the taney county republican. (forsyth, mo.) 1909-04-29 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 13. · ixvest sis...

TANEY COUNTY NEWS. GROCERIES Taney County Republican SSSd HARDWARE Happenings Garnered by REPUBLICAN Correspondents :1 B00TSSSH0ESVg$W;n I IMPLEMENTS KKKF YOUR EYC ON TA M EV S M E S ALL RIGHT Tol. 14, No. 24. FORSYTH, MO., APRIL 29, 1909 $lIn Advance JOE G. UPTON Published each Thursday at office Editor and Publisher S. E. corner Square, Forsyth Mo. Entered at the Postoffice at Forsyth, Advertising Rates will be made known Missouri, as second class matter. on application. i W TOBACCO S CIGARS ETC rSg Jno- - J. Swept Over Niagara, This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman ignores the Has the - largest, best and most varied stock of General Merchandise in the county. rv - N. B.- - The house where you get well treated and where you can rely on the quality of the goods and get the"b&- - gest quantity for your money. GOODLOE. Farming is delayed some by the wet weather. Born to Mi. and Mrs. Russel Pierce on April 10th, a fine boy. Elder B. F. Hall preached at the Union Flat school house Sunday. Uncle Jim Clark had a rail making recently and reports a good attendance. Harrison Stone and his newly wed- ded wife are visiting in Douglas county. Wm. Reese has a pleasant look since the arrival of a new boarder at his home. There was a candy breaking at Joe Cranfill's last Saturday night. All re- port a good time. Mrs. A. J. Fields and family left Monday to join her husband who is employed in the postoffice at San Francisco, Cal. We take the opposite side from the editor on the stosk law question. We give the following reasons why we think Taney county needs a stock, law. First, because the grass is fast dying out and if not protected it will soon all be gone. The best way to protect't is to fence it and then not pasture it too heavy. At present there is too much stock on the free ranged. Sec- ond, a few individuals are getting all the benefit of the free range by buying large droves of cattle and putting fhem on the range. If we had a stock law TANEY CITY STORE Dickens r . ARE YOU GOING TO BUTT .D J . , .,11 li Doors, Windows, moulding, galvanized guttering, spouting, lime, brick, cement, building paper In fact . 1 j 1 1 1 .1 everytning in tue Diniuing tlAKE YOUR ROOr USE ATIME and &YEATtiER PROOF HHHQ Costs Lay 11 FutHcttlsr's Green Flaw Rubber jrjs now, ana vre u give yen wiui Lt.-idin- signed Guerantee of the ra a:.- - it all vour roofimr and sidicj? e:xpensc and You ars protected for 10 years ii insr. shinies, cr anything else is Guarantee i'o Eco.uso Grron F!sg Poofing Is tbaonly roofing th. en tti.n't s'u h & ionr test of time weatber riir 6'.'n t.ii wind froBt. etc. , - It"3rj.t'sof genuine. Imported, pare Asphalt, ra'.irr.e--- i Into lontc-- f breu wool by enormous pr vs'iffl to make it uurablo to protoct your tuild- - izz ra ;c aci ruin. Ixvest sis Consider Crecn ring Roofing lor vcur Luiioiok'! for houses barus. outuonses, stores. c;c. J 'on't let your buildin'r property loso alu? and decay before you realixo it, when at son For 10. fears m BRANSON LUMBER CO., Branson 1 3 1 C DRUGS-MEDICINE- S STATIONERY ' HARNESS ic&enson s O. " " T line. QRfefcll FiAS w M MOT fl m HalS What Slilnglcs Cost Ycarscll Willi a Hammer RccfiVir on the roofs or sides of yonrbtind. rou ot ivas square teet tne strongest legal r ur 13 years that it's just as represented and tronbl3S vill be over. Gicca Flag ever eoes back oa you. No other - less than half the cost of shingles yoa'c&a protect any building, for 10 years. . No cost to put it cn do skilled labor necessary lay it yourself with only a hammer jnst as well aa anybody could. We furnish FREE all metal cap nails and cement required to put on eaca roil also ucjli extra measure lor overlaps. Lot us frive you sample totest any wayyon lira. ss Let us ten yau tne reasonable low cost of coins just the rooties, aiding or repair work yon onjhl at -- a : Comic cards are very funny; . tne ! Flower cards consist of the principal ! nowers ana are an in Deauuiui cuiwv the "Language of the Flowers" cards j are all in beautiful colors and have verses and mottoes which gives you the sentiment of the flowers. ' memDer icr tne smau sum om I cents you receive the Kansas Uty Week Joumal fof a fuU year get ; your choice of any one of the sets ol rnst cards. Send 25 cents and aa- - r dress. . Tttf. ttansas city WEEKLY JOUK- - NAL, KANSAS CITY, MO. LOW COLONIST RATES "TO" 1 CALIFORNIA OLD MEXICO THE NORTHWEST AND BRITISH I! i COLUMBIA VIA U tt -- N RALE MARCH and APRIL j THROUGH TOURISL SLEEPER Ask For full Information. : V - C. C. Carson; D. P A. V 'JOPaJ-VM.