the sun. thea fierce encounter had taken place before the gate of sau lortuxo, between the...

r - '9 The new tork sun. rDfiLUnXO DAJLT sWtTOATS X1CKFTHX OCanntrtdluM taW Fallon tinata, oU Ont(-lf- wb CTNTS. TwtlT Cant per west Six Dollars per rsar. . . ffBKLT SCTI, 1' UsaS' oa Tbarsslsj ofsaeli wMk;U sent by mill I lias Donarpev year sloel f aplea elites csnta. M0SI8 8. BKACll, f roprlf tot of Ttia Boa Kalsbllsrimsat. ITALY. PROGRESS OF GARIBALDI. ME FRENCH INTERVENTION. Tictor Emmanuel's Troops Crossing the Papal Frontier. Victor I'mmnnurl Prononacw Aclul Usarlbalsll. JDariboldi Oommandod to Disperso Hia Forces. afce., c, . Ttia lleTolutlnn In Unly, October W Evening. Several mora French hlps of wt have left Toulon during the da destined for Clvlta, Vecehla, The entire press of thli clljr are toud la their praise f Klug Victor Etnmann-- tl for bU recrnt proclamation ejounclng General GaribaldL Lute dlspatcbc received Kport Oarlbaldl u still holding tilt position Monte ltotondo. It U reported that agreement ho been arrived at between and Italy, whereby the troop of the will attack the Insurgent. The thereupon expected to retreat from ril territory Into tho dominion of Victor Emmanuel, where they will bo dltirmrd by theVtallan troop. Pants, Oct, 19, Soon. li reported that Membra, the prlmo of Italy, li plulgcd to accompany French troops to Home. Moustler has recently limed a note the Intervention of Franco In the question. He regards the expedition for the reason that Italy hss to protect the I'opo In his lawful and ilear rights. A ense ol honor and regard for the opinions of mankind the goTcrnmcnt to this course. M. assert that the agency of Frinee proceed no further than Is necessary lu armed rebellion acslrat the Holy aud free the Pontifical territory from (read of hostile soldier. When these shall hare Wen accomplished the of France will be withdrawn, and a of the great power of Europe to forever rettlo the Itoman question. KuiRiuicr, Oct. 29. communication with Rome suddenly ceased, the Insurgents having cut the wire. Owing to the serious of political affairs the National Diet be called together at an early day. ru, Oct. 29-- 10 I. M. , H The latest dUpatchc received from Rome H teforc the destruction of telegraphic coramn-- H cation were highly Important The Inaur-- I Jrent In lbs city were actively engaged, and I 3 outbreak wu momentarily expected. The H ajc'.oriou troop of General Garlbildl were B nly twenty-fou- r mile away, orginlilng for I in attack on the Eternal City. Orslnl shells I Vers being fired Into the street by the party H f action, whs seemed to be impatiently I twaltlng the arrival of OarlbaldL The pre-- I uutlon of tho authorities for the presena-- I Don of order were apparently Ineffective. I Dispatches received from Ctvlta Vccchla I announce that the Freucu fleet bad arrived H without accident. The troop and munition I If war were being landed. The Fope was ' I sourly expected to arrive, j I FuianMusa, Oct. 2- 9- Evening. I It Is rumored that lb Italian troop have I passed tht frontier. No paitlculsrs are re- s' I lelved. Pabu, Oct. I General aaribaldl U at Monte Mario. V The Italian arar. baa crossed the frontier, 4 I snd the Commanding General ha command- - X I td General Garibaldi to disarm and disperse , M lis force. 'l LATEST. - I Flosimch, Oct. 23 Evening, 1 I Deputies Nlcotera and Moito are reported to have been badly wounded during the re--' I lent engagement. I .Troops Lauding at Clrlfa Vecelilnu I 1'AiitA, Oct, 29 Evening. IU A Advice from Clvlta, V'eccbla announce the arrlisl there of the fleet of transports, and , leport that the French troop havo dlaem- - I parked and are now occupying the city, " I Accumulation of French. Troop. ( I PAnia, Oct. 80. ica. I Large lodIe4 of troops have arrived In the asl 8 vicinity of Touloa, ready to embark for it, I Italy, and their number are Increasing, tits I Nothing; From Home. ,,), ' I Loxmx, Oct, SO Evening. Jt I Mo further dUpatche have been received I from Italy. Nethlng U known u to the I V future coarse ol Osneral Garibaldi. C Tho rope. I 1'au, Oct. tlct It I reported that the Tope ha Informed 1'JJ(' the French govemnseut, that If King Victor Smmanuel enter Owl. he (the Pope) will Veare. "" Halo of churcat Lands lu Italy. i nd Floiimok, Oct. 28. The sale of the Church land have ooinineneed, and promt e c to add largely to the revenue of the Italian flovernment. Imperial reotlTlllos In Parle. Irt Tauu, OcU 29. The Municipality of Pari fcave a grand baaque to their Imperial High- - ', j Bee th Emperor Napoleon and the ss Eugenie, and Ueir guest, the Emptror FrancU Joeph of Aiwirla q'obi 704 Un1ut o- - PtM " the Hotel da v ,TUU,wblch wutpleodldly decorated for tho occasion. Sfc ' l"b Emperor of AnstrU. In the eonne of Mls U evening mado aa eloquent and feeling ipeech. lie returned hla thank to the Em-f- r' ani la lh UcsleicalltT of COstV iot fJ Ul V Paris, and to the people nf France, for ttir noble hopllallty with whlrh he hid been sml solemnly Imuknl a closer unity between the Empires of France and A n I r I . In tills graixl spvctucle of liitrrnstloual and friendship he beheld a new litlge of eace for Europe, end a fri sh gin-rnn- ti for the progress and roirlty of s. The speech of the Emptior was ret elte.1 with prufmin't emotion bribe dis- tinguished company prrtrtit. Uurlig the pri'gns. of the frttal the Vlllc.whldi WMbr'lllinllylllutnliuled. w as surrounded by ist 'riiblii' of pen. pie, who repeatedly (hctrrd for Ibc I'.uipcriir France Jnrcph and Hie l'.niwrr end Em- press of the French. Win u tho Imperial party, at the conclusion of the entertainment, passed through the crowd In tl.clr carriages, on their return to the Tullcrles, tho most deinunelratlut.a wire nude by the people. Clrrmnny. nrnus, Oct. 29 -- Prus'la doclliies to Bavaria Into the ZslHvn lu on the terms proposed by the tlsvarlau (lovcrr.uirnt-Ituiiquc- t to ItUrnrll. Entxvenn, Oct, SO A pt.MIc dinner was glteotollon. llenjsmln Dl.rsell, the Exchequer, yesterday, nt Edln-bur- Mr. Disraeli, In answer to a complimentary toast, rose and made a chantclrrl.tlc speech, lie gore a history of the llrlorm question; recounted the action of the different political parties In Enclsnd In relation to the subject, and closed with a strong argmneut In Justifi- cation of the Torr party for their course In advocating and triumphantly carrying through Parliament the Representation of the People's bill. The remark of the honorable gentleman were frequently Interrupted hy expressions of attention and approval, aud when he took hi scat he was loudly entered. 1 sao I'rnlnns, Livimrooi, Oct. 29- - Noon.-T- hls city Is now the centre of Fenian panic. Rrporla of mysterious proceeding among the Irish In- habitants bavo csuscd the authorities to tske extraordinary precautions. The armories of the volunteer anil the cunshops In the c!ly are guarded, and the ollcc pairols havo been doubled. Loxi'tii, Oct, 29- Evening, Dlghy Bey. mour, the principal mimnl lor the tlefrnie, has made snotlier epplicallon for tho remo- val to London of tlm trials Just eommenrtd at Msnchtstcr, on the ground of thu l.o.lllity of public feeling against tho arms il In tba latter rlty but the (liivi rnment has reli'st-- to grant their request. lam if, OH. 80, The Irlnl of the prlxm-er- e Indictid ycsterd.iy will tuiiiiiu'iieo U'lme liefoio tho Hperlsl Commission Tliur-ils- when the challciiglng of the Jury will tow inence. M.t.M iii.sir.ii, Oct. Tho trial of Allen Is now In process. 'Ihe case agnlnst him and tho others Is very strong. There Is much exciltinrnt In tho city, em! the Court building Is ,iiaitUd by uutluusl troops. Tvienty-sl- x of the prisoners hae beeu for murder,, October 80 V.venlng Tho Fenlsn trials have been ailjoururd for the day. Tho city Is perfectly quiet. Tbs lUiaterit Ciiellnn. Pari, October 80 Evening. The mixed Commission recently sent lo Candla by the Sublime Porte, for tho settlement of Ibn grievances of the Cretsns, has returned with- out being able to ciTcct any good. ft'roin IJruxll. I.tsno, Oct. SO Tba mall stesmer from Rio Janeiro ha arrived. There waa no Im- portant war new. The Legislature bodies of Until had agreed on an export duty of It per cent., to take effect on aud after the 1st of January next, In place of the duty of one per cent, which 1 now the law. A Itatsr Ilullnn Cabinet. Flomuicr, Oct. 28, A, M. General Mans-bre- a, to whom waa last committed the task of reorganising the Ministry, has succeeded In forming a new Cabinet. It Is as follows i Marine and Foreign A 11 sirs General Home-Blgn- or (jualterlo. Finance Slgnor Cambray. Commerce Hlgnor DIgny, Work Slgnor Contello. War-Gen- eral Ylalc. Justice fllgnor Marl. Loniio.t, Oct. 28. Allan and the other per- sons arrested at Manchester a Fenian emls-tail- hare been Indicted, and the Special Commission, which ha been in session there, ha adjourned. General Farlola, and the other Fenians who havo been under examina- tion before the Special Commlsslou at Dnb-ll- n havo also been Indicted. The Indictment la both place Is for high treasou. rntlurre. Iamik, OcL 29, Noon. Mr. Hutchinson, cotton dealer, of Liverpool, and Messrs. Lewi Brothers, of Loudon, have stopped payment. AR1UVAL OCT. QeamtsTown, Oct. 29, Evening. The steimer City of Baltimore, Captain from New York on the 19th instant, has arrived here ou the way to Liverpool. LoMioaiixHKr, Oct. 80, Noon. The steam- ship Nova Scotlan, from Quebec, bis arrived here on the way to Liverpool. FROM EUROPE BY STEAMER. ITInll Datca lo October 30th. The Cunard mall steamer Rnssla, which left Liverpool on the 19tb, and Queenstown on the 20lli, arrived here yesterday, briuglng Interesting detail of European news. Til It nOMAM QCKSTIOSf. French paper contain the following tl of the recent skirmishes between the troops of Garibaldi and thoso of the Pope i In the affair of the 18th October ninety Pal noldlcra charged a body of three hun- dred Garibaldlans, cut their way through them, and occupied Monte Lihretll. The in- vaders, however, having recched consider- able reinforcement Irom the neighboring Irontler, probably tiodly guarded, resumed the otTrnslve, to the number of eight hund- red, llefore uch a suierlor force the Pon- tifical detachment elfected a retreat in good order. During the wnole day they hut ten wounded, whom Uiey were able to remove, together with fifteen (Isribsldlan prisoner. The losses of the enemy appear to bae been considerable. On Ihe litli, at Yallecoraa, on tho Southern frontier, a small body, consisting of a few Papal quadrlgltcri, with some eaaants. vol- unteers, end gendarme, held In check two hundred Garibaldlans, and thus left time fur the Roman column lo arrive. The Oarrlbal-dls- n had ten killed. Including their leader and three officers, and several wounded, los- ing beside forty-si- x prisoners and a quantity of inns aud munitions. A fierce encounter had taken place before the gate of Sau Lortuxo, between the Insur- gent and the Papal gendarme, but the de- tail were not known. this rors'e armt, The following wo the distribution of the Papal army on tho 2Mli of September t At Rome, KIM men; at Viterbol 477: at Kacagll-on- e, Hli at ClvlU Veechla, ttti at Froal-non- e, 2M at VelleUi, 172; at Comarea, 209; at Tlvoll, I66i at Legnauo, W; at Terracina, 7l)t .lOtviUOaateUuuk.SOi arrf l V.'iUno. Ki. The total force (on paper) amounts to 12,947 men. i rsruxd ix itai.t. A correspondent sny i Florence is empty of young men, who have gi no to the frontier as volunlicr t and seven or right olllcers of tho aitny, liouiai s by blrtli, have tes'snrd thtlr tomulsslons lu ordrr to JdIii Ihe mmemi'iit. The city of Naples g1Ve on the first dsy of the iilcrlptlon o,0tJ franc lo the fund for th' woundnl, Commltlets for the ttllef of 11,0 wound-et- l lnuivents are bunting Ihroiigbunt Italy, One of the first and most noteworthy of the which appears to stteml lint liisiirnetlimsry inorrnitnt Is the fusion (for tin- - llmti at any rate) of ltnllon parties. Thr Nsplts ctirrrspoiub nt of the lint MM V ,!-- , savs i short time aco every one seen ed tit be ready in tear CM-r- tine elsti lo pieces i the pirly of sctlon wi re Incorrlgllilo uemsgncmn, who were Incapable of any- thing hut and would ruin Italy the moderates were all .'esulls, lsiel spies, etc., etc. A really serious crisis arises I parties vsnlsh a moment of hteltatlnn I lelt with regsrd to thr government, but their policy Is seen t be truly national, and all cliso round thrni as one man, to sustain and strengthen Hum, and present a bold fi out to the foreigner. I must evrtpt tho clericals and their seauly allies In thu ranks of the old parties." mrr.Miitu rnisis. The tandon Tines of the 19th say, Tho Oovernnienta of Ihe Emperor Nspo-leo- u and that of King Victor Kminatiiii'l have taken up their rtsiwtlve s. The French expedition to Rome with which the Florence Cabinet waa threatened hiabwn re- solved upon In principle In full Mlulsterlsl Council nt St. Cloud. The execution of this resolution has been deferred for Ihe moment, but preparations tin n targe scale are In pro- gress lu the French Mediterranean (Hirts to ciirry It out at the shortest posslblo notice. The Intimation of the Emperor's decision has been met by M. Ilattatti with a positive dtTlaratlon tint tho Intelligent e of a single French soldier Iwliig crubnrkrd at Toulon or Marsedlcs wuuld U tlie slgnsl for the Italian army to cross the Papal frontier. If both parties abldo by their last word and II has heroin dlflieult to suirgest whit miy occur lo avert this cilunlly the troops of the two nation may mine together under or within the walls of Rome, slid a mm ting under such tlreiimstancea fun hardly Isll to lend to collision A contest between France and Italy, were It to b, come Inevitable, would Ihi a short tinu andnf undoubtful Issue. Franco Is a compart, warlike empire. Italy Is atlMract-ed- , h Slate, a thing of yester-t- l iy, In a grtat incisure Frame's own ciei-tlo- There Is d,mg!T nol only of Itsly be- ing worstnt In tho light, biitof her recelvli g liijurkfar I tin Inleiillon of Km nee toluKlcti fsr lieytmd the Kiwer of Franco It Ndnnes the on who-- e sldi Ik s i clear on ed vvilniralii ne It with mixleiatlnn and be I ore Hie llutiinintnt ol Napoleon vciituro on their ccd!tlmi they should coiisldi r flist, the causes which may lesd them to li e cimtempUlrd ineiwuiet then, the object that ineasuiu Is cximcled to answer, lluslly, the tinners ul the it suits rnriestni!liig to, without eutt cling, those object". 