the use of personal letter material to improve...


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    IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2018/2019


    Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of

    the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)



    NIM. 113 14 045






  • ii


    I have been marked below:

    Name : Dwi Purwasih

    NIM : 113-14-045

    Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty

    Department : English Education Department

    Declares that this graduating is written by the researcher and it does not copy from

    other researcher. Theories and citations are used code of ethics of writing for

    graduating paper 1 gave permission to publish this graduating paper on IAIN

    Salatiga’s e-repository.

  • iii

  • iv

    Salatiga , September 12ⁿᵈ 2018

    Sari Famularsih, M.Pd

    The Lecturer of English Education Department

    State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

    The Attentive Counselor’s note

    Case: Dwi Purwasih’s Graduating Paper

    To the Dean of Teacher Training and

    Education Faculty

    Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

    After reading and correcting Dwi Purwasih’s graduating paper entited THE




    ACADEMIC YEAR 2018/2019. I have decide and would like to purpose that

    this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Educational Faculty. I

    hope this graduating paper will be examined as soon as possible.

    Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

  • v



    (The Writer)

  • vi


    This graduating paper is dedicated to:

    1. Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW who always bless me listen to

    all my wishes.

    2. My beloved father Slamet Rohman, my beloved brothers Eko Prasetya, Tri

    Sutrisno, my beloved sister Eni Handayani, and my beloved boyfriend

    Rizki Nurrohman. Thank you for helping me passing my bad moments and

    sharing your time to handle everything I need. No matter how bad I feel. I

    always know you will catch me and help me to get up and reach success.

    Thank for becoming hero in my life.

    3. My teachers in MA Darussalam Wonosegoro thanks for the time to

    research, also help me in doing the research.

    4. My bestfriend Indah Nur Santi thanks a lot for your support and loves.

    5. My all friends in TBI 2014 Family thanks for togetherness and happiness.

    6. All of the people who always give me support and pray for me.

  • vii



    Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wr.

    Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, all praises are to Allah SWT the Most

    Gracious and the Most Merciful who always blesses and helps the researcher so

    the researcher could be finished the graduating paper. Bless and mercy are upon

    great Prophet Muhammad SAW for his guidance that leads the researcher to the


    However, this paper would not be achieved without supports, guidance.

    Advice, help, and encouragement from several people and institution. Hence, the

    researcher would like to express special thanks to:

    1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd, the Rector of Institute for Islamic

    Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

    2. Mr. Suwardi, M. Pd. the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

    Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Salatiga.

    3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph. D, the Head of English Education Department

    of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatga.

    4. Mrs. Sari Famularsih, S. Pd., M.A. The counselor who has educated,

    supported, directed, and given the researcher advice, suggestion, and

    recommendation for this graduating paper from the beginning until the

    end. Thanks for your patience and care.

  • viii

    5. All lecturers in the English Language Teaching Department who have

    given much knowledge, thanks to you all.

    6. All of staffs who have helped the writer in processing graduating paper


    Eventually, the graduating paper is expected to be able to provide

    useful knowledge and information to the reader. The writer is pleased

    to accept more suggestion and contribution for the improvement of this

    graduating paper.

  • ix


    Purwasih, Dwi. 2018. The Use of Personal Letter Material to Improve

    Students’ Writing Skill of Recount for the Tenth Grade

    Students of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro in the Academic

    Year 2018/2019. A Graduating Paper, English Education

    Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, State

    Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Sari

    Famularsih, M.A.

    The objectives of the study are: (1) To describe the use of personal letter

    material to improve students’ skill in writing recount text. (2) To know how is the

    result of the use of personal letter material to improve students’ skill in writing of

    recount text for the tenth grade students of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro in the

    academic year of 2018/2019.

    The methodology of this research was Classroom Action Research (CAR).

    The research consisted of two cycles, each cycle consisted of four steps: planning,

    acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of this research is X K Class, which

    consists of 26 students. The data was collected by observation, test and


    The result of this research shows that there was an improvement of writing

    skill in recount text by the use of personal letter material. It is shown the result of

    the cycle I, the mean of the post-test is higher than the mean of the pre-test. The

    mean of post-test is 58,61 and the mean of the pre-test is 42,16. In the cycle II, the

    mean of post-test is higher than the mean of pre-test. The mean of post-test is

    75,69 and the mean of pre-test are 64,19. It means that the use of personal letter

    material can improve the students’ writing skill in recount text.

    Keywords: personal letter, writing skill, recount text.

  • x


    TITLE ………………………………………………………………….… i

    DECLARATION ……………………………………………………...... ii

    ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ……………………………...… iii

    STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ……………………………...… iv

    MOTTO ……………………………………………………………...…... v

    DEDICATION …………………………………………………………... vi

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………… vii

    ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………… ix

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………...…. x

    LIST OF THE FIGURE …………………………………..………….… xiii

    LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………. xiv

    LIST OF APPENDICES ……………………………………………….... xv


    A. Background of the Research ………………………………………… 1

    B. Research Question ……………………………………………………3

    C. Objective of the Research …………………………………………… 4

    D. Significant of the Research ………………………………………..… 4

    E. Limitation of the Research ………………………………………..…. 5

    F. Hypothesis of the Research ………………………………………..… 6

    G. Methodology of the Research ……………………………………..… 6

  • xi


    A. Literature Review

    1. Writing Skill

    a) The Definition of Writing Skill ……………...…………… 19

    b) The Process of Writing …………………………………… 20

    c) The Assessing of Writing …………………...……………. 21

    2. Recount Text

    a) The Definition of Recount Text …………………………. 22

    b) The Generic Structure of Recount Text ……………..…… 23

    c) The Grammatical Feature of Recount Text …..……...…… 23

    d) The Example of Recount Text ……………….………….. 26

    3. Personal Letter

    a) The Definition of Personal Letter ……………………….... 26

    b) The Function of Personal Letter ………………………….. 27

    c) The Parts of Personal Letter …………………………….... 27

    d) The Example of Personal Letter ……………………….….30

    B. Previous Research ……………………………………………..….. 30


    A. The Setting of The Research

    a) The General Situation of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro ……… 32

    b) The Schedule of the Research ………………………………… 32

    c) The Facilities of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro ………………. 34

    d) The List of Teachers and Students …………………………….. 35

  • xii

    B. The Procedure of the Research

    a) Cycle I …………………………………………………………. 37

    b) Cycle II ………………………………………………………… 39

    C. The Minimal Passing Grade ……..……………………...…………. 42


    A. The Result of The Research

    1. Research Findings

    a) Cycle I ……………………………………………………… 43

    b) Cycle II ……………………………………………………... 57

    B. Discussion ………………………………………………………….. 69


    A. Conclusion ……………………………...…………………….……. 71

    B. Suggestion ……………………………………………………….…. 72


  • xiii


    Figure 1.1 The action research spiral based on Kemmis and Taggart …..….. 8

  • xiv


    Table 1.1 List of the students name of X K MA Darussalam Wonosegoro .... 9

    Table 1.2 Research Schedule …………………………………………...….. 10

    Table 1.3 The Students’ Observation Checklist ……………………....…… 14

    Table 1.4 The teacher observation checklist ……………………………….. 15

    Table 3.1 Research schedule ……………………………………...…..……. 32

    Table 3.2 The facilities and tools of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro ……….. 34

    Table 3.3 List of teacher of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro …..……………. 35

    Table 3.4 Number of Students class Group MA Darussalam Wonosegoro... 37

    Table 4.1 The Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle I………………..….. 51

    Table 4.2 The Teacher Observation Checklist Cycle I…………….………. 52

    Table 4.3 Students Scoring Cycle I ……………………………..………… 53

    Table 4.4 The Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle I. ………….……….64

    Table 4.5 The Teacher Observation Checklist Cycle II ………………….. 65

    Table 4.6 Students Scoring Cycle II …………...………………………… 66

    Table 4.7 The Analysis of Students Improvement ……...……………….. 70

  • xv


    Appendix 1 Curriculum Vitae

    Appendix 2 Note of Counselor

    Appendix 3 Research Permission Letter

    Appendix 4 SK from MA Darussalam Wonosegoro

    Appendix 5 SKK

    Appendix 6 Consultation Sheet

    Appendix 7 Syllabus

    Appendix 8 Lesson Plan Cycle I

    Appendix 9 Lesson Plan Cycle II

    Appendix 10 Observation Sheet of Cycle I

    Appendix 11 Observation Sheet of Cycle II

    Appendix 12 Scoring Result of Students’ Test

    Appendix 13 Students’ Answer Sheet

    Appendix 14 Handout Siswa

    Appendix 15 Permission for using Initial Name

    Appendix 16 Permision for using Photo

    Appendix 17 Documentation of Teaching and Learning Process

  • 1



    In this chapter, the researcher presents the background of the research,

    research question, objectives of the research, significances of the research,

    limitation of the research, hypothesis and success indicator, research methodology

    and graduating paper outlines.