- JJWW . ...u,.,,- - j... ..i. i. . ... LiiJi.1 ... .mill l . n. m .i.i.i j 1 i 4 3 l ;i if li n J 1 5 i I 3 f '"J U if Vi Si i 1 ! ' j : '. t! H j 'A .1 li it ( i- : i V 1 t if- j j. i i PEDRO W. The creek has been past fording bnt is down again. - Charley Redman is in from Okla- homa on a visit. . W. P. Moberly went to Branson Mon- day to take a load of meal. Farmers are all thankful for the rains of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tinker are the proud parents of a baby boy bom April 26th. They have the new phone line com- pleted from the Shade to . Pedrow and are extending it to Branson. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the heart or kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescription Dr. Shoop's Restorative is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments, the weak in- side or controlling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a ak stomach, heart, or kidneys, if 0ne goes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists every- - where to dispense and recommend Dr. 1 Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few dayS) d see! Improvement will promptly and surely follow. Sold by City Drug Store. BK.AUL.XL.Y V1L.L.J1.. Several people are planting corn. xilby Rozelle has the Chadwick school. Mr. Blair went to Forsyth Saturday returning Sunday. Our new Sunday school is just fine. The attendance last Sunday was thirty-thre- e. Bartlett Wilson, of Ava, has bought a half interest inMr' Judd's storehere and will move into the house vacated bv Mr- - Slusher Mrs. T. J. Stottle and Miss-Eth- el started Monday to Auburn, Oklahoma, where Mr. Stottle has been for some time. Czar went with them as far as Kansas Citv and Miss Miller went to Springfield. 4 That Walnut Shade correspondent is the right sort." It would. take a genius greater than Edison to invent a logical argument showing that any person or political party ought to op pose prohibition. J-- 4 of Pound a Week at least, is what a young baby ought to gain in weight. Does yours? If not there's something wrong with its GWe it McGee'sbaby elixir and it win b in ini at once Cure stomach and bowel trouble, aids diires tion stops fretfumess, good for teeth- - . . b bi 2Sc and so j w nwrfc PrntPTn Mn HILLCREST. Some of our folks are courting this week. Jimmie Lander made a trip to Ozark Friday Rev. Ball held services at Lone Star Sunday. We have had a good rain since our last report. E. P. Stover returned Sunday from a two weeks stay in Branson. J. R. Lathrop has returned from Carl Junction where he was employed in the mines. Mrs. Bessie Merrick, Mrs Daisy Short and Miss Elsie Peterson were visitors to the county seat Tuesday. Wolves are making serious inroads . At i"J 1 .1 m on me rocks m mis locaiitv. even growing so bold as to attack them in daylight. D. B. Hayes, a former resident, was transacting business here last week, returning to his home in Springfield Saturday. Up Before The Bar N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts- - field, Vt. writes: We have used Dr. ; King's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medicine ' we wouldn't be without them." For 1 chills, constipation, biliousness or sick headache they work wonders. 25c O. C. Huston. Missouri Democrats law-make- rs ; never appreciated the danger of. putting too much power in the ' hands of the governor till the peo- ple elected a Republican to that office- - It has not yet dawned on the dense Democratic mind that Mis- souri is a Republican state. They still cherish the delusion that "it iust haoDened." and that it will not happen again. The Springfield Republican, which has the habit ot saying things aptly, says "a tariff is ; thing that keeps the home marke for home people, and the Demo cratic part)' out of power." Court week, the busiest time o the year in Forsyth, emphasizes the need of some wav to set into the countv seat from the south without the payment of a toll in the shape of a ferry charge. It is said that former Governor Folk is making from 515,000 to 20,000 a year on the lecture plat form talking about what he did when prosecutor and Governor of Missouri. Some politicians of his own party in this state are telling all about it for nothing. The Democratic papers are say ing that Hadley is constantly talk ing about more revenue trying to tax everything in sight. vVhy not? He must have money with which to pay the deficiency left from the Folk administration and to put the state on the highway to commercial and material pros perity. If he were a Democrat he would not be bothered by such considerations. (jOvernor Hadley s conception of the qualifications to be required of men to be