'In prop up Ihe Pope's throne with- out u' nlir.. itn tint of Victor Fmin inttel, hns liteiime a sitter Initios. Il.lllt. Frsneo linul net ils undo all she has ilmir In Ihe llal-Is- n Kingdom to build up ngnlu hII she lind ileinolislied In the I'upsl M tr. No doubt she cm do all that I rhe liny maka the most of a too cisr tlclory. Hut she has her honor mi le.s than her true Inteie-- t to con- sult. flie has lind a narrow e,esje tif a tig war with n strong rival. It w Ul seem hardly uuguauilmoits lo sick a petty quatrtl with a weak shier. Il will not be easy lo satl.fy the world that what Franco wants In Italy Is anything else but revenge for the check she his met with lu (lermary There are, however, be It remembered, moru than two competitors In the field. Were the French fleet anil the Italian aruir to start at a given slgnil, It might be dlfllcuft li foresee which of them would first reach the rrosl. Hut there is a third narlv far morn advanced than cither. Menoltl Garibaldi, Nleotrra. OhlrcHI, and other chiefs, each with rhclr thousands, are pressing forward i t heir number is legion j their war-cr- y U the Republic. Strong a from day today they arc becoming, they may notcr muster sulrl-ele- strength to take Rome. They may have to fall back before Rataixl t they could havo no chance of holding their ground against Napoleon. It la Home alone, however, tint may still reconcile them with the King' As foes to the temporal power Ihry hive raised no other flsg than that of United Italy. Hut for the first Unie since Novara Italian proclamations apjiearwlthout the King name. Beaten uudrr the Tricolor, they will rally under the blood-re- d standard. Balked of their Roman prlte, they will sclio on Naples and Sicily. The Pope may reign In Rome, but Mazxlnl will be let loose throughout Italy. It Is worse than a mockery and an Insult to talk of the "uninlstskahlo fidelity or the Romsn people to the I'tipe." In one band, under Uhlrilll, there are no lea than l.'.'O) Human emigrants; scattered throughout Italy may be reckoned 8,01.0 other Roman ref- ugee. Thousands of suspected patriots are crowding the Roman prisons. Thousands of others are thrust out across the frontier. INTKHVMTION, The Pari f'rnntt y i We have reason to believe that Marshal Narvaei, in tho name of the 0,uccn of Spain, has made an olferto the French Government to with It In maintaining the temporal power of the Foe, In the event of 1U being seriously threatened. The Opinion A'af.'onufs saysi It 1 with grief Hist wo learn that a Roman expedition Is resolved upon, and probably already in course of accouiplliheti. We consider the belief that such a step will make Italy recede from her present Hisltlnu au Illusion, Public opinion to Italy has leached such a point that Victor Emmanuel cannot draw back without Imperilling his crown and monarchical Institutions. 1USM AllllUT TIIR gUFKt's StrRTV. The Edinburgh CVurnnf, of the 17th, gives the following particulars of the precautious taken to pre lent Ihe capture of (juccn Vic- toria by roaming Fenians i The local police force In the vicinity anil long Ihe valley of the Deo bai liceii Increas- ed. Yesterday A mall trnln Irom London at 12 8J mid-da- y also brought Inspector Wal- ker, with 1 1 picked men from tho Metropoli- tan and Manchester KillCi forces, mtn who have had experience as detectives and other- wise In dealing with the Fenians. 1 he opin- ion we lielleie, of those who have most knowledge and experience- of Fenian move- ment 1 that, If anything should really be attempted, the conspirators would not ap- proach the locality by train, but would lu all probability swarm In on foot front perhaps several points. Up to the, time at which our parcel Kit, however, there hail not been the lightest traco of anything to canse suspi- cion seen by the county or city police ne ir Alierdetni and In the, morning the whole region, from llalaler upwards, was free of the hailow of any such cause of siupltluii, slid were any Fenlsn lo venture Into tlm loeulily, It Is believed that tho bygone and 1IW stow- ed leniency of the authorities would bo sum- marily stoned for In hi person. With tho precautious now taken with much prompti- tude on the part of the authorities, It U be- lieved that there la no possibility tf anything, even In the least unpleasant, occurring, and tint if her Majesty would consent to have sn escort in driving out, the remotest ground for uneasiness would bo removed. At Ihe same lime, we have the beat reason for be- lieving that Ihe Information retched by tho authorities wji of a kind serious enough quite lo warrant tho precautious we have specified belli Inken. Tim AbviwiNiAit nxmnmoH. The Pall Mh. I tiaitttt say i We undenfuid that Lord Stanley ha ad- dressed au ultlniatiiui lo King Theodore, In- timating thai nil friendly relatione with blm are broken utr. From this II may be Interred that no further attempt will be made to pro- cure Ihe relt o of tho captive by diplomatic measures. The letter would probably bo for- warded to It destination by Colonel Mere-weth- who lelt Aden on the 28lh ultimo in charge 'of the pioneer and rcconnoltertng party, consisting of 80 horse, 200 of the Ma- rina battalion and a company of upper. The first object will be to tlx thu point of which It i now tolerably certain t will I in Annes'.ey Hurt and while tha.aiui- - pers R"C preparlnr for the landing of Ihe forces Cot. Mercwrlherwlll be engsged lose-k,:lt- i; a healthy soot for a depot, as nuir the km as possible, aud In r cnnnoltrlng the future line of iranh as Isr it practicable. This, It is hnrd. may I cfleUcd as Car as Antoio, or b the c.i't of It. A native regiment and tin Third Light Cavalry were to lenve Doiubay on the 8d Inst., a strong brigade on the 1st of Nov., and Ihe remainder aa soon a Ihry could he sent up. Koine appreariistnu arv entertain- ed lint th' movements of the troop Ull' hampered fur waul of carriage. It Is not mV likely, however, that a moiety of the 1J,1 men may lc left as a reserve at thu first healthy po'lilin on the highlands, and that Ihe lighting column will be restricted lo B.ooOinen. It appears that the ciplhes had beard from the Wagshum Ooheile, who some Idea of piling n of Msgdah and of the cspllvi s. Inclndiug Ihe Ahuna, Should ho succeed, his object wo In Induce the Abnna lo anoint hlra Emperor, vice Theodora excommunicated. The cap- tives at Msirdala would probably be afe in his bands, and he might be prevailed upon to make them over to us for a considera- tion. Tirre ritisrn An rnpscitsj or watra. The return of the Prince and Prince and and Princes of Wales, on the 171b, Is thu described by a London pier I After a few momenU delay the Princess, who had Just risen Irom breakfast in the deck saloon, stepped out on the quarterdeck, and prepared lo mount the gangway on foot, which, with the rnoce't ssslslance, she ap- peared to do without pain or Inconvenience, merely resting on a moment bating gained the first ttep. She Uien entered the travel- ling carriage, an opeu barouche, brought on the pisiform without the horses. Tho whole of the gangway and the landing stage weie thickly carpeted, end over It Her Royal Highness was drawn by a number of men. Tho horae were then attached to Ihe car- riage. Some slight delay was occasioned at that moment by the transferor one of the heavy guns along the principal thorough-rar- e, under which the ros.l hail glieu way. The Prince wis apparently in excellent health, and Ihe Princess, although pale, ap- pealed to lutii recovered from her llluess. Tho Ilrtllsh Mulicat Juurti.i sayai The Prlnci'a hss been able. In her Journey home from Wiesbaden, Puliiplclely lo throw oir her character of Inialld, She has trav- eled throiiuli without any medical attendants, and ciiuic, by train from liarmstaill In Ant- werp In one Journey. The soloutn at Wle. biulen has attended with the happle! result., nol the least of which Is that, by the Inevitable Incidents or Ihe tarlmis excur- sions, the soundness of the irenvery ha. licen fully tinted by changes of (emtsiratiire and weather, and rough trial of Ihe Joint t and that tlm ci I Ileal period vrlicn, If ut all, relapse might tune been ex peeled or TtMrrd, has been passed most liapllr nml slit tt fully. The Pfliier. la lihiklln; well, slid li able lo move about Irrely with tho slight aid of a slick, ions: Chester had been the scene of another n ou'r.ige. An attempt was made to fire tho pollen ollcc on the night of Ihe llli wllli " fire," tlinmu Irom tmUlde. 'Ihe woodt-- lentil itor was tiled. All was promptly tin the enil and soon ex- tinguished the llames. The Imlllo whit h con- tained the lhllammubhi material was liuind Thu .Vsus siia that several beuelils luinbeen lie,! In liiuluii. In aid of tho families of Fiiilaii prhoncia In Manehesler. They took Hies shpa of gatherings In certain IniUlo houses, n small sum being charged for and the iirotrtilluics puriakli.g of a social harmonic character. The bciieilts wero Ellen simultaneously lu Lambeth, Wiatmln-l-lc- r. Mar) lc bone, and Whltechacl, that at thu latter Uklugplaeo In a public house In Leinan street. In this house nlmiit 2(0 Irish- men assembled, and wero lu tho uildft of and loud In patriotic snug, when an Inspector slid n rcrgewt of police attached to the station close at hsnd vlsllitl the room, leaving III o or six numbers of tho force out- side. 1 hoso assembled were not only not dis- concerted at the preetMieo of the two rep- resentatives of authority, but only bade them my Ihe price of admission or retire. AUSrlllAN AtllTATION. Serious troubles ore apprehended In Vienna If Francis Joseph refuses his assent to Ihe modification of the concordat. Popular de- monstrations hate taken place In front of Ihe hotel of Cardinal Raiischrr. Police stents have eiitrcd all tho' large workshop lu the cltv and cautioned the maators not lo allow puhllo meeting of tho workmen to take place on their premise. The municipality of Vienna his demanded or the Emperor Ihe of the National Guard, width shall maintain order In the city In place of the army. To add to these complications Ihe lower chamber of the Rrlchsralh ho resolved not to voto Ihe bill embodying the flnanilal arrangement with Hungary In the absence of a modification of the nuieordat. Herein lie Ihe chief dllllculty with which bis Apostolic Majesty has to contend, thr rami at niK.Hrr.n. The following 1 from the Loudon 7ium of lfttbi For Ihe last three weeks measures have been taken by the authorities at Chester, which have given rlso to many absurd stories. A number of detectives havo been placed at the railway station and other place whera strangers mar be expected to mike their first appearance In the city, and tho pollco on nlirht duty ham been furnished with re- volvers, rho volunteer arms were removed from the armory of the battalion to that or the Castle, and the guard on the Cnillo has been doubled, being ou one occasion tripled. Humors halu In en spread about that the headquarters companies or Iho Irlih (or Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot wero seriously Our correspondent, hoever, de- nies this. Only a lew neck aeon Ft nlan brother manured lu get acquainted with n number of the so soldiers, and pnuiil'id a bribe of A".'0 lo such as by skilful manige-mer- it hu considered likely to desert finm the sen Ice. Several of the men acctplcd thu bribe, or at least a goodly Instalment of the same, and after having a good "spree," end pending Ihu money, iriunied and gave tfieiiiHt lies up to Ihelr ofllcers, and arc, now awaiting punishment. This la the solo ex- tent of the disaffection, The snldlei say "If Ihe colonel orders us to shoot our mothers wo will do It," and they are t v it. periled lo find that their loirlty hns been disparaged. Yesterday morning two tele- grams were rex rived by Ihe authorities at (hesler to Ihe elicit that mischief waa In- tended there lat night. ECCLUIASIICAl, HAH.1l.tU, Cardinal Culleu, lu hi pastoral oddres to Die people of Ireland, utters the following warulng ngalntt secret sotlctli'4 "Shun all secret associations, no matter what name thoy bear, whether they ho Ma- sonic or Fenian, Orange or Rlbind t they are all alike condemned by tlie Church of IIimI, lhcy are all subject to excommunication, and cut "If, Ukc rotten branches, from lb Church by the vicars of I In lit on earth. Whilst thus cursed by Heaven, yon may rest assured that such aitsociallltms, an far from umellnrutliig ludlvldual or swill happiness, can only sen e to Inflict fatal wounds upon society, and entail disgrace and ruin upon their mciiiliers. You have had within the lust few uiunths Iho strongest prools of the truth of what I stale In iho unhappy pro- ceedings of Kenlanlsm whleh we have hail to dcplotr, Without tho slightest chance of success, without Iho prospect of any useful result, this association ha disturbed the country, injured relldon, ollenutiit tho friends who were ausloiia to miles our grievance or paralysed Ihelr action I It ha given power aud plauslhlo pretence for op- pressions our eueinlcs and brought ruin and misfortune upon Ihoiisunds. How muih bad fallh, perfidy and want of courage a defect rarely fouud in Irishmen, unless when acting with a bod lonwleuce have apeared In lt ninksl What hosu of spies and In- formers were connected with It, unions to trallia In the llberllin and lives of others and to earn the wage ol luiquityl rWcletlts which produce such fruits are not only a ca lainity, hut a UUgracci to our poor country." iirriiiNtus or i its itaxt. A Pari paper say i The leelfug of both parties lo the druggie seems to become more emhltteretl as It pro- ceeds. The l.ibtm reporU that Ibn I'outltl-cu- d Government hss shot several prisoners, and among them Count Pogllaeck of Vltertao, who waa made prisoner at Usgnorea. M, 1'sgllaccl was condemned to Jealh Ihne vuars .tfo loe rtolttlesl s'i.w This ijf.,11 Cvrrnfwtn-ltnt- t eaya that the Roman prisons are full uf prisoners, and that Count ll'Argy, the Commander Legion, has directed his olllcers lo shti all the Osrlbal-dl.i- n prisoners, which, If carried Into ctfect, will leod In terrlblo reprisals. Tho l.iltrt inquires whether the example uf (Jucrctaro hvs been forgotten. THE SUN. Thirty-Fourt-h Year. NEr-Y0K- K. THURSDAY. OCTOHKR 31. 