined at smelters. l2.0Mt.0lin value nf colli burned, liiOoOjOon; value of llmeatone used at smelters, 91.976,000; value of lumlier, j;in,4KSi; nine of LMlppCf produced. S to.iNto.- - issr value id' silver protlucen, IA,ooo,nno; value of void producetl, li,.w,oon Accord 11 ( to a rTort flveti out the Hutte land Hu ner 101 1 tha mono 4i a ii'imt nr,,4bi4 linn m enlrotes I last ti oikM Utan at any lime in oie histor 3 of tht I'onipany Ihe savlnit was about ; pet cent of the content I of the ure treated nud tin- profits are to have been io.p.issi for the month he Tuolumne ompany has benun shaft ' sink In a attain ami I he mine Is to if deenepeil : " .. " , rSai it..- - ti,.. mi. thn th' t Mm of ( t ihe I the I on a viiihrn the Ibe thane, of the from lowafel 4'ompaiiv stlvlna tipe omnanv durlni mineral lll'l't ul I Si ll'.'l Will tn' t I'll station in naa staal imist in in onrratloti In 'In' lust nf th Mi-l- i ulll hava h it ,1.1 it hi liftit.rf rrnm a daptn "i J..KSI fi'i'i 11 will Iim prnvldad "Ith .'""' 1. et ni rope i Tin malarial for Ina at4el l,.'1ili lit tilfiet ei.'hf t II s, U ' IH lease haa been t iken by Martin Mulvahllh for many years In- - iiresteu in properties in tti" orotn nisiri loll viii and I .oui-- n Augusta laitns, owned are now iimi mine at Xortmiih. on a group 01 djolnlng the Mineral group .lames- .1 Kill. a Rlmllil .Men cleaning out tin' old workings and preparing 'he proi It Is 'he general bell runner of eatenalve to be m this eat he proper! V loot I in dlstrh'l ul' i'i'' 'lllil mil ami m.kv 111 Hill et tor operat ion that this he fore operat Ions h ar Itatrh within tin- - next is developed vertical uepi n 01 li-- gnu tap, uiig the Pilgrim vein, which Is at ghteen feel wide and carries leadsllver-gol- d concentrating ore running III lo the ton it is ih intention to sink ti shaft here is another vein in ihe property which gtvea good aeaays, but which has not lieen dea aloped to any extent The recent at r Ike In the V A mine above Elkhorn is coming lo be regarded a- - Importaul A .1 Heltgman of New k and Sam llausei ami oi hers ot Helena cre owners, but the property is uudej leaae I,, Dululh parties Retween is'. and isv-- 11 was operated, and produced during thai ime between Ibshntsi ami UtMhisju iTie ore una an oxUllrHl iron-go- ld ore, while that discovered recently Is dlrectlj opposite in character, being a silver bearing rock it ina Hint's net ween rorty ami too on in es ,d silver to the ton. and Ihe extent ol th re hud haa yet been determined rx tenet ve work is being carried on a' tha pi open ot on Mass Mining ompany near Miasouia new tuunel is being driven at t'iii 4si feel down the moun-tamsi- froni 'he old one to tap ut u depth oi feet .1 ledge which is tupped by the UOper tunnel fhe ore iii this mine of hewelah lead sllvei ami the conultions re inucn the same as in the Cuuir il' tlene district; the the the not ihe in fact. It is lonsluereo 11 astern exteu- - Ion "1 'he Cuui d'Alenes The district extends from the Iron Mountain mine on the east to Maltese ou the w.s u distance ,f about thirty miles Chailes Hyden and red Johnson are pushing wmk tn Ihe Kyden claim al 'he head of Npnug tlnlch, ami intend to run sin is ii te t the tunnel tt r feel to tap .Mohawk is tour is 4 Mtm d 1.400 is Mud vllas veins Jhe expect also to open up lie old Mt ( a lie ein lieorge Hchmidt and rank Merauer, who have been working a claim In w illiams liiilcb, recent I shipped a carload of ore which netted about " a '"li after deduct lug treatment and freight charges, The ore bod) is a small one, bul seems to tr growing larger going Into the bills nuii u u.i M mi 1 s it r IM 15 lifter 0 llllll summer, dm- the failure ol Steamboat . Mount tope is again to the front with a sensational strike of silver-lea- d ore on the Tulawieeii Ihe on is high grade, Ihe ledge large ami well defined I'" ' great distance T he veiu lies under strong iron ap nn t he apex a shaft has been sunk feet, opening 311 Inches of lt-5- ore and foni reel ol 950 ore ' The property is owned b) a group td Spo it a ue men who have a crew at work sinking the shall n h le i 'ooper reached week, reporting a copter Creek w hich he aa) s pre OHtcrop he has ever seeil of ton- - td blast from the ti into he reek su)mt. sm In I fagj I -- nve ( I o s i Hope flu. I on n,(. "ins n,. ia Many hundred dike have It ems ul nut e illvei are also reported r, Carr, 0 Montana proaector, who has been in th ran brook country ail summer, made strike ol rich looking, free milling ore on IVrry Creek ThTa . reek has ipna lieen a placer producer, but this Is the first uuarta discovery there Much activity is reported from Ulooet. There at- five companies doing extensive development I here The Coronation, be- - Iqes tui mg a tew ,u miners on i nu nmeltina and has let a rout ran he it tins lor I'tni'iiii. a in nave next si'riiiic lo kee live ears Ihe n whji thli fallen in ttint infflclenl iiloeked p the itull riiiinliii4 ttnaisaninteu, Pioneer, nayefne and ( ontet i ornpanles hava alao rontracts Nome these i ompanlea nave their mill nisehinen- or- dered and ate waiting for the completion the wiiii' :i road befora hm ing it hHUled In. ii tin' Government rtishoa the conat ruction work the w ugon roud next June will see five mills grinding out the p reel Otis metal that 0notllu hava been in circulation years iM Intng activity "n the ( ndwnlder has given Impetus prpanactlng. several new finds hava been made other re4'tiuis Forernoa! are White A Co.'s free nilUltig Watlgnton Creek, nibaon A Maniilton's nn the south fork of bridge liiver ami a large lunl- hematite iron on Whitewater Ryver wmnples i,i this being analyaed were found to contain silica, a. im alumina, i 0)id' of Iron, Nn !M) inetallfc iron. 90.J15, There is n large section of unexplored ni i v bet ween Whttewatei III ver and i hllco imt it is loo late for prospet tors t no iu there this settsoil Al ask A Ska r. the Hritisb Villi 14,6041,000, v hn h lino The Vuko seven dredges tion w 17.aoo.onn comiiarea a a tils, deorge fa sin ore inn- let of of on an to In on of ore on u1, eon rn net (iold production in this year will run to soinewhni In excess of oiM ompany has hai i pram n ann operated some hydraulic plants iiS well the Yukon yad will pome from lb nf tin- - ompany he readgold ut bulk of grou a mnmier in iiiants ni unern- - tmii in 1:11:1 in- - it.' dredsaa will doii hie the output of the l InndlKe region Tha Kldaltio-4,liiak- a, Rl rldnliio Hoy. Prfnca wniiiiiii baoanta a copper prodiuer this nt. .nt li Tna btinkera hava lieen eom jileted mnl the aerial train ponatrtielad. and in. prnparty is hhk praparad 10 ntalte regular shipments to the Iiuoiiih sttiel- - tr Kansi. alsaka, tna da n A,tsio elaaniin on n run "I io.'i hours with a three stamp null Tha null will not he run durtns Ihe winter, hut develonmanl win so on eonatanily Ihe fraar.auti eulaoff tha water noyar and st Of rolll IS too ureal sllll'U'il III Irom mine Hrn Columbia uml delivered nt tl to permit winter operntione. a nl 1, III llllll is on the win in to the AlnsUa i re ui proper! ) nn willow i reett ine null was delivered at slnji reek, mi Ktiiek Ann. iiiiU's inlet, IhoJIerthB on her iasi trip nji it wul iru in over Ihe mow and he raady fur operation In the siritur The properly is owned In f rank hartholt. It I. Ilaii her and William Martin llartholf operates the (iold Rtllflon, (he boat known producer In Ihe Knia region five eiir lease on Hie I'iuneer property "II the illvnle lietween I'uirLlltlkH ( leek and 4 oil has been taken hy ( ireen lilt e and Henry ( rook of mm fael of lha vein, which is from eta hteen lo iwenti' ituiies tn wultli "ti this vein theie nre three shafts, one inn feet in depth, another eiahty feet deep Htid the third thlit feet by by It Ilir mOil servleeanie. nuranis sun . ,. a .1 11 n Ion from nimrt. anil sinUi , pumpa an ina mar- ,, c., .1 ".. Ti :7..I Often Imitated never squalled Write '," ' ", ' c .. T'' ' . 'j1 I A. lo 25 .1 111 inn i.- - , 11 iau nuauira uiuapuviiiia are now eatnped nn the heaeh near the rieh irriiuiid, a tnwiisite tins been loeated, tninets ineetiiiKs held ami a town started. To Holder ot THE COLORADO-UTA- H CONSTRUCTION COMPANY'S f 4,000,000 GUARANTEED TWO-YEA- R COLLATERAL TRUST SIX PER CENT. COLD NOTES, GUARANTEED BY DAVID H. MOFFAT. lilt1: IH VI:it KAII WAV Sit I I I UN COM PA S V hit been onrsnlrril umirr the lsS of ilir Stale of ColOraOO With u capital ItOPh if 10,OTO,011U, all "f WnlCll tins hern Ksiifd Tin Meetirltlei Pom part) makes 'he foltowlBi oltet to acaulrr, to ihe cnndiiLir.s hersof. ine puisianaina iiuaranteea two iear loiiaierai itupibiiiti cut uqva .oich or in- - I ah on sir n' tion uinnany w hrftl, on or befOTf 'he 2bh rlii of M I mil It 1011, hnll he rtrposltrtl with to KquMahM Trail ompan) of fNew ork roi ueiiveri unoer his ottrr or the mirpone of rrTei-tii- lurh cqulsfupn, he Mfcnritics runnmia hsin utnorlr.ed tui laatie of a.t.aoo.noo, fsre union u 1. nf I'urrhnse Monr ollsl' t nl Trust Pia Per Mil. tioltl Nolfs to rtistnrr Mny 1U1?. to bear intarest from Mai l.ta.stfiiapereeni per annum, payalMe.qiis.rtfrij Atituai I, November 1. fenrti sr ami May and u tie Issun. 'inilcr a l ruftl A K r e,nent w llh The KqultaDir Trusl oinpiuiy of New ork. as 'i usirr, under w hii'h, as Brcurlty for ihe Purchase Money Notes, the outttanauii j.Notrs nf thr ronsitiriion romparj) acquireil b) ine Nectirltiei rompaiij win he transferred to the Tmstfe. A copy of the pro(MMHU 'I V mt tifreemMII Iih tieen iilel with snlil Tm ht OmpaA) THE SJVt ill irs riMPN rOH KVKIlY 11,0011 in PRINCIPAL AWOVNT OF OVAItAN-TRR- Tn YKAH UUaATI' HAL Till s i SI PKH i I NT, i.i dd) NtJ i s or MR roMiRAPO-- l iam ro.vs l it t m i oMP v w 11 it'll si 1.1. hi: th VMtFKMHKU PVH81 a NT TO THIS OFF Kit, WILL Pay a I 21 In rrtsh. wiii, interest thrrfou at six per rnt prr an mini for the period August . 1011, to October In, mi 0N7 a in Mid PurehaM Monc) rollateral Trnsi st Per rent. Ootd Notea nf thr sernritie com pan h'aili.k die rotlpona maturltii; Ni em her .101 1, and I'lbseouently The Purchase Mom Nnies Will he ss 1100 In llenomlliatlUflS of 4l,70O, ;j .h7."t. .T.Vi, l.S7.i anil M75. No i cosh pay men In iherefore be required in anjustmeni t ulcw on r before the 26th day of October, Hill, the iniarnnterd Two Year Collstersl Trust i S!i P0f i fill oI0 Nos nt The ( ulorado I'tati i on M r UCl Ion t oitipanv shall he bern deposltsd uudar the terms r his oifei to 'hi' face nmouni ir not les than M.son.Oni, an depoalted Notes shaii be returned to the holders nf deposit receipts upon surrender ol the deposit receipts, and without eipcnse. HOI. OIKS OF ! MMI. IWO-tKA- ( Ol I.A I Kit AI. I III StT St lilt 4F.MT. 4.OI.0 iVOTkN MHO lir.MKl imh EP1 I ll is OFFKn Ml hi OS oic DRKOHR II1R 3tTH nu li A l at ot i ii is i ii. ii i i. im ii'Mi i ii i i it mi i i.s n i.i.oi iiiiii: r uitn w i tb ihk KQflTAffl.K litt Hi HHti M or m w iohk. no. Ill nassai sikii.i, ni.w YORK. por the notes so dcposltrti thr ist roinpsnj will deliver proper ilept -- it i ecelpts rn tilling ihe holders Irnin and After Ihr !Wth thtv of Of loin r. Ilrtt, either in the return vt tin- deposited Not- - or to receive rash and I'lircnass1 Mones Net. s in s onisnci v Ith the foreaoint offer in the e enl thai thl ottrr shun heeomr rlTe ih r ih' rash paj meni r.hnlt It trsde on prr.entstlnn nn Of st nti it me ftf lei HClobrr ItOth, 1011 of the deposit receipts for the notation thereon nf surh p0 - ntent and no New Pnrrhaar Monrj oh s orii erahii! under such deposit receipts w in ur ic erei on ur at any that Sftrf Si Clttbt Attl, 191 oil Ihf. pn ntallon and surrrnder nf Mich deposit receipts. THE DENVER RAILWAY SECURITIES COMPANY, by WMi ti. I'VAN.s, President. t mine i he pew town hfla received tha suftaatlva name of lolden Tnla stampede started about two wnek afo when tl Hubbard displayed some iiuartx from Wells Bay whtoh was lltpeiJij plated with the precious metal 'I hi" 4svaaui ' 'i ...a.,, M to a Inez it with sn in pies running into the ihouaandi a ton, one iivIiik over 124,000, Aa a conaeuuencc stntuficders nre again mo inn and thnre is not a small boat of any kind to be iimi in aide.