the sun. (new york, ny) 1913-03-24 [p ]. · the weather forecast. rain and warmer to-da-y; clearing...

THE WEATHER FORECAST. Rain and warmer to-da- y; clearing high south winds. Detailed weather reports will be found on page 13. VOL. LXXX. NO. 205. 4-- NEW YORK, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1913. 1913, by tlie Sim Vrinlino iml iiHiJ,ili; Atsoclntlon. PRICE TWO CENTS. WHITMAN GETS NEW CONFESSION loiiuu uie nmton, that brvcnil attrac J', Z for Mrs. They Clinton, i lived life ii Public social sas that ,.. despatcher Nowell Admits Ho Helped to Hide Sipp to Shield Inspectors. GOT 81.200 FOR IT System Schemed to Dis- grace Sipp So Whitman Couldn't Vse. Him. I 01! WD .11" II Y FOUKD A f tor Sipp Wits Tlrouirlit Hiick tin1 Mnyor .Wumnl Full Responsibility. i r.dw-tr- d .1. Newell, the lawyer who th ,n'anee of police with their I n- - ,..t,imo arranged plan to .nave f.CM'ce A Sipp kept out of town 1. wanted by the Attorney - a witness against Hugene and who handled the money Inspector Sweeney, rapt. Thomas W. W.iMi and others for this purpose, el a his part the nt'. r to District Attorney Whitman . 'er,,iy S it will be remembered, wns the f met' niotirletor Haltlc Hotel, i i. tinri.m ,vi, hnrf r,nt,t t,.. n l'i. Walsh's ugent, anil who went in rlantlc Cltv was to keep him from his (' .ry Whitman. .No sooner had he been put out Mr Whitman's, immediate reach than ne York police framed up a dis- - g .Ming criminal charge against him .,i.. priK-eede- with plans to bring lek so disgraced and discredited that would he valueless as... witness for .... , in.- ii.-mt- -t iiutiiv) iiiraiusi 1110 grafters. , lltur Hie S nielli" Worked. Sipp was nrrested Atlantic City on orders the New Vork police and held in pending indictment- The arrest was made January I. The Grand Jury thiew the case out .ann ul y i and Sipp med.o. District Attorney Whitman visded in Jersey city January 12. as i .,..!! which Sipp ...turn,.! to New Wk under the protection of AMo-ne- y to appear against Fox A rcr f.uce r policemen de ect ves .re it Criminal Courts lliiildlng when Sipp arrived. police said they lor the pollen trial of "V but It was charged openly they N" warrants fur Sipp. DIs-- i ' '' men police and Dually got witness and up to the Grand Jury loom M.inr eeeils llenpnnslMllt , Gaynor January full lespon.slbllity for the at- tempt to bring Sipp buck tr.nn Atlantic City. The Mayor he .i instructed thn Police Commissioner ii bring him back this and if wns any possible wuy in The Commissioner," the Mayor said, that there no way to do unless he could be and then vradltoL I Inquired whether there J re inmlnal charges against him i was that there Mig. which he could be indicted, n d Polio- - Coinmlsi.iotier to him Indicted If possible and ig-- t nack this .State." : the .Mayor's assumption re-- f '.:llt was curient report that dtlidavlts which tlie Grand Jury and utterly declined lo believe i'e work of Inspector Sweeney. " it the allldavlts had been obtained ' i.irters took the case up. ' lire kiniite tir Wliltu.Hii, V.i'T since the r rnejl against Nuwell, charging a s ienn-ano- r in persuading n witness. is been that he would 'me a witness the State. ' t was that tho rg ng a misdemeanor only, Instead a felony, was returned because the l' rii t Attorney had been led believe .it Wwell would confess. Dut. witli t - in in e ! tho negotiations by his friends lared he would light tin- - thing out. 1 the second Indictment, charging iny, was handed up to Goff. About that time became l" ' to Luke's Hospital, entericd with pneumonia. left ' ispltal last week, pleaded not guilty in the seeond and Ills trial uhs set for next Thursday. I'.t Judge M. K. Olcott, Newell's msei. appeared Attorney Whitmans home afternoon nnd remained with Mr. Whitman an nur. lie then went away and returned with Newell lifter fi o'clock. 'I'ti'i between Newell nnd his oiinn-- l and the District Attorney lasted two and n half hours. It has been an open secret that Judge " ott who has been visiting thn rirt Attorney, has urged his client 'i. like a breast of tho Sipp bribe f 'nd. But has tried to maku barrain wltli-t.i- e He first "fused t"s plead Rullty nnd Insisted thut Cm only lie.would nccept must based Uif a quashing of tho indict- ment e Inslsleil nit riea of'OtjIlty. This Mr. Whitman refused. He had a plea guilty liftliic Knx case before ' entered Into negfitjfllions with Vox. -- I ne insiHici, utionn pica or guilty niso from Capt Walsh before negotla- -' Finally Newell offered, to plend on Second POPE'S CONDITION VERY GRAVE. t.nle es Sny III Cnmlltlnn Im Muni Infnt nrnlilc, fpeclil rnhtr Detpntett to Tar St LoNiioN, March 21. Late despatches from Rome say that the condition of 'Pope Plus X. 1.1 very grave, Whllo his phslclans and advisers refuse admit that the III health of the Pontiff Is sufficient cause any Im- mediate apprehension, It Is known that his condition Is most unfavorable. It nns iinnntinctd y that the Pope showed some Improvement, but that, as n precautionary measure, nr. Maiehlnfava, Im physician, Insisted that the. Pontiff should not celebrate innsw this morning. It was said that Mgr. Itessan, his private secretary, however, received communion from Pontiff and otllclated the mass In Ills npartmrnf". It was planned that the Pope should grant n larce collective audience Tuesday. Imitations have leen but now It Is practically assuied that audience will not be held, but that the Pope will remain his favorite Apartment, closely watched by phvslclans. FOUR DEAD IN FIRE; BULLETS IN BODIES : Shotgun Is Found Alongside !...! !.. ii..: e I .... ' ! Wliarlon's Fariulionse. AVii.i.iamstown, X. .1.. March 23. The charred bodies of four persons wetc found In ruins of Leo Wharton's home the .New nrooKiyn road, a mile and a half from here. The house was burned after the victims had been shot. The dead are Leo Wharton. 40 earsj old; hN wife. Mary. jcars old; hl- - daughter. Lillian, and .lohn. Kenthlll. foreman farm l,..ih StaoL-er- . a retired school teacher. ' A ,.,,,1,01 wound ln the left breast of Kenthlll leads the police to believe that he met death before flames swept Wharton homestead, burning it to Its foundations. His body was found . . IIIU 1U1 111, lll.HI 1'i ,1 flll-l- l l.t.lllllk ' .. , . line KlieniMl oen- - .is u jiissru nuip !.. through his shirt which blood. ! The body of Wharton was lii eel- - badly burned but the trunk showed bullet holes. The bodies the ulfei and child, burned beyond recognition, were also cellar, some distance away that of Wharton, . . ... n Among the many rumors afloat is that Kenthlll accompanied Mrs. Whar- - j ton to a moving picture show in Will- - i 1..I.. llllllSitll II nil n.ll 111 tl,i. lllhlll. I OIIIK home late. It is said that Kenthlll. who was u bachelor, a frequent visitor fit the Wharton home. The police theory Is that Wharton and Kenthlll engaged a duel in tlie cellar the man who won then fired the house after he had murdered the wife child, so as to hide the crime and then himself to death as a penance for his deed. ATLANTIC CITY VERY WET. Wenlher Won l)r xml ir.U.IIOII Wore Ik IIhIk 'iirn.le. THN-Tti- City. March 23.- - only the weather was dry Tlie cafes neer enterta.ned linger crowds lhau those which jammed them to the doors Inst It nearlv 4 M. be. fore all lights were out. At 7 M. buslnisi began again. The sun shone luiglitlv until lnte this afternoon, when it clouded over a lilt, Moving picture concerns had ciews at work all dav .m top tin- - piers for the Kaster parade. Holier chair prices doubled, and S.ouii flanked the promenaib-r- s solid lines. Advance iiiedlct ons on the size of. the hats went awry While some small noml- - In Hlvr. ''t track on members festivities at In to ot he In on mi on of on 10 Informed ,in to. of In prophesied to 111 at at to be to to on In on 32 on of lv- - ...I. in in hi A. A. or in was able oolti in the attire. was straight, quea-drape- d skirt. he organization. these slits tilled with lace. STEINWAY TUNNEL READY. to Ii.iiik ImIhihI nt;.- .liny lie H Sunn. The engineering force whli.h has been emplojed for more than nine making the Stein way under Kast Hlv.