the sun. (new york, ny) 1914-10-22 [p 9]. · ,1 ll i ll,,,,li.r ll.mnnbv tl hamuel n llmm hinckley...

THURSDAY, OCTOBER MISS HOSTETTER HAS MISS BOARDMAN TO "Offering Extraordinary Opportunities lo AUTUMNAL WEDDING HELP OPEN BAZAAR the Trade and Private Uuyers" i The American Art Association Chapel at Valley Hcnull-fnll- v Hctl Cross Head Will Tie Present .MADISON Stlt'.lltr. SOUTH, M'.W tOIIK Invite Attention liecoraled for Her Mnr-rinu- e at Universal -- Market, to to (Jlcini Stewart. To-nljrl- A Positive Unprotected Public Sale mtl'AKIWST IN OAK DUX MKS. PODOK OIVKS $1,000 Of more ordinary Importance i." i . fl UK M i M ' ,r Vallkt, 1.. . Oct. 21. All In-- i i vent hero y was tho wed- - i noon In the Chapel of iiretn H"tc-tter- only daughter of n.-- ill Wood lturcharri, to (llcnn .i IMisburK As tho chapel has , ,.i ..1 mntini; capacity tho tnarrlaKo witnessed by less than two n d' r. '..itives mill Intimate friends, . t Im.l come fiom New York ,v mi or v morning train. Tho church ,s t....iutifu ly decorated with autumn i . 1. follaRc. mill while the KUests ,i,rc there wan a proKrammo of i) ii. by frauds IU.r.ts, barytone i M. ri,. i.i iint. violin, tt, ami I. N. llclfensteln, .if ilr.iie Church. I or i 1 1 ,. bride tiilir"l the thurrh with her, M, ,,' iilii-r- . Anann llurchar.l, who Kave Nr away Ha- - wore ilmule ttown of' ni, iv, comb ned with tulle ntld . n.l.r.v I. i w'th ww I pc.irK It was em-)- ,, ,o , I with rose point !icr, the llounees ' h. .Mi! 'ii-- l i ni' tltlt r of orange I,,,.. ,. '1 h, loiur train h.uiKlnu; from th,. .! nu' m w in embroidered with seed r, nl nut she wore a clii'tiliir veil of, .... ...... I., It... r, . U,.' l.l.'l' lll"lt lli;l l I' i ', .r.iti, I in oriiimn iiioseuiiis. hit ll. . a m nf allies of the valley with ,in llnv ore bids. - MitiriMit, K.nnc'ly. the mnlil of h .inl the hi Menial. Is, tho Mioses r-.- Carroll. Helm llolTatot. Helen II' .1 .in, VliKlnln MrKee. ttoro cotumes i.n.ilvr of the autumn. The nowns ot i ' tulle were combined with hrnnis v. their hat bclm; of the name shade e' ' ' ami they earrleil largo clusters o , ow rhre..nthcmnms. 1. rv i.f Plttsburn acted as b t ,.ili, r- - hot man. The ushers were CMr'. M Pu t'uv, Henjamln Thaw. Jr., Tl - -- e It Hosteller, brother of tho hr iii'l Chester 1. Hlems. Afur 'In- ceremony tho weririlnK party " r ll.n'liwooil, the country home of H' . i r - parents, where the reception ml . "it breakfast rounwe.i iney, ,v, . r.. tin re bv more than two hun- - , ilr, ,1 n'l, "ln who had come by special train I v v, York iiinl bv nutnmotille from e na eoiintry places. Tim house j wis loititifll'ly decorated with yellow, mums and autumn leaves. Mrs, It, ' ir.l the bride's mother, Who rc- -i ., i ti the brld il p.ntv, wore n Rown n' i I Venetian red velvet, with a collar n' i; i"- - in sible and a mall tmiun to f i. ..,.iiil wore at tho corsaitn a c' f i'l!ow chrysanthemums. T'..' t.reakfmt was served by Sherry nrrl, r a la're ninniuee. which was placed in t!,e trirrien The day. almoit like sum-m- r w m l.r.mtlfiil In every respect, and evii wh lo the l.renkfast was holnir served fVe 'iiif.rer members of the company I eeit' I ",,t refrain from danc'nfr Kor the I h',l il iMftv ii table wni pru-n- In the A , r ro. en. mill before tho bride nnd h' .log'ivim left on their honeymoon trip Hi, , .i.iie w'th the other members of the - ,i ". ' ilancn under tho marquee. ". s Hie KUeHta were Mr. and Mrs. . s W Tew. grandparents of ' 'inde who hnd come from Nice. r-- fo- - the weddlns; Mr and Mrs. r ,. I'.oiin H'.ewart. parents of tho ii Mr and Mrs. Henrv t'hlpps. M " .ednle l'.irsons Mrs. Klbert II. Mi anil Mrs. Sherwood Aldrlch, M Mrs K Iteeve Merrltt. Mr. and d. H. WVrdell linker. Mr nnd Mrs. ,!. Tr,tt'iKinl, Mr and Mrs Itobert C. V !! Mr nnd Mrs. rhnrles M. Du ! and Mrs Herbert Oil 1'uy, Mrs. Ii Mr and Mrs. Wllford Du t a i Mrs. Pllnton (lllbert, Mrs. . I l.eshfr Mrs. William Arm- - ti'ior Mr and Mrs. DeorKe I 'lerl ni r Mr nnd Mrs. II S. A. v . V M Mer frahnn. Or. and M I ' , 7 VTj-- . f mux if W' 1 ' ,i ruin by M4rcek Mrs. Glenn Stcwait. Mr. rri'Mtrm I' Hatterwhlte, .Mr. and M'. t'.ni.,;i Wcldonfeld, Mr. anil Mrs. In ii.iiUaw. Mr. nnd Mrs, William M Si i Mrs. (Ji'diue Holt, JIi'H. Oscar I H ' i:iorj:i' N' Itlehard. Mrs. W. I i ': " !., Mli"cs Itloo, Mrs. V llur- - ii ' in Mi and Mrs Vletne num. riederi" Potts Moore. A. Morris . .v .. .. ... ' ' lames it mim Allco v ir Mr and Mrs. William K. Hr, id Mi-- . Trlmblo. .Mr. nn.l Uilliim Curtis UernoreHt. Mrs. Will. 'i ''u-- t Mrs Wllllnm II. Youiik, Mrs. F.u'f l.Hiidstrfot. Mrs. I.ovel Hall r ,e Mil Joel llathbone. Mrs. Cor-- i 'ii, I'i'iman. Mios Ada Ilryce flray, v" ' e Uiirrin Miss Prlsollla Orlf-- " Mrs Howard Carroll. I.aii. ' 'ri.'.' Mr :i"d Mrs. Ilrymi I.. Ken- - i,l Mr IaiuIh K. Ilyile. Mr. 'I'- - fundi N Hoffstot, Mrs Sutton M..K... Mrs Frederic 1.' .... Mies Claire. Van Lennep ' v ''-- l. I M- - l Mrs Stewart will shortly leavo Miviiia. Cuba, where Mr. Stewart la s.ii'etary of th American l.ega iiuiiii riiii, ,i'rn.ui': lleckinin risli, daujli-- ,ii"l Mrr Cornelius f. fish ' e. N. V, was married to Hern of Mr and Mrs. ()Kden . m lludd or this ,'lty, In Trinity ',11 o'clock yesterday alternonn .. nseiiee , f a sniall comp .ay o, and frl ids. I'tiM cliapel win iid wlili piiiiiM iniluiuu leuves and w iiiiysiiith.'inumM and the bride's ' "nii. r the ltev William Oswir ' ru lector of t ho Church of Ht. ' '"' the j.tss, In Scarsdale, performed r. mnnv. llkS Hit. Hi :.iin i iii lliewnliir, lllshi TnttZti; i late.l to tbn I ul.le.-rooii- i ii I ion iimn Ilu il.l. "ilr. whs hla 'i n hi i iiiiiii, i iii- - iipiirm nr fl ' I and Cluster Dudley ..'..i,s of ilu. br.deirrnom. Will- - , i ,..ii ii. ,..,. i i.. i ., i i.,... it ti.. i.p.ii.. . 1 s 'lo.n.iin Jr llnrvej Claris I'miii luuin..s (Jnllaudct lluhil, younecst 1 iii.. ... ..... i..i.i. - v, in nirtii iiuot. 1" tiuiliatcly after tho ceremony Mr. s and Mrs. lluiltl left for thrtr wedding trip. They will live In llronxvllle, N. V. llreirs UlrLluint. Mihs MurKaret M.tiliick Ulckhaut, UKhler of Mrs, llcnjuniln K. Hickliaut of 110 avenue, Jumaicu, Oueens HorouKh, was married to Juhn lleeder Iteevea of New llrunnwlck, N. J., at 4 ,,'eloclf veslordrtv afternoon in the Kirst I'resbyterlan I'hurch, Jamaica, f which I tho bride's father wao pastor until his i death thrco years aco. The pnactit pas- - tor, th Hev, Andrew MaKlll. perforrned the ceremony. The maid of honor was Mis Dorothy Dlckhaut, slater of the bride. Harvey i.euvta, u uiuiiioi w. Miiih." lit best m'lX. M I,oe Sbfirr. t' kSIS; JAVt Mr"m,d a!?s! ? Jb J Shaw of this place, and Andrew O Io-- e of New York were nnrrled this afternoon at the home of the br'.de' par- -' ents by the Itev. If. I' Crouse. postor of the Htsnhope 1'resbyterlan Church. thu Tho bride was ntlended by her sister. of Miss Mary f. fihsw, as mild or Honor, while Miss Kmmi Chamberlain was flower n rl, lrederlck Morrls. n was best man, rnnrra Simon. PATtnsoN, N J., Oct. 21 -- M!h MathMd.' A .Simon. daiiKhter of Mr mid Mrs Charles A. riimnn of this