- Hay IHO MRS II AITIXH. In list, inrrs Slow lo pproarli Ml Morlit't for MMI ear's Itrlltrrlrs. en raai ternll ini--s moVecenl .. i h t -- T he iron fra- iron awaiting the opening of a const mere i cover for itrst uuarter deliveries of Iron, but the move- ment ih hiuu In materializing. Conaumers evident I) are not ready to open negotiations fof nexl year's shipment The Iron market showed little activity during the week, even In prompt sales Two transactions in bessemer iron, aggre- gating J.itOO tons at $14.50 valley luina e confirmed the price iirst aet on that grade two weeks ago These purchases were understood to ha for Immediate or nearby deliver) Reports hat :ha 114 so price hud been quoted by producera f4r deliveries Into iei. are not contlrmed Ho far as m known, ii" Import ont bualneaa haa been offered In bessemer Iron for deliveries into I vi 3. No 3 foundry iron shown a price of $trt 5U tftUey limaoe, on sales ot ."a i tons ami over. Kxpected heavy tor foundry grades tor next year's delivery have not ei reached sellers i ne sitie of i,ooo tons of malleable to a Hit tabu rg consumer on a baata of a shade under lift valleys was dosed late 111 tha week This price could not be duplicated in alleys territory, how- ever, the lion in this particular case i omiug from the Immediate Pittsburg district A bona ttde sale of 500 tons of boatc. iron for shipment went was closed al 113.50 vaiie furnace, 'hn presenting a new pro o alignment In valleya territory, probably never before ot ttie retflon. tiet a aan prices i duplicated in the history of an even dollar sprad" n actual sales on beaaeiuer Nu I'.'ilell tltiil nn-- " iron III tl.t .'.o Hixl H: Vi MllU'V lill liaee i esiei his deepfte the stories thai total tirndiit-tio- Is higher to-d- on has Uleli Of than uu foundrj Iron iu the valleys i here is no business (tending III basi' ill Ibis market. ihe tounUr) irtu alluatloii shows mori stahl M s m t his market than ihe stetl making ii'-n- Ktorks ol foiilidl v imn iu liiruace yards have aetuallj been reduoed during the htht twenty days, shipments into i un sumption on regular eontrui'i having i eei i heav si lire the opening ol the moid h Obligations ol prod were for remainder nt the uutti ler so t.i r us know ii now win not ull for the putting iti ol additional pig iron eupaclty, aluoe the furnaees are ut then besl at this seoaou oi Ihe yen I W ith average tictoher weather present list ..i Bi'tive furnaces wiii he able to ronsider- iurreaae Ihe mnl Keptemliei I wo western Penusylvama furnaces are pre paring to into blast soon altei ihe nt the moiil h, liowei er 'oiinelis iii' again has much roke. There has i n " increaae ol ai i .'h- u the list of active ovens in ihe t oniiells-lll- e region Un rin if the last hall tuuuth, w huh has been more (hall he inarkel Miami Prompt furnace coke again Is punted down t. ti SO, ovett, and fttruaoe i nte rents are backward about liguring on onnleaiUs lor next year ll.e roatlH haa iieen a stagnant market, with ufferlngs .,n runt raits ruuuilig into utr.1 Htaildurd brands ui foundry coke can be had at $ ru tn ti so. pveil, (or prompt suipiuent, wuit-'i- is 20 to ai) cents lower than the minimum of last summer Crude sieel was In vlgofoua demand al the close t the week "Ii gt'COIint Of 'he better feeling in wire, sheeta, tin plate arid at runt ura i material ihe Influx of n" buying ia from the sniall consutuer, who i aid rnilatfad nut nf his let in t V to' show Ing of cur hroat prices v. hb li he judges - ii teiuoorarv comdltion I'he Increused bookings In flnlahed goods are not sunh lent to justils any IntTeaae in mill opetntlons the coming week, "it tney put a more lavor able oapeci on the Sovemher prospect in the mills It is an open secret that If the railnmd should follow midsumuiei promises and make strong retpilsitlons the nulls tor mldwtntei rolling "t pr- - Hueta. for early Mniia: deftvers the operating apa sot ity ox ine nuns wouiu jhiup i, i" ..i 11,11 in. ..ii, The oromise of rail rood buying Is not taken seriously 'ihe reduction in tin pltatv ann the imerlcan sheet ami Tin Piatt t the opening 01 lha week wai change in nnianea proauct pnj list m tin plate is 4 I ton Una OSt the the too low how er min ed nullum the null he new the former list the new tuise tieinit sa,,u a w vw box, Pittaburg nun. lis 0 asms ' . ..i.i.i n..r.i aines last February. Ihe nam nriie harelv meets the shading of Jl" independents, which hs been In .1 JT.. ,1.., t, tour tnoli'lis and ii innsulons whn h had lieen un oflh iallv recognized by the atael corporation tuua lust vugnsi I nurt l alcndars Tills la. Ippallate UlVlslOtl I'erets. SuurernJcSur BpWal Tf rot Part I Motion ,,,s;, ,ii,-- i at to, v M II x parte m.itar. Pari in 1'a.e unfinished Million. No. .', '. !M. sua. 114. mm lirrrrd causes Nils WM, SSti. Wll W, ;7s ralrmlat culled at W;W v U Bar. i t ase nnllnlsliial Part use I'm! Vl I'tsW imtllllshed. ertt. iiirl Sii.S Sios WlO, IMS. mi I'srt VII ler ."'si's rn' III "' Paris IV and J II. Frrrn. Pari II tatw unfinlslied Shcri L "es N'mt Altai. ia, 4033, tola, 1107, IM. 1.1:1. tSa 4u5, i:ss. M4, It'll 41W. II. '"- - i'.sV Sat, isriT. UB1 4TI1, U0, .a"'. HOIS, Bll, (. Kyi in ns, ihiisiieii nay calcmlai No. (is s;n inc. '5'"' I"' :""' w- '''.A 'iui i uiiiiiii-i- i. raae nnflnlslitNt Pari ' 'ase. lltlllllishr.l ilear. iii'lll Islieil rn' .1. .:ii., N,,s II1U. 115. 4&B. 1ST. U jiT1. ?: ".it" 2016. Sot Mae, xsi, iasi. ;'isi' Mlli IMt, l(nJ, HM. 1711, 55sj 'lo-i r.'is. 7si'. S4U, IWl, Tjo. WI. SST JlfH, at.. 6A.&. IUI, IMT. W. 1W. Il. i;mi 3140 iilsV llB, IWT, 9MB, 94 -- no 1H77 Psrl IX leiir 1 ", ,.. 'unAnlahMl PlirlM Allium neil f '...,. I'aasa .nil from I'"" 4 III IP l"'rl 11 ... it tx iiiiii x Pari mi Bnahad. Pari 'ill I'asa unflnlshe.1 Part XIV Uhl lnn.iai.ll 2,80, 30O&. lay etit v Sim , . v inm ..... a.aa. isiii las. ii.i U ntti. mt. Mid, .ii:.ti 4:111), inii. 3.11". isil pig I7IU. ?i;s. 3031 3,10, liW, .'"711. 3H0Si 110. y.w. 1103, 21ns. mi, 1370, 3SS4, '4" :u7R. K), "1 1 ,1 11. l 1 lake. t i l .. ' ' 2 12 lunliiisin'ii ii esse unfinished. les .enl from port XIV PortaMI Mil XV .XVI XVII, Surrogate's touri thambcrs i"r probate Mills nf llnrrtnaiin. SarAJl Mct'oltvllle, Charles s Halsleri, Tltomaa K llyrnc, llobrrl liana Isaiu- A. .limes. Allan"! imi'Iit. Ill iiientiri . it 111 m v I'll lerm .n S7IIH, 'jk.,.. ruy Special rourl opens Motion, TTlAl Part Case iinnnuheri unBtilsned ase unfinished Day ralendai No i?is i?..V saja. stlO'Si i"s- inai, IHH .'.'7S. S7l. IIS, .17l. 4iW7, ill,, ll!, 4.111. 4171. 1.1:4. S'"iP. sun sssi 3Mis. soot. 1717. sis,. Pari eauae ralenilar railed It) Part case unfinished rnrts '.'ill. Uto, IMor,. IMI3, 3070. ,14 Ml, by Mil nu nu ."073 efT' loss. .V'..'t. goo,. 211,1, r Itn use 111- Nil. 3471 4701 3 .'7 '.'mo, Pari XV ase ' sn.,, Pmt " slid I'.lhe i ' 2S1S ,05,, '.'sv. limit lerm at I" , M Tcni Pari 11 ' uav, 12.VS. 411, at M VI clear . II V ev tut, Part I 7. ,030, (l7. 40. .im. tm: .077. 1S37. IH7 :iii?. ,fnj, Irar short pari V I'lear. Part Part Mil (r sent (run. Part 111. In vi , vil. VIII. 11 HI SI KIMtl kl 44IAI. COMPANY, 0 rst t et t u i Five Pel (vnlaiii iimi. rear iiundt. 'lh undersigned, .is Trustee under mort-gag- of the West Ken tuck) Coal company, dated Jul) 1st. 1005, her eb) Invites proposals for tna sale to It under tin proi li ma of sniti rnortgaga of as many bonds secured ihereb) ns will i 'Xhaust the sum of I'Tfieen Thousand m Hundred and Nlnety-pai- v itoi!;irs atd Twent) "'intii Cents 'iift.a01.2s1, a price nol eXreeoln( 105 ami an rued In- terest bonds to be presented for payment on January 1st, IMS. Healed proposals a iii be opened nt the office of The Trust otnpan) of nnrlia. 37 Wall Street. nw vork City, at twelve o'clock noon. November Mil, 1911, tool should be .! Proposals to the Hln king Fund of the Wesi Kentucky 'or1 ompany.' The right k reserved to reject any or ii tenders THKTH1 .Ti'nMPANVorAVrHK'A.ssTrustee n wiiXi m tiu.M n low .ut s'lea Pres. Dated, New York. October lath, INVESTORS READ The Wall Street Journal I Tim. fsri " 38,11, I iH. aa.i I0M, (flat, ISM), VII Clear and the rniinr 1911. l . s. Supreme I'.mrt I'.xprclril to llanii Itonn Opinions Tn-tla- ). WASHtNOTON, Ool '22 The United sttiss Huprstne t nurt will probably hand iluwn a number of opinions t It is. sspsotsd to lm the Aral "opinion day" ul tin' sivsion 'Hie opinions would have been given u- -' Monday in all proii-abilit- y bul tot t tit death of Juatios HurlHii, which caused an tuyournniiiiit of tna rou r I imiii after Ihe funersl, M iMSR INTRLLIOKNCB. M IN I H' 00 A M AN A( I HIS OAT San rises. i,0 IS San set ' o7 Moon trs. uiou ws ran this oat. .Simiy H'i .soi Uov.lsland.0eM Heliaata., Arrived Hcnoat, October ... So' Indnnatl, Hamburg, net y Ss i silfornla, tllasfow, uci u. S Hotnanibeau, Havre, net. 14. .ss I hetnlsiorie. lilbraltar, Oct, to. Hst ian Uclver, si Michaels, Oct. 7. N hiu de Janeiro, Barbados, Oct. Id, ) S- - I In nen t. barbSdOS, Oct. IS. I us I kails, Trinidad, Oct, 13. hi Uyron, Barbados, Oct i. m urltyba, Nlpe. Oct, 17. h Colorado, Key West, Oct. 10. bs Iroquois, Jacksonville, Oct, 10. sf Allison, Norfolk. Oct, 31. rancesco ctsrnpa, Kernondlno, oet. s. Delaware, MtUaelphla, Oct. il. . ,, 111. Nw- Varh .s- - Atnerlka, Ss isi sr il .s- - Uoltke, ai V4T fUiiuvgn otT. si Southampton from New "ra. herbouri from Nrw Vorjt, ii hrlstians md from New 1 org, ork. SAttan mm im roaaioH roaTa, Ifsuretanla, for New Vork front QueenstoeOt . meuw Ainsteraan lugne, sledonls, tr St brainvr New to ni s- - ft. New "ik from Mou- - nrk MovlUr OITOOINO srpiMSHtl'S, I .sun rstfait Mnil Vrrli flow .Suit. Coppename, Paramaribo It on AH i ou p t in nkee, Itriinswieli i mp m Jefferson, Norlom I P VI .ia 1 wtnorruu K: il drrtirossr, lin n. en n SO M 1000 M Panama, t isiolisl n .in A H I is. H M Ityndain. liotterdam loon H I Ity of Navanuah. Savannas iODPii UiillHW .In. ksomllle in p M Madison, Norfolk. I ii P al sati H'fdaa tfay, oetobet 3S. ' atnpaiila. Llverpisil . am M lo (hi M SI Kmiaiii. Montevideo It UU M am m Philadelphia, " (iuayra sau it lilooll Asiatic I'riiiri' Pernstnbtico 13 '' M :t i.i P M Iroquois, .laeksi.tivllli- i.i p al Nuei'es, tlalvi nn. 1 on P M Hamilton. Norfolk l'u I'll isi 'in 'i sr- .itaiilea. lu ru rlaa. ' Arlmatea Almet la. pel. , Aatlllu o, la ' HotllU Mmerln Ih-t- . a Afrli mi i'i iii i' ruildad. (. (. it prlnz itlglsmunil ( ulon del. 14 is. it. i'i;. P01 in pirn. Oct. IT lirosscr Kurftierst itremen (in. 14 Mn'iiii Wasiilntitoii Vlfiers ,.4)etlU Potsdam l4oiterdatn. U. 1. 11 M'.nneaiHills. .. .. London .... Uvl 14 imi. riuini Vniwerp Uei, 11 Main, Bremen net. u aula. Naples (let. 12 Htot fond Ltstiiin Uei, a lorerlc. Algiers.. . 0 c'alttornlan Puerto AleJtlco....uel. a i n. nun Porto Itleo (let. Is Proteus Nrw Orleans. ..(in. is ( Pi ol Ht, Lo ils Savannali. Ocl. ju put t u mortow. Kaiser tVllhelm 11 Hrenien. (trt.iT l. lletlan Id "it'll (let. 10 Vlllanca. t'rlstobal. Ocl. il Havana Havana uci, 24 Ainu n Moltlle an. 17 Denver.. llalveston.. tjei. is Apacrte Jaeksonville fJei. t Ki Sol., oalveston.. Oct, ia lnif U'rifneiiittu, iirfaosr g,, Majestic... souUtamptoBi ort. ta Prlncessa Laetttla ltm"-l- 43et. it rnamea.. Antllla Oct. .1 orraim.. liertuuda Oct .'a saiiiia Kingston on. 10 Kl Occtdente. .. ualvealpn o.t. ta Kataiallii. Urunswlek Oct. :l ll Slarconl 44 Ircless. Ss Oceania, lot New Vork. was 7wo miles east of Saudi Hook ai 7 v. v yesterday Ss Orosacr Kuifuerst, far New Vork. was Coil of siin.iN al 7 A.M. S. M.1I.1. for N.-- York, was s30 east nf Hand) Hiaik at nu m. ,s. Vudi'i'latldi f"t New York, wa, 311 mllea cast 01 .in.i iimii, at noon Ms halser vVlllielm II fur New- Vork. was ksi n, n. s ia si nf Hani y hook nt 1 12 I' M .ss Minneapolis ior New um. was ;in mill", east 1.1 Saint) HtKk al A M, TltS 1.1,1 of Referees. The following is a list of referees appointed la caKcs tu the Supreme t nan last week: Hy Juattc, Pendleton. 11. limy vs. stein.. Charles Drandli Jr. llllniartln vsi tl. A. Kullfi i'onipany. ... Cambridge Uvlagstos. Matter ol elntraub. Thianaoi'. McUOSauh Uy Justice Curl Mailer of M.'lii Art'lul M. lvy. Ureenwlch Morlgage Com' panv vs. ' 11011 . .1 c ThontpaoB. pv JiUce (jlfgarwea Matti't nf Minnesota rim nograpn company WilUamA Purtin,t4s ni' Justice mtsMtoffi Dlonmtngdal, vs, iireen' lilatt 1, cases), Adam Ulener. tjermanla insurance Phtanls ingransm. Manhattan Moftgage uota pany vs. ia IMO, Mailer of Ludw norunugcr vs sis ri .vw Soik l.lir p. nntpany 1 Tl" s. Mesliel piitala vs National i oinnaiiv f,evc is krti Maslclt vs ' iN'i'lll Abrahn Haveni arpen helm Byrne' Tayloi King n vlrl Mane rt rtulllaunte ompany. nf inr nrlev PeBnelf) Tetilcnliart from mreti Aalel Matter from sirpii Oel, ivies Hunk lulu's Life MrtiUeo Vita V. li ner Kobcrt II. Koahler. 9 AKreit nersH. Jr. !.,... IK.-'-- nk. vdam h lener. hi 'bit A Pn'"'. Jollll II J"ite. Insllei. Mel all llrrnnnn Pa1 "' 4. I'urke. . h'.t linger Pryur - s, m niter rrdrrlck n. Rlos. unpen" u albtidge I Tall, - u:. rues s I tank at .4 ma U'clden ami i.intniiiy l.lsk a is rbattt i vs Ulbsop vs. ig W i s II It. Ph. nies I. HoffrBaB. .iniiti (ardaite. Michael J llnran. Roger A. Prynr. l.euu I rielanrlrt and 'l..i les II xv it .a in c, Arnokfi .term !. Shepard. Philip u Doardma4s, Hoysl E. T. Rlggt.

