the time measurement names adopted by christians have a ... · latin: dies veneris - venus or...

1 The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a pagan origin! Prepared by: Abo Karim El Marakshy

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Page 1: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


The time Measurement names adopted by

Christians have a pagan origin

Prepared by Abo Karim El Marakshy


The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a pagan origin

Christian should learn that the names of the 12 months are named after 12 mythical pagan gods

The seven celestial bodies identified by the Egyptian astronomers

Lets go back to the Egyptian astronomers who identified seven celestial bodies Saturn Jupiter Mars the Sun Venus Mercury and the Moon

The Egyptian astronomers divided the daylight time into 12 hours a convenient number which divides cleanly by 2 3 4 and 6 The night time was also divided by 12 but the

length of day hours and night hours would differ according to the season

They named each hour after a particular celestial body

1st hour Saturn 2nd hour Jupiter 3rd hour Mars 4th hour Sun 5th hour Venus 6th hour Mercury 7th hour Moon

The 8th hour would recycle to the Saturn hour as would the 15th and 22nd Following this pattern the 23rd hour would be Jupiter the 24th Mars and the 1st hour of the next day would be the Sun


From this method the first hour of each day was named


1st day Saturn 2nd day Sun 3rd day Moon 4th day Mars 5th day Mercury 6th day Jupiter 7th day Venus

Each day was consecrated to the celestial body of its first hour which has resulted not only in us having seven days a week but also the names of those days

The first day of a week was Saturns day (Saturday) but on their flight from the Egyptians the Jews changed this and made Saturday their Sabbath the last day of the week

Christians later moved observance of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as part of their theological and historical split from Judaism even though they respect the Hebrew Scriptures2

So following the Jewish day numbering system with the last day of the week being Saturday the first day of the week became Sunday

Sunday Day of the Sun


Latin dies solis - Helios god of the sun

Saxon Sunnandaeg - god of the heat and light ball in the


Sun worship has always been popular and for obvious reasons

Ancient sun worship

Its easy to understand how ancient man would look at the sun as the most powerful god Today we are more enlightened and know that the sun is just an enormous ball of gas

On the right is a photo of a stele from Ur

of the Chaldees with the symbol of the Babylonian sun god Shamash within the

crescent of the moon goddess Nanna


We also now know that its not unique - there are countless other stars visible to the naked eye some of which are much brighter than our sun

The use of Halos

The word halo comes from the Greek halos which means the ring of light shown around the sun

The Sun halo disc on the head of Ra

Other religions such as Buddhism Hinduism and Jainism use halos in iconography


The Japanese Buddhist statue as

shown with a kouhai or gokou (halo) holding a trident weapon to protect babies amp young children

The Hindu god Shiva as shown

with Parvati both with a halo Shiva has a Third Eye a necklace made of skulls a trident and a few snakes

Halos and Christianity

The Consecration Cross like the sun is circular And its not only the shape of this cross that makes Christianity appear to revere the sun


Celtic Cross

Glory Cross

Jesus with Halo

The Pope holding the (Monstrance)


Its easy to understand why some people have written

articles supporting their firm belief that Christianity is actually a Pagan form of sun worship

The halo seen in Christian icons

The The Last Supper (In Simon Ushakovs icon 1685) Eleven of the twelve apostles have haloes only Judas Iscariot does not


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 2: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a pagan origin

Christian should learn that the names of the 12 months are named after 12 mythical pagan gods

The seven celestial bodies identified by the Egyptian astronomers

Lets go back to the Egyptian astronomers who identified seven celestial bodies Saturn Jupiter Mars the Sun Venus Mercury and the Moon

The Egyptian astronomers divided the daylight time into 12 hours a convenient number which divides cleanly by 2 3 4 and 6 The night time was also divided by 12 but the

length of day hours and night hours would differ according to the season

They named each hour after a particular celestial body

1st hour Saturn 2nd hour Jupiter 3rd hour Mars 4th hour Sun 5th hour Venus 6th hour Mercury 7th hour Moon

The 8th hour would recycle to the Saturn hour as would the 15th and 22nd Following this pattern the 23rd hour would be Jupiter the 24th Mars and the 1st hour of the next day would be the Sun


From this method the first hour of each day was named


1st day Saturn 2nd day Sun 3rd day Moon 4th day Mars 5th day Mercury 6th day Jupiter 7th day Venus

Each day was consecrated to the celestial body of its first hour which has resulted not only in us having seven days a week but also the names of those days

The first day of a week was Saturns day (Saturday) but on their flight from the Egyptians the Jews changed this and made Saturday their Sabbath the last day of the week

