the unforturtqto! i parcel- new remedies! new remedies€¦ · to the unforturtqto! a column new...

a COLUMN To the UnforturtQto! New Remedies! New Remedies SHEBlfAN k HYDE'S COLUMN parcel- - ' ' . OAH FRANCISCO MARKET- - , rxxtrartxa, $1750 5 75 P bl. Oa $1 40Q1 C5pl00 lbs. OsxoxsIX 1 05 V 100 Es. POBTLAKD UAItKET. butI 35 v 100 VtZ Oats 41c 43c bushel. Floux Firm; standard brands, t5 50bbl. Gbuk Appixx-37- 1 Q 50c V bush. Qzciojis $1 ?100 Bs. llctTsa 37f 60cP ft; Eoos 37c P,doz. Pocltkt Orown chickens, $2 00 2 50 m$ doz . v Fortst Grov9 HeUil Kiricet. . COSJUCCTSD WXKSZ.Y. Wheat, bushel..... G3 Flour, H barrel.............. 4 50...... Cora Ileal. 3 fc. . ...... 4 5 Potatoes. bushel 50 I don't Inland to do it.llr. Editor. The Chronicle may sditomlfcs, sta- tistics cay theoris, posia cssy idesJisa, nf women may wsbr tisa yes, t?t they may all count xa 4. Why chsald I inarry? He& con- torts, do ypn I an j ycrs of ' age. I VtokI health, cba Cod looks,' (enough for mo,) Sd 'csod incotsa. cenonffb for raft.) cot a comfortable room, and ant friends; and when I cantt t2&3 myself comfortable at tone) I can ?o outside and look wf comfort. I can g' where I like to eat, take what I like to drink; and Utem is no one to fctf, "why r this thu A a a y to me; and l can stay out all night if I so elect, without having the papers in a divorce suit served to tne next day with my lunch. I can wear my old shoes if I like, or I Can buy six pairs of new ones if I ehoose; and who shall say "oh, why H to ne? , I can cover my , fea- tures; with the beard of manliness.or go shorn liko a Norman priest; and I can without fear of hysterics, or a vision of a mother-in-la- w, snub any one who shall make remarks upon my .'capillary eccentricities. I can have all my chamber windows open I top and bottom, and sleep cross-wis- e upon my couch, or I can read till 4 o'clock in the morniner. and smoke. until a'firealarm from bos No. 67 i turned in; nor shall anybody ask m "How long is it'going to last?"I can can turn around in my walks abroad ana gaze renecungiy upon a passing "Oxford tie;' and my ribs shall not suffer fron the nudge of admonition, nor shall I be put to shame before my kindred. I may take my seat in the front row of the orchestra chairs. Yea! I can ensconce myself in the stage box, end behold there- from the drama spectacular, and- - no Saratogas shall be hastily packed in and removed from my residence next day; nor shall a hack with a bonnet bcx inside of it drive hurriedly away frota my front door-ste- p, and canst tlou say thus much, 6, married man with rest "home coforta." Poster-it- y, did you remark, my . Bohemian joumaliit? I expect posterity to do nothing for me, and I dont intend to do anything for posterity. Let Send fa ygar fcJSa, Syf fyow: ere unaU & psyiaCZzsstee xr tnU end yak & Iu: i::. , 17 end traii on you 9 yzr. 5b ctfa effiee jrv will wend tXe Xxnosxnsarrr out year or CIO; end fer dub of fnt er more ire xcill tend . the Ikdzmjizzz n year for 23 C3m&n esfmmizdkr to the getter vp if the cluK Kettle. The JNICPENDXlKTha9 the sofe right of publishing Hfeant printing for.TFewhington county and contain all the newt of our County Court and all the home neies, which no other pa- - YperpubliMhet, therefore every man in lhe county need the INDEPEND ENT and mould tmmtdtately tub-vcribefo- rit. Executor Notice. TTOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT O.M th nndenignad hu filed bis ftnd e eonnt m Executor of the last will ad trsta- - mam f H. B. Bones, Dee'd in the County a irt of tie State of Oregon for Washing. County, and that THURSDAY af let the llonday in January, A. D. 1875. at 10 o'clock a. m. has been set for the final hear ing 0 said matter. n31nr4 . . S. A. HOLCUHD. tee of Adsalnlstrator. frnnE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed by the County Court of the of Oresen for Washincton ronntr Ad- - nistrator of the estate of G. M. Raymond deoeased. all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at the of fice of Tbos. H. Tongue in HiUsboro. Wash- ington county, Oregon, with the proper vouchers withia six months from the date hereof. THOMA8 W. 8AINE. Hillsboro, Dee, 3d, 1874. n37,-w- 4 BOUSE AND L0 E3 E3 OFFEB FOR SALE MY PBOPERTT U in Forest Orore, consisting of a house and 75x143 feet of laud in Lot Ho. 1 of Block 2fo. 9, in Forest Orov. Kaid pror-ett- y I will sell subject to a mortgage of $250 with interest which expires Nor. 4, 1875,and (250 cash in hand. Thia property is. situa- ted in the heart of the towand is a Valua- ble