    A. Background of the Research

    Language is used by the people to make a communication. Without a

    language the people cannot communicate with other because language is an

    asset to communicate cannot be separate in our live. According to Brown

    (2007:6), “Language is a set of arbitrary symbols, those symbols are primarily

    vocal, but may also be visual. Language is used for communication”. There

    are many languages used as means of a communication by people all over the

    world. One of them is English. In modern Era as right now, students are

    expected to be able to communicate in English. One of ways of

    communication is writing, the students asked to master this skill as a tool to

    assess their knowledge.

    There are four skills which are necessary to be mastered by the learners

    of English. Those skills are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    According to Meyers in Helmi (2012: 1) “Writing is an action. There are some

    steps in writing process, they are process of discovering and organizing the

    idea, writing or putting them on paper, reshaping and revise the writing”.

  • 2

    Writing is one of the most difficult skills to be mastered. It is because writing

    involves some components (spelling, language in use, vocabulary and

    punctuation). Writing needs hard thinking to produce ideas, words, sentences

    and paragraph. Some students still have difficulties to write in English

    especially write about their experience.

    Kinds of text such as descriptive, narrative, procedure, and recount are

    taught and stated in curriculum as part of English lesson students should

    master. According to Hayland (2004: 29) recount text is kinds of text that

    retell the past event which the purpose is informing or entertaining the reader.

    Recount text as one of kinds of text taught in school is usually practiced by

    writing self experience in past time. The students are seldom provided to use

    other materials in the learning of recount text to support their skill in writing.

    The use personal letter material can help learning process in the classroom.

    Personal letter is a communication tool to express ideas in written form.

    According to Jose in Helmi (2012: 11) “personal letter is a way to send

    message in written form. It contains of feeling expression, private things, and

    important things as a way to communicate and allows a person to leave a

    message and to keep in touch”. Personal letter become the communication tool

    to convey information or ides in written form by one person to another.

    Furthermore, communication can be delivered by using at least two ways, they

    are speech and written.

    Based on the information obtained in the observation on the English

    teaching and learning process conducted in MA Darussalam Wonosegoro, the

  • 3

    researcher identified some problems related to it. Most of the students of MA

    Darussalam Wonosegoro live in boarding school. In the boarding school, they

    learn about religious science. The students are prefers Arabic lesson than

    English. Mostly, the students are less interesting to learn English.

    This less interest causes the teachers difficult to deliver the lesson. The

    teachers have to do extra to make students learn English well. In the learning

    process the teacher must be creative to deliver the lesson especially in English

    subject. This is one of the reason why writing skill is difficult to learn because

    the students lack of motivation in English subject.

    Therefore, the teacher must have various learning to solve the problems

    faced by the students. Based on those arguments, the researcher inspired to





    B. Research Question

    1. How the use of personal letter material to improve students’ skill in

    writing recount text for the tenth grade students of MA Darussalam

    Wonosegoro in the academic year of 2018/2019?

    2. How is the result of the use of personal letter material to improve

    students’ skill in writing of recount text for the tenth grade students of MA

    Darussalam Wonosegoro in the academic year of 2018/2019?

  • 4

    C. Objectives of the Research

    Based on the research problem of the study mentioned about, the

    objectives of this study are:

    1. To describe the use of personal letter material to improve students’

    skill in writing recount text for the tenth grade students of MA

    Darussalam Wonosegoro in the academic year of 2018/2019.

    2. To know how is the result of the use of personal letter material to

    improve students’ skill in writing of recount text for the tenth grade

    students of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro in the academic year of


    D. Significant of the Research

    The significant of research will be useful as follow:

    1. Theoretically

    a. The result of research can be used as the reference for those who

    want to conduct a research in English teaching to build students’

    achievement of writing skill.

    b. Research will be useful for teacher, especially in teaching English.

    2. Methodologically

  • 5

    The benefit of this research can contribute and inspire the

    teachers to use media, method, strategy and material which are

    appropriate in teaching learning process.

    3. Practically

    a. For the Researchers

    Through this study, the researcher will get new knowledge

    and experience to improve students’ writing skill using personal

    letter material.

    b. For the Teacher

    The finding of the research can be used as a consideration in

    selecting the appropriate material to support students’ in English


    c. For the Students

    Students can improve their writing skill by using Personal

    Letter material.

    d. For the Other Researchers

    The result of the study can be used a comparative study.

    E. Limitation of the Research

    Based on the research question above, the researcher limit the

    discussion of the study. The researcher focuses on writing of personal recount

    text and the use of personal letter material to support the students to improve

    writing skill.

  • 6

    F. Hypothesis of the Research

    Based on the information obtained in the interview with the English

    teacher of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro, the students have problems in term

    of difficulties in writing to generate the ideas and organize the ideas into the

    paragraph. The researcher tries to overcome those problems by the use of

    personal letter material.

    The success indicator of the research is taken from the students’ basic

    competence shown in lesson plan (RPP). The students’ success and failure in

    doing the activities in cycle I and II will be assessed by referring to the

    criterion of the passing grade (KKM). The passing grade of English lesson in

    MA Darussalam Wonosegoro is 75.

    G. Methodology of the Research

    1. Research Design

    The type of this research is Classroom Action Research (CAR).

    Classroom Action Research carried out by the teacher in order to solve

    problem or to find answer toward context-specific issues. It means that

    before implementing the Classroom Action Research (CAR), the

    researcher or the teacher needs to identify any problem found in the

    classroom before implementation the CAR. According to Burn (2010: 2),

    The central idea of the action part of AR is to intervene in a

    deliberate way in the problematic situation in order to bring about

    changes and, even better, improvements in practice. Importantly,

    the improvements that happen in AR are ones based on information

    (or to use the research term, data) that an action researcher collects


  • 7

    The researcher chooses CAR because the researcher found the problem in

    learning process that low writing skill. CAR also has some of feature:

    According to Burn (1999: 31), there are four common feature which can

    be considered to characterize action research:

    a. Action research is contextual, small-scale and localized- is identifies and investigates problems within a specific


    b. It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and improvement in practice.

    c. It is participatory as it provides for collaborative investigation by teams of colleagues, practitioners and


    d. Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data which provides the impetus for


    The research design in this research consists of four steps.

    According to Kemmis and McTaggart in Burns (2010: 8), action research

    occurs through a dynamic and complementary process, which consists of

    four phases: planning, action, observation and reflection”

    1) Planning

    In this phase the researcher identify a problem and

    make a planning to do action in classroom.

    2) Action

    This phase is conducted to implement the strategies

    which have been prepared in the planning step. This action

    step is done by the teacher while the researcher just doing


  • 8

    3) Observation

    In this step, the researcher does the observation.

    Observation is being done in order to get data from the

    result of the action.

    4) Reflection

    This phase is doing reflection. Reflection means

    analyze the result (the data) which has been collected to

    determine the next action (cycle). In this step, both

    researcher and teacher collaborate to look for good solution

    to solve the problem which occurs in the class.