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1911-10-23 ... - Chronicling · r &nst ompam(Trustee for Personal Trusts FIFTH

r&nst ompam(

Trustee for Personal TrustsFIFTH AVENUE C& 36TH STREET, NEW YORK

Tins Bonrrj of Directors assures conservative banking, amibrings to this institution the benefits of large experience in financialan ! commercial affairs:

DIRECTORSIn uinin Allmr.n

H, Altman A i jscob Astoi

0- -. P. BakerhAlfmafl I'lraf N'stlnnal Rank

Stephen BakttPfes't Rank ol the Manhattan Co.

Gen. B. CaseWhite A i ae. Attorneys

n Cl.iflint'l.-s'- t i.'nitP'l Prv '".nods Companies

Thomas Cck hiun, Jr.VtcaProtldffiit

1". C.'rpMnt

li. V. DavisonJ. P, M rgan & Co.. Par.lcere

J lm I. DowneyRulldlBs Construct.

ClbCM H. GaryChalrmaB V S Steel Cofporsttog

K iei Walton Qotletrh omai W. Lament

p Morgan Co., RasksfiRanald H. MacUonaU

y Ml lststeEii,ar L, Msrston A Co.i BankersWiKin

Interest pait- on daily balances; deposits invited

LawyersTitlelnsurance&TrustCompanyCAPITAL AND SURPLUS $9,500,000

Mt-mb- of The Clearing House Association1 Ct) HrimilwiiT, New York MontaKtie Ht., ItrooklynRECEIVES Ii:iOHITM aubjeet to check or on rcrtlllcate,

ullowInK interest Depository for paidCourt and for of bankrupt

LENDS ON APPROVED STOCKS and Corporation Bontlus collateral.

acts as TRUSTEE, Guardian, Fxeoutor, Administrator,Assignee, r Heceiv4r, Transfer Atretit or Iteariatrar ofStocks of Corporations. 'lakes Charge of 1'ersonalsecurities,




is v nmnr. 1


nnprtT jackron! Uanaaer,MAM BaECK, Ant Oeaenl Manissri

'ip n. 00DBH, CousmIi


ian i. rAincau.0






1 in, 1. mi i

Wa AT in nn n i i r ur nn man 4

nn of I ul I null 1


C A I r I Ml M li I'l l s'.o 1 st .

K4 Miint.iciis Ht I f ..4i ' pi



Union Trust Company of New YorkMAIN OFFICEl BROADWAY.

Plfik carnar ssth Straat,Ultli SluUern

Capital $1,000,000ALLOWS I.NTF.Kt.ST DEPOSITS.

iru-te- f. ruiuusrybehalf ndlrtd utl(,u nrpnutuni


LAWYERS A Ntbeity Nanhattan.

8H.nno.ono I ' iD T Cr I

lfMllM i IMI KI.HT,


New ork. October 1. 1011

a : ar v arterly Dh lend of i1-- . has beenm "he Preferred stoi-- of United Btatet

Us r k icts Com pan . pas shir Vovembtri m "ot ktioldera of record at 'he closs oft.--- . on November I ton.

V. SjCVMOCH Itt'NK. Treaurer.ilMiM N st TA Hit I I rOIPA.Y.

v all Htreet, xea Vorfc Cits" - r. of Hirer tors of this Coinpaay has

r. rr s rea ilar eiul anti'tal Mi nd ofj ml Mh jjaererrrd Htnek, payable

i.f. lo ilToi'k holder of record atv t husinrts No-- , enber a. 1011.

" .in be iraliej hi ta Tftls Puaraataa I

" ifs It road way, Sew vork " PtiND, Treasurer

AM m . II i OPPRK COM PA V.: hroadway. New S'ora. Oct I ft 1011

A' ), rnepi t i.f ihe ilrrrrors of ttif Afnalffaot per ompani a dP Idend of ine half

0 Oct i'r ' enl 1 of 1J was firriarid. pay' ember 17th, I9tfi m stoek holders of

fsearfj ., ihs book! of the I'oinp.uo of IS0 :loe1i 0011 ' N Mhrr tathi IWl

if MF.lsIN, Rsrretari an'i TrB'ireTfl 'U I S




lr. O





t "f












s I It, II I 4 lllkl.lllltl'AMnt f hlriicn

"rh el'. :i that ft '11' l(lnrl nfVtl'AliTKRS PKII IT.NT '1,-'.-


.ir.'t on t hi raplttil itork of nilsitj ovrnihiT "Mil. lull, to Ihr

of nrnr'i ai tha rlnaa ol puslaas,,rl, mil

Wli.rv. sirnarySltlls I lit, NN I II.