site for a fine dwelling. For further psrtSsulars inquire of STEPH- EN BLANK of Forest Grore. or II. D. L.UCE, IliUsboxoOr. r Gtiormon Ci Hydo COB.?KEABXT ASUTTEB STREETS, , San Francisco. WHOLESALE AXD EST AIL DXALEltS IN HEEI HTJSIC, UTJSICAL mSTEXJ- - ZXEZTTS and UTTSICAL lTJlCIZAITDIgE. SHERMAN AfcllYim Paciflc Coaat Ageuts, THE UNRIVALED WEBER PIANO. By the Superiorif y of its Tone, combining Greet Power, Bichness. Sweetness and Fine Singing Quality, as well as Great Purity of Intonation and Harmoniousnefss throughout the entire scale, it is fast driving almost , all other Pianos from the Concert Boom, and fully explains how WEBEB shows an in-crea- se of 203 per cent., and yet cannot sup- ply the demand. :o: AGENTS WANTED, in every county in the State, for the Celebrated .which roa. Volume & Purity of Tone, Esanty of Case, Cnpexiority of 7orkxsanshp. Elegance ofFiniih, aMDormbititj ARE UNRtVALED. Sherman & Hyde'o -- Pinno, Is ffie on! j FIRST CLASS IN- - STRUMENT sold for 04OO The Sousre Pianos are ty octave.snd em-brae- es allTllodern Improvements, snch as Elegant Rosewood Case, Beautiful Mould- ings, Full iron Frame. Carved Legs and Lyre, Over-strun- g Bass. Agraffe Treble etc. Length, 0 feet 10 inches; Width 3 fee. 8 inches, and m FULLY lTED FOR TEN YEARS. Te keep constantly on hand a good assort ment of 1 OcbveAgraffe Treble ' " . ; ; . ' - ... . HADE FBOli THE BEST SEASONED MATEEIAL, AND FULLY WARRANTED. MUCKS AS LOW AS W0RTBXE88 PIAVOS CAN ' ' , BE OBTAXXED XLSTTWnTItE. PIAJN0S AND ORGANS 1 - SOLD o sasT niSTAixstXTatxr ; ebibkx i CALL A5D CZS CXZTCZIE PCB. HVnSCMBR t SUBSCRIBE tt for the WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT A journal . devoted te the inter, Washington County and f th State. Vie INDEPENDENT tu. yxaure to no party lut th forty of PROGRESSIVE IDEAS and REFORM; onroU4f ty no Clique, Paction or Monopoly; t the f earl and uiph$- - AD VOCAJEf the PEOPLE. nrcscniPTion paces. NOTICE The INDEPENDBM1 ha the sole right efdfing tha I LIJ70ANTPRfN17x6, j far X7csMngt9n County cnJb thereforeincaeteifmna ro TO DR. GIDEON 0!OF53CilQV, OCaiXeameyStS C earner CcEccrcel St 1 SAN FRANCISCO. EiUaUitbcd in 1854. for the trntf i.'.mt of Sexnnl and 8 minol Diseases, sucli as Oo norrbea. Gleet, Stricture, Srphillii in all its forme. Seminal Weakness, liupotf-ii'-y- , etc. Skin diseases (of years standing) ind Cl-eemt- ed Legs, successfully trent I. DB. GIBBON has the pb wx of mi noucing that he has returned fr t viitiii the principal Hospitals of Enn pe, nml has resumed practice at hiDipeii.trj-,C2UKeur-ue- y street, corner of Commercial, Ssn Fran. cisco.wnera nts oio pauc-nt- s and those re- - quiringhis service may find bran The doctor has spared neither tUM nor money in seeking out new remedies.and has returned with iucreased facilities for the al- leviation of human suffering. P lit inn I Wt akness. Seminal rmiRsit.n, the consequeee of self aba?. Thi solitary vice, or depraved sex-lu- il in.lulgcuce, is practiced by the youth of both sexes to almost unlimited extent, pro-ducing,w- ith unerriugcertainty the following train of roorbicl symptoms, unless combated by scientific medirul measures, ritl Sallow eountensnee.dnrk spots undV-- r the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in the ears, noise like rustling of leHves I rattling of chariots, na eftstness nlx-u- t the loins, weakness of the liuibi, ronfa wl vision, blunted intellect, loss of confidence, diffidence in spproaching Granger, a dis'ike to fonn acqusintan-cm- , a diMKition to ah an society, loss of mem.-n- . hectic flushes, pimples and various about tUa fnce.furred tongue, fattid breuth, coughs, eousnmption, night sweats, mononiauia and frequently inssnity.If relief bo nut oVtuiw-t- l the suffrnr shrrild spply im- - luetlintely either by person cr by letter, and have a curs effected by his newaxd scientific mode ot treating this disease, which never fail of efitt tiug a quick and radical carf.Dr G. will fnveOne HnmlredDollarsto any Per- son who will prove sntiafactcrialy to him that he wax cured of this complaint by ei- ther of thoSn Francisco quacks. Cured at Home. TersonK ta distance may be CURED AT j UUMLi Lr nddreKKing a letter to Dr. Gibbon, stating caa, symptoms, length of time the ditu-ati- e hu continued, and have mediciuea promply forwnrdt d, free from damage and curiosity, to any part f the country, with full and pbiiu directions for use. Persons writing to the Doctor ill please state the nam of the papt-- r they saw tbis advertise m nt in. liy incloiu $10 coin, in a registered let ter through the rostOfiice.or through Wells, Fargo AOo,,a pnekage of tuedicine will be forwarded to any part of the Union. All correspondence strictlv confidential. Addens DIt. 4. F. GIBBON.Kearniy St., San Francisco. roKtcfuce Bex 1,057 sep24:ly THE HEW IMPE0VED rid) reed end Pic'x TceJ. t:::: iicktCoT nunxiKC, kostjik- - ' TIC, AN3 0ST CASilV 0PCRATE3 CEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. A!72j3 h 0;:c: tmdKsiayfo? Wcrk, If te: Is a XT0KB3CC MACEIVC wlt'ula r 31 t!:33S3si u'.lti of Saa Trta ci:c3 rot wc.