1807. JPrico Two Cor t& ST- DOMINGO. it, c.HycMf.) TrAiA, October 30. -I- ntelligence) has been receded here that Pan Domingo his decliirrd war against Hayll, on account tf the sympathy and assistance given hy the Haytlens lo II it z. Ilarcs was at CaraeCM, where In) was planning an at- tempt to return to San Isninlngo. President Cabral and General Pessln were on lb Itayticn frontier, with an army of 4,000 min. OUEA. Havana, October SO. Ten of Ihe prison- er who took part In Ihe revolt at tlie Peni- tentiary In Ranltsgo de Cuba, were shot on Ihe 23d Inst. All the others Implicated In the affair have been sentenced to long term of Imprisonment. Canada, fthlp Carpenter' Hint In quebec. A tjtiebee paper say i A courageous hlp carpenter, named In resisting a mob uf the Juchco Unionist who entered Into the yard of Messrs. Samson the other dar and Intimida- ted the workmen employed there, slip km1 over the ship's rail, and fell nearly forty reel, death resulting almost Immediately. At tho Inquest eleven wllncssea conclusively proird that the man's precipitate departure from his tHist was the result of the unlawful and vio- lent demonstration, II not assault, of the Union Society men. Ou the 2ih lust, the pollco of Quebeo ar. rested 19 of Iho ringleaders In the late tint. 1 he (ueliec (inullt aaya t The prisoners were followed through Ihe slreets to the Court llouso by a mob of the " roughest of tho rough," lo the number of several hi.ndred, During Ihe pre- liminary examination In the court room, the cowd outside Indulged In yelling, hunting shunting, hissing ami groaning) end one In- dividual, more ctniragititir than tho others, iimnnlrd Iho steps m front nf the Court House, and romiiieucfd singing tlm Mar- seilles hi mn. Curse aud linprieiilliiiis against the police ami tho authorities wero freily Indulged Ira ( and several or them ewoie leiigcaiico airalnst thosu oppost'd In Ihelr unjust demand. Hall to any amount was olfcred for Iho ri lease of tho prUnnen, bill uaarcltlsrd by the Court, Iho Solicitor General roiiciurliig with the Judge of St vesluus that tl.c cisci iras uf ton salon, a nature to admit of bill being taken. Tho pri- soners wcie then remanded until forenoon at 10 o'clock. When It becaims known amuiigrt tlio rrowd outside bail had been tillered and refit ed the limb became mil more noisy and boisterous, and sworn they would rescue the prisoner) If they were lint admitted lo ball. The authorities being made aware of the nllltiiileol the mob, dceined II ndtlsnble to send lor a detachment of iho regular troona of the gnrrl'on, and accordingly, In a short tlinu alter, strong floth Ulrica arrived In front of Ihe court hoii.e. The prisoners wero Immediately marched out and plat nl III the vans, and amidst Iho shouts ami yells nl' the boisterous crowd weru driven otr lo goal, thu vans being guarded front and rear ami on both side by the soldiers with drawn cutlasses. The moll closed In on the escort several times, but beyond this no fur- ther attempt at vlolcuco was made. I'enliaii Itlnm Hireling. Pitii.Aiiri.i'iiiA, Orl. 80 A largo Fenlsn mass meeting was held here this evening. Speeches wero delli erod by James Gibbons, P. J, Merhiiu, and W J, Hones, One Fe- nian military company was present in uni- forms. A Ilrapurulo SJIrl. In the Troy Tmn of 29th, we And the fol- lowing story of attempted revenge i A night or two since a young girl residing In Fort Schuyler, entered a Federal street sa- loon and Inquired for a young man. who is known among his comrades bv the beautiful and euphonious name of "Mush," and not finding 111 m paraded up and down the street until she Anally met him near the corner of River street. They engaged In a somewhat angry conversation, wherein tho girl de- pleted her sorrow and shame, and Ihe youug man threatened her with gross personal vio- lence, when she becoming exasperated all measure at the heartiest and brutal Indifference of her betrayer, rushed Into the street and picking up looao paving stones Lo- gan to pell htm with these, until the fellow took to his heels and ran away, followed lu hot but unavilllng pursuit by the gill. A largo crowd collretnl, but no one attempted to lulerfcie to shield tho man from the mad- ness of the trill be had so foully wrougctL IVIoal Horrible Arcltlrnl. Wo And the following lameutablo occur- rence recorded In the Bt. Loul A'urm'isy Ilii patch of tho 26lh i A workman named John Illeen wo engag- ed, this morning. In opening a conical army slull, which, wliu a number of others, was old to the Union Rolling Mill Compauy a harmless scrap Iron. The manner by width the shells wero opened was with a cold chisel and tledgo hammer. Most of them ncio plugged with brass, and consequently did not Igntto, hut finally the shell alluded to was rrsi in it, which duublles contained a hidden pcicuwlou Kip, and In the humouring was Ignited by the friction aud exploded. Seated on barrels around this were three workmen, employes of the mill, and tho personal Injur- ies lutllclrd wero upon them. A young man, eighteen year of age, uumrd Richard Wtlsh, was linrrilly muti- lated and killed. The wholu left side or Ids kull wa blown off, etpo.liig lils brains. Ills arm wero brulod uud etuiltured, and tivu Anger or bis right hand, which wire blown olf, were lying upon his breast when we visited him. lie died at twelve o'clock. Tho scene In tho bedroom wa one which III neicr bo forgotten by those who witnessed It, The mother was sobbing violently, A broth- er and slilir, half grown, were wringing their hands lu great anguish, anil Ihe guttur- al breathings of the half ulUe aiiircrrr Im- parted the sorrow nl Iho family to Iho crowd of sympathetic fllemls. Charles Williams, nnollur j until cmp lou-- d In thu mill, ai badly Injured. Little holies of his recuirry are entertained. John Slccii, lu the llelnlty of tin) shell as Iho tlmo Is exploded, was burnt In the lacu and ou tho haudi, hut Is uut liijjnd. lleary nud Driving ilobbrry. The National (7,jWf, or Ihe 2 lib lust., says i Yesterday morning, about 10 o'clock, an American entered the exchange office or Mr, 0, Falardeuu, corner or St. rraneoU Xavler and Hospital tlieeU, and requested American greeubat ks tu the amount or '15,000 for sil- ver. Mr, Falanleau promised to havo the required sum iraily at 11 o'clock, aud Ihe stranger went nut, promising to return at that hour. Mr. Falurdeuu ImmediaU ly culled iijKiu either exchange ottlcrs tu the city lo ob- tain Urn amount required, borrowing 1 10,000 from Nichols fc Robinson, tlll.wsi from Meeker A Co., aud a check ou the (juebeo Hank lor il 5,000. This was ready for ex- change at 11.20 o'clock. At about 1 o'clock, a cleik or Mr, Falanleau' going past tho Post Olllre aaw the American standing there, and told him to go down to the' eirhanga tiltlre and get the money, which iisd btea waiting some lime, The clerk then went on to the Montreal Hank, and, having finished hi business there, went back to Mr. Falardrau' olllce. Ou entering, he found Mr. Falardeau lying on- Ihe floor iusenslbk), stabbed, and bleeding. The greenbacks wero missing, On Ulng restored to consciousness, Mr. Falardeau stated that th American bad come for the greenbacks, but Instead of gty. Ing the' specie, had assaulted him, hitting blm aevwral blow cm the head, and stabbing hlin lu two or three places, aud then took Ihe gresnbaek and made a flank movement to irU unknown. The pollco were Imme- diately Informed of Ihe robbery, and a de- scription nf the robber was telegraphed along the lints- - of Ihe Gruid, Trunk and tu the 1, 'iilti'ilititn. WASHINGTON. WAsmviTOi, Oct. 80. Information received at the Stalo Depart- ment confirms the fact that Mr. M. H. llearh, of the New York Set, ha placed X30U stcrl-In- g In th hands of the Consul at Alexandria, to enable hlin to send home thai part of the Jsffa colonists that desire to come. Forty of these colonists accordingly (ailed for Alex- andria on the 6lh or October, under the or the Consuls of Ihe United State at Alexandria and Jerusalem, on their return to Hie United Stales. Of these, eleven were adult men, eighteen women, eight children aud three Infints. Gentlemen connected with the Execmlte Department or the Gov- ernment Consider It the mure honorable to Mr. Reach that these proceedings wevi lakri. without knowledge! or tho fact that proper guaranties having been obtained, Instructions had then been trausmlttesl from the State Department to tho Consul General at Alex, etidtla lo relieve Ihe unhappy colonist at Jaffa and return tbern, with their own t, lo the Uolletl Stales. Under these cir- cumstances II Is believed that Ihe pslnful and discreditable trouble at Jaffa bar retched an end. Our Consul at Malta, tinder dtt of Oct. 4th, says l "I stated la my last that tba Cholera had shown Itself In the Island, and here II still remain. The disease of the present time Is or a most deadly type, though a yet there have not been o many dally vic- tim a there were In I8CS. I regret to Inrorm you that this grievous pestilence eutered the St Dominica Convent last week, and In lee thsn two days nine or Ihe prlcsU had died. Our Consul at Leghorn report under date of Sept. 90th that the cholera had almost ceased to exist at that port after a prevalence of three months. Soino of Iho newspapers have published an alleged corn spondc'iirn between Kill Russell and his son Iinl Amlrly, copied from the Nottingham (Eng.) Juibiai. Lord Amber-l- y li represented ai wilting to tils rather rrom Washington, September 171b. narrat- ing the result of two Inlertlew with Presi- dent Johnson. The truth Is the President has never seen the selon nobility nor Is It known tint Lord Anihiry hvs yet visited Washington. Apirt from tho untruths In Ihe ns mini. I t nrre.poiidcncii, there is good authority for pronouncing It a hoax, It hav- ing been produced by the Nottingham Juun-na- i, as n mere burlesque on Drilled (mllllcs, Neither Chief Juslleo Chase, Judge Un der-wo- nor District Attorney Cliandlcr have received anr definite reply from tho counsel for Jeff Dills leginllng tint proposition of the Chlef.fii.ll-- e to try D iris on tho 11th or November. Jungo Underwood has received a letter from Willi sue M. Erarts, of New Yuik, cnuusel for Ihe Government, who rays he has written to Mr. Hl'liard II. Dana, of Huston, niia nf the counsel for Davis, on this subject, but has recclred no reply, A prlvato dispatch received this tnorulng from Callfornl i, dated lost night, says thu Dt'inoeralla majority In that Bute cxceetls three thousand, but tho voto was very light, falling much below that of Bcptomlier last. Lieutenant Commander Baker, command- ing United Stale steamer Unidllla, reports to the Navy Department tho arrival at Hong Kong, August llth, of the vessel under bis Command. Ofllcers and crew all well. It Is understood that the Union Republican Congressional Commlltco, which has been distributing documents, and sending speak-e- rt through tbo southern Slates, will, with- out any change In It present organisation, be united with tho Republican National Com- mittee to conduct Ihe 1'rosldrutlal campaign. Stanton I In Washington. Ill friends declare that If he 1 restored he will remain to tbo end of President Johnson' administration. The Conservative Army and Nary Union of Washington has Issued an address to all honorably discharged soldiers and sailors, ettlng forth Its political principles, and urg- ing tho nomination for olllce, In every case, of men who havo been earnest supporter of tho late war for the Union. Among the visitors to General Grant to- day was the Governor of Borneo, who I represented to be an American named Tor-re- originally from Itoxbury, Maes. The second annual convention of th Young Men' Christian Association nf Mary- land and the District of Columbia convened here Among the delegate were three of Ihl city, representing the Colored Young Men' Association. One of them, by a vole or 19 to 20, wa added to tho list or Vice Piesldunt. This created much dlsatlsfac-lio- n on Iho part of some or the while dele- gates rrom Maryland, who earnestly protest- ed against the act or Iho majority. They wished to soet-de- . tiring opposed to whites and blacks mingling In the eatno body. The colored Vein President regretted that thu presence of delegali of an association formed for Christian pur- poses should produce discord. Several white delegates, looking at the matter Ilia Christian light, said there could bo no real causo for serlou dissatisfaction. One of the ol lictor declared ho had been it Confederate otlleer, and could with sincerity extend the right hand or Mlowshlp to the colored man, and to prove tlm truth of Ihu utterance ho stepped forward and earnestly shook the colored Vice President bt Iho hand. Not- withstanding this ho could not conceive the propriety of making a siieclsl provision whereby n colored person should ou modo a Vlco President. Other objectors declared similar views, adding that they wero frlouds of the colored man, The discussion was earnest on all sld"s, when a while delegate, for thr sake of har- mony, offered a leaoliiilon requesting the colons! Vlco President to withdraw rrom that olllce. Tho Convention, by two ma- jority, refused to lay the resolution on tho table, and hy a majority or six also refused lo su.rend thu rule in order to allow a vote on Ihe resolution. Astounding lletrHopmnnr. A confidential agent of tho Treasury De- partment has beeu making Investigations In Pittsburg, and among other things hu dis- covered that many or tho officials have been guilty or blackmailing to an alarming extent. One oil Inspector testified that In six mouths ho had received as fees rrom his dike five thousand dollars. Ho hid retained nut or this sum but one hundred and per month, and had paid over Ihe re- mainder lo Mr. Kangdnn, Miller extended bis Investigation Into the Alleghany District, and nhulntd evidence that N, P, Sawyer de- manded money rrom tho oil Inspectors under penally. In east of their refusal, of their re- moval from olllce. Qoorgia, Tito I'.lectlon-- . Bavaxnai., Ga,, Oct. B0. The election passed off quietly The total vote cut, so far as heard from, Is 2,000 Only one white man voted making two white Inee the ell ctlou begun. The negroes have It all their own way, a the white do not go near the polls. A new poll will be oiene4 fur the whites. Nearly all of the voles cast ar for the Raslleal ticket. General Pope bat extended ths time of election two-day-s. IVnuuaus. Us,. Oct. 80 Ths result of the two day.' election Is 1,117 roi", all o, which are for a Convention. Only 24 Chiles ynled. The number of rcerielrallon In ti' county wa 2,910,1&0 whiles and l,7eV) blacks. Maco... Oa Oct. 80 --The eleetlrev (clay was remarkally quiet. No whites partk-l-pate-d up to tl ti'eliKk this altemnon. 1,41.1 voles have been cast, three of which arc whites. Atl-Air- 0 Oct. 80.