the three old geese

Written And Illustrated By Thomas Mckay

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Post on 21-Mar-2016




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A Folk Tale


Written And Illustrated By Thomas Mckay

One sunny day three old geese were out on a daily walk by the river. When suddenly one of the geese saw a piece of rubbish in their beautifully clean river. So all of the geese waddled over to the piece of rubbish. Suddenly they were all stuck in quick sand. The geese all screamed.

“Please,Please We’re just some geese,Can you comeAnd help us please.”

Luckily a farm boy happened to walk by and hear their helpless call. So the farm boy tugged the geese, but the geese didn’t budge. So all of the geese yelled.

“Please, Please We’re just some geese,Can you comeAnd help us please.”

Two siblings were just on their way to town when they heard the geese's call. The two siblings pulled the farm boy, the farm boy pulled the geese, and again the geese didn’t budge. So all of the geese and the farm boy and the two sibling shouted out.

“Please, Please We’re just some geese,Can you comeAnd help us please.”

The geese were so thankful when a little old man heard their catchy chant and went over and helped. The little old man pulled the two siblings, the two siblings pulled the farm boy, the farm boy pulled the geese, and again the geese didn’t budge. So all of the geese and the farm boy and the two sibling and the little old man shouted out.

“Please, Please We’re just some geese,Can you comeAnd help us please.”

A farmer happened to see this tragic moment and came to help pull. The farmer pulled the little old man, the little old man pulled the two siblings, the two siblings pulled the farm boy and the farm boy pulled the geese, and geese flew out of the sinking sand.

After the geese had dried off they gave everyone who helped a lovely meal of vegetable soup.