-il- nj well, I will fix it wits-o- ct r ty czpeais t tb cwser HILL, Agent, . ITo. 13 Hetr Moatjomer Street, dUXD UOTtL tniDixo. , CAS tHASCICCO. n23.-C- Is. P. FISIIE II. Advertising Agent, Rooms No. SO and 21, Merchant's Es change, California Street, San Francisco. SOLICITS ADVERTISEMENTS AND for theForest Grove Inde pendent and for papers putdiahed in Cali- fornia, Oregon and Nevads; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montana. Colorado and adja cent Territories ;Kandwich Islands, the Brit- - j inh Possessions, Mexican l'oits, Nicaragua, j Panauiu, Valparaiso, Japan and China; New J nianu nun uie AUBirniian Vutonm, iae Atlantic States and Europe. Ilns created many a new business; Has enlarged many an old bnsiness; Has revived many a dull business: Has rescued many a lost business; Has saved msny a failing business; lias preserved aiany a large bnsine ss ; And insures success in any business. Gibabds Skcsbt. Stephen Girard csed to May.iu his old age: "I bare always con-sider- ed i advertising liberally and lonj to be the great medium of success in busilMtii.aad the prelude to wealth. And I have saade it an invariable Tule t j advertise in the dullest times as well as the busiest; long experience having taught me that money thus spent fa well laid out. as by continually keepinj say business before the public it has aeccrsd many vales thatl otherwise would have lost." 7The man who didn't believe in adver- tising has gone into partnership wi2i C tberr&aad that official does the advertising. A9 sf2 SS A rORTLAND, OREOON, ' Affords advantages for the ' thcrocb and rractical Batineas Education of votmer and ) uidd It-a-ged men. Send for College Paper. posterity iook out for ilself T ca not responsible for vitalj statistics, and my dreame would be severe, no Scatter how much awry the averages might be. My sons will embezzle no public funds: nor will they be cent to Congress; no. daughter of mine shall " 'contract a matrimonial alliance" with a foreign Count; nor shall any of mine make me regret . the day she saw the light. Xiet oth- ers provide for posterity, and rear their handsome dtad sea fruit to turn to ashes in their aged and tooth- less mouths Calmly shall I de- scend the steepening hill of age, Eggs, fresh doz.......;...:. 25VJ SO Butter, good fresh role B... 30 Chickens, doz 2O0(Jr 2 fiO Bacon, sides .... 15 16 Cheese. f; - 20fa 25 Dried Plums. B 12fa It Dried Apples, Jb 4& I 5 Syrup. KeK. (retail) 4 50 Coffee. ( retail ) V. lb 27 V. ... Tea. Japan (retail) B 5o 75 Tea; Green, (retail ) fc 1 25 ..... . Salmon, best t ' barrel 5 50'.'. Sugar, by the kegr ft 10 12 Lard, ft Jb h(A 20 llatton. V, P 8a& 10 Beef, . f 8 Pork, ft ft) 6 ($ 8 Veal, ft , 10 Fish (fresh) ft lb ; . . . ;. Fish. (salt) ft ft 7( 8 Dreiwed Hogs C7$ 7 White Ueunn 4(35 5 ; 1PPLETGCJ0 WMm CVCLOPiEDU. ' ir BcTised.Editlon. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject. Printed from new type, and illustrated with Several Thousand Engrav- ing and Maps. The work originally pubis bed under the title of Tub New Amsbicam CrcxorJEMA was completed in 1863, since which time the wide circulation which it has attained in all parts of the United States, and the sipnal developments which have taken place in every branch of scienee, literature, and art, have induced the editors and publisher to submit it to an exact and thorough revis- ion, and to issue a new edition entitled Ths American Ctcxotjcbia. - Within the Inst ten years the progress of discovery in every department of knowl- edge has made a nw work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political affairs has kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful application to the industrial and useful arts and ths convenience and re- finement of social life. Great wars and con- sequent revolutions have oecured, involv- ing national changes of peculiar moment. The civil war of our own country, which was st its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily been ended, and a nw course of commercial and industrial activity has been com- menced. Large accessions to our geographical knowledge have been made by the indefati- gable explorers of Africa. The great politics! revolutions of the last decade, with the natural result of the lapse of time, have brought into public view a multitude of new men, whose names are in every one's month, and of whose lives every one is curious to know the particulars. Great battles have been fought and import- ant sieges maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only in ths aewspa- - or in the transient publications of the Sers but wbiih ought now to take their place in permanent and authentic hstory. In preparing the present edition for the iress. it has accordingly been the aim of he editors to bring down the information to the latest possible dates, and to furnish dn accurate account of the most recent dis- - nveiic. fa science, of every fresh produc tion in liters tare, and ot the latest inven tions in the practical arts, as well as to give succinct and oriffinal record of the nroe- - res of political and historical events. The work has been begun alter long and careful preliminary labor, and with the mo st ample resources for carrying on to a successful termination. None of the orieinal stereotme nlates have beeen used, . but. every . page has been a m ? m pnnicu on new type, lorming in iaci a new Cyclopaedia, with the same plan . and com- pass as its predecessor, but with a far great er pecuniary ezpenaiture, ana with such improvements in its composition as have been sngge&ted by longer experience and en- larged knowledge. . The illustrations which aro introduced for the first time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial ef fect, but to give greater lucidity end force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches of science and of natural histo- ry, and depict the most famous and remark- able feature of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as the various processes of me chanics and manufactures. Although in- tended fo rinstruetion rather than embellish- ment, no pains have been sparsd to insure their artistic excellence; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will find a welcome reception aa an ad- mirable feature ' of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high character. - Tbis wotk is soia so Duoscnoers oniy. m m on aeuvery o eaca vpiume. iiwiu Cyaue in sixteen . large txstavo vol umes, each containing about ECO pages, fully illustrated with several thousand Vood Engravings, and with numerous colored Lithographic Maps. Frvce and style of ffxnamg. In frtra Cloth, per vol.,.. .5.00 Jn Library LmUur, ptr vol 6.00 in Half Turkey ltorroco, per vol., . . . 7.00 Jn Half Rusin, extra gilt, per vol., . . 8.00 - Full Jfortoco, antique, gilt edgem, . . per vol.,"- - 1 i ...... . 10,00 Jn Full Rvutsiaper vol., 10.00 Foot volumes now , ready. Sucosodina volumes, until completion, will bo issued ones' in I tsnTTiS - - f T Sjeeanosi pases of the AtrssrcAw CxcuOTC9Ur showixj type ' iUsmtiona, etc., will b sect cxsO,ea sttrrtoa. Fiasretsss UAjrat xa xczsts wainrs Address the PrfThars. . , . . . rf.. -- foregoing willingly the "filial 'smile" in my security from paternal nal loss. Let others increase their risksy and multiply their dangers , enough for me, Uw aa they'are.i,,,I"8ee houris and dry goods; angels and hear the clink of the coin t behold the gltvs, of the 'household hearth and the stele -- ton's closet stands ajar. It is enough. I atnJa bachelor. I shall remain one.' Go thou and cfb likewise. Nev- er mind what rough things the pa- - rs say of thee; when the day shall fcc-jup- on wbicn thou shalt deem it ryss3ory to strike a final balance, reward shall be thine, our ap- proval and the in-spok- en words, ""Tour head was level," which will be better than a room full of family, - and a lapsed Life Insurance policy, f :17lItjdo you think about it? Some New Definitions. vmterin the Schoolday Maaarine as:red together the following uun smaii people nere and theie: Back-bit- er -- A flea. XfA thing to brush the warm Fins A fish's wings. r:C3'lce-'V7at- er that stayed oat in the cold and went to sleep. ESSf-rTh?cn3- r the old hen , ;. -- u5ures by to make new ones. . JP?Jt-- A hoga little boy. -- . CncringIinj off sleep. k3 Babw--Rai- n aU popped out white. Stars The moon's Wakefullness Eyes all the time coming unbuttoned. D. APPLETONS CO:. 5i9 551 Creadvaj, n. T. n 2 ii- - u2I:1y on can DrFRANCE ft WHITE. i