appointed to pub lic office is that they should show unimpeachable character, exact ness of thought, continuity of ef fort and open mindedness. He believes in selecting men who will think about their duties and their responsibilities, stick to what they try to accomplish, and be broad minded and frank, not assuming to know more than they really do know and ready to learn. Such men are not plentiful. In another column will be found the new law in regard to the car- rying of dangerous weapons. It goes into effect ninety days after the legislature adjourns and per- sons who are in the habit of tot- ing a gun or other weapon around should take notice and govern themselves accordingly. Here- after the penalty will not be a paltry fifty dollars. It will be not less than a hundred dollars and from that up to two years in the L penitentiary. The festive youth who thinks he is not completely dressed for a party or dance with-- a 38 strapped upon him with which to plug holes in any man casting sheep's eyes at the lady of his af- fections should reflect that he is laying himself liable to a two years sojourn in that city where trre style is closely cropped hair and suits with stripes running round like a zebra, and that while he is there his hated rival will most likely walk off with the fair maiden. The man who carries a gun to the voting place may find himself in a place where they don't vote and lose the right to vote forever. And the bully who carries a gun just to be a bully may find that a penitentiary guard can be the bulliest bully that ever bullied. The time may not have arrived for the disarmament of thp nations but the time is here for private disarmament in Missouri river's warnings growing ripples and fasher current. Nature's warnings aie kind. That dull pain or ache .in the back warns you the kidneys need at- tention if you would escape fatal mala- dies dropsy, diabetes or Bright' s di- sease. Take Electric" Bitters at once and see backache fly and all your best feelings return. After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one SI. 00 bottle whollv cured me," writes J. R. BlankenshiD. of Belk, Tenn. Only 50c at O. C. Huston. INew Concealed Weapon Law. The following is the new law passed by the legislature of Missouri in re- - gard to carrying or displaying deadly weapons. The law becomes operative ninety days after the adjournment of the legislature: Section 1862. If any person ahall carry concealed upon or about his per- - son a dangerous or deadly weapon of any kind or description, or shall go in- - to any church or place where people. have assembled for religious worship, or into any school room or place where people are assembled for educational, political, literary or social purposes, or to any election precint on election day, or into any court room during the sit ting of court, or- - into any other public assemblage of persons met for any law ful purpose other than for militia drill, or meetings called under militia law of this state, having upon or about his person, concealed or exposed, any kind r,t Gr.a m, v;- - ka knife, razor, metal knucks, billy, sword can. dirk. daf??er. slunfr shot or other similar deadly weapon, or shall, in the Dresence of one or more nersons. ex- - hibit any such weapon in a rude, angry or threatening- - manner, or shall have any such weapon in his possession when intoxicated, or directly or indirectly, sell or deliver, loan or barter to any minor any such weapon, without the consent of the parent cr guardian of such minor, he shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not exceeding two years or by a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than fifty days nor 4.1 T 1 .1 1 I uiuxc uiau uuc year, vi uy uou! suca tine and imprisonment; Provided, that .... . . ii..' .1 .1- - ii. noimng contained minis section snail apply to legally qualified sheriffs, police omcers and other persons whose bona nda duty is to execute process, civil or criminal, make arrests, or aid in con serving the public peace, nor to per persons traveling in a continuous jour- ney peaceably through this state. We often wonder how any person can be persuaded into taking anything but Foley s Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung trouble. Do not be fooled into accepting own mike" or other substitutes. The trenuine con- - . o T 1 fV.I V 1 Lains no narmiui drugs ana is in a yellow package. Sold by all druggists. For Sale Stock of dry goods, clothing, shoes and hats, invoice about $10,000. Have four years unexpired lease on store building which is the best stand in the best town in the State. Also good dwelling. Address W. M. MlNTER, Mon ticello, Ark. ; 9 AND CUg?EE the