the usual suspects (1995)

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  • 7/27/2019 The Usual Suspects (1995)


    Storytelling & Commission: Fantastic Voyage

    Cutting Edges Film Review

    The Usual Suspects (1995)Directed by Bryan Singer.

    Figure 1

    Bryan Singer directed the Usual Suspects, which was his first blockbuster film.Hes since brought us films such as the X-Men series, Superman Return, the

    remake of Jack and the beanstalk - Jack the Giant Slayer and the hit TV series


    The whole film is based upon twists and not revealing too much at any one time,

    then Singer unloads it all on you leaving your mind blown. Itsdefinitely the 2nd

    or 3rdtime round that makes the film

    clearer and you start piecing the mystery

    together yourself. The film starts off on a

    boat with a guy about to set himself and the

    boat on fire when this mystery man comesalong and puts a bullet in his head. It then

    cuts back and forth between flashbacks and

    present time as too how we got to that

    place. These flashbacks are all based

    around Kevin Spaceys crimpled characterVerbal, whosapart of some robberies

    with guys he met in a police line up; these

    flashbacks can get very repetitive: The

    interrogation between the cop and the

    suspect falls into a monotonous pattern:friendliness, testiness, hostility, a big blow-

    Figure 2

  • 7/27/2019 The Usual Suspects (1995)


    up, threats, reconciliations and then full circle again.(Ebert, 1995)As none were

    found guilty of a crime, all were sent free but they set up to revenge the police.

    Catching those who were double-crossing the police system by smuggling in

    drug dealers, getting a nice wage for helping them out. During present day, all

    the detective asks Verbal about is whos Keyser Soze?

    Each of these 5 men are very different from one-another but all have a criminal

    side, while in the police line this is where the film shows its comedy side when

    they all have to say "Hand me the keys, you rucking cocksucker." Each does as he's

    told. But the variations in the line readings reveal these thugs as master thespians.

    (Travers, 1995) They each start laughing at one another as they read because

    none of them are taking it seriously at all, but each knows that the other is just as

    bad as a criminal as they are.

    Verbal narrates the whole film and Singer has done this on purpose, the film's

    elaborate narrative and offering the viewer ample opportunity to uncover the

    identity of the mysterious criminal mastermind Keyser Soze, whose presence hangs

    over the film like a leaden cloud. (Nathan, 1995) Its a reminder to the audience,

    but as your being given the information you dont actually pick up whatsunderneath and thats where the truth lies.

    Figure 3

  • 7/27/2019 The Usual Suspects (1995)



    Ebert, Roger. Available at: online on 25th March 2014)

    Nathan, Ian. Available at:

    (Accessed online on 25thMarch 2014)

    Travers, Peter. Available at:

    usual-suspects-19950816(Accessed online on 25th March 2014)


    Fig 1. The Usual Suspects (1995) From: The Usual Suspects. Directed by Bryan

    Singer [Film Poster] American.


    Fig 2. The Usual Suspects (1995) From: The Usual Suspects. Directed by Bryan

    Singer [Film Still] American.


    Fig 3. The Usual Suspects (1995) From: The Usual Suspects. Directed by Bryan

    Singer [Film Still] American.https://reader008.{domain}/reader008/html5/0416/5ad46cc0dcd2