- - General Pope has ordered the polls In Ir kept t ien until evening, It harlpg- been ascertained that Ihe time alloted was nut eulllclent lo permit a full vole to bo given. Aotip.TA, Gt., Oct. SO. .General Pore has Issued orders to Ihe Registration Hoard lo krep tho (Kills open till C P. M. Saturday, an extension ol two days. The returns of the first and second dayn Indicate that the would have been defeated had not tlie tlmo been extended, tl Is now certain that the question will be W III? generally Ihmngli-o- nt Stale ,,ve taken no part In the eluc-llo- which Is passing tiff quietly. The city da sC2n6i "'d,r for 1 t ltr'.Ki"7h'1 "J" f"r l" dT l bout four whites have voted. Griffin- - iM vole were lmlled y. Very few while are voting. Acoiista, Oa., Oct SO 10 P. M Nothing ha been rerelied from the other precinlt up lo Ihl hour. Ati-ant- Ga., Oct. 80 The total vote of Atlanta and Fulton county for two days Is 1,10, s at least of which are lor a Convention and the bnlon Reconstruction ticket. Louisiana. Tho Yrllotr I'nrsr, Vr., Ac. Nrw Oiu.itArss, Oct. 80. At a meeting of thflUnsnl of Health last night, quaranllre we usended. A motion wu made by Dr. Warren Stone that Ihe yellow fever be de- clared no longer an rpldemto. The motion was opposed, and referml to the committee on health. Dr. Stoue argued that the disease had run Ils course, and waa uo louger epi- demic, though poradlc rase will continue fir some time. In his opinion, It I perfectly safe for a stranger to com tothrcltr. In Ms remarks ho contended that the yellow rrver was not coutaglous under aur circum- stances. Mayor Healh ho vetoed the ordnance relating all ordnance" providing Tor the aduilnlst.atlon of the public schools, ou the ground that the Council made no provision lor any other administration or the schools, leaving Ihein without director or teachers. Tlie action of tho Council look as If thoy Intended alinllshlug Ihe schools aitogethir, aliita they hive failed lo force Iho iirgroe Into tho while schools. The ordnance was passed oierthu Mayor's trio by the Hoard of Assistant Aldermen, but I not yet acted upon tiy the ljpier Hoard. Judge Leamonl, or Ihe Bltth District Court, has tlot ldiil In perpetuate Ihe Injuiic-Jlo- ii crsnlisl In the .School Hoard restraining the Mayor from promulgating tho ordi- nance. A resolution was offered In Iho Hoard or Aldcrineu 1 ist night, requesting the military authorities In remove Ihe present Hoard, which was lost, two black vuiing In ravor ml lour whites against it, Tho theatrical season nimrnrncrs Sunday, Nuiemher M i Iho St. I hatlcs ami y or Music tqien with the Japanese troupes. MastmcliUBoUs, Denlti of Ilx.lioveirnnr Amlrcir. Boston, Oct. 80 John A. Andrew, of MassachusetU, died at tlx o'clock thla evening. At nine o'clock last evening he was at his own residence In Charles tin et, conversing with a friend, his family being present. Ha haul premonitory yinptom or apoplexy, and requested Id family to leave Ihe room, which they did, under the tipixisltlon that be had private business to transact. He then requested his friend to call In Dr. Derby, and subsequently Dns. Blgelow and Cabot wero In attendance. Ho remained unconscious from tho time of attack until death. Qonoral Shoridan. IlrcciptUn nt itlontMillstr. Vc. Moitri ai.ian, Vf Oct. 8i.The re epllon of General Bheridan here y was a Ano affair. A slight rain prevailed moat of the day, but, notwithstanding, the people were nut by thousands tu Join In Ihe demonstra- tions. The Gensral was brought from Con- cord by a special train, and reached hero about 8 o'clock P. Sf. lis was presented In ihe people from the steps of the Capitol by Dllllughaui, and (ubsoiiuently tn the two Houses of tbo Assembly In tho RepresenUllvr Hall by Governor Page. To bnlh presentation addresses Gen- eral Sheridan rcspouded In appropriate iweehes. In which he was quite complimen- tary In Vermont and Vermont loldlers. lie attended the annual gathering or Ilia Ver- mont olUcrra and soldiers Cl Washington Hall In the evening, and left by the night train via BprluAeld, fur New York, where he Is exiectcd to airlvoat noon Delrgnlr to iho Virajlssln Conynn-tlu- n. IticiiMimn, Vs., Oct. 80. General Beho-Ael- d lu an ofllclal rcport.ei plains Ihe appoint-mr- of delegate lo the Convention. The appointments actually made give 47 dele-ga- le from election districts having white majorities, and IS fiom dlitrlcU haying col-ur- majorities. The Imtlnn'l rotililr. Br. Lneis, October 3n.Omaha dispatches ay thai a mcasengcr ho arrived at Fort Laramie with thirty Sioux warrior, who favor peace. The head men promlso lo be at Fort Ijiramle em Iho 10th of November. Chief White Cloud has sent word to Gov- ernor Hunt, of Colorado, that there It no use In the Government sending any more iugnr-n- men tn uegotlato with him, but with Guierimr Hunt or somebody who under- stands the Indian question he will treat upon lllsral terms, relinquish all claim to tho Plains, and remove lo tho extreme North Governor Hunt wilt go to Fort Laramie by the way of Whltfl Cloud's camp, and en- deavor In make terms with him. A licet of seven Mackinaw boats arrived at Omaha Irom Fort Benton on Mundir, The Indiana attacked the boats below Yellowstone and killed one man. The ludlsns obstructed the track or the Union Paeltlc Railroad, between Antelope and l'iiia Bluff nations, a few days since, with a view of throwing the train off. but workmen discovered Iho obstructions and removed them before damage was done. Ir has been ofllclslly announced that the Paris Ksblblllou will clow this day (Tbuis-day- Gm iismitii say that a woman decked In all her charm Is the most terrible human object In creation. Tin: foundations of the new Custom House at Portland, Mc , aro laid 80 foot deep on solid rock. Tun Orleans family baa been Increased by the addition of a boy baby, tbs son of tho Duke and Duchess De Chartre.. A MovuMrNT Is on foot In London to raise a public iitcriptlou for a testimonial to be presented to Mr, Olsdatoue. Tun Yorkshire (England) department of the Reform league celebrated the passage or Iird Derby's Reform bill by a grand ban- quet at Leeds on the 15tn. Tn re Fort Smith IIctM aayt the Arkansas river Is so low above that place that last week a drove of cow (topped to drink in it, tnd tbey drank It In two, A rixx recently took place In a mine st Bt. Etlenne, France, caused by Are damp. 17 bodies have been recovered, and 7artul buried in the mine. Asi English politician I quoted a saying that the Prince or Wale will never com lu the throne If England keeps on sj b Is now going. Ths llnlveessll.l aWloatr nt OnsaaU. Vt., has employed a Mis Damon to oeeip y IU pulpit. She Is pretty and the young me there are all becoming Universalis!. Ir Is said that at a little New England tow where Stierldsn slopped few minutes, tin gsls expressed their admiration by kl'.e. line Ivs failed to reach hi lips, "it was l mlw" "ld Bhendan, "but giol lino shot, Thu fiermms at Worcester, Mass., an highly displeased at .Senator Wilson' llluslot In thtlr nrneliillles for lieer. In bis lecture, It't wrelr, and have bi en holding IndlgnsHoa meetings over It Theydnntl like lo havi have ihelr rs.Ungs talked about. Ar llAurioni, Vt. there Is a wtalthly and miserly who quarrelled with li II wile I. li en ytars sn and though they live In Ihe "sine house aS'l eat at the same IiHIs, they hue not ip'.ken tn rich nthel since. Two tbvighters, well akin.? "In Ihl thirties," complete this 'Msppy family." Tim excitement In the' newly o'ke.vvfre gold and silver mine In Ltidusiry, Mi.., In- creases, and Ihe promising l.snd Is elhg rv pldly secured by epei"u!.itor, to one tsT whnti. granled. In the language of a reornldced, lh of all the mining Intertill my rarm, with th prlvllcre of damnAnf flowing, digging sad blowing, tend raWa Ihe devil lu general." Tils King of Prussia t sail to hsve hsslf narrow escape, of bis life on a WitrtrmMirt railway recently. The train In which hi MJ ty wo Iritvtlling was upset through mnnjii Into a cut drawn by oxen, near Qlppeogrn, which was crossing the line. Tlie cart was smashed to pieces, and a child whleh waa b side had its arm crushed, hi rut William es- caped unhurt, and continued his JuurncJ after a short delay. Tiik London Atvacef report speaks of at old man who has brought up five children nt Us. a week, a on of ths gardener to tbi Queen, dying as an "old worker," In olhel words, as a pauper servant to other pauen - In a dreary ward of Windsor workhouse, and of snotlier, in the same house, who hae( been 80 year lu the employ of Hie T lames Commissioners, aud brought upnlne cbildru on similar wages! Gush's, tho alleged clerical wife poisoner, Is developing some bnt constrictor rnrffa, lately. In his quarters In the Litchfield Jail, Cl. After I laving mode two previous at , I tempts lo "sbutUe off this mortal coll," lit tried on Thursday last, the novel experiment tir attempting tu swallow a Isindanna ban. kerrbleL He was discovered lu time to pte vent the Consummation nt bis di sign, and j Ibn handkerchief was rescued from Ils un. timely grave. Ai unusual ftcrldenl oecnrred at Adrtaa, Michigan, recently. An omnibus full of pe. lile was run a any wllh by Ils horses and t kerosene lamp was ujisct, selling the omni- bus on Are. All of Ihe iseiiger escaped unhurt from thla peripatetic bnntlro with tht exception of one woman, who was slightly bruised. The horses wero nol quieted by Hit cnntlaKrattun In Ihelr rear, bill ran until com. exhausted. Tho omnibus was cola pletely destroyed. An apilllng storv of dmnkenness aid death come from Kdluhurgh, Srollsnd. A man sml his wife, both icrirlcg on flrty, and childless, were lu Iho luhlt of golnr nat drinking together, and the other night erf. el, rated the nineteenth onnlirrsary of llitll wnl, ling by a specially heavy carouse. At they did not mnko tlx Ir niienraui.'e on tht next day, nor thu d iy whleh followed 11, the nelghbiiri broke Into their lodaings, and found I hem both dcsid In bed, each with whiskey bottle In their hands. They had drunk themselves tu death with raw spirits. A Informs us of a fat, blooming widow, who keeps a tullliniry shop lu New Orleans, who ho burled seven hus- bands, and Is now about taking an eighth one to her ardent bosom. Her flrst hiub-ine- died In ft rnrelgn landj Iho second In 1S19 In this eltyt the third lived till t the fourtb tiled the following year) the tilth In l.'.7i Hit sixth In lKVt tlm seventh lived till 1801. Since this time Ihe widow has lived cold and . lonely. Without n particle of envy we wlsli " j No. H that I to be, much felicity and happi- ness. Fore upwards of thirty years one Mils. Sol 1 has been well known In the Pails court of law as the claimant nf is ltrgi property, which she alleged In lie unjustly withheld from her Poor, but iereiatul,sht was seen si all times, with her paper tnd documents. In the portions of the i'alseo di Justice seeking out or confcrrlu wllh bei counsel. Some lime ago she received ai offer of WO.UUOf. lo compromise her claim, but she refused, and her perseverance hal had It reward, ror the Civil Tribunal hal Just given a decision In her favor by whlci she becomes possessed of property at Mont St. Michel worth upwards of 1,600,0 Of. (tJOO ,001.) Bhe still claim ft further amount of 814,0 f. Mn. Ciiam.ks DtrKr.srs wilt only gives limited number or evening In this city, as tu must be back in England In early sprlnr. He Intend on his return to England to glvt rarewrll tcrles of readings, and close tht entertslnments with which lie has been ds- - - - lighting the English puhllo during Iho lasl " ten years. Wo aro told that It Is Mr. Dlckcnt1 Invariable enstnin, when giving public read-Ings- , to devolo himself entirely to It as I , business, and lo accept no frlennly Invltallot which would tend tu take up his time and distract his attention. It I not yet certslft whether Mr. Dickens will read flrsttn Boston or In New York. In Boston be will occupy thoTremnnt Templet In New York, Doefc worth' Hall. In the Tremont Temple all the eau will proboblv bo reserved, and will be old for 91.60 or t i, according to location, .Mr. Dickens will lere In the Cuba, whlck sails for Boston on the 9lh of November, 1 .- -. - BATES OF ADVERTISING. rarasua tsrvAtasnf nt Asvi-srs- . Tot rrtrj tnrrltm of bur fines or less... ..Melt, lotrretj sxtra Uh oe paul of Ua 30 c: l. Aijeerttsements win bt Inserted tn osy-in- f asT'tred stile, t tn tetilsd rpe, al-- o as sp!'si savrrtlssyve-Tjt- s or spul aotlcsa at preportliwoatl il-,L- b eertatiiKl oa applleatlni at lbs onirts, 7 Twenty-st- a word are enoets-- t ss fimr lines, ttdsevsn words lot aek 11m aaor tbta fnr. SP0RTINQ MATTERS. Xbsi (.rent l'edpalrlnn TlatcU lilfulil.t Tliur. Porti-as- Oct. 2. at noon, Mr. Edward Payton Weston starts from lh( Portland Post Office on his great pedestrlal feat, walking to Chicago, l,237f mile ll twcnty-l- working day, or thirty days Irv eluding Sundays, on a wsger or ilO.OCO. During tome nno day be must walk oaf hundred miles, or lrs nf th slake. Mr W, has nrrltcd, and he is a lltbea genlcel-lookln- g toung man, about 28 yean uge, and weighing 12., pounds. He elastic of ten, Is wiry, and tn perfect condition, lie Is no sporting roan la any sense, and ha only consented tl lid fent on a wager for ths purpo.s of pecuniary profit. Ho hss ncvex before performed any matches In reJcatriarv Ism, except to test somewhat his great powet of endurance. He has attended to all tht details or making up Ihe tinie-tabt- e, pruvld , Ing relay, etc., for himself, and he will pass ' through three hundred cities and town ant part ol leu State. Four sworn witnesses. wo Tor each side, accompany him. There U J much Interest and speculation ai to the re. I suit or Ibis great real, which, If accomplish, 1 ed, will make him rank as the most remark. 9 able pedestrian on record. He Is extreme!) desirous or winning this match for the lauds, ble purjioso of ralsmgTrunds with which t( 1 par off some old debt. On Friday next hi 1 expects tu leave North Altleboro at Ave P.M. and walk one hundred miles In twenty-fou- l consecutive hour, so as to reach East Hart. ford. Ct.. at Ave o'clock P. M., od Saturday, which I Just that dUiawce. Cor.CviisMsrrsJt i Milliard Tournameet. ' CmciDKATi, Oct. 29. The billiard tours. j meut y wa largely attended. The Ant game between Coon and River was won bj j Coon. Coon' average waa 14 I Th second game between Parker an! Smith wa won by Parker, th winners' arei ago was 37U, i Tho third game between Ackerman an j Choate was won by Choate. Tbs wuaerf average was 11 f Tbo fourth game between Foster and Soys ; der wu a very spirited one, Saydsr wlaulinj, his last run being 28 points. The fifth game was between Davis and Vers menleu, Uavls winning. Ills averse vr ''ttie llh gam between Coon and Parke waa won by Coon. Score, Parker to. Coo Agues ties. PrTTsoureiiii, Oct. 80. Th tour oils sculling mstch between Heoxy Coedter, of PiUsburgb, and John McKUl, of Cold Sprue New York, for ft purse of t)2,00v, took adactl this afternoon, and wu woo by Coulur. a.' tCnlnsssaqea Vmm as. ayavsvsul