    Figure 1.1 the action research spiral (based on Kemmis and Mc

    Taggart 1988: 14 in Burns 2010: 9)

    2. The Subject of the Research

    The subject of this research is the tenth grade students of MA

    Darussalam Wonosegoro in the academic year of 2018/2019. The

    researcher would take X K. it consist of 26 students.

  • 9

    Table 1.1 list of the students’ name of X K MA Darussalam Wonosegoro

    No. The students’ Name Sex

    1. AW Male

    2. AM Male

    3. AW Male

    4. AN Male

    5. BDR Male

    6. DES Female

    7. ELS Female

    8. FR Male

    9. IS Female

    10. I Female

    11. KSR Male

    12. LS Female

    13. LS Female

    14. MAK Male

    15. MIK Male

    16. MJ Male

    17. MM Male

    18 NC Female

    19. RR Female

    20 RDA Female

    21. RA Female

    22. SW Male

    23. SFM Female

    24. SP Female

    25. SA Female

    26. VM Female

  • 10

    3. Step of the Research

    In conducting this research, the researcher carries out the steps

    which are summarized in the following research schedule. The table of

    research schedule Table 1.2:

  • 11

    Table 1.2 Research Schedule

    No Date and time Activities Place and time

    1. July 18, 2018 Observe and meet with the

    English teacher MA

    Darussalam Wonosegoro.

    Office staff MA



    (10.00 WIB)

    2. July 21, 2018 Interview with the English

    teacher in the Preliminary

    Study (Before Classroom

    Action Research)

    Teacher room

    MA Darussalam


    (09.30 WIB)

    3. July 23, 2018 Consultation with the English

    teacher about lesson plan

    before doing action Cycle I

    Teacher room

    MA Darussalam



    4. July 24, 2018 Giving the letter to the one of

    the staff and doing action

    Cycle I

    (pre-test – treatment – post-


    In the class X K

    MA Darussalam




    5. July 27, 2018 Doing action Cycle I

    Treatment – post-test

    In the class X K

    MA Darussalam




    6. July 30, 2018 Consultation with the English

    teacher about lesson plan

    before doing action Cycle II

    Teacher room

    MA Darussalam


    (10.30 WIB)

    7. July 31, 2018 Doing action Cycle II

    Pre-test – treatment

    In the class X K

    MA Darussalam




    8. August 3,


    Doing action Cycle II

    Treatment – post-test

    In the class X K

    MA Darussalam




  • 12

    4. The Technique of Data Collection and Research Instrument

    a. The Technique of Data Collection

    The researcher presented the act of collecting data were as follows:

    1) Test

    Arikunto in Aini (2015) stated that test is used to measure

    the students’ basic ability and achievement. To get the data, the

    researcher processed the tests that consist of pre-test and post-test.

    The function of pre-test is to know how far the students’ writing

    skill of the students before applying personal letter material and the

    function of post-test is to know the increasing the students’ writing

    skill after using personal letter material. The researcher uses pre-

    test and post-test.

    2) Documentation

    In this research, researcher needs documentation to know

    about teacher, students, structure organization, profile of the

    school, and the location of the school. The researcher uses photo as


    3) Observation

    In this research, the researcher observes the learning

    process. The learning process is taught by the teacher, while the

    researcher just observe the learning process. Observation sheet

    uses to know how far the students’ motivation before and after

    applying Personal letter material. This instrument gives monitor

  • 13

    and records the students’ involvement during the lesson. The

    observation consists of two cycles. There is the cycle I and cycle II.

    According to Burn (1999: 80),

    Observation is a mainstay of action research. It enables

    researchers to document and reflect systematically upon

    classroom interactions and events, as they actually occur

    rather than as we think occur. The term observation is

    being used here in the sense of taking regular and

    conscious notice of classroom actions and

    occurrences which are particularly relevant to the issues

    or topics being investigated.

    b. Research Instrument

    Research instrument use to collect data. In this study, there are

    two kinds of research instrument. They are:

    1) Written text

    Written text uses to know how far the students’ competence in

    writing ability before and after applying Personal letter material.

    Here, the researcher uses pre-test and post-test.

    1) Pre-test

    The pre-test is given to the students before the teacher

    uses personal letter material in the teaching- learning process

    of writing recount text. In the pre-test, the teacher asks the

    students to write personal recount text about their last holiday.

    2) Post-test

    Post- test is given to the students after applying the

    personal letter material. The purpose of the post- test is to

    know improvement of students’ writing skill in constructing

  • 14

    recount text after they got the treatment (applying the media).

    In the post- test, the teacher asks the students to write a recount

    text in a letter to their friends about their holiday.

    2) Observation Sheet

    The researcher uses the observation checklist to make it

    more systematic. It consist of students’ and teacher observation


  • 15

    Table 1.3 the students’ observation checklist



    The Students’ Activity






    g To







    c in


    n personal


    Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

























  • 16

    Table 1.4 the teacher observation checklist

    5. Data Analysis

    After collecting data, the next step of this study was analyzed the

    data. There were two ways to analyze the data, they were:

    a. Descriptive Technique (Qualitative)

    A descriptive technique is used to know students’ behavior

    during the teaching learning process. In this case, the researcher

    analyzed the observation checklist which taking in classroom during

    learning process.

    NO. The Teacher Activity Yes No Description

    1. Preparing the material well

    2. Greeting students before the

    lesson begin

    3. The teacher checking

    students attendant

    4. Giving motivation

    5. Reminding previous


    6. Giving an explanation of

    the material

    7. Using personal letter

    material to teach writing

    recount text

    8. Giving opportunity for

    asking the question

    9. Help the students’

    difficulties in learning

    10. Giving feedback after the


  • 17

    b. Statistical Technique (Quantitative)

    A statistical technique is used to summarize data using

    numbers. This technique is used to know the students’ score of writing

    in each cycle. To analyze the data of the research, the researcher used

    mean formula. According to Sudijono (2010: 79) the formula is:

    a. Mean

    Mean is formula to know the average of the student’s score.

    The formula is:

    M = ∑ X


    M = Mean of student’s score.

    ∑ x = The sum score of student’s writing test.

    N = The total number of students

    b. SD (Standard Deviation)


    𝑁− (



    SD = Standard Deviation

    D = Different between pre-test and post-test

    N = Number of observation in T-test

    c. T-test

    To be able to know whether there is significant improvement

    or not between pre-test and post-test, researcher using t-test after

    calculate the SD.

    The formula is:

  • 18






    To = T-test for differences of pre-test and post-test.

    SD = Deviation Standard for one sample t-test

    D = different between pre-test and post-test

    N = Number of observation in T-test

    H. The Organization of the Graduating Paper

    The Graduating Paper consists of five chapters. Each chapter will be

    discussed as follows:

    Chapter I is introduction, which consist of background of the

    research, the research question, the objective of the research, significant of the

    research, limitation of the research, hypothesis of the research, methodology

    of the research and outline of the paper.

    Chapter II concerns with the literature review which consist of

    previous research, and literature review.

    Chapter III concerns with the research method which consist of the

    implementation of the research, description of cycle I and II.

    Chapter IV consists of the description each cycle (data result of the

    research and reflection), and contents.

    Chapter V is closure, which contained of conclusion of the research’s

    finding and suggestion.

  • 19



    This chapter consist of literature review and the previous review. Literature

    review consists of : Writing Skill, Recount Text, and Personal Letter.

    A. Literature Review

    1. Writing

    a. The Definition of Writing

    Writing is one of the four skills in language learning besides

    speaking, reading, and listening. Writing is one of the important skills

    to master by the students. They use it to communicate to each other,

    as means of ideas and emotional expression. According to Tricia in

    Putri (2015: 7), “writing is about expressing idea that writer is unable

    to express what a speaker able to express, such as gesture, body

    movement, facial expression, pitch and tone of voice, stress and

    hesitation”. Thus, the writer has to able to write an effective writing in

    order to make a reader understand by developing and organizing

    ideas, a careful vocabulary choice, grammatical pattern and sentence

    structure. In conclusion, writing skill is a skill that combine some

    language competence, such as grammar and vocabulary.