N.' fork. (K'toiM-- it. 1911,llsaTH llfVIUKXII.ifil lllvlten1 "t '1 In '' nnlian Pr

n drriartxl payabls Vovambrr llttli,r Itnnki ln lis rlotMSl Nmembrr

' Iinili ilsi s In' htdecl..'. miii 'l I'l. vi Treasurar

111(1 IIINN

nsstlnitl I (.'Ol

'. n N.'t i e ..


m tn i I ii;s.i ttT(K"KHOl.DHnS,

r tha ttopkhnldari t TH K',' () v III he hnn nn

etniiitr. ni two o I'lnrivein h i nrtvnratlnn al Hrfdge

"in lsj,.,u i ,y, t'rmtlly ' f OueensSew nrs. fur the purpusr ifvotlnstltlnn i" l'Htrnsi' It- - tat'liul stocli

"' .s'.iik' nf l ull Share, of preArid nil hares nf roi in r.n slnck,

f V'n rneh In iiinrn. m ronslslnf pre fcrrwl stoeli .m l l.trnnsbaraa

of the par value nl IIKI each.If ., "11 a H"in nl i.f Ih'- II. aril nf

r ,i s. rit-- nf hontls Tin- slock"- f thr t'nrporatlnn will !" plnats

f h islnesa "ti Noven her 4ih. ltd l

ir nf liudlni is on November Till 1011.i i u r wyrKOKK. Prealdenl,

'.' iii l' K, Herretary.I l. I1UISA1 I II.

Mretlni ol the Btoekhol lers of the '

: :,' I niiiii'tlli will heM Rtreel, I'nugbllei'psle, New

in.siia'.'. Sovemher 1st, Utii. at ,i

fin thr rleetlnn "f a Mnar nf Hirer. in rat att'i for Iho iraasaetlon

Imslni-'s- s as mm priiii rl)

iinili i ii. i


I' mm

HAHIN'O COMMlKBAHVi '' Snn i, nil Hi rest, Nes Vnrk, S

". iesei I'rnnnsals, in rtupll so.h ; rtelivarlni iniisiiienca stores' Mine IU. Tl- I'reil hy

rsr nn or befnre DeeemlsTF IA,i . .. inih until ten nvWk

hri I0i lorormailnn fuinlihnll'n' eh pes eoptslnlng bids should

; sin for gubtlftttnrr Hi oressmtr loll," ana oddrtktad tiLoi

U, A. c o., Ui S- Army.

Joseph B. MartindnleI'rcs v heittlCBl Nat Hank

Gntcs W. MvGarraliPres't Mechanics A Mrlnls Nat Sank

Chattel A. PtabodyPrtuklenl Mutual Lite In. Co,

Gen. W. PerkinsD. B Ponieroy

Vh r president Hankers TrmtCo.William ti. Poller

J. P, Morgan a I o.. HankersReward Proaest

Vice PresidentJDat,iel G. Reid

Rock Is.jn.1 Sv.temDouglas P t'inson

Kmil KstatOArchibald D. RussellAlexander H. Sir vena

Vicc-I'- (!. lentDenjarnin Strong, Jr.

tcesPrealdeBI Banket, Trust CaCharles L. Tiffany

I A I'o.Theodore N. Vad

Pre. American Tal, ami Tel. Co.Albert H.

President Chase National Bank


New York

thereon. moneysmoney estates.


ARCHIBALD munKs TrMsurtf,WALTER v. VAIt, Rterttarf,I CONDIT TARICK,ROBERT I SMiit I aati. TfaBaaiarKill itp'l I) RRET)OF'ilPiF. F I'Alt.Mf.l F.K.




a. a. s. t a

a sst SMrstartaa

tininiFNTHins WallaceALBERT II. triOaiN

4itiu Asanaa.Sale Dfposll Vault,

Surplus $7,900,000ON

4CtS Baaaat ClaaraiaWi Binri









COMPANYWall Street corner Waaaav

Mrmbcr C Ira ring louse

Authorised to art as Ever ti torunder Will


i, Aclmtnistrator, Guardian.

T ruataa for IndiviouaUi Corpora-tion! an i Municipalities. h iscalAgent.Transfer Agent and Registrar ofStocks and i'"iuUReceiver, Assignee or ( ommitte.

1131 emporary


Domestic and Foreign

LETTERS OF CREDITTraveler's Cheques


:i HrnS'l St N'rw YorU. N. V.

United StatesMortgage & Trust Co.TAPITAI. an t l kPI.I'V 1

Fersoml md Business Accounts Invita--

mmOS Mortgage



Offered at Par 10 ) and InterestDenominations $1,000 $500 $100

Principal and interest thoroughlyecuredby best class of improved inco-

me-producing real estate on Man-hattan Island.

Tax exempt in New York State.A conservative and safe investment

you should be familiar with.W rite for tlnular "J"


42 Broadway New York CityCAPITAL $.1,950,000

s IlIttM.ATI a NUT 14 R.

ri' s unWKN KHKNCH DswPkn CountyS irroKatc Court In n,, maitar of the estateid i rsueei lloweq I'reneh. deeuased n In teniimi to ai'pi. f'r letters f odnilitUtratlun uponihP Ahnvr estate, havini ueen shown toihh nurt, h tin petition f red P ranch, forihr s .nn e m Mm of such letters, now therefore,nursuaiii i" jm order of ins 'ouri dun made,tiiel nnd entered on nrtohrt eleventh, 1011, theeonseni "f ii the net! o( uin of said deceasediirt ing neen dull m4 sn-- nied. noflee Is riereb?Klven. ;is proi h section Paftt of th- - Qt$ ofcivil Procedure, to sii creditor-- hin& elalmsftggtn.l 'hi r Ulf of ran. es !lnrfn renri. dess&e i latf of Metli o. oswaga County, N Y m

nresenl Hiem 10 ICn rig) ton I Miller. Surrnffli-ci-i ir pk.i i ountj m his ofltce in iswagn. n. y .

on or before November loth, 1011 I'ste-r- i netobei 11 tb, Itll. FRBD IS. PRlSNCHi Petitioner,


vi mil p nv rrtnn ututun uinm n Iwns IM.M0.M fine nimrwtnijiiii 11 r mr. m n n i n in mi m' u.. , m i


llem. RUM Heallntton outer llriiirusFront rltm Mexican 4. old itrlke

Helmed 4 Irtltn on Huston Hint a

M4.KtMt.tNNI I rum lit 4uU.ui.

Colorado BPstNtia, Ottt, is Tht t'nitedntsies ( itsologicgl survey credits thlrtssnColorado untitles with producing. 7t,OTO,64tlpottnda of Rlnt? In into, a- - follows Chsffae,t:'s,.',;i'i Dear Creek, 1,277, ash dialer, I and nre to tin- - smelters on-A.7Rt1 lloloraa. 1: in.. I'n- - ' I oiicd 2.4011,2211 otinoaa Coi lnsi'mont, ia,o71; ttunnlaon, I7,ftis itiend'villa), M,M7,445; Mineral, 2,42l,fl2A Park.IMn,7lM: San Jiiitn, A,7SI,2fi(1; San Mltltel,2,Hn,(ISI Summit, 1,541,81.1. The irreatInoraaaa in sine produetlon la due to laad-vill- e

tilsrovarlaa in lano ami rounty produced in mm lA.34A.WiA

pounds of lead Twenty otherlirottahi the total to 7A.o7i.27fl pounds, usFollows1 Roulder, HS,2Ao, Chaftee, D7u,MH( tear Creak , 2.4A4.47A, I 'uatar, I4.7M; I

I27.H09 Katie,nison, Kai,S4I;,'7:i Mineral.Park. 2,041,204;2A0j Katiuarha,San Mltfttol, 7,1

Ml but siPOtinl les .

Which was

(illpln,irtA.isj; i.a Plata,

A,i4A,noo: Ouray, 1.1104.72s;Pitkin. ia,40A,9Ao; Rlottranda

.mis sau loan. lO.Osa.SAA;A,0tA,4nfl

thlrtv mint'ral hearlnflintrlbtttad in the nipper prodttot,s.AAA.AAA nounda Boulder, ia.77:';

i nana, 220,772 ciaarCrewk,Il,aa2; Dolores n7.iia:t Kanle, . llrtrfleld,42A; (illpln, ii. rand, us; iiunnlaon,21,024: Hlusdale, 4'r..i7'.v taike, A.AlA.lM:

j I.a Plata. 142: Mineral, 2(hjtill MonteRuitia,7741; Ouray, 620,2RS; Park. ss.,"4s. Pit kill,- 4 i Lm tiranda, s7. RaRiiaclie, a,abs;

i San 'I nan, l,20R,4tM; San Mifltial, fitl.iso;Summii. 2 .71"

j the total silver production was R,AoA,&QAI uttncea The sold production was $2o,fto7,'I OAS, of which (ripple Creek prod d 111,

0O2.:t.:(San Ml it tie whs Mcobd in void pfouurtloti

Wttll ,'hhi tuim of or', jumiiist (Irt.iHi Uy

'Oiler county (CHppIt riwki; i.Hrsn mum

third with Ma.oaa ion, Han Juan fourthW itll l?Ufl,272 Inns

I iuiii to tin ittitii ..tit.. Ii,2i.i,is4; silver, litlav.!,oiS

ount'efl 't r, H,t4ft,i&7 poundv; lend,ltt,at49,Mt1 pounds; lllu 56,M7,t43 pouiidsttilii), 4tt.',in,t i4iiH 4.i Worth 7,A90,777

rem on t ounty i r t u ,ti t.nv nlune,! ii'ii ni ore, 9,071! pounds, wort (i $7ii

i"Mfcria-- . produced of fold andlHiihniaT else (irand Is creditedwith,,,,,l.nrs


hum lollI wurtliI'ortla

il teiMH'its shaii tnoiiitiJs.lll 7.1'sil.

F.lktiliiluiln'illtlily il

11 ill.' '.'itliwill I..'

UII 'st.itill In

I llH( ripplaH I

sa7,4oo; 477

mi'111 .sit Summit


rountyf iro ieUliiii '' pounds ul





ul (inlil Mining Conipam ills-'- ,

1- 1- htflttlar nttartarl) taoill Idrnd, mi tin- - lAth m- -t

brltias fi onipunv's lul ai'i tin ii Iisii.issj has n paid

onaolidatadill disburseI. 'in

milled a 'I'U total

ni ,:'.s




ItS'.uUII, null.,'IHH 7




t hii public compant toiber divldt'inl. it-- , fifty-t-

pa; 1 cents a atiar e t he '"t ho4Mi. bfinaf- - Ihe iouipanys mmi


v aha




mountr 11

$1 "u.iaoo and ih vraiiu total to 4.v; ..I In- 'M dl idem! total, a paid b eleven

companies, Is $600,.,;,? 41hi- ronnor lease on the Korest ju-- i

mine, Irom lad Hill. Cripple reek, has encountered a Ha cin assaying $40 t.. a

op in the topof an oh) -- f,p in ftiotlevel eaat of the shafl three bir stoiiesare liellif Worked on that l fit its!a-- ha- - Welded $I50,ST0 in the Ihi vear.