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Page 1: the UnforturtQto! I parcel- New Remedies! New Remedies€¦ · To the UnforturtQto! a COLUMN New Remedies! New Remedies SHEBlfAN kHYDE'SCOLUMN parcel--' '. OAH FRANCISCO MARKET--,

a COLUMNTo the UnforturtQto!New Remedies! New Remedies


parcel- - ' '. OAH FRANCISCO MARKET- - ,

rxxtrartxa, $1750 5 75 P bl.Oa $1 40Q1 C5pl00 lbs.OsxoxsIX 1 05 V 100 Es.


butI 35 v 100 VtZOats 41c 43c bushel.Floux Firm; standard brands,

t5 50bbl.Gbuk Appixx-37-1 Q 50c V bush.Qzciojis $1 ?100 Bs.llctTsa 37f 60cP ft;Eoos 37c P,doz.Pocltkt Orown chickens, $2 002 50 m$ doz . v

Fortst Grov9 HeUil Kiricet.. COSJUCCTSD WXKSZ.Y.

Wheat, bushel..... G3Flour, H barrel.............. 4 50......Cora Ileal. 3 fc. . ...... 4 5Potatoes. bushel 50

I don't Inland to do it.llr. Editor.The Chronicle may sditomlfcs, sta-

tistics cay theoris, posia cssyidesJisa, nfwomen may wsbr tisayes, t?t they may all count xa 4.

Why chsald I inarry? He& con-torts, do ypn I an j ycrs of

' age. IVtokI health, cba Codlooks,' (enough for mo,) Sd 'csodincotsa. cenonffb for raft.) cot acomfortable room, andant friends; and when I cantt t2&3myself comfortable at tone) I can?o outside and look wf comfort. I

can g'where I like to eat,take what I like to drink; and Utemis no one to fctf, "why r this thuA a a

y to me; and l can stay out allnight if I so elect, without havingthe papers in a divorce suit servedto tne next day with my lunch. Ican wear my old shoes if I like, or ICan buy six pairs of new ones if Iehoose; and who shall say "oh,why H to ne? , I can cover my , fea-

tures; with the beard of manliness.orgo shorn liko a Norman priest; and Ican without fear of hysterics, or avision of a mother-in-la- w, snub anyone who shall make remarks uponmy .'capillary eccentricities. I canhave all my chamber windows open I

top and bottom, and sleep cross-wis- e

upon my couch, or I can read till 4o'clock in the morniner. and smoke.until a'firealarm from bos No. 67 iturned in; nor shall anybody ask m"How long is it'going to last?"I cancan turn around in my walks abroadana gaze renecungiy upon a passing"Oxford tie;' and my ribs shall notsuffer fron the nudge of admonition,nor shall I be put to shame beforemy kindred. I may take my seatin the front row of the orchestrachairs. Yea! I can ensconce myselfin the stage box, end behold there-from the drama spectacular, and- - noSaratogas shall be hastily packed inand removed from my residence nextday; nor shall a hack with a bonnetbcx inside of it drive hurriedly awayfrota my front door-ste- p, and cansttlou say thus much, 6, married manwith rest "home coforta." Poster-it- y,

did you remark, my . Bohemianjoumaliit? I expect posterity to donothing for me, and I dont intendto do anything for posterity. Let

Send fa ygar fcJSa, Syf fyow: ereunaU & psyiaCZzsstee xr tnU endyak & Iu: i::. , 17 end traii on you9 yzr. 5b ctfa effiee jrv will wendtXe Xxnosxnsarrr out year or CIO;endfer dub offnt er more ire xcill

tend . the Ikdzmjizzz n year for23 C3m&n esfmmizdkr to the

getter vp if the cluK


The JNICPENDXlKTha9 the soferight of publishing Hfeant printingfor.TFewhington county and containall the newt ofour County Court andall the home neies, which no other pa--

YperpubliMhet, therefore every man inlhe county need the INDEPENDENT and mould tmmtdtately tub-vcribefo- rit.

Executor Notice.

TTOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATO.M th nndenignad hu filed bis ftnd eeonnt m Executor of the last will ad trsta- -mam f H. B. Bones, Dee'd in the Countya irt of tie State of Oregon for Washing.

County, and that THURSDAY aflet thellonday in January, A. D. 1875. at 10

o'clock a. m. has been set for the final hearing 0 said matter.

n31nr4 . . S. A. HOLCUHD.

teeof Adsalnlstrator.frnnE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN

appointed by the County Court of theof Oresen for Washincton ronntr Ad- -

nistrator of the estate of G. M. Raymonddeoeased. all persons having claimsagainst said estate are hereby notified topresent them to the undersigned at the office of Tbos. H. Tongue in HiUsboro. Wash-ington county, Oregon, with the propervouchers withia six months from the datehereof.