    According to Haeton (1988: 135), “the writing skills are

    complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only

    of grammatical and rhetorical device but also conceptual and

  • 20

    judgments elements”. Writing as one of four language skills is

    considered as a difficult skill because the researcher should make

    some aspects in writing such as content, organization, purpose,

    vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling in a balance way. Based on the

    explanation above, it can be concluded that writing is a tool of

    communication to express feelings and thoughts. This is an action

    skill of organizing ideas, making coherent words and composing text

    which needs hard effort to manage the ideas from the researcher’s

    mind and put it into written form effectively so it can be readable.

    b. The Process of Writing

    According to Oshima and Hogue (2007: 16-20) the steps of

    writing are Pre- writing, Organizing, Writing, and Polishing: Revising

    and Editing.

    1. Pre- writing

    In this step, the researcher chooses a topic and collect ideas to

    explain the topic.

    2. Organizing

    The next step in writing process is organizing the ideas into the

    simple outline.

    3. Writing

    In this step the researcher writes a rough draft, using the

    outline as a guide. Write them quickly without stopping to think

    about grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Just get the ideas down

  • 21

    on paper. There will be so many errors and it will be fixed on the

    next step.

    4. Polishing

    In this step, the researcher revise and edit what have been

    written. Normally, this step consists of editing and revising.

    c. The Assessing of Writing

    According to Haeton (1988: 146), rating scale to assessment

    writing skill as below:

    Table 2.1

    Five components of writing evaluation

    Component Score Criteria


    30 – 27

    Excellent to very


    Knowledgeable, substantive,

    development of thesis, relevant to

    assigned topic

    26 – 22

    Good to average

    Sure knowledge of subject, adequate

    range, limited development of thesis,

    mostly relevant to topic but lacks detail

    21 – 17

    Fair to poor

    Limited knowledge of subject, little

    substance, inadequate development of


    16 – 13

    Very poor

    Does enough to evaluate not show

    knowledge of subject, non substantive,

    not enough to evaluate

  • 22



    20 – 18

    Excellent to very


    Fluent expression, ideas, clearly

    stated/supported, succinct, well

    organized, cohesive

    17 – 14

    Good to average

    Somewhat choppy, loosely organized

    but main ideas stand out, limited

    support, logical but incomplete


    16 – 13

    Fair to poor

    Non fluent, ideas confused or

    disconnect, lack logical sequencing and


    12 – 10

    Very poor

    Does not communicate, no

    organization, or not enough to evaluate



    20 – 18

    Excellent to very


    Effective word/idiom choice, word


    17 – 14

    Good to average

    Adequate range, occasional errors of

    word, idiom choice and usage but

    meaning not obscured

    13 – 10

    Fair to poor

    Frequent errors of word/idiom form,

    meaning confused or obscured

    9 – 7

    Very poor

    Essentially translation, little knowledge

    of vocabulary word form or not enough

    to evaluate

  • 23


    25 – 22

    Excellent to very


    Effective, complex, construction,

    tenses, number word, function, articles,

    pronouns, preposition

    21 – 18

    Good to average

    Effective but simple construction,

    minor problem complex construction,

    tenses, number word, function, articles,

    pronouns, preposition, meaning seldom


    17 – 11

    Fair to poor

    Major problem in simple/complex

    construction, tenses, number word,

    function, articles, pronouns, preposition

    and/or fragment, deletions, meaning

    confused or obscured

    10 – 5

    Very poor

    Virtually no mastery of sentence

    construction rule, dominated by errors,

    does not communicate, or not enough to




    Excellent to very


    Demonstrate mastery of conventions,

    few error of spelling, punctuation,

    capitalization, paragraphing


    Good to average

    Occasional errors of spelling,

    punctuation, capitalization,

    paragraphing, meaning not obscured

  • 24


    Fair to poor

    Frequent errors of spelling,

    punctuation, capitalization,

    paragraphing, meaning confused or



    Very poor

    No mastery of conventions, dominated

    by errors of spelling, punctuation,

    capitalization, paragraphing, hand

    writing illegible, or not enough to


    2. Recount Text

    a) The Definition of Recount Text

    Recount text is a text that tell about past event. According to

    Anderson and Anderson (1998: 48) in Dwi (2009: 16) define “a recount

    text as a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order in

    which they happened”. From this definition, it can be seen that a

    recount text consists of past events that are ordered chronologically. It

    further means that we cannot write the events randomly as there are

    orders to follow that will make the text understandable.

    Another definition, moreover, comes from Hyland in Helmi

    (20012: 27-28) defining a “recount text as a kind of genre that has

    social function to retell event for the purpose of informing or

  • 25

    entertaining”. This definition supports other definitions that have been

    mentioned above showing that the recount text deals with events in the

    past to be retold. In relation to the definitions, a recount text is written

    to serve some purposes. Anderson and Anderson in Dwi (2016: 9),

    mention the purpose as to give a description of what occurred and when

    it occurred to the audience. Another purpose is to tell the readers what

    happened in the past through a sequence of events (Sudarwati & Eudia

    in Nur 2016: 9).

    b) The generic structure of Recount Text

    According to Hyland in Helmi (2010: 28) there are three

    generic structure of Recount text, they are:

    1) Orientation: provide the setting and produce participants. It

    provides information about Who, Where, and When.

    2) Record of Event: tell what happen, present event in temporal

    sequence. It is usually recounted in chronological order.

    Personal comments and evaluative remarks, which are

    interspersed throughout the record of event.

    3) Re-orientation: optional-closure of event. It is “rounds off” the

    sequence of events.

    c) The Grammatical Feature of Recount Text

    Besides from its generic structure, a text also can be

    recognize by its language feature. These element of a text generic

  • 26

    structure and language feature are different from one text to

    another. The recount text, moreover, has following specific

    language feature. According to Anderson and Anderson in Millah

    (2016: 12) there are some of language features:

    1) Use of nouns and pronouns to identify people, animals, things


    2) Use of actions verbs to refer to events.

    Recount text also uses many action verbs to describe

    the experiences or activities particularly in the events section.

    The action verbs like went, watched, played, are often found in

    the text. The words are, furthermore, written in the simple past

    tense and use either regular or irregular form.

    3) Use of past tense to locate events in relation to speaker’s or

    writer’s time.

    Simple past tense is used to tell about the past events in

    the text. As Betty defines, the simple past is used to talk about

    activities or situations that began and ended in the past (e.g.,

    yesterday, last night, two days ago, in 1999). Therefore, the

    correct use of simple past tense in recount is important because

    it shows that the experiences or activities have happened in the

    past which is the essence of the recount text. The simple past

    tense, moreover, is one language feature that distinguishes the

    recount text from other texts.

  • 27

    4) Use of conjunctions and time connectives to sequence of


    Conjunctions are used to combine two sentences

    together while time connectives are used to show the sequence

    of events. They are used to inform readers what activity that

    happens first, next, and so on until the last one in a

    chronological order. These language features, additionally, are

    crucial in the text to show the chronological order in the events

    section that are like a guideline for the readers of what happens

    and when it happens. The examples or conjunctions are and,

    but, for and the examples of time connectives are first, second,

    next, finally.

    5) Use of adverb and adverbial phrase to indicate place and time.

    Adverbs and adverbial of phrases can be used to give

    more detailed sentences. These language features are used,

    furthermore, to add more information and explanation so the

    readers can understand the story completely. The examples of

    adverbs are slowly, cheerfully, carefully and the examples of

    adverbs of phrases are in my house and two days ago.

  • 28

    6) Use of adjective to describe nouns.