The Hetiteiulier output of the MarKlnnev. t ripple reek was 10 cars ofure "hull i" belnc stinh to sia t.-hem.; down to 7o. it water - not encoun-tered station w 1!! I.,-- nt mid .1 I'isv utrun lo the main lead which will permit asteady pn iduci ion t.i wo a ra

htt of 100 feet will permit stoplng of orefor t h rcn mi ri

1,,- mt-- r shaft on Hunker Hill, rippleCreek, down 000 feel t .rani feel deptha station will be cut and laterals drlveytap veins proliabh entering tin propertyfrom ai oimiisf lalntH

l Kavauauffh null, treat inn he .toI e dump, Is realirlua $4n ton, the hial -t

iveraae anj ipple rHk mine dnuaore from tl lorado Hons udnn, 'rijiple

I'reek, - ruunina 10 $o a un 11

otuinif 'he recent r Hylvanilerecently found carries $370 1.. a ton

I llomentake null has resumed woi u

and he olburn imt! ba- - tieeu suceasfullar-i-.l

Ihe tirpl mine on Wee ha ken tn'',Ourav. la sacking a car of inn wUi orefor shlptneiii i,ir ina 'he last few h j.ampie have t n hiimniif stssi, $1

and g.issmade. M


III.'Ill'.l "- -proiliimt

India'nil II.





golil ieie remaining fl1

he ore Hisiuil ami iti ti



h' assaysshlppiiu

tiling ! u .'--

t'apltal, l hir'i ittiU Httiillairain I ist I'raak tllstrli't, urn

ring IipavIIv Ih" i aliltal ill mil- -;ini.immi fur tin .'.it- tha Satl'l.iin

I li liamlKMti. M.' IVIli-Hti- ,

mnl w.'st (itittitii and I'ayinasiHrrii.'s an all shipping

Iawsuii iHast mi tl.. lrlscaaa nfHutu' nn i nlntnliia Muitnlaln, in i" im h ot sol lit stu.'it nu

ore uiirMiu: 3si ouncesl he ore shoot is snow ing tor I at' feel Htopinis ni progress and a heav tonnage is beingmined Hhipments are made t.. Idahosprings

mining camp has been started Freshwater, flffy-tw- o miles weal of ColoradoHprlngs on ihe Midland road, where largecopper deposits are being worked TheMul (hileh Mining ' ompany of ColoradoKpringa, organizers of (he ramp, haveseveral claims Ul operation

The Wanakah tiuray, ha- resinnedIta twenty stamps after a short

Idleness foi repairs The nun' is showingore bodies with development

M HUM.Mvxiro tiir. pel ih t ronstderahle

number of good orders American miningmachinery are being placed Mexicanmine ow ners

The n h strike of gold In Hie Klondikediatrlct, aixty-flv- e miles aoutheaat of Magoalena, Honora. which niada a shorttime ago was due t.i the finding (wo yearsago of a boulder which aaaayed $074. 40gold and ninaty-flv- a ouncea In silver to theton 1, he diacoverers denounced aboutthlrtyflTg acres covering the spot where

believed tin float Tiad come fromThe owners Of 'his claim are (.lover A

Bad get t. who sfter doing soma prospect-ing without result left the property incharge of Jeaus Vtlialva who continuedDroapecting Recently Vllfalva's efforts....... ...rtwsraea oe



tip ore irom me eseu ami situ Ine ex ist en e i rum this source duringtwo years

ore body dei Ue wont Ills lie OOllld Olll "f thehimself patiently tracediliriiiinh the whole length nfwiih. it le'tinu anyone, evenof the property! know offilially he the leag

ami ground.himself that the ore wirfnrt una was ur

uM-tlv- Maghi'

etioof dracreHad.Willi'prop.

iii i" freew ii

miles iii

,1(1". IMin

fused ildin.

of PI, Ml


mill milmet bod

prosiillll! ni












Tl V











a miI the rich i

in ins' 'lieUK til"

MampleaVII is p

run .isreporle

ash i" ufew





ih- -


iiinii' IntioyerMines (








rrom '

show marrom














$tsnthe MSI

ore for


I'.'i Ion









Id K.'t v, hseoverj lor

'h dgethe flnitn

the ownersSI fr

Ihea vlng sai lafied

rich and iluit asp he wall.eil the

letia. carryingsail. ... il hi - ha

re to pui' for the coalclaim nf twent tl eproperty of filnver a

taken from Ihe ahnfl1111111 down upon hir.

iltIi as ,;i.:' iii irold thed thai he has n otteredolil for the mine

ago he was an or--

impany oontpoaadirg men laneveioping t1" groujis

in Honorn mnl Isii i went ti ve ton 9 peri wan tala view t detertriinlng the beal

f trt'iiiniK 'lit nrea ii ban niorei ut goon "re iii 0i gm ann ilia

is nre hm 11 ti. he favorable for open-- ther large hodiea,

kltlgONA.ItiSiip.K, Oct, i7 K Will la maon nfoiie, n , aortuirod tin- vi ii Kin

ir rou n six gold claims nil rees I ',J,fin i.ila county, tunnel i" iu l .Vl feetand will be extended Ihe 010 runs morethan J" "i gold pei ton ami carries ionsldernble othei utiles

Magna Copper Company reiantlyencountered a large body of ore m a croaamt on the sini font level of mine in theSuperior district Ihe working wi.hb ofthis ore body la ghoul thim feet, five toslghi of which Is yen nlgn grans Therom pan y belongs to the iiggenhe iui interegt 1

he mill of (he v ijb hei Mining) ompany,the mines county, la now operaiins excluslvel) upon tglllivj0 nfthen nre about 3 Ml ,001 tons e vopinenti being carried on the fool level

total production ol in Arizona

In ISIft, (if this output I Ml It flnii ami from thfl placers. ti.",.:i.Mi.iifrom alltraotM oraa, ami 02,707 i

11 ii poniar ores From bullionami niImt mills were reiui ered Miltf-Si-lino otittris, concent rates priiilm-i'- S.ftaA.flHim mimes amiters t'OtltalneilInrgtsxl protltii omit y, ii


t titia it to t in1

..tiici :.'i urn' mimestion was from Mohave1 in mm, as against IMS."

'tl:t in iihi'iIrlXOtia's silver production in IfllO was

J.ntB.MS Hi nri's, valued at l .IM.I.Mn.Hiianist .'.inn mi nite. nttnraa, ealtieo ai,i am. In IfsW, (if Ihls output l,n.14,M.1niinrea PHttte Iroin tho popper ores. 440,IMirom sitirtous oraa and litt.tnt otinnaa frotnlend no's Mllllton at nl.l and sllvi'r millsprotltieed fill, A i btinreu of Bllver U 11110,nnretitratMs nroilui fit M s'u llni mini is.pounds rrtiue senl

AT.onn Kasile j ro.oitv





pi 11111


I i ..'us, .'74 fine outn"1910, l,4A4,.1l line nunlav.ipai eotllttV ilnii.iin otinetssRgalnai A7a,fiSii oniu es in unai

(upper prodiici ion decreaaed infrom niKt,sitff,lAi pounda, valtiedfits! ,11.1(1, n, run lo 207,4Al,lAI potindiat to7,7Ai,37(, In inio httl irlaona atlhrt rttnona 'hi- 'upper producersConcentrates orodtlced ,,'i ''.. u.'is


in iVKB, andit) MMti,

aii valuedil

of the ontout ami crude ores senl to thsiui'ltiTs proiln I 2A7,774,A4I) I 0"chlse count v, wlllcli Includes Hn1 nrcatw arren produced i4.'i,:ii(),(23ol copper, IO,SIO,472 poululs In I ISISITeenlee couiifv, etnuriiclhtl theastern tiortlon of tirahatuIneliidtna 'he ratnous Clltton-Aloren- cop-H-

reainn of Copper Mountain and ttraan-le- a

prisluceii 72,s7R,tn4 pottntis ofppi't aaafnsl il.RJAit'S) i" Is m IHOR

Vavnpal count v, Includlnil Ihe verd ula


I ut commission

irlat, in,s34,.Vitl iiiihihI of copwr,iiirniii-.- r ,Mi pounda In I andcounty, iti'Mu'iiiikf Utobe district,

u ret I mi .ititi.'..' r pounds f copper Inaa ayalnsi :in,t.M,atw

I he prod ii' i lead ms'.ispoumjs, valued it ft, aas, 4 gainst n,09a,oa.iiMiiinds vnlupfj .a 111:1,21 s, In t'ochisecounty, in whlcli situated famousTombstone mines, protluced .1 7ti.4inihiiihIs4, tolloued it' Mohave count v740,091 noun is lm set I nutpui In

I MUM iiimi' tfin Monava naitta iruou titles onceutrates prtHluceil iio,.,rts

i4imii(s. of m) hi iniiu In 1910, mid 2,- -

;tu.t,9tii pounds were contained m rrudein thn smeletrs

after the mine andsill. Mr iiintlnuallv







iwuoare tin'




in1 siiir ir ' i "l i h um m,SwHvaluetl is 2trtj,ist, iji toio, as ntfalnsi :,v7;,-:.- ,

pounds, valued R22,?7I, in ItNM Mo-have count ) in iluh from nion I'aescamp,proilMi ft 4 4,040 liOilhUS

W A S II I N t . N

st tri 11 f. id : Tha mill of tin'Inatt'ii rower nt I't'it n in t oniputi


: ' ' ; " : to sboul ilrsi nf mm.

tin history ot llapiitmc inlna lliindrausni im,- - nl r will in' I routed lhal canuot11IIW I'll Hill I'I tilt' Illilll'S Hit HI'! l.lllltni hi' ins' ut transportation unit Iraat-ins.,1- 1

jiin all 'in ora can in iraaladut imnta lite lust a tun im minlna will tintfrauth rfdiiopil, as tin. low niadi" ura willhe Ircatrd

rin mill will romntanra work KrindfiiKami ryaiildlna ora at tin rati ol vMt tons

la, iimi vi ill Ill4an il I'lfcr boom In Hi'public minesdoMH Of


li nn lllrf

him Intro-- 1





tlraliby smaltvi




district, pounds



1910.I wrand total tllatrlrl

hava baaurather unlet

ii Hurpi Ise Is at ill In a high nnie schoolIt has opened tor a diatance ot 00 ieitami is from S'-- j lo 0 feet width Ihe;mat nine ii equipment ban lieenami shipments will be ItlUch inrater thanbefore

hi ktall mine is InstaMlna new nipiip- -

meni Kn ' Ilngh rich vein has beenfound and a sliafi Is last u at driven

Wlkstrum, prealdenl he MeK Inlaymine ai ttrlent, baa put a . rev, at work

to the of a i.ikt- millI l.c luritt-'- i. to t' :."u feel ami Uin lie driven 011 Ihe ore tiihe ,. soon u-

ibe tunnel h oinpiet'd iua lilnery foi theKSi toll' yatdde null Is t.- t..- Installed amiwork stuping ore otntnein d. the ptu- -

f am ine ha- - itWi.riv - progressing verv satisfactorily

t in the Mogul uppei mine a' unent.ere a ol meii 1.1- - lieen m m in a

M Toot shall which will le sunk u the100 root level estimated 'hat thisw.'fi, an In completed within ivv ia.the rock which the work Is beingdone being lime rock ami chalcopyrlie

he shafl - iuii; sunk dlreutlj on Ihe oreami th' i k inns li A to tin ion with pickedsamples showing $?o in .upper and $ao ingold n is lanneo to run a croaactii tunnela distal! f 1,000 feet to tap ihe ore at adepth of feel a- - soon as the direi tionami termanen y ot the ore shoot baa beenestablished

Will. urn Htmea of the Pact 111' CopperMllllllk llll'l M'... lollli aUN, 'l"MUl IIIKfourteen i Imnis northwest ol





in site vens county, repoi ta work laprogremsing ven satlsfactoril) the big

and that the company in shape tom. 1. e a hi a ore shipment soon aasmelters are tad tn handle ore again

ieW Wagon road has been built toMine Creek, tfiiinic a water grade overWhole lour miles dlstali' t4i the stationIhe shaft h.ts now been mink about 50 I

il I pwide

tu on ihew in

t lie

t reiMirted to lie someon evet loutni In Ut' Northwidiscos nred recent in Ikam


act .li.laftwelve miles north oi itepouitc,t.. assiivs which have been madeA n v ol Ictor, Col

Nome samples ot tin rock ran.o t.. it.e ion and pulverly

of to











lakeu irom lipor rtas the tunnel aasayeS40 be ore w taken from tie I m tniLiberator iimi Hold Quart mining claim,owned bj Kurst, t hnrles tlugat and

re lMfh. all ol Mpokanem feet of tunnel w

done on Ihe mperor lliera


lllnlQuorty hum

Mil o

Bonn let I Ktate Mine InspectorKobert I tell, w ho has J ',st returnedfrom tig i reek, says there nre mail) rich

thai district on Moore reek,near the bead i Profile, la situated theMoscow group of tiuartz mines ihemain vemi-.'.- u feci wide and traced thasurface for t.'hmi r nve stamp mill 'rtkept running, and although crude, saVCB