city, and Au- gustus J Towers, a New York lawjer and piesldent of the 1'owern Company, were married eier- - day In 8t. joepn s iiomnn iaim Church. The ceremony was performed I y the llnv Charles r. c.liiln. nssisteti iiv the ltev. Paul Oulerl and the ltcv. John Hurn.". The bride s only nttennnnt wis or sl'ler. sirs, josepn n pweeney rank T. rowem was ne' man. I.rmknlil Hfllly. Mls MarKiiret (5. Hellly. iluiiKhter of Mrs John C Itellly of ::i! Oarflehl place, Hrivoklyn, u,nd Joseph hmikuhl, Jr., a t'lni'lnnutl Inwycr, were nnrrled yester- - t iUv mornlm? In St. KrnticLi Xuvler's j Church on the Park Slope. The Hev. Kit her Frederick flallailiiT of Norwood, dhlo, ofllclated, Tho bride was nttnnned ly HIT Blhl-r- .,ir. .irnoni n. m m, anil iMuMir,! .1. Trarr of Covlmrton. Kv.. was' le st man. Following the ceremony tnein was a weddlni: breakrast at the liriile's home. Nnlllvnn l.nxnrr. Frederick Jay Hulilvan. an Assistant HlHtrlct Attorney, whs marrieu yeaieniay to Miss Aiirlenne i:ilHe yiiai-- e nt ttie Spanish Chapel, With street and Ilrnad-wa- A number of city and court ofttolnlH were present at the ceremony. Mr. Hulll-va- n and his bride left for u honeymoon trip. Henry Miller's Mill Is Married, (illbert Millet, ton of Henry .Miller, tho iictor-inawiu- nnd Konnral nianuKvr of his father' vurloiu theatncal eutei-- , prises, has been married, llioadw y since last July Ill's l".! r ,rlv,L. Mrs J, W ted the it She has C,"r p,rt year' "vH "'" el"1 In France ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. Mr. and Mrs. Kllot llutler Whiting an- - ,'.,. v..iirri iv ! their boms In live Mrs Katharine Whiting Wlllauer. to Dr'' Hound.. Ilarker Wbltrldge. of I. alt mor;. ,,V V.,t "h.V r I . thl- - iV""""J,1e . ii gl'ile, of t . U ' ' J,' . ""'J' ,! ' Thu engagement bus been ,umioum..j of! , Miss Katherlne li, uiurmi, uaiiKiiier in - Mrs. Marv II. - Clarke of Ktwlnwoori, ... . N. J., ", flrrt Ilu at HmU."'; JrV, 0 ,?,, 'iie hub ue ; i " " '"" Mrs. Oisirge H. ltlchardson of 17 West .. . .. ihn Kngg ;enfof h"e7 "uXr Mi M. ... , . ii. ...., ,!..,. er ne Lawrence iiieiiai.inun, i" ii.o.) '- - i" hum Martin, on of Mr. and Mm. Henry ; " . . .. Alllioimceillitlt has he'll WW ciiKHWcnirnt of Miss Argyll. Irene tliisp. r, il imrliter of Mrs Km:.' nl.' Want to Abmao ci..rk Mather of Chicago. Mii tlasper, "1' h " llv,''l fr iome tlni" In I'.irls, is a of the lain Mwrnuls Cos- - I mL nimhAf iiml n Errandnlecu of lha lAU ' ..v ' -- - , lr, anil Mrs. James uruwoiu. THE SUN, 22, 1914. Lneiist Special than llanlenlirook hfJ.M: Kiandi1auher Watchful waiting. MISS HAMERSLEY WILL She (Jives Dinner for Members of ISriilal Party at Home. Tho wcddlnfr of Miss Cntherlne I.lvlns- - nion iiainerfliey. limy nauKnier oi ir.e iaio ,1 ll I ll,,,,li.r ll.mnnbv tl Hamuel N llmm Hinckley will be tele- - .brnted thU afternoon In (Irace Chnrnh t " ..Vnek. The ceremony w. be fol- - lowed uy ,i rerep:iou ill inc nume oi uie bride. loan Fifth avenue, Miss Ilamtrsley gave k d'nnor last nlKht nt her homo for the memhTs of bridal party. folluwhiK a ihcarsal tho wedilini; at (Irico ChU'ct. The i, . uy tlis .liNies Helby Miss Catherine L. Hamersley. nuests i.u luded Miss Winifred W . Chls- - "111 he the maid of honor, and "lu brld. smalds, the Mls.rr. Doro'hy Kin, frleda I'eareon, Lillian K'ndlcott, Mauds I'liiiiimu Uli,.,lt.nrI AIIpm IZ. il linr n il r Ifnci right and Katharine C. Miller; also Will-- I lam i. l'erry, who will act as best man. " i""':.",', ' S'n'Z"- - WliMwhwii. Ilayn.ond Ove'son. Walter " Ill'"ll,'J' 'i'"-'1"- "''fy The It". Wllllnm S. J.ickso,, to W.-.-I Miss Kvn. Iliirprr. The ltev William S. Jackson, pastor of tho l'rospect Avenue M. K. Church In llrooklyin, sptang a surprise on his con- - ... , , ,.i . ., ireei anil iiiiiu.ih.-hi- ih miiut. .ir, Jackson has been p.istnr of the church f ir eight years, Miss Harper Is n m.m- - i.r of St St phen'M Lutheran Church, a rr,dualu of Krasinus Hall and a member ,.f ihn Delta Sigma Kappa Hororlty of i.l...1.iiuli. Thu U'i'fliltnir wtll ..... taks ... nines ,,,,,.. - - n june, Hubert Windsor. 11 ll!lifl'toii ' on I Vvn .tttfj inrriil nn on the nonunion or the annual rilniu,' of the Kpwor.h League , the ui.lifinl lonm nn Tliniulnv fvpnlmr y by aiv.oun.lnR Idsngemrul to MUs MISS BURKE SIGNS CONTRACT. Actress Will lleiiiiiln tinder I'roh- - mnn Mnnnsrinrnl fur Klvr 'eitrn. Charles Frohman has closed a contract with Miss Illllle Ilurlte by which she will play exculslvely under his munnnenient for the next tlvo years. Miss llurko was married to Kloren Zlesfeld, Jr., a few months nno, nnd It was then thoUKht on llroadwny thnt she would not continue with Mr. Frohman after the present sea- son. In tho new agreement, which Is tho first written one between Mr. Frohninn and Miss llurke, It Is arranne.l that shull play In New York olty In one of Mr. iTohman s theatres each soason until Christina. Mr. Frohman has also ar- ranged that she shall extend her present season until tho middle of July, playing as far West as Han Francisco, where she Is to appear ilurliiK the Panama exposi- tion. The actress will slso play Kotalintl In 'As You Mke It" for a special snririK en- - inurement In New York city, followed by short visits to other cities. Her play for next eeason will be a drama of American authorship, In which she will assume eeven different characters. MAKIE TEMPEST HERE NOV. 2. Will I'lii) I'nrriirll KiiKnttrmrnt at Hie (.'(imeil)' Tlirntrr. .Supported by hnr entire Kimllsh rom- - pnny from thu I'lnyhouso In Umdon. in. rludlw? Oraham Hrowne, Miss Mnrln Tempest will InnusunUe tier, farewell .Ww nrk ennaRoment at tho Comedy Thuatru on November 2 under the mnnHBement of thu Hlillberts. Miss Tempest tins not been In New-Yor- In several years and has Just com pleted a five weaks tour of the principal i iiimninn cuius, une win appear In a repertoire of plays, Including "Mnry flom first." "At the Ham," "Tho Marrlacc of Kitty" and others. Hhe. will open her mason with Henry Arthur Jones's newit comedy, ''.Mary does First," n story of Knullsh provincial life. Mlfs Tempest's supporttnc company will Include Kate Hergnantson, Kenyon Mils-Krav- franklin Dyall, John Alexander, Herbert Hoes, fluy Newnll, Norman I.or-In- Morton Cooper, I.llllan Cavnnash nr. 1 Harbara I'enn. MISS MARBURY INCORPORATES. The Amrrlrnn rin- - Co, Is Cnpltiil-Ise- d at 800,000. Miss Ullsaheth Murbury has Incnrpn. rated the American Play Company, capi- talized at JsOO.OOO, which will take over her SKency for play. The other Incor- porators are. Harold 8. Hunder and Kmll llreltnnfeld. Miss Mnrhury said last night that the American I'lny Company Is iv natural de- velopment of her play agency and n con- solidation of several other large Interests NOTES OF THE SOCIAL WORLD. At the home of Mrs. William It. Orae at (Ireat Neck, U I., on tho evening of October 31 an entertainment will nn given for the benefit of the Helglan sufferers. Miss Joan Sawyer will dance nnd there will bo other attractions. Tickets may ho obtained from Mrs. Joseph 1. flrare, Manhasset, L I, Miss Callender