    Adjectives such as beautiful, interesting, fun, are used

    to give details about who, what, when, where, why, and how, in

    the text. The details are important to give a vivid description of

    the story to the readers. The details will also enable the readers

    to feel the story personally and intimately whether it is about

    the researcher‘s fun holiday or the researcher‘s awful


    d) The example of recount text


    I spent my holiday in Jogjakarta last year. I went to Prambanan

    Temple with my family early in the morning.


    We went to Prambanan Temple by bus and arrived at 01.00 in

    the afternoon. I saw many foreign tourists there. I spoke

    English with them. Their name are Andrew and Peter. They

    were very friendly. They came from New York. Prambanan

    Temple was crowded in holiday. We went back at 07.00 in the



    It was a very interesting holiday.


    n-tujuan-struktur-macam-ciri.html ) 9.22 pm, 7/12/2018.

  • 29

    3. Personal Letter

    a. Definition of the personal letter

    According to Adlan & Tanzili in Helmi (2012: 9-10) “letter is

    a piece of paper or more that used as communication tool to deliver

    the statement or information in written form, from one person to

    another”. From that statements can be seen personal letter is written

    text in paper which sent from people to another people and used as

    communication. According to Harni dkk, (2016: 3) they said that “a

    personal letter is also called as a private letter and contains of private

    information about experience in the written form to be sent in a

    certain people”.

    According to farid (2012:10) he said that there are many types

    of personal letters, and they are written for a wide variety of reason.

    And personal letters also known as friendly letters. It consist of

    felling expression, private things, and important things as a way to

    communicate and allow a person to leave a message and to keep in


    b. Function of the personal letter

    Letter is a statement, which is written on a piece of paper or

    more. It contains feeling expression, private thing, and important

    thing. According to Farid (2012: 10) personal letters has function as

    written form communication, documentation, historical, reminder,

  • 30

    guidelines to take decision, safety information, vice of organization,

    as a way to easy the archival matters work and announcement.

    Besides as a mean written communication, letter is useful as

    representative of organization or individual. Letter is the written note

    that cannot be changed fully by oral communication. So, personal

    letter is used in personal relationship.

    c. Parts of the personal letter

    As written communication way, letter consist of main parts of

    the letter. According to George in Harni (2016: 3), the main parts of

    personal letter consist of heading, salutation, body of letter, closing

    and signature.

    1. Heading

    Heading is put the right or the left side of the paper. It is

    includes the address and the date, for example:

    a) The address:

    15 south cedar street

    Boston Massachusetts 02214

    b) The date line

    The date line is put the right or at the left side of the

    paper under the heading. Usually the date is written in a

    letter. There are alternative ways of writing the date, for


    February 1, 2012/ 1 February, 2012

  • 31

    2. Salutation

    The salutation is greeting. A comma follows the follow

    in personal letter. The salutation begins at the left hand margin.

    The following are typical salutations in friendly letters, for


    Dear Mother,


    3. Body of letter

    The body usually consists of at least three paragraph,

    they are:

    a) Opening paragraph

    Opening paragraph is a paragraph where the

    researcher starts to write down some words before him

    going the main paragraph or content of letter.

    b) Content paragraph

    The second is the paragraph, where the researcher

    starts to write down the topic. It may consists of two or

    more paragraph.

    4. Closing

    There are several forms to choose for closing of a

    friendly letter. Each one has slightly different meaning use the

    one best convey what is meant. Only the first word of the

  • 32

    closing is capitalized. The closing is followed by comma. For



    Your friend,

    5. Signature

    The sender’s name should be signed. We may sign with our

    full name of nick name. There is no punctuation after the


    d. The example of personal letter according to Farid (2012:13)

    February 1, 2012 →Date

    Dear Mom, → Greeting

    This is just to let you know that my classes were going

    very well this semester. I was taking four course-English,

    business math, history, and economics. My favorite was Body

    business math. The teacher was very interesting, and I like

    my classmates.

    Love, →Closing

    Sue →Signature


    There are some previous are relevant to this research. The first

    relevant research is a journal that conduct by Harni, dkk (2016) “Developing

    Writing Skill of Grade VIII Students Through Personal Letter”. The

    result of the study showed that the use of personal letter as a medium can

    develop writing skill of grade VII students at SMPN 1 Bulagi. The researcher

    used test that were pre-test and post-test. Its result indicates that in pre-test

  • 33

    that were 2 students (8.3%) who got greater score, while 22 students (91.6%)

    got lower score. In post-test, there were 21 students (87.5%) who got greater

    score, while 3 students (12.5%) got lower score.

    The second of previous research is a the thesis entitled The Use of

    Diary Writing in the Teaching of Writing Recount Text (An Experimental

    Study at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Nurul Islami Mijen Semarang

    in the Academic Year of 2009/2010) written by I‟in Ainatuz Zahiroh,

    (English Language Education of Walisongo State Institute for Islamic

    Studies, Semarang, 2010). The researcher said that, the main objective of

    this study is to find out the effectiveness of the teaching of writing recount

    text with the use of diary writing. After the research finished, she said that

    there is a significant difference in writing recount text score between students

    taught by using diary and those who taught by using non-diary writing. It is

    showed the mean of experimental class is higher than control class.

    The differences between this research with the previous study can be

    seen from the subject which the researcher took and the use of personal letter

    material. The first previous study researcher focus on using personal letter

    material to improve students writing skill. In this research the researcher

    using personal letter material to improve student writing skill in recount text.

    In the second previous research the researcher using diary as media in

    teaching writing recount text. The different with this research is by using of

    media and material.

  • 34



    In this research, the researcher carries out the implementation of the

    research. The researcher used the CAR method in collecting the data.

    A. The Setting of the Research

    1. The general situation of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro

    Islamic high school Darussalam Wonosegoro is Islamic based on

    Islamic Boarding School. It is located at Bandung 01/03, Wonosegoro

    Subdistric, Boyolali Regency, 57382. The phone number 081215725444.

    The implemented Islamic Boarding school system can help students to

    develop students’ self-potential both in the field of religious knowledge

    and life skills. Islamic High School Darussalam Wonosegoro has two

    programs: Social Program (IPS) and Religious Program (PK) supported

    by professional educator and certified educator.

    2. The schedule of the Research

    The research was conducted from July until August 2018. The

    schedule of the research is shown in the table 3.1.

  • 35

    Table 3.1 Research Schedule

    No Date and time Activities Place and time

    1. July 18, 2018 Observe and meet with the

    English teacher MA

    Darussalam Wonosegoro.

    Office staff MA



    (10.00 WIB)

    2. July 21, 2018 Interview with the English

    teacher in the Preliminary

    Study (Before Classroom

    Action Research)

    Teacher room

    MA Darussalam


    (09.30 WIB)

    3. July 23, 2018 Consultation with the English

    teacher about lesson plan

    before doing action Cycle I

    Teacher room

    MA Darussalam



    4. July 24, 2018 Giving the letter to the one of

    the staff and doing action

    Cycle I

    (pre-test – treatment – post-


    In the class X K

    MA Darussalam




    5. July 27, 2018 Doing action Cycle I

    Treatment – post-test

    In the class X K

    MA Darussalam




    6. July 30, 2018 Consultation with the English

    teacher about lesson plan

    before doing action Cycle II

    Teacher room

    MA Darussalam


    (10.30 WIB)

    7. July 31, 2018 Doing action Cycle II

    Pre-test – treatment

    In the class X K

    MA Darussalam




    8. August 3, 2018 Doing action Cycle II

    Treatment – post-test

    In the class X K

    MA Darussalam




  • 36

    B. The Procedures of the Research

    There are four steps in one cycle for doing actions research (planning,

    acting, observing, and reflecting). The researcher conducted the research

    into two cycles: cycle I and cycle II. The activities in each cycle is as follow:

    1. Cycle I

    The researcher used personal letter material, which can be

    improved the students’ in writing recount text. The topic is last

    holiday, the procedure are:

    1. Planning

    The activity in the planning was presented as below:

    a) Selecting the materials with the annual program based on the


    b) Preparing material, making lesson plan and design the steps in

    doing the action.

    c) Preparing teaching aids with the theme “Last holiday”

    (example: a sheet of paper, students handout, example of

    personal letter).

    d) Preparing students’ and teachers’ observation checklist (to

    know the situation of the teaching-learning process).

    e) Preparing pre-test and post-test of the cycle I.

    f) Preparing the list students’ name and scoring.