: ton in free goldThe Red Metals mine, near the head of

Profile reek, turning out ofe valuedat $'.'". a ton ni gold and silver one veinill the ledge irom to inches wide'yields shipping re thai gives ounceasilver and one ounce gold a ton, with :iper cent dead and 12 per cent, nine

he i rowu near tha Red Metals haaa vein twenty feel Ihick with ore thai goes,i rom lo Si" a ton in add

incorporation nave ueena led for the


Kenning ompanj raimnuaeu 01 x

lor the purpose nf building a lA,oonhi Sampa, well situated to rectfrom an of southern Idal



will lii'trm tliirrjdays "ii the unit, will havetM4ParttV nf thoiiMnd imis of ore ilav

iii,. two plarer dfedsee, one belowand ime ahova Idaho ( Ity. nre rnnniiiKuninterruptedly, iiirnins out Inre Qttantuties of

Cnpltallatl are Rgnin turninc their ntten- -

Uon i" Ina "ii Mouth Mountain distrhi inCuyler county Many years aa smallamelter was eraded to reduce the learl-silv-

"res. imt failed on acoounl of theevl'ense irnllt ireiglll rales jinil

ui' hih irriole ore from which the lioulder teamins with no fuel hand. It Jaevidently hnu come una or me stipulations thai the Natupa-uwyn- naiiroaa win inninler which Vlllalvn remained "ii the claim mended front Snake ver to the diatrlct.

that li. Hiimiid ay iii living etpenses ,n i'.ngll" mpan) lias jusi purchaafdnud net what prutlis could by Licking group of iiiin.'s there




tint n.-- lie rami, across i n i.' '"'rieh





iiu-- i ii




m Maricopawhich

below tiniihe gold

.iifiim-- i







i in

rt .

il itiat nrKnrai

fl abis





thei I'ellliand Mommthe In;rlaiinod byai'tion is'


former Boatoui

Mining i

ilue ted slptoi.ruMr.. IK07, while t hey

do nol know exact value ihebelieve it more f lMM),non

'j be pinintifTs ns.k for thaihey the ine one- -

nna inai tney reeeivevalue (be extracted Iheis brouahi uanlnst ihe inacondn andl'.dhti.n

surprise and was the hrai nil mnlWHS ever ilmiht to the

shin thealleged that ilic plnttlf llTsowners Ibe interest since





T dbile tl


of tinto the a



mils a dl

he l


Let .aa









an a




the ground thai thaimprovomentsquire suebsdvlsablebuilding





bleh nroilarge outlay that

.ail iinv moneyspur

plantiter part

thn prose

r.utie pr




valued at J T

dross Is







I'oot New 10m

methods pdin costtion Hi the intro- -

uiucaa oucilon pinnt, uiion

property belongingompany

nfti'etlrecover alleged



tweinn intereai


I'ennsylvanin properi








luipuient entirelysurface





rataloi pries,PUMP WORKS


aoio wnicn tivrn Miartcti, nnirtupnftboul two months. purpoae

oonalalconcentrates rarrtexi





wiiii ,


as ot





mines in

r A




elf interestmine, a

no loIn i

I In' tl re

l -of



ot ore ac; in.i










a n v Wi

at a non

a- -i

w are



uni t n t he

o t




s in

in the nil


or ths No an'i theC

St., U.

of prounit tiii Is

of nn lm



to i inIt for

clneratlna inn) fine rateasiik'I Mini into wtilch

one-f- a t

some pie


they than





have beens.



inI ember

put fromut

nertx'I rose,


wnrlil nv.r

iatrslS. AUK RON

l at,.


Ana dnts1 paiiS

i ih' flue dual and nr







ofmn of



hihI tiii-- put throttarti haat which lanttetha (Mikt in Hip flin ilui ami the snlpluirin tha TOitceiitrntaa, tha product lisnconverted clnder( which t to tha

Tha clnernted product mskt'samaltaf materlar Tha acnama tipins:

orkad succaaafully iti several stnaltara,(Mr (irons Mya hat t lm company Is t rn Ititr

Ottt about i.Ouo.non pounds nf coptiar cvprvnvmh and tiiHi ii- aanitnffi fur Ihiawill averaiie battar l?o,tHt ;i month

hn K.ast Mutt,' - all it. on from thesKi f4Mt ivi ntiil preaant Indication

'an that thf level will furtlfah enoiiifli toMontilv tliiA Htnip4r fur n loiii time.


ixtenslvre-- It




Th pper proilm ctft this district forSeptt'mlnT whi 1,200,000 pounds less t hanin lUifUMt. the following official jlffttTas

the Xnai'onda com atlQW e

smelter, la.nnn.onn pounds rails,IV. 400.000 pound, totnl of Jl.Wn.OOrtpound's llaatdea, tha llutta smaltar

in turned out tMinndnounda lor1 the



shaft isthe










pounua, as wnn za.rssi.uisi pounoslin sua Muriiikf tin three remaining

mottthl the year RlO production will Optvsr much Irom thai of last month, theNever Nvw-ii- t mine will he dowtl for Several

former I months and Juai a soon as tin' hlvh oreput Knot her mine ie










hi1. res



heA li their



li Hieti




due,Ided to


is not



f isI"1


f r

In ilfcf ihe ron



duea c

lf a










A tiof












cloaeo down to eiuit inner tna compreaireuair HVHtem

The Mlach HoCH mine of the MUtte andSuperior - show in u?i whII on tinin n too' lerai new majy 01 ore nts ueenonened up. a wiitii of 20 feet and;carrying an aerae of :to sr ten'. fltUunit unnrsM of silver to the ton t ihio

v9nDi 1,400 andiir show Inn up


.ao4i leu ti n hCHiiesven than on the 000

toot rareSiMiie fllfUraa have he

to show immensdinlfilnK bualness in hi-




betterLrepared tend

of t Anacondaf ir. mined

v 10 Ol okeh lined at smelters. l2.0Mt.0lin value nf colliburned, liiOoOjOon; value of llmeatone usedat smelters, 91.976,000; value of lumlier,j;in,4KSi; nine of LMlppCf produced. S to.iNto.- -

issr value id' silver protlucen, IA,ooo,nno;value of void producetl, li,.w,oon

Accord 11 ( to a rTort flveti out the Hutteland Hu ner 101 1 tha mono

4i a ii'imt nr,,4bi4 linn m enlrotesI last ti oikM Utan at any lime in oie

histor 3 of tht I'onipany Ihe savlnit wasabout ; pet cent of the content

I of the ure treated nud tin- profits areto have been io.p.issi for the month

he Tuolumne ompany has benun shaft' sink In a attain ami I he mine Is to if deenepeil

: " .. ", rSai it..- - ti,.. mi.
















thane,of the






omnanv durlni


lll'l't ul I Si ll'.'l Will tn' t I'llstation in naa staal imistin in onrratloti In 'In' lust nf th

Mi-l- i

ulllhava h it ,1.1 it hi liftit.rf rrnm a daptn "iJ..KSI fi'i'i 11 will Iim prnvldad "Ith .'""'1. et ni ropei Tin malarial for Ina at4el

l,.'1ili lit tilfiet ei.'hf t

II s, U ' IH lease haa been t ikenby Martin Mulvahllh for many years In- -

iiresteu in properties in tti" orotn nisiri



and I .oui-- nAugustalaitns,

ownedare now


mine at Xortmiih. on a group 01djolnlng the Mineral group

.lames- .1 Kill. a Rlmllil .Mencleaning out tin' old workings and

preparing 'he proiIt Is 'he general bellrunner of eatenalveto be m this

eat he proper! V

loot I









et tor operat ionthat this he fore

operat Ions h arItatrh within tin- - nextis developedvertical uepi n 01

li-- gnu tap, uiig the Pilgrim vein, which Isat ghteen feel wide and carries leadsllver-gol- d

concentrating ore running III lo theton it is ih intention to sink ti shaft hereis another vein in ihe property which gtveagood aeaays, but which has not lieen dea

aloped to any extentThe recent at rIke In the V A mine

above Elkhorn is coming lo be regardeda- - Importaul A .1 Heltgman of New kand Sam llausei ami oi hers ot Helena cre

owners, but the property is uudej leaaeI,, Dululh parties Retween is'. and isv--

11 was operated, and produced during thaiime between Ibshntsi ami UtMhisju iTie ore

una an oxUllrHl iron-go- ld ore, while thatdiscovered recently Is dlrectlj opposite incharacter, being a silver bearing rock it


Hint's net ween rorty ami too on in es,d silver to the ton. and Ihe extent ol th rehud haa yet been determined

rx tenet ve work is being carried on a' thapi open ot on Mass Mining ompanynear Miasouia new tuunel is beingdriven at t'iii 4si feel down the moun-tamsi-

froni 'he old one to tap ut u depthoi feet .1 ledge which is tupped by theUOper tunnel fhe ore iii this mine of

hewelah lead sllvei ami the conultions re inucnthe same as in the Cuuir il' tlene district;






in fact. It is lonsluereo 11 astern exteu- -

Ion "1 'he Cuui d'Alenes The districtextends from the Iron Mountain mine onthe east to Maltese ou the w.s u distance,f about thirty miles

Chailes Hyden and red Johnson arepushing wmk tn Ihe Kyden claim al 'hehead of Npnug tlnlch, ami intend to run

sin is ii te t the tunnel tt r feel to tap .Mohawk








Mud vllas veins Jhe expect also to openup lie old Mt ( a lie ein

lieorge Hchmidt and rank Merauer,who have been working a claim In w illiamsliiilcb, recent I shipped a carload of orewhich netted about " a '"li after deductlug treatment and freight charges, Theore bod) is a small one, bul seems to trgrowing larger going Into the bills

nuii u u.i M mi 1

s it r IM 15 lifter 0 llllll summer,dm- the failure ol Steamboat . Mounttope is again to the front with a sensational

strike of silver-lea- d ore on the TulawieeiiIhe on is high grade, Ihe ledge large amiwell defined I'" ' great distanceT he veiu lies under strong iron ap nn t heapex a shaft has been sunk feet, opening311 Inches of lt-5- ore and foni reel ol 950 ore '

The property is owned b) a group td Spoita ue men who have a crew at work sinkingthe shall

n h le i 'ooper reachedweek, reporting a copterCreek w hich he aa) s preOHtcrop he has ever seeilof ton- - td blast from the


into he reek su)mt. sm





-- nve






Hopeflu. I on n,(.