and Miss De forest have left their country place at Ht inllit - ion, i.nnn. i oey win orcupy uieir new apartment at 610 Park avenue Hbout No- vember 16, ' A series of supper dances was Inaugu- rated last night at Sherry's with dancing from 10 to 1. Mr. and Mrs, Clnrenco Wlnthrnp tlnwen have closed their country place, Jinlri Hill, Woodstock, Conn., and havo tak.m nn npartment at the I'lano. Their daughter Miss Hoxana Howen, will be onn of the debutantes of the winter, Mr. and Mrs. faul D, Cravuth, who have been at Locust Valley, L. I., since the curly sprlnc, wMI open thnlr home nt 107 I'Aist Thirty-nint- h strret next week. Mr. and Mrs, W Hcott Cameron and Mrs. August llrliront. Jr., are it the Ciothnm for a brief visit, Mr. anil Mrs. Sherwood Aldrlch will leave (o-d- y for Whit Sulphur HprlnifS, W. Va. Miss Mahel Hoardman. president of tho National lied Cross society, arrived from WashlnRton yesterday to be a mit-s- t at tho lied Cross Ilasaar and Universal Market, which opens at tho Orand Central Palace. The opening feature will be the press- -' Ipb of a button by President Wilson In WashlnRton ut 8 o'clock. This will au- tomatically release the mint at tho P.itaec, which will Immediately coin u fiold medal and the medal will be carried to Washing-to- n by a relay of Hoy Scouts and pro- - eentid to the President. Mrs. John Pur-ro- y Mltrhel, Mrs. James Speyer, Mrs. Nel-so- n 11. Henry, Mrs. Dudley Field Ma- -' lone, Miss Hoblnson Smith and Mrs. T.U-cn- tt Williams will bo In thu receiving line. There was no letup yesterday In the contributions for the wounded soldiers and the destitute families In the Kuropcan war The enntt Ihutlons to the New-Yor- k State Hoard of the American Ited Cross amounted to 1,910.3.1. Jacob H.I Schlff, treasurer, announced that the total of the fund now Is J27fi,S5S 84. The ti Hellef Fund received .".2n2 f3, mak- ing a tntnl of MH7.:n.70. Mra. M. Hart- ley Uodpo save $1,000. It. M. Stuart Wortley, treasurer of the Prince of Wales National Hellef Fund, at 25 Ilroad street, reported additional re- ceipts of (1,177, maklntf a tntnl of 3. Tho French Hellef Fund received 1102, hrlnKltiR the total up to 120,783.81. The total of the American Ambulance Hospital Fund In Pirls Is now Jtl2,S14.43, J. P. Morgan A Co., havlnir received yes- terday additional contributions of Charles lfnlman Illack of Prompt Dlnard, France, sent out a circular yesterday iisklnK for con tributions with which to buy rlK,irctte for Freneh soldiers, This relief will also bv extendeii to hospitals and prison camps. Secretary Frank I. Fackenthal of Co- - lumbla University announced yesterday that Dr llutler hart been misquoted in Tuesday's Hprctntnr to the effect that he i w,ih not In favor of the annual university i show The management of tho asoola-- 1 Hon will k!vo the proceeds to tho Helclan Hellef Fund. A new relief fund for the benefit of llrltlsh soldiers nnd sailors In active service has irrf-- fiuriru unuer mo piitroiitiKe oi me presidents of the St. OeorEc's. St. An drew's and St. David's societies and the I Canadian Society ol New York. The or- - Knnliiatlon Is known as the llrltlsh War Hellef Fund and has Us olllces In room S34 of the Fifth Avenue Ilulldlni;. Mrs. Charles Dana (llhson. Mrs. J. W. Dixon, Mrs. II. Falrtleld Osborne. Mrs. Oliver Iselln and Mrs. Shaw Safe aro nmontr those Interested. Sli Arthur Herbert Is the chairman. Mrs. Itatph Simper tho sec- retary and Henry Wbltchouse tho treas urer. The Pennsylvania Railroad announced yesterday that the road will carry free to New York ail Christmas rifts for Hel-Kl- orphan, nnd refiiKces of the Kuro- pcan war. The American Jewish committee of 3C,r Second avenue has sent out nolle calllnit for n meetinu t Temple Kmanu-K- l, Fifth avenue and Forty-thir- d street, on Sunday. October 2B, r.t 3 o'clock to consider the orRiintsatlon of a committee nnd the formulation of plans to accomp'lsh the larcest mrasuic of relief for the war sufferers. APPEAL FOR RED CROSS. .Mnio A iiiertrniis Mkii Letter AaUInu Support for Munich HnnpKnl. nnd , and Oct 21 The received y of a letter In (ler- - the Hotel Seventh nvcmio nnd npp- - for for the street, ill the of 01. H of Aim-Hcm- i Crss tt brother f r. II. Artnur. In Munich American Keon In chief In tho Bine, there , npe-ate- d tl..' !' . lI v,lH ,,,,)r"( 1,1 V iVVim. 1 direction of the U'd Cm, nl ' uarl' .' st udl.-- I il fc ln the ll,'.rl.m mllltarv . lie u ti, ...i i. -- I . u.. a and O'irfney, I'nlti'd K'atis at Munich and mnnv nirrlrans j OBITUARY. .It me. .Ill llrt l'skliif sinnrl. Mme Janet Ktsklne ."tuari mother su- perior of the Society of the Sicred Heait, died vrsl rdav niornlnir fo'.lnwlm: an oper- ation In Hoehainptnn. i:nlnd. Her Ill- ness fallowed her escnpe the mother house at llrusscls. she was vlsltlm I lmforc tho (icrmin xoldleis took possen-plo- n sin- wis the dniiFMt" of a clergy- man of thn Church nf Kncland and wni converted to Catholicism thirty-fou- r years npo. She was well known by the sisters of the S.icred Heart Convent. Mnnhatt.m-v'.ll- i w'lere she visited for six last June, t'reilt'rlci .', Wo it ii er. I'redei Ic c Wnpner, widely known real rstati' ili nlc-- . dli I Tucsd i.v ' t bis h 131 llnst forty-fourt- h street. He was born In lni In old street, now Knst Houston street, and dosceniled froi-- i John Archer, the first lord nf the minor of Fordhani, 1H3S. In ll;t he was by President Cnptnln and provost marshal of the Coneres-slona- l district nf this rltv from lir.n to 1S1I2 he n Deputy Tax Cnmmlslnner Hecentlv he had been In the real estate business at 12 l'rondwav Mr Warner whs a lie a member of th Chamber of Commerce. St NIcIioImh Hn- - I,, nnny rlmrltle.; "v (ten, i. II. Cml vfnliiiler. den. lleorgo II. Ca.lwaladcr, M cenra old, f irm.-rl- Ilurgess of y, I,i., died at his homo In Siinbury yesterday nf general debility. In the rlvll war he en- listed as a private In the Klghth rennsyl-vanl- a Volunteer Infantry and wns ad- vanced from the ranks until hn becime a Colonel. Detailed to the Quartermaster's Department. b was In rharge of supplies nnd Ammunition when fl. n Sherman ma.lo his "march to the sea " for bis meritorious service he won the brevet rank of Ilrlpndler-Clenera- l Two daugh- ters survive him. Kc rill nil ml 111 m I lin I. ferdlnand Il'.unieiiibal, i mer- chant at ID Spruce street and a noted art collector, with a resldemo in the Hols le lloulogne, Tnrls, died Tuesd ly at sea on his way to New York. The body was lauded at and will be sent to Paris, lie leaves a wife and two sons. Mr. lllumerithar.s family entered tho Icither blislpens In li'Ttimny In 171.1 He had lit : from bus ticss, of his Interest In f rem'h art he was in ubi a ulu valler of the Legion of Honor. Alexander llorel.o. Alexuiider whi. died yeiterday at Ills home at Port Washington, L. I., at the age of na, had been for more than years the tepresentatlvo in this of J. frerea of Paris, a lextllo bouse, for ever thirty years Mr. had been a Hlble class teacher of tho I'nlverslty Plare Presbj trrlan Church In New York. He win horn