THOMA8 W. 8AINE.Hillsboro, Dee, 3d, 1874. n37,-w-4



E3 E3

OFFEB FOR SALE MY PBOPERTTU in Forest Orore, consisting of a houseand 75x143 feet of laud in Lot Ho. 1 ofBlock 2fo. 9, in Forest Orov. Kaid pror-ett- y

I will sell subject to a mortgage of $250with interest which expires Nor. 4, 1875,and(250 cash in hand. Thia property is. situa-ted in the heart of the towand is a Valua-

ble site for a fine dwelling.For further psrtSsulars inquire of STEPH-

EN BLANK of Forest Grore. orII. D. L.UCE,








SHERMAN AfcllYimPaciflc Coaat Ageuts,


WEBER PIANO.By the Superiorif y of its Tone, combining

Greet Power, Bichness. Sweetness and FineSinging Quality, as well as Great Purity ofIntonation and Harmoniousnefss throughoutthe entire scale, it is fast driving almost , allother Pianos from the Concert Boom, andfully explains how WEBEB shows an in-crea- se

of 203 per cent., and yet cannot sup-ply the demand.


AGENTS WANTED, in every county inthe State, for the Celebrated

.which roa.

Volume & Purity of Tone,

Esanty of Case,

Cnpexiority of 7orkxsanshp.Elegance ofFiniih,



Sherman & Hyde'o

-- Pinno,

Is ffie on!j FIRST CLASS IN- -

STRUMENT sold for

04OOThe Sousre Pianos are ty octave.snd em-brae- es

allTllodern Improvements, snch asElegant Rosewood Case, Beautiful Mould-ings, Full iron Frame. Carved Legs andLyre, Over-strun- g Bass. Agraffe Treble etc.Length, 0 feet 10 inches; Width 3 fee. 8inches, and



Te keep constantly on hand a good assortment of

1 OcbveAgraffe Treble' "

. ; ;. ' - ... .







SOLD o sasT niSTAixstXTatxr ; ebibkx




for the


A journal . devoted te the inter,Washington County and f th


Vie INDEPENDENT tu.yxaure to no party lut th fortyof PROGRESSIVE IDEAS andREFORM; onroU4f ty no

Clique, Paction or Monopoly;

t thefearl and uiph$- -AD VOCAJEf the PEOPLE.

nrcscniPTion paces.


ha the sole right efdfing tha


j far X7csMngt9n County cnJb


ro TO



C earner CcEccrcel St1


EiUaUitbcd in 1854. for the trntf i.'.mt ofSexnnl and 8 minol Diseases, sucli as Oonorrbea. Gleet, Stricture, Srphillii in all itsforme. Seminal Weakness, liupotf-ii'-y- , etc.Skin diseases (of years standing) ind Cl-eemt- ed

Legs, successfully trent I.DB. GIBBON has the pb wx of mi

noucing that he has returned fr t viitiiithe principal Hospitals of Enn pe, nml hasresumed practice at hiDipeii.trj-,C2UKeur-ue- y

street, corner of Commercial, Ssn nts oio pauc-nt-s and those re- -quiringhis service may find bran

The doctor has spared neither tUM normoney in seeking out new remedies.and hasreturned with iucreased facilities for the al-leviation of human suffering.

P lit inn I Wt akness.Seminal rmiRsit.n, the consequeee of self

aba?. Thi solitary vice, or depraved sex-lu- il

in.lulgcuce, is practiced by the youth ofboth sexes to almost unlimited extent, pro-ducing,w- ith

unerriugcertainty the followingtrain of roorbicl symptoms, unless combatedby scientific medirul measures, ritl Salloweountensnee.dnrk spots undV--r the eyes, painin the head, ringing in the ears, noise likerustling of leHves I rattling of chariots, naeftstness nlx-u- t the loins, weakness ofthe liuibi, ronfa wl vision, blunted intellect,loss of confidence, diffidence in spproachingGranger, a dis'ike to fonn acqusintan-cm- ,

a diMKition to ah an society, loss ofmem.-n- . hectic flushes, pimples and various

about tUa fnce.furred tongue, fattidbreuth, coughs, eousnmption, night sweats,mononiauia and frequently inssnity.If reliefbo nut oVtuiw-t-l the suffrnr shrrild spply im--luetlintely either by person cr by letter, andhave a curs effected by his newaxd scientificmode ot treating this disease, which neverfail of efitt tiug a quick and radical carf.DrG. will fnveOne HnmlredDollarsto any Per-son who will prove sntiafactcrialy to himthat he wax cured of this complaint by ei-

ther of thoSn Francisco quacks.Cured at Home.