Christians later moved observance of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as part of their theological and historical split from Judaism even though they respect the Hebrew Scriptures2

So following the Jewish day numbering system with the last day of the week being Saturday the first day of the week became Sunday

Sunday Day of the Sun


Latin dies solis - Helios god of the sun

Saxon Sunnandaeg - god of the heat and light ball in the


Sun worship has always been popular and for obvious reasons

Ancient sun worship

Its easy to understand how ancient man would look at the sun as the most powerful god Today we are more enlightened and know that the sun is just an enormous ball of gas

On the right is a photo of a stele from Ur

of the Chaldees with the symbol of the Babylonian sun god Shamash within the

crescent of the moon goddess Nanna


We also now know that its not unique - there are countless other stars visible to the naked eye some of which are much brighter than our sun

The use of Halos

The word halo comes from the Greek halos which means the ring of light shown around the sun

The Sun halo disc on the head of Ra

Other religions such as Buddhism Hinduism and Jainism use halos in iconography


The Japanese Buddhist statue as

shown with a kouhai or gokou (halo) holding a trident weapon to protect babies amp young children

The Hindu god Shiva as shown

with Parvati both with a halo Shiva has a Third Eye a necklace made of skulls a trident and a few snakes

Halos and Christianity

The Consecration Cross like the sun is circular And its not only the shape of this cross that makes Christianity appear to revere the sun


Celtic Cross

Glory Cross

Jesus with Halo

The Pope holding the (Monstrance)


Its easy to understand why some people have written

articles supporting their firm belief that Christianity is actually a Pagan form of sun worship

The halo seen in Christian icons

The The Last Supper (In Simon Ushakovs icon 1685) Eleven of the twelve apostles have haloes only Judas Iscariot does not


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 3: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


From this method the first hour of each day was named


1st day Saturn 2nd day Sun 3rd day Moon 4th day Mars 5th day Mercury 6th day Jupiter 7th day Venus

Each day was consecrated to the celestial body of its first hour which has resulted not only in us having seven days a week but also the names of those days

The first day of a week was Saturns day (Saturday) but on their flight from the Egyptians the Jews changed this and made Saturday their Sabbath the last day of the week

Christians later moved observance of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as part of their theological and historical split from Judaism even though they respect the Hebrew Scriptures2

So following the Jewish day numbering system with the last day of the week being Saturday the first day of the week became Sunday

Sunday Day of the Sun


Latin dies solis - Helios god of the sun

Saxon Sunnandaeg - god of the heat and light ball in the


Sun worship has always been popular and for obvious reasons

Ancient sun worship

Its easy to understand how ancient man would look at the sun as the most powerful god Today we are more enlightened and know that the sun is just an enormous ball of gas

On the right is a photo of a stele from Ur

of the Chaldees with the symbol of the Babylonian sun god Shamash within the

crescent of the moon goddess Nanna


We also now know that its not unique - there are countless other stars visible to the naked eye some of which are much brighter than our sun

The use of Halos

The word halo comes from the Greek halos which means the ring of light shown around the sun

The Sun halo disc on the head of Ra

Other religions such as Buddhism Hinduism and Jainism use halos in iconography


The Japanese Buddhist statue as

shown with a kouhai or gokou (halo) holding a trident weapon to protect babies amp young children

The Hindu god Shiva as shown

with Parvati both with a halo Shiva has a Third Eye a necklace made of skulls a trident and a few snakes

Halos and Christianity

The Consecration Cross like the sun is circular And its not only the shape of this cross that makes Christianity appear to revere the sun


Celtic Cross

Glory Cross

Jesus with Halo

The Pope holding the (Monstrance)


Its easy to understand why some people have written

articles supporting their firm belief that Christianity is actually a Pagan form of sun worship

The halo seen in Christian icons

The The Last Supper (In Simon Ushakovs icon 1685) Eleven of the twelve apostles have haloes only Judas Iscariot does not


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 4: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Latin dies solis - Helios god of the sun

Saxon Sunnandaeg - god of the heat and light ball in the


Sun worship has always been popular and for obvious reasons

Ancient sun worship

Its easy to understand how ancient man would look at the sun as the most powerful god Today we are more enlightened and know that the sun is just an enormous ball of gas

On the right is a photo of a stele from Ur

of the Chaldees with the symbol of the Babylonian sun god Shamash within the

crescent of the moon goddess Nanna


We also now know that its not unique - there are countless other stars visible to the naked eye some of which are much brighter than our sun

The use of Halos

The word halo comes from the Greek halos which means the ring of light shown around the sun