In (llnsgow. The funeral will In. held at the church nt 9 45 o'clock. Itnlirrt .Arthur, Robert Arthur. Maine senconst painter i and friend of Robert Louis Stevenson, died Tuesday night In his apartment at I of Manufactures and Artistic Productions from England. France and Germany The Importation of which has now practically ceased, Consisting of The Very Extensive Collection OF IMPORTED HIGH GRADE Tall, Mantel, Travelling nnd other Clocks in great variety, Bronzes and Marbles, English and French Table China, Tiffany Favrile and Foreign Cut Glass, Electric Table Lamps, Leather Goods, Expensive Canes and Umbrellas, Fans, Lcmairc Opera Glasses, Parisian Novelties nnd miscellaneous objects. Especially selected and imported for their Retail trade. By the Widely Known House of James E. Caldwell & Company Philadelphia AND WHICH IS TO BE SOLD Because of having been more or less damaged by smoke water (In the oj the Jamaie hint itl(h() During the Summer these objects have all been renovated by persons of experience, the majority of them are practically in their original good condition. THE ENTIRE COLLECTION comprising more than Two Thousand Catalogue numbers, Will Be Sold at Unrestricted Public Sale BY DIRECTION OF THE Underwriters Salvage Company of New York J. F. APP1.ET0N, AND GENERAL MANAGER. W. F. T1LT0N, MANAGER. NEW YORK DEPARTMENT. For Account of the Insurance Companies Interested. On the Afternoons of Thursday, Oct. 29th, and Eight following days (Sunday excepted), at 2:30 o'clock At the American Art Galleries MMtlMI. .SUIAIII. Mil 111, ,Si: Where the Objects Will Be on Free View FROM MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, UNTIL THE DATE Ol- - SALE, INCLUSIVE V1 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE WILL BE MAILED TO APPLICANTS ON RECEIPT OF FIFTY CENTS. WAnrtNOToN, Kniliassy cciplo circular l.elntr distributed WolllnBton, many illnc- funds support Kifty-tlfl- li the ltul hospital ww by th.. IMill.pplnes colonv undrr Oernun ?'"cnt,l0 nuthnrltle. Washington. Antwerp 1'arls. was "lumber where weeks North Lincoln was wldowei was Sunbiii Icither Almerla Ilecaus.. Harcliiy, forty country Claude Ilircliy majority Irutcncn 1IIIIK llir le will lie rnniluiteil nnd lilt ullnt, THE AMERICAN ART 2. 4 nnd n I'.. 2.1d Street, of tlio Contury Association nnd man IIHILT -- .1.... P'-ti- l u....lnl . nml ... cilt .irifiiiilr'itiotin. He leaves a wn. Julius lliiliertsoii. Julius llnlHTtnon. pnil.inthroplst nnd manufacturer ot coloud feathers, tiled yesterday t heart dUeaso at his home, tr.l) West Knd avinue. n was fi5 ears old nnd was a native of lierniany. With nl fitior. I. I'. ii'ierison, no c- - NOMAS llernrt, suddenly Wl.hl mmili. and leather tlrm nJJ !.wfmiiidViii'd J., f'9 ''l"0 Son. 1SC3. Mr' was .Hector the funeral services will held the M..r.t, llnr.. the .1.1- - ?,M.i"B- - fourth ttreet, frd Sanitarium for ConsumptUes anil member the smimirai Sisdety, tho Museum Art and many other societies, and clubs. Ho leaves d.iug'Uer. Claire, nd two s.itu. Wllllnm llimlicrt. William Haubert iii Hushwlrlt avenue llrnoklvn. who had en active Itepubllcm politics that city for great mnnv years, died suddenly his home this morning heart dlsensd. Ho was ears age Mr. Haubert wart long tho lender the Nineteenth Assembly district, nn.l mnv nnlltlral olllces. He liad been con nected with the Comptroller's olllcn and warden the Hayinond street Jail, and for tho past six years was clerk the marriage bureau Hnrougli Hall. The survivors are h's widow and son. .Viitlu.ii W. L'untllrt. Nathan W Cnndlct bead the gineerlniT llrm Nlecln Condlct. Inc.. Jersey City, died Tues.lav night Itonse- -' M'lt Hospital after lllncn weeks w.ui trraiidsnn Dr Lewis Condlct,1 one thu founders I'rlnreton Unl- - READY SATURDAY THE GREAT WAR With Now MapO By FKANK Ii. SIMONDS Who Writes the Kdltorluls In The Evening Sun Tho FIRST hook tell just what has happened since tho war began and ends with the Fall of Antwerp. Order from your bookseller. $1.25 net. Mitchell Kennerley, Publisher Mr. CHOATE advises Every American to Read GERMANY AND ENGLAND By A. CRAMB. Introduction by tho Hon. JOSEPH H. CHOATE 1.IKI net at all bonkiitorei E.P.DUTT0N&C0.!K lir .1111. I I Air. Oltii or of ot nt l.' : in N. on be ut ..f t i er to of at tn of i.c of a J. .1 of u. In In a at of S2 of of j hi Id of of In a of en-- 1 of A -- t nil of tw il, a of of of to It J. U 11(111 ASSOCIATION, Mgrs. ldlon Sij. SiimIIt Vork. verslty, and was bom in Morrlstown, ... J., in lh31. inn widow, a daughter ami son survive him. 1'i'iiln T. Ilnttnn. MomiisTows, N. j., Oct 21 An hour after he hnd reRlsteied for tho election, by nllldavlt, U-wi- T. Huttoii. 72 year I'.d, was stricken with heart disease and died an hour later. Hu was a son or Andrew Huttoi ami was iMirn In Now rk. for many years bo was nn olllclal of thu New vrk c:.,cum UKht Com. I'rnnU Cnniiiliell. frank Camnbell bmih.r nt mi.. Irwin, the comedienne, died mornlns. Mrs. Knlr 51, It.dmonri. Mrs. Katn M. Itedmond, wlfo of James W. iteilinond. counsel of the Tax Ap- praisers Of k'lm-- a . .11.. I 1-- night In St Mary's Hospital, llrooklyn. '"'""' '"K "ii iTanon. uer husDand and four children survive. 3IAJJfLED. I'YKr; 'liANPOS' On TuM-lay- , Ortobsr 19, I9H, at St. llarthnlomow's Church, by lh IllKht Itev. David 11 Qnar nd th ltev. Dr l.elKhton Parks, Amtt Orls-ol- d, dii.iKhur of Mr sn.1 Mrs. Htnrr II. I.andon, to Moiei Taylor Pyns. Jr. AMKND. On Tuesday, October J, ths Hon. Kdwarrt II. Amend, bfloved husbund of Catharine J Amend, net Itldder, In hit year funeral Krl.luy. J, from his 1st rMner. il wt Kvnty-fourt- h strt. nt 10 A M. thencs tn Church of th Illrsstiil Sacrament, Ilrnadway jit Keventy-ltrs- t street Itequlem mass 10 10 A M Interment Calvary Cem-ter- y Kindly omit flowtrs AIlTIIUIt. In tlila cliy. on Tuesday, 10, lu, Ilobtrt Arthur. funeral erlrea on Krlday, Octobtr tt, at 10 A. il In flraee Itrformed Church, fevenlh avunue and fifty-fourt- h trie4. Kindly omit flowr HAIICUW At Port Washlnrton, K I.. Wedneaday. October 11. 1311, Aleiandsr llarnlay, born In (liaiiow, Hcotlaad, ase e& year funeral service at University Place Pres- byterian Church, corner of Tenth etreet, New York city, Krlday mornlnr, flit o'clock. Interment at Kenelao Cemetery. CAItl.n roN - Dr. Ilukk CI., on Tuesday, 20, at hli rcildence, 7t Wtat fif- tieth street. Funeral services will be held at th Church of the Divine Paternity, Keventy. sixth street and Central Park West, on Thurs. day, I). tober 22, at 2 o'clock. HYI.ANPmt - Anders (1.. asrd 43. Hervlces "TI115 fl'NIIItAI. CHURCH," 141 West Twenty-thir- street (frank B, Campbell 1 lu Id In K ), Thursday, 2 o'cloola. Automobile rurieKe. 8ANKEY Hu.ldenly, on October 20, 1911. Ira II. Hunksy (aocond), beloved son of I. Allen and Frances Wann Hankey, funeral servlosi will be held a- Ht. Bar- tholomew' a Chapel, Madison avenue and forty-fourt- h atrest, on Thursday, 21, at 2:30 P, M, Interment at ! (Irernwoo.l, rMii:in'itKiis, i Frank E.Campbell, Funeral tvtttr 'aciut WUftUOU UV OR AI HUiUTi FUNERAL CHUIOE