TersonK t a distance may be CURED AT j

UUMLi Lr nddreKKing a letter to Dr. Gibbon,stating caa, symptoms, length of time theditu-ati- e hu continued, and have mediciueapromply forwnrdt d, free from damage andcuriosity, to any part f the country, withfull and pbiiu directions for use.

Persons writing to the Doctor ill pleasestate the nam of the papt-- r they saw tbisadvertise m nt in.

liy incloiu $10 coin, in a registered letter through the rostOfiice.or throughWells,Fargo AOo,,a pnekage of tuedicine will beforwarded to any part of the Union.

All correspondence strictlv confidential.Addens DIt. 4. F. GIBBON.Kearniy St.,

San Francisco. roKtcfuce Bex 1,057sep24:ly


rid) reed end Pic'x TceJ.

t:::: iicktCoT nunxiKC, kostjik- -' TIC, AN3 0ST CASilV 0PCRATE3


A!72j3 h 0;:c: tmdKsiayfo? Wcrk,

If te: Is a XT0KB3CC MACEIVCwlt'ula r 31 t!:33S3si u'.lti of Saa Trtaci:c3 rot wc.-il-nj well, I will fix it wits-o- ct

r ty czpeais t tb cwser

HILL, Agent, .

ITo. 13 Hetr Moatjomer Street,dUXD UOTtL tniDixo.




Advertising Agent,Rooms No. SO and 21, Merchant's Eschange, California Street, San Francisco.


pendent and for papers putdiahed in Cali-fornia, Oregon and Nevads; Washington,Utah, Idaho, Montana. Colorado and adjacent Territories ;Kandwich Islands, the Brit- - jinh Possessions, Mexican l'oits, Nicaragua, jPanauiu, Valparaiso, Japan and China; New J

nianu nun uie AUBirniian Vutonm, iaeAtlantic States and Europe.

Ilns created many a new business;Has enlarged many an old bnsiness;Has revived many a dull business:Has rescued many a lost business;Has saved msny a failing business;lias preserved aiany a large bnsine ss ;And insures success in any business.

Gibabds Skcsbt. Stephen Girard csedto May.iu his old age: "I bare always con-sider- ed


advertising liberally and lonj to bethe great medium of success in busilMtii.aadthe prelude to wealth. And I have saade itan invariable Tule t j advertise in the dullesttimes as well as the busiest; long experiencehaving taught me that money thus spent fawell laid out. as by continually keepinj saybusiness before the public it has aeccrsdmany vales thatl otherwise would have lost."

7The man who didn't believe in adver-tising has gone into partnership wi2i Ctberr&aad that official does the advertising.


sf2 SSA


Affords advantages for the ' thcrocb andrractical Batineas Education of votmer and

) uidd It-a-ged men. Send for College Paper.

posterity iook out for ilself T canot responsible for vitalj statistics,and my dreame would be severe, noScatter how much awry the averagesmight be. My sons will embezzleno public funds: nor will they becent to Congress; no. daughter ofmine shall " 'contract a matrimonialalliance" with a foreign Count; norshall any of mine make me regret

. the day she saw the light. Xiet oth-

ers provide for posterity, and reartheir handsome dtad sea fruit toturn to ashes in their aged and tooth-less mouths Calmly shall I de-

scend the steepening hill of age,

Eggs, fresh doz.......;...:. 25VJ SOButter, good fresh role B... 30Chickens, doz 2O0(Jr 2 fiOBacon, sides .... 15 16Cheese. f; - 20fa 25Dried Plums. B 12fa ItDried Apples, Jb 4& I 5Syrup. KeK. (retail) 4 50Coffee. ( retail ) V. lb 27 V. . . .Tea. Japan (retail) B 5o 75Tea; Green, (retail ) fc 1 25 ..... .Salmon, best t ' barrel 5 50'.'.Sugar, by the kegr ft 10 12Lard, ft Jb h(A 20llatton. V, P 8a& 10Beef, . f 8Pork, ft ft) 6 ($ 8Veal, ft , 10Fish (fresh) ft lb ; . . . ;.Fish. (salt) ft ft 7( 8Dreiwed Hogs C7$ 7White Ueunn 4(35 5


WMm CVCLOPiEDU.' ir BcTised.Editlon.

Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers onevery subject. Printed from new type, andillustrated with Several Thousand Engrav-ing and Maps.

The work originally pubis bed under thetitle of Tub New Amsbicam CrcxorJEMAwas completed in 1863, since which timethe wide circulation which it has attainedin all parts of the United States, and thesipnal developments which have taken placein every branch of scienee, literature, andart, have induced the editors and publisherto submit it to an exact and thorough revis-ion, and to issue a new edition entitledThs American Ctcxotjcbia.- Within the Inst ten years the progress ofdiscovery in every department of knowl-edge has made a nw work of reference animperative want.