-- r from Korty-secon- d street Long Island City, ownership which passes to the city under the for dual week, received orders t0 prepare the tunnel for Tl.e alterations permit tho running curs the type the to be operated by the rail. The was originally for the use of The tho Inspection are considered of importance because the statement made Chairman Mc ra thfi Commission week that would bo the part of dual be put Into operation. Tho of tun- nel Is Iexlngton nventfe, forty surface. Is storage an escalator four years ago when the completed, This can bn In operation In than Is a Jackson avenue and Long Island City, ad- jacent tho Borough 'which can bo put Into use two A TJO--V flaw, of ANOOHTIRA ItlTTRKS before re urine ror inwmni -- Ut. GOVERNOR CONFERS WITH MURPHY'S FOES T.Olip DiscUSSioil in AlbnilV Oil , . Vncnneies nntl Relntions Willi Tnnunnny. SAOTT. HTOHIWAYS HEAT) rnrlisle. Is Relieved. Will (!o On Fp-Stn- te Hoard Pit liner Opposed. Auiavy, March 23. Gov. Sulzcr held children. In case she. leaves no Important this at time of her the money ... . win l.e i v among the Berry ...iti. ni.ii.AH r i innt nnri fa it net nnvni 11 II limni'vi u- - i' n n - opposed Murphy and donilnatlon of the Democratic State organization. those at the conference were Morgenthnu, who was chairman of finance committee of national organization the lint campaign; Foster Thomas Molt Osborne of Annum, political lieutenant, Until-gn- .lohn N. Carlisle, chairman ulzer inquiry committee, and .lohn A Hennessy, who Is one of the Governor's losest advisers Albany. The conference, which begun early afternoon nnd lasted until late did not icsult In any in ilin nifiiier iif nnnolntments to Im- - portant State ofllces his relations with Murphy and tho Demo- cratic organization. Those attended th conference, ' which wa held at the "people s hou'e. declined to be quoted as to ,,.,, , ;lili ,imt the. " situation In to ,,...., .attitude of Independence toward .Mr. Murphy nnd the Democratic organic- - tlnn waH ttiorniiKhly ciinvuswd. T, , doubt In th ...,. , rnn. ","m' " as to just what the Governor intended to do. It known that ,. general view of thoe present was .Iohn K. 8aKUO nf i.oughkeep-si- e ... .... sholllil Ie named nv lie- - ii,...-iu"- i lieiul of the reorganized Highways De .......... iw ..ii. ntii.fiH.itl tlie of rule the lection of ,oIP(.ntp.s 1(t the State conven- - (lnt) ( , .onVentlon at Hal- - other ways he has shown his independence of Murphy and the I methods o, the State organisation. of Mr. Cat lisle nnJ Mr. Palmer Mr. was unanimously np- - proved, but some of those are; ...i.i . I....I......1 .1.... Mr , . ........ lllll III 1,1 iiiriini.t. in... i should not be It would be regalded as a deal made by the Out enior with Mr. Murphy. It had been understood to a dajn ago that the l.egislatuie would confirm both Mr. . 'arb-sl- nnd Mr. In the latu r ' part of this npp .sitlon to Mr. was expressed by cert iln ...1.. . wrui v ih ii ii I'll tii ,i nnnis ti m uiiu - . TI.e happening. la., ''" Cevlon S(H,Wy tlm miiilttc. have The court the soon The l'KAX the when paid telling from ri'Ie;i.-e.- ! the f'PP the the The The fought the the fleMi'or Mjyor said ' Newell Justice Newell the yesterday ' -- Newell Continued the Issued, the ' the the the the from burned ngrecment ' w.-- K's i loss the the the in aiui.ilntln men to such Important state was that some or icn talked with fi It should watt until the acted before would them - upholding supposed clo-- e has since i No lias to cone, the impression Mr. Morgentliau the ihlnir the conference form Association, should take. rhe say that lie about the "invisible boss" the ....l-l- -i I....t..r. .l.inlrir.. mile u,,e,a,,,. over ,1, adjournment auditorium The Illinois. angles were organizations in In for the appointments, It a Silts t far his de- nt the extending well toward the j Mr. and the knee, may said In to the the the system signed hns Inspection. used In tunnel trolley cars. orders for by this tunnel first to mouth the feet thn erected tunnel put less month. station Fourth street, Queens within weeks. evenln lrcn the School Charles Among Henry the George Charles the In this Leader regard the w(.mr,i ference became nilon- - tlon the unit in spring tlmore. Carlisle present 1,l.,i..r named because Palmer, but session i.,.,iui, Clinton George that that that first said JurIllB evident the Governor that Governor commit pollc. who Wilson, been "declara- - Governor Intends control missing. Milady sheath Fnine higher. system (late OI IIU- - l.fKis.aiilli- - i.iii-i- u. G.n. r';" he still has to fill. They say April would easy If It were assured fnct that Tammany the would not horns the places which salaries totalling nearly $100,000 year conttol nttich They that If Gov. Stilzer holds his appointments much longer the Legislature will. able to ltf work April 17, nnd perhaps April The mat tie might send some appointments to the Henate but It Is any the more Important ones be among them. is said Is to semi nearly of his appointments in and take on the lateness the resulting the some He said to have been holding the to dicker with Tam- many some of legislation. It generally understood that some action by tlie come cannot recess appoint- ments to places vacant dur- ing the session nf Legislature. llA.I.HOAI MONTItKAI-Nlnr- a (.rand Ontr&l dAllv 1. M rrilculr J'honc 0310 Mtdlson J 4' - M $3,000,000 TO BE A MOTHER. Ml Shedd, HepoYtnl I'lmngrtl, Way ' Ort fortune. Boston, March 23. Wedding helK It Is said, will soon 'be ringing for Miss death conference dcd Peabody, future ' Mary Hello Shedd of lovcll. daughter f the late prosperous manufacturer i..., , it vM,,1rl t'niler the terms of the her she will lose about $3,000,000 she mnrrles and has children. As soon this condition i,..n...n .1... ,., n,- - ii'inin n whh ilpliurcd nill'llll .III- - " - ' with marriage Hhc said be engaged Mr. Shedd died In Florida anil left a wife nnd daughter. his was tiled It was found that Mrs. Shedd ami her daughter are provided for during their They will have tho Income of the money, but tllcy dispose It unless Miss Shedd marries ..r t...nn ri., (tin Seminary Lowell and tho Lowell General Hon- - pltni, (of Miss Shedd Is sole executrix of the will, which tnkes the disposition of her father's Immense estate out of her hands she becomes mother. I DR. ELIOT REFUSES POST AT ST. JAMES'S Rejects Ambassndorsliip. Denies Advancing Age Is tlie Reason. CAMBiumm, Mass.. March Dr. Charles W Kllot has refused to accept .,ii,nuu.iiliirshlii to Court of St. , ..,,,,. rtiffirnil in 1.1,11 111' .IHIlllT. -i ll-- "... I ,.rr!i(1(,tU Wilson. His Is In hands of the President nt Washington "Yes. It Is true that 1 have declined nei Hrltlsh Ambassador." said ..My ycnrs llnd , . ...m, ,. mfu.! sf,n p lbro,ldi reasons for declln- - i 'n - xnk these should bo made Washington, so I have nothing .,,.,, now j .,,. Dr. Kllot s unwillingness io iaae upon "' . Xmbassador are ' ,' .. fnct ttlnt t,p '' , , pon lno ' rl',t ,osr(. to spend the re- - mning" vcars. of their lives at , , ...'. ...i,, .,..... ,i, line leiiiiniK n t,...i, ..v.... ...v, . It.... .1, nn. .tnnuf An. doctor has lioiisiv Il,lai,. ' fi..r his lour of the wor d he ad- - . , Mnd.r,nkInB wns Illlllt'U wi ."UVII n 'If . h j.Vng on wholesome food ,lt hlmP hP found the fare while travel- - . ling abroad did not agree with his con stltutlon. The food to him or. """l: ,!! YES. MR. WILSON GOT AN EGO. . I .- -. ..... nt kl rc' l . lllin . ...- - , at Church. Washington, March 23. President Wilson got an Kaster egg y al- - though he not expect It. A u years on. im.,...-.- . '' Eastern Presbyterian Church, where "x ""n'' ' "''" ""- - i sin iini.-i- . im- - ,.iiui neeii given io ner ny ner nunuay scnooi teacher. j .Margaret ueciucu K1Ve ner egg m the President, so she rolled It In a piece of paper nnd hud her mother pass t to the The President j see who the donor was and j Uiwed his thanks when he saw the .child's expectant face. MARSHALL HITS CARNEGIE GIFTS l ulls Libraries l'r.i.1- - .. . . StiiiNonKi.ii, Mass, 23. Tour afternoon on the subject more give than to receive Tin- - denounced Car- - negle gifts of predatory wealth. Ills was applauded by the audience. Mr. Marshal) told o' travelling through many cities In the country.! f being shown all the points of Interest, and added Hint the citizens never spoke spoke lieie under' ..,,., w a II., un.l 'I.Mrs. Marshall left for Boston Washington morning. ' - MAPLE SUGAR SHORTAGE FEARED Vermont Man Sn.l en. l.nver. nf Iluekii Ileal l'Lri. Boston-- , March 23. There Is a short- - age of maple sugar this yenr and the lovers of buckwheat cakes and syrup nre At Vt . ' svrnn nnd Kiit-n- r mutters a dlsan- - pointed lot. The season Is a failure and nnwlioro the amount of tho Vermont product will go out this spring. a few ,,v,r.i-- u nf Ian ttmnnil their IN siioicun in ceiiar not inost Important Iiow-- i - , on the Mississippi ' f'""! "" """ - Ze,, reported 4 cloud- - ,.,rr. was the discussion over the , " dl. "atl-.- of John N. Carlisle and j nVer has offcrrf any j hurrt near Wheatland, la., miles ' had wiped either Mr. Kllot. -- t of Democratic or Paltner. chairman of , Ion n g,,, was V h" ikI." t of ami n,h. nlk Hti.l.