LU.MQS WITH new C0i FOR CWS PEICE . Trial Battl Pre AMD ALL THROAT AND LMHG TROUBLES. -b- ssbbsbsk-sb A Jfc Tfll - M - Sold by O. C. Huston.. we could all share equal. Third, be cause we could sow grass on what we have cleared for hogs and sheep, then put up two or three wires around the woodland for horses and cows, then in a few years we would have better pas tures and better stock and could keep more of it. We think the sooner Ta ney county has a stock law the sooner she will come to the front. We have talked to several persons about this matter and they were all in favor of a stock law and I believe this propo . . a? 1 J r smon wouia carry 11 it was leit to a vote of the people of the county. Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clever "No Drip" Coffee Strainer Coupon privi lege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis It is silver-plate- d, very pretty, and positively prevents all dripping of tea or coffee. The Doctor sends its, with his new free book on "Health Coffee" simply to introduce this clever sub- - stitute for real coffee. Br. Shoon's Health Coffee is gaining its great popu- - larity because of: first, its exquisite taste and flavor; second, its absolute healthfulness; third, its economy 1 1-- 2 lbs 25c; fourth, its convenience. No tedious 20 td 30 minutes boiling. Made m a minute" says Dr. Shoop. .. . T r. 4. J r t I xry yuur uruggi s ior a surprise, bold by Uty Drug btore. GARBER. W. F. Fronaberger is in Forsyth this week serving on the petit jury. The heavy rains of last week stopped corn planting but the farmers are busy . ... i at it again now. Miss Rosy Walden came down from Springfield last week and visited home folks until Sunday. Rev. J. L. Hull, of Springfield, was in Garber last week looking after the interests of his property here. Herr Grablebe, of Springfield, spent last week visiting his parents here re- turning to the city, Saturday. . Quite a number of our women folks went to Branson last week to help clean out Mr. Marr s cost sale. Yes, it pays i auverase. J. C. Davis, road master for the Iron Mountain, was down from Aurora last week inspecting the spur track at Gar- - ber which will soon be completed. G. A. Atwood was at Garber aeain last week looking after his fruit farm but is now at Rudy. Ark., where he is seeing to the gathering of his straw- berry crop. . We don't want to open a discussion on the nrohition Question. But see- - ing the pre3S is universally net we want to ask why if prohibition does not prohibit there is so much worry for fear the people may get a chance, to vote on the question and why should 2260 saloons and the brewery interests of St. Louis charter trains to Jefferson City to overawe the Senate in their duties for fear they will give the pec-- nle a chance to exnress themselves in th matter? a resolution to amend I k, LUC constitution is only the first step and is not prohibition until the people say so by thefr votes. And that seems quite doubtful as long as St. Louis and Kansas City area part of this state." . They have controlled the state m the past, ana wnne we may De mistaken, we believe that if nrohibition should by means carry the cities would be deprived of their power. And now that a very few people have asked for a privilege that belongs to them it seems they have probed the lion in his den. I am a Republican and a majority man and ready to sub- - m;t t0 any reasonable law, but like i others am getting tirdd of being toldJ to keep hands off the, beer keg for fear of sacraficing a frw votes Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe guard against serious results from spring colds, which inflame the lungs and develop into pneumonia. Avoid counterfeits by insisting upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar, which contains no harmful drugs. Sold Dy all Druggists. 24 Post Cards Free Here is an opportunity for anyone to obtain 24 handsomely colored souvenir post cards for nothing and get. his choice of three different kinds, namely: 24-Com- ic Cards, 24 Flower Cards and a set of 24 cards entitled "language of the Flowers' In each one cf these sets there aTS 24 kigk'y colored, souT venir Post Cards. All cu have to do to obtain them is to send 25c for a year's subscription to the Kansas City weekly Journal and tell them which set ycu want. Upon receipt "of. your subscription for the Kansas City Weekly Journal the greatest news paper of the Southwest cu will be sent Absolutely free the 24 Pest Caids which you select. Be sure to specify wheather you want the 24 Comic Cards, the 24 Flcwcr cards cr the 24 Language of the Flowers cards. We know that you will be highly pleased with these post cards. "The