The Sun halo disc on the head of Ra

Other religions such as Buddhism Hinduism and Jainism use halos in iconography


The Japanese Buddhist statue as

shown with a kouhai or gokou (halo) holding a trident weapon to protect babies amp young children

The Hindu god Shiva as shown

with Parvati both with a halo Shiva has a Third Eye a necklace made of skulls a trident and a few snakes

Halos and Christianity

The Consecration Cross like the sun is circular And its not only the shape of this cross that makes Christianity appear to revere the sun


Celtic Cross

Glory Cross

Jesus with Halo

The Pope holding the (Monstrance)


Its easy to understand why some people have written

articles supporting their firm belief that Christianity is actually a Pagan form of sun worship

The halo seen in Christian icons

The The Last Supper (In Simon Ushakovs icon 1685) Eleven of the twelve apostles have haloes only Judas Iscariot does not


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 5: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


We also now know that its not unique - there are countless other stars visible to the naked eye some of which are much brighter than our sun

The use of Halos

The word halo comes from the Greek halos which means the ring of light shown around the sun

The Sun halo disc on the head of Ra

Other religions such as Buddhism Hinduism and Jainism use halos in iconography


The Japanese Buddhist statue as

shown with a kouhai or gokou (halo) holding a trident weapon to protect babies amp young children

The Hindu god Shiva as shown

with Parvati both with a halo Shiva has a Third Eye a necklace made of skulls a trident and a few snakes

Halos and Christianity

The Consecration Cross like the sun is circular And its not only the shape of this cross that makes Christianity appear to revere the sun


Celtic Cross

Glory Cross

Jesus with Halo

The Pope holding the (Monstrance)


Its easy to understand why some people have written

articles supporting their firm belief that Christianity is actually a Pagan form of sun worship

The halo seen in Christian icons

The The Last Supper (In Simon Ushakovs icon 1685) Eleven of the twelve apostles have haloes only Judas Iscariot does not


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 6: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


The Japanese Buddhist statue as

shown with a kouhai or gokou (halo) holding a trident weapon to protect babies amp young children

The Hindu god Shiva as shown

with Parvati both with a halo Shiva has a Third Eye a necklace made of skulls a trident and a few snakes

Halos and Christianity

The Consecration Cross like the sun is circular And its not only the shape of this cross that makes Christianity appear to revere the sun


Celtic Cross

Glory Cross

Jesus with Halo

The Pope holding the (Monstrance)


Its easy to understand why some people have written

articles supporting their firm belief that Christianity is actually a Pagan form of sun worship

The halo seen in Christian icons

The The Last Supper (In Simon Ushakovs icon 1685) Eleven of the twelve apostles have haloes only Judas Iscariot does not


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 7: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Celtic Cross

Glory Cross

Jesus with Halo

The Pope holding the (Monstrance)


Its easy to understand why some people have written

articles supporting their firm belief that Christianity is actually a Pagan form of sun worship

The halo seen in Christian icons

The The Last Supper (In Simon Ushakovs icon 1685) Eleven of the twelve apostles have haloes only Judas Iscariot does not


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 8: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Its easy to understand why some people have written

articles supporting their firm belief that Christianity is actually a Pagan form of sun worship

The halo seen in Christian icons

The The Last Supper (In Simon Ushakovs icon 1685) Eleven of the twelve apostles have haloes only Judas Iscariot does not


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 9: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


In the past man believed there were a countless number of gods we now have the intelligence to reason that there is only one supreme God (Allah) the creator of this universe

Jesuit IHS symbol

Yes the Jesuits use the sun as the symbol of Jesus Christ The Jesuits are pretty conservative on cosmological issues and like all Christians they believe that Christ is the Light and the Life So why not depict this using an object we are all familiar with Their choice of the sun is appropriate When Jesus appeared before his disciples his face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light4 The sun is used to remind us of the glory of Christ

And of course there is the homophone the sun and the Son (Jesus) the Light of the world

Sunday is the day Christians set work aside so they can worship and we must thank old Egyptian astrology for

naming this day for us They identified seven planets and named the greatest of these sun

Each day was named after a planet and the first day of the week according to the Jews was labelled after the greatest planet the sun Hence we have Sunday Saturday became the seventh day for the Jews and that was their day of rest (Sabbath)


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 10: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Monday Day of the Moon

Latin dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon

Saxon mona - god of the light ball in the night sky and tide maker

Crescent Cross

This combination is used predominantly by the

Catholic Church Catholic Crescent and Cross

Heres another symbol used by the Catholic Church Marian Cross

This cross has no particular Christian

association except in heraldry It is also often used in Pagan art Lunate Cross


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 11: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Tuesday Day of Mars