- - for of the nnd 1?.' f tt Woodbine wan In, by a cyclone and 1 u n r 1 t ho ' liip-Stat- e Service Commission. It its functions nnd may , v s , rn,n,T. ' deieloped there was con- - have played an important part In Dr ,,i nn,i,i.,nitnn refnsnl nf the Hritlsh nii-- t. I .Northwestern roads and the vmis District ii Policeman raised ii, confession of pp. of the m and ftny to New lilm I Jail on was D.striet and n siitipienas had Mtorney's into tlie I discredited l " to State there to !t was it indicted anv were the ' i i to .. It Indictment was for In indictment .sdemeanor Indictment, fa wem St. He indictment, W. District a little conference DIs- - clcun prosecutor. of lions. li at his I with ar of i.- - .... was and and It night was were featuie chapeaux and of were IS of last of of third of fif Inst the near There In n There at Hall, It Is it his the Democratic his of and who ,a . In ... up few ''nrllsle nil t the tht,y had they Morgeiithau. Governor's u t that what the will tlm will l. State Sometimes Something be by fn""r;' be over pay a and not be complete 19 of It planning n of Immediate confirmation of candidates. pet must e the TO 7:16 i:i will of ns .lUHllh proposals. I to now. When has a .ii.. the , jv puli'llr ,,, .. . n ... ...... little President's pew ( n is tuesseu as declaration nt to for trembling. near i i1 i he nre dayh,and H., Hie news that three days warm rain has hlasted of sugar makers In New Hampshire. of dollars yearly spent In preparations for Ihla Important thh is a serious farmers. DEATH HURRICANE! :r;u,t,,"nil"n,t roVlVl!Vrn- i- UuMr'nrr THAT SWEEPS WEST A Towns in Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas Said to Have Reen Devastated. .f. KILLED IX OMAHA lit tl II. Reported ill After Cyelone Storm Is on CitlCAno, 23. A terrific wind- storm which raged over Iowa, Nebraska and parts of the Dakota y reached the proportions a cyclone In vicinity Omaha, Neb. Telegraph and service 'between Chicago and middle Western points, severely crippled Thursday's storm, was paralyzed. Not a word of 'information could be obtained frotn any part Iowa or Nebraska. From a roundabout source It re-- I that the hurricane which swept of tip the Itlver cost the lives of seven pcri-on- s in South Omaha. The re port could not be verified nor" could truth of rumors that tho cyclone had property in Des Moines, .Muffs, St .loseph, Mo., and other cities In that section, be Train despatchers In local offices sat hearing reports of washouts and derailments and not being nble to confirm them. Kansas City, Mo., it was re- ported that which had raged all day, gained In fury as , "armirss came m . " land hall descended and electrical dls- - Iturbnnces havoc with local tele- - sysie us. Kw details could be obtained from the heart of the storm swept 'ln'-- s wrrp ,lown ,ne nort,b !"m,h ',,n'1 Humors of tornadoes In Kansas and were current in Kansas City lull dav. Various of damage to t'l'Udlugs. live stock other property were circulated. At the Cnlon Pacific, oWee Missouri city It was said that the town of ,NVb ' had been In the path of the ....... . , . lllll I I l.- -l til 1 lit 1,11 111,1 llh l,i II ". and ttiat those that remained .. . ,..i .... 1 ..l.ll.. i... .... o.. oeuig iiesi(i. i....u., Five persons were killed and many were Jlnjured. acconllng to the reports, w;ns onl. one wire w orklng went of Chicago ln tho office of the Chi- - f,vn i onmumcatlon w obtamed Mild lie had heard rumors was, a washout near the Missouri Itlwr, ln the vlclnltv of Council la., .. The Chi- - CIM1IU HOI llillllilii ill'- - .ol, r.i-i,- l ........ llin .... lilKO. .1 II il ii I."' !, .'. ...u. P.ock Island road and road had no wires working outside a ten miles from X Louis despatch states that tire ?taneii i.y ugnining suoriiy oe.ure . o'clock tins morning In the plant of . , the Granite City Lime nnd ement J I'omiianv, uranne v u , in., cuuseu h vere, caused conslileralile damage. A high wind blew several sMns down and ciushed in a shop on .Michigan Ituln descended in torrents, pieventlng the parade .,nd display of spring finery, Ity melting and washing tlie tons of ),.,. from telegraph and wires in and about Chit-ago- , the storm saved the Telephone Company a loss from lepair work of nearly $2.aO(i. The having to telegraph companies, and tallroads was as greai Little relief is ptomlsed In The ls rn turning to snow In the after T)() w.-ster- Cnlon Postnl Teleern till 1'iiiiliinnlnu oniilili In L,,,, ,, (.onimniiica'tion with a large section of wesi because of storm damage to tl.ilr wires. ' HARVARD MAN FOUND DEAD. Tl.oiiKht in lie letliu of Otrnlniie of Meciilnsc l'iMiler. Cambkiihik, Mass.. March 23. William Penrose Itnllowell Jr. of MlmieimollH. u member of the sophomore class at liar- - rom, 30 Hampden this after- - Heath Is said to have been due overdose of sleeping powder, as III, Howell Is known to have using ''' "Tug because ot Insomnia which linn nun lor tno past hmi nays. Medical Kxamlner Swan an e- - lamination of the body and ordered It 'taken to the morgue. roomed with D. C. Josephs, 'IS, of Newport, nnd . Parker, 'is, of Ipswich, but both were mil of lown MARRIAGE WELLESLEY ' ) ifLllL ilrl Tiilie I'leilne l !ii- "Nn" In r0""' h " "t' least IK.OOO. They are members a have been Invited to Jolt, have refused. Membership h limited to 300 and next nnay a win ne ,., t l;lcl, twenty more girls will take the plodge, Tho object of tlie club Is to decreaso the number of divorces and matrimon- ial failures. It could not lM.,learni.l whether or not and congregation of the church by walk- - monetary of seriously e ' wll Mr"- WIIon and Ml-- s Governor was bv the op- - ' nl. mnn, portion to Ills plan of naming Mr. Oanor Wilson Just before the opening The Chicago and Great Western road Carlisle and Mr. Palmer, but a strong 'prayer. He was soon recognized by reported that 20 telegraph poles along plea Wa- - made to Governor to ie. nearly every person ln the church, in- - its line from Chicago to Mississippi ject any arrangement which might be j eluding Margaret Gundakcr, who held ( luver had been torn down, legurded as a compromise with Murphy 'in her hand an Kaster egg. which had M Chicago storm, while le-- s se otllcea. ho Selves to his Mr. Is to lo President jthe guet I'rldav effort I made was national Admlnlstra- - tinu one at was of Legislature. 1.... nt m ne to to heartily lo . Chicago and bonnets appeared there was a of tn f principles." which the Governor thousand men heard mmn ,. niht A cold wave with shift-th- e wide brimmed structures of lat j expects to make on Tuesday night at Thomas . Marshall speak In Spring- - j ln(, BPH to the is predicted, year. Careful carelessness a not- - t1(. hanquet of tlm llenjocratlc IMltorlal field's new municipal i is the same for Nothing , to recognize went wrongly making but is appeared 0f how show sides, nnn( nf Murphy them mining: months alterations tun- nel to contracts stibway planned Servlco below was to In surprised jlj'-'r- ' ''' adjourn- ment by 10 an nnd Governor lock patronage. believe off before Governor sam y night, not Jielleved will the Gov- ernor all Tuesday chance session In of the is up nominations for his Is Governor soon, because make which wero IU1TI.ANU l.miii unless became Is will lives. cannot of and Vnrlli(lelil of unless but 28. answer the position of t(VnR,t .V home, served did ,.,.... looked libraries Bellows usual M quietly. Way March Kansas, Is Missouri the Council the thero played reports Yutan. down, there Muffs, but radius St wimiow annual Kaster the made t3.10.0u.). revival 'ns county Cur r,,,,,0 Oroadway, father March trees the week before last A ml others ' Less Tliiin 9,1,000 o Venr. began work this week. Wednesday March w,:1.,.ksu:y. Mass. showed good of 1. t tl a run sap. Wellesley College girls have said rood-evenin- g tho wea n.