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Page 1: The Taney County republican. (Forsyth, Mo.) 1909-04-29 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 13. · Ixvest sis Consider Crecn ring Roofing lor vcur Luiioiok'! for houses barus. outuonses, stores. c;c



Tol. 14, No. 24. FORSYTH, MO., APRIL 29, 1909 $lIn Advance

JOE G. UPTON Published each Thursday at office

Editor and Publisher S. E. corner Square, Forsyth Mo.

Entered at the Postoffice at Forsyth, Advertising Rates will be made knownMissouri, as second class matter. on application.



Jno-- J.

Swept Over Niagara,This terrible calamity often happens

because a careless boatman ignores the

Has the - largest, best and most varied

stock of General Merchandisein the county. rv -

N. B.- - The house where you get well treated and whereyou can rely on the quality of the goods and get the"b&--gest quantity for your money.

GOODLOE.Farming is delayed some by the wet

weather.Born to Mi. and Mrs. Russel Pierce

on April 10th, a fine boy.

Elder B. F. Hall preached at theUnion Flat school house Sunday.

Uncle Jim Clark had a rail makingrecently and reports a good attendance.

Harrison Stone and his newly wed-

ded wife are visiting in Douglas county.

Wm. Reese has a pleasant look sincethe arrival of a new boarder at hishome.

There was a candy breaking at JoeCranfill's last Saturday night. All re-

port a good time.Mrs. A. J. Fields and family left

Monday to join her husband who isemployed in the postoffice at SanFrancisco, Cal.

We take the opposite side from theeditor on the stosk law question. Wegive the following reasons why wethink Taney county needs a stock, law.First, because the grass is fast dyingout and if not protected it will soon allbe gone. The best way to protect'tis to fence it and then not pasture ittoo heavy. At present there is toomuch stock on the free ranged. Sec-

ond, a few individuals are getting allthe benefit of the free range by buyinglarge droves of cattle and putting fhemon the range. If we had a stock law



J . , .,11 li

Doors, Windows, moulding, galvanized guttering,spouting, lime, brick, cement, building paper In fact

. 1 j 1 1 1 .1

everytning in tue Diniuing


HHHQCostsLay 11

FutHcttlsr's Green Flaw Rubberjrjs now, ana vre u give yen wiui

Lt.-idin- signed Guerantee of the ra a:.--

it all vour roofimr and sidicj? e:xpensc andYou ars protected for 10 years ii

insr. shinies, cr anything else is

Guarantee i'oEco.uso Grron F!sg Poofing Is tbaonly roofing

th. en tti.n't s'u h & ionr test of time weatberriir 6'.'n t.ii wind froBt. etc. , -

It"3rj.t'sof genuine. Imported, pare Asphalt,ra'.irr.e--- i Into lontc-- f breu wool by enormouspr vs'iffl to make it uurablo to protoct your tuild- -izz ra ;c aci ruin.

Ixvest sis Consider Crecn ring Roofing lorvcur Luiioiok'! for houses barus. outuonses,stores. c;c. J 'on't let your buildin'r property losoalu? and decay before you realixo it, when at

son For 10. fearsm


1 31





" "Tline.

QRfefcll FiASw M MOT fl m

HalS What Slilnglcs CostYcarscll Willi a HammerRccfiVir on the roofs or sides of yonrbtind. rou ot ivas square teet tne strongest legalr ur 13 years that it's just as represented andtronbl3S vill be over.

Gicca Flag ever eoes back oa you. No other-

less than half the cost of shingles yoa'c&a protectany building, for 10 years. .

No cost to put it cn do skilled labor necessarylay it yourself with only a hammer jnst as well

aa anybody could. We furnish FREE all metal capnails and cement required to put on eaca roilalso ucjli extra measure lor overlaps.

Lot us frive you sample totest any wayyon Let us ten yau tne reasonable low cost of coinsjust the rooties, aiding or repair work yon onjhl

at - - a

: Comic cards are very funny; . tne! Flower cards consist of the principal

! nowers ana are an in Deauuiui cuiwvthe "Language of the Flowers" cards

j are all in beautiful colors and have

verses and mottoes which gives you

the sentiment of the flowers. '

memDer icr tne smau sum omI cents you receive the Kansas Uty

Week Joumal fof a fuU year get; your choice of any one of the sets ol

rnst cards. Send 25 cents and aa--rdress. .

Tttf. ttansas city WEEKLY JOUK- -














Ask For full Information. : V -

C. C. Carson; D. P A.


JJWW . ...u,.,,- - j... ..i. i. . ... LiiJi.1 ... .mill l . n. m .i.i.i j 1











f '"J




' j:

'. t!