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    Tictor Emmanuel's Troops Crossing

    the Papal Frontier.

    Victor I'mmnnurl PrononacwAclul Usarlbalsll.

    JDariboldi Oommandod to Disperso

    Hia Forces.

    afce., c, .

    Ttia lleTolutlnn In, October W Evening.

    Several mora French hlps of wt haveleft Toulon during the da destined for Clvlta,

    Vecehla, The entire press of thli clljr are

    toud la their praise f Klug Victor Etnmann-- tlfor bU recrnt proclamation ejounclng

    General GaribaldL Lute dlspatcbc received

    Kport Oarlbaldl u still holding tilt positionMonte ltotondo. It U reported that

    agreement ho been arrived at between

    and Italy, whereby the troop of thewill attack the Insurgent. Thethereupon expected to retreat from

    ril territory Into tho dominion ofVictor Emmanuel, where they will bo

    dltirmrd by theVtallan troop.Pants, Oct, 19, Soon.

    li reported that Membra, the prlmoof Italy, li plulgcd to accompany

    French troops to Home.

    Moustler has recently limed a note

    the Intervention of Franco In the

    question. He regards the expedition

    for the reason that Italy hss

    to protect the I'opo In his lawful and

    ilear rights. A ense ol honor andregard for the opinions of mankindthe goTcrnmcnt to this course. M.

    assert that the agency of Frinee

    proceed no further than Is necessary luarmed rebellion acslrat the Holyaud free the Pontifical territory from

    (read of hostile soldier. When theseshall hare Wen accomplished the

    of France will be withdrawn, and a

    of the great power of Europeto forever rettlo the Itoman question.

    KuiRiuicr, Oct. 29.

    communication with Romesuddenly ceased, the Insurgents having

    cut the wire. Owing to the seriousof political affairs the National Diet

    be called together at an early day.

    ru, Oct. 29-- 10 I. M., H The latest dUpatchc received from RomeH teforc the destruction of telegraphic coramn-- H

    cation were highly Important The Inaur-- IJrent In lbs city were actively engaged, andI 3 outbreak wu momentarily expected. TheH ajc'.oriou troop of General Garlbildl were

    B nly twenty-fou- r mile away, orginlilng forI in attack on the Eternal City. Orslnl shellsI Vers being fired Into the street by the partyH f action, whs seemed to be impatientlyI twaltlng the arrival of OarlbaldL The pre-- Iuutlon of tho authorities for the presena-- IDon of order were apparently Ineffective.I Dispatches received from Ctvlta VccchlaI announce that the Freucu fleet bad arrivedH without accident. The troop and munition

    I If war were being landed. The Fope was' I sourly expected to arrive,j I FuianMusa, Oct. 2- 9- Evening.I It Is rumored that lb Italian troop haveI passed tht frontier. No paitlculsrs are re-s' I lelved. Pabu, Oct.

    I General aaribaldl U at Monte Mario.V The Italian arar. baa crossed the frontier,4 I snd the Commanding General ha command- -X I td General Garibaldi to disarm and disperse, M lis force.

    'l LATEST.- I Flosimch, Oct. 23 Evening,1 I Deputies Nlcotera and Moito are reported

    to have been badly wounded during the re--'

    I lent engagement.I .Troops Lauding at Clrlfa VecelilnuI 1'AiitA, Oct, 29 Evening.IU A Advice from Clvlta, V'eccbla announce the

    arrlisl there of the fleet of transports, and, leport that the French troop havo dlaem- -

    I parked and are now occupying the city," I Accumulation of French. Troop.

    ( I PAnia, Oct. 80.ica. I Large lodIe4 of troops have arrived In theasl 8 vicinity of Touloa, ready to embark forit, I Italy, and their number are Increasing,tits I Nothing; From Home.,,),

    ' I Loxmx, Oct, SO Evening.Jt I Mo further dUpatche have been receivedI from Italy. Nethlng U known u to theI V future coarse ol Osneral Garibaldi.

    C Tho rope.I 1'au, Oct.

    tlct It I reported that the Tope ha Informed1'JJ(' the French govemnseut, that If King Victor

    Smmanuel enter Owl. he (the Pope) willVeare.

    "" Halo of churcat Lands lu Italy.i nd Floiimok, Oct. 28. The sale of the

    Church land have ooinineneed, and promt e

    c to add largely to the revenue of the Italianflovernment.

    Imperial reotlTlllos In Parle.Irt Tauu, OcU 29. The Municipality of Pari

    fcave a grand baaque to their Imperial High--', j Bee th Emperor Napoleon and the ss

    Eugenie, and Ueir guest, the EmptrorFrancU Joeph of Aiwirla

    q'obi 704 Un1ut o- - PtM " the Hotel dav ,TUU,wblch wutpleodldly decorated for tho

    occasion.Sfc ' l"b Emperor of AnstrU. In the eonne ofMls U evening mado aa eloquent and feeling

    ipeech. lie returned hla thank to the Em-f- r'ani la lh UcsleicalltT of


    iot fJUl V

    Paris, and to the people nf France, for ttirnoble hopllallty with whlrh he hid been

    sml solemnly Imuknl a closer unitybetween the Empires of France and A n I r I .In tills graixl spvctucle of liitrrnstloual

    and friendship he beheld a newlitlge of eace for Europe, end a fri sh gin-rnn- ti

    for the progress and roirlty of s.The speech of the Emptior was

    ret elte.1 with prufmin't emotion bribe dis-tinguished company prrtrtit.

    Uurlig the pri'gns. of the frttal theVlllc.whldi WMbr'lllinllylllutnliuled.

    w as surrounded by ist 'riiblii' of pen.pie, who repeatedly (hctrrd for Ibc I'.uipcriirFrance Jnrcph and Hie l'.niwrr end Em-press of the French. Win u tho Imperialparty, at the conclusion of the entertainment,passed through the crowd In tl.clr carriages,on their return to the Tullcrles, tho most

    deinunelratlut.a wire nude by thepeople.

    Clrrmnny.nrnus, Oct. 29 -- Prus'la doclliies to

    Bavaria Into the ZslHvn lu on the termsproposed by the tlsvarlau (lovcrr.uirnt-Ituiiquc- t

    to ItUrnrll.Entxvenn, Oct, SO A pt.MIc dinner was

    glteotollon. llenjsmln Dl.rsell, theExchequer, yesterday, nt Edln-bur-

    Mr. Disraeli, In answer to a complimentarytoast, rose and made a chantclrrl.tlc speech,lie gore a history of the llrlorm question;recounted the action of the different politicalparties In Enclsnd In relation to the subject,and closed with a strong argmneut In Justifi-cation of the Torr party for their course Inadvocating and triumphantly carryingthrough Parliament the Representation ofthe People's bill.

    The remark of the honorable gentlemanwere frequently Interrupted hy expressionsof attention and approval, aud when he tookhi scat he was loudly entered.

    1 sao I'rnlnns,Livimrooi, Oct. 29- - Noon.-T- hls city Is

    now the centre of Fenian panic. Rrporla ofmysterious proceeding among the Irish In-habitants bavo csuscd the authorities to tskeextraordinary precautions. The armories ofthe volunteer anil the cunshops In the c!lyare guarded, and the ollcc pairols havo beendoubled.

    Loxi'tii, Oct, 29- Evening, Dlghy Bey.mour, the principal mimnl lor the tlefrnie,has made snotlier epplicallon for tho remo-val to London of tlm trials Just eommenrtdat Msnchtstcr, on the ground of thu l.o.lllityof public feeling against tho arms il In tbalatter rlty but the (liivi rnment has reli'st--to grant their request.

    lam if, OH. 80, The Irlnl of the prlxm-er- eIndictid ycsterd.iy will tuiiiiiu'iieo U'lme

    liefoio tho Hperlsl Commission Tliur-ils-when the challciiglng of the Jury will towinence.

    M.t.M iii.sir.ii, Oct. Tho trialof Allen Is now In process. 'Ihe caseagnlnst him and tho others Is very strong.There Is much exciltinrnt In tho city, em!the Court building Is ,iiaitUd by uutluusltroops.

    Tvienty-sl- x of the prisoners hae beeufor murder,, October 80 V.venlng ThoFenlsn trials have been ailjoururd for theday. Tho city Is perfectly quiet.

    Tbs lUiaterit Ciiellnn.Pari, October 80 Evening. The mixed

    Commission recently sent lo Candla by theSublime Porte, for tho settlement of Ibngrievances of the Cretsns, has returned with-out being able to ciTcct any good.

    ft'roin IJruxll.I.tsno, Oct. SO Tba mall stesmer from

    Rio Janeiro ha arrived. There waa no Im-portant war new. The Legislature bodiesof Until had agreed on an export duty ofIt per cent., to take effect on aud after the1st of January next, In place of the duty ofone per cent, which 1 now the law.

    A Itatsr Ilullnn Cabinet.Flomuicr, Oct. 28, A, M. General Mans-bre- a,

    to whom waa last committed the taskof reorganising the Ministry, has succeededIn forming a new Cabinet. It Is as follows iMarine and Foreign A 11 sirs General

    Home-Blgn- or (jualterlo. FinanceSlgnor Cambray. Commerce Hlgnor

    DIgny, Work Slgnor Contello. War-Gen- eralYlalc. Justice fllgnor Marl.

    Loniio.t, Oct. 28. Allan and the other per-sons arrested at Manchester a Fenian emls-tail-

    hare been Indicted, and the SpecialCommission, which ha been in session there,ha adjourned. General Farlola, and theother Fenians who havo been under examina-tion before the Special Commlsslou at Dnb-ll-n

    havo also been Indicted. The Indictmentla both place Is for high treasou.

    rntlurre.Iamik, OcL 29, Noon. Mr. Hutchinson,

    cotton dealer, of Liverpool, and Messrs.Lewi Brothers, of Loudon, have stoppedpayment.


    QeamtsTown, Oct. 29, Evening. Thesteimer City of Baltimore, Captain

    from New York on the 19th instant,has arrived here ou the way to Liverpool.

    LoMioaiixHKr, Oct. 80, Noon. The steam-ship Nova Scotlan, from Quebec, bis arrivedhere on the way to Liverpool.


    ITInll Datca lo October 30th.The Cunard mall steamer Rnssla, which

    left Liverpool on the 19tb, and Queenstownon the 20lli, arrived here yesterday, briuglngInteresting detail of European news.

    Til It nOMAM QCKSTIOSf.French paper contain the following tl

    of the recent skirmishes between thetroops of Garibaldi and thoso of the Pope i

    In the affair of the 18th October ninetyPal noldlcra charged a body of three hun-dred Garibaldlans, cut their way throughthem, and occupied Monte Lihretll. The in-vaders, however, having recched consider-able reinforcement Irom the neighboringIrontler, probably tiodly guarded, resumedthe otTrnslve, to the number of eight hund-red, llefore uch a suierlor force the Pon-tifical detachment elfected a retreat in goodorder. During the wnole day they hut tenwounded, whom Uiey were able to remove,together with fifteen (Isribsldlan prisoner.The losses of the enemy appear to bae beenconsiderable.

    On Ihe litli, at Yallecoraa, on tho Southernfrontier, a small body, consisting of a fewPapal quadrlgltcri, with some eaaants. vol-unteers, end gendarme, held In check twohundred Garibaldlans, and thus left time furthe Roman column lo arrive. The Oarrlbal-dls- n

    had ten killed. Including their leaderand three officers, and several wounded, los-ing beside forty-si- x prisoners and a quantityof inns aud munitions.

    A fierce encounter had taken place beforethe gate of Sau Lortuxo, between the Insur-gent and the Papal gendarme, but the de-tail were not known.

    this rors'e armt,The following wo the distribution of the

    Papal army on tho 2Mli of September t AtRome, KIM men; at Viterbol 477: at Kacagll-on- e,

    Hli at ClvlU Veechla, ttti at Froal-non- e,2M at VelleUi, 172; at Comarea, 209;

    at Tlvoll, I66i at Legnauo, W; at Terracina,7l)t .lOtviUOaateUuuk.SOi arrf l V.'iUno.

    Ki. The total force (on paper) amounts to12,947 men.

    i rsruxd ix itai.t.A correspondent sny iFlorence is empty of young men, who

    have gi no to the frontier as volunlicr t andseven or right olllcers of tho aitny, liouiai sby blrtli, have tes'snrd thtlr tomulsslons luordrr to JdIii Ihe mmemi'iit.

    The city of Naples g1Ve on the first dsy ofthe iilcrlptlon o,0tJ franc lo the fund forth' woundnl,

    Commltlets for the ttllef of 11,0 wound-et- llnuivents are bunting Ihroiigbunt Italy,

    One of the first and most noteworthyof the which appears to stteml

    lint liisiirnetlimsry inorrnitnt Is the fusion(for tin- - llmti at any rate) of ltnllon parties.Thr Nsplts ctirrrspoiub nt of the lint MMV ,!-- , savs i short time aco every oneseen ed tit be ready in tear CM-r- tine elsti lopieces i the pirly of sctlon wi re Incorrlgllilouemsgncmn, who were Incapable of any-thing hut and would ruin Italythe moderates were all .'esulls, lsiel spies,etc., etc. A really serious crisis arises Iparties vsnlsh a moment of hteltatlnn Ilelt with regsrd to thr government, but theirpolicy Is seen t be truly national, and allcliso round thrni as one man, to sustain andstrengthen Hum, and present a bold fi out tothe foreigner. I must evrtpt tho clericalsand their seauly allies In thu ranks of the oldparties."

    mrr.Miitu rnisis.The tandon Tines of the 19th say,

    Tho Oovernnienta of Ihe Emperor Nspo-leo- uand that of King Victor Kminatiiii'l have

    taken up their rtsiwtlve s. TheFrench expedition to Rome with which theFlorence Cabinet waa threatened hiabwn re-solved upon In principle In full MlulsterlslCouncil nt St. Cloud. The execution of thisresolution has been deferred for Ihe moment,but preparations tin n targe scale are In pro-gress lu the French Mediterranean (Hirts tociirry It out at the shortest posslblo notice.The Intimation of the Emperor's decisionhas been met by M. Ilattatti with a positivedtTlaratlon tint tho Intelligent e of a singleFrench soldier Iwliig crubnrkrd at Toulon orMarsedlcs wuuld U tlie slgnsl for the Italianarmy to cross the Papal frontier. If bothparties abldo by their last word and II hasheroin dlflieult to suirgest whit miy occur loavert this cilunlly the troops of the twonation may mine together under or withinthe walls of Rome, slid a mm ting undersuch tlreiimstancea fun hardly Isll to lend tocollision

    A contest between France and Italy, wereIt to b, come Inevitable, would Ihi a shorttinu andnf undoubtful Issue. Franco Is acompart, warlike empire. Italy Is atlMract-ed- ,

    h Slate, a thing of yester-t- liy, In a grtat incisure Frame's own ciei-tlo-

    There Is d,mg!T nol only of Itsly be-ing worstnt In tho light, biitof her recelvli gliijurkfar I tin Inleiillon of Km neetoluKlcti fsr lieytmd the Kiwer of It Ndnnes the on who-- esldi Ik s i clear on ed vvilniralii ne It withmixleiatlnn and be I ore Hie llutiinintnt olNapoleon vciituro on their ccd!tlmi theyshould coiisldi r flist, the causes which maylesd them to li e cimtempUlrd ineiwuietthen, the object that ineasuiu Is cximcled toanswer, lluslly, the tinners ul the it suitsrnriestni!liig to, without eutt cling, thoseobject". 'In prop up Ihe Pope's throne with-out u' nlir.. itn tint of Victor Fmin inttel,hns liteiime a sitter Initios. Il.lllt. Frsneolinul net ils undo all she has ilmir In Ihe llal-Is- n

    Kingdom to build up ngnlu hII she lindileinolislied In the I'upsl M tr. No doubtshe cm do all that I rhe liny maka the mostof a too cisr tlclory. Hut she has herhonor mi le.s than her true Inteie-- t to con-sult. flie has lind a narrow e,esje tif a tigwar with n strong rival. It w Ul seem hardlyuuguauilmoits lo sick a petty quatrtl witha weak shier. Il will not be easy lo satl.fythe world that what Franco wants InItaly Is anything else but revenge forthe check she his met with lu (lermary

    There are, however, be It remembered,moru than two competitors In the field.Were the French fleet anil the Italian aruirto start at a given slgnil, It might be dlfllcuftli foresee which of them would first reachthe rrosl. Hut there is a third narlv far mornadvanced than cither. Menoltl Garibaldi,Nleotrra. OhlrcHI, and other chiefs, eachwith rhclr thousands, are pressing forward it heir number is legion j their war-cr- y U theRepublic. Strong a from day today theyarc becoming, they may notcr muster sulrl-ele-

    strength to take Rome. They may haveto fall back before Rataixl t they could havono chance of holding their ground againstNapoleon. It la Home alone, however, tintmay still reconcile them with the King'

    As foes to the temporal powerIhry hive raised no other flsg than that ofUnited Italy. Hut for the first Unie sinceNovara Italian proclamations apjiearwlthoutthe King name. Beaten uudrr the Tricolor,they will rally under the blood-re- d standard.Balked of their Roman prlte, they will sclioon Naples and Sicily. The Pope may reignIn Rome, but Mazxlnl will be let loosethroughout Italy.