"ins n,. iaMany hundred

dike haveIt ems ul nut e

illvei are also reportedr, Carr, 0 Montana proaector,

who has been in th ran brook country ailsummer, made strike ol rich looking,free milling ore on IVrry Creek ThTa. reek has ipna lieen a placer producer, butthis Is the first uuarta discovery there

Much activity is reported from Ulooet.There at- five companies doing extensivedevelopment I here The Coronation, be- -

Iqes tui mg a tew ,u miners on i nunmeltina and has let a rout ran





I'tni'iiii. a in navenext si'riiiic lo keelive ears Ihe





in ttintinfflclenl iiloekedp the itull riiiinliii4

ttnaisaninteu,Pioneer, nayefne and ( ontet i ornpanleshava alao rontracts Nome thesei ompanlea nave their mill nisehinen- or-dered and ate waiting for the completionthe wiiii' :i road befora hm ing it hHUled In.ii tin' Government rtishoa the conat ructionwork the w ugon roud next June will seefive mills grinding out the p reel Otis metalthat 0notllu hava been in circulation years

iM Intng activity "n the ( ndwnlder hasgiven Impetus prpanactlng. severalnew finds hava been made other re4'tiuisForernoa! are White A Co.'s free nilUltigWatlgnton Creek, nibaon A Maniilton's nnthe south fork of bridge liiver ami a largelunl- hematite iron on Whitewater Ryverwmnples i,i this being analyaed werefound to contain silica, a. im alumina, i

0)id' of Iron, Nn !M) inetallfc iron. 90.J15,

There is n large section of unexploredni i v bet ween Whttewatei III ver and

i hllco imt it is loo late for prospet torst no iu there this settsoil

Al ask A

Ska r.the Hritisb Villi14,6041,000, v hn hlino The Vukoseven dredges

tion w






fa sinore


let of



an toIn


ofore on



rn net (iold production inthis year will run tosoinewhni In excess ofoiM ompany has hai

i pram n ann operatedsome hydraulic plants iiS wellthe Yukon yad will pome from lbnf tin- - ompany he readgold


bulk ofgrou

a mnmier in iiiants ni unern- -tmii in 1:11:1 in- - it.' dredsaa willdoii hie the output of the l InndlKe region

Tha Kldaltio-4,liiak- a, Rl rldnliio Hoy.Prfnca wniiiiiii baoanta a copper prodiuerthis nt. .nt li Tna btinkera hava lieen eomjileted mnl the aerial train ponatrtielad. andin. prnparty is hhk praparad 10 ntalte

regular shipments to the Iiuoiiih sttiel- -

trKansi. alsaka, tna da n A,tsio elaaniin onn run "I io.'i hours with a three stamp nullTha null will not he run durtns Ihe winter,hut develonmanl win so on eonatanilyIhe fraar.auti eulaoff tha water noyar and

st Of rolll IS too ureal sllll'U'il III Irommine Hrn Columbia uml delivered nt tl

to permit winter operntione. anl 1, III llllll is on the win in to the AlnsUai re ui proper! ) nn willow i reett inenull was delivered at slnji reek, mi KtiiekAnn. iiiiU's inlet, IhoJIerthB on her iasitrip nji it wul iru in over Ihe mow and heraady fur operation In the siritur Theproperly is owned In f rank hartholt. It I.Ilaii her and William Martin llartholfoperates the (iold Rtllflon, (he boat knownproducer In Ihe Knia region

five eiir lease on Hie I'iuneer property"II the illvnle lietween I'uirLlltlkH ( leekand 4 oil has been taken hy ( ireen lilt e andHenry ( rook of mm fael of lha vein, which isfrom eta hteen lo iwenti' ituiies tn wultli"ti this vein theie nre three shafts, one innfeet in depth, another eiahty feet deep Htidthe third thlit feet



It Ilir mOil servleeanie. nuranis sun . ,. a .1 11 n Ion from nimrt. hrno.htanil sinUi , pumpa an ina mar- ,, c., .1 ".. Ti :7..IOften Imitated never squalled Write '," ' ", ' c .. T'' ' . 'j1





.1 111 inn i.- - , 11 iau nuauira uiuapuviiiiaare now eatnped nn the heaeh near therieh irriiuiid, a tnwiisite tins been loeated,tninets ineetiiiKs held ami a town started.


of ilir Stale of ColOraOO With u capital ItOPh if 10,OTO,011U, all "f WnlCll tins hern KsiifdTin Meetirltlei Pom part) makes 'he foltowlBi oltet to acaulrr, to ihe cnndiiLir.s hersof.

ine puisianaina iiuaranteea two iear loiiaierai itupibiiiti cut uqva .oich or in- -I ah on sir n' tion uinnany w hrftl, on or befOTf 'he 2bh rlii of M I mil It 1011, hnll he rtrposltrtlwith to KquMahM Trail ompan) of fNew ork roi ueiiveri unoer his ottrr or the mirpone ofrrTei-tii- lurh cqulsfupn, he Mfcnritics runnmia hsin utnorlr.ed tui laatie of a.t.aoo.noo, fsreunion u 1. nf I'urrhnse Monr ollsl' t nl Trust Pia Per Mil. tioltl Nolfs to rtistnrr Mny 1U1?. to bearintarest from Mai l.ta.stfiiapereeni per annum, payalMe.qiis.rtfrij Atituai I, November 1. fenrtisr ami May and u tie Issun. 'inilcr a l ruftl A K r e,nent w llh The KqultaDir Trusl oinpiuiy of New

ork. as 'i usirr, under w hii'h, as Brcurlty for ihe Purchase Money Notes, the outttanauii j.Notrs nfthr ronsitiriion romparj) acquireil b) ine Nectirltiei rompaiij win he transferred to the Tmstfe.A copy of the pro(MMHU 'I V mt tifreemMII Iih tieen iilel with snlil Tm ht OmpaA)


Tn YKAH UUaATI' HAL Till s i SI PKH i I NT, i.i dd) NtJ i s or MR roMiRAPO-- liam ro.vs l it t m i oMP v w 11 it'll si 1.1. hi: th VMtFKMHKU PVH81 a NT TO THIS

OFF Kit, WILL Paya I 21 In rrtsh. wiii, interest thrrfou at six per rnt prr an mini for the period August . 1011,

to October In, mi0N7 a in Mid PurehaM Monc) rollateral Trnsi st Per rent. Ootd Notea nf thr sernritie com

pan h'aili.k die rotlpona maturltii; Ni em her .101 1, and I'lbseouently The PurchaseMom Nnies Will he ss 1100 In llenomlliatlUflS of 4l,70O, ;j .h7."t. .T.Vi, l.S7.i anil M75. No

i cosh pay men In iherefore be required in anjustmenit ulcw on r before the 26th day of October, Hill, the iniarnnterd Two Year Collstersl Trust

i S!i P0f i fill oI0 Nos nt The ( ulorado I'tati i on M r UCl Ion t oitipanv shall he bern deposltsduudar the terms r his oifei to 'hi' face nmouni ir not les than M.son.Oni, an depoalted Notes shaiibe returned to the holders nf deposit receipts upon surrender ol the deposit receipts, and withouteipcnse.

HOI. OIKS OF ! MMI. IWO-tKA- ( Ol I.A I Kit AI. I III StT St lilt 4F.MT.4.OI.0 iVOTkN MHO lir.MKl imh EP1 I ll is OFFKn Ml hi OS oic DRKOHR II1R 3tTH


li A l at ot i ii is i ii. ii i i. im ii'Mi i ii i i it mi i i.s n i.i.oi iiiiii: r uitn w i tb ihkKQflTAffl.K litt Hi HHti M or m w iohk. no. Ill nassai sikii.i, ni.w YORK.por the notes so dcposltrti thr ist roinpsnj will deliver proper ilept -- it i ecelpts rn tilling ihe holdersIrnin and After Ihr !Wth thtv of Of loin r. Ilrtt, either in the return vt tin- deposited Not- - or to receiverash and I'lircnass1 Mones Net. s in s onisnci v Ith the foreaoint offer

in the e enl thai thl ottrr shun heeomr rlTe ih r ih' rash paj meni r.hnlt It trsde on prr.entstlnnnn Of st nti it me ftf lei HClobrr ItOth, 1011 of the deposit receipts for the notation thereon nf surh p0 -

ntent and no New Pnrrhaar Monrj oh s orii erahii! under such deposit receipts w in ur ic erei onur at any that Sftrf Si Clttbt Attl, 191 oil Ihf. pn ntallon and surrrnder nf Mich deposit receipts.




i he pew town hfla received tha suftaatlvaname of lolden

Tnla stampede started about two wnekafo when tl Hubbard displayed someiiuartx from Wells Bay whtoh was lltpeiJijplated with the precious metal 'I hi"4svaaui ' 'i ...a.,, M to a Inez

it with sn in pies running into the ihouaandia ton, one iivIiik over 124,000,

Aa a conaeuuencc stntuficders nre againmo inn and thnre is not a small boat of anykind to be iimi in aide.- Hay


In list, inrrs Slow lo pproarli Ml Morlit'tfor MMI ear's Itrlltrrlrs.

en raaiternll ini--s


.. i h t -- T he iron fra-

iron awaiting the opening of aconst mere i cover for itrst

uuarter deliveries of Iron, but the move-

ment ih hiuu In materializing. Conaumersevident I) are not ready to open negotiationsfof nexl year's shipment

The Iron market showed little activityduring the week, even In prompt salesTwo transactions in bessemer iron, aggre-gating J.itOO tons at $14.50 valley luina econfirmed the price iirst aet on that gradetwo weeks ago These purchases wereunderstood to ha for Immediate or nearbydeliver) Reports hat :ha 114 so pricehud been quoted by producera f4r deliveriesInto iei. are not contlrmed Ho far as m

known, ii" Import ont bualneaa haa beenoffered In bessemer Iron for deliveries intoIvi 3.

No 3 foundry iron shown a price of $trt 5U

tftUey limaoe, on sales ot ."a i tons ami over.Kxpected heavy tor foundrygrades tor next year's delivery have not

ei reached sellers i ne sitie of i,ooo tonsof malleable to a Hit tabu rg consumer ona baata of a shade under lift valleys wasdosed late 111 tha week This price couldnot be duplicated in alleys territory, how-

ever, the lion in this particular case i omiugfrom the Immediate Pittsburg district

A bona ttde sale of 500 tons of boatc. ironfor shipment went was closed al 113.50

vaiie furnace, 'hn presenting a new pro o

alignment In valleya territory, probablynever beforeot ttie retflon.tiet a aan prices i

duplicated in the historyof an even dollar sprad"

n actual sales on beaaeiuerNu I'.'ilell tltiil nn-- " iron III

tl.t .'.o Hixl H: Vi MllU'V lill liaee i esieihis deepfte the stories thai total

tirndiit-tio- Is higher to-d- on has


thanuu foundrj Iron iu the valleys i here is nobusiness (tending III basi' ill Ibis market.

ihe tounUr) irtu alluatloii shows moristahl M s m t his market than ihe stetlmaking ii'-n- Ktorks ol foiilidl v imn iuliiruace yards have aetuallj been reduoedduring the htht twenty days, shipments intoi unsumption on regular eontrui'i havingi eei i heav si lire the opening ol the moid hObligations ol prod were for remaindernt the uutti ler so t.i r us know ii now win not

ull for the putting iti ol additional pig ironeupaclty, aluoe the furnaees are ut thenbesl at this seoaou oi Ihe yen I W ithaverage tictoher weather present list..i Bi'tive furnaces wiii he able to iurreaae Ihe mnl Keptemliei I wowestern Penusylvama furnaces are preparing to into blast soon altei ihent the moiil h, liowei er

'oiinelis iii' again has much roke.There has i n " increaae ol ai i .'h-

u the list of active ovens in ihe t oniiells-lll- e

region Un rin if the last hall tuuuth,w huh has been more (hall he inarkel

Miami Prompt furnace coke againIs punted down t. ti SO, ovett, and fttruaoeinte rents are backward about liguring ononnleaiUs lor next year ll.e roatlH haaiieen a stagnant market, with ufferlngs.,n runt raits ruuuilig into utr.1 Htaildurdbrands ui foundry coke can be had at $ rutn ti so. pveil, (or prompt suipiuent, wuit-'i-

is 20 to ai) cents lower than the minimum oflast summer

Crude sieel was In vlgofoua demand althe close t the week "Ii gt'COIint Of 'hebetter feeling in wire, sheeta, tin plate aridat runt ura i material ihe Influx of n"buying ia from the sniall consutuer, whoi aid rnilatfad nut nf his let in t V to'show Ing of cur hroat prices v. hb li he judges- ii teiuoorarv comdltion I'he Increusedbookings In flnlahed goods are not sunh lentto justils any IntTeaae in mill opetntlons thecoming week, "it tney put a more lavorable oapeci on the Sovemher prospectin the mills It is an open secret that If

the railnmd should follow midsumuieipromises and make strong retpilsitlons

the nulls tor mldwtntei rolling "t pr- -

Hueta. for early Mniia: deftvers the operatingapasot

ity ox ine nuns wouiu jhiup i, i"..i 11,11 in. ..ii, The oromise of rail

rood buying Is not taken seriously'ihe reduction in tin pltatv ann

the imerlcan sheet ami Tin Piattt the opening 01 lha week wai

change in nnianea proauct pnjlist m tin plate is 4 I ton Una






how ermin ed

nullumthe null

he newthe former

list the new tuise tieinit sa,,u a w vwbox, Pittaburg nun. lis 0 asms ' .

..i.i.i n..r.i aines last February. Ihenam nriie harelv meets the shading of Jl"independents, which hs been In.1 JT.. ,1.., t, tour tnoli'lis and

ii innsulons whn h had lieen unoflh iallv recognized by the atael corporation

tuua lust vugnsi

I nurt l alcndars Tills la.Ippallate UlVlslOtl I'erets.