( i-

: i

V 1

t if-

j j.

i i


The creek has been past fording bntis down again. -

Charley Redman is in from Okla-

homa on a visit.

. W. P. Moberly went to Branson Mon-

day to take a load of meal.

Farmers are all thankful for the rains

of the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tinker are theproud parents of a baby boy bom April

26th.They have the new phone line com-

pleted from the Shade to . Pedrow andare extending it to Branson.

The old fashioned way of dosing a

weak stomach, or stimulating the heart

or kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop

first pointed out this error. This is

why his prescription Dr. Shoop'sRestorative is directed entirely to thecause of these ailments, the weak in-

side or controlling nerves. It isn't sodifficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthena ak stomach, heart, or kidneys, if

0ne goes at it correctly. Each insideorgan has its controlling or insidenerve. When these nerves fail thenthose organs must surely falter. Thesevital truths are leading druggists every--

where to dispense and recommend Dr.1

Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few

dayS) d see! Improvement will

promptly and surely follow. Sold byCity Drug Store.


Several people are planting corn.

xilby Rozelle has the Chadwickschool.

Mr. Blair went to Forsyth Saturdayreturning Sunday.

Our new Sunday school is just fine.The attendance last Sunday was thirty-thre- e.

Bartlett Wilson, of Ava, has boughta half interest inMr' Judd's storehereand will move into the house vacatedbv Mr- - Slusher

Mrs. T. J. Stottle and Miss-Eth- el

started Monday to Auburn, Oklahoma,where Mr. Stottle has been for sometime. Czar went with them as far asKansas Citv and Miss Miller went toSpringfield.

4 That Walnut Shade correspondentis the right sort." It would. take agenius greater than Edison to inventa logical argument showing that anyperson or political party ought to oppose prohibition.

J-- 4 of Pound a Weekat least, is what a young baby oughtto gain in weight. Does yours? Ifnot there's something wrong with its

GWe it McGee'sbaby elixirand it win b in ini at once Curestomach and bowel trouble, aids diirestion stops fretfumess, good for teeth--. .

b bi 2Sc and so jw nwrfc PrntPTn Mn

HILLCREST.Some of our folks are courting this

week.Jimmie Lander made a trip to Ozark

FridayRev. Ball held services at Lone Star


We have had a good rain since ourlast report.

E. P. Stover returned Sunday froma two weeks stay in Branson.

J. R. Lathrop has returned fromCarl Junction where he was employedin the mines.

Mrs. Bessie Merrick, Mrs Daisy Shortand Miss Elsie Peterson were visitorsto the county seat Tuesday.

Wolves are making serious inroads.At i"J 1 .1 mon me rocks m mis locaiitv. even

growing so bold as to attack them indaylight.

D. B. Hayes, a former resident, wastransacting business here last week,returning to his home in SpringfieldSaturday.

Up Before The BarN. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts--

field, Vt. writes: We have used Dr. ;

King's New Life Pills for years andfind them such a good family medicine '

we wouldn't be without them." For 1

chills, constipation, biliousness or sickheadache they work wonders. 25c O.C. Huston.

Missouri Democrats law-make- rs ;

never appreciated the danger of.putting too much power in the '

hands of the governor till the peo-

ple elected a Republican to thatoffice- -

It has not yet dawned on thedense Democratic mind that Mis-

souri is a Republican state. Theystill cherish the delusion that "itiust haoDened." and that it willnot happen again.

The Springfield Republican,which has the habit ot sayingthings aptly, says "a tariff is ;

thing that keeps the home markefor home people, and the Democratic part)' out of power."

Court week, the busiest time o

the year in Forsyth, emphasizesthe need of some wav to set intothe countv seat from the southwithout the payment of a toll inthe shape of a ferry charge.

It is said that former GovernorFolk is making from 515,000 to

20,000 a year on the lecture platform talking about what he didwhen prosecutor and Governor ofMissouri. Some politicians of hisown party in this state are tellingall about it for nothing.

The Democratic papers are saying that Hadley is constantly talking about more revenue trying totax everything in sight. vVhynot? He must have money withwhich to pay the deficiency leftfrom the Folk administration andto put the state on the highway tocommercial and material prosperity. If he were a Democrat hewould not be bothered by suchconsiderations.