    It Is worse than a mockery and an Insultto talk of the "uninlstskahlo fidelity or theRomsn people to the I'tipe." In one band,under Uhlrilll, there are no lea than l.'.'O)Human emigrants; scattered throughoutItaly may be reckoned 8,01.0 other Roman ref-ugee. Thousands of suspected patriots arecrowding the Roman prisons. Thousandsof others are thrust out across the frontier.

    INTKHVMTION,The Pari f'rnntt y iWe have reason to believe that Marshal

    Narvaei, in tho name of the 0,uccn of Spain,has made an olferto the French Governmentto with It In maintaining thetemporal power of the Foe, In the event of1U being seriously threatened.

    The Opinion A'af.'onufs saysiIt 1 with grief Hist wo learn that a Roman

    expedition Is resolved upon, and probablyalready in course of accouiplliheti.We consider the belief that such a step willmake Italy recede from her present Hisltlnuau Illusion, Public opinion to Italy hasleached such a point that Victor Emmanuelcannot draw back without Imperilling hiscrown and monarchical Institutions.

    1USM AllllUT TIIR gUFKt's StrRTV.The Edinburgh CVurnnf, of the 17th, gives

    the following particulars of the precautioustaken to pre lent Ihe capture of (juccn Vic-toria by roaming Fenians i

    The local police force In the vicinity anillong Ihe valley of the Deo bai liceii Increas-

    ed. Yesterday A mall trnln Irom London at12 8J mid-da- y also brought Inspector Wal-ker, with 1 1 picked men from tho Metropoli-tan and Manchester KillCi forces, mtn whohave had experience as detectives and other-wise In dealing with the Fenians. 1 he opin-ion we lielleie, of those who have mostknowledge and experience- of Fenian move-ment 1 that, If anything should really beattempted, the conspirators would not ap-proach the locality by train, but would lu allprobability swarm In on foot front perhapsseveral points. Up to the, time at which ourparcel Kit, however, there hail not been thelightest traco of anything to canse suspi-

    cion seen by the county or city police ne irAlierdetni and In the, morning the wholeregion, from llalaler upwards, was free of thehailow of any such cause of siupltluii, slid

    were any Fenlsn lo venture Into tlm loeulily,It Is believed that tho bygone and 1IW stow-ed leniency of the authorities would bo sum-marily stoned for In hi person. With thoprecautious now taken with much prompti-tude on the part of the authorities, It U be-lieved that there la no possibility tf anything,even In the least unpleasant, occurring, andtint if her Majesty would consent to have snescort in driving out, the remotest groundfor uneasiness would bo removed. At Ihesame lime, we have the beat reason for be-lieving that Ihe Information retched by thoauthorities wji of a kind serious enoughquite lo warrant tho precautious we havespecified belli Inken.

    Tim AbviwiNiAit nxmnmoH.The Pall Mh. I tiaitttt say iWe undenfuid that Lord Stanley ha ad-

    dressed au ultlniatiiui lo King Theodore, In-timating thai nil friendly relatione with blmare broken utr. From this II may be Interredthat no further attempt will be made to pro-cure Ihe relt o of tho captive by diplomaticmeasures. The letter would probably bo for-warded to It destination by Colonel Mere-weth-

    who lelt Aden on the 28lh ultimo incharge 'of the pioneer and rcconnoltertngparty, consisting of 80 horse, 200 of the Ma-rina battalion and a company of upper.The first object will be to tlx thu point of

    which It i now tolerably certaint will I in Annes'.ey Hurt and while tha.aiui- -

    pers R"C preparlnr for the landing of Iheforces Cot. Mercwrlherwlll be engsged lose-k,:lt- i;

    a healthy soot for a depot,as nuir the km as possible, aud Inr cnnnoltrlng the future line of iranhas Isr it practicable. This, It is hnrd.may I cfleUcd as Car as Antoio, or b thec.i't of It. A native regiment and tin ThirdLight Cavalry were to lenve Doiubay on the8d Inst., a strong brigade on the 1st of Nov.,and Ihe remainder aa soon a Ihry could hesent up. Koine appreariistnu arv entertain-ed lint th' movements of the troop Ull'hampered fur waul of carriage. It Is not mVlikely, however, that a moiety of the 1J,1men may lc left as a reserve at thu firsthealthy po'lilin on the highlands, and thatIhe lighting column will be restricted loB.ooOinen. It appears that the ciplhes hadbeard from the Wagshum Ooheile, who

    some Idea of piling n ofMsgdah and of the cspllvi s. Inclndiug IheAhuna, Should ho succeed, his object woIn Induce the Abnna lo anoint hlra Emperor,vice Theodora excommunicated. The cap-tives at Msirdala would probably be afe inhis bands, and he might be prevailed uponto make them over to us for a considera-tion.

    Tirre ritisrn An rnpscitsj or watra.The return of the Prince and Prince and

    and Princes of Wales, on the 171b, Is thudescribed by a London pier I

    After a few momenU delay the Princess,who had Just risen Irom breakfast in thedeck saloon, stepped out on the quarterdeck,and prepared lo mount the gangway on foot,which, with the rnoce't ssslslance, she ap-peared to do without pain or Inconvenience,merely resting on a moment bating gainedthe first ttep. She Uien entered the travel-ling carriage, an opeu barouche, brought onthe pisiform without the horses. Tho wholeof the gangway and the landing stage weiethickly carpeted, end over It Her RoyalHighness was drawn by a number of men.Tho horae were then attached to Ihe car-riage. Some slight delay was occasioned atthat moment by the transferor one of theheavy guns along the principal thorough-rar- e,

    under which the ros.l hail glieu way.The Prince wis apparently in excellenthealth, and Ihe Princess, although pale, ap-pealed to lutii recovered from her llluess.

    Tho Ilrtllsh Mulicat Juurti.i sayaiThe Prlnci'a hss been able. In her Journey

    home from Wiesbaden, Puliiplclely lo throwoir her character of Inialld, She has trav-eled throiiuli without any medical attendants,and ciiuic, by train from liarmstaill In Ant-werp In one Journey. The soloutn at Wle.biulen has attended with the happle!result., nol the least of which Is that, by theInevitable Incidents or Ihe tarlmis excur-sions, the soundness of the irenvery ha.licen fully tinted by changes of (emtsiratiireand weather, and rough trial of Ihe Joint tand that tlm ci I Ileal period vrlicn, If ut all,relapse might tune been ex peeled or TtMrrd,has been passed most liapllr nml slit ttfully. The Pfliier. la lihiklln; well, slid liable lo move about Irrely with tho slight aidof a slick,

    ions:Chester had been the scene of another n

    ou'r.ige. An attempt was made to firetho pollen ollcc on the night of Ihe llliwllli " fire," tlinmu Irom tmUlde.'Ihe woodt-- lentil itor was tiled. All

    was promptly tin the enil and soon ex-tinguished the llames. The Imlllo whit h con-tained the lhllammubhi material was liuindThu .Vsus siia that several beuelils luinbeenlie,! In liiuluii. In aid of tho families ofFiiilaii prhoncia In Manehesler. They tookHies shpa of gatherings In certain IniUlohouses, n small sum being charged for

    and the iirotrtilluics puriakli.g of asocial harmonic character. The bciieilts weroEllen simultaneously lu Lambeth, Wiatmln-l-lc- r.

    Mar) lc bone, and Whltechacl, that atthu latter Uklugplaeo In a public house InLeinan street. In this house nlmiit 2(0 Irish-men assembled, and wero lu tho uildft of

    and loud In patriotic snug, when anInspector slid n rcrgewt of police attachedto the station close at hsnd vlsllitl the room,leaving III o or six numbers of tho force out-side. 1 hoso assembled were not only not dis-concerted at the preetMieo of the two rep-resentatives of authority, but only badethem my Ihe price of admission or retire.

    AUSrlllAN AtllTATION.Serious troubles ore apprehended In Vienna

    If Francis Joseph refuses his assent to Ihemodification of the concordat. Popular de-monstrations hate taken place In front of Ihehotel of Cardinal Raiischrr. Police stentshave eiitrcd all tho' large workshop lu thecltv and cautioned the maators not lo allowpuhllo meeting of tho workmen to takeplace on their premise. The municipalityof Vienna his demanded or the Emperor Ihe

    of the National Guard, widthshall maintain order In the city In place ofthe army. To add to these complications Ihelower chamber of the Rrlchsralh ho resolvednot to voto Ihe bill embodying the flnanilalarrangement with Hungary In the absence ofa modification of the nuieordat. Herein lieIhe chief dllllculty with which bis ApostolicMajesty has to contend,

    thr rami at niK.Hrr.n.The following 1 from the Loudon 7ium

    of lfttbiFor Ihe last three weeks measures have

    been taken by the authorities at Chester,which have given rlso to many absurd stories.A number of detectives havo been placed atthe railway station and other place wherastrangers mar be expected to mike their firstappearance In the city, and tho pollco onnlirht duty ham been furnished with re-volvers, rho volunteer arms were removedfrom the armory of the battalion to that orthe Castle, and the guard on the Cnillo hasbeen doubled, being ou one occasion tripled.Humors halu In en spread about that theheadquarters companies or Iho Irlih (or RoyalIrish) Regiment of Foot wero seriously

    Our correspondent, hoever, de-nies this. Only a lew neck aeon Ft nlanbrother manured lu get acquainted with nnumber of the so soldiers, and pnuiil'id abribe of A".'0 lo such as by skilful manige-mer- it

    hu considered likely to desert finm thesen Ice. Several of the men acctplcd thubribe, or at least a goodly Instalment of thesame, and after having a good "spree," endpending Ihu money, iriunied and gave

    tfieiiiHt lies up to Ihelr ofllcers, and arc, nowawaiting punishment. This la the solo ex-tent of the disaffection, The snldlei say"If Ihe colonel orders us to shoot ourmothers wo will do It," and they are t v it.periled lo find that their loirlty hns beendisparaged. Yesterday morning two tele-grams were rex rived by Ihe authorities at(hesler to Ihe elicit that mischief waa In-tended there lat night.

    ECCLUIASIICAl, HAH.1l.tU,Cardinal Culleu, lu hi pastoral oddres to

    Die people of Ireland, utters the followingwarulng ngalntt secret sotlctli'4

    "Shun all secret associations, no matterwhat name thoy bear, whether they ho Ma-sonic or Fenian, Orange or Rlbind t they areall alike condemned by tlie Church of IIimI,lhcy are all subject to excommunication,and cut "If, Ukc rotten branches, from lbChurch by the vicars of I In lit on earth.Whilst thus cursed by Heaven, yon may restassured that such aitsociallltms, an far fromumellnrutliig ludlvldual or swill happiness,can only sen e to Inflict fatal wounds uponsociety, and entail disgrace and ruin upontheir mciiiliers. You have had within thelust few uiunths Iho strongest prools of thetruth of what I stale In iho unhappy pro-ceedings of Kenlanlsm whleh we have hail todcplotr, Without tho slightest chance ofsuccess, without Iho prospect of any usefulresult, this association ha disturbed thecountry, injured relldon, ollenutiit thofriends who were ausloiia to miles ourgrievance or paralysed Ihelr action I It hagiven power aud plauslhlo pretence for op-pressions our eueinlcs and brought ruinand misfortune upon Ihoiisunds. How muihbad fallh, perfidy and want of courage adefect rarely fouud in Irishmen, unless whenacting with a bod lonwleuce have apearedIn lt ninksl What hosu of spies and In-formers were connected with It, unions totrallia In the llberllin and lives of others andto earn the wage ol luiquityl rWcletltswhich produce such fruits are not only a calainity, hut a UUgracci to our poor country."

    iirriiiNtus or i its itaxt.A Pari paper say iThe leelfug of both parties lo the druggie

    seems to become more emhltteretl as It pro-ceeds. The l.ibtm reporU that Ibn I'outltl-cu- d

    Government hss shot several prisoners,and among them Count Pogllaeck of Vltertao,who waa made prisoner at Usgnorea. M,1'sgllaccl was condemned to Jealh Ihnevuars .tfo loe rtolttlesl s'i.w This ijf.,11

    Cvrrnfwtn-ltnt- t eaya that the Roman prisonsare full uf prisoners, and that Count ll'Argy,the Commander Legion, hasdirected his olllcers lo shti all the Osrlbal-dl.i- n

    prisoners, which, If carried Into ctfect,will leod In terrlblo reprisals. Tho l.iltrtinquires whether the example uf (Jucrctarohvs been forgotten.

    THE SUN.Thirty-Fourt-h Year. NEr-Y0K- K. THURSDAY. OCTOHKR 31. 1807. JPrico Two Cor t&

    ST-, c.HycMf.)

    TrAiA, October 30. -I- ntelligence) hasbeen receded here that Pan Domingo hisdecliirrd war against Hayll, on account tfthe sympathy and assistance given hy theHaytlens lo II it z. Ilarcs wasat CaraeCM, where In) was planning an at-tempt to return to San Isninlngo.

    President Cabral and General Pessln wereon lb Itayticn frontier, with an army of4,000 min.

    OUEA.Havana, October SO. Ten of Ihe prison-

    er who took part In Ihe revolt at tlie Peni-tentiary In Ranltsgo de Cuba, were shot onIhe 23d Inst. All the others Implicated Inthe affair have been sentenced to long termof Imprisonment.

    Canada,fthlp Carpenter' Hint In quebec.

    A tjtiebee paper say iA courageous hlp carpenter, named

    In resisting a mob uf the JuchcoUnionist who entered Into the yard ofMessrs. Samson the other dar and Intimida-ted the workmen employed there, slip km1over the ship's rail, and fell nearly forty reel,death resulting almost Immediately. At thoInquest eleven wllncssea conclusively proirdthat the man's precipitate departure from histHist was the result of the unlawful and vio-lent demonstration, II not assault, of theUnion Society men.