-- r was lid. rain Iltrimoy until at least three LTt '.".""""l I0."" : " ?' ,0 " years after graduation and until men Frh.:- - ,hV no of B. organization, he W dl es ley Ma a cold wind blew all day. stopping the j flow, rlage Club, and only ten of llfty who From Sandwich, N. comes of the hones the niai.lo central and southern Thousands are the crop nnd failure blow to tho .Neb.. RlllllS Here. Okla- homa. the of telephone by ported devastated helpless From hurricane, districts, Nebraska and There the Hurllngton of Chicago, avenue. telephone prediction the Hall, noon. been Hallowell of meeung northeast 23,-K- orty MANY DEAD IN CYCLONE. Deported That Ureal Havoc Wii Dune In Terre llaote, Ind, Indianapolis, March 24 (2:30 A. M.) private despatch Just received from Terre Haute says that cyclone struck the southern end of the city shortly after midnight, sweeping: a path a block wide nnd ifearly a mile, long through the residential district. A man who escaped hurried to tho telegraph office, where he said that Jic had seen three dead bodies and that when he left the sceno of the storm they were removing the injured by wagonloads. The Indianapolis Htnr has a special report which says that many were, killed and that great property loss was suffered at Terre Haute. WANT WILSON NAMED AGAIN. nrleftnlliin nf Amrrlenn I'rom Mrxlen lo See I'rrsldrnl. KlNiisvil.l.K, Tex.. March 23. Fred It. Tackabcrry, George W. Cook and Bur- ton Wilson, accredited representatives the American colony In Mexico city, passed through here y on their way to Washington to urge President Wilson to reappoint Henry Lano Wil- son Ambassador to Mexico. They say that tho charges made against Mr. Wilson by disgruntled Ainorlcan refugees from Mexico arc without foundation, and that his of- ficial course meetH with the Indorse- ment of all Americana In Mexico. OAKLAND FARM TO BE OPENED. j Alfred O. Vanderbllt Al.o In Kx- - hlhlt nt !wpnrt Home Show. Nnwroirr, R. I., March 23. Alfred a. Vandcrbllt has decided not only to open Oakland Farm at Portsmouth thts yer. mil niso io un an cxmuuur usum at the Newport Horse Show. This announcement was made y after Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbllt and Dennln Hare, who arrived from Provi- dence early laflt night, had spent the greater pari oi me oay maKing an in- - spection of the big farm. A tiw of Mr, and Mrs. Vanderbllts friends from this city Joined them later """"". dinner training ring quar- - ...i.ti. ,nn nA4 - ' Mr. and Mrs. Vandcrbllt and Mrs Hare will return to the Vandcrbllt Hotel They will sail for ICnglnnd on April 2. Mr. and. Mrs. Van- dcrbllt nnd thsir baby are to return to America late in July or early in August, after the coaching season between Lon- don and nrlghton. ABOLISHES DEATH SENTENCE. liuv. l.lKlrr of WnshlfiKton Mana .Mensnre HITrcllve Jnne 14, Oi.TMm, Wash., March 23. Gov. Lis- ter has signed the bill which alwllshes capital punishment in the State of Washington. The new law will go Into effect on June 14. DINNER ON SEPT. 30 READY NOW, Chicago. Will Feed 1,000 nn Cold Moraitr I'rodueti. Cii.CACO. March 23- .-1 oodstuffs of all sorts are on Ice In Chicago awaiting the banuuci of the Third International Con- - KrP!,s 0r Refrigeration on September 30. On that night hundreds of pounds of, butter, thousands of eggs, a on or more of choice cuts of meat mil the other j accessories will be taken from refrlgera- - , tors and prepared for men from all parts of the world. Between 1.000 and 1...00 s.lentlsts from Krance. Germany. Belgium. Mix- - , trla, Russia and the .South American ne to do proud storage w(m, for almost increuio.e m nine. FIREMEN SAVE WOMEN ABLAZE. I'lisserslu le llH hiiiI I ii t Out 'lit 111 I II U I'lllllll.llt. Klames gas stove set tire to the apron Kate OaVvS of .a, 'Lexington avenue nn r, . Hl.e .. a ..on, wu. ..eo.Kc , , a son of Capt. . f 16 ran up- - stairs and put .... the llames w Ith r kb. Miss OavlH had been seriously burned Mrs Mary McLnteo was nearly burned to death I. her room a 33 Sec- - ond avenue last night. A fireman named ....... ., Lawler who was ...., ...a. imimtm n, limine raw flames at a second story window. He up and found Mrs, McKntee ntlre He put a around tlie ojl woman but she may not live. The fireman wouldn't give his name until the policeman said It was needed for a report, WOMAN WANTS CATS MUZZLED. Tell Mnntelnlr .Major Their 'ole I n, MoNTCtAttt, N. J., March - Mrs. Frances K. Lord 157 'Valley rond has asked Mayor Ernest C. Hlnck to Issue nn edict requiring that nil tlie cats In the town be muzzled, Mrs. Lord says Hint the noise made by the is u nuisance. In her letter, however, she does say how muzzles will stop their out- cries, and Jb-o- r Hlnck docs not think the scheme practical unless some in- ventor comes forward with a muzzle having a silencer attached, HENS LAY IN HAY FOR FUGITIVE Keep Ihe Sliu-- Supplied for Allrueil Murderer. Mouk. Ala., Mnrch 23 - Henry Nichols was hunting for eggs Dot- - ban, y and found Jason Bobertson, wanted for a murder at Jalllco, hiding In a haystack. A constable was called and Robertson was turned over to him. Robertson had been hiding In the hay for four days nnd had been subsisting on eggs, which the hens laid dolly. Robertson, It Is alleged, took part In the killing- - ot WlMam Lloyd. , IN A NIGHT GALE Aviator Jones Swept From His Course While 2,000 Feet Above Harlem. LANDS IX FLATBUSH Aimed for Governors Island but Couldn't Get Below Ninetieth Stroet. CITY JtLAZKD BENEATH Onriisliinof (.olden Lights Wero Framed by Silver (Slow of Rivers and Sea. i' Bucking n forty. five mile nn hour gale, 2,000 feet above Harlem, trying to hold a course on tho Metropolitan Tower and feeling your machine gently fnlllng off every flNlng your eyes on tho red Hnd green lights Governors Island nnd finally, after an hour's tight, landing in Flatbush are a few of the Incidents described yesterday bv Harry M. Jones, an aviator, who attempted to fly from Mamaroneck to the military reservation late Saturday night. (Jarring tho fact that ho landed next door to u sanitarium, which caused iv belated citizen to mistake him for some- - ho(1v wll 1)0innRr, ln thn institution, thn young nlrmau was all right. He would have tried to fly from I'lathush tho Island yesterday if thn wind had not been so strong, but he will make tho flight, he says, Just ns soon as March shows lamblike qualities. He is going to fly by way of the tall buildings nnd the street canyons of Man- hattan too, particularly by way of tho Hotel McAlpin, where he will drop a few Invitations for certain gentlemen to take a little fly. The gentlemen have not said that they will accept thn Invitation. Round to Kir Over the 3lr.lpln. ' Young Mr. Jones recently reached Mamaroneck on his flight from ltnsum to Governors Island. As a matter or fact, ho left Boston on January 7, but. an this time of year Is bad on every- thing except mules, he did not do very well. He landtd in Mamaroneck two weeks ago yesterday, and with a damaged machine. He hnd not made any record on his flight, but he announced that Im was going to finish It If tlie 30 horse- power Mirgess-Wrig- he owns would carry htm. While Ills machine has been fixed up young Jones has been stopping a' the McAlpin and recently he announced that on his last leg he would fly over the hotel and by means of a paraehut. drop an Invitation to Manager llloomei and Gen, Giuseppe Garibaldi to taki u trial flight with him some nice daj He couldn't fix a time becausa March . ot ood avlatl(m mntll Tll(, i(1(,a as t,)at ,0 .,,, jf ...... .... ... .... ... ....., ,.. II- - I 111 tlHI II .11111 1113 rillU Uill limill . . nnps Mt nf,Ui nov,vrr, that ,)e Uo(.s nfll ,. thal ,, ., r,,rol w)mt a ,,,K cU. lo()ks Hkc a mnlKht I)1(.kpd out in fne yp(m. a(1 whH , (,It.ctrK.ty and fram0(1 , Ulo .slvcr ut water Interlaced It all runs Into , br((a(l fram Qf , t.oll . waH HH ,, ,lai, , nKnti ha(l , r,.r, ,, ,,,, ... in,lk ..... ,., He wants to try It Vffer lenlllnir fill tltiv eslerilnv tnr hs ,,., Mn (m, a,,out the trip. Ik Kl I'llKl.l Niii reiurilllnleil. He Is about 23 years old, slender, clear eyed and clean sKInncd and ho wants particularly to have every h ,..t a doer of ,,are(lt,vl iwM IIe ,.,.. ,, lrl., U(.raus 1t was , , ..Wo , t , f) , . , , , f k . , .., , J , xJl aeroplane, but when It " '' ' I '" submarine as well us an airship. "1 didn't have an idea on earth vt coming down to New Vork on Saturday evening. The machine was stored up In a li.iru and my mechanician and I went to a moving picture show, look-lu- g forward to nothing but a kjhuI night's sleep. But when we camn out about 10:30 o'clock the other idea came. "The wind, which had been blowing along al a good rate all day, hnd died down to about fifteen miles an hour and was from the northwest. Tho night was as clear as a crystal nnd one of the finest moons you ever saw was llghllng up everything like a young day. 1 said to my man: s go down nnd lool: the water." Suinll lloy Sprites See Mini On. "We went down there nnd I looked out over the Sound. I believe you could see for five miles, F.verythlng was so en1;, you could see a crescent of lights picked out on the Sound shore for miles, 'The night wn.s not cold, nondj Nms were perfect and I could not stand It. 'Oct out tlm iinachintif I said. 'I'm going with you,' sa'id the mechanician. "That was the only thing we dis- cussed. It wns settled. "Nobody knows where small hoys come from late nt night, but by tlm time we got up to ttie barn where thn machine was two or three of then, hnd sprung up out of the moonlight shadows and they knew- - as much about tlm machine as wo did, having studied aviation for the two weeks we had been at Mamaroneck, They volun- teered to help ui, and Inside C ft reputiucs will guesis ui uie uiiiniiici. t, Chlcnso Int.-ml- s Itself ini.llr,.in In the way of keeping food ficshu. , (w ,()Wn Jn,eH r,,tuni(,(1 , I from cookln,; of yes.en.ay ran minute; until '"llt to think you are a ran rug 23, of cahi not They at Ala., of to iyie ut