    The preparation was designed to gain the purpose of the

    teaching-learning process.

  • 37

    2. Acting

    After the preparation finished, the researcher did teaching-

    learning process. The learning process is led by the teacher. In

    acting stage as the stage of implementation the preparation. The

    researcher presented as:

    a) Giving pre- test for students.

    b) Giving the material and explain the recount text, generic

    structure, and generic feature of the recount text.

    c) Giving the example of recount text with theme “last holiday”

    and analyzing the generic structure of the text.

    d) Explaining about the personal letter material.

    e) Explaining of the implementation personal letter material in

    writing recount text.

    f) Giving occasion for the students to ask any difficulties in

    learning process.

    g) Giving post-test

    In this stage, the researcher and the teacher helped, guided,

    and monitored the students.

    h) Asking to the students to collect their work, concluding the

    material and giving feedback after the lesson.

    3. Observing

    The researcher observes the students and teacher activity by

    using observation checklist.

  • 38

    4. Reflecting

    Reflection is a research finding analysis. At this point, the

    researcher reflected on, evaluate, and describe the effect of the

    action. This is to record what happen in observation. Reflection

    seeks to make sense of process, problems and real issues in

    strategic action. Reflection is an evaluate aspect, it asks the

    researcher to weight the experience, to judge whether or not the

    media can be solving the problem and to improve students’ writing


    a) The researcher evaluates the activities that have been done.

    b) The teacher and the researcher discuss to make a reflection

    what will they do to solve the problem.

    c) Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and

    students’ score of the in the cycle I.

    2. Cycle II

    The second cycle does based on the result of the reflection from the

    cycle I. If the result from observation shows that the quality of the

    students was not improve, it is needed another action to make

    improvement of the quality for the next cycle. The topic is different

    with the cycle I, in this cycle the topic is visiting history place. The

    procedure are:

  • 39

    1. Planning

    In the planning of the second cycle, the researcher will do

    several activities that will be designed as below:

    a) The researcher identifies the problem and makes the solution

    to the problems.

    b) Preparing material, making lesson plan and designing the

    steps in doing the action.

    c) Preparing teaching aids with the theme “Visiting History

    Place” (example: a sheet of paper, example of personal letter,

    and handout for students).

    d) Preparing students’ and teachers’ observation checklist (to

    know the situation of the teaching-learning process).

    e) Preparing pre-test and post-test of the cycle II.

    f) Preparing the list students’ name and scoring.

    The preparation was designed to gain the purpose of the

    teaching-learning process.

    2. Acting

    In this cycle is quite similar to the cycle I. the learning

    process led by the teacher. The activities of the cycle II as follow:

    a) Giving pre-test for students.

    b) Giving motivation to support students in learning process.

  • 40

    c) Giving the material and explain the recount text, generic

    structure, and generic feature of the recount text.

    d) Giving the example of recount text with theme “Visiting

    history place” and analyzing the generic structure of the text.

    e) Explaining of the implementation personal letter material in

    writing recount text.

    f) Giving occasion for the students to ask any difficulties in

    learning process.

    g) Giving post-test

    In this stage, the researcher and the teacher helped,

    guided, and monitored the students.

    h) Asking to the students to collect their work, concluding the

    material and giving feedback after the lesson.

    3. Observing

    The researcher observes the students and teacher activity by

    using observation checklist.

    4. Reflecting

    Reflection is a research finding analysis. At this point, the

    researcher reflected on, evaluate, and describe the effect of the

    action. This is to record what happen in observation. Reflection

    seeks to make sense of process, problems and real issues in

    strategic action. Reflection is an evaluate aspect, it asks the

    researcher to weight the experience, to judge whether or not the

  • 41

    media can be solving the problem and to improve students’ writing


    a) The researcher evaluates the activities that have been done.

    b) The teacher and the researcher discuss to make a reflection

    what will they do to solve the problem.

    c) Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and

    students’ score of the in the cycle II.

    C. The Minimal Passing Grade

    The students’ success and failure in doing the activities plan above

    will be assessed by referring to the criterion of the passing grade (KKM).

    The passing grade of English lesson in MA Darussalam Wonosegoro is 75.

    The teacher and the researcher expect that there are at least 75% of the

    students who passing grade.

  • 42



    This chapter focused on analyzed the collected data. The researcher

    collected the data from the tenth grade students of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro.

    The researcher was given the details of the findings. This chapter is likely the

    main discussion of the research conducted. It displayed the findings consist of the

    result of the cycle I and cycle II. The two cycle are treatment of the

    implementation in using personal letter material to improve writing recount text.

    A. The Result of the Research

    The research consists of two cycle, each cycle consists of planning,

    acting, observing, and reflecting. The whole steps of this research would be

    explained in the description below:

    1. Research Finding

    a. Cycle I

    1) Planning

    The researcher prepared several instruments, they are as


    a) Lesson plan

    The lesson plan was used to control the teaching and

    learning process in this research. The researcher used it as

    a guide to managing time and activities during teaching

    and learning process in the class. (see appendix 8)

  • 43

    b) Observation checklist

    Observation checklist was prepared to know the

    students’ and the teacher’ activities during the teaching

    and learning process.

    c) Material

    The material of recount text consists of the meaning,

    purpose, generic structure, example, and language feature.

    (see appendix 14)

    d) Teaching Aid

    The researcher prepared some instrument. They are

    board-marker, paper, handout for students (recount text).

    (see appendix 14)

    e) Pretest and posttest

    The researcher used pre-test and post-test in her

    action. The pre-test was done before using personal letter

    material in writing recount text. Then, the researcher used

    post-test. Post-test was done after using personal letter

    material to see the result of the study before and after

    using personal letter material. (see appendix 13)

  • 44

    2) Acting

    The action of cycle I was done on July 24ͭʰ and 27ͭʰ 2018.

    The teacher is Mrs. Alif Okta Shofia and researcher rolled as an


    On Tuesday, July24ͭʰ 2018 before started the lesson, the teacher

    informed the students that for a few days later the class would

    be observed by the researcher. The teacher started the lesson :

    Teacher : “Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh”

    Students : “Waalaikumssalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh “

    Teacher : “How are you today”?

    Students: “I am Fine thank, and you?”

    Teacher: “I am fine too thank you”.

    Teacher: “Who is absent today? “

    Students : “All present mom.”

    Teacher: “Ok class today we have special guest from IAIN

    Salatiga, she wants to make research in this class, so

    let introduce your self, miss.”

    Researcher : (Researcher introduce her self and explain about

    the purpose to make research in the class).

    Teacher : (Starting the lesson with the reviewed last material

    about genre).

    “Today we will learn about genre. Do you remember

    about genre? What kinds of genre text?”

  • 45

    Students : (keep silent).

    Teacher : (Write in white board: NARRATIVE). “Narrative

    adalah contoh dari genre text. Selain narrative apalagi

    contoh dari genre text?”

    (Narrative is the example of the genre text. What

    another example of genre?)

    Student (FR) : “Descriptive text.”

    Teacher: “Ok good. Next another example?”

    Students: “Recount.”

    Teacher : “Ok good. But, before we start our lesson today.

    Please do the exercise.” (give pre test for students,

    researcher helped the teacher to give pre test for


    “saya beri waktu 15 menit untuk mengerjakan”.

    (I will give you 15 minutes for doing the exercise).

    Students : “Yes mom.”

    After 15 minutes.

    Teacher : “Have you done, class? Tolong dikumpulkan.”

    (Please submit)t.

    Student (MJ): “Not yet mom.”