SuurernJcSur BpWal Tfrot Part I Motion,,,s;, ,ii,-- i at to, v M II x partem.itar. Pari in 1'a.e unfinished Million.

No. .', '. !M. sua. 114. mm

lirrrrd causes Nils WM, SSti. Wll W,;7s ralrmlat culled at W;W v U

Bar. i t ase nnllnlsliial Part useI'm! Vl I'tsW imtllllshed. ertt. iiirl

Sii.S Sios WlO, IMS. mi I'srt VII ler."'si's rn' III "' Paris IV and J II.Frrrn. Pari II tatw unfinlslied Shcri

L "es N'mt Altai. ia, 4033, tola, 1107, IM. 1.1:1.

tSa 4u5, i:ss. M4, It'll 41W. II. '"- -i'.sV Sat, isriT. UB1 4TI1, U0, .a"'. HOIS, Bll, (.Kyi in ns, ihiisiieii nay calcmlai No.(is s;n inc. '5'"' I"' :""' w-

'''.A 'iui i uiiiiiii-i- i.

raae nnflnlslitNt Pari ' 'ase. lltlllllishr.lilear.iii'lll Islieil rn'.1. .:ii., N,,s II1U. 115. 4&B. 1ST. U

jiT1. ?: ".it" 2016. Sot Mae, xsi, iasi.;'isi' Mlli IMt, l(nJ, HM. 1711,55sj 'lo-i r.'is. 7si'. S4U, IWl, Tjo. WI.SST JlfH, at.. 6A.&. IUI, IMT. W. 1W. Il.i;mi 3140 iilsV llB, IWT, 9MB, 94

-- no 1H77 Psrl IX leiir1 ", ,.. 'unAnlahMl PlirlM Allium neil f

'...,. I'aasa .nil from I'"" 4 III IP l"'rl11 ... it tx iiiiii x Pari miBnahad. Pari 'ill I'asa unflnlshe.1 Part XIV

Uhl lnn.iai.ll 2,80, 30O&.

layetit v Sim





..... a.aa. isiii las. ii.iU

ntti. mt.Mid, .ii:.ti4:111), inii.3.11". isil


I7IU. ?i;s. 30313,10, liW, .'"711. 3H0Si

110. y.w. 1103,21ns. mi, 1370, 3SS4, '4"

:u7R. K), "1












2 12

lunliiisin'iiii esse unfinished. les .enl from

port XIV PortaMI Mil XV .XVI XVII,Surrogate's touri thambcrs i"r probate

Mills nf llnrrtnaiin. SarAJl Mct'oltvllle,Charles s Halsleri, Tltomaa K llyrnc, llobrrlliana Isaiu- A. .limes. Allan"! imi'Iit. Ill

iiientiri . it 111 m v I'll lerm .n

S7IIH, 'jk.,..ruy Special rourl opens

Motion, TTlAl Part Caseiinnnuheri unBtilsned

ase unfinished Day ralendai Noi?is i?..V saja. stlO'Si i"s- inai,IHH .'.'7S. S7l. IIS,

.17l. 4iW7, ill,, ll!, 4.111.

4171. 1.1:4. S'"iP. sun sssi3Mis. soot. 1717. sis,. Parieauae ralenilar railed It)

Partcase unfinishedrnrts


IMor,. IMI3, 3070.

,14 Ml,









r Itn

use 111-

Nil. 3471

4701 3 .'7'.'mo,

Pari XV

ase ' sn.,,Pmt

" slid


i '

2S1S ,05,, '.'sv.limit lerm at

I" , M TcniPari 11 '



at M

VI clear

. II V





(l7.40. .im. tm:.077. 1S37.IH7 :iii?. ,fnj,

Irar shortpari V I'lear.

Part Part Mil(r sent (run. Part 111. Invi , vil. VIII.


HI SI KIMtl kl 44IAI. COMPANY,0 rst t et t u i Five Pel (vnlaiii

iimi. rear iiundt.'lh undersigned, .is Trustee under mort-gag-

of the West Ken tuck) Coal company, datedJul) 1st. 1005, her eb) Invites proposals for tna saleto It under tin proi li ma of sniti rnortgaga of asmany bonds secured ihereb) ns will i 'Xhaust thesum of I'Tfieen Thousand m Hundred and Nlnety-pai- v

itoi!;irs atd Twent) "'intii Cents 'iift.a01.2s1,a price nol eXreeoln( 105 ami an rued In-

terest bonds to be presented for payment onJanuary 1st, IMS.

Healed proposals a iii be opened nt the office ofThe Trust otnpan) of nnrlia. 37 Wall Street.nw vork City, at twelve o'clock noon. NovemberMil, 1911, tool should be .! Proposals tothe Hln king Fund of the Wesi Kentucky 'or1

ompany.' The right k reserved to reject anyor ii tendersTHKTH1 .Ti'nMPANVorAVrHK'A.ssTrustee

n wiiXi m tiu.M n low .ut s'lea Pres.Dated, New York. October lath,


The Wall Street Journal

I Tim.

fsri "






VII Clear





l . s. Supreme I'.mrt I'.xprclril to llaniiItonn Opinions Tn-tla- ).

WASHtNOTON, Ool '22 The Unitedsttiss Huprstne t nurt will probably handiluwn a number of opinions tIt is. sspsotsd to lm the Aral "opinionday" ul tin' sivsion 'Hie opinions wouldhave been given u- -' Monday in all proii-abilit- y

bul tot t tit death of Juatios HurlHii,which caused an tuyournniiiiit of tnarou r I imiii after Ihe funersl,


San rises. i,0 IS San set ' o7 Moon trs.uiou ws ran this oat.

.Simiy H'i .soi Uov.lsland.0eM Heliaata.,

Arrived Hcnoat, October ...So' Indnnatl, Hamburg, net ySs i silfornla, tllasfow, uci u.S Hotnanibeau, Havre, net. I hetnlsiorie. lilbraltar, Oct, to.Hst ian Uclver, si Michaels, Oct. 7.N hiu de Janeiro, Barbados, Oct. Id,

) S- - I In nen t. barbSdOS, Oct. IS.I us I kails, Trinidad, Oct, 13.

hi Uyron, Barbados, Oct i.m urltyba, Nlpe. Oct, 17.

h Colorado, Key West, Oct. Iroquois, Jacksonville, Oct, 10.

sfAllison, Norfolk. Oct, 31.rancesco ctsrnpa, Kernondlno, oet.

s. Delaware, MtUaelphla, Oct. il.




Nw- Varh.s- - Atnerlka,Ss isi sr il.s- - Uoltke, ai


fUiiuvgn Southampton from New "ra.

herbouri from Nrw Vorjt,ii hrlstians md from New 1 org,


SAttan mm im roaaioH roaTa,Ifsuretanla, for New Vork front QueenstoeOt

. meuw Ainsteraanlugne,

sledonls, tr St

brainvr New



s- -ft. New "ik from Mou--

nrk MovlUr

OITOOINO srpiMSHtl'S,I .sun rstfait

Mnil Vrrliflow .Suit.

Coppename, Paramaribo It on AH i ou p tin nkee, Itriinswieli i m p m

Jefferson, Norlom I P VI

.ia 1 wtnorruuK: il drrtirossr, lin n. en n SO M 1000 MPanama, t isiolisl n .in A H I is. H MItyndain. liotterdam loon HI Ity of Navanuah. Savannas iODPiiUiillHW .In. ksomllle in p MMadison, Norfolk. I ii P al

sati H'fdaa tfay, oetobet 3S.' atnpaiila. Llverpisil . am M lo (hi M

SI Kmiaiii. Montevideo It UU M am mPhiladelphia, " (iuayra sau it liloollAsiatic I'riiiri' Pernstnbtico 13 '' M :t i.i P MIroquois, .laeksi.tivllli- i.i p alNuei'es, tlalvi nn. 1 on P MHamilton. Norfolk l'u I'll

isi 'in 'i sr- ru rlaa.

' Arlmatea Almet la. pel. ,Aatlllu o, la

' HotllU Mmerln Ih-t- . aAfrli mi i'i iii i' ruildad. (. (. itprlnz itlglsmunil ( ulon del. 14is. it. i'i;. P01 in pirn. Oct. ITlirosscr Kurftierst itremen (in. 14Mn'iiii Wasiilntitoii Vlfiers ,.4)etlUPotsdam l4oiterdatn. U. 1. 11

M'.nneaiHills. .. .. London .... Uvl 14imi. riuini Vniwerp Uei, 11Main, Bremen net. u

aula. Naples (let. 12Htot fond Ltstiiin Uei, alorerlc. Algiers.. . 0c'alttornlan Puerto AleJtlco....uel. ai n. nun Porto Itleo (let. IsProteus Nrw Orleans. ..(in. is( Pi ol Ht, Lo ils Savannali. Ocl. ju

put t u mortow.Kaiser tVllhelm 11 Hrenien. (trt.iTl. lletlan Id "it'll (let. 10Vlllanca. t'rlstobal. Ocl. ilHavana Havana uci, 24Ainu n Moltlle an. 17Denver.. llalveston.. tjei. isApacrte Jaeksonville fJei. tKi Sol., oalveston.. Oct, ia

lnif U'rifneiiittu, iirfaosr g,,Majestic... souUtamptoBi ort. taPrlncessa Laetttla ltm"-l- 43et. itrnamea.. Antllla Oct. .1orraim.. liertuuda Oct .'asaiiiia Kingston on. 10Kl Occtdente. .. ualvealpn o.t. taKataiallii. Urunswlek Oct. :l

ll Slarconl 44 Ircless.Ss Oceania, lot New Vork. was 7wo miles east

of Saudi Hook ai 7 v. v yesterdaySs Orosacr Kuifuerst, far New Vork. was Coil

of siin.iN al 7 A.M.S. M.1I.1. for N.-- York, was s30 east nf

Hand) Hiaik at nu m.,s. Vudi'i'latldi f"t New York, wa, 311 mllea

cast 01 .in.i iimii, at noonMs halser vVlllielm II fur New- Vork. was ksi

n, n. s ia si nf Hani y hook nt 1 12 I' M

.ss Minneapolis ior New um. was ;in mill",east 1.1 Saint) HtKk al A M,

TltS 1.1,1 of Referees.The following is a list of referees appointed la

caKcs tu the Supreme t nan last week:Hy Juattc, Pendleton.

11. limy vs. stein.. Charles Drandli Jr.llllniartln vsi tl. A. Kullfi

i'onipany. ... Cambridge Uvlagstos.Matter ol elntraub. Thianaoi'. McUOSauh

Uy Justice CurlMailer of M.'lii Art'lul M. lvy.Ureenwlch Morlgage Com'

panv vs. ' 11011 . .1 c ThontpaoB.pv JiUce (jlfgarwea

Matti't nf Minnesota rimnograpn company WilUamA Purtin,t4s

ni' Justice mtsMtoffiDlonmtngdal, vs, iireen'

lilatt 1, cases), Adam Ulener.tjermanla insurance Phtanls ingransm.Manhattan Moftgage uota

pany vs. iaIMO, Mailer of Ludw

norunugcr vs sis ri.vw Soik l.lir p.

nntpany 1 Tl"s. Mesliel

piitala vs Nationali oinnaiiv

f,evc is krtiMaslclt vs '



Byrne'TayloiKing n






nrlev PeBnelf)Tetilcnliart






sirpii Oel,

ivies Hunklulu's


MrtiUeoVita V. li ner

Kobcrt II. Koahler.9

AKreit nersH. Jr.!.,... IK.-'-- nk.

vdam h lener.hi 'bit A Pn'"'.

Jollll II J"ite.Insllei. Mel all

llrrnnnn Pa1 "' 4. I'urke.. h'.t linger Pryur

- s, m niter rrdrrlck n. Rlos.unpen" u albtidge I Tall,

- u:. ruess

I tank

at .4 ma U'cldenami i.intniiiy

l.lska is rbattt

i vsUlbsop vs.




s II


Ph. nies I. HoffrBaB..iniiti (ardaite.Michael J llnran.Roger A. Prynr.

l.euu I rielanrlrt and'l..i les II

xv it .a in c, Arnokfi.term !. Shepard.Philip u Doardma4s,Hoysl E. T. Rlggt.