The movement of political affairs has keptpace with the discoveries of science, andtheir fruitful application to the industrialand useful arts and ths convenience and re-

finement of social life. Great wars and con-sequent revolutions have oecured, involv-ing national changes of peculiar moment.The civil war of our own country, whichwas st its height when the last volume ofthe old work appeared, has happily beenended, and a nw course of commercialand industrial activity has been com-menced.

Large accessions to our geographicalknowledge have been made by the indefati-gable explorers of Africa.

The great politics! revolutions of the lastdecade, with the natural result of the lapseof time, have brought into public view amultitude of new men, whose names are inevery one's month, and of whose lives everyone is curious to know the particulars.Great battles have been fought and import-ant sieges maintained, of which the detailsare as yet preserved only in ths aewspa- -

or in the transient publications of theSers but wbiih ought now to take theirplace in permanent and authentic hstory.

In preparing the present edition for theiress. it has accordingly been the aim ofhe editors to bring down the information

to the latest possible dates, and to furnishdn accurate account of the most recent dis--nveiic. fa science, of every fresh production in liters tare, and ot the latest inventions in the practical arts, as well as to givesuccinct and oriffinal record of the nroe--res of political and historical events.

The work has been begun alter long andcareful preliminary labor, and with themo st ample resources for carrying on to asuccessful termination.

None of the orieinal stereotme nlateshave beeen used,

.but. every

.page has been

a m ? m

pnnicu on new type, lorming in iaci a newCyclopaedia, with the same plan . and com-pass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary ezpenaiture, ana with suchimprovements in its composition as havebeen sngge&ted by longer experience and en-larged knowledge. .

The illustrations which aro introducedfor the first time in the present edition havebeen added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity end force tothe explanations in the text. They embraceall branches of science and of natural histo-ry, and depict the most famous and remark-able feature of scenery, architecture, andart, as well as the various processes of mechanics and manufactures. Although in-tended fo rinstruetion rather than embellish-ment, no pains have been sparsd to insuretheir artistic excellence; the cost of theirexecution is enormous, and it is believedthey will find a welcome reception aa an ad-mirable feature ' of the Cyclopaedia, andworthy of its high character. -

Tbis wotk is soia so Duoscnoers oniy.m mon aeuvery o eaca vpiume. iiwiuCyaue in sixteen . large txstavo vol

umes, each containing about ECO pages,fully illustrated with several thousandVoodEngravings, and with numerous coloredLithographic Maps.

Frvce and style of ffxnamg.In frtra Cloth, per vol.,.. .5.00Jn Library LmUur, ptr vol 6.00in Half Turkey ltorroco, per vol., . . . 7.00Jn Half Rusin, extra gilt, per vol., . . 8.00

- Full Jfortoco, antique, gilt edgem, . .per vol.,"- - 1 i ...... . 10,00

Jn Full Rvutsiaper vol., 10.00Foot volumes now , ready. Sucosodina

volumes, until completion, will bo issuedones' in I tsnTTiS - -

f T Sjeeanosi pases of the AtrssrcAwCxcuOTC9Ur showixj type ' iUsmtiona,etc., will b sect cxsO,ea sttrrtoa.

Fiasretsss UAjrat xa xczsts wainrsAddress the PrfThars. . , . . . rf..

-- foregoing willingly the "filial'smile" in my security from paternalnal loss. Let others increase theirrisksy and multiply their dangers

, enough for me, Uw aathey'are.i,,,I"8ee houris and drygoods; angels and hear the clinkof the coin t behold the gltvs, of the

'household hearth and the stele --

ton's closet stands ajar. It is enough.I atnJa bachelor. I shall remainone.' Go thou and cfb likewise. Nev-er mind what rough things the pa--

rs say of thee; when the day shallfcc-jup- on wbicn thou shalt deem it

ryss3ory to strike a final balance,reward shall be thine, our ap-

proval and the in-spok-en words,

""Tour head was level," which willbe better than a room full of family,

- and a lapsed Life Insurance policy,f :17lItjdo you think about it?

Some New Definitions.

vmterin the Schoolday Maaarineas:red together the following

uun smaii people nere and theie:Back-bit- er --A flea.

XfA thing to brush the warm

Fins A fish's wings.r:C3'lce-'V7at- er that stayed oat in the

cold and went to sleep.ESSf-rTh?cn3- r the old hen

, ; . -- u5ures by to make new ones.. JP?Jt--A hoga little boy.

-- . CncringIinj off sleep.k3 Babw--Rai-n aU popped out white.

Stars The moon'sWakefullness Eyes all the time

coming unbuttoned.D. APPLETONS CO:.

5i9 551 Creadvaj, n. T.n 2 ii--u2I:1y on canDrFRANCE ft WHITE. i