    Teacher :“Waktunya sudah habis. Tolong kumpulkan sekarang.”

    (Time is up, please submit now).

    Students: “Yes mom.” (All students submit their assignments).

  • 46

    Teacher : “What do you think about this exercise?”

    Students : “Very difficult mom.”

    The teacher gave hand out for the students about the material

    and the researcher helped the teacher. The teacher explained

    about the exercise with the material that learned today. The

    teacher gave explain about recount text.

    Teacher : “Today we will learn about recount text. What is

    recount text?”

    Students: (keep silent)

    Teacher: “Ok. Sebelum ke recount text. Saya ingatkan kembali

    tentang narrative text dulu. Tujuan narrative itu untuk


    (Ok before go to recount text, I will remember again

    about narrative text, what is the purpose of narrative


    Student(SP): “To entertain the reader mom.”

    Teacher : “Ok, Good SP. How about recount?”

    Student(VM): “Retell mom.”

    Teacher : “Ok, Good. Sekarang buka kertas yang telah saya

    berikan tadi dan dibaca pengertian recount text

    sampe dengan contohnya.”

    (Now you can open the handout and you read about

    what is recount text until the example).

  • 47

    Students: “Yes mom.”

    After some minutes later.

    Teacher : “Have you done to read, class?”

    Students: “Yes mom.”

    The teacher explained about the material recount text from the

    definition until the example. The teacher also gave a little

    explain about personal letter (parts of personal letter). After

    finished explaining about material the teacher asked to the

    students and closed the lesson because time is up.

    Teacher: “Ada pertanyaan? Ada yang belum faham mengenai

    materi kita hari ini?.”

    (Any question so far? Have you understand about the

    material today?).

    Students : “Not yet mom.”

    Teacher: “Ok class because time is up. Lest we close our lesson

    by saying hamdalah.”

    Students: “Alhamdulilahirobil’alamin.”

    Teacher: “Thank for your attention, the last I say

    wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. See

    you next meeting.”

    Students: “Waalaikumssalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. See

    you mom.”

  • 48

    On Friday 27ͭʰ July 2018, the teacher entered to the class and

    started the lesson as usual.

    Teacher : “Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh”

    Students : Waalaikumssalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh “

    Teacher : “How are you today”?

    Students: “I am Fine thank, and you?”

    Teacher: “I am fine too thank you”.

    Teacher: “Who is absent today? “

    Students : “All present mom.”

    The teacher reviewed about the last material.

    Teacher : “Last meeting we learned about?”

    Students: (keep silent)

    Teacher : (repeat about the question) “pertemuan kemarin kita

    belajar tentang apa my students?”

    (What we learned last meeting my students?).

    Students: “Recount text mom.”

    The teacher with the students reviewed about the last material

    together. After that, the students continued to explain about the

    material recount text start from the definition until the example.

    And the teacher asked to the students to open handout that given

    last meeting.

    Teacher: “please open your handout, and read about the

    language features about recount text”.

  • 49

    Students: “yes mom”.

    After some minutes, the teacher explained again about the

    language feature of recount text and asked the students maybe

    any difficulties.

    Teacher: “Sampai disini ada pertanyaan?”

    (Any question so far?).

    Students: “Not yem mom”

    The teacher asked students to make one sentences using simple

    past tense. After that, the teacher gave exercise to the students to

    make letter for their friend about their last holiday.

    Teacher : “Ok. Sekarang kerjakan latihan, kalian buat surat

    kepada teman kalian didalam kertas binder yang telah

    disediakan kaka dwi dengan lengkap dan benar. Mulai

    dari tanggal surat, ditujukan kepada siapa, salam

    pembuka, isi surat sampai nama pengirim. Dan jangan

    lupa jika bentuknya lampau menggunakan keta kerja

    bentuk II. Do you understand, class?”

    (Ok, now you can do this exercise again, you make a

    letter for your friend in binder paper that miss dwi

    prepare with complete and true. From date, for who,

    gereeting, content letter, until sender. And don’t

    forget using verb 2 if your verb is past).

    Students: “Yes mom.”

  • 50

    Teacher: “I will give you 20 minutes to doing this work.”

    Students: “Yes mom.”

    After all students finish doing the exercise the teacher ask

    students to submit. Because time is up, the teacher close the


    Teacher: “Ok class because time is up. Lest we close our lesson

    by saying hamdalah.”

    Students: “Alhamdulilahirobil’alamin.”

    Teacher: “Thank for your attention, the last I say

    wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. See

    you next meeting.”

    Students: “Waalaikumssalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. See

    you mom.”

    3) Observing

    The researcher observed students and teacher activity by

    using the observation checklist in the learning process. This

    observation checklist was purposed to know how far the

    situation and enthusiasm of the student’ and the teacher activity

    during teaching and learning process. The purpose of this

    activity was to evaluate the teaching and learning process,

    collected the data and monitored the class.

  • 51

    a. The Students Observation Checklist

    Table 4.1 The Students’ Observation Checklist Cycle I

    NO. NAMA The Students’ Activity






    g To











    Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

    1. AW

    2. AMR

    3. AW

    4. AN

    5. BDR

    6. DES

    7. ELS

    8. FR

    9. IS

    10. I

    11. KSR

    12. LS 2.

    13. LS

    14. MAK

    15. MIK

    16. MJ

    17. MM

    18. NC

    19. RR

    20. RDA

    21. RA

    22. SW

    23. SFM

    24. SP

    25. SA

    26. VM

  • 52

    b. The Teacher Observation Checklist

    Table 4.2 Teacher Observation Checklist Cycle I

    NO. The Teacher Activity Yes No Description

    1. Preparing the material


    The teacher preparing the lesson plan and material well

    2. Greeting students

    before the lesson begin

    The teacher greeted the students and students answered

    the greeting.

    3. The teacher checking

    students attendant

    The teacher just ask students “wo is absent today” the

    students answered “we are all


    4. Giving motivation The teacher not give motivation

    5. Reminding previous


    The teacher immediately explain the current material

    6. Giving an explanation

    of the material

    The teacher explained the material used mix language in

    Bahasa and English

    7. Using personal letter

    material to teach

    writing recount text

    The teacher used personal letter as media to teach in

    recount text

    8. Giving opportunity for

    asking the question

    The teacher gave time to student about everything to

    asked question

    9. Help the students’

    difficulties in learning

    The teacher helped students to solve the difficulties

    10. Giving feedback after

    the lesson

    The teacher gave feedback to the result of the learning

    The researcher got the data from the test of the cycle I and

    analyzed the data of pretest and post-test based on rubric writing

    assessment (see appendix 12). There are five aspect in scoring such as

    content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanism. Each

    aspect of writing test gave the point that divided into four: excellent to

    very good, good to average, fair to poor, and very poor.

  • 53

    The researcher analyzed the data of pre-test and post-test.

    a. The Score of in Cycle I

    Table 4.3 Students Scoring Cycle 1

    NO. NAMA Pretest Posttest Post –pre D²

    1 AW 45 59 14 196

    2 AMR 34 36 2 4

    3 AW 34 34 0 0

    4 AN 34 70 36 1296

    5 BDR 34 70 36 1296

    6 DES 61 76 15 225

    7 ELS 50 50 0 0

    8 FR 45 76 31 961

    9 IS 34 37 3 9

    10 I 34 75 41 1681

    11 KSR 34 34 0 0

    12 LS 34 47 13 169

    13 LS 64 76 12 144

    14 MAK 35 54 19 361

    15 MIK 34 34 0 0

    16 MJ 39 64 25 625

    17 MM 34 34 0 0

    18 NC 34 76 42 1764

    19 RR 34 59 25 625

    20 RDA 34 61 27 729

    21 RA 47 45 -2 -4

    22 SW 50 68 18 324

    23 SFM 34 75 41 1681

    24 SP 61 78 17 289

    25 SA 36 58 22 484

    26 VM 52 78 26 676


    1095 1524 463 13535


    42.15769 58.61538 17.80769 520.5769

  • 54

    b. The Calculation of the Mean and Standard Deviation

    1) Mean of Pre-test

    Mx = ∑ x


    Mx = 1095


    Mx = 42,16

    2) Mean of Post-test

    MY= ∑ Y


    MY= 1524



    3) Standard Deviation

    SDD = √∑ D2

    N− (

    ∑ D



    = √13535

    26− (




    = √520,58 − 324

    = √196,58


  • 55

    4) T-test Calculation

    To =(

    ∑ DN )


    √N − 1)


    46326 )


    √26 − 1)







    = 17,81



    From the table above, it showed that the students of tenth

    grade of MA Darussalam Wonosegoro in the academic years of

    2018/2019 got bad score in pre-test. It can be seen from the

    average of their score is 42,16. From 26 students, they cannot

    reach the minimum passing grade. The minimum passing grade

    that used in MA Darussalam Wonosegoro is 75. However, most

    of them can reach the minimum passing grade in post-test.