(jOvernor Hadley s conceptionof the qualifications to be requiredof men to be appointed to public office is that they should showunimpeachable character, exactness of thought, continuity of effort and open mindedness. Hebelieves in selecting men who willthink about their duties and theirresponsibilities, stick to what theytry to accomplish, and be broadminded and frank, not assumingto know more than they really doknow and ready to learn. Suchmen are not plentiful.

In another column will be foundthe new law in regard to the car-rying of dangerous weapons. Itgoes into effect ninety days afterthe legislature adjourns and per-sons who are in the habit of tot-ing a gun or other weapon aroundshould take notice and governthemselves accordingly. Here-after the penalty will not be apaltry fifty dollars. It will be notless than a hundred dollars andfrom that up to two years in the L

penitentiary. The festive youthwho thinks he is not completelydressed for a party or dance with-- a

38 strapped upon him with whichto plug holes in any man castingsheep's eyes at the lady of his af-

fections should reflect that heis laying himself liable to a twoyears sojourn in that city wheretrre style is closely cropped hairand suits with stripes runninground like a zebra, and that whilehe is there his hated rival willmost likely walk off with the fairmaiden. The man who carries agun to the voting place may findhimself in a place where theydon't vote and lose the right tovote forever. And the bully whocarries a gun just to be a bullymay find that a penitentiary guardcan be the bulliest bully that everbullied. The time may not havearrived for the disarmament of thpnations but the time is here forprivate disarmament in Missouri

river's warnings growing ripples andfasher current. Nature's warnings aiekind. That dull pain or ache .in theback warns you the kidneys need at-

tention if you would escape fatal mala-

dies dropsy, diabetes or Bright' s di-

sease. Take Electric" Bitters at onceand see backache fly and all your bestfeelings return. After long suffering

from weak kidneys and lame back, oneSI. 00 bottle whollv cured me," writesJ. R. BlankenshiD. of Belk, Tenn.Only 50c at O. C. Huston.

INew Concealed Weapon Law.The following is the new law passed

by the legislature of Missouri in re--

gard to carrying or displaying deadlyweapons. The law becomes operativeninety days after the adjournment of

the legislature:Section 1862. If any person ahall

carry concealed upon or about his per--

son a dangerous or deadly weapon ofany kind or description, or shall go in--

to any church or place where people.have assembled for religious worship,or into any school room or place wherepeople are assembled for educational,political, literary or social purposes, orto any election precint on election day,or into any court room during the sitting of court, or- - into any other publicassemblage of persons met for any lawful purpose other than for militia drill,or meetings called under militia lawof this state, having upon or about hisperson, concealed or exposed, any kindr,t Gr.a m, v;- - kaknife, razor, metal knucks, billy, swordcan. dirk. daf??er. slunfr shot or othersimilar deadly weapon, or shall, in theDresence of one or more nersons. ex--

hibit any such weapon in a rude, angryor threatening- - manner, or shall haveany such weapon in his possession whenintoxicated, or directly or indirectly,sell or deliver, loan or barter to anyminor any such weapon, without theconsent of the parent cr guardian ofsuch minor, he shall, upon conviction,be punished by imprisonment inthe penitentiary not exceeding twoyears or by a fine of not less than onehundred nor more than one thousanddollars, or by imprisonment in thecounty jail not less than fifty days nor

4.1 T 1 .1 1 I

uiuxc uiau uuc year, vi uy uou! sucatine and imprisonment; Provided, that.... . .ii..' .1 .1- - ii.noimng contained minis section snailapply to legally qualified sheriffs, policeomcers and other persons whose bonanda duty is to execute process, civil orcriminal, make arrests, or aid in conserving the public peace, nor to perpersons traveling in a continuous jour-ney peaceably through this state.

We often wonder how any personcan be persuaded into taking anythingbut Foley s Honey and Tar for coughs,colds and lung trouble. Do not befooled into accepting own mike" orother substitutes. The trenuine con--

. oT 1 fV.I V 1

Lains no narmiui drugs ana is in ayellow package. Sold by all druggists.