    Ou the 2ih lust, the pollco of Quebeo ar.rested 19 of Iho ringleaders In the late tint.1 he (ueliec (inullt aaya t

    The prisoners were followed through Iheslreets to the Court llouso by a mob

    of the " roughest of tho rough," lo thenumber of several hi.ndred, During Ihe pre-liminary examination In the court room, thecowd outside Indulged In yelling, huntingshunting, hissing ami groaning) end one In-dividual, more ctniragititir than tho others,iimnnlrd Iho steps m front nf the CourtHouse, and romiiieucfd singing tlm Mar-seilles hi mn. Curse aud linprieiilliiiisagainst the police ami tho authorities werofreily Indulged Ira ( and several or themewoie leiigcaiico airalnst thosu oppost'd InIhelr unjust demand. Hall to any amountwas olfcred for Iho ri lease of tho prUnnen,bill uaarcltlsrd by the Court, Iho SolicitorGeneral roiiciurliig with the Judge of St vesluusthat tl.c cisci iras uf ton salon, a nature toadmit of bill being taken. Tho pri-soners wcie then remanded untilforenoon at 10 o'clock. When It becaimsknown amuiigrt tlio rrowd outside bailhad been tillered and refit ed the limb becamemil more noisy and boisterous, and swornthey would rescue the prisoner) If they werelint admitted lo ball.

    The authorities being made aware of thenllltiiileol the mob, dceined II ndtlsnble tosend lor a detachment of iho regular troonaof the gnrrl'on, and accordingly, In a shorttlinu alter, strong floth Ulricaarrived In front of Ihe court hoii.e. Theprisoners wero Immediately marched out andplat nl III the vans, and amidst Iho shouts amiyells nl' the boisterous crowd weru driven otrlo goal, thu vans being guarded front andrear ami on both side by the soldiers withdrawn cutlasses. The moll closed In on theescort several times, but beyond this no fur-ther attempt at vlolcuco was made.

    I'enliaii Itlnm Hireling.Pitii.Aiiri.i'iiiA, Orl. 80 A largo Fenlsn

    mass meeting was held here this evening.Speeches wero delli erod by James Gibbons,P. J, Merhiiu, and W J, Hones, One Fe-nian military company was present in uni-forms.

    A Ilrapurulo SJIrl.In the Troy Tmn of 29th, we And the fol-

    lowing story of attempted revenge iA night or two since a young girl residing

    In Fort Schuyler, entered a Federal street sa-loon and Inquired for a young man. who isknown among his comrades bv the beautifuland euphonious name of "Mush," and notfinding 111 m paraded up and down the streetuntil she Anally met him near the corner ofRiver street. They engaged In a somewhatangry conversation, wherein tho girl de-pleted her sorrow and shame, and Ihe youugman threatened her with gross personal vio-lence, when she becoming exasperated

    all measure at the heartiest and brutalIndifference of her betrayer, rushed Into thestreet and picking up looao paving stones Lo-gan to pell htm with these, until the fellowtook to his heels and ran away, followed luhot but unavilllng pursuit by the gill. Alargo crowd collretnl, but no one attemptedto lulerfcie to shield tho man from the mad-ness of the trill be had so foully wrougctL

    IVIoal Horrible Arcltlrnl.Wo And the following lameutablo occur-

    rence recorded In the Bt. Loul A'urm'isy Iliipatch of tho 26lh i

    A workman named John Illeen wo engag-ed, this morning. In opening a conical armyslull, which, wliu a number of others, wasold to the Union Rolling Mill Compauy a

    harmless scrap Iron. The manner by widththe shells wero opened was with a cold chiseland tledgo hammer. Most of them ncioplugged with brass, and consequently didnot Igntto, hut finally the shell alluded to wasrrsi in it, which duublles contained a hiddenpcicuwlou Kip, and In the humouring wasIgnited by the friction aud exploded. Seatedon barrels around this were three workmen,employes of the mill, and tho personal Injur-ies lutllclrd wero upon them. A youngman, eighteen year of age, uumrdRichard Wtlsh, was linrrilly muti-lated and killed. The wholu left side or Idskull wa blown off, etpo.liig lils brains.

    Ills arm wero brulod uud etuiltured, andtivu Anger or bis right hand, which wireblown olf, were lying upon his breast whenwe visited him. lie died at twelve o'clock.Tho scene In tho bedroom wa one which IIIneicr bo forgotten by those who witnessed It,The mother was sobbing violently, A broth-er and slilir, half grown, were wringingtheir hands lu great anguish, anil Ihe guttur-al breathings of the half ulUe aiiircrrr Im-parted the sorrow nl Iho family to Iho crowdof sympathetic fllemls. Charles Williams,nnollur j until cmp lou-- d In thu mill, aibadly Injured. Little holies of his recuirryare entertained. John Slccii, lu the llelnltyof tin) shell as Iho tlmo Is exploded, wasburnt In the lacu and ou tho haudi, hut Is liijjnd.

    lleary nud Driving ilobbrry.The National (7,jWf, or Ihe 2 lib lust.,

    says iYesterday morning, about 10 o'clock, an

    American entered the exchange office or Mr,0, Falardeuu, corner or St. rraneoU Xavlerand Hospital tlieeU, and requested Americangreeubat ks tu the amount or '15,000 for sil-ver. Mr, Falanleau promised to havo therequired sum iraily at 11 o'clock, aud Ihestranger went nut, promising to return atthat hour. Mr. Falurdeuu ImmediaU ly cullediijKiu either exchange ottlcrs tu the city lo ob-tain Urn amount required, borrowing 1 10,000from Nichols fc Robinson, tlll.wsi fromMeeker A Co., aud a check ou the (juebeoHank lor il 5,000. This was ready for ex-change at 11.20 o'clock. At about 1 o'clock,a cleik or Mr, Falanleau' going past thoPost Olllre aaw the American standingthere, and told him to go downto the' eirhanga tiltlre and get themoney, which iisd btea waiting somelime, The clerk then went on to theMontreal Hank, and, having finished hibusiness there, went back to Mr. Falardrau'olllce. Ou entering, he found Mr. Falardeaulying on- Ihe floor iusenslbk), stabbed, andbleeding. The greenbacks wero missing,On Ulng restored to consciousness, Mr.Falardeau stated that th American badcome for the greenbacks, but Instead of gty.Ing the' specie, had assaulted him, hittingblm aevwral blow cm the head, and stabbinghlin lu two or three places, aud then tookIhe gresnbaek and made a flank movementto irU unknown. The pollco were Imme-diately Informed of Ihe robbery, and a de-scription nf the robber was telegraphed alongthe lints- - of Ihe Gruid, Trunk and tu the1,'iilti'ilititn.

    WASHINGTON.WAsmviTOi, Oct. 80.

    Information received at the Stalo Depart-ment confirms the fact that Mr. M. H. llearh,of the New York Set, ha placed X30U stcrl-In- g

    In th hands of the Consul at Alexandria,to enable hlin to send home thai part of theJsffa colonists that desire to come. Forty ofthese colonists accordingly (ailed for Alex-andria on the 6lh or October, under the

    or the Consuls of Ihe United Stateat Alexandria and Jerusalem, on their returnto Hie United Stales. Of these, eleven wereadult men, eighteen women, eight childrenaud three Infints. Gentlemen connectedwith the Execmlte Department or the Gov-ernment Consider It the mure honorable toMr. Reach that these proceedings wevi lakri.without knowledge! or tho fact that properguaranties having been obtained, Instructionshad then been trausmlttesl from the StateDepartment to tho Consul General at Alex,etidtla lo relieve Ihe unhappy colonist atJaffa and return tbern, with their own t,

    lo the Uolletl Stales. Under these cir-cumstances II Is believed that Ihe pslnful anddiscreditable trouble at Jaffa bar retchedan end.

    Our Consul at Malta, tinder dtt of Oct.4th, says l "I stated la my last that tbaCholera had shown Itself In the Island, andhere II still remain. The disease of thepresent time Is or a most deadly type, thougha yet there have not been o many dally vic-tim a there were In I8CS. I regret to Inrormyou that this grievous pestilence eutered theSt Dominica Convent last week, and In leethsn two days nine or Ihe prlcsU had died.Our Consul at Leghorn report under date ofSept. 90th that the cholera had almost ceasedto exist at that port after a prevalence ofthree months.

    Soino of Iho newspapers have published analleged corn spondc'iirn between Kill Russelland his son Iinl Amlrly, copied from theNottingham (Eng.) Juibiai. Lord Amber-l- y

    li represented ai wilting to tils ratherrrom Washington, September 171b. narrat-ing the result of two Inlertlew with Presi-dent Johnson. The truth Is the Presidenthas never seen the selon nobility nor Is Itknown tint Lord Anihiry hvs yet visitedWashington. Apirt from tho untruths InIhe ns mini. I t nrre.poiidcncii, there is goodauthority for pronouncing It a hoax, It hav-ing been produced by the Nottingham Juun-na- i,

    as n mere burlesque on Drilled (mllllcs,Neither Chief Juslleo Chase, Judge Un der-wo-

    nor District Attorney Cliandlcr havereceived anr definite reply from tho counselfor Jeff Dills leginllng tint proposition ofthe Chlef.fii.ll-- e to try D iris on tho 11th orNovember. Jungo Underwood has receiveda letter from Willi sue M. Erarts, of NewYuik, cnuusel for Ihe Government, whorays he has written to Mr. Hl'liard II. Dana,of Huston, niia nf the counsel for Davis, onthis subject, but has recclred no reply,

    A prlvato dispatch received this tnorulngfrom Callfornl i, dated lost night, says thuDt'inoeralla majority In that Bute cxceetlsthree thousand, but tho voto was very light,falling much below that of Bcptomlier last.

    Lieutenant Commander Baker, command-ing United Stale steamer Unidllla, reportsto the Navy Department tho arrival at HongKong, August llth, of the vessel under bisCommand. Ofllcers and crew all well.

    It Is understood that the Union RepublicanCongressional Commlltco, which has beendistributing documents, and sending speak-e- rt

    through tbo southern Slates, will, with-out any change In It present organisation,be united with tho Republican National Com-mittee to conduct Ihe 1'rosldrutlal campaign.

    Stanton I In Washington.Ill friends declare that If he 1 restored hewill remain to tbo end of President Johnson'administration.

    The Conservative Army and Nary Unionof Washington has Issued an address to allhonorably discharged soldiers and sailors,ettlng forth Its political principles, and urg-

    ing tho nomination for olllce, In every case,of men who havo been earnest supporter oftho late war for the Union.

    Among the visitors to General Grant to-day was the Governor of Borneo, who Irepresented to be an American named Tor-re-

    originally from Itoxbury, Maes.The second annual convention of th

    Young Men' Christian Association nf Mary-land and the District of Columbia convenedhere Among the delegate werethree of Ihl city, representing the ColoredYoung Men' Association. One of them, by avole or 19 to 20, wa added to tho list or VicePiesldunt. This created much dlsatlsfac-lio- n

    on Iho part of some or the while dele-gates rrom Maryland, who earnestly protest-ed against the act or Iho majority. Theywished to soet-de- . tiring opposed to whitesand blacks mingling In the eatno body. Thecolored Vein President regretted thatthu presence of delegali of anassociation formed for Christian pur-poses should produce discord. Severalwhite delegates, looking at the matter IliaChristian light, said there could bo no realcauso for serlou dissatisfaction. One of theol lictor declared ho had been it Confederateotlleer, and could with sincerity extend theright hand or Mlowshlp to the colored man,and to prove tlm truth of Ihu utterance hostepped forward and earnestly shook thecolored Vice President bt Iho hand. Not-withstanding this ho could not conceive thepropriety of making a siieclsl provisionwhereby n colored person should ou modo aVlco President. Other objectors declaredsimilar views, adding that they wero frloudsof the colored man,

    The discussion was earnest on all sld"s,when a while delegate, for thr sake of har-mony, offered a leaoliiilon requesting thecolons! Vlco President to withdraw rromthat olllce. Tho Convention, by two ma-jority, refused to lay the resolution on thotable, and hy a majority or six also refusedlo su.rend thu rule in order to allow a voteon Ihe resolution.

    Astounding lletrHopmnnr.A confidential agent of tho Treasury De-

    partment has beeu making Investigations InPittsburg, and among other things hu dis-covered that many or tho officials have beenguilty or blackmailing to an alarming extent.One oil Inspector testified that In six mouthsho had received as fees rrom his dike fivethousand dollars. Ho hid retained nut orthis sum but one hundred and

    per month, and had paid over Ihe re-mainder lo Mr. Kangdnn, Miller extendedbis Investigation Into the Alleghany District,and nhulntd evidence that N, P, Sawyer de-manded money rrom tho oil Inspectors underpenally. In east of their refusal, of their re-moval from olllce.

    Qoorgia,Tito I'.lectlon-- .

    Bavaxnai., Ga,, Oct. B0. The electionpassed off quietly The total votecut, so far as heard from, Is 2,000 Only onewhite man voted making two whiteInee the ell ctlou begun. The negroes have

    It all their own way, a the white do not gonear the polls.

    A new poll will be oiene4 furthe whites. Nearly all of the voles cast arfor the Raslleal ticket.

    General Pope bat extended ths time ofelection two-day-s.

    IVnuuaus. Us,. Oct. 80 Ths result of

    the two day.' election Is 1,117 roi", all o,which are for a Convention. Only 24 Chilesynled. The number of rcerielrallon In ti'county wa 2,910,1&0 whiles and l,7eV)blacks.

    Maco... Oa Oct. 80 --The eleetlrev (claywas remarkally quiet. No whites partk-l-pate-d

    up to tl ti'eliKk this altemnon. 1,41.1voles have been cast, three of which arcwhites.

    Atl-Air- 0 Oct. 80.- - General Pope hasordered the polls In Ir kept t ien until

    evening, It harlpg- been ascertainedthat Ihe time alloted was nut eulllclent lopermit a full vole to bo given.

    Aotip.TA, Gt., Oct. SO. .General Porehas Issued orders to Ihe Registration Hoardlo krep tho (Kills open till C P. M. Saturday,an extension ol two days. The returns ofthe first and second dayn Indicate that the

    would have been defeated hadnot tlie tlmo been extended, tl Is nowcertain that the question will be

    W III? generally Ihmngli-o- ntStale ,,ve taken no part In the eluc-llo-which Is passing tiff quietly. The city

    da sC2n6i "'d,r for 1

    tltr'.Ki"7h'1 "J" f"r l" dT l boutfour whites have voted.Griffin- - iM vole were lmlled y. Very

    few while are voting.Acoiista, Oa., Oct SO 10 P. M Nothing

    ha been rerelied from the other precinltup lo Ihl hour.

    Ati-ant- Ga., Oct. 80 The total vote ofAtlanta and Fulton county for two days Is1,10, s at least of which are lor aConvention and the bnlon Reconstructionticket.

    Louisiana.Tho Yrllotr I'nrsr, Vr., Ac.