    There are 8 students who pass the KKM. It indicates that the

    successful of cycle I should be improve. Finally, the researcher

    takes second cycle.

  • 56

    4) Reflecting

    Based on the result of the cycle I, there was some reflection

    that should be given attention to maximizing the students’

    writing skills. The researcher found some weaknesses that

    happen during the teaching and learning process. The

    weaknesses of students are they did not have an idea to write.

    They were still confused to organize the sentences. The students

    had low mastery grammar, punctuation and spelling and had

    limited vocabulary so they felt difficult to write a good text.

    b. Cycle II

    1) Planning

    a) Lesson Plan

    The lesson plan was arranged based on the problem in

    the result of the cycle I. (see appendix 9)

    b) The Observation Checklist

    Observation checklist was prepared to know the

    students’ and the teacher’ activities during the teaching and

    learning process (see appendix 11).

    c) Material

  • 57

    The material of recount text consists of the meaning,

    purpose, generic structure, example, and language feature.

    (see appendix 14)

    d) Teaching Aid

    The researcher prepared some instrument. They are

    board-marker, paper, handout for students (recount text),

    and vocabulary for the students. The researcher also

    provides the materials and tools to succeed the action. (see

    appendix 14 )

    e) Pre-test and Post-test

    The researcher used pre-test and post-test in her action.

    The pre-test was done before using personal letter material

    in writing recount text. Then, the researcher used post-test.

    Post-test was done after using personal letter material to see

    the result of the study before and after using personal letter

    material. (see appendix)

    2) Acting

    The action of cycle II was done on July 31, 2018 and 3 August

    2018. On Tuesday 31 July 2018, before started the lesson, the

    teacher started the class by the greeting students.

    Teacher: “Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”

    Students: “Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”

  • 58

    Teacher: “Good morning my students”.

    Students: “Morning, mom.”

    Teacher: “How are you today?”

    Students: “I am fine mom, and you?”

    Teacher: “I am very well too thank you.”

    Teacher : “Who is absent today? “

    Students: “Nihil bu.”

    (We are all present mom).

    Teacher: “Ok Good, before we start our lesson lets we recite

    Basmalah and Alfatihah together.

    All of students also teacher and researcher recited Basmalah and

    Alfatihah too. After that the teacher told story about her

    experience when she still studied in senior high school, and the

    students keep silent. Then, the teacher concluded their story

    with gave motivation for students to enthusiasm in studying. the

    students still keep silent. Then the teacher continued to the


    Teacher: “Ok class, kembali ke pelajaran kita kali ini.”

    (Back to the our lesson today).

    “Before we are go to the lesson today. I will review

    our material last meeting.”

    Students: (keep silent)

    Teacher: “kemarin kita belajar tentang?”

  • 59

    (Last meeting we learned about?).

    Students(MAK): “Menulis surat kepada teman menceritakan

    saat liburan bu.”

    (Write a letter for your friends tells about holiday


    Students(VM): “Materi recount text bu.”

    (Material recount text mom).

    Students(BDR): “Menulis surat dan dikaitkan dengan materi

    recount text bu.”

    (Wrote a letter and connected with material recount

    text, mom).

    Teacher: “Ya betul sekali, masih ingatkah what is recount text?”

    (yes, of course. Do you remember what is recount


    Students: (keep silent.)

    Teacher : “Recount text is the text tell about?”

    Students : “Retell in the past mom.”

    The teacher reviewed about the material last meeting. The

    materials are about the definition of recount text, the generic

    structure of recount text, and language feature. Then the teacher

    remembered about the parts about the personal letter. After that

    the teacher gave pre-test for the students to make a letter for

    their friends and the letters contained about recount text with the

  • 60

    theme visiting history place. The researcher helped the teacher

    to give the paper of pre-test.

    Teacher : “OK class, saya kasih waktu 15 menit untuk

    mengerjakan test ini.”

    (Ok class, I give you 15 minutes to do the test).

    Students: “Yes mom.”

    After 15 minutes, the teacher asked to the students to submit

    their test. The teacher continued to explain about material

    recount text. The teacher gave handout for the students. Because

    time is up the teacher closed the lesson.

    Teacher : Ok class. Dikarenakan waktu sudah habis. Kita

    cukupkan sampai disini dulu pelajaran kita. Jangan

    lupa materi yang sudah saya berikan tadi dipelajari

    dirumah. Mari kita tutup pelajaran kita kali ini dengan

    bacaan Hamdalah.

    (Ok class. Because time is up, our material enough in

    here. Don’t forget study about the material that I

    giving to you. Lets we close our lesson by saying


    Students: “Alhamdulilahirobil’alamin.”

    Teacher : “The last I say, Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi


    Students: “Waalaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”

  • 61

    Teacher : “See you next meeting my students”

    Students : “See you mom.”

    On Friday, August 3, 2018, the teacher entered the class and

    started the lesson as usual. She greeted the students, asked about

    the condition of the students and checked the attendance of the

    students. Before starting the lesson the teacher reviewed about

    the previous material.

    Teacher: Did you remember about the material last meeting my


    Students(LS): Recount text mom.

    Teacher : Ok good.

    Then the teacher asked the students to open their handout that

    she gave last meeting. The teacher asked to the students to make

    a group. After the students make a group the teacher gave an

    example of text. The researcher helped the teacher to give a

    paper to students. The teacher asked to the students to analysis

    the text about the parts of letter and the generic structure of the

    recount text.

    Teacher: “Kalian identifikasi yang mana bagian-bagian dari

    surat dan mana bagian-bagian gereric structure dari

    recount text. Ada pertanyaan?.”

  • 62

    (You must identify which one is part of letter and part of

    the generic structure of recount text. Any question?).

    Students: “Not yet, mom.”

    Teacher: “Ok, lets do it now.”

    Some minutes later, after the students finished their work. The

    teacher explained more about the language feature of the

    recount text. After the teacher finished explaining about the

    material, the teacher asked to the students any difficulties.

    Teacher: “Sampai disini ada kesulitan?”

    (Any difficulties so far?)

    Students : “Not yet mom.”

    Teacher: “Do you understand about the material?”

    Students: “InsyaAllah understand mom.”

    The teacher asked to the students to make letter for their friends

    with the theme visiting history place, the letter must contain

    about the parts of the letter and completed with the generic

    structure of recount text.

    Teacher: “Ok, jika sudah faham. Ada tugas buat kalian. Tolong

    tulis surat kepada teman kalian dengan tema

    mengunjungi tempat bersejarah. Didalam surat harus

    lengkap sesuai dengan contoh yang telah diberikan

    didalam handout kalian. Dan kalian bisa menggunakan

  • 63

    vocabulary dalam handout tersebut jika kalian merasa

    kesulitan mencari kata. Apakah sudah faham?”

    (Ok, If you are understand. This is assignment for you.

    Please make a letter for your friend with the theme

    visiting history place. In the letter must appropriate

    with the example that I give to you. And you can use the

    vocabulary in your handout if you feel confuse to find