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1914-10-22 [p 9]. · ,1 ll I ll,,,,li.r ll.mnnbv tl Hamuel N llmm Hinckley will be tele--.brnted" thU afternoon In (Irace Chnrnh t..Vnek. The ceremony w. be


MISS HOSTETTER HAS MISS BOARDMAN TO"Offering Extraordinary Opportunities lo


i The American Art AssociationChapel at Valley Hcnull-fnll- v Hctl Cross Head Will Tie Present .MADISON Stlt'.lltr. SOUTH, M'.W tOIIK

Invite Attentionliecoraled for Her Mnr-rinu- e at Universal --Market, to

to (Jlcini Stewart. To-nljrl- A Positive Unprotected Public Salemtl'AKIWST IN OAK DUX MKS. PODOK OIVKS $1,000 Of more ordinary Importance

i."i .

fl UK

M i

M '

,r Vallkt, 1.. . Oct. 21. All In-- ii vent hero y was tho wed- -

i noon In the Chapel ofiiretn H"tc-tter- only daughter of

n.-- ill Wood lturcharri, to (llcnn.i IMisburK As tho chapel has

, ,.i ..1 mntini; capacity tho witnessed by less than two

n d' r. '..itives mill Intimate friends,. t Im.l come fiom New York

,v mi or v morning train. Tho church,s t....iutifu ly decorated with autumn

i . 1. follaRc. mill while the KUests,i,rc there wan a proKrammoof i) ii. by frauds IU.r.ts, barytone i M.

ri,. i.i iint. violin, tt, ami I. N. llclfensteln,.if ilr.iie Church. I

or i 1

1 ,. bride tiilir"l the thurrh with her,M, ,,' iilii-r- . Anann llurchar.l, who KaveNr away Ha- - wore ilmule ttown of'ni, iv, comb ned with tulle ntld. n.l.r.v I. i w'th ww I pc.irK It was em-)- ,,

,o , I with rose point !icr, the llounees '

h. .Mi! 'ii-- l i ni' tltlt r of orangeI,,,.. ,. '1 h, loiur train h.uiKlnu; fromth,. .! nu' m w in embroidered with seedr, nl nut she wore a clii'tiliir veil of,.... ...... I., It...r, . U,.' l.l.'l' lll"lt lli;l l

I' i ', .r.iti, I in oriiimn iiioseuiiis. hitll. . a m nf allies of the valley with

,in llnv ore bids.- MitiriMit, K.nnc'ly. the mnlil of

h .inl the hi Menial. Is, tho Miosesr-.- Carroll. Helm llolTatot. HelenII' .1 .in, VliKlnln MrKee. ttoro cotumesi.n.ilvr of the autumn. The nowns oti ' tulle were combined with hrnnisv. their hat bclm; of the name shadee' ' ' ami they earrleil largo clusterso , ow rhre..nthcmnms.

1. rv i.f Plttsburn acted asb t ,.ili, r- - hot man. The ushers wereCMr'. M Pu t'uv, Henjamln Thaw. Jr.,Tl - -- e It Hosteller, brother of thohr iii'l Chester 1. Hlems.

Afur 'In- ceremony tho weririlnK party" r ll.n'liwooil, the country home of

H' . i r - parents, where the receptionml . "it breakfast rounwe.i iney,

,v, . r.. tin re bv more than two hun- - ,

ilr, ,1 n'l, "ln who had come by special train I

v v, York iiinl bv nutnmotille frome na eoiintry places. Tim house j

wis loititifll'ly decorated with yellow,mums and autumn leaves. Mrs,

It, ' ir.l the bride's mother, Who rc- -i

., i ti the brld il p.ntv, wore n Rownn' i I Venetian red velvet, with a collarn' i; i"- - in sible and a mall tmiun tof i. ..,.iiil wore at tho corsaitn ac' f i'l!ow chrysanthemums.

T'..' t.reakfmt was served by Sherrynrrl, r a la're ninniuee. which was placedin t!,e trirrien The day. almoit like sum-m- r

w m l.r.mtlfiil In every respect, andevii wh lo the l.renkfast was holnir servedfVe 'iiif.rer members of the company I

eeit' I ",,t refrain from danc'nfr Kor the I

h',l il iMftv ii table wni pru-n- In theA , r ro. en. mill before tho bride nndh' .log'ivim left on their honeymoon tripHi, , .i.iie w'th the other members of the

- ,i ". ' ilancn under tho marquee.". s Hie KUeHta were Mr. and Mrs.

. s W Tew. grandparentsof ' 'inde who hnd come from Nice.r-- fo- - the weddlns; Mr and Mrs.r ,. I'.oiin H'.ewart. parents of tho

ii Mr and Mrs. Henrv t'hlpps.M " .ednle l'.irsons Mrs. Klbert II.

Mi anil Mrs. Sherwood Aldrlch,M Mrs K Iteeve Merrltt. Mr. and d.

H. WVrdell linker. Mr nnd Mrs. ,!.Tr,tt'iKinl, Mr and Mrs Itobert C.

V !! Mr nnd Mrs. rhnrles M. Du! and Mrs Herbert Oil 1'uy, Mrs.

Ii Mr and Mrs. Wllford Dut a i Mrs. Pllnton (lllbert, Mrs.

. I l.eshfr Mrs. William Arm- -ti'ior Mr and Mrs. DeorKe

I 'lerl ni r Mr nnd Mrs. II S. A.v . V M Mer frahnn. Or. and





VTj-- .f mux

if W'1 ' ,i ruin by M4rcek

Mrs. Glenn Stcwait.Mr. rri'Mtrm I' Hatterwhlte, .Mr. andM'. t'.ni.,;i Wcldonfeld, Mr. anil Mrs.In ii.iiUaw. Mr. nnd Mrs, WilliamM Si i Mrs. (Ji'diue Holt, JIi'H. Oscar IH ' i:iorj:i' N' Itlehard. Mrs. W.I i ': " !., Mli"cs Itloo, Mrs. V llur- -

ii ' in Mi and Mrs Vletne num.riederi" Potts Moore. A. Morris. .v .. .. ...

' ' lames it mim Allcov ir Mr and Mrs. William K.Hr, id Mi-- . Trlmblo. .Mr. nn.l

Uilliim Curtis UernoreHt. Mrs. Will.'i ''u-- t Mrs Wllllnm II. Youiik, Mrs.

F.u'f l.Hiidstrfot. Mrs. I.ovel Hallr ,e Mil Joel llathbone. Mrs. Cor-- i'ii, I'i'iman. Mios Ada Ilryce flray,v" ' e Uiirrin Miss Prlsollla Orlf-- "

Mrs Howard Carroll. I.aii.' 'ri.'.' Mr :i"d Mrs. Ilrymi I.. Ken- -i,l Mr IaiuIh K. Ilyile. Mr.

'I'- - fundi N Hoffstot, Mrs SuttonM..K... Mrs Frederic

1.' .... Mies Claire. Van Lennep' v ''-- l. I

M- - l Mrs Stewart will shortly leavoMiviiia. Cuba, where Mr. Stewart la

s.ii'etary of th American l.ega

iiuiiii riiii,,i'rn.ui': lleckinin risli, daujli--

,ii"l Mrr Cornelius f. fish' e. N. V, was married to Hern

of Mr and Mrs. ()Kden. m lludd or this ,'lty, In Trinity',11 o'clock yesterday alternonn.. nseiiee , f a sniall comp .ay o,

and frl ids. I'tiM cliapel winiid wlili piiiiiM iniluiuu leuves and

w iiiiysiiith.'inumM and the bride's' "nii. r the ltev William Oswir' ru lector of t ho Church of Ht. '

'"' the j.tss, In Scarsdale, performedr. mnnv. llkS Hit.

Hi :.iin i iii lliewnliir, lllshiTnttZti;i late.l to tbn I ul.le.-rooii- i

ii I ion iimn Ilu il.l. "ilr. whs hla'i n hi i iiiiiii, i iii- - iipiirm nr fl

' I and Cluster Dudley..'..i,s of ilu. br.deirrnom. Will- -

, i ,..ii ii. ,..,. i i..i ., i i.,... it ti.. i.p.ii.. .

1 s 'lo.n.iin Jr llnrvej Claris I'miiiluuin..s (Jnllaudct lluhil, younecst

1 iii.. ... ..... i..i.i.- v, in nirtii iiuot.1" tiuiliatcly after tho ceremony Mr.


and Mrs. lluiltl left for thrtr wedding trip.They will live In llronxvllle, N. V.

llreirs UlrLluint.Mihs MurKaret M.tiliick Ulckhaut,UKhler of Mrs, llcnjuniln K. Hickliaut of

110 avenue, Jumaicu, OueensHorouKh, was married to Juhn lleederIteevea of New llrunnwlck, N. J., at 4,,'eloclf veslordrtv afternoon in the KirstI'resbyterlan I'hurch, Jamaica, f which I

tho bride's father wao pastor until his i

death thrco years aco. The pnactit pas- -

tor, th Hev, Andrew MaKlll. perforrnedthe ceremony.