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1913-03-24 [p ]. · THE WEATHER FORECAST. Rain and warmer to-da-y; clearing high south winds. Detailed weather reports will be found on page 13. VOL. LXXX


Rain and warmer to-da- y; clearinghigh south winds.

Detailed weather reports will be found on page 13.

VOL. LXXX. NO. 205. 4-- NEW YORK, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1913. 1913, by tlie Sim Vrinlino iml iiHiJ,ili; Atsoclntlon. PRICE TWO CENTS.



loiiuu uie nmton,thatbrvcnilattracJ', Z for Mrs. They Clinton,

i lived lifeii Public social

sas that,.. despatcher

Nowell Admits Ho Helpedto Hide Sipp to Shield


GOT 81.200 FOR IT

System Schemed to Dis-

grace Sipp So Whitman

Couldn't Vse. Him.I

01! WD .11" II Y FOUKD

A f tor Sipp Wits Tlrouirlit Hiick

tin1 Mnyor .Wumnl FullResponsibility.


r.dw-tr- d .1. Newell, the lawyer whoth ,n'anee of police with their I

n- - ,..t,imo arranged plan to .navef.CM'ce A Sipp kept out of town1. wanted by the Attorney

- a witness against Hugeneand who handled the money

Inspector Sweeney, rapt. Thomas W.

W.iMi and others for this purpose,el a his part the

nt'. r to District Attorney Whitman. 'er,,iy

S it will be remembered, wns thef met' niotirletor Haltlc Hotel, i

i. tinri.m ,vi, hnrf r,nt,t t,..n l'i. Walsh's ugent, anil who went

in rlantlc Cltv to keep him from his(' .ry Whitman.

.No sooner had he been put outMr Whitman's, immediate reach thanne York police framed up a dis- -

g .Ming criminal charge against him.,i.. priK-eede- with plans to bringlek so disgraced and discredited that

would he valueless as... witness for.... ,in.- ii.-mt- -t iiutiiv) iiiraiusi 1110

grafters. ,

lltur Hie S nielli" Worked.Sipp was nrrested Atlantic City on

orders the New Vork police andheld in pending indictment- Thearrest was made January I. TheGrand Jury thiew the case out .annul y i and Sipp

med.o.District Attorney Whitman visded

in Jersey city January 12. as i

.,..!! which Sipp ...turn,.! to NewWk under the protection ofAMo-ne- y to appear against Fox A

rcr f.uce r policemen de ect it Criminal Courts lliiildlng

when Sipp arrived. police said theylor the pollen trial of

"V but It was charged openly theyN" warrants fur Sipp. DIs-- i' '' men police

and Dually got witnessand up to the Grand Jury


M.inr eeeils llenpnnslMllt ,

Gaynor Januaryfull lespon.slbllity for the at-

tempt to bring Sipp bucktr.nn Atlantic City. The Mayor he

.i instructed thn Police Commissionerii bring him back this and

if wns any possible wuyin

The Commissioner," the Mayor said,that there no way to do

unless he could be and thenvradltoL I Inquired whether there J

re inmlnal charges against himi was that there

Mig. which he could be indicted,n d Polio- - Coinmlsi.iotier to

him Indicted If possible andig-- t nack this .State."

: the .Mayor's assumption re-- f

'.:llt was curient report thatdtlidavlts which tlie Grand Jury

and utterly declined lo believei'e work of Inspector Sweeney.

" it the allldavlts had been obtained' i.irters took the case up.

' lire kiniite tir Wliltu.Hii,V.i'T since the

r rnejl against Nuwell, charging as ienn-ano- r in persuading n witness.

is been that he would'me a witness the State.

' t was that thorg ng a misdemeanor only, Insteada felony, was returned because the

l' rii t Attorney had been led Wwell would confess. Dut. witli

t - in ine ! tho negotiations by his friendslared he would light tin- - thing out.

1 the second Indictment, charginginy, was handed up to Goff.

About that time becamel" ' to Luke's Hospital,

entericd with pneumonia. left' ispltal last week, pleaded not guiltyin the seeond and Ills trialuhs set for next Thursday.

I'.t Judge M. K. Olcott, Newell'smsei. appeared Attorney

Whitmans home afternoonnnd remained with Mr. Whitman an

nur. lie then went away and returnedwith Newell lifter fi o'clock.'I'ti'i between Newell nnd his

oiinn-- l and the District Attorney lastedtwo and n half hours.

It has been an open secret that Judge" ott who has been visiting thnrirt Attorney, has urged his client

'i. like a breast of tho Sipp bribef 'nd. But has tried to maku

barrain wltli-t.i- e He first"fused t"s plead Rullty nnd Insisted thutCm only lie.would nccept must

based Uif a quashing of tho indict-ment

eInslsleil nit riea of'OtjIlty.

This Mr. Whitman refused. He hada plea guilty liftliic Knx case before' entered Into negfitjfllions with Vox.

-- I ne insiHici, utionn pica or guiltyniso from Capt Walsh before negotla- -'

Finally Newell offered, to plend

on Second


t.nle es Sny III CnmlltlnnIm Muni Infnt nrnlilc,

fpeclil rnhtr Detpntett to Tar StLoNiioN, March 21. Late despatches

from Rome say that the condition of'Pope Plus X. 1.1 very grave,

Whllo his phslclans and advisersrefuse admit that the III health of thePontiff Is sufficient cause any Im-

mediate apprehension, It Is known thathis condition Is most unfavorable.

It nns iinnntinctd y that thePope showed some Improvement, butthat, as n precautionary measure, nr.Maiehlnfava, Im physician, Insistedthat the. Pontiff should not celebrateinnsw this morning. It was said thatMgr. Itessan, his private secretary,however, received communion fromPontiff and otllclated the mass InIlls npartmrnf".

It was planned that the Pope shouldgrant n larce collective audienceTuesday. Imitations have leenbut now It Is practically assuied that

audience will not be held, but thatthe Pope will remain his favoriteApartment, closely watched byphvslclans.



Shotgun Is Found Alongside!...! !.. ii..: e I .... '


Wliarlon's Fariulionse.

AVii.i.iamstown, X. .1.. March 23. Thecharred bodies of four persons wetcfound In ruins of LeoWharton's home the .New nrooKiynroad, a mile and a half from here. Thehouse was burned after the victims hadbeen shot.

The dead are Leo Wharton. 40 earsjold; hN wife. Mary. jcars old; hl- -

daughter. Lillian, and .lohn.Kenthlll. foreman farml,..ih StaoL-er-. a retired school teacher.


A ,.,,,1,01 wound ln the left breastof Kenthlll leads the police to believethat he met death before flames swept

Wharton homestead, burning it toIts foundations. His body was found. .IIIU 1U1 111, lll.HI 1'i ,1 flll-l- l l.t.lllllk '.. , .

line KlieniMl oen- - .is u jiissru nuip!..through his shirt which

blood. !

The body of Wharton was lii eel- -

badly burned but the trunk showedbullet holes. The bodies the ulfeiand child, burned beyond recognition,were also cellar, some distanceaway that of Wharton,

. . ... n

Among the many rumors afloat isthat Kenthlll accompanied Mrs. Whar- - j

ton to a moving picture show in Will- -i 1..I..llllllSitll II nil n.ll 111 tl,i. lllhlll. I OIIIKhome late. It is said that Kenthlll. whowas u bachelor, a frequent visitorfit the Wharton home.

The police theory Is that Wharton andKenthlll engaged a duel in tlie cellar

the man who won then fired thehouse after he had murdered the wife

child, so as to hide the crime andthen himself to death as apenance for his deed.


Wenlher Won l)r xml ir.U.IIOII WoreIk IIhIk 'iirn.le.

THN-Tti- City. March 23.- - only theweather was dry Tlie cafesneer enterta.ned linger crowds lhauthose which jammed them to the doorsInst It nearlv 4 M. be.fore all lights were out. At 7 M.buslnisi began again.

The sun shone luiglitlv until lnte thisafternoon, when it clouded over a lilt,Moving picture concerns had ciews atwork all dav .m top tin- - piers forthe Kaster parade. Holier chair prices

doubled, and S.ouii flanked thepromenaib-r- s solid lines.

Advance iiiedlct ons on the size of.the hats went awry While some small

noml- - In Hlvr.











on 10

















on of

lv- -








wasable oolti in theattire. was straight,

quea-drape- d

skirt. he

organization.these slits tilled with lace.


to Ii.iiik ImIhihI nt;.- .liny lieH Sunn.