Latin dies martis - Mars or Aires god of war

Saxon Tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven

Wednesday Wodens day

Latin dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes Messenger of the gods

Saxon Wodnesdaeg - Wodens day (King of the gods) Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom He visited all four corners of the world to gather information Nothing could be hidden from him In fact() he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 12: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Wodens Cross Odins Cross

Wodens Cross

To cover the rather messy dead eye he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder These birds were his extra eyes and could fly

off to spy on people and then report back to Woden In this way Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching After all as king of all gods he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose

Thursday Thors day

Thors Hammer

Latin dies jovis - Jove or Zeus god of thunder

Saxon Thuresdaeg - Thors day (god of thunder) Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky

Its a good idea not to annoy this god When he comes storming after sinners the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 13: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Thors Cross

Thors Cross

Thors Cross is a misnomer The symbol is not supposed to represent a cruciform rather it is a hammer and seldom seen in a Christian context

Christian symbol

In Christian iconography a hammer represents that used to drive nails through the hands and feet of Jesus prior to His crucifixion (See Hammer Cross)

Masonic symbol

In a Masonic context the heads also represent a hammer or an axe and may be referred to as an Axe Head Cross or Brick-axe Cross representing bricklayers and other construction trades (See Axe Cross)

Heraldic symbol

Capital Cross

In heraldry it might be referred to as a Corniced Cornished or Capiteau Cross composed of four columns with capitals


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 14: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Friday Frias day

Latin dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite goddess of love

Saxon Frigedaeg - Freyas day (goddess of love) Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin the most powerful god Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Friggs specialty was love and marriage (Interestingly frig is a modern coarse euphemism for sex)

Saturday Saturns day

Latin dies saturni - Saturn god of agriculture

Saxon Seternes day (god of agriculture) People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god

resulting in favourable weather and a good crop

Although our days are named after gods the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation unless your companions are drunk)


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 15: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Origins of the month names

The word month stems from moon and calendar stems from calare (to call out) just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors (Similar names are used in other European languages such as French German Italian and Spanish)

January Roman god Janus was the god of doorways entrances gateways thresholds and beginnings and therefore used for the opening of the New Year

February This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februas month The day before that and the day after (ides) was a holiday to honour Juno The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses and also the goddess of women and marriage Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day

March The Roman god Mars god of war and guardian of the state This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar

April Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus The name April is probably from Apru an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite a fertility goddess Alternatively it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open) as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere)


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 16: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


May This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth honour and reverence She was wife of Vulcan mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas It became a popular girls name in English

June The chief goddess Juno wife of Jupiter and

queen of the heavens and gods

July Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar

August Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD) A synonym for the adjective august is venerable and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar Quite a contrast to the months original name Weodmonao which means month of weeds

Todays gardeners would agree with that

The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system The year used to begin in March so September through to December were months 7 to 10 A

numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year Modern Japanese for example has 1-gatsu 2-gatsu 3-gatsu 12-gatsu Similarly in Chinese 1-yuegrave 2-yuegrave 3-yuegrave 12-yuegrave

(Curiously when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year he did not rename any


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 17: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


of these months December for example could have been

changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month)

September This name comes from the Latin septem meaning seven

October This name comes from the Latin octo meaning eight (Octopus - an 8-sided cat) This is the month

when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Years Day these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October

November This name comes from the Latin novem meaning nine

December This name comes from the Latin decem meaning ten


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 18: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


Origins of the season names

Winter No mythical god just cold The season of wind and white snow hence the name winter

Spring The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter

Summer From Old Norse sumarsdag the time for lots of sunshine

Autumn The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year The old English name for this season of harvest was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century Also known as fall in America as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees (And youve

probably noticed that already)


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth


Page 19: The time Measurement names adopted by Christians have a ... · Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love Saxon: Frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was


The Glorious Quran addressed these pagan ideas and dis-

cussed them extensively After all pagan beliefs and customs are generally similar in form and substance

(1) Say He is Allah [who is] One (2) Allah the Eternal Refuge (3) He neither begets nor is born (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent

The Noble Quran

Surah 112- Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity )

Sadly it is the same pagan legacy that has led to Zionism and the Universal Crusade This is just one of the many amazing facts that the Quran enlightens us with It always puts the whole truth at our disposal in the clearest and most complete fashion without the least ambiguity or complicated arguments This is how we find the Glorious Quranmdashinimitable and calm in whatever it says and mandates It says nothing but what is right It speaks nothing but the truth