    Nrw Oiu.itArss, Oct. 80. At a meeting ofthflUnsnl of Health last night, quaranllrewe usended. A motion wu made by Dr.Warren Stone that Ihe yellow fever be de-clared no longer an rpldemto. The motionwas opposed, and referml to the committeeon health. Dr. Stoue argued that the diseasehad run Ils course, and waa uo louger epi-demic, though poradlc rase will continuefir some time. In his opinion, It I perfectlysafe for a stranger to com tothrcltr. InMs remarks ho contended that the yellowrrver was not coutaglous under aur circum-stances.

    Mayor Healh ho vetoed the ordnancerelating all ordnance" providing Tor theaduilnlst.atlon of the public schools, ou theground that the Council made no provisionlor any other administration or the schools,leaving Ihein without director or teachers.Tlie action of tho Council look as If thoyIntended alinllshlug Ihe schools aitogethir,aliita they hive failed lo force Iho iirgroeInto tho while schools. The ordnance waspassed oierthu Mayor's trio by the Hoardof Assistant Aldermen, but I not yet actedupon tiy the ljpier Hoard.

    Judge Leamonl, or Ihe Bltth DistrictCourt, has tlot ldiil In perpetuate Ihe Injuiic-Jlo- ii

    crsnlisl In the .School Hoard restrainingthe Mayor from promulgating tho ordi-nance.

    A resolution was offered In Iho Hoard orAldcrineu 1 ist night, requesting the militaryauthorities In remove Ihe present Hoard,which was lost, two black vuiing In ravor

    ml lour whites against it,Tho theatrical season nimrnrncrs Sunday,

    Nuiemher M i Iho St. I hatlcs ami yor Music tqien with the Japanese


    MastmcliUBoUs,Denlti of Ilx.lioveirnnr Amlrcir.Boston, Oct. 80 John A. Andrew,

    of MassachusetU, died at tlxo'clock thla evening. At nine o'clock lastevening he was at his own residence InCharles tin et, conversing with a friend, hisfamily being present. Ha haul premonitoryyinptom or apoplexy, and requested Id

    family to leave Ihe room, which they did,under the tipixisltlon that be had privatebusiness to transact. He then requested hisfriend to call In Dr. Derby, and subsequentlyDns. Blgelow and Cabot wero In attendance.Ho remained unconscious from tho time ofattack until death.

    Qonoral Shoridan.IlrcciptUn nt itlontMillstr. Vc.

    Moitri ai.ian, Vf Oct. 8i.The re epllonof General Bheridan here y was a Anoaffair. A slight rain prevailed moat of theday, but, notwithstanding, the people werenut by thousands tu Join In Ihe demonstra-tions. The Gensral was brought from Con-cord by a special train, and reached heroabout 8 o'clock P. Sf. lis was presented Inihe people from the steps of the Capitol by

    Dllllughaui, and (ubsoiiuentlytn the two Houses of tbo Assembly In thoRepresenUllvr Hall by Governor Page.To bnlh presentation addresses Gen-eral Sheridan rcspouded In appropriateiweehes. In which he was quite complimen-

    tary In Vermont and Vermont loldlers. lieattended the annual gathering or Ilia Ver-mont olUcrra and soldiers Cl WashingtonHall In the evening, and left by the nighttrain via BprluAeld, fur New York, where heIs exiectcd to airlvoat noon

    Delrgnlr to iho Virajlssln Conynn-tlu- n.

    IticiiMimn, Vs., Oct. 80. General Beho-Ael- dlu an ofllclal rcport.ei plains Ihe appoint-mr-of delegate lo the Convention. The

    appointments actually made give 47 dele-ga- lefrom election districts having white

    majorities, and IS fiom dlitrlcU haying col-ur-majorities.

    The Imtlnn'l rotililr.Br. Lneis, October 3n.Omaha dispatches

    ay thai a mcasengcr ho arrived at FortLaramie with thirty Sioux warrior, whofavor peace. The head men promlso lo be atFort Ijiramle em Iho 10th of November.Chief White Cloud has sent word to Gov-ernor Hunt, of Colorado, that there It no useIn the Government sending any more iugnr-n-

    men tn uegotlato with him, but withGuierimr Hunt or somebody who under-stands the Indian question he will treat uponlllsral terms, relinquish all claim to thoPlains, and remove lo tho extreme NorthGovernor Hunt wilt go to Fort Laramie bythe way of Whltfl Cloud's camp, and en-deavor In make terms with him. A licet ofseven Mackinaw boats arrived at OmahaIrom Fort Benton on Mundir, The Indianaattacked the boats below Yellowstone andkilled one man. The ludlsns obstructed thetrack or the Union Paeltlc Railroad, betweenAntelope and l'iiia Bluff nations, a few dayssince, with a view of throwing the train off.but workmen discovered Iho obstructions andremoved them before damage was done.

    Ir has been ofllclslly announced that theParis Ksblblllou will clow this day (Tbuis-day-

    Gm iismitii say that a woman decked Inall her charm Is the most terrible humanobject In creation.

    Tin: foundations of the new Custom Houseat Portland, Mc , aro laid 80 foot deep onsolid rock.

    Tun Orleans family baa been Increased bythe addition of a boy baby, tbs son of thoDuke and Duchess De Chartre..

    A MovuMrNT Is on foot In London to raisea public iitcriptlou for a testimonial to bepresented to Mr, Olsdatoue.

    Tun Yorkshire (England) department ofthe Reform league celebrated the passage orIird Derby's Reform bill by a grand ban-quet at Leeds on the 15tn.

    Tn re Fort Smith IIctM aayt the Arkansasriver Is so low above that place that lastweek a drove of cow (topped to drink in it,tnd tbey drank It In two,

    A rixx recently took place In a mine stBt. Etlenne, France, caused by Are damp.17 bodies have been recovered, and 7artulburied in the mine.

    Asi English politician I quoted a sayingthat the Prince or Wale will never com luthe throne If England keeps on sj b Is nowgoing.

    Ths llnlveessll.l aWloatr nt OnsaaU.

    Vt., has employed a Mis Damon to oeeip yIU pulpit. She Is pretty and the young methere are all becoming Universalis!.

    Ir Is said that at a little New England towwhere Stierldsn slopped few minutes, tingsls expressed their admiration by kl'.e.line Ivs failed to reach hi lips, "it was lmlw" "ld Bhendan, "but giol lino shot,

    Thu fiermms at Worcester, Mass., anhighly displeased at .Senator Wilson' llluslotIn thtlr nrneliillles for lieer. In bis lecture,It't wrelr, and have bi en holding IndlgnsHoameetings over It Theydnntl like lo havihave ihelr rs.Ungs talked about.

    Ar llAurioni, Vt. there Is a wtalthlyand miserly who quarrelled with li IIwile I. li en ytars sn and though they liveIn Ihe "sine house aS'l eat at the same IiHIs,they hue not ip'.ken tn rich nthelsince. Two tbvighters, well akin.? "In Ihlthirties," complete this 'Msppy family."

    Tim excitement In the' newly o'ke.vvfregold and silver mine In Ltidusiry, Mi.., In-creases, and Ihe promising l.snd Is elhg rvpldly secured by epei"u!.itor, to one tsT whnti.granled. In the language of a reornldced,

    lh of all the mining Intertillmy rarm, with th prlvllcre of damnAnfflowing, digging sad blowing, tend raWaIhe devil lu general."

    Tils King of Prussia t sail to hsve hsslfnarrow escape, of bis life on a WitrtrmMirtrailway recently. The train In which hi MJty wo Iritvtlling was upset through mnnjiiInto a cut drawn by oxen, near Qlppeogrn,which was crossing the line. Tlie cart wassmashed to pieces, and a child whleh waa bside had its arm crushed, hi rut William es-caped unhurt, and continued his JuurncJafter a short delay.

    Tiik London Atvacef report speaks of atold man who has brought up five children ntUs. a week, a on of ths gardener to tbiQueen, dying as an "old worker," In olhelwords, as a pauper servant to other pauen- In a dreary ward of Windsor workhouse,and of snotlier, in the same house, who hae(been 80 year lu the employ of Hie TlamesCommissioners, aud brought upnlne cbildruon similar wages!

    Gush's, tho alleged clerical wife poisoner,Is developing some bnt constrictor rnrffa,lately. In his quarters In the Litchfield Jail,Cl. After I laving mode two previous at , Itempts lo "sbutUe off this mortal coll," littried on Thursday last, the novel experimenttir attempting tu swallow a Isindanna ban.kerrbleL He was discovered lu time to ptevent the Consummation nt bis di sign, and jIbn handkerchief was rescued from Ils un.timely grave.

    Ai unusual ftcrldenl oecnrred at Adrtaa,Michigan, recently. An omnibus full of pe.lile was run a any wllh by Ils horses and tkerosene lamp was ujisct, selling the omni-bus on Are. All of Ihe iseiiger escapedunhurt from thla peripatetic bnntlro with thtexception of one woman, who was slightlybruised. The horses wero nol quieted by HitcnntlaKrattun In Ihelr rear, bill ran until com.

    exhausted. Tho omnibus was colapletely destroyed.

    An apilllng storv of dmnkenness aiddeath come from Kdluhurgh, Srollsnd. Aman sml his wife, both icrirlcg on flrty, andchildless, were lu Iho luhlt of golnr natdrinking together, and the other night erf.el, rated the nineteenth onnlirrsary of llitllwnl, ling by a specially heavy carouse. Atthey did not mnko tlx Ir niienraui.'e on thtnext day, nor thu d iy whleh followed 11, thenelghbiiri broke Into their lodaings, andfound I hem both dcsid In bed, each withwhiskey bottle In their hands. They haddrunk themselves tu death with raw spirits.

    A Informs us of a fat, bloomingwidow, who keeps a tullliniry shop luNew Orleans, who ho burled seven hus-bands, and Is now about taking an eighthone to her ardent bosom. Her flrst hiub-ine-died In ft rnrelgn landj Iho second In 1S19 Inthis eltyt the third lived till t the fourtbtiled the following year) the tilth In l.'.7i Hitsixth In lKVt tlm seventh lived till 1801.Since this time Ihe widow has lived cold and .lonely. Without n particle of envy we wlsli " jNo. H that I to be, much felicity and happi-ness.

    Fore upwards of thirty years one Mils.Sol 1 has been well known In the Pailscourt of law as the claimant nf is ltrgiproperty, which she alleged In lie unjustlywithheld from her Poor, but iereiatul,shtwas seen si all times, with her paper tnddocuments. In the portions of the i'alseo diJustice seeking out or confcrrlu wllh beicounsel. Some lime ago she received aioffer of WO.UUOf. lo compromise her claim,but she refused, and her perseverance halhad It reward, ror the Civil Tribunal halJust given a decision In her favor by whlcishe becomes possessed of property at MontSt. Michel worth upwards of 1,600,0 Of.(tJOO ,001.) Bhe still claim ft further amountof 814,0 f.

    Mn. Ciiam.ks DtrKr.srs wilt only giveslimited number or evening In this city, as tumust be back in England In early sprlnr.He Intend on his return to England to glvt

    rarewrll tcrles of readings, and close thtentertslnments with which lie has been ds-- - -lighting the English puhllo during Iho lasl "ten years. Wo aro told that It Is Mr. Dlckcnt1Invariable enstnin, when giving public read-Ings- ,

    to devolo himself entirely to It as I ,business, and lo accept no frlennly Invltallotwhich would tend tu take up his time anddistract his attention. It I not yet certslftwhether Mr. Dickens will read flrsttn Bostonor In New York. In Boston be will occupythoTremnnt Templet In New York, Doefcworth' Hall. In the Tremont Temple allthe eau will proboblv bo reserved, and willbe old for 91.60 or t i, according to location,.Mr. Dickens will lere In the Cuba, whlcksails for Boston on the 9lh of November,



    BATES OF ADVERTISING.rarasua tsrvAtasnf nt Asvi-srs- .

    Tot rrtrj tnrrltm of bur fines or less... ..Melt,lotrretj sxtra Uh oe paul of Ua 30 c: l.Aijeerttsements win bt Inserted tn osy-in- f

    asT'tred stile, t tn tetilsd rpe, al-- o as sp!'sisavrrtlssyve-Tjt- s or spul aotlcsa at preportliwoatl

    il-,L-b eertatiiKl oa applleatlni at lbs onirts,

    7 Twenty-st- a word are enoets-- t ss fimr lines,ttdsevsn words lot aek 11m aaor tbta fnr.

    SP0RTINQ MATTERS.Xbsi (.rent l'edpalrlnn TlatcU

    lilfulil.t Tliur.Porti-as- Oct. 2. at noon,

    Mr. Edward Payton Weston starts from lh(Portland Post Office on his great pedestrlalfeat, walking to Chicago, l,237f mile lltwcnty-l- working day, or thirty days Irveluding Sundays, on a wsger or ilO.OCO.During tome nno day be must walk oafhundred miles, or lrs nf thslake. Mr W, has nrrltcd, and he is a lltbea

    genlcel-lookln- g toung man, about 28 yeanuge, and weighing 12., pounds. Heelastic of ten, Is wiry, and tn perfectcondition, lie Is no sporting roan laany sense, and ha only consented tllid fent on a wager for ths purpo.sof pecuniary profit. Ho hss ncvexbefore performed any matches In reJcatriarvIsm, except to test somewhat his great powetof endurance. He has attended to all thtdetails or making up Ihe tinie-tabt- e, pruvld ,Ing relay, etc., for himself, and he will pass 'through three hundred cities and town antpart ol leu State. Four sworn witnesses.wo Tor each side, accompany him. There U J

    much Interest and speculation ai to the re. Isuit or Ibis great real, which, If accomplish, 1ed, will make him rank as the most remark. 9able pedestrian on record. He Is extreme!)desirous or winning this match for the lauds,ble purjioso of ralsmgTrunds with which t( 1par off some old debt. On Friday next hi 1expects tu leave North Altleboro at Ave P.M.and walk one hundred miles In twenty-fou- lconsecutive hour, so as to reach East Ct.. at Ave o'clock P. M., od Saturday,which I Just that dUiawce. Cor.CviisMsrrsJt i

    Milliard Tournameet. 'CmciDKATi, Oct. 29. The billiard tours. j

    meut y wa largely attended. The Antgame between Coon and River was won bj jCoon. Coon' average waa 14 I

    Th second game between Parker an!Smith wa won by Parker, th winners' areiago was 37U, i

    Tho third game between Ackerman an jChoate was won by Choate. Tbs wuaerfaverage was 11 f

    Tbo fourth game between Foster and Soys ;der wu a very spirited one, Saydsr wlaulinj,his last run being 28 points.

    The fifth game was between Davis and Versmenleu, Uavls winning. Ills averse vr

    ''ttie llh gam between Coon and Parkewaa won by Coon. Score, Parker to. Coo

    Agues ties.PrTTsoureiiii, Oct. 80. Th tour oils

    sculling mstch between Heoxy Coedter, ofPiUsburgb, and John McKUl, of Cold SprueNew York, for ft purse of t)2,00v, took adactlthis afternoon, and wu woo by Coulur. a.'

    tCnlnsssaqea Vmm as. ayavsvsul