The maid of honor was Mis DorothyDlckhaut, slater of the bride. Harveyi.euvta, u uiuiiioi w. Miiih."lit best m'lX. M

I,oe Sbfirr.t'kSIS; JAVt Mr"m,d a!?s! ?

Jb J Shaw of this place, and AndrewO Io-- e of New York were nnrrled thisafternoon at the home of the br'.de' par- -'

ents by the Itev. If. I' Crouse. postorof the Htsnhope 1'resbyterlan Church. thuTho bride was ntlended by her sister. ofMiss Mary f. fihsw, as mild or Honor,while Miss Kmmi Chamberlain was flowern rl, lrederlck Morrls. n was best man,

rnnrra Simon.PATtnsoN, N J., Oct. 21 -- M!h MathMd.'

A .Simon. daiiKhter of Mr mid MrsCharles A. riimnn of this city, and Au-gustus J Towers, a New York lawjerand piesldent of the 1'owern

Company, were married eier--day In 8t. joepn s iiomnn iaimChurch. The ceremony was performed I y

the llnv Charles r. c.liiln. nssisteti iivthe ltev. Paul Oulerl and the ltcv. John

Hurn.". The bride s only nttennnnt wisor sl'ler. sirs, josepn n pweeneyrank T. rowem was ne' man.

I.rmknlil Hfllly.Mls MarKiiret (5. Hellly. iluiiKhter of

Mrs John C Itellly of ::i! Oarflehl place,Hrivoklyn, u,nd Joseph hmikuhl, Jr., at'lni'lnnutl Inwycr, were nnrrled yester- - tiUv mornlm? In St. KrnticLi Xuvler's j

Church on the Park Slope. The Hev.Kit her Frederick flallailiiT of Norwood,dhlo, ofllclated, Tho bride was nttnnnedly HIT Blhl-r- .,ir. .irnoni n. m m, aniliMuMir,! .1. Trarr of Covlmrton. Kv.. was'le st man. Following the ceremony tneinwas a weddlni: breakrast at the liriile'shome.

Nnlllvnn l.nxnrr.Frederick Jay Hulilvan. an Assistant

HlHtrlct Attorney, whs marrieu yeaieniayto Miss Aiirlenne i:ilHe yiiai-- e nt ttieSpanish Chapel, With street and Ilrnad-wa-

A number of city and court ofttolnlHwere present at the ceremony. Mr. Hulll-va- n

and his bride left for u honeymoontrip.

Henry Miller's Mill Is Married,(illbert Millet, ton of Henry .Miller,

tho iictor-inawiu- nnd Konnral nianuKvrof his father' vurloiu theatncal eutei-- ,prises, has been married, llioadw y

since last July Ill'sl".!

r ,rlv,L. Mrs J, Wted the it She hasC,"r p,rt year'"vH "'" el"1 In France


Mr. and Mrs. Kllot llutler Whiting an- -,'.,. v..iirri iv ! their boms In live

Mrs Katharine Whiting Wlllauer. to Dr''Hound.. Ilarker Wbltrldge. of I. alt mor;.

,,V V.,t "h.V r I . thl- -iV""""J,1e . ii gl'ile, of t . U' 'J,' . ""'J' ,!

'Thu engagement bus been,umioum..j of!,

Miss Katherlne li, uiurmi, uaiiKiiier in-Mrs. Marv II.- Clarke of Ktwlnwoori,... . N. J.,", flrrt Ilu at HmU."'; JrV, 0 ,?,,

'iie hub ue ; i " " '""Mrs. Oisirge H. ltlchardson of 17 West.. . .. ihn

Kngg ;enfof h"e7 "uXr Mi M.... , . ii. ...., ,!..,.er ne Lawrence iiieiiai.inun, i" ii.o.) '- - i"hum Martin, on of Mr. and Mm. Henry ;

" . . ..Alllioimceillitlt has he'll WW

ciiKHWcnirnt of Miss Argyll. Irene tliisp. r,

il imrliter of Mrs Km:.' nl.' Want to Abmaoci..rk Mather of Chicago. Mii tlasper,"1' h " llv,''l fr iome tlni" In I'.irls, is a

of the lain Mwrnuls Cos- - I

mL nimhAf iiml n Errandnlecu of lha lAU '..v ' -- - ,

lr, anil Mrs. James uruwoiu.

THE SUN, 22, 1914.






Watchful waiting.


She (Jives Dinner for Members

of ISriilal Party atHome.

Tho wcddlnfr of Miss Cntherlne I.lvlns- -

nion iiainerfliey. limy nauKnier oi ir.e iaio,1 ll I ll,,,,li.r ll.mnnbv tl

Hamuel N llmm Hinckley will be tele- -

.brnted thU afternoon In (Irace Chnrnh t

" ..Vnek. The ceremony w. be fol- -

lowed uy ,i rerep:iou ill inc nume oi uiebride. loan Fifth avenue,

Miss Ilamtrsley gave k d'nnor lastnlKht nt her homo for the memhTs of

bridal party. folluwhiK a ihcarsaltho wedilini; at (Irico ChU'ct. The

i, . uy tlis .liNies Helby

Miss Catherine L. Hamersley.nuests i.u luded Miss Winifred W . Chls- -

"111 he the maid of honor, and"lu brld. smalds, the Mls.rr. Doro'hy Kin,frleda I'eareon, Lillian K'ndlcott, MaudsI'liiiiimu Uli,.,lt.nrI AIIpm I Z . il linr n il r Ifnciright and Katharine C. Miller; also Will-- Ilam i. l'erry, who will act as best man.

" i""':.",', ' S'n'Z"- -

WliMwhwii. Ilayn.ond Ove'son. Walter" Ill'"ll,'J' 'i'"-'1"- "''fy

The It". Wllllnm S. J.ickso,, to W.-.-I

Miss Kvn. Iliirprr.The ltev William S. Jackson, pastor

of tho l'rospect Avenue M. K. Church Inllrooklyin, sptang a surprise on his con- -

... , , ,.i . .,ireei anil iiiiiu.ih.-hi- ih miiut. .ir,Jackson has been p.istnr of the churchf ir eight years, Miss Harper Is n m.m- -

i.r of St St phen'M Lutheran Church, arr,dualu of Krasinus Hall and a member,.f ihn Delta Sigma Kappa Hororlty ofi.l...1.iiuli. Thu U'i'fliltnir wtll..... taks ...nines,,,,,.. - -

n june,

Hubert Windsor.

11 ll!lifl'toii' on IVvn .tttfj

inrriil nn on the nonunion or the annualrilniu,' of the Kpwor.h League , ui.lifinl lonm nn Tliniulnv fvpnlmryby aiv.oun.lnR Idsngemrul to MUs


Actress Will lleiiiiiln tinder I'roh- -mnn Mnnnsrinrnl fur Klvr 'eitrn.Charles Frohman has closed a contract

with Miss Illllle Ilurlte by which she willplay exculslvely under his munnnenientfor the next tlvo years. Miss llurko wasmarried to Kloren Zlesfeld, Jr., a fewmonths nno, nnd It was then thoUKht onllroadwny thnt she would not continuewith Mr. Frohman after the present sea-son.

In tho new agreement, which Is thofirst written one between Mr. Frohninnand Miss llurke, It Is arranne.l thatshull play In New York olty In one ofMr. iTohman s theatres each soason untilChristina. Mr. Frohman has also ar-ranged that she shall extend her presentseason until tho middle of July, playingas far West as Han Francisco, where sheIs to appear ilurliiK the Panama exposi-tion.

The actress will slso play Kotalintl In'As You Mke It" for a special snririK en- -

inurement In New York city, followed byshort visits to other cities. Her play fornext eeason will be a drama of Americanauthorship, In which she will assumeeeven different characters.


Will I'lii) I'nrriirll KiiKnttrmrnt atHie (.'(imeil)' Tlirntrr.

.Supported by hnr entire Kimllsh rom- -pnny from thu I'lnyhouso In Umdon. in.rludlw? Oraham Hrowne, Miss MnrlnTempest will InnusunUe tier, farewell .Ww

nrk ennaRoment at tho Comedy Thuatruon November 2 under the mnnHBementof thu Hlillberts.

Miss Tempest tins not been In New-Yor-

In several years and has Just completed a five weaks tour of the principali iiimninn cuius, une win appear In arepertoire of plays, Including "Mnry flomfirst." "At the Ham," "Tho Marrlacc ofKitty" and others. Hhe. will open hermason with Henry Arthur Jones's newitcomedy, ''.Mary does First," n story ofKnullsh provincial life.

Mlfs Tempest's supporttnc company willInclude Kate Hergnantson, Kenyon Mils-Krav-

franklin Dyall, John Alexander,Herbert Hoes, fluy Newnll, Norman I.or-In-

Morton Cooper, I.llllan Cavnnash nr. 1

Harbara I'enn.


The Amrrlrnn rin- - Co, Is Cnpltiil-Ise- d

at 800,000.Miss Ullsaheth Murbury has Incnrpn.

rated the American Play Company, capi-talized at JsOO.OOO, which will take overher SKency for play. The other Incor-porators are. Harold 8. Hunder and Kmllllreltnnfeld.

Miss Mnrhury said last night that theAmerican I'lny Company Is iv natural de-velopment of her play agency and n con-solidation of several other large Interests


At the home of Mrs. William It. Oraeat (Ireat Neck, U I., on tho evening ofOctober 31 an entertainment will nn givenfor the benefit of the Helglan sufferers.Miss Joan Sawyer will dance nnd therewill bo other attractions. Tickets mayho obtained from Mrs. Joseph 1. flrare,Manhasset, L I,

Miss Callender and Miss De foresthave left their country place at Ht inllit -

ion, i.nnn. i oey win orcupy uieir newapartment at 610 Park avenue Hbout No-

vember 16, 'A series of supper dances was Inaugu-

rated last night at Sherry's with dancingfrom 10 to 1.

Mr. and Mrs, Clnrenco Wlnthrnp tlnwenhave closed their country place, Jinlri Hill,Woodstock, Conn., and havo tak.m nnnpartment at the I'lano. Their daughterMiss Hoxana Howen, will be onn of thedebutantes of the winter,

Mr. and Mrs. faul D, Cravuth, whohave been at Locust Valley, L. I., sincethe curly sprlnc, wMI open thnlr home nt107 I'Aist Thirty-nint- h strret next week.

Mr. and Mrs, W Hcott Cameron andMrs. August llrliront. Jr., are it theCiothnm for a brief visit,

Mr. anil Mrs. Sherwood Aldrlch willleave (o-d- y for Whit Sulphur HprlnifS,W. Va.

Miss Mahel Hoardman. president oftho National lied Cross society, arrivedfrom WashlnRton yesterday to be a mit-s- t

at tho lied Cross Ilasaar and UniversalMarket, which opens at thoOrand Central Palace.

The opening feature will be the press- -'

Ipb of a button by President Wilson InWashlnRton ut 8 o'clock. This will au-tomatically release the mint at tho P.itaec,which will Immediately coin u fiold medaland the medal will be carried to Washing-to- n

by a relay of Hoy Scouts and pro- -eentid to the President. Mrs. John Pur-ro- y

Mltrhel, Mrs. James Speyer, Mrs. Nel-so- n

11. Henry, Mrs. Dudley Field Ma- -'

lone, Miss Hoblnson Smith and Mrs. T.U-cn- tt

Williams will bo In thu receivingline.

There was no letup yesterday In thecontributions for the wounded soldiersand the destitute families In the Kuropcanwar The enntt Ihutlons to the New-Yor- k

State Hoard of the American ItedCross amounted to 1,910.3.1. Jacob H.ISchlff, treasurer, announced that the totalof the fund now Is J27fi,S5S 84. The ti

Hellef Fund received .".2n2 f3, mak-ing a tntnl of MH7.:n.70. Mra. M. Hart-ley Uodpo save $1,000.

It. M. Stuart Wortley, treasurer of thePrince of Wales National Hellef Fund, at25 Ilroad street, reported additional re-

ceipts of (1,177, maklntf a tntnl of 3.

Tho French Hellef Fund received1102, hrlnKltiR the total up to 120,783.81.The total of the American AmbulanceHospital Fund In Pirls Is now Jtl2,S14.43,J. P. Morgan A Co., havlnir received yes-terday additional contributions of

Charles lfnlman Illack of PromptDlnard, France, sent

out a circular yesterday iisklnK for contributions with which to buy rlK,ircttefor Freneh soldiers, This relief will alsobv extendeii to hospitals and prison camps.

Secretary Frank I. Fackenthal of Co- -lumbla University announced yesterdaythat Dr llutler hart been misquoted inTuesday's Hprctntnr to the effect that he

i w,ih not In favor of the annual universityi show The management of tho asoola-- 1

Hon will k!vo the proceeds to tho HelclanHellef Fund.

A new relief fund for the benefit of llrltlshsoldiers nnd sailors In active service hasirrf-- fiuriru unuer mo piitroiitiKe oi mepresidents of the St. OeorEc's. St. Andrew's and St. David's societies and the I

Canadian Society ol New York. The or- -Knnliiatlon Is known as the llrltlsh WarHellef Fund and has Us olllces In roomS34 of the Fifth Avenue Ilulldlni;. Mrs.Charles Dana (llhson. Mrs. J. W. Dixon,Mrs. II. Falrtleld Osborne. Mrs. OliverIselln and Mrs. Shaw Safe aro nmontrthose Interested. Sli Arthur Herbert Isthe chairman. Mrs. Itatph Simper tho sec-retary and Henry Wbltchouse tho treasurer.

The Pennsylvania Railroad announcedyesterday that the road will carry freeto New York ail Christmas rifts for Hel-Kl-

orphan, nnd refiiKces of the Kuro-pcan war.

The American Jewish committee of3C,r Second avenue has sent out nollecalllnit for n meetinu t Temple Kmanu-K- l,

Fifth avenue and Forty-thir- d street,on Sunday. October 2B, r.t 3 o'clock toconsider the orRiintsatlon of a Kener.ilcommittee nnd the formulation of plansto accomp'lsh the larcest mrasuic ofrelief for the war sufferers.


.Mnio A iiiertrniis Mkii Letter AaUInuSupport for Munich HnnpKnl.



Oct 21 Thereceived y of a

letter In (ler- - the Hotel Seventh nvcmio nndnpp- - for for the street, ill the of 01. H

of Aim-Hcm- i Crss tt brother f r. II. Artnur.In Munich American Keon In chief In tho Bine,

there , npe-ate- d tl..' !' .lI v,lH ,,,,)r"( 1,1 V iVVim. 1

direction of the U'd Cm, nl ' uarl' .'

st udl.-- I il fc lnthe ll,'.rl.m mllltarv . lie uti, ...i i. -- I . u.. a andO'irfney, I'nlti'd K'atis atMunich and mnnv nirrlrans j


.It me. .Ill llrt l'skliif sinnrl.Mme Janet Ktsklne ."tuari mother su-

perior of the Society of the Sicred Heait,died vrsl rdav niornlnir fo'.lnwlm: an oper-ation In Hoehainptnn. i:nlnd. Her Ill-

ness fallowed her escnpe the motherhouse at llrusscls. she was vlsltlm I

lmforc tho (icrmin xoldleis took possen-plo- n

sin- wis the dniiFMt" of a clergy-man of thn Church nf Kncland and wniconverted to Catholicism thirty-fou- r yearsnpo. She was well known by the sistersof the S.icred Heart Convent. Mnnhatt.m-v'.ll- i

w'lere she visited for six lastJune,

t'reilt'rlci .', Wo it ii er.I'redei Ic c Wnpner, widely known real

rstati' ili nlc-- . dli I Tucsd i.v ' t bis h131 llnst forty-fourt- h street. He

was born In lni In old street, nowKnst Houston street, and dosceniled froi-- iJohn Archer, the first lord nf the minorof Fordhani, 1H3S. In ll;t he was

by President Cnptnln andprovost marshal of the Coneres-slona- l

district nf this rltv from lir.n to1S1I2 he n Deputy Tax CnmmlslnnerHecentlv he had been In the real estatebusiness at 12 l'rondwav Mr Warnerwhs a lie a member of thChamber of Commerce. St NIcIioImh Hn- -

I,, nnny rlmrltle.; "v

(ten, i. II. Cml vfnliiiler.den. lleorgo II. Ca.lwaladcr, M cenra

old, f irm.-rl- Ilurgess of y, I,i.,died at his homo In Siinbury yesterday nfgeneral debility. In the rlvll war he en-

listed as a private In the Klghth rennsyl-vanl- a

Volunteer Infantry and wns ad-

vanced from the ranks until hn becime aColonel. Detailed to the Quartermaster'sDepartment. b was In rharge of suppliesnnd Ammunition when fl. n Shermanma.lo his "march to the sea " for bismeritorious service he won the brevetrank of Ilrlpndler-Clenera- l Two daugh-ters survive him.