The engineering force whli.h has beenemplojed for more than ninemaking the Stein way

under Kast Hlv.-- r from Korty-secon- d

street Long Island City,ownership which passes to the cityunder the for dual

week, received orderst0 prepare the tunnel for

Tl.e alterations permit tho runningcurs the type the

to be operated by the rail. Thewas originally for the

use ofThe tho Inspection are

considered of importance becausethe statement made Chairman Mcra thfi Commission

week that would bo thepart of dual be put

Into operation. Tho of tun-

nel Is Iexlngton nventfe, fortysurface. Is storage

an escalator four years agowhen the completed, Thiscan bn In operation In than

Is a Jackson avenueand Long Island City, ad-

jacent tho Borough'which can bo put Into use two

A TJO--V flaw, of ANOOHTIRA ItlTTRKSbefore re urine ror inwmni -- Ut.



T.Olip DiscUSSioil in AlbnilV Oil ,


Vncnneies nntl RelntionsWilli Tnnunnny.


rnrlisle. Is Relieved. Will(!o On Fp-Stn- te Hoard

Pit liner Opposed.

Auiavy, March 23. Gov. Sulzcr held children. In case she. leaves no

Important this at time of her the money... . win l.e i v among the Berry...iti. ni.ii.AH r i innt nnri f a it net nnvni11 II limni'vi u- - i ' n n -

opposed Murphy anddonilnatlon of the Democratic Stateorganization.

those at the conference wereMorgenthnu, who was chairman

of finance committee of nationalorganization the lint

campaign; FosterThomas Molt Osborne of Annum,political lieutenant, Until-gn-

.lohn N. Carlisle, chairmanulzer inquiry committee, and .lohn A

Hennessy, who Is one of the Governor'slosest advisers Albany.

The conference, which begun earlyafternoon nnd lasted until late

did not icsult In anyin ilin nifiiier iif nnnolntments to Im- -

portant State ofllces his relationswith Murphy and tho Demo-

cratic organization.Those attended th conference,'

which wa held at the "people s

hou'e. declined to be quoted as to,,.,, , ;lili ,imt the."situation In to ,,....,

.attitude of Independence toward .Mr.

Murphy nnd the Democratic organic- -

tlnn waH ttiorniiKhly ciinvuswd.T, , doubt In th

...,. , rnn.","m' "as to just what the Governor

intended to do. It known that,. general view of thoe present was

.Iohn K. 8aKUO nf i.oughkeep-si-e

... ....sholllil Ie named nv lie- - ii,...-iu"- i

lieiul of the reorganized Highways De.......... iw ..ii. ntii.fiH.itl tlie

of rule the lection of,oIP(.ntp.s 1(t the State conven- -

(lnt) ( , .onVentlon at Hal- -

other ways he has shownhis independence of Murphy and the


methods o, the State organisation.

of Mr. Cat lisle nnJ Mr. PalmerMr. was unanimously np- -

proved, but some of those are;...i.i . I....I......1 .1.... Mr, . ........lllll III 1,1 iiiriini.t. in... i

should not be It wouldbe regalded as a deal made by the Outenior with Mr. Murphy. It had beenunderstood to a dajn ago thatthe l.egislatuie would confirm both Mr.. 'arb-sl- nnd Mr. In the latu r


part of this npp .sitlon toMr. was expressed by cert iln


. wrui v ih ii ii I'll tii ,i nnnis ti m uiiu - .

TI.e happening. la.,''" CevlonS(H,Wy

tlmmiiilttc. have The court the

soon The






ri'Ie;i.-e.-! the




Thefought the























w.-- K's



the the

thein aiui.ilntln men to such Importantstate

was that some or icntalked with fi It

should watt until theacted before would them -


clo-- e hassince i

No lias to cone, theimpression Mr. Morgentliau


ihlnir the conferenceform

Association, should take.rhe say that lie

about the "invisible boss" the

....l-l- -i I....t..r. .l.inlrir.. mileu,,e,a,,,. over ,1, adjournment

auditorium The Illinois.

angleswere organizations in

In for the appointments, It aSilts t far his de-

nt the extending well toward the j Mr. and theknee, may said



the systemsigned hns


used In

tunneltrolley cars.orders for


this tunnelfirst to

mouth thefeet


tunnelput less


Fourth street,Queens


evenln lrcn theSchool









regard the



nilon- -

tlon the unit inspring



1,l.,i..rnamed because

Palmer, butsession









evidentthe Governor that



Wilson, been

"declara- -

Governor Intends




Fnine higher.


(late OI IIU- - l.fKis.aiilli- - i.iii-i- u.

G.n. r';"

he still has to fill. They sayApril would easy If It

were assured fnct that Tammanythe would not hornsthe places which salaries totallingnearly $100,000 year conttol nttich

They that If Gov.Stilzer holds his appointments muchlonger the Legislature will. ableto ltf work April 17,

nnd perhaps AprilThe mat tie

might send some appointments to theHenate but It Is

any the more Important onesbe among them. is said

Is to semi nearly ofhis appointments in and take

on the lateness theresulting the

someHe said to have been holding

the to dicker with Tam-many some of legislation.It generally understood that someaction by tlie come

cannot recess appoint-ments to places vacant dur-ing the session nf Legislature.

llA.I.HOAI MONTItKAI-Nlnr- a(.rand Ontr&l dAllv 1. M

rrilculr J'honc 0310 Mtdlson J

4' -


$3,000,000 TO BE A MOTHER.

Ml Shedd, HepoYtnl I'lmngrtl, Way'Ort fortune.

Boston, March 23. Wedding helK ItIs said, will soon 'be ringing for Miss




' Mary Hello Shedd of lovcll. daughterf the late prosperous manufacturer

i..., , it vM,,1rl t'niler the terms ofthe her she will loseabout $3,000,000 she mnrrles andhas children.

As soon this conditioni,..n...n .1... ,., n,- - ii'inin n whh ilpliurcdnill'llll .III-- " - 'with marriage Hhc said

be engagedMr. Shedd died In Florida anil left a

wife nnd daughter. his wastiled It was found that Mrs. Shedd amiher daughter are provided for duringtheir They will have tho Incomeof the money, but tllcy dispose

It unless Miss Shedd marries

..r t...nn ri., (tin SeminaryLowell and tho Lowell General Hon- -

pltni, (ofMiss Shedd Is sole executrix of the

will, which tnkes the disposition of herfather's Immense estate out of her hands

she becomes mother.




Rejects Ambassndorsliip.Denies Advancing Age Is

tlie Reason.

CAMBiumm, Mass.. March Dr.Charles W Kllot has refused to accept

.,ii,nuu.iiliirshlii to Court of St., ..,,,,. rtiffirnil in 1.1,11 111'

.IHIlllT. -i ll-- "... I

,.rr!i(1(,tU Wilson. His Is In

hands of the President nt Washington"Yes. It Is true that 1 have declined

nei Hrltlsh Ambassador." said..My ycnrs llnd

, . ...m, ,. mfu.!sf,n p lbro,ldi reasons for declln- - i

'n - xnk these should bo madeWashington, so I have nothing

.,,.,, now j.,,.Dr. Kllot s unwillingness io iaae upon

"'. Xmbassador are '

,' .. fnct ttlnt t,p'' , , pon lno' rl',t ,osr(. to spend the re- -mning" vcars. of their lives at

, , ...'. ...i,, .,..... ,i,line leiiiiniK n t,...i, ..v.... ...v,.It.... .1, nn. .tnnuf has

lioiisivIl,lai,. '

fi..r his lour of the wor d he ad- -

. , Mnd.r,nkInB wnsIlllllt'U wi ."UVII n 'If. h j.Vng on wholesome food,lt hlmP hP found the fare while travel- - .

ling abroad did not agree with his constltutlon. The food to him or.

"""l: ,!!


. I .- -. ..... nt kl rc' l . lllin ....- - ,

at Church.Washington, March 23. President

Wilson got an Kaster egg y al- -

though he not expect It. A

u years on. im.,...-.- .

'' Eastern Presbyterian Church, where"x ""n'' ' "''" ""--

i sin iini.-i-. im- - ,.iiui

neeii given io ner ny ner nunuay scnooiteacher. j

.Margaret ueciucu K1Ve ner egg mthe President, so she rolled It In a pieceof paper nnd hud her mother pass t tothe The President j

see who the donor was and j

Uiwed his thanks when he saw the.child's expectant face.


l ulls Libraries l'r.i.1- -.. . .

StiiiNonKi.ii, Mass, 23. Tour

afternoon on the subject moregive than to receive

Tin- - denounced Car- -

negle gifts of predatorywealth. Ills was applauded

by the audience.Mr. Marshal) told o' travelling

through many cities In the country.! fbeing shown all the points of Interest,and added Hint the citizens never spoke

spoke lieie under'..,,., w a II., un.l'I.Mrs. Marshall left for Boston

Washington morning. '


Vermont Man Sn.l en. l.nver. nfIluekii Ileal l'Lri.

Boston--, March 23. There Is a short- -

age of maple sugar this yenr and thelovers of buckwheat cakes and syrupnre At Vt .


svrnn nnd Kiit-n- r mutters a dlsan- -

pointed lot. The season Is a failure andnnwlioro the amount of thoVermont product will go out this spring.

a few ,,v,r.i-- u nf Ian ttmnnil their


siioicun in ceiiar not inost Important Iiow-- i -, on the Mississippi

' f'""! "" """ - Ze,, reported 4 cloud- -,.,rr. was the discussion over the ,

"dl. "atl-.- of John N. Carlisle and j nVer has offcrrf any j hurrt near Wheatland, la., miles

' had wipedeither Mr. Kllot. -- t ofDemocratic orPaltner. chairman of , Ionn g,,, wasV h" ikI." t of amin,h. nlk Hti.l.- - for of the nnd1?.' f tt Woodbine wan In, by a cyclone and

1 u n r 1 t ho ' liip-Stat- e Service Commission. It its functions nnd may, v s , rn,n,T. ' deieloped there was con- - have played an important part In Dr

,,i nn,i,i.,nitnn refnsnl nf the Hritlsh nii-- t. I .Northwestern roads


vmis Districtii Policeman


ii, confession of


of the


and ftny








n siitipienas


into tlie




" to Statethere to


was itindicted


the' i

i to

.. It

Indictment was

for Inindictment

.sdemeanor Indictment,


wem St.He



a littleconference

DIs- -











i.- -






night was


featuie chapeaux and





of ofthird




nearThere In


There at














up few



t the

tht,y hadthey


Governor'su t


what the



willl. State

Sometimes Something be

by fn""r;'



a and

not becomplete




n ofImmediate confirmation

of candidates.






will of


proposals. Ito now.




.ii.. the



puli'llr ,,,

.. .n

... ......


President's pew


n istuesseu







i i1





H., Hienews that three days warm rain hashlasted of sugarmakers In NewHampshire. of dollarsyearly spent In preparations forIhla Important thh isa serious farmers.


:r;u,t,,"nil"n,troVlVl!Vrn- i- UuMr'nrr



Towns in Nebraska, Iowa andKansas Said to Have Reen



lit tl II. Reported ill

After Cyelone Storm Ison

CitlCAno, 23. A terrific wind-

storm which raged overIowa, Nebraska and parts of the

Dakota y reached the proportionsa cyclone In vicinity Omaha,

Neb. Telegraph and service'between Chicago and middle Westernpoints, severely crippled Thursday'sstorm, was paralyzed. Not a word of

'information could be obtained frotn anypart Iowa or Nebraska.

From a roundabout source It re-- I

that the hurricane which swept oftip the Itlver cost the lives ofseven pcri-on- s in South Omaha. The report could not be verified nor" couldtruth of rumors that tho cyclone had

property in Des Moines,.Muffs, St .loseph, Mo., and

other cities In that section, be

Train despatchers In local offices sathearing reports of

washouts and derailments and notbeing nble to confirm them.

Kansas City, Mo., it was re-

ported that which hadraged all day, gained In fury as,"armirss came m . "

land hall descended and electrical dls- -

Iturbnnces havoc with local tele- -

sysie us.Kw details could be obtained from

the heart of the storm swept'ln'-- s wrrp ,lown ,ne nort,b !"m,h

',,n'1Humors of tornadoes In Kansas and

were current in Kansas Citylull dav. Various of damage tot'l'Udlugs. live stock other propertywere circulated. At the Cnlon Pacific,oWee Missouri city It was said

that the town of ,NVb 'had been In the path of the....... . , .lllll I I l.--l til 1 lit 1,11 111,1 llh l,i II ".and ttiat those that remained.. . ,..i .... 1 ..l.ll.. i... ....o..oeuig iiesi(i. i....u.,Five persons were killed and many were

Jlnjured. acconllng to the reports,w;ns onl. one wire worklng

went of Chicago ln tho office of the Chi- -

f,vn ionmumcatlon w obtamed

Mild lie had heard rumors was, awashout near the Missouri Itlwr, lnthe vlclnltv of Council la.,

.. The Chi- -CIM1IU HOI llillllilii ill'- -

.ol, r.i-i,- l........ llin....lilKO. .1 II il ii I."' !, .'. ...u.P.ock Island road androad had no wires working outside a

ten miles fromX Louis despatch states that tire

?taneii i.y ugnining suoriiy oe.ure .

o'clock tins morning In the plant of. ,

the Granite City Lime nnd ement J

I'omiianv, uranne v u , in., cuuseu h

vere, caused conslileralile damage. Ahigh wind blew several sMns down andciushed in a shop on .Michigan

Ituln descended in torrents,pieventlng the parade.,nd display of spring finery,

Ity melting and washing tlie tons of),.,. from telegraph and wiresin and about Chit-ago- , the storm savedthe Telephone Company a lossfrom lepair work of nearly $2.aO(i.The having to telegraph companies, andtallroads was as greai

Little relief is ptomlsed InThe

ls rn turning to snow In the after

T)() w.-ster- Cnlon PostnlTeleern till 1'iiiiliinnlnu oniilili In

L,,,, ,, (.onimniiica'tion with a largesection of wesi because ofstorm damage to tl.ilr wires.



Tl.oiiKht in lie letliu of Otrnlniieof Meciilnsc l'iMiler.

Cambkiihik, Mass.. March 23. WilliamPenrose Itnllowell Jr. of MlmieimollH. umember of the sophomore class at liar- -

rom, 30 Hampden this after- -

Heath Is said to have been dueoverdose of sleeping powder, as

III, Howell Is known to have using''' "Tug because ot Insomnia which

linn nun lor tno past hmi nays.Medical Kxamlner Swan an e- -

lamination of the body and ordered It'taken to the morgue. roomedwith D. C. Josephs, 'IS, of Newport, nnd

. Parker, 'is, of Ipswich, but bothwere mil of lown


ilrl Tiilie I'leilne l !ii- "Nn" In

r0""' h " "t'least IK.OOO. They are members a

have been Invited to Jolt, have refused.Membership h limited to 300 and nextnnay a win ne ,.,

t l;lcl, twenty more girls willtake the plodge,

Tho object of tlie club Is to decreasothe number of divorces and matrimon-ial failures.

It could not lM.,learni.l whether or not and congregation of the church by walk- - monetary of seriously e

' wll Mr"- WIIon and Ml-- sGovernor was bv the op- - ' nl. mnn,

portion to Ills plan of naming Mr. Oanor Wilson Just before the opening The Chicago and Great Western roadCarlisle and Mr. Palmer, but a strong 'prayer. He was soon recognized by reported that 20 telegraph poles alongplea Wa- - made to Governor to ie. nearly every person ln the church, in- - its line from Chicago to Mississippiject any arrangement which might be j eluding Margaret Gundakcr, who held

( luver had been torn down,legurded as a compromise with Murphy 'in her hand an Kaster egg. which had M Chicago storm, while le-- s se



Selves to hisMr. Is to

lo Presidentjthe guet I'rldav

effort I madewas

national Admlnlstra- -

tinuone at














bonnets appeared there was a of tn f principles." which the Governor thousand men heard mmn ,. niht A cold wave with shift-th- e

wide brimmed structures of lat j expects to make on Tuesday night at Thomas . Marshall speak In Spring- - j ln(, BPH to the is predicted,year. Careful carelessness a not- - t1(. hanquet of tlm llenjocratlc IMltorlal field's new municipal i is the same for

Nothing, to recognize

went wrongly making but isappeared 0f how show

sides, nnn( nf Murphythem


monthsalterations tun-











jlj'-'r- ' '''

adjourn-ment by 10

an nndGovernor lock

patronage. believeoff


Governor sam y

night, notJiellevedwill the Gov-

ernor allTuesday

chance sessionIn

of theis up

nominationsfor his

IsGovernor soon,

because makewhich wero







of and





answer the

position oft(VnR,t




did ,.,....


















Muffs, but



annual Kaster












trees the week before last A ml others ' Less Tliiin 9,1,000 o Venr.began work this week. Wednesday Marchw,:1.,.ksu:y. Mass.showed good of 1. t tla run sap. Wellesley College girls have said rood-evenin- g

tho wea n.-- r was lid. rain Iltrimoy until at least threeLTt '.".""""l I0."" : " ?' ,0 " years after graduation and until men

Frh.:- - ,hV no



organization, he W dles ley Maa cold wind blew all day. stopping the j

flow, rlage Club, and only ten of llfty who

From Sandwich, N. comesof

the hones the niai.locentral and southern

Thousands arethe

crop nnd failureblow to tho

.Neb.. RlllllS




the oftelephone










the Hurllngton

of Chicago,











23,-K- orty


Deported That Ureal Havoc WiiDune In Terre llaote, Ind,

Indianapolis, March 24 (2:30 A. M.)

private despatch Just received fromTerre Haute says that cyclone struckthe southern end of the city shortlyafter midnight, sweeping: a path a blockwide nnd ifearly a mile, long throughthe residential district.

A man who escaped hurried to thotelegraph office, where he said that Jichad seen three dead bodies and thatwhen he left the sceno of the stormthey were removing the injured bywagonloads.

The Indianapolis Htnr has a special

report which says that many were,

killed and that great property loss was

suffered at Terre Haute.


nrleftnlliin nf Amrrlenn I'romMrxlen lo See I'rrsldrnl.