For SaleStock of dry goods, clothing, shoes

and hats, invoice about $10,000.Have four years unexpired lease onstore building which is the best standin the best town in the State. Alsogood dwelling. Address

W. M. MlNTER,Mon ticello, Ark. ;




new C0i



-b- ssbbsbsk-sbA Jfc Tfll - M -

Sold by O. C. Huston..

we could all share equal. Third, because we could sow grass on what wehave cleared for hogs and sheep, thenput up two or three wires around thewoodland for horses and cows, then ina few years we would have better pastures and better stock and could keepmore of it. We think the sooner Taney county has a stock law the soonershe will come to the front. We havetalked to several persons about thismatter and they were all in favor ofa stock law and I believe this propo

. .a? 1 J rsmon wouia carry 11 it was leit to avote of the people of the county.

Any lady reader of this paper willreceive, on request, a clever "NoDrip" Coffee Strainer Coupon privilege, from Dr. Shoop, Racine, WisIt is silver-plate- d, very pretty, andpositively prevents all dripping of teaor coffee. The Doctor sends its, withhis new free book on "Health Coffee"simply to introduce this clever sub--

stitute for real coffee. Br. Shoon'sHealth Coffee is gaining its great popu--

larity because of: first, its exquisitetaste and flavor; second, its absolutehealthfulness; third, its economy1 1-- 2 lbs 25c; fourth, its convenience.No tedious 20 td 30 minutes boiling.

Made m a minute" says Dr. Shoop... .T r. 4. J r t Ixry yuur uruggi s ior a

surprise, bold by Uty Drug btore.

GARBER.W. F. Fronaberger is in Forsyth

this week serving on the petit jury.The heavy rains of last week stopped

corn planting but the farmers are busy. ... i

at it again now.

Miss Rosy Walden came down fromSpringfield last week and visited homefolks until Sunday.

Rev. J. L. Hull, of Springfield, wasin Garber last week looking after theinterests of his property here.

Herr Grablebe, of Springfield, spentlast week visiting his parents here re-

turning to the city, Saturday.

. Quite a number of our women folkswent to Branson last week to help cleanout Mr. Marr s cost sale. Yes, it paysi auverase.

J. C. Davis, road master for the IronMountain, was down from Aurora lastweek inspecting the spur track at Gar- -

ber which will soon be completed.G. A. Atwood was at Garber aeain

last week looking after his fruit farmbut is now at Rudy. Ark., where he isseeing to the gathering of his straw-

berry crop.

. We don't want to open a discussionon the nrohition Question. But see- -

ing the pre3S is universally netwe want to ask why if prohibition doesnot prohibit there is so much worry forfear the people may get a chance, tovote on the question and why should2260 saloons and the brewery interestsof St. Louis charter trains to JeffersonCity to overawe the Senate in theirduties for fear they will give the pec--

nle a chance to exnress themselves inth matter? a resolution to amend


LUC constitution is only the first stepand is not prohibition until the peoplesay so by thefr votes. And that seemsquite doubtful as long as St. Louis andKansas City area part of this state."

.They have controlled the state m thepast, ana wnne we may De mistaken,we believe that if nrohibition shouldby means carry the cities wouldbe deprived of their power.And now that a very few peoplehave asked for a privilege that belongsto them it seems they have probed thelion in his den. I am a Republicanand a majority man and ready to sub--m;t t0 any reasonable law, but like


others am getting tirdd of being toldJto keep hands off the, beer keg for fearof sacraficing a frw votes

Foley's Honey and Tar is a safeguard against serious results from springcolds, which inflame the lungs anddevelop into pneumonia. Avoidcounterfeits by insisting upon havingthe genuine Foley's Honey and Tar,which contains no harmful drugs. SoldDy all Druggists.

24 Post Cards FreeHere is an opportunity for anyone to

obtain 24 handsomely colored souvenirpost cards for nothing and get. hischoice of three different kinds, namely:24-Com- ic Cards, 24 Flower Cards and aset of 24 cards entitled "language ofthe Flowers' In each one cf thesesets there aTS 24 kigk'y colored, souTvenir Post Cards. All cu have to doto obtain them is to send 25c for ayear's subscription to the Kansas Cityweekly Journal and tell them whichset ycu want. Upon receipt "of. yoursubscription for the Kansas CityWeekly Journal the greatest newspaper of the Southwest cu will besent Absolutely free the 24 Pest Caidswhich you select. Be sure to specifywheather you want the 24 ComicCards, the 24 Flcwcr cards cr the 24Language of the Flowers cards.

We know that you will be highlypleased with these post cards. "The