Kc rill nil ml 111 m I lin I .

ferdlnand Il'.unieiiibal, i mer-chant at ID Spruce street and a noted artcollector, with a resldemo in the Hols lelloulogne, Tnrls, died Tuesd ly at sea onhis way to New York. The body waslauded at and will be sent toParis, lie leaves a wife and two sons.Mr. lllumerithar.s family entered thoIcither blislpens In li'Ttimny In 171.1He had lit : from bus ticss,of his Interest In f rem'h art he was in ubia ulu valler of the Legion of Honor.

Alexander llorel.o.Alexuiider whi. died yeiterday

at Ills home at Port Washington, L. I.,at the age of na, had been for more than

years the tepresentatlvo in thisof J. frerea of Paris, a

lextllo bouse, for ever thirty years Mr.had been a Hlble class teacher

of tho I'nlverslty Plare Presbj trrlanChurch In New York. He win horn In(llnsgow. The funeral will In. held at thechurch nt 9 45 o'clock.

Itnlirrt .Arthur,Robert Arthur. Maine senconst painter i

and friend of Robert Louis Stevenson,died Tuesday night In his apartment at I


Manufactures and Artistic Productions from

England. France and GermanyThe Importation of which has now practically ceased,

Consisting of

The Very Extensive CollectionOF IMPORTED HIGH GRADE

Tall, Mantel, Travelling nnd other Clocks in great variety,Bronzes and Marbles, English and French Table China,

Tiffany Favrile and Foreign Cut Glass,Electric Table Lamps, Leather Goods, Expensive Canes

and Umbrellas, Fans, Lcmairc Opera Glasses,Parisian Novelties nnd miscellaneous objects.Especially selected and imported for their Retail trade.

By the Widely Known House of

James E. Caldwell & CompanyPhiladelphia


Because of having been more or less damaged by smoke water(In the oj the Jamaie hint itl(h()

During the Summer these objects have all been renovated bypersons of experience, the majority of them are practically intheir original good condition.


comprising more than Two Thousand Catalogue numbers,

Will Be Sold at Unrestricted Public SaleBY DIRECTION OF THE

Underwriters Salvage Company of New YorkJ. F. APP1.ET0N, AND GENERAL MANAGER.


For Account of the Insurance Companies Interested.

On the Afternoons of Thursday, Oct. 29th, andEight following days (Sunday excepted), at 2:30 o'clock

At the American Art GalleriesMMtlMI. .SUIAIII. Mil 111, ,Si:

Where the Objects Will Be on Free ViewFROM MONDAY, OCTOBER 26TH,



WAnrtNOToN, flertn.inKniliassy cciplocircular l.elntr distributed WolllnBton,many illnc- funds support Kifty-tlfl- li

the ltul hospital wwby th.. IMill.pplnes

colonv undrrOernun ?'"cnt,l0

nuthnrltle. Washington.Antwerp 1'arls. was "lumber






wldowei was






fortycountry Claude


majority Irutcncn


llir le will lie rnniluiteilnnd lilt ullnt,

THE AMERICAN ART2. 4 nnd n I'.. 2.1d Street,

of tlio Contury Association nnd manIIHILT-- .1.... P'-ti- lu....lnl .nml ...cilt .irifiiiilr'itiotin. Heleaves a wn.

Julius lliiliertsoii.Julius llnlHTtnon. pnil.inthroplst nnd

manufacturer ot coloud feathers, tiledyesterday t heart dUeaso at his home,tr.l) West Knd avinue. n was fi5 earsold nnd was a native of lierniany. Withnl fitior. I. I'. ii'ierison, no c- -


suddenlyWl.hl mmili. and leather tlrm nJJ !.wfmiiidViii'd

J.,f'9 ''l" Son. 1SC3.

Mr' was .Hector the funeral services will held theM..r.t, llnr.. the .1.1- - ?,M.i"B- -

fourth ttreet,frd Sanitarium for ConsumptUes anilmember the smimirai

Sisdety, tho Museum Artand many other societies, and clubs. Ho

leaves d.iug'Uer. Claire, nd two s.itu.

Wllllnm llimlicrt.William Haubert iii Hushwlrlt

avenue llrnoklvn. who had en activeItepubllcm politics that city forgreat mnnv years, died suddenly hishome this morning heart dlsensd. Ho

was ears ageMr. Haubert wart long tho lender the

Nineteenth Assembly district, nn.lmnv nnlltlral olllces. He liad been con

nected with the Comptroller's olllcn andwarden the Hayinond street Jail, andfor tho past six years was clerk themarriage bureau Hnrougli Hall. Thesurvivors are h's widow and son.

.Viitlu.ii W. L'untllrt.Nathan W Cnndlct bead the

gineerlniT llrm Nlecln Condlct. Inc..Jersey City, died Tues.lav night Itonse- -'

M'lt Hospital after lllncn weeksw.ui trraiidsnn Dr Lewis Condlct,1

one thu founders I'rlnreton Unl- -



By FKANK Ii. SIMONDSWho Writes the Kdltorluls

In The Evening SunTho FIRST hook tell just whathas happened since tho war began

and ends with the Fall ofAntwerp.

Order from your bookseller.$1.25 net.

Mitchell Kennerley,Publisher

Mr. CHOATE advisesEvery American to Read


ENGLANDBy A. CRAMB. Introduction by

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lir .1111. I IAir. Oltii or

ofot nt

l.' : in N. onbe ut..ft i er to

of at


of i.cof


J..1 of

u. InIn a


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of en-- 1

of A-- t

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U 11(111

ASSOCIATION, Mgrs.ldlon Sij. SiimIIt Vork.

verslty, and was bom in Morrlstown,... J., in lh31. inn widow, a daughterami son survive him.

1'i'iiln T. Ilnttnn.MomiisTows, N. j., Oct 21 An hourafter he hnd reRlsteied for tho election,by nllldavlt, U-wi- T. Huttoii. 72 year

I'.d, was stricken with heart disease anddied an hour later. Hu was a son orAndrew Huttoi ami was iMirn In Nowrk. for many years bo was nn olllclalof thu New vrk c:.,cum UKht Com.

I'rnnU Cnniiiliell.frank Camnbell bmih.r nt mi..

Irwin, the comedienne, died


Mrs. Knlr 51, It.dmonri.Mrs. Katn M. Itedmond, wlfo of James

W. iteilinond. counsel of the Tax Ap-praisers Of k'lm-- a . .11.. I 1--

night In St Mary's Hospital, llrooklyn.'"'""' '"K "ii iTanon. uer husDand andfour children survive.

3IAJJfLED.I'YKr; 'liANPOS' On TuM-lay- , Ortobsr 19,

I9H, at St. llarthnlomow's Church, bylh IllKht Itev. David 11 Qnar nd thltev. Dr l.elKhton Parks, Amtt Orls-ol- d,

dii.iKhur of Mr sn.1 Mrs. HtnrrII. I.andon, to Moiei Taylor Pyns. Jr.

AMKND. On Tuesday, October J, ths Hon.Kdwarrt II. Amend, bfloved husbund ofCatharine J Amend, net Itldder, In hityear

funeral Krl.luy. J, from his 1strMner. il wt Kvnty-fourt- h strt.nt 10 A M . thencs tn Church ofth Illrsstiil Sacrament, Ilrnadway jitKeventy-ltrs- t street Itequlem mass10 10 A M Interment Calvary Cem-ter- y

Kindly omit flowtrsAIlTIIUIt. In tlila cliy. on Tuesday,

10, lu, Ilobtrt Arthur.funeral erlrea on Krlday, Octobtr tt, at

10 A. il In flraee Itrformed Church,fevenlh avunue and fifty-fourt- h trie4.Kindly omit flowr

HAIICUW At Port Washlnrton, K I..Wedneaday. October 11. 1311, Aleiandsrllarnlay, born In (liaiiow, Hcotlaad,ase e& year

funeral service at University Place Pres-byterian Church, corner of Tenth etreet,New York city, Krlday mornlnr, flito'clock. Interment at Kenelao Cemetery.

CAItl.n roN - Dr. Ilukk CI., on Tuesday,20, at hli rcildence, 7t Wtat fif-

tieth street.Funeral services will be held at th Church

of the Divine Paternity, Keventy. sixthstreet and Central Park West, on, I). tober 22, at 2 o'clock.

HYI.ANPmt - Anders (1.. asrd 43.

Hervlces "TI115 fl'NIIItAI. CHURCH," 141West Twenty-thir- street (frank B,Campbell 1 lu Id In K ) , Thursday, 2 o'cloola.Automobile rurieKe.

8ANKEY Hu.ldenly, on October 20, 1911.Ira II. Hunksy (aocond), beloved son of I.Allen and Frances Wann Hankey,

funeral servlosi will be held a- Ht. Bar-tholomew' a Chapel, Madison avenue andforty-fourt- h atrest, on Thursday,

21, at 2:30 P, M, Interment at!



i Frank E.Campbell,Funeral tvtttr 'aciutWUftUOU