KlNiisvil.l.K, Tex.. March 23. Fred It.Tackabcrry, George W. Cook and Bur-ton Wilson, accredited representatives

the American colony In Mexico city,passed through here y on theirway to Washington to urge PresidentWilson to reappoint Henry Lano Wil-son Ambassador to Mexico.

They say that tho charges madeagainst Mr. Wilson by disgruntledAinorlcan refugees from Mexico arcwithout foundation, and that his of-

ficial course meetH with the Indorse-ment of all Americana In Mexico.


Alfred O. Vanderbllt Al.o In Kx- -

hlhlt nt !wpnrt Home Show.Nnwroirr, R. I., March 23. Alfred a.

Vandcrbllt has decided not only to openOakland Farm at Portsmouth thts niso io un an cxmuuur usum atthe Newport Horse Show.

This announcement was made y

after Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbllt andDennln Hare, who arrived from Provi-dence early laflt night, had spent thegreater pari oi me oay maKing an in- -spection of the big farm.

A tiw of Mr, and Mrs. Vanderblltsfriends from this city Joined them later

""""".dinner training ring quar- -...i.ti. ,nn nA4- '

Mr. and Mrs. Vandcrbllt and MrsHare will return to the VandcrblltHotel They will sail forICnglnnd on April 2. Mr. and. Mrs. Van-dcrbllt nnd thsir baby are to return toAmerica late in July or early in August,after the coaching season between Lon-don and nrlghton.


liuv. l.lKlrr of WnshlfiKton Mana.Mensnre HITrcllve Jnne 14,

Oi.TMm, Wash., March 23. Gov. Lis-

ter has signed the bill which alwllshescapital punishment in the State ofWashington.

The new law will go Into effect onJune 14.


Chicago. Will Feed 1,000 nn Cold

Moraitr I'rodueti.Cii.CACO. March 23- .-1 oodstuffs of all

sorts are on Ice In Chicago awaiting thebanuuci of the Third International Con- -

KrP!,s 0r Refrigeration on September 30.On that night hundreds of pounds of,

butter, thousands of eggs, a on or moreof choice cuts of meat mil the other j

accessories will be taken from refrlgera- - ,

tors and prepared for men from allparts of the world.

Between 1.000 and 1...00 s.lentlstsfrom Krance. Germany. Belgium. Mix- - ,

trla, Russia and the .South Americanne

to do proud

storage w(m,for almost increuio.e m nine.


I'lisserslu le llH hiiiI I ii t Out'lit 111 I II U I'lllllll.llt.

Klames gas stove settire to the apron Kate OaVvS of .a,

'Lexington avenue nn r, .

Hl.e .. a ..on, wu. ..eo.Kc , ,

a son of Capt. . f 16 ran up- -

stairs and put .... the llames w Ith r kb.Miss OavlH had been seriously burned

Mrs Mary McLnteo was nearlyburned to death I. her room a 33 Sec- -

ond avenue last night. A fireman named....... .,Lawler who was ...., ...a.imimtmn,limine raw flames at a second storywindow. He up and found Mrs,McKntee ntlre

He put a around tlie ojl womanbut she may not live.

The fireman wouldn't give his nameuntil the policeman said It was neededfor a report,


Tell Mnntelnlr .Major Their 'oleI n,

MoNTCtAttt, N. J., March - Mrs.Frances K. Lord 157 'Valley rondhas asked Mayor Ernest C. Hlnck toIssue nn edict requiring that nil tlie catsIn the town be muzzled, Mrs. Lord saysHint the noise made by the is u

nuisance.In her letter, however, she does

say how muzzles will stop their out-cries, and Jb-o- r Hlnck docs not thinkthe scheme practical unless some in-

ventor comes forward with a muzzlehaving a silencer attached,


Keep Ihe Sliu-- Supplied forAllrueil Murderer.

Mouk. Ala., Mnrch 23 - HenryNichols was hunting for eggs Dot- -

ban, y and found JasonBobertson, wanted for a murder atJalllco, hiding In a haystack.

A constable was called and Robertsonwas turned over to him. Robertsonhad been hiding In the hay for fourdays nnd had been subsisting on eggs,which the hens laid dolly. Robertson,It Is alleged, took part In the killing- - otWlMam Lloyd. ,


Aviator Jones Swept FromHis Course While 2,000

Feet Above Harlem.


Aimed for Governors Islandbut Couldn't Get Below

Ninetieth Stroet.


Onriisliinof (.olden Lights WeroFramed by Silver (Slow of

Rivers and Sea. i'

Bucking n forty. five mile nn hourgale, 2,000 feet above Harlem, trying tohold a course on tho Metropolitan Towerand feeling your machine gently fnlllngoff every flNlng your eyes ontho red Hnd green lights GovernorsIsland nnd finally, after an hour's tight,landing in Flatbush are a few of theIncidents described yesterday bv HarryM. Jones, an aviator, who attempted tofly from Mamaroneck to the militaryreservation late Saturday night.

(Jarring tho fact that ho landed nextdoor to u sanitarium, which caused iv

belated citizen to mistake him for some- -ho(1v wll 1)0innRr, ln thn institution, thnyoung nlrmau was all right. He wouldhave tried to fly from I'lathush thoIsland yesterday if thn wind had notbeen so strong, but he will make thoflight, he says, Just ns soon as Marchshows lamblike qualities.

He is going to fly by way of the tallbuildings nnd the street canyons of Man-hattan too, particularly by way of thoHotel McAlpin, where he will drop afew Invitations for certain gentlemen totake a little fly. The gentlemen have notsaid that they will accept thn Invitation.

Round to Kir Over the 3lr.lpln. 'Young Mr. Jones recently reached

Mamaroneck on his flight from ltnsumto Governors Island. As a matter orfact, ho left Boston on January 7, this time of year Is bad on every-thing except mules, he did not do verywell.

He landtd in Mamaroneck two weeksago yesterday, and with a damagedmachine. He hnd not made any recordon his flight, but he announced that Imwas going to finish It If tlie 30 horse-power Mirgess-Wrig- he owns wouldcarry htm.

While Ills machine has been fixedup young Jones has been stopping a'the McAlpin and recently he announcedthat on his last leg he would fly overthe hotel and by means of a paraehut.drop an Invitation to Manager llloomeiand Gen, Giuseppe Garibaldi to takiu trial flight with him some nice dajHe couldn't fix a time becausa March.

ot ood avlatl(m mntllTll(, i(1(,a as t,)at ,0 .,,, jf

...... .... ... .... ... ....., ,..II- - I 111 tlHI II .11111 1113 rillU Uill limill. .

nnps Mt nf,Ui nov,vrr, that,)e Uo(.s nfll ,. thal ,, ., r,,rolw)mt a ,,,K cU. lo()ks Hkc a mnlKhtI)1(.kpd out in fne yp(m. a(1 whH ,(,It.ctrK.ty and fram0(1 , Ulo .slvcr utwater Interlaced It all runs Into

, br((a(l fram Qf , t.oll .

waH HH ,, ,lai, , nKnti ha(l, r,.r, ,, ,,,, ... in,lk ..... ,.,

He wants to try It

Vffer lenlllnir fill tltiv eslerilnv tnr

hs ,,., Mn (m, a,,outthe trip.

Ik Kl I'llKl.l Niii reiurilllnleil.He Is about 23 years old, slender,

clear eyed and clean sKInncd and howants particularly to have every

h ,..t a doer of,,are(lt,vl iwM IIe ,.,.. ,, lrl.,U(.raus 1t was ,


..Wo , t , f) ,., , , f k

. , .., , J , xJl

aeroplane, but when It

" '' ' I '"submarine aswell us an airship.

"1 didn't have an idea on earth vtcoming down to New Vork on Saturdayevening. The machine was stored upIn a li.iru and my mechanician andI went to a moving picture show, look-lu- g

forward to nothing but a kjhuInight's sleep. But when we camnout about 10:30 o'clock the other ideacame.

"The wind, which had been blowingalong al a good rate all day, hnddied down to about fifteen miles anhour and was from the northwest. Thonight was as clear as a crystal nndone of the finest moons you ever sawwas llghllng up everything like ayoung day. 1 said to my man: s

go down nnd lool: the water."

Suinll lloy Sprites See Mini On.

"We went down there nnd I lookedout over the Sound. I believe youcould see for five miles, F.verythlngwas so en1;, you could see a crescentof lights picked out on the Soundshore for miles,

'The night wn.s not cold, nondjNms were perfect and I could notstand It. 'Oct out tlm iinachintifI said. 'I'm going with you,' sa'idthe mechanician.

"That was the only thing we dis-

cussed. It wns settled."Nobody knows where small hoys

come from late nt night, but by tlmtime we got up to ttie barn where thnmachine was two or three of then, hndsprung up out of the moonlight shadowsand they knew- - as much about tlmmachine as wo did, having studiedaviation for the two weeks we hadbeen at Mamaroneck, They volun-

teered to help ui, and Inside C ft

reputiucs will guesis ui uie uiiiniiici. t, Hot.neChlcnso Int.-ml- s Itself ini.llr,.in

In the way of keeping food ficshu. , (w ,()Wn Jn,eH r,,tuni(,(1 ,


from cookln,;ofyes.